public auction saturday june 25th . @ 10:00 am benton county fair
public auction saturday june 25th . @ 10:00 am benton county fair
PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY JUNE 25TH . @ 10:00 AM BENTON COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS VINTON, IOWA ************************************************************ GUNS—TOOLS---COLLECTIBLES---FURNITURE---LAWN/GARDEN---TRUCKS *********************************************************************** KEVIN WAYSON ESTATE (URBANA) (See website for pictures) SHOTGUNS: Remington Model 1100 automatic 12 ga. “Classic Trap”. Westerfield 20ga. pump. Chicago Arms Co. “hammer style” 16 ga. pump. BLACK POWDER: Fillipletta “New Army”44 cal. Pistol, “1862 Pocket” 44 cal. Pistol, “Silver Engraved” 44 cal. Pistol, “Walker” 44 cal. Pistol, Connecticut Valley Arms “Express 50 cal. Double barrel, Dixie Gun works 10 gauge, Connecticut Valley Arms 410 ga. double barrel, Leopoldo ss 12 ga, Springfield Arms Co. 12ga. single shot, American Gun Co. 12 ga. double barrel, Hartford Fire Arms 12 ga. double barrel, Janssen Filser 12 ga. double barrel, Ender 12 ga. double barrel. AIR RIFLES/PISTOLS: 2-‐Powerline 20 shot “BB” repeater pistols (NIB), 6-‐ Powerline 35 shot “BB” Repeater pistols (NIB). 1-‐Powerline 15 shot “BB” pistol. Smith & Wesson “CO2” revolver 177 cal. Daisey “CO2” “BB” pistol. Crossman “CO2” repeater 177 cal, 3-‐Beeman Sportsman “air rifle” with Dioter rear sight (NIB). 2-‐Gamo “Special Edition NRA” air rifle with scopes (NIB), 2-‐Crossman “Benjamin RM 622” air rifles (NIB), Dasiey BB rifle. Crossman BB rifle. GUN SPPORTING EQUIP: Freedom 22 gun safe, made by Liberty, Brinks “Home Security” office safe, Ammo & black powder supplies of all caliber & gauges, new & used gun cases, Sportsman “Laser Sharp” field dress knife set, Hunting & sport knives of all types, Clay pigeon “thrower”. SHOP TOOLS: Craftsman shop compressor, Craftsman nailer, 5 sp. Drill press, Black & Decker & Ryobi routers. 2-‐ saber saws, 2-‐ right angle grinders/sander, 5-‐ finish sanders, 3-‐ belt sanders, Black & Decker “miter” box, Dewalt #7730 radial arm saw, 3-‐paslode air nailer, Drum sanding kit, 2-‐craftsman air nailer, Milwaukee ½” “hole shooter”, 6-‐ electric drills, saws & sanders, Level & 48” straight edge, ¾” ½” & 3/8” socket sets. 6-‐ ¼-‐3/8” socket sets, 6-‐wrench sets, 15-‐vice grip type C-‐clamps, 3-‐bolt cutters, -‐Bench grinder, Wrenches, drivers, hammers, drill bits & hand tools of all types.. Aluminum extension ladder, 4-‐paint pots, air regular/hoses, 2-‐ Dremel sets, Auto-‐body repair tools. 8-‐“inside & outside” micrometers, Plus more! HOUSEHOLD: Scandia #810 “free standing” wood burning stove. Canister vacuum. Frigidaire ref/freezer. Chest type freezer. Microwave. Round table/chairs. Phillips color TV/stand. Housewares of all types. Other home furnishings. Lawn & garden equipment. TRUCK & SUV: 1994 Ford Explorer, 4WD, Auto, high miles. 1991 Ford F-‐150 with topper, high miles. *********************************************************************** VIRGIL GREENWOOD HOUSEHOLD COLLECTIBLES & GLASSWARE: Plume Atwood Lamp Co. (circa: 1870’s) “monkey base oil lamp. “Marvel” comic books. Children’s books. Redwing items : 5 gal jug, 2 gal crock & set of dishes. Western 6 gal crock/bail handles. Aladdin lamp. Brown butte churn(no top). Old clock case. Art Deco lamps & wall hangings. Clear glass stemware. Red “flash” glass. Glass “salts”. Occupied Japan items. Full set of china. Old lanterns’. Old fishing equip. Old pictures/frames. SHOP ITEMS & LAWN/GARDEN: Craftsman 12” band saw. Rockwell 4sp. 32” radial arm drill press. Rockwell 4” jointer. Craftsman router/stand. Craftsman two piece tool box(floor model). Dewalt 18” radial arm saw/cabinet. Workmate stand/vise. Hand tools of all types. Lawn & garden tools. GUNS: Marling Model 120 Magnum 12gauge 3” pump, J.C. Higgins Model 30 22 caliber bolt action with 4x scope, Remington 22 caliber – bolt action, Mauser EsPanlo Model “CR174” bolt action with sling, Stevens “Little Scout” 22 caliber rifle with 14.5” barrel. Household: Kitchen items of all types. Linens, laces & bedding. Uph. & gilder chairs. Dresser/mirror. Set of pottery dishes. 8-‐place glass front gun cabinet. Pots & pans. Several boxes of pans & etc. to make wedding cakes. 7-‐book cases. GE 17.7 cu. Ft. uprite freezer. 4-‐bar stools. Plus More! For More Sale Information, Phone JOHNSON AUCTION SALES & REAL ESTATE, INC. 319-472-5029 OR CELL 319-560-3443 DUANE F. JOHNSON AUCTIONEER/REAL ESTATE BROKER VINTON, IOWA Web Site: --- e-mail: [email protected] Figure 1: Plume Atwood Lamp Co. Circa 1870's Figure 2Remington Model 1100 "Classic Trap" Figure 3Llipietta black powder 44 caliber pistol Figure 4Uberti & Co. "Walker" 44 caliber pistol (NIB) Figure 5Ender Royal Service Double barrel 12 guage shotgun, American Gun Co. double barrel 12 gauge shotgun, F. Llipietta black powder 44 caliber pistol, A. Uberti & Co. "Pocket" black powder pistol Figure 6: Westernfield 20 gauge pump shotgun Figure 7: Janssen Fils & Co. "Lifge" 12 gauge 3" shotgun Figure 8: Connecticut Valley Arms, Inc. black powder double barrel 410 caliber Figure 9: Marlin Model 120 Magnum 12 gauge pump Figure 10: JC Higgins Model 30, automatic 22 caliber bolt action rifle with 4X scope Figure 11: Remington "The Sportsmaster" Model 341 22 caliber bolt action rifle Figure 12: J. Stevens "Little Scout" 22 caliber, single shot rifle with 141/2 " barrel Figure 13: Fauser Espanol Mo "CR-714" bolt action rifle
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