Years of Support and Service - Garrett County Memorial Hospital


Years of Support and Service - Garrett County Memorial Hospital
Years of Support
2 0 1 2
A n n u a l
and Service
R e p o r t
It is with a sense of
heartfelt gratitude that
this Annual Report is
dedicated to all of our
donors on the occasion
of the Foundation's
Silver Anniversary. What
began as an inspirational
thought of Jacquelyn
Shirer has transformed
into the Garrett County
Memorial Hospital
Foundation. Because of the generosity of thousands
of compassionate citizens and engaged businesses and
civic associations, the Foundation has provided millions
of dollars in vital equipment which undergirds the
high quality of medical care that our communities have
come to expect. More recently, the Foundation has
enabled several employees of the Hospital to advance
their education and training through a scholarship
As we look to the years ahead, we are encouraged
and excited about the opportunities and challenges of
working with Garrett County Memorial Hospital and
our communities to further enhance and advance the
quality of medical care.
William B. Grant
Foundation Chairman
In its 25 year history, Garrett County
Memorial Hospital Foundation has
raised $12,000,000 to fund needed
equipment, fund critical scholarships
and create an endowment for long term
Growth in Revenue
Page 2
On the front cover center of the Annual Report, after
the Hospital photo is Jackie Funkhouser, RN, 6th year at
Garrett County Memorial Hospital. Far right photo is
Judi Schiff, owner of therapist dog Maggie, with Dianne
Monroe, Sub-Acute patient.
Twenty-five years ago, Jacquelyn L. Shirer
suggested that Garrett County Memorial
Hospital look toward the community for
much-needed financial support to address the
ongoing challenges and ever-increasing costs
of maintaining new, state-of-the-art diagnostic
equipment and facilities at the hospital. The
ultimate goal was to help ensure quality health
care for all the residents and visitors of our
regional mountain top community. Mrs. Shirer
was, at that time, serving as an active member
of the Board of Governors for Garrett County
Memorial Hospital, and knew firsthand just how important the Hospital
is to the community as well as the funding challenges faced each year by
Hospital leaders.
Her vision and inspiration was the beginning of the Garrett County
Memorial Hospital Foundation. From that vision has emerged a strong
fundraising organization comprising many dedicated and committed
volunteers who, since inception, have raised in excess of $12 million
dollars, and have already funded $7.9 million in patient care equipment
and capital improvements at the Hospital.
None of this would have been possible without individuals, businesses
and civic organizations that demonstrate care and concern for each other.
We are fortunate to live and work in a community such as Garrett County.
It is an honor to serve our community and be entrusted with providing for
their healthcare needs.
On behalf of the entire Hospital staff and its physicians, I want to
express our sincere appreciation to all the donors and volunteers who have
made the Foundation such an outstanding and successful organization.
The past twenty-five years are marked with significant accomplishments
that have strengthened the Hospital’s ability to remain at the forefront of
delivering high-quality healthcare services to the community.
We look forward to the next twenty-five years, not knowing what
challenges healthcare may face, but with certainty that together, we are all
“Investing together today, for a healthier tomorrow.”
As we publish the 2012 Annual Report we
are, once again, humbled by the generosity
and support shown by the volunteers and
donors who have made the past twentyfive years a success for the Garrett County
Memorial Hospital Foundation. With each
donation we see the good that results, from
a nuclear medicine imaging camera to help
with a diagnostic work-up, to cardiac related
equipment used in life threatening situations,
to basic equipment used daily to monitor
patient vital signs.
Garrett County Memorial Hospital stands as a leader in what a
community hospital can and should be. Since 1950, the Hospital has
provided compassionate, quality care, regardless of ability to pay. For
the past twenty-five years, the Foundation has been proud to partner
with Garrett County Memorial Hospital to help with financial resources
needed to maintain and advance that care. Whether people give their
time, money or expertise, the support for Garrett County Memorial
Hospital has been nothing short of inspirational. We appreciate the
incredible efforts and resources put forth by our donors, board members
and volunteers while we recognize the doctors and staff who continue to
demonstrate unparalleled commitment to and passion for their work.
As we focus on the many accomplishments fostered by dedicated
volunteers, generous donors, hard-working healthcare providers and a
supportive community, we extend to each and every one of you a very
sincere thank-you. Your belief in our mission and your generosity are very
much appreciated. We encourage each of you to reflect on the good that
you have accomplished as you review this issue.
Kathy R. Greaser, CFRE
Executive Director
Donald P. Battista
Page 3
Foundation Board Board of Governors
Donald P. Battista, CEO
Brian Boal, CPA
B. J. Davisson
Linda Fike
Barbara Frantz
Regina Gearhart
William B. Grant
Kathy R. Greaser, CFRE, Director
Eugene D. Helbig, Jr.
Wayne Johnson
Tracy Lipscomb, CFO
Jessica Lucas, Recorder
Dana McCauley
Elaine L. McDonald
Jeannie Miller
Offutt Johnson
Jason Rush
Jeanine Sisler
Betsy Spiker Holcomb
Wayne Johnson, Chairman
Peggy Jamison, Vice Chairperson
Eugene Helbig, Jr., Treasurer
Katherine Browning, Secretary
Commissioner Gregan Crawford
Commissioner Robert Gatto
Frances Gnegy
Henrietta Lease
James Murray
Matthew Paugh
Richard Perry, MD
Betsy Spiker Holcomb
James “Smokey” Stanton
Charles Walch, MD
Sandi Winters
Garrett County Memorial Hospital Foundation
January 31, 2012
Balance Sheet
Cash................................................................................... $ 282,432
Permanently Restricted................................................ 35,086
Temporarily Restricted................................................ 442,508
Inhouse Restricted........................................................ 59,613
Unrestricted.................................................................. 2,992,157
Total Investments.............................................................. 3,529,364
Pledges Receivable
Pledges Receivable........................................................ 369,048
Allowance For Uncollectible................................... (18,452)
Total Pledges Receivable.................................................. 350,596
Total Assets....................................................................... $4,162,392
Liabilities And Fund Balance
Administrative Expenses Due To
Garrett County Memorial Hospital............................. $0
Capital Campaign Expenses Due
To Garrett County Memorial Hospital....................... 194,290
Funds Pledged To Garrett County
Memorial Hospital For Equipment Purchases............ 402,484
Total Liabilities................................................................. $596,774
Fund Balance..................................................................... $3,565,618
Total Liabilities And Fund Balance.................................. $4,162,392
Page 4
Strong Foundation, Limitless Potential
Since 1950, Garrett County Memorial Hospital has been valiantly meeting the healthcare needs
of our local community and, since 1987, the GCMH Foundation has partnered with the hospital
in fulfilling this mission. As the Foundation reflects on the accomplishments of the past twenty-five
years, we are gratified by our progress, moved by the generosity of our donors, and energized by the
tremendous potential of the future.
Historically, our foundation has focused on securing funds for critically important
equipment that allows for state-of-the-art healthcare delivery. We will always need to
upgrade equipment as new technologies emerge and we stand ready to help the hospital
with this priority. The constantly shifting healthcare landscape, however, has caused us to
determine that the time is right for expanding the Foundation's focus.
Our growing and evolving region coupled with challenges inherent with managed
care and the regulatory environment make us realize that our future progress depends on a steady
stream of philanthropic revenue. We will look to our most loyal donors who best understand our
capabilities as well as new donors to help us with this endeavor.
As we begin our 26th year, we hope to capture your imagination and philanthropic
spirit by adding an emphasis on scholarships in support of the professional development
of our staff and on building an endowment for the hospital. This "donor-centric" focus
provides ample room to accommodate your individual passion for the hospital and readily
demonstrate it tangibly.
Enriching the professional skills of our front-line healthcare providers makes for
a more satisfied employee and a better served patient. Gifts in support of scholarships can support
additional training, attendance at workshops, or academic progress toward a degree or certification.
Creating a more rewarding work environment aids in retention of employees, thus reducing costly
turnover. The stability of our workforce and small town family care provided are often cited among our
An endowment, a fund that is carefully stewarded in perpetuity, will provide our
hospital with a predictable stream of resources with which to plan strategic longer-term
initiatives. An endowment can also provide us with the much needed flexibility and
nimbleness to respond to previously unforeseen circumstances or challenges. Functioning
like a cross between a savings account and a retirement fund, it will play a critical role in
helping the hospital reach its full potential as it grows over the years. Gifts to the endowment can either
create individual named funds or be pooled with gifts from others to the general endowment.
We seek philanthropic partners as we look to implement these new initiatives. GCMH is an
exemplary hospital and a model of what a community hospital should be. We believe that our
Foundation's track record is likewise exemplary, but there is so much more that we can d0 together.
Please join us as we move forward with deliberateness and determination.
Page 5
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The fast paced
changes within
hospital care require
greater skills and
expertise from hospital
associates entrusted
with patient care.
To meet this
challenge, the
Foundation provides
scholarships to
current associates
to enable them to
pursue additional
education and training
specifically designed to
enhance patient care.
August 30, 2011
Dear Members of the Foundation:
At this time I would like to thank you for the support and
the opportunity that your foundation provided me through
the scholarship to obtain my Bachelor’s Degree of Science in
Nursing. Without your support from the scholarship, I would
have never have been able to afford to return to college to
complete my degree. A thank-you would simply not be enough
to repay what your foundation has done for me.
I started at the University of Phoenix in May of 2007. I
was almost halfway finished when my house burned and I had
to take a break to rebuild my house. I started back in May of
2010 and I finished in May of 2011. Reba Rush and I graduated
with honors and also got inducted into the National Honor
Society for Nurses called Sigma Theta Tau. Sigma Theta Tau membership is by invitation to
baccalaureate and graduate nursing students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship and to
nurse leaders exhibiting exceptional achievements in nursing. Here are some additional facts about
our membership:
• have completed 12 credit hours at current school;
• have completed 1/2 of the nursing curriculum;
• achieve academic excellence (at schools where a 4.0 grade point average system is used, which
equates to a 3.0 or higher);
• rank in the upper 35 percentile of graduating class;
• meet the expectation of academic integrity.
Reba Rush and I graduated from the University of Phoenix in July of 2011 in Charlotte, NC.
Out of the 900-plus graduates, only 15 graduated with honors and Reba and I were among the 15.
I thought it was a great showing for our hospital. With the support your foundation gave me, I felt
it was important to show you respect with maintaining my grade point average and doing the best I
could possibly do.
Your support and scholarships help this hospital to maintain and provide the high level of
care that it has always been known for providing. Your support makes such a huge impact on this
hospital and the employees that work here.
I now want to obtain my Master’s in Business Healthcare Administration. I plan to go back
to school when my youngest daughter graduates from high school. I want to thank you again and
pledge my service to this hospital to help pay back what your foundation has done for me.
Elaine D. Geroski, RN, BSN
Director of Surgical Services
Garrett County Memorial Hospital
Page 7
August 29, 2011
GCMH Foundation,
I would like to take this opportunity
to thank you for providing the Foundation
Scholarship Fund for the employees at Garrett
County Memorial Hospital. I am very grateful
and honored that you have given me the
opportunity to further my nursing education.
I am excited and happy to report to
you that after one year and seven months, I
have completed my last class at University
of Phoenix and now have my Bachelor of
Science Degree in Nursing (BSN). It was not
an easy task to maintain a full-time job, full time academic studies, and
responsibilities at home with family and aging parents. I started this journey
for my BSN in October 2009. After review of my transcripts, I was notified
that I would be required to take 13 nursing classes and two humanities
classes. I went straight through the program with the exception of two,
1-week breaks. My official last day of class was May 23, 2011.
Another employee here at GCMH and I traveled to Charlotte, North
Carolina, and took part in their commencement exercises on July 16,
2011. We were both surprised to be presented an Honors Cord from the
University of Phoenix to wear during the ceremony. We were also invited
to join the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau, and wore that
Honors Cord proudly also. I am sharing this accomplishment with you, so
you will know that I worked hard to maintain my GPA and thought this
would be the best way to show my appreciation for your support.
Without the generous contribution through the Foundation, I would
not have been able to fulfill this part of my nursing career. I appreciate the
monetary contribution and the faith you had in me.
September 30, 2008
Dear GCMH Foundation,
I would like to take this opportunity
to thank the GCMH Foundation for the
scholarship funding provided to me. The
opportunity to further my healthcare
education by going back to college was
made possible with the help of this financial
Three years ago I started my first year
of college through Rasmussen College's
online degree program committed to my
Associate's degree in Health Information Technology. These past three
years have been challenging, but I expect the knowledge I have gained
to be with me for the rest of my life. As a mother of two wonderful
children and a full-time employee at Garrett County Memorial Hospital
it was a difficult decision to go back to school. I really have to thank you
for considering me for the funding that you provided to me to make my
dreams possible.
I have truly benefited both professionally and personally from your
foundation’s funding for my education. Through the funding that I
received and the opportunity to take online classes I am seeing my
dreams become reality. As anyone attending college knows, the cost
of fees, books, and materials can be a great burden. The scholarship
funding that I received was essential in attaining the goals that I set and
can be very beneficial to others in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Reba Rush, RNC, BSN, CPUR
Performance Improvement
Risk Management Coordinator
Risk Manager
Page 8
Angela D. Maule, RHIT, CCS
Director of Health Information Management
Garrett County Memorial Hospital
A cornerstone of
the Foundation is its
endowment fund. It has
been built and nurtured
throughout the years to
serve and respond to the
unique needs of Garrett
County Memorial Hospital.
As of Dec. 31, 2011, the
endowment stood at
The estate of the late Ruth
Ridder Jackson and her husband
John Haigh Jackson gave a
substantial endowment to the
Garrett County Memorial Hospital
After military retirement, the
Jacksons returned to Oakland,
where they were very active in the
community. Mrs. Jackson served
as a volunteer at Garrett County
Memorial Hospital. Mr. Jackson
was the executive director of the
Garrett County Development
Corporation, director of the
Garrett National Bank, member of the Oakland Town Council,
chairman of the Board of Garrett County Memorial Hospital and
engineer advisor to the town of Oakland. He also played a major role
in Bausch & Lomb’s decision to locate in Garrett County in the late
1960s and early 1970s.
Mrs. Jackson was born Dec. 11, 1920, in Garrett County. She
grew up with 9 brothers and sisters and worked at Pritt’s Garage as a
bookkeeper until she married Jackson in 1942.
Mr. Jackson was born July 13, 1913, in Bayonne, N.J. He
graduated from Central High School in Lonaconing in 1930 and
pursued his education at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pa., and
West Virginia University in Morgantown, W.Va. While at WVU
he studied civil engineering, specializing in structures and railroad
construction. He also served as ROTC instructor before being called
to active duty in 1941.
Jackson steadily moved up the ranks to the position of full
colonel. Colonel Jackson served with the Engineer Units in the
United States, Europe and Korea. He was one of the most decorated
officers in the Corps of Engineers, with an impressive combat and
meritorious awards recognition. One of his most noted achievements
was the construction of the longest tactical bridge across the Rhine
River at Mainz, Germany.
Page 9
“It’s been a privilege to be a part the
Foundation through the Pillars, which is
dedicated to ongoing support of our hospital,
its services, and people. A special part of
our contribution has been recognizing and
acknowledging our fellow Pillars.”
—Judy and Jan Finkel
Ongoing Commitment
A Dedicated Donor
a loyal
to Garrett
since 1995.
After a
in the Washington, DC, area and at the HP
Stores headquarters in Oakland, she retired
to Gormania, West Virginia. She enjoys the
history of Gormania where the main industry
was the Gormania Tannery. She lives in the
original ‘company house’ that her parents
purchased for $250.
Whenever possible, she donates to local
charities, and always includes the Hospital.
“I watched the Hospital being built way back
in the ’50s. I am so proud to support the
Hospital,” says Ms. Messer. She also enjoys
visits from her son, 2 grandchildren and 4
Page 10
Donald & Patricia Battista
Gary & Rose Bosley
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Buckingham
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Buczynski
David A. Burdock
Charles & Susan Case
James & Lois Cuppett
Gary & Linda Daum
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Davisson
David & Irene Eyer
Dr. C. William Fedde
Judith & Jan Finkel
Donald & Anne Forrester
Franklins of Thousand Acres
Ted & Barbara Frantz
Regina & Ken Gearhart
Aleta Glotfelty
Melvin R. Gonzaga, MD
Mr. Kenneth & Dr. Patricia
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Grant
Kathy & Richard Greaser
Jim Harvey
Eugene D. & Cathy A. Helbig
Douglas & Olivia Henderson
Edward B. Hinebaugh
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Johnson
Dr. Margaret Kaiser
Frank & Linda Lancelotta
Fred & Nancy Learey
Tracy & Johnny Lipscomb
Denise Liston
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Livengood
Paul & Willetta Mateer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McDonald
Brenda McDonnell
Tom & Karen Myers
Art & Betty Naylor
Daniel E. Offutt
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Perry
Dr. John Rathgeb
Lance & Bobbie Rhodes
Dr. Scott Rifkin
Barry & Gretchen Rush
Dr. Sotiere & Susan Savopoulos
Sharon & Karl Schwalm
Robert P. & Maureen R. Sharps
Jacquelyn L. Shirer
Donald & Suzanne Sincell
Betsy Spiker Holcomb
Dick & Christina Staufenberger
Jason & Allison Sweitzer
Dr. David Tuel
Paula & Bradley Upole
Mary Lou & Terry Weaver
The Next 25 Years
We are truly grateful
to the community served
by Garrett County
Memorial Hospital for
its tremendous support
over the last 25 years.
The pages that follow
in the report list our
donors, and the various
giving groups with the
All of us are excited
about the future. Yes,
there will be change,
but the one constant
will be the extraordinary
care provided by the wonderful professionals at
the hospital. They deserve the ongoing support of
the Foundation and from donors like you. We are
excited by the new opportunities we have to be in
touch with you. Our updated and exciting webpage
Soon, you will be able to make contributions on
the webpage.
What is more is that you can now follow the
hospital and the Foundation on Facebook. Sign up
today and “Like” the hospital.
Page 11
Jacquelyn ShirerCircle of Planned Gifts
Manuel Alvarez, Sr.
Shirley Ambrose
Esther Beals
Maurice Brookhart
Alvin Brueninger
Ruth Calderwood
Lillian Chisholm
Georgia Grove Clayton
George Comp
Hallie Custer
Carl DelSignore
Ann Dilgard
Vesta Enlow
Florence Fleming
Wayne Forsyth
Evelyn Glotfelty
Spencer & Margaret
Earl Harvey
Joann Henry
Bernice Hesser
Ruth Jackson
E. Ray Jones
Virginia Kelso
Charles Harry Loar
George W. Loar
Grace Loar
Elizabeth Lofthouse
Milburn Mann
John H. Miller
Susan B. Pattison
Rosalie Pendergast
Jim & Jesse Price
Grace Riley
Mary Rinehart
Robert J. Ruckert
Louise Selby
Amy Mildred Sharpless
Bess Smith
Doris Stevenson
Mildred Toth
Margaret Wachter
Mabel Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Sara V. Wilt
Agnes Wooters
Hazel Fratz Wright
George Loar Circle
“Having served two terms on
the Garrett County Memorial
Hospital Board of Governors, I
know first-hand how important
supplemental funding is for the
improvements to the Hospital.
Without contributions from the
business and private community,
it would be impossible to acquire
necessary equipment to ensure the
best possible care for our patients.”
—David Burdock
Bill's Marine Service
Boal & Associates
BPOE Elks Lodge 2481 Organization
Burdock Funeral Homes
Clear Mountain Bank
Deep Creek Lake Property Owners Association
First United Bank & Trust
Gosnell, Inc.
Knights of Pythias Garrett Lodge 113
Loar Auxiliary
Long Branch Saloon
Maryland Minerals, Inc.
M & T Bank
Oakland-Mtn. Lake Park Lions Club
Oakland Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
Oakland Rotary Club
Preston Contractors
Rob Michael/State Farm Insurance
Rush Services, Inc.
Susquehanna Bank
Target Lumber & Logging
Team One
Page 12
Sue & Pat Bredel
Michael J. Delligatti
Margaret & George Demaree
Lynda Dougherty, MD, &
Klaus Schmidt
The Honorable Leonard and
Mrs. Kathy Eiswert
Clarence & Ruth Glass
Susan Hoppes
Offutt & Joan Johnson
John & Dade McMahon
Walter H. Moran, Jr.
Fred G. Mullich
James M. Murray
Randal E. Nuzum
Hildy & Weir Pollard
David A. Price
Maureen & Steve Richter
Mildred Shilke
Billy & Janet Sisler
Bill & Mary Anne Springer
Nancy Turner
William Turney
Dr. William & Lori Yant
Donald F. Yoder
Floyd Ziegler
Partners in Health
Charles L. & Mary V Amos
Anchor Rehabilitation/Care
Ventures, Inc.
Animal Well Care Corporation
Samuel W. Barrow, Jr.
Louis R. Battistella
Beachy’s Pharmacy, Inc.
Larry M. Beck
James & Amy Beeman
Herb & Jane Beller
Jeffrey Bernstein
William Bertrand, Jr.
David & Judy Bertsch
Helen K. Biggs
Biomedical Technology, Inc.
Anna & Arra Bishop
T. Dean Bobbitt
Jean T. Boccuti
Dave & Lu-Jean Bosley
Juanita Bosley
Donald Bowman
James T. & Francine G. Brady
Henk J. Brands
Patrick J. Brennan
Anita & Patrick Brown, Jr.
Sonny & Dee Browning
Robert & Wendy Buerger
Brenda J. Butscher
James M. Carrier, MD
Sherry B. Carson
P. Jan Chandler
Church of St. Peter the
Apostle, Rev. Don Parsons
CJL Engineering
George & Madeleine Collins
Dennis & Donna Collins
Frederica S. Cornett
Roger & Toni Cosner
Mary Ann Crawford
Frank & Amy Custer
DCL Holdings
Deer Park Sportsman Club,
Richard DeFreyre
Randy & Diane Donham
Robert A. Dooling
Gloria Eng Duke, MD
Paul & Alice Eary
Joy & Mike Ellis
Franklin & Karen Ewing
Barbara R. Farra
Pauline Faucett
Emerson & Helen Fike
Ralph & Maryn Fisher
Violet F. Foley-Genung
Loretta Frazee
Bob & Linda Frazee
Robert & Dorothy Freeland
Laura A. Fridinger
Joni Palmer & Raymond
Fred & Jean Glose
Hazel Glotfelty
Rob & Jill Granader
Joanne & Thomas Graybill
Ruth Graybill
Martha Grimes
Megan McGrath & Dennis
Guard, Jr.
H & R Block
Mildred Haenftling
Edgar & Cosette Harman
Richard Harris
Hasslinger Veterans
Organization, Inc.
Richard & Carol Heacock
Valerie Hodge-Williams
Arthur & Anne Horowitz
William Hrindac
Melvin & Carolyn Humberson
Dusty & Elizabeth Huxford, Jr.
Howard W. Janoske
Karl V. Kahl
Ralph A. Kemp
Charles R. Kershner
George A. Klein
J. Kumer
Paula & Felix Laboy
Edward J. Lang
Richard Lawlor
Henrietta Lease
Nancy Lee
Roberta G. Lloyd
Bonnie & Wayne Lockard
Mr. & Mrs. James Lowden
John & Joann Lowry
Lisa Jepsen & Miguel Lozano
Hugh & Ada Maffett
Randy & Betsy Marple
Michele M. McClurg
John P. McDaniel
Capt. M. L. McGuire USN
David & Edith Mead
Belinda & Jeffrey Messenger
Robert & Elizabeth Molyneaux
Larry & Ruth Moody
David & Cynthia Myerberg
Charles & Lee Ann Nace
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Nisenfeld
Wendell & Kay Nix
Gail & Jerry Opel
Erin & Fred Peacock
Max & Diane Peterson
Phenix Technologies
Garrett Power
Lee Preston
R & R Trucking
Claude Rash
Philip & Erika Rauh
Harland & Kathryn Ream, Jr.
Sheila Edwards & Donald
William Riley
Marylouise & Hal Roach
William & Donna Roberts
Gail & William Rock, III
Hoye Paul Rodeheaver, Sr.
Sam & Helen Roth
Phil & Jean Rouce
Gary & Luanne Ruddell
Judith & Richard Schiff
D. Ann Schneider
Mark & Carol Schreckengaust
Robert C Shaffer
Roger & Sandra Simpson
Hannah W. Sincell
Gary & Lisa Sisler
Glenn & Janet Sisler
Ken & Alice Sisler
Ruby & Bill Skinner
Mildred Skipper
Carol W. Slagle
Beth W. Smith
Doris J. Smith
Eric & Ellne Smith
Bill & Sheila Southerly
John & Lois Steinfort, III
Richard & Evelyn Stimpson
Drs. John & Susan Stinson
Charles & Jean Stout
Dr. Howard R. Strauss
David Strobel, MD
Thiel & Pat Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. James Swab
Sanford & Karen Teplitzky
James L. Thompson
Dr. Noel Thompson, III
Charles & Barbara Thorne
Judy & Don Thorson
Christine M. Tracey
Eric L. Tribbey
Peter & Rhoda Trooboff
Nancy & Steve Turner
Barry & Carolyn Utrecht
Rebecca & Frank Vitez
Walter Weeks, Sr.
Elizabeth Cavanagh & Jon
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Windell
Neil D. Wolfe
Eileen & Rick Yaffe
Zanzibar Group LLP
Since the birth of the
Foundation, we have been
tirelessly served by our
Executive Director. Kathy
Greaser has been our
inspiration, our motivator, our
organizer, our cheerleader,
and our knowledgeable
resource throughout these
many years. We recognize
that much of our success can
be attributed to Kathy and
her leadership. Appropriately, the Foundation Board
dedicates this Silver Anniversary Annual Report to Kathy
Greaser in gratitude for her 25 years of dedicated service.
Page 13
All gifts to the
Foundation are gratefully
received and acknowledged.
A special wall with plaques,
adjacent to the main lobby
of the Hospital, displays
the names of those who
have contributed $100
or more. All gifts will be
considered cumulatively and
will be used to update and
determine an individual’s
or organization's donor
$25,000 and Over
Corrections Requested:
In the preparation of any report
of this nature, unintentional
oversights and mistakes will
occur. If we have erred in spelling,
listing, or omitting your name,
please accept our apology and
contact the Foundation Office by
calling 301-533-4178 so that our
next listing can be corrected.
Page 14
Glenn Adrian, Adrian
Enterprises, LLC
Aircon Engineering, Inc.
Donald & Patricia Battista
Fred E. Beachy Lumber
Beitzel Corporation
The Skip Bernard Family
CBIZ Benefits & Insurance
Services, Inc.
Gary & Linda Daum
D.C. Development LLC /
Deep Creek Mountain
The Delligatti Family
Carl DelSignore Foundation,
David & Irene Eyer
Dr. & Mrs. C. William Fedde
Judith & Jan Finkel
First United Bank & Trust
G & S Coal Company
Ms. Doris Goldsborough
Dr. & Mrs. Bowie Grant
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Grant
Edward B. Hinebaugh
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G.
Frank and Linda Lancelotta
Dr. Herbert H. Leighton
Jeanne Lemley
Loar Auxiliary
M & T Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
John & Dade McMahon
Mettiki Coal Corporation
Morgantown Internal Medicine
Group, Inc.—Cardiology
Oakland Nursing & Rehab
Daniel E. Offutt
Penn Point Associates/ Mr. &
Mrs. Shakarian, Lyons &
Peter & Georgia Angelos
Foundation, Inc.
Dr. John Louis Porcaro
Railey Realty
Railey Mtn Lake Vacations
Red Run, LLC
Regional Eye Associates
Betty Richards
Kathleen Rooney
Dr. & Mrs. Sotiere E.
Shaffer Ford Sales, Inc.
Jim & Bunny Shank
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Sharps
Mrs. Jacquelyn L. Shirer
Donald & Suzanne Sincell
Karen Spiker Myers
Vera M. Stemple
Allegany Imaging
Umbel-Goodfellow Company
Dr. Joseph Alvarez
Alpine Village & Silver Tree
Larry & Debbie Beck
Bill’s Marine Service, Inc.
Gary & Rose Bosley
BPOE Elks Lodge 2481
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Buczynski
David A. Burdock
Charles & Susan Case
C&P Telephone Co.
George Comp
James & Lois Cuppett
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Davisson
Deep Creek Lake Lions Club
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Domenick
Donald Davis
Helen Earles
Philip Emery
Mary Evert
F & M Bank
Mrs. Audrey Feld
Carl & Suzie Fike
Ruth I. Fike
Financial Computer Support
Daniel Fornear
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Forrester
Joseph & Constance Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. T. H. Frantz
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Frazee
James & Charlotte Garner
Garrett County Orthopaedics,
Dr. Dona Alvarez
Ken & Regina Gearhart
Larry & Aleta Glotfelty
Troy & Frances Gnegy
Melvin R. Gonzaga, M.D.
Mr. Kenneth & Dr. Patricia
Gotsch & family
Richard & Kathy Greaser
Jim Harvey
Martin Heise
Eugene D. & Cathy A. Helbig,
Douglas & Olivia Henderson
Edward Holloway
Janes & Kepple, P. A.,
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne R. Johnson
Dr. Margaret Kaiser
Ed & Jean King
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kurtz
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J.
Fred & Nancy Learey
Henrietta M. Lease
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny & Tracy
Denise Liston
James & Annette Livengood
Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Willetta
Brenda McDonnell
Dr. & Mrs. P. Daniel Miller
Kristine Miller
Walter H. Moran, Jr.
Gregory & Sheri Mortimer
James M. Murray
Arthur & Betty Naylor
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Nemith
Joyce Nutter
Oakland Mtn. Lake Lions Club
Oakland Rotary Club
Offutt E. & Joan Johnson
Mr. & Mrs.
Richard H. Peake Jr.
Dr. Richard Perry
Mr. & Mrs. W. Weir
Pollard, III
Property Owners Association
of DCL Corp.
Railey Mtn. Lake Vacations
Dr. & Mrs. John Rathgeb
Rigidply Rafters, Inc.
Lance & Bobbie Rhodes
Steven Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Rosenthal &
Barry & Gretchen Rush
Rush Services, Inc.
Dr. Karl & Sharon Schwalm
Sincell Publishing Co., Inc.
Ann & Kelly Smith
The Rev. & Mrs. Manning L.
Betsy Spiker Holcomb
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G.
Dick & Christina
Susquehanna Bank
Jay Swearingen
David Sweitzer & John Simson
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Sweitzer
The Hon. & Mrs. Fred A.
George & Barbara Tichnell
Dr. David Tuel
Uno’s Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley D. Upole
Mary Lou & Terry Weaver
William G. Weissgerber, Jr.
Dr. Norman Wood
Dr. & Mrs. Ihor Zakaluzny
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Atherton
Fred E. Beachy
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell R. Beitzel
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence J.
Bennett, Jr.
Wayne & Linda Bolden
Frank G. Brockardt
Donald Browning
Katherine Browning
Clear Mountain Bank
Climb4acure, Inc.
Dr. Robert M. Coughlin
Demaree Inflatable Boats, Inc.
Thomas E. Dunbar
R. Mark Durst
Samuel Eastman
Jerry & Barbara Edgerton
Cecil & Wilma Edwards
Leonard J. Eiswert
Ruth & Robert Feller
James, Helen & Allen Fike
First Federal Bank
Joann Forno
Morgan France
Garrett Container Systems
GFWC Civic Club of Oakland
Ernest J. Gregg, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Helbig
Hobby House Company
Arthur & Anne Horowitz
Keystone Paving Company
Jeannette Kinkaid
Lundy Family Foundation
Maryland Minerals, Inc.
Patricia McCauley
Charles & Barbara McIntire
Mildred Meyer
Robert F. Miller, M. D.
David Moe
Charles Moran
Thomas Moran
O. C. Cluss Lumber Company
Amish Congregation
Richard Orr
Robert & Donna Paul
Dr. & Mrs. William W. Pope
Preston Contractors
Ted Raynovich
Margaret Reeves
Michael Rostosky
Gary & Luanne Ruddell
Mildred Shilke
Mr. & Mrs. Russell T. Sines
Deborah Smith
William Springer
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Strauss
Team One
TEDCO Construction
Diane Thayer
Charles & Barbara Thorne
Thrasher Engineering LLC
Total Biz Fulfillment, Inc.
Eric L. Tribbey
Richard & Pamela Trydahl
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Umstot
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wakefield
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Walch
Gregory Was
Mary Ann Weeks
Western Maryland Prostate
Cancer Research Group
Freda Whitehair
Richard & Sandy Wilkes
Will O’ the Wisp, Inc.
Lakeside Motor Court,
Doris Smith
Lakebreez Motel, Alice
Four Seasons Dining Room,
Martin J. Heise
Will O’ the Wisp, Inc.
Evelyn J. Heise
Wisp Ski Area, Helmuth M.
84 Lumber Company
Alden & Roberta Andersen
Joyce R. Andrews
Oma Athey
Mary Ruth Babbitt
Loretta Bailie
Bank of America
Bass Coal, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bauer
Elressa Baumgardner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Beattie
Howard & Chan Bell
Michael & Ferne Belmonte
Esther Benedict
James K. Benjamin, M.D.
Nancy Bernard
David C. & Judy Bertsch
David & Brenda Betz
Karen Betz
Biomedical Technologies, Inc.
Bio Rad Laboratories
Arra Bishop
Anna Bishop
Delbert & Ina Grace Bittinger
Drs. Rodger Blake & Ann
Brian Boal
William & Marion Boehmer
DeCorsey E. Bolden
Bradley D. Bolyard
Marty & Shelley Booska
Juanita Bosley
Dave & Lu-Jean Bosley
Mr. & Mrs.
Frank W. Braden, Jr.
Gary & Tawney Brack
Patrick Bredel
Miss Edith Brock
Sonny & Dee Browning
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D.
G. A. Brown & Sons Company
Buffalo Coal Company
Tranquila Burge
Lewis Burgess
Marie “Lucy” Burnett
Brenda Butscher
Wilma Calhoun
Stewart Callis
Career Education Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Carson
Sherry B. Carson
Catholic Daughters Court
Oakland 2209
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Clark, Sr.
Coldwell Banker/Deep Creek
George & Madeleine Collins
John & Louise Conjura
Dr. Eugene J. & Frederica
Cornish Manor Restaurant
David C. & Claudia J. Cosgray
Randy Crabtree
Joan Crawford
Mary Ann Crawford
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Crawford
Bill & Helen Crone
Russel & Gerry Currer
Roger Cutright
Elizabeth A. Daniels
David A. Burdock Funeral
Sheldon Dearden
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Deely
Ms. Eve Lyn DelSignore
George Demaree
Debora L. DeWitt
Domenick DiGuglielmo
Walter Donalson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dooling
Lynda S. Dougherty
G. Michael Dwyer, M.D.
Paul & Alice Eary
Emmett & Janet Echols
George & Linda Edwards
Gloria Eng Duke, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Englander
Mr. George Evans
Karen & Franklin Ewing
Frank Farano
Pauline Faucett
Mrs. Merritt H. Feather
Betsy Felten
Emerson H. & Helen Fike, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Rogers Fike
Lorrie Filsinger-Miller
Rosalee E. Finch
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Fisher
Josephine & Louis Fletcher
Ed & Ann Frantz
James E. Frantz
Anna Mary Fratz
Donald Fratz
Thomas & Jane Frawley
Robert O. & Dorothy Freeland
Laura Fridinger
Dr. Marjorie S. Fridkin
Dr. & Mrs. Alvin P. Friend
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Friend
Charles D. Fultz
Deborah & Dan Gaither
Michael Gallatin
Mr. Gary Galloway
Mary Ann Garber
Garrettland Realty
GC Business & Professional
Women’s Organization
Margaret Germain
Clarence Glass
Fred & Jean Glose
Hazel Glotfelty
Kathryn W. Gonder
The Goralski Family
Gosnell Inc.
Erma Gosnell
Jeffrey & Sherry Gosnell
Howard W. & Nellie L.
Grand Central Station
Rev. John & Jean Grant
Jean & Edward Grose
Senator John Hafer & Lorene
G. Hafer
Polly J. Hanst
Nancy M. Harmon
Richard A. Harris
Page 15
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Hazlett
Heilig’s Plumbing, Heating &
Electical, LLC
Nancy L. Helbig
Joe, Sherry, & Corey Helbig
Mrs. Sara E. Henry
Drs. Gail & Stephen Herman
Deborah Hetrick
William & Lois Hetrick
Mr. Roger W. Higgins &
Ms. Susan J. Crawford
High Country Contractors,
Highland Engineering &
Surveying, Inc.
High Mountain Sports
Jeffrey Hinebaugh
H. J. Heinz Company
John W. Hopkins
Paul & Elaine Hoye
Janice Hutchinson
Melvin E. & Carolyn
Mr. Gerald R. Iman
Interstate Hardwoods Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil A. Jackson
F. Daniel Jackson, M. D.
Eileen D. Jamison
Peggy Jamison
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Jenkins
Elaine Jepsen
Jean Johnson
Lloyd M. (Casey) Jones
Mr. Jack Jones & Ms.
Constance E. Margison
Dr. J. V. Jones
Mary Jones
Junior Woman’s Civic Club
Karl Kahl
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J.
Karpinski, Jr.
James Kesselring
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kesterson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. &
Page 16
Nancy F. Kight
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Pythias, Lodge 113
Mr. Ted Koppel
Sandra J. Kulak
Lake Pointe Inn
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lang
Jane Lang & Paul Sprenger
Ellen & Kenneth Lantz
Richard Lawlor
Mrs. Dorothy R. Leuba
Mrs. Kathie A. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Lipscomb
Long & Foster Real Estate,
Mr. & Mrs. James V. Lowden
Hugh F. & Ada L. Maffett
Charles Magal, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Alex M. Mahood
Maine Standards Company
John & Sandy Major
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred T. Marucci,
Cindy Maust
Leo & Pat McBee
Sull & Dr. Brenda McCartney
Marthe A. McClive
David & Edith Mead
Mrs. Elizabeth McComas
Frank McDaniel
Helen McHenry
Charlotte McNaughton
Medstar Health System
Jeffery A. & Belinda Messenger
Roseann M. Messer
Rob Michael
Klaus & Maureen Mielenz
Mrs. Charley B. Miller
Curtis Miske
Daniel E. & Christine C.
E. S. Moran & Sons
Moran Coal Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Morey
Cecila Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. H. Donald Moss
Mountaineer Log & Siding
Company, Inc.
Fred G. Mullich
James Munford
Charles & Sandra Murray
David & Cynthia Myerberg
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Myers
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Naumann
Paul Allen & Mary Naylor
Marianna Naylor
Linda Jackson Nazelrod
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Newcomb
Jean Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J.
Wendell & Kay Nix
Donna M. Nordeck
Victoria North
Randal E. Nuzum
Esther Opel
Mrs. Sue Pagenhardt
Shirley Panther
Doris Parys
Lawrence Pendleton
Perry’s Solid Waste
Pioneer Press of W. Va. Inc.
Point View Inn
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Polce
Potomac Highlands Pathology
Dr. Stephen R. Powell
PPG Industries Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Preston
Proctor Kildow Post #71
American Legion
David A. Price
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Price, Jr.
John & Karlyn Price
Robert E. Proudfoot
Quantimetrix Corporation
Mr. Carl P. Rebele
Recreational Industries
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Reed
Norman & Victoria Regnier
Lowell & Suzanne Rein
Robert Reynolds
Kathy Rhoden
Lois Rhodes
Dr. Donald Richter & Sheila
Steve Richter
Ridgeview Valley, LLC
Grace G. Riley Estate
Carl & Nita Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. William G.
Dale & Wilma Rodeheaver
Philip & Sherry Rodeheaver
Randle Rodeheaver & Denise
Mr. Robert Rodeheaver
Scott & Carissa Rodeheaver
William E. Roll, Jr., M.D.
Sam & Helen Roth
Jeanette Rudy-Fitzwater
Mr. & Mrs. I. Robert Rudy
Jason Rush
Dr. Jerome & Mary Ryscavage
M. J. Sabatelli
Martha Sanders
Wilda Sanders
Debra Savage
Mary J. Savage
Dr. William Savage
The Scheffel Family
Alex & Jamie Schmidt
Schwab Fund for Charitable
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Shafer
Betty W. Shaffer
Kathy Shaffer
Mr. & Mrs. W. Perry Shaffer,
Michael Shirey
Gregory Shockey
Donna Lee Shogren
Evie L. Shotwell
Mrs. Elsie Sincell
Hannah Sincell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Sinsel
Billy Ray Sisler
Glenn & Janet Sisler
Ken & Alice Sisler
Larry Sisler
Bill & Ruby Skinner
Carol W. Slagle
Spiker Brothers Construction,
Ernest & Alice Spoerlein
Janet Squibb
State Farm Companies
Gordon & Marjorie Stetz
Angela Stevens
Jerry K. Stewart
Philip St. Moritz
Patrick & Beverly Stone
Dwight & Mary Elizabeth
Dr. David L. & Edith A.
Dr. Howard Strauss
Thiel & Pat Sullivan
Sandy Swanson
Jerry Swiger
Target Lumber & Logging Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Taylor
Dave & Darlene Terlizzi
Jon & Jeanne Thayer
Mr. & Mrs. R. Thomas
Thayer, Jr.
The Data Entry Company
Nelson Thomasson III
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Titus
Lorena Tonkovich
Mark Tonkovich
Mr. & Mrs. John Toston
Peter D. & RhodaTrooboff
E. Wayne Turnblom
Mr. Jack R. Turney
William A. Turney
Judy Umstot
Mary Grace Umstot
Mr. & Mrs. Benson Unger
Universal Benefit Planning
Dorris Updyke
Edgar & Dora Uphold, Sr.
Peter Versteegen
Romulo G. Villanueva, M.D.
Virginia Power Company
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Vogel
Jonathan R. Walburn, M.D.
Diana Walthall
Mrs. Barbara Ward
Deborah Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C.
Dr. & Mrs. W. Porter Welch
Wellspring Family Medicine
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Wengerd
West Virginia United Health
West Virginia University
David & Gillian M. Williams
Ellen Williams
Jacqueline E. Williams
Richard & Rebecca Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Claude Winters
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Winters,
Neil D. Wolfe
Dr. J. Hopwood Wooddell
John & Jean Wright
WSFS Credit Corp.
Dr. William & Lori Yant
Robert D. Yaste
Yellowstone Log Homes
Donald Yoder
Floyd Ziegler
Aarsand Management, LLC
Anchor Rehabilitation/ Care
Ventures, Inc.
Dorothy Andreas Tuel
Ann Andrews
Animal Well Care Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Ashby
Walter & Helen Atwill
Mavis Atwood
Arlene Baker
Samuel W. Barrow, Jr.
Louis R. Battistella
Catherine Bauer
David C. & Beverly J. Beard
Ferne A. Beachy
Douglas R. Beavers
Herb & Jane Beller
Gregory Gene & Karen
Rev. Charles Berkshire
Mr. & Mrs. R. Claude Bishoff
Joseph P. Blocher
Ruth Blom
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Boal
Jesika Bolden
Leroy Bolding
Robert E. Bona
Tom Bosley
Mr. & Mrs. A. P. Boxley III
Kathleen Brady
Sandra Brantner
Clara Bell Briner
Jana Brown
Shirley & Dale Brown
Edith Browning
Ethel Buckel
Elma N. Butchereit
Bill Callis
B. Fredrick Callis
Guisto Carlino
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Carrier
CJL Engineering
Frances Clark
Dwight V. Clary
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Clary
Robert & Virginia Clutter
John Cobb
Lucy Colabrese
Julia Coleman
Dennis B. & Donna Collins
Mr. & Mrs. George Comp, Jr.
Malora Corbin
Lawrence & Ethel Ridder
Stanley & Ethel Coulter
Donna P. Crawford
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Crawford
Bea Crosco
Elsie Cross
Mrs. Bessie F. Cuppett
Frank & Amy Custer
Robert Custer
Linda Danjou
Alice Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Davis
Ms. Mary Dawson
Mrs. Margaret S. Dean
Deep Creek Realty
Richard Edward DeFreyre
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas DeLo
John & Faye Denison
Mary M. Detemple Yuzuk
Frederick P. Deverse
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. DeWitt
Ruth M. DiPaolo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiSimone
Ronald Doerr
Lewis Domenick
Diane & Randy Donham
Timothy Duck
Mr. Curtis C. Duff, RN
Duke Energy
Catherine Dunn
Ms. Alice Dunithan
Mrs. Ida T. Durben
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eaton
Susan Eaton
Mary A. Elliott
Mike P. & Joy Ellis
Charles Enlow
Garna C. Enlow
Barbara R. Farra
Rev. Martin E. Feild
Judge & Mrs. Andrew B.
Linda Fike
Robert E. Finch
Christine Fischetti
Gail & Timothy Fitzgerald
Jarlath Fitzwater-Hight
Martha M. Flora
Violet F. Foley-Genung
James Ford
Edna M. Forsyth
Col. Paul S. Frank Jr., PhD
Neva Frantz
Allen Frantz
Mr. Allen Fratz
Gary & Kathleen Fratz
Amos, Bernadine & Sherry
Mr. & Mrs. Russell G. Friend
Friendsville Lions Club
Richard Gallagher
Brenda Gank
Geraldine Garrett
Garrett Organization for the
Garrett Rehab Services
Marck Gaver
GC Agricultural Fair Corp.
Gerald & Nancy Geisler
Dr. & Mrs. Harry C.
Gemberling, Jr.
Vincent Genco
Reba Gerard
Ralph D. Gibson
Boyer Gilbert
Dennis Glotfelty
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Glowacki
Mr. & Mrs. Lorraine Gnegy
GPU Generation Inc.
Stacy Graves
Beverly Greaser
Green Things LLC
Crystal Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Guttman
Mrs. Martha L. Gross & Miss
Anna Bishop
Mildred Haenftling
Jackie & Gordon Hanson
Edgar & Cosette Harman
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Harrison
Shirley Harvey
Hasslinger Veterans
Organization, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hatch
Mr. & Mrs. Arleigh Hauser
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Hauswald,
Deborah Hawk
Hayes Large Architects
G. Fred Hazelwood
Ms. Marjorie M. Hazen
Richard D. & Carol Heacock
Marianna Herpel
Mrs. Margaret V. Hershberger
& James A. Wagner
Alice A. Hershman
Craig & Debbie Hershman
Carl Heselbach
Kevin & Debra Heselbach
Norma C. Hesen
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hill
Susan Hoopes
William Hrindac
Juanita M. Hudgens
Marcene & Robert Huebner
Bernice Idleman
Craig & Lisa Ingram
Judith Justusevans
J. F. Kamineck
Gary L. Keedy
Mark R. Kennedy
Charles R. Kershner
Jonathan & Kathy Kessler
Harry & Helen Ruth Kight
Jack A. Kight
Amy K. King
Dr. & Mrs. J. Darwin King
Jonas D. Kinsinger
Kitzmiller Lions Club
Dr. Daniel Koch
Dr. & Mrs. Michael R. Kozier
Betty Kurilla
Dr. H. Stanley Lambert
Mrs. Paul D. Lambert
Steven & Mary Lantz
LAOC Corporation
Bennett J. Leaderman
Liz Lewis
Page 17
Mr. & Mrs. Edw. N. Lipscomb
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Little
Roberta G. Lloyd
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Lloyd
Joseph Lomanto
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Z. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Chip Lundy
Mary Jo Lyons
Mason Madigan
Mary E. Malloy
Philip S. Malone
James H. P. Mann
Helene M. McCauley
Jessie G. McCullough
Dr. & Mrs. Garth R.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E.
William & Manvela McGowan
Martin McGreal
G. Edward McLellan
Randolph & Judith McLeod
Richard McMurray
Jane & Ernie Metz
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Meyer,
Erroll J. Michener
Jennie T. Miller
Mark & Barbara Morneau
Daniel & Carol Muss
Charles E. & Lee Ann Nace III
National Hospital Collections
Kellie Nelson
Peggy & Jeff Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. William G.
David & Colleen Nordeck
Mary Norwish
R. R. Nuttall & M.J. Sharp
Ober, Kaler, Grimes & Shriver
Claudine Opel
Arzella T. Parsons
Donald Parsons
Page 18
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Peterson
Wayne J. Pfrimmer, M.D.
Phenix Technologies
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Pollard
Potomac Engineering &
Surveying, Inc.
Patricia Powles
Priests & Brothers of Holy
Barbara Pritts
Mrs. Hilda M. Pritts
Joel Rach, M.D
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Railey
Ralph & Mary Jane Read
Harland E. & Kathryn Ream,
Grayce Reckner
Alva G. Rexrode
Mary E. Rhoden
Lee & Eugene Rieder
Peggy Riggleman
Susan Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rinker
Hoye P. Rodeheaver, Sr.
Mildred E. Rodeheaver
Sue A. Rohrbough
Frank G. Ross
Mr. & Mrs.
William E. Roszell III
Don & Elaine Roth
Harold P. Roth
Ernest Savage
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Savage
Michael & Terry Savage
Thomas & Sandy Savage
Henry Schmidt
D. Ann Schneider
Mark A. & Carol
Mr. & Mr. R. Gregory Sell
Joann Shaffer
Robert & Gretchen Shaffer
Robert & Lillian Shaffer
Mr. Bart Shakarian
John & Wilma Sharps
Mrs. Sybilla Sharps
David Sheets
Ellen Shillingburg
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Sims
Vera F. Sines
Gary R. & Lisa Sisler
Marlin Sisler
Marvin Sisler
Mr. & Mrs. Clark Skiles
Wallace & Sheila Skiles
Ann Marie Smith
Larry & Kimberly Smith
Melanie Snyder
Mr. Edward E. Sollars
Ms. Jean McKean Sollars
Bill & Sheila Southerly
Peggy Spaid
Beth Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Stemple
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E.
Mr. Brad Stewart
Drs. John & Susan Stinson
Robert & Deborah Stuck
Sarah Sunseri
Ms. Ida Sutton
Mr. & Mrs. James Swab
Wayne Tapscott
Donald Tasker
Wendell & Linda Teets
Kendra Thayer
Mr. Tommy Thayer
Brenda Thomas
James & Diana Thompson
Kitty & Austin Thompson
Dr. Noel Thompson III
Don & Carolyn Thorn
Don & Judy Thorson
Carl & Helena M. Thrasher
Dr. Gerald Title
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R.
David Tungate
Alan & Carol Tuomisto
Steve & Nancy M. Turner
Edward & Bonnie Ulrich
Ms. Ruth M. Umbel
Robert Unetich
James E. Wallin
Charles J. Walters
Jeeraporn Warfield
Jennifer Warner
Duane Weaver
John M. Webb
Barry H. Weinberg
Ruth Weirich
WEPCO Federal Credit
George & Eloise Welling
Westinghouse Foundation
Wheat First Securities
David & Tiddle Wheeler
Elisabeth Whittelsey
Christa Wildesen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L.
Williams, Jr., M.D.
James D. Williams
John & Louise Wilson
Winters General Contractors,
John & Tillie Wolf, Jr.
JoAnn Wright
Charles Abernathy
Accident Garage
Edward Achtner
ACT Personnel Corporation
Rick Agoris
Glendene Alexander
Michael Alexander
Allaway & Parousis Urology,
Allegany Hearing & Balance,
Eleanor N. Alvarez
Always Fit, LLC
American Anesthesia Services
Charles L. & Mary V. Amos
Clara V. Anderson
Joyce Anderson
Anthony & Michelle Andrews
Architectural Designs
Alan Arnson, M.D.
Arrowhead Market Company
Arsenal Corporation
Gina Artice
Josephine E. Ashby
Marcia Ashby
Robert L. Ault
Jane Avery
Barbara Bachtel
Dr. & Mrs. Alva Baker III
Mrs. Bernice Baker
Robert Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ball
Barnes & Brass Company
Rachelle Barone
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Barrett
Hollace Bartlett
Richard Bartlett
Geraldine Baumann
David Beachy
Beachy’s Pharmacy, Inc.
Jean Beard
Stephen Becker
Betty Mae Beckman
Harland Beckman
William M. Beckner
Marjorie D. Bedingfield
Harry & Sylvia Beeghly
William Beem
James D. & Amy Beeman
Mariclare Beggy
August Behringer
Robert Beitzel
Virginia & Gorman Beitzel
David C. Bell
Jane Bennighof
Carrie Benson
Palma J. Berardi
Kathy Berger
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bernard
Shirley A. Bernard
Jeffrey J. Bernstein
William C. Bertrand, Jr.
BFS Foods/Burger King
Monty Bickerton
Helen K. Biggs
Douglas M. Bircher, Sr.
George & Joyce Bishoff
Joseph Bishop
Karen Bishop
Donald E. Bittinger
Hazel Black
Willis Blackburn
Don & Nancy Bliss
George Blun
Gracia H. Bobbitt
T. Dean Bobbitt
Jean T. Boccuti
Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Boggs
James Bohley
A. Hope Bomboy
Book Mark’et
Robert Bornschlegel
Nelson M. Bortz, Jr.
Angie Bosley
Daniel B. Bosley
Kenneth Bosley
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf Bothe
Russell Bounds
Charles H. Bowman
Donald Bowman
Paul E. Bowman
Beverly Bowser
Connie Bowser
Eleanor A. Bowser
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Boyd
Alfred W. Boyer
George & Jackie Brady
James C. Brady
James T. & Francine G. Brady
Henk J. Brands
Linda Bratten
Thomas E. Bratten, Jr.
Carl Bray
Jackie Breitweiser
Patrick J. Brennan
Steve & Lisa Brenneman
Todd D. Brice
David F. Bricmont
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Bridgford
Christopher Briggs
Eldred A. Broadwater
Charles B. & Margaret H.
Dennis T. Brosan
Anita & Patrick Brown
Henry A. Brown
Mary Ellen Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Brown,
Edgar Browning
Col. & Mrs. Richard Browning
Robert Browning—Deep
Creek Outfitters
Sara Browning
William Browning
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C.
David Buck
Linda M. Buckel
Sondra R. Buckel
Harry & Pauline Buckley
Robert G. & Wendy Buerger
Charles W. Buffington
Sara Burdette
Mr. & Mrs. Wylie D. Burge
Michael W. Burke
Ms. Brenda Burner
Andrew K. Burrell
Judith A. Burrell
David Buscher
Rusty L. Butler
Alice Butner
Justin Butters
Richard & Brenda Butts
BYCO Enterprises, Inc.
Calkain Companies
Nina Callis
Wayne Callis
Campos Market Research, Inc.
Harold Cannon
Care Ventures, Inc.
Kathy Carrico
Carl Belt Construction Group
Jeff Carlson
Pastor & Mrs. William E.
Harry Carpenter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E.
Carpenter, Sr.
Edward B. Chalkley
P. Jan Chandler
Barbara Chesley
Judith Church
Michael Cilella
Gladys B. Clagett
Barbara J. Clark
Gary Clendenin
Deana Clester
Michael D. Clinton
R. Marie Coddington
Ms. Virginia B. Coffindaffer
B. Helena Colaw
James A. Cole
Carey Burdette Colebaugh
Eugene & Esther Colebaugh
Connie W. Coleman
Shirley Coleman
Carol Conjura
Robert J. Conlan, Jr.
Ralph & Helen Conrad
P. I. Conroy
Robert Coo
James Cooney, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James C.
Cooper III
Dale Copeland
Joan C. Coraor
Jerry Corder
Coskey Sales Corporation
Roger & Toni E. Cosner
Dr. Thomas D. Cox
Beulah Crabtree
Mark & Virginia Craig
Gary S. Cramer
Tammy Crayton
Glenn & Lynne Crehan
James Croston
Dottie L. Csamer
James D. Cullather
Peter Cullins
Thomas Cuppett—Hyde
Laundry, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. F. D. Custer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E.
Eric & Roberta Cvetnick
Samuel D’Alfonzo
Rex & Marie Dalrymple
Pearl Daniels
Cathy Dann
James Davis
Ms. Martha V. DeBerry
Mr. & Mrs. Tom DeBerry
Mr. Walter F. DeBerry
Deep Creek Gourmet
Deep Creek Investment Mgmt.
Deep Creek Lioness Club
Deep Creek Pharmacy
Deer Park Sportsman Club,
Charles J. Degasperi
Richard H. Deloach
Veva DeLoach
Michael & Sandy Derato
Designs of Tomorrow
Mr. Robert V. Dettinburn
Mr. Joseph L. Dever, Sr.
Clifford C. DeWitt
H. Glenn DeWitt
Mary DeWitt
Miss Paula L. DeWitt
Robert DeYoung
Richard Diamond
Lou Dicarlo
Connie Dietz
Stanley Dillon
Timothy Dills
Richard A. DiSimone
Ellen, Bhupendra, Carol &
Steve Doctor
Barry & Sharan Domenick
Terrence W. Donahue
Sylvia Donley
Elizabeth T. Dooling
Jerry F. Drake
Mildred Droppleman
Gerald Duckett
Mr. & Mrs. John Ducoli
C. James Duke, M. D.
Mildred Dunbar
Debra Durben
Mary M. Dusenbery
Dynamic Design Engineers,
Charles Carroll Eads
Frank Eberly
Sue Eckhart
Russell Eddy
Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Ehrlich
Andrew Eiswert
Benjamin R. Eldridge
Troy D. Ellington
Ms. Iva Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin E.
Fred Engle
Martha M. Esman
Hervey Evans
Susan Evans
Traci Evans-Alley
Fairfax Corporation
Kevin O. Faley
Family Therapy Services
Frank J. Fash
Dr. & Mrs. James Feaster, Jr.
Milton Feather & Dorinda
Joseph B. Ferary
Food Lion Corporation
Joseph Glotfelty
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Field
Teresa Field-Harvey
Howard & Suzanne Fielding
Andrew W. Fike
George L. Fike
Julia Fike
Mary Jane Fike
Marilyn Filemyr
Carrie Filsinger
Ray P. Finch
Page 19
Sadie Fint
First Union Corporation
Ralph E. & Maryn Fisher
Jay & Tamara Fishman, M.D.
Rebecca Fishman
Gary Fitzwater
Helen Fitzwater
Mr. & Mrs. B. Gene Flinn
Marianne Flinn
Robert A. Floyd
Dwight A. Foley
Floyd C. Foley
Steven Folmer
John L. Ford, M. D.
Florence Fortin
Jane Fox
Dr. & Mrs. Donald S. Fraley
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W.
Dale W. & Patricia L. Frantz
Debbie Frantz
James E. & Elva J. Frantz
Everett Fratz
Gregory E. Fratz
Nancy Jo Fratz
Philip Fratz
W. H. Fratz Company
James R. Frazee
Loretta Frazee
Lynn E. Frazee
Alice Frederick
James A. Fredrick, Jr.
Jon Christopher Fredlock
William Fredlock
William D. Freyman
Ann Friend
Elizabeth A. Friend
Harland G. Friend
Loretta Friend
Mary Friend
Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. Friend
Richard Friend
Friendsville Lions Club
Gilbert G. Fritz
Page 20
John Fitzwater
Fred & Tammy Fulk
Ray F. Fulk, Sr.
Steven Gall
Brent A. Gallagher
Gannett Foundation, Inc.
Garrett College
Garrett County Chamber of
Commerce, Inc.
Garrett Power
Garrett Transit Service
Doris D. Gaskill
Raymond J. Gauthier & Joni
GCMH Anesthesia &
Operating Room Staff
GCMH Board of Governors
Floyd & Connie Georg
Paul M. George
Robert Gherna
Catherine V. Gibbard
Kathleen Gibbs
James & Kathy Gibson
Emily J. Gillaspie
Claudia Gironda
Robert Givan
Edward H. Glade
Donna Glass/Sew & Sew
Ruth Glass
Joseph Glotfelty
Linda Glotfelty
Melvin R. Glotfelty
Rodney B. Glotfelty
Roger & Joanne Glotfelty
Thelma Glotfelty
Frances F. Gnegy
Samuel Goldberg
Golden Key Property
Management LLC
Elliott & Maurine Goldsmith
Gonder Insurance Agency
Michael P. Goodfellow
James J. Gorman
Mr. & Mrs. T. A. Gowling, Jr.
Daisy Graham
Fred Graham
Vera G. Graham
Rob & Jill Granader
Ms. Sharon Grant
Grantsville Lions Club
Ruth V. Gray
JoAnne & Thomas Graybill
Frank L. Grebowski
Greater Maryland Tool &
Mfg. Corp.
Green Acres Garden Center
Lester O. Green
Parker D. & E. D. Green
Dr. Harold A. Greenberg
John Greenlief
Gregg’s Pharmacy
Thomas F. Gregory
Dr. & Mrs. Donald S. Griffin
Martha Grimes
Stanley Grimm
Donald Groth
Doris Groves
Margaret R. Grubbs
Dennis W. Guard, Jr., &
Megan McGarth
H & R Block
H. B. Arrison Organization
Barbara Hafer
Carroll & Shirely Hahn
Charles W. Haines
Hair N Phernalia Too
William Hale
Caroline Haley
Kazuko Y. Hamill
Ellinor Hamilton
Mark Hamilton
Wiley Hampton
Charles E. Handsaker
Terry Hanline
Teresa A. Hannibal
Ron Hansel
Dave Hansford
John Hardesty
Fred Harman
Wayne Harman
Harris Interactive
Snethen Philip Harris
Harold R. Harsh
Bonnie Harshman
James & Elizabeth Hart
Margaret Hart
Naomi Harvey
Robert Harvey
Anthony Haskiell
Louis & Jennifer K. Hauber
Spencer & Phyllis Hauenstein
Everett Hauger
Albert Hawk
Capt. & Mrs. Frank T. Hayden
Willard & Dolores Hayden
Christine M. Haynes
Ethel M. Hazelwood
Charles & Marjorie Hazen
George & Verna Hazlett
Anna Hebb
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Hege
Ronald Heginbotham
David Hedges
Vera & Bill Heise
Rose P. Helmick
Pauline Henline
Robert D. Henline
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Henshaw
Hersha Hospitality, Mgmt.
Sean A. Hershman
Thomas Hertz
Melody Hetrick
Sheila Hetrick
Mrs. Albert Hickey
High Brass Farm
Joanne Hijab
Kearstin Hinebaugh
Valerie Hodge-Williams
Hoechst Roussel, Inc.
Howard L. Hoffman
Richard L. Holberger
DCL Holdings
Daniel M. Holland
James E. Holland
Frederick A. Holliday
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hopkins
Ray Hough
Esther Householder
Robert Householder
Ellen Housley
Bud Howard
Forest S. Howell
Thomas E. Huckestein
Thomas Hudson
Evelyn Hugheley
Robert L. Hughes, Jr.
Margaret A. & Bruce W.
Hulbert, Capt., USN(RET)
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hull
Clifford Humberson
Frederick B. Humberson
Dusty & Elizabeth Huxford, Jr.
IBM International Foundation
Terry W. Imhoff
Innlet Motor Lodge
Dr. Francis D. Jackson
Thomas W. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow Jackson
Thomas Janes
Howard W. Janokse
Steven D. Jellinek
Charles R. Jenkins
Leona Jensen & John Tritsch
Lisa Jepsen-Lozano & Miguel
A. Lozano
Jerry’s Self Storage Company
Martha Anne Jesnak
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F.
Scott B. Johnson
Von & Fannie Johnson
William O. Johnson
James R. & Dessie O. Johnston
Carlton A. Jones
Esther Jones
Jack & Ethel Jones
Mary Jane Jones
Michael D. Jones
Michelle Josephs
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Junkins
Donald W. Kahl
Richard Kahn
Robyn Kampf
Louis Kanda
Phil & Mary Kasik
Mrs. Rhoda Keefer
Joel Kehm
Paul F. Kelley
David R. Kelly
Henrietta Kelly
John Kelly
Ralph A. Kemp
Warren Kendig
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M.
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Kepner
Charles E. Kern
Ernest C. Kessell
John F. Kettering
Marion King
Mr. & Mrs. Homer J.
Noah D. Kinsinger
John K. Kinzer, Jr.
Wayne Kirby
Timothy S. Kitt
Barbara Kitzmiller
Jane Kitzmiller
William E. & Dorothy M.
George A. Klein
Richard I. Klein
Ms. Dorl E. Kline
Earl & Helen Kline
Glendon N. Kline
Douglas Klotz
Mary Ann Knapp
James A. Knox
Trisha L. Knox
Conrad Koch, D.M.D.
Michael Konski
Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Kotras
KPMG Company
Ray Kraus
Helen Krebs
Margaret Krigger
Dr. & Mrs. James Krugh
KST Enterprises
Tom Kuhn
Mrs. Ruth Kuhns
J. Kumer
Paula & Felix Laboy
Sylvia M. Lafranchi
Lakeside Creamery
William Lambert
Stephanie G. (Jordan) Lang
Dianne & Mike Lantz
Roger H. Lapp
Trena Lapp
Thomas & Marie Larimer
Regis Larkin
James T. Lascaris
Mr. & Mrs. William Laughlin
Earl Lawson
Jennifer Layton
Lois Layton
Mr. & Mrs. W. Earle Lear, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lechman
Nancy Lee
Ralph Lee
Thomas G. Leech
Ann E. Leighton
Steve LeMay
Alexander E. Letcher
Marshall Levinson
David & Eleanor Lewis
Mary Lewis
Mary Ellen Lichty
Alfred Liston
Little Sandy’s Restaurant
Lorraine Little
John & Carolyn Livengood
Bonnie M. Lockard
Cathy Lohr
Lohr Distributors Corp.
Sharon L. Lohr
William L. Lovett
John & Joann Lowry
Jay & Jessica Lucas
Mrs. Lucille Ludvigsen
Dr. James D. Luketich
Harry L. Lundy, Jr.
John J. Mackin, Jr.
Edward F. Macnichol III
Majestic Mirror & Frame
William Maley
Mrs. Darrell A. (Doug) Malone
Andrew E. Mance
Chris Mancuso
Cynthia Mankamyer
William L. Marchi
Frances Marella
Dr. Medea M. Marella
Philip Marella
Market Strategies
Randy & Betsy Marple
John & Elaine Marple
Richard & Regina Marple/
R&R Trucking
Theodore Marra
Chuck & Dee Marshall & John
Mr. & Mrs. Britten L.
Martin, Jr.
Lois A. Martin
Maurice Martin
Maryland Classified Employees
Patricia Mash
Charles Mason, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Matthiesen
Philip Mattiace
Patsy McBride
Shawn McCall
Marianne McCann
James McCartney
Marie McCarty
Dana McCauley
J. Merle McClintock
Douglas W. McClive III
Charles McClosky
Michele M. McClurg
Debra McCombs
Todd McCree
Barbara & Herb McCrobie,
Charmette Beauty Salon
John P. McDaniel
Edward & Irene McDonald
John McDonald
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin McGovern
Capt. M. L. McGuire,
Mike McGuire
Joseph McIntyre
Robert L. McKeever
Ken McKinnis
Kenneth & Clemie
Rita McLaughlin
David A. McPhail
Leroy & Margaret McWilliams
Constance D. McWhinney
Piero Mellits
Julie Mendelsohn
Howard Menell
Barbara Meredith
Charles Meyer
Connie Meyers
James Michel
Midway Discount Beverages
Carroll & Mary Martha Miller
Lewis Miller
Martha J. Miller
Maxine Miller
John A. Miranda
Betty Lee Mina
George Moats
Robert E. & Elizabeth
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome B. Monar
The Money Store
Larry & Ruth Moody
Betty Moomau
Sarah Moomau
Dorothy J. Moon
Jennifer P. Moon
Lester Moon
Misty Moon
Rosie C. Moon
Joy H. Moore
Harold L. Moors
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Moran
Robert E. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. William H.
Moran, Sr.
The Morgan Family
Foundation, Inc.
James G. Morgan
Morgantown Orthotic &
Prosthetic Center
Elizabeth C. Morin
Charles O. Morris
Malvern D. & Jean P. Moseley
David Mosher
W. Wilson Moss
Mountain Home Services
Mountain Lake Rentals &
Property Mgmt.
Mountaintop Soccer
Patricia M. Mullinix
Dr. Todd Mullins
Charles E. Munday
Debra & Bradley Murdock
Thomas W. Murr, Jr.
Dennis Murray
Barbara Myers
Naomi Nair
Roland Nairn
A.D. Naylor & Company
Alonzo Naylor
Janna L. Naylor & Madonna
C. Pool
Jeanne Neff
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nelson &
Carol L. Nestor
Mr. & Mrs. George M.
Mildred Nethken
Weldon K. Nicholas
Christopher J. Nichols
David C. Nichols
Debora M. Nichols
David Niesslein, DMD
Brian Nightingale
Nancy E. Nimmich
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Nisenfeld
Dorothy A. Nixon
Northern High School
Daniel Nowack
Nawaf I. Nseir
Page 21
Oakland Golf Club
Oakland Lodge No 192 A.F. &
Oakland MRI Center, LLC
Oakland New Car Association
Oakview Motors, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. George O’Brien
Sherman E. Oester
William Oester
Humberd Offutt
Raymond H. O’Haver, Sr.
Albert J. Oliva, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Leo W. O’Neill
Gail & Jerry Opel
Our Town Theatre
Thomas J. Panther
Dr. & Mrs. Rocco Paone
Marshall Pappert
Mr. & Mrs. John St. John
Dora Passen
Patent Construction Systems
John Patrick
Janet Paugh
Howard F. Payne / Mt. Airy
Building Company
Erin & Fred Peacock
Robert A. Peck
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Peck,
Carawan Peed
Evangeline Pelton
Matthew P. Pendergrass
Lawrence & Carole Perez
Loretta Pernell
Tom & Jeanne Perrone
Kay Perry
Fred D. Petersheim
Max R. & Diane Peterson
Robert Peterson
Ron Petrella
Thomas & Rebecca Petrokubi
George M. Pettie
Pharmacare of Cumberland
Page 22
Mark Phillips
John R. Pike
Eleanor Plachta
Robert E. Pletta
Leonard & Sara Poholsky
Dale Polmaateer
Melanie Collier Posch
R. Thomas Powell & Joan LeePowell
Tim & Judy Prather
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Jeffrey C. Pringle
Mr. & Mrs. Billy & Betty Pritt
Anna Pritts
Mark A. Proudfoot
Proudfoot’s Oakland Pharmacy
Elizabeth A. Polansky
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Porter
Dorothy Marie Purbaugh
Reaford B. Purbaugh
Bryan Putt
Quality Marine, Inc.
R & B Medical Corporation
Sis Railey
Claude R. Rash
Margaret I. Rathbun
Philip & Erika Rauh
Kenneth R. Reckart
Keith & Roxanne Reed
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Reel, Sr.
Marie Davis Reel
Reel Video
George Reeves
Sheila A. Reeves
Richard & Patricia Reier
Melanie Reigrut
James Reilly
Alva Rexrode
Howard Reynolds
Teresa Reynolds
Reznick Fedder & Silverman
Patricia A. Rheams
Russell Rhoads
Mr. & Mrs. Lee W. Rice &
Mary N. Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. John Rickman
Kenneth E. & Alice Ann
Helen Riebel
Richard & Betty Riehl
Kenneth Rieth
Dr. Scott Rifkin
Harry Riggleman
Jack Riley
William M. Riley
John & Martha Rinehart
Cynthia & Richard Rinker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Risinger
Donald & Ruth Rittler
Marylouise & Hal Roach
Ms. Terri A. Roberson
William E. & Donna Roberts
Bartley Robey
Ariel D. Robinson
Roche Laboratories
Gail & William B. Rock III
Rock Lodge Trust
Charles Rodeffer
Rodeheaver & Associates
Marian Rodeheaver
Wilma Rodeheaver
John A. Rose
Charles Ross
Charles A. Rosenberry
Blair Edw. Ross, Pres /Milro
Services, Inc.
Carla & Alan Roth
Mrs. Carole Sue Roth
Helen Roth
Terri Roth
Willard C. & Dorothy L. Roth
Mark & Sandy Rothman
Phil & Joan Rouce
Shirley J. Rounds
Garry & Sharen Rourke
Floyd Rowan
Mildred Grace Roy
R & R Trucking
Amy R. Rudy
Mrs. Dorothy M. Rudy
J. Paul Rudy
Suzanne Ryan
Larry S. Rush
Boyd & Bernice Sanders
Gerald F. Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Sanders, Jr.
Clyde C. Sanner
George Sarris
Catherine Savage
Debra S. Savage
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Savage
Misty Savage
Robert D. Schafer
George & Anita Scheffel II
Barry & Marilyn Scheiner
Ned Scherer
Joseph J. Schwerha
Richard B. & Judith Schiff
Frank Schimizzi, Jr.
John J. Schlosnagle
Mr. & Mrs. J. Terry
Lenora Schrock
Ronald Schrock
Mr. Chester Schwer
Lawrence A. Scislowicz, Sr.
Charles & Joanne Scofield
Dr. Robert T. Scott
Dorothy G. Scoville
Richard R. Seese
Ross N. Selby
Select Medical Corporation
Linda Severe
Mr. & Mrs. Al Severn
S&H Marina
David A. Shafer
Rodney & Dora Shafer
David & Susan Shaffer
Emma Shaffer
Brian Shanahan
Jimmy Shank
Robert & Carolyn Shankovich
Ms. Anna Jane Sharpless
Mr. & Mrs. Luther Shay
Thomas B. Shelton
Jim & Linda Sherbin
William Shields
Scott & Kim Shirer
Paul Shockey
Ernest Shotwell
Goldie Shugars
Robert Shumovich
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Silverman &
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Beller
Marcia M. Simmers
Debora Simmons
Joell Simmons
Roger A. & Sandra Simpson
Ruth G. Simpson
Dorothy Sines
Edgar C. Sines
Linda K. Sines
Linette Sines
Mrs. Rebecca Sines
Jimmy A. Sisler
Nancy Sisler
Richard Sisler
Roger Sisler
Robert Sisler
Terry & Shirley Sisler
Thelma Sisler
Douglas & Donna Sites
Sue & Jaclyn Skeweris
Mildred Skipper
Elsie E. Slagle
Dana Slaubaugh
John M. & Martha S. Slawter
Carolyn Sleightholm
John & Alice Sloan
Dr. Norman Slovis
Tara Smekal-Keller
Beth W. Smith
Catharine Smith
Donald A. & Nancy J. Smith
Eric & Ellen Smith
Gordon Smith
Jamie Smith
Joyce Smith—White Glove
Cleaning Service
Madeline Smith
Mike Smith
Paul R. Smith
Mrs. Barney Snyder
Bonita Snyder
William A. Soles
Mr. & Mrs. Milo Sonen
The Southern Galvanizing
Southern High School
Southern Middle School
Francis A. Sowers
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Dale Sowers
Winona Green Sowers Family
Stewart Speedie
Ruth W. Speer
John H. Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Stabler
Mr. & Mrs. E. Marshall Stacy
Standard Textile Company
Hugo Stebler
John F. & Lois Steinfort, III
Paul Stemple
Virginia Stemple
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert G.
Mrs. Thelma Stewart
Sarah & Stan Steyer
Richard & Evelyn Stimpson
Ruth V. Stockman
Robert & Betty Stockslager
Sharon Stoner
Jerry Stonham
Donald & Frances Storck
Charles J. & Jean Stout
Lawrence G. Stovicek, Jr.
Linda Stresky
Tracy M. Stroud
Success Floor Covering, LLC
Mrs. C. L. Sutton, Sr.
Eli Swartzentruber
Candace D. Sweene
Glenna M. Sweitzer
Wendy Sweitzer
Joseph & Debra Swerbinsky
Stephen Swift
Bonnie J. Swyter
Vicki Tasker
Claudia Taubman
Arthur Taylor
David T. Taylor
Mr. Timothy Taylor
Zachary & Linda Taylor
Frederick Teeter
Charles E. Teets
Eleanor Teets
Sanford & Karen Teplitzky
David Terrell
Texas Eastern
Transmission, LP
Charles Tewksbury
Eleanor M. Thayer
Jeremy R. Thayer
Raymond Thayer
Betsy W. Thomas
Doris Thomas
George A. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Thomas
Larry Thomas
Samuel J. Thomas
William & Kimberly Thomas
James L. Thompson
Louise W. Thompson
Lois Thomson
Martin & Florene Tichinel
Marcia Toder
Williams G. Tomko, Jr.
Constance J. Tomlin
Benjamin C. Thorn
John Toston
Town Planner
Christine M. Tracey
Transplant Center of MD
TRC Holding, Inc.
Ronald Tressler
Triad Engineering, Inc.
Frank Trotta
Mr. David Turney
Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Turney,
Charles Tweksbury
Tracy Umstot
John Umstot
Universal Medical Services,
Karen & Gib Upole
Michael W. Upole, Jr.
Ellenor W. Vajda
David A. Valerio, DVM
Mr. & Mrs. George Vande
Ms. Gladys Vannucci
Mary VanSickle
Charles Van Stone
William VanVoorhis II
Mildred Vetter
VFW Organization
Robert & Leah Vidmer
Robert L. Vincent, Sr.
Dave Vitez
Frank J. & Rebecca Vitez
Ms. Jennie Vodopivec
Michael & Carol Voelkel
Ruth Waddell
Mrs. Helen Wagner
Jean Fay Wagoner
David E. Wakefield
Dewey Wakefield
Kimberley Walburn
Mrs. Doris Walden
Mr. William Walsh
Daryl Walters
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Wann
Dr. Vaman S. & Marie D.
Paul & Pamela Warnick
Robert E. Watson
Ms. Mildred E. Weaver
Robin Weaver
Teresa Weedom
Walter Weeks, Sr.
Beulah E. Wegman
Patricia Weiler
Paul Weiler
Richard Weinstein
Kathryn Weise
Cyndy & Alan Weitz
Cynthia R. Welch
Joseph H. Welch
Col. & Mrs. John W. Weltman
Charles Wesley
Bernard Westfall
West Side Telecommunication
Chris J. White
Herbert E. White
Ms. Linda White
Mr. Sidney R. White & Ms.
Sharon Redden
Carl Whitehair
Mr. & Mrs. Lester H.
James B. Whiteside
Melvin Whitfield
Shirley K. Whitmer
Lorelle Whitworth
Barbara Wible
Kathryn Wick
Lucille & Henry Wick
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Widney
Carole J. Wilburn
Glenna Wiles
Robert K. Wiles
Robert Wilke
Jon S. Wilkins, Jr. & Elizabeth
Donald Wilkinson
Lucinda Williams
Mary M. Williams
Paul E. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Williams, Jr.
Joyce W. Wills
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wilmer
Thomas Wilson
Debra J. Wilt
H. Wayne & Judy Wilt
Jerry L. Wilt
Robert E. Wilt
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn F. Windell
David & Cindy Wines
Mary Winfield
Paul Winkelvoss
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Winters
Vaughn Winters
Evelyn Wise
Kenneth Wishnick
Gary Wist
Bernard & Carol Witt
Kenneth Witte
Elizabeth Witzgall
WMD Radioworks, Inc.
Ed & Barbara Wolf
Mrs. Lena L. Wolfe
Teresa Wolfe
Mr. & Mrs. Jarryl Wolford
Woodmen of the
World Camp II
Randy C. Wotring
Rebecca C. Wyatt
Woodmen of the World
Lodge 45
Eileen & Rick Yaffe
Daniel F. Yoder
Duane Yoder
William B. Young
Albert W. & Elaine C. Yonkers
Mahlon W. Yost
Youth Ministry
Ronald P. Yuzuk
Marc Zanger
Zanzibar Group, LLP
Gino Zarbin
Jon A. Zeigler
Charles R. Zellefrow
Carol Zema
W. Ziefel Family
Ellen Zimmerman
Sandy Zimmerman
Wanda & Edward Zimmerman
Thank you!
Page 23
Years of Support
and Service