Brochure - The Export Yellow Pages


Brochure - The Export Yellow Pages
A message from the president
A recent TIME magazine article by a medical doctor stated that natural medicine sales
increased from $12.2 billion dollars to $22.2 billion dollars annually in the last years. The
writer lamented saying it is a 83% increase. He did not like this trend. There has been a
steady increase every year and it will be increasing a lot more in future. This shows that
people want more natural medicines. This is people power.
Orthodox medicine is providing an excellent service to the people in trauma cases, strokes,
organ transplants, burns and infectious diseases. However, in chronic diseases like arthritis,
urinary infections including prostate problems and incontinence for women, weight control,
allergies, as well as others, and above all in preventing heart disease and cancer, natural
health products can do a lot better than orthodox medicine. Only about a dozen years ago
at a medical convention in Toronto a keynote speaker said “We are not in the prevention
business” the Toronto Star newspaper reported. There were very few deaths due to natural
medicines, whereas one arthritis drug alone caused 169,000 heart attacks and strokes, of
which 30% or 40% or over 50,000 were fatal, more casualties than many wars. You estimate
your own figure for casualties for all other arthritis drugs combined.
I was suffering with severe arthritis pain for a number of years and after I exhausted
conventional treatment from my doctor, accupuncture, magnets, physiotherapy, I had
complete relief with a natural product within 2 weeks. I also had prostate problems for 10
years and took all kinds of drugs with unsatisfactory results. The urologist finally gave me
another prescription and said, if these pills do not work, I should consider surgery. I was very
fortunate that I found out in the following days about our prostate tea that gave me relief
within 3 days. I realized that there are millions of men and women that can be helped
with natural products like in my case. I felt I owe it to society to tell everybody my own
experience and to make people aware that there is safe and inexpensive help available. This
is how I started to sell natural health products ten years ago and I’m amazed that I was able
to help hundreds of thousands of men and women to improve their quality of life.
Conventional and natural medicines are needed and wanted by the population everywhere. It’s unfortunate
for the whole population that medical doctors are not allowed to prescribe natural medicines that work.
This hostile competition makes people suffer needlessly, like in the following examples:
Pat Laughlin suffered for 40 years arthritis pain and was helped quickly with Bell Shark Cartilage.
On page 3 she suggests to help those millions suffering needlessly like she did. Why was she made to suffer
for 40 years? Tora Shuster suffered for 50 years with bladder infections which were alleviated within days
with Bell Bladder & Yeast Infection, see page 26. She, too, asks why didn’t doctors prescribe natural medicines
all these 50 years? They ask why do medical schools not teach anything about natural health products?
Dr. Mehmed Oz M.D., a frequent guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show, said when he came out of medical school,
he thought he knew everything. Then he found out from his patients that there is a lot he did no know and
had to learn about alternative medicines. This is also what Dr. A. Pettle M.D. and Dr. Phil Chan M.D. say.
In the past 10 years I came across many more natural health products that helped so many
thousands of men and women in the meantime. We are now supplying over 50 natural
health products and I hear from many consumers and stores alike that Bell products are
improving the life of a huge number of people.
Please pass this catalog on to your extended family members and your friends. Virtually
everybody will find some health benefit with some of our products. Although people over
40 may be more interested in health matters, we also have natural health products for young
people. Our Bell Shark Liver Oil, the king of all fish oils, helps to prevent colds and flus. Our
Allergy Relief helps all those people of all ages that have seasonal or year-round allergy
problems. Our MIGRAID headache products gives relief within 30 minutes or we refund the
money... and many others.
We are amazed how many people wanted natural Bell health products. Most men and
women have some health problems. 50%-75% (depending on age) have arthritis; 90%
at 60 of men and 65% of women suffer with urinary problems; 67% are overweight; 75%
of all couples have problems in their sex life; 80% have a pH acidic body causing many
discomforts & diseases; 100% get colds & flus; 100% are showing signs of aging past 40 that
can be regulated; many other Bell products that help people improve their daily lives. This
is our mission.
Nick A. Jerch, President
Arthritis 1
Long Term Pain Relief
with Bell Shark Cartilage
Millions of men and women with knee,
hip, and hand arthritis could be helped quickly,
inexpensively and with virtually no side effects with this
natural product, if health professionals and stores selling Bell Product # 1
health care products would give the right advice.
Pain Free in 2 weeks
After suffering for years
years, this is exactly what happened to me. I spent
$2,000 on pills, creams, acupuncture, magnetic devices and physiotherapy. No
relief until I took shark cartilage capsules for 2 weeks and all pain was gone.
Following this experience I started to promote Bell Shark Cartilage and helped
tens of thousands of men and women.
Nick A. Jerch President of Bell Lifestyle Products Inc.
What makes Bell Shark Cartilage Work? Bell Shark Cartilage is processed differently without
chemical deodorizing processes to preserve the natural active ingredients. There are no additives
or filler in Bell Shark Cartilage. Many consumers wrote on our website that other brands they
tried did not work.
The only natural medicine on the market with a Money-Back Guarantee: It works in 98% of
all cases. A 10 year success story with tens of thousands of men and women that have less pain
or no pain at all. No side effects. Customers write: works much better than glucosamine with
or without additives. They say the difference is like day and night. Ask yourself why are other
arthritis remedies or drugs not guaranteed? Because none of them work well enough to
be guaranteed.
50 Million Men and Women are suffering day and night with arthritis pain in North America.
Know the truth!
The Lancet Medical Journal writes: Arthritis pain killer medicine (NSAIDs and other drugs)
contribute to joint cartilage destruction, as well as heart attacks, strokes and intestinal bleeding.
Dr. Julian Whitaker M.D. states they cause 20,000 deaths each year and 120,000 men and
women are hospitalized in North America. The New England Journal of Medicine reports high
numbers of arthritis drug-induced kidney and liver failures. Isn’t it time to try a natural product
that has none of the above very serious side effects? It works in 98% of all cases and has a
Money-Back-Guarantee! Printed on every box.
30 years of arthritis pain is all gone! Had arthritis pain through my whole body. 3 bottles
of Bell Shark Cartilage made me virtually pain free. I’m telling all friends about your products
especially the Bell Prostate Ezee Flow Tea that helped me with frequent bathroom trips.
Leon Rosenbaum, Pompano Beach, FL
Knee replacement not needed anymore! My doctor suggested knee replacement after
all his options failed with drugs, cortisone shots in my knee and lower back. I was in so much
pain day and night for 40 years. My husband saw your ad. It was the surprise of my life. It
worked! I feel so good to walk again, work in my house and garden with ease. I’m on my
7th bottle and take only 6 capsules a day for maintenance. I recommend it to those million
suffering needlessly like I did.
Pat Laughlin, Coldwater, ON
Dr. said it’s bone on bone and knee replacement is the “only way”! After taking Bell
Shark Cartilage a lot of the pain was gone soon and after 2 months I was pain free in my
knee as well as in my wrist and hand. I am thankful to have my life back again. I can now walk
without a crutch or a cane.
Leslie Prophet, Keswick, ON
Tried another brand and my pain came back. 2 weeks on BELL brand and the pain is gone
again. (Note: Bell Shark Cartilage is processed differently to preserve the natural active ingredients.)
Gert Dupuis, Hanmer, ON
Hip pain 95% pain free There were days when I could barely walk because of pain in my right
hip. I took all kinds of pain killers and prescription drugs. After taking Bell Shark Cartilage for
about 2 weeks I’m finally 95% pain free. I take now only a maintenance dose. I find pain killing
drugs mask and Bell shark cartilage heals.
Rebecca Hite, Oroville, CA
Used all celebrity drugs and injections I’m grateful to a friend for nudging me to try Bell
Shark Cartilage instead. I suffered for 8 years. It’s unbelievable that within 8 weeks I’m 95% pain
free. Why do doctors not know about this inexpensive pain relief with no side effects?
Charles Hopkins, Sydney, NS
Cancelled Knee replacement I was in pain and limping. Have no more pain now. Can square
dance for hours.
Anton Melnychuk, Porcupine Plain, SK
Saved me from a life of constant pain It took a few months to reverse this and get my body
moving again with Bell Shark Cartilage. I feel wonderful to be able to walk again like a normal
person 90% pain free. If people would only listen and try it. Audrey E. Scott, Sarasota, FL
Rheumatoid arthritis had me housebound and unable to do my household duties. Your
shark cartilage is a miracle for me, I sleep like a baby, can walk, dance, do my own shopping and
housework now. Have no pain. You are my “hero” without a doubt.
Vernette Smith, Medicine Hat, AB
Difference like night and day Arthritis pain in my hands, wrists, arms and shoulders improved
about 75% within 4 weeks with Bell shark cartilage. I am so thankful for your product. I know I
would still be needlessly suffering, had I not found it. Had pills which reduced my vision and caused
other serious side effects. Next the rheumatologist recommended I try glucosamine & bovine
chondroitin. I took it for 9 months and had only a little improvement. Bell Shark Cartilage changed
my life. Mary Nakano, Oakville, ON (Many letters saying glucosamine was not helping)
Arthritis Pain 98% gone. Praise the Lord! Awesome! I'm a pastor and stand at least 12
hours a day. Pain in my knees and feet were more than I could take. I suffered for 25 years! Used
Bell Pepper Cream first and stood in awe at the immediate results. Then I got Bell Shark Cartilage
as well. Now I'm 98% pain free "Praise the Lord". I'm telling everyone for this is truly a product that
does what it says. Thanks for an awesome product. No remedy or drug has given me the relief like
Bell Products.
D. Anderson, Pastor, Sautee, GA
Shark Cartilage, not glucosamine I was taking shark cartilage and glucosamine at the same
time and couldn’t be sure which was making my joints more comfortable. After being out of your
shark cartilage for several days, stiffness and pain were returning and I knew. I asked my wife to
order more shark cartilage and the 6 days were a long wait. I’ll not wait to run out of it again!
William G. Elliott, Hannover, ON (Many wrote glucosamine did not work at all or very little)
See more information about Glucosamine on page#6
Excerpts from our web site with dozens of true testimonials. After men and women suffered
for 10, 20 or 30 years they wrote: ….can walk again for hours without cane….climb stairs without
hanging on to railing….can do my housework again….can laugh and enjoy life again….first time
in 15 years can sleep all night….rheumatoid pain in joints down 90%, same for my sister….you
saved a trucker’s job, hip pain gone….I didn’t want to live anymore because of pain, you saved my
life….crippled hands from 40 years of arthritis can use them again pain free….doctor gave me
injections costing $600, Bell Shark Cartilage works better….black-outs and bleeding from drugs
was my life for 38 years, I’m 90% pain free now….I prayed to God very hard for help, Bell Shark
Cartilage was his answer….glucosamine, injections, drugs did not help, Bell Shark Cartilage did….
for 32 years cried barrels of tears, finally Bell Shark cartilage stopped a lifetime of suffering for less
than $100….it improved more and more and it appears that Bell Shark Cartilage is repairing worn
joints….Many are completely pain free. Others have 70% or 90% pain relief and gain in mobility.
Most have pain relief in 2-3 weeks. No known side effects. A natural remedy, not a drug.
Shark cartilage is a by-product of the food industry. No sharks are caught for their cartilage.
INGREDIENTS: 100% pure shark cartilage, no fillers, processed differently to preserve the
natural active ingredients. Made in USA.
Dozens more testimonials on our website
Bathroom Trips?
Many men wrote works
better than drugs!
Bell Prostate Ezee Flow Tea
Bell Product # 4a
Within 3-5 days most men can lead a normal life again
50% of men over 50 and 90% over 60 have enlarged prostates. They are suffering day and night
with this frustrating health problem. Bell Prostate Ezee Flow Tea stops dribbling, burning and
rushing to the bathroom every half hour or hour day and night. They sleep badly and are tired
all day. Many men wrote tea works better than Saw Palmetto and other pills as well as drugs.
Relaxed prostate normalizes urine flow. Bonus: Most report increase in spontaneous blood flow
and better erections. Tea is pleasant to drink, it’s safe and gives quick, effective relief. 99% success
rate. Large box of 120g/4 oz (2-4 weeks supply).
Many men wrote us they were happy to avoid prostate surgery. Others wrote they had prostate
surgery and still had urgency and burning problems until they tried our prostate tea.
Women with bladder control problems are usually offered surgery. Our Bladder Control Tea for
Women may help many to avoid surgery.
40 Million men in North America are suffering needlessly with enlarged prostate and most
could be helped quickly with this tea with no side effects.
Best Product on the Market!
Drugs and saw palmetto pills were of no help. Bell Prostate Ezee Flow Tea is the best product on
the market. Had 100% relief in 4 weeks. I don’t have to get up anymore during the night. My sex
life also changed completely. I’m a new man today! Thank you a million times for this incredible
tea. I will drink it for as long as I live.
Oleg Kerler, Thornhill, ON
Can sleep for 10 hours, feel great! I’m truly amazed and relieved. After just 2 weeks of
drinking the Bell Prostate Ezee Flow Tea I no longer have to get up during the night. I’m also
surprised that my sex life has improved. I suffered for 10 years. This product is so incredible.
I enjoy drinking the tea. I hope that a lot of men with a pride issue give this a shot. It’s difficult to
express how delighted I am.
Clarence A. Rehrig, Allentown, PA
Doctor said to keep on taking the tea! Was on prostate drugs that did not help. After 3
weeks drinking Ezee Flow Tea I had 100% release from the pressure and now I feel real good
thanks to the tea.
Leonard Pearcey, Wassis, NB
Had to get up every hour at night! Now I get up 1-2 times. Urine flow is close to normal
again. Sex is as good as many years ago. Past 3-4 years spent $86.00 a month on drugs with
little relief. Now I spend $20.00 for Bell Prostate Tea with 90% relief. What a bargain.
Joseph Whittaker, Sewell, NJ
You saved me from prostate surgery! Tried all pills and drugs. Tea brought 80% relief.
Cancelled surgery.
Ved Pal Grover, Scarborough, ON
Took drugs for 15 years – Relief in 3 days with tea Bell Prostate Ezee Flow Tea brought
amazing 100% relief in 3 days. I bought the tea because the many drugs I took (for 15 years!!!)
helped little or not at all. It changed my life. Thanks indeed. Jan Jansen, North York, ON
Biggest change in my life a full night’s sleep! Had relief in 4 days. Wake up refreshed.
Before, I had to get up many times. Had no sex for 2 years. Now I’m back to my old self again
and my wife loves it. Thank you for a great product. The tea is better than the many things I tried
including drugs.
Edward Powers, Port Orange, FL
All the guys at work are now on the tea No more frustration because of burning,
dribbling, rushing. I’m happy like a young bull at 60 yrs. Sex is great again. You should hear the
guys praising the tea. Some needed 2 boxes to get results. They’re all grateful to me.
John D. Bradshaw, Mississauga, ON
Know the truth! There are dozens of remedies and drugs promising relief. None of them will
do this: “This is my third year of using your tea. After first year PSA went down to 4.5; after the
second year to 2.9 and after the third year to 2.3. I highly recommend this tea. A real life saver.”
Thomas M. Thurston, Forsyth, GA
Prostate enlarged again after surgery! My prostate enlarged again and I was not
looking forward to another operation. I tried your Prostate Ezee Flow Tea and it worked quickly.
I could have saved myself the first very unpleasant surgery, had I known about the tea then.
S. C. Peterson, Simcoe, ON
Was one step away from prostate surgery! Frequent and unsuccessful bathroom trips
drove me crazy. I tried many drugs and was one step away from a risky surgery. I’m now down to
a couple of trips a night. I’m grateful to my son Andrew to have bought the first box for me.
Viktor Sheshnov, Toronto, ON
Recommended tea to all my friends! Things were getting so bad I had to go to the emergency
and get catheterized to drain my bladder. After all the pills I took with no real relief, I was amazed to
have 95% relief in 3 days and could empty my bladder each time. No more straining, dribbling or
urgency.Thank you! Thank you!
William L. McCord, Bethel , Springs, TN
Prostate tea gave complete relief! I have been suffering for years. The doctor prescribed
Flomax drugs. I didn’t take it, because 3 of my brothers are on it and they warned me about the
side effects they are suffering with. I only went to places where I knew were the washrooms were
for my frequent and urgent need. Had to go 6-7 times a night to the bathroom. After drinking the
tea for a few weeks had complete relief. What a blessing to sleep well again. I bought four more
boxes for my brothers.
Michael L. Dubourt, Medicine Hat, AB
Difference between night & day! I had tried numerous other supplements and drugs.
Bell Ezee Flow Tea is the best by far. Was getting up about 5 times a night. Had 100% relief.
Orlando Nickerson, St. George, UT
Brew tea in a large pot once a month! I bought a large pot to brew the whole package of
Bell Prostate Ezee Flow Tea for a whole month. I keep it in the fridge and drink one glass every
morning before food. Have a good urine flow now, no more dribbling and burning. Sleep through
the night. Years of frustrations are gone. What a change. I’m using also your Carpal Tunnel capsule.
Gordon Kerr, Whitby, ON
Had prostate operation 2 years ago. I’m still suffering from side effects. Tea is an amazing
product. Very effective. Easy and pleasant to take. I sleep through the night. Urine stream is
strong again. Easy Flow Tea 100% better than medication. No comparison. Happy to use your
tea. Thank you.
Fred Gaiser, Etobicoke, ON
Heart surgeon says 100% relief with prostate tea For the past year I was annoyed having
to make frequent trips to the bathroom day and night. Had a lot of pain, especially during erection.
Although I’m a physician I did not want to take drugs and decided to turn to Bell Prostate Ezee
Flow Tea. Already after 1 week I felt pain relief, also during erection. All the pain and discomfort
disappeared and my life turned back to normal. For the past 6 months I’ve been drinking a cup a
day for maintenance.
Dr. A . Akrami, Vancouver, BC
Diabetic & high blood pressure Had to be close to a bathroom wherever I went. Last 2
years were the worst. After 5 weeks drinking the Bell Prostate Tea I can last as long as 5 hours. No
problem with medications. Great relief.
John H. Rowan, Hamilton, ON
Tea helped after trying drugs and surgery! I’ve suffered for years with my swollen prostate.
Had difficulty and pain when urinating. I used to get up at least 4 times a night and dreaded it.
All the doctor visits, drugs and finally an unpleasant surgical procedures didn’t help. Bell Prostate
Tea made me feel like a normal person again. I’ve been on it now for 4 months. It’s a great relief.
Thank you.
Jean Louis Chartrand, North Bay, ON
INGREDIENTS: Chamomile, cinnamon twigs, cranberry, damiana, willow flower, ginseng,
lavender, lemon, red peony, saw palmetto, stinging nettle, water plantain.
Before you have surgery try a natural product with virtually no side effects.
Bell Bladder Control
Tea for Women # 4b
These real women were helped quickly without side effects.
A Hamilton newspaper article quoted two university professors
saying that 65% of all past child-bearing age estimated at
35 million women suffer with incontinence and have to wear
padding. Surgery was offered as an option. Many could be helped
with this mix of 9 herbal teas. Pleasing aroma. No caffeine.
You can stop inconvenience, pain and embarrassments.
Lack of bladder control is history! Since using the Bell Bladder Control Tea for women
I had not had any lack of control, which is amazing to say the least and a great relief. A friend
recommended the tea after she had surgery to shore up the bladder and was still having urgency
and leakage. After starting the tea she was delighted to finally getting relief with virtually no
more symptoms.
Anne Whattam, Whitby, ON
15 years bladder & kidney infections gone! Doctors put me on strongest antibiotic drugs
and they didn’t do anything. Bell Bladder Control Tea resolved bladder infection and kidney pain
within a week. Symptoms lessened the first day. Was suffering for 15 years and took all those drugs
for nothing. I’m telling all customers in our health food store. Arlene Braswell, Palmetto, FL
30 years of irritable bladder alleviated! Since my late 30’s I had this embarrassing irritable
bladder problem. Had countless tests and specialists prescribed endless pills to no avail. Had to
wear pads all these years. My numerous urinary infections are gone since drinking Bell Bladder
Control for Women. I’m glad I didn’t have surgery. I’m immensely relieved and grateful.
Ellen Bower, Kanata, ON
Bladder Control for Women Tea worked! I was skeptical when I saw the ad. However, I was
desperate to do something about the frustrating health problem I had for 25-30 years. I’ve tried
all kinds of drugs. I was truly amazed about the results within about 10 days. Trips to the toilet had
significantly been reduced and daily accidents were now a thing of the past. I’ve recommended
the tea to many women. I’m so thankful for this discovery! Barbara Rehrig, Allentown, PA
May God bless you for making this tea! The very first day I drank this tea my urinary
infection pain stopped and I felt happy to be rid of this frequent health problem. I was surprised
that the tea worked so much better than the drugs I had to take. It’s a wonderful natural product.
May God bless the person who made this tea.
Tina Khan, Mississauga, ON
Overactive bladder problem alleviated! Since drinking the Bell bladder control tea my
overactive bladder problem disappeared. This bothered me a lot for the last 3-4 years. I don’t have
to run to the bathroom so often and I can sleep through the night again. I feel well rested and
have more energy all day.
Wilma Lavata, Albuquergue, NM
Bladder control for women works! I’m so glad I tried your bladder control tea for women.
My frequently rushing to the bathroom was embarrassing. Still more frustrating was wetting my
bed too often. I started to feel better within days. Knowing that this tea is helping me I made it my
daily habit to drink one cup in the morning.
Judith Chizanga, Mississauga, ON
Thrilled Bladder Control Tea gave relief! After one week on Bell Bladder Control for
Women I was so thrilled to be able to avoid being embarrassed during the day hours. I’m able
now to exercise and work feeling care free. What an improvement in my life.
Edith Netsky, Melrose Park, PA
More testimonials on our web site.
INGREDIENTS: Cranberry, golden rod, marshmallow root, nettle, parsley, rosehips, uva ursi, willow
herb, natural citrus flavors.
YEAST INFECTION: If a woman suffers with yeast infection, product#31 is very effective. Page 25.
For those of us who feel we are at the pinnacle of knowledge in nutrition, healthcare and
medicine, we should remind ourselves that in a mere 25 years people will laugh at how backwards
and antiquated we were in 2007. I read excerpts of a book that was printed in 1803, in which the
author actually believed they were at the highest level of what can be achieved in medicine.
Lose Weight
the easy way
and the only permanent way
Bell Ezee Slimming Patch
Bell Product # 5a
3 years and 5 years later
they did not regain the lost weight, read testimonials below.
Permanent weight control is only possible by changing what made you overweight. Bell
Ezee Sliming patches make people less hungry and consequently they have no trouble changing
habits of overeating. The patch also stops cravings for sweets and junk food. These are the two
reasons why people are overweight. Deep down everybody knows that changing habits is the only
honest & natural approach to lose weight permanently. We have dozens of letters from real people
with their full names and towns on our web site saying it was easy to change some of their eating
habits. A subsequent survey showed that they did not regain their lost weight. They really do work
and men and women are delighted to see the results and hear the compliments they get about their
new shape.
The best news
is that there is no starving, no drugs, no calorie counting, no restrictive
torture diets. You eat 3 full meals a day and 3 healthy snacks each day. Skipping meals leads to
overeating on the next meal. Absolutely nobody can cheat the stomach. Let your brain direct
your taste buds to eat delicious food that is good for your body.
Diet pills & meal replacements lead to yo-yo dieting and increase your weight in the long run.
Dr. Phil says yo-yo dieting also increases the risk of heart disease by 70%. A 40 billion dollar
industry is misleading the population. Proof is 67% are now overweight, increasing rapidly
every year. Our biggest health problem, causing 68% of all deaths due to heart disease, cancer,
diabetes and many other diseases. Bell Ezee Slimming Patches along with a change of some
eating habits could drastically cut cost of our health care.
There is no need to be overweight if you accept the experience of thousands of people. A slow
weight loss over a few months based on changes of eating habits has the highest success rate for
a permanent weight loss. A quick weight loss with diet pills has the highest failure rate. Surgery
will not solve the problem. Neither will diet pills. It makes sense that there has to be a change of
eating habits. You can fill your stomach with delicious non-fattening food.
Ours is a unique way not found anywhere else that helps people to change their eating habits.
It also happens to be the easiest way and the only permanent way by avoiding foods that make
us fat. Our brain has to have a say, not just the taste buds. Every nutrition expert in the country
will confirm that you have to be selective in what you eat. That is the key. It works!
No other diet product we know of can show actual documented and traceable successes from
real people with full names and towns.
Scientific Medical Studies: we have hospital studies conducted by medical doctors that support
weight loss success with bladderwrack (ocean kelp Fucus Vesiculosous).
Read what real people wrote 2, 3 or 5 years after using Bell Ezee Slimming Patches and how they
kept their excess weight off permanently:
3 years ago psychologist doctor lost 10 lbs! Ezee Slimming Patches saved me from buying
moo-moos (baggy dresses)! At 50 I put on 10 lbs around my stomach, hips and thighs. For 8 years
I tried to get rid of these annoying 10 lbs I tried everything and was completely frustrated. I had
resigned myself to wear baggy dresses from then on. At that time a store clerk recommended
the Ezee patches. My cravings for sugar & excessive snacking stopped. After using the patches 3
years ago I am happy to say I need no moo-moos anymore. Dr. Bonnie Hemauer, Santa Monica, CA
2 years ago lost 10 lbs! A friend told me how easily she lost her excess weight and kept it off ever
since. I was skeptical, because I tried many diets that made me heavier in the long run. To my
surprise the patches worked for me as well. They controlled my appetite and helped to change
my eating habits.
Kay Downey, Jacksonville, FL
I lost 15 lbs 2 years ago! I’ve things under control now. I watch what I eat. Patch cut the desire
for sweets, which was the main problem. At Christmas I gained a few pounds and lost it again
quickly by going back to healthy eating.
Judy Haag, Eden Prairie, MN
Lost 38 lbs and feel better! For many years tried to lose weight with diet pills and it never
worked. Bell Ezee Slimming Patches immediately suppressed my excess food cravings and I
started to lose 1 to 2 lbs a week.
Jamie Fletcher, London, ON
Lost 20 lbs year ago and kept it off! I asked the pharmacist what I could take that would not
interfere with my medications for thyroid, high blood pressure and diabetes. The Ezee patch
worked well and away went all the 20 lbs
Margaret Lownsbrough, Oakwood, ON
Lost 35 lbs 3 years ago and kept it off! The Ezee Slimming Patch is no gimmick like many other
diet products. First I studied the down to earth instructions and made a commitment to change
some of my eating habits. I’m 51 and feel great. After losing the excess weight I started playing
basketball with kids half my age.
Bill Arthur, Newmarket, ON
25 lbs off my stomach! Last year I lost 25 lbs right where I wanted to lose it off my stomach and
did not regain it. The patches helped me to lose some of my cravings for high calorie foods. That’s
all the helped I needed. They work great!
Karl Warren, Maberly, ON
The only diet product that worked! A year ago I lost 15 lbs and never regained it by changing
some of my food selections. It was that simple and easy. We as a family use several of your Bell
products and think they are all wonderful and safe.
Olga Clarke, Toronto, ON
In 2005 I lost 16 lbs and kept it off! In 2005 I decided to do something about losing weight,
because I had no more clothing to wear. I bought a box of Ezee Slimming Patches and started to
lose weight slowly every week. I was thrilled to wear some of favorite dresses again.
Nicole Lague, Saint Jean sur Richelieu, QC
5 years ago lost 54 lbs! I tried several diets because of my high blood pressure and lost weight.
However, I gained it all back plus more than I weighed before. The patch was different. It was
easy, painless and simply melted the pounds away slowly by changing some eating habits. When
I thought I don’t have to watch anymore what I eat, I did gain some back and lost it again after
going back on the Ezee patch.
Roy Gilbert, Nepean, ON
Patch is fantastic, lost 40 lbs! 3 years ago I lost 40 lbs gradually over a year. Thanks to the patch
I got over my addiction for chocolates and sweets. Now I have more healthy eating habits. I have
periods when I put on a few pounds and lose them again by avoiding foods I know are fattening.
Violaine Suhubiette, Orleans, ON
INGREDIENTS: Latex-free adhesive bandage with non-medical herbal ingredient of 25mg
of bladderwrack kelp extract, garcinia cambogia and menthol in a sealed pouch.
Dozens more testimonials on our website
We have literally Hundreds of Testimonials.
Bell hoodiburst gum
Bell Product # 5b
12 Packs per Counter Display
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Happiness for couples
is only possible with
a satisfying sex life
Dr. Phil says 75% of all couples have problems in their sex life. Some say it is even higher. A
high number of marriages are stressed or break up. It is a physical and mental health issue.
Nokomis Eroxil™ for men and Erosyn™ for women can help remedy that.
These natural products are based on amines that are found in oats, cucumbers and radishes.
They can help you regain the sexual performance of your youth and enhance your sexual
satisfaction. Rejuvenates sexual reproductive system naturally and you need no scheduling
or timing. Skepticism will turn into delight, his and hers. They are inexpensive and safe
with no side effects. Six years of research and testing. They are FDA approved for sale. We
remain sexual beings for as long as we live. We can inform ourselves and enjoy our sexuality.
Dr. David Satcher, the former U.S. surgeon General notes that "Our nation is suffering in so
many ways because of our failure to address human sexuality"
In my opinion, these products are exciting and provide
the medical profession with a breakthrough affordable
and effective therapeutic alternative to all other herbal
products and drugs available.
Dr. Frank Sweet N.M.D.
Most men and women are surprised that Eroxil and Erosyn not only increase
youthful performance and libido, they basically increase energy, improve muscle
tone and youthful strength, thus putting more zest in your life all day and every
day. Many men wrote that they take Eroxil mainly for improving their middle
age (andropausal) years or Erosyn for women to improve their menopausal years,
which all men and women go through starting at about 40. This is all part of the
sexual rejuvenation brought about by Eroxil and Erosyn. Some wrote their pubic
hair turned from gray to brown or black again as a visible sign that it’s working.
Eroxil and Erosyn are different and far more effective than Ginseng, Muira Puama,
Guarana Damiana, Puncturevine Tribrelus Terrestris, Avena Satima, L' Arginine
and others.
EroxilTM for Men
Bell Product # 6
Men are delighted...
Regained virility in 3 days I’m 72. After taking
Eroxil for only 3 days, my libido was restored and
good sex was again possible. I’ve also given it to
friends with the same results. One of them is a
diabetic and overweight.
Dr. Louis Rolland, St. Hyacinthe, PQ
Eroxil worked despite health problems! I have high blood pressure, diabetes, had a
heart attack and I’m taking drugs, which interferes with my sex life. I’m so happy Eroxil
overcame all these health problems. After several weeks I had excellent results like 10 years
John Hayes, 58, Laureville, Ohio
ago. Thank you for such a good product.
Newly married man so happy with Eroxil I just re-married and felt elated that everything
worked so well like I never had a problem. I was worried whether I would be able to enjoy
sex again. After 3 days on Eroxil I was able to perform like many years ago. I can’t thank you
Albert H. Smith, 63, Dixon, CA
enough. New wife’s comment: He’s a stud.
Eroxil increased self-worth After taking Eroxil for several weeks I had excellent results.
It has definitely improved my relationship with my wife and increased my feelings of
self-worth. I also seem to have more energy as well. My performance is like well over
Glenn Bagshaw, 53, Toronto, ON
10 years ago.
Male sex clinics and testosterone pills no good I’m a 77 year old man who had libido
difficulties for many years and have been to male sex clinics and taken testosterone pills to no
avail. Eroxil brought back joyful feelings I believed lost for me forever. My lady friend is all excited
about my taking Eroxil. Thank you very much.
Frank Toplitsky, 77, Guelph, ON
Eroxil is better than all others I’ve used your product for 9 days and I’m pleased. Eroxil is
better than all the products of your competitors. I’ve tried them all!! Continue to develop products
that help people enjoying their life to the fullest.
Jean Durand, 76, Saint-Foy, QC
Eroxil gave back energy, more strength, less tired! Middle age was wearing me down.
After taking Eroxil regaining my energy, muscle strength and drive were more important
to me than the side benefits of having also better erections and more interest for intimacy.
Something I didn’t expect, I don’t feel always cold. I can work in my backyard without getting
exhausted. I’m going to introduce it to all my friends. My wife is surprised about my new strength.
Johnson B. Chin, 66, San Francisco, CA
Girlfriend is delighted I took Eroxil! Eroxil is a great product. My erections are like when I
was 20 years old. My girlfriend noticed the change and said: “I definitely I reap the benefits!” For 8
years I’ve tried many herbal products and none of them made a visible difference.
James Johnson, 44, Ft. Worth, TX
Diabetic says Eroxil works, wife’s pleased! I’m 47. I have diabetes and had performance
problems for 8 years. After taking Eroxil for several days I started feeling an increase in my libido
and erections were easier. I even noticed morning erections. It’s been years since that happened.
Erections are stronger and longer lasting. What a surprise, my pubic hair has turned from gray to
black again. Viagra didn’t work all the time. Wife’s comment: “Of course, I love the results. Alison.”
Jeffrey R. Harrison, 47, Carthage, MS
Eroxil best help for those middle range years I’m a 46 year old workaholic. Work and the
androgenic effects of getting into the middle range years made me always exhausted. I lost my interest
in sex and ability to perform. I bought Eroxil because I wanted a change. After 3 days results were
awesome. Everything in my lifestyle changed. Increased my energy, outlook and sexual performance.
I know a friend who needs it too. Thank you. Wife’s comment: What happened to our marriage is like a
miracle. We both enjoy sex again.
Tony Quismorio, 46, Ottawa, ON
Wonderful to feel whole again To be sexless is a very empty feeling. Thanks a million
for Eroxil. I also use your Prostate Ezee Flow Tea and had great relief. God bless you. It’s
wonderful to feel close again to my partner. Felt like 40 years ago. I had results in every case.
Charles E. Palen, 77, Burnaby, BC
TIME MAGAZINE wrote a feature article by a medical doctor saying that virility
prescription drugs work only in 60% of all cases. Nokomis products work as well or better for men
and women as they rejuvenate the whole sexual reproductive system. Most men and women can
function sexually like when they were younger and have more energy and drive.
Excerpts from our website: ….tried all those male performance products and
nothing worked, until I found Eroxil….Eroxil worked despite medications and health problems….
saved our marriage, my wife is 20 years younger….better than prescription virility drugs….
energy, perky feeling like when I was young….changed from 72 old to 52 young in 2 weeks….
at 81 I’m in top shape again….To be sexless is a very empty feeling, wonderful to feel whole
again….It’s a miracle, changed 74 year old in 3 days ending suffering of 20 years….Many more
on our web site.
INGREDIENTS: Amines spermine and spermidine which are found in radishes, cucumbers, oats
and all human cells. Wayne State University certificate states that they are completely safe.
Dozens more testimonials on our website.
ErosynTM for Women
Bell Product # 7
The only Libido product
that works for women
in a useful way...
Read also basic information under
sex on page 12 which applies
also for Erosyn.
Intimacy like 35 years ago Erosyn is awesome! My
husband is very happy. Our sex life is better now than
even when we were dating – 35 years ago! I never
had climaxes like this when I was in my 20s. Makes you feel sexier and more desirable. I could
feel the difference in one day! An excellent product that gives us so much more of life’s greatest
satisfactions. No side effects. Husband’s comment: He is more in love now than ever. Looks
forward to date nights every week.
Swierina Stratford, 55, Essex, ON
Greatest gift of my life! Erosyn has been a miracle for me. For the first time in my life I’ve been
able to enjoy orgasms. Before that I never felt anything since I’ve been sexually active. It was so
disappointing. This little pill really did wonders for me. Esperanza Bahena, 31, Chicago, IL
With Erosyn I feel like a woman again No stress. Feel more sensual, sexual and have a
youthful initiative. My husband says: Keep it going, we’re teens again. He’s taking Eroxil. Don’t
stop making it. Finally a natural supplement that works and is very reasonably priced. It’s great
Kim Beach, 41, Stirling, ON
I’m 92 and sex is good again with Erosyn My husband is a diabetic and took Eroxil, which
helped him to perform again after taking the tablets for about four weeks. Our regained intimacy
makes life more interesting. Thank you.
Florence Fryer, 92, Edmonton, AB
Orgasms are awesome! Due to medication I lost my enjoyment of intimacy almost completely.
After taking Erosyn for a few days my orgasms are back. Wow! They are awesome now and last
longer. It really changed my sex life.
Gail Benton, 53, Thomasville, GA
Enjoying sex life again with Erosyn! Went immediately into menopause after hysterectomy
surgery to remove a fibroid tumor.After that I became a textbook example of menopausal symptoms.
A friend told me about how she regained her libido and interest in intimacy with Erosyn. I was
happy to try it and it worked within 6 days to my husbands delight and mine. Vaginal dryness was
relieved and I feel wonderful and alive. Thanks for a natural product with no side effects that really
works. Get these products into stores everywhere.
Jane Duffey, 49, Glendale, AZ
My husband is happy my libido is back! After my second child at 30 my libido was gone. I
felt incomplete, unhappy and depressed that I could not satisfy my husband. My head wanted
to, but my body did not want to do it. Erosyn was a big surprise. Since taking Erosyn I’m a new
woman. I’m surprised to have orgasms stronger than when we got married 14 years ago. My
husband is still more overjoyed than I’m myself. Thank you for giving us back our delightful
love life.
Chantal Brule, 36, Sorel-Tracy, QC
Excerpts from our website: ….Erosyn saved my marriage, my libido was so low that making love
more than 3-5 a year was too much….I’m only 31, my interest in making love was completely
flat, I’ve tried everything including a sex therapist and Erosyn helped within days….Erosyn is
fantastic, I’m back having a good time….I started menopause and thought I would never enjoy
sex again, Erosyn changed everything quickly….after 25 years libido awakened again….Erosyn
saved me from depression, I feel like in my 30’s again….I’m more relaxed, sleep better, enjoy
making love to my husband again….My husband asked me to take Erosyn only every 3rd day,
he needs a break….pubic hair turned from gray to brown again….Dozens more on our web site.
INGREDIENTS: The primary active ingredients in these Nokomis products are amines found in
such plant foods as oats, cucumbers and radishes. Amines are essential elements for cellular and
tissue growth and regeneration.
For 50 more products, go on our web site