artist directory - Rockford Art Museum
artist directory - Rockford Art Museum
GREENWICH GREENWICH MAIN MAIN STAGE STAGE GREENWICH GREENWICH AFTER AFTER HOURS HOURS @ POINT @ POINT BARBAR SAT, SAT, SEPT SEPT 17 17 SATSAT 6–86–8 PM PM | CASH | CASH BAR,BAR, DJ FUZZ DJ FUZZ Sponsored Sponsored by Mary’s by Mary’s Place Place Sponsored Sponsored by Kortman by Kortman Gallery, Gallery, Octane Octane Interlounge Interlounge 11:30–12:30 11:30–12:30 Rockford Rockford Dance Dance Company Company 1:00–2:00 1:00–2:00 Taboo Taboo BlahBlah BlahBlah 2:30–3:30 2:30–3:30 Mary Mary J. Harris J. Harris TrioTrio 4:00–5:00 4:00–5:00Dave Dave Sadtler Sadtler 5:30–6:30 5:30–6:30 TheThe Lukewarm Lukewarm ClubClub of America of America EMERGING EMERGING ARTIST ARTIST BOOTH BOOTH @ POINT @ POINT BARBAR Booth Booth sponsored sponsored by Better by Better Business Business Bureau Bureau of Rockford, of Rockford, Award Award sponsored sponsored by Kortman by Kortman Gallery Gallery & J.R. & Kortman J.R. Kortman Center Center for Design for Design ARTISTS: ARTISTS: Jacob Jacob Polhill, Polhill, Nathan Nathan Smith, Smith, JoeJoe Tallman, Tallman, Alison Alison Weust Weust SUN, SUN, SEPT SEPT 18 18 11:30–12:30 11:30–12:30 Andrew Andrew Robinson Robinson 1:00–2:00 1:00–2:00 Derek Derek Luttrell Luttrell 2:30–3:30 2:30–3:30 Patte Patte Lund Lund TrioTrio 4:004:00 –5:00 –5:00TheThe Lone Lone Canary Canary RAM RAM MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP BOOTH BOOTH FOOD FOOD + DRINK + DRINK G1 Cellar G1 Cellar Door Door Designs, Designs, G2 Soap G2 Soap of the of the Earth, Earth, G3 CACAOCUVÉE, G3 CACAOCUVÉE, G4 Candle G4 Candle Crest Crest SoySoy Candles, Candles, G5 The G5 The Beaded Beaded Zoo,Zoo, G6 Annette’s G6 Annette’s Italian Italian Cookies, Cookies, G7 Wind G7 Wind Ridge Ridge Herb Herb Farm, Farm, G8 Dip’n G8 Dip’n Good Good DipsDips JoinJoin or renew or renew membership membership to Rockford to Rockford Art Museum Art Museum GOURMET GOURMET MARKETPLACE MARKETPLACE Pizza, Pizza, F3 We-B-Popp’n F3 We-B-Popp’n Kettle Kettle Korn, Korn, F4 Hey F4 Hey Brothers Brothers Ice Ice VILLAGE VILLAGE PUB PUB CREATIONS CREATIONS BYBY KIDS KIDS “SUPERHERO “SUPERHERO STATION” STATION” SATSAT 10–5, 10–5, SUNSUN 10–4 10–4 | $1 |per $1 per activity activity or $5 orfor $5 all for6all 6 Grilled Grilled favorites, favorites, sodas, sodas, icediced teasteas andand LaMonica LaMonica brands brands KORTMAN KORTMAN GALLERY GALLERY POINT POINT BAR BAR Signature Signature cocktails, cocktails, mixed mixed drinks, drinks, winewine andand beerbeer 2016 2016 ART ART RAFFLE RAFFLE LIVE LIVE MUSIC MUSIC @ POINT @ POINT BARBAR DRAWING: DRAWING: SUN, SUN, 4 PM 4 PM TICKETS TICKETS AT INFO AT INFO BOOTH BOOTH $5 each $5 each or 3or for3 $10 for $10 Proceeds Proceeds benefit benefit RAM, RAM, need need not not be present be present to win to win SAT,SAT, 12:00–1:00 12:00–1:00 Mark Mark Sturm Sturm SAT,SAT, 1:30–2:30 1:30–2:30 Austin Austin KarrKarr SUN, SUN, 12:00–1:00 12:00–1:00 StanStan RileyRiley 2016 2016 JUDGE JUDGE NATHAN NATHAN KEAY KEAY AWARDS: AWARDS: BestBest of Show, of Show, Judge’s Judge’s Choice, Choice, Honorable Honorable Mention Mention BISTRO BISTRO BREAKFAST BREAKFAST @ POINT @ POINT BARBAR Sponsored Sponsored by Hinshaw by Hinshaw & Culbertson & Culbertson LLP, LLP, Prorok Prorok LawLaw SATSAT + SUN + SUN | 11 |AM–2 11 AM–2 PM,PM, $7 $7 Made-to-order Made-to-order crepes crepes on Saturday, on Saturday, omelets omelets on Sunday on Sunday 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 23 24 11 12 13 8 2011 1920 1819 12 17 1413 1514 1615 9 8 109 10 18 25 24 25 17 26 26 16 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 - - - VENDORVENDOR FAIR FAIR VILLAGEVILLAGE PUB PUB 38 37 37 36 36 35 35 34 34 33 33 32 32 31 31 83 84 83 84 46 3938 39 4746 4847 ATM 48 45 45 49 49 44 44 50 50 43 43 51 51 42 42 52 52 41 90 89 41 53 91 90 92 89 53 91 92 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 98 97 99 98 100 97 ATM 74 7574 7675 BISTROBISTRO 67 67 66 66 73 77 73 77 65 65 72 72 78 78 64 64 71 71 79 79 POINT BAR POINT BAR 63 63 70 70 80 80 62 62 69 69 81 81 61 61 68 82 68 82 99 100 106 RAM NPR RAMRRT NPR RRT 106 126 126 127 127 134 105 105 125 125 128 128 133 134 133 76 S S MUSIC STAGE 2 2322 - EMERGING ARTISTS INFO 22 21 1 INFO 21 - ARTISTARTIST EMERGING ARTISTS 1 - MUSIC STAGE MAIN MAIN ENTRANCE ENTRANCE 2016 2016 MAP MAP KEY KEY F1 135 142 136 141 136 F2 F3 F3 F4 F4 G8 G8 G7 G7 G6 G6 G5 G5 F1 F5 135 F2 F5 142 141 85 85 88 93 88 93 96 96 101 101 104 104 124 124 129 132 129 132 137 140 137 GOURMET GOURMETG4 140 MARKETPLACE MARKETPLACE 86 86 87 87 94 94 95 102 95 102 103 103 123 123 130 130 131 131 139 138 139 138 PARKING PARKING ONLYONLY 108110 109111 110112 111113 112114 113115 107 108 107109 114 115 116 117 116118 117119 118120 120122 121 122 119121 Colored Colored blocks blocks on this onmap this correspond map correspond with the withartist’s the artist’s colored colored border border in theindirectory the directory on the onother the other side. side. CREATIONS CREATIONS BY KIDSBY KIDS RC PRESENTING PRESENTING SPONSOR SPONSOR ALPINE ALPINE BANK BANK The The Rockford Rockford Art Museum Art Museum IN-KIND IN-KIND SPONSORS SPONSORS (cont.) (cont.) Der Der Rathskeller Rathskeller recognize recognize and and appreciate appreciate Dr. Stillwater Dr. Stillwater Company Company Alpine Alpine Bank’s Bank’s 23 years 23 years of of D-Zine D-Zine Company Company leadership leadership and and dedication dedication Edwards Edwards Apple Apple Orchard Orchard to Greenwich to Greenwich Village Village Art Fair Art Fair Great Great Harvest Harvest Bread Bread Company Company as itsasPresenting its Presenting Sponsor. Sponsor. Harlem Harlem HS Key HS Key ClubClub We thank We thank Alpine Alpine BankBank and and Hinshaw Hinshaw & Culbertson & Culbertson LLP LLP its many its many volunteers volunteers for their for their contributions contributions to the to continued the continued Kortman Kortman Gallery Gallery & J.R. & J.R. success success of the of fair. the fair. Kortman Kortman Center Center for Design for Design LaMonica LaMonica Beverages Beverages PREMIER PREMIER SPONSORS SPONSORS Magpie Magpie Dean Dean AlanAlan Olson Olson Foundation Foundation Mary’s Mary’s Place Place GreenFire GreenFire Meridian Meridian Implement Implement The The RockRock RiverRiver Times Times MI-BOX MI-BOX Moving Moving & Mobile & Mobile Storage Storage of Rockford of Rockford SUPPORTING SUPPORTING SPONSORS SPONSORS Mrs.Mrs. Fisher’s Fisher’s Inc. Inc. Bradford Bradford Systems Systems Octane Octane Interlounge Interlounge Northern Northern Public Public Radio Radio WNIJ/ WNIJ/ The The Olympic Olympic Tavern Tavern WNIU WNIU Pizza Pizza Hut Hut OSFOSF SaintSaint Anthony Anthony Medical Medical RockRock RiverRiver Service Service Center Center Rockford Rockford Christian Christian School School Rasmussen Rasmussen College College Art Students Rockford Rockford MassMass Transit Transit District District Art Students Rockford City City Market Market Rockford Rockford Mutual Mutual Insurance Insurance Rockford Rockford Rockford ParkPark District District Company Company SAVOR–BMO SAVOR–BMO Harris Harris JoanJoan Stonecipher Stonecipher Center Center SwedishAmerican SwedishAmerican Foundation Foundation BankBank Stone Stone Eagle Eagle Tavern Tavern and and Vitale Vitale CONTRIBUTING CONTRIBUTING SPONSORS SPONSORS Jim Jim Trickie Trickie Enterprises Enterprises Better Better Business Business Bureau Bureau of of Vintage Vintage @ 501 @ 501 Rockford Rockford KeepKeep Northern Northern Illinois Illinois AWARD AWARD SPONSORS SPONSORS Beautiful Beautiful BEST BEST OF SHOW OF SHOW Larson Larson & Darby & Darby Group Group Lon Lon and and DickDick BehrBehr PeakPeak Fitness Fitness Inc. Inc. Perryville Perryville Pet Hospital Pet Hospital JUDGE’S JUDGE’S CHOICE CHOICE Rockford Rockford Association Association IN-KIND IN-KIND SPONSORS SPONSORS for Minority for Minority Management Management Auburn Auburn HS Key HS Key ClubClub WilliamsMcCarthy LLP LLP Auburn Auburn HS National HS National Honor Honor WilliamsMcCarthy Wipfli Wipfli LLP LLP Society Society Women’s Women’s Art Board Art Board Boylan Boylan Catholic Catholic HS Art HS Art of Rockford of Rockford Art Museum Art Museum Students Students Boylan Boylan Catholic Catholic HS National HS National HONORABLE HONORABLE MENTION MENTION Honor Honor Society Society RiverRiver District District Association Association Breakthru Breakthru Beverage Beverage Cherry Cherry Valley Valley SignSign Company Company list aslist of as print of print date date Custom Custom Copy Copy & Printing & Printing Deli Deli ItaliaItalia 2016 2016 STEERING STEERING COMMITTEE COMMITTEE DAVID DAVID POTTER, POTTER, CHAIRMAN CHAIRMAN SCOTT SCOTT PRINE, PRINE, PASTPAST CHAIRMAN CHAIRMAN Nathan Nathan Arroyave, Arroyave, BarbBarb Berman, Berman, Stephanie Stephanie Caltagerone, Caltagerone, LindaLinda Cevene, Cevene, Christy Christy Evans, Evans, MaryMary Jo Hare, Jo Hare, Sally Sally Jones, Jones, Jim Klinger, Jim Klinger, JerryJerry Kortman, Kortman, Amanda Amanda Lander, Lander, Jan Mackey, Jan Mackey, Anthony Anthony Mencarini, Mencarini, Marcia Marcia Mueller, Mueller, Moon Tree byby Deb &by Martin ArtMartin Moon Tree Moon Tree Deb & Deb Martin & Art Art DEAN ALAN OLSON FOUNDATION DEAN DEAN ALAN ALAN OLSON OLSON FOUNDATION FOUNDATION Doc Doc Slafkosky, Slafkosky, Pam Pam Solberg, Solberg, KevinKevin Talbott, Talbott, Rick Rick Zwicky Zwicky G4 G3 G3 THANK THANK YOU! YOU! G2 G2 G1 G1 Greenwich Greenwich Village Village Art Fair ArtisFair theislongest-running the longest-running art fair artoffair itsof kind its kind in thein the Midwest. Midwest. This Rockford This Rockford Art Museum Art Museum fundraiser fundraiser would would not be not possible be possible without without the 200+ the 200+ volunteers volunteers that make that make it happen it happen – and– supporters and supporters like you! like you! RC SEPT SEPT SEPT17 1717& &&18, 18, 18,2016 2016 2016 SAT SAT SAT10-6 10-6 10-6|| |SUN SUN SUN10-5 10-5 10-5 VALERIE ABRAMAT Jewelry Winnebago, IL BOOTH 12 DIANA ALEXANDER Mixed Media 3-D Roscoe, IL BOOTH 129 JOHN AMES Mixed Media 2-D Chicago, IL BOOTH 109 DALIA ANCEVICIUS Painting Oak Lawn, IL BOOTH 11 LARRY ANDERSON Wood Lake Zurich, IL BOOTH 42 RUSS ERICKSON Mixed Media 2-D Naperville, IL BOOTH 139 MATHEW HUTCHINS Photography Portage, IN BOOTH 120 SHARON BURNS Jewelry Madison, WI BOOTH 56 MICHELE FRIEDMAN Jewelry Chicago, IL BOOTH 110 INGRID HYDE Painting Rockford, IL BOOTH 83 BRENNA BUSSE Mixed Media 3-D Minneapolis, MN BOOTH 65 JOYCE FRITZ Jewelry Green Bay, WI BOOTH 9 JOLENE BRYDON Mixed Media 3-D Rockford, IL BOOTH 108 @socksthatrockdolls DEBRA CAPRIOLA Mixed Media 2-D Rockford, IL BOOTH 4 DIANNE + CHUCK GEIER Mixed Media 3-D New Lenox, IL BOOTH 99 ROBERT CHOLKE Photography Rockford, IL BOOTH 5 JANICE GILKEY Painting Fort Atkinson, WI BOOTH 25 @robertcholkephotography MICHAEL ANDERSON + COLLIN MURRAY Mixed Media 2-D Madison, WI BOOTH 28 RON CLEVENGER Mixed Media 2-D Machesney Park, IL BOOTH 33 AUDRA BAADE Jewelry Milwaukee, WI BOOTH 113 KELLY COLE Fiber | Leather Fort Wayne, IN BOOTH 89 JACQUELINE GOMEZ Glass Edwardsville, IL BOOTH 135 SHAWN BARBAGALLO Ceramics South Beloit, IL BOOTH 141/142 @rakugoldpottery MARY BARGE Jewelry St. Louis, MO BOOTH 36 SALEM BARKER Sculpture South Beloit, IL BOOTH 61 JAMES BECIA Photography Mt. Horeb, WI BOOTH 44/45 JACQUELINE BEVAN Jewelry Round Lake Beach, IL BOOTH 32 VILMA BIRBILAITE Jewelry Chicago, IL BOOTH 51 CAMERON GILLIE Photography Madison, WI BOOTH 95 RICK CORTEZ Mixed Media 3-D La Grange Park, IL BOOTH 126 @cortezdesigninc RONALD GROBERT Photography Warrenville, IL BOOTH 1/2 GEORGE BRAGG Metal Panama City Beach, FL BOOTH 24 STEVE BREWSTER Sculpture Poteau, OK BOOTH 116 KIARALINDA Metal Safety Harbor, FL BOOTH 66 MARLENE KLECKLER Jewelry Davis, IL BOOTH 119 the_celtic_butterfly_shop MACKENZIE KNABE Mixed Media 2-D Belvidere, IL BOOTH 137 NORM KNOTT Mixed Media 2-D Rockford, IL BOOTH 104 CHARLES KRAUS Sculpture Wauwatosa, WI BOOTH 111 DICK DAHLSTROM Painting Wheaton, IL BOOTH 106 JEFF HART Wood Aurora, IL BOOTH 13 MARILYN LAMAR Jewelry Rockford, IL BOOTH 75 BOB DECKER Photography Wapello, IA BOOTH 67 GARY HARTSFIELD Painting Nashville, TN BOOTH 60 CYNTHIA LINNABARY Ceramics Roscoe, IL BOOTH 27 INNA DERIY Mixed Media 2-D Naperville, IL BOOTH 90 TERRI + EDWARD DEVOE Jewelry Seymour, IN BOOTH 115 JENNIFER VOLKODAV Jewelry Northfield, IL BOOTH 101 MIKE MURRAY Photography Deforest, WI BOOTH 123 PAMELA SIEHR Fiber | Leather Madison, WI BOOTH 31 KIRSTEN WALSTEAD Ceramics Minneapolis, MN BOOTH 47 EILEEN MCDANIEL Ceramics Wautoma, WI BOOTH 6 DON NEDOBECK Painting DeLand, FL BOOTH 43 AMY SIMPSON Glass Elgin, IL BOOTH 98 JASON WASHA Wood Dodgeville, WI BOOTH 17 KARI MCDONALD Mixed Media 2-D Rockford, IL BOOTH 91 HIRONOBU NISHITATENO Ceramics Loves Park, IL BOOTH 79 CAMERON SMITH + JAN THOMAS Glass Murphysboro, IL BOOTH 74 ADAM WEISS Metal Fort Calhoun, NE BOOTH 121/122 SUSAN OTTERSON Fiber | Leather Janesville, WI BOOTH 54 CHRISTINE SONG Painting New Berlin, WI BOOTH 10 SCOTT WESTGARD Drawing | Works on Paper CONSTANCE PELZEK Painting Hales Corners, WI BOOTH 37 TERESA SORIANO Glass Middleton, WI BOOTH 112 MELISSA MASON Drawing | Works on Paper Loves Park, IL BOOTH 35 MICHELLE MOSS Jewelry Stevens Point, WI BOOTH 26 CHRIS MCCARTHY Glass St. Louis, MO BOOTH 30 CINDY MCDOUGALL Jewelry Fergus Falls, MN BOOTH 87 JAY MCDOUGALL Wood Otter Tail County, MN BOOTH 94 LAURA MEDDAUGH Painting Madison, WI BOOTH 81 BARRY REITHMEIER Mixed Media 2-D Rockford, IL BOOTH 103 JOHN STOECKLEY Drawing | Works on Paper Louisiana, MO BOOTH 48 KIM WILSON Jewelry Fox Point, WI BOOTH 140 PAUL MEDDAUGH Photography Madison, WI BOOTH 80 ANNA REPKE Fiber | Leather Chillicothe, IL BOOTH 131 ANN STOEVER Jewelry Beloit, WI BOOTH 78 RON MELLOTT Photography Bloomington, IN BOOTH 68 JANUS ROSE Mixed Media 2-D Rockford, IL BOOTH 55 KEN SWANSON Drawing | Works on Paper Racine, WI BOOTH 77 JOSH MERRILL Photography Lisle, IL BOOTH 23 DEBRA EHMANN + MARTIN ROWE Photography Rhinelander, WI BOOTH 86 GAIL + DALE HORN Photography Hawthorn Woods, IL BOOTH 38 MARIE MAHAN Fiber | Leather Elkhart Lake, WI BOOTH 125 JUDITH + JIM MILLER Ceramics Clear Lake, IA BOOTH 82 SABINA EPHRAIM Ceramics Capron, IL BOOTH 53 TODD HUGHES Wood Grand Mound, IA BOOTH 49 VERONICA MARTENS Jewelry Chicago, IL BOOTH 132 CLAUDIA WINTER Jewelry Long Grove, IL BOOTH 92 TESS YEAGER Jewelry Noblesville, IN BOOTH 124 KIM RUSSELL Drawing | Works on Paper Spring Green, WI BOOTH 88 KAREN TERHUNE Sculpture Shepherdsville, KY BOOTH 73 BETSY YOUNGQUIST Mixed Media 3-D Rockford, IL BOOTH 63 Mixed Media 2-D Janesville, WI BOOTH 52 LINDA THEVENOT Jewelry Naperville, IL BOOTH 96 CHARLIE YOWELL Sculpture Dunlap, TN BOOTH 39 DEMETRA SALOUTOS Metal Stoughton, WI BOOTH 107 KATE TILLMAN Photography Lakeville, IN BOOTH 133 CARMEN ZAJICEK Mixed Media 3-D DeForest, WI BOOTH 46 SABRINA ZHOU Painting Camel, IN BOOTH 59 STEPHEN MINECK Glass Vinton, IA BOOTH 85 DEE SANTORINI Painting Belvidere, IL BOOTH 114 PATTY TIRY Jewelry Palmyra, WI BOOTH 134 ERIKA MOCK Fiber | Leather Duluth, MN BOOTH 72 JILL SCALES Fiber | Leather Elk Grove Village, IL BOOTH 102 LAVETTA TORKE Fiber | Leather Bayfield, WI BOOTH 34 WENDY ZUMPANO Drawing | Works on Paper Gurnee, IL BOOTH 8 SYLVIA WESTGARD Drawing | Works on Paper COLLEEN WILLIAMS Ceramics Chattanooga, TN BOOTH 97 DARYL HARWOOD Mixed Media 3-D Panama City Beach, FL BOOTH 18 DEBORAH HORGAN Jewelry Glendale, WI BOOTH 69 BOOTH 15 ANGEL STEEGE Mixed Media 2-D Belvidere, IL BOOTH 58 CHARLOTTE MILLER Painting Mukwonago, WI BOOTH 100 NOVA MACKENTLEY Photography Paradise, MI BOOTH 19 ANN PREY Jewelry Nekoosa, WI BOOTH 7 JAMES MEADE Photography Richmond, KY BOOTH 41 MARK DREYER Wood Aurora, IL BOOTH 29 BOOTH 14 HENRY LITCHFIELD Jewelry Peoria, IL BOOTH 105 Fiber | Leather Rockford, IL BOOTH 16 BRIAN HORAN Photography La Grange Park, IL BOOTH 71 KAREN VAUGHN HARDING Mixed Media 2-D Rockford, IL BOOTH 20 ALAN CRING Photography Normal, IL BOOTH 128 JEFF SHAWHAN Ceramics Racine, WI BOOTH 127 JOHN LAMAR Metal Rockford, IL BOOTH 76 BEVERLY BROYLES Painting Rockford, IL BOOTH 93 CHRIS JENSEN Jewelry Oak Creek, WI BOOTH 130 TOM GUIRL Ceramics Belvidere, IL BOOTH 117/118 PAUL VAN DUYN Mixed Media 3-D Anderson, IN BOOTH 138 SYDNEY KRIEGER Fiber | Leather Cambridge, WI BOOTH 57 VENUS CRAMER Jewelry Elmhurst, IL BOOTH 84 CECELIA BLENKER Painting Waukesha, WI BOOTH 22 ANNE MORRIS Mixed Media 2-D Moline, IL BOOTH 62 WILLIAM SCHUELER, JR. Wood Hartland, WI BOOTH 21 Painting Roscoe, IL BOOTH 50 ANNIE MOHAUPT Wood Chicago, IL BOOTH 136 MICHAEL SCHAEL Ceramics Cambridge, WI BOOTH 70 @lavettas-creative-threads THOMAS TRAUSCH Painting Woodstock, IL BOOTH 3 Colored borders represent location on map. list as of print date
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Colored borders represent artist location on the map.
Drawing | Works on Paper
Grand Rapids, MI