From Galatea to Barbie
From Galatea to Barbie
LdT Foreign rights 2009 The Publisher’s Letter Dearest friends, It’s been a hard year, it continues to be a hard year, but we continue in the breach, betting on excellent authors capable of resisting crisis, earthquakes, hurricanes, or any other type of cataclysm. This year we have the pleasure of publishing two authors who have stood out in the Spanish narrative of the last few years: Luis Racionero, and José María Mijangos. Of the former, we are rescuing The Country That Never Was (El país que no fue), his first novel published in 1982. Its protagonist is a young troubadour, Cercamon, witness to the agony of the civilization between Provence and Catalonia. Of the latter, we are publishing a previously unpublished novel, Soul Man, where he narrates with irony the turn of events of a young African American in the Francoist Madrid of the 1960s. From Joaquín Rodríguez we are publishing his first novel, Midday in Mytilene (Mediodía en Mitilene), a beautiful revindication of utopia. Miguel-Anxo Murado presents to us from Galicia a collection of short stories, The Fever’s Dream (El sueño de la fiebre), about delirium as a creating force. Furthermore we are publishing new novels from already-known authors of our Publishing House: The Motherland of the Basques (La patria de todos los vascos), by Iban Zaldua; and The Status (El estatus), by Alberto Olmos. And I cannot end this without mentioning two passionate and original essays: Everyone Grows up Except Peter: The creation of a myth by J. M. Barrie (Todos crecen menos Peter. La creación de un mito por J. M. Barrie), by Silvia Herreros de Tejada; and From Galatea to Barbie: Automatons, robots and other figures of the feminine construction (Desde Galatea a Barbie. Autómatas, robots y otras figuras de la construcción femenina). Happy reading, Pote Huerta Midday in Mytilene Joaquín Rodríguez Mediodía en Mitilene / novel / 224 pp. There’s a city in Lesbos, Mytilene, great and beautiful, as it is divided by canals through which the sea water tamely penetrates, adorned with bridges of white, polished stone; one would believe he was not seeing a city but instead an island… Since his voluntary exile to Madeira, Max, the protagonist of Mediodía en Mitilene, balances his own lifes and the lifes of those with whom he has felt like a part of something. In this novel, this periphery Atlantic island functions like a reflection of the protagonist’s situation: isolated, exotic (Max’s emotional formation happens in the extinct Democratic Germany), an ideal territory for exhuming old guilt. And in this setting his reencounter with Rebeca will take place, who is in turn the victim and executioner of her own betrayals. Forgetfulness, compassion, and love, as a last resort, will be the key that Max shows Rebecca in order to arrive together, at last, in Mytilene. When a totalitarian system manages to change our perception of good and bad, betrayal and trust, what responsibility do we have for our own actions? Who can endure that kind of pressure? The characters of this book find the solution in exile. The only revindication: the right to utopia. Joaquín Rodríguez, Doctor of Sociology, is a renowned Spaniard in the debate about the future of books. His career has always centred around publishing, whether as editor of some of the most prestigious publishing houses in Spain, or forming future professionals from his position as director of the Masters in Publishing Program at the University of Salamanca and Santillana Group. All of this cultural knowledge has translated into rich essayist literature. In the narrative field, he made his debut with the collection of short stories Las mujeres que vuelan (Lengua de Trapo, 2007). Mediodía en Mitilene is his first published novel. LdT Fiction 3 The Fever’s Dream Miguel Murado El sueño de la fiebre / short stories / 176 pp. Miguel-Anxo Murado (Lugo, 1965) is the author of an abundant body of work, primarily in the Galician language, consisting of narrative books, essays, poetry and theatre. Among his works translated to Spanish, his recent work Fin de siglo en Palestina stands out and was considered Book of the Year 2008 by the Galician Association of Editors. 4 LdT Fiction The protagonist of this book is the fever, as if a living being, an image that the author uses to connect stories, sometimes poetic, sometimes disturbing. A vanilla plantation in the old colony of Spanish Guinea, the apparition of a mysterious marine animal on the Galician coasts of the 16th century, a fierce wolf hunt that ends up becoming the symbol of the Spanish Civil War, the metaphoric story of a miracle in the Palestine of the Second Intifada… Different times and places superimpose themselves in this book like variations of the same theme, the theme of delirium as a creating force. More than a compendium of short stories it is a unitary book in which, as one of its characters says, it is the reader’s job to find the secret thread that ties the stories together. All the Drunkards of My Life Nuria Labari Los borrachos de mi vida / short stories / 192 pp. Although this collection is correctly titled Los borrachos de mi vida, the title of one of its short stories, it could very well be said that the secret thread that runs through them could be named after another one of the stories, “How to Get Drenched Without Being in the Rain” (“Cómo empaparse sin ver la lluvia”). Nuria Labari’s characters are an instruction manual on how to not confront an aggressive and complex world that always demands an answer, a quick and effective reflection. The incapacity to learn from our own mistakes, to break free from the vicious cycles, is captured in these stories with surprising clarity. The readers of this collection of short stories will be surprised by the amazing command that this young writer has over the genre, but beyond the excellent turnover of the stories throbs a sentimental learning that filters between the pages of this book. A panel of judges, composed of Luis Landero, Ray Loriga and Soledad Puértolas, awarded Nuria Labari’s work, Los borrachos de mi vida the VII Premio de Narrativa Caja Madrid. Nuria Labari (Santander, 1979) studied Political Science at the University of the Basque Country, International Relations at the Ortega y Gasset University Institute and Literary Creation at the Contemporary School of Humanities in Madrid. She has worked as a journalist in such magazines as La Modificación and Marie Claire, as well as the information site She is currently working as the editor in chief of LdT Fiction 5 Soul Man José María Mijangos Soul Man / novel / 320 pp. (aprox.) José María Mijangos lives in Madrid. He has published the following novels; El rey de Prosperidad (1999); Curso de asesinos por correspondencia (2003) y Braille para sordos (2006). 6 LdT Fiction Soul Man narrates the adventures of a young African American man who lands in the chaotic Madrid of the 1960s and achieves ephemeral success as a musician. As if in a picaresque tale, he must keep his wits about him to survive in a completely unknown country to which he continues to adapt with his peculiar and destructive personality. An anarchic tale, as well as amusing and sarcastic, about the musical passion of a maladjusted individual who does nothing more than provoke destruction. We continue following the life of Cleophus Brown from his birth in Memphis to his last adventure in Madrid, the search for his absent father, his connection to an overprotective mother, his close friendship with a narcoleptic troublemaker, and the many misdeeds he commits during his erratic existence. The story of Black music, from the old-fashion 78rpm discs of the Mississippi Delta in the 1950s until today. Narrated in the key of tragicomedy, alternating between hilarious and touching moments, Cleophus’ life shows us the era in which he lived with an analogous splendour. Cercamón. The Country That Never Was Cubierta en preparación. Luis Racionero Cercamón. El país que no fue / novel / 340 pp. This novel – originally written in Catalan and winner of the Premi Prudencia Bertrana 1981 – seeks to reflect the rise and fall of a civilization that extended from the city of Rodan to the Ebro river, with the Pyrenees mountains as its spinal column. Pope Silvester XI arrived there in 1000 AD to learn mathematics, and the Doge of Venice, Pietro Orseolo, retired there; the Abbot Oliva founded the Truce of God, and hundreds of painters, sculptors and artists built the wonder of Roman art. Cercamon is a young troubadour apprentice who lives in the agony of this civilization, devastated by the invasion of warriors from the North. If Cercamon is, literally, he who is searching the world, Esclarmonda, his ideal troubadour, is the light of the Cathar world; both weave their destiny within the macabre remains of the Inquisition and the war unleashed by the French Crusade. This book, a poem in novel prose, can be read as an autobiography of the collective subconscious and, at the same time, as a fascinating book of knight tales. Luis Racionero i Grau (Lérida, Spain, 1940) studied Engineering and Economics and the University of Barcelona and at the University of California, Berkeley. He was the director of the National Library of Spain, and the Spanish College in Paris. He has collaborated with such newspapers as El País, La Vanguardia and sports publications such as Mundo Deportivo. He has written as much in Catalan as he has in Spanish. El país que no fue, first published in 1982, is his first novel. LdT Fiction 7 Cubierta en preparación. The Motherland of the Basques Iban Zaldua La patria de todos los vascos / novel / 256 pp. (aprox). Iban Zaldua (San Sebastián, 1966) is a professor at the University of the Basque Country in Victoria. Among his previous works: Gezurrak, gezurrak, gezurrak (2000, translation to Spanish, Mentiras, mentiras, mentiras published by Lengua de Trapo), Traizioak (2001), La isla de los antropólogos y otros relatos (Lengua de Trapo, 2002), Itzalak (2004), all collections of short stories; his essays about literature Obabatiko tranbia (2002), and Anamalia disekatuak (2005); and the novel Si Sabino viviría (Lengua de Trapo, 2005). He is a regular collaborator in diverse mediums of communication. La patria de todos los vascos is his latest novel. 8 LdT Fiction Joseba Anabitarte is a professor of Basque Philosophy. The same day that ETA (Basque Homeland and Freedom) declares the end of its last cease fire, he decides that he is sick of the Basque conflict and that he needs to get away from the country at all costs, as far away as possible, preferably to some place where he won’t find a single compatriot. And the opportunity arises: teaching a course about Basque history and culture at the University of Alaska. But what is Joseba really running away from? Is it really possible to escape, even by going so far away? And, above all, does he know what he’s going to face when he begins to teach his classes to a dozen American students who can’t even find the Basque Country on a map? A desperate comedy, a mocking tragedy, a post-national melodrama in times of globalization; it may be that La patria de todos los vascos is a little of each, nothing of each, or – why not? – everything at once. A Praise to Mendacity Ignacio Mendiola Elogio de la mentira / non-fiction / 176 pp. / Italian translation rights already sold to Marco Troppea How much truth can we handle? We need to rethink our understanding of the lie in our modern day society, to travel through its ambivalence, review the multiple faces it takes on. Beyond the moral condemnation usually associated with lying, Ignacio Mendiola confronts us with evidence that lying is not something we can view as separate from us, indeed it never has been. He reveals the lies we have been told about lying. As Gonzalo Abril correctly indicates in the work’s prologue, this essay allows us to travel through “a rich gallery of sociological knowledge, of literary and film readings, of intellection experiences of every type” with those that uncover lies, like a subtle and sinuous presence around us, that safeguard us from the illogicality of life, that allow us to shelter ourselves from a harsh and inhospitable reality. This essay gives us the key to understanding the complex tapestry of the relationships that surround us, while brilliantly vindicating our rights from the lies. Ignacio Mendiola (Santurtzi, 1970) holds a Doctorate in Sociology and is a professor at the University of the Basque Country. His lines of investigation have centred on the way in which processes of subjectification are configured in contemporary society. LdT Non-fiction 9 Everybody Grows Up Except Peter The creation of Peter Pan´s myth by J. M. Barrie Silvia Herreros Todos crecen menos Peter. La creación del mito de Peter Pan por J. M. Barrie / non-fiction / 208 pp. Silvia Herreros de Tejada (1975) holds a degree in English, a Masters in Comparative Literature, and a degree in Screenplay Writing from the Community of Madrid Cinematographic and Audiovisual School (ECAM). She has written screenplays for full-length films at La Zona Films and other production companies, and has worked as a dialogue writer for television series. She directs documentaries for Canal + and Documentos TV, she is a script analyst for TVE and for soap operas at Ediciones B. Todos crecen menos Peter, which was awarded with the VII Premio de Ensayo Caja Madrid, is her first book. 10 LdT Non-fiction Everyone knows who Peter Pan is. Or they think they do. Since he first appeared, the character Peter Pan has become a myth, a being that seemed to belong to the collective consciousness, to the ancestral imagination. At least that’s what his creator wanted for him. This essay transcends the image of the syndrome named for that immortal boy, and is centred in the complex psyche of the writer, J. M. Barrie, who constructs his story with the material which dreams are made of. Or nightmares. Removed from harm, Everyone Grows Up Except Peter (Todos crecen menos Peter) is a passionate essay about an author who consciously sacrificed himself on his own creation. Silvia Herreros de Tejada delves into the folds of this (always) perverse relationship between the creator and the creation in order to open new routes in an endless work: Peter Pan. “It is as if long after writing Peter Pan its true meaning came to me; desperate attempt to grow up, but can’t”. J. M. Barrie From Galatea to Barbie Automatons, robots and other figures of the feminine construction Cubierta provisional. VV AA De Galatea a Barbie. Autómatas, robots y otras figuras de la construcción femenina / non-fiction / 400 pp The story of Pygmalion and Galatea is one of those literary Greek myths with a long history that have profoundly influenced our cultural tradition. The legend of the idealistic sculptor, disillusioned by human love, who creates the perfect woman and falls in love with her has permeated European ideology ever since the Renaissance. But this myth has many earlier and later implications for our tradition: the construction of the ideal woman, magical, mechanical or robotic, has been reflected in science fiction, cinema, literature, the arts, and even popular culture. And so, a long series of automatons, feminine robots or monstrous devourers of men have proliferated as figures for fiction and reflection. This book provides a forum of debate about this topic from various points of view: science and robotics, philosophy, classic and modern literature, cinema, visual arts, and finally the impact of these ideas on society and mankind today. David Hernández de la Fuente and Fernando Broncano are the coordinators of this anthology of articles. David Hernández de la Fuente is a writer and professor of Classic Literature at the Carlos III University of Madrid. He is part of the editorial team at National Geographic History and just published the book Oráculos griegos with Alianza Editorial, which has received great praise from the critics. Fernando Broncano is Department Head of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the Carlos III University of Madrid and has published numerous books and articles within his specialty. LdT Non-fiction 11 Shark in Formol Notes on the contemporary art market Luis Racionero El tiburón en formol. Apuntes sobre el nuevo mercado del arte / non-fiction / 256 pp. (aprox) Luis Racionero i Grau (Lérida, Spain, 1940) studied Engineering and Economics and the University of Barcelona and at the University of California, Berkeley. He was the director of the National Library of Spain, and the Spanish College in Paris. He has collaborated with such newspapers as El País, La Vanguardia and sports publications such as Mundo Deportivo. He has written as much in Catalan as he has in Spanish. El país que no fue, first published in 1982, is his first novel. 12 LdT Non-fiction This new and polemic essay of Luis Racionero tries to answer the questions that merge when confronting the contemporary art market. Has the audience been left behind? Is it right that the definition of what is art and what not is only decided by art dealers and the artists themselves? With the contemporary art market as a background, the author examines too a wide range of delusions that inhabit our world: from the artistic ecosystem to the high fliers financial sharks that brought us to the global crisis we are living right now. “To understand the use value on has to start from a definition of what is art. This definition has, though, been carefully destroyed and discredited by anvantgardes. Art is the language of emotions, a dialectic between the object and its recipient; it transform this recipient’s state of mind increasing his vitality, his emotional tension and his intuition. If criteria are over, how can we decide what is art and what isn’t?” LdT Backlist Cristina Cerrada Cristina Cerrada (Madrid, 1970) has a degree in Sociology and coordinates various short fiction and novel-writing courses. Recently she has been awarded the Ateneo Joven de Sevilla Novel Award by Calor de Hogar, S.A. [Home Warmth Ltd.]. She has received the Casa de América award, the Caja Madrid award and the NH award for Best Short Story. In 2008 she was also awarded the XIV Premio Lengua de Trapo de Novela for La mujer calva [The Bald Woman]. Lengua de Trapo has also published her short story collections Noctámbulos [Nightwalkers], in 2003, and Compañía [Company], in 2004. The Bald Woman La mujer calva / novel / 192 pp. La mujer calva is an uncomplicated story, which doesn’t mean simple, in which Lailja, the main character, has to take her ill mother into her house after her father passed away. In her life, the deceitful and contradictory memories that nourish her continuous lies will be renewed. But she cannot remain inactive: she has to decide for herself and complete a circle that will reconcile her with herself. That uneven balance upon which she had built her life isn’t there anymore. With an exquisite technique and an impeccable knowledge of the genre, it’s the management of the motives that inhabit her stories that made the critics, and a select public, celebrate her work. A moving layout of domestic life, solitude in the core of partnership, commitment or the failure of it. 14 LdT Backlist Nightwalkers Noctámbulos / short stories / 160 pp. The short stories in Noctámbulos present a group of people gathered together in a common urban space: the crossroads. They populate alleyways, late night bars and hotels, offices, hospitals and homes where living together is difficult. The absence of will and decisiveness defines their behaviour, taking them to the edge of the abyss where they appear condemned to hang forever; an abyss populated with conflict, with intense life. Company Compañía / short stories / 160 pp. Obsessive processes, miscommunication, egoism and the denial of reality; heartbreak or love confused with feelings of rejection, violence or repulsion; the acceptance of a fate supposedly imposed but in reality sought after, unconsciously and almost fatally craved; the confusion of the real feelings they have... These short stories form a choral work on the loneliness of our times. Following the path set by the greatest musicians and writers, Cristina Cerrada’s raw material is silence. Lasting Alliances Alianzas duraderas / novel / 320 pp. Bernabé Leblanc looks upon the disaster his existence has become with humour and irony. Expelled from his post as an Anthropology Researcher at the university, the only job he is able to find is a rubbish bin supervisor. Marriage and infidelity, commitment and break-up, success and failure all intersect in the brilliant and fresh prose of Cristina Cerrada’s novel. The distant gaze of the anthropologist captures, as if it were an experiment, the various manifestations of adaptive difficulty so characteristic of our “peaceful” society. LdT Backlist 15 Manuel García Rubio Manuel García Rubio (Montevideo, 1956) is one of the most interesting and original novelists of contemporary Spanish narrative. To date he has published six novels, five of which were published by Lengua de Trapo: Green, España, España, Las fronteras invisibles [Invisible Borders], among others. Sal [Salt] is without doubt the pinnacle of his literary career. Salt Sal / novel / 512 pp. / Finalist of the Fundación Lara Award. Urbano Expósito, an unpublished screenwriter, would like to be sure he wants what he wants. Tino, on the other hand, is sure he wants what he wants. Selmo, finally, wants whatever they want. Different lives, each one sets out on its own journey that Urbano, now an apprentice novelist, tries to document. By then, however, Mrs. Gladstone will have interrupted the story, and the narration is redirected, transformed, it becomes something new, unexpected, and in the end, mysterious; but also terrible. Sal doesn’t fail to surprise from the first line to the last, where the light is found that will illuminate everything. Just reading a few pages will be enough to take note of the rich, distinct prose, but there is much more to this novel: characters of flesh and bone, formidable stories, reflection and metaliterature, and above all a tender, disconsolate look at human beings in these «liquid» times, as one philosopher put it. “Every ingredient of Salt fits perfectly to its purpose. A story that keeps the reader always interested” (Ernesto Ayala-Dip, El País). 16 LdT Backlist The Age of Bacterias La edad de las bacterias / novel / 256 pp. Young Ricardo Escalante escapes his humble origins by chance and becomes chancellor of the Spanish Embassy at Montevideo at the age of thirty. It’s the year 1970. In Uruguay, his conventional existence will be run over by the tricks of the North American delegates. They are eager to discover the identity of an elusive third man who seems to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. He is also a victim of a dark diplomatic intrigue. Green Green / novel / 224 pp. / Translation rights sold to: Greece (Opera) This is the true history of Green, a monkey captured in the rainforest by an anthropologist anxious to demonstrate that animals are capable of language, and also the story of his life among human beings, exactly as Green himself told it throughout many working sessions. A very funny and original update of the picaresque genre, full of stories and unexpected references that will surprise the reader at the turn of every page. The Invisible Borders Las fronteras invisibles / novel / 128 pp. Enrique Acevedo and Rocío meet again by accident. When both were very young, they shared a brief and superficial friendship. Now, the reunion causes confused feelings to rise in Enrique that reveal a deep discomfort with his own overly accomodated life. Soon he will know why. His talk with Rocío brings him back to those “happy” days when he was studying to be a judge. This is a simple and cruel story. A description of our own time, where the precise geometry of his composition is proof of unique lucidity of human intelligence. LdT Backlist 17 Alberto Olmos Alberto Olmos (Segovia, 1975) sets a new standard in Spanish literature. He won the Herralde novel award in 1998 with A bordo del naufragio [Aboard the Shipwreck]. Two years later his second novel, Así de loco te puedes volver [That’s How Crazy You Can Get], was published. Following his three-year residence in Japan, Lengua de Trapo published Trenes hacia Tokio [Trains bound for Tokyo], El talento de los demás [The Talent of Others] and Tatami (2008). El estatus [The Status] is his last novel. The Status El estatus / novel / 192 pp. A woman arrives with her twelve-year-old daughter at the apartment where her husband wants them to live while he is away on his unusually long business trips. Very soon, they discover that they are alone in the building except for an angry and taciturn doorman, her husband’s strange employee who visits them repeatedly, and the cleaning lady. Such is the cast of this sociological ghost story, or this ghostly exploration of society. Maids, chauffeurs, housekeepers, servants, cooks, waiters, horse caretakers, gardeners, butlers, footmen, horse trainers, nannies, ladies-in-waiting, indendants, laundry women, janitors, administrators, carpenters, plumbers, mechanics, doormen, language tutors, thinks Mother Clara, the book open in her lap to the same page it’s been on for two days, in the end the world will devour and dominate us. 18 LdT Backlist Tatami Tatami / novel / 128 pp. During the long flight between Madrid and Tokyo, a strange, outlandish, and brazen passenger begins to tell Olga, a young woman, his story: the story of a Peeping Tom. Olga listens, questions, remains aloof, but she is also drawn in by the perversity of it all: she does and doesn’t want to hear, she does and doesn’t want to know. The Talent of Others El talento de los demás / novel / 320 pp. Mario Sut believes he’s got it all: he’s a violin virtuoso. But one day he loses his talent. He becomes a normal person, and everyone around him starts to seem brilliant. El Talento de los demás explores fascinating lives, abnormal situations and fabulous competitions. It examines reality from an uncharted perspective: behind each person is a possibility, a dazzling force. No one is who they want to be, but then again, the winners never knew what they wanted to be either. Trains Bound for Tokio Trenes hacia Tokio / novel / 192 pp. Trenes hacia Tokio composes a hallucinating scenery of life in a country far away home, a meticulous narration of the lesser-known daily life: the one that hides the emotional armour of society. A minimalistic narration, where language is applied to the narration until the spark of irony, the poetic flame, ignites. “A curious and ironic look at a country in constant movement, contradicting and at times extravagant” (Silvia Blanco, EP3, El País). LdT Backlist 19 Óscar Calavia Óscar Calavia was born in Logroño in 1959 and lives in Brazil since 1986. He is a professor of Anthropology and has written a good number of books and essays on themes regarding his special field of study. Las botellas del señor Klein [Mister Klein’s Bottles] is the first work of fiction he has published. Mister Klein’s Bottles Las botellas del señor Klein / novel / 192 pp. / Translation rights sold to: Italy (Excelsior 1881) / Tigre Juan Award to the Best First Novel Published in 2008. An Asian hired-assassin from Lavapiés is charged with prostituting seven tiny women. Seven bullies chase after a beautiful wife to make her pay off his husband’s debt. A man is kidnapped and forced to witness how the whole body of a woman is tattooed. A woman enters a hotel and asks for Mister Klein, but who is Mister Klein? Mister Klein, the multiple character of this novel, slides along it like a magical being, hard to grasp, unknown for the fact of being so known: a revolutionary pornographer, an exquisite glazier, an absurd anthropologist, the narrator of this story or even its reader. Mister Klein is all of them and none of them. Óscar Calavia creates a unique fiction, an underground story that goes across the lives of its characters leaving the reader with the fascinating task of placing the last piece of this extraordinary narrative puzzle. 20 LdT Backlist Mister Klein’s Bottles explained to the Infidels. [An excerpt] Once upon a time, a long time ago, when Baghdad was the richest and happiest city, mirror of the Earth, there was a sultan named Schariar who reigned. He was wise and just, but a misfortune that he suffered in his first marriage made him harbor a cruel hate toward the treachery and disloyalty of women: he decided to marry a maiden each day and have her killed the following morning, after the nuptial night. And so he did, planting anxiety amongst the parents and withering the flowers of the city, until only the daughter of his great vizier was left, a virgin, adorned with equal parts beauty and shrewdness, whose name was Scheherezade. Going against her father’s tears, who wanted to hide her to save her life, Scheherezade willing offered herself in marriage to the sultan. On the first night, before going to bed, she entertained her husband with a story whose plot was so subtle and intricate that daybreak surprised the couple before she could finish. The sultan, not wanting to deprive himself of hearing the end of the story, dismissed the executioner, postponing the execution for a day. But Scheherezade was the possessor of innumerable tales, and night after night she delighted her husband with the tale of Aladdin and his lamp, and the Bronze City, and the one about Ali Baba, and Kamaralzaman, and the Beautiful Wisdom, and the one about the First Kalendar, about the barber who told his brother’s story of the king’s jester who died choking on a fish bone. And the barber in the story had seven brothers, each one with his own tales, from which sprouted new tales, and there were three other Kalendar with their barbers or their tailors or their jesters and all their brothers, and so the nights passed, and Schariar always left the executioner with his sabre waiting for the next day. And so he continued, each time more devoted to his wife’s mouth and command, until one night Scheherezade began her narration like every other night, and said: Once upon a time, a long time ago, when Baghdad was the richest and happiest city, mirror of the Earth, there was a sultan who reigned. He was wise and just, but the unfortunate history of his first marriage made him harbor a cruel hate toward the implacable and jealous nature of women: he decided to marry a maiden each day, and the nuptial night, instead of taking her into his arms, he would tell her that he didn’t feel the desire to go to bed, and demand that she entertain him by telling him a tale never heard before. The wives were too young to excel at this art: and for as much as they tried to learn the stories of the old women in their families by heart, sooner or later the sultan began to yawn, and the next morning he had the women killed, still virgins. And so he did for a long time, planting anxiety amongst the parents and withering the flowers of the city, until only the daughter of a widower was left, a modest glassmaker, who made bottles for the palace. She was a virgin adorned with equal parts beauty and modesty, but her humility was so great, and her home life so solitary, that she simply did not have any tales to tell: the time she had left after doing her chores was spent polishing the bottles that her father had just made. Even knowing that she was walking towards certain death, when she was called to the palace, she obeyed the orders of her sultan and her father, collected her wedding attire and headed towards her engagement. Selected Titles Hypnos Javier Azpeitia Hipnos / novel / 192 pp. / Translation rights sold to: France (Jean Claude Lattès), Greece (Opera) and Russia (Fluid). Adaptation rights for cinema: sold. Hammett Award. A young female psychiatrist has to face up to the coarse methods applied by her colleagues in the clinic where she works, to the patients and to her own past. “A limpid, involving novel about Machiavellian manipulation and the universe of the phantasmal. Hipnos reveals itself to be a surprise in the reappearance of foreign literature” (Thomas Regnière, Le Figaro). Lizards Smell Like Grass Cristina Sánchez Andrade Las lagartijas huelen a hierba / novel / 160 pp. Las lagartijas huelen a hierba is at once a beautiful and terrifying piece of work. Cristina Sánchez-Andrade incorporates the lyricism and coarseness of traditional European folk tales with the Spanish novel in a fairytale without a moral that, like Kafka’s nightmares or Valle-Inclán’s grotesque musings, tells us that life is drama and goodness is always suspicious. Silences Karla Suárez Silencios / novel / 240 pp. / Translation rights sold to: France (Métaillé), Italy (Besa; Guanda), Germany (Rowohlt), Portugal (ASA) and Slovenia (Zalozbatoga). V Lengua de Trapo Award. Karla Suárez has written a revealing tale about contemporary Cuban history and society, narrated with direct and lucid language. This is the first novel by a talented young writer who has a bright future ahead. “Suárez’s book portrays with extraordinary accuracy the family unit and, why not?, society, too” (Luis de la Peña, El País). 22 LdT Backlist The Best Thing That Can Happen to a Croissant Pablo Tusset Lo mejor que le puede pasar a un cruasán / novel / 160 pp. / Italy (Feltrinelli), France (Michalon), World English (Canongate), Germany (Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt), Croatia (Naklada), Portugal (Ambar), Sweden (Norstedts Förlag), Russia (Amphora), Greece (Opera), Holland (Prometheus), Finland (Sammako), Brazil (W11 Editores), Poland (Amber), Catalonia (Columna), Czech Republic (Garamond), Israel (Keter Books) Slovenia (Zamik). Adaptation rights to cinema: sold. XXIV Tigre Juan Award. Pablo Baloo Miralles, a bulky Internet philosopher in his thirties, degenerate and scrounging, stumbles across a mystery in the heart of a posh Barcelona neighbourhood. Pablo’s brother has been kidnapped and he is obliged to search for him over the whole city. What Wise Children Don’t Say Vital Citores Lo que callan los niños sabios / novel / 224 pp. / Translation rights sold to: France (Jean Claude Lattès), Greece (Opera), Russia (Fluid). Adaptation rights for cinema: sold. Hammett Prize. A mysterious tenant whose trace was lost after the suicide of all his neighbours. A series of night disappearances with a tragic ending. A boy living in a distressing situation clutches onto hope with an anonymous hidden message and agrees to keep quiet it order to save himself. Shout Ricardo Menéndez Salmón Gritar / short stories / 128 pp. / Translation rights sold to: Italy (Marcos&Marcos). The nine stories in Gritar are the validation of one of the most delightful, honest and original writers in Spanish narrative. Ricardo Menéndez Salmón masterfully creates nine worlds of his own where prose is the secret weapon that multiplies voices and illuminates the dark corners where real literature hides. “An impeccable prose in its classical face, with an appropriate exploitation of different sources from the oral narration” (El Mundo). LdT Backlist 23 Leticia Sigarrostegui Leticia Sigarrostegui (Madrid, 1975) is the daughter of a Spanish mother and a Peruvian father. After finishing her studies in German Literature she went to Denmark. She currently lives in Germany. She published her first novel, Álvaro fue [Álvaro was], in 2007 with Lengua de Trapo. Mariposas en el estómago [Butterflies in her stomach] is her second novel. Butterflies in her Stomach Mariposas en el estómago / novel / 192 pp. Mariposas en el estómago is a first person account of the experience of a woman who fails to become pregnant via in vitro fertilisation. But it is also the story of the turbulent and desperate love affair the protagonist throws herself into, trying to fill the emptiness that threatens to engulf her. These two obsessions — motherhood, with the oppressive environment it generates, and a love unrequited — propel this lucid exploration of the limits one is capable of transgressing with respect to oneself. This is the story of the scars these wounds leave behind when we exceed our limits. Álvaro Was Álvaro fue / novel / 384 pp. Álvaro, a young Spanish aid worker, dies in Peru in the middle of a shoot-out between the military and the rebels. Murder? Accident? Around Álvaro’s dark death spins the world of three women of raw sensibilities: his mother, Beatriz, without a life to call her own, unwilling to come to terms with the loss; Carolina, his ex-girlfriend, willing to give up everything, including herself, to know the truth; and Natalia, his little sister, victim of a lack of communication and loneliness. 24 LdT Backlist Rafael Reig Born in Asturias in 1963, he lived in Colombia during his childhood. Reig teaches Literature at Saint Louis University (Madrid). He writes regularly for newspapers and online magazines and has published several novels. Loved by his readers for many years for his unique, imaginative and intelligent fiction, he got official recognition with his novel Sangre a borbotones [Blood on the Saddle] which won the Asturian Critics Award (Apolo Prize) and became finalist of the 2003 Premio Fundación Lara, Spain’s top literary prize. Blood on the Saddle Sangre a borbotones / novel / 192 pp. / Translation rights sold to: Germany (Rogner&Bernhardt), World English (Serpent’s Tail) and Italy (Marotta&Caffiero). A sort of Madrilenian Blade Runner filmed by Woody Allen, where Rafael Reig fuses comedy, thriller, science fiction and western, it upsets the perception of reality and fiction like a hard drug, thanks to its overflowing humour, critical intelligence, moral dilemma and narrative precision... Pretty Face Guapa de cara / novel / 224 pp. / Translation rights sold to: World English (Serpent’s Tail). Lola Eguíbar, a writer, has just been shot to death. And now, with the inevitable uneasiness of being an intangible ghost, she starts looking into her own murder, with the help of Benito Viruta, the main character of her childrens books. Reig now gives us the moral raw, sore, critical X-ray of the 60s generation. Marilyn Monroe’s Autobiography Autobiografía de Marilyn Monroe / novel / 192 pp. Translation rights sold to: Portugal (Pergaminho/Bico de Pena). The most intimate details about Marilyn’s life are well known to the general public. Nonetheless, this is the first time we have the chance to read the interior part of Marilyn as a woman. Other books by Rafael Reig: Captain Carpeto’s Deeds [Hazañas del capitán Carpeto] / novel / 192 pp. and The Omega Formula [La fórmula Omega] / novel / 192 pp. LdT Backlist 25 Juan AparicioBelmonte Juan Aparicio-Belmonte (London, 1971) has a degree in Law. His first novel Mala suerte [Bad Luck] is the winner of the I Caja Madrid Narrative Prize. It was also awarded the Memorial Silverio Cañada in its third edition, which is given at the Gijón’s Semana Negra to the first and best detective novel written in Spanish during 2003. The Crazy Circle of Drunken Birds El disparatado círculo de los pájaros borrachos / novel / 256 pp. / Translation rights sold to: Italy (Gran Via). Once the readers climb on board the narration, they are startled by a dizzy succession of intrigues and characters more real than reality: a writer arrested for horrible crimes, a messiah who announces a weird apocalypse, a conceptual artist who is designing the deflagration machine of feminine sensibility, and, in Rome, a pretty policewoman who fights against the dark criminal scheme of a group of perverse and disturbing housemaids. Bad Luck Mala suerte / novel / 192 pp. / Translation rights sold to: France (Buchet Chastel) and Italy (Gran Via). This novel takes the crime-thriller back to the place it should never have left: the psychoanalyst’s clinic. “A hilarious novel, malicious and affectionate, that broadens the boundaries of the erotic detective comedy genre” (Paul Preston). López, López López, López / novel / 224 pp. / Translation rights sold to: France (Buchet Chastel). The intimate confessions of a young swindler who is insecure, sentimental and who suffers from the inevitable tendency of a certain degree of surrealism in his life. This is the core of this ironic work, written in a lively prose integral to the magnificent portrait that the novel gives us of the main character and narrator. 26 LdT Backlist Carlos Eugenio López Carlos Eugenio López was born in León (1954). After being a finalist for the Sésamo Award in 1977, he was granted the Lengua de Trapo Award and the Novel Award Ciudad de Majadahonda. Lengua de Trapo has published his novels El orador cautivo [The Captive Speaker], Delirios de grandeza [Megalomania] and Ahogados [The Drowned], and his collection of short stories Burdel de muertos [Brothel of the Dead]. La Metafísica y el mono [Metaphysics and the Monkey] and Abril [April] are his latests novels. April Abril / novel / 208 pp. Translation rights sold to: Switzerland (Kein&Aber). In an undefined yet none-too-distant future (our soldiers still remember the four steps of chiki-chiki and Spain has not yet become a desert), the Hegemonic Empire declares war on the Islamic Republic of Kimbambia. “And what’s that got to do with us?” the anonymous protagonist of Abril asks Comandante Heredia. A stupid question, as he himself recognises straightaway. There was nothing to do but get on with it. The Drowned Ahogados / novel / 192 pp. / Translation rights sold to: France (Le Passeur/CECOFOP), and Switzerland (Kein&Aber). The seven voices that monologuize in this amazing gallery of talking portraits (three men, two women, a girl and a pig) debate like sleepwalkers between the limits of reality and delirium. “Totally in dialogue, to such a degree of purity as to flirt with formal risk” (El País). Brothel of the Dead Burdel de muertos / short stories / 192 pp. / Translation rights sold to: Switzerland (Kein&Aber). Two anonymous criminals-for-hire cross La Mancha one autumn morning. In the trunk of their car they’re carrying a ghastly load: the dead body of the Moroccan immigrant they killed the night before. An astonishing gallery of talking portraits engage, entering and exiting conventional ethics through innumerable false doors. Other books by Carlos Eugenio López: The RH Factor [El factor RH] / novel / 192 pp. and Metaphysics and the Monkey [La Metafísica y el mono] / novel / 752 pp. LdT Backlist 27 Pedro Ugarte Pedro Ugarte (Bilbao, 1963) is an economist lawyer, but he has always worked as press manager, columnist and contributor in radio programs. He wrote three novels, Los cuerpos de los nadadores [The Swimmers’ Bodies], Una ciudad del norte [A City Up North] y Acuerdos secretos [Secret Agreements], as well as many short stories books, being the last one Mañana será otro día [Tomorrow will be another day]. He was finalist in the Herralde Award and was granted the following awards: Nervión, Euskadi de Literatura and Relatos NH. Almost Innocents Casi inocentes / novel / 224 pp. / X Lengua de Trapo Award / Adaptation rights for cinema: sold. “There’s one thing worth remembering in my life: having a child”, states the main character on the first line of this novel. But something changes forever when the life of that child is endangered and a stranger saves him from a sure death. Which is the debt we have with someone who saved our child? Is it possible to completely pay off such an obligation? From this moral conflict, Casi inocentes turns into an stunning fable around paternity and work and family relations in a society transforming itself without taking into account the feeble ethical principles of its members. Tomorrow Will Be Another Day Mañana será otro día / novel / 136 pp. Epics and counterpics about today’s citizens. New accounts from an extraordinary author. Breaking off and reestablishing elements of everyday life in these stories that create a mosaique of modern day society. The fragile balance of a couple is put to the test with the presence of a guest who has no intentions of leaving. In the shadow of someone he most admires, a man who no longer hopes for anything... 28 LdT Backlist Ronaldo Menéndez Ronaldo Menéndez (La Habana, 1970) has published three short story books: Alguien se va lamiendo todo, El derecho al pataleo de los ahorcados [The Right of the Hanged to Kick] (Casa de las Américas de Cuba Award, 1997, Lengua de Trapo, 2001) and De modo que esto es la muerte [So, this is Death]. He has also published three novels: La piel de Inesa [Inesa’s Skin] (Lengua de Trapo Award, 1999), and Las bestias [The Beasts] and Río Quibú [Quibú River]. Currently he collaborates with several written media, and he works as an editor and a teacher. Quibú River Río Quibú / novel / 160 pp. / Who rapped and killed Julia? Her beautiful corpse reminds of Hamlet’s Ophelia, entangled in the rushes of the Quibú river. At this point starts the actual story of her orphan son, who runs away to the poorest area in Quibú to escape the police, hoping to throw light on his mother’s death. But this territory is just the worst hell you can imagine for a fourteen-years-old-boy... Río Quibú is a thriller, a psychological story, a social denunciation, a game full of absurd and grotesque situations. Its striking style will grip the reader and lead him into an enthralling jigsaw puzzle. Although it can be read independently, Río Quibú is the second part of the trilogy started in 2006 with Las bestias. The Beasts Las bestias / novel / 144 pp. Las bestias is the story of a conspiracy and the story a pig’s upbringing in the bathtub of a ramshackle house. And both stories take place on an island brutalized by poverty and the perversion of a power that’s been monopolized for decades. A kind of literaturized Tarantino passed through the Caribbean. Between the cynical and the tragic: a humour that hurts. Other books by Ronaldo Menéndez: So, this is Death [De modo que esto es la muerte] / novel / 128 pp; The Right of the Hanged to Kick [El derecho al pataleo de los ahorcados] / novel / 160 pp. and Inesa’s Skin [La piel de Inesa] / novel / 192 pp. LdT Backlist 29 Elia Barceló Elia Barceló (Alicante, 1957) teaches Spanish Language and Literature in the University of Innsbruck (Austria). She has published three novels (Sacred, Yarek’s World — International UPC Award 1993 — and Natural Consequences) that made her worthy of the title “the Lady of Spanish Science-Fiction”. She is also the author of several novels for young adults, about thirty crime and fantastic short stories that appeared in Spain and abroad, and an essay on the archetypes of terror in Julio Cortázar’s stories [The Disturbing Familiarity]. Corazón de tango [Tango’s Heart] is her last novel. The Goldsmith’s Secret El secreto del orfebre / novel / 96 pp. / Translation rights sold to: Germany (Piper Verlag), Holland (Uitgeverij Signature), France (Flammarion), Italy (Marcos&Marcos), Greece (Patakis), Norway (Gyldendal), Sweden (Albert Bonniers Förlag), Croacia (Fraktura) and Denmark (Borgen Hekla Vindrose). One of those rare examples where literature jumps in fearlessly to tackle eternal issues, and does so to make us consider overwhelming questions: is time stringer than love? How does beauty last? Is the body a map of desire with an expiry date? Can desire change reality? Nostalgia, sex, passion, identity… The Flight of the Hippogriffin El vuelo del hipogrifo / novel / 448 pp. / Translation rights sold to: Germany (Piper Verlag) and Holland (Querido). A novel combining several literary genres, has made her known to a wider public as the great writer she is. Terrible Disguises Disfraces terribles / novel / 448 pp. / Translation rights sold to: Germany (Piper Verlag), Norway (Gyldendal) and Holland (Querido). Ariel Lenormand, a young French literary critic, begins to investigate the life of the prestigious Argentinian short-story writer Raúl de la Torre. But does anyone know the truth about his life? In this novel, the author explores the territory of metaliterary fiction in combination with an exciting crime story. Other books by Elia Barceló: Tango’s Heart [Corazón de tango] / novel / 187 pp. / Translation rights sold to: Germany (Piper Verlag), Holland (Querido) and Italy (Voland) and Yarek’s World [El mundo de Yarek] / novel / 128 pp. / Translation rights sold to: Germany (Piper Verlag). 30 LdT Backlist ENGUA DE TRAPO Marqués de Valdeiglesias 5, 5º izq. 28004 Madrid Teléfono: 91 5210813 / Fax: 91 53226777 / [email protected]
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