MCFG Bulletin August 2003
MCFG Bulletin August 2003
PAGE 2 - OCTOBER 2001 UM / MNLA MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS BULLETIN MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS 50 YEARS OF SERVICE BULLETIN 50+ YEARS OF SERVICE VOLUME 52, ISSUE 2 - AUGUST 2003 Fundamentals of Flowering in Plants: Juvenility in Seed-Propagated Annuals and How Supplemental Lighting Can Affect It John Erwin, Neil Mattson and Ryan Warner Department of Horticultural Science, University of Minnesota Part I Introduction: This article is the first of a series presenting new research results on effects of daylength and supplemental lighting on flowering of seedpropagated bedding plants that we are conducting at the University of Minnesota. This project started years ago when a greenhouse grower called and wanted to know how to have flowering petunias during February and March in the Seattle area. A couple of months after that I was asked how to delay flowering in summer INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Fundamentals of Flowering in Plants, Part I 1-4 Fundamentals of Flowering in Plants, Part II 5-8 Common Problems In Northern Poinsettia Production 9-10 2003 Bedding Plant Conferences 11-12 germinated pansies in Minnesota for sales in Texas in the late summer and fall. The answers were not ‘clear cut’ and we realized how little we know about what causes flowering in common bedding plants. The last time a series of experiments was done to really look at what causes bedding plants to flower was done during the late 1950’s and early 1960’s! Information on what makes bedding plants flower would allow you to control flowering to schedule flowering accurately as we do with many potted plant crops such as chrysanthemum and poinsettia. Because we didn’t have the answers for these growers and the importance of this information to the North American greenhouse industry, we started a longterm research study examining how daylength, supplemental lighting and temperature affect flowering of many bedding plant species and how to precisely control flowering of bedding plants. This article and the next will focus on how light intensity, or irradiance, affects flowering of bedding plant species. The following articles will show how daylength affects flowering of common and uncommon bedding plants. The results were interesting to us and have a tremendous amount of application for the industry (especially those who grow bedding plants from seed). Juvenility versus Maturity: Plant flowering is controlled by internal and external signals. With any seed-propagated bedding plant there is an internal signal that determines when a plant is mature and capable of flowering or responding to a flowering stimulus such as daylength. For instance, there is a period with animals after birth when they are incapable of reproducing. Similarly, plants are often unable to flower immediately after germinating. The period after germination when a seedling is not capable of flowering or responding to a flowering stimulus is called the ‘juvenile period’. When a seedling is capable of responding to a flowering stimulus we say it is ‘mature’. How do we know when a seedling has changed from the juvenile to the mature phase? Unfortunately, with most seedpropagated annuals, there is no visible change in how the plant looks when it changes from a juvenile to a mature plant. Probably the best indicator we have is the number of leaves that a plant has. Much work has been conducted using leaf number as a measure of plant age. Fortunately, we find that the leaf number when a plant changes from a juvenile to an adult plant can be the same over time but will change with the Continued on page 2 PAGE 2 - AUGUST 2003 UM / MNLA MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS BULLETIN 50+ YEARS OF SERVICE Continued from page 1 species and environment. Recent articles on perennials by researchers at Michigan State University have shown that seed-propagated perennials must have a certain number of leaves on a plant before they are able to respond to a cooling treatment (vernalization) which is necessary for flowering with many perennials. The same is the case for many seedpropagated annuals; they must have a certain number of leaves before they can respond to an external treatment. Breeding of seed-propagated flowering crops has emphasized earliness of flowering over the years to reduce the time to flower. Reduced time to flower means reduced production costs to the grower. Because of this, there has been progressive selection for reduced juvenile period length by breeding companies. In other words, many of the traditional bedding plants have few leaves they must unfold when they change from juvenile to adult plants and can flower. For this reason, many traditional types of bedding plants need to unfold few leaves before they can sense a stimulus. Often new types of bedding plants such as violas, and Wave type petunias have not been heavily bred and can have a longer juvenile period. For instance, the new petunia type ‘Purple Wave’ is much closer to the wild germplasm and has a longer juvenile period. Note in Figure 1 that the plants did not perceive the 1 week of long-days (stimulates flowering in petunia) until after 2 weeks, i.e. Purple Wave petunia has a juvenile period that lasts about 2 weeks compared to the very short juvenile period for ‘White Storm.’ Light Intensity (Irradiance) Affects Earliness of Flowering: Many environmental factors affect how long the juvenile period is in seed-propagated plants. Perhaps the Figure 1a and b. The effect of providing a single week of continuous lighting (long-days induce flowering in petunia) to Petunia x hybrida ‘White Storm’ (a) and Purple Wave (b). Note that White Storm was sensitive to getting the single week of continuous lighting during the first week (week 0-1) and Purple Wave was not sensitive to the week of continuous lighting until weeks 2-3. This showed that the juvenile period for White Storm is less than that for Purple Wave. most important environmental factor that affects juvenile period length is light. When we talk about light, we can talk about light color (light quality), duration (photoperiod or daylength), light intensity (irradiance), or total amount per day (light integral). Here, I am going to be talking about primarily light intensity and amount of light per day (irradiance and light integral). Together, these two light factors quantify how much light is available for photosynthesis instantaneously (irradiance) or over a 24 hour period (light integral). We have known for some time that the amount of light a plant gets per day (light integral) affects how soon some seed-propagated annuals flower. For instance, there is a ‘ruleof-thumb’ that every day that you provide supplemental lighting to a seed geranium crop early after germination reduces time to flower by one day. There has been incredibly little information on how supplemental lighting affects flowering of other bedding plant species even though plug growers Continued on page 3 50+ YEARS OF SERVICE UM / MNLA MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS BULLETIN Continued from page 2 commonly use supplemental lighting to improve plug quality. Often this supplemental lighting does increase plant mass – which is a determinant of plant quality – but we do not know the ultimate effect of these lights on flowering. I think that some growers just assume that adding lights results in earlier flower. This is not the case for some crops! Because there is no term to describe how irradiance or light integral affects flowering, we made two new terms to describe these two responses: facultative irradiance and irradiance indifferent response groups. 1) When a plant has a facultative irradiance response, extra lighting reduces the leaf number below the first flower, i.e. flowering occurs earlier developmentally. 2) When a plant has an irradiance indifferent response, extra lighting has no effect on the leaf number below the first flower, i.e. extra lighting does not hasten flowering developmentally. There is some confusion with how lighting affects earliness in flowering with many crops. Remember that when you add lights, you heat the plants because of the infra-red light emitted by most lamps. With many plants the earlier flowering after adding lights is simply because plants are warmer and grow faster, and therefore, flower earlier. This can be the case with earlier flowering after adding lights over irradiance indifferent plants where leaf number below the flower is unaffected. For instance, in Figure 2 a and b you can see that although leaf number was not greatly affected by adding supplemental lighting, time to flower decreased on the irradiance indifferent plants Black-Eyed-Susan Vine (Thunbergia) and Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia) as light intensity increased from 0 to +150 umol m-2 s-1 (+750 footcandles) supplemental high pressure sodium lighting. In contrast, with facultative irradiance plants, plants flower much quicker because they have fewer leaves below the flower and they are growing faster (leaves unfolding faster) because of heating from the lamps. For instance, in Figure 2 a and b you can see that time to flower was decreased from 78 to 57 days and 92 to 75 days on the facultative irradiance response plants Sweet Pea (Lathyrus) and Tweedia as light intensity increased from 0 to +150 umol m-2 s-1 (+750 footcandles) supplemental high pressure sodium lighting. AUGUST 2003 - PAGE 3 In most cases, heating with lamps is pretty expensive and not a very cost efficient way to speed up plant development! Therefore, unless you need more plant mass on a seedling it may not be economical to add supplemental lighting to irradiance indifferent bedding plant seedlings. Table I shows what irradiance response group many bedding plants Continued on page 4 Table 1. Lighting classification of different seed-propagated bedding plant species with respect to flowering. Facultative Irradiance Response Irradiance Indifferent Response Catananche caerula ‘Blue’ (Catananche) Ageratum houstonianum ‘Blue Danube’ (Ageratum) Lathyrus odoratus ‘Royal White’ (Sweet Pea) Amaranthus hybridus ‘Pygmy Torch’ (Amaranthus) Linum perenne (Flax) Ammi majus (Ammi) Tweedia caerula ‘Blue Star’ (Tweedia) Asperula arvensis ‘Blue Mist’ (Asperula) Convolvulus tricolor ‘Blue Enchantment’ (Dwarf Morning Glory) Centaurea cyanus ‘Blue Boy’ (Bachelor’s Buttons) Cosmos bipinnatus ‘White Sensation’ (Cosmos) Cobea scandens ‘White’ (Cup and Saucer Vine) Gazania rigens ‘Daybreak Red Stripe’ (Gazania) Collinsia heterophylla (Collinsia) Limnanthes douglasii (Fried Eggs, Meadow Foam) Dolichos lablab (Hyacinth Bean Vine) Nemophila maculata ‘Pennie Black’ (Five-spot) Eschscholzia californica ‘Sundew’ (California poppy) Nicotiana alata ‘Domino White’ (Flowering Tobacco) Ipomopsis rubra ‘Hummingbird Mix’ (Standing Cypress) Origanum vulgare (Oregano) Limonium sinuata ‘Heavenly Blue’ (Statice) Silene armeria (Sweet William Catchfly) Mathiola longipetala ‘Starlight Scentsation’ (Stock) Mina lobata (Mina Vine) Oenothera pallida ‘Wedding Bells’ (Sundrops) Phacelia campanularia (California Bluebell) Sanvitalia procumbens (Creeping Zinnia) Thunbergia alata (Black-Eyed-Susan Vine) Tithonia rotundifolia ‘Sundance’ (Mexican Sunflower) PAGE 4 -AUGUST 2003 UM / MNLA MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS BULLETIN 50+ YEARS OF SERVICE Continued from page 3 100 92 90 82 80 78 72 Days To Flower fit into. The next article will have a similar table with many more bedding plants that we have studied. With irradiance indifferent plants, extra lighting did not affect leaf number below the flower. In contrast, with facultative irradiance group plants, extra lighting reduced the leaf number below the first flower on these plants which reduced the time to flower dramatically. Figure 2a and b. The effect of increasing irradiance (light intensity) from 0 to +150 umol m-2 s-1 (+750 footcandles) supplemental high pressure sodium lighting on time to flower (a) and leaf number below the first flower (b) of the facultative irradiance response plants Sweet Pea (Lathyrus) and Tweedia and the irradiance indifferent plants (BlackEyed-Susan Vine (Thunbergia) and Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia). Ambient light integral (day light) 70 75 69 68 64 60 60 57 62 57 50 46 41 43 40 39 30 20 10 0 Lathyrus Tweedia Thunbergia Tithonia Crop was 12-13 moles per day with an average irradiance (light intensity) of 500-606 umol m-2 s-1 (2,500-3030 footcandles) during the course of this experiment. Acknowledgements: The authors would like to express their appreciation to the Richard E. Widmer Research Fund, F.I.R.S.T., and the Gloeckner Foundation for their generous support of this research. Maximize Your Earning and Learning Potential... 2004 Enjoy three days of learning and networking with other green industry professionals by attending the 2004 Minnesota Green Expo at the Minneapolis Convention Center on January 7-9. Benefit from a full schedule of educational programs, and over 800 booths in the trade show. Speakers include: CINDY ASH – American Phytopathological Society (APS), MN Seasonal Plant Problems MACK COOK – Cook Water Farms, MN Aquatic Plants JOHN ERWIN – University of Minnesota Growth Regulators on Perennials, Sanitation and Weed Control in the Greenhouse, Preparation of Landscape Planting Beds JOHN FRIEL – Yoder Green Leaf Perennials, Pennsylvania Marketing and Merchandising Perennials, New Perennials ED GILMAN – University of Florida Environmental Horticulture How Tree Biology Should Drive Urban Forestry and Arboricultural Practices, Influence of Nursery Production Systems on Transplanting and Establishment, Designing Sites to Fit Desirable Trees, Reduce Pest Problems with Plant Selection, Planting, and Management Practices CHRIS HIGGINS – Olympic Horticultural Products, Texas Chemical Controls, and Management Strategies for Insects and Diseases DWIGHT HUGHES – Hughes Nursery, Iowa Systems for Success for Landscape Installers and Nursery Growers LAURA JULL – University of Wisconsin – Madison Heat Tolerance of Woody Plants, New and Unusual Conifers BILL MCCURRY – McCurry Associates, New Jersey Garden Center Marketing and Communication GREG MEWS – Farmer Seed and Nursery, MN Tie-In Marketing KERSTIN OUELLET – Pen and Petal Inc., California Container Garden Ideas, Container Garden Production Watch your MNLA News for more details about educational programs and the trade show. New information will be available soon at 50+ YEARS OF SERVICE UM / MNLA MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS BULLETIN AUGUST 2003 - PAGE 5 Fundamentals of Flowering in Plants: Supplemental Lighting and Earliness of Flowering John Erwin, Neil Mattson and Ryan Warner Department of Horticultural Science, University of Minnesota Part II Introduction: In Part I, we discussed how light intensity (irradiance) and supplemental lighting can affect flowering of seed-propagated bedding plants. This article is the second article to focus on the same topic and provides additional information on how the need for supplemental lighting varies in different parts of the country. In addition, how species differ in how much light they can use is presented. Lastly, how high day temperatures can affect photosynthetic rate and plant quality is discussed. Future articles will show new results on how daylength affects flowering of many bedding plants. Impact of Light on Flowering: Increased lighting, or irradiance, can reduce the length of the juvenile period with some species, thereby reducing the time to flower. We do not really understand how this occurs. Is juvenile period length reduced by supplemental lighting because there is more food, or photosynthates, available for flower induction? Photosynthesis is the process where a plant utilizes sunlight and carbon dioxide in the air to make sugars, or food. Does supplemental lighting alter the hormonal balance in plants? Answers to these questions could help us to decrease, or increase, juvenile period length through breeding efforts and environmental treatments. Juvenile period length varies in bedding plants. The juvenile period of bedding plants can be nearly nonexistent or be as long as months with some of the perennial species we grow in the industry. Additional lighting is most effective in reducing juvenile period length on those species that have a longer juvenile period such as perennials, seed geraniums, and ‘Purple Wave’ petunias. The juvenile period of most common bedding plants (herbaceous annuals in temperate climates) is between 1 and 2 weeks. We measure the ‘maturity’ of a plant by counting the number of leaves below a flower. In many cases, bedding plants are mature when we can see 3 unfolded leaves on a seedling (1-2 weeks after germination). We mention this because the length of the juvenile period of a crop gives us some indication of the maximum amount we could shorten production time! For instance, if the juvenile period on a ‘White Storm’ petunia is nearly nonexistent, then providing supplemental lighting will reduce crop time minimally. In contrast, if the juvenile period of ‘Purple Wave’ petunias is 2 weeks, then it may be possible to reduce crop time by a maximum of 2 weeks by shortening the juvenile period using lighting. Classification of Lighting Responses with Flowering: We identified two new terms to describe how irradiance and/or daily light integral affect flowering: facultative irradiance and irradiance indifferent response groups. 1) When a plant has a facultative irradiance response, extra lighting reduces the leaf number below the first flower, i.e. flowering occurs earlier developmentally. 2) When a plant has an irradiance indifferent response, extra lighting has no effect on the leaf number below the first flower, i.e. extra lighting does not hasten flowering developmentally. Many of the bedding plants we grow did not flower earlier developmentally when supplemental lighting was added to ambient light (St. Paul, Minnesota (fall and spring)) in the range of light levels we studied (6.5 – 13.5 moles per day). Any affect of lighting on these crops was restricted to possible increases in plant size or mass through increased photosynthesis. Therefore, at total light levels at or above 6.4 moles per day crops such as dill, cosmos, gomphrena, lobelia and zinnia will not flower earlier if supplemental lighting is provided (irradiance indifferent) (Table 1). In contrast, crops such as snapdragon, cleome, hibiscus (perennial), petunia, lavatera and blue salvia (Figure 1) will flower earlier as light intensity increases above 6.4 to 29.2 moles per day (facultative irradiance response) (Table 1). Facultative irradiance plants occur in most photoperiodic response groups studied. We will discuss which plants fit into which photoperiodic groups in a future article. However, as an example for now, the facultative long-day plant, and day neutral plants Blue Salvia and Cleome, respectively, are facultative irradiance plants and will flower more quickly as total daily irradiance increase to from 6.4 to Continued on page 6 PAGE 6 -AUGUST 2003 UM / MNLA MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS BULLETIN Table 1. Lighting classification of different seed-propagated bedding plant species with respect to flowering. Ambient daylight varied from 6.4 – 13.9 moles of light per day. Total light varied from 6.4 – 29.2 moles of light per day. Facultative Irradiance Response Irradiance Indifferent Response Antirrhinum majus (Snapdragon) Anethum graveolens ‘Mammoth’ (Dill) Centranthus macrosiphon (Long-Spurred Valerian) Calendula officinalis ‘Calypso Orange’ (Calendula) Cleome hasslerana ‘Rose Queen’ (Cleome) Carpanthea pomeridiana ‘Golden Carpet’ Hibiscus moscheutos (Rose Mallow; Swamp Mallow) Celosia plumose ‘Flamingo Feather Purple’ (Plumed Celosia) Lavatera trimestris ‘Silver Cup’ (Lavatera) Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Diablo’ (Cosmos) Linaria maroccana (Toadflax) Dianthus chinensis ‘Ideal Cherry Picotee’ (Dianthus) Salvia farinacea ‘Strata’ (Blue Salvia) Dimorphotheca sinuata ‘Mixed Colors’ (African Daisy) Gomphrena globosa ‘Bicolor Rose’ (Globe Amarath) 50+ YEARS OF SERVICE Continued from page 5 29.2 moles per day within their prescribed photoperiod. Figure 1. Effect of delivering long day conditions to Petunia x hybrida ‘Purple Wave’ flowering as a traditional night interruption (left) (2 umol m-2 s-1 (10 footcandles); 10 pm to 2 am)) or as a day extension with high pressure sodium supplemental lighting (right). Light integrals for each treatment were 11.4-12.4 (left) and 24.4-25.4 (right) moles per day. Helianthus annus ‘Vanilla Ice’ (Sunflower) Helipterum roseum (Strawflower) Ipomea x multifida ‘Scarlet’ (Cardinal Climber) Legulosa speculum-veneris (Venus’s Looking Glass) Leptosiphon hybrida Lobelia erinus ‘Crystal Palace’ (Lobelia) Mimulus x hybridus ‘Magic’ (Monkeyflower) Mirabilis jalapa (Four O’Clock) Nemophila menziesii (Baby Blue Eyes) Nigella damascene ‘Miss Jekyll’ (Love-In-The-Mist) Polemonium viscosum Verbascum phoeniceum (Mullein) Viguiera multiflora Zinnia elegans ‘Exquisite Pink’ and ‘Peter Pan Scarlet’ (Zinnia) Figure 2a and b. The effect of photoperiod (long day (LD) and short day (SD)) and increasing light intensity (irradiance) on the facultative long-day plants Viola x wittrockiana ‘Delta Pure White’ (top) and Salvia farinacea ‘Strata’ (bottom) flowering Continued on page 7 50+ YEARS OF SERVICE UM / MNLA MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS BULLETIN AUGUST 2003 - PAGE 7 Continued from page 6 Irradiance levels were ambient daylight, or ambient plus 50, 100 or 150 umol m-2 s-1. Daily light integrals varied from 6.4 – 20.2 moles per day in these treatments. Supplemental Lighting Effects on Plant Growth: Although some plants may not flower earlier when supplemental lighting is provided, there are distinct benefits to crop quality such as increased plant mass and/or decreased plant height that are beneficial to a grower. High plant mass and short plants are usually associated with an increased plant quality. Internode elongation generally decreases as light intensity increases up to approximately 400 umol m-2 s-1 or 2000 footcandles (unpublished data). In general, plant mass increases as light intensity, irradiance, increases. However, there is a maximum light intensity that plants can utilize. Further increasing light intensity (irradiance) above this maximum will not increase photosynthesis and plant mass further. For instance, Figure 3 shows plant photosynthetic rate versus light intensity of pansy, New Guinea impatiens and raspberry. Note that for each species there is a maximum photosynthetic rate and that increasing irradiance does not further increase photosynthesis and offers no benefit! For instance, a maximum photosynthetic rate is achieved on raspberry, New Guinea impatiens and pansy with irradiance levels of 500, 570 and 630 umol m-2 s-1, respectively. Also note that the benefit of increasing irradiance with each crop differs from a standpoint of net photosynthesis. For instance, increasing light intensity from 200 to 300 umol m-2 s-1 results in a net 20%, 20% and 33% increase in photosynthesis for raspberry, New Fig. 1. The maximum rate of photosynthesis is often around 600 µmol m-2 s-1 (3000 footcandles) or less. The species were all grown at 68 ºF. Guinea impatiens, and pansy, respectively (Figure 3). In other words, plant mass increased most when irradiance increase from 200 to 300 umol m-2 s-1 on pansy compared to raspberry and New Guinea impatiens. Supplemental lighting controls should be based on irradiance at plant level. On many sunny days lights can be shut off because irradiance levels exceed what the plant can use. Lighting above the level where photosynthesis is maximized wastes money and adds heat to the greenhouse! The only way to increase photosynthesis above the maximum rate reported is to increase carbon dioxide concentrations (CO2) above ambient air levels (approximately 333 ppm). CO2 levels less than ambient air levels are possible in a greenhouse as well and can limit crop photosynthesis. For instance, CO2 levels within canopies can often drop below ambient levels and can limit photosynthesis. Further, when air is not circulated in a greenhouse photosynthesis levels can also be decreased through pockets of lower CO2 concentrations. How Does Heat Stress Affect Photosynthesis? Stresses will reduce the maximum rate of photosynthesis (Figure 4). Water or high temperature stress can reduce photosynthesis. Water stress will result in the pores on the leaf (stomata) closing which limits photosynthesis by reducing CO2 intake. This is the reason why regularly water stressed plants are smaller in size and/or mass than plants grown under non-water stressed conditions. Similarly, plants exposed to a short term high temperature stress also have a reduced capacity for photosynthesis (Figure 4). Results of Supplemental Lights Will Vary Throughout North America: The benefit of adding supplemental lighting for earliness of Continued on page 8 PAGE 8 -AUGUST 2003 UM / MNLA MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS BULLETIN 50+ YEARS OF SERVICE Conclusions: Supplemental lighting will decrease flowering time on facultative irradiance plants but not irradiance indifferent plants. If a grower’s focus is decreased internode length, internode length will decrease as light intensity or irradiance increases up to approximately 400 umol m-2 s-1 (2000-2250 footcandles). If increasing plant mass or photosynthesis is your objective to increase plant quality, increasing irradiance over 650 umol m-2 s-1 will likely have no effect on photosynthesis on many crops. Periodic stresses (water and heat) will decrease the ability of a plant to do photosynthesis and therefore waste any investment you may have in providing supplemental lighting. Fig. 2. A two-hour exposure to 95 ºF dramatically reduced photosynthetic rate of New Guinea Impatiens ‘Celebration Orange’. Data presented above are photosynthetic rates measured the following day Continued from page 7 flowering and increased photosynthesis varies with geographic location. Our data are based on adding supplemental lighting to ambient daylight conditions in Minnesota. Ambient daily light integral ranged from 6.4 to 13.9 moles day-1. Supplemental lighting resulted in a variation in actual daily light integrals ranging from 6.4 to 29.2 moles per day. Supplemental lighting will have a greater effect on flowering time on crops with a facultative irradiance response in lower light areas of the country than Minneapolis/St.Paul such as western Michigan, western New York, and/or the Seattle area. In contrast, adding supplemental lighting in higher light areas of the country than Minneapolis/St. Paul such as Atlanta and Miami may have little or no effect on hastening flowering developmentally and/or photosynthetic rate because the plants may already be receiving sufficient light. Table 2. Variation in total daily light available for plant growth outside of the greenhouse. MONTH City January April July October 5-10 3-6 25-30 15-18 40-45 24-27 15-20 9-12 Minneapolis Outside Inside 10-15 3-9 30-35 18-21 40-45 24-27 15-20 9-12 Atlanta Outside Inside 15-20 9-12 35-40 21-24 40-45 24-27 25-30 15-18 Miami Outside Inside 20-25 12-15 40-45 24-27 40-45 24-27 35-40 21-24 Seattle Outside Inside Numbers based on a FIRST research report: Light management in greenhouses. I. Daily light integral: A useful tool for the U.S. Floriculture industry. By James Faust, Clemson University. Inside values were calculated by taking 60% of the outside levels which is standard for a double polyhouse. 50+ YEARS OF SERVICE UM / MNLA MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS BULLETIN AUGUST 2003 - PAGE 9 Common Problems In Northern Poinsettia Production John Erwin, Department of Horticultural Sciences, University of Minnesota This is just a quick reference for some of the most common poinsettia production problems in the cooler North American climates such as Minnesota. These problems probably constitute about 75% of all the problems that growers experience with poinsettias. Calcium Deficiency: Many new poinsettia cultivars have difficulty taking up calcium. High temperature and/or high humidity can decrease calcium uptake by limiting transpiration (water loss from the leaves). In addition, high levels of ammonium, magnesium and/or potassium can also reduce calcium uptake by competing with calcium for uptake into the root. Preventative treatments and solutions for calcium deficiency are shown below: Reduce the Possibility of Calcium deficiency by: 1) Using fertilizers that contain calcium. 2) Spraying calcium nitrate (or chloride) on foliage till wet (0.8-1.9 pounds calcium nitrate per 100 gallons of water (1.32.6 ounces per 10 gallons)) from the 3rd week of September to the 3-4th week of October. Spray on a weekly basis. Root Rot: Root rot is a common problem in poinsettia production when fungicides are not regularly used. Root rot is an infestation of either or both Pythium and Rhizoctonia fungi. These pathogens are water fungi; i.e. wet conditions promote their proliferation. Heavy soils, soluble salts burn and/or fungus gnat infestation increase the incidence of root rot by providing an environment conducive to root rot proliferation or by providing a point of entry for root rot fungi. Pythium attacks from the roots tip and moves up the root system into the stem. In contrast, Rhizoctonia attacks at where the stem touches the media and moves both up and down the stem. Reduce the Possibility of Root Rot by: 1) Not keeping media wet. 2) Applying fungicides for control of both Pythium and Rhizoctonia every 3-4 weeks. 3) Rotating fungicides to limit fungicide resistence. Pythium Control Subdue (1/2 ounce/ 100 gallons) Banrot (8 oz/100 gallons) Truban (8oz/100 gallons) Rhizoctonia Control Cleary’s 3336 (8 oz/ 100 gallons) Banrot (8 oz/100 gallons) Terraclor (8 oz/100 gallons) Note: always check the label for recommended rates as these rates are based on WP formulations only. Bract Expansion: Bracts can often be smaller than desired. Leaves that will become bracts expand during the last 2 weeks of October and early November. Leaf/bract expansion increases as temperature increases to about 7476oF. Therefore, cool days or nights will reduce bract size. Get bigger bracts by: 1) Some of the best quality bracts are produced when poinsettias are grown at constant 68oF during the last 2 weeks of October and the first week of November. Growing warmer will increase bract size still further. Bract Coloring: Bract coloring occurs during the latter half of October and beginning of November. Red pigmentation in bracts increases as light intensity increases and as the average temperature decreases. Therefore, you will have the brightest bracts when temperatures are dropped after bract expansion and light levels are high. Brighten Bracts by: 1) Decreasing temperature the last 2 weeks of production (beginning of November) to 5862oF. 2) Growing plants with as much light as possible during the end of October and early November. Early Flower Initiation: Lateral shoots that have few leaves <3 leaves, will have reduced leaf and bract size when marketed, i.e. reduced quality. Lateral shoots must have 3-4 leaves (>1” in size) or more when lateral shoots initiate flowers. Most current poinsettia cultivars initiate flowers from September 8th-15th. Make Sure Plants Do Not Initiate Flower Too Early By: 1) Pinch plants no later than three weeks prior to flower initiation (September 8). 2) Maintain plant temperatures at 68-74oF to encourage leaf unfolding. This may Continued on page 10 PAGE 10 -AUGUST 2003 UM / MNLA MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS BULLETIN Continued from page 9 Poinsettias are a ‘high feed’ requiring crop. Poinsettias are commonly underfed early in development and are overfed late in development. mean that air temperatures have to be increased to 72oF on cloudy days or decreased to 70oF on sunny days to maintain the plant temperature in the desired range. 3) If lateral shoots do not have a sufficient leaf number on September 1, then provide night interruption lighting until lateral shoots do have the sufficient leaf number before you allow plants to receive short-days. 50+ YEARS OF SERVICE Limit Late Shoot Breakage: 1) This phenomenon is due to the environment that stock plants are grown under. In particular, the higher the temperature and the lower the light that stock plants are grown under, the more lateral shoot breakage will occur on cuttings produced from the stock plants. Therefore, purchase cuttings from a source where stock plants are grown in a cooler and well-lighted environment. 2) Ring plants to support lateral shoots if you suspect you may have late stem breakage. Inadequate Nutrition: Poinsettias are a ‘high feed’ requiring crop. Poinsettias are commonly underfed early in development and are overfed late in development. This results in insufficient leaf and bract size, poor plant color and reduced postharvest life. Make Sure Plants Have Adequate Nutrition By: 1) Feeding poinsettias with 400-600 ppm nitrogen and potassium the first fertilization (second watering). Reduce levels to 300-400 ppm until recommended media nutrient levels are achieved thereafter. Use primarily ammonium based fertilizers during August (20-10-20), ammonium plus nitrate based nitrogen (15-5-15 Cal Mag) during September, and primarily nitrate based fertilizer (15-0-15) during October. Lateral Shoot Breakage: Lateral shoots can break off of the mother shoot on the bench or when plants are moved later in the season after lateral shoot and bract weight increases. Insufficient Lateral shoot Number: Insufficient lateral shoot number typically results from insufficient leaf number below the pinch, and/or excessively high day temperatures during cutting production resulting in few axillary buds in the leaf axils. Increase Lateral Shoot Number By: 1) Making sure that there are 20% more leaves left after the pinch than the final lateral shoot number that is desired. 2) Purchase cuttings from a propagator that has good day temperature control. Inspect cuttings when they arrive to insure that they have axillary buds in the leaf axils. 3) Try applying a suggested new Florel application procedures which have increased lateral shoot number with some growers. Experiment by applying Florel (300-500 ppm) 3 days prior to pinching, pinch, then reapply Florel (300-500 ppm) 5-7 days later. Call If You Have Any Questions: 1) John Erwin, 612-624-9703 [email protected] 2) Ryan Warner, 612-624-0736 50+ YEARS OF SERVICE UM / MNLA MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS BULLETIN Co-sponsored by UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MNLA 2003 BPlant edding C O N F E R E N C E S Tuesday, September 23 Holiday Inn Detroit Lakes Wednesday, September 24 Lakeview Castle Duluth Thursday, September 25 Rochester Community and Technical College Rochester Wednesday, October 1 Midland Hills Roseville Looking for a refresher course on bedding plant production and greenhouse management? Enjoy a full day of education by the University of Minnesota’s professors and researchers in four different locations. 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. REGISTRATION 9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. GREENHOUSE COVERINGS AND COOLING SYSTEMS Neil Anderson, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota Department of Horticultural Science. Hear about the latest information, as well as the "basics" to maximize plant growth and profitability in greenhouses. Learn about new greenhouse products that you can use for season extenders or yearround production of flowering plants. Light transmission, cost, and longevity of greenhouse coverings will be discussed. The need for cooling systems in northern growing conditions varies, depending on your crops, location, and production cycles. View some of the options, whether you grow plants during the summer and/or winter seasons. 9:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. BEST PERFORMING ANNUALS/ PERENNIALS FOR 2003 David Zlesak, Graduate Research Assistant, University of Minnesota Department of Horticultural Science. What's new? What's hot? How did all of those new seed and vegetative products perform in the garden this past season? You will want to hear about the best performing annuals from the 2003 season. Learn what your customers will be asking for next year to include in your fall orders. 10:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. BREAK AUGUST 2003 - PAGE 11 10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. GROUND BED PREPARATION John Erwin, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota Department of Horticulture Science. Learn about the issues involved with testing, planting and fertilizing annuals and perennials in a ground bed. Many of our crops are sold to landscapers for use in ground beds. Erwin will provide answers for preparing the bed, testing the soil, soil amendments, and the standards for ground bed soil for annuals. 11:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. FERTILIZER SELECTION Charlie Rohwer, Graduate Research Assistant, University of Minnesota Department of Horticulture Science. Rohwer will help you select the appropriate fertilizer for your specifications by discussing the fertilizer types, advantages, and disadvantages. You may be surprised with the fertilizers that are good for your needs, and those that are not! 11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. LUNCH 12:30 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. SELECTING GREENHOUSE MEDIA John Erwin. Different greenhouse media are best for different crops. Which ones are best for containers, geraniums, and flatted bedding? Which ones are best for hanging baskets? These are important questions that many growers ask. Erwin will help you identify media that are best for you. Feel free to bring along a greenhouse media analysis and receive answers from Erwin. Continued on page 12 PAGE 10 -AUGUST 2003 UM / MNLA MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS BULLETIN Continued from page 11 1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. PESTS AND DISEASES AFFECTING YOUR OPERATION – John Erwin and Neil Anderson. Erwin and Anderson will review each pest, what pesticides work the best, and how to develop a pesticide rotation schedule. This will be a practical and hands-on presentation. Participants will break into teams and each team will develop a control strategy. 2:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. BREAK 2:15 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. DO’S, DON’TS, AND ANSWERS FOR SHIPPED PLUGS AND NEW VARIETIES Tami van Gaal, Wagner’s Greenhouses. There are many new seed propagated products out there, but how do you use these new products? Can any of them be combined with vegetative products in mixed containers and baskets? What container sizes work best for each product? In addition to answering these questions, Van Gaal will talk about treating plugs that just arrived and how to hold them if needed. 50+ YEARS OF SERVICE For a registration form, call 651-633-4987 or see MINNESOTA COMMERCIAL FLOWER GROWERS BULLETIN MNLA CREATING & CARING FOR YOUR ENVIRONMENT Minnesota Nursery & Landscape Association Published by the University of Minnesota Extension Service and Horticulture Department in cooperation with the Minnesota Nursery & Landscape Association WE’RE ON THE WEB Minnesota Nursery & Landscape Association U of M. Hort. Dept. The Minnesota Commercial Flower Growers Bulletin is compiled and edited by John Erwin, Associate Professor, Greenhouse Crop Physiology and Extension, Department of Horticultural Science, University of Minnesota. Feel free to call with suggestions and/or comments (numbers below). Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The University of Minnesota, including the Minnesota Extension Service, is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its’ programs, facilities and employment without regard to race, religion, color, sex, national origin, handicap, age, veteran status or sexual orientation. The Bulletin is published under the auspices of the Commercial Flower Growers Committee of the Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Association. ©2003 MNLA. 651-633-4987 Send comments to: Department of Horticultural Science 1970 Folwell Ave. • St. Paul MN 55108 Phone: 612-624-9703 • Fax: 612-624-4941 Email: [email protected]
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