From the Desk of the General Manager
From the Desk of the General Manager
19 H O L E the th January-February 2016 A N E W S L E T T E R F O R T H E M E M B E R S O F T H E L I N K S AT S T O N O F E R R Y From the Desk of the General Manager The Links at Stono Ferry has been chosen The one change I announced for 2016 at by the South Carolina Golf Association to the course is the creation of a set of tees host the South Carolina Junior Amateur. It that will be set at 3,850 yards. will be the 58th time the tournament has tees will take the place of the blue and been held, and only the third time it has yellow family tees. been hosted in the Charleston area. Past be cut at tee height and the tee mark- champions include Lucas Glover and Char- ers will make it easier for players to find. lie Rymer. The golf tournament will be held They will be rated for men and women. June 7-9, and it is open to players ages These tees are designed for players who 13-17. We will be looking for volunteers hit driver less than 150 yards. The dis- to help with the event. Mainly we will need tance should allow for players to make spotters on the course to help players find more greens in regulation, speed up play, their balls and to assist with pace of play. and have more overall enjoyment. Please Please be on the lookout for sign up op- be on the lookout for the tees this spring. These The teeing area will portunities, they will be posted this spring. As we begin the 2016 season, I want to The annual meeting turn out this past De- encourage all members to continue to give cember was very good. It was great to see the staff and me as much feedback as outgoing board members being recognized possible. We may not always be able to for their service to the MGA and the WGA. accomplish your desire, but we will when I want to say a special thanks to our out- we can. Our goal as a company is to con- going board members for their efforts, and tinue to improve, and the only way that is I also want to thank Alex Tumbleston for possible is from membership feedback. her efforts as President of the WGA. The Feel free to call, email, or see me in person. meeting was also an opportunity for the membership to recognize the new incom- Thank you again for your business. The ing WGA President. Libby Summerford. staff and I look forward to serving you. General Manager, Greg Wood Jan/Feb ‘16 S T O N O F E R R Y M E M B E R S N E W S L E T T E R GROUNDSKEEPER Michael Eargle The holiday season is drawing to an end. The golf course maintenance staff and I hope the last couple of weeks were filled with special moments and memories for every one of you. I want to take this opportunity to recap some of the highlights from 2015. “It rained, a lot!” (82 rain days totaling 73+ inches). Seemed like we were in continuous clean up mode and could never stay out in front always playing catch up! Hopefully in 2016 we can get off of the cart path. My Mother always said, “This too shall pass!” For the maintenance operation, during the months of January and February our top priority is to prepare the golf course for play each morning. This takes about four hours and requires every staff member. Once the golf course is ready for play, work efforts will be focused on things such as, irrigation repairs, bunker repair (redistribute sand), tree work, mulch beds,and leaf removal. Much of this clean up and repair work is performed on a priority basis or “moments of opportunity.” Your comments are always much appreciated and we did try to address as many as we could in 2015, please continue with your feedback, so we can improve upon our day to day operations in 2016. Thank you for creating many bright spots for my crew and myself this past year with your praise and appreciation for our efforts in maintaining your golf course. May your drives be straight and your putts short. Golf Tips and Clinics Tee Height? In our journey to get everything out of our golf game and especially the driver, there are many variables that we should consider. One of these is how height you should be teeing the ball. I get this question a lot when I am giving a lesson and the student is usually surprised what a difference the height can make. I will give you my general rule of thumb and then explain why you might need to tee it higher or lower. First, the basic fundamental for almost all golfers is that at least half of the ball should be above the top of the driver. With today’s large heads on the drivers that means we have to tee it up significantly higher than we used to. This helps promote hitting up on the ball slightly which we want to do with the driver. If you currently have the tendency of hitting big hooks (right to left for a right handed player), then its possible that you could benefit from teeing it lower. This can help you not have the club move too much from in to out. Most players however, tend to slice the ball and because of the downward angle of attack of their swing they usually tee the ball too low. You can easily recognize this player by the bottom of the driver being worn out from hitting the ground too much. If this is you, TEE IT HIGHER! Try to sweep the ball off the tee and catch it on the upswing. Almost everyone I have ever given a lesson to that has these swing characteristic picks up distance by teeing the ball higher. I hope this little tip helps! Please let me know if I can help you start a plan to achieve you golf goals for 2016! Visit the Instruction page on our website to view my golf tip videos that will help you lower your scores in 2016. Director of Instruction David Kite The Golf Shop - Mike Sutton The Pro Shop Christmas Sale was once again a big success and I hope all that came and shopped had a great time. If you happened to miss the sale but still need some stocking stuffers or that last minute gift, we will be open and ready for you right up until the last cart comes in on Christmas Eve!! Some of our popular items from the sale are still available. We have Under Armour sweatshirts, FootJoy Polos and Dunning polos and pants. And for that hard to buy for friend or relative I might suggest a NexBelt one size fits all belt. They come in lots of fun colors and buckle designs. To prep for the coming season in 2016 we are starting a number of glove and ball sales to help you stock up; Nike Dura Feel glove on sale for 2 for $15.00 Srixon Cabretta Leather glove for 2 for $20 Srixon Z Star – 1 Dozen - $49.99 2 Dozen - $69.99 3 Dozen - $99.99 S T O N O F E R R Y N E W S L E T T E R Jan/Feb ‘16 Rules Corner: New Rules for 2016 The USGA and RA publish a new rulebook every 4 years, with this revision covering the period of 2016-2020. There are 4 major changes to the rules that take affect on 1 January 2016. -The first is Rule 6-6b, which covers the limited exception to the disqualification penalty for submission of incorrect scorecard. -Rule 18-2b withdrawal of rule on ball moving after address -Rule 14-3 modification of penalty for a single impermissible use of artificial devices or equipment. -Rule 14-1b prohibitions on “anchoring” the club while making a stroke. Rule 14-1b is the rule to be overviewed here today. This rule is not an equipment rule but prohibits anchoring the club “directly” or by use of “anchor point”. You can continue to use these pieces of equipment. -The club is anchored “directly” when the player intentionally holds the club or a gripping hand in contact with any part of his body, except that the player may hold the club or a gripping hand against a hand or forearm. -An “anchor point” exists when the player intentionally holds a forearm in contact with any part of his body to establish a gripping hand as a stable point around which the other hand may swing the club. Further, for purposes of Rule 14-1b, the “forearm” is the part of the arm below the elbow joint and includes the wrist. The local club or committee in charge of competition cannot adopt a local rule to allow for this method of stroke. A Local Rule to permit anchoring is not authorized under the Rules of Golf. Under rule 33-8, “A Rule of Golf must not be waived by a Local Rule.” Local Rules are intended to address local abnormal conditions at a specific course and must be consistent with the policy expressed in the Rules. A “Local Rule” purporting to eliminate Rule 14-1b would be an impermissible waiver of a Rule defining a fundamental characteristic of the game, i.e., how a stroke is to be made. Likewise, a Condition of Competition to permit anchoring is not authorized under the Rules. In establishing the conditions of play, the committee in charge of a competition or a course “has no power to waive a Rule of Golf” (Rule 33-1). Accordingly, an individual club or competition committee would be acting contrary to the Rules of Golf if it declared that Rule 14-1b could be ignored, whether this was characterized as a Local Rule, Condition of Competition or in any other way. For further information regarding the anchoring ban, please go to Real Estate When looking back on 2015 in the world of Charleston real estate, one theme would be new construction. With a tight inventory supply homebuilders have been building like crazy in the Tri county area. In Stono Ferry the same has been true. There have been 4 closed new construction sales with 5 more under contract set to close after the New Year. If inventory remains as tight as it has been in 2015 then the new construction trend will continue into 2016 as builders look to fill that demand. Below are some stats and commentary on the past year and current market conditions in the Tri County Area. Residential real estate is experiencing its best year since the recession. Housing demand is healthy, and that is expected to continue until the end of the year. Home sales are actually set to have their best national showing since 2006. More of the same is anticipated in 2016, but inventory and affordability challenges coupled with mortgage rate increases will likely keep any sort of monster growth in check. This should be a good thing for keeping home prices from increasing too rapidly to maintain economic stability. New Listings were up 0.7 percent to 1,417. Pending Sales increased 28.1 percent to 1,340. Inventory shrank 15.2 percent to 5,390 units. Prices moved higher as Median Sales Price was up 11.7 percent to $246,135. Days on Market decreased 22.5 percent to 62 days. Months Supply of Inventory was down 29.6 percent to 3.8 months, indicating that demand increased relative to supply. Unemployment rates across the nation changed little last month, which bodes well for an increase in buying activity. The national jobless rate was 5.0 percent in October, which was 0.7 percent lower than the year prior. Although housing and employment data are quite positive at this juncture, it is still certainly possible for listings and sales to be down in year-over-year comparisons. Bad weather and the mix of housing available to buyers tend to have a greater effect on trends at the end of the year than during the midsummer months. If as a member you have any questions as to what constitutes an anchor point you can stop by the pro shop and discuss the rule with any of the professional staff. If you or anyone you know is looking to buy or sell in 2016 please let us know as we would love to help. Read more on the 2016 rules changes here. Rob Sturm - 843.478.2404 [email protected] Bud Poston - 843.697.3786 [email protected] Jan/Feb ‘16 S T O N O F E R R Y M E M B E R S Men’s Golf Association News On behalf of the MGA Board of Directors I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year and best wishes for an exciting and fun 2016! The MGA held its annual meeting and Board of Director elections on December 15th. Many thanks to Pat Barber and Greg Wood for hosting the meeting as well as to Barry Hogan and Caroline Knapp for preparing a delicious appetizer spread. We had over 50 members attend the meeting and over 100 ballots cast for the two open board positions. We sincerely appreciate everyone who attended and especially thank the candidates who volunteered to run for the board. Rodney Arendsen and Jack Greco are the new board members for 2016. The 2016 MGA Board, officers and committee chairs are as follows: John Crocker – President Chuck Bryden – Treasurer Ferol Vernon - Sponsorships Joe Shirley – Tournament Signs and Sponsorships Jack Greco - Secretary Rodney Arendsen –Tournament Food & Catering Another tournament season will be upon us soon so please mark your calendars for the Super Bowl Blitz on February 7th and the Stono Cup on March 13th and 14th. FYI the 2016 tournament schedule is posted in the MGA binder located in the pro shop next to the computer station, and reminders will be sent out prior to each event. Please note that you must be an MGA member to participate in MGA sponsored events. Also, participants in MGA events must have 10 posted scores from the tee for which they are registering within the previous 12 months. MGA annual dues will remain at $35 for 2016 and we will strive to keep tournament fees reasonable in the face of rising costs in many areas. One of our primary objectives is to increase member participation and I encourage you to continue your participation in MGA tournaments and functions. I would like to extend special thanks to the MGA board and outgoing board members Bill Tucker and Steve Radin for their support and stewardship of the association over the past several years. I would also like to thank our many sponsors and patrons for their continued financial support which allows us to continue to improve our tournaments and keep entry fees reasonable. You’re next on the tee, hit away! John Crocker, President N E W S L E T T E R STAFF CONTACTS Greg Wood General Manager 843-763-1817, ext. 5 [email protected] Mike Sutton Head Golf Professional 843-763-1817,ext. 4 Michael Eargle Golf Course Superintendent 843-556-3006 David Kite Director of Instruction 843-763-1817, ext. 8 Erica Peper Wedding & Event Sales 843-847-1607 [email protected] Website Jan/Feb ‘16 S T O N O F E R R Y M E M B E R S N E W S L E T T E R Women’s Golf Association News Many hands played a part in making 2015 a success for the SFWGA. As always, Pat Barber, Greg Wood, Mike Sutton and the entire Stono Ferry staff created a professional and fun environment for us to enjoy. Their support and expertise were invaluable. And our generous sponsors continued to make our events and tournaments possible. Thank you to our Gold Sponsors: Bonitz Flooring Group, Carolina Hearing Services, GersonyStrauss Co., and Lowcountry Physical Therapy Association as well as our loyal silver sponsors. Closing Day Event Winners Missy Walker, Ann Kirk and Gail Walker The Ladies Association enjoyed sunny, brisk weather for their Closing Day Event on Dec. 5th. Thirty-five women enjoyed a 9-hole, Captain’s Choice tournament and lunch. Congratulatons to the winning team: Missy Walker, Ann Kirk and Gail Walker. Second place went to Georgiann Kralik, Nancy Ziegler, Mayrelle Semken and Claudia Boyce, and the team of Donna Hill, Valerie West, Millie Kennedy and Joan Zaia came in third. Donna Hill won longest drive and Nealoo McLain won “closest to the pin.” After golf and lunch year-end awards were given. Jill Crocker, Nancy Ziegler, Ann Kirk, and Barb Bryden won the year-long “Wednesday League” competition and Millie Kennedy won for the “Saturday League.” Birdie Box awards went to Chris Murphy, Alex Tumbleston, and “Most Improved” was Valerie West. After our business meeting Betty Bear kept the tradition alive by playing Santa in our gift exchange. We had a great time! This was the last official event for the 2015 SFWGA board. These exceptional women played large a part in the successes of this past year under the leadership of our very exceptional retiring President, Alex Tumbleston. Jill Crocker retired as Treasurer and Karla Abbott retired as a Director at Large. Alex and the 2015 board led the Association to a total income of $20,998, including a sponsorship total of $8,300, and a projected balance of $5,073 for the year. Along with many other accomplishments they increased participation in tournaments and events by 13 percent over 2014 and brought in 10 new members. The 2016 SFWGA Board will be working hard to follow in the footsteps of these accomplished ladies. Libby Summerford will move from Vice President to President, Chris Murphy will be the new V.P., Marilyn Schnitz will be the new Treasurer, Brenda Coleman is staying on as Secretary, Ann Kirk will remain as Director at Large and Handicap Chairperson and Jan Murray will be the new Director at Large. We have kicked off our 2016 sponsorship campaign and look forward to speaking with many of you about your continued or new support of our Ladies Golf Association. Sponsorship is an excellent opportunity for you to market yourselves to some very influential women in your community! Women’s Golf Association President Alex Tumbleston Our Opening Day Event for 2016 is Feb. 27th, and we have some very talented ladies lined up to chair all of our 2016 events. We are very excited about our upcoming year and grateful to those who have given us an exceptional foundation to work with. It’s going to be a great year! MON T HLY C A L E N D A R O F EVENTS CLUB EVENTS Erica Peper Happy New Year! We have a lot of exciting events in store for 2016 and we could not be more excited to get the new year rolling. We are going to shake up the socials and hopefully add some more after hours events for you to enjoy. Mark your calendar for our annual Wine Social coming up on Friday, February 19. It will be a less formal event this year, transitioning from a seated, wine-pairing dinner as we have done in the past to a more cocktail party style, wine tasting event. I hope everyone can attend! As always, feel free to bring a guest or friend who is interested in joining Stono Ferry. Keep in mind with my new position here at Stono Ferry as Director of Events, I am mainly in charge of Social Events and Weddings. Please direct any billing questions, membership questions, or tournament inquiries to Mike Sutton or Greg Wood. If you know someone wanting to plan a party or wedding, or have any suggestions or ideas for upcoming member socials, I am your go-to contact for that information. Please note that my office hours have changed. I am available in the office on Wednesdays or by appointment only. I can be reached via email at any time! Have a great start to the year and we look forward to seeing you around the club! Golf Funny of the Month “While sitting at a table in the clubhouse after a game, Padraig remarked to a fellow club member’, I’m not going to play golf with Jim Lawler anymore. He cheats.’ ‘Why do you say that?’ asked his friend. ‘Well, he found his lost ball two feet from the green’, replied Padraig indignantly. ‘That’s entirely possible’, commented his friend. ‘Not when I had his golf ball in my pocket’, retorted Padraig with finality.”