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PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 1 Freehold Township High School Freehold Regional High School District “A Continuing Tradition of Excellence in Academics and Activities” Teacher of the Year Mr. EFSTRATIOS MONAFIS Latin Teacher Freehold Township High School is proud to announce our 2015-2016 Teacher of the Year, Efstratios Monafis. He received his Masters from Rutgers University and has been a teacher of English at Freehold Township High School for seven years. He is a dedicated individual who is an expert in his field. Mr. Monafis has served as a mentor teacher, he has coordinated PLC’s and has been an advisor for a number of clubs including GSA and the Latin Club. The growth of our Latin program can be attributed largely to his efforts and we are lucky to have him. Educational Service Professional of the Year MRS. AMY MAYER Counselor We are also proud to announce that Amy Mayer has been named the 2015-2016 Educational Services Professional of the Year. Mrs. Mayer received her Master’s degree from Keene State in New Hampshire. She has been a member of the Patriot Family for over 10 years as a School Counselor of over 300 students including our Pilot International Baccalaureate program. Mrs. Mayer assists with the NHS faculty council and devotes herself to the success of her students. Students often say that they push themselves to be successful because they don’t want to let her down. We are very lucky to have her. 281 Elton Adelphia Rd. Freehold, NJ 07728 732.431.8460 Administrative Team Principal Mrs. Elizabeth Higley Assistant Principals Dr. David Bleakley 11th Grade 9th Grade A-F Mr. Shawn Currie 12th Grade 9th Grade G-N Mrs. Susan Field 10th Grade 9th Grade O-Z SECA Mr. Patrick McEvoy Supervisor of Extracurricular Activities STUDENTS CAN START SELECTING COURSES for 2016-2017 Students may begin selecting their classes via GENESIS and the Parent Portal between January 8th and 18th. Students will meet with their counselors between January 19th & 29th. Directions to access GENESIS are on the website on the Guidance web page. There will be a review for students prior to January 8th. FRHSD has now provided email accounts to all students. The primary purpose is to communicate with school staff regarding assignments and school activities and to collaborate with fellow students. Students must observe the guidelines outlined in the Network Use Agreement. Students are responsible for messages sent from their accounts. Students should Not share their account information or passwords. Students can log in to their email by going to PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 2 2016 Spring Musical General Admission $10 Students/Seniors $5 March 17, 18, & 19 @ 7 PM and March 19 @ 1 PM H HRC meets every Friday, 7:30 a.m. in H 102 GSA meets every Tuesday, 7:30 a.m. in H 102 Tuesday & Friday mornings at Freehold Township High School have been extremely thought provoking and engaging at the Human Relations Commission. This organization is a student run club which discusses non-political issues on the individual, school, and global levels. Everyone has a say without debating right vs. wrong. R C CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS Recognized as Commended Students by the NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARHSIP CORPORATION Sarah Chaudhry, James Pezzullo and Katie Shum. NHS Inductions Thursday, January 27, 2016 Early Dismissal At 7:00 pm February 11 The PATRIOT PRESS IS ON-LINE School Closed January 18 February 12 & 15 PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 3 GEARING UP FOR PARRC & NJ Biology Competency Test End of Course Assessments All students in grades 9-11 will be taking the PARRC-LAL Assessments and all students in grade 9-11 enrolled in Algebra I, Algebra II or a Geometry course will be taking the PARRC Math Assessments for the course they are currently taking. The series of State mandated PARRC Assessments will begin April 11, 2016. NJ BCT All students, regardless of grade level, who are currently enrolled in any first level Biology course, will take the test (Lab Biology, Academic Lab Biology, Agri-biology and Honors Lab Biology). May 25 & May 26, 2016 Preparation for Test Taking: Get a Good Nights Rest Eat Breakfast Wake up early enough The test format for each testing day includes multiple choice questions and a written performance assessment. The performance assessment is scenariobased and includes science related issues, experimental write-ups, data charts and graph analysis. 2016 “TEEN DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM” The FRHSD Teen Driver Safety Program has been established to promote responsible driving. This is an important program for both students and parents alike. Parent and student attendance is Mandatory to apply for parking on campus for the senior year. The student pr ogr am will held dur ing the school day. The program for parents/guardians will be held at Freehold Township High School on Wednesday March 2, 2016 beginning at 7:00 pm in the auditorium. Parents must sign an attendance sheet at the end of the program to verify attendance. We look forward to seeing you there. You may attend the program at another school if another date better fits your schedule. The dates ar e listed below: School Date Time Freehold Township High School March 2 7:00 P.M. Marlboro High School March 3 7:00 P.M. Colts Neck High School Howell High School March 8 March 9 6:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Freehold High School March 16 6:30 P.M. Manalapan High School March 2 6:30 P.M. Make-Up Session Location TBA September 22, 2016 TBA OCTAGON CLUB VOLUNTEERS Advisor: Ms. M. LaPlaga With the help of FTHS students and teachers, FTHS donated 2300 pounds of food to the Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Ms. Galinski’s first period class donated the most items to the Food Bank. They received a breakfast on December 23. PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB) All 9th graders are invited to enroll in our Pilot International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. The IB Diploma Program is an interdisciplinary, college preparatory and internationally recognized course of study for students in 11th and 12th grade. Students would also follow a recommended course of study in 9th and 10th grade to ensure their preparedness for the program. Freehold Township High School is one of only 13 high schools in New Jersey that offers this highly respected program. IB learners strive to be inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, openminded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective. Students with these traits thrive in the dynamic, interdisciplinary, and student-centered IB environment. The Diploma Program prepares students for college and life and work in an increasingly global society as they: develop physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically; acquire breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding, studying courses from six subject groups; develop the skills and a positive attitude towards learning that will prepare them for higher education; study a foreign language and increase understanding of cultures, including their own; make connections across traditional academic disciplines and explore the nature of knowledge through the program’s unique Theory of Knowledge course; undertake in-depth research into an area of interest through the lens of one or more academic disciplines in the extended essay; enhance their personal and interpersonal development through creativity, action and service (CAS). Students who are interested should contact the IB Coordinator Mrs. Mary Hough at [email protected] to learn more about the program and how to enroll in this course of study. The Yearbook Store is OPEN! Purchase your 2016 Yearbook at the lowest price of the season. Prices will increase after the New Year. Don’t wait! Buy yours today! See instructions for ordering below. How to Order your 2016 Yearbook: 1. Go to 2. Search for “Freehold Township High School.” 3. Click on the Yearbook icon at the top left of the screen. 4. Type in the quantity under “Your Yearbook.” 5. Add any personalization and/or accessories. 6. Fill in the information and hit submit. The opportunity to personalize the cover of your child's yearbook with their name, grade, and/or other icons ends on February 15th. Attention parents/guardians of the Senior Class: “Yearbook Ads” are a great way to add a personal touch to the 2016 Yearbook. These ads are offered in various shapes and sizes that allow you to write a heartfelt message to your child and include personal pictures. To purchase, see the “Yearbook Ads” link on the left hand side of your screen located under “Yearbook Products.” The opportunity to submit your ad closes on March 15th. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Alvarado ( [email protected] ) or Mr. Sharkey ([email protected] ). 4 PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 5 PARENT PORTAL AND MARKING PERIOD GRADES All student interims, grades, and attendance can be accessed through the Parental Portal. Please be aware that teachers have a five day window to input grades once the marking period closes. Please be sure to have your Parent Log in information, a confidential code that can only be used by the parent. Homework assignments can be accessed without a parent code. Just go the FTHS website and select “Faculty Lists and Websites.” STUDENT-PARENT HANDBOOK Please review the Student–Parent Handbook with your child, that can be found on-line. The contents of the handbook are in addition to our broad, discretionary authority to maintain safety, order and discipline inside the school zone. These rules support, but do not limit our authority. PUBLICITY If you feel your child qualifies for an achievement noted in the newsletter but their name does not appear, it could be that you have not granted clearance for your child to be posted on the website. If you want to check your child’s status, call 732.431.8460 Extension 3007, or you can submit to the main office a Photo, Website & Information Publicity Release Form. “I Grant” must be checked on #3 to allow your child’s name to be posted on the website. This form can be found on our website under Athletics. TELEPHONE NUMBERS/PARENT LINK The Parent Link is used to notify parents of important messages or upcoming events via the telephone system. The system works from telephone numbers in the student’s database, not what is marked on the emergency cards. In order to maintain accurate records, if your telephone number has changed since your child registered at the high school, please contact the guidance office at 732.431.8460 ext. 3033 to update. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY PEER TUTORING The National Honor Society and the Counseling and Guidance Services Department are continuing the peer tutoring program at Freehold Township High School. A “Tutoring Drop-In Center” is offered in the Media Center Monday-Thursday, from 3:10-4:00 p.m. The center is staffed with National Honor Society students who specialize in mathematics and science. To further enhance the tutoring program at the high school, all students who need help in other subjects or cannot attend the tutoring sessions can request a peer tutor through the Counseling & Guidance Services Department. EIGHTH GRADE ORIENTATION-January 7, 2016 The faculty and administration of Freehold Township High School invite all eighth grade students and their parent/guardians to our annual High School Orientation Program on Thursday, January 7, 2016. The program will start at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium and conclude at 9:00 p.m. In addition, an informational session will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Media Center for the parents and guardians of Special Education students. The snow date for both events is January 14, 2016. In addition, an informational session will begin at 5:45 p.m. in the Media Center for the parents and guardians of Special Education students. We ask your cooperation in car-pooling due to the large number of people who are anticipated to attend. A limited amount of additional parking is available at the Errickson Elementary School, located east of the high school on Elton-Adelphia Road. We hope you can join us and learn more about the school’s goals, academic offerings, extra-curricular activities, student personnel services, building facilities and accomplishments. Tours of the building will provide you with the opportunity to learn about specific course offerings and speak with department representatives and students. PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 6 HEALTH OFFICE NEWS IMPORTANT DATES AND INFORMATION FROM THE HEALTH OFFICE All medications administered by the school nurse require a physician’s order and parental consent form to be submitted to the health office. These must be resubmitted each school year. Students are not permitted to carry any medications on them with the exceptions of an asthma inhaler, epinephrine by auto injector along with a unit dose of antihistamine and insulin. Specific medication forms for life threatening conditions must be submitted to the health office. We also ask that your child not spray perfumes in hallways or classrooms as many people are sensitive to sprays and it can trigger asthma and allergic reactions. Physicians notes are required to excuse a student from Physical Education class. The student should bring the medical note to the Health Office when they arrive at school. Notes should include a diagnosis and length of time that the student is restricted from activity. If your child is in health class, it is still important for the Health Office to have documentation of your child’s injury. Your child will be excluded from school for a temperature of 100.0 or higher, vomiting, diarrhea, and other signs of contagious illness. Your child may not return to school until he/she is fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Students who are not feeling well must report to the health office so parents or guardians can be contacted. Students are not to contact their parents via cell phone to be picked up because of illness. HEALTH OFFICE SPRING SPORTS ALL FORMS ARE DUE BY 3:00 PM ON FEBRUARY 18 2016 IN THE HEALTH OFFICE!!!! EVERY ATHLETE MUST SUBMIT PAPERWORK TO THE HEALTH OFFICE REGARDLESS OF PAST PARTICIPATION IN SPORTS. It is the student’s responsibility to check if their physical is still valid for the upcoming season. The student must check the date of their physical in the school health office. ALL FORMS SHOULD BE DOWNLOADED FROM THE DISTRICT WEBSITE @ WWW.FRHSD.COM. Click on Departments, click on Health and Safety, then click on Medical Forms or Athletic Physical Forms. If a valid physical is already on file in the health office, submit the following forms to the health office to participate in sports 1. Eligibility 2. Athletic Emergency Card 3. Acknowledgement Signature Form 4. Steroid Testing 5. Health History Update If a valid physical is not already on file, submit the following forms to the health office to participate in sports 1. Eligibility 2. Athletic Emergency Card 3. Acknowledgement Signature Form 4. Steroid Testing 5. Health History Update 6. Pre-participation Physical Form 7. Special Needs 8. Physical Exam 9. Clearance Form. Check all forms BEFORE leaving your doctor’s office, incomplete forms are not accepted. PHOTO COPIES OR FAXED PHYSICALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BLUE/BLACK INK ONLY If you have any questions, please contact the Health Office 732.431.8460 ext. 3042 PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 7 ATTENDANCE AND CREDIT WITHDRAWAL POLICIES & PROCEDURES Mastering course proficiencies requires regular attendance in school. The purpose of the attendance policy is to improve student attendance and thus enhance student learning and achievement. Early warning of excessive absences and cuts from class will help to alert parents and students and thus encourage improved attendance and avoid withdrawal of credit for the course. The chart below provides the schedule of parent notification, interventions and consequences of excessive absences. Action Taken at Specified # of Absences Full Year Course Three Quarter Quarter Year Half Year Course Course Course Parent Letter 1 6 4 3 2 Parent Letter 2 10 8 6 4 Letter and Conference with Assistant Principal 12 10 7 4 Notice of ineligibility for course credit 19 15 10 6 Students who exceed the maximum number of absences or cuts for a course MAY NOT receive credit for the course and receive a grade of “W” for the marking periods and a failing grade, E, for the course. All absences are counted towards credit withdrawal, including those documented with notes. Absentee notes must be submitted by parents within 48 hours of the student’s return to school. If an appeal is requested the Faculty Attendance Review Committee will meet with the student and parent/guardian to review the case and determine whether credit should be reinstated. Reinstatement of credit will only be granted for extenuating circumstances such as a documented chronic illness. Reporting An Absence: Please call the Attendance Office in the morning if your child is going to be absent 732.431.8460, press #1 for attendance. The Auto Dialer is a computer gener ated call that will call the house of any student who is mar ked absent fr om homeroom that day. The call will go out between the hours of 11 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Please disregard the message if you have already called the school to report your child’s absence. Absence Notes: Students must submit a note from a parent or doctor to the Attendance Office upon their return to school. Valid notes will be considered when a student is in jeopardy of credit withdrawal. Dr. notes must be submitted within 48 hrs. of the student’s absence. Early Dismissal Procedures: If you are signing your student out of school for a doctor’s appointment, etc., Please give your child a note stating the time/date of the pickup from school. The note must be brought to the Attendance Office at the beginning of the school day. If the parent/guardian is not picking the student up, the name of the person picking the student up must be on the emergency card as well as on the note. The student will be given a pass to leave class and will be ready at the time of departure in the Attendance Office. Parents must pickup and sign out the student in the Attendance Office and present their identification. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter, as we do not want to disturb class instruction by calling students out of class. Students cannot be called out from lunch or Physical Education class. This procedure allows the school day to run smoothly. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. In order to receive credit for a full day, a student must be in school for 4 instructional hours. If a student is arriving late, he/she must sign in by: 10:02 am If a student is leaving early, he/she must stay until: 1:23 pm DROP OFFS & Calling into Classrooms: Main Entrance doors are locked at the beginning of each day. For the safety and security of the school, we are asking that you limit drop off items, such as lunches, books, etc. Please remind your child to take all school belongings with them prior to coming to school. We cannot interrupt the learning environment to call students to the main office for pick ups. Thank you for your assistance. PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS HONOR ROLL STUDENTS Congratulations to the students who achieved Principal’s & Patriot Honor Roll distinction. A list of recipients is posted in the Honor Roll Show Case in the front hall of our school and on our website. STUDENT AMBASSADOR PROGRAM This November, the Student Ambassador Committee continued its initiative to foster achievement with students who are taking the Modern Math Resource class. Mr. Smith selects former students from his Math classes who successfully fulfilled requirements to become a Student Ambassador. The Student Ambassadors will meet periodically with current junior students in the Modern Math Resource class through a mentoring relationship. The Student Ambassadors have already met with their mentor groups to work on open-ended questions, to provide test-taking strategies, and to motivate them for success. The Student Ambassadors and Mr. Smith are collaborating on lessons. Congratulations to all of the students. SPOOKTAKULAR TAKES 1st & 3rd PLACE! Advisors: Ms. Alvarado - Mrs. Boyle 1st place - CVS, "A Starry Nightmare Before Christmas" by Andrea Dumalagan and Jenna Wong 3rd place - Monmouth County Offices - "Fall Festive Scarecrow" by Courtney Dillon, Mara Kash, and Sabrina Krkuti FTHS Artists: Luna Battle, Christina Brancella, Amanda Chudkowski, Paige Clarke, Jorge Cortes-Breistan, Lauren Deinhardt, Courtney Dillon, Andrea Dumalagan,Rachel Fakult, Allison Gonzalez, Amanda Haase, Mara Kash, Sydney Kinder, Sabrina Krkuti, Kayce Lacson, Tiffany Lam, Victoria Marronaro, Marilena Monafis, Charles Parker, Brianne Powers, Sammi Russo, Samantha Schiff, Dana Suric, Danielle Taylor, Jenna Wong, Angelique Zaks. 8 PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 SENIOR WEEK IS JUNE 6, 2016 Seniors! This is your time. Take advantage of your opportunity to go to the Prom or Senior Trip for free! Patriot Cards are available now! Check dates & deadlines for each event Senior Trip to Black Bear Lake: You must sign up & check the Bulletin Board in Grand Central for your bus number. If your name is not listed on a bus roster, and you paid for the trip, you must tell Ms. LaPlaga or Ms. Kuban before the trip. Senior BBQ will be during your scheduled lunch period. Yearbook Party After School: A catered lunch will be provided. Teacher Take-Over Day: YOU MUST SIGN UP TO PARTICIPATE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senior Prom at the Ocean Place Resort is May 27: Early Dismissal is for seniors only. Seniors must have required paper work handed in to Ms. LaPlaga or Ms. Kuban by the DEADLINE! Mr. FTHS February 17 @ 7 PM Cheer on your favorite senior male student as they compete for the Mr. FTHS 2016 title 2016 GRADUATION THURSDAY, JUNE 23 2016 FINAL EXAM DATES—Early Dismissal Sessions Friday, June 17 – Wednesday, June 22 Makeup Exams: Thursday, June 23 SUPPORT THE FTHS PTO [email protected] The PTO provides many valuable services to the Patriot community. In order for it to continue its work volunteers are needed to serve on the executive board and some committees. Please consider volunteering even if you only have an hour or so a month to contribute. Every effort, no matter how small, helps the PTO achieve its goal of providing support for the students, parents and faculty of FTHS. Remember without the PTO there would be no Senior Banquet, Refreshments and Assistance at Conferences & 8th Grade Orientation, PTO Scholarships, Teacher Appreciation Week Program and Teacher Grants. We all need to do our part in supporting the efforts of this great group. Please take time from your busy schedule to invest in your child’s education by attending the PTO meetings held at 7:00 P.M. the second Tuesday of each month in the school’s Media Center. Please check the FTHS calendar on our website for any changes. 9 PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 10 Highlights for the Animal and Botanical Science Academy and the Freehold FFA Our Chapter Officers: For the 2015-2016 school year are: President Allie Haggar, Vice President Kayleigh Piccolo, Secretary Allison Finn, Treasurer Samantha Blitzer, Reporter Karen Reyes, Sentinel Amanda Chudkowski and Parliamentarian Masooma Moosavi. Summer 2015 Highlights: Officers met together for the much anticipated Freehold Chapter Officer Training, which was facilitated by alumni Sydney Gavinelli and Brenda Reyes. There, the officers not only learned how to effectively be a leader, but they also established their theme for the upcoming year. “Discover”, is the theme, modeled after Disney. Members of the chapter volunteered at the Monmouth County Fair. Together, alongside the Farmers Against Hunger Association, members raised agricultural awareness to all interested fair-goers and raised funds for the chapters.. Hunger Banquet: Juniors in the program decided on their year volunteer project. Juniors will host a hunger banquet to be held on Wednesday, February 24th. The purpose of the banquet is to make our community more aware of families that live with food insecurity. These people, in our community and around the globe, go day by day not knowing where their next meal will come from. It’s a tragic reality not many people think about, but the junior class hopes to promote change and action through awareness. They look forward to see you attend! Fall Career Development Events: The Fall CDEs hosted by the State FFA at Rutgers were on November 19th. This year the Fruits and Vegetables team consisting of: Alyssa Granito (who came in 5th place individually in the HO Sampson division); Narjis Moosavi; Arielle Yu; and Hadel Darwish, won 5th place. The Land Judging team, consisting of Taylor Sauter, Angela Costello, Masooma Moosavi, and Sruthi Boddapti, came in 5th place. The Turf Management team, including Karen Reyes, Aly Petruch, Andrew Landis, and Allie Haggar, came in 6th place. The Milk and Dairy team, including Allison Finn (who came in 5th place individually); Kristen Giordano; Leiona Islam; and Amanda Chudkowski, came in 9th place. Congratulations to all the teams and all of their hard work! CJMEA Region II Band and Percussion Ensemble December 12, 2015 several students from the Freehold Regional High School District and specifically from Freehold Township High School auditioned for the CJMEA Region II Band and Percussion Ensemble. Students come from all over central Jersey (6 Counties) to compete for the honor of being in one of these prestigious ensembles. Six FTHS students won. Abigail Dupré, 11, Flute, Symphonic Band Dominick Scalia, 11, Clarinet, Wind Ensemble Yee Chan (Daniel) Kim, 11, Clarinet, Symphonic Band Christopher Garrick, 11, Horn, Symphonic Band Andrew DePass, 11, Tuba, Symphonic Band Sora Kiwior, 12, Mallets, Percussion Ensemble These students will audition for All-State Band and Orchestra in January. Competition at the Region Band level is ABOVE that of All Shore. Performances: Percussion Ensemble: January 10, 2016 – 3 pm, Montgomery HS Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band: January 17, 2016, 3 pm, Montgomery HS. Good Luck and Congratulations! PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 JOIN US for the Hands on PARENT TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP II Wednesday, March 23, 2016 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Media Center RESERVE YOUR SPOT! This Technology Workshop for parents only will provide hands on practice with programs available to you and to the students. A light meal will be served. Parents will learn about: *Gensis *Naviance *College Applications *24/7 Technology used by your students PLEASE RSVP IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN US, by March 18, 2016 @ 732.431.8460, the main office, EXT. 3007 Getting From Where You Are to Where You Want To Be” Tuesday, February 9, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. Marlboro High School Open to all current sophomores and their parents/guardians The FRHSD will sponsor a presentation featuring Peter Van Buskirk, Author, Lecturer and Former Dean of Admissions at Franklin and Marshall College. This engaging and motivational keynote program for high school students and parents delivers a five-point plan for achieving educational goals. Special emphasis is placed on self-awareness, finding a good college fit and the consequences of decision-making throughout high school. College/Post-Secondary Planning Night 2016 Thursday, March 10, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. Colts Neck High School Open to all current juniors and sophomores and their parents/guardians The FRHSD Guidance Departments will sponsor a presentation of the College/PostSecondary Planning Process for all 10th and 11th grade students and their parents/ guardians on Thursday, March 10, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at Colts Neck High School. Representatives from local colleges will discuss college planning and admissions. A panel of current seniors will discuss their college search experiences and offer their advice. 11 PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 12 Spring Sports Are Coming! February 18, 2016: All Spring Sports Physicals are due to the Nurses’ Office. EVERY athlete – new or returning – must hand in paperwork. To find the forms and paperwork, click on; click on Freehold Township; click on Activities; click on Physical Information. March 4, 2016: Tryouts start after school for the following sports: Baseball (Mr. Smith; [email protected]), Softball (Ms. Kuzma; [email protected]), Girls Lacrosse (Ms. Acquaviva; [email protected]), Boys Lacrosse (Mr. Eichner; [email protected]), Girls Track & Field (Mr. Shine; [email protected]), Boys Track & Field (Mr. Briggs; [email protected]), Golf (Mr. Blanco; [email protected]), and Boys Tennis (Mr. Martinez; [email protected]) . March 10, 2016: Meet the Coaches Night. Parents and athletes MUST attend the meeting in the Auditorium at 6:30pm. April 1, 2016: Opening Day for all Sports! Use for schedule information (Click on Freehold Township High School)! Eligibility for Spring Athletes To be eligible for athletic competition during the second semester, all student athletes must have successfully completed 15 credits during the first semester. If an athlete is failing more than one course of their first two marking periods, they will not be able to participate. Contact Mr. McEvoy with any questions – [email protected]—-or 732.431.8460 Ext. 3011 FIELD HOCKEY HAS A GREAT SEASON! The Girls Field Hockey Team had a great season this year! They ended their season with a record of 14-6-1. After starting off the season 2-3, they went on a great run, winning their next 12 out of 15 games. They made it to the semi-finals of the Shore Conference Tournament for the 2nd year in a row before losing a tough battle against Shore Regional High School 1-0. The girls went on to win the Central Jersey Group IV sectional championship for the 2nd year in a row. The team finished the season ranked #5 in the Shore Conference. GIRLS SOCCER MAKES SCHOOL HISTORY Girls Soccer Team made school history by winning their first Central Jersey Group 4 and Overall Group 4 Championships! They ended the season with a record of 20-4-2 with 15 shutouts, which is a school record for wins and shutouts! BOYS SOCCER WIN CENTRAL JERSEY GROUP IV! The Boys Soccer Team were the Public A-North champions during the regular season. They advanced to the quarterfinals in the Shore Conference Tournament before being eliminated. They won the Central Jersey Group IV State Sectional championship, winning the last 3 games on the road in that tournament while beating three top 20 teams in the state rankings. They finished the season ranked #10 in the entire state. PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 FORENSICS Public Forum Debate: Tierney Egan and Sage O'Toole - Triple Octo Finalists Asher Vaysblat and Aaron Wohl - Triple Octo Finalists Congressional Debate: Raiyan Hossain - Semifinalist; Hatim Malek - Semifinalist; Gustavo Sacremento - Semifinalist Extemporaneous Speaking: Kevin Marien - Semifinalist (9th Place) Dramatic Interpretation: George Fragoulias - Semifinalist (8th Place) Original Oratory: Shana Kleiner - 4th Place Oral Interpretation: Rian Weinstein - (2nd Place); George Fragoulias - (5th Place) Shana Kleiner - Semifinalist (10th Place); Alexandra Knighton - Semifinalist (11th Place) 13 PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 14 LANGUAGE ARTS LITERACY NEWS LIT ALIVE—-JOIN OUR BOOK CLUB The FTHS book club, met to discuss various poetry selections in November and Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles in November. The next book club meeting will take place the second week in January to discuss the Pulitzer Prize winning novel All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. All are welcome to attend, please see Mrs. Lanza in C110 with any questions. STUDENT VOICES Our students continue to excel in various writing competitions. FTHS continues to see winners in the Asbury Park Press's "Student Voices" monthly essay contests. In October, for the topic "What was your favorite summer memory?", junior Ally Knighton placed first and second, respectively. Freshman Morgan Peller and junior Alyssa Granito received Honorable Mention as well. In December, for the topic "What was the best gift you ever received?" Ally Knighton again placed first, and junior Jennifer Rose Davenport received Honorable Mention. In addition, over the summer, juniors Ally Knighton and Hatim Malek won first and second place, respectively, in the Freehold Democratic Club essay contest. All essays can be read on the Patriot Press website, run by Mr. Digiuseppe and his great team of student editors and contributors. “Becca’s Closet” is Open for Business! Freehold Township High School is proud to house a chapter of “Becca’s Closet”. Becca’s Closet is a national, non-profit charitable organization that provides prom attire, free of charge, to girls who otherwise could not afford to attend their prom. The FTHS closet currently holds approximately 300 gowns and dresses in assorted sizes, styles and colors. All garments are new or gently used and have been donated by stores and/or the community. Any one in need of a prom dress just has to contact us through our website,, and make an appointment which is strictly confidential and private with our advisor. Anyone, from any area, is able to access Becca’s Closet, where only a school photo ID is required. Very devoted and caring FTHS students are actively involved in maintaining the Closet. Whether contacting resources for donations of dresses or dry cleaning, fund raising to purchase new garment racks, or looking for new ways to publicize and promote Becca’s Closet, our main goal is to put a smile on a girl’s face when she walks out with her prom dress. PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 RESPECT Theme for 2015-2016 UNMASK YOURSELF The “New Student” breakfast was held by the guidance department on September 18, 2015 RESPECT Week: Week of October 5, 2015 Students signed pledges Students signed the paper chain to show we are ALL connected The Tolerance Ship was updated by the art students Peer Leaders visited all freshmen homerooms to discuss how to have an easy transition into high school. Anti-Violence Week: Week of October 19 Detective D’Amico presented to the sophomore class on bias & prejudice Prosecutors spoke to the junior class on the dangers of heroin All period 7/8/9 classes had a lesson on Anti-Violence October, November, December: Peer Leaders met with 9th & 10th grade classes SPIRIT WEEK: Week of October 26-Students wore college shirts; their favorite sports team jersey; their class colors, and school colors LUNCH COOKIES: Students are rewarded during lunch periods; once a month Student Ambassadors were given a breakfast on November 12 to celebrate their successes PRIDE WEEK: March 2016: Mikey Fowlin will present FTHS has been recognized by the Anti-Defamation League as a Gold Star school for NO PLACE FOR HATE 2nd year in a Row! 15 PATRIOT NEWSLETTER Winter 2016 16 CLUBS AT FTHS There is so Much to Do Art Club Glamour Girls Patriot Warriors Club Becca’s Closet GSA Peer Mentors Choir HRC Pre Med Club Color Guard LFD Project Lundy Comedy Kazoos JSA Relay for Life Cookies for a Cause Latin Club SADD C.R.Y. Live Life Science League DECA Lit Alive Special Strides Drama & Set Crew Model UN Spanish Honor Society Engineering Club National History Day Step Team FCCLA NHS Students Helping Honduras Free the Children Octagon Club TSA FFA Outdoors Rec Club Yearbook Forensics Marching Band Youth Alive Girl Up Patriot Press