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01 02 03 04 05 06 Tipsheet Tip sheet: Homepad After logging into the IfL website and accessing REfLECT, you will see this screen. There are four buttons on the left, and the homepad on the right. The homepad contains information related to your assets, when they were last updated, if anyone has commented on them, or if you have received any new ones. You can create different types of assets to record different aspects of your CPD or other activities and interests. Assets can be thoughts you have written, files you have added, or a journal you are writing. Assets can be created by clicking the create new button. This will then display a list of ‘wizards’ which provide some structure for the things you record. All your assets are stored together. To see them click the view button. p1 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Organise, link, delete, or share assets by selecting them here. By sharing assets with other users you can allow them to view, comment, collaborate, or cascade. You can share assets with anyone who has an email address; however they will be limited to viewing only. Click upload file to send files to REfLECT. These can be single files such as lesson plans, powerpoints or videos, collections of files, galleries of pictures, a page from a website, or even a website you have created. Clicking tools enables you to manage REfLECT. This menu allows you to manage your contacts, communication settings and your tags. You can change your settings for the sound and the appearance of REfLECT. p2 ©IfL 2009 01 02 03 04 05 06 Tipsheet Creating a CPD record The CPD record enables you to bring together items you would like to use to demonstrate your CPD activities over a given period. You can send any normal asset from your REfLECT asset store to your CPD record. You can create multiple CPD records for different purposes such as appraisal and of course your IfL annual CPD return. When you create a CPD record, you can select it for submission to the IfL. The IfL CPD record will display the number of hours you are required to complete for your annual CPD cycle. As you add items to the CPD record so you can easily gauge how you are progressing. Once you have completed the required number of hours, or CPD cycle, you can send your CPD return straight to the IfL from REfLECT. Your CPD record will look like this when it has been created, and assets have been added: p1 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Click the create new button, then more and choose CPD record from the menu. In the pad that opens there are areas to add a title, select a tag, and add a description for your CPD record. The drop down menu contains your most used tags. More information on tagging can be found on the tip sheet 'tagging an asset'. Move to the next step by clicking the number 2 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. In this step you can alter the appearance of the CPD record. p2 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 You can pick a template for your CPD record. Click on the drop down menu and select a template. Once you have chosen a template you can click the coloured boxes below the small preview area to select a different template with the same theme. You can create a custom template by selecting the last option of the drop down menu; create new template, however this is not essential. Once you are happy with the template, you can view it by clicking the magnifying glass on the bottom right of the pad. Please note, the template is only visible on screen and not on printouts. Move to the next step by clicking the number 3 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. On the third step a summary of the number of hours you require and have completed is displayed. The hours completed will be the total you have logged for the assets you have linked to this CPD record, and the hours required is automatically generated by the IfL. p3 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 These hours will be updated as you add your CPD assets to this CPD record. When your CPD records have been reviewed by your peers, you can edit this step, selecting yes rather than no. The same applies to sharing this CPD record with your employer. You can also add start and finish dates to this CPD cycle, using the date boxes. Move on to the next step by clicking the number 4 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. The last page of the asset creation pad has a list of options; • view • send to a person, the web, a gateway, a blog, word or a printer • add a review, add or edit a link or evidence • tag the asset More information on tagging and sharing/sending is available from companion tip sheets. When you have finished, click on the green tick button to save and close your asset. p4 ©IfL 2009 01 02 03 04 05 06 Tipsheet Adding to a CPD record Click the view button and choose my assets from the menu. Clicking the asset you wish to use will open this menu. This menu is also available from the last pad of creating an asset. p1 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Hover over send to... to see the list of options: Click CPD record and a list of your CPD records will appear, choose the CPD record you wish to post to and click the green tick button. The selected CPD record will open in a preview to show you that the item has been successfully added. You will see that at the bottom of the record, the total number of hours completed has been updated to include the hours you have just added to your record. When you have finished viewing your CPD record, close the preview and click the green tick button to save and close your record. p2 ©IfL 2009 01 02 03 04 05 06 Tipsheet Creating a blog Blogs are single page websites that list entries made by date order. Blog is short for WebLog. They are often created as a personal journal which is regularly updated by the creator. Normally blogs are automatically made public, but blogs in REfLECT are confidential to you, unless you choose to share them with others. Blogs can be used for many things e.g. as a CPD journal to provide material for further reflection; as a project diary; to keep track of progress on placements, or how working with a particular group is progressing. A blog is an on-going process, and this tip sheet will guide you through the creation process, showing you how to create a blog, ready for your posts. At the end of this tip sheet, your blog will look something like this: This tip sheet also contains information on customising your blog’s appearance. p1 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Click the create new button and choose blog from the menu. In the pad that opens there are areas to add a title, select tags and add a description for your blog. The drop down menu contains your most used tags. More information on tagging can be found on the tip sheet 'tagging an asset'. Move to the next step by clicking the number 2 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. In this step you can alter the appearance of your blog. p2 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Click on the drop down menu and select a template for your blog. Once you have chosen a template you can click the coloured boxes below the small preview area to select a different template with the same theme. You can create a custom template by selecting the last option of the drop down menu; create new template, however this is not essential. Once you are happy with the template, you can view it, by clicking the magnifying glass on the bottom right of the pad. Please note, the template is only visible on screen and not on printouts. TIP! To add posts to your blog now, use the view and post to blog option. To add posts to your blog click the post new button on the right of the blog. A new popup will open, which looks like this: p3 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 In the pop-up there are areas to add a title, a message, or to upload a file. The message area is the body of your post, where you can write your entry. If you wish to upload a file, it will not be added until the post is complete and the submit button is clicked. Close the blog to return to REfLECT. Move to the next step by clicking the number 3 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. The last page of the asset creation pad has a list of options; • view and post to blog • send to a person, the web, a gateway, a blog, a CPD record, word or a printer • add a review, add or edit a link or evidence • tag the asset More information on tagging and sharing/sending are available from their respective tip sheets. If your asset is CPD related, you can send it to your CPD record. More information is available from the tip sheet ‘adding assets to a CPD record’. Click on the green tick button to save and close your asset. Tip! Remember to record time spent on this activity during the process. Click this button whenever you see it. p4 ©IfL 2009 01 02 03 04 05 06 Tipsheet Creating a thought The thought asset can be used to record journal entries, structured reflections, significant incidents, ideas or notes. REfLECT provides different levels of scaffolding to help you record your thoughts. A thought, may be a simple single entry or a reflective cycle Click the create new button and choose thought from the menu p1 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 In the pad that opens there are areas to add a title, select tags, and add a description for your thought. The drop down menu contains your most used tags. More information on adding tags can be found on the tip sheet 'tagging an asset'. You can choose between four different options when creating a thought asset; • journal entry • reflective journal • what? so what? now what? • reflective cycle For a journal entry, first complete a description of the thought. If you wish to add the date or a date range for the thought, tick the add date box and select the appropriate date(s) using the calendar tool. The reflective journal contains an additional step, which enables reflections to be added to your journal. p2 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Selecting the what? so what? now what? option gives you three headers with the same title. Clicking a header allows you to enter text in the space below. What? is a space for describing the thought, so what? is a space for your reflection and now what? prompts you to write about any changes you may make in the future. The reflective cycle option contains sections for experience, reaction, analysis, and planning. Step three of this pad enables you to write an overall or meta-reflection. This is the editing screen: p3 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Tip! You can use the numbered buttons, or the navigation arrows at the bottom of the pad to move between steps at any time. This means that you can try out different thought structures, to see which best fits your needs. Any text you have entered will remain in place. The last page of the asset creation pad has a list of options; • view • send to a person, the web, a gateway, a blog, a CPD record, word or a printer • add a review, add or edit a link or evidence • tag the asset More information on tagging and sharing/sending are available from companion tip sheets. If your asset is CPD related, you can send it to your CPD record. More information is available from the tip sheet ‘adding assets to a CPD record’. Tip! Remember to record time spent on this activity during the process. Click this button whenever you see it. When you have finished, click on the green tick button to save and close your asset. p4 ©IfL 2009 01 02 03 04 05 06 Tipsheet Tip sheet: Creating a webfolio A webfolio is a website containing a collection of your records and files which are selected and drawn together for a particular purpose to present 'stories' about yourself or about your activities. It can contain a number of pages which can be added to, edited or deleted at any time. Pages may also contain links to other websites and other assets within REfLECT. A completed webfolio will look like this It may have more, or less pages. To create your webfolio click the create new button and choose webfolio from the menu. p1 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 In the pad that opens there are areas to add a title, select tags, and add a description for your webfolio. The drop down menu contains your most used tags. More information on adding tags can be found on the tip sheet 'tagging an asset'. Move to the next step by clicking the number 2 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. In this step you can pick a template for your webfolio. Click on the drop down menu and select a template. Once you have chosen a template you can click the coloured boxes below the small preview area to select a different template with the same theme. p2 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 You can create a custom template by selecting the last option of the drop down menu; create new template, however this is not essential. Once you are happy with the template, you can view it, by clicking the magnifying glass on the bottom right of the pad. Please note, the template is only visible on screen and not on printouts. Click either the number 3 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad to move to the next step. This step enables you to define where you want to place the navigation bar on the pages of your webfolio. You can place the navigation bar on the side or at the top of the webfolio. You can also place the sidebar to the left or the right of the webfolio. p3 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 You can preview your selection by clicking the magnifying glass on the bottom of the pad. Click either the number 4 button, or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad to move to the next step. In this step, you can add pages and other items to your webfolio. To add a page, click on the box which says [enter page title here] and type in a title for your page. p4 ©IfL 2009 more… • • • • • 01 02 03 04 05 06 Click the chevrons to add the page to your webfolio. Repeat this process for as many pages as you wish to add to your webfolio. You can re-order the pages by clicking on the page title in the list and using the up and down arrows at the bottom left of the box. You can edit the content of a page by selecting a page then clicking on the page edit icon at the bottom right of the pad, or double-clicking on the page title. The tip sheet 'editing a webfolio' contains all the information you need for editing a page. Information about linking items, adding a feed, or tag collection to your webfolio can also be found on the tip sheet 'editing a webfolio'. You can preview your webfolio by clicking the magnifying glass on the bottom of the pad. Click either the number 5 button, or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad to move to the next step. The last page of the asset creation pad has a list of options; • view • send to a person, the web, a gateway, a blog, a CPD record, word or a printer • add a review, add or edit a link or evidence • tag the asset More information on tagging and sharing/sending are available from their respective tip sheets. Click on the green tick button to save and close your asset. Tip! Remember to record time spent on this activity during the process. Click this button whenever you see it. p5 ©IfL 2009 01 02 03 04 05 06 Tipsheet Editing a webfolio The webfolio editor enables you to create rich webfolios which can draw upon items within your REfLECT asset store. You can also edit and format text, add images and link to other items via the webfolio editor. Click the view button and choose my assets from the menu. Select your webfolio, and click edit this asset, then move to the editing step by clicking the number 4 button at the bottom of the pad. To edit a specific page, double-click the title, or click it once and then the edit page button at the bottom right of the pad. TIP! You can add new pages now - see the tip sheet 'creating a webfolio' for more information. p1 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 This will open up a new, double-sized pad for you to edit your page. At the top of the pad are a number of icons which enable you to format and edit the content of the page. You can type or paste text into your blank pages. You can also add images, multimedia, web-links or info tips within your pages via specific words or phrases in your content. First, highlight the text you wish to alter. The first five buttons of the toolbar allow you to edit the style of the text. From left to right these buttons (and their functions) are: • font - select a font by clicking on the drop down list • size - change the size of your text by clicking on the drop down list • underline - underline text by clicking the • bold - you can make the text bold by clicking the • italic - you can italicise the text by clicking the icon. icon icon p2 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 The next sequence of icons enables you to align and format your text. • the icon aligns left • the icon aligns text to the centre of the webfolio page • the icon aligns text to the right • the adds bullet points to highlighted text The icon enables you to add a multimedia element or an image to the sidebar. When you click the icon a multimedia gallery will open up that has all your images and video files you have uploaded to REfLECT. Once this has opened, select an image and click the green tick button to return to the text editing pad. TIP! If you wish to remove the image, select it and click the dustbin button. The next icon will enable you to add a link. p3 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 To add a link or evidence to your webfolio, highlight the text you wish to link from and then click the icon. This will open the link pad listing your REfLECT assets. Click an asset from within the new pad to create the link. Alternatively, create a web link in the second tab, or an email link in the third. Links will be created when you click the green tick button to close the pad and save. The icon enables you to add an info tip. An info tip allows you to add more details or to comment on part of the content of a webfolio page. When a person is viewing your webfolio, they can place the mouse over the selected text and the info tip will appear. p4 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Info tips will look like this: Highlight the text you wish to add an info tip to, and then click the info tip icon. The link pad will open with the highlighted text at the top. You can add the additional information or comments to the box marked info tip. Once you are happy with the content of the info tip, click the green tick button. The last five icons are: • spell check • cut • paste • view this page • save this page When you are happy with the content of your page, click the green tick button to save and close the pad. p5 ©IfL 2009 01 02 03 04 05 06 Tipsheet Tip sheet: Creating an action plan An action plan enables you to create plans designed to help you achieve a particular outcome or goal. You may wish to create a plan to help you develop areas that you currently perceive as being in need of improvement or you may wish to create an action plan after completing your annual review process. A completed action plan will look like this p1 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 As with all assets the fields on an action plan are there to provide the fields on an action plan are there to provide scaffolding rather than being a prescriptive requirement. Therefore all fields except the title are optional. This is how to create an action plan: Click the create new button and choose action plan from the menu. In the pad that opens there are areas to add a title, select tags, and add a current situation to your action plan. This should include details of why you need to create this action plan but not details of what your action plan will achieve; this comes in the next stage. You can find more information on adding tags on the tip sheet 'tagging an asset'. Move to the next step by clicking the number 2 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. You can describe your ideal situation in step 2. This is where you want to be when you have fulfilled your action plan. p2 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Move to the next step by clicking the number 3 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. Here you can create steps to success. Type the step you wish to take into the box at the top. You can add a date and description to any step using the how and when button at the top right of the box. Click the chevrons on the left to add it to the list. p3 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 TIP! These steps can be re-ordered by selecting them and using the arrows to the left. Move to the next step by clicking the number 4 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. This step is your SWOT analysis, which looks like this: SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and is a useful tool to help you think through how to achieve your action plan. Clicking on any of the headings will enable you to enter details for the chosen category, in the text box which appears below, however not every action plan requires SWOT analysis. Move to the next step by clicking the number 5 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. p4 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 This section allows you to add details of any supporting resources you need to help you with your plan. This section has a number of discrete headings you can choose to use. Move to the next step by clicking the number 6 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. In this section you can reflect on the action plan. You may want to include how achievable the action plan is, or why having a plan is useful, or how the results of this action plan may be applied in practice. p5 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Move to the last step by clicking the number 7 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. The last page of the asset creation pad has a list of options; • view • send to a person, the web, a gateway, a blog, a CPD record, word or a printer • add a review, add or edit a link or evidence • tag the asset More information on tagging and sharing/sending are available from their respective tip sheets. Click on the green tick button to save and close your asset. Tip! Remember to record time spent on this activity during the process. Click this button whenever you see it. p6 ©IfL 2009 01 02 03 04 05 06 Tipsheet Creating an activity The activity asset allows you to record any event or experience - normally directly related to your personal or professional development - for example a workshop or training course you have attended; a conference you presented, or a project you have been involved in. Activity records are likely to provide useful evidence towards your overall CPD; for appraisal, or review; as well as providing a record that you can return to, to review or reflect upon your progress. You may find that recording your ongoing activities helps you to identify future development goals. A completed activity will look like this: p1 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 To create an activity, click the create new button and choose activity from the menu. In the pad that opens there are areas to add a title, select a tag and add a description for your activity. The drop down menu contains your most used tags. More information on adding tags can be found on the tip sheet 'tagging an asset'. Move to the next step by clicking the number 2 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. p2 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 In this step there are three headers. Click on a header to open a text field, where you can enter information about your activity. You may find you need to revisit this section some time after the initial recording as the impact becomes more apparent during the activity itself. There are two date boxes for this step, the first enables you to create a start date when you open it, and the second is for the finish date. If the activity is ongoing, click the ongoing tick-box to indicate this, and leave the start and finish date blank. Move to the next step by clicking the number 3 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. In this step you can reflect on your particular activity. You may want to reflect on the importance of this activity and how it may affect your future practice, or how it has already affected it. You may also want to add what you have learnt from thinking and writing about this activity. Move to the next step by clicking the number 4 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. p3 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 The last page of the asset creation pad has a list of options; • view • send to a person, the web, a gateway, a blog, a CPD record, word or a printer • add a review, add or edit a link or evidence • tag the asset More information on tagging and sharing/sending are available from their respective tip sheets. Click the green tick button to save and close your asset. Tip! Remember to record time spent on this activity during the process. Click this button whenever you see it. p4 ©IfL 2009 01 02 03 04 05 06 Tipsheet Tip sheet: Uploading Uploading allows you to upload files directly into REfLECT. These may be single files, multiple files, galleries of images or even a website. These files may support other created assets, or they may be forms that you have completed and wish to upload (e.g. appraisal records, lesson plans). You may wish to upload these files to share them with other REfLECT users, or include them in a webfolio as examples. Please be aware that you have a space limit on REfLECT, and you may wish to be selective about multimedia or image files you upload. Uploading multiple files, a gallery or a website Uploading multiple files or galleries is very similar. The files must be stored within a zip file to be uploaded, and REfLECT will separate the files after uploading and store them as individual assets. This means that to you can write a specific reflection on each file as opposed to a general one on the collection or gallery. You can write a reflection on a website. TIP! A website also needs to be uploaded as a zip file, and the htm, or html file itself must be named 'index' or 'default'. Uploading files Click the upload file button and select from the menu. p1 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 A single file will become an asset in your asset store. Type the asset's title into the text box at the top of the pad. You can also add a description. In this step, you can also add tags to the file(s). More information on adding tags can be found on the tip sheet 'tagging an asset'. When this information is complete, click on the upload file icon at the bottom right of the pad, a new window will open allowing you to choose the file you wish to upload. Click browse to locate and open the file you need. When you have found it, click the upload button to upload. The progress bar will tell you the file's status. When the file has been uploaded, this window will close. At this point, if you are uploading a gallery, or multiple files, you will be returned to the homepad because you have completed the process. The files are now in your asset list, and available by clicking view, then my assets. If it is a single file, move to the next step by clicking the number 2 button, or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad. p2 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Your file or website is stored as an asset so you can now add a reflection to it. Move to the end of the pad by clicking the number 3 button, or the next button at the bottom of the pad. The last page of the asset creation pad has a list of options; • view • send to a person, the web, a gateway, a blog, a CPD record, word or a printer • add a review, add or edit a link or evidence • tag the asset More information on tagging and sharing/sending are available from their respective tip sheets. Click on the green tick to save and close your asset. Tip! Remember to record time spent on the activity this file refers to. Click this button whenever you see it. Please note: The upload of certain files types is restricted due to security and virus issues. Banned file types include exe and bat (this list is not extensive). If a file type is not supported you will receive a message warning you. Safe file types include; doc, xls, ppt, jpeg, bmp. File uploads are also limited by their size and by the speed of your connection. The largest possible file you can upload is 10mb. p3 ©IfL 2009 01 02 03 04 05 06 Tipsheet Sharing an asset Sharing enables you to give other people access to assets you have created in REfLECT. This can include other REfLECT users or anyone with an email address. When sharing an asset you decide whether you want the recipients to be able to copy, comment, collaborate or cascade your asset in addition to viewing it which is the default permission. You can also set a time limit after which the people you share with will no longer be able to access your asset. Importantly you will always remain in control of items you have created and only those items you choose to share can be viewed by others. You can share an asset on the last step of any asset creation pad from this menu: Or, you can share a previous asset by clicking view, followed by my assets. Select the asset you wish to share from this list, and from the pad which opens hover over send to then click person. p1 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 The my community pads will appear and enable you to add people you wish to share with. If the people you wish to share with are already in your community they will be listed on the left of the screen. Click on a person to highlight them, and click on the chevrons to add them to the sharees list. p2 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 If the person or people you wish to share with are not yet in your community you will have to add them using the add a contact tab. To add someone to your community, whether they are a REfLECT user or not, click add a contact (at the top right of the left-hand pad) to open the new contact pad. There are text boxes for the contact's forename, surname, and email address. When you have filled in this information, click the green tick button to finish. The contact details will be saved, and added to your community. Click the my community tab (the top left of the left-hand pad) to return to your community and add any other sharees to the list. You can add as many as needed. When the list is complete, click the number 2 button or the next arrow at the bottom of the pad to move to the next step. TIP! When sharing with another REfLECT user, try to use the email address they have registered with the IfL. REfLECT will then recognise them as a current user and they will be able to access your shared asset using their normal username and password. p3 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 The second step to sharing allows you to decide what permissions you are going to give to the people you are sharing with. There are a number of check boxes for you to select to grant different levels of permission. These are: • view allows recipients only to see the asset (this is the default). The sub-option of view is grade/feedback selecting this will allow sharees to view any grades or feedback the asset has received • comment allows recipients to add comments to your asset • copy gives recipients the option of saving a copy of your asset into their own set of assets. Please note that all links within the asset will also be copied • collaborate allows recipients to make changes to the asset p4 ©IfL 2009 more… • 01 02 03 04 05 06 cascade allows recipients to share the asset with other people with further users. Further users can also comment if commenting is enabled In addition to the various permissions you can also choose to limit the length of time the share is available for by clicking in the share until area and selecting the date you would like the share to expire on. If you are sharing with multiple people you can create a group for future quick-shares. Click the turn these sharees into a group? tick box and give the group a name in the text box which appears. To share with this group in the future use the my groups tab when you are adding people to the sharee list. To add a message to the email your sharees will recieve, click the notepad icon on the bottom right of the pad. When you are finished, click the green tick button to finish and share your asset. p5 ©IfL 2009 01 02 03 04 05 06 Tipsheet Tagging an asset Tags allow you to group assets together to enable you to quickly locate items, cross reference records, to identify areas of activity and to aggregate items quickly, e.g. by adding tagged assets to a webfolio. You can add new tags as you create assets on the end pad. The IfL has created three tags for you to use; institutional context, subject specialism, and learning and teaching, but you can also create your own. You can add tags on the last step of any asset creation pad from this menu: p1 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Or, you can add them to a previous asset by clicking view, followed by my assets. Select the asset you wish to tag from this list, and from the pad which opens click more options then tag this asset. Your most popular tags can be added using the dropdown menu on the first step of any asset creation pad. Click on any tag you wish to add, or you can open the tagging pad by clicking all tags. p2 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Either process will open this pad: Click in the tick box next to a tag to select it. You can select as many tags as are appropriate for the asset. To create a new tag, type the tag name into the text box at the bottom of the pad and click the create tag icon to the right. To create a sub-tag, select an existing tag and click sub-tag before typing into the text box, and clicking the create tag icon. A tag with sub-tags is indicated by a right facing arrow next to the main tag. One of the main uses for tags is to help you organise and manage your assets. This can be done by using tags to list only those items relating to a particular area of activity. This is done with a tag-cloud. Click view from the homepad and select view assets. p3 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Your tag cloud can be opened by clicking the open tag cloud icon at the top right of the pad. All your tags are displayed in the tag cloud, with the most used appearing as the largest ones. Clicking any tag will show you all assets which have this tag, and clicking any asset will show you all the tags it has. This will appear in the tag cloud, allowing you to click any of the tags and see other assets which share the tag. p4 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 When you locate an asset you wish to work with close the tag cloud using the grey cross button on the top right of the pad, then select the asset you want. This will return you to the REfLECT menu at the start of this tip sheet. p5 ©IfL 2009 01 02 03 04 05 06 Tipsheet Tip sheet: Commenting on assets When sharing an asset with another user you can give them permission to comment on it. Equally, when you receive an asset you may have been given commenting permission. Information on sharing is available from the tip sheet ‘sharing an asset’. To add a comment, view the asset. You can add a comment to an asset by clicking the speech bubble icon at the top right. The comment window will pop-up. p1 ©IfL 2009 more… 01 02 03 04 05 06 Type your comment into the text box, and change the title if you wish. Spell check your comment by clicking the Spell Check icon. You can make your comment private by filling the make private tick box. This means that only you and the asset’s owner can see it. When you are finished, click the submit button and your comment will appear below the asset. The padlock icon appears next to the subject when an asset is private. As the comments author, you can edit it, or remove it at any time. As the asset’s owner, you can also remove any comments. p2 ©IfL 2009