Two - Northwestern Law
Two - Northwestern Law
LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Report 55 Case No Subject of Date Reporting Officer 5Oct92 TESSMANN Case DEATH Reporting Typed Date By INVESTIGATION TESSMANN Lead 6Oct92 On the above date at approximately 100pm the abov with DAWN ENGELBRECHT and her son BLAKE ARENA was that DAWN had contacted purpose of the interview No 446 officer met reporting male white The the above IO and met with RIO with this officer speak left with time this officer BLAKE to with speak him SGT HIKE BLAZINCIC met with DAWN and spoke with See BLAZINCICYs for further officer asked BLAKE if we report Reporting could and he stated drive in the area of his old residence on Hickory that officer was DEL RE Reporting accompanied by CMDR stated that BLAKE wished DAWN and BLAKE at vehicle PAGAN PAGAN drove his unmarked police and we arrived at 442 arrival Hickory Hickory Upon exited the vehicle as did BLAKE ARENA and we around the RIOasked BLAKE to show CMDR DEL RE and CHDR property whee he BLAKE observed broken in half knife BLAKE walked to to the west of the residence at bushes are located 446 Hickory and pointed out location IO would indicate that the area BLAKE feet away the knife out is approximately 10 from where pointed Where of where out the resting was actually found BLAKE pointed place he remembered out this knife is the exact same spot he pointed seeing and ASST to CMDR the officers to of Estyle Chh and PAGAN IO asked BLAKE to adviseDELRE BLAKE informed them an earlier occassion home killed that he came and on was walking his driveway that he observed male white subject leaning up westerly the garage for 442 Hickory BLAKE described this subtects leaning against on the 81W corner of the garage and that was towards subject facing ahd this 442 Hickory BLAKE stated that this subject had red on his face asked BLAKE to explain this red color BLAKE stated that it was pfficer but that it appeared stated not makeup to be blood to hint BLAKE then previously what that he to this officer told this officer the day HOLLY on Ch that the trying on stated looked wa to the side door of 442 which is located and that it appeared this subject building was to asked BLAKE how he could if he RIO see this subject get in the other side of the building in the driveway BLAKE standing that he walked the front of his house towards the south and along towards his back door and this is where he saw the subject BLAKE this subject of corner then this went he stated that was scared so he hid in the bushes and started to yell BLAKE stated that this is when his for HOLLY TAYLOR came to the front window and told him that HOLLY could not come that she was upstairs in the back bedroom BLAKE further stated that when he that cane hone his and that was that he heard HOLLY prior to entering screaming he home and BLAKE and CMDR DEL RE and one of the reasons came RIO drive ASST Force Page PAGAN chea came back to the Lake County Crimes Major Office Approved 02327 By ask LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Report Case No Reporting 9255313 Subject of Date Reporting 5Oct92 TESSMANN Case DEATH Typed RIO the Date By INVESTIGATION of interview displayed several he spoke subject then met with SGT DAWN ENGELBRECHT and tmed Officer TE SSMANN with BLAKE photos Lead 6Oct92 No 446 ARENA again to BLAKE in attempt to identify but met with about negative whom was previously BLAZINCtC speaking her sister MELANIE at which time this iO with officer around DAWN MELANIE and BLAKE take drive because BLAKE indicated that the badman who he to this officer lived Ave and that this over on North subjects name was JONATHAN last name unknown DAWN MELANIE and BLAKE then left the office and arrived back 30 approximately minutes later and indicated the DAWN stated that following they drove in the area of North Ave and this is when she exited her car and called the station to tell us what BLAKE stated hadpreviously about Jonathan DAWN stated that when she left her car that her was the that neighborhood taiking to BLAKE DAWN stated that when she got back out the blue house that BLAKE had pointed that is situated corner with an address of 702 North Ave BLAKE that this is where the bad guy and that he then started to to leave also that this was informed MELANIE cry and wanted the guy that killed and that he BLAKE wanted HOLLY to knife and get stab this guy in the head for hurtingHOLLY and BLAKE DAWN then returned to this office at which time the known resident of this sister in the at the MELANLE was car li house wa shown td BLAKE that being known of this subject and photo BLAKE stated that is not JONATHAN IO at the tithe of this report has not determined if this subject is the only resident of this house This subject is describedas KEITH ALEX KISCHER male white 3416 taken detective photo bureau RIO asked BLAKE if he would talk to HEATHER STARER this case regarding and he stated that he would like to RIO informed DAWN that this the interview would absolutely was End Page take no place on Wednesday 7Oct92 and she stated that problem of of Approved 02328 By IR LAKE Ph MAJOR CRIME JY FORCE Report Date Reporting 110PM Subject Officer of Interview IE apart FB WaukeganIL 09O99 l93 years upstairs information to Mia regarding provided the investigationS TX she Tessman Date By SML Death Lou Investigator of could age DOB Lead 092082 Reporting reference provide 446 officer this Hickory spoke homicide following four years and on was upstairs with she was home of the the date and she definjtely 600PM 800PM sometime between his mom and dad and and that she knew Holly Heather stated remembered being however south of hers immediate the house to the t3 babysit they used stated she used to the two between she could not tell the ifference who two children who were the and with Blake Taylor play on qecasion date she did not play stated on this lived in the upstairs apartment Mia stated she in this homi residence for approximately she upst them all that dayS that Bruno her dog was 600PM to 630PM Mis stated sornetim around to Bruno in outside bring her dad had outside and that the dog in that Blake Taylor and her stated when she was outside to at all did not see Holly cousin Cory were out back in her yard and in the Bruno was coming stated that she grabbed durin this time out to assist her and her dad came around lot so house and he was jumping had indicated that short lesson on how to control the dog give her then and 730PM and the hours of 700PM dinner between she thinks she ate couch in the TV on the upstairs in front of the after dinner she took nap around woke stated she up north side the residence and looking out theirdining room window because Bruno was barking her ngh 730PM screaming heard direction stated that southern her dog was andthat going crazy she does not know it was unfortunately then ran to the south stated out th window and barking looking and continued barking residence west side of the looking out the window the window stated that look out did she get however at no time up and that if needed to talk and we this would investigation later date could be done to her on in twithhit End of srnl Report 03384 Approved By LCMCTFIR COUN LAKE MAJOR CRIME TASL FORCE Report Reporting Officer Howard Typed Date By Pratt Lead No 101692 is This report reference to an interview with subject identified as Edward Bonnie Brook This TUTENW754 Waukegan IL 39 YOA interview took 100992 at 350PM at the Waukegan Police Department Mr Detec stated officer that on 081792 approximately 600 Mia outide to bring in the or 615PM he sent Mr Tuten stated that aminutes after his daughter was outside he heard the dog that time he got worried that Mia thinking size was having problems the dog due to Mr Tuten the dog was at and when he got outside then went outside to he noticed that his Mr Tuten WOLFORD was holding the dog at ease because he saw Cory holding stated that at that time the dog Tuten EEQ co wh QEy it co tb the began to explain nephew Cory and Mia how Tuten stated that aahe time that he was outside he also little boy and girl that lived at noticed that Taylor and Tuten also noticed that his dog 442 Hickory were also outside at Taylor was barking He then dog Mr Blake Mr Tuten stated that he observed Blake over by the shed in the back north of his house Mr Tuten stated that he could not be 100 but he was 80 positive that on this date when he was positive taking the dog inside he observed bicycle young blond girl ride into the yard Th girl then laid the bicycle down behind the old truck that was parked in the rear of 442 Hickory Mr Tuten stated that he had been going over this in his mind many times and he is sure that this was the day that he saw the young blond girl ride the bicycle up into the back yards yard and According to Mr Tuten stated that he then went inside approximately five minutes later his daughter Mia came inside and he then laid on the Tuten stated that he and Mia ate dinner with to watch lQ Mr couch Mr Tuten stated that this was at approximately and he knows this by going over this in his mind numerous times He and his on channel daughter Mia were watching family program on television the program and his the program being Prince He and Mia watched wife wa downstairs with her mother Mr Tuten stated 700 and 730PM Mr Tuten stated of Page noise over that sometime during the half hour program heard screaming coming from the house next door that he told his daughter Mia lot making there and she replied yes they Approved 03385 By Ih LAKE MAJOR CRIME Investigative No Reporting of Case Mr Tuten stated 80 wa the screaming year old screaming was cbming or Investigator Howard Date By Pratt No Lead 101692 BLF fl later possibly Officer Reporting Typed Investici FORCE Report 100992 553 Subject Date TA 287 the noise ceased and approximately one hour he heard screaming second time This time from an older female not from an 11 year old ten stated that he was positive that the an adult female stated that he able to tell the difference between scream from five or elev to an Mn Tuten year old opposed advised this officer that second set of screams was coming from an Mr adult due to the fact that screaming was at higher Tuten further stated that bet en and 730PM 081792 his dog ran from the living room toth kitchen whimpering looking out the and acting strange window Mr Mr after 900PM he heard sirens and Tuten stated that few minut looked out and saw the rescue sq and police cars stated that he then went downstair to see what was going on Mn Tuten advised that he met with officer who basically told him po that someone was At that time the police officer did not give information him any additional because they were busy stringing police tape around the house Mr Tuten stated to this officer that at the time that however he acting strange he did look out the window his did dog not was see anything Mr advised this officer that on Thursday 120892 while he was he was talking to male mexican subject who works in the maintenance mexican at Abbott Lab who told him that guykilled little girl on Hickory Street Tuten work at Mr Tuten further stated white house on Hickory Mr that the St south the Tuten described combed back earring in his as subjectwas of Mr fQl 225 right ear lbs and the saying that he lives in black hair short cut subject works second shift Vsh Mr Tuten stated that he did not know the name at the time but he would get this subjects name and advise this officer Mr Tuten advised this officer that he would cooperate in this him at all times and if this officer needed to contact investigation again feel free to do so lr at End Tuten stated this time that the he could not provide any additional interview was terminated of Page 03386 information REID ASSOC AND ESTABLISHED SOUTH WACKER DRIVE SUITE FAX 312 8761743 250 CHICAGO IWNOIS 1100 60606 312 8761600 18002555747 November Lou Tessmann Lake County Major Crime Administrative Office 25 South Illinois Between whether our and office located the was Holly Staker at Dawns 442 the Blake Dawn attempted machine and to to going her drive call locked As so she she was pulling up in front both drove tQ Dawns into the house house she thought so into Blake As Dawn house At and this reason Dawn house Dawn was the in and Dawn to QQ this time into get could home Upon she into get the get inside which Taylor to the had bedroom bedroom Nancy is Dawn Kalinoski she was that and at come Taylor on back into the because only driveway into Dawns find walked arrival answering Nancy her got house Upon meet arrival the Gillespie would not home for the on of couple she saw Dawn car and they Nancy went the Nancy of the went bed the her husband Mike calling telephone told to call Nancy 911 however for some 911 When arrived eventually called the police was time but returned old year Engelbrecht for Holly and for Taylor looking from out in the back screaming coming the back out time Dawn door at which went exited of trying employment but could only pulling she so 11 calling heard she At that relevant any was Holly babysitting and Taylor years old and investigate withholding Hollys mother Nancy situation Dawn told Nancy the voluntarily to called home to away of were neighbor of individuals 17 1992 August the home of Dawn outside Holly she Dawns went were blocks place hothe doors at locked Blake Nancy on pm were therefore informed Staker years Blake Dawns to or in saw doors with involved Holly 10 examinations of that Blake 830 Gillespie 1992 polygraph babysitting Hickory approximately Qie death advised was children Dante for were they in 29 October laboratory not or information At 60085 September into This Task Utica Waukegan came 1992 the Dawn sh approached one of bedroom the officers behind the and told him that at the Holly door 02784 tou After Tessmann November been further investigation and sexually assaulted stab wounds being used mop look handle it to in the in such it Also to break inh like corner where location that it The apearsas the back door Wood may door been the of times someone order in was for neatly from splinters have had Holly 27 though however mop from the that approximately through came it determined was stabbed 1992 door the when open back placed the were hole was made There was call telephone made pm at Dawn home to number Engelbrechts and Denise girlfriends Marilyn Holly was last her head his sister Also at he heard of the seen outside at of approximately the and house however he thought 630 told Ed Tuten wrestling and screaming house pm 730 about approximately 545 to Hollys belonging pm Blake the when to neighbor noises it was coming just she keep from stuck an on eye said that from inside the children playing knife it was ee had that this was Before the Police Department test examination Stout forms are Prior to advised by to yard of The used in form releasing signed liability which may result fact that Heather subjects their part of John acknowledgement our polygraph Constitutional member of the Reid and agreed for The laboratory examinations in Rights the Associates to from Staker consent legal age written obtained their from as believes strongly subject any the home neighbors coroner homicide the under was these of an of incorporated staff signed each back two weapon Due were examination into the the in recovered broken waive and the Waukegan the polygraph executed file they Miranda The their polygraph Bradley in each release this were Warnin subjects rights 02785 Lou Tessmann November lKER of any knowledge any information She did that say and to have have like to There he he he to she calls on one occasion take told that liked two brothers He Are the subjects due tO She thinks asked and doesnt took had Holly sex they would come over over because said they Zac about with are and nice Brad Heather to them say things that these boys possible its sure for indicative responses records when asked polygraph when is they and Holly know emotional qualified you of deception the subjects of opinion young 9992 denied Kalinoski The this any subject sure who did this to your No Answer about what keeping any secrets to your sister Holly Answer records polygraph listed questions the for Holly happened above and she know you sister the come When she to away also Holly would boys would her subjects Do is time only touch said but her the Heather them would babysit they The significant this when over to police who has wants that the denied withholding questions following about her cousin Holly no were Holly that she denied from Holly individual examination also him like Marilyn her Heather with throughout It told stated did say Watch or they sex sex to boys Denises Zac that about on any and Marilyn would Holly she went Heather never had has to happened an suspect She said Heather She Donalds but said does rp to sister old girlfriends that he was 19 years Heather said she does not think their not her what Man and rose him with Mc him she Magic Holly Florida Prior killed surrounding or given 9992 who 1992 The Ms based examiner she is in qualification Prior denied to her polygraph in the death withholding Kalinoski stated of any that on the telling age involvement also the that No this truth this on report onh her is Ms daughter relevant information she talked last to Holly 02786 Lou Sgt the on at phone that her th weflt Blake and looked back to they all There getin the front her at or which At Kalino back couldntget to Dawns door time Dawn drove point was and her and ahold house to emotional significant this subjects all they to up with up As indicative responses records when asked polygraph stated pulling Dawns house together in the house Blake came Taylor Holly is dead returned 1992 August Mike Dawn she this house on to spoke and no were throughout and at subject for Holly and told subject called outside were This however then Dawn kids Holly 530 approximately 830 about of November Tessmann the of the deception following questions Do know you your for sure Did you cause Answer No the Were Are It the is the of opinion above listed the examiner definite any The The subject having that she is any Prior to information No the telling The truth that his activities been on the subjects the death also subject who may have to as the in involvement August on knowledge is pm sh 500 meet that him day house to without when house but pick adult Heather at employed The warehouse and was Holly on of his denied involved 17th polygraph of her in August step having death were follows as to denied stated subject your daughter questions Holly daughter Holly No 91192 he of death your daughter this DONALD examination of withholding any relevant incident Answer you about the No Answer death you presefttwhen stabbed Answer caused who Holly daughter subject brother his Rucker stated Fluid whom he where Mr Kalinoskis Amanda had been earlier her up in the because supervision were babysitting he that afternoon did at natural at works sh drove sister want her went their in until daughter Mr his not and work with works staying she Power was him about to their Amanda over staying was home to his there Apparently the 11 year old twins Amanda and Cary She was going Holly 02787 Sgt Tessmann Lou There no were emotional significant this throughout November subjects 1992 indicative of deception responses records when asked the following polygraph questions Do know you Did of for have you you the of opinion listed the examiner of any knowledge denied withholding Police She regarding did state that because that she on Blake tried is he the telling who of to was call said locked she arrived of the of the bar at work she She but there indicated was on and that she Dawn said At she she Qh the locked her Taylors she opened sh way both As home Taylor bedroom went to on to the back Dawn the say dining the that on door she room that the the she would picked At this answer was that she home way Nancy going told she house got into together front house bed no what sh her her house home through said sitting Nancys at through On toward Dawns to entered looked house the Once went women they at driving both the bedroom returned her Nancy they daughter She meet saw Nancy and was and would she followed car and Hollys mother Nancy on her home Dawnwas way at Dante where the house Waukegan Staker Holly her Dawns the She the 845 about at to out at Holly death told so on Holly from the that Blake son of called that truth examination polygraph death information 1992 179 August She her the relevant any her to caused then that death Hollys she stated death information any of so Nancy the causing No withholding that theinvestigation approximately 515 her neighbor brought works of questions denied also with Answer circumstances Prior she do death No Answer is to Holly the the No Answer intentionally surrounding caused who anything your daughter Are above sure Holly daughter your for found Dawn not Taylor point door Holly Taylor which and in indicated all open up off Nancy that the the was bed outside 02789 and Sgt Lou then Tessmann returned she told November to Nancy the house to off to get by saying the call her phone so Mike husband that said all could they 1992 that the pal continued Dawn were officers someone though she that to the and door hard the that thepolice time bed the back door the was because explains in the went on to say that she believes bedroom the first time and found her her There when no were deception that She actually significant this throughout asked the that appeared realized so the she floor between informed when she entered daughteria that as something the saw happened arrived that police in the bedroorn Holly SdW emotional responses indicative subjects polygraph records of questions following know Do you of Holly Are you relevant who sure from information Hollys On August you hs for withholding of did door lying on she that but could not come to the Holly reality She indicated that it was nOt until the on it Dawn she bedroom Holly Dawn dawned arrived police At thispoint Dawn Holly when opening to find bedroom the the in broke had returned that at looking death the police surrounding for any the circumstances No between home death No Answer 1992 179 return the caused any 515 pm and 845 reason Answer pm No It is to the the opinion above of listed the examiner denied She also Waukegan Holly any she is telling the truth questions 91492 she that knowledge denied withholding Police regarding Prior of who to her caused relevant polygraph the any the investigation death examination of Holly information from of the death Staker the of Lou Sgt Sh did Tessmann state that Leopold until the during This home to stated cash she her she station made Gi his to went on and house 810 left for owns home and short back Ms from Womens Workout calls from her as explanation to call World may have who home general this at at which health the then went 738 pm of at she to throughout to out Leopolds Womens She time club she and of on Dawn emotional subjects went then store to pick Leopold then They time drove up at back 20 used 1992 the She telephone lbre po indicative records polygraph building calls telephone any she did not that August to pm 1100 making stated went and roughly about questioned club There were 650 from period home health the went work at Jewel for about 15 or stopped at home they arrived at Leopolds This indicated that Leopold subject pm When was she about then to way that arrived Gibb at she On approximately 605 about food that went at street Eagle on claims approximately his an to say arrived and She the time at Jewel stop arrived at Chandlers they that she until Club Country short then arrived out across trip Chandlers she wdrked and 1992 her lQl at which together his health that indicated clothes Worldwhere that said subject with was the left They She change Workout club she at afternoon 430 520 about he the approximately food to 1992 August on to drop Leopold off at going club made they way to the health was at November when make any had at np the health of deception asked the following questions Do you of Holly know for sure Staker Are you the circumstances withholding No On August sh 17 1992 call from Dawn Engelbrecht who caused lQ any of did the death No Answer information you Workout Answer surrounding death make World Answer telephone to the home of No 02791 to Uh It Tessmann the is opinion that records she the previously nature of the to November isolate advised of or weeks the disposing of and number She she other no of Leopold of paper did her not or to her and with and Heather this explain she felt or it general examiner ever she accused was not admissions to stated her of Stakers this seeing incident unable is examination polygraph Holly polygraph of more the the confronted denies statements subjects one to the address but paper Waukegan important her clarify polygraph results test 91892 denied from He Holly He did Gibb state most that of Knollwood Country Health woi out from picked him up stopped on the Chandlers until Club that Club at 1992 August afternoon and 500 about at to his examination polygraph he or ea theWaukegan of Prior of who caused the death of knowledge also denied relevant information withholding any Police the investigation of the regarding any involvement Holly they to due Ms it because Department the on truth reactions deceptive area of deception results on based the questions ago piece that made telling specific that Police examiner not listed When indicated the is subjects the phone of 1992 dropped until Chandlers Jewel and Foods and he was with his off him 730 went He the drove Lopez claims on say to left at 740 they then home proceeded Catriona girlfriend approximately 425 in time Catriona point at to him that that which to he Catriona time his house This He subject stated professional that in late occasions said that and he that he met them he magician June of asked this him if her did at had what his act entailed both he Heather performance at Van Patton year Holly was girlfriends having video of his performance over see know would called Woods him Lopez indicated to Holly so that that when on at Mr said Holly claims two that he or party her Staker is Lopez show do and he three one of did take girlfriends arrived at could Hollys 02792 Sgt Tessmann house she to cane out to Mc Holly off at her that on he the significant this subjects back way with he time asked 1992 her if invitation his house had no throughout which accepted girlfriends contact There were and at car Holly Donalds to only his to Donalds go drove the November Mr This subject she wanted then stated that he stated that this dropped was Holly emotional responses polygraph records indicative when of asked deception the following questions In August 1992 Staker Answer Did kill you August Do know you the is of opinion above listed denied Holly from the did He who caused Police Waukegan Prior or to inside you the he Englbrechts Dawn death of Staker Holly is the truth telling his of knowledge denied also state that on withholding the regarding August that Richard over This were examiner that the He indicated day after dark he was named No Holly to examination polygraph who caused the relevant any death the of investigation of information death of most of the Staker Holly He Answer of questions involvement any death No 102192 he the No Answer the Staker 1992 179 cause you No Holly Answer home did came subject at denied from home 17 1992 400 at was until the leaving the in evening that friend said and night beach later sleeping that ever he his watched they house on the television night August 17 of 19920 Mr went building named children in There were deception asked the the no on to Kathy say that that has past significant this throughout following there is babysat subject for denies girl Dawn that lives in his Engelbrechts knowing where emotional responses indicative subjects polygraph records Dawn of when questions 02793 Sgt It is to the The Tessmann the November August of Holly Did you ll the examiner of opinion above listed was subject did In Staker Holly also asked the August lbrec Do know you Staker emotional that nature truth or the When advised no test results of any of Holly Staker He did state He the he went last stopped truth inside Dawn No the death of Holly No occurred the during listed unable is of Dee not to spent on to time at on subjects questions render an to of were such of opinion walk the to his of the regarding 1992 in apartment the days he caused any relevant was staying with the park examination polygraph who the death of information of at friend spelled complex at polygraph investigation Gurnee phonetically through of couple clarify his withholding August he polygraph to knowledge denied apartments Jacaman leave his Prior or Police Village other than that caused admissions also that Continental did you were Answer results of or involvement Staker Holly from the Waukegan they 1992 above 102192 name the questiOns who the on examiner the statements denied the telling deception made he is No following Answer which responses examination polygraph he Answer questions On The death No Answer that the cause you 1992 the death the by said that entire subject day claims Mr Staker his cousin and was that Holly say that he had her was in July when he and his mother seen Hollys house to visit further indicated that he has 02794 Sgt Lou Tessmann never been This subject he lived with either the that by house he was asked subject that said out the when approximately that he was renting not been has 1992 were they lbrec Dawn Stout moved since Heather saying that Mr house or Holly continued in was Holly The November years ago when inside years following his during questions polygraph examination In August 1992 Staker Answer emotional you withholding any information circumstances of Hollys death that the the examiner which above is Holly who of Holly caused the death of No surrounding No Answer Staker Holly No responses on Answer Staker Are Doyou know The death you Answer examination the cause No Did the kill didyou occurred listed during questions unable to render results an the subjects of were polygraph nature such of truth or examination polygraph his polygraph test he opinion deception When no advised of statements the or of his admissions to clarify 102792 It should made results RIVERA was of two given polygraph to his pertaining questions Phase truthfulness The reason is because on the phase two about for of noted involvement that Phase in the consisted of questions designed his on the of two alibi phase statements night be examinatiqn August he polygraph has made 1992 regarding ware not his Rivera consisted death Holly examination on night Mr one of Holly sh to his assess Mr death Rivera whereabouts substantiated by other 02795 Sgt Lou Tessmann Mr Rivera November should It was also be noted lunch given that between break of he denied one phase 1992 and approximately 45 phase to minutes 60 to Prior of who Axamination polygraph the deathof Holly his caused any relevant of the death He did at the not at with few other blocks Rivera went he claims that He that he also and said and left the the before at time Mr Rivera the last the street to at on while the this was to at be two two This left three was to say heard was be or said subject to sweaty that 700 shortly sirens and going on 900 has not that and when At or Robert Robert He 600 left then returned Robert him returned left about the looked after all seen cocaine 530 and He said occasions pm down stated Robert Rivera pm him Michael subject of using hour half did because Mr approximately another 830 was different About for and Robert party or party name he walk on going This subject charge them of that walked with and Michael this in party to except Veronica he at said was that party individual time they see what the appeared the on gone appeared went time met Robert This he during introducing everyone an individual by the approximately minutes third investigation Craigs pm that during party was Rivera evening to see what party Street at about 930 that to was the the Shatrice say he at the people one short time any from introduced time timeand third 45 first returned second to that the to time person never stated had on hearrived 300 230 other Jackson has the regarding 1992 August that were the was said Hickory introduced was of night He Street Jackson was he Jackson that the individuals Hickory Mr on on away that the indicated to that approximately the party at leave Police Waukegan Holly sh state house from the information of or knowledge any involvement also denied withholding He Robert decided this to point returned walk down Mr Rivera 02796 Tessmann Lou stated white shoes for babysat stated and he times This was white wearing that stated colors he did sister his had that he just said lbs 58 180 fluorescent know on the following asa Robert tall with short shirt Pacific black 1992 Mike blue or Staker because Holly Holly few occasions He also he personallybut subject was asked examination Ocean either street on the Holly Mr Rivera went on to seen Engelbrecht working as and Dora described subject approximately Dawn know The with subject This took Robert male chubby hair Robert blond gym that November had few sh say that her seen during questions playing he did not few his polygraph 1992 did you August Staker Answer In cause Did you kill Are you withholding the circumstances Do you Holly On you at Staker sure Answer Hollys death who caused the No surrounding Answer death 17 1992 at about 500 August the Craigs house Answer lying when you you say you the Craigs house on August On August 17 face did of No of No Answer at Roberts death information any of for Staker Monday were Are know Holly the No Holly you Answer see were at 17 1992 scratch pm Yes party Answer on Yes 02797 Lou Sgt There Tessmann sh control Due to the render an is suggested of ex that therefore polygraph these issues this in 102992 involvement any He also denied Police He his He the that on the 530 pm he checked arrived and Maurice Mr at Mr at back sh to Jackson the denied Craigs or The death 17 he only the to following polygraph 1992 and did this laboratory investigate the from Waukegan Staker Holly at denied approximately with Motel at being house He also Juan Rivera the at subject said people for leave party said entire asked were questions occasion about that were present spelled indicated not one to that the 10 he rest minutes arrived of the and back then at the motel night the on that of August 17th night Juan Rivera is lying when This went night subject at on that party says he was of August 17 say that on the night speak of Lodge This only stayed He on house Rivera on to nf Travel motel phonetically the pm the Craigs the Renetta 830 about at said that Jackson walked the to further examination he polygraph the death of Holly Staker the August into that he only left alleges tO walk to the over 800 he of night unable It Michelle girlfriend when of is or his to relevant any examiner this to attempt caused investigation state or who the course irrelevant relevant return subject an Prior of knowledge withholding regarding did 500 or on any emotional responses of truth or deception on opiniOn for the 1992 the throughout responses examihation polygraph absence to emotional significant no were this Qf November 1992 he did not he see evening of the subject during his examination In August Holly Did 1992 Stak you kill did you Answer Holly cause the death of No Staker Answer No 02798 Sgt Lou November Tessmann On the to Rico Do you of night know who August 17 1992 caused the death did see you of or 1992 talk Staker Holly Answer the Throughout course of this that he engaged of truth indications were no Therefore opinion 102992 to office our the results Prior or to for of his knowledge On in or acts could deception 29 October of in Rivera an there rendered be Juan 1992 coo examination polygraph purposeful reexamination polygraph his subjects attempt returned to clarify test previous reexamination polygraph of who caused the death he again denied of Holly Staker involvement any He also denied relevant information from the Waukegan Police withholding any of Holly of the death Staker regarding the investigation Mr Rivera at again party at at the to Hickory to get This party the entire night this Street said when however when is of August 17 1992 he was that Michael Jackson was night He Michael all they to go to left walked over motel laid went subject Michael on him to and Rivera subject was the Craigs house Veronica he that on stated the There were sohe that when Shanita at Dawn approached indicated that hysterical say he to could backed ask her not Shatrice Yolanda Engelbrechts had happened This Dawn what understand Dawn throughout following questions you Answer On the talk to she off indicative emotional general responses this subjects when records polygraph Were because home present when Holly of deception asked the Staker was stabbed No night of Michael August Jackson 17 1992 did you see or Answer 02799 November Tessmann Lou Did lie you where It the is above he listed subjects the deceptive the of that that he back his house At is this when about to night of the outside home coma uptoher Dawn in asked When asked stated left 10 speed to be is polygraph of the of nature general to unable the isolate he and on him identify Rivera now states house on the he did 17th August individual did that fact in of August night and happened of night the that Dawn saw lbrec Dawn the as he August what had her that her that of morning informed at Rivera off get the police Dawn Engelbrechts to her home on the go claims asked he at not did now the 1992 17 was did approach 17th and 1992 Mr happened he did the on house to the at of night 17 August Mr party house Rivera to said to ride the hoping said Craigs to that see at house Mr Rivera Craigs house for two approximately 830 no that that it time did to three or 900 at took his Upon ling claims he unplugged by someone the becuase stated had pm 500 approximately Craigs but At the party to he but on was monitoring device his house He leave subject to more Rivera following his to or August Rivera her home house subjects one the approaching her had what the He of what the to examination polygraph about at being party at home Rivera Mr front her her and on truth his 17th Mr someone her based 17 examiner that say approached Mr August the of being on point acknowledged and 1992 of due story night went he of up the morning of August outside Engelbrecht this the However results on lied He the on examiner telling make hosue Craigs said did did you night deception the he what about police the on reactions of area advised stated the not is questions specific When of opinion the No Answer records to were you 1992 or he that hours pm he this time he therefore him about arrival on waited inhopes was rode there it going knock he and heard from the in of looking 10 bike going was waited house door or front of seeing down on was able minutes he the blue his was outside This enter the someone Franklin Street 02800 the Sgt Tessmann Lou and saw flashing Store Food happened any on going home he He said so he watched and car sh claims the was off reflecting subject of porch what see lights The sh se front the to November that house When he went for across to 15 windows in and minutes and Rivera stated down against Franklin of front Dawn her what and did not stood then Q9S of bike asked and street his walked and hysterical the 20 the leaned arrived her approached that Dawn was of he 1992 had make to next to proceeded walk further Upon in front he claims that and house at off After reflection of broke indicated subject speakers house which the Store and explained time he he home he then at he home two not park said around and house Qs the dropped to the back Craigs saw of her front in Mr Street Franklin and in speakers win Qs arrived approached was walking stole walked the lights in walk down he He while and walked he that three hours walked to the from car that to proceeded that when lbrec or and joints into time flashing again of period arrivingback of two for marijuana joints one neighborhood This that in two purchased that he smoked the sh questioning the of of asked the Food Rivera Dawn her what happened When Mr Rivera else anyone his response was that was was why he approached above the of Officer Rich Davis and presence Crime Task Force Lake County Major These polygraph statements examinations Joseph polygraph exathiners Dawn around in front standing knew Holly was babysitting The the listed asked Buckley at John and and not of her house for were repeated in Officer Jim Held of admissions were and conducted by Arthur Newey Reid Michael Associates Respectfully Michael submitted Masokas 02801 MFMmj er REPORT Or oQ Eh Telephone Telephone AGENCY TELEPHONE OTHER 03895 efl Work Work M2k SUPPLEMENTAL Aho REFERRED NUMBER rr Car REPORT atsr er Cfrcc DISPOSITION TO CASE UAc Tehaphone Telephone COURT IONS fl JUVENILE an GANG Other TO tW ot qr 14 7ee th dV eh nr TO War WCE co ADJUSTMENT JUVENILE OVER aaE aO THIS aa OFFENSE TURNED Name OF Attending Neme IONh OF rvE WAUKEGAN STATUS School th JUVENILE OUT TYPE Fether ivQeh Qc REPORT Se AGENCY 03696 TelephoneADJUSTMENT lep OThER oh aQs Work Work 44 SUPPLEMEI REFERRED NUMBER rW iQ if fla REPORT DISPOSITION TO 9S ACH CASE 74ct Telephone Telephone COURT bch JUVENILE AFFILIATIONSSchoolAttending es oG fQl Other TO srwe flo ADDRESSTELEPHONE REFERRED re pE Aim oz it QFS Ad 69 OD if fl Mr WT TQ QfQl oa iCE HT trc JUVENILE OVER THIS OFFENSE TURNED Name OF Name WAUKEGAN JUVENILE Ann NAME DOS Fathers Narrative STATUS TYPE Mother REPORT Car fl Telephone Telephone AGENCY 03897 TELEPHONE OTHER Work SUPPLEMENTAL Work REFERRED NUMBER cO REPORT nc tM TO ION TF CASE COURT lep lep AFFILIATIONS fl ew JUVENILE Ec do PANG TO RED FER RE Ih SA Ot 2e re HAIR rQ WT TO HI OFFENSESTATUS ADJUSTMENTJUVENILETURNED JUVENILE OVER Name OF AttendingADDRESS Name 7ONh OF School at Narrative Cflwnc sh NAME TYPE TelephoneREFERRED Telephone AGENCY 03898 TELEPHONE OTHER rs Work Work REFERRED OQE REPORT DISPOSITION sa CASE Telephone COURT Oh FF JUVENILE tCAo4nc GANG TO Ih tr WIth HE 1Q TO POL 1h OVER qgAv OFFENSE TURNED Name Atteu Oo 4S INGEE Sh lh JUVENILE OF Name eYsh erQa LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE thvesgatye 55 No Case Subject of Officer Date 081892 Case Deatit Report Evidence Typed Inves Technician By No Lead 091192 tigation Officers Reporting and Thomas REED reference to attending Foster Bert Evidence Technicians to the Lake responded of the victim autopsy The Advanced 1671 1993 the Bert County FOSTER Morgue in Dr Nancy the officers stood by until Also present on autopsy 445PM BLAZINCIC and Deputy Coroners Kevin SMITH at the autopsy were Investigator the Evidence Technician Reed and John photographed Jim WIPPER autopsy assisted by the Reporting arrival Upon JONES 440PM Pathologist on began 0818929 the the victim to numerous stab Officer observed The Reporting Officer observed what wounds The wounds and incision Reporting puncture chest stab wounds on the long to be four large appeared The incision slash wounds on the victims left side of the neck The the victims neck also observed Officer bruising on to be stab wound on the left observed what appeared aporting Officer Officer noted that many The area Reporttng side of the victiths genital to be defense wounds the wounds appeared sh two the officers were of the on At the conclusion autopsy 715PM wounds The died from stab that the victim multiple Dr advised by Jones the victim sustained the officers also learned following from Dr Jones bruises on the neck the victim sustained 27 stab wounds approximately to where he attempted the left hand of the offender to be from appearing hemorrhaging was found in the throttle strangle or hold the victim down assaulted that the victim was sexually right strap muscle of the neck mucosal the the found inside vagina bruising was anally and muscle in the and sphincter surface of the vagina was abraded hemorrhaging in the anus due to the fact Officer that Jones advised the Reporting alive at the the victim still indicates that was found hemorrhaging was She advised that stab wounds were found time these wounds were sustaineth entered the fatal stab wound that the heart on the following organs sack surrounds the heart and went all the way through paracardial the heart left lung stomach liver and thymus The four chest wouflds Dr measured were The two neck by the wounds doctor as being were measured to 78 be and 12 Officer observed numerous amounts The Reporting evidence collected for victim which were of unknown fibers 05494 Page of by and Approved on the LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Report 92 No Case of Subject Date ly Case Death Reporting JVR Investigation Officer Evidence Technician Bert Date By Lead Foster No 091192 of received numerous items evidence including The officers at this time various swabs blood fingerprint cards the hair samples nail clippings shirt and the sheet which was used to transport the victim from the sceneto the morgue by the deputy coroner QtSs After 715PM all evidence These items sent to the End of work and at the conclusion completed from the morgue officers cleared was the on and of evidence were later tagged placed Illinois Police Crime Laboratory Northern into for of the evidence analysis Report 05495 Page Approved autopsy to be tAKE Subject of JY MAJOR CRIME COIL eh In SQ at On autopsy FOSTER Report Case Death Thomas FORCE REED an of Holly Pathologist and John HANLINE and photographed Technioian Foster Technician Evidence reporting officer to attending the in reference Lake County Morgue Technician Bert Also were Evidence attending Jim WIPPER SMITH JONES Deputy Coroners Kevin officer Michael Reporting while Evidence the evidence autopsy during oolle ljh the log officer be E7h observed examination victim laying on her back on the offioer Reporting officer with blood covered Reporting table and was observed wounds to the stomach stab chest to observed what appeared Jones the this time performed and neck arms legs incise wounds to the stab and Jones Two slash wounds These wounds were all located oahe front of the body side victims neck One was approximately on the left were observed There was in the other was length 4C in length and The had four of the neck chest the side upper bruising right The to and from stab wounds measuring stowach thymus liver organ were observed to have stab wounds paracardial sac left lung and the heart in which the wound went all the stab wound through the defeflsive the arta The right hand way through web of the vagina oWe 18 34 58 ited Dr Jones stSted that the victim had been sexually to The victim had signs of penetration still Dr Jones observed bruising to the inside of the of the Hemorraging cell surface vagina was abraded muscle in the anus was also observed while she was vagina and anus and the mucuous of the sphinchter tie kah Dr this Jones concluded reporting officer at examination the victim Dr 715PM died of multiple Jones advised stab wounds All Coroner received evidence from Deputy officer Reporting evidence The and as following evidence into custody tagged was taken examination control pending by the into property evidence was placed Northern Illinois Poli Crime Laboratory it 6h One the TR7 One sealed the Page sh plastic bag containing left hand plastic bag right victims containing hand of hair and nails from hair and nails from Approved 05525 LCMCTFIR LAKE COUNTY BQ MAJOR TASK FORCE Report Case 55 No Subject of Reporting JReporting J081892 Death Evidence 45OPMf Case Officer Technician Date Typed Investigation 22 23 24 25 26 E3 3Q No Lead IISML cral swabs mh One brown paper sealed brown paper bag containing left band the bag used to protect during transport One brown paper sealed brown paper bag containing the victims right hand bag used to protect during transport One sealed brown used to wrap One sealed brown paper stained shirt One sealed plastic which contains One three containing sealed manilla envelope Staker Holly fingerprint cards of the victim 10 print card and palm card these cards are which has the palm print from the left and right hand One ti film of the roll of white paper bag containing the victim during transport bag bag containing blood from the autopsy were vs the containing vsh placed plastic into sheet bottle heart property Kodak Gold Plus 400 print film 12 Kodak Gold Plus 400 print film 12 Kodak Gold Plus 100 print film 12 Kodak Gold Plus 400 print film 12 exposure 27 TR 29 One roll of exposure One roll of exposure One roll of exposure 05527 Page the sealed victim plastic bag containing One rolls of The following control fQr development 5h Reed Approved LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Report Case 92 No Subject of Officer Ev idence Technician Typed Date Reed Lead No Investigation copy of Dr taken by this of Reporting 450PM Case Death End Date autopsy report is forthcoming officer at this time repovtinq No further Report iaI 05528 Approved By action was LAKE COUNtY Case 92 No of Subject Reporting MAJO Date 081792 Case Death rting JMR Investigation Officer Evidence Typed By tASK FORCE Technician Bert 10 Date Bert Evidence Technician Officer Advanced T671 of the Lake County Major Crimes Task Force responded to death investigation reference Police Department Lead Foster No The to the Waukegan Officer met with Assistant the arrival 1100PM on 081792 Reporting the advised the Charles FAGAN who Reporting Officer Commander Sergeant 11 Officer learned that an year old details of the incident Reporting for friend at while stabbed to death babysitting white female had been identified as The victim was Holly 442 Hickory who IL TX FW DOS 011381 of 611 North and female Taylor ARENA 120189 was watching year old white 1110869 who are children of white male Blake ARENA year old TX St Hickory bQ DOS 0514659 all of Dawn in Waukegan was at workat Cheers Tavern Dawn Engelbrecht that the two Officer learned The Reporting time at the Blake been and that had incident were not injured during the Officer The Reporting of the residence duringthe locked ofl floor childrenas bedroom victim that the was lying on the Upbn 8773h 5313Qth aE rQ bedroom in fetal position Evidence Advanced information was gathered After all SCOTTBERG and REED YAGECIC Officer Reporting Street to process the crime went to 442 Hickory Technicians JONES met and the Reporting the crime scene 1201AM on arrival at Upon the location and Police Officers on Officer observed numerous Waukegan uniformed Police two Waukegan off and secured with residence was taped the Prior to entering rear door Officers at the front door and two at and video the residence taped Jones entered Evidence Technician After video taping Technician assisted the by Evidence the and to scene the residence began process five Technicians entered all and Technician Officer Yagecic the Prior to any processing Reporting this time the scene was evidence At all the scene including photographed of evidence and the collection including dusting for latents processed the second to be the Officer observed residenceapartment of the stairwell the bottom and rear door at front Of the front and rear door to the apartment door and the forced to top entry Officer only observed four doors Reporting to the observed Officer damage The Reporting rear door to thekitchen the door to have damage latch area and observed jamb at the door knob door hole in the with consistent someone kicking The Reporting floor with typeh 05486 Page Approved LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE linvestigative eh 92 No of Subject 17 Reporting Date Case Death Report Reporting Officer Evidence Typed Technician Foster No Date By 091092 JFkR Investigation ert shows that the and evidence located below the door knob This damage was Evidence also shows that the the outside in from door was damaged door was forced unlocked the lock in the position when open deadbolt was di to the fact that there was no damage to the deadbolt catch on the door jam tEh obser four what appeat to be the front stairwell Reporting the at each blood below the hand step top railing in the room Officer observed shoe living by the residence Reporting table chairs of the room the room was one dining room dining dining In the table and the south wall walk was between turned over Coleco childrens of the room was plastic the southwest corner dining reddish bench were drops of table On the away from the wall picnic of drops Inside the same kitchen type substance believed to be as if table On the sink it floor and kitchen appeared on the were located substance with the same reddish on sink to wash used the something someone sink and wall above found on the was it Spatter of the reddish substance kitchen the rear found inside the by were the sink WoOd chipsshavings of the solid kicked in was not part where the door was The area outside of the rear door On the the veneer the part of the door shoe Officer located two kitchen the Reporting upstairs located near the door In ide northwest bedroom chi1dren bedroom the Reporting the entering blood on the floor of door partially open with pool Officer observed the 45 degree angle from the southeast at the doorway Lytng on the floor at Officer behind the door side Reporting of the room hinge corner victims head was in the corner of The the victim observed Holly knees were bent The victims the door and she was lying on her left side hands her 90 and arms were bent upwards so her at approximately degrees shirt which was pulled She was up were only wearing by her face up covered in blood soaked above her breast area and was The victim was The Reporting on her body blood and appeared to have numerous stab wounds and stab wounds her chest one on her right observed several on Officer the difficult to examine was Due to the large amount of blood thigh As the bedroom was processed victim for injuries and possible evidence tOok place place being on the bed it was observed that struggle and were located Blood the north wall impressions spatter against where the victim above the bed and against the south wall on the north wall of the bedroom floor at the west wall Reporting On the was found were turned observed pants which Officer pair of black stretchstirrup in One of the stirrups shoe tangled white inside out and had found in the room match to the one living This shoe was the Qh tennis Page Approved 05487 LAKE COUNTY MLJOR CRIME TASK FORCE oQr No Case Reporting Date eporting Officer Evidence of Subject Case Death Typed This Reporting for the crime of collection contamination By JMR Investigation Technician Date 1O9 Bert Lead Foster No Technician Jones with measures of the scene Officer assisted and then assisted with the and processing scene diagram certain evidence to avoid After securing the the Coroner John HANLON entered scene to remove Coroner Hanlon with the removal of Officer assisted Deputy Reporting to the Lake the victim was transported the victim and then stood by until until the with the victim remained County Morgue work was After all evidence completed arrival at the morgue and cleared from the scene the then technicians secured apartment The lYagecich The with who or End took custody of the keys blue key ring Officer apartment Reporting CARRY Police Officer four keys and then spoke with Waukegan the be at Officer that he would standing by advised the Reporting arrive and board await the board to and would up the up service collected as this door was rear door to apartment this 62 further of information see Waukegan Police Department report Report 05488 Page of Approved By 92 NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE 1Q1Q11 SUBJECT CRIME II Homicide Investigation LABORATORY CASE NO AGENCY CASE NUMBER SUBMITTING OFFICER Kerpan SUBMISSION DATE 081992 92 AGENCY LABORATORY August CASE County Major Crime Task Utica Street IL 6b085 Waukegan Director ATTENTION Gary Del 99 NAMES Staker Lake 26 Holly Fore 25 ITEM 08 EXHIBIT 01 One sealed paper bag with One sealed paper bag with ons paper bag identified victims left hand during Re B0B as TESTS AND CONCLUSIONS revealed Serological analysis Hair was removed Various debris retained be required from 09 EXHIBIT 01 and sealed paper bag One sealed paper bag beige was removed debris Various being retained be required Black 22 EXHIBIT 01 wrap blood of human presence the item sample should future colored fibers eB B0B as paper TESTS AND CONCLUSIONS revealed Serological analysis ITEM to were is removed with one paper bag identified victims right hand dUring from used the One Hair bag item the were removed from at the laboratory white green item Black ITEM from the paper from the the and presence used to wrap of human blood item were removed from at the laboratory white green item bag beige the item sample is should future analysis colored fibers were removed cotton B0 the with One sealed paper bag one cotton swab identified as 04122 LABORATORY CASE NO AGENCY Lake county Major ANALYST Tamara Camp PAGE NO Crime Task Force TESTS AND CONCLUSIONS Swab was submitted as negative not retained at the laboratory ITEM 23 EXHIBIT 01 control sealed paper bag one cotton swab identified One 24 EXHIBIT 01 sealed paper one cotton water with swab swab bag as cotton control identified as of area outside to cotton of indicate were removed from at the laboratory EXHIBIT sealed paper one cotton water with swab One 25 01 swab bag black ITEM EXHIBIT 01 colored identified of one glassine envelope liquid substance TESTS AND Serological ITEM 29 EXHIBIT 01 to fiber was envelope removed with from wdistilled presence control of however swab it was the wdistilled presence of blood the item sample is should future analysis ftont the one stained thread sink in kitchen revealed the presence of identified ina with sealed one with orce glassine packet liquid sample from pool Red was the item sample is should future analysis indicate One envelope it with OI analysis swab the cotton were removed from at the laboratory sealed red as Q0S One however with TESTS AND CONCLUSIONS Chemical failed analysis Various debris being retained be required wdistilled the Swab was submitted as background at the laboratory not retained ITEM swab with TESTS AND CONCLUSIONS Chemical failed analysis Various debris being retained be required was with One TESTS AND CONCLUSIONS Swab was submitted as negative retained at the laboratory ITEM it however stained thread where body was identified located 04123 as as NO 92 LABORATORY CASE AGENCY Lake County Maj or ANALYST Tamara Camp PAGE NO Crime Task Force TESTS AND CONCLUSIONS revealed Serological analysis ITEM 30 EXHIBIT 01 sealed one with one glassine packet liquid sample from pool stained thread identified as where body was located in 2nd TESTS AND CONCLUSIONS revealed Serological analysis ITEM One 47 EXHIBIT 01 sealed 50 EXHIBIT one glassine envelope identified as One sealed paper bag One plastic bag with One plastic bag with PVC 01 the blood of human presence envelope with one lightly stained thread on floor next to body in 2nd bedroom TESTS AND CONCLUSIONS analysis revealed Serological ITEM blood of human presence with One envelope the from the of presence blood human with the kitchen TESTS AND CONCLUSIONS revealed the presence of human blood Serological analysis inside the second plastic bag however no further analysis due to insufficient can be conducted sample failed and chemical Serological analysis of human blood inside the sink presence Hair was removed Brown beige were removed Various beih from black from debris retained the the to reveal the trap item white item red from were removed at the laboratory and colored pink the should fibers sample is future analysis required Blood group comparison analysis will be the subject of subsequent report Therefore it will be necessary to submit whole blood standard from any further suspects and any other involved parties hair comparison Should be required it will to submit head hair standard consisting of be at necessary least 25 04124 be LABORATORY NO Lake AGENCY County ANALYST Tamara 92 Major Crime Task Force NO PULLED hairs and pubic hair standard least 15 PULLED hairs from any further other involved parties co consisting suspects be required it will Should fiber to submit known fiber standards any suspected andor any fabric samples Please ick up ive ove al ince propri ate exhibits be of and at any necessary clothing at your Tmara SB 04125 MAJOR CRIME TASK rORCE LAKE COUNTY Report 92 No Case 24 Date Officer Reporting Evidence Case of Subject Reporting Typed Bert Technician Date By Lead 11 JMR Foster No 92 Technician Bert Jr Evidence FOSTER Advanced Northern Illinois Police Crime information from the entrance door the the rear upstairs on the test resuJts on information was obtained in the kitchen were in This west side of the afternoon of 082492 from the Crime Lab via telephone early The Officer Reporting learned that Laboratory the Crjme Lab reconstructed the broken learned that The Reporting Officer the kitchen which were recovered on floor back door by putting the pieces three round circle on These test results revealed impressions into place in were placed the outside of the door diameter approximately used The in which downward thrust motions were Reporting on the door Officer it the that transfer learned Blue round and was object and blue fibers were lE paint With this was presently had located possibly also on sharp the on ITQh Dawn the Repqrting Officer met with Crimes interviewed at the Lake County Major being edge door who Force Task Headquarters iEti and asked her if she had any Engelbrecht broom inside the blue handle or mop blue object possibley type of that the Officer on the Reporting residence or porch Engelbrechtadvised she didnt remember if she blue handle brought she did have mop however The it this to Officer spoke front residence with the old residence the have this mop out on asked her if she would kept The Reporting Officer it on that she would advised the Officer keep back and she Reporting porch the just outside of the rear stairway on the rear porch the top landing kitchen 082492 the Reporting approximately 325PM to 442 Hickory REED 1993 went Evidence Technician Thomas been used to tooliteni that may have possible for the officers were With this flew information looking At ok that would have Upon arrival and Reporting enough 330PM entrance door the downstairs mop had to on 082492 Hickory the apartment light Officer 442 striking blue did power to break hole and Advanced St ea to the door blue something door the wood in unlocked the rear Officer Reporting at the rear door to the first landing handle blue wood Reporting Officer observed further the dust examination Upon plastic not observe the On anything of evidential value on lhe two tems Page of Approved 00034 LCMCTFIR LAKE COUNTY ML4JOR CRIME TASK FORCE investigative No Case Reporting Report Date jde 082492 of Subject Case Death Qfficer Reporting Typed Technician 91 Date By JNR Investigation Fo Bert Lead No Officer got to the top landing just outside the rear When the Reporting blue metal handle Officer observed apartment door the Reportimg upstairs the southwest corner of the top The against landing resting mop was mop side of wall half wall at the top of the steps on the south by the railing the landing the Officer observed the metal handle further examination Reporting end of the mop and observed the from the top approximately two feet was be to the blue plastic of the mop to damaged jhe damage cap top end is attached the end of the metal handle which was approximately that over in that it appeared that The damaged way 1Q1 in diameter cap was forced the cap as if the tube handle underneath the cap was through shape to the cap the end of the tubular handle force was causing shaped applied Upon bent The center of the cap was found down inside the cap lodged through found down around the outside of the cap was and the outer handle part the tubular The Reporting Officer also observed metal of the handle in two end of the handle to be bent places shaped cut to the The The Reporting landing the mop to wa itwas time taken Officer blue wood at officers were evidence be tan this in secured back to the two the Task observed the mop which was handle Quickie sponge color and made up of the and mops Force lng dust for pan Headquarters found the on mop The strands of first sponge floor of part spongechamois the second floor Offfcer observed the mop which was found on handle The to be blue metal sponge sponge The this mop was blue in color and was one solid piece of sponge INC 3005 IL 60612 make of this mop was NB Carroll Aye with The have total 18005498105 length of mop was measured to The Reporting landing part of the handle The officers sponge mop Laboratory Upon Crime Uag being at with for this the transported the bluemetal handle to the Northern handled Illinois Police Crime examination arrival at the Lab personnel met time damaged Crime Lab While this item Item was still at the Crime and OSTERTAG Investigator Lab turned the Reporting PRATT who turned over to Officer with over Investigator of Catriona These transparency tenprint card GIBBS FW DOB 050867 the Officer that they obtained the Reporting print investigators advised file card from the Lake Sheriffs were on Department which Page of Approved 00035 By IR LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Investigative Case No Death The The the Officer card over Officer Reporting Gibbs fingerprints unidentified latents Crime The Reporting BLF blue metal handle 36h 37h 36h Item Item further End of Page evidence at Item as Crime the the located on latents the crime scene light blue and action the tagged blue wood 37h taken items following handle transparency Item technicians advised with any found at Officer Item No Crime Lead No Lab or mop officers 35h and to compare other any then cleared Lab the Item this item for Lab personnel marked to Date 091192 JMR rnvestigation Foster Bert Technicjan By Typed Reporting turned Officer rting Evidence Case of Repo 082492 9255313 Subject Date Reporting Report sponge pri plastic handle were at this evidence for card dust time Catriona the damaged Gibb sponge into by the evidence Reporting to be sent Officer Report of with pan Quickie placed of mop Approved to Property LAKE COUNtY SHERIFFS CONTROL FORM PROPERTY 313 DATEREC SUSPECT Holly RECOVERED 442 OWNER Hickory KNOWN dt NAME PROM SI AT Waukega ADDRESS CODE Dawn ITEMS 442 OUANTITY handled li blue sponge with mop damaged handle CATRIONA wlf 050867 dob and dustpan plastic OF PROPERTY Qofh of set transparency Street Hickory DESCRIPTION blue 36 TIME BY pm LOCATED NAME NOD FOUND VICTIM sponge re the to seit Lab Crime 9t RED CHEMISTRY ION TOOLMARKS SECTION RED TAG MICROANALYSIS DOCVMENTS SECTION FIREARMS LATENT SECTION SEC TION BY THE BUREAU OF TO BE CNECK GREEN TAG OTHER SECTION FINGERPRIN HOLD APPLICABLE BDXES ABOVE FOR PROPERTY OR DE DATE YELLOW TAG PROPERTY OR YELLOW Gh ER OWNER PRO APPLICABLE IF NO SNIPT fQl TO NERh COMMANDER PROPERTY NOTIFIED IT BE WILL BE DISPOSED IS PROPERTY IS NOT OP OF BY CUSTODIAN EVIDENCE AND NO iGATION ADDITIONAL RECEIVED 00218 BY OFFICE USE NOTIFIED IV1E uuu Investigative Case Reporting Dale Report Reporting O82492 3Qncic Date By Typed No Lead 082792 IC Investigation Death Officer corporal Case of Subject FORCE Ti 150 to speak investigator did have an occasion reporting questioned investigator which time at reporting to Dawn ENGELBRECHT would be someone why explain Engelbrecht as to whether or not she could Lewis Ave in located on World Womens Workout her from the calling as could not explanation stated she any Ms knows no how she from that business would call her to why anyone be would World and has no idea why anyone Workout one who goes to Womens On 082492 at icg her calling gJ lbrec residence investigator was drawn several son advised more at her residence had occurred incident that the pictures the Holly incident with babysitter the specifically involving Ms Engelbrecht if anyone was aware of investigator asked Thisreporting Blake at which time Ms drawn son the that were by her pictures of she only had and that couple not sure that she was Engelbrecht stated that the remaining pictures son and drawn that were by the pictures In in WoodstpckIL mother out with Me Engelbrechts still were she were drawn what of to pictures type questioning that the other manand of oneeyed drawn stated that Blake was pictures In interview Ms Engelbrecht that reporting had to continuing Ms pictures were of At this time Ms drawn by Blake he home also and Engelbrecht rece Blake her picture produced several of an pages indiitidual of knife and which pictures were gEQ drawn investigator Blake reportin at the pictures advised her to back to Ms Engelbrechtaad hand these drawings proceeded Ms then questioned Ths reporting investigator onto the drawings hang Blake what her were regarding as to feelings Engelbrecht had previously interviewed which same by the After in to daughter Taylor that this would be the pyschiatrist her ul at sth which at Ms time This the ves stat Erigelbrecht reporting drawings that Blake had that she stated felt that made as to how much reporting investigator then questioned Ms Engelbrecht which time at STARER would confide arid the twins Heather to her about twins would Ms Engelbrecht stated or asked as to whether investigator then certain things This reporting her had told boyfriends of the twins ever not either one of the twins could remember was Engelbrecht stated the only thing she incident that arid particular about the magic speaking This Qt cme aQiQi Page Approved Ms By IR 01660 IA At UKUYILTi Report No Case Da te Reporting 082492 Subject of 30 Case Officer Reporting Date By SML Typed Investigation Death went as on state to Joe on who of particular at 442 Hickory he did her residence who had evidentally told Mr Schuett so called magic that on thp she at resides to date No Lead 08279 070292 lbrec SCHUETT identified Jose Ms lbrec continued 070292 Ms her Blazincic Corporal Michael to state while hate an in pQn of San reportinginvestigator Schuett bit quite staying address in unknown this with friend had an 150 was to staying speak at Holly to the about lbrec as to possible then questioned Ms stated she Ms with which Engelbrecht Schuett for Mr phone to and would her residence attempt had his believed she phone humber at San for in JoseCA that he worked believed company find it hpwever she name of Interlocken company identified at that time as lu investigator Reporting ah Polaroid Ms Engelbrecht proceeded to show Reporting investigator then to Ms this showing photograph Upon of blue handled type photograph with which investigator this was her reporting she stated mop Engdlbrecht Ms Engelbrecht stated to kept mop was guestioned her as to where by was landing this mop kept on the back this reporting handled the blue mop more to her specifically the rea entrance apartment was kept brand name identified by Ms Engelbrecht as hav1 west the which faced on and the of the coolers between the area Ms Engelbrecht went on to say she had not used north side of the wall the sth that for approximately the last month this particul shop in sh bee she the AQ ih in floors her due by aPartment hand Ms Engelbrecht as to the then questioned reporting inwestigator friends her being else in apartment any other being possibility of anyone stated to to which Ms of hers or possibly anytype of workman incident this week priorto particular this officer that Plumbing had plumbing compa the landlord of the to into the apartment problem with some of the plumbing located come of state that continuedto employees in her apartment itself and the second unknown Steve JANUS one identified as Peterson Plumbing This came oEi to residenc her had removed After looking to leave the aftd photograph Page in had the dr ldre expos where they some water pipes located jnthe closet area panel pipes the workmen then proceeded at these particular water since them back residence and Ms Engelbrecht has not seen that noted should be Engelbreoht about the blue It ter ort herh mop as then investigator had which to whether been or questioned shown not to her the handle of Approved 01661 By in on the the Ms Polaroid mop had UUU LAItL MAJOR flUME Investigative 55 No Case of Subject been name Case bent with on Reporting Typed Investigation this Date the Officer corporal Death handle to Reporting Report which mot reporting of she Michael Date by not Lead 082792 stated to been bent this and reporting that No 150 investigator that She it was the blue mop with that investigator was purchased approximately four had Blazincic the to the stated possible brand months ago five of on the end of the plastic type her regarding any also questioned investigator with which she stated obscene calls or phone far any prank as as receiving have an unlistedunpublished she does to this reporting investigator that on two weeks and that prior to this incident number approximately both she had received on days and Wednesday Tuesday days two particular into the in the late morning and went calls which started She stated that there was some occu approximately 20 early evening where everytime she answered the her would Engelbrecht then just hang investigator that there was no further the persons calling phone to this reporting stated she could and the supply ipnh interview End was of sml Page Approved By IR 01662 LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Report if No Case Date Reporting Reporting 082592 Evidence Case of Subject Death Officer Bert Date By Typed Investi Technician Lead Foster No 091292 JMR Technician Bert Officer Advanced Evidence Evidence Technician Thomas REED T993 Advanced in reference to Hickory Waukegan photographing the rear the RollOMatic BLF34 was recovered sponge mop FOSTER The and went Jr 442 stairway where to the Reporting Officer photographed the arrival 100PM on Upon which found and then collected white towel was lying across rear stairway The Officer observed burn marks on the sponge area of the mop Reporting of evidential value was thetowel and examination nothing further upon located After The evidence Reporting 41h 42h Item Item Q4 items Both End of work was Officer the tagged white roll of the completed the following towel with the Kodak Gold Plus into were placed and the Lake County evidence Sheriffs to cleared officers items burn 35mm evidence for marks film be to sent Police Photo 4Q on it prop Lab Item 42 control item Reort Page Approved 00040 LCMCTFIR LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Report Case 55 03 No Subject of Death Reporting Case Date Reporting Cpl Typed Officer Michael Lea 100592 BLF Investigation Blazincic Date By the date of 092992 at approximately 525PM reporting of the Lake County Jail investigator was notified by identified by Sgt that art inmate currently housed in facility as Eddie MARTIN wished to speak to an investigator from the Lake County Major Crime Task Force in reference to the Holly Staker On homicide Eddie Martin to the Lake County Inmate brin Division interview room Criminal Investigations Upon Sheriffs Department Mr reporting investigator that he did have some and was willing to speak to this investiqator information which that information Martin gave the following information is not after he had been Eddie Martin stated that approximately two brought into the Lake County Jail by members of the task force and to speak with while in the overflow cell he did occasion first identified as havjng name of Johnny Martin only Eddie Martin continued to state that the subject was also known by the Puerto Rican and that he was also street name of Ricco that he was member of the Gangster Disciples Street Gang MH Eddie Martin continued to state to this investigator that this between himself and the subject previously identified conversation occurred sonetime Wednesday Johnny AKA Ricco as Mr sked him how he had gotten Martin adviSed the subject Johnny had time Eddie Martin advised Johhny that members of picked up at then asked Eddie Martin if the task force had picked him up him about the murder of the members of the task force the little girl at which time Eddie stated that he had advised Johnny that the task force members had talked to him about the Mr went on to State that Johnny said that on the night of this incident particular being the murder that he had been at the Craig residence on County St partying he and several other subjects were there smoking marijuana tha Mr stated that there was another individual there who had Craig residence several times throughout the course of the evenin and thts subject started leaving the Craig residence at approximately 530PM leftS the Page of Approved By 02312 LCMCTFIR LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Report O3 92 Case No Subject of Death Reporting Case Date Reporting Michael cp1 Typed 2ation Officer BIaEin cic Le lO Date By BLF Johnny went on to state to Eddie Martin that the first time that this individual left the Craig residence was for approximately ten minutes and upon returning was pacing back and forth subject 15 minutes at left second time and was gone for approximately 12 which time he returned back to the Craig residence and was again cpntinued to state that the subject pacing back and forth then left third time and was gone for approximately 15 minutes Johnny told Eddie Martin that the last time the subject left he was gone for approximately fifty minutes and when he returned to the cold sweat and was all sweaty as if he was Craig residence the subject had scratches and blood on him Johnny went on to state that the subjects at the Craig residence questioned this individual as to what had happened to him and this individual claimed that he had fallen Eddie Martin then questioned Johnny as totthis individual Martin stated with which give this subject left the area and has been gone ever since so Q0 B0h wasby name doesn up He has then stated that the subject Johnny said did you know the at which Mn Martth stated that he did not know the then advised him that he knew Holly and said you girls know the twins you knew Uolly to which Eddie Martin stated back to Johnny that he did not know the two girls nor had he ever seen them Mn Martin two you Eddie Martin then stated that the subject Johnny informed him that he did in fact know the twin sisters and that also he knew the fact that the twin girls had babysat for the Mexican lady who worked at Cheers then told him that Mr went on to state that the subject the subject that had come back to the Craig residence after being gone for 50 minutes that was all sweaty and had scratches and blood on to cruise and him then smoked another joint and stated that left the Craig residence ha Johnny continued to state that either shortly before the subject of stated that he had to cruise and or shortly thereafter the people at the Craig residence heard the sirens from the squad cars went on to state to Eddie Martin coming into the neighborhood that after hearing these sirens almost all of the subjects had left the Craig residence and proceeded to the area where they thought the squad cars had gor Page of Approved By 02313 LCMCTFIR 72 LAKE tQ4 POLICE COUNTY CONTROL FORM PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ITEM OF PROPERTY QE CHEMISTRY SECTION TOOLMARKS LI SECTION MICROANALYSIS SECTION FIREARMS DOCUMENTS SECTION LATENT TO SE PROCESSED RED TAG ABOVE FOR INVESTIGATION PROPERTY SECTION SUREAU OF BY THE APPLICABLE COXES GREEN OTHER SECTION FINGERPRINT OR EVIDENCE DATE LI YELLOW TAG LI YELLOW TAG OWNER PROPERTY OR PROPERTY LAFPLICABLE IF NO KNOWN NOTIFIED IT BE OWNER BE DISPOSED WILL DISPOSED PROPERTY TO PICK4JP IS PROPERTY OF OF BY CUSTODIAN NOT EVIDENCE ANO NO AODITIONAL INVESTIGATION UbtI 00220 NOTIFIED LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Report 92 No Case of Subject Reporting Date 082592 Case Death Evidence Typed Technician Bert te By Lead Od No O9ll Investigation iceh Technician Officer Evidence Advanced Reporting the Police Department contacted Waukegan VHS video cassette still from photograph The Bert F0STER to Jr making uke the Police Department the video cassette tape bringing cassette The is made front the video photograph still was tape photograph with the handle blue metal handle of the mop damaged sponge The mop was the location where it was and Item of the of the rear recovered from the southwest corner top landing at 442 Hickorj upstairs stairway After BLF SJ which The video Item cassette The was photograph tagged to Property Control still sent to of tape in the Item still photographed and was was placed Report 05509 Page iU Approved taken tnto from was evidence I S S S I 1 S LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Report Investigative 55 No Case Death The 081892 arrival Upon Foster No Lead 091092 JMR Bert Technician FOSTER Advanced Evidence Charles and Investigator Assistant Commander Sergeant St in BLAZINCIC in the rear of 454 Hickory Officer T671 met with Michael Corporal Bert Date By Typed to Technician Evidence Investigation Reporting reference Officer Reporting Case of Subject Reporting GQ recovered some OQO on 0818929 the Officer Reporting and Evidence and REED advised Fagan Technician Thomas were Investigator by Commander side of the garage in the rear Blazincic that the evidence was on the south the Blazincic advised of 454 Street Investigator Reporting Hickory for evidence he discovered broken the area Officer that while canvassing stated that the He further Commander knife the south side of on garage inside evidence due to an envelope part of the knife Fagan put the handle attached to the handle of the knife fiber which was located Investigator the knife at 725AM Blazincic advised the Reporting Officer that he located 081892 with along items some of which clothing he believed should be examined ch where it at this time of the evidence custody Reporting Officer broken The Officer observed the and collected was Reporting photographed feet west of the handle blade of the knife to be part approximately part of the knife The Officer observed the knife to be an the Reporting handle the blade being being of the blade on the handle part of the knife part of the was 48 in and the broken piece be stuck to the observed fiber to further examination knife Armstrahg FOPge in length Jhe remaining Upon in was length The Reporting Officer knife handle and also believed to be handle ends The the underpants found and Hickory tree in Buster BE BOYS south of The also Officer Loom St of blood Reporting were it observed Officer Reporting boys Brown deh in reddish colored the blade Also on observed what photographed the with back yard front the of it the knife waS bath brown towel on size 69 where Street evidential Reporting The value Officer clothing be could tagged and the be tO appeared collected rear prbperty band metal were found the towel with the emblem found behind was pink on Fruit 689 Hickory WILL shed just BOYS sweatshirt with stars of roof at garage however for Page of which 454 top were items shavings ir of medium line at white which and following the knife the brokefl on parts and white and sweatshirt vE spotstain on 454 nothing evidence Approved 00019 IR LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK Report No Case of broken the on Item the BLF3 Item 4h 5h 6h om 7h south fiber blue found in tern the Buster item the pink Item BLF Item BLF9 After all Items End one of Brown shirt bath towel found found work through was located knife at west of the 454 Hickory ih handle St which underpants were found Ko was 3h 8h Gold the on the 1m placed into evidence placed Lab Photo to shed the film roof belong to the upstairs 400 officers into were placed for Crime Laboratory were garafl which Plus completed behind the garage on key roll control Sheriffs the was St Armstrong Forge just garage of Fruit boys found was the four ring with 442 at Hickory apartment blue evidence BLF9 Item of the on which Hickory tree sweatshirt through Police Illinois property pair the thebrown 1h E4 Items Northern found was 454 at garage which knife blade of the south side the Item that end handle knife th of side 1Q broken end on Foster No Lead JMR Armstrong Forge hair Item Bert Date By Typed Investigation BLF1 Technician Evidence Case Death Item Reporting 081892 9255313 Subject Date Reporting evidence into be evidence sent to be to to the sent be Lake to seht the to SQ Department Report Page Approved 00020 IR LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK Report Case 92 No of Subject Date 90992 Case Reporting 915PM Typed Death Officer Meadie Date By Lead 091892 SML Investigation Don Investigator No 327 DOB 36 years of age DOB is with interview Terry Lee SEALS work TX unknown at 1807 Carmel ZionIL TX date and tine reporting investigator Construction the above McShane room within met with Terry Lee Seals in the interview and Sgt TESSMAN Division Criminal CID Department Investigations the Lake County in reference to this case This lv 053056 872 sh Ep he was read his rights per Miranda from with Mr speaking form was given copy of those rights righs waiver then to read and stated that he underitood which appeared to with form and was reporting the rights willing speak signed investigators Prior to Mr First Floor stated he has resided at 442 Hickory WaukeganIL stated he has been married to last four to five for years his wife for the last two years and hastwo Troy Allen Teena stated he SEALS monthsand Terry Lee SEALS Jr 18 months from and was recently here has previous marriage son Jeremy age stated since this incident he and his family have for visit house in stated been residing at his house was the fact that couple of reasons he moved into his this apartment on he outgrew Hickory with the arrival of their newborn his wife Teena does not want child and now that this happened to go back to the apartment any longer the ldre lawshlawsh 1LB0 Mr at stated the last time he was at 442 Hickory was 700PM to 800PM with his wife Teena apptoxjmately because leaving clothes for hi son Jeremy Jeremy to go back home in RockwallTX Saturday 081592 Friday 081492 to the obtain next some day Mr Seals stated Dawn has been living upstairs for the last two months children and Mr Seals stated since with her two Blake Taylor along hayS had problems with one another such as Dawn moved in they across he floors which can be easily heard from his children running tries to keep the stated he yard in order apartment the and scattek about children leave toys however yard messy lB0 sh Mr Dawns knives his wife stated he apartment Page ap also problems between his Jeremy and stated Blake likes to play with stated well as Jeremy Seals approximately one month ago the back Mr found butcher knife in Teena large to Dawn which she identify as being hers from the took the knife occasion when stated there was another Jeremy and stated son Blake there were of Approved 03840 By LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Report No Case Reporting Date Subject of Case Death Officer Reporting 915PM By SML Meadie4 Date Typed Investigation Don Inve stigflor No Lead 091892 Blake obtained Mr cigarette lighter and were both playing of the boys both Jeremy Seals stated when confronted with the wrongdoings Sealsstated whenever these and Blake blamed each other hebrought Dawn tired of his with it as Dawn appeared though got problems up about her children Seals stated he called the landlord to complaining complain about what was going on Seals stated Dawn kept late hours Seals stated he was familiar with however he did not talk with them on as the she was twin girls basis regular bartender Holly at and sQ Heather he the police never called on he any of the complaints handle the situation on his own Mr Seals had has been in three times all of which were apartment approximately in one seek period Mr approximately one month after Dawn moved in Seals stated he spoke to Dawn about the knife the incident cigarette and the way the was in lighter incident yard disarray with childrens toys scattered about Seals as he stated tried he Qs to Qs Mr Seals stated he would normally use the rear door while hiS wife would utilize the front door Mr Seals stated Dawn would use both entrances Blake would door and Taylor but mostly the front normally use the back Mr Seals stated the front was too small to use either one by herself door is usually kept closed ld unlocked during the door but it is locked at night Mr Seals over name but individual come any problems with friends of Dawns would Seals stated he could not identify them by Corvette and another knew white oneof them to drive blue Oldsmobile drove stated her to heh who he never apartment had Mr then spoke to Seals regarding his whereabouts he left for work at approximately Seals stated 600AM Seals stated he works construction in Vernon HillsIL at Mr Seals stated he works from 700AM until Company 330PM daily Mr Seals stated upon leaving work at 330PM he went home of at approximately 430PM Seals stated to the best arriving there his knowledge he had cookout with his family and stayed home all night He stated he went to bed at approximately 900PM Reporting on 08l792 Mr that the Sears Mortgage Mr wi Seals stated the next day Tuesday received call from hIs telephone call regarding death at his apartment 081892 who building he approximately 600AM told him she received at 442 Seals at Qi Page 03841 By LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK EORCE ReFort ex with his he received another call stated after speaking telephone who stated the police wanted to talk from someone at thepdlice department and at that time with him stated he later spoke with the police was advised of happ Seals if his fingerprints would then questioned investigators Reporting stated the only rbom be found anywhere within Dawns Mr of Dawns in was the roam area he was ever present living apartment when the created her children he with her about by spoke problems asked Mn Seals if it was possible that any of his hair would investigators indicated be found within during the summer apartment door open which would allow air to months he would usually leave the back the blqw throughout hallways and it could be possible that his hair then asked blow upstairs from the wind investigators have Seals if there would be any reason his blood would be found within indicated he worked construction and that he has cut apartment which he cut himself himself on occasions his hand in recently being however there would be no reason why any of his blood would be found within Dawns apartment or in either the front or back hallway areas information at this The Mr could not provide any further allowed to leave the interview then terminated and Mr was was sh iul sh End of Department Report sml 03842 Approved LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Report Reporting SOT Typed Officer TESSMANN Date By TESSMANN DEATH Lead 16Oct92 No 287 330pm RIO went to the Lake County met with LAURA The of purpose NOTOSON could speak with MIA this visit was er and LAURA so this of killed MIA TUTEN lived nn door from where HOLLY STAKER was TUTEN incident has moved with her family at 446 Hickory but since th ON met MIA after she was dropped officer and LAURA Reporting PRATT took ED to the her ED At th time SOT father by ducted and NIA was escorted where an interview was to one and LAURA asked of the intervie RIO rooms at the Adv cy Center iA stated that MIA again to describe the events th day of she did not have school that day bec se she was still on summer vacation MIA was asked if stated that she most of th MIA day outside played around her or anyo unusual hanging she remembered seei anything and she stated house or the house next door where ROLL was babysitting THER or if she MIA was asked if she knew HOLLY or played would stated HOLLY and HEATHER with them and she stated no be next door on occassion babysitting but she never associated with them stated that her mdther was home that day and her father was MIA stated at Abbotts and that he 500pm got home around working chained out back of her is Rottweiller was that her dog which up MIA stated that at the chain is residence and that quite long dogs the told her outside and her dad to bring dog 630pm go approximately he stated that when was sjie trying to bring the dog in that hard time and was was giving her trying to juthp on the other kids what kids she was and LAURA asked tha were out back piaying RIO the kids next stated that BLAKE and TAYLOR two referring to and she and door were back there stated that her dog was barking her outside and was the next thing she knew her dad came instructing On the abovedate Victims Advocate at Offic how to handle the dog MIA stated that her dad grabbed the dog and stated that when she went in that she and her dad went outside and she did not see HOLLY anywhere TAYLOR and BLAKER were still stated that they went inside and ate dinner and she fell asleep while around 730pm that her dog starting MbA then stated that TV watching there upstairs window facing the like looking ouc barking crazy and was stated that this woke lived south towards where BLAKE and TAYLOR look out the window did state her up but she never got up to stated however that she thought her dad did look out the window RIO day that she never looked outside or went outside until the next around their if she remembered seeing anyone hanging and LAURA asked while she was outside and she house or seeing any unusual vehicle that did couple of days before HOLLY stated no state however white in color big motorcycle parked killed she remembered seeing was that she saw in the house next door but and in their driveway guy walk also stated that she remembers seeing she never saw his face on ndh Page of Approved 03387 By LAKE Case COL MAJOR es No 1Eh Subject of 2i of SGT Typed INVES inter SOT TION with MIA Report Reporting 9Oct92 Case DEATH Pg Date Reporting CRIME TASK FORCE Officer TESSMANN Date By TESSMANN 16Oct92 Lea No 287 TUTEN black or gray in color van HOLLY or HEATHER in eback of couple MIA also indicated that on occassion of weeks before the color Corvette in front of she remembered seeing hite parked everal times but she does not know who BLAKE and that would that she MIA sta was cooperate anyway officer and LAURA NOTSON could regarding this inve Reporting that this officer further materialized informed MIA that if her would be contacting sQho itQh End of Report 03388 Page LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCES Investigative Case No Reporting of Death lrng Date 100392 9255313 Subject Report Case Michael Typed Investigation Officer Blazincic Date By LeaTh 10059 BLF the date of 092992 at approximately 525PM reporting investigator was notified by Sgt OCONNOR of the Lake County Jail identified by Sgt that an inmate currently housed in that facility OConnor as Eddie MARTIN wished to speak to an investigator from the to the Holly Staker Lake County Major Crime Task Force in reference homicide On Oconnor bringing Inmate Eddie Martin to the Lake County Division interview room Sheriffs Department Criminal Investigations Mr Martinadvised reporting investigator that he did have some Upon and infotmation that information is not verbatim was willing to speak to this investigator regarding which Eddie Martin gave the following information Martin stated that approximately two days after he had been brought into the Lake County Jail by members of the task force and to speak with while in the overf low cell he did have occasion first name of Johnny only identified by Eddie Martin as having Eddie Martin continued to state thatthe subject was also known by the that he was Puerto Rican and that he was also street name of Ricco member of the Gangster Disciples Street Gang Eddie HH Eddie Martin continued to state to this investigator that this himself and the subject previously identified as conversation between occurred sometime morning Johnny AMA Ricco nesd Mr Martin advised the subject Johnny had asked him how he had gotten picked up at sthich time Eddie Martin advised Johnny that members of the task force had picked him up Johnny then asked Eddie Martin if him about the murder of the members of the task force I3adquestioned the little girl at which time Eddie stated that he had advised Johnny that the task force members hadtalked to him about the Mr Martin went on to state that Johnny said that on the night of this incident being the murder that he had been at the Craig particular he and several other residence on County St partying subjects were there smoking marijuana and Mr Martin stated that there was another individual there who had Craig residence several times throughout the course of the and this subject started leaving the Craig residence at approximately 530PM left the Page of Approved 02312 LCMCTFIR LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRiME TASK FORCE Investigative No Case Reporting of eporting 100392 9255313 Subject Date Case cpl Typed Death Report Officer Michael Blazincic Lea Date By 4W 100592 BLF Johnny went on to state to Eddie Martin that the first tine that this for approximately ten minutes individual left the Craig residence was This subject then and upon returning he was pacing back and forth 15 minutes at left second time and was gone for approximately 12 which time he returned back to the Craig residence and was again Johnny continued to state that the subject pacing back and forth then left third time and was gone for approximately 15 Johnny told Eddie Martin that the last time the subject left he was gone for approximately fifty minutes and when he returned to the in cold sweat and all sweaty as if he was was Craig residence the subject had scratches and blood on him Johnny went on to state that the subjects at the Craig residence questioned this individual as to what had happened to him and this individual claimed that he had fallen Eddie Martin then questioned Johnny as totthis individual cant give this subject with which Mr Martin stated left the area and has been gone ever since so it doesnt was up by name He has matter stated that the subject Johnny said did you know the which Mr Martin stated that he did not know the girls Johnny then advised him that he knew Holly and said yeah you to which Eddie Martin know the twins you knew Holly didnt you stated back to Johnny that he did not know the two girls nor had he ever seen them Mr two Martin then girls at Eddie Martin then stated that the subject Johnny informed him that he did in fact know the twin sisters and that also he knew the fact that at Cheers the twin girls had babysat for the Mexican lady who worked Hr Martin went on to state that the subject Johnny then told him that the subject that had come back to the Craig residence after being gone for 50 minutes that was all sweaty and had scratches and blood on him then smoked another joint and stated that he had to cruise and left the Craig residence Johnny continued to state that either shortly before the subject all of stated that he had to cruise and left 0t shortly thereafter the people at the Craig residence heard the sirens from the squad cars Johnny went on to state to Eddie Martin coming into the neighborhood that after hearing these sirens almost all of the subjects had left the Craig residence and proceeded to the area thought the squad cars had gone they Page of Approved By 023 13 LCMCTFIR LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Report Case No 55 Subject Reporting Date 100392 Case of Death eporting Michael Typed gation Officer QE LeM Date By 100592 BLF Johnny told Eddie Martin that at first he thought all of the squa4s were at Eddies house but then realized that they were at another to be residence located on HiOkory and Johnny knew this residence This is when Johnny owned by the Mexican lady who worked at Cheers told Eddie that he also knew the twin sisters that babysat for the Mexican lady and also identified the twin sisters as having the names of Heather and Holly Mr Martin then stated to this investigator that the subject Johnny also told him that he had approached the Mexican lady when going over to the residence on Hickory to see what was going on and that however the Mexican lady was acting somewhat hysterical Johnny did go to her and did in fact speak up had Reporting investigator then asked Eddie Martin if he could give and Eddie of the subject Johnny to this investigator description 170 lbs Martin advised that the subject was approximately Puerto Rican dissent approximately 19 having light brown 22 YOA which and Eddie thought that the subject lived on May complexion side of Waulcegan is just before Lennox on the south 6l Mr Martin continued to describe this individual as having numerous and his hairstyle was described as being cut very short on with the hair going the top and sides and extremely long in the back past the collar tattoos Mr Martin went on to state that this subject had been shiQped out Lake Counts Jail to the Illinois Department of Corrections in Joliet on the date of 091692 of the Reporting investigator then contacted Sfl OConnor in the Lake County Jail giving him the information regarding the subject Johnny to short Qeriod of time later OConnor did bring photograph Division of the Lake County Sheriffs the Criminal Investigations Juan Antonia the subject in the photograph as Departmnt portraying RIVERA to Eddie Martin he advised Upon showing this colored photograph reporting investigator that this was in fact the same subject that he with on Wednesday mommy while being housed had this conversation cell of the Lake County Jail within the overflow After receiving this information Johnny Martin was terminated End Page of the interview with the subject Report of Approved 02314 By LCMCTFIR B Daily Herald Sister had Staker says sexual encounter storyprintQlid2884Q1 before years lald Load Picture ts Staker had sexual encounter years before Sister says murder Gordon By Tony Daily Herald Staff 4222009 Published Staker had Holly More Coverage she was raped her twin sister The Stories mop information at the case could entirely ll that inmate says Rivera Rivera as the life killer Q0 stories changed quickly in 11yearold officer each Jury selection part art 36 prison part His in story led officials her bar her testimony development Aug but new seek was Rivera to in the third how explain found inside death her been the after defense and convicted 17 1992 have trials sentenced been to of the slaying ordered after conviction defense team is it DNA because arguing man was found different changes after has twice girl and as prosecutors body for to come from not did apartment now 28 came Staker prosecutors significant Rivera Stakers Holly be to prove Juan of trial not Rivera It center between who sought attorneys years before Waukegan in PM 759 Wednesday Heather by debate 4222009 Updated experience three murdered testified revelation heated sexual and PM 135 from for impossible is Rivera to be killer Q04n trial Prosecutors begins with sex with the maintain in girl the it is some possible before days her other death man had her despite age DNA expert previously Police say he any semen because left Heather We in his Staker were even the semen he examined was degraded and have could been up to four both Rivera admitted confession testified curious he was she and high on her sister having sex with the girl but claimed he did not remember if drugs had about the same things their at the first sexual encounter when they were same time Heather said We years old shared everything underwear Heather sexual Staker activity testified sisters sexual in on the part Before the testimony of testified old days activity the previous of her Riveras that trials but Wednesday was the first time she spoke about any sister attorneys sought to block she did not witness or have Heather other Staker from firsthand testifying knowledge about any of her of 5292009 115 AM Daily Herald Sister says Defense active attorney brought But Assistant Evidence the fact the States of prior magnitude into meet with rejected 2of2 the prosecutors called outline what the idea that Heather an 11yearold was Staker girl to going was sexually say before the jury room Michael Mermel Attorney sexual by activity than Riveras the Circuit case Under crossexamination to has frequently Holly argued Staker be presented to allow the jury warned Urdangen Urdangen lyheraldcomfst rn before years the testimony was admissible because it supported events of the DNA could DNA other encounter demanded and into theory sexual Jeffrey absurd was their had Staker Rivera in but 2006 Mermel with the said coupled consider there could be experts statement about reasonable explanation for the was found Judge by to Christopher Starck allowed Urdangen She said Starck the testimony Heather Heather she was Staker to Staker told denied Rivera had risked testify injecting without defense asked for team error of the greatest restriction report that she had meeting with her and asked she request 5292009 1151 AM C Daily Herald Rivera 67h murder appeal promised 1992 in guilty lid292371 1511 ilYficiald Picture Local Rivera guilty Gordon By Tony Daily 1992 murder appeal promised in Herald Focus Staff 582009 Published Lake County women deadlocked have at announced This the isnt truth and and attorneys this fair Hollys body was discovered been baby sitting months confessed Michael Lake after the he knew indicated defense had the one finding afternoon after their his he sentenced deliberations jurors declaring Michael Mermel this said 25 they were we are gratified was the verdict after the another at and jury during June themselves by impartiality than the members of task Attorney two convictions first is Rivera ensured efforts us in into that win to said stronger this freedom his because of murderer vicious would Melissa what off streets the continue Juans Rivera has remain will happened wife the in of past nine years he knows but 20day the Aug trial 17 1992 in The children an apartment on cheerleader and Street Hickory middle school Waukegan in had student where been she stabbed raped murder informant jailhouse possible led police suspect in the to Rivera by case Over them telling five days was then Rivera had of questioning Rivera crime now chiet deputy Force in Lake the and of police in County was one the sheriffs office questioning an of Rivera obviously with the investigator who questioned Rivera He of the officers did not said convince the the jury abused jury as and testified 16 years there for have fight going on the conduct been watched saying the Major Crimes Task attacks of to States the something about Blazincic County Rivera the to with struggled question they vowed two young and times strangled Two verdict during testify he received prison late as few as 20 years when for jury Waukegan of Juan before Friday over four days hours out did 27 not the in life Assistant makes just day come one will of eligible resolving was apprehensive Rivera had PM 1101 pm just over husband and County after family be 32 Staker Holly 12 people more dedicated Lake just returning My more than little 11yearold men on five point seen verdict Riveras of also will and one never their he but 16year case The seven murder faces the same sentence 36 Rivera deliberated jury of the again guilty By 582009 Updated three Strike by PM 444 was nothing got very but the positive highest feeling Blazincic said As we standards of professionalism have exercised been in this investigation Rivera new was trials testimony of2 convicted were in this of Hollys murder and ordered after both trial focused convictions on Riveras sentenced Like confession to life in prison those previous and police after trials cases much conduct in in 1993 of the obtaining and 1998 evidence but and it 5292009 1157AM Daily Herald Rivera guilty in Riveras the 1992 murder team sought defense found source of the sperm twin had Heather sister 1511 appeal promised to discredit in Hollys first was possible DNA evidence with experience when they were sexual their confession with the body Prosecutors countered showed that evidence that molested by was Rivera and Holly at neighbor not her years old Prosecutors Thomas We told jurors one Sullivan intend it lead said Sullivan appeal to Riveras of another man had attorneys said We believe molested Holly his faith in Rivera innocence in his and in the days before was unswayed will continue her death by the verdict to fight tirelessly for him Jurors told The issue Circuit Judge was resolved when one In juror sent the time been courtroom without the left they it took Starck told them compose their were they Starck saying to to Starck Starck after note on commenting Christopher to deliberations continue he no longer reply to that almost derailed when Thursday deadlocked deliberating believed second the juror Another problem arose Friday he could note be impartial surfaced saying the issue had resolved Hollys family was present for part of the trial but was not in the courtroom when the verdict was announced The jury and reached Guilty of2 in the Family 1998 case verdict defense also two days vows declared itself after they continued at said an impasse there during was no hope deliberations of doing but continued to work so fight 5292009 1157 AM D Murder fsh sexual conduct aired Suburban Chicago comQnQlsearch Newspapers Suburban Chicago Newspapers The you requested article Murder Nicholas nalajakis com had girls Heather led Rivera said and raped testified that Street but active few minutes arrangements the babysitting Hickory girls had the night apartment her murdered home having dinner with at trial sister sexually worked together they often twin identical Holly was the Holly being in allegedly Heather was to Section Juan Riveras took the stand for only and discussed Wednesday which now 28 Staker 2009 sex at the time Holly was killed in she didnt expound on whether 23 April murderer At accused mild curiosity aired Date Alajakis morning Holly Stakers Wednesday the below displayed sexual conduct victims Authors LOCAL is their but on Aug 17 1992 she family while Holly babysat alone Heather about also Heather to mentioned masturbation Heathers perform that the oral girls short fell prosecutor in sex on She she And brother friends spoke said the shared stories about once of what defense Mermel Michael would be questioned on Hollys were murder when the curiosities details her When on the sisters sexual conduct few years before forced were girls touched briefly an incident tizzy past whether speculating attorneys said from expected Wednesday that Heather sexual conduct defense she attorneys would mention names of past sexual partners Unless Heather defense attorney before Heather The big role in tested Riveras him out Monday of2 Jeffery and possibility that ruled witness to past sex acts was third trial as the semen Judge said the all hearsay Starck Christopher sexually active which was ordered only source semen taken the its entered the courtroom Holly then 11 was Brian the Urdangen the jury told California from vaginal forensic semen appeared to could play after serologist be DNA tests swabs On who deteriorated first He 5292009 1151 AM Murder sh sexual conduct aired Suburban estimated that have been the night It is court four she was inside Holly at the murder days old meaning it was not actionprint scene could necessarily left on killed our claim that semen is not Mermel from the said in Wednesday initial have suspects semen Additionally results state Rivera has twice been sentenced to Technical account life in prison problems please If and been tested national convicted and none databases of murdering have matched yielded no Holly and both times you have technical problem with your email 2009 The News Sun PROHIBITED Copyright of2 newsbank Newspapers semen found the up to number of the Chicago All rights reserved REPRODUCTION 1151 AM Sisters Chicago Daily Herald April 23 2009 Thursday Daily Herald Chicago Ml defense for 2009 Paddock Publications Inc Copyright 23 2009 April setback testimony Thursday Edition NEWS SECTION LENGTH 463 Pg 13 words HEADLiNE Sisters testimony BYLINE By Tony Gordon setback for defense tgordon BODY had Holly Staker Waukegan The It apartment and could prove prosecutors defense to be attorneys how slaying of the 11 team convicted girl before her DNA been up Police not maintain death expert to four it is she despite bar in the did heated after if he and murdered in debate between her testimony third not come trial of Juan Rivera as from Rivera was found sentenced trials DNA have from to been life in inside different Aug prison for the ordered after each 17 1992 conviction man was found it is her killer possible some other man had sex previously testified the semen he examined days was raped with the girl in the days her age was degraded and could have old say in his confession remember that and but new arguing because is impossible for Rivera to be Prosecutors now 28 came who sought to DNA before Wednesday her death after has twice been 36 years testified development significant body Rivera sister Staker seek to explain Holly Stakers His defense experience three her twin by Heather revelation prosecutors sexual left any Rivera admitted having sex with the girl semen because he was high on drugs but claimed he did Heather years We Staker were both curious Heather sexual any their first sexual encounter when they were same the on activity the part attorney But Assistant Riveras attorneys sexual activity Jeffrey Urdangen has absurd active it of prior sexual Urdangen warned of the greatest DNA Circuit first time she spoke she did not witness from testifying Staker or have other firsthand Michael called frequently outline what 11yearold Heather girl was Staker room into the Mermel idea that an the prosecutors argued the testimony was admissible magnitude activity Mermel by Holly said coupled with the experts could be presented to allow the jury to consider for the Judge into fact DNA Christopher the case other than Riveras Starck but Starck the could be was found risked testimony allowed there Heather injecting error Staker to testify restriction Under crossexamination said the supported their theory of the events reasonable explanation she had was sought to block Heather that demanded and States Attorney statement about the without We said of her sister going to say before the jury was brought Evidence same time Heather of sexually because at the things underwear any of her sisters Defense She had sister Staker testified in the previous trials but Wednesday knowledge was about even Before the testimony about her old shared everything about she and testified asked to meet by Urdangen she was told Rivera had request LOADDATE April Heather Staker denied defense team report with Rivera in 2006 27 2009 asked for meeting with her and she rejected the that Daily Herald Co Lake murder babysitter ease storyprinUidE29Q1 484 to the jury goes lQY Herald ic Co Lake Gordon By Tony Local Fcctt babysitter murder case goes to the jury Herald Daily Staff Juan Riveras six hours The third was asking pm sentenced to to Lake to go home Aug the for around and convicted 36 Rivera trial for over turned before night Staker ended Holly was future the into after life County 11 1992 in prison in 1993 time and Tuesday murder of 11yearold that and third 552009 Updated 1109 PM deliberated it pm 10 and rape arguments closing the for jury about at PM 442 552009 Published stretched 1998 but out new Waukegan baby across the entire day were trials sitter He ordered after both convictions The women seven of panel Rivera go home will over six hours without return for both means he Lake Assistant County For instance told Dont case to attorney is powerful Prosecutors sexual Eric to investigators said Rivera not of deciding responsibility to prison home were sent between means he Kalata told police the woman the fact no Rivera told Rivera until before found Jeffrey and for the did it two answers DNA or if deliberated They and night to the evidence just ordered brutal taken he ran the jurors into the to slaying of the from Hollys body confession contained details up woman ever mentioned fingerprints Riveras them brought whose children was baby Holly sitting it were ever found in the Street Hickory direct not did that even experience at age scene apartment evidence should that said Just because his does not mean he was not there insisted the fact Rivera the be found he was not at DNA found inside Holly did not match Riveras not guilty scene the crime Urdangen said The justice longer sperm the kill he committed the crime too well Kalata crime Urdangen and that the argued said at the so far but no failed someone who Urdangen return will died were system has then choice as police States Attorney casebreaker the This the reward the defendant because Defense Tuesday with the Tuesday 16 years or more than today confession to discount Holly fingerprints was am at scene crime police which in verdict painted unknown Kalata front of the He in men were charged five time not did about the crime in sides Riveras either girl and first reaching their deliberations to Attorneys little the for DNA was taken from was too old and Holly may have had sex with her though Hollys there had twin been sister Heather no evidence Staker Holly had testified the sisters sex with anyone else had their first after that experience He also breaking of2 attacked the him through confessions extended saying police planted the words in Riveras mouth after psychologically questioning 5292009 1152AM Daily Herald Co Lake To accept that that police murder babysitter goes States Assistant were case suspicious highly 1484 to the jury Attorney Michael man of another Mermel earlier in said the jurors would the case have to ignore evidence determined he was not but eventually involved If they were going statement for the make up statement and suspect Mermel man why frame an innocent asked the jurors didnt make up make up they Better yet why didnt they statement better Although they to earlier he was began There are clearly only for advocating deliberation their 12 people applied in the to own view his both universe of the case Mermels final words to the jurors before sides who can do justice in this case Mermel said You are those people Decide of2 Attorneys say its confession vs DNA 5292009 AM E Northeastern ino of Page 2008 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Wicklander The the and Associates Zulawski leader trusted in over 25 for training and Investigators Instructors to bioltphj Investigators and Instructors Investigators Lou Ih Education Lou 21 Lou Marine Lou Mr Tessmann numerous was Commander of been the in to Lake of to Major obtain 2227789 the of in University Waukegan 1974 from patrol BA degree with Police Illinois experiences speaker has never of fail and to numerous Enforcement name Task to has Trainers 630 IL 8527081 60515 email City Police Waukegan As to investigations and Physical English in Department veteran training as officer juvenile his these and Police Channel Associates programs across has 60 homicide over to he over with and ultimately patrol criminal his has recently of relating and with only nonpolice as organizations Detective interview an the United States throughout and Americas the area International training organizations Homicide three and Investigators to instructor interrogation His presentations and obvious include Association He Most Wanted marks from the participants and as the retired interviews career Later received investigations thousands during Lou He and division suspect Real Inc confessions awards year Force major conducted one for and the Task the to assigned During career numerous received Illinois Department from the homicide high Nam and The task force works on obtained delivers professional few of Force as the Discovery achieve Investigators Grove for Viet during nine years and Waukegan shootings presented Private St Downers fax Crime and such programs with the Confession and Associates WicklanderZulawski the WicklanderZulawski Law Training 800 for variety bureau at Home Main Department Illinois combat veteran Mr Tessmann to Mr Tessmann Instructors 4932 Chief officer police involved police on member is as County and interrogations Association Public wide the detective motivational joined Society the him accomplishments speaker company Mr Tessmann Officers his elite is Tessmann American to Most noteworthy guest experience Deputy and was officer where he was unable Lou Tessmann as given career assigned for the interrogations joining his kidnappings instances Lou has Corps began awards homicides tenure his 2005 in Police Illinois from the Northeastern Police of as retired decorations retired recently years service Deputy Chief has Chief Waukegan SpeakerDeputy Tessmann CFI graduated Lou International Narcotics Since to LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Report Investigative 55 No Case Subject of TX date and 2441110 County Sheriffs time The interview 28 Davis Lead 092492 officer and Maple St took place in reporting 101356 Rich Date By SML Investigation rh OBQ Officer Investigator Typed the above work Reporting 155PM Case Death On Dale Reporting 091592 Det an 360 COLIN iQILh No spoke TX interview to Kathy 3366276 room at the Department the information Officer DEVEAU officer asked Ms Wollert about Reporting call she from the Waukegan Police Department had given us reference phone BillY JUTTON in reference to the STAICER homicide had received from Holly who roomed Ms Wollert stated that she had roommate named Chuck BENNETT back to Fort WayneIM with her for approximately six months prior to moving Ms Wollert stated that she had put her home up for sale one month ago month ago and at this time Mr Bennett moved tack to Fort one approximately of and is the She stated that Mr Bennett stepfather Holly WayneIN Heather STAKEI sh Ms she received call Wollert stated after the hmicide had happened exwifes Bennetts sister who from Mr said Do you know what the daughter was killed Ms Wollert stated maiden name was think she last name and that it was after she confirmed the Holly contacted Mr Bennetts parents in Arkansas and they contacted Mr in Fort WayneIN Mr Bennett then came back to this area and stayed Ms Wollert until after the funeral Ms Woilert stated while Mr Bennett call came in from Billy Jutton was at the house phone cer QQ Ms roomfoate of hers and used to live at Wollert stated Mr Jutton was Ms Wollert stated she met Mr the house to years ago approximately and Grand Ave at Jewel Food Store onGreenbay Jutton while working this time and was that Mr Jutton was at the Halfway House at She stated for aroom to rent Ms Wollert stated that she rented the room to looking Mr Jutton and he stayed there for approximately seven months to one year Ms Wollert stated during the time Mr Jutton was at the house she found coming over to out that he was having gan members gang member and was which he did Ms Wollert the house asked Mr Jutton to leave and up until this Mr while he was date stated staying there this from the Gcvernment She stated she receives monthly check who had been killed or died and it had something to do with his father Income might be Security ieve Mr Bennett asked stated while Mr Bennett was at the house Wollert who had killed his Jutton lock into stepdaughter Holly Staker for him Ms he would to that information Jutton stated get try told her that he had asked Mr Wollert stated later that night Mr Bennett and to get hack to him and that if he to find out this information Jutton Ms Mr Mr Page of Approved 1Q CM MAJOR CRIME TASK FQRCE COUNTY Report Case Subject 55 of Case Death was not Date Reporting Reporting 091592 Officer Investigator Typed for her Davis Date By Lead 092492 Investicfation there Rich to call him FcrtWayneIN in and give No 360 him the information OPM Ms Wollert Mr Jutton she had received call from stated that on 090592 at Jutton stated that he was for Mr Bennett as Mr Mr calling who killed She had asked him to check into Holly stated Yeah Bennett Mr Jutton then stated was at it know that he asked you to check SIMS friends house and while at the party at person named party Ms Wollert stated Mr about was talking doing the thurder he said it was either three days the party was and she believes Jutton when is not exactly sure homicide week after the homicide she after the or Ms Wollert stated that she asked Mr Jutton who this Dion person was if hes little white Mr Jutton said bewas black Spanish or white freak He likes doing oocaine and he Hes nut Hes cocaine guy it all that was bragging lot of it and he kept on doing night does Dion stated he just like it was nothing about the murder He was acting He said just killed killed some street bitch it was not big deal at Mr Jutton that Dion said was this street party on hits of acid left the figured Chestnut and did couple party that this girl was Dion said that he knew would and get me some go over she let him into the house and he went over there and babysitting about the stated she started coming on to him and then she was complaining the old what so he locked little they were doing year year old seeing she Then he started coming on to her and kept on out of the apartment started fighting with him she was him Dion was saying that she refusing him Djon said slapped her back slapping him and tried to scratch the bitch had shut couple of tines and then she started screaming did it and then lost head nailed her and then my again up so anybody Ms Wollert stated she asked Mr kept doing his clothes Werent his clothes all bloody or his shoes bloody notice fact that he must have had blood on his not notice the How could anybody stated that Dion said that he went home and Mr Jutton clothes or shoes he and then burned the clothes that had on his clothes changed out asknh Nb Ji bitch Didn it Mr Jutton Mr Jutton if he was going to tell anybody of know that the has code tell You anyone gang stated Jutton asked What are her you silence Ms Wollert stated that Mr this information Ms Wollert stated Well someone needs do with gonna needs to know but cant Someone to know Mr Jutton stated agree tell them Mr Jutton went on to say that the gang does not like the fact that he Dion this and the fact that he Dion was bragging about did notsanction this act and this this The person is not even did gang to memberof the Latin King Gang that Mr Ms Wollert asked cant doi belcng Page of Apprbved 021 sg LCMCTFIR LAKE COUNTY MAJOR CRIME TASK FORCE Report Investigative Case 55 No Subject of Reporting 091592 Case Date Reporting 155PM Officer Investigator Typed Date By Lead No 360 092492 SML Death Davis Rich if Mr dutton stated where the party asked Ms Wollert officer Reporting stated did not the Ms Wollert Reporting who was at was or when the party was if Mr Jutton stated exactly officer asked Ms Wollert three days after the believe he said was either Ms Wollert stated Im not exactly sure Reporting week after the murder murder or lives Ms not Wollert where Mr Jutton officer asked Mr of in Kenosha with believe hes living girlfriend sure Im his this person he if Mr Jutton described asked Ms Wollert officer Reporting that Mr described him as Sims Ms Wellert stated said was and that he lives somewhere in the out there little white guy way officer asked Mr Wollert if murder took where the place Reporting area Ms Wollert stated that she received Mr Jutton was coming back into town stated that he and his who call couple of days ago from Mr Jutton down to her house baby cat that were going to come andpick up girlfriend he did not know to get back to her because she had there but he would have from work Ms Wollert was which days off his girlfriend going tO have towards the end of the also stated that Mr Jutton would be coming down she did not know which but dy he month to pick check government he was going tc coming nh sh hi as Ms Wollert to describe Mr Jutton and she stated officer Reporting to 19 to 20 to he is approximately years of age with red tint and he combs it dark brown hair has curly collar length he wears baseball and it sticks out on the sides mostly back straight if when she to Mr was talking hat Reporting officer asked Ms said he had stabbed the if he said how many timesthis nion person Jutton her said Dion nailed said girl Ms Wollert stated he did not then lost head and to do then nailed her and Icontinue4 and again my if Mr Jutton said how Dion officer asked Ms Wollert got Reporting officer asked if She stated he did not out of the apartment Reporting Mr Wollert stated Mr Dion said what the girls name was street bitch about killing wasbragging 6l 62 s5 it Olb saQi ke if had number for Mr Jutton officer asked Ms Wollert phone Reporting asked what Mr Juttons and she stated she did not officer but believe her name is Stella girlfriends name was and she stated officer asked her was Im not anything Reporting conversation she had with Mr Jutton she remembered the at this time about it has took place on 090592 and Ms Wollert stated that this conversation of this down and told didnt write any finally been time long it and then should tell my acided that girlfriend of mine about Police Department brother and then told Officer Deveau of the Waukegan th Page Approved By 02170 LCMCTFJR