2005 julai pekerjaan peluang
2005 julai pekerjaan peluang
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Our aim is to be a provider of choice and a partner in solutions. eppel Offshore & Marine (A member of the Keppel Group) Keppel FELS (Singapore) • Keppel Shipyard - Tuas (Singapore) • Keppel Shipyard - Benoi (Singapore) • Keppel Shipyard - Gul (Singapore) • Keppel Singmarine (Singapore) • Keppel Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan) • Keppel Verolme (The Netherlands) • BrasFELS (Brazil) • Keppel FELS Brasil (Brazil) • Caspian Shipyard Company (Azerbaijan) • Keppel AmFELS (USA) • Arab Heavy Industries (UAE) • Offshore & Marine (Norway) • Keppel Nantong Shipyard (China) • Keppel Batangas Shipyard (Philippines) • Keppel Cebu Shipyard (Philippines) • Subic Shipyard & Engineering (Philippines) Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd 50 Gul Road Singapore 629351 Tel: (65) 6863 7200 Fax: (65) 6261 7719 www.keppelom.com OBC-OFC 4C.indd 2-3 4/17/07 4:22:04 PM May Day Annual 2007 “Together with our affiliated unions, cooperatives and tripartite partners, we pledge to strive for better employment for all so that our workers can earn a good living and lead a better life.” Lim Swee Say National Trades Union Congress Secretary-General May Day 2007 openner.indd 65 4/23/07 4:21:32 PM May Day Annual 2007 Our Pledge 4 May Day Resolution Messages 9 21 25 29 33 Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister, Singapore Ng Eng Hen, Manpower Minister, Singapore Stephen Lee, Singapore National Employers Federation President John De Payva, President, National Trades Union Congress Lim Swee Say, Secretary-General, National Trades Union Congress The NTUC Leadership 42 44 NTUC Central Committee NTUC Representatives in Statutory Boards, Advisory and Working Committees 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Stories: Michael Fong and Sharon Lee, with contributions from Jess Lim and Loy York Jiun Pictures: Chin Boon Lian All For Work, And Work For All Ages Building From Scratch Under the Orange Roof A Bit Of Luck And A Whole Lot Of Hard Work Member For Life Joining NTUC Opened Many Doors For Her In His Khakis Training Future Leaders Committed To The Union Courses Helped Him To Be A More Effective Unionist Partners Working Hand In Hand Going Global With Our Unions Union At Work The NTUC Family 63 Acknowledgment 192 Many hands make light work. The Editorial Advisory Committee thanks… The Directory of all National Trades Union Congress unions, associations, cooperatives, affiliates, Singapore Labour Foundation and associate companies. Cover Design Geoff Tan © Copyright 1 May 2007. Publisher NTUC Media Co-operative Limited for and on behalf of the National Trades Union Congress. The publisher owns the copyright to all the photographs and articles in this book. No photograph or article may be reproduced in part or in full without the consent of the publisher. Printer Times Printers Private Limited. NTUC Address: 1 Marina Boulevard #11-01 NTUC Centre Singapore 018989. Tel: 62138000 Fax: 63278800 Website: http://www.ntuc.org.sg openner.indd 60 4/23/07 4:21:57 PM May Day Annual 2007 May Day Resolution “On this May Day 2007, we, in the labour movement hereby pledge to be an inclusive Labour Movement For All, for workers of all collars, all nationalities and all age groups.” May Day 2007 openner.indd 55 4/20/07 11:19:42 PM 4 MAY DAY RESOLUTION 2007 May Day Resolution 2007 ON THIS MAY DAY 2007, WE, IN THE LABOUR MOVEMENT HEREBY: PLEDGE to be an inclusive Labour Movement For All, for workers of all collars, all nationalities and all age groups. STRENGTHEN our close tripartite partnership with the Government and employers so that Singapore continues to be a competitive economy, an inclusive society and a vibrant, global city with opportunities for all. STRONGLY SUPPORT initiatives that improve the lives of low-wage workers, to help them enhance their wages and employability as well as strengthen their social safety net. CONTINUE TO WORK CLOSELY with the Government and employers to: • Expand employment opportunities through job re-design, re-training and skills-upgrading. • Enhance cost competitiveness through performance-based rewards system. • Maximise re-employment opportunities for mature workers. • Promote healthy lifestyle among workers to enhance their employability. • Secure better employment conditions for contract workers. • Uphold the highest standards of health and safety to prevent any loss of workers’ lives and limbs. WE FURTHER RESOLVE TO: HELP workers stretch their dollar and lead better lives by working with our cooperatives and affiliated agencies. ATTRACT and engage more young members and activists so that we continue to grow and remain relevant to our workers. RENEW our strong symbiotic relationship with the People’s Action Party and our solidarity with the international labour movements. On this May Day, we pledge to work together for a brighter future for all. Resolution.indd 4 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/20/07 4:27:07 PM MAY DAY RESOLUTION 2007 5 Ketetapan Hari Buruh 2007 PADA HARI BURUH 2007 INI, KAMI, DALAM PERGERAKAN BURUH, DENGAN INI: BERIKRAR untuk menjadi sebuah Pergerakan Buruh yang inklusif untuk semua, untuk para pekerja dalam semua pekerjaan, semua kerakyatan dan semua golongan umur. MENGUKUHKAN perkongsian kerjasama tiga pihak kita yang rapat dengan Pemerintah dan para majikan agar Singapura terus menjadi sebuah ekonomi yang berdaya saing, sebuah masyarakat yang inklusif dan sebuah kota global yang bertenaga dengan peluang-peluang untuk semua. MENYOKONG KUAT inisiatif-inisiatif yang memperbaiki kehidupan pekerja bergaji rendah, untuk menolong mereka meningkatkan gaji mereka dan daya laku kerja mereka serta mengukuhkan jaringan keselamatan sosial mereka. TERUS BEKERJA RAPAT dengan Pemerintah dan para majikan untuk: • Meluaskan peluang-peluang pekerjaan menerusi reka semula pekerjaan, latihan semula dan peningkatan kemahiran. • Meningkatkan daya saing kos menerusi sistem ganjaran berdasarkan prestasi. • Maksimumkan peluang-peluang pekerjaan semula untuk pekerja matang. • Menggalakkan gaya hidup sihat di kalangan pekerja untuk meningkatkan daya laku kerja mereka. • Mendapatkan syarat-syarat pekerjaan yang lebih baik untuk pekerja kontrak. • Mengekalkan standard kesihatan dan keselamatan yang paling tinggi untuk mencegah sebarang kehilangan jiwa dan raga pekerja. KAMI SETERUSNYA MEMBUAT KETETAPAN UNTUK: MENOLONG pekerja meraih penjimatan daripada setiap dolar yang mereka belanjakan dan menjalani kehidupan yang lebih baik dengan bekerja bersama koperatif-koperatif dan agensi-agensi kerabat kita. MENARIK dan melibatkan lebih ramai anggota dan aktivis muda agar kita terus tumbuh dan kekal relevan kepada para pekerja kita. MEMBAHARUI hubungan simbiotik kita yang kuat dengan Parti Tindakan Rakyat dan setiakawan kita dengan pergerakan-pergerakan buruh antarabangsa. Pada Hari Buruh ini, kami berikrar untuk bekerjasama demi masa depan yang lebih cerah untuk semua. Resolution.indd 5 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/20/07 4:27:18 PM 6 MAY DAY RESOLUTION 2007 Resolution.indd 6 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/20/07 4:27:31 PM MAY DAY RESOLUTION 2007 Resolutionpath .indd 7 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 7 4/20/07 4:28:33 PM May Day Annual 2007 May Day Messages “Together, we have created today’s Singapore, through grit, determination and hard work. But we are still a tiny multi-racial, multi-religious country in the middle of Southeast Asia. We still need to make a living for ourselves, and to keep Singapore safe for our families. If we continue to work together as one Singapore team, we will surely succeed in moving forward as a competitive economy and an inclusive society.” Lee Hsien Loong Prime Minister, Singapore May Day 2007 openner.indd 56 4/20/07 11:41:32 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 9 May Day Message 2007 Lee Hsien Loong Prime Minister, Singapore Work Together As One Singapore Team The economy has done very well in the last three years. The growth was broadbased, benefiting all sectors. Many jobs were created – 176,000 last year alone. I expect the strong momentum to continue, with the economy growing at a healthy 4.5 per cent to 6.5 per cent this year. Our investment pipeline is strong, and we are bringing in major new projects: In tourism, semi-conductors, petrochemicals and other areas. The financial sector is doing particularly well. All this will create many new and betterpaying jobs for Singaporeans. But in this competitive globalised world, the pressure is relentless. The pace of change is not slowing down. Companies have many options to locate their new investments. When the Economic Development Board approaches them, they compare what Singapore has with the best of what other countries are offering. When I meet investors, they ask me where Singapore is headed, how we see our future, and 4Message.indd 9 4/23/07 10:38:52 PM 10 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 May Day Message 2007 how we plan to stay competitive over the long term. Hence, while our prospects are bright, we must never become complacent or let our guard down. The Government will continue to create opportunities for Singaporeans to strive and succeed in this environment. One top priority is to equip all workers for the new jobs. This means skills upgrading to keep pace with changing industry demands, and skills conversion to take on new job opportunities. Learning and re-learning is a continuous process for all levels of the workforce. We are targeting lower-skilled workers because they are the most vulnerable. But we are also helping professionals, managers, executives and technicians to upgrade and adapt, and find jobs in new industries. We will continue to re-design jobs, re-skill workers, and upgrade productivity, to enhance wages progressively and sustainably. Besides, with flexible wages, when companies do well in a strong economy, workers can enjoy higher bonus payments. For low-wage workers, Workfare will 4Message.indd 10 4/23/07 10:38:55 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 supplement their incomes and savings. This Labour Day, workers will receive the second payment of the Workfare Bonus; they received the first payment last Labour Day. In this year’s Budget, we have institutionalised the Workfare Income Supplement as a fourth pillar of our social security system. This is a major step forward. Low-wage workers, both formal and informal, can look forward to their first WIS payment on 1 January 2008. Workers in the middle- and higherincome groups also have something to look forward to – the 1.5 percentage point increase in the employer Central Provident Fund contribution rate. This will add to their savings, and help many to pay for their mortgages and medical needs. Looking ahead, one major longterm challenge is the rapid ageing of our population. As more Singaporeans retire, their financial security becomes an important concern, both for them and for the country. Our CPF system provides a basic retirement pension for the vast majority of Singaporeans. But we are 4Message.indd 11 studying ways to enable CPF members to earn higher returns, so as to improve their retirement adequacy. We also need to prepare holistically for an ageing workforce. This means updating the skills of older workers, making our workplace more elderly friendly and implementing more flexible employment terms. The key goal is to enable workers to work longer and retire later. Then they can stay active and healthy, and save more for old age. We need fundamental mindset changes on the part of workers, employers, and the Government. We should see this demographic shift not as a liability but as creating new opportunities which we should take full advantage of. Tackling these and other challenges demands an outstanding team of leaders, who are not just capable and competent, but also committed and dedicated to Singapore. They must have the right values, and the passion to serve Singaporeans and improve your lives. We need such leaders in every segment of our society – in government, to formulate the right policies for the overall 11 good of the country; in the unions, to champion the wellbeing of workers in an intelligent and enlightened way; and in the companies, to take a long-term perspective of their business, treat their employees fairly, and provide for their career needs. Our system has produced this, and we must ensure that it continues to do so. Most of all, we must consolidate the tripartite partnership built up over the years. Together, we have created today’s Singapore, through grit, determination and hard work. But we are still a tiny multi-racial, multi-religious country in Southeast Asia. We still need to make a living for ourselves, and to keep Singapore safe for our families. Therefore, we must strengthen the trust and confidence in one another, and continue to work together as one Singapore team. On this Labour Day, let us renew our commitment to maintain a strong tripartite partnership, to succeed as a competitive economy and an inclusive society, and so to secure a bright and enduring future for all of us. 4/23/07 10:39:07 PM 12 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 Amanat Hari Buruh 2007 Lee Hsien Loong Perdana Menteri Singapura Bekerjasama Sebagai Satu Pasukan Singapura Ekonomi kita telah menunjukkan prestasi yang sangat baik dalam tiga tahun yang lepas. Pertumbuhan telah berlaku dalam semua bidang dan ia memanfaatkan semua sektor. Banyak pekerjaan telah diwujudkan – 176,000 pada tahun lepas sahaja. Saya menjangkakan bahawa momentum yang kuat ini akan berjalan terus, dan ekonomi akan tumbuh dengan sihat pada tahun ini pada kadar 4.5 peratus hingga 6.5 peratus. Kita terus menarik banyak pelaburan, dan kita membawa masuk projek-projek baru yang besar: Dalam pelancongan, semikonduktor, petrokimia dan 4Message.indd 12 bidang-bidang lain. Sektor kewangan menunjukkan prestasi yang sangat baik. Semua ini akan mewujudkan banyak pekerjaan baru dan perkerjaan yang memberi gaji yang lebih tinggi untuk rakyat Singapura. Tetapi, dalam dunia global yang bersaing ini, tekanan berlaku tak hentihenti. Perubahan bertambah ligat. Syarikat-syarikat mempunyai banyak pilihan tentang di mana mereka mahu menempatkan pelaburan baru mereka. Apabila Lembaga Kemajuan Ekonomi berjumpa mereka, mereka membandingkan apa yang terdapat di Singapura dengan tawaran terbaik 4/23/07 10:39:15 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 daripada negara-negara lain. Apabila saya berjumpa pelabur, mereka bertanya saya ke mana arah tuju Singapura, apa pandangan kita tentang masa depan kita, dan bagaimana kita merancang untuk kekal bersaing dalam jangka panjang. Oleh itu, walau pun harapan kita cerah, kita tidak harus berasa puas hati atau leka. Pemerintah akan terus mewujudkan peluang-peluang untuk membolehkan rakyat Singapura berusaha dan berjaya dalam sekitaran ini. Satu keutamaan penting kita adalah melengkapkan semua pekerja untuk pekerjaanpekerjaan baru. Ini bermakna meningkatkan kemahiran agar para pekerja dapat memenuhi permintaan industri yang sentiasa berubah, dan menukar kemahiran mereka supaya mereka dapat memanfaatkan peluangpeluang pekerjaan baru. Belajar dan belajar semula adalah proses yang berterusan bagi setiap lapisan tenaga kerja. Sasaran kita adalah pekerja-pekerja berkemahiran rendah kerana mereka merupakan golongan yang mudah sekali terjejas dengan perubahan itu. Tetapi kita juga membantu golongan profesional, pengurus, eksekutif dan teknisyen untuk meningkatkan kemahiran dan menyesuaikan diri, dan mencari 4Message.indd 13 pekerjaan dalam industri-industri baru. Kita akan meneruskan usaha untuk mereka semula pekerjaan, menyiapkan pekerja dengan kemahiran baru dan meningkatkan daya penghasilan untuk menaikkan gaji secara berperingkatperingkat dan kekal. Di samping itu, dengan gaji yang fleksibel, apabila syarikat-syarikat menunjukkan prestasi yang baik semasa ekonomi kukuh, para pekerja boleh menikmati bayaran bonus yang lebih tinggi. Untuk pekerja yang bergaji rendah, Daya Kerja akan menambah pendapatan dan simpanan mereka. Pada Hari Buruh ini, para pekerja akan menerima bayaran kedua bagi Bonus Daya Kerja mereka – mereka telah menerima bayaran pertama pada Hari Buruh tahun lalu. Dalam Belanjawan tahun ini, kita telah menginstitusikan Skim Tambahan Pendapatan Daya Kerja (WIS) sebagai tunggak keempat dalam sistem keselamatan sosial kita. Ini adalah satu langkah ke depan yang besar. Pekerjapekerja bergaji rendah, baik rasmi dan yang bukan rasmi, boleh berharap untuk mendapat bayaran WIS mereka pada 1 Januari 2008. Para pekerja dalam golongan berpendapatan sederhana dan tinggi 13 juga akan meraih sesuatu iaitu kenaikan kadar sumbangan Tabung Simpanan Pekerja (CPF) majikan sebanyak 1.5 peratusan mata. Ini akan meningkatkan simpanan mereka, dan membantu ramai daripada mereka membayar pinjaman perumahan dan keperluan perubatan mereka. Memandang ke hadapan, satu cabaran besar pada jangka panjang adalah penuaan penduduk kita yang cepat. Sedang lebih ramai rakyat Singapura bersara, jaminan kewangan mereka menjadi keprihatinan yang penting, baik bagi mereka dan negara. Sistem CPF kita menyediakan pencen persaraan asas bagi kebanyakan rakyat Singapura. Tetapi kita sedang mengkaji cara-cara untuk membolehkan para anggota CPF meraih pulangan yang lebih tinggi agar mereka dapat memperbaiki keupayaan mereka untuk mempunyai simpanan yang mencukupi untuk persaraan. Kita juga perlu mempersiapkan secara holistik tenaga kerja yang kian meningkat tua. Ini bermakna kita mesti mempertingkat kemahiran pekerja tua, menjadikan tempat kerja kita lebih mesra warga lanjut usia dan melaksanakan syarat-syarat pekerjaan yang lebih fleksibel. 4/23/07 10:39:19 PM 14 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 Amanat Hari Buruh 2007 Matlamat utama adalah untuk membolehkan para pekerja bekerja lebih lama dan bersara pada usia yang lebih lanjut. Dengan ini mereka boleh kekal aktif dan sihat, dan menabung lebih banyak untuk hari tua. Kita memerlukan perubahan minda yang penting di kalangan para pekerja, majikan dan Pemerintah. Kita tidak harus lihat anjakan demografik ini sebagai satu liabiliti tetapi sebaliknya sebagai satu langkah untuk mewujudkan peluang-peluang baru yang kita harus manfaatkan sepenuhnya. Usaha menangani cabaran-cabaran ini serta cabaran-cabaran lain memerlukan satu pasukan pemimpin yang cemerlang yang bukan sahaja berkebolehan dan cekap tetapi juga komited dan berdedikasi kepada Singapura. Mereka mesti mempunyai nilai-nilai yang betul dan semangat untuk berbakti kepada 4Message.indd 14 Singapura dan memperbaiki kehidupan anda. Kita memerlukan para pemimpin seperti itu di setiap segmen masyarakat kita – dalam pemerintah, untuk menggubal dasar-dasar yang betul untuk kepentingan negara yang menyeluruh; dalam kesatuan-kesatuan sekerja, untuk memperjuangkan kesejahteraan pekerja dengan cara yang bijak dan arif; dan dalam syarikat-syarikat, untuk mengambil perspektif jangka panjang dalam perniagaan mereka, memberi layanan adil kepada pekerja mereka dan memenuhi keperluan-keperluan kerjaya mereka. Sistem kita telah menghasilkan ini, dan kita mesti memastikan bahawa ia terus berbuat demikian. Terpenting sekali, kita mesti mengukuhkan perkongsian kerjasama tiga pihak yang telah lama terbina. Bersama-sama, kita telah mewujudkan Singapura pada hari ini, dengan kecekalan, azam dan kerja kuat kita. Tetapi kita masih sebuah negara berbilang bangsa, berbilang agama yang kecil di Asia Tenggara. Kita masih perlu bekerja untuk menyara hidup kita, dan memastikan bahawa Singapura selamat untuk keluarga kita. Oleh itu kita mesti menguatkan kepercayaan dan keyakinan antara satu sama lain, dan terus bekerjasama sebagai satu pasukan Singapura. Pada Hari Buruh ini, marilah kita memperbaharui komitmen kita untuk mengekalkan perkongsian kerjasama tiga pihak yang kuat untuk berjaya sebagai sebuah ekonomi yang berdaya saing dan sebagai masyarakat inklusif demi menjamin masa depan yang cerah dan dapat bertahan lama untuk kita semua. 4/23/07 10:39:24 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 4Message.indd 15 15 4/23/07 10:39:27 PM 16 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 4Message.indd 16 4/23/07 10:39:33 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 4Message.indd 17 17 4/23/07 10:39:40 PM 18 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 劳动节献词2007 李显龙 总理 同心协力,全民一心 新加坡经济在过去三年取得稳健和全 面的增长,各个领域都受惠,同时为 人民带来许多就业机会 — 单在去年就 有17万6,000份新工作。 我相信增长势头将保持强劲,今年 应可取得4.5%到6.5%之间的增长。此 外,整体的投资走势十分良好。我们 的旅游业、半导体业、石油化学工业 和其他领域吸引了庞大的新投资。金 融业的表现尤其突出。这些趋势将为 国人制造许多酬劳更高的新工作。 不过,全球化的趋势也为我们带 来更激烈的竞争和有增无减的压力, 因此不能期待改变的步伐缓慢下来。 企业寻找投资的地点时,可以精挑细 选。当经济发展局向投资者游说的时 候,投资者会比较新加坡的条件和 其他国家所能提供的最好条件。我常 会见外地企业家,他们向我提出的问 4Message.indd 18 4/23/07 10:39:48 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 题,大多关系到新加坡的发展方向和 前景,以及我们保持长期竞争力的策 略。由此看来,虽然我国的前景一片 光明,但是我们永远不能自满或松懈 下来。 在这样的国际形势下,政府将继续 竭尽所能为新加坡人制造施展才能和 抱负的机会。当前急务是协助工友做 好准备,以胜任这些新工作。他们的技 能应该不断提升,才跟得上日新月异 的工业需求。他们必须拥有全新的技 能,才能争取新的就业机会。全体工 友,不论技术水平如何,都应该不断 自我提升和学习。技术水平较低的工 友,是最脆弱的一群,也是我们着重 帮助的对象。不过,我们也协助专业 人士、经理、执行人员和技术人员提 升自己和适应新环境,并在新的领域 寻找工作。 我们将继续重新设计工作,重新培 训工友,并提高生产力,使工友的待 遇可以逐渐的和持续的改善。除此之 外,有了灵活的工资制,当经济强劲 增长,公司取得良好业绩的时候,工 友就可享有更多的花红。 就业奖励计划的对象是低收入工 友,我们将直接补贴他们的收入和积 4Message.indd 19 蓄。在这个劳动节,我们将第二次分 发就业奖励花红。第一次是在去年的 劳动节。在今年的财政预算案中,就 业入息补贴计划成了我国社会保障制 度的第四大支柱。这是我们向前跨出 的一大步。低薪工友,不论是正式就 业或非正式就业的,都可在2008年 1月1日获得他们第一部分的就业入息 补贴。 中高入息阶层的工友也将获得一些 好处。雇主公积金缴交率将调高1.5个 百分点。这将增加他们的储蓄,也 19 可以帮助他们应付房屋贷款和医药开 支。 展望未来,我们面对的一大长期 挑战是人口迅速老化的问题。随着更 多国人退休,财务保障将成为他们和 国家关注的问题。我们的公积金制度 使绝大部分国人累积了一笔基本退休 金。我们正在进一步探讨如何提高公 积金的收益回报,帮助国人累积足够 的退休金。 我们的劳动队伍正在老化。为此, 我们必须做好全面准备,这包括提升 4/23/07 10:39:53 PM 20 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 劳动节献词2007 年长工友的技能,使工作场所更适合 年长工友,并且实行更灵活的雇佣制 度。我们的主要目标是确保年长工人 能延长工作年和延后退休。这样,他 们就可保持健康活跃,为晚年累积更 多储蓄。工人、雇主和政府都应该改 变对这个问题的基本看法。我们应该 将人口结构的变化视为一种机会,以 及一种可以善加利用的优势,而不是 一种负担。 我们要解决上述种种问题,就必 须拥有杰出的领导班子。领导人应该 有能力和才干,也应具备为新加坡奉 献的精神。他们必须是诚恳的,应该 有服务的精神和为老百姓谋福利的热 忱。我们社会各层面都需要这样的领 袖。有了这样的领袖,政府才能够制 定符合国家整体利益的政策,职工会 才能够通过开明和有效的措施为工人 争取福利,而新加坡才可能拥有许多 4Message.indd 20 高瞻远瞩的企业,以及许多懂得公平 对待员工和为员工制造上进机会的企 业。这些都是现有体制所能办得到, 我们因此必须确保这个体制继续顺利 运作。 最重要的是,我们必须加强多年建 立起来的劳、资、政合作伙伴关系。 我们是凭着坚强的意志和同心协力的 精神,建立了今日的新加坡。然而, 我们仍然是东南亚一个多元种族、多 元宗教的小国。我们离不开这个环 境,因此必须尽力维持我们的谋生条 件,维护社会的繁荣和安全,让人民 可以安居乐业。人民之间的互信十分 重要,让我们保持团结,全民一心。 在这个劳动节,让我们重申我们的 承诺:我们将继续保持劳资政三方的 密切合作关系,保持我国的竞争力, 并打造一个包容的社会,为全体国人 创造一个光明和美好的前途。 4/23/07 10:39:58 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 21 May Day Message 2007 Ng Eng Hen Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Defence Moving Forward Together, Facing The Future With Confidence 2006 was a good year for workers. Singapore’s economy continued to grow. A record 176,000 jobs were created, of which 90,900 went to locals. The total workforce is at its highest ever, at 2.496 million. Unemployment fell to 2.6 per cent in December 2006, with almost 24,000 fewer local workers unemployed compared to 2003. Workers are enjoying higher bonuses and wage increases. National Trades Union Congress proposed and the Government agreed to a restoration in the Central Provident Fund contribution rate for most workers by 1.5 per cent. The efforts of NTUC and its tripartite partners have helped Singapore emerge from the difficult years from 2001 to 2003. Even though the message may have been unpopular then, NTUC helped workers understand the economic challenges that Singapore was facing and to make necessary but painful changes. These efforts have borne fruit. With a flexible labour market, performance-based wage systems and efforts to upgrade and reskill workers, our economy has remained competitive and created a record number of jobs. We need to sustain our efforts and keep up the momentum to respond to three important challenges facing our workforce. Demand For Higher Skills First, higher skills. The Government has decided to make Workfare the fourth 4Message.indd 21 pillar of our social security system. The Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) scheme, together with the accompanying CPF changes, will encourage more Singaporeans to find work and stay in jobs. It will improve their employability, raise their take-home pay and enhance their retirement adequacy. With more people in families working, households will be better off. However, Workfare is not the complete answer to helping low-wage workers earn more. To achieve this, every worker must improve his skills level and add greater value to his job. Government will assist those who want to improve themselves. To help workers upgrade, the Workforce Development Agency has implemented the Workforce Skills Qualification framework in a number of industry sectors such as retail and tourism. More will follow in the next two years, such as in the landscaping, info-comm and creative industries. Our Ageing Population Second, workers must remain employable. The Tripartite Committee on Employability of Older Workers has made good progress. The ADVANTAGE! Scheme launched last year has helped companies to redesign jobs and processes to make them more suitable for older workers. Many workers have tapped on WDA funding to equip themselves with upto-date and relevant skills. These efforts, coupled with strong job creation, have improved employment rates for older workers. Employers and workers should press on in their efforts, to ensure that this improvement is sustained. We also need to ensure that fair employment practices are adopted by companies. Discrimination has no place in Singapore. In May 2006, the Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP) was set up to raise awareness and promote fair and progressive employment practices. Later this year, a Tripartite Centre for Fair Employment will be set up to proactively reach out to more companies and workers. I hope that employers and unions will continue to support TAFEP’s initiatives. A Safe And Healthy Workplace Third, all workers must go home safe each day. We must continue to improve Occupational Safety & Health (OSH). The workplace fatality rate in 2006 fell to 3.1 per 100,000 workers. Compared to the rate of 4 in 2005 and 4.9 in 2004, this is a marked improvement. We are well on our way to achieving OSH standards of developed countries by 2015. In 2008, the Workplace Safety and Health Act will be expanded to cover six new industries, including hotels and restaurants, hospitals, and transport services. I urge unions and employers to work together to build stronger safety and health capabilities in their companies. Facing The Future With Confidence In 2006, NTUC bade farewell to SecretaryGeneral Lim Boon Heng. I would like to thank him once again for his contributions to the labour movement and to tripartism in Singapore. I look forward to working closely with his successor, Secretary-General Lim Swee Say, to tackle the challenges ahead. The Singapore Tripartism Forum, launched in January 2007 to advance and institutionalise the key principles of our collaborative industrial relations model, is a positive development. Open dialogue through such platforms will strengthen and build on the strong tripartite trust, to help us meet future challenges with confidence. Looking ahead, more good jobs will continue to be created across the economy, especially in growing sectors like healthcare, hotels, retail and banking and finance, as well as in the Integrated Resorts. Let us continue to work together to ensure that our workers are well equipped to take advantage of the opportunities which lie ahead. I wish the NTUC and all workers, Happy May Day. 4/23/07 10:40:02 PM 22 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 Amanat Hari Buruh 2007 Ng Eng Hen Menteri Tenaga Manusia dan Menteri Kedua Pertahanan Bergerak Maju Bersama, Hadapi Masa Depan Dengan Yakin 2006 adalah tahun yang baik bagi para pekerja. Ekonomi Singapura terus tumbuh dengan kukuh. Sebanyak 176,000 pekerjaan telah diwujudkan yang merupakan satu rekod. 90,000 daripada pekerjaan itu telah diambil oleh pekerja tempatan. Jumlah tenaga kerja berada pada paras yang tertinggi, iaitu 2.496 juta pekerja. Pengangguran telah turun kepada 2.6 peratus pada bulan Disember 2006, dengan bilangan pekerja yang menganggur berkurangan hampir 24,000 orang berbanding 2003. Para pekerja menikmati bonus dan kenaikan gaji yang lebih tinggi. Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Kebangsaan (NTUC) telah mengusulkan agar kadar sumbangan Tabung Simpanan Pekerja (CPF) dipulihkan semula sebanyak 1.5 peratus untuk kebanyakan pekerja. Saranan ini telah dipersetujui oleh Pemerintah. Usaha-usaha NTUC dan rakan-rakan kerjasama tiga pihaknya telah membantu Singapura bangkit daripada tahun-tahun sukar antara 2001 dan 2003. Walaupun mesejnya mungkin tidak popular pada masa itu, NTUC telah membantu para pekerja memahami cabarancabaran ekonomi yang dihadapi oleh Singapura dan perlunya kita melakukan penyesuaian yang perit tetapi perlu. Usaha-usaha ini telah membuahkan hasil. Dengan pasaran buruh yang fleksibel, sistem gaji yang berdasarkan prestasi dan usaha-usaha untuk meningkatkan diri dan melatih semula pekerja, ekonomi kita kekal bersaing saing dan mewujudkan bilangan pekerjaan yang paling tinggi. Kita perlu meneruskan usaha kita dan mengekalkan momentumnya untuk menyahut tiga cabaran penting yang dihadapi oleh tenaga kerja kita. Permintaan Untuk Kemahiran Lebih Tinggi Yang pertama ialah kemahiran yang lebih tinggi. Pemerintah telah memutuskan untuk menjadikan Daya Kerja tunggak keempat dalam sistem keselamatan sosial kita. Skim Tambahan Pendapatan Daya Kerja (WIS) bersama dengan perubahan-perubahan pada CPF akan menggalakkan lebih ramai warga Singapura mencari kerja dan kekal bekerja. Ini akan meningkatkan daya laku kerja mereka, menambah gaji yang mereka bawa pulang dan memperbaiki persiapan mereka untuk mempunyai simpanan yang mencukupi apabila mereka bersara. Dengan lebih ramai anggota keluarga bekerja, keluarga-keluarga akan menikmati kehidupan yang lebih baik. Bagaimanapun, Daya Kerja bukanlah jawapan 4Message.indd 22 penuh kepada usaha untuk membantu para pekerja bergaji rendah mendapat pendapatan yang lebih. Untuk mendapat gaji lebih, setiap pekerja mesti memperbaiki paras kemahirannya dan menambah nilai yang lebih besar kepada pekerjaannya. Pemerintah akan membantu mereka yang mahu mempertingkat diri mereka. Untuk membantu para pekerja menjalani peningkatan diri, Agensi Pembangunan Tenaga Kerja (WDA) telah melaksanakan rangka kerja Kelayakan Kemahiran Tenaga Kerja (WSQ) di beberapa sektor perusahaan seperti perusahaan runcit dan perusahaan pelancongan. Lebih banyak sektor perusahaan akan mengikuti langkah ini dalam masa dua tahun akan datang, seperti perusahaan-perusahaan perlanskapan, infokom dan kreatif. Penduduk Kita Yang Meningkat Tua Kedua, para pekerja kita mesti memastikan yang mereka mempunyai kemahiran yang relevan untuk mengekalkan pekerjaan mereka. Jawatankuasa Tiga Pihak bagi Daya Laku Kerja untuk Pekerja Tua telah mencapai kemajuan yang baik. Skim ADVANTAGE! yang dilancarkan pada tahun lalu telah membantu syarikatsyarikat untuk mereka semula pekerjaan dan proses kerja untuk menjadikan pekerjaan dan proses kerja itu lebih sesuai untuk para pekerja tua. Ramai pekerja telah memanfaatkan dana yang disediakan WDA untuk melengkapkan diri mereka dengan kemahiran-kemahiran terkini dan relevan. Usaha-usaha ini, yang disokong oleh suasana pewujudan banyak pekerjaan, telah meningkatkan kadar pekerjaan di kalangan pekerja tua. Para majikan dan pekerja mesti meneruskan usaha mereka ini untuk memastikan pembaikan ini dapat dikekalkan. Kita juga perlu memastikan bahawa amalan pekerjaan yang adil diamalkan oleh syarikatsyarikat. Amalan diskriminasi tidak mempunyai tempat di Singapura. Pada Mei 2006, Perikatan Tiga Pihak bagi Amalan Pekerjaan Yang Adil (TAFEP) telah ditubuhkan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran dan menggalakkan amalan pekerjaan yang adil dan progresif. Lewat tahun ini, sebuah Pusat Tiga Pihak mengenai Amalan Pekerjaan Yang Adil akan ditubuhkan untuk mendekati secara proaktif lebih banyak syarikat dan pekerja. Saya berharap para majikan dan semua kesatuan sekerja akan terus menyokong inisiatif-inisiatif yang dilancarkan oleh Perikatan Tiga Pihak bagi Amalan Pekerjaan Yang Adil. Tempat Kerja Yang Selamat Dan Sihat Ketiga, semua pekerja mesti pulang ke rumah dengan selamat pada setiap hari. Kita mesti terus memperbaiki taraf keselamatan dan kesihatan di tempat kerja. Kadar kematian di tempat kerja pada 2006 telah merosot kepada 3.1 bagi setiap 100,000 pekerja. Berbanding dengan kadar 4 pada 2005, dan 4.9 pada 2004, ini adalah kemajuan yang amat baik. Kita sedang menuju matlamat untuk mencapai piawaian keselamatan dan kesihatan di tempat kerja yang dinikmati oleh negara-negara maju menjelang 2015. Pada 2008, Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Di Tempat Kerja akan diperluaskan untuk meliputi enam industri baru, termasuk hotel dan restoran, hospital, dan perkhidmatan pengangkutan. Saya menggesa kesatuan-kesatuan sekerja dan para majikan agar bekerjasama bagi membina keupayaan yang lebih teguh dalam memastikan keselamatan dan kesihatan dalam syarikat-syarikat mereka. Menghadapi Masa Depan Dengan Keyakinan Pada 2006, kita mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada bekas Setiausaha Agung NTUC Lim Boon Heng. Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih sekali lagi kepada beliau atas sumbangan beliau kepada pergerakan buruh dan fahaman kerjasama tiga pihak di Singapura. Saya berharap dapat bekerjasama dengan pengganti beliau Setiusaha Agung Lim Swee Say untuk mengatasi cabaran-cabaran masa depan. Forum Kerjasama Tiga Pihak Singapura, yang dibentuk pada Januari 2007, untuk memaju dan melembagakan prinsip-prinsip utama bagi model hubungan perusahaan kita yang bersifat kerjasama, adalah satu perkembangan positif. Dialog terbuka melalui platform-platform seperti ini akan mengukuhkan dan meningkatkan lagi kepercayaan yang kuat di kalangan rakan-rakan kerjasama tiga pihak, untuk membantu kita menghadapi cabaran-cabaran masa depan dengan keyakinan. Memandang ke hadapan, lebih banyak pekerjaan yang bagus akan terus diwujudkan dalam semua bidang ekonomi, terutama dalam sektor-sektor yang sedang berkembang seperti penjagaan kesihatan, hotel, sektor runcit dan perbankan dan kewangan, serta Resort Bersepadu. Marilah kita terus bekerjasama untuk memastikan bahawa para pekerja kita cukup bersedia untuk memanfaatkan peluang-peluang yang terdapat di masa hadapan. Saya mengucapkan Selamat Hari Buruh kepada NTUC dan semua pekerja. 4/23/07 10:40:06 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 4Message.indd 23 23 4/23/07 10:40:06 PM 24 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 劳动节献词2007 黄永宏 人力部长兼国防部第二部长 满怀信心,迎接未来 对工友来说,2006年是个好年头。 新加坡的经济继续取得增长,制造了 17万6000个就业机会,创下历史新 高,其中9万900个工作职位由本地人 担任。劳动力总数达249万6000人, 创下空前最高纪录。2006年12月,失 业率下降到2.6%。同2003年比较起 来,失业的本地工友减少了将近2万 4000人。工友享有更多的花红和更 高的加薪。在全国职工总会提出建议 后,政府同意将大多数工友的雇主公 积金缴交率调高1.5%。 职总的努力以及劳资政伙伴的合 作,协助新加坡渡过2001年到2003年 的困难时期。尽管当时所传达的信息 不受欢迎,职总仍然致力于使工友了 解新加坡所面对的经济挑战并做出痛 苦却是必要的改变。这些努力都取得 了成果。灵活的劳动市场、以表现为 基准的工资制度以及为了让工友提升 或重新掌握技能所作的努力,使我国 的经济保持了竞争性,同时也制造了 创下新高的就业机会。 我们必须坚持不懈,保持这股动 力,以针对我国劳动力所面对的三项 重要的挑战作出反应。 对高技能的需求 首先,必须提高工友的技能。政府已 经决定使就业奖励计划成为我国社 会保障体系的第四大支柱。就业入 息补助计划,再加上随之而来的公积 金调整,将鼓励更多新加坡人寻找工 作和继续工作。这将提高他们的受雇 能力、增加他们领回家的薪水以及加 强他们的退休保障。随着更多家庭成 员加入工作的行列,家庭收入也会提 高。 不过,就业奖励计划不是协助低 收入工友提高工资的唯一途径。为了 达到这个目标,每名工友都必须提升 技能水平,并为工作增值。政府将协 助那些有志于自我提升的国人。为了 协助工友提升自己,劳动力发展局已 4Message.indd 24 经在数个行业领域,如零售业和旅 游业,推行了劳动力技术资格鉴定制 度。未来两年,更多行业,如园林设 计、资讯通信和创意工业,都将设有 同样的框架。 人口老化 其次,工友必须能继续受雇,年长 工人受雇能力劳资政委员会的工作 已经大有进展。去年推行的优势 (ADVANTAGE!)计划协助公司重新设计 工作和程序,使这些工作更适合年长 者。许多工友在劳动力发展局的资助 下提升他们的技能,与时并进。这些 努力,加上工作职位的大幅增加,提 高了年长工友的就业率。雇主与工友 应更加努力, 确保能继续维持这项成 果。 我们也需确保公司采取公平的雇 佣做法。新加坡不容许歧视的存在。 2006年5月设立的公平雇佣实践劳资 政联盟(TAFEP)旨在提高大家对公平 雇佣做法的认识,并推行公平、积极 的雇佣做法。今年较迟时候,有关当 局将设立一个公平雇佣劳资政中心, 更积极的把信息传达给更多公司与工 友。我希望雇主及工会能继续支持公 平雇佣实践劳资政联盟的努力。 满怀信心面对未来 2006年,全国职工总会送别了林文 兴秘书长。在此,我要再次感谢他为 我国工运及促进劳资政关系所作的贡 献。我期待与他的接班人林瑞生秘书 长紧密合作,共同应付未来的挑战。 我们于2007年1月成立了新加坡劳资 政论坛,推进我国劳资政合作关系模 式的主要原则,并使之制度化。这是 一个积极的发展。通过这些平台进行 的公开对话将进一步加强劳资政三方 的互信,让我们能满怀信心,面对未 来的挑战。 展望未来,我国将继续制造更多 好的工作岗位,特别是保健业、酒店 业、零售业、银行与金融业以及综合 度假胜地等增长领域。让我们继续携 手合作,确保我国的工友都作好准 备,迎接未来的每一个机会。 最后,我祝全国职工总会及所有工 友们劳动节快乐! 安全与健康的工作场所 第三,所有工友每天都必须能平平安 安地回家去。我们必须继续改进职业 安全与卫生。2006年,每10万个工人 中有3.1个工人因工作意外丧命。同 2005年的4人工业死亡率及2004年的 4.9人工业死亡率相比,这是个显著的 改善。我们正朝向2015年之前达到发 达国家的职业安全卫生水准的目标迈 进。2008年,工作场所安全与卫生法 令将进一步扩大至六个新工业,包括 酒店、餐馆、医院与运输服务。我要 呼吁工会与雇主共同努力,在公司里 建立起更牢固的安全与卫生环境。 4/23/07 10:40:13 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 25 May Day Message 2007 Stephen Lee President, Singapore National Employers Federation and Chairman, Singapore Business Federation Employers Will Support Worker Initiatives The economy continued to grow strongly at 7.9 per cent in 2006 and is expected to grow between 4.5 per cent and 6.5 per cent in 2007. A record 176,000 new jobs were created last year, beating the gains of 113,300 in 2005. Unemployment rate dipped to 2.6 per cent in 2006, down from 3.1 per cent in 2005. Improve Workforce Skills And Productivity With both the economy and job market expanding, the number of residents in employment increased from 1.73 million in 2004 to 1.88 million in 2006. The Ministry of Manpower had forecast that 450,000 jobs will be created over the next five years if the economy grows as projected. We will need to equip workers with the right skills to take on the jobs created. Employers must continue to invest in training and workers must continue to go for skills upgrading. Productivity growth had slowed down from 2.1 per cent in 2005 to 1.2 per cent in 2006 moderated by the number of jobs created. More training is needed to sharpen worker skills so that they can contribute to higher productivity. Enhance Employability And Employment Of Older Workers Employers could also tap on the pool of older workers to meet their manpower needs. There were about 150,000 4Message.indd 25 residents aged between 55 and 64 who were not in the workforce. The Singapore National Employers Federation has been working with employers to implement age-friendly practices. These include changing their recruitment policy, remuneration and benefits package, flexible work arrangements and re-employment policy for workers who are retiring. Employers are also creating new job roles that leverage on the strength of older workers to maximise their potential and contribution to their businesses. Such changes will attract older workers to rejoin the workforce as well as help employers to retain their older workers longer. Together with the efforts of the tripartite partners, the employment rate for those aged 55 to 59 improved from 54.2 per cent in 2005 to 60.6 per cent in 2006, while the employment rate for those aged 60 to 64 improved from 34.3 per cent to 41.9 per cent in the same period. We must intensify our efforts to employ and re-employ more older workers. effect on workers and businesses. Going forward, SNEF will work with NTUC and MOM to reach out to more stakeholders to help them better understand the roles of the tripartite partners and our cooperative and consensus seeking approach to finding solutions for the challenges which we face. Raise Worker Skills And Productivity Singapore is enjoying good economic growth. More jobs are being been created and workers have been rewarded with good wage increases and bonuses. To sustain this, we need to continue to raise worker skills and productivity, have more Singaporeans take up the jobs that are being created and continue to strengthen our good labour-management and tripartite relations. On behalf of the 17,000 members of the Singapore National Employers Federation and Singapore Business Federation, I wish all workers, Happy May Day 2007. Strengthen Tripartite Partnership The National Trades Union Congress has launched Labour Movement 2011, which aims to serve all segments of the labour force. SNEF will support NTUC in its efforts to engage different sectors of the workforce in ways that will strengthen cohesiveness and teamwork. An initiative under LM2011 is the Singapore Tripartism Forum. The Forum aims to engage more stakeholders and a wider pool of Chief Executive Officers from the private sector to strengthen tripartism. At the inaugural forum launched by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on 24 January 2007, more than 550 union leaders, government officials and CEOs discussed budget issues and their 4/23/07 10:40:14 PM 26 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 Amanat Hari Buruh 2007 Stephen Lee Presiden, Persekutuan Majikan Kebangsaan Singapura dan Pengerusi, Persekutuan Perniagaan Singapura Majikan Akan Sokong Inisiatif-Inisiatif Pekerja Ekonomi Singapura terus tumbuh dengan kukuh sebanyak 7.9 peratus pada 2006 dan ia dijangka tumbuh antara 4.5 peratus dan 6.5 peratus pada 2007. Sebanyak 176,000 pekerjaan baru telah diwujudkan pada tahun lalu. Ini adalah satu rekod kerana ia telah mengatasi kejayaan mewujudkan 113,300 pekerjaan pada 2005. Kadar pengangguran merosot kepada 2.6 peratus pada 2006, turun daripada 3.1 peratus pada 2005. Memperbaiki Kemahiran Tenaga Kerja Dan Daya Penghasilan Dengan berkembangnya ekonomi dan pasaran pekerjaan, bilangan penduduk yang bekerja telah bertambah dari 1.73 juta pada 2004 kepada 1.88 juta pada 2006. Kementerian Tenaga Manusia (MOM) telah meramalkan bahawa 450,000 pekerjaan akan diwujudkan dalam tempoh lima tahun yang akan datang jika ekonomi tumbuh seperti yang diunjurkan. Kita perlu melengkapkan pekerja dengan kemahiran yang betul supaya mereka dapat mengambil pekerjaan yang diwujudkan. Para majikan mesti terus melabur dalam latihan dan para pekerja mesti terus mengikuti latihan untuk mempertingkat kemahiran mereka. Pertumbuhan daya penghasilan telah bergerak perlahan dari 2.1 peratus pada 2005 kepada 1.2 peratus pada 2006 yang disederhanakan oleh bilangan pekerjaan yang diwujudkan. Lebih banyak latihan diperlukan untuk menajamkan kemahiran pekerja agar mereka dapat menyumbang kepada daya penghasilan yang lebih tinggi. Meningkatkan Daya Laku Kerja Dan Pengambilan Pekerja Tua Para majikan boleh juga manfaatkan pekerja tua yang besar jumlahnya untuk memenuhi keperluan tenaga kerja mereka. Terdapat kira-kira 150,000 penduduk yang berumur antara 55 ke 64 yang tidak bekerja. 4Message.indd 26 Persekutuan Majikan Kebangsaan Singapura (SNEF) telah bekerja dengan para majikan untuk melaksanakan amalan-amalan yang mesra umur. Ini termasuk mengubah dasar mereka mengenai pengambilan pekerja, gaji dan pakej faedah, aturan kerja fleksibel dan dasar pengambilan semula pekerja yang bersara. Para majikan juga sedang mewujudkan peranan-peranan kerja yang baru yang memanfaatkan kekuatan pekerja tua untuk memaksimumkan potensi mereka dan menyumbang kepada perniagaan mereka. Perubuhanperubahan seperti itu akan membantu untuk menarik pekerja tua untuk menyertai semula tenaga kerja serta menolong majikan untuk mengekalkan pekerja tua mereka pada jangka masa yang lebih lama. Bersama usaha rakan-rakan kerjasama tiga pihak, kadar pekerjaan untuk mereka yang berusia 55 hingga 59 tahun telah bertambah baik dari 54.2 peratus pada 2005 kepada 60.6 peratus pada 2006, sementara kadar pekerjaan untuk mereka yang berusia 60 hingga 64 tahun telah bertambah baik dari 34.3 peratus kepada 41.9 peratus pada jangka masa yang sama. Kita mesti memperhebat usaha kita untuk menggaji dan menggaji semula lebih ramai pekerja tua. Mengukuhkan Perkongsian Tiga Pihak Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Kebangsaan (NTUC) telah melancarkan Pergerakan Buruh 2011 (LM2011) yang bertujuan untuk berkhidmat kepada semua segmen tenaga kerja. SNEF akan menyokong NTUC dalam usahanya untuk melibatkan segmen-segmen yang berlainan dalam tenaga kerja dalam cara-cara yang akan menguatkan perpaduan dan semangat pasukan. Satu inisiatif di bawah LM2011 ialah Forum Kerjasama Tiga Pihak Singapura. Forum ini bertujuan untuk melibatkan lebih banyak pemegang kepentingan dan kumpulan ketua-ketua pegawai eksekutif yang lebih besar daripada sektor swasta untuk mengukuhkan kerjasama tiga pihak. Di forum pertama yang dilancarkan oleh Perdana Menteri Lee Hsien Loong pada 24 Januari 2007, lebih daripada 550 pemimpin kesatuan sekerja, pegawai pemerintah dan ketua-ketua pegawai eksekutif syarikatsyarikat telah membincangkan isu-isu bajet dan kesannya ke atas pekerja dan perniagaan. Bergerak ke depan, SNEF akan bekerja dengan NTUC dan MOM untuk mendekati lebih banyak pemegang kepentingan untuk membantu mereka lebih memahami peranan rakan-rakan kerjasama tiga pihak dan pendekatan kita untuk bekerjasama dan bermuafakat untuk mencari huraian kepada cabarancabaran yang kita hadapi. Meningkatkan Kemahiran Pekerja Dan Daya Penghasilan Singapura menikmati pertumbuhan ekonomi yang baik. Banyak pekerjaan diwujudkan dan pekerja telah diberi ganjaran dengan kenaikan gaji yang baik dan bonos. Untuk mengekalkan ini kita perlu terus meningkatkan kemahiran dan daya penghasilan pekerja, pastikan lebih ramai rakyat Singapura mengambil pekerjaan yang diwujudkan dan terus mengukuhkan pengurusan-buruh dan hubungan kerjasama tiga pihak kita yang baik. Bagi pihak 17,000 anggota Persekutuan Majikan Kebangsaan Singapura dan Persekutan Perniagaan Singapura, saya mengucapkan Selamat Hari Buruh 2007 kepada semua pekerja. 4/23/07 10:40:18 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 4Message.indd 27 27 4/23/07 10:40:19 PM 28 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 劳动节献词2007 李庆言 新加坡全国雇主联合会 兼新加坡工商联合总会会长 工友须提升技能与生产力 2006年我国经济强劲增长,取得 7.9%的佳绩,预计2007年的增长率 将介于4.5%至6.5%之间。去年共创 造了17万6000份新工作,成绩优于 2005年的11万3300份;而失业率也 从2005年的3.1%下滑至2006年的 2.6%。 提升技能和生产力 我国的就业人口,在经济增长和劳 动市场的带动下,从2004年的171万 人增至2006年的188万人,人力部为 此预测,未来五年内,若经济如期增 长,市场将涌现45万份新工作。有鉴 于此,雇主必须坚持不懈培训工友, 而工友也必须不断提升技能,以便掌 握恰当技术,跟上新工作的需求。 不过,我国的生产力增长却在新工 作增加声中,从2005年的2.1%下降至 2006年的1.2%。显然地,我们有必要 提高工友的技术,从而促进生产力。 加强年长工友的受雇能力,提高他们 的就业率 我国至今有15万名年龄介于55岁至 64岁的待业公民,雇主不妨聘请他们 担任相关的工作。 全国雇主联合会和属下的会员目 前正在推行一套亲年长工友的人事制 度,内容包括修正既有的招聘条例、 酬劳和福利配套,以及执行灵活工作 制、续聘退休员工等。此外,雇主也 设计新的工作,好让年长员工发挥他 们的优势,为公司做贡献。如此,就 能吸引年长工友重新加入劳动队伍和 长久地留在一家公司工作。 在劳资政三方共同努力之下,我国 55岁至59岁人口的就业率已从2005年 的54.2%提高至2006年的60.6%;而 同一时期的60岁至64岁人口的就业 率,也从34.3%提高至41.9%。我们 有必要集中精力,招聘或续聘更多年 长工友加入劳动队伍。 4Message.indd 28 强化劳资政伙伴关系 职总推行的工运2011,旨在服务全 体工友,全国雇主联合会将尽力在不 同的行业群体,增强劳动队伍的凝聚 力和团队精神。 新加坡劳资政论坛是工运2011的 一大活动,目的是召集各相关方面 和私人企业界的总裁,以强化劳资政 关系。首届论坛于2007年1月24日举 行,开幕嘉宾是我国总理李显龙,出 席者超过550人,包括工会领袖、政 府官员和各公司的总裁。他们齐聚一 堂,商讨预算案课题及其对工友及商 业所造成的影响。接下来,全国雇主 联合会将与职总和人力部联手使各有 关团体与组织了解劳资政协作的功能 与作用,并探讨迎接当前挑战的对 策。 提升技能与生产力 我国经济发展势头良好,创造了 许多新工作,工友也获得可观的加薪 和丰厚的花红。要维持这种顺境,必 须让工友提升技能和生产力,也必须 有更多国人担任新创造的工作,同时 继续维持良好的劳资关系和劳资政协 作。 仅此代表新加坡工商联合总会及全 国雇主联合会的1万7000名会员,祝 贺全体工友劳动节快乐! 4/23/07 10:40:29 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 29 May Day Message 2007 John De Payva President National Trades Union Congress LM2011: The Journey So Far Labour Movement 2011 has become a buzzword in many parts of the labour movement. But how did it all start? It was in July 2006 when the journey began at the Corporate Planning Seminar. We recognised then that with the rapidly changing environment, evolving workforce profile and business restructuring, there was a need for the labour movement to expand our focus, in order for us to remain a great labour movement, and a key partner to Singapore’s progress. Labour Movement For All Our overall aim is to become a more inclusive, and cohesive labour movement – a Labour Movement For All. We committed ourselves to improving our support for the “core” of the labour movement – our unions, as well as Blue and White Collar workers. At the same time, we wanted to reach out to new groups of workers emerging in the workforce. All For Labour Movement New programmes were seeded, catering to new target groups of people. Many of these programmes need to take bold new approaches, and require extensive support from all in the labour movement in order to be successful. From our affiliated unions to our cooperatives, we wanted to inspire all of them with our 4Message.indd 29 exciting new vision, so that they can participate in and support this journey. We wanted more bottom-up ideas to further strengthen our initial strategies. To do this, we embarked on an exercise to progressively engage all stakeholders. Useful ideas from the ground were generated through the many LM2011 workshops. The LM2011 programmes today arise from a combination of a clear top-down vision and rich bottom-up initiatives. I am particularly glad that our unions and cooperatives have given their resounding support for LM2011. Many of them have thrown their full weight behind the vision and are now driving some of our key initiatives at full steam. Together, we have achieved some promising results so far, but more still needs to be done. history of bold strategies. In fact, some of the programmes under LM2011 are not entirely new, but are instead building on the results of pre-existing initiatives. LM2011 is about building on the success of the past, strengthening our core and yet expanding our scope to be even more inclusive. It is about ensuring that our great labour movement remains great. The journey ahead will not be easy. But the results so far are encouraging. As long as all parts of the labour movement can continue to row forward as one, and with the support of our tripartite partners, we can be confident of achieving our goal. Happy May Day! 'From Great To Great' The labour movement has enjoyed resounding success over the last 46 years. In a time when union membership is on the decline all over the world, we have bucked the trend and enjoyed steady membership growth. Today, our membership is close to half a million, and growing. What is the key ingredient of our success? Since our inception, we have always been forward-looking, bold and innovative in tackling challenges head on. At a time when industrial strife was common, we took a constructive approach. At the historic Modernization Seminar in 1969, we took the bold step to form cooperatives to cushion the costs of living for the common worker. When the workforce profile evolved, we instituted a new category of membership to bring in members that do not necessarily need to be covered by collective bargaining. Looking back at these developments, it is clear that LM2011 is the latest in a long 4/23/07 10:40:29 PM 30 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 Amanat Hari Buruh 2007 John De Payva Presiden Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Kebangsaan Pergerakan Buruh 2011: Perjalanan Sejauh Ini Pada hari ini, Pergerakan Buruh 2011 (LM2011) menjadi kekata yang popular dalam banyak bahagian pergerakan buruh. Bagaimana ia semua bermula? Perjalanan itu bermula pada Julai 2006 di Seminar Perancangan Korporat. Kita mengakui ketika itu bahawa dengan sekitaran yang berubah pesat, profil tenaga kerja yang berkembang secara evolusi dan penyusunan semula perniagaan, terdapat keperluan bagi pergerakan buruh untuk meluaskan fokus kita supaya kita kekal menjadi sebuah pergerakan buruh yang besar dan unggul, dan rakan penting kepada kemajuan Singapura. Pergerakan Buruh Untuk Semua Tujuan kita yang menyeluruh ialah untuk menjadi sebuah pergerakan buruh yang lebih inklusif, dan bersatu padu – Sebuah Pergerakan Buruh Untuk Semua. Kita komited untuk memperbaiki sokongan kita kepada “teras” pergerakan buruh – kesatuan-kesatuan sekerja kita, serta pekerja kolar biru dan putih. Pada masa yang sama, kita mahu mendekati kumpulan-kumpulan pekerja baru yang muncul dalam tenaga kerja. Semua Untuk Pergerakan Buruh Program-program baru telah dianjurkan untuk memenuhi keperluan kumpulankumpulan sasar yang baru. Kebanyakan program ini perlu mengambil pendekatan baru yang berani, dan ia memerlukan sokongan meluas daripada semua orang dalam pergerakan buruh untuk berjaya. Dari kesatuan-kesatuan kerabat kita kepada koperatif-koperatif kita, kita mahu memberi inspirasi kepada mereka semua dengan visi baru kita yang menarik, agar mereka dapat menyertai dan menyokong perjalanan ini. Kita mahu lebih banyak idea yang datang daripada semua lapisan, dari peringkat bawah ke peringkat atas untuk menguatkan lagi strategi-strategi awal kita. Untuk melakukan ini, kita telah menjalankan satu usaha untuk melibatkan secara progresif semua pemegang 4Message.indd 30 kepentingan. Idea-idea yang berguna berjaya diperolehi daripada pekerja biasa menerusi bengkel yang banyak diadakan di bawah LM2011. Programprogram LM2011 pada hari ini oleh itu terbit daripada gabungan visi jelas yang dirumuskan oleh pekerja daripada peringkat atas ke peringkat bawah dan inisiatif-inisiatif yang dijalankan oleh pekerja dari peringkat bawah ke peringkat atas. Saya sangat gembira bahawa kesatuan-kesatuan sekerja dan koperatifkoperatif kita telah memberi sokongan hebat kepada LM2011. Kebanyakan mereka telah memberi sokongan penuh mereka kepada visi ini dan kini menggerakkan beberapa inisiatif utama kita dengan penuh tenaga. Bersama, kita telah mencapai beberapa hasil yang baik sejauh ini, tetapi lebih banyak usaha perlu dibuat. ‘Dari Pergerakan Besar Dan Unggul Kepada Pergerakan Besar Dan Unggul’ Pergerakan buruh telah mencapai kejayaan yang hebat sepanjang tempoh 46 tahun yang lalu. Pada masa kesatuan-kesatuan sekerja di seluruh dunia mengalami kemerosotan dalam keanggotaan mereka, kita telah menongkah arus dan menikmati pertumbuhan keanggotaan yang tetap. Hari ini, keanggotaan kita berjumlah hampir setengah juta, dan terus berkembang. Apakah ramuan utama dalam kejayaan kita? Sejak kita menubuhkan pergerakan buruh, kita sentiasa mengamalkan sikap memandang ke depan, berani dan inovatif dalam menangani cabarancabaran di depan kita. Pada waktu sengketa perusahaan banyak berlaku, kita telah mengambil pendekatan yang membina. Di Seminar Modernisasi yang bersejarah pada 1969, kita telah mengambil langkah berani untuk membentuk koperatif-koperatif yang bertindak untuk mengurangkan kesan kos sara hidup untuk pekerja biasa. Apabila profil tenaga kerja berkembang secara evolusi, kita telah membentuk satu kategori keanggotaan baru untuk membawa masuk para anggota yang tidak semestinya memerlukan perlindungan di bawah perjanjian bersama. Menyingkap kembali perkembanganperkembangan ini, jelaslah bahawa LM2011 adalah strategi terbaru dalam sejarah kita yang panjang dalam melakarkan strategi-strategi berani. Malah, beberapa program di bawah LM2011 bukanlah baru semuanya, tetapi sebaliknya ia membina di atas asas hasil inisiatif-inisiatif yang wujud sebelum ini. LM2011 ialah mengenai usaha untuk membina di atas asas kejayaan yang lalu, menguatkan teras kita dan mengembangkan skop kita untuk menjadi lebih inklusif. Ia mengenai usaha untuk memastikan bahawa pergerakan buruh kita yang besar dan unggul kekal menjadi sebuah pergerakan buruh yang besar dan unggul. Perjalanan di hari muka bukanlah mudah. Tetapi hasil sejauh ini adalah menggalakkan. Selagi semua bahagian dalam pergerakan buruh boleh terus mendayung ke depan sebagai satu pasukan, dan dengan sokongan rakanrakan kerjasama tiga pihak kita, kita boleh yakin untuk mencapai matlamat kita Selamat Hari Buruh! 4/23/07 10:40:34 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 4Message.indd 31 31 4/23/07 10:40:34 PM 32 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 劳动节献词2007 德培华 全国职工总会会长 实现工运2011目标 今天,“工运2011”在职工运动的各 个领域之中,早已是大家耳熟能详的 名词。不过,您可知道它是如何产生 的? “工运2011”的构想始于2006年 7月份举行的企业规划研讨会。当时, 我们认识到随着环境的迅速改变,新 劳工队伍的产生以及商业的重组,职 工运动有必要扩展其核心范畴,与时 并进,以弘扬工运的崇高精神,使之 成为推动新加坡前进的重要伙伴。 职工运动,为全体工友谋福利 我们的宗旨是建立一个更具包容性及 凝聚力的职工运动—— 一个为全体 工友谋福利的职工运动。我们热情奉 献,全心全意支持职工运动的“核 心”,即工会,以及白领与蓝领工 友。与此同时,我们也积极伸出触 角,吸引来自新劳工队伍的工友加入 职工运动。 上下一心,为职工运动作贡献 我们拟定了许多新计划,以期符合新 类别工友的需求。我们必须采取果 断的新方法来推行这些计划,同时也 须得到全体工运人士的支持,才能取 得成功。我们勾勒出新愿景,激励所 有工友,包括附属工会及合作社的会 员,以便他们能够参与及支持这个任 重道远的使命。我们希望得到更多来 自基层的意见和想法,进一步加强和 完善我们最初的构想。 为了完成目标,我们开始推展一项 计划,逐步引领所有工运界人士投入 这个使命。在多个“工运2011”工作 坊上,我们从基层获得许多宝贵的意 见。由于我们能够把愿景由上至下贯 彻到基层,以及从基层吸纳意见上达 决策人,这两者的结合因此造就了今 日的工运2011愿景。 而尤让我感到欣慰的是,各工会与 合作社均全力支持“工运2011”。当 中,有不少人把全副精神投入建设愿 4Message.indd 32 景的工作,并正卯足全力推行多项重 要计划。我们团结一致,同心协力, 如今虽已取得一些成果,但是前方还 有很多工作要做,我们的使命尚未完 成。 承前启后,再创新的里程碑 我国工运在过去46年取得卓越的成 就。当全球各地的工会面临会员人数 下滑的局面时,我们不但扭转了劣 势,而且会员人数仍继续稳健增长。 今天,我们拥有近50万名会员,同时 人数还在不断增加之中。 我们成功的关键是什么?创立至 今,我们一直都采取前瞻性、果断及 创新的策略来面对所有的挑战。在工 业纠纷非常普遍的年代,我们采取建 设性的方法化解矛盾;在1969年举行 的历史性“工运现代化”研讨会上, 我们踏出果敢的一步,组织合作社, 协助一般工友应付日益增加的生活开 销。当新的劳工队伍出现时,我们重 新规划会员类别,以吸引那些未能受 到雇佣条例保护的工友加入成为工运 的一分子。 回顾这些发展历程,不难发现“工 运2011”是过去一系列果断决策 下的最新产物。事实上,在“工运 2011”当中,有一些计划并不全然 是新的,而是建立在现有计划的基础 上。由此可见,“工运2011”是建立 在过去的成果,它加强我们的核心理 念,同时又扩大我们的视野,使我们 更具包容性。它确保职工运动能承前 启后,历久不衰,弘扬工运的崇高精 神。 我们深知前方的道路并不平坦,但 庆幸的是,我们至今所取得的成绩却 令人鼓舞。只要职工运动能够上下一 心、同舟共济,并在劳资政伙伴的支 持下,我们有信心能够达成目标。 祝大家劳动节快乐! 4/23/07 10:40:40 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 33 May Day Message 2007 Lim Swee Say Secretary-General National Trades Union Congress Better Employment For All After three years of healthy economic growth and strong job creation, the labour market is showing signs of tightening again. Employment prospects are good as we expect 450,000 jobs to be created over the next five years. The positive employment outlook is indeed good news for our workers. It is also an excellent opportunity for the tripartite partners to press on with our efforts to tackle several key employment challenges – from the widening income gap and cheap-sourcing of low-wage and unskilled workers, to re-employment of mature and retired workers, and redeployment of workers to new growth sectors. The labour movement has set our sights on working hand-in-hand with the tripartite partners to ensure that there will be better employment for all Singaporeans, young and old, as we ride this current wave of healthy economic growth and strong job growth. First, with a tightening labour market, competition for workers will get keener. 4Message.indd 33 Sectors that are unable to upgrade jobs, skills, productivity and pay will face greater shortage of workers. It is therefore a good time for us to re-create low skilled, low productivity and low paying jobs in as many job sectors as possible into more decent jobs with more decent pay. In this way, we can not only help ease worker shortage in these job sectors, but also help our low-wage workers of today to earn more decent wages tomorrow. Second, with a low unemployment rate of 2.6 per cent that is expected to stay low, we must do much more to improve the employment rates of Singaporeans across gender and age groups. Two groups of Singaporeans deserve special attention – “back-to-work” women and mature workers aged 55 to 64. To succeed in raising employment rates and the effective retirement age, we will need to restructure our workplace to be more family-friendly and age-friendly. Last but not least, with keener competition and faster pace of restructuring, we will have to upgrade 4/23/07 10:40:40 PM 34 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 May Day Message 2007 our economic capability and capacity faster than ever before. We need to help all categories of workers to re-train and adapt faster. We also need to promote the widespread adoption of “best-sourcing” in all sectors of our economy so as to strengthen our competitiveness as a knowledge-based and innovation-driven economy. These are exciting challenges for the tripartite partners. If we do it right, we will be able to help more Singaporeans to re-enter the workforce and stay in the workforce beyond the official retirement age of 62. 4Message.indd 34 The labour movement is committed to playing our part. We have embarked on the “Labour Movement 2011” journey – to achieve a labour movement for all workers, regardless of skills and knowledge, nationalities and ages. Together with our affiliated unions, cooperatives and tripartite partners, we pledge to strive for better employment for all so that our workers can earn a good living and lead a better life. I wish all workers a very happy May Day. 4/23/07 10:40:47 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 35 Amanat Hari Buruh 2007 Lim Swee Say Setiausaha Agung Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Kebangsaan Pekerjaan Yang Lebih Baik Untuk Semua Selepas ekonomi kita menikmati pertumbuhan dengan sihat selama tiga tahun dan banyak pekerjaan telah diwujudkan dalam tempoh itu, pasaran buruh mula menunjukkan tanda-tanda yang ia akan menjadi ketat semula. Prospek pekerjaan adalah baik kerana kita menjangkakan bahawa 450,000 pekerjaan akan diwujudkan dalam tempoh lima tahun yang akan datang. Prospek pekerjaan yang positif ini sesungguhnya satu berita yang baik untuk pekerja kita. Ia juga satu peluang yang sangat baik untuk rakan-rakan kerjasama tiga pihak untuk meneruskan usaha kita untuk menangani beberapa cabaran pekerjaan utama – daripada jurang pendapatan yang semakin melebar dan penyumberan murah bagi pekerja-pekerja yang bergaji rendah dan tidak mempunyai kemahiran, kepada penggajian semula pekerja matang dan pekerja yang sudah bersara, dan penempatan semula pekerja-pekerja 4Message.indd 35 ke sektor-sektor pertumbuhan baru. Pergerakan buruh telah memutuskan untuk bekerja berganding bahu dengan rakan-rakan kerjasama tiga pihak untuk memastikan bahawa pekerjaan yang lebih baik akan disediakan untuk semua rakyat Singapura, baik muda mahupun tua, sedang kita memanfaatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang sihat dan pertumbuhan pekerjaan yang kukuh sekarang. Pertama, denan pasaran buruh yang semakin ketat, persaingan untuk pekerja akan menjadi lebih sengit. Sektorsektor yang tidak dapat menaiktarafkan pekerjaan, kemahiran, daya penghasilan dan gaji akan menghadapi masalah kekurangan pekerja yang lebih besar. Oleh itu, masanya adalah baik untuk kita mereka semula pekerjaanpekerjaan berkemahiran rendah, berdaya penghasilan rendah dan bergaji rendah dalam seberapa banyak sektor pekerjaan yang boleh untuk menjadi pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang lebih baik 4/23/07 10:40:51 PM 36 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 Amanat Hari Buruh 2007 yang membayar gaji yang lebih baik. Dengan cara ini, kita bukan sahaja dapat membantu meringankan masalah kekurangan pekerja dalam sektor-sektor pekerjaan ini, tetapi juga membantu pekerja-pekerja kita yang bergaji rendah pada hari ini untuk mendapat gaji yang lebih baik pada masa depan. Kedua, dengan kadar pengangguran rendah sebanyak 2.6 peratus yang dijangka kekal rendah, kita mesti berusaha lebih untuk memperbaiki kadar pekerjaan rakyat Singapura untuk semua golongan jantina dan umur. Dua golongan rakyat Singapura harus mendapat perhatian khas – wanita yang “balik bekerja” dan pekerja matang yang berumur 55 hingga 64 tahun. Untuk berjaya menaikkan kadar pekerjaan dan umur persaraan yang efektif, kita perlu menyusun semula tempat kerja kita agar ia menjadi lebih mesra keluarga dan mesra usia lanjut. Akhir sekali, dengan persaingan yang lebih sengit dan penyusunan semula yang berlaku pada kadar yang lebih pantas, kita perlu meningkatkan keupayaan dan kapasiti ekonomi kita 4Message.indd 36 dengan lebih cepat berbanding dengan masa lalu. Kita perlu membantu semua kategori pekerja untuk menjalani latihan semula dan membuat penyesuaian yang lebih cepat. Kita juga perlu menggalakkan secara meluas amalan “penyumberan terbaik” dalam semua sektor ekonomi kita untuk menguatkan daya saing kita sebagai sebuah ekonomi yang berteraskan ilmu dan berpacukan inovasi. Ini adalah cabaran-cabaran yang menarik untuk rakan-rakan kerjasama tiga pihak. Jika kita melakukannya dengan betul, kita akan dapat menolong lebih ramai rakyat Singapura untuk memasuki semula tenaga kerja dan kekal dalam tenaga kerja hingga melewati usia 62 tahun iaitu umur persaraan rasmi. Pergerakan buruh komited untuk memainkan peranan kita. Kita telah memulakan perjalanan bagi “Pergerakan Buruh 2011” – untuk mencapai matlamat menjadi sebuah pergerakan buruh untuk semua pekerja, tidak kira kemahiran dan pengetahuan, kerakyatan dan umur. Bersama-sama kesatuan-kesatuan kerabat, koperatif-koperatif dan rakan- rakan kerjasama tiga pihak, kita berikrar untuk berusaha bagi memastikan pekerjaan yang lebih baik untuk semua agar pekerja kita memperoleh pendapatan yang baik dan menjalani kehidupan yang lebih baik. Saya mengucapkan Selamat Hari Buruh kepada semua pekerja. 4/23/07 10:40:53 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 4Message.indd 37 37 4/23/07 10:41:01 PM 38 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 4Message.indd 38 4/23/07 10:41:04 PM MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 39 劳动节献词2007 林瑞生 全国职工总会秘书长 人人都有好工作 随着我国经济连续3年健康成长,新的 工作不断涌现,劳动市场再次显现紧 张迹象。由于未来5年预计业界将创造 45万份新工作,就业前景一片光明。 就业前景光明对工友来说是一件 好事,同时也是劳资政三方携手克服 就业挑战的良机。我们面对的挑战包 括收入差距扩大、低薪与无技术工 作“廉包”、续聘年长与退休工友, 以及引导工友转向新兴行业。 在此经济与就业形势大好的时刻, 工运团体决意与劳资政伙伴携手合 作,确保全国人民都有良好的工作。 首先,劳动市场紧张,人手竞争激 烈,那些无法改进工作、提升技能、 4Message.indd 39 生产力和薪金的行业,人手短缺的局 面将更形严重。因此,我们将趁此良 机,尽可能改造各行业里的低技术、 低生产力和低薪的工作,使之成为收 入不错的职业。如此,不仅可以舒缓 劳动力紧缺,又可提高低薪工友的收 入。 其次,预计接下来失业率将处在诸 如2.6%这样的低水平,我们一定要设 法让更多国人就业,其中,年龄介于 55至64岁的“重返工作”妇女和年长 员工尤其需要帮助。另外,为了提高 就业率和延长实际退休年龄,我们也 有必要重组工作,创造亲家庭和亲年 长工友的工作氛围。 4/23/07 10:41:07 PM 40 MAY DAY MESSAGE 2007 劳动节献词2007 最后,由于业界竞争激烈,重组 步伐快速,我们须要比以前更快速地 提高经济能量和产量,并重新训练各 领域工友,适应快速发展的世界。此 外,我们也须要推广“优包”,以便 在知识经济和创新导向的经济中,增 强竞争力。 以上诸项,都是劳资政伙伴面临的 巨大挑战。若处理得当,就能够帮助 更多国人重返劳动队伍,一直工作到 法定退休年龄(62岁)之后。 我们已经下定决心,朝着“工运 2011”大目标,不分技能高低、知识 掌握、国籍和年龄,为全体工友谋福 利。我们誓言要与属下工会、合作社 以及劳资政伙伴通力合作,让工友增 加收入,过着美满的生活。 祝贺全体工友劳动节快乐! 4Message.indd 40 4/23/07 10:41:09 PM May Day Annual 2007 The NTUC Leadership “The efforts of NTUC and its tripartite partners have helped Singapore emerge from the difficult years. Even though the message may have been unpopular then, NTUC helped workers understand the economic challenges that Singapore was facing and to make necessary but painful changes. These efforts have borne fruit.” Ng Eng Hen Manpower Minister, Singapore May Day 2007 openner.indd 59 4/20/07 11:20:10 PM 42 NTUC LEADERSHIP NTUC Central Committee 2003-2007 John De Payva Lim Swee Say Teo Yock Ngee Cyrille Tan Soo Leng President Secretary-General Secretary for Financial Affairs Vice- President Halimah Yacob Matthias Yao Chih Victor Pang Koon Seah Thomas Thomas Assistant Secretary-General Member Member Member Swithun Lowe Ameer Hamzah slo Abul Nasir K Kartikeyan Lim Kuang Beng Member Member Member Member May Day CC member.indd 42 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/20/07 2:08:53 PM NTUC LEADERSHIP A Nithiah Nandan Thomas Tay Jwee Hwa Heng Chee How Seng Han Thong Vice- President Vice- President Deputy Secretary-General Assistant Secretary-General Diana Chia Siew Fui Terry Lee Kok Hua Nora Kang Kah Ai Eddie Chew How Yang Member Member Member Member 43 Tan Chai Kun Member May Day CC member.indd 43 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/20/07 2:09:48 PM 44 NTUC LEADERSHIP TRUSTEES OF NTUC MARITIME AND PORT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE TRIPARTITE ADVISORY PANEL ON FAMILY FRIENDLY WORKPLACES Goh Chee Wee Oscar Joseph Oliveiro Othman Haron Eusofe Leow Ching Chuan NANYANG POLYTECHNIC BOARD OF GOVERNORS Cyrille Tan Soo Leng Halimah Yacob John De Payva Nora Kang Kah Ai Teo Yock Ngee Yeo Guat Kwang Josephine Teo NATIONAL BOOK DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Ng Yuen Jiuan NTUC-ADMINISTRATION AND RESEARCH UNIT NATIONAL FAMILY COUNCIL CHAIRMAN Rosalind Li Sai Keng MEMBER NATIONAL FIRST AID COUNCIL MEMBER K Gunalan MEMBER NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY AND QUALITY COUNCIL MEMBER Yeo Guat Kwang MEMBER MEMBER SECRETARY DIRECTOR-GENERAL’S OFFICE CENTRIC DIRECTORS Lim Swee Say Heng Chee How Seng Han Thong Halimah Yacob Yeo Khee Leng Ong Chin Ang Adeline Sum Wai Fun Cham Hui Fong Halimah Yacob John De Payva A Nithiah Nandan Yeo Guat Kwang NATIONAL FIRE PREVENTION COUNCIL Goh Chee Wee John De Payva Sat Pal Khattar Lim Boon Heng Lim Swee Say Ong Chin Ang Teo Yock Ngee Yip Moh Wah Lim Swee Say TRIPARTITE COMMITTEE ON EMPLOYABILITY OF OLDER WORKERS Ho Shiong Yee BOARD OF TRUSTEES DIRECTOR-GENERAL WORKER-CENTRIC UNION-CENTRIC UNION-CENTRIC GLOBAL-CENTRIC MEMBER-CENTRIC STAFF-CENTRIC COMPETENCY DIRECTORS Cham Hui Fong INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Ang Hin Kee EMPLOYABILITY ENHANCEMENT Neo Gim Kian MEMBERSHIP Yeo Guat Kwang QUALITY WORKLIFE Nancy Teo INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Halimah Yacob LEGAL Heng Chee How LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Jessie Yeo INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS MENTORING Ryan Cheong GROUP DEVELOPMENT Yip Moh Wah FINANCE Josephine Teo HUMAN RESOURCE Lim Chin Siew ADMINISTRATION Martin Tsang INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Ng Yuen Jiuan INFORMATION RESOURCE CENTRE Shona Tan-James CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS Tan Choon Shian CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT TRIPARTITE COMMITTEE ON PORTABLE MEDICAL BENEFITS NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Yeo Guat Kwang Halimah Yacob TRIPARTITE COMMITTEE ON WORK-LIFE STRATEGY – MOM NATIONAL WAGES COUNCIL (2007/2008) Heng Chee How John De Payva Teo Yock Ngee Cyrille Tan Soo Leng Lim Kuang Beng Diana Chia Josephine Teo Cham Hui Fong G Muthukumarasamy Tan Hock Soon Wong Weng Ong Martin Chan Teo Kai Hoe Irene Low (LEADER) (FULL MEMBER) (FULL MEMBER) (FULL MEMBER) (FULL MEMBER) (FULL MEMBER) (ALTERNATE MEMBER) (ALTERNATE MEMBER) (ALTERNATE MEMBER) (ALTERNATE MEMBER) (ALTERNATE MEMBER) (ALTERNATE MEMBER) (OBSERVER) (OBSERVER) NGEE ANN POLYTECHNIC COUNCIL Seng Han Thong PUBLIC TRANSPORT COUNCIL Ameer Hamzah s/o Abul Nasir Ho Shiong Yee PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD Yeo Guat Kwang REPRESENTATION ON STATUTORY BOARDS, ADVISORY AND WORKING COMMITTEES CENTRAL PROVIDENT FUND BOARD Terry Lee Kok Hua CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE Seng Han Thong ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD TRIPARTITE PANEL ON FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES Halimah Yacob UNION REPRESENTATION AT COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY – PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Eugene Lim Tow Ming Frank Lok Wung Cheong Jamal Abdullah Rema Sreedharan Swithun Lowe Yeo Chun Fing WDA – HUMAN RESOURCE MANPOWER SKILLS & TRAINING COUNCIL Josephine Teo WDA – INDUSTRY SKILLS & TRAINING COUNCIL (RETAIL) Law Swee Hong Michael Yeo (ALTERNATE MEMBER) WDA – INDUSTRY SKILLS & TRAINING COUNCIL (FOOD & BEVERAGE) Tan Soon Yam WDA – INDUSTRY SKILLS & TRAINING COUNCIL (TOURISM, HOTEL & ACCOMMODATION SERVICES) Tan Soon Yam REDAS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE WDA – INDUSTRY SKILLS & TRAINING COUNCIL (COMMUNITY & SOCIAL SERVICES) Adeline Sum Wai Fun Adeline Sum Wai Fun REPUBLIC POLYTECHNIC BOARD OF GOVERNORS WDA – INDUSTRY SKILLS & TRAINING COUNCIL (HEALTHCARE) S Thiagarajan Diana Chia SBS TRANSIT BOARD WDA – INDUSTRY SKILLS & TRAINING COUNCIL (PRECISION ENGINEERING) John De Payva SINGAPORE CHINESE ORCHESTRA BOARD Neo Gim Kian SINGAPORE COUNCIL OF WOMEN’S ORGANISATION Jennie Yeo SINGAPORE POST PRIVATE LIMITED ALIGNMENT DIRECTORS Cham Hui Fong NO COLLAR Lim Sia Hoe SILVER COLLAR Neo Gim Kian GOLD COLLAR Adeline Sum Wai Fun 0-12/FAMILY Lim Eng Lee 12-21 Josephine Teo UTH MOVEMENT Ryan Cheong LIFE-TIME CONNECT S Thiagarajan SINGAPORE TRIPARTISM FORUM Zee Yoong Kang EMPLOYMENT & EMPLOYABILITY INSTITUTE Ong Ah Heng CARE AND SHARE Yeo Guat Kwang ALL NATIONALITIES Irene Ng Phek Hoong NTUC 50 Tan Choon Shian ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Yeo Guat Kwang Ong Ah Heng SINGAPORE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (WDA) BOARD Halimah Yacob Cyrille Tan Soo Leng K Karthikeyan SOCIAL SERVICE TRAINING INSTITUTE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Zee Yoong Kang Tan Chai Kun WDA – SINGAPORE LANDSCAPE INDUSTRY COUNCIL Surash R Mukundan Jennie Yeo WDA – SECURITY INDUSTRY SKILLS & TRAINING COUNCIL N Silva Patrick Tay (ALTERNATE MEMBER) WDA – WSQ (WORKFORCE SKILLS QUALIFICATION) FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE Cham Hui Fong WDA – WSQ (WORKFORCE SKILLS QUALIFICATION) FOR PROCESS ENGINEERING K Karthikeyan SPRING SINGAPORE BOARD WDA BOARD COMMITTEE – INCENTIVES AND GRANTS COMMITTEE Yeo Guat Kwang Mui-Kok Kah Wei TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC BOARD OF GOVERNORS WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MOM Zee Yoong Kang Yeo Guat Kwang 3MS REVIEW COMMITTEE WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH CONSTRUCTION ADVISORY SUB-COMMITTEE – MOM Adeline Sum Wai Fun ADVISORY COUNCIL ON COMMUNITY AND PARENTS IN SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS (COMPASS) Ong Soo Giok ADVISORY COUNCIL ON COMMUNITY RELATIONS IN DEFENCE (ACCORD) Jennie Yeo WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH ENGAGEMENT AND PUBLICITY ADVISORY SUB-COMMITTEE – MOM Jennie Yeo Seng Han Thong WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH METALWORKING ADVISORY SUB-COMMITTEE – MOM AIDS BUSINESS ALLIANCE Florence Ng Yeo Guat Kwang WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH SHIPBUILDING AND SHIP-REPAIRING ADVISORY SUB-COMMITTEE – MOM CHINESE CULTURAL FESTIVAL 2008 Halimah Yacob Chong Yan Cheng HOUSING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Patrick Tay Halimah Yacob Adeline Sum Wai Fun INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COUNCIL INDUSTRIAL ARBITRATION COURT (EMPLOYEE PANEL) GEMS EXECUTIVE COUNCIL John De Payva Cham Hui Fong Jessie Yeo John De Payva Lim Kuang Beng Nora Kang Kah Ai Teo Yock Ngee Thomas Tay Jwee Hwa Wee Soon Guan Yeo Guat Kwang INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION BOARD OF GOVERNORS Nora Kang Kah Ai Edwin Lye Teck Hee Zee Yoong Kang JURONG TOWN CORPORATION Halimah Yacob MEDIFUND ADVISORY COUNCIL Mui-Kok Kah Wei S Thiagarajan NATIONAL FIRE PREVENTION COUNCIL – INDUSTRIAL PREMISES COMMITTEE Wong Siew Hong PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION – REPRESENTING CORPORATE MEMBER SINGAPORE CORPORATION OF REHABILITATIVE ENTERPRISES (SCORE) COMMITTEE ON TRAINING Lim Pan Hong LAND TRANSPORT AUTHORITY SUB-COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RESOURCES, GERMAN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Yeo Guat Kwang Goh Sor Imm Leadership list.indd 44 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black ADVISOR/PRESIDENT, NTUC; SECRETARY-GENERAL, SMMWU Lim Swee Say CHAIRMAN/SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, FDAWU/SMMWU; CHAIRMAN, NTUC CLUB Heng Chee How SECRETARY/ DEPUTY SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, BATU Cham Hui Fong ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/ COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, CIEU Teo Yock Ngee MEMBER/ SECRETARY FOR FINANCIAL AFFAIRS, NTUC; GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPE Cyrille Tan Soo Leng MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, NTUC; GENERAL SECRETARY, UWEEI 4/20/07 10:29:24 AM NTUC LEADERSHIP A Nithiah Nandan MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, NTUC; N Thurairajasingam VICE-CHAIRMAN/ Seng Han Thong MEMBER/ ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, NTWU Gwee Guo Duan (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, AUSBE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, UPAGE Halimah Yacob SECRETARY/ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL NTUC; COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (LEGAL), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, UWEEI Eugene Lim Tow Ming 45 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS OFFICER, SMOU Arulnathan John Mindy Kwok Sin Thang MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SNUJ (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/ GENERAL SECRETARY, SNUJ MEMBER/ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; IRD STAFF, NTUC COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (LEGAL), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, UWEEI Rema Sreedharan ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/LSD STAFF, NTUC G Muthukumarasamy MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPDRW Ma Wei Cheng (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Kam Soon Huat MEMBER/EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SOS Mohd Idris Mohd Ibrahim (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Halimah Yacob Yeo Guat Kwang MEMBER/COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (QUALITY WORKLIFE), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SCTU Matthias Yao Chih MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC; VICE-CHAIRMAN, OPEC CLUSTER Irene Ng Phek Hoong DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPE Daniel Lai MEMBER/ALIGNMENT DIRECTOR VICE-PRESIDENT, SOS Lam Yuen Shin D Arasu MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SPWU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SPWU DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, AUSBE (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Lim Ah Kiat MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SSU K Govindasamy MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SUBE Ang Wah Lai (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SUBE Patrick Tay MEMBER/ASSISTANT SECRETARY, SUN Sylvia Choo (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SUN Abdul Rahman Mahbob MEMBER/ PRESIDENT, UPAGE N Silva MEMBER/PRESIDENT, USE Chua Miang Teo MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, UTES Philip Koh Buck Khoon (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; GENERAL SECRETARY, PUBEU FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, UTES CHAIRMAN, EDUCATION CLUSTER; GENERAL SECRETARY, STU Lim Chin Nam MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SCTU Fok Wing Sew MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SGSWA Koh Kiang Chay (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SGSWA P Kunjunni Nair MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SITU Bibi Jan Mohd Ayyub MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SMTU Lee Peng Hon MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SSSU S Samikannu MEMBER/PRESIDENT, STTU Edwin Lye Teck Hee MEMBER/ (NTUC 50), NTUC Seah Kian Peng MEMBER/MANAGING DIRECTOR (SINGAPORE), Tan Chuan Juan Gerard C Francis MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, HDBSU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ NTUC FAIRPRICE Josephine Teo MEMBER/COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (HUMAN RESOURCE), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SISEU Ong Chin Ang DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, HDBSU Komalavalli Pakirisamy Mabel Low Wan Yeong MEMBER/CENTRIC DIRECTOR (STAFF), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, ESU/HSEU/SPWU Diana Chia MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; CHAIRMAN, HEALTHCARE CLUSTER; GENERAL SECRETARY, HSEU Swithun Lowe Tan Chai Kun MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; GENERAL SECRETARY, MIWU INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE (INDUSTRIAL SECTOR) Cyrille Tan Soo Leng CHAIRMAN/VICE-PRESIDENT, NTUC; GENERAL SECRETARY, UWEEI Thomas Thomas Ong Chin Ang SECRETARY/CENTRIC DIRECTOR (STAFF), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, ESU/HSEU/SPWU Patrick Tay ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/IRD STAFF, NTUC Khoo Li Peng ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/IRD STAFF, NTUC Kang Kwang Soong MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER,BATU Abdul Rahman Abdul Basir (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, BATU Tan Chee Tiong Wan Hafidz MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, CIEU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, CIEU Jeffrey Ong MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, EMSEU Mohd Munir (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/PRESIDENT, EMSEU Tan Cheng Yen MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, FDAWU Phang Weng Onn MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, KEU Atyyah Hassan MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, KFEU Toh Hock Poh MEMBER/PRESIDENT, MIWU Tan Poh Hong (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Koh Ting Lay P Chandran Selvam Sivasamy MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, NPASU MEMBER/PRESIDENT, PUBEU DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, STU Swithun Lowe (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, STU Freddy Lim Kah Chin MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SURAWU Marimuthu Suppamal (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, SURAWU Fang Wei MEMBER/PRESIDENT, UITS INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE (SERVICE SECTOR) A Nithiah Nandan MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, NEU MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SEEU MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; GENERAL SECRETARY, SATSWU Teo Kai Hoe ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/IRD STAFF, NTUC; Sarah Ng Irene Low Martin Chan ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/IRD STAFF, NTUC ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/IRD STAFF, NTUC MEMBER/ DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY/TREASURER, AESU Supaat Sayuni Ong Soo Giok Raymond Quek MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, CIASEU MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, DBSSU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SSEU-SEM Tan Hock Soon MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, FDAWU Diana Chia MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, HSEU Noor Aishah MEMBER/PRESIDENT, KCCSU Mohd Nor Nordin MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, KSSU Charles Khng Joo Hock MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, NCSU Abdullah Abdul Talib (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/PRESIDENT, NCSU Mohd Yunos Awang MEMBER/PRESIDENT, NTWU Fang Chin Poh (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, NTWU GENERAL TREASURER, SRCEU DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SSEU-SEM Samuel Tan Boon Hui MEMBER/ Lau Soy Soy K Thanaletchimi (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SSEU-SHELL Michael Low Kong San KK Chandrasegaran Tan Hoon Kiang Tan Teck Kheng DEPUTY PRESIDENT, STEEU Rasul Beck s/o Hussian Beck MEMBER/ (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, POU Chua Boon Hwee Bobby Tay Michael Chang Ben Chan Wai Meng (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/PRESIDENT, UWEEI MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SBEU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Wee Soon Guan Phua Tien Tim MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SBOA (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, UWPI DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SBOA (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/PRESIDENT, UWPI Mohd Hussain Kassim MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SIASU Willie Tan MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SIEU Ronald Foo (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT, SIEU Law Swee Hong MEMBER/DEPUTY SECRETARY-GENERAL, SMMWU INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE (PUBLIC SECTOR) Teo Yock Ngee MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SATU EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SBEU GENERAL SECRETARY, TPGEU Francis Lim K Karthikeyan (ALTERNATE)MEMBER/ MEMBER/PRESIDENT, POU MEMBER/PRESIDENT, STEEU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER/PRESIDENT, HSEU BRANCH CHAIRMAN, HSEU EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SSEU-SHELL Toh Yeow Hwa CHAIRMAN/SECRETARY FOR FINANCIAL AFFAIRS, NTUC; GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPE Leadership list.indd 45 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black CHAIRMAN/SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, FDAWU/SMMWU; CHAIRMAN, NTUC CLUB Yeo Khee Leng Neo Gim Kian SECRETARY/CENTRIC DIRECTOR (MEMBER), NTUC ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/ COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (MEMBERSHIP), NTUC; ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, UWEEI Teo Yock Ngee MEMBER/SECRETARY FOR FINANCIAL AFFAIRS, NTUC; GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPE Lim Kuang Beng MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; Nora Kang Kah Ai MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; Swithun Lowe MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; GENERAL SECRETARY, SISEU GENERAL SECRETARY, STU Heng Chee How MEMBER/DEPUTY SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, BATU Ong Ah Heng MEMBER/ALIGNMENT DIRECTOR Halimah Yacob MEMBER/ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL NTUC; (CARE AND SHARE), NTUC COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (LEGAL), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, UWEEI EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SSSU Tan Peng Heng (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SISEU Wong Weng Ong MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SMEEU Fido Chung Chee Tong (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ M Ramasamy Ariffin Urip Lim Swee Say SECRETARY/SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, FDAWU/SMMWU; CHAIRMAN, NTUC CLUB ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, DBSSU GENERAL SECRETARY, SMEEU ADVISOR/PRESIDENT NTUC; SECRETARY-GENERAL, SMMWU VICE-CHAIRMAN/MEMBER, NTUC CC; GENERAL SECRETARY, SISEU Johari Mohd Sadli MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SPHEU Nicholas Loke Chee Leong MEMBER/ John De Payva CHAIRMAN/VICE-PRESIDENT, NTUC; Victor Pang Koon Seah Lim Swee Say MEMBERSHIP COUNCIL PRESIDENT, DBSSU EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, UPAGE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, MIWU Ong Kim Huat Chua Swee Lee Lim Kuang Beng (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, IRASSU VICE-CHAIRMAN/MEMBER, NTUC CC; GENERAL SECRETARY, SSEU-SHELL MEMBER/PRESIDENT, IRASSU David Yeo Larry Chan (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, SMMWU MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SMOU MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE (INDUSTRIAL SECTOR) Lim Kuang Beng CHAIRMAN/MEMBER, NTUC CC; GENERAL SECRETARY, SISEU Tan Chai Kun VICE-CHAIRMAN/MEMBER, NTUC CC; GENERAL SECRETARY, MIWU Seng Han Thong SECRETARY/ ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, NTWU Andrew Lim ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/MED STAFF, NTUC SS Chandraseker MEMBER/ SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT, BATU Ismail Jalil MEMBER/INTERNAL AUDITOR, BATU Chay Sai Hin MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, CIEU Guanasagaran s/o Nadason (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, CIEU Hassan Ali John Tiang MEMBER/FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, EMSEU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, EMSEU Leong Lai Huat MEMBER/SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT, FDAWU Mahmad Mastan MEMBER/PRESIDENT, KEU Jeffrey Yap Huat Hin MEMBER/PRESIDENT, KFEU Chua Kian Seng (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, MIWU Lee Teck Seng MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, NEU Tay Yong Beng MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SEEU Tan Peng Heng (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SISEU Tan Ah Chye MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SMEEU Wong Weng Ong (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/PRESIDENT SMEEU Eddie Tan MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SPHEU Foo Chee Yoon MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SRCEU Amranizar Amran MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SRCEU Chew Tee Tank MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SSEU-SEM Alice Lim MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SSEU-SHELL Jessie Lim Siew Har MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, STEEU 4/20/07 10:29:39 AM 46 NTUC LEADERSHIP RP Sasidaran Andrew Lau Fahmi Abu Bakar Peh Hwee Been MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, STEEU MEMBER/PRESIDENT, TPGEU MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, UWEEI (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, UWEEI Paul Anpalagan K Karthikeyan William Lim (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/HONORARY TREASURER, SBEU Phua Tien Tim MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SBOA Charles Siow Eu Sen (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/TREASURER, SBOA Retna Mohan MEMBER/EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SIASU Yacob Mohamad Yusof MEMBER/ MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, UWPI (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; FIRST ASSISTANT TREASURER, SIEU Lee Moi Cheng (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, UWPI EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SIEU Wong Chip Mun Elvin Lee CHAIRMAN/MEMBER, NTUC CC; VICE-CHAIRMAN/VICE-PRESIDENT, NPASU SECRETARY/ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (LEGAL), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, UWEEI Andrew Lim ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/MED STAFF, NTUC G Muthukumarasamy MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPDRW K Sithambaram (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT TREASURER, AUPDRW Yeo Chun Fing MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPE Ramli Wong Lai Kay (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT SECRETARY, AUPE Nah Hwee Seng MEMBER/ (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Mary Liew MEMBER/EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SMOU Ong Lee Lee MEMBER/MANAGER, SMOU Tay Tze Siong MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SNUJ Tan Jing Bock MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SOS David Sim Hor Pheng (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT TREASURER, SOS Gilbert Lim Bee Tam Malik Timboel Manik MEMBER/SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT, SPWU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SPWU Lim Ah Kiat MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SSU Ang Wah Lai K Govindasamy MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SUBE (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, SUBE ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, AUSBE U Popathi (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, AUSBE Gerard C Francis MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, HDBSU Najmuddin Kurbanhusen Shakir (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Jeremy Lee Cherrine Sim MEMBER/ASSISTANT SECRETARY, SUN (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SUN A Nithiah Nandan MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, UPAGE ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, HDBSU Joy Low MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, IRASSU Tan Yeong Kang MEMBER/FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT, PUBEU Ong See Ham (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, PUBEU Soon Ying Hong MEMBER/ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY, SCTU Koh Kiang Chay MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SGSWA Cheong Kok Kong MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SITU Abdul Malek Ahmad MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SMTU Tan Kheok Juay MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SSSU G Vijayarani MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, STTU Edwin Lye Teck Hee (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, STU Suppamal Marimuthu MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SURAWU Freddy Lim Kah Chin (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SURAWU Chng Wui Hiong MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, UITS RKS Nachiappan (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ N Silva S Logarajah PJ Joseph MEMBER/PRESIDENT, USE MEMBER/PRESIDENT, UTES (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ John De Payva CHAIRMAN MEMBER/SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, FDAWU/SMMWU; CHAIRMAN, NTUC CLUB Matthias Yao Chih Teo Yock Ngee (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC MEMBER/ SECRETARY FOR FINANCIAL AFFAIRS, NTUC Nora Kang Kah Ai CHAIRMAN/MEMBER, NTUC CC; Terry Lee Kok Hua VICE-CHAIRMAN/MEMBER, NTUC CC; Ng Kee Choe Goh Chee Wee Chua Cher Choon PRESIDENT, SIEU Yeo Khee Leng SECRETARY/CENTRIC DIRECTOR (MEMBER), NTUC Tan Wee Peng ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/MED STAFF, NTUC Burhanuddin s/o Kamaruddin MEMBER/ DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, AESU MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, CIASEU MEMBER/SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT, FDAWU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, FDAWU EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, KSSU Raymond Chan Peng Yew Tan Kian Chew MEMBER/CHAIRMAN, NTUC FOODFARE Seah Kian Peng MEMBER/CHAIRMAN, NTUC MEDIA Tan Soon Yam MEMBER/CHAIRMAN, NTUC LEARNINGHUB PTE LTD Chan Tee Seng MEMBER/CHAIRMAN, NTUC LINK PTE LTD Gabriel Teo MEMBER/CHAIRMAN, ONE MARINA PROPERTY SERVICES PTE LTD (ALTERNATE) MEMBER, HSEU MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, IRASSU Josephine Lee Tan Ling Eddie Chew CHAIRMAN/MEMBER, NTUC CC; PRESIDENT, SIASU Lim Kuang Beng VICE-CHAIRMAN/MEMBER, NTUC CC; ADVISOR/SECRETARY/ ALIGNMENT DIRECTOR (CARE & SHARE), NTUC Teo Boon Lian ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/ ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (CARE & SHARE), NTUC Steve Tan ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY, MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SATSWU MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SATU MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SBEU Leadership list.indd 46 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, NTWU Lim Choon Chai MEMBER/TREASURER, POU N Anantham MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, PUBEU Thomas Yeo Eng Seng MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SBEU Charles Siow Eu Sen MEMBER/TREASURER, SBOA Lim Hua Leng MEMBER/ASSISTANT TREASURER, SCTU T Kadirval MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SIASU Jennifer Yap MEMBER/TREASURER, SIEU Vincent Aw Chye Giap MEMBER/HONORARY TREASURER, SITU Wong Hon Chong MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SMEEU Surash R Mukundan Robin Foo Zafilin Abdul Hamid MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, SMMWU MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SMOU MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SMTU MEMBER/ASSISTANT SECRETARY, SOS MEMBER/ Ariffin Urip MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SSEU-SEM Tan Ser Meng MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, SSEU-SHELL Hamad Jumadi (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SSEU-SHELL Mahalingam s/o Raju MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, STEEU Jenny Tan Kin Kin MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, STU Ng Sher Hak MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, SUBE Salwani Mahadi MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SUN Manogaran Karuppiah MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SURAWU Tan Aik Cher (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEMBER, SURAWU Chng Wui Hiong MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, UITS Michael Tan MEMBER/SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT, UPAGE Roger Tan Seng Chye MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, UTES Tan Richard MEMBER/FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, UWEEI William Wong MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, UWPI Hamzah Daud (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, UWPI Andrew Ang MEMBER/ CORPORATE COMMUNICATION EXECUTIVE, NTUC FAIRPRICE MEMBER/ Patricia Ng MEMBER/ SENIOR HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER, NTUC INCOME INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION SELECTION COMMITTEE Halimah Yacob Abdul Rahim Farid Nasordin Mohd Hashim Mohamed Nasir Hussein MEMBER/ACTING PRESIDENT, AUSBE MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, BATU Nancy Teo Raymond Quek Choon Hoa MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, DBSSU Patricia Loke Kum Peng (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, DBSSU SECRETARY/COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS), NTUC Ng Eng Kie Diana Chia ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/IAD STAFF, NTUC MEMBER/ MEMBER, NTUC CC; GENERAL SECRETARY, HSEU Terry Lee Kok Hua Nora Kang Kah Ai MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; PRESIDENT, SIEU MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; PRESIDENT, DBSSU MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, CIASEU CHAIRMAN/ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (LEGAL), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, UWEEI ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPE (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, KEU Alias Taib MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, KFEU Isfendi Salleh MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, KSSU Nasir Aman MEMBER/FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, MIWU Chew Chee Leong MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, NEU K Iynkaran MEMBER/ASSISTANT TREASURER, NPASU Steven Tan Tee Hiang MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, SISEU Ong Ah Heng P Ganesan MEMBER/PRESIDENT, AUPDRW Unnikrishnan s/o PVK Nambiar MEMBER/ MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, POU Jasmine Yeo Ai Hwa MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, KCCSU Mohd Yazam Mahmood MEMBER/ HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER, NTUC HEALTHCARE GENERAL TREASURER, NCSU MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, NTWU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, IRASSU Rashidah Mohd CARE & SHARE COMMITTEE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (YOUTH DEVELOPMENT UNIT), NTUC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, POU Patrick Gaw Michael Lim MEMBER/ MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, NTWU Abdullah Shafiie MEMBER/CHAIRMAN, NTUC CHILDCARE (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Janet Khoo MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, HSEU Ong Hwee Sen MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, HSEU Nor Aisah Zainal MEMBER/PRESIDENT, KCCSU NR Narayanasamy MEMBER/ Tan Teck Kheng Andrew Koh MEMBER/CHAIRMAN, NTUC INCOME CHAIRMAN, NTUC THRIFT & LOAN AND NTUC HEALTHCARE MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, DBSSU VICE-PRESIDENT, DBSSU Fang Chin Poh Robin Koh MEMBER/CHAIRMAN, NTUC CHOICE HOMES AND NTUC FAIRPRICE PRESIDENT, DBSSU Leong Lai Huat Ng Kok Kiong Wan Sok Meng Chong May Yuen SECOND ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SPWU SECRETARY-GENERAL, SMMWU Ng Ser Miang Tan Leh Hua Irene Khoo Wee Pin MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, HSEU Mohamad Abu Bakar Teo Kim Huat ADVISOR/PRESIDENT, NTUC; Lim Boon Heng Lim Swee Say MEMBER/ Tan Siok Kheng FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, UTES SOCIAL ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (SEDC) MEMBER/PRESIDENT, FDAWU ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, HDBSU GENERAL SECRETARY, UPAGE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE (SERVICE SECTOR) Harbans Singh Abdul Subhan Henry Foong Kam Chong EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SMMWU GENERAL SECRETARY, STU Tan Kay Tiow Halimah Yacob MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, EMSEU ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL, SMMWU MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE (PUBLIC SECTOR) Swithun Lowe MEMBER/ Kevin Suraiskumar Eddie Chew Lim Chin Siew MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; PRESIDENT, SIASU MEMBER/COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (ADMINISTRATION), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SMEEU/KFEU Ong Keau MEMBER/DEPUTY DIRECTOR (LDD), NTUC; DEPUTY EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, UWEEI 4/20/07 10:29:56 AM NTUC LEADERSHIP INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE JOBS AND PRODUCTIVITY COMMITTEE John De Payva John De Payva ADVISOR/PRESIDENT, NTUC; ADVISOR/PRESIDENT, NTUC; SECRETARY-GENERAL, SMMWU Halimah Yacob CHAIRMAN/ SECRETARY-GENERAL, SMMWU Terry Lee Kok Hua CHAIRMAN/ Teo Yock Ngee Nancy Teo ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/ COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS), NTUC Florence Tee ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/IAD STAFF, NTUC Noor Shyma Abdul Latiff (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPE Foo Kok Kiong G Rajendran Ong Soo Giok Irene Khoo Wee Pin MEMBER/PRESIDENT, BATU MEMBER/PRESIDENT, CIEU MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, DBSSU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, DBSSU Mohamed Munir MEMBER/PRESIDENT, EMSEU Jeffrey Ong (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, EMSEU Michael Koh Ah San MEMBER/PRESIDENT, HDBSU Tan Chuan Juan (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, HDBSU EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, FDAWU/SMMWU; CHAIRMAN, NTUC CLUB Zee Yoong Kang ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/ ALIGNMENT DIRECTOR (EMPLOYMENT & EMPLOYABILITY INSTITUTE), C Kammamah MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, AUPDRW Prabhakara Menon ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPE Ng Hee Seng (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Tan Hoon Kiang P Chandran Selvam Sivasamy (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, PUBEU S Gunasekaran MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SATSWU Michael Chang Wee Soon Guan Freddie Tan Keng Chye MEMBER/EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SBEU MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SBOA N Thurairajasingam MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, AUSBE Palanisamy s/o Perumal MEMBER/ Willie Tan Kang Huang Lang Robert Hah Loy Hwee Khim (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, BATU DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, HDBSU Ismail Maideen Lee Kwee Huay (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SISEU Wong Weng Ong Tommy Goh Hock Wah MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, KCCSU Mohd Yusop Mansor GENERAL TREASURER, SMEEU Joseph Chua Eng Hee Razlan Abu Lee Meng Tek Low Chee Wah Mohd Zulkifli Abdullah (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, UPAGE Francis Lim Pan Hong Catherine Chia Cheng Kiow MEMBER/PRESIDENT, UWEEI (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, UWEEI S Rasadran Jaasveer Singh MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, UWPI (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, UWPI Low Hock Meng RESOURCE PERSON/DIRECTOR OF ENTERPRISE PRODUCTIVITY DIVISION, SPRING SINGAPORE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thomas Tay Jwee Hwa CHAIRMAN/VICE-PRESIDENT, NTUC; GENERAL SECRETARY, SMOU Ameer Hamzah s/o Abul Nasir VICE-CHAIRMAN/ MEMBER, NTUC CC; GENERAL SECRETARY, SPWU Heng Chee How SECRETARY/DEPUTY SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, BATU Ang Hin Kee ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/ COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (EMPLOYABILITY ENHANCEMENT), NTUC Subari Samuri MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, AUPDRW Ma Wei Cheng MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPE Noor Shyma Abdul Latiff MEMBER/ DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPE M Rejendran (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPE Lian Kheng Siong MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, AUSBE Manjet Singh (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, AUSBE Nasordin Mohd Hashim Mohammad Jinna MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, BATU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, BATU DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, KEU Sheikh Mohd MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, CIASEU Raymond Lau MEMBER/HEAD INDUSTRIAL RELATION, CIEU Lim Ping Chong MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, CIEU Muhd Shamsir (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, KFEU MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, MIWU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SMEEU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ SECOND ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, UTES MEMBER/BRANCH ASSISTANT SECRETARY, HSEU MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SIEU MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SISEU MEMBER/FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT, UTES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, BATU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ PRESIDENT, SBOA PRESIDENT, SURAWU MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, UPAGE ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPE Mahmood Idrose MEMBER/PRESIDENT, HSEU Tan Pin Cheow MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, HSEU Michael Koh Ah San MEMBER/PRESIDENT, HDBSU Richard Tan (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER/DEPUTY EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, NTWU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Mohd Salleh Jupri Sumonor T Ramchandra MEMBER/ MEMBER/PRESIDENT, PUBEU MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SURAWU NTUC SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT, FDAWU MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, KFEU GENERAL SECRETARY, MIWU EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, MIWU Abdullah Abdul Talib Jenny Toh Swee Neo MEMBER/PRESIDENT, NCSU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, CIEU Irene Khoo Wee Pin Karen Ang Lee Kiang MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, DBSSU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, NCSU EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, DBSSU ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL, SMMWU SN Mukherjee MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, NPASU Lau Lye Hock MEMBER/PRESIDENT, NTWU Julia Tjia Ng Yen (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Krishnan Rajendra MEMBER/FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT, EMSEU Jeffrey Ong (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, EMSEU Doreen Chui MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, FDAWU Alex Sim MEMBER/HONORARY TREASURER, FDAWU Eileen Lee (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Michael Foo (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ VICE-PRESIDENT, SMMWU Mary Liew MEMBER/EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SMOU Mohd Idris Mohd Ibrahim MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SOS Michael Tham Siang Hock (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SOS Johari Mohd Sadli MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SPHEU Ameer Hamzah s/o Abul Nasir MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; GENERAL SECRETARY, SPWU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SPWU MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SSEU-SEM (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/TREASURER, SSEU-SEM MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; GENERAL SECRETARY, SSEU-SHELL Pon Sundararaju MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, STTU Mike Mariyappa Thiruman MEMBER/PRESIDENT, STU Ang Wah Lai MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SUBE K Govindasamy (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, SUBE Freddy Lim Kah Chin Marimuthu Suppamal MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SURAWU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, SURAWU Edwin Low Hock Chye Chua Miang Teo Philip Koh Buck Khoon MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, UITS MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, UTES (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, UTES Cyrille Tan Soo Leng MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, NTUC; GENERAL SECRETARY, UWEEI Francis Lim Pan Hong (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ PRESIDENT, UWEEI K Gunalan SECRETARY/SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; MEMBER/PRESIDENT, POU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Atyyah Hassan Tan Chai Kun K Karthikeyan GENERAL SECRETARY, MIWU Lim Swee Say ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, NTWU MEMBER/PRESIDENT, KEU GENERAL SECRETARY,KEU Lam Yuen Shin GE Diran Koh Sheng Yong Thomas Thomas VICE-CHAIRMAN/MEMBER, NTUC CC; Lee Kim San MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, CIASEU Tan Chee Tiong MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, CIEU Lim Ping Chong (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, CIEU Irene Khoo Wee Pin MEMBER/VICE PRESIDENT, DBSSU S Kulothungan (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, DBSSU John Tiang MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, EMSEU Lam Kin Wang (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/DELEGATE, EMSEU Alex Sim Chong Tee MEMBER/HONORARY TREASURER, FDAWU Ong Kung Yong (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Mohd Yusop Mansor Phang Weng Onn Tan Boon Toy Jimmy Wee Tan Chai Kun VICE-CHAIRMAN/SECRETARY FOR FINANCIAL AFFAIRS, NTUC; GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPE MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SUBE (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SUBE MEMBER, NTUC CC; PRESIDENT, SIEU ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (LEGAL), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, UWEEI K Govindasamy Ang Wah Lai Marimuthu Suppamal Freddy Lim Kah Chin 47 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, NTWU Benjamin Tang MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, POU Loh Kai Yeong MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, PUBEU Poul Vincent MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SATSWU Bobby Tay Peng Chuah MEMBER/ DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SBEU Sim Cher Seng MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SIASU Visvanathan A Gopal MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SISEU Lim Heng Khee (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Tay Peck Hiang GENERAL TREASURER, SISEU Rohani Hashim Tommy Goh Hock Wah MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, SMEEU Tan Ah Chye (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SMEEU Harry Constantine MEMBER/IR MANAGER, SMMWU Elvin Lee (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SMMWU David Sim Hor Pheng Tan Jing Bock Michael Fan Yong Foo Christine Soo Mee Ling MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, KCCSU Mohd Yusof Mohd G Shamin Kumar MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, KEU MEMBER/ VR Balakrishnan MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, KSSU Loo Say Tuang MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, MIWU Bernard Tay MEMBER/INTERNAL AUDITOR, MIWU SN Mukherjee MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, NPASU Mohd Isa Sudin MEMBER/ (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SOS MEMBER/ SECOND ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, NTWU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Mong Kok Chong MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, STEEU MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, STEEU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, UWPI ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, STU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, NTWU MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SSEU-SEM GENERAL SECRETARY, UWPI Leadership list.indd 47 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, IRASSU DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SMTU MEMBER/ASSISTANT TREASURER, SOS SECRETARY TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, SPWU GE Diran Bernard Lai Sau Meng William Hor Kar Fook (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL TREASURER, HDBSU EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, KFEU SECOND ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SPWU Paul Tan Seet Joo DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, HDBSU MEMBER/ Md Thahirrudin S Kadarisman Gunasegaran MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, STTU Collin Keith Sebastian MEMBER/ MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE OFFICER, FDAWU Tan Pin Cheow MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, HSEU Mary Tan MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, HSEU Richard Tan Peck Hoon MEMBER/ Benson Low MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, POU Bernard Gan (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, POU Wong Hung Hoong MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, PUBEU Mohan Dass Lim Chin Nam MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SATSWU MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SCTU 4/20/07 10:30:13 AM 48 NTUC LEADERSHIP Kwek Jin Chong Roland Hoe David Lee Yip Sing Teo Chin Hock MEMBER/TRUSTEE, SIASU MEMBER/SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT, SIEU MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SISEU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SISEU Daniel Ang Teck Heng Wong Ngee Min MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SITU EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, FDAWU MEMBER/ Fu Lee Ping MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, HSEU Narinder Kaur (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/BRANCH OFFICIAL, HSEU Sivasangari Pillai MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SMEEU David Yeo Cher Lian MEMBER/ASSISTANT MANAGER, SMMWU Harry Constantine (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/IR MANAGER, SMMWU Suryani Atan MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SMTU Mohamed Nor Mohd Hussain (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SMTU Kam Soon Huat David Sim Hor Pheng Ong Soo Giok MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, DBSSU Tan Leh Hua (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, DBSSU Joanne Kong MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, EMSEU Doreen Chui Chi Cheng MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, FDAWU Susan Lee Kar Ngoh (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Johari Mohd Sadli Rahmat S Kassim MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SPHEU MEMBER/ FIRST DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SPHEU Pritam Singh MEMBER/FIRST DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SPWU Mohd Rahman Abidin (ALTERNATE)MEMBER/ Noryusnita Yatim (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SSEU-SHELL (ALTENATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, STEEU Bernard Lai Sau Meng VICE-PRESIDENT, STEEU DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SUBE Lulu Goh Cherrine Sim MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, SUN (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SUN Suppamal Marimuthu MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SURAWU Thiruselve d/o Govindarajoo ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SURAWU Abdul Rahmat Mordiffi MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, UITS Durai Pandian Andrew Chew MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, UPAGE (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ SECOND ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, NTWU Patricia Low Siew Luan (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, PUBEU BRANCH COMMITTEE MEMBER, PUBEU Jackie Tan Susie Foo Cheng Juat MEMBER/ FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, UWEEI Raymond See Hock Hin (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, UWEEI Ben Chan Wai Meng MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, UWPI S Rasadran (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, UWPI Diana Chia MEMBER/ Alice Huang Oi Lee S Nirmala GENERAL SECRETARY, HSEU Nora Kang Kah Ai VICE-CHAIRPERSON/MEMBER, NTUC CC; PRESIDENT, DBSSU Halimah Yacob SECRETARY/ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL,NTUC; COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (LEGAL), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, UWEEI Ng Peck Kin ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/LDD STAFF, NTUC Jenny Lee ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY/LDD STAFF, NTUC Lee Siok Buea MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, AESU Vengadachalam Maniya MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, AUPDRW Rubaidah Bahron (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, AUPDRW Noor Shyma Abdul Latiff MEMBER/ DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, AUPE Helen Tan (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/SECRETARY, AUPE Lau Lai Meng MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, AUSBE Hasanah Ahmad (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, AUSBE Serene Tan Lay Khim MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, BATU G Thanakodi (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT, BATU Lam Oei Lai MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, CIASEU Rosnah Saat MEMBER/BRANCH TREASURER, CIEU Loh Lay Keang (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ BRANCH SECRETARY, CIEU Leadership list.indd 48 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black Tan Joo Cheng (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, DBSSU Manivannan MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, EMSEU Yeo Meng Hiang (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, EMSEU Jimmy Tan Peng Loke Quek Jin Jong (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, FDAWU EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEMBER, SBOA MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SIASU Priscilla Tan Siew Hua MEMBER/ SECOND ASSISTANT TREASURER, SIEU Mary Goh (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SIEU MEMBER/INTERNAL AUDITOR, SISEU MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, SITU MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SMEEU MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SMMWU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ INDUSTRIAL RELATION EXECUTIVE, SMMWU Mary Liew MEMBER/EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SMOU Siti Norlelawati Mohd Jelani MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, STU Aishah Akil You Chai King Mohamed Noor Abdul Rahman MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SUN (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, NCSU Abdullah Abdul Talib (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/PRESIDENT, NCSU Yee Yew Seng MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, NPASU Ali Akhbar Habib Mohd MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, NTWU Mohd Noor Sidik Suppamal MarimuthU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, SURAWU Chuminah Abdul Rahman MEMBER/BRANCH OFFICIAL, UITS S Suseela MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, UPAGE Goh Choo Kiat (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE, UPAGE Leela d/o MK Menon MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, UTES Malket Kaur (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ SECOND ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, UTES Patsy Oon Geok Hoon MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, UWEEI Loke Yuet Yeng (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, UWEEI MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, UWPI (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ INTERNAL AUDITOR, UWPI R Segar RK Mohana Krishnan Chau Sik Ting K Karthikeyan (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ KA Veerappan S Gunasekaran MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, PUBEU MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SATSWU Bob Chung Seong Tuck MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SBEU Freddie Tan Keng Chye Roderick Santa Maria MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SBOA (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SBOA Ong Han Guan MEMBER/FIRST ASSISTANT SECRETARY, SCTU Ong Hwee Liang MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SEEU Bahauddin Kamaruddin MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SIASU Lim Heng Khee MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SISEU Sanip Ahmad (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SISEU Chow Weng Fatt Aziz Mohd Raus MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SMEEU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SMEEU Rosalind Li Sa Keng MEMBER/IR MANAGER, SMMWU Lau See How (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/COUNCIL MEMBER, SMMWU Mohd Idris Mohd Ibrahim MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SOS Bon Sheun Ping (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, SOS Simon Ko Hak Kong MEMBER/SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT, SPHEU Ong Kuan Pheng MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, SPWU Suhaimi Badar Bajarai (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/SECRETARY, SPWU M Ramasamy MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SSEU-SEM R Vincent (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/DEPUTY PRESIDENT, SSEU-SEM Toh Yeow Hwa MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SSEU-SHELL U Ramakrishnan MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, STEEU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, STEEU VICE-CHAIRMAN/MEMBER, NTUC CC; Bhupathy MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, STTU Lawrence Chua Niam Pheng MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, STU Erat Vinodan MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SUBE Lee Chit Seng MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL TREASURER, SURAWU Mohd Hairul Osman (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ GENERAL SECRETARY, SISEU EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SURAWU ADVISOR/TRUSTEE, SMEEU CHAIRMAN/MEMBER, NTUC CC/ GENERAL SECRETARY, UWPI Lim Kuang Beng MEMBER/ASSISTANT TREASURER, POU EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, POU R Mahalingam WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, NTWU DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SURAWU Ho Shiong Yee Mariah Ibrahim MEMBER/ Irene Yeo MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, HSEU Jasmine Yeo MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, KCCSU D Mathivannan MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, KEU Musa Daud MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, KFEU Herbert Yeo MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, MIWU Jenny Toh Swee Neo MEMBER/ Magdelene Lee Siok Choo Goghari Siblisuraya Rosalind Li Sai Keng MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, FDAWU MEMBER/ASSISTANT TREASURER, SBOA (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Joanne Chua Masdiana Ramli Eileen Yeo Chor Gek MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, DBSSU ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, HSEU Thiruselve d/o Govindarajoo CHAIRPERSON/MEMBER, NTUC CC; EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, CIEU Zulkanain Abdul Hamid DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SBEU ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, SUN WOMEN’S COMMITTEE MEMBER/ MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, SATSWU Rose Tan Ah Lian MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, SPWU Doreen Pang Tian Tok (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/DELEGATE, SPWU Alice Lim Siew Choo MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SSEU-SHELL Han Joe Min MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, STEEU K Maanivili MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, STTU Ariel Loh Lee Miang MEMBER/ Tan Richard Mohamed Said Ali (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER/COUNCILOR, UTES (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT, BATU EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, NTWU Fawziah Mukhtar Shamala Devi ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SMTU SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT, UTES SS Chandraseker Mohd Yunos MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, CIEU Nigel Nge Chee Kian (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, UPAGE Peter Chia Henry Wong MEMBER/ FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, BATU MEMBER/ Christine Soo MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, KCCSU Atyyah Hassan MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, KFEU Doris Ng Li Yen MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, KSSU Teresa Wong MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, MIWU Tan Hwee Keow MEMBER/ (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ R Kalaimani MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, STTU S Samikannu MEMBER/PRESIDENT, STTU Stephen Jayaram MEMBER/MANAGER, STU Rosli Mohd Sani MEMBER/ASSISTANT TREASURER, SUBE Erat Vinodan (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ Jeffrey Khoo Eng Hing EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, CIASEU EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, IRASSU ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SSEU-SHELL William Hor Kar Fook PT Arasu MEMBER/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, AUPDRW Cedric Tan Wee Kian MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, AUPE Rahim Alwi (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, AUPE G Haridass MEMBER/ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, AUSBE BRANCH COMMITTEE MEMBER, HDBSU KS Salina Chandran THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT, SPWU Amza Jaffar Toh Yeow Hwa SECRETARY/COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (QUALITY WORKLIFE), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SCTU EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, HDBSU MEMBER/EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SOS ASSISTANT TREASURER, SOS Yeo Guat Kwang 4/20/07 10:30:30 AM NTUC LEADERSHIP V Anbalagan MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, UPAGE Mohd Zulkifli Abdullah (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, UPAGE PJ Joseph MEMBER/FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER, UTES Rozina Abdul Rahman (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COUNCILLOR, UTES Lim Swee Hock MEMBER/ SECOND ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, UWEEI Hamzah Mohd Nor Mohamad Ziadz Ramli Sheena Foo Shen Na Candy Lee Jeah Yin Kevin Choo Chuan Fatt INTERNAL AUDITOR, UWEEI MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, UWPI (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/SMEEU MEMBER/SMMWU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/SMMWU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER, SMMWU Gwee Guo Duan David Lee Khalid Khamis (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ K Gunalan Paul Anpalagan MEMBER/SMOU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/SMOU MEMBER/ WELCOME CUM SOCIAL RECREATION, SNUJ Angel Mariana Amad Michael Ng Kian Ann Arasu Duraisamy MEMBER/SOS MEMBER/SPHEU MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, UWPI FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SPWU Gan Siok Lin RESOURCE PERSON/DEPUTY DIRECTOR, MOM Kris Ong RESOURCE PERSON/HEALTH PROMOTION EXECUTIVE, HPB Muhammad Halim A Aziz MEMBER/SSEU-SHELL Karen Kwok Yen Ling MEMBER/MEMBER, STEEU R Anbarasu MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, STTU Sabariah Kassim (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ YOUNG NTUC COMMITTEE Edwin Lye Teck Hee ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, STU CHAIRMAN/ DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, STU Luke Hee Wing Wai VICE-CHAIRMAN/ DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, SIEU Noorfarahin Ahmad SECRETARY/COUNCIL MEMBER, AUPE Steve Tan Peng Hoe EXECUTIVE SECRETARY/YDU STAFF, NTUC Phyllis Chng Wan Yee TREASURER/YDU STAFF, NTUC Lau Chu Beng SECRETARIAT/YDU STAFF, NTUC Edwin Pang Thiam Chuah SECRETARIAT /YDU STAFF, NTUC Alex Yam Ziming SECRETARIAT /YDU STAFF, NTUC Nicholas Benjamin Paul SECRETARIAT /YDU STAFF, NTUC Rathika Sitharam Madavadas SECRETARIAT /YDU STAFF, NTUC Shirley Chew SECRETARIAT /YDU STAFF, NTUC Tan En Shyang (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/AUPE Badrul Hisham Mohammad Nor MEMBER/AUSBE Kenneth Ng Wee Kong MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, AUSBE Patrick Teo Kang Gan MEMBER/MEMBER, BATU Ricky Ho Shun Kheng (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/MEMBER, BATU Noorazman Kamad MEMBER/CIASEU Ho Sai Cheong (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/CIASEU Azmee Abdul Gani (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/CIEU Kevin Chia Chian Wei (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/CIEU Irene Yeo Lay Ming MEMBER/EXECUTIVE MEMBER, DBSSU Kendi Han Mei Yan (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE MEMBER/DBSSU Zhou Zhenghua Wang Dong Faridah Morsidi Salasiah Jusoh Henry Tay Seng Poh Sankaradass s/o S Chami MEMBER/MEMBER, EMSEU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/EMSEU MEMBER/MEMBER, ESU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ESU MEMBER/FDAWU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER, FDAWU Bavan KS Perumal MEMBER/HSEU Angel Kok Kwai Kam (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/HSEU Catherine Loke (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/MEMBER, HSEU Angeline Pang Huey Shin MEMBER/ Sharon Lim Shao Ping Samantha Lim Huiying MEMBER/YOUNG SUN DELEGATE, SUN (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ YOUNG SUN DELEGATE, SUN Jane Horn Yen Ching MEMBER/SURAWU Irwani Osman (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/SECRETARY, SURAWU Muhammad Asri Arshad MEMBER/MEMBER, UITS Elson Koh (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/UITS T Ravinthran MEMBER/UPAGE Mohamad Nazir Sani MEMBER/UPAGE Lawrence Lee Yeow Wei MEMBER/USE Brian Lim Song Seng (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/USE Jeslyn Zheng Yan MEMBER/UTES Careen Ng Shu Ping (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/UTES Jason Lee Seh Kiat MEMBER/MEMBER, UWEEI Thomas Ong Woon Hwee (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MEMBER, UWEEI Mohd Fadzli Aliman Roger Tham Kok Wai MEMBER/COMMITTEE MEMBER, UWPI (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ COMMITTEE MEMBER UWPI IWETF COMMITTEE Seng Han Thong CHAIRMAN/ ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL, NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, NTWU Jennie Yeo SECRETARY/ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, BATU Toh Hock Poh TREASURER/PRESIDENT, MIWU Nasordin Mohd Hashim MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, BATU G Rajendran MEMBER/PRESIDENT, CIEU Tan Chee Tiong (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, CIEU Cheong Thai Thee MEMBER/VICE-PRESIDENT, FDAWU Tan Cheng Yen MEMBER/DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY, FDAWU Soh Thiam Huat MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, KFEU Koh Lok Lan MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, NEU Ong Leong Chin MEMBER/ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, NTWU Joseph Nagarajan (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ COMMITTEE MEMBER, IRASSU Herlena Masehkoo Melissa Goh Simin Shahrin Tahir Lim Teck Chuan MEMBER/MEMBER, KCCSU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/MEMBER, KCCSU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT, NTWU COMMITTEE MEMBER, IRASSU Catherine Foo Siang Hui 49 Tan Peng Heng Fido Chung Chee Tong Wong Weng Ong Juliana Abdullah MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SISEU MEMBER/GENERAL SECRETARY, SMEEU MEMBER/PRESIDENT, SMEEU MEMBER/GENERAL TREASURER, UWEEI MEMBER/MEMBER, KFEU MEMBER/ SECOND ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, MIWU Lee Bok Chiew (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ MIWU David Tay MEMBER/NCSU Amelia Tee (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/COUNCIL MEMBER, NCSU Mak Mun Whai MEMBER/MEMBER, NTWU Peter Kwek Boon Chwee (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ INTERNAL AUDIT Thomas Thomas Ryan Cheong ASSISTANT HONORARY TREASURER, SBEU Podisingho Phoebe Elizabeth SECRETARY/COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (GROUP DEVELOPMENT, INTERNAL AUDIT), NTUC Ameer Hamzah s/o Abul Nasir MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; K Karthikeyan MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; Tan Chai Kun MEMBER/MEMBER, NTUC CC; GENERAL SECRETARY, SPWU FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, NTWU Benjamin Tang MEMBER/MEMBER, POU Marshall Aloysius Anthony MEMBER/PUBEU Abdul Rashid Maideen (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/MEMBER, PUBEU Steven Lim Chye Teong MEMBER/SATSWU Herlina Abdul Rahman MEMBER/ CHAIRMAN/MEMBER, NTUC CC; GENERAL SECRETARY, SSEU-SHELL GENERAL SECRETARY, UWPI GENERAL SECRETARY, MIWU Josephine Teo MEMBER/COMPETENCY DIRECTOR (HUMAN RESOURCE), NTUC; EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, SISEU (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/ ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, SBEU Leow Yen Min MEMBER/SCTU Somasundram Pillai s/o Velsamy MEMBER/MEMBER, SIASU Allan Seah Lian Chye MEMBER/SISEU Ahsah Azizsan (ALTERNATE) MEMBER/SISEU Prasakthi d/o Allagoo MEMBER/MEMBER, SITU Nicholas Chia Chew Long MEMBER/SMEEU Leadership list.indd 49 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/20/07 10:30:42 AM May Day Annual 2007 Unions At Work “More jobs are being been created and workers have been rewarded with good wage increases and bonuses. To sustain this we need to continue to raise worker skills and productivity, have more Singaporeans take up the jobs that are being created and continue to strengthen our good labour-management and tripartite relations.” Stephen Lee Singapore National Employers Federation President May Day 2007 openner.indd 52 4/20/07 11:42:22 PM UNIONS AT WORK 51 All For Work, And Work For All Ages In her younger days, Madam Lee Pek Eng peddled home-cooked meals on the streets of Singapore. At the sight of the authorities, she and other street hawkers would disperse as quickly as they had appeared. But soon, the street hawkers of the 1950s and 1960s moved from streets and alleyways to designated hawker centres around the island, licensed to cook and with the facilities to do it. So Madam Lee found herself at North Bridge Road Market, where she spent the next 30 years feeding families and workers from the surrounding area. About two years ago, her stay there ended. The market was set for an upgrade. She was to be well compensated. She had two sons to take care of her. So she decided that, at her age, it was time to rest. Rested And Restless The break lasted eight months. She became restless at home. A lifetime of work made it too much time and too little action for her. “So long as I can work, I will work,” she said. She soon found herself back at a hawker centre, though no longer as a hawker. She had chosen a different job – one more manageable for her. She even took a certification course for it. Restroom Specialist For more than a year, Restroom Specialist Lee Pek Eng, 63, spent all her time at Jalan Besar Hawker Centre. There, she takes seriously the sanitary conditions of the restrooms, with her giant electrical scrubbing machine and special detergents. Her employer, Horsburgh Engineering (F.E.) Pte Ltd, which is the out-sourced cleaning provider for the hawker centre, sent her on a course by the World Toilet College to learn the best practices and standards in toilet maintenance, cleanliness and sanitation. “She’s a keen learner,” said Horsburgh Project Director Sharon Kee. “We asked her to go for the course, and she was very willing.” Union Match-Making Service providers like Horsburgh can sometimes have trouble finding staff like Madam Lee. story layout.indd 51 “So long as I can work, I will work.” “NTUC has provided a lot of support. We tell them we need workers, they organise a job fair, and we get workers and workers get jobs. It’s a win-win-win for all,” said Ms Kee. Madam Lee is a contracted employee with Horsburgh, and has basic medical benefits and days of leave – all the standard fare of an employee. But most important for her: She is working. It’s Never Overtime Where You Want To Be For Madam Lee, staying at home is too boring – or in her words, too “sian”. At work, she has friends among the many hawkers and regular customers. She keeps her mind and body active. She learns new things. She also earns her own keep, and that bit of dignity means a lot to her. Ms Kee has seen many older employees with a similar outlook on life. “They have their pride. They never take anything from other people. They don’t like free things,” said Ms Kee. Despite working at a hawker centre full of food, with meals offered to her by the hawkers there, Madam Lee travels home at 3 pm everyday to cook for herself. Then, she returns to work. After all, she did use to cook for a living and, as Ms Kee said: “She probably likes the taste of her own cooking better.” It’s the kind of life that Madam Lee wants: A life of activity, which little else but work can offer. Re-employment Of Retired Workers Job Re-creation Programme (JRP) • 161 companies re-employed 2,481 • 12,027 workers benefited with retired workers in 2006. • NTUC aims to work with 600 companies to re-employ 4,000 retired workers in 2007. • To facilitate the raising of the effective retirement age, NTUC will focus on five key areas: - Working with companies to improve their policies on the re-employment of retired workers. - Making the working environment more elderly friendly. - Moving towards an age-neutral wage system. - Continuous training and upgrading. - Working towards a healthy lifestyle. better jobs and better pay from the Job Re-creation Programme in 2006. • JRP was carried out in 17 sectors, including restroom cleaning, healthcare, landscaping, retail and security. • Efforts include: - Placing workers in re-created jobs. - Re-skilling workers so they stay employed in the face of company restructuring. - Upgrading workers through skills training. • In 2007, NTUC set a target to help 15,000 workers, through the various JRP initiatives. • NTUC will work on new emerging sectors, eg manufacturing, in partnership with government agencies such as EDB. 4/23/07 11:12:00 AM 52 UNIONS AT WORK private condominium complex in Pasir Panjang. So far, it has been, “Ok. No problems.” He settles the issues of residents – like leaking roofs and other neighbourly differences. Though he’s still dealing with buildings, the emphasis has shifted. He said: “The construction industry is basically about building from scratch. Over here, it’s about building human relationships.” So Mr Kek is doing well, earning a decent wage, doing a decent job, re-skilled to live a decent Singaporean life. Building From Scratch Then in July 2006, he saw a newspaper ad for a Property Officer Re-skilling Programme. It was by NTUC and the Workforce Development Agency. The programme came with the promise of a job. Environment Agency. All his life, Andrew Kek has been building up, the hard way. He began work-life as a technician, and while working, completed an NTC-2 craftsman certificate in three years. Moving up the career ladder, he took a polytechnic diploma course, part-time. That took him another five years. Later, he began a part-time business degree course, which he put on pause after the first year, for various reasons. In between, he found time to get married and raise a daughter, now 19. For 15 years, he earned a living in the construction industry. That was till February 2004, when the economic downturn finally caught up with him, and he lost his job. Even his wife lost hers. Luckily, she found another one within six months. Hope He had previously applied for Property Officer positions. They were, at least, related in some ways to his past experience. The offers never came. His was not “relevant experience”, according to employers. It would take time, effort and investment for the company to train him till he was competent. Then in July 2006, he saw a newspaper ad for a Property Officer Re-skilling Programme. It was by NTUC and the Workforce Development Agency. The programme came with the promise of a job. He applied and was selected. They placed him in a job even before he began the programme. Hope Always, Work Always He waited for his connections in the construction industry to surface a job which never came. He flipped through the newspapers regularly, and applied for many openings, to no success. But Mr Kek is hardly the self-pitying sort. For the next two years, while still looking for decent work, he took what came. He delivered documents from office to office. He was in Vector Control at the National Reskilling For A Second Chance So, Mr Kek found himself studying again, for a livelihood. At home, his family got by on savings and a single stream of income from his wife. They raised their daughter and paid loan instalments on the car – which they could not sell after a massive drop in market prices. story layout.indd 52 Building Relationships Mr Kek is now a Property Officer at a Back To School Coincidentally, he works near his wife. So, every morning and evening, he fetches her to work and fetches her back home, in the car they once couldn’t sell. All in all, things have worked out fine for Mr Kek. He’s still working. Also, “They called me up – the business school. So I’m going back. To finish my degree,” he said. He will be studying as he works, as he always has. Life goes on for Mr Kek, working to the end, at every high and low, because he knows it must. Helping The Middle-Aged, Middle-Income Professionals, Managers, Executives And Technical People (PMETs) • Under LM2011, NTUC aims to reach out to new groups of workers, including middle-aged and middle-income White Collar workers who may have been displaced and face difficulties in finding new employment. • NTUC assists PMETs in their job search through various ways. It conducts information-sharing seminars on jobs in growth sectors, and helps prepare workers for these jobs. NTUC works with government agencies such as WDA, EDB and SPRING to help PMETs find new careers. • Under the tripartite Professionals Conversion Programme (PCP) launched by WDA in March 2007, these PMETs can also receive assistance to be re-skilled for conversion into a new industry. 4/23/07 11:12:47 AM UNIONS AT WORK 53 “I want to thank NTUC. You help the low-income people. In my union, we thank you too.” take turn doing the chores, and dinner is bought from the shops below. “Daily chores can be tiring for her. So when she is weak from treatment, I’ll do the chores.” The family’s problems don’t end there. Not too long ago, in 2004, Mr Subramanian found out that he had diabetes, while donating blood. Fortunately, the Government subsidises his medical treatment. Under The Orange Roof It’s green and breezy where K Subramanian works through the day, steering the wheel atop a big orange excavator under an orange sun, shaded away by trees and the roof of his machine. He has been at it for the last seven years, a daily-rated worker for the National Environment Agency, tending to the more sombre of places in our society, down at the Choa Chu Kang Cemetery. Daily, families and friends come and go, to share tender moments and old memories. “Subra”, as he’s called, works in the background, allowing this essential, human service to be delivered without hindrance. As the sun sets, he trades excavator for motorcycle and, like most fathers, heads home to “see my wife and story layout.indd 53 children.” He has two grown-up sons. Mr Subramanian, 49, is heavily involved with the Amalgamated Union of Public Daily Rated Workers, where he serves on the executive committee and attends monthly meetings. It’s Hard Working But like many low-income families, his has to work hard to survive. “My wife has a kidney problem. It’s a dialysis case,” he said. Still, on alternate days, she works as a cleaner for the NEA. On the other days, averaging three times a week, she goes for treatment for her condition. “The medical costs are around $2,400 each month,” he said. Fortunately, government subsidies and MediSave covers most of the expenditure. Still, his family does co-pay some amount for treatment. At home, they There To Help The Union also plays its part in helping working families like Mr Subramanian’s buffer expenses. Mr Subramanian has received a $30 Care and Share voucher, $50 in PUB Credits, $140 Bursary and $200 in NTUC Recreation FUNd vouchers. The latter, he gave to his son: “Because he’s the youngest, let him enjoy.” But it isn’t just Mr Subramanian who has been helped. His wife has received similar help from the Union. Collected together, the money does add up, and helps him family bear, at least, some of their burden. He said: “I want to thank NTUC. You help the low-income people. In my Union, we thank you too.” Care And Share Helping Low-wage Workers In 2006 • Care and Share vouchers – $1,500,000 • Back-to-School vouchers – $2,000,000, benefiting 19,500 lowwage workers • Eldercare trust – $780,000 • Scholarships/Bursaries – $1,027,190, benefiting 5,498 students • Family Recreation FUNd – $1,000,000 For 2007 NTUC aims to provide $6.6 million in financial assistance to 28,000 members and their 20,000 school-going children. 4/23/07 11:12:59 AM 54 UNIONS AT WORK A Bit Of Luck, A Lot Of Hard Work Last December, Mr Khamis became directly contracted to SASCO. With that came better pay, a three-month incentive for good attendance and shift allowance. date and monitor items, and the “patching” of composite, which requires specific steps. Cleaning involves seat bays of aircraft, and an awareness of aircraft wiring, control cables, electrical components and actuators. Lucky “It’s lucky for me,” he said. But it is “lucky” for the company, too. At every level, a company has to have dedicated and capable staff for it to run well and stay ahead of the game. Mr Khamis makes sure that, in his function, everything is as good as can be. Reaching Out To Contract Workers • The Unit for Contract Workers (UCW) began in June 2006, with the objective of making a difference to the lives of contract workers. • As part of its welfare benefits, UCW Khamis Abdullah, 36, was a daily-rated worker not too long ago. He spent five years doing general work, like cleaning, for an out-sourced company contracted by ST Aviation Services Co Pte Ltd, a leading facility of ST Aerospace, down at Payar Lebar Airport. A Different Role He’s still at SASCO today, but under a new arrangement, a new pay structure and in a new uniform. With the help of NTUC’s Unit for Contract Workers, a total of 10 daily-rated workers like Mr Khamis were converted over to contract workers in SASCO’s two locations, at Payar Lebar and Changi. Last December, Mr Khamis became directly contracted to SASCO. With that came better pay, a three-month incentive for good attendance and shift allowance. He plays a different role, too. The Hanger Assistant is responsible for more story layout.indd 54 than 20 workers, who he deploys to do various tasks each morning. With overtime pay, he earns around $2,300 a month – highly impressive earnings for someone who began as a daily-rated worker. Finding His Feet Mr Khamis has been a security guard. He has done delivery service. He was looking for somewhere to fit in. With four young children to feed, he needed stability. Now, things are looking up. His five years at SASCO have paid off. “Maybe they know I work hard. They recommended me. There are a lot of general workers. But they picked me,” he said, gratefully. The work he covers is varied. There is “masking” or paint-stripping. With the use of chemicals and sandpaper, the paint on the body of aircrafts is removed, for a professional to then repaint. There is also the “batching” of stores, to came up with a medical benefit card scheme whereby a contract worker pays between $12 and $14 to visit a doctor at any of the 11 medical clinics under NTUC Healthcare Co-operative Limited. As of March 2007, UCW has reached out to 655 contract workers in the aviation, chemical, service and port industries. • Pilot projects were launched with companies to convert casual workers to contract workers whereby they were put on full CPF scheme. • UCW is gaining a good headstart and has started a workgroup, actively engaging key partners from MOM and CPF Board. It aims to educate buyers, providers and workers on statutory rights and to promote best sourcing. • UCW aims to reach out to 10,000 contract workers in 2007, with particular focus on low-wage contract workers. 4/23/07 11:13:11 AM UNIONS AT WORK 55 use the pacifier at night, only. Member For Life Deep inside each of us is a little child waiting to get out. That’s surely the case for mothers like Shirley Soh, at least at the time of this writing. Already a mother, she was pregnant and glowing with her second child, due April 2007. She surfed the Internet for information, and was drawn in to the website for Mummy and Me, an affinity group set up by NTUC Link for its members – especially for mothers. “Maybe it’s the warm colours on the site,” she said. “Some other websites have bright colours, and are out to catch your eye. Maybe you get attracted to warm colours when you’re expecting.” Madam Soh has been an NTUC Member for four years; mostly, to feed the family. Big Shopping “Normally, we use the card at NTUC FairPrice.” There is a big FairPrice supermarket right below her flat. Usually, she collects the points on her membership card for a year before cashing them in for discounts. “It really helps a lot. You can use it for coupons, for vouchers.” For the family, “big grocery shopping” is done once a month. It’s also family time – a chance to bring her son out. “He likes to walk around. He finds fascinating things to touch. So I let him explore.” story layout.indd 55 Mummy and Me sends her email updates, so she keeps track of childcare matters. Her favourite topic right now is “family lifestyle”, which is “quite close to what I expect in the future.” Family Lifestyle Mummy and Me sends her email updates, so she keeps track of childcare matters. Her favourite topic right now is “family lifestyle”, which is “quite close to what I expect in the future.” “It’s not a touch-and-go website,” she said. “With magazines, hardcopy, you might not have the time to sit down and read them. But the Internet is something easy to check.” Useful information, like the adverse effects of pacifier use on speech development, caused some commotion between her and her parents, who were more sceptical of novel advice. The eventual compromise was to have the son Pacifying The Family As Madam Soh’s newborn arrives, she is noticing the first inklings of what she calls “The Terrible Two” in her first child. It’s an age where, apparently, the child develops a “mind of his own.” With another child on the way, she will be putting her first son into a childcare centre. Two working parents hardly have much choice. Then, the newborn son will eventually go to the second set of caregivers, the evergreen grandparents and nanny. Currently, her firstborn spends weekdays at the grandparents’ flat in Hougang, while the parents are busy working. Weekends are spent at home. The distance between the parents’ and the grandparents’ homes makes it impractical for him to be fetched to and fro everyday. Being at a childcare centre brings him near home, so his parents can fetch him back in the evenings. “I want to spend more time bringing him up. To add positive things to his life,” said Madam Soh. “But as a mother, your role doesn’t stop there, with the child,” she said. “You’ve to bond with your husband, with your parents. It’s a new member to the family. So everybody can actually help. Don’t reject any help from anybody.” Help is also right around the corner for her and other mothers, in the form of your friendly, neighbourhood NTUC services, whether parenting club or grocer. Mummy and Me • Mummy and Me (www. mummyandme.com.sg) was established in July 2006, with its services benefiting 7,100 members after nine months. • It provides a platform for young parents, especially mothers, to meet and connect, and discuss parenting issues. • Year-long activities are in the pipeline, from April 2007 onwards, including dancing, baking, art and craft, beauty and parenting workshops and a special tribute to mothers. 4/23/07 11:13:23 AM 56 UNIONS AT WORK Joining NTUC Opened Many Doors Building An Inclusive Society Interest groups have helped bridge the gap between young and old, bringing members of all ages together, and building an inclusive society. Young NTUC http://www.youngntuc.org.sg/groups/index.htm • Performing with Love, by Active Youths! (p.L.a.Y!) is an interest group that started in June 2006 under Team Young NTUC. • p.L.a.Y! aims to reach out to people through performance art, specifically in song, dance and drama. • As at 31 December 2006, membership stands at 105 with ages ranging from 9 to 45. U Movies The numerous benefits attracted young paralegal Wang Ouli Oly to the labour movement. The scarier the movie, the better. That’s the mantra of NTUC’s U Movies reviewer Wang Ouli Oly. Miss Wang, an avid movie fan, loves horror movies of all genres, be it a typical slasher flick or an Asian supernatural film. The paralegal, who turns 25 this year, decided to volunteer herself as a movies reviewer after seeing an online advertisement by U Movies. As a U Movies reviewer, she gets to watch the latest movies for free before others do. She then shares her opinions with fellow movie buffs on the U Movies website. Joining NTUC has opened new doors and new opportunities for her. Miss Wang became a union member four years ago upon the encouragement of her mother who told her about the many benefits that came with union membership. “NTUC has so many interest groups such as U Travel, U Drive, U Movies that are very appealing to youths,” said Miss Wang, who is considering joining the salsa dancing interest group under Young NTUC. When informed that a vibrant salsa scene thrives at Union Square, one of NTUC Club’s clubhouses, Miss Wang grew excited. “That sounds like fun. Maybe I’ll sign up.” More importantly, NTUC has helped her to further her studies. story layout.indd 56 “NTUC offers a lot of privileges and benefits such as NTUC FairPrice rebates, merchant discounts and even sponsors training. It also helps to solve workplace problems that workers face, a basic but important function.” A few years ago, Miss Wang applied for funding from NTUC to pursue a degree from the Singapore Institute of Management. NTUC sponsored half of her $8,000 annual course fees, a hefty sum that she could not have afforded on her own. With a Bachelor of Business Studies, the third-year student knows she will have better prospects in the long term. The chirpy lass hopes to pursue a career in banking. “NTUC offers a lot of privileges and benefits such as NTUC FairPrice rebates, merchant discounts and even sponsors training. It also helps to solve workplace problems that workers face, a basic but important function,” she elaborated. “I’m very grateful for NTUC for helping me secure sponsorship for my studies. My family, including my mother, also get to enjoy a lot of benefits!” http://www.umovies.com.sg • A movies lifestyle club exclusively for union members started on 23 December 2005. • Members can enjoy benefits such as movie vouchers at the special NTUC member rate at Shaw Organisation Cinemas (applicable on weekends too), exclusive film previews, free drive-in movies and more. • As at 31 December 2006, membership stands at 10,000 with ages ranging from 17 to 70. My Golf Kaki (MGK) http://www.mygolfkaki.com • MGK offers members the opportunity to golf at attractive rates • Members get to participate in monthly golf medals to challenge themselves against fellow golf kakis and win prizes. Monthly golfers’gatherings are also organised at Canopy Cafe at Marina Bay Golf Course for them to relax, unwind and have a good time exchanging golf stories. • As at 31 December 2006, membership stands at 4,217 with ages ranging from 6 to 81. For more interest groups, visit: http://www.udrive.com.sg http://www.utravel.com.sg http://www.uwellness.com.sg 4/23/07 11:14:20 AM UNIONS AT WORK In His Khakis “Whatever is available, take it,” advises KV Sagar. With that one thought and his own good wits, Mr Sagar made his way to Singapore for work. The Indian national had graduated, not too long ago, with a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, in his homeland, where his father is himself a university lecturer, but where work is otherwise wanting. He then made a pragmatic decision. “No need to wait. If technical work, then ok, get it first. You search for the physics job later,” he said. To wait, he feels, is “to be waiting forever.” To Singapore On the prompting of his friend, who had taken a similar route, Mr Sagar attended a technical course in India and snapped up a job at the Singapore shipyards, where the industry was booming and in need of workers. The bosses-that-be soon moved him to office work, and later, he was elected by his peers into the now three-year-old Workforce Safety Council at Keppel Shipyard, Benoi, as its Secretary. His job scope: To look out for safety infringements and suggest improvements. “He’s our main man,” said WSC Chairman P Rasabalan, also of the Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Employees’ Union - Mr Sagar’s union. The Workers’ Voice But Mr Sagar does much more than generate reports. He is a migrant worker, like the many he meets daily, and within those khaki overalls, he is a voice for workers. “Anything in their hearts, they story layout.indd 57 openly tell to me,” he said. From Mr Sagar, the management finds out about issues facing the workers, to resolve them. A New Language Among migrant workers, with the many nationalities and languages spoken, communication is obviously an issue. Mr Sagar, however, is a resourceful worker. On one of his safety patrols, the new batch of Chinese national workers chose to be very frank with him. “You don’t teach me English, you learn Chinese – they told me!” he said. And so he did. Mr Sagar’s spoken Mandarin is a quaint mix of very simple and very technical words, including all the words needed to explain: “Today – what job you must do there. What type of safety you need.” Mr Rasabalan has seen the impact, with workers being more amenable and cooperative since Mr Sagar took over. “Communication is the only problem. Once you learn their language, they’re really good people,” said Mr Sagar. He also speaks passable Malay. With his mix of language skills, Mr Sagar also gives presentations to workers on the union, representing SMEEU, because he knows how difficult it can be to voice out in a foreign land. That Helping Hand One day, Mr Sagar will leave here for his “physics job” and the parents in the photographs before that blank wall in his bedroom. Others will come in his place, as the Singapore shipyards blossom by the water, creating more jobs for all. 57 As migrant workers share in our success, they lend us that helping hand, just as Mr KV Sagar has. They also remind us of how we got here: By an instinct for survival, which we have shared across the boundaries of language, race and culture, and within the global community of workers and people. As migrant workers share in our success, they lend us that helping hand, just as Mr Sagar has. They also remind us of how we got here: By an instinct for survival, which we have shared across the boundaries of language, race and culture, and within the global community of workers and people. Reaching Out To Migrant Workers • Through NTUC’s advocacy efforts, amendments to the Work Permit Conditions were made, such as prompt salary payment and option of salary payment through bank account. • NTUC also advocated for the setting up of the MOM Helpline and the Foreign Domestic Worker Association for Skills Training. We will continue advocacy and awareness programmes to safeguard the interests of migrant workers. • In 2007, NTUC aims to reach out to 12,500 migrant workers through various activities such as the May Day Outing for All Nationalities and International Migrants Day celebrations. At the same time, NTUC wishes to encourage them to enhance their effectiveness through English Language courses, provided by NTUC LearningHub. • More projects in the areas of financial services and insurance are in the pipeline. 4/23/07 11:14:07 AM 58 UNIONS AT WORK Training Future Leaders Unionists from SMMWU learn the ins and outs of unionism, including the importance of tripartism, at the OTC Institute of Labour Studies. As the largest union in Singapore by membership, The Singapore Manual & Mercantile Workers’ Union needs to place special emphasis on bringing its union leaders up to speed in terms of core industrial relations knowledge, as well as sector-specific developments. In the past, the Union had its own residential leadership training programme for its unionists, but this has since been replaced by courses offered by the OTC Institute of Labour Studies which incorporates elements from the Union’s programme. Unionists, particularly new branch officials, have to go through the Basic Certificate in Industrial Relations. Those who are interested can progress to do the Intermediate Certificate in IR. “When they come in, they don’t know what is expected of them and how to go about helping members. The Basic Certificate course teaches them the basics of unionism and how to be effective and function at their workplace,” explained SMMWU Deputy Secretary-General Law Swee Hong. “They learn about tripartism, how unionism developed in Singapore, and begin to better appreciate the union’s work and the results of unionism. That the benefits they enjoy are actually hardfought benefits that have been obtained for them over the years.” Companies are generally cooperative when granting union leave for branch officials to attend these courses, she added. Annual Training Target The Union has set aside an annual training target: 100 unionists for the Basic Certificate and 50 for the Intermediate Certificate. story layout.indd 58 Executive committee members are encouraged to do the Diploma in Employment Relations. In fact, most of them have completed the diploma. “In the OTC Institute programmes, there is exposure to the other unions. They get to know unions and branch officials in other sectors,” she said. From 1998 to 2005, 454 SMMWU union officials underwent the basic certificate in IR. 121 have gone on to do the intermediate certificate in IR. 31 have completed both the advanced certificate in IR and DER. Unionists are also sent on other short ad-hoc courses on subjects such as the Employment Act and how to communicate effectively. As a result, unionists become better equipped in their jobs and are more confident, said Madam Law. “They learn to interact with company management, solve minor problems, handle grievances, get to know about basic labour law and how to interpret applications of the labour law,” she said. All this leads to a stronger, better Union, well equipped to deal with the myriad of challenges in the globalised economy today. “They learn about tripartism, how unionism developed in Singapore, and begin to better appreciate the union’s work and the results of unionism. That the benefits they enjoy are actually hard-fought benefits that have been obtained for them over the years.” 4/23/07 11:14:44 AM UNIONS AT WORK 59 The United Workers of Petroleum Industry places great importance on training its leaders, so that they can be equipped to face future challenges. Committed To The Union Unlike many unionists today who have the opportunity to learn about industrial relations in the comfort of classrooms, Mr K Karthikeyan and many his age, came from the school of hard knocks. When the United Workers of Petroleum Industry General Secretary became an office bearer in the labour movement in 1986, anything related to the union had to be learnt through the old fashioned way – through experience. Things are different now. “Now there is a school, OTC Institute of Labour Studies that provides these courses.” These courses are a boon for unionists, particularly those new to the labour movement. “They have the passion but they don’t have the know-how or knowledge, so equipping them is necessary.” All UWPI officials have to go through the basic and intermediate certificates in Industrial Relations at OTC Institute. Office bearers have to do the Advanced Certificate in Industrial Relations and the Diploma of Employment Relations (DER). The Union also sends its Branch Officials for the DER. More than 30 of its Executive Committee and Branch Officials have completed the DER. story layout.indd 59 “They have the passion but they don’t have the know-how or knowledge, so equipping them is necessary.” Unionists need only obtain time off from their companies to attend the course, which are fully sponsored by the Union, up to Diploma level. “With the DER, they can handle Branch Officials easier. They understand the overall picture and so the company respects the Branch Officials.” Mr Karthikeyan had completed a degree in Human Resource Management from La Trobe University a few years ago. The Union becomes more effective as well. “The Branch Officials handle the day-to-day matters and only look for me when they face problems.” Unionists, by signing up for the DER, a two-year course, are expressing their commitment to the Union. “If they do this course, it’s a clear indication that they want to serve in the Union. It’s a great commitment to the Union,” said Mr Karthikeyan. Grooming Leaders • OTC Institute of Labour Studies is committed to providing quality training programmes to strengthen union leadership and advance the practice of good industrial relations. • ‘Core Leadership Programmes’ are structured courses for progressive leadership development for unionists and consists of courses from Basic to Diploma levels, ranging from Industrial Relations to Leadership and Human Resource Management. 1,040 training places were taken up by unionists in 2006. • ‘Enhancement Programmes’ are short courses for personal and professional development, including ‘Understanding the Employment Act’ and ‘Change Management’. 1,300 training places were taken up by unionists in 2006. • In 2007, Learning Journeys were started. It provides opportunities for unionists to gain insights into the workings of different sectors of the Singapore economy and the outcomes of key NTUC initiatives such as JRP. 4/23/07 11:15:02 AM 60 UNIONS AT WORK Courses Helped Him To Be A More Effective Unionist As a unionist, Peter Kwek realised that in order to serve his members better, he needs to upgrade his skills first. “It really helped me. When we are negotiating annual increments and benefits, we need to analyse the financial statement of the company and so we need to know how to read balance sheets. By knowing how well or bad a company did, we can then negotiate with company management better terms and benefits for our members,” story layout.indd 60 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black Mr Quek, who is NTUC’s contingent commander for this year’s National Day Parade, briefing participants at a rehearsal. Jovial and smiley, Mr Peter Kwek, 34, is a familiar face at many events organised by the labour movement. The First Assistant General Secretary of the National Transport Workers’ Union is a full-time unionist. Mr Kwek joined the labour movement 11 years ago. He was elected Branch Assistant Secretary in SMRT (Ang Mo Kio Depot) in 2002 and stood for elections again in 2005 when he felt he could do more for his members. To do this, gaining the necessary knowledge was crucial. Taking up courses at the OTC Institute of Labour Studies has helped him immensely in this aspect. In 2003, Mr Kwek took the Basic Certificate in Industrial Relations, followed by the Intermediate and Advanced Certificate in Industrial Relations, finally graduating with a Diploma in Employment Relations in November last year. All this with the support and encouragement of his Union. “It really helped me. When we are negotiating annual increments and benefits, we need to analyse the financial statement of the company and so we need to know how to read balance sheets. “By knowing how well or bad a company did, we can then negotiate with company management better terms and benefits for our members,” he explained. As a full-time unionist, he devotes more time to better the welfare of NTWU’s members. “Nowadays, I have more time to get to know my members and know more about their needs. I also help them to build a better relationship with their managers,” he said. Active At Youth Level Besides helping to run the day to day affairs of the Union, Mr Kwek, a father of one, is also active at the youth level. He is the team manager of Young NTUC’s bowling interest group, guiding bowling enthusiasts in their game. Mr Kwek credits veteran union leader and NTWU stalwart Mr Ong Ah Heng for helping him to be a better unionist. “I want to thank Mr Ong for giving me this opportunity to serve in the labour movement,” he said, at the same time acknowledging staff from OTC Institute for giving him new ideas that will help him in his work. 5/10/07 4:15:47 PM UNIONS AT WORK 61 Close collaboration between PUB and PUBEU leads to winwin-win outcomes for staff, union and company. Partners Working Hand In Hand The Public Utilities Board and the PUB Employees’ Union share a very special relationship. Both engage each other constantly in various matters such as training and staff welfare, so much that an effective industrial relations course has been devised for staff to learn more about a topic that concerns the lot of workers. Union and company share a common vision for the betterment of the company and staff. “The close relationship is for the benefit for our staff who are part of the company, resulting in a win-win-win situation for all. We have an open-door policy with one another. Besides our regular dialogues, as and when an issue arises, we will meet up,” said PUB Assistant Chief Executive of Water Supply Chan Yoon Kum. The company and the union adopt a consultative approach when policy changes take place and union leaders participate in corporate planning workshops with management. Many Programmes A course in Effective Industrial Relations, conducted by the OTC Institute of Labour Studies, strengthened relations between company and union. Launched in May 2003, it was jointly developed by PUB and PUBEU. All senior officers and Division I officers such as supervisors and assistant managers, including new staff attend the course. Staff learn about industrial relations, the union, their company’s organisation system and subjects such as how to develop a positive climate at the workplace. At the end of the two-day course, a panel comprising top management officials clarify issues raised by participants such as policy matters. So far, 331 officers have completed the course. story layout.indd 61 “The close relationship is for the benefit for our staff who are part of the company, resulting in a win-win-win situation for all.” Deputy Director of Training and Development K IIangovan said: “It’s a continuation of knowledge.” Regular dialogues are also held with top management, including Chief Executive, Assistant Chief Executive and department heads. Staff is also encouraged to upgrade their skills and knowledge through training programmes such as the Certificate Programme in Water Technology Maintenance and the Diploma in Water Technology. The latter, the brainchild of PUB Chairman Tan Gee Paw, provides a larger job scope for graduands and ensures PUB’s success in the future. Lower level staff are also given opportunities to upgrade their skills so that they have at least an National Trade Certificate qualification. A transition training programme, developed together with PUBEU, has also been a success. Staff aged 58 to 62 go through a twoday course to learn to take stock of their financial commitments. They are also taught about their options available and to develop their various strengths. The company aims to train 300 workers in 2007. Most Are Union Members A high percentage, 92 per cent of the company’s 3,000-plus staff strength are union members, including PUB Chairman Mr Tan, who is a General Branch member. Annual activities such as Family Day and Model Employees Awards also bring company and union closer. Indeed, it’s obvious from the easy camaraderie from union and company representatives that both are comfortable with one other. PUBEU President P Chandran said: “We have come a long, long way from the past to what we are today. IR can be a very sensitive issue. You can build it up for years but tear it down in a second. We have gone beyond this. That is because the management works very closely with us – the union.” Here’s an aye to that. Singapore Tripartism Forum • The Singapore Tripartism Forum (STF) was officially launched on 24 January 2007 by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. • STF would be a more systematic and effective platform for tripartite partners to come together on an ongoing basis. It will sharpen the focus of tripartite collaboration, strengthen the alignment of tripartite cooperation and anchor the foundation of tripartism as Singapore’s key competitive advantage. • To achieve these objectives, the OTC Institute of Labour Studies organised programmes such as regular dialogues and team-building activities to forge consensus for greater alignment and to enhance the emotional bonding between the management and the union. 4/23/07 11:15:25 AM 62 UNIONS AT WORK Going Global With Our Unions “There is much to learn from others, even as we value and share Singapore’s successes.” On the world stage, the hardest act to perform is something that the Singapore labour movement has mastered in its own unique way. Singapore tripartism has delicately balanced a robust economy, with government, employer and union working together as partners for the betterment of all. Somewhere in the mix is Mr Thomas Thomas: NTUC Central Committee Member, General Secretary of the Singapore Shell Employees’ Union and former Labour Nominated Member of Parliament. As far as the local trade unionists go, Mr Thomas has gone as far as any: To Australia and Israel for courses on unionism, and to dialogues for ICEM – International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers’ Unions, and ILO – International Labour Organization, where he represented workers of the oil and chemical sectors in tripartite meetings. From experience, he sees the opportunity for local unionists to reach out more to fellow unionists elsewhere. It is the promise of gaining through exchange. Similarities And Differences When he was a unionist in the 1970s, he learnt that “what happens elsewhere influences us”. He noticed how local employers adopted best practices from foreign counterparts, and found it odd that unions were not doing the same. “One of the things which strikes you very clearly is: There are similarities and differences among unionists.” The similarities include a passion to protect workers’ livelihoods. The story layout.indd 62 differences, however, find both good and bad points in the differing approaches, and stem from our different backgrounds. “In many countries, they try to protect workers by passing a lot of laws, which are well-intended. But the more laws you have, the more you impose rigidities on the economy system. And these rigidities make it very hard for businesses to thrive.” When businesses suffer, workers suffer. However, having “absolutely no rules” can also lead to worker exploitation. The challenge, then, is to “find the right balance” between protecting workers and giving flexibility to businesses. Tripartism gives this balance. In Our Own Ways “We in Singapore have taken very different approaches,” said Mr Thomas, “and I don’t think we need to be shy about how we solve our problems. We’ve been quite successful, in our own ways.” For these successes, he has found interest among foreign unionists, despite their grievances over Singapore in other aspects. One example is the way in which Singapore has approached Corporate Social Responsibility, an area which Mr Thomas is strongly championing. Many foreign unions reject CSR as a public relations tool. Singapore takes a more pragmatic approach to CSR, while fully aware of the intentions of businesses. “CSR objectives are good. They can make a better and fairer world that strengthens the position of labour. Even if it is used as a PR tool, we see it as an opportunity to convert it over in reality,” said Mr Thomas. Singapore places CSR into the tripartite model, using persuasion rather than aggression or outright rejection. So, despite it all, Mr Thomas feels that foreign unionists do appreciate Singapore’s efforts in trade unionism, “because we seem to have effectively solved many of the problems they are still facing”. To him, there is much room for local unionists to share similar experiences with others. Bridge Over Foreign Waters Singapore’s unionists can also play “a bridging role”, between unionists in different parts of the world, who may clash on politics and ideology. Singapore’s approach has always been pragmatic. “We seem to be putting our worker first, and ideology second,” said Mr Thomas. For this, Singapore’s actions are often misunderstood. But Singapore’s pragmaticism also puts it in prime position to be that bridge for others. At the same time, the Singapore labour movement must stay humble, and connect with foreign unions to learn their best practices. “There is much to learn from others, even as we value and share Singapore’s successes.” International Relations • NTUC organised a series of dialogue sessions with union leaders to deepen their understanding of key international labour issues. • Notable progress has been achieved in increasing international mindshare of NTUC and tripartism in Singapore through our representation on boards and committees of international labour organisations and active participation in international programmes. • We learnt best employment practices that were useful for Singapore through participation in international programmes and study visits to other countries. • Moving forward, NTUC aims to align thinking within the labour movement on international labour issues and to provide support to unions in their international work. • We also want to further strengthen international networks with the International Labour Organization and other international labour agencies. 4/23/07 11:15:39 AM May Day Annual 2007 The NTUC Family “The journey ahead will not be easy. But the results so far are encouraging. As long as all parts of the labour movement can continue to row forward as one, and with the support of our tripartite partners, we can be confident of achieving our goal.” John De Payva National Trades Union Congress President May Day 2007 openner.indd 61 4/20/07 11:47:20 PM The NTUC Family Directory 65 67 68 71 73 75 76 77 79 81 82 83 85 87 89 90 93 94 95 96 97 99 100 101 103 105 106 107 108 110 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 124 125 127 128 129 130 131 133 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 143 145 146 Air Transport Executive Staff Union Amalgamated Union Of Public Daily Rated Workers Amalgamated Union Of Public Employees Amalgamated Union Of Statutory Board Employees Building Construction And Timber Industries Employees’ Union Changi International Airport Services Employees’ Union Chemical Industries Employees’ Union CityCab Operators’ Association Comfort Taxi Operators’ Association DBS Staff Union Education Services Employees’ Union ExxonMobil Singapore Employees’ Union Food, Drinks And Allied Workers’ Union Health Services Employees’ Union Housing And Development Board Staff Union Inland Revenue Authority Of Singapore Staff Union Keppel Employees’ Union Keppel FELS Employees’ Union Keppel Services Staff Union Kindergarten And Childcare Centres’ Staff Union Metal Industries Workers’ Union National Transport Workers’ Union NatSteel Employees’ Union Ngee Ann Polytechnic Academic Staff Union NTUC Childcare Co-operative Limited NTUC Choice Homes Co-operative Limited NTUC Club NTUC Club Staff Union NTUC ElderCare Co-operative Limited NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Limited NTUC Foodfare Co-operative Limited NTUC Healthcare Co-operative Limited NTUC Income Insurance Cooperative Limited NTUC LearningHub Private Limited NTUC Link Private Limited NTUC Media Co-operative Limited NTUC Thrift & Loan Co-operative Limited OneMarina Property Services Private Limited Ong Teng Cheong Institute Of Labour Studies Port Officers’ Union PremierTaxi Operators’ Association Public Utilities Board Employees’ Union Reuters Local Employees’ Union Sembawang Shipyard Employees’ Union Shipbuilding And Marine Engineering Employees’ Union SIA Engineering Company Engineers’ And Executives’ Union Singapore Air Transport Workers’ Union Singapore Airlines Staff Union Singapore Airport Terminal Services Workers’ Union Singapore Bank Employees’ Union Singapore Bank Officers’ Association Singapore Chinese Teachers’ Union Singapore Government Shorthand Writers’ Association Singapore Industrial And Services Employees’ Union Singapore Insurance Employees’ Union 065 Family Directory.indd 64 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 147 148 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 162 163 164 165 167 168 169 170 171 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 181 183 187 191 Singapore Interpreters’ And Translators’ Union Singapore Labour Foundation Singapore Malay Teachers’ Union Singapore Manual & Mercantile Workers’ Union, The Singapore Maritime Officers’ Union Singapore National Union Of Journalists Singapore Organisation Of Seamen Singapore Port Workers’ Union Singapore Press Holdings Employees’ Union Singapore Refining Company Employees’ Union Singapore Shell Employees’ Union Singapore Stevedores’ Union Singapore Tamil Teachers’ Union Singapore Teachers’ Union Singapore Technologies Electronics Employees’ Union Singapore Union Of Broadcasting Employees Singapore Urban Redevelopment Authority Workers’ Union SmartCab Operators’ Association SMRT Taxi Operators’ Association SPRING Singapore Staff Union Staff Union Of NTUC-ARU TransCab Operators’ Association Times Publishing Group Employees’ Union Union Of ITE Training Staff Union Of Power And Gas Employees Union Of Security Employees Union Of Telecoms Employees Of Singapore United Workers Of Electronic And Electrical Industries United Workers Of Petroleum Industry Taxi Associations 77 79 128 171 173 176 CityCab Operators’ Association Comfort Taxi Operators’ Association PremierTaxi Operators’ Association SmartCab Operators’ Association SMRT Taxi Operators’ Association TransCab Operators’ Association Singapore Labour Foundation, Cooperatives and Related Companies 103 105 106 108 110 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 124 125 148 NTUC Childcare Co-operative Limited NTUC Choice Homes Co-operative Limited NTUC Club NTUC ElderCare Co-operative Limited NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Limited NTUC Foodfare Co-operative Limited NTUC Healthcare Co-operative Limited NTUC Income Insurance Cooperative Limited NTUC LearningHub Private Limited NTUC Link Private Limited NTUC Media Co-operative Limited NTUC Thrift & Loan Co-operative Limited OneMarina Property Services Private Limited Ong Teng Cheong Institute Of Labour Studies Singapore Labour Foundation 4/20/07 5:11:03 PM NTUC FAMILY DIRECTORY 65 Air Transport Executive Staff Union Date of Registration 4 January 1965 Date of Affiliation to NTUC January 1970 Term of Office 2006 to 2010 25 Airline Road, SIN ALH 06A Airline House Singapore 819829 Tel: 6541 6089 • Fax: 6541 6209 • Website: www.aesu.org.sg • Email: [email protected] TRUSTEES Roy Ng Yew Kway Tan Le Liang Chan Kam Wah EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT Edward Lim Tee Teck VICE-PRESIDENT Peter Chua Cheng Kiat Roy Ng Yew Kway Tan Le Liang Chan Kam Wah Edward Lim Tee Teck Peter Chua Cheng Kiat Regi Wong Shaw Seng Martin Chan Wing Sing K Burhanuddin Lee Siok Buea Liew Loke Sen Supramaniam Sinnakannu Alex Lim Yi Khung Ravichandran Pannirselvam Francis Lim Swee Hock Wilson Teo Sian Leong Chong Ching Seng Chan Mun Chung GENERAL SECRETARY Regi Wong Shaw Seng DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY/ TREASURER Martin Chan Wing Sing DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY K Burhanuddin MEMBERS Lee Siok Buea Liew Loke Sen Supramaniam Sinnakannu Alex Lim Yi Khung Ravichandran Pannirselvam Francis Lim Swee Hock Wilson Teo Sian Leong INTERNAL AUDITOR Chong Ching Seng Chan Mun Chung 065 AESU 07.indd 65 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/19/07 7:34:16 PM M A Y D A Y 2 0 0 7 Keppel Employees’ Union 51 Pioneer Sector 1 Singapore 628437 Tel: 6558 8677, 6558 8678, 6558 8679 Fax: 6558 8676 Email Address: [email protected] p66 KIKKOMAN Ad bw.indd 80 4/19/07 9:37:07 PM NTUC FAMILY DIRECTORY 67 Amalgamated Union Of Public Daily Rated Workers Date of Registration 6 May 1992 Date of Affiliation to NTUC 1972 Term of Office 2005 to 2008 261 Waterloo Street, #04-10 Waterloo Centre Singapore 180261 Tel: 6337 6961/6334 5493 • Fax: 6336 7349 / 6334 5493 • Email: [email protected] ADVISORS RADM (NS) Lui Tuck Yew Matthias Yao Chih K Shanmugam Seah Kian Peng R Sinnakaruppan TRUSTEES Seng Han Thong Irene Ng Phek Hoong Halimah Yacob EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RADM (NS) Lui Tuck Yew Matthias Yao Chih K Shanmugam Seah Kian Peng R Sinnakaruppan Seng Han Thong Irene Ng Phek Hoong Halimah Yacob P Ganesan Lee Bee Lian G Muthukumarasamy K Sithambaram Ong Sin Tiong Subari Samuri Abdul Kalam Abdul Rahman Rohain Salleh PT Arasu V Maniya K Subramanian Kamaruzaman Abd Rahman Hussain Adnan Mohmmed Ahmat Manaka Mary Chua Hong Eng PRESIDENT P Ganesan VICE-PRESIDENT Lee Bee Lian GENERAL SECRETARY G Muthukumarasamy DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARY K Sithambaram EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Ong Sin Tiong GENERAL TREASURER Subari Samuri MEMBERS Abdul Kalam Abdul Rahman Rohain Salleh P T Arasu V Maniya K Subramanian Kamaruzaman Abd Rahman Hussain Adnan Mohmmed Ahmat Manaka Mary Chua Hong Eng INTERNAL AUDITORS Kumurasamy Letchimi Md Yacob Saadon 067 AUPDRW 07.indd 67 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/19/07 7:32:45 PM 68 NTUC FAMILY DIRECTORY Amalgamated Union Of Public Employees Date of Registration 8 August 1964 Date of Affiliation to NTUC 26 September 1959 Term of Office 2004 to 2007 295 Upper Paya Lebar Road, Wisma AUPE Singapore 534929 Tel: 6280 8033 • Fax: 6284 2142 • Website: www.aupe.org.sg • E-mail: [email protected] HONORARY ADVISORS Sidek Saniff Matthias Yao Chih Ng Pock Too Assoc Prof Chin Tet Yung Dr Amy Khor Lean Suan Lim Biow Chuan TRUSTEES Ang Hock Soon Lee Yoke Lan Teo Hock Kin Lee Gek Seng Sidek Saniff Matthias Yao Chih Ng Pock Too Assoc Prof Chin Tet Yung Dr Amy Khor Lean Suan Lim Biow Chuan Abdul Majid Abdul Latiff Chattukutty Nair Balan Rahim Alwi Cedric Tan Wee Khian Teo Yock Ngee Ma Wei Cheng Noor Shyma Abdul Latiff Yeo Chun Fing Prabhakara Menon Unnikrishnan s/o PVK Nambiar Ricky Cheng Fook Kwong Murigasin Rajendran Ng Hee Seng Derrick Yeo Swee Kiong Helen Tan Sean Tan En Shyang Jefry Mohamad Noorfarahin Ahmad Ramli Wong Lai Kay Lim Tik Sing Amy Tay Mui Ngo Ramachandra Vasantha Kumari Fatimah Yusoff Vairavelu s/o Ramasamy Loy Chee Kang Ong Kian Tiong Evelyn Ang Kew Chee Sin Chee Wei Chatterji Niva Hundal Govindasamy Selvaraju EXECUTIVE COUNCIL PRESIDENT Abdul Majid Abdul Latiff VICE-PRESIDENTS Chattukutty Nair Balan Rahim Alwi Cedric Tan Wee Khian GENERAL SECRETARY Teo Yock Ngee DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARIES Ma Wei Cheng Noor Shyma Abdul Latiff Yeo Chun Fing Prabhakara Menon ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARIES Unnikrishnan s/o PVK Nambiar Ricky Cheng Fook Kwong Murigasin Rajendran Ng Hee Seng SECRETARIES Derrick Yeo Swee Kiong Helen Tan Sean Tan En Shyang Jefry Mohamad Noorfarahin Ahmad ASSISTANT SECRETARIES Ramli Wong Lai Kay Lim Tik Sing Amy Tay Mui Ngo Ramachandra Vasantha Kumari Fatimah Yusoff Vairavelu s/o Ramasamy GENERAL TREASURER Loy Chee Kang ASSISTANT TREASURER Ong Kian Tiong MEMBERS Evelyn Ang Kew Chee Sin Chee Wei Chatterji Niva Hundal Govindasamy Selvaraju continued on page 69 068 AUPE 07.indd 68 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/19/07 8:58:04 PM NTUC FAMILY DIRECTORY 69 continued from page 68 Ong Toon Chang Sandi Sim Kim Song Soo Poh Cheng Alias Jani Jimmy Teo Chhan Kiang Govindan s/o Ugresunno Ratnam Rajaram Sim Beng Soon Lee Chee Khwin Norbert John Miranda Nora Chia Gek Lian Mohamad Yusoff Johari Lily Chiun Mohamed Khalid Ismail Maniam s/o Murugiah Andrew Poh Leong Seng Tan Chor Koon Janaki d/o Perumal Edwards Sidney John Lim Peng Young Valli d/o Samugam Tan Eng Whee Aziz Mansor Teo Hock Hin Salman Salehan Ong Hock Kin Chandrasekaran s/o Vairappan Ong Toon Chang Sandi Sim Kim Song Soo Poh Cheng Alias Jani Jimmy Teo Chhan Kiang Ratnam Rajaram Sim Beng Soon Lee Chee Khwin Norbert John Miranda Nora Chia Gek Lian Mohamad Yusoff Johari Lily Chiun Mohamed Khalid Ismail Maniam s/o Murugiah Andrew Poh Leong Seng Tan Chor Koon Janaki d/o Perumal Edwards Sidney John Lim Peng Young Valli d/o Samugam Tan Eng Whee Aziz Mansor Teo Hock Hin Salman Salehan Ong Hock Kin Chandrasekaran s/o Vairappan Jim Guan Soon Mohamed Samsudin Djunid Low Kim Tuck Maria Ang Sook Kheng Katherine Loh Yean Hung Govindan s/o Ugresunno GENERAL AUDITORS Jim Guan Soon Mohamed Samsudin Djunid ALTERNATE GENERAL AUDITORS Low Kim Tuck ASSISTANT DIRECTORS Maria Ang Sook Kheng Katherine Loh Yean Hung 068 AUPE 07.indd 69 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/19/07 8:58:28 PM Executive Council Members and Staff of The Amalgamated Union of Public Employees Wisma AUPE, 295 Upper Paya Lebar Road, Singapore 534929 Tel: 6280 8033 Fax: 6284 2142 Website: www.aupe.org.sg Management Council, Members and Staff of the AUPE Sports & Recreation Club Wisma AUPE, 295 Upper Paya Lebar Road, Singapore 534929 Tel: 6280 8033 Fax: 6284 2142 Website: www.aupe.org.sg Board of Directors, Members and Staff of the AUPE Multi-Purpose Co-operative Society Ltd 73 Bras Basah Road, NTUC Trade Union House #03-01, Singapore 189556 Tel: 6336 5440 Fax: 6336 7741 Website: www.aupe.org.sg Board of Directors, Members and Staff of the AUPE General Services Co-operative Society Ltd 73 Bras Basah Road, NTUC Trade Union House #03-01, Singapore 189556 Tel: 6336 5440 Fax: 6336 7741 Website: www.aupe.org.sg AUPE Ad1 07.indd 70 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/19/07 7:48:22 PM NTUC FAMILY DIRECTORY 71 Amalgamated Union Of Statutory Board Employees Date of Registration 28 October 1996 Date of Affiliation to NTUC 25 November 1996 Term of Office 2003 to 2007 c/o Industrial Relations Department, 1 Marina Boulevard, #11-01 NTUC Centre Singapore 018989 Tel: 6297 2097 • Fax: 6297 0565 • Website: www.ausbe.org.sg • Email: [email protected] ADVISORS Loh Meng See Sim Boh Kwang TRUSTEES Lim Swee Say Seng Han Thong Ramli Puteh EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Loh Meng See Sim Boh Kwang Lim Swee Say Seng Han Thong Abdul Rahim Farid N Thurairajasingam Daniel Lai Bun Tot Manjet Singh Tay Ah Lek Nah Hwee Seng G Haridass Frank Lok Kenneth Ng Lau Lai Meng Bobby Lee Fook On Hasanah Ahmad Kelvin Yeo Serena Ho Lee Hock Gee Badrul Hisham KH Abdul Malike Ishak Ramlan Regina Wong Elsie Low Say Mui Kang Kok Sheng Michael Pang Fock Joo Seah Chong Beng Tan Kok Kheng Mohamed Farook Ngeow Siong Wei Sally Boo-Kong Chui Mei David Ng Mui Teck U Popathi Tan Yian Beng Nicholas Tan Soong Hoe Teo Kwee Hock Eugene Lim ACTING PRESIDENT Abdul Rahim Farid GENERAL SECRETARY N Thurairajasingam DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARIES Daniel Lai Manjet Singh ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARIES Tay Ah Lek Nah Hwee Seng G Haridass EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Frank Lok GENERAL TREASURER Kenneth Ng ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER Lau Lai Meng MEMBERS Bobby Lee Fook On Hasanah Ahmad Kelvin Yeo Serena Ho Lee Hock Gee Badrul Hisham KH Abdul Malike Ishak Ramlan Regina Wong Elsie Low Say Mui Kang Kok Sheng Michael Pang Fock Joo Seah Chong Beng Tan Kok Kheng Mohamed Farook Ngeow Siong Wei Sally Boo-Kong Chui Mei David Ng Mui Teck Mok Chan Seng U Popathi Tan Yian Beng INTERNAL AUDITORS Nicholas Tan Soong Hoe Teo Kwee Hock INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS CONSULTANT Eugene Lim 071 AUSBE 07.indd 71 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black Mok Chan Seng 4/19/07 7:14:12 PM WITH COMPLIMENTS MANUFACTURER OF FIBERGLASS-COMPOSITE PIPE SYSTEMS AMERON (PTE) LTD NO. 7A TUAS AVENUE 3 SINGAPORE 639407 Tel : 65 - 68616118 Fax : 65-68617834 Furniture to watch the world go by..... Sitra Holding (International) Limited 18 Genting Rd, The Blue Building Singapore 349477 Tel: Fax: Visit us at: Email at: p72 SITRA Ad 07bw.indd 72 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black (65) 6742-3223 (65) 6742-8233 www.sitraholdings.com [email protected] 4/19/07 8:01:49 PM NTUC FAMILY DIRECTORY 73 Building Construction And Timber Industries Employees’ Union Date of Registration 16 March 1982 Date of Affiliation to NTUC 1 April 1982 ADVISORS Chan Soo Sen Yeo Guat Kwang Chang Meng Dong Yu-Foo Yee Shoon Goh Chee Wee Matthias Yao Chih Lim Chin Siew Abdullah Talib Goh Choon Kiat Andy Gan Lai Chiang Nasordin Mohamad Hashim Heng Chee How Term of Office 2005 to 2008 3 Bukit Pasoh Road, #03-00 Singapore 089817 Tel: 622 0 1233 • Fax: 6220 9404 • Email: [email protected] Chan Soo Sen Yeo Guat Kwang Chang Meng Dong Yu-Foo Yee Shoon Goh Chee Wee Matthias Yao Chih Lim Chin Siew Abdullah Talib Goh Choon Kiat Andy Gan Lai Chiang Nasordin Mohamad Hashim Heng Chee How Lee Yiok Seng Sidek Saniff Ch’ng Jit Koon Foo Kok Kiong Thanakodi d/o Gangatharan Chandraseker s/o Sundarajoo Shanmugam Jeffrey Khoo Eng Hing Abdul Rahman Abdul Basir Jennie Yeo Kha Keaw Serene Tan Lay Khim Loy Hwee Khim Mohammad Jinna Tan Cheok Hua P Palanisamy Kang Kwang Soong Patrick Teo Kang Gan Ricky Ho Shun Kheng Bobby Chew Kok Kong Ling Ngee Hua Ismail Jalil Rajasegaran s/o Ramasamy TRUSTEES Lee Yiok Seng Sidek Saniff Ch’ng Jit Koon EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT Foo Kok Kiong FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Thanakodi d/o Gangatharan SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT Chandraseker s/o Sundarajoo Shunmugam GENERAL SECRETARY Nasordin Mohamad Hashim FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY Jeffrey Khoo Eng Hing SECOND ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY Abdul Rahman Abdul Basir EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Heng Chee How ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Jennie Yeo Kha Keaw GENERAL TREASURER Serene Tan Lay Khim ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER Loy Hwee Khim MEMBERS Mohammad Jinna Tan Cheok Hua P Palanisamy Kang Kwang Soong Patrick Teo Kang Gan Ricky Ho Shun Kheng Bobby Chew Kok Kong Ling Ngee Hua INTERNAL AUDITORS Ismail Jalil Rajasegaran s/o Ramasamy 073 BATU 07.indd 73 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/19/07 7:36:00 PM M A Y D A Y 2 0 0 7 NTUC Media Co-operative Limited 1 Marina Boulevard, #14-01 NTUC Centre Singapore 018989 Tel: 6236 0555 Fax: 6538 1068 And Best Wishes To NTUC On Its May Day Celebrations May Day Ad 07bw.indd 80 4/19/07 9:05:57 PM NTUC FAMILY DIRECTORY 75 Changi International Airport Services Employees Union Date of Registration 22 June 1984 Date of Affiliation to NTUC June 1984 Term of Office 2003 to 2006 50 Airport Boulevard, #03-09/10 CIAS Building Singapore 819658 Tel: 6511 0263, 6545 6670 • Fax: 6545 6874 • Email: [email protected] ADVISORS Goh Chee Wee Ibrahim Othman Teo Ser Luck Zainudin Nordin TRUSTEES Lim Chin Siew Yeo Chau Koon Gurunathan s/o Ramalingam EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Goh Chee Wee Ibrahim Othman Teo Ser Luck Zainudin Nordin Lim Chin Siew Yeo Chau Koon Gurunathan s/o Ramalingam Mohamed Amin s/o Mohamed Kader Hussein Lee Kim San Supaat Sayuni Sheikh Muhammed Mohd Yusof Simon Cheng Wing Keong Tommy Foo Chek Chen Mohamed Said Ali Lam Oei Lai Harbans Singh Mohamed Nasir Hussain PRESIDENT Mohamed Amin s/o Mohamed Kader Hussein VICE-PRESIDENT Lee Kim San GENERAL SECRETARY Supaat Sayuni ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY Sheikh Muhammed Mohd Yusof GENERAL TREASURER Simon Cheng Wing Keong ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER Tommy Foo Chek Chen MEMBERS Gurunathan s/o Ramalingam Mohamed Said Ali Lam Oei Lai Harbans Singh Mohamed Nasir Hussain 075 CIASEU 07.indd 75 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/19/07 7:06:55 PM 76 NTUC FAMILY DIRECTORY Chemical Industries Employees’ Union Date of Registration 9 October 1981 Date of Affiliation to NTUC 6 November 1981 Term of Office 2005 to 2009 3 Bukit Pasoh Road, #06-00 Bukit Pasoh Building Singapore 089817 Tel: 6220 5677 • Fax: 6220 6047 • Email: [email protected] ADVISORS Assoc Prof Yaacob Ibrahim (Chairman) Seng Han Thong Lim Swee Say Dennis Tan Major (Retired) Abbas Abu Amin Victor Pang TRUSTEES Yeo Toon Chia Major (Retired) Abbas Abu Amin Pang Jong Meng Assoc Prof Yaacob Ibrahim Seng Han Thong Lim Swee Say Dennis Tan Major (Retired) Abbas Abu Amin Victor Pang Yeo Toon Chia Pang Jong Meng G Rajendran Lim Ping Chong Tan Chee Tiong Omar Manaff Joanne Cham Hui Fong Frank Lok Wung Cheong Goh Chiew Yong Idris Aziz Chay Sai Hin Md Zin Abdol Azis Mohamad Yunos Ismail Muhammad Shamsir Fazal Din Wan Hafidz Wan Hanafi Guanasagaran s/o Nadason Danny Khoo Cher Keong Lau Sin Yong Nigel Nge Chee Kian Chua Hock Joo Zakhiyon Abdul Hamid Norain Md Rasid Raymond Lau Kwok Kin Anna Koh Sock Meng Audrey Seah Su Chen Marilyn Chew Bee Leng Samantha Lim Huiying EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT G Rajendran VICE-PRESIDENT Lim Ping Chong GENERAL SECRETARY Tan Chee Tiong ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY Omar Manaff EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Joanne Cham Hui Fong ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Frank Lok Wung Cheong GENERAL TREASURER Goh Chiew Yong ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER Idris Aziz EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Chay Sai Hin Md Zin Abdol Azis Mohamad Yunos Ismail Muhammad Shamsir Fazal Din Wan Hafidz Wan Hanafi Guanasagaran s/o Nadason Danny Khoo Cher Keong Lau Sin Yong Nigel Nge Chee Kian Chua Hock Joo INTERNAL AUDITORS Zakhiyon Abdul Hamid Norain Md Rasid HEAD, INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Raymond Lau Kwok Kin INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS CONSULTANT Anna Koh Sock Meng SENIOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS OFFICERS Audrey Seah Su Chen Marilyn Chew Bee Leng INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS OFFICER Samantha Lim Huiying 076 CIEU 07.indd 76 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/19/07 7:04:47 PM NTUC FAMILY DIRECTORY 77 CityCab Operators’ Association Date of Registration 6 May 1998 Date of Affiliation to NTUC 1998 Term of Office 2006 to 2008 383 Sin Ming Avenue Singapore 575717 Tel: 6550 8655 • Fax: 6552 5493 • Email: [email protected] ADVISORS Seng Han Thong Ong Ah Heng EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT Robin Ng Kian Tiong DEPUTY PRESIDENT Lawrence Toh Tak Hock Seng Han Thong Ong Ah Heng Robin Ng Kian Tiong Lawrence Toh Tak Hock Bobby Lim Kim Bok Yeo Sim Kong Chang Meng Dong Wong Chong Hock Harry Ng Kim Hock Lionel Choo Kee San Goh Yan Loy Frankie Khoo Tian Hock Freddie Lee Hua Huat Ng Hong Kee Philip Tan Guan Huat Tan Swee Yong Alfred Lim Song Huat Wong Ho Chai Peggy Chen Pei Chi GENERAL SECRETARY Bobby Lim Kim Bok ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY Yeo Sim Kong EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Chang Meng Dong HONORARY TREASURER Wong Chong Hock ASSISTANT HONORARY TREASURER Harry Ng Kim Hock MEMBERS Lionel Choo Kee San Goh Yan Loy Frankie Khoo Tian Hock Freddie Lee Hua Huat Ng Hong Kee Philip Tan Guan Huat Tan Swee Yong INTERNAL AUDITOR Alfred Lim Song Huat INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS OFFICERS Wong Ho Chai – PIRO Peggy Chen Pei Chi - IRO 077 CCOA 07.indd 77 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/19/07 7:56:49 PM Untitled-2 1 3/27/07 10:02:18 AM NTUC FAMILY DIRECTORY 79 Comfort Taxi Operators’ Association Date of Registration 27 March 97 Date of Affiliation to NTUC Term of Office 2006 to 2008 383 Sin Ming Drive Singapore 575717 Tel: 6550 8529, 6550 8530 • Fax: 6552 5700 • Email: [email protected] ADVISORS Seng Han Thong Ong Ah Heng Dr Ong Seh Hong EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT Nah Tua Bah FIRST DEPUTY PRESIDENT Ng Hong Wee Seng Han Thong Ong Ah Heng Dr Ong Seh Hong Nah Tua Bah Ng Hong Wee Tay Back Piou Phua Tie Mok Gerald Chan Kim Guan Tang Soon Poh Chang Meng Dong Tan Soon Huat Wee Boon Kim Chan Siong Hwa Poh Siong Hua Tay Kee Hoong Wee Chin Hee Yeo Tong Chye Tan How Ing Lily Chng Song Moy Haniff Mahboh Ramasamy s/o Kupusamy Hoe Chee Kwong Wong Ho Chai Peggy Chen Pei Chi SECOND DEPUTY PRESIDENT Tay Back Piou GENERAL SECRETARY Phua Tie Mok FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY Gerald Chan Kim Guan SECOND ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY Tang Soon Poh EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Chang Meng Dong HONORARY TREASURER Tan Soon Huat FIRST ASSISTANT HONORARY TREASURER Wee Boon Kim SECOND ASSISTANT HONORARY TREASURER Chan Siong Hwa MEMBERS Poh Siong Hua Tay Kee Hoong Wee Chin Hee Yeo Tong Chye Tan How Ing CO-OPTED MEMBERS Lily Chng Song Moy Haniff Mahboh Ramasamy s/o Kupusamy INTERNAL AUDITOR Hoe Chee Kwong INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS OFFICERS Wong Ho Chai – PIRO Peggy Chen Pei Chi - IRO 079 CTOA 07.indd 79 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/19/07 7:01:00 PM 080 LKF Axe Oil.indd 80 4/20/07 2:25:47 PM NTUC FAMILY DIRECTORY 81 DBS Staff Union Date of Registration 17 June 1996 Date of Affiliation to NTUC 22 July 1996 Term of Office 2006 to 2010 6 Shenton Way, #03-09 DBS Building Tower 2 Singapore 068809 Tel: 6878 1721, 6878 9747, 6372 0481 • Fax: 6226 1091 • Email: [email protected] ADVISORS Lim Swee Say Lim Hwee Hua TRUSTEES Heng Chee How Halimah Yacob Oscar Oliveiro EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT Nora Kang Kah Ai Lim Swee Say Lim Hwee Hua Heng Chee How Halimah Yacob Oscar Oliveiro Nora Kang Kah Ai Tan Leh Hua Irene Khoo Wee Pin Ong Soo Giok Raymond Quek Choon Hoa Dorothy Chia Phuay Huang Zulkanain Abdul Hamid Abdul Rahman Mohamed Ang Kheng Heoh Chow Sook Chee Doreen Oh Ai Tuan Elaine Gwee Leng Leng Irene Yeo Lay Ming Karen Ang Lee Kiang Kendi Han Meiyan Lily Khoo Khar Lee Mohd Rizal Yacob Patricia Loke Kum Peng Sarah Liew Ngat San Tan Joo Cheng Jasmine Chua Geok Wah Joy Ng Ai Ling VICE-PRESIDENTS Tan Leh Hua Irene Khoo Wee Pin GENERAL SECRETARY Ong Soo Giok ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY Raymond Quek Choon Hoa GENERAL TREASURER Dorothy Chia Phuay Huang ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER Zulkanain Abdul Hamid EXCO MEMBERS Abdul Rahman Mohamed Ang Kheng Heoh Chow Sook Chee Doreen Oh Ai Tuan Elaine Gwee Leng Leng Irene Yeo Lay Ming Karen Ang Lee Kiang Kendi Han Meiyan Lily Khoo Khar Lee Mohd Rizal Yacob Patricia Loke Kum Peng Sarah Liew Ngat San Tan Joo Cheng INTERNAL AUDITORS Jasmine Chua Geok Wah Joy Ng Ai Ling 081 DBSSU 07.indd 81 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/19/07 6:59:14 PM 82 NTUC FAMILY DIRECTORY Education Services Union Date of Registration 31 March 2006 Date of Affiliation to NTUC 2006 Term of Office 2006 to 2010 20 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Basement, Alumni House Singapore 119080 Tel: 6213 8170, 6213 8171 • Fax: 6327 3740 • Email: [email protected] ADVISORS Khaw Boon Wan John De Payva Halimah Yacob Teo Yock Ngee Lim Kuang Beng Ong Chin Ang EXECUTIVE COUNCIL PRESIDENT Michael Tan Eng Hin Khaw Boon Wan John De Payva Halimah Yacob Teo Yock Ngee Lim Kuang Beng Ong Chin Ang Michael Tan Eng Hin Ho Wah Chai James Tan Lee Siew Chuan Patrick Tung Swee Thor Chiam Tow Jong Calista Geraldine Roch Ayaru Taramalingam Desmond John Chin Kong Thai Grace Ho Ser Luan Christina Liaw Lang Hiang Rohana Ujang Saadiah Awek Zulkifli Ismail Faridah Morsidi Foo Eng Tin Yeo Moi Ten Ng Li San Jean See VICE-PRESIDENT Ho Wah Chai EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Ong Chin Ang ASST EXECUTIVE SECRETARY James Tan GENERAL SECRETARY Lee Siew Chuan ASST GENERAL SECRETARY Patrick Tung Swee Thor GENERAL TREASURER Chiam Tow Jong ASST GENERAL TREASURER Calista Geraldine Roch MEMBERS Ayaru Taramalingam Desmond John Chin Kong Thai Grace Ho Ser Luan Christina Liaw Lang Hiang Rohana Ujang Saadiah Awek Zulkifli Ismail Faridah Morsidi INTERNAL AUDITOR Foo Eng Tin Yeo Moi Ten ACCOUNTANT Ng Li San SENIOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS OFFICER Jean See INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS OFFICER Ong Chin Kai Ong Chin Kai 082 ESU 07.indd 82 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/19/07 6:57:08 PM NTUC FAMILY DIRECTORY 83 ExxonMobil Singapore Employees’ Union Date of Registration 15 January 1988 Date of Affiliation to NTUC 1988 Term of Office 2006 to 2009 18 Pioneer Road Singapore 628498 Tel: 6663 6886/7, 6663 6900 • Fax: 6663 6901 • Email: [email protected] ADVISORS Lim Boon Heng Dr Ong Chit Chung Dr Vivian Balakrishnan TRUSTEES Brandon Lee Boon Chuan Lim Boo Gee Siva Kumar s/o Tasinamuthi EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Lim Boon Heng Dr Ong Chit Chung Dr Vivian Balakrishnan Mohamed Munir s/o MT Mohamed Yusoff Krishnasamy Rajendra Sabastian Varguese Jeffrey Ong Hassan Ali KM Manivannan Foong Yan Kit John Tiang Tian Lye Ang Wee Boon Daniel Tan Kim Peng Jason Thiyageas Joanne Kong Kevin Suraiskumar Mohamed Salleh Mohamed Vincent Ng Khay Chong Zhou Zhenghua Yeo Meng Hiang Sudirman Sawal Tan Tiong Seng PRESIDENT Mohamed Munir s/o MT Mohamed Yusoff FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Krishnasamy Rajendra SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT Sabastian Varaguese GENERAL SECRETARY Jeffrey Ong FIRST ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY Hassan Ali SECOND ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY KM Manivannan GENERAL TREASURER Foong Yan Kit ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER John Tiang Tian Lye MEMBERS Ang Wee Boon Daniel Tan Kim Peng Jason Thiyageas Joanne Kong Kevin Suraiskumar Mohamed Salleh Mohamed Vincent Ng Khay Chong Zhou Zhenghua Yeo Meng Hiang Sudirman Sawal Tan Tiong Seng INTERNAL AUDITORS Peter Kng Wee Hong Steve Chia Hoe Kwee 083 EMSEU 07.indd 83 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black 4/19/07 7:02:39 PM Tommy Ng Yew Chye Head Human Resources, Raffles Hotels & Resorts Sheraton Towers Singapore on being conferred the on being conferred the Medal of Commendation Plaque of Commendation We appreciate the effort that you and your management put into building a harmonious relationship for your companies and our union, such that all our union members and fellow workers benefit from your care. We celebrate your May Day Awards 2007 From The Executive Council and Members Food, Drinks And Allied Workers’ Union Khong Guan Ads.indd 1 Process MagentaProcess YellowProcess Black Untitled-2CyanProcess 1 4/19/07 8:07:18 PM 4/20/07 5:00:37 PM Khong Guan Ads.indd 1 4/19/07 8:07:18 PM NTUC FAMILY DIRECTORY 85 Food, Drinks And Allied Workers’ Union Date of Registration 6 November 1964 Date of Affiliation to NTUC January 1965 Term of Office 2005 to 2008 279 River Valley Road Singapore 238320 Tel: 6737 6088 • Fax: 6737 7633 • Email: [email protected] ADVISORS George Yeo Yong Boon Tan Soon Yam Ho Geok Choo Liang Eng Hwa Christopher De Souza TRUSTEES Janice Sim Guat Hua Roland Soon Su Hock Eric Chin Kwek Chin George Yeo Yong Boon Tan Soon Yam Ho Geok Choo Liang Eng Hwa Christopher De Souza Abdul Subhan Shamsul Hussein Ong Kung Yong Leong Hai Huat Cheong Thai Thee Doreen Chui Chin Cheng Tan Hock Soon Tan Cheng Yen Henry Huang Kim Kian Jimmy Tan Peng Loke Quek Jin Jong Heng Chee How Samuel Tan Boon Hui Alex Sim Chong Tee Frankie Tan Ah Phuan Vincent Kang Eng Kwee Ang Tiong Huat Abdul Razak Mohamed Henry Goh Liang Choon G Kumarasamy Hayati Karim Patrick Ho Soo Koh Susan Lee Kar Ngoh Raymond Lim Mui Chai Mariah Dalli Maruthverran s/o Suppiah Mohamed Salim s/o Abdul Kader Norhana Ismail Ng Kok Kiong Rashid Aziz Sankaradass s/o S Chami Vaithilingam Krishnaveny Yeo Soon Hock Linda Ang Geok Kheng EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT Abdul Subhan Shamsul Hussein SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENTS Ong Kung Yong Leong Lai Huat VICE-PRESIDENT Cheong Thai Thee Doreen Chui Chin Cheng GENERAL SECRETARY Tan Hock Soon DEPUTY GENERAL SECRETARIES Tan Cheng Yen Henry Huang Kim Kian ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARIES Jimmy Tan Peng Loke Quek Jin Jong EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Heng Chee How ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Samuel Tan Boon Hui HONORARY TREASURER Alex Sim Chong Tee ASSISTANT HONORARY TREASURERS Frankie Tan Ah Phuan Vincent Kang Eng Kwee MEMBERS Ang Tiong Huat Abdul Razak Mohamed Henry Goh Liang Choon G Kumarasamy Hayati Karim Patrick Ho Soo Koh Susan Lee Kar Ngoh Raymond Lim Mui Chai Mariah Dalli Maruthverran s/o Suppiah Mohamed Salim s/o Abdul Kader Norhana Ismail Ng Kok Kiong Rashid Aziz Sankaradass s/o S Chami Vaithilingam Krishnaveny Yeo Soon Hock INTERNAL AUDITORS Linda Ang Geok Kheng Elizabeth Cheong May Yee 085 FDAWU 07.indd 85 Process CyanProcess CyanProcess MagentaProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess YellowProcess Black Elizabeth Cheong May Yee 4/19/07 6:49:22 PM Untitled-2 1 3/20/07 1:43:43 PM