atlas of coastal saltmarsh wetlands in the cradle coast region of
atlas of coastal saltmarsh wetlands in the cradle coast region of
ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA Published by Cradle Coast NRM May 2016 Maps, photos and text by Vishnu Prahalad Design and layout by Michael Helman Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA INTRODUCTION TO THE ATLAS Coastal saltmarshes in subtropical and temperate Australia (including Tasmania) have been listed in 2013 as a vulnerable ecological community under Federal environment legislation (EPBC Act 1999). This listing acknowledges that these wetlands have suffered habitat fragmentation and loss of community integrity coupled with threats arising from human activities, invasive species, climate change and sea level rise. In Tasmania, studies show that close to a half of these important coastal ecosystems have already been lost due to the above threats. The apparent vulnerability of Tasmanian saltmarshes is further underscored by a lack of broad awareness of the important values provided by these habitats. Saltmarsh wetlands perform important ecological functions that support a range of ecosystem services and biodiversity values in our coastal landscape, though they remain underappreciated and in many cases lack baseline mapping information. In the case of the Cradle Coast Region of Tasmania, several areas of saltmarsh wetlands had remained unmapped including in the Rubicon, Mersey, Don, Forth and Leven Rivers. Mapping these wetlands is hence an important activity and also needs to be accompanied by products aimed at both communicating the mapping results and providing tools for better understanding and engagement in conserving these habitats and their ecological functions. This booklet provides a visual summary of the mapping undertaken as part of the Coastal Saltmarsh Wetland Asset Mapping in the Cradle Coast Region project (completed in May 2016). The information presented in this booklet is drawn from the GIS mapping layer that records the location and extent of saltmarshes and the accompanying database that contains information on a range of attributes pertaining to these mapped natural assets. Detailed information on the mapping methodology used and the data collected in available in the mapping report produced as part of this project. Both the report and GIS dataset are available through Cradle Coast NRM. While this project has collected as much information within the limits of this first pass assessment, there are still some information gaps to be filled. The mapping report highlights areas where further data can be collected in the future. If you are interested in an area of saltmarsh where you are able to facilitate the collection of information or be involved in on-going monitoring of saltmarsh values, please contact Cradle Coast NRM. This project is supported by Cradle Coast NRM, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme and University of Tasmania. CONTENTS Introduction to the Atlas Saltmarsh wetland - yellow polygon p. 2 Cradle Coast NRM study area Reserve areas - white hatched polygon Sample of saltmarsh photos Public road access - gold line p. 5 Saltmarsh distribution map Flooding areas* - blue polygon p. 6 Saltmarsh complexes map Text Text Place name - white text pp. 7-34 Individual saltmarsh complexes Text Wetland cluster name - purple text in rounded box Anna Wind & Mark Wisniewski (CCNRM) Jamie Kirkpatrick (UTAS) CRADLE COAST NRM Base data used in the maps are from theLIST and TASMAP © State of Tasmania NRM NORTH NRM SOUTH For more information and resources about coastal wetlands in Tasmania please visit the Living Wetlands site: SALTMARSH BIRDS POSTER AND CHECKLIST a GUIDE TO THE PLANTS OF TASMANIAN SALTMARSH WETLANDS SALTMARSH matters app pp. 3-4 Acknowledgements: Similar online mapping summaries of coastal saltmarshes in other Tasmanian regions are available through the web pages of NRM North and NRM South. SALTMARSH COMPLEX Map Legend p. 1 pp. 35-38 Spartina anglica (rice grass) Natural Resource Management of Saltmarsh WetlandS in TASMANIA Text Geographic location name - gold text Text Reserve name - black text in box SCIENCE COMMUNICATION AND INTERPRETATION MATERIAL *Flooding areas indicate low lying land subject to flooding under a sea level rise scenario of 1.1m in the year 2100 prepared by the Tasmanian Department of Premier and Cabinet in 2012. Page 1 of 38 Grassy saltmarsh with succulent fringe in Forth River Page 2 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA A SNAPSHOT OF TASMANIA’S CRADLE COAST SALTMARSH WETLANDS Saltmarsh types Life in saltmarsh wetlands In Tasmania, saltmarshes are formally defined and mapped by two vegetation community types as outlined by the Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program (TASVEG). Succulent saltmarsh Grassy saltmarsh Left: Shrubby Glasswort (Tecticornia arbuscula) and Creeping Brockweed (Samolus repens) in Sea Elephant, King Island Right: Sea-Lavender (Limonium australe) in Boullanger Bay. Succulent saltmarsh (TASVEG code: ASS) on the West Coast of King Island, dominated by Shrubby Glasswort (Tecticornia arbuscula) and Beaded Glasswort (Sarcocornia quinqueflora). Grassy saltmarsh (TASVEG code: ARS) near Cat Island in Macquarie Harbour, dominated by a monospecific stand of Sea Rush (Juncus kraussii). Great Egret (left), Red-necked Stints (middle) and Red-capped Plover (right), all on Sarcocornia herbfield margins in Circular Head saltmarshes. Aerial view of Montagu Island succulent saltmarsh in Robbins Passage area, in Circular Head. Aerial view of Forth River grassy saltmarsh in Turners Beach area, adjacent to Bass Highway. Crabs are among the largest and most abundant invertebrates in saltmarshes (left), marsupials are occasionally seen (centre), while insects and spiders can be harder to spot and are not well studied (right). King River grassy saltmarsh, Macquarie Harbour Page 3 of 38 Page 4 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA DISTRIBUTION OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS INDEX OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLAND COMPLEXES 0 5 10 Kms Boullanger Bay Robbins Passage Big Bay Duck Bay LEGEND Saltmarsh Wetland Coastal Complexes 12 Cradle Coast NRM Coastal Saltmarsh 10 1. Port Sorell-Rubicon River Coastal Complex (pp. 7-9) King Island 2. Mersey-Don Rivers Coastal Complex (pp. 10-11) 3. Forth-Leven Rivers Coastal Complex (pp. 12-13) 4. Blythe-Cam-Inglis Rivers Coastal Complex (pp. 14-16) Circular Head 0 5 10 Kilometres 0 5 5. Detention-Black Rivers Coastal Complex (pp. 17-18) 11 10 Kilometres 6. East-West Inlets Coastal Complex (p. 21) 7. Big Bay-Duck Bay Coastal Complex (pp. 22-23) LEGEND Local Government Area 8 <2 2 - 10 Saltmarsh Area (ha) 10 - 20 East Inlet 20 - 40 9. Macquarie Harbour Coastal Complex (pp.29-30) 7 10. Sea Elephant River Coastal Complex (p.32) 6 11. Big Lake Coastal Complex (p. 33) 5 > 40 12. King Island West Coast Complex (p. 34) 4 Bakers Beach Narawntapu National Park Circular Head 8. Boullanger Bay-Robbins Passage Coastal Complex (pp. 24-28) 3 WaratahWynyard Burnie 2 1 Devonport Latrobe Central Coast Data from theLIST, © State of Tasmania Kentish 0 5 10 Kilometres West Coast 9 NRM North Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania West Coast 0 5 10 20 Kilometres 0 5 10 Kms 0 5 10 20 Kilometres NRM South Size class distribution of Cradle Coast NRM coastal saltmarshes (not including Spartina marshes - see pp. 35-38). The Bakers Beach and East Inlet saltmarshes have been highlighted for being the second and third largest in extent at 82 ha and 78 ha respectively. The inset map of Circular Head sub-region shows the other large marshes measuring above 40 ha in area. These marshes are in: Robbins Island (x4); Perkins Island; Montagu Island; Kangaroo Island; Deep Creek Bay; Swan Bay; Welcome Inlet; and Shoal Inlet. The largest marsh is in the eastern end of Robbins Island, measuring 95.2 ha in extent. Page 5 of 38 Coastal saltmarshes tend to occur in ‘clusters’ of more than one patch to up to several patches. These clusters are identified at a scale of 1:25,000-1:100,000 and is usually named after the landscape feature that defines the cluster. Saltmarsh clusters are further aggregated at larger spatial scales of 1:100,000-1:250,000 within 12 ‘coastal complexes’ with each complex made up of a minimum of one cluster to up to several clusters. Click on each complex title to navigate to saltmarsh wetland clusters within the complex. Page 6 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA 0.5 1 2 Kilometres Milldam 0 1(A). RUBICON RIVER, FRANKLIN RIVULET Road PORT SORELL-RUBICON RIVER LEGEND Coastal Saltmarsh Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania 0 0.25 0.5 1 Kilometre et rles Stre Cha Squeaking Point Eagle Point Road Eagle Point Rubicon River - Port Sorell Cluster Public Reserve kford Fran Road South East Arm - Franklin Rivulet Cluster Public Reserve Ro ad Ba ord rs nkf ke Fra Be ac h Ro ad Franklin Rivulet Conservation Area LEGEND Saltmarsh wetland Reserve area Flooding area the LIST © State of Tasmania Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE An overview of the extent and distribution of saltmarsh wetlands mapped within the Port Sorell-Rubicon Estuary area. For Spartina marshes, see page 37. Municipality: Latrobe Saltmarsh Area: 39 ha Associated Waterways: Rubicon River, Franklin Rivulet, Branchs Creek, Greens Creek Dominant Vegetation Type: Mostly grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus, Austrostipa and Gahnia, mixed with few patches of succulent saltmarsh dominated by Sarcocornia Page 7 of 38 Dominant Land Tenure: Public Reserve, Crown Land, Private Land, Conservation Area Saltmarsh Clusters: Rubicon River-Port Sorell Saltmarsh Cluster (33 ha) South East Arm-Franklin Rivulet Saltmarsh Cluster (6 ha) Page 8 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA 1(B). PORT SORELL, pANATANA RIVULET, NORTH EAST ARM 2(A). MERSEY RIVER Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania rs ke Ba North East Arm - Bakers Beach Cluster 1 Kilometre Stony Rise Road Reserve area Street Charles Flooding area Flooding area Fra nkfo rd R oad Bass Highway Mersey River - Spreyton Cluster Public Reserve the LIST State of Tasmania ad Ro er Riv in ey Ma Mers SALTMARSH PROFILE Road Spreyton oad Main R Fr og m or e La ne Mersey Mersey River - Latrobe Cluster de Para Bells Municipality: Latrobe Saltmarsh Area: 115 ha Associated Waterways: Rubicon River, Panatana Rivulet, Sheepwash Creek, Browns Creek Dominant Vegetation Type: Largely succulent saltmarsh dominated by Tecticornia and Sarcocornia, with several patches of grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus Dominant Land Tenure: National Park, Conservation Area, Private Land, Public Reserve Saltmarsh Clusters: North East Arm-Bakers Beach Saltmarsh Cluster (95 ha) Port Sorell-Panatana Rivulet Saltmarsh Cluster (20 ha) Sheffield Ro ad 0.5 Saltmarsh wetland Milldam Road ad Ro 0.25 LEGEND Reserve area ay hw Hig ss Ba d or sF er rk Pa 0 Narawntapu National Park Figure of Eight Creek Cluster Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Saltmarsh wetland Bass Highw ay De vo np ort Ro ad Port Sorell Conservation Area LEGEND Po rt So re ll R oa d William Street Public Reserve Middle Roa d Wilmot Street Steele Street Wright Street ad Ro Vic toria Par ade h ac Be Devonport Public Reserve Port Sorell Kilometre 11 Kilometre Springlawn Lagoon Ri ve rR oa d ad t Ro Poin ers Bak 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.25 Formby Road Port Sorell - Panatana Rivulet Cluster 00 Gilbert Street Latrobe the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipalities: Devonport, Latrobe Saltmarsh Area: 102 ha Associated Waterways: Mersey River, Ballahoo Creek, Cockers Creek, Figure of Eight Creek Dominant Vegetation Type: Mostly grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus, Austrostipa and Gahnia, with some patches of succulent saltmarsh dominated by Sarcocornia Page 9 of 38 Dominant Land Tenure: Private Land, Public Reserve, Crown Land Saltmarsh Clusters: Mersey River-Spreyton Saltmarsh Cluster (78.4 ha) Mersey River-Latrobe Saltmarsh Cluster (23.3 ha) Figure of Eight Creek Saltmarsh Cluster (0.2 ha) Page 10 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA 2(B). DON RIVER 3(A). FORTH RIVER 00 125 125 250 250 500 Metres Metres 500 0 0.25 0.5 1 Kilometre Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Don Heads Don Heads Conservation Area Turners Beach nade Espla Don River Cluster rn Drive Blackbu LEGEND ad ads Ro ad Public Reserve (Gables Park) Bass Highway Forth River Cluster Public Reserve Braddon s Lookou t Road Saltmarsh wetland ads Ro Don He Turners Beac h Road Bass Highway Don He Leith Reserve area Flooding area d oa d oaey R y Rerl rle av ve W Wa Braddons Lookout LEGEND Saltmarsh wetland Public Reserve Don Reserve area Road Road Flooding area Braddon s Lookou t Road Don Forth R oad Bass Ro ad Ki nd re d ad Ro ad rth Ro Fo rth Fo d Roa Leith ad adRo Roise se R Ri y y y ton wy a on S gha iw gHh sHsi Bssa Ba Don St High way Bass High way Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Forth the LIST State of Tasmania the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipality: Devonport Saltmarsh Area: 3.2 ha Dominant Land Tenure: Public Reserve, Crown Associated Waterways: Don River Land, Conservation Area Dominant Vegetation Type: Mainly grassy saltmarsh Saltmarsh Clusters: dominated by Juncus, Austrostipa and Gahnia, with Don River Saltmarsh Cluster (3.2 ha) seaward patches at Don Heads comprised of succulent saltmarsh dominated by Tecticornia and Sarcocornia Page 11 of 38 SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipality: Central Coast Saltmarsh Area: 34 ha Associated Waterways: Forth River Dominant Vegetation Type: Mostly grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus, Austrostipa and Gahnia, with fringing patches of Samolus repens Dominant Land Tenure: Public Reserve, Crown Land, Conservation Area Saltmarsh Clusters: Forth River Saltmarsh Cluster (34 ha) Page 12 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA 0.5 1 Kilometre West Ulverstone Myrtle Creek Cluster Road 200 Metres LEGEND Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Ba ss Hi gh wa y Saltmarsh wetland Reserve area Ba ss Hi gh wa y Flooding area bs ob H River Road 100 e ad r Pa Blythe River Cluster sH s Ba River Park y wa igh Public Reserve Circuit Crown et st We ad Ro Ad aih iS Ga slo n wle He s we tre et rR Public Reserve oad Saltmarsh wetland Reserve area Flooding area oad Public Reserve LEGEND Bas s Hig hwa y d oa aR nn Mi Bass Highway Henslowes Park Mannings Creek Cluster Bass H ighwa y ler R reek ter C 50 Queen Street Leven River Fringing and Island Marshes Cluster Public Reserve Lobs 0 Lovett Stre 0.25 4(A). BLYTHE RIVER Gaw 0 South Road 3(B). LEVEN RIVER Gawler River Cluster River Avenu e Heybridge Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania 0 0.25 0.5 1 Kilometre the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipalities: Burnie, Central Coast Saltmarsh Area: 1 ha Associated Waterways: Blythe River Dominant Vegetation Type: Mostly grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus, Austrostipa and Gahnia, with one small patch of Samolus repens Dominant Land Tenure: Public Reserve Saltmarsh Clusters: Blythe River Saltmarsh Cluster (1 ha) Municipality: Central Coast Saltmarsh Area: 24 ha Associated Waterways: Leven River, Gawler River, Mannings Creek, Myrtle Creek Dominant Vegetation Type: Mostly grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus, mixed with some Phragmites along the Gawler River, and a large (4 ha) marsh near River Park dominated by Tecticornia Dominant Land Tenure: Public Reserve, Crown Land Saltmarsh Clusters: Leven River Fringing and Island Marshes Cluster (17.3 ha) Gawler River Saltmarsh Cluster (5.3 ha) Mannings Creek Saltmarsh Cluster (0.5 ha) Myrtle Creek Saltmarsh Cluster (0.5 ha) Page 13 of 38 Page 14 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA 4(B). CAM RIVER 50 50 100 100 200 Metres 200 Metres 0 125 250 500 Metres Saltmarsh wetland Road Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania LEGEND ape Table C 0 0 4(C). INGLIS RIVER d oa rR ve i R Bass Hig hway Reserve area Flooding area Golf Links Road Bass Highway ay ighw on H chis Mur Inglis River Cluster Public Reserve Scarf e Str eet t tree rs S nde Sau Cam River Cluster et Stre ldie Go Inglis Street Wynyard Old Bass High way Camp Creek Cluster Public Reserve Public Reserve Martin Street Somerset the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipality: Waratah-Wynyard Saltmarsh Area: 0.3 ha Associated Waterways: Inglis River, Camp Creek Dominant Vegetation Type: Mostly grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus, mixed with Deschampsia in Camp Creek Dominant Land Tenure: Public Reserve Saltmarsh Clusters: Inglis River Saltmarsh Cluster (0.2 ha) Camp Creek Marsh Cluster (0.1 ha) LEGEND Saltmarsh wetland Reserve area Flooding area the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipalities: Burnie, Waratah-Wynyard Saltmarsh Area: 0.4 ha Associated Waterways: Cam River Dominant Vegetation Type: Mostly grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus Dominant Land Tenure: Public Reserve Saltmarsh Clusters: Cam River Saltmarsh Cluster (0.4 ha) Page 15 of 38 Page 16 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA 5(A). DETENTION RIVER 0 High way Pin eA ve nu e Bass 125 5(B). BLACK RIVER 250 500 Metres 00 125 125 250 250 500 500 Metres Metres Honey Ric Hellyer hea Road Peggs Beach Conservation Area Drive Melaleuca Drive Boobyalla Public Reserve Public Reserve loc Wilsons Creek Cluster al Bass Highway loc al roa d roa d Black River Detention River Cluster Detention Ba Black River Bridge Conservation Area ss Black River Cluster Hig hw ay LEGEND Saltmarsh wetland Reserve area Flooding area Public Reserve Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipality: Circular Head Saltmarsh Area: 17 ha Associated Waterways: Black River, Peggs Creek Dominant Vegetation Type: Mainly grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus, with some patches of succulent saltmarsh dominated by Sarcocornia Dominant Land Tenure: Conservation Area, Private Land, Public Reserve Recognised Values: Part of North-west Tasmanian Coast Important Bird Area Saltmarsh Clusters: Black River Saltmarsh Cluster (17 ha) LEGEND Saltmarsh wetland Reserve area Flooding area Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Dominant Land Tenure: Public Reserve, Municipality: Circular Head Private Land, Crown Land Saltmarsh Area: 10 ha Recognised Values: Part of North-west Associated Waterways: Detention River, Wilsons Creek Tasmanian Coast Important Bird Area Dominant Vegetation Type: Mostly grassy saltmarsh Saltmarsh Clusters: dominated by Juncus, mixed with patches of succulent Detention River Saltmarsh Cluster (9.6 ha) saltmarsh dominated by Sarcocornia Wilsons Creek Saltmarsh Cluster (0.2 ha) Page 17 of 38 Page 18 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA CIRCULAR HEAD COASTAL COMPLEXES LEGEND Coastal saltmarsh 0 1.5 3 6 Kilometres Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania An overview of the extent and distribution of saltmarsh wetlands mapped within the Circular Head coastal area between East Inlet, near Stanley, and Shoal Inlet, near Woolnorth. For Spartina marshes, see page 38. Page 19 of 38 Page 20 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA 6(A). EAST AND WEST INLETS 00 0.5 0.5 11 7(A). DUCK RIVER, DEEP CREEK BAY 0 22 Kilometres Kilometres 0.25 0.5 1 Kilometre Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Saltmarsh wetland Reserve area Flooding area Kemps Bay - Duck Bay Cluster LEGEND LEGEND Deep Creek Bay Cluster Saltmarsh wetland Duck Bay - Morgans Bay Cluster Reserve area Deep Creek Bay Flooding area Duck Bay Conservation Area d adoa Rrof R arhf a WhW M Ma ain in Ro Ro ad ad Stanley Public Reserve West Inlet Conservation Area Mo nta Roa Roteract Park an lic d Lees Point Conservation Area Pe gu ay ay ighw ighw s Hs H BasBas treet East Inlet Cluster Public Reserve Smithton Lee Park Gibson S treet Circular Head Lawn Cemetary Wiltshire Nelson S S St tanl an ey ley H Hi ighw gh a wa y y d oa tR in Po West Inlet Cluster the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Dominant Land Tenure: Private Land Municipality: Circular Head Recognised Values: Part of North-west Saltmarsh Area: 152 ha Tasmanian Coast, Robbins Passage & Associated Waterways: Grays Creek, Wiltshire Creek Boullanger Bay Important Bird Areas Dominant Vegetation Type: Mainly grassy saltmarsh Saltmarsh Clusters: dominated by Juncus, with several patches of succulent East Inlet Saltmarsh Cluster (102 ha) saltmarsh dominated by Tecticornia and Sarcocornia West Inlet Saltmarsh Cluster (50 ha) Page 21 of 38 SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipality: Circular Head Saltmarsh Area: 109 ha Associated Waterways: Duck River, Deep Creek, Fentons Creek Dominant Vegetation Type: Mainly grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus, with some patches of succulent saltmarsh dominated by Sarcocornia Dominant Land Tenure: Private Land, Conservation Area, Public Reserve Recognised Values: Part of North-west Tasmanian Coast, Robbins Passage & Boullanger Bay Important Bird Areas Saltmarsh Clusters: Deep Creek Bay Saltmarsh Cluster (53.3 ha) Kemps Bay-Duck Bay Saltmarsh Cluster (35 ha) Duck Bay-Morgans Bay Saltmarsh Cluster (20.7 ha) Page 22 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA 7(B). BIG BAY, PERKINS PASSAGE Stony Point 0 0.5 1 2 Kilometres 0 Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Big Bay - Cades Bay Cluster Acton Bay Cluster Perkins Island Old Po rt Road 8(A). BOULLANGER BAY, Robbins Island 1 2 Kilometres Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Perkins Island Cluster LEGEND Saltmarsh wetland Boullanger Bay - Robbins Island Cluster Perkins Island Conservation Area Big Bay Conservation Area 0.5 Reserve area Flooding area Boullanger Bay Duck Bay Conservation Area Davy Poin Saltmarsh wetland Reserve area Mon tagu Road Bolduans LEGEND Road t Road Flooding area Lees Point Conservation Area Perkins Channel - Bolduans Bay Cluster Robbins Island Public Reserve the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Wallaby Islands Cluster Municipality: Circular Head Saltmarsh Area: 251 ha Associated Waterways: Scopus Creek, Barcoo Creek Dominant Vegetation Type: Largely succulent saltmarsh dominated by Tecticornia and Sarcocornia, with several patches of grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus Dominant Land Tenure: Private Land, Conservation Area, Crown Land Recognised Values: Part of North-west Tasmanian Coast, Robbins Passage & Boullanger Bay Important Bird Areas Saltmarsh Clusters: Big Bay-Cades Bay Saltmarsh Cluster (77.4 ha) Perkins Island Saltmarsh Cluster (65.5 ha) Bolduans Bay-Perkins Channel Saltmarsh Cluster (64 ha) Acton Bay Saltmarsh Cluster (44.3 ha) Wallaby Islands Conservation Area 0 0.5 1 2 Kilometres the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Dominant Land Tenure: Private Land, Municipality: Circular Head Conservation Area, Crown Land Saltmarsh Area: 110 ha Recognised Values: Part of Robbins Passage Associated Waterways: Big Creek, Little Creek & Boullanger Bay Important Bird Area Dominant Vegetation Type: Mostly succulent Saltmarsh Clusters: saltmarsh dominated by Tecticornia and Boullanger Bay-Robbins Island Saltmarsh Sarcocornia, with few patches of grassy saltmarsh Cluster (76.5 ha) Wallaby Islands Saltmarsh Cluster (33 ha) Page 23 of 38 Page 24 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA 8(B). MOSQUITO INLET (ROBBINS ISLAND) Walker Island 00 8(C). ROBBINS PASSAGE 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.25 LEGEND Kilometre 11Kilometre Saltmarsh wetland Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Reserve area 00 0.5 0.5 11 Kilometre 2 Kilometres Robbins Island Flooding area Robbins Passage - Robbins Island Cluster LEGEND Saltmarsh wetland Brick Islands Conservation Area Reserve area Flooding area Boullanger Bay Robbins Island Montagu Island Conservation Area Mosquito Inlet Cluster Montagu Island Cluster ad d Ro Road Islan Island s bins Rob Robbin the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipality: Circular Head Saltmarsh Area: 41 ha Associated Waterways: Eel Creek Dominant Vegetation Type: Mostly grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus, mixed with patches of succulent saltmarsh Dominant Land Tenure: Private Land Recognised Values: Part of Robbins Passage & Boullanger Bay Important Bird Area Saltmarsh Clusters: Mosquito Inlet Saltmarsh Cluster (41 ha) Page 25 of 38 Robbins Passage - Montagu River Cluster Montag Old Po Montagu Beach Conservation Area Big Bay rt Road Old Po rt Road Stony Point u Road the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipality: Circular Head Saltmarsh Area: 327 ha Associated Waterways: Montagu River, Brooks Creek, Bens Creek Dominant Vegetation Type: Largely succulent saltmarsh dominated by Tecticornia and Sarcocornia, with several patches of grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus, Austrostipa Dominant Land Tenure: Private Land, Conservation Area Recognised Values: Part of North-west Tasmanian Coast, Robbins Passage & Boullanger Bay Important Bird Areas Saltmarsh Clusters: Robbins Passage-Robbins Island Saltmarsh Cluster (186 ha) Robbins Passage-Montagu River Saltmarsh Cluster (80 ha) Montagu Island Saltmarsh Cluster (61 ha) Page 26 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA 8(D). SWAN BAY, HARCUS RIVER, KANGAROO ISLAND 0 0.25 0.5 8(E). SHOAL INLET, WELCOME INLET Shell Islets Conservation Area 1 Kilometre 0 0.25 0.5 1 Kilometre Boullanger Bay Boullanger Bay Shoal Inlet - Clump Island Cluster Kangaroo Island Cluster Kangaroo Island Conservation Area Swan Bay - Short Island Cluster oad rth R lno Woo Welcome Inlet Cluster Harcus River - Harcus Island Cluster LEGEND Saltmarsh wetland Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Reserve area Harcus Island Conservation Area Flooding area Welcome River State Reserve LEGEND Saltmarsh wetland Reserve area Flooding area Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania the LIST State of Tasmania the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipality: Circular Head Recognised Values: Part of North-west Tasmanian Saltmarsh Area: 173 ha Coast, Robbins Passage & Boullanger Bay Important Associated Waterways: Harcus River, Swan Creek Bird Areas Dominant Vegetation Type: Mostly grassy Saltmarsh Clusters: saltmarsh dominated by Juncus, Austrostipa and Swan Bay-Short Island Saltmarsh Cluster (76.2 ha) Gahnia, mixed with patches of succulent saltmarsh Harcus River-Harcus Island Saltmarsh Cluster (56.7 ha) Dominant Land Tenure: Private Land, Kangaroo Island Saltmarsh Cluster (39.8 ha) Conservation Area, Crown Land Page 27 of 38 SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipality: Circular Head Saltmarsh Area: 138 ha Associated Waterways: Welcome River Dominant Vegetation Type: Largely grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus, Austrostipa and Gahnia, with several patches of succulent saltmarsh Dominant Land Tenure: Private Land, State Reserve, Crown Land Recognised Values: Part of North-west Tasmanian Coast, Robbins Passage & Boullanger Bay Important Bird Areas Saltmarsh Clusters: Welcome Inlet Saltmarsh Cluster (81.3 ha) Shoal Inlet-Clump Island Saltmarsh Cluster (56.6 ha) Page 28 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA 9(B). LONG BAY (STRAHAN) Public Reserve Oce an B eac hR oad Meredith Street a Road Lowan Cat Island Macquarie Harbour Fringing Marshes LEGEND Saltmarsh wetland Harvey Street Strahan Esplana de King River - Lettes Bay Cluster Andrew Street Public Reserve Ocean Beach Conservation Area Ly ell Hi gh wa y 500 500 Metres St re et 250 Re id 125 Harold Street 0 Long Bay Henty Road Mac quar ie He ads Road 9(A). MACQUARIE HARBOUR Public Reserve Reserve area Permanent Timber Production Zone Land Flooding area Long Bay Cluster LEGEND Green S treet Saltmarsh wetland na wa Lo 0 0.25 0.5 1 Kilometre Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Flooding area the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania ad Ro Reserve area the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipality: West Coast Saltmarsh Area: 27 ha Associated Waterways: King River Dominant Vegetation Type: Mostly grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus, mixed with Apodasmia in areas to the west of Cat Island Dominant Land Tenure: Public Reserve, Conservation Area, Crown Land Recognised Values: Part of North-west Tasmanian Coast Important Bird Area Saltmarsh Clusters: King River-Lettes Bay Saltmarsh Cluster (18.6 ha) Macquarie Harbour Fringing Marshes (8.4 ha) Municipality: West Coast Saltmarsh Area: 3.4 ha Associated Waterways: Manuka River, Botanical Creek Dominant Vegetation Type: Mostly grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus, mixed with Apodasmia in areas along Mill Bay at the mouth of Manuka River Dominant Land Tenure: Public Reserve, Crown Land Recognised Values: Part of North-west Tasmanian Coast Important Bird Area Saltmarsh Clusters: Long Bay Saltmarsh Cluster (3.4 ha) Page 29 of 38 Page 30 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA KING ISLAND 0 10(A). SEA ELEPHANT RIVER 2.5 5 0 10 Kilometres 0.25 0.5 1 Kilometre Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Lavinia Nature Reserve Ramsar Site LEGEND Counsel Hill Conservation Area Saltmarsh wetland Lavinia State Reserve Reserve area Flooding area LEGEND Ramsar Site Sea Elephant River Cluster Coastal Saltmarsh Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Boggy Creek Sea Elephant Sea Elephant Road Sea Elephant Conservation Area the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Dominant Land Tenure: State Reserve Municipality: King Island Recognised Values: Part of King Island Saltmarsh Area: 56 ha Important Bird Area, and occurs entirely Associated Waterways: Sea Elephant River, Saltwater Creek within Lavinia Ramsar Site - Wetland of Dominant Vegetation Type: Largely succulent saltmarsh International Importance dominated by Tecticornia and Sarcocornia, with grassy Saltmarsh Clusters: saltmarsh dominated by Juncus in the upper river sections Sea Elephant River Saltmarsh Cluster (56 ha) An overview of the extent and distribution of saltmarsh wetlands mapped in King Island. Apart from the tidally influenced saltmarshes that have been mapped, there are several other areas along the coast, especially the west coast, where saltmarsh plants occur in herbfields on the spray zone, e.g. Boggy Creek. These areas are represented in TASVEG as: SSZ Spray zone coastal complex. Page 31 of 38 Page 32 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA 11(A). BIG LAKE 0 125 250 12(A). KING ISLAND-WEST COAST 0 500 Metres 0.5 1 2 Kilometres Yellow Rock Lagoon Cluster North Yellow Rock Road So ut h Ye llo w Ro ck Public Reserve Ro ad Muddy Lagoon Big Lake Cluster Colliers Swamp Conservation Area Bungaree Lagoon Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Saltmarsh wetland Saltmarsh wetland Reserve area Reserve area Flooding area Data and image from theLIST, TASMAP, © State of Tasmania Flooding area the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipality: King Island Dominant Land Tenure: Saltmarsh Area: 12.5 ha Conservation Area, Private Land Associated Waterways: Colliers Swamp Recognised Values: Part of King Dominant Vegetation Type: Mostly Island Important Bird Area grassy saltmarsh dominated by Juncus Saltmarsh Clusters: and Deschampsia Big Lake Saltmarsh Cluster (12.5 ha) Bungaree Road Bungaree Point Cluster North Roa d LEGEND LEGEND Porky Beach Conservation Area the LIST State of Tasmania SALTMARSH PROFILE Municipality: King Island Dominant Land Tenure: Private Land, Saltmarsh Area: 4.4 ha Public Reserve, Conservation Area Associated Waterways: Yellow Rock River, Bungaree Creek Recognised Values: Part of King Island Dominant Vegetation Type: Largely grassy saltmarsh Important Bird Area dominated by Juncus, mixed with succulent patches Saltmarsh Clusters: dominated by Sarcocornia, except for Bungaree Point Yellow Rock Lagoon Saltmarsh Cluster (4 ha) Saltmarsh which is dominated by Tecticornia and Sarcocornia Bungaree Point Saltmarsh (0.4 ha) Page 33 of 38 Page 34 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA Spartina anglica DISTRIBUTION OF RICE GRASS (RICE GRASS OR COMMON CORDGRASS) Duck BayBig BayPerkins Passage Spartina anglica (rice grass or common cordgrass) is an introduced and highly invasive grass found in coastal tidal flats and in saltmarshes. It is large, erect (about 1m high), spreading with horizontal mass of roots and forming dense clumps (Figure 1) and often as expansive colonies (Figure 2, 4). They are mapped separately as Spartina marshland (TASVEG code: FSM). The stems are cylindrical, unbranched, and covered with flat green leaves arranged on two opposite rows (leaf sheaths overlapping). The upper leaves are better developed and are either erect or drooping. The flower head is distinctive, arising from the top of the stem as a long erect spike with tiny yellowish green flowers (Figure 3). The habitat range of Spartina can extend up to the high tide mark and compete with native saltmarsh, mainly Sarcocornia quinqueflora (beaded glasswort) (Figure 2). The distribution of Spartina is restricted in Tasmania, though dominates much of the Tamar Estuary in NRM North region and the Rubicon and Duck River Estuaries in Cradle Coast NRM region (see pp. 36-38). Port SorellRubicon Estuary 0 2.25 4.5 Kilometres 0 2 4 Kms LEGEND Local Government Area < 1 ha 1 - 2 ha Rice Grass Area (ha) 2 - 5 ha 5 - 10 ha > 10 ha Rice Grass Point Locations Circular Head Figure 1. Dense Spartina clumps, Duck Bay area. WaratahWynyard Burnie Figure 2. Spartina competing with native saltmarsh. Devonport Latrobe Central Coast Data from theLIST, © State of Tasmania 0 1 Kentish 2 Kms NRM North Mersey Estuary West Coast 0 5 10 20 Kilometres NRM South Figure 3. Spartina flower head. Figure 4. Expansive colonies of Spartina in Rubicon Estuary. Page 35 of 38 Size class distribution of Cradle Coast NRM Spartina marshes. The three main areas of concern are highlighted in the inset maps of Port Sorell-Rubicon Estuary (total mapped area of 226 ha), Duck Bay area (27 ha), and the Mersey Estuary (0.6 ha). The mapping was partly derived from previous work by Mark Wisniewski and Owen Walker, with acknowledgements to DigitalGlobe for their satellite imagery data, and to local community groups (especially the Circular Head Landcare Group), and to contractors Mark Hedditch and Kevin Brown for their mapping and point location data. Page 36 of 38 Cradle Coast NRM ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA PORT SORELL-RUBICON RIVER: RICE GRASS LEGEND Saltmarsh 0 0 0.50.5 1 1 CIRCULAR HEAD: RICE GRASS LEGEND 2 Kilometres 2 Kilometres 1.25 2.5 2.5 0 0 1.25 Kilometres 55 Kilometres Saltmarsh Ricegrass Ricegrass Robbins Island Image from TASMAP, © State of Tasmania the LIST © State of Tasmania Image from TASMAP, © State of Tasmania the LIST © State of Tasmania the LIST State of Tasmania RICE GRASS PROFILE Port Sorell-Panatana Rivulet Saltmarsh Municipality: Latrobe Cluster (20 ha) Rice Grass Area: 226 ha South East Arm-Franklin Rivulet Associated Saltmarsh Complex: Port Sorell-Rubicon Saltmarsh Cluster (6 ha) River Coastal Complex (see pp. 8-10) Associated Waterways: Rubicon River, Associated Saltmarsh Clusters: Franklin Rivulet, Sheepwash Creek, North East Arm-Bakers Beach Saltmarsh Cluster (95 ha) Browns Creek, Branchs Creek, Kermode Rubicon River-Port Sorell Saltmarsh Cluster (33 ha) Creek, Greens Creek, Panatana Rivulet Page 37 of 38 the LIST State of Tasmania RICE GRASS PROFILE Perkins Island Saltmarsh Cluster (65.5 ha) Municipality: Circular Head Bolduans Bay-Perkins Channel Saltmarsh Rice Grass Area: 27 ha Cluster (64 ha) Associated Saltmarsh Complexes (right-left): Acton Bay Saltmarsh Cluster (44.3 ha) Detention-Black Coastal Complex (pp. 17-18) Robbins Passage-Robbins Island East-West Inlets Coastal Complex (p. 21) Saltmarsh Cluster (186 ha) Big Bay-Duck Bay Coastal Complex (pp. 22-23) Robbins Passage-Montagu River Boullanger Bay-Robbins Passage Coastal Complex (pp. 24-28) Saltmarsh Cluster (80 ha) Associated Saltmarsh Clusters (right-left): Montagu Island Saltmarsh Cluster (61 ha) Black River Saltmarsh Cluster (17 ha) Harcus River-Harcus Island Saltmarsh West Inlet Saltmarsh Cluster (50 ha) Cluster (56.7 ha) Deep Creek Bay Saltmarsh Cluster (53.3 ha) Associated Waterways: Duck River, Deep Duck Bay-Morgans Bay Saltmarsh Cluster (20.7 ha) Creek, Scopus Creek, Montagu River, Kemps Bay-Duck Bay Saltmarsh Cluster (35 ha) Harcus River, Black River Page 38 of 38 ATLAS OF COASTAL SALTMARSH WETLANDS IN THE CRADLE COAST REGION OF TASMANIA CONTACT Anna Wind Coastal Coordinator Cradle Coast NRM PO Box 338 Burnie, Tasmania 7320 Ph: (03) 6433 8400 Email: [email protected] Website: Vishnu Prahalad Geography & Spatial Science Discipline School of Land and Food Private Bag 78 University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania 7001 Ph: (03) 6226 7674 Email: [email protected] Succulent saltmarsh in East Inlet, near Stanley Disclaimer – Cradle Coast NRM and University of Tasmania use reasonable means to verify the validity and accuracy of the data contained herein at the date of this publication, however to the extent allowed by law, it does not warrant or represent that the data will be correct, current, fit/suitable for a particular purpose or not-misleading. Cradle Coast NRM and University of Tasmania, and all persons acting on their behalf preparing data that has been used in this report, accept no liability for the accuracy of or inferences from material contained in this publication, or for action as a result of any person’s or group’s interpretation, deductions, conclusions or actions in relying on this material.
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