The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style


The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
Hi, I’m Jill Chivers and thanks for signing up
to receive this free report: The 12
Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style.
I am really excited to share this free report
with you. I have been in love with clothes
and style for as long as I can remember,
and this topic – being stylish without
shopping all the time - just fascinates me.
Before I started on my own journey of
conscious consumption I’d never given
these questions much thought.
But now I’m intrigued about whether it’s
possible to shop less and have more
style? I believe the answer is YES!
And that’s what I’d like to explore with you
in this free report.
Before we jump into the free report, let me
share just a little about what has brought
me to this topic.
© Shop Your Wardrobe
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
I was a compulsive shopper for years. And for
much of that time, I didn’t even realise it. I
thought shopping was a harmless pastime or
maybe a contact sport I had become very, very
good at. Shopping was my favourite hobby.
I had more than enough clothing, but I was
continuing to consume, and add more to a
bursting-at-the-seams walk in wardrobe.
I had racks and racks of stuff I didn’t need, and
wasn’t wearing. Why was I buying so much when
I already had so much? I didn’t know the answer
to that question but I had to find one.
The path I chose to explore this question was to
take a year without clothes shopping. I had
to stop the constant intake of new items into my
closet. I had to put some space and distance
between me and all this buying, and buying, and
That year changed my life. It changed how I think
and feel about shopping, and it changed my
shopping behaviour. It also led me to work in this
intriguing and complex field of compulsive and
unconscious shopping. And it’s lead me to you.
© Shop Your Wardrobe
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
One in 12 women are addicted to
shopping – and even that may be a
conservative number. Overdosing on
credit cards has reached an all time high.
We are buying more clothing than ever
before, yet we’re not using even a
fraction of the items we purchase.
We are spending ourselves into an early
grave, over-charging, over-consuming
and overlooking what life is really about.
Life is about the experiences we have
and the people we share them with. Life
is to be lived – not spent.
Many of us who have accumulated a lot of
clothes but still feel we have nothing to wear
could do with a helping hand to create
wonderful working wardrobes, a sense
of personal style and a way to bring shopping
back into its rightful place in our lives.
On the following pages are 12 secrets to less
shopping, more style that you can use to
illuminate your path and lighten your load.
© Shop Your Wardrobe
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
1. Play around in your closet and ‘work’
what you already have.
Many women wear 20 – 30% of their
wardrobe because they aren’t
tapping into the hidden mileage and
magic lurking in their wardrobe.
Play with different outfits you can
create by mixing and matching
existing pieces. Get creative and
Actions I can take straight away
© Shop Your Wardrobe
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
2. Create and use your “love to do
(instead of shopping) list”. Create a
list of 10+ things you like to do –
apart from shopping.
Update your list often – it is a living,
dynamic thing.
When you feel the urge to splurge,
do something on the list instead.
There’s so much more to life than
Actions I can take straight away
© Shop Your Wardrobe
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
3. Discover what suits you. Many of us
overshop because we simply don’t
how to buy for our bodies, our
personalities, or our lifestyles.
We have no accurate information
to base our buying decisions on –
we just see something that catches
our eye and we purchase it! It is
often these very purchases that
lead us to creating large wardrobes
full of items we do not like to wear.
When you know what suits you –
your body shape, your colouring,
your personality and your lifestyle –
you shop wisely.
© Shop Your Wardrobe
Actions I can take straight away
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
4. Discover what drives your shopping
behaviour. Your shopping habits
have developed the way they have
for a reason.
You need to unearth and explore
your shopping drivers, otherwise it’s
unlikely your shopping habits will
change for good.
Explore what your underlying
drivers are and you are free of the
enormous weight that is
compulsive, impulsive and addictive
© Shop Your Wardrobe
Actions I can take straight away
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
5. Revamp existing items from your
Conduct a ‘playshop’ within your
closet and see what can be upstyled
and recycled. New buttons? A
shorter hemline? A change in
colour? Add some embellishment?
Cut the sleeves off?
There are so many ways to rework
existing, unworn items.
Get inspired and rework those
Actions I can take straight away
© Shop Your Wardrobe
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
6. Shop only when you feel positive,
calm and alert. Many of us have
used shopping as a way to soothe
or repair our mood.
We shop when we are emotionally
not at our best (tired, bored,
lonely, upset, anxious - just some
of the emotional states that can
trigger a shopping spree).
Make today the start of only
shopping when you are feeling
positive, calm and alert.
Actions I can take straight away
© Shop Your Wardrobe
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
7. Only buy what you LOVE. Make today
the start of a new approach when you
shop: never buy items that you feel just
so-so about.
If you aren’t mad crazy in love with it,
leave it behind.
You’re better off with a small amount
of great than a large amount of just ok.
Actions I can take straight away
© Shop Your Wardrobe
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
8. Stay away from and out of the
shops. This is one of the most
obvious but also one of the most
effective ways to shop consciously –
stay away from the stores as your
‘default’ activity.
Avoidance is a perfectly legitimate
strategy, and it really does work!
Go do something else, and be
somewhere else.
Actions I can take straight away
© Shop Your Wardrobe
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
9. Engage the ‘power pause’. Don’t buy
desirable items straight away.
When you see something you might
want to buy – leave it. Walk away for
at least two hours, if not two days,
before deciding to make the
The power pause is remarkably
effective in breaking the unconscious
shopping cycle.
Actions I can take straight away
© Shop Your Wardrobe
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
10. Get organised and clear the clutter
from your closet. We don’t wear
what we can’t see.
You may be amazed at what you
already own, once you can see and
have organised everything that you
already have.
Organise like items with like, fold
and hang everything neatly, match
those hangers, and store/display
accessories to give you easy access.
Actions I can take straight away
© Shop Your Wardrobe
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
11. Ditch the cards and use cash only.
Research proves that spending via cash
feels more “real” than spending via
If you want to feel every dollar that
you spend, then ditch the credit and
store cards and use cash only instead.
And use cash for not just the small
dollar items, but the big ticket items
Actions I can take straight away
© Shop Your Wardrobe
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
The 12 Secrets to Less Shopping, More Style
12. Do a shopping detox where you don’t
buy anything for at least 30 days, and
longer if you can.
Make sure you pay attention to what
you’re learning as you go – regular
journaling is a good way to do this.
And If you really want to get to the heart
of your shopping issue, do a year
without clothes shopping.
But don’t do it alone – be supported and
inspired by us and join us at Shop Your
Wardrobe - sign up today.
Actions I can take straight away
© Shop Your Wardrobe
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
About the author
I’m Jill Chivers and I understand what it’s like to
‘shop til you drop’ and yet still feel it’s never
enough. I know how heavy that feeling is. And
I’m here to tell you it is possible to lay that
burden down, to stop the constant shopping,
and to reclaim your life.
Your life is not to be found in the mall
You won’t get to the end of your life (the
ultimate scorecard, if ever there was one) and
wish you’d spent more time shopping.
Life is about the experiences you have, the
people that you love, and the contribution that
you make. And none of those things have
anything to do with or require shopping.
My goal and intention with everything I do in
this space of conscious consumption is to
encourage you to think about the shopping you
do, and to choose it – not find yourself
accumulating more and more stuff you don’t
want, don’t even need, and won’t fully use.
Through products and resources I’ve created, I
help women who shop too much to stop, or at
least cut down.
© Shop Your Wardrobe
To learn more
and sign up:
My Year
Without Clothes Shopping
Shop less, live more
Where to from here
If you enjoyed this free report on the 12 secrets to less shopping, more style you
may enjoy and get great value from one of our paid programs.
Both these programs provide a great opportunity to explore your shopping
behaviour and attitudes in a supportive, stimulating and safe environment:
 My Year Without Clothes Shopping program. The My Year Without Clothes
Shopping program has 12 themes over the 12 months, 52 in-depth weekly
tutorials, and bonuses and benefits in our member’s only area.
 6 Week Conscious Clothes Shopping Mini Course. The 6 Week Conscious
Shopping Mini Course delivers 14 emails over 6 weeks, organised around the 6
key principles of conscious clothes shopping.
Thank you again for signing up to receive this free report on the 12 secrets to less
shopping –more style.
I hope our paths cross again soon!
To your shopping health,
Jill Chivers
© Shop Your Wardrobe
To learn more
and sign up: