Philippians 1:3-11 ”I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In
Philippians 1:3-11 ”I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In
Box 38 TRUMAN, MINNESOTA 56088 Office (507) 776-4781, Fax (507) 776-7888 Email [email protected], Website: Interim Pastor Gerry Giese Pastor’s Cell # 507-380-1176, Pastor’s Email: [email protected] Dear friends, grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. They are a reminder to us of how the early church established its identity. They developed an early theology and practice centered on the core elements of faith. Throughout the ages, the church used this very principle as the church grew and developed local congregations. Indeed God has blessed us. This is our last newsletter for the Trinity & Waverly Parish. I would like to share with you excerpts from my last message. Epiphany Sunday , January 6, 2013 Service of Celebration (Last Worship Service with T & W) Philippians 1:3-11 I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now”. Those are the opening words of Paul in his Letter to the Philippians. They are words of affirmation and an expression of gratitude for the partnership in the gospel. Consider these words that Paul shares with us this morning. ” God has blessed us. We give thanks this morning for members of Waverly, who moved from Calamus, Iowa and in 1890’s and settled in central Martin County and in April 1899, founded Waverly Lutheran Church. Through the early years, as they were served by area pastors, the members of Waverly began to see their vision, their dreams come into reality. Many of our members today are descendents of the original members. The life and ministry of the church is shown in its diversity of age. This morning we give thanks for Lenora Mau who is our oldest member at 99 and Alexander Hansen, son of Neil & Cara, as our youngest at 1month and who was baptized one week ago. Indeed God has blessed us. God has blessed us. We give thanks for Pr. Stensland, who in the 1940’s met with members of the community in their homes here in Truman, along with several members from Waverly. Through this period of time, their vision and mission became reality. On January 5, 1949, Trinity Lutheran was established. Through the God has blessed us. In the beginning, for each of our congregations and within our parish, God instilled a vision, a dream of ministry, a dream of building a sanctuary where community can assemble and worship, pray, participate in the sacraments and dine in fellowship and to go forth in service to the community that surrounds them. I am reminded of the words of scripture from Acts 2:42… “They devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching, and to Fellowship, to the Breaking of Bread and to Prayer”. These words are a reminder of whose we are, who we are and our very purpose as members of the body of Christ. These words are within a picture on the last page of Trinity’s Fifty Year Anniversary book. (Continued on page 2) 1 Box 38 TRUMAN, MINNESOTA 56088 Office (507) 776-4781, Fax (507) 776-7888 Email [email protected], Website: Interim Pastor Gerry Giese Pastor’s Cell # 507-380-1176, Pastor’s Email: [email protected] ...Continued from page 1 dedication of Pr. Stensland and the charter members, the church began to flourish. Today, we acknowledge Veryle Williamson and his sister Arleen and Eleanor Lubitz as our charter members who are still with us. This morning we give thanks for Sylvian Behrens as our oldest at the age of 95 and Sophie Carlson (Caitlian) as our youngest. Indeed God has blessed us. At the same time, we remember that our parish also came into being in conjunction with the newly formed Trinity. So the Trinity and Waverly partnership goes back sixty-four years. This time line gives us the opportunity to remember. Throughout its history prior to the partnership, seven pastors have served the Waverly and nine have served the Trinity & Waverly Parish along with several interims. Together as pastors and members, we have been the heart and soul of the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus in our community for these many years. Indeed God has blessed us. As in all family relationships, there are many occasions where we have the opportunity to gather together. In the community of faith, we gather not only for worship, but special occasions, baptisms, first communions, confirmations, graduations, weddings, anniversaries and a time for remembrance at our Celebration of Life Worship. We are family. Indeed God has blessed us. God has blessed us. Perhaps no other hymn describes this abundant love, more than “Jesus Loves Me”. As in the dynamics of family relationships, there are times of conflict, settling around given issues, whether it be centered on theological, scriptural, cultural or in-house. As often the case, words have been said or un-said in silence, or like-wise our actions, known as commission or omission, bring tension and discord. But God has blessed us. We are blessed within the church to begin our worship service, knowing as we come before him, we confess our sin. And we know that he is a gracious and compassionate God, forgiving us of our sin and empowering us with his Holy Spirit to forgive one another. The words we speak in the confessional and now in the closing litany for the interim acknowledge this and affirms our relationship together. God has blessed us. We are family. We will sing during communion “Blessed Assurance and Great is thy faithfulness”. The words in these hymns speak to these promises. Indeed God has blessed us. In Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, chapter 1, he describes the church as “fellowship” or "partnership”. The Greek word koinōnia is a word that expresses the essence of Christianity. The church is a community of active participants, gathering together as "brothers and sisters" and having a common faith. That is, the church is a community because of God's call in our baptism. We are reconciled through the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are sanctified through the power of the Holy Spirit. God has blessed us. Today, with our worship “Celebration of Ministry” service, we celebrate our past, our history, our partnership in ministry. Today, we also move forward as this interim time and our partnership comes to a close. Today in our respective congregations, we move into new ministries, new journeys as we proclaim the love of God in our communities. Indeed God has blessed us. God’s blessings to you this morning and throughout our days. Pastor Giese 2 A SEMINARIAN’S LETTERS HOME– February 2013 . To the membership of Trinity and Waverly Lutheran Church- As we journey onward, parting ways and goGreetings to you all from Pennsylvania! January 6 has come and gone. From here on, ing into the new worlds to which God has called us, we will face many times when we we are going our separate ways. After worshiping together, lifting up the relationship our think that there is nothing but desert, that our congregations have shared for many years, we hopes will go unsatisfied. But let us journey onward, knowing that Christ will bring us are now following different through to the abundant feast and limpaths into the wilderness of the itless fountain of eternal joy. As we unknown. Much will change. It we are now part here, let our last words to each is good to take a bit to breathe other as a parish be a prayer for God’s following deeply before stepping out. blessing, using these words: different paths into the wilderness of the unknown. On Transfiguration Sunday, a traditional hymn to end worship is “Alleluia, Song of Gladness.” We do not sing or say alleluia during the forty days of Lent, as the words of this hymn remind us. We cannot always sing the song of resurrection and joy, sinners that we are. For six weeks each year, we say farewell that word and its spirit, and follow Jesus into the wilderness. We long for cool water to refresh us. We long for our homeland, for the realization of our hopes and dreams. But it is not there yet. It will come, though. It will come in the healing waters of baptism and the joyful shouts of “Christ is risen, alleluia!” on Easter morning. O God, in the transfiguration of your Son you confirmed the mysteries of the faith by the witness of Moses and Elijah, and in the voice from the bright cloud declaring Jesus your beloved Son, you foreshadowed our adoption as your children. Make us heirs with Christ of your glory, and bring us to enjoy its fullness, through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen. [ELW, Transfiguration Sunday] The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Your fellow member and pilgrim, Carl P. Rabbe 3 TRINITY COUNCIL MINUTES distributed to eleven households. Worship—The “New Beginnings” serJanuary 9, 2012 vice has been planned for January 13th. We will sing songs from the various Present: Jerry Teig, Jan Warring- hymn books used over the years, includton, LeAnn Maloney, Connie Seling the new hymnal. The committee is nes, Chad Hastad, Doyle Peterson, searching for a piano accompanist for the Teresa Zaharia, Dave Sorenson choir. Linda Howard will be playing on Sunday, January 13. It was decided to purchase a $75 gas card for Linda in apPresident Jerry Teig called the preciation for her coming. The new meeting to order. The secretary’s report was approved as read. Tere- hymnals are available for use. sa presented the treasurer’s report. Old Business: The new church policy pertaining to the There is a balance of $14,684.79. prevention of sexual abuse of children This will be reduced to $8070.11 was approved. This policy is to be adminafter the December bills are paid. istered and put into compliance by the There is an additional balance of heads of the youth and education com$7836.50 in the savings account. mittees. It was decided that Jerry Teig Board reports: will conduct a training session for those who need to be informed. Stewardship-- Since the Pony New Business: Express campaign ended, we have Jerry presented a report from the task received a $1200 pledge and a force committee. Pastor Eugene Andercheck for $1500. Lay Ministry—The welcoming of son has agreed to a salary of $900 per new members has been tentatively month, plus mileage for his services. During our transition period, Pastor Anset for January 27. derson will serve primarily as our visitaChurch properties—The new tion pastor and will also be available for baby changing station has been inbaptisms, weddings, and funerals. He stalled in the men’s bathroom. will fill Trinity’s rotation at the retireYouth—The Leaguers dined toment home and will be available for gether on chili and chicken noodle soup. Cookies were decorated and emergency situations. Pastor Gene will Trinity Lutheran Church be at Trinity for 2-4 office hours per week. Karen Koeder will be available for pulpit supply during our transition phase. She will conduct church services two or three Sundays per month at a salary of $125 per Sunday, plus mileage. Karen will preach primarily on non-communion Sundays. She will also teach confirmation, teach a Bible Study, and spend an hour per week coordinating with Brenda. She will be paid at a rate of $15 per hour, plus mileage. Motion carried to approve the terms agreed to with Pastor Anderson and Karen. We will also be receiving some pulpit supply from Trish Reidstrom, a psychologist and a current seminary student. Trish lives in Rapidan, and her daughter is also in the seminary. Trish will be preaching the first two Sundays in February and several more in March. Britta Hartman has agreed to be the coordinator for Trinity’s new website. Contact her with any information for the new site. Dave Sorenson acting secretary TRINITY’S NEWEST MEMBERS Trinity welcomed their newest members on January 27th. They include: Kaela & Miah Krebs, Mason White, Ron, Justin and Johanna Kelley Dennis Angela and Zach Jahnz Reverand Harold and Dolores Peterson 4 TRINITY WELCA NEWS Thank you to Tegan Q., Barb & Gene and Division D for working and serving the potluck dinner at Trinity after joint worship service with Waverly on January 6th. Thank you co-chairpersons Laurie & Jerome W. and Marilyn & Clayton D. and Division A for furnishing and serving the coffee reception for new members on January 27th. New members are Kaela Krebs, Mia, Mason White, Ron Kelley, Dustin & Joanna; Dennis Jahnz, Angela and Zac; and Pastor & Mrs. Harold Peterson. WELCOME to our church family. As members of Trinity you will be put into one of our work divisions in WELCA. Dennis & Angela Jahnz in Division A; Kaela Krebs & Ron Kelley in Division C and Reverend & Dolores Peterson in Division D. First quilting days for 2013 was held on January 28th & 29th with very nice turn out of ladies quilting both days. Thank you ladies for your help with making and sewing quilts together. We had fun and enjoyed the fellowship. Thank you to Eloise M for being the WELCA President this last year. FEBRUARY UPCOMING WELCA EVENTS February 5th-9:30 am making greeting cards February 11th-1:30 WELCA meeting-Lois Circle serves February 13th-2 pm Bingo at Truman Senior Living...please contact Cathy S. if you can help for Bingo. February 25 & 26—9 am Quilting Days LENT Lent is an occasion for us to journey with Christ … into tomorrow. For you never walk with Christ long but what the dawn breaks, the sun shines and hope breaks through. —C. Neil Straight WOMEN OF WAVERLY NEWS There were 4 ladies that worked on quilts on Tues. & Wed. We made 11 quilts. The $100 this month is going to Marie Sandvik. Waverly UPCOMING EVENTS: Quilting Feb. 12 & 13-business meeting on the 12th at noon. Bring a sack lunch both days. 5 WAVERLY COUNCIL MINUTES Waverly Church Council Tuesday, January 8, 2013 the usher list is current. second is forthcoming. Old Business Call committee update was given. Interviews are taking place, and second interviews will be scheduled at initial interviews if seen fit. Note: Waverly Worship will begin at 11:00 am during the Interim. President Karen Helvig called the Waverly Church Council to order, and Karen Koeder opened with prayer. New Business The December secretary’s report Karen Koeder updated the council was read, with correction noted. on Equipping Congregations Day Trinity paid Waverly $1,025.00 in Willmar, MN., on 02/09/13 at Vinje Lutheran Church. Everyone for office supplies, not $11,025.00 as previously report- is invited! ed. Gloria Dei Lutheran Church has The financial report was given. extended an invitation to Waverly December receipts totaled to worship with them on April 7, $8,403.41 and disbursements 2013. September 13, 2013 has totaled $9,583.51. Both reports been suggested the date for Harwere accepted. vest Homecoming with Gloria Dei at Waverly. Motion carried. The Deacons have volunteered to help and assist with Sunday One quote for repair of the SanctuSchool and the Christmas Proary ceiling has been received, a gram. The Trustee’s will ensure includes new fellow travelers to a destination that is a fulfillment of an idea started years ago. My Fellow Waverly Members, As I look ahead to the year 2013, I am excited about the prospects and changes taking place. We are embarking on a new journey; a journey that As in any journey, there may be some difficulties and even a few wrong turns. However, with everyone's support and prayers, we will come through even better than before. My dream and hope for Waverly is to 6 Waverly Council met again on Sunday, January 6 to review the 2013 proposed budget before presenting it to the congregation at the January 20, 2013 annual meeting. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Schneider Waverly Budgeted Receipts vs. Amount Received Through December 31, 2012 Budgeted Amount Received Amount + or—of Budget $83,000.00 91,588.62 + 8,588.62 find, 100 years from now, a thriving church standing on the prairie calling all to come and join in on the continuing journey. Feel free to contact me with comments, suggestions, or any news you wish to share. It is going to be a great year! Your fellow traveler, Deanne WE WORSHIPTOGETHER SCRIPTURE READINGS DATE/Theme 1ST READING PSALM GOSPEL Feb 3-4th Sunday after Epiphany 2 Samuel 12:1-10 32 Luke 7:36-50 Feb 10-Transfiguration Sunday Exodus 34:29-35 99 Luke 9:28-45 51 Luke 9:51-62 Feb 13-Ash Wednesday Feb 17-First Sunday in Lent Deuteronomy 26:1-11 91:1-2, 9-16 Luke 4:1-13 Feb 24-2nd Sunday in Lent Isaiah 55:1-9 63:1-8 Luke 13:1-9, 31-35 FEBRUARY VOLUNTEERS HYMNS FOR FEBRUARY TRINITY SUNDAY SCHEDULE: 8:45 am Worship 10 am Sunday School COMMUNION SCHEDLE: February 3 & 10 and Ash Wednesday 2/13 COMMUNION SERVERS: 2/3-Linda Meyer 2/10-Dave Sorenson 2/13-(Ash Wed) Dave Sorenson Feb 3. –Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now Healer of Our Every Ill Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound Comm.-You Satisfy the Hungry Heart 7 PM WORSHIP SERVICE WITH COMMUNION LAY READERS: 2/3-Margaret Durkee 2/10-Kent Hyndman 2/13 Dave Sorenson(Ash Wednesday) 2/17-Clayton Duncanson 2/24-Kim Breamer The Youth Group will again be serving Lenten meals from 5:30-6:45 pm USHERS: *Lowell Noorlun, Norm Anderson, Doyle Peterson OBJECT LESSON: February 17-Kim Breamer WAVERLY SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Worship-11:00 am Sunday School 9:15 am COMMUNION SCHEDULE: Feb 10-Beautiful Savior How Good, Lord, to Be Here! O Master, Let Me Walk with You Comm.-Precious Lord, Take My Hand Feb.17-To be announced Feb. 24-To be announced TRINITY YOUTH LENTEN MEALS Feb 20 – Baked Potatoes with all the fixings. Rootbeer Floats Feb 27 – Pasta Bar Mar 6 – Cheesy Chicken Sandwiches w/Chips Mar 13 – Taco Bar Mar 20 – Summer Picnic LENTEN SCHEDULE LAY READERS: 7:00 PM 2/3-Mary Lou Sherman (Ash Wed) Feb 13—at Trinity Welcome 2/10-Karen Helvig Wed Feb 20—At St Peter Ceylon 2/17-Lynette Shaw Wed. Feb 27—at Waverly 2/24-Susan Rathman Wed. Mar 6—at Trinity Welcome Wed. Mar 13—at St. Peter Ceylon Wed. Mar 20—at Waverly February 3 & 10 USHERS FOR FEBRUARY *Erwin Atzenhoefer, Brad Sherman, Cliff Armbrust, Phil Bettin, Todd Rathman 7 DID YOU KNOW? LAST ISSUE… DEAR TRINITY/WAVERLY PARISH, WHATS GOING ON… As most of you already know, Trinity has decided against joining the new area parish. Waverly has decided to join the new parish. For 64 years, Trinity and Waverly worked together as a 2-point parish. Many good friends were made over the years. Now on February 10th, 2013 we will go our separate ways. The Messenger will no longer be snail mailed to our many subscribers. Without Waverly members, we do not have enough for a bulk rate price at the post office anymore. WE WILL STILL EMAIL THE MESSENGER. We will also print copies and put into your mailboxe at the church if requested. If you get your messenger by snail mail and would like to be included on the e-mail list. Please call the church office 507-776-4781 or email the office with your email address at: Trinity thanks Waverly for the organizational and financial support you gave us in getting started in 1949 and we also cherish our relationahip in the years that followed. We wish you the very best, in organizing your new parish. [email protected] BIBLE STUDY BIBLE STUDY JOURNEY WITH PAUL Both congregations are embarking in a new direction and with the Lord’s guidance, we continue to serve Him and our community for many years into the future. Wednesday's 1pm at Trinity We have all heard about the Apostle Paul and probably read many or all of his letters in the New Testament. In our new adult study we will journey with Paul through his world, exploring his writings in context of his day and in view of our lives today. Our journey will stop briefly to reflect on several of his letters giving us time to talk about what his message means to us. We are planning a 12 session study to take us to mid-April. The participant book cost is $15. No registration needed...just come and join the journey. Questions? Contact Karen at 507639-6275 or [email protected] Sincerely, Jerry Teig, Past President Trinity Lutheran Church 8 March 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2013 Sun Mon Tue 2 6 7 9 am 8 (W) No Dor- Open Bible study at the cas in Feb. Truman Café 9 • Ash Wednesday, February 13th Worship-11:00 am 3 Communion 4 5 Trish Reidstrom preaches (T) (W) 7 pm Mary at Rosemary’s 7th Conf-3:30 8th Conf-4:45 5:30 8th gr. Conf. parent meeting (Transfiguration) End of partner ship between Trinity & Waverly Parish Trish Reidstrom preaches (T) 17 (T) Karen Koeder preaches 24 (T) Karen Koeder preaches 12 (T) 1:30 (W) 9 am WELCA mtg. Quilting Days– 12 Lois serves noon bus mtg. (Wed also) 18 Sat • First Sunday in Lent, Feb 17th • Presidents Day, • Transfiguration of February 18th Our Lord, Feb. 10, Sun School-9:45 am 10 Communion 11 Fri 1 • Boy Scout Sunday, February 3rd WAVERLY (T) 7 pm Martha at Barb S. Thu Special dates Valentine’s Day, • African-American February 14th History Month OFFICE HOURS Worship Schedule Mon-8-11, 1-4 Wed-8-11, 1-4 TRINITY Fri-8:00-11:00 Worship-8:45 am ______________________ Sun. School-10 am Pastoral Office hours still to be determined. Wed 19 25 26 (T) 9 am Quilting Days (T) 9 am Quilting Days • Second Sunday in Lent, Feb 24th (T) 2 pm Lois meets at the church 13 Ash Wed. 14 (T) 2 pm Bingo at TSL 5:30-6:45 supper 7 pm Lenten Worship 20 9:3021 10:30 Second Harvest pick up 5:30-6:45 supper 7 pm Lenten Worship 27 28 5:30-6:45 supper 7 pm Lenten Worship 9 15 16 Pat Jones Scrapbooking at (T) 22 23 LENT WORSHIP IN MARCH 3/6—7:00 PM 3/13—7:00 PM 3/20-7:00 PM 3/28-Maundy Thur 3/29-Good Friday Mary & I would like to thank everyone for the cards and gifts that we have received this past Christmas and at the end of the Interim. We appreciate your thoughtfulness. Thank you to the members of Trinity for the Lord’s Supper crystal. It will always be a reminder of the Interim time I have spent Deepest sympathy to Donald Barfknecht with you. God’s blessings to everyone. on the death of his brother-in-law, Jim Stadtherr from Olivia, MN who passed Pastor Gerry & Mary Giese __________________ away the beginning of January. Thank you to all who stopped in, remembered me with cards, gifts and greetings for my birthday. God’s Blessings to you all. Reid & Laura Olson are proud parents of Roman Robert Olson born on December 21. Grandparents are Bob & Lenore Olson, Joan & Bob Burns of Janesville and the late Vicki Rosenberg. Marlene Ratike ________________ THANK YOU...I want to thank Waverly for the beautiful red poinsettia that was sent to me. I really appreciate your kindness. LeVone Toedt I want to thank Waverly for all the wonderful years of working for you and all the kind words of encouragements as your office secretary. I will be staying on at Trinity as their office secretary as it is closer to where I live and kids go to school. I will miss working for such a kind and caring congregation. Brenda Hansen-Trinity/Waverly Secretary ________________ Bible Quiz Congratulations to London Rose Truesdell was baptized at Waverly on December 2, 2012. Her parents are Andrew and Stephanie (Meyer) Truesdell. London was born on June 8th in Minneapolis. Her sponsors are Steven & Molly Roben and Amanda Mattsen. She has 3 big sisters—Kaylea, Lily and Taylor. Who were the craftsmen appointed by the Lord to design the Tent of Meeting and its furnishings while Israel was still in the wilderness before entering the Promised Land? ALSO, Congratulations to Alexander Oliver Hansen who was baptized at Waverly on December 30th. He was born Dec. 5th, 2013 in Fairmont. His parents are Cara & Neil Hansen. His sponsors are Ciera Drevlow and McKenzie Ricard. Alexander has three big brothers, Nathaniel, Matthew and Levi and one big sister Christine. A. Moses and Joshua B. Bezalel and Oholiab C. Judah and Reuben D. David and Jonathan Answer: Answer: B (See Exodus 31:1-11.) 10 February Birthday’s & Special Anniversaries Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 Cara Hansen Roger Carlson Kevin Shaw 3 4 Emma Josie Clow Wiederhoeft Joyce Jorgenson Christina Wood Jeannette Gall 10 Jim Hansen Joel Hatch 17 5 6 7 Stephen Helvig Megan Durkee Amanda Babinski 11 12 Mark Durkee Abby Butler 13 14 John Sherman Scott Peterson David Sorenson 18 Mary Lou Sherman 19 20 Christopher Meyer Bowdin Bentz Sarah Hecht Barb Mager Clayton Feis 25 9 Cole Hartwig Hailey Olson 15 Butch & Marlene Ratike (61 years) 16 22 23 Celeste Nick Graham Patrick Benge Wiederhoeft (86 years) Jim & Mary Lou Sherman (40 years) 21 Miriah Mosloski Jodi Meyer Al & Muriel Armbrust (56 years) Brandon Poppe 24 8 26 27 28 Lowell Noorlun Dean Ehlert Bryce Hansen Stephanie Truesdell Kira Hoppe 11 Church Events Welcome New Council Members and Welcome back to all Returning Members! Thank you for your commitment to give of your time to serve God through the church council and your respective committees. Together we will work toward ways to strengthen & grow our respective congregations enhancing our ability to make Jesus known to all in our words and actions. Benefiting our church, our community and beyond TRINITY LEADERSHIP WAVERLY LEADERSHIP President: Chad Hastad Vice-President: David Sorenson Secretary: Cathy Sorenson Treasurer: Carolyn Drevlow President: Deanne Gaalswyk Vice-President: Tim Peterson Secretary: Deb Schneider Treasurer: Cliff Armbrust Christian Ed: Tegan Quade, Sadie Mosloski, Julie Brudelie Deacons: Jack Potter, John Sherman, and Rosemary Atzenhoefer Church Properties: Monty Selnes, , Mark Durkee Doyle Peterson, Darrell Buhmann and Lowell Noorlun Trustees: John Bentz, Scott Peterson, and Bob Olson Stewardship: Janice Buhmann, Arlene Wegner, and Linda Meyer Board of Ed: Jodi Lueth, Tanya Schmidtke, and Heidi Clow Lay Ministry: Connie Selnes, Tammy Selnes, Donna Kotewa and Tammy Wokash Worship/Music: Jodi Lueth, Karen Koeder and Kirsten Rabbe Worship: Chris Hyndman, Janice Warrington, Pam Rode Financial Secretary: Barb Mager, Pr. Harold Peterson 2013-Steve & MarLeone Williamson 2014-Kevin & Lynette Shaw Youth: Carolyn Drevlow, Britta Hartman, LeAnn Maloney and Raquel Harder Gifts & Memorials: Muriel & Albert Armbrust Nominating Committee for 2013: *Eloise Miller (Chairperson), Teresa Zaharia, Marilyn Anderson, Laurie Wille, Jan Ringeisen and Duke Drevlow Green Lake Ambassador: Phil & Shelia Bettin Synod Convention Delegates: Tim & Belva Peterson Website Coordinator: Britta Hartman 2013 Nominating Committee: Karen Helvig (chairperson), others to be elected at another time. Facebook: Paula Kester Prayer Chain: Connie Selnes Auditor: Clayton Duncanson Financial Secretary: Barb Shoen Circle of Faith Parish PO Box 328 Welcome, MN 56181 507-728-8259 2012 Synod Delegates: Clayton Duncanson, and women needed Task Force Support: Jerry Teig, Yvonne Noorlun David Sorenson and Barb Mager Email: [email protected] 12 13 THE MESSENGER Non—Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 4 Truman MN 56088 TRINITY & WAVERLY LUTHERAN PARISH (ELCA) 102 NORTH 7TH AVENUE EAST PO BOX 38 TRUMAN MN 56088 Address Service Requested FEBRUARY 2013 God’s Blessings to: Scan with your smartphone to visit our new website at Trinity. Just download a QR code reader app. and scan! If this is on your PC just click on the box above. Phone: 507-776-4781 Fax: 507-776-7888 Is opy er C p t Pa Las NE! O T LAS LOO NP KO G. GER SEN I S H ME S A R E THE P LY EIV E R O RE C AV /W WT I T Y ILS HO N I A T R R DET 8 FO CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Pastor Gerald GieseInterim Pastor-Circle of Faith [email protected] Cell: 507-380--1176 Deanne GaalswykWaverly Council President [email protected] Chad HastadTrinity Council President [email protected] Brenda Hansen Parish Secretary [email protected] Office Phone 507-776-4781 ! sue TRINITY-8:45 AM WAVERLY-11:00 AM NEW TIME! If you are searching for a church home or are currently a member, we want to extend a warm welcome to you. Trinity & Waverly observes the “Open” communion policy– all those believing in Christ are welcome at our Lord’s Table. Communion is scheduled to take place the first two Sunday’s of the month, check the calendar inside for any changes. 14 Monday-8-11 am, 1-4 pm Wednesday-8-11 am, 1-4 pm Friday-8:00-11:00 am INTERIM PASTOR GIESE’S OFFICE HOURS At Circle of Faith Parish Mon—Thurs. 9:00-1:00 pm at Trinity in Welcome office Office Phone: 507-728-8259