20 - The Unger Memorial Library
20 - The Unger Memorial Library
,..UNGER MEMOR\AL UBRAR'I' 835 AUSi\N 79072. PLA\N\I\EW I iX lONE Z - (6-03) Christmas -'Decoration "; Winners Announced ." , .' Senior'News Senior citizens met Friday, December 13, 2002 for a regular business and catered luncheon. , The Petersburg Chamber of 2.Cooper & Renee Ellison Forty: three members and Commerce w'ould like to announce ,. guests ~ere present for the meeting. 3.JC & Ruby Thompson the winners of the Christmas DecoWinner in the business divi- . Sharon Hanks music teacher ration contest. This years contest .sion was the Flower Box. for PISD elementary school was in was extremely difficult, because Winners may contact Joe Bob charge of the program. She intro' th-ere were so , many beautiful Mayo. duced 1st grade and 2nd' grade stuhouses that were decorated, each The 'Chamber would like to dents who sang some old time their own destinctive way. Need- encourage everyone to take a drive Christmas favorites for the Senior less to say decision had to be around Pe~rsburg and see all of citizens., Teachers, parents, grandthe houses that are decorated they parents 'and some school personnel made so the winners are: ' are all a very beautiful sight. . 1. Paul & Wynona Willis were present for the occasion. . .................................................................................................. .'.................................................. , During the short business Locals Participate in sports program has produced meeting Senior members voted to tweive national team ,champion- send money to'help the state school Commencement ships, more; a dozen inQividual 3und the annual Christmas party for Exercises at Lubbock champions, and over 300 All- the youngsters. The next meeting will be held Christian UniverSity , American ' .,erfolmanc~s. 'In addi- ' tion to athletics, the Students in January 10, 2003 at 11 a.m. Owen Carr aDd Brandon Carr ' Free Enterprise team has won four Cecil Taylor voiced the closing were two of the 102 graduates who international championships. prayer. participated in commencement ex. Brandon was involved in the ercisesforLubbockChristian Uni: : 'Aggies Cldb for five years and ve,sity on December 7,2002. -- served 'as both President and Vice . Owen graduated with a President. He received a leadership The Petersburg Cemetery Master's in Bible and Ministry. award by the Ag Department. Board would like to remind everyBrandon graduated with a "'one ~a~ ,cemetery ~uesare n~~ due Bilcheloro! Science in Agricultural , ,..._ _~'I_'._ _.;...._..:..~ and may be paid'at Security Bank.•. Science and a Bachelor of Science 'Eunera( . iii Environmental Science. : ~ n ~' . Lubbock Christian University "n' i~ ~ liberal arts ins~itution of bigher '1 daJou 892 -32'20... learning dedicated to providing a ' LU.bbOck 749-4483 quality education in a Christian'en'M.oore _m _ '"e- '1~J t:~~A . vironment. LeU was among only 'J\QJ' ,.,nuCl six Texas schools to be named in 'Funera( the' John Templeton Foun.dation .c.o'''",ey' 652,~'2211 '" Honor Roll of Character Building .'. P(o:y daifa 983. ;, 25'~5 . Universities. LCtf offers 37 . bachelor's degree programs and i~ "We care for y'~urs master's degrees with an enrollment " ': as we wou(d have ' of over 1860 students. . ' oun " c~re'({ }o,"'" '.; .::: ~ . In recent years LCO has en~ "\' ".I joyed nationa~ ~ec~gniti~!1' " The , a *Reml-n'd'er* White" rome " ~ ""\ " T:~ .4MEMBER ,2002 >,'tj{~y~ .~ TEXAS PRESS ,': '}(:E~V~t]{.£y :> ASSOCIAnON ,'.',' ," '::','CI}[f}tqS'TMq(:S,. ;'IJt'1£rn ' Petersburg Post Publication No·· USPS 602-240 " I' ,ISSN•• I0S0.S113 > The Petersburg Joumai was : established in 1926. The Petersburg · Post was ,establish~d in 1962. The' · papers consolidated in 1967. The office of the Petersburg Post is located at 1412 Ave. G in Petersburg. , The paper is published weekly witli the · exceptions of July 4th and New Years week. It is entered as periodicals at Petersburg, TX, 79250. SUBSCRIPfION RATES ARE: $20.00. HALE co. $21.00· OUT OF COUNTY I; $22.,00 - OUT OF STATE , POST MASTER Send Address correction to Petersburg Post POBox 248 PeterSburg, TX 79250 I' 1 ;i , Ricky Marti~z, Publi~lier ~) l 1\ BeclcyChampion Editor . ' .~ I, . '. ' 'Friends {ike you are Hie', reason we've enjoyed a . mer:y' seq,son. , ,'1fayyy,l}{o(idays! ''T''1ffE if'LOW!E'R $OX ", " ir~W : ' Y!E~~,: ",- . ~ ". ~~ , , ..4~ BANK '" '· Wbir'D!Ef}tPru£ . . .,'. : .r",' S. ! I t r' • Cliar(ott~, I].{'!.au8li.f~", 'I'~e' fDa,:f' ~i:iu8Iin lJ!ami(i!: .: ' (j.~. ~_Pau(tn.e Sere '~~', ".. ' ~oaer,-: !E(ainei' Lauren , ~utaoso, 'Jf'M ' .", = C(tnt ar 1)ottie (jreaory , . )Oon-, &'. 'Mazie fle8' . " ar 9lnirew Poote, P(atnview Caro(yn 1)ayis, '~ . jac" 'ar 'Maxona !.a~(er. rom, ' 1\:r~stie, Cafeb &" ,: " ,tj(...c-. &: joyce' Porter, . Steve ar 'Mary O(ive flartvi((e; ~O ,','." 1letliany (jrffjirf ' . 'Pf&ffar ,S,usan ,~n~v~~t , C(ara' ?feb " ' . •.. ;. juay, Ve":lon, 1Et?ft· ~ " ,,,"":' ~ennl &' : Chery( ~ar~i~ ;,. 'Mart~~,;~ar( " " ., .. ji", arcyntli.a Pox ,' ,c La,.~ Per8uson~9tbi(e~e,'r'X . ,~?me(aa 'Ram~ey' ': :.,':-- , ~ay Por.t~r. •. ~., ~ . ' , 'Donc(a tr 'Marie 9lirian ,. 1J.uaay &' 1Jarbara. s,!,itli ," .' ''{lie P(ower 1Jox • -! ~, " " 'Mar~; (j~y Lynn, .Lytfisey k . Cu~ 9lar,i-Cliemii4( , Steve ar '1)ebra W~aver ' '" " !Eve(yn.' ~1Jr.i-,:· . ':, '': · flayi~n'Mccre((aniO(ney,1X 'Mayo 'J!.aency " ......;". jerry ~ea'\l~r j ,oe, "CY!lthia, 9lsli(e,Y ar . 1l06- &' '1Jetli' QyisenbeTry . 'Bucr.y tr jj jiffress :;.' 'jo 'Boren &:' Pami(y .,,'l ',. ' .~.~:justin 'lfa.nson - , Ty,(e;r;,IT'x 'B;rent 8i' .'!Erin ·'Martin-1iMou ' jar~ 9lutom~tiv,e :_ " " . . , (j~n~. ~ , 1)orotliy Coffins ~ 210rest roun8·,' ",;',,' ~ite; ' .9l!l·n , lMiirie . &' ·,'1rtatthew · - Vera flo((oway ~:,"; ~., . 1J3~(( l!i'. :}4a- 1Jr!,,!na~~n ... '.R:(j. ~ 'T'wi((a .'Mor~!s ,,, 9I:irian ' .- ,. cliar(esOverstreet ar tr'rent . juanjta:. Poo~ ,""- ",' , jo~ '&" 1Jobbie MettenetPora &' 'Mabe(' (jreenliaw . Lubboc~, ,:'T'X. r ,'; '" ", .jea!'p,oote·;, . , ..,.- 'lfobbs, 'Jf'M 'Mark. &" clieryC''lfeai, tr Steylien Overst~eet - ,Lb~., . floyt, , Lai~~'.~ , ar . '; <,'M~rie, Parr ."'" ' If;ami(y , , " . · . . Sanara 'lfe8i ja~e Webb Lor:i,Steyij~ns P, ; ), " • ' . , Lisa, , ~~~~ &' ,1Cevin , (jeor8,e &' ..jerri Wi((is jera(~ &' (jra~e' 'Bri81i~ c, ,... Lun((e 'Moore . . .. •. plii((ips ': ~rin8' tTX, ',' . , Sliirr~y §roce . !.ouis~. 'Mi((er , ,:", ,. ''Bi(ear 1\:ay'Buctman ,,; '. . t, Cliar(es, waiine" .'Bever(y, jerry ' &' ?fovice 1Jart(ett'-. -flenry &, '1)ortliy ~veton. ..... ,!EFmo &' ~~ry" ?fee! '1(a((. '-, 1:>iane, 1)avii Be: ~icliaii{. !.a~e ,'Rans~m Canyon . , (j~T1J 'Miclief(e, ,justin . ar joe '~Ob &'.30.' Caro( , ' . ,'Mc1)onoua li .. 1'au( &')Vynona .Wims ,. jackson ,'l',tice-1Ce((er, ,~X . May.o . ~' ' , .... ' . • w. 'I'. .Leon ', , . . 'D~rre((, 'Bunny, 1J(ate, 1lr(tt .. ' Sliorty &' 1Jenita '.Roberts_on -- ~ar tr Vania (:o((ins . ,;, 9ln, nie . c,ar~, orouali &' 1Jrfttney1Jednarz-!.1J1C 'Bert &' '.Rose (jrim,es ' " je , 1Crysta( ~ (jTaflt , cra~a (jrea.0J;y . ' flastef(Smitli ';0 , -1Cim Be' Cinay 1'orter- .' - 0rn· 'Ro8ers; 9lrt. " " june ,Smidi . , ' Mario, Susie, 1)an,le(' (jera(io O{(ie 'Sraier , .:Joyce Overstreet, ' ':c.one((e 1)aVis tr ' Lorena ~artin'ez " jact 'fli88ins Ch~ni(er, fx , .:'T'ommye Sue &' justin ~Jair j.1'~t ar Sue Scarboroua li :.. 'T'o.mm,y'Hi(aretli _ 1:>oua &' yvette,'!E((ison 'Betty .O(ive " " . . :. ~o,lmc£. '.Roct, 'T'x: .' Larr1J ~' Connte1:>ectara jim tr IJH((ie 'Byn( -. ' '1farry' ~c'Danie( . ' CIi~na ar 'DonStali(Sliirfey, ScarboroUah. -:, 'Uief( &' !Joyce 9laams . (j(enn &' Vivian Curti~ . 1Cemali, ,'T'X _ Paur~ . 'Mic~ie (jc;mza(es '. ~':' Gha,r(es &' janet m(iretli " . t)(;eitli &"'Becty '.Ro8,er.s '.. " j.c. , &( 'Ruby '1'liomyson . Linaa (jinn , . ; \.,' (jay(or~ &'Sammie . (jroce .. ,Lynn&' 'Diane Cur, Pami(y '.Ruby Lona ' jer~1J ar 'Bobbie 'Mu(f ' ::"''Mar(in ~''Rei'' &' !E(wania , _. . jesse .'.Roiri8uez' P ami(y . ',. jeff tr sli'lJ(on Weaaer ,,. 'F'rere'Meaio:w s .': ·r . ' 'McCa8hren ' -, ' . - ',' '>-Mart &' '.Ruby !E((eri ;rii(sa, 01C " §ene &' cfiarfene pu((inaim , Larry" Pau(a &' 1Cy{e 'Martin' ,1Curt Co((ins " , .'''' ' Mary ~i((er "':' , 'Bob, Cliris, :'9ly~i( '&' , '. 'Br,uce .~ ~ye(yn" 'Da~i~ , '.,. jimf!tie Wi(son .. " . 'Tei tr j~iy WiCson \ . . ' Sunn~ . ~ie~2'__ "" :-~_..... _ PO~!~ ~ru8 ,' L!s~i~~ &:,:~~i~(e'y' , ~r~~~~~~e.~, , . ~~~e,r~~,~~8 ~!~~~, ,,::, ,, ,,,.. ' , , . , > " One ~ft!t.e real joys of th~Holiday Season is the'opport:un'ity to say ", ,TlfANK VOtl' ' and',to wisJ:t you a Happy New Year! SECURIT¥ , . ~' irome : ",' '" ' . ..- . > ' Petersburg Post, Friday, December 20, 2002 P,e 5 pa.e 4, Friday, peeember 20, 2002 Petersburg Post·· - . I I ',,< · Orna~slm~ ..~ . ' This will be our lastvisit until ~three siDaif~~ packages~ .Isn't it tun '. after the New Year. It is almo's t when there are ' package~ inside Chtistmas, the cooking js ' almost packages? The smallest of the three .. finished . the gifts bought and ; ,is wrapped in silv~r pap~r: AS~01i wrapped. Theiearejustafew loose ' 'open, it y~u will fmd ends that need to be tied, such as, , . Strength", .it is to give you t~e , , what canI give 'to each ofyouthat ··strength to meet the challe~ges 10 shows how . 'much 'I enjoY rour ,': yourlife. The secord package y~u". ,:weekly visits: Many: of you have ,. wiJI fma is ,wr~pp~d in,blue paper, .;, - .:" given me the gift ofa compliment the. color of th~ sky on a clear day. . <!uring the past year. A compliment .Thls package ..~ t~e largest. of the . is such a lovely thing to give. · For, three. Open It. and yo~ will find .' every' compliment I was given it" "Wisdom", wisdomJ(),embrace real , 800 DaY receive this gift will require a Fttle ' .' , ~s you. can see my gift ~o you ' I;~~~==~i==~::;~~~~;;:!~~~m help from you. You must use your IS asmta?gable as a com~bment, . . ~ Come,' Worshi , mind's eye to visualize a beautiful' . ~utl givelttoeachofY,ouslDcerely " . , t1 W~th 'l1s~';~ . . , .. package that has just been delivered ' with the hope that. you lo~e and .are ':. ' "J :.. · ,:~'carr's ·Chayer '. . .... '. l},{ain ., Stre~r ' to youfiomme,' It iswrappedin . foved muc~.' d~r~ng the c.~mlD~ . gold paperwith large' gold bow. "year. , " : . >.., . Sut'i.day morning worsfi~9:0P Chur~fi ,of cArist .' ed not Wal " t ' Opa and I '' w " I'sh-. each and'ev Su"--.r_,' 11 SCrwa c:{,10.·00 .a.m.,· .. . ,. 22~0 ,JUaJn 'P1easeunw~plt,youne ' l'UW.7 'l"~ l Str.eet . , " until Christmas pay, as I want you one of you a Merry Christmas . . ' .. ' , Sunday 6i6Ce study .10.00 a.m~ to have i~ now. Inside you will find and a Happy New Year! . !East Side Chu'rc~of C~rist' .sU~Y- worsfi~ 10:50 A.m. !East. 1St &' 9lve fL , .' !Even1"B worslip 5:30 y.m. . Si£n#y, mpming.,worshiy 'to:30 ·",w~anesda. 13i~Ce stwfy 7 y.m.: a ery Y ' Best .Wishes ,()r· ·Cliristnia~ -happiness . .irom our family ' , to,yours. :' . , , FULLINGIM,· .., AGENCY" ;",~ " Survivors include his wife; a daughter! Teri Smith of Lubbock; a son, Michael Gerper of . Crestview, Fla.; a brother, Renn .· Obituary . Wh.y the Manger? ' I' brightened my day and gave ~e a life and to look beyon~ yourself t~ ~ ~";'';~--~~~~-~~-~~~~~~IIIIIIi'' sense'of self wqrth. I thought about God for true .Godly Wisdom.. The .. Get A Free MoUth & Free Cell phoDe! . what I tcight give each of you':and , third, package is wrapped' in ,pure : ' . ..( Fr~ Leather Ca~, Home &'Car Charge.rso" f th~nl read something in SaiilhBan: white Raper.. It hold~. "G~ce", not .~" Minutes, 3500 Nites & W-Ends _ $40 BreatbDach'sbook, "Simplej\bun- , God.'s ~race, but th~ grace to, be..' 'Free U.S. 1..0.. Distance, CaDer.lD, Voice, ~ . dance" thatfsjust nghtforW'hatI gratefuln~tonlyforwhatyouhave!.,., . '. Don HendersoQ _ PH 292-0"9 , . would like to give each of you. To , but what you have escap~d. "Your CeD.ONE Professional" " :' Season's Greetings ," &. .' ,.," place ~for my family?" At the point of desperation God provided the perfect place for Mary to have her' By Becky Sistrunk ~I- ......- - .- -----..,.. "baby. This "was not by chance. Wesley Phillips, Jr. As I was taking out al~ of my •C01ild it be that a stable with aniService~ for We~ley O. Phillips .of Petersburg; and two . Christmas decorations·, I un- mals, hay that has' not been slept Phillipl~ Jr. ,I 54, of Lubbock were grandchildren. ' wrapped the tissue around my na- in ... pure: soft and sweet, manger for held at \1 p~m. Tuesday, December tivity scene. I carefully took each . animal feed instead of a baby bed 17, 2002 at Franklin-Bartley piece to place it on the table. I was better than a castle, home or Chapel with the Rev. James Sinclair • thought as I admired my hand inn? Or was it the possibility that officiating. L..._ _ _ _ _ _ _~-- ' work~ .. Why the manger? I am no , · God wants to insulate his son just Arrangements were under the We would like to, say Thank Bible scholar but I did hear,a theory this one ti~e from all that awaited direction of Franklin-Bartley I:'u- you to J.R! and the young people . once. It w.ent like this: The stable .him. We will have to wait for the nerat Home of Lubbock. . thatcame to'our home Sunday night answer to the question "Why the . H~ died Friday, December 13, . and sang Christmas carols. It was was the only place without sin. Suppose this is a true statemanger?" One can only speculate. ' 2002.' . '" such a blessing and so beautiful. He was born January 6, 1948, May God bless each of you. Our ment. God preferred that smel~y As you think about this question stable to a nice comfortable room maybe, you might .c ome up with in Lubbock and graduated from love" and prayer~ are alw~ys with at the Bethlehem Hilton? . From your own theory. In the mean time Ralls High School in 1966. He you. what! know about the cellSus at that . 'all I coo say is THANK YOU GOD earned an athletic scholarship to . Buc~y & 1.1. . time droves of people c8n).e from . FOR THE MANGER AND THE play football at Rice Uriiversity in .." . everywhere the con~itions were PRECIOUS HOPE THAT IT Houston. He also attended Texas ' We would like to thank our : crowdedat,b'est. I would · like to. HELD 'FOR ALL OF US. Merry Tech, majoring in education. He many' friends.for their phone calls, ," think ofitin terms of what happens Christmas. nUtmed Carolyn Hanna on Novem- visits and prayers during this time, . ' in Lubbock every time'Texas Tech _ - - - -_ _ _ _ _-, . ber 2f, 1987, in Lubbock. losing our precious one Kerry Neis. plays Texas in football. All the 10He was employed by the There is no place like Petersburg. . cal business owners smiling from The Petersburg Post Texas Tech College of Architecture Jo Boren & Family ear to ear waiting for the big rush Newspaper Office will for 22 years and the Texas Tech . of people that need a place to sleep Health Sciences' Center Continuing be closed from and something to eat. D~partm~ntfor fo~ry~ars~ Healso December23rd - 27th. If you show up at a restaurant was a phot~gr8pb~er for The Ava. There) vill be no paper after game time "or hope to get a lanche-Jourrial/ Ii foriner president hotel room without reservations ' next week.' ." of the South Plains As tronomy, your out of luck~ Ano you might We will retum to regular , CI~b and a Baptist., ' pray "Lord please let my family business hours on have Ii table at this restaurant. We Monday, December 30th. are starving." . Cali. y~u imagi~e Thank You! Mary who nught have prayed "God please let there be a, «omfortable_ , '1' . !Event"B worsli![' 6:00 y .m: . . '" . , "',. ' ., " Weatiestfay:wors1i~ ~:QO y.m.. Pirst 'UnttecC' ~.e,tholtSt . • . ' '• . c, Cfiurcli , . pirst$aytis,t cfiuYcfi ~', Su~cfa~ -Scfioori~:oo"'a:m. " 2001 I},{ain Street ~" 'MOrnmg WorSh!p 1~:00 . St.tt}iay'Scfico{ 9:45 a.m. . ' ~. . 'Mornina WorshiP 11:00 . Primera' '1g{esia' 13autista .' ' !Ev~ni!'B Worsfiiy6:00 1201 West Second Street Weanesaay services . , sutufo,y scnoo( 9:45:a.'tJ. ': Prayer meeting?Y',m. . , . 'Morning WOrshijJ,11:.00 . 'Mission Priends 7;tm. . SuncfaJ' ChttrC.fi traini119 5 y .m. " sunday evening WQrSh!p' 6:00 . ' 1foye'-we{r 13ty'tis£ ~iiurcfi Weanesday yrayer &; 6i6~.stud~ . .suniay Scnoo{ 9:45 a.tn. '. ?Y ,tn. . '. 'Morning worsliiy '11:00 . ' . ' $a.J't1st training union 5J';m," Pe{{owsfiiy of Paitfi 'rr'uesaay mission 2 y .m., " . 1507 ' 9lve: '.2<:. , "Weanesday yrayer service· Sunday ~c~oo{ 9:~5' WOrSh!p ll a.m . 7:30y.m. Prp:~er 'MeetirtB 1:30 'c i , ' , ': ,> . Wea.Praise &, W0f'5h~~i6k c..~i5e5 Sacrea 'lfedrt Cat~otic '~ .' ,Cfiurcfi "' , 1204; West 'Eift~ Street, . Sunday trl4~s 11:00 a:m. .tniS,cu[ syonsoerecf 6y; . n.oy.m. ::. ,. ~yo ~ency: p~t;rs6u:rB., C0?J1 Grain, ' Porter 'DruB, Security ~all'" Sm.ituServ£ce Co" Wy fie L"P"Gas, ~Ge(r 'Fttttera( '}{ome, rUe P(ower ~ox, %88i't6.otfiam~'Bartfett .£.1,t1~t6e:rya~a. .'}&'R ~tltomo~ , ttve, "~. ' ,'. I4l1ell Funeral Home. 41l • l6th ' Str.eet~ P.O. Box 599 . ' Abernathy~ Texas 79311 (806) 298·2331 Si~~~~~.c.c4i.c.c.c Freeman .· -Abell Funeral 'Home 223 South Main Box 542 .Hale Center Texas 7904l .~ (806) 839·2626 . P.o. l or v.is'i t our website a~: www.abellfuneralhome.com "Independently 'Owned , fl' Operated" '. . " MERRY CHRISTMAS ~.' ~ & HAPPY NEW YEAR! 'ALFRED'S AUTO' CARE May yq,u r hearts always . be/illed'with rejoicing because the Lord has come. Christmas ~lessings! . 'LAKEVIEW ' .~ GIN -~ . .... .. . , ~~ . , Petersburg Post, Friday, December 20, 2002 Page 7 Letters to Santa Kindergqrten letters Dear Santa Claus; Hi, my name is Angelica, I'm six years old and in the kindergarten. I have tw.o brothers,.and off;ourse me. How are you mid everybody else doing? Has it been cold? I also like when there is 0101 ofsnow because I get to play in it and mQ/ce a snowman in il willi my brothers. Now here is a list ofsome ofthe things I am wishing for this Christmas: a reall kitty cal, barbie hose with dress up barbie, iJqrbie computer. a barbie digiial watch: and an inflateable babie chair. I am not expecting all ofthese but I want all the ones that I can get. I wish you a Happy Christmas and a Happy New ~ars. Your friend, ( Angelica Dear Santa, Hi, my name is Austin and I am six years old. I'm in Mrs. Burnams kindergarden class. How cold is it ill the North Pole and how do the elft make toys? This ye~r I have been reallygood and I want an eagle skateboard" stretch screamer. a remote control spider and a remote control eagle, a gameboy, spiderman,bike without training wheels, and last but not least I want a scary mask , and a scary suit! Thank ypu Santa Claus!! Love, Austin , Dear Santa, My name is Payton; I am in kinder- garten. I have 2 sisters, Avery & Mckauley. My Mom & Dad's names are Dan & Dana. Tate is my cousin. Mackenzie and Ky/ie are my friends. May I pleaSe have clothes for my american girl doll, some clothes, a barbie doll, a dalmation, a scooter. a computer. a desk, table, Tv. a jacket, CD's, radio, a small tree with a star for the top, some ornaments, lights, some boots that look like my friends. Please have these delivered to my house. Sincerely, Payton Gregory tin . Dear Santa, . I have been very good this year I have been wondering about alot. like if ' it snows every My. I also wondered how you wraped the presents and do you have io use more than 1 bag. Santa my sister wants a tonka tall house and a horse~ I , want a shark, a car. a spongebob and a monsster~ inc, guy. ,' " " Thank you Santa, " Zane .,',' :l, , near Santa Claus, Hi,mynome isAlyssa, I'm in the kin" , dergarten. 1 have only one brother, and , my mom is Crystal. How are your 'rein..J_ •.i;' , 'I " Cla ? ' lJ • 'lie ,f ueera"umrs. us. naslt enoneoJ the busiest christmases olall 01: ~i? Has it been cold and snOWing up in the North Pole? I've been especially good just so I , could get al(thitse'gift. Now here is a list , of tile thingss I want: ' My 'size princess doll tha~ talks, a 'dress up barbie, dress up boots, with little heels, adalmation dog, "barbie computer. This is all for now. 1 wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New~ars. ' , Your friend, Alyssa DearSanra, Hi, my name Zammarh. I'm six years old, and in tile kindergarten. I have one brother. and tw.o sisters. 'My moms name is Sara. How has it been in the North 'Pole, and wlw s; the snow? How call you "make so 'niany to,~s in just a couple of days or weeks? I've been very good so I'm kind of expecting about two to four presents at least. So here is a list of the things I want: Barbie computer, a barbie" dress up boots, a dress with flowers on ii, a doll to,sleep with and a stuffed monkey. I'm-planning to a least some of the things listed above, but not aU. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New years. Yours truly, Zammarh Dear Santa, My name is Benjamin, I'm 5 years, old. I have one brother named Aaron. He's fun to play with and we like to Jight oftell. My mOil's name is Mary Anll. lr it SIlOWing up there? Who; is it like in tile North Pole? How does you elves make all the Cheer-filled , greetings and gratitude for the loyalty you have shown us. Happy Holidays!! MAXO AGENCyA toys in one dny? I've been good this year ' How do you mQ/ce so ~y toy that fast? I I haven't moved a clothes pin today, So I , hope you can atleast hrmg me 4 to 7 prethank I deserve a little present. May I have selltS out ofthese please I would like a rolie a Playstation 2 games like football, hockey poUe olie bak-paJc, a jack in the box, a reandskatebaarding. Some new c10thes and mote control truck, afake christmas tree, a new shoes, Super Soaker Water GUll and play elephant, a clock, and a Playstation 2 more toys. Also may I have a dog. Thank with an army game. you for my toys last year. Oh yeah what Sincerely, kind of cookies to you like ? Jose Sincerely, Benjamin , ' Dear Santa. " " , How are yolt doing? I'mJine. How ' ,', " Dear Santa" ' -' ' rMrty elves do you /rafP, and how many toys J\ " My name is Kevin and I am 5 years ,do they make ina day? What time do you old. I have been realyrealygoOdthisyear. !eave to get teh toys to everyone? Can I I ho I le 4 6 ' ts th' please have a yellow Jetplane a skat tpe get at ast to presen ~s , .' e . year out of these presents please a bIg • board, more crayons, a playstatlOnJootbal~ 'd I" la' . 2 'h ho ndatrain lama5ye Id a mation, p ystatlOn WIt an army " ~w s es, a . , ar 0 game, a football, brand new sho~s, roller kindergartener. blades, remo.tecontra.l,car..1'QS~!lght, and Your friend, ,a dragon shi~t. . ' : Andres Reyes PS I Wish It w~uld snow here. Dear Santa, ~nc~r~z, How i$ Mrs. Clause? 1m Jine, how tvl1l a"a about you? Do you eat peanuts ,or candy Dear Santa. canes? Can I please have a trane, Sluffed My name is Mercedez and I'm 6 years ' bee, stuffed hipo~ teady bear, Sluffed monoid. I have a sister named Eva. She's mean key, ps2, stuffed dog, a tape and a g!ny pig. sometimes, but that's how little sisters are YOllr friend, ' JessyPaul apain. My mom's name,is Terisashe'sJuIl. How's your elves and reindeers? Is it cold , Dear Santa, . up there? Well I've been good thisyear so I I am6-years old and in kindergarton thank I should get a few presents. may I and Hive 011 Ave Ion Maip. How is Mrs. have ci barbie with a doll house. A buffa- Claus doing? How are you doing? I have loes cheerleading suit with pam poms. 3 big sisters Erika, Madia, and Sela. For Brand new shoes and radio to get my christmas I wtinia CD player. a computer. groove on, and some earrings. ,Thank you a dolly, soine skates, a barbie skateboard, for my presents lasl .yearl enjoyed them. and a Alex Diva star. ' Oh year what kind cookies do you like? Tlulnkyou, Sincerely, . Esmeralda P. , Mercedez a Dear Sanla, Dear Sallta Claus, My name is Jose,arUJ I am i~ kinder.' My nalne is Lindsey Fullingim, and garten. · I have been realy good this year. I'm 6 years old. My sister's name is Haley, D I and she's 10 years old. My mom & dad's o you rave any reindeers,in training? names are TrislW and Doug. May I piease Pile on the have a motor scooter. ite skates, and a computer. Can you plerue have these delivered to my house in Petersburg, 'IX. I've been really good. ,. Sincerely, U~ey Fullingim mom's name is Becky, my dad's name is into a scooter, a swimming barbie. cd Love, Mark. llulve been extra good this year. I player. power pUff girls keychain, poodle Milena U.ve in Petersburg, TX in the country. How pajamas, yellow lab, different colored hair. , , are the reindeers? Also how are the elves tinkerbell barbie, 'cellia may stuffed aniDear Santa, & Mrs. ,Clause doing? How is the toy " mal, a barbie I-shirt, oliva star. fasion ,I want tp know how you are, 1 making going, Jine I hope. Santa sin~e barbie, dogs and kitties, pochaholas doll, I've been good this '}ear I really want a and last but not least a hair curler. hope you are feeling good. 1 hope UJve, ' oear Santa Clause, ' Barbie scooter. a rapunzal barbie, also a , you are having a good Christmas. Macken~je My name is Zack Byrd. I live' in ' tinker bell doll. Sallta Claus I would like For Christmas I want an aclionman Petersburg, Texas. HaS there been a lot ' a Diva star Alex, a sleeping beaty & snow and Playstation. 2 game, and a , of snow lately? ,I have a brother and'a 'white collectiblebarbie. Santa these next Dear Santa, ' ~,.isler. My bro/~r's IUUM is Zane. My Jive toys are at the top of my list, a playMy name is Jaquilen.' I have been Oame,Boy Advance game, please. ' sister's nOme is Morgan. Zane is about to house, a barbie from the Nutcracker play, ~ good this year and my sisters have been ' Thank you. . be 8. Morgan is almoSt 2. Myparents ,adolltlult is dressed in aglow in the dark " good too! Where exactly do you live? Is Love, " nomesare Kerry and Chad. Maylplease ' star outfit. J havesavedthibestfor lilsta; is cold? How is Mrs. Clause?, I live in Ryan have a hot wheels turbo jel city, a gameboy . real kitty. :. " , ' , ' \ " " " ,: Petersburg in yellow ,house. /think my , : advance, a hot wheels' octoblast" a : - " f i ' Love, " "';' II" ' ' siste~s and! deserve Jour or.five'presents . , playsstalion, and a nintendo. I'v~ been "" \' Marlieg~ Sistrunk JhisChrist~. I wanta Diva Star.Alex, a " " Dear Santa, very, very good lhis year. ', barbie ~ith blue hair: a pi~ sk4teboard ' 1~ant a helmet and a Xbox, a .. Sincere~y, " \DearSanta. ,\>;:,'),; ,,;,> w~thabarb~oni!:. MyslslfrCr:ysralwanlS . toygun, and a Game Boy Advants. Zack Byrd ' How are you doing? Ny name is a ~rbie ant! my other sister wantS a baby Vanessa and I'm in 'kihdergarten. llulve " dOll, my'dOg ~ants a bO~e. ,tenjoyed the 1 will try to be good. been really good this year! How cO,1d is it pre¥nts fron:' I~t year. Plew,'e bring my Love, Dear Santa, R~cardo How are you doing & ~s. Clause ill t~te North Poieand IlOW mallY elves alld mommy and'daddy sometlimg too. They doing,jine llwpe. Santa IW mailer whal I reindeer do you have Santa? .This year I wpuld apprec~ate that. , -We,aer going to Dear Santa, will always beilive in you. Santa I've been really want a dancing barbie, spooter. a t- leave you some milk and cookies. Thank twice as,good this year. Santa I really want shirt, cotton candy maker, Santa Claus you Jor everything you have given us in 1 love you. 1 want play dough a Playstation i, barbie scooter. a doll that 'movies, Ii doll ani'last bllt not leas; a the ppast we enjoyed and still enjoy them and three boy Barbies. Please toMy. Oh yea, before I forget my sisters glows in the ,dark. I have four brothers, barbie and Kelley! Thank you Salltall , liJve, ' and I want these movies: Barbie and the bring my sister a toy elephant. Juan Lolfis wants a CD player, Manda Vanessa nutcracker. and pocahaounts. Thank you! Merry Christmas. wants it Playstation same as me, my two Sincerely. Love, other brothers just want clolhes, their Jaquilen ' Dear Santa, weird. Santa I really want lhis, an e-kor Makenna How are~youdoing? My ~ is Koreace radio for Christmas. One more ' Mackenzie and I'm in kindergarden. I,have Dear Santa, thing Santa, I/ove you. Dear Santa, ,been really good this year! How do you, I have a b~t~r and we have been , Love, , For Christ~s I want a Game , gel around l~, world i" one night? Do , nice. 's itfun l1eing Santa and is il hard 10 Briana Btinuelos , you have any brothers and how many elft make and give toys. How many elves do Boy Advance, a Elvis ~atch, IV, ~nd and reindeer do you have? This year I , you have? Does it snowalot in the North TeXas Techfootb~ll helmet. How's ~arSantai _ My name Ii Ma~!iegh Sistrunk, my really want a barbie sf«lteboard that turns Pole,? May I please have a playstation 2 Mrs. Clause today? Have a jolly , and ajighting game, mothorrycle,/OOlball , helmet, and a dog. I hope you'll be able to Christmas. , Love, bring me these presenlS. Sincerely, Easton Issac a a .c· ,I' •• ,".. I , PORTER DRUG ".' war~ ,est th,O"u'gh'ts . 'rl~&- ' ' '~v" liestwishe's for a ~~ t~ wonderful ,.', ..~e ~ [hristmas " ,•..., • y I , Abell Funeral Home ' With our Thanks for "shopping here! \ May ,God Bless your Christmas with ' His Gifts of peace and love. che~f! .t tl", '" I} 'a ,uery ,Happy N~1:l' ~,ear , WYLIE LP , 1st grade letters Dear~ama, I have been good. I want a bike and a football and a football helmet, a,n d xbo'xfor Christmas. Have a Merry Christmas! .. 'Love,' ' Juan Luic Dear Santa, 1 want a toy and a game Boy Advance. Thank you for the toys that you give me. Love, Isaiah Dear Santa, I want a Game Boy Advance. a bike, a football,and a dvd player. Dear Santa, Love, For Christmas, [want a Jeee • Jaime Maker. Have a Merry Christmas. , LOve, Marissa Dear Santa, I've been good this year" For Christmas I want a football, a helDear Santa, For Christmas I want a 'bike met, and a plays/ation 2 and a Tony alul a IceeMaker. Merry Christ- Hawk pro-skmer 4. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. mas, Santa. Love, Love. Todd Emily Dear Santa, For Christmas'! want a EasyBake Oven. I hope you are gaving a good time. Note/rom the Post r; Espinoza 2001,1John Hegi and Cesario Reyes ~, Cesario Reyes , and John Hegi 1999, Gabe Crabb , 1998, Jeremy Crabb and Kyle Mar- ." , tin 1997 and Charlie 'Croff 1996. The Buffalo football program The Post is honored to do our is becoming a bit 'of a "stomping ,small part by recognizing all these ground" for MVP's. The recent young men from the' MVP's to the naming of Matthew and Migel as the , water ?oys. Defensive and Offensive player for _------~~-~~ District 5-1A, made us curious about , "PHS Varsity Teams to . how many times this had happened ' in the last several years. Jeremy Play in Post Tourney and John came to mind but we knew , December 26·28th Receiving AU-District Honors are - (I-r) Marco Reyes, Corey there was more so after a little re- ' Lady Butts will play at Thompson, Chris Ovalle, Jimmy Marquez, Chris Adams, Brys?n ~pe~ce, ' search we found that their indeed has, 10 a.m. Matthew Champion, Mark Champion, Mark Chavez, Caleb Bnght, Jmme been,a "herd" of Buffaloes that have Butts will play ~ been bestowed the honor. In fact Zapata, MigelVega, Zach Morales, Luis Ortiz. ' , '11:30 a.m. their has' been at least one Buffalo named to the MVP' list ey~ry year, Thursday, since 1996. ' December 26th, They are as follows Migel Vega and Matthew Champion 2002; Juan The Petersburg Buffaloes Spence, REC. Marco Reyes, G made their presence known in the Jimmy Marquez. Defensive;reps. were T Corey Thompson and DE 2002 5-1AAll-District list. Anton's linebacker-running Mark Chavez. I ' , The Honorable Mention team back Beau Riker was selected Dishad six Buffaloes o~;jt, they were trict 5-1A Player of the Year. Petersburg's runningback-de- TE Mark Champion,LB Zach fen~ive back. Migel Ve'g a and Morales, C iaime Z apata, OT' Anton's quarterback Brandon Michael Maldonad(), .DT Luis Dominguez shared the offensive Ortiz, and TE Mark Chavez. Congratulations guys! MVP spot, while Pete,r sburg's middle linebacker-offensive guard Thanks for a 'great year!! Matthew' Chaqtpion was tabb.e d !-:'., Defensive MVP. Anton Head coach Michael Pittman was named Coach of the Year. The 1st team offensive, Buffalo reps. were QB Caleb Bt1g~t, TE Corey Thompson and OT Chris Adams. The 1st team defense Buffalo reps were DTChrisAdams, ~B Bryson Spence, DB Marco Reyes and DB Chris Ovalle. The 2nd team offensive team Buffalo reps were RB Bryson District 5-1A Releases 2002 All-District Team ., < '~ . , , , ," 1200 SQ1!fH,I-i7(806) 298-2225 , ,', ' _,,' ,PLAINVIEW, TEXAS ':" , , ~ NOTICE OF PROPOSED INCREASE; IN ~ERVICE ' CHA~GES,:,' ", .' On December 6, 2~02 At~os En'e;gy file~'a S;atem~nt ofIntenft~ chru;~e , its 'service ' charges with the ~ailroad Commission "of Texas ~!ld eac,h • incorporated city. listed ~elow , The proppsed changes ,:will take ,effect .no, sooner than 35day~ after filing,'," <~+':: ''1, i~c;~~;" ~il~ ' ~~t ~'.-:- Jolly good ,greetings to our cld~e , friends. ' a ,Tq' .k'n0W Y6u 5 e'rv e you i5 1f' our sincere pleasure. ~ ~ J$ R Automotive '~ , .. _ ,,' LOCALLY OWNED ANJ> OPERATED (Hablamos Esp~ol) " ~oni;:y' oth~r ga~ .. The' proposed effect the s -rate. schedules. The change "will apply to Rtsidential, Commercial/SmaU Industrial, and Public Authority customers. The Comparty propose~ the, fohowing increased service charges: . . . During . Bu~iness " ,Hours •..-r-••••-:---. Turn new' service with:meter set , " $32,00 .,'. $48,00 ' " Turn on service (shut -in test require'd) $23,50 :' _, $35,25 , Turn on service (meter,read only n:quired) $15.00 ".",' '-$22,50, " Reconnect delinquent service or service ' $37,50 ;" " $56,25 , temporarily off at customer's request . $11.25 ,$16:88 Miscellaneous service calls .-~ on ~'- . - , , ' The proposed service charge changes' are expeCted , to ,increase tbe Company's annual revenues by approximately .4 % and tberc:fore do not , constitute ' a "major 'change': The proposed -changes could , affect approx imatel ~ 215,000 gas ' custom~rs in the fol towing communities and , surrounding rural areas:, ' " ", , ,,: "" '" " ...... . . . . ,,". ' .. '-;.. . Petersburg ;Service' Center' '~' Wish YOu ,,,:;" : gift~d ~oliday Sea~Opr - , " NITA,~,: ' €akes Gar's Service Center May the spirit of the season shine forever. Happy Holidays! The Petersburg ba~ds enter- ' , band p'ui ~n ~ goodsiiowand should ",:' tained ' an' . auditorium,fult"of ,be contributing to the High School Christmas Carol seeke..s'OII Sunday Buffalo Band before long. The " the lSth. '. ' ~gh S'chool band aIso' filled the The bands are under the direc- ,room with Christmas cheer. ,:.', ' :'tion of Mr. Craig Zinck and his a~-Congratula~on ~n a job w~ll , .sis~nt Debbie Harkey.-' : ' done i nd good luck d.uring concert J'h~ fifth grad~aiid Jr. high season. ' "'~,' , " 1~;~~~~f/ ' ..Main~~tlr CIi;isfmas 'Odessa O'Drinnell Olton Opdyke -We; t p~/rsades ~, I , ' Pampa , " Panhandle " ,~, Petersburg .'Plalnvlew. .•. Lake Tanglewood ~:, ~ " Post' ~, , " " >6e"Ji{{ttf .wi,tlictlie '~." joy ,'-& wontfer-" ""~~: ~-: "pi tfi e. T urkey ' Vega . , Wellman ,~' Wllson '- ' ", :',Wolfforth ,- 'iuninCQrporat~d ~ Sout~i~nd, Welch;'Wh'ith,arrall ..~ l . ~; /,1 .r:- "to '~ • • 't '. i. ' . -:" ": . " , . 'thO Copies or the fili ng art ,avai lable at the Atmos Energ~ Oftic,e at'S, 11080 .' Lubbock 'TX78408- 1121 or at an Atmos En'ergy Office nearest to 'you, ' Affected ~pcrsons whose' gas rates are subject to the' ori~ im;l jurisdiction ot' the Rail'road ,Commission may file in writing' conimeriJs or a protest , ' ' concerlli ng th e proposed changes with the Docket Services Section 'of the Legal DiV'isio n, RaUi-oad Commission of,Te~as, P,O.,.Box 12967, Car,itol " Station, Austin, Texas 7871 1·2967, at any time within 30:oays fo ll o\~ lIlg" . the date on whi ch thll' change woul d or has b cco m ~ e(f~chv,e, .• , " ,: .,;, , ~ne,rgy >:<: j: s;fi~~(}-{Y , 9{jgli i~ ~, "': JiL9({$,~I C~9£ : ~ ·%f{1fl(1319.it£ · ... ~ .. - Page 10, FrIday, neeeinber 20, _2 PetersbUrg Post Basketball S.cores , The Varsity teams " playe~ MondBy, December 16th, they won, 24-21. ,I- Spade at the Buffalo Gym. Both . The Peters~urg Junior,Varsity Scoring )Vere: 'Michael Flores ' teams ' won,, ' '. Basketball teams traveled to Sun- , 12; Zach Morales 6; Kyle Burnam '"" Lady Buffs 77 Spade 10' , • S~<>ring' ~ere: Nicole Harkey , down last week-end to participate 4; Kyre Hegi 2; .- ' ' in the ' Sunoown Tourney. The JV _' ' , The varsi~ teams traveled to 1,4; Ka~y Hom 12; Ashley Leal 11; girls brought home' 2nd place. Lockney to participate in the Loog- Jana Belli 11; Stephanie Sanders horn Classic. The Lady Buffs 10; Roxanne Adams 6; Brittney , 'Scores are as follQws: Ful1ingim 4; Kandis Rob~rtson 4; ,' N Lady Buffs 35 Sudan 30 ' brought home 3rd place. Ashley Garcia 3; Erika Fullingim Scoring were: Callie' DorriS ' Buffs 66 Welllington 44 ' ) 7; Crystal Cedillo 6; Heather Scoring were: MigelVega 18; M~rquez 4; Keeli Willis 3; Shao- MarkChainpimi 12; Bryson'Spence ' , nori Sanders 3; Lacey Thompson 2. 9; Jimmy Marquez 8; Chris Ovalle JV L. Buffs 27 Sundown 24 ' 7; Anthony Cedillo' 4; ,Michael , Scoring were: Callie Dorris Maldonado 3; Chris Adams 2; Mat11; Keeli Willis 9; Heather thew Champion 2; Marcp Reyes 1. Marquez 3; Shannon Main'e~ 2; , Buffs 47 Idalou 52 :: Crystal ,Cedillo 1; Lace)' Thoinp- ,.', ,'Scoringwete: BrysonSpence son 1. , 14; Jimmy Marquez 12; Migel Vega ' JV L. Buffs 39 Muleshoe 4~' 8; Mark Cnampi~~ '6; 'Chris Ovalle Scoring were: Callie Dorris 5; Anthony Cedillo 2. -' 11; Heather MarqUeZ 8; Crystal Buffs 50 Lockriey-53 ' , Cedillo 6; Shannon Sanders 6; Scoring ~ere: Bryson Spence . Keeli Willis 4; Sandra Vega'4. , 15; Migel Vega 12; Matthew ChamJV Buffs 26 Sundowrl 29 pion 9; Jimmy Marquez 6; Mark , Scoring were: Kyle Hegi 8; Champion 5; Chris Adams 2; Chris , Michael Flores 6; Tomas Resendiz Ovalle 1. ,.:, \; " 6; Arthur Ybarra 2; Kyle 8urna~ , Named to the All To~rn8ment 2; Zach Morales 2. -' • , " team were Bryson Spence and ,JV Buffs l i Sudan16 Migel Vega. ' ":,; " , , Scpring were: Michael flores S,tats w~ ~vailable for'the 15; Kyle Burnam 6; Zach Morales , 4; Kyle Hegi 2. Varsity girls games'in Lockney. , Game scores were: " N Boys 20 Muleshoe SO - ' Idalou 43 Lady Buffs 31 ' Scoring were: Kyle Bum~ 'Cliuide 36 Lady 'Buffs 42 ' , 10; Kyle Hegi 6; Michael flore.s 2; , ", ' Making the -All-toumam~nt Tomas Resendiz 2. ' ';:,::' , '. ' team was Kandis Robertson.' ,!he JV boys played Ol~oit on 2. , Buffs 80 SpadC( 31 _ ' ' ., Scoringwere: 8rysonSpenpe ' , 15; Anthony Cedillo '11; Jimmy ' Marquez 11; Michael Maldonado' 8; Matthew Champion 8; -,~arco Reyes 7; Mark Champion 6; Migel Vega 6 ; Chris Ovalle 5; Chris , ' Adams 3. ' '" a !May tlie . ~~~~~o{iaay Season Dring .; t~e , 'lJtry' De~Jto you. , M'Y P L~C-E C~!FT, < HoUday Public Library holds its open house, (I-r, starting from front center) Grace Bright, Lonelle Davis; Jean Foote, . Cecil Taylor, Betty Olive, Juanita Pool, and Lila'Taylor share a laugh and enjoy ~he treats. ' Apple Computer 3434 34th Street Suite B. , Lubbock, Texas 79410-2802 Anniversaries Authorized Warranty Repair Center For: ' , Apple Computers, Compaq, HP Computers Epson Printers and HP Printer. , On.1Ie Service by Appointment, Con.,ut. Upgrad•• Inatellllion.. Maintenance & Repair Service, Pick up & Delivery Service . .Also Available by Appointment. Tel: 808-788-0838 I Fax: 808-780-0211 ' not December 20 - Stephanie Campos December 23 - Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Groce December 21 - Destinee White , December 23 - Francis Dendy Decemb,r , 24 - Gene Fullingim _ , December 27 ~ Lucille Moore, Chris Adams December' '29 ' ~ Erika Fullingim, K,eeli Willis; Aaron Voight , December 3i - Alexandra December 25 Paul Willis, Sr. , December 26 Ben Escalon . December 27· Clint Gregory . ' , Deeemtier29 ~ George WiHis " , December 30 Paul E. Willis " Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Mr; &.Mrs. Mr. & 'Mrs. Mr. & Mrs; Jua~ez *.* Had I learned to fiddle; 1 should have done "nothing else. --S8JDueIJohDson ~ -.. ',': Ex,pr~ssl~ !for ' ~ y6u, 'O'u r best ', ~ holiday wishes! , : '" ,Gulp ,.Aerial " . Mayg/ild,':, tidings be yours ,this ho!tday, season~ ' MYSTlct~N' C~ristma5 8::e~.in8s::: ~ ,' &' ' "",, ~, 'year ahead warmest wisfies for the SM'1rT# S!E~V'1C!E . CO'MP~']{Y: , May your Ghristmas joys be bountifulH Janie's Beauty Shop . "'I *** ~- .... ;.~ Page 12; FrIday, Deeember 20, 2002 Petersburg Post For Sale Two (2) Portable Steel .storage buildings. 9x12, Call 661·3340 One time ChristnulS'S~ial Only $1375.00 EACH . ;'/./ . THE ·' ~~ . ~9-~ CLASSIFIEDS .~ ~~~ FOR SALE TWo Sets of Golf clubs *Warrlor Set - less than one year old. $200· 3 pw *Tommy Armour 8SS's $17S·3pw Call 667·2264 House for Sale Doo',s Muft1er Shop' Cute, Cute 2 bedroom 2 both Recent carpet & ceramic tile,' new HI AC. New roof on the way. Big IaU~ry room with storage & tons of closet space troughout. Well manicured yard· shows lots of pride of . ownership.. . Coldwell '(I1ker RlckCGnup (106) '793-0677 Agent N(I1 RIley . <, out. Please come by the office or mail your renewal payment t~ The Petersburg Post, PO Box 248 Petersburg, TX 79250. . Watch your address label for your expiration date or last issue notice. Thank you, Ricky. $20 Hale Co.; $21 Out of Co.; $22 Out of State (Senior Citizens deduct $1.00 Haskell Smith MatjOlive Shirley Groce PHSUbrary. Meliton ·Quiroz.', Free Estimates ADAMS WELL SERVICE. . Complete Irrigation .Well Service I-day service house wells, ~ year warr.enty. Fast bajling. , Gould domestic pumps.. on i ;"'(106) 239-7266' .:'< I;;.~ R.G. Morns'· , ~ yean 'esperieaee. '. 9&3-5003, nights 983-2144 or 983-5455, .1809 East 4th Street , Joseph QUiro~ Charlotte Mclaughlin j 3 bedroom, 1 bath, ne~ Ii)'cal Cleveland Manufacturing Company expanding in the area. Must fill positions immediately. For more information call 7667175. 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OPPORTUNITY . :~::;::~~el~:~~66~~!:f, illio', :a::~m:.:I~;;a~~~~ oc:e:'==~-=..~~, MedIcate covered"lIquld parlt.YlIWICiDa· , Tcxu Load '" $IMS1OIUIS.COMPLI!TEturD-(ooe_mll) ' " .::..rn:~~:.~\~:.=, F~E'~~~~:~Il~~~~:~A~:!~~bll~8O::_ =~c:,~:-~. DRIVER' . TRUCKERSI . DoIIIrSIoIeSeni ' .WIII,elyo~homc. FFB:, Wllli2l4-19 19. exl. TX5102. • ..,....$49,900.MaplficICIII_ ~=-=~~~"'==-:- eel yau plld. PPI! • W,ll eel .. HELP WANTED Ilia nIIdt II 8,000' eleYllloa. Mi~' DRIVER TRAININGI ~ yOlO mUe •. CIII 1-800,569·9232. of meadows with poacIt aod upea. SCHOOLS Opea a~1 diY, every day. luclud- ~ARN ~P TO S351hr1 Top oa, Staaaiac vie.... viIIuoIJy IIImIIIIIIIed ACAJUlllRINTnII:tIlrivilll- ean-ioe bolldlY.· " , IIDC lucllOO aee~. relelleu. No by fedenllaads. Must _I Good JIIIII1 pIid CDL trIIia8a l(.-ureaL FINANCIAL e.perleoce requlrad. ~III lol!- _ . Call CaIondo Load '" ~'~.r=;== . :~~~~~a":7.~~~;=-I::;6.~:t RaadIeI.I-866-353-4809. 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