Never, Ever Forget - Rancho Cordova Independent
Never, Ever Forget - Rancho Cordova Independent
Never, Ever Forget Independent Page 4 Grapevine VOLUME 45 • ISSUE 37 Coronado Weekend So Close, Yet a World Away Proudly Serving RANCHO CORDOVA & Sacramento count y SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 Rancho Cordova Awarded for Folsom Boulevard Project Page 11 Mary Jane Popp: The Nose Knows Page 9 Congressman Bera Calls for Investment in Sacramento County Page 2 The City of Rancho Cordova and project partners Mark Thomas & Company, Salaber Associates, and Y & C Transportation Consultants celebrate the APWA award. Pictured L to R: City Senior Engineer Albert Stricker, City Manager Ted Gaebler, Adrian Engle with Mark Thomas & Company, Mayor Linda Budge, City Management Analyst Robin Borre, Public Works Director Cyrus Abhar, Bob LoRusso with Salaber Associates, City Senior Engineer Kathy Garcia, and Dan Yau with Y & C Transportation Consultants. Photo courtesy of City of Rancho Cordova Rancho Cordova, CA (MPG) - The Folsom Boulevard Beautification and Enhancement Project in Rancho Cordova has been named Project of the Year in the Transportation Category $10 Million to $30 Million by the Sacramento Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA). The 3.5 mile project, completed in 2012, spans Folsom Boulevard from Rod Beaudry Drive to Kilgore Road in Rancho Cordova. Improving all modes of transportation was a key component of the project that also aimed to beautify the boulevard and drive economic development opportunities in the area. Soon after incorporation in 2003, the City of Rancho Cordova began reinvesting in Folsom Boulevard - its “Main Street.” The boulevard holds historical significance as it once served as a route for Pony Express riders in the 1860s and subsequently acting as Highway 50 until the new freeway was built in the 1970s. “The Folsom Boulevard Project brought a community feel back to Rancho Cordova’s main street for residents and businesses,” said City Senior Engineer Albert Stricker. “Cityhood provided the opportunity to reinvent the boulevard, and our City Council and staff leadership steered the project to completion.” Construction of a sidewalk along the south side of the boulevard and four new signals aimed to increase walkability on the corridor and access opportunities to light rail stations. Resurfaced streets and the addition of bike lanes and bike detection areas at signals create a safer ride for drivers and bikers alike. The City’s proactive effort to tap into Community Design Grants and Safe Routes to School funding stretched traditional local, state and federal dollars to construct all phases of the project. A Safe Routes to School grant, for example, provided a safer walk to school for students at Kinney High School through installation of a high visibility crosswalk and sidewalk. The investment in transportation infrastructure jump started economic growth as well. Notably, the Los Rios Community College District will begin construction of a satellite campus next year on Folsom Boulevard across from the Mather Mills light rail station. “The award is a testament to a nine-year project that accomplished one of our first objectives of cityhood,” said Rancho Cordova Mayor Linda Budge. “We have restored beauty and pride to an old state highway that was a huge swath of concrete through our City, opened up opportunities for private investment, and constructed the first sidewalks on the south side since the Sacramento Valley Rail Way was built in 1869! It is very rewarding to see people enjoy being able to move safely along Folsom Boulevard. This is truly a ‘complete street’.” The City will continue to pursue further grants to revitalize other areas along Folsom Boulevard. If you are interested in more details about the project, contact Stricker at (916) 851-8713. Source: City of Rancho Cordova VFW Post Hosts Honor Event By Bill Martin SACRAMENTO REION, CA (MPG) – The Veterans of VFW Post 6158 and the Ladies Auxiliary of Fair Oaks, in collaboration with the American Legion Post 383, and the Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Association will host a full day celebration, paying tribute to Veteran POW/MIA military personnel and their families, on Saturday, September 14th at VFW Center Township Post 6158. Also in attendance at this special day of celebration will be honored guest, Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. The full day event is open to the public and all Veterans are cordially invited to attend. Bring the entire family and start the fun and festivities with a full breakfast from 8:00am – 11:00am for only $6. POW/MIA military personnel eat free. Then move on to family fun with a bounce house and canopy for the kids, complete with coloring and other cool kid activities. All patrons can partake of the enterto-win raffle and prizes, a bake sale, Corn-Hole and Horseshoe games, cash drawings and much more. Check out the UH-1 Helicopter Static Display as Dreams and Drivers Car Club transforms the Post parking lot with amazing classic car beauties as part of the full day Car Show. Live music will fill the air all day long too, as several local bands join headliners, City Cats to keep the day lively. Rejuvenate during the day with a relaxing chair massage at one of the many chair locations provided by the Veterans Holistic Healthcare foundation of America. All motorcycle riders are invited to join the Combat Veteran Riders on a Poker Run the day of the event. The registration fee is $20.00 for a Single Rider and $30.00 for Doubles, and includes a free hot dog or hamburger meal, or upgrade to tri-tip for only $5.00. Registration begins at 9:00am, with all riders departing the Post by 10:30am. All riders will be back in plenty of time to join in all the festivities and special ceremony. The BBQ starts at 2:30pm, with hotdogs and hamburger meals for $5.00 or Tri-Tip for $10.00. Continued on Page 2 County Budget in the Black Special Sacramento County Report Sacramento County, CA (MPG) - Following years of reductions, Sacramento County's fiscal outlook is looking up for the second year in a row. After reconciling accounts and making adjustments to June's $3.6 billion dollar proposed budget, the County is in the black. Savings from controlling expenditures have contributed to a surplus of $32.5 million that is available to augment critical services and pay past debt. "I'm happy to report that we have discretionary funds to invest in our community and to address the Board's service priorities," said County Executive Bradley J. Hudson. "Because the departments held the line on expenses we're beginning to recover from the impact of the "Great Recession." Of the $3.6 billion, less than a half billion is actually discretionary, and we can decide how to spend it, Hudson added. "I am recommending the resources be allocated across a variety of programs to optimize the use of the funds, while paying back loans and building up our contingency funds. Many of these programs were cut to the bone during the recession and had to be restored." Of the $32.5 million that is available, some of the recommended changes include: • Contingency Funds: $2.2 M • Loan Repayment: $11.7M • Sheriff: $4.9 M • Investment in services, including parks, code enforcement, supervision of drug offenders, District Attorney, Public Health to address communicable diseases and Animal Care: $4.5 M • Health and Human Services to backfill state budget cuts: $6.5 M "We're not out of the woods yet," Hudson added. "The next few years will continue to be rocky as the economy continues its slow recovery." Ongoing fiscal challenges include increased pension costs, negotiated salary and benefit obligations, repaying $59 million in past internal borrowing, and replacing funding taken by the State for the Affordable Care Act, said Hudson. "We also need to backfill about $21 million in one-time resources used to balance previous budgets." "It's important to take the long view, and we're going to need four to five percent annual growth in discretionary revenue over the next five years to stay fiscally healthy; last year's growth was less than one percent," Hudson added. "We'll continue to focus on streamlining services, increasing efficiency through the use of technology and holding down costs." The budget hearing will be on Tuesday, September 10, beginning at 2 p.m., and will feature presentations form the County Executive, Sherriff and other departments. The hearings are held in the Board of Supervisor Chambers at 700 H Street and are open to the public. They may also be watched live on Metro Cable Channel 14. The Board of Supervisors approved the budget on September 10, 2013. Page 2 The Independent September 13, 2013 VFW Post Hosts Honor Event Continued from Page 1 There will also be a corn-onthe-cob booth and home-made baked goods. All proceeds from food sales and all other activities during the full-day celebration of our POW/MIA Veterans will be going to support fellow Veterans in need. This special event was made possible through the kindness and generosity of VFW Post 6158, Ladies Auxiliary to VFW Post 6158, American Legion Post 383, Mr. Gordon Smith, Mind, Body and Soul Healing Center, Dignity Memorial Homeless Veteran Program, Vietnam Helicopters Pilots Association, Veterans Holistic Healthcare Foundation of America, Folsom Harley Davidson Motorcycles, Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club, Mr. Rob Schimp, Sam’s Club, Folsom Pool and Spa, Dreams and Drivers Car Club, Guri VJ’s Real Estate, Greenback Equipment Rentals, Action Military Surplus, Fire Department District #32,and Wal-Mart. A heartfelt thank you to all these tremendous people and businesses that are helping us to honor our MIA/POW Veterans, including Congressman Ami Bera and his staff. Dignity Memorial Homeless Veteran Program will pick up our POW/MIA military personnel and families, and drive them to Folsom Harley Davidson, where they’ll relax in the lounge, while awaiting the special motorcade escort to VFW Post 6158. The Guests of Honor will be driven in Dignity Memorial vans adorned with the official POW/ MIA flags and emblems. This honor motorcade will have the California Highway Patrol taking the lead and the Combat Veteran Motorcycle Association riding under colors, bringing up the rear. The motorcade will run from Folsom Harley Davidson to VFW Post 6158 in Fair Oaks. As the motorcade arrives at the Hazel Avenue Exit off Highway 50, this is the start of a one lane barricade all the way down Hazel to allow for honored passage of the motorcade. Event attendees will be on hand to welcome the motorcade at the VFW Post, located at 8990 Kruitof Way in Fair Oaks, between approximately 1:30 to 2:00pm. This event is to pay tribute to our brave POW/MIA veterans, and to remind us; their fellow Americans, of the personal sacrifices these men and women made so that we may have the freedoms and liberties we enjoy today. We must never forget, nor take for granted, all that these incredible Veterans did for each of us. Most Veterans who actually survived capture, suffered through brutal torture, enduring physical and mental anguish each and every day. POW and MIA’s were treated with total disregard for basic humanity, barely existing in sub-human living conditions, with little-to-no light or food…all, while we ate and slept soundly on the other side of the world. This is your personal opportunity to acknowledge the sacrifices these fellow Americans made for you and your family. We invite everyone to attend our special tribute to these remarkable American heroes throughout the day of celebration and honor on Saturday, September 14th. We encourage those who cannot attend to make the effort to stand on the side of Hazel Avenue between 1:30pm and 2:00pm to offer a wave or salute to the motorcade, showing these remarkable Veterans that YOU have not forgotten. The official honor ceremony is scheduled for approximately 2:00pm with color guard provided by Boy Scout Troop 310 and the Veteran Riders Club. Congressman Ami Bera will honor these POW/MIA personnel and their families with a special certificate acknowledging their service and sacrifice in defense of our country. Please mark your calendar today to join us on Saturday, September 14, 2013, to honor our POW/MIA Veterans all day starting at 8:00am until well after sunset. VFW Post 6158 is located at the end of the road at 8990 Kruitof Way, in Fair Oaks. For raffle donations, directions, or more information, please call VFW Center Township Post 6158 at 916-966-1663. Bera Calls for Infrastructure Investment Sacramento County, CA (MPG) - Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. (CA-7) called for investment in Sacramento County infrastructure recently, after touring several local transportation projects with representatives from the Sacramento County Department of Transportation (SACDOT), the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), Operating Engineers Local 3, and Laborers Local 185. The tour featured recently completed, active, and planned transportation projects near or along Highway 50 in the Rancho Cordova area. “Our infrastructure in Sacramento County is in dire need of improvement,” said Bera. “In our region, nearly 3.4 million trips are made over structurally deficient bridges every single day and the deteriorating state of the levees is also extremely serious. These improvements need to be made, but not only will they keep our families safe, they will also put Californians back to work and reinvigorate our economy.” Bera highlighted the Partnership to Build America Act of 2013 (HR 2084), as a smart way to make these kinds of needed infrastructure upgrades. A bipartisan bill Bera has co-sponsored, the Partnership to Build America Act, would help pay Congressman Ami Bera for our fast-deteriorating infrastructure like roads, bridges, and levees, without increasing the nation’s debt or raising taxes. Instead, it gives companies that bring foreign earnings back to America a tax savings if they invest in a new, U.S. infrastructure fund. If passed, it would create significant American jobs in the short-term and help U.S. competitiveness in the long-term. The sites Bera visited included: • Hazel Avenue at State Route 50 Interchange • Estimated completion 2018 – 50 percent unidentified funds • Hazel Avenue Phase 1 – American River Bridge • Completed 2010 – 39 percent federal funds • Hazel Avenue Phase 2 (Madi- son Avenue to US Highway 50) • Estimated completion 2015 – 68 percent federal funds • SACOG programmed $10m in regionally-controlled federal funds towards this project. • Hazel Avenue Phase 3 (Madison Avenue to US Highway 50) • Estimated completion 2017 – 65 percent unidentified funds • Fair Oaks Blvd Safety Improvements Project • Completed 2010 – 90 percent federal funds • Watt Ave @ US 50 Interchange • Estimated completion 2014 – 12 percent federal funds • SACOG programmed a total of $18.4m in funds towards this project a combination of regionally controlled federal funds and State Bond funds. • The project was also an example of a strong partnership between SACOG, SacDOT, and the Sacramento Transportation Authority to prepare a final funding package. • Watt Ave Light Rail Transit Grade Separation • Completed 2009 – 61 percent federal funds Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. represents Sacramento County. For more updates on Rep. Bera visit Source: Office of Ami Bera 11230 Gold Express Drive, Suite 308 Gold River, California 95670 Phone: (916) 635-5400 Fax: (916) 635-5739 Website: CALL 773-1111 TO ADVERTISE OFF PACKING SERVICE (with pack & ship purchase) Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with other offers. Restrictions apply. Valid and redeemable only when presented at a participating location. The UPS Store centers are independently owned and operated. © 2013 The UPS Store, Inc. Offer expires 09/30/13. Gold River Pediatric Dentistry Make Your Back To School Vacation Appointment Now! 11230 Gold Express Drive Ste. 302 Gold River, CA 95670 916-638-8778 [email protected] re e Wh iness! s u B ur O are s Kid SEPTEMBER SPA SAVINGS! (reg. $80) (reg. $89) MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAYS Good thru September 31, 2013. Not valid with any other offer. www.GoldRiverPediatricDentistr Independent Grapevine “Written by the people and for the people” Publisher, Paul V. Scholl The Independent is a member of Messenger Publishing Group Publisher’s Statement: It is the intent of the Grapevine Independent to strive for an objective point of view in the reporting of news and events. We consider our Editorial and Opinion pages to be a public forum for our readers. It is understood that the opinions expressed on these pages are those of the authors and cartoonists and are not necessarily the opinions of the publisher or our contributors. The Grapevine Independent is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or materials. The entire contents of the Grapevine Independent are copyrighted. Ownership of all advertising created and/or composed by the Grapevine Independent is with the publishing company and written permission to reproduce the same must be obtained from the publisher. Subscriptions should be mailed to The Grapevine Independent 7144 Fair Oaks Blvd. Suite 5, Carmichael, CA 95608. Subscription rate is $23 per year within Rancho Cordova. The Grapevine Independent is published weekly. Call 916-773-1111 for more information. To submit your articles, information, announcements or letters to the editor, please email a Microsoft Word file to: [email protected]. Be sure to place in the subject field “Attention to Publisher”. If you do not have email access, please call us at 916-773-1111. Advertising Sales Paul V. Scholl Bill Martin • Sue Aronson • Mindy Lindsau Graphics & Layout Banerjee Designs • Stump Removal Graphics Contributing Writers Julie Parker • Alona Thomas • Jodie Myers • Susan Skinner David Dickstein • Mary Jane Popp • Dr. Bob Graykowski Marlys Johnsen Norris • Tim Reilly • Dave Ramsey Dr. E. Kirsten Peters Kay Burton • Ronnie McBrayer • David Graulich Distribution Assistant Gabriel Scholl Accounting Nicholson & Olsen CPA Web Master RJ at • JWS Promotions News Services StatePoint Media • NewsUSA • PRWEB NewsWire North American Precis Syndicate • Blue Ridge Press • ARA Content California News Service • Family Features • WorldNetDaily Photography Rae Lynn Flippo • Susan Skinner Member of Rancho Cordova, Carmichael, Citrus Heights and Fair Oaks, Chambers of Commerce We are proud members of these newspaper associations. The Independent September 13, 2013 Page 3 Assembly Select Committee Pursues Revitalizing Established Communities Senator Ken Cooley SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) – Wednesday, August 28, Assemblyman Ken Cooley chaired the first hearing of the Assembly Select Committee on Community and Neighborhood Development. The ten member, bi-partisan committee heard from policy and administrative experts who spoke about the impacts of suburban sprawl on our metropolitan areas, and funding needs to help revitalize our aging communities. “As metropolitan areas grow, it’s important that we do not forget about the needs of our older communities, and help keep them desirable places to live that can attract jobs and private sector investment,” said Cooley. “We moved to our neighborhood because we liked what was there. Now, some of our older areas are faced with quality of life challenges that stand as barriers to community revitalization.” During the hearing, Bill Fulton, Planning Director for the City of San Diego and past Mayor of Ventura, noted that infrastructure and amenities in communities that most people would consider newer are nearing 20 years old. “State infrastructure bonds and redevelopment funds have helped aging communities improve themselves, but are becoming more difficult to get,” Fulton said. “Community facilities, like parks and libraries, need to meet certain expectations in order to make older communities desirable. Without funding to maintain and revitalize them, they often fall below that level of what the community wants.” Juan Matute, Director of the UCLA Local Climate Change Initiative, highlighted the challenges older cities and first tier suburbs face with a greater need for community development funding and fewer tools to stay competitive with new neighborhood developments. Matute presented a recent paper highlighting that financial tools in the local government toolkit have evolved across the last 40 years and concluding the tools currently in the toolkit have not kept up with today’s desire for more compact, less auto-dependent communities. The loss of redevelopment agencies in California in 2012 removed a vital tool from local governments’ toolkit. Although some tools still remain—including general obligation bonds, infrastructure financing districts and assessment districts—local governments in California lack a dependable financing mechanism that can be consistently used for infill, infrastructure, and redevelopment. “People want to see their neighborhoods improved, and aging communities are depending on us to figure out a solution to shape the next half-century of revitalization for established communities,” said Cooley. “I think we realize that not every tool is good for every community. We have to set politics aside and give California’s cities and counties the financing tools they need to attract private investors and spur the redevelopment that’s good for them.” Assemblyman Ken Cooley represents the 8th Assembly District. Source: The Office of Ken Cooley Play the beautiful Mather Course during the day . . . Enjoy a traditional Oktoberfest in the evening! 11:30 AM - T EE - OFF 5:00 PM - A WARDS 5:30 PM - O KTOBERFEST GATES OPEN • Hole-in-One Contest (Win a Boat!) • • Traditional Oktoberfest Menu • Craft Beer • • Mulligan's • Longest Drive Contest • Free Beverages • • Music • Silent Auction • Glow Ball Drive • • Closest to the Pin Contest • Craft Beer • Goodie Bags • • Photo Booth • Golf Ball Drop from a Helicopter! • • Raffles•• Photo Booth • Cigar Cart • Long Drive Pros • • Special Guests – California Capitol Airshow Performers, Sponsors & • Watch California Capitol Airshow performers rehearse• Our Friends from the Canadian Embassy • & Much More! & Much More! Sponsored by the Rancho Cordova Chamber of Commerce For information call 916.273.5688 or [email protected]. To register on -line or buy tickets: RANCHOCORDOVA.ORG Cordova High School’s Cordova High School’s Band to to perform with Band perform with Cordova High School’s Band to perform with The Dallas Brass Fun for the Whole Family Sunday, September 15, 2013, Fun for the Whole Family Fun for the Whole Family 7:00 PM 15, Sunday, September 15,2013 2013, Sunday, September 7:00 At the Three Stages 7:00 PMPMTheater At the Three Stages Theater At therange Harris Center Ticket prices $24-$39, and may Ticket prices range 916-608-6888, $24-$39, and may be purchased by calling Ticket prices ranges $24-$39, and may be be purchased by calling 916-608-6888, on-line at, or by purchased calling 916-608-6888, on-line by at, or by visiting Ticket Office, 10 College on-line at, orCollege by visiting visiting Ticket Office, 10 Parkway in Folsom. Discount of Parkway Folsom.Parkway Discountin15% ofFolsom. 15% Ticket Office, 10 in College for groups of 15ofor for groups 15more. or more. Discount of 15% for groups of 15 or more. Sponsored by Sponsored byby the Sponsored thethe Folsom Lake Community Folsom Lake Community Folsom Lake Community Concert Association Concert Association Concert Association Never, Ever Forget Page 4 The Independent September 13, 2013 Commentary by Paul V. Scholl, Publisher The Call It was a very deep sleep. After working a long night and into the early morning hours, I was out hard. The telephone kept ringing and ringing. “Hello”. “Are you watching the TV? You are not going to believe what’s happening.” They knew I traveled often to New York City to teach classes, going there three to four times a year for week-long trips. They knew I had many friends and students there. The first televised scenes were absolutely awful, knowing how many people in my life lived near the scene and worked within just a few blocks of the Twin towers. As I watched the atrocity unfold with the rest of the world I thought I was watching friends being burned to death. I thought I was watching people I loved and cared for deeply being crushed under the weight of those falling buildings. As with the rest of the nation, the thoughts were that there are ten of thousands of people in those buildings right now! That they weren’t filled with workers that morning is in itself a miracle. Days went by wondering who had been killed or in the very least deeply affected by the act of war. Unable to reach anyone by telephone, it was sit, and wait, and pray. Some of my friends were emergency workers and were on the scene at Ground Zero. It took months for them to even be able to talk about it. They were never the same, with “life” being taken out of them. Those One last look of the Twin Towers and the New York City skyline from the Staten Island Ferry just a few months prior to 9/11. Photo by Paul V. Scholl relationships are all but gone. In May of the following year I made one more trip to New York to offer my grief counseling services to any and all friends and students. We had a few group sessions where the impact of that day was as certain as an Upper Eastside rush hour. For about two years prior to 9/11 I had recurring dreams where I was in a large city, covered in soot and smoke and could feel the rumbling of the street under me. I was helping someone who was traumatized from an accident or something. I had thought it was a future scene from being in San Francisco after a big earthquake. That seemed plausible, as I Grieving New Yorkers and visitors honored the fallen at the memorial walls surrounding Ground Zero over the following months. I read through every name on the list searching for the names of friends. A miracle, not one was listed. Photo by Paul V. Scholl had been through a number of California quakes, including the last big one in 1989. I must have had the dream two dozen times, the same dream, over and over. After 9/11 those dreams stopped. It was then I realized I had witnessed the horror through the eyes of my friends months in advance. One of my friends, John, a steward on one of the Staten Island ferries, met with me for lunch many years later in downtown Sacramento. He was on his way to moving permanently to Seattle. To hear his story of being on the ferry in the middle of the bay watching the towers as they fell was beyond moving. He just couldn’t take living in the City anymore. This day in history seems now to be a footnote. To me, it’s personal. It was the day the world changed forever, and not for the good. It is one of the driving forces that leads me to bring commentary to the readers of my newspapers that hopefully educates them to what is really happening in our country and what is being done by our government to restrict the populace of our great nation.. All in the name of terrorism. Our country is asleep. SAFE is killing us. The patriot is the enemy and the enemy is glorified. The game continues. There is more than one “blue pill”. We stop looking for the truth a change from this path of a rotting nation and become better neighbors, co-workers and friends. 9/11 should be an annual wake up call for every Ameri- The bravest of the brave. Photo by Paul V. Scholl because we want to finish the next level of some stupid video game. We stop looking for the truth because our favorite team is on T.V. in five minutes. We stop looking for the truth because if we find it we will have to deal with it. We will actually have to become personally responsible and force can to re-dedicate themselves to bettering our community and our nation for ourselves, our loved ones, and the future Americans yet unborn. We have a greatness within us. 911 should not be a distress call, but a wake up call from a long and very deep sleep. 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THE BRIDGE CHURCH 10415 Folsom Blvd., Ste. 103 (near Coloma) 916-304-3014 • Sundays 10am Expository verse by Verse Bible Teaching Childcare provided through 8 years “Making disciples who make disciples” FIRST COVENANT CHURCH OF SACRAMENTO 10933 Progress Court - 861-2240 8:30am: Sunday Classic Service 10 & 11:30am Sunday Modern Worship Children’s Programs • On-site Coffee Cafe Casual Atmosphere • Jesse Smith, Senior Pastor CORDOVA CHURCH OF CHRIST 10577 Coloma Road • 638-2200 Sunday Morning Worship 9:00am & 11:30am Bible classes for all ages 10:15am Fellowship 10:20am Wednesday Evening Classes 7 pm Nursery and Wee Worship available for both services Staff: Larry Stafford, Matt Huddleston Aaron Redeisperger, Jimmy Hurd RANCHO CORDOVA SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 3405 Viking Drive • Rancho Cordova (916) 363-1995 Voice Mail Sabbath School 9:30am • Worship Service 10:45am Midweek Bible Study, Tuesday 7pm Byron K. Hill, English Pastor RIVER VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH P. O. Box 5, Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-0005 (916) 396-1080 9985 Folsom Blvd. at Rod Beaudry Dr. Rancho Cordova, 95827 Worship on Sundays at 10:30am• Rev. Jeanie Shaw ST. CLEMENT’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2376 Zinfandel Drive • 635-5282 Sunday 8 am Holy Eucharist Sunday 9 am Adult Bible Study Sunday 10 am Holy Eucharist & Sunday School Child Care provided 9am - 12 noon The Reverend Christine Leigh-Taylor CORDOVA NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH 10600 Coloma Road • 635-5992 Sunday Morning Worship 9:30am & 11am Nursery provided for all Services Mike Mitchum, Senior Pastor MAYHEW COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH 3401 Routier Rd., Sacramento CA 95827 916-363-6145 Sunday School 9:30am; Worship for all 11am Sunday Sunday School for children, youth and adults 10am Sunday; Youth FIJ (Film in Jesus) 6 to 9pm Wednesday Mondays 6pm - Awana Children’s Ministry 5:30 pm Wednesday Women to Women Bible Study Senior Pastor Reverend J. Michael Schnase, Sr. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 2201 Benita Drive • 635-5502 9:00 am Traditional Worship 11:00am Contemporary Worship/Children’s Sunday School Thursdays 4-6pm J. A. M.* Threshold Rev. Stephen D. Krogh, Pastor All are Welcome at Grace! email: [email protected] BIBLE FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH 9900 Horn Rd. (Folsom Blvd. & Bradshaw Rd.) “Loving God, Growing Together, Serving Others” Sunday 11am, 6pm & Wednesday 7pm UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2101 Zinfandel Drive, 635-4242 Nursery Care 9:30am - 11:30am Sunday Worship 10am • Rev. Tina Ballagh, Pastor CORDOVA BAPTIST CHURCH 10527 Coloma Road 638-5505 • 638-5523 Sunday School 8:30am • Worship Service 10am Bible Study, Tuesday 7pm Affiliation: American Baptist Churches Ronald S. Johnson, Pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF RANCHO CORDOVA 10720 Coloma Road • 635-4672 Bible Study for All Ages 9am Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am Sunday Awana Children’s Program Sunday 5-7pm (September through May) Mid-Week Prayer & Encouragement 6pm Wednesday Pastor Tom Jones Music Director David Black NEW LIFE CENTER 2451 Zinfandel Drive • 635-8287 Sunday Bible Hour 9:30am - All ages Sunday Morning Celebration 10:45am Wednesday Youth Excape 6:30pm Wednesday Bible Study 7pm David McFarland, Pastor THE EASTERN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE (Chaldean-Syrian) 3516 Nouveau Way • Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 635-4445 Sacramental - Charismatic - Liturgical BAYSIDE LIFE CHURCH OF RANCHO CORDOVA P. O. Box 277375 • Sacramento, CA 95827 (916) 364-0555 Currently meeting at Sunrise Elementary School 11821 Cobble Brook Dr. Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (Anatolia Area) Children and Youth Sunday Programs Worship on Sundays at 10am with Pastor Donny Burleson GRACE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 9877 Old Placeville Rd. Sacramento, CA 95827 • 361-1902 Come and join us for Our Exciting WORSHIP EXPERIENCES EVERY SUNDAY MORNING 8am - Praise & Worship Service 11am - Christ Celebration Service Sunday School 9:30am Wednesday 7pm Prayer and Bible Study Rev. Shelby R. Richards, Pastor Place Your Church Services Ad in the West Sacramento Sun Church Directory. Call us at 916-773-1111 START YOURS TODAY! The Grapevine Independent delivers your local community news every Friday A R C A HE S T 2009 ary 18, y, Janu Sunda �� ● ● ● ● sacbe SPECIA DAY’S SATUR GHT raham HIGHLI king Ab � Trac s historic n’ Lincol Washington, path to t-elect en Presid Obama Barack a four-day n. es launch l celebratio ra inaugu Page A16 Story, P S ON TA WHAT’ DAY t R TO FO come even oeryers ost ev � A wel Sand .com n Mem on alm Lincol By Jidemrs@sacbee is for sale – ps, at the ns at 11:30 ma jjsan é, gi , stam k Oba rial be ST). Beyonc ndars , money le ca Barac a.m. (P e Springsballs, , tote bags om hot et g. sk in uc th s, ba golf balls g items fr U2, Br hn Mellenrt hi -s n T s, teen, Jo w-raisi poster enon,” coins, even eyebroderwear. phenom of St. clips, to thong un t religious ez-Arias sauce an almos r Tomas Gom “It’s ache ting te marke ION E SECT TIV EMORA L COMM � to shirts a’s m o r F Obam coins, e sells big pictur E E B O MENT dition Final e | $1.50 ces a f a m Oba nda e g a d altere tah, and Faweramas ns, H a peaceful po factio t ay tinian lking abou t. the w were tag agreemen 12,580, on al MoS sharin Dow was at mer. Generng cars PE HACE HE A m lli he C su se T S at ey rns g mon me conce by LAND GED SIN IS RUN to 14,000 th makin ld g so CHAN UNCED HIDENCY tors wwashile reporteinmortgages” he O even “nonprim ANN THE PRES about FOR id E. By Dav er Sang The Sacramento Bee provides regional and national news on Sunday As a valued Grapevine Independent subscriber, you receive the Sunday Sacramento Bee as part of your subscription. It’s the perfect combination! If you are not currently a subscriber and want to take advantage of this unique opportunity, please call (916) 773-1111 Page 6 The Independent September 2013 Dave Says STATEPOINT CROSSWORD • THE EIGHTIES Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He’s authored four New York Times bestselling books: Financial Peace, More Than Enough, The Total Money Makeover and EntreLeadership. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 6 million listeners each week on more than 500 radio stations. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at Serious Talk Time Dear Dave, My wife and I make together about $100,000 a year, almost $50,000 in an IRA and no debt except for our home. The problem is I’ve had several health issues lately, and we’ve diverted a lot of money we’d put into saving and investing toward medical bills. We also have two kids in high school who want to go to college. Do you think we should cash out the IRA to help send our boys to school? – Jeff CLUES ACROSS 1. *It reads music on CDs 6. “___ a Wonderful Life” 9. Praise or glorify 13. Domicile 14. *”The One I Love” group 15. Rid of impurities 16. Medical helper 17. Schiller’s “___ to Joy” 18. Light-footed 19. *Stone’s Oscar winner 21. *1985 London/ Philadelphia Fundraiser 23. “The ___ of All Fears” 24. Ancient colonnade 25. *”Simon & Simon” network 28. “____ Was a Rollin’ Stone” 30. *MTV first began asking artists to do this in 1989 35. Nuclear fission chemist Otto ____ 37. Suspend 39. Muse of love poetry 40. UN civil aviation agency, acr. 41. Befuddle 43. Done 44. Relating to a node 46. Fake or phony 47. Balkan native 48. Be that as it may 50. Bypass 52. Do it yourself 53. Carpet style 55. Romanian money 57. *Moonwalk dancer 61. Puts in motion 65. To come into use 66. *Lots of this hair product sold in the 1980s 68. Indian monetary unit 69. Large-eyed lemur 70. Last word of “America, the Beautiful” 71. About to explode 72. Small amounts 73. *Yoda: “Do. Or do not. There is no ___.” 74. Water balloon sound DOWN 1. Often covered with a shade 2. Cain’s brother 3. *Diet Coke 4. Written corrections 5. Recover 6. Caddie’s offering 7. *One excellent adventurer 8. Extract (metals) by heating 9. Winter Olympic sport 10. Cantatrice’s offering 11. Tangerine and grapefruit hybrid 12. A good one of these is often rewarded 15. Royal court dance 20. D-Day beach 22. Debtor’s note 24. Slang for urban miners 25. *Tiananmen Square country 26. *Star of 1984’s “Footloose” 27. Disreputable 29. *Shoulder accessories 31. *”The ____ and Cons of Hitch Hiking” 32. Cleansed 33. Wombs 34. *Soviet leader, affectionately 36. *Won French Open in 1983 38. Glamorous 42. Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s character 45. They’re denoted in red 49. *”The ___” charted with “You Better You Bet” in 1981 51. *Puzzle game 54. *Molly Ringwald films are full of this teen worry 56. Seize the throne 57. Leave at the altar, e.g. 58. Dwarf buffalo 59. Sour milk sign 60. Actor Kristofferson 61. Take out, as in dragon 62. October birthstone 63. Greek cheese 64. Three of these in a yard 67. Always, in verse For Solution See Page 7 Dear Jeff, You guys make $100,000, and expenses at a good instate school would be roughly $17,000 a year. If I were you, I’d trim the household budget and make the kids get to work. Look around and see what you can sell, too. There’s no reason you all can’t pull together and cash flow an education for these guys. Providing an education for your kids is a noble pursuit, but you’re low on money right now because of health problems and medical bills. You didn’t do anything wrong to create this scenario. It was just a case of life happening. So, you shouldn’t feel ashamed to sit down with your kids and say, “Okay, serious talk time. You guys know what’s happened recently, so if you want to go to college, you need find a good, affordable institution and start applying for every available scholarship. You also need to plan on working after school and on weekends - now and when you’re off at college - and saving money like crazy. Your mom and I will help out some, but we all have to pull together to make this happen.” There’s a better way to do this than borrowing money and going into debt. There will be times when it’s not easy, but walking around with student loans hanging over your head - or nothing set aside for retirement - is no fun, either! - Dave Big Car Debt, Small Income Dear Dave, My mom has about $35,000 worth of debt from a $17,000 car and $18,000 in student loans. She makes $20,000 a year. How can she get out of this mess? - Christina find her a little $2,000 beater to drive until she can save up for a better car. Remember this simple rule: Never buy a car that costs more than half of your annual income. Also, never go into debt to buy a car. Automobiles go down in value like a rock, and you never want that much money wrapped up in something that’s depreciating. We also have an income issue here. Your mom has to do something in the short term to get her income up and pay off debt. A part-time job nights and weekends would be a really good idea. Then, she needs to address her long-term situation with an eye toward a decent job. Whether it’s more formal education or technical training in a particular field, she needs to find a career that will significantly increase her income. - Dave *For more financial help, please visit Dear Christina, No one needs a car that’s worth nearly all of their yearly income. That’s just ridiculous. If you listen to me on the radio, I’m sure you’ve already heard me say what I’m about to say now—sell the car! That will get rid of almost half her debt, then GOT LOCAL NEWS? Call 773-1111 Come back every week for Sudoku! For Solution See Page 7. Business & Service Directory Painting Service J & M P AINT S ERVICE A Professional Painting Service of Fair Oaks Since 1992 • State Lic. 937799 • Bonded • Insured Interior Exterior From Residential to Small Commercial We Provide: Highest Quality Workmanship Written Warranty on all Workmanship Great Testemonials Quality Materials 916-967-0763 Mayolo • Field Manager Jake • Office Administration We cover all areas including Orangevale, Fair Oaks, Carmichael, Citrus Heights, Rancho Cordova, Roseville and all of Sacramento concrete S&D S & D CONCRETE, INC. CONCRETE Specializing in Homeowner Concrete Projects STEVE DEVRIEND President Lic #646947 - Since 1978 Foundations, Patios, Walkways Remove & Replace, Stamped, Color Free Estimates 916-988-9659 916-425-6984 [email protected] drug and alcohol rehabilitation vacuum Service and rePair Vacuum Service Center Repair • Parts • Belts • Bags Your One-Stop Vacuum Repair Shop Bel Air Shopping Center 4005 Manzanita Avenue #26 Monday–Saturday, 10AM – 6PM 916-978-0206 (Inside Heirloom Flooring Gallery) landScaPe ServiceS S L S Insured Lic#794551 Superior Landscape Services Landscaping and Maintenance • Sprinkler Repair/Install • Pruning • Mowing/Trimming • Fertilizing (916) 728-5812 • Cell (916) 761-0999 Dave Cochran Owner • [email protected] HEADER cemetery ServiceS PET et SITTING itting SERVICE ervice PAINTING SSERVICES Painting erviceS Respectful, Affordable Burial Professional, Loving Anni The Painter Endowment Care Facility Beautiful Park like setting Monuments allowed • Cremation Niches Commingle Scattering Garden Quality & Affordable Service Established Reputation Kennel Free Environment Lots of TLC Fair Oaks Cemetery District Call Madeline 7780 Olive St., Fair Oaks, 95628 (916) 723-1608 916-966-1613 PET CARE One Room at a Time Okay! • Perfectionist • Fun Ideas • Kid’s Rooms • Cabinets • Bathrooms • Kitchens • Etc. New Molding Installs • Small Jobs OK! Lic # 733938 • Free Bids 916-532-6194 Funeral ServiceS Lind Brothers FD 1141 A Family Owned Funeral Home and Crematory Since 1964 4221 Manzanita Ave. Carmichael 916-482-8080 Funeral ServiceS Printer and coPier Service electrical Service & contracting Fiduciary ServiceS LIVING CSTL, Inc. HELPING PEOPLE AND THE COMMUNITY WITH THE ALCOHOL AND DRUG PROBLEM! 18 YEARS IN BUSINESS! DETOX (916) 965-3386 SOBER LIVING (916) 961-2691 legal ServiceS Electrical Service & Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial Lic # 837851 • Fans • Lighting • Panel Upgrades • Custom Controls • Remodels • Pools • Spas • Code Corrections • Machinery Connections • Expert Troubleshooting • Appliance Connections • Safety Inspections 916-967-1922 • PROFESSIONAL FIDUCIARY SERVICES Peace of Mind and Heart Janet Kay Welborn JD/CLPF/NCG 5150 Fair Oaks Boulevard Ste. 115 • Carmichael, CA 95608 License #640 Cell 916-717-4437 • Fax 866-221-9350 MPG CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Week of September 11, 2013 AlterAtions seamstresses Available AlterAtions. Skilled Seamstress available for all Alterations and Tailoring. 7433 Greenback Ln # J. Citrus Heights, CA. (916) 521-9856 (MPG 10-31-13) Adoption PreGnAnt? ConsiDerinG ADoPtion? Talk with caring adoption expert. Choose from families Nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6296 Void In Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (NANI) Announcements DiD YoU KnoW that Ten Million adults tweeted in the past month, while 164 million read a newspaper in print or online in the past week? ADVERTISE in 240 California newspapers for one low cost. Your 25 word classified ad will reach over 6 million+ Californians. For brochure call Elizabeth (916)288-6019. (Cal-SCAN) Antiques/Collectibles Wanted old railroad items Wanted: lanterns, locks, china, paper, etc. Call (916) 663-2463 (MPG 12-31-13) ---------------------------------------------old Porcelain signs Wanted: oil & gas, highway, RR, etc. Call (916) 663-2463 (MPG 12-31-13) Automobiles CAr insUrAnCe $19/Month Any Driving Record or Credit Type. Canceled? No Problem. Lowest Rates In Your Area! Instant Coverage. Call NOW for a FREE QUOTE! 1-800-231-3603 (NANI) ---------------------------------------------$28/Month Auto insurance Instant Quote – ANY Credit Type Accepted We Find You the BEST Rates In Your Area. Call 1-800844-8162 now! (NANI) Auto Donations Donate Your Car to Veterans today! Help those in need! Your vehicle donation will help US Troops and support our Veterans! 100% tax deductible Fast Free pickup! 1-800-263-4713 (NANI) ---------------------------------------------DonAte YoUr CAr – Fast Free Towing 24 hr. Response - Tax Deduction. UNITED BREAST CANCERFOUNDATION.Providing Free Mammograms & Breast Cancer Info 888-792-1675 (Cal-SCAN) ---------------------------------------------DonAte YoUr CAr, truck or boat to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 888-902-6851. (Cal-SCAN) Autos Wanted CArs/trUCKs WAnteD! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We’re Local! 7 Days/Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-416-2330 (NANI) ---------------------------------------------Get CAsH toDAY for any car/ truck. i will buy your car today. Any Condition. Call 1-800-864-5796 or (NANI) ---------------------------------------------We BUY CArs! Running or Not. Any Make, Model or Year. Call today for an INSTANT OFFER. Free Towing/Pickup.Top Dollar. We’re Local! 1-800-844-3595 (SWAN) Business services Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising – Mark Twain. ADVERTISE your BUSINESS CARD sized ad in 140 California newspapers for one low cost. Reach over 3 million+ Californians. Free brochure elizabeth@cnpa. com (916)288-6019. (Cal-SCAN) ---------------------------------------------The business that considers itself immune to advertising, finds itself immune to business. reACH CAliForniAns WitH A ClAssiFieD in AlMost eVerY CoUntY! Over 270 newspapers! Combo-California Daily and Weekly Networks. Free Brochures. elizabeth@cnpa. com or (916)288-6019. (Cal-SCAN) Cable/internet services sAVe on Cable tV-internetDigital Phone - satellite. You`ve Got A Choice! Options from ALL major service providers. Call us to learn more! CALL Today. 888-706-4301. (Cal-SCAN) ---------------------------------------------At&t U-Verse for just $29/ mo! BUNDLE & SAVE with AT&T Internet+Phone+TV and get a FREE pre-paid Visa Card! (Select plans). HURRY, CALL NOW! 800-319-3280 (Cal-SCAN) CALL 773-1111 TO ADVERTISE IN YOUR LOCAL HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Cable/satellite tV DirectV - over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Call Now! Triple savings! $636.00 in Savings, Free upgrade to Genie & 2013 NFL Sunday ticket free!! Start saving today! 1-800-291-0350 (Cal-SCAN) ---------------------------------------------reDUCe YoUr CABle Bill! Get an All-Digital Satellite system installed for FREE and programming starting at $24.99/ mo. FREE HD/DVR upgrade for new callers, SO CALL NOW! (877)366-4509 (Cal-SCAN) ---------------------------------------------DisH tV retailer - Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-357-0810 (Cal-SCAN) ---------------------------------------------DisH tV retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-375-0156 (MB 12-31-13) ---------------------------------------------Bundle & save on your CABLE, INTERNET PHONE, AND MORE. High Speed Internet starting at less than $20/mo. CAll noW! (NANI) 800-291-4159 ---------------------------------------------*reDUCe YoUr CABle Bill!* 4-Room All-Digital Satellite system installed FREE!!! Programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade new callers, 1-866-939-8199 (NANI) Career training/ education Airline CAreers begin here – Get FAA approved Aviation Main-tenance Technician training. Job placement and Financial assistance for qualified students. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-242-3382 (Cal-SCAN) ---------------------------------------------Airline CAreers begin here – Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified – Housing available. Job placement assistance. CALL AIM 877-804-5293 (Cal-SCAN) Cleaning services lin’s Cleaning service. Best Quality - Lowest Rates. Call Today for FREE estimate. Senior Discount. 916-489-3322 (MPG 09-30-13) Computer services MY CoMPUter WorKs. Computer problems? Viruses, spyware, email, printer issues, bad internet connections – FIX IT NOW! Professional, U.S.-based technicians. $25 off service. Call for immediate help. 1-888-865-0271 (Cal-SCAN) Credit/Debt services Get Free oF CreDit CArD DeBt noW! Cut payments by up to half. Stop creditors from calling. 855-341-6281 (MB 12-31-13) ---------------------------------------------Get Free oF CreDit CArD DeBt noW! Cut payments by up to half. Stop creditors from calling. 888-416-2691. (Cal-SCAN) Divorce Before you list your home, order Free Special Report that reveals what happens to your matrimonial home before, during, and after a divorce. Free recorded message 1-800-213-4205 ID# 1009 DRE # 00809220 R Dumont (MPG 08-30-12) electrical services retireD MAster eleCtriCiAn, problem solver! 30 yrs experience, senior discounts, Save big – don’t replace panel – rebuild it. Lic.# 513168, 916-595-3052 (MPG 09-30-13) Financial Aid Cut your stUDent loAn payments in HAlF or more even if Late or in Default. Get Relief FAST Much LOWER payments. Call Student Hotline 855-341-7551 (MB 12-31-13) ---------------------------------------------Cut your stUDent loAn payments in HAlF or more even if Late or in Default. Get Relief FAST Much LOWER payments. Call Student Hotline 855-589-8607 (Cal-SCAN) Financial services Do You Want to Know What Your Home is Worth? Home Values Have Increased Over 30% in our Area in the Last Year! Call Now for a FREE Market Analysis of Your Home (916) 992-9922 Dare & Associates Real Estate License #01228753 (MPG 06-30-13) Guaranteed income For Your retirement. Avoid market risk & get guaranteed income in retirement! CALL for FREE copy of our SAFE MONEY GUIDE Plus Annuity Quotes from A-Rated companies! 800-375-8607 (Cal-SCAN) Foster Parenting Personals Nenes Smart Start Small in-home Childcare MF 7AM-6PM. Infant thru 5 Preschool certified Licensed & Insured, looking for a special man. I am healthy and active and have many interests. Quiet time with a special person. Long or short trips, little theatre, dancing, cruising, dining and conversation. The ideal man should share some of these and be in his seventies. 916-967-6289. (MPG 10-31-13) ---------------------------------------------Meet sinGles riGHt noW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-800-945-3392. (916) 723-3342 [email protected] Aspiranet is seeking loving homes for foster children in need. Contact 1-877-380-HERO for info and register for training. (MPG 04-30-13) Handyman insurance/ Automotive sAVe $$$ on AUto insUrAnCe from the major names you know and trust. No forms. No hassle. No obligation. Call READY FOR MY QUOTE now! CALL 1-888-706-8325. (Cal-SCAN) Medical supplies /equipment Medical Alert for seniors - 24/7 monitoring. FREE Equipment. FREE Shipping. Nationwide Service. $29.95/ Month CALL Medical Guardian Today 855-334-1975 (MB 12-31-13) Health & Medical Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-281-3958 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. (MB 12-31-13) ---------------------------------------------Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75% on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-3564170 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. (SWAN) ---------------------------------------------Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 90 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-273-0209, for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. (Cal-SCAN) ---------------------------------------------Canada Drug Center es tu mejor opcion para ordenar medicamentos seguros y economicos. Nuestros servicios de farmacia con licencia Canadiense e Internacional te proveeran con ahorros de hasta el 90 en todas las medicinas que necesites. Llama ahora al 1-800385-2192 y obten $10 de descuento con tu primer orden ademas de envio gratuito. (Cal-SCAN) Heating & Air AC Repair Low Prices 487-4609 (MPG) Help Animals sPCA thrift shop Helpless animals need your donations. The Real Non-Profit. Will pick up. Call 916-442-8118. 1517E Street for donations–10-4pm (MPG) Help Wanted Airline CAreers Get FAA approved Aviation Technician training. Housing and Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Apply now with AIM Dallas 877-205-0503 or Houston 888-216-1687 (SWAN) ---------------------------------------------opportunity of a lifetime: unique UsDA-certified grass-fed noP organic livestock farm, see detail at (NANI) ---------------------------------------------HelP WAnteD!!! - $575/WeeKlY Potential MAILING BROCHURES / ASSEMBLING Products At Home - Online DATA ENTRY Positions Available. MYSTERY SHOPPERS Needed $150/Day. www. (NANI) ---------------------------------------------Caring Compassionate seniors WAnteD! SENIORS HELPING SENIORS®, a leader in the Senior in-home service industry, has immediate PT openings for Providers. Qualified candidate will have life experience, an interest in making a difference in the lives of other seniors and be comfortable working with senior citizens. Flexible schedules…we’ll work around your schedule! Valid driver’s license and use of auto is required.Call us today for more information. (916) 372 9640 (MPG) Help Wanted Drivers Drivers - CDl-A train and Work for Us! Professional, focused CDL training available. Choose Company Driver, Owner Operator, Lease Operator or Lease Trainer. (877) 369-7126 www.CentralTruck (Cal-SCAN) ---------------------------------------------12 Pro DriVers neeDeD! $$$ Up to 50 cpm $$$. Full benefits + quality home time. CDL-A required. Call 877-258-8782. (Cal-SCAN) House for rent Miscellaneous Alone? emergencies Happen! Get Help with One Button Push! $29.95/month. Free Equipment, Free Set-Up. Protection for You or a Loved One. Call LifeWatch USA 1-800-426-9109 (SWAN) ---------------------------------------------rotArY internAtionAl – A worldwide network of inspired individuals who improve communities. Find information or locate your local club at Brought to you by your free community paper and PaperChain. (NANI) ---------------------------------------------Cut your stUDent loAn payments in HAlF or more Even if Late or in Default. Get Relief FAST Much LOWER payments. Call Student Hotline 888-224-9359 (NANI) ---------------------------------------------CAsH For CArs: All Cars/ Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 (NANI) ---------------------------------------------**olD GUitArs WAnteD! ** Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker. Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg, and Gibson Mandolins/ Banjos.1920’s thru 1980’s. TOP CASH PAID! 1-800-401-0440 (NANI) ---------------------------------------------DireCtV, internet, & Phone From $69.99/mo + Free 3 Months: HBO® Starz® SHOWTIME® CINEMAX®+ FREE GENIE 4 Room Upgrade + NFL SUNDAY TICKET! Limited offer. Call Now 888-248-5961 (NANI) ---------------------------------------------Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-877-909-2569 (SWAN) ---------------------------------------------Meet singles now! no paid operators, just people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages, connect live. Free trial. Call 1-877-737-9447 (NANI) ---------------------------------------------Highspeed internet eVerYWHere By Satellite! Speeds up to 12mbps! (200x faster than dial-up.) Starting at $49.95/mo. CALL NOW & GO FAST!1-888-928-7852 (SWAN) ---------------------------------------------DirectV Over 140 channels only $29.99/mo. Call Now! Triple savings! $636 in Savings! Free upgrade to Genie &2013 NFL Sunday ticket free!!Start saving today! 1-800-416-7254 (SWAN) Music lessons Drum lessons at your home or at professional music studio in Loomis. 916-778-9290. Days or evenings. (Cal-SCAN) Pets/Animals Pet sitting Professional loving pet care. Established reputation. Kennel free environment. Lots of TLC. Call Madeline 916-723-1608. (MPG 12-31-13) DOG RESCUE Gary (916) 334-2841 Please Adopt or Foster (916) 899-8529 LEGAL ADS FOR SACRAMENTO COUNTY? We Can Do That! Call sutter Auburn Faith Hospital Guild is seeking dedicated persons to join their volunteer team. Help insure quality healthcare in our community by calling 888-5004 to become a hospital volunteer! Leave message for R. Costa, Inservice Chair. (MPG 09-30-13) ---------------------------------------------Bristol Hospice is looking for volunteers to provide companionship with our hospice patients and families. We provide the training and match you with a family in your area. Please call volunteer services for more information at (916) 782-5511. (MPG 06-30-13) ---------------------------------------------sutter Auburn Faith Hospice thrift store invites volunteers to work as cashiers, sales floor assistants, donation processors or pricers. Training is provided; a four hour weekly commitment is requested. Location: 13342 Lincoln Way, Auburn. Call store coordinator, Kim Chase, 530-887-0561. The Real Non-Profit Helpless Animals Need Your Donations Want to Buy ShelterMOU SPCA THRIFT SHOP Will Pick Up Call 916-442-8118 1517 E Street for donations 10-4pm real estate Hope for Troubled Homeowners We Provide SoluTionS Call Our Short Sale Hotline for a FREE Consultation (916) 331-3311 Sac Short Sale Pros License #01128753 GOT LOCAL NEWS? Call 773-1111 C a r m i c h a e l Ti m e s . c o m (MPG 06-30-13) ---------------------------------------------Volunteers needed: A Community For Peace, formerly the Domestic Violence Intervention Center, offers ongoing opportunity for volunteers. Call 728-5613 or visit our office at:6060 Sunrise Vista Dr, Suite 2340, Citrus Heights, CA 95610. (MPG 06-30-13) Because so many really great dogs are dying for a good home... CAsH WAnteD For DiABetiC test striPs. Factory Sealed/ Unexpired Only. Cash Paid OnThe-Spot!!! We Are Local & Will Meet With You. Call Donna: (916) 729-5154 (MPG 09-30-13) ---------------------------------------------WAnteD JAPAnese MotorCYCle KAWASAKI 1967-1980 Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, ZIR, KZ1000MKII, W1-650, H1-500, H2-750, S1-250, S2-350, S3400 Suzuki GS400, GT380, CB750 (69.70) CASH PAID. 1-800-772-1142, 1-310-721-0726 [email protected] (NANI) ---------------------------------------------CA$H PAiD For DiABetiC striPs!! Don’t throw boxes awayHelp others! Unopened /Unexpired boxes only. All Brands Considered! Call Anytime! 24hrs/7days (888) 491-1168 (Cal-SCAN) HEALTHCARE NEEDS YOU (MPG 06-30-13) room for rent. Male looking for a room in Antelope area. Near 24 hour grocery and drug store. Call 916-723-4430. Ask for John. WHICH IS WHY YOU NEED SUNRISE TECH CENTER (MPG 08-31-13) Mega Yard sale THROUGH BOSTON REED MeGA sAle 101 FAMilies 8 a.m to sunset. Sat. Sept 7th. 5809 Gibbons Drive. (MPG 09-04-13) office Furniture starting a new business? Need Office Furniture? Call 916-849-2282 or 916-812-2302 2 Desks - $60.00 each 2 -Desks w side table $75.00 each 2-Credenza’s $40.00 each 1-Executive Desk with Credenza $100.00 File cabinets $25.00 each Minolta Multi Copier $100.00 Round Meeting Table $50.00 Shredder - $30.00 All in good condition! CAREER TRAINING PROGRAMS START SOON Billing and Coding Specialist Electronic Health Record Specialist ICD-10 Skill Upgrade Pharmacy Technician SIGN UP NOW! CALL 888-919-1970 BOSTONREEDCOLLEGE.COM/SUNRISETECH Visit (MPG 08-31-13 (MPG 06-30-13) ---------------------------------------------Guitar lessons – Beginner to Advanced. $10/half hour. $20/hour. [email protected] 916-335-9741 (MPG 09-30-13) ---------------------------------------------Piano lessons – Beginner, Classical. Adults and Children. 23 years. 916-899-8529 (MPG 03-30-12) ---------------------------------------------Piano lessons for children and adults by experienced, creative teacher. Citrus Heights. For more information, visit, or call (916) 725-1054 (MPG) ---------------------------------------------Music Lessons Piano Beginner and Classical, $60 Volunteers needed schools HiGH sCHool DiPloMA FroM HoMe. 6-8 weeks. ACCREDITED. Get a Diploma. Get a Job! 1-800264-8330 Benjamin Franklin HS. (NANI) travel/ Vacations $399 Cabo san lucas All inclusive special - Stay 6 Days In A Luxury Beachfront Resort With Unlimited Meals And Drinks For $399! www.luxurycabohotel. com 888-481-9660 (Cal-SCAN) NOTICE TO READERS California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor and/or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license numbers on all advertising. Check your contractor’s status at or 800-321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board. DISCLAIMER Be wary of out of area companies. Check with the local Better Business Bureau before you send any money for fees or services. Read and understand any contracts before you sign. Shop around for rates. Messenger Publishing Group has openings for people who know how to work. Editorial Have you ever wanted to write for your local newspaper? We are looking for people who would love to cover events and issues in your home town. Contracted/ payment per each submitted story. If you have strong writing skills you could earn this extra income. Delivery Home delivery and single copy/newsstand routes available in Citrus Heights, Fair Oaks, Rancho Cordova, Carmichael, Arden-Arcade. No collecting. Delivery is weekly on Tuesday and Wednesday. Deliver close to home. Must have good running vehicle, current DMV, auto insurance, CA driver’s license. Web Advertising Sales We are seeking an outside sales agent to focus on sales for our many websites. If you have a strong sales background and are “net savvy”–you can work from your home office and make a good steady income helping small businesses succeed. Event Ambassadors We are seeking people to represent our company as ambassadors at fairs, days-in-the-park, local events, etc. Will require set-up, take-down and handing out our products. Must have excellent communication skills. Schedule is flexible, depending on event dates. Payment is on a per event basis. Professional attire required at some events. Advertising Sales If you can sell advertising, we have a great plan, great products and very competitive compensation. As an independent sales agent you create your own schedule and work from your own home office to manage your own success. Create a solid group of clients and build the work you will love. Serious and dedicated sales agents could earn $75,000 year. To apply for any of these positions, contact: Paul V. Scholl, Publisher Email: [email protected] Mail: 7405 Greenback Lane #129, Citrus Heights, CA 95610 916-773-1111 suduko Puzzle on Page 6 750 Diamond Glen Circle, Folsom, CA. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Fireplace, Large Kitchen and Master Bedroom, Large Living RoomDining Room Combination. $1800, a month, 1 yr. lease (Rent includes HOA dues and utilities. Renter pays gas and electric) No smoking inside house, pets ok with deposit Phone: 916-363-9557 (MPG 09-30-13) Go Painlessly® with THERA-GESIC. THG-13902 inhome Childcare Page 7 Maximum strength analgesic creme for temporary relief from: • Joint and Muscle soreness • Arthritis • Back aches GOT LOCAL NEWS? Call 773-1111 Messenger Publishing Group Crossword Puzzle on Page 6 Page 8 The Independent Legal Advertising Hotline 916-483-2299 Legal Advertising Fax 916-773-2999 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENTS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06371. Michael Horrell, 1060 41st St., Sacramento, CA 95819 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Apollo Real Estate Group” at 1060 41st St., Sacramento, CA 95819. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 8, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. APOLLO 130902 9-11-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06381.DanielA.Maczko,9051Bramble Trail Way, Sacramento, 95826 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Bamco” at 9051 Bramble Trail Way, Sacramento, 95826. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 8, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. BAMCO 130902 9-11-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06419. Tamika December Edwards, 2031 Wright St., Apt. 10, Sacramento, CA 95825 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Miko Ward Dance Studio” at 2730 Arden Way, No. 13, Sacramento, CA 95825. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 9, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. MIKOWA 130902 9-11-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06382. Kimberly Haines, 7867 La Rivera Dr., Apt. 152, Sacramento, CA 95826 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Pampered Pet Salon and Boutique” at 6610 FolsomAuburn Rd., Ste. 10, Folsom, CA 95630. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 8, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. PAMPER 130902 9-11-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06173. Anthony Raymond Vasseli, 4108 California Ave., Carmichael, CA 95608 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Ray Vas” at 4108 California Ave., Carmichael, CA 95608. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 1, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. RAYVAS 130902 9-11-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06372. Red Door Realty Inc., 1060 41st St., Sacramento, CA 95819 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Red Door Servicing Company” at 1060 41st St., Sacramento, CA 95819. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 8, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. REDDOOR 130902 9-11-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-02905. Nina Burnside, 8345 Yermo Way, Sacramento, CA 95828 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Soul Legacy Entertainment” at 4350 Pell Dr., Ste. 47, Sacramento, CA 95814. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on April 8, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. SOULLE 130902 9-11-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06163. Jessica Singer, 6830 Walerga Rd., No. 87, Sacramento, CA 95842 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Swept A-Way Housekeeping” at 6830 Walerga Rd., No. 87, Sacramento, CA 95842. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 1, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. SWEPTA 130902 9-11-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-05352. Randall R. Huleva and Tamra L. Huleva, 6225 Oak Valley Ln., Citrus Heights, CA 95621 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Your Virtual Small Office” at 6225 Oak Valley Ln., Citrus Heights, CA 95621. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on July 1, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. YOURVI 130902 9-11-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06469. Jesus Barragan Nunez, 5525 Cedar Creek Way, Citrus Heights, CA 95610 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Chuy-S Landscaping Service” at 5525 Cedar Creek Way, Citrus Heights, CA 95610. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 13, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. CHUY-S 130902 9-11-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06273. Krystina Kalapothakos, 4933 Kenneth Ave., Fair Oaks, CA 95628 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Kouzounas Kitchen” at 4933 Kenneth Ave., Fair Oaks, CA 95628. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 6, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. KOUZOU 130902 9-11-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06529. Ronald K. Coe, 2013 Benita Dr., No. 2, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Aaron M. Powers” at 2013 Benita Dr., No. 2, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 14, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. AARONM 130902 9-11-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06457. Marlene Belasco, 446 Mariner Point Way, Sacramento, CA 95831 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “MBR Enterprises and MBR Consulting” at 446 Mariner Point Way, Sacramento, CA 95831. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 13, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. MBRENT 130902 9-11-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06222. Amandeep Johal, 8240 Grisham Way, Elk Grove, CA 95758 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Smoke Shop” at 1441 Meadowview Rd., Ste. 106, Sacramento, CA 95832. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 5, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. SMOKES 130902 9-11-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06271. Cindy Tran, 8656 West Wing Dr., Elk Grove, CA 95758 and Xuan Tran Reid, 4070 Archean Way, Sacramento, CA 95823 are doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Top Nails” at 6668 Valley Hi Dr., Sacramento, CA 95823. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 6, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. TOPNAIL 130902 9-11-13 September 13, 2013 LEGAL ADVERTISING Carmichael Times Adjudicated For and By the County of Sacramento, Adjudication No. 317294–February 7, 1984 Rancho Cordova Independent Adjudicated For and By the County of Sacramento, Adjudication No. 195380–September 18, 1969 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06172. Bryant Otter, 6970 Pampas Way, Fair Oaks, CA 95628 doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “A Autos Driving School” at 6970 Pampas Way, Fair Oaks, CA 95628. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 1, 2013. Publish: August 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013. AAUTOD 130903 9-18-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06641. Alda Mae Gray, 6910 Rawley Way, Elk Grove, CA 95757 doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “All Ago Travel” at 6910 Rawley Way, Elk Grove, CA 95757. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 19, 2013. Publish: August 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013. ALLAGO 130903 9-18-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06722. Keisha Nicole Green, 3 Sego Ct., Sacramento, CA 95835 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Basking in Baskets” at 3 Sego Ct., Sacramento, CA 95835. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 21, 2013. Publish: August 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013. BASKING 130903 9-18-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06186. Nooriya F. Mamoor, 4903 Alterra Way, Sacramento, CA 95835 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Christian Montessori School” at 1827 Markston Rd., Sacramento, CA 95825. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 2, 2013. Publish: August 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013. CHRIS 130903 9-18-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06024. Abraham Mthandazo Nyoka, 9435 Soaring Oaks Dr., Elk Grove, CA 95758 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “ComServe” at 9435 Soaring Oaks Dr., Elk Grove, CA 95758. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on July 29, 2013. Publish: August, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013 COMSER 130903 9-1813 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06265. David Welborn, 7561 Kilarney Lane, No. 258, Citrus Heights, CA 95610 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Driven Venture” at 7561 Kilarney Lane, No. 258, Citrus Heights, CA 95610. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 6, 2013. Publish: August 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013. DRIVEN 1300903 9-18-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06656. David Schmidt and Deborah Schmidt, 5147 Ridgegate Way, Fair Oaks, CA 95628 are doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Focused Business Solutions” at 5147 Ridgegate Way, Fair Oaks, CA 95628. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 19, 2013. Publish: August 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013. FOCUS 130903 9-18-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06537. Robert Vick, 1797 San Leandro Ct., Las Cruces, NM 88005 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Hazel Mini Stor” at 6108 Hazel Avenue, Orangevale, CA 95662. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 15, 2013. Publish: August 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013. HAZELM 130903 9-18-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06317. Karuna Xela Diggins, 3301 O’Farrell Dr., Sacramento, CA 95815 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “KDesigns” at 3301 O’Farrell Dr., Sacramento, CA 95815. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 7, 2013. Publish: August 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013. KDESIGN 130903 9-18-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06246. Rachel Pool, 1523 Hood Rd., No. A, Sacramento, CA 95825 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Mrs. Dance Floors” at 1523 Hood Rd., No. A, Sacramento, CA 95825. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 5, 2013. Publish: August 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013. MRSDAN 130903 9-18-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06626. Duc V. Nguyen, 1060 Thornhill Ln., Lincoln, CA 95648 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Phoenix Nails” at 3535 Elverta Rd., Ste. D, Antelope, CA 95843. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 19, 2013. Publish: August 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013. PHOENIX 130903 9-18-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06100. Romanian Group Holdings LLC, 5848 Gibbons Dr., Carmichael, CA 95608 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Romanian Investment Group 1” at 5848 Gibbons Dr., Carmichael, CA 95608. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on July 31, 2013. Publish: August 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013. ROMANI 130903 9-18-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06025. Steven Pagano, 241 N. 10th St., No. 6, Sacramento, CA 95811 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “StevenPagano.Com” at 241 N. 10th St., No. 6, Sacramento, CA 95811. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on July 29, 2013. Publish: August 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013. PAGANO 130903 9-18-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-05965. Yong Huo Li and Neng Li, 7012 Hogan Dr., Sacramento, CA 95822 are doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Yong Hou Li and Neng Li, Gen Ptr” at 7465 Rush River Dr., Sacramento, CA 95831. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on July 24, 2013. Publish: August 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013. YONGHUO 130903 9-18-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06675. Pavlo Radetskyy, 6222 Rio Linda Blvd., Rio Linda, CA 95673 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “AP Lawn Service & Landscaping” at 6222 Rio Linda Blvd., Rio Linda, CA 95673. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 20, 2013. Publish: Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2013. APLAWN 130904 9-25-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06863. Jason M. Cotter and Justin H. Davis, 7473 Holworthy Way, No. 332 Sacramento, CA 95842 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Arlington Brothers” at 7473 Holworthy Way, No. 332 Sacramento, CA 95842. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 27, 2013. Publish: Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2013. ARLING 130904 9-25-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06846. Angela D. Harris, 9029 El Cajon Way, No. 1, Sacramento, CA 95826 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Change Aim” at 9029 El Cajon Way, No. 1, Sacramento, CA 95826. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 26, 2013. Publish: Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2013. NORCAL 130904 9-25-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06174. Van Thi Thu Nguyen, 7320 14th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95820, is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Don’s Upholstery” at 7320 14th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95820. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 1, 2013. Publish: Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2013. DONSUPH 130904 9-25-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06411. Sherry Ramos, 8168 Kaula Dr., Fair Oaks, CA 95628 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Lucky Wear” at 8168 Kaula Dr., Fair Oaks, CA 95628. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 9, 2013. Publish: Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2013. LUCKYW 130904 9-25-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06855. David Brink, 102 Ruth Ct., Folsom, CA 95630 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “NorCal Millwork” at 102 Ruth Ct., Folsom, CA 95630. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 26, 2013. Publish: Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2013. NORCAL 130904 9-25-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06807. Altahan International Enterprise, Inc., 5711 Florin Perkins Rd., Unit D, Sacramento, CA 95828 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Payless Wireless” at 9655 Elk Grove-Florin Rd., Ste. 4, Elk Grove, CA 95624. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 23, 2013. Publish: Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2013. PAYLESS 130904 9-25-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06386. All American Championship Sports LLC, 1980 Tarbolton Cir., Folsom, CA 95630 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Super Series West” at 1980 Tarbolton Cir., Folsom, CA 95630. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 9, 2013. Publish: Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2013. SUPERS 130904 9-25-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06557. Alan Thrall, 3216 61st., St., Sacramento, CA 95820 is doing business under the FictitiousBusinessName“UntamedStrength”at5859 Rosebud Ln., Sacramento, CA 95841. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 15, 2013. Publish: Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2013. UNTAMED 130904 9-25-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06490. Jonathan Robbins, 4800 Trona Way, Fair Oaks, CA 95628 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Greenhouse Guy Supply” at 7621 Fair Oaks Blvd., Carmichael, CA 956008. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 14, 2013. Publish: Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 2013. GREENH 131001 10-2-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06508. Mark Perlberger, 5716 Callister Ave., Sacramento, CA 95819 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Halbear Enterprises” at 5716 Callister Ave., Sacramento, CA 95819. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 14, 2013. Publish: Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 2013. HALBEAR 131001 10-2-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06957. Gurrattan S. Aujla, 7795 Dersingham Dr., Sacramento, CA 95829 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Lovely Ice Cream” at 7795 Dersingham Dr., Sacramento, CA 95829. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 30, 2013. Publish: Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 2013. LOVELY 131001 10-2-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06937. Karen K. Snoke, 393 Florin Rd., No. 64, Sacramento, CA 95831 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Married To Massage” at 902 21st St., Sacramento, CA 95816. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 29, 2013. Publish: Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 2013. MARRIED 131001 10-2-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-07075. Stephanie Matthews, 10758 Westerly Dr., Mather, CA 95655 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Stephie’s Daycare” at 10758 Westerly Dr., Mather, CA 95655. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on September 6, 2013. Publish: Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 2013. STEPHIE 131001 10-2-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06869. Joshua Kretchman, 2401 U St., Sacramento, CA 95818 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “Treepoint Real Estate” at 2401 U St., Sacramento, CA 95818. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 27, 2013. Publish: Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 2013. TREEPT 131001 10-2-13 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #FBNF2013-06739. Bonny G. Scheier, 3625 Keswick Way, Sacramento, CA 95826 is doing business under the Fictitious Business Name “VF Custom Promos” at 3625 Keswick Way, Sacramento, CA 95826. Filed with the Clerk of Sacramento County on August 22, 2013. Publish: Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 2013. VFCUST 131001 10-2-13 NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION for the LOS RIOS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT, Sacramento County, California The Los Rios Community College District announces the availability of a Mitigated Negative Declaration considering development of the new Folsom Lake College: Rancho Cordova Center situated on the west and east side of Paseo Drive, just north of Folsom Boulevard and approximately one half (0.5) mile north of Highway 50 in Rancho Cordova, California. The Los Rios Community College District is proposing to construct a new Folsom Lake College: Rancho Cordova Center consisting of three (3) new classroom buildings totaling approximately 78,356 square feet in size. The proposed development will cover approximately 5.66 acres. The proposed community college is located in Rancho Cordova, California on the west and east side of Paseo Drive, just north of Folsom Boulevard and approximately one half (0.5) mile north of Highway 50. The proposed campus will be located on Sacramento County Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) 076-0213-003 thru -005, 076-0213-011 & -012, 076-0212-008, 076-0212-011 thru -015, & -0117. The site is located within Section 34 of Township 9 North, Range 6 East of the Carmichael Quadrangle, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. The Los Rios Community College District has reviewed the proposed project and determined that there are no significant environmental impacts associated with this project. The proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared pursuant to Title 14, Chapter 3, Section 15070 of the California Code of Regulations. The comment period opens on August 20, 2013 and closes on September 20, 2013. All comments must be received by 5:00 PM on September 20, 2013. Please send your comments to the following: Daniel E. Kramer, Project Geologist Neil O. Anderson and Associates 902 Industrial Way Lodi, California 95240 Phone: (209) 367-3701 Email: [email protected] Comments may be submitted by the same deadline by facsimile to: (209) 333-8303. Please provide your name and an address or telephone number where you may be contacted. Comments may also be provided at the public hearing on the project, scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on September 19, 2013 at the Los Rios Community College District office located at 3753 Bradview Drive in Sacramento, CA 95827. The proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and related documents will be available for review at the following location: Los Rios Community College District 3753 Bradview Drive Sacramento, California 95827 Messenger Publishing Group ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE #FBNF2011-01670. The following person(s) have abandoned the use of the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME of Q & V Nails, 6668 Valley Hi Dr., Sacramento, CA 95823. Cindy Tran, 8656 West Wing Dr., Elk Grove, CA 95758 and Xuan Tran Reid, 4070 Archean Way, Sacramento, CA 95823. The Fictitious Business Name Statement was filed on February 22, 2011 in the County of Sacramento. Abandonment filed with the Clerk of Sacramento on August 6, 2013. Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. Q&NNAILS 130902 9-11-13 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE #FBNF2010-05198. The following person has abandoned the use of the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME of VF Custom Promos, 3625 Keswick Way, Sacramento, CA 95826. Victor J. Fleck, 3625 Keswick Way, Sacramento, CA 95826. The Fictitious Business Name Statement was filed on June 7, 2010, in the County of Sacramento. Abandonment filed with the Clerk of Sacramento on August 22, 2013. Publish: Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 2013. VFCUST 131001 10-2-13 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CHANGE OF NAME #34-2013-00148248 WHEREAS, Katrinka B. Sale has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing the name of Katrinka Belle Sale to Katrinka Belle Feld. IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in the above entitled matter appear before this court at 9:00 a.m. on September 25, 2013, in Department 54, located at 800 Ninth Street, Third Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814, and show cause, if any, why the petition for Change of Name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order to Show Cause be published in the Carmichael Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in Sacramento County, California, once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. Dated: August 7, 2013 Raymond M. Cadei Judge of the Superior Court Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. KAFELD 130902 9-11-13 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CHANGE OF NAME #34-2013-00148764 WHEREAS, De Andre Rashad Brown has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing the name ofDeAndreRashadBrowntoDeAndreJulesRashad. IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in the above entitled matter appear before this court at 9:00 a.m. on October 3, 2013, in Department 54, located at 800 Ninth Street, Third Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814, and show cause, if any, why the petition for Change of Name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order to Show Cause be published in the Carmichael Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in Sacramento County, California, once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. Dated: August 14, 2013 Raymond M. Cadei Judge of the Superior Court Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. DEANDRE 130902 9-11-13 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CHANGE OF NAME #34-2013-00147280 WHEREAS, Jamie Hicks has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing the name of Lillian Elaine Bryant to Lillian Elaine Hicks. IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in the above entitled matter appear before this court at 9:00 a.m. on September 13, 2013, in Department 54, located at 800 Ninth Street, Third Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814, and show cause, if any, why the petition for Change of Name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order to Show Cause be published in the Carmichael Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in Sacramento County, California, once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. Dated: July 24, 2013 Raymond M. Cadei Judge of the Superior Court Publish: August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2013. JHICKS 130902 9-11-13 CALL CALL 773-1111 773-1111 TO TO ADVERTISE ADVERTISE IN IN YOUR YOUR LOCAL LOCAL HOMETOWN HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CHANGE OF NAME #34-2013-00149194 WHEREAS, Betsy Carol Milberg has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing the name of Betsy Carol Milberg to Betsy Carol Tellock. IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in the above entitled matter appear before this court at 9:00 a.m. on October 15, 2013, in Department 54, located at 800 Ninth Street, Third Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814, and show cause, if any, why the petition for Change of Name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order to Show Cause be published in the Carmichael Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in Sacramento County, California, once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. Dated: August 21, 2013 Raymond M. Cadei Judge of the Superior Court Publish: August 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18, 2013. MILBERG 130903 9-18-13 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CHANGE OF NAME #34-2013-00146920 WHEREAS, Andre’la Hudson has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing the name of Andre’la Hudson to Regime Nicoli Mari Isaac. IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in the above entitled matter appear before this court at 9:00 a.m. on September 30, 2013, in Department 54, located at 800 Ninth Street, Third Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814, and show cause, if any, why the petition for Change of Name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order to Show Cause be published in the Carmichael Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in Sacramento County, California, once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. Dated: August 13, 2013 Raymond M. Cadei Judge of the Superior Court Publish: Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2013. HUDSON 130904 9-25-13 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CHANGE OF NAME #34-2013-00149738 WHEREAS, Angela Jo Hacker has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing the name of Cassidy Autumn Hacker to Cassidy Autumn Medina. IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in the above entitled matter appear before this court at 9:00 a.m. on October 16, 2013, in Department 54, located at 800 Ninth Street, Third Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814, and show cause, if any, why the petition for Change of Name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order to Show Cause be published in the Carmichael Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in Sacramento County, California, once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. Dated: August 28, 2013 Raymond M. Cadei Judge of the Superior Court Publish: Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2013. HACKER 130904 9-25-13 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CHANGE OF NAME #34-2013-00149770 WHEREAS, Brianna Marie Purser has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing the name of Brianna Marie Purser to Brianna Marie Maddy. IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in the above entitled matter appear before this court at 9:00 a.m. on October 17, 2013, in Department 54, located at 800 Ninth Street, Third Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814, and show cause, if any, why the petition for Change of Name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order to Show Cause be published in the Carmichael Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in Sacramento County, California, once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. Dated: August 28, 2013 Raymond M. Cadei Judge of the Superior Court Publish: Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2013. PURSER 130904 9-25-13 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CHANGE OF NAME #34-2013-00149144 WHEREAS, Arleen Joy Bautista Reyes has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing the name of Arleen Joy Bautista Reyes to Arleen Joy Reyes Estaris. IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in the above entitled matter appear before this court at 2:00 p.m. on October 9, 2013, in Department 53, located at 800 Ninth Street, Third Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814, and show cause, if any, why the petition for Change of Name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order to Show Cause be published in the Carmichael Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in Sacramento County, California, once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. Dated: August 21, 2013 David I. Brown Judge of the Superior Court Publish: Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 2013. ESTARIS 131001 10-2-13 Legal Advertising P.O. Box 14 Carmichael, CA 95609 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CHANGE OF NAME #34-2013-00150187 WHEREAS, Carlotta Sembrano Soyangco has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing the name of Carlotta Sembrano Soyangco to Ty Sembrano Soyangco. IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in the above entitled matter appear before this court at 2:00 p.m. on October 23, 2013, in Department 53, located at 800 Ninth Street, Third Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814, and show cause, if any, why the petition for Change of Name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order to Show Cause be published in the Carmichael Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in Sacramento County, California, once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. Dated: September 4, 2013 David I. Brown Judge of the Superior Court Publish: Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 2013. TYSEMB 131001 10-2-13 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CHANGE OF NAME #34-2013-00150197 WHEREAS, Timothy James ONeill and Ivy Goessens Long have filed a petition with this court for a decree changing the name of Tristan Chance R. Long to Cameron James R. ONeill. IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in the above entitled matter appear before this court at 2:00 p.m. on October 24, 2013, in Department 53, located at 800 Ninth Street, Third Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814, and show cause, if any, why the petition for Change of Name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order to Show Cause be published in the Carmichael Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in Sacramento County, California, once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. Dated: September 4, 2013 David I. Brown Judge of the Superior Court Publish: Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 2013. ONEILL 131001 10-2-13 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CHANGE OF NAME #34-2013-00149301 WHEREAS, Jason John Vetter has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing the name of Jason John Vetter to Jason John Repucci. IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in the above entitled matter appear before this court at 2:00 p.m. on October 16, 2013, in Department 53, located at 800 Ninth Street, Third Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814, and show cause, if any, why the petition for Change of Name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order to Show Cause be published in the Carmichael Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in Sacramento County, California, once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. Dated: August 2, 2013 David I. Brown Judge of the Superior Court Publish: Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 2013. VETTER 131001 10-2-13 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CHANGE OF NAME #34-2013-00149775 WHEREAS, Yu Yang has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing the names of Yu Yang to Cindy Ngo and Joseph Ngo Tran to Joseph Ngo. IT IS ORDERED that all persons interested in the above entitled matter appear before this court at 9:00 a.m. on October 18, 2013, in Department 54, located at 800 Ninth Street, Third Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814, and show cause, if any, why the petition for Change of Name should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order to Show Cause be published in the Carmichael Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in Sacramento County, California, once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. Dated: August 28, 2013 David I. Brown Judge of the Superior Court Publish: Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 2013. YUYANG 131001 10-2-13 LEGAL ADS FOR SACRAMENTO COUNTY? We Can Do That! Call Office Space fOr LeaSe Great Locations Available Call to Schedule a Tour 3400 7144 FAIR OAKS COTTAGE WAY VACANCIES VACANCIES 1. Suite A-1 is 182 SF. 2. Suite A-2 is 109.25 SF. 3. Suite A-3 is 109.25 SF. 4. Suite A-4 is 109.25 SF. 5. Suite #1 is 696 SF. (Just off Watt Avenue) Sacramento 1. Suite K is 1717 SF. 2. Penthouse is 779 SF. 3. Suite F is 2342 SF. (Coming Available) contact Ben Tiner 6833 Fair Oaks Blvd. • Carmichael, CA 95608 916-974-6011 We Do Legal Ads for Sacramento County! The Independent September 13, 2013 POPPOFF! “Step on a Crack ...” By Rancho Cordova Resident Bob McGarvey Rancho Cordova, Ca (MPG) – Until around the time of the industrial revolution, sidewalks didn’t actually exist in most cities. But, at least we know which came first: the sidewalk before the crack. When did not stepping on the crack become so important? I don’t know, but you were probably very young when you first learned about its importance. That quickly turned some walks down a street into a game to see if you could reach your destination without “breaking your mother’s back.” There were others, of course, who would walk on as many cracks as possible to defy fate. I did a little research (very little), but haven’t found the origin of the superstition and probably never will. The only thing I am sure of is that stepping on a crack didn’t have anything to do with the decision of your City Council to table the item about who will pay to fix City sidewalks. It was quite interesting how many news media attended our City Council meeting last week when we talked about property owners paying for sidewalk repair in front of their homes. As I said in last week’s column, there are some cities that have already applied such ordinances, and the California Streets and Highways Code sections 5610 and 5611 actually went into effect in 1941. Bu,t after studying the information we received, listening to the people at the meeting, receiving phone calls and emails, and discussing the various options, we decided to table the item with no set time for the future. Thank you for letting us know that you are paying attention . . . as usual. Speaking about things cracking, during the last three days of legislation in 2013, any and all legislation is being jammed together by the authors, sponsors, and co-sponsors of the bills that may have a chance of getting to the Governor’s desk this year. So, by the time you read this column, we may have an idea of what may become law next year. Of the many things that we won’t know, we won’t know which bills the Governor may veto or sign. There may be a bill which could give the four new cities in Riverside County a future. It will allow them to continue as cities by giving them back the amount of revenue they need to be financially viable. The City of Sacramento was the first city to officially incorporate in California in 1850. Subsequently, up until 1993, 470 communities incorporated as cities or towns. Simple math shows that there were 3.3 new cities every year in California. Since January 1993, there have only been 12 new cities in the whole state because of the revenue neutrality tax that went into effect in 1993. Rancho Cordova was the newest city in California in five years because of the legislation that was added to another bill as a rider during the last hour of the last day of legislation in 1992. What cracked after 1993 were the many voices of the people who also wanted their communities to become cities. The legislation that the State has been able to push through over the years continues to negatively affect local control of cities. To mention just a few of the takeaways: after the revenue neutrality tax stopped most incorporations, the State has removed redevelopment, took vehicle license fee revenue from the few cities that were able to incorporate, and SB 7 was passed through the State Senate and Assembly which will undermine the constitutional authority of the State’s charter cities. While Rancho Cordova is a general law city and SB 7 “only” affects charter cities today, the State’s continued “cracking” the rights of the people will only open the door of State control even more. We all need to keep our eyes open as to what the State plans to do next to negatively affect local control. From Councilman Bob McGarvey, God bless, and see you next time. Page 9 with Mary Jane Popp Cynical, argumentative, frugal, cautious. CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH: Ambitious, competitive, visionary. THE NOSE KNOWS Can a mere sniff make a diff… a difference that is? What would you say if I told you that without your sniffer, there would be virtually no taste? Sounds freaky doesn’t it, but it’s absolutely true! And now, you can take it a step forward with what you crave, and how it predicts who you are. Dr. Alan Hirsch, neurologist/psychiatrist and neurological Founder of the Smell and Taste Research and Treatment Foundation in Chicago, shares information that can really tell us about us in “What Flavor is Your Personality” and “What is Your Food Sign.” I don’t know about you, but I am a real ice cream buff, so I thought it would be fun for Dr. Hirsch to give us some stats on the flavors. These are the flavors with which they have done research. So pick out your favorite flavor, and discover your personality traits !!! VANILLA: Impulsive, easily suggestible, idealist. CHOCOLATE: Self-absorbed, dramatic, lively, charming, flirtatious, seductive, gullible. VERY BERRY STRAWBERRY: Dependent, nonthreatening, follower more than leader. MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP: PRALINES ‘N CREAM: Loving, supportive, avoids the spotlight. J A M O C A ( i . e . c o ff e e ) : Scrupulous, conscientious, moral perfectionists. CHOCOLATE CHIP: Generous, competent, a go getter. RAINBOW SHERBET: Analytic, decisive, skeptical. ROCKY ROAD: Engaging, good listener, aggressive. I’ve got to tell you when he asked me what flavor I liked best, it was difficult since I love every ice cream flavor conceived. I did succumb to the Rocky road or the straight chocolate, but I think the Rocky road fits me best. But then I love vanilla as long as I can slather on the chocolate syrup and whip cream!!! So, on to the world of snacks. We all love ‘em. Here are the ones he asked me to ponder. POTATO CHIPS: Those who love potato chips are ambitious, successful, high achievers. TORTILLA CHIPS: A perfectionist, always with the highest expectations of themselves. PRETZELS: Lively and energetic. Those who prefer pretzels crave novelty and easily become bored by the usual routine. SNACK CRACKERS: Contemplative, thoughtful, logic rather than intuitively oriented. Decisions are reasoned and not based on emotions. C HEESE CURLS: Formal, always proper, conscientious, principled. The cheese curls lover maintains high moral ground with their family, work, and romantic partners. MEAT SNACKS: Gregarious, social. The meat snack lover is at their best amidst the company of others. Alright, you got me! Let me at those potato chips! I am not pushing one brand over another, but I do love Lay’s Potato Chips, and it’s true, I can’t have just one. It’s more like a whole bag goes down at a sitting! Yes, the big one! Hey, I have to have some bad habits too. Anyway, Dr. Alan Hirsch has a lot more to say about our taste preferences in his two books “What Flavor is Your Personality” and “What is Your Food Sign.” If you would like to know more about why we prefer what we do, check out or www.scienceofsmell. com. Maybe next time when I have Dr. Hirsch on my POPPOFF Radio Show, I will ask him why hot cinnamon rolls trigger a sexual response. Got your attention now, don’t I? Till next time, happy snacking!!! WANT TO BE OUR SPORTS WRITER? CALL 773-1111 Independent Grapevine Do you own or run a small business, non-profit or Church? The World has gone mobile. Your customers and prospects are within 9 feet of their mobile devices at all times. Meet them where they are. Let the leader in small to MidSize Business Mobile App development build your App without breaking the bank. BURIED in student loans? 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Box 1108, Sacramento, CA 95812 50+ Years of Service Tune in our Radio Program: KFIA 710 AM, Sun & Mon 3 PM listen online & visit us at: Cut your payments up to 50% today. Call 855-341-7551. � STOP the harassing calls, and wage garnishments. � END the stress of being late on payments! WE CAN FIX YOUR • Cut your payments by as much as 50% STUDENT LOAN • Get out of default PROBLEMS OR YOU DON’T PAY — GUARANTEED. • Stop wage garnishments • End the stress • Get relief FAST Toll Free Student Aid Assistance Line 855-341-7551 Page 10 The Independent September 13, 2013 Riley Reviews shows may be two of the best new series on the schedule. Part of the FOX strategy is to create a strong comedy block on Tuesday nights, leading off with the half-hour new series “Dads” and “Brooklyn NineNine” during the eight o’clock hour and ending with returning comedies “New Girl” and “The Mindy Project.” Unlike the practice of the other major networks to launch new series during the traditional Nielsen week starting September 23rd, FOX begins a week earlier, so look for the new Tuesday night comedy block to premiere on September 17th. The spirit of “Barney Miller” lives within the new comedy “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” set in the police workplace where a diverse group of colleagues get a new captain, Andre Braugher’s Ray Holt, with a lot to prove in a far-flung district in the New York borough of Brooklyn. Evident from the pilot episode, the key to the mayhem in the Brooklyn precinct is Andy Samberg’s Detective Jake COMEDY LOOMS LARGE FOR FOX NETWORK SERIES IN FALL TV SEASON A Special Article by Tim Riley “Dying is easy. Comedy is hard.” This maxim has been around for some time, and it bears a lot of truth about the difficulty of launching successful comedy series on network television. Peter O’Toole’s washed-up actor Alan Swann uttered these words in the 1982 film “My Favorite Year.” The famous quote has been attributed to many, from Edmund Kean to Groucho Marx and Joseph Stalin, though the murderous Russian tyrant is an unlikely source of humor. New comedy series are a big part of the landscape for the FOX network this fall, and yet when speaking to TV critics during the recent press tour, Kevin Reilly, president of Fox Entertainment, had not much to say, other than to answer critical questions about “Dads.” In fairness, Reilly did lump the comedy “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” with the mystery-adventure drama “Sleepy Hollow,” noting how “surefooted these two shows are right now, right out of the gate.” Well, this was a rare occasion when a TV network executive was not engaging in hyperbole or deception. The aforementioned A-10 IB: Tough program tops is tops in class From the front knowing and works to connect students’ learning across subjects. Students must also complete 150 hours of Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) over their two years in the program. CAS helps students learn through experience. Examples of CAS projects include coaching sports, teach- ing other students to play an instrument, and performing community service. The third requirement of the DP Core is the Extended Essay. Students must complete a college level research paper on a topic of their choice. Students are paired with a mentor teacher throughout this process. Students who wish to explore some of the DP courses, but do not have the time or desire to complete the entire diploma, will have the option to do so and will still be able to earn college credits if they score well on their end of course exams. The Middle Years and Diploma Programs will offer Mitchell Middle and Cordova High students a unique, rigorous, and world renowned educational opportunity. The dual focus on educating the mind and engaging students in the global community will not only help students succeed in college, but also in the 21st century global workplace. Foster Care Peralta, a gifted investigator with actors Martin Mull and Peter the best arrest record among his Riegert, playing their dads, may colleagues, but also a carefree not save this show from early goofball studiously oblivious to demise. Another comedy, not scheduled the usual norms. A stickler for rules and until later in the fall season, regulations, Captain Holt’s arrival is “Enlisted,” an irreverent as the commanding officer at the military-themed comedy (shades Nine-Nine precinct puts a crimp of “M.A.S.H.”) about three in Detective Peralta’s jocular brothers on a small Army base in style, attempting to force him to Florida and the group of misfits now follow standard decorum who surround them. Geoff Stults is the natural born and even wear a tie to work. Samberg is hilarious in his leader, Sergeant Pete Hill, who efforts to not-so-subtly undermine was on a path for a huge military authority while continuing to be career until one mistake overseas an outstanding police officer, and got him booted stateside, where his eagerness to nab crooks is his two younger brothers are fueled by a dogged competition stationed. With its goofy, sarcastic with his comely colleague, Detective Amy Santiago (Melissa sensibilities, “Enlisted” looks like a potential winner. It may Fumero). The ensemble comedy features even shape up to have some of interesting characters, such as Joe the Army humor reminiscent of Lo Truglio’s Detective Charles “Sgt. Bilko,” the great vintage Boyle, a brilliant but bumbling TV series starring Phil Silvers, workhorse who pines for the not the middling Steve Martin abrasive, opinionated Detective movie of the same title. The FOX team gave us a Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz), with whom he stands no chance military cap emblazoned with the title of the show, but this at all. Chelsea Peretti is the eccentric small gift has not affected my and self-absorbed civilian officer judgment on “Enlisted.” I just manager Gina Linetti, and the tell you this as a matter of full always wonderful Terry Crews disclosure. Now that we have run down is Sergeant Jeffords, a linebacker of a man who lost his nerve after the list of new comedies, let’s his wife had baby twin girls focus on a show of a different nature, one that Kevin Reilly named Cagney and Lacey. I predict “Brooklyn Nine- rightly described as a winner Nine” isGrapevine FOX’s newIndependent comedy hit, • August “right out of the gate.” 9, 2013 That show, to premiere on but Kevin Reilly spent precious time at the press conference Monday, September 16, before defending some offensive aspects being moved to a Friday night of “Dads,” another comedy from slot, is “Sleepy Hollow,” a modern-day version of the creators of “Family Guy.” Seth Green and Giovanni Washington Irving’s classic Ribisi are two successful guys novel in which Ichabod Crane in their mid-30s whose lives get is resurrected and plunged 250 turned upside down when their years into the future. In the FOX version of “Sleepy inappropriate and pain-in-theneck patriarchs move in. Gifted Hollow,” Tom Mison’s Ichabod Crane is a Revolutionary War hero who is brought back to life in the contemporary world of the Hudson Valley, where things are different than envisioned by the Founding Fathers. Revived alongside Ichabod Crane is the infamous Headless Horseman who is on a murderous rampage in the present-day Village of Sleepy Hollow, creating a major catastrophe for the local police force. Of course, no one believes Ichabod’s tales of America’s past and dire warnings about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but young cop Abbie Mills (Nicole Beharie) has had her own supernatural experiences and she teams up with Ichabod to embark on a mission to stop evil. Judging by the pilot episode, “Sleepy Hollow” looks like it will draw a fan base of the younger male demographic and those who enjoy supernatural mysteries and adventure. Waiting in the wings for a midseason replacement is “Almost Human,” a sciencefiction action-packed police procedural set 35 years in the future, when police officers are partnered with highly evolved human-like androids. Karl Urban plays a detective who survived a horrific attack and wakes up after a 17-month coma to find he can’t remember much, is outfitted with a prosthetic leg and suffers from mental atrophy and depression. Nevertheless, instead of being on disability, he rejoins the police force, though he must be partnered, much to his displeasure, with a robot. I have not seen a pilot of this show, but I am already thinking “Robocop.” We’ll wait and see. The need is great for loving, GRANT: Police willsafetarget alcohol crime homes for foster children ages From the front manent revocation of the license. Minor Decoy operations have been conducted by local law enforcement throughout the state since the 1980s. When the program first began, the violation rate of retail establishments selling to minors was as high as 40 to 50 percent. When conducted on a routine basis, the rate has dropped Minor decoys, under the diThe penalty teens. for furnishing 0-18 & pregnant/parenting rect supervision of police of- alcohol to a minor is a mini- in some cities to as low as 10 percent. In 1994, the California Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the use of underage decoys is a valid tool for law enforcement to ensure that alcoholic beverage licensees are complying with the law. The Shoulder Tap program targets adults who purchase alcohol for minors on or around licensed businesses. Call Lenka (916) 338-7156 ficers, approach and ask adult patrons of stores, bars or restaurants to buy them alcohol. The minors make clear to the patrons that they are underage and cannot purchase the alcohol themselves. If an adult purchases alcohol for a decoy, the police officers detain and cite the adult for furnishing alcohol to the minor. mum $1,000 fine and 24 hours of community service. Shoulder Tap operations have proven to be an effective deterrent to the furnishing of alcohol to minors. We offer free training, fingerprinting, CPR/ 1st aid, 24 hr support,This project is part of the of Alcoholic Bevmonthly reimb. Department erage Control’s Grant Assistance Program. CORDOVA CHURCH OF CHRIST ALL ARE WELCOME w on! e N ati c Lo Susan Haverty, MFT Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Specializing in OCD and Anxiety Treatment Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy for: • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder • Generalized Anxiety Disorder • Panic Disorder • Phobias 2934 Gold Pan Court, Suite 20 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 • 10 Year’s Experience in Anxiety Disorders There is such a thing as a FREE LUNCH in Rancho Cordova! (916) 353-0750 GETTING RID OF PESTS FOR 35 YEARS! celebrating 35 years in Business with 1978 Prices! $35 start uP A $140 SAVINGS! 916-512-3722 “GIVE US A RING” $30 OFF anY one time service GET RID OF With coupon. Expires 9/30/2013 ANTS BLACK WIDOWS ROACHES MICE EARWIGS RATS FLEAS AND MORE Great “We’ve got ‘em in our crosshairs” American ◆ Connect with Local Business ◆ Free Admission & Free Parking ◆ Free Lunch Samplings ◆ Business-to-Business Mixer (before doors open) www Thursday, August 22nd 10a.m. - 2p.m. Call-A-Pro Call-A-Pro The Independent September 13, 2013 Page 11 Coronado, California – So Close, yet a World Away By Judy M. Zimmerman SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - Although Coronado Island is just two miles from downtown San Diego, it is a world away. When you cross the graceful two-mile bridge to Coronado, you’ll discover a town that has preserved its unique historical culture and a beach that is rated one of the “Top 10 Family Beaches in North America.” Orange Avenue, Coronado’s one-mile long main street resembles the center of a quaint all-American village, complete with mom-and-pop shops, sidewalk cafes, parades and picnics in the park. As you explore the quiet neighborhoods of tree-lined streets that fan out from Orange Avenue, you’ll find a mix of architectural styles – from preserved Victorians and craftsman-style bungalows to Spanish villas and cozy beach cottages. Located on 28 oceanfront acres, the Hotel del Coronado has been one of the country’s The Hotel del Coronado. Photo by Judy M. Zimmerman most prominent beachfront stories to tell. resorts since it opened in 1888. Just for fun, take a historic Affectionately called the “Del”, hotel tour. You’ll be amazed at the grand Victorian-style hotel the celebrities, presidents and with its iconic red-shingled roof, princes who have walked the has a fairytale magic and lots of Grand Dame’s halls. Across the street from the Del, and one block from the ocean, sits another Coronado landmark. The (more affordable) Glorietta Bay Inn is a boutique hotel that combines old world charm with contemporary comfort. Built in 1908 as the mansion home of the “Sugar Baron “John D. Spreckels, the inn’s charming sun-warmed lobby, sitting porch, and music room complete with a baby grand piano, offers spectacular views of the bay. A fascinating 90-minute walking tour of Coronado departs three days a week from the lobby of the Glorietta Bay Inn. Bikes can also be rented to explore the residential neighborhood streets and there is a network of 15 miles of flat paths perfect for biking, jogging, strolling, or rollerblading. The bay front bike path is connected to the Coronado Ferry Landing’s wide selection of specialty shops and restaurants. Coronado, with its longtime Navy presence and housing communities, has 21 parks throughout the city–from tiny public parks to the traditional central square at the heart of the island. Coronado’s municipal golf course, with views of the San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge, is considered one of the finest public golf courses in Southern California. Judy Zimmerman has been a travel editor and award-winning freelance travel writer for over 27 years. She’s traveled to well over 100 countries and sailed on more than 65 cruises. Her articles have appeared in over 500 newspapers, magazines, and websites. She is a member of the Society of American Travel Writers, International Food, Wine & Travel Writers, and the Outdoor Writers of California. Her specialties include learning vacations, cruises, worldwide destinations, senior and solo travel, destination health spas, soft adventure, service articles and the Western U.S. Sacramento, California is Judy’s home base. If you go... • Coronado Visitor Center 100 Orange Ave. 619-437-8788 • Glorietta Bay Inn 1630 Glorietta Blvd. 619-435-3101 • Hotel del Coronado 1500 Orange Ave. 619-435-6611 • Loews Coronado Bay Resort Silver Strand toward Imperial Beach • Guided Walking Tour Meet in lobby of Glorietta Bay Inn 619-435-5993 • Coronado Municipal Call-A-Professi C a l l - A - Pr o fe s s i oonnal al Advertising Located at 11230 Gold Express Dr. #306 ADVERTISING WORKS! Tell a neighbor. Tell a friend. Gold River, CA • 916-852-7660 There are potential new customers everywhere, and newspaper can be an effective • Restorative andadvertising Cosmetic Dentistry way to reach more of those who • Oral Sedation are looking for YOU! 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