Everything Ellerslie - The Newsletter Factory


Everything Ellerslie - The Newsletter Factory
Racing Town Celebrations
1 - 8 March 2008
Everything Ellerslie
Autumn 2008
Auckland Cup Week
Local Business
What’s On
from the editor
We’re Proud of Our Town
Communities don’t have to tolerate graffiti vandalism
and those that actively remove it get less and less of
it. I believe Ellerslie is one of those areas because we’re
proud of our town, plus both business and residential
communities have zero tolerance of graffiti.
We all want our community
to be well maintained and
to look great, and Auckland
City Council supports us
to do just that. Its graffiti
removal service is funded
through our rates and the
more we use it the better
it gets.
Our first line of defence
is the Auckland City
Council Call Centre. In the
town centre we report
graffiti facing the street
immediately we see it to
379-2020 – there’s a real
person at the end of the
phone 24/7 to take an
Incident Report that will
be followed through. Or
you can e-mail to notags@
cityparks.co.nz. Graffiti is
generally removed within
24 hours and the faster it
is removed the less of it
comes back.
Others’ Property – removes
graffiti on other people’s
property once permission
is obtained from the owner;
and Level 4 Co-ordinator –
organises a group of people
who remove graffiti in
designated areas. Please do
your ‘bit’ in your street on
one of these levels.
Because we’re proud
of our town we love to
have visitors from near
and far, which we soon
will during Auckland Cup
Week. Ellerslie’s heritage as
a racing town is captured
at the Memory Corner
mosaic storyboard and
we’re looking forward to
celebrating Auckland Cup
Week in Ellerslie Town
Christine Foley
Town Centre Manager/
The second line of defence
is Council’s Volunteers
Against Graffiti Vandalism,
who work in the wider
community. Areas which
have an active volunteer
base removing graffiti have
significantly less of it than
those areas without it.
Council supports four
levels of participation.
Level 1 Reporter- reports
graffiti to the call centre;
Level 2 Own Property –
removes graffiti from their
own fence or wall; Level 3
ELLERSLIE MAGAZINE is published by Newsletter Factory. T. 480 5064 F. 480 5063. www.newsletterfactory.co.nz.
Editorial The Ellerslie Business Association Mainstreet Programme. Ph 579 5033, Fax 579 5044, Email [email protected].
Advertising [email protected]; [email protected]. Print Geon T. 918 4180. Distribution Letterbox Channel T. 547 4429.
Deadline Editorial and art for next issue in by late May 2008. Next distribution mid June.
Ellerslie Magazine is distributed free to 10,000 households and businesses in Ellerslie including parts of Remuera, Meadowbank, Greenlane & One Tree
Hill quarterly. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily endorsed by the publication or its publisher. Newsletter Factory (2005) Ltd. is not
responsible for the contents of any advertisements, article, photographs or illustrations contained in this publication.
Magazine AUTUMN 2008
Ellerslie pic wins Herald Photo
Ellerslie Letters
Dear Christine,
Thanks again for you phone call
and for inviting us to include
Marius in the Ellerslie Community
Magazine – we trust one day he
will be delighted at his “fame”!
At the moment all he says when
looking at his picture is …WATER,
WATER … willing us to take him
back to the fountain for more fun!
We are Rob, Tamara, Marius (2) and
our chocolate Labrador, Baileys. We
moved into Ellerslie five years ago
and just love it. The community
feeling is strong and we enjoy
many aspects like the Santa
Parade and Fairy Festival. It’ great
to see the local businesses getting
behind the community to support
these events.
Often you will find our family
walking around Ellerslie and we
love to go for coffee and shopping
on Main Highway ... and certainly
during this fantastic hot summer
for a cooling down in the fountain.
Marius spotted it one day after
breakfast in town, he jumped of his
trike and into the fountain - there
was no stopping him! Our water
loving toddler found his favourite
playground, and Mum and Dad
found a way to sit down and relax
for an hour or so.
Our new addition to the family
is due in April, so soon it will be
five of us jumping through the
Tamara Schuerlein, Ellerslie
Congratulations Tamara, who
snapped son Marius aged 23 months
getting more of a cooling than he
bargained for in the fountain at
Ellerslie Town Square.
business association news
Reselling The Vision
Five broad strategic areas and relevant actions
have now been identified to support local
businesses and thereby contribute to the growth
and vitality of the Ellerslie community.
Business development and attraction is the major focus,
with initiatives to attract local residents and particularly to
grow custom from the people who work in the business
park precinct from the Harp of Erin to Central Park.
Increasing the level of customer service throughout
Ellerslie Town Centre is a vital competitive strategy
to keep pace with other centres. It is intended to
develop an education programme for businesses on the
requirements of competitive retailing and service levels.
Business support and training is aimed at providing regular
networking, opportunities for businesses to get one-onone advice plus encouraging businesses to up-skill.
Keeping money in the community and plugging leakage
is the fourth strategic area of interest. We are looking to
facilitate a balanced mix of retail shopping, hospitality,
business, professional and recreational services.
Finally, keeping the vision alive is
seen as vital. We will respond to
immediate business concerns, monitor
the success of the programme and
retain the focus on nurturing the
businesses of Ellerslie Town Centre.
Rob Pollard, President
Ellerslie Business Association
More Cock & Bull
Thanks to everyone for their support through December
and January, 2008 is shaping up to be another HUGE year
for the Cock & Bull with some of the old favourites and a
whole lot of new and exciting promotions.
‘Diamonds are Forever’ and are a girls best friend too. Come on down
to the Cock & Bull on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday and purchase
a Lindauer and be in with the chance to win a Real Diamond.
Every purchase receives a scratch card with the chance to win.
Coming up too is the opportunity to enter the Cock & Bull Round
the Bays Team, help us push our famous buggy from central
Auckland to the final resting place at Madills Farm. Look out
for details of ‘Mercury Rising’ set to play at Cock & Bull Ellerslie
on Saturday 8 March – Steve Larkin, as Freddie Mercury.
The Cock & Bull is certainly a place that offers something for
everyone – a place for your social club event, somewhere
to unwind after work, relax for lunch or dinner and pleasant
surroundings to meet family and friends on the weekend, and, of
course, the big screen to watch your favourite sports. Become a
regular and enjoy the good old English hospitality and fare that
so many continue to enjoy!! Visit online at www.cockandbull.
co.nz where you can register to receive regular updates on
events at the pubs. The Cock & Bull truly is an experience!
EBA Phone (09) 579 5033
Building Community Through Communication 3
Ladies Probus
Already the first month and a
half of the year has sped by in
a haze of heat and sun! About
20 members of our group who
had not left Auckland in search
of cool waters and shady trees
enjoyed a very pleasant lunch
together during January, and
our February meeting was very
We meet in the Ellerslie War Memorial Hall
on the third Friday of each month at 10am.
However, as the third Friday of March is
Good Friday, we will have our meeting
on the fourth Friday, 28th March. We are
always happy to meet new people, so if
you find you have nothing special on the
28th, come along and join us. Our speaker
that day is Carole Downer and her subject is
beekeeping and the products derived from
this occupation. We look forward to seeing
all our old friends, and hopefully meeting
some new ones. You may visit once or twice
before we will ask you for a subscription.
or more information ring Rona 579-7605.
community board
Ellerslie residents now have some new voices on the Community Board.
Lynne Messervy is an Ellerslie resident who takes a keen interest in local affairs, especially
the future development of Ellerslie. She works for AUT as a lecturer in Health Sciences.
Olga Brochner is a resident of Royal Oak, and has taken an active part in community
affairs including the Auckland Astronomical Society and the Onehunga Community
House. She is an ophthalmic clinical nurse specialist at Green Lane Hospital.
Simon Randall was born and raised in Onehunga, and teaches science and biology at a
large secondary school. He is particularly interested in youth affairs within the community.
We have two members who have been on the Board before, Brett Clark, and myself.
Brett lives in the Oranga part of the Ward, and I live in the Epsom part of the ward. I
believe that the team has a good spread of representatives; we have a range of age
groups represented, and as close to a balance of gender that five people can get to.
We all share a determination to represent our community in the best possible way, and
to that end we work strongly as a team. We are ably supported by our two councillors,
Richard Northey, whom you may know, and a new councillor, Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga.
Sam lives in Onehunga and has a strong interest in the rights of people who live in
the ward. We look forward to a term of strong leadership by the Community Board.
Bridget Graham - Chair, Tel 630 6205.
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we specialise in corporate and private catering for weddings, functions, etc.
mondo café can be hired out for evening functions
101 Main Highway  Ellerslie  phone 09 525 2343
hours  monday to friday 6.30am - 3pm  saturday 7.30am - 2pm
Magazine AUTUMN 2008
Ellerslie Theatrical
Another New Year and your theatre has been
rehearsing a very new play written by an almost
local author, Lucy White. This will be the first
performance of the complete play, although
‘Confidence Tricksters’ is not Lucy’s first play.
Many of you will remember our production of ‘Bernard’s Daughters’
also written by Lucy. The gala opening of ‘Confidence Tricksters’
is Thursday 28 February, and the season continues until 8 March.
We suggest you book your seats for this entertaining comedy.
We have a very full and interesting year ahead, with a mixture of
classic and controversial plays interspersed with a short season
of ‘Songs from the Blitz’ and ‘Talking Heads’. Mounting any sort of
theatre requires many more people than you see on stage. If you
feel a desire to be part of theatre, but not actually on the stage,
and you can hit a nail with a hammer, use a paint brush or a tea
towel, or a teapot, or a needle and
thread, or almost anything – we
would love to hear from you. It is
all good fun and it is good to feel
you were part of the team that
supported the actors on stage.
Auckland East
Arts Council
Auckland East Arts has published its 2008
programme and we are delighted to advise
that the Ellerslie War Memorial Hall has been
booked for Friday/Saturday/Sunday 18/19/20
July for another major art exhibition, and an
art trail with display of artworks in shops and
businesses in Ellerslie Town Centre.
This will be a repeat of ARTerslie in 2007 but with
a number of improvements and an increase in the
number of exhibited artworks. The reaction of Ellerslie
residents to the 2007 event was highly enthusiastic
and appreciative. This is, without doubt, the reason
that Auckland East Arts will be back to Ellerslie. Our
main aim is to bring art to the community and your
continued support will ensure that Ellerslie continues
to be a centre of art in the Auckland region.
If you want to know more about Auckland East Arts or about
the Ellerslie exhibition please e-mail [email protected])
visit our website www.aucklandeastarts.co.nz or contact:
Secretary, Les Turnbull, Tel 521 3750.
For more information ring Rona 525-3336.
BETWEEN 7.30 - 8.30 PM!
$5 off
your lunch
Not to be used in conjunction with any other specials
HOURS: Wednesday to Saturday 10am - 5.30pm
64 Michaels Ave, Ellerslie, Auckland
Phone 09 579 5240
EBA Phone (09) 579 5033
Ask at the bar for details
Francoli, 124 Main Highway, Ellerslie
Phone 579 2303 Fax 579 2304
Building Community Through Communication 5
Mondo Travel Remuera
Mondo Travel Remuera – The New Travel Company joins the growing number of franchised
travel agencies which will be opened throughout New Zealand in the next few years.
Mondo is the retail arm of Flavour Travel
Group, the first major travel agency to open
in New Zealand in well over a decade.
Managing Director of the group, Digby
Lawley, says this store previously a Holiday
Shoppe ( Won Top Shoppe 2007) was seeking
a fresh new brand and product supply that
more appropriately targeted the affluent
or luxury end of the Remuera market.
Local and well known travel franchisee/
owner Christine Hague said she and
her team were attracted by Mondo’s
unique franchise model as well as its
commitment to customer service. “Mondo
is certainly breaking the mould in terms
of its franchise structure,” says Christine.
Mondo Travel aims to set a benchmark for
travel agents’ with a series of initiatives it
describes as “touchpoints” to make every
aspect of the travel experience a pleasure –
from the moment a customer walks in the
door through to sharing the unique postholiday stories every traveller has to tell.
In addition, Mr Lawley says Mondo Travel
Remuera will offer new and innovative
products not previously available in New
Zealand. “As a privately-owned New Zealand
travel group we are able to bring a wider
range of travel products to New Zealanders
– we have no constraints on the travel
products and services we offer,” he says.
Mondo Travel Remuera joins Mondo stores in
Chartwell Hamilton, Mt Eden, Kerikeri, New
Plymouth and Riccarton which all opened
in late 2007. Additional store openings
around NZ are already on the planning
board for 2008 and we are receiving a
growing number of confidential expressions
of interest from the NZ travel industry.
Mondo – which means ‘world’ in Italian
– was selected after exhaustive research
and will bring a sense of style, passion,
adventure and romance to the retail
travel experience, said Mr Lawley.
For further information please contact: Christine
Hague-Managing Director, Mondo Travel
Remuera. Tel 09 520 5710.
The new travel company
Christine Hague and her amazing
team are proud to announce that
they are now a member of
Mondo - the new travel company.
Dedicated to delivering anything
but ordinary travel solutions.
Pop into our office to get
your free subscription
to Mondo Luxury
Magazine, and to talk
to us about planning
your next adventure.
Mondo Travel Remuera
“Your journey begins the moment
YOU walk through our door”
38883 Mondo Remuera Verve Mag Ad.indd 1
Magazine AUTUMN 2008
336 Remuera Road, Remuera
(09) 520 5710
[email protected]
8/2/08 11:12:11 AM
Innes Scottish
Country Dance Club
Scottish Country Dancing is a source of fun,
fitness and friends. This is a great, affordable
social activity for people of any age – from the
young to the young at heart. You don’t need
to bring a partner, though you can bring along
a friend or two, and the steps are easy to learn.
There is a large community of Scottish Country
Dancers in Auckland and there are always events on
in the weekends, if dancing once a week with the club
is just not enough! There are classes for beginners
to advanced, for balls, socials and Ceilidhs.
Friends of
the Auckland
A happy New Year to you all – the first two months have
slipped away amidst heat, holidays, sunshine and fun.
The Friends have already participated in two events, the
highly successful Summer School for aspiring young
musicians at St Cuthberts College and, of course, the ever
popular Summer Matinee at Villa Maria Vineyard.
The future holds still more interesting programmes in the
Ellerslie War Memorial Hall, at 10.30am on Friday mornings. Our
first visitor, on 7th March, will be Richard Harwood, Cellist. He
and his 325-year-old cello are well known all over the world.
Friday 4th April will see Johannes Fritzsch, a conductor from East
Feel like trying something different? Go on, give it a go!
Germany. Then on Friday 16th May our very own George Henare
Come and see what all the hype is about at Innes Club, we’d
will be with us. This is definitely not a morning to be missed.
love to meet you. We start dancing again from Monday
3rd March, 7.45pm at Stanhope Road Primary School Hall,
entrance off Harris Road, Ellerslie. You do not need to
come on the first night; you can start dancing any time.
Miriam Laidlaw. Tel 419 8582.
As well as these speakers we will have music to charm you and a
finger food lunch, all for just $10! It is not necessary to know a lot
about music to enjoy these mornings – you just need to come
along and meet people who enjoy the same things you do.
For more information ring Rona 579-3605.
Ceres Lifestyle Store
New Zealand’s leading organic provider
• Fresh organic produce
• Organic grocery and bulk wholefoods
• Extensive herbal, homoeopathic & nutritional supplement range
• Organic wine and beer
• Enviro and people friendly household cleaners
• Dairy and gluten free alternatives
• Qualified naturopath for in store consulting
• Books on spirituality, sustainable living and environmental issues
181 Ladies Mile, Ellerslie, Auckland (Tecoma St exit)
Adjacent free parking, Telephone (09) 579 7126,
Open 7 days Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm,
Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 10am to 4pm
EBA Phone (09) 579 5033
Building Community Through Communication 7
From the South Pacific College of Natural
Therapies, happy New Year to all! The
academic year at the College started on 18
February. We welcomed new and returning
students to our College and the building
which is now just one year old.
The specimen herb gardens look as if they
have been established for much longer than
this, and have already had a pruning to restrain
their vigorous growth. We are slowly filling
in the native beds around perimeters of the
building. Watch out for our Short courses
about herbs and gardening sustainability.
Our landscaped gardens are now available
for hire for photo opportunities (e.g.,
weddings, or christenings) and we also have
rooms for hire after classes finish for the
day. Contact us for details and bookings.
Sandy Campbell, 579 4997.
YMCA - More Than An Iconic
Song Straight From 1978!
Mention the name Ellerslie and it conjures up images of horse racing,
flower shows, and even Sunday morning car fairs. Beyond those initial
images there is a thriving hub of the Ellerslie community - the YMCA in
Michaels Ave (situated in the reserve) is open every day, except Christmas
day, for the community to enjoy, accommodating over 150,000 users a year.
Think past the construction worker, the policeman, the Indian and the iconic
1978 song - the YMCA is more than just a place you can stay. This not for
profit organisation has been providing for greater Auckland for 152 years and
for the Ellerslie community for over 28 years, with programmes and services
that have evolved and grown according to user and community needs.
There is truly something for everyone. The licensed early childhood centre
takes children from 0-5 years and offers free ECE for eligible 3 and 4 year
olds. Gymnastics programmes teach children from 1-13 years; there are
also basketball, Hip Hop, dance, Holiday Programmes, and children’s
birthday parties. This is a fabulous way to host 20 energetic kids, have them
entertained then return to the peace and tranquillity of your own home.
The Raise Up ‘n Represent youth programme is about developing future
leaders. It provides support and encouragement to youth by offering
a safe healthy environment for them to relax and socialise. There are
sports leagues, badminton, a fully equipped fitness centre, group fitness
classes including pilates, yoga and spinning (indoor cycling), as well
as Never2old, a programme specifically tailored for those community
assets, our senior citizens. If you haven’t been into this fantastic facility
pop in and say ‘hi’ to the team - they’d love to show you around.
YMCA Ellerslie, 46 Michaels Ave, Ph 579 4716.
There is a place...
where you can be yourself & feel
comfortable working out in a fun
& friendly environment...
where your
kids can
do some
really cool
That Place – Your Local YMCA
Group fitness • SPINNING® • indoor soccer • never2old® • seniors
fitness • gymnastics (1-13 yrs) • youth fitness • hip hop & dance • move
& groove • holiday programme (5-15 yrs) • fitness centre • badminton
• Raise Up ‘n Represent – youth development programme • basketball
• children’s birthday parties • Licensed Early Childhood Centre.
YMCA Ellerslie Recreation Centre
46 Michaels Ave, Ellerslie
 579 4716
Magazine AUTUMN 2008
Ellerslie Primary School
Once again we continue to surpass our February roll
numbers set in the two previous years and began the School
year with 495 pupils, with more new entrants still to arrive. To
cover our roll growth we have been able to employ an extra
teacher, at this early stage, to keep our New Entrant class
numbers low. We are therefore well prepared for the Ministry
of Education’s new policy of keeping New Entrant classes at
approximately 18.
To accommodate our burgeoning pupil intake, the Board of
Trustees is undertaking a number of building projects to begin
in 2008. This includes a new Year 3– 8 Boys’ toilet block, a new
classroom is already in hand, and the upgrade of our computer and
internet server to provide more sophisticated capacity to further
our information and computer skills. The Board is also exploring
the possibility of a new School Hall building to allow for freedom
of space and multi-purpose use. We are fortunate in being able to
maintain staff with only one vacancy having to be filled before the
start of Term 1 due to a teacher resignation at the end of 2007.
On the only sour note, our school was targeted by taggers in
late January and we are grateful to Mr Renata our caretaker
for his painting efforts in covering up this scourge and to
the Police who have kept us informed of their progress in
this matter. I look forward to meeting our School community
of parents and caregivers, some for the first time, at the
various occasions we have throughout the year.
Chris Magner, Principal.
Stanhope Rd School
Listening to the staff recount their holiday adventures
and experiences reminded me of how important it is for
teachers to be able to "recharge their batteries" so that they
can then put all their energies into teaching their new class
at the start of the year.
Throughout the holidays, along with the great weather we
were, unfortunately, battered by the news media with all sorts
of stories about violence, young people out of control, graffiti
and all sorts of other evils. It can become tempting to only see
the bad news. It was yet another reminder of what an important
job schools do. Despite all the difficulties and problems that
students bring to school, I believe that the schools in our area
do a great job not only in academic achievement but also in
pastoral care, which develops a strong sense of values in (most
of ) our students. We know that the vast majority of parents do
the very best they can to bring their children up well and that
the vast majority of our students are growing into fine young
The year has started well at Stanhope Rd School. We have a
great staff, and thankfully some of them are men! Our ERO visit
at the end of last year went very well and we have found the
draft report to be very positive about our school. This helps to
make all the hard work feel worthwhile. This is our 50th Jubilee
year, which we hope to celebrate with a reunion on Labour
Weekend. If any readers are past teachers or students we would
love to hear from them so we can add them to our database.
Cyril Nevezie, Principal.
What is your problem?
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Missing teeth?
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So you see, really, there is no problem!
Call our friendly team for an appointment today.
2/2 Robert
Street, Ellerslie.
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EBA Phone (09) 579 5033
The team at Ellerslie Pharmacy thank you for your loyal
custom in 2007, and look forward to seeing you in 2008.
In 2008 we are hoping to expand the services we offer
you. On March 27th we have Christine Barry, Arthritis
New Zealand Educator instore. Phone for an appointment
to talk with Christine about YOUR Arthritis.
Remember if there is a particular product or service
you would like that we do NOT currently provide,
tell us - we welcome your comments.
We are very aware of the conflicting media reports regarding
prescription costs. If you and your family receive more than
20 NEW SUBSIDISED prescription items during the year
you will be eligible for a PRESCRIPTION SUBSIDY CARD
which reduces your prescription costs. Remember that
this is made easier if you register with ONE pharmacy.
Ellerslie Pharmacy Ltd
125 Main Highway, Ellerslie • Ph 579 5520 • Fax 579 5258
email: [email protected]
Building Community Through Communication 9
Penrose High School
you want excellent dentistry from someone who will
re you passionate about your health? Are you ready
for a dental care experience with difference? Do
listen to you and advise you about what you can do to
improve your oral health yourself?
Angela Lowe-Ho Dental Centre understands your fears,
listens to your dental concerns and offers you solutions
that are scientific and which address your health and
lifestyle needs as a linked whole.
Angela Lowe-Ho was the first NZ-born Chinese female
to graduate from University of Otago Dental School
and set up in private practice. Since then she has
avidly undertaken advanced dental professional
development courses and has served on a number of
Auckland Dental Association committees.
After seeing dentistry evolve from extractions to denture
work to today’s minimal intervention dentistry, Angela
has taken her three decades of experience and
incorporated simple holistic lifestyle solutions in her dental
practice to support the long term benefits from dentistry
that you desire.
The 2008 school year has started well at Penrose High School.
We welcomed 133 new Year 9 students and a number of staff
who have impressive professional backgrounds. I am excited
that our school continues to attract staff of high quality.
Over the holidays the school’s transformation rapidly took shape
with some major demolition of the old administration building.
From the road side the public can now see the scale of building
as the new reception area takes place. Many students were in
absolute awe at the changes especially in their newly renovated
classrooms and Whanau areas. Our prized and unique art work
has also been re-hung by school curator, Paul Baragwanath
and looks quite outstanding in its new environment.
We celebrated the half way stage of our property
redevelopment with a formal opening ceremony. Our local
MP and great friend Mark Gosche cut the ribbon much to
the excitement of the school. Even at this early stage of the
property programme, Penrose High School appears to have
been given a refreshing new place in our community.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish
everyone a successful year ahead.
Eva Ropati, Principal
Angela believes the essence of excellent dentistry is built
on the very foundation of the periodontal structures that
support your teeth so she focuses on ensuring they are
sound while restoring or improving the appearance of
your teeth. She builds restorations and crowns personally
with a natural white, diamond crown material that is not
only safe and bio-compatible, but will also maintain and
enhance the strength of your remaining tooth structure.
Because she is passionate about dentistry, she has
designed systems to ensure that everything from
hygiene care to dietary and lifestyle habit analysis and
cosmetic dentistry are included in your personalised
treatment programme.
Angela has recently added a new development in the
personalised treatment programme, a back to basics
strategy for whitening teeth and creating healthy gums
that will produce excellent results.
If you really want to keep well and stay healthy between
visits, ring Angela. If you have a dental problem, come
and check us out.
Angela Lowe-Ho Dental Centre
is behind the Four Square
126A Main Highway in Ellerslie
Phone 579 4746
Angela Lowe-Ho
experienced & passionate
about dentistry.
Magazine AUTUMN 2008
Lisa Hinchcliff & Associates
Greenlane Podiatry Clinic
 09 524 2599
145 Great South Road, Greenlane
Pohutukawa Kindy Has Space For Fabulous Fours
Pohutukawa Kindergarten has commenced the New Year with the
popular morning sessions nearly all full. A number of last years Ready
Steady Go children have moved up into the Energetic Explorer sessions
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and we welcomed 16 new
families into the Kindergarten community!
stay focused how to play cooperatively in a
group and other social skills. The children really
enjoy these sessions, and are very proud of the
art work and games skills that they develop.
We still have vacancies for the older children
on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in
our Fabulous four sessions. These sessions
cater for those from around 4 years old
until starting school. The sessions are more
If you have a four year old, or know someone
else who may be interested in two afternoons
a week (even if the child also attends
morning kindergarten here or elsewhere)
please contact us and make an enquiry.
structured and provide advanced learning
opportunities, in preparation for the school
environment. We focus on pre reading and
writing skills such as how to use scissors, hold a
pen, how to work alongside other children and
health & beauty
Caring For Your Feet
“We care for you and your feet - we want you
to be able to walk and run in comfort”, says Lisa
Hinchcliff of Greenlane Podiatry Clinic.
Lisa established the clinic in 1991 to create a friendly, professional
foot care clinic that didn’t feel cold and sterile for people of all ages,
from small children to the elderly. It’s a full service clinic including
four podiatrists, a physiotherapist and a naturopath, all of whom
are reputable professionals who go that extra mile for the comfort
of their patients. They treat all foot conditions including corns,
callouses, ingrown toenails, foot/ankle strain and give shoe advice.
Greenlane Podiatry Clinic couldn’t be handier, with off street
parking, and it offers a wide range of opening times to fit in with
busy lives. In addition to 9am-5.30pm Monday to Friday, the clinic
is open two late nights and Saturday morning. “There are so many
things we can easily do to help people with foot comfort,” Lisa
says. “Many patients
tell us they wish
they’d come to see us
years ago.” For more
information contact:
Greenlane Podiatry Clinic,
Tel 524-2599.
Lisa right with receptionist
Rosemary, in front of a
painting of the clinic by an
artistic patient.
EBA Phone (09) 579 5033
Professionally developed curriculum
Experienced and qualified manager
Developmentally appropriate equipment
Collaborative approach with parents
Great new outdoor play area
Competitive session rates
Morning and afternoon sessions
for children ages 2-5 years
Phone 09 579 5008
16 Arthur St, Ellerslie
“Where children grow to their full potential”
Building Community Through Communication 11
Hats 4
Vibe Hairdressing
Now Welcomes New
Senior Hair Stylist
Several years ago
Gemmells of Ellerslie
realised there was a
need in the market to
supply hats for those
ladies who had an
occasion that needed
something special.
Vibe Hairdressing is proud
to announce that skilled
stylist and colourist, Russell
Nuttall, is joining their stylish
Ellerslie Salon.
Race meetings, weddings,
christenings, gala dinners,
parades, presentations,
sports and special events
are just some of the
occasions when you can
compliment your stunning
outfit with a gloriously
glamorous designer hat.
You may have blown
your budget to buy that
outfit - Hats 4 Hire can
help by hiring you a
beautiful designer hat all
those special occasions.
See our website
or visit us at: 131 Main
Highway. Tel 579 5384.
Hats &
for Race Days
Ellerslie Shoe Repair & Handbag Centre.
131 Main Highway, Ellerslie. Tel 579 5384
Don’t forget our expert shoe repairs!
Magazine AUTUMN 2008
has broad
as a
8 years in
one year
in Israel, 4
years on
the Gold Coast, and many years in
St. Heliers and the Eastern Suburbs.
Russell is excited about his new
position and looks forward to
meeting many Ellerslie Magazine
readers at Vibe Hairdressing.
Style, cut, blow-wave,
colour, foils
Facial, laser treatment
threading / waxing,
henna tattoos, nails
100% affordable
579 7745 • 1/87 Main Highway, Ellerslie
Tuesday & Thursday, 9am - 7pm • Rest of Week, 9am - 5pm
by appointment
health & beauty
Meet Sue from Renew
Tucked away in light and airy premises on the corner of
Marua Road and Whites Way, is Renew Skin and Body. Easily
accessible, with plenty of free parking, Renew Skin and Body
takes beauty care to a new level of convenience for local
residents and workers.
Sue Green, Renew’s owner, opened
Renew 3 years ago. She recently
moved her business into the current
premises. Upon meeting her, I was
struck by Sue’s awesome knowledge
and understanding of our skins
(face and body), and what they
need to stay in tip top condition.
If you are fussy about the product
that you use on your skin and want
to get it right, then Renew’s the place
for you: They stock a comprehensive
range of different products for effective
home care, from Pure Fiji Body Ritual
products through to ANESI, a fabulous
skin care line from Madrid. Renew also
stocks Ultraceuticals, A S A P and ID
Bare Escentuals Mineral Make-Up.
Want to look good for summer or
that tropical island holiday? Renew
knows what to do: Specialists in
spray tanning and experts in Brazilian
waxing they can get you looking
svelte and sexy in no time at all.
After more than a decade of helping
locals look and feel their best, Sue
is passionate about delivering a
wide range of beauty treatments,
from specialist treatments for
the face, eg: microdermabrasion,
through to wonderful treatments
for the body, eg: Island wrap.
At Renew prices are reasonable, and
opening hours are flexible to suit even
the most demanding of schedules.
Sue says “I love it when a client leaves
feeling better than they felt when
they arrived, and that I have helped
to make a difference to their day.”
"* ÊÈÊ9-ÊÎÊ/Ê /-
EBA Phone (09) 579 5033
Building Community Through Communication 13
Ellerslie Business Directory
Jolly Duncan & Wells
127 Main Hwy 579 7096
Judith Ray CA
6 Findlay St 525 0848
Small Business Accounting
Level 1 101 Main Hwy 579 9306
SPG Accounting
101c Main Hwy 525 3922
Swainston & Assoc
130 Main Hwy 579 9306
Cunningham & Partners
101 Main Hwy 579 4031
Bakers Delight
127 Main Hwy 580 0088
Boulangerie l’Eperi
64 Michaels Ave 579 5240
Ellerslie Bakehouse
107 Main Hwy 579 6538
Julia’s Bakery
128B Main Hwy 526 4919
Richoux Patisserie
119 Main Hwy 579 1815
ASB Bank 133 Main Hwy 579 5871
Cock & Bull 3 Robert St 579 3517
Ellerslie Squash Centre
87-93 Main Hwy 579 5280
Francoli Bar & Restaurant
124 Main Hwy 579 2303
Lube 121A Main Hwy 525 2522
The Body Clinic
123 Main Hwy 525 5980
Wallis Cycles
4/2 Robert St 525 3117
Cardz Magz N Lotto
135B Main Hwy 580 2088
Church Stores
8 Robert St 525 1380
Ellerslie Book Exchange
93 Main Hwy 525 5862
Ellerslie Business Assn 579 5033
Action International 580 2294
Vertex Consulting 579 2900
Ellerslie Meats
128D Main Hwy 579 6393
Ajadz Indian Cuisine
8 Robert St 580 1555
Café Trends
49 Main Hwy 579 3000
Cock & Bull 3 Robert St 579 3517
Columbus Ellerslie 137 Main Hwy
Ellerslie Wine Cellars
123 Main Hwy 579 5556
Sushi 5/101 Main Hwy 589 1689
Francoli Bar & Restaurant
124 Main Hwy 579 2303
Legend Noodle House
135 Main Hwy 579 8466
Malabar Licensed Café
2/135 Main Hwy 525 1303
Mondo Café
101 Main Hwy 571 2343
Raviz Indian Cuisine
120 Main Hwy 579 5700
Turkish Kebabs
112 Main Hwy 579 5457
Royal Kebab
129 Main Hwy 579 7568
Royal Subs 79 Main Hwy 525 2291
Sierra Ellerslie
179 Ladies Mile 525 5583
Ladies Mile Motors
120 Main Hwy 579 5910
Pohutukawa Kindergarten
16 Arthur St 579 5008
123 on Main
123 Main Hwy 525 7160
Gemmells Ellerslie
131 Main Hwy 579 5384
Regalia 111 Main Hwy 525 6551
Resort Outlet Store
188 Ladies Mile 571 0598
Christine Lemalu 522 1982
Ellerslie Computers
112 Main Hwy 580 2664
The Ribbon Rose
118 Main Hwy 580 2276
Angela Lowe-Ho
126A Main Hwy 579 4746
Dental Solutions
2/2 Robert St 525 0959
Gentle Dentists
54 Main Hwy 525 6630
Allclean Laundrette
81 Main Hwy 525 1404
Ellerslie Drycleaners
128C Main Hwy 579 8828
South Pacific Natural
Therapies College 579 4997
TSV Consulting 579 7004
Wilton Joubert 579 1114
Ready Workforce
13/101 Main Hwy 525 3649
Ellerslie Eyecare
101 Main Hwy 525 0400
Think Finance 571 9594
Pause Studio
12/101 Main Hwy 589 1460
YMCA Ellerslie
Michaels Ave 579 4710
WOF Massage
46 Michaels Ave 0800 404 020
Bombay Superette
133 Main Hwy 579 4549
Ceres Organic Lifestyle
181 Ladies Mile 579 7126
Magazine AUTUMN 2008
Ellerslie 4-Square
126 Main Hwy 579 5259
143 Marua Rd 580 0966
123 on Main
123 Main Hwy 525 7160
Beauty Plus Trading
8 Robert St 579 2887
Golden Valley Gifts
4/101 Main Hwy 589 1386
The Ribbon Rose
118 Main Hwy 580 2276
Capilli 179 Ladies Mile 579 5022
Vibe Hairdressing
87 Main Hwy 579 7745
Hair Art 112 Main Hwy 579 8733
Kaye’s Salon
39a Robert St 525 3338
The Barber Chain
131 Main Hwy 525 6306
Ron Enright 1 Robert St 579 4984
Active Physio
85 Main Hwy 579 0004
Amma Feng
5/101 Main Hwy 525 3683
Ellerslie Pharmacy
125 Main Hwy 579 5520
Ellerslie Medical Cnr Robert
& Morrin St 579 6147
Greenlane Podiatry Clinic
145 Great South Rd 524 2599
Town & Country
Marquees 521 3730
Hurakia Immigration
87-93 Main Hwy 571 0679
Canopy Group
180 Main Hwy 580 0775
Harden & Hart
1 Robert St 589 1701
Ellerslie Jewellers
111 Main Hwy 579 5673
Andrew Lemalu
2 Robert St 579 0045
Berman & Burton
87-93 Main Hwy 525 7701
Bruce Scott Stevens
195 Main Highway
525 2163
Duggan & Murphy
8a Robert St 525 1316
Auckland Car/Motorcycle
Club 579 0944
Ellerslie Bowling Club
20 Kalmia St 579 6663
Ellerslie Squash Centre
87-93 Main Hwy 579 5280
Pause Studio
Unit L/101 Main Hwy 589 1460
TAB Ellerslie
110 Main Hwy 579 4444
Baan Thai Traditional Massage
123E Main Hwy 525 2795
WOF Massage
46 Michaels Ave 0800 404 240
Absolute Discos
131 Main Hwy 526 1943
Cityside Dance Studio
Leicester Hall, Cnr Ramsgate
& Findlay Sts 021 523 277
Ellerslie Office Services
6 Findlay St 579 3108
Ready Workforce
13/101 Main Hwy 525 3649
Deborah Hillman 525 2772
Photo Focus
135 Main Hwy 525 0289
Southern Studios
129a Main Hwy 579 4632
NZ Postshop
101 Main Hwy 579 7099
Broadway Developments
525 0084
Advice Advertising &
Print 579 0011
Rugby News 525 5434
APN Infomedia 0800 823 225
Gane & Nash 526 5491
Ellerslie Office Supplies
130 Main Hwy 579 6784
97 Main Hwy 579 1073
L J Hooker
101 Main Hwy 525 1773
Ray White
2/101 Main Hwy 525 2600
Matrix Security 579 1567
Wilton Joubert 579 1114
Mike Webber 579 8411
Burgerfuel 2 Robert St 525 7752
Hang Seng
128A Main Hwy 579 3517
Hell Pizza 135 Main Hwy 525 6664
Pizza Hut
130 Main Hwy 0800 83 83 83
Royal Subs 79 Main Hwy 525 2991
MobileFone Solutions
3/1 Robert St 579 1647
Team Talk 2 Robert St
Mondo Travel Remuera
336 Remuera Road 520 5710
House of Travel
108 Main Hwy 525 2363
Video Ezy 2 Robert St 579 4841
Anton Dorreen.
Anton Dorreen - Financial
Adviser Turned Dance Coach
Before meeting his wife, Anton Dorreen had always made his living as a
financial adviser…..but this all changed about 8 years ago after he and Lisa
became acquainted.
Lisa, had long been involved in professional dance, and when she and Anton met, was
heavy into Ceroc. Needless to say, Anton was soon attending Ceroc classes too, first as
an onlooker and a few weeks later, as a participant. Before long, Anton was hooked!
Anton and Lisa went on to become Ceroc instructors and taught
in various studios in Auckland, Tuaranga and Tamahere. Many
classes and workshops later, Anton and Lisa are back in Auckland,
where upon their return last year, they were offered a Ceroc
Franchise: The City Side Dance Studio opened its doors to the
public in October 08, teaching Ceroc classes at the Leicester
Hall in Ellerslie, and the Tamaki Ex-Services Hall in St. Heliers.
And so a neat circle has been circumscribed, and both Anton’s financial
talent and dance
skills have found an
outlet in this exciting
venture. “We hope
that Cityside Dance
Studio will become a
fun, yet a challenging
place to dance where
you can choose to
relax and socialise
or take advantage
of the teachers and
take your dancing to
new heights. We are
truly happy to be part
of such a wonderful
sport and cannot
wait to see you
there!” says Anton.
Award winning dancing
couple, Anton and Lisa
Learn to dance...
Ceroc Dance is a blend of French jive and Latin
American that creates a funky modern partner dance
that can be danced to today’s popular music.
Tuesday nights @ Ellerslie
Beginners @ 7pm
Intermediate @ 8pm
Advanced @ 9pm
Leicester Hall, cnr of Ramsgate &
Findlay Streets, Ellerslie.
Thursday nights @ St Heliers
Beginners @ 8pm
Intermediate @ 9pm
Freestyle @ 10pm – 11pm
Tamaki Ex-Services Hall, cnr
Polygon & Turua Streets, St Heliers.
Entry $15 per person per night or a 10 lesson concession
card for $130. Discounts available with Student ID.
For more info contact Anton on 021 523 277
or email [email protected]
for all your hair styling requirements
Ph: 525 3338
39a Robert Street, Ellerslie
Mon: 9 - 4; Tues - Fri: 9 - 5; Sat: 8.30 - 12
Late nights: By appointment
EBA Phone (09) 579 5033
Building Community Through Communication 15
Christ Church
of Ellerslie
I have been thinking - we may all have heard
the story of the Good Samaritan, where Jesus
questioned the Pharisee as to who is my
neighbour. The account suggests that the
Samaritan proved to be the good neighbour
when he went out of his way to assist an injured
man who was mugged on the road.
At best, the story indicates a reactive response to the person
in need. I wonder if something more could have been done.
Couldn’t the road from Jericho to Jerusalem have been made
safer? This would have lessened the crime rate along the road
and would have been a proactive approach to assist travelers.
Citizens Advice Bureau
Do you need a Justice of the Peace? We are pleased
to announce that we are extending this service.
A JP Service continues to be available at our Panmure office on
Mondays from 10.00am-12.45pm, Tuesdays from 9.30am-12.00,
and Thursdays from 9.30am-12.00. You can find our Panmure
office in the Community Building, Pilkington Rd, Panmure. A
JP is now available at our new Sylvia Park office two days a
week, Tuesdays from 2.00pm-4.00pm, and Fridays from 1.00pm4.00pm. This office is located on Level One, at the northern
end of the shopping centre. (Carpark 5 is at our front door).
Have a question? Need help? Our trained staff provide free
information, advice, advocacy, support and referral services.
Drop in and see us, email [email protected] or phone us
on 573 5707.
We have been hearing about a spate of anti-social behaviour
recently. I wonder if, as residents of Ellerslie, we can make this
neighbourhood a little safer for everyone? I will be interested
to hear from anyone who is keen to meet up with others to
strategise some plans to make Ellerslie a safer community. I am
willing to facilitate a meeting at the church premises, if I can
sign up ten to twenty interested people. Please contact me.
C K Yong, Vicar of Ellerslie, Tel 579-5279
SeniorNet Accepting the Challenge
Senior citizens are accepting that their education needs extending. Their families are now communicating,
almost exclusively, by computers and cell phones.
Those who do not keep up with the use
of these technologies are finding contact
with their children, grandchildren and even
their fellow citizens of all ages is severely
limited. SeniorNet exists with the express
purpose of teaching people over the age of
55 years how to use computers and other
electronic devices. Besides the lessons there
are free monthly meetings with a speaker
on a subject that is of interest to members
and free discussion groups to discuss
problems that members are experiencing.
skills by volunteer tutors in their own
age group. The friendly atmosphere and
patient tutors make computers fun.”
“Our members are learning new computer
programs into their late eighties,” says
Chairman Eddie Hagen. “From learning
how to start a computer and open a
program, they are taught a variety of
SeniorNet Eastern Bays has its tutoring
rooms in Glendowie. Full information can
be obtained by leaving your details on the
voice mail and you will soon be contacted.
Tel 578 0994.
Immaculate Conception Parish, Ellerslie
Easter Programme:
Good Friday - 21 March: Reconciliation 9am - 11am;
Stations of the Cross 11am; Lord’s Passion 3pm
Holy Saturday - 22 March: (No morning Mass)
Easter Vigil: Blessing of Fire & Easter Candle 7.30pm
Easter Sunday 23 & Easter Monday 24 March: Mass 9am
Ellerslie Catholic Church, 66 Main Highway, 579-5458
Magazine AUTUMN 2008
Tips For Better
1. Determine the objective of your presentation. What
do you want the audience to take away from it?
2. Know your topic. The better you know what you
want to say, the easier it will be to say it.
3. Simplify your idea – and reduce detailed information.
Too much detail can reduce understanding, and increase
the potential for people to become distracted.
4. Know your audience, and your speaking environment. What
is appropriate to one group of people may not be appropriate
to another. Is it a small group, a big room? Will you need a
microphone? Will your presentation be visible from the back?
5. Structure your presentation. Tell them what you going
to talk about (opening), tell them (body), and finally
summarise what you’ve just told them (conclusion).
6. Preparation is vital. If using data-projectors or
similar technology, have a back up plan in case of
breakdowns, and check it before you start.
7. Practise, practise, practise - ideally with someone
else who can give you some feedback.
8. Enhance your presentation with gestures and vocal variety - these
elements add impact to a speech and make it more memorable.
Ellerslie Junior Soccer
It’s not every day you get to meet a superbrand. But that’s
just what three lucky boys from the Ellerslie under-7's 'Takahe'
Soccer Team did when they traveled to Wellington last
December to see the Wellington Phoenix play the LA Galaxy.
The boys, Jasper Ng, Ari Boughen and Connor Hayes had
stopped in at Nando’s Chicken Restauant in Courtenay Place
with their parents for an early dinner before heading off to
Westpace Stadium for the evening match. Halfway through the
meal, who should walk in, flanked by four security guards no
less, but the man they had come to see play, David Beckham!
After a tentative query to a security guard, the boys got to
shake the hand of their hero,
who told them it was great
that they all play football,
and encouraged them to
keep it up. Then it was a
quick photo and some
autographs for a moment
they’ll never forget.
Photo L-R: Jasper Ng, Ari
Boughen and Connor Hayes
meet David Beckham, with
Ellerslie 'Takahe' Assistant
Coach, Brendan Boughen.
9. If you get stuck during the presentation, pause, gather
your thoughts and continue. Don’t dwell on it, move on
– your audience may not know anything different!
10. Get feedback from someone in the audience.
Find out what was effective and useful, what did
not work and could be improved upon.
Many of these skills can be learned and practised at Toastmasters,
the perfect environment for developing your communication
skills and improving your confidence. There are two groups
in the Ellerslie area that can help you achieve your goals.
Heritage Toastmasters meet on alternate Tuesdays at 6:50am
at Leicester Hall, Ellerslie www.heritagetoastmasters.org.nz;
Harrison Road Toastmasters meet on alternate Wednesdays
at 5:30 pm at St John Education Centre. Tel 576 8280.
See our advertisements on page 18.
EBA Phone (09) 579 5033
Building Community Through Communication 17
Registered Electrician
Angela Lowe-Ho offers an innovative
approach to dental care that tends to
the health of the mouth in relation
to the whole person.
If you really wish to keep well and
stay healthy between visits,
ring Angela on 579 4746
An g e l a Lowe - H o D e nt a l Ce ntre
1 2 6 A M a i n H i g h way, E l l e r s l ie
( B e h i n d t h e Fo u r - S q u a re )
Ph o n e 5 7 9 4 7 4 6
w w w. we l l n e s s - d e nt i s t r y. co m
 
 
 
  
   
 
Road Toastmasters
ry 2nd Wednesday 5.30pm to 7.15
eld eve
s p i r a t i o n a l e ve n i n g !
fo r
Me oin us
St John Training Centre - 8 Harrison Rd, Mt Wellington
Phone Rochelle (09) 533 7852
Or Jason (09) 576 8280
Meetings are held every
St John Training Centre
8 Harrison Rd, Mt Wellin
Magazine AUTUMN 2008
When every
second counts...
you can count on
Matrix Security is the security company with
a difference that’s offering real protection to
Auckland’s premiere residential suburbs.
Call Matrix Security today on
Accredited member of the
Baan Thai Massage
021 888 359
123E Main Highway
Massage provides effective
relief from stress & body aches.
Thai Traditional & all other
popular forms of massage are
available. Experienced, competent
therapists & a pleasant quiet
Stuck for a gift idea?
Give a gift of comfort & relaxation.
A voucher for an hour long
massage is available for $60.00
At last! Bikinis and Tankinis
that fit your boobs.
Buy your swimwear online at
EBA Phone (09) 579 5033
Building Community Through Communication 19
Auckland Cup week 1, 5 & 8 March
Magazine AUTUMN 2008