2011 Journal-Yearbook - Illinois Great Rivers Conference
2011 Journal-Yearbook - Illinois Great Rivers Conference
Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Official Journal-Yearbook of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference (Illinois Area) The United Methodist Church The Fifteenth Session (189th Session, Counting Antecedent Annual Conferences, since the formulation of the Illinois Conference in 1824, which included the area of Central and Southern Illinois Annual Conferences) of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. 2011 Gregory V. Palmer Presiding Bishop P. O. Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794-9207 Alice J. Shirley Conference Secretary Journal-Yearbook Editor P.O. Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794-9207 Richard A. VanGiesen Annual Conference Treasurer and Director of Administrative Services P. O. Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794-9207 ©Illinois Great Rivers Conference. All rights reserved i Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Bishop Gregory V. Palmer Bishop Gregory V. Palmer was born on August 8, 1954. He was educated in Philadelphia public schools and earned his B.A. from George Washington University in 1976. He has a Master of Divinity from Duke University (1979) and an Honorary Doctor of Divinity from Baldwin-Wallace College (1999). Bishop Palmer was elected a deacon and probationary member in the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference in 1977 and ordained elder in the East Ohio Conference in 1981. In both conferences he served a number of local churches. In 1990 he was appointed District Superintendent of the Youngstown (OH) District and was elected bishop by the North Central Jurisdiction in 2000. Before coming to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference in 2008, Bishop Palmer was the episcopal leader of Iowa Annual Conference. Bishop Palmer is married to Cynthia, and the two have two grown children: Monica and Aaron. In addition to his episcopal responsibilities in the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, Bishop Palmer served as President of the Council of Bishops (20082010). ii Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Table of Contents Officers-Boards-Committees................................................ 7 Officers ..................................................................................................................8 Conference Directors and Coordinators.............................................................9 District Superintendents.....................................................................................10 Other Directors.................................................................................................... 11 Conference Elected Leaders .............................................................................12 Board of Church and Society.........................................................................12 Board of Global Ministries..............................................................................12 Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry..........................................12 Board of Higher Education Task Force...........................................................13 Board of Laity (Lay Network Leadership Team).............................................13 Board of Ordained Ministry............................................................................13 Board of Pensions and Health Benefits.........................................................14 Board of Trustees...........................................................................................14 Council on Finance and Administration..........................................................15 Equpping and Connecting Team....................................................................15 Commission on Archives and History.............................................................16 Commission on Camping...............................................................................16 Commission on Communications...................................................................16 Commission on Equitable Compensation......................................................17 Commission on Religion and Race................................................................17 Commission on Status and Role of Women...................................................17 Committee on Administrative Review.............................................................17 Committee on Africa University Partnership...................................................18 Committee on Alain Rocourt Endowment Promotion.....................................18 Committee on Annual Conference Session...................................................18 Committee on Congregational Development.................................................18 Committee on Deaf and Hearing Impaired.....................................................19 Committee on Disaster Response.................................................................19 Committee on Ethnic Local Church Concerns...............................................19 Committee on Episcopacy.............................................................................19 Committee on Episcopal Residence..............................................................20 Committee on Evangelism.............................................................................20 Committee on Health and Welfare.................................................................20 Committee on Hispanic Ministry.....................................................................20 Committee on Investigation of a Clergy Member...........................................21 Committee on Journal Publication.................................................................21 Committee on Native American Ministry........................................................21 Committee on Nominations............................................................................21 Committee on Older Adult Ministries..............................................................22 Committee on Pastoral Care and Counseling................................................22 Committee on Personnel................................................................................22 Committee on Shalom Zones.........................................................................22 Committee on Specialized Ministries.............................................................23 Committee on Standing Rules.......................................................................23 Rural Fellowship Team...................................................................................23 Volunteers in Mission Support Team..............................................................23 District Elected Leaders.....................................................................................24 District Lay Leaders.......................................................................................24 District Directors of Lay Speaking..................................................................24 District Boards of Church Location and Building............................................24 District Committees on Ordained Ministry......................................................25 Table of Contents iii Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook District Committees on Superintendency.......................................................27 District Youth Coordinators.............................................................................28 Educational and Ecumenical Organizations.....................................................28 ILLCAAP.........................................................................................................28 Illinois Council of Churches............................................................................28 Wesley Foundation, Eastern Illinois University..............................................28 Wesley Foundation, Illinois State University..................................................28 Wesley Foundation-Student Center, SIU-Carbondale....................................29 Wesley Foundation, University of Illinois-Champaign/Urbana.......................29 Wesley Foundation, Western Illinois University.............................................29 Illinois Wesleyan Board of Trustees...............................................................30 MacMurray College Board of Trustees...........................................................30 McKendree University Board of Trustees.......................................................30 Health and Welfare Institutions..........................................................................30 Sunset Home.................................................................................................30 Wesley Village................................................................................................30 The Baby Fold................................................................................................31 Chaddock.......................................................................................................31 Evenglow Lodge.............................................................................................31 Great Rivers Retirement Serices Corp. (Parent)............................................32 Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House......................................................32 United Methodist Children’s Home.................................................................32 United Methodist Village, Inc..........................................................................33 United Methodist Village Retirement Communities, Inc.................................33 Other Organizations............................................................................................33 College of Christian Life.................................................................................33 Midwest Mission Distribution Center..............................................................34 Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund, Inc................................................34 United Methodist Foundation of the IGRAC...................................................34 United Voices for Children..............................................................................35 Fellowship of UMs in Music and Worship Arts...............................................35 New Streams Team........................................................................................35 IGRC Members of General Agencies.................................................................36 IGRC Members of Jurisdictional Committees..................................................36 IGRC 2012 General Conference Delegation .....................................................36 IGRC 2012 Jurisdictional Conference Delegation............................................36 Lay Member Directory........................................................ 37 Daily Proceedings............................................................... 65 Certification of Daily Proceedings..................................................................86 Legislative Items................................................................ 87 Legislative Item 101: Organizational Motions................................................88 Legislative Item 102: Bar of the Clergy Session............................................89 Legislative Item 103: 2012 Budget – CCFA...................................................89 Legislative Item 104: CCFA Policies and Guidelines..................................106 Legislative Item 105: Conference Board of Pensions..................................108 Legislative Item 106: Long Range Pension Funding Plans.......................... 112 Legislative Item 107: Moving to Medicare D ............................................... 115 Legislative Item 108: SR VI.B.4. Provision of Internet................................ 116 Legislative Item 109: Covenant Equality in Pastoral Housing...................... 117 Legislative Item 110: SR VII.D. – Proceeds of Sale..................................... 117 Legislative Item 111: 2012 Equitable Compensation.................................... 117 Legislative Item 112: Funding for Pastoral Care and Counseling................ 118 Legislative Item 113: 100th Anniversary Wesley Foundation at U of I......... 119 Legislative Item 114: Realigning Conference Personnel Committe............. 120 Legislative Item 115: Location of Annual Conference..................................120 iv Table of Contents Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Legislative Item 116: IGRC Covenant with Chaddock..................................121 Legislative Item 117: Disability Awareness Sunday.....................................126 Legislative Item 118: RIM at IGRC Camping Facilities.................................127 Legislative Item 119: Study of Mandatory Property and Casualty Insurance.127 Legislative Item 120: Discontinuation of Annapolis UMC.............................127 Legislative Item 121: Discontinuation of Flanagan UMC ............................128 Legislative Item 122: Discontinuation of Goodwine UMC............................129 Legislative Item 123: Discontinuation of Johnstown UMC...........................129 Legislative Item 124: Discontinuation of Ramsey UMC...............................130 Legislative Item 125: Discontinuation of South Shores UMC.......................131 Legislative Item 126: Discontinuation of Westervelt UMC............................131 Legislative Item 127: Transfer of Tiskilwa UMC Deed..................................132 Legislative Item 128: Sale of Bridalwood Parsonage...................................133 Legislative Item 129: Sale of Forest Park Parsonage..................................133 Legislative Item 130: Evenglow Covenant...................................................134 Legislative Item 131: Use of Proceeds from Sale of a Parsonage...............138 Legislative Item 201: Care and Protection of God’s Creation......................139 Legislative Item 202: Funding for General Boards and Agencies................ 139 Legislative Item 203: Celebration of Ministry...............................................139 Legislative Item 204: GC Petition: Right to Health Care..............................139 Legislative Item 205: GC Petition: Inclusiveness of Gender Identity............ 140 Legislative Item 206: GC Petition: Prohibition of Bullying............................140 Legislative Item 207: GC Petition: Equal Rights for Gender Identity............ 140 Legislative Item 208: GC Petition: Enhancement of Episcopacy.................140 Business of the Annual Conference.................................. 141 Part I - Organization and General Business.................................................142 Part II - Pertaining to Ordained Ministers and Local Pastors.......................147 Part III Certification in Specialized and Certified Lay Ministry......................165 Part IV Diaconal Ministers............................................................................166 Part V Appointments and Concluding Business...........................................167 Pastoral Appointments..................................................... 171 Ministry Reports............................................................... 193 Appointments Beyond the Local Church........................................................194 Advance Specials..............................................................................................199 Aldersgate Federal Credit Union......................................................................203 Board of Trustees..............................................................................................204 Boston School of Theology..............................................................................205 Candler School of Theology.............................................................................206 Central Conference Pension Initiative (CCPI).................................................207 Chaddock...........................................................................................................208 Commission on Archives and History.............................................................209 Communications Ministry................................................................................. 211 Equipping and Connecting Team.....................................................................215 Africa University Partnership Committee.....................................................215 Congregational Development Team.............................................................215 Ethnic Local Church Concerns Committee..................................................216 Evangelism Committee................................................................................217 Lay Leadership Team...................................................................................217 Mission and Outreach..................................................................................217 New Streams Team......................................................................................220 Older Adult Ministry......................................................................................220 Fellowship of UMs in Music and Worship Arts...............................................221 Garret-Evangelical Theological Seminary......................................................221 Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House......................................................223 Midwest Mission Distribution Center..............................................................224 Table of Contents v Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Pastoral Care and Counseling.........................................................................225 Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund.......................................................229 Preachers’ Mutual Benefit Association...........................................................231 Saint Paul School of Theology.........................................................................232 Treasurer’s Report............................................................................................233 United Methodist Foundation...........................................................................235 United Methodist Women.................................................................................236 United Theological Seminary...........................................................................236 Wesley Foundation at Eastern Illinois University..........................................237 Wesley Foundation at Southern Illinois University........................................238 Leadership Reports.......................................................... 241 Episcopal Address........................................................................................242 Cabinet Address...........................................................................................248 Laity Address................................................................................................252 Memoirs........................................................................... 255 Historical and Official Information................................... 289 Offical Certifications.....................................................................................292 Certificate of Ordination of Elders and Deacon............................................292 Certificate of Commissioning of Probationary Elders...................................292 Historical Annual Conference Sessions.......................................................293 IGRC Policies and Procedures....................................................................294 Vision, Mission, and Strategies....................................................................295 Relational Covenant.....................................................................................296 Conference Secretary Policies.....................................................................297 Congregational Development:......................................................................301 Comprehensive Plan....................................................................................301 Revolving Loan Fund Policy.........................................................................307 Well Child Policy...........................................................................................309 Equitable Compensation Policy...................................................................310 Corrections...................................................................................................312 Standing Rules................................................................. 313 Conference Directory........................................................ 333 Clergy Directory............................................................... 343 Historical Record of Clergy............................................... 409 2010 Statistician’s Report................................................ 505 Cache River.................................................................................................506 Embarras River............................................................................................530 Illinois River..................................................................................................548 Iroquois River...............................................................................................566 Kaskaskia River...........................................................................................584 LaMoine River..............................................................................................608 Mississippi River...........................................................................................626 Sangamon River..........................................................................................644 Spoon River.................................................................................................662 Vermilion River.............................................................................................680 Recapitulation..............................................................................................698 Index............................................................................... 705 vi Table of Contents Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Conference Officers-Boards-Committees Officers - Boards - Committees 7 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Officers of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference Resident Bishop Bishop Gregory V. Palmer, P.O. Box 19215, Springfield, IL 62794-9215 Office: (217) 529-3820 Fax: (217) 529-4190 Email: [email protected] Executive Assistant to the Bishop Rev. John Hartleroad, P.O. Box 19215, Springfield, IL 62794-9215 Office: (217) 529-3820 Fax: (217) 529-4190 Email: [email protected] Annual Conference Secretary Rev. Alice J. Shirley, P.O. Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794-9207 Office: (217) 529-3007 Fax: (217) 529-4150 e-mail: [email protected] Conference Lay Leader Rhonda Whitaker, 1264 Hickory Dr., Neoga, IL 62457-1212 (217) 895-3962 Email: [email protected] Legal Counsel – Conference Chancellor Mr. John A. Kauerauf, P.O. Box 5131, Springfield, IL62705 Office: (217) 544-1144 e-mail: [email protected] United Methodist Women Sally Smith, 902 Eldridge St., Washington 61571-2822 309-444-8516 e-mail: [email protected] United Methodist Men Jim Bolinger Jim Bolinger, 401 S. Park St., Unit 16, PO Box 461, Findlay 62534-0461 217-827-6337 email: [email protected] 8 Officers - Boards - Committees Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Conference Directors and Coordinators Director of Administrative Services Annual Conference Treasurer/Statistician Rev. Richard A. VanGiesen, P.O. Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207 Office: (217) 529-2132 Fax: (217) 529-4107 Email: [email protected] Director of Communications Paul Black, P.O. Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207 (217) 529-2824 Fax: (217) 529-4155 Email: [email protected] Director, Equipping and Connecting Team Rev. Kent Lolling, P.O. Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207 Office: (217)-529-2442 Fax: (217) 529-4155 Email: [email protected] Coordinator, Congregational Development Rev. Michael J. Crawford, P.O. Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207 Office: (217) 529-3219 Fax: (217) 529-4162 Email: [email protected] Coordinator, New Streams Team Rev. Beth Fender, P.O. Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207 Office: (217) 529-2611 Fax: (217) 529-4155 Email: [email protected] Coordinator, Hispanic Ministry Rev. Adrian Garcia, 116 NE Perry Ave., Peoria, IL 61603-3624 Office: (309) 673-3641 Fax (309) 673-3644 Email: [email protected] Interim Coordinator, Camping and Retreat Ministries Rev. Alice J. Shirley, P.O. Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207 Office: (217) 529-2646 Fax: (217) 529-4150 Email: [email protected] Coordinator, Missions and Outreach Bunny Wolfe, P.O. Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207 Office: (217) 529-2749 Fax: (217) 529-4155 Email: [email protected] Officers - Boards - Committees 9 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook District Superintendents Cache River District Rev. Roger Russell, 4503 W. DeYoung St., Suite 201C, Marion, IL 62959 Office: (618) 998-0135 Fax: (618) 998-0137 Email: [email protected] Embarras River District Rev. Randall Reese, 1901 S. 4th St., Ste 236, Effingham, IL 62401-4187 Office: (217) 347-3915 Fax: (217) 347-3916 Email: [email protected] Illinois River District Rev. Dan Harry, 3800 W. War Memorial Dr., Peoria, IL 61615-2598 Office: (309) 692-0421 Fax (309) 692-2518 Email: [email protected] Iroquois River District Rev. In-Sook Hwang, 303 S. Mattis Ave., Ste 206, Champaign, IL 61821-3070 Office: (217) 359-0640 Fax: (217) 359-6255 Email: [email protected] Kaskaskia River District Rev. Cynthia A. Jones, 1603 Salem Road, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 Office: (618) 242-2817 FAX: (618) 242-2917 Email: [email protected] LaMoine River District Rev. C. Douglas Rorex, 102 S. Fayette St., Jacksonville, IL 62650-2097 Office: (217) 245-9946 Fax: (217) 243-5448 Email: [email protected] Mississippi River District Rev. Gary Wilson, 121 Behrens St. Suite 2, O'Fallon, IL 62269-1510 Office: (618) 622-3072 Fax: (618) 622-3073 Email: [email protected] Sangamon River District Rev. Terry P. Harter, PO Box 3487, Springfield, IL 62708-3487 Office: (217) 529-3257 Fax: (217) 529-4181 Email: [email protected] 10 Officers - Boards - Committees Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Spoon River District Rev. Janice L. Griffith, 120 N. Kellogg St., Galesburg, IL 61401-4785 Office: (309) 344-1435 Fax: (309) 344-1161 Email: [email protected] Vermilion River District Rev. Leah Pogemiller, 210 W. Water St. Ste 2, Pontiac, IL 61764-1790 Office: (815) 844-3530 Fax: (815) 844-6583 Email: [email protected] Other Directors Preacher’s Aid Society and Benefit Fund PO Box 19207, Springfield IL 62794 Rev. Keith Anderson Executive Director 217-529-3221 Cell – 217-725-6904 [email protected] Sara Cooper Administrative Assistant 217-529-3215 Fax: 217-529-4162 [email protected] PASBF Assistants Rev. Raydean Davis, 314 Davis Ave., Bloomington 61701-3315 Home: 309-829-3899, Cell: 309-287-8976 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Rev. Floyd Blackard, 2800 Via Rosso Suite 199, Springfield 62703-5846 Home: 217-585-0491, Cell: 217-825-7303 Email: [email protected] Rev. Sam Totten, 2000 Lake St, Mount Vernon 62864-2869 Home: 618-244-3016 Email: [email protected], [email protected] The United Methodist Foundation Rev. Ted Frost, PO Box 3487, Springfield 62708-3487 Office: 217-529-3217, Fax: 217-529-4162 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Officers - Boards - Committees 11 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Conference Elected Leaders Board of Church and Society Chairperson........................................................................................................ Miley Palmer (08) Secretary.......................................................................................................... Walter Wilkins (04) UMW Social Action................................................................................................ Linda Trent (09) Peace and Justice Coordinator.............................................................................Jame Hahs (09) General Board of Church and Society..............................................................Kara Crawford (05) Staff............................................................................................................................ Bunny Wolfe Members: Sue Bailey 04 Kathy Lossau 08 08 Ben Adair Beth Nelson 04 Luke Lakota Eastin 09 08 Juanita Jarvis Walter Wilkins 04 Miley Palmer 09 08 Jeremiah Thompson Jane Klopfenstein 06 Larry Evans 09 08 Ken Burgard Sara Isbell 08 Jan Wills 09 08 Marilyn Donahoo Kathleen Finkle 11 Board of Global Ministries Chairperson of Volunteers in Mission............................................................................................. Chairperson of Disaster Response Team....................................................................... Ken Miner Chairperson of Health and Welfare Ministries............................................................Carol Rankin Hispanic Ministries Committee..........................................................Hiram Gonzalez, Steve Main Native American Ministries Committee...................................................................... Larry Moreau Conference Coordinator of Communities of Shalom............................................... Clayton Coffey Chairperson of Specialized Ministry...........................................................................Sidney Davis United Methodist Women..............................................................................................Sally Smith United Methodist Men.................................................................................................Jim Bolinger Secretary of Global Ministries...................................................................................Donna Snider General Board of Global Ministries........................................................................Carolyn Yockey Staff............................................................................................................................ Bunny Wolfe Members: Cathy Najmon 08 David Ducommon 08 Susan Meister 09 Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry Chairperson................................................................................................................ Tom Goodell Secretary..............................................................................................................Steve Pischaske Cache............................................................................. Mike Ebersohl (08), Connie Steudel (08) Embarras..............................................................................................................Cathy Minor (04) lllinois...................................................................................Sandy Dunbar (09), Tom Goodell (07) Iroquois.................................................................................................................Rusty Beals (05) Kaskaskia.............................................................................................................Michael Hall (09) LaMoine.........................................................................................................Steve Pischaske (07) Mississippi................................................................................................................ Tim Price (07) Sangamon................ Charles Rohn (07), Wes Osborn (08), Kim Smith (10), Bennett Woods (10) Spoon........................................................................................................... Julie Regennitter (10) Vermilion.............................................................................Harlan Fuller (09), John McIntosh (06) Young Adult..................................................................................................................................... 12 Officers - Boards - Committees Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook (Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry continued) Youth............................................................................................................................................... Illinois Wesleyan...................................................President Richard Wilson; Chaplain; Carl Teichman MacMurray College........................................... President Colleen Hester; Chaplain Kathryn Herring McKendree University.............. President James M. Dennis; Chaplain Tim Harrison, Victoria Dowling M & M, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville........................................................... in process Wesley Foundation, Eastern Illinois University.........................................................Paige Roberts Wesley Foundation, Illinois State University........................................... Jennie Edwards Bertrand Wesley Foundation, Southern Illinois University.........................................Sherry Smedshammer Wesley Foundation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign................. Dan King-Crede, Rob Kirby Wesley Foundation, Western Illinois University.........................................................Nate Hopping Staff..............................................................................................................................Kent Lolling Cabinet Member.....................................................................................................In-Sook Hwang Board of Higher Education Task Force Staff..............................................................................................................................Kent Lolling Cabinet Member.....................................................................................................In-Sook Hwang Members: Paige Roberts 08 Charles Rohn 08 Ginny Riggins 08 Tom Goodell 08 Russ Smith 08 Jeff Graham 08 Josh Nelson 08 Jennie Edwards Betrand 08 Stan Irvin 08 Board of Laity (Lay Network Leadership Team) Chairperson & IGRC Lay Leader................................................................ Rhonda Whitaker (04) Associate Lay Leaders............................................................... (1st) Ken Miller; (2nd) Jeff Graham IGRC Director of Lay Speaking...........................................................................Ava Williams (07) IGRC President of United Methodist Men........................................................... Jim Bolinger (09) IGRC President of United Methodist Women........................................................ Sally Smith (09) Resident Bishop (ex-officio)...................................................................... Bishop Gregory Palmer Staff..............................................................................................................................Kent Lolling Cabinet............................................................................................ John Hartleroad, Gary Wilson General Board of Church and Society.....................................................Kara Johansen Crawford Governing Board, National Council of Churches of Christ USA.........Pamela Hammond-McDavid ..............................................................................................................Fred Iutzi, Melissa Calvillo General Commission on Communications................................................................ Paul E. Black General Board of Global Ministries........................................................................Carolyn Yockey District Lay Leaders and Directors of Lay Speaking (see page 24) Board of Ordained Ministry Executive Committee: Chairperson..........................................................................................................Vaughn Hoffman Vice-Chairperson.................................................................................................Katherine Crozier Secretary.....................................................................................................................Alice Shirley Treasurer/MEF Administrator....................................................................................Steve Goodin Co-chairs of the Order of Elder...........................................................Gerald Savage, Danny Cox Officers - Boards - Committees 13 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook (Board of Ordained Ministry continued) Chair of the Order of Deacon..............................................................................Katherine Crozier Co-chairs of the Fellowship of Local Pastors and Associate Members.....Stacy Tomich, Dennis Smith Cabinet Representative........................................ Randall Robinson, Dan Harry, John Hartleroad Lay Representative.................................................................................................... Janice Floyd Ministerial Effectiveness Development......................................................................... Chet Travis Ministerial Effectiveness Review.................................................................................. Lori Harvey Assessment of Ministerial Needs and Enlistment........................................................ Paul Arnold Conference Relations and Extension Ministries...........................................................Jeff Rasche Continuing Formation and Professional Certification....................................................... Tim Pate Mentor Coordination and Training..........................................................................Patty Johansen Policies, Procedures, and Training.........................................................................Brent Anderson Registrar and BoOM Assistant.................................................................................John Salzman Clergy Members: Brent Anderson 04 Joy Schlesselman 04 Roosevelt Smith 08 Keith Anderson 04 Chet Travis 04 Jim Tinzmann 08 Rose Booker-Jones 04 Sylvester Weatherall 04 Lou Zuck 08 Mary Brady 04 Paul Arnold 08 Danny Cox (Elders) 08 Ron George 04 Lori Bultemeier 08 Gerald Savage (Elders) 08 Vaughn Hoffman 04 Tom Corum 08 Kathy Crozier (Deacons) 08 Patty Johansen 04 Steve Goodin 08 Dennis Smith (AM) 08 Patsy Kelly 04 Scott Grulke 08 Stacy Tomich (FL) 08 Richard Lewis 04 Burt McIntosh 08 Melva England 08 Victor Long 04 Debbie Melzer 08 Shelly Forrest 08 Wes Osborn 04 Mark Myer 08 David Kelly 08 Tim Pate 04 Bob Phillips 08 Krista Price 08 Jeff Rasche 04 Alice Shirley 08 John Vidakovich 08 Lay Members: Camille Cretens 04 Ben Edwards 08 Tom Woolard 08 John Freese 04 Janice Floyd 08 Board of Pensions and Health Benefits Chairperson..................................................................................................................................... Secretary......................................................................................................................................... Cabinet Representative.............................................................................................Randy Reese Staff......................................................................................................................Rick Van Giesen Members: Phil Climaco 04 James Reed 05 Cheryl Hendrix 10 Rod Croxford 04 Terry Lovecamp 07 Bruce Weiman 10 Mark Smith 04 Julie Smith 07 Donna Blythe 11 John Woodruff 04 Julio Alvarado 09 David Hood 11 Robert Einhouse 05 Linda Smith 09 Joanne Michaels 05 Mary Arnold 10 Board of Trustees Chairperson...................................................................................................... Duane Yockey (06) Vice President..........................................................................................................Paige Roberts Secretary......................................................................................................................................... Cabinet Representative.................................................................................................. Dan Harry 14 Officers - Boards - Committees Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook (Board of Trustees continued) Staff......................................................................................................................Rick Van Giesen Members: 09 Roger Land 11 Paige Roberts 04 Alice Spitzer 09 Lon Nuttleman 11 Cindy Brent 05 Teedra Hudson 10 Betty Treat 11 Marilyn Ragler 05 Steve Setzler 11 Duane Yockey 06 David Eadie Council on Finance and Administration Chairperson....................................................................................................................Bill Adams Vice Chairperson...........................................................................................................Alan Rhein Secretary....................................................................................................................Nancy Myers Cabinet Representatives....................................................................Jan Griffith, John Hartleroad Staff............................................................. Rick Van Giesen, Paul Black, Ted Frost, Kent Lolling Conference Lay Leader.......................................................................................Rhonda Whitaker Resident Bishop (ex-officio).................................................................. Bishop Gregory V. Palmer Members: Nancy Myers 04 Allan Woodson 07 Alan Rhein 09 Alan Heaton 05 Steve Schonert 08 Ryan Davis 09 Bill Adams 06 Carl Holman 08 Mike Potts 11 Keith Anderson 06 Paul Lewis 08 Keith Zimmerman 11 Katherine Crozier 06 Carol Jo Fritts 09 Equpping and Connecting Team Chairperson.......................................................................................................Dennis Beedy (08) Vice Chair........................................................................................................................................ Recorder.......................................................................................................................................... Board of Church and Society.....................................................................................Miley Palmer Board of Discipleship....................................................................................................................... Board of Global Ministries.........................................................................................Donna Snider Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry...................................................... Tom Goodell Board of Laity......................................................................................................Rhonda Whitaker Christian Educators’ Fellowship.................................................................................. Mary Tomlin Commission on Camping and Retreat Ministries......................................................Doug Stewart Committee on Congregational Development.................................................Kathy Bueker Sweet Committee on Ethnic Local Church Concerns..........................................................LaVon Wilson Committee on Health and Welfare.............................................................................Carol Rankin Committee on Native American Ministries................................................................. Larry Moreau Committee on Specialized Ministries.........................................................................Sidney Davis Committee on Volunteers in Mission.................................................................................Ed Hoke Chair of New Streams............................................................................................Patty Johansen Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-Religious Concerns........................ Carol Lakota Eastin Youth Ministries............................................................................................................................... Young Adult Ministries..................................................................................................................... United Methodist Men.................................................................................................Jim Bolinger United Methodist Women..............................................................................................Sally Smith Staff...............................................................................Kent Lolling, Mike Crawford, Beth Fender ......................................................................................Adrian Garcia, Alice Shirley, Bunny Wolfe Cabinet..................................................................................................................John Hartleroad Officers - Boards - Committees 15 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Commission on Archives and History Chairperson............................................................................................................Jonathan Dixon Staff................................................................................................................................Paul Black Ex-Officio...............................................................................Richard Chrisman, Lauretta Scheller Expertise..........................................................................................Doug Delong, Dianne Delong Members: 07 Rondel Boyd 09 Catharine Knight 04 Jonathan Dixon 07 Rod Searle 09 Donald J. Jones 06 Sheron Murray 08 Jon Sims 10 Robert Gruen 06 Barbara Searle Commission on Camping Chairperson...............................................................................................................Doug Stewart Cache.................................................................................Larry Gilbert (11), Bennett Woods (08) Embarras......................................................................... Nonie Bolinger (08), Kathryn Lewis (09) Illinois.................................................................................................................. Walter Miller (08) Iroquois............................................................................................................................................ Kaskaskia............................................................................................................Gary Pearce (09) LaMoine............................................................................................................ Bob McKelvey (04) Mississippi...............................................................................Duane Trover (10), Nicole Cox (10) Sangamon............................................. Cinda Pringle (05), Julie Croxton (08), Sally Hamon (09) Spoon..................................................................................Rachel Wright (08), Gabe Wanck (08) Vermilion.................................................................................... Rob Roy (05), Donna Pangle (11) Trip/Travel Representative.............................................................................................................. Young Adult..................................................................................................................................... Youth............................................................................................................................................... Beulah............................................................................................................... Molly Mernick (08) East Bay.............................................................................................................John Plattner (08) Epworth..............................................................................................................Mark Canada (08) Jensen Woods....................................................................................................Dixie Croxton (07) Little Grassy.................................................................................................................................... Living Springs.................................................................................................. Bill Schumaker (08) At-large.............................................................................................................. Doug Stewart (05) Staff.............................................................................................................................Alice Shirley Commission on Communications Chairperson...............................................................................................................David Schultz Staff.............................................................................Paul Black, Suzie Burns, Mike Hembrough General Commission on Communications Representative............................................Paul Black Cabinet Member.............................................................................................................................. Members: 07 Dustin Leek 10 Robert Baker 04 Chuck Trent 07 David Estep 10 Naomi Davidson 05 Paul Widicus 08 Anthony Thompson 10 Marilyn Gerstenecker 05 Lee Legg 08 Leroy Allison At large Evaristo Rodriguez 06 Susan Scott 09 David Schultz 07 Sarah Beth Wanck 16 Officers - Boards - Committees Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Commission on Equitable Compensation Chairperson..................................................................................................................Vince Rohn Secretary...................................................................................................Kathleen Bueker Sweet Staff......................................................................................................................Rick Van Giesen Cabinet Member..........................................................................................................Cindy Jones Members: 05 Casey Taylor 09 Robert Gardner 04 Jack Swank 05 Megan Thompson 09 Judy Schaer 04 Kathy Bueker Sweet 06 Joyce Coffey 10 John Lawrence 05 Diwan Tiwade 08 Ellen Stare 10 Vince Rohn 05 Beth Tickner Commission on Religion and Race Chairperson........................................................................................Pamela Hammond-McDavid Staff.............................................................................................................................Alice Shirley Members 08 Mary Blackmon 10 Florene Scott 04 Anet Satvedi 08 Yarvo Roberts 11 Gene Davis 06 Gina Sheridan 08 Howard Sallee 07 Deryck Sonaram 09 Pamela H. McDavid 08 Roosevelt Smith II Commission on Status and Role of Women Chairperson.......................................................... Mary Zavarella Walker (06), Anita Munden (11) Staff............................................................................................................................ Bunny Wolfe Cache.............................................................................................................................................. Embarras........................................................................................................... Judy Williams (09) Illinois............................................................................................................... Walter Wilkins (08) Iroquois............................................................................................................. Louella Pence (05) Kaskaskia.............................................................................................................. Linda Trent (08) LaMoine.......................................Bob Morwell (11), Martha Scaff (11), Donna Snider - UMW (11) Mississippi.......................................................................................................Eda Hackmann (07) Sangamon..........................................................................Kathy Lossau (08), Guerry Suggs (10) Spoon............................................................................................................Angela Golightly (08) Vermilion.............................................................................................. Mary Zavarella Walker (06) At Large........................................................................................................................................... Committee on Administrative Review Members............................................................................................Jim Bortell, Janet Eggleston Alternates.......................................................................................................................Mark Myer Officers - Boards - Committees 17 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Committee on Africa University Partnership Co-Chairs........................................................................................................................................ Secretary......................................................................................................................................... Staff............................................................................................................................ Bunny Wolfe Members: 09 Fay Hodza 10 Robert White 07 Deb Honegger 10 Dennis Beedy 07 Rob Kirby Committee on Alain Rocourt Endowment Promotion Chairperson..................................................................................................................................... Staff........................................................................................................... Ted Frost, Bunny Wolfe Members: 08 05 Mike Krost Dennis Beedy 04 Scott Henley 08 07 Russ Smith Helen Simpkins 04 Jane Heinzmann Martha Varble 10 Committee on Annual Conference Session Chairperson..................................................................................................................Kent Lolling Secretary...................................................................................................................Nancy Patton Cache................................................................................................................... Ted Hartley (09) Embarras............................. Cathy Minor (07), Anita Kesling (08), Peter Mosley (08), Kyle Brown (08) Illinois.............................................................................................................................................. Iroquois............................................................................................................... Bettie Tucker (06) Kaskaskia...........................................................................................................Kyle Dishong (10) LaMoine..................................Anita Ashcroft (06), Sara Brown (08), Mary Alice Cunningham (11) Mississippi......................................................................................................Naomi Davidson (07) Sangamon.........................Skip Proctor (04), Larry H. Smith (03), Vaudra Rushing (09), Dayle Badman(09) ............................................................................................Nancy Patton (08), Jarret Wells (08), Brian Caughlan (07) Spoon....................................................................... Carolyn Mesick (05), Peggy Kulczewski (09) Vermilion......................................... Bryce Hays (08), Grant Armstrong (09), Jay Regennitter (10) At Large (Deaf and Hard of Hearing)..................................................................Elke Sharma (08) President United Methodist Women...................................................................... Sally Smith (09) President United Methodist Men......................................................................... Jim Bolinger (09) Lay Leader..........................................................................................................Rhonda Whitaker Cabinet...........................................................................John Hartleroad, Dan Harry, Terry Harter Staff Representatives..............................................Kent Lolling, Rick VanGiesen, Bruce Weiman .......................................................................................Suzie Burns, Nancy Patton, Alice Shirley Committee on Congregational Development Chairperson...............................................................................................Kathleen Bueker Sweet Secretary......................................................................................................................................... Cabinet..................................................................John Hartleroad, Gary Wilson, In-Sook Hwang Staff......................................................................Camilla McKinney, Mike Crawford, Kent Lolling Members: 18 Officers - Boards - Committees Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook (Committee on Congregational Development continued) Eli Sidwell Curt Beam Stephen Main Bill Caisley Kathy Bueker Sweet 04 04 04 04 05 Jim Tinzmann Mike Fender Allen Miller Mark Jordan Sylvester Weatherall 05 05 05 08 09 Jeff DeMay Deeta Gaither Kristine Reinhart Angel Taylor 10 10 10 10 Committee on Deaf and Hard of Hearing Chairperson................................................................................................................Elke Sharma Members.....................Vae Fultz (10), Mary McQuilkin (10), Elke Sharma (10), Chris Reedy (10) Committee on Disaster Response Chairperson.................................................................................................................... Ken Miner Cache.............................................................................................. Ed Hoke (04), Pete Ryan (09) Embarras...............................................................................................................Ben Dawdy (09) Illinois.................................................................................................................. Rick Bishop (08) Iroquois.............................................................................. Sharon Monroe (06), Ron Monroe (06) Kaskaskia........................................................................................................................................ LaMoine...........................................................................................................Robert Morwell (10) Mississippi.............................................................................. Bob Jones (05), Beverly Jones (05) Sangamon.................................................................. Teresa Schrader (07), Brian Caughlan (08) Spoon................................................................................................................ Mike Mayfield (11) Vermilion................................................................................ Angie Kemp (11), Gordon Milne (11) At Large................................................................. Floyd Blackard ( 07), Carolyn Yockey (GBGM) Staff Representative................................................................................................... Bunny Wolfe Committee on Ethnic Local Church Concerns Chairperson...............................................................................................................LaVon Wilson Vice-Chairperson...................................................................................................... Adam Danner Staff................................................................................................... Kent Lolling, In-Sook Hwang Members: 08 Pablo Marti 09 Nonie Bolinger 08 Jungil Rhee 08 Liz Reis 09 Sharon Brown 08 Evaristo Rodriguez 08 Phyllis Singing Bird 10 Jennie Chin 08 Linda Trent 08 Zola Marti 11 Adam Danner 08 LaVon Wilson 09 Jonathan Dixon 08 Lee Ola Johnson 09 Pamela H. McDavid 08 Danira Parra Committee on Episcopacy Chairperson.......................................................................................................Bradley Shumaker Vice Chairperson............................................................................................................................. Secretary.............................................................................................................Rhonda Whitaker Laymen.........................................................................Ted Kornegay (04), Gerald Motsinger (04) Laywomen................................... Elizabeth Frazier (04), Elouise Hahs (04), Phyllis Jackson (04) ................................................................................................. Rhonda Whitaker-Lay Leader (04) Clergy......................................... Kathy King Nobles (04), Bradley Shumaker (04), Linda Harrod (09) Young Adult....................................................................................................... Eric Swanson (07) Officers - Boards - Committees 19 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook (Committee on Episcopacy continued) Youth................................................................................................................ Nathan Bjerke (07) At large..............................................Marva Green* (04), Mitch Johnson* (08), Roger Ross* (08) Ex-officio.....................Shane Bishop, Rhonda Whitaker (Jurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy) *indicates the 1/5 of membership appointed by the Bishop Committee on Episcopal Residence Chairperson (Representative from Committee on Episcopacy).............................Brad Shumaker Representative, Council on Finance and Administration..............................................David Hood Representative, Board of Trustees...............................................................................Cindy Brent Committee on Evangelism Chairperson...............................................................................................................David Kueker 2010 Denman Recipients...............................................Randall Perry, Gene & Joanne Newberry 2011 Denman Recipients................................................................................................................ Cabinet......................................................................................................................Randy Reese Staff..............................................................................................................................Kent Lolling Members: 05 Mavis Sonaram 09 Rusty Beals 04 Robert Swickard 06 David Kueker 09 Gene Colthurst 04 Mike Rucker 08 James Henson 10 Bob Freeman 04 Bill Bunnage 08 Dan Clair 11 Curtis Rush 04 Florene Scott 09 Lori Nimke 11 Linda Harrod 05 Lorene King Barbara Tuck 11 Committee on Health and Welfare Chairperson................................................................................................................Carol Rankin Staff............................................................................................................................ Bunny Wolfe Members: Leonard Thomas 08 John Tymonko 10 Cheryl Cain 08 Mike Rucker 10 Bruce Stennis 10 Carol Rankin 08 Cindy Bell 10 Michele Willson 08 Deeta Gaither 10 Tom Wilber 08 Committee on Hispanic Ministry Co-Chairpersons.................................................................Evaristo Rodriguez, Juan Carlos Lara Staff............................................................................................Adrian Garcia, Camilla McKinney Past Chairperson (voice/no vote)..........................................................................Hiram Gonzalez Cabinet.......................................................................................................................... Jan Griffith Members: Danira Parra 05 Zoila Marti 10 09 Stephen Main Evaristo Rodiguez 05 Guadalupe Uribe 10 09 Guadalupe Rivera Angel Rosales 09 Hector Uribe 09 Juan Carlos Lara-Cardoso 11 Sandy Bunnell 09 Julio Alvarado 11 10 Ernest Trevino Kate Herring 09 Sonia Alvarado 10 Pablo Marti 09 Antoinieta Gonzalez 10 20 Officers - Boards - Committees Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Committee on Investigation of a Clergy Member Shelley Forrest Larry Gilbert Jean Hembrough Don Long, Jr. 09 09 09 09 Harriet Clinebell Charlene Topel Calvin Jackson Stan Irvin (Alt) 09 09 09 09 Rachel Stockle (Alt) Brian Caughlan (Alt) 09 09 Committee on Journal Publication Chairperson.....................................................................................................Steven R. Anderson Secretary.................................................................................................................. Karen Homan Cache..............................................................................................................Phyllis Jackson (05) Embarras...........................................................................................................Sharon Mosley (06) Illinois.................................................................................................................Linda Clauser (06) Iroquois...................................................................................................... Steve R. Anderson (06) Kaskaskia................................................................................................................Bret Yates (09) LaMoine............................................................................................................... Sidney Davis 04) Mississippi.........................................................................................................Karen Homan (05)) Sangamon..........................................................................................................Jonathan Dixon (04) Spoon...................................................................................................................... Toni Ross (04) Vermilion.......................................................................................................................................... Staff Representative.................................................. Doug Stone, Rick Van Giesen, Alice Shirley Committee on Native American Ministry Chair.......................................................................................................................... Larry Moreau Vice Chair.............................................................................................................. Danny Lybarger Secretary.....................................................................................................................Beth Nelson Treasurer......................................................................................................................................... Staff............................................................................................................................ Bunny Wolfe Native American Fellowship................. Carol Lakota Eastin (04), Adam Danner (09), Raquel Romero (09), ...............................................................................................................................................................................Patty Irwin (04) Cabinet........................................................................................................................... Dan Harry Members: Russ Smith 08 Mark Amenda 09 Gary Billiot 04 Ethel Barnett 09 Janet Eggleston 04 Connie Disney 09 Members-at-Large: Dale Lybarger 04 Chris Schaffer 09 Barb Oakes 09 Danny Lybarger 04 Doug Stewart 09 Lynn Wilson 09 Larry Moreau 04 Jack Swank 09 Carol Edman 09 Liz Reis 04 Bob Ward 09 U of I NA House Director Beth Nelson 05 Phyllis Singing Bird 09 Dee Ann Powless 05 Committee on Nominations Chairperson.................................................................................................................Craig Sweet Vice Chair.........................................................................................................................Fred Iutzi Secretary......................................................................................................................Cindy Dodd Registrar.................................................................................................................. Keith Michaels Cache....................................................................................................................... Jim Peak (08) Embarras.................................................................................Kathryn Lewis (08), Anita Kesling (11) Officers - Boards - Committees 21 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook (Committee on Nominations continued) Illinois............................................................................................ Mike Krost (05), Ron Martz (08) Iroquois....................................................................... Jeremiah Thompson (08), Cindy Dodd (05) Kaskaskia.................................................................. Deetta Gaither (09), Albert Schumaker (10) LaMoine............................................................................................................ Bob McKelvey (09) Mississippi......................................................................... Joyce Anders (04), Rufus McCollon (10) Sangamon................................................................................ LaVon Wilson (04, Joan Lawrence (04) Spoon.......................................................................................Russ Smith (07), Jan Corsaro (08) Vermilion.......................................................................Deb Honegger (05), Grant Armstrong (09) At Large...................................................... Craig Sweet (05), Keith Michaels (08), Fred Iutzi (10) Lay Leader.................................................................................................. Rhonda Whitaker (04) Staff..............................................................................................................................Kent Lolling Cabinet....................................................................................... John Hartleroad, In-Sook Hwang Committee on Older Adult Ministries Class of ‘10........................ Marilyn Anell, Mary Brady, Eloise Hahs, Lola Lehman, Jane Masters, .....................................................................................Jodie Reinhard, Jo Sanders, Sidna Young Committee on Pastoral Care and Counseling Chair..................................................................................................................... J. Michael Smith Cabinet.................................................................................................... Jan Griffith, Cindy Jones Members: Kent King Nobles 08 Bill Pyatt 08 Linda Simonson 08 Gay King Crede 08 Gerald Savage 08 George Adam 08 Rebecca Dees McMahon 08 Danny Cox 08 Dalene Kuebler 08 Glen Bocox 08 J. Michael Smith 09 Joan Boesen 08 Bruce Baumberger 08 Bob Phillips 08 Committee on Personnel Chair................................................................................................................................ Stan Irvin Secretary................................................................................................................Mary Ann Pullin Representative, CCFA....................................................................................................Bill Adams Chair, Communications.............................................................................................David Schultz Chair, Equipping and Connecting Team................................................................... Dennis Beedy IGRC Directors.............................................................. Paul Black, Rick VanGiesen, Kent Lolling Cabinet.............................................................................................John Hartleroad, Terry Harter Members: Stan Irvin 06 Marge Overlot 07 Gary Mosimann 04 Kathy Crozier 07 Sharon Sims 08 Mary Ann Pullin 04 Robert Freeman 07 R.C. Merten 10 Donovan Gardner 04 Richard S. Bothe 10 Committee on Shalom Zones Chair........................................................................................................................Clayton Coffey Members......................................................... Dennis Gambill (Sandoval), Doug Sleade (United) Staff............................................................................................................................ Bunny Wolfe 22 Officers - Boards - Committees Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Committee on Specialized Ministries Chair.......................................................................................................................... Sidney Davis Staff............................................................................................................................Bunny Wolfe Members: 08 Sharon Roggy 08 Anita Ashcroft 04 Paul Copeland 08 Dave Cochran 09 Jyl Krause 04 Sidney Davis 08 Deryck Sonaram 04 Ken Emery Committee on Standing Rules Chair...........................................................................................................................Mike Pennell Staff........................................................................................................ Alice Shirley, Kent Lolling Cabinet...........................................................................John Hartleroad, Dan Harry, Terry Harter Cache.............................................................................................................................................. Embarras��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Leon Goble (04) Illinois.................................................................................Jack Wolfe (09), Deb Langewisch (09) Iroquois......................................................................................................... Charliam Renner (11) Kaskaskia������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ) LaMoine.............................................................................................................. Carol Rankin (04) Mississippi....................................Eunjoo Lee (09), Laverne Backstrom (10), Max Lawrence (10) Sangamon.................................... Michael Pennell (05), Mark Schleeter (07), Tom Compton (04) Spoon.............................................................................Don Robinson (04), Ann Holdsworth (11) Vermilion........................................................................................ Dee Hanner (06), Pat Allin (08) Rural Fellowship Team Chair.....................................................................................................................Linda Vonck (08) Staff................................................................................................... Kent Lolling, Cam McKinney Members: Class of ‘10......................................... Mark Amenda, Dayle Badman, Melvin Bell, Pam Bradford, ................Christine Cunningham, Joan Haren, Linda Harrod, Stephen Killion, Megan Thompson Class of ‘11........................................... Barb Clem, Randy Shay, Jim VanDyke, Sharon VanDyke Volunteers in Mission Support Team Chair................................................................................................................................................ Staff............................................................................................................................ Bunny Wolfe Cache.............................................................................................................................................. Embarras................................................Justin Snider (07), Miriam Snider (07), Kathy Smith (09) Illinois............................................................................................................Mary Kathryn Pearce Iroquois....................................................................................................... Neal Chamberlain (06) Kaskaskia..................................................................................... Bill Wright (05), Diane Goff (05) LaMoine........................................................................................................... Joseph Tomich (05) Mississippi......................................................................Greg Gelzinnis (08), Gerald Savage (07) Sangamon............................................................................................................Mark Wolfer (07) Spoon......................................................................................... Lou Zuck (07), Robb McCoy (08) Vermilion............................................................................ Scott Baird (07), Wendy Shelquist (05) Officers - Boards - Committees 23 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook District Elected Leaders District Lay Leaders Cache.................................................................................................................Marilyn Appel (09) Embarras����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Richard Small (07) Illinois..............................................................................................................Johnnie Locker (04) Iroquois.................................................................................................................... Ray Dunn (10) Kaskaskia���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Nancy Myers (02) LaMoine............................................................................................................. Karma Webel (05) Mississippi.......................................................................................................Marian McCray (04) Sangamon..........................................................................................................Pete Paulson (03) Spoon................................................................................................................Stephen Main (05) Vermilion.................................................................................................................. Ken Miller (05) District Directors of Lay Speaking Cache.......................................................................Mary Beth Woolard (08), Jeanne Wright (08) Embarras�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Carol Martin (07) Illinois..............................................................................................................Russ Theobald (09) Iroquois............................................................................................................... Alora Bowles (97) Kaskaskia������������������������������������������ Cheryl Cain (01), Sheron Murray (00), Sally Schofield (99) LaMoine....................................................................................................................Pat Ratliff (11) Mississippi.............................................................................................................Mike Allway (11) Sangamon............................................................................................................Barb Norem (01) Spoon.....................................................................................................................Lisa Unger (11) Vermilion..................................................................................................................Jill Bunker (11) Youth....................................................................................................................... Kale Little (03) District Boards of Church Location and Building Cache Roger Russell Bill Mabry (Chair) DS 04 Jim Lambert Linda McCowen 05 07 Bill Minor Jim Barnett 09 10 Embarras Randy Reese Jack Woods DS 01 Jim Whitaker (Chair) Joe Irwin, Sr. Patti Jo Davis 05 06 07 Paul Bauer Doyle Purcell 07 10 Illinois Dan Harry Stuart McKneight Loyd Dodd DS 02 02 Terry Wignall Kathy Barrett Karen Jacobs 02 03 03 Ken Dawson (Chair) Ken Hogren Jessica Baldyga 04 04 11 Iroquois In-Sook Hwang Karen Wall Steve Setzler (Chair) DS 05 07 Terry Westerfield Mark Hudson Jon Sims 08 09 09 Liz Reis 11 24 Officers - Boards - Committees Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook (District Boards of Church Location and Building continued) Kaskaskia Cynthia Jones Donna Holland DS 06 Ralph Totten Nancy Myers Brad Henson (Chair) 07 07 07 Joe Wilks Sarah Brian 08 09 LaMoine Doug Rorex Ron Cox DS 06 Lon Nuttleman Lisle Spradlin Bob Schoolcraft 06 06 06 Dale Wooldridge 06 Mississippi Gary Wilson Andy Allan Chuck Hileman (Chair) DS 00 00 Dennis Price Bob Homan Leesa Zick Dan Perry 03 03 06 07 Sheryl Palmer John Prather Delmar G. Tegtmeier 08 08 09 Sangamon Terry Harter J. Brad Rushing Robert Reep DS 04 04 Linda Schneider (Chair) Fred Larabree William Burton Chad Curry 04 04 05 06 Dayle Badman Dan Seibert 10 10 Spoon Jan Griffith John Crede DS 01 Roger Land (Chair) Mary Jackson Nancy Pfeiffer 05 Arnie Bauer Al Simonson Cathy Torrance 08 08 Vermilion Leah Pogemiller Jeff Abbey Randy Shay DS 09 09 Terry Ralston David Reynolds Lorraine Vilt Carol Stufflebeam 10 10 10 11 Amanda Richards 11 District Committees on Ordained Ministry Cache: Roger Russell Ed Hoke Julie Allison (Sec) Mike Ebersohl (Reg) Steve Palmer Jan Nutter Sally West Tim Ozment Janet Roy 06 07 07 09 09 Larry Gilbert (Chair) Alan Rhein Tom Woolard Sharon Fuller Ben Edwards 10 10 10 10 10 Embarras: Randy Reese DS Jason Bower 01 Jeffrey VanDyke (Chair) 02 Charlene Topel (Sec) 03 Lynette DeAtley 05 Krista Price (Reg) Lee Lovett Joe Irwin, Jr. Ed Davis Jack Kilburn 05 06 06 07 07 Paul Bauer Joe Scheets 09 11 Illinois: Dan Harry Mary Kathryn Pearce Joy Schlesselman (Chair) Cheryl Hendrix Gary Ford (Reg) Ron Martz 01 02 03 Chet Travis Jerry Perschnick Marc Brown 06 08 10 DS 04 06 06 DS 99 00 Officers - Boards - Committees 25 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook (District Committees on Ordained Ministry continued) Iroquois In-Sook Hwang Mary Brady Brad Shumaker Janet Eggleston Mike Smith Susan Connor Nick Showalter (Chair) DS 02 02 03 03 06 06 Glen Bocox (Sec) Patty Johansen Steve Anderson Kim Dancey Wes Wilkey Paul Unger Steve Hartman 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 Jim Wheeler Bill Lakota Eastin Carol Lakota Eastin Ray Dunn Tom Corum Vince Rohn Phil Beachy 08 09 09 11 11 11 11 DS 03 Dean Beals Roger Grimmett Brad Henson Claudia Lawrence Duane Ambrose 09 09 09 09 09 Harold Quick (Reg) Marsha Tennis Beth Tickner Charles McDonald (Chair) 10 09 10 11 LaMoine: Doug Rorex Jeff Rasche (Sec) Sharon Lashbrooke Sandra Carpenter DS 00 04 06 Bob McKelvey Bill Braswell David Kelly (Chair) Sheila Kelly (Reg) 08 08 09 09 Julie Azbell Thomas Wilber Connie Jenkins 09 09 09 Mississippi: Gary Wilson Mary Lou Beck Carol Bequette Shane Bishop DS 00 00 04 John Tennyson Dan Powers (Chair) Allynn Walker Barbara Hall 04 06 06 Matt Henson Keith Michaels Gary Mosimann (Reg) 08 09 09 Sangamon: Terry Harter DS Tom Compton 04 Sylvester Weatherall (Chair)04 Jim Poole 04 Debbie Vandermyde (Reg) 05 Joyce McCumber 05 LaVon Wilson 05 Paul Black Mark Kaley Kathy Lossau Mike Pennell Sally Hamon Robert Swickard Betty Coffey (Vice Ch) Julia Melgreen (Sec) 05 07 07 08 09 09 09 09 Sara Isbell Mark Schleeter Ken Harris Jack Swank John Vidakovich Rachel Stockle Linda Vonck Bradley Watkins 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 Spoon: Janice Griffith Randall Douglass Dan Wright Don Jackson 07 Joann Lovejoy Marilyn Anell Ann Champion (Reg) Barbara Rudsell Cray (Sec) Lou Zuck (Chair) 07 08 09 09 Chris Ritter Michael Mayfield Cindy Rettig Don Daily Al Kulczewski 09 10 10 10 10 DS 02 03 05 05 Jim Hammond Steve Goodin Craig Sweet Lori Bultemeier Scott Baird 05 05 05 08 08 Mary Louise Haxton John McIntosh Camilla Hempstead Grant Armstrong 08 09 10 11 Kaskaskia: Cynthia Jones David Eadie Phil Poe Cheryl Cain Vermilion: Leah Pogemiller Jan Wills Ken Miller Brent Anderson Harvey Gaither DS 03 26 Officers - Boards - Committees Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook District Committees on Superintendency Cache: Roger Russell Marilyn Appel Gary Feldman (Chair) DS 07 07 Jim Kelly Gary Motta Ron Taylor 07 07 07 Tim Woodard Judy Clark Pamela Yarbrough 09 09 09 Embarras: Randy Reese Howard Bell DS 06 Kathy Lewis Kim Ewing 07 06 Richard Small 07 Illinois: Dan Harry Judy Doyle DS 99 Walter Wilkins Jerry Motsinger Sandy Walles 02 02 05 Johnnie Locker - Dist Lay L Iroquois In-Sook Hwang Janet Eggleston DS 04 Patti Hood Terri Hunt 05 05 Steve Anderson Ray Dunn 09 11 DS 98 Ed Blomberg Amy Hawk Sam Totten 09 James Majernik Nancy Myers Betty Stoltz 09 09 09 LaMoine: Doug Rorex Dixie Croxton DS 05 Bob Schoolcraft Becky McGinnis Terry Werner (Sec) 05 05 05 Cliff Wiesinger Karma Webel Sidney Davis 05 05 10 Mississippi: Gary Wilson Jan Seals Ted Kornegay DS 02 02 Mark Kleindorfer Susan Hall Jerome Gibson Ron Dickinson (Chair) 03 03 04 07 Ken Emery Connie Tennyson 07 07 Sangamon: Terry Harter Pete Paulson George Adam Nancy Evans DS 04 05 05 Kevin Woodson Jack Swank Mike Pennell Mark Dehority Kathy Najmon 06 09 09 09 10 Linda Vonck Ric Miles Leanne Roseberry 10 10 10 Spoon: Janice Griffith Paul Dinges DS 01 Michael Link Steve Main Don Jackson Sonia Alvarado Nathan Hopping 10 10 Ken Sloan-Couch Joanne Ruff Harvey Gaither 10 10 11 Kaskaskia: Cynthia Jones Cathy Seaton (Chair) Jean Schnake Vermilion: Leah Pogemiller DS Ken Miller Dist Lay L Jennie Edwards Bertrand 08 01 District Lay L 10 Kathy Alexander Chuck Feeney Candy Godbee Ray Owens 08 08 08 09 Officers - Boards - Committees 27 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook District Youth Coordinators Embarras...........................................................................John Hackmann (10), Adam Flack (10) Illinois.........................................................................Walter Miller (06), Trevor Bartolomucci (06) Kaskaskia������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Jane Heinzmann Sangamon.........................................................................................................Laura Powers (07) Spoon.................................................................................................................Sarah Wanck (07) Educational and Ecumenical Organizations ILLCAAP Illinois Church Action on Alcohol and Addiction Problems IGRC Representatives.........................................................Donna Catlin, Joel Catlin, Mike Krost At large...........................................................................................Barbara Deffley, Iona VanFleet Illinois Council of Churches Representatives to Bd of Judicatory Exec.................................John Hartleroad, Resident Bishop Representative to General Board...........................................................................Terry Clark (08) Wesley Foundation, Eastern Illinois University Board of Directors Chair............................................................................................................................ Cathy Minor Secretary..................................................................................................................Paige Roberts Treasurer...................................................................................................................Rick Edwards Cabinet......................................................................................................................Randy Reese Pastors............................................................................................... Walter Carlson, Krista Price Director.....................................................................................................................Paige Roberts Class of 2010...................................................................Mike Bradd, Gary Fairchild, Kay Fairley Class of 2011................................... Tami Babbs, Kim Evans, Bill Hill, Cathy Minor, Larry Thurow Student................................................................................................................Patrick Lindstrom Wesley Foundation, Illinois State University Board of Directors Chair...................................................................................................................... Jonathan Butler Secretary........................................................................................................... Lindsey Terpening Treasurer.......................................................................................................................Curtis Dion Student Treasurer.............................................................................................Marta Skolyszewka Cabinet..................................................................................................................Leah Pogemiller Pastor...................................................................................................................... John McIntosh Director.................................................................................................Jennifer Edwards Bertrand Co-Presidents....................................................................................Anthony Tomaras, Joe Turek Class of 2011............................................. Grant Armstrong, Patricia Hermon, Lindsey Terpening Class of 2012.................................................................................. Kevin Boesen, Karen Ranney Class of 2013............................................................. Jonathan Butler, Cassie Hulett, Curtis Dion 28 Officers - Boards - Committees Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Wesley Foundation-Student Center, SIU-Carbondale Southern Illinois University Board of Directors President.........................................................................................................................Bob Sabo Vice President..........................................................................................................Mike Ebersohl Secretary....................................................................................................................... Dick Frette Treasurer..........................................................................................................................Bill Slider Cabinet.....................................................................................................................Roger Russell Director........................................................................................................Sherry Smedshammer Ex-Officio Resisdent Bishop..................................................................BIshop Gregory V. Palmer Director of Connectional Ministries...............................................................................Kent Lolling Wesley Council Chair............................................................................................... Sean Thomas Student Representatives.........................................................................Ellis Henley, Loran Luehr Members: Class of 2013 Class of 2014 Class of 2012 Jim Barnett Alan Rhein Steve Palmer Larry Gilbert Victor Long Bob Sabo Kenneth Burgard Ted Hartley Mike Ebersohl Stan Irvin Scott Henley Bill Minor Ron Brown Dan Anderson III Dick Frette Bill Slider Emma Jean Durr Kathy Hollister Gloria Tarter Michael Young Connie Steudel Joyce Dintelmann John Burde Dorothy Frailey Wesley Foundation, University of Illinois-Champaign/Urbana Trustees Ex-Officio..................................................................................... In-Sook Hwang, Michele Ingram Class of 2013.......................................................................Ray Norton, Robert Rauschenberger Class of 2014.............................................................................. Gerald Brighton, Michael Haney Class of 2015...................................... Robert Mosborg, Myrna Wheeler Smith, Anthony Stauder ........................................................................................................... John Gutzmer, Linda Lopez Class of 2016...................................................... Ernest Gullerud, Diane Jeffers, Edith Terwilliger Class of 2017.....................................................................Dylan Boot, Dennis Craig, Vince Rohn Student Trustees........................... Adam Faust (President), Sharon Messmore, Brooke McClure Wesley Foundation, Western Illinois University Trustees President..............................................................................................................Julie Regennitter Vice President..........................................................................................................................TBA Secretary..................................................................................................... Tawnya Adkins Covert Treasurer..................................................................................................................Bonnie Barker Wesley Foundation Students......................................................... Jeremy Lafary, Melissa Burgett Class of 2011........................................................................................Tawnya Adkins Covert (09) Class of 2012................................Bonnie Barker (09), Darlos Mummert (09), Eric Swanson (09) Class of 2013.Steve Pichaske (10), Al Simonson (10), Julie Regennitter (95), Trevor Bartolomucci (03) Ex-Officio.......................................Janice Griffith (DS), Russ Smith (Senior Pastor Wesley UMC) Director, Wesley Foundation.................................................................................Nathan Hopping Officers - Boards - Committees 29 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Wesleyan Board of Trustees Class of 2012 Robert E. Evans ‘62 Class of 2011 Robert E. Fields Class of 2013 MacMurray College Board of Trustees Ex-Officio........................................... Colleen Hester, College President; Bishop Gregory Palmer Members.......................................................Walter Carlson, Melva Graham-England, John Eyth McKendree University Board of Trustees Ralph A Totten Robert H Edwards Carl E. Draper 82 92 97 Miley Palmer Sylvester Weatherall Diana Binford 97 97 00 Ed Weston Gary Wilson Bishop Gregory Palmer 09 DS Health and Welfare Institutions Sunset Home Board of Trustees (elected by the IGRC) President................................................................................................................Richard McNay Secretary......................................................................................................................Tom Kelling Treasurer..................................................................................................................Marvin Kerber Cabinet, Ex-Officio...................................................................................................... Doug Rorex Equpping and Connecting Team, Ex-Officio...............................................................Carol Rankin Resident Bishop, Ex-Officio............................................................................... Gregory V. Palmer Tom Kelling Barry Pennypacker Charlie Bach Marvin Kerber Randy Sims Steve Bergman Mary Ann Klein Jim Stupavsky Dan Cook Harry Marcionetti James Williams Dave Cramsey Richard McNay Lowell Glas Ted Niemann Dave Hogge Wesley Village Board of Directors (elected by the IGRC) President....................................................................................................... Msgr. Richard Pricco Vice President..........................................................................................................Carol Cupples Secretary/Treasurer.....................................................................................................Max Pierson Chief Executive Officer................................................................................................ Shelly Ward Cabinet, Ex-Officio....................................................................................................Janice Griffith Senior Pastor, Macomb Wesley UMC......................................................................Howard White 30 Officers - Boards - Committees Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook (Wesley Village, continued) Ex-Officio................................................................................ Resident Biship, Gregory V. Palmer Ex-Officio............................................................................................. Carol Rankin, Bunny Wolfe Class of 2012............................................................ Louis Battin, Richard Pricco, Carol Cupples Class of 2013.............................................Ray Bunch, Steve Hopper, Jim Garner, Robert Green Class of 2014.................................... Max Pierson, Lyren Haney, Donna Hughes, Bill Maakestad The Baby Fold Board of Directors (not elected by the IGRC) President.....................................................................................................................Sally Tucker Vice President............................................................................................................Karl Brondell Secretary.............................................................................................................. Ruth Ann Fraker Treasurer.............................................................................................................. Dean Messinger Cabinet, Ex-Officio................................................................................................Leah Pogemiller Ex-Officio.............................................................................Bunny Wolfe, Bishop Gregory Palmer Members: Laurie Holverson Camille Taylor Chad Allen Arlene Hosea Sally Tucker Judge Don Bernardi Connie Hoselton John Tymonko Karl Brondell Robert McDade Jane Walsh Julie Dobski John McIntosh Paula Walsh Ruth Ann Fraker Dean Messinger Kathryn Wehrmann Deanna Frautschi Harriet O’Daffer Dick Winters Stan Geison Pete Stroyan Matt Wisdom Wendell Hess Chaddock Board of Trustees (not elected by the IGRC) Chairperson................................................................................................................Larry Fischer Vice Chairperson...........................................................................................................Greg Miller Secretary................................................................................................................... Blaine Strock Treasurer..............................................................................................................Randy Niekampr Cabinet, Ex-Officio...................................................................................................... Doug Rorex Resident Bishop, Ex-Officio............................................................................... Gregory V. Palmer Member, Ex-Officio.....................................................................................................Carol Rankin Members: Mike Hilfrink Blaine Shrock Doug Aeilts Greg Miller Art Tenhouse Michael Anderson Randy Niekamp Jeff Green Susan Asher Jim Rubottom Sheri Renner Carol Sowers Drummond Chuck Scholz Gerry Korb Larry Fisher Susan Stamerjohn Evenglow Lodge Board of Trustees (not elected by the IGRC) Chairperson............................................................................................................ Ed Vogelsinger Chair-Elect....................................................................................................... Richard Geschwind Secretary...............................................................................................................Meri Ann Knapp Treasurer.............................................................................................................. H. Wayne Taylor Ex-Officio................................... Leah Pogemiller (DS), Raymond Owens, (Pastor Pontiac UMC) Honorary.....................................................H. E. Vogelsinger, Jr., George Hager, George Russell Officers - Boards - Committees 31 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook (Evenglow Lodge Board of Trustees continued) Advisory........................................Raydean Davis, George Hager, George Russell, Gene Swartz Class of 2011...............................................Ruth Bosman, Meri Ann Knapp, Richard Geschwind, ............................................................................................................. Alberta Kinate, Jean Rapp Class of 2012...... Doug McCoy, Greg Besgrove, Ed Vogelsinger, H. Wayne Taylor, James Wolfe Class of 2013...............................Virgil Sancken, Carol Flessner, John Taylor, Donovan Gardner ............................................................................................................................Mary Ann Denker Great Rivers Retirement Serices Corp. (Parent) Board of Directors (not elected by the IGRC) in process Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House Board of Directors (not elected by the IGRC) President............................................................................................................ Dorene Hoosman Vice President....................................................................................................Earl McDowell, Jr. Secretary.................................................................................................................... Janice Floyd Treasurer..................................................................................................................Patti Mountain Cabinet, Ex-Officio......................................................................................................Gary Wilson Members: Dorene Hoosman Kevin Riggs Mashonda Behling Joe Hubbard Reginald Riddle-Young Mary Blackmon Billie Laumbattus Sally Smith Angela Cotton Betty McCollum Velma Thompson Janice Floyd Earl McDowell Jr. Carolyn Yockey Nancy Frazier Chris McIntosh Janice Floyd Patti Mountain Dowell Holdgraf United Methodist Children’s Home Board of Directors (not elected by the IGRC) Chairperson.................................................................................................................... Dick Dietz Vice Chairperson.....................................................................................................Mary Suddarth Secretary........................................................................................................................ Linda Holt Treasurer.......................................................................................................................Ed Bradley Cabinet, Ex-Officio...............................................................................................Cynthia A. Jones Resident Bishop and Assistant...............................................Gregory V. Palmer, John Hartleroad Other, Ex-Officio (without vote)......................................................Gary Lemmon, President/CEO Class of 2011.......................................Bob Dosier, Barb Grace, Mary Suddarth, Richard Straeter Class of 2012....................................... Dick Dietz, Jay Zanton, Ted Hartley, Jo David Cummins ........................................................................................... Ed Bradley, Linda Holt, Cheryl Walton Class of 2013.............................Connie Baker, Sharon Edwards, Judge Tom Sutton, Julie Webb 32 Officers - Boards - Committees Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook United Methodist Village, Inc Board of Directors (Lawrenceville) (not elected by the IGRC) President.....................................................................................................................Jack Kilburn Vice President..........................................................................................................Richard Wolfe Secretary...........................................................................................................Dorothy Hennessy Treasurer......................................................................................................................................... Cabinet, Ex-Officio (with vote)..............................................................................Cynthia A. Jones Ex-Officio (without vote)................................................................... Carol Hawkins, Administrator Class of 2010..............................................................................................................Jack Kilburn Class of 2011.............................................. Liz Clark, Keith Chelvsig, Mike Rucker, Mark Canada Class of 2012........................................................... Richard Wolfe, Gene Ramsey, Jason Bower Class of 2013....................Leon Johnson, Gary Pearce, Bob Tracy, Deeta Gaither, Alvyna Goins United Methodist Village Retirement Communities, Inc Board of Directors (Godfrey) (not elected by the IGRC) Chairperson..................................................................................................................Mark Myers Vice Chair...............................................................................................................Wayne Ruppert Secretary......................................................................................................................Carol Noble Treasurer............................................................................................................... James Herndon Accounting Consultant.............................................................................................Cindy Tefteller Cabinet, Ex-Officio (with vote).....................................................................................Gary Wilson Member, Ex-Officio . ..............................................................................................Patrick Noonan Members: Class of 2012 Class of 2013 Class of 2011 Daryl Fansler Scott Neudecker Zeke Jabusch Carol Noble Michael Lefferson Wayne Ruppert Charles Theivagt Mary Lou Beck Jeannine Kelly Don Long Other Organizations College of Christian Life Board of Managers Dean............................................................................................................................Joe Scheets President...................................................................................................................Polly Klimson President Elect..........................................................................................Melva Graham England Secretary......................................................................................................................Linda Swett Treasurer....................................................................................................................Shane Smith Conference Registrars................................................. John M. Eisfelder (IGRC), Lora Zink (NIL) Hospitality................................................................................................Mary Nell Simpson (NIC) Communications................................................................................................ A. B. “Buzz” Swett Past Dean............................................................................................................... Larry Thomson Cabinet, Ex-Officio...................................................................................................................TBS Class of 2011......John Hartleroad (IGRC), Beth Fender (IGRC), Mike Jones (NIL), Beth Galbreath (NIL) Class of 2012..Leah Pogemiller (IGRC), Robert Greene (IGRC), Kathryn Ling (NIL), Joseph Johnson (NIL) Class of 2013.................................................................................................................................................................. Ex-Officio.................................................................................................................Dan Harry (IGRC) Officers - Boards - Committees 33 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Midwest Mission Distribution Center Board of Directors IGRC Liaison.............................................................................................................. Bunny Wolfe Twice Giving Liaison....................................................................................................Sue Weston North Central Jurisdiction............................................................................................Anne Bunch Endowment Liaison................................................................................................Mary Ann Bede Emeritus...............................................................................................................Jack Travelstead Members: Lon Labumbard Linda Priest Floyd Blackard Carol Liljedahl Ron Schobert Joyce Coffey Richard Menzer Glen Stewart Jim Dustin David Morton Daniel Stone Eileen Dustin Ned Niemeyer Holly Taylor Joseph Groff Tanya Oberg Keith Thayer Kathy Groff Lloyd Peterson Delberta Troutman Joe Hadley David Powell Tammy Kuntz Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund, Inc. Board of Directors President...................................................................................................................Clyde Snyder Vice President............................................................................................................Larry Phillips Secretary.................................................................................................................. Shelly Forrest Treasurer......................................................................................................................Chuck Hunt Cabinet, Ex-Officio....................................................................................................Randy Reese Staff........................Keith Anderson, Sarah Cooper, Floyd Blackard, Raydean Davis, Sam Totten Class of 2012... Joseph Scheets, Ken Hogren, Nancy Frazier, Clyde Snyder, Beverly Sywassink Class of 2013.. John Woodruff, Shelly Forrest, E. Ted Graham, Jr., Randy O’Brien, Julie Melgreen Class of 2014.....................Larry Phillips, Chuck Hunt, David Gaffron, John Payne, Kathy Sweet United Methodist Foundation of the IGRAC Board of Directors President.....................................................................................................................Janice Clark Vice President............................................................................................................Karen Brown Secretary.................................................................................................................. Sylvia Herzog Treasurer.................................................................................................................. Guerry Suggs Executive Director.........................................................................................Theodore (Ted) Frost Ex-officio................................................................................................................John Hartleroad Members: Class of 2012 Class of 2013 Class of 2011 Karen Brown Janice Clark John Hamilton Vicki Krost Betty Coffey Burkett Milner Jerry Reed Richard Geschwind Robert Ohlsen LaColis Reed Sylvia Herzog Norman Sloan Shalom Renner Walter Hill Jane Subbert Donna Sharp Eli Sidwell Jolece Sprout Guerry Suggs John Woodruff Jim Ware 34 Officers - Boards - Committees Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook United Voices for Children President.................................................................................................... Gary Livesay Vice President................................................................................................................. Secretary/Treasurer...................................................................................... Lisa Graves Newsletter Editor....................................................................................... Karleen Dude Cache..........................................................................................................Irma Bigham Embarras......................................................................................................................... Illinois.............................................................................................Vickie McMillen-Field Iroquois.......................................................................................................... Helen Jahn Kaskaskia...................................................................................................... Mike Jones LaMoine..................................................................................................... Anita Ashcroft Mississippi....................................................................................................Mary Renfro Sangamon.......................................................................................................Kris Olson Spoon.............................................................................................................................. Vermilion..................................................................................................... Carol Buente The Baby Fold.........................................................................................Carolyn Yockey Chaddock................................................................................................... Gary Livesay Cunningham Children’s Home........................................................................Liz Jumper Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House.................................................... Lisa Graves UM Children’s Home.............................................................................. Marcus Holland Staff............................................................................................................. Bunny Wolfe Fellowship of UMs in Music and Worship Arts Chair.......................................................................................................Dan King Crede Vice Chair...........................................................................................Marilyn Hirschman Secretary.............................................................................................. Arlene Dittberner Treasurer................................................................................................. Laura Drennan At Large........................................................................William H. Post, Jay Regennitter New Streams Team Chairperson............................................................................................................Patty Johansen Staff........................................................................................................ Beth Fender, Kent Lolling Members: Wes Osborn Sally Swaim Kim Dancey Beth McLaughlin Jana Waite Matt Filicsky Bobbi Shultz Al Kulczewski Officers - Boards - Committees 35 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook IGRC Members of General Agencies Connectional Table: Beverly L. Wilkes Null General Board of Church and Society: Kara Crawford General Board of Discipleship: Roger Ross General Board of Global Ministries: Carolyn Yockey General Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-religious Concerns: Carol Lakota Eastin General Commission on Communications: Paul E. Black Governing Board for the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA: Pamela Hammond-McDavid, Kim Schultze, Fred Iutzi, Melissa Calvillo General Division of Ministries with Young People: Miriam Snider IGRC Members of Jurisdictional Committees Committee on Elections: Melissa Calvillo and Randy Robinson Committee on Episcopacy: Shane Bishop and Rhonda Whitaker Committee on Rules of Order: Rose Rooker-Jones Commission on Religion & Race: Marian McCray Conference Chair: Sylvester Weatherall Committee on Investigation: Randy Robinson; John Kauerauf alternate observer Court of Appeals: Beverly Wilkes-Null; Laity alternate – not listed from IGRC Jurisdictional Mission Council: Bill Pyatt, Andrew Black IGRC 2012 General Conference Delegation Clergy Delegation Randy Robinson Sara Isbel Sylvester Weatherall Andy Adams Janice Griffith J. Keith Zimmerman Lay Delegation Rhonda Whitaker Paul Black Mike Potts Bunny Wolfe Ryan Davis Marian McCray IGRC 2012 Jurisdictional Conference Delegation Clergy Delegation Randy Robinson Sara Isbel Sylvester Weatherall Andy Adams Janice Griffith J. Keith Zimmerman Shane Bishop Rose Booker-Jones Roger Ross Gay Crede Jason Woolever Dennis Price Jeremiah Thompson, alt Carol Lakota-Eastin, alt 36 Officers - Boards - Committees Lay Delegation Rhonda Whitaker Paul Black Mike Potts Bunny Wolfe Ryan Davis Marian McCray Melissa Cavillo Robin Williams Fred Iutzi Steve Schonert Carolyn Yockey LaVon Wilson John Kauerhauf, alt Alan Prass, alt Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Conference Lay Member Directory Lay Member Directory 37 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook LAY MEMBER DIRECTORY * Attended Annual Conf. + Excused from Annual Conf. Abbreviations Used: CRD – Cache River Dist., ERD – Embarras River Dist., ILD – Illinois River Dist., IRD – Iroquois River Dist., KRD – Kaskaskia River Dist., LRD – LaMoine River Dist., MRD – Mississippi River Dist., SRD – Sangamon River Dist., SPD – Spoon River Dist., VRD – Vermilion River Dist., CONF – Conference, AT LARGE * Abel, Mary Ann 120 E Main St, PO Box 443, Tiskilwa, IL 61368-0443; (815) 646-4866; [email protected]; Tiskilwa Community Church UM/AB, ILD - AT LARGE * Adams, Rob 2703 Pine Valley Dr , Champaign, IL 61822-7599; (217) 898-8161; [email protected]; Sadorus UMC, IRD - AT LARGE Adams, Walt c/o Luthern Hillside Village Health, 6901 N Galena Rd, Peoria, IL 61614; (309) 685-9155; Peoria Madison Avenue UMC, ILD * Akers, Frank 130 8th St, Wood River, IL 62095; (618) 254-6648; [email protected]; East Alton First UMC, MRD Allen, Harold 111 S Quincy St , Clinton, IL 61727; (217) 377-9181; Clinton UMC, SRD * Allen, Kimberly 606 10th St , Wood River, IL 62095; (618) 259-7879; [email protected]; East Alton First UMC, MRD - AT LARGE * Allen, Linda PO Box 34, Camden, IL 62319-0034; (217) 322-6191; [email protected]; Camden UMC, LRD * Allert, Gretchen 306 S Legion Ln , Abingdon, IL 61410; (309) 462-1395; Abingdon UMC, SPD Aloran, Gerald 540 Hamilton Dr, Geneseo, IL 61254-1773; (201) 926-5772; Geneseo First UMC, SPD - AT LARGE * Altermatt, Linda 138 S Park Ave, Geneseo, IL 61254-9253; (309) 441-6025; [email protected]; Colona UMC, SPD * Altermatt, Tom 138 S Park Ave, Geneseo, IL 61254-9253; (309) 441-6025; Colona UMC, SPD * Ambrose, Margaret 307 E 3rd St, PO Box 158, Kinmundy, IL 62854-0158; (618) 547-3415; [email protected]; Kinmundy First UMC, KRD Amdor, Pat L 301 S McKinley, PO Box 407, Mansfield, IL 61854-0407; (217) 489-3891; Mansfield UMC, IRD * Amerman, L Vance 315 S Spruce St, Nokomis, IL 62075-1640; (217) 563-7095; Nokomis UMC, ERD * Amos, Ellen 7 Maple Dr, Caseyville, IL 62232; (618) 345-0141; [email protected]; Caseyville UMC, MRD * Anderson, Janet 1911 McDonald Dr, Champaign, IL 61821-6078; (217) 356-2433; [email protected]; Champaign First UMC, IRD - AT LARGE * Anderson, John P 1508 W Lake Dr , Springfield, IL 62712; (217) 529-8756; smw9trc@aol. com; Sugar Creek UMC, SRD * Anderson, Joye 1324 Hamann Ln , Quincy, IL 62305; (217) 222-7477; ; Quincy Union UMC, LRD - AT LARGE * Anderson, Mark 1465 Knight St, PO Box 124, Nauvoo, IL 62354-0124; (217) 453-6694; [email protected]; Nauvoo UMC, SPD Anderson, Meg 202 S Court St, PO Box 235, Loda, IL 60948-0235; (217) 386-2626; Loda UMC, IRD * Anderson, Peggy 1515 Ohio St, Quincy, IL 62301; (217) 228-3043; [email protected]; Quincy Union UMC, LRD * Andrew, Casey 51 Harmon Dr, Lebanon, IL 62254; (618) 537-6608; caseyandrew@charter. net;, Lebanon First UMC, MRD * Anvick, Susan 707 E Penn St, Hoopeston, IL 60942-1539; (217) 283-7589; [email protected]; Hoopeston UMC, IRD * Appel, Marilyn 1472 US Highway 45, PO Box 1, Enfield, IL 62835; (618) 963-2179; [email protected]; Norris City UMC, CRD - AT LARGE * Armstrong, Sue 1726 County Road 1650 E, Crossville, IL 62827; (618) 966-3671; Crossville UMC, CRD * Arnold, Robert 400 E Church St, Sparta, IL 62286; (618) 443-4062; ; Sparta First UMC, MRD * Arnold, David 451 W Cherokee Strip, Brownstown, IL 62418-1113; (618) 427-5343; [email protected]; Fairview UMC, ERD 38 Lay Member Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Arnold, Doris 400 E Church St, Sparta, IL 62286; (618) 443-4062; Sparta First UMC, MRD * Ash, Judy 1014 Burt St, Mansfield, IL 61854; (217) 489-3061; [email protected]; Mahomet UMC, IRD * Ashcroft, Anita 2887 Woodson Franklin Rd , Franklin, IL 62638; (217) 675-2746; Franklin UMC, LRD - AT LARGE Atchison, Sharon 1809 Wren Dr, Marion, IL 62959-6455; (618) 997-6085; ; Cross Road UMC, CRD - AT LARGE Atchley, Patsy 360 N Moss St, PO Box 105, Norris, IL 61553-0105; (309) 647-9442; Norris UMC, ILD * Awalt, Lyetta 800 E Gordon Ave, Effingham, IL 62401; (217) 342-4711; [email protected]; Effingham Centenary UMC, ERD * Aydt, Dorothy 1304 Green Street Rd, Centralia, IL 62801; (618) 532-1363; Gilead UMC, KRD - AT LARGE Bade, Ken 1090 S Nelson Ave Apt 3, Kankakee, IL 60901-5674; (815) 933-9688; Kankakee Asbury UMC, VRD - AT LARGE * Bailey, Jane 1624 Toronto Rd #2, Springfield, IL 62712; (217) 816-5251; Springfield Woodside UMC, SRD * Baird, Randy RR 3 Box 17A, Shelbyville, IL 62565; (217) 774-3547; [email protected]; Fourth Street UMC, ERD * Baker, Wendy 702 5th St, Silvis, IL 61282; (309) 792-3628; Carbon Cliff UMC, SPD * Baptist, Pat 602 Hall Dr, Jacksonville, IL 62650; (217) 245-9426; [email protected]; Jacksonville Centenary UMC, LRD Barker, David PO Box 117, Elkhart, IL 62634-0117; (217) 947-2545; Elkhart UMC, SRD * Barnes, Clarke 5 Misty Holw, Geneseo, IL 61254; (309) 944-3674; [email protected]; Geneseo Grace UMC, SPD * Barnes, Gayle 5 Misty Holw, Geneseo, IL 61254; (309) 944-3674; [email protected]; Geneseo Grace UMC, SPD * Barr, Mary PO Box 314, McLean, IL 61754; (309) 874-3272; McLean UMC, VRD Bartholomew, Beth 815 E Washington St, Arthur, IL 61911-1658; (217) 543-2683; [email protected]; Arthur UMC, IRD Bathurst, Nancy 15841 Oak Ln, Girard, IL 62640; (217) 627-3505; Girard UMC, LRD Baughman, Matt 3102 W Kent Dr, Carbondale, IL 62901-1919; (618) 529-9018; Vergennes Faith UMC, CRD * Beach, Sue 1 Notre Dame Hills, Belleville, IL 62223; (618) 397-4078; [email protected]; Belleville Signal Hill UMC, MRD Beals, Treva 207 S Washington St, Oblong, IL 62449; (618) 592-4746; Oblong Evangelical UMC, ERD * Beck, Barry 610 N Market St, Astoria, IL 61501-9486; (309) 329-2768; [email protected]; Astoria UMC, LRD * Beck, Mary Lou 220 Westwind Dr, Alton, IL 62002-2779; (618) 465-1183; maryloubeck@att. net;, Godfrey UMC, MRD * Belcher, Debra 4801 W Middle Rd, Peoria, IL 61605; (309) 697-3681; Bartonville UMC, ILD Bell, Charles 106 N Lillian St, Marion, IL 62959; (618) 889-1753; Fountain UMC, CRD * Bell, David 706 E Washington Ave , Casey, IL 62420; (217) 932-2024; [email protected]; Casey UMC, ERD - AT LARGE * Bell, Suzy 4 Southgate Dr, Sheffield, IL 61361; (815) 454-4071; [email protected]; Sheffield UMC, ILD Bellinger, Sandy 2447 28th St, Moline, IL 61265; (309) 776-1677; Moline Riverside UMC, SPD * Belsley, Glenn 1042 Johnson St , Morton, IL 61550; (309) 266-7018; ; Dayspring UMC, ILD Benard, Charlotte RR 1 Box 192, Simpson, IL 62985; (618) 695-3342; Glendale UMC, CRD * Benschneider, Roberta 205 E 4th St, Broadlands, IL 61816; (217) 834-3575; [email protected]; Broadlands UMC, IRD Bensen, Stan PO Box 278, Tiskilwa, IL 61368-0278; (815) 646-4010; Tiskilwa Community Church UM/AB, ILD * Bensken, Wyatt 309 N Waverly St, Homer, IL 61849; (217) 896-2693; [email protected]; Homer UMC, IRD * Berns, Don PO Box 128, Andover, IL 61233-0128; (309) 476-8483; [email protected]; Orion UMC, SPD * Berns, Marilyn PO Box 128, Andover, IL 61233-0128; (309) 476-8483; Orion UMC, SPD * Berry, Rachel 1706 Ridge Rd, Champaign, IL 61821; (618) 499-0973; Mount Vernon UMC, IRD Best, Cheryl 87 Calstrada Dr, Staunton, IL 62088-1682; (618) 635-2360; Staunton UMC, MRD Lay Member Directory 39 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Bevill, Robert 11326 N Oak Trail Dr, Peoria 61615 ; (309) 692-5819; [email protected]; Dunlap Prospect UMC, ILD - AT LARGE * Bickel, Mel 206 Chapel Dr, Collinsville, IL 62234; (618) 343-1910; mbickel@stmatthewumc. org; Belleville Saint Matthew UMC, MRD * Biesemeyer, Allen 6 Hawthorne Ct, Edwardsville, IL 62025; (618) 656-5158; Edwardsville Saint John’s UMC, MRD * Birmingham, Harvey 3 Magnolia Pl, Bethalto, IL 62010; (618) 402-2800; [email protected]; Rosewood Heights Saint Paul UMC, MRD * Birmingham, Shirley 3 Magnolia Pl, Bethalto, IL 62010; (618) 402-2800; Rosewood Heights Saint Paul UMC, MRD * Bishop, Carolyn 11169 N Old Rt 66, Williamsville, IL 62693; (217) 566-2131; Springfield Kumler UMC, SRD - AT LARGE Bivins, Tamara 30 Nino Dr, Sherman, IL 62684; (217) 496-2989; Sherman UMC, SRD * Black, Andrew 3012 Winterwood Dr, Springfield, IL 62704-6490; (217) 793-6483; [email protected]; Springfield Jerome UMC, SRD * Black, Paul E 5900 S 2nd St, PO Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794-9207; (217) 529-2824; [email protected]; Springfield Jerome UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * Blackburn, Janet 94 Settles Trl, Fillmore, IL 62032; (217) 538-2508; Fillmore UMC, ERD * Blackburn, Sally Jo RR 3 Box 122, Plymouth, IL 62367; (309) 257-2324; Brooklyn UMC, LRD Blake, John PO Box 823, Kewanee, IL 61443-0823; (309) 853-7785; Kewanee First UMC, ILD * Blankenship, Bill 999 State Route 10W Apt 14, Clinton, IL 61727-2198; (217) 935-0765; Farmer City UMC, IRD * Blaudow, Mary 2112 S 2nd Ave, Morton, IL 61550; (309) 266-5355; Morton UMC, ILD Blickensderfer, Charles 400 W 4th St, Mackinaw, IL 61755-7608; (309) 359-3501; Mackinaw UMC, ILD Blodgett, Cari 15651 E Pawnee Dr, Cuba, IL 61427-9208; (309) 789-6500; Shields’ Chapel UMC, ILD - AT LARGE Blodgett, Doug 15651 E Pawnee Dr, Cuba, IL 61427-9208; (309) 789-6500; Shields’ Chapel UMC, ILD Boesen, Julie 211 N School St, Normal, IL 61761-2503; Vermilion River District, VRD - AT LARGE Bolinger, Jim 401 S Park St Unit 16, PO Box 461, Findlay, IL 62534-0461; (217) 827-6337; Shelbyville First UMC, ERD - AT LARGE Bolinger, Nonie 515 N Morgan St , Shelbyville, IL 62565-1666; (217) 774-4225; Shelbyville First UMC, ERD * Bollensen, Linda 7660 Tumbleweed Trl, Springfield, IL 62707; (217) 487-7203; [email protected]; Springfield First UMC, SRD * Bolton, Barbara 1204 Leininger Rd, Fairfield, IL 62837; (618) 842-2973; Fairfield Ellen Moore UMC, KRD * Booher, Cynthia 4348 Creek Dr, Springfield, IL 62711; (217) 793-3622; [email protected]; Springfield Douglas Avenue UMC, SRD * Borkgren, Ann 2153 Henderson Trl, PO Box 55, Henderson, IL 61439-0055; (309) 341-4680; ; Galesburg First UMC, SPD * Borkgren, Clifford 2153 Henderson Trl, PO Box 55, Henderson, IL 61439-0055; (309) 341-4680; Galesburg First UMC, SPD * Bossert, David 107 W North St, Dwight, IL 60420; (815) 584-2902; Dwight UMC, VRD * Bottino, Jean 115 N Euclid Ave, Marissa, IL 62257-1301; (618) 295-2701; Marissa UMC, MRD * Bottrell, Dean 245 Arch St, PO Box 133, Mount Auburn, IL 62547-0133; (217) 676-5581; Blue Mound UMC, SRD * Bovard, Carl 26325 E McKinley Rd, Canton, IL 61520; (309) 649-1255; Canton Wesley UMC, ILD Boward, Esther PO Box 323, Middletown, IL 62666-0323; (217) 445-2627; Middletown UMC, SRD * Bowlby, Doris 1508 Southmoor St, Pekin, IL 61554; (309) 346-2841; [email protected]; Pekin First UMC, ILD - AT LARGE * Bowles, Alora 914 W Columbia Ave, Champaign, IL 61821-2742; (217) 359-2142; Urbana Wesley UMC, IRD - AT LARGE * Bowyer, Haley 17473 E 1800th Rd, Chrisman, IL 61924; (815) 269-2003; Paris First UMC, ERD * Boyd, Barbara 1545 N College St, Decatur, IL 62526; (217) 877-7695; Decatur Christ UMC, SRD Boyd, Richard 516 W Saint Louis St, Lebanon, IL 62254-1520; (618) 537-6622; Lebanon First UMC, MRD AT LARGE 40 Lay Member Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Boyd, Rondel 408 E Illinois St, PO Box 86, Oblong, IL 62449-0086; (618) 592-3472; [email protected]; Dogwood Prairie UMC, ERD * Bradford, Larry RR 1 Box 191, Findlay, IL 62534-9630; (217) 756-8283; Findlay UMC, SRD * Brand, Kathy 1131 N Mulberry St, Mount Carmel, IL 62863; (618) 262-5540; [email protected]; Mount Carmel Trinity UMC, KRD * Brauer, Simon 29600 Shawgo Rd, Oakford, IL 62673; Oakford UMC, LRD * Breeden, Joyce 305 Beloit Rd, Marquette Heights, IL 61554; (309) 382-3967; Texas UMC, ILD Bricker, Mary PO Box 99, Watseka, IL 60970; (217) 432-3301; Watseka UMC, IRD Brightwell, Mary Ann 1439 N State Highway 96, Hamilton, IL 62341; (217) 847-2295; Hamilton UMC, LRD * Brinker, Lynne 604 S Johnson St, Macomb, IL 61455; (309) 836-6008; rbrinker@macomb. com; Macomb Wesley UMC, SPD * Brinker, Ray 604 S Johnson St, Macomb, IL 61455; (309) 836-6008; [email protected]; Macomb Wesley UMC, SPD * Brinkerhoff, Frank 404 Greenbriar Dr, Salem, IL 62881; (618) 548-3049; Salem Grace UMC, KRD Britt, Sandy 1991 Gum Ave, Mulberry Grove, IL 62262; (618) 425-3565; Pleasant Mound UMC, MRD * Bronke, Ruby 7651 Farmers Market Rd, Tamaroa, IL 62888-2113; (618) 787-2022; [email protected]; Sunfield UMC, CRD * Brookens, Melissa 707 Haner St, Taylorville, IL 62568; (217) 824-5271; [email protected]; Pawnee UMC, SRD * Brooks, Elizabeth 405 Jay Dr, Mount Vernon, IL 62864; (618) 316-3525; Mount Vernon West Salem Trinity UMC, KRD * Brookshier, Cheryl 3855 Indian Point Rd, Vienna, IL 62995; (618) 658-4006; Vienna UMC, CRD * Brookshier, Del 3855 Indian Point Rd , Vienna, IL 62995; (618) 658-4006; Vienna UMC, CRD * Broshears, James C 202 S Royal, PO Box 416, Royalton, IL 62983-0416; (618) 984-3328; [email protected]; Royalton UMC, CRD * Bross, Larry 37 Oak Park Rd, Bloomington, IL 61701; (309) 820-9333; [email protected]; Normal Calvary UMC, VRD * Brown, Judy 1709 Autumn Rdg, Washington, IL 61571; (309) 444-8197; Chillicothe First UMC, ILD * Brown, Kathleen 402 W William St, Monticello, IL 61856; (217) 762-9461; [email protected]; Monticello UMC, SRD * Brown, Lynn 203 N Locust St, Trenton, IL 62293; (618) 224-7015; [email protected]; Trenton First UMC, MRD Brown, Ron 789 W Alton St, Nashville, IL 62263; (618) 327-3292; Nashville Grace UMC, MRD Brown, Sally 10598 Jackson Rd, Blue Mound, IL 62513; (217) 692-2234; Zion Chapel UMC, SRD Brown, Vicky 305 Maplewood Blvd, Dunlap, IL 61525; (309) 243-5869; Dunlap Prospect UMC, ILD - AT LARGE Brown, Virginia 206 E Dunbar St, Blue Mound, IL 62513; (217) 692-2330; Bethel UMC, SRD Brush, Beth 319 Hickory Turn, Goodfield, IL 61742; (309) 467-5457; Eureka UMC, ILD Bryant, Lynda 2122 County Road 1200 E, Carmi, IL 62821; (618) 382-8109; Carmi Emmanuel UMC, CRD Buhrmann, Leta 211 N School St, Normal, IL 61761-2503; (309) 452-2096; Normal First UMC, VRD * Bunker, Jill 2 Warren Dr, Mazon, IL 60444; (815) 448-2013; [email protected]; Mazon UMC, VRD * Bunker, Tyler 2 Warren Dr, Mazon, IL 60444; (815) 448-2013; [email protected]; Mazon UMC, VRD - AT LARGE * Bunnage, Harold RR 1 Box 153 , Mount Erie, IL 62446; (618) 854-2535; ; West UMC, KRD * Burgett, Mary E 1752 E County Road 875 N, Camargo, IL 61919; (217) 832-8579; Newman UMC, IRD * Burrows, Debbie 13118 SR 78, Havana, IL 62646-6853; (309) 696-1039; Peoria University UMC, ILD * Burwell, Suzy 305 S Main St, Homer, IL 61849-1317; (217) 896-2551; [email protected]; Homer UMC, IRD Bury, Pauline 100 Meadowlawn Ave, Milford, IL 60953-1059; (815) 889-4088; Milford UMC, IRD Bute, Judy 1228 E Jefferson St, Bloomington, IL 61701; (309) 829-9208; Bloomington Wesley UMC, VRD * Butterfield, Becky 23815 77th Ave Ct N, Port Byron, IL 61275; (309) 523-3118; Port Byron First UMC, SPD Lay Member Directory 41 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Byers, Elaine 205 S Meadow St, PO Box 133, Roseville, IL 61473-0133; (309) 426-2675; Roseville UMC, SPD * Cain, Cheryl 210 N Spruce St, Patoka, IL 62875-1049; (618) 749-2005; [email protected]; Shattuc UMC, KRD - AT LARGE * Call, Ron 1328 Glenview, East Peoria, IL 61611-9700; (309) 822-8808; [email protected]; RiversEdge UMC, ILD * Calvillo, Melissa 2317 N County Road 1800, Burnside, IL 62330-5115; (217) 755-4296; [email protected]; Carthage First UMC, LRD * Campbell, Susanne 6 Oxford Pl, Highland, IL 62249; (618) 654-3142; [email protected]; Lebanon First UMC, MRD Campbell, Whitney RR 2 Box 50, Vandalia, IL 62471; (618) 283-2049; Vandalia First UMC, KRD * Campton, Sue 1216 Commanche Rd, Auburn, IL 62615; (217) 438-3670; [email protected]; Auburn UMC, SRD * Carlson, Liz 729 Franklin St, Charleston, IL 61920; (217) 345-4949; ; Charleston Wesley UMC, ERD - AT LARGE * Carlson, Nick 729 Franklin St, Charleston, IL 61920; (217) 345-4949; Charleston Wesley UMC, ERD - AT LARGE * Carnes, Carolyn 1104 Bailey Dr, Pontiac, IL 61764-1212; (815) 844-2611; [email protected]; Chenoa UMC, VRD - AT LARGE * Carnes, Ethan 1545 Riverview Dr Apt 4, Macomb, IL 61455; (309) 368-9216; [email protected]; Abingdon UMC, SPD - AT LARGE * Carpenter, Eddie 37 Sunset Dr, Jacksonville, IL 62650-2735; (217) 243-6944; Jacksonville Wesley Chapel UMC, LRD Carr, Courtney PO Box 185, Toledo, IL 62468-0185; (217) 849-2921; Greenup UMC, ERD Carrigan, Donna 502 E 13th St, Georgetown, IL 61846; (217) 662-2989; Danville Farmers Chapel UMC, IRD * Carriker, Ken PO Box 275, Riverton, IL 62561-0275; (217) 629-9148; [email protected]; Chatham UMC, SRD Carson, Connie 4947 Camelback Rd, Heyworth, IL 61745; (309) 473-2425; Bloomington Park UMC, VRD Carson, Keith 1540 E 700N Rd, Loda, IL 60948; (217) 379-9619; ; Paxton First UMC, IRD * Carter, Connie 608 W Woodland Dr, Robinson, IL 62454; (618) 544-8034; [email protected]; Robinson First UMC, ERD Carter, Gloria 612 N Hickory St, Jerseyville, IL 62052; (618) 498-3222; Jerseyville UMC, LRD Carter, Ken 612 N Hickory St, Jerseyville, IL 62052; (618) 498-3222; Jerseyville UMC, LRD * Carter, Sue 518 N Maple St, Mount Sterling, IL 62353; (217) 773-3747; spedtchr1@frontier. com; Mount Sterling UMC, LRD * Casey, Jane M 12740 E State Highway 33, Newton, IL 62448; (618) 783-2534; [email protected]; Newton Grace UMC, ERD * Casteel, Keith 8 Tall Oaks Ln , Decatur, IL 62521; (217) 423-4684; Decatur Grace UMC, SRD Cate, Sheryl PO Box 74, Lostant, IL 61334-0074; (815) 830-2139; Tonica UMC, VRD * Chamberlain, Cheryl 17459 Osco Rd, Geneseo, IL 61254; (309) 949-2460; bcbj@geneseo. net; Geneseo First UMC, SPD Chambers, Kay 7401 S Bluff Springs Rd Apt S, PO Box 49, Bluff Springs, IL 62622-0049; (217) 323-4057; Beardstown UMC, LRD * Chapin, Ernest W 304 E Archer, PO Box 342, LaHarpe, IL 61450-0342; (217) 659-3486; LaHarpe UMC, SPD * Chapman, Don 112 Behrends Ct, Morton, IL 61550; (309) 263-8769; [email protected]; Morton UMC, ILD Chase, Renda 1530 Hill Top Rd, Columbia, IL 62236; (618) 281-7371; New Athens UMC, MRD * Chester, Mary 1565 S Pointe Dr, Rantoul, IL 61866; (217) 893-3884; [email protected]; Rantoul First UMC, IRD * Childers, Alice 55 Princewood Dr, Flora, IL 62839; (618) 662-8675; ; Flora First UMC, KRD * Chin, Jennie 1306 Cobblestone Way, Champaign, IL 61822-2070; (217) 607-0003; [email protected]; Iroquois River District, IRD - AT LARGE Choi, Honam 204 Kenwood Rd Apt 307, Champaign, IL 61821-2958; (217) 367-7932; Urbana Jesus’ Love Ministry UMC, IRD - AT LARGE * Chrisler, Megan 405 E Madison St, Auburn, IL 62615; (217) 438-6910; ; Palmyra UMC, LRD Clair, Dan 1451 N 2800th Ave, Loraine, IL 62349-3009; (217) 938-3955; ; Loraine UMC, LRD * Clapper, Pat 1205 E 2500 North Rd, PO Box 635, Mansfield, IL 61854-0635; (217) 489-9292; [email protected]; Mansfield UMC, IRD * Clark, Charlotte 35887 E 875 North Rd, Saybrook, IL 61770; (309) 475-9241; [email protected]; Saybrook Wesbein UMC, VRD 42 Lay Member Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Clark, John R 408 N 9th St, PO Box 122, Saint Francisville, IL 62460-0122; (618) 948-2428; [email protected]; Allendale UMC, KRD * Clauser, Linda 102 Pieper Cir, Delavan, IL 61734-9999; (309) 244-7818; [email protected]; Delavan UMC, ILD * Clem, Barb PO Box 5, Bowen, IL 62316; (217) 842-5534; [email protected]; Living Faith UMC, LRD * Clifford, Debbie PO Box 74, Victoria, IL 61485-0074; (309) 879-2530; Victoria UMC, SPD * Clifton, George 305 Anita Dr, Fairview Heights, IL 62208; (618) 234-8648; [email protected]; Fairview Heights Christ UMC, MRD * Clifton, Kay 210 E 5th St, PO Box 5, Dallas City, IL 62330-0005; (217) 852-6352; [email protected]; Colusa UMC, SPD - AT LARGE Clifton, Marilyn 305 Anita Dr, Fairview Heights, IL 62208; (618) 234-8648; Fairview Heights Christ UMC, MRD - AT LARGE * Clinebell, Harriette 1312 Wildwood Ln, Mahomet, IL 61853-9770; (217) 586-3130; [email protected]; Champaign First UMC, IRD * Coffey, Joyce PO Box 22, Sandoval, IL 62882-0022; (618) 247-3859; [email protected]; Sandoval UMC, KRD - AT LARGE * Colthurst, Sharon 18953 Tomahawk Trl, Danvers, IL 61732-7572; (309) 963-4154; [email protected]; Peoria Bradley Epworth UMC, ILD * Colwell, Cindy R 834 Rawlings Rd, Franklin, IL 62638; (217) 673-5041; [email protected]; Durbin UMC, LRD * Compton, Nancy 1905 Monticello Pl, Edwardsville, IL 62025-2653; (618) 692-1462; Glen Carbon New Bethel UMC, MRD * Connor, Susan 1431 County Road 800 N , Sullivan, IL 61951; (217) 752-6278; [email protected]; Sullivan UMC, IRD * Cook, Terry 219 Willard St, Kewanee, IL 61443; (309) 852-3174; Kewanee First UMC, ILD * Coots, Lynn 626 E Main St , Havana, IL 62644; (309) 543-3475; Havana First UMC, LRD Corbly, Glen 208 N High St , Rantoul, IL 61866; (217) 892-1706; Fisher UMC, IRD * Corsaro, Janet 217 S Vail St, Geneseo, IL 61254; (309) 944-6618; Geneseo First UMC, SPD - AT LARGE * Courter, Vaughn 104 W Main St , Allendale, IL 62410-9558; (618) 299-4062; [email protected]; Asbury Chapel UMC, KRD - AT LARGE * Courtwright, Janell 301 S Curtis, PO Box 417, Edinburg, IL 62531-0417; (217) 827-0301; Edinburg UMC, SRD * Covey, Judy 2176 N 1500th Ave, Camp Point, IL 62320-2322; (217) 334-5346; [email protected]; Columbus UMC, LRD - AT LARGE Cowen, Jody 15144 Chandlerville Rd, Beardstown, IL 62618; (217) 323-1017; Beardstown UMC, LRD * Cox, Christie 540 W Clinton St, Rushville, IL 62681; (217) 322-4491; Rushville First UMC, LRD * Cox, Judy 2113 Georgetown Cir, Champaign, IL 61821-6421; (217) 398-0480; [email protected]; Danville Saint James UMC, IRD Craft, Bob 2612 Springfield Ave, Lawrenceville, IL 62439-1850; (618) 943-4154; [email protected]; Lawrenceville First UMC, KRD * Craig, Jim 5732 N County Road 1300E, Charleston, IL 61920; (217) 348-0713; [email protected]; Charleston Otterbein UMC, ERD Crane, Todd 16 Bay Pointe Dr, Bloomington, IL 61704; (309) 664-1008; Normal First UMC, VRD Crawford, Kara 308 E Sale St, Tuscola, IL 61953-1442; (217) 253-2451; Tuscola UMC, IRD - AT LARGE * Crawford, Mark 308 E Sale St, Tuscola, IL 61953; (217) 253-2451; Tuscola UMC, IRD * Crowell, Sue 332 Park Ave, Pekin, IL 61554; (309) 346-2432; [email protected]; Pekin Grace UMC, ILD * Croxton, Julie 2521 Fox Trot Trl, Bloomington, IL 61705-6603; (217) 242-4293; Brooklyn UMC, LRD - AT LARGE * Cunningham, Chuck 30 N Lakewood Dr, Effingham, IL 62401; (217) 347-0244; [email protected]; Watson UMC, ERD Cunningham, Tom 7 Fairfax Dr, Harrisburg, IL 62946-2877; (618) 294-4122; Marissa UMC, MRD - AT LARGE Curry, Larry RR 1 Box 306, Bridgeport, IL 62417; (618) 945-7197; Pinkstaff UMC, KRD * Curtis, Margy J 17910 Ridge Dr, Carlinville, IL 62626-2222; (217) 854-5137; [email protected]; Rural UMC, LRD * Curtner, Clarissa 521 Main St, Shattuc, IL 62231; (618) 226-3096; acdc_dodger@hotmail. com; Shattuc UMC, KRD - AT LARGE Lay Member Directory 43 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Custer, Ralph 4685 Keller Rd, Iuka, IL 62849; (618) 323-6389; Iuka UMC, KRD * Dabbs, Carol 22364 N 750 East Rd, Carlock, IL 61725; (309) 376-3351; [email protected]; Hudson UMC, VRD * Dameron, Sharon 23620 N 2450 East Rd, Lexington, IL 61753; (309) 365-8288; [email protected]; Lexington First UMC, VRD Damery, Nikki 9766 Jacobs Rd, Macon, IL 62544-7006; (217) 764-5433; Macon UMC, SRD Dash, Orville 222 S Locust St, PO Box 394, Maroa, IL 61756; (217) 794-5163; Maroa UMC, SRD * Daugherty, Millie PO Box 1, Beecher City, IL 62414-0001; (618) 487-5802; Beecher City UMC, ERD Davidson, Naomi 2500 E Main St Lot 30, Belleville, IL 62221; (618) 920-5213; Sparta First UMC, MRD - AT LARGE Davis, Denny 306 E Washington St, PO Box 436, Tolono, IL 61880-0436; (217) 485-5234; Tolono UMC, IRD Davis, Izetta 1913 Menard Dr, Belleville, IL 62220; (618) 235-2598; Belleville Saint Matthew UMC, MRD Davis, Loia 1540 El Camino Dr Apt 244, Pekin, IL 61554-6098; (309) 353-3979; Pekin Grace UMC, ILD - AT LARGE * Davis, Patricia 3204 Ridge Park Rd, Urbana, IL 61802; (217) 344-2075; [email protected]; Champaign Faith UMC, IRD * Davis, Patti 300 N Ohio St, PO Box 267, Toledo, IL 62468-0267; (217) 849-2442; Greenup UMC, ERD * Davis, Ryan 102 Shawgo Ave, Havana, IL 62644; (309) 543-3621; [email protected]; Havana First UMC, LRD - AT LARGE Davis, Steven 603 W High St, Elmwood, IL 61529; (309) 742-3040; Elmwood UMC, SPD Dawson, Bob 20218 N Isaacson Dr, Chillicothe, IL 61523; (309) 274-3712; Princeville UMC, ILD * Dean, Jean 3 Turtle Pt, Monticello, IL 61856-8040; (217) 762-5602; [email protected]; Monticello UMC, SRD * Dehler, Beverly PO Box 212, Wilmington, IL 60481-0212; (815) 476-6166; Ritchey UMC, VRD Dehority, Mark 1977 N 2700 East Rd, Moweaqua, IL 62550-8567; (217) 768-3626; Moweaqua UMC, SRD * Deisher, Ann 210 140th Ave, Kirkwood, IL 61447-9640; (309) 768-2150; [email protected]; Burnside UMC, SPD Dekeyrel, Richard 11915 271st St W, Illinois City, IL 61259; (319) 791-0352; Pine Bluff UMC, SPD Demoulin, Penny 16512 99th Ave W, Illinois City, IL 61259; (309) 795-1321; Taylor Ridge UMC, SPD Denzer, Cindy 46 Taft Dr, Rochester, IL 62563-9200; (217) 498-7833; Rochester UMC, SRD * Denzer, Gary 46 Taft Dr, Rochester, IL 62563-9200; (217) 498-7833; [email protected]; Rochester UMC, SRD * DePauw, Ruthie 6 E 6th St, Prophetstown, IL 61277-1204; (815) 537-5633; Loraine UMC, SPD * DePuy, John W PO Box 96, Marion, IL 62959; (573) 201-1762; [email protected]; Carbondale Grace UMC, CRD * Desmond, George 1411 N Logan Ave, Danville, IL 61832-1613; (217) 443-4981; [email protected]; Ridge Farm UMC, IRD Detrick, Marilyn PO Box 116, Easton, IL 62633-0116; (309) 562-7282; ; Easton UMC, SRD * Deuel, Leah 507 N Main St, Carrier Mills, IL 62917; (618) 994-2084; [email protected]; Carrier Mills UMC, CRD * Deuel, Scott 507 N Main St, Carrier Mills, IL 62917; (618) 994-2084; [email protected]; Carrier Mills UMC, CRD Dexter, Carol PO Box 104, Crescent City, IL 60928-0104; (815) 683-2704; Crescent City UMC, IRD * Dierker, Alicia 24034 410th St, Pittsfield, IL 62363; (217) 285-5026; Pittsfield UMC, LRD - AT LARGE * Dierker, Sarah 24034 410th St, Pittsfield, IL 62363; (217) 285-5026; Pittsfield UMC, LRD - AT LARGE Diss, Cindy 215 N Webster St, Taylorville, IL 62568; (217) 824-2782; Taylorville UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * Ditch, Rick 13638 DeKalb St, Marion, IL 62959; (618) 942-2794; [email protected]; Johnston City UMC, CRD * Dixon, Billy G 9793 Stuyvesant St, Benton, IL 62812-3837; (618) 439-3212; Benton First UMC, CRD 44 Lay Member Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Dixon, Ellen 405 E Lincoln St, PO Box 440, Riverton, IL 62561-0440; (217) 629-9270; [email protected]; Riverton First UMC, SRD * Doane, Janet 310 Keating St, PO Box 260, Shipman, IL 62685-0260; (618) 836-5891; Shipman UMC, MRD Doane, Karen 211 N Bluff St, PO Box 79, Bluffs, IL 62621-0079; (217) 754-3715; Naples UMC, LRD * Dodd, Cindy 401 S Division St, Mahomet, IL 61853; (217) 586-3497; [email protected]; Mahomet UMC, IRD Dodd, Loyd 14091 E State Hwy 9, PO Box 114, Fiatt, IL 61433-0114; (309) 789-6439; Maples Mill UMC, ILD * Domagala, Patty 101 N Bruce St, Braceville, IL 60407; (815) 237-2354; Braceville UMC, VRD * Donahoo, Marilyn J RR 4 Box 201, Shelbyville, IL 62565-9339; (217) 774-5263; [email protected]; Shelbyville First UMC, ERD Donahue, Merwin 405 Eden Park Dr, Rantoul, IL 61866-1505; (217) 893-8762; ; Rantoul First UMC, IRD - AT LARGE * Doty, Helen R 417 W Carlisle St, PO Box 379, McLean, IL 61754-0379; (309) 874-3118; [email protected]; Ebenezer UMC, VRD * Doucleff, Sue 608 E 15th St, Alton, IL 62002; (618) 465-8012; [email protected]; Alton Main Street UMC, MRD * Drackley, Janelle 2810 Woodridge Rd, Champaign, IL 61822; (217) 351-8163; ; Champaign Faith UMC, IRD * Drennan, Charles 108 W Oaks Rd N, Urbana, IL 61802; (217) 384-4940; Urbana Wesley UMC, IRD * Drew, Kay B 909 Hillside Dr, Monticello, IL 61856; (217) 762-7075; [email protected]; Cisco UMC, SRD * Dufour, Pamela S PO Box 314, Farmersville, IL 62533-0314; (217) 227-3705; [email protected]; Auburn UMC, SRD * Dugan, Mary A c/o Ashley United Methodist Church; PO Box 296, Ashley, IL 62808-0296; (618) 523-7917; [email protected]; Ashley UMC, KRD * Duke, Lynn 113 N Green St, PO Box 15, Melvin, IL 60952-0015; (217) 388-7760; [email protected]; Melvin UMC, IRD * Dukett, Laura RR1 Box 98A, Roodhouse, IL 62082; (217) 589-5018; Winchester UMC, LRD Dunbar, Jennifer 11425 Sunderland Rd, Marion, IL 62959; (618) 889-1799; Marion First UMC, CRD Dunbar, Kara 11425 Sunderland Rd, Marion, IL 62959; (618) 889-1799; Marion First UMC, CRD Dunn, Judy 460 State Route 37 N, Buncombe, IL 62912-2274; (618) 771-6339; Cypress UMC, CRD Dunn, Ray 207 S Scott St, PO Box 265, Oakwood, IL 61858-0265; (217) 354-2293; Oakwood UMC, IRD - AT LARGE * Dunnill, Kelly 71 Southview St, Kankakee, IL 60901; (815) 929-0584; mrsdunnill@hotmail. com; Aroma Park UMC, VRD * Dunseth, Jay 43 Beyers Lk, Pana, IL 62557; (217) 539-4441; [email protected]; Pana UMC, SRD * Dunseth, Linda 43 Beyers Lk, Pana, IL 62557; (217) 539-4441; Pana UMC, SRD Dyel, Carl 2212 Casey Ave, Mount Vernon, IL 62864; (618) 242-3044; ; Mount Vernon Wesley UMC, KRD * Edwards, Rick 121 S Locust St, Arcola, IL 61910-1713; (217) 246-3715; [email protected]; Arcola UMC, IRD * Edwards, Susan 637 Poplar Pl, Arcola, IL 61910; (217) 268-3715; [email protected]; Arcola UMC, IRD * Einhouse, Nancy 125 N Center St, PO Box 708, Astoria, IL 61501-0708; (309) 329-2422; Astoria UMC, LRD - AT LARGE Eisenbarth, Jim 623 S Pine St, Nokomis, IL 62075; (217) 563-8807; Nokomis UMC, ERD Ekstam, Roy 1625 W Clark St, Champaign, IL 61821-3038; (217) 356-5486; Champaign First UMC, IRD * Elrod, Marilyn 1706 Lakewood Dr, Danville, IL 61834; (217) 446-2966; melrodmae@gmail. com; Oakwood UMC, IRD * Embick, Gary 55 Raes Creek Dr, Granite City, IL 62040; (618) 797-0259; Granite City Niedringhaus UMC, MRD * Emling, Adam 105 S Onstott St , DuQuoin, IL 62832; (618) 542-3214; DuQuoin UMC, CRD * Enlow, Eileen 711 W 6th St, Flora, IL 62839; (618) 662-2965; [email protected]; Xenia UMC, KRD Lay Member Directory 45 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Erb, Stacy 30392 Bowman Station Rd, Jerseyville, IL 62052; (618) 535-4850; [email protected]; Brighton Saint Paul UMC, MRD * Erickson, Keith 1146 Knox Highway 4, Altona, IL 61414; (309) 484-6261; [email protected]; Altona UMC, SPD Ernst, Fred 250 N Mill St, Nashville, IL 62263; (314) 288-9699; Nashville Grace UMC, MRD * Espey, Martha PO Box 26, Keyesport, IL 62253-0026; (618) 749-2055; [email protected]; Keyesport UMC, MRD * Evans, Terry 504 E Center St, Fairfield, IL 62837; (813) 765-5259; [email protected]; Kaskaskia River District, KRD - AT LARGE * Everingham, George 200 S Dixon Ave, Carbondale, IL 62901-2310; (618) 549-3838; [email protected]; Carbondale First UMC, CRD * Everingham, Shirley 200 S Dixon Ave, Carbondale, IL 62901-2310; (618) 549-3838; [email protected]; Carbondale First UMC, CRD Ewing, James 44 E County Road 100N, Gays, IL 61928; (217) 752-6241; Zion Hill UMC, ERD * Fair, Alma 402 W South St, PO Box 388, Lovington, IL 61937-0388; (217) 873-4894; [email protected]; Lovington UMC, SRD * Fairley, Kay 11693 N County Road 1200E, Charleston, IL 61920; (217) 345-3889; [email protected]; Humboldt UMC, ERD * Fairley, Ronald 11693 N County Road 1200E, Charleston, IL 61920; (217) 345-3889; Humboldt UMC, ERD - AT LARGE * Farren, Mindy 212 N Fly Ave, Goreville, IL 62939; (618) 364-4152; [email protected]; Goreville UMC, CRD Finch, Cathy 9571 Ridgewood Ct, Bloomington, IL 61705-5248; (309) 378-4502; Downs UMC, VRD * Fisher, Floyd 612 Hillsboro Ave, Edwardsville, IL 62025-1819; (618) 410-2347; [email protected]; Edwardsville Immanuel UMC, MRD * Folger, Donna 769 US Highway 150 E, Galesburg, IL 61401; (309) 289-2907; dfdf50@grics. net; Knoxville UMC, SPD Forcum, Melody 138 E Buena Vista St, Kansas, IL 61933; (217) 948-4085; Kansas UMC, ERD * Foster, Wes 6909 Willow Ridge Dr, Peoria, IL 61614; (309) 692-6269; Peoria University UMC, ILD Fowler, Cathy 6623 Barclay Rd, Sherman, IL 62684; (217) 629-7549; Williamsville UMC, SRD * Fox, Becky 203 Misty Cv, Savoy, IL 61874-9582; (217) 352-3759; Savoy UMC, IRD * Fox, Celeste 624 W 1st St, Kinmundy, IL 62854-1816; (618) 547-3236; [email protected]; Kinmundy First UMC, KRD - AT LARGE Francis, Dick 105 S Reynolds St, Altamont, IL 62411; (618) 483-5430; Altamont First UMC, ERD * Frank, Brittney 510 N 3rd St, Cornell, IL 61319-9222; (815) 358-2562; Cornell Blackstone UMC, VRD - AT LARGE Frank, Carter 701 S 5th St, Caseyville, IL 62232-1717; (618) 371-0021; Mississippi River District, MRD - AT LARGE * Frazier, Liz 1905 Jeanette Ln Apt 6, Springfield, IL 62702-6607; (217) 787-5989; Springfield Laurel UMC, SRD * Frevert, Tom 514 Black Hills Dr, Taylorville, IL 62568; (217) 824-9330; Taylorville UMC, SRD Friese, Edie 207 W Spruce St, PO Box 207, Gillespie, IL 62033-0207; (217) 839-2680; Gillespie First UMC, MRD * Fuller, Rocky 101 E Hunt St, PO Box 238, Cerro Gordo, IL 61818-0238; (217) 763-5231; Cerro Gordo UMC, SRD * Fultz, Vae Rose 503 Westwinds Dr, Jacksonville, IL 62650-3611; (217) 243-5068; Jacksonville Centenary UMC, LRD - AT LARGE * Funk, Janice 4001 E 550th Rd, Casey, IL 62420; (217) 932-4595; ; Casey UMC, ERD * Funk, Melba 2742 N 230th Ave, Liberty, IL 62347; (217) 336-4191; [email protected]; Beverly UMC, LRD * Funkhouser, Carol 1700 Saint Andrews Dr, O’Fallon, IL 62269; (618) 624-2979; [email protected]; Shiloh UMC, MRD * Galloway, Thaddeus PO Box 34, Macedonia, IL 62860; (618) 308-0818; [email protected]; Macedonia UMC, CRD Gardner, Sharon PO Box 107, Mount Erie, IL 62446-0107; (618) 854-2280; Little Wabash UMC, KRD Gehling, Vic 2916 Faith Ave, Granite City, IL 62040; (618) 876-8842; Granite City Nameoki UMC, MRD - AT LARGE * George, Nick 5628 W Legion Hall Rd, Dunlap, IL 61525; Dunlap Prospect UMC, ILD - AT LARGE 46 Lay Member Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * George, Philip M 5628 W Legion Hall Rd, Dunlap, IL 61525; (309) 681-9399; [email protected]; Dunlap Prospect UMC, ILD * Gerber, Donald 1708 Arden Ct, Champaign, IL 61821; (217) 356-5572; [email protected]; Champaign First UMC, IRD * Gerber, Sharon 1708 Arden Ct, Champaign, IL 61821; (217) 356-5572; [email protected]; Champaign First UMC, IRD * Gessel, Raymond 2518 N Lehman Rd, Peoria, IL 61604; (309) 688-1508; [email protected]; Illinois River District, ILD - AT LARGE * Gholson, Katie 207 Arlington Dr, Granite City, IL 62040; (618) 550-1887; [email protected]; Edwardsville Saint John’s UMC, MRD - AT LARGE Gibson, Diane 3315 Dovershire Dr, Belleville, IL 62221; (618) 233-6587; Trinity East Saint Louis UMC, MRD * Goble, Leon 312 N York St, Martinsville, IL 62442-9216; (217) 382-6655; Martinsville UMC, ERD * Godbey, Jan 3211 Cumbria Dr, Bloomington, IL 61704; (309) 530-1680; [email protected]; Normal Calvary UMC, VRD - AT LARGE * Godsey, Peggy PO Box 267, Gibson City, IL 60936-0267; (217) 749-2308; [email protected]; Gibson City UMC, IRD * Goff, Diane RR 1 Box 182B, Grayville, IL 62844; (618) 375-7824; Albion UMC, KRD Goldsmith, Erica 201 E North St, West Salem, IL 62476; (618) 456-3563; West Salem Zion UMC, KRD Gonzalez, Maria 235 Willow St, Momence, IL 60954-1414; (815) 472-0347; Wesley Sunrise Hispanic UMC, VRD * Gordon, Jinny 863 S Greenwood Ave, Kankakee, IL 60901-5208; (815) 932-7587; Kankakee Asbury UMC, VRD Gottardo, Jean 10925 E Le Claire St, Grant Park, IL 60940-5513; (815) 472-3035; Manteno UMC, VRD * Graham, Jeffrey 112 W Raab Rd Apt D, Normal, IL 61761-4774; (217) 637-0268; [email protected]; Normal Calvary UMC, VRD - AT LARGE * Grant, Mark A 302 Buttercup St, PO Box 156, Athens, IL 62613-0156; (217) 691-8368; [email protected]; Athens UMC, SRD * Graul, Janet 204 S Chicago St, PO Box 49, Sidell, IL 61876-0049; (217) 288-9314; Sidell UMC, IRD * Greenburg, Norm 882 E 1100 North Rd, Onarga, IL 60955-7672; (217) 394-2816; [email protected]; Gilman UMC, IRD * Griffin, Dennis 3210 46th St, Moline, IL 61265; (309) 764-1496; [email protected]; East Moline Christ UMC, SPD * Griffith, Carol 21314 Lariat Ln, Havana, IL 62644; (309) 535-3164; [email protected]; Lewistown UMC, ILD Griffith, Dick PO Box 245, Eureka, IL 61530; (309) 467-2573; Eureka UMC, ILD * Griffith, Sally 211 S Main St, Argenta, IL 62501; (217) 795-2330; Argenta UMC, SRD * Grimes, Jane 321 E Jefferson St, Pittsfield, IL 62363; (217) 285-6649; Pittsfield UMC, LRD * Gritton, Marsha 1458 Warrington Ave, Danville, IL 61832-2744; (217) 443-3135; [email protected]; Batestown UMC, IRD * Grussing, Yvonne 8 Wesley Ct, PO Box 34, Sidney, IL 61877-0034; (217) 688-2082; Countryside UMC, IRD * Gullerud, Ernest 1208 W Daniel St, Champaign, IL 61821; (217) 352-0467; [email protected]; Urbana Wesley UMC, IRD * Gullerud, Lois E 1208 W Daniel St, Champaign, IL 61821; (217) 352-0467; [email protected]; Urbana Wesley UMC, IRD Gustafson, Carol 3521 19th Ave, Moline, IL 61265; (309) 764-4272; Moline Riverside UMC, SPD * Hahs, Elouise J 1 N Highland Pl, Mount Vernon, IL 62864-2727; (618) 244-9465; [email protected]; Mount Vernon First UMC, KRD * Hall, Carla 3810 W Golf Creek Dr, Peoria, IL 61615; (309) 691-4706; [email protected]; Peoria Northwest UMC, ILD Hall, Linda 34173 Prairie Dell Rd, Piasa, IL 62079-2509; (618) 729-2046; Bunker Hill UMC, MRD * Hamilton, Karen 4723 Richview Rd, Mount Vernon, IL 62864; (618) 242-2989; Mount Vernon West Salem Trinity UMC, KRD * Hammitt, William M 1103 Spear Dr, Normal, IL 61761-3155; (309) 452-1527; [email protected]; Normal Calvary UMC, VRD Lay Member Directory 47 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Hampleman, Deborah 12955 Mallard Dr, Whittington, IL 62897-1263; (618) 439-2122; [email protected]; Benton First UMC, CRD Hancock, Becky 11002 S State Road 71, Clinton, IN 47842-7121; (765) 832-6236; Sugar Grove UMC, ERD * Handel, Mary 213 W Vine St, Grayville, IL 62844; (618) 375-7760; [email protected]; Grayville UMC, KRD Hanley, Nora 703 E 2685 North Rd, Moweaqua, IL 62550-3645; Taylorville UMC, SRD - AT LARGE Hannah, Jamie 1357 N 7th St Apt E, Murphysboro, IL 62966-1686; (618) 561-0537; Carbondale Grace UMC, CRD - AT LARGE Hardesty, Sandy 5 Honeysuckle Ln, Lawrenceville, IL 62439; (618) 943-2167; Lawrenceville Zion UMC, KRD * Harding, Bethea 208 S Trivoli Rd, Trivoli, IL 61569-9774; (309) 362-2329; Trivoli UMC, ILD – AT LARGE Harding, Sherry 1 Williamsburg Ct Apt C, Pekin, IL 61554; (309) 353-6974; Pekin First UMC, ILD - AT LARGE Hardwick, Judy 2872 County Road 200 E, Fisher, IL 61843-9752; (217) 897-1436; Shiloh UMC, IRD - AT LARGE Harminson, Jeremy 200 E Buena Vista St, PO Box 447, Kansas, IL 61933-0447; (217) 948-5164; Kansas UMC, ERD - AT LARGE * Harris, Jane 340 N 3rd St, Albion, IL 62806; (618) 445-2127; [email protected]; Albion UMC, KRD Harris, Kim 5511 IL Hwy 133, Redmon, IL 61949; (217) 884-2211; Hume UMC, ERD * Hart, Karen 980 W Kennedy Rd, Braidwood, IL 60408; (815) 458-6124; magie2@sbcglobal. net; Coal City UMC, VRD * Hart, Renee 2205 Knox Road 1950 N, Williamsfield, IL 61489; (309) 639-2766; [email protected]; Williamsfield UMC, SPD * Hartenbower, Joanne 81 N 17th Rd, Lostant, IL 61334-9617; (815) 882-2573; Lostant UMC, VRD * Hartman, Sue 1415 Merritt Rd, Jacksonville, IL 62650; (217) 891-2296; Jacksonville Wesley Chapel UMC, LRD * Harvey, Mary Ann 3601 25th St, Rock Island, IL 61201-6901; (309) 786-2062; [email protected]; Moline Bethel Wesley UMC, SPD - AT LARGE * Hasenstab, Tonya 109 Jardin Ct, Swansea, IL 62226; (618) 550-9380; [email protected]; Fairview Heights Prospect Park UMC, MRD * Hasler, Rick RR 1 Box 41A, Bridgeport, IL 62417; (618) 945-9359; Sumner UMC, KRD * Hausman, Haley 2027 Greenview Ave, Metropolis, IL 62960-1154; (618) 524-7180; [email protected]; Metropolis UMC, CRD - AT LARGE Hawkins, Robert 2121 Seneca Dr, Charleston, IL 61920; (217) 348-0996; Charleston Wesley UMC, ERD * Hayes, Lindsay 806 Jefferson St, Galesburg, IL 61401; (309) 299-7892; [email protected]; Galesburg First UMC, SPD - AT LARGE * Hays, Ellen 216 Coles County Dr, O’Fallon, IL 62269; (618) 624-8367; [email protected]; Shiloh UMC, MRD * Hays, Madison 216 Coles County Dr, O’Fallon, IL 62269; (618) 624-8367; [email protected]; Mississippi River District, MRD - AT LARGE * Hedges, Mary Ann 5 Hunter Ct, Moweaqua, IL 62550; (217) 768-3140; Moweaqua UMC, SRD Hedlin, Ed 1023 Paul Dr, Saint Anne, IL 60964-5219; (815) 936-0043; Grant Park UMC, VRD * Hein, Joyce 3808 35th Ave, Moline, IL 61265; (309) 764-4368; [email protected]; Moline Bethel Wesley UMC, SPD Heineman, Marie 1236 N Milton Ave Trlr 73, Springfield, IL 62702; (217) 523-0114; Mount Auburn UMC, SRD * Heinzmann, Jane 1603 Salem Rd, Mount Vernon, IL 62864-2628; (618) 242-2817; [email protected]; Mount Vernon West Salem Trinity UMC, KRD - AT LARGE * Hemrich, Bev 4157 N 1250th St, Flat Rock, IL 62427; (618) 584-3446; [email protected]; Flat Rock UMC, ERD * Henderson, Karla 20 Sunnydale Ave, Jacksonville, IL 62650; Jacksonville Grace UMC, LRD Hendrickson, Connie 25 Mona St, Marietta, IL 61459; (309) 769-5235; New Philadelphia UMC, SPD Henning, Allen 123 Kramer Rd, Avon, IL 61415; (309) 465-6557; Avon UMC, SPD * Henschen, Cathy 3505 Wexford Dr, Springfield, IL 62704; (217) 546-5396; [email protected]; Chatham UMC, SRD 48 Lay Member Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Henson, Jim 1006 Oakland Ave, Mount Vernon, IL 62864; (618) 244-0517; jimmarciah@att. net; Mount Vernon First UMC, KRD * Henson, Marcia 1006 Oakland Ave, Mount Vernon, IL 62864; (618) 244-0517; [email protected]; Mount Vernon First UMC, KRD * Henson, Victoria 6441 Bailey Rd, Salem, IL 62881; (618) 548-3289; [email protected]; Kinmundy First UMC, KRD - AT LARGE * Herath, Sharon 1033 E Mossville Rd, Peoria, IL 61615-9799; (309) 579-2006; Mossville UMC, ILD - AT LARGE * Hiddle, Susan 510 Connelly St, Paris, IL 61944; (217) 822-1252; [email protected]; Paris First UMC, ERD * Hildebrand, Pat 302 N Hutton Dr, Newton, IL 62448-2011; (618) 783-3567; [email protected]; Newton Grace UMC, ERD * Hillegonds, Terry 1304 Oak Leaf Ln, Washington, IL 61571-9711; (309) 444-2696; Crossroads UMC, ILD * Himmel, Carol 18535 E Manito Rd, Havana, IL 62644; (309) 543-2454; [email protected]; Mason City UMC, SRD * Hinterser, Jake 3707 Fairoaks Dr, Granite City, IL 62040; (618) 877-6378; Granite City Nameoki UMC, MRD * Hisey, Peggy 16207 E Cypress Rd, Canton, IL 61520; (309) 778-2496; [email protected]; Canton Wesley UMC, ILD Hobbs, Martin 312 Thomas Ct, Eureka, IL 61530-1479; (309) 467-4010; Eureka UMC, ILD * Hodges, Joanne 904 Van Buren St, Monticello, IL 61856; (217) 762-2582; [email protected]; Monticello UMC, SRD * Hofbauer, Larry R 308 N 1st St, PO Box 565, Cissna Park, IL 60924-0565; (815) 457-2463; [email protected]; Cissna Park UMC, IRD Hoggatt, Linda 112 Pinewood Ct, Troy, IL 62294; (618) 667-4695; [email protected];[email protected]; Troy UMC, MRD * Hollon, M Calvin 5955 N Coulters Mill Rd, Oreana, IL 62554-9609; (217) 468-2007; Forsyth UMC, SRD * Hollon, Nancy 5955 N Coulters Mill Rd, Oreana, IL 62554-9609; (217) 468-2007; Forsyth UMC, SRD Holycross, Rose 26416 Shake Rag Rd, Danville, IL 61834-6101; (217) 759-7481;Rossville UMC, IRD * Homan, Bob 518 W Saint Louis St, Lebanon, IL 62254; (618) 537-2823; [email protected]; Lebanon First UMC, MRD - AT LARGE * Homan, James L 116 Northwood Dr, Mount Carmel, IL 62863; (618) 262-7500; [email protected]; Mount Carmel Evangelical UMC, KRD * Homan, Karen L 518 W Saint Louis St, Lebanon, IL 62254; (618) 622-3072; [email protected]; Lebanon First UMC, MRD - AT LARGE * Homan, Leta 116 Northwood Dr, Mount Carmel, IL 62863; (618) 262-7500; [email protected]; Mount Carmel Evangelical UMC, KRD * Hood, David 1114 Sterling Dr, Champaign, IL 61821; (217) 359-0366; [email protected]; Champaign Faith UMC, IRD - AT LARGE * Hood, Patti 1719 S Prospect Ave, Champaign, IL 61820-7041; (217) 359-3631; [email protected]; Champaign Faith UMC, IRD * Hopkins, Marsha 290 Lakeview Dr, Carlyle, IL 62231; (618) 226-3452; [email protected]; Shattuc UMC, KRD * Hopping, Nate 1325 W University Dr, Macomb, IL 61455-1066; (309) 836-5581; Macomb Wesley UMC, SPD - AT LARGE * Housh, Nancy 172 Knox Road 550 E, Saint Augustine, IL 61474; (309) 462-5346; Abingdon UMC, SPD * Howard, Burena 531 N 18th St, East Saint Louis, IL 62205; (618) 274-2323; [email protected]; Trinity East Saint Louis UMC, MRD - AT LARGE * Hubert, Ron 453 Oak Creek Trl, Mount Olive, IL 62069; (217) 999-7132; Mount Olive UMC, MRD * Hudson, Rick 22243 Clarksville Rd, Lexington, IL 61753-7680; (309) 365-8735; Lexington First UMC, VRD * Hudson, Teedra Beth 22243 Clarksville Rd, Lexington, IL 61753-7680; (309) 365-8735; [email protected]; Lexington First UMC, VRD - AT LARGE Hughes, Maureen 2754 County Road 3500 N, Penfield, IL 61862; (217) 595-5553; Middlefork UMC, IRD * Hund, Alycia 1403 E Oakland Ave, Bloomington, IL 61701; (309) 828-5819; [email protected]; Bloomington Wesley UMC, VRD Lay Member Directory 49 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Hund, Gary 109 S Madison St, PO Box 222, Reynolds, IL 61279-0222; (309) 372-8249; [email protected]; Reynolds UMC, SPD Hunley, Sara 5048 Mockingbird Ln, Farina, IL 62838; (618) 780-5535; Farina UMC, KRD Hunt, Sumner 13214 N Kelstadt Rd, Brimfield, IL 61517; (309) 446-9163; Brimfield UMC, ILD * Hutchings, Jim 120 E Walnut St, Coal City, IL 60416; (815) 634-4264; [email protected]; Coal City UMC, VRD * Inman, Art 1020 W Greenfield Dr, Peoria, IL 61614; (309) 692-9206; [email protected]; Peoria First UMC, ILD * Iutzi, Fred 2317 N County Road 1800, Burnside, IL 62330-5115; (217) 755-4296; [email protected]; Carthage First UMC, LRD - AT LARGE * Jackson, Calvin 700 E Maple St, Fairbury, IL 61739-1365; (815) 692-3930; [email protected]; Fairbury UMC, VRD * Jacob, Mary Ann 1204 S Bevabeck Dr, Marion, IL 62959; (618) 997-3011; Marion Aldersgate UMC, CRD * Jacob, Paul 1204 S Bevabeck Dr, Marion, IL 62959; (618) 997-3011; Marion Aldersgate UMC, CRD * Jarvis, Juanita PO Box 141 , Stronghurst, IL 61480-0141; (309) 922-1197 Ext 2; [email protected]; Stronghurst UMC, SPD Jessup, Margaret Ann 133 W Brown St, Divernon, IL 62530; (217) 628-9076; Divernon UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * Johnson, Becky 3417 S Glasford Rd, Hanna City, IL 61536; (309) 657-3580; [email protected]; White Chapel UMC, ILD Johnson, Bonnie RR1 Box 58, Carman, IL 61425; (309) 337-9138; Stronghurst UMC, SPD * Johnson, Chanel 140 E 1st St, El Paso, IL 61738; (309) 527-2306; El Paso UMC, VRD * Johnston, Linda 22134 E 23rd Rd, Nokomis, IL 62075; (217) 563-2293; [email protected]; South Fork UMC, SRD * Jones, Caroline M 2234 Oakwood Ct, East Moline, IL 61244; (309) 792-9787; [email protected]; East Moline Christ UMC, SPD Jordan, Beth 8619 Route 166, Creal Springs, IL 62922; (618) 996-2114; Crab Orchard UMC, CRD * Kastl, George 4145 Turner Dr, Decatur, IL 62521-4374; (217) 422-2344; [email protected]; Decatur Grace UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * Kauerauf, John Illinois Building Ste 800, PO Box 5131, Springfield, IL 62705-5131; (217) 544 1144; [email protected]; Springfield First UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * Kaufman, Emily PO Box 116, Sandoval, IL 62882-0116; (618) 918-0124; [email protected]; Kinmundy First UMC, KRD - AT LARGE * Kaufman, Verlee PO Box 58 , Keithsburg, IL 61442-0058; (309) 374-2729; ; New Boston UMC, SPD * Keepes-England, Mitchel S 512 S McKinley Ave, Champaign, IL 61821; (217) 351-1546; [email protected]; White Heath UMC, IRD * Keever, Regina 7 E Centennial Ct, Piper City, IL 60959; (815) 686-2602; Piper City UMC, IRD * Kemper, Carol 702 W Mound St , Elmwood, IL 61529; (309) 742-7421; Elmwood UMC, SPD * Kernan, Lindi 208 N Scandia St, PO Box 1, Alpha, IL 61413-0001; (309) 629-9924; [email protected]; Alpha UMC, SPD * Kershaw, Faye PO Box 72, Arenzville, IL 62611-0072; (217) 997-2298; Arenzville UMC, LRD * Kilzer, Shirley PO Box 132, Macon, IL 62544; (217) 768-4788; [email protected]; Macon UMC, SRD * Kimpling, Kaye 1001 N Merchant St, Effingham, IL 62401; (618) 342-3470; [email protected]; Effingham Centenary UMC, ERD * King, Janet L 311 N Tonica St , Mason City, IL 62664-1158; (217) 737-5071; [email protected]; San Jose UMC, SRD * Kintner, David 1605 N Johnson St, Robinson, IL 62454; (618) 544-3542; [email protected]; Oblong Central UMC, ERD Kirby, Don PO Box 534, Roseville, IL 61473-0534; (309) 426-2284; Swan Creek UMC, SPD * Kirby, Ed 17103 Springfield Rd , Groveland, IL 61535; (309) 387-6168; [email protected]; Peoria First UMC, ILD * Klockenga, Dale E 329 E Palace Row, Geneseo, IL 61254; (309) 944-8275; Hooppole Zion UMC, SPD Knight, Elaine 908 8th St, Lincoln, IL 62656-2339; (217) 735-4253; Lincoln First UMC, SRD * Koehler, Agnes 23 W Lake Ter, Carlyle, IL 62231-1255; (618) 594-8978; Boulder UMC, KRD * Koerner, Roberta 3106 Chatham Dr, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 344-8857; [email protected]; Urbana First UMC, IRD Krause, Jyl 908 E Fairview St , Peoria, IL 61615-9776; (309) 657-5147; ; Mossville UMC, ILD 50 Lay Member Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Kridner, George 321 E Cemetery Ave, Chenoa, IL 61726-1362; (815) 945-7268; Chenoa UMC, VRD * Kriesel, Dorothy 611 N Jefferson St, Mascoutah, IL 62258; (618) 566-7768; [email protected]; Mascoutah Bethel UMC, MRD * Krost, Delva 440 Interstate Dr, Saint Elmo, IL 62458; (618) 829-5398; Saint Elmo First UMC, ERD Krost, Vicki 15914 N Brougham Dr , Chillicothe, IL 61523-9471; (309) 274-6625; [email protected]; Peoria Northwest UMC, ILD - AT LARGE Krull, Cindy 104 W Massachusetts St , Steeleville, IL 62288-1901; (618) 317-4789; Percy UMC, MRD * Kuehn, Luann 1524 Upper Spring Bay Rd, East Peoria, IL 61611; (309) 822-0306; Willow Hill UMC, ILD * Kuehne, Kay A 2803 Warren Ave, Granite City, IL 62040; (618) 877-6784; [email protected]; Granite City Trinity UMC, MRD * Kulczewski, Peggy 2002 87th St , Monmouth, IL 61462-9152; (309) 734-7324; [email protected]; Fairview Center UMC, SPD * Kurfman, Lily 207 Twin Oaks Dr, Rochester, IL 62563-9219; (217) 498-6910; New Salem UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * Lachler, Belinda L 508 N 3rd St, Coulterville, IL 62237; (618) 758-2128; [email protected]; Coulterville UMC, MRD * Lafary, Jeremy 149 Harmony Ln, Macomb, IL 61455; (309) 318-9681; [email protected]; Spoon River District, SPD - AT LARGE Lance, Paul 523 Pekin Ave, East Peoria, IL 61611; (309) 694-3627; Edwards UMC, ILD * Land, Roger 3501 53rd St, Moline, IL 61265-6641; (309) 236-6262; East Moline Grace UMC, SPD * Lane, Chali 700 Blackman Hill Rd, Harrisburg, IL 62946; (618) 841-2621; [email protected]; Harrisburg First UMC, CRD Lane, Debbie RR 2 Box 315, Golconda, IL 62938; (618) 683-2400; Golconda UMC, CRD * Lane, Robert 700 Blackman Hill Rd, Harrisburg, IL 62946; (618) 841-2621; Harrisburg First UMC, CRD * Lane, Sherry J R 217 W Yates St, PO Box 134, Cropsey, IL 61731-0134; (309) 377-2061; [email protected]; Cropsey UMC, VRD * Langewisch, Deb 1428 W Grandridge Ct, Dunlap, IL 61525; (309) 243-7495; [email protected]; Mossville UMC, ILD * Larson, Kim 3825 Dulaney Pl , Quincy, IL 62305; (217) 222-8545; [email protected]; Quincy Vermont Street UMC, LRD * Larson, Rita 10238 W Lake Camelot Dr, Mapleton, IL 61547; (309) 697-3110; [email protected]; Glasford UMC, ILD * Lathrop, Trixie RR 1 Box 174, Wayne City, IL 62895; (618) 736-2706; Wayne City UMC, KRD * Lawrence, Max 506 S Christy Ave, Sumner, IL 62466-1229; (618) 936-2231; Beulah UMC, KRD * Lee, Doris M 2221 10th St, East Moline, IL 61244; (309) 752-0137; [email protected]; Moline Bethel Wesley UMC, SPD * Lee, Penny 312 Meadow Hills Dr, McLeansboro, IL 62859; (618) 643-2631; McLeansboro First UMC, CRD Legg, Janet 6665 N 1075th St, Robinson, IL 62454; (618) 544-8134; ; Oak Ridge UMC, ERD * Lehn, Jean 4103 N Wyckles Rd, Warrensburg, IL 62573; (217) 672-3289; [email protected]; Sharon UMC, SRD * Leonard, Barbara 130 Rustic Lake Dr, Colona, IL 61241; (309) 441-5715; [email protected]; Geneseo First UMC, SPD * Lewey, Louis 1815 N Van Buren St, Litchfield, IL 62056; (618) 324-3994; Litchfield Saint Timothy UMC, MRD * Lewis, Krista 80 Locksley Ln, Springfield, IL 62704-5314; (217) 241-4294; [email protected]; Springfield Douglas Avenue UMC, SRD - AT LARGE Lillie, Sharon 12971 E County 14 Hwy, Lewistown, IL 61542-9243; (309) 547-2099; Mount Pleasant UMC, ILD Lippincott, Thomas 20229 McCraney Creek Rd, Kinderhook, IL 62345-9725; (217) 242-3260; Hull UMC, LRD Lirely, Kay 5959 Chautauqua Rd, Murphysboro, IL 62966; (618) 684-4308; Murphysboro UMC, CRD * Little, David P PO Box 442, Astoria, IL 61501; (309) 337-3054; [email protected]; Astoria UMC, LRD - AT LARGE * Locker, Johnnie 10615 N Sleepy Hollow Rd , Peoria, IL 61615-1121; (309) 692-3500; [email protected]; Peoria Bethel UMC, ILD - AT LARGE Lay Member Directory 51 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Lockhart, Merle PO Box 111, Wellington, IL 60973-0111; (815) 984-4343; [email protected]; Wellington UMC, IRD * Lolling, Maxine 23 Rigg Dr , Lincoln, IL 62656-1013; (217) 732-3664; Lincoln First UMC, SRD * Long, Eleanor 825 W Carroll St , Macomb, IL 61455-1951; (309) 836-7515; Hills Grove UMC, SPD * Love, Marcelyn 3117 La Conner Dr, Springfield, IL 62704-6508; (217) 793-8747; [email protected]; Springfield Grace UMC, SRD * Lowe, David 12 Kimberly Ln, PO Box 333, Saunemin, IL 61769-0333; (815) 832-4960; [email protected]; Saunemin UMC, VRD * Luehr, Loran c/o Wesley Foundation 816 S Illinois St, Carbondale, IL 62901; Cache River District, CRD - AT LARGE * Luessenheide, Dennis 11 Nassau Dr, Maryville, IL 62062; (618) 288-5251; [email protected]; Collinsville First UMC, MRD - AT LARGE * Lynch, Patrick G 302 W 5th St, Cahokia, IL 62206; (618) 337-0675; [email protected]; Cahokia Park UMC, MRD * Lynn, Mike 101 Providence St, Pekin, IL 61554; (309) 267-4242; Tremont UMC, ILD * Lyons, Brandon 23847 N 1050 East Rd, Cornell, IL 61319; (815) 257-7557; Cornell Blackstone UMC, VRD - AT LARGE * Mabry, Bill 37 Frankfort Dr, West Frankfort, IL 62896; (618) 932-4574; [email protected]; West Frankfort Trinity UMC, CRD * MacKenzie, Karen 206 W Garfield Ave, Bartonville, IL 61607; (309) 697-4756; [email protected]; Hanna City UMC, ILD Madden, Pam 403 N 5th St, PO Box 294, Saint Francisville, IL 62460-0294; (618) 948-2545; ; Saint Francisville UMC, KRD * Main, Stephen 1289 Knox Highway 4, Altona, IL 61414; (309) 484-5571; stevemain@winco. net; Altona UMC, SPD - AT LARGE * Mankle, Bonnie L 13618 N Lucerne Dr, Dunlap, IL 61525-9619; (309) 243-9055; [email protected]; Dunlap Prospect UMC, ILD Mann, Carol 1127 Chestnut St, Quincy, IL 62301-2158; (573) 795-9947; Quincy Melrose Chapel UMC, LRD - AT LARGE * Marlman, Earl F PO Box 447, Metropolis, IL 62960-0447; (618) 524-2343; Metropolis UMC, CRD * Marlman, Lois PO Box 447, Metropolis, IL 62960-0447; (618) 524-2343; Metropolis UMC, CRD - AT LARGE * Marshall, Ronn 11218 N Rhonda Way, Dunlap, IL 61525; (309) 243-7546; [email protected]; Peoria First UMC, ILD * Martin, Carol 1004 W Evergreen Ave, Effingham, IL 62401-1708; (217) 342-5886; Effingham Centenary UMC, ERD - AT LARGE * Martin, John W 2009 Burwell St, Urbana, IL 61802; (217) 607-1607; [email protected]; Quest UMC, IRD Marty, Zoila 401 Jacob St, PO Box 252, Saint Jacob, IL 62281-0252; (618) 644-3711; Saint Jacob UMC, MRD Marvel, Annalee PO Box 194, Carmi, IL 62821; (618) 966-3962; McHenry UMC, CRD * Mascher, Searoba 15776 N Oak Crest Rd, Marshall, IL 62441; (217) 826-2530; [email protected]; Marshall First UMC, ERD * Massey, Donna 1114 White Oak Trl, Godfrey, IL 62035-5723; (618) 466-8202; [email protected]; Alton Main Street UMC, MRD * Massie, Oleta 1209 Gerlock Ct, Carterville, IL 62918-5208; (618) 985-8598; [email protected]; Carterville UMC, CRD * Masters, Jane A 22 Appomatox Ave, PO Box 82, Jacksonville, IL 62651-0082; (217) 479-0141; Jacksonville Grace UMC, LRD - AT LARGE * Maxson, Jackie 3250 High Knob Rd, Equality, IL 62934; (618) 275-4412; [email protected]; Equality UMC, CRD * May, Marjorie 58 Will Vina Dr, Collinsville, IL 62234-5433; (618) 344-0624; [email protected]; Edwardsville Immanuel UMC, MRD * McCauley, Leo 210 W 4th St, PO Box 233, McNabb, IL 61335-0233; (815) 882-2698; McNabb UMC, VRD McCleave, Kristi 4484 N 825th St, Robinson, IL 62454; (618) 557-3359; Zion UMC, ERD McClellan, Ethel RR 1 Box 264B, Cave In Rock, IL 62919; (217) 649-5051; Shawneetown UMC, CRD * McCloskey, Martha 806 Lundy St, Streator, IL 61364; (815) 672-1434; Streator First UMC, VRD McClure, Brooke 2103 Cinnamon Ln, Bloomington, IL 61704; (309) 808-1889; Bourbonnais Grace UMC, VRD - AT LARGE 52 Lay Member Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook McCollum, Betty 1779 Saddlewood, O’Fallon, IL 62269; (618) 632-6233; O’Fallon First UMC, MRD McCollum, Rufus 1779 Saddlewood, O’Fallon, IL 62269; (618) 632-6233; O’Fallon First UMC, MRD * McCormick, Daryl RR 1 Box 23D, Stewardson, IL 62463; (217) 682-5524; [email protected]; Stewardson UMC, ERD * McCray, Marian B 14 Marilyn Cir, Fairview Heights, IL 62208-2839; (618) 624-7264; [email protected]; Cahokia Park UMC, MRD - AT LARGE McCulley, Russ 230 Howard Dr, Minonk, IL 61760-1604; (309) 432-2944; Minonk UMC, VRD McCullough, Joe PO Box 204, Latham, IL 62543-0204; (217) 674-3437; Mount Pulaski First UMC, SRD * McCumber, Joyce 1642 W Vernon Ave, Springfield, IL 62704; (217) 546-2720; Springfield Asbury UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * Hammond McDavid, Pamela 6712 Preston Dr, Springfield, IL 62711-7093; (217) 483-6331; Springfield Grace UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * McDonald, Jan R 3810 35th St, Rock Island, IL 61201; (309) 236-4571; [email protected]; Rock Island Two Rivers UMC, SPD McFarland, Donna 1585 Cantrall Creek Rd, Cantrall, IL 62625; (217) 487-7084; Sherman UMC, SRD * McGehee, Hal 1009 Hickory Pt, Collinsville, IL 62234; (618) 345-0866; [email protected]; Maryville Saint Luke’s UMC, MRD * McGehee, LaDonna K 1009 Hickory Pt, Collinsville, IL 62234; (618) 345-0866; [email protected]; Maryville Saint Luke’s UMC, MRD * McGinnis, Becky 1942 Holt Rd, Jacksonville, IL 62650; (217) 886-2207; Jacksonville Grace UMC, LRD McGregor, Caleb 119 E 5th St, Mount Carmel, IL 62863; (618) 262-4374; Mount Carmel Evangelical UMC, KRD - AT LARGE * McKinney, Camilla A PO Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794-9207; (217) 529-2674; [email protected]; Decatur First UMC, SRD - AT LARGE McMorris, Stan 2740 Kimwood Dr, Charleston, IL 61920; (217) 345-2272; Charleston Wesley UMC, ERD * McPherson, Jesse 1116 N 8th St, PO Box 82, Herrin, IL 62948-0082; (618) 942-6518; [email protected]; Herrin UMC, CRD * McQuilkin, Bonnie 1093 IL Route 89, Magnolia, IL 61336-9608; (815) 869-3100; [email protected]; Magnolia UMC, VRD - AT LARGE * McQuilkin, Mary 1093 IL Route 89, Magnolia, IL 61336-9608; (815) 869-3100; Magnolia UMC, VRD - AT LARGE * McQuistion, Virginia 3620 N Karen Ct , Decatur, IL 62526; (217) 877-2217; [email protected]; Decatur First UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * McRae, Luanne 400 W Debby Dr, Mount Zion, IL 62549; (217) 864-4855; [email protected]; Dalton City UMC, SRD Medlin, Mildred 1439 US Highway 45, Enfield, IL 62835; (618) 963-2038; Enfield UMC, CRD * Megenhardt, Larry D 106 Mapleleaf Dr, Catlin, IL 61817; (217) 427-2401; [email protected]; Catlin UMC, IRD * Megginson, T Janell 2202 Nortonville Rd, Murrayville, IL 62668; (217) 882-5261; Murrayville UMC, LRD Mehrkens, Kara 202 Derron Ct, Pontiac, IL 61764; (815) 844-3821; Pontiac First UMC, VRD Mehrkens, Lauren 202 Derron Ct, Pontiac, IL 61764; (815) 844-3821; Pontiac First UMC, VRD Meriwether, Jim 114 North St, Fairfield, IL 62837; (618) 842-9239; Fairfield First UMC, KRD Meriwether, Verla 114 North St, Fairfield, IL 62837; (618) 842-9239; Fairfield First UMC, KRD * Merten, R C PO Box 116, Sandoval, IL 62882-0116; (618) 918-0124; [email protected]; Sandoval UMC, KRD - AT LARGE Mesick, Carolyn 8026 54th Street Ct, Coal Valley, IL 61240; (309) 799-8602; Moline Bethel Wesley UMC, SPD - AT LARGE Messmore, Sharon 205 Concord St, East Peoria, IL 61611; Iroquois River District, IRD * Meyer, Christine 540 Verkler Dr, Bonfield, IL 60913; (815) 939-2912; [email protected]; Bonfield Evangelical UMC, VRD * Meyers, Gail 305 E Willard, PO Box 448, Gifford, IL 61847-0448; (217) 568-7674; Gifford UMC, IRD * Michaels, Joanne C 1710 Kane St, Carlyle, IL 62231-1131; (618) 594-2700; [email protected]; Carlyle UMC, MRD * Michel, Ian 1780 S 16000 W Rd, Reddick, IL 60961; (815) 925-5035; Herscher UMC, VRD - AT LARGE Lay Member Directory 53 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Michel, Linda B 1780 S 16000W Rd, Reddick, IL 60961; (630) 918-9695; [email protected]; Herscher UMC, VRD Milhouse, Peggy 526 E Lorena Ave, Wood River, IL 62095-2124; (618) 254-5206; [email protected]; Wood River First UMC, MRD - AT LARGE * Miller, Elaine 15819 N Oak Crest Rd, Marshall, IL 62441-4331; (217) 340-4340; [email protected]; Marshall Emmanuel UMC, ERD * Miller, Ken 190 W 4th St, Coal City, IL 60416; (815) 634-0449; [email protected]; Coal City UMC, VRD - AT LARGE Miller, Shirley 407 S State Route 37, Kinmundy, IL 62854; (618) 547-3639; Alma UMC, KRD Miner, Ken 2325 Waterbury Pond Ct, Springfield, IL 62712-9594; (217) 529-2546; Sangamon River District, SRD - AT LARGE Mitchell, George 14752 Alleghany Rd, Thompsonville, IL 62890; (618) 982-2315; Galatia UMC, CRD * Mittendorf, Dale 3286 Illinois 145 Rd, Metropolis, IL 62960; (618) 524-9027; Powers UMC, CRD * Mohrman, Margie 115 Knollwood, Quincy, IL 62301-4465; (217) 222-5944; Camp Point UMC, LRD - AT LARGE * Mohrman, Roger 115 Knollwood, Quincy, IL 62301-4465; (217) 222-5944; Camp Point UMC, LRD Montgomery, Tom 209 S Main St, Cambridge, IL 61238; (309) 937-5700; Cambridge UMC, SPD * Moody, Janet 3892 N 5000W Rd, Kankakee, IL 60901; (815) 932-1196; [email protected]; Kankakee Saint Mark UMC, VRD * Moore, Lyman Max 103 S 4th St, PO Box 786, Chatsworth, IL 60921-0786; (815) 635-3157; Chatsworth UMC, VRD * Moorhead, Karmin 1906 Otter Rd, Trenton, IL 62293; (618) 244-9778; Trenton First UMC, MRD - AT LARGE Moroney, Butch 1509 Coralberry Ct, Springfield, IL 62712; (217) 585-9175; Sugar Creek UMC, SRD * Morris, Christopher 816 S Illinois Ave, Carbondale, IL 62901; Cache River District, CRD - AT LARGE * Morrison, Jeff 187 3M Circle St, Neoga, IL 62447; (217) 895-3866; [email protected]; Neoga UMC, ERD * Morrow, Justin 2302 Eureka Rd, Washington, IL 61571; (309) 265-7858; [email protected]; Washington Evangelical UMC, ILD Mortonson, Andrew 1203 W Green St, Urbana, IL 61801; Iroquois River District, IRD - AT LARGE * Mosley, Peter 808 N Walnut St, Shelbyville, IL 62565-1120; (217) 774-2956; [email protected]; Shelbyville First UMC, ERD - AT LARGE Motley, Donna Belle 2206A N Prairie St, Tuscola, IL 61953-9248; (217) 253-3905; Hindsboro UMC, IRD * Muehling, Christine 1307 N County Road 1050 E, Tuscola, IL 61953; (217) 253-6612; [email protected]; Tuscola UMC, IRD Murphy, Hazel 2 Chanel Dr, PO Box 67, Batchtown, IL 62006-0067; (618) 396-2562; Batchtown UMC, LRD * Murphy, Velma 102 Norton, PO Box 64, Cabery, IL 60919-0064; (815) 949-1754; [email protected]; Cabery UMC, VRD * Murray, Sheron 28232 College Rd, Centralia, IL 62801-7802; (618) 532-3016; Centralia First UMC, KRD Myers, Brenda PO Box 61, Raymond, IL 62560-0061; (217) 229-4543; Raymond Community Of Faith UMC, SRD Myers, Francis RR 2 Box 179, Sumner, IL 62466; (618) 947-2450; Chauncey UMC, KRD * Myers, Louis 595 Lime Dr, Petersburg, IL 62675; (217) 632-7076; [email protected]; Petersburg UMC, SRD Myers, Nancy 5645 N Ridge Rd, Olney, IL 62450-3809; (618) 752-5941; [email protected]; Olney First UMC, KRD - AT LARGE * Nation, Bob 32167 239th Ave, Pittsfield, IL 62363; (217) 285-2342; [email protected]; Barry UMC, LRD * Nation, Pam 32167 239th Ave, Pittsfield, IL 62363; (217) 285-2342; [email protected]; Barry UMC, LRD Nelson, Hannah 1203 W Green, Urbana, IL 61801; (309) 212-6825; Heyworth UMC, VRD - AT LARGE * Nelson-Watkins, Debbie 4645 E Baker Woods Ln, Decatur, IL 62521-4283; (217) 423-6782; [email protected]; Decatur Grace UMC, SRD - AT LARGE 54 Lay Member Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Neumann, Fred 2211 S Cottage Grove Ave, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 367-0377; Urbana Grace UMC, IRD * Newton, Jennifer L 1 Cambridge Ct, Maryville, IL 62062; (618) 346-8573; Collinsville First UMC, MRD * Nicholson, June 615 Main, PO Box 214, Hillsdale, IL 61257-0214; (309) 658-2341; Hillsdale UMC, SPD Nohren, Stephanie PO Box 99, Cowden, IL 62422; (217) 343-3029; Cowden UMC, ERD Noland, Robert 315 W Center St, Lebanon, IL 62254-1411; (618) 632-2354; O’Fallon First UMC, MRD - AT LARGE * Nollman, Danny 1010 Forest Hill Dr, Belleville, IL 62221; (618) 235-6873; [email protected]; Belleville Union UMC, MRD * Nordstrom, Lisa 309 W Main St, PO Box 67, Bishop Hill, IL 61419-0067; (309) 927-3358; Galva First UMC, SPD * Norem, Barbara 3420 Marilyn Dr, Decatur, IL 62521-8888; (217) 864-5948; Elwin UMC, SRD * Norem, Martin Wm 3420 Marilyn Dr, Decatur, IL 62521-8888; (327) 864-5948; Elwin UMC, SRD * Olson, Douglas R 20601 N Fawn Ct, Chillicothe, IL 61523; (309) 274-4550; Chillicothe First UMC, ILD Olson, Pat 1908 10th St, Rock Island, IL 61201; (309) 786-3151; Milan Trinity UMC, SPD * Orton, Denise PO Box 81, Tower Hill, IL 62571-0081; (217) 567-3498; wady_n_pj@yahoo. com; Tower Hill UMC, ERD * Paluska, Maxine 519 Sunset Dr , Quincy, IL 62305; (217) 221-1229; [email protected]; Quincy Vermont Street UMC, LRD * Pangle, Donna 206 Meadows Rd N, Apt 1 , Bourbonnais, IL 60914; (815) 939-4999; Bradley Wesley UMC, VRD * Parks, Darryl 116 Apple Ln, Anna, IL 62906; (618) 833-6475; Anna UMC, CRD * Parsons, Kaye 805 W Progress St, PO Box 254, Ashland, IL 62612-0254; (217) 476-3468; [email protected]; Ashland UMC, LRD * Pascoe, Doug 4012 Rode Ave , Granite City, IL 62040-2222; (618) 877-2769; [email protected]; Granite City Good Shepherd UMC, MRD * Patterson, Rose Marie 1306 W Mack Ave, Olney, IL 62450-3712; (618) 392-4709; [email protected]; Calhoun UMC, KRD * Patton, Linda 31125 415th St, Griggsville, IL 62340; (217) 833-2685; Griggsville UMC, LRD * Paullin, Carolyn 36330 E 300 North Rd, Bellflower, IL 61724; (309) 722-3339; Bellflower UMC, IRD Paulson, Pete 4 Ashland Ct , Mount Zion, IL 62549; (217) 864-0600; [email protected]; Decatur Grace UMC, SRD * Peers, Rick 18 Allison Dr, Paxton, IL 60957; (217) 379-6045; [email protected]; Paxton First UMC, IRD * Perkins, Stephanie 122 W Poplar St, Albion, IL 62806; (618) 445-2738; Brown’s Chapel UMC, KRD * Perry, Carol 8 Pin Oak Dr, Highland, IL 62249; (618) 651-9400; [email protected]; Highland Hope UMC, MRD * Perry, Ellen 10485 Bell Fountain Rd, Dawson, IL 62520; (217) 364-4207; [email protected]; Fountain of Life UMC, SRD * Perry, Margaret E 1013 Lake Shore Dr, Mount Vernon, IL 62864-3017; (618) 244-4541; Bonnie UMC, KRD * Peters, Carl 3450 Village Ln, Apt 305 , Granite City, IL 62040-7705; (618) 401-6668; [email protected]; Granite City Nameoki UMC, MRD * Peters, Jean 1113 W Union St, Champaign, IL 61821; (217) 359-4642; jeangpeters@gmail. com; Urbana Wesley UMC, IRD * Peverly, Charlotte 13500 N 50 E, Perrysville, IN 47974; (765) 793-8218; Danville Saint James UMC, IRD * Peverly, John H 13500 N 50 E, Perrysville, IN 47974; (765) 793-8218; [email protected]; Danville Saint James UMC, IRD * Phillippe, Lynn 11563 E 1150th Ave, Robinson, IL 62454; (618) 544-5405; Robinson Otterbein UMC, ERD * Phillips, Diana 317 Preston Hollow Rd, Murrayville, IL 62668; (217) 882-8771; [email protected]; Jacksonville Asbury UMC, LRD * Phillips, Eva 1106 Airport Rd, Mount Vernon, IL 62864; (618) 242-0072; Mount Vernon Epworth UMC, KRD * Pigg, Carol L 121 Steven Dr, Troy, IL 62294; (618) 667-2412; Troy UMC, MRD Lay Member Directory 55 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Pinkerton, Carol Treasurer, New Salem UMC 6273 Wesley Chapel Rd, Chatham, IL 62629 8720; (217) 483-4496; New Salem UMC, SRD * Piotrowski, Lana 440 Pheasant Ln, Moro, IL 62067; (618) 377-8748; [email protected]; Wanda UMC, MRD * Plattner, John 2203 E Empire St Ste K, Bloomington, IL 61704-3707; (309) 828-1684; Normal Calvary UMC, VRD - AT LARGE * Plattner, Tarry 2203 E Empire St Ste K, Bloomington, IL 61704; (309) 828-1684; Normal Calvary UMC, VRD - AT LARGE * Poe, Barbara 20341 N Prairie Ln , Centralia, IL 62801-8547; (618) 249-9060; Central City UMC, KRD * Popejoy, Elaine 29287 E 800 North Rd, Ellsworth, IL 61737; (309) 724-8204; [email protected]; Ellsworth UMC, VRD * Potts, Mike 4109 Englewood Dr, Champaign, IL 61822; (217) 352-4960; [email protected]; Champaign New Horizon UMC, IRD * Potts, Tory 501 E Main St , Oblong, IL 62449; (618) 592-4456; [email protected]; Oblong Evangelical UMC, ERD * Power, Carol 19210 Hubbard Rd, East Moline, IL 61244-9750; (309) 496-2440; [email protected]; East Moline Christ UMC, SPD - AT LARGE Powles, Howard 145 Indiana, PO Box 10, Tamms, IL 62988-0010; (618) 747-2277; Tamms UMC, CRD * Prass, Alan 108 Calypso Dr, Belleville, IL 62221; (618) 235-6585; Fairview Heights Christ UMC, MRD Pribble, Jamie 1109 W Stotlar St, Herrin, IL 62948; (618) 988-1774; Energy UMC, CRD * Price, Flossie 427 Brian St, Bridgeport, IL 62417; (618) 945-5700; Bridgeport UMC, KRD * Pringle, Stephen L 5789 Kirby Rd, Oreana, IL 62554; (217) 468-2265; [email protected]; Garver Brick UMC, SRD Pritchard, Melba 962 Poplar St, Wood River, IL 62095; (618) 254-1384; Bethalto UMC, MRD * Pritchett, Annette 1470 Sullivan Rd, Goreville, IL 62939-2623; (618) 995-1177; [email protected]; Colp UMC, CRD - AT LARGE * Proctor, Skip 175 2300 Ave, PO Box 58, Latham, IL 62543-0058; (217) 674-3753; Latham UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * Pullin, Mary Ann 402 N Linden St, Normal, IL 61761; (309) 452-2529; [email protected]; Normal First UMC, VRD * Putrich, Elaine 15192 E Mishi Nama Dr , Cuba, IL 61427-9353; (309) 789-5313; ; Canton South Park UMC, ILD * Quick, Chris 702 Lincoln Dr, Marshall, IL 62441-1982; (217) 826-8155; Kaskaskia River District, KRD - AT LARGE * Ralston, Terry 1372 Westminster Ln, Bourbonnais, IL 60914; (815) 928-9712; [email protected]; Bourbonnais Grace UMC, VRD * Ramp, Kathy 74 Kennelworth Cir, Hampton, IL 61256; (309) 751-9546; [email protected]; East Moline Christ UMC, SPD * Ramsey, Mary G 702 3rd St, Carmi, IL 62821-1004; (618) 384-5251; [email protected]; Carmi Emmanuel UMC, CRD * Rankin, Carol 1851 E County Road 250, West Point, IL 62380-2014; (217) 743-6305; [email protected]; Living Faith UMC, LRD - AT LARGE Ratliff, Peg PO Box 287, Griggsville, IL 62340-0287; (217) 833-2575; Griggsville UMC, LRD - AT LARGE * Raymond, Jana Fox c/o Virginia UMC, 401 E Broadway St, Virginia, IL 62691; (217) 452-3534; [email protected]; Virginia UMC, LRD Rees, Tom 58 Elm St , Bradford, IL 61421-9202; (309) 897-8238; Bradford Leet Memorial UMC, ILD - AT LARGE * Reich, Norma 1 Arthur Dr, Rochester, IL 62563; (217) 495-7893; Springfield Asbury UMC, SRD * Reis, Suzie 15113 Remington Rd , Marion, IL 62959; (618) 998-8027; Marion Aldersgate UMC, CRD * Rentfrow, Jim 815 S Washington St, Sullivan, IL 61951; (217) 728-2027; [email protected]; Sullivan UMC, IRD * Reynolds, Arlene 1376 W Marietta St, Decatur, IL 62522; (217) 428-4548; [email protected]; Decatur Central UMC, SRD * Reynolds, Kathy 418 Rodeo Dr, Hillsboro, IL 62049; (217) 532-6679; Hillsboro UMC, ERD - AT LARGE * Reynolds, Lisa 13023 Prairie Trl, Carlinville, IL 62626; (217) 854-3788; Carlinville UMC, LRD * Reynolds, Paul 13023 Prairie Trl, Carlinville, IL 62626; (217) 854-3788; Carlinville UMC, LRD 56 Lay Member Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Rhine, Judy %Cross Road UMC, PO Box 165, Ullin, IL 62992-0165; ; [email protected]; Cross Road UMC, CRD * Rhoden, Connie 19263 E 800 North Rd, Georgetown, IL 61846-9999; (217) 662-8757; [email protected]; Georgetown UMC, IRD * Rhodes, Debby 1011 Springfield Rd, East Peoria, IL 61611; (309) 635-3620; [email protected]; East Peoria First UMC, ILD * Rhodes, Russell 1011 Springfield Rd, East Peoria, IL 61611; (309) 699-4352; [email protected]; East Peoria First UMC, ILD * Richards, Brian 302 E Main St, Heyworth, IL 61745-7624; (309) 473-2223; [email protected]; Heyworth UMC, VRD * Rigg, Patty J 217 N Freetrade St, PO Box 141, Bellmont, IL 62811-0141; (618) 298-2459; [email protected]; Bellmont UMC, KRD * Ringness, Jeffrey 214 Warrior Way, Germantown Hills, IL 61548; (309) 383-2402; [email protected]; Willow Hill UMC, ILD *Robbins, Roberta RR 2 Box 6A, Oquawka, IL 61469; (309) 867-3443; [email protected]; Oquawka UMC, SPD - AT LARGE * Robinson, Bill 1023 W Knox Rd, Galesburg, IL 61401; (309) 462-3800; [email protected]; Monmouth First UMC, SPD * Robinson, James Wade 801 E Alabama Ave, Casey, IL 62420; (217) 932-5832; Casey UMC, ERD * Robinson, Jan 902 E Mumford Dr, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 328-3507; [email protected]; Urbana Wesley UMC, IRD - AT LARGE Rodriguez, Evaristo 121 S State St, Beardstown, IL 62618-1217; (618) 967-6209; [email protected]; Beardstown UMC, LRD - AT LARGE Rogers, James 2941 S Koke Mill Rd, Springfield, IL 62711-9651; (217) 793-9760; [email protected]; Springfield First UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * Roggy, Richard 19032 Meander Way , Bloomington, IL 61705-4107; (309) 661-9251; [email protected]; LeRoy UMC, VRD * Roggy, Sharon 19032 Meander Way, Bloomington, IL 61705-4107; (309) 661-9251; LeRoy UMC, VRD * Roper, Robb 861 N Broadway St , Havana, IL 62644-1007; (309) 543-3542; [email protected]; Havana First UMC, LRD Ropiequet, David 34 Queens Pl, Mattoon, IL 61938; Mattoon First UMC, ERD * Ropiequet, Peggy 34 Queens Pl, Mattoon, IL 61938; (217) 234-7898; Mattoon First UMC, ERD * Roseman, Barbara 2131 11th St, Moline, IL 61265; (309) 762-3234; [email protected]; Moline Bethel Wesley UMC, SPD * Rosendale, Virgil %Gibson City UMC 206 E 10th St, Gibson City, IL 60936; Gibson City UMC, IRD * Rosse, James P 167 Seminole Dr, Springfield, IL 62704; (217) 546-6991; Springfield Douglas Avenue UMC, SRD - AT LARGE Rowland, Phyllis 660 Beaver Rd, Macomb, IL 61455; (309) 776-4161; Colchester UMC, SPD Ruch, Kathleen 779 S Greenwood Ave, Kankakee, IL 60901; (815) 932-0095; Kankakee Asbury UMC, VRD * Rudsell-Cray, Barb 1102 Deer Trail Ct, Port Byron, IL 61275; (309) 523-3966; [email protected]; Moline Riverside UMC, SPD Rumble, Darlene 404 E Center St, PO Box 529, Loami, IL 62661-0529; (217) 624-4204; Loami UMC, SRD Runyon, Cecil 3620 Dawn Dr, Pinckneyville, IL 62274; (618) 357-9224; Pinckneyville UMC, CRD Runyon, Sharon 3620 Dawn Dr, Pinckneyville, IL 62274; (618) 357-9224; Pinckneyville UMC, CRD Rushing, Vaudra 2005 W Lawrence Ave # 39, Springfield, IL 62704-1414; (217) 698-7840; Sugar Creek UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * Russell, Jake 921 W State St Apt #4, Jacksonville, IL 62650; (636) 236-3964; [email protected]; LaMoine River District, LRD - AT LARGE * Russell, Nancy 26891 Richview Rd, Richview, IL 62877; (618) 493-6275; Richview UMC, KRD * Rutan, Phyllis 8319 N 125 W, Cayuga, IN 47928; (765) 492-3977; Georgetown UMC, IRD - AT LARGE * Saben, Priscilla 103 Worthy Acres Dr, Biggsville, IL 61418; (309) 768-2109; [email protected]; Biggsville UMC, SPD * Sabo, Martha 531 Sumner St, Carlinville, IL 62626-1467; (217) 854-7055; Thayer UMC, SRD * Sanders, Brenda 335B Country Club Dr, Pekin, IL 61554; (309) 642-7723; Pekin First UMC, ILD Lay Member Directory 57 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Saxe, Larry 565 E 750 North Rd, Morrisonville, IL 62546; (217) 526-3316; Morrisonville UMC, SRD Sayre, Margaret 202 W Ridgemont Rd, Peoria, IL 61614-7316; (309) 682-2444; Peoria University UMC, ILD - AT LARGE * Schaad, Donna 13767 Antler Ct, Bloomington, IL 61705-7808; (309) 827-7047; [email protected]; Bloomington Wesley UMC, VRD Schnepper, John 5532 N Fox Rd, Olney, IL 62450; (618) 395-2667; Olney Immanuel UMC, KRD * Schonert, Maridel 125 Hawthorne Dr, Olney, IL 62450; (618) 395-4059; [email protected]; Olney First UMC, KRD * Schonert, Steve 125 Hawthorne Dr, Olney, IL 62450; (618) 395-4059; [email protected]; Olney First UMC, KRD * Schroeder, Earlene 203 Heritage Ct, PO Box 316, Delavan, IL 61734-0316; (309) 244-7644; [email protected]; Delavan UMC, ILD Schroeder, Renee 2422 N Pine Ave, Arlington Heights, IL 60004-2547; (847) 392-5761; Iroquois River District, IRD - AT LARGE Schultze, Kim 609 E Marshall St, Tolono, IL 61880-9543; (217) 485-5463; Tolono UMC, IRD – AT LARGE Schumacher, Al 526 Riverview Dr, Vandalia, IL 62471-1832; (618) 283-4762; Vandalia First UMC, KRD * Schumaker, William R PO Box 62, Maquon, IL 61458-0062; (309) 875-3458; Maquon UMC, SPD * Scott, Diane 124 Geraldine St, PO Box 405, Green Valley, IL 61534-8024; (309) 352-6310; Green Valley First UMC, ILD * Scott, Marilyn PO Box 22, Whittington, IL 62897-0022; (618) 629-2586; Sesser UMC, CRD Seaton, Cathy 401 Mulberry St, Allendale, IL 62410-9515; (618) 299-2676; Ebenezer UMC, KRD - AT LARGE Seegmiller, Scott 1656 County Road 2400 N, Arthur, IL 61911; (217) 543-4019; Arthur UMC, IRD * Sergent, Deb 47 Gorham Rd, Divernon, IL 62530; (217) 628-3676; Divernon UMC, SRD * Severns, Carol PO Box 223, Brownstown, IL 62418-0223; (618) 427-3733; Brownstown UMC, ERD Sharp, Marcie 370 Oakwood St, Olmsted, IL 62970; (618) 742-8157; Cache Chapel UMC, CRD * Shay, Randy 12916 E 2200 North Rd , Pontiac, IL 61764; (815) 842-3524; [email protected]; Cornell Blackstone UMC, VRD * Shay, Sandra 210 W Water St Ste 2, Pontiac, IL 61764-1790; (815) 844-3530; [email protected]; Cornell Blackstone UMC, VRD - AT LARGE * Shepherdson, Rachel 6915 N Flamingo Ct, Peoria, IL 61614; (309) 691-6981; [email protected]; Peoria Forrest Hill UMC, ILD * Shields, Karen S 1117 Mildred Ct, Springfield, IL 62712; (217) 585-1756; Springfield Woodside UMC, SRD * Shields, Kate 201 W North St, Decatur, IL 62522; (217) 423-9711; [email protected]; Decatur First UMC, SRD * Shimmin, Curtis 1651 80th St, Monmouth, IL 61462-8803; (309) 734-3906; Fairview Center UMC, SPD * Shull, Beverly A 1212 Wheatfield Dr, Morton, IL 61550; (309) 266-6069; [email protected]; Morton UMC, ILD * Sidwell, Don RR 1 Box 42, Shobonier, IL 62885; (618) 846-3713; Mount Carmel UMC, ERD * Simms, Judith K 107 Southwest St, West Salem, IL 62476; (618) 456-3226; West Salem Zion UMC, KRD * Simonson, Amy 320 W Main St , Good Hope, IL 61438; (309) 456-3949; [email protected]; Good Hope UMC, SPD - AT LARGE Sims, Carol 2316 Makemie Ave, Springfield, IL 62704-1236; (217) 787-3111; Williamsville UMC, SRD * Sitler, Karen 1306 Westminster Dr, Washington, IL 61571-1346; (309) 444-8616; [email protected]; Crossroads UMC, ILD * Small, Richard 206 Lakewood Dr, Hillsboro, IL 62049-3203; (217) 532-3734; Coffeen UMC, ERD - AT LARGE * Smedshammer, Sherry R 816 S Illinois Ave, Carbondale, IL 62901-2821; (618) 457-8165; [email protected]; Marion Aldersgate UMC, CRD - AT LARGE Smiley, Kendra PO Box 104, East Lynn, IL 60932-0104; (217) 375-4255; East Lynn UMC, IRD Smith, Andrea 113 E Madison St, Riverton, IL 62561; (217) 629-7744; Bissell UMC, SRD * Smith, Diann 730 20th St, Panola, IL 61738; (309) 527-3168; El Paso UMC, VRD 58 Lay Member Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Smith, Jessica 101 Graham St Apt #11, PO Box 75, Savoy, IL 61874-0075; (217) 352-7619; Sadorus UMC, IRD Smith, Keith 6465 Armstrong Rd, Kinmundy, IL 62854; (618) 547-7406; Kinmundy First UMC, KRD Smith, Laura 1862 Mulberry St, Jackson, MO 63755-3260; Mississippi River District, MRD - AT LARGE * Smith, Linda M 3321 Blueberry Ln, Springfield, IL 62711-8253; (217) 726-8631; [email protected]; Springfield Douglas Avenue UMC, SRD * Smith, Melvin W 3105 Fullerton Dr, Springfield, IL 62704; (217) 546-3504; Springfield First UMC, SRD Smith, Nancy 307 W 2nd Ave, PO Box 238, Deer Creek, IL 61733-0238; (309) 447-6410; [email protected]; Deer Creek UMC, ILD * Smith, Sally L 902 Eldridge St, Washington, IL 61571-2822; (309) 444-8516; [email protected]; Crossroads UMC, ILD - AT LARGE * Smith, Stacy 1324 Whisper Way, Benton, IL 62812-1876; (618) 438-3831; [email protected]; Manito UMC, ILD AT LARGE * Smith, Sylvia 214 S Union, Toulon ,IL 61483-7193 ,(309) 286-7193 ; [email protected]; Toulon UMC, ILD * Snider, Donna K 231 Nugent Pl, Lincoln, IL 62656-3218; (217) 735-3638; [email protected]; Lincoln First UMC, SRD - AT LARGE Snow, Jim 309 Ironwood CC Dr, Normal, IL 61761-3116; (309) 862-2786; Normal Morningstar UMC, VRD * Souders, Mark 4292 Upper Salem Rd, Metropolis, IL 62960; (618) 524-3184; [email protected]; Metropolis UMC, CRD * Stauder, Anthony E 41 Groton Dr, Springfield, IL 62702; (217) 891-0188; [email protected]; Springfield Laurel UMC, SRD * Stauffer, Karen 418 W Madison St, Rushville, IL 62681; (217) 322-4856; [email protected]; Houston UMC, LRD - AT LARGE * Stavenhagen, Gene 525 N 1st St, Monmouth, IL 61462-1216; (309) 734-4839; Monmouth First UMC, SPD Stenger, Nancy 20970 E 1900th St, Bushnell, IL 61422; (309) 772-2579; Walnut Grove UMC, SPD * Stevens, Robert L 3865 W Palmyra Ct Unit 11, Peoria, IL 61604; (309) 682-0617; Peoria Forrest Hill UMC, ILD * Stevenson, E Lucille 416 Albers Pl, Bethalto, IL 62010; (618) 377-3318; Bethalto UMC, MRD * Stewart, Darla 364 W Vandalia St, Waverly, IL 62692; (217) 370-4364; [email protected]; Waverly UMC, LRD * Stites, Marijon 2051 E County Road 70N, Oakland, IL 61943-8502; (217) 346-2605; Oakland UMC, ERD * Stockle, Rosemary 105 Olive St, Colfax, IL 61728; (309) 723-6526; [email protected]; Colfax UMC, VRD * Stokes, Harvey 345 Dudleyville Rd, Greenville, IL 62246; (618) 664-0205; Greenville First UMC, MRD * Stoll, Judy 1463 Harper Dr, Rantoul, IL 61866; (217) 893-4410; [email protected]; Rantoul First UMC, IRD - AT LARGE Stoltz, Betty 20929 E 700 Rd, Mount Carmel, IL 62863; (618) 299-4961; [email protected]; Lancaster UMC, KRD - AT LARGE Stoltz, Pauline 20929 E 700 Rd, Mount Carmel, IL 62863; (618) 299-4961; [email protected]; Lancaster UMC, KRD * Stott, Jeff 14543 Frontier Dr, Athens, IL 62613; (217) 636-8245; [email protected]; Athens UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * Streeter, Leisa PO Box 309, New Windsor, IL 61465-0309; (309) 667-2644; [email protected]; Viola UMC, SPD Stringfellow, Steve 315 Madison St, Washington, IL 61571-1420; (309) 444-2974; [email protected]; Peoria First UMC, ILD - AT LARGE * Struck, Sherry 3307 Mackinaw Ln, Springfield, IL 62711; (217) 529-8127; Springfield First UMC, SRD Stults, Dick 605 S Central Ave, Paris, IL 61944; (217) 465-4656; Oliver UMC, ERD * Sucech, Jeri 204 S 8th St, Riverton, IL 62561; (217) 629-7931; Riverton First UMC, SRD * Sullins, Ena 9778 N River Rd, West Union, IL 62477; (217) 826-5126; Brick UMC, ERD * Summar, Sandra 887 N 1000 East Rd, Bement, IL 61813; (217) 678-8346; Bement UMC, IRD Swan, Carolyn 408 E Church St, Galatia, IL 62935; (618) 268-4514; Tate’s Chapel UMC, CRD Lay Member Directory 59 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Swank, Debra 309 SE 5th Ave, Aledo, IL 61231; (309) 582-5727; Aledo UMC, SPD * Swanson, Barbara L 21 Oakwood Dr, Pontiac, IL 61764; (815) 842-4074; [email protected]; Pontiac First UMC, VRD * Swett, Linda 1863 Bucks Pond Rd, Monticello, IL 61856-8062; (217) 762-8145; [email protected]; Decatur Wesley UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * Talbott, Sherry PO Box 31, Blandinsville, IL 61420-0031; (309) 652-3238; Blandinsville UMC, SPD Tanner, Donna 593 S Park Rd, Herscher, IL 60941; (815) 426-2918; Kankakee Saint Mark UMC, VRD Tappendorf, Michael 8415 N 100th St, Altamont, IL 62411; (618) 367-2142; Harvest UMC, ERD Taylor, Billy 1614 Clover Rdg, Columbia, IL 62236; (618) 281-4723; Columbia Bethany UMC, MRD Taylor, Kathleen 1828 N Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Decatur, IL 62526; (217) 791-3593; Decatur Grace UMC, SRD * Terven, Mark D 708 W Wood St, Bloomington, IL 61701; (309) 553-8410; markterven@aol. com; Pleasant Grove UMC, VRD * Theesfeld, Jamie 709 NW 1st Ave, Galva, IL 61434; (309) 332-3990; [email protected]; Galva Grace UMC, SPD * Thomas, Cathy 1462 NE Windermere, Tremont, IL 61568; Tremont UMC, ILD * Thompson, Donald L %Urbana First UMC, 304 S Race St, Urbana, IL 61801-3237; (217) 367-8715; Urbana First UMC, IRD * Thompson, Otis 228 Main St, Warsaw, IL 62379; (217) 256-4394; [email protected]; Warsaw UMC, LRD * Throop, Judy 1291 Marla Ter, Bradley, IL 60915; (815) 939-1235; [email protected]; Bradley Evangelical UMC, VRD Tieman, Brian 233 E Morris St , Bement, IL 61813; (217) 493-2225; ; Bement UMC, IRD Timm, Janice 2301 1st St E Apt C12 , Milan, IL 61264-3419; (309) 787-5974; Milan Trinity UMC, SPD - AT LARGE * Tingley, Vernice 715 N 7th St , Marshall, IL 62441; 217-826-5010; Marshall First UMC, ERD * Todd, Glenn 1221 Moreland Dr Apt 17, Belleville, IL 62223-3548; (618) 398-6416; Belleville Saint Matthew UMC, MRD * Tombaugh, Faye 2322 Eastwood Ave Unit 109, Streator, IL 61364; (815) 672-3988; Grand Ridge UMC, VRD * Topel, Charlene 202 W Hawthorne Dr, Effingham, IL 62401-2807; (217) 342-4079; [email protected]; Effingham Centenary UMC, ERD * Torrance, B Kathy 15055 N 2000th Rd, PO Box 92, Good Hope, IL 61438-0092; (309) 456-3563; [email protected]; Good Hope UMC, SPD Trammel, Beverly 1008 Dorris Heights Rd, Harrisburg, IL 62946; (618) 252-4734; Harrisburg First UMC, CRD - AT LARGE Trammel, Phil 203 W Poplar St, Harrisburg, IL 62946-1421; (618) 252-7218; Mount Moriah UMC, CRD Treece, Delilah 210 N John St, Jonesboro, IL 62952; (618) 833-8860; Jonesboro UMC, CRD * Trover, Linda G 204 Moreland, PO Box 276, Pocahontas, IL 62275-0276; (618) 669-2180; Pocahontas UMC, MRD * Tunison, Mary Frances RR 1 Box 97, White Hall, IL 62092-9701; (217) 374-6779; Christ UMC, LRD * Turek, Joe 208 Locust St Apt 6, Normal, IL 61761; (708) 937-5046; [email protected]; Vermilion River District, VRD - AT LARGE * Turner, Bill 427 W Washington St, Maroa, IL 61756; (217) 794-3327; [email protected]; Maroa UMC, SRD * Turner, Carolyn A 1194 E 1330th St, Quincy, IL 62305; (217) 885-3558; [email protected]; Quincy Melrose Chapel UMC, LRD - AT LARGE * Turner, Harold 1194 E 1330th St, Quincy, IL 62305; (217) 885-3558; [email protected]; Quincy Melrose Chapel UMC, LRD * Tyler, June E 2834 N Lehman Rd, Peoria, IL 61604; (309) 688-4502; [email protected]; Peoria Bethel UMC, ILD * Umholtz, Valerie Moehle 910 Washington St, Pekin, IL 61554; (309) 346-0599; [email protected]; Pekin First UMC, ILD * Unger, Lisa 962 N Seminary St, Galesburg, IL 61401; (309) 343-8250; [email protected]; Galesburg Faith UMC, SPD * Uribe, Alejandro PO Box 564, Cobden, IL 62920-0564; (618) 201-8304; lev613fc@hotmail. com; Cobden Jesus Es El Senor UMC, CRD * Uribe, Hector 434 S Front St, Cobden, IL 62920-2415; (618) 697-0474; Cobden Jesus Es El Senor UMC, CRD - AT LARGE 60 Lay Member Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Vandermyde, Debbie 772 Christopher Dr, Forsyth, IL 62535-9783; (217) 875-2230; [email protected]; Decatur First UMC, SRD * Vandermyde, Mark 772 Christopher Dr, Forsyth, IL 62535; (217) 875-2230; [email protected]; Decatur First UMC, SRD * Vandike, Vicky 27576 Grange Rd, Geneseo, IL 61254; (309) 944-2229; vvandike@hotmail. com; Loraine UMC, SPD * VanDyke, Lynn 530 Vandalia Rd, Louisville, IL 62858-1057; (618) 665-3432; [email protected]; Harmony UMC, KRD * Venezia, Larry 102 Fairway Dr, Bloomington, IL 61701; (309) 663-6605; [email protected]; Normal Calvary UMC, VRD * Voice, David 340 S Main St, Farmington, IL 61531-1431; (309) 245-4403; wdvoice@yahoo. com; Farmington UMC, ILD * Volpert, Karel 117 Illinois St, PO Box 345, Bismarck, IL 61814-0345; (217) 759-7667; [email protected]; Danville Bowman Avenue UMC, IRD * Waite, Jana 1906 Hemlock Dr, Champaign, IL 61821; (217) 351-9386; Savoy UMC, IRD Waldrop, Patrick 711 S Wall St, Apt 104, Carbondale, IL 62901; (309) 338-5992; Canton Wesley UMC, ILD Wallace, Barbara PO Box 137, Coello, IL 62825-0137; (618) 724-7232; Greenwood UMC, CRD Walters, Betty 1985 W Wood St, Decatur, IL 62522-2501; (217) 972-0050; Niantic UMC, SRD * Ward, Jim 700 Albrecht Ln, Crescent City, IL 60928; (815) 683-2739; [email protected]; Watseka UMC, IRD * Warren, Jon E 4 Colona Hts, Colona, IL 61241-8720; (309) 949-3993; Spoon River District, SPD - AT LARGE * Weaver, Marcia 1109 Low St, Bloomington, IL 61701; (309) 557-0613; Bloomington Grace UMC, VRD * Webel, Karma RR 1 Box 35, Versailles, IL 62378-9708; (217) 236-3811; [email protected]; Perry UMC, LRD - AT LARGE * Webster, Max 2404 Flaxen Mill Ct, Springfield, IL 62704; (217) 787-1714; [email protected]; Springfield First UMC, SRD * Wehrle, Tracy 406 N Chestnut St, Toluca, IL 61369-9788; (309) 530-1241; [email protected]; Lacon Sparland UMC, ILD * Wells, Karen 603 Square St, Villa Grove, IL 61956; (217) 832-8349; Camargo UMC, IRD * Wenger, Kay 202 N First, PO Box 50, London Mills, IL 61544-0050; (309) 486-3493; London Mills UMC, ILD Werner, Duane 506 N William St, Joliet, IL 60435-6050; (815) 727-0973; Conference-at-Large, CAL - AT LARGE * Werner, Terry 409 S Stowe St, Virginia, IL 62691-1253; (217) 452-7453; [email protected]; Virginia UMC, LRD * Werschey-Kessinger, Tami PO Box 357, Middletown, IL 62666-0357; (217) 445-2920; [email protected]; Lincoln First UMC, SRD * West, Wendy 8846 Oak Dr, Clinton, IL 61727; (217) 322-7500; [email protected]; Clinton UMC, SRD * Whitaker, Rhonda 1264 Hickory Dr, Neoga, IL 62447-1212; (217) 895-3962; [email protected]; Neoga UMC, ERD - AT LARGE Whitcomb, Carol 1616 E County Road 2300, Burnside, IL 62330-5013; (217) 755-4324; Colusa UMC, SPD * Whitcomb, Gary 711 Main St, PO Box 33, North Henderson, IL 61466-0033; (309) 464-5302; North Henderson UMC, SPD * White, Courtney 113 E Main St, Rochester, IL 62563; (217) 498-8675; [email protected]; Sangamon River District, SRD - AT LARGE * White, Esther 403 E Plumb St, Ransom, IL 60470; (815) 586-4657; Ransom UMC, VRD Whitley, Lyle 585 N County Road 1000E, Lerna, IL 62440; (217) 235-1742; Lerna UMC, ERD * Whitlock, Joan 1601 N Monroe St, Litchfield, IL 62056; (217) 324-3501; Litchfield Saint Timothy UMC, MRD * Whitlock, Norma 653 Edlawn St, Wood River, IL 62095; (618) 251-4874; [email protected]; Wood River First UMC, MRD Whittaker, Rosie 108 Blackhawk Blvd General Delivery, Toulon, IL 61483; (309) 286-6403; West Jersey UMC, ILD * Wignall, Terry 5109 S Diamond Pt, Mapleton, IL 61547; (309) 697-5850; [email protected]; Locust Lane UMC, ILD * Wildhagen, Melanie 387 Tendick Ln, Murrayville, IL 62668; (217) 882-5381; Murrayville UMC, LRD Wiley, Leann 550 Vincennes Ave, Flora, IL 62839; (618) 662-9576; Conway UMC, KRD Lay Member Directory 61 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Williams, Allen M 15 N Clinton St, New Baden, IL 62265; (618) 588-3092; [email protected]; New Baden UMC, MRD * Williams, Ava 324 W Union St, Nokomis, IL 62075-1642; (217) 563-7439; [email protected]; Crossville UMC, CRD - AT LARGE * Williams, Robin 211 Chestnut St, PO Box 143, De Soto, IL 62924-0143; (618)303-2335; Vergennes Wesley UMC, CRD Williams, Sarah 4720 N 1100th St, Robinson, IL 62454; (618) 584-3391; Pearl Chapel UMC, ERD * Williams, Scott 1525 E Converse St, Springfield, IL 62702; (217) 744-1786; Springfield Northside UMC, SRD Wilson, Dorothy 3647 Swaney Rd, McNabb, IL 61335-5016; (815) 882-2695; Henry UMC, ILD Wilson, John 1337 Rt 16, PO Box 2, Piasa, IL 62079-0002; (618) 729-4194; Piasa UMC, MRD * Wilson, J LaVon 4165 Hazelcrest Rd, Springfield, IL 62703-5239; (217) 529-1145; [email protected]; Springfield Grace UMC, SRD - AT LARGE * Wilson, Marcelia 142 W Indiana St, Momence, IL 60954-1726; (815) 472-4694; [email protected]; Momence UMC, VRD * Wilson, Norman 9 Connelly Ct, Paris, IL 61944-1244; (217) 275-3411; [email protected]; Vermilion UMC, ERD * Wilson, Rick G 2105 Saline Ave, Eldorado, IL 62930; (618) 273-9594; [email protected]; Eldorado UMC, CRD * Wilson, Sharon K PO Box 292, Karnak, IL 62956-0292; (618) 634-2271; Karnak UMC, CRD * Wilson, Sharon 437 S Church St, Virden, IL 62690-1606; (217) 965-3539; [email protected]; Virden First UMC, LRD Winegard, Pat 23901 121st Ave W, PO Box 24, Illinois City, IL 61259-0024; (309) 791-0012; Illinois City UMC, SPD Winters, Rosalie 203 Brian Ave, Murphysboro, IL 62966; (618) 684-6420; Murphysboro UMC, CRD Wisdom, Virginia 617 Sandusky St, Jacksonville, IL 62650-1141; (217) 742-3743; Winchester UMC, LRD * Wiseman, Roger 608 Mary St, PO Box 113, Roanoke, IL 61561-0113; (309) 923-7229; Roanoke UMC, VRD * Wojnar, Pat 10 S Ewing St, Altamont, IL 62411-1223; (618) 483-9849; ; Dexter UMC, ERD * Wolfe, Bunny 5900 S 2nd St, PO Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794-9207; (217) 529-2749; [email protected]; Sangamon River District, ILD - AT LARGE Wood, Barbara 1401 E McHenry St Apt A, Urbana, IL 61801-6969; (217) 384-1163; Urbana Grace UMC, IRD * Wood, Floyd 2006 Lexington Ave, Lawrenceville, IL 62439-2063; (618) 943-3517; Browns UMC, KRD * Woodard, Ben 621 S Ferne Clyffe Rd, Goreville, IL 62939; (618) 995-1061; Goreville UMC, CRD - AT LARGE * Woods, Bennett 2965 Antioch Rd, West Frankfort, IL 62896-5527; (618) 932-2938; [email protected]; West Frankfort Antioch UMC, CRD - AT LARGE * Wooldridge, Barbara A 2109 Carriage Rd, Jacksonville, IL 62650-9248; (217) 245-9380; [email protected]; Jacksonville Centenary UMC, LRD Worley, Nancy PO Box 16, Cisne, IL 62823; (618) 599-9484; Cisne UMC, KRD * Wright, Gilbert R 17555 N Armstrong Rd, Marshall, IL 62441; (217) 826-8350; [email protected]; Marshall Armstrong UMC, ERD * Wunderlich, Mary O 5127 Palestine Rd, Chester, IL 62233; (618) 774-2226; [email protected]; Chester UMC, MRD * Yarnell, Sandra K 1907 E Quail Run Dr, Mahomet, IL 61853; (217) 586-5837; [email protected]; Mahomet UMC, IRD * Yates, Dewey PO Box 136, Secor, IL 61771; (309) 744-5104; [email protected]; Secor UMC, VRD * Yockey, Carolyn 508 Normal Ave, Normal, IL 61761-2413; (309) 452-3936; [email protected]; Normal First UMC, VRD - AT LARGE * Yockey, Duane 508 Normal Ave, Normal, IL 61761-2413; (309) 452-3936; [email protected]; Normal First UMC, VRD - AT LARGE Yockey, Martha 8909 N 1900th St, Willow Hill, IL 62480; (618) 455-3339; Willow Hill UMC, ERD * Young, Candy PO Box 185, Okawville, IL 62271-0185; (618) 243-5485; [email protected]; Okawville UMC, MRD Young, Ruth Anne 75 Burchyett Ln, Jonesboro, IL 62952-2476; (618) 833-5898; Wolf Lake UMC, CRD * Younker, Carolyn 284 Westport Rd, Galesburg, IL 61401; (309) 343-3220; Galesburg First UMC, SPD 62 Lay Member Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook * Yuknis, Connie 828 37th St, Moline, IL 61265-2448; (309) 755-0013; [email protected]; Silvis UMC, SPD * Zackery, Garry 502 N Bell St, PO Box 493, Cerro Gordo, IL 61818-0493; (217) 763-6003; [email protected]; Cerro Gordo UMC, SRD * Zaerr, Sherry 405 Magnolia St, Payson, IL 62360; (217) 656-4386; [email protected]; Payson UMC, LRD * Zeigler, Debbie 14700 Buckley Rd, Marion, IL 62959; (618) 993-5518; Cedar Grove UMC, CRD * Zimmer, Edwin 1195 S 18000W Rd, Reddick, IL 60961-8044; (815) 365-2565; Reddick UMC, VRD * Zwicker, Steven E 251 County Road 1550 N, Bradford, IL 61421; (309) 897-7416; [email protected]; Boyd’s Grove UMC, ILD Kaskaskia River District laity in the Laity Session Lay Member Directory 63 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Peoria First UMC Choir at the Memorial Service Rudoph Merab, Lay Leader of the Liberia Annual Conference 64 Lay Member Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Conference Daily Proceedings Daily Proceedings 65 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook DAILY PROCEEDINGS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 2011 CLERGY SESSION: The Clergy Session was held at 2 p.m. in the ballroom of the Pete Marquette. Praise worship was led by Mike Rayson. The keynote speaker was Dr. Myron McCoy, President of Saint Paul School Of Theology, Kansas City, Missouri. Rev. Stacy Tomich, Rev. Miriam Snider, Rev. Robert Schoolcraft, Rev. Beth Fender, and Rev. Don Jackson gave testimonies about their spiritual formation. The ordination anniversaries of the following pastors were celebrated: 60 years: Joe Evers, LeRoy Pittman; 50 years: Don Batz, Harold Bodeen, Walter Davidson, Robert H. Edwards, Gary Jenkins, Kim Yong Soon, John C. Wilkey; 40 years: John Crede, Robert Thompson; 25 years: Sue Bailey, Mark England Graham, Garry Gromley, Vaughn Hoffman, Curt Keller, Frank Ogdon, Richard Piscatelli, Deborah Reese, Linda Richard, Craig Sweet, Paul Walles, Jerry Watkins. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 102: BAR OF THE CLERGY SESSION: Rev. Alice J. Shirley, Conference Secretary, presented LI 102 and moved its adoption. (See page 89) ACTION ON LI 102: Adopted by clergy by a show of hands. BOARD OF ORDAINED MINISTRY REPORT: Rev. Vaughn Hoffman, Chairperson of the Board of Ordained Ministry, presented the report of the Board of Ordained Ministry to the clergy session. (see page 147) ACTION: Adopted by show of hands. LAITY SESSION: The 2011 Laity Session began at 4:30 in the Grand Ballroom. The opening worship music was led by Rev. Mike Rayson. Rhonda Whitaker, Conference Lay Leader, welcomed the laity and recognized the District Lay Leaders and District Directors of Lay Speaking. Candidates for General Conference and Jurisdictional Conference were introduced and each was given the opportunity to speak. During the introductions, Bishop Gregory Palmer arrived, greeted the laity, asked them to pray for the election process, and thanked all laity for their service. Rhonda Whitaker gave her presentation on the book Almost Christian by Dr. Kenda Dean, our Friday speaker. Rhonda focused on how we must make the translation of the gospel to life and lead a gospel-shaped life. Rudolph Merab, Lay Leader of the Liberian Annual Conference, thanked the conference for the work being done in Liberia. He pointed out that scripture brings us together and stressed his belief that we need to return to Wesleyan ways. An orientation skit was presented for firsttime attendees. Ava Williams, Lay Speaking and Lay Witness Mission leader, presented two Lay Witness Mission attendees – Kathy Torrance and Linda Johnston - who gave witness of their experiences. Dr. Roberta Robbins, Certified Lay Minister, explained what a Certified Lay Minister is and what the steps are to become a Certified Lay Minister. She then recognized those in our conference who have completed the training and those who have entered a covenant agreement with their church. Bunny Wolfe gave an update of the IGRC laity school project in West Point, Liberia, West Africa. The third level of the school is complete and it is hoped the roof will be finished in September 2011. This school will be the only junior high in a community of 65,000-70,000 people. She then presented a short film of the project. The session was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. 66 Daily Proceedings Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook MEMORIAL SERVICE AND HOLY COMMUNION: Bishop Woodie W. White, who was the presiding bishop of both the former Central and Southern Illinois conferences from 1984 to 1992, led the conference in a Memorial Service for clergy, clergy spouses, and lay members who have died in the past year. Bishop Palmer and Bishop White presided over the communion table. Liturgists, in addition to Bishop Palmer who led the conference in a reaffirmation of baptism, included: Rev. Anet Satvedi, Rev. Sheryl Palmer, and Rev. Stephen Busick. Rev. Alice Shirley, Conference Secretary, and Rhonda Whitaker, Conference Lay Leader, read the roll of the dead. Special music was provided by a brass choir led by Rev. Ted Hartley and the Peoria First Sanctuary Choir. Rev. Mary Ann Cunningham was organist. An offering was taken for John Kofi Asmah UM School. Interpretation for the deaf and hearing impaired was provided by the IGRC Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministry. ROLL OF THE DEAD: Clergy and Clergy Spouses: David H. Allin, Ruth Ann Asmussen, Virginia Becker, Diane Bigley, Vernon Brown, Paul Bryant, Patricia Carper, Philip R. Carriker, Roger F. Christianson, Cleo Coatney, Patsy Conrad, Anna Curtis, Lloyd E. Davis, Norma Haworth, Rosemary E. Hays, Darline Henderson, Lucy “Ellen” Hoffman, Harold Holliday, Howard B. Johnson, Lucille Jones, Wesley I. Kersh, C. Wayne King, Walter D. Krech, W. Harold Loyd, Marie Lyell, James O. Mahaffey, Norma Jean Martin, Rachel B. McMahon, Pauline Mick, Evelyn June Miller, Marlin Miller, Janis Muir, Robert A. Mulligan, Ted Phillips, Helen J. Pitsch, Robert Clyde Ridall, Wanda Corzine Robinson, Jesse Seiber, Larry R. Shultz, Imogene Smith, Phillip R. Snider, William Swyear, Justine Louise Tunstall, Lloyd H. Vinnedge, Jr., Virginia L. Wallace, Larry Welliver, Emmalee F. Williams, Shirley Zivney. Lay Members: Gloria Blacklock, George Bolinger, E.L. Bosomworth, Ervin Handel, Ruth N. Howe, Orville Mueth, Ted Phillips, Mary Lou Piper, Charles Taylor, Wilbur (Bud) Whitcomb, Earl Wright. CALL TO ORDER: Bishop Palmer called the conference to order. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 101: ORGANIZATIONAL MOTIONS: Rev. Alice Shirley, Annual Conference Secretary, presented LI 101 and moved its adoption. (see page 88) ACTION ON LI 101: Adopted by a show of hands. ROLL CALL: Rev. Alice Shirley, Annual Conference Secretary, asked that the roll call of clergy and laity be taken and requested members to pass their cards toward each aisle in the Exhibit Hall. ELECTRONIC VOTING TRAINING: Chris Alker of Option Technologies provided some training for electronic voting. ADJOURNMENT: Bishop Palmer adjourned the conference with prayer. THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2011 CALL TO ORDER: Bishop Gregory V. Palmer reconvened the conference at 8:30 a.m. Daily Proceedings 67 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook OFFERING REPORT: Bishop Palmer announced that $9,542.83 was collected for John Kofi Asmah School in Liberia at the Memorial Service. ELECTRONIC VOTING TRAINING: Brian Chan provided some instructions for electronic balloting. Rev. John Hartleroad, Assistant to the Bishop, explained eligibility for voting. ANNOUNCEMENT: Rev. Alice Shirley, Conference Secretary, clarified the bar of the conference. WORSHIP AND MORNING MANNA: Bishop Gregory V. Palmer led the congregation in a time of devotion based on the theme “Intentional Faith Development,” informed by Psalm 119:103, 105 and Romans 10:17. Mike Rayson and Jason Woolever led praise singing. INTENTIONAL FAITH DEVELOPMENT: WHAT IS A DISCIPLE? The conference enjoyed a video prepared by the Communications Team. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 103: 2012 BUDGET INITIAL PRESENTATION: David Hood, Chairperson of the Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA), presented LI 103. He introduced the new chair of CCFA, Rev. Bill Adams, reviewed the work of CCFA during his tenure of 8 years, and noted that the “2010 Actual” column on pages 15-17 of the preconference workbook was inaccurate and needed to be deleted. Hood celebrated payment of apportionments in 2010 and called the conference’s attention to other legislative items affecting the 2012 budget. Bishop Palmer asked the conference to express appreciation to CCFA and David Hood. (seepage 89) REPORT 303: PREACHER’S AID SOCIETY AND BENEFIT FUND: Rev. Clyde Snyder, president of the board of directors of PASBF, called the annual meeting to order and referred to Report 303. He acknowledged the death of Diane Bigley and retirement of Julie Allison and noted the omission of Julia Melgreen from the class of 2013. He moved the report’s adoption. (see page 229) ACTION ON REPORT 303: Adopted by a show of hands. Clyde Snyder then introduced Keith Anderson, Executive Director of PASBF, who noted the hiring of a new Administrative Associate, Sarah Cooper. Keith reviewed the work of PASBF over the last year. Donations can be made to PASBF by going to the web site: www.pasbf.org. PASBF will continue to support Medicare Supplement, serve as a safety net for clergy, and provide educational events. Bishop Palmer asked the conference to thank Keith and Clyde. MOTION TO ADJOURN: Rev. Clyde Snyder moved that the annual meeting of the PASBF be adjourned. ACTION: Adopted by voice vote. ELECTRONIC BALLOTING TRAINING: Chris Alker reviewed use of the electronic keypads and conducted a balloting test. LAY BALLOT, #1: Bishop Palmer led the laity through their first ballot. 68 Daily Proceedings Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook REPORT ON LAY BALLOT, #1: Bishop Palmer announced that there were no elections. LAY BALLOT, #2: Bishop Palmer led the laity through their second ballot. BOARD OF ORDAINED MINISTRY PRESENTATION: Rev. Vaughn Hoffman, Chairperson of the Board of Ordained Ministry, presented this year’s ordinands and provisional members. Ordinands include: Deacon: Elizabeth Fender; Elders: Andrew Jacob Anthony, Grant Donald Armstrong, Mary Alice Cunningham, Lisa Dawn Guilliams, Andrew Gerard Hopp, Patricia Aileen Hutton, Anita Ruth Munden, Florene Elizabeth Scott, and Michael Otis Whitaker. Provisional elders include: Scott Eugene Carnes, Kathryn Sue Lewis, Andy Robert Maxwell, Christopher Maurice Hughes Quick, Jungil Rhee, Carol Ann Stufflebeam, Megan Elizabeth Thompson, and William Brett Yates. Vaughn also announced that the Board of Ordained Ministry had received a trust from the Wave Workman family that will be used for grants and debt reduction for seminarians. REPORT ON LAY BALLOT, #2: Bishop Palmer announced that there were no elections. CLERGY BALLOT, #1: Rev. Alice Shirley, Conference Secretary, assigned balloting numbers to this year’s ordinands. Bishop Palmer then led the clergy through their first ballot. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 107: MOVING TO MEDICARE-D: Rev. Rick VanGiesen, Conference Treasurer and Director of Administrative Services, presented LI 107 and shared the rationale behind it, namely, that it is more cost effective. Certificates of credible coverage will be provided to all participants to insure waiver of late enrollment penalties. (see page 115) REPORT ON CLERGY BALLOT, #1: Bishop Palmer announced that there were no elections. GUEST SPEAKER: DR. PAUL CHILCOTE: Bishop Palmer introduced Dr. Paul Chilcote, Professor of Historical Theology and Wesleyan Studies and Director of the Center for Applied Wesleyan Studies at Ashland Theological Seminary in Ohio, who led the conference in reflections on Intentional Faith Development in the Wesleyan Way beginning with scripture from Acts. United Methodists are distinguished by piety supporting the study of scripture, Christian conferencing, communion, worship, and fasting. Priorities for United Methodists need to be contextual attentiveness, crosscultural engagement, and communal witness. CLERGY BALLOT, #2: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their second ballot. MOTION: Peter Paulson, lay leader in Sangamon River District, moved that Bishop Palmer read only the top 13 vote-getters on laity ballots ACTION ON MOTION: Adopted by an 81% majority. REPORT ON CLERGY BALLOT, #2: Bishop Palmer announced that there were no elections. Daily Proceedings 69 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook MOTION: Rev. J. Glen Robyne moved that Bishop Palmer read only the top 20 vote-getters on clergy ballots. ACTION ON MOTION: Adopted by an 86% majority LUNCHEON RECESS: Bishop Palmer dismissed the conference for lunch with prayer. CALL TO ORDER: Bishop Palmer invited the conference to show appreciation for the praise singing as the conference reconvened. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Bishop Palmer introduced Rev. J. Keith Zimmerman, who will serve as the chair of the Liberia Partnership Committee, and Rev. Cynthia Jones, who presented Bishop Palmer with a special stole bearing symbols of the IGRC and Liberia Annual Conference. INTRODUCTION: Bishop Palmer introduced Rev. Gary Henderson, Executive Director of Global Health Initiative for the United Methodist Church, who will be present at the Imagine No Malaria Dinner tonight. LAY BALLOT, #3: Bishop Palmer led the laity through their third ballot. COURTESIES: Rev. Bradley Shumaker, chairperson of the Committee on Episcopacy, celebrated the 30th ordination anniversary of Bishop Gregory V. Palmer in the West Ohio Conference. He also recognized Bishop Palmer’s spouse, Cynthia Palmer. Dr. Pamela Hammond-McDavid, chairperson of the Commission on Religion and Race, presented a bouquet and Apple gift card to Mrs. Palmer, who addressed the conference. Pamela also presented Bishop Palmer with a T-shirt. CLERGY BALLOT, #3: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their third ballot. EPISCOPAL ADDRESS: Bishop Palmer presented the Episcopal Address. He briefed the conference on participation in the conference “dashboard.” He then outlined constraints in appointment-making: contraction of the salary pool and resistance to certain appointments due to race/ethnicity, gender, and age discrimination. He also cited the need for collaboration between “silos” in the conference structure. Bishop Palmer thanked the conference for their generous support of the $2.3 million goal for Imagine No Malaria. For the full text of his address, see page 242. REPORT ON LAY BALLOT, #3: Bishop Palmer announced that there were no elections. LAY BALLOT, #4: Bishop Palmer led the laity through their fourth ballot. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 107: MOVING TO MEDICARE-D: Rev. Rick VanGiesen, Conference Treasurer and Director of Administrative Services, presented LI 107 for action. (see page 115) ACTION ON LI 107: Adopted by a show of hands. REPORT ON CLERGY BALLOT, #3: Bishop Palmer announced that there were no elections. 70 Daily Proceedings Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook CLERGY BALLOT, #4: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their fourth ballot. AFRICA UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIP REPORT: Rev. Janet Eggleston, co-chair of the Africa University Partnership Committee, introduced Prudence Hadzah, 2009 graduate of Africa University (AU), who thanked the conference for its support. Glen Robyne, co-chair of AU Partnership Committee, introduced Prudence’s husband, Fay, and daughters Fadzi and Ashley. He also introduced AU graduate (2007) Christian Kakez-AKapend from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who is pastor of Heart of Africa Congregation at Lover’s Lane UMC in Dallas. Janet presented Bishop Palmer with a banner celebrating IGRC’s 100% payment of AU apportionment. Glen celebrated IGRC giving to AU and encouraged contributions toward a maintenance facility on the campus. (see page 215) OFFERING FOR AFRICA UNIVERSITY: Baskets were passed for the Africa University offering while the conference enjoyed a slide show on AU. REPORT ON LAY BALLOT, #4: Bishop Palmer announced that there were two elections: Rhonda Whitaker, Neoga, and Paul Black, Director of Communications, were elected first and second members of the General Conference delegation. LAY BALLOT, #5: Bishop Palmer led the laity through their fifth ballot. REPORT ON CLERGY BALLOT, #4: Bishop Palmer announced that there was one election to General Conference: Rev. Randy Robinson was elected as the first member of the General Conference clergy delegation. CLERGY BALLOT, #5: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their fifth ballot. REPORT ON LAY BALLOT, #5: Bishop Palmer reported there was no election. MOTION: David Bell, Casey UMC, moved that on the next lay ballot the top four vote-getters be elected. ACTION: Defeated by a show of hands LAY BALLOT, #6: Bishop Palmer led the laity through their sixth ballot. REPORT ON CLERGY BALLOT, #5: Bishop Palmer announced that there was no election. SERVICE OF RECOGNITION FOR COMMISSIONING AND RETIRING MEMBERS: Rev. Lori Bultemeier, full deacon and Christian Life Coordinator at The Baby Fold, was the preacher at the Service of Recognition for Commissioning and Retiring Members. Liturgists included Rev. John Hartleroad, Assistant to the Bishop, and Rev. Keith Anderson, Executive Director of the Preacher’s Aid Society and Benefit Fund. The Clergy Worship Band assisted with music; Rev. Daniel King Crede was organist. Interpretation for the deaf was provided by the IGRC Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministry. Commissioned members included: Scott Eugene Carnes, Kathryn Sue Lewis, Robert Andrew Maxwell, Christopher Maurice Hughes Quick, Jungil Rhee, Carol Ann Stufflebeam, Megan Elizabeth Thompson, and William Brett Yates. (For a full listing of retirees, see page 158) Daily Proceedings 71 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook IMAGINE NO MALARIA DINNER: Keynote speaker Mike McCurry, a United Methodist layman from the Baltimore-Washington Conference, told the capacity crowd of 900 that Imagine No Malaria is something everyone can rally around -- even in a highly-charged atmosphere such as Washington, D.C., where McCurry has held various political positions, including press secretary under President Bill Clinton. FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 2010 CALL TO ORDER: Bishop Palmer called the conference to order at 8:34 a.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rev. Alice Shirley, Conference Secretary, made some announcements. OFFERING REPORT: Bishop Palmer announced that the offering for Africa University on Thursday afternoon was $7,444.65. He also thanked everyone who attended the Imagine No Malaria Dinner and invited those who brought Imagine No Malaria offerings from local churches to pass those along. More than $10,000 has been raised already. WORSHIP AND MORNING MANNA: Bishop Gregory V. Palmer led the congregation in a time of devotion based on Romans 6 and I Corinthians 11:23, saying that we need the gifts of baptism and communion to remind us of God’s prevenient grace and that God is always seeking and searching after us and all Creation. Rev. Mike Rayson, Rev. Mary Alice Cunningham, and Rev. Jason Woolever led praise singing. MOTION: Rev. Rob Roy moved that when a clergy or lay ballot does not result in an election, the top vote-getter is elected. ACTION: Defeated by a show of hands. INTRODUCTION: Bishop Palmer introduced the Lay Leader of the Liberia Annual Conference, Rudolf Merab and his wife Houmou and Rev. Albert Barchue, Superintendent of Kakata Farmington District. Rev. Barchue led the conference in prayer for the sixth clergy ballot. CLERGY BALLOT, #6 – Bishop Palmer led the clergy through the sixth clergy ballot. REPORT ON LAY BALLOT, #6: Bishop Palmer reported that there were two elections: Mike Potts, New Horizon, and Bunny Wolfe, Coordinator of Mission and Outreach, were elected third and fourth members of the General Conference delegation. GUEST SPEAKER: Bishop Palmer introduced Rev. Kenda Creasy Dean, Professor of Youth, Church, and Culture at Princeton and author of Almost Christian: What the Faith of Our Teenagers is Telling the American Church, who spoke to the conference. She said that the current ministry of the church is not helping young people to see things from God’s angle, which is at the heart of Christian formation. We’ve lost missional imagination—we think mission is a trip, “activity,” that mission is about us, instead of a way of 72 Daily Proceedings Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook being in the world. “Mission is translation. (Jesus Christ is God’s perfect translation)” Two thirds of “God” is “Go.” REPORT ON CLERGY BALLOT, #6: Bishop Palmer reported that there was no election. LAY BALLOT, #7: Rudolph Merab, Lay Leader of the Liberia Annual Conference, led the conference in prayer and Bishop Palmer led the laity through their seventh ballot. PERSONAL PRIVILEGE: Rev. Eric Swanson presented Bishop Palmer with a T-shirt from this morning’s Imagine No Malaria 5K race. There were 45 participants. OFFERING ANNOUNCEMENT: Bishop Palmer announced that a gift of $5,000 for Imagine No Malaria has been received from the Peoria Civic Center Authority and Peoria Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, Centerplate Catering, and Heart of Illinois Hospitality Association. CLERGY BALLOT, #7: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their seventh ballot CABINET ADDRESS: Bishop Palmer introduced co-deans of the Cabinet, Rev. Randy Reese and Rev. In-Sook Hwang, who delivered the cabinet address. They reminded the conference of the United Methodist way: 1 mission, 2 forms of holiness, 3 simple rules, 4 areas of focus, and 5 practices of fruitful congregations. They reported that the cabinet was working to streamline the clergy assessment process, to emphasize first Thursday prayer and fasting, and to lead the conference in reading through the scriptures in one year. For the full cabinet address see page 248, LAITY ADDRESS: Bishop Palmer introduced Conference Lay Leader Rhonda Whitaker and asked all district lay leaders to stand for appreciation. For the full laity address see page 252. REPORT OF LAY BALLOT, #7: Bishop Palmer reported that there was no election. REPORT OF CLERGY BALLOT, #7: Bishop Palmer reported that there was an election. Rev. Sara Isbell was elected second clergy member of the General Conference delegation. LUNCHEON RECESS: Bishop led the conference in the Wesleyan table grace. CALL TO ORDER: Bishop Palmer called the conference to order PERSONAL PRIVILEGE: Rev. Beverly Wilkes-Null asked not to be considered as a General Conference delegate at this time. LAY BALLOT, #8: Bishop Palmer led the laity through their eighth ballot. PERSONAL PRIVILEGE – Rev. Gary Motta presented Bishop Palmer with a T-shirt commemorating his youth group’s participation in sandbagging in Metropolis during recent floods. Daily Proceedings 73 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook CLERGY BALLOT, #8: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their eighth ballot. UMCOR/ADVANCE REPORT: Bishop Palmer introduced Rev. Cynthia Fierro Harvey, Associate General Secretary of UMCOR, who brought a video and thanked the conference for our support of UMCOR. The IGRC gave $900,000 of $44 million raised for Haiti. 79% of our churches participated in designated giving. We rank 3rd in the Jurisdiction for missionary support. Our commitment to Liberia and Camphor Mission is remarkable. UMCOR is granting $4 million to sister churches in Japan. UMCOR is also at work in Joplin, MO, in the wake of recent tornado damage. REPORT 314: REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS: Rev. Craig Sweet, chairperson of the Committee on Nominations presented the report of his committee. He urged the conference to send corrections to Rev. Keith Michaels, secretary. (see page 7) REPORT 306: BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Bob Homan, chairperson of the IGRC Board of Trustees, called the meeting of the corporate body to order. He referred to Report 306, lifted up highlights, and moved its adoption. (see page 204) ACTION: Adopted by a show of hands. INTRODUCTION: Bob Homan, chairperson of the IGRC Board of Trustees, introduced Duane Yockey, Normal First, who will be the new chairperson in 2012. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 120: DISCONTINUATION OF ANNAPOLIS UMC: Bob Homan, chairperson of the IGRC Board of Trustees, presented LI 120 and moved its adoption. (see page 127) ACTION ON LI 120: Adopted by a show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 121: DISCONTINUATION OF FLANAGAN UMC: Bob Homan, chairperson of the IGRC Board of Trustees, presented LI 121 and moved its adoption. (see page 128) AMENDMENT: Rev. Keith Zimmerman, Superintendent of the Vermilion River District, moved that the words, “on June 30, 2011” be added at the beginning of line 28, page 50, in the preconference workbook. ACTION ON AMENDMENT: Adopted by voice vote. ACTION ON LI 121 AS AMENDED: Adopted by a show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 122: DISCONTINUATION OF GOODWINE UMC: Bob Homan, chairperson of the IGRC Board of Trustees, presented LI 122 and moved its adoption. (see page 129 AMENDMENT: Rev. In-Sook Hwang, Superintendent of the Iroquois River District, moved that on page 51, line 15 of the pre-conference workbook, “as of November 30, 2011” be inserted at the beginning of the line. ACTION ON AMENDMENT: Adopted by voice vote. 74 Daily Proceedings Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook ACTION ON MOTION AS AMENDED: Adopted by a show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 123: DISCONTINUATION OF JOHNSTOWN UMC: Bob Homan, chairperson of the IGRC Board of Trustees, presented LI 123 for action. (seepage 129) ACTION ON LI 123: Adopted by a show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 124: DISCONTINUATION OF RAMSEY UMC: Bob Homan, chairperson of the IGRC Board of Trustees, presented LI 124 for action. (see page 130) ACTION ON LI 124: Adopted by a show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 125: DISCONTINUATION OF SOUTH SHORES UMC: Bob Homan, chairperson of the IGRC Board of Trustees, presented LI 125 and moved its adoption. (see page 131) ACTION ON LI 125: Adopted by a show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 126: DISCONTINUATION OF WESTERVELT UMC: Bob Homan, chairperson of the IGRC Board of Trustees, presented LI 126 and moved its adoption. (see page 131) ACTION ON LI 126: Adopted by a show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 128: SALE OF BRIDALWOOD PARSONAGE: Bob Homan, chairperson of the IGRC Board of Trustees, requested to withdraw LI 128, since the parsonage has already been sold. The request was allowed. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 129: SALE OF FOREST PARK PARSONAGE: Bob Homan, chairperson of the IGRC Board of Trustees, presented LI 129 and moved its adoption. (see page 133) ACTION ON LI 129: Adopted by a show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 127: TRANSFER OF TISKILWA DEED: Bob Homan, chairperson of the IGRC Board of Trustees, presented LI 127 for action. (see page 132) ACTION ON LI 127: Adopted by a show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 110: SR VII.D. - PROCEEDS OF SALE: Bob Homan, chairperson of the IGRC Board of Trustees, presented LI 110 and moved its adoption. (see page 117) PREVIOUS QUESTION ACTION ON PREVIOUS QUESTION: Adopted by a show of hands ACTION ON LI 110: Adopted by a show of hands. PERSONAL PRIVILEGE: Bob Homan, chairperson of the IGRC Board of Trustees, thanked the conference for their support. Daily Proceedings 75 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook VIDEO: RECOGNITION OF CHURCHES COMPLETING THEIR MISSION REPORT ON CLERGY BALLOT, #8: Bishop Palmer reported that there was no election. CLERGY BALLOT, #9: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their ninth ballot. REPORT OF LAY BALLOT, #8: Bishop Palmer reported that there was one election. Ryan Davis, Havana First, was elected the fifth member of the General Conference lay delegation. LAY BALLOT, #9: Bishop Palmer led the laity through their ninth ballot. ANNOUNCEMENT: Rev. Alice Shirley, Conference Secretary, made an announcement. REPORT OF LAY BALLOT, #9: Bishop Palmer reported that there was one election. Marian McCray, Cahokia Park, was elected as sixth and final member of the General Conference lay delegation. REPORT OF CLERGY BALLOT, #9: Bishop Palmer announced that there was one election. Rev. Sylvester Weatherall was elected the third member of the General Conference clergy delegation. MOTION: Rev. Sidney Davis moved that only names of clergy receiving 20 or more votes be read. AMENDMENT: Rev. Jeremiah Thompson moved to amend the motion by deleting “20” and inserting “10.” MOTION TO TABLE: Tonya Hasenstab, Prospect Park UMC, moved to table the vote on the amendment until after the next clergy ballot is taken. ACTION ON MOTION TO TABLE: Adopted by voice vote. CLERGY BALLOT, #10: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their tenth ballot. MOTION TO REMOVE AMENDMENT FROM THE TABLE: Bishop Palmer took the Thompson amendment off the table. ACTION ON AMENDMENT: Adopted by electronic vote. ACTION ON MOTION AS AMENDED: Adopted by electronic vote. MOTION: George Clifton, Fairview Heights UMC, moved to suspend the rules of order to allow the top vote-getter in the next three clergy ballots to be elected. POINT OF ORDER: Rev. Miley Palmer pointed out that it was necessary to deal with the suspension of rules before voting on the amendment ACTION ON SUSPENDING THE RULES OF ORDER: Defeated by electronic vote. 76 Daily Proceedings Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook CELEBRATION OF NEW CHURCH STARTS: Rev. Mike Crawford, Coordinator of Congregational Development, presented a video on new church starts, including Fusion (pastor, Rev. Larry Frank); Fairview Heights Christ-Maryville campus (pastor, Rev. Shane Bishop); Decatur South Shores extension of Decatur Grace (pastor, Rev. Danny Cox). Bishop Palmer led prayer for these new ministries. REPORT ON CLERGY BALLOT, #10: Bishop Palmer reported that there was no election. CLERGY BALLOT, #11: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their eleventh ballot. CENTRAL CONFERENCE PENSIONS INITIATIVE: Dan O’Neil, managing director of Central Conference Pensions for the General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits, was introduced by Bishop Palmer. He addressed the conference on behalf of the Central Conference Pension Initiative (CCPI). He thanked the conference for their generosity. PERSONAL PRIVILEGE: Ginny Gordon, Kankakee Asbury, shared that her Sunday school class has been giving $20 a month to the salary support fund. REPORT ON CLERGY BALLOT, #11: Bishop Palmer reported that there was an election. Rev. Andy Adams was elected fourth member of the General Conference clergy delegation. LAY BALLOT, #11: Bishop Palmer led the laity through their eleventh ballot. LIBERIA REPORT: Bunny Wolfe, Coordinator of Missions and Outreach, presented the Liberia report. She shared that two new churches were built and applauded Flanagan UMC for their generous donation for the new Flanagan school. She introduced a video featuring the witness of several who have been to Liberia, and then introduced Rudolph Merab, Lay Leader of the Liberia Annual Conference, who brought greetings from Liberia. Rev. Kenneth Burgard shared about New Hope Church near Monrovia. Bishop Palmer closed the presentation with prayer. (seepage 217) REPORT ON LAY BALLOT, #10: Bishop Palmer announced that there was one election. Melissa Calvillo, Carthage First, was elected the first member of the Jurisdictional Conference lay delegation. CLERGY BALLOT, #12: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their twelfth ballot. DINNER RECESS SERVICE OF ORDINATION: Former bishop of the Illinois Area, Bishop Woodie W. White, led the Service of Ordination with a sermon on II Corinthians 6: 1-10, “Towards a Ministry of Joy and Laughter.” Liturgists were Rev. Randy Reese, Rev. In-Sook Hwang, and Rev. Justin Snider. Bishop White and Bishop Palmer presided over the communion table. Special music was offered by the clergy choir and Janet Kaiser of Peoria First UMC was the organist. An offering was taken for the 2012 ordinands’ mission trip. Ordained deacon was Elizabeth Anne Fender. Ordained elders were Andrew Daily Proceedings 77 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Jacob Anthony, Grant Donald Armstrong, Mary Alice Cunningham, Lisa Dawn Guilliams, Andrew Gerard Hopp, Patricia Aileen Hutton, Anita Ruth Munden, Florene Elizabeth Scott, and Michael Otis Whitaker. SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 2010 CALL TO ORDER: Bishop Palmer called the conference to order at 8:30 a.m. and outlined the agenda for the day. MORNING PRAISE AND PRAYER: Rev. Mike Rayson, Rev. Jason Woolever, and Rev. Mary Alice Cunningham led the conference in a brief time of worship. REPORT OF CLERGY BALLOT, #12: Bishop Palmer announced that there was one election. Rev. Janice Griffith was elected the fifth member of the General Conference clergy delegation. ANNOUNCEMENT: Conference Secretary Rev. Alice Shirley announced that 12,454 hand towels were collected for UMCOR. GREETING: Rev. Matt Henson, Conference Evangelist, greeted the conference and offered his leadership for revivals and youth events. CLERGY BALLOT, #13: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their thirteenth ballot. IGRC AWARDS VIDEO: The following awards were presented: $500 Merit Scholars: Brittany Ambler, Freshman, Musical Theatre major, Illinois Wesleyan College, Bloomington Wesley UMC; Melissa Burgett, Graduate, Western Illinois University, will be attending Iliff School of Theology, Macomb Wesley UMC; Kathryn Herath, Freshman, History Education major, McKendree University, Mossville UMC; Staci Phipps, Junior, Music Education major, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington Park UMC; Gary Jomo Wilson, Freshman, Business/Education major, Oxford College, Oxford, Ga., Peoria Bethel UMC. $1,500 Leadership Scholarships: Loran Luehr – Senior, Human Nutrition and Dietetics major, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, SIU-C Wesley Foundation; Nichole Mize – Freshman, Nursing Major, John A. Logan College, Carterville First UMC. Church Growth Awards: Membership 1 to 50: Cottonwood UMC, Embarras River District, Edward L. Davis, Pastor, 6 Professions of Faith; Membership 51 to 100: Champaign Quest UMC, Iroquois River District, Andrew Adams, Pastor, 13 Professions of Faith; Membership 101 to 200: Peoria Bethel UMC, Illinois River District, Rose Booker-Jones, Pastor, 29 Professions of Faith; Membership 201 to 2,104: Fairview Heights Christ UMC, Mississippi River District, Shane Bishop, Pastor, 106 Professions of Faith. Cramer-Tolly Social Justice Award: Carol Lakota Eastin LAY BALLOT, #11: Bishop Palmer led the laity through their eleventh ballot. REPORT ON CLERGY BALLOT, #13: Bishop Palmer reported no election. INTENTIONAL FAITH DEVELOPMENT: WHY AM I A DISCIPLE? The 78 Daily Proceedings Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook conference enjoyed another video prepared by the Communications Team. Bishop Palmer expressed appreciation to Suzy Burns for producing the videos. CLERGY BALLOT, #14: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their fourteenth ballot. CHILDREN OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Children in the childcare ministry of the annual conference sang a song and presented Bishop and Mrs. Palmer T-shirts and a photograph of themselves. REPORT OF THE CLERGY BALLOT, #14: Bishop Palmer reported no election. MOTION TO SUSPEND THE RULES: Rev. Michael Paulson moved to suspend the rules. ACTION ON MOTION TO SUSPEND THE RULES: Adopted by a show of hands. MOTION: Rev. Michael Paulson moved that the top recipient of votes in the next clergy ballot be elected as the final delegate to general conference PREVIOUS QUESTION ACTION ON PREVIOUS QUESTION: Adopted by a show of hands. ACTION ON MOTION: Adopted by a show of hands. PERSONAL PRIVILEGE: Gay Crede asked that her name be removed from clergy balloting for General Conference. CLERGY BALLOT, #15: Bishop Palmer led the clergy in their 15th ballot. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 105: CONFERENCE BOARD OF PENSIONS: John Plattner, Normal Calvary, and chairperson of the Board of Pensions and Health Benefits, presented LI 105 and moved its adoption. (see page 108) ACTION: Adopted by a show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 106: LONG-RANGE PENSION FUNDING PLANS: Rev. Rick VanGiesen presented LI 106. The plans are required by the Board of Pensions. He reported that as of today the pension funding crisis is over. He moved adoption of the resolution. (see page 112) ACTION: Adopted by a show of hands. REPORT OF CLERGY BALLOT, #15: Bishop Palmer reported that there was an election. Rev. J. Keith Zimmerman was elected as the sixth member of the General Conference clergy delegation. QUESTION: Rev. Beverly Wilkes-Null inquired how alternates to General Conference are determined. It was decided that alternates will be the first two delegates elected to Jurisdictional Conference. Daily Proceedings 79 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook REPORT OF LAY BALLOT, #11: Bishop Palmer reported there was no election. LAY BALLOT, #12: Bishop Palmer led the laity through their twelfth ballot. REPORT 302: CONFERENCE FOUNDATION: Rev. Ted Frost, Executive Director of the IGRC United Methodist Foundation, presented Report 302. He introduced Foundation president Janice Clark, who called the annual meeting of the UM Foundation to order. She introduced a video about the ministry of the Foundation, suggested that local church’s develop policies about the use of gifts received by the congregation, and offered the Foundation’s expertise in stewardship education. She added the name of Stephanie Corum to the list of nominees for the Foundation board, and asked that they be elected. (see page 235) ACTION: Elected by a show of hands. REPORT OF LAY BALLOT, #12: Bishop Palmer reported four elections. Robin Williams, Vergennes Wesley; Fred Iutzi, Carthage First; Steve Schonert, Olney First; and Carolyn Yockey, Normal First, were elected to the second through fifth seats of the Jurisdictional Conference lay delegation. MOTION: Rev. Gary Fairchild moved that Bishop Palmer read the top 12 votegetters of each clergy vote until four persons are elected, and then read the top 7 vote-getters until all are elected. PREVIOUS QUESTION ACTION ON PREVIOUS QUESTION: Adopted by a show of hands. ACTION ON MOTION: Adopted by a show of hands. CLERGY BALLOT, #16: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their sixteenth ballot. REPORT OF CLERGY BALLOT, #16: Bishop Palmer reported that there were no elections. PERSONAL PRIVILEGE: Rev. Rick VanGiesen asked that clergy not vote for him since he is the Jurisdictional Conference treasurer and will be going to Jurisdictional Conference anyway. CLERGY BALLOT, #17: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through the seventeenth ballot. REPORT 314: COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS: Rev. Craig Sweet, chairperson of the Committee on Nominations, moved adoption of his committee’s report. (see page 7) ACTION: Report adopted. MOTION: Rev. Craig Sweet, chairperson of the Committee on Nominations, moved that nominations made by the IGRC Nominations Committee from the end of our 2011 Annual Conference until 12/31/11 be reported and 80 Daily Proceedings Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook electronically distributed as elected to the position to which they were nominated. ACTION: Adopted by a show of hands. BLACK COLLEGE FUND AMBASSADOR: Bishop Palmer introduced Courtneika A. Hudson, Lina H. McCord Ambassador for the Black College Fund, who greeted the conference and thanked them for their support of the Black College Fund. Rev. Michelle Hall, Director of Spiritual Life at Wiley College, also greeted the conference. ANNOUNCEMENT: Bishop Palmer announced that there is a need for help at the soup kitchen at Peoria First today. OFFERING FOR WILEY COLLEGE TOM BROWN SCHOLARSHIP REPORT OF CLERGY BALLOT, #17: Bishop Palmer announced that there were three elections. Rev. Shane Bishop, Rev. Rose Booker-Jones, and Rev. Roger Ross were elected as the first three members of the Jurisdictional Conference clergy delegation. LAY BALLOT, #13: Rev. Michelle Hall led the conference in prayer, and Bishop Palmer led the laity through their thirteenth ballot. WORD OF THANKS: Bishop Palmer invited the conference to express their thanks to Rev. Dayle Badman and her hospitality team. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 111: EQUITABLE COMPENSATION: Rev. Vince Rohn, chairperson of the Committee on Equitable Compensation, presented his committee’s report and moved its adoption. (see page 117) AMENDMENT: Rev. Beverly Wilkes Null moved that on page 38, line 16, the number “5%” be deleted and “2.5%” be inserted. PREVIOUS QUESTION ACTION ON PREVIOUS QUESTION: Adopted by a show of hands. ACTION ON AMENDMENT: Defeated by electronic voting. ACTION ON LI 111: Adopted by electronic voting. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 112: FUNDING FOR PASTORAL CARE AND COUNSELING: Rev. Mike Smith, chairperson of the Pastoral Care and Counseling Committee, presented report #112 and moved its adoption. (see page 118) ACTION: Adopted by show of hands. REPORT OF LAY BALLOT, #13: Bishop Palmer reported that there was no election. CLERGY BALLOT, #18: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their eighteenth ballot. Daily Proceedings 81 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook LEGISLATIVE ITEM 130: EVENGLOW COVENANT: Bunny Wolfe, Coordinator of Mission and Outreach, presented LI 130 and moved its adoption. (seepage 134) ACTION: adopted by a show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 131: EXCEPTION TO RULE ON THE USE OF PROCEEDS FROM SALE OF A PARSONAGE. Rev. Terry Harter, Superintendent of the Sangamon River District, presented LI 131 and moved its adoption. (see page 138) ACTION: Adopted by a show of hands REPORT 301: ADVANCE SPECIALS. Bunny Wolfe, Coordinator of Mission and Outreach, presented Report 301 and moved its adoption. (see page 199) ACTION: adopted by a show of hands. PERSONAL PRIVILEGE: Carol Rankin, Living Faith UMC, asked to have her name removed from consideration for the next ballot. LAY BALLOT, #14: Bishop Palmer led the laity through their fourteenth ballot. REPORT OF CLERGY BALLOT, #18: Bishop Palmer reported that there was no election. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 115: LOCATION OF ANNUAL CONFERENCE: LI 115 was presented for adoption. (see page 121) AMENDMENT: Rev. Julia Melgreen moved that the dates 2013-2017 on page 42, line 2 be deleted and 2013-2014 be inserted instead. PREVIOUS QUESTION ACTION ON PREVIOUS QUESTION: Adopted by a show of hands. ACTION ON AMENDMENT: Defeated by electronic voting ACTION ON LI 115: Adopted by electronic voting. REPORT OF LAY BALLOT, #14: Bishop Palmer reported one election. J. LaVon Wilson, Springfield Grace, was elected as the sixth member of the Jurisdictional Conference lay delegation. LUNCHEON RECESS OFFERING REPORT: Conference Secretary Rev. Alice Shirley announced that the Wiley College Tom Brown Scholarship offering was $5,588.16 and that the offering for the ordinand’s mission trip was $5,199.57. WORSHIP: A brief time of worship was led by Rev. Mike Rayson. SERVICE OF GIVING AND RECEIVING APPOINTMENTS: Bishop Palmer introduced members of the cabinet. He thanked those who are leaving the cabinet: Rev. Greg Courtright, Rev. Randy Robinson, and Rev. Keith 82 Daily Proceedings Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Zimmerman, and he introduced new superintendents Rev. Leah Pogemiller, Rev. Roger Russell, and Rev. Doug Rorex. In the Service of Giving and Receiving Appointments, Bishop Palmer fixed the appointments for 201112. Bishop Palmer read scripture from Luke 10:35-37, spoke on the theme of “Deed,” and led the conference in prayer. PERSONAL PRIVILEGE: Rev. Charles Graul invited voluntary donations to Harold Turner, Quincy Melrose, who experienced vandalism at annual conference last year. CLERGY BALLOT, #19: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their nineteenth ballot. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 116: CHADDOCK COVENANT: Bunny Wolfe, Coordinator of Mission and Outreach, presented LI 116 and moved its adoption. (see page 121) ACTION: adopted by show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 114: REALIGNING CONFERENCE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: LI 114 was presented for adoption. (see page 120) ACTION: adopted by a show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 103: 2012 BUDGET. David Hood, chairperson of the Conference Council on Finance and Administration, presented LI 103 and moved its adoption. (see page 89) ACTION: adopted by show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 104: CCFA POLICIES AND GUIDELINES: David Hood, chairperson of the Conference Council on Finance and Administration, presented LI 104 and moved its adoption. (see page 106) ACTION: adopted by a show of hands. REPORT OF CLERGY BALLOT, #19: Bishop Palmer reported that there was one election. Rev. Gay Crede was elected the fourth member of the Jurisdictional Conference clergy delegation. OFFERING REPORT: Bishop Palmer reported that $27,311.88 has been collected at this conference for Imagine No Malaria. LAY BALLOT, #15: Bishop Palmer led the laity through their fifteenth ballot. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 117: DISABILITY AWARENESS SUNDAY: Anthony Stauder, chairperson of Disability Concerns Committee, shared the rationale behind the LI 117 and moved its adoption. (see page 126) ACTION: Adopted by a show of hands. LEGISLATIVE ITEM LI 113: 100th ANNIVERSARY WESLEY FOUNDATION AT U of I. Rev. Sara Isbell presented LI 113. (see page 119) AMENDMENT: Rev. Sara Isbell moved that on page 40, line 6, these words be added: “and be it further resolved that the conference Daily Proceedings 83 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook secretary forward this resolution to the 2012 General Conference for appropriate recognition.” ACTION ON AMENDMENT: adopted by a show of hands. ACTION ON LI 113 AS AMENDED: adopted by a show of hands. PERSONAL PRIVILEGE: Rev. Sara Isbell presented Bishop Palmer with a book, The First Wesley Foundation. CLERGY BALLOT, #20: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their twentieth ballot. REPORT OF LAY BALLOT, #15: Bishop Palmer reported that there was no election. LEGISLATIVE ITEM 108: PROVISION OF INTERNET: LI 108 was presented for adoption. (see page 116) MOTION TO TABLE: Rev. Joy Schlesselman moved that LI 108 be tabled until next year’s conference. ACTION ON MOTION TO TABLE: Defeated by a show of hands. AMENDMENT (1): It was moved: on page 34, line 15, delete the words “shall provide” and insert “make available.” EPISCOPAL RULING ON AMENDMENT (1): Bishop Palmer ruled that the amendment was out of order because it did not change the effect of the resolution. AMENDMENT (2): Rev. Janet Eggleston moved: on page 34, line 15, delete the words “if available” and insert the words “if feasible.” ACTION ON AMENDMENT (2): Defeated by a show of hands. PREVIOUS QUESTION ACTION ON PREVIOUS QUESTION: Adopted by voice vote. ACTION ON LI 108: Adopted by the required 2/3 majority. MOTION TO SUSPEND THE RULES: Rev. Rick VanGiesen moved that the Rules be suspended in order to allow a change in voting procedure. ACTION: Adopted by a show of hands. MOTION: Rev. Rick VanGiesen moved that on the next ballot for lay delegates and clergy delegates, the top vote-getters will be considered as elected for the remaining slots available, including alternate delegates. ACTION: Adopted by a show of hands. REPORT OF CLERGY BALLOT, #20: Bishop Palmer reported that there was one election. Rev. Jason Woolever was elected as the fifth member of the Jurisdictional Conference clergy delegation. 84 Daily Proceedings Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook CLERGY BALLOT, #21: Bishop Palmer led the clergy through their twenty-first clergy ballot. PERSONAL PRIVILEGE: Harold Turner, Quincy Melrose Chapel, thanked the conference for the offer to help cover the expenses of damages from last year, and asked that donations go to Imagine No Malaria instead. MOTION: Clarke Barnes, Geneseo Grace, moved that the conference postpone indefinitely all remaining legislative items. ACTION ON MOTION: Defeated by a show of hands. REPORT ON CLERGY BALLOT, #21: Bishop Palmer reported that there were three elections. Rev. Dennis Price was elected as the sixth member of the Jurisdictional Conference clergy delegation. Jeremiah Thompson and Carol Lakota Eastin were elected as alternates. LAY BALLOT, #16: Bishop Palmer led the laity through their sixteenth ballot. REPORT ON LAY BALLOT, #16: Bishop Palmer reported that there were two elections. John Kauerauf , Springfield First, and Alan Prass, Fairview Heights Christ, were elected as alternates on the Jurisdictional Conference delegation. PRESENTATION: Bishop Palmer presented the full General and Jurisdictional Conference delegation and led the conference in prayer. CALL FOR A QUORUM COUNT: Rev. Rick VanGiesen called for a quorum count. Of 1359 registered members, 681 would be needed for a quorum. ACTION: 583 indicated their presence electronically. MOTION TO SUSPEND THE RULES: Rev. Mike Smith moved that the conference suspend the Rules to allow 30 more minutes. ACTION ON MOTION TO SUSPEND: Defeated by a show of hands. EPISCOPAL GUIDANCE: The resolutions that were not acted upon can be resubmitted next year. PERSONAL PRIVILEGE: Pete Paulson, Decatur Grace, pointed out that Legislative Item 201: Care and Protection of God’s Creation, needed to be acted on this year in order to be timely. EPISCOPAL RESPONSE: Bishop Palmer indicated he would study the resolution and consider writing an Episcopal letter ADJOURNMENT: The conference adjourned at 3:41 p.m. with prayer. Daily Proceedings 85 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Certification of Daily Proceedings I, Alice J. Shirley, Conference Secretary, certify that the foregoing, together with all reports, is a correct record of the proceedings of the Fifteenth Session (The 189th counting Antecedent Annual Conferences) of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, held in Peoria, Illinois, June 1-4, 2011 Alice J. Shirley Conference Secretary Secretarial Staff Donna Blythe, Assistant Sue Campton Jim Crozier Steve Lobacz Keith Michaels Carol Power Nicholas Showalter Proof-reader Beth Fender 86 Daily Proceedings Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Conference Legislative Items Legislative Items Adopted 87 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Legislative Items Adopted by the Annual Conference Note: All items listed in this section appeared in the pre-conference workbook or supplemental packet. Only those items that were adopted, or adopted after being amended, are printed in full. Legislative Item 101: Organizational Motions Subject: Procedures for our Annual Conference Session Submitted by: Annual Conference Secretary Be it resolved, 1). That the bar of the annual conference include the immediate areas of those who are operating television cameras, the sound system, and recording equipment; the secretaries’ room; and all the seats designated for voting members in the room. Non-voting participants allowed to be seated in the bar of the conference include: reserved seats for guests of the annual conference, spouses of the cabinet, equipping and connecting team staff, the area office staff, and persons who need to provide assistance for members of the annual conference. Seats included in the bar of the conference are seats at tables. The visitors’ section includes seats without tables in theater-style arrangement located at the rear right and left of Exhibit Halls B & C. Additionally the bar of the laity session is the 4th floor ballroom. Voting members of the annual conference will be seated within the bar of the annual conference for recognition and voting procedures. 2). That the Rules of Order for this session of the Annual Conference be the General Conference Rules, the Standing Rules so adopted by the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference, and, in situations where the annual conference rules do not apply, Roberts Rules of Order, Revised. 3). That the agenda of the annual conference is the agenda submitted by the annual conference sessions committee and that the chairs of the sessions committee or the agenda committee are permitted to make last-minute changes to the agenda in order to maximize the use of time. 4). That this session of the annual conference be conducted according to the policies approved and adopted by the annual conference sessions committee. (Red Reference Section) 5). That the roster of secretarial staff named by the conference secretary be elected. 6). That the only printed materials to be distributed during this Session are those items that are directly related to the agenda of the annual conference session or to the presentation of a speaker, or needed to facilitate worship. (All items for distribution need the approval of the annual conference secretary.) 88 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 7). That in order to reduce distraction caused by those arriving late, and enhance our worship services, the center doors be closed after the last verse of the opening hymn of every worship service and that the side doors remain open. Hospitality staff will direct those who arrive late to be seated in empty seats at the back of Exhibit Halls B & C until the worship is completed. This is a courtesy to those who were present on time not to be distracted by those who arrive late. All members are urged to be on time for worship, and if they enter late, to do so discreetly. Legislative Item 102: Bar of the Clergy Session Subject: Establishing the voting area of the clergy session Submitted by: Annual Conference Secretary Be it resolved, that the bar of the clergy session of annual conference consists of the Marquette Ballroom at the Pere Marquette Hotel, Peoria. Members of the clergy session are asked to follow the directions for right of voice and vote as stated as listed on pages 7 and 8 of the red reference section in the pre-conference workbook. Additional instructions on voting may be given by the chair throughout the clergy session. Legislative Item 103: 2012 Budget – CCFA Subject: The proposed Conference budget for 2012 with amount and percent of increase Submitted by: Conference Council on Finance and Administration Clergy Support 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Increase Increase Equitable Compensation 50,000 55,000 5,000 10.00% Moving Expenses for Retirees 40,000 40,000 - 0.00% District Superintendents Fund* 1,910,900 2,002,160 91,260 4.78% Episcopal Fund Total Clergy Support 442,782 468,687 25,905 5.85% 2,443,682 2,565,847 122,165 5.00% 956,000 975,000 19,000 1.99% Administration Conference Offices and CCFA Archives 58,436 60,189 1,753 3.00% Trustees 320,000 320,000 - 0.00% Communications 471,490 501,283 29,793 6.32% 1,145,546 1,168,400 22,854 2.00% COSROW -- Administration 4,000 4,000 - 0.00% Religion & Race -- Administration 8,000 8,500 500 6.25% ECT Program & Administration Legislative Items Adopted 89 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Board of Ordained Ministry - Adm. 50,000 50,000 - 0.00% Annual Conference Session 85,000 135,000 50,000 58.82% Conference Secretary 10,350 7,450 (2,900) -28.02% Journal & Yearbook 22,525 22,525 - 0.00% Legal Expense Fund 45,000 60,000 15,000 33.33% Conference Foundation -- Admin. 65,000 60,000 (5,000) -7.69% Unallocated Travel and Expense Clergy Sexual Misconduct Response Team Illinois Area Office 14,000 14,000 - 0.00% 7,300 5,000 (2,300) -31.51% 170,000 173,400 3,400 2.00% Pastoral Care & Counseling** 1,000 125,000 124,000 ** Committee on Episcopacy 2,000 2,000 - 0.00% Episcopal Residence Committee 1,000 1,000 - 0.00% Conference Center Prior Claims in Excess of Apportionment Receipts Contingency 500,000 500,000 - 0.00% 105,000 105,000 - 0.00% 100,000 100,000 - 0.00% General/Jurisdict Conf. Exp 50,000 50,000 - 0.00% 0 100,000 100,000 n/a 263,360 0 (263,360) -100.00% 100.00% Bishop's Initiatives Clergy Pensions - Defined Benefit Post-Retirement Benefits Reserve 50,000 100,000 50,000 General Administration Fund 172,153 175,733 3,580 2.08% Interdenominational Coop. Fund 41,531 40,409 (1,122) -2.70% Jurisdictional Conf. Fund Total Administration Total Clergy Support & Administration 27,115 27,115 - 0.00% 4,745,806 4,891,004 145,198 3.06% 7,189,488 7,456,851 267,363 3.72% - 0.00% Benevolences & Connectional Ministries Congregational Development 887,450 887,450 Conference Benevolences 986,613 1,066,000 79,387 8.05% 1,577,645 1,538,676 (38,969) -2.47% 532,967 510,504 (22,463) -4.21% 47,580 45,571 (2,009) -4.22% 212,591 203,617 (8,974) -4.22% 265,000 265,000 - 0.00% 4,509,846 4,516,818 6,972 0.15% $11,699,334 $11,973,669 274,335 2.34% World Service Ministerial Education Fund Africa University Fund Black College Fund General Church Apportionments in Excess of Receipts Total Benevolences & Connectional Ministries Total All Apportionments 90 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook SUPPLEMENT TO THE 2012 ANNUAL CONFERENCE BUDGET Clergy Support and Administration Apportionment = $7,456,851 Equitable Compensation, $55,000. This fund is utilized to assist local churches with pastor salary expenses where there is potential for church growth or some other transition is taking place. Limits are applied for the amount of support given and the time period that a church/charge can receive support. Funds are requested by the Cabinet, approved by the Commission on Equitable Compensation and distributed by the Treasurer’s office to the local church or charge. Moving Expenses for Retirees, $40,000. When a pastor retires, it is the first time that his/her move is not paid by a receiving church. The primary purpose of this fund is to ensure that a retiring pastor can afford to move out of the parsonage, thus creating an opening for the new pastor. So, the fund assists local churches in the smooth transition from one pastor to another. District Superintendents Fund, $2,002,160. This line item is a combination of three line items in previous budgets: 1) District Supt. Fund; 2) SA&E/Dist. Mission Fund and 3) District Administration and Program. Perhaps it made sense to separate these funds in years past, but the boundaries between the funds had become artificial and they were not separated in our accounting programs. The new line item has been combined retroactively in your copy of the previous year’s budget for comparison purposes. The primary use of this fund is to pay the salary and benefits of the District Superintendents. District Superintendents assist local churches in the orderly transition of pastors, in helping local churches work through crisis situations, in assisting the Bishop in the oversight of the life of the annual conference and in aiding local churches and pastors to fulfill the mission that God places before them. Now the fund also encompasses grants to assist local churches with one-time emergency needs, usually dealing with transitions in pastoral leadership. A portion of the fund is utilized for missional needs that are particular to the interests or needs of a district. Finally, the fund is utilized for the funding of the district offices. It includes the salaries and benefits of the district administrative assistants, office rent and utilities, postage, and the ordinary expenses that come with running an office. With any funds remaining, the districts often conduct special mission and ministry programs: for clergy and laity education, clergy gatherings, mission promotion and direct support of various ministries. The district offices serve local churches by providing convenient access to the district superintendent, regional resources for local churches, and a location for small meetings. Episcopal Fund, $468,687. This is an apportionment from the General Conference. It goes to support the salaries, benefits and operational expenses of the Bishops and their offices (The Book of Discipline ¶817). Bishops assist local churches by appointing pastors, guiding the work of the Cabinet, encouraging leaders of all kinds and providing guidance to every level of the United Methodist Church. Conference Offices and CCFA, $975,000. This funds the salaries, benefits, and operations of the Finance and Administration Team (business and benefits office) of the IGRC, as well as many of the shared operational expenses of the UM Conference Center: Telephone, computers, custodial, copy machines and supplies. The Finance and Administration Team assists local churches by administering benefits for pastors, serving as a conduit for mission and ministry funds, facilitating finan- Legislative Items Adopted 91 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook cial accountability and providing a wide variety of resources for pastors and officers of local churches. Archives, $60,189. The archives of the IGRC are stored at MacMurray College. These funds reimburse MacMurray for the space utilized in the Library for our archives, plus shared expenditures for utilities. Further, the funds help to support the salary and benefits of a professional archivist who catalogs and maintains our collection. The Archives serve local churches by preserving historical records, providing access to information for persons seeking family and local church histories, and serving as a central repository for documents vital to the life of the church. Trustees, $320,000. The Conference Board of Trustees maintains oversight of about 20 Conference-owned properties, including the United Methodist Center. The Trustees are charged with repair, maintenance and upkeep of the district and staff parsonages, and they become the custodians of local church properties when they are abandoned. The Board will recommend to the annual conference the purchase or sale of properties as needs become apparent. This fund serves local churches by keeping properties that are owned by all the local churches in good order and by providing conference clergy employees (who are, ultimately, employees of all the local churches together) with convenient, safe and functional housing. The fund also takes care of the needs of the United Methodist Center in Springfield, which is a central gathering place for hundreds of meetings every year. Communications, $501,283. The Communications Team serves the local church by linking local churches with news, resources and ministries that are larger than any one local church by itself. This money goes to fund the people and the operational expenses linked with a variety of communications tools: the “Current”, printmedia, Internet, website, streaming video, social media, DVD resources and e-mail notices. The request for 2012 includes a proposal to purchase new video cameras which – among other things – would be used at annual conference. The current cameras are old, unreliable, and low definition. ECT Program and Administration, $1,168,400. The Equipping and Connecting Team is responsible for what has traditionally been called the “Program” area of the Annual Conference. The largest single line item of the ECT budget is a $470,000 subsidy for camping. The salaries and benefits of the ECT staff are included in this budget, as is direct support for many conference and local ministries. The ECT serves local churches by providing a variety of resources and connections which enable churches to expand their ministries and fulfill their mission. COSROW – Administration, $4,000. “COSROW” stands for the ‘Commission on the Status and Role of Women. The Book of Discipline (¶644), outlines the responsibilities of COSROW: primarily to provide a proactive advocacy role which ensures that women are full participants in every aspect of the life of the church. This line item is used to enable the Conference COSROW to fulfill its mission by providing funds for training, meeting expense and any programs that the Commission seeks to offer. COSROW serves the local church by sensitizing us all to the vital role of women in the church. Religion and Race – Administration, $8,500. This fund is administered by the Conference Commission on Religion and Race, whose responsibilities are found in ¶643 of The Book of Discipline. Religion and Race seeks to achieve full inclusiveness of people of all races in the life of the conference and local churches. The Com- 92 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook mission serves as a monitoring body and seeks to develop programs and policies which encourage the full participation of all races. The funds provided from the Conference budget are utilized for meeting, training and program expenses. The Commission on Religion and Race serves the local church by providing resources and support in the ultimate goal of the inclusion of all colors of God’s children in the life of the church. Board of Ordained Ministry – Administration, $50,000. The Conference Board of Ordained Ministry is responsible for the approval and nurture of all ordained, commissioned and licensed persons in service to the IGRC. The Board spends hundreds of hours each year in the examination of candidates for ministry, to ensure that they have the gifts and graces to serve local churches and have fulfilled all of the educational requirements. Also responsible for oversight of the character and conduct of pastors, the Board seeks to provide pathways of redemption in cases of personal or professional crisis. Budget funds are utilized for the administrative expenses of the Board: meetings, travel, training, orientation and other expenses associated with certification, licensing and ordination of candidates. Scholarships and other expenses are supported by the Ministerial Education Fund (see below). The Board of Ordained Ministry serves local churches by ensuring that pastors meet or exceed the qualifications necessary for leading successful ministries. Annual Conference Session, $135,000. The expense of the Annual Conference session is funded primarily by this apportionment. Smaller amounts are also utilized from various departments, fees and grants. Of this line item, the largest single expense is the rental and operation of the electronic voting system, which proved its worth in some very close votes in the first year of full operation, the 2009 session. The Sessions Committee administers this line item, as well as the full budget of the annual meeting. The 2012 line item has an increase of $50,000. This request was the result of only about half of annual conference attendees paying the voluntary registration fee. It was deemed unfair that some churches and people were supporting the cost of the annual conference and others were not. The $50,000 is about the same amount as was being collected through the registration fee. So the request does not represent more money from local churches, it merely gives more local churches the opportunity to help to pay for the venue where they have a voice. The Annual Conference session serves the local church by providing a gathering place for every Charge to participate in the formation of the policies and practices of the Annual Conference. Further, attendees are spiritually enriched with dynamic worship and teaching. The free sharing of resources, ideas, and peerto-peer conversations plants seeds of mission and ministry, which are carried back to local churches to grow and bear fruit. Conference Secretary, $7,450. The Conference Secretary not only takes minutes at each Annual Conference session, but serves an integral role in the planning and implementation of conference. Our conference secretary is also the editor of the Conference Journal, which is a very ambitious task. This line item goes to pay for small honorariums for the secretary and staff, for travel reimbursements and other expenses associated with the secretary’s work. The Conference Secretary serves local churches by making sure there is an accurate record of the business, history and resources of the annual conference for the current and future generations. Journal & Yearbook, $22,525. Working closely with the Conference Secretary, the Journal Publication Committee is responsible for the printing of the annual Journal (or duplicating the Journal on CD-ROM) and distributing it to pastors and Legislative Items Adopted 93 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook local churches. Acting in good stewardship, the committee seeks competitive bids and has pioneered the transition from a printed journal to one that can be accessed electronically – either on disk or via the Internet. The funds used for the publication and distribution of the Journal serve local churches by making sure that the plans, policies, actions and deliberations of the annual conference are transparent and freely accessible to anyone. Legal Expense Fund, $60,000. Sadly, we live in a litigious society. Like the Apostle Paul did, sometimes the Annual Conference has to resort to legal resources to protect itself. Fortunately, most of the time, the legal fund is utilized proactively, to make sure that the conference treats everyone fairly and does no harm. Funds expended to, essentially, “keep us out of trouble” are a wise investment for the local churches. The costs of making serious legal mistakes are far greater than an ounce of prevention. The request for 2012 includes an increase of $15,000, which is representative of what has actually been expended in some recent years. We hope we won’t have to use it. Conference Foundation – Administration, $60,000. The United Methodist Foundation of the IGRC seeks to be in partnership with local churches regarding effective stewardship, future planning and the wise investment of resources. The Foundation’s goal is to become self-supporting and a declining scale of apportionment support continues. Serving local churches is what the UM Foundation is all about. Every local church may access the excellent financial resources that the Foundation provides. Unallocated Travel and Expense, $14,000. There are several committees in the conference that meet on a regular basis, but they have no budget of their own. This line item takes care of the travel and meeting expense of committees that are no less vital to the life of the annual conference, but do not command enough funding to justify a separate line item in the budget. These funds serve local churches by enabling church members to participate in the life of the conference and by enabling these committees to meet and do the work which enhances ministries. Clergy Sexual Misconduct Response Team, $5,000. Who comes in to pick up the pieces when a local church is devastated by an act – or the accusation of an act – of clergy sexual misconduct? This group of specially trained and sensitive people, thankfully, are rarely called upon, but when they are, their work is crucial for recovery and redemption. More positively, the Team works proactively to arrange for mandatory training of all clergy in the prevention of sexual misconduct. These funds are utilized by the Team for training and the expenses involved in their ministry. They serve local churches by turning the unthinkable into hope. Illinois Area Office, $173,400. More commonly called the “Bishop’s Office,” these apportionments are utilized for the support of the Area Office which is located in the United Methodist Center in Springfield. The funds are used for the staff who support the ministry of the Bishop, office expenses, and programs to benefit pastors and ministries. Travel and expenses for the Bishop are paid by the General Church from the “Episcopal Fund” (see above.) The Illinois Area Office serves local churches – and the denomination as a whole – by providing a place to connect with the Bishop and the Cabinet. The office serves as a locus for high-level conversations, decisions, strategies and ministry resources. Pastoral Care & Counseling, $125,000. In years past when mental and emotional health counselors were hard to find, this office served much like a medical office. 94 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook People called, appointments were made, pastors and spouses drove long distances to the office, and there was usually one counseling professional who saw everyone he could see. In recent years, Pastoral Care has sought various methodologies to expand its role, serve more clients and fill the gaps in assistance that current mental/emotional health services do not provide. In recent years, the Pastoral Care Board has built up reserves, which they graciously agreed to utilize during the pensions budgetary crisis of 2011. However, now that Pastoral Care & Counseling is ready to embark on new models for providing assistance to clergy and their families, regular budgetary support is being recommended for 2012. Pastoral Care serves local churches by endeavoring to maintain and restore clergy and their families to health and wholeness. Someone has said, “Healthy clergy = healthy churches.” Committee on Episcopacy, $2,000. The responsibilities of the Conference Committee on Episcopacy are found in The Book of Discipline ¶637. The committee provides support and feedback for the Bishop. It also serves as a conduit of information to all levels of the United Methodist Church regarding the needs of the conference and its Episcopal leader. Two-thirds of the committee’s members are laity from local churches. The funds are usually utilized for meeting expenses, but the committee is free to provide resources for the enhancement of the ministry of the Bishop. The Committee on Episcopacy serves by providing a direct link between local churches and the Bishop. Episcopal Residence Committee, $1,000. Paragraph 638 in The Book of Discipline outlines the responsibilities of the Episcopal Residence Committee. Essentially, the committee ensures that the Bishop’s residence is appropriately cared for. Acting similarly to local church trustees who oversee a parsonage, the committee supervises any expenditure of funds for maintenance and upkeep of the structure. Only $1,000 is budgeted for meeting expenses. Another fund which was created some years ago currently provides the funding for maintenance and upkeep. No apportionment funds are currently involved in those projects. Laity from local churches comprise two-thirds of the membership of the current committee. The Episcopal Residence Committee serves the local churches by maintaining a residence for their Bishop which is safe and comfortable for the Episcopal family, offers a warm place of hospitality for guests and enables the Bishop to be housed within easy access of the conference offices. Conference Center, $500,000. This apportionment funds the building loan for the United Methodist Center in Springfield. The line item was set at $500,000 by the annual conference several years ago and it has not increased since. The building is financed with bonds that have a variable interest rate, so actual expenditures from the fund will vary from year to year. At this writing, the bond interest rate is very favorable. The UM Center serves local churches by providing a convenient and centralized place for meetings, so that laity from all areas in the conference can participate. In addition, most of the conference staff and other resources are located in the building for easy access by clergy and lay members of local churches who have questions or concerns. Prior claims in excess of apportionment receipts, $105,000. Many of the budgets within the annual conference structure have a high percentage of employee salaries and benefits – which, ethically, must be paid at 100%. When apportionments come in at around 90%, where does the extra 10% come from to pay full compensation? In years past, various methodologies were employed to account for the shortfall, but one factor was always true: the local churches that pay 100% of their Legislative Items Adopted 95 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook apportionments make up for the local churches that don’t. Rather than to hide this reality in budgetary devices, CCFA requested that this apportionment line item be inserted in the budget merely to make fully transparent the fact that the local churches that pay 100% actually pay more than their fair share of the funds needed to run the conference. In recent years, the fund has been depleted before the end of the year. This line item serves local churches as a reminder of our connectional responsibilities. If the day ever comes when all churches pay 100%, there will be no need for this apportionment. Contingency, $100,000. In order to meet the requirements of our polity, budget planning has to begin 18 to 24 months prior to the actual implementation of the budget. Planning for the 2012 budget began – in earnest – well before July of 2010. In any budget of this magnitude with the time constraints involved, it is impossible to predict every situation which may appear after the budget has been approved. This line item, only .84% of the budget, permits emergency needs to be addressed without calling a special session of the Annual Conference. It serves local churches by providing a means to care for unplanned events at the conference level, thus freeing clergy and lay members to focus on local church matters. General/Jurisdictional Conf. Expense, $50,000. This was a new line item for 2011 which was requested to address two needs: 1) The General and Jurisdictional Conferences do not provide any funding for the reserve delegates that we elect. This proved to be a significant expense for the IGRC in 2008 and there were no funds dedicated to pay for it. The 2012 conferences will be at distant locations, so it is prudent to begin a project account with funds reserved to care for these needs. 2) The IGRC will host the 2016 session of the North Central Jurisdictional Conference. We know from the experience of recent host conferences that the funds provided by the Jurisdiction are inadequate to pay for the entire cost of the conference. Therefore, if we are aware that the IGRC might have to contribute to the cost, it behooves us to make preparations for that event. This line item serves local churches by preparing for future costs, so that churches will not be approached to help fund emergency situations in years hence. Bishop’s Initiatives, $100,000 – This is a new apportionment of seed money to enable the Bishop to facilitate exciting new programs, ministries and opportunities without undergoing the laborious process of board and committee approvals. It enables the Bishop to dream and to lead. The fund will serve local churches by unleashing the creative mind and energy of our Bishop. Post-Retirement Benefits Reserve, $100,000. A recent study received by the IGRC as part of the annual audit revealed that the conference can reasonably expect to spend $71,514,000 for health benefits over the lifetimes of current and future clergy retirees and their spouses. The study doesn’t even include any new pastors who might come into our system and earn retirement benefits. The dollars required are overwhelming. The fundamental question is this: “Do we intend to provide retirement health benefits?” If the answer is, “Yes.” then we need to prepare for it now. The funding required will eventually eclipse what the IGRC and even the Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund can generate. In 2008, this apportionment line item was $3,000,000. Even this level of funding was undoubtedly inadequate. Medical cost inflation and an increasing number of retirees are outpacing our ability to fund the liability. The $100,000 budgeted is a token amount and probably only represents about a week’s worth of increasing liability. However, the pension funding crisis has necessitated a pause in serious attempts to fund these future benefits. Lost time now will require more dollars to be contrib- 96 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook uted in the future; we know that. Once the pension funding crisis passes, the IGRC should be prepared to once again take up the cause of funding of future benefits, so that future generations of the local church won’t be paralyzed by the overwhelming financial burden of what is to come. General Administration Fund, $175,733. This is a General Church Apportionment. “The General Administration Fund shall provide for the expenses of the sessions of the General Conference, the Judicial Council, special commissions and committees constituted by the General Conference, and other administrative agencies and activities recommended for inclusion in the general administration budget by the General Council on Finance and Administration and approved by the General Conference.” (The Book of Discipline ¶813). In other words, the General Administration Fund is the engine that makes the General Church go. This apportionment line item serves local churches by providing administrative funds for denominational entities that provide quality resources for local churches and answers to important questions. It also enables delegates from local churches to have a voice and vote in the formation of denominational decisions and policies. Interdenominational Cooperation Fund, $40,409. “This fund shall provide United Methodist Support of the basic budgets of those organizations that relate to the ecumenical responsibilities of the Council of Bishops and of the General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns.” (The Book of Discipline ¶814). Participation in ecumenical efforts reminds us that we are not alone in our work for Jesus Christ. All of us: local churches, conferences and denominations are stronger together than as separate entities. Jurisdictional Conference Fund, $27,115. This is an apportionment from the North Central Jurisdictional Conference. The NCJ Conference is a regional organization of the United Methodist Church which comprises the states of the upper Midwest. The fund is utilized primarily for expenses relating to the NCJ Conference session, which is held every four years (2012 in Akron, OH). This is where Bishops are elected and assigned. However, significant funding is also provided for ethnic minority ministries which could not receive adequate support from their own annual conferences or whose ministries extend beyond annual conference boundaries. The Jurisdictional Conference Fund serves local churches by providing the means to elect leaders who are integral to the life of the church and by extending the missional reach of each congregation. Benevolences & Connectional Ministries Apportionment = $4,516,818 Congregational Development, $887,450. Everyone understands that in order to follow (or anticipate) population patterns and reach new disciples for Jesus Christ, it is necessary to start new churches and assist established ones to transition into growing congregations. This apportionment is administered by the Congregational Development Team (CDT). The CDT works with the Cabinet to identify potential areas of growth and recommends the steps necessary to expand the witness of the United Methodist Church. CDT works with local churches to assist them in the process of analyzing their growth potential and charting their future course. CDT provides training for pastors to be ready to foment growth in existing congregations or to plant new ones. CDT provides financial resources to facilitate transformation. These are not just “program” expenses; they are an investment in our future. Legislative Items Adopted 97 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Conference Benevolences, $1,066,000. The detailed line-item Benevolence Budget is found elsewhere in this Pre-Conference Workbook. In short, the Conference Benevolence budget provides direct financial assistance to worthy organizations that operate outside of the direct management of the IGRC. This includes a significant portion for Higher Education (direct support for UM-related colleges and Campus Ministries), as well as financial support for Health and Welfare Ministries and local projects (Specialized Ministries). Support for Conference Benevolences enables each local church to extend the reach of its ministries. It supports vital ministries and services which would not otherwise receive enough local support to continue operations. World Service, $1,538,676. Paragraph 812 in The Book of Discipline proclaims that the World Service Fund “is basic in the financial program of The United Methodist Church. World Service on apportionment represents the minimum needs of the general agencies of the Church. Payment in full of these apportionments by local churches and annual conferences is the first benevolent responsibility of the Church.” Anyone wishing to see a detailed budget of this and any other General Church apportionment may do so by going to www.gcfa.org and typing, “Financial Commitment” in the search box. World Service assists local churches by enabling them to reach out with love and compassion in the name of Jesus Christ to the world’s most needy people. Ministerial Education Fund, $510,504. The Ministerial Education Fund is a General Church apportionment which is used “to enable the Church to unify and expand its program of financial support for the recruitment and education of ordained and diaconal ministers and to equip the annual conferences to meet increased demands in this area.” (The Book of Discipline ¶816). The largest portion of the funds collected go to support the theological schools (usually, seminaries) of the United Methodist Church. However, the annual conference retains 25% of apportionment funds remitted for use by the IGRC Board of Ordained Ministry to support the education of our clergy. The Ministerial Education Fund assists local churches in the development of current and future clergy leaders to guide local churches in their efforts to make disciples for Jesus Christ. Africa University Fund, $45,571. Founded in 1992, Africa University is educating leaders for the continent of Africa who bring hope to the most desolate of circumstances. Located in Old Mutare, our apportionment giving to Africa University grows ever more important as financial turmoil has overwhelmed the country of Zimbabwe. AU has managed to stay open, but only because of the faithfulness of United Methodists in local churches like ours. We cannot insist that developing nations become self-supporting without providing them with the educational tools to do so. The Africa University Fund provides an avenue for local churches to supply those tools. Black College Fund, $203,617. The Black College Fund (¶815) began in 1972 as one of the apportioned general Church funds. The objective of the fund is to provide financial support for institutions of higher education that have historically served the educational needs of black students. Eleven institutions of higher learning are supported by the Fund, more than any other religious denomination. The IGRC has a special relationship with Wiley College, made famous in the movie, “The Great Debaters.” Wiley College is also a recipient of Black College Funds. The Black College Fund assists local churches in reaching out to improve the lives of dedicated and ambitious young people of color, who might otherwise have no means to fulfill their life potential. 98 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook General Church Apportionments in excess of receipts, $265,000. The Illinois Great Rivers Conference is committed to paying 100% of its General Church apportionments (see CCFA Policy #17). Unfortunately, not every IGRC local church pays its apportionments at 100%. So, how do we bridge the gap between what the local churches pay and what is apportioned by the General Church? Similar to the “Prior Claims” item above, this apportionment line item merely makes transparent what has always been the case: the local churches that pay all of their apportionments make up for the ones that don’t. In most recent years, the $265,000 apportioned (which is also not received at 100%) has not been adequate to fund the shortfall. In order to pay our General Church apportionments at 100%, funds have also been utilized from budget items which have not been fully expended. The payment of our General Church apportionments at 100% helps the local churches of the IGRC to be full partners in the larger mission of the Church, and provides an example to each local church that 100% payment of apportionments is our first benevolent responsibility. TOTAL IGRC BUDGET FOR 2012 (as proposed) = $11,973,669 2012 Budget - Equipping and Connecting Team A. CAMPING & RETREAT MINISTRIES 1. Ministry Support TOTAL - CAMPING & RETREAT MINISTRIES B. MISSION & OUTREACH MINISTRIES 1. Volunteers in Mission* 2. Disaster Response* 3. Communities of Shalom 4. Children/Poverty - United Voices for Children 5. Church & Society* 6. Mission Education 7. Health/Welfare 8. Global Ministries/Liberia 9. Mission Personnel Committee 10. Specialized Ministry Travel 11. Africa University 12. Deaf & Hard of Hearing 13. Disability Concerns TOTAL - MISSION & OUTREACH MINISTRIES 2011 BUDGET $ 463,500.00 2012 BUDGET $ 470,000.00 $ 463,500.00 $ 470,000.00 2011 BUDGET 2012 BUDGET $ $ $ 1,000.00 500.00 400.00 $ $ $ 1,000.00 500.00 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,000.00 1,300.00 5,000.00 500.00 500.00 6,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ $ 750.00 5,500.00 $ $ $ $ 250.00 500.00 4,000.00 500.00 $ 16,450.00 $ 15,000.00 Legislative Items Adopted 99 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook C. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 1. Rural Ministries 2. Urban Ministries 3. Ethnic Local Church 4. Summer Youth Intern Program a. Intern Placement b. Administration 5. Laity Network (Lay Leader & Laity Board) 6. Lay Speaking Ministries 7. Leadership Development 8. Connectional Table 9. Streams Team 10. Five Day Spiritual Academy 11. Hispanic Ministries 12. Native American Ministries 13. Alban Institute** 14. Emerging Ministry Needs 15. Evangelism TOTAL - LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 2011 BUDGET $ 1,500.00 $ $ 1,000.00 D. LIFE CYCLE MINISTRIES 1. Youth Ministry a. Program b. Leadership Development c. Travel/Meetings 2. Young Adult Ministry 3. Older Adult Ministry** 4. Health Ministry Initatives** 5. Higher Ed./Campus Ministry a. Merit Award b. Black College Itineration c. Travel/Meetings TOTAL - LIFE CYCLE MINISTRIES 2011 BUDGET 100 Legislative Items Adopted 2012 BUDGET $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ $ 45,000.00 1,500.00 $ $ 50,000.00 2,500.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ $ 10,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 750.00 $ 400.00 $ 500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 98,900.00 $ $ 2,000.00 20,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 750.00 $ 400.00 $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 100,150.00 2012 BUDGET $ 10,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 1,750.00 $ 1,000.00 $ $ 1,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 20,000.00 11,500.00 500.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 750.00 500.00 1,250.00 37,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 35,750.00 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook E. STAFF SUPPORT 1. Salaries 2. Social Security 3. Health Insurance 4. Pensions 5. Death and Disability 6. Continuing Education Support Staff/ Care 7. Accountable Reimbursement 8. Cellular Phones TOTAL - STAFF 2011 BUDGET $ 321,451.00 $ 18,795.00 $ 77,000.00 $ 36,500.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 44,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 504,946.00 $ 42,000.00 $ 6,250.00 $ 517,950.00 F. OVERHEAD EXPENSES 1. Postage 2. Printing 3. Technology 4. CMT/ECT Meetings 5. Contingency*** 6. Retired Lay Employees Insurance TOTAL - OVERHEAD EXPENSES 2011 BUDGET $ 5,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 12,250.00 $ 25,200.00 2012 BUDGET $ 4,500.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 12,500.00 $ 27,500.00 2011 BUDGET 2012 BUDGET G. DENOMINATIONAL CONNECTING MINISTRIES 1. Jurisdictional VIM** 2. Jurisdictional Urban Ministries** 3. UM Association** 4. Jurisdictional GBGM Fellowship** TOTAL - DENOMINATIONAL CONNECTING MINISTRIES TOTALS $ 500.00 2012 BUDGET $ 340,700.00 $ 18,500.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 32,300.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 500.00 $ $ $ $ 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 $ $ $ $ 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $1,145,546.00 $1,168,400.00 * Includes Events with Receipts & Bills **D3;D4 & C13;G1;G2;G3;G4 Have Not Been Issued Separate Account #'s at this Time *** Includes Appointment Change Legislative Items Adopted 101 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 2011 Budget - Congregational Development Administration 2011 Budget CDT Personnel Expense $203,500.00 2012 Requested Budget $213,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 Resources 3390315 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 Consultants 3390331 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 Contingencies $400.00 $500.00 Postage/UPS $750.00 $750.00 Committee Travel 3390349 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 Office Expense $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $230,150.00 $239,750.00 $9,600.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $0.00 Comprehensive Plan 3392032 $264,750.00 $230,000.00 ($34,750.00) Continuing Support of NCS $297,550.00 $317,700.00 $20,150.00 $562,300.00 $547,700.00 ($14,600.00) Equipment 3390250 Interpreter (Language) 3390307 Total Administration Difference $9,500.00 Development Emerging Needs (All Categories) Training and Development (All Categories) Total Development New Congregation Starts New Congregation Starts Total 102 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 2011 Budget - Benevolence PART A: Health and Welfare Ministries Alton Memorial-Chaplain Relief & Community Outreach **The Baby Fold -- Benevolent Care **Chaddock -- Spiritual Awareness 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2012 Budget $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 89,000.00 $ 89,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $244,000.00 $244,000.00 $256,500.00 PART B: Specialized Ministries 2010 Budget Angels on Assignment $ 1,500.00 Benton West City Food Pantry $ 2,000.00 Depot (Carbon Cliff Summer Meal Site) $ 4,000.00 Eagle Ridge Child Outreach Community/Resource Learning Center Decatur Grace UMC After School $ 3,000.00 Program (GUM Park) Dove $ 1,500.00 Fair Hope Children's Ministry $ 3,000.00 Friends of Jesus Food Pantry $ 2,000.00 Good Samaritan Inn -- Decatur $ 4,000.00 Good Samaritan Ministries -$ 2,500.00 Carbondale 2011 Budget $ 1,500.00 2012 Budget $ 1,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 2,000.00 **Evenglow -- Benevolent Care **Lessie Bates -- Children & Youth Programs **Methodist Medical Center -- Chaplain Relief & Community Outreach **Sunset Home -- Benevolent Care **UM Children's Home -- Spiritual Awareness **UM Village, Lawrenceville -Benevolent Care **Wesley Village -- Benevolent Care Grand Total, Health & Welfare Ministries ** Receives 1/10 of Golden Cross Funding Legislative Items Adopted 103 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook H.E.L.P.S. Ministry Outreach Love Life Ministries - Moline ***M & M Ministry of SIUEdwardsville Macon County Casa Mini O'Beirne Crisis Nursery Patoka Church Youth Quanada Safe Harbour Academy Saint Clair CASA Salt Creek Parish Resource Center Sandoval (Shalom Zone -- Family Success) KFC Sandoval Shalom Zone Summer Lunch Program Seven Circles Heritage Center Shalom Zone -- Community Activity Services Partners Silvis Kids for Christ Springfield Asbury Children's N'hood Ministries Springfield Grace Urban Ministries Springfield Kumler Neighborhood Ministries Trinity United Methodist Outreach Center Union Chapel Kidz Klub Violence Prevention Center of SW Illinois Grand Total, Specialized Ministries ***Moved to Part C for 2011 PART C: Higher Education & Campus Ministries IWU MacMurray McKendree Subtotal, Colleges & Universities Wesley Foundations *ISU (Salary and Other Compensation) 104 $ 4,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ $ 2,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 88,500.00 $ 69,500.00 $ 79,500.00 2010 Budget 2011 Budget 2012 Budget $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 75,000.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 67,500.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 1,500.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 75,000.00 $ 74,000.00 $ 74,000.00 $ 74,000.00 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook ISU Insurance Direct Bill Pension Program ISU Total *WIU (Salary and Other Compensation) WIU Insurance Direct Bill Pension Program WIU Total *EIU (Salary and Other Compensation) EIU Insurance Direct Bill Pension Program EIU Total *UIUC (Salary and Other Compensation) Insurance Direct Bill Pension Program UIUC Total *SIU-C (Salary and Other Compensation) SIU-C Insurance Direct Bill Pension Program SIUC Total SIU-E/M & M Ministry Program Programs Subtotal, Wesley Foundations IGRC Scholars Leadership Development Subtotal, Other Grand Total, HECM *Prior claim to be paid 100%. $ 18,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 17,520.00 $ 7,600.00 $ 13,267.00 $ 112,387.00 $ 17,520.00 $ 7,600.00 $ 19,120.00 $ 118,240.00 $ 58,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 37,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 48,500.00 $ 50,739.00 $ 52,329.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 83,000.00 $ 83,000.00 $ 79,683.00 $ 27,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 40,000.00 $ 44,485.00 $ 45,526.00 $ 9,500.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,000.00 $ 2,368.00 $ 45,606.00 $103,500.00 $ 0,000.00 5,000.00 2,750.00 55,420.00 88,170.00 17,520.00 7,600.00 13,243.00 89,102.00 26,280.00 11,400.00 17,683.00 38,363.00 10,000.00 2,300.00 42,889.00 99,674.00 30,417.00 18,000.00 7,000.00 28,160.00 90,160.00 17,520.00 7,260.00 14,131.00 91,240.00 26,250.00 10,890.00 31,537.00 48,360.00 $150,000.00 $568,000.00 $558,113.00 $581,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $648,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $630,613.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 11,000.00 $667,500.00 Legislative Items Adopted 105 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook PART D: Interdenominational 2010 Budget Program Illinois Conference of Churches $ 10,000.00 (ICC) ILLCAAP $ 1,500.00 ILLCAAP Antigambling $ 1,500.00 Bread for the World $ 1,000.00 Total, Interdenominational $ 4,000.00 Programs PART E: Other Benevolences 2010 Budget Missional Resource $ 20,000.00 Emerging Needs $ 9,000.00 Total, Other Benevolence $ 29,000.00 $ GRAND TOTAL 1,023,500.00 2011 Budget 2012 Budget $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 12,500.00 $ 12,500.00 2011 Budget $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 986,613.00 2012 Budget $ 20,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 1,066,000.00 Legislative Item 104: CCFA Policies and Guidelines Subject: Policies of the Conference Council on Finance and Administration Submitted by: CCFA 1. All Illinois Great Rivers Conference (IGRC) related entities (except local churches) shall comply with the provisions of ¶613.2 (2008 Book of Discipline) prior to embarking on any capital funds campaign or conference-wide appeal. 2. Entities that are designated as Conference Advance Specials are authorized to present their ministries through pulpit presentations, personal contacts, direct mail or electronic means (within the guidelines of the IGRC Information Technology and Communications policies.) 3. Salaries for District Superintendents: CCFA shall consider the yearly percentage difference in the Conference Average Compensation as calculated by the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits for the latest possible year when recommending salaries of the District Superintendents. 4. The Annual Conference Treasurer, the Conference Board of Trustees and their staffs; and the President of CCFA are bonded by a fidelity bond provided by the General Council on Finance and Administration in the amount of $1,000,000. Local church treasurers and financial officers are bonded by an Annual Conference Blanket Bond which is a supplement to any coverage specified in the local church’s own insurance policy. 5. In accordance with the 2008 Book of Discipline (¶617.2), CCFA will annually review the audits of all Annual Conference Institutions which receive money from the Annual Conference. Other agencies receiving funds from the IGRC shall submit annually an audited Treasurer’s report or financial statement if a formal separate audit is not available. 6. The Annual Conference grants CCFA the authority to make adjustments in 106 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. apportionments of individual churches. All such requests will be made with regard to the facts presented and with the knowledge and consent of the District Superintendent. Mileage Reimbursement: Travel to all approved District and Conference meetings shall be reimbursed at the rate of $0.20 per mile. For Annual Conference Staff persons, including District Superintendents, the rate shall be the current IRS rate. Moving Allowance for Retirees/Disabled/Surviving Spouses: The maximum moving allowance shall be $1,500, plus $500 for packing and insurance for up to 18,000 pounds. The same rule for the retiree moving allowance shall apply once to any minister who qualifies for disability payment. A minister who has received the disability moving allowance shall not be eligible for an additional moving allowance at the time of his/her retirement. The same moving allowance shall be available once to the surviving spouse of a pastor who dies in active service. At year end, remittances from local church treasurers must be made to the Annual Conference Treasurer by the fifth working day of the new year in order to be credited to the prior year. Apportionments shall be based solely on the latest year end statistical report expenses (currently, lines 51-62 of Table II). [Direct-billed Clergy Benefits, Pastor’s Salary, Associate Pastor’s Salary, Housing, Utilities and Other Allowances Paid, Accountable Reimbursements Paid to the Pastors, Other Cash Allowances Paid to the Pastors, Deacon’s and Diaconal Minister’s Compensation, Other Staff Compensation, Current Expenses for Program, Other Current Operating Expenses] In compliance with ¶619 and with the consent of the Bishop, Richard A. VanGiesen was elected in 2008 as the Annual Conference Treasurer/Director of Administrative Services for the 2008-2012 quadrennium. The IGRC has established as its policy that salaries, travel allowances, and benefits of Conference employees be treated as prior claims and paid each month at 100% of the budgeted amount. The IGRC has established as its policy that all budgeted line items not considered to be “prior claims” be paid at a rate not to exceed the amount received in apportionments during the fiscal year. The IGRC has established as its policy that budget line items designated for non-prior claims, when apportionment collections shall have been received in an amount sufficient to allow an expenditure of funds, shall then only be paid in 11 monthly installments totaling no more than 65% of the budgeted amount. The IGRC has established as its policy that a final payment will be made at the end of the fiscal year for budget line items designated as non-prior claims in an amount equal to the difference between the line item’s pro-rata share of apportionments received during the fiscal year and the sums for said line item paid out previously in the fiscal year pursuant to the formula set forth in the preceding paragraph. The IGRC has established as its policy that any resolution approved by the Annual Conference authorizing the expenditure of funds for special projects not included in the budget be approved annually by the Annual Conference until the project is completed and that this review will be initiated by a report on the project submitted to the Annual Conference by the CCFA and the Conference organization responsible for the project. The General and Jurisdictional Conference Apportionments shall be paid at 100% of the amount apportioned to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference. CCFA must approve the establishment of all financial accounts opened in the Legislative Items Adopted 107 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. name of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, including all districts, boards, committees and commissions. When the Conference receives contributions that are restricted in terms of the use or timing of the expenditure, the amounts are recorded as restricted net assets. These accounts demonstrate the conference’s compliance with legal restrictions on the use of contributions. As a general rule restricted net asset accounts do not earn interest for the restricted purpose. Custodial (in/out) accounts are not part of the net assets of the IGRC and shall be established when the following criteria are met: The source of funds for the account are derived from user fees and the funds are not donor-restricted. CCFA and/or the Director of Administrative Services agree to accept the funds. Board designated accounts are unrestricted net asset accounts which have been set aside for a specific purpose by a agency/board/committee/commission within the Conference. In order for CCFA to classify funds as board designated amounts a written request must be received from the appropriate agency/ board/committee/commission. CCFA may also request and approve its own designations. Apportioned funds will generally not be board designated unless approved by CCFA. Since board designated accounts are a segregation of conference funds, they as a general rule do not earn interest. Unlike restricted net assets, board designations are unrestricted net assets and can be undesignated by CCFA or Annual Conference action. Contracts: CCFA designates the Conference Treasurer/DAS as the authorized signer of any contract which obligates the Illinois Great Rivers Conference financially or for potential liability. In all instances, the responsibilities of the Conference Board of Trustees as outlined in ¶2512 of the 2008 Discipline shall be maintained. If the stated amount of the contract exceeds $10,000, an additional signatory is necessary which may be any appointed or elected officer of the Conference with fiduciary responsibilities, such as: the Bishop, Assistant Treasurer, Conference Secretary, CCFA President, Trustees President or another Director. If the stated amount of the contract exceeds $25,000, legal review by the Conference Chancellor is required. All contracts signed by unauthorized persons are null and void. Legislative Item 105: Conference Board of Pensions Subject: Report concerning pension and health insurance plans Submitted By: Conference Board of Pensions Pensions – At this writing, with day-to-day volatility in the investment markets, a slow economic recovery, low interest rates and high unemployment, it’s difficult to say that the pension funding crisis of the last few years has passed. What we do know is that the dire prediction of required extra contributions to the old pension plans for the next 21 years is no longer a reality for 2012 and probably 2013 as well. What happens beyond that is wholly dependent on the ability of plan funding to generate investment income. The General Board of Pension and Health Benefits will be recommending some changes to the current CRSP pension plan (for active clergy) at the next General Conference which, reportedly, should reduce the cost of the plan by about 15 percent. Naturally, any savings will be passed on to local churches in the form of reductions in the direct bill. At the same time, active clergy need to understand that reduced costs equate to reduced retirement benefits. As we have 108 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook proclaimed all along, CRSP will not pay as generously as its predecessor pension programs. By design, it cannot. So clergy need to be very diligent in saving for their retirement future. Finally, excellent investment returns for the last few years in the CRSP pension plan will result in a reduction in the CRSP-Defined Benefits payment from local churches in 2012. The contribution for a full-time pastor will decrease by $300 per year, with corresponding decreases for part-time pastors according to the schedule below: • Full-Time Pastor, $6,960 per year; $580 per month • ¾ - time Pastor, $5,220 per year; $435 per month • ½ - time Pastor, $3,480 per year; $290 per month • ¼ - time Pastor; $1,749 per year; $145 per month Health Insurance – Last year, we began this report by stating that we would need to take a “wait and see” attitude about the ramifications of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) on our health plan. Due to the ongoing debate in Congress and in the courts, the situation is still very unclear. Certain required aspects of the PPACA have already been enacted in our grandfathered plan. We have removed lifetime dollar limits and increased benefits for mental health care. Further, enrollment for adult children (up to age 26) of our members was offered during the required enrollment window of January 1-30, 2011. About 30 adult children were enrolled. We will need more time to study the impact of these additional claimants, with a possible personal contribution increase in 2013 as a result. The chart of claim expenses below reveals a fairly consistent pattern of a “good” year followed by a “bad” year. Noting only a slight decrease in 2009, however, the last three years have been fairly bad years. Year 2010 was particularly expensive, with just a few large claims driving nearly all of the increase. Catastrophic claims are very difficult to predict. Since our group is fairly small, the effect of even one very large claim can shake the system. We should receive a partial refund on at least one of those large claims from our stop-loss insurance carrier. 2003 = $ 8,194,000 2004 = $ 9,501,000 (+15.95%) 2005 = $ 8,916,000 (- 6.16%) 2006 = $10,368,000 (+16.29%) 2007 = $9,416,000 (-9.18%) 2008 = $10,553,000 (+12.08) 2009 = $10,418,000 (-1.28%) 2010 = $12,040,399 (+15.57%) Even with the unforeseen large expenses in 2010, the group health plan remains financially healthy. Over the years, we have built a reserve fund which is adequate to handle unusual expenses. Because of our excellent cash flow and the interest earnings of the reserves, the Board of Pensions recommends no increase in local church or personal assessment rates in 2012. The Board would like to remind everyone that there has only been one increase in the rates charged to local churches in the last six years, which is much, much better than national trend. At the same time, the Board recognizes that the retiree health benefits plan, in its current form, is not sustainable. We invite you to review the “Moving to Medicare-D” resolution in this booklet for more information on the financial challenges of continuing a self-funded retiree prescription plan. Medicare-D offers a viable alternative to our own prescription plan. We urge passage of the resolution as the very best way to preserve the Medicare Supplement medical benefit for our Legislative Items Adopted 109 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook current and future retirees. The Board instituted a HealthMiles walking program for our health insurance participants in 2010 and that program continues in 2011. As of this writing, 55% of our eligible members have enrolled in the program, which exceeds the experience of other annual conferences and the HealthMiles book of business. In the fall of 2010, the IGRC walkers won a total steps challenge with eight annual conferences participating. It is not too late for active clergy and spouses in the health plan to sign up. Go to www.virginhealthmiles.com/igrc. Finally, we continue to express our profound gratitude to the Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund for their generous support of the retiree health benefits programs. Without this support, funding of the retiree health program simply would not be feasible. Health Insurance Recommendations: 2012 Assessment Rates: Category Local Church Direct Bill 2011 2012 $ 17,520/year $ 17,520/year $ 3,840/year $ 3,840/year $3,840/year $ 3,840/year $ 14,700/year $ 14,700/year $ 3,840/year $ 3,840/year Active clergy contribution $ 65/month $ 65/month Spouse of Active Clergy $ 320/month $ 320/month Pre-Medicare Retiree – retired before 2005 Pre-Medicare Spouse of Retiree – retired before 2005 2005+ Pre-Medicare Retirees Pre-Medicare Spouse of Retiree Retiree on Medicare¹ n/a $ 35/month Spouse on Medicare¹ n/a $ 70/month Retiree on Medicare² $ 65/month $ 65/month Spouse on Medicare² $ 100/month $ 100/month $ 65/month $ 65/month Spouse of Lay Staff $ 320/month $ 320/month All Other Categories - - No Increase Active Lay Staff Contribution 110 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook ¹ = If the Medicare-D proposal is approved ² = If the Medicare-D proposal is not approved The Annual Conference Board of Pensions is authorized to update the Health Plan in order to make the Plan language consistent with the Health Insurance Policies which have been approved by the Annual Conference. The Conference Board of Pensions is further authorized to amend the Health Plan in order to comply with applicable provisions of the law. Each church/charge shall be assessed one full health insurance assessment per clergy person appointed full-time to the church/charge regardless of the personal health insurance situation of the clergy person. Pension Rate and Special Grant Recommendations: The pension rate for pre-1982 years of service will be set at $674.16 per service year for 2012. This is a 2% increase over the 2011 rate of $660.94. The following special grants will be made for 2012: 1. Ruth Sharrow be declared eligible to the claim of a dependent child for the service years of her father, Clarence Sharrow. 2. Mrs. Allen Morgan be given a special grant of $35.00 per month. 3. Irene Frick be given a special grant of $300 per month beginning July 1, 2001 and increasing 2% per year. Credit for Student Local Pastor Years (Pre-1982): Add 1.5 years of service with pension credit to the record of Jerry Watkins for service rendered at West Point/Stillwell/Loraine and Collison/Hebron from June 15, 1980 to December 31, 1981. Resolutions Relating to Rental/Housing Allowance for Retired or Disabled Clergypersons of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference The Illinois Great Rivers Conference (the “Conference”) adopts the following resolutions relating to rental/housing allowances for active, retired, or disabled clergypersons of the Conference: Whereas, the religious denomination known as The United Methodist Church (the “Church”), of which this Conference is a part, has in the past functioned and continues to function through ministers of the gospel (within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code section 107) who were or are duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed ministers of the Church (“Clergypersons”); Whereas, the practice of the Church and of this Conference was and is to provide active Clergypersons with a parsonage or a rental/housing allowance as part of their gross compensation; Whereas, pensions or other amounts paid to active, retired, and disabled Clergypersons are considered to be deferred compensation and are paid to active, retired, and disabled Clergypersons in consideration of previous active service; and Legislative Items Adopted 111 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Whereas, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized the Conference (or its predecessors) as the appropriate organization to designate a rental/housing allowance for Clergypersons who are or were members of this Conference and are eligible to receive such deferred compensation; Now, therefore be it resolved: • that an amount equal to 100% of the pension or disability payments received from plans authorized under The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church (the “Discipline”), which includes all such payments from the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits (“GBOPHB”), during the year 2012 by each active, retired, or disabled Clergyperson who is or was a member of the Conference, or its predecessors, be and hereby is designated as a rental/housing allowance for each such Clergyperson; and • that the pension or disability payments to which this rental/housing allowance applies will be any pension or disability payments from plans, annuities, or funds authorized under the Discipline, including such payments from the GBOPHB and from a commercial annuity company that provides an annuity arising from benefits accrued under a GBOPHB plan, annuity, or fund authorized under the Discipline, that result from any service a Clergyperson rendered to this Conference or that an active, a retired, or a disabled Clergyperson of this Conference rendered to any local church, annual conference of the Church, general agency of the Church, other institution of the Church, former denomination that is now a part of the Church, or any other employer that employed the Clergyperson to perform services related to the ministry of the Church, or its predecessors, and that elected to make contributions to, or accrue a benefit under, such a plan, annuity, or fund for such active, retired, or disabled Clergyperson’s pension or disability as part of his or her gross compensation. NOTE: The rental/housing allowance that may be excluded from a Clergyperson’s gross income in any year for federal income tax purposes is limited under Internal Revenue Code section 107(2) and regulations thereunder to the least of: (1) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the Clergyperson’s employer or other appropriate body of the Church (such as this Conference in the foregoing resolutions) for such year; (2) the amount actually expended by the Clergyperson to rent or provide a home in such year; or (3) the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances (such as a garage), plus the cost of utilities in such year. Legislative Item 106: Long Range Pension Funding Plans Subject: Pre-1982 Pension Funding Plans for 2010, 2011 and 2012 as required by ¶1506.8 of the 2008 Book of Discipline. Submitted by: Conference Board of Pensions 112 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference Funding Plan for Supplement One to the Clergy Retirement Security Program (also known as the “Pre-1982 Plan”) For Year 2010 (Revised) The 2010 Past Service Rate (PSR) is $647.98, or 1.09% of Conference Average Compensation (CAC). The Illinois Great Rivers Conference (IGRC) desires to increase the PSR by 2% per year. In future years, the PSR/CAC ratio will not be allowed to fall below 1.0%. Because current trends indicate that CAC is increasing faster than 2% per year, the IGRC recognizes that there will be future increases in the PSR which exceed 2% per year to maintain the 1% PSR/CAC ratio. Assuming that the PSR will increase annually by 2% and CAC will increase annually by an average of 3%, we estimate that by year 2020, PSR increases exceeding 2% will be needed to maintain the 1.0% ratio of PSR/CAC. When this becomes necessary, the IGRC will fund PSR increases through Pre-1982 Plan reserves, apportionments, withdrawals from the Retiree Benefits Reserve, contributions from the Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund or a combination of all four as deemed prudent and appropriate at the time. The IGRC will not consider again subsidizing the funding the defined benefits portion of the Clergy Retirement Security Program (CRSP-DB) from Pre-1982 Plan reserves until the funding level of the Pre-1982 Plan exceeds 140% of assets/liabilities. CRSPDB will be funded by direct-bill to the local churches or employers with participants in the plan. Funding Plan Amounts are summarized below: As of 01/01/2008 Plan Funding ..........................................................................................$ 117,691,924 Total Liability*.........................................................................................$ 95,321,154 Funded Status.........................................................................................$ 22,370,770 Total Contributions Required**..............................................................$ -0*Assumes an average of 2% PSR Increases per year **Assumes 7.0% Interest Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference Funding Plan for Supplement One to the Clergy Retirement Security Program (also known as the “Pre-1982 Plan”) For Year 2011 The 2011 Past Service Rate (PSR) is $660.94, or 1.08% of Conference Average Compensation (CAC). The Illinois Great Rivers Conference (IGRC) desires to increase the PSR by 2% per year. In future years, the PSR/CAC ratio will not be allowed to fall below 1.0%. Because current trends indicate that CAC is increasing faster than 2% per year, the IGRC recognizes that there will be future increases in the PSR which exceed 2% per year to maintain the 1% PSR/CAC ratio. Assuming that the PSR will increase annually by 2% and CAC will increase annually by an average of 3%, we estimate that by year 2021, PSR increases exceeding 2% will be needed to maintain the 1.0% ratio of PSR/CAC. When this becomes necessary, the IGRC will fund PSR increases through Pre-1982 Plan reserves, apportionments, withdrawals from the Retiree Benefits Reserve, contributions from the Preachers’ Legislative Items Adopted 113 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Aid Society and Benefit Fund or a combination of all four as deemed prudent and appropriate at the time. The IGRC will not consider again subsidizing the funding the defined benefits portion of the Clergy Retirement Security Program (CRSP-DB) from Pre-1982 Plan reserves until the funding level of the Pre-1982 Plan exceeds 140% of assets/liabilities. CRSP-DB will be funded by direct-bill to the local churches or employers with participants in the plan. Funding Plan Amounts are summarized below: As of 01/01/2009 Plan Funding..............................................................................................$ 76,687,423 Total Liability*...........................................................................................$ 86,851,582 Funded Status............................................................................................$ -10,164,159 Total Contributions Required**............................................................. $ 1,780,252 Therefore, the IGRC is required to contribute $1,780,252 to the Pre-1982 Plan on December 31, 2011. The General Board of Pension and Health Benefits offered Annual Conferences a “CPP Premium Holiday” for the years 2010, 2011, and 2012. According to the funding plan approved by the 2010 Annual Conference Session, the IGRC continued to collect CPP premiums from local churches in 2010 and 2011, and will direct those funds toward the contribution required for the Pre-1982 Plan on December 31, 2011. The amount assessed to local churches is approximately $800,000 per year, therefore two years of CPP premium contributions will yield approximately $1,600,000 for the required Pre-1982 contribution. Consequently, the 2011 contribution will be made in this manner: Two years of CPP Premium Holiday (estimated).......................................$ 1,600,000 Apportionments............................................................................................$ 180,252 Total..............................................................................................................$ 1,780,252 *Assumes an average of 2% PSR Increases per year **Assumes 7.0% Interest The actuarial valuation based on January 1, 2009 assets and liabilities predicts that this $1,780,252 contribution will be required each year until 2021. In 2012, the remaining $800,000 from the “CPP Holiday” will be utilized for any contributions due, plus a special apportionment of $980,252 will be assessed for a total of $1,780,252. In years 2013 through 2021, a special apportionment of $1,780,252 will be assessed to local churches for the required pre-1982 contributions. Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference Funding Plan for Supplement One to the Clergy Retirement Security Program (also known as the “Pre-1982 Plan”) For Year 2012 114 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook The 2012 Past Service Rate (PSR) is expected to be $674.16, or 1.08% of Conference Average Compensation (CAC). The Illinois Great Rivers Conference (IGRC) desires to increase the PSR by 2% per year. In future years, the PSR/CAC ratio will not be allowed to fall below 1.0%. Because current trends indicate that CAC is increasing faster than 2% per year, the IGRC recognizes that there will be future increases in the PSR which exceed 2% per year to maintain the 1% PSR/CAC ratio. Assuming that the PSR will increase annually by 2% and CAC will increase annually by an average of 3%, we estimate that by year 2021, PSR increases exceeding 2% will be needed to maintain the 1.0% ratio of PSR/CAC. When this becomes necessary, the IGRC will fund PSR increases through Pre-1982 Plan reserves, apportionments, withdrawals from the Retiree Benefits Reserve, contributions from the Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund or a combination of all four as deemed prudent and appropriate at the time. The IGRC will not consider again subsidizing the funding the defined benefits portion of the Clergy Retirement Security Program (CRSP-DB) from Pre-1982 Plan reserves until the funding level of the Pre-1982 Plan exceeds 140% of assets/ liabilities. CRSP-DB will be funded by direct-bill to the local churches or employers with participants in the plan. Funding Plan Amounts are summarized below: As of 01/01/2010* Plan Funding $ 84,960,707 Total Liability** $ 86,351,760 Funded Status................................................................................$ -1,391,053 Total Contributions Required***..................................................$ -0*Preliminary Figures **Assumes an average of 2% PSR Increases per year ***Assumes 7.0% Interest and 2011 Contribution Legislative Item 107: Moving to Medicare D Subject: To replace the IGRC self-funded prescription plan coverage for IGRC Medicare-eligible health plan participants with Medicare-D coverage. Submitted by: Unanimous vote of the Conference Board of Pensions, February 14, 2011. Background: The IGRC has created for itself an enormous financial liability – one that we cannot handle. On January 1, 2010, the amount of money that we needed on-hand to fund the current and future health benefits of retires was $59,536,136. Clearly, the annual conference does not have this kind of money and neither does the Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund (PASBF), even if all of the assets were devoted to retiree health care. And the real problem is that this liability grows every day. In 2008 through 2009, it grew by $24,724,930. The reasons it is growing so rapidly is because of declining revenues from investments, high prescription drug inflation and an increase in our retiree population. Each week, we estimate that the liability has grown by $100,000 – and we may be far too conservative in our estimate. Clearly, we cannot keep going down this path. Eventually, the retiree health benefit will consume every dollar the annual conference can generate. Something must be changed. In 2006, the Federal Government rolled out the Medicare Part-D prescrip- Legislative Items Adopted 115 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook tion benefit, or “Medicare-D.” At first, the plan was met with much skepticism and administrative chaos. Retirees were faced with difficult choices and many restrictions. We wished to spare our retirees from the confusion and took a “wait and see” approach. However, in the sixth year of operation, Medicare-D has matured. More choices are offered, it works virtually seamlessly with pharmacies and is not nearly as restrictive in drug availability as it used to be. Congress has taken action which should eventually help to fix some of the weaknesses of the plan. Dozens of our retirees have already abandoned our IGRC prescription plan seeking lower cost in Medicare-D, or because their care facility will not cooperate with our plan. In the fall of 2010, our actuary estimated that our $59,536,136 liability would be reduced to $23,210,000 by moving our retirees to Medicare-D. This represents a 61% savings by this one change alone. In moving to Medicare-D, the IGRC would reduce the premium that retirees pay into our plan by (roughly) the same amount as the average Medicare-D premium. The IGRC would also reduce its asking from PASBF for annual support of the retiree health plan. Last year, we had over 2 million dollars in prescription drug claims for the Medicare retirees alone. The prescription plan expenses comprise about 2/3 of the overall cost of the retiree health plan. If we move to Medicare-D, the prescription plan expenses would be reduced to almost nothing. Each retiree would choose the Medicare-D plan which best fits his or her needs, but the IGRC will take extraordinary efforts to assist each retiree in the choice of an appropriate plan. Let us be clear: Medicare-D will be less expensive for some retirees and more expensive for others. This largely depends on individual prescription needs and the plan choice that a person makes. However, PASBF has offered to assist any retiree for whom this change would become a financial hardship. This is an exciting development, because there will be a PASBF “safety net” for each retiree. They will not be broken financially if they make a bad choice. This should relieve a lot of anxieties about the change. Therefore be it resolved: That effective January 1, 2012, the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference will amend its health benefits plan by removing prescription benefits from the list of covered services for participants who are Medicare-eligible. Legislative Item 108: SR VI.B.4. Provision of Internet Subject: Provide internet access in designated offices Submitted by: Standing Rules Committee Whereas the Illinois Great Rivers Conference has established the igrc.org web mail system for ease of disseminating information throughout the conference; Therefore be it resolved that the church/charge shall provide and pay for internet service, high speed if available, at the designated office or place where the pastor is expected to perform his or her pastoral duties. This resolution would amend Standing Rule VI.B.4 found on page 323 of the 2010 Official Journal–Yearbook. Standing Rule VI.B.4 would thus read: 4. Each charge shall provide and pay for telephone service beyond the church building for the pastor, basic cable or basic satellite television services for the parsonage home, and internet service, high speed if available, at the designated office or place where the pastor is expected to perform his or her pastoral duties. 116 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Legislative Item 109: Covenant Equality in Pastoral Housing Lack of quorum Legislative Item 110: SR VII.D. – Proceeds of Sale Subject: Divide proceeds from sale of Conference property between Church Extension and Repair and Replacement Funds Submitted by: Rick VanGiesen Background: The history of our conference reveals a pattern of neglect of conferenceowned properties, such as district parsonages and staff parsonages. We have had a tendency to ignore needed repairs and updates until the situation becomes chronic. On a few occasions, the delays became so severe that the property was no longer suitable for occupancy. There have been times when it was necessary to sell properties for reduced prices, due to disrepair. The primary reason this has happened is not a result of a lack of stewardship, it has been a lack of funding. Funding for updates and repairs comes from the Trustees budget, where it is sometimes overshadowed by other needs. More dollars are needed. They either need to come from an increase in apportionments, which nobody wants, or another source of income. Proceeds from sale of abandoned church properties go to the Church Extension Fund, as per Standing Rule VII.D. The Church Extension Fund is currently in good shape. The proposed amendment which follows recognizes that the maintenance and upkeep of existing facilities also reflects good stewardship of the funds which come from the sale of properties which are no longer needed for ministry. Proceeds from those sales would be divided equally between Church Extension and the Repair and Replacement Fund. Therefore, be it resolved, that the phrase in Standing Rule VII.D. which reads, “the net proceeds from the sale of discontinued or abandoned Annual Conference, church and parsonage properties or sites shall go to the Church Extension Fund or its equivalent structure.” will be replaced with the phrase: “the net proceeds from the sale of discontinued or abandoned Annual Conference, church and parsonage properties or sites shall be divided equally between the Church Extension Fund and the Repair and Replacement Fund or their equivalent structures.” Legislative Item 111: 2012 Equitable Compensation Subject: Commission on Equitable Compensation Report Submitted by: Commission on Equitable Compensation The Commission on Equitable Compensation is charged with recommending conference standards for pastoral support; administering funds to be used in base compensation supplementation; and providing counsel and advisory material on pastoral support. Funding for the work of the Commission on Equitable Compensation comes from the Equitable Compensation Fund in the Conference budget. In our discussions of a recommendation of a Conference minimum salary, we have Legislative Items Adopted 117 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook sought to balance in our own minds the financial realities experienced by pastors and their families AND the financial realities with which many of the churches within the Annual Conference continue to struggle. The Commission has also begun to struggle with the level of minimum compensation in this Annual Conference as compared to other Conferences and the possible impact that that can have on recruitment and retention of clergy. While geography can impact economics and salary is only one portion of compensation (in addition to insurance and other benefits), we are troubled by the reality that the IGRC currently ranks 8th of 11 Annual Conferences in our Jurisdiction according to information released by the National Association of Commissions on Equitable Compensation. We are also concerned that our Conference Average Compensation is now below the Denominational Average Compensation. In order to address these realities, we are recommending a higher than average increase to the 2012 minimum salary. While we are not able to make a firm recommendation for future years, it is our intention to make a similar recommendation for 2013 as well—barring unforeseen changes in the economic realities of our nation or area. Now therefore be it resolved, that the minimum compensation for pastors in full connection, associate members, provisional elders, and full-time local pastors shall be increased by 5% for 2012. This would set minimum salaries at $36,225.00 for clergy in Full Connection, Associate Members, and Provisional Elders; and $33,180.00 for Full-Time Local Pastors. Legislative Item 112: Funding for Pastoral Care and Counseling Subject: Funding for Pastoral Care and Counseling Submitted by: The Committee on Pastoral Care and Counseling, CCFA, and IGRC Cabinet Background: There is widespread consensus that providing assistance for our clergy and their families is an essential function of the annual conference. Assistance takes form not only in providing resources for mental and emotional health, but also for the complete well-being and wholeness of our servant leaders. The annual conference has consistently voted to support and maintain Pastoral Care and Counseling (PCC) as a functional unit of the annual conference. Because of changing environments in the delivery of healthcare, clergy needs and available resources, it became clear in recent years that a different model for providing assistance to clergy and their families was an imperative need. Over the past 4 years, the PCC Board has gradually reshaped the ministry to become more holistic in nature while also seeking to be increasingly cost-effective. (See separate Report from PCC in Supplemental Packet.) The PCC Board, in collaborative conversation with CCFA and the Cabinet, has decided to close its separate treasury account effective July 1, 2011. The Conference Treasurer’s office will handle all financial administration related to Pastoral Care and Counseling. In order to make PCC’s ongoing financial needs clear and transparent, the PCC Board has decided to return its bank balance to the IGRC central treasury and meet its future expenses from money allotted through the IGRC budget (rather than from reserves which have accumulated during this time of reshaping its 118 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook ministry.) In order for PCC to operate through the end of 2011, adequate funds will need to be provided by the annual conference. PCC’s estimated need for the last six months of 2011 is $62,500. This resolution will not increase 2011 apportionments. Therefore, be it resolved that the 2011 IGRC budget be amended to include a $62,500 line item for Pastoral Care and Counseling. Legislative Item 113: 100th Anniversary Wesley Foundation at U of I Subject: Recognition of the 100th anniversary of The Wesley Foundation at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Campus, October 13, 2013. Submitted by: The 100th Anniversary Committee at The Wesley Foundation at the University of Illinois Whereas, The Wesley Foundation at the University of Illinois is the first Wesley Foundation in the world, indeed the first religious foundation of its kind, having been named after John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement and one time campus minister at Oxford University, England, And whereas, the founding date is October 13, 1913, And whereas, The Wesley Foundation at the U of I is still active in student and campus ministry, And whereas, The Wesley Foundation has been a significant worldwide movement for these many years with over 200 Wesley Foundations around the world, And whereas, The Wesley Foundation at the U of I is one of the higher education ministries of this Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference, Be it resolved, that this Annual Conference pledge its recognition and support of The Wesley Foundation at the U of I and its celebration of its historic 100th year in 2013, And be it further resolved, that a progress report of this observance be made at the 2012 Session of The Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference, And be it further resolved that the Sessions Committee of The Annual Conference work with The 100th Anniversary Committee of The Wesley Foundation to find opportunity at the 2013 Session of Annual Conference to make special recognition of The Wesley Foundations and Campus Ministries in our Conference which are outgrowths of this great adventure in learning that began in Illinois. And be it further resolved that the conference secretary forward this resolution to the 2012 General Conference for appropriate recognition. Legislative Items Adopted 119 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Legislative Item 114: Realigning Conference Personnel Committe Subject: Aligning Conference Personnel Committee membership and tenure with the change in conference personnel, structure, and standing rules. Submitted by: Conference Personnel Committee Whereas, the 2004 Annual Conference established the Conference Personnel Committee and Whereas, the membership of the Conference Personnel Committee is (13) members, (1) more lay than clergy whose membership comprises (3) chairpersons, the chairperson of the Conference Ministry Team (now called Equipping and Connecting Team), the chairperson of Committee on Congregational Development, and the chairperson of Conference Council on Finance and Administration, (1) District Superintendent nominated by the Bishop and (9) remaining members nominated by the Bishop and Whereas, as the Director of Connectional Ministries, Director of Congregational Development, Director of Finance and Administration and Bishop or Bishop’s designee shall be ex officio members without vote and Whereas, in 2006 a change in conference staffing resulted in the staff person relating to Communications becoming a Director’s level position and the staff person relating to Congregational Development no longer being a Director’s level position and Whereas, the original intent of the membership of the Personnel Committee is to have all Directors supervising staff be ex officio and the committee chairperson in which the Directors relate be members and Whereas, the conference Personnel Committee wishes to align itself with the current structure and the original intent of the committee membership Therefore, be it resolved, that the Conference Personnel Committee membership shall be (13) members, (1) more lay than clergy comprising (3) chairpersons, the chairperson of the Equipping and Connecting Team, the chairperson of the Communications Commission and the chairperson of the Conference Council on Finance and Administration, (1) District Superintendent nominated by the Bishop and (9) remaining members nominated by the Bishop and Be it further resolved, that the ex officio members be the Director of Connectional Ministries, Director of Communications, Director of Finance and Administration and the Bishop or Bishop’s designee and Be it further resolved, that the tenure limit of its voting members move from no more than (3) elections of (3) year terms (classes) and align with Standing Rule IV 2a, “no more than eight (8) years (two 4-year terms)”, since this committee is not mandated by The Book of Discipline to be in classes. 120 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Legislative Item 115: Location of Annual Conference Subject: Location of Annual Conference Submitted by: Annual Conference Sessions Committee Whereas, the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference seeks to accommodate all its members of the annual conference, both lay and clergy; and Whereas, the IGRC strives to hold the cost as low as possible for each attendee as well as the overall conference; and Whereas, the Annual Conference Sessions committee has heard the concerns of the Annual Conference members about distance for travel and are sensitive to those burdens; and Whereas, the children of our lay and clergy members to Annual Conference are able to enjoy the East Bay Campsite for fun and spiritual nourishment during the time their parents are attending conference; and Whereas, following a thorough search for alternate sites for the Annual Conference Session within the boundaries of the Conference, the Sessions Committee determined that there is no other site which has the facilities and financial support from municipal authorities; and Whereas, no other facility has the dates available except the Peoria Civic Center for the dates of June 5-8, 2013, June 4-7, 2014, June 10-13, 2015, June 8-11, 2016, June 7-10, 2017; and Therefore be it resolved, that the Sessions Committee unanimously recommends the 2013 - 2017 Annual Conference be held at the Peoria Civic Center in Peoria, Illinois. Legislative Item 116: IGRC Covenant with Chaddock Subject: Covenant of relationship between Chaddock School and The Illinois Great Rivers Conference Submitted by: Bunny Wolfe PREAMBLE Chaddock and The Illinois Great Rivers Conference of The United Methodist Church mutually agree to enter into this covenant to define a shared relationship and to strengthen mission and ministry with infants, children, youth, young adults and families. Chaddock is a ministry related to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of The United Methodist Church. COVENANT XXV. Chaddock and The Illinois Great Rivers Conference agree: Legislative Items Adopted 121 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook A. The mission of Chaddock shall be in harmony with the mission and ministry of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference and in accordance with The Book of Discipline and The Social Principles of The United Methodist Church. B. The ministry performed by Chaddock requires technical skill and training to create a caring Christian environment in which prevention, intervention and treatment services are provided for children, youth, young adults and families with a concern for the whole person. C. This covenant recognizes a shared mission and ministry. Neither party has any ownership or management authority over the other. D. The intent of Illinois Great Rivers Conference is to assure that Chaddock is providing the same ministry upon which this covenant is made. In return for maintaining this ministry, the Illinois Great Rivers Conference grants to Chaddock 1. the use of the term “United Methodist” in publications 2. the use of the cross and flame emblem, 3. financial grants, and 4. access to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference membership for promotion of services and solicitation of financial support. E. This covenant may be terminated by either party at any time. Upon termination all rights and privileges granted under this covenant will end. The IGRC Equipping and Connecting Team (ECT), the Coordinator of Missions and Outreach Ministries, the Chair of the Health and Welfare Committee and/or a designated member will function as liaisons between Chaddock and the IGRC. The following are expectations mutually agreed upon by each party. Expectations of IGRC Expectations of Chaddock 1. Communicate to Chaddock requirements and changes in The Book of Discipline and The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church. Communicate the rules and the actions of the IGRC that may affect Chaddock. 1. Be in compliance with the provisions of The Book of Discipline and in harmony with The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church, the laws of the State of Illinois and the provisions of this covenant agreement. 2. Communicate to Chaddock the rules and regulations established by the General Council of Finance and Administration (GCFA) of The United Methodist Church regarding the use of the name “The United Methodist Church” and the cross and flame emblem of The United Methodist Church. 2. Abide by the rules and regulations established by GCFA of The United Methodist Church regarding the use of the name “The United Methodist Church” and the cross and flame emblem of The United Methodist Church. 122 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 3. Encourage Chaddock to maintain accreditation through Educational Assessment Guidelines Leading toward Excellence (EAGLE), a program established by the United Methodist Association (UMA) of Health and Welfare Ministries. 3. Maintain accreditation by the Educational Assessment Guidelines Leading toward Excellence (EAGLE), a program established by the United Methodist Association (UMA) of Health and Welfare Ministries. 4. Maintain membership and active participation in The United Methodist Association (UMA) of Health and Welfare Ministries. 4. Maintain membership and active participation in The United Methodist Association (UMA) of Health and Welfare Ministries. 5. The IGRC Equipping and Connecting Team (ECT) designates the Coordinator of Missions and Outreach, the Chair of the Health and Welfare Committee (or a member) as liaison between the ECT and Chaddock. 5. Involve a liaison, designated by the Health and Welfare Committee, in all Chaddock board meetings and Chaddock activities. If the liaison if unable to attend a board meeting, Chaddock agrees to provide copies of all paperwork. 6. The IGRC will consult with Chaddock when Chaddock plans to establish a new facility, alter its major purpose or function, or make a plan for expansion of an existing facility. The purpose of such a consultation would be to review the mission of the annual conference in health and welfare ministries and to ensure that the new institution, the new facility, the new purpose, or the expansion be in harmony with the mission of the annual conference and that there not be any unnecessary duplication of existing services. The consultation will include a discussion of the proposed plan of development, financing, and the types of services to be rendered. 6. Chaddock will consult with the IGRC when Chaddock plans to establish a new facility, alter its major purpose or function, or make a plan for expansion of an existing facility. The purpose of such a consultation would be to review the mission of the annual conference in health and welfare ministries and ensure that the new institution, the new facility, the new purpose, or the expansion is in harmony with the mission of the annual conference and that there not be unnecessary duplication of existing services. The consultation will include a discussion of proposed plans of development, financing, and types of services to be rendered. 7. The IGRC Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA) shall give fair consideration to requests for conference wide fundraising appeals for capital projects exceeding 1/10 of the total assets of Chaddock. 7. Seek written approval of the IGRC Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA) prior to engaging in conference wide fundraising appeals for capital projects exceeding 1/10 of the total assets of Chaddock. Legislative Items Adopted 123 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 8. IGRC will review and consider yearly application forms from Chaddock for benevolent financial support 8. Chaddock shall yearly submit completed IGRC application forms for benevolent funding. A Chaddock annual audit shall identify the use of conference benevolent funds. 9. IGRC will a. Provide grant information to Chaddock b. As a conference service agency, the IGRC Foundation will assist Chaddock with wills, trusts and other methods of planned giving c. Provide information regarding general resources available through IGRC and/or general boards and agencies d. Give fair consideration from CCFA for requests for conference wide fund-raising appeals e. Give fair consideration by the IGRC Health and Welfare Committee to include Chaddock in the annual benevolence budget. 9. Chaddock will a. Request grant information b. Seek assistance from the IGRC Foundation with wills, trusts and other methods of planned giving. c. Provide an annual audit to the IGRC Treasurer, and the Director of Missions and Outreach by April of the following fiscal year d. Abide by the rules set forth by CCFA on conference wide fundraising e. Submit an annual benevolence application to the IGRC Health and Welfare Committee 10. Assist Chaddock in making high quality mission information available to local churches, districts and conference entities. 10. Provide high quality mission information for sharing updated Chaddock information with local churches, districts and conference entities. 11. Advocate and promote the mission and programs of Chaddock through all available communications channels of IGRC, such as but not limited to, the Annual Conference Journal/ Yearbook, the Current, and IGRC web site and general mission appeals. 11. Identify in promotional materials that Chaddock is a ministry related to IGRC and supply to the Coordinator of Missions and Outreach news items and reports of Chaddock activities, programs and plans to be used in communication channels of IGRC. 12. The IGRC Coordinator of Missions & Outreach and IGRC Treasurer will receive Chaddock’s annual audit by April of the Chaddock’s following fiscal year. 12. Provide an annual audit to IGRC Coordinator of Missions & Outreach and IGRC Treasurer by April of Chaddock’s following fiscal year. 124 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 13. The Chair of IGRC Health and Welfare and the Coordinator of Missions/Outreach shall participate in the Golden Cross Fellowship of the Health and Welfare Agencies of IGRC. 13. Chaddock shall send a representative to participate in the Golden Cross Fellowship of the Health and Welfare Agencies of IGRC. 14. Provide advice and assistance in the recruitment of a Chief Executive Officer for Chaddock. 14. Request assistance and advice from IGRC for the recruitment a Chief Executive Officer for Chaddock. 15. If the person under consideration to be chosen as chief executive officer, chaplain or staff member of Chaddock is IGRC United Methodist ordained clergy, the selection must be done in consultation with the Resident Bishop of IGRC and in compliance with The Book of Discipline. 15. If the person under consideration to be chosen as chief executive officer, chaplain or staff member of Chaddock is IGRC United Methodist ordained clergy, the selection must proceed in consultation with the Resident Bishop of IGRC and in compliance with The Book of Discipline. 16. Make training resources available to the Chaddock staff and board of trustees in mutually identified areas of interest such as a. board membership and responsibilities b. planned giving c. grant writing d. strategic planning e. connectionalism within the UMC 16. Seek assistance with a. board training b. planned giving, c. grant writing d. strategic planning. Offer training and workshops relating to working with children, youth and young adults to local congregations. 17. Receive an annual listing of the Chaddock Board of Trustees, with the number of United Methodist indicated, to be submitted to the IGRC Nominations Committee to be listed in the IGRC JournalYearbook. 17. Submit an annual list of Chaddock Board of Trustees with the number of United Methodists indicated to the Chair of IGRC Health and Welfare Committee and Coordinator of Missions and Outreach. 18. The District Superintendent where Chaddock is located, the IGRC Health and Welfare Chairperson or designee shall be ex-officio members of the Chaddock Board of Trustees without vote. 18. The following persons shall be exofficio members of the Chaddock Board of Trustees without vote: The District Superintendent where Chaddock is located, the IGRC Health and Welfare Chair or designee. Legislative Items Adopted 125 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 19. Review any changes to the Chaddock bylaws and Articles of Incorporation to insure the appropriate clauses from The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church. 19. Provide to IGRC Health and Welfare Committee Chaddock’s by-laws and articles of incorporation and any changes thereto to insure compliance with the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church. 20. Indemnify and hold Chaddock harmless from and against any claims, causes of action and costs (including attorney fees) which may arise from any IGRC operation or action. 20. Indemnify and hold IGRC harmless from and against any claims, causes of action and costs (including attorney fees) which may arise from any Chaddock operation or action. 21. Request verification Chaddock has professional and general liability insurance sufficient to insure Chaddock, its officers, board of trustees, employees, volunteers and constituent boards. 21. Provide to IGRC verification of Chaddock’s professional and general liability insurance in coverage amounts sufficient to insure Chaddock, its officers, board of trustees, employees, volunteers and constituent boards against any claims from third parties for activities undertaken by Chaddock. 22. Periodically review the relationship of IGRC and Chaddock to reaffirm the covenant relationship. Both parties shall be in compliance of the expectations agreed upon in this covenant. 22. Periodically review the relationship of Chaddock and IGRC to reaffirm the covenant relationship. Both parties shall be in compliance of the expectations agreed upon in this covenant. Legislative Item 117: Disability Awareness Sunday Subject: Establishment of the Fourth (4th) Sunday of September as the recommended date for the observance of Disability Awareness Sunday in the Illinois Great River Conference. Submitted by: The IGRC Committee on Disability Concerns Whereas, the 1996 General Conference of The United Methodist Church voted to create Disability Awareness Sunday; and Whereas, the Book of Discipline 2008 states in ¶265.4: “Disability Awareness Sunday shall be observed annually on a date to be determined by the annual conference. Disability Awareness Sunday calls the Church to celebrate the gifts and graces of persons with disabilities and calls the Church and society to full inclusion of persons with disabilities in the community. If the annual conference so directs, an offering may be received and the funds used by the annual conference to promote the creation of architectural and attitudinal accessibility in local churches.”; and 126 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Whereas, other Annual Conferences have established dates for the observance of Disability Awareness Sunday at various times of year as suits their conference calendar; and Whereas, resources for the observance of Disability Awareness Sunday are readily available on the UMCOR website: http://new.gbgm-umc.org/umcor/work/health/events/disabilityawareness, Therefore, be it resolved, that the fourth (4th) Sunday of September be established as the recommended date for the observance of Disability Awareness Sunday within the IGRC; and Be it further resolved, that local churches within the IGRC are strongly encouraged to observe Disability Awareness Sunday annually on this date or another date convenient to the local church; and Be it further resolved, that local churches are encouraged to receive an offering and remit the receipts of this offering to the annual conference treasurer to be used by the annual conference to promote the creation of architectural and attitudinal accessibility in local churches. Legislative Item 118: RIM at IGRC Camping Facilities Lack of quorum Legislative Item 119: Study of Mandatory Property and Casualty Insurance Lack of quorum Legislative Item 120: Discontinuation of Annapolis UMC Subject: Discontinuation of Annapolis UMC Submitted by: Rev. Randy Reese, District Superintendent Whereas, the Annapolis United Methodist Church located in Crawford County was founded in and has had a long and proud history, and Whereas, the Charge Conference of the Annapolis United Methodist Church voted on August 8, 2010 to discontinue the church; and Whereas, the District Superintendent has recommended discontinuance of the Annapolis United Methodist church and transfer of membership to Kirk Chapel United Methodist Church; and Legislative Items Adopted 127 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Whereas, the Board of Trustees of Annapolis United Methodist Church in accordance with the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church has determined that all church contents be sold or donated to other church or benevolent ministries, that the building be razed, all real estate holdings be sold, that all assets be dispersed to other churches or benevolent ministries, and that any assets remaining on June 30, 2011 be transferred to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference; and Whereas, the consent to discontinue has been granted by the Presiding Bishop, the District Superintendents, and the District Board of Church Location and Building, and all proper Disciplinary requirements have been complied with; Therefore, be it resolved, that the Annapolis United Methodist Church be discontinued and that the Illinois Great Rivers Conference Trustees be authorized and directed to take possession of any property subsequently found or hereinafter accruing to the Annapolis United Methodist Church and retain, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of said property as said Trustees shall deem appropriate, but in accordance with the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church and the Standing Rules of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church. Legislative Item 121: Discontinuation of Flanagan UMC Subject: Discontinuation of Flanagan UMC Submitted by: Rev. J. Keith Zimmerman, District Superintendent Whereas, the Flanagan United Methodist Church located in Livingston County was founded in 1869 and has had a long and proud history, and Whereas, the Charge Conference of the Flanagan United Methodist Church voted on June 27, 2010 to discontinue the church; and Whereas, the District Superintendent has recommended discontinuance of the Flanagan United Methodist church and transfer of membership to Pontiac First United Methodist Church; and Whereas, the Board of Trustees of Flanagan United Methodist Church in accordance with the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church has determined that all church contents be sold or donated to other church or benevolent ministries, that the building be razed, all real estate holdings be sold, that all assets be dispersed to other churches or benevolent ministries, and that any assets remaining on June 30, 2011 be transferred to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference; and Whereas, the consent to discontinue has been granted by the Presiding Bishop, the District Superintendents, and the District Board of Church Location and Building, and all proper Disciplinary requirements have been complied with; Therefore, be it resolved, that the Flanagan United Methodist Church be discontinued on June 30, 2011 and that the Illinois Great Rivers Conference Trustees be authorized and directed to take possession of any property subsequently found or hereinafter accruing to the Flanagan United Methodist Church and retain, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of said property as said Trustees shall deem appropri- 128 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook ate, but in accordance with the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church and the Standing Rules of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church. Legislative Item 122: Discontinuation of Goodwine UMC Subject: Discontinuation of Goodwine UMC Submitted by: Rev. In-Sook Hwang, District Superintendent Whereas, the Goodwine United Methodist Church located in Iroquois County was founded in 1873 and has had a long and proud history, and Whereas, the Charge Conference of the Goodwine United Methodist Church voted on March 20, 2011 to discontinue the church, the last service to be held on June 26, 2011, and the official closing date of November 30, 2011; and Whereas, the District Superintendent has recommended discontinuance of the Goodwine United Methodist church and transfer of membership to Milford United Methodist Church; and Whereas, the Board of Trustees of Goodwine United Methodist Church in accordance with the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church has determined that all church contents and all real estate holdings be sold, and that any assets remaining on November 30, 2011 be transferred to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference; and Whereas, the consent to discontinue has been granted by the Presiding Bishop, the District Superintendents, and the District Board of Church Location and Building, and all proper Disciplinary requirements have been complied with; Therefore, be it resolved, that the Goodwine United Methodist Church be discontinued as of November 30, 2011 and that the Illinois Great Rivers Conference Trustees be authorized and directed to take possession of any property subsequently found or hereinafter accruing to the Goodwine United Methodist Church and retain, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of said property as said Trustees shall deem appropriate, but in accordance with the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church and the Standing Rules of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church. Legislative Item 123: Discontinuation of Johnstown UMC Subject: Discontinuation of Johnstown UMC Submitted by: Rev. Randy Reese, District Superintendent Whereas, the Johnstown United Methodist Church located in Cumberland County was founded in 1887 and has had a long and proud history, and Whereas, the Charge Conference of the Johnstown United Methodist Church voted on September 12, 2010 to discontinue the church; and Whereas, the District Superintendent has recommended discontinuance of the Johnstown United Methodist church and transfer of membership to Lerna United Legislative Items Adopted 129 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Methodist Church; and Whereas, the Board of Trustees of Johnstown United Methodist Church in accordance with the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church has determined that all church contents be sold or donated to other church or benevolent ministries, that the building and all real estate holdings be sold, and that any assets remaining on June 30, 2011 be transferred to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference; and Whereas, the consent to discontinue has been granted by the Presiding Bishop, the District Superintendents, and the District Board of Church Location and Building, and all proper Disciplinary requirements have been complied with; Therefore, be it resolved, that the Johnstown United Methodist Church be discontinued and that the Illinois Great Rivers Conference Trustees be authorized and directed to take possession of any property subsequently found or hereinafter accruing to the Johnstown United Methodist Church and retain, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of said property as said Trustees shall deem appropriate, but in accordance with the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church and the Standing Rules of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church. Legislative Item 124: Discontinuation of Ramsey UMC Subject: Discontinuation of Ramsey UMC Submitted by: Rev. Randy Reese, District Superintendent Whereas, the Ramsey United Methodist Church located in Fayette County was founded in 1846 and has had a long and proud history, and Whereas, the Charge Conference of the Ramsey United Methodist Church voted on May 16, 2010 to discontinue the church; and Whereas, the District Superintendent has recommended discontinuance of the Ramsey United Methodist church and transfer of membership to other United Methodist Churches; and Whereas, the Board of Trustees of Ramsey United Methodist Church in accordance with the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church has determined that all church contents be sold or donated to other church or benevolent ministries, that the building and all real estate holdings be sold, that all assets be dispersed to other churches or benevolent ministries, and that any assets remaining on June 30, 2011 be transferred to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference; and Whereas, the consent to discontinue has been granted by the Presiding Bishop, the District Superintendents, and the District Board of Church Location and Building, and all proper Disciplinary requirements have been complied with; Therefore, be it resolved, that the Ramsey United Methodist Church be discontinued and that the Illinois Great Rivers Conference Trustees be authorized and directed to take possession of any property subsequently found or hereinafter accruing to the Ramsey United Methodist Church and retain, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of said property as said Trustees shall deem appropriate, but in accordance with the 130 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church and the Standing Rules of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church. Legislative Item 125: Discontinuation of South Shores UMC Subject: Discontinuation of Decatur South Shores UMC Submitted by: The Rev. Terry P. Harter, District Superintendent Whereas, the Decatur South Shores United Methodist Church located in Macon County was founded in 1956 and has had a long and proud history, and Whereas, the Charge Conference of the Decatur South Shores United Methodist Church voted on December 7, 2010 to discontinue the church; and Whereas, the District Superintendent has recommended discontinuance of the South Shores United Methodist Church and transfer of membership to the Decatur Grace United Methodist Church; and Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the South Shores United Methodist Church in accordance with the 2008 Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church has determined that all church property: real, personal, tangible, and intangible be donated to the Decatur Grace United Methodist Church, and that any assets remaining on June 30, 2011 be transferred to the Decatur Grace United Methodist Church; and Whereas, the consent to discontinue has been granted by the Presiding Bishop, the District Superintendents, and the Sangamon River District Board of Church Location and building, and all appropriate Disciplinary requirements have been complied with; Therefore, be it resolved, that the Decatur South Shores United Methodist Church be discontinued at the 2011 session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference (meeting June 1-4, 2011 in Peoria, Illinois) and that the property: real, personal, tangible and intangible be transferred to the Decatur Grace United Methodist Church on June 30, 2011. Legislative Item 126: Discontinuation of Westervelt UMC Subject: Discontinuation of Westervelt UMC Submitted by: Rev. Randy Reese, District Superintendent Whereas, the Westervelt United Methodist Church located in Shelby County was founded in 1904 and has had a long and proud history, and Whereas, the Charge Conference of the Westervelt United Methodist Church voted on November 4, 2007 to discontinue the church; and Whereas, the District Superintendent has recommended discontinuance of the Westervelt United Methodist Church and transfer of membership to 4th St and Wesley Chapel United Methodist Churches; and Legislative Items Adopted 131 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Whereas, the Board of Trustees of United Methodist Church in accordance with the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church has determined that all church contents be sold or donated to other church or benevolent ministries, that the building and all real estate holdings be sold, that all assets be dispersed to other churches or benevolent ministries, and that any assets remaining on June 30, 2011 be transferred to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference; and Whereas, the consent to discontinue has been granted by the Presiding Bishop, the District Superintendents, and the District Board of Church Location and Building, and all proper Disciplinary requirements have been complied with; Therefore, be it resolved, that the United Methodist Church be discontinued and that the Illinois Great Rivers Conference Trustees be authorized and directed to take possession of any property subsequently found or hereinafter accruing to the Westervelt United Methodist Church and retain, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of said property as said Trustees shall deem appropriate, but in accordance with the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church and the Standing Rules of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church. Legislative Item 127: Transfer of Tiskilwa UMC Deed Subject: Transfer of deed of parsonage and property from former Tiskilwa UMC to its successor, Tiskilwa Community Church. Submitted by: The church conference of Tiskilwa Community Church, Tiskilwa Illinois. Whereas, in accord with ¶2547 of the 2008 Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, the church conference of Tiskilwa Community (Federated) Church voted on February 13, 2011 to request that the deed of the church parsonage and adjoining lot of the former Tiskilwa United Methodist Church be transferred to this successor federated church, Whereas, the legal description of the properties are: Lot One Hundred Five (105) in the Village of Tiskilwa, formerly Windsor, Bureau County, Illinois. Lot One Hundred Seven (107) in the Village of Tiskilwa, formerly Windsor, Bureau County, Illinois. Whereas, the IGRC Cabinet voted in favor of Tiskilwa Community Church’s request to convey property rights to Tiskilwa Community (Federated) Church, and the bishop approved. Whereas, upon dissolution of the Tiskilwa Community Church proceeds of sale will be equally divided between IGRC and the American Baptist church as per their constitution and bylaws.) Be it therefore resolved, that The Illinois Great Rivers Conference transfer the deed of the Tiskilwa UMC church parsonage and adjoining lot to its successor, the Tiskilwa Community (Federated) Church. 132 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Legislative Item 128: Sale of Bridalwood Parsonage Withdrawn Legislative Item 129: Sale of Forest Park Parsonage Subject: Sale of Forest Park parsonage in Jacksonville, IL Submitted by: Rick Van Giesen Whereas, the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church (“IGRC”) owns a piece of property commonly known as 18 Forest Park W., Jacksonville, Illinois, which will be used by IGRC as a parsonage for an IGRC District Superintendent until June 30, 2011 (hereinafter referred to as the “Parsonage”); and Whereas, the IGRC Conference Board of Trustees have identified no further current or potential use of the Parsonage by the IGRC; and Whereas, in the opinion of the IGRC Conference Board of Trustees it would be in the best interest of the IGRC to proceed to dispose of the Parsonage; and Whereas, Paragraph 2515 of The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church provides that no real property owned by the IGRC may be sold without the consent of the Annual Conference; Therefore be it resolved, that the IGRC Conference Board of Trustees be authorized in the name of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church to take all necessary and appropriate steps to sell and convey the Parsonage upon the receipt by the IGRC Conference Board of Trustees of an offer deemed fair to IGRC, as shall be determined by the Conference Board of Trustees; and Be it further resolved, that the IGRC Conference Board of Trustees be authorized to employ realtors and/or auctioneers selected by and at such rates of compensation or commission as shall be deemed appropriate by the IGRC Conference Board of Trustees, to facilitate the sale of the Parsonage; and Be it further resolved, that the IGRC Conference Board of Trustees be authorized to repair or otherwise renovate the Parsonage as necessary in order to make the Parsonage marketable for sale; and Be it further resolved, that in accordance with Paragraph 2515 of The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church that any required written instrument necessary to carry out the actions authorized herein be executed in the name if the IGRC by any two of its officers, with any instrument so executed being deemed binding and effective as the action of the Annual Conference. Legislative Items Adopted 133 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Legislative Item 130: Evenglow Covenant Subject: Covenant of Mutual Relationship between Evenglow Lodge and the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the UMC Submitted by: Bunny Wolfe PREAMBLE Evenglow Lodge and the Illinois Great Rivers Conference join in this mutual covenant agreement to more clearly define their shared relationship and to strengthen the church’s mission and ministry with older persons. The mission and purpose of Evenglow Lodge is to establish, erect, maintain and operate a retirement home in Pontiac, Illinois which ministers to and serves both men and women and reflects The Book of Discipline and The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church. Evenglow Lodge is a ministry related to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of The United Methodist Church. COVENANT The IGRC Equipping and Connecting Team (ECT), the Coordinator of Missions and Outreach, Welfare Committee Chair and/or a designated member of the Health and Welfare Committee will function as liaisons between Evenglow Lodge and the Illinois Great Rivers Conference. A. Evenglow Lodge is to promote furtherance of religious principles for the intellectual, moral, spiritual and physical development of persons of retirement age, including promotion of the harmony, health and happiness of such persons in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, The Book of Discipline and The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church. B. Evenglow Lodge is engaged in a legitimate and appropriate Christian service, one which would ideally be performed by each local church in the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, but which is delegated to Evenglow Lodge for the sake of greater effectiveness and efficiency. C. The service performed by Evenglow Lodge requires both expert technical skill and Christian love, tenderness and compassion with a concern for the whole person. D. This covenant recognizes a shared mission and ministry. Neither party has any ownership or management authority over the other. E. Neither the Illinois Great Rivers Conference nor Evenglow Lodge accepts or grants any legal or financial responsibility for the operations or affairs of the other except as specified in this covenant of mutual relationship as follows. 134 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook F. This covenant may be terminated by either party at any time. Upon termination all rights and privileges granted under this covenant will end. GUIDELINES - EXPECTATION OF THE ILLINOIS GREAT RIVERS CONFERENCE GUIDELINES - EXPECTATION OF EVENGLOW LODGE 1. Communicate to Evenglow Lodge the requirements and changes in The Book of Discipline and The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church. Communicate the rules and the actions of IGRC which may affect Evenglow Lodge. 1. Be in compliance with The Book of Discipline and in harmony with The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church, the laws of the State of Illinois and the provisions of this covenant agreement. 2. Communicate to EvenglowLodge the rules and regulations established by the General Council of Finance and Administration (GCFA) of The United Methodist Church regarding the use of the name and cross and flame emblem of The United Methodist Church. 2. Abide by the rules and regulations established by GCFA of The United Methodist Church regarding use of the name “The United Methodist Church” and the “Cross and Flame” emblem of The United Methodist Church. 3. The employment or dismissal of a United Methodist clergy person shall be in accordance with the appointment process of The United Methodist Church. 3. The employment or dismissal of a United Methodist clergy person shall be in accordance with the appointment process of The United Methodist Church. 4. The IGRC Coordinator of Missions & Outreach and IGRC Treasurer will receive an annual audit from Evenglow Lodge upon receipt of the auditor’s report. 4. Provide Furnish an annual audit to IGRC Coordinator of Missions & Outreach and IGRC Treasurer following the fiscal year. 5. Encourage participation by local churches to financially support of the Golden Cross Ministries, including Evenglow Lodge. 5. Inform United Methodist donors that Evenglow is included in the listing of Golden Cross ministries in IGRC. 6. The Chair of IGRC Health and Welfare and the Coordinator of Missions and Outreach shall participate in the Golden Cross Fellowship of the Health and Welfare Agencies of IGRC. 6. Evenglow shall send a representative to participate in the Golden Cross Fellowship of the IGRC Health and Welfare Agencies. Legislative Items Adopted 135 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 7. The Conference Ministry Team designates the Director of Mission/Outreach and/or the Chair of the Conference Committee on Institutional Relations (or his/her designee) to be liaisons between the Conference Ministry Team and Evenglow Lodge to facilitate information sharing and assure mutual accountability for the expectations agreed to by both parties. 7. Welcome to the Board of Trustees meetings liaisons designated by the Conference Ministry Team. The liaisons will also be on the mailing lists for all mailings of Evenglow Lodge. 8. Receive an annual listing of Evenglow Lodge Board of Trustees including names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mails and local church affiliation to be submitted to IGRC Nominations Committee to be listed in the IGRC JournalYearbook. 8. Provide an annual list of names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mails and local church affiliation of Evenglow Lodge Board of Trustees to the Chair of IGRC Health and Welfare Committee and Coordinator of Missions and Outreach. 9. Maintain membership and active participation in The United Methodist Association (UMA) of Health and Welfare Ministries. 9. Maintain membership and active participation in The United Methodist Association (UMA) of Health and Welfare Ministries. 10. Encourage Evenglow Lodge to maintain Accreditation through the Educational Assessment Guidelines Leading Toward Excellence (EAGLE), a program established by the United Methodist Association (UMA). 10. Maintain accreditation by the Educational Assessment Guidelines Leading Toward Excellence (EAGLE) Program established by The United Methodist Association (UMA). 11. Assist Evenglow Lodge in the interpretation and promotion of Evenglow Lodge’s mission and programs throughout the Illinois Great Rivers Conference. 11. Identify in promotional materials that Evenglow Lodge is a ministry related to IGRC and provide news items and reports concerning the activities and plans of the ministry to IGRC Coordinator of Missions and Outreach. 12. The District Superintendent of the Vermilion River District will serve as an ex-officio member with vote on Evenglow Lodge Board of Trustees. 12. Provide ex-officio with vote membership of Evenglow Lodge Board of Trustees for the following: the District Superintendent of Vermilion River District. 136 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 13. IGRC will: a. Provide grant information to Evenglow Lodge. b. As a conference service agency, the IGRC Foundation will assist Evenglow Lodge with wills, trusts and other methods of planned giving. c. Give fair consideration from CCFA for requests for conference wide fund raising appeals. d. Give fair consideration by the IGRC Health and Welfare committee to include Evenglow Lodge in the annual benevolence budget. 13. Evenglow Lodge will: a. Request grant information. b. Seek assistance from IGRC Foundation with wills, trusts and other methods of planned giving. c. Abide by the rules set forth by CCFA on conference wide fundraising. d. Submit an annual benevolence application to the IGRC Health and Welfare Committee. 14. Indemnify and hold Evenglow Lodge harmless from and against any claims, causes of action, and costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees) which may arise from any IGRC operation or action 14. Indemnify and hold IGRC harmless from and against any claims, causes of action, and costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees) which may arise from any Evenglow Lodge operations or action. 15. Request verification that Evenglow Lodge has professional and general liability, property and malpractice insurance sufficient to insure Evenglow Lodge, its officers, board of trustees, employees, volunteers and constituent boards. 15. Provide to IGRC verification of Evenglow Lodge’s professional and general liability, property and malpractice insurance in coverage amounts sufficient to insure Evenglow Lodge, its officers, board of trustees, employees, volunteers and constituent boards against any claims from third parties or activities undertaken by Evenglow Lodge. . 16. Review any changes to bylaws and Articles of Incorporation to insure the appropriate clauses from The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church are included. 16. Provide to the IGRC Health and Welfare Committee a dissolution clause for real property of Evenglow Lodge which is in compliance with The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church Legislative Items Adopted 137 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 17. IGRC will consult with Evenglow Lodge when Evenglow Lodge plans to establish a new facility, alter its major purpose of function, or make a plan for expansion of an existing facility. The purpose of such a consultation would be to review the mission of the annual conference in health and welfare ministries and to ensure that the new institution, the new facility, the new purpose, or the expansion be in harmony with the mission of the annual conference and that there not be unnecessary duplication of existing services. The consultation will include a discussion of proposed plans of development, financing, and types of services to be rendered. 17. Evenglow Lodge will consult with IGRC when Evenglow Lodge plans to establish a new facility, alter its major purpose or function, or make a plan for expansion of an existing facility. The purpose of such a consultation would be to review the mission of the annual conference in health and welfare ministries and to ensure that the new institution, the new facility, the new purpose, or the expansion be in harmony with the mission of the annual conference and that there not be unnecessary duplication of existing services. The consultation will include a discussion of proposed plans of development, financing, and types of services to be rendered. 18. Periodically review the relationship of IGRC and Evenglow Lodge to reaffirm the covenant relationship. Both parties shall be in compliance of the expectations agreed upon in this covenant. 18. Periodically review the relationship of Evenglow Lodge and IGRC to reaffirm the covenant relationship. Both parties shall be in compliance of the expectations agreed upon in this covenant. This covenant of mutual relationship shall be subject to review and amendment at such times and in such manner as may be mutually agreeable to Evenglow Lodge and IGRC. Legislative Item 131: Exception to Rule on the Use of Proceeds from Sale of a Parsonage Subject: The Niantic United Methodist Church requests the approval of the annual conference to use the proceeds from the prior sale of their parsonage for the purpose of congregational redevelopment. Submitted by: Terry Harter, Superintendent of the Sangamon River District Whereas, the Niantic United Methodist Church has previously sold their parsonage and requests that they be permitted to use the proceeds for congregational redevelopment and, Whereas, paragraph 2542.1 of The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church 2008 reads: 138 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook No real property on which a church building or parsonage is located shall be mortgaged to provide for the current budget or operating expense of a local church. The principal proceeds of a sale of any such property shall not be used for the current budget or operating expense of a local church. And, Whereas, paragraph 2542.3 of The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church 2008 reads: Exception to this restriction may be granted in specifically designated instances to allow use of equity and/or accumulated assets from the sale of property to provide for congregational redevelopment efforts including program and staff. Such exception may be granted by the annual conference, the bishop, and the cabinet upon request of the local church in consultation with congregational development staff where applicable. A clear and detailed three-to-five year redevelopment plan that projects a self-supporting ministry must accompany the request. And Whereas, the request and plan have been submitted to Congregational Development staff for consultation, and Whereas, the Cabinet and the Bishop have reviewed the request and plan and have approved it, Therefore be it resolved that the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference grant the exception on the use of funds from the sale of the church-owned parsonage to the Niantic United Methodist Church. Legislative Item 201: Care and Protection of God’s Creation Lack of quorum Legislative Item 202: Funding for General Boards and Agencies Lack of quorum Legislative Item 203: Celebration of Ministry Lack of quorum Legislative Item 204: GC Petition: Right to Health Care Lack of quorum Legislative Items Adopted 139 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Legislative Item 205: GC Petition: Inclusiveness of Gender Identity Lack of quorum Legislative Item 206: GC Petition: Prohibition of Bullying Lack of quorum Legislative Item 207: GC Petition: Equal Rights for Gender Identity Lack of quorum Legislative Item 208: GC Petition: Enhancement of Episcopacy Lack of quorum The Native American Fellowship shares their traditional music. 140 Legislative Items Adopted Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Conference Business of the Annual Conference Business of the Annual Conference 141 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH THE BUSINESS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Minutes of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference held in Peoria, Illinois from June 1, 2011 through June 4, 2011 Bishop Gregory V. Palmer Presiding Date When Organized: 1824 Number of This Session: Fifteenth Session (189th Session, counting antecendent Annual Conferences) Part I - Organization and General Business 1. Who are elected for the quadrennium (¶¶603.7, 618): Secretary? Rev. Alice J. Shirley Mailing Address: P.O. Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794-9207 Telephone: (217) 529-2040 Statistician? Rev. Richard A. Van Giesen Mailing Address: P.O. Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794-9207 Telephone: (217) 529-2040 Treasurer? Rev. Richard A. Van Giesen Mailing Address: P.O. Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794-9207 Telephone: (217) 529-2040 2. Is the Annual Conference incorporated (¶603.1)? Yes 3. Bonding and auditing: What officers handling funds of the conference have been bonded, and in what amounts (¶¶618, 2511)? Annual Conference Treasurer, President of Annual Conference Council on Finance and Administration, Annual Conference Trustees and staff members of these offices in the amount of $1,000,000, United Methodist Church Blanket Bond. Have the books of said officers or persons been audited (¶¶617, 2511)? Yes. The report can 4. What agencies have been appointed or elected? be viewed by going to www.igrc.org. a) b) 142 Answer Yes or No for each of the councils, boards, commissions, or committees listed: (1) Board of Ordained Ministry (¶635)? Yes (2) Board of Pensions (¶639)? Yes (3) Board of Trustees of the Annual Conference (¶2512)? Yes (4) Committee on Episcopacy (¶637) Yes (5) Committees on Investigation (¶2703.2, .3)? Yes (6) Administrative Review Committee (¶636)? Yes Indicate the name of the agency (or agencies) in your annual conference which is (are) responsible for the functions related to each of the following general church agencies (¶610.1): Business of the Annual Conference Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook (1) General Council on Finance and Administration? Conference Council on Fi- (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) General Board of Church and Society? Equipping and Connecting Team General Board of Discipleship? Equipping and Connecting Team General Board of Global Ministries? Equipping and Connecting Team Higher Education and Campus Ministry? Equipping and Connecting Team General Commission on Archives and History? Equipping and Connecting (7) c) nance and Administration Team (8) General Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-religious Concerns? Equipping and Connecting Team General Commission on Religion and Race? Equipping and Connecting (9) General Commission on the Status and Role of Women? Equipping and Con- Team necting Team (10) United Methodist Communications? IGRC Communications Ministry Team and IGRC Commission on Communication Indicate the conference agencies which have responsibilities for the following functions: (1) Criminal Justice and Mercy Ministries (¶655)? Equipping and Connecting (2) (3) Team Disability Concerns (¶653)? Equipping and Connecting Team Equitable Compensation (¶625)?Conference Commission on Equitable Compensation (4) Laity (¶631)? Equipping and Connecting Team (5) Native American Ministry (¶654)? Equipping and Connecting Team (6) Small Membership Church (¶645)? Equipping and Connecting Team d) Answer Yes or No for each of the following conference or district organizations: (1) Conference United Methodist Women (¶647)? Yes (2) Conference United Methodist Men (¶648)? Yes (3) Conference Council on Youth Ministry (¶649)? Yes (4) Conference Council on Young Adult Ministry (¶650)? Yes (5) District Boards of Church Location & Building (¶2518)? Yes (6) Committees on District Superintendency (¶668)? Yes (7) District Committees on Ordained Ministry (¶665)? Yes e) What other councils, boards, commissions, or committees have been appointed or elected in the annual conference? (See”Officers-Boards-Committees” on page 7 ) 5. Have the secretaries, treasurers, and statisticians kept their respective records according to the prescribed forms (¶606.8)? Yes 6. What is the report of the statistician? (See “2010 Statistician’s Report” on page 505 ) 7. What is the report of the treasurer? (See “Treasurer’s Report” on page 233 ) 8. What are the reports of the district superintendents as to the status of the work within their districts? (see “Cabinet Address” on page 248) 9. What is the schedule of minimum base compensation for pastors for the ensuing year (¶¶342, 625.3)? For FE, PE, and AM: $36,225.00 For FL: $33,180.00 Business of the Annual Conference 143 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 10. What amount has been apportioned to the pastoral charges within the conference to be raised for the support of the district superintendents for the ensuing year (¶614.1a)? $ 1,922,160 11. a) What amount has been apportioned to the pastoral charges within the conference to be raised for the support of the pension and benefit programs of the conference for the ensuing year (¶¶614.1d, 1507)? $ 100,000 b) What are the apportionments to this conference for the ensuing year: (1) For the World Service Fund? $ 1,538,676 (2) For the Ministerial Education Fund? $ 510,504 (3) For the Black College Fund? $ 203,617 (4) For the Africa University Fund? $ 45,571 (5) For the Episcopal Fund? $ 468,687 (6) For the General Administration Fund? $ 175,733 (7) For the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund? $ 40,409 12. If the annual conference apportions to the local church a fund that combines two or more general apportioned funds with one another, or that combines one or more general apportioned funds with funds other than a general apportioned fund, list below for each combined fund: a) the name and amount of each general fund included in the apportionment; b) the percentage of the combined fund total that corresponds to each general fund apportionment (¶¶614.3d, 615.4). 13. Conference and district lay leaders (¶¶603.9, 659): a) Conference lay leader: Mailing Address: c) District and associate district lay leaders: Rhonda Whitaker 1264 Hickory Dr. Neoga, IL 62457 217-895-3962 [email protected] b) Associate conference lay leaders: Ken Miller and Jeff Graham Cache Embarras Illinois Iroquois Kaskaskia LaMoine Mississippi Sangamon Spoon Vermilion Marilyn Appel (09) 1472 US Highway 45, PO Box 223, Enfield, IL 62835 Richard Small (07), 206 Lakewood Dr., Hillsboro, IL 62049 Johnnie Locker (04), 10615 N. Sleepy Hollow Rd., Peoria, IL 61615 Ray Dunn (10) 207 S. Scott St., PO Box 265, Oakwood 61858-0265 Nancy Myers (02), 5645 N. Ridge Rd., Olney, IL 62450 Karma Webel (05), R.R. 1, Box 35, Versailles, IL 62378 Marian McCray, (04),14 Marilyn Cir., Fairview Heights 62208-2839 Pete Paulson (03), 4 Ashland Ct., Mt. Zion, IL 62549 Stephen Main (05), 1289 Knox Highway 4, Altona, IL 61414 Ken Miller (05), 190 W. 4th St., Coal City, IL 60416 14. What local churches have been (Indicate district): a) Organized or Chartered? (1) New Church Start (¶259.2,.3) (2) Mission Congregation (¶260.1a) 144 Business of the Annual Conference Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook (3) b) Merged (¶¶2545, 2546)? (1) (2) c) Chartered Local Church (¶259.5) (List only churches chartered this year.) United Methodist with United Methodist Name of 1st church Name of 2nd church Dorris Heights Other mergers Name of 1st church Mount Moriah Name of merged church Mount Moriah (CRD) Name of 2nd church Name of merged church Discontinued or abandoned (¶¶229, 341.2, 2548)? (State which for each church listed. Indicate district) (1) New Church Start (¶259.2,.3) (2) Mission Congregation (¶259.1a) (3) Chartered Local Church (¶259.5) Annapolis UMC, Embarras River District Flanagan UMC, Iroquois River District Goodwine UMC, Iroquois River District Johnstown UMC, Embarras River District Ramsey UMC, Embarras River District South Shores UMC, Sangamon River District Westervelt UMC, Embarras River District d) e) Relocated and to what address? f) Transferred this year into this conference from other United Methodist conference(s) and with what membership (¶¶41, 260)? Name Membership Conference from which transferred g) What other changes have taken place in the list of churches? Changed name of church? (Example: "First" to "Trinity") Former Name New Name Address 15. Are there Ecumenical Shared Ministries in the conference? (¶208) a) Federated church Name of church District Other Denomination(s) Community of Faith (Raymond) SaRD Presbyterian b) Union Church Name of church District Other Denomination(s) United Church of Oneida SpRD Presbyeterian c) Merged Church Name of church District Other Denomination(s) Tiskilwa Community Church IlRD American Baptist d) Yoked Parish Name of church District Other Denomination(s) Colusa UMC/Appanoose Faith (SpRD) Presbyterian (PCUSA) Business of the Annual Conference 145 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 16. What changes have been made in district and charge lines? Cache River District Golconda (530506, 0141A) and Rosiclare (531487, 0141B) were listed as a 2-point charge. They are now each listed separately. Harrisburg Circuit, consisting of Dorris Heights (530563, 0147A) and Mount Moriah (531044, 0147B) has merged to form Mount Moriah UMC, effective 1/23/2011. Crossville (530107, 0125A) and Zion (501674, 0125B) were listed as a 2-point charge. They are now each listed separately Embarras River District The Edgar County New Vision Parish Circuits are re-shuffled, effective 9/19/2010. Circuit 1 is now Chrisman-Hume, Circuit 2 is now Paris Otterbein-Vermilion, Circuit 3 is now Clay’s PrairieGrandview-Scottland. Johnstown (502075, 0227B) closed 6/30/2010. Ramsey (533646, 0266B) closed 6/30/2010. Annapolis (532301, 0203A) closed 6/30/2010. Marshall Armstrong (504110, 0229A), Marshall Emmanuel (502235, 0229B) and Zion (502257, 0229C) were a 3-point charge. Marshall Armstrong is now listed by itself and Marshall EmmanuelZion is a 2-point charge. Illinois River District Peoria First (511423, 0351A) and Peoria Madison Avenue (511467, 0351B) were a 2-point charge. They are now each listed separately. Sheffield (511720, 0361A) was listed by itself. It’s now on a 2-point charge with Tiskilwa-Sheffield. Iroquois River District The Shining Light Parish has disbanded, effective 12/1/2010. Ridge Farm (503467, 0462E) and Indianola (502942, 0462D) are now a 2-point charge. Fairmount (502667, 0462B) Fairview (502680, 0462A) and Georgetown (502782, 0462C) are now a 3-point charge. Melvin (501300, 0442A) and Shiloh (503560, 0442B) were a 2-point charge. They are now each listed separately. Goodwine (501003, 0445B) closed. Last service 6/26/11, official closing date 11/30/11. Kaskaskia River District Pleasant Grove (502111, 0539C) was on a 3-point charge with Lancaster-Nye Chapel-Pleasant Grove. It’s now listed by itself. Lancaster-Nye Chapel continues as a 2-point charge. Pinkstaff (533588, 0563A) and Birds (501457, 0563B) were a 2-point charge. They are now each listed separately. Mount Vernon Wesley (531102, 0554A) and Irvington (526140, 0554B) were a 2-point charge. Mount Vernon Wesley is now listed by itself. Irvington is on a 2-point charge with Centralia FirstIrvington. Landes (532777, 0574B) was on a 2-point charge with Union Chapel-Landes. It’s now on a 2-point charge with Chauncey-Landes. Union Chapel is listed by itself. LaMoine River District Barry (508185, 0602A), Hull (508904, 0602B), New Canton (509384, 0602C), Pleasant Hill (509544, 0602D), and Hamburg (528365, 0602E) are now called the United Parish, effective November 2010. Payson (509486, 0648A), Plainville (509497, 0648B) and Richfield (509453, 0648C) were a 3-point charge. Payson is now listed by itself. Plainville is part of a 3-point charge as BeverlyKingston-Plainville which is part of the Adams County Group Ministry. Richfield is part of a 3-point charge as Paloma-Pleasant Grove-Richfield which is also part of the Adams County Group Ministry. Mississippi River District Wood River First (529165, 0775A) and Benld (527623, 0775B) were a 2-point charge. They are now each listed separately. Sangamon River District Decatur Central (501925, 0817A) and Decatur South Shores (501958, 0817B) were a 2-point charge. 146 Business of the Annual Conference Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Decatur Central is going on a 2-point charge with Blue Mound-Decatur Central. Decatur South Shores closed 6/30/2011. Spoon River District Silvis (507603, 0969G) is no longer part of the Twin Rivers Cooperative Parish. It’s now listed by itself, effective 8/1/2010. Port Byron First (507443, 0969F) is no longer part of the Twin Rivers Cooperative Parish. It’s now listed by itself, effective 1/1/2011. Fairfield (507396, 0922A) is no longer part of the Twin Rivers Cooperative Parish. It’s now listed by itself, effective 1/1/2011. Knoxville (507000, 0942A), Galesburg Faith (503718, 0942B) and Galesburg Emmanuel (506687, 0942C) were a 3-point charge called Knoxville-Galesburg Cooperative Parish. Knoxville is now listed by itself. Galesburg Faith is now listed by itself. Galesburg Emmanuel closed 6/30/2011. Vermilion River District Bloomington Park (500305, 1006A) and Bloomington West Olive Faith (502496, 1006B) were a 2-point charge called Bloomington Trinity of Hope UM Parish. Bloomington Park is now on a 2-point charge with Bloomington Wesley-Bloomington Park. Bloomington West Olive Faith is on a 2-point charge with Normal Morningstar-Bloomington West Olive Faith. Flanagan (500921, 1033A) closed 6/30/2011. Saunemin (501641, 1070A) and Trinity UM Parish, consisting of Cabery (500453, 1070B), Cullom (500726, 1070C) and Kempton (501184, 1070D) were a 4-point charge. Saunemin is now listed by itself. Trinity UM Parish continues as a 3-point charge. Streator First (511764, 1072A), Grand Point (510645, 1072B) and Long Point (510986, 1072C) were a 3-point charge. Streator First is now listed by itself. Grand Ridge-Long Point is a 2-point charge. Part II - Pertaining to Ordained Ministers and Local Pastors (Note: A (v) notation following a question in this section signifies that the action or election requires a majority vote of the clergy session of the annual conference. If an action requires more than a simple majority, the notation (v 2/3) or (v 3/4) signifies that a two-thirds or threefourths majority vote is required. Indicate credential of persons in Part II: FD, FE, PD, PE, and AM when requested.) 17. Are all the clergy members of the conference blameless in their life and official administration (¶¶604.4, 605.6)? “All are in need of God’s grace and none is blameless. The Cabinet reports there is no one under complaint at this time. We affirm the integrity and desire of all clergy to be Christ-like and to seek perfection in love.” (Cabinet response) 18. Who constitute: a) The Committee on Investigation (¶2703.2)? (v) Shelly Forrest Larry Gilbert Jean Hembrough Don Long, Jr. Harriet Clinebell (lay) Calvin Jackson (lay) Charlene Topel (lay) Alternates: Brian Caughlan Rachel Stockle Stan Irvin Business of the Annual Conference 147 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook b) The Administrative Review Committee (¶636)? (v) Mike Jones Terry Clark Jennifer Seder Alternates: 19. Who are the certified candidates (¶¶311, 312) a) Who have been certified as candidates for ordained or licensed ministry since the last session of the annual conference? (List the names of all those who have been certified, including those who are also listed in questions 20 and 21.) Gerald Aloran 2011 Kirsten Reed Anderson 2011 Jon Randol “Randy” Azbell 2011 Carolyn “Carrie” Carnes 2011 David Cochran 2011 Malcom Jones 2011 Darrel “David” Joyce 2011 Jeremy David Lafary 2011 Gary McDaniel 2010 Richard Pierce 2010 Nicole (Nikki) Ross Bishop 2010 JoAnne Ruff 2011 Michael Sharp 2011 Michael Shearer 2011 Erin Elizabeth Totten 2011 b) Who are continued as certified candidates for ordained or licensed ministry? (Do not list as continued those licensed as local pastors in Question 21 or those listed as probationary (provisional) members in question 28.) Kimberly Allen 2008 Robert McNeely 2011 Cory Blackwell 2010 Kimberly Burke 2009 Jeremy Harminson 2010 Colin Knapp 2010 (Duke) Thomas Miller 2010 Doug Pascoe 2009 Nancy Wilson 2010 Bennett Woods 2009 c) Who have had their candidacy for ordained or licensed ministry accepted by a District Committee on Ordained Ministry in another annual conference? (Include name of accepting conference.) Name Conference d) Who have been discontinued as certified candidates for licensed or ordained ministry? Laura Arnold Michael J. Fiorini Dennis Gambill Sandra Mosby Gay Patton Thomas Patton David Plemons Darla Stewart John Weller 20. Who have completed the studies for the license as a local pastor, are approved, but are not now appointed? (¶315 —Indicate for each person the year the license was approved.): Gregory Boylan (MDiv) Pamela Cochran 2010 Robert J. Cook 2007 Patricia A. Gareau* 1998 Eda Hackmann 2005 Michael Hall 2010 Daniel Laack 2003 148 Mark Milhouse 2004 Judith Lynn Ransbottom-Stallion 2007 James Reynolds 2001 Marsha Kaye Webb 2005 Sharon Welliver 2008 Business of the Annual Conference Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 21. Who are approved and appointed as: (Indicate for each person the first year the license was awarded. Indicate what progress each has made in the course of study or the name of the seminary in which they are enrolled. Indicate with an asterisk those who have completed the five year course of study or the M.Div. (¶319.4)? (v) a) Full-time local pastors? (¶318.1) William L. Allen; (1.25); 2005 James R. Allison*; 1991 Richard L. Atchley*; 2001 Pamela Bradford; (3); 2003 Trisha Chapman; (4.5); 2003 Cathy Clark; (0); 2008 Paulette Cott; (3.5); 2005 Kelly Cox*; 1984 Dixie L. Croxton*; 1997 Robert L. DeBolt*; 2002 David Ducommon*; Peggy Emmert; (MDiv) Suzanne Geer*; 1995 Nicolas Gleason (MDiv) Hiram Gonzalez; (Sem.); 2001 Timothy J. Gossett*; 1998 Charles Herbert Graul*; 2003 Denny Hutchison; (0); 2010 Amy Holman; (3.25); 2004 Mark E. Horn*; 1995 Stephen Killion*; 2003 LeLand Legg*; 1999 Steve Livengood*; 1999 Richard Miles*; 1993 Cathy Najmon* (Deacon) Mel Nielson; (.75); 2009 Mark Nowakowski; (0); 2006 Danira Parra; (3.5); 2004 James Peak; (MDiv); 1963 Gary Pearce; (4); 2003 David Pyell*; 2000 Raymond Radae; (MDiv) Amy Rayson James W. Reed; (4.5); 1998 Elizabeth Reis*; 2002 Mike Rucker*; 1994 Donald Brian Shane*; 1996 Teresa Ann Shane*; 1996 Dennis Smith*; Mark Randall Smith; (3); 2004 Jeffrey Stahl* 1998 Augustus Benjamin Swett III; (4); 2001 Casey Brandon Taylor; (MDiv) Stacy Tomich*; 2001 Judy Vidakovich; (4); 2005 Allynn Walker (Deacon) Gabriel Wanck; (Asbury); Judy Marie Williams*; 2002 Steve Bruce Williams*; 1996 Timothy Woodard*; 1997 b) Part-time local pastors? (¶318.2) (fraction of full-time in one-quarter increments) Bessie Adams ¾ R. Lon Alderman (.75) ½ William L. Allen (1.25) ¾ Mark Douglas Amenda (2) ½ Joyce Anders* (retired) David K. Anderson (1.75) John M. Anderson (2.25) ¼ W. Ruth Anderson (1.75) Barbara Anthony (1) ½ Cecil Atchison (1.5) ¾ Helen Dayle Badman (1.75) ½ Donna Baker (2.5) ½ Kathy Sue Barrett (1.25) ¼ Angela Baughman (1.25) ½ Gary Joseph Billiot (1.5) ½ Andrea L. Boggs (1.5) ½ Jane Bradford (1.75) ¼ Larry Bricker (2.5) ¾ Sara S. Brown (2) ¾ Michael Lee Buckman* ½ Donald Burkhart ¼ Susan Jean Burnett (1.5) ¾ Juan Carlos Lara-Cardoso* ¾ John L. Chrisler (3.25) ¼ Cathy Clark (0) ¾ Russell Collister (.75) ¼ Ardith Corsaw (4.5) ¾ Ronald H. Cox (retired) Joseph Leon Crain* ½ Ronald Eugene Creek (.75) ¼ James Crozier (3) ¾ Dianne Duncan* ¾ David Dickey* ½ Robert Ervin (retired) ½ Larry Frank, Jr. (Asbury) ½ Matthew Filicsky 2009 ½ Deetta Gaither (.75) ¼ Patricia A. Gareau* ½ Eric Robert Garlick (1.5) ¼ John Nicholas Gartelos (3.75) ½ Jeff Haley (MDiv) Lyren Rix Haney* ¾ Merle John Heicher, Jr.* ½ George Heineman (retired) ½ Karthyrn Herring (1.5) ¼ Sandra Hire (.75) ½ Debra Hoertel (1) ¼ Tammy Horn (1.25) ½ Richard Lewis Houser (1.25) ½ Darrell Howard Dorothy Isaacs (2.5) ¼ (retired) Ronald M. Johnson (retired) Business of the Annual Conference 149 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Jack Joyner (Eden) ¼ Dalene Kuebler * (Sem.) ¾ Charles Leslie Kurfman (Asbury) ½ Jimmie Dale Lambert (.25) ½ (retired) Terry Lancaster* ¼ Janet Lee Longtin (.75) ½ Chester McCoy (1.5) ¼ Kathy Murphy (2.75) ¾ Mel Neilson (0) 1/2 Karen Oplt (2.5) ¼ Louella Pence (retired) (4) ½ Joye Perry (1.5) ¾ Lillian Philips (retired) ¼ Deborah Pollex (.75) ½ Janice Reeder (0) ¼ Sharon Renner (.5) ½ Nancy Ribes* ½ Juan Angel Rosales (0) ½ Howard Ross (3.5) ¼ Toni Ross (3.5) ¾ Pete Ryan (.25) ½ Darrell Allen Sample (3.25) ½ Donald Lee Savage (.75) ½ Jerry Sawyer* (retired) Charles M. Schwaab (retired) Van D. Scott (.5) ½ Roberta Jean Shultz (.25) ¾ Larry R. Shultz (retired) James Steinsultz* ¼ Elton Burton Storey* ¾ Sally Swaim (3.5) ½ Scott Swigart (2) ½ Oliver Taube* (retired) ¼ Angel Taylor (MDiv) ¾ Leonard Thomas (local deacon) ¼ Megan E. C. Thompson (MDiv) ¾ Lori Tockstein (3.5) ¼ Janeen Tronc (0) 1/4 April Dawne Turner (MDiv) ¾ Eugene Allan Turner; (4); 2005 ½ Allen “Pete” Vinson; (retd); 1984; (2.75) ¾ Stephanie Voss; (.25); 2007; ½ Sarah Beth Mayfield Wanck; (Asbury); ¾ Jon R. Westfall*; 1987; ¼ Sharon Wilkerson*; 1998; ½ James Whitaker; (.75); 2008; ¾ Patricia Wise*; 1994; ½ Edward Wojnar; (.5); 2009; ¼ Nancy Wood; (2.5); 2004; ¼ c) Students from other annual conferences or denominations serving as local pastors and enrolled in a school of theology listed by the University Senate (¶318.4)? d) Persons serving as local pastors while seeking readmission to conference membership (¶¶365.4, 366, 368.3)? (If not in this conference indicate name of conference where serving.) Jeff Haley 22. Who have been discontinued as local pastors (¶320.1)? David K. Anderson John M. Anderson W. Ruth Anderson Barbara Anthony Patricia A. Gareau Eric Garlick Daniel Laack Mark Milhouse John (Jack) Weller 23. Who have been reinstated as local pastors (¶320.4)? Molly Spence Hawk 24. What ordained ministers or provisional members from other Annual Conferences or Methodist denominations are approved for appointment in the Annual Conference while retaining their conference or denominational membership (¶¶331.8, 346.1)? a) Annual Conferences Name Bessie Adams Karen Blank-Ewell Sue Bryce Willis (Bill) Kierce 150 Conference Indiana Missouri Wisconsin Alabama-West Florida Business of the Annual Conference Credential PE FE FE FE Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Don Meeks Elke Sharma Joy Starwalt Rebecca Williams b) Louisanna Oregon-Idaho Northern Illinois Northern Illinois Other Methodist Denominations Name Conference Jeffrey Robbins FE FE FE PE Credential Wesleyan Church Elder 25. What clergy in good standing in other Christian denominations have been approved to serve appointments or ecumenical ministries within the bounds of the Annual Conference while retaining their denominational affiliation (¶¶331.8, 346.2)? (v) (Designate with an asterisk those who have been accorded voting rights within the annual conference. Indicate credential.) Name Denomination Credential William Burton Nazarene Elder (retired) Michael Laflin American Baptist Standard Ordination Donald Peck Nazarene Elder David Poland ELCA Synodical Authorization Paul Eugene White Nazarene Elder (retired) 26. Who are affiliate members: (List alphabetically; indicate annual conference or denomination where membership is held.) a) With vote (¶586.4 [v])? b) Without vote (¶¶334.5, 344.4)? (v 2/3) 27. Who are elected as associate members? (v) (List alphabetically-see note preceding Question 27): a) b) ¶420 [1992] ¶322 [2004] 28. Who are elected as probationary (provisional) members and what seminary are they attending, if in school? (under ¶¶322, 324, 325) a) Probationary (provisional) Deacons: (1) Under the provisions of ¶¶ 324.4a, c? (v) (2) Under the provisions of ¶324.5? (v) b) Probationary (provisional) Elders: (1) Under the provisions of ¶¶ 324.4a, b? (v) Scott Eugene Carnes (GETS) Kathryn Sue Lewis (Asbury) Andy Robert Maxwell (Western Evangelical) Christopher Maurice Hughes Quick (GETS) Jungil Rhee (Candler) Carol Ann Stufflebeam (UDTS) Megan Elizabeth Thompson (Boston) William Brett Yates (Southwestern Baptist) Business of the Annual Conference 151 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook (2) Under the provisions of ¶324.6? (v) (3) Under the provisions of ¶322.4? (v 3/4) 29. Who are continued as probationary (provisional) members, and in what year were they admitted to probationary (provisional) membership (¶326)? a) In preparation for ordination as a deacon? (PD) (¶326.1) Kimberly Ann Stuby Gifty Wilma Smith b) In preparation for ordination as an elder? (PE) (¶326.2) Josh Tabor Williams Miriam Rebekah Snider John Sondermann Hackmann Jessica Ann Marie Lauer Baldyga c) d) e) 2010 2009 2007 2008 2009 2010 Probationary (provisional) deacons who became probationary (provisional) elders? Probationary (provisional) elders who became probationary (provisional) deacons? Probationary (provisional) members who transferred from other conferences or denominations? (¶347) 30. Who have been received from other Christian denominations (¶347.3): (List alphabetically—see note preceding Question 27): a) b) As probationary (provisional) members (¶347.3a,b)? (v) (date received) As local pastors (¶347.3a)? (v) (date received) 31. Who are elected as members in full connection? (List alphabetically-see note preceding Question 27. Anyone appearing on this question must also be listed somewhere in questions 32-33 or 35, unless the clergy’s orders from another denomination were recognized on question 39 in a previous year.): a) b) Deacons Elizabeth Anne Fender (GETS) Elders Andrew Jacob Anthony (GETS) Grant Donald Armstrong (Eden) Mary Alice Cunningham (St. Paul) Lisa Dawn Guilliams (Asbury) Andrew Gerard Hopp (METHSCO) Patricia Aileen Hutton (St. Paul, COS) Anita Ruth Munden (GETS) Florene Elizabeth Scott (Eden) Michael Otis Whitaker (Iliff) 32. Who are elected for ordination as deacons in full connection and what seminary did they attend: (List alphabetically-see note preceding Question 27) a) b) 152 After probationary (provisional) membership (¶330)? (v 2/3) Elizabeth Anne Fender (GETS) Transfer from elder in full connection? (¶ 309.3) (v 2/3) Business of the Annual Conference Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 33. Who are elected for ordination as elders and what seminary did they attend? a) After probationary (provisional) membership under the 1996 Discipline (¶335)? (v 2/3) Andrew Jacob Anthony (GETS) Grant Donald Armstrong (Eden) Mary Alice Cunningham (St. Paul) Lisa Guilliams (Asbury) Andrew Gerard Hopp (METHSCO) Patricia Aileen Hutton (St. Paul, COS) Anita Ruth Munden (GETS) Florene Elizabeth Scott (Eden) Michael Otis Whitaker (Iliff) b) Transfer from deacon in full connection? (¶ 309.3) (v 2/3) 34. What probationary (provisional) members, previously discontinued, are readmitted (¶364)? (v) 35. Who are readmitted (¶¶365–367 [v], ¶368 [v 2/3]): a) b) As associate members? As members in full connection? 36. Who are returned to the effective relationship after voluntary retirement (¶358.7): (v) a) b) c) As associate members? As probationary (provisional) members? (Indicate credential) As members in full connection? (Indicate credential) 37. Who have been received by transfer from other annual conferences of The United Methodist Church (¶¶347.1, 416.5, 635.2m)? (List alphabetically. Indicate credential. See note preceding Question 27.) Name Troy Benton FE Lindsay Churchman FE Kristi Hopp PE Conference Date North Georgia Central Texas Western Pennsylvania 7/1/11 7/1/11 7/1/11 38. Who are transferred in from other Methodist denominations (¶347.2)? (List alphabetically. Indicate credential.) 39. What clergy, coming from other Christian denominations, have had their orders recognized (¶348): (v) a) b) As deacons? As elders? 40. Who have been ordained as a courtesy to other conferences, after election by the other conference? (See note preceding Question 27. Such courtesy elections or ordinations do not require transfer of conference membership.) a) b) Deacons in full connection? Elders in full connection? Business of the Annual Conference 153 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 41. Who have been transferred out to other annual conferences of The United Methodist Church (¶416.5)? (List alphabetically. Indicate credential. See note preceding Question 27.) 42. Who are discontinued as probationary (provisional) members (¶327.6)? (Indicate credential) (v). 43. Who are on location? a) Who has been granted honorable location (¶359.1)? (Give date when this action became effective. Record Charge Conference where membership is held. Indicate credential and year of most recent report.): (1) (2) This year? (v) Previously? Name Tony Allen FE Roy Anderson FE David Bacheller FE O. Eugene Barclay FE Daniel G. Brown FE Lewis Carlson FE David Champlin FE Jerry Ellis FE L. Douglas Elmore FE Janice Grant Russell Hagen FE Mark Jurgensmeyer FE Roger Kilzer John Lazell FE S. Burkett Milner FE Larry Misfeldt FE Timothy J. Shaw FE Bryan Siverly FE Robert Stokes FE Kent Trimble FE Roderick Van Scoy FE Kenneth Wallace FE John Walter FE Mark Wolford FE Matthew Woodcock FE Richard Zumwalt FE b) c) Charge Conference Kewanee First Panama UMC, Pocohantas, IL First UMC, Champaign, IL Paris UMC, Paris, IL Weldon, IL UMC Onarga UMC, Onarga, IL First UMC, Pekin, IL First UMC, Mt. Vernon, IL First UMC, Marshall, IL Laurel UMC, Springfield, IL Clinton UMC, Clinton, IL Carlinville UMC, Carlinville, IL First UMC, Mattoon First UMC, Springfield, IL Beecher City UMC, Beecher City, IL Twin Rivers Parish UMC, Hampton, IL Camp Point UMC Wesley UMC, Bloomington, IL First UMC, Urbana, IL Riverside UMC, Moline, IL First UMC, Mt. Vernon, IA First UMC, Carbondale, IL Niedringhause UMC, Granite City, IL Wesley UMC, Macomb Sugar Creek UMC First Federated, Clayton, IL Date 2005 1996 1993 1981 2002 2000 1987 2003 2003 2008 1994 1998 1996 1987 1994 1996 2004 1999 1996 1980 1996 1992 1995 2006 2003 1991 Who on honorable location are appointed ad interim as local pastors? (¶359.2) (Indicate date and appointment.) Pamela Hartman - FE Who has been placed on administrative location (¶363.1? (Give date when this action became effective. Record Charge Conference where membership is held. Indicate credential.): (1) This year? (v) (2) Previously? 44. Who have been granted the status of honorable location–retired (¶359.3)? (Record Charge Conference where membership is held. Indicate credential.): 154 Business of the Annual Conference Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook a) b) This year? (v) Previously? Name Charles Bradburn Herschel Cline Richard Krumpe Robert McWilliams Charles Polstra Roy Trueblood Frank Unger Randy Van Fossan Harvey R. Washington Charge Conference Pittsfield UMC, Pittsfield, IL Urbana Grace UMC, Urbana, IL Hanna City UMC, Hanna City, IL Hatsukaischi Church, Toyko, Japan St. Andrews UMC, Brandon, FL Longs Chapel UMC, Longs Chapel, NC Calvary UMC, Normal, IL Watseka UMC, Watseka, IL Cabanna UMC, Cabanna, MO Date 1978 1977 1968 2004 1996 1996 1970 1998 1996 45. Who have had their status as honorably located and their orders terminated (¶359.2)? (v) (Give date when this action became effective. Indicate credential.) 46. Who have had their conference membership terminated? (Give date when this action became effective. Indicate credential.) a) By withdrawal to unite with another denomination (¶360.1, .4)? (v) b) By withdrawal from the ordained ministerial office (¶360.2, .4)? (v) Name Chuck Anthony AM Effective Date 7/5/2011 c) By withdrawal under complaints or charges (¶¶360.3, .4; 2719.2)? (v) d) By termination of orders under recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶635.2k(8) )? (v) By trial (¶2713)? (v) e) 47. Who have been suspended under the provisions of ¶361.1c, ¶2704.2c or ¶2711.3? (Give effective dates. Indicate credential.) 48. Deceased (List alphabetically in the spaces provided) a) What associate members have died during the year? Effective: Retired: Name William E. Swyear Norma Jean Martin Marlin H. Miller b) c) Date of Birth 4-9-23 7-25-31 6-2-24 Date of Death 8-12-10 5-7-11 4-14-11 What probationary (provisional) members have died during the year? (Indicate credential.) Effective: Retired: What elders in full connection have died during the year? Effective: Business of the Annual Conference 155 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Retired: Name Date of Birth William N. Bender Vernon A. Brown Wesley I. Kersh Robert C. Ridall Howard B. Johnson Jesse J. Seiber Lloyd H. Vinnedge, Jr. Walter D. Krech David H. Allin C. Wayne King Phillip R. Snider Patricia Carper Lloyd E. Davis Paul D. Bryant W. Harold Loyd Roger F. Christianson Robert A. Mulligan James O. MaHaffey d) e) 4-26-10 5-14-11 6-4-10 6-23-10 7-28-10 9-1-10 9-12-10 9-28-10 10-31-10 11-04-10 12-04-10 12-18-10 2-13-11 2-26-11 3-05-11 3-19-11 4-05-11 4-14-11 What deacons in full connection have died during the year? Effective: Retired: What local pastors have died during the year? Active: Name Date of Birth Date of Death Retired: Name Date of Birth Date of Death 6-6-22 5-24-41 8-26-10 3-30-11 Diane E. Bigley Date of Death 7-23-26 4-28-22 11-18-29 3-9-21 12-25-22 10-28-13 9-21-20 6-3-23 10-13-39 3-20-32 10-11-26 8-31-31 12-13-20 9-9-35 12-24-21 7-5-32 2-4-15 8-29-40 11-13-63 Harold Holliday Larry R. Shultz 12-8-10 49. What probationary (provisional) or ordained members (elders and deacons) have received appointments in other Annual Conferences of The United Methodist Church while retaining their membership in this Annual Conference (¶¶331.8, 346.1)? (List alphabetically; indicate annual conference where appointed. Indicate credential.) Name James DeMent J. Glen Robyne Lana Robyne Kook Jin Yun Conference Baltimore/Washington Indiana Indiana Northern Illinois Credential FE FE FE FE 50.Who are the probationary (provisional) or ordained members on leave of absence and for what number of years consecutively has each held this relation (¶354)? (Indicate credential. Record Charge Conference where membership is held.) a) 156 Voluntary? (v; v 2/3 after 5 years) (1) Personal (¶354.2a) Business of the Annual Conference Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Name Marjolein Anderson FE Deron Boyer FE Donald DeJarnett FE Brian Eble FE Michael Herzog FE Debra Horvath FE David Huff FE Steve Lobacz FE Nancy Monahan FE (2) Family (¶354.2b) Name Charge Conference Wesley UMC; Bloomington, IL Rivers Edge UMC; Spring Bay, IL Normal Calvary UMC; Normal, IL Fairview Heights Christ UMC; Fairview Heights, IL Years 7 4 Charge Conference Years Transitional (¶354.2c) Name b) c) 2 2 5 7 7 5 4 4 2 Charge Conference Tena Bigham FE Deborah Talbott FE (3) Years Marilyn Anell FD 1 Involuntary? (v 2/3) Who have been placed on leave of absence since the last session of the annual conference (ad interim)?: (1) Voluntary? (v) (i) Personal Name Effective Date Deron Boyer FE Charles K. Sward FE Nancy Monahan FE 12/31/10 2/1/10 11/15/10 (ii) Family (iii)Transitional (2) d) Involuntary? (v 2/3) Who on leave of absence have had their leaves terminated since the last session of the annual conference (ad interim)? Name Lori Harvey FE Charles K. Sward FE Paula Wallace FE Effective Date 9/16/10 7/1/11 6/1/11 51. Who are granted sabbatical leave (¶352)? (v) (Give date when this relation became effective; indicate credential.) 52. What actions have been taken concerning disabled members (¶357)? (Indicate credential.) a) Who were granted incapacity leave since the last annual conference session (¶357.2)? (Give effective dates) Business of the Annual Conference 157 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Name Effective Date Darryl D. Young FL Maurice E. Midgley, Jr. FE Jennie Chin FL L. Dale Wilfong AM 07-01-10 09-01-10 12-01-10 01-01-11 b) Who have had their incapacity leave terminated since the last conference session (¶357.3)? (Give effective dates of terminations): c) Who are granted incapacity leave at this session (¶357.1)? (v) Bill Barrett FE Richard A. Bishop FL Melody Brawley FE Marilyn Brewer FE Donna B. Catlin FE Jennie Chin FL Margaret Foutch FE Kathy George FE Randy Grimmett FE Samuel Harris FE D. Jill Johnson-Scott FE E. Michael Jones FE Michael L. Kesling AM Guy W. Keysear AM Ron Melzer FE Maurice E. Midgley, Jr. FE Kathleen McCafferty Rudolph FE Franklin Ogdon FE Sharon Potter AM Paul Prater FE Thomas Pruett AM John Leslie Salzman FE Marian Stone, FE L. Dale Wlfong AM Darryl D. Young FL 53. What members in full connection have been retired (¶358): (List alphabetically giving full name—first, middle, last—in that order. If retiring in the interim between conference sessions (¶358.2d), indicate the effective date of retirement.) (Under ¶358.1, no vote required; under ¶358.2, v; under ¶358.3, v 2/3) Deacons a) b) This year? Previously? Sheila Fitts Elizabeth Glidden Vonna Lou Larson Conrad Steinhoff Elders a) This year? George F. Adam Julie A. Allison Robert P. Baker Max W. Borah Kenneth A. Cox Bryce D. Hays William W. Leppin David L. Phillips Phillip D. Poe Robert L. Shook Russell D. Smith Paul W. Widicus Jack L. Wolfe J. Keith Zimmerman Barbara E. Zwetz 158 7-1-11 7-1-11 7-1-11 7-1-11 7-1-11 7-1-11 7-1-11 7-1-11 7-1-11 7-1-11 7-1-11 7-1-11 7-1-11 7-1-11 7-1-11 Business of the Annual Conference Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook b) Previously? Roy L. Adams Nathan Althoff Brent Anderson Carol Andricks John R. Annable Wayne E. Armbrust Dean T. Austin David J. Babb L. Sue Bailey Bruce L. Baker David R. Baker James F. Barnett Vernie Barnett Ronald L. Barrick (20 year) Gary Bass Raymond E. Basset Donald Batz LaVon E. Baylor Paul R. Beach Dale A. Beck Lawrence Becker Dale E. Best Perry E. Bishop Donald R. Black Earl R. Black Eugene F. Black Floyd Blackard H. Dean Blackburn Harold Q. Bodeen J. Ronald Bogart James Bortell R. Paul Brown Richard C. Brownfield William G. Browning Lawrence D. Bryan David L. Bultemeier Lloyd Bumpus Steven Burgener Donald E. Burroughs Daniel M. Buck Roy E. Burrill Gaylord Buss Thomas O. Chandler Donald Carlton David Cha Merrill C. Challman Robert G. Chapman Ron Chase Richard A. Chrisman Terry L. Clark Billy Coatney Jon Cockrel Sharon Colbert-Garretson John W. Collins Larry E. Conrad Joanne Cooke J. William Cooper James Cooper (20-year) James C. Corbitt Charlotte Cowan Frederick C. Cramer Henry D. Crede Herbert A. Crede John R. Crede Sidney Crowcroft Billy R. Cummins Carl C. Cummins John Cummins Judith Curry John R. Curtis Howard L. Daughenbaugh C. Raydean Davis David Davis John E. Davis Henry S. Davis Kenneth L. Dean David P. Dees Harry K. Deffley Earl W. Dickey Dennis Divan Dennis Doane Howard P. Donahue Don Ray Doty Leoncia Drayton Ralph H. Dude David A. Eadie Carol A. Edman Robert H. Edwards Robert O. Edwards Michael F. Eischen Floy J. Ekin Wm. Donavan Ekstrom James Elder Thoburn Enge Joseph C. Evers Dennis R. Fager (20 year) Elmer Fenton Arthur C. Ferguson Keith Ferguson Charles D. Ferrill Robert F. Fitts Gilbert T. Fletcher Janice K. Foulk Robert L. Foulk Charles Fradenburgh, Jr. William O. Frazier, Jr. Louis W. Frick Gary C. Fritz Don W. Funk David Gaffron Ira L. Gallaway Richard V. Garabrant Joseph R. Gardiner Philip P. Gardner David Glahn Philip L. Glick Wayne Goodwin Everett Gott James Goulding Jo Greenwood John Watkins Grob Joseph Grozik Francis G. Guither Martin R. Gutzmer Nathaniel H. Gwinn Robert C. Hackl, Jr. Billy G. Hahs Floyd Hale John P. Hamilton Thomas M. Hamilton Fred G. Hammond James W. Hancock Joseph R. Hankla Charles A. Hanson George Harjes Raymond P. Harrison Ned W. Hawbecker Donald J. Haworth Stanley Haxton William D. Heinbaugh Daniel Henderson Richard A. Herath Floren “Jerry” Herring Wayne C. Hess Dennis Hill Edward L. Hoffman Robert R. Hollis Jack Holloway Martha Horrell William B. Howell Glenn E. Huffman Arno Hutchinson, Jr. David L. Hurley David Hutton Phillip L. Icenogle Glenn K. Ioder Gary Jenkins George Jenkins, Jr. James D. Johnson Terrell Johnson Donald J. Jones Dwight Jones J. William Jones Jack W. Kaley Norman Kao Irvin L. Kearns John N. Keller Jeffrey Kelley Ray Kelley Robert Killion Jon Kline Roger Knox Dale A. Kooi John F. Kovalcik Michael C. Kovalcik Ernstfried Lang Lester Laur Larry L. Lawler Robert L. Lawry John Lee L. Paul Lees Hugo L. Lopez Pinckney V. Love, Jr. Business of the Annual Conference 159 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook George Loveland Don Lowe Hubert P. Lytle Eugene W. Mace Richard Mader Larry A. Maffett Betty Sue Mahaffey Charles W. Mann Donald R. Mann Joseph E. Martin W. Jack Martin Leonard T. Martz Lawrence H. Mason James P. McClarey Paul F. McCleary Ophilis McCoy Robert E. McDonald H.M. Richards McDowell John R. McFarland Richard L. McGuire Burt A. McIntosh Dowain McKiou Roderick McLean Philip E. Merritt Francis Michels Richard J. Mick Edward E. Milhouse Kenneth Miller Linda L. Miller Margaret Misal David W. Mixon David P. Morgan George Morris Claude N. Mosher Gary Mosimann Paul Motzer Phillip L. Moulden Robert D. Mushrush William George Myers Murriel Nance Sharon Neufer Emswiler Thomas Neufer Emswiler Frank M. New Alan L. Newhall Jack L. Newsome Frank H. Nestler J. Gerald Nichols David Nottrott John O’Dell Marvin N. Orewiler Bruce F. Owens Miley E. Palmer William A. Palmer Raymond E. Parker Paul Paskewitz Robert S. Patterson Joseph Peacock David Pease James L. Penfold Millie Peters Harrison Peyton Brent K. Phillips Frank Pierce 160 Richard Piscatelli Robert L. Pitsch Leroy Pittman Robert Pollock Ray B. Porter N. Nadine Preston Les Pruehsner Wolford C. Price William E. Pruett W. Kenneth Pyles Victor E. Ramsey, Sr., Jerry Reed Fred J. Reiner Douglas Rettig James D. Rhea Roland P. Rice Philip R. Richardson Donald R. Riley Earl R. Renshaw Lester R. Roberts Roy Roberts James Robison Roger Rominger Lewis E. Root Arthur M. Runyon George G. Russell Robert E. Sabo, Sr. Vernon L. Saldeen Robert D. Sandine Anet Satvedi Martha S. Scaff Gary Scheller George F. Schmink Merlin H. Schendel James N. Schuetz Richard Scott J. Richard Seed Ronald R. Seibert Paul Sellers Marshall R. Semingson Charles W. Sensel Harold Shaffer Chester E. Sheldon Katherine Shindel Franklin J. Silas Gene Simon Harold Simpkins, Jr. Paul J. Simpkins R. Paul Sims Robert O. Skinner Mildred Sloan Norman Sloan Delmar D. Smith Elaine Smith John Steven Smith Robert R. Smith Robert W. Smith Paul M. Smith Robert Snider (20 year) Theodore M. Snider Clyde Snyder Kim Yong Soon Eugene A. Soper Business of the Annual Conference Robert E. Souders Gretchen Stinebaugh (20 yr) Jeanette Stevens Glen A. Stewart Jack O. Stewart Gary Stickney (20 year) Richard L. Stolp Jerry H. Stone Geoffrey L. Story Floyd R. Stradley James F. Strasma Richard Sullins Han Yong Sun Richard H. Swain M. Thomas Swantner Jack A. Talmage Herbert M. Thompson James A. Thompson, Sr. James Allen Thompson Robert Q. Thompson Elizabeth Tickner C.L. Tolley Ralph A. Totten Samuel Totten Prosper O. Tournear Jack D. Travelstead Norman E. Trolia E. Paul Unger Randy Van Fossan William D. Van Meter David W. Venter Von Waggoner Laurence A. Wagley Dale E. Walker David L. Walls Alan K. Waltz Ralph Ward William Warner Bradley Faulkner Watkins, Sr. Jerry W. Watkins Orin D. Watson Arthur Webb Edgar L. Webb R. James Weiss J. William Werner Charles R. Wheeler Robert S. White William L. White James E. Whitehurst Robert C. Wiedrich John C. Wilkey James C. Williams Ronald J. Winsor Donald E. Wise Robert R. Wood John Woodruff Jack O. Woods Raymond R. Worden John W. Young Louis A. Youngs John W. Younker George D. Youtzy C. William Zander Oliver K. Zivney Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 54. What associate members have been retired (¶358): (List alphabetically giving full namefirst, middle, last-in that order. If retiring in the interim between conference sessions (¶358.2d), indicate the effective date of retirement.) (Under ¶358.1, no vote required; under ¶358.2, v; under ¶358.3, v 2/3) a) This year? Bruce S. Gordon Linda R. Gordon Diwan V. Tiwade 7/1/11 7/1/11 7/1/11 b) Previously? J. Fred Belcher Marvin Bennett Dean Brown Mildred Bryant Allen Campbell Lawrence L. Conrad Loretta Cummins Walter Davidson Gloria D. Davis David R. Deal William Deisher Rolland H. Devor, Jr. Arnold P. DeZutter Gerald Divjak Curtis L. Eaker Diane M. Elder Mary L. Erwin Marion Ford Richard Frankson John A. Fullmer Thomas Gabbard Donald A. Graham E. Wade Gregory Rosemary Harris William Paul Hawf Rodney M. Herrick Omer Jones Donald E. Long, Sr. Elmer Eugene Maritt Karen L. Martin Judith Medlen Norman Mendell Larry A. Olson Margaret Overlot Donald E. Pratt Andrew C. Procell Stanley Rapp Darlene Reiner Avis Richardson Curtis L. Rush Dorotha M. Russell Howard Sallee George Terry James Whitkanack Dean C. Wright 55. What probationary (provisional) members have been retired (¶358): (Indicate credential. If retiring in the interim between conference sessions (¶358.2d), indicate the effective date of retirement.) (Under ¶358.1, no vote required; under ¶358.2, v; under ¶358.3, v 2/3) a) b) This year? Previously? John A. Reynolds 56. Who have been recognized as retired local pastors (¶320.6): a) This year? b) Previously? Willa M. Bruce Diane K. Duncan Richard L. Houser Jon R. Westfall Joyce Anders Mary Lou Caswell Ansel Atwood Oren Samuel Banks Robertta Blackard Karol Brown Dorothy Browning John Capps Esther Carriker Gene D. Colthurst Ronald H. Cox Janice M. Devor Gerald Durey Russell Ehrhardt 7/1/11 7/1/11 7/1/11 7/1/11 Robert Ervin Robert Fear C. William Fechtig Mary J. Fischer Carol Gericke James L. Hayes George Heineman Dorothy Isaacs Charles Jackson Ronald M. Johnson James M. Jenkins Bernard Kneale Jammie Lambert Donald L. Long Loraine E. Martin Robert L. McCarter Martha McDaniels Theodore Miller Arla M. Morse William Morse Oren Mulvaney Rita Nafziger Ralph E. Ogden Louella R. Pence Lillian Philips Jerry Pinkstaff Kenneth Provines Nelson Reiber Business of the Annual Conference 161 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Darlene Reiner Eugene Reffett Burl Rich Jerry Sawyer Charles Schwaab Oliver Taube Jean Webster Mary Jo Williams Gary Whipple Jerry Wilson Max Wood Thomas R. Wright 57. Changes in clergy membership: What is the number of ordained ministers: (NOTE: The numbers in parenthesis following each category listing are the question numbers in this report form where ministers in that category are listed. The number reported below should agree with the number of names listed in the corresponding questions.) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) Elected as associate members? (27) -- 0 Elected as probationary (provisional) members? (28a, b; 29a, b, c) -- 14 Elected as deacons in full connection? (32a) -- 1 Elected as elders in full connection? (33a) -- 9 Readmitted? (34, 35a, b) -- 0 Retired made effective? (36a, b, c) -- 0 Transferred in? (30a, 37, 38) -- 3 Transferred out? (41) -- 0 Discontinued as probationary (provisional) members? (42) -- 0 Honorably located this year? (43a1) -- 0 Administratively located this year? (43c1) -- 0 Withdrawn? (46a, b, c) -- 1 Termination of orders? (46d) -- 0 Terminated by trial? (46e) -- 0 Deceased? (48a, b, c) -- 24 58. What is the number of: a) b) Pastoral charges? 577 Local churches? 864 59. What is the number of clergy members of the Annual Conference: a) 162 By appointment category and conference relationship? (NOTES: (1) Where applicable, the question numbers on this report form corresponding to each category have been placed in parenthesis following the category title. Where these question numbers appear, the number reported in that category should agree with the number of names listed in the corresponding questions. (2) For the three categories of Appointments to Extension Ministries, report as follows: ¶344.1a, c): the number of clergy members appointed within United Meth odist connectional structures, including district superintendents, or to an ecumenical agency. ¶344.1b, c): the number of clergy members appointed to extension minis tries, under endorsement by the Division of Chaplains and Related Minis tries of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. ¶344.1d): the number of clergy members appointed to other valid minis tries, confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the Annual Conference. (3) See the Discipline paragraphs indicated for more detailed description of these appointment categories.) (4) (Licensed Local Pastors not currently under appointment should not be counted as clergy members of the conference) Business of the Annual Conference Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Categories Pastors and deacons whose primary appointment is to a Local Church (¶¶331.1c, 339) Deacons (in full connection and probationary (provisional)) serving Beyond the Local Church (¶331.1a, b) (81a,b) Appointments to Extension Ministries (¶316.1; 344.1a, c) (80a) Appointments to Extension Ministries (¶316.1; 344.1b, c) (80b) Appointments to Extension Ministries (¶316.1; 344.1d) (80c) Appointments to Attend School (82) Appointed to Other Annual Conferences (49) On Leave of Absence (50a, 50b) On Family Leave (50a2, c2) On Sabbatical Leave (51) On Incapacity Leave (52c) On Transitional Leave (50a3, 50c1iii) Retired (53, 54, 55) Total Number, Clergy Members Grand Total, All Conference Clergy Members Deacons Full Elders Full Prob (prov) Deacons Prob (prov) Elders Assoc & Aff Members with Vote Full– time Local Pastors Part– time Local Pastors 7 292 2 12 20 50 95 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 1 0 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 53 95 5 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 33 12 7 0 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 391 0 1 48 17 767 2 13 73 1020 Business of the Annual Conference 163 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook b) By gender and racial/ethnic identification? (NOTE: See the instruction for item 59 for guidelines to assist in the racial/ethnic identification count.) Female Clergy Members Deacons Full Elders Full Prob (prov) Deacons Asian African American/ Black 0 2 0 0 Assoc & Affiliate with Vote 0 0 4 1 0 Hispanic 0 1 0 0 1 0 White Full– time Local Part– time Local 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 108 1 5 22 17 41 Multi-Racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Number, Female Clergy Members* 13 116 2 5 22 19 42 Categories Native American Pacific Islander Grand Total, All Conference Female Clergy Members* Prob (prov) Elders 219 Male Clergy Members Deacons Full Elders Full Prob (prov) Deacons Prob (prov) Elders Asso& Affiliate with Vote Full– time Local Part– time Local Asian 0 5 0 1 0 1 0 African American/ Black 0 9 0 0 0 0 2 Hispanic 0 2 0 0 0 3 4 Native American 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White 4 633 0 7 51 30 45 Multi-Racial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Number, Male Clergy Members* 4 651 0 8 51 34 53 Categories Grand Total, All Conference Male Clergy Members* 801 *The sums entered in these spaces should agree with the comparable totals in the bottom two lines of question 59). 164 Business of the Annual Conference Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Part III Certification in Specialized and Certified Lay Ministry (¶635.2u, v, The Book of Discipline) 60. Who are the candidates in process for certification in specialized ministry? James R. Bayless, Jr. Dee Denmark-Hale Adam Flack Barbara A. Horsch (Youth Ministry) Keith Alan Kalish (Camping/Retreat) Janna R. Peterson Mary L. Tomlin Deborah A. Townsend 61. Who is certified in specialized ministry? (List the areas of specialized ministry. Indicate by an asterisk those certified this year.) Paul Black (Communications) Richard Boyd (music) Diaconal Elizabeth Anne Fender (Christian Education) FD Sheila D. Fitts (Evangelism) RM Sharon Colbert Garretson (Spirit. Form.) RE Constance White Guennewig (Music) Lay John M. Hauck (Youth ministry) FE Mary Ann Hedges (Spiritual Formation) Lay Cheryl Hendrix (Christian education) FD Marcia Heyboer (Christian Ed.) Lay retired Margaret L. Sayre (Music) RD 62. Who are transferred in as a certified person in specialized ministry? 63. Who are transferred out as a certified person in specialized ministry? 64. Who have been removed as a certified person in specialized ministry? 65. Who are certified as lay ministers (¶ 271, 635.2v, and 665.10)? (List alphabetically giving full name—first, middle, last—in that order, by district) Name Donna Boardman Cindi Karlovich Russ Theobald Stephen Harry Wilson Linda Sue Altermatt Mark Edmon Anderson John Alan Douglas Margaret “Peggy” Jean Kulczewski Roberta Anne Robbins Jon Eric Warren District Illinois River Illinois River Illinois River Sangamon River Spoon River Spoon River Spoon River Spoon River Spoon River Spoon River Business of the Annual Conference 165 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Part IV Diaconal Ministers (Paragraph numbers in questions 66-75 refer to The 1992 Book of Discipline) 66. Who constitute the Committee on Investigation (¶2703.3)? (v) James Rogers James Till 67. Who are reinstated as diaconal ministers (¶313.3c)? (v) 68. Who are transferred in as diaconal ministers (¶312)? Name Conference Date 69. Who are transferred out as diaconal ministers (¶312)? Name Conference Date 70. Who have had their conference relationship as diaconal ministers terminated by Annual Conference action (¶313.3)? (Under ¶313.3a, no vote; under ¶313.3b, v 2/3) 71. What diaconal ministers have died during the year? a) Effective: Name Date of Birth Date of Death b) Retired: Name Date of Birth Date of Death 72. What diaconal ministers have been granted leaves of absence under ¶313.1a, c, d) (disability, study/sabbatical, or personal leave): (v) a) b) Since the last session of the Annual Conference? (Give effective date of each): At this session of the Annual Conference? (Include names of persons listed in Question 79a, if their leaves of absence are continuing): 73. What diaconal ministers have been granted an extended leave (¶313.1e): a) b) Since the last session of the Annual Conference? (Give effective date of each): At this session of the Annual Conference? (Include names of persons listed in Question 79a, if their leaves of absence are continuing): 74. Who have returned to active status: a) b) From disability, study/sabbatical, or personal leave of absence (¶313.1a, c, d)? From extended leave (¶313.1e)? (v) 75. Who have taken the retired relationship to the Annual Conference as diaconal ministers (¶313.2): (Under ¶313.2b, v 2/3) a) 166 This year? Business of the Annual Conference Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook b) Previously? Kenneth Bade George Baron Merwin Donahue Nora Hanley Vaudra Rushing Margaret Sayre Charles Taylor Duane Werner Part V Appointments and Concluding Business 76. Who are approved for less than full-time service? a) What associate members and elders are approved for appointment to less than full-time service, what is the total number of years for which such approval has been granted to each, and for what fraction of full-time service (in one-quarter increments) is approval granted (for purposes of equitable compensation claim and pension credit) ¶¶338.2, 342.2, 1506.4b)? (v ¾): Name % Appt. # of Years John Patrick Best Lori Harvey Kathy King-Nobles Beth McLaughlin Deborah Reese Alan Dale Milligan Nancy Monahan Linda Anne Richard Lana J. Robyne Miriam Snider Charles Sward Paula Wallace .5 .5 .25 .5 .75 .5 .5 .75 .5 .5 .75 .5 6 2 13 3 2 4 11 4 10 2 1 1 b) What deacons in full connection and probationary (provisional) deacons are approved for appointment to less than full-time service (¶331.7)? Name Kathy Crozier Ken Emery % Appt. .5 .25 # of Years 3 5 77. Who have been appointed as interim pastors under the provisions of ¶338.3 since the last session of the annual conference, and for what period of time? 78. What changes have been made in appointments since the last annual conference session? (Attach list. Include and identify Appointments Beyond the Local Church (Deacons) and Appointments to Extension Ministries (Elders). Give effective dates of all changes.) 79. What elders (full connection and probationary (provisional)), associate members, and local pastors are appointed to ministry to the local church and where are they appointed for the ensuing year? (Attach a list.) (see “Pastoral Appointments” on page 171 80. What elders (full connection and probationary (provisional)), associate members, and local pastors are appointed to extension ministries for the ensuing year? (Attach a list) a) Within the connectional structures of United Methodism (¶344.1a, c)? Business of the Annual Conference 167 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Name Position/Charge Conf. Keith Anderson Jennifer Edwards Bertrand Michael J. Crawford Dan Crede Kelligay King Crede Ted Frost Executive Director, Preacher’s Aide Society Springfield Director, Wesley Foundation at ISU, Normal CC: First UMC, Normal` Coordinator of Congregational Development Springfield CC: Tuscola UMC, Tuscola Director, Wesley Foundation at University of Illinois, Urbana CC: Wesley UMC, Urbana Chaplain, Cunningham Children’s Home Urbana CC: Wesley UMC, Urbana Director United Methodist Foundation Springfield CC: Chatham UMC, Chatham # Years 5 FE 6 FE 6 FE 1 FE 8 FE 7 FE Janice Griffith Superintendent, Spoon River District, Galesburg 6 FE Bruce Timothy Harrison Chaplain/Director of Church Relations McKendree University, Lebanon CC: Lebanon UMC 14 FE Dan Harry Superintendent, Illinois River District, Peoria 3 FE Terry Harter Superintendent, Sangamon River District, Springfield 2 FE John R. Hartleroad Executive Assistant to the Bishop, Illinois Area Office, Springfield 6 FE Matthew Henson General Evangelist, Living the Adventure Ministries 4 FE Craig C. Hill Associate Professor of New Testament; Duke Divinity School CC: First UMC, Peoria 17 FE In-Sook Hwang Superintendent, Iroquois River District, Champaign 4 FE Cynthia Jones Superintendent, Kaskaskia River District, Mt. Vernon 3 FE Robert S. Kirby Gary D. Livesay Kent A. Lolling Alan D. Milligan Associate Director, Wesley Foundation at U of I, Urbana CC: Wesley UMC, Urbana Chaplain, Chaddock, Quincy, CC: Vermont St. UMC, Quincy Director of Connectional Ministries, Springfield, Laurel UMC, Springfield General Evangelist, Director of Eagle House Ministries; CC: Vienna UMC 9 FE 23 FE 6 FE 26 FE Leah Pogemiller Superintendent, Vermilion River District, Pontiac 1 FE Jeffrey A. Rasche Associate Director of Stewardship, Chaddock School, Quincy 5 FE Randall W. Reese Superintendent, Embarras River District, Effingham 5 FE Campus Minister, Wesley Foundation, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston CC: Wesley UMC, Charleston Wesley Foundation at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN CC: Wesley Foundation at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN CC: 10 FE C. Douglas Rorex Superintendent, LaMoine River District, Jacksonville 1 FE Roger W. Russell Superintendent, Cache River District, Marion 1 FE Paige L. Roberts Lana J. Robyne J. Glen Robyne Alice J. Shirley Paul Stroble, Jr. Karen Westerfield Tucker Richard A. VanGiesen Interim Coordinator Camping/Retreat and Youth Ministries; CC: Eden Theological Seminary, St. Louis CC: First UMC, Vandalia Professor of Worship, Boston University School of Theology, Boston, MA CC: Wesley UMC, Urbana Treasurer and Director of Administrative Services, Springfield, CC: Laurel UMC, Springfield 8 FE 10 FE 1 FE 12 FE 8 FE 16 FE Fred R. White General Evangelist, CC: Beulah UMC, Sumner 20 FE Gary Wilson Superintendent, Mississippi River District, O’Fallon 4 FE 168 Business of the Annual Conference Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook b) To ministries endorsed by the Board of Higher Education and Ministry (¶344.1b, c)? Name Position/Charge Conf. Bruce Baumberger Chaplain, Alton Memorial Hospital, Alton CC: Alton Main St. UMC, Alton 5 FE Carl James Brown Chaplain, Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio 4 FE Kenneth R. Hayden Director of Pastoral Care, Well-Span Health, York Hospital, York, PA CC: Carlyle UMC 7 FE Linda A. Horrell Center for Counseling & Pastoral Care, St. Louis, MO CC: St. John’s UMC, Edwardsville 16 FE Carl Johnston Chaplain, US Army 4 FE Steve Heitkamp Horizon Hope Pastoral Counseling Center CC: Union UMC, Belleville 12 FE Veterans Administration Illiana Health Care Systems, Danville; CC: Calvary UMC, Normal Brian Manigold Chaplain, U.S. Army CC: Good Shepherd UMC, Granite City Supervisory Chaplain, U.S. Bureau of Prisons, Federal Correctional Institution, Sheridan, OR CC: Fairview UMC, Sheffield Chaplain, Western Maryland Health System; CC: Oakland-Westfield UMC John D. Read Ronald A. Richter Charles Shelquist c) # Years 3 FE 28 FE 10 FE 2 FE Margaret E. Siemer Chaplain, U.S. Navy, CC: First UMC, Springfield 9 FE Douglas Stewart Chaplain, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Belleville CC: Shiloh UMC 16 FE To other valid ministries under the provisions of ¶344.1d? (v 2/3) Name Position/Charge Conf. # Years Rebekah Dees-McMahon Freedom House, CC: Sheffield UMCs 10 FE Patsy Kelly Passavant Hospital; Jacksonville, CC: 4 FE Leon D. McClimans Christian Counseling Center, Inc., Tinley Park CC: Gilman UMC 8 FE Lauren Padgett Harbor Light Hospice, Chaplain, CC: 4 FE H. Edwin Snow Chaplain, McCallie School, Chattanooga, TN CC: Stronghurst UMC 5 FE Patrick Wadsworth Part-time supply to Presbytery of South Louisiana CC: Carlinville UMC 13 FE David Wence Pastoral Counselor, Decatur Psychological Associates, Decatur, CC: Grace UMC, Decatur 7 FE Business of the Annual Conference 169 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 81. Who are appointed as deacons (full connection and probationary (provisional) for the ensuing year? (Attach a list.) a) Through non-United Methodist agencies and settings beyond the local church (¶331.1a)? Name Position/Charge Conf. # Years Stephen Lee Busick Stephanie Soon Kathryn Tymonko Kline-Busick Christian Counseling, Champaign CC: Quest UMC, Urbana Hospice Chaplain/Bereavement Director, OSF St. Francis; CC: Normal Morningstar UMC Westminster Village CC: Hudson UMC, Hudson 8 FD 7 FD 4 FD b) Through United Methodist Church-related agencies and schools within the connectional structures of The United Methodist Church (¶331.b)? Name Position/Charge Conf. # Years Lori Bultemeier The Baby Fold, Normal CC: Calvary UMC, Normal 6 FD Elizabeth Fender Coordinator of New Streams, Springfield CC: Jacksonville Grace 4 FD c) Within a local congregation, charge, or cooperative parish (¶331.c)? 82. Who are appointed to attend school (¶416.6)? (List alphabetically all those whose prime appointment is to attend school.) Associate Members: Probationary (provisional) Members Members in Full Connection: 83. Where are the diaconal ministers appointed for the ensuing year (¶310) [1992 Discipline]? 84. What other personal notations should be made? (Include such matters as changes in pension credit (¶1506.6), corrections or additions to matters reported in the “Business of the Annual Conference” form in previous years, and legal name changes of clergy members and diaconal ministers.) Donald DeJarnett should have been listed as on voluntary leave of absence for years 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. Steve Heitkamp service years should be increased by 3 in previous questions, he began serv ing in 2000. 85. Where and when shall the next Conference Session be held (¶603.2, 3)? June 6-9, 2012 in Peoria, IL 170 Business of the Annual Conference Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Conference Pastoral Appointments Appointments 171 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Pastoral Appointments and Supply 2011-2012 Additional pastoral appointments or changes to charges listed below may be made at any time deemed advisable by the bishop and cabinet (The Book of Discipline, Para 434). FE PE FD PD AM FL PL SP LP SY OE OD OA OP OF EP DP CODE Full Member Elder AF Affiliate Member Probationary Elder DM Diaconal Minister Full Member Deacon RE Retired Full Member Elder Probationary Deacon RD Retired Full Member Deacon Associate Member RA Retired Associate Member Full time Local Pastor RP Retired Probationary Member Part time Local Pastor RL Retired Local Pastor Student Local Pastor DR Retired Diaconal Minister Other Local Pastor TBS To Be Supplied Supply Pastor, not appointed Elder Member of other Annual Conference or other Methodist denomination Deacon Member of other Annual Conference Associate Member of other Annual Conference Probationary Member of other Annual Conference Full Member of other denomination Elder/full minister recognized from other denomination serving UM probation Deacon recognized from other denomination serving UM probation Cache River District District Superintendent – Roger W. Russell (1 FE) Carbondale Grace Robert E. Sabo, Jr. (4 FE) Victor E. Ramsey II (2 FE) Gary L. Feldman (6 FE) Carmi Emmanuel Anna Carmi First Belknap West Eden Carrier Mills Stan Irvin (3 FE) Benton First Stephen L. Palmer (13 FE) Big Prairie Maunie April Turner (4 PL) William D. Minor (5 FE) Steve Heisner (17 SY) Carterville H. Shane Smith (1 FE) Cedar Grove Pittsburg Concord Center/Cypress/Luther’s Chapel Cypress C. William Fechtig (25 RL) Bonnie Phillips (1 SY) Mike Sharp (2 SY) Michael Shearer (2 SY) Alan R. Rhein (3 FE) Broughton Kenneth Baker (1 SY) Center Luther’s Chapel Cache Chapel Cairo Tigert Memorial Mounds Cobden: Jesus es el Senor Ernesto Trevino (2 OE) Carbondale First Wade Pritchett (2 PL) 172 Appointments Colp Kenneth Baker (8 SY) Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Crab Orchard Richard Sullins (2 SY) GREATER WEST FRANKFORT PARISH: West Frankfort Antioch West Frankfort Central Cecil Atchison (2 PL) TBS Greenwood Cross Road Crossville Dahlgren Macedonia Rolland Devor (4 SY) Dale Oliver Webb’s Chapel Delbert G. Essen, Jr. (4 PL) DeSoto Vergennes Wesley Hallidayboro Susan Burnett (5 PL) Michael Ebersohl (7 FE) John M. Cross (1 FE) Angela K. Kaye (3 SY) Gary Billiot (2 PL) Jon Westfall (1 RL) West Frankfort First Bennett Woods (2 SY) Jean Webster (7 RL) Christine D. Cunningham (1 FE) William Edward Hoke (6 FE) Gary Billiot (8 PL) Ted A. Hartley (5 FE) Robert Fear (9 RL) Pete Ryan (4 PL) Alan D. Milligan (6 FE) Timothy D. Ozment (5 FE) Kenneth P. Burgard (5 FE) Raymond Long (2 FE) Deborah L. Pollex (6 PL) TBS Harrisburg First Herrin Hurst Johnston City Stiritz DuQuoin Jonesboro Walnut Grove Eldorado Raleigh Joppa Oak Grove Elkville Energy Enfield Wesley Chapel Equality Wesley Chapel Ridgway James Allison (4 FL) Donald Bowers (5 SY) Harrison Peyton (17 RE) Fountain Galatia Glendale Eddyville Taylor Delbert Pancake (3 FE) Sharon L. Wilkerson (2 PL) Tim Woodard (8 FL) Golconda Goreville Creal Springs Grand Tower Wolf Lake Ware Stephanie Voss (6 PL) Karnak Marion Aldersgate Marion First McHenry McLeansboro First James Peak (6 FL) Gary Motta (7 FE) Jimmie D. Lambert (3 RL) Larry A. Gilbert (4 FE) Rocio Reyes Williams (2 SY) Janet L. Roy (4 FE) Metropolis Mount Moriah Murphysboro New Burnside Norris City Shiloh Ohio Chapel Tammy Horn (8 PL) OHIO RIVER CIRCUIT: Shawneetown Appointments 173 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Cave In Rock Elizabethtown Mike Johnsey (1 SY) Olive Branch Beecher City Shumway Paul R. Bauer (8 FE) TBS Brent Gordon (3 SY) Brownstown Emmanuel Scott Kelley (4 SY) Casey James E. Barnett (10 FE) Wade Pritchett (1 PL) Norman C. Sloan (9 RE) Haley E. Hausman (1 SY) Olmsted Pinckneyville Pleasant Grove Powers Rosiclare Sesser Valier Penny Barber (8 FE) Nicholas Gleason (1 FL) Walter B. Carlson (3 FE) Lynette DeAtley (4 FE) Charleston Otterbein Charleston Wesley Cowden Lakewood CUMBERLAND UNITED METHODIST PARISH: Greenup Toledo Cottonwood Pleasant Valley Salem Woodbury Julie A. Smith (3 FE) Donna Jean Blythe (2 FE) Brent Gordon (3 SY) David Cochran (2 SY) Angela N. Baughman (8 PL) Dogwood Prairie Seed Chapel Donald L. Meeks (1 OE) Joey L. Dunning (3 FE) TBS Sunfield Tamms Tate’s Chapel Vergennes Faith Vienna West Frankfort Trinity Zeigler Royalton Van Scott (10 PL) Ed Davis (5 FE) Cyndi Wiedman (2 PL) Hiram Gonzalez (1 FL) EDGAR COUNTY NEW VISION PARISH, CIRCUIT 1: Chrisman Hume Zion Teri Shane (8 FL) EDGAR COUNTY NEW VISION PARISH, CIRCUIT 2: Paris Otterbein Vermilion Don Shane (8 FL) Embarras River District District Superintendent – Randall W. Reese (5 FE) ALTAMONT CIRCUIT: Asbury Dexter Funkhouser Salem Ed Wojnar (6 SY) Altamont First Jeffery VanDyke (9 FE) 174 Appointments EDGAR COUNTY NEW VISION PARISH, CIRCUIT 3: Clay’s Prairie Grandview Scottland Kevin Nourie (2 SY) Effingham Centenary Joseph Scheets (3 FE) John Hackmann II (3 PE) FIVE POINT PARISH: Stewardson Mode Strasburg Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Washington Gaskill Kathryn Lewis (6 PE) TBS Flat Rock Sheila Ducommon (1 SY) Gene Creek (8 PL) Richard Small (4 SY) Neoga Etna Debbie Reese* (2 FE) (*District Superintendent: Cindy Jones, Kaskaskia River) Harmon Montrose Newton Grace Timothy Pearce (2 FE) Harvest Steven Williams (1 FL) Nokomis Humboldt Oakland Westfield Kansas Oak Ridge Kirk Chapel Oblong Central Lerna Oblong Evangelical THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES OF MARSHALL: Dunlap Oliver TBS Jack Woods (13 RE) Walter Miller (2 FE) Jeremy Harminson (5 SY) Fred White (4 SY) Sheila Ducommon (3 SY) Tommy J. Brewer (7 FE) L. Raymond Roberts, Jr. (7 SY) Howard Bell (8 FE) Joseph Irwin, Sr. (3 SY) Roger Kilzer (3 SY) Jane Drake (4 SY) Richard Lewis (4 FE) Gary Fairchild (5 FE) Krista Price (1 FE) Fred White (4 SY) Marshall Emmanuel Zion Tiffany S. Black (1 FE) Marshall Asbury Palestine First Palestine Grace Marshall First Paris First Marshall Armstrong Pearl Chapel Christopher Quick (1 PE) Marshall Trinity Brick Patton Judy Williams (10 FL) Daniel L. Garner (10 SY) Martinsville John Gartelos (10 PL) Mattoon First Kenneth Hutchens (3 FE) MONTGOMERY GOOD SHEPHERD’S PARISH: Coffeen Fillmore Hillsboro Irving Witt Joy Caschetta (1 AM) John Walsh (2 SY) Robinson First Robinson Otterbein Hutsonville Bessie Adams (2 OP) SAINT ELMO CIRCUIT: Fairview Trinity Chapel John Heicher (19 PL) Saint Elmo First John Eisfelder (2 AM) SHELBY COOPERATIVE MINISTRY: Fourth Street Wesley Chapel James Whitaker (4 PL) Shelbyville First Lee Lovett (7 FE) William Duke (16 SY) TBS Sugar Grove Tower Hill Herrick Appointments 175 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Vandalia Haley Chapel Mount Carmel Vandalia Luster Chapel Delavan John O’Dell (12 RE) Gary Graham (1 SY) Watson Roger McIntire (4 SY) West Liberty Kedron Joe Crain (13 PL) Willow Hill Falmouth TBS Windsor Zion Hill Danny A. Lybarger (3 FE) Deer Creek Donald A. Burkhart (4 PL) Larry Moreau (5 FE) Mary Kathryn Pearce (13 FE) Mary Arnold (4 FE) Phillip E. Merritt (15 SY) Ronald R. Martz (10 FE) Jessica Baldyga (2 PE) Dunlap Prospect East Peoria First Edwards Eureka Farmington Cathy B. Minor (5 FE) TBS Green Valley First Hopedale Illinois River District Hanna City Trivoli Zion Glasford Walter Wilkins (7 AM) District Superintendent – Dan P. Harry (3 FE) Bruce W. Bolin Ghitalla (6 FE) Robert L. DeBolt (1 FL) Bartonville Henry Washburn Blue Ridge Kewanee Bradford Leet Boyd’s Grove Lacon Sparland Varna Brimfield LaFayette West Jersey Linda Richard (7 FE) Lindsay D. Churchman (2 FE) J. Michael Robison (26 SY) Paul Copeland (1 FE) Amy A. Holman (2 FL) Casey Taylor (4 FL) Leonard Thomas (5 PL) William L. Allen (2 FL) Kristi Hopp (1 PE) Deryck Sonaram (3 FE) Joy Schlesselman (1 FE) Cathy Clark (1 FL) Jerry Sawyer (5 RL) Paul H. Walles (5 FE) Angel Taylor (4 PL) Canton South Park Shields’ Chapel Rick Atchley (13 FL) Canton Wesley Bruce Rushing (1 FE) Marc E. Brown (3 FE) Ted J. Mitchell (6 FE) Thomas Goodell (8 FE) Chillicothe Crossroads Cuba London Mills Paul D. Newhall (5 FE) Dayspring East Peoria Faith Zion Evangelical 176 Appointments Laura Monica Lewistown Mackinaw Manito Maples Mill Morton Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Mossville Washington Evangelical Mount Pleasant White Chapel Kingston Mines Robert Herath (2 FE) Kathy Sue Barrett (6 PL) Norris Providence Chapel John Hauck (5 FE) Monterey James W. Reed (12 FL) Kenneth Hogren (13 FE) Pamela Cochran (2 PL) Terry C. Edele (14 FE) Judith Doyle (17 AM) Gary L. Ford (10 FE) Rose M. Booker-Jones (4 FE) Thomas A. Eckhardt (23 FE) Robert J. Phillips (3 FE) Eric Swanson (4 FE) Adrian Garcia (2 FE) Cheryl L. Hendrix (11 FD) Curt D. Keller (5 FE) Arthur Craig R. Miller (1 SY) Batestown Union Corner Willow Hill Pekin First Wyoming Neponset Pekin Grace Andrew Hopp (3 FE) Peoria Bethel Iroquois River District Peoria Bradley Epworth District Superintendent – In-Sook Hwang (4 FE) Peoria First Allerton Clyde Snyder (4 SY) Peoria Forrest Hill Vincent Rohn (2 FE) Peoria Madison Avenue Leroy Allison (5 FE) Randall W. Douglass (2 FE) Patti Wise (16 PL) Paul Arnold (4 FE) Louella Pence (3 SY) Rex Hendrix (14 FE) Mark R. Smith (5 FL) Joseph J. Richard (5 FE) J. Gerald Nichols (11 RE) Sandra Hire (4 PL) Janet Miller (4 FE) Dalene Kuebler (12 SP) J. Wesley Wilkey (6 FE) Bradley D. Shumaker (12 FE) Tom Corum (2 FE) Mary M. Brady (14 FE) James Till (15 FD) Arcola Peoria Northwest Bellflower Peoria University Bement Princeville Bondville RiversEdge Camargo Saint David Bryant TBS Catlin Ardith Corsaw (5 PL) Centerville Seymour White Heath Raymond P. Harrison (10 RE) Smithfield Brock Locust Lane Texas Tiskilwa Community Church Sheffield Michael Abel (4 FE) Paul Wier (18 FE) Chester Travis (6 FE) Molly Spence-Hawk (2 PL) Toulon Tremont UM/AB Champaign Faith Champaign First Appointments 177 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Champaign New Horizon Wellington Cissna Park Rankin Iroquois Sheldon Mark Jordan (2 FE) Janet Longtin (4 PL) Collison David Glahn (1 SY) Countryside William Lakota Eastin (3 FE) Dennis Divan (5 SY) Jim C. Williams (7 SY) Danville Bowman Avenue Danville Farmers Chapel Janice Reeder (1 PL) Danville First Peggy Emmert (2 FL) Danville Saint James Randall Robinson (1 FE) Justin Snider (1 FE) Donovan Crescent City Bobbi Shultz (6 PL) Kevin Phillips (3 SY) East Lynn Fairmount Fairview Georgetown Matt Filicsky (4 PL) Ivy Silas (2 FE) Fisher Fithian Oakwood Hebron Kim Dancey (4 FE) Gibson City Kevin Boesen (5 FE) Megan Thompson (1 PE) Gifford Ludlow Lisa Wiedman (2 SY) Franklin Silas (2 SY) Steven Hartman (5 FE) Bruce Baker (1 SY) Stephen D. Burwell (13 AM) Gilman Ashkum Hindsboro Homer Hoopeston 178 Appointments Janet E. Eggleston (10 FE) TBS Loda Steve R. Anderson (5 FE) Glen W. Bocox (7 FE) Jeremiah Thompson (5 FE) Sharon R. Monroe (8 AM) Paula Wallace (1 FE) Sally Swaim (7 PL) Eugene A. Turner (1 PL) Rachel Berry (5 SY) Joy Starwalt (4 OE) Kathy Murphy (2 PL) Elizabeth Reis (4 FL) Terry Westerfield (4 FE) Guy Keysear (4 SY) Andrew Adams (9 FE) Carol Lakota Eastin (3 FE) George Desmond (1 SY) Dennis Divan (2 SY) Jim C. Williams (2 SY) Stan Rapp (11 RA) Rebecca Laumeier (4 FE) Mahomet Mansfield Melvin Middlefork Milford Stockland Mount Vernon Newman Murdock Ogden Broadlands Onarga Piper City Paxton Pleasant Grove Quest Rantoul Ridge Farm Indianola Roberts Thawville Rossville Bismarck Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Sadorus Parkville Allendale Robert Adams (2 SY) Mark Harris (8 FE) Saint Joseph SALT CREEK PARISH: Farmer City Weedman Weldon Savoy Dennis Smith (4 FL) Deetta M. Gaither (1 PL) Alma Pleasant Grove Cheryl Cain (1 SY) Asbury Chapel Bellmont Vaughn Courter (6 SY) Ashley Waltonville James C. McClarey (17 FE) Thomas Miller (5 SY) David Dickey (1 PL) Harold Quick, Jr. (3 FE) Sullivan Charles Graul (4 FL) Karen Blank-Ewell (1 OE) Tolono Pesotum Travis C. Perry (4 SY) Stephen E. Killion (9 FL) Floyd Wood (11 SY) Beth Tickner (2 RE) William Deuel (1 FE) Rusty Beals (1 FE) David Cogdill (3 SY) Jim Majernik (14 SY) Michael Hall (4 SY) Michael Buckman (3 PL) Brett Yates (4 PE) Shiloh Beulah Sidell Bluford Otterbein Wayne City Charliam Renner (3 FE) Bong-Choul Hwang* (2 FE) (*District Superintendent: Randy Reese, Embarras River) Patty Johansen (5 FE) John Eastman Sims (9 FE) Tuscola Urbana First Urbana Grace J. Michael Smith (11 FE) Honam Choi (3 SY) Daniel King Crede (8 FE) Miriam Snider (1 PE) Nicholas B. Showalter (9 FE) Urbana Jesus’ Love Ministry Urbana Wesley Villa Grove Watseka Wes Osborn (1 FE) Sandra Onken (3 SY) Woodland Kaskaskia River District District Superintendent – Cynthia A. Jones (3 FE) Albion Bethel Bonnie Ina Bridgeport Petrolia Browns Calhoun Ebenezer Centralia Faith Central City Centralia First Irvington Chauncey Landes Claremont Prairieton Dix Union Chapel Garrison Temple Enterprise West Fairfield Ellen Moore Patricia L. Allin (1 FE) Appointments 179 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Fairfield First Charles McDonald (1 FE) Don Barker (5 SY) Fairview Farina Louisville Mark Nowakowski (5 FL) Flora First Mount Vernon First Victor K. Long (2 FE) Annelle Ruemmler (10 FD) Paul Widicus (1 RE) Brad Henson (8 AM) David Ducommon (2 FL) TBS Scott W. Carlson (10 FE) Jeremy C. Henson (4 FE) Bill Wiggs, Jr. (5 FE) Cathy Seaton (11 SY) Linda Harris-Crosby (1 PL) Mount Vernon Wesley Mount Vernon West Salem Trinity Roosevelt Smith (3 FE) Mount Zion Brown’s Chapel Terry Michels (2 SY) Noble Flora Trinity GOD’S NEW PARISH: Centralia Demaree Odin Shattuc Gilead Mark Doane (1 AM) Golden Gate Conway James W. Steinsultz (39 PL) Michael R. Laflin (4 OF) Grayville Fortney Hopewell Olive Branch TBS Kinmundy First Wesley R. Duane Ambrose (7 FE) Lancaster Nye Chapel Nelson Reiber (2 SY) Adam Hosmer (1 SY) Bill Wiggs, Jr. (5 FE) Lawrenceville First Lawrenceville Otterbein May Chapel Marion Baker (4 SY) Lawrenceville Zion Billett Gary Pearce (6 FL) William Bunnage (3 AM) David Bigley (1 FE) Mount Carmel Evangelical Mount Carmel Trinity Adams Corner Mount Vernon Epworth Hopewell Zion Elton Storey (4 PL) 180 Appointments Olney First Olney Immanuel Olney Saint Paul Parkersburg Ebenezer Little Wabash Pinkstaff Pleasant Grove Billy M. Coatney (9 SY) Dennis Gambill (4 SY) Richview Saint Francisville Richard Madden (9 SY) Salem Grace David Eadie (1 SY) Dean A. Beals (6 FE) Salem Trinity Iuka Cubbage Chapel Sandoval Patoka Boulder Clayton Coffey (9 AM) Jeff Haley (1 FL) Sumner TRINITY CHARGE: Clay City Harmony Bethel Mark Canada (5 FE) Union Chapel Tony Reed (1 SY) Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Vandalia First Roger Grimmett (4 FE) WAYNE COUNTY PARISH: Bethel Cisne Johnsonville Brett Yates (2 PE) West Salem Zion Alvin Laird (10 SY) Peg Ratliff (10 SY) Camp Point Centennial Ebenezer Joseph G. Tomich (5 AM) Robert R. Taylor (6 FE) Sara Brown (4 PL) Steven M. Smith (3 FE) Carlinville Alice True (2 AM) Carrollton Christ Bob McNeely (5 SY) Carthage First Xenia LaMoine River District District Superintendent – C. Douglas Rorex (1 FE) ADAMS COUNTY GROUP MINISTRY: Paloma Pleasant Grove Richfield Scott Swigart (8 PL) Beverly Kingston Plainville Scott Swigart (1 PL) Lois Sorrill (5 SY) Ashland Peter Cartwright Patricia Hutton (3 FE) TBS Batchtown Beardstown C. Robert Schoolcraft (8 AM) Bethel Robert B. Einhouse (3 FE) Concord Arenzville Chuck Trent (1 FE) David Haney (8 SY) Doddsville EAGLE VALLEY CHARGE: Bluffs Naples Stacy Tomich (1 FL) Grafton Rosedale Debra Hoertel (4 PL) Tim Gossett (4 FL) Julie Azbell (4 FE) Sidney E. Davis, Jr. (4 FE) Robert D. Greene (5 FE) Nancy Wood (8 PL) Jean R. Hembrough (2 FE) Elke Sharma (1 OE) Elke Sharma (6 OE) Greenfield Rock Bridge Hamilton Warsaw Havana First Kane JoAnn Ruff (1 SY) David Hutton (3 RE) Bluff Springs BRIGHT STAR UNITED METHODIST PARISH: Griggsville New Salem Detroit Florence Oxville Perry Baylis CIRCLE OF GRACE CHARGE: Astoria Sheldon’s Grove Browning Sugar Grove David Kelly (4 FE) Industry Vermont Jacksonville Asbury Lynnville Jacksonville Centenary Jacksonville Brooklyn Jacksonville Deaf Faith Community Appointments 181 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Jacksonville Grace Sharon Renner (2 PL) Michael W. Fender (4 FE) Robert J. McKelvey (5 FE) Mary Alice Cunningham (2 FE) Mark C. Myers (8 FE) William T. Braswell (8 FE) Bruce Weiman (2 FE) Oliver Taube (26 RL) Leland L. Legg, Jr. (2 FL) Jacksonville Wesley Chapel Virden First Girard Jerseyville Virginia Living Faith Waverly Franklin Durbin Loraine New Hope WEST CENTRAL CHARGE: Brooklyn Ebenezer Houston Littleton Clayton (Federated) Camden Elm Grove NORTHWEST PARISH: Palmyra Modesto Winchester Manchester TBS Mount Sterling Columbus Connie Jenkins (3 AM) Dennis Powers (4 FE) Dorothy Isaacs (12 RL) Murrayville John Chrisler (12 PL) Dixie Croxton (9 FL) Charla J. Meyers (2 PL) Sidney Crowcroft (2 SY) Robin R. Lyons (7 FE) Payson Kathryn Herring (1 PL) Thomas A. Wilber (3 FE) Pittsfield PRAIRIE MISSION COOPERATIVE PARISH: Oakford Bath Fairview Judy Vidakovich (4 FL) Mississippi River District District Superintendent – Gary J. Wilson (4 FE) Alton Grace Hartford Elsah Quincy Melrose Chapel Charles Schwaab (8 RL) Quincy Union Jame Hahs (3 FE) Nicole Cox (5 FE) James K. Slone (10 FE) Bill Kierce (1 OE) Larry Patton (16 FD) Alton Main Street William S. Renner (3 AM) Robert Morwell (11 FE) Scott Grulke (3 FE) John Curtis (15 SY) Steve Pichaske (4 FE) James N. Wheeler (2 FE) Edward R. Weston (5 FE) Rick Pierce (1 PL) John Tennyson (9 FE) Quincy Vermont Street Rural Belleville Saint Matthew Rushville First Belleville Signal Hill THE UNITED PARISH: Barry Hull New Canton Pleasant Hill Hamburg Belleville Union New Athens Sheila Kelly (4 FE) 182 Appointments Benld Bethalto Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Carl Mesiti (7 AM) Lisa Guilliams (9 FE) TBS Shalom S. Renner (4 FE) Beth A. McLaughlin (3 FE) Dan Perry (13 FE) TBS Peter Wehrly (1 FE) James O. Tinzmann (4 FE) Sigurd N. Bjorklund (9 FE) Jason Woolever (5 FE) H. Dean Blackburn (5 SY) Nancy Ribes (8 PL) Edwardsville Saint John’s Robert Chase (7 SY) Ellis Grove New Palestine Preston John Prather (5 FE) Pamela Hoffman (5 FE) Ronald G. Dickinson (6 FE) Joel Catlin (7 FE) Ken Emery (9 FD) Dave Trover (12 FE) Daryl A. Fansler (12 FE) Pablo D. Marty (4 SY) Beverly L. Wilkes Null (4 FE) Anthony Paulson (3 FE) Brighton Saint Paul Amy G. Rayson (2 FL) Mike Rayson (2 PL) Granite City Trinity Bunker Hill Greenville First Cahokia Park Highland Hope Carlyle Huey Beckemeyer Keyesport Lebanon First Keith A. Michaels (4 FE) Robert Souders (6 SY) David O. Kueker (7 FE) H. Keith Nation (2 PL) Marissa TBS Maryville Saint Luke’s Mark Horn (4 FL) Mascoutah Bethel Allynn Walker (4 FL) Eunjoo Lee (5 FE) Daniel Powers (8 FE) Jackie Havis-Shear (6 FE) Mulberry Grove Pleasant Mound Sheryl Palmer (5 FE) Nashville Grace Caseyville Chester Collinsville First Columbia Bethany Coulterville Tilden East Alton First Edwardsville Immanuel John P. Best (6 FE) Fairview Heights Christ Litchfield Saint Timothy Medora Piasa Mount Olive Sorento New Baden O’Fallon First Shane Bishop (15 FE) Troy M. Benton (1 FE) Karen Oplt (8 PL) Steven J. Friese (2 FE) Okawville TBS Pocahontas Panama William Adams (2 FE) Rosewood Heights Saint Paul Don E. Long, Jr. (8 FE) Fairview Hts. Prospect Park Gillespie First Glen Carbon New Bethel Godfrey Granite City Dewey Ave. Granite City Good Shepherd Doug Pascoe (3 SY) Timothy Pate (6 FE) Granite City Nameoki Granite City Niedringhaus Saint Jacob Shiloh Shipman Dorchester Appointments 183 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Dennis Doane (11 RE) Scott Henley (5 FE) Nancy A. Wilson (1 PL) Sparta First Blue Mound Decatur Central Jim Poole (1 FE) Steeleville Percy Betty Coffey (4 FE) Trenton First Cisco Trinity East Saint Louis Clinton Troy Worden Decatur Christ Staunton Buckeye Owaneco Chatham Matthew Jaiah (5 SY) Sara L. Isbell (5 FE) Mike R. Rucker (2 FL) Dennis Wayne Beedy (15 FE) Robert K. Freeman (4 FE) Greg Courtright (1 FE) Dennis Price (24 FE) Kelly Cox (3 FL) Gerald L. Savage (3 FE) Kent King-Nobles (5 FE) Kathy King-Nobles (5 FE) Gary Mosimann (1 SY) Kimberly A. Allen (1 PL) Danny Cox (14 FE) Bradley Watkins II (2 FE) Buzz Swett (5 FL) Linda Vonck (5 FE) Wanda Waterloo Real Life Wood River First DIACONAL MINISTERS: Lebanon Richard Boyd Robert Noland O’Fallon First Decatur First Decatur Grace Decatur Wesley Garver Brick Divernon Farmersville Midland Easton Sangamon River District District Superintendent – Terry P. Harter (2 FE) Argenta Warrensburg Kevin P. Treptow (2 FE) Assumption Findlay D. Allen Sample (9 PL) Edinburg Stonington Raymond Radae (8 FL) Randy McGeehon (4 AM) Kenneth Dees (2 AM) Elwin Forsyth Fountain of Life Thomas Compton (11 FE) Robert Baker (1 SY) Jarrett Wells (2 FE) Donald Peck (12 OF) Brian Caughlan (2 FE) TBS Jeff Stahl (4 FL) TBS Jack P. Joyner (12 PL) Athens Cantrall Island Grove Loami Auburn Kenney Bethany Sanner Chapel LOGAN COUNTY PARISH: Lincoln First Beason Elkhart Hartsburg New Holland Bethel Bissell 184 Appointments Mark A. Kaley (3 FE) Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Becky Barrow (4 AM) Darrell Howard (2 PL) Long Creek Dalton City Pam Bradford (4 FL) Kenneth L. Harris (3 FE) Mark Schleeter (4 FE) Stephen E. King (8 FE) Macon Maroa Mason City San Jose Middletown Robert Ervin (5 RL) Monticello Dan Seibert (2 FE) Mike Whitaker (3 FE) Dayle Badman (2 PL) George Heineman (12 RL) Morrisonville Mount Auburn Mount Pulaski First Chestnut Latham Riverton First Jonathan Dixon (14 FE) Jack Swank (9 FE) M. Catherine Najmon (7 FL) G. Michael Pennell (8 FE) Richard Miles (18 FL) William Burton (15 OF) Julia Melgreen (7 FE) Roger Ross (5 FE) Robert A. Swickard (10 FE) Michael Paulson (2 FE) Sylvester Weatherall (10 FE) Rochester Sharon Sherman South Fork Fairview Springfield Asbury Springfield Douglas Avenue Springfield First Springfield Grace Springfield Kumler Springfield Jerome Paul Black (10 SY) Rachel Stockle (2 FE) William G. Pyatt (3 FE) Springfield Laurel Gerald G. King (2 FE) Springfield Northside Sharon Treptow (7 FE) Springfield Woodside Chuck Kurfman (5 PL) Mount Zion Moweaqua New Salem Niantic Illiopolis C. W. Reneker, Jr. (8AM) OKAW RIVER PARISH: Cerro Gordo Lovington Hammond LaPlace Pana Linda Peyla (3 FE) Larry Bricker (6 PL) David Hultberg (4 FE) Florene Scott (2 FE) John Vidakovich (4 FE) TBS Pawnee Kathleen Lossau (5 FE) David Estep (1 FE) Linda Harrod (5 FD) Allen W. Miller (1 FE) Rebecca B. Lembke (1 FE) Robert Sabo, Sr. (15 RE) Richard F. Piscatelli (6 SY) Sally Hamon (7 FE) Sugar Creek Taylorville Thayer Williamsville Zion Chapel DIACONAL MINISTER: Springfield First James A. Rogers Petersburg Raymond Community of Faith Appointments 185 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Spoon River District District Superintendent – Janice L. Griffith (6 FE) Abingdon Paul D. Dinges (9 AM) Aledo Jeffrey Bealmear (4 FE) H. Suzanne Geer (8 FL) Alpha Geneseo Grace Louie Zuck (3 FE) GREATER ANNAWAN PARISH: Annawan Community Fairview Hooppole Zion Dan Wright (11 FE) Henderson North Henderson Lee Savage (5 PL) Donald L. Long (14 RL) Randy Rutledge (4 PL) Toni Ross (4 PL) Howard Ross (4 PL) Trisha L. Chapman (5 FL) John Douglas (10 SY) Jungil Rhee (4 PE) J. William Werner (1 SY) Steve Kettelkamp (2 FE) Gina Sheridan (5 FE) Sandy Bunnell (2 FE) David Poland (3 OF) LaHarpe Durham Terre Haute Jim Clayton (1 SY) LA MOINE RIVER PARISH: Good Hope Jerusalem Altona Oneida Hills Grove David Pyell (4 FL) Hillsdale Don Riley (4 SY) Illinois City Pine Bluff William I. Deisher (7 SY) Blandinsville Burnside Bushnell Avon New Philadelphia Point Pleasant Cambridge Colchester Colona Colusa/Appanoose Yoked East Moline Christ Roger Perry (2 FE) Joye Perry (2 PL) Mark B. England Graham (7 FE) Larry Misfeldt (2 SY) Gabriel Wanck (4 FL) Norman Mendell (1 SY) Melva Graham England (3 FE) Sarah Beth Wanck (1 PL) Russell Collister (5 PL) Christopher M. Ritter (3 FE) Elmwood Fairfield Fairview Center Galesburg Faith Galesburg First Galva Grace Geneseo First 186 Appointments Kirkwood Smithshire Macomb Korean Fellowship Knoxville Alan M. Simonson, Sr. (4 FE) Loraine James A. Crozier (2 PL) Katherine E. Crozier (2 FD) Howard White (1 FE) TBS Juan Carlos Lara-Cardoso (10 PL) Carol Sue Bryce (1 OE) James H. Ruberg (6 FE) Terry Lancaster (19 PL) Macomb Wesley Manantial de Vida Maquon Douglas Orange Chapel Milan Trinity Green River Mineral Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Moline Bethel Wesley Sonia L. Alvarado (3 FE) Julio A. Alvarado (3 FE) Donald Jackson (6 FE) Robb McCoy (2 FE) Jon Ermal Sims (7 FE) Randy Azbell (2 SY) Moline Riverside Monmouth First Nauvoo Jennifer Seder (1 FE) Vermilion River District District Superintendent – Leah R. Pogemiller (1 FE) Ann M. Champion (4 FE) Oquawka Gladstone Biggsville Beth Nelson (3 FE) Williamsfield Dahinda NEIGHBORS IN CHRIST PARISH: Galva First Bishop Hill Lyren Haney (2 PL) WESTMER LARGER PARISH: Joy Eliza New Boston Jeffrey R. Robbins (5 OE) Atlanta Ebenezer Orion Robert David Roy (5 FE) Port Byron First Richard H. Kerr (11 FE) Vaughn A. Hoffman (8 FE) Camilla Hempstead (2 FE) David R. Schultz (6 FE) Bloomington Grace Donald L. Robinson (8 AM) Bloomington Wesley Bloomington Park Reynolds Taylor Ridge Mark Slaatte (2 FE) Steven E. Anderson (8 FE) Michael Mayfield (5 FE) Julio A. Alvarado (3 FE) Rock Island Two Rivers Roseville Swan Creek Silvis Stronghurst Carman Anita Munden (3 FE) TWIN RIVERS COOPERATIVE PARISH: Carbon Cliff Church of the Cross Chet McCoy (7 PL) East Moline Grace Hampton Nicole Ross Bishop (2 SY) Victoria Maxey Chapel TBS Cindy Rettig (5 FE) Viola Preemption Walnut Grove BONFIELD/GRAND PRAIRIE PARISH: Bonfield First Bonfield Evangelical Grand Prairie Mel Nielsen (1 FL) Bourbonnais Grace Craig Sweet (11 FE) Andrea Lee Boggs (6 PL) Andrew Anthony (3 FE) R. David Reynolds (4 FE) Carolyn Carnes (2 FL) Thomas R. Logsdon (7 FE) Janeen L. Tronc (2 PL) Larry D. Frank, Jr. (4 PL) Braceville Bradley Wesley Chatsworth Forrest Chenoa Coal City Colfax Cornell Blackstone NCS: Fusion, Flanagan Cropsey Saybrook Wesbein Appointments 187 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Paulette K. Cott (5 FL) Ronald C. George (6 FE) Lance Leeds (1 FE) Janice Ringenberg (2 PL) Shelly Forrest (3 FE) Downs Dwight Ellsworth El Paso Essex Oren Banks (3 RL) Fairbury Steve Livengood (1 FL) Grand Ridge Long Point Lon Alderman (5 PL) Scott C. Baird (6 AM) Herscher Heyworth Amanda J. Richards (5 FE) John Tymonko (5 FE) Steven Goodin (8 FE) Kathleen Sweet (16 FE) Hudson Kankakee Asbury Kankakee Saint Mark Kankakee Trinity Aroma Park Bradley Evangelical James A. Williams (4 AM) LeRoy Mary Louise Haxton (5 FE) Garry E. Gromley (3 FE) Harvey K. Gaither, III (11 FE) Donna Baker (14 PL) Lexington First Manteno McDowell McLean Waynesville Andy Maxwell (5 PE) Timothy D. Rhodes (1 FE) Momence Grant Park NEW HOPE PARISH: Hennepin Magnolia McNabb Carol Stufflebeam (2 PE) 188 Appointments Normal Calvary Randall Perry (13 FE) Grant Armstrong (2 FE) John K. McIntosh (4 FE) Dennis R. Hutchison (2 FL) Jay Regennitter (4 FE) TBS Anet Satvedi (5 SY) Raymond P. Owens (3 FE) Scott E. Carnes (2 PE) Paul White (8 OF) Dennis P. Brooks (9 FE) Oren Banks (3 RL) Kenneth G. Sloan-Couch (5 FE) Jane Bradford (4 PL) Jerry Haley (1 FE) Normal First Normal Morningstar Bloomington West Olive Faith Odell Pleasant Grove Pontiac First Ransom Reddick South Wilmington Ritchey Roanoke Secor Saunemin Streator First TONICA-FIVE POINTS MULTIPLE CHARGE PARISH: Tonica Lostant Richland Danira Parra (9 FL) Lori Harvey (1 FE) David L. Phillips (4 SY) Malcom Jones (1 SY) Minonk Wenona Saint John’s Trinity UM Parish: Cabery Cullom Kempton Verona Mazon Mark Amenda (11 PL) Juan Angel Rosales (3 P Wesley Sunrise Hispanic Ministry Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Appointments to Extension Ministries A. Within the connectional structures of United Methodism (Paragraph 331.1b, 344.1a, c) Keith E. Anderson - 5 FE - Executive Director, The Preachers’ Aid Society, Springfield Karen Blank-Ewell - 1 OE - Director of Pastoral Care and Counseling, IGRC; CC: Bluford-Wayne City UMCs Michael J. Crawford - 6 FE - Coordinator of Congregational Development, Springfield; CC: Tuscola UMC Kelligay King Crede - 8 FE - Chaplain, Cunningham Children’s Home, Urbana; CC: Wesley UMC, Urbana Carol Edman - 7 SY - Chaplain, Evenglow Lodge, Pontiac Jennifer Edwards Bertrand - 6 FE - Director, Wesley Foundation at Illinois State University, Normal; CC: First UMC, Normal Daniel King Crede - 1 FE - Director, Wesley Foundation at University of Illinois, Urbana; CC: Wesley UMC, Urbana Beth Fender - 3 FD - Coordinator of New Streams, Springfield; CC: Jacksonville Grace UMC Anne Ferguson - 1 FE - Dean of the Chapel, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL Ted Frost - 7 FE - Director, United Methodist Foundation, Springfield; CC: Chatham UMC Janice L. Griffith - 6 FE - Superintendent, Spoon River District, Galesburg Bruce Timothy Harrison - 14 FE - Chaplain/Director of Church Relations, McKendree University, Lebanon; CC: Lebanon UMC Dan P. Harry - 3 FE - Superintendent, Illinois River District, Peoria Terry P. Harter - 2 FE - Superintendent, Sangamon River District, Springfield John R. Hartleroad - 6 FE - Executive Assistant to the Bishop, Illinois Area Office, Springfield Matthew S. Henson - 4 FE - General Evangelist, Living the Adventure; CC: Craig C. Hill - 2 FE – Research Professor of Theological Pedagogy, Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC; CC: First UMC, Peoria In-Sook Hwang - 4 FE - Superintendent, Iroquois River District, Champaign Cynthia A. Jones - 3 FE - Superintendent, Kaskaskia River District, Mount Vernon Robert S. Kirby - 9 FE - Associate Director, Wesley Foundation at University of Illinois, Urbana; CC: Wesley UMC, Urbana Gary D. Livesay - 23 FE - Chaplain, Chaddock School, Quincy; CC: Vermont Street UMC, Quincy Kent A. Lolling - 6 FE - Director of Connectional Ministries, Springfield; CC: Laurel UMC, Springfield Alan D. Milligan - 26 FE - General Evangelist, Director of Eagle House Ministries; CC: Karnak UMC Leah R. Pogemiller - 1 FE - Superintendent, Vermilion River District, Pontiac Jeffrey A. Rasche - 5 FE - Associate Director of Stewardship, Chaddock School, Quincy Randall W. Reese - 5 FE - Superintendent, Embarras River District, Effingham Paige L. Roberts - 8 FE - Campus Minister, Wesley Foundation at Eastern Illinois University, Charleston; CC: Wesley UMC, Charleston C. Douglas Rorex - 1 FE - Superintendent, LaMoine River District, Jacksonville Russell, Roger W. - 1 FE - Superintendent, Cache River District, Marion Alice J. Shirley - 1 FC - Coordinator of Camping & Retreat Ministries Paul Stroble, Jr. - 3 FE - Eden Theological Seminary, Saint Louis, Missouri; CC: First UMC, Vandalia Kim Stuby - 2 PD - Program Assistant, Camping and Youth Ministries; CC: First UMC, East Alton Karen Westerfield Tucker - 8 FE - Professor of Worship, Boston University School of Theology, Boston, MA; CC: Wesley UMC, Urbana Richard A. VanGiesen - 16 FE - Treasurer and Director of Administrative Services, Springfield; CC: Laurel UMC, Springfield Fred R. White - 20 FE - General Evangelist; CC: Oak Ridge UMC Appointments 189 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Gary J. Wilson - 4 FE - Superintendent, Mississippi River District, O’Fallon B. To extension ministries under endorsement by General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, Division of Ordained Ministry, Section of Chaplains (Paragraph 344.1b, c) Bruce Baumberger - 5 FE - Chaplain, Alton Memorial Hospital, Alton; CC: Main Street UMC, Alton Carl James Brown - 4 FE - Chaplain, Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Cleveland, OH Kenneth R. Hayden - 7 FE - Director of Pastoral Care, Well-Span Health, York Hospital, York, PA; CC: Carlyle UMC Carl C. Johnston - 4 FE – Chaplain, U.S. Army Patsy Kelly - 4 FE - Chaplain, Passavant Hospital, Jacksonville Brian L. Manigold – 3 FE – Veterans Administration Illiana Health Care Systems, Danville; CC: Calvary UMC, Normal John D. Read - 28 FE - Chaplain, U.S. Army; CC: Good Shepherd UMC, Granite City Ronald A. Richter - 10 FE - Supervisory Chaplain, U.S. Bureau of Prisons, Federal Correctional Institution, Sheridan, OR; CC: Fairview UMC, Sheffield Charles Shelquist - 2 FE – Chaplain, Western Maryland Health System; CC: Oakland-Westfield UMC Margaret E. Siemer - 9 FE - Chaplain, U.S. Navy; CC: First UMC, Springfield Douglas Stewart - 16 FE - Chaplain, Saint Elizabeth Hospital, Belleville; CC: Shiloh UMC Brian G. Storey - 10 FE - Director and Pastoral Counselor, Interfaith Counseling Center, Inc., Edwardsville; CC: Saint John’s UMC, Edwardsville Mary S. Whetstone - 22 FE - Coordinator of Pastoral Care, Grant/Riverside Methodist Hospitals, Columbus, OH; CC: First UMC, Carmi C. Other valid ministries under the provisions of Paragraph 331.1a,c, 331.4, 344.1d Lori L. Bultemeier - 6 FD - Christian Life Coordinator, The Baby Fold, Normal; CC: Calvary UMC, Normal Stephen Lee Busick - 3 FD – Klein & Busick Christian Counseling Services, Champaign; CC: New Horizon UMC, Champaign Rebekah Dees-McMahon - 10 FE - Freedom House; CC: Steve Heitkamp - 9 FE – Horizon Hope Counseling, Belleville; CC: Union UMC, Belleville Linda A. Horrell - 4 FE - Lead Staff Pastoral Counselor, Center for Counseling and Pastoral Care, Manchester, MO; CC: Saint John’s UMC, Edwardsville Leon D. McClimans - 8 FE - Christian Counseling Center, Inc., Tinley Park; CC: Gilman UMC Lauren M. Padgett - 4 FE - Harbor Light Hospice, Peoria; CC: University UMC, Peoria H. Edwin Snow - 5 FE - Chaplain, McCallie School, Chattanooga, TN; CC: Stronghurst UMC Stephanie Soon - 6 FD - Hospice Chaplain, OSF Homecare and Hospice, Eastern Region; CC: Morningstar UMC, Normal Kathryn W. Tymonko - 4 FD - Westminster Village Resident Services, Bloomington; CC: Hudson UMC Patrick Wadsworth - 13 FE - Temporary supply to Presbytery of South Louisiana; CC: Carlinville UMC David Wence - 7 FE - Pastoral Counselor, Decatur Psychological Associates, Decatur; CC: Grace UMC, Decatur Appointed in other annual conferences and other Methodist denominations (Paragraph 346.1) James L. Cooper - 2 RE - to Indiana Conference James DeMent - 5 FE - to Baltimore-Washington Conference Mario Mayer - 2 FE - to Northern Illinois Conference Glen Robyne - 6 FE - to North Indiana Conference Lana Robyne - 6 FE - to North Indiana Conference 190 Appointments Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Kook Jin Yun - 3 FE - to Northern Illinois Conference Deaconess and Home Missionary Appointments (Paragraph 1314.3) A. Kay Clifton – Church Worker, Colusa UMC; CC: Colusa UMC Vae Rose Fultz - Coordinator of Special Needs Services, Deaf Faith Community Church, Jacksonville, IL: Centenary UMC, Jacksonville Carol Clay Mann – Teacher, Lewis County C-1 Schools, Quincy, IL; CC: Melrose Chapel UMC, Quincy, IL Janet McCarty – Dean of Education, Southern Philippines Methodist College, Kidapawan City, Philippines; CC: Centenary UMC, Jacksonville Individual Participation of clergy in armed forces reserve or National Guard units (Paragraph 344.5e) Howard S. Bell, U.S. Air Force Reserve Phillip L. Glick, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired) Robert D. Greene, U.S. Air Force Reserve F. Jerry Herring, Civil Air Patrol James D. Johnson, National Guard Jack Swank, U.S. Army Reserve Danny D. Wright, Army National Guard Diaconal Minister in Extension Ministries Carter L. Frank, Catholic Services for Children and Youth Certified in Christian Communication Paul Black, PO Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207 Certified in Christian Education Beth Fender, PO Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207 Cheryl Hendrix, 500 E. Woertz Rd., Princeville 61559-9584 Marcia Heyboer (retired), 114 Marie Way, Normal 61761-3220 Certified in Evangelism Sheila Fitts, (retired) 2511 22nd Ave., Rock Island 61201-4639 Certified in Music Richard F. Boyd, 516 W. Saint Louis St., Lebanon 62254-1520 Constance White Guennewig, 310 E. Main St., Arcola 61910-1512 Janna R. Peterson, 806 Ironwood CC Dr., Normal 61761-5239 Margaret L. Sayre (retired), 202 W. Ridgemont Rd., Peoria 61614-7316 Certified in Spiritual Formation Sharon Colbert Garretson (retired), 3356 County Rd. 3600, Willow Springs, MO 65793-3321 Mary Ann Hedges, 404 N. Macon St., Moweaqua 62550-1037 Certified in Youth Ministry John M. Hauck, 401 Walnut St, Washington 61571 IGRC members serving as GBGM missionaries outside the United States Appointments 191 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Priscilla Jaiah, 408 W. South St., Steeleville 62288-1923 Janet McCarty, SPMC, PO Box 68, Kidapawan City 9400, Philippines Connie Wieck, Luzhou Institute of Education, 35 Wa Jao Ba, Sichuan Province, Luzhou, 646005 China IGRC members serving as GBGM missionaries in the United States Sally Wisner-Ott, Lancaster UM InnerCity Alliance, 133 Pearl St., Lancaster, PA 17603 Retired IGRC missionaries that served in the United States Beatrice Orrell, 1616 Cedar St., Lawrenceville 62439-2154 Retired IGRC GBGM missionaries that served outside the United States Mrs. Charles (Elva) Harper, 1314 N. Wood Road, Peoria 61604-4452 Marynell Kirkwood, 5533 34th Ave., Apt. 3, Moline 61265-5671 Lela Johnston Maxwell, 409 Brian Dr., Olney 62450-2401 Jane Miller, 2213 Cherry Lane Estates, Quincy 62301-6756 Sally Morris, 1617 N. 8th St., Pekin 61554-1655 Marie Schneck, 404 E. 4th St., Gibson City 60936-1608 Rev. Kim and Marjorie Soon, 1107 Bakewell Ave., Normal 61761-1207 Jack and Judy Williamson, 702 S. Illinois St., Apt. 8, Geneseo 61254-1700 Retired Deaconesses Nora Hanley, 703 E. 2685 North Rd., Moweaqua 62550-3645 The clergy choir sings at the Service of Ordination 192 Appointments Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Conference Ministry Reports Ministry Reports 193 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Appointments Beyond the Local Church For questions on these amounts or to report corrections, please contact John Hartleroad in the Illinois Area Office. The Illinois Area Office provided this information for printing in accordance with ¶627 of The Book of Discipline (2008). Name Agency Position Salary Housing Travel Other Keith Anderson Preacher’s Aid Society & Benefit Fund $20,000 Executive Director $67,922 $10,000 Pension, Health Insurance Bruce E. Baumberger Alton Memorial Hospital $25,000 Chaplain $31,000 IRS Rate Pension, Health Insurance Jennifer Edwards Wesley Foundation @ ISU $17,040 Bertrand $50,880 $500 Director Pension, Health Insurance Carl J. “Jim” Brown Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center ------Clinical Chaplain $64,292 ------Cleveland Heights, OH Full Federal Medical Service Lori Bultemeier The Baby Fold Coordinator $49,538 ------------$8,410 Stephen L. Busick Klein & Busick, PC Counselor $70,000 ------------------- J. Gregory Courtright IGRC Provided Cache River DS $81,088 (until June 30) Travel Pension, Health Insurance Michael J. Crawford IGRC/Congregational Development ------Coordinator $55,979 $18,000 Pension, Health Insurance, ARP Kelligay King Crede Cunningham Children’s Home $11,000 Chaplain $48,632 IRS Rate Pension $7,156, Health Insurance $6,560 Rebekah Dees-McMahonFreedom House Therapist/Counselor $64,410 194 Ministry Reports ------Provided 401k match Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Donald L. DeJarnett ------- ------- ------- ------------- James L. DeMent St. John’s UMC & Idlewylde UMC Baltimore, MD $61,325 $25,011 IRS Rate ------- Carol A. Edman Evenglow Lodge Chaplain $---Report Not Submitted--- ------------------- Beth Fender IGRC New Streams ------Coordinator $48,873 $14,500 Pension, Health Insurance Theodore (Ted) D. Frost IGRC – UM Foundation $35,000 Executive Director $70,000 IRS Rate Pension, Health Insurance, ARP Adrian Garcia Hispanic Ministries $225/rent Coordinator $11,000 $10,000 Pension $2,513, Heath Insurance $4,380 Janice Griffith IGRC Provided Spoon River DS $81,088 Travel Pension, Health Insurance Bruce Timothy Harrison McKendree College $14,400 Chaplain $59,633 $1,000 Director of Church Relations $10,554 Dan Harry IGRC Provided Illinois River DS $81,088 Travel Pension, Health Insurance Terry Harter IGRC Provided Sangamon River DS $81,088 Travel Pension, Health Insurance John R. Hartleroad IGRC Provided Bishop Exec. Assistant $81,088 Travel Pension, Health Insurance Kenneth R. Hayden York Hospital, Well Span Health Sys Provided Mgr, Pastoral Care $90,542 Travel York, PA Pension, Health Insurance Ministry Reports 195 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Steve Heitkamp Horizon Hope Counseling Center Pastoral Counselor $---Not Provided--- Belleville, IL ------------------- Matthew Scott Henson Living the Adventure Ministries, Inc ------Executive Director $20,000 ------Lead Evangelist Pension $4,974, Health Insurance $7,261 Kathryn Herring Mac Murray College Chaplain $8,364 Craig C. Hill Professor of New Test Dir, Academic Outreach ------------------- Wesley Theological Seminary ------Washington, D.C. $2,500 $115,000 Health Insurance Linda A. Horrell Barnes-Jewish Hospital Critical Care Chaplain $45,000 St. Louis, MO $10,000 ------------- In-Sook Hwang IGRC Provided Iroquois River DS $81,088 Travel Pension, Health Insurance Cindy Jones IGRC Provided Kaskaskia River DS $81,088 Travel Pension, Health Insurance Carl C. Johnston US Army Chaplain $84,588 Ft. Carson, CO $21,744 ------$2,806 Patsy Kelly Passavant Area Hospital ------Director of Pastoral Care $49,441 IRS Rate Same as Hospital Employees Robert S. Kirby Wesley Foundation – U of IL Campus Pastor $--- Report Not Submitted--- ------------------- David A. Lafary Chaddock Chaplain. $--- Report Not Submitted--- ------------------- Gary D. Livesay Chaddock School $18,000 Chaplain $48,812 As Needed Pension, Health Insurance Steve Lobacz 196 Leave of Absence ------- Ministry Reports ------------- Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Kent Lolling IGRC – Connectional Ministries Provided Director $80,015 $14,000 Pension, Health Insurance Brian Manigold VA Illiana Health Cary System Staff Chaplain $68,809 ------------------- Leon D. McClimans Christian Counseling Center ------Counselor $42,000 IRS Rate Tinley Park, IL ------ Alan D. Milligan Eagle House Ministries Provided plus ½ Utilities Director/Gen. Evang. $40,000 Provided ------Lauren Padgett Harbor Light Hospice Hospice Chaplain $34,590 ------IRS Rate ------- Jeffrey A. Rasche Chaddock $14,400 Associate Director $40,427 IRS Rate Stewardship Pension, Health Insurance John D. Read U.S. Army Chaplain’s office Deputy Command $122,856 Chaplain $22,140 ------$2,676 Randal W. Reese IGRC Provided Embarrass River DS $81,088 Travel Pension, Health Insurance Ronald A. Richter Federal Correctional Institution Supervisory Chaplain $---Report Not Submitted--- Sheridan, Oregon ------------------- Paige L. Roberts Wesley Foundation – EIU Director/Campus Min. $---Report Not Submitted--- ------------------- Randall L. Robinson IGRC Provided LaMoine River DS $81,088 (until June 30) Travel Pension, Health Insurance Margaret E. Siemer U.S. Navy Chaplain $61,405 Fort Worth, TX $15,912 As Needed $2,676 Ministry Reports 197 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook H. Edwin Snow McCallie School ------Chair of Christian Ethics $75,600 Provided, as Needed Chattanooga, TN Health, Life, Disability, Retirement Stephanie Duncan Soon OSF Hospice & Homecare ------Director of Bereavement $---Report Not Submitted--- ------Bloomington, IL ------ Douglas Stewart St. Elizabeth Hospital $16,900 Pastoral Care $43,145 IRS Rate Belleville, IL Pension, Health Insurance Brian G. Storey Interfaith Counseling Center $30,000 Director $42,000 IRS Rate Pastoral Counselor Health Insurance Paul E. Stroble Eden Theological Seminary Professor $20,000 ------------------- Karen Westerfield TuckerBoston Univ. School of Theology Professor of Worship $109,000 Boston, MA Kathryn Tymonko Westminster Village Residence Services $10.09 per hour Bloomington/Normal, IL ------$1,000 ------------------------- Richard A. Van Giesen IGRC - Administrative Services ------Director/Conf Treas. $80,015 Travel Pension, Health Insurance Patrick Wadsworth Presbyterian Church of Iberia Parish $15,000 Temporary Supply $32,000 $7,200 Lafayette, LA Pension, Health Insurance David R. Wence Decatur Psychological Assoc. PC Pastoral Counselor $50,000 Decatur, IL ------------------- Mary S. Whetstone Grant/Riverside Methodist Hospital Site Coordinator, $73,557 Pastoral Care Columbus, OH Fred R. White White Ministries Conference Evangelist $---Report Not Submitted ---- ------$1,500 ------- 198 Ministry Reports ------------------- Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Howard L. White Wesley Foundation – U of IL $10,815 Director $31,572 $350 Pension, Health Insurance Gary Wilson IGRC Provided Mississippi River DS $81,088 Travel Pension, Health Insurance J. Keith Zimmerman IGRC Provided Vermilion River DS $81,088 (until June 30) Travel Pension, Health Insurance Advance Specials Key Missionary Covenant Support ($2,500 per congregation or $5 per member) General Advance Specials UMCOR Advance Specials IGRC Advance Specials Agriculture 2180 #14791T 3080 #982532 3010 #982188 Andean Youth Project, Chile Heifer Project International, Living Gifts – Global Sustainable Agricultural Development – Global Appalachia 4060 4000 #773365 #773726 Henderson Settlement – KY Redbird Missions – KY Aviation 1160 1240 #08595A #08597A Wings of Caring – Congo Wings of the Morning – Congo Carpentry 6480-IGRC Habitat for Humanity – Designate Local Chapter Disaster Response 3160 #982450 3770 #901670 3166 #901515 6800-IGRC 6620-IGRC Disaster Response – International Disaster Response – United States UMCOR Sager Brown Depot – Baldwin, LA Conference Disaster Response Assistance Midwest Mission Distribution Center Education John Wesley Seminary – Mexico 2560 #08406B Ministry Reports 199 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 4030 #773728 6700-IGRC 6610-IGRC Red Bird School – Kentucky Alain Rocourt Endowment – Haiti Project Schoolroom – MMDC Project Hunger 4680 3290 3040 3530 Society of St. Andrew – USA Bread for the World – Global CROP Walks – Global School Hot-Lunch Program – Haiti IGRC Camping 6810-IGRC 6910-IGRC 6840-IGRC 6830-IGRC 6860-IGRC 6820-IGRC 6850-IGRC 6870-IGRC Beulah Institute & Camp – Eldorado Camping Scholarships – Conference Wide East Bay Camp – Hudson Epworth Youth Camp – Louisville Jensen Woods Camp – Timewell Little Grassy Camp – Carbondale Living Springs Camp – Lewistown Mom and Me Camp – East Bay Camp IGRC Children’s Agencies 0043-IGRC 6030-IGRC 0042-IGRC 0039-IGRC Chaddock – Quincy Cunningham Children’s Home – Urbana The Baby Fold – Normal United Methodist Children’s Home – Mt. Vernon #801600 #982325 #982380 #418790 IGRC Children – Youth – Young Adult Ministries 6460-IGRC Asbury Children’s Supper Hour – Spfield Baby Fold Christian Life Endowment 6210-IGRC Common Place – Peoria 6085-IGRC Fair Hope Children’s Ministry – Danville 6090-IGRC Family Mission Fund (Bridge to the Ridge) – Manito 6240-IGRC Grace Urban Ministries – Springfield 6190-IGRC Gum Park Ministries - Decatur 6340-IGRC Harvest Ministry Team - Troy Kids for Christ – Silvis 6365-IGRC Living the Adventure Ministries - Waterloo 6125-IGRC Love Life Ministries – Moline 6055-IGRC Macon County CASA 6105 -IGRC Madison Avenue Children’s Ministry – Peoria 6080-IGRC Mini O’Beirne Crisis Nursery – Springfield 6065-IGRC Patoka Church Youth 6095-IGRC Safe Harbor Academy – Washington Park St. Clair CASA - Belleville 6135-IGRC Sandoval Kids for Christ 6060-IGRC Trinity UMC Outreach Center – Washington Park 6180-IGRC Webster Cantrell Hall – Decatur 200 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook IGRC College Campus Ministries 0050-IGRC 0048-IGRC 6390-IGRC 6330-IGRC 0059-IGRC 0053-IGRC 0056-IGRC 0051-IGRC 0049-IGRC Eastern Illinois University - Charleston Illinois State University – Normal IWU Student Fellowship – Bloomington M & M Ministry – Edwardsville McKendree University – Lebanon MacMurray College -- Jacksonville Southern Illinois University – Carbondale University of Illinois – Champaign Western Illinois University – Macomb IGRC Domestic Violence Ministries 6041-IGRC 6290-IGRC 6043-IGRC Anna Bixby Center – Harrisburg Dove, Inc. – Decatur Violence Prevention of SW IL - Belleville IGRC Hunger Ministries 6070-IGRC 6100-IGRC 6050-IGRC 6370-IGRC 6140-IGRC 6410-IGRC 6170-IGRC 6420-IGRC 6120-IGRC 6270-IGRC 6450-IGRC 6430-IGRC 6130-IGRC 6310-IGRC All God’s Children – Decatur Angels on Assignment – Mt. Vernon Bethel UMC Outreach – Peoria Central Illinois Foodbank – Springfield Friends of Jesus Food Pantry – Equality Good Samaritan House - Carbondale Good Samaritan Inn – Decatur H.E.L.P.S. Ministry Outreach – Jacksonville Hunger Ministry Churches United – Quad City Area Kumler Neighborhood Ministries –Spfield Quanada – Quincy Salt Creek Parish Resource Center, Farmer City Summer Lunch Program – Sandoval Shalom Zone Summer Meals for Children – Carbon Cliff IGRC Methodist Hospital Chaplaincy Programs 0040-IGRC Memorial Hospital – Alton 0041-IGRC Methodist Medical Center – Peoria IGRC Inner City Ministries 6280-IGRC 6150-IGRC 6110-IGRC Community Resource & Learning Center – Moline Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House – E. St. Louis Madison Avenue Neighborhood Ministries – Peoria IGRC Liberia Partnership 2681 #11820A 2327 #12548A Bishop Judith Craig Children’s Home – Monrovia Camphor United Methodist School Ministry Reports 201 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 2978 2217 #15080N #15124A Ganta United Methodist Hospital Pastor Salary Support – General 2213 #15125B 6660-IGRC 6990-IGRC 6670-IGRC Scholarships – Designate What Level of School Building Materials for IGRC Mission Team Projects Kofi Asmah United Methodist School Vehicles for Volunteer Mission Teams IGRC New Church Starts 6470-IGRC 6760-IGRC 6200-IGRC 6580-IGRC 6750-IGRC 6275-IGRC 6255-IGRC 6490-IGRC Dayspring/ Native American Fellowship – East Peoria Fairview Heights Christ Multisite Fusion – Flanagan Jesus Es El Senor – Cobden Korean United Methodist Fellowship - Macomb Manatial De Vida – Moline Nueva Esperanza – East St. Louis Nueva Vida – Beardstown Rey de Reyes – Momence IGRC Other Outreach Ministries 6220-IGRC 6230-IGRC 6020-IGRC 6160-IGRC 0076-IGRC 6565-IGRC 6075-IGRC 6380-IGRC 6440-IGRC 6320-IGRC Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministries – Interpreter Service Deaf Faith Community – Jacksonville Eagle House Ministries – Vienna empty tomb. inc. – Champaign ILLCAAP – Springfield Seven Circles Heritage Center – Peoria Shalom Zone Community Activity Service Partners Volunteer Mission Teams Scholarship Women in Ministry Scholarship Fund UM Motorsport Ministry—Streator IGRC Senior Citizens Agencies 0044-IGRC 0045-IGRC 0047-IGRC 6710-IGRC 0046-IGRC Evenglow Lodge – Pontiac Sunset Home – Quincy UM Village – Lawrenceville UM Village Benevolent Endowment – Godfrey Wesley Village – Macomb Medical Missions 3020 7015 2211 4100 3760 Global Aids Fund Imagine No More Malaria Kissy Hospital – Sierra Leone Red Bird Clinic – KY Grace Children’s Hospital – Haiti 202 #982345 #3021190 #14536A #773724 #418520 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Missionaries Serving in Liberia 2425 #13911Z 2420 #13035Z 1090 #13980Z 2429 #13929Z 2432 #3021129 2427 #3019571 2428 #15151Z Nancy Carew – Women’s Training Center – Monrovia Priscilla Jaiah – School Superintendent – Ganta Elma Jocson – Surgeon – Ganta Hospital Sue Porter – Nurse Instructor – Ganta Hospital Helen Roberts – Director of Education – Conference Victor Taryor – Hospital Administrator – Ganta Dr. Albert Willicor – Surgeon – Ganta Hospital Missionaries Supported by IGRC 1850 #14286Z 2401 #10739Z 2400 #09572Z 2212 #05218Z 2210 #05217Z 1070 #13028A 4070 #773782 4360 #982966 4003 #542635 4390 #773777 1120 #14020Z 2226 #10672Z 4010 #773993 Miquel Arenas Herrea – Teacher – Uruguay Jane Kies – Teacher – Africa U – Zimbabwe Larry Kies – Agriculturalist – Africa U Zimbabwe Janet May – Teacher – Costa Rica Roy May – Teacher – Costa Rica Janet McCarty – University Director – Philippines Dennis & June Sparenberg – Redbird Sally Wisner Ott – Community Worker – PA Hector Sanchez – Pastor – KS Mark & Rebecca Smallwood – Teachers – Redbird Jacques Akasa Umembudi – Pilot – Congo Connie Wieck – Teacher – China Ruth Wiertzema – Council Director - Redbird Aldersgate Federal Credit Union Since 1962, The Aldersgate Federal Credit Union has given its members a place for their savings that is safe and provides good dividends and loans at com petitive rates. Membership is open to all persons who are under appointment by the Bishop of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference and their spouses, retired clergy of the Conference and their spouses, full-time employees of the IGRC and members of their families. 2010 was another good year for AFCU and our members. Our membership increased during 2010 from 726 to 739. There was an increase in the savings of our members with a share balance of $2,953,285.46, an increase of over $310,000.00, as of 12/31/10. Shares are insured 100% up to $250,000.00 by the National Credit Union Administration. AFCU provides an additional dollar-for-dollar Life Saving Insurance on shares deposited before age 55 up to $3000.00, (i.e. - If a member deposits $3000.00 before age 55, and maintains a balance of $3000.00, upon their death, they will have a total of $6000.00), with lesser amounts of insurance for deposits after age 55. Ministry Reports 203 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook We paid a dividend of 2.0 on shares for the first quarter, second, and fourth quarters, and 1.5 for the third quarter and 2.5 on IRAs for the first quarter, second and fourth quarters, and 2.0 for the third quarter. We had a total of 348 loans for a total loan balance of $2,629,152.02 as of 12/31/10, an increase of over $275,000.00. AFCU provides Loan Life Protection Insurance, at no cost to the member, on loans made before age 70. (i.e. - Loan would be paid at a maximum of $30,000 upon death of a member). AFCU also provides Permanent Disability Insurance, at no cost to the member, on loans made before age 60. (i.e. – Loan would be paid at a maximum of $30,000 if member is disabled prior to age 60) Our loan rates are competitive. Loan approval usually can be obtained by phone in one day, with loans usually complete in four days. Our members receive prompt, courteous, professional service from our treasurer and assistant treasurer, Richard and Marilyn Sullins. Call them for information on becoming a member, shares, and loans. Their address is P.O. Box 1790, Marion, Il 62959. Phone: 618944-0817. Submitted by Alan Rhein, President Aldersgate Federal Credit Union Board of Trustees Historical Information The former Illinois River District parsonage in Peoria, a tri-level floor plan, has been sold. The Trustees replaced the parsonage with a new home in Dunlap last year. Peoria First UMC needed a parsonage for their newly assigned associate pastor and leased the house until January. The former parsonage in the Mississippi River District was replaced due to mold that was affecting the superintendent’s family health. At long last, that house has now been sold in an “as-is” condition so that the Conference did not need bear the cost of remodeling the structure after the mold was abated. The parsonage in the LaMoine River District in Jacksonville had many issues and was an aging structure that needed more than routine maintenance. This was the oldest of the District Superintendent’s parsonages owned by the conference and not handicap accessible. A newer house was located a few blocks away that was priced well below the prevailing market. An inspection by the District Board of Church and Location supported our decision to purchase the new property. It will be available for the Superintendent Rorex to move in this month. The former house is available for sale to offset the cost of the new home. The parsonage in the Vermillion River District in Pontiac needed significant updates prior to Superintendent Pogemiller’s arrival. The updates included new flooring, water damage repairs, and waterproofing. These repairs have been made. The parsonage in Sangamon River District had little maintenance over the years and had reached a state that immediate repairs were needed when Superintendent Harter moved in last year. At the top of that list was a new furnace that failed and was not economically repairable just prior to his arrival. New flooring, paint, and window treatments brought the home to an excellent condition. The site of the former Mattoon Faith UMC was sold this year. We were fortunate that we did not have to engage an auctioneer for the sale. 204 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook We were surprised once again that we owned the Oak Hill Cemetery near East Peoria. We were asked to transfer ownership of the property to the Cemetery Association that had been maintaining the property since 1949. We gladly complied. While trying to dispose of the former Mt. Etna UMC church and parsonage, we discovered there was a cemetery associated with that property. Again, there was an association maintaining the property thinking it was theirs. We helped them become owners of the property. The rest of the property was auctioned and brought more than we had expected. Ongoing Activities: The Trustees continue to maintain the UM Center in Springfield as a central place of meeting for a large varieties of groups and ministries. The mortgage payments are current. The interest on the bonds is very low, which causes the Conference to pay a fee to offset the costs the bank incurs as a result. Fortunately that fee is staying fairly low and we are remaining within the expected budget. Churches that have closed or will close by July 1, 2011. Annapolis UMC, Embarras River District Flanagan UMC, Iroquois River District Goodwine UMC, Iroquois River District Johnstown UMC, Embarras River District Ramsey UMC, Embarras River District South Shores UMC, Sangamon River District Westervelt UMC, Embarras River District . Boston School of Theology Greetings from Boston University School of Theology, one of your United Methodist partners in mission! We thank you for your prayerful support of us through the past year and want to share some new developments in our School. New Faculty: We welcomed three new faculty this year, and they are already contributing mightily to the life of STH. Dr. Walter Fluker is the Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor of Ethical Leadership. He teaches exciting courses, consults with international organizations on ethical leadership, and leads the Howard Thurman Papers Project, now based at STH. Dr. Christopher Evans is Professor of the History of Christianity and Methodist Studies. He brings expertise in American Christianity and the history and theology of Wesleyan traditions. Besides, he is a great teacher. Dr. Courtney Goto is Assistant Professor of Religious Education, reviving the STH program in educational ministry with her distinctive interest in teaching and the arts. She has recently studied the artful ministry of her JapaneseAmerican UMC congregation, especially its sanctuary art, worship, and Japanese garden. New Curriculum: The new curriculum – “Faith Engaging the World” – has arrived, and we are discovering the potential of this curriculum to prepare spiritually-centered, prophetic, intelligent, practical religious leaders who can contribute to renewing and transforming the church and the world. Not only are M.Div. and M.T.S. students benefitting from the new curriculum, but we have also launched our new one-year Master of Sacred Theology program for military chaplains, responding to their increasing needs to address issues Ministry Reports 205 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook of ethics, trauma, and conflict transformation. Church Connections: United Methodist Women will read two books authored or coauthored by our faculty in the UMW Mission Studies this summer: Dana Robert’s Joy to the World!: Mission in the Age of Global Christianity and Stephanie Hixon and Tom Porter’s The Journey: Forgiveness, Restorative Justice and Reconciliation. In addition, Bryan Stone and his students continue to initiate and support new church starts; several of our faculty and students have spoken or consulted with church boards and agencies; and our graduates are giving strong leadership in their home churches and conferences. Global Connections: Travel seminars have studied this year in Ephesus (modern Turkey) and Russia, and the School has collaborated with people in Korea, China, South Africa, Norway, and Australia. Dr. Thomas Thangaraj has been Visiting Professor in Global Christianity and Mission, teaching courses in Images of Christ and Christian Encounters with Hinduism. Professor Dana Robert, Truman Collins Professor of World Christianity and Mission, delivered the opening keynote address in the 100th anniversary of the Edinburgh World Missionary Conference and in the opening convocation of the 2010 Boston Conference: The Changing Contours of World Mission and Christianity. The Reverend Canon Ted Karpf, recently of the World Health Organization, has joined our team as Director of Development. He is already building new global connections that will challenge and stretch us! Contextual Engagement: The School received a grant of $200,000 to support its LINC program – Learning in a Nexus of Communities. We continue to build partnerships with local churches and service agencies as we contextualize theological education at STH. We are grateful to the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations for supporting these efforts. Community Building: Community life is buzzing with dynamic weekly worship, followed by a community meal and with daily morning prayer. We have expanded our efforts to strengthen community and spiritual life with the addition of a Spiritual Life Coordinator, the Reverend Robin Olson, and the addition of a Coordinator of Communications and International Student Life, Philippa Mpunzwana. Sustainability Charge: We have charged ourselves to build toward greater sustainability, having implemented energy conserving practices, designed a green community center for our basement, and launched an intentional living community for some of our students in the “Green House.” Submitted by Mary Elizabeth Moore, Dean Candler School of Theology Candler School of Theology prepares real people to make a real difference in the real world. Our distinctive commitment to authentic discipleship and relevant ministry enables us to develop uniquely well-rounded leaders who are challenged academically, encouraged spiritually, and immersed in Christian service from the first day they arrive on campus. As one of the 13 official seminaries of The United Methodist Church, Candler is grounded in the Christian faith and shaped by the Wesleyan tradition of evangelical piety, ecumenical openness, and social concern. As a school located in the major metropolitan area of Atlanta, Candler offers students a learning laboratory that reflects the highly diverse communities of our 21st century world. There is no better place for ministry preparation that addresses our major denominational priorities: developing leaders, starting and growing churches, ministry with the poor, and improving global health. 206 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Candler’s student body continues to reflect the diversity and breadth of the Christian faithful. Our enrollment stands at 469, with 358 seeking the Master of Divinity, 67 the Master of Theological Studies, 16 the Master of Theology, 14 the Doctor of Theology, and 14 enrolled as Special, Non-Degree students. The total student population is 25% US ethnic minority, 9% international, and 52% women. Forty-six denominations are represented, with 52% of MDiv students being United Methodist. The median age of our entering class of MDiv students is 26, with 57% of total enrollment under thirty. To ensure that our students are prepared for leadership in an increasingly global context, Candler continues to emphasize internationalizing the curriculum. This year, Candler has academic exchange partnerships with theology schools across five continents and nine countries, including many related to The United Methodist Church. A hallmark of the Candler MDiv experience, the two-year Contextual Education program shapes our students’ pastoral identities by interweaving service at ministry sites and churches with academic analysis in the classroom and spiritual reflection in pastor-led small groups. In any given week, Candler deploys more than 250 ConEd students throughout the region to minister to people in congregations, hospitals, and social service agencies. Despite today’s challenging economic climate, Candler remains committed to making theological education financially possible for our students. Although our operating budget essentially remained flat this year, we increased our total financial aid investment to over $5 million. Eighty-three percent of eligible students received Candler-based financial aid, with the average award covering 76 percent of tuition. Candler draws considerable vitality and inspiration from its relationship with The United Methodist Church. Our ability to fulfill our mission of educating faithful and creative leaders for the church’s ministries in the world depends upon your support, gifts, and prayers. Thank you for the countless ways you strengthen this essential ministry in the life of our denomination. We invite you to visit us in person in Atlanta or online at www.candler.emory.edu to see firsthand how Candler prepares real people to make a real difference in the real world. Submitted by Jan Love Dean and Professor of Christianity and World Politics Central Conference Pension Initiative (CCPI) Central Conference Pension Initiative (CCPI) is a long-term solution that provides retirement financial security for dedicated church leaders and surviving spouses in the Central Conferences. These conferences are located outside the United States where retirees receive little or nothing in terms of a pension. CCPI is working to bring equitable and just pensions to these dedicated leaders and servants of The United Methodist Church. Currently there are 7 Central Conferences in three regions (Asia, Africa, and Europe). There are 72 annual and provisional conferences in 42 countries with over 6,900 organized churches. Over 9,300 clergy are serving more than 3.5 million lay members in this rapidly increasing population in our church. The overall goal for CCPI is $25 million. As of February of 2011, CCPI has Ministry Reports 207 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook raised $21.5 million – they have reached 86% of the goal! At the 2009 Annual Conference, IGRC committed to raise $500,000 in 3 years for CCPI. As of February of 2011, IGRC has contributed approximately $360,000! We are 72% of the way toward our goal! Three Pilot Pension Projects have been launched in 2011 with one more to begin in April. Pilot Projects began in Cote d’Ivorie and for the two annual conferences in Zimbabwe on January 1, 2011. The fourth project begins on April 1, 2011, in Sierra Leone. All of us can help retirees around the world by getting involved with CCPI. Go to www.ccpi-umc.org or visit the display table to find out how to get involved. Enable us to reach our goal by next annual conference! Specific countries with Conferences that CCPI serves are as follows: • • • Africa: Angola, Burundi, Congo, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe Europe: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Slovak Republic, Ukraine, Yugoslavia The Philippines Chaddock A Golden Cross ministry, Chaddock provides residential, educational, and community-based treatment services to children who are victims of abuse, neglect or traumatic experiences. Chaddock also provides consultative and educational services to caregivers and other professionals in the field of child and adolescent mental health. Informed by the latest breakthroughs in trauma, attachment and neuroscience research, Chaddock is recognized throughout the world as a leader in developing practical, trauma-focused interventions that make a life-changing difference for children and families. Chaddock’s internationally recognized residential treatment program has served children from 24 states, Washington D.C. and one American Indian Tribal Nation. Many represent some of our nation’s worst cases of abuse and neglect, making it difficult for them to form meaningful, caring relationships. Through the care and support they receive at Chaddock, over 80% of the most traumatized children we serve are able to return to their family or take some other decisive step forward when their treatment with us is complete. Chaddock’s on-campus accredited school provides specialized education for approximately 70 students, including our residential students and other students throughout the area. Chaddock’s foster care and adoption services serves a six-county region. This program doubled last year from 60 to more than 120 foster care children, and also completed a number of adoptions. The Chaddock Trauma Initiative (CTI) provides group and outpatient treatment for traumatized children and youth. Funded by a federal grant, CTI partners with Duke, UCLA, and Northwestern universities in research, training, and treatment efforts. 208 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Caregiver Connections oversees 23 locations throughout Illinois offering consultation with teachers and staff of preschoolers who may be showing early signs of unresolved trauma due to abuse or neglect. The Knowledge Center at Chaddock offers consultation and training throughout the United States and overseas. To date, child and adolescent mental health professionals on five continents have been trained by the professionals at Chaddock. The Knowledge Center allows Chaddock to extend its mission and reach beyond our campus ‘borders’. The Gene Simon Family Cottage opened in 2010, and provided the opportunity to re-purpose Hoyt Cottage to accommodate Chaddock’s rapidly growing staff and programs. We are especially grateful to numerous church volunteers who helped with this project, saving money and improving our administrative efficiency. Chaddock’s Master Facilities Plan envisions three additional cottages for student housing, but the first priority is a new school building. The current school is operating at capacity, and if space provided we could serve significantly more children. Chaddock is a vital part of our missional outreach as United Methodists. We are deeply grateful for the prayers and support given by individuals, churches, and groups committed to helping these children. Come visit Chaddock, or contact us if you would like a guest speaker. We love to tell Chaddock’s story--the story of the church’s love and mission offering hope and healing to children and families. Visit us on the web at www.chaddock.org. Debbie Reed, President/CEO Jeff VanCamp, Director of Development Rev. Jeff Rasche, Associate Director of Stewardship Commission on Archives and History With our mission of preserving our United Methodist heritage in Illinois and and assisting our churches to preserve that history, archivist, Lauretta Scheller, held “Records Management and Preservation” workshops in the Illinois River District and in Quincy and visited several churches on an individual basis. The workshops promote improved control over records and encourage congregations to care for the permanent records while at the same time weeding those of temporal value. Contact the archivist at MacMurray College to schedule one for your church or district. One of the most important missions of the archives concerns the transfer of closed church records to the archives following the completion of a church’s’ ministry. Of the churches closed last or the previous year, she accessioned the records from Fairview (Fulton Co.) but still missing are Johnstown (Coles Co.), Sibley (Ford Co.), Marlow (Jefferson Co.), Mt. Etna (Franklin Co.), and Mt. Gilead (Douglas Co.). She appreciates the timely transfer of closed church records. When closed church records are lost, more of our heritage is lost at the same time. When these records are placed in the archives, they are available for research or to provide baptismal/membership information to the former members. The Historical Society welcomed new commission members Rondel Boyd, Sheron Murray, and McKendree Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Tim Henderson. Rev. Dr. Jonathan Dixon has assumed the chair following Rev. John Woodruff’s “retirement.” Dixon Ministry Reports 209 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook represented the society at the North Central Jurisdiction Historical Society annual convocation at Albion College in Michigan in July and at the IGRC Historical Society annual meeting which met for lunch during annual conference. Historian Rev. Richard Chrisman presented his paper “Abolitionism and Methodism in Illinois,” and presented a similar paper at the Illinois History Conference at Wheaton College March 2010. He continues to provide interesting topics for the society’s quarterly publication, Historical Messenger. Guest authors are welcomed to submit articles to the society for publication. Membership in the society remains a bargain at $10, $20, and $30 levels. To join the society, contact the archivist for a membership form or stop by our exhibit table at annual conference. The society also sponsors the Prentice Memorial Sermon, which was established in 1925 to honor pioneer preachers of Illinois Methodism. Rev. Dr. Donald Lowe addressed the congregation at Mt. Vernon First in April. His sermon was entitled “First in Untrodden Ways” from Acts 9. Submitted by Lauretta Scheller, Archivist Commission on Religion and Race As co-workers in God’s ministry of inclusiveness, we continue in our commitment to take bold steps toward transformation and unity. We are consistently looking to encourage, equip and empower our fellow brothers and sisters in learning what it means to be a total package… a complete picture of God’s heavenly kingdom, where none are excluded from the table of God’s love and grace. To that end activities have included attending the meetings of the conference and district entities to sharing our observations with the appropriate contacts. Indeed, we note some collaborative steps toward unity. • • • • • • Jointly sponsored Ethnic Luncheon at Annual Conference 2010. This was a collaborative effort of Conference Religion and Race, the Hispanic Ministry, and Ethnic Local Church Concerns. Starting in the fall 2010 Church & Society, Ethnic Local Church Concerns and Conference Religion and Race held joint meetings. Intent is to build a coalition to assure social justice issues have adequate support. Coalition building assured that the immigration resolution passed at annual conference 2010 was acted upon and follow through occurred. Commission will work to develop nurturing relations with clergy of color throughout the Conference. One goal is host a quarterly dinner inviting clergy and family to just come and fellowship. Building a vital inclusive committee that indeed reflects inclusivity of all demographics in the conference. Developing partners among conference committees to expand and provide depth to Commission’s work. Our journey toward new and strategic partnerships throughout the conference is ongoing as we seek God’s vision of ONE family. Submitted by Pamela Hammond McDavid, Ph.D., Chairperson 210 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Communications Ministry 2010 was a year of re-design on a number of fronts for the Communications Ministry Team in the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, as the swift currents of technological advances make transition almost the norm of the ministry. Our team is constantly “right-sizing” and “right-fitting” the components of the Communications system with the goal of keeping United Methodists informed of the church’s work and ministry, facilitating the conference’s role of equipping local churches for the disciple-making task. The Current The conference newspaper is published 11 times per year (there is no August issue) on the last Friday of the month. Probably the biggest changes have come in the print industry, as consolidation and revamping of print newspapers has put the entire industry in flux. In September the Team introduced a newly-designed Current aimed at providing a news magazine format which is consistent with its monthly frequency and the reality that breaking news is already posted through the website. Each month the monthly center spread is devoted to a “First in Print” story that includes a photo on the cover. In just the few short months of this new format, a great deal of information has been provided on First Thursdays, Imagine No Malaria, a feature on United Methodist candidates running for office, Alternative Christmas giving, 2010 Year in Review, Haiti: One Year Later, and Letters from Liberia. The newly designed publication won two awards from the Religion Communicators Council – a Certificate of Merit for a multiple issue submission of the new format; and an Award of Excellence for the November election issue as the best newspaper issue among local and regional religious organizations. We continue with a circulation of 12,000 church leaders and clergy. Our plans for the rest of 2011 include putting together an online subscription database on the IGRC website which will allow pastors to log into the Conference website and update subscriptions in a timely manner. We believe that this will lower costs associated with returned items and keep our mailing list more current. Electronic publications When The Current moved to a monthly publication schedule in 2007, the communications team recognized the vacuum created by a less frequent publication. At the same time, The Current Week in Review, a weekly e-newsletter, is published each Friday to provide up-to-date news and information. In just three years, the mailing list for the publication has grown to nearly 2,000. In addition, IGRC Events-full, a weekly publication on Mondays, provide local churches a means for publicizing local church and district events that previously were only publicized in The Current. In all, 1,200 subscribe to IGRC Events-full. Nearly 20 e-newsletters emanate from IGRC ministries, with the Communications Team directly involved in producing Foundational Perspectives, a publication of the Conference Foundation; the United Media Resource Center’s monthly newsletter; United Voices for Children’s e-newsletter; and e-newsletters for the conference United Methodist Women and occasional publication of a newsletter with news from the Women’s Division. In all, more than 6,700 unique email addresses receive news and information from the Illinois Great Rivers Conference. Ministry Reports 211 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Video ministry The conference’s award-winning video ministry is being called upon to provide support on a variety of fronts. Under the direction of Video Production Manager Suzy Burns, the ministry won an award for best use of motion graphics for the 2010 Senior High YAR promotional video by the United Methodist Association of Communicators (UMAC). The video ministry continues to resource various conference ministries and provides support for such events as Annual Conference and Covenant Keepers. Plans in 2011 and on into 2012 include replacement of the current standarddefinition cameras and equipment that are 10 years old with new high-definition cameras. In the 2012 budget request approved by CCFA, you will see a one-time expense of $20,000 to complete this upgrade to equipment. Web ministry The IGRC web ministry is really two-fold in providing both a channel for the publication of news and information as well as resourcing local churches in developing a web presence for themselves. In May 2010 the new IGRC website was launched that has allowed for an integrated web presence replacing the patchwork quilt of technologies previously employed. The team of IGRC Director of Communications Paul Black, webmaster Michele Willson, and IT Manager Mike Hembrough collaborated on the redesign in the spring of 2010. The new website received top honors among annual conference websites from UMAC for its functionality and ease of navigation – two issues which fueled the redesign process. In 2010, gavel to gavel coverage of the Annual Conference session was streamed on the web with the use of a media encoder built by Hembrough. We plan to continue that practice for the 2011 session. The team also continues to train various conference groups on Adobe Connect Pro, a web conferencing solution that enables groups to hold their meetings on the web with just a webcam and a telephone. During inclement weather in late 2010 and early 2011, the IGRC Cabinet used this technology quite effectively, keeping persons from needing to travel on snow and ice-packed roads. In resourcing local churches, the Communications team continues to host 50 local church and church agency websites on its servers, providing design and technical assistance at a nominal cost. In 2010, the Communications began a series of training events around web ministry. In November, the Conference Center hosted a workshop on Weaving a Web of Connections, an overview to web ministry. In February 2011, a workshop on Email Marketing featuring Constant Contact was held. Our next steps are to repeat these workshops throughout the conference as well as add training on Social Media. Currently, Director of Communications, Paul Black, and Commission on Communication member, Lee Legg, are certified by United Methodist Communications to provide training to local churches at no cost as needs arise. If your church is interested in hosting a training event, contact the Communications Ministry Team. Social Media and Marketing Conference communications have been augmented through the use of Facebook 212 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook and other social media tools. During 2010, Facebook pages were used for Annual Conference and the ACTS Bible Study. In 2011, we have added pages for the Imagine No Malaria and most recently, for the On the Journey…with Jesus Lenten devotional. In addition, the Conference Communications Team has a Twitter account @ IGRCComm and Bishop Palmer tweets regularly @ILAreaBishop A new member to the Communications Ministry Team, Natalie Rowe joined the staff in January 2011 and her presence was immediately recognized with eye-catching image development that supported the many messages. Some of her early work includes the IGRC SWAT Team t-shirts for the Imagine No Malaria campaign, the 2011 Camping catalog, the 2011 Annual Conference logo, and enhancements to The Current news magazine, and numerous web graphics for the On the Journey campaign and several local church websites. United Media Resource Center The Communications Ministry Team also operates the United Media Resource Center, a facility with nearly 5,000 different items available for loan for the cost of return postage. Under the direction of Jill Stone, the UMRC and the Illinois Great Rivers Conference has a partnership that has spanned nearly 25 years with the Great Rivers and Southeastern Illinois Presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church (USA), with all three regional bodies having access to the materials. Circulation numbers in 2010 were very promising in that the number of items loaned out increased by 25 percent and the number of customers using the service increased by 50 percent. We believe much of the increase presence and use of the UMRC is due to the UMRC catalog being put online through the IGRC website in December 2009. In 2010, the entire inventory was barcoded to facilitate circulation and checkout procedures are much simpler and easier to track. Priorities for 2011 A couple of priorities outlined in our last report remain undone. While some may see that as not following through, the reality is that the time and energy of this ministry team of five full-time and one part-time employee were involved in issues that emerged or were more pressing. The work of this past year is a testament to the collaborative work environment we have created. The priorities for 2011 will be focused upon: • • Emphasizing training with local churches. With the challenges of new technologies, it is imperative to assist churches by expanding their skill sets in the various areas of ministry. IGRC Director of Communication Ministries Paul Black and IGRC Commission on Communications member Lee Legg are certified trainers in areas such as web ministry, connectional giving, church communications and marketing, Rethink Church and Welcoming ministries. During 2010, we provided training in two districts and consulted with eight churches and our two training events reached several more congregations. Developing an online learning community. Collaborating with United Methodist Communications, the Communications Ministry Team is work- Ministry Reports 213 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook ing to establish an online learning center. Last and certainly not least, we are grateful for the support you provide through the faithful payment of apportionments. We are only able to do what we do because of sacrificial giving, and we don’t take that lightly. We covet your prayers as we continue to provide a point of connection that allows the Illinois Great Rivers Conference and its churches a voice as fulfill our disciple-making tasks. Submitted by Paul E. Black Director of Communication Ministries Drew University Theological School My predecessor, Dean Maxine Beach, has said to me that Drew University Theological School is “a special place’” on more than one occasion. Since coming to Drew, I have begun to see how right she is. It is a welcoming, hospitable, and caring community. We do not pretend to be a perfect community but we strive hard to welcome all who come through our doors and care for the shalom, the well-being, of each individual and as well as the Common Good. Drew is “a special place” because of the many ways we seek to equip and empower leaders for Christian ministry through the numerous programs we offer: • • • • • • • M.Div., S.T.M., M.A., M.A.Min., D.Min., and Ph D.; Continuing Education opportunities for pastors and lay people; Internships through Communities of Shalom in Shalom zones world wide Partnership for Religious Education in Prisons program in a local men’s prison and women’s prison, where Drew students and inmates study and learn together; Certification in Spiritual Formation and Camp and Retreat; Cross-Cultural Courses in India, Turkey, El Salvador, Mexico, Taize, and Ghana; United Methodist Liaison and Deacon Liaison to assist students in their discernment. In my first weeks, I have begun to visit churches and alumni in the vicinity. I believe very strongly that we can only do theological education with communities, both communities of faith and other kinds of communities that our alumni serve. In many ways, we owe a debt to our churches and other agencies that work with us to train and form our students for leadership. We take pride in having a faculty that is perhaps one of the most diverse in theological education with an almost equal number of women and men. Our student body is equally diverse. We take seriously our United Methodist identity. Drew is well positioned to be a leading progressive United Methodist seminary. I welcome ongoing dialogue as we work together to shape a vision in equipping the saints for ministry. Together we can make Christian disciples that transform the world. The Rev. Dr. Kah-Jin Jeffrey Kuan, Ph.D. Dean and Professor of Hebrew Bible 214 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Equipping and Connecting Team Africa University Partnership Committee The Africa University Partnership Committee of Illinois Great Rivers Conference continues to celebrate that the dream is alive at Africa University! The events of this year on the African continent remind us of the vital need for higher education and the development of strong leaders for Africa. In 2008 the committee selected student scholarships as the focus for giving to Africa University by individuals and local churches in our conference. We celebrate that through our special offerings at Annual Conference and additional giving we have raised enough to fund two international graduate student scholarships – one for a graduate student from Liberia and one for a graduate student from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). These scholarships will be renewable for a second year. We have recommended Minikon Davisia Nuku Walsh from Liberia and Ivan Milosi from the DRC to be the recipients and are awaiting word on their acceptance at Africa University. We are excited to announce our next major fund-raising project for AU. There has long been critical need for a central maintenance facility on the campus. Currently there is no central storage place for maintenance supplies. Instead, limited space in several different places on campus leads to inability to make bulk purchases and difficulty in keeping track of inventory. While we recognize that maintenance concerns are not as glamorous as other kinds of projects, our conference has a history of supporting the buildings of AU and their continued upkeep dating back to the beginning and Dick Reeves’ involvement with the University. It is our hope to be able to raise the funds for this facility over a two year period and then to sponsor a work trip to the University (possibly in the summer of 2012). We are grateful for the support that the churches and individuals of Illinois Great Rivers Conference have given to Africa University since its inception. When we put our gifts together, no matter the size, we keep the dream alive! For current information on Africa University from the Internet, go to www. audo.umc.org and www.africau.edu. Submitted by Glen Robyne and Janet Eggleston, Co-Chairs Africa University Partnership Committee Congregational Development Team In the ongoing effort to start new congregations in the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, outreach activities and preview services have begun in Flanagan to start Fusion UMC. One of the key ministries has been youth ministry, which has provided a connection to several families who aren’t a part of any church. Christ UMC in Fairview Heights plans to launch a new site of worship in the Collinsville/Maryville area in September, 2011. They are beginning with several outreach events to be visible in the community. They will worship at the Maryville YMCA with a live band and worship leaders, and most weeks the message will be via video. A team from the Iroquois River District has been meeting with the Coordinators of Hispanic Ministries and Congregational Development to discuss Ministry Reports 215 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook the potential for starting Hispanic ministry in the district. For the third consecutive year, IGRC hosted the North Central Jurisdiction Church Planters’ Boot Camp on May 9-12, 2011. The workshop helps church planters and congregational teams develop action steps to start a new congregation or multi-site ministry. Several equipping events have been offered throughout the year, with a major focus being on the Fruitful Congregations Process. Thirty churches have engaged in the two and a half year process in two different locations. A third series of workshops will begin in October, 2011, hosted by the Iroquois River District (churches from any district can be a part of the process). The churches which have been involved have found it to provide new challenges and excitement for leaders of their congregations. Plans are being made for the 2012 Congregational Development Leadership Institute for pastors. Presenters will be Jim Griffith, Christie Latona, Mike Crawford, and Doug Anderson. For more information, go to the Congregational Development section of the IGRC web site. Because of budget reductions in the past few years, Congregational Development is phasing out transformation grants. Submitted by Mike Crawford, Coordinator of Congregational Development Ethnic Local Church Concerns Committee Legislative Item 112: Ministry with Migrant Neighbors was passed at our 2010 Annual Conference. The subject of the legislative item was a call for Christian ministry with migrants and comprehensive immigration reform. This year the Ethnic Local Church Concerns Committee had joint meetings with Church and Society, Religion and Race, and members of the Hispanic ministries on this issue. A letter was sent to President Obama regarding immigration issues from these combined committees. Our combined groups, (Hispanics Ministries, Religion and Race, and Ethnic Local Church Concern Committee) had their first annual conference luncheon, and it will become an annual conference event. Our speaker was a student ambassador from the Black College Fund of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. A blend of ethnic music was shared by all. A few members of our committee were invited to be members of Bishop Palmer’s Task Force Committee on Cross–Racial and Cross-Cultural Ministry within our conference. Each group has begun to research the history of their ethnic church’s background within the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference and its predecessor annual conferences. These materials will be shared with the Conference Archives Committee and placed on file. Our goal continues to be to broaden our knowledge and education with our brothers and sisters within the church. Submitted by J. LaVon Wilson, Chairperson 216 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Evangelism Committee Our purpose in 2010 was to reorganize the committee for ministry, understand our purpose in the annual conference structure, and be good stewards of the enthusiasm generated by the two successful “Forged in the Fire” evangelism training events held during 2009. As a means of keeping the brand recognition of “Forged in the Fire” alive in a year of reorganization, we encouraged a worship service with the theme of the “Forged in the Fire” experience to be held in each district, beginning in the fall of 2010. We want to thank our host pastors and churches, the speakers from within and outside the conference, and our superintendents and their district leadership for the various and diverse ways that they made these events come alive in each district. We intend to organize another large training event for evangelism modeled on the previous events, Forged in the Fire III, at a single site in the fall of 2011. The committee intends to ask for one keynote speaker to be nominated by the Cabinet, while the second will be sought through Path1 and the General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church. Our goal remains to create a “tipping point” for evangelism and disciple making within the culture of our Annual Conference. In addition to this goal, we understand our purpose to be (1) equipping laity to do effective evangelism within their local churches and (2) encouraging the ministry of laity and clergy connectionally as evangelists in our midst, whether by conducting revivals or providing training experiences. We are considering strategies and methods to fulfill this purpose. Our committee will meet three times per year at locations spread throughout the conference, in July, November, and April. Submitted by David O. Kueker, Chair, IGRC Evangelism Committee Lay Leadership Team In the fall of 2010 the Lay Leadership Team (Board of Laity) partnered with Bishop Palmer to meet with laity in informal settings throughout the Conference. Over 1350 people from more than 279 churches gathered in six locations from late September through early October to hear the Bishop share important issues and answer their questions. It was a great opportunity to strengthen the relationship between our Episcopal leader and the people in the pews, an opportunity that we hope will be repeated many more times. Submitted by Conference Lay Leader, Rhonda Whitaker Mission and Outreach IGRC - Liberia Partnership Mission work teams continue to work in Liberia. In 2010, forty-seven people from IGRC made this journey, and in the summer 2010 two second-year medical Ministry Reports 217 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook students from Iowa State University spent two months volunteering at Ganta Hospital through our conference partnership with Liberia. In January and February of 2011, thirty-one people went to Liberia. God continues to call more people to experience Liberia for the first time, and several have returned for the second time. We continue to be challenged and blessed by our brothers and sisters in Liberia. We may go for specific projects, but we return home more changed than any change we could ever make happen. IGRC generously supports our three General Advance Specials for Liberia and donations are sent for specific building projects as well as individual scholarships. In 2010, over $300,000 was donated to our three General Advance Specials: Pastor Salary Support (#15124A), Liberia Scholarships (#15125B), and Liberia Reconstruction (#15126N). Additional financial contributions were expedited through the Advance Office for specific building projects. A few of the major additional donations include $26,355 toward the John Kofi Asmah School, $26,000 from Decatur Grace to scholarship 400 students at the John Wesley UM School in Wealah District, $26,000 plus toward John Kofi Asmah UM School in West Point, renovation of the nursing school dormitory, and many other specific projects. From our Scholarship Advance (15125B), Helen Roberts,Director of Education for the Liberia Annual Conference, reports 1,008 students were sent to kindergarten through high school and 110 pursued post-secondary educational studies. Several individuals and churches send additional designated scholarships. In 2010, nearly $25,000 was donated to GBGM missionary salary support for missionaries serving in Liberia alone. Digging wells to provide safe drinking water remains a focus of many IGRC churches. In 2010 twenty six new wells were dug throughout Liberia. Many of those wells were tested in January 2011 by Ken Runkle, member of Kumler UMC who works for Illinois EPA testing water samples Some building projects are completed while new projects are underway. Completed projects include: the I.J. Williams UM School in Unification town, renovation of the A.B. Anderson UMC in Tubmanburg, Borpanyee UMC, Gelepa UMC, staffing and equipping the Weala Mission Station clinic, Saclepea UMC and School, Wazon UMC, and renovation of the dormitory for nursing students at Ganta. Projects progressing are New Hope UMC and John Kofi Asmah UM School in West Point, New Georgia UM School, Kpaan parsonage, Lepula UMC and a new church start in St. John River District. Training opportunities continue to grow in Liberia. In July 2010, IGRC completed the second teacher training for United Methodist teachers from six schools in the Monrovia area and teachers at the Ganta United Methodist School. January of 2011, four therapists from Chaddock trained teachers and house mothers at Bishop Judith Craig Children’s Home, teachers from several Monrovia UM Schools, students and faculty of Gbarnga School of Theology and Ganta UM School staff. Missionary Salary Support To become a 5-Star Church in IGRC, qualifications for missionary salary support have changed to require missionary covenant relationship ($5 per member of $2,500 per congregation) instead of giving any amount to missionary salary. Missionary salary support continues to grow throughout the conference and the overall giving has increased. Combined support for our own Connie Wieck and Janet McCarty in 2010 reached $82,640.16. Rebecca and Mark Smallwood at Redbird Missions received the largest amount of salary support for U.S. missionaries - $20,307.14 The level of salary support of other GBGM missionaries 218 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook greatly varies. Disaster Response IGRC now has four official UMCOR Early Response trainers: Rev. Sharon Monroe, Ron Monroe, Ken Miner and Steve Schoeffel. Many ERT trainings happened throughout IGRC in 2010, and Vermilion River has formed a district response team. Active and trained disaster response volunteers are needed in every district of our conference. Joint training has also begun with members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America for Early Response to develop a joint Spiritual and Emotional Care Team. IGRC Hosts GBGM Consultations Honduras: In October 2010 Alton Main Street hosted the GBGM Honduras Consultation with participants from throughout the U.S. and Honduras. Bishop Galvan and Bishop Palmer were present. Plans are underway for yearly IGRC mission team to travel to Honduras. In 2010 over twenty traveled to Honduras from IGRC and in the summer of 2011, twenty seven from Alton Main Street alone will work in Liberia. Greg Gilzinnis, member of Alton Main Street, is now the GBGM coordinator in the U.S. for teams working in Honduras. Liberia: In the fall 2010, a Ganta Hospital Task Force was hosted by Alton Main Street to discuss the need for additional partners for the new hospital plans at Ganta Mission Stations. Coordinators are assigned this task force by UMCOR, GBGM, and The Advance Office. IGRC will continue to play a major role in the development of the new Ganta Hospital. Volunteers in Mission The IGRC has teams regularly traveling to Haiti to work in earthquake recovery, and throughout 2010 414 people reported traveling to other international destinations in addition to Liberia, including Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Kiev, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Poland. Many local churches do not report their yearly mission experiences. Board of Church and Society There were several discussions with ELCA companion organization in 2010 to discern ways we may work cooperatively to promote several justice issues. Two identified areas are health care and immigration. IGRC Board of Church and Society continues to host a yearly Bread for The World Seminar and send two clergy to the Young Clergy Forum in D.C. sponsored by GBCS. Parish Nurse Committee Parish nurses throughout the IGRC region are now identified and continue to network. The second parish nurse retreat was held August 2010, and plans are underway to focus on clergy health issues for 2011. Older Adult Committee A series of workshops on spirituality and aging were held in four locations: Mt. Vernon, Lebanon, Galesburg and Champaign. The morning sessions were each led by different IGRC active or retired clergy, and the afternoon session was led by Rev. Anna Kpaan of Liberia, Director of Ministry to the Aged. Submitted by Bunny Wolfe, Mission and Outreach Coordinator Ministry Reports 219 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook New Streams Team What is the mission of the church? In more and more churches throughout the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, the answer is clear: to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. But how do we do that? The New Streams Team exists to be a resource for leaders in local churches, districts, the conference, and beyond as they seek to answer this question in each unique context. During the past year, the New Streams Team continued the three-year “Deeper Still” series of events designed to deepen participants’ practice of spiritual disciplines. “Denying Oneself and Giving Life to Another: Experiencing Fasting and Sheltering the Homeless” was hosted by Quest UMC in Champaign November 19-20, 2010. Despite a last-minute change in the keynote speaker due to illness, participants were challenged to expand their concepts of fasting and homelessness through times of teaching, reflection, and hands-on service through ministries including Restoration Urban Ministries and Empty Tomb. “Studying God’s Word and Transforming the World: Experiencing Searching the Scriptures and Seeking the Common Good” was hosted by Cahokia Park UMC in Cahokia March 11-12, 2011. Participants were inspired by the preaching and Bible teaching of keynote speaker Grace Imathiu and engaged in seeking the common good of the Cahokia community in partnership with the Cahokia Connections Church Alliance. The fifth event in the series, “Sharing Deeply and Giving Your Heart Away: Experiencing Christian Conferencing and Visiting the Sick and Imprisoned,” is scheduled for September 30-October 1, 2011, at First UMC in Monmouth. Bishop Kenneth Carder is scheduled to speak. The New Streams web pages have been updated with several new features in 2011. A series of “Meeting Bible Studies” have been posted, with a different study every month sent via email. These studies are intended to be completed in 10-15 minutes, and are ideal for devotions at the beginning of a church meeting. “Stories from the Stream” is a page devoted to sharing disciple formation processes, definitions of the term “disciple,” and stories of how specific IGRC congregations developed their own intentional plan for disciple formation. A page with tips from local churches who are engaged in various spiritual disciplines has also been added, with additional tips being added to the page monthly. New Streams Team members and staff continue to be available to resource local churches as they develop and implement intentional disciple formation processes. They are also available to lead workshops at local church, cluster, district, and conference level events relating to intentional disciple formation and spiritual growth in love of God and love of neighbor through participation in the means of grace/basic Christian practices. Submitted by Beth Fender, Coordinator of New Streams Older Adult Ministry The theme of the 2010 spring meetings of the IGRC Older Adult Ministry Team was “Going on to Perfection? Our Spiritual Journey Continues”. Four IGRC clergy summarized John Wesley’s Christian discipleship practices. Each reflected on how Wesley’s daily discipleship practices helped form and continues to guide their spiritual journey. One of the clergy shared his/her journey at each of four 220 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook meeting locations throughout the Conference. The featured mission speaker was Rev. Anna Kpann, the Older Adult Coordinator of the Liberia Conference. She told the story of her spiritual journey and how it is a vital part of her witness and ministry in Liberia. She said that it reflects what two cultures can share and teach each other about aging spiritually. The OAM display at IGRC for the past number of years has reflected the wide range of the on-going interests and activities of elders. One must remember that the term “elder adult” may cover a 40-year age span. The OAM Team has “birthed” the Conference Parish Nurse Team. The program year of 2011-2012 will be the first official year of the IGRC Parish Nurse Team although in each of the previous two years they have conducted an overnight retreat. Submitted by Jane A. Masters, Chair of OAM Team Fellowship of UMs in Music and Worship Arts The purpose of The Fellowship is to be a sharing and enabling fellowship that affirms the sacramental life, embracing preaching, music, drama, dance, architecture, and all the visual arts appropriate for the inclusive life of the Church. The Fellowship was founded in 1954 and operates at the local, jurisdictional, national and international levels. The national website is www.umfellowship.org. IGRC Chapter accomplishments during 2010: • • • The chapter hosted its 22nd Annual Handbell Festival on Saturday, March 13, at the Northfield Inn in Springfield. Larry Henning, co-founder of Westminster Ringers, Westminster, Maryland, and a seventh grade teacher at Mt. Airy Middle School, was the featured clinician. Distributed Fellowship-related information to Chapter members and Fellowship friends via e-mail Held planned conference calls quarterly and convened adjunct conference calls as necessary. The Fellowship is available to assist churches as requested Submitted by Dan Crede Garret-Evangelical Theological Seminary The core purpose of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary is to know God in Christ and, through preparing spiritual leaders, to help others know God in Christ. We continue our deep and abiding commitment to prepare bold and articulate leaders who share the transforming love of Jesus Christ. Last fall the seminary welcomed 122 new students, the largest entering class in twenty years. The average age of the diverse and highly qualified MDiv class is thirty-one. Garrett-Evangelical provides $2 million in institutional financial aid to students each year. Ministry Reports 221 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Class of 1961 alumnus Dr. James H. Cone was the keynote speaker during the fall convocation. The event also celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the seminary’s Center for the Church and the Black Experience. To commemorate twenty-five years of leadership in spiritual formation, the seminary is raising $2 million to endow the Rueben P. Job Chair in Spiritual Formation, which will assure the seminary remains at the forefront of developing and enhancing spiritual formation studies. Contributions will honor Bishop Job and assure the ongoing nurture of spiritual leaders for the Church and the world. The Institute for Transformative Leaders and Communities develops programs for the continuous education and lifelong learning for leaders and communities. The Institute’s MDiv Plus, the first of its kind, is a three-year executive education program in cooperation with Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management. It includes six seminars and a one-on-one coaching program. All clergy with an MDiv degree are eligible to participate. The expanded Doctor of Ministry program offers four tracks: Congregational Leadership, African-American Congregational Leadership, Spiritual Direction, and Mission in the Contemporary United States. The DMin program also is a portal to the Association of Chicago Theological Schools (ACTS) DMin program in preaching. Renovation of Loder and Lesemann Halls nears completion. Loder will feature a student center, student lounge, state-of-the-art classroom, kitchen and dining room, modern residence rooms, and guest suites. Lesemann will house the Stead Center for Ethics and Values, expanded library facilities, a conference room, and other offices. Loder Hall will be LEED certified. Garrett-Evangelical is welcoming several new faculty and staff: • • • • • Dr. Anna Johnson, Visiting Assistant Professor of Reformation Church History Dr. Hendrik Pieterse, Associate Professor of Global Christianity and World Religions The Rev. Becky Eberhart, Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management The Rev. Mary Ann Moman, Senior Advancement Specialist and Director of Course of Study The Rev. James Noseworthy, Senior Assistant to the President Joining the seminary’s faculty this summer are: • • Dr. Charles H. Cosgrove, Professor of Early Christian Literature Dr. Virginia A. Lee, Associate Professor of Christian Education Garrett-Evangelical serves over 550 students in degree-related courses, certificate programs, and our summer Course of Study School. We encourage you to visit our website, www.garrett.edu, and to visit us on campus. We are proud to serve The United Methodist Church, and we ask for your continuing prayers and support as we pursue our mission and our renewed vision. Submitted by President Philip A. Amerson 222 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House The board, staff, and volunteers would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the members of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference for their unmeasured support and love for the children and families served through the ministry of the Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House in 2010. Through the tremendous support of all the individuals and churches throughout the conference Neighborhood House was able to serve more than 21,000 children, youth, parents, families and elderly persons in the greater East St. Louis community. In 2010 Neighborhood House served more than 5,000 low income individuals and families every month at the ministry’s Food Pantry. Neighborhood House helped more than 3,000 very low income families to either keep their utilities on during the winter months or helped pay their rent and prevented them from becoming homeless. Through your support Neighborhood House provided vitally needed child care to more than 115 children. Based on our track record in providing quality child care, the ministry was asked to implement a new Migrant Head Start Program which will start in June 2011. During 2010, Neighborhood House was successful in implementing a special Job Training and Employment Program in which more than 2,600 young parents were hired. The parents worked in local businesses and organizations throughout St. Clair and Madison counties. Neighborhood House placed 700 of the parents in permanent jobs when the program ended. Through the support of hundreds of individuals and churches throughout the Conference, Neighborhood House was able to partner with other churches and local organizations to provide critically needed after school programming for more than 13,000 area children and youth. The Neighborhood House’s own Teen REACH After School Program was very successful in helping youth graduate from high school and assisted them in enrolling in colleges throughout Illinois. In December Neighborhood House was very blessed to be donated a new building known as the Continuum of Life Center. Neighborhood House is now partnering with other local organizations to enhance the level of support for homeless persons in the East St. Louis community. Neighborhood House presently administers the largest Homelessness Prevention Program in St. Clair County and is serving hundreds of families who were impacted by the downturn in the economy. In August, through the support of United Methodist churches, Neighborhood House was able to partner with other local organizations to sponsor a Back to School Fair. Parents and their children enjoyed bounce houses, face painting, games, and hot dogs. The ministry gave away more than 800 backpacks to area children. Again, on behalf of all the children, youth, families and elderly persons that are served through the ministry of Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House, we want to thank you for your love and support. May God Bless. Submitted by William R. Kreeb, Executive Director Ministry Reports 223 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook McKendree University It has been an exceptional year at McKendree University! We are particularly proud of the new residence halls that are under construction and will be completed by the Fall 2011, the first on the campus in 26 years. The new year also heralds the development of several new academic programs and majors to include sports management, Spanish, and global studies. In addition, we continue our movement toward full membership in the NCAA Division II. In the midst of these exciting new additions and developments, McKendree’s core mission to educate leaders for the future remains the same. Total undergraduate enrollment is now 2,355. The main campus in Lebanon is home to over 1,420 undergraduate students from across the United States and international students from 15 different countries. The fall 2010 first-year class of 473 students included students from Nepal, Columbia, Argentina, Jamaica, and Zimbabwe, in addition to those returning from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Nigeria. Fifteen percent of the incoming students were ranked in the top 10 percent of their high school class. Not only are more students choosing McKendree, but the academic credentials of incoming students also continue to rise. The average ACT score of this year’s class is 23. McKendree offers bachelor’s degrees in 40 major areas of study, including art, biology, English, medical technology, mathematics, music, and a new theater major as part of our diverse curriculum. Additionally, McKendree’s Honors Program challenges top students to conduct original research and presentations to the greater McKendree community. Our graduate program enrollment continues to grow; 972 students are currently enrolled in education, professional counseling, nursing, business administration, and non-degree areas of study. In keeping with our original mission, McKendree University seeks to develop a community founded on Christian ideals and dedicated to scholarship. The University recognizes the need to develop body, mind and spirit, and in so doing we recognize Bothwell Chapel at the center of the religious programming. Each week Bible studies, fellowship, and worship opportunities are provided to meet the diverse spiritual needs of the McKendree community. These facilities and the vision behind them, provide a wonderful environment for student faith and leadership development. McKendree continues to encourage young persons from United Methodist churches to pursue their education at the University by utilizing the John Wesley Scholarship Fund. Churches interested in supporting a student should contact the University for further details. We continue to see our effort at McKendree University as one of partnership with you, the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference. Submitted by Tim Harrison, McKendree University Chaplain Midwest Mission Distribution Center The site for the MMDC is an 8-acre campus, east of Chatham, IL, leased from the Sugar Creek United Methodist Church. Construction on the kit-making area began in October of 1999 and opened in March of 2000. 224 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook The scope of the donations sent out by the Center has increased in the past eleven years. Illinois Great Rivers Conference has a commitment to Liberia, Africa. The items sent to Haiti are also duplicated for Liberia. In addition to disaster relief kits & supplies, school supplies, and the rice project, the Center also sends many blankets (handmade as well as commercial), clothing, sewing machines, medical equipment, and supplies, bikes, and some furniture, and household items. Many types of items have been given a second chance to help people, by being brought to the Center where eager recipients are located for these items. Last year at the 2010 Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference, 7,637 pounds of rice was collected and sent to Liberia. In 2010 the Center collected and shipped thousands of health kits, layette kits, cleaning buckets, sewing kits, and school kits through cooperation with U.M.C.O.R. Sager-Brown in Baldwin, LA. In February 2010, MMDC signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with UMCOR and is now one of seven cooperating depots in the UMCOR Relief Supply Network. Disbursements: UMCOR Health Kit 72,563 UMCOR Layette Kit 1,810 UMCOR Cleaning Bucket 2,772 UMCOR Bedding Kit 0 UMCOR School Kit 12,859 UMCOR Sewing Kit 655 UMCOR Birthing Kit 1,262 Haiti Student School Bag 7,646 Haiti Teacher School Bag 137 School Desks 192 Submitted by Pat Wright Executive Director, MMDC Pastoral Care and Counseling Pastoral Care and Counseling (PCC) was established in the Illinois Area in 1973 in order to provide psychological and pastoral services for pastors and their families. Under the first two directors, Dr. Donald Houts and Dr. Dan Henderson, a program emerged which resembled the strengths and passions of those two individuals. It was very much an incarnational ministry, featuring substantial opportunities for clinical counseling and psychotherapy. With the retirement of Dr. Henderson in 2007, PCC began a quadrennium of wilderness wanderings. The PCC board was thrust from a relatively passive mode into the role of radically evaluating the need for PCC, its mission, its structure, its strategies for service, and the relationship between PCC and other entities in the annual conference. Our primary quandary concerned strategy. While we have had a consistent mission all this time (the mental health of our pastors and their families) and several well loved and marketable programs (free counseling services, free Ministry Reports 225 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook psychotherapy, and free expertise) we have not had an intentional, proactive, and comprehensive strategy to guide us in providing mental health and pastoral services in a radically changing church and culture. (A few things have changed since 1973.) The old strategy was to find a lone expert, rent an office, hang a shingle, and announce that the doctor is “in” for anyone who is troubled, tired, or tempted. “Come to Champaign and get help.” In recent years, however, it became apparent that we needed an emerging strategy which would: • • • • • • • • renew the practice of pastoral care as distinct from (and in addition to) the practice of counseling, deliver services to more constituents, utilize new venues of communication (such as the internet) connect mental health with physical and spiritual well being, collaborate with others who serve pastors and their families, be proactive in addressing problems and centrifugal in reaching out—rather than waiting for the ‘sick’ to come to us, gather a synergy-evoking team, and encourage growth and responsibility on the part of the pastors and the family members being served. It has been a period of vigorous wrestling, featuring bishops and consultants, counselors and common tables, distraught pastors and frustrated district superintendents, real people caricatured as financial grinches and gullible turfprotectors, speeches and essays and motions on the floor of annual conference, and endless drawing boards. But now the principals of this drama find themselves at last atop Mt. Pisgah, (after four years, not forty, mercifully) and we see the contours of a promising and dynamic ministry ahead. We are still sure to be surprised by much of PCC’s future, but several features have become visible in this spring of 2011. Four biblical concepts give vitality to PCC: healing, encouragement, community, and enlightenment. And the strategy which is emerging focuses on four components: • • • • multiple venues for pastoral counseling and better information about other counseling services available for specialized needs; a well designed program of research, education, and advocacy on issues germane to mental health for parsonage families; promotion of communities of pastoral care for healing and nurture: healthy congregations, covenant groups, and other organizations and social settings; and provision of a pastor to the pastors and their families, consisting of visitation, preaching, liturgy, and spiritual shepherding: a little old fashioned, yet cutting edge. We wanted to avoid strategies which would be too constricted. Such strategies included: • • • 226 Hiring just one conference-wide counselor Locating in just one geographical setting Offering just clinical counseling at the virtual exclusion of pastoral care Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook • • Outsourcing all counseling to secular counselors Reorganizing PCC to be located in the conference office and under the direct administration and supervision of the cabinet. We also wanted to avoid strategies which would be too promiscuous— dispersing our funds and personnel toward whatever good looking idea floats by. Such digressive schemes included: • • • • • • Shifting our focus from pastoral care and counseling to clergy wellness Becoming a primary catalyst for clergy self-care Providing psychological testing for clergy candidates or clergy in crisis Assisting individual congregations going through trauma Funding professional or spiritual development programs which other agencies in the conference cannot afford, will not create, or have not been structured to pursue Interfering with district superintendents (paragraph 422) and other agencies of the annual conference as they define and exercise their responsibilities for pastoral care Finally, we wanted to avoid strategies which would dilute the unique mood found in traditional pastoral care: tenderness, encouragement, attentiveness to stories, sympathy, patience, kindness, confidentiality, intimacy, and humility. In a time when pastors are blamed for institutional decline, families are scolded for not being more cheerful about itinerancy, “To Do” books and workshops proliferate, “Effectiveness” metrics are taking center stage, “Self-help” and “Pull yourself up by the Bootstraps” advocates are getting louder and louder, and coaches shout for us to return to a more macho style of leadership—we are crazy-desperate for that mood of mercy which traditional pastoral care laces into our weaknesses, weariness, and wounds. While much angst has come from wrestling out and defining what we do not want PCC to become, new energy and enthusiasm has come out of discovering what we do want. We do want an array of affordable counseling services made available to all our clergy and their households. To this end, we have entered a covenant with several pastoral counselors around the state (licensed and AAPC affiliated) who will team with us. Our conference health insurance will cover the bulk of the costs for those counseling services. PCC will cover the first three co-pays and offer assistance to any clergy or clergy family members who are not adequately covered by health insurance. PCC is also providing information to pastors and their families about secular counselors available through HealthLink and about accessible organizations which bring together the psychological and the spiritual dimensions of living. A current PCC goal is to work with counselors throughout the state to help them understand the peculiar environment of congregation and conference which leads to both unique problems and unique possibilities for clergy and their families. We want a web site which will enlighten us, build community, promote healing, and give encouragement. To this end, we have hired a web editor (Alison Smith,) to set up a daily-changing web site and provide a safe and anonymous place for pastors and their families to explore a wide range of personal issues which confront us. The web site includes information and links to all our covenant counselors, information and links to HealthLink mental health services, leads to other regional organizations which specialize in psychology and spirituality, Ministry Reports 227 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook a library of links and white pages to facilitate our own learning and growth, and a “Daily Offerings” section to help us experience each other, the world around us, and humor in ways which are sane and healing. The web address is: pastoralcareandcounseling.org. We want a director for PCC who can build and supervise a PCC team consisting of counselors and web editors, promote synergy, organize seminars and retreats, collaborate with superintendents and other conference agencies, develop new environments of pastoral care for pastors and their families, and promote and evaluate the services PCC is offering to clergy, their spouses, and their children. To this end, in collaboration with the cabinet, we have entered covenant with Karen Blank-Ewell to be our next director of Pastoral Care and Counseling, effective July 1, 2011. She will begin part time with us, dividing her time. As PCC develops from this point forward, it is very possible that we will return to a full time director in the near future. We want specific services for delivering pastoral care to pastors and their families and to develop a culture of pastoral care in the conference. Our new director, Karen Blank-Ewell will lead us in conversations to put flesh on this theoretical ambition. We want to improve our abilities to navigate emotional, moral, financial, relationship, conference, congregational, professional, and physical stress. Toward this end, our new director will help us organize a variety of seminars, retreats, and workshops. We want to collaborate more creatively with the Cabinet, the Board of Ordained Ministry, district care guides, clergy orders, covenant groups, and other conference (and outside) groups concerned with the well being of pastors. We have assigned our director responsibilities for initiating these conversations. Finally, we wish to express several appreciations. Bill Werner has served us nearly two years as our interim administrative coordinator. He has helped us connect and work collaboratively with the cabinet, and he has encouraged us to keep dreaming and planning when we would be discouraged. On our behalf, he has conducted “Healthy Congregation” workshops throughout the conference, shepherded our covenant counselors, convened the Bishop’s Task Force on Wellness, provided mountains of information for our new web site, and instituted the workshop on “Transitions” to help clergy who are moving to new appointments. He has been a blessing to our board and a joy to work alongside. We appreciate the fine work Alison Smith has done in the past year helping us to design, write, and go live with our web site. And we have been blessed with four covenant counselors who have a heart for pastors and their families. Linda Horrell, Steve Busick, David Wence, and Steve Heitkamp have shared their wisdom, their time, and their energy with dozens of folks from our conference. We give God thanks for their guidance and their presence with us through life’s ups and downs. Submitted by J. Michael Smith, Chair Pastoral Care and Counseling 228 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund The Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund (PASBF) was established in the Civil War Era, and its sole purpose has been to care for the retired clergy and their spouses from our Conference. Over the many years of our existence, we have accomplished this mission in a variety of ways which include, but are not limited to: being the pension fund, making contributions to the Pre-82 Plan, paying for monthly health insurance premiums, and contributing millions to help pay for the Medicare Supplement Insurance. It is our joy to serve those who have served us. Financial Status The Board of Directors is pleased to announce at the end of 2010, the fund was approximately $1.8 million above the corpus level, even after making our 2010 contribution of $2.5 million toward the Medicare Supplement Insurance. With the overall markets recovering, PASBF has been able to see a recovery as well. Unfortunately the fund is not in a position to resume paying the monthly health insurance premiums for retirees and spouses. They will be responsible for the premiums again for this year. Financial Support In 2010, the corpus of PASBF grew by approximately $836,000 or 1.98% increase. The majority of the gifts received are from individuals and churches. PASBF is very grateful for the sacrifice and generosity of all who continue to support us. In terms of dollars, the majority comes from estate plans. Several individuals have remembered PASBF in their wills, trusts, and/or charitable gift annuities. We thank these individuals for helping to ensure PASBF can serve those who have served us. Increase in Financial Commitment The Board of Directors has recommended an increase to our contribution to the Conference Health Insurance for the Medicare Supplement. Even though the cost of the coverage has increased, we have been able to not increase our contribution for several years. In order for the Conference to continue with this coverage, the Board felt it necessary to increase our support to $3 million for 2011. This represents a 20% increase in our level of support to our retirees and spouses. Continued Need for Fund Raising IGRC is able to offer the benefits to our retirees and spouses because of PASBF. We are seeing several conferences in The United Methodist Church withdrawing benefits due to the lack of funds. We are very fortunate for those who have gone before us, and who sacrificially gave to make PASBF what it is today. Their sacrifices and hard work are paying huge dividends to us today. However, if we are going to continue to support our retirees and spouses, PASBF must continue to raise funds. Our $3 million contribution to the health plan represents 6.7% of the value of the entire fund. This year alone over 20 clergy members will retire. Approximately two-thirds of our active clergy are over the age of 50. We will continue to see an increase in the number of retirees for the next several years. If PASBF is going to remain relevant, we must continue to raise new funds. Ministry Reports 229 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Because of this reality, PASBF will continue to work in the area of fundraising. We launched a new fundraising program with donor recognition societies this year. Online giving is now available through our webpage – www.pasbf.org. We continue to offer charitable gift annuities and other estate plan options. In the coming year, a new program targeting local church support will begin. With new funds, PASBF can continue to be as strong as ever as we support and care for our retirees, spouses, and any dependent children. Proposed Change in Medicare D Plan This year the Annual Conference will consider a change in our Health Insurance Plan by no longer offering a Medicare D Plan (Prescription Plan). Each retiree and spouse will need to enroll in an individual plan. PASBF has been kept in the loop with every step along the way with this proposal. The Board of Directors has reaffirmed our commitment to retirees and spouses. If this proposed change does pass, we are committed to: 1) assist with the education of the change and how to enroll in a plan, and 2) be a safety net to any retiree and/or spouse if there is financial need. We will continue to work with the Conference to provide benefits to retirees and spouses. New Staff Member A new staff member was added earlier this year. Sarah Cooper is a part-time Administrative Assistant for PASBF. Her office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. Sarah’s direct phone line is 217-529-3215 Originally from the Chicago-land area, Sarah played 4 years of volleyball at University of Illinois at Springfield and has stayed in the area. She will be answering phones and dealing with the day-to-day office duties. We are excited to have Sarah and invite you to get to know her. Conclusion The Board of Directors would like to thank our 3 Assistants – Rev. Sam Totten, Rev. Floyd Blackard, and Rev. Raydean Davis – for their excellent work this past year. The Assistants have ministered, cared, and supported our retirees and spouses in many different ways. We could not accomplish near the work we do without their help! The Board of Directors is committed to protecting the corpus, supporting retired clergy and spouses, and representing retirees in the Conference. We look forward to another strong year this year. Nominations for the Board of Directors Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund Rev. Joseph Scheets Rev. Ken Hogren Ms. Nancy Frazier Rev. Clyde Snyder Ms. Beverly Sywassink 230 Ministry Reports Class of 2012 302 E Grove Ave, Effingham IL 62401 304 E Far Hills Dr, East Peoria IL 61611 732 E. Wesley Dr, O’Fallon IL 62269 801 Timber Ridge, Mahomet IL 61853 109 Centennial Ave, Normal IL 61761 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Rev. John Woodruff Rev. Shelly Forrest Mr. E. Ted Graham, Jr Mr. Randy O’Brien Rev. Paige Roberts Mr. Larry Phillips Mr. Chuck Hunt Rev. David Gaffron Mr. John Payne Rev. Kathy Sweet Class of 2013 20 Brompton Court, Bloomington IL61704 PO Box 25, El Paso IL 61738 PO Box 320, Taylorville IL 62568 4341 Acer Grove Rd C300, Spfield IL 62711 2202 S 4th St., Charleston IL 61920 Class of 2014 1322 Crown Court, Bloomington IL 61704 128 Manor Hill, Chatham IL 62629 31 Chiswick Circle, Bloomington IL 61704 6408 Roberts Rd., Marion IL 62959 1200 W Calista St, Kankakee IL 60901 Submitted by Keith Anderson, Executive Director Preachers’ Mutual Benefit Association Could your family use an extra $1,200 if something happened to you? Would you rather send financial help instead of flowers when a colleague in ministry dies? If you answered yes to the above you might wish to join PMBA It has nothing to do with insurance. It is not another pension program. It is not the Preachers’ Aid Society. It is the Preachers’ Mutual Benefit Association. The funds for each $1,200 love gift are provided by each member being assessed $5.00 each time another full member dies. A notice is sent from the secretary to inform every member of the death and to remind each member of the assessment due. Full membership is available to all pastors and diaconal ministers of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference in good standing and their spouses. In the event of death, a $1,200 love gift will be paid to the beneficiary. Assessments are $5.00 per member each time a full member dies. President Secretary Current Officers: Dennis Price Vice-President Bob McKelvey Treasurer Steve Hartman Gretta McKelvey Membership as of 1/1/2010: 341 Deaths: 11 1 /8 /2010 3 /9 /2010 3 /20/2010 3 /21/2010 5 /10/2010 6 /28/2010 7 /18/2010 7 /26/2010 Marsha Schmidt (403) Kenneth “Doc” Bissey (404) Robert Treat (405) Don Wood (406) Sue Greene (407) Emmalee Williams (408) Darline Henderson (409) Wanda Robinson (410) Ministry Reports 231 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 8 /12/2010 8 /26/2010 9 /1 /2010 William Swyear (411) Harold Holliday (412) Jesse Seiber (413) New Members: +0 Withdrawn Members: -3 6/27/2010 Alice DeJarnett 9/1/2010 Barb Anthony 9/1/2010 Chuck Anthony Lapsed Members: -1 5/12/2010 Helen Stephens no payments received since 4/10/2008 Submitted by Robert McKelvey, PMBA Secretary Saint Paul School of Theology Saint Paul School of Theology (www.spst.edu) is a seminary of The United Methodist Church that educates leaders to make disciples for Jesus Christ, renew the Church, and transform the world. We are one institution with two campuses, a free-standing seminary campus in Kansas City and a university partnership seminary on the campus of Oklahoma City University. During the 2010-2011 academic year, 214 students from 26 annual conferences, 24 denominations, and 7 countries were enrolled in degree programs at Saint Paul School of Theology in Kansas City. Fifty-four students were enrolled in the Master of Divinity program at Saint Paul at Oklahoma City University. The Course of Study School at Saint Paul served 311 students from 22 annual conferences. Classes took place in Kansas City, Missouri, and for the first time two courses were offered in Springfield, Missouri. Course of Study classes will begin on the Saint Paul at Oklahoma City University campus in the fall of 2011. Saint Paul School of Theology at Oklahoma City University will celebrate its first commencement convocation in 2011. The first graduating class of Master of Divinity students will be hooded in a special ceremony in August on the Oklahoma City University campus. Each graduate will have completed 90 hours of study. Sixteen South Korean students graduated in May from the Korean Doctor of Ministry Track in Wesleyan Spirituality and Congregational Renewal. The international program included teaching by Methodist professors from the United States and South Korea. Class sessions took place in the U.S., England, and South Korea. A second Korean DMin track began in January 2011. A Doctor of Ministry cohort track focusing on Revitalizing Congregations is slated to begin January 2012. It will focus on biblical preaching, vibrant and meaningful worship, visionary leadership, diverse communities, social justice, and contextual ministry. The DMin track relates directly to the United Methodist Council of Bishops initiatives (the “Four Foci”) for the Church. The Saint Paul youTheology program expanded to include youth from the Lydia Patterson Institute in El Paso, Texas. It will start a new pod in Nebraska 232 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook in 2011. YouTheology is funded primarily by Lilly Endowment, Inc. for youth to continue to explore their faith and calling through worship, service, study, travel, and a mentoring relationship. It was the third year for Laity School of Theology. Each Laity School Saturday Session was taught by seminary faculty and presented in an accessible manner. Lay attendees came from diverse ecumenical and educational backgrounds. Topics included worship, Bible, ethics, church history, and theology. Laity School was offered in Missouri and Oklahoma. The seminary restructured its continuing education lectures to become Community Reads. Students, faculty, staff and outside guests were encouraged to read topical books such as No Rising Tide by Joerg Rieger and Pedagogy of the Bible: An Analysis and a Proposal by Dr. Dale Martin. Community Reads cultivated early discussion and provoked deeper questioning during author lectures. Saint Paul at OCU held its second LEAD seminar on the Oklahoma City University campus. The seminar covered topics to improve and strengthen ministerial leadership. The seminars are a collaborative educational project of the Oklahoma Area of the United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City University, and Saint Paul. The trustees, faculty, staff, and students of Saint Paul thank you for your interest, prayers and support. Treasurer’s Report The Conference had an excellent year in 2010 in terms of budget cash income and expenditures. I am awed and amazed and most appreciative of the faithfulness in payment of apportionments by our local churches. At a receipt rate of 93.14%, we see the highest percentage of apportionment payment since 1999. And to think that this took place in an economic environment of uncertainty, job losses and rapidly escalating energy and food prices – well, it’s just awesome! Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2010 - Actual to Budget (Preliminary as of 1/21/2011) 2010 Budget Apportionments Received Clergy Support Equitable Compensation SA&E/Dist. Mission Fund Moving Expenses for Retirees District Supt. Fund Episcopal Fund Total Clergy Support 2010 Actual % of Budget 11,880,647 11,065,867 93.14% 50,000 192,000 40,000 1,344,400 425,980 35,506 131,245 20,238 1,324,485 425,980 71.01% 68.36% 50.59% 98.52% 100.00% 1,937,454 94.40% 2,052,380 Ministry Reports 233 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Administration Conference Offices and CCFA Archives Trustees Communications CMT Program & Administration COSROW -- Administration Religion and Race -- Administration Board of Ordained Ministry -- Adm. Dist. Admin. And Program Annual Conference Session Conference Secretary Journal & Yearbook Legal Expense Fund Conference Foundation -- Admin. Unallocated Travel and Expense Clergy Sexual Misconduct Resp. Team Illinois Area Office IGRC Pastoral Care Office Committee on Episcopacy Episcopal Residence Committee Conference Center Prior claims excess of apportionment receipts Contingency Post-Retirement Benefits Reserve General Administration Fund Interdenominational Coop. Fund Jurisdictional Conf. Fund Total Administration Total Clergy Support and Administration Benevolences & Connectional Ministries Congregational Development Conference Benevolences World Service* Ministerial Education Fund Africa University Fund Black College Fund General Church Apportionments in excess of receipts Total Benevolences & Connectional Ministries Total All Apportionments NET YTD SURPLUS(DEFICIT) 234 Ministry Reports 956,000 57,290 320,000 471,490 1,262,471 4,000 8,000 50,000 474,500 85,000 10,350 22,525 45,000 70,000 14,000 7,300 170,000 155,000 2,000 1,000 500,000 105,000 100,000 900,465 57,291 237,241 429,615 1,079,842 1,926 6,161 46,890 313,417 81,396 7,530 17,011 41,951 70,000 2,746 6,846 170,000 140,135 557 0 467,914 0 1,777 94.19% 100.00% 74.14% 91.12% 85.53% 48.15% 77.01% 93.78% 66.05% 95.76% 72.76% 75.52% 93.22% 100.00% 19.61% 93.79% 100.00% 90.41% 27.86% 0.00% 93.58% 0.00% 1.78% 50,000 167,801 41,261 26,110 5,176,098 7,228,478 46,894 93.79% 167,801 41,261 27,115 4,363,783 6,301,236 100.00% 100.00% 103.85% 84.31% 87.17% 1,026,000 1,023,500 1,548,679 530,155 47,335 211,500 627,435 957,292 1,548,679 519,747 47,335 211,500 61.15% 93.53% 100.00% 98.04% 100.00% 100.00% 265,000 0 0.00% 3,911,988 10,213,225 852,643ª 84.09% 85.97% 0.00% 4,652,169 11,880,647 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook ª = This $852,643 represents positive cash flow for the year 2010. It is the result of 1) an excellent year of apportionment payments by our local churches and 2) expenditures by various entities that were less than budgeted. The Congregational Development Team (CDT), in particular, came in at almost $400,000 under budget. Because unspent CDT funds roll over into the next year, the actual “surplus” figure is closer to $454,078 or 3.8% of budget. It is very important to understand, however, that we don’t really have a surplus. Because of the retiree health liability (which does not show up on this report), our balance sheet reveals that we are over 15 million dollars in the hole. In other words, if we had to satisfy all of our liabilities today – even with the liquidation of all of our investments and properties – we would still come up $15 million short. Fortunately, our retiree health liability is long-term. We don’t have to pay it all at once. Since the cash surplus represents a tiny part of our overall assets and liabilities, it is not a great concern when we end the year ahead of budget – just as it was not a great concern in most of the previous years when we ended the year with a cash deficit. Having this cash merely means that we have a little more of an asset to book against our huge liability. It also means that there is enough cash in our bank account to pay our bills on time. United Methodist Foundation The United Methodist Foundation of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference, Inc. is a resource to our local churches, service agencies, and individuals of the Conference in respect to developing financial resources to do ministry. The Foundation believes we can help in four main areas: 1) develop strategies with local churches and service agencies to develop strategies to encourage people to financially support their ministries, 2) develop strategies with local churches and services agencies to develop investment strategies to raise financial support for their ministries, 3) develop strategies with local churches and service agencies to develop strategies to raise financial support for capital improvements, and 4) develop strategies with individuals to develop estate plans that will help them today, help their children and ultimately help their local church or favorite United Methodist Service Agency or Committee. The investments at the Foundation did grow in 2010. January 1, 2010 the market value of funds under investment were $9,163,584 and on December 31, 2010 the market value of funds under investment were $10,008,450. This includes new investments throughout the year of $246,299.81 and disbursements of $432,015.87. The disbursements of funds went to a variety of ministry opportunities. The majority of disbursements went to local churches to do ministry in their community. The disbursed funds were also in the form of scholarships for college students, financial support for pastors in Chile, financial support for Methodist Schools in Haiti, and funds disbursed to Conference Service Agencies. The Foundation Board considers it a privilege to play a small part in developing financial resources for ministry within the Conference. We look forward to playing a larger part in the future as the Foundation grows. Please contact the Foundation if we can be of service to your local church or service agency, P.O. Box 3487, Springfield, IL 62708-3487, (217) 529-3217 or [email protected]. Ministry Reports 235 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook United Methodist Women During 2010 United Methodist Women heard much about Faith, Hope and Love in Action, the theme of the 18th Assembly held in St. Louis, Missouri, in early May, 2010. United Methodist Women celebrated its 100 National Mission institutions and our international mission institutions, including 9 higher education institutions in Asia and 3 in Latin America. We commissioned new deaconesses and marched for immigration rights, learned about health care, social and economic issues, and child welfare issues, as well as participated in an Ubuntu Day of Service. Our School of Christian Mission spiritual growth study was “For the Love of God: The Epistles of John”; the geographic study was “The Beauty and Courage of Sudan,” and the current mission study was “Joy to the World: Mission in the Age of Global Christianity”. The Personal Growth Study was based upon our Charter for Racial Justice as we discussed the “We Believe” statements contained in the Charter and how they affect us as individuals and as a community of women. Our financial support to Women’s Division was met in 2009, as well as our continued support to our two conference mission institutions, Cunningham Children’s Home and Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House, helping to give our conference the distinction of being #1 in the nation in its supplemental mission giving. Submitted by Sally Smith President, United Methodist Women United Theological Seminary United has one goal: to train dynamic leaders for the ministry of Jesus Christ. As you consider whether God is calling you or someone you know into ministry, we invite you to explore the opportunities at United! United offers: • • • • • • • • • • • 236 Degree and certificate programs relevant to today’s followers of Jesus Christ! Emphases in Christian Ministry, Pastoral Care, and Church Renewal! New: An Online/Hybrid Master of Divinity that meets UMC and ATS standards! A growing number of Life-Long Learning courses online and on campus! New Doctor of Ministry degree focus groups and mentors! Deep learning opportunities for both clergy and laity! Appreciative theological reflection on the central teachings of the Bible and the doctrines of the Christian faith! Spiritual formation in a variety of cultural contexts, including international communities! A technologically advanced, fully accessible, state-of-the art campus! A youthful, diverse, widely published faculty committed to the Christian faith! Friendly and helpful staff and students! Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook • A UM matching scholarship program and scholarships for others as well! At United, we are committed to following the Spirit’s lead in renewing the Church for the mission of Jesus Christ in the world! Enrollment at United is growing steadily and we invite you to call, visit or sign up for a class or program that meets your needs! For more information, contact [email protected]. Thank you for your prayers, partnership and service in the ministry of Jesus Christ! 4501 Denlinger Road, Dayton, OH 45426, 937-529-2201 www.united.edu Submitted by Wendy J. Deichmann, President United Voices for Children United Voices for Children continues to seek to find ways to help local Child Advocates and their churches to be ‘United Methodists Speaking and Acting on Behalf of Children.’ Local churches are encouraged to place a Child Advocate on their local church Offical Roll. This person should be enabled and supported in their efforts to be a ‘voice for children.’ Kay Zibby, Vice President of Operations at the UM Children’s Home in Mt. Vernon, IL presented the program on Foster Care at the UVC Breakfast. The adequate support and need for foster care is increasingly important for the wellbeing of many children. The theme for the workshop held before Annual Conference this year was “You can Make It Happen: Advocacy for Children and Families.” Information was shared on how a local church cared for and relocated a family, on activities smaller churches may do with children, on the Bear Buddies Program in local schools, and after school programming in churches of all sizes. UVC communicates with individuals and local UM churches through an E-newsletter and a bi-yearly newsletter. These resources continue to be tools on ways to improve the lives of children. See our web page on the conference website which has resources related to UVC and its workshops and presentations. Children are the future. Their health and overall well being affects the future. Thank you for your prayers and actions on behalf of all children. Wesley Foundation at Eastern Illinois University The mission of the Wesley Foundation at EIU is to be a place of open hearts, open minds, and open doors seeking to help college-aged young adults encounter the living God known through Jesus Christ. We do this through worship, fellowship, study, and service. Our ministry continues to grow as we find new ways to reach students and Ministry Reports 237 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook grow their faith. Wednesday night worship is our cornerstone ministry activity. Led by our student band, worship includes weekly communion, intensive prayer time, and messages relevant to today’s college student. Focusing even more on prayer, we hosted week-long prayer vigils each semester which were incredible experiences for our students. They learned new ways to pray and perhaps prayed more than they ever had before! We also hosted six small groups throughout the year and had two retreats. Our Sunday supper ministry has also grown and churches have continued to be wonderfully generous by supplying great meals. The mission of Sunday supper is to provide an opportunity for students to bring friends to the Wesley Foundation using a great meal as the incentive. Each week we see upwards of 30 students. Our missions and outreaches this year included co-hosting the University’s World AIDS Day fundraiser, hosting a group of University freshmen to make flood buckets and health kits for the Midwest Mission Distribution Center, and working with Habitat for Humanity. Our spring break mission trip was to Dulac, Louisiana to work with the Dulac Community Center, a GBGM mission site. The Wesley Foundation building is a key part of our ministry, as it provides a literal “home away from home” for students. They study here, pray here, hang out here, eat here. To meet student needs, we’ve created a new prayer chapel which hosted our prayer vigil. We also created a new media room for small group video watching and received a new wide-screen television and surround sound for our great room to be used by large groups. We are very thankful for the prayers and support we receive from local churches and the Illinois Great Rivers Conference. Your support makes our ministry at Eastern Illinois University possible. If you or your church would like to participate in the ministries of the Wesley Foundation at EIU, please contact Paige Roberts at [email protected]. Submitted by Rev. Paige Roberts, Director Wesley Foundation at Southern Illinois University Campus Ministry is an incredible adventure, and it is a joy to walk along side the young adults in this ministry as they grow in their faith. This year has been one of growth in numbers and in the spiritual depth of our students. We have continued with ongoing programming while adding new opportunities to meet the needs of our current students. At Wesley we continue to be aware of the connectedness that is part of our heritage as United Methodists. Our band, Awake the Dawn, has been out leading worship in churches, and students have led Seminars at YAR. We are working to tell our story to the churches around us and to connect with students before they arrive on campus. We are also working to expand our outreach to the local junior college, John A Logan Community College. We want students to know that the church is here for them as they go through this transition. Through Axiom (our worship service), Bible studies, and Fidelity (accountably) groups we have looked at John Wesley’s “works of piety” (spiritual disciplines) and “works of mercy” (doing good to others). We have focused on prayer, and we have spent time as a community praying for our campus and our world. Through prayer 238 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook walks, prayer stations, and personal challenges we have been called to reach out to those around us in need. All of this is in a effort to hear what God is wanting this ministry to be doing as a whole on this campus. We, the church, need to be Christ’s hands and feet. Our building plays a role in our ministry. It’s a home away from home for students. Even though it seems like we are always updating and improving (fixing) the building, the students do not seem to mind the work that needs to be done. Students use our kitchen to for group meals and our remodeled basement for movie nights and random game night gathering. They seem to always find ways to have fun and fellowship when gathered in the building. Feeling blessed to have a place to call home, they are thankful for a building in which they can have a good time in a way that is different than many of their peers. The students also realize this is more than a building and a place to gather. It’s a place where they can connect with God, be challenged to grow in their faith, and can come to for support, prayer, and encouragement. It is place where their earthly and spiritual needs can be meet. I want to end by saying “Thank You” to all the churches in the conference. It is your support that allows for the ministry here at SIUC to be possible. Submitted by Sherry R. Smedshammer, Director Beth Fender is ordained a deacon. Ministry Reports 239 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Bishop Palmer and Bishop White preside over the communion table. Provisional elders kneel for their commissioning. 240 Ministry Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Conference Leadership Reports Leadership Reports 241 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Episcopal Address June 2, 2011 Bishop Gregory V. Palmer Eternal God, may the words of my mouth and the meditations of all of our hearts find acceptance in thy sight, O Lord, our Strength and our Redeemer. Amen. Dear Friends, there are a variety of ways in which an Episcopal address in an annual conference can be offered. I have experienced doing it in more than one way, but more than that, I have heard a number of them and watched the variety of styles and approaches to offering an Episcopal address in the annual conference. I think that a leader has two primary jobs, and I am getting this word from Max Depree in his wonderful little book Leadership is an Art and he has a subsequent book, Leadership Jazz, in which he says the first job of the leader is to define reality, and the second and last job of the leader is to say “thank you.” And I want to take that as a general broad stroke framework for how I’d like to approach the use of the next twenty minutes or so. I first want to report in to you on things we’ve been doing since last year. I lifted up two or three things that were important, I believed, a part of naming and defining and claiming a new and different reality. I want to report on how those are going or have not gone. Then I want to say a word about a couple of other initiatives, perhaps not as large in scope or certainly not visibility, as some that we started this year, but point the way even as we keep on doing things that we are already doing well. And then thirdly, I’d like you to hear me say “thank-you” for who you are and for whose you are. During our time together last year I said that I wanted us as an annual conference to develop an extraordinary and robust ministry of conflict transformation. I’m here to report to you that not nearly as much progress as ought to have been made has been made on that, but I’m still convicted and convinced that it’s a direction we need to go. I could spend a lot of my time with you delineating all of the reasons about how I’ve been busy doing other things or other people have been busy doing other things, but when you’re the leader you’ve just got to tell the truth sometimes and move on. It did not get done in a way in which there is a tangible outcome-based report to share with you, but my commitment and zeal for it is renewed, and it is among my earliest priorities as we move into the next conference year. I asked you last year to watch for what would be coming by way of announcement from our communications office across the website, about a way, and only a way, of paying attention to some of our vital statistics. It was referred to as a “dashboard.” That was launched and people have been very responsive; an average of a little over 300 congregations have engaged it on a regular if not weekly basis. And I want you to know of my gratitude. I hope that as you do that work it is more than mere data-gathering and busy-work, but it creates some grist for the mill of thoughtful conversations about what does this information, or what do these facts, in some cases, what do these numbers mean? The key ahead is going to be in engaging more of us in that, and there have been recent workshops within districts to help pastors and lay people to know how to do it and to understand some of what’s behind it, and those of you that attended any of the evens that I did that were labeled laity events across the fall know my thesis is that numbers matter, they do mean something, and any of you who that know me know that my only interest, nor the denomination, or the conference’s interest, is not in numbers 242 Leadership Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook alone. But they are a lens through which we need to see, gain greater clarity, insight, and understanding that will move us to the kind of collaboration that invites us in local congregations, regions, districts, and in the annual conferences to make strategic decisions. We can make decisions out of our wish lists, out of our intuitiveness, but we cannot, will not, and won’t make truly earth-moving, life-changing, strategic decisions without significant important data that can be measured being a part of it, but we ought to also make those decisions beyond the data alone. I’ve come across a couple of new phrases as I’ve met some active United Methodists who are providing leadership in their places of work and in other places in the life of the church and in institutions. And one of these-- he happens to have a research firm that does economic forecasting. He’s also the president of the board of trustees at Garrett-Evangelical Seminary. And Jerry Steed says that “facts are our friends.” It’s what he says when he is doing forecasting. And then he says to his staff leadership team is, “What I want to know about is the relationship and the integration of the facts, be they statistical or otherwise, to help us move to the place of getting the actionable facts, i.e., the ones that can help us to make strategic and leveraged decisions. So this is the impetus and the goal behind this one lens of looking at our life together. It’s not the only lens, but it is a lens that we should not, if we are courageous leaders, and I believe us to be that together, veer away from, nor should we become unduly intoxicated on it. So I thank you for what you have done in picking up the mantle and for those of you that you will be getting on board. And I’m working with staff leaders in the annual conference to help have the right kinds of questions available to you, in order that those facts can become more and more actionable in your local context and in the life of the annual conference. The next thing that I’ve been concerned about, and I said a little about this last year, is appointment-making in the life of the annual conference. It is one of my great joys and privileges, sometimes it causes a little consternation for the district superintendents and I; and there are those of you that think it causes consternation for you as well. But it is a part of who we are. It’s the way in which we have chosen to live our life until it is changed, but I want to talk to you about some of the promises and possibilities and some of the constraints on the system that I invite you to pay attention to. So you don’t have to do any dashboarding on this, this is more in the context of ideas and thinking about the constraints on the system. The first thing that I’ve begun to observe is the constraint that is affecting our appointment-making in what I call the contraction of the salary pool. I think there are any number of really sharp and smart reasons for why that is happening, but I invite you to pay attention to that in local context and know that others of us are looking at the aggregate or overall effect of contraction in the salary pool for all of the clergy in the life of the annual conference, and what that means for our ability and capacity to provide the kind of pastoral leaders that we have and that we need in each and all of our congregations and the congregations that are yet to be. The second constraint on the system that I want you to be aware of is an increasing, noticeable resistance in areas where I thought we had come further along. They are not yet at the place of being alarming, but I do want us to pay attention to them, and it is a part of my work to help define our reality. On more occasions than one, my colleagues in the cabinet and I have noticed, and they experience this a little bit more on a different kind of front than I do, of push-back in a couple of three categories. Two are not shocking; one is catching me up a little short. The first is around gender; the second is around cross-racial and cross- Leadership Reports 243 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook cultural appointments, even though we have some extraordinary ones that we can celebrate in both cases across long periods of time where in this annual conference and in our predecessor conferences we have been extraordinarily courageous. I bring this notation up to you, because I do not want, in our era of sniping at each other in the general culture, for us to demure from our moral commitments around the gospel. And one of the places that we get to live out those commitments are by building inclusive communities in our congregations, and sometimes that can be, not always, directly related to the response of who is appointed as pastor. So when women are appointed to your congregations, people of color appointed to your congregations, if they happen not to be congregations of all women or all people of the same color or ethnic heritage as the pastor. It is an opportunity, but it ought not be treated as a problem to be solved, but a gift to be embraced (applause). I’m counting on you to continue to lead United Methodism in this way. We have been a leader in so much in this regard in this annual conference and in our predecessor annual conferences, and we cannot turn back now. Some of you heard what I said yesterday in the clergy session and saw what I had in The Current a month ago when I said God asks us in the church to live before the world, in front of the world, what God intends for the whole world. So I’m merely asking you to continue to partner with me and with one another in doing that. Now the third area that I said caught me by surprise in regard to appointmentmaking was on this wise. And as I look at this room this ought to play very well, not as currying of favor, but as a way in which you can connect to the relevance. Slowly, creeping, but moving at a little more speed every year, often when the cabinet and I have discerned an appropriate appointment, and the superintendent makes that presentation to an SPRC, the push-back comes not so much in every case around the two categories I’ve spoken of earlier, but around age. Age. Let me say that one more time: age. Now my friends, I want you to just take five seconds and look around you, and you look good (laughter). But I’ve got to tell you, I ain’t mad… yet, but I’m a little appalled when a pastor past 55 gets push-back from being named the pastor because she or he is 56 or 57. Increasingly people are working longer, in fact the United Methodist Church has raised the retirement age at the last General Conference. I’m not suggesting to you that there is not a healthy and appropriate cut-off point for everyone. But if our task as superintendents is to try to align the very best leadership we can to each congregation, and it is enormously challenging work, simply because of its complexity, not because we don’t have good churches and good people to work with. But when we get to the end of the deal, as it were, and the push-back is, “Well, you didn’t send us a pastor, Bishop, male usually is the request, with a wife, who is living at home and working in the community, and with x-number of children, a parakeet, and a dog (laughter). So I want you to join me in being vigilant and asking more discerning questions than simply “Is this person too old for us?” Now I got to tell you I’m more sensitive to this at almost 57 myself than I used to be, but I have been around and met a lot of our pastors in this annual conference of every stripe, and a great many of them at every age are full of enormous passion and energy for the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you believe we have a leader-full pool of pastors in this conference, I want you to join me in applauding (applause). So this is not about that we don’t need younger pastors; we do, because we also need to track where we are headed in the future. And young, middle-aged, and more maturing, let me take you to the bottom line, pastors come out of local congregations (applause). I don’t birth pastors (laughter). I hope God uses me every now and again as a part of the discerning and nurturing process. District Superintendents don’t birth pastors. They come mostly out of Christian communities that are shaped around the living word, the Risen Christ our Lord. If you want a more diverse pool of preacher, whatever that diversity looks like, you’ve got to join in with your sleeves rolled up in working for 244 Leadership Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook that day. Now I rejoice. I mention cross-racial appointments and cross-cultural appointments-- that during this past year I appointed a task force on cross-racial/ cross-cultural appointment-making to develop at the local level, meaning in our conference, training modules to assist all of our congregations and pastors that would have that interest or at an appropriate time need that service, to receive the gift that may be right in front of them. That task force has been busily and mightily at work and is expecting by God’s grace and mercy to move forward this next winter as we move into the next cycle of appointments to be able to offer that kind of training and competency-building for all of us in the life of the annual conference as is appropriate. Now I want to announce one thing to you where I think we need to go, and then I’ll be on to my thank-you speech. I’ve been here three years now. I’ve got to say I’ve learned more every day I’ve been on the job, though as I reflect back, the core issues with which I was confronted were there at the very beginning. Sometimes I’m a little slow on the trigger on some things and faster on the trigger on others. It’s neither good nor bad; it’s simply the way that it works out often. And so it’s not one of these things where I say, well, that’s just the way I am, because I don’t want to ever take out the possibility that I can change where needed. One of the things that early on struck me was that we were enormously gifted in terms of our leadership and resource-capacity, tangible and intangible, but there were significant parts of our decision-making system as an annual conference that were not as much aligned as they ought to be. Let me come at you another way. We’ve got lots of silos that are high-functioning in our organization. Are you hearing me? And we’ve got other silos that are under-functioning. And often, not always, we lack the kind of collaborative work across the life of this annual conference’s structures that we need to keep the system healthy and to move forward in leveraged and strategic ways. And so I’m longing for the day, Leadership Reports 245 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook and making myself available to do something about it, to say, “Lord, if you can use me in the next year to help chart a course into the future that will allow us to be significantly more aligned than we are now in our decision-making, I’m available to you. I am not saying to you that we are not doing good things. I am saying to you that where we have collaboration it is often cumbersome and to quote a friend of mine, obstreperous. And we can do better. We need decision-making systems that can respond to opportunity with nimbleness, with hope, and with a forward look. And so during this summer I’m going to be gathering around myself a kind of a blue-ribbon think tank to help us think our way into the future, and come back to you with a proposal that will allow us to do some things differently in terms of the decisions that we make in the life of the conference between sessions that could go much more effectively. I think we’ve got everything that it takes, but I believe that we need to align the parts in a different way. Now that leads into the next to the last thing I want to say. And I want to tell on myself a little bit. Sometimes I have not moved forward in my life personally and professionally, may I confess it to you, because I feared failure. Some years ago I had an opportunity to write just a little one-page piece for the Circuit Rider magazine that you would know about. This is 1987. I kept hammering away at it, and I would put it away. I missed one deadline; I missed the next deadline from the editor. I missed the third deadline from the editor, and every time I had a reason, and I had an excuse. Finally, the editor called me and said, “Dude, what’s the problem?” And it struck me in that moment that I had a problem with imperfection, or the lack of perfection, in my document. I had had some experiences like anybody that’s been to school of having some papers marked up with red ink as you can see on the screen, in the kind of way that at times made me gun shy on making the final commitment, because once you send it to the editor it’s out of your hands. An editor set me free when he said to me after I had missed deadline number three. He said, “Greg, I’m an editor. I get paid to edit. I don’t care how good your stuff is, I’m going to mark it up when I get it, ‘cause I got to keep my job.” Now that’s a true and a real story. Now where am I going with that? We in the church have got to grow the kind of courage that helps us be free of the imprisonment and the chains of not doing anything because we don’t think it’s perfect right now. We are always into the future going to be building the bridges as we’re walking on them. New knowledge is being created every day. We are receiving in this digital age more information and new knowledge than we know what to do with or can make use of appropriately and in healthy ways in a nearterm future. So I’m looking for a structure, I’m looking for engagement, that gives us a framework for moving forward, is filled with trust and grace, assumes that there will be some mistakes, but as long as we keep facing in the right direction, that God will be with us and we have every right to stick with each other. So I don’t say I’m coming back to you with a perfect structure that will help us on some things; it will be imperfect the minute it goes into any pre-conference material. You will see its flaws. The question is, “Can we begin to make certain strategic moves in the church, and this applies to local congregations, to districts as well, that get us moving and get us unstuck?” I don’t intend to be a part of anything that is stuck. I’m moving into the last quarter I hope not of my life, but of my so-called professional career. And I want to continue not to do less, but to do more, and to join with you in making the enormous difference that I believe we can make. Now finally this: last year one of the initiatives I announced and invited, was that you would join me in reaching to raise at least $2.3 million for Imagine No Malaria. I came by for a praise break this afternoon and to say thank you. You have not only engaged this campaign, you have critiqued it when appropriate, you’ve made it better. You’ve contributed not only your money and your time, but the brilliance of your ideas. And we are now at nearly 400 congregations that have 246 Leadership Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook engaged, to speak nothing of the countless individuals who have engaged, even if the congregation is not engaged. We are at $1.5 of the goal and we didn’t even launch until December of 2010. So I don’t know if you’re hearing me. In six months you’ve gotten to $1.5 million in gifts and contributions, and we only need to make it to, I hope we’ll do more, I believe we will, to $2.3 million. I came by this afternoon to say you are awesome, you are extraordinary, you are my people, you’re the gang I want to hang with every day and every hour. You made pledges, you filled out cards, you distributed cans, you made phone calls, and you have countless miles you’ve traveled, some of you, to talk about the difference Imagine No Malaria is making is not into some far-off future. By God’s grace your willingness to trust a vision that didn’t belong to me but to the whole church given by the Holy Spirit that can transform the world, but particularly that part of the world called Africa, and that we can join with lots of other partners some of whom we’ll never know, in eliminating deaths due to malaria by 2015 (applause). You are the people, and I’m so grateful for what you have done. Tonight we’re going to celebrate mightily, not because we’ve already completely crossed the river, to pick up on a homily of yesterday. But because we have come thus far by faith, and it’s time we stand on the banks of the river and celebrate a little bit as we cross over into victory. Video: Thank You for Showing Up I came by today to say thank you for showing up, for Imagine No Malaria, but for so much more because week in and week out you show up in church, in bible study, at committee meetings, at work in the district and in the annual conferences. You are bearing witness to the love of Christ in your communities and your places of work, in your civic engagements, and in your volunteerism, some of which is in the church and beyond the church. You are showing up everywhere, and I came by this afternoon to tell you that when you show up and we show up together to do what only we can do as God’s people in Christ, we help to dream and to make a different world. So let’s keep showing up. When Imagine No Malaria is behind us so to speak, there will be more things that we’ll need to be showing up for evangelistically, missionally, and otherwise to make a difference in this world because we are less than satisfied with deaths due to malaria for anyone in any part of the world; we are less than satisfied with food insecurity—whether it’s in America, in this county, or in some far-off land. We are less than satisfied with all that we have to offer the world with the gospel and the level of engagement that we have yet to make in our communities. It matters, and it makes a difference. As you can see by this collage in all of these settings where you show up all the time, the only thing I’m asking of you into the future is to keep showing up and trust God’s Holy Spirit to make absolutely the difference in us so that we can make a difference in the church and in the world. Let us pray: Eternal God, every time humankind has needed an intervention to change our course, you have seen that we had one. Chiefly, you showed up in Jesus and changed the course of history and of individual lives and the world. We are so grateful to be a part of your movement and to be the people that show up in flood, in storm, with food, with bed nets, in places where our friends are struggling with sickness and death. We are so privileged to be the people that get to show up through our gifts, through our presence, through our witness, through our service, through our love. Continue to strengthen us for the days ahead, and give us each day what we need to show up and then to do the work that you have given us to do. It is in the name of Jesus that we pray. Amen. Leadership Reports 247 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Cabinet Address June 3, 2011 In-Sook Hwang and Randy Reese, Co-Deans On behalf of the Cabinet of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, In-Sook and I would like to bring you greetings in the mighty name of the Lord our God …. In the name of Jesus – our Savior and Lord – and in the name of the Holy Spirit – the transforming power in our lives. In-Sook and I have had the opportunity and privilege to serve as the co-deans of the Cabinet this past year and are ever grateful to be in the King’s service. Let me invite you to join me in a declaration of faith this morning. I will speak a word and invite you to repeat it with the energy of your heart and soul: Bless the Lord / O my soul / And all … all … all / Absolutely everything / That is within me / Bless His name … Praise His name … Honor His name … In Jesus name ……. Amen! In last year’s address, there were references to a coaching approach for the cabinet’s time with the Annual Conference. Watching the sporting scene, champions repeating have not been the experience. Although Alabama returned almost of their team from last year’s championship play, the BCS crowned a new champion, as did Major League Baseball, the NFL, college basketball, and the NBA will crown someone new with the defeat of the Lakers. Pat Riley, then of the Lakers, coined the term three peat to describe his Laker dynasty. It was later used by the Chicago Bulls and then again by the Lakers. Repeating seldom happens though. Whether it is injury, change of personnel, retirements, or a lost edge in desire and execution, repeating is extremely hard. In the business world, staying on top is extremely hard because the competition sets their sights on being the best and aims for that goal. People enter marriage with a hope for a 50 year wedding anniversary, parents strive to make life easier for their kids than they had, grandpas and grandmas hope that the church they grew up in will be there for their grandchildren, pastors leave seminary or course of study determined to set the world afire, and ….. well the stories, hope, and dreams could go on and on. Teams that win consistently, folks that celebrate that 50th wedding anniversary, and churches that lay the foundation for children and grandchildren have had a plan …. Most folks don’t plan to fail … many fail to plan. It’s been written, said, and proven over time that leaders keep the vision before the people on a regular basis … some say weekly or bi-weekly while other mention every 6-8 weeks. Some raise that vision daily before their employees or staff. Why? There is so much happening … its moving so fast … and it’s changing so rapidly …. that not keeping before us constantly what we are striving to accomplish, we will not necessarily despair but will simply lose sight of what of what the main thing is in and for our lives. In Kingdom matters, maintaining means we’re losing because we either move forward or slide backward. The world is growing in numbers and changing at warp speed. For us to celebrate we have the same number attending worship this year as last year translates into God’s kingdom losing ground. It’s bigger than bragging rights for attendance. It’s bigger than survival issues for my church. It’s greater than someone paying attention to just me. I happen to be sold out to the God of Abraham, Iasac, and Jacob …. I’m absolutely convinced that Jesus died on a cross 248 Leadership Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook and was raised on the third day, I’m committed to serving and honoring a God who loves people while they are still sinners, and I’m enthralled with the presence of the Holy Spirit who can help me grow into peace, real peace, …. Jesus peace. Sadly, ours is not the story of maintaining, but I won’t quit nor be discouraged. I believe people have a spot in their heart that only the Lord our God can fill. I’m committed to working as hard as I have to work to bring us to a place where our church building can’t hold the people …. Now hear me …. Not for the sake of numbers but for the sake of names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. We have a miracle-working God, one who created the heavens and the earth and all of us. Nothing is impossible with him. But we need to keep before us in our daily lives, in our family lives, and in our church lives those things that will help others find that relationship with God by trusting Jesus and then allowing the Holy Spirit to transform us into His image. While some might want to capture thoughts about sustainability only in dollars and cents, and friends, let’s be wise and realize this is a valid conversation, my mind moves to trees with or without figs. Are we strong enough … can we sustain fruitfulness relative to new brothers and sisters finding a new covenant with Holy God … can we find that fresh wind of the Holy Spirit blowing that will lead to our transformation into new creatures in Jesus Christ …. can we indeed live our lives so that this world can at least have the chance to hear the good news about God loving us …. thus negating the need for the rocks to cry out … ? Here’s what we want to remind you of, lift up to you and your attention, and seek to keep us focused on: First, our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation Leadership Reports 249 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook of the world. We do so by proclaiming the Good News of God’s grace and by exemplifying Jesus’ command to love God and neighbor. We seek, welcome, and gather persons into the Body of Christ. We lead individuals to commit their lives through baptism by water and the Spirit and profession of faith in Jesus Christ. We nurture them in Christian living through worship, the sacraments, spiritual disciplines and other means of grace. And we send these committed disciples into the world to live lovingly and justly as servants of Christ. This process of living out the church’s mission is ongoing and ever in need of tending in a constantly changing world. Second, we live by two kinds of holiness – personal and social, both inward and outward. We’re not talking about a “holier than thou” way of thinking and living. We’re talking about disciples whose lives are so marked by inward wholesomeness and unparalleled devotion to God in Christ that their outward actions and personal witness reflect God’s light and love and thus draw others to Christ. To be holy means to be obedient to the Great Commandment: Love the Lord your God with all you heart, mind, soul, and strength…and…Love your neighbor as yourself. Third, the early Methodists encouraged holy living and held each other accountable to it through their practice of 3 general rules. Today, Bishop Reuben Job has helped us to reclaim this long-held tradition in his book, “The Three Simple Rules.” You should all know them. Say them with us: Do no harm; do good; stay in love with God. Staying in love with God happens when we practice the means of grace: worship, prayer, reading and study of the Scriptures, sacraments, Christian conferencing in small groups, fasting, and actions that heal the pain, brokenness, injustice and inequality of the world. These spiritual disciplines open us to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Bishop Job opens his book with this sentence: “There are three simple rules that have the power to change the world.” Do you believe that? Do you believe that God could work through us in mighty ways if each one of us practiced these 3 simple rules every day? …Do no harm, …do good, …stay in love with God. Do you believe there will be revival in the IGRC if all of us pledged to practice these rules and pledged to go back to our churches to remind them of the basics of the faith? Fourth, one of the gifts we have as United Methodists is the world-wide connection of the Church. No local church is ever alone in ministry – there is an organizational structure which connects us all together. This connection allows us to stand in support of one another as local churches and as mission and ministry agencies all around the globe. In addition, it allows us to accomplish ministry endeavors that a single church could not do on its own. The General Conference of 2008 called all United Methodists around the world to focus our ministry efforts in four areas: • • • • Developing principled Christian leaders for the church and the world. Creating new places for new people and renewing existing congregations. Engaging in ministry with the poor Stamping out the killer diseases of poverty by improving health globally. We challenge you to ask yourselves how you and your local church are contributing to the transformation of the world that will result as all United Methodists work together in these 4 focus areas. 250 Leadership Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Fifth: And, finally, as a way of ensuring our effectiveness as congregations, we actively hold ourselves accountable to strive to be at our best in five identified practices. Fruitful congregations…that is, those congregations who are effective in carrying out their disciple-making mission…consistently are strong in all five areas. Those practices are: • • • • • Radical hospitality Passionate worship Intentional faith development Risk-taking mission and service Extravagant generosity 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 - 5. These are the basic elements of the United Methodist Way: • • • • • One mission Two forms of holiness Three simple rules Four areas of focus, and Five fruitful practices These are not just programs or studies to do and then put on the shelf. Let me say that again …. These are not just programs or studies to do and then put on the shelf. This is a way of life …. A way of life that sets the course and shapes everything that we feel, think and breathe. This is our identity as the Body of Christ and the fundamentals of what John Wesley called “scriptural Christianity.” Your Bishop and Cabinet expect that every pastor and congregation in this conference will not just be studying these basic elements of the United Methodist Way, but that you will be implementing them in the life of your congregation and holding yourselves accountable to living out this ecclesial identity. These are the basics of the United Methodist Way. Now let us turn to consider the ways in which your Cabinet will lead this conference in the coming year. The overarching purpose of superintending is to equip the Church in its disciple-making ministry. In rapidly changing times, constant evaluation is needed with course-corrections as necessary. We must be increasingly nimble in our work – able to respond quickly when opportunities for ministry present themselves. Over the course of the past year, the Bishop and Cabinet have spent much time in prayer, reflection, and vigorous dialogue about how to carry out our superintending work effectively in the context in which we find ourselves. We are not yet clear about all the changes that may mean for us as we seek to effectively lead this conference. But we, too, have been working on practicing the basics as we seek God’s direction for our future. And, we are confident that the Spirit of God is still working among and within this conference. Winning teams keep doing the basics well. The cabinet will lead again this year in a call to Prayer and Fasting. It’s a spiritual discipline that much more than a one year fling. The stories that we are hearing from around the Annual conference about what is happening individually in people’s lives are amazing … just amazing. Young people leaving annual conference last year and getting commitments to fast and pray from someone in each church of the 6 point parish they are a part of … stories of people praying together that don’t really like each other … stories of holy ground moments with others who have nevered prayed together before … and on and on. Tom Albon Leadership Reports 251 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook joined the cabinet in retreat last fall and spoke that First Thursdays had carried not only through the Illinois Great Rivers Annual conference but to other Annual Conferences the area. He lives in Nashville, TN and had heard of First Thursdays. Our new focus this year will be on inviting you to join us in reading through the Word of God this next year. Our hope is have ready by July 1 a “through the Bible in year plan” that we together can connect with. If you are already engaged in such a plan, keep going. If not however, we invite you to use the one that will be available through The Current or the conference web page. Wonder what would happen if all the brother and sisters of this conference would in the word’s of Dr. Paul Yogii Cho, “read the red and pray the power” together for this next year. I wonder if we could part the Red Sea together, see a bush burn and not be consumed, or through a mighty shout to the Lord our God sees walls like Jerichos come tumbling down. Wonder if we could change the heart of our souls, our churches, our general church, our nation or our world. I wonder if we could turn around years of not producing fruit to a place where our bins would not hold the harvest. I just wonder if that would birth a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit to blow across our land. Laity Address June 3, 2011 Rhonda Whitaker, Conference Lay Leader Thank you to Rev. Kenda Creasy Dean for her presentation. We talked about her book Almost Christian in Laity Session and covenanted together to be more intentional in our own faith development by attending to the Means of Grace so that we can translate the Gospel more consequentially to those around us, especially the children in our lives and churches. At Annual Conference last year we coined a new word – Claity - and we defined it as Laity and Clergy working together to “make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” Let’s pick up where we left off last year. If you attended any of the Laity Events that Bishop Palmer held throughout the Conference last fall, you’ve seen this chart (see UMC Call to Action: Vital Congregations Research Project, page 4, at www.umc.org) If you attended any of the Leadership Summit Events on April 6, you were part of the discussion of these findings. If you’ve never seen this before – where have you been? This Call to Action report studied “vital churches” and determined 4 different drivers or key elements that affect vitality: Small groups – Vital churches have multiple small groups and programs for children and youth Lay leadership - A high percentage of spiritually engaged laity who assume leadership roles Worship Service – both traditional and contemporary worship services Pastor - Effective pastoral leadership including inspirational preaching, 252 Leadership Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook mentoring laity, and effective management Each of these drivers, involves claity. Clergy, making disciples is not a solo act – you’ve got to be willing to let go of the controls and share the power with your Laity. Laity, neither is making disciples is a spectator sport. We cannot be pew potatoes, watching paid staff, be it one pastor or a slew of employees, do all the work. Let’s take a closer look at this chart. The first driver is small groups ministry in the church. Clergy may plan it, clergy may lead it, but if the Laity don’t put a high priority on it, it can’t succeed. Furthermore, who leads those small groups? Ah, trick question – sure the pastor might lead one or two but cannot possibly lead all. It will take claity. That takes us to the next driver: effective lay leadership which is essential across the board. This makes sense, does it not? The more lay people that take on active roles in the various ministries of the church the more energy there will be within the church and the more attraction there will be to those outside of the church. Now, how are lay leaders formed? By accident? or by intentional mentoring, encouraging, and empowering by the clergy? So even lay leadership is a result of effective claity. Worship at first seems totally the responsibility of the clergy, but think about it. Who are the greeters, the musicians, the sound techs? Last year we talked about the Laity’s role in passionate worship. Clergy, you need to listen to your congregation, to know their needs, their strengths, and their weaknesses and shape worship to inspire, teach, and touch them. To be truly vital worship must be a joint effort of the Claity! Even the last driver about the Pastoral leadership needs claity to succeed – the first 3 subdivisions are all about Claity. The Laity must be willing to be developed and coached and mentored, to be influenced and propelled by the pastor. There’s not a whole lot Laity can do to help your preaching, however; that’s pretty much up to Clergy, although we can offer constructive feedback. And even “Length of Appointment” often has to so with the way the Claity is functioning (or not) in a congregation. The Call to Action report contains this recommendation: “This is not a time for leaders who are ambivalent, reluctant, or unwilling to walk forward with humility and courage… Leaders, beginning with the bishops and including lay and clergy across the Connection, [in other words, Claity] must lead and immediately, repeatedly, and energetically make it plain that our current culture and practices are resulting in overall decline that is toxic and constricts our missional effectiveness.” And what is that mission? To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The Call to Action report also contains this warning: Continued pursuit of the most prevalent of current approaches, structures, policies, and practices is likely to produce the same results with continued decline and decreasing mission impact. Business as usual is unsustainable. Instead, dramatically different new behaviors, not incremental changes, are required. Making this change requires leaders to forge strong coalitions, joining with willing partners who agree to disagree about lesser matters and setting aside many passionate causes in order to focus instead on overarching goals for the greater good. Choosing to continue behaviors that Leadership Reports 253 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook arise from narrow interests and subordinate objectives will lead to increased divisiveness and accelerate the current disintegration. This calls for nothing less on the part of all who will lead than the kind of denial of self that Wesley placed at the heart of the sanctified life. “The ‘denying’ ourselves and the ‘taking up our cross” is absolutely, indispensably necessary, either to our becoming or continuing to be his disciples. This is not a time for leaders who are ambivalent, reluctant, or unwilling to walk forward with humility and courage. Are you willing to be that leader in your congregations? Are you willing to work as Claity to strengthen these drivers in your congregation? In addition to strong leadership, there’s a 2nd recommendation in the Call to Action report: emphatically directing the flow of attention and resources to assure congregational vitality is an essential, adaptive challenge for The United Methodist Church to be effective in its mission and to change the path of decline. If you and your congregation are not willing to make the changes necessary to become a vital congregation, to embrace those dramatically different new behaviors, to do whatever God is calling you to do to make disciples in your community, then you are going to die. The Call to Action results are saying that we as a Conference have only a finite amount of resources and we need to expend them on congregations that are working to transform their world, not simply keeping their doors open for their own comfort and well-being. How do we do it? We’ve got to start right here, right now. We need to get back to the basics - the Means of Grace. Vital Claity leaders are spiritually mature, in fact going on to perfection as John Wesley said. We cannot do it alone – it will take Claity to turn our declining churches and our declining denomination around. The good news is that the God we serve is in the business of second chances, of breathing life into dry bones, of resurrection and new life. Clergy cannot do it alone, laity cannot do it alone, and really claity cannot do it alone either. And thank you, Lord, we don’t have to – we have the Holy Spirit, in us, guiding us, sustaining us. So what’s it going to be, Claity, life or death? Spiritual constipation, or spiritual transformation? Slow decline or resurrection? It’s our choice, it’s our future, more importantly it’s our children’s future. 254 Leadership Reports Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Conference Memoirs January 1 to December 30, 2010 Memoirs 255 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook David Allin 1939-2010 The Rev. David H. Allin, 71, of Hopewell died October 31, 2010, at his residence. The Rev. Allin was born October 13, 1939, in Iuka, IL, the son of Roy T. and Goldie M. Jones Allin. He married Katherine L. Lukes on January 8, 1982, in Quincy, Il. She survives, along with two children, the Rev. Patricia L. (Tim Howe) Allin of Normal, Ill., and Lt. Col. Michael W. (Kathy) Allin of San Antonio, Texas; two stepchildren, Jennifer L. (Marc) Dawson of Palo Alto, Calif., and Heather K. (Josh) Blaha-Cooper of Chicago; and two grandchildren, Benjamin and Rachel Allin. He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother, Charles Allin. Upon graduation from seminary, David served as a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, serving churches in Dixon, Wonder Lake, Harvel, Elmhurst, Campbell Hill and Quincy. He then became business manager and chaplain at Valley Hope Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center in Booneville, Mo. He later returned to the ministry with the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church, serving churches in Weldon and Princeville and retiring from Mossville in 2003. After retirement, David served interim pastorates at the Lewistown and Tiskilwa United Methodist Churches and then as interim at First Federated Church in Peoria. Most recently he served as chaplain and bereavement counselor with VITAS Hospice Care. He was a member and past president of the Lacon Country Club and a member of the OFL Golf League. He enjoyed playing golf, traveling, and organizing family events. Funeral services for David were held November 5, 2010, at First Federated Church, 3601 N. Sheridan Road in Peoria. The Rev. Dr. Forrest Krummel officiated. Visitation was at Hammitt-Hott Funeral Home in Princeville. A private inurnment took place in the church columbarium.. Memorial contributions may be made to the Preacher’s Aid Society of the United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 3386, Plymouth, MA 02361, or to the First Federated Church’s Vision for Tomorrow. William N. Bender 1926-2010 The Rev. William N. Bender, a retired United Methodist Minister, died Monday, April 26, at his home in Manitowish Waters, WI. He was born July 23, 1926 in San Pedro, CA, the son of William J. and Georgia L. (Millar) Bender. Survivors include his wife, Eula M. Sexson Bender; daughter Susan Knapstein of Arbor Vitae, WI; son Dale Bender of Howards Grove, WI; brother Theodore Bender of New Jersey and five grandchildren, Christen McFarland, Ryan Bender, Wyatt Knapstein, Alyssa Bender, and Ty Bender. William was a member of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church, retiring in 1989. He served Illinois Methodist churches in Hettick-Scottville, Henning-Jamesburg, Dawson, Pekin, Sadorus, and Savoy. He also was a minister in the United Church of Christ serving churches in Wheeling, IL; Plymouth, WI; and Poway, CA. After retiring William conducted worship services at various area churches and campgrounds at the Crystal Lake campgrounds for several years. He led a weekly men’s Bible study breakfast, was involved in the Community Church’s Madames 256 Memoirs Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook and Sirs Group, and was active in the Manitowish Water’s Lions Club of which he was past president and took part in it’s Bingo Scholarship and Summerfest activities. Wililam was a veteran of WWII, serving in the psychiatric division of the US Navy Hospital corps. His undergraduate work was at Alfred and Cornell Universities. He did his graduate work in guidance and counseling at the State University of New York. He received a M.Div. degree from Garrett Theological Seminary at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL, in 1965. In his retirement Bill enjoyed walks in the woods, deer hunting, fishing, and gardening. He was very active in his church. A Memorial Service was held at Manitowish Waters Community Church on April 29, 2010. Memorials are suggested to Ministry Home Care-Dr. Kate Hospice, PO Box 770, Woodruff, WI, 54568; Regional Hospice-Grandview Hospital N10561 Grandview Ln, Ironwood, MI, 49938; or Manitowish Waters Community Church, PO Box 69, Manitowish Waters, WI, 54545. Diane Bigley 1963-2010 The Rev. Diane Bigley, 47, of Hillsboro died December 8, 2010, at Hillsboro Area Hospital. Born November 13, 1963 at Springfield, she was a daughter of Wayne and Eleanor (Mounce) Pickett. She graduated with the class of 1981 at Pleasant Plains High School. She married the Rev. David Bigley on July 11, 1992, at Springfield, and he survives. In addition to her husband at Hillsboro, she is survived by a son, Noah Choi David Bigley of Hillsboro; her mother at Pleasant Plains; a sister, Rhonda Pickett of Norcross, GA; her mother-in-law and father-inlaw, Tracy and Arlene Bigley of Jefferson, IA; and many friends and parishioners that she considered family. She was preceded in death by her father. Diane was directing pastor of the United Methodist Churches of Hillsboro, Irving, Witt, Fillmore and Coffeen at the time of her death. She also served Pana (Associate)-Tower Hill, Palestine: First-Palestine Grace, and LaHarpe-Durham-Terre Haute. She had previously worked as a secretary for the Department of Conservation Law Enforcement in Springfield. Her family says she loved children. Visitation was December 13th, from 4 to 8 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Hillsboro. Funeral services were held December 14th at the church with the Rev. Randy Reese, the Rev. Ralph Ward, and Lay Leader Richard Small officiating. Burial will be at a later date at Horse Creek Cemetery, Pawnee. Memorials may be given to the United Methodist Church Pre-school at Hillsboro, or the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Kenneth E. Bissey 1921-2010 Reverend Kenneth E. “Doc” Bissey, 88, of Olney, died at 10:02 p.m. Tuesday, March 9, 2010, at Burgin Manor in Olney. Kenneth was born June 16, 1921, at the family home south of Clay City, the son of J. Milnor and Verda (Rogers) Bissey. He married Ada Belle Patterson on June 11, 1941. She survives. In addition to his Memoirs 257 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook wife, Kenneth is survived by his daughter Janet (Ron) Leist of Olney; son Norman (Dena) Bissey of Olney; son John (Connie) Bissey of Herrin; seven grandchildren; fifteen great-grandchildren; brother William “Bill” Bissey of Tulsa, OK; brother Donald “Jake” Bissey of Clay City; and several brothers, sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, J. Milnor and Verda Bissey; seven brothers; four sisters; one granddaughter; and one great-granddaughter. Kenneth worked for J.W. Sanders Oil Company until he was called into the ministry in 1958. At that time he attended Garrett Theological Seminary near Chicago. He served the following appointments: Calhoun, Creal Springs, Creal Springs-Philadelphia, Beecher City-Shumway, Cahokia:Faith, and Shattuc-Odin, and after retirement, Noble and Landes. He graduated from Clay City High School, where he was a cheerleader. He served his country in Germany during World War II as a member of the U.S. Army. Services were held at Bethel United Methodist Church in rural Wayne County with Rev. Sam Totten and Rev. Mark Canada officiating. Burial was in Wells Cemetery in rural Wayne County. Memorials may be made to Bethel United Methodist Church or the Retired Ministers Association. Patricia A. Carper 1931-2010 Rev. Patricia A. Carper died December 18, 2010. Pat was born on August 31, 1931 in Oakwood to Oral and Vera (Poll) Longstreth. On August 20, 1950, she married David Carper who passed away in 2007. Survivors include four children, Connie, Phil (Hilda), Diane (Ray), and Jeff; a brother, Don Longstreth; two grandchildren, Cristen and Bryan; and a great-grandchild, Abby. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by one sister, Jean Hughes. She was a full-time wife and mother for several years before she decided to go back to school. She attended the University of Illinois and graduated with a B.S. in physical education. She spent nearly a decade teaching in the Mahomet-Seymour School District. In 1977, Pat went into the ministry and served United Methodist churches in Champaign, Sadorus-Parkville, Monticello (Associate), Rantoul, Altona-Clover Chapel, and Peoria Grace, retiring in 2007. She spent another year as a resident chaplain at Carle Foundation Hospital. Pat dedicated many years to providing pastoral assistance and counseling to county jail inmates. During this time, she received a M.Div Degree from Garrett-Evangelical Seminary in Evanston, an accomplishment she achieved by studying summers until her children were grown. In the late ’80s and early ’90s, she lead a mission trip to Russia and participated in two other trips to Russia. Pat worked on numerous senior issues during the years, including attending the 1981 White House Conference on aging, volunteering to teach Rules of the Road, and serving on Senior Advisory Councils. After retiring, she became deeply involved with Champaign County Triad/Salt (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together) assisting with programs designed to reduce victimization of the elderly. In 2001, she received the Triad/Salt Senior Citizen Volunteer of the Year Award. Pat spent a lifetime wearing many hats with a focus on community involvement and serving others. She was a member of the National Education 258 Memoirs Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Association, Champaign County Retired Teachers Association, and the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church. She also served as a leader for Cub Scouts and 4-H, an officer in a local Parent-Teacher Association, and a member of Champaign County Home Extension. Pat fought a courageous battle against the effects of dementia for the past few years and never lost her kind and caring spirit. Visitation was Wednesday, December 22, at Morgan Memorial Home. A funeral service was held December 23 also at Morgan Memorial Home. Rev. Gary Fairchild officiated. Interment was at Monticello Township Cemetery, Monticello, Illinois. In lieu of flowers, memorials were made to the Seymour Volunteer Fire Department, P.O.Box 222, Seymour, IL 61875. Leola I. Conant -2010 Leola I. Conant, 87, of Sherman and Girard died April 24, 2010. She married Rev. Kenneth Conant on November 14, 1942. Surviving are sons, Lloyd and David (Barb) Conant; daughter, Deborah (Rick) Willhoit; five grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren; and two nieces. She was preceded in death by her husband, father and mother, two sisters, and two daughters-in-law. With her husband Leola served a number of churches throughout central Illinois. Services were held April 28, 2010, at First United Methodist Church in Taylorville. Burial was in Fairview Cemetery. Memorials may be made to First United Methodist Church in Taylorville. Patsy Conrad 1939-2010 Patsy B. Conrad, 71, of Varna, died October 17, 2010 at St. John’s Hospital, Springfield. She was born June 8, 1939 in Pollock, MO, the daughter of Gordan and Virginia Worsfold Snyder. Patsy married Rev. Lawrence L. “Skip” Conrad on April 2, 1955 in Marshalltown, IA. Patsy served alongside Lawrence at the following churches: Oconee-Fairview, Falmouth-Rose Hill-Harmon, Ullin-Beech Grove, Mt. Zion, Flanagan, Vermilion West Parish, and Downs-Pleasant Grove, retiring in 1996. Surviving are her husband, Lawrence; three sons, Michael (Lisa) Conrad of Johnston City, Jeffery (Joyce) Conrad of Selina, OH, David (Brenda) Conrad of Indianola; two daughters; Patti Jo (Steve) Beverlin of Auburn, Karen Myers of Tovey; seventeen grandchildren; thirteen great-grandchildren; mother, Virginia Snyder of Marshalltown; eleven brothers and sisters; several nieces and nephews. Visitation was held October 20, 2010 at Cornerstone Community Church, Auburn. Funeral services were held at Thursday at the church with Rev. Michael Long officiating. Burial will be in Auburn Cemetery, Auburn. Memorials may be made to any charity. Memoirs 259 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Anna Curtis 1907-2010 Anna Curtis, 103, of Birmingham, AL, passed away Thursday, July 1, 2010 at the Fair Haven Retirement Community in Birmingham. Anna was born February 21, 1907 in Margaret, AL, to Robert and Martha (Leslie) McMeekin. She married Rev. John R. Curtis, formerly of Royalton, Illinois, on November 16, 1925 in Birmingham. He preceded her in death May 1, 1980. She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Rev. John R. (Margy J.) Curtis, Jr. of Carlinville; a daughter and son-in-law, Margaret A. (Andy L.) Hooper of Birmingham, AL; thirteen grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Her parents, five brothers, two sisters, a grandchild, and two great-grandchildren also preceded her in death. Anna was a member of the Genesis United Methodist Church in Leeds, AL, and a homemaker. Funeral services for Anna were held Saturday, July 10, 2010 at the Miners Cemetery east of Royalton with Rev. John R. Curtis, Jr. officiating. Memorial contributions in memory of Anna are suggested to the Preacher’s Aid Society, Illinois Great Rivers Conference of United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 19207, Springfield, IL, 62794 or the Fair Haven Methodist Home, 1424 Montclair Rd. Birmingham, AL, 35210. Norma E. Darling 1915-2010 Norma E. Darling died on February 22, 2010 in Lodi, CA. She was born Norma Evelyn Easton on January 10, 1915, the daughter of Oris and Elsie Easton, in Toledo, IL, one of a family of five sisters and two brothers. Surviving sons are Steven of Lodi, Darrell of Santa Cruz, Lowell of Santa Cruz, and Paul of Portland. Norma was the grandmother of nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. She lost her first son, Gregory, in childbirth. She loved her daughters-in-law as her own daughters along with her sisters, Barbara and Carolyn in Illinois and Onda in Virginia. Brothers, Jesse and Bennett, and sister, Delores preceeded her in death. She was a graduate of Toledo Senior High School in 1933 where she sang the commencement solo the same day she married C. Eugene Darling, a teacher of her sisters in the Toledo School District. Together they shared 68 years serving in the United Methodist ministry, Boy Scouts, and many church and community endeavors. After retirement in Illinois, she and her husband moved to California where they lived in San Francisco, Upper Lake, Sacramento, and Santa Cruz. She moved to Lodi upon the death of her husband and was much loved at Arbor Senior Apartments and Arbor Place for nine years, and a faithful member of the Isleton Community United Methodist Church. Her first love and primary vocation was her family. She was President of Illinois Conference United Methodist Women, sold Highlights Magazines, provided short-term care for expectant mothers, sang in her church choir, cooked delightful meals every day of her life, read mysteries, and enjoyed playing cards. She was a member of Democratic Women’s Club and a strong and vocal advocate of political and community work for human justice and care. Norma never met a stranger, was 260 Memoirs Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook loved by many people who knew her well and respected by those she barely met, a fierce defender of anyone left with the short end of the stick. The Darlings lived in their Santa Cruz home longer than any of other home in Illinois and California. Following a delightful 95th birthday celebration with her family on January 10, content with a full and gracious life of some struggle and immense amount of joy, Norma quickly released herself to the goodness at the heart of the universe. A memorial service was held at the Darling House, 314 West Cliff Drive in Santa Cruz on Sunday, February 28th. D’Arline Henderson 1920-2010 D’Arline Henderson, 90, widow of the Rev. John Henderson, passed away on Sunday, July 18, 2010 in St. Louis, MO. He passed away in 1999. Together they served local churches in the former Southern Illinois Conference, including the superintendent’s offices of the Harrisburg and East St. Louis districts. They retired from O’Fallon in 1981. Funeral Services were held July 21, 2010 at the Kurtis Funeral Home. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to their son, Stephen Henderson, 14780 Timberbluff Drive, Chesterfield, MO, 63017. Lucy Hoffman 1926-2010 Lucy Eleanor Hoffman of Rio Rancho, NM, died Saturday, July 17, 2010 after a lengthy illness. She was born Lucy Wood on June 17, 1926 in Effingham County, IL. Lucy was married to Rev. Edward L. Hoffman in Effingham, Illinois in 1945. Together they served the following appointments: Cecil Circuit, Willards-Grace, Effingham: Centenary, Lebanon, West Chelmsford (NE Conf), Worchester-Quinsigamond, Carbondale: First (SIC), Bloomington: Wesley (CIC), Superintendent of Galesburg District, and Macomb: Wesley. They retired in 1986. Surviving are four children: Julia Smith of Sitka, AK; Lawrence (Carolyn) Hoffman of Kansas City, MO; Drew (Tila) Hoffman of Corrales, NM; and Leigh Anders of Corrales, NM. They have nine grandchildren: Lauren (Dave) Allen of Sitka, AK, Josh (Jodi) Smith of Eureka, CA, Matthew (Anna) Hoffman of Kansas City, MO, Colter, Chase and Chandler Hoffman of Corrales and Alex, Lindsay and Luke Anders of Corrales. They have six great-grandchildren: Vivian and Christian Hoffman of Kansas City, MO; Zaide and Zia Allen of Sitka, AK; and Ben and Eli Smith of Eureka, CA. Lucy was a Registered Nurse with advanced training in obstetrics and anesthesiology and served on the East Coast and in the Midwest. Her joy in life was serving others. She was a member of the High Desert United Methodist Church in Rio Rancho, NM. Memorial services were held at the Rio Rancho United Methodist Church, on Friday, July 23, 2010. Memoirs 261 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Harold Holliday 1922-2010 Rev. Harold H. “Preacher Harold” Holliday, 88, Oblong, IL, went home to be with his Lord on Thursday, August 26, 2010, at Cotillion Ridge, Robinson, IL. Born June 6, 1922 near Murphysboro, he was the son of Ira Holliday and Maude Naomi (Bailey) Holliday. On January 15, 1955 he married Wanda Lorene Walker, who survives. Also surviving are two daughters, Pat McCloskey and Janet Doyle; two sons and daughters-in-law, Steve (Carol) Holliday and Tim (Denise) Holliday; five grandchildren, Sherry Lynch, Heather Holliday, Heath Holliday, Rachel Holliday, and Andrew Holliday; three great-grandchildren; four-half brothers, Calvin (Pauline) Carlock, Ralph (Bonnie) Carlock, Paul (Caron) Carlock, and Charles Carlock; and several nieces and nephews. Harold was preceded in death by his parents; an infant brother; step-father; his first wife, Pearl Sills Holliday; a sister, Ruby Benefield; a half-sister Rosie Williams; two brothers-in-law, and two sons-in-law. He graduated from the four-year Course of Study School held at Garrett Theological Seminary, Evanston, Illinois. Harold entered the ministry in 1950 serving churches in southern Illinois as a local pastor and working in maintenance at Good Luck Glove Factory in Carbondale, Illinois. He served the following appointments: Bush, Colp, St. Francisville, and Oblong: Evangelical. He retired in 1987. Harold enjoyed country music, reading, fishing, playing his guitar, singing gospel songs and writing poems. His fun time was being with the grandchildren. His love for Christ was an inspiration to all who knew him. His family can take comfort in knowing that he allowed Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior of his life. Funeral services were held August 29, 2010 at Pulliam Funeral Home with the Rev. Howard Bell officiating. Burial was in Oblong Cemetery. Memorials can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association or to the Evangelical UMC Building Fund. Expressions of sympathy can be sent to his wife, Wanda Holliday, 405 E. Ohio St., Oblong, IL, 62449. Howard B. Johnson 1922 -2010 Rev. Howard B. Johnson of Minneapolis, formerly of Moline and Peoria, IL, died July 28, 2010. He is survived by his life partner and wife of 64 years, Katherine; son, Tom (Nancy); daughter, Diane (Margaret); sister, Delores; aunt, Bernice and many extended family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents and his sister, Jean. He was born on December 25, 1922. He graduated from Augustana College of Rock Island and Garrett Theological Seminary and received an Honorary Doctorate from MacMurray College. He was a pastor in the former Central Illinois Conference and was the Chaplain and Director of Pastoral Care at Methodist Medical Center in Peoria, IL, for 33 years. In his very active years of retirement he volunteered his time and leadership to a wide range of organizations. He lived with a boundless curiosity about life and had an interest in everyone he met. He was a strong supporter of all forms of social justice. A celebration of his life was held August 14th at the Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church, Minneapolis. In lieu of flowers, memorials preferred to Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church or the donor’s choice. 262 Memoirs Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Linda J. Johnson 1945-2010 Linda Jacqueline (Sims) Johnson, age 64, of Evansville, IN, went to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on February 10, 2010 at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, IN. She was born June 9, 1945 in Martin County, IN to Meredith Lowell and Jacqueline Louise (Gather) Sims. She married Ronald Dean Johnson on June 16, 1962, and he survives. Also surviving are two daughters: Tammy (Jim) Nolan of Evansville and Lisa (Greg) Rush of Rockfield, IN; one sister Betty (Larry) Downs of Shoals, IN; three brothers Stanly (Charlene) Sims of Shoals, Stephen (Jean) Sims of Odon, Merrill Sims of Columbus, OH; nine grandchildren, Sharayah and Micha Red Elk, Joshua Rush, Trent, Ryan, Austin, Travis, Alex and Jackson Nolan; three stepgrandchildren, Emily (Nolan) Wing, Ashley (Nolan) White and Amanda (Nolan) Barrett; five step-great grandchildren, Lexi and Gavin Wing, Lily and Sam White and Jason Barrett. She was preceeded in death by her parents; one sister, Janet Anne Sims; and two sisters-inlaw, Opha Sims and Chris Sims. Linda was a 1963 graduate of Shoals High School and received a bachelor’s degree in church ministries from Liberty University in 1994. She was known for her beautiful singing voice and artistic talents. She sang in various groups and churches throughout her life, bringing hope and inspiration to many. Linda was very honored to have been called into the ministry. She pastored at Cropsey and Strawn United Methodist Churches, both in Illinois. She also served as chaplain at Evenglow Lodge in Pontiac. A memorial service was held at St. James West United Methodist Church, where Linda was a member. Burial was at Mt. Union Cemetery in Loogootee. Wesley I. Kersh 1929-2010 Rev. Wesley I. Kersh, 80, of Putnam died at 3:38 p.m. Friday, June 4, 2010, at Heartland Health Care Center, Henry. Wesley was born on November 18, 1929, in Hattiesburg, MS, to Wesley Irvin and Meta (Jones) Kersh. He is survived by his wife, Barbara, of Putnam; two daughters, Rebecca (Ed) Maurer of Indianapolis, IN; Susan Davidson of Hattiesburg, MS; and one son, Andy (Nancy) Kersh of Hattiesburg, MS; two stepchildren, Joe (Connie) Bashore and Ellen (Pat) Nisley, both of Lincoln, NE; 15 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren; two sisters and two brothers of Mississippi. One son and one stepson preceded him in death. Wesley was an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church for 40 years. Appointments included: Buckatunna-State Line (MS); Tampa: First (Assoc) (FL); Tampa: Branscomb Memorial (FL); Tiskilwa-Hennepin (CIC); Putnam County UM Parish; Ecumenical Institute; Illinois City-Pine Bluff; Avon; and Henry-Saratoga. He retired in 1992. Funeral services were held June 7, 2010 at the Henry United Methodist Church. The Rev. Peg Emmert, the Rev. Ed Maurer, Pastor Terry Broady, and Fr. Tom Mizeur officiated. Burial followed at Putnam Cemetery, Putnam. Memorials may be made to Henry United Methodist Church or Heartland Health Care Center, Henry. Memoirs 263 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook C. Wayne King 1932-2010 Rev. C. Wayne King, 78, of Decatur, passed away Thursday, November 4, at Decatur Memorial Hospital. He was born March 20, 1932, the son of Jeremiah and Elda Raman King. He was raised by his mother and his aunt, Mayme Purvines, in Pleasant Plains. He married Dorothy Edmunds on April 4, 1959 in Chicago, and she preceded him in death in 2000. He was also preceded in death by his mother, his aunt Mayme, and sister Darlene Butler. He is survived by his children David King (Maria Somma) of Pittsburgh, PA, and Kathy King-Nobles (Kent) of Decatur, IL; grandchildren, Aaron, Austin, Haven, Joshua and Emily, and several nieces and nephews. Wayne graduated from Pleasant Plains High School and attended Blackburn College in Carlinville. He graduated from Beloit College in Beloit, WI in 1954. He earned Divinity degrees from McCormick Theological Seminary (Chicago-1957) and San Francisco Theological Seminary (1963). He was ordained in the Presbyterian Church and served the Round Lake Presbyterian Church, Round Lake, IL. He was College Chaplain at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, SD (1963-1965). At Blackburn College in Carlinville, he served as chaplain, taught religion and philosophy and was the Director of Public Relations and Alumni Affairs (19651978). He transferred to the United Methodist Church in 1983 and served as Pastor of United Methodist Churches in Central Illinois (Decatur First, Bismarck, Roanoke, and Lovington) until his retirement in 1994. He loved his family. He authored several Bible Memory books, loved to teach, and was a lifelong learner himself. Wayne was active in the Civil Rights movement with voter registration and marches and mentored several youth and young adults. He loved to play games with the neighborhood kids: whiffle ball, basketball, and football, was an avid golfer, always had a joke to share, and had a great sense of humor. He enjoyed movies, playing the piano and singing Hollywood stories, Elvis, and Frank Sinatra. Services were held at the Chapel of Blackburn College, Carlinville, on November 8, 2010. Interment was in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, at a later date. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials be given to Blackburn College (Wayne King scholarship) 700 College Ave., Carlinville, IL, 62626. Walter D. Krech 1923-2010 Rev. Walter D. Krech (Wally) quietly and peacefully passed away September 28, 2010. He was born June 3, 1923 to John and Augusta (Post) Krech in Harvey, IL. He was preceded in death by his daughter, Gail Krech; wife, Helen; his daughter-in-law Besty (Bruce) Krech; brothers, George, Will, and Randy, and sister Flora Cirks. He is survived by his daughters Peggy Krech and Robin (Daniel) Cyphert, his sons Brent (Delores) Krech and Bruce Krech, 3 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren, his sisters Pearl Cheney and Thelma Bobzin, and a treasured friend, Judy Carmer. After graduating from Grant Park HS, he served in the Army Air Corp, 466th Bomb Group, as a B-24 nose gunner. In 1944 he married Helen Julia 264 Memoirs Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Applegate of Lawrence, KS. He was discharged from service in 1945, having earned three Bronze Stars and a Battle Star among other honors. He graduated from Kansas University and completed his seminary one year later to fulfill his calling to the ministry. During his service to the church he touched many families and lives, having served as pastor in Deselm-Richey, Saunemin-Eyler, Milford, Kempton-Cabery, Washburn-Lowpoint, Rochester, Geneseo: Grace, and Kankakee: Asbury. He worked with his fellow ministers in the former Central Illinois Conference to establish the United Methodist Church in 1968. In 1983 he retired in Champaign/ Urbana where he helped to establish New Horizon United Methodist Church and served for a time as their visitation pastor. His strong encouragement and support were instrumental in the establishment of Quest United Methodist Church where he was a member when he died. Services were held at Savoy United Methodist Church on October 9. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to The Empty Tomb in Champaign or to Habitat for Humanity. Cards may be sent to 1706 E. Amber Lane, Urbana, IL 61802. Marie Lyell 1911-2010 Marie (Parsons) Lyell passed away December 8, 2010 at the age of 99. Marie was born on September 23, 1911 in Creal Springs, IL. Marie was married for 58 years to Leroy Lyell who worked for many years at the Zeigler Coal Mine as well as being a United Methodist pastor. During the many years Leroy served as pastor in the United Methodist Church in southern Illinois Marie worked closely at his side in service to their Lord. Together, Leroy and Marie served the following appointments in Southern Illinois: Dow, Calhoun, Browns, Pinkstaff, Central City, and Walnut Hill. Marie will be best remembered by her beautiful smile and gentle spirit, as well as her wonderful baking and cooking skills. Surving are two daughters, Mona (Edward) Wollard and Alice (Roy) Baugh, eight grandchildren, James Monroe, Gregory Monroe, Christian Vollmer, Cynthia Baldauf, Kevin Baugh, and Amanda Hessel, eighteen great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren. Her parents Albert and Mahala Parsons preceded her in death, as well as her two brothers, Rev. Vernon Parsons and Leamon Parsons, and her sister Edith (McPherron) Slusher. Services were held December 13 at the Van Natta Funeral Home, 427 South Park, Herrin, Illinois. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to United Methodist Children’s Home, 2023 Richview Road, Mt. Vernon, IL, 628642884. Rachel B. McMahon 1924-2010 Rachel B. McMahon, 86, widow of the Rev. Louis O. McMahon, passed away on October 1, 2010 in Bethany, OK. Rachel and her husband served local churches in the former Central Illinois Conference, retiring from Donovan in 1984. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to: The Family of Rachel B. McMahon, 12676 Lace Falls Loop, Bristow, VA 20136-1295. Memoirs 265 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Pauline Mick -2010 Pauline Cobb Mick, 76, wife of Rev. Richard Mick of Churchill Crossing, KY, went to Heaven to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Sunday, September 12, 2010. She was the daughter of the late Stanley and Gracie Mae Allen Cobb. In addition to her husband, she is survived by three children, Robin (Tim) Sillaman, Eileen (Mike) Tatman, and Barry (Elaine) Mick, five grandchildren, two sisters, Maurine (J.R.) Jones and Gracie Lee (Robert) Pennington. She and her husband served local churches in the former Central Illinois Conference, including Glasford-Kingston Mines, Camp PointCentennial Ebenezer, Pekin: First (Associate), Moline: Aldersgate, Beardstown, Geneseo: Grace, Fairbury, and Bloomington: Park. After her husband’s retirement in 1998, they served North Edgar Parish (Chrisman-Vermilion-Scottland-Clay’s Prairie). Pauline was a member of the Nicholasville United Methodist Church and Queen of the Red Hat Society of Churchill Crossing. Services were held at the Nicholasville United Methodist Church with Rev. Mike Snyder officiating. Burial followed in the Camp Nelson National Cemetery. Memorials are suggested to the Nicholasville United Methodist Church or Hospice of the Bluegrass. Evelyn June Miller -2010 Evelyn June Miller, widow of Rev. George M. Miller, passed away in Florida on June 8, 2010. George and Evelyn served local churches in the former Central Illinois Conference for almost 20 years, last serving Bement in 1981. He passed away in 1997. Arrangements for Evelyn were held in Florida. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to Barbara Riggs, 34225 Park Square Place, Ridge Manor, FL, 33523. Janis L. Muir 1920-2010 Janis L. Muir (81), surviving spouse of the Rev. John E. Muir, passed away on October 3, 2010. John and Janis served local churches in the former Central Illinois Conference for over 40 years, retiring from Watseka in 1990. A memorial service for Janis was held at Park United Methodist Church in Bloomington, IL, on October 23. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to a son, Dale E. Muir, 715 Roberts Lane, Batavia, IL, 60510. 266 Memoirs Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Sondra S. Newman 1943-2010 Rev. Sondra S. Newman, 66, of Paxton died May 15, 2010 in Geneva, NY. Sondra was born July 10, 1943, at Danville, the daughter of Charles C. and Mildred L. Weger Newman. She is survived by one brother, Charles (Marilyn) Newman of Jacksonville, FL; one sister, Nita Kae (Clifford) Trotter of Geneva, NY; two nieces; two nephews; and other relatives and numerous friends. She was preceded in death by her parents. She attended grade school at Hume; graduated from Paxton Community High School in 1961; received her teaching degree from Illinois State University in 1965, after which she taught briefly. She attended and graduated with a M.Div. degree from Garrett Theological Seminary at Northwestern University, Evanston, in 1968. She received her D.Min. in 1990. She ministered at numerous communities throughout the state of Illinois during her 40 years of ministry, including: Pekin: First (Assoc); Urbana: Wesley (Assoc); Danville: Vermilion Heights-Batestown; Saybrook, Saybrook-Arrowsmith; Chatsworth; Lexington: Evangelical-Hudson; Silvis; Carterville; Manteno; Colchester-Tennessee; and Kankakee: Trinity. Sondra was the first female to be ordained in the Methodist Church in the State of Illinois. She retired in 2008. She was a member of the United Methodist Church of Paxton, the United Methodist Women, and Prospect Chapter No. 367, OES at Paxton. Her life was devoted to serving the Lord. Sondra collected butterflies and crosses and enjoyed sharing her passion with others. A Celebration of Life was held May 24, 2010 at Baier Family Funeral Services, 406 E. Pells Street, Paxton, with Rev. Terry L. Westerfield officiating. There were also Eastern Star Services conducted by Prospect Chapter No. 367 Order of the Eastern Star. Family interment was held in Glen Cemetery, Paxton. Memorials may be made to the First United Methodist Church of Paxton. Jack B. North 1918-2010 Rev. Jack B. North, 91, of Springfield, MO, passed away on January 20, 2010, in Springfield, MO. Jack was preceded in death by his first wife, Sara Darracott; parents, Roy C. and Lelia North; aunt, Nettie North, all of Springfield, MO; son-in-law, Samuel W. Anderson of Hinsdale, IL, and great-great-grandson, Jayden Norten of Kankakee, IL. Jack is survived by his wife, Martha B. North of Springfield, MO; daughters, Charlotte Brouillette of Bonfield, IL, and Rebecca North of Santa Rita, Guam; sons, David (Linda) of Overland Park, KS, and John (Mary) of St. Joseph, IL; step-daughters, Jane Baxter of Eden Prairie, MN, and Kathy Anderson of Hinsdale, IL; 10 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren. Jack was a United Methodist minister. He served several pastorates in Illinois over a 44-year ministry including churches in Cissna Park, El Paso, Peoria, Kankakee, and Champaign and as the Pontiac District Superintendent. Jack was Minister Emeritus at Asbury United Methodist Church in Kankakee, IL. His last appointment was Assistant to the Bishop of the Central Illinois Conference, from which he retired. Jack also served as trustee of Illinois Wesleyan University and the Methodist Hospital of Central Illinois in Peoria. His community involvement included founding the Kankakee, IL, chapter Memoirs 267 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook of the Human Relations Commission, a member of the Kankakee Interfaith Commission, the Kankakee County Community Action Program, and the Organization Committee for the “halfway house,” a project to care for mentally ill patients being discharged from local hospitals. He served as chairman of the Red Cross, division chairman of the United Fund, and president of the Ministerial Association. On retirement, Jack and Martha moved to Springfield, MO. Jack received an A.B. Degree from Drury University and a B.D. degree from Garrett Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL. He also received honorary Doctor of Divinity degrees from Illinois Wesleyan University and Wiley College in Texas. Throughout his life he was an avid fisherman. In retirement he enjoyed traveling, volunteering (Cox and St. John’s Hospitals), music, e-mailing friends, eBay, and being with family. Jack attended Schweitzer United Methodist Church in Springfield, MO. Services in celebration of his life were held January 22 at Schweitzer United Methodist Church in Springfield, MO, with Revs. Casady, Lampert, and Mason officiating and on Saturday, January 23 at the First United Methodist Church in Champaign, IL, with Rev. Terry Harter officiating. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to Schweitzer United Methodist Church or the Jack B. North Endowment at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Development Office, 2121 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60201-9966. Marian J. Olsen 1919-2010 Marian Jane Nordos Olsen, 90, of Naperville, IL, passed away March 13 at Sunrise Assisted Living Center. Marian was born on March 30, 1919, in Canby, MN, the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. William Nordos. On October 14, 1944 she married Rev. J. Arnold Olsen in Worchester, MA. Surviving is her sister, Ruth Moore of Concord, MA., her daughters Judith (James) Allen of Naperville, IL, Martha Olsen (Robert Nolan) of Madison, WI, and Nancy Olsen of Maryville, TN; and grandchildren Amanda Allen of Plainfield, IL, John Nolan of St. Louis, Kevin Nolan of Maryville, TN, and Emily Allen of Naperville, IL. Special friends include Sr. Marianne Nolan of Decatur, and Ashok (Bhadra) Desai of Columbia, MD and Vijay (Dinky) Sehgal, Naperville, IL, who first joined the family as international students. She was preceded in death by her husband Arnold, her parents William and Serena, her brother Wilbur, and an infant brother. She was a graduate of Fitchburg Teachers College and taught elementary school for several years, including a two-room schoolhouse in Amherst, MA. Together with her husband she served churches in Vermont and Connecticut before moving to Illinois. They served the following appointments: Barton-Vermont (Hartford, CT), Bartonville (CIC), Buda-Sheffield, Springfield: Asbury, Bradford, Marshall: Oliver, Springfield: Kumler, Lacon, Decatur: Trueblood, and Decatur: First (Associate). They retired in 1981. Marian was active in Habitat for Humanity and Meals on Wheels; she volunteered at William Harris Elementary School in Decatur and the Dove Motherto-Mother program, and played the piano for nursing homes sing-a-longs. She was very active in United Methodist Women where she served positions on both the local and district levels and in School of Missions. She was awarded the Valiant Woman Award from Church Women United in 2001. She demonstrated her deep faith by reaching out to many of God’s people in the world and in her community. For some years she was the unofficial “Grandma” to the neighborhood children on East Drive. 268 Memoirs Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Marian and Arnold traveled all over the world to their ancestral homeland of Norway and to World UM Conferences in Singapore and Brazil, and sailed on freighter trips that took them to Africa and India. She loved writing letters, needlework, quilting, and playing games with her family. Funeral services were held in Decatur on Friday, March 19, 2010, in First United Methodist Church. Burial will be in North Fork Cemetery. In lieu of flowers memorials may be sent to Decatur First United Methodist Church, Church Women United, or Habitat for Humanity. Ferne L. Phillips 1919-2010 Ferne L. Purdy Phillips, 90, departed this life Friday, April 9, 2010 in Mt. Vernon. Ferne was born September 9, 1919, in Creal Springs, the daughter of Earl and Nola (Holmes) Edmondson. She married Rev. Edgar Blaine Purdy on October 14, 1936. He passed away September 13, 1967. On June 30, 1974, she married Rev. Steve Phillips. Together they owned and managed the Lot-O-Savings Store on Main Street in West Frankfort. He passed away March 19, 1990. On March 20, 1993, she married the Rev. Rudolph Orr; he passed away May 1, 1995. She is survived by sons, Dr. Jack Purdy of West Frankfort, Bruce Purdy and wife, Sarah, of Woodbridge, VA.; daughters, Janice Lawrence of Tucson, AZ; and Beth (Dan) Saxton of West Frankfort; five stepchildren; 10 grandchildren; six greatgrandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; husbands; two brothers; one sister; daughter-in-law, Judy Purdy; sonin-law, Dale Lawrence; and great-great-grandson, Tyler Lawrence. She graduated from Johnston City High School. Graveside services were held April 15 in Rose Hill Cemetery at Marion, with the Rev. Dave Utley officiating. Memorials may be made to Sunfield United Methodist Church. Ted Phillips 1925-2010 Ted Phillips, age 85, of Kinmundy, died on September 22, 2010, at Good Samaritan Hospital in Mt. Vernon. Survivors include: wife, retired pastor Lillian; sons: Alan David (Nanette) Phillips of Centralia and Bruce Dale (Patricia) Phillips of Colorado Springs, CO; Brothers: Allen Phillips of Scott City, MO, and Keith Phillips of Shawneetown. Four grandchildren also survive. He was a WWII Navy veteran, assistant principal, and principal, and retired as a superintendent. Ted also enjoyed hunting and fishing and was active in the church community. Funeral services for Ted were held September 27, 2010, at the Kinmundy United Methodist Church. An American Legion flag ceremony was held at Evergreen Cemetery in Kinmundy. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the Marion County Relay for Life or the charity of the donor’s choice. Memoirs 269 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Helen J. Pitsch 1923 -2010 Helen J. Pitsch, 87, wife of retired pastor Robert L. Pitsch, passed away on June 1, 2010. Helen and Robert served local churches in the former Central Illinois Conference for over 40 years. Appointments included Concord-Arenzville, Mazon, Carrollton, Piper City, Petersburg-Oakford, Peoria: Madison Avenue, and Tremont. They retired in 1985. Funeral services for Helen were held in North Carolina on Friday, June 4. A memorial service was held at a later date in Illinois. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to the Rev. Robert L. Pitsch, 908 Cedar Drive, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948-8015. Robert C. Ridall 1921-2010 Rev. Dr. Robert Clyde Ridall, 89, of Clyde died at his home on June 23, 2010. Robert was born on a farm in Luzerne City, PA, on March 9, 1921 to the now deceased Rev. Archie F. and Hazel Mae (Smith) Ridall. On September 23, 1969 he married the former Lynda Joyce Carter, and she survives. Also surviving are daughters, Priscilla Ann Ridall, FL; Eva Marie Ridall; and Rachel (Tim) Dellinger, FL; and children by marriage, Patricia Lynn (Youssef) Wadsworth-Elzein, Dayton, OH; and Timothy Dean (Jennifer) Wadsworth, Clyde, OH; and six grandchildren; along with three sisters: Mary Louise Beaney (William) and Dorothy Ridall, both of Bourbonnais, IL, and Carol Jean Gillespie (Sam), Chambersburg, PA. He also has several surviving nieces and nephews of which he was fond. Clyde was preceded in death by two brothers, Benjamin Ridall and Archie Ridall, Jr. He served many years as an evangelist and Methodist pastor and was a professor at Olivet Nazarene College where he taught numerous courses including New Testament Greek and Biblical Archaelogy. He was the author of two chapters in the Beacon Bible Commentary and wrote numerous other scholarly papers. He had visited Jerusalem four times and taught at the Mount of Olives. He was received into full membership of the former Central Illinois Conference in 1971 and pastored Paris Trinity and later Redmon UMC, for nine years. He also served as pastor of Peoria: Grace UMC for eight years prior to his retirement in 1988. Dr. Ridall held a Doctor of Theology degree from Concordia University. He earned five other degrees in his lifetime from the following institutions: God’s Bible School and College; University of Cincinnati Teacher’s College; Asbury Theological Seminary; The Biblical Seminary in New York, New York University; and Fordham University. Funeral services for Robert were held June 26, 2010, at the Auxter Funeral Home in Clyde, Ohio. Burial was in McPherson Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, KY. 270 Memoirs Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Helen L. Robertson-Acevedo 1923-2010 Helen L. Robertson-Acevedo, 86, of Sherman died Monday, April 5, 2010, in South Bay Hospital in Sun City Center, FL. She was born October 7, 1923 in Woodbine, IA, the daughter of Charles T. and Mabel R. (Hinkle) Michael. She married Rev. Oscar “Toby” Robertson on October 5, 1940 in St. Charles, MO, and he preceded her in death in 1990. She then married Anthony “Tony” Acevedo on December 23, 1996 in Bartow, FL, and he preceded her in death in 2000. Survivors include one son, Michael (Patsy) Robertson of Mason, one daughter, Betty (Terry) Husky of Sherman, one son-in-law, Michael Endebrock of Effingham, two brothers, Charles (Iris) Michael of Texarkana, TX, and Thomas (Donna) Michael of Stewardson, 11 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, her two husbands, two infant brothers and two infant sisters. She was a retired office manager at Martin’s IGA in Effingham and a member of Mason United Methodist Church. Funeral services were held, April 10, 2010, at the Watson United Methodist Church. Burial was in Mason Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Watson United Methodist Church or Harvest United Methodist Church, Edgewood. Wanda Corzine Robinson 1915-2010 Wanda Lee Corzine Robinson, 95, completed her earthly life on Monday, July 26, 2010, and entered into life eternal. She was born in Cairo on May 9, 1915, to the Rev. Charley Frank and Emma (Douglas) Corzine. She was united in marriage to Rev. Dr. Wendell A. Robinson on July 26, 1936, in Centralia Demaree United Methodist Church by her father. She is survived by two daughters and one son-inlaw; Sandra (Rev. Earl) Renshaw of Murphysboro and the Rev. Sharon R. Potter of Carterville; four grandchildren, pastors Lisa and Doug Cherry of Carbondale, Elizabeth (Jeff) Groh of Oklahoma City, OK, Jay Potter and wife Erin of New York, NY, Andrea Potter of Davenport, IA; 14 great-grandchildren; and two great-greatgrandchildren; one brother, Lilbourn Corzine of Dallas, Texas; one sister-in-law, Sally Corzine Fate of Memphis, TN; also numerous loved nieces and nephews. Wanda was preceded in death by her parents; her husband in 2002; brothers, C.F. and Marvin Corzine; and a half sister, Irene Baggett. She joined her husband in pastoring these United Methodist Churches: Worden, Madison, Cairo Tigert Memorial, Carmi First, Carbondale District Superintendency, Marion First, and Olney First. They lived 22 years in Olney in retirement. Wanda was a member of the United Methodist Church in Murphysboro. Wanda was known for her beautiful handcrafts and pound cakes, which she used to bring joy to many parishioners and friends. She was known for her unusual handmade detailed Christmas scenes made from bottles, cardboard, cloth, etc. Her displays ranged from angel choirs, nativities, Marion Square, to an African village. The village was a replica of a mission where she and church members worked in Africa in 1978. In 1953 they traveled to Japan to establish a church in a Tokyo suburb. She and her husband were delegates to the 10th World Methodist Conference in Oslo, Norway in 1961. Travel was a lifelong passion. Services were held July 31, 2010, in Centralia Demaree United Methodist Memoirs 271 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Church, with the family officiating. Burial followed at Hillcrest Cemetery in Centralia on old route 51. Memorials may be made to The Preacher’s Aid Society of the IGRC, P.O. Box 19207 Springfield, IL., 62794-9207 or to Hospice of Southern Illinois, 210 Halfway Road, Marion, IL. 62959. Jesse Seiber 1913-2010 Jesse James Seiber, 96, died at home on September 1, 2010. He was born in Marissa, IL, October 28, 1913 to John E. and Minnie V. (Cessna) Seiber. He had two older sisters, Lorine and Blanch Seiber. He married Bertha M. Hill on March 13, 1944. He is survived by sons James (Susan) of Springfield, IL, and Roy (Julie) of Kelso, WA; grandchildren Sinta Seiber-Lane, Jon Seiber, Wren Visser. and Joy Seiber; six great-grandchildren and eight nieces and nephews. Jesse was preceded in death by his parents, sisters, and wife. He was a St. Louis Cardinal fan since 1928. His first job, during and after high school, was as a coal miner. At age 28, he was called to the ministry and graduated from McKendree College at Lebanon, IL. During his service as a Methodist minister in the Southern Illinois Conference, he had the following 13 appointments: Kane, Coffeen, Bone Gap, Medora/Piasa, Joppa, Enfield, Brookport, West Frankfort Central, Ullin, Centralia Faith, East St. Louis Altersgate, Mt. Vernon Wesley and Sandoval/ Boulder. He retired from the ministry in 1980. For the past 15 years he attended the Chatham United Methodist Church in Chatham, IL. Services were held September 5, 2010 at the Chatham UMC with Rev. Sara Isbell officiating. Graveside services were held September 6, 2010, at the Tilden Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, those that wish may direct memorial contributions to the Chatham United Methodist Church, 204 E. Chestnut, Chatham, IL 62629. Imogene Smith 1920-2010 Imogene Smith, 90, of Casey, IL, passed away November 15, 2010, at Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center in Coles County, IL. She was born June 23, 1920, in Coles County, IL, the daughter of Frank Agar and Dorothy Lorraine Johns Oakley. Imogene married Rev. Hugh Smith on June 16, 1940 in Coles County, IL. He passed away on November 9, 1998. She is survived by her three sons, Clinton (Karen) Smith, Dan (Virginia) Smith, and Randy (Linda) Smith, all of Casey, IL; sister, Helen McLaughlin of California; eight grandchildren; seventeen great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; brothers, Winton Leavon, Eugene, Carldean, John Arthur, Delano, and Dean Oakley; and sisters, Norma Hanks and Bernadine Oakley. Imogene was an active member and a faithful pastor’s wife in the churches where her husband ministered. She was a member of the Casey United Methodist Church. Funeral services were held November 19, 2010 at 272 Memoirs Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook the Casey United Methodist Church with her son, Rev. Dan Smith officiating. Burial followed in the Washington Street Cemetery, Casey, IL. Memorial donations and contributions may be made to the Casey United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 365, Casey, IL 62420; Martinsville Christian Church, 324 N. York St., Martinsville, IL 62442 or the Faith Fellowship Mission, 12887 E 2000th Ave., Hidalgo, IL 62432. Phillip Snider 1926-2010 Rev. Phillip R. Snider, age 84, of Centralia, IL, passed away at 5:50 a.m. on Saturday, December 4, 2010, in Centralia Manor in Centralia, Illinois. He was born on October 11, 1926, in Centralia, the son of Charles O. Snider and Bertha (Phillips) Snider. He married Treva L. Jones on October 5, 1946 in Centralia, and she survives. In addition to his wife, Phillip is survived by his son Mark Snider and wife Tricia of Shelbyville, grandson Drew Snider and granddaughter Emme Snider both of Shelbyville, brother-in-law: Clyde (Jackie) Jones, nephews Steve (Linda) Jones, Terry (Pam) Jones, Richard (Karen) Snider, Jim (Peggy) Snider, Bill Davis, Ronnie Davis and nieces Lex Ann (Mike) Bitner and Margret Davis. Phillip is preceded in death by his parents, brother Bill Snider and sister Virginia Davis. He was confirmed and attended the Christian Church early in life. He loved to read and do handyman projects throughout his life. He was an avid St. Louis Cardinal Fan. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy, serving during World War II in the Pacific. He loved the time he spent with his family, especially his grandchildren. He has lived in Centralia, IL, except during the time of his ministry. Phillip retired after 37 years of service as a United Methodist minister. He served in the Central Illinois Conference in which he pastored at the Valaire, St. Jacob, Williamsfield, Kansas, Athens, and Avon, from which he retired. He graduated from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary with a M.Div. in 1976 and attended Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, and McKendree College. Funeral services were held December 6 at the Styninger QueenBoggs Funeral Home in Centralia with Doug Junkins officiating. Interment followed in the Hillcrest Memorial Park near Centralia. Memorial contributions may be made in Phillip’s honor to the United Methodist Preacher’s Aid Society or Drew and Emme Snider’s College Education Fund. William “Bill” Swyear 1923-2010 Rev. William “Bill” E. Swyear, 87, of Benton died Thursday, August 12, 2010 in his home. He was born in Logan on April 9, 1923, the son of George and Pearl Oliver Swyear. He married Loraine “June” Davis on December 25, 1941, and she survives along with children, Judith Swyear of Benton, Sheila Burns of Marion, Paula (Barry) King of Benton, Harold Swyear of Paris, Buddy (Pat) Lilly of St. Louis, Gary (Cyndi) Swyear of Kaneohe, Hawaii, and Tom Swyear of Oklahoma; Memoirs 273 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 11 grandchildren; and 17 great-grandchildren. His parents; a sister, Theresa Banister; three brothers, Harry Swyear, Leo Swyear and Chloris Stewart, and a son-in-law, Jim Burns, preceded Bill in death. Bill was a Methodist minister, serving in the Illinois and Florida conferences. Appointments in Illinois included: Tates Chapel, Dahlgren, Hoyleton, and Fairfield: Ellen Moore. He retired in 1988. He was a 32nd degree Mason, a Shriner, and a member of the Shrine Motor Patrol, serving as a clown with a miniature car during parades. He also served on the Shrine Hospital Committee and did a great deal of volunteer work with local youth. Funeral services were held at Saturday, August 14, 2010, at the Morton and Johnston Funeral Home in Benton, with the Rev. Robert Shook officiating. Burial was in the Masonic and Oddfellows Cemetery in Benton. Mary M. Treat 1914-2010 Mary Mathis Treat passed away at 1:45 p.m. Thursday, January 7, 2010. Mary was born December 1, 1914 in Johnston County to Ben and Frannie Mathis. She married Rev. Joe Wesley Treat on December 1, 1933; he preceeded her in death on August 18, 1982. Survivors include her sister, Sarah (Mathis) Treat of Cypress, four children, Dr. Robert (Betty) Treat of Moro, Shirley (Alfred) Dickerson of Hurst, Kay (Tom) Small of Birmingham, AL, and Larry (Carolyn) Treat of Ferris TX; eight grandchildren, Rob (Cathy) Hurst, Lisa (Harlan) Jennings of Johnston City, Kim (David) Light of Vestava Hills AL, Kevin (Heather) Small of Clay AL, Rodney (Christie) Treat of Arlington, TX, and Wesley Treat of Dallas, TX; eighteen great-grandchildren; and seven great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband Joe, three brothers, John, Jake and George Mathis; and an infant sister, Vera Beatrice. Mary and Joe served 30 years in the ministry through the United Methodist Church. Services were held at Walker Funeral Home in Hurst, and burial was in Blairsville Cemetery. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made in Mary’s name to Hospice of Southern Illinois. Robert J. Treat 1935-2010 Rev. Dr. Robert J. “Bob” Treat, 74, died on Saturday, March 20, 2010, at the Relais Bonne Eau (Hospice of Southern Illinois Home) in Edwardsville, IL. He will be missed by his wife, Betty Treat; his son, Robert G. (Carol) Treat of Edwardsville, IL; and his daughter, Deborah (David) Frazier of Moro, IL. He especially enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren, David R. Frazier, Meghann Treat, Nathan Johnson, Benjamin Treat, Stephanie Frazier, and Jonathan (Pearl) Frazier. His two great-grandchildren, Caitlyn Johnson and Gabriel Frazier were a special joy to him. He will also be missed by his sisters, Kay (Tom) Small of Birmingham, AL, Shirley (Alfred) Dickerson of Hurst, IL; and brother, Larry (Carolyn) Treat of Dallas, TX. He will be also be missed by his caregiver, Allen Durkee of 274 Memoirs Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Edwardsville, IL; and his long time friend, Tony Jansen of Highland, IL. He was preceded in death by his parents, Rev. Joe and Mary Treat. Robert was born on August 25, 1935. He was an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church. Bob entered the ministry while a college student and served the following appointments in the Southern and Central Illinois Conferences: Mill Shoals, Golconda, Cisne, Director of Wesley Foundation (SIU, Edwardsville), Litchfield, Conference Council Director, Superintendent, East St. Louis District, Director of Church Relations, McKendree College, and Vice President of Church Relations, McKendree College. He retired in 1995. In retirement, Robert enjoyed assisting the Glen Carbon United Methodist Church and St. John’s United Methodist Church. He was especially proud of the Visitation Team he developed and the Pastor Emeritus honor bestowed by St. John’s. He was awarded an honorary doctorate from McKendree University. Bob loved books, music and had a zest for learning. He earned degrees from SIU-C, masters degrees from St. Louis University, Eden Theological Seminary and Garrett Theological Seminary. He also received a doctor of ministry degree from Eden Theological Seminary and PhD. from Northwestern University. He published more than twenty articles in magazines and journals. Bob will long be remembered for his warm caring spirit and his concern for others. A celebration of his life was held at on March 26, 2010, at St. John’s United Methodist Church with Dr. William Lewis and the Rev. Sheryl Palmer officiating. Private interment was at Woodlawn Cemetery, Edwardsville, IL. In lieu of flowers, memorials were made to St. John’s United Methodist Church and Relais Bonne Eau (Hospice of Southern Illinois facility). Justine Tunstall 1918-2010 Justine Louis Tunstall, 92, passed away on September 24, 2010, joining her husband, Rev. John Edward Tunstall. Justine was born on March 31, 1918, in Tulsa, OK, to Ben Harrison Grigsby and Louise Dollie Morgan. She was the eldest of three children and was preceded in death by her sister, Charlotte Grigsby. She leaves behind a legacy of loved ones including: her daughters, Dwyla Justine Walker and LaTanya Cecilie Tunstall-Robinson; her brother, Bennie H. Grisgby and her sister-in-law, Margaret Grigsby; her sons-in-law, Kwesi O.J. Akpore and Rodney Robinson; her grandchildren, Walter Alfrin Walker III, John Michael Walker, Jihan Elearah Walker, and Nasebo Amara Robinson; her granddaughterin-law, Sadia Walker; her great-grandchildren, Jade Nicole Walker, Kacey Colette Walker, Allison Marie Walker and Victoria Celeste Walker; a host of other nieces, nephews, family and friends. Justine was raised in Wichita, KS. She graduated from high school and attended Wichita State University, earning a Bachelor of Science. She started her graduate studies at Drake University before the family moved to St. Louis, MO. Justine worked as the Administrative Assistant to the Department of Education at Washington University. For the time period, she was one of few black women who worked at the university in such a prestigious position. She used the opportunity to complete her graduate studies, and she obtained a Masters Degree in Education from Washington University. She then transitioned into one of her life’s Memoirs 275 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook greatest passions: teaching and guiding young children. She taught elementary school in the St. Louis Public School System for over 40 years. Throughout the years, Justine devoted her life to her family, church congregation, and the local community. She was a leading member in the ACME Art and Culture Club, an association dedicated to studying and celebrating positive Black American females in art and literature, as well as African culture. She sang in the St. Louis Symphony’s Community Choir. She directed the children and youth choirs at the various churches her husband pastored. She opened her home to countless African exchange students. Eager to learn about different cultures, she traveled around the world, visiting Liberia, China, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, France, Russia, and the Holy Land. Her beauty, grace, sense of humor, frank honesty, and deep abiding faith has shaped our lives forever. Lloyd H. Vinnedge, Jr. 1920-2010 Retired pastor Lloyd H. Vinnedge, Jr. passed away in Oklahoma on September 12, 2010. He was born on September 21, 1920. He served in Oklahoma and in the Central Illinois Conference, including the following appointments: Sidney-Pleasant Hill, Country Estate, Midwest City, Macon, Hammond, East Lynn, ChestnutKenney, Elmwood, Griggsville-New Salem, Green Valley, Roanoke-Secor, SibleyAnchor, and Weedman-Prairie Chapel. He retired in 1981. Funeral services were held in Oklahoma. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to a son, Ron Vinnedge, 9 Brandea Court, Glen Carbon, IL 62034-1350. Virginia L. Wallace 1927-2010 Virginia L. Wallace, 83, of Watseka, IL and formerly of Sheldon, IL passed away August 21, 2010, at Iroquois Memorial Hospital in Watseka, IL. Virginia was born on April 9, 1927 in Iroquois, IL, a daughter of Royal and Pearl Ristow Darling. She married Rev. Wesley J. Wallace on September 29, 1946 in Sheldon, IL. He preceded her in death on November 20, 1990. Surviving are two sons, James (Cecelia) Wallace of Haines City, FL, and Scott (Leah) Wallace of Chicago, IL, one daughter, Kathy (James) Voegele of Cincinnati, OH, one sister, Doris (Reese) Bowton of Watseka, five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents and two grandchildren. Mrs. Wallace was a member of the Sheldon United Methodist Church and Sheldon Grandmothers Club. Funeral services were held on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at the Sheldon United Methodist Church. Rev. Paul Copeland officiated. Burial was in the Sheldon Cemetery.Memorials may be made to the donor’s choice. Expressions of sympathy can be sent to daughter Kathy Voegele, 11486 Kemperknoll Lane, Cincinnati, OH, 45249. 276 Memoirs Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Emmalee F. Williams 1921-2010 Emmalee F. Williams, age 88, of Marion, IL passed away Monday, June 28, 2010, in Heartland Regional Medical Center of Marion, IL. She was born on December 27, 1921, in Harrisburg, IL, the daughter of Jesse and Imogene (Macarath) Hunt. Emmalee was united in marriage to Rev. Carl Vernon Williams on November 22, 1959, in Mt. Vernon, IL and together they shared nearly thirtythree years of marriage until his death came on July 7, 1992. She is survived by her son, Jeff (Sheila) Williams of Marion, IL; two treasured grandchildren, Alexis and Joshua Williams both of Marion, IL, several nieces and nephews, other extended family and many friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, one sister and six brothers. Early in her working career, Emmalee worked for the United States National Archives in Washington, D.C. for several years. After her marriage, she worked as her husband’s secretary in the churches where he served. She loved her family and always was seeing to their needs and managing her home. After the death of her husband and later the birth of her granddaughter, Emmalee decided to move from Mt. Vernon, IL to Marion in 1998, to be near her family. She became a member of Marion Aldersgate United Methodist Church. She loved music, especially playing the organ and singing in the church choir. Emmalee was an artist and when time permitted enjoyed painting and drawing portraits. She also was a member of the Beulah Holiness Camp Association. Services were held Thursday, July 1, 2010, at Wilson-McReynolds Funeral Home with Rev. Tim Ozment presiding. Interment followed next to her husband, Carl, in Mount Vernon Memorial Gardens Cemetery near Woodlawn, IL. Memorial contributions may be made to Marion Aldersgate United Methodist Church Youth Ministry or Hospice of Southern Illinois. Donald R. Wood 1937-2010 Donald Ray “Bubblegum” Wood, 72, of Franklin died Sunday, March 21, 2010, at Memorial Medical Center in Springfield. He was born September 6, 1937 near Waverly, the son of Lowell Allen and Edith Louise Goacher Wood. He married Rev. Nancy Jo Edwards, currently a part-time local pastor, on July 11, 1956 in Chicago, and she survives. Donald is also survived by two sons, John (Susan) Wood and Joseph (Lottie) Wood, both of Franklin; one daughter, Ginger (David) Dahms of Muscatine, IA; ten grandchildren, Kristopher Wood of Auburn, Jason Dragoo of Franklin, Sarah Dragoo of Bement, Christopher Cox of Monmouth, Elizabeth, Cheryl, Ryan and Carolyn Wood of Franklin, and Michelle and Anne Dahms of Muscatine, Iowa; and seven great-grandchildren. Two grandchildren, Alan David Wood and Patti Jo Wood, preceded him in death. Donald was a graduate of Franklin High School and served in the United States Army from 1957-58. He farmed in the Franklin community for many years and served as road commissioner for 26 years. He was a member of Asbury United Methodist Church and was a Methodist lay speaker. Donald had a special interest in the young people in the Franklin community. He served as a Boy Scout leader, organized the Franklin Teen Center, and was a charter member of the Franklin- Memoirs 277 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Waverly Military Support Group. Together with Nancy, he served Jacksonville: Asbury and Lynnville United Methodist Churches. He cherished spending time with his grandchildren, family, and friends. Bubblegum always had a hug for friends and strangers alike. A funeral service was held March 24, 2010, at Franklin United Methodist Church in Franklin, with burial at Franklin Cemetery. Memorials are suggested to Asbury United Methodist Church, Lynnville United Methodist Church, HELPS Ministry, or the Waverly Rescue Squad. Shirley Zivney 1931-2010 Shirley Zivney, 79 of Dwight died at 9:42 pm Monday, June 7, 2010, at Morris Hospital. Shirley Ross Zivney was born March 25, 1931 at San Pedro, CA, the daughter of William Ross and Katherine Madsen Rasmussen. She was married to Lt. Col. David Campbell, deceased. She was the mother of James (Kathy), Joy, IL, Bruce (Nina), Troy, OH; Cathryn McRee, Portland, OR; Scott (Beth), Louisville, KY; Dr. Amy (Mathew) Samkutty, Portland, OR; Karen (Jay) Juday, Nashville, TN. Step-children are Dr. Terry (Margaret Ann) Zivney, Middletown, IN; Janet Tarbet, Lake Zurich, IL; Diane (Hagen) Miller, Skokie, IL; and Mark Zivney. Grandchildren are David C. Campbell, Sarah Campbell, David Campbell, James Campbell, Kenneth Campbell, Rachel McRee, Christopher Juday, Sarah Garner, Rebecca Juday, Timothy Juday, Benjamin Campbell, Madeline Samkutty, Abigail Samkutty, Caden Samkutty, Kirsten Samkutty. Step-grandchildren are Teresa Zivney and James Tarbet. She married Dr. Oliver K. Zivney on June 19, 1976 at Indianapolis. Shirley and her husband served the following United Methodist Churches: RobertsThawville, Roanoke-Secor, Gridley (Yoked with UCC), Fithian-Oakwood, Hennepin-Granville, Stronghurst-Carman, Chrisman-Scottland, and Reddick. They retired in 1993. Shirley was known as a “cat lady” and served often as a caretaker for animals being released from shelters before they were assigned to new homes. She enjoyed participating in the Dwight Rotary Club dinners and was a member of the Dwight Veteran of Foreign Wars Auxillary. When St. Vincent DePaul opened up a thrift store in Dwight, she became a co-manager. Later she became manager and was assisted by Linda Snow and Agnes Vanderwall. When the Dwight store closed, she became a part time worker at the Morris store. As a step-parent, she set the example of not dividing mine and yours. It was always “the kids,” and she informally assisted many blended families to have positive relations with the total family members. As a wife, Shirley supported her husband’s vocation as a volunteer firefighter. She encouraged him to participate in the many hours of training, making it a portion of his ministry to communities. She also encouraged him to continue the special ministry as Chaplain to both the Dwight American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the Marine Corps League. For many years Shirley had been a military wife, taking over new duties while her husband was overseas and finding a new daughter from Korea almost delivered to her doorstep. As a wife of pastors, she made it understood that the “title” was only a name. She was first a wife, then a mother, and finally a member of the parish and the 278 Memoirs Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook community. Lately, she had become a member of the Morris UM Church and enjoyed the adult education of that parish. Special friends include Linda Snow, Agnes Vanderwall, Jean Patterson, Terri Mathias, and members of the Morris St. Vincent store, and Betty McCabe. Funeral services were held at St. Peter’s Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Dwight with Pastor Heidi Punt officiating. Inurnment was at Oaklawn Cemetery, Dwight. Cremation rites accorded. Memorials may be directed to the Livingston County Animal Shelter in Pontiac in her name. Interpretation for the deaf and hearing impaired is provided by the IGRC Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministry. Memoirs 279 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Andy Black assists the Communications Team. Unloading supplies on the first day of annual conference. 280 Memoirs Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Conference Roll of the Dead Roll of the Dead 281 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Roll of the Dead Name Adams, Ronny Dean Rel FC Born 01-10-54 Died 04-18-00 Allin, David H. Anderson, Ben Araya, Samuel E. FC FC FC 10-13-39 03-15-31 10-24-16 10-31-10 06-29-03 03-23-01 FC FC PM FC AM FC FC FC Local FC FC AM FE Local AM FC Local Local AM FC AM FC FC FC AM FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FE FC FE FE 08-09-25 01-27-07 08-07-41 10-07-16 06-18-09 04-12-24 09-13-28 04-06-20 06-10-14 07-23-26 04-28-09 12-18-22 06-11-28 11-13-63 06-16-21 10-22-15 05-04-31 04-03-49 10-03-12 02-16-14 01-04-46 09-22-50 09-04-13 04-28-22 12-01-27 12-15-02 09-09-35 09-23-24 04-22-01 08-31-31 08-21-23 09-01-21 01-21-21 05-05-32 09-22-24 11-09-08 01-27-10 10-08-20 05-12-02 08-17-01 07-02-07 02-13-98 02-14-00 12-25-01 09-01-03 10-13-98 03-20-05 04-26-10 07-06-00 07-01-05 11-06-06 12-08-10 03-09-10 06-16-04 07-12-07 09-19-04 05-30-05 03-16-00 07-24-05 07-01-03 04-03-04 05-14-11 11-10-01 08-20-01 02-26-11 12-29-02 08-21-99 12-18-10 07-12-11 02-16-02 12-12-03 03-19-11 05-21-09 05-14-01 01-24-08 03-31-06 Atkins, John P. Atteberry, Albert Baker, Ronald H. Barnard, Lloyd W. Bear, Leland Beasley, Eugene Beck, John H. Beesley, Robert S. Bellamy, Jesse Bender, William Nelson Bennett, Herbert R. Benton, Dean L. Beuoy, Herbert J. Bigley, Diane E. Bissey, Kenneth E. Bjork, Raymond A. Blankenship, Harrison E. Boussard, Edward Martin Blessing, Donald Brakemeyer, Orlando Bramlett, Steven F. Brault, Bradford Brewer, Floyd Brown, Vernon A. Brown, William J. Bruner, Clifford P. Bryant, Paul D. Burnett, Clarence A. Jr. Calderwood, Robert C. Carper, Patricia A. Cha, David Chadwell, Charles W. Christian, Jack K. Christianson, Roger F. Christopherson, Robert L. Clodfelder, Austin B. Clodfelder, Raymond R. Coker, Carl W. 282 Roll of the Dead Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Cook, M. Laverl Cox, Henry L. Craig, Robert D. Craig, William E. Cramer-Heuerman, Jack Cramer-Heuerman, Jean Creek, F. Glenn FC FC FC FE FC FC FC 02-26-11 01-26-24 01-02-47 11-03-17 10-14-46 06-16-53 05-04-32 06-10-02 10-20-04 07-20-02 10-27-05 03-30-03 04-20-98 02-26-02 Crouch, Forrest J. Cummins, W. Grant AM AM 02-12-08 09-18-22 01-06-03 06-20-99 Curry, Claude A. Cutlip, William W. AM FC 12-22-24 10-02-05 01-08-08 01-29-00 Darling, C. Eugene Davis, Carl S. FC FC 04-28-09 10-04-10 11-02-01 08-19-00 Davis, Lloyd Ernest FC 12-13-20 02-13-11 Deninger, Frank FE 10-11-27 03-07-09 Local 07-31-27 03-23-06 FE AM FC 08-27-24 09-16-17 02-05-06 06-19-11 02-19-99 Dillman, Craig R. Dilworth, K. Eugene Doll, Roy M. Douglas, Prentice AM Local AM FC 05-19-17 07-04-22 07-10-17 09-10-13 02-23-07 01-21-07 10-06-08 12-16-99 Drake, Jonathan D. Dude, Leroy E. FC FE 10-23-25 07-17-10 02-24-04 01-29-06 Dugger, Ellis H. Eaker, Curtis L. FC FC 10-16-23 03-07-28 07-24-96 07-07-11 Elmore, Virgil Elwood, Harry W. Emmons, George E. AM FC FC 04-07-08 12-13-26 10-12-16 10-29-00 01-30-97 04-18-03 Ericson, David E. Ervin, Marshal H. FC FC 03-30-18 04-08-16 07-30-04 12-01-01 Escarraz, Barbara S. Eubank, Nolan Ewing, Leo C. FC AM FC 04-10-34 08-10-21 02-16-11 08-26-97 01-19-06 03-23-98 Farmer, Marion R. Ferguson, Jane A. Fellhauer, Dorothy FC FE Local 05-01-21 04-12-35 06-30-33 02-03-03 10-21-08 09-21-09 Fester, William Flessner, Harold B. Foote, Sherrell Fox, Carl B. FE FC AM FE 12-05-36 04-04-19 01-15-43 07-09-25 06-27-09 02-21-00 01-14-03 02-22-09 Frick, Jack M. Friesland, Frank W. FC FC 08-24-20 04-27-05 01-10-99 10-03-97 Funkhouser, Clyde R. Fyffe, Robert G. FC FC 11-13-13 02-03-29 01-02-04 06-05-01 Denmark, Evelyn N. Denmark, Richard E. DeZutter, Arnold Paul Dibrell, Harvey E. Roll of the Dead 283 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 284 Garvin, Glenn S. AM 01-27-13 10-23-97 George, R. E. Gibson, Greta Jane FC AM 09-01-20 07-11-28 04-03-05 07-14-01 Goodell, R. David Gourley, Eldon O. FC FE 07-18-37 10-10-13 09-01-98 04-15-06 Gross, Victor W. Gurtner, Charlotte W. Hague, Virgil J. Hale, Charles E. FE Local FC FC 07-14-19 03-23-13 04-11-12 08-13-27 03-10-07 06-03-06 08-05-96 12-11-00 Hall, Harold E. Hamm, Clarence W. Hammond, Fred G. FC FC FC 04-03-19 03-25-08 04-04-27 03-22-99 08-23-03 06-06-11 Hamrick, Lawrence Harper, Charles H. Hart, Thomas J. Hartman, Robert W. Hass, Carl F. Local FC AM FC FC 09-24-27 12-05-15 11-26-24 09-06-12 06-10-17 03-09-01 07-07-98 05-08-01 02-18-05 01-09-97 Hedden, Harold E. Hedgcock, Phillip L. FE FE 08-28-20 06-06-17 09-05-09 10-22-06 Henderson, John, Jr. Henry, Robert V. FC FC 09-02-14 10-21-03 08-17-99 04-27-98 Hensley, Oren J., Jr. Hermes, Dewey W. FC AM 04-10-15 11-27-12 11-01-02 12-19-05 Hesseldenz, William A. Hilding, Allen G. Hill, Charles E. Holliday, Harold H. Howard, Lloyd Local FC FC Local FC 08-04-28 01-28-45 02-01-15 06-06-22 10-12-22 11-03-09 10-24-96 09-18-99 08-26-10 05-02-03 Howard, Luther Huckinsk Richard D. Hudson, Lee Roy Hutchinson, A. Caroline AM AM AM AM 10-08-15 12-18-30 10-15-13 01-31-26 11-01-00 06-13-08 12-03-98 02-04-07 Inskeep, Keith L. Jadhav, Solomon Jensen, Stanley K. FC FC FE 01-25-26 05-29-51 02-21-10 10-04-99 11-19-02 03-13-06 Jernigan, Edward F. Johnson, Howard B. Jones, William C. Junk, Kenneth H. Kauffman, John E. FC FC FC AM FC 10-09-24 12-25-22 01-30-18 07-03-19 09-21-21 01-28-98 07-28-10 10-28-01 10-15-05 04-15-04 Keeslar, Thomas H. Keiser, Oliver A. Kersh, Wesley I. AM FC FC 05-04-47 11-08-10 11-18-29 12-31-97 05-17-03 06-04-10 King, Carol Wayne King, Ralph H. FC FC 03-20-32 09-15-22 11-04-10 05-24-02 Kranz, F. James FC 06-04-17 09-22-96 Roll of the Dead Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Krause, Robert A. FC 09-20-29 04-14-03 Krech, Walter D. “Wally” Krummel, John W. Krutz, Raymond M., Sr. FC FE FC 06-03-23 06-05-32 08-12-15 09-28-10 03-30-06 01-24-03 Lancaster, Bertis L. Lauer, John J. FC FE 12-14-34 05-15-34 06-14-98 04-10-07 Laughlin, William H. Leckrone, Eugene McMackin Leckrone, William E. Lemkau, Donald R. FC FC FC FC 10-16-24 02-14-08 11-24-28 06-19-06 10-11-01 09-30-00 09-20-01 12-07-97 Leonard, Virgil S. Leslie, Clyde FC FC 12-05-11 08-18-12 04-18-98 12-30-03 Leverton, Lyle Lewis, M. Alberta Lindeman, A. Thomas FE Local FC 08-22-18 07-21-13 04-05-27 11-21-05 09-23-98 02-24-05 Linder, John Lirely, Ivan Livengood, C. Earl Local FC FC 02-17-19 12-31-29 04-29-11 12-15-99 05-18-98 02-07-02 Logan, Bobby Lee Lorance, J. H. Loyd, Harold FE AM FC 06-10-33 12-20-28 12-24-21 04-05-08 03-08-97 03-05-11 Luke, Thomas J. Mahaffey, James O. Main, Esther L. FC FC AM 11-06-11 08-29-40 07-22-11 09-22-04 04-14-11 10-07-09 Marks, Roscoe G. Marrett, Allen R. Martin, Norma Jean FC FC FC 07-12-09 08-16-20 07-25-31 10-17-96 02-16-97 05-07-11 McClimans, John H. McCord, John H. FE FE 05-20-31 04-29-17 01-06-07 12-26-05 McGowan, Murrell McMahon, Louis O. McNemee, L. Jerold Metzger, K. Belmont AM FC FC FC 07-13-08 05-12-20 10-09-27 09-06-17 06-20-99 05-19-97 11-02-04 06-17-98 Milam, Jamie G. Miller, George Miller, Marlin H. “Bud” Miller, Rodney B. FC AM AM AM 06-20-23 02-25-23 06-02-24 11-12-13 08-03-99 03-26-97 04-14-11 02-21-98 AM AM Local 10-31-15 10-10-10 06-29-22 06-29-01 11-22-00 03-22-05 Molloy, William L. Moore, Eugene J. AM FC 07-06-28 08-21-23 09-07-05 06-05-02 Morris, Eva Morris, Jon L., Jr. Local FE 09-21-29 10-08-22 12-04-07 12-06-05 FC FC 10-02-11 06-22-29 09-22-97 06-22-02 Milner, Shirley I. Minor, Herman Edward Moletti, John Muhleman, Richard C. Muir, John E. Roll of the Dead 285 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Mulligan, Robert A. Murphy, Glenn Albert FC FE 02-04-15 04-18-13 04-05-11 01-11-09 Myers, David E. Nelson, Robert L. Newman, Sondra S. FC Local FC 11-16-42 03-03-28 07-10-43 05-01-04 09-04-04 05-15-10 Newall, Herman I. Newhall, Richard M. Nobbe, Clarence F. Noblitt, Claire B. Norman, Fred W. FC FC AM AM FE 01-13-1898 07-26-17 02-07-14 02-09-24 09-14-26 10-10-99 11-21-03 02-20-00 04-30-06 09-27-06 North, Jack B. Oborn, George T. Ochsner, Carroll A. FE FC AM 07-19-18 12-05-1899 05-21-15 01/10/10 10-25-96 07-25-04 Olsen, J. Arnold Ord, Robert FE FC 09-06-18 11-21-30 12-03-08 04-19-97 Ott, Paul D. Owens, James W. FC FC 08-21-07 02-22-21 01-17-99 02-19-99 Pattison, H. Sheldin Payne, Wilbur D. FC FC 11-04-08 07-28-12 02-22-03 04-09-98 Peabody, Gordon Phillippe, Ralph E. Poe, James R. Powell, Wilbur F. Pratt, Erwin J. AM FE FC FC FC 02-02-21 10-09-27 06-01-35 06-17-08 10-20-18 07-30-99 10-01-06 11-18-01 12-31-00 06-29-96 AM Local FC 06-12-12 01-09-16 10-05-17 03-23-06 04-01-05 12-30-99 Purcell, W. Louis Redmon, Delmar T. FC AM 07-15-11 02-03-14 08-06-02 05-30-07 Reed, Leotus E. Reid, Donald Rice, Roland P. Richards, Thomas M., Jr. FC FC FC AM 08-13-26 04-22-26 04-21-09 09-22-24 04-24-99 10-05-02 06-09-02 09-10-07 Ridall, Robert Clyde Riley, Sandra Robinson, Wendell A. FC Local FC 03-09-21 11-30-43 01-21-14 06-23-10 11-16-06 05-12-02 Roederer, Robert I. Roper, O. Martin, Jr. FE FC 05-20-18 03-05-18 04-03-08 11-30-02 Rose, Roscoe E. Rosebraugh, Robert D. Roth, Mary Vick FE FC FE 10-13-26 05-11-28 01-30-39 06-11-07 02-12-99 04-13-08 Ryan, Charles Calvin Ryan, Kenneth P. Sadler, Edward FE AM FC 08-15-23 12-30-07 01-10-25 01-24-08 09-09-98 03-08-00 Salzman, Orville L. Sanders, Leroy FE AM 06-29-17 01-20-18 07-03-06 01-26-06 Pribble, Gene H. Price, Maurice Pruett, Walter B. 286 Roll of the Dead Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Schorey, Lorin Schmidt, Ervin A. Local FE 10-28-13 10-23-15 08-01-09 03-11-08 Schmidt, Richard Schorey, Lorin D. FC Local 12-11-35 10-28-13 03-10-00 08-01-09 Scott, Mary Lou Seaman, Eugene FD FC 11-16-30 02-13-27 11-09-07 08-07-03 Sebens, Carl E. Seiber, Jesse James Sheldon, Harold S. Shimanek, Gilbert P. Local FC FC Local 11-04-17 10-28-13 05-08-18 08-16-38 09-09-98 09-01-10 09-30-03 03-21-09 Shultz, Larry R. Simpkins, Charles W. Local AM 05-24-41 09-02-05 03-30-11 01-13-99 Simpson, John E. Simpson, Willis O. AM FC 08-04-42 09-11-18 11-16-09 04-17-04 Slone, Forrest B. Smith, Walter A. FC FC 06-11-25 08-17-15 02-20-05 01-28-98 Snider, Phillip R. Stanley, John H. FC FC 10-11-26 11-27-36 11-04-10 11-27-04 Stare, Benny R. Stegner, William R. Local FC 08-07-52 07-07-30 08-05-97 01-06-03 Stoneburner, Alva Stover, Earl F. Local FC 12-17-03 11-03-30 07-07-00 11-12-03 Sullins, Marion L. Sullivan, Daniel J. FC FE 03-03-08 08-15-29 04-19-03 06-21-05 Swyear, William E. Tate, Christian C. AM AM 04-09-23 12-25-22 08-12-10 09-14-05 Tindle, Charles H. Tolley, Clarence V. FM FC 10-10-28 10-31-01 11-27-09 08-20-99 Treat, Robert J. Turner, Arthur Dale Turner, John O. Ulm, Marshall D. FC FC FC FC 08-25-35 08-08-11 03-09-27 10-06-15 03-20-10 07-24-01 04-14-98 06-12-01 VanGiesen, Raymond A. Vaughn, Earl F. FC FC 07-05-17 10-20-29 03-19-03 11-27-04 Vinnedge, Lloyd H. Wahl, Bernard C., Jr. FC FE 09-21-20 04-08-26 09-12-10 12-22-07 Walls, H. Leland Warren, Marilyn FC FE 04-23-27 04-06-31 04-14-98 12-23-07 AM Local FC FC FC FC FE AM 02-24-28 11-17-61 12-01-12 12-08-36 02-23-32 10-08-15 07-20-16 09-14-20 06-21-97 01-09-06 03-10-97 12-11-00 06-01-04 01-05-02 02-11-08 04-07-06 Wartick, Joseph L. Waterman, Patty Webb, Julius J. Webb, Ronald Dean Weiss, Everett White, Joseph A. White, L. Maxwell White, Lowell C. Roll of the Dead 287 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Wittrup, Glenn E. FC 11-17-22 12-23-99 Wolfley, Clyde Wright, Harvey B. FE FE 09-15-27 07-13-23 01-01-06 05-11-09 Wright, Karl E. Young, Clarence C. Zinn, Kenneth FE FC FC 08-31-24 04-26-20 09-24-27 11-18-07 06-07-04 02-18-01 The Rev. Dr. Karen Westerfield Tucker preaches the Memorial Sermon Bishop Woodie and Mrs. Kim White. Bishop White preached at the Memorial Service 288 Roll of the Dead Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Conference Historical and Official Information Historical and Official Information 289 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 2011 Commissioned Elders: First row: KathrynS. Lewis, Megan E. Thompson, Carol A. Stufflebeam, Andy Robert Maxwell. Back row: Bishop Palmer, Chrstipher M. Quick, Scott E. Carnes, Jungil Rhee, William Brett Yates 290 Historical and Official Information Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 2011 Full Deacon: Elizabeth Anne Fender 2011 Full Elders: First row: Mary Alice Cunningham, Florence E. Scott, Patricia A. Hutton, Lisa Dawn Guilliams, Anita Ruth Munden. Back Row: Bishop Palmer, Michael O. Whitaker, Grant Donald Armstrong, Andrew Gerard Hopp, Andrew Jacob Anthony. Historical and Official Information 291 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Offical Certifications Certificate of Ordination of Elders and Deacon This is to certify that on June 3, 2011 under the election of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, I, Bishop Gregory V. Palmer, Presiding Bishop, ordained the following as full membership elders and deacon: Elders- Andrew Jacob Anthony, Grant Donald Armstrong, Mary Alice Cunningham, Lisa Guilliams, Andrew Gerard Hopp, Patricia Aileen Hutton, Anita Ruth Munden, Florene Elizabeth Scott, Michael Otis Whitaker. DeaconElizabeth Anne Fender Bishop Gregory Vaughn Palmer Presiding Bishop Certificate of Commissioning of Probationary Elders This is to certify that on June 2, 2011 under the election of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, I, Gregory V. Palmer, Presiding Bishop, commissioned the following as probationary (provisional) elders: Scott Eugene Carnes, Kathryn Sue Lewis, Robert Andrew Maxwell, Christopher Maurice Hughes Quick, Jungil Rhee, Carol Ann Stufflebeam, Megan Elizabeth Thompson, and William Brett Yates. Bishop Gregory Vaughn Palmer Presiding Bishop Rev. Alice J. Shirley Illinois Great Rivers Conference Secretary 292 Historical and Official Information Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Historical Annual Conference Sessions Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church since the union of the former Southen Illinois Annual Conference with the former Central Illinois Annual Conference Year Date Place Bishop Secretary 1996 Aug. 17 Springfield Uniting Conference Lawson Richard A. VanGiesen James C. Elder 1997 June 8-11 Springfield Christopher Richard A. VanGiesen James C. Elder 1998 June 7-10 Springfield Christopher James C. Elder 1999 June 6-9 Collinsville Christopher James C. Elder 2000 June 11-14 Collinsville Christopher James C. Elder 2001 June 7-10 Collinsville Christopher Charles G. Shelquist 2002 June 6-9 Peoria Christopher Charles G. Shelquist 2003 May 28-31 Peoria Christopher Charles G. Shelquist 2004 June 10-13 Peoria Christopher Charles G. Shelquist 2005 June 9-12 Peoria Christopher J. William Werner 2006 June 8-11 Peoria Christopher J. William Werner Terry R. Werner 2007 June 6-9 Peoria Christopher J. William Werner Terry R. Werner 2008 June 4-7 Peoria Christopher J. William Werner Terry R. Werner 2009 June 3-6 Peoria Palmer Alice J. Shirley 2010 June 2-5 Peoria Palmer Alice J. Shirley 2011 June 1-4 Peoria Palmer Alice J. Shirley Former Southern Illinois Annual Conference Historical Annual Conference Sessions are listed in the 1967 Southern Illinois Annual Conference Journal, pages 270-272 (Methodist Episcopal Church South, 1867-1939, and Southern Illinois Annual Conference, The Methodist Church, 1939-1968) and the 1996 Journal, p. 269 (Southern Illinois Annual Conference, The United Methodist Church, with listing of antecedent Annual Conference information pp. 262-268.) Former Central Illinois Annual Conference Historical Annual Conference Sessions are listed in the 1996 Journal-Yearbook, Volume I, page 8 (merger of the Evangelical United Brethren Church and The Methodist Church, 1968-1996 with listings of antecedent Annual Conference information). Historical and Official Information 293 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook IGRC Policies and Procedures “The Annual Conference Secretary shall be the custodian of all Policy Statements and Procedure Statements and shall make them available upon request.” (Standing Rules of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference) The Rev. Alice J. Shirley Annual Conference Secretary P.O. Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794 Office: (217) 529-2646 Fax: (217) 529-4150 e-mail: [email protected] Index of Policies and Other Documents Board of Ordained Ministry Policies www.igrbom.com CCFA Policies see page 106 Clergy Sexual Misconduct Prevention see page 327 Comprehensive Plan - Congregational Dev see page 301 Current, The - Editorial Policies www.igrc.org Displays (Annual Conference) see page 297 Non-Employee Email Policy www.igrc.org Equitable Compensation see page 310 Health Insurance Rates www.igrc.org Journals, Distribution of 2005, Vol II, p. 466 ListServe Policy www.igrc.org Relational Covenant see page 296 Revolving Loan Policy (Cong. Develop) see page 307 Standing Rules see page 313 Submitting Materials to Annual Conference see page 299 United Methodist Women Vision, Mission, and Strategies 294 Historical and Official Information 1999, Vol II, p. 497 see page 295 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Vision, Mission, and Strategies of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference An Ongoing Discernment September 2006 Vision: All the physically and spiritually hungry people of our world feasting on God’s abundant grace at God’s table so that they experience God’s unconditional love for them, are formed in that love, and are sent to live and share that love with the individuals and institutions of our world. Mission: The purpose of the annual conference is to form disciples of Jesus Christ by equipping its local churches for ministry and by providing a connection for ministry beyond the local church, all to the glory of God (The Book of Discipline, 2004) Strategy One: Following Jesus as faithful and obedient servants by: • Extending radical hospitality by reaching beyond our fears and across every barrier to receive people of every economic level, race, nationality, age, religion, and gender into Christian community. • Working together with the Holy Spirit to create Christian communities in which all people find faith-forming relationships in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior which facilitate living as disciples in daily life. • Teaching and practicing the means of grace, which include: worship of God, prayer, sacraments, searching the scriptures, fasting and/or abstinence, Christian conferencing, and acts of mercy. • Developing relationships with children and the poor and working hand-inhand to eliminate poverty. Strategy Two: Positioning The United Methodist Church of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference for effective ministry for the rest of the 21st century by • Planting new United Methodist congregations where people live and where they are going to live. • Helping existing United Methodist congregations to discover God’s dream for them and helping them make it reality. • Helping all congregations to know what it means to form disciples and equipping local church leaders to fulfill this primary task. (The Book of Discipline, 2004) • Appointing clergy, the most valuable stewardship resource of the conference, where their gifts best match ministry needs. • Providing congregations and pastors with tools to assess congregational health and vitality on a regular basis. • Reaching and transforming the lives of new generations of children, youth, and young adults. Strategy Three: Forming Wesleyan spiritual leaders to live in Christian community by • Grounding spiritual leaders (laity and clergy) in the spiritual disciplines and practice of the Wesleyan means of grace. • Connecting spiritual leaders (laity and clergy) in a community of life-long learning and continuous growth. • Identifying, equipping, and empowering spiritual lay leadership to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Historical and Official Information 295 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook • Identifying, nurturing, and affirming those who have been called by God to the licensed or ordained ministry. • Encouraging teams of clergy and laity to form welcoming and inclusive churches and to put in place a system to form faithful disciples living in service to others. Strategy Four: Connecting the Connection by • Helping each congregation discover the power and joy of living the Christian life in The United Methodist connection. • Training church leaders in our United Methodist connectional identity so they will lead their congregations in the connection. • Clarifying and aligning roles, responsibilities, and accountability of the boards and agencies of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference and their working relationship with each other and the cabinet, so they will work cooperatively and effectively toward our vision and mission. • In every charge establishing and enhancing information technology hardware and software that connects and integrates the work of the conference. • Inviting people of Illinois not yet a part of The United Methodist Church to know us and join us through effective use of media. • Creating networks within the conference where we learn from each other about the forming of Christian community and faithful disciples. Strategy Five: Journeying to wholeness and holiness of mind, body, and spirit by • Practicing habits conducive to bodily health • Participate in transformational events that renew the mind • Seek covenantal relationships that nurture, challenge, and grow the spirit • Choosing to be peace-makers by resolving conflicts in a way that respect persons and seeks reconciliation in harmony with Matthew 18. • Caring for all Creation as stewards of the earth and all that dwells therein. Relational Covenant of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference (Adopted by the 2008 Annual Conference) As disciples of Jesus Christ and as members of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, we believe that we can change the church and the world through honest conversations on matters about which we deeply care. We, therefore, covenant to be a worshiping community, which provides a safe sanctuary open to dialogue: a welcoming environment full of grace. To do this we further covenant to: • Center on God and on His Holy Scripture as the authoritative word of God as we come to the table, anticipating a holy and healthy experience and being prepared spiritually, emotionally and mentally • Pray constantly for God’s wisdom to understand God’s will, trusting and believing that God works with and through us 296 Historical and Official Information Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook • Welcome, honor and respect each individual as a unique child of God • Affirm each individual’s gifts and ministry and help everyone see the need for cooperation and connection among our ministries • Be patient and kind with each other, realizing that we all bring a history • Listen to each voice at the table, respecting the viewpoints, opinions, communication styles and perspectives • Invite and welcome people of all viewpoints to the table, respect the cultural and ethnic differences • Believe that the Holy Spirit speaks through each person at the table • Be engaged, not distracted or distracting • Keep an open mind and open heart • Show that you have heard and understood the other • Hear the truth in love • Speak respectfully • Take holy pause before speaking or voting – invite the Holy Spirit into your speech • Be honest, genuine and transparent • Honor time constraints • Speak the truth in love • Commit to work through differences • Hold one another accountable to this relational covenant • Keep the decision-making process at the table • Honor all decisions and participants after the conversation concludes • Follow up with each other in regard to any resolution • Leave with an understanding of next steps where there is no resolution • Allow the Peace and Word of Christ to rule in our hearts Conference Secretary Policies Displays at Annual Conference Purpose of Displays Displays facilitate the ability of conference members to connect with groups who have information to share on their ministry. Displays are provided to encourage conference members to learn more about the resources that are available through the wide variety of agencies and ministries in the annual conference. A few displays are targeted for sale of goods. The parameters for their purpose are discussed in a separate paragraph. Requesting Space and Obtaining Permissions • Forms requesting display space must be submitted to the Event Coordinator by the fourth Friday in March. The request is then forwarded to the Local Historical and Official Information 297 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Arrangements Committee for space assignment. • Groups or individuals requesting display space for the first time must submit plans for content of the display to the Director of Connectional Ministries by no later than 30 days prior to the annual conference session. Failure to comply will result in display request being denied. • The Sessions Committee has the discretion to approve all displays and set and publish guidelines for display space assignments. • The subject and content of the display is expected to be in compliance with the Book of Discipline, the Social Principles, and The Book of Resolutions is expected. • In the event content is deemed to be inappropriate, it will be removed by one of the following officers: annual conference secretary, or chairperson of the Sessions Committee. • Groups officially recognized by and/or related to The United Methodist Church may request display space. Each group requesting space must agree to use their display area in accordance with the purpose statement in this document. Groups “officially recognized by” or “related to” The United Methodist Church include the following: • Approved Advance (Conference or General) Specials • Ministries included and approved in the Conference Budget • Ministries included in and approved in the Nominations Report • Ministries approved as a Conference Special Offering • Ministries which are initiated, supervised, and housed within a local United Methodist church or local United Methodist Church-owned facility within the boundaries of the IGRC. • University Senate-Approved seminaries • Because of limited space and the need of the annual conference to limit its space use to non-commercial organizations, no commercial organizations (other than the exceptions noted in this policy document) shall be permitted to rent or otherwise use display space. • No group will be allowed to place signs, displays or vehicles on convention center property without the permission of the Sessions Committee. Size and Location of Space • The amount of space available for displays varies depending on the site of the annual conference session. The Sessions Committee believes it is proper to allocate the same size space to each group requesting space prior to the deadline for such requests. • Each group setting up a display must agree to keep their display within the space allotted to them and not to encroach onto the display space assigned to another group. • Display spaces are assigned to specific locations, and groups setting up displays cannot move their display to another location. Because some locations are considered prime locations, each year display space assignments may be rotated to allow all groups the opportunity to use a prime location. Special Permissions In the past, display space has been granted to Cokesbury for a bookstore at annual conference. Since Cokesbury is the denomination’s publishing house, they are granted an exception to the stated policy above. Other organizations providing free or reduced fee services to the annual conference session may also be allowed to have display space where demonstrations or product sales will take place. • Fees and Other Financial Considerations • Fees for requested use of electrical outlets are paid by the group requesting space. 298 Historical and Official Information Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook • Fees for requested phone lines are paid by the group requesting space. • Fees for tables and table skirting (if not provided) are paid by the group requesting space. • Any entity making sales that are not tax exempt will need a permit from the City Hall if local sales tax is to be charged. Publicity A list of all display booths will be distributed in the on-site packet that members receive. Advertisements for display spaces may not be publicized in other printed materials at annual conference. Reports and Resolutions Submitting Reports and Resolutions Any Illinois Great Rivers Conference member or entity may submit a resolution for consideration by the annual conference. Resolutions will be ruled out of order if they conflict with the Book of Discipline, which can be changed only by the General Conference. All resolutions become the property of the annual conference once they are published. No resolution containing information deemed to be libelous will be printed. Deadlines for Submitting Reports and Resolutions Reports or resolutions with financial implications………….February 15 All other reports and resolutions……………………………. March 1 Reports for the Journal-Yearbook only……………………. April 1 Missed Deadlines Late-arriving materials may be included in the supplemental packet if: • The maker of a resolution submits 2,000 copies of the material at their own expense to the annual conference business office by May 1 • Material is approved by the annual conference secretary for inclusion in the packet. Material in the supplemental packet may be included in the conference agenda if the conference allows its inclusion (requiring 2/3 majority) Items submitted less than 2 weeks prior to the Annual Conference session will not be considered. Persons or groups wishing to have the conference office print the 2,000 copies for a charge may contact Doug Stone before May 1 at The United Methodist Center, 5900 S. Second St., P.O. Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794-9207 Specifications for Submitting Reports and Resolutions: • Please submit your documents electronically; that is, by email attachment or CD-ROM. Send to: [email protected]. • Please submit resolutions and reports in MS Word or Excel. Please use Century Schoolbook, 12 pt, if you have it. If not, Times Roman or Arial 12 pt is acceptable. • Use your spell checker. Make sure the names of persons are spelled correctly. Use full and correct titles • Do not type in all caps; do not indent. Do not use your spacebar for anything Historical and Official Information 299 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook except spacing between words (one space) and sentences (two spaces). • Make certain that statements in reports and resolutions are documented (indicate your source) • Consider the use of acronyms for committees, boards, etc. in reports, resolutions, and amendments. (See Yellow Information Section, page 11) • Along with the report or resolution, please: • Provide a suggested title • Provide a one-line description of the content • Provide the name(s) of the author(s). • Indicate if you believe it has financial implications which need to be considered by the conference council on finance and administration in their budget proposal. Resolutions with Financial Implications Reports or resolutions with financial implications for the annual conference budget must be reviewed by the conference council on finance and administration before or at their final meeting in February. This means that such resolutions need to be submitted to the annual conference secretary by no later than February 15 of the conference year. Failure to follow this procedure will prevent items from being printed. Also, any fiscal items relating to conference board of pensions and health benefits must be submitted to that board before or at their final meeting before the annual conference session. They will make any comments or observations deemed necessary. Conference-Directed Letters Any individual or group requesting letters be sent by the annual conference secretary needs to be aware of the following procedure. The maker of the motion, report, or resolution will be required to furnish a sample letter (electronically), as well as the names and complete postal addresses for all recipients to whom the letters are to be sent. The Journal-Yearbook - Secretarial Practices What is it? The Book of Discipline (¶606) requires each conference to keep an exact record of its proceedings. A hard copy of this record becomes part of a number of general, jurisdictional, and annual conference committees and commissions. The IGRC publishes a limited number of hard copies for those who order them. The JournalYearbook is available to everyone in electronic form. What’s in it? The Book of Discipline requires the inclusion of the following items in this order: • Officers of annual conference • Boards, commissions, committees; rolls of conference members • Daily proceedings • Business of the annual conference (BAC) report • Appointments • Reports as ordered by the annual conference • Annual report of the district superintendents, if any • Memoirs as ordered by the annual conference following the guidelines of the General Commission on Archives and History 300 Historical and Official Information Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook • Roll of dead: deceased clergy members • Historical • Miscellaneous • Pastoral record (including the records of accepted local pastors in such manner as the conference may determine) • Statistics • Index How to make corrections • Corrections received before June 22, 2010 will be reflected in the 2010 Journal-Yearbook. Corrections received after that date will appear in the 2011 Journal. • Send corrections directly to the IGRC secretary, noting the exact location of the item to be corrected. A corrections form will also be included in the Journal-Yearbook. When resolutions or reports are not adopted Reports, resolutions, amendments to the Standing Rules, policy statements, policy statement amendments, or petitions that are not adopted will not be printed in the Journal-Yearbook. The vote indicating defeat of the resolution will be recorded in the Daily Proceedings, and the heading information and notation of failure to adopt will be listed in the various reporting sections of the Journal-Yearbook. Congregational Development: Comprehensive Plan (2008) The Comprehensive Plan for Church Growth and Development was adopted by the 2000 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference. The plan called for an aggressive strategy of starting three new congregations, establishing one new missional community, and assisting three churches per year in intentional revitalization efforts. Of the many factors involved in starting new congregations, two must be highlighted at this point: • The primary strategy employed by IGRC in the early years of the plan is the “parachute drop” model. In this strategy a location for a new congregation is identified and a pastor is appointed to start the new congregation. While this strategy is always risky, church planting experts indicate 80% of “parachute drop” church plants never result in a self-sustaining congregation. • When the plan was adopted, the culture of IGRC was not conducive to church planting. In the earlier history of our conference, and its predecessor bodies, local congregations often had a vision for, and followed a plan for, starting new congregations through a mother-daughter congregation model. In this strategy, a group of people from an existing congregation respond to the vision of creating a new congregation to reach people whom the existing church is not effectively reaching. In 2000, very few congregations in IGRC had this vision. IGRC needs to encourage congregations to once again embrace this vision. Historical and Official Information 301 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Relying primarily on a less effective strategy in a conference where the culture was not conducive to church planting led to less positive results than was originally envisioned. The primary task of the Office of Congregational Development is to reinvigorate the church planting culture of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, drawing upon the church planting DNA of the circuit riders and the earlier vision of IGRC congregations. In studying what is necessary to develop a healthy church planting process, the Office of Congregational Development has talked extensively with other UM conferences, representatives of other denominations, and Jim Griffith and Bob Logan, both of whom assess, train and coach church planters. It became clear that certain “strategies” vital to healthy church planting, include: • Strong partnership with a healthy congregation(s) • Leaders with an affinity for the mission field and with key behavioral characteristics needed for the particular church plant • Leaders trained in church planting • Clear benchmarks established for the ministry and ministry leader • Coaching provided to help the leader follow the plan to reach the benchmarks The Illinois Great Rivers Conference still has a great need to establish new congregations. It is clear that the most effective means of connecting people to Christ and His church is through a new congregation. There are many communities in Illinois Great Rivers where this strategy could increase God’s kingdom: some are growing; and others could be more effectively reached by The United Methodist Church. In implementing the Comprehensive Plan, initial funding for all new church start ministries was set at the same level. Clear consideration was not given to the anticipated potential of the model and location of the ministry. This approach caused some ministries to be funded beyond their potential to achieve financial self-sufficiency. In 2008, the minimum cost for compensation for a full-time pastor for a new congregation start is $65,000, including salary, insurance, pension, ARP, and housing (this cost is higher for an elder). This amount does not include funds for initial ministry startup costs, office space, etc. Therefore, as good stewards of conference funds, it is important that initial funding levels be established according to benchmarks which anticipate the size of the new congregation. If the benchmarks anticipate that the average adult attendance at worship will be 120 or more within three years after the first funding cycle begins, funding will be set at the level to support a full-time pastor (this may be different, if the plan calls for outside funding sources within three years, such as economic development). If the benchmarks indicate the congregation will develop more slowly, or there is a special circumstance where this size of congregation may never reach 120, the new congregation start will be funded at a lower level. Since the revised plan calls for clear benchmarks with funding levels set accordingly, there will no longer be a separate category for Missional Communities. All will be new congregation starts. To help increase the effectiveness of Illinois Great Rivers Conference in establishing new congregations, the Congregational Development Team has adopted a process for church planting. To receive funding, new congregation starts 302 Historical and Official Information Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook will follow this process: Step 1: Participate in Congregational Development Leadership Institute • Part of self-assessment for leader Step 2: Pre-assessment • Identify target location, mission field and approach for congregation plant • If clergy is to be appointed, the Cabinet identifies a potential pool of 3-4 candidates for this particular location/mission field/approach Step 3: Assessment Interview (by trained team of two to three people). Potential leaders will be assessed for: • Affinity to Mission Field • Competency for the specific project. A report, identifying each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to the particular mission field/strategy, will be given to the Appointive Cabinet Step 4: Appointment made by the Bishop with discernment by the Appointive Cabinet Step 5: Attend “just in time” (in-depth training) before arriving at the site of the church plant • Develop plan with benchmarks • Develop initial disciple formation system Step 6: Secure Coach: Pastor (or Lay Ministry Leader) chooses from pool of coaches who have been approved by the Coordinator of Congregational Development Step 7: Finalize Benchmarks at Meeting of All Key People [Pastor, Spouse (if married), District Superintendent, Coordinator of Congregational Development, Lead Pastor of Mother church (if mother church model or multi-site model), lay leader from new congregation (if in place), and Coach] Clear benchmarks will allow regular assessment to determine if the ministry is reaching its potential or if it should be discontinued Step 8: Appointment Fixed at Annual Conference Step 9: Funding Begins with Pastor/Ministry Leader On-Site Step 10 (ongoing): Progress will be tracked and evaluated regularly. Monthly statistical reports and more comprehensive quarterly reports will be submitted to the Office of Congregational Development. The planter will be involved in ongoing training and community. A ministry must make progress toward its benchmarks to receive funding in successive years. This process can be summarized by this formula: Assessment + Training + Benchmarks + Coaching = Funding. Without any one piece of the formula in place, funding will not be available. The first Congregational Development Leadership Institute is being held in 2008. It is a series of four, one-day or two-day workshops held throughout the year. It will help participants understand competencies and behaviors that will lead to effective church planting or turnaround of existing ministries. Participants must complete all four workshops, including advance work and follow up reflection essays. In addition to training leaders for church planting, the Office of Congregational Development is also seeking churches that are considering multi-site ministry Historical and Official Information 303 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook and/or giving birth to a new congregation. Such legacy churches are needed to successfully implement the Comprehensive Plan. There are a growing number of churches in the Illinois Great Rivers Conference that see this as a possibility for their future. As congregations are identified, there will be intentional effort by the Office of Congregational Development to help churches reach their full potential in this area of ministry. Given the emphasis on partnerships with existing churches for most new congregation starts, it is difficult to anticipate with accuracy how many new congregation starts will occur each year. The goal is to start two new congregations each year (either through multi-site ministry of an existing congregation or a new congregation that will seek a separate charter). Adapted/New Procedures and Policies: The original Comprehensive Plan established a separate category of Missional Communities. These “may or may not become self-supporting. They represent an opportunity to minister with specific populations that may be defined by language, culture, socio-economic status, or handicapping conditions.” There will no longer be a separate category for Missional Communities. Ministries formerly funded in this category will be funded as New Congregation Starts, according to benchmarks. Ministries with benchmarks that indicate they will not develop as quickly will be funded at a lower level per year; but may be funded for a longer period than the original plan anticipated for new church starts. Until a church is chartered, the IGRC Office of Finance and Administration must establish all fiscal procedures for a New Congregation Start. If a new congregation start is a mother-daughter model, the mother congregation may handle the new congregation’s treasurer responsibilities until charter. Any New Congregation Start which is not chartered will have a five-member team selected by the new pastor and by the District Superintendent, one of whom will be a member of the Congregational Development Team. This team will serve a supportive role for the ministry, and will have the responsibility to make compensation recommendations to the District Superintendent and Congregational Development Executive Team. The team will also have responsibility for staff hiring decisions. Staff positions must be in accordance with the funding agreement of the Congregational Development Team. New compensation levels must be approved by both the District Superintendent and the Congregational Development Executive Team. (The “five-member team” is not necessary for a multi-site ministry of an existing congregation). Pastors appointed to serve non-chartered churches are appointed to an extension ministry of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference. The Pastor’s Compensation Reduction Agreement for Tax Exclusion/Resolution for Tax Exclusion Relating to Housing/Parsonage Furnishings (green sheet) must be approved by the Conference Council on Finance and Administration. All contracts and leases for non-chartered churches must be signed by the Director of Administrative Services. A developing congregation that purchases or receives real property must follow the requirements of Para. 2501, the 2004 Book of Discipline and secure appropriate insurance. When a developing congregation plans to purchase real property valued in excess of $5,000, using Congregational Development grant money, the 304 Historical and Official Information Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook purchase must receive advance approval from the Coordinator of Congregational Development. The financial plan for any property or building proposal, of either a nonchartered congregation or a chartered congregation that receives $20,000 or more in annual funding from the Congregational Development Team, even when the funding is not specifically for this property or building project, must be reviewed by the five-member team. Congregational Development Team evaluations of each New Congregation Start will be reported annually to the Cabinet by the Coordinator of Congregational Development prior to January 15, and updates reported at any point a status changes. When a New Congregation Start pastor receives a different appointment, the status of the New Congregation Start, pastoral needs, compensation, and funding will be reviewed by the Coordinator of Congregational Development and the superintendent of the district in which the New Congregation Start is located. By Discipline (Para. 260), any New Congregation Start (including multi-site ministry) must have prior “consent of the bishop in charge and the cabinet and with due consideration of the conference entity assigned the responsibility for congregational development.” The 2000 Comprehensive Plan also called for intentional efforts to bring Transformation/Revitalization to existing congregations. The Office of Congregational Development engages churches in Ministry Assessment and Planning Processes (MAPP) so the congregations can understand the current reality of the community and church, envision God’s preferred future for them, and develop a plan to live into that future. Because of reduced funding for Congregational Development, limited funds are available for Transformation/Revitalization grants. Much of the available grant dollars are utilized for the Ministry Assessment and Planning Processes which allows Congregational Development to assist more churches in their intentional revitalization efforts. In addition, depending on availability, limited grants may be distributed to existing congregations that meet the following criteria: The church has completed an intentional self-assessment of their mission, life, ministry and context. Both the pastor and the congregation have engaged in this process. It is preferable that this process be developed in consultation with the Coordinator of Congregational Development. If not, clear information about the details of this process must be submitted in writing for approval by the Coordinator of Congregational Development. The church must submit Church Council minutes showing approval for future ministry of the church and include steps that meet funding criteria. The District Superintendent, and appropriate governing bodies in the district where the church resides, must indicate in writing that this is a strategic initiative for the district for making disciples of Jesus Christ and that there is evidence that the pastor appointed to the church is qualified to lead the transformational ministry envisioned and is willing to undergo additional training and/or participate in the Congregational Development Leadership Institute. The ministry must: A. Result in relocation of the church’s ministry for the purpose of greatly expanding its ability to reach the community or B. Result in the closure of two or more congregations for the purpose of forming a new church in a new location with the intention of reaching Historical and Official Information 305 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook the community more effectively or C. Result in a new ministry to a population previously unreached by the congregation or D. Result in rapid congregational growth where more than 50% of the growth is projected to be new disciples of Jesus Christ. The plan must be geared at moving the congregation to a whole new size of church with a transformed approach to congregational life. Any grant application must include clear, measurable benchmarks that indicate anticipated impact of this ministry. Financial Projections In those instances where the benchmark for average adult worship attendance is 120 or more and the approach is to establish a new chartered congregation, it is projected that the IGRC funding may be up to $230,000-300,000 (depending on initial compensation package based on 2008 compensation figures). Total funding for multi-site ministries where the benchmark for average adult attendance is 120 or more, it is projected that total funding will not exceed $180,000, and no more than $90,000 in the first year. In those instances where the benchmark for average adult worship attendance is less than 120, and the approach is to establish a new chartered congregation, it is projected that the IGRC funding would be distributed over a longer period of time and will not exceed $25,000 per year. Total funding for multi-site ministries where the benchmark for average adult attendance is less than 120 will not exceed $50,000, and no more than $25,000 in the first year. Note: All funding figures will need to be adjusted in future years for cost of living and salary increases. Congregational Development Team To effectively accomplish its mission, the Congregational Development Team must represent the diversity of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference (ethnicity, gender, lay/clergy, region, expertise). The team will have a minimum of 12, and a maximum of 15 members. *Based on 2006 data, total IGRC pastoral compensation (including the portion of the pension apportionment which was direct billed to congregations in 2007) divided by average weekly attendance shows that the average worship attendee contributed $439 toward pastoral compensation. To support a pastor at minimum salary with additional compensation costs ($50,000 for FTLP; $53,000 for Elder), it takes 114-121 in average worship attendance (this figure includes children and youth) just to pay the compensation for a full-time pastor. The yearly costs do not include housing allowance or expenses. **A New Congregation Start is a newly organized body of Christ that is committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ and • includes regular community worship • is theologically Wesleyan • is willing to plant a new congregation in its first decade • has an effective, multi-cell discipling system • does community outreach • receives new members • demonstrates faithful stewardship • almost always results in a new site of UM ministry 306 Historical and Official Information Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Planting models include, but are not limited to: • Connectional (similar to what is known as “parachute drop”) • Mother/Daughter • Multisite (that is intended to remain a separate location of UM worship and discipleship) • A ministry of presence that leads to a grass roots emergence. • Strategies such as Merger or Adoption of an Existing Congregation by another may be effective for redevelopment, but do not fit this criteria for a New Congregation Start. Revolving Loan Fund Policy Congregational Development (Adopted 2007) Purpose: The Revolving Loan Fund of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church shall be used as a tool of the Conference in promoting growth strategies and missional opportunities within the Illinois Great Rivers Conference. Loans from the fund may be used in conjunction with other available resources such as grants. Criteria: Loans may be granted to churches or ministries who are not able to obtain local financing or are not able to obtain total financing through local sources. One criteria of consideration for an application submitted by a chartered church will be the church‘s apportionment payment history as an indication of its ability to make repayment and commitment to connectionalism. History of the Revoling Fund: The initial capital of the A Revolving Loan Fund@ was given by the churches of the former Southern Illinois Conference of The United Methodist Church for the purpose of establishing a Revolving Loan Fund for assisting in new church and church revitalization projects. These funds, including outstanding loans and investments, were granted at the time of the merger to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference Revolving Loan Fund to be used in conjunction with future gifts and bequests received by the new Conference for the purpose stated above. Revolving Fund Monies: Revolving Loan Fund assets include loans, investments, and accumulated earnings thereon. The fund=s assets are maintained for the intended purpose of granting loans to projects consistent with the fund=s purpose. Gifts from grants, wills, and other funding sources will be added to the fund when received and become available for loan. New loans from the fund are limited to the Revolving Loan Fund - Fund Balance less the total outstanding loan portfolio principle. This available loan corpus includes un-loaned or repaid loan principal, fund investments and earnings thereon. Reserve assets not currently loaned may be invested by the fund until such time as needed for loan. If for any reason it becomes appropriate to discontinue the Revolving Loan Fund, it shall be by recommendation of the Congregational Development Team and the Conference Board of Trustees of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of The United Historical and Official Information 307 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Methodist Church. The Annual Conference must approve such recommendation by a majority vote. Included in the recommendation for discontinuing the Revolving Loan Fund shall be a plan to disburse remaining assets to fund similar projects in the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, or its legal successor. Interest Rates and Payments: The interest rate charged on loans for chartered churches shall be equal to the comparable rate charged by local banks (home mortgage rate for parsonage; prime rate for church building or property purchase) at the time the loan is presented to and approved for recommendation by the Congregational Development Team. Interest rates charged for unchartered churches and/ or for the first building phase for new church start projects shall be two (2) percent lower than the above rate. Payments shall be monthly. Payments for principal and interest shall be to the IGRC Revolving Loan Fund. Payments shall begin at the beginning of the second month after the loan proceeds are disbursed. Interest accrued through the end of the first month is due at the time of closing. The final terms of the loan shall be approved by CDT. Exception to the Repayment Policy When the loan is a second loan for a project, payment of principal and interest may be delayed for a specific period. Interest will be charged and the principal of the loan will increase monthly. A definite date at which payment will begin shall be in the loan agreement. There shall be an annual review of the loan with the borrowing congregation by the Conference Congregational Development Team, the purpose of which is to determine how the congregation is doing financially. Administration: The Conference Congregational Development Team shall administer the Revolving Loan Fund through the Finance and Administration Team. All requirements of the Conference Board of Trustees shall be followed. An application for loan shall be completed and presented to the Congregational Development Team. A loan application form will be supplied. There shall be a signed promissory note for the loan. Each loan will be secured by mortgage held by the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of The United Methodist Church. The Congregational Development Team shall make decisions regarding each loan application. Exceptions to the Revolving Loan Fund Policies concerning terms, rates, administration, etc. may be made with a two-thirds majority vote of the Congregational Development Team. Any exception must also be affirmed with a two-thirds majority vote of the Visioning Team of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference. The Treasurer of the Revolving Loan Fund shall be the Conference Treasurer. Reserve funds may be held as an investment in the Conference Holding Accounts or may be invested elsewhere if so approved by the Conference Congregational Development Team. An audit of the fund will be conducted each year in conjunction with the Conference audit. Processes and Procedure: To apply for a loan, the church or ministry must complete the following steps: 1. Have prior approval for the project from all entities required by The Book of Discipline. These may include Church Council, Charge/Church Conference, District Committee on Building and Location, and the Congregational Development Team, depending on the circumstances and the scope of the project. 2. Complete the Revolving Loan Fund Application which can be secured from and returned to the Office of Congregational Development. 3. Include a letter of support for this project from the Superintendent of the district in which the church or ministry is located, indicating that the appropriate district committee(s) consider this loan to support the capital needs of an 308 Historical and Official Information Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook intentional disciple-making ministry. The Congregational Development Team will consider the loan application and will inform the church or ministry in writing concerning its decision or if further information is needed. Following approval the loan will be processed as soon as possible. Before a loan payout can be processed, the following steps must take place: 1. The church or ministry must submit a copy of the minutes of the council or board meeting that record the acceptance of the terms of the loan. 2. The church or ministry must submit a plan for loan repayment. 3. The Revolving Loan Note and Agreement must be signed by, but not limited to, the following people: Chair of Board of Trustees of the church, District Superintendent, Chair of Congregational Development Team, and Coordinator of Congregational Development. Following completion of the above steps, the loan will be processed in a timely manner. ( 01/25/07 Policy adopted by Congregational Development Team) Well Child Policy For those using childcare at Annual Conference • Child care will not admit a child if he/she has any of the following: diarrhea, fever 100 or higher with symptoms of other illness, known contagious disease, questionable rash, vomiting, conjunctivitis or a severe cold/cough. • If a child is on antibiotics, he/she should have been treated for at least 24 hours before admittance to child care. • If a child becomes ill and the illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in activities as determined by the child care provider or the illness results in a greater need for care than child care can provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children as determined by the child care provider, parents will be notified and the child will need to be removed from child care. • Upon notification of a sick child, the parent(s) will come immediately to pick up his/her child. In case of a serious emergency, appropriate emergency personnel will be contacted as well. • Re-admittance into child care following an illness while at Annual Conference will be at the sole discretion of the head of child care and must adhere to number 1 and 2 of the stated policy. A doctor’s note granting permission to return to child care is highly encouraged. Historical and Official Information 309 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Equitable Compensation Policy Mission Statement: The mission of the Commission on Equitable Compensation is to support full-time clergy serving as pastors in the charges of the Annual Conference. Functions: The Commission will carry out its mission by: • recommending conference standards for pastoral support • administering funds to be used in base compensation supplementation • providing counsel and advisory material on pastoral support to District Superintendents and Committees on Pastor-Parish(Staff-Parish) Relations Membership: The Commission shall be made up of 12-16 members elected quadrennially to a maximum of two (2) terms. The Commission shall be composed of an equal number of lay and clergy persons, including at least one lay person and one clergy person from churches of fewer than two hundred members. In addition, one District Superintendent named by the Cabinet shall be a member. Leadership: The Commission shall be led by a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson and a Secretary duly elected by the Annual Conference from the membership of the Commission. Internal Structure: The Commission shall have an Executive Committee comprised of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson and the Secretary of the Commission. Conference Funds Administered: The Commission shall administer the Conference‘s Equitable Compensation Fund. Policies-Setting Guidelines for Conference Activities/Action: A. The Commission shall recommend to the Annual Conference the level of minimum base compensation for Full-time Clergy in full connection, Probationers serving full-time, Associate Members serving full time and Full-time Local Pastors. B. The commission shall recommend to the Annual Conference the maximum supplementation to be made to pastoral base compensation and maximum duration of such supplementation. C. The commission shall recommend to the Annual Conference standards of pastoral support beyond base compensation, i.e. pastoral vacations, continuing education funding, professional expense allowances and parsonage housing standards. Procedures: Internal Structure Makeup: Following the year 2000 C.E., members shall be elected to four (4) year terms in staggered classes. Members may succeed themselves to serve a maximum of eight (8) years. The terms of the officers of the Commission shall be from the time of dismissal of the Annual Conference Session of the following year. Officers may be nominated to succeed themselves to a maximum of four terms.. Assignment of Functions: The entire Commission is responsible for all of the 310 Historical and Official Information Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Commission‘s functions with the exception of requests for salary supplementation received from the Cabinet, which require action before the Commission‘s next scheduled meeting. Responding to such requests shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee. Meeting Schedule The Commission shall have regular meetings two (2) two (2) times per year: one in the early fall and one in midwinter. Other meetings may be held at times deemed by the Chairperson to be necessary for a called meeting. The Commission may take action on supplementation requests via electronic communication between meetings. Criteria for Receiving Supplementation: When the Cabinet believes that it has a special ministry in need of supplementation the District Superintendent in whose District this need is located shall present the request to the commission on Equitable compensation after having received the support of the Cabinet and having presented the appropriate request form signed by the secretary of the Cabinet. In the event the Commission is not scheduled to meet, the Executive Committee shall be convened to act on behalf of the Commission. Each request is considered and granted funds during one calendar year. If supplementation is needed during a following year, a new request must be made following the above procedure. A charge shall comply with the following requirements and shall report to the Commission on Equitable Compensation such action in order to qualify for salary supplementation: A. There shall be a satisfactory financial plan. B. The charge and pastor shall be in compliance with the provision set forth in the 2008 The Book of Discipline, Par. 638.4 with regards to the Board of Pensions. C. No charge shall receive Pastoral Supplementation for more than three (3) years unless that Charge can show just cause for that salary supplementation to the Cabinet and the Commission on Equitable Compensation. No Charge shall receive supplementation of an amount greater than 20% of the minimum salary. Reporting Mechanisms: The Chairperson of the Commission shall prepare an annual report to be submitted to the Annual Conference. The District Superintendent serving as a member of the Commission shall report for the Commission to the Cabinet. Appeals Policy: Any appeals to the Commission based on discrimination shall be heard by the entire commission Policies Setting Guidelines for the Body’s Work/Activities A. Recommendation to the Annual Conference must be submitted to the Secretary of the Annual Conference by the deadline. B. Budget requests must be submitted to the Conference Council on Finance and Administration by their deadline. C. Recommendation to the Cabinet regarding advisory materials to assist Pastor-Parish (Staff-Parish) relations committees in constructing clergy support packages should be finalized at the Commission‘s midwinter meeting. Historical and Official Information 311 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Corrections to prior Journal-Yearbooks 2010 Journal-Yearbook, page 284: Jessica Ann Marie Lauer was commisioned elder in 2010 not 2009. See Daily Proceedings (2010 Journal-Yearboook) on page 71. 2010 Journal-Yearbook, page 286, Jessica Ann Marie Lauer was commissioned elder on June 3, 2010, not June 6, 2009. 2010 Journal-Yearbook, page 286, Kimberly Ann Stuby was commissioned deacon on June 3, 2010, not June 6, 2009. Rev. Kenda Creasy Dean, Professor of Youth, Church, and Culture at Princeton and author of Almost Christian: What the Faith of Our Teenagers is Telling the American Church. 312 Historical and Official Information Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Conference Standing Rules Standing Rules 313 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook THE STANDING RULES of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference I. PREAMBLE: The Standing Rules are intended to guide and govern the mission and business of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference. They provide order and structure for the Annual Conference. II. ILLINOIS GREAT RIVERS ANNUAL CONFERENCE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE A. Standing Rules 1. The Standing Rules, as adopted, shall be the rules governing all matters and proceedings coming before the Annual Conference. 2. The rules shall be published annually in the Annual Conference Journal-Yearbook and be reasonably accessible to Annual Conference members. 3. The rules shall not conflict with the General Conference Rules set out in The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church currently in effect. If there is a conflict, the current edition of The Book of Discipline shall take precedence. 4. For matters not coming under the Standing Rules or the General Conference Rules, the most recently published Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern. B. Policy and Procedure Statements 1. Policy Statements a. Policies define the conduct of Annual Conference boards, councils, committees, Commissions, ministry teams, and other groups. b. Annual Conference structures shall develop policies and present them to the Annual Conference for action, including approval, amendment, referral or disapproval. c. Upon Annual Conference approval, policies shall have the same legislative authority as Standing Rules. d. Proposed new policies or amendments to policy statements shall be submitted to the Committee on Standing Rules by February 15 for comment, guidance and coordination. e. The annual conference secretary shall be the custodian of all policy statements and shall make them available upon request. The annual conference secretary shall determine a numbering system for the policies and procedures, so that policies and procedures will be assembled together by the annual conference body they relate to, and not the date 314 Standing Rules Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook they are adopted. The annual conference secretary may renumber these statements as necessary to achieve this goal. An index of all policy and procedure statements in effect, containing the date and volume in which they were printed will be included in each Volume of the Journal-Yearbook. f. The Annual Conference Journal-Yearbook shall contain an index of approved policy statements. 2. Procedure Statements a. Procedures define the internal operations of annual conference boards, councils, committees, commissions, ministry teams and other groups. b. Annual Conference structures shall develop and publish procedure statements. c. The Committee on Standing Rules shall review the procedure statements of all Annual Conference structures for comment, guidance and coordination. d. The annual conference secretary shall be the custodian of all procedure statements and shall make them available upon request. The annual conference secretary shall determine a numbering system for the policies and procedures, so that policies and procedures will be assembled together by the annual conference body they relate to, and not the date they are adopted. The annual conference secretary may renumber these statements as necessary to achieve this goal. An index of all policy and procedure statements in effect, containing the date and volume in which they were printed, will be included in each Journal-Yearbook. C. Amendments to Standing Rules 1. The Annual Conference may amend any of its Standing Rules on the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the members present and voting while in session. 2. For inclusion and consideration in the Annual Conference’s Pre-Conference Workbook, proposals to amend the Standing Rules shall be submitted to the chairperson of the Standing Rules Committee by February 15 (preceding the next regularly scheduled Annual Conference Session). 3. Proposals to amend the Standing Rules during the Annual Conference session shall comply with the following: a. They shall be submitted in typewritten or printed form (to assure legibility) in sufficient numbers to reach each member. b. They shall be submitted to the annual conference secretary at least 24 hours prior to the time they are to be considered. c. They shall be distributed to the members at least 12 hours Standing Rules 315 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook prior to the time they are to be acted upon. 4. Amendments to the Standing Rules adopted by the Annual Conference become effective January 1st of the year following adoption, unless otherwise specified. D. Suspension of Standing Rules 1. For good cause, the Standing Rules may be suspended during an Annual Conference session by an affirmative 2/3 vote of the members present and voting. 2. Proponents of a motion to suspend the rules shall identify (1) the good cause warranting the suspension and (b) the absence of any reasonable alternative to accomplish the proponents’ purposes within the framework of the standing rules. III. ANNUAL CONFERENCE SESSION A. Purpose: the members of the Annual Conference shall convene in session, as called by the bishop, to decide the matters brought before them (2008 Book of Discipline, Paragraphs 601, 603.2, 604, and 605.2). B. The bishop, in consultation with the Committee on Annual Con- ference Sessions and/or other persons/groups so delegated, shall develop the agenda for the session of the Annual Conference. C. Members of the Annual Conference 1. All clergy persons, as defined in Paragraph 602 of the 2008 Book of Discipline, are members of the Annual Conference. 2. The Annual Conference shall be composed of clergy and lay members. The clergy membership shall consist of deacons and elders in full connection, probationary members, associate members, and local pastors under appointment. The lay membership shall consist of professing members elected by each charge, the diaconal ministers, the active deaconesses and home missioners under episcopal appointment within the bounds of the Annual Conference, the Conference President of United Methodist Women, the Conference President of United Methodist Men, the Conference Lay Leader, district lay leaders, the Conference Director of Lay Speaking Ministries, Conference Secretary, Secretary of Global Ministries (if lay), the President of the Conference Youth Organization, the Chair of the annual conference College Student Organization, and one young person between the ages of twelve (12) and seventeen (17) and one person between the ages of eighteen (18) and thirty (30) from each District, to be selected in such a manner 316 Standing Rules Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook as may be determined by the Annual Conference. Each charge served by more than one clergy shall be entitle to as many lay members as there are clergy members. The lay members shall have been, for the two years next preceding their election, members of The United Methodist Church and shall have been active participants in The United Methodist Church for at least four years next preceding their election. 3. In addition, the following are members of the annual conference, by virtue of office, according to Annual Conference rules: the Chancellor of the Annual Conference, three youth from each District elected by their District Council on Youth Ministries (or equivalent structure), Associate Annual Conference Lay Leaders, the Annual Conference Director of Lay Speaking and Associate(s), Assistant to the Bishop (if lay), Lay Conference Ministry Team persons, Lay Chairpersons of Annual Conference Boards, Councils, Commissions, Committees, Ministry Teams and Support Teams. All IGRC lay persons serving on any General Board or Agency shall be assured member status at Annual Conference. Wesley Foundations and other campus ministry units supported financially by IGRC will recruit a person from their Ministry to be an At-Large member of the IGRC (the person being a member of The United Methodist Church). 4. The equalization of lay and clergy members of the Annual Conference shall be accomplished in the following manner: a. Each pastoral charge shall have one lay member. Each charge served by more than one clergy member shall be entitled to as many lay members as clergy members under appointment. b. The remaining number of needed lay members shall be determined by the secretary of the annual conference based upon the statistical reports of the prior year. c. The annual conference secretary shall allocate ten (10) equalization memberships to each district. d. The district superintendent, in consultation with the district ministry team, shall consider the ministry needs of the district and assign the 10 allocated equalization memberships accordingly. Each District shall give consideration to including lay persons who are district officers of United Methodist Women, United Methodist Men, and United Methodist Youth. Consideration shall also be given to lay representatives of any Annual Conference agencies and institutions within the district. e. The annual conference secretary shall assign the remaining equalization members to the larger local churches (one each), in order of decreasing size, who have paid 100% of Standing Rules 317 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook their annual conference apportionments. f. Lay members of the annual conference elected for the purpose of lay/clergy equalization shall serve to the end of the quadrennium. g. The annual conference secretary will determine if any local churches have failed to pay 100% of their apportionments in the prior year and adjust the equalization members so that all of them represent local churches that have paid 100% of their prior year apportionments. 5. Expenses shall be paid in the following manner: a. Each charge shall reimburse appropriate expenses of lay and clergy members from that charge as identified in sections 4 (a) and 4 (e) above. b. The annual conference sessions committee shall annually consider the reimbursement of expenses for equalization members as identified in section 4.c. above and propose the appropriate budget for the same. D. Legislative Duties 1. An early matter of business for the convened Annual Confer- ence session shall be to take action on the proposed agenda from the Annual Conference Committee on Sessions for the business of the annual conference session. 2. The proposed agenda shall be published each year in the PreConference Workbook. 3. Any group or individual presenting an item for action by the Annual Conference that has fiscal implications, either on a continuing basis or a one-time basis, shall submit the material two weeks prior to the normal deadline for submission for either the Pre-Conference Workbook or the Supplemental Packet. The Annual Conference Secretary shall provide the item to the Council on Finance and Administration. The CCFA will submit a statement of fiscal impact to the annual conference secretary by the normal deadline for submission for either the Pre-Conference Workbook or the Supplemental Packet. 4. The Conference Board of Pensions and Health Benefits shall provide policies related to Pensions and Health Benefits which shall be adopted by the Annual Conference. a. No proposed action which has an explicit or implied effect on the health insurance plan of the Annual Conference shall be brought before the Annual Conference without review and formal written comment of the annual Conference Board of Pensions and Health Benefits, adopted at a regularlyscheduled meeting prior to the Annual Conference session. b. Any proposal or amendment to change the structure of 318 Standing Rules Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook the Annual Conference health plan must be accompanied by a formal evaluation of the costs involved, certified by an independent insurance underwriter, actuary or other recognized expert. c. The Annual Conference Board of Pensions and Health Benefits is empowered to adjust the benefit structure of the health plan to meet anticipated revenues. d. The Conference Board of Pensions and Health Benefits is authorized to revise the Annual Conference health insurance plan in order to bring it into compliance with new health insurance laws and their ramifications and emergency situations, subject to the approval of the annual Conference at the next regular session. No proposed action, which has an explicit or implied effect on the health insurance plan of the Annual Conference, shall be brought before the Annual Conference without review and formal written comment of the Annual Conference Board of Pensions and Health Benefits, adopted at a scheduled meeting prior to the Annual Conference Session. E. Election of Members to Serve on Agencies, Boards, Commit- tees, Councils, Commissions and Ministry Teams 1. The Annual Conference Committee on Nominations shall prepare a recommended slate of candidates to fill the positions on various agencies, committees, boards, councils, ministry teams, and commissions of the annual conference. 2. In the nomination and election of membership for all Annual Conference structures, special attention shall be given to inclusiveness as outlined in Paragraph 610.5 of the 2008 Book of Discipline. 3. The members of the Annual Conference shall elect persons to its various agencies, committees, boards, councils, ministry teams, and commissions. F. Election of Delegates to General and Jurisdictional Conferences Election of delegates to General and Jurisdictional Conferences shall be conducted in the following manner: 1. All clergy members in full connection will be assigned a number for the purpose of electronic balloting by the annual conference secretary prior to the Annual Conference Session. Clergy who submit their picture and a biography of not more than fifty (50) words will be included in the material published and distributed by the annual conference secretary, provided the materials have been received prior to a deadline established by the annual conference secretary. 2. Lay persons eligible to serve as delegates may submit a biog- Standing Rules 319 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook raphy of not more than fifty (50) words and a picture that will be published and distributed by the annual conference secretary, provided that the materials are received prior to a deadline established by the annual conference secretary. All lay persons who submit materials shall be assigned a number by the annual conference secretary for the purpose of electronic balloting. The names of lay persons willing to serve may also be received from the floor of the Annual Conference session. 3. In the case of both laity and clergy, election shall be by a majority of the votes cast in each ballot. G. Annual Conference Displays and Sessions Information Material Displays and distributed materials at Annual Conference shall be governed by policies developed by the Committee on Annual Conference Sessions and adopted by the Annual Conference. H. Records (Paragraph 606, 2008 Book of Discipline) 1. The Annual Conference shall maintain records of its proceed- ings. 2. The Annual Conference shall publish a Journal-Yearbookand distribute copies to all members. 3. The Standing Rules shall be printed in the Annual Confer- ence Journal-Yearbook each year. 4. The Annual Conference Journal-Yearbook shall contain all new or revised policy statements approved by the Annual Conference and a reference index to previously-published policy statements. 5. The annual conference secretary or historian, if one is elected or appointed, shall archive the Annual Conference’s records and materials consistent with prudent business practices. IV. ANNUAL CONFERENCE STRUCTURES A. The Local Church (Paragraph 243, 2008 Book of Discipline) 1. The local church is the foundation of Nurture, Outreach and Witness of all ministries to the community of believers and beyond. 2. Each local congregation is urged to assess annually its programs and the needs and opportunities for ministries in the community and on the basis of this assessment develop a mission statement to be adopted at a charge or church conference. B. The District Superintendents will partner with clergy and lay leadership in ordering the work of the district to equip and connect the local church and extension ministries in making disciples 320 Standing Rules Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. C. The Annual Conference Vision: All the physically and spiritually hungry people of our world feasting on God’s abundant grace at God’s table so that they experience God’s unconditional love for them, are formed in that love, and are sent to live and share that love with the individuals and institutions of our world. Mission: The purpose of the Annual Conference is to form disciples of Jesus Christ by equipping its local churches for ministry and by providing a connection for ministry beyond the local church, all to the glory of God (2008 Book of Discipline). Connectional Table: The elected, appointed, and employed lay and clergy leaders of the Conference gather at one table to reflect on effectiveness of ministries in fulfilling the vision, mission, and strategies of the Annual Conference and vision new ways to live into our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. 1. Equipping, Connecting, and Ministry Empowerment (Paragraph 610, 2008 The Book of Discipline) • Annual Conference shall provide for the clear connections between the General Conference agencies, annual conference program and administrative entities and the local congregation through the Connectional Table. • Boards, committees, councils, commissions and other groups to be elected by the Annual Conference (listed in the Report of the Committee on Nominations); (2008 Book of Discipline, paragraphs for member requirements). • Board of Church and Society (Paragraph 629) • Board of Discipleship (Paragraph 630) • Commission on Camping and Retreat Ministries (Paragraph 630.b-c) • Board of Laity (Paragraph 631) • Committee on Ethnic Local Church Concerns (Paragraph 632) • Board of Global Ministries (Paragraph 633 • Congregational Development Committee (Paragraph 633.5 • Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministries (Paragraph 634 • Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-religious Concerns (Paragraph 642) • Commission on Small Membership Church (Paragraph 645) • Organization of United Methodist Women (Paragraph 647) • Organization of United Methodist Men (Paragraph 648) • Council on Youth Ministries (Paragraph 649) Standing Rules 321 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook • Council on Young Adult Ministries (Paragraph 650) • Committee on Native American Ministry (Paragraph 654) • Council on Finance and Administration (Paragraphs 611-619) • Commission on Equitable Compensation (Paragraph 625) • Board of Ordained Ministry (Paragraph 635) • Administrative Review Committee (Paragraph 636) • Committee on Episcopacy (Paragraph 637) • Episcopal Residence Committee (Paragraph 638) • Board of Pensions and Health Benefits (Paragraph 639) • Board of Trustees (Paragraphs 640, 2512.1-7) • Commission on Archives and History (Paragraph 641) • Commission on Religion and Race (Paragraph 643) • Commission on the Status and Role of Women (Paragraph 644) Commission on Communications (Paragraph 646 Joint Committee on Incapacity (Paragraph 652) Committee on Disability Concern (Paragraph 653) Sexual Misconduct Task Force (nominated by the Cabinet) Committee on Annual Conference Sessions Committee on Standing Rules Committee on Nominations Other Conference organizations as established by the Annual Conference in alignment with the 2008 Book of Discipline, and other temporary, short-term or specially-focused task forces or implementation teams that the Connectional Table or other agencies create and whose members are nominated by the Conference Committee on shall be listed in the report of the Committee on Nominations. 2. Tenure: a. A rotation system shall be established by the Annual Conference Committee on Nominations to limit the tenure on all Annual Conference boards, commissions, committees, task forces and ministry teams to no more than eight (8) years (two 4-year terms), or three elections where three-year classes are designated by The Book of Discipline. b. When tenure has been completed, a person shall not be elected to the same office until one term has passed, except as excluded by The Book of Discipline. c. Persons elected for expertise and/or inclusiveness will serve under the tenure limitations wherever possible. (Paragraph 610.5 2008 Book of Discipline). • • • • • • • • V. MINISTERIAL MATTERS A. Clergy Members in Full Connection appointed as staff persons in the Annual Conference structure and/or related institutions shall have the same rights and privileges as clergy persons ap322 Standing Rules Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook pointed to local churches unless otherwise specified herein. B. Ministerial Appointments 1. The effective date of new appointments and salaries will nor- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. mally be July 1, unless another effective date of appointment is set by the bishop. Vacation days not used in any single appointment year are lost and do not accrue, nor shall the charge be obligated to pay additional compensation for any such unused days. The pastoral service on a charge shall be the responsibility of the pastor appointed to that charge. No pastor shall perform pastoral acts in any parish other than the one assigned to him/her, except by invitation of the pastor-in-charge, or, in cases of emergency, with the consent of the district superintendent. All pastors serving a full-time charge shall be granted a paid vacation of thirty-one (31) calendar days annually, including up to four Sundays and excluding holidays. (The understanding of “holidays” will be mutually agreed upon by the pastor and the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee). This amount of time (whether taken all at once or in two or more shorter intervals) shall be granted during each appointment year. The pastor, in consultation with the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, shall arrange for pulpit supply and other needed pastoral service during such vacations. The church shall bear the cost of providing pastoral service during vacation periods. Each charge shall allow its pastor to assist up to two (2) weeks (to include up to two Sundays) of evangelistic meetings, assisting at Conference camps and other ministry activities e.g. School of Christian Missions, Mission trips, Academy for Spiritual Formation) per year. None of these activities shall be counted against vacation time. Pastoral leave for spiritual growth is dealt with in Paragraph 351.2-3 in the 2008 Book of Discipline. Each charge shall provide time and financial resources for its pastors to participate in continuing education according to the policies recommended by the Annual Conference Board of Ministry and adopted by the Annual Conference. C. Moving of Pastors 1. A licensed carrier shall be used in moving the pastor’s house- hold goods, unless an alternate plan is approved by the pastor, District Superintendent and the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee of the charge to which the pastor is moving. 2. The local church to which a pastor of the Annual Conference is appointed shall pay the moving expense from within the bounds of the Annual Conference, up to a maximum per Standing Rules 323 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 3. 4. 5. 6. clergy of 18,000 pounds and a maximum per pastor of $500 for packing and insurance. Pastors, whose handicapping conditions limit their ability to do their own packing, may apply to the Cabinet for additional funds from the annual Conference for packing by the mover. The local church to which a pastor from outside the bounds of the Annual Conference is appointed shall pay the moving expense from the Annual Conference boundary. Multiple church charges shall divide moving expenses in a manner approved by the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee in consultation with the District Superintendent. Where clergy couples move into the same parsonage and/or house, moving expenses shall be shared in a manner negotiated by the charges’ Pastor-Parish Relations Committees, in consultation with the District Superintendent. For clergy couples, the total allowable weight shall be 20,000 pounds, and total allowable packing and insurance shall be $500. In cases where clergy couples are moving into separate parsonages and/or houses, C.2 applies. The restrictions on pounds and packing/insurance expenses stated in V.C.2 apply. A copy of the moving bill must accompany the completed requisition form submitted to the Annual Conference. Seminarians and/or seminary graduates living outside the Annual Conference boundaries and appointed for the first time within our Conference boundaries and appointed for the first time within our Annual Conference may receive additional funding for moving expenses from the Annual Conference Commission on Equitable Compensation at the request of the District Superintendent. This rule does not apply to Associate Members or Members in Full Connection of other Annual Conferences D. Moving Costs for Retired and/or Disabled Clergy and Surviving Spouses 1. The Conference Board of Pensions and Health Benefits shall recommend the moving rate for retirees and/or clergy granted incapacity leave and surviving spouses, as defined in Paragraph 602 of the 2008 Book of Discipline to the Conference Council on finance and Administrations (CCFA) for approval and inclusion in the Conference budget. This payment applies only to full-time clergy or clergy couples whose combined service equals full-time at the time of retirement or incapacity leave. 2. Surviving clergy spouses may also request the moving allowance under the same provisions for clergy as outlined in this section. 324 Standing Rules Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 3. Moving expense shall be paid once after the date of retire- ment or to all who are granted incapacity leave. This provision applies retroactively to all previous retirements, disabilities and deaths. Exceptions for special situations may be granted by vote of CCFA. 4. This allowance must be claimed within one year after the date of retirement, the granting of incapacity benefits or a move associated with a clergy death. E. Diaconal Ministerial Relations and Service Appointments 1. Employment Contract (1992 The Book of Discipline, Para- graphs 315-317) a. Each local church/agency of the Annual Conference employing a full-time Diaconal Minister shall negotiate a contract which clearly states all employment practices and staff relationships. “Full-time” shall be defined according to the 1992 Book of Discipline, Paragraph310.2.3. Care shall be taken to see that the contract complies with all standards set forth in the current The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church and the Standing Rules of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference. The District Superintendent shall review the contract with the employer and the Diaconal Minister prior to its execution. b. The Annual Conference and/or institutions employing a Diaconal Minister shall have the same responsibilities to that minister as the local church has to its Diaconal Minister unless otherwise specified herein. 2. Salary and Benefits (Paragraph 315.1) a. The sum of salary plus the employer’s share of Social Security for full-time Diaconal Ministers shall be at least equal to the minimum salary support for Ministers in Full Connection as determined annually by the Annual Conference Commission on Equitable Compensation and approved by the Annual conference. b. Minimum support requirements do not apply to certified lay professional, part-time Diaconal Ministers or Diaconal Ministers in retired relations. c. Salaries for Diaconal Ministers shall be from January 1 through December 31 of each year and shall be effective on January 1 following the setting of the salary, excepting that an increase in salary, by proper authorization, may be made retroactive to the January 1st preceding and excepting those salary adjustments necessitated by appointments. d. The Administrative Board or equivalent structure shall, after consultation with the Committee on Pastor-Parish (Staff-Parish) Relations and the Committee on Finance, Standing Rules 325 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook annually recommend to the Charge/Church Conference the salary and other remuneration for Diaconal Minister. e. The salary and benefits of full-time Diaconal Ministers shall be published annually in the Annual Conference JournalYearbook. f. The employing church/agency shall offer to full-time Diaconal Ministers an opportunity to participate in The United Methodist Church Pension Program. Payments to said program shall be made in accordance with the General Board of Pension Program for Lay Employees. 3. Diaconal Minister’s Service Appointments (Paragraph 310, 1992 The Book of Discipline) a. The Diaconal Ministerial service appointment year shall coincide with the date of Annual Conference or the date stipulated in the contract. b. All full-time diaconal Ministers shall be granted a paid vacation of at least four (4) weeks annually including four (4) Sundays. This amount of time (whether taken all at once or in two or more shorter intervals) shall be granted during each service appointment year. c. Moving of Diaconal Ministers 1. A licensed carrier shall be used in moving the Diaconal Minister’s household goods. 2. The local church/agency to which a Diaconal Minister of the Annual Conference is appointed shall pay the moving expense from within the bounds of the annual Conference up to a maximum of 18,000 pounds and $500 for packing and insurance. 3. The local church or agency to which a Diaconal Minister from outside the bounds of the Annual Conference is appointed shall pay the moving expense from the Annual Conference boundary. 4. Guidelines for moving: a. The Diaconal Minister is expected to pack those items which can be safely packed without the need of insurance coverage by the mover. b. The Diaconal Minister is requested to select a mover by competitive bidding where possible and to accept the most reasonable bid or estimate. 4. Local Church Matters a. All provisions made for appointed pastors, as spelled out in the section on Ministerial Appointments, B.4, B.5, and B.6, shall apply to Diaconal Ministers as well. b. Local Church Fiscal and Expense Items 1. Where necessary, the church/agency, in preparing its budget, shall include a travel expense amount to be 326 Standing Rules Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook determined, in consultation with the Diaconal Minister, and figured on the basis of actual miles, multiplied by a rate not less than the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) mileage allowance. The church/agency and Diaconal Minister shall determine how travel expense can best be handled in the local situation. Options are: 2. Actual purchase or lease of automobile for Diaconal Minister. 3. Compensation at the rate listed above. 4. Diaconal Minister receives one check for salary and travel and reports annually to the church/agency the total miles driven for church/agency business. 5. Telephone(s) shall be provided in the Diaconal Minister’s office, and all calls shall be paid for by the church/agency except for personal long distance calls by the Diaconal Minister and his/her family. c. Provisions for housing 1. The church/agency shall provide for housing for its Diaconal Minister. 2. The housing allowance, in lieu of rent or house, shall be provided in an amount that is adequate to a residence which meets the standards for the parsonage house. 3. Where the church/agency provides a house, standards shall be the same as those for the parsonage home. *The 1992 The Book of Discipline is the last Book of Discipline which addresses the order of Diaconal Ministry. F. Response Team for Clergy Sexual Misconduct 1. The Response Team for Clergy Sexual Misconduct, in cooperation with the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry, the Clergy Orders and the Cabinet, shall provide sexual misconduct prevention training for all clergy members at least once during each quadrennium. 2. The Response Team for Clergy Sexual Misconduct, in cooperation with The Conference Board of Ordained Ministry, the Clergy Orders and the Cabinet, shall provide sexual misconduct prevention training for all clergy receiving an appointment for the first time or after a period of absence from the pastoral ministry of the IGRC. 3. This training will be offered in a reasonable period of time (generally to take place at least within the first year of the new appointment/assignment). Funding for this training shall come from the Ministerial Education Fund unless otherwise provided for by the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry. 4. Categories of persons required to attend: elders and deacons in full connection, associate members, probationary memStanding Rules 327 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook bers, full-time local pastors, part-time local pastors, student local pastors, retired clergy serving local churches, certified lay ministers, certified lay speakers serving as supply or in a regular preaching rotation in a church or charge, diaconal ministers under appointment, diaconal ministers seeking appointment, other denomination serving as supply, and any others deemed by the cabinet to need training. 5. Frequency of training: A quadrennial training event shall be held in the first year of each new quadrennium (2005, 2009, 2013, etc.). All persons in the categories named in 4 shall be required to attend. Each year thereafter training events shall be held only for newly appointed persons named in the categories of 4. 6. Attendance* at a training event shall be recorded by the Board of Ordained Ministry and reported to each person’s district superintendent and shall be kept in the personnel file of pastors, deacons, and diaconal ministers, and in a separate attendance file for lay speakers. Excused absences may be granted only by the superintendent of record and only in cases of extreme personal or pastoral emergency in consultation with the district superintendent. Only one opportunity for make-up shall be granted. Persons unable to attend a training event shall be required to attend the succeeding annual event. 7. (The following additional item is provided for information only): Consequences of non-compliance: Should any person listed in the categories of 4 fail to attend the quadrennial event and further fail to attend the succeeding annual event (as the “make-up” training), or if a newly-appointed person shall fail to attend the first or second annual event following his/her appointment, the superintendent of record shall initiate a supervisory response which may include filing a complaint on behalf of the cabinet. In the case of any supply pastor or lay speaker, the district superintendent shall engage such persons in a supervisory conversation. As a result such persons may be relieved of responsibilities if unjustified non-compliance has been determined by the district superintendent. * Attendance shall be granted only for those persons present for the duration of an event. Partial attendance shall not be recognized, and such persons shall be required to attend the next annual event. VI. LOCAL CHURCH MATTERS A. Setting the Minister’s Salary: The pastor’s salary shall be set on 328 Standing Rules Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook the basis of a full calendar year and become effective on January 1, following the setting of the salary by the Charge Conference. B. Local Church Fiscal and Expense Items 1. All treasurers of local churches shall maintain a separate account in the name of the church for handling church funds. All disbursements of funds shall be made by checks or electronic means drawn upon the account. 2. All church treasurers shall be bonded through an Annual Conference Blanket Bond Policy. 3. The local church shall budget travel expense to compensate the pastor for actual miles driven fulfilling ministerial duties. Actual miles driven are to be multiplied by the Internal Revenue Service rate for mileage allowance. 4. Each charge shall provide and pay for telephone service beyond the church building for the pastor and basic cable or basic satellite television service for the parsonage home,and internet service, high speed if available, at the designated office or place where the pastor is expected to perform his or her pastoral duties. C. Housing 1. Local churches are encouraged to provide a parsonage rather than a housing allowance. 2. Standards for the Parsonage home: a. A parsonage may be owned and maintained by a church, a pastoral charge or the Annual Conference. b. Any new parsonage being purchased or built shall comply with the provisions of Paragraph 2543 of the 2008 Book of Discipline. c. Deeds for such parsonages shall comply with the Trust Clauses in Deeds (Paragraph 2503, 2008 Book of Discipline). d. In considering the location of a new church parsonage, the positive witness of a commitment to the neighborhood and community shall be considered. e. Parsonages shall have an adequate yard and play space for children (not necessarily next to the church). The parsonage shall provide privacy for the minister’s family and have adequate parking. f. The parsonage shall have at least 3 bedrooms (one master and two with at least 120 square feet each) with adequate closet space for each; at least one and a half baths, one with a shower, with adequate linen closets; family or recreation room; living room, dining area, kitchen with sufficient cabinets and work space; coat closet near front entrance, where possible; adequate accessible storage space well distributed throughout Standing Rules 329 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook the house; garage adequate for one car and storage; insulation; storm windows, storm doors and screens or equivalent; utility area with hookups for laundry appliances. g. The parsonage shall have automatic whole house heating and air conditioning; water softener if necessary; modern cooking facilities; refrigerator-freezer; automatic washer and dryer; draperies or appropriate window coverings in all rooms; well-kept floor coverings for all rooms (carpet for living room and other suitable areas) and extermination of household pests where required. h. Additional Desirable Standards (not required to meet minimum standards): Four bedrooms (one suitable for study in addition to church study); area 20’ x 25’ for entertaining; separate dining room; separate freezer facilities; appropriate floor coverings; garage adequate for two cars and storage 3. Maintenance: a. The parsonage family shall be good stewards of the property entrusted to it. The parsonage family is responsible for: 1. Proper and timely attention to household routines such as lawn moving, house cleaning, yard and house orderliness, and routine protection and care of the house and its appurtenances. 2. Repair of damages beyond normal wear and tear caused by the family, pets or hobbies. This applies during the pastoral tenure and at the time of vacating the parsonage at a pastoral change. 3. Ensuring that the parsonage is vacated, clean, and, in cooperation with the church/charge, in good repair when a pastoral change takes place. b. The church/charge also shall be good stewards of the property which it provides as a parsonage. The church/ charge is responsible for: 1. Providing an annual budget sufficient to provide for quality long-term maintenance. 2. Diligence in providing an energy-efficient parsonage. 3. Maintaining the furnishings and appliances provided by the church/charge. 4. Having draperies and carpets professionally cleaned, as needed, at church/charge expense. 5. Regular painting inside and out, good roof, prompt repairs. 6. Testing of the parsonage for radon in localities where it is deemed desirable and corrective action taken if necessary. 7. Installing and maintaining an adequate number of smoke detectors, a carbon monoxide detector and, if the home has LP or natural gas, a gas leak detector. 330 Standing Rules Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 8. The care of permanent plantings (shrubbery, shade or other trees). 9. Ensuring that the parsonage is in good repair, and in cooperation with the pastor, vacated and clean when a pastoral change occurs. c. On multiple church charges, a percentage of yearly maintenance shall be paid by each local church, on a basis determined by the Charge Conference. 4. Long-term Property Stewardship a. The church/charge shall be good stewards of the property entrusted to them by providing an annual budget sufficient to provide for quality long-term maintenance. b. When a pastoral change takes place, the church/charge shall ensure that the parsonage is clean. 5. Testing a. Mandatory testing of the parsonage water supply, regardless of source, should be conducted annually. This testing shall be at the church/charge expense. If a public water source is used, their testing results may be utilized, as long as the testing laboratory meets USEPA-certification standards for organic and inorganic chemicals and includes nitrogen and bacteria testing in accordance with the guidelines established by the Division of Environmental Health of the Illinois Department of Public Health. A copy of the testing results must be attached to the report, regardless of whether it is from a public water company or independent testing of a parsonage well. b. If the water is not suitable for human consumption, a sufficient water filtering and purifying system will be installed to make the provided water consumable, or consumable water must be supplied to the pastor and his/her family. c. At the time of the Charge Conference, a written report, made by the test facility, will be attached to the parsonage report to be compliant with this rule. d. Every parsonage will be tested for the presence of radon every year, preferably in the month of January in accordance with guidelines established by the Radon Program of the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety. A report regarding the results of the testing will be attached to the parsonage evaluation report at Charge Conference. The test results must be produced by a bona fide test facility, preferable used or referred to by the Health Department in the area where the parsonage is located, to be compliant with the rule of radon testing as mentioned on the parsonage evaluation form. 6. Housing Allowance: Standing Rules 331 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook a. Local churches/charges are encouraged to provide parsonages for their pastor’s housing. However, when, out of necessity, a pastor must purchase or rent his/her own home, a housing allowance shall be provided which shall be adequate for the residence to meet the Annual Conference standards for a parsonage home. b. Local churches/charges may rent/lease a home for the parsonage. The rented/leased parsonage shall meet the Annual Conference standards for a parsonage home. c. The parsonage provisions shall be clearly defined by the PastorParish Relations Committee and the District Superintendent at the time of consultation prior to appointment. d. Any exceptions to these provisions shall be negotiated and approved by the pastor, the District Superintendent and the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee. VII.MISCELLANEOUS A. Expenses for Annual Conference Meetings: Travel expenses for the Annual Conference shall be set at the rate Adopted by the Annual Conference at the recommendation of the Annual Conference Council on Finance and Administration. The pooling of rides shall be encouraged for Annual Conference meetings. B. Incurring indebtedness for capital improvements: All boards and agencies shall be required to consult with the annual Conference Board of Trustees and the Annual Conference Council on Finance and Administration and to obtain the approval of the Annual Conference before incurring any indebtedness for capital improvements for which the Annual Conference would be responsible. C. Ministerial Pensions and Benefits Apportionment: Any unpaid Ministerial Pensions and Benefits Apportionment shall be a claim against church property in the event said property is abandoned and/or sold. D. Sale of Discontinued or Abandoned Properties: (Paragraphs 2541 and 2548 2008 Book of Discipline): After the local church has exercised the provisions of Paragraph 2541 regarding the sale of church properties and structures declared discontinued or abandoned (Paragraph 2548.3), the net proceeds from the sale of discontinued or abandoned Annual Conference, church and parsonage properties or sites shall be divided equally between the Church Extension Fund and the Repair and Replacement Fund or their equivalent structures. E. Background Check: Every person involved in child care and chil- dren and youth programs at all Annual Conference events must have passed a background check. 332 Standing Rules Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Conference Conference Directory Conference Directory 333 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Former Bishops and Spouses Sharon A. Brown Christopher (Charles Logsdon Christopher), 4040 Woodlawn Dr., Unit 30, Nashville, TN 37205-1908, 615-385-1695 Polly Hodapp (surviving spouse of Bishop Leroy Hodapp), 1335 Timberlake Rd., Evansville, IN 47710-4125, 812-464-9964 Martha Lawson (surviving spouse of Bishop David J. Lawson), 765 Bluebird Ln., Franklin, IN 46131-2100, 317-736-1533 William B. Lewis (Janet Lewis), PO Box 452, Ephraim, WI 45211-0452, 920-854-9658, 916 University Dr., Edwardsville 62025-5565, 618-656-1357 Woodie W. White (Kim White), Candler School of Theology, Bishops Hall, Box 91, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322 Camping and Retreat Ministries Camping Office, 5900 S. 2nd St., PO Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207, 217-5293007, Fax 217-529-4150, [email protected], www.igrCAMP.org Beulah Institute and Camp – 700 Trolley Rd., Eldorado 62930-4102, (summer only) 618-273-3583, Fax 618-273-7124, www.igrCAMP.org East Bay Camp – 24248 Ron Smith Memorial Hwy., Hudson 61748-7552, 309-3657531, Fax 309-365-7532, [email protected], www.igrCAMP.org Epworth Institute and Camp - PO Box 276, Louisville 62858-0276, 618-665-3884, Fax 618-665-3552, [email protected], www.igrCAMP.org Jensen Woods Camp – Ron Cox, RR 1, Box 150, Timewell 62375-9724, camping@ igrc.org, www.igrCAMP.org, June 1 - August 31: 217-773-2491, Fax 217-7733001, September 1 – May 31: 217-529-3007, Fax 217-529-4150 Little Grassy Camp – 1 Methodist Camp Rd., Makanda 62958-3216, 618-457-6030, Fax 618-529-2244, [email protected], www.igrCAMP.org Living Springs Camp - Mike Eaker, 14253 E. Epworth Spring Rd., Lewistown 615428427, 309-547-2047, Fax 309-547-2048, [email protected], www. igrCAMP.org Conference Agencies and Organizations Aldersgate Federal Credit Union, PO Box 1790, Marion 62959-1790, 618-944-0817, Fax 888-817-8369, [email protected] Richard & Marilyn Sullins, PO Box 1790, Marion 62959-1790, 618-944-0817, Fax 888-817-8369 Alton Memorial Hospital, 1 Memorial Dr., Alton 62002-6722, 618-463-7311, Fax 618463-7730, www.altonmemorialhospital.org David Braasch, 1 Memorial Dr., Alton 62002-6722, 618-463-7311 or 618-463-7301 Bruce E. Baumberger, Chaplain, 1 Memorial Dr., Alton 62002-6722, 618-463-7491, [email protected] Archives and Historical Society, c/o Pfeiffer Library, MacMurray College, 447 E. College Ave., Jacksonville 62650-2510, 217-479-7694 Lauretta Scheller, Fax 217-245-5214, [email protected] The Baby Fold, 108 E. Willow St., Normal 61761-1640, 309-452-1170 or 309-454- 334 Conference Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 1770 or 1-877-454-1770, Fax 309-452-0115, www.thebabyfold.org Hammitt School, 108 E. Willow St., Normal 61761-1640, 309-452-1170, Fax 309862-2902 Hammitt Junior/Senior High, 1500 Fort Jesse Rd., Ste. A, Normal 61761-1981, 309452-1790, Fax 309-452-1832 Family Center, 612 Oglesby Ave., Normal 61761-1888, 309-454-1770, Fax 309-4549257 Residential Treatment Center, 612 Oglesby Ave., Normal 61761-1888, 309-4541770, Fax 309-454-9257 Dale Strassheim, CEO, 108 E. Willow St., Normal 61761-1640, 309-452-1170, [email protected] Chaddock, 205 S. 24th St., Quincy 62301-4446, 217-222-0034, Fax 217-222-3865, www.chaddock.org Debbie Reed, President/CEO, 205 S. 24th St., Quincy 62301-4446, 217-222-0034, Fax 217-222-3865, [email protected] Gary Livesay, Chaplain, 205 S. 24th St., Quincy 62301-4446, 217-222-0034, Fax 217-222-3865, [email protected], [email protected] Jeff Rasche, Associate Director of Stewardship, 205 S. 24th St., Quincy 623014446, 217-222-0034, Fax 217-222-3865, [email protected], jrasche@ chaddock.org Cunningham Children’s Home, 1301 N. Cunningham Ave, PO Box 878, Urbana 61803-0878, 217-367-3728, Fax 217-367-2896, [email protected], www.cunninghamhome.org Marlin Livingston, President/CEO, 1301 N. Cunningham Ave., PO Box 878, Urbana 61803-0878, 217-367-3728, [email protected] Cloydia Hill Larimore, Vice President of Advancement, 1301 N. Cunningham Ave., PO Box 878, Urbana 61803-0878, 217-367-3728, clarimore@ cunninghamhome.org Kelligay King Crede, Chaplain, 1301 N. Cunningham Ave., PO Box 878, Urbana 61803-0878, 217-367-3728, [email protected], gcrede@cunninghamhome. org Deaf Faith Community of Jacksonville, Elke Sharma, 28 Jacobs Ln., Jacksonville 62650-1756, 217-245-7967, [email protected] Eagle House Ministries, 3580 State Rt. 37 N., PO Box 97, Buncombe 62912-0097, 618-658-8116 or 618-634-2552, [email protected], www. eaglehouseministries.com Alan D. Milligan, 3580 State Rt. 37 N., PO Box 97, Buncombe 62912-0097, 618658-8116, [email protected] Evenglow Lodge, 215 E. Washington St., Pontiac 61764-2011, 815-844-6131, Fax 815-842-3558, [email protected], www.evenglowlodge.org Mark Hovren, President/CEO, 215 E. Washington St., Pontiac 61764-2011, 815844-6131, [email protected] Carol Edman, Chaplain, 215 E. Washington St., Pontiac 61764-2011, 815-844-6131, Fax 815-842-3558, [email protected], [email protected] Tjardes Health Center Nursing Home, 815-844-6131 Lodge Shelter Care Apartments, 815-844-6131 Skyline Independent Living Apartments, 815-844-6131 Evenglow Inn Alzheimer’s/Dementia Unit, 815-842-9040 Illinois Wesleyan University, 1312 Park St., PO Box 2900, Bloomington 61702-2900, 309-556-3151, www.iwu.edu Richard Wilson, President, 1312 Park St., PO Box 2900, Bloomington 61702-2900, Conference Directory 335 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 309-556-1000 Carl Teichman, 1312 Park St., Bloomington 61701-1773, 309-556-3429, cteich@ iwu.edu Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House, 1200 N. 13th St., East Saint Louis 622052975, 618-874-0777, Fax 618-874-0511, www.lessiebatesdavis.org William Kreeb, 1200 N. 13th St., East Saint Louis 62205-2975, 618-874-0777, Fax 618-875-2241, [email protected] MacMurray College, 447 E. College Ave., Jacksonville 62650-2510, 217-479-7000, www.mac.edu Colleen Hester, President, 447 E. College Ave., Jacksonville 62650-2510, 217-4797000, [email protected] McKendree University, 701 College Rd., Lebanon 62254-1212, 618-537-4481, www. mckendree.edu James M. Dennis, 701 College Rd., Lebanon 62254-1212, 618-537-4481 Tim Harrison, 701 College Rd., Lebanon 62254-1212, 618-537-6962, tharrison@ igrc.org, [email protected]; 10914 Kenfield Dr., Lebanon 62254-2333 Methodist Medical Center Foundation, 120 NE Glen Oak Ave., Suite 209, Peoria 61603-4314, 309-672-5741, Fax 309-671-2961, Rebekah Bourland, [email protected], www.mymethodist.net/ Methodist Medical Center of Illinois, 221 NE Glen Oak Ave., Peoria 61636-0002, 309-672-5522, Fax 309-672-5598, www.mymethodist.net W. Michael Bryant, 221 NE Glen Oak Ave., Peoria 61636-0002, 309-672-5522, Fax 309-672-5598, [email protected] Mid-West Mission Distribution Center, 1022 New City Rd., PO Box 56, Chatham 62629-0056, 217-483-7911, Fax 217-483-7981, Office@midwestmissiondc. org, www.midwestmissiondc.org Pat Wright, Executive Director, PO Box 56, Chatham 62629-0056, 217-483-7911, [email protected] Mary Ebermon, Warehouse Clerical Assistant, PO Box 56, Chatham 62629-0056, 217-483-7911, [email protected] Mark Freeman, Warehouse Supervisor, PO Box 56, Chatham 62629-0056, 217483-7911, [email protected] Danielle Eaton, Secretary-Bookkeeper, PO Box 56, Chatham 62629-0056, 217-4837911, [email protected] Pastoral Care and Counseling, 310 N. Poplar St., Bluford 62814, 618-732-8629 Karen Blank-Ewell, 1204 W. South Ave., Bluford 62814-1029, [email protected] The Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund, 5900 S. 2nd St., PO Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207, 217-529-3221, Fax 217-529-4162, kanderson@igrc. org Keith E. Anderson, 5900 S. 2nd St., PO Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207, 217529-3221, cell 217-725-6904, Fax 217-529-4162, [email protected] Sarah Cooper, Administrative Assistant, PO Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207, 217-529-3215, [email protected] Samuel N. Totten, 2000 Lake St., Mount Vernon 62864-2869, 618-244-3016, [email protected] Floyd Blackard, 2800 Via Rosso St., Unit 199, Springfield 62703-5846, 217-5850491, cell 217-556-6414, [email protected] C. Raydean Davis, 314 Davis Ave., Bloomington 61701-3315, 309-829-3899, cell 309-287-8976, [email protected], [email protected] Southeastern Illinois Center for Pastoral Counseling, Brenda Knuckles, 100 S. Church St., Carmi 62821-1658, 618-382-5548 336 Conference Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Southern Illinois Hispanic Ministry, Aurelia Zaragoza, PO Box 149, Cobden 629200149, 618-303-3191, [email protected] Sunset Home, 418 Washington St., Quincy 62301-4897, 217-223-2636, Fax 217-2236750, www.sunsethome.org Chris Hopson, CEO/Administrator, 418 Washington St., Quincy 62301-4897, 217223-2636 ext. 318, [email protected] United Media Resource Center, UM Center, PO Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207, 217-529-2744, Fax 217-529-4155, [email protected], www.igrc.org/pages/ detail/1851 United Methodist Childrens’ Home, 2023 Richview Rd., Mount Vernon 62864-2884, 618-242-1070, Fax 618-242-9381, www.umchome.org Gary Lemmon, President/CEO, 2023 Richview Rd., Mount Vernon 62864-2884, 618-242-1070, [email protected] Foundation Office, 618-242-9108 United Methodist Foundation, 5900 S. 2nd St., PO Box 3487, Springfield 62708-3487, 217-529-3217, Fax 217-529-4181, [email protected] Ted Frost, 5900 S. 2nd St., PO Box 3487, Springfield 62708-3487, 217-529-3217, Fax 217-529-4181, [email protected] United Methodist Ministries Credit Union, Susan Phelps, Manager, 510 E. Washington St., Suite 302, Bloomington 61701-4170, 309-827-8636, Fax 309827-7275, [email protected], www.ummcu.com United Methodist Village (Main), 1616 Cedar St., Lawrenceville 62439-2154, 618943-3347, Fax 618-943-3823, www.umvillage.com Carol Brown, Administrator, 1616 Cedar St., Lawrenceville 62439-2154, 618-9433347 United Methodist Village (North), 2101 James St., Lawrenceville 62439-2027, 618943-3444, Fax 618-943-2853, www.umvillage.com Briana Crutchfield, 2101 James St., Lawrenceville 62439-2027, 618-943-3444, Fax 618-943-2853 United Methodist Village, 5201 Asbury Ave., Godfrey 62035-4802, 618-466-8662, Fax 618-467-1512, www.unitedmethodistvillage.com United Voices for Children, 205 S. 24th St., Quincy 62301-4446, 217-222-0034, [email protected] Gary Livesay, 205 S. 24th St., Quincy 62301-4446, 217-222-0034, glivesay@igrc. org, [email protected] Wesley Foundation, EIU, 2202 4th St., Charleston 61920-3903, 217-348-8191, www. foundationeiu.org Paige Roberts, 404 E. Washington St., Arcola 61910-1730, 217-268-3595, [email protected], [email protected] Wesley Foundation, ISU, 211 N. School St., Normal 61761-2503, 309-452-1435, www.isuwesley.org Jennifer Edwards Bertrand, 211 N. School St., Normal 61761-2503, 309-452-1435, [email protected], [email protected] Wesley Foundation, SIU-C, 816 S. Illinois Ave., Carbondale 62901-2821, 618-4578165, Fax 618-457-8165, [email protected], www.siucwesley.org Sherry R. Smedshammer, 816 S. Illinois Ave., Carbondale 62901-2821, 618-4578165, Fax 618-457-8165, [email protected] Wesley Foundation, U of I, 1203 W. Green St., Urbana 61801-2905, 217-344-1120, Fax 217-344-1830, [email protected], www.wesleyui.org Daniel King Crede, Pastor/Director, 2705 Southwood Dr., Champaign 61821-5713, 217-531-5315, [email protected], [email protected] Conference Directory 337 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Robert S. Kirby, Associate Campus Minister, 603 Indigo, Savoy 61874-9450, 217359-2819, [email protected], [email protected] Wesley Foundation, WIU, 1325 W. University Dr., Macomb 61455-1066, 309-8365581, www.wiu.edu/wesley Nate Hopping, 227 N. Lamoine St., Macomb 61455-1935, [email protected] Wesley Village, 1200 E. Grant St., Macomb 61455-3428, 309-833-2123, Fax 309-8377500, [email protected], www.macomb.com/wesleyvillage Shelly Ward, 1200 E. Grant St., Macomb 61455-3428, 309-833-2123, Fax 309-8377500, [email protected] Lay Leaders Conference Lay Leader – Rhonda Whitaker, 1264 Hickory Dr., Neoga 62447-1212, 217-895-3962, [email protected] Associate Conference Lay Leaders: Jeff Graham, 112 W. Raab Rd., Apt. D, Normal 61761-4774, 309-637-0268, [email protected] Ken Miller, 190 W. 4th St., Coal City 60416-1016, 815-634-0049, kcmiller27@ att.net District Lay Leaders CRD - Marilyn Appel, 1472 US Highway 45, PO Box 1, Enfield 62835-0001, 618963-2179, [email protected] ERD - Richard Small, 206 Lakewood Dr., Hillsboro 62049-3203, 217-532-6421, [email protected] ILD - Johnnie Locker, 10615 N. Sleepy Hollow Rd., Peoria 61615-1121, 309-6923500, [email protected] IRD - Ray Dunn, 207 S. Scott St., PO Box 265, Oakwood 61858-0265, 217-3542293, [email protected] KRD - Nancy Myers, 5645 N. Ridge Rd., Olney 62450-3809, 618-752-5941, [email protected] LRD - Karma Webel, RR 1, Box 35, Versailles 62378-9708, 217-236-3811, karma@ webelfarms.com MRD - Marian McCray, 14 Marilyn Cir., Fairview Heights 62208-2839, 618-624-8690, [email protected] SRD - Pete Paulson, 4 Ashland Ct., Mount Zion 62549-1277, 217-864-0600, [email protected] SPD - Steve Main, 1289 Knox Highway 4, Altona 61414-9363, 309-484-5571, [email protected] VRD - Ken Miller, 190 W. 4th St., Coal City 60416-1016, 815-634-0049, kcmiller27@ att.net Lay Speaking Directors Conference Director – Ava Williams, 324 W. Union St., Nokomis 62075-1642, 217563-7439, [email protected] District Directors CRD - Mary Beth Woolard, 903 N. Cochran St., West Frankfort 62896-3719, 618932-3372, [email protected] 338 Conference Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Jeanne Wright, 300 N Jefferson St., PO Box 372, Valier 62891-0372, 618724-7642, [email protected] ERD - Carol Martin, 1004 W. Evergreen Ave., Effingham 62401-1708, 217-3425886, [email protected] ILD - Russ Theobald, PO Box 5334, Morton 61550-5334, 309-264-0780, [email protected] IRD - Alora Bowles, 914 W. Columbia Ave., Champaign 61821-2742, 217-3592142, [email protected] KRD - Sally Schofield, 12672 Old Highway 50, Clay City 62824-2200, 618-6627862, gmahoney2@ frontier.com Cheryl Cain, 210 N. Spruce St., Patoka 62875-1049, 618-432-9036, ccain@ igrc.org, [email protected] Sheron Murray, 28232 College Rd., Centralia 62801-7802, 618-532-3016, [email protected] LRD - Peg Ratliff, PO Box 287, Griggsville 62340-0287, 217-833-2377, pegrat99@ yahoo.com MRD - Mike Allway, 19314 Dabbs North Rd., Jerseyville 62052-6685, 618-498-2464, [email protected] SRD - Barb Norem, 3420 S. Marilyn Dr., Decatur 62521-8888, 217-864-5948, [email protected] SPD - Lisa Unger, 962 N. Seminary St., Galesburg 61401-2854, 309-343-8250, [email protected] VRD - Jill Bunker, PO Box 412, Mazon 60444-0412, 815-448-2013, jill_bunker@ yahoo.com United Methodist Women Conference President - Sally Smith, 902 Eldridge St., Washington 61571-2822, 309444-8516, [email protected] District Presidents CRD - Bev Trammel, 1008 Dorris Heights Rd., Harrisburg 62946, 618-252-4734, [email protected] ERD - Sharon Niksch, 8845 N. State Highway 49, Casey 62420-3220 ILD - Johnnie Locker, 10615 N. Sleepy Hollow Rd., Peoria 61615-1121, 309-6923500, [email protected] IRD - Judy Stoll, 1463 Harper Dr., Rantoul 61866, 217-893-4410, [email protected] KRD - Diane Goff, RR 1, Box 182B, Grayville 62844, 618-375-7824, dianegoff@ hotmail.com LRD - Joye Anderson, 1324 Hamann Ln., Quincy 62305-1101, 217-222-7477 MRD - Nancy Compton, 1905 Monticello Pl., Edwardsville 62025-2653, 618-6921462, [email protected] SRD - Virginia McQuistion, 3620 Karen Ct., Decatur 62526, 217-877-2217, [email protected] SPD - Mary Ann Harvey, 3601 25th St., Rock Island 61201-6901, 309-786-2062, the [email protected] VRD - Teedra Hudson, 22243 Clarksville Rd., Lexington 61753-7680, 309-365-8735, [email protected] Conference Directory 339 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook United Methodist Men Conference President - Jim Bolinger, 401 S. Park St., Unit 16, PO Box 461, Findlay 62534-0461, 217-827-6337, [email protected] District Presidents CRD ERD - Ben Dawdy, 717 Park Pl., Shelbyville 62565-9358, 217-774-4526, bldawdy@ consolidated.net ILD - Jerry Motsinger, 1004 McMullen Rd., Bartonville 61607-1643, 309-697-8041, [email protected] IRD - Alan Patton, 201 Eldorado Dr., Tuscola 61953-2111, 217-253-3208, [email protected] KRD - Leon Johnson, RR 3, Box 298, Albion 62806-9582, 618-445-3605, HJIimpls. aol.com LRD MRD - Bill Lawrence, 4922 Lawrence Dr., Fairview Heights 62208-3447, 618-2367311, [email protected] SRD - George Kastl, 4145 Turner Dr., Decatur 62521-4374, 217-422-2344, [email protected] SPD - Bill Schumaker, PO Box 62, Maquon 61458-0062, 309-875-3458, [email protected] VRD - Dave Paterson, 105 N. 3rd St., PO Box 812, Roanoke 61561-0812, 309-9237673, [email protected] Miscellaneous Listings InfoServ - General Church information, including contact information for UM churches and pastors, [email protected], www.infoserv.umc.org Center for Parish Development - 738 E. Dundee Rd., Palatine 60074-2858, 773-7521596, [email protected], www.missionalchurch.org (Exists to assist churches to discern and participate in God’s mission in fresh ways for today’s changing context) Cokesbury - 201 8th Ave. South, PO Box 801, Nashville, TN 37202-0801 (for ordering and inquiries) 1-800-672-1789, Fax 1-800-445-8189, www.cokesbury.com, customer service -- [email protected] Common Place Family Learning Center - 514 S. Shelley St., Peoria 61605-1837, 309-674-3315, Fax 309-674-0627, [email protected], www. commonplacepeoria.org Curric-U-Phone - Curriculum Resources - UM Publishing House 1-800-251-8591 (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CST M-F), [email protected] General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits – 1901 Chestnut Ave., Glenview 60025-1604 (8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CST M-F) 1-800-851-2201, Fax 847-4755061, www.gbophb.org Illinois Great Rivers Conference web page - www.igrc.org ILCAAAP (Illinois Church Action on Alcohol & Addiction Problems) - 1132 W. Jefferson St., PO Box 2437, Springfield 62705-2437, 217-546-6871, 1-866940-6871, Fax 217-546-2814, [email protected], www.ilcaaap.org Illinois Conference of Churches – 2160 S. 6th St., Ste. D2, Springfield 62703-3459, 217-522-7099, [email protected], www.ilconfchurches.org 340 Conference Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook National Council of Churches - 475 Riverside Dr., Suite 800, New York, NY 10115, 212-870-2227, Fax 212-870-2030, www.ncccusa.org Northern Illinois Conference - 77 W. Washington St., Suite 1820, Chicago 606023181, 1-800-382-3114, 312-346-9766, Fax 312-346-9730, www.umcnic.org Presbytery of Great Rivers – 1230 W Candletree Dr., Ste. D, Peoria 61614-1589, 309-683-6980, 1-800-537-8592, Fax 309-683-6983, www.greatriverspby.org Presbytery of Southeastern Illinois - 1360 W. Main St., Decatur 62522-1948, 217423-1396, 1-800-456-7734 (Illinois residents only), Fax 217-423-2868, www. psei.net United Methodist Communications (EcuFilm) – PO Box 320, Nashville, TN 372020320, 1-888-346-3862 (7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CST M-Th, 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. CST F), www.ecufilm.org; For ordering booklets, brochures, calendars, leaflets, offering envelopes, posters, videos and other resources - 1-888-3463862, Fax 615-742-5499, [email protected], www.umcom.org/store; www. techshopministry.org, [email protected] (Discount software, hardware and web solutions for UMCs) The Upper Room, Discipleship Resources – PO Box 340012, Nashville, TN 372030012, 1-800-972-0433, Fax 615-340-7284 (8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. CST M-F) The Upper Room, Living Prayer Center - 1908 Grand Ave., PO Box 340004, Nashville, TN 37203-0004, 1-800-251-2468 (24 hours) (7:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m. CST M-F), [email protected], www.Upperroom.org/prayer, prayer@ upperroom.org; Book orders 1-800-972-0433; Subscriptions for The Upper Room, PO Box 420235, Palm Coast, FL 32142 Cynthia Fierro Harvey, Associate General Secretary of UMCOR Conference Directory 341 Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Dr. Paul Chilcote, Professor of Historical Theology & Wesleyan Studies and Director of the Center for Applied Wesleyan Studies at Ashland Theological Seminary in Ohio Mike McCurry, former press secretary under President Bill Clinton and lay person in the Baltimore-Washington Conference, spoke at the Imagine No Malaria dinner. 342 Conference Directory Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Illinois Great Rivers Conference Clergy Directory Clergy Directory Clergy Directory 343 Clergy Directory 344 Clergy Directory RE RD RP RA RL DR OE OD OA OP OF EP DP + Retired Full Member Elder Retired Full Member Deacon Retired Probationary Member Retired Associate Member Retired Local Pastor Retired Diaconal Minister Elder Member of other Annual Conference or other Methodist Denomination Deacon Member of other Annual Conference Associate Member of other Annual Conference Probationary Member of other Annual Conference Full Member of other denomination Elder/full minister recognized from other denomination serving UM probation Deacon recognized from other denomination serving UM probation Attended 2011 Annual Conference Excused from 2011 Annual Conference C: 1212 Butzow Dr., Ste. B, Urbana 61802-2006 H: 2809 Clayton Blvd., Champaign 61822-2355 C: 602 E. Pine St., Robinson 62454-3417 H: 918 S. Main St., PO Box 515, New Harmony, IN 47631 C: 214 W. Church St., PO Box 198, Sadorus, 61872-0198 H: 2703 Pine Valley Dr., Champaign 61822-7599 H: 5258 Manitou Rd., Littleton, CO 80123-1740 Adam, George F., Sr. (Evelyn) Adams, Andrew (Amy Jo) Quest Adams, Bessie (John) Robinson Otterbein-Hutsonville Adams, Robert Sadorus-Parkville Adams, Roy L. (Phyllis) C: 145 W. Main St., PO Box 443, Tiskilwa 61368-0443 H: 120 E. Main St., PO Box 443, Tiskilwa 61368-0443 H: 1191 Homestead Dr., Findlay, OH 45840-6590 Tiskilwa Community Church-Sheffield Abel, Mike (Mary Ann) 217-898-8161 303-347-8731 217-328-1445 217-273-4670 217-328-1532 fax 618-544-7617 812-682-5601 815-646-4614 815-646-4866 419-423-6976 RE SY OP FE RE FE Where 2 addresses or phone numbers are listed, the first one is the church or office and the second one is the home. FE Full Member Elder PE Probationary Elder FD Full Member Deacon PD Probationary Deacon AM Associate Member FL Full Time Local Pastor PL Part Time Local Pastor SP Student Local Pastor LP Other Local Pastor SY Supply Pastor, not appointed AF Affiliate Member DM Diaconal Minister HL Honorable Location SS Surviving Spouse DESIGNATION OF CONFERENCE RELATION Cache River District Embarras River District Illinois River District Iroquois River District Kaskaskia River District LaMoine River District Mississippi River District Sangamon River District Spoon River District Vermilion River District [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CRD ERD ILD IRD KRD LRD MRD SRD SPD VRD DISTRICT ABBREVIATIONS Clergy, Diaconal Ministers, and Spouses of Deceased Clergy IRD ERD IRD ILD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory C: 128 E. Illinois St., Arthur 61911-1330 H: 128 E. Park St., Arthur 61911-1323 H: c/o Cindy Thillet, 19 Forestwood Dr., Ferguson, MO 63135-2824 C: 1301 2nd Ave., Silvis 61282-1207 H: 1226 12th Ave., Moline 61265-3003 C: 1201 13th St., Moline 61265-3098 H: 1226 12th Ave., Moline 61265-3003 C: 308 E. 3rd St., PO Box 158, Kinmundy 62854-0158 H: 307 E. 3rd St., PO Box 158, Kinmundy 62854-0158 C: 509 7th St., PO Box 256, Mazon 60444-0256 H: 1607 Lucy St., Streator 61364-1220 H: 4074 Alpine Acres Ln., Brighton 62012-2908 H: 1323 Kenneth Dr., Bloomington 61704-8247 H: 332 Spencer St., Bethalto 62010-1613 O: 5900 S. 2nd St., PO Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207 H: 3 Anna Ln., Springfield 62703-5303 H: 984 W. Karen Dr., Decatur 62526-1442 H: 3912 25th Avenue Ct., Rock Island 61201-5701 Allison, Leroy B.(Marilyn) Arthur Althoff, Nathan Alvarado, Julio A. (Sonia L.) Silvis, Moline Bethel Wesley Alvarado, Sonia L. (Julio A.) Moline Bethel Wesley Ambrose, R. Duane (Margaret A.) Kinmundy First-Wesley Amenda, Mark (Lynn) Verona-Mazon Anders, Joyce (Paul) Anderson, Brent A. (Julie) Anderson, Helen Anderson, Keith E. (Alison) The Preachers’ Aid Society Anderson, Lillian Anderson, Marjolein (Steven E.) Leave of Absence Anderson, Roy D. (N. Gay) 345 Clergy Directory H: 11662 Pocahontas Rd., Marine 62061-1250 C: 274 W. Lane St., PO Box 39, Equality 62934-0039 H: H: PO Box 39, Equality 62934-0039 C: 131 N. Main St., Glen Carbon 62034-1613 H: 68 Glenwood Dr., Glen Carbon 62034-1020 C: 300 Sylvan Ave., PO Box 627, Grand Ridge 61325-0627 H: 340 Sylvan Ave., PO Box 257, Grand Ridge 61325-0257 H: 713 Henry St., Kewanee 61443-2851 C: 30 N. 6th St., Wood River 62095-2155 H: 606 10th St., Wood River 62095-2440 H: 307 E. Main St., PO Box 147, LaFayette 61449-0147 C: H: 21 Tecumseh Ct., Hopewell 61565-9407 C: 129 E. Main St., Albion 62806-1203 Adams, William (Cindy) Glen Carbon New Bethel Alderman, Lon (Julie) Grand Ridge-Long Point Allen, Anthony George (Jane) Allen, Kimberly A. (Mark) Wood River First Allen, William LaFayette-West Jersey Allin, Katherine L. Allin, Patricia (James T. Howe) Albion-Bethel Allison, James (Julie) Equality-Wesley Chapel-Ridgway Allison, Julie (James) 618-887-4439 309-792-0977 309-764-1874 309-764-0619 309-764-1874 618-547-7423 618-547-3415 815-448-5677 815-672-8932 618-372-4148 309-808-0914 618-377-2085 217-529-3221 217-725-6904 217-529-4162 fax 217-872-1763 309-737-8151 217-543-3159 217-543-2947 217-543-3556 fax 618-316-1360 618-214-0860 618-288-5700 309-229-3238 815-249-6614 815-249-6868 309-852-0220 618-254-1921 618-254-4245 309-995-3844 309-995-3371 309-274-2131 618-445-2555 618-445-3305 HL SS FE RL RE SS FE PL FE FE RE FE FE RE FL SS FE FL HL PL PL FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] MRD SRD SPD MRD VRD MRD SRD VRD KRD SPD SPD IRD CRD CRD ILD KRD ILD ILD MRD VRD MRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 346 H: 372 Brush Hill Rd., Carbondale 62901-5732 C: 500 N. Cleveland Ave., Bradley 60915-1004 H: 525 Jonette Ave., Bradley 60915-1119 H: 1307 Bobolink Dr., Washington 61571-1101 C: 1700 N. Towanda Ave., Normal 61761-5455 C: 154 E. Washington St., East Peoria 61611-2529 H: 100 Juniper Ln., East Peoria 61611-1523 C: 2818 N. University St., Peoria 61604-2610 H: 100 Juniper Ln., East Peoria 61611-1523 C: 1289 Ullin Rd., PO Box 165, Ullin 62992-0165 H: 1809 Wren Dr., Marion 62959-6455 C: 600 S. 1st Ave., Canton 61520-3011 H: 667 S. 2nd Ave., Canton 61520-3104 H: 926 S. Chicago St., Apt. 15, Geneseo 61254-1879 H: 307 S. Pleasant St., PO Box 88, Hutsonville 62433-0088 H: 360 W. Chestnut St., Canton 61520-2414 C: 510 Crawford St., Warsaw 62379-1237 H: 520 Crawford St., Warsaw 62379-1237 C: 1610 Ripley St., PO Box 291, Nauvoo 62354-0291 H: 520 Crawford St., Warsaw 62379-1237 H: 3540 E. Southport Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46227-7880 H: 702 Fairway Dr., Champaign 61820-6324 H: 1090 S. Nelson Ave., #3, Kankakee 60901-5674 Anthony, Andrew (Sherry) Bradley Wesley Armbrust, Wayne E.(Kathy) Armstrong, Grant (Amy) Normal Calvary Arnold, Mary (Paul) East Peoria First Arnold, Paul (Mary) Peoria University Atchison, Cecil (Sharon) Cross Road Atchley, Rick (Debra) Canton South Park-Shields’ Chapel Atkins, Maxine Atwood, Ansel (Roberta) Austin, Dean T.(Linda) Azbell, Julie F.(Randy) Hamilton-Warsaw Azbell, Randy (Julie) Nauvoo Babb, David J. (Norma) Bacheller, David (Charis) Bade, Kenneth Allen Clergy Directory 815-933-7932 815-933-8431 815-933-8058 fax 309-444-2329 309-452-5413 309-452-1238 309-452-1057 fax 309-699-5417 309-839-1912 309-699-0417 fax 309-688-3486 309-839-1912 309-688-4576 fax 618-845-9068 618-997-6085 309-647-1242 309-647-5202 309-944-3458 618-563-4759 309-647-4163 217-256-3127 217-575-0029 217-453-2422 217-847-2742 317-780-9476 217-352-1442 815-933-9688 618-529-2693 C: 200 S. Locust St., PO Box 235, Loda 60948-0235 H: 202 S. Locust St., PO Box 235, Loda 60948-0235 H: 235 W. Field Dr., Red Bud 62278-1312 C: 1417 La Hermosa Dr., The Villages, FL 32162-0230 Anderson, Steve R. (Jill) Loda Andricks, Carol Anell, Marilyn R. (Tom) Transitional Leave Annable, John R. (Marilyn) 309-788-9384 309-737-9274 309-788-6484 fax 217-386-2237 217-386-2626 618-282-3440 309-368-8301 C: 1820 5TH Ave., Rock Island 61201-8119 H: 3912 25th Avenue Ct., Rock Island 61201-5701 Anderson, Steven E. (Marjolein) Rock Island Two Rivers Clergy Directory RE HL DR SY SS RL RE FE FL PL FE FE RE FE FE RE RE FD FE FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] casa.81@ frontier.com [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] IRD VRD SPD SPD ERD ILD LRD ILD CRD ILD ILD ILD VRD VRD CRD MRD IRD SPD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory 217-463-5455 618-632-1148 618-357-6111 618-357-9357 618-568-2570 217-422-7688 309-547-3920 309-633-1414 347 Clergy Directory H: 3014 Hopewell Rd., Sumner 62466-4765 H: 12427 E. 1200th Rd., Paris 61944-5919 H: 504 Rebecca Dr., O'Fallon 62269-2839 C: 315 W. South St., PO Box 86, Pinckneyville 62274-0086 H: 106 W. South St., PO Box 86, Pinckneyville 62274-0086 H: 212 N. 1st St., Elkville 62932-1021 H: 215 Bay Shore Dr., Decatur 62521-5532 C: 19472 E. Nuthatch Rd., PO Box 12, Lewistown 61542 H: 7902 S. Cameron Ln., Mapleton 61547-9613 H: 808 River St., Wilmington 60481-1385 Banks, Oren S. Ritchey and Essex Barber, Penelope H. (Howard Bell) Casey Barker, Don Fairview Barkley, O. Eugene (Jenny) Barnard, Ruth Barnett, James E. (Lynette L.) Pinckneyville Barnett, James F. (Ethel) Barnett, Vernie (Beverly) Barrett, Kathy Sue Mount Pleasant H: 5535 Timber Canyon St., San Antonio, TX 78250-4229 C: 187 W. Fulton St., Farmington 61531-1131 H: 317 S. Apple St., Farmington 61531-1408 Baldridge, Jerry Baldyga, Jessica (Eric) Farmington 217-932-5281 217-932-2024 217-932-5282 fax 618-936-2482 H: 232 W. 6th St., PO Box 163, Minonk 61760-0163 C: 18156 E. 1400 North Rd., Pontiac 61764-2985 H: 232 W. 6th St., PO Box 163, Minonk 61760-0163 C: 650 Luther Chapel Rd., Cypress 62923-2308 H: 986 W. Whitehill Rd., Cypress 62923-2315 H: 107 Sundown Dr., Wood River 62095-3336 C: 1210 S. 11th St., PO Box 534, Lawrenceville 62439-0534 H: 1401 Jefferson St., Apt. 105, Lawrenceville 62439-2042 H: 18 Allen Bend Dr., Decatur 62521-5429 C: 302 South St., PO Box 48, Buffalo 62515-0048 C: 700 N. Central St., PO Box 365, Casey 62420-0365 H: 706 E. Washington Ave., Casey 62420-2046 309-432-4171 815-844-3559 309-432-4171 618-657-2672 618-657-2668 618-659-9617 618-943-3042 618-943-8078 217-433-0989 217-364-5433 217-364-5434 fax 210-509-3119 309-245-4310 309-228-9242 309-245-4046 fax 815-476-7834 H: 116 Red Bud Ct., Arcola 61910-1606 Baker, Bruce Lee (Betsy) Hindsboro Baker, David Ross (Donna) Baker, Donna (David) McDowell Baker, Kenneth (Diane) Cypress and Center-Luther’s Chapel Baker, Marcia Baker, Marion Lawrenceville Otterbein-May Chapel Baker, Robert (Faye) Fountain of Life 217-526-3346 217-652-2997 618-534-2433 815-426-6169 815-426-6278 815-426-2819 fax 217-518-0005 C: 109 SE 5th St., PO Box 52, Morrisonville 62546-0052 H: 1202 W. Elm St., Taylorville 62568-1010 H: 523 John St., Murphysboro 62966-2264 C: 274 N. Elm St., PO Box 38, Herscher 60941-0038 H: 265 N. Elm St., PO Box 38, Herscher 60941-0038 Badman, Dayle (Kenneth) Morrisonville Bailey, Linda Sue Baird, Scott (Denise) Herscher RE RE PL HL SS FE SY FE RL SS PE RE SY SS SY SY RE SY RE PL AM RE, SS PL [email protected] jbarnett777@ frontier.com [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] pastorbaker1@ frontier.com [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CRD SRD ILD ERD MRD CRD KRD ERD VRD ILD SRD MRD KRD CRD VRD VRD IRD CRD VRD SRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 348 Clergy Directory C: 415 Division St., PO Box 128, Vergennes 62994-0128 H: 3102 W. Kent Dr., Carbondale 62901-1919 O: 1 Memorial Dr., Alton 62002-6722 H: 4808 Snow White Ter., Alton 62002-5830 H: 206 W. Route 33, Shumway 62461-1011 H: 206 W. Route 33, Shumway 62461-1011 H: 6 Pinecrest Cir., Belleville 62223-3519 C: 301 N. College Ave., Aledo 61231-1363 H: 305 N. College Ave., Aledo 61231-1363 C: 1000 W. Boone St., Salem 62881-1127 H: 20 Deer Path Dr., Salem 62881-1007 C: 413 E. Broadway St., Centralia 62801-3254 H: 612 Briarwood Dr., Centralia 62801-4461 H: 2404 Loring St., San Diego, CA 92109-2347 H: 613 W. Chestnut St., Mason City 62664-1325 H: 1464 Narcissus Dr., Estes Park, CO 80517-8530 H: 220 Westwind Dr., Alton 62002-2779 H: 18323 Illinois Route 185, Coffeen 62017-2216 C: 145 N. Eldon St., PO Box 37, Cisco 61830-0037 H: 150 W. North St., PO Box 37, Cisco 61830-0037 H: 1017 S. Mercer Ave., Bloomington 61701-7113 C: 201 E. Main St., Oblong 62449-1414 H: 706 E. Washington Ave., Casey 62420-2046 H: 1101 Winnebago Ave., Olmsted 62970-1109 Bayler, Denise (LaVon) Bayler, LaVon (Denise) Beach, Paul R. (Edith) Bealmear, Jeff (Lisa) Aledo Beals, Dean A. (Sharon) Salem Trinity-Iuka-Cubbage Chapel Beals, Rusty E. (Kim) Centralia First-Irvington Beam, Ramona A. Bear, Ada Beck, Dale A. (Peggy) Beck, Mary Lou Becker, Lawrence (Virginia) Beedy, Dennis Wayne (Diane) Cisco Belcher, J. Fred Bell, Howard S. (Penelope Barber) Oblong Evangelical Bellamy, Vera 217-482-3671 970- 586-3317 618-465-1183 217-534-2208 217-669-2446 217-669-2120 309-661-2328 618-592-3923 217-932-2024 618-592-6440 fax 618-742-8133 618-529-9018 618-463-7491 618-980-8649 618-463-7730 fax 217-868-2749 217-868-2749 618-397-0220 309-582-2169 309-582-2172 618-548-2625 618-548-1885 618-532-7361 618-533-8849 618-532-7362 fax 417-338-1700 217-732-2204 217-735-2184 fax 217-498-8859 573-374-0602 563-243-2114 618-487-5832 618-487-5737 618-487-5832 fax H: 481 Austin Pl., Branson West, MO 65737-8822 C: 302 Broadway St., Lincoln 62656-2018 H: PO Box 228, New Holland 62671-0228 H: 6137 Long Creek Dr., Rochester 62563-9775 H: 517 Timber Ridge Rd., Sunrise Beach, MO 65079-7317 H: 510 N. Bluff Blvd., Clinton, IA 52732 C: 606 E. Poplar St., Beecher City 62414-1218 Baughman, Angela N. (Matt) Vergennes Faith Baumberger, Bruce E. (Sandra K.) Alton Memorial Hospital 217-544-6031 H: 118 S 4th St., # 303, Springfield 62701-1204 Clergy Directory Barrett, William M. Incapacity Leave Barrick, Ronald L. (Donna) Barrow, Becky (Steven) Logan County Parish Bass, Gary D. Bassett, Raymond E. (Louise) Batz, Donald L. (Aleta) Bauer, Paul R. Beecher City-Shumway SS RA FE SS SS RE SS RE FE FE FE SS RE RE FE FE PL RE AM SS RE RE RE FE FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CRD VRD ERD MRD KRD SRD [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SRD KRD KRD ERD ERD MRD SPD MRD CRD ERD SRD SRD SRD [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 618-263-3455 618-262-7083 618-987-2844 309-755-3816 309-299-2356 C: 512 N. Mulberry St., Mount Carmel 62863-2044 H: 307 E. 6th St., Mount Carmel 62863-2002 H: PO Box 271, Hurst 62949-0271 C: 412 2nd Ave., PO Box 128, Hampton 61256-0128 H: 308 Raleigh Ct., Normal 61761-3227 H: PO Box 325, Sheffield 61361-0325 C: 339 Frank Scott Pkwy E., Fairview Heights 62208-3936 H: 1917 Cedarwood Trl., Belleville 62226-7848 H: 322 E. Foster St., Olney 62450-1928 C: 6325 W. Main St., Maryville 62062-5783 H: 809 Rolling Meadows Dr., Maryville 62062-6658 H: 4351 N. County Road F, Stone Lake, WI 54876-4028 H: 3497 Rocky Branch Rd., Metropolis 62960-3071 H: 1112 Annis Ave., Mattoon 61938-6015 H: 3012 Winterwood Dr., Springfield 62704-6490 C: 1570 Reed Ave., Springfield 62704-4866 O: 5900 S. 2nd St., PO Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207 Bissey, Ada Belle Bjorklund, Sigurd N. (Beth McLaughlin) Maryville Saint Luke’s Black, Donald R. (Doris) Black, Earl R. (Benita) Black, Eugene F.(Helen) Black, Paul E. (Carolyn L.) Springfield Jerome Clergy Directory 349 Clergy Directory Conference Director of Communications 618-684-5511 C: 2201 County Road 900 E, Champaign 61822-9420 H: 1706 Ridge Rd., Champaign 61821-5627 H: 1036 Donation Dr., Virginia Beach, VA 23455-6161 C: 110 S. Main St., PO Box 27, Ellis Grove 62241-0027 H: 19 Shiloh Dr., Edwardsville 62025-3211 H: 14809 Remington Rd., Marion 62959-9310 H: 19289 Highway 127, Vergennes 62994-1607 Berry, Rachel Mount Vernon Best, Dale E. (Marilyn Ann) Best, John P. (Judith) Ellis Grove-New Palestine-Preston Bierman, Nell Bigham, Tena R. (Roy) Family Leave Bigley, David Mount Carmel Trinity-Adams Corner Billiot, Gary (Judy) Energy, Hurst Bishop, Nicole Ross (James) East Moline Grace-Hampton Bishop, Perry E. Bishop, Richard A. (Evonne) Incapacity Leave Bishop, Shane (Melissa) Fairview Heights Christ 618-277-4659 618-531-3569 618-277-4525 fax 618-395-2508 618-345-9911 618-345-1414 618-345-0020 fax 715-865-3089 618-524-5447 217-234-7258 217-793-6483 217-546-2241 217-529-2040 520-803-9480 618-277-4659 618-234-2735 618-277-4525 fax 217-359-6183 217-359-0196 757-652-2500 618-859-2731 618-659-1143 H: 5273 E. Polly Dr., Hereford, AZ 85615-5802 C: 339 Frank Scott Pkwy E., Fairview Heights 62208-3936 H: 4619 Blumberg Ln., Fairview Heights 62208-3882 Benton, Betty Benton, Troy Fairview Heights Christ 715-543-2901 618-443-4145 H: 9748 Island Estates Pl., Apt. 110, Minocqua, WI 54548 H: 102 Patricia St., Sparta 62286-1928 Bender, Eula Mae Bennett, Marvin C. (Judy) RE RE RE SY SS FE FE RE LP SY FE SS PL SS FE RE FE SY SS FE SS RA 217-529-4155 fax [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CRD ERD SRD KRD MRD MRD VRD ILD SPD CRD KRD CRD CRD MRD IRD MRD MRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 350 Blackburn, H. Dean (Nancey) C: 220 W. Locust St., PO Box 146, Medora, 62063-0146 Medora-Piasa H: 4713 Snow White Ter., Alton 62002-5829 Blank-Ewell, Karen H: 1204 W. South Ave., Bluford 62814-1029 Bluford Otterbein-Wayne City & Dir of Pastoral Care & Counseling Blankenship, Carol H: 406A W. Saint Louis Ave., Effingham 62401-2235 Blythe, Donna (Tom) C: 7741 City Lake Rd., DuQuoin 62832-3403 Sunfield Bocox, Glen W. (Susan K.) C: 1302 E. South Mahomet Rd., Mahomet 61853-3729 Mahomet H: 1213 Partridge Ct., Mahomet 61853-9438 Clergy Directory H: PO Box 6222, Bloomington 61702-6222 C: 106 W. Goold St., PO Box 46, Braceville 60407-0046 H: 513 S. Mitchell St., Braceville 60407-9745 C: 210 N. Richard Pryor Pl., Peoria 61605-2348 H: 509 N. Spring Grove Dr., Peoria 61605-2294 H: 17157 Bankhead Blvd., Fairhope, AL 36532-4033 H: 84 Crista Ann Ct., Bloomington 61704-4171 H: 1132 Memorial Dr., Macomb 61455-3130 H: 12986 Whipporwill Ln., Creal Springs 62922-3802 C: C: 603 W. Saint Louis St., Lebanon 62254-1317 H: 516 W. Saint Louis St., Lebanon 62254-1520 H: 3609 N. High Ridge Dr., Peoria 61614-8022 Bogart, J. Ronald (Doris) Boggs, Andrea Lee (David) Braceville Booker-Jones, Rose Mary Peoria Bethel Borah, Max W. (Patricia) Bortell, James B.(Roberta) Boussaard, Suzanne Bowers, Donald (Dolores) Fountain Boyd, Richard (Marilyn) Lebanon First Boyer, Deron K. (Shanna) Leave of Absence Bradburn, Charles A. (Marilyn) H: 4556 Tower Grove Pl., Saint Louis, MO 63110-3413 H: 1407 E. Amy Dr., Mahomet 61853-2724 C: 206 E. 10th St., Gibson City 60936-1404 H: 212 E. 10th St., Gibson City 60936-1404 Bodeen, Harold Q. Boesen, Kevin (Joan) Gibson City H: 2800 Via Rosso St., Unit 199, Springfield 62703-5846 C: 201 W. Walnut St., PO Box 45, Robinson 62454-0045 H: 804 N. Scott Dr., Robinson 62454-1108 H: 2800 Via Rosso St., Unit 199, Springfield 62703-5846 Black, Tiffany S. Robinson First Blackard, Floyd R. (Bobbi) Benefits Office Assistant Blackard, Bobbi (Floyd R.) Clergy Directory 319-772-2979 618-996-2517 618-964-1480 618-537-6622 618-537-4995 618-537-4571 fax 309-370-7285 309-830-5897 618-433-1383 618-732-8285 618-732-8629 217-347-8732 618-542-6726 618-542-3848 217-586-2147 217-590-2905 217-586-3431 fax 217-586-1661 217-784-5452 217-784-8123 217-784-5543 fax 309-268-9649 815-237-8512 815-237-2067 815-237-2067 fax 309-676-7321 309-360-4370 309-676-1061 fax 217-585-0491 618-544-8016 618-544-8744 217-585-0491 HL FE DM RE RE SS SY FE RE PL RE FE FE SS FE RE SY OE RL RE FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] cell 217-556-6414 [email protected] cell 217-825-7303 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] LRD ILD MRD VRD SPD CRD ILD VRD VRD IRD IRD IRD ERD CRD KRD MRD SRD SRD ERD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory 351 618-242-4337 608-943-6047 618-592-3217 618-592-6443 217-873-4992 217-877-7096 815-365-4223 815-365-2096 216-938-7418 216-791-3800 217-736-2967 618-676-1421 618-931-3220 205-387-1953 618-643-2066 309-647-1015 309-647-8212 618-937-3603 217-942-3445 217-882-5021 217-854-6912 847-458-2276 618-997-8937 217-483-1363 765-349-9189 H: 433 N. Macon St., Bement 61813-1028 C: 401 E. Broadway St., Virginia 62691-1212 H: 433 E. Broadway St., Virginia 62691-1212 H: 401 S. Moreland Rd., Apt. 223, Bethalto 62010-2120 H: 208 Zachery Dr., Apt. 223, Mount Vernon 62864-6743 H: 12207 LaPlatte Rd., Montfort, WI 53569-9708 C: 112 N. Range St., PO Box 58, Oblong 62449-0058 H: 104 W. Illinois St., Oblong 62449-1129 C: 241 S. Broadway St., PO Box 708, Lovington 61937 H: 252 Hickorywood Dr., Decatur 62526-1859 C: 35900 E. 3200 North Rd., PO Box 63, Reddick 60961 H: 110 Gall St., PO Box 63, Reddick 60961-0063 H: 3680 Brinkmore Rd., Cleveland Heights, OH 44121 O: H: 350 Water St., PO Box 275, Weldon 61882-0275 H: 320 N. 1st St. NW, Clay City 62824-1006 H: 24 Westgate Dr., Granite City 62040-3024 H: 440 County Road 3924, Arley, AL 35541-2445 H: RR 4, Box 287, McLeansboro 62859-9495 C: 120 N Avenue A, Canton 61520-2504 H: 1615 N. Main St., Canton 61520-1045 H: 705 E. Lindell St., West Frankfort 62896-1324 C: 426 Maple St., PO Box 293, Carrollton 62016-0293 H: 2147 Nichols Ln., Murrayville 62668-8063 H: 1200 University St., Room 316, Carlinville 62626-9600 H: 3317 Willow Ln., Island Lake 60042-9488 H: 1402 McCluskie St., Marion 62959-4562 H: 112 Lilac Ln., Chatham 62629-8045 H: 1960 E. Ely Ct., Martinsville, IN 46151 Bramlett, Sue Braswell, William T. (Brenda) Virginia Brawley, Melody Incapacity Leave Brewer, Beckie Brewer, Marilyn F. (Richard) Incapacity Leave Brewer, Tom (Delores) Oblong Central Bricker, Larry (Janiss) Okaw River Parish Brooks, Dennis Paul Reddick-South Wilmington Brown, Carl James (Nicole) VA Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio Brown, Daniel G. (Patricia) Brown, C. Dean (Shirley) Brown, Doris Brown, Fumiko Brown, Karol Brown, Marc (Laura) Canton Wesley Brown, R. Paul (Dorothy) Brown, Sara Carrollton-Christ Brownfield, Richard C. (Mary) Browning, Dorothy Browning, William G. (Lily Ann) Bruce, Willa (James Blackburn) Bryan, Lawrence D. (Marjorie) Clergy Directory 815-832-4935 815-832-4923 217-864-5261 217-433-2396 217-356-9078 217-386-2936 217-356-9270 fax 217-649-8903 217-452-3534 217-452-7451 618-377-2086 C: 90 North St., PO Box 151, Saunemin 61769-0151 H: 43 Main St., PO Box 81, Saunemin 61769-0081 C: 6960 E. Firehouse Rd., Decatur 62521-9556 H: RR 1, Box 191, Findlay 62534-9630 C: 210 W. Church St., Champaign 61820-3513 H: 102 Chickasaw Ln., Loda 60948-9685 Bradford, Jane (Bob) Saunemin Bradford, Pamela S. (Larry) Long Creek-Dalton City Brady, Mary M. (Ronald) Champaign First RE RL RE RL RE RE PL HL RA SS SS RL FE FE FE PL FE SS FE FE SS FE FE FL PL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] dkb287@ frontier.com [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CRD SRD LRD CRD LRD CRD ILD IRD KRD MRD VRD SRD ERD KRD MRD IRD LRD IRD SRD VRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 352 Clergy Directory Buss, Gaylord E. (Macel) Cain, Cheryl Alma-Pleasant Grove Klein & Busick Christian Counseling Serv. Burton, William (Carli) Springfield Asbury Burwell, Stephen D. (Susan) Homer Busick, Stephen (Cindy) Burrill, Roy E. (Jean) Burroughs, Donald (Donna) H: 3890 NW 4th Ct., Coconut Creek, FL 33066-1804 C: 515 Illinois St., PO Box 11, Alma 62807-0011 H: 210 N. Spruce St., Patoka 62875-1049 C: 1229 S. Grand Ave. E., Springfield 62703-2620 H: 4091 Spaulding Orchard Rd., Springfield 62711-7314 C: 301 S. Main St., Homer 61849-1317 H: 305 S. Main St., Homer 61849-1317 O: 2305 Village Green Pl., Ste. C, Champaign 61822-7671 H: 303 E. Orchard Dr., Mahomet 61853-3684 H: 109 Lake Warren Dr., Monmouth 61462-9600 H: 14 Culpepper Ct., Edwardsville 62025-3205 H: 139 S. Elm St., Paxton 60957-1217 C: 109 Bradbury St., PO Box 137, Deer Creek 61733-0137 H: 218 W. Clark St., Morton 61550-1519 H: 1298 Lodge Pole Ln., Normal 61761-9380 C: 209 W. Lincoln St., PO Box 437, DeSoto 62924-0437 Burgener, Steve (Sandra) Burkhart, Donald A. Deer Creek Burnett, Lillian Burnett, Susan DeSoto-Vergennes Wesley-Hallidayboro H: 13765 E. Salem Church Rd., Mount Vernon 62864-7913 C: 2010 N. Cherry St., Mount Carmel 62863-2845 H: 210 Kieffer Ave., Mount Carmel 62863-2829 C: 1709 Cleveland Rd., Colona 61241-8904 H: 101 Thornwood Ave., Colona 61241-8824 C: 1201 N. Fair St., Marion 62959-3705 H: 2208 Darren Dr., Marion 62959-4752 Bumpus, Lloyd (Kathleen) Bunnage, William (Rhonda) Mount Carmel Evangelical Bunnell, Sandy (Don) Colona Burgard, Kenneth P. (Jessica) Marion Aldersgate H: 433 Buena Vista St., Edwardsville 62025-2072 H: 644 Potomac Pl., Smyrna, TN 37167-9349 C: 322 East St., PO Box 200, Maquon 61458-0200 H: 621 S. Main St., PO Box 47, Maquon 61458-0047 H: 420 E. 29th St., Davenport, IA 52803-1610 H: 406 Iris Ln, Carmi 62821-1711 C: PO Box 85, Mount Erie 62446-0085 H: 712 Highview Rd., East Peoria 61611-1728 O: 612 Oglesby Ave., Normal 61761-1888 H: 3551 Silverado Trl., Normal 61761-9536 Clergy Directory Bryant, Betty Bryant, Mildred Bryce, Carol Sue Maquon-Douglas-Orange Chapel Buck, Daniel M. (Dorothea) Buckman, Michael L. (Diane) Enterprise-West Bultemeier, David L. (JoAnne) Bultemeier, Lori The Baby Fold 217-522-8147 217-546-8568 217-896-2038 217-896-2551 217-363-1700 217-356-4347 217-363-1702 fax 954-935-5733 618-547-9811 618-432-9036 309-734-2492 618-307-5083 618-867-2340 618-656-8571 615-220-4030 309-875-3572 309-875-3353 563-383-0185 618-382-7867 618-854-2268 309-699-3014 309-557-1075 309-830-3078 309-454-9257 fax 618-242-0652 618-263-6561 618-262-4474 309-792-1661 309-441-5687 618-997-6065 618-969-9439 618-993-1322 fax 217-379-2594 309-447-6529 309-472-7829 RE SY FD AM OF RE RE SS PL RE PL FE FE RE AM RE FD RE PL SS RA OE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] KRD IRD IRD SRD SPD MRD VRD CRD IRD ILD CRD SPD KRD KRD ILD VRD SPD KRD SPD MRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory 309-387-6101 618-755-4526 313-271-8552 618-395-1500 618-393-6796 618-393-7108 fax 217-345-3917 217-345-4949 217-345-3922 fax 618-964-1759 815-945-7155 815-844-2611 815-945-4413 fax 815-842-1157 815-844-2611 815-844-6425 fax 217-466-4217 217-324-6018 217-532-3734 217-532-2811 618-329-5404 H: 115 Sheffield Rd., Groveland 61535-9648 H: 20090 N. Stratford Ln., Mount Vernon 62864-8946 H: 22906 Beech St., Dearborn, MI 48124-2665 C: 335 S. Fair St., Olney 62450-2237 H: C: 2206 4th St., Charleston 61920-3903 H: 729 Franklin St., Charleston 61920-3128 H: 12029 Malibu Ln., Marion 62959-8664 C: 204 S. Division St., Chenoa 61726-1108 H: 1104 Bailey Dr., Pontiac 61764-1212 C: 219 N. Chicago St., Pontiac 61764-1911 H: 1104 Bailey Dr., Pontiac 61764-1212 H: 108 W. 13th St., Danville 61832-7558 H: 1106 S. Chestnut St., Litchfield 62056-2414 C: 537 Rountree St., PO Box 26, Hillsboro 62049-0026 H: 8 Westwood Dr., Hillsboro 62049-1057 H: 5570 Wilson Rd., PO Box 76, Oakdale 62268-0076 Carlson, Walter B. (Debby) Charleston Wesley Carlton, Donald G. (Irene) Carnes, Carolyn (Scott) Chenoa Carnes, Scott (Carolyn) Pontiac First Carrell, Lenora Carriker, Esther F. Caschetta, Joy (Jim) 353 H: 295 Village Ln., Apt. 36, Greenwood, IN 46143-2467 C: 14100 State Route 4, Auburn 62615-9788 H: 320 N. 6th St., Auburn 62615-1114 H: 5250 Connemara Dr NE, Rochester, MN 55906-2023 H: 8509 Atrium Dr., Apt. 215, Louisville, KY 40220-4024 C: 214 NW 2nd Ave., Galva 61434-1314 H: 203 NW 2nd Ave., Galva 61434-1313 Catlin, Maryetta Caughlan, Brian (Frances Weller) Auburn Cha, David (Sarah) Challman, Merrill O. (Bethal) Champion, Ann Marie Neighbors in Christ Parish Clergy Directory 618-632-2354 618-624-6864 618-632-4159 fax 317-865-3884 217-438-3126 217-438-6420 217-438-6623 fax C: 504 E US Highway 50, O’Fallon 62269-2827 H: 703 S. Smiley St., O’Fallon 62269-2318 502-493-1989 309-932-2460 309-932-2407 618-624-6864 H: 703 S. Smiley St., O’Fallon 62269-2318 Catlin, Donna B. (Joel P.) Incapacity Leave Catlin, Joel P. (Donna) O’Fallon First Caswell, Mary Lou (Forrest) Montgomery Good Shepherd’s Parish 815-270-0515 618-676-1685 H: 5773 Flagler Dr., Roscoe 61073-8896 C: 413 S. Main St., PO Box 431, Clay City 62824-0431 Campbell, Allen (Jan) Canada, Mark R. (Tina) Trinity Charge Candler, T. Owen (Ida) Capps, John (Linda) Carlson, Lewis Walter Carlson, Scott W. (Patricia) Olney First RE RE FE SS FE FE FE RL SS RL AM PE RE FL FE RE RL HL FE RA FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SPD SRD MRD MRD MRD IRD MRD ERD VRD CRD VRD ERD KRD ILD KRD KRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 354 Clergy Directory Clark, Terry L. (Janice) Clayton, Jim LaHarpe-Durham-Terre Haute Cline, Herschel (Harriet) Coatney, Bill M. Pleasant Grove Cochran, David (Jan) Tate’s Chapel Cochran, Pamela (James) Norris-Providence Chapel Cockrel, Jon E. (Betty) Coffey, Betty J. Buckeye-Owaneco Coffey, Clayton (Joyce) 217-367-0956 618-299-3639 618-382-3535 309-264-2805 309-647-5809 618-524-7713 217-879-2565 217-879-2810 618-247-3857 H: 1004 Brighton Dr., Urbana 61801-6321 H: PO Box 58, Lancaster 62855-0058 H: 1361 County Road 900 E, Carmi 62821-4911 H: 1114 W. Lake Ave., Peoria 61614-5936 C: H: 31 Samantha Ln., Metropolis 62960-4304 C: 101 S. Church St., PO Box 57, Owaneco 62555-0057 H: C: 101 E. Missouri Ave., PO Box 22, Sandoval 62882-0022 H: 8 Niblick Ln., PO Box 288, Sherman 62684-0288 C: 102 N. 1st St., PO Box 536, LaHarpe 61450-0536 217-367-7932 217-419-5133 217-436-2120 217-438-6910 309-827-3629 217-243-2562 309-736-7512 309-364-2634 309-453-3813 309-968-6226 309-968-6067 309-968-6226 fax 217-622-0350 217-659-7511 309-353-1073 618-622-0338 309-772-9407 309-772-3636 309-772-2328 fax 618-326-7359 618-749-5745 618-281-7371 217-625-8335 217-607-0003 C: 1203 W. Green St., Urbana 61801-2905 H: 204 Kenwood Rd., Apt. 307, Champaign 61821-2958 C: 109 E. Lewis St., PO Box 297, Palmyra 62674-0297 H: 405 E. Madison St., Auburn 62615-9363 H: 2104 Timberview Dr., Bloomington 61701-7827 H: 109 Leland Lake Dr., Jacksonville 62650-2690 - summer H: 1829 38th St., Moline 61265-4445 C: 225 Lincoln St., PO Box 68, Henry 61537-0068 H: 705 Curtis Ct., Eureka 61530-1608 C: 109 S. Washington St., PO Box 447, Manito 61547-0447 H: 105 S. Washington St., PO Box 472, Manito 61546-0472 C: 116 N. Church St., PO Box 5, Mulberry Grove 62262-0005 H: 401 Mulberry Grove Rd., Keyesport 62253-2112 H: 1530 Hill Top Rd., Columbia 62236-4536 H: 180 Joan Dr., Divernon 62530-9744 H: 1306 Cobblestone Way, Champaign 61822-2070 H: 1512 Martha St., Pekin 61554-5036 H: 16 Eden Park Blvd., Shiloh 62269-2995 C: 390 N. Crafford St., Bushnell 61422-1450 H: 348 N. Crafford St., Bushnell 61422-1450 Clergy Directory Champlin, David (Karen) Chapman, Robert G. (Louise M.) Chapman, Trisha L Bushnell-Avon-New PhiladelphiaPoint Pleasant Chase, Robert (Pamela) Mulberry Grove-Pleasant Mound Chase, Ronald G. (Renda) Chew, Carole Fields Chin, Jennie Incapacity Leave Choi, Honam (Jeonghyun Kang) Urbana Jesus’ Love Ministry Chrisler, John (Tammy) Northwest Parish Chrisman, Richard A. (Anna Marie) Christian, Eva Christianson, Karen Churchman, Lindsay (Jennifer) Henry-Washburn Clark, Cathy Jean (Michael) Manito AM RE FE PL HL RE SY SY RE SY FL RE SS SS FE PL SY RE SS LP SY HL RE FL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] KRD CRD SRD ILD CRD IRD KRD SRD SPD ILD VRD LRD SPD ILD LRD IRD MRD SRD IRD MRD ILD MRD SPD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory 355 C: 113 N. Main St., PO Box 377, Saybrook 61770-0377 H: 2701 Northpointe Dr., Bloomington 61704-1408 C: PO Box 40, Bellmont 62811-0040 H: 104 W. Main St., Allendale 62410-9558 C: 308 E. Main St., Clinton 61727-1709 H: 24 Rosewood Dr., Clinton 61727-2462 Corbitt, James C. Corsaw, Ardith Smithfield Brock-Locust Lane Corum, Thomas D. (Stephanie) Champaign First Cott, Paulette K. (Greg) Cropsey-Saybrook Wesbein Courter, Vaughn (Sandra) Asbury Chapel-Bellmont Courtright, J. Gregory (Pamela) Clinton Clergy Directory H: 45 Dorchester Dr., Belleville 62223-2607 C: 178 E. State St., PO Box 46, Smithfield 61477-0046 H: 8442 E. Beaver Pass Rd., Smithfield 61477-9427 C: 210 W. Church St., Champaign 61820-3513 H: 1303 Parkview Dr., Champaign 61821-5014 Collister, Russell (Carol) Galva Grace Colthurst, Gene (Sharon) Compton, Thomas J. (Christine) Assumption-Findlay Connett, Marie Conrad, Larry Eugene (Suzanne) Conrad, Lawrence L. Cooke, Joanne Peppard Cooper, J. William (Carolyn) Cooper, James (Jackolyn) Appointed to Indiana Conference Copeland, Norma Jeane Copeland, Paul L. (Diane) Kewanee First 618-299-4062 217-935-5869 217-935-5463 217-935-6475 fax H: 301 N. 8 St., Apt. 221, Quincy 62301-2754 H: 803 Melody Ln., Herrin 62948-2420 H: 602 Koke Mill Rd., Springfield 62711-9618 H: 7622 Georgia Ln., Newburgh, IN 47630-9590 C: 108 SE 2nd St., Galva 61434-1782 H: 2711 E. 2250th St., Galva 61434-9342 H: 18953 Tomahawk Trl., Danvers 61732-7572 C: 209 N. Walnut St., Assumption 62510-1061 H: 205 N. Walnut St., Assumption 62510-1061 H: 110 Hickory St., Flora 62839-1022 H: 5415 Salish Rd., Blaine, WA 98230-9352 H: 208 Breezy Point Ct., Varna 61375-9652 H: 500 Centennial Dr., Apt. 522, East Peoria 61611-4970 H: 607 W. Main St., PO Box 303, Coffeen 62017-0303 C: 150 2nd St. NE, PO Box 552, Linton, IN 47441-0552 H: 279 A St. SE, PO Box 57, Linton, IN 47441-0057 H: PO Box 460, Sesser 62884-0460 C: 108 E. Central Blvd., Kewanee 61443-2246 H: 214 McKinley Ave., Kewanee 61443-2904 217-228-0284 618-988-1872 217-546-3772 812-490-9266 309-932-3143 309-932-2174 309-963-4154 217-226-4238 217-226-3997 618-662-2894 360-676-5740 309-463-2913 309-367-9432 217-534-6765 812-847-8263 812-847-6997 618-625-5057 309-853-4497 309-852-2453 309-854-9058 fax 618-398-2921 309-783-3171 309-293-2041 217-356-9078 217-356-5365 217-356-9270 fax 309-475-3211 309-663-6811 H: 16002 N. 2250 Ln., Allendale 62410-2114 Cogdill, David (Deborah) Chauncey-Landes Coker, Irene Cole, Helen Collins, John W. (Olive) th 618-247-3859 618-247-3859 fax 618-299-7384 H: 410 N. Broadway St., PO Box 22, Sandoval 62882-0022 Sandoval-Patoka-Boulder FE SY FL FE RE PL SS FE SS RE RA RE RE RE RL FE PL SS SS RE SY [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SRD KRD VRD IRD MRD ILD CRD ILD ILD ILD ERD KRD VRD SRD SPD LRD CRD SRD KRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 356 Clergy Directory 217-367-3728 217-531-5315 217-367-2896 fax 217-895-3880 309-661-6328 618-273-7811 618-273-3917 618-273-5952 fax C: 1301 N. Cunningham Ave., PO Box 878, Urbana 61803 H: 2705 Southwood Dr., Champaign 61821-5713 H: 1010 Locust Ave., Neoga 62447-1402 H: 2025 E. Lincoln St., #2116, Bloomington 61701-5995 C: 1007 3rd St., Eldorado 62930-1614 H: 1103 Washington St., Eldorado 62930-2202 Crede, Kelligay King (Daniel) Cunningham Children’s Home Creek, Gene Harmon-Montrose Croft, Louise Cross, John Eldorado-Raleigh H: 203 Lake Warren Dr., Monmouth 61462-9669 H: 853 Wade Rd., Longmont, CO 80503-7017 H: 8 Thornwood Ct., Moline 61265-6134 Crede, Daniel King (Kelligay) Urbana Wesley and Wesley Fndn at University of Illinois Crede, Henry D. (Beverly) Crede, Herbert A. (Louise) Crede, John R. (Barbara) Coord. of Congregational Development H: 416 Kinlaw Dr., Wilmore, KY 40390-1072 O: 5900 S. 2nd St., PO Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207 H: 308 E. Sale St., Tuscola 61953-1442 C: 1203 W. Green St., Urbana 61801-2905 H: 2705 Southwood Dr., Champaign 61821-5713 H: RR 1, Box 43, Huntsville 62344-9718 H: 708A Bent Tree Dr., Effingham 62401-3158 H: 2426 E. Winchester Pl., Chandler, AZ 85286-1216 H: 304 S. VanBuren St., Newton 62448-1643 Cox, Ronald H. (Carol) Craig, Esther Craig, Patricia Crain, Joe West Liberty-Kedron Cramer, Frederick C. (Bonnie) Crawford, Michael (Patty Johansen) 618-659-1984 217-429-5374 217-423-0103 217-429-8272 fax 309-663-4643 217-423-4962 217-429-4758 217-398-0480 217-376-3209 618-564-2597 618-462-2495 618-979-2189 618-462-7764 fax 217-667-2932 217-347-5273 480-985-7756 618-783-2383 618-783-4430 fax 606-858-3744 217-529-3219 217-299-4820 217-344-1120 217-531-5315 217-344-1830 fax 309-734-8471 303-776-0428 309-517-4666 H: 2104 Peirce Ave., Bloomington 61701-5811 C: 1503 N. Summit Ave., Decatur 62526-3405 H: 1565 N. Summit Ave., Decatur 62526-3405 H: 2113 Georgetown Cir., Champaign 61821-6421 H: 610 E. North St., PO Box 143, Emden 62635-0143 H: 410 W. 4th St., PO Box 68, Brookport 62910-0068 C: 1400 Main St., Alton 62002-3934 H: 2600 Benbow Ave., Alton 62002-3939 H: 8825 Rosewood Hills Dr., Edwardsville 62025-7038 C: 901 N. Main St., Decatur 62521-1027 H: 3297 E. Lost Bridge Rd., Decatur 62521-4801 Cox, Eleanor Cox, Kelly Gene (Kathy Jo) Decatur Christ Cox, Kenneth A. (Judy) Cox, Lotie Cox, Marjorie Cox, Nicole (Steve) Alton Main Street Cowan, Charlotte A. Cox, Danny F. (Carol) Decatur Grace Clergy Directory SS FE PL FE RE RE RE FE RE FE RL SS SS PL RE SS SS FE SS FL RE FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SPD [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] VRD CRD ERD IRD SPD IRD SRD ERD LRD ERD IRD SRD CRD MRD VRD SRD MRD SRD [email protected] 217-529-4162 fax [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook H: 4762 Orange Grove Way, Palm Harbor, FL 34684-4025 C: PO Box 267, Toledo 62468-0267 H: 300 N. Ohio St., PO Box 267, Toledo 62468-0267 H: 112 W. King St., Fairfield 62837-2524 H: 300 Madison St., Varna 61375-8921 H: 330 Donna Dr., Hopkinsville, KY 42240-5220 H: 2441 Huber Ln., Terre Haute, IN 47802-3467 Davis, Edward (Patti) Cumberland United Methodist Parish Davis, Frona Davis, Gloria Davis, Henry S. (Tamara J.) Davis, John E. (Irma) Clergy Directory 357 Clergy Directory C: 203 S. Church St., PO Box 58, Virden 62690-0058 H: 211 S. Church St., PO Box 58, Virden 62690-0058 H: 2150 Du Claire Rd., Decatur 62521-5581 H: 804 Hackett Ave., Jacksonville 62650-1518 C: 19789 S. Standard City Rd., Carlinville 62626 H: 17910 Ridge Dr., Carlinville 62626-2222 H: 2523 Pineway Dr., Burlington, NC 27215-4439 C: 101 E. Clinton St., PO Box 35, Fithian 61844-0035 H: 207 E. Clinton St., PO Box 143, Fithian 61844-0143 H: 40 Crista Ann Ct., Bloomington 61704-8699 H: 676 Park St., Hillsboro 62049-1925 H: 314 Davis Ave., Bloomington 61701-3315 Cunningham, Mary Alice Virden First-Girard Curry, Judith (Robert) Curry, Sue Curtis, John R., Jr. (Margy) Rural Cutlip, Isobel Dancey, Kim (Richard) Fithian-Oakwood-Hebron Daughenbaugh, Howard , Jr. (Judy) Davidson, Walter A. Davis, C. Raydean (Myla S.) Benefits Office Assistant Davis, David Coleman (Barbara) 727-781-1171 727-781-7181 fax 217-849-3864 217-849-2442 618-842-7474 309-463-2375 502-886-6330 217-548-2416 217-548-2379 309-662-6569 217-532-9440 309-829-3899 217-854-5137 309-257-2224 217-667-2395 309-944-6112 309-944-3798 309-944-6112 309-944-3798 618-234-6590 217-923-4034 407-679-4545 217-923-4034 618-928-2592 618-253-7023 618-294-4122 618-253-7890 fax 217-965-3674 217-965-3060 217-423-8988 217-602-0085 C: PO Box 58, Littleton 61452-0058 H: RR 1, Box 49, Huntsville 62344-9720 C: 28782 E. 2000th St., Prophetstown 61277-8839 H: 22966 E. 1680th St., Geneseo 61254-9096 C: 28782 E. 2000th St., Prophetstown 61277-8839 H: 22966 E. 1680th St., Geneseo 61254-9096 H: 18 Saint George Dr., Belleville 62221-3317 H: 300 E. Cincinnati St., PO Box 393, Greenup 62428-0393 H: c/o Legacy Planning Associates, 1850 Lee Rd., Ste. 320 Winter Park, FL H: 300 E. Cincinnati St., PO Box 393, Greenup 62428-0393 H: 705 8th St., Apt. 10, Lawrenceville 62439-2721 C: 122 W. Poplar St., Harrisburg 62946-1420 H: 7 Fairfax Dr., Harrisburg 62946-2877 217-228-7353 H: 2619 Brook Dr., Quincy 62301-7605 Crowcroft, Sidney (Harry) West Central Charge Croxton, Dixie (Ron) West Central Charge Crozier, James A. (Kathy) Loraine Crozier, Katherine E. (James) Loraine Cummins, Billie R. (Cynthia) Cummins, Carl (Loretta) Cummins, John W. Cummins, Loretta (Carl) Cummins, Thelma Cunningham, Christine (Tom) Harrisburg First SS RA RE RE FE RE RE RA RE RE SS RE SY SS FE FE RE RE RE RA SS FE FD PL RE SY FL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] cell 309-287-8976 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] KRD ILD ERD VRD ERD VRD IRD SRD LRD LRD LRD ERD KRD CRD MRD ERD SPD SPD LRD LRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 358 Clergy Directory 217-247-2153 217-443-4981 618-532-5224 618-292-3875 618-292-2543 217-418-8354 217-344-2478 618-351-9846 618-632-2354 618-624-4277 618-632-4159 fax 217-348-5966 C: 110 S. State St., PO Box 147, Ridge Farm 61870-0147 H: 1411 N. Logan Ave., Danville 61832-1613 C: 1314 Case St., Centralia 62801-5046 H: PO Box 43, Creal Springs 62922-0043 H: PO Box 43, Creal Springs 62922-0043 C: 352 County Road 2700 N., Mahomet 61853-9729 H: 506 S. Dodson Dr., Urbana 61802-4510 H: 4083 Giant City Rd., Carbondale 62902-7982 C: 504 E US Highway 50, O’Fallon 62269 H: 900 Southview Dr., O’Fallon 62269-2720 H: 331 W. Fryer Ave., Charleston 61920-1847 Desmond, George Ridge Farm-Indianola Deuel, William (Marcia K.) Centralia Faith-Central City Devor, Janice (Rolland) Devor, Rolland H., Jr. (Janice) Dahlgren-Macedonia Dickey, David (Sandra) Shiloh Dickey, Earl W. (Juanita) Dickinson, Ronald G. (Phyllis A.) O’Fallon First Dillman, Imogene H: 381 Capitol Dr., Unit A, Sugar Grove 60554-9151 410-377-9691 410-790-8935 O: 1000 Regester Ave., Baltimore, MD 21239-1515 H: 214 W. Seminary Ave., Lutherville, MD 21093-5337 Deninger, Eunice 217-746-2941 309-768-2150 618-407-5872 H: 403 Russell Ave., Apt. 716, Gaithersburg, MD 20877-2827 C: 2103 N. County Road 2090, Burnside 62330-4033 H: 210 140th Ave., Kirkwood 61447-9640 H: 1526 Sellars Rd., Winchester 62694-8731 Deffley, Harry K. (Barbara) Deisher, William I. (Ann) Burnside DeJarnett, Donald L. (Alice) Leave of Absence DeMent, James (Chris) Appt. to Baltimore-Washington Conf. 217-877-1441 217-875-5467 815-872-0087 815-454-2227 815-872-5044 fax H: 901 N. Main St., Room 324, Normal 61761-1501 C: 210 E. Ruehl St., PO Box 56, Forsyth 62535-0056 H: 209 S. Elwood St., PO Box 378, Forsyth 62535-0378 C: 440 Elm Pl., PO Box 544, Princeton 61356-0544 H: PO Box 643, Sheffield 61361-0643 Dees, David P. Dees, Kenneth D. (Gayle) Forsyth Dees-McMahon, Rebekah (Bruce Freedom House McMahon) 309-543-4725 309-543-3621 217-251-7980 618-246-9541 217-783-2108 217-783-2207 309-565-4513 309-565-7342 309-565-4513 fax C: 101 S. Broadway St., Havana 62644-1466 H: 102 S. Shawgo Ave., Havana 62644-1549 H: 511 N. Michigan Ave., Marshall 62441-1338 H: 12209 E. Meadows Dr., Mount Vernon 62864-2660 C: 3rd & Cedar Sts., PO Box 206, Cowden 62422-0206 H: 217 S. 3rd St., PO Box 206, Cowden 62422-0206 C: 12208 W. Farmington Rd., PO Box 388, Hanna City 61536 H: 512 N. Runkle St., Hanna City 61536-9564 Davis, Sidney E., Jr. (Jamie) Havana First Deal, David R. Dean, Kenneth L. (Dorris) DeAtley, Lynette Cowden-Lakewood DeBolt, Robert L. (Luann) Hanna City-Trivoli Clergy Directory SS RE FE RL RA SY PL FE SS SY FE RE RA SY FE FE RE AM FL RA RE FE FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.freedomhouseillinois.com [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ERD CRD MRD IRD CRD CRD KRD IRD LRD SPD ILD VRD SRD ILD ERD KRD ERD LRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory 359 H: 111 E. North St., DuQuoin 62832-1737 Dunn, Gerald R. (Sirilda JoAnn) Clergy Directory C: 206 W. Market St., Palestine 62451-1015 H: 1807 N. Argus St., Robinson 62454-1061 H: 1232 Jacksons Hill Rd., Hermitage, TN 37076-2872 C: 407 County Road 400 N, Albion 62806-4749 H: 414 County Road 400 E, Albion 62806-4757 C: 103 S. Pine St., PO Box 279, Flat Rock 62427-0279 H: 1010 W. Locust Ln., Robinson 62454-1223 H: 901 Randall Dr., Normal 61761-2446 C: 16362 N. 2300th St., Chrisman 61924-8021 H: 4528 IL Highway 1, Paris 61944-6870 H: 791 S. Broad St., Knoxville 61448-1400 Drake, Jane Palestine First-Palestine Grace Drayton, Lee Ducommon, David (Sheila) Mount Zion-Brown’s Chapel Ducommon, Sheila (David) Flat Rock, Kirk Chapel Dude, Ralph H. (Karleen) Duke, William (Marsha) Sugar Grove Duncan, Dianne (Terry) 618-542-5479 217-465-5665 309-371-7562 618-553-1672 618-584-3220 618-562-1026 309-452-3838 309-692-0421 309-692-2518 fax 309-347-3155 309-364-3667 309-347-1255 fax 618-586-2950 618-546-5299 RE DR RE SS SY 217-893-8762 217-893-8762 309-874-3118 309-693-2098 309-772-9508 C: 3800 W. War Memorial Dr., Peoria 61615-2598 H: 3910 N. Keenland Ave., Peoria 61614-6705 C: 1315 Court St., Pekin 61554-5023 H: 1012 County Road 350 E, Sparland 61565-9572 AM 217-438-2765 217-629-9721 217-629-9270 618-836-5804 618-836-5891 618-532-7733 H: 101 S. 1st St., Auburn 62615-1501 C: 429 E. Lincoln St., PO Box 440, Riverton 62561-0440 H: 405 E. Lincoln St., PO Box 440, Riverton 62561-0440 C: 278 Keating St., PO Box 260, Shipman 62685-0260 H: 310 Keating St., PO Box 260, Shipman 62685-0260 C: 736 S. Poplar St., Centralia 62801-4536 H: 730 S. Poplar St., Centralia 62801-4536 H: 405 Eden Park Dr., Rantoul 61866-1505 H: 405 Eden Park Dr., Rantoul 61866-1505 H: 417 W. Carlisle St., PO Box 379, McLean 61754-0379 H: 4422 Karen Ct., Bartonville 61607 H: 290 S. Green St., Apt. 2, Bushnell 61422-1790 RL RL RE SY SY RE FL SY AM FE RE RA FE RE SY C: 911 N. Bowman Ave., Danville 61832-3255 H: 102 Meade St., Catlin 61817-9606 Divan, Dennis A. (Janice L.) Danville Bowman Avenue and Ridge Farm-Indianola Divjak, Gerald L. (Mary D.) Dixon, Jonathan (Ellen) Riverton First Doane, Dennis (Janet M.) Shipman-Dorchester Doane, Mark (Karen) God’s New Parish Donahue, Howard P. (Merwin) Donahue, Merwin (Howard P.) Doty, Don Ray (Helen) Douglas, Earline Douglas, John Bushnell-AvonNew Philadelphia-Point Pleasant Douglass, Randall (Gail) Peoria Northwest Doyle, Judith (Ronald) Pekin First AM 309-462-3444 309-462-2216 309-462-5744 fax 217-443-3336 217-427-5881 C: 401 N. Washington St., PO Box 311, Abingdon 61410 H: 405 N. Washington St., Abingdon 61410-1322 Dinges, Paul D. (Nancy) Abingdon [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CRD SPD VRD ERD ERD KRD ERD ILD ILD IRD IRD VRD ILD SPD KRD MRD SRD SRD IRD SPD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 360 H: 19 Helen Ave., Paris 61944-1939 C: 200 S. Century Blvd., Rantoul 61866-2309 H: 1807B County Road 1000 N, Urbana 61802-8062 C: 1807 County Road 1000 N, Urbana 61802-9539 H: 1807B County Road 1000 N, Urbana 61802-8062 C: 25 N. Washington St., DuQuoin 62832-1426 H: 543 E. Main St., DuQuoin 62832-2205 H: 3620 Pamela Dr., Bloomington 61704-4044 C: 1316 W. Columbia Ter., Peoria 61606-1101 H: 1026 N. Parkside Dr., Peoria 61606-1040 C: 1315 Court St., Pekin 61554-5023 H: 1811 Tharp Pl., Pekin 61554-8342 O: 215 E. Washington St., Pontiac 61764-2011 H: 413 3rd Ave., Ottawa 61350-3613 H: 826 Knipp Dr., Mascoutah 62258-1327 H: 3410 S. Dayton Ave., Springfield, MO 65807-4557 O: 211 N. School St., Normal 61761-2503 H: 114 S. Mercer Ave., Bloomington 61701-4307 C: 403 E. Main St., PO Box 218, Hoopeston 60942-0218 H: 409 E. Main St., Hoopeston 60942-1520 H: 3145 Canterbury Pl., Birmingham, AL 35243-5261 C: 305 W. Broadway St., PO Box 708, Astoria 61501-0708 H: 125 N. Center St., PO Box 708, Astoria 61501-0708 H: 638 County Road NP, Ellison Bay, WI 54210-9630 Eaker, Curtis L. Eastin, Carol Lakota (William) Rantoul Eastin, William Lakota (Carol) Countryside Ebersohl, Michael E. (Laurel) DuQuoin Eble, Brian P. (Beth) Leave of Absence Eckhardt, Thomas A. (Vicki) Peoria Bradley Epworth Edele, Terry C. (Terry A.) Pekin First Edman, Carol Alice (David) Evenglow Lodge Edwards, Robert H. (Linda S.) Edwards, Robert O. (Shirley) Edwards Bertrand, Jennifer (Ryan) ISU Wesley Foundation Eggleston, Janet E. Hoopeston-Wellington Ehrhardt, Russell (Martha) Einhouse, Robert B., Jr. (Nancy) Circle of Grace Charge Eischen, Michael F. (Marcia) Clergy Directory 309-673-1330 309-635-3423 309-347-3155 309-353-5906 309-347-1255 fax 815-844-6131 815-434-0812 815-842-3558 fax 618-566-4092 417-889-1501 309-452-1435 309-530-0800 217-283-6738 217-283-6542 217-283-6738 fax 205-969-2238 309-329-2040 309-329-2422 217-414-8568 H: 314 Sherlock Dr., Fredericktown, MO 63645-1233 C: 116 E. Schwartz St., Salem 62881-2905 H: 416 Cardinal Dr., Mount Vernon 62864-2246 618-932-2866 618-932-3754 573-783-4169 618-548-2810 618-242-1584 618-548-2990 fax 217-463-4311 217-892-2130 217-688-2443 217-893-1588 fax 217-688-2422 217-688-2443 217-688-2422 fax 618-542-3061 618-542-9999 309-663-9118 C: 304 N. Sunny Slope St., West Frankfort 62896-1650 H: 1005 N. Jackson St., West Frankfort 62896-1206 Dunning, Joey (Patricia) West Frankfort Trinity Durey, Daren C. (Eva) Eadie, David A. (Gwendolyn) Salem Grace Clergy Directory RE RL FE FE RE RE FE RE SY FE FE FE FE FE RA FE RL RE SY FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] LRD IRD VRD MRD VRD ILD ILD VRD CRD IRD ERD IRD KRD CRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook H: PO Box 109, Littleton 61452-0109 C: PO Box 152, Middletown 62666-0152 H: 2321 Sudduth Rd., Sherman 62684-8406 H: 1202 Anderson Dr., Marion 62959-4102 H: 2404 S. Conway Rd., Apt. 162, Orlando, FL 32812-4308 H: 702 E. Williams St., Benton 62812-3357 Ervin, Robbie Ervin, Robert D. (Phyllis) Middletown Erwin, Mary L. (Carroll) Escarraz, Donald Essen, Delbert G., Jr. (Lyda) Dale-Oliver-Webb’s Chapel Estep, David A. (Sandra) Springfield Woodside Evers, Joseph C. (Karen) Clergy Directory 361 Clergy Directory Fager, Dennis (Donna Diclementi) Fairchild, Gary L. (Ella) Paris First H: 416 N. Broad St., Bushnell, FL 33513-5429 H: 4402 Doverbrook Dr., Champaign 61822-9363 H: 4402 Doverbrook Dr., Champaign 61822-9363 H: 2025 E. Lincoln St., # 1326, Bloomington 61701-5995 C: 120 N. Kellogg St., Galesburg 61401-4785 H: 375 W. Dayton St., Galesburg 61401-1657 Emmons, Ima Jean Emswiler, Sharon Neufer (Tom) Emswiler, Tom Neufer (Sharon) Enge, Thoburn England, Melva J. Graham (Mark Galesburg First Graham) C: 3519 Sheffield Rd., Springfield 62703-5031 H: 4010 Brookfield Dr., Springfield 62703-5205 H: 613 17th St., West DeMoines, IA 50265-4814 - summer H: 1243A Monica Ln., North Fort Myers, FL 33903 - winter H: 235 Ridge Rd., Apt. A1, Wilmette 60091-3281 C: 324 W. Court St., Paris 61944-1706 H: 409 W. Court St., Paris 61944-1707 C: 1400 N. Vermilion St., Danville 61832-2324 H: 2318 Eastroad, PO Box 644, Danville 61834-0644 Emmert, Peggy Danville First C: 215 N. Walnut St., Saint Elmo 62458-1454 H: H: 550 E Carl Sandburg Dr., Galesburg 61401-1209 H: PO Box 446, Tolono 61880-0446 H: 2308 Branch Rd., Champaign 61821-6255 H: 2308 Branch Rd., Champaign 61821-6255 H: 143 Tower Dr., Statesville, NC 28677-2612 H: 414 N. 8th St., Marshall 62441-1305 H: 106 Cottage, PO Box 723, Sheldon 60966-0723 C: 504 E. US Highway 50, O’Fallon 62269-2827 H: 473 Schwarz Rd., O’Fallon 62269-6713 Eisfelder, John M. (Barbara) Saint Elmo First Ekin, Floy J. Ekstrom, William Don (Sharon) Elder, Diana (Jim) Elder, James C. (Diana) Ellis, Jerry (Crystal) Elmore, L. Douglas (Candi) Elwood, Loraine Emery, Ken (Dana) O’Fallon First 847-251-9763 217-466-4215 217-465-4200 217-465-1000 fax 217-529-2736 309-527-2222 217-376-3209 217-496-2036 618-997-3893 407-228-9880 618-439-7324 309-342-3197 309-342-4582 309-342-3198 fax 618-829-3364 618-829-3363 309-341-2772 217-485-5648 217-607-1579 217-607-1579 704-873-7766 217-826-2283 815-429-3166 618-632-2354 618-628-8313 618-632-4159 fax 217-442-3668 217-446-3981 217-442-3668 fax 352-568-0788 217-352-9906 217-352-9906 RE FE RE FE RA SS PL SS RL SS RE RE RE FE FL RE RE RA RE HL HL SS FD AM [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ERD SRD CRD CRD LRD SRD IRD IRD VRD SPD IRD ERD IRD MRD SPD IRD IRD IRD ERD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 362 Clergy Directory H: 105 Honey Locust Ln., Apt. 105, Greenville 62246-1164 H: 734 Russell Ave., Winthrop Harbor 60096-1545 Fenton, Elmer L. Ferguson, Anne E. (Rodney) Garrett-Evangelical Theol. Seminary Ferguson, Arthur C. Ferguson, Keith C. (Barbara) Ferrill, Charles Don (Helen F.) Fester, Mary Jane Filicsky, Matt (Jan) Fairmount-Fairview-Georgetown Fischer, Mary Jane Ford, Marion C. Forrest, Shelly (Mitchell) El Paso Foulk, Janice K. (Robert) Foulk, Robert L. (Janice) Fitts, Robert F. (Sheila) Fitts, Sheila (Robert) Fletcher, Gilbert T. (Rose Mary) Foote, David Ford, Gary L. (Claire) Pekin Grace B: 5900 S. 2nd St., PO Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207 H: 103 Westpoint N., Jacksonville 62650-6480 C: 400 W. Morgan St., Jacksonville 62650-2422 H: 103 Westpoint N., Jacksonville 62650-6480 Fender, Beth (Mike) Coordinator of New Streams Fender, Michael W. (Beth) Jacksonville Grace H: 101 S. Gregory Dr., #1, Newton 62448-2113 C: 243 E. 2nd St., PO Box 25, El Paso 61738-0025 H: 125 N. Chestnut St., El Paso 61738-1124 H: 261 Strayhorn Dr., Saint Peters, MO 63376-6413 H: 261 Strayhorn Dr., Saint Peters, MO 63376-6413 H: 204 Pennsylvania Ave., Westville 61883-1640 H: 1000 Chippewa St., Normal 61761-5767 H: 28 Beech Dr., Clinton 61727-2406 H: 4916 Southwood Dr., Godfrey 62035-1336 C: 107 S. High St., PO Box 11, Fairmount 61841-0022 H: 1104 Sherman St., Danville 61832-2929 H: 437 Park Rd., Mount Carmel 62863-2708 - summer H: 20802 N. Cave Creek Rd., #67, Phoenix, AZ 85024 winter H: 2511 22nd Ave., Rock Island 61201-4639 H: 2511 22nd Ave., Rock Island 61201-4639 H: 2520 S. Esther Ave., Decatur 62521-9636 H: PO Box 39, Robinson 62454-0039 C: 601 N. 4th St., Pekin 61554-3212 H: 1810 Valle Vista Blvd., Pekin 61554-6341 C: 100 S. Church St., Carmi 62821-1658 H: 512 Abelson Dr., Carmi 62821-1506 C: 10 N. Center St., East Alton 62024-1708 H: PO Box 266, East Alton 62024-0266 H: PO Box 112, Bonnie 62816-0112 C: 300 W. Market St., Jonesboro 62952-1227 H: 6770 State Route 127 N, Alto Pass 62905-3210 H: 7410 E. Mulberry St., Evansville, IN 47715-4363 Fansler, Daryl A. (Debra) Rosewood Heights Saint Paul Farmer, Margaret Fear, Robert (Jeannette) Jonesboro-Walnut Grove Fechtig, C. William (Frances) Big Prairie-Maunie-Concord Feldman, Gary Carmi First Clergy Directory 309-527-2222 309-527-2223 217-299-0615 217-299-0578 217-267-3649 309-862-4727 217-935-3502 618-466-1664 217-733-2409 217-431-1594 618-263-6060 602-404-0080 309-793-1292 309-793-1292 217-864-5820 618-544-7991 309-347-7131 309-346-7637 309-347-3369 fax 618-382-2309 618-382-2897 618-382-2309 fax 217-529-2040 217-245-7489 217-245-9521 217-245-7489 217-245-9846 fax 618-664-2105 847-872-0463 618-893-1843 812-476-5727 618-259-5210 618-259-6374 618-242-2359 RE RE RA FE RE RD RE SS FE RL RE RE RE SS PL RE FE FE FD [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 217-529-4155 fax [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] RL FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SS RL FE KRD VRD SPD SPD SRD ERD ILD KRD IRD VRD IRD MRD IRD MRD LRD LRD CRD CRD KRD CRD MRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory 363 H: 642 Fritz Rd., Belleville, WI 53508-9548 O: 5900 S. 2nd St., PO Box 3487, Springfield 62708-3487 H: 2600 Muirfield Rd., Springfield 62711-6752 H: 915 W. Olive St., Decatur 62526-3825 H: 4001 E. 550th Rd., Casey 62420-3614 H: 3908 Saint Christopher Ln., Dallas, TX 75287-6311 H: 31 Chiswick Cir., Bloomington 61704-7613 C: 3rd & Oak Sts., PO Box 156, Allendale 62410-0156 H: 4529 Moffett Ln., Sumner 62466-4717 C: 255 W. 2nd St., Manteno 60950-1142 H: 1303 Southcreek Dr., Manteno 60950-3775 H: 1917 County Road W, Stoughton, WI 53589-3617 H: 198 Wesley Dr., Wilmore, KY 40390 C: 374 W. Olive St., Richview 62877-1972 H: 14528 Meridian Rd., Sandoval 62882-2438 H: 817 Snyder Dr., Bloomington 61701-5820 C: 116 NE Perry Ave., Peoria 61603-3624 Fritz, Gary G. (Mary) Frost, Ted (Carol) United Methodist Foundation Fullmer, John A. (Janet) Funk, Don William (Janice) Gabbard, Thomas H. (Bette) Gaffron, David W. (Barbara W.) Gaither, Deetta (Gail) Allendale Gaither, Harvey K., III (Karen) Manteno Gaither, Joyce Gallaway, Ira L. Gambill, Dennis (Donna) Richview Garabrant, Richard V. (Irene) Garcia, Adrian (Lilly) Clergy Directory H: 1022 Maple St., Mount Vernon 62864-4335 H: 1019 N. Burtschi St., Vandalia 62471-1114 C: 900 W. Broadway St., PO Box 207, Gillespie 62033-0207 H: 207 W Spruce St, PO Box 207, Gillespie 62033-0207 Frick, Fern Frick, Louis (Shirley) Friese, Steven (Edie) Gillespie First 815-358-2347 815-358-2562 262-377-7952 618-624-0778 618-274-2323 618-257-0113 618-274-1918 fax 618-244-5733 618-283-3670 217-839-2038 217-839-2680 217-839-4323 fax 608-424-6077 217-529-3217 217-483-5341 217-529-4181 fax 217-428-7940 217-932-4595 972-951-4884 309-663-5448 618-299-6131 618-948-2318 815-468-3722 815-468-8195 815-468-3626 fax 608-877-2559 859-858-2480 618-249-6014 618-247-3721 309-662-4687 309-673-3641 217-352-3759 520-544-6090 618-371-0021 H: 203 Misty Cv., Savoy 61874-9582 H: 2001 W. Rudasill Rd., Apt. 4204, Tucson, AZ 85704-7835 H: 701 S. 5th St., Caseyville 62232-1717 C: 501 N. 4th St., PO Box 263, Cornell 61319-0263 H: 510 N. 3rd St., Cornell 61319-9257 H: 1601 Valley Dr., Grafton, WI 53024-2720 H: 732 E. Wesley Dr., O’Fallon 62269-6115 C: 1411 Missouri Ave., East Saint Louis 62201-3205 H: 520 Felicity Dr., PO Box 1835, Fairview Heights 62208 217-352-5678 H: 1617 Bassett Ln., Champaign 61821-6456 Frank, Larry, Jr. (Brittney) Cornell Blackstone-New Church Start Frankson, Richard (Marilyn K.) Frazier, William O. (Nancy) Freeman, Robert K. (Felecia) Trinity East Saint Louis Catholic Services for Children and Youth Foutch, Margaret A. (Douglas) Incapacity Leave Fox, Rebecca Fradenburgh, Charles Jr. (Barbara) Frank, Carter (Lorraine) RE FE SS RE SY FE RA RE RA RE PL RE FE SS RE FE RA RE FE PL SS RE DM FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] VRD ILD KRD VRD VRD KRD SRD ERD SRD KRD KRD MRD MRD MRD VRD MRD IRD IRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 364 Clergy Directory H: 7536 E. US Highway 40, Altamont 62411-2521 C: 7175 Walnut Ave., Collison 61831 H: 3030 E Stillwater Lndg., Apt. 103, Urbana 61802-7179 C: 2175 Harrison Ave., Charleston 61920-2319 H: 734 22nd St., Charleston 61920-2311 H: 109 Dodson St., Pana 62557-6335 H: 102 Fairview Ave., Bloomington 61701-4209 C: 3031 E. 1450th Ave., Oblong 62449-2117 Gillespie, Melba J. Glahn, David A. (Ann L.) Collison Gleason, Nicholas Charleston Otterbein Glick, Phillip L. (Connie) Glidden, Elizabeth F. Gonzalez, Hiram (Maria A.) C: 1420 N. Main St., PO Box 299, Washington 61571-0299 H: 803 Dogwood Dr., Washington 61571-2336 C: 196 S. Harrison Ave., Kankakee 60901-4043 Goodell, Thomas D. (Sherry) Crossroads Goodin, Steve (Brenda) Dogwood Prairie-Seed Chapel H: 8 Red Bud Rd., Harrisburg 62946-5284 C: 100 W. Main St., PO Box 130, Green Valley 61534-0130 H: 101 S. Church St., PO Box 314, Green Valley 61534-0314 C: 1500 Pine St., Murphysboro 62966-2055 H: 1514 Pine St., Murphysboro 62966-2055 Gericke, Carol Ghitalla, Bruce Bolin (Francine B.) Green Valley-Hopedale Gilbert, Larry A. (Teresa) Murphysboro 309-444-2381 309-444-7852 309-444-9818 fax 815-933-4408 217-365-9130 217-345-5843 217-345-2046 217-562-5575 309-662-3525 618-592-3678 309-352-2290 309-352-1004 618-687-2317 618-684-3936 618-687-2318 fax 309-378-2651 309-378-2650 309-378-2651fax C: 102 S. Seminary St., PO Box 49, Downs 61736-0049 H: 609 E. Washington St., PO Box 49, Downs 61736-0049 C: 211 N. Scandia St., PO Box 607, Alpha 61413-0607 H: 216 N. Yates St., PO Box 607, Alpha 61413-0607 H: 609 E. Washington St., PO Box 49, Downs 61736-0049 C: 117 N. Washington St., PO Box 216, Martinsville 62442 Gartelos, John (Janis) Martinsville Geer, H. Suzanne (David) Alpha George, Kathy (Ronald) Incapacity Leave George, Ronald C. (Kathy) Downs 309-736-7540 309-736-7540 fax 618-628-4228 217-889-5137 417-469-9984 417-469-9984 fax 217-382-4094 217-382-4388 309-629-5161 309-629-2709 309-378-2650 H: 1681 Lakepointe Estates Dr., O’Fallon 62269-3071 H: 13586 E. 2200th Rd., Marshall 62441-3324 H: 3410 51st St., Moline 61265-6620 309-673-3644 fax H: 3356 County Road 3600, Willow Springs, MO 65793-3321 Gardner, Philip P. (Bonny) Garner, Daniel L. Patton Garretson, Sharon Colbert (Gary) Gardiner, Joseph R. (Cathy) H: 1311 E. Hillcrest Pl., Peoria 61603-3321 Peoria First Clergy Directory Associate Director of Hispanic Ministries FE FE RE RD FL SS RE SY FL FE RL FE FE AM FL PL RE RE SY RE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] VRD ILD SRD VRD ERD ERD ERD IRD CRD CRD ILD VRD VRD SPD ERD MRD ERD SPD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 618-283-3684 618-283-0915 618-283-3685 fax 618-537-6206 309-365-7371 217-273-5437 309-365-7371 fax 719-547-8497 217-222-7468 217-222-4788 fax C: 127 N. 4th St., Vandalia 62471-2308 H: 630 Riverview Dr., Vandalia 62471-1830 H: 612 W. Center St., Lebanon 62254-1211 C: 108 S. Cedar St., Lexington 61753-1310 H: 1606 Cutter Ct., Normal 61761-4817 H: 1935 E. Jacks Ln., Pueblo West, CO 81007-6564 C: 818 Vermont St., Quincy 62301-3048 H: 2315 Hill Rd., Quincy 62305-1208 Grob, John W. (Connie) Gromley, Garry E. (Debra) Lexington First Grozik, Joseph M. N. (Gayle) Grulke, Scott (Kathy) Quincy Vermont Street Clergy Directory 365 Clergy Directory H: PO Box 3762, Carbondale 62902-3762 Grimmett, Randy C. Incapacity Leave Grimmett, Roger L. (Brenda) Vandalia First 309-742-7221 309-342-4582 217-546-5769 217-288-9243 217-288-9314 309-254-3661 309-254-3651 618-462-3502 317-826-9468 309-344-1435 309-344-3850 309-344-1161 fax 618-303-4374 H: 109 Barkley Est., Nicholasville, KY 40356-9425 H: 603 S. Main St., Anna 62906-2618 H: 116 S. Detroit St., Buchanan, MI 49107-1003 H: 116 S. Detroit St., Buchanan, MI 49107-1003 C: 400 N. Prairie St., PO Box 282, Greenfield 62044-0282 H: 305 College St., Greenfield 62044-1308 H: 307 N. 1st St., Enfield 62835-1000 H: 1003 Sandpiper Trl., Cottage Grove, WI 53527-8103 H: 127 W. Coltrin Ave., W. Terre Haute, IN 47885-9385 H: PO Box 43, Saint Elmo 62458-0043 Goodwin, Wayne E. (Peggy) Gordon, Brent (Angie) Olive Branch Gordon, Bruce S. (Linda) Gordon, Linda (Bruce) Gossett, Tim (Myra) Greenfield-Rock Bridge Gott, Everett (Ruth Dolores) Goulding, James A. (Siv) Graham, Donald A. (Karen) Graham, Gary Vandalia Luster Chapel Graham, Mark England (Melva Elmwood England) Grant, Janice H. (Robert) Graul, Charles (Janet) Sidell Greene, Robert D. Industry-Vermont Greenwood, Jo (Arthur L.) Gregory, E. Wade (Onda) Griffith, Janice SPD Superintendent 815-939-4030 815-933-1575 fax 859-881-3462 618-833-2618 618-322-9495 618-322-9494 217-368-2366 217-368-2710 618-963-2745 608-839-3512 812-535-4438 217-821-6761 C: 821 W. Main St., PO Box 477, Elmwood 61529-0477 H: 375 W. Dayton St., Galesburg 61401-1657 H: 2136 Lindsay Rd., Springfield 62704-3243 C: 202 S. Chicago St., PO Box 49, Sidell 61876-0049 H: 204 S. Chicago St., PO Box 49, Sidell 61876-0049 C: 102 E. Main St., PO Box 218, Industry 61440-0218 H: 208 Central St., PO Box 161, Industry 61440-0161 H: 5402 Dixon Dr., Godfrey 62035-1402 H: 6927 Silver Tree Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46236-3812 O: 120 N. Kellogg St., Galesburg 61401-4785 H: 151 Duffey Rd., Galesburg 61401-1237 H: 1464 W. VanMeter St., Kankakee 60901-4545 Kankakee Asbury RE FE RE FE FE FE RE RA FE FE HL FL FE RE RE RA SY RE SY RA RA FL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] LRD MRD VRD KRD CRD SPD MRD LRD SRD IRD SPD ERD CRD LRD CRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 366 Clergy Directory H: 18548 SE 19th St., Silver Springs, FL 34488-6409 H: 2604 Cherry Creek Rd., Champaign 61822-7959 C: 203 E. Grove Ave., Effingham 62401-3835 H: 806 S. 3rd St., Effingham 62401-3858 H: 1003 Martin Luther King Dr., Bloomington 61701-1429 H: 1616 Cedar St., #17B, Lawrenceville 62439-2154 H: 1 N. Highland Pl., Mount Vernon 62864-2727 C: 1400 Main St., Alton 62002-3934 H: 2115 Terra Cotta Dr., Godfrey 62035-1340 H: 13748 E. Morton Rd., Mount Vernon 62864-8743 H: 111 S. Walnut St., PO Box 265, Oakland 61943 C: 400 S Christy Ave, PO Box 123, Sumner 62466-0123 H: 100 E. Pine St., PO Box 123, Sumner 62466-0123 C: 201 S. Monroe St., Streator 61364-2929 H: 209 S. Monroe St., Streator 61364-2929 H: 2340 Arnold Dr., Granite City 62040-2525 H: 1921 Ullman Rd., Centralia 62801-8357 Gwinn, Nathaniel H. Hackl, Robert C., Jr. (Mary) Hackmann, John Effingham Centenary Hagen, Russell J. (Donna) Hague, Rosemary Hahs, Billy G. (Elouise) Hahs, Jame (Donna) Alton Main Street Hale, Floyd (Alice) Hale, Phyllis Haley, Jeffrey (Debra) Sumner Haley, Jerry (Shirley) Streator First Hall, Barbara Hall, Michael Dix-Union Chapel-Garrison Temple Hall, Rosemary Hamilton, John P. (Ruth Ann) Hamilton, Thomas M Hammond, Helen Hamon, Sally R. (Michael) Zion Chapel Hancock, James W. (Minerva) Haney, David Doddsville Haney, Lyren (Steve) Walnut Grove C: 22801 E. 1800th St., Prairie City 61470-8407 H : 5219 N. 1750th Rd., Blandinsville 61420-9420 H: 1000 Courtyard Est., Galva 61434-4500 H: 424 W. Jefferson St., Rushville 62681-1009 H: 203 S. Regency Dr., Apt. 2B, Bloomington 61701-4361 H: 157 Nottingham Rd., Springfield 62704-5335 H: 1310 Pimlico Pkwy., Libertyville 60048-5205 H: 112 Christian Home Dr., Jacksonville 62650-2313 H: PO Box 11, Boody 62514-0011 H: 460 Woodside Trl., Ashwood #15, Decatur 62521-2363 C: 2542 E. 25th St., Granite City 62040-5602 H: 4033 Sara St., Granite City 62040-4210 H: 2130 Harrison St., #40D, Quincy 62301-6799 H: 4074 E. 1570th St., Cambridge 61238-9582 Guenther, Eileen M. Guilliams, Lisa Granite City Trinity Guither, Francis G. (Katherine) Gutzmer, Martin R. (Anne) Clergy Directory 309-772-2328 309-255-4270 217-245-9312 217-692-2275 217-692-2650 309-932-3125 217-322-4764 309-828-8164 217-793-8070 904-625-6862 217-355-8563 217-342-2030 217-342-2616 217-342-4611 fax 309-829-5293 618-943-1452 618-244-9465 618-462-2495 618-208-7290 618-462-7764 fax 618-244-0543 217-346-2703 618-936-2220 618-936-2636 815-673-5531 815-672-5922 815-672-3213 fax 618-877-3416 618-533-1293 217-429-2063 618-876-0723 618-931-5500 217-224-3262 309-927-3276 PL RE SY SS RE RE SS FE SS SY FE RE SS FL HL SS RE FE RE RE PE RE RE SS FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SPD SPD LRD LRD SRD VRD SRD MRD KRD VRD KRD ERD KRD VRD KRD KRD MRD IRD ERD LRD ILD SRD MRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory 367 O: 5900 S. 2nd St., PO Box 3487, Springfield 62708-3487 H: 3100 Saint Helen’s Ct., Springfield 62704-6501 O: 5900 S. 2nd St., PO Box 19215, Springfield 62794-9215 H: 4537 Barrington Dr., Springfield 62711-7208 C: 400 W. Broadway Blvd., Johnston City 62951-1430 H: 604 Pine Ave., Johnston City 62951-1331 H: 1000 N. Lowden Rd., Mount Carroll 61053-9476 H: PO Box 132, Corona, NM 88318-0132 C: 129 N. Main St., PO Box 125, Gilman 60938-0125 H: 616 S. Maple St., Gilman 60938-1746 Harter, Terry P. (Martha) SRD Superintendent Hartleroad, John R. (Judy) Executive Assistant to the Bishop Hartley, Ted Johnston City-Stiritz Hartman, Georgia Hartman, Pamela J. (Jon) Hartman, Steven G. (Judy) Gilman-Ashkum Clergy Directory C: RR 3, Box 193A, Lawrenceville 62439-9464 H: 1620 15th St., Lawrenceville 62439-2226 C: 3200 N. Texas Rd., Trivoli 61569-9743 H: 1615 N. Logan St., Chillicothe 61523-1115 C: 701 College Rd., Lebanon 62254-1212 H: 10914 Kentfield Dr., Lebanon 62254-2333 C: 3519 Sheffield Rd., Springfield 62703-5031 H: 2410 Cormorant Dr., Springfield 62711-6211 O: 3800 W. War Memorial Dr., Peoria 61615-2598 H: 11607 N. Dunmore, Dunlap 61525-8707 H: 2020 Broadway St., Apt. 8, Mount Vernon 62864-2945 H: 1010 Geneva St., Shorewood 60404-9417 C: 200 E. Buena Vista St., PO Box 447, Kansas 61933-0447 H: 7131 E. County Road 1200N, Mattoon 61938-3445 H: 1314 N. Wood Rd., Peoria 61604-4452 C: 190 W. Bell St., PO Box 385, Macon 62544-0385 H: 150 W. Bell St., PO Box 385, Macon 62544-0385 C: 205 N. 3rd St., PO Box 199, Saint Joseph 61873-0199 H: 702 Woodland Dr., Saint Joseph 61873-9339 H: 5375 Sugarloaf Pkwy, Apt. 13107, Lawrenceville, GA 30043-7824 H: 109 Grand St., Anna 62906-1907 H: 703 E. 2685 North Rd., Moweaqua 62550-3645 H: 31 Arabian Trail, Springfield 62702-1566 Harris, Rosemary Harris, Samuel Incapacity Leave Harris-Cosby, Linda (Tyehimba) Pinkstaff Harrison, Raymond P. (Jane) Texas Harrison, Tim (Danielle) McKendree College Harrod, Linda Springfield Woodside Harry, Dan P. (Carol) ILD Superintendent Hankla, Joe (Viola) Hanley, Nora M. Hanson, Charles A. Harjes, George P. (Mabel) Harminson, Jeremy (Stacey) Kansas Harper, Elva Harris, Kenneth L. (Renee) Macon Harris, Mark (Nancy) Saint Joseph FE 618-537-6962 618-537-6447fax 217-529-2736 217-698-8052 309-692-0421 618-514-1149 309-692-2518 fax 217-529-3257 217-787-7041 217-529-4181 fax 217-529-3820 217-787-7011 217-529-4190 fax 618-983-5150 618-983-8731 815-244-8790 815-265-4500 815-265-4720 RE 309-274-8457 SS HL FE FE FE FE FE FD PL RA FE FE SS FE RE DR RE RE SY 618-928-2217 217-787-4339 678-225-7182 217-948-5164 217-235-6291 309-637-3816 217-764-5133 217-764-3746 217-469-2515 217-469-2050 217-469-2543 fax 618-242-0636 618-833-4491 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] IRD CRD SRD SRD ILD SRD MRD ILD KRD KRD IRD ILD SRD ERD CRD SRD SRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 368 Clergy Directory H: 2024 W. Woodbine Dr., Decatur 62526-3032 H: 20519 E. 1350 Rd., Allendale 62410-2149 H: 9331 Wabash 17 Ave., Mount Carmel 62863-4318 H: 7 Oxford Ct., Washington 61571-2128 C: 201 N. Chestnut St., PO Box 164, LeRoy 61752-0164 H: 102 Oriole Dr., LeRoy 61752-9774 C: 102 Oriole Dr., LeRoy 61752-9774 O: Department of Pastoral Care 1001 S. George St., York, PA 17403 Hawbecker, Ned W. (Susan) Hawf, Norma Jean Hawf, W. Paul (Gretchen) Haworth, Don Haxton, Mary Louise (Stan) LeRoy Haxton, Stanley J. (Mary) Hayden, Kenneth R. (Evelyn) WellSpan Health – York Hospital Hays, Bryce D. (Linda) Hays, James L. Hedden, Luella Hedgcock, Ann Heicher, John (Connie) Saint Elmo Circuit Heinbaugh, William D. Heineman, George (Marie) Mount Auburn Heisner, Steve (Heather) Belknap-West Eden Heitkamp, Steve (Mindy) Horizon Hope Counseling Hembrough, Jean R. (Dick) Jacksonville Centenary-Jax Brooklyn Hempstead, Camilla (Jeff) Heddings, Frances Brown (Lawrence) 618-656-4648 618-656-0117 618-656-1162 fax 217-428-5267 C: 800 N. Main St., Edwardsville 62025-1114 H: 808 N. Main St., Edwardsville 62025-1114 217-783-2468 217-322-6542 205-952-9966 870-431-8927 618-547-3447 219-799-4927 217-676-3731 217-523-0114 618-634-2370 618-367-2194 618-624-1882 217-245-8417 217-245-8514 309-827-8046 H: 2659 Forest Rd., York, PA 17402-8835 H: 28858 King Ct., Palmyra 62674-5872 H: PO Box 246, Cowden 62422-0246 H: 101 Meadowview Dr., Rushville 62681-1558 H: 240 Holloway Dr., Hamilton, AL 35570-7126 H: 81 Karen Dr., Lakeview, AR 72642-8912 H: 700 E. 1st St., Kinmundy 62854-2120 H: 6850 N. Wise Rd., Columbia City, IN 46725-9171 C: 202 S. Elm St., PO Box 109, Mount Auburn 62547-0109 H: 1236 N. Milton Ave., Lot 73, Springfield 62702-4457 H: PO Box 436, Karnak 62956-0436 O: 721 E. Main St., Belleville 62220-3943 H: 3557 Harbor Way, Belleville 62221-0462 C: 331 E. State St, PO Box 124, Jacksonville 62651-0124 H: 1050 E. Vandalia Rd., Jacksonville 62650-9585 C: 502 E. Front St., Bloomington 61701-5312 717-851-2351 717-848-3802 309-962-8106 618-262-8461 309-444-4936 309-962-7091 309-962-8106 309-432-2434 309-454-5804 816-525-2375 309-444-3228 309-444-4727 618-524-7180 C: 306 E. 6th St., PO Box 144, Minonk 61760-0144 H: 207 Carriage Hills Rd., Normal 61761-4816 H: 515 NW Moore St., Apt. 823, Lees Summit, MO 64081 C: 401 Walnut St, Washington 61571-2797 H: 115 N. Elm St., Washington 61571-2651 H: 2027 Greenview Ave., Metropolis 62960-1154 Harvey, Lori A. (David Johnston) Minonk-Wenona Saint John’s Hass, Genevieve Hauck, John M. (Judi) Washington Evangelical Hausman, Haley E. Rosiclare Havis-Shear, Jackie (John Shear) Edwardsville Immanuel Clergy Directory FE FE FE SY RE RL RE RL SS SS SS PL FE RE RE SS RA RE FE FE SY SS FE FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 717-851-4714 fax [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] VRD LRD MRD CRD SRD ERD ERD ERD LRD VRD SRD KRD KRD ILD VRD MRD CRD ILD VRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory 369 317-736-1532 217-322-4240 309-527-7622 202-885-8625 301-527-6056 217-324-5255 618-258-0085 217-832-9388 217-832-1315 Clergy Directory Herrick, Rodney (Mary) Herring, F. Jerry (Emma) Herring, Kathryn (Paul) Payson Hertz, Myrthel (Orville) Herzog, Michael (Sarah) Leave of Absence Hess, Wayne C. (June L.) Hesseldenz, Barbara Hilding, Nancy Hill, Craig C. (Robin) Duke Divinity School Hill, Dennis M. (Kathie) Hill, JoAnn Hire, Sandi (Daniel) Camargo H: 770 Bluebird Ln., Franklin, IN 46131-2394 H: 151 E. Madison St., Rushville 62681-1613 H: 599 E. 4th St., El Paso 61738-1299 O: 4500 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016 H: 7713 Camberford Pl., Rockville, MD 20855-2068 H: 191 Solar Cir., Litchfield 62056-4213 H: 275 Oakley Pl., East Alton 62024-1655 C: 103 E. Main St., PO Box 122, Camargo 61919-0122 H: PO Box 13, Camargo 61919-0122 Herath, Richard A. (Marcia) Herath, Robert A. (Julie) Mossville H: 3017 N. Molleck Dr., Peoria 61604 H: 85 Carter St., PO Box 166, Cypress 62923-0166 C: 110 N. Washington St., PO Box 188, Payson 62360-0188 H: 30 Main St., Bluffs 62621-8007 H: 1815 S. 5th St., Terre Haute, IN 47802-1903 H: 2908 N. Rockwood Dr., Apt. F, Peoria 61604-2277 O: PO Box 545, Waterloo 62298-0515 Henson, Matthew (Nancy) 309-808-1137 309-828-9625 fax 352-787-4423 309-673-3641 309-385-4760 309-673-3644 fax 309-385-4487 309-385-4760 618-443-3714 618-443-3573 618-242-4755 618-242-1462 618-242-0359 fax 618-395-8618 618-392-6331 618-395-8619 fax 618-830-6670 574-875-8301 309-579-2147 309-579-2006 309-579-3011 fax 309-839-2339 618-559-0384 217-656-4415 217-754-3550 812-234-5084 309-697-0690 C: 700 N. East St., Olney 62450-2515 H: 902 Willow Dr., Olney 62450-2424 Henson, Jeremy (Christie) Olney Immanuel H: 58364 Ironwood Dr., Elkhart, IN 46516-6216 C: 1015 E. Mossville Rd., Peoria 61615-9799 H: 1033 E. Mossville Rd., Peoria 61615-9799 C: 420 E. Woertz Rd., Princeville 61559-9487 H: 500 E. Woertz Rd., Princeville 61559-9584 C: 600 W. University Ave., Sparta 62286-2308 H: 609 Spartan Dr., Sparta 62286-1147 C: 4212 Broadway St., Mount Vernon 62864-2263 H: 2805 Lime Ave., Mount Vernon 62864-2568 Hendrix, Rex E. (Cheryl) Princeville Henley, Scott Adam (Sandra) Sparta First Henson, Brad (Donna) Mount Vernon West Salem Trinity Living the Adventure & General Evangelist H: 110 Azalea Trl., Leesburg, FL 34748-8860 C: 116 NE Perry Ave., Peoria 61603-3624 H: 500 E. Woertz Rd., Princeville 61559-9584 Henderson, Daniel (Judith) Hendrix, Cheryl (Rex) Peoria First H: 115 S. Bayberry Ct., Bloomington 61704-4681 Bloomington Wesley-Bloomington Park RE SS PL RE SS SS FE SS FE RA RE PL RE FE FE FE AM FE FE RE FD [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] MRD MRD IRD LRD VRD ILD ILD CRD LRD ILD MRD KRD KRD MRD ILD ILD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 370 Clergy Directory Horrell, Martha Horvath, Debra Marie (Jim) Leave of Absence Hosmer, Adam Lancaster-Nye Chapel Houser, Richard (Mollie) 618-240-1158 618-455-3642 H: 219 Kieffer Ave., Mount Carmel 62863-2830 H: 10725 N. State Highway 49, PO Box 70, Willow Hill 62480 C: 18 River Crest Ln., Grand Chain 62941-3170 Horn, Tammy (Carl) Ohio Chapel Horrell, Linda 309-897-8113 309-897-2652 309-897-8113 fax 618-842-3163 309-695-5321 309-695-5490 309-446-9092 309-695-5490 618-344-3824 618-365-6197 618-344-0331 fax 618-634-9629 636-527-7615 314-646-1242 314-646-1242 217-934-4858 H: 315 Market Ave., Fairfield 62837-2611 C: 302 N. Main Ave., PO Box 287, Wyoming 61491-0287 H: 206 E. Henderson St., Wyoming 61491-1422 C: 20915 Maple St., PO Box 13, Laura 61451-0013 H: 206 E. Henderson St., Wyoming 61491-1422 C: 207 W. Church St., Collinsville 62234-2631 H: 1871 Raintree Trl., Collinsville 62234-5275 Hooper, Mildred C. Hopp, Andrew (Kristi) Wyoming-Neponset Hopp, Kristi (Andrew) Laura-Monica Horn, Mark E. (Christine) Collinsville First 618-592-4588 618-242-4852 618-786-3572 618-654-6490 816-942-8186 618-588-3588 618-588-5223 309-827-8046 309-661-2916 309-828-9625 fax 309-383-2700 309-383-3172 309-383-2701 fax 618-942-3219 O: 121 Creve Coeur Ave., Ballwin, MO 63011-4037 H: 7680 Lindbergh Dr., Saint Louis, MO 63117-2138 H: 7680 Lindbergh Dr., Saint Louis, MO 63117-2138 H: 606 N. Monroe St., Clinton 61727-1449 C: 301 S. 16th St., Herrin 62948-2228 H: 2301 Maria Dr., Herrin 62948-6182 H: 405 E. Ohio St., Oblong 62449-1326 H: 15311 N. McCauley Ln., Mount Vernon 62864-8514 H: 364 Caylee Anne Dr., Blairsville, GA 30512-4877 C: 118 E. Main St., PO Box 159, Bradford 61421-0159 H: 128 E. Main St., PO Box 159, Bradford 61421-0159 Hoke, Ed (Patricia) Herrin Holliday, Wanda Hollis, Robert R. (Clarice) Holloway, Jack (Helen I.) Holman, Amy Bradford Leet-Boyd’s Grove Center for Counseling & Pastoral Care C: 304 E. Far Hills Dr., East Peoria 61611-1206 H: 704 Fair Oaks Rd., Germantown Hills 61548-9134 Hogren, Kenneth E. (Sue) Willow Hill C: 100 E. Main St., PO Box 246, Grafton 62037-0246 H: 1 Sunrise Ct., Highland 62249-2420 H: 10000 Wornall Rd Apt 2317, Kansas City, MO 64114 C: 107 W. Hanover St., New Baden 62265-1714 H: 100 W. Illinois St., New Baden 62265-1719 C: 502 E. Front St., Bloomington 61701-5312 H: 28 Brookshire Green St., Bloomington 61704-6279 Clergy Directory Hoertel, Debra Grafton-Rosedale Hoffman, Edward L. Hoffman, Pam New Baden Hoffman, Vaughn A. (Lori) Bloomington Wesley-Bloomington Park RL SY RE FE FE PL FL PE SS FE SS RE RE FL FE FE FE RE FE PL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ERD KRD MRD SRD MRD CRD MRD ILD KRD ILD ILD ERD KRD CRD ILD VRD MRD LRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory 371 H: c/o Kathy Michels, 1801 Gregory Dr., Olney 62450-3042 H: 216 E. North Ave., Sumner 62466-1005 H: 4000 Merrywood Dr., Columbus, GA 31907-4812 H: 802 Loretta Pl., Lima, OH 45805-1810 H: 901 E. Hanover St., New Baden 62265-1912 H: 10 Prairie Dr., Bismarck 61814-5143 C: 619 Kitchell St., Pana 62557-1855 H: 906 S. Hickory St., Pana 62557-1927 H: 20934 Tangor Rd., Land O’ Lakes, FL 34637-7424 C: 1601 Charleston Ave., Mattoon 61938-3934 H: 3 Western Avenue Hts., Mattoon 61938-2051 H: 722 E. Madison Ave., Chrisman 61924-1310 C: 211 N. School St., Normal 61761-2503 H: 403 Jenny Lind Dr., Normal 61761-4829 H: 314 W. Editor St., PO Box 716, Ashland 62612-0716 C: H: 910 W. Polk Ave., Charleston 61920-1707 C: 300 W. Editor St., PO Box 446, Ashland 62612-0446 H: 314 W. Editor St., PO Box 716, Ashland 62612-0716 C: 301 N. Bourne St., PO Box I, Tolono 61880-1109 H: 1403 Glenshire Dr., Champaign 61822-7701 O: 303 S. Mattis Ave., Ste. 206, Champaign 61821-3070 H: 1403 Glenshire Dr., Champaign 61822-7701 H: 2621 Arlington Cir., Pekin 61554-1700 H: 1410 W. Shore Dr., Pekin 61554-5962 C: 109 E. Washington St., PO Box 337, Carrier Mills 62917 H: 510 N. Main St., PO Box 337, Carrier Mills 62917-0337 Howard, Eather Howard, Mabel Howell, William B. Huckins, Ruth Huff, David (Pamela) Leave of Absence Huffman, Glenn E. (Mildred) Hultberg, David G. (Belinda) Pana Hurley, David L. (Carolyn) Hutchens, Kenneth D. Mattoon First Hutchinson, Arno M., Jr. Hutchison, Dennis R. Normal First Hutton, David J. (Pat) Bluff Springs Hutton, Joan Hutton, Pat (David) Ashland-Peter Cartwright Hwang, Bong-Choul (In-Sook) Tolono-Pesotum Hwang, In-Sook (Bong-Choul) IRD Superintendent Icenogle, Phillip L. (Judy) Ioder, Glenn K. (Dolores) Irvin, Stan Carrier Mills Clergy Directory H: 701 S. King St., Robinson 62454-2919 C: 302 Broadway St., Lincoln 62656-2018 H: 10 Bellaire Ct., Clinton 61727-2446 Hout, Lois Howard, Darrell (Treva) Logan County Parish 217-759-7637 217-562-2823 217-562-4113 217-562-2827 fax 813-996-1911 217-235-5676 217-235-0133 217-235-5668 fax 217-269-3053 309-452-2096 309-452-1327 fax 217-476-8867 217-323-1257 217-348-5894 217-476-8858 217-476-8867 217-485-3610 217-351-3467 217-359-0640 217-351-3467 217-359-6255 fax 309-698-9763 309-346-6510 618-994-2071 618-994-2257 618-994-2803 fax 618-544-2806 217-732-2204 217-935-4373 217-735-2184 fax 618-392-6004 618-936-2294 706-687-0022 419-225-7724 RE RE FE FE FE SS FE RE FL RE, SS RE FE RE FE SS SS RE SS FE SS PL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ILD ILD CRD IRD IRD ERD LRD LRD ERD VRD ERD IRD SRD MRD KRD KRD ERD SRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 372 Clergy Directory 217-483-2132 217-483-2926 217-483-5051 fax 913-795-8841 618-841-7590 309-764-6721 563-332-2828 309-764-8308 fax C: 104 W. Chestnut St., Chatham 62629-1301 H: 528 Cumberland Dr., Chatham 62629-1070 H: c/o G. Jackson, 489 W. Sugar Lake Dr., Mound City, KS 66056 H: 125 Carrier Mills Rd., Carrier Mills 62917 C: 712 16th St., Moline 61265-2122 H: 3307 48th Ave., Bettendorf, IA 52722-6963 H: 920 W. Columbia Ave., Champaign 61821-2742 C: 406 W. South St., Steeleville 62288-1923 H: 408 W. South St., Steeleville 62288-1923 Jackson, Blanche Jackson, Charles Wesley (Phyllis) Jackson, Donald Moline Riverside Jadhav, Debbie Jaiah, Matthew (Priscilla) Steeleville-Percy Jenkins, Constance R. (James) Mount Sterling-Columbus Jenkins, Gary D. (Dorothy A.) Jenkins, George D., Jr. Jenkins, James M. (Connie) Johansen, Patty (Michael Crawford) Tuscola 630-553-1202 972-671-9427 719-243-8080 618-242-2817 H: 27 Highview Dr., Yorkville 60560-9418 H: 1126 Princeton Dr., Richardson, TX 75081-3615 H: 5535 Wilkerson Pass Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80917 C: 1603 Salem Rd., Mount Vernon 62864-2628 Johnson, Terrell (Gail) Johnson-Scott, D. Jill Incapacity Leave Johnston, Carl C. (Deborah) US Army Jones, Cynthia A. (E. Michael) H: 722 N. 5th St., Apt. 1, Springfield 62702-6376 H: 4300 W. River Pkwy., #336, Minneapolis, MN 55406-3679 H: 8333 Seminole Blvd., Apt. 446, Seminole, FL 33772-4360 H: 16799 Heatherbrook Ln., Marion 62959-7768 H: RR 1 Box 282, Elizabethtown 62931-9736 C: 217-253-4232 217-253-2451 217-253-6774 fax 618-289-4786 618-269-3349 217-787-5332 612-729-7457 727-397-4689 618-997-6061 Johnsey, Mike (Debbie) Ohio River Circuit Johnson, James D. Johnson, Katherine Johnson, Martha Johnson, Ronald M. (Angela) C: 120 S. Capitol Ave., Mount Sterling 62353-1502 H: 210 W. Main St., Mount Sterling 62353-1226 H: 811 N. 5th St., Vandalia 62471-1711 H: 5759 Bailey Rd., Brown City, MI 48416-9137 H: 210 W. Main St., Mount Sterling 62353-1226 C: 901 N. Prairie St., Tuscola 61953-9254 H: 308 E. Sale St., Tuscola 61953-1442 217-628-3840 H: 121 S. State St., PO Box 156, Divernon 62530-0156 618-965-3517 618-965-3517 217-773-2047 217-773-2424 618-283-3268 248-693-1509 217-892-2776 812-533-8205 H: 1220 Bel Aire Dr., Rantoul 61866-1619 H: 6666 Darwin Rd., West Terre Haute, IN 47885-8854 Clergy Directory Irvin, Vada Irwin, Joseph, Sr. Oliver Isaacs, Dorothy New Hope Isbell, Sara L. (Andy) Chatham FE FE RE FE RE SS SS RL SY RE RE RL FE AM SS SY SS RL FE FE RL SS SY [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] KRD CRD [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SRD CRD LRD IRD KRD LRD IRD MRD CRD SPD SRD LRD IRD ERD [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook H: 1550 Haley Ln., Conway, AR 72034-3460 H: 226 Gettysburg Rd., Apt. A, Belleville 62226-5441 Kelley, Jeffrey O. (Norma) Kelley, Ray, Jr. Kelley, Scott (Connie) Olmsted Clergy Directory 373 Clergy Directory H: 571 Price Rd., Olmsted 62970-2303 H: PO Box 95, Fiatt 61433-0095 Keller, John N. C: 207 S. 5th St., PO Box 537, Elkville 62932-0537 H: 113 N. Lark Ln., Carbondale 62901-2016 H: 215 E. Washington St., Pontiac 61764-2011 Mail to: 2203 E. Empire St., Ste. K, Bloomington, IL 61704 H: 3106 22nd Ave., Rock Island 61201-5067 C: 706 E. Forrest Hill Ave., Peoria 61603-1926 H: 2 Rainbow Dr., Pekin 61554-2427 H: 79 Kuang Fu Road, Shin-Cheng Shiang, Hualien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Keeslar, Gloria Keller, Curt D. (Kathleen) Peoria Forrest Hill Kao, Norman C. (Sue C.) Kaye, Angela K. (David) Elkville Kearns, Irvin L. C: 2798 Colt Rd., Springfield 62707-8863 H: 2105 Greenside Dr., Springfield 62704-3219 H: Brandenburg House, 6637 Del Playa Dr., Isla Vista, CA 93117 Joyner, Jack Bissell Juergensmeyer, Mark K. (Sucheng) Junk, Ruth W. Kaley, Jack W. (Barbara) Kaley, Mark A. (Nicholeen) Logan County Parish H: 2025 E. Lincoln St., #1318, Bloomington 61701-5995 H: 501 S. Sangamon St., Bement 61813-1337 C: 302 Broadway St., Lincoln 62656-2018 H: 1851 Sunset Dr., Lincoln 62656-5422 C: 103 E. Van Alstyne St., PO Box 134, Cullom 60929-0134 H: 303 W. Jackson St., Cullom 60929-7165 H: 350 Woodland Dr., Salem 62881-2537 C: 3002 W. Bloomington Rd., Champaign 61822-8935 H: 1100 S. Westlawn Ave., Champaign 61821-4410 H: 24080 Mustang Ln., Shell Knob, MO 65747 - summer H: 9385 Palm Island Cir., Fort Myers, FL 33903 - winter H: 405 Jay Dr., Mount Vernon 62864-2249 H: 2025 E. Lincoln St., Apt. 1217, Bloomington 61701-5995 H: 4480 Hotze Rd., Salem 62881-5508 Jones, Malcom O. (Vicky) Trinity UM Parish Jones, Omer A. (Alene) Jordan, Mark R. (Denise) Champaign New Horizon Jones, Donald J. (Darlene) Jones, Dwight L. (D. JoAnn) Jones, E. Michael (Cynthia A.) Incapacity Leave Jones, J. William (Anne) H: 405 Jay Dr., Mount Vernon 62864-2249 KRD Superintendent 501-764-1629 618-363-0278 618-742-8228 309-786-6685 309-685-6243 309-353-5792 309-685-6244 fax 309-789-2583 618-457-4456 417-858-3153 239-997-7928 815-689-2484 815-575-4249 618-548-4978 217-359-8909 217-351-5161 217-359-3908 fax 217-525-3843 217-787-9331 805-562-8145 309-662-4783 217-678-8346 217-732-2204 217-651-8357 217-735-2184 fax 618-244-0538 618-244-0538 618-242-2917 fax 309-661-2255 RE RE SY RE SS FE RE RE SY HL SS RE FE PL RA FE SY RE RE RE FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] MRD CRD ILD SPD ILD VRD CRD VRD IRD SRD SRD KRD IRD VRD VRD MRD KRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 374 Clergy Directory 618-397-5994 618-980-1159 618-397-0755 fax 931-380-3606 618-945-5641 618-945-4421 217-218-8298 C: 1200 Moreland Dr., Belleville 62223-3517 H: 1008 Blue Ridge Dr., Belleville 62223-3528 C: 100 E. Pine St., Mason City 62664-1144 H: 311 N. Tonica St., Mason City 62664-1158 C: 201 W. North St., Decatur 62522-2221 H: 1640 S. Lynnwood Dr., Decatur 62521-4566 C: 201 W. North St., Decatur 62522-2221 King, Stephen (Janet) Mason City-San Jose King-Nobles, Kathy (Kent) Decatur First King-Nobles, Kent (Kathy) H: 435 N. Main St., Bridgeport 62417-1525 C: H: 10325 N. 330th St., Casey 62420-3801 H: 1458 Center Star Rd., Columbia, TN 38401-7749 662-838-6793 217-525-1866 217-679-2312 217-525-3842 fax 217-482-5551 217-737-5071 217-423-9711 217-429-5302 217-423-5025 fax 217-423-9711 309-937-2018 309-558-4351 309-928-9407 C: 120 W. Exchange St., Cambridge 61238-1159 H: 1111 10th St., Moline 61265-3079 H: 208 W. Water St., Farmer City 61842-1444 H: 206 E. Poplar St., Robinson 62454-2942 H: 10 Malibu Dr., Putnam 61560-9547 H: 12290 Fairview Rd., Byhalia, MS 38611-7349 C: 631 S. Grand Ave. W., Springfield 62704-3636 H: 3316 Panther Creek Dr., Springfield 62711-7841 Kersh, Barbara L. Kesling, Michael (Anita) Incapacity Leave Kettelkamp, Steve (Gail) Cambridge Keysear, Guy W. Pleasant Grove Kierce, Bill Belleville Saint Matthew C: 350 E. Highway 106, PO Box 224, Hull 62343-0224 H: 215 E. Highway 106, Hull 62343-1038 H: 5625 SW 60th St., Ocala, FL 34474-7671 H: PO Box 128, Dahlgren 62828-0128 H: 900 E. Southwind Rd., Apt. 325, Springfield 62703-5374 C: 622 S. Clinton St., Bloomington 61701-5451 H: 808 E. Bell St., Bloomington 61701-5442 217-833-2575 217-779-8215 217-245-9541 217-245-8014 217-432-1901 217-779-8512 352-873-4323 618-736-2442 217-585-0535 309-829-4934 309-829-9970 309-828-1164 fax 815-437-2139 C: 115 S. Stanford St., PO Box 497, Griggsville 62340-0497 H: 215 E. Highway 106, Hull 62343-1038 O: 1600 W. Walnut St., Jacksonville 62650-1136 H: 2 Westgate Cir., Jacksonville 62650-2643 Killion, Robert (Mary Ann) Killion, Stephen (Edith) Bridgeport-Petrolia Kilzer, Roger L. (Jo Ellen) Marshall Dunlap-Marshall Asbury King, Ernestine J. King, Gerald G. (Virginia) Springfield Laurel Kelly, David (Sheila) Bright Star United Methodist Parish Kelly, Patsy (Harvey Mack) Passavant Hospital, Jacksonville Kelly, Sheila (David) United Parish Kennedy, Betty Jo Kennedy, Pauline Kenyon, Rhea Kerr, Richard H. (Roberta) Bloomington Grace Clergy Directory FE FE FE HL SY SS FE RE FL AM SY OE FE SS AM SS SS SS FE FE FE FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SRD SRD SRD SRD ERD KRD MRD IRD SPD ILD ERD CRD SRD VRD LRD LRD LRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory 375 309-243-7851 217-626-1580 217-324-3403 217-748-6760 217-748-9958 217-342-6206 H: 1414 W. Brentwood Dr., Dunlap 61525-9522 H: 10961 Prestige Dr., Lerna 62440-2213 H: 25 Ridge Dr., Litchfield 62056-2489 C: 116 Maple St., PO Box 57, Rossville 60963-0057 H: 216 Maple St., Rossville 60963-1136 H: 511 Illinois Ave., Effingham 62401-2147 Clergy Directory 309-935-6712 309-697-2189 309-755-8852 H: 7005 Williams Rd., Kinmundy 62854-3005 H: 6 N. Lafayette St., Ste. 210, Millstadt 62260-1168 H: 432 Saint Sabre Dr., Belleville 62226-1047 H: 28032 N. 700 Ave., Kewanee 61443-8893 H: 3764 Mundell Rd., Eureka Springs, AR 72631-8935 H: 916 E. Jackson St., Morton 61550-1730 H: 1873 Stafford Way, Swansea 62226 H: 266 Merrimon Ave., Asheville, NC 28801-1218 H: PO Box 96, Trivoli 61569-0096 C: 108 W. South St., PO Box 47, Seymour 61875-0047 H: 106 W. South St., PO Box 47, Seymour 61875-0047 C: 119 W. Lincoln Ave., Caseyville 62232-1532 H: 311 S. 2nd St., Caseyville 62232-1523 H: 207 Twin Oaks Dr., Rochester 62563-9219 C: C: 115 W. North St., PO Box 442, Grayville 62844-0422 H: 309 W. Mill St., Grayville 62844-1321 C: 115 S. Stanford St., PO Box 497, Griggsville 62340-0497 H: 38856 County Highway 2, Griggsville 62340-2248 C: 3585 Mount Moriah Rd., Galatia 62935-2603 H: 909 Cedar St., Harrisburg 62946-3855 C: 237 E. 2nd St., PO Box 215, Mineral 61344-0215 H: 20642 E. 2900th St., Annawan 61234-9665 H: 2312 Kathy Ln., Bartonville 61607-1545 H: 1344 12th Ave., East Moline 61244-1717 Kline, Jon D. Kneale, Bernard (Ann) Knox, Roger (Cindi) Kooi, Dale A. (Carol A.) Kovalcik, John F. (Anne) Kovalcik, Michael C. (Joyce) Krause, Colleen Krummel, Fusako Krumpe, Richard Kuebler, Dalene (Ronald) Centerville-Seymour-White Heath Kueker, David O. (Debra) Caseyville Kurfman, Chuck (Amy) New Salem Laflin, Michael R. (Karen) Grayville-Fortney Laird, Alvin (Jan) Bright Star United Methodist Parish Lambert, Jimmie (Joanne) Mount Moriah Lancaster, Terry D. (Patty) Mineral Lang, Ernstfried J. (Viola) Lara-Cardoso, Juan Carlos (Maria) Manantial de Vida Larson, Vonna Lou (Russell) Lauer, Sharon M. Laughlin, Meribah Laumeier, Rebecca A. (Robert) Rossville-Bismarck Laur, Lester B. 618-253-8349 618-235-7469 309-856-8014 479-253-7574 309-266-6890 618-235-0055 828-281-4533 309-686-5944 217-687-4720 217-687-4147 618-344-3388 618-344-1208 217-498-6910 217-787-4147 618-375-7731 618-375-9271 217-833-2575 217-833-2154 O: 1203 W. Green St., Urbana 61801-2905 H: 603 Indigo, Savoy 61874-9450 Kirby, Robert S. (Darcie) U of I Wesley Foundation 217-429-5302 217-423-5025 fax 217-344-1120 217-359-2819 217-344-1830 fax 618-547-7424 H: 1640 S. Lynnwood Dr., Decatur 62521-4566 Decatur First RE RD SS SS FE RE PL PL RL SY OF PL FE RE RL RE RE RE RE SS SS HL SP FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ERD ILD LRD SRD IRD ILD SPD SPD CRD LRD KRD SRD MRD ILD IRD ILD MRD [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] KRD MRD MRD ILD IRD [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 376 Clergy Directory C: 205 S. 24th St., Quincy 62301-4446 H: 2635 Maine St., Quincy 62301-4444 C: 702 Plum St., Marshall 62441-1351 H: 314 N. 8th St., Marshall 62441-1303 Livesay, Gary D. (Valerie Vlahakis) Chaddock C: 2nd & Chestnut Sts., PO Box 296, Strasburg 62465-0296 Lewis, Kathryn Five Point Parish Lewis, Richard Lee (Kathleen) Marshall First Lindeman, Sherry Lippman, Suzy Livengood, Steve (Delores) Fairbury H: 940 E. Lafayette St., Rushville 62681-1520 C: 13304 Meadowlark Ln., Huntley 60142-6385 Leonard, Mrs. C. W. Leppin, William W. (Marsha) H: 47 Court St., Freehold, NJ 07728-1709 H: PO Box 452, Ephraim, WI 54211-0452 - summer H: 916 University Dr., Edwardsville 62025-5565 - winter H: 10841 SW 90th Ct., Ocala, FL 34481-9743 H: 55 Abbotsford Dr., Richmond, KY 40475-1542 C: 200 E. Maple St., Fairbury 61739-1239 H: 206 E. Maple St., Fairbury 61739-1239 217-826-8041 217-826-8371 217-826-8041 fax 908-462-2612 920-854-9658 618-656-1357 352-873-0607 859-623-2921 815-692-2543 815-692-3417 815-692-4805 fax 217-222-0034 217-222-8399 217-222-3865 fax H: 2025 E. Lincoln St., Apt. 3105, Bloomington 61701-5995 C: 190 E. State St., Waverly 62692-1017 H: 213 Main St., PO Box 139, Franklin 62638-0139 C: 200 S. Walnut St., Taylorville 62568-2244 H: 1506 W. Main Cross St., Taylorville 62568-1745 Lees, L. Paul (Gertrude) Legg, Lee (Elizabeth) Waverly-Franklin-Durbin Lembke, Rebecca B. (Tim) Taylorville Lewis, Sally Smith Lewis, William B. (Janet) 217-644-2655 H: 4641 Barrington Dr., Springfield 62711-7262 H: 3405 McArthur Blvd., Alton 62002-5510 C: 114 W. Locust St., PO Box 588, Coulterville 62237-0588 H: 112 W. Locust St., PO Box 588, Coulterville 62237-0588 H: 2907 W. Winterberry Ln., Peoria 61604-1831 C: 701 S. Columbia St., Dwight 60420-1358 H: 304 E. Prospect Ave., Dwight 60420-1631 217-787-8218 618-465-7498 618-758-2472 618-317-8909 309-686-6879 815-584-3420 815-584-1554 815-584-3425 fax 309-585-2397 217-435-2581 217-371-9432 217-824-2782 217-824-3614 217-824-5623 fax 217-322-3458 815-353-9577 309-452-4794 618-234-3038 309-691-0495 Lazell, John W. Leckrone, Shirley Lee, Eunjoo (S. J.) Coulterville-Tilden Lee, John (Genevieve) Leeds, Lance (Judy) Dwight H: 1404 Lismore Ln., Normal 61761-5412 H: 137 Liberty Torch Ct., Belleville 62220-3282 H: 5909 W. Ridgecrest Cir., Peoria 61615-3003 Clergy Directory Lawler, Larry L. ( Ernestine) Lawrence, Nancy Lawry, Robert L. (Susan) FE SS SS FL SS FE PE SS RE FE RE FL RE FE HL SS FE RE SS RE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] retired bishop in residence [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] LRD VRD MRD ERD ERD LRD SRD VRD LRD ILD VRD SRD MRD MRD VRD MRD ILD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory 377 O: 5900 S. 2nd St., PO Box 19207, Springfield 62794-9207 H: 240 Gray Ct., Springfield 62711-5605 C: 1100 Airport Rd., PO Box 206, Godfrey 62035-0206 H: 6818 Wadlow Ct., Godfrey 62035-4238 H: 3410 Plover Dr., Decatur 62526-2271 C: 425 Tepee Rd., Tennessee 62374-3125 H: 825 W. Carroll St., Macomb 61455-1951 C: 208 W. Main St., Marion 62959-2444 H: 806 Morningside Dr., Marion 62959-3749 C: 1133 Main St., Mount Vernon 62864-3818 H: 8 Warwick Ln., Mount Vernon 62864-2344 O: 221 W. Koplin St., PO Box 384, Cissna Park 60924-0384 H: 218 W. Koplin St., PO Box 384, Cissna Park 60924-0384 H: 1033 Summerlin Falls Ct., Wilmington, NC 28412-5146 C: 2400 N. Grand Ave. E., Springfield 62702-4314 H: 3000 Shadowfax Dr., Springfield 62707-9330 H: 401 Burwash Ave., Apt. 308, Savoy 61874-9575 H: PO Box 293, Diboll, TX 75941-0293 H: PO Box 75, Port Byron 61275-0075 C: 205 W. Main St., Shelbyville 62565-1518 H: 812 N. Wood St., Shelbyville 62565-1155 H: 2025 E. Lincoln St., Apt. 3118, Bloomington 61701-5995 H: 428 Glenn Knecht Dr., Crawfordsville, IN 47933-2063 C: 2401 Springfield Rd., East Peoria 61611-4427 H: 2403 Springfield Rd., East Peoria 61611-4427 C: 20 N. Walnut St., Winchester 62694-1147 Lolling, Kent A. (Atsuko G.) Director of Connectional Ministries Long, Donald E., Jr. (Rebecca) Godfrey Long, Donald E., Sr. (Mary Ann) Long, Donald L. (Eleanor) Hills Grove Long, Raymond (Christy) Marion First Long, Victor K. (Jennifer) Mount Vernon First Longtin, Janet Lee Cissna Park-Rankin Lopez, Hugo L. (Hilda) Lossau, Kathleen Springfield Northside Lotz, Roxy Love, Pinckney V., Jr. (Lee D.) Loveland, George W. Lovett, Lee (Sandra) Shelbyville First Lowe, Donald L. (Dawn) Luke, Mary Lybarger, Danny A. (Diana) Dayspring-E. Peoria Faith-Zion Evan. Lyons, Robin R. Clergy Directory 816-741-7375 618-524-7926 815-634-8670 815-634-4616 815-634-2314 fax 217-529-2442 217-787-8793 618-466-3624 618-466-3562 217-330-7444 309-776-3833 309-836-7515 618-993-5421 618-993-3141 618-993-9196 fax 618-242-1030 618-244-1425 618-242-1038 fax 815-457-2416 815-457-2556 910-799-1987 217-523-2293 217-341-2181 217-523-2368 fax H: c/o Douglas Lockart, 7236 NW Lingley Dr., Parkville, MO 64152 H: 3513 Liberty Ridge Rd., Metropolis 62960-4205 C: 6805 E. McArdle Rd., Coal City 60416-9701 H: 384 N. Irving St., Coal City 60416-1122 936-829-5620 309-523-9405 217-774-4131 217-774-5134 217-774-3013 fax 309-664-0958 765-362-0023 309-694-1941 309-699-6390 217-742-3610 773-764-5135 H: 6722 N. Bosworth Ave., Chicago 60626-4221 Lobacz, Steve Leave of Absence Lockart, Erma Logan, Margie Logsdon, Thomas R. (Janice) Coal City FE RE SS FE SS RE RE FE RE FE PL FE FE RA RL FE FE SS SS FE FE ILD [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] LRD VRD SPD ERD IRD SRD IRD KRD CRD SRD SPD MRD SRD CRD VRD [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 217-529-4155 fax [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 378 Clergy Directory 217-742-3320 217-742-3610 fax 815-432-4341 309-699-3354 618-948-2545 217-283-7589 217-737-0150 502-477-6437 618-936-2827 217-554-3000 309-838-4519 815-637-4010 217-370-2644 417-256-4380 217-586-3099 309-792-1276 309-932-9042 309-596-2143 317-346-1805 205-951-0590 618-644-5645 618-644-3711 618-644-3712 fax 708-448-8981 309-467-3026 309-467-2053 507-536-2885 309-874-2564 309-874-2019 309-874-2521 fax 309-426-2900 H: 11 N. Maple St., Winchester 62694-1138 H: 819 W. Lafayette St., Apt. 155, Watseka 60970-2106 H: 22952 Grosenbach Rd., Washington 61571-9207 H: 403 N. 5th St., PO Box 294, Saint Francisville 62460-0294 H: 707 E. Penn St., Hoopeston 60942-1539 H: 3 Meadow Ln., Lincoln 62656-1645 (summer) H: 4901 E. State Highway 107, #645, Edinburg, TX 78539 (winter) H: 211 Chatman Ln., Taylorsville, KY 40071-9703 H: 307 W. Sycamore St., Sumner 62466-5064 O: 1900 E. Main St., Danville 61832-5100 H: 112 Babette Dr., Lexington 61753-1706 H: 6115 Weathervane Ln., Machesney Park 61115-1974 H: 960 N. Mulford Rd., Apt. 320, Rockford 61107-3875 H: 7802 County Road 3750, West Plains, MO 65775-4993 H: 272 DuPage St., Mahomet 61853-9414 H: 625 Warren St., Colona 61241-9308 H: 116 SW 5th St., Galva 61434-1928 H: 2721 75th Ave., PO Box 333, Viola 61486-0333 H: 190 Methodist Dr. W., Franklin, IN 46131-2171 H: 1424 Montclair Rd., # 2082, Birmingham, AL 35210-2208 C: 407 Jacob St., PO Box 252, Saint Jacob 62281-0252 H: 401 Jacob St., PO Box 252, Saint Jacob 62281-0252 H: 6823 W. 112th St., Worth 60482-2005 C: 208 N. Callender St., Eureka 61530-1104 H: 1024 Pepper Tree Ln., Eureka 61530-9758 H: 2104 McQuillan Ct. SE, Rochester, MN 55904 C: 201 S. Blatchford St., PO Box 230, McLean 61754-0230 H: 207 S. Blatchford St., PO Box 230, McLean 61754-0230 H: 77 Preston Ave., Elgin 60120-4430 C: 201 W. Union St., Roseville 61473-9147 Lytle, Hubert P. Mace, Eugene William (Sally A.) Madden, Richard (Pam) Saint Francisville Mader, Richard C Maffett, Larry R. (Marilyn J.) Mahaffey, Betty Sue Majernik, Jim (Madonna) Claremont-Prairieton Manigold, Brian L. (Kathryn) VA Illiana Health Care Systems Mann, Charles W. (Evelyn) Mann, Donald R. (Lois C.) Maritt, Eugene E. (Bonnie) Marrett, Ruth Martin, Joseph E. Martin, Karen Lee Martin, Lorraine E Martin, Ted Martin, W. Jack Marty, Pablo (Zoila) Saint Jacob Martz, Leonard T. (Esther) Martz, Ronald R. (Tracy) Eureka Mason, Lawrence H. (Mary C.) Maxwell, R. Andy (Lois) McLean-Waynesville Mayer, Mario Appointed to Northern Illinois Conf. Mayfield, Michael D. (Vickie) Clergy Directory Winchester FE FE RE PE RE FE RL SS RE SY RE RE RA SS RE RA FE SY RE, SS RE RE RE RE SY [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SPD VRD ILD MRD SPD IRD SPD SPD VRD KRD IRD SRD IRD ILD KRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory 618-557-3534 217-352-3993 217-359-5501 217-352-1525 fax 815-308-5840 928-634-7508 815-496-9471 815-496-2929 309-836-5244 309-523-9101 309-523-2812 217-789-1054 309-764-6721 309-764-8308 fax 217-768-4811 618-842-2129 618-842-9217 618-842-2120 fax 217-698-2785 217-892-1616 906-774-1721 217-865-2136 217-865-3025 217-865-2136 fax 217-344-1678 217-344-6793 fax 217-536-5050 H: 2721 75 Ave., Viola 61486-9556 H: 4781 N. 850th St., Robinson 62454-6633 C: 3002 W. Old Church Rd., PO Box 65, Savoy 61874-0065 H: 4215 S. Duncan Rd., Champaign 61822-6700 H: 1200 E. Grant St., Macomb 61455-3428 C: 22621 Route 2 and 92, Port Byron 61275-9407 H: 24005 71st Ave. N., Port Byron 61275-9069 H: 1901 Witchazel Dr., Springfield 62703-5649 C: 712 16th St., Moline 61265-2122 H: 2302 11th St., Moline 61265 H: 240 W. Main St., Moweaqua 62550-1162 C: 109 S. 1st St., Fairfield 62837-2513 H: 302 SE 4th St., Fairfield 62837-2123 H: 4205 Fort Donelson Dr., Springfield 62711-8265 H: 222 Keystone Dr., Rantoul 61866-2706 H: 1307 Evergreen Dr., Iron Mountain, MI 49801-4468 C: 1260 W. Elwin Rd., PO Box 19, Elwin 62532-0019 H: 1234 W. Elwin Rd., PO Box 19, Elwin 62532-0019 H: 111 W. Whitehall Ct., Urbana 61801-6664 C: 13900 E. US Highway 37, PO Box 192, Watson 62473 H: 6225 N. US Highway 45, Watson 62473-2211 H: 7138 Sunset Dr., Clinton 61727-9644 C: 211 N. School St., Normal 61761-2503 H: 117 N. Blair Dr., Normal 61761-1819 McCafferty-Rudolph, Kathy (Marcus) Incapacity Leave McCarter, Robert (Janice) McClarey, James Charles (Lisa) Savoy McClarey, James P. (Kay) McCleary, Paul F. (Rachael) McClimans, Jewel McClimans, Leon David (Darlene) Christian Counseling Center, Inc. McCord, Winifred McCoy, Chet (Sue) Carbon Cliff-Church of the Cross McCoy, Ophilis (Margaret) McCoy, Robb (Sarah) Moline Riverside McDaniel, Martha McDonald, Charles E. (Diane) Fairfield First McDonald, Robert E. (Johanne) McDowell, H. Margaret Richards (Paul) McFarland, John R. (Helen) McGeehon, Randy (Jackie) Elwin McGuire, Richard L. (Kay) McIntire, Roger L. Watson McIntosh, Burt A. (Elizabeth) McIntosh, John K. (Patty) Normal First 379 Clergy Directory H: 1819 Woodside Dr., Woodstock 60098-2799 H: 508 Kindrick Dr., Clarkdale, AZ 86324-3381 H: 4018 E. 2603rd Rd., Sheridan 60551-9601 H: 3839 E. 2603rd Rd., Sheridan 60551-9586 217-935-5568 309-452-2096 309-888-4150 309-452-1327 fax 309-426-2037 309-426-2900 fax 309-596-2087 th H: 202 W. Union St., Roseville 61473-9000 Roseville-Swan Creek RE FE SY RE RE RE RE AM RL FE RE FE SS PL RE RE SS FE RL FE FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SRD VRD ERD IRD SRD SRD IRD SRD KRD SRD SPD SPD SPD ERD IRD SPD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 380 Clergy Directory Metzger, Helen Meyers, Charla J. (Scott) West Central Charge Michaels, Keith A. (Joanne) Carlyle-Huey-Beckemeyer Michels, Francis T. (Earline) Michels, Terry (Joyce) Flora Trinity Mick, Richard J. Melzer, Ronald C. (Bonnie L.) Incapacity Leave Mendell, Norman E. Galesburg Faith Merritt, Phillip E. (Stephanie) Edwards Mesiti, Carl (Verna) Granite City Niedringhaus H: 10017 Rimstone, Mabelvale, AR 72103-4980 H: 215 E. 4th St., Flora 62839-2039 McLean, Roderick (Gloria) McNeely, Bob Xenia McNeil, Mary McNemee, Jeannine McWilliams, Robert W. Medlen, Judy (James) Meeks, Donald L. Vienna Melgreen, Julia Atkinson (Frank) Springfield Douglas Avenue 309-932-2865 217-430-2508 618-594-2051 618-594-2700 217-324-5000 618-662-5221 618-392-2069 859-881-9756 C: 751 Franklin St., Carlyle 62231-1815 H: 1710 Kane St., Carlyle 62231-1131 H: 1100 N. VanBuren St., Litchfield 62056-1559 C: 430 W. 3rd St., Flora 62839-1206 H: 1115 Willow Dr., Olney 62450-2446 H: 225 Churchill Crossing, Nicholasville, KY 40356-2583 618-877-4555 618-876-8098 C: 1311 20th St., Granite City 62040-4524 H: 3204 Harvard Pl., Granite City 62040-3638 H: 108 NW 5th St., Galva 61434-1022 H: RR 4, Box 44, Mount Sterling 62353-9416 309-343-8805 309-342-0666 309-698-0157 217-853-3426 618-658-3311 618-658-7281 217-546-4631 217-498-9144 217-546-6197 fax 520-904-9022 309-827-0433 501-888-5331 618-678-2730 618-332-0909 618-345-1414 217-245-7312 217-243-3052 630-834-1678 C: 876 E. Knox St., Galesburg 61401-5170 H: 825 E. Grove St., Galesburg 61401-3838 H: 100 Clayton Ct., East Peoria 61611-1504 H: 63737 E. Greenbelt Ln., Tucson, AZ 85739-1244 H: 20060 Terrace Ave., Chicago Heights 60411-1312 H: 14 Heartland Dr., Rm. 303, Bloomington 61704-7769 H: 5-4-2 Saeki-Ku, Hiroshima 731-51, Japan H: RR 3, Box 148, Lawrenceville 62439-9453 C: 301 N. 4th St., PO Box 1349, Vienna 62995-1349 H: 920 Old Route 146 Loop, Vienna 62995-2461 C: 501 S. Douglas Ave., Springfield 62704-1701 H: 53 Longview Dr., Springfield 62712-9145 C: 1447 Merritt Rd., Jacksonville 62650 H: 101 Westpoint N., Jacksonville 62650-6480 H: 528 S. Cornell Ave., Villa Park 60181-2948 H: PO Box 375, Glen Carbon 62034-0375 C: 1400 Camp Jackson Rd., Cahokia 62206-2502 H: 809 Rolling Meadows Dr., Maryville 62062-6658 McKelvey, Robert (Gretta) Jacksonville Wesley Chapel McKendrick, Maxine H. McKiou, Dowain V. McLaughlin, Beth (Sigurd Bjorklund) Cahokia Park Clergy Directory RE RE SY FE SS PL RA SY RE SY AM FE FE SS SS HL RA OE RE SY SS RE FE FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ILD [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] MRD KRD MRD SPD LRD MRD SPD SRD KRD CRD VRD KRD MRD MRD LRD [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook H: PO Box 382, Cowden 62422-0382 C: 3201 NE Madison Ave., Peoria 61603-2348 H: 408 W. Altorfer Ln., Peoria 61615-2103 H: 516 S. Spruce St., Arthur 61911-1440 C: 106 W. Vermilion St., PO Box 1010, Catlin 61817-1010 H: 212 N. Sandusky St., PO Box 284, Catlin 61817-0284 H: 12228 N. 300th St., Wheeler 62479-2438 H: 801 S. Prairie St., Robinson 62454-1618 H: 9012 W. Goetz Rd., Hanna City 61536-9453 C: 365 E. Madison St., PO Box 296, Ashley 62808-0296 H: 1972 E. IL Highway 15, Woodlawn 62898-4025 C: 225 S. Madison St., PO Box 98, Westfield 62474-0098 Miller, Colleen Miller, Craig (Linda) Peoria Madison Avenue Miller, Ellen Miller, Janet (Richard) Catlin Miller, Kenneth K. (Mary) Miller, Linda L. (Ronald H.) Miller, Ted (Carol) Miller, Thomas (Debbie) Ashley-Waltonville Miller, Walter (Valerie A.) Oakland-Westfield Milligan, Alan D. (Jo Ellen) Karnak & Eagle House Ministries Milner, S. Burkett (Beverly) Minor, Cathy (Kerry) Windsor-Zion Hill Clergy Directory 381 618-997-2810 517-750-4127 H: c/o Dale Follis POA, 7454 Gunners Ln., Carterville 62918 H: 2100 Park Rd., Apt. 117, Jackson, MI 49203-4938 C: 111 W. Monroe St., PO Box 607, Anna 62906-0607 H: 200 Orange St., Anna 62906-1134 H: 1564 E. Aloe Pl., Chandler, AZ 85286-2202 H: 302 N. Main St., PO Box 293, Port Byron 61275 H: 2005 Fietsam Rd., Marion 62959-5901 C: 1200 Ohio Ave., PO Box 16, Windsor 61957-0016 H: 401 Lafayette Ave. E., Mattoon 61938-4645 618-658-2434 618-658-8116 618-993-1132 217-459-2232 217-273-5241 217-459-2230 fax 618-833-2234 618-833-9246 480-283-7192 309-523-3767 309-565-4632 618-485-2793 618-735-2617 217-967-5294 H: 3580 State Rt. 37 N., PO Box 97, Buncombe 62912-0097 Clergy Directory Minor, William Anna Misal, Margaret S. (Shashi K.) Misfeldt, Larry A. Fairfield Mitchell, Lucille Mitchell, Marie 309-694-4353 217-563-2485 217-563-2964 217-632-3077 217-483-2270 217-483-3822 217-483-7022 fax 217-783-2664 309-685-1755 H: 303 Rainbow Dr., Creve Coeur 61610-4273 C: 1431 E. 100 North Rd., Nokomis 62075-3123 H: H: 19130 Sunny Acres Rd., Petersburg 62675-7306 C: 1022 New City Rd., Chatham 62629-8043 H: 920 Monarch Dr., Chatham 62629-9638 217-543-3457 217-427-5566 217-427-5788 217-427-0434 fax 217-925-5422 618-562-1104 812-201-7684 H: 508 N. Peachtree St., Ponca City, OK 74601-3957 Midgley, Maurice, Jr. (Charla) Incapacity Leave Milam, Bernetta Miles, Richard (Betty) South Fork-Fairview Milhouse, Edward E. (Delta) Miller, Allen W. (Angie) Sugar Creek RE HL SY SS SS FE HL FE FE FE RL SY RE RE SS FE SS SY RE FE SS FL FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CRD SPD CRD CRD ERD CRD ERD ILD KRD ERD ERD IRD IRD ERD ILD SRD SRD ILD SRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 382 Clergy Directory C: 1023 N. 6th St., Chillicothe 61523-1552 H: 1407 W. Sycamore St., Chillicothe 61523-1367 H: PO Box 164, New London, IA 52645-0164 H: 102 Burris St., Catlin 61817-9604 H: 2140 E. County Road 200N, Oakland 61943-8507 C: 200 E. Illinois St., PO Box 539, Mansfield 61854-0539 H: 201 E. Illinois St., PO Box 442, Mansfield 61854-0442 C: 417 S. Locust St., PO Box 642, Delavan 61734-0642 H: 402 E. 1st St., PO Box 642, Delavan 61734-0642 C: 2910 Utah Pl., Alton 62002-5503 H: 106 Fern Way, Canton, GA 30115-8500 H: 108 S. Vermillion St., Pontiac 61764 H: 108 S. Vermillion St., Pontiac 61764 C: 1101 State St., Quincy 62301-4958 H: 1701 Highland Ln., Quincy 62305-1132 H: 73 Benton Dr., Decatur 62526-1478 C: 400 Park St., Waterloo 62298-1308 H: 260 Gall Rd., PO Box 257, Columbia 62236-0257 C: 100 E. 5th St., Metropolis 62960-2109 H: 421 Metropolis St., Metropolis 62960-2136 H: 1114 River Birch Ct., Santa Maria, CA 93454-3234 H: 1935 Tanglewood Dr., Apt. B, Glenview 60025-1635 H: 5354 W. 62nd St., Apt. 254, Indianapolis, IN 46268-4407 H: RR 3, Box 28, Lawrenceville 62439-9408 C: 120 S. Elizabeth St., PO Box 216, Stronghurst 61480 H: 315 W. Main St., PO Box 275, Stronghurst 61480-0275 C: 105 W. Main St., PO Box 37, Ogden 61859-0037 H: 109 Lynn Dr., PO Box 67, Ogden 61859-0067 H: 7100 N. Fox Point Dr., Apt. 6, Peoria 61614-2253 H: 6 Eagle Dr., Holiday Island, AR 72631-4703 Mitchell, Ted J. (Cathy) Chillicothe Mixon, David W. (Rhonda) Molloy, Marjorie Monahan, Nancy (Gordon) Leave of Absence Monroe, Sharon R. (Ron) Mansfield Moreau, Larry R. (Barbara) Delavan Morgan, David P. (Alice F.) Morris, George E. (Barbara) Morse, Arla (William F.) Morse, William F. (Arla) Morwell, Robert C. (Nina) Quincy Union Mosher, Claude N. (Marie) Mosimann, Gary (Joyce) Waterloo Real Life Motta, Gary L. (Rebecca) Metropolis Motzer, Paul D. (Fran) Moulden, Phillip L. (Carol M.) Mulligan, Eleanor Mulvany, Oren (Lois) Munden, Anita R. (Frank) Stronghurst-Carman Murphy, Kathy (Bill) Ogden-Broadlands Mushrush, Robert D. (JoAnne) Myers, Carol Clergy Directory 217-489-5691 217-489-3741 217-489-9371 fax 309-244-8800 309-244-7516 309-244-7020 fax 618-462-7907 678-947-9927 815-844-7501 815-844-7501 217-223-6062 217-222-6062 217-223-6203 fax 217-877-6192 618-939-1313 618-281-4277 618-939-1314 fax 618-524-9325 618-524-7286 618-524-8339 fax 805-928-6761 847-657-0771 317- 280-0111 618-943-4638 309-924-1380 309-924-1208 217-582-2840 217-693-3928 309-693-2308 479-363-9707 309-274-5458 309-274-9619 309-274-3438 fax 319-367-2453 217-427-5293 217-346-2026 RE SS PL RE RE SS RL FE FE RE RE SY RE RE RL RL FE FE AM RE SS FE FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ILD IRD KRD SPD CRD SRD MRD VRD VRD LRD MRD ILD IRD IRD ERD ILD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook H: 515 Eagle Ridge Dr., Chatham 62629-2010 H: 2645 E. Southern Ave., Apt. A228, Tempe, AZ 85282 H: 1551 W. Adams St., Springfield 62704-1501 H: 108 Avenue Notre Dame, East Peoria 61611-1501 H: 4412 Pepperwood Hill SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403-1069 C: 626 E. Main St., PO Box 147, Cuba 61427-0147 H: 405 S. Plato St., PO Box 55, London Mills 61544-0055 H: 302 N. Beringer Cir., Urbana 61802-2276 H: 2802 Natalie Dr., Champaign 61822-7358 Nafziger, Rita (George) Najmon, M. Catherine (Mark) Sharon Nance, Murriel (Brenda) Nation, H. Keith (Kayla) Chester Nelson, Beth Westmer Larger Parish Nestler, Frank H. New, Frank M. (Mary Lou) Newell, Evelyn Newhall, Alan L. (Kathy) Newhall, Barbara Newhall, Paul (Teresa) Cuba-London Mills Newsome, Jack L. (Joan) Nichols, J. Gerald (Nancy) Bondville Nielsen, Melvin (Debbie) Bonfield/Grand Prairie Parish Noland, Robert L. (Linda) O'Fallon First North, Martha Nottrott, David (Theresa M.) Nourie, Kevin Clergy Directory 383 H: 923 N. Broadway Ave., Salem 62881-1271 C: 311 E. Jackson St., PO Box 217, Farina 62838-0217 H: 302 E. VanBuren Ave., Farina 62838-1271 Clergy Directory Vandalia Haley Chapel-Mount Carmel O'Dell, John (Noreta) Nowakowski, Mark (Julie) Farina-Louisville Edgar County New Vision Parish, Circuit 3 S: 1018 Saint John St., PO Box 547, Faulkton, SD 57438 W: 3 Breeghle Ln., Bella Vista, AR 72714-3237 H: 811 Kenyon Dr., PO Box 7051, Springfield 62791-7051 C: 4363 W. Center St., Decatur 62522-9698 H: 1717 N. Florian Ave., Decatur 62526-3332 H: 22 Westwood Dr., Mount Vernon 62864-2212 C: 871 State St., Chester 62233-1641 H: 8311 Heron Cv., Freeburg 62243-2359 C: 203 S. Washington St., PO Box 250, Joy 61260-0250 H: 210 E. Illinois St., PO Box 250, Joy 61260-0250 Myers, William G. C: 348 E. Smith St., PO Box 66, Bonfield 60913-0066 H: 225 Country Ln., Bonfield 60913-6906 C: 504 E. US Highway 50, O'Fallon 62269-2827 H: 315 W. Center St., Lebanon 62254-1411 H: 3934 S. Gatlin Ct., Springfield, MO 65807-5368 H: 8 Moncada Pl., Hot Springs Vlg, AR 71909-5066 H: 502 N. Coffin St., PO Box 298, Newman 61942-0298 C: 1200 S. Liberty St., Jerseyville 62052-2586 H: 730 W. County Rd., Jerseyville 62052-2578 Myers, Mark C. (Nancy) Jerseyville 618-245-6175 618-245-6538 618-245-6538 fax 618-548-8061 815-802-9805 815-263-5310 618-632-2354 618-537-4280 417-886-0020 501-915-9963 217-837-2015 618-498-2621 618-498-2818 618-639-6957 fax 605-598-4520 479-855-7939 217-546-5657 217-429-2033 217-428-6843 618-242-3957 618-826-2549 618-710-0057 309-584-4172 309-584-4171 309-584-4148 fax 217-483-6044 480-831-3448 480-831-3495 fax 217-546-3052 309-277-7019 563-362-9054 309-785-3811 309-486-3507 217-337-5376 217-398-4410 RE FL SS RE SY DM FL RE RE SS RE SS FE RE RE FE RE PL RL FL RE FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 618-632-4159 fax [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ERD KRD ERD MRD VRD IRD IRD ILD SRD ILD SRD SPD KRD MRD SRD SRD LRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 384 Clergy Directory H: 215 E. Almond Ave., Orange, CA 92866-1521 C: 1201 N. Fair St., Marion 62959-3705 H: 2601 Old Creal Springs Rd., Marion 62959-6203 C: 2000 W. Pioneer Pkwy., Ste. 18B, Peoria 61615-5803 H: 1017 N. Flora Ave., Peoria 61606-1405 H: 4636 Lawson Dr., Decatur 62526-1132 C: 7372 Marine Rd., Edwardsville 62025-4548 H: 310 Redwood Dr., Edwardsville 62025-7752 C: 301 Pine St., Carterville 62918-1258 H: 106 Brooke Ln., Carterville 62918-5161 H: 114 S. Rustic Rd., East Peoria 61611-3740 H: RR 1, Box 229, Simpson 62985-9614 C: H: 1040 Dee Lee Ln., Mount Zion 62549-1011 C: 423 E. Wauponis St., PO Box 98, Tonica 61370-0098 H: 415 E. Wauponis St., PO Box 104, Tonica 61370-0104 Owyang, Julie Moore Ozment, Timothy (Jennie) Marion Aldersgate Padgett, Lauren Harbor Light Hospice Palmer, Miley E. (Janet) Palmer, Sheryl L. Edwardsville Saint John’s Palmer, Stephen L. (Linda) Carterville Palmer, William A. (Lois M.) Pancake, Delbert (Catherine) Glendale-Eddyville-Taylor Parker, Raymond E. (Marilyn) Parra, Danira (Mark Fitzgerald) Tonica-Five Points Multiple Charge Parish H: 15 W. North St., Bethany 61914-7080 H: 225 S. Jackson St., Perryville, MO 63775-2518 C: 219 N. Chicago St., Pontiac 61764-1911 H: 1808 Derron Dr., Pontiac 61764-9504 Overlot, Margaret Owens, Bruce F. (Joyce) Owens, Raymond P. (Susan) Pontiac First 815-252-2230 618-656-1853 618-656-5244 618-656-1864 fax 618-985-4511 618-985-2206 618-985-4511 fax 309-698-9495 618-695-3334 618-695-3358 217-855-3180 319-396-0067 815-686-2652 815-473-4435 618-397-1099 618-398-6554 931-707-5626 815-432-4903 815-432-2609 815-432-5070 fax 217-665-3457 573-768-6187 815-842-1157 815-844-5233 815-844-6425 fax 714-771-3704 618-997-6065 618-993-5709 618-993-1322 fax 309-689-9760 309-637-7794 309-689-9764 fax 217-876-0749 H: 5400 Cedar Dr. NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405-3208 H: 21 E. Market St., PO Box 206, Piper City 60959-0206 C: PO Box 207, Woodland, IL 60974-0207 C: 9300 Richfield Rd., Fairview Heights 62208-1528 H: 1614 Pontiac Rd., Fairview Heights 62208-1447 H: 112 Britton Ln., Crossville, TN 38558-8639 C: 301 S. 4th St., Watseka 60970-1618 H: 501 S. 4th St., Watseka 60970-1622 309-266-8159 618-783-2641 H: 109 N. Nebraska Ave., Morton 61550-2320 H: 801 Hickory Dr., Newton 62448-1011 Clergy Directory Ogden, Ralph E. (Miriam) Ogdon, Franklin O. (Diane) Incapacity Leave Olson, Larry A. (Phyllis L.) Onken, Sandra (Marvin) Woodland Oplt, Karen Fairview Heights Prospect Park Orewiler, Marvin N. (Joan) Osborn, Wesley L. (Rinda) Watseka RE FL RE FE FE FE RE FE SS FE RA RE FE RE FE PL RA SY RL FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SRD VRD ILD CRD CRD MRD SRD ILD CRD VRD SRD IRD MRD IRD ILD ERD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory 385 H: 1706 E Amber Ln., Apt. 114, Urbana, 61802-6910 H: 1329 Center Ave., Janesville, WI 53546-2437 C: 110 Coley St., PO Box 357, Loami 62661-0357 H: 617 Evergreen Dr., Chatham 62629-1113 C: 202 W. Melvin St., PO Box 174, Bellflower 61724 H: 510 E. North St., PO Box 22, Bellflower 61724-0022 H: 2123 68th Ave., Greeley, CO 80634-7936 C: 2336 E. Andrew Rd., Sherman 62684-9646 H: 785 Timberedge Dr., Sherman 62684-9458 C: 203 S. Lafayette St., Newton 62448-1211 Clergy Directory Pearce, Timothy (Cheri) Newton Grace Pearson, Alice Pease, David G. (Patricia L.) Peck, Donald L. (Brenda) Island Grove-Loami Pence, Louella (Lou) Bellflower Penfold, James L. (Marian) Pennell, G. Michael (Jean A.) Sherman H: 215 E. Washington St., Apt. 706, Pontiac 61764-2011 H: 804 W. Delaware Ave., Urbana 61801-4809 C: 111 N. Washington St., McLeansboro 62859-1060 H: 701 S. Washington St., McLeansboro 62859-1241 C: RR 1, Box 89, Lawrenceville 62439-9736 Peabody, Mary Peacock, Joseph N. Peak, James, Jr. (Cathy) McLeansboro First Pearce, Gary (Nancy) Lawrenceville Zion-Billett Pearce, Mary Kathryn Dunlap Prospect C: 300 E. Ash St., PO Box 98, Dunlap 61525-0098 H: 210 E. Ash St., PO Box 98, Dunlap 61525-0098 C: 210 S. Main St., Shiloh 62269-2935 H: 114 Seibert Rd., O’Fallon 62269-3627 C: 2941 S. Koke Mill Rd., Springfield 62711-9651 H: 4770 Leah Dr., Springfield 62711-6365 Paulson, Anthony (Erin) Shiloh Paulson, Michael (Rose) Springfield First H: 1306 W. Mack Ave., Olney 62450-3712 H: 1306 W. Mack Ave., Olney 62450-3712 C: 1200 Moreland Dr., Belleville 62223-3517 H: 1837 Duncan St., Swansea 62226-1733 Patterson, Robert S. (Rose Marie) Patterson, Rose Marie (Robert S.) Patton, Larry (Diane K.) Belleville Saint Matthew Paskewitz, Paul A. (Estella) Pate, Timothy (Becky) Granite City Nameoki C: 2136 Dewey Ave., Granite City 62040-3204 H: 4012 Rode Ave., Granite City 62040-2222 H: 14 Prospect Pl., Danville 61832-1817 C: 1900 Pontoon Rd., Granite City 62040-2339 H: 2431 Waterman Ave., Granite City 62040-2931 Granite City Dewey Ave.-Good Shepherd Pascoe, Doug 309-243-7300 309-243-5711 309-243-7483 fax 618-783-3336 618-783-3327 217-469-7069 608-563-4595 217-624-6208 217-483-5730 309-722-3765 309-722-3413 970-515-6335 217-496-2338 217-496-3258 217-496-2631 fax 217-793-9765 fax 815-844-3871 217-344-6716 618-643-2556 618-643-2653 618-676-4064 618-877-2769 618-876-1773 217-442-5586 618-877-1936 618-931-6046 618-877-1937 fax 618-392-4709 618-392-4709 618-397-5994 618-233-8575 618-397-0755 fax 618-632-6913 618-978-9416 217-793-9760 SY RL RE FE SS RE OF FE FE FL SS RE FL FE FE RE SS FD RE FE SY [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SRD IRD SRD IRD ERD ILD KRD VRD IRD CRD SRD MRD KRD KRD MRD IRD MRD MRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 386 Clergy Directory 815-939-1347 815-689-2484 217-375-4396 217-375-4230 618-547-3604 309-673-3641 309-691-3561 309-673-3644 fax 217-322-3328 217-322-3413 217-322-5502 fax 618-740-0491 217-835-4773 618-363-8369 618-584-3176 217-566-3614 H: 563 Madison Ave., Bradley 60915-1577 C: 103 E. Van Alstyne St., PO Box 134, Cullom 60929-0134 C: 100 S. Main St., PO Box 146, East Lynn 60932-0146 H: 41661 Main St., East Lynn 60932 H: 301 E. 3rd St., PO Box 129, Kinmundy 62854-0129 C: 116 NE Perry Ave., Peoria 61603-3624 H: 6504 N. Syler St., Peoria 61615-2436 C: 210 W. Jefferson St., PO Box 208, Rushville 62681-0208 H: 220 W. Jefferson St., Rushville 62681-1006 H: 299 Bob White Ln., # 119, Salem 62881-1009 C: 209 S. Main St., Benld 62009-1430 H: 55 N. Bompart Ave., Apt. 31, Webster Groves, MO 63119 H: 1970 N. 1275th St., Flat Rock 62427-2622 C: 128 E. Jones St., PO Box 79, Williamsville 62693-0079 Pichaske, Stephen (Elizabeth) Rushville First Pierce, Frank C. (Irene) Pierce, Rick (Cindy) Benld Pinkstaff, Jerry (Justine) Piscatelli, Richard F. (Carole) C: 185 E. 1st St., PO Box 102, Bonnie 62816-0102 H: 1013 Lake Shore Dr., Mount Vernon 62864-3017 H: 350 Helmwood Cir., Mount Washington, KY 40047-6793 C: 104 E. Carter St., PO Box 118, Cerro Gordo 61818-0118 H: 525 W. Oakley Rd., PO Box 118, Cerro Gordo 61818 H: PO Box 266, Carmi 62821-0266 C: H: RR 5, Box 179, McLeansboro 62859-9204 Perry, Travis C. (Margaret) Bonnie-Ina Peters, Millie Horning (Robert L.) Peyla, Linda Okaw River Parish Peyton, Harrison L. (Judy) Galatia Phillips, Bonnie (Edward) Broughton Phillips, Brent K. (Betty) Phillips, David L. (Linda) Trinity UM Parish Phillips, Kevin East Lynn Phillips, Lillian Phillips, Robert J. (Christy) Peoria First C: 3801 7th St., East Moline 61244-3507 H: 476 45th Ave., East Moline 61244-4267 C: 1700 N. Towanda Ave., Normal 61761-5455 H: 607 E. Ironwood Country Club Dr., Normal 61761-5271 Perry, Randall K. (Kandis) Normal Calvary Perry, Roger D. (Joye) East Moline Christ C: 3801 7th St., East Moline 61244-3506 H: 476 45th Ave., East Moline 61244-4267 Perry, Joye (Roger D.) East Moline Christ 618-654-8434 618-651-9400 618-654-8434 fax 309-755-2508 309-912-7372 309-755-8081 fax 309-452-5413 309-452-9684 309-452-1057 fax 309-755-2508 309-912-7372 309-755-8081 fax 618-242-5449 618-244-4541 502-538-0257 217-763-8411 217-763-4881 618-382-7571 618-382-5548 618-773-4545 C: 12846 Daiber Rd., Highland 62249-2812 H: 8 Pin Oak Dr., Highland 62249-2337 Perry, Dan (Carol) Highland Hope Clergy Directory RL RE RE PL FE RL FE RE RE SY SY SY RE RE FE SY FE FE PL FE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ERD SRD KRD MRD LRD KRD ILD IRD VRD VRD CRD CRD SRD KRD SPD VRD SPD MRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook H: 304 N. Parkside Rd., Normal 61761-2347 H: 5981 Spruce Ln., Saint Anne 60964-5332 H: 2122 Washington St., Quincy 62301-5268 Pratt, Donald E. (Judy E.) Pratt, Ruth Preston, N. Nadine Clergy Directory 387 Clergy Directory C: 502 Main St., PO Box 138, Murrayville 62668-0138 H: 104 W. Hughes, PO Box 138, Murrayville 62668-0138 H: 407 Logan Run Rd., Murphysboro 62966-6451 618-327-8407 618-327-8202 618-327-8370 fax 309-452-9419 815-932-6425 217-473-9269 H: 532 Abelson Dr., Apt. 304, Carmi 62821-1587 H: 1211 Mockingbird Ln., Carterville 62918-1664 Porter, Ray B. (Joan) Potter, Sharon R. Incapacity Leave Powell, Joyce Powers, Daniel East Alton First C: 250 N. Mill St., Nashville 62263-1741 H: 428 E. Walnut St., Nashville 62263-1723 H: 1 Harrison St., PO Box 201, Amesville, OH 45711-0201 H: 3924 Dunaire Dr., Valrico, FL 33596-7042 C: 113 S. College St., PO Box 375, Blue Mound 62513-0375 H: 112 S. Prairie St., PO Box 186, Blue Mound 62513-0186 Pollock, Robert F. (Teresa) Polstra, Charles P. Poole, Jimmy Lee (Beckie J.) Blue Mound-Decatur Central Powers, Dennis (Tammy) Murrayville Prater, Paul H. (Betty) Incapacity Leave Prather, John (Jeanna) Nashville Grace C: 2550 N. County Rd. 1740, PO Box 97, Colusa 62329 H: 855 E. County Road 2450, PO Box 220, Nauvoo 62354 C: 208 W. Main St., Marion 62959-2444 H: 505 Pit 12 Rd., Stonefort 62987-1220 Poland, David (Sandra) Colusa-Appanoose Yoked Pollex, Deborah L. Marion First 336-884-0500 618-259-1306 618-259-6136 618-259-5337 fax 217-882-4041 217-882-7081 618-687-2210 H: 908 Cedar Dr., Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948-8015 H: 100 S. Hewitt St., Carbondale 62901-2250 H: 217 S. Hickory St., Arthur 61911-1317 H: 2202 S. Morris Ave., Bloomington 61704-7232 H: 20341 N. Prairie Ln., Centralia 62801-8547 O: 210 W. Water St., Ste. 2, Pontiac 61764-1790, H: 1801 Bob O Link Dr., Pontiac 61764-9370 Pitsch, Robert L. Pittman, Leroy (Vera) Plummer, Esther Poe, Marian Poe, Phillip (Barbara J.) Pogemiller, Leah R. VRD Superintendent 217-494 1475 217-566-3614 fax 252-441-6195 618-549-4947 217-543-3030 309-827-4439 618-249-9060 815-844-3530 815-370-4030 815-844-6583 fax 217-755-4433 217-453-6405 618-993-5421 618-994-4121 618-993-9196 fax 740-448-1157 813-684-3318 217-692-2543 217-692-2421 217-692-2543 fax 618-384-2306 618-733-4374 H: 1775 Westchester Dr., Apt. 306, High Point, NC 27262 C: 1001 3rd St., East Alton 62024-1604 H: 800 Vernon St., East Alton 62024-1660 H: 302 Wagon Wheel Ln., Chatham 62629-1540 Williamsville RA SS RE FE FE FE SS FE RE AM RE HL FE PL OF RE RE SS SS RE FE SY [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] VRD VRD LRD MRD CRD LRD MRD CRD CRD SRD CRD SPD CRD IRD VRD KRD VRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 388 Clergy Directory H: 1040 Beulah Ln., Sumner 62466-4840 C: H: 605 N. Jefferson St., PO Box 906, Roanoke 61561-0906 C: 104 Douglas St., PO Box 170, Edinburg 62531-0170 H: 210 N. Eaton St., PO Box 170, Edinburg 62531-0170 C: 700 3rd St., Carmi 62821-1004 H: 702 3rd St., Carmi 62821-1004 H: 800 Glen Crossing Rd., Glen Carbon 62034-8506 C: 200 W. Green St., PO Box 145, Roberts 60962-0145 H: 106 Chickasaw Ln., Loda 60948-9685 C: 205 S. 24th St., Quincy 62301-4446 H: 2121 E. 2400th St., Camp Point 62320-2504 Pyell, David (Linda) Altona-Oneida Pyles, W. Kenneth (Judith A.) Quick, Chris Marshall Emmanuel-Zion Quick, Harold, Jr. (Jill) Beulah Quiram, Judith (Dennis) Radae, Raymond Edinburg-Stonington Ramsey, V. Eugene, II (Mary) Carmi Emmanuel Ramsey, Victor E., Sr. Rapp, Stanley A. (Lois J.) Roberts-Thawville Rasche, Jeffrey A. (Shelly) Chaddock C: 212 N. Depot St., PO Box 259, Altona 61414-0259 H: 110 N. Depot St., Altona 61414-0259 H: 9588 SE 124th Loop, Summerfield, FL 34491-9734 H: 702 Lincoln Dr., Marshall 62441-1982 H: 4365 E. White St., Decatur 62526-5763 C: 1220 W. Main St., Mount Zion 62549-1346 H: 2874 S. Forrest Ln., Decatur 62521-5415 Price, Krista (Steven R.) Marshall Armstrong Price, Wolford C. (Jane) Pritchett, Wade (Annette) Colp and Pleasant Grove Procell, Andrew C. (Betty) Provines, Kenneth L. Pruehsner, Leslie C. (Jeanne) Pruett, Beulah Pruett, Thomas M. (Shelley) Incapacity Leave Pruett, William E. (Millie) Pyatt, William G. (Brenda) Mount Zion C: 18500 N. Armstrong Rd., Marshall 62441-4090 H: 1201 Cedar Ln., Marshall 62441-1966 H: PO Box 1671, Bloomington 61702-1671 C: 300 W. Andrew Springs Rd., PO Box 117, Colp 62921 H: 1470 Sullivan Rd., Goreville 62939-2623 H: 510 W. Main St., Stewardson 62463-1006 H: RR 3, Box 590, Sumner 62466-9352 H: 402 Springfield Ave., Anna 62906-2108 H: 2929 W. Holcombe Blvd., Apt. 201, Houston, TX 77025 H: 685 Walker Ave., Colby, KS 67701-1529 H: 404 S. 27th St., Herrin 62948-2018 C: 407 Edwardsville Rd., Troy 62294-1339 H: 312 Old Homestead Dr., Troy 62294-1295 Pribble, Beulah Price, Dennis D. (Iris L.) Troy-Worden Clergy Directory FE RE RA FE SS FL FE RE PE 352-347-7189 217-826-8155 618-936-2868 618-936-2325 309-923-7716 217-623-5591 217-623-5326 618-382-2436 618-384-5251 618-384-2206 fax 618-288-9966 217-395-2347 217-386-2321 217-222-0034 217-593-7107 217-222-3865 fax FL RE FE RA RL RE SS AM RE PL FE SS FE 217-233-2072 217-864-4813 217-706-5001 217-864-3672 fax 309-484-5811 309-874-3114 618-985-6935 618-995-1177 217-682-5437 618-928-2070 618-833-2560 713-669-1741 785-462-3536 618-942-7501 618-667-6241 618-667-6331 618-667-7748 fax 217-826-2283 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] LRD MRD IRD CRD VRD SRD KRD ERD SPD SRD SRD ERD KRD CRD VRD CRD ERD CRD MRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook Clergy Directory 389 C: 211 E. North St., PO Box 327, Niantic 62551-0327 H: 451 3rd St., PO Box 215, Illiopolis 62539-0215 H: 123 LaSelva Dr., Watsonville, CA 95076-1616 H: 414A Larkin Ct., Warrensburg, MO 64093-2847 H: 336 S. Walnut St., Princeville 61559-9386 H: 336 S. Walnut St., Princeville 61559-9386 H: 401 S. Moreland Rd., Apt. 210, Bethalto 62010-2120 C: 109 E. Seminary Ave., Onarga 60955-1240 H: 408 E. Lincoln Ave., Onarga 60955-1315 H: 19772 Wabash 18 Ave., Allendale 62410-2193 H: 323 E. North St., PO Box 52, Mount Sterling 62353-0052 C: 3714 Fort Jesse Rd., Normal 61761-9455 H: 3716 Fort Jesse Rd., Normal 61761-9455 815-268-4320 815-268-7828 815-268-4725 fax 217-668-2453 217-486-7311 309-385-1655 309-385-1655 217-442-7820 217-443-9608 217-895-2809 217-347-3917 217-347-3915 217-347-3917 217-347-3916 fax 217-773-2510 309-452-6255 309-585-2709 309-452-5965 fax 618-299-5005 C: 414 Poland Rd., Danville 61834-7467 H: 104 Maple St., Danville 61832-8316 C: 752 Walnut Ave., PO Box 610, Neoga 62447-0610 H: 602 Newman Ct., Effingham 62401-6404 C: 1901 S. 4th St., Ste. 236, Effingham 62401-4188 H: 602 Newman Ct., Effingham 62401-6404 H: 22576 Prairie Chapel Rd., Farmer City 61842-9885 C: 27721 E. County Highway 27, Glasford 61533-9426 H: 24019 W. Moul Rd., Elmwood 61529-9716 H: 2711 Keebler Rd., Maryville 62062-6869 H: 818 S. Main St., PO Box 226, Clay City 62824-0226 H: c/o Barbara C. Martin, 1002 Randall Ln., Fulton, MO 65251 217-833-2575 217-833-2377 618-372-3255 618-372-3252 618-372-3255 618-372-3252 210-637-9228 210-221-6140 573-291-5736 309-928-9167 309-647-4548 309-245-4290 618-345-3693 618-676-1866 C: 115 S. Stanford St., PO Box 497, Griggsville 62340-0497 H: PO Box 287, Griggsville 62340-0287 C: 401 N. Main St., PO Box 457, Brighton 62012-0457 H: 112 E. Vine St., PO Box 792, Brighton 62012-0792 C: 401 N. Main St., PO Box 457, Brighton 62012-0457 H: 112 E. Vine St., PO Box 792, Brighton 62012-0792 H: 2061 Staff Post Rd., San Antonio, TX 78234-1305 Clergy Directory Reneker, C. W. (Sue) Niantic-Illiopolis Reffett, Eugene Lee (Linda) Regennitter, Jay (Sarah Graham) Normal Morningstar-Bloomington West Olive Faith Reiber, Nelson (Clara) Lancaster-Nye Chapel Reid, Patricia Reimer, Norma Jean Reiner, Darlene (Fred J.) Reiner, Fred J. (Darlene) Reinhardt, Adra Reis, Elizabeth Onarga-Piper City Reed, Jerry L. Reed, Tony (Beth) Union Chapel Reeder, Janice (Dan) Danville Farmers Chapel Reese, Deborah L. (Randy) Neoga-Etna Reese, Randall W. (Debbie) ERD Superintendent White Chapel-Kingston Mines-Monterey Ratliff, Peg Bright Star United Methodist Parish Rayson, Amy (Mike) Brighton Saint Paul Rayson, Mike (Amy) Brighton Saint Paul Read, John D. (Laura) United States Army Redmon, Hazel Reed, Ellen Reed, James W. (Pamela) AM RL SY SS SS RA RE SS FL RL FE FE FE PL RE SY SS SS FL FE PL FL SY [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SRD ILD ILD MRD IRD KRD LRD VRD ERD ERD IRD MRD KRD IRD ILD MRD MRD LRD Illinois Great Rivers Conference 2011 Journal-Yearbook 390 H: 19 Suburban Dr., Murphysboro 62966-2938 C: 1407 18th Ave., PO Box 477, Viola 61486-0477 H: 1401 18th Ave., PO Box 477, Viola 61486-0477 H: 1401 18th Ave., PO Box 477, Viola 61486-0477 H: 529 Buckingham Rd., Canton, MI 48188-1579 C: 510 S. 4th St., PO Box 516, Chatsworth 60921-0516 H: 310 E. Elm St., PO Box 415, Chatsworth 60921-0415 H: 3017 Wye Oak Dr., Belleville 62221-7028 C: 215 S. Kellogg St., PO Box 367, Kirkwood 61447-0367 H: 235 E. Locust St., PO Box 373, Kirkwood 61447-0373 C: 214 W. Main St., Carbondale 62901-2920 H: 2124 W. Meadow Ln., Carbondale 62901-2047 C: 111 W. 4th St., Momence 60954-1147 H: 328 N. Pine St., Momence 60954-1113 C: 101 E. 2nd North St., Mount Olive 62069-1309 H: 109 E. 2nd North St., Mount Olive 62069-1309 H: 3561 Meadows Ln., Vernon, FL 32462-3515 H:
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