7816 enviro brochure 05
7816 enviro brochure 05
Swansea 2005 Abertawe Events Information Welcome to the Environmental Events Leaflet 2005 with no less than 250 events taking place in and around Swansea between April and December. With such a wide range of talks, walks, cycle rides, children’s activities and festivals to choose from, everyone has the opportunity to fInd out more, do their bit or simply enjoy our wonderful environment. This is a very special year marking the Environment Centre’s 10th Anniversary and the introduction of the new Sustainable Swansea initiative which will create a Green Map and a unique Sustainability Trail for Swansea. For more information on the Sustainable Swansea initiative, contact Helen Grey on 01792 480200. The individual events in this leaflet have been organised by various local organisations whose contact details can be found in the back pages. Regular updates and additional events are posted on the websites of the City and County of Swansea and the Environment Centre (see below). Swansea Environmental Education Forum (SEEF) compiles this leaflet with the support of the City and County of Swansea’s Environment Department. SEEF is a partnership of voluntary groups, council departments and businesses providing quality environmental education to schools, colleges and the general public. To find out more, contact Anita Houten, the SEEF Co-ordinator, on 01792 469817. Swansea Environmental Education Forum Fforum Addysg yr Amgylchedd Abertawe If you have any queries about this leaflet or would like to publicise an environmental event in next year’s edition, contact either the City and County of Swansea or the Environment Centre at the following addresses: The Environment Centre Pier Street Swansea SA1 1RY Tel: 01792 480200 Fax: 01792 480400 Email: [email protected] Website: www.environmentcentre.org.uk City and County of Swansea Nature Conservation Team Tel: 01792 635749 Fax: 01792 635719 Email: [email protected] Website: www.swansea.gov.uk 2 Gwybodaeth am Ddigwyddiadau Croeso i Daflen Digwyddiadau Amgylcheddol 2005 sydd yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am ddim llai na 250 o ddigwyddiadau yn Abertawe a’r cyffiniau rhwng Ebrill a Rhagfyr. Gydag ystod mor eang o sgyrsiau, teithiau cerdded, teithiau beicio, gweithgareddau i blant a gwyliau i ddewis ohonynt, mae gan bawb y cyfle i ganfod mwy, gwneud eu rhan neu’n syml mwynhau ein hamgylchedd gwych. Mae hon yn flwyddyn arbennig iawn gan ein bod yn dathlu 10fed pen-blwydd Canolfan yr Amgylchedd ac yn cyflwyno menter Abertawe Gynaliadwy newydd a fydd yn creu Map Gwyrdd a Llwybrau Cynaliadwy unigryw ar gyfer Abertawe. Am fwy o wybodaeth ar fenter Abertawe Gynaliadwy, cysylltwch â Helen Grey ar 01792 480200. Mae’r digwyddiadau unigol yn y daflen hon wedi’u trefnu gan sefydliadau lleol amrywiol a gellir dod o hyd i’w manylion cyswllt ar y tudalennau cefn. Ceir diweddariadau a digwyddiadau ychwanegol ar wefannau Dinas a Sir Abertawe a Chanolfan yr Amgylchedd (gweler isod). Fforwm Addysg Amgylcheddol Abertawe (FAAA) sy’n llunio’r daflen hon gyda chefnogaeth Adran yr Amgylchedd Dinas a Sir Abertawe. Mae FAAA yn bartneriaeth o grwpiau gwirfoddol, adrannau’r cyngor a busnesau sy’n darparu addysg i safon i ysgolion, colegau a’r cyhoedd. I ganfod mwy, cysylltwch ag Anita Houten, Cydlynydd FAAA, ar 01792 469817. Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau ynghylch y daflen hon neu os hoffech roi cyhoeddusrwydd i ddigwyddiad amgylcheddol yn rhifyn blwyddyn nesaf, yna cysylltwch naill ai â Dinas a Sir Abertawe neu Ganolfan yr Amgylchedd yn y cyfeiriadau a ganlyn: Canolfan yr Amgylchedd, Stryd y Pier Abertawe SA1 1RY Ffôn: 01792 480200 Ffacs: 01792 480400 E-bost: [email protected] Gwefan: www.environmentcentre.org.uk Tîm Cadwraeth Natur Dinas a Sir Abertawe Ffôn: 01792 635749 Ffacs: 01792 635719 E-bost: [email protected] Gwefan: www.swansea.gov.uk 3 Everyone Welcome/Croeso i Bawb Everyone is welcome to join the events. Most are free but donations are gratefully accepted to help the work of the various organisations. Mae croeso i bawb ymuno yn y digwyddiadau. Mae’r rhan fwyaf ohonynt yn rhad ac am ddim ond derbynnir cyfraniadau i helpu gwaith y gwahanol gyrff. Weather: The leader will be at the start of the event regardless of weather and will decide whether or not to proceed. Tywydd: Bydd yr arweinydd yno ar ddechrau’r digwyddiad waeth beth fo’r tywydd a bydd yn penderfynu a ddylid bwrw ymlaen ai peidio. Disability: If you have a visual, hearing or mobility disability and need further details in order to join in some of these events, please contact the relevant organisation for more information. Dogs: Dogs are generally not allowed in view of the potential hazard to wildlife and livestock. Car Parking: Not all the events start from recognised car parks. Please be considerate when parking and take care not to obstruct gates, vehicles, etc. GO BY BUS ^ ^ Ni chaniateir c wn oherwydd C wn: y perygl posib i fywyd gwyllt a da byw. Parcio Ceir: Ni fydd pob digwyddiad yn cychwyn o faes parcio ceir cydnabyddedig. Byddwch yn ofalus felly wrth barcio a pheidiwch ag achosi rhwystr ger gatiau, cerbydau eraill, etc. RESPECT PARCHWCH PROTECT DIOGELWCH ENJOY MWYNHEWCH ≤ Many of the walks or events start and finish near a bus stop, this is indicated by a bus symbol and route number next to the event description. For further information please contact: Traveline Cymru Tel: 0870 608 2 608 Everyday 7.00am–10.00pm Please note that information on events run by organisations is published in good faith by the City & County of Swansea which can not be held responsible for inaccuracies. 4 Anabledd: Os oes gennych nam ar y clyw neu’r golwg neu anabledd symudedd a bod diddordeb gennych yn y digwyddiadau hyn, cysylltwch â’r corff perthnasol am ragor o wybodaeth. AR Y BWS ≤ Mae nifer o’r teithiau cerdded a’r digwyddiadau yn cychwyn gerllaw arosfan bysiau, ac fe nodir hynny gyda symbol bws a rhif taith yn ymyl disgrifiad o’r digwyddiad. Am wybodaeth bellach cysylltwch â: Traveline Cymru Ffôn: 0870 608 2 608 Bob dydd 7.00am–10.00pm Sylwer bod y wybodaeth am ddigwyddiadau a drefnir gan gyrff gwahanol yn cael ei chyhoeddi gyda phob ewyllys da gan Ddinas a Sir Abertawe ac nid yw’r cyngor yn derbyn unrhyw gyfrifoldeb am wybodaeth anghywir. April/Ebrill Fri 1st April - Rosehill Quarry Open Day ≤ 8/9 MEET: Throughout the afternoon at Rosehill Quarry, Mount Pleasant LEADER: Jannie Cherry, 01792 477863 DETAILS: Help recreate our Cretan Labyrinth. All welcome to join the supervised work party with children’s activities, including storytelling and games. Sat 2nd and Sun 3rd April – Willow Weekend MEET: 9.30am–5.00pm, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Enjoy a weekend of everything willow. Normal admission price applies. Sun 3rd April - Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET: 10.00am–12noon, Rosehill Quarry, Mount Pleasant LEADER: Jannie Cherry, 01792 477863 DETAILS: Maintenance of public open space and wildlife area. Sun 3rd April - Home Composter Sale MEET: 10.00am–3.00pm, County Hall, Oystermouth Road, Swansea LEADER: Owain Griffiths, Waste Minimisation Officer, or Andy Eager, Recycling Officer, 01792 635600 DETAILS: Sale of home composters at greatly reduced rates. Mon 4th April (and every Mon) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Chapel Street Allotments, Gorseinon LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Wed 6th April (and every Wed) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Wed 6th April - Plant Swap MEET: 7.00pm, the Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Jan Jones, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 234705 DETAILS: A chance to swap plants, and a group discussion of propagation problems. Thu 7th April (and every Thu) - Farm Hands Volunteer Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Adult volunteering day. Gain valuable skills and experience helping to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 9th April - Local Produce Market ≤ 2/37 9.30am–12.30pm, the Royal British Legion Car Park, Newton Road, Mumbles LEADER: Robin Bonham, Mumbles Development Trust 01792 405169 DETAILS: Local produce market including fresh vegetables, home baking, meats, plants, WI produce and goods, etc. MEET: Sat 9th April - Janet Bligh Painting Day MEET: 10.00am–4.00pm, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Painting in watercolour. Bring your own materials. Cost £25 includes lunch but booking essential. 5 April/Ebrill Sat 9th April - Beach Survey and Beach Clean MEET: 10.30am at Whiteford Beach, Gower LEADER: J. Darbyshire, Gower Society, 01792 207254 DETAILS: Help with a survey and removal of items washed up on the beach. Part of the Marine Conservation Society’s Adopt a Beach scheme. Sun 10th April - Overton Mere Megabash MEET: 10.00am–4.00pm, Overton Mere LEADER: Kevin Davies, 01656 724100 DETAILS: Join the local Wildlife Trust and other conservation groups to repair gates and signs and improve access on the Wildlife Trust reserves of south Gower. Please bring old, warm clothes, strong footwear and lunch. Sun 10th April - Dawn Song 4.30–7.30am Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: Wake up with Bishop’s Wood song. Campfire breakfast provided. Please book in advance. Adults £2, children £1. MEET: Tue 14th April - Swimming About in Wales MEET: 7.00–9.00pm, Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, 01792 481143 DETAILS: A talk by Geoff Profitt on aquaculture in Wales. All welcome, £1 donation requested. Sat 16th April - Litter Pick at Washing House Brook ≤ 3/3A MEET: 10.00am, Moorside Road, West Cross LEADER: Robin Bonham, 01792 405169 DETAILS: Litter pick and tidy up at Washing House Brook nature area in West Cross. Sat 16th April - Grow with Us Farm Day ≤ 110-111 MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Open for all the family; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Help to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. 6 Sat 16th April - Spring Magic, Mayflies, Nymphs and Dryads MEET: 1.30pm, Ilston Church gate, Ilston, Gower LEADER: Sheena Bishop, Gower Society Youth, 01792 555336 DETAILS: Walk through spring woodlands with a CCW ecologist, playing games and using nets to catch stream creatures. Free but pre-booking is essential. Bring a drink and snack, dress for the weather but no dogs please. Sun 17th April - Whiteford Point Walk MEET: 9.00am, Cwm Ivy, Gower LEADER: Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS: Bird watching walk. Bring packed lunch but no dogs! Beginners and non-members are welcome. Fri 22nd April - Pant-y-Sais Fen Walk ≤ 158 MEET: 7.30pm, reserve car park, Jersey Marine LEADER: Audrey Jones, Gower Ornithological Society, 01792 298859 DETAILS: A walk around Pant-y-Sais nature reserve, followed by drinks at the Tower Hotel, Jersey Marine. Sat 23rd April - Bird Ringing and Breakfast ≤ 14 MEET: 7.30–10.30am, 16 Killfield Road, Bishopston. Swansea LEADER: Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, 01792 481143 DETAILS: A field meeting with Bob Rigdon to ring birds. All welcome but call the hosts on 01792 232808 to reserve a space. Donation to the Wildlife Trust. Sat 23rd April - Youth Conservation Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: For 5–18 year olds; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Cadle Heath conservation work, gardening, light farm site development work, games, arts and crafts. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 23rd April - Crymlyn Open Day ≤6 MEET: Crymlyn Nature Reserve, time to be confirmed LEADER: Jane Richmond, Environment Centre, 01792 480200 DETAILS: Fun and family activities. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Sun 24th April - Canal Litter Pick ≤ 120 MEET: 10.30am, Castle Head car park, Pontardawe LEADER: Clive Reed, Swansea Canal Society, 01792 830782 DETAILS: Help to keep Pontardawe and the canal clean. Tue 26th April - Getting the Message Across MEET: 6.45pm at the Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Jenny Newman, Swansea Environmental Forum, 01792 480200 DETAILS: One in a series of SEF events that explore key issues in Swansea’s Community Plan. Includes an overview of environmental education and awareness raising and a discussion on communicating sustainability. Wed 27th April - BikeAbility/Wheels for All Launch MEET: Contact leader for details of time and venue. LEADER: Laura Lockwood, BikeAbility, 01792 541739 DETAILS: Join in the launch of a new group that is working to provide opportunities for people with disabilities to enjoy cycling. 7 May/Mai Sun 1st May - Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET: 10.00am–12.00 noon, Rosehill Quarry, Mount Pleasant LEADER: Jannie Cherry, 01792 477863 DETAILS: Maintenance of public open space and wildlife area. Mon 2nd May (and every Mon) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Chapel Street Allotments, Gorseinon LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Wed 4th May - Bird and Wildlife Walk ≤ 2/2A/3/3A 10.00am–12.00 noon at the main gate of Clyne Gardens, Swansea LEADER: Steve Hopkins, 01792 298637 DETAILS: A guided walk around Clyne Gardens bird spotting and looking for wildlife. £1 adults, 50p children. MEET: Wed 4th May (and every Wed) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Wed 4th May - Organic Garden Visit MEET: Contact leader for details. LEADER: Jan Jones, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 234705 DETAILS: A visit to Roger Key’s garden, Cwmafan Thu 5th May (and every Thu) - Farm Hands Volunteer Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Adult volunteering day. Gain valuable skills and experience helping to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 7th May - Low Tide Day Beach Clean MEET: 11.00am–4.00pm, Hill End Caravan Park, Llangennith, Gower LEADER: The National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS: Join National Trust staff, volunteers and members of the local community to help clean up the beaches of Rhossili and Llangennith. No charge, but donations are welcome. Sun 8th May - Dawn Chorus MEET: 6.00am, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Guided walk to listen to the bird world wake up as dawn breaks over the Burry Inlet. Followed by a full cooked breakfast. £8.50 (members £6.50). Booking essential. Sun 8th May - Coastal Cliff Plants 10.00am–12.00 noon, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: A gentle stroll along the cliff path from Caswell to Langland looking at the interesting variety of coastal cliff plants. MEET: 8 Sun 8th May - The Mumbles Hill Forts MEET: 2.30–4.30pm, Mumbles Hill Local Nature Reserve LEADER: Gareth Ellis, 01792 635759 DETAILS: Join the City and County of Swansea Nature Conservation Section and the Oystermouth Historical Society to explore the military remains on Mumbles Hill as a Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of VE Day. Tue 10th May - Swansea’s Natural Treasures MEET: 7:30pm at the Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Elizabeth May, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales 01792 481143 DETAILS: A talk by Kevin Davies on the management of the Trust’s reserves in Gower and West Glamorgan. Wed 11th May - Bird and Wildlife Walk ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 10.00am–12.00 noon at the main gate of Clyne Gardens LEADER: Steve Hopkins, 01792 298637 DETAILS: A guided walk around Clyne Gardens bird spotting and looking for wildlife. £1 adults, 50p children. Sat 14th May - Local Produce Market ≤ 2/37 9.30am–12.30pm, Royal British Legion car park, Newton Road, Mumbles LEADER: Robin Bonham, Mumbles Development Trust, 01792 405169 DETAILS: Local produce market including fresh vegetables, home baking, meats, plants, WI produce and goods, etc. MEET: Sat 14th May - Basket Making Course 10.00am–4.00pm, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: Learn to make a simple willow basket in a day. Only room for 10 people, so book early. Not suitable for young children. £15 per person including materials. Please book in advance. MEET: Sat 14th May - Guided Walk with the Penllergare Trust ≤ X13 MEET: 2.15pm, Penllergare Valley Woods LEADER: Jenny Eyres, 01558 650416 DETAILS: Explore the remnants of the historic landscape and gardens designed by John Dillwyn Llewelyn in the nineteenth century. Sun 15th May - Dinas Walk MEET: 9.30am, RSPB reserve car park, Dinas LEADER: Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS: Bird watching walk. Bring packed lunch but no dogs! Beginners and non-members are welcome. Sun 15th May - Plant Fair MEET: 11.00am–4.00pm, Rhossili Visitor Centre LEADER: The National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS: Stock up your garden with a variety of locally grown plants, flowers and herbs. Free entry, with all proceeds from sales to the National Trust. Wed 18th May - Bird and Wildlife Walk ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 10.00am–12.00 noon at the main gate of Clyne Gardens LEADER: Steve Hopkins, 01792 298637 DETAILS: A guided walk around Clyne Gardens bird spotting and looking for wildlife. £1 adults, 50p children. 9 May/Mai Sat 21st May - Grow with Us Farm Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Open for all the family; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Help to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sun 22nd May - Rhossili Megabash MEET: 10.00am–4.00pm Rhossili car park LEADER: Claire Hannington, 01792 390636 DETAILS: Join the National Trust and other local conservation groups to make repairs to the dry stone walls around Rhossili. Sun 22nd May - Car Treasure Hunt MEET: 10.45am, Royal Institution, Swansea LEADER: Clive Reed, Swansea Canal Society, 01792 830782 DETAILS: Follow the clues to get you around Gower. Meal in a Gower pub on completion of the event. Entry fee £5. Wed 25th May - Bird and Wildlife Walk ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 10.00am–12.00 noon at the main gate of Clyne Gardens LEADER: Steve Hopkins, 01792 298637 DETAILS: A guided walk around Clyne Gardens bird spotting and looking for wildlife. £1 adults, 50p children. Sat 28th May - Youth Conservation Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: For 5–18 year olds; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Cadle Heath conservation work, gardening, light farm site development work, games, arts and crafts. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 28th May to Sun 5th June - Duckling Days MEET: 9.30am–5.00pm, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Get close to ducklings during tours of the hatchery and duckery throughout the week. Normal admission price applies. Sun 29th and Mon 30th May Swansea Show Eco-zone This year’s Eco-zone introduces Swansea’s new Green Map and some of the many projects that are making Swansea a more sustainable place to live, work and play. Family fun activities and interesting displays demonstrate how we can all make a difference and do our bit for the environment. Dozens of local organisations contribute to making a colourful exhibition with live entertainment and a Fairtrade café. 10 June/Mehefin Wed 1st June (and every Wed) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Thu 2nd June (and every Thu) - Farm Hands Volunteer Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Adult volunteering day. Gain valuable skills and experience helping to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sun 5th June - Three Valleys Fun Cycle Ride MEET: 8.00–10.00am, outside the Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea LEADER: Rotary Club of Swansea Bay, 01792 412359 DETAILS: 35 mile charity sponsored cycle ride up the Neath valley and down Swansea valley. £5 in advance or £6 on the day. Sun 5th June - Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET: 10.00am–12.00 noon, Rosehill Quarry, Mount Pleasant LEADER: Jannie Cherry, 01792 477863 DETAILS: Maintenance of public open space and wildlife area. Mon 6th June (and every Mon) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Chapel Street Allotments, Gorseinon LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Wed 8th June - Painting Swansea Bay ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 1.00pm, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Mark Blackmore, SPIN Project, 01792 635469 DETAILS: Paint the Swansea Bay SSSI, with help and advice from a local artist. £3 charge and booking is essential. Fri 10th June to Sun 10th July - Sculpture by the Sea Festival — MEET: Various sites along Swansea Bay between Singleton & Blackpill LEADER: Sara Holden, 01792 367571 DETAILS: Work with local artists to create a sculpture trail along the sea front and make friends with visitors from Mumbles’ twinned towns. Workshops and public events. Fri 10th June - Around Gower Sea Britain Walk MEET: 11.00am–2.30pm, phone for meeting place LEADER: The National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS: Guided walk around Whiteford with National Trust wardens. No charge but booking essential and donations welcome. Dogs on leads welcome. Sat 11th June - Local Produce Market & Cheese Festival ≤ 2/37 9.30am–12.30pm, Royal British Legion car park, Newton Road, Mumbles LEADER: Robin Bonham, Mumbles Development Trust, 01792 405169 DETAILS: Regular produce market but with focus on Welsh cheeses. MEET: Sat 11th June - Janet Bligh Painting Day MEET: 10.00am–4.00pm, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Seasonal Colour Mixing. Bring your own materials. Cost £25 and booking essential. 11 June/Mehefin Sat 11th June - Around Gower Sea Britain Walk MEET: 10.30am–3.30pm, phone for meeting place LEADER: The National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS: A guided walk from Rhossili to Llanmadoc Hill in the company of National Trust wardens. No charge but booking essential and donations welcome. Dogs on leads welcome. Because this is not a circular walk, a shuttle bus (cost £1) is provided. Sat 11th to Sun 19th June National Bike Week O A full programme of local rides and events will be taking place to mark this national celebration, including adult cycle training sessions. Contact Rob Wachowski, 01792 636353, for further details. Sat 11th to Sun 19th June Biodiversity Week — Over a week of walks, talks and other events for all ages celebrating and exploring the amazing wildlife and habitats found in Swansea. Co-ordinated and delivered by members of Swansea Biodiversity Partnership. Contact Jo Mullett, 01792 635784, for further details. Sun 12th June - Skomer Walk MEET: 9.15am, Martin’s Haven car park LEADER: Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS: Bird watching walk on Skomer Island. Payment required for landing fees and car park. Bring packed lunch but no dogs! Beginners and non-members are welcome. Sun 12th June - Porpoise Watch — MEET: 10.00am–1.00pm, Port Eynon car park LEADER: Gareth Ellis, 01792 635759 DETAILS: Join staff and volunteers from the Nature Conservation Team in spotting porpoises and perhaps other marine mammals around the Gower coast. Sun 12th June - Mammal Matters — 10.00am–12.00 noon, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: Discover the difference between a bat and a rat, or a vole and a mole, at Bishop’s Wood Local Nature Reserve. MEET: 12 Sun 12th June - 43 to C Fun Bike Ride O 10.30am registration, 11.30am start, Carpenters Arms, High Street, Clydach LEADER: Richie Saunders, Cwmtawe Cycle Group, 01792 843333 DETAILS: Free entry on the day for this popular charity cycle ride in aid of the St John’s Ambulance. 14 mile round trip to Swansea Marina on Route 43 along wildlife corridors. Suitable for over 5’s but children must be accompanied. MEET: Sun 12th June - Around Gower Sea Britain Walk MEET: 11.00am–3.00pm, phone for meeting place LEADER: The National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS: A guided walk from Rhossili to Port Eynon in the company of National Trust wardens. No charge but booking essential and donations welcome. Dogs on leads welcome. Because this is not a circular walk, a shuttle bus (£1) is provided. Sun 12th June - Organic Farm Visit MEET: Contact leader for details. LEADER: Jan Jones, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 234705 DETAILS: A visit to Primrose Farm near Hay on Wye. Mon 13th June - Around Gower Sea Britain Walk MEET: 11.00am–2.30pm, phone for meeting place LEADER: The National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS: A guided walk in Pennard, Pwll Du and Bishopston Valley in the company of National Trust wardens, to discover more about Gower’s gems. No charge but booking essential and donations welcome. Dogs on leads welcome. Wed 15th June - Strand Line Walk — ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 2.00pm, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Mark Blackmore, SPIN Project, 01792 635469 DETAILS: Walk along the strand line to Brynmill Lane observing shells, pebbles and the wading birds of the SSSI. Wed 15th June - The Biodiversity of Mumbles Hill — ≤ 37 MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Mumbles Hill Local Nature Reserve LEADER: Gareth Ellis, 01792 635759 DETAILS: Explore the diversity of plants and animals that make Mumbles Hill their home. Thu 16th June - Swansea Vale Wetland Flowers — ≤ 43 2.00–4.00pm, gate opposite Lon Las School, Walters Road, Llansamlet LEADER: Gareth Ellis, 01792 635759 DETAILS: See the amazing diversity of wildflowers in the wetland of Swansea Vale Nature Reserve. MEET: Sat 18th June - Grow with Us Farm Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Open for all the family; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Help to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 18th June - Canal Towpath Cycle Ride O MEET: 10.30am, Cwmtawe School car park LEADER: Clive Reed, Swansea Canal Society, 01792 830782 DETAILS: Follow the route of the canal to Swansea and back. 13 June/Mehefin Sat 18th June - Summer Solstice Celebration MEET: 2.00pm, the Arthur’s Stone car park, Cefn Bryn, Gower LEADER: Sheena Bishop, Gower Society Youth, 01792 555336 DETAILS: Celebrate the longest day of the year with fun and games at King Arthur’s Stone. Fancy dress competition. Free but prebooking is essential. Bring a drink and snack, dress for the weather but no dogs please. Sun 19th June - Swansea Vale Megabash — 10.00–4.00pm, gate opposite Lon Las School, Walters Road, Llansamlet LEADER: Gareth Ellis, 01792 635759 DETAILS: Join the Nature Conservation Team to make repairs and improvements to boardwalks around Swansea Vale Nature Reserve. Please bring old clothes, strong footwear and lunch. MEET: Sun 19th June - 43 North (Turn the Wern) Cycle Ride O 10.30am registration, 11.30am start, Carpenters Arms, High Street, Clydach LEADER: Richie Saunders, Cwmtawe Cycle Group, 01792 843333 DETAILS: Follow Route 43 up Swansea Valley on a 17 mile round trip. Children must be accompanied. Call for more details. MEET: Sun 19th June - Hearts First Swansea Junior Bike Ride O MEET: 2.00pm, Singleton Park LEADER: British Heart Foundation, 02920 382368 DETAILS: Junior version of the popular annual charity ride. For children under 14 years. Call for further details. Wed 22nd June - Clyne Valley Walk ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 2.00pm, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Mark Blackmore, SPIN Project, 01792 635469 DETAILS: Take the cycle path up Clyne Valley on a quiet woodland walk. Sat 25th June - Youth Conservation Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: For 5–18 year olds; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Cadle Heath conservation work, gardening, light farm site development work, games, arts and crafts. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 25th June - Beach Survey and Beach Clean MEET: 10.30am at Whiteford Beach, Gower LEADER: J. Darbyshire, Gower Society, 01792 207254 DETAILS: Help with a survey and removal of items washed up on the beach. Part of the Marine Conservation Society’s Adopt a Beach scheme. 14 July/Gorffennaf Sat 2nd July - Fly with the Dragonflies ≤6 MEET: 2.00-6.00pm at Crymlyn Visitor Centre, Dinam Road, Swansea LEADER: Women's Environmental Network, 01792 469817 DETAILS: A teatime picnic to identify dragonflies and other wildlife in this Nature Reserve. Make paper dragonflies or insect costumes. All women welcome, with or without children. Bring food to share. There may be a small cost for this event. Please call for details. Sun 3rd July - Hearts First South Wales Bike Ride MEET: 8.00–10.00am, St Helens, Swansea LEADER: British Heart Foundation, 02920 382368 DETAILS: This ride follows a route round the Gower with a choice of 16-mile and 29-mile courses. Sun 3rd July - Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET: 10.00am–12.00 noon, Rosehill Quarry, Mount Pleasant LEADER: Jannie Cherry, 01792 477863 DETAILS: Maintenance of public open space and wildlife area. Mon 4th July (and every Mon) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Chapel Street Allotments, Gorseinon LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Wed 6th July (and every Wed) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Thu 7th July (and every Thu) - Farm Hands Volunteer Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Adult volunteering day. Gain valuable skills and experience helping to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Fri 8th July - Painting Swansea Bay ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 1.00pm, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Mark Blackmore, SPIN Project, 01792 635469 DETAILS: Paint the Swansea Bay SSSI, with help and advice from a local artist. £3 charge and booking is essential. Sat 9th July - Local Produce Market ≤ 2/37 9.30am–12.30pm, Royal British Legion car park, Newton Road, Mumbles LEADER: Robin Bonham, Mumbles Development Trust, 01792 405169 DETAILS: Local produce market including fresh vegetables, home baking, meats, plants, WI produce and goods etc. MEET: Sun 10th July - Kenfig Pool and Eglwys Nunnydd Walk MEET: 9.00am, Kenfig Reserve car park LEADER: Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS: Bird watching walk. Bring packed lunch but no dogs! Beginners and non-members are welcome. 15 July/Gorffennaf Sun 10th July - Bat and Moth Watch 9.00–11.00pm, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: See the aerodynamic display of bats. MEET: Mon 11th July - Swansea’s Environment Strategy MEET: 6.45pm at a venue to be agreed LEADER: Jenny Newman, Swansea Environmental Forum, 01792 480200 DETAILS: An opportunity to discuss and contribute to the development of an overarching Environment Strategy for Swansea. Tue 12th July - Discover Swansea Cycle Routes 12.30pm, Dylan Thomas Centre car park, behind Sainsbury’s, Swansea LEADER: Mark Blackmore, SPIN Project, 01792 635469 DETAILS: A 3–4 hour guided cycle ride along route 43 from the sail bridge to Coed Gwilliam Park, Clydach. Helmets must be worn. MEET: Fri 15th July - Dunvant Countryside Walk ≤ 21/21A 2.00–4.00pm, car park on cycle track off Walter’s Row, Dunvant LEADER: Gareth Ellis, 01792 635759 DETAILS: Come out and explore the old Dunvant Brickworks site, now an attractive woodland and nature reserve. MEET: Sat 16th to Sun 31st July - Penclawdd Cycleway Workcamp MEET: Call leader for details. LEADER: David Judd, Sustrans 01792 467954 DETAILS: Help create the new cycleway with tasks to suit all ages. Join in for an afternoon, a weekend or longer with local accommodation available. Evening events and entertainment will round off each day. Call for further details. Sat 16th July - Grow with Us Farm Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Open for all the family; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Help to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 16th July - National Archaeology Day MEET: 10.30am–4.00pm, Swansea Museum LEADER: Glamorgan–Gwent Archaeological Trust, 01792 655208, in partnership with Swansea Museum, 01792 653763 DETAILS: Explore the subject of archaeology and participate in a range of activities. Bring along artefacts for identification by experts at the popular Finds Roadshow. Sun 17th July - Crymlyn Megabash ≤6 MEET: 10.00am–4.00pm, Crymlyn Bog Visitor Centre LEADER: David Painter, 07968 838131 DETAILS: Join the Countryside Council for Wales and other local conservation groups to make improvements to the nature trail and access paths around this amazing wetland reserve. Please bring old clothes, strong footwear and lunch. 16 Tue 19th July - Minibeast Safari 2.00–4.00pm Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: Creep along with Dai, Karen and other ‘bugs’ through the undergrowth of Bishop’s Wood. MEET: Tue 19th July - Organic Garden Visit MEET: Contact leader for details. LEADER: Jan Jones, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 234705 DETAILS: A visit to Reg Wadsworth’s garden, Cwmllynfell. Wed 20th July - Strand Line Walk ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 2.00pm, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Mark Blackmore, SPIN Project, 01792 635469 DETAILS: Walk along the strand line to Brynmill Lane observing shells, pebbles and the wading birds of the SSSI. Sat 23rd July - Youth Conservation Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: For 5–18 year olds; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Cadle Heath conservation work, gardening, light farm site development work, games, arts and crafts. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 23rd July to Sun 4th September - Summer Fun MEET: 9.30am–5.00pm, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Enjoy pond dipping, dragonfly walks and art and craft activities. Some activities may incur a small additional charge. Normal admission price applies. Sat 23rd July - Cadle Heath wildflower walk ≤ 110-112 MEET: 2.00–3.30pm, Cadle Heath Local Nature Reserve, Swansea LEADER: Gareth Ellis, 01792 635759 DETAILS: See the fantastic diversity of wildflowers on the urban heath nature reserve. Sun 24th July - Crymlyn Bog Family Fun Day ≤6 11.00am–3.00pm, Crymlyn Bog Visitor Centre, Dinam Road, Port Tennant LEADER: Jane Richmond, The Environment Centre, 01792 469817 DETAILS: Family activities including guided walks, pond dipping and environmental art in this wonderful wetland world. Wear suitable clothing and footwear. Refreshments available but bring packed lunch. Contact the leader for more details. MEET: Mon 25th July - Nature Quest ≤ 400/404 MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Coed Bach Park, Pontardulais LEADER: Matt Smith, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635484 DETAILS: Activities such as bug hunts, nature trails and bird box making. Weather-dependent and subject to change. Tue 26th July - Nature Quest ≤ 2/37 MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Underhill Park, Mumbles LEADER: Lyndsey Davies, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635485 DETAILS: Activities such as bug hunts, nature trails and bird box making. Weather-dependent and subject to change. 17 July/Gorffennaf Tue 26th July - Rockpool Watch 3.00–5.00pm, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: Explore the secret world of Caswell Bay’s rockpools with Dai and Karen. Please book in advance. MEET: Wed 27th July - Mumbles Hill Walk ≤ 37 MEET: 10.30am–12.30pm, Bracelet Bay car park. LEADER: Gareth Ellis, 01792 635759 DETAILS: Come along and see the wildlife of Mumbles Hill and the history of the site, from medieval quarries to twentiethcentury fortifications. Wed 27th July - Nature Quest ≤6 MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Jersey Park, Dan-y-Graig LEADER: Ffion Thomas, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635483 DETAILS: Activities such as bug hunts, nature trails and bird box making. Weather dependent and subject to change. Thu 28th July - Nature Quest ≤ 20-22 MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Cwmdonkin Park, Uplands LEADER: Rachel Saunders, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635485 DETAILS: Activities such as bug hunts, nature trails and bird box making. Weather-dependent and subject to change. Fri 29th July - Swansea Vale Walk ≤ 43/143 2.00–4.00pm, gate opposite Lon Las School, Walters Road, Llansamlet. LEADER: Gareth Ellis, 01792 635759 DETAILS: Learn about the management and wildlife of Swansea Vale Nature Reserve with staff from the Nature Conservation Team. MEET: Sun 31st July - Goldcliff Gwent Levels Walk MEET: 10.00am at Gwent Levels reserve car park, nr Newport LEADER: Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS: Bird watching walk. Bring packed lunch but no dogs! Beginners and non-members are welcome. Go Wild…with Green Team 2005 Throughout the summer holidays, young people across Swansea will be able to join in a wide range of environmental activities organised by members of Swansea Environmental Education Forum. For more information about the Green Team events programme, contact Anita Houten, 01792 480200, or Jo Mullett, 01792 635784. 18 August/Awst Mon 1st August (and every Mon) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Chapel Street Allotments, Gorseinon LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Tue 2nd August - Primitive Principles 2.00–4.00pm, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Castle LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: Build a shelter, make rope from weeds, go foraging for wild foods and cook over a campfire. MEET: Wed 3rd August - Bird and Wildlife Walk ≤ 20-22 10.00am–12.00 noon at the main gate of the Botanical Gardens, Singleton Park LEADER: Steve Hopkins, 01792 298637 DETAILS: A guided walk around the botanical and ornamental gardens looking for wildlife. £1 adults, 50p children. MEET: Wed 3rd August (and every Wed) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Thu 4th August (and every Thu) - Farm Hands Volunteer Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Adult volunteering day. Gain valuable skills and experience helping to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 6th August - Guided Walk with the Penllergare Trust ≤ X13 MEET: 2.15pm, Penllergare Valley Woods LEADER: Jenny Eyres, 01558 650416 DETAILS: Explore the remnants of the historic landscape and gardens designed by John Dillwyn Llewelyn in the nineteenth century. Sun 7th August - Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET: 10.00am–12.00 noon, Rosehill Quarry, Mount Pleasant LEADER: Jannie Cherry, 01792 477863 DETAILS: Maintenance of public open space and wildlife area. Sun 7th August - Gower Show MEET: 10.00am–5.00pm, Penrice Castle and grounds, Gower LEADER: John Ferneaux, Gower Show Director, 01792 390754 DETAILS: Agricultural and countryside show, including craft exhibitions, livestock and domestic animals, rides and market. Mon 8th August - Art-tastic ≤ 110-112 MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Parc-y-Werin, Gorseinon LEADER: Matt Smith, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635484 DETAILS: Activities such as kite making, collages and junk sculptures using natural objects. Weather-dependent and subject to change. 19 August/Awst Tue 9th August - Art-tastic ≤ 20-21A MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Dunvant Park LEADER: Lyndsey Davies, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635485 DETAILS: Activities such as kite making, collages and junk sculptures using natural objects. Weather-dependent and subject to change. Tue 9th August - Rockpool Watch 2.30–4.30pm, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: Explore the secret world of Caswell Bay’s rockpools with Dai and Karen. MEET: Tue 9th August - MAS Carnival Launch MEET: 6.30pm at Counterpoint Theatre, Walter Road, Swansea LEADER: South Wales Intercultural Community Arts (SWICA), 029 2038 2094 DETAILS: All ages welcome to kick-off the preparations for the MAS Carnival later in the month and find out about the workshops in costume design and making, carnival street dance, and African Drumming. Tue 9th to Sat 27th Swansea MAS Carnival This popular multicultural arts project, now in its 7th year celebrates maritime traditions & global trade with the theme of Docks: Wales’ Window on the World. Free daily workshops (not Sundays) for all ages take place at the Counterpoint Theatre, Walter Road, Swansea from Wednesday 10th to Friday 26th, 12noon–9.00pm. Contact SWICA, 029 2038 2094 for details. The carnival takes place on Saturday, 27th August. Wed 10th August - Bird and Wildlife Walk ≤ 20-22 10.00am–12.00 noon, main gate of the Botanical Gardens, Singleton Park LEADER: Steve Hopkins, 01792 298637 DETAILS: A guided walk around the botanical and ornamental gardens looking for wildlife. £1 adults, 50p children. MEET: Wed 10th August - Art-tastic ≤ 32/33 MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Bonymaen Park LEADER: Ffion Thomas, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635483 DETAILS: Activities such as kite making, collages and junk sculptures using natural objects. Weather-dependent and subject to change. 20 Wed 10th August - Shell/Pebble Collecting and Sand Sculpture MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Mark Blackmore, SPIN Project, 01792 635469 DETAILS: Collect shells and pebbles on the beach and then work in groups to produce sand sculptures. For children aged from 5 to 11. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Wed 10th August - Pwll Du Walk ≤ 14 2.00–5.00pm, outside Bishopston Post Office at the junction of Pyle Road and Pwll Du Lane. LEADER: Gareth Ellis, 01792 635759 DETAILS: Take a walk down to Pwll Du Local Nature Reserve and see the plants and habitats that make this site special. MEET: Thu 11th August - Art-tastic ≤ 4/4A MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Cwm Level Park, Plasmarl LEADER: Rachel Saunders, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635485 DETAILS: Activities such as kite making, collages and junk sculptures using natural objects. Weather-dependent and subject to change. Sat 13th August - Local Produce Market ≤ 2/37 9.30am–12.30pm, Royal British Legion car park, Newton Road, Mumbles LEADER: Robin Bonham, Mumbles Development Trust, 01792 405169 DETAILS: Local produce market including fresh vegetables, home baking, meats, plants, WI produce and goods etc. MEET: Sat 13th August - Garden Open Day MEET: 11.00am–3.00pm, Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Jan Jones, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 234705 DETAILS: Guided tours of the Centre’s organic garden, exhibits and activities. Sun 14th August - Nocturnal Woodland 9.00–11.00pm, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: Explore the night-time world of Bishop’s Wood. Bring warm clothing. MEET: Sun 14th August - BTCV Megabash MEET: 10.00am–4.00pm, place to be confirmed LEADER: Gareth Ellis, 01792 635759 DETAILS: Join the volunteers of BTCV Cymru to help out on a local conservation project. Mon 15th August - Art-tastic ≤ 400/404 MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Coed Bach Park, Pontardulais LEADER: Matt Smith, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635484 DETAILS: Activities such as kite making, collages and junk sculptures using natural objects. Weather-dependent and subject to change. Tue 16th August - Woodland Story Walk 2.00–4.00pm, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: Come and listen to spellbinding stories while you stroll through the leafy glades of Bishop’s Wood. MEET: 21 August/Awst Tue 16th August - Art-tastic ≤ 2/37 MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Underhill Park, Mumbles LEADER: Lyndsey Davies, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635485 DETAILS: Activities such as kite making, collages and junk sculptures using natural objects. Weather-dependent and subject to change. Wed 17th August - Bird and Wildlife Walk ≤ 20-22 10.00am–12 noon, main gate of the Botanical Gardens, Singleton Park LEADER: Steve Hopkins, 01792 298637 DETAILS: A guided walk around the botanical and ornamental gardens looking for wildlife. £1 adults, 50p children. MEET: Wed 17th August - Swansea Vale Walk ≤ 43/143 2.00–4.00pm, gate opposite Lon Las School, Walters Road, Llansamlet LEADER: Gareth Ellis, 01792 635759 DETAILS: Learn about the management and wildlife of the Swansea Vale Nature Reserve with staff from the Nature Conservation Team. MEET: Wed 17th August - Art-tastic ≤6 MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Jersey Park, Dan-y-Graig LEADER: Ffion Thomas, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635483 DETAILS: Activities such as kite making, collages and junk sculptures using natural objects. Weather-dependent and subject to change. Thu 18th August - Art-tastic ≤ 20-22 MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Cwmdonkin Park, Uplands LEADER: Rachel Saunders, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635485 DETAILS: Activities such as kite making, collages and junk sculptures using natural objects. Weather-dependent and subject to change. Fri 19th August - Discover Swansea Cycle Routes MEET: 1.00pm, start of Clyne Valley cycle track, Blackpill, Swansea LEADER: Mark Blackmore, SPIN Project, 01792 635469 DETAILS: A 3 hour guided cycle ride up Clyne Valley from Blackpill to Gowerton. Helmets must be worn. Sat 20th August - High Tide Watch and Breakfast MEET: Call National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli for time LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Discover the amazing sights and sounds as the advancing spring tide pushes the birds closer to the hides. Followed by a full cooked breakfast in the Estuary Cafe. £7.50 (£6.50 members). Booking essential. Sat 20th August - Grow with Us Farm Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Open for all the family; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Help to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. 22 Sat 20th August - Guided Walk with the Penllergare Trust ≤ X13 MEET: 2.15pm, Penllergare Valley Woods LEADER: Jenny Eyres, 01558 650416 DETAILS: Explore the remnants of the historic landscape and gardens designed by John Dillwyn Llewelyn in the nineteenth century. Sun 21st August - Resolven Canal Walk MEET: 9.00am, canal car park, Resolven LEADER: Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS: Bird watching walk. Bring packed lunch but no dogs! Beginners and non-members are welcome. Sun 21st August - Canal Heritage Walk ≤ 120 MEET: 10.45am, Herbert Street canal bridge, Pontardawe LEADER: Clive Reed, Swansea Canal Society, 01792 830782 DETAILS: A guided tour of the canal and its heritage features. Mon 22nd August - Nature Quest ≤ 110-112 MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Parc Williams, Loughor LEADER: Matt Smith, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635484 DETAILS: Activities such as bug hunts, nature trails and bird box making. Weather-dependent and subject to change. Tue 23rd August - Nature Quest ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Brynmill Park, Brynmill LEADER: Lyndsey Davies, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635485 DETAILS: Activities such as bug hunts, nature trails and bird box making. Weather-dependent and subject to change. Tue 23rd August - Rockpool Watch 2.30–4.30pm, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: Explore the secret world of Caswell Bay’s rockpools with Dai and Karen. Please book in advance. MEET: Wed 24th August - Bird and Wildlife Walk ≤ 20-22 10.00am–12.00 noon, main gate of the Botanical Gardens, Singleton Park LEADER: Steve Hopkins, 01792 298637 DETAILS: A guided walk around the botanical and ornamental gardens looking for wildlife. £1 adults, 50p children. MEET: Wed 24th August - Clyne Valley Walk ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 2.00pm, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Mark Blackmore, SPIN Project, 01792 635469 DETAILS: Take the cycle path up Clyne valley on a quiet woodland walk. Wed 24th August - Nature Quest ≤ X20/X25 MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Ynystawe Park LEADER: Ffion Thomas, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635483 DETAILS: Activities such as bug hunts, nature trails and bird box making. Weather-dependent and subject to change. Thu 25th August - Nature Quest ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Victoria Park, Swansea LEADER: Rachel Saunders, Parks Development Officer, 01792 635485 DETAILS: Activities such as bug hunts, nature trails and bird box making. Weather-dependent and subject to change. 23 August/Awst Sat 27th August - Youth Conservation Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: For 5–18 year olds; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Cadle Heath conservation work, gardening, light farm site development work, games, arts and crafts. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 27th August - MAS Carnival Parade 1.30pm from the Counterpoint Theatre, Walter Road, Uplands, Swansea LEADER: South Wales Intercultural Community Arts (SWICA), 029 2038 2094 DETAILS: A colourful display of music, dance and costume parading down Walter Road, along Oxford Street to Castle Square. This year’s carnival explores maritime traditions & global trade. MEET: Tue 30th August - Earthwalk: A Walk with a Difference 2.00–4.00pm, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: Games and activities suitable for all ages. Wear old clothes. MEET: Wed 31st August - Bird and Wildlife Walk ≤ 20-22 10.00am–12.00 noon, main gate of the Botanical Gardens, Singleton Park LEADER: Steve Hopkins, 01792 298637 DETAILS: A guided walk around the botanical and ornamental gardens looking for wildlife. £1 adults, 50p children. MEET: 24 September/Medi Thu 1st September (and every Thu) - Farm Hands Volunteer Day MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Adult volunteering day. Gain valuable skills and experience helping to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Fri 2nd September - Walk to the Worm MEET: 10.30am–3.00pm, National Trust Visitor Centre, Rhossili LEADER: The National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS: Discover the wonders of Worms Head, the tidal island at the end of Gower. Walk with wardens to the far end of the head. Bring sturdy footwear, waterproofs, food and drink. No charge but booking is essential, and donations are welcome. Fri 2nd September - Egret Roosting MEET: 6.30pm until dusk, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Watch the Egrets ‘come home to roost’. Enjoy an evening of bird watching with a Warden. Buffet included. £6.75 (£6 members). Booking essential. Sat 3rd September - Walk to the Worm MEET: 10.30am–3.00pm, National Trust Visitor Centre, Rhossili LEADER: The National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS: Discover the wonders of Worms Head, the tidal island at the end of Gower. Walk with wardens to the far end of the head. Bring sturdy footwear, waterproofs, food and drink. No charge but booking is essential, and donations are welcome. Sun 4th September - Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET: 10.00am–12.00 noon, Rosehill Quarry, Mount Pleasant LEADER: Jannie Cherry, 01792 477863 DETAILS: Maintenance of public open space and wildlife area. Mon 5th September - Mumbles Coastal Walk ≤ 2/2A/37 MEET: 10.30am, Mumbles Quarry car park LEADER: Mark Blackmore, SPIN Project, 01792 635469 DETAILS: A walk along Mumbles sea front and around to Bracelet Bay. Mon 5th September (and every Mon) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Chapel Street Allotments, Gorseinon LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Wed 7th September (and every Wed) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Sat 10th September - Local Produce Market ≤ 2/37 9.30am–12.30pm, Royal British Legion car park, Newton Road, Mumbles LEADER: Robin Bonham, Mumbles Development Trust, 01792 405169 DETAILS: Local produce market including fresh vegetables, home baking, meats, plants, WI produce and goods etc. MEET: 25 September/Medi Sat 10th and Sun 11th September - National Mud Festival MEET: 9.30am–5.00pm, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Celebrate the muddy side of wetlands, including walks along the estuary, mud sculptures, talks and much more. Normal admission prices apply. Sun 11th September - Fall Bay Megabash 10.00am–4.00pm, National Trust Shop and Visitor Centre, Rhossili LEADER: Sarah Stevens, 01792 390636 DETAILS: Join the National Trust and other local conservation groups to help improve the access to Fall Bay on the south Gower coast. Please bring old clothes, strong footwear and lunch. MEET: Sun 11th September - Native Trees and Shrubs 10.00am–12noon, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: Brush up on your identification skills and pick up some interesting facts about this amazing group of plants. MEET: Sun 11th September - Swansea Open House MEET: Various venues and times, contact for details LEADER: Eileen Walton, Swansea Civic Society, 01792 646467 DETAILS: An opportunity to visit many historical buildings across Swansea that are not normally open to the public, part of the European Heritage Days initiative. Tue 13th September - Dragonflies of the UK MEET: 7:30pm at the Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Elizabeth May, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales 01792 481143 DETAILS: A talk by Mike Clark, wildlife artist, photographer and surveyor. Meeting also includes the annual AGM. Wed 14th September - Harvest Supper and AGM MEET: 7.00pm, Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Jan Jones, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 234705 DETAILS: Annual General Meeting of the group and a chance to share a seasonal meal. Fri 16th September - Annual Beach Clean at Blackpill ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 10.00am, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Swansea LEADER: Robin Bonham, 01792 405169 DETAILS: Annual Beach Clean in Blackpill as part of the nationwide Marine Conservation Society campaign. Sat 17th September - Grow with Us Farm Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Open for all the family; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Help to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. 26 Sat 17th September - Gower Walking Festival Launch MEET: 10.00am, Mumbles (call for details) LEADER: Mumbles Tourist Information, 01792 361302 DETAILS: Kick off this new festival with a 2 hour walk around Mumbles in the company of Oystermouth Historical Society. Sat 17th to Sun 25th September - Gower Walking Festival A comprehensive programme of walks to celebrate the wonders, beauty and heritage of Gower. Booking is essential for all the walks in this programme. Contact Mumbles Tourist Information Centre on 01792 361302 for further information and to make bookings. A small booking fee will be charged for each walk. Sat 17th September - Beach Survey and Beach Clean MEET: 10.30am, Whiteford Beach, Gower LEADER: J. Darbyshire, Gower Society, 01792 207254 DETAILS: Help with a survey and removal of items washed up on the beach. Part of the Marine Conservation Society’s Adopt a Beach scheme. Sun 18th September - National Beach Watch MEET: 10.00am–4.00pm, National Trust Visitor Centre, Rhossili LEADER: The National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS: Join in celebrating the Year of the Sea by cleaning up Rhossili Bay to its full extent, and help in protecting local wildlife. Gloves and bin bags provided. Phone for further details. Sun 18th September - Mumbles Hill Walk MEET: 2.00–4.00pm, Bracelet Bay car park. LEADER: Mumbles Tourist Information, 01792 361302 DETAILS: Join Gareth Ellis to see the wildlife of Mumbles Hill and the history of the site, from medieval quarries to twentiethcentury fortifications. Sun 18th September - High Tide Watch and Barbeque MEET: 6.00pm, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Enjoy a barbeque and then discover the amazing sights and sounds as the advancing spring tide pushes the birds closer to the hides. £8.50 (£7.00 members). Booking essential. 27 September/Medi Mon 19th September - Penmaen to Oxwich Churches Walk MEET: 1.00pm, Penmaen Church LEADER: Mumbles Tourist Information, 01792 361302 DETAILS: Join Adele Cunningham for a 41/2 hour walk and tour of three Gower churches. Mon 19th September - Blackpill to Mumbles Walk ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 2.00pm, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Mumbles Tourist Information, 01792 361302 DETAILS: An informative walk along the Promenade from Blackpill to Oystermouth square with the SPIN Project. Tue 20th September - Bishop’s Wood to Brandy Cove 3.30–5.30pm, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: A walk from the Countryside Centre to the Brandy Cove mine. MEET: Wed 21st September - Port Eynon Dunes Walk & Porpoise Watch MEET: 10.00am–12.30pm, Port Eynon car park LEADER: Mumbles Tourist Information, 01792 361302 DETAILS: Explore the sand dunes with Gareth Ellis, of the Nature Conservation Team. Followed by optional two hour porpoise watch dependant on sea conditions. Wed 21st September - Archaeology of Rhossili MEET: 2.00pm, Rhossili, Gower (call for details) LEADER: Mumbles Tourist Information, 01792 361302 DETAILS: 4 hour walk with Dr Edith Evans of the Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust. Thu 22nd September - In Town without My Car Throughout the day in Castle Square and other locations, Swansea LEADER: Rob Wachowski, 01792 636353 DETAILS: Europe-wide event to promote alternative travel, with competitions, adult cycle training, free bike maintenance and bus promotions. MEET: 28 Thu 22nd September - Clyne Gardens Walk ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 2.00pm, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Mumbles Tourist Information, 01792 361302 DETAILS: A walk with SPIN around the Class 1 listed gardens of Clyne. Thu 22nd September - Prehistoric Burial Mounds MEET: 2.00pm, Parkmill, Gower (call for details) LEADER: Mumbles Tourist Information, 01792 361302 DETAILS: 4 hour walk with Dr Edith Evans of the Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust. Fri 23rd September - Historic Swansea MEET: 2.00pm, starting point to be confirmed LEADER: Mumbles Tourist Information, 01792 361302 DETAILS: 11/2 hour walk with Dr Edith Evans of the Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust. Sat 24th September - Reynoldston to Penrice Churches Walk MEET: 10.00am, Reynoldston Church LEADER: Mumbles Tourist Information, 01792 361302 DETAILS: Join Adele Cunningham for a 41/2 hour walk and tour of three Gower churches. Sat 24th September - Youth Conservation Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: For 5–18 year olds; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Cadle Heath conservation work, gardening, light farm site development work, games, arts and crafts. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 24th September - Woodland Craft Market 11.00am–4.00pm, Bishop’s Wood Local Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: See an impressive variety of woodland craft products for sale. MEET: Sun 25th September - Gower Gallop Challenge Walk 7:30am (25 mile) or 9.30am (12 mile), Pennard Sports Pavilion, Pennard, Gower. LEADER: Mike Extence, Swansea Outdoor Group 01792 470629 DETAILS: The popular annual event in its 12th year offers 2 circular walks of 12 or 25 miles. Navigate yourselves around the route, calling at checkpoints along the way. Entry is £5 in advance, £6 on the day, £3.50 junior/unwaged. MEET: Sun 25th September - Cilgerran Wildlife Centre Walk MEET: 10.00am, Cilgerran Wildlife Centre, Cilgerran, Pembs LEADER: Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS: Bird watching walk. Bring packed lunch but no dogs! Beginners and non-members are welcome. Sun 25th September - Marina Walk MEET: 10.30am, County Hall entrance, Oystermouth Road, Swansea LEADER: Mumbles Tourist Information, 01792 361302 DETAILS: A walk with the SPIN Project around Swansea Marina, including the new SA1 Development. 29 October/Hydref Sat 1st October - Guided Walk with the Penllergare Trust ≤ X13 MEET: 2.15pm, Penllergare Valley Woods LEADER: Jenny Eyres, 01558 650416 DETAILS: Explore the remnants of the historic landscape and gardens designed by John Dillwyn Llewelyn in the nineteenth century. Sun 2nd October to Sun 18th December - Follow the Feed MEET: 3.30pm, every Sunday, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust 01554 741087 DETAILS: Every Sunday at 3.30pm join one of our wardens on the afternoon feed. Normal admission prices apply. Sun 2nd October - Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET: 10.00am–12.00 noon, Rosehill Quarry, Mount Pleasant LEADER: Jannie Cherry, 01792 477863 DETAILS: Maintenance of public open space and wildlife area. Mon 3rd October (and every Mon) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Chapel Street Allotments, Gorseinon LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Wed 5th October (and every Wed) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Wed 5th October - Organic Gardening and Biodiversity MEET: 7.00pm, Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Jan Jones, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 234705 DETAILS: A talk by Deb Hill on organic gardening’s contribution to the Local Biodiversity Plan. Thu 6th October (and every Thu) - Farm Hands Volunteer Day MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Adult volunteering day. Gain valuable skills and experience helping to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 8th October - Local Produce Market ≤ 2/37 9.30am–12.30pm, Royal British Legion car park, Newton Road, Mumbles LEADER: Robin Bonham, Mumbles Development Trust, 01792 405169 DETAILS: Local produce market including fresh vegetables, home baking, meats, plants, WI produce and goods etc. MEET: Sun 9th October - Fungus Foray 10.00am–12.00 noon, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones 01792 361703 DETAILS: Searching for and identifying the fungi of Bishop’s Wood. Please bring your own collecting baskets, and book in advance. MEET: 30 Sun 9th October - Swansea Bay Birdwatching ≤ 2/2A/3/3A 10.00am–1.00pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Daphne and Colin Jones, RSPB, 01269 822876 DETAILS: Observe birds from the Centre with the RSPB and Gower Ornithological Society. Binoculars and guides available. MEET: Sun 9th October - Gelli Hir Megabash MEET: 10.00am–4.00pm, Gelli Hir Wood Nature Reserve, Gower LEADER: Kevin Davies, 01656 724100 DETAILS: Join the Wildlife Trust and other local conservation groups to try making charcoal in the traditional way. Please bring old clothes, strong footwear and lunch. Mon 10th October - Thinking Globally, Acting Locally MEET: 6.45pm at a venue to be agreed LEADER: Jenny Newman, Swansea Environmental Forum, 01792 480200 DETAILS: A talk and discussion on issues such as fair trade and sustainable procurement. Tue 11th October - Know Your Knotweed MEET: 7:30pm at the Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Elizabeth May, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales 01792 481143 DETAILS: A talk from Knotweed expert, Sean Hathaway, Nature Conservation Team, City and County of Swansea. Sat 15th October - Grow with Us Farm Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Open for all the family; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Help to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sun 16th October - Laugharne Walk MEET: 9.00am, Laugharne Castle car park LEADER: Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS: Bird watching walk. Bring packed lunch but no dogs! Beginners and non-members are welcome. Fri 21st October - Winter Birds in Holland MEET: 7.30pm, Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Russell Evans, RSPB, 07800 740399 after 5pm DETAILS: Talk by Derek Moore. Entry £1, refreshments 30p. Non- members welcome. Sat 22nd October - Youth Conservation Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: For 5–18 year olds; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Cadle Heath conservation work, gardening, light farm site development work, games, arts and crafts. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. 31 October/Hydref Sat 22nd and Sun 23rd October - Flamingo Festival MEET: 9.30am–5.00pm, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Join the fun, with the Centre celebrating all things pink and flamingos! Have fun with the Flamingo Olympics, Flamingo Croquet and much, much more. Normal admission price applies. Sat 22nd to Sun 30th October - Autumn Fun MEET: 9.30am–5.00pm, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Enjoy your half-term holidays with our fun activities for all the family, including the ‘Big Draw’. Sun 23rd October - Swansea Bay Birdwatching ≤ 2/2A/3/3A 10.00am–1.00pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Daphne and Colin Jones, RSPB, 01269 822876 DETAILS: Observe birds from the Centre with the RSPB and Gower Ornithological Society. Binoculars and guides available. MEET: Sun 30th October - Mumbles Hill Megabash MEET: 10.00am–4.00pm, Bracelet Bay car park LEADER: Gareth Ellis, 01792 635759 DETAILS: Mark the National Make a Difference Day by helping local conservation groups improve the habitat for wildlife on Mumbles Hill Local Nature Reserve. Please bring old clothes, strong footwear and lunch. 32 November/Tachwedd Wed 2nd November (and every Wed) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Wed 2nd November - Quiz Night MEET: 7.00pm, Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Jan Jones, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 234705 DETAILS: Test your knowledge on gardening issues at this fun event. Thu 3rd November (and every Thu) - Farm Hands Volunteer Day MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Adult volunteering day. Gain valuable skills and experience helping to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sun 6th November - Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET: 10.00am–12.00 noon, Rosehill Quarry, Mount Pleasant LEADER: Jannie Cherry, 01792 477863 DETAILS: Maintenance of public open space and wildlife area. Sun 6th November - Swansea Bay Birdwatching ≤ 2/2A/3/3A 10.00am–1.00pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Daphne and Colin Jones, RSPB, 01269 822876 DETAILS: Observe birds from the Centre with the RSPB and Gower Ornithological Society. Binoculars and guides available. MEET: Mon 7th November (and every Mon) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Chapel Street Allotments, Gorseinon LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Tue 8th November - River Birds and Mammals MEET: 7:30pm at the Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Elizabeth May, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales 01792 481143 DETAILS: A talk by Dyfrig Jones, Rivers Officer for the Trust. Sat 12th November - Local Produce Market ≤ 2/37 9.30am–12.30pm, Royal British Legion car park, Newton Road, Mumbles LEADER: Robin Bonham, Mumbles Development Trust, 01792 405169 DETAILS: Local produce market including fresh vegetables, home baking, meats, plants, WI produce and goods etc. MEET: Sat 12th November - Janet Bligh Painting Days MEET: 10.00am–4.00pm, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Painting in the style of Matisse. Bring your own materials. £25 includes lunch but booking essential. 33 November/Tachwedd Sat 12th and Sun 13th November - Welcome the Whoopers and Waders Weekend MEET: 9.30am–5.00pm, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Join staff to welcome the whooper swans and waders to Burry Inlet for the winter season. Events throughout the weekend. Normal admission prices applies. Sun 13th November - Lantern Making 3.00–6.00pm, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: Create your own lantern, with, a lantern procession and story telling in the woods, weather permitting. Please book in advance. MEET: Fri 18th November - RSPB AGM and Talk MEET: 7.30pm, Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Russell Evans, RSPB, 07800 740399 after 5pm DETAILS: Talk by Martin Humphreys. Entry £1, refreshments 30p. Non-members welcome. Sat 19th November - Grow with Us Farm Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Open for all the family; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Help to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Fri 18th to Sun 20th November Beyond TV Film Festival and Green Christmas Fayre A two day programme of alternative films, music and workshops promoting global justice and environmental sustainability. Contact Undercurrents on 01792 455900 for details. Followed on Sunday by the popular Green Fayre with fair traded, ethical and locally produced goods. Refreshments available throughout the weekend. Contact the Environment Centre, 01792 480200, to check venue and times for these events. 34 Sun 20th November - Blackpill and National Wetlands Centre Walk MEET: 8.30am, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS: Bird watching walk. Bring packed lunch but no dogs! Beginners and non-members are welcome. Sun 20th November - Swansea Bay Birdwatching ≤ 2/2A/3/3A 10.00am–1.00pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Daphne and Colin Jones, RSPB, 01269 822876 DETAILS: Observe birds from the Centre with the RSPB and Gower Ornithological Society. Binoculars and guides available. MEET: Sun 20th November - Gower Commons Megabash MEET: 10.00am–4.00pm, place to be confirmed LEADER: Sion Brackenbury, 01792 391670 DETAILS: Help the Gower Commons initiative clear invading scrub to improve the commons habitat. Please bring old clothes, strong footwear and lunch. Sat 26th November - Youth Conservation Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: For 5–18 year olds; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Cadle Heath conservation work, gardening, light farm site development work, games, arts and crafts. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 26th November - Leaf Art, Mulled Wine and Mince Pies MEET: 2.00pm, the Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Sheena Bishop, Gower Society Youth, 01792 555336 DETAILS: Use autumn leaves and craft materials to create cards and gift tags. Free but pre-booking is essential. Bring a drink and snack, dress for the weather but no dogs please. 35 December/Rhagfyr Thu 1st December (and every Thu) - Farm Hands Volunteer Day MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Adult volunteering day. Gain valuable skills and experience helping to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sun 4th December - Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET: 10.00am–12.00 noon, Rosehill Quarry, Mount Pleasant LEADER: Jannie Cherry, 01792 477863 DETAILS: Maintenance of public open space and wildlife area. Sun 4th December - Swansea Bay Birdwatching ≤ 2/2A/3/3A 10.00am–1.00pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill Lido, Swansea LEADER: Daphne and Colin Jones, RSPB, 01269 822876 DETAILS: Observe birds from the Centre with the RSPB and Gower Ornithological Society. Binoculars and guides available. MEET: Sun 4th to Sun 18th December - Santa on a Sunday MEET: 2.00–3.00pm, each Sunday, National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Help Santa feed the birds and then visit him in his grotto. £3 per child includes a gift. Mon 5th December (and every Mon) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Chapel Street Allotments, Gorseinon LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Wed 7th December (and every Wed) - Green Gym ≤ 110-112 MEET: 1.00–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Marcia Coleman, BTCV, 01792 818550 DETAILS: Get fit through gardening and environmental activities. Sat 10th December - Local Produce & Christmas Market ≤ 2/37 9.30am–12.30pm, Royal British Legion car park, Newton Road, Mumbles LEADER: Robin Bonham, Mumbles Development Trust, 01792 405169 DETAILS: Regular local produce market with a Christmas theme and seasonal entertainment. MEET: Sat 10th December - Grow with Us Farm Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: Open for all the family; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Help to develop the small working farm for the benefit of the community. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 10th and Sat 17th December - Christmas Fun 12.00 noon–2pm, both Saturdays at the National Wetlands Centre, Llanelli LEADER: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 01554 741087 DETAILS: Enjoy a Christmas tea party, visit Santa in his grotto and receive a gift, play party games and make a present to take home. £6 per child. All accompanying adults admitted. Booking essential. MEET: 36 Sun 11th December - Dryslwyn Castle and Dinefwr Castle Walk MEET: 10.00am, Dryslwyn Castle car park LEADER: Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS: Bird watching walk. Bring packed lunch but no dogs! Beginners and non-members are welcome. Sun 11th December - Oxwich Bay Megabash MEET: 10.00am–4.00pm, Oxwich National Nature Reserve LEADER: David Painter, Countryside Council for Wales, 07968 838131 DETAILS: Please call for more information. Sun 11th December - Christmas Decorations 10.00am–12.00 noon, Bishop’s Wood Nature Reserve and Centre, Caswell LEADER: Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS: Make Christmas decorations with natural materials. Please book in advance. £2 adults, £1 children includes mince pies. MEET: Tue 13th December - Christmas Pot Luck Lunch MEET: 1.00pm, Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Jan Jones, Swansea Organic Gardening Group, 01792 234705 DETAILS: Contact leader for details. Tue 13th December - Annual Christmas Wildlife Quiz MEET: 7:30pm at the Environment Centre, Swansea LEADER: Elizabeth May, Wildlife Trust of S. & W. Wales 01792 481143 DETAILS: Bring a team to beat last years’ winners and enjoy a glass of mulled wine. Quizmaster to be announced. Sat 17th December - Youth Conservation Day ≤ 110-112 MEET: 10.00am–3.00pm, Swansea Community Farm LEADER: Swansea Community Farm, 01792 578384 DETAILS: For 5–18 year olds; call for details of age restrictions and consent requirements. Cadle Heath conservation work, gardening, light farm site development work, games, arts and crafts. Wear suitable clothing. Refreshments available but please bring lunch. Sat 17th December - Beach Survey and Beach Clean MEET: 10.30am, Whiteford Beach, Gower LEADER: J. Darbyshire, Gower Society, 01792 207254 DETAILS: A survey and removal of items washed up on the beach. Part of the Marine Conservation Society’s Adopt a Beach scheme. Sun 18th December - Swansea Bay Birdwatching ≤ 2/2A/3/3A MEET: 10.00am–1.00pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill, Swansea LEADER: Daphne and Colin Jones, RSPB, 01269 822876 DETAILS: Observe birds from the Centre with the RSPB and Gower Ornithological Society. Binoculars and guides available. 37 Further Information British Trust for Conservation Volunteers Cymru Community Projects Lea Halborg, BTCV Cymru, The Environment Centre Pier Street, Swansea SA1 1RY Tel: 01792 456224 Green Gym Marcia Coleman, Tel: 01792 818550 Providing opportunities to get involved in local conservation projects. City and County of Swansea Environment Department Nature Conservation Team Deb Hill, Tel: 01792 635749 Protecting and enhancing areas of ecological and landscape importance in Swansea for the benefit of people and wildlife. Bishops Wood Countryside Centre Dai Morris & Karen Jones Tel: 01792 361703 Countryside Centre at local nature reserve. Cycling and Walking Officer Rob Wachowski, Tel: 01792 636353 Promoting more sustainable transportation. Waste Minimisation & Recycling Owain Griffiths and Andy Eager Tel: 01792 635600 Promoting sustainable waste management. Regeneration Department Community Parks Officers Gareth Thomas, Tel: 01792 635407 Promoting the use of parks in Swansea. Cyclist Touring Club Martin Brain, 300 Swansea Road, Waunarlwydd, Swansea SA5 4SL Tel: 01792 207800 CTC is the biggest cycling club in the UK. The local group organises rides every week as well as social events and holidays. The Environment Centre Gareth Evans, Pier Street, Swansea, SA1 1RY Tel: 01792 480200 The Environment Centre is a focus for environmental information, education and activity in south-west Wales. Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust Sue Hughes, Heathfield House, Heathfield, Swansea SA1 6EL Tel: 01792 655208 Working to protect, record and interpret our archaeological and historical inheritance. Gower Commons Initiative Siôn Brackenbury, The Estate Office, Little Reynoldston Farm, Gower SA3 1AQ Tel: 01792 391670 A partnership of local and national organisations working together to conserve Gower’s heathland heritage. Gower Ornithological Society A. M. Jones, 24 Hazel Road Uplands, Swansea SA2 0LX Tel: 01792 298859 A society with a program of talks and field trips for those interested in birds. Gower Society J. Darbyshire, Tel: 01792 207254 A full year’s programme of talks and walks. Gower Society Youth Sheena Bishop, Tel: 01792 555336 A programme of events for young people. Mumbles Development Trust Terry Scales, 4 Dunns Lane, SPIN Project Mumbles SA3 4AA Mark Blackmore, Tel: 01792 635469 Tel: 01792 361012 Enhancing visitor enjoyment of Swansea Bay. Working for the regeneration of Mumbles and Sustainable Development Unit supporting community self-help projects. Penny Quaile, Tel: 01792 635600 Seeking to promote sustainable development The National Trust Nicky Middleton-Jones, Estate Office, in the council’s activities and strategies. Little Reynoldston Farm, Reynoldston, Specialist Parks Team Gower SA3 1AQ Tel: 01792 390636 Steve Hopkins, Tel: 01792 298637 Inspiring understanding & enjoyment of the Managing Swansea’s premiere horticultural sites. historic & natural environment. 38 Design: Ridler Webster 01792 700070 Blackpill Wildlife Centre Daphne and Colin Jones Tel: 01269 822876 Based in the lifeguard hut at Blackpill Lido and staffed on two Sunday each month between October and Easter. A joint project between RSPB, Gower Ornithological Society and Swansea Council. Penllergare Trust Jenny Eyre, Coed Glantawe, Esgairdawe, Llandeilo SA19 7RT Tel: 01558 650416 A local group working to restore the old Penllergare Estate and create a public park. Rosehill Quarry Group Jannie Cherry, Tel: 01792 477863 Rosehill Quarry Community Park is a wildlife area and recreational space for those living in and around Mount Pleasant and Townhill. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Maggie Cornelius, 25 Taliesin Place, Loughor Swansea SA4 6GJ Tel: 01792 229244 The local RSPB Members Group holds walks and talks open to all members of the public. Sustrans David Judd, The Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea SA1 1RY Tel: 01792 467954 Aiming to reduce dependence on the car and encourage more walking and cycling. Swansea and District Organic Gardening Group Jan Jones, Tel: 01792 234705 The group has regular meetings to promote and support organic gardening methods. Swansea Canal Society Clive Reed, 17 Smithfield Rd., Pontardawe, Swansea SA8 4LA Tel: 01792 830782 Volunteer society whose aims are the restoration of the Swansea Canal for urban regeneration and community amenity use. Swansea Civic Society Eileen Walton, c/o Sylfaen Cynefin, 8 Salubrious Passage, Swansea SA1 3RT Tel: 01792 646467 Encouraging high standards of architecture and town planning in Swansea. Swansea Community Farm Carrie Barlow, 2 Pontarddulais Road, Fforestfach, Swansea SA5 4BA Tel: 01792 578384 A small working farm for the benefit of the local community in Cadle, Fforestfach; there are opportunities for volunteers and a range of activities for children and young people. Swansea Environmental Forum Jenny Newman, The Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea SA1 1RY Tel: 01792 480200 An association of organisations and individuals working together to initiate, develop and coordinate environmental action. Swansea Outdoor Group Mike Extence, Tel: 01792 470629 This local Youth Hostel Association group organise a wide variety of outdoor activities and social events. Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust Nigel Williams, National Wetlands Centre Wales, Llanelli SA14 9SH Tel: 01554 741087 Spectacular bird life all year round with a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales Elizabeth May, Tel: 01792 481143 Encouraging people to enjoy, understand and respect Glamorgan’s environment and wildlife. Swansea Environmental Education Forum Fforum Addysg yr Amgylchedd Abertawe SEEF can offer a range of services and resources for schools, youth and adult groups, businesses, the general public and other organisations. For more information, contact Anita Houten, The Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea SA1 1RY Tel: 01792 469817. 39 Swansea Environmental Education Forum Fforum Addysg yr Amgylchedd Abertawe PUBLISHED BY Swansea Environmental Education Forum and the City & County of Swansea Environment Department APRIL 2005 SUPPORTED BY Printed on Recycled Paper