Mystery Books for Grades 3
Mystery Books for Grades 3
Mystery Books for Grades 3-5 (just some of our favorites!) Series – Single Authors Animal Ark mysteries, Baglio (3/4) Gallagher Girls, Carter (5) Hardy Boys, Dixon (3/4) Lady Grace mysteries, Finney (4/5) Howliday Inn, Howe (3) Nancy Drew, Keene (3-5) On the Run, Korman (4/5) You Be the Jury, Miller (4) Guild of Specialists, Mowll (5) A to Z mysteries, Roy (3) Capitol mysteries, Roy (3) Series of Unfortunate Events, Snicket (3-5) Encyclopedia Brown, Sobol (3) Geronimo Stilton, Stilton (3) Doppleganger Chronicles, Taylor (5) Sammy Keyes, Van Draanen (4) Shredderman, Van Draanen (3/4) Boxcar Children Warner (3/4) Series – Multiple Authors 39 Clues (5) American Girl History Mysteries (4/5) Choose Your Own Adventure (3/4) Osborne Puzzle Adventures (3/4) Single Titles Chuck Dugan is AWOL, Anderson Secret of Terror Castle, Arthur Mystery of the Green Ghost, Arthur Ring of Fire, Baccalario Treasures of Rattlesnake Hill, Baker Chasing Vermeer (& sequels), Balliett Eyes of the Killer Robot, Bellairs Blue Mystery, Benary-Isbert Mystery of the Red Tide, Bonham Rascals from Haskell’s Gym, Bonham The Pink Motel, Brink Freddie the Detective, Brooks Ghost of Windy Hill, Bulla Ghost Children, Bunting Court of the Stone Children, Cameron Incredible Detectives, Caufield Supercharged Infield, Christopher Skateboard Tough, Christopher The Bassumtyte Treasure, Curry The Ice Ghosts Mystery, Curry Sherlock Holmes, Doyle The Alligator Case, DuBois Peter Graves, DuBois Mystery of the Swan Ballet, Hacker Running Out of Time, Haddix The House of Dies Drear, Hamilton Time Bomb at Brillstone, Heide Alvin’s Secret Code, Hicks Private Eyes, Kingman Jack Fox, Licensed Detective, Kjell Hex House, Levine Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore, Nixon Clues in the Woods, Parish The Westing Game, Raskin Figgs and Phantoms, Raskin The Minden Curse, Roberts Summerdog, Roberts View from the Cherry Tree, Roberts Holes, Sachar Drowned Maiden’s Hair, Schlitz Miss Bianca, Sharp The Case of the Silver Egg, Skirrow Into the Dream, Sleator The Velvet Room, Snyder The French Detection, Waldron Mystery in Newfoundland, Wees Detectives in Togas, Winterfield Dollhouse Murders, Wright