Blood Management Group Update


Blood Management Group Update
Blood Management Group Update Stacey Valen6ne, MD University of Massachuse>s Medical School Blood Net March 16th, 2016 Our Experts TAXI Experts Sec$on 1. Indica6ons for red blood cell transfusion in the general pediatric cri6cal care pa6ent based on hemoglobin thresholds •  Experts: Jill Chole.e, University of Rochester, USA; Allan Doctor, Washington University of St. Louis, USA; Jacques Lacroix, University of Montreal, Canada; Ken Remy, Washington University of St. Louis, USA Sec$on 2. Indica6ons for red blood cell transfusion in the general pediatric cri6cal care pa6ent based on physiologic thresholds •  Experts: Andrew Argent, University of Cape Town, South Africa; Jeffrey Carson, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, USA; Allan Doctor, Washington University of St. Louis, USA; Jacques Lacroix, University of Montreal, Canada Sec$on 3. Indica6ons for red blood cell transfusion in cri6cally ill children with trauma6c brain injury/stroke (based on hemoglobin and physiologic thresholds) •  Experts: Rebecca Ichord, University of Pennsylvania, USA; Phil Spinella, Washington University of St. Louis, USA; Robert Tasker, Harvard University, USA; Alexis Turgeon, Université Laval, Canada Sec$on 4. Indica6ons for red blood cell transfusion in cri6cally ill children with congenital heart disease (based on hemoglobin and physiologic thresholds) •  Experts: Elena Cavazzoni, University of Sydney, Australia; Jill Chole.e, University of Rochester, USA; Josh Salvin, Harvard University, USA; Steven Schwartz, University of Toronto, Canada; Ariane Willems, University of Brussels, Belgium Sec$on 5. Indica6ons for red blood cell transfusion in cri6cally ill children with sickle cell/ oncologic disease (based on hemoglobin and physiologic thresholds) •  Experts: Cassandra Josephson, Emory University, USA; Naomi Luban, George Washington University, USA; Leslie Lehmann, Harvard University, USA; Robert Parker, Stony Brook University, USA; Simon Stanworth, NHS Blood and Transplant, Oxford, UK; Marie Steiner, University of Minnesota, USA; Nicole Zantek, University of Minnesota, USA TAXI Experts Sec$on 6. Indica6ons for red blood cell transfusion in cri6cally ill children with respiratory failure (based on hemoglobin and physiologic thresholds) •  Pierre Demaret, CHC Liege, Belgium; Guillaume Emeriaud, University of Montreal, Canada; Nabil Hassan, Michigan State University, USA; Mar$n Kneyber, University of Groningen, Netherlands; Marisa Tucci, University of Montreal, Canada Sec$on 7. Indica6ons for red blood cell transfusion in cri6cally ill children with shock, excluding hemorrhagic shock (based on hemoglobin and physiologic thresholds) •  Nina Guzze.a, Emory University, USA; Mark Hall, Ohio State University, USA; Jenn Muszynski, Ohio State University, USA; Phil Spinella, Washington University of St. Louis, USA; Duncan Macrae, Imperial College London, UK Sec$on 8. Indica6ons for red blood cell transfusion in cri6cally ill children with hemorrhage, GI bleed, epistaxis, splenic lac, liver tx, (based on hemoglobin and physiologic thresholds) •  Oliver Karam, University of Geneva, Switzerland; Robert Russell, University of Alabama, USA; Phil Spinella, Washington University of St. Louis, USA; Paul Stricker, University of Pennsylvania, USA; Jeff Upperman, University of Southern California, USA Sec$on 9. Indica6ons for red blood cell transfusion in cri6cally ill children requiring extracorporeal support, dialysis, ventricular assist devices, (based on hemoglobin and physiologic thresholds) •  Mela Bembea, Johns Hopkins University, USA; Timothy Bunchman, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA; Ira Cheifetz, Duke University, USA; Richard Fiser, University of Arkansas, USA; James Fortenberry, Emory University, USA; Marie Steiner, University of Minnesota, USA Sec$on 10. Indica6ons for transfusion of alterna6ve processing methods of RBC unites (washed, leukreduced, irradia6on, etc.) •  Megan Delaney, University of Washington, USA; Cassandra Josephson, Emory University, USA; Robert Parker, Stony Brook University, USA; Leo Van de Watering, Leiden University, Netherlands; Nicole Zantek, University of Minnesota, USA Mission Statement •  The Pediatric Cri6cal Care Transfusion and Anemia Exper6se Ini6a6ve (TAXI), in collabora6on with the Pediatric Cri6cal Care Blood Research Network (BloodNet), the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Inves6gators (PALISI), the American Associa6on of Blood Banks (AABB) and the Society for Cri6cal Care Medicine (SCCM), is an organized and structured conference series, involving interna6onal and mul6disciplinary experts, designed to create comprehensive consensus statements outlining exis6ng data in the area of RBC transfusions in cri6cally ill children for clinical guidance and future research efforts. Transfusion and Anemia eXper6se Ini6a6ve
•  Objective:
–  Staged approach:
•  1st series focused on red blood cell transfusion
–  Conference series takes place over 2-3 years and will
follow the Delphi method
–  International multidisciplinary experts on RBC transfusion
»  pediatric critical care, transfusion medicine,
hematology, surgery, and anesthesia
»  Experts published on their topic in the past five years
–  Experts on guideline development and implementation
science engaged
Blood Management Consenus
Pediatric Cri6cal Care Transfusion and Anemia Exper6se Ini6a6ve Time
1. Create organizing
2. Define methodology
3. Select topics
4. Identify experts
First Expert
Discuss and finalize:
1. Methodology
2. Specific subtopics
Montreal October 2014 Fall 2015 Montreal
October 2014
Second Expert
Third Expert
1. Short text recommendations
2. Determine agreement
(Delphi method)
3. Reword if necessary
1. Short text recommendations
2. Discuss disagreements
(Delphi method)
3. Finalize recommendations
Summer 016 BloodNet
Spring 22015 March 2015
Fall 2016 BloodNet
Expert Work between
1. Analyze literature
2. Create short text
October 2015
Expert Work between
1. Score recommendations
2. Reword if necessary
3. Finalize long text
Present to BloodNet
2017 March
Next mee6ng •  June 4, 2016 in Toronto, Canada 

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