Certification Certificate - PDF


Certification Certificate - PDF
(!Certification #160215-DVS Dominion Voting Systems, Inc.- Democracy Suite Release 4.14.37, Version 1
As of the date signed below, the Florida Depmiment of State Division of Elections certifies the Democracy Suite, Release 4.14.3 7, Version I voting system ,
submitted by Dominion Voting Systems, Inc.; for purchase or use by Co unty and Municipal Governments of the State of Florida.
Election Administration:
+ Democracy Suite, Release Level 4 . 14.37, containing:
• Election Event Designer
• Results Tally and Reporting
• Audio Studio
Data Center Manager
File System Service
Election Data Translator
Application Server
MBSversion4.14.17.14 FL 20141124
DCF version 4.14.17 _ 03_state_FL_20160127
+ COTS Server/Client software
• EMS Standard Configuration Server:
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, with Service Pack I
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard, with Service Pack 2 • EMS Standard Configuration C lient: •
Microsoft Windows 7 Profess ional with Service Pack I
EMS Express Configuration Server:
• Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit) Professional , with Service
Pack I
SQL Server 2008 R2 Exp ress, with Ad va nced
Services and Service Pack 2
+ EMS COTS sojiware common to Standard and Express Configurations
Adobe Reader, I 0.0 or later
Dallas !-Wire Device Driver, Version 4.03 or newer
Java SE Runtime Environment 6.0 , Update 20 or later
Microsoft liS 7.5 (part of Windows installation)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Reclistributable
Microsoft Visual J#, 2.0
+ Optional COTS hardware/software for Standard and Express Configurations
• Microsoft Excel 20 I 0 or later
• Aria! Narrow fonts
Cepstral Voices 6.2.3
Laser Printer
Avast! an ti-virus software
eSATA card drivers
UPS drivers
+ Optional COTS hardware/sojiware uniqu e to Standard Configuration
lm ageCast Listener, I , with Microsoft Windows Server
2008 R2, with Service Pack I
• Firewall , WatchGuard XTM 5 Series or XTM330 equivalent
(with WatchGuard System Manager 11.9.4 and WatchGuard
XTM OS Installer 11.9.4)
• RAS Server, with Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, with Service Pack I •
Digi International Digiboard ConnectPoti LTS or equi valent
Digi International Digiboarcl Serial Port Product Drivers
USB Hub, SIIG 3.0 I 0-Port or equ ivalent
US Robotics 56K Modems v.92 Faxmoclem or equiva lent
MultiTech 56K USB Modems Analog Modem or equiva lent
+ Auxiliary equipment
• Lexar Professional USB 3.0 Dual-Slot Compact Flash Card Reader or equivalent
• iButton (SHA-1 ), with USB Reader/ Writer: Maxim DS9490R#
+ Election media
• DVS Compact Flash Memory Cards: 4GB , 8GB, 16GB, 32GB
• iButton Maxim DS 1963S -F5+ •
Optional: Infrared (IR) security ballot stock for use in the
following tab ul ators: lmageCast Evolution , lmageCast Precinct,
Canon DR-X I OC, Canon DR-G 1130 Precinct Count (one or more ofthe following):
+ lmageCast Evolution Optical Scan Tabulator and ADA Polling Equipment
Hardware version: PCOS 41 OA or PCOS 41 OA Rev.39
Firmware 4.14.21
IR Sensor Board Firn1ware 1.0.003
w/ stacking ballot box w/ optiona l light pole
w/ folding ballot box
Optional COTS Hard ware
Zoom 3095 v.92 External Analog Modem
MultiTech MT9234MU-CDC-X.R External Analog Modem
MultiTech MTD-H5 Cell ular Modem
Verizon UML295 Cellu lar Modem
Secondary Monitor: AOC e1649FWU
MonitorCable: USB, 10-ft. TEConnectivity 1496476-4
+ lmageCast Precinct Optical Scan Tabulator
Hardware version: PCOS 321 C, includes internal analog modem
Firmware 4.14. 17
w/ stacking or folding ballot box
IR Sensor Board Firmware 1.0.003 COTS Software
• Bootloader (COLILO) 20040221
• Optional COTS Hardware
• eDevices Cell Go Low C urrent GSM 3G External Cellul ar
Modem • Auxiliary equipment .for /mageCast Evolution, ImageCast Precinct:
• Sip and Puff Enabling Device #972 (optional )
• Sip and Puff Straws #970K (optional)
• Hanel paddle switches #971 (optional) • Accessible Tactile lntetface (AT!) box, version 1.10
• Headphones : Cyber Acoustics ACM-70 or equivalent
Central I Absentee Count (one or more ofthe following): + lmageCast Precinct or lmageCast Evolution Optical Scan Precinct Tabulator (as defined for precinct count)
+ Canon tabulator models : DR-X I OC, DR-G 1130
+ lmageCast Central Scan , Version 4.14.17:
• ICC COTS Computer Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7
(64-bit) Professional
• Dallas Maxim, !-wire driver, version 4.03 or newer (64-bit, or 32­
bit as needed)
Kofax Vitiual Rescan, vers ion 4.5
Service Pack I for Kofax VRS 4 .5, version 4.5 . 1 (3 / 1911 0)
Kofax Component Insta ller (G 1130), version 4.50 (3 /8/ 13)
Canon DR-G 1130 driver version
Microsoft VCreclistributable version 10.0.40219
By 2020. voting equipment must comply with ADA accessibility requirements. See§ 101.56075(3). Florida Statutes
The Department of State grants this certification pu rsuan t to§ 101.5605, Florida Statutes. Th e system or any part thereofas approved, may be reviewed at any time to upda te
the certification and ensure continued complian ce with the Electron ic Voting Systems A ct (§§ 101.5601-101.5614, Florida Statutes) and tlze Florida Voting System
Standards (Ru le 1S-5.001, Florida Administrative Code; DS-DE 101 [elf. 1-12-05]). Any cha nge or improvement to an approved system must be submitted to the Department
before such sys tem as changed or improved can be purchased and used in the Stat e.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at
Tallahassee, ~he Capital, this 15th day of feb ruary, A.D., 2016.

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