2012 School Board Minutes


2012 School Board Minutes
Board of Education Meeting
January 23, 2012
The regular meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January
23, 2012, by President Gary Hoyer at the McAleer Parish Center in Ft. Madison, IA. The prayer was led by Fr.
Roll Call: Present: Deanna Barr, Fr. Beckman, Brad Box, Jeff Denning, Loren Holtkamp, Gary Hoyer, Ray
Menke, Craig Pieper, Fr. Spring, Roy Tinguely, Fr. Wilkening. Absent: Fr. Hoffman.
Agenda: Items added to the agenda were: Old Business: B. ECC Roof; and New Business: E. Coaching Contracts
and F. Fund Raisers. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Fr. Spring and second by Deanna Barr. Motion
Minutes: The minutes of the December regular meeting approved on a motion by Ray Menke, second by Brad Box.
Motion carried.
Welcome Guests/Comments from Audience/Open Forum: No comments were made from the audience.
Old Business:
Campaign Advisory Committee Update: A person has been hired to design the campaign brochures and letter. A
steering committee is being developed, along with a list of persons to be trained as solicitors. The School Board met
with the Holy Trinity Foundation Board to discuss the capital campaign and long term strategies.
ECC Roof: Bids for replacement of the roof of the ECC in Ft. Madison were received from Building Materials
($9,929.62) and from Mt. Hamill Elevator & Lumber ($9,578.46) for materials only. Volunteer labor will be
needed. Brad Box will meet with the two bidders to see if both want to participate in the project. Motion by Craig
Pieper, second by Jeff Denning, to approve the low bid if the two companies do not want to work together. Motion
Resolutions: None.
New Business:
Fund Raiser (Road to Rome): The Road to Rome committee requested approval to hold a rummage sale at the
West Point Legion in February. Motion to approve by Fr. Spring, second by Ray Menke. Motion carried.
Road to Rome Financial Report: Roy Tinguely reported that 73 students and 77 adults are planning to travel to
Rome in March. More than $48,000.00 has been earned through various fund raisers, with $380,000.00 paid by the
travelers. All monies have been funneled through the Holy Trinity Activities Account.
2010-11 Financial Report: The board reviewed the financial report for the 2010-11 budget year as prepared by
Ann Menke, CPA. Motion to approve the report, with thanks to Ann, by Fr. Spring. Second by Deanna Barr.
Motion carried.
Coaching Contracts: The board approved offering contracts to the following for spring/summer sports: Golf – Paul
Wilkerson (boys) and Melissa Freesmeier (girls); Soccer – Doug Petersen and Ryan Culbertson (boys) and Michael
Sheerin and Terry Soli (girls); Tennis – Linda Reding (girls); Baseball – Matthew Ash (varsity); and Softball:
Monte Hellental and Liza Hirschman. Motion by Craig Pieper, second by Brad Box. Motion carried.
Fund Raiser Approvals: The Post Prom Committee, chaired by Judy Moeller and Patty Knight, requested
permission to solicit funds as has been the practice for many years. Motion by Brad Box, second by Fr. Spring, to
approve the fund raiser.
The Music Boosters is considering a fund raiser which would involve purchasing 300 tickets to a Cardinals baseball
game on July 5 at a discounted price and selling them at full price for a potential profit of $6,000.00. The Holy
Trinity choir would perform at the game. The board questioned whether the Music Boosters would have to pay for
all the tickets up front, whether they could return unsold tickets and if all choir members would be available in July.
Dr. Facciolo will investigate and contact the board via email. Motion by Fr. Spring, second by Ray Menke, to table
the fund raiser request pending more information. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports:
Religious Education: Written report submitted
Youth Ministry: Written report submitted.
Elementary/ECC: Theresa Twaddle highlighted plans for the remainder of Catholic Schools Week and discussed
plans for Kindergarten Roundup.
Junior/Senior High School: Dr. Facciolo also commented on the Kindergarten Roundup process. He also
encouraged everyone associated with the school to be an positive ambassador for the system.
Marketing: The Marketing/Alumni Committee recently met and discussed several ways to promote the school.
Business Manager: A motion was made by Brad Box and second by Deanna Barr, to approve the Accounts
Payable. Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
Budget & Finance: None.
Technology: None.
Curriculum: None
Wellness: None
Policy: None
Building & Grounds: None.
Athletics: It is now time to renew the contract with the YMCA for use of its weight room by Holy Trinity. The
facilities are available from 3:30-4:30 p.m. and after 7:30 p.m. for student use while an HTC coach is present. The
cost for the year is $2,100.00 which will be paid by the Athletic Board. Motion to approve the contract by Fr.
Spring, second by Loren Holtkamp. Motion carried.
Marketing & Development: None.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. on a motion by Fr. Spring and second by Jeff
Denning. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn Panther
Board of Education Meeting
February 27, 2012
The regular meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday,
February 27, 2012, by President Gary Hoyer at the Holy Trinity Elementary art room in West Point. The prayer was
led by Fr. Spring.
Roll Call: Present: Deanna Barr, Fr. Beckman, Brad Box, Jeff Denning, Loren Holtkamp, Gary Hoyer, Ray
Menke, Fr. Spring, Roy Tinguely, Fr. Wilkening. Absent: Fr. Hoffman, Craig Pieper.
Agenda: One item was added to the agenda: New Business: G. Committee Assignments – Fund Raisers. A
motion to approve the agenda was made by Deanna Barr and second by Fr. Spring. Motion carried.
Minutes: The minutes of the January regular meeting approved on a motion by Fr. Spring, second by Ray Menke.
Motion carried.
Welcome Guests/Comments from Audience/Open Forum: Barb See asked about replacing the railroad ties on the
playground. Mrs. Twaddle was asked to manage that project.
Old Business:
Campaign Advisory Committee Update: The letter to the bishop is nearly completed.
Superintendent, Lee Morrison, has given approval to proceed.
The Diocesan
ECC Roof: The bid from Mt. Hamill Elevator & Lumber was accepted and a Corporate Resolution will be
completed and sent to the Diocesan office. Motion by Brad Box, second by Jeff Denning. Motion carried.
Resolutions: None.
New Business:
Telephone Carrier Bids: Currently five different entities provide telephone services to the four buildings. In an
effort to reduce monthly service fees charged by multiple companies, as well as clerical time spent processing bills,
bids were sought for consolidation of the service. Only Windstream Communications (formerly Iowa Telecom) can
provide service to all three communities, and the cost will be less than any other combination of providers. Motion
to accept the bid from Windstream, effective July 1, 2012 to maximize e-Rate refunds, by Fr. Spring. Second by
Brad Box. Motion carried.
Corporate Resolution – Rodeo Account: In order for Shirley Hoenig, Rodeo Concessions Committee Treasurer and
Lee County Bank employee, to legally withdraw starting cash for the Rodeo, her name must be added to the
signature card for the bank account. Motion by Ray Menke, second by Brad Box, to authorize her access to the
account. Motion carried.
Resignation: A letter of resignation was submitted by Judy Peck, elementary art and vocal music teacher. Motion
by Deanna Barr, second by Fr. Spring, to accept the resignation, effective on her last day of service, February 8,
2012. Motion carried on a 9-1 vote.
Contract Approvals – Elementary Music & Art: Motion to table this item by Ray Menke, second by Brad Box.
Motion carried.
St. Louis Hotel Agreement: In conjunction with the Cardinals baseball game ticket sale fund raiser, a contract for a
block of 100 rooms at the nearby Drury Inn was presented for discussion. Motion to approve the fund raiser and
hotel contract by Ray Menke, second by Jeff Denning. Motion carried.
March Meeting Date Change: Because of a conflict with the Rome trip on March 26, the school board meeting and
work session was changed to March 19. Motion by Brad Box, second by Roy Tinguely. Motion carried.
Committee Assignments – Fund Raisers: Brad Box expressed concern that nothing has been done in connection
with the 2012 Crusader Cash raffle. Gary Hoyer recommended that one board member be assigned as a liaison
between the major fund raisers (Crusader Cash, God’s Portion Day, Rodeo Concessions, Scrip, etc.) and the board.
Ray Menke proposed that those duties be included in the Development Director’s job description. It was also
suggested that representatives of those committees report to the school board annually.
Administrative Reports:
Religious Education: Written report submitted
Youth Ministry: Written report submitted.
Elementary/ECC: Theresa Twaddle discussed the elementary Crusader of the Month program, an initiative to
promote healthy living currently underway with the elementary teachers which will result in a grant for physical
education equipment, and the results of the Iowa Testing Program administered to grades 3-6 last fall.
Junior/Senior High School: Dr. Facciolo also presented a written report and will discuss test results for grades 712 at the March meeting.
Marketing: Director Donna Borst is working on an exchange student program for next year, as well as talking
points for the board.
Business Manager: The Budget Status, Balance Sheet and P&L reports were reviewed. A motion was made by Ray
Menke and second by Deanna Barr, to approve the Accounts Payable. Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
Budget & Finance: None.
Technology: None.
Curriculum: None
Wellness: None
Policy: None
Building & Grounds: None.
Athletics: None.
Marketing & Development: None.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. on a motion by Fr. Spring and second by L. Motion
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn Panther
McAleer Parish Center, Ft. Madison
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
6:00 p.m. Work Session
7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 7:12 p.m.
on Tuesday, March 20, 2012, by President Gary Hoyer at the McAleer Parish Center in Ft.
Madison, IA.
Opening Prayer: Fr. Wilkening led us in prayer.
Roll Call: Those present were: Deanna Barr, Fr. Beckman, Jeff Denning, Loren Holtkamp,
Gary Hoyer, Ray Menke, Craig Pieper, Fr. Spring, Roy Tinguely, and Fr. Wilkening.
Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Deanna Barr and
second by Fr. Spring. Motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes of the February Regular Meeting: The minutes of the February
regular meeting approved on a motion by Roy Tinguely, second by Jeff Denning. Motion
Welcome Guests/Comments from Audience/Open Forum
Floyd Krogmeier spoke on fire inspection for Roling Hall when ECC students are using
the facilities.
b. Maria Sobczak spoke on parents’ concerns regarding class sizes, physical education,
art and music at the elementary. She provided a handout (see handout).
Diana Powers requested to continue the strong music program that Mr. Chapman has
established at the high school level.
Old Business
Campaign Advisory Committee Update – Gary said there was little news to report on this
issue at this time.
New Business
Contract Approvals - A motion was made to accept the Elementary Music, Elementary Art,
JH Soccer contracts by Roy Tinguely and second by Fr. Spring. Motion carried.
th th
1. Bob Schierbrock – 7 /8 Grade Soccer Coach
2. Linda Olson – Elementary Music
3. Sylvia Soules – Elementary Art
Update on Ft. Madison land assessment – Gary provided information on his formal written
application for tax-exempt status on the land, which was approved and to begin the 2013
tax year.
RSVP request regarding community garden & lease approval – Discussion of the
community gardens and request from RSVP occurred. A motion was made to accept the
request from RSVP by Craig Pieper and second by Deanna Barr. Motion carried.
Medical leave – administrator – A motion was made for administrative leave for Dr.
Facciolo by Ray Menke and second by Jeff Denning. Motion carried.
Discussion & approval of administrative services agreement – A motion was made by Roy
Tinguely and second by Ray Menke to accept Doris Turner as interim administrator for the
remainder of the school year. Motion carried.
2012-13 Budget – There is no draft on the budget nor is it ready at this time.
Resignations – Loren Holtkamp motioned to accept the resignations of Jessica Tabor, Preschool Associate and Allen Chapman, HS Music. It was second by Deanna Barr. Motion
Discussion of development director position & agreement – Discussion occurred on hiring
of an individual who could lead the capital campaign and assist in directing the program
further. This item was tabled for further discussion as motioned by Ray Menke and
second by Deanna Barr. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports (please submit in written form)
Religious Education – A written report was submitted by Dixie Booten.
Youth Ministry – A written report was submitted by Mike Linnenbrink.
HTC Early Childhood Centers/Elementary – A written report was submitted by Theresa
Junior/Senior High School – Rick Facciolo
Marketing Director – Donna Borst presented sample marketing logos.
Business Manager – Mary Lynn Panther provided the following reports. These were
reviewed in session. A motion was made by Deanna Barr and second by Fr. Spring to
approve the Accounts Payable. Motion carried.
Financial report
Approval of bills
Budget report, analysis and update
Committee Reports:
Budget and Finance – Gary Hoyer, Brad Box & Ray Menke
Curriculum – Academic – Deanna Barr; Technology – Jeff Denning; Wellness – Roy Tinguely
Policy – Deanna Barr, Roy Tinguely
Building & Grounds: Ft. Madison – Brad Box ; West Point & St. Paul – Loren Holtkamp
Athletics – Craig Pieper
Development: Marketing – Roy Tinguely; Fundraising – Ray Menke
G. Student Recruitment & Retention: Jeff Denning, Ray Menke
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m. on a motion by Fr. Spring and
second by Jeff Denning. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Theresa Twaddle
Board of Education Meeting
April 16, 2012
A special meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 8:55 p.m. on Monday, April 16,
2012, by President Gary Hoyer at the Holy Trinity Elementary library in West Point. The prayer was led by Fr.
Roll Call: Present: Deanna Barr, Brad Box, Jeff Denning, Loren Holtkamp, Gary Hoyer, Ray Menke, Craig Pieper,
Fr. Spring, Roy Tinguely. Absent: Fr. Beckman, Fr. Hoffman, Fr. Wilkening.
Agenda: Several items added to the agenda: New Business: D. Sports Sharing; E. Coaching Staff; F. Internet
Safety Policy; G. Foreign Exchange Students; and H. Historic Sign . A motion to approve the agenda was made by
Loren Holtkamp and second by Jeff Denning. Motion carried.
Minutes: The minutes of the March regular meeting approved on a motion by Deanna Barr, second by Brad Box.
Motion carried.
Welcome Guests/Comments from Audience/Open Forum: None present.
Old Business:
None to discuss.
New Business:
2012-13 School Calendar: The 2012-13 school calendar, which aligns with that of the Fort Madison Community
School District to facilitate student transportation, was approved on a motion by Brad Box, second by Fr. Spring.
Motion carried.
Mower Replacement: The mower at the high school has been traded in on a newer model at a net cost of $800.00.
Motion by Brad Box, second by Ray Menke, to proceed with the purchase. Motion carried.
Administrator Search Contract: After reviewing presentations from two recruitment firms, Deanna Barr made a
motion to enter into a contract with McPherson and Jacobson, L.L.C., to conduct a search for a new chief
administrator/high school principal. The cost will be $4,000.00 plus expenses and will be guaranteed for two years.
The motion was seconded by Jeff Denning. Motion carried.
Sports Sharing: The board renewed the sports sharing agreement with Ft. Madison Community Schools for girls’
soccer for the 2012-13 school year. Motion by Deanna Barr, second by Roy Tinguely. Motion carried.
Coaching Staff: Mrs. Turner presented recommendations for the following coaching positions: 2012 Baseball –
Jay Baldwin, varsity; John Hellige, volunteer assistant; 2012 Volleyball – Melissa Freesmeier, varsity; Tom
Gendron, junior varsity; Kelly Sanders, freshmen; Cross Country – none; 2012-13 Boys’ Basketball – Loren Menke,
varsity, Dave Steffensmeier, varsity assistant; Brad Koenig, junior varsity; John Hellige, junior high. Motion to
approve all by Fr. Spring, second by Brad Box. Motion carried.
Internet Safety Policy: A revised Internet Safety Policy, as recommended by the Great Prairie AEA, was adopted
on a motion by Deanna Barr, second by Fr. Spring. Motion carried.
Foreign Exchange Students: A firm is interested in seeking foreign exchange students to attend Holy Trinity for
the upcoming school year. The firm would also find host families for the students. The board approved moving
forward. The cost to each student would be $8,000.00 for tuition and lunches for the school year. Motion by Ray
Menke, second by Jeff Denning. Motion carried.
Historic Signs: Directors of the Old Fort historic site requested permission to place signs on school-owned property
which had been part of the original fort site. The board declined the request on a motion by Jeff Denning and a
second by Brad Box. Motion carried.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. on a motion by Deanna Barr and second by Fr.
Spring. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn Panther
Board of Education Meeting
April 30, 2012
The regular meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 7:50 p.m. on Monday, April
30, 2012, by President Gary Hoyer at the Holy Trinity Elementary library in West Point. The prayer was led by Fr.
Roll Call: Present: Fr. Beckman, Deanna Barr, Brad Box, Jeff Denning, Loren Holtkamp, Gary Hoyer, Ray
Menke, Craig Pieper, Fr. Spring, Roy Tinguely, Fr. Wilkening. Absent: Fr. Hoffman.
Agenda: There were no changes to the agenda. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Fr. Spring and
second by Deanna Barr. Motion carried.
Minutes: The minutes of the April regular meeting approved on a motion by Ray Menke, second by Brad Box.
Motion carried.
Welcome Guests/Comments from Audience/Open Forum: None present.
Old Business:
Enrollment Estimates: There are currently 21 students projected for the fall kindergarten class, with a possibility of
three more. Donna Borst expects a total of nine new students coming into the system at various grade levels.
Update on Administrator Search: Gary McAndrew of the McPherson & Jacobson executive recruitment firm is
developing a job-specific application form for HTC’s administrator search. He will be meeting with various HTC
stakeholders on Monday, May 7, to gather input. A new administrator is expected to be hired by July 1.
Building & Grounds Update: The replacement of the roof on the ECC building is planned for June, with work to
be completed by July 10, weather permitting. Work on the driveway and sidewalk at the high school will be
dependent on the upcoming capital campaign. Spikes holding the railroad ties in place around the elementary
playground area are working loose and need to be replaced.
New Business:
2012-13 Budget & Tuition: The budget committee recommended a budget totaling $2,679,554.00. Parish
assessments will be down slightly, based on their prior year income. Tuition will be increased by approximately
3.5%, with an $1,100.00 minimum per student and a $7,200.00 threshold for parish families. There will be a slight
increase in staff salaries, elimination of the elementary principal to be replaced by a building coordinator, and other
staffing changes. The budget was approved on a motion by Fr. Spring, which was seconded by Deanna Barr.
Motion carried.
Staffing Update and Contract Approvals: Staffing for the upcoming year was discussed along with the budget.
Contracts were approved with the following teachers: Julie Freesmeier, Cathy Garrels, Sharon Groene, Teri
Holtkamp, Jean Humphrey, Sally Knustrom, Patricia LoVullo-Krogmeier, Lynn Meierotto, Sara Mohrfeld, Michael
Moylan, Linda Peitz, Karen Schumaker, Barb See and Jill Stull. Motion by Jeff Denning, second by Ray Menke.
Motion carried. Current high school teachers had not received their contracts pending staff realignment.
Administrative Reports:
Director of Religious Education: Written report submitted.
ECC/Elementary: Written report submitted. Mrs. Twaddle highlighted enrollment projections and the success of
the Math Bee team who qualified for the state competition.
Chief Administrator: Mrs. Turner reported that the marketing office was preparing a report on test results of the
area schools to be sent to all current and prospective families. She also stated that HTC was ranked #30 of all the
schools in Iowa, regardless of size, in Advanced Placement classes.
Marketing Director: Mrs. Borst is helping with the administrator search and working on the brochure.
Business Manager: Motion by Brad Box, second by Jeff Denning, to approve payment of the April bills. Motion
Committee Reports:
Building & Grounds: The Old Fort group had asked to address the board regarding sign placement on the school
property but was denied as a decision has already been made. It was also noted that the Ft. Madison Economic
Development Group has someone interested in purchasing the riverfront property.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. on a motion by Fr. Spring and second by Deanna
Barr. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn Panther
Holy Trinity Catholic Schools, Inc.
School Board Meeting
May 14, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 12:23 p.m. by President Gary Hoyer. In attendance
were Directors Deanna Barr, Brad Box, Loren Holtkamp, Gary Hoyer, Ray Menke, Craig
Pieper, Fr. Mark Spring and Roy Tinguely. Also in attendance was Doris Turner, Interim
Chief Administrative Officer.
Fr. Mark Spring led off the meeting with a prayer.
On motion by Fr. Mark Spring, which was seconded by Deanna Barr, the proposed
agenda was unanimously approved as presented.
There were no guests for open forum.
New Business: On motion by Ray Menke, which was seconded by Deanna Barr, the
following staff contracts were unanimously approved based on the recommendation of
Interim CAO Turner, as follows: Michael Sheerin as Elementary Building Coordinator
and Special Education Liaison; Bob Mehmert as varsity girls’ softball coach; Kayley
Hirschman as Jr. High girls’ softball coach; Scott Ellison as Jr. High boys’ baseball
coach; and Lori Wilson as Development Director based upon reaching an agreement with
the Holy Trinity Educational Foundation to contribute 50% of the salary and benefits
costs of the Development Director under the terms of the job description and at will
contract presented.
On motion to adjourn by Fr. Spring, seconded by Ray Menke, the meeting was adjourned
by consensus.
Board of Education Meeting
May 29, 2012
The regular meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, May
29, 2012, by President Gary Hoyer at the Holy Trinity Elementary library in West Point. The prayer was led by Fr.
Roll Call: Present: Fr. Beckman, Deanna Barr, Brad Box, Jeff Denning, Loren Holtkamp, Gary Hoyer, Ray
Menke, Craig Pieper, Fr. Spring, Roy Tinguely, Fr. Wilkening. Absent: Fr. Hoffman.
Agenda: There were no changes to the agenda. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Deanna Barr and
second by Fr. Spring. Motion carried.
Minutes: The minutes of the April regular meeting and May special meeting were approved on a motion by Fr.
Spring, second by Brad Box. Motion carried.
Welcome Guests/Comments from Audience/Open Forum: A statement was read by Sara Abolt, representing the
high school students, in support of a history teacher whose position had been eliminated because of enrollment
levels and course offerings.
Old Business:
Update on Administrator Search: To date, there have been approximately twelve applicants for the CAO/Principal
position. The board will meet on June 11 to discuss the candidates and select those they wish to interview.
Update on Parishes’ Adoption of Budget: The finance councils of each of the four parishes has approved the Holy
Trinity budget for the 2012-13 school year.
Building & Grounds Update: Holy Family parish will contribute $5,000.00 towards the cost of the new roof at the
Early Childhood Center in Ft. Madison.
New Business:
Staffing Update and Contract Approvals: The following contracts for certified staff at the high school were
approved on a motion by Deanna Holtkamp, second by Fr. Spring: Kathryn Bleuer, Melissa Freesmeier, Lisa
Gendron, John Goetz, Renee Holliday, Jan Jacobs, Gail Kunch, Brad Kurtz, Donna McVeigh, Emily Otte, Melissa
Palmer, Mary Sue Pote, Bob Rippenkroeger, Steve Rung, Kathy Steffensmeier, Natalie Ulloa Sandoval, Pat
Winheim, Jill Stull, Scott Teater, Sylvia Soule and Gregg Golemo. Motion carried. Motion by Ray Menke, second
by Brad Box, to table approval of the contract with Kim Reinhardt pending a meeting between her and Mrs. Turner.
Motion carried. Motion by Fr. Spring, second by Roy Tinguely, to approve contracts with the following noncertified staff at the high school: Donna Borst, Rhonda Downey, Vera Glasscock, Alice Hellenthal, John Lampe,
Patty Pulis, Linda Reding and Shelley Sheerin. Motion carried. Motion by Deanna Barr, second by Fr. Beckman, to
approve contracts with Tracy Dingman and Teri Holtkamp (revised to full time). Motion carried. Motion by Brad
Box, second by Roy TInguely, to approve non-certified staff contracts for personnel at the ECC and elementary
buildings, as well as lunch program: Cynthia Arnaman, Tom Boeding, Alice Hoenig, Jerry Kruse, Eileen Medland,
Mary Lynn Panther, Colleen Rempe, Nicole Wagner, Lori Wilson, Sharon Harp, Paula Bales, Donna Simons, Chris
Fullenkamp, Joyce Boeding and Charlene Sallen. Motion carried.
Rodeo Contract: The Holy Trinity Rodeo Concessions committee and the Rodeo Operating Committee have agreed
to a new four year contract which continues the revenue sharing at the same percentage as the prior contract. $3,000
to $4,000 of expenses paid by Holy Trinity in the past will be waived for next year. Motion by Fr. Spring, second
by Ray Menke, to approve the terms of the new contract. Motion carried.
Sale of Shaeffer Lot: In a telephone conference meeting last week, the board accepted an offer of $250,000.00 for
the Shaeffer parking lot property that had been given to the school. The deadline for financing is August 1, with
closing set for September 1, 2012. Motion by Jeff Denning, second by Brad Box. Motion carried.
Shared Sports Agreement: The board approved sharing the sports of football and wrestling for the 2012-13 school
year with the Ft. Madison Community School District, with Ft. Madison as the host school. Motion by Craig Pieper,
second by Roy Tinguely. Motion carried. The board also approved sharing the bowling program with the Keokuk
Community School District, with Keokuk as the host. Motion by Deanna Barr, second by Fr. Spring. Motion
Co-Curricular Contracts: Contracts were approved with Lisa Hansen, dance team instructor, John Goetz, 2012
summer athletic director, and Sean Conrad, junior high baseball coach. Motion by Ray Menke, second by Deanna
Barr. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports:
Director of Religious Education: Written report submitted.
Youth Minister: Written report submitted.
ECC/Elementary: Written report submitted. Mrs. Twaddle reported that the teachers are on task as well as
conducting field trips as the school year comes to an end. SmartBoards will be installed in the kindergarten rooms
this summer and in Mrs. Holtkamp’s room in the coming year. She expressed thanks to Kathy McKillip who is
retiring after many years as the preschool teacher in Ft. Madison. Also, Holy Trinity received a $3,000 grant for PE
equipment through the Lee County Health Department.
Chief Administrator: Written report submitted. The deadline for applications for the Paul Vonderhaar scholarships
for 2012-13 is June 15, 2012.
Marketing Director: Mrs. Borst is expecting nine new students to enroll for the 2012-13 school year.
Business Manager: Motion by Fr. Spring, second by Roy Tinguely, to approve payment of the May bills. Motion
Committee Reports:
Building & Grounds: Volunteers are needed to help replace the roof at the ECC. Contact Brad Box.
Marketing & Development: The Marketing Department acknowledged and appreciates Jan Olson’s efforts in her
community of Hamilton, Illinois to promote Holy Trinity, which has led to several students enrolling in HTC. In a
related topic, Gary Hoyer made the following statement on behalf of the board, “In terms of student recruitment and
retention, I want to applaud the School Board’s position that it will no longer tolerate members of staff being openly
and publicly critical of the HTC school system. There are proper channels to voice concerns to administrative staff,
not gossip and derogatory comments to patrons and parents of children in the system.”
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. on a motion by Fr. Spring and second by Deanna
Barr. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn Panther
Board of Education Meeting
June 19, 2012
A special meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 2:40 p.m. on Tuesday, June 19,
2012, by President Gary Hoyer at the McAleer Center in Ft. Madison.
Roll Call: Present: Fr. Beckman, Deanna Barr, Brad Box, Jeff Denning, Fr. Hoffman, Loren Holtkamp, Gary
Hoyer, Ray Menke, Craig Pieper, Roy Tinguely, Fr. Wilkening. Absent: Fr. Spring.
Agenda: There were no changes to the agenda. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Deanna Barr and
second by Jeff Denning. Motion carried.
Old Business:
Contract Approval: Brad Box made a motion to approve the contract with Kim Reinhardt for the 2012-13 school
year with the condition that the Chief Administrative Officer impose a one year probationary period to review
expectations and proper protocols to voice concerns and complaints and to monitor her ongoing public support of
Holy Trinity and its mission. Second by Craig Pieper. Motion carried.
New Business:
Contract Approvals: Motion by Loren Holtkamp, second by Brad Box, to approve contracts with Melissa Pieper,
ECC Consultant, and Lisa Hansen, drill team instructor, and a revised contract with Michael Sheerin, elementary
building coordinator, with a start date of June 1, 2012. Motion carried.
Dress Code Revision: The board approved a revision to the dress code policy which will allow students in grades
K-12 to wear solid navy pants (no denim) in addition to the khaki pants previously allowed. Motion to approve the
first reading of the policy revision by Deanna Barr, second by Jeff Denning. Motion carried.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m. on a motion by Deanna Barr and second by Jeff
Denning. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn Panther
Board of Education Meeting
June 25, 2012
The regular meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 7:10 p.m. Monday, June 26,
2012, by President Gary Hoyer at the Ossenbrink Center in West Point. The prayer was led by Fr. Wilkening.
Roll Call: Present: Fr. Beckman, Brad Box, Jeff Denning, Loren Holtkamp, Gary Hoyer, Ray Menke, Craig Pieper,
Fr. Spring, Fr. Wilkening. Absent: Deanna Barr, Fr. Hoffman, Roy Tinguely.
Agenda: The agenda was amended as follows: Old Business – strike item B, Rodeo Contract; and add item C. Ft.
Madison Land Sale Update. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Fr. Spring and second by Ray
Menke. Motion carried.
Minutes: The minutes of the May 29 regular meeting and June 19 special meeting were approved on a motion by
Craig Pieper, second by Jeff Denning. Motion carried.
Welcome Guests/Comments from Audience/Open Forum: No comments.
Old Business:
Update on Administrator Search: Chuck Elbert, who most recently served as high school principal at Davenport
Assumption, was introduced as the new Chief Administrative Officer and high school principal. Also introduced
was Lori Wilson, Development Director.
Ft. Madison Land Sale Update: If financing for the buyer clears, the sale should close by September 15, 2012.
New Business:
Banking Authorization: A new savings account was recommended to receive monies from potential foreign
students. Motion by Ray Menke, second by Brad Box, to approve the account. Motion carried.
Contract Approvals: Contracts were approved with Alesia Hassan, ECC Director, Charles Elbert, CAO and
principal, Gregg Golemo, religion teacher, and Nicole Wagner, preschool teacher. Motion by Craig Pieper, second
by Fr. Spring. Motion carried. Also approved were contracts with Margaret Cook, ECC lunch server, Sabrina
Fullenkamp, ECC secretary, Mary Ann Moeller, elementary cook and janitor, and Dennis Wilkins, janitor. Motion
by Loren Holtkamp, second by Ray Menke. Motion carried. Finally, contracts were approved for several cocorricular positions: Tom Gendron, JV volleyball, John Goetz, athletic director, John Goetz, senior class advisor,
Renee Holliday, Advanced Placement and online coordinator, Gail Kunch, high school science fair advisor, Gail
Kunch, junior high science fair advisor, Gail Kunch, high school student council advisor, John Lampe,
transportation director, Mike Moylan, middle school athletic director, Bob Rippenkroeger, speech & drama coach,
Natalie Ulloa Sandoval, junior class advisor, and Natalie Ulloa Sandoval, Promethean board instructor. Motion by
Craig Pieper, second by Jeff Denning. Motion carried.
Fund Raiser Approvals: The board approved two dance team fund raisers – a car wash and the annual Kids’ Clinic
held during the Sweet Corn Festival. Motion by Brad Box, second by Ray Menke. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports:
Director of Religious Education: Written report submitted.
Youth Minister: Written report submitted.
ECC/Elementary: Written report submitted. We are still in need of an elementary art teacher and a K-4 vocal
music teacher.
Chief Administrator: Mr. Elbert began working today. He is clearing up a problem with the 2011-12 state
reporting of educational statistics. All teaching positions are filled.
Marketing Director: Written report submitted.
Development Director: Written report submitted.
Business Manager: Motion by Fr. Spring, second by Loren Holtkamp, to approve payment of the June bills.
Motion carried. The need for a delinquent tuition and day care payment policy was discussed.
Committee Reports:
Building & Grounds: Twenty-five volunteers helped with the ECC roof with the help of Ryan Mueller who served
as the head carpenter, and John Dingman, who donated the use of his semi to haul materials. Theresa Panther of
Holy Family Parish brought lunch for the workers. The fire marshal has stated that the locker room doors need to be
replaced. Ray Menke will check with a local builder to see if some reclaimed doors would be available. The attic
windows have been installed in the intermediate building in West Point but there is an issue of proper ventilation for
the area.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. on a motion by Fr. Spring and second by Brad
Box. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn Panther
Board of Education Meeting
July 9, 2012
A special meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 7:15 p.m. on Monday, July 9,
2012, by Vice President Brad Box at the McAleer Center in Ft. Madison.
Roll Call: Present: Fr. Beckman, Deanna Barr, Brad Box, Loren Holtkamp, Ray Menke, Craig Pieper, Roy
Tinguely. Absent: Jeff Denning, Fr. Hoffman, Gary Hoyer, Fr. Spring, Fr. Wilkening.
Agenda: There were no changes to the agenda. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Deanna Barr and
second by Ray Menke. Motion carried.
Old Business:
Dress Code Revision: Motion by Deanna Barr, second by Loren Holtkamp, to approve the second reading of the
revised dress code policy and to waive the third reading. Motion carried.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. on a motion by Fr. Beckman and second by Deanna
Barr. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Ray Menke
Board of Education Meeting
July 23, 2012
The regular meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 7:10 p.m. Monday, July 23,
2012, by President Gary Hoyer at the McAleer Center in Ft. Madison. The prayer was led by Fr. Beckman.
Roll Call: Present: Fr. Beckman, Jeff Denning, Gary Hoyer, Ray Menke, Craig Pieper, Fr. Spring, Roy Tinguely,
Fr. Wilkening. Absent: Deanna Barr, Brad Box, Fr. Hoffman, Loren Holtkamp.
Agenda: The agenda was amended as follows: Under VI. Election of Officers, add A. Report of Nominating
Committee; and B. Election; and under Old Business, B. Girls’ Basketball Contract. A motion to approve the
agenda was made by Fr. Spring and second by Jeff Denning. Motion carried.
Minutes: The minutes of the June 25 regular meeting and July 9 special meeting were approved on a motion by
Craig Pieper, second by Ray Menke. Motion carried.
Welcome Guests/Comments from Audience/Open Forum: No comments.
Election of Officers:
Report of Nominating Committee: Committee recommends retaining current officers for 2012-13 term.
Election: There were no other nominations for board officers. Motion by Ray Menke, second by Jeff Denning, to
close nominations. Motion by Craig Pieper, second by Fr. Beckman, to elect the nominated officers:
President – Gary Hoyer
Vice President – Brad Box
Secretary/Treasurer – Ray Menke
Motion carried.
Old Business:
Rodeo Contract: The Rodeo Operating Committee has still not forwarded the new four year contract to the board
for approval, though it is ready for approval.
Girls’ Basketball Contract: Jay Baldwin has been offered the position but wanted the board to be aware that his job
may require him to be out of town as long as a week at a time. Assistant coaches would assume his duties during his
absence. The board was willing to accommodate that arrangement.
New Business:
Banking Authorization: With the change in administration, new signature cards are necessary at all banks doing
business with Holy Trinity. Motion by Craig Pieper, second by Fr. Spring, to remove Richard Facciolo and Theresa
Twaddle as signers all bank accounts and add Charles Elbert as an authorized signer.
Contract Approvals: Contracts were approved with Allison Arevalo, 3rd grade teacher, Carol Wagner, day care
supervisor/associate, Maggie Jones and Stephanie Mohrfeld, 7 th & 8th grade volleyball coaches, and Jill Stull, junior
high student council advisor. Motion by Craig Pieper, second by Jeff Denning. Motion carried.
Fund Raiser Approvals: The board approved several Music Boosters fund raisers – can & bottle collection,
solicitation of patrons, CD and DVD sales, pies & muffins for God’s Portion Day, holiday wreaths & garlands sales,
fruit & cheese sales, pie sales, and bingo at the 2013 Sweet Corn Festival. Motion by Fr. Spring, second by Craig
Pieper. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports:
Director of Religious Education: Written report submitted.
Youth Minister: Written report submitted.
Early Childhood Director: Written report submitted. Ms. Hassan reported that the ECC enrollment is nearly full.
Elementary Coordinator: Mr. Sheerin stated that the trim on the windows still needs to be finished and that Liz
Moeller is coordinating a crew to paint the preschool rooms in St. Paul.
Chief Administrator: Mr. Elbert clarified some details of the dress code. He is also working with the Director of
Transportation at Ft. Madison Community Schools to delay dismissal time at the elementary building until 3:00 and
the high school until 3:15.
Marketing Director: Written report submitted.
Development Director: Written report submitted.
Business Manager: Motion by Craig Pieper, second by Ray Menke, to approve payment of the July bills. Motion
carried. With a significant surplus projected for 2011-12, it was decided to pay for the roof replacement at the ECC
with part of those funds, rather than using Foundations of our Future monies.
Committee Reports:
Technology: The administrators are considering changing the technology plan laid out several years ago and are
working on the details with Drake Hardware.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. on a motion by Fr. Spring and second by Brad
Box. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn Panther
Board of Education Meeting
August 27, 2012
The regular meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Monday, August 27,
2012, by President Gary Hoyer at the Ossenbrink Center in West Point. The prayer was led by Fr. Hoffman.
Roll Call: Present: Brad Box, Jeff Denning, Fr. Hoffman, Gary Hoyer, Robin Meierotto, Ray Menke, Craig Pieper,
Fr. Spring, Roy Tinguely, Fr. Wilkening. Absent: Fr. Beckman. Deanna Barr arrived late.
Agenda: Item B. Committee Assignments was added under New Business. A motion to approve the agenda was
made by Fr. Spring and second by Brad Box. Motion carried.
Minutes: The minutes of the July 23 regular meeting were approved on a motion by Ray Menke, second by Jeff
Denning. Motion carried.
Welcome Guests/Comments from Audience/Open Forum: No comments.
Old Business:
Rodeo Contract: The new four year contract with the Rodeo Operating Committee was approved on a motion by
Brad Box, second by Fr. Hoffman. Motion carried.
New Business:
Contract Approvals: Contracts were approved with Jay Baldwin, varsity girls’ basketball coach, Lisa Gendron,
science fair advisor, Jolan Bishop, government teacher, Melissa Freesmeier, varsity volleyball coach, Kelly Sanders,
freshman volleyball coach, Julie Vance, vocal music teacher for grades K-4, Mary Sue Pote, religion teacher, and
Abby Womack, ECC janitor. Motion to approve all contracts by Craig Pieper, second by Fr. Spring. Motion
Committee Assignments: Standing committees were assigned as follows:
Budget and Finance – Gary Hoyer, Brad Box & Ray Menke
Curriculum – Academic – Deanna Barr; Technology – Jeff Denning; Wellness – Roy Tinguely
Policy – Deanna Barr, Roy Tinguely
Building & Grounds: Ft. Madison – Brad Box ; West Point & St. Paul – Jeff Denning
Athletics – Craig Pieper, Robyn Meierotto
Development: Marketing – Roy Tinguely; Fundraising – Ray Menke
Student Recruitment & Retention: Ray Menke, Robyn Meierotto
Administrative Reports:
Director of Religious Education: None.
Youth Minister: None.
Early Childhood Director: Written report submitted. Ms. Hassan requested direction in dealing with delinquent
day care accounts.
Elementary Coordinator: Written report submitted. Mr. Sheerin informed the board that Mike Sanders had
completed the roof repairs on the intermediate (east) building. He invited board members to come into the
elementary buildings at any time.
Chief Administrator: Written report submitted. Mr. Elbert had spent the day visiting all the classrooms at the
junior/senior high school. He asked that any dress code issues be directed to him.
Marketing Director: Written report submitted. Mrs. Borst reported that a host family is still needed for one foreign
Development Director: Written report submitted. The Development and Marketing offices have the alumni
newsletter nearly ready to mail. Ms. Wilson is also preparing a solicitation letter for the Foundation which will be
sent out in about two weeks.
Business Manager: Motion by Fr. Spring, second by Brad Box, to approve payment of the July bills. Motion
Committee Reports:
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. on a motion by Fr. Spring and second by Craig
Pieper. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn Panther
Board of Education Meeting
September 24, 2012
The regular meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Monday, September
24, 2012, by President Gary Hoyer in the high school library in Ft. Madison. The prayer was led by Fr. Spring.
Roll Call: Present: Deanna Barr, Fr. Beckman, Gary Hoyer, Robin Meierotto, Ray Menke, Craig Pieper, Fr. Spring,
Roy Tinguely, Fr. Wilkening. Absent: Brad Box, Jeff Denning, Fr. Hoffman.
Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Deanna Barr and second by Craig Pieper. Motion carried.
Minutes: The minutes of the August 24 regular meeting were approved on a motion by Fr. Spring, second by
Deanna Barr. Motion carried.
Welcome Guests/Comments from Audience/Open Forum: No comments.
Old Business:
New Business:
Contract Approvals: Contracts were approved with Melissa Freesmeier to teach an extra PE class and with Diane
Tone, preschool associate at St. Paul. Motion by Fr. Spring, second by Deanna Barr. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports:
Director of Religious Education: Written report submitted.
Youth Minister: None.
Early Childhood Director: Written report submitted.
Elementary Coordinator: Written report submitted.
Chief Administrator: Written report submitted.
Marketing Director: Written report submitted.
Development Director: Written report submitted.
Business Manager: Motion by Ray Menke, second by Fr. Spring, to approve payment of the September bills.
Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. on a motion by Fr. Spring and second by Deanna
Barr. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn Panther
Board of Education Meeting
October 22, 2012
The regular meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 7:15 p.m. Monday, October
22, 2012, by President Gary Hoyer in the elementary library in West Point. The prayer was led by Fr. Spring.
Roll Call: Present: Deanna Barr, Brad Box, Jeff Denning, Gary Hoyer, Robin Meierotto, Ray Menke, Craig Pieper,
Fr. Spring, Roy Tinguely. Absent: Fr. Beckman, Fr. Hoffman, Fr. Wilkening.
Agenda: There was one addition to the agenda: Old Business: B. iPad Fund Raiser. A motion to approve the
agenda was made by Fr. Spring and second by Brad Box. Motion carried.
Minutes: The minutes of the September 24, 2012 regular meeting were approved on a motion by Craig Pieper,
second by Deanna Barr. Motion carried.
Welcome Guests/Comments from Audience/Open Forum: No comments.
Old Business:
Capital Campaign Initiation: Motion by Ray Menke, second by Jeff Denning, to approve sending the “Century
Strong” capital campaign corporate resolution to the Diocesan office. Motion carried. Development Director Lori
Wilson stated that the campaign cabinet and fund raising committee has been established. The silent phase of the
campaign will be conducted in November and December, with an event planned for December 1 to introduce the
goals and plans to the school employees. The public portion of the campaign will begin in January and is expected
to conclude in June, though it could be extended through December.
iPad Fund Raiser: Mr. Sheerin’s initiative to raise money to purchase iPads for each elementary student had been
halted by board request. At that time, approximately $40,000 had been raised – enough to purchase about 90 units.
Another $35,000 is needed for the remaining iPads, along with up to $75,000 for upgrading the school’s
infrastructure to accommodate the new technology. Motion by Deanna Barr, second by Ray Menke, directing Mr.
Sheerin to reactivate the committee and attempt to raise the remaining $35,000 for the equipment itself as a silent
fund raiser, not to conflict with the Capital Campaign. Any remaining costs, including infrastructure improvements,
will be paid from bequest money. Mr. Sheerin was further authorized to order all hardware and software needed for
the project. Motion carried.
In a related matter, the policy committee was directed to create a policy for implementation of the iPad initiative.
They are also to work on a Delinquent Tuition Policy.
New Business:
Rippenkroeger Bequest: The Henry Rippenkroeger estate has been settled. Holy Trinity Catholic Schools received
a total of $48,930.47 from Mr. Rippenkroeger’s estate.
Contract Approvals: Coaching contracts were approved with John Hellige, 7th & 8th grade boys’ basketball, Brad
Randolph, 8th grade girls’ basketball, Doug Petersen, assistant varsity girls’ basketball, Tony Johnson, JV girls’
basketball, Steve Myrtue, 7th grade girls’ basketball, and Maria Sobczak, cheerleading. Motion by Fr. Spring,
second by Brad Box. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports:
Gary Hoyer asked that all reports be emailed to Mary Lynn by noon on Friday preceding board meetings so that they
may be sent to all board members in a timely manner.
Director of Religious Education: Written report submitted.
Youth Minister: None.
Early Childhood Director: Written report submitted.
Elementary Coordinator: Written report submitted.
Chief Administrator: Written report submitted. Mr. Elbert stated that he is still having problems getting state
money that is channeled through Ft. Madison Community School District but he continues to pursue it.
Marketing Director: Written report submitted. Mrs. Borst is working on a survey to assess how parents feel the
school year is progressing. Parents are also welcome to attend a monthly coffee group with Mr. Elbert.
Development Director: Written report submitted.
Business Manager: A question arose regarding the financial report comparing current year salaries with previous
year’s salaries. Mary Lynn will look into it and report back. Motion by Brad Box, second by Ray Menke, to
approve payment of the October bills. Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
Athletic: The recently resurfaced tennis courts are bubbling up. The Athletic Board will take measures necessary to
improve drainage to remedy the problem.
Mr. Elbert was asked to contact TAPS, the Music Boosters and Athletic Board. All groups are to submit their 201213 budget, which were due at the beginning of the school year.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned to Executive Session at 8:10 p.m. on a motion by Fr. Spring and second
by Deanna Barr. Motion carried.
Open Session: Motion by Fr. Spring, second by Robin Meierotto, to reconvene in Open Session. Motion by Fr.
Spring, second by Robin Meierotto to approve the transaction as follows: Resolved, that Holy Trinity sell its land
knows as the Sheaffer lot in Fort Madison to the Boulders Hotel Project for $750,000.00 and then invest
$550,000.00 into the project for 12 membership units and subject to due diligence and negotiation of final
documents; and that the officers are authorized to complete the transaction as they determine appropriate based on
this understanding of the general terms of the transaction. Motion carried.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. on a motion by Fr. Spring, second by Deanna Barr. Motion
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn Panther
Board of Education Meeting
November 26, 2012
The regular meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Monday, November
26, 2012, by President Gary Hoyer in the McAleer Center in Ft. Madison. The prayer was led by Fr. Hoffman.
Roll Call: Present: Brad Box, Jeff Denning, Fr. Hoffman, Gary Hoyer, Robin Meierotto, Ray Menke, Craig Pieper,
Roy Tinguely. Absent: Deanna Barr, Fr. Beckman, Fr. Spring, Fr. Wilkening.
Agenda: There were several additions to the agenda: Old Business: B. Hotel Land Sale Update; C. December
Meeting and Christmas Party Date; New Business: A. Day Care Rate Change; B. Resignation. A motion to approve
the agenda was made by Brad Box and second by Ray Menke. Motion carried.
Minutes: The minutes of the October 22, 2012 regular meeting were approved on a motion by Roy Tinguely,
second by Craig Pieper. Motion carried.
Welcome Guests/Comments from Audience/Open Forum: No comments.
Old Business:
Capital Campaign Update: Development Director Lori Wilson introduced her campaign assistant, Iryna Benedict.
The Corporate Resolution has been signed by the Diocesan officials and the campaign will kick off with a staff
dinner on December 1. The silent phase of the campaign will continue until mid-January.
Hotel Land Sale Update: The potential buyer of the property in downtown Ft. Madison is experiencing delays in
obtaining financing.
December Meeting and Christmas Party Date: The December meeting will be held on Monday, December 17,
beginning with a work session at 5:30 p.m., followed by the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. and a dinner at The Palms
at 7:00 p.m. with spouses invited. Motion by Ray Menke, second by Jeff Denning, to approve the change from the
regular meeting dates. Motion carried.
New Business:
Day Care Rate Change: Effective January 1, 2012, the half-day rate for children receiving day care less than full
time will increase from $23.00 per half day to $25.00 per half day. Before and after school care will continue to be
billed at the rate of $2.75 per hour. Motion by Brad Box, second by Robyn Meierotto. Motion carried.
Resignation: Scrip coordinator for the Ft. Madison area, Sherry McKinney, resigned effective November 15.
Motion to accept the resignation by Craig Pieper, second by Jeff Denning. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports:
Director of Religious Education: Written report submitted.
Youth Minister: Written report submitted.
Early Childhood Director: Written report submitted. Ms. Hassan reported that a policy for delinquent day care
payments is under development and will be submitted to the board officers prior to the next meeting.
Elementary Coordinator: Written report submitted. Mr. Sheerin reported that another donor has come forward for
the iPads. If they are ordered by the end of the week, they will be here by December 20. Infrastructure upgrades
and network set-up will be completed during the Christmas break. He will work on developing a policy for parents
stating their responsibilities for the program.
Chief Administrator: Written report submitted. Mr. Elbert stated that he is still studying the pros and cons of
laptops vs. tablets for the junior/senior high school students, with implementation planned for the staff prior to the
end of the current school year and for students at the beginning of the 2013-14 school year. Mr. Elbert is also
studying the current “quality points” grading system and block scheduling.
Marketing Director: Written report submitted.
Development Director: Written report submitted.
Business Manager: Motion by Ray Menke, second by Brad Box, to approve payment of the November bills.
Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
Policy: The committee is working on a Delinquent Tuition Policy.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. on a motion by Ray Menke and second by Fr.
Hoffman. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn Panther
Board of Education Meeting
December 17, 2012
The regular meeting of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board was called to order at 6:10 p.m. Monday, December
17, by President Gary Hoyer at Holy Trinity High School in Ft. Madison. The prayer was led by Fr. Wilkening.
Roll Call: Present: Deanna Barr, Fr. Beckman, Brad Box, Jeff Denning, Fr. Hoffman, Gary Hoyer, Robin
Meierotto, Ray Menke, Fr. Spring, Roy Tinguely, Fr. Wilkening. Absent: Craig Pieper.
Agenda: There were two additions to the agenda: Old Business: B. Hotel Land Sale Update; New Business: D.
Safety & Security Audit. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Deanna Barr and second by Fr.
Spring. Motion carried.
Minutes: The minutes of the November 26, 2012 regular meeting were approved on a motion by Ray Menke,
second by Fr. Hoffman. Motion carried.
Welcome Guests/Comments from Audience/Open Forum: No comments.
Old Business:
Capital Campaign Update: Development Director Lori Wilson continues to work on the giving list and getting
eTapestry up to date. The first dinner party is scheduled for December 30, with the first mass mailing expected to
go out in late January.
Hotel Land Sale Update: The board agreed to help the buyer secure financing by taking $50,000.00 in company
stock as part of the $250,000.00 purchase price, resulting in a net income of $200,000.00 for the property. A closing
date is still pending.
New Business:
Budget Approvals: The 2012-13 budgets for the Athletic Department, Music Boosters and TAPS were presented
and approved on a motion by Deanna Barr and a second by Brad Box. Motion carried.
Corporate Resolutions: Corporate resolutions for the elementary students’ iPads, using donations and bequest
monies, and roof replacement at the elementary building, using prior years’ budget surplus, were approved on a
motion by Fr. Beckman and a second by Jeff Denning. Motion carried
Policy Approvals: Motion by Fr. Spring, second by Deanna Barr, to approve the first reading of the Acceptable Use
Policy and Internet Safety Policy. Motion carried. Motion by Deanna Barr, second by Brad Box, to approve the
first reading of the Early Childhood Center handbook updates. Motion carried.
Safety & Security Audit: It has been determined that the school’s safety and security plans need to be updated. A
group of school officials, in cooperation with local law enforcement, will assess the buildings and determine a plan
for safety improvements. They will also investigate sources of grant money which may be available for building
Administrative Reports:
Director of Religious Education: Written report submitted.
Youth Minister: Written report submitted.
Early Childhood Director: Written report submitted. Ms. Hassan noted that the profit from the recent cookie
dough sale was $1,347.00.
Elementary Coordinator: Written report submitted. Mr. Sheerin reported that two new students had enrolled today
and another family with three children may be coming after Christmas. The new iPads will be rolled out to the
elementary students at the end of the Christmas concert on Dec. 19.
Chief Administrator: Written report submitted. Mr. Elbert informed the board that Mindy Goldie would be taking
on the responsibilities of the Scrip coordinator, a position recently vacated by Sherry McKinney.
Marketing Director: Written report submitted.
Development Director: Written report submitted. Ms. Wilson noted that a $25,000.00 match challenge was
currently underway for endowment donations. Also, a music endowment had been started and now stands at
Business Manager: Motion by Fr. Spring, second by Brad Box, to approve payment of the December bills. Motion
Committee Reports:
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. on a motion by Fr. Spring and second by Deanna
Barr. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn Panther