Volume 3, Issue 5


Volume 3, Issue 5
Volume 3, Issue 5
March 5, 2011
God is fine
with sex; it’s
religion He
can’t stand
od is quite able to say
what really bugs Him,
and He does it in
Proverbs 6:16-19:
These six things does the LORD
hate: yea, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying
tongue, and hands that shed
innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet
that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness who speaks
lies, and he who sows discord
among brothers.
He forgot to write: “Pole dancers.” Hmm. Must have been
an oversight.
Spare her
Kill him
Millions of Christians
slated to die.
n last week’s Crack O’ Dawn Report, I said
I’d almost rather take my kid to a strip club
than to an orthodox Christian church. (http://
www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L60jrVB9K8.) My
reasoning was: The orthodox Christian church
promotes doctrines that are so satanic, gruesome,
spiritually damaging, and ultimately dismissive
of God (Paul calls these “doctrines of demons,” 1
Timothy 4:1—the foremost of which are eternal
torment, human free will, and the Trinity), that
any evil associated with the sight of a naked female body (I cannot think of any; God created the
naked, female body), would pale in comparison.
The fact that the comments on YouTube devolved into a discussion of strip clubs tells me
how few people there are who fully grasp the
blackness of religion.
And then this: On Facebook someone commented, concerning last weekend’s video: “I see
no value whatsoever in bashing organized religion.” Really? God Himself is going to destroy it
and supervise the wholesale killing of its adherents (evidence of which will be presented on page
2), so there must be at least some value in bashing it today.
He has done it before
Of course, what is missing
from this list is anything to do
with sex. And what is present
are things often associated
with organized religion.
E.W. Bullinger noted that:
The history of Genesis 3 is
intended to teach
teach us the fact
that Satan’s sphere of activiactivities is in the religious sphere.
We are not to look for Satan’s
activities today in the police
courts, but in the pulpit.
No wonder Jesus hung out
with publicans and pole dancers. To cleanse the Earth of evil, God has historically
killed large groups of people. A few millennia
ago, He killed everyone in the world except eight
people, drowning them in a flood. When Israel
came out of Egypt, the Amalekites cruelly hassled them. In 1 Samuel 15:2-3, therefore, God
ordered Samuel to …
… go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that
they have, and spare them not; but slay both man
and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep,
camel and ass.
I keep telling people that this era of grace had a
beginning, and it will have an end. Many refuse
to believe it; this era is all they have known. They
are like the scoffers of 2 Peter 3:3-4, who think
that just because things have gone along
swimmingly during the course of their amazingly long lifetimes of fifty years or so, that
things will continue to do so. Have these people never heard of the Tribulation? Jesus
called it the “great affliction,” and said concerning it:
For then shall be great affliction, such as has not
occurred from the beginning of the world till now;
neither under any circumstances may be occurring. And, except those days were discounted, no
flesh at all would be saved. —Matt. 24:21-22
Those who believe this happened in 70 A.D.,
when Titus sacked Jerusalem, cannot explain
how one third of the Earth burned up then
(Rev. 8:7), or how one third of humankind
was killed (Rev. 9:15), or how the 1,000 years
of peace passed without historical notice (Rev.
20:6), or how, since the year 1070 A.D., we
have been living on the New Earth (Rev.
21:1), wherein there is no more death (Rev.
21:4), or doom (Rev. 22:3). If this is the New
Earth, I want a refund.
Even Paul joins in the chorus
Even the apostle Paul—he of the gospel of the
grace of God—speaks of a time when God
will deal out vengeance upon those who have
ignored his gospel:
Continued on pg. 2
Volume 3, Issue 5
Page 2
Continued from pg. 1
It is just of God to repay affliction to those afflicting you, and to you who are being afflicted,
ease, with us, at the unveiling of the Lord Jesus
from heaven with His powerful messengers, in
flaming fire, dealing out vengeance to those who
are not acquainted with God and those who are
not obeying the evangel of our Lord Jesus
Christ—who shall incur the justice of eonian extermination from the face of the Lord, and from
the glory of His strength. —2 Thess. 1:6-9
This will happen during the Tribulation, after
the body of Christ has been snatched away (1
Thess. 4:15-17), and the era of the nations
has been completed (Romans 11:25).
The Christian religion remains
Paul clearly explains in the above passage
who will remain on Earth to suffer vengeance
after this era has passed. Note two groups:
1) Those who are not acquainted with God
2) Those who are not obeying the evangel
of our Lord Jesus Christ
Those who are not acquainted with God are
run-of-the mill worldly people such as Bill
Maher. Those who are not obeying the evangel of our Lord Jesus Christ (that is, Paul’s
specific evangel), are those who are acquainted with God (they are distinguished
from those who aren’t), but who fail to obey
Paul’s gospel—people such as Billy Graham.
The Greek word translated “obey” here is
hupakouo. It is a two-part Greek word whose
elements are UNDER-HEAR. The definition
of “obey” is, “to hear and to heed.” Christians
may hear, but they do not heed Paul’s gospel.
This gospel states that Jesus Christ died for
sins; Christians, on the other hand, believe
that sinners will be eternally tormented for
their sins. Paul’s gospel is about Christ dying
for sins; Christians discount this sacrifice,
believing instead that the forgiveness of sins
requires the proper exercise of human free
Concerning the days of the coming tribulation, A.E. Knoch writes in The Unveiling of
Jesus Christ:
Before this time the members of the body of
Christ will have been received up into glory. But
that event will by no means be the end of Christendom. (Page 290)
With the body of Christ gone, the world’s
largest religion remains on Earth. Before God
inaugurates His 1,000-year kingdom, He
purges Earth of the two scourges long plaguing humanity: human politics and human religion.
This is where the death of Christians comes
in. Demon worship to be wiped from Earth
he book of Revelation is
divided into two sections:
the Throne Section (4:1-11:18)
and the Temple Section (11:1920:15). The Throne Section deals
with the political supremacy of
the earth, and the Temple Section
with religious supremacy. Remember that, in the Millennium,
Israel is to be both kings
(political) and priests (religious).
Thus, the kingdoms and religions
of this present world must be
destroyed. This happens in the
book of Revelation. As A.E.
Knoch writes on page 264 of The
Unveiling of Jesus Christ:
Man’s misrule will have come to a
crisis where it is no longer tolerable to God or man. Severe, decisive measures are, in reality, a
mercy. There can be no millennium
without them. Severe as the inflictions are, they fend the earth from
a far worse fate. They remove the
cause of its corruption. They
cleanse and renew it for the righteous reign of the Son of Mankind.
of giving God the glory which is His
due. The religious organizations of
the world are the most prolific
breeding places of sin.
The most malignant demons of
all infect Christianity, as this
religion is the nearest imitation
of truth.
The destruction of human religion entails the death of its adherents. For this, God has preIn the Throne Section, the seven pared four messengers (angels),
seals (Rev. 5:1-5) restore
now bound at the river EuphraEarth’s political sovereignty to tes. They will supervise the killGod. In the Temple Section, the ing of approximately 1.25 bilseven trumpet judgments (Rev. lion people (see page 3). 8:2), eradicate all four demonic
religions (see sidebar at right.)
A.E. Knoch:
Comparatively few of mankind do
not worship demons under some
form or another. The mass of mankind bow down to demons instead
The four beasts of Daniel,
chapter 7, are religions,
not political alignments.
Behold, four winds of the heavens are
rushing forth to the vast sea, and four
monstrous animals are coming up from
the sea … The eastern animal is a lioness … and behold, another animal, like
a she-bear ... and behold, another animal, as a leopardess … and behold, a
fourth animal, terrifying and awful, and
exuberantly mighty; she has monstrous
iron teeth, devouring and pulverizing
and stamping upon the remainder with
her feet. —Daniel 7:2-7
Almost every commentator makes
these four animals of Daniel 7 a
repetition of the four kingdoms of
Daniel 2. This is impossible. The
four kingdoms of Daniel 2 are sequential, whereas the animals of
Daniel 7 are contemporaneous.
The translation of the Hebrew qdm
as “eastern,” rather than the usual
“first,” (as in, “the eastern beast”)
sheds much light. The detailed descriptions of these four monstrous
animals (which we shall save for
another time) correspond perfectly
to the four major religions of Earth.
Not coincidentally, the four religions are described by Daniel in the
order in which they occupy the
planet, that is, from east to west.
The easternmost religion is Buddhism (East Asia), the next is Hinduism (India and environs), the
next is Islam (the Arab world), and
the westernmost monstrous animal
is Christianity (Europe and the
Americas). Christianity is destined
to “pulverize” the other religions.
Thus, the coming one-world government will be a vast Christian state.
A.E. Knoch: There are only four great
religions in the world. For each there is
a messenger of destruction being prepared. The doom of each has been decreed, and only awaits the destined
moment. Page 3
& Stuff
The Apostle Paul says we should not murmur
(Philippians 2:14). Therefore, I shall rant.
Believe Paul’s gospel before it’s too late .
t is not too late to believe the gos- harboring demons. Those in the religion
pel of Paul. But someday, it will
would never in a million years believe that
they are worshipping a caricature of Christ,
inspired by satanic powers.
Lo! Now is a most acceptable era! Lo!
Now is a day of salvation! —2 Cor. 6:2
To keep Christians distracted from the evil in
their midst, Satan has them busy fighting
Christianity is the most dangerous
things like pornography, homosexuality, and
religion on earth because it is the realcohol. These are Satan-inspired distractions.
ligion so near the truth, yet so far
Fighting “the evil, sinful world” makes Chrisaway from it. It uses the name, “Jesus
tians so self-righteous that they cannot hope
Christ,” and the phrase, “crucified for
to see the most brutal evil of all flourishing in
our sins,” while at the same time detheir midst: A WEAK GOD AND A FAILED
nying both, replacing the death of
SAVIOR. The world rightly laughs at the
Christ with free will, and making eter“God” of Christianity. The true god of Chrisnal torment—rather than the cross—
tianity is Satan.
the price for sin.
Reader, believe in the death of Jesus Christ
Christianity is quite unaware that it is
The 200 million cavalry
are supernatural beings.
s I write, there are four
spirit beings bound at the
river Euphrates in Iraq,
awaiting their hour upon Earth’s
stage. It is their divinely inspired
task to release and supervise 200
million supernatural horsemen,
whose duty it will be to kill one
third of humankind:
And I hear one voice out of the horns
of the golden altar: “Loose the four
messengers who have been
bound at the great Euphrates
river.” And the four messengers
were loosed, who have been
made ready for the hour and the
day and the month and the year,
that they may be killing a third of
humankind. And the number of
the troops of cavalry was two
hundred millions—I heard their
number. And thus I perceived the
horses in the vision, and those
who are sitting on them, having
fiery and amethystine and sulphurous cuirasses; and the
heads of the horses are as the
heads of lions, and out of their
mouths are issuing fire and
fumes and sulphur. By these
three calamities the third of hu-
for your sins. To do this, you must unhand
the demonic teachings of free will, eternal
torment, and the Trinity. Free will substitutes
human decision for the cross; the Trinity denies the literal death of Jesus Christ; eternal
torment drives normal people (Calvinists are
not normal) into free will.
The present era of grace will end. All are
saved eventually, but not all live for the upcoming two eons. Embrace Paul today; it is a
matter of eonian life and eonian death. mankind were killed: by the fire,
and the fumes and the sulphur,
which is issuing out of their
mouths. For the license of the
horses is in their mouths and in
their tails, for their tails are like
serpents, having heads, and with
them they are injuring. —Rev.
and the riders are real. But
these are no ordinary horses.
These are supernatural animals,
with supernatural riders atop
them, the likes of which no one
has ever seen or imagined.
The sixth trumpet details the destruction of the four great world
religions. These can have no
place in the kingdom of God and
of Christ. The whole conflict is
essentially superhuman, though
men are the pawns on the board.
Behind human religions are the
demons whom they deify. Against
them are the four messengers
and their horrible horsemen. Demonism is given its death stroke,
though it is not done away until
the seventh trumpet sounds and
the last woe works havoc with the
hosts of unrepentant humanity.
A.E. Knoch:
Heretofore, there have only been
two kinds of explanations of this
cavalry. The “smart” explanation is that the entire book of
Revelation is figurative. Just
what exactly “the great River
Euphrates,” for example—an
actual river—is figurative for, is
anyone’s guess. Then there is
the stupid explanation, the
Christian one, which makes this
a 200 million-man Chinese
army—it is just that God has an
“off” way of describing a Chinese army. The truth is far more
frightening: The horses are real, Receive Paul now. Editor: Rebecca E. Tonn
Copyright © 2011 by Martin Zender. All rights reserved.
Published bi-weekly by Starke & Hartmann, Inc. P.O. Box 6473
Canton, OH 44706 www.martinzender.com www.starkehartmann.com