Ariadne auf Naxos at Seattle Opera


Ariadne auf Naxos at Seattle Opera
MAY 2015
auf N
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Seattle Opera Presents
Volume 39 Issue 4
Ariadne auf Naxos
The Perfectly Imperfect Mash-up
Jonathan Dean
No Woman Is an Island
Jessica Murphy Moo
Ariadne auf Naxos Production
The Cast of Ariadne auf Naxos
The Story of Ariadne auf Naxos
About the Artists
Season Program and Event
From the General Director
Board of Directors
Service Directory
From the President
From the Education Department
Annual Fund
Individual Donors
The Campaign for Seattle Opera
In-Kind Sponsors
Volunteer Fundraising
37 Institutional Donors
38 Leadership Circle
Jessica Murphy Moo
Graphic Design
Karin Kough, Art Director
Amie Sheppard
Photo Researcher
Monte Jacobson
Contributing Editors
Mary Brazeau
Jonathan Dean
Ed Hawkins
David McDade
Rob Wiseman
Cover Image
Illustration © Karin Kough
Commemorative Gifts
The Encore Society
Seattle Opera Foundation
Seattle Opera Staff
Staff Chat
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Extraordinary Performances from Around the Globe
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I can think of no work that better sums up
the whole business of opera than Ariadne
auf Naxos. Every opera practitioner who
ever lived recognizes those tense final
moments before the curtain rises that
Richard Strauss and his librettist Hugo
von Hofmannsthal capture so slyly in the
opera’s Prologue. The temperamental diva,
the ruffled feathers of the wigmaker, the
backstage admirer; clearly they have all
been around for a very long time! Add to
the mix an ardent and deeply serious young
composer for whom the act of getting the
work onstage is an irksome distraction from
his lofty ideals, and we have the perfect
depiction of what we at Seattle Opera
actually do. We take great opera—pure
works of art imbued with high thought and
feeling—and then get our hands thoroughly
dirty, as we knuckle down and work to
present them to you, our audiences.
But there is much more to Ariadne auf
Naxos than that. Part of its fascination lies
in the way that it can be approached from
a number of different angles. The largely
comic Prologue and the scenes involving
the comedienne Zerbinetta and her fellow
vaudevillians give the opera a witty and
light touch, not to mention an unparalleled
display of vocal virtuosity; and for many, this
is the work’s most endearing aspect. But
there is also the austere and serious retelling of the Ariadne myth, which gives the
work its title. It is not for nothing that the
young Composer has chosen this particular
myth as the subject of his composition.
He and his eponymous heroine share a
common personality trait; both are driven
by single-minded determination and a
refusal to compromise their ideals. But
life, of course, never quite works out the
way we plan it, and so it goes for both of
them. The arrival of the god Bacchus and a
chance conversation with the actress playing
Zerbinetta give the lives of Ariadne and
the Composer respectively a sudden and
completely unexpected new direction; and
both are the richer for it.
© Rick Dahms
From General Director Aidan Lang
This production brings to a close a season
that has been presented in honor of Speight
Jenkins. Speight has brought so many
outstanding singers to Seattle Opera’s
stage over the years, and it is wonderful
that an opera with such a large cast should
feature some welcome returnees, like Kate
Lindsey, Patrick Carfizzi, Christiane Libor,
and Sarah Coburn, among many others,
who have become part of the Seattle Opera
“family.” But this is an opera about change
and transformation. Bacchus is the agent
of that change, so it seems fitting to give
Issachah Savage his Seattle Opera debut
in that role. He won so much admiration
and so many hearts in the International
Wagner Competition, which marked the
beginning of this special season. And with a
production in the hands of Lawrence Renes
and Chris Alexander we are beautifully
placed to bring wit, style, and poise to
Strauss’s extraordinary creation.
Seattle Opera Board of Directors 2014/15
John F. Nesholm
Maryanne Tagney
Gary Houlahan
Jonathan Caves
Thomas H. Allen
Brenda Bruns, M.D.
Steven A. Clifford
Robert Comfort
James D. Cullen
Robert Fries
Diana Gale
Richard Gemperle
Ron Hosogi
Kelly Jo MacArthur
Brian Marks
Bruce R. McCaw
Louise Miller
Steven C. Phelps
James David Raisbeck
Jonathan Rosoff
Stephen A. Sprenger
John Sullivan
William T. Weyerhaeuser
Willie C. Aikens
Richard Albrecht
Kim A. Anderson
Toby Bright
Gregory Chan, M.D.
Janice C. Condit
Charles B. Cossé
Susan MacGregor Coughlin
Susan Detweiler, M.D.
Carolyn Eagan
Paul Goodrich
Jeffrey Hanna
Jim L. Hodge
Kennan Hollingsworth, M.D.
Mary Justice
Lily LaMotte
Jay Lapin
Thomas A. Lemly
Laura Lundgren
Tom McQuaid
James Melhorn
Connie Bloxom
John M. Bloxom Jr.
Beverly Brazeau
Norma B. Croco
David R. Davis
Jane Davis
Hester Diamond
Mildred K. Dunn
Betty Hedreen
Susanne F. Hubbach
Victoria Ivarsson
Donald L. Johnson
Duff Kennedy
Lynn J. Loacker
May Lui
Wah Lui
Beverly Brazeau
Donald L. Johnson
Jeffrey Hanna, President
James D. Cullen
Sandra B. Dunn
Jay Lapin
Norma B. Croco
Albert O. Foster†
Max E. Gellert†
Harold H. Heath†
H. Dewayne Kreager†
Rosemary W. Peterson
Tom Puentes
Matthew Segal
John Starbard
Russell F. Tousley
James Uhlir
Moya Vazquez
Susanne Wakefield, Ph.D.
Joan S. Watjen
Judith A. Whetzel
Scott Wyatt
Betty McCurdy
James G. McCurdy
Linda Nordstrom
George S. Schuchart Sr.
Judy Schuchart
Eulalie Schneider
Virginia B. Wright
Michael M. Scott
Everil Loyd
Maryanne Tagney, ex officio
Steven C. Phelps
Michael Tobiason
Anne M. Redman
Moya Vazquez
Francis A. LeSourd†
James M. McDonald Jr.†
Stanley N. Minor
John F. Nesholm
Sheffield Phelps†
Steven C. Phelps
Russell F. Tousley
Richard S. Twiss
William T. Weyerhaeuser
Howard S. Wright†
May 2015
Volume 39, No. 4
Paul Heppner
Susan Peterson
Design & Production Director
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Design and Production Artists
Marty Griswold
Seattle Sales Director
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Seattle Area Account Executives
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Bay Area Sales Director
Staci Hyatt, Marilyn Kallins,
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Online Editor
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Carol Yip
Sales Coordinator
Jonathan Shipley
Ad Services Coordinator
Leah Baltus
Paul Heppner
Marty Griswold
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Dan Paulus
Art Director
Jonathan Zwickel
Senior Editor
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Amanda Manitach
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Catherine Petru
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Amanda Townsend
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Paul Heppner
Mike Hathaway
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Communications Manager
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Peggy O’Brien-Murphy, Seattle Opera Guild
Gail Neil, Seattle Opera Chorus
Ryan Miller Barnes, BRAVO!
Eric Han, The Seattle Symphony and Opera Players’ Association
† Deceased
Encore Arts Programs is published monthly by Encore Media
Group to serve musical and theatrical events in the Puget
Sound and San Francisco Bay Areas. ©2015 Encore Media
Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction
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and Encore Media Group is prohibited.
Seattle Opera
From The President
Seattle Opera Ticket Office
Phone: 389.7676
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Tickets Online:
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[email protected]
Seattle Opera Administrative Offices
Phone: 389.7600
Fax: 389.7651
1020 John Street
Seattle, WA 98109-5319
Two blocks west of Fairview
Marion Oliver McCaw Hall
Location: 321 Mercer Street
Phone: 733.9725
Head Usher: 733.9722
Security Office: 733.9735
For TTY Service: 684.7100
Restaurant—Prelude: 615.0404
Ticket Donations (day of show): 676.5544
Lost and Found: 684.7200 and 684.7192
Parking: 684.7340
Traffic and Transportation Hotline: 233.3989, ext.1
Monorail: 905.2620 and 396.5009
Hall Rental: 684.7103
Seattle Center Information: 684.7200
Amusements: Gifts of Artistic Expression
Hours: 5:00 p.m. for evening performances and
11:30 a.m. for matinee performances; during
Phone: 774.4990
E-mail: [email protected]
Gift Shop Manager: Kate Farwell
Amusements is operated jointly by Seattle Opera
and Pacific Northwest Ballet.
Phone: 676.5547
E-mail: [email protected]
Seattle Opera Guild
Phone: 232.8723
E-mail: [email protected]
Seattle Opera Guild is an organization independent
of Seattle Opera.
The Sowing Circle
Phone: 676.5516
E-mail: [email protected]
Wagner and More (WAM)
Phone: 676.5561
E-mail: [email protected]
Ariadne auf Naxos closes out a varied and
well-received season that ranged from
the ever-popular Don Giovanni through a
wildly successful Tosca to the sleeper hit
Semele that had everyone talking about its
amazing singers and spectacular effects.
The latter in particular gave us all a taste
of the artistic vision of our new General
Director Aidan Lang.
Given the nature of opera planning,
where contracts for productions and
performers are signed several years in
advance, this season was a collaboration
between Aidan and our former General
Director, the legendary Speight Jenkins.
Next year will bear even more of Aidan’s
stamp, and soon you will see that vision
in the branding work that we are just
starting to roll out. The Seattle Opera Board
is very excited about the look of our new
brand, which will soon be giving everything
from our website to the tickets you hold
in your hand a more vital and intriguing
appearance. Aidan has been an integral
part of that effort, guided by his ideas of
how Seattle Opera can respond to the
needs of a twenty-first century audience.
So by this time next year, Aidan’s vision
will be the deciding factor in what we bring
to you for your enjoyment and delight.
As always he will have the backing of
our dedicated and experienced staff and
the support of all of you—our loyal and
knowledgeable audience. And he will
undeniably be buoyed up by the great
reception of his work this year and the
announcement of next season’s lineup. One vote of confidence has been an
increase in the number of people who
have chosen to join our “opera family” by
becoming subscribers.
© Jonathan Vanderweit
Unless otherwise indicated, the following
numbers are in the 206 area code.
Another important vote of confidence
comes every time someone becomes a
donor to the opera or increases their gift
to our annual fund. “Year-end” giving is an
important factor in our budget. It’s midApril as I write this letter, and we hope to
raise $2.5 million before the end of our
fiscal year on June 30. To keep the quality
of performances up and to keep ticket
prices as low as is feasible, we rely on the
generosity of our donors. Not exactly “the
kindness of strangers,” as Seattle Opera
donors are close to our hearts and we
know many of you very well. But we do
regularly get gifts from further afield, and
from people we do not yet know. It is
always a thrill, and very gratifying, to get
that sort of validation.
Please join me in supporting great opera
in Seattle by making a gift or pledge before
June 30. With your help we can achieve our
season-end fundraising goal and continue
our wonderful operatic tradition for another
year. Thank you for your generosity!
—Maryanne Tagney
Seattle Opera Board of Directors
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Ariadne auf Naxos
Ariadne auf Naxos
In German with English captions
Premiere (Second Version): Vienna, Hofoper, October 4, 1916
Seattle Opera Premiere: January 1991
Performed at Marion Oliver McCaw Hall: May 2, 3m, 6, 9, 13, 15, 16, 2015.
Performances 7:30 p.m. Matinee 2:00 p.m. Latecomers or those who leave during
the performance will not be seated once the music begins.
Prologue: 41 minutes. The Opera: 82 minutes.
There will be one 30-minute intermission.
Conductor Lawrence Renes
Stage Director Chris Alexander
Set Designer Robert Dahlstrom
Costume Designer Cynthia Savage
Lighting Designer
Hair and Makeup Designer
English Captions
Robert Wierzel
Joyce Degenfelder
Wade Madsen
Jonathan Dean
CAST (in order of vocal appearance)
The Music Teacher Patrick Carfizzi
The Butler Georg Martin Bode
The Butler’s Assistant Barry Johnson
The Officer Jon Farmer †
The Composer Kate Lindsey (5/2, 6, 9, 13, 16)
Sarah Larsen (5/3, 15)
The Tenor (Bacchus) Issachah Savage † (5/2, 6, 9, 13, 16)
Jeffrey Hartman† (5/3, 15)
The Wigmaker Karl Marx Reyes
Zerbinetta Sarah Coburn (5/2, 6, 9, 13, 16)
Rachele Gilmore † (5/3, 15)
The Prima Donna (Ariadne) Christiane Libor (5/2, 6, 9, 13, 16)
Marcy Stonikas (5/3, 15)
The Dancing Master Doug Jones
Naiad Amanda Opuszynski
Dryad Maya Lahyani†
Echo Andrea Carroll†
Harlekin Andrew Garland
Brighella Joshua Kohl†
Truffaldino Patrick Carfizzi
Scaramuccio Eric Neuville
Assistant Conductor Philip A. Kelsey
Assistant Director Alan E. Hicks
Musical Preparation Philip A. Kelsey, David McDade,
Robert Mollicone
Production Stage Manager Yasmine Kiss
† Seattle Opera debut
Sarah Coburn, Andrew Garland, Maya Lahyani, Sarah Larsen, Eric Neuville, Amanda Opuszynski,
and Marcy Stonikas are former Seattle Opera Young Artists.
Scenery and costumes built by Seattle Opera Scenic Studios and Seattle Opera Costume Shop.
English captions by Jonathan Dean © 2015 Seattle Opera. Makeup provided by M •A • C.
Opera presentation and production © Seattle Opera 2015. Copying of any performance by camera, audio,
or video recording equipment, and by any other copying device, and any other use
of such copying devices during the performances is prohibited.
At a party hosted by the richest man in the city, a small opera company has been
engaged to present a new opera based on the Ariadne legend. The Butler confirms
a rumor the Music Teacher has heard: yes, a comic skit will indeed be performed
right after his protégé’s serious opera. The Music Teacher dreads trying to explain the
situation to the idealistic young Composer, who explodes when he learns the news.
Hostilities have commenced between comedians and tragedians when the Butler
returns with an even worse announcement: the host does not want the comedy to
follow the opera; he wants them played simultaneously! The Dancing Master extracts
musical cuts from the despairing Composer, while the comedians are given a briefing
on the opera’s plot. Zerbinetta and the Composer debate the meaning of the Ariadne
myth, and the Composer falls in love with the seductive comedienne. As “places” are
called, the Composer greets his teacher with a happy hymn to music but at the last
minute catches sight of the vulgar comics and runs out in horror.
Ariadne, Princess of Crete, has been abandoned by her lover, Theseus, on the island
of Naxos. Three nymphs—Naiad, Dryad, and Echo—sing of her sorrow as she sleeps.
Ariadne wakes, remembers her lost love in the aria “Ein Schönes war,” and prays
for death (in the aria “Es gibt ein Reich”): in ecstasy she awaits Hermes, whom she
expects will take her to the other side. Fearing that Ariadne has lost her mind from
grief, Zerbinetta and her friends Harlekin, Scaramuccio, Truffaldino, and Brighella try to
cheer her up with song and dance. In the aria “Grossmächtige Prinzessin,” Zerbinetta
tries to teach Ariadne her philosophy of life, which is always to be in love with and
faithful to one man, while at the same time welcoming the next. She has carried on
this way with a whole list of men, she says. But her words seem to fall on deaf ears.
The three nymphs return, announcing the approach of a beautiful god. It is Bacchus,
who has just escaped unscathed from the clutches of the dangerous enchantress Circe.
When he steps ashore, Ariadne panics and calls him Theseus. At first, he is suspicious
of her. But believing him to be the messenger of Death, Ariadne offers herself to him
completely. Enchanted by her beauty and vulnerability, Bacchus falls in love with her
and swears that he will never let her die. Ariadne’s sorrow is transformed by Bacchus,
and Zerbinetta is glad to see the princess taking her advice after all.
Hermes, the quick-moving messenger of the gods, guides dead souls to the
next world.
Theseus, prince of Athens, liberated his city from the cruel dominion of Minos,
king of Crete (and Ariadne’s father) by killing the Minotaur.
The Labyrinth, beneath Minos’s palace on Crete, was where the Minotaur
devoured young Athenians. Ariadne helped Theseus escape its maze with a
spool of thread.
Circe, a seductive witch, lives in a palace on an island near Naxos. She loves
enchanting sailors with drink and then transforming them into pigs with her
magic wand.
Semele, as opera subscribers may remember, spontaneously combusted
when her lover Jupiter fulfilled her demand and revealed himself to her in his
divine form. From that encounter, Bacchus was born.
About the Artists
Chris Alexander
Sarah Coburn
Stage Director (Provo, UT)
Previously at Seattle Opera: Don Giovanni (’14);
Les contes d’Hoffmann (’14); Fidelio (’12)
Recently: Otello (Nationaltheater Mannheim);
Die Zauberflöte (Theater Bremen); La bohème
(Staatsoper Hannover)
Upcoming: Fidelio (Cincinnati Opera)
Soprano (Muskogee, OK)
Seattle Opera Young Artist: 2001/02
Seattle Opera Debut: Adele, Die Fledermaus
Previously at Seattle Opera: Marie, La fille du
régiment (’13); Rosina, Il barbiere di Siviglia (’11)
Recently: Sophie, Der Rosenkavalier (Cincinnati
Opera); Adina, L’elisir d’amore (Washington
National Opera); Elvira, I puritani (Boston Lyric
Upcoming: Soloist (Cincinnati Chamber
Orchestra); Soloist (Oklahoma City Philharmonic)
Georg Martin Bode
The Butler
Actor (Basel, Switzerland)
Seattle Opera Debut: The Butler, Ariadne auf
Naxos (’04)
Recently: The Butler, Ariadne auf Naxos (Los
Angeles, Washington, D.C., Montreal, Tel Aviv)
Other Roles: Pasha Selim, Die Entführung aus
dem Serail; Prospero, The Tempest; Charles V,
The Satin Slipper; Hans Rilo, Spring Awakening
(Theaters in Basel, Berlin, Bochum, Vienna)
Patrick Carfizzi
The Music Teacher/Truffaldino
Bass-baritone (Newburgh, NY)
Seattle Opera Debut: Frank, Die Fledermaus (’06)
Previously at Seattle Opera: Don Magnifico,
La Cenerentola (’13); Ping, Turandot (’12); Dr.
Bartolo, Il barbiere di Siviglia (’11)
Recently: Henry Kissinger, Nixon in China
(San Diego Opera); Schaunard, La bohème
(Metropolitan Opera); Dulcamara, L’elisir d’amore
(Opera Theatre of Saint Louis)
Upcoming: Don Pasquale, Don Pasquale
(Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden); Baron
Mirko Zeta, Die lustige Witwe (Lyric Opera of
Chicago); Cecil, Maria Stuarda (Metropolitan
Andrea Carroll
Soprano (Bethesda, MD)
Seattle Opera Debut
Recently: Leïla, The Pearl Fishers (Utah Opera);
Gilda, Rigoletto (Opera Santa Barbara); Rosalba,
Florencia en el Amazonas (Washington National
Upcoming: Adina, L’elisir d’amore (Finger Lakes
Opera); Julie Jordan, Carousel (Houston Grand
Opera); Ensemble Member (Wiener Staatsoper)
Robert Dahlstrom
Set Designer (Billings, MT)
Seattle Opera Debut: The Ballad of Baby Doe
Previously at Seattle Opera: Don Giovanni
(’14); Les contes d’Hoffmann (’14); Fidelio (’12)
Recently: Other Desert Cities and The Price (ACT
Upcoming: Lucia di Lammermoor (Edmonton
Opera); Bloomsday (ACT Theatre); Fidelio
(Cincinnati Opera)
Joyce Degenfelder
Hair and Makeup Designer (Los Angeles, CA)
Seattle Opera Debut: Parsifal (’03)
Previously at Seattle Opera: Semele (’15); Tosca
(’15); Don Giovanni (’14)
Recently: Snow White and Swan Lake (Pacific
Northwest Ballet); Jacques Brel is Alive and Well
and Living in Paris (ACT Theatre); Goodnight
Moon (Seattle Children’s Theatre)
Upcoming: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (ACT Theatre);
Nabucco (Seattle Opera)
Jon Farmer
The Officer
Tenor (Chattanooga, TN)
Seattle Opera Debut
Seattle Opera Chorus Member since 2005
Recently: Pinkerton, Madama Butterfly, and
Don José, Carmen (Tacoma Opera); Pinkerton,
Madama Butterfly (Rogue Opera)
Upcoming: Seattle Opera Chorus, Nabucco
(Seattle Opera)
Andrew Garland
Harlekin (Kingston, MA)
Seattle Opera Young Artist: 2004/05
Seattle Opera Debut: Riolobo, Florencia en el
Amazonas (’05)
Previously at Seattle Opera: Schaunard, La
bohème (’13)
Recently: Count Almaviva, Le nozze di Figaro
(Dayton Opera); Young Galileo, Galileo Galilei
(Cincinnati Opera); Silvio, Pagliacci (Hawaii Opera
Upcoming: Papageno, Die Zauberflöte (Boston
Baroque); Schaunard, La bohème (Boston Lyric
Opera); Soloist, Messiah (Colorado Symphony)
Rachele Gilmore
Soprano (Atlanta, GA)
Seattle Opera Debut
Recently: Sophie, Der
Rosenkavalier (NCPA
Beijing); Alice, Alice
in Wonderland (Los
Angeles Philharmonic,
London Barbican);
Gilda, Rigoletto (Opera
Upcoming: Blondchen,
Die Entführung aus
dem Serail (Festival
Sophie, Werther
(Boston Lyric Opera)
Jeffrey Hartman
The Tenor/Bacchus
Tenor (Anderson, IN)
Seattle Opera Debut
Recently: Duca di
Mantova, Rigoletto
(Musica Viva Hong
Kong); Turridu,
Cavalleria rusticana,
and Canio, Pagliacci
(Compania Lirica
Nacional, Costa Rica,
and Musica Viva Hong
Upcoming: Tenor,
Das Lied von der
Erde (Seattle Youth
Symphony Orchestra)
Barry Johnson
The Butler’s Assistant
Baritone (Douglas, AZ)
Seattle Opera Debut:
Marco, Gianni Schicchi
Previously at Seattle
Opera: Sciarrone,
Tosca (’15); Marullo,
Rigoletto (’14);
Steersman, Tristan und
Isolde (’10)
Recently: Sharpless,
Madama Butterfly
(Rogue Opera); Major
General Stanley, The
Pirates of Penzance
(Tacoma Opera); The
Bailiff, Werther (Vashon
Upcoming: Dr.
Dulcamara, L’elisir
d’amore (Vashon
Opera); Dr. Falke, Die
Fledermaus (Tacoma
Doug Jones
Kate Lindsey
The Dancing Master
Tenor (Kansas City, MO)
Seattle Opera Debut: Sailor/Shepherd, Tristan
und Isolde (’98)
Previously at Seattle Opera: Borsa, Rigoletto
(’14); Goro, Madama Butterfly (’12); Monostatos,
Die Zauberflöte (’11)
Recently: Major Domo/ Innkeeper, Der
Rosenkavalier (National Symphony); Don
Basilio, The Marriage of Figaro (Dallas Opera);
Kronprinz, Silent Night (Kansas City Opera)
The Composer
Mezzo-Soprano (Richmond, VA)
Seattle Opera Debut: Amelia, Amelia (’10)
Previously at Seattle Opera: Nicklausse/Muse
(’14); Rosina, Il barbiere di Siviglia (’11)
Recently: Zerlina, Don Giovanni, and Nicklausse/
The Muse, Les contes d’Hoffmann (Metropolitan
Opera); Sesto, La clemenza di Tito (Théâtre des
Upcoming: Cherubino, Le nozze di Figaro
(San Francisco Opera); Dido, Dido and Aeneas
(Salzburg Festival); Hänsel, Hänsel und Gretel
(De Nationale Opera)
Joshua Kohl
Tenor (Reading, PA)
Seattle Opera Debut
Recently: Rodolfo, La bohème (Opera
Southwest); Ralph Rackstraw, H.M.S. Pinfaore
(Knoxville Opera); Fenton, Falstaff (Opera Santa
Wade Madsen
Choreographer (Albuquerque, NM)
Seattle Opera Debut: Don Giovanni (’07)
Previously at Seattle Opera: Don Giovanni
(’14); Le nozze di Figaro (’09); L’enfant et les
sortileges, Seattle Opera Young Artists Program
Recently: Professor of Dance, Cornish College of
the Arts; Instructor, Velocity Dance Center
Maya Lahyani
Mezzo-Soprano (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
Seattle Opera Young Artist: 2009/10
Seattle Opera Debut
Recently: Rosette, Manon, and Flora, La traviata
(Metropolitan Opera); Carmen, Carmen (Wolf
Trap Opera)
Upcoming: Hansel, Hansel und Gretel (Fairbanks
Opera); Second Maid, Elektra (Metropolitan
Sarah Larsen
The Composer
Mezzo-Soprano (Roseville, MN)
Seattle Opera Young Artist: 2011/12; 2012/13
Seattle Opera Debut: Mercédès, Carmen (’11)
Previously at Seattle Opera: The Secretary, The
Consul (‘14); Maddalena, Rigoletto (’14); Tisbe,
La Cenerentola (’13)
Recently: Mezzo soloist, Duruflé Requiem
(Orchestra Seattle); Mercédès, Carmen (Pacific
Symphony and Santa Fe Opera); Neris, Medea
(Glimmerglass Festival)
Upcoming: Susanna, The Ghosts of Versailles
(Wolf Trap Opera); Mezzo soloist, Hugo Wolf
Quartet; Donna Elvira, Don Giovanni (Arizona
Christiane Libor
The Prima Donna/Ariadne
Soprano (Berlin, Germany)
Seattle Opera Debut: Leonore, Fidelio (’12)
Recently: Senta, Der fliegende Holländer
(Washington National Opera); Isabella, Das
Liebesverbot, and Sieglinde, Die Walküre (Oper
Upcoming: Senta, Der fliegende Holländer
(Semperoper Dresden; Oper Stuttgart);
Brünnhilde, Götterdämmerung (Oper Leipzig);
Isolde, Tristan und Isolde (Staatsoper München)
Eric Neuville
Tenor (Waupaca, WI)
Seattle Opera Young Artist: 2009/10; 2010/11
Seattle Opera Debut: Normanno, Lucia di
Lammermoor (’10)
Previously at Seattle Opera: Nathanaël,
Les contes d’Hoffmann (’14); First Priest, Die
Zauberflöte (’11)
Recently: Tamino, Die Zauberflöte (Tacoma
Opera); Soloist, Beethoven’s 9th Symphony
(Seattle Symphony)
Upcoming: Abdullo, Nabucco (Seattle Opera);
Soloist, Carmina Burana (Austin Symphony)
Amanda Opuszynski
Soprano (Manchester, CT)
Seattle Opera Young Artist: 2010/11; 2011/12
Seattle Opera Debut: Frasquita, Carmen (’11)
Recently: Frasquita, Carmen (The Santa Fe
Opera); Johanna, Sweeney Todd (Virginia
Opera); Oscar, Un ballo in maschera (Boston
Youth Symphony)
Upcoming: Musetta, La bohème (South Dakota
Symphony Orchestra); Clorinda, La Cenerentola
(Boston Youth Symphony)
Lawrence Renes
Conductor (Wassenaar, Netherlands)
Seattle Opera Debut: Elektra (’08)
Music Director, Royal Swedish Opera
Recently: Idomeneo, Madama Butterfly, Tristan
und Isolde (Royal Swedish Opera)
Upcoming: Concerts (London Philharmonic,
Swedish Chamber Orchestra, and Seoul
Karl Marx Reyes
The Wigmaker
Tenor (Gerona Tarlac & Pampanga, Philippines)
Seattle Opera Chorus Member since 1994
Seattle Opera Debut: Peasant, Pagliacci (’07)
Previously at Seattle Opera: Hortensius, La fille du régiment (’13);
Political Official, Amelia (’10); Messenger, Aida (’08)
Recently: Goro, Madama Butterfly (Tacoma Opera)
Upcoming: Chorus, Nabucco (Seattle Opera)
Cynthia Savage
Costume Designer (Seattle, WA)
Seattle Opera Debut: Ariadne auf Naxos (’04)
Previously at Seattle Opera: Pagliacci (’08); Così fan tutte (’06)
Costume Shop Manager, Village Theatre
Recently: Mary Poppins, Les Misérables, Fiddler on the Roof, Meet
Me in St. Louis (Village Theatre)
Upcoming: My Fair Lady (Village Theatre)
Issachah Savage
Tenor (Philadephia, PA)
First Prize winner of Seattle Opera’s 2014 International Wagner
Seattle Opera Debut
Recently: Don Riccardo, Ernani (Metropolitan Opera); Siegmund,
Die Walküre (Canadian Opera Company)
Upcoming: Radames, Aida (Aspen Music Festival and Austin Lyric
Opera); Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 (Orchestre National de
Bordeaux); Rienzi, Rienzi (National Philharmonic Orchestra)
Marcy Stonikas
The Prima Donna/Ariadne
Soprano (Elmhurst, IL)
Seattle Opera Young Artist: 2009/10; 2010/11
Seattle Opera Debut: Second Lady, Die Zauberflöte (’11)
Previously at Seattle Opera: Tosca, Tosca (’15); Magda Sorel, The
Consul (’14); Leonore, Fidelio (’12)
Recently: Donna Anna, Don Giovanni (Wolf Trap Opera Company);
Tosca, Tosca (Opera Santa Barbara); Leonore, Fidelio (Volksoper
Upcoming: Gerhilde and the Third Norn, Der Ring des Nibelungen
(Washington National Opera); Turandot, Turandot (Cincinnati
Robert Wierzel
Lighting Designer (New York, NY)
Seattle Opera Debut: Turn of the Screw (’94)
Previously at Seattle Opera: La bohème (’13), Lucia di
Lammermoor (’10); Aida (’08)
Recently: The Love Potion (Boston Lyric Opera); Madama Butterfly
(Atlanta Opera); Indian Ink (Roundabout Theatre Company, NY)
Upcoming: Macbeth and Catone in Utica (Glimmerglass); Man of
La Mancha (Shakespeare Theatre Company, Washington, D.C.)
From the Education Department
Desk II
Jeannie Wells Yablonsky
Desk III
Ayako Gamo
Natasha Bazhanov
Desk IV
Kathy Boyer
Xiao-Po Fei
Desk I
Susan Gulkis Asadi, Principal
Desk II
Sayaka Kokubo
Desk III
Penelope Crane
Julie Whitton
Desk I
Walter Gray, Principal
Desk II
David Sabee
Desk III
Chuck Jacot
Hélène Ferret-Kaufman
Joseph Kaufmann, Principal
Jonathan Burnstein
Judy Kriewall, Principal
Robin Peery
Ben Hausmann, Principal
Winnie Chengwen Lai
Laura DeLuca, Principal
Eric Jacobs
Bass Clarinet
Eric Jacobs, Principal
Paul Rafanelli, Principal
Adam Trussel
French Horn
Mark Robbins, Principal
Jonathan Karshney
James Ross, Principal
Steve Fissel, Principal
Matt Drumm, Principal
Michael Werner, Principal
Michael Clark
Matt Kocmieroski
Valerie Muzzolini Gordon, Principal
John Carrington
David McDade, Principal
Philip Kelsey
John Keene
Personnel Manager
Scott Wilson
Assistant Personnel Manager
Keith Higgins
Rotating members of the string section
are listed alphabetically.
The Orchestra is composed of
membersof the Seattle Symphony
Kyle Cable
Gabriel Corey
Luther M. Hintz, Supernumerary Captain
Diane Abbey
Linda Allen
Tom Allen
John Bozeat
Warren Bucy
Linda Capriotti
Asraiya Deyo
Elizabeth Dittmer
Richard Eidal
Keith Freeman
Maureen Frisch
Maria Giammona
Dido and Aeneas © Elise Bakketun
Desk 1
Emma McGrath, Concertmaster
Colette Glenn
Rosetta Greek
Jimmy Harrop
Sarah T. Kaplan
Lily LaMotte
David Lee
Gary Lee
Rich Lewis
T.J. Mustard
Curtis Notestine
Lisa Price
Bruce Schickler
This summer, Seattle Opera offers three fantastically fun
opportunities for youth and teens to explore opera and musical
theater works. No experience necessary to join in the fun!
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Grades 7-12
July 6–17; 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (M–F)
Join us as we explore hill and dale, wandering through the
magical setting of Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and other
Shakespearean poetry. We’ll have plenty of merriment with two
weeks of acting, dancing, and singing. Final sharing for friends and
family at 2:30 p.m. on Friday. Cost $650
The Magic Flute Opera Camp
Grades 3-6
July 6–17; 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (M–F)
This two-week camp will explore the fanciful story of Mozart’s
The Magic Flute. We will stage scenes and sing excerpts from this
timeless story in an age-appropriate adaptation. We will explore
basic acting techniques and healthy singing in an inviting and
nurturing environment, spending time under the sun as well as
in the theater. Final sharing for friends and family at 2:30 p.m. on
Friday. Cost $650
Scenes and Songs Opera Camp
Grades K-2
July 13–17; 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (M–F)
This one-week camp will be chock full of fun, singing, and
movement. With a focus on healthy singing and character
exploration, students will learn to perform musical theater scenes.
We will spend time outside under the sun, as well as instructional
time in the theater. Final sharing for friends and family at 2:30 p.m.
on Friday. Cost $150 with after-care available until 3:30 p.m. for an
additional fee.
Join the fun! For more information visit
operacamp. To register, contact [email protected].
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Call 206.389.7676 | 800.426.1619
Ticket Office: 1020 John St.,
Mon-Fri 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
The Perfectly Imperfect Mash-up
By jonathan dean
I fell madly in love with Ariadne auf Naxos
when I was thirteen. It wasn’t love at first
sight (or hearing), exactly. The first time I
listened to it, Harlekin’s pretty little song, with
its haunting Echo, was the only music that
lingered in my ears. But before long I was
seduced by Zerbinetta’s dazzling acrobatics,
then smitten with the power of the AriadneBacchus duet. Pretty soon, the music for
Ariadne’s broken heart displaced that for
Madama Butterfly’s, in my affections. And, like
pretty much anyone who has ever spent time
backstage, I loved the Prologue. A precocious
and emo young nerd myself, of course I
identified with the Composer. Had there been
an opera made of my life at that time, they’d
have had to hire a mezzo-soprano to sing me.
Today, my voice is a bit deeper, and I’ve
spent more time with lots more operas. But I
still adore Ariadne. For me, it’s the greatest of
the Strauss-Hofmannsthal collaborations: a
perfectly imperfect mash-up of everything they
were about. In Elektra (1909), their first project,
they retold an ancient Greek myth for the age
of Wagner and Freud. Ariadne returns to that
formula, only this time the focus is on
transformative love instead of vengeance and
obsession. After Elektra, the pair shifted gears
for Der Rosenkavalier (1911), mingling farce
with nostalgia to create an anachronistic yet
potent fantasy of Rococo Vienna. For
Ariadne, they return to that Rosenkavalier
world; Ariadne’s unnamed offstage “richest
man in the city” might very well be
Rosenkavalier’s upwardly mobile bourgeois
clod, Herr von Faninal. But Ariadne is much
shorter than Rosenkavalier, with half as
many instruments in the orchestra pit.
Ariadne benefits from its creators’
lighter touch: the farce is more deft,
the nostalgia more glowing. Ariadne’s
limitations kept Hofmannsthal and
Strauss from over-reaching themselves.
In those days just before World War I,
German Romantic art had a tendency
toward monumentality and selfimportance. Composer and librettist
considered Ariadne a trifle. But, as
Hofmannsthal once wrote to Strauss,
“When two men like us set out to
produce a ‘trifle,’ it has to become a
very serious trifle.”
Ariadne started life as a little
present for the director who had
helped Hofmannsthal and Strauss with
Der Rosenkavalier. Ariadne was
supposed to be a half-hour long
intermezzo performed with The
Bourgeois Gentleman, an amusing
Molière farce about a social climber
who seeks to impress high society by
throwing the party of the year. (If
you’ve never encountered this play,
you’ll find much of it in the 2007 film
Molière, French cinema’s recent
answer to Shakespeare in Love,
starring Fabrice Luchini as the hapless
bourgeois gentleman M. Jourdain.)
Hofmannsthal translated Molière’s
French play into German and added
a scene in which the title character,
a ridiculous nouveau riche wanna-be,
asks that both opera seria and
commedia skit be performed
simultaneously, much to the dismay
of the artists involved. Strauss had a
blast writing pastiche, imitating earlier
musical styles both for incidental
music to be performed during the play
and for the little opera. But in that first
incarnation, the project flopped.
Strauss blamed everyone except
himself and Hofmannsthal: “It finally
failed due to a certain lack of culture
on the part of the audience.... The
play-going public had no wish to listen
to opera and vice versa.”
That explanation (offered in 1949)
has always struck me as a bit facile.
Could the original idea have been to
blame? At one point, Strauss described
the Molière-Ariadne project as
“beginning in the most sober of comic
prose and proceeding via ballet and
commedia dell’arte to the heights of
the purest symphonic music.”
Apparently he had in mind a sort of
musico-dramatic equivalent of those
“March of Progress” cartoons that depict
apes evolving into humans. (Such a
structure remains, vestigially, in the
revised Ariadne, which moves from the
spoken dialogue of the Butler to the
Tristan-like ecstasies of the AriadneBacchus duet.) Noting that progression
may be interesting on an intellectual
level, but the strength of opera lies in
blending music and words to tell stories
in the theater, not in separating them
out. When opera becomes a
battleground between words and
music, the audience is the one that
loses. We come to the opera because
we want a great story and great music;
one does us no good without the other.
Hofmannsthal and Strauss, both
theatrical geniuses, understood their
interdependence. Despite its initial
failure, neither was prepared to
abandon Ariadne. Strauss knew he had
written some of his best music, so he
salvaged parts for an orchestral suite.
Eventually, Hofmannsthal figured out
an ingenious solution: he expanded the
scene he had added to Molière’s play,
the scene that sets up the opera’s
theatrical mish-mash, into Ariadne’s
Prologue. Little remains of Molière or
his Bourgeois Gentleman; Hofmannsthal
changed the setting from Paris in the
1670s (eliminating Strauss’s attendant
pastiche of Lully, court composer to
Louis XIV) to Vienna a few decades
later, when fireworks were becoming
more popular in Europe.
In the transformation, the naïve
young Composer immediately
emerged as the central character. Since
he is nameless, like a character in a
fairy tale, we can give him what name
we please. (Gluck, Mozart, Beethoven,
and Wagner are popular suggestions!)
One person he is definitely not:
Richard Strauss. Strauss occasionally
struggled with Hofmannsthal the way
the level-headed Zerbinetta struggles
with the idealistic Composer.
Hofmannsthal was the visionary with
his head in the clouds, Strauss the
practical one with both feet planted
firmly on the ground.
At first it looks like the Composer
and Zerbinetta, with their wildly
diverging world-views, are in
competition for the love of the
audience and the money of the
offstage patron. But it turns out that
reality is much more complicated than
a straightforward tug-of-war. Fate
forces them to work together; they fall
in love, and then they transform each
other in ways neither could have
imagined. That pattern is repeated
endlessly in Ariadne auf Naxos.
Thought vs. feeling, comedy vs.
tragedy, chastity vs. promiscuity, artist
vs. patron, art vs. entertainment, the
ancient vs. the modern, the vulgar vs.
the sublime; always a thesis struggling
with its antithesis. But in every case a
synthesis will emerge, to unite these
pairs of opposites and transform both.
Something may be lost, but much is
gained. As Ariadne says: “Ein Ding
wächst so leicht ins andere!” (One
thing becomes another so easily).
Embracing the transformation, letting
go of outmoded ways of being,
requires enormous courage. But, as
the Composer sings at the end of the
Prologue, that’s why we have music. n
No Woman Is an Island
Poor Ariadne. She betrayed her family, solved the labyrinth-riddle, and saved Theseus
from the Minotaur, only for him to love her and leave her. In terms of breakups, this
one was pretty grim. Dumped and abandoned on a desert island, Ariadne would
rather die than live another day.
But, of course, in the myth and in the opera
Ariadne auf Naxos, her story doesn’t end there. In the
opera, we even get some comic relief before Bacchus
shows up on the scene. Among the comedians
charged with “cheering up” Ariadne is Zerbinetta, who
is Ariadne’s polar opposite. If Ariadne is willing to die
for love, Zerbinetta doesn’t see the point. “Nonsense,”
she says to Ariadne’s Composer. “Her next admirer
just hasn’t appeared yet.”
The fun of this opera is in how it brings together
opposites and lets the sparks fly. Opera buffa and
opera seria together in one show? Sure, why not?
In this same spirit we witness two very different
ideas about love. Ariadne believes she can love
only one man in her life—true till death. Zerbinetta
freely admits to a roaming heart. Love, to her, has
limits—she may very well betray the man she loves.
The fun of this opera is in how it brings together opposites and lets the sparks
fly. Opera buffa and opera seria together in one show? Sure, why not?
By the time we get to the end of
the opera we’re wondering: Does
either approach win the day? Does
Zerbinetta learn anything from
Ariadne? When Ariadne finds new love
with Bacchus, are we supposed to
believe that Zerbinetta was right, that
Ariadne just had to wait for the next
man to come along?
Correspondence between Hofmannsthal
and Strauss gives us a few clues on
Hofmannsthal’s original vision for
these themes and characters. I say
“Hofmannsthal’s vision” because initially,
after Strauss read the libretto, he didn’t
understand Hofmannsthal’s point.
“Not unnaturally,” Hofmannsthal
writes to Strauss, “I would rather
have heard all this from you than be
obliged to write it myself.” Ouch!
Hofmannsthal goes on, in an
epistolary huff, to spell out what the
opera meant to him:
What to divine souls is a real
miracle, is to the earth-bound
nature of Zerbinetta just an
everyday love-affair. She sees in
Ariadne’s experience the only
thing she can see: the exchange
of an older lover for a new one.
And so these two spiritual worlds
are in the end ironically brought
together in the only way in which
they can be brought together: in
These two characters certainly begin
in non-comprehension when they’re
both on that desert island, but I
question whether they end there.
Strauss’s music tells a different story.
On the island, Zerbinetta tries her best
to reach out and connect with Ariadne:
Princess, listen to me! You’re not
All of us, all of us—where is the
woman who hasn’t suffered
what is freezing your heart?
Abandoned! Ridiculed! In despair!
Ah, these desert islands are
beyond count…
I’ve lived on many of them myself.
But Ariadne doesn’t listen. She can’t
see beyond herself or her heartbreak—
and who can, really?—so she takes
her sad self and retreats to her cave.
Zerbinetta goes on to sing—in the
form of a rondo—her lively theories of
love, repeating her peppy tune about
how every new man appears to her
“like a god,” gets her off-kilter (read:
weak in the knees), and renders her
speechless. She persists in being
upbeat, but she repeats the idea
enough to make one wonder if she’s
somehow trapped by it. And somehow
“speechless” and “Zerbinetta” don’t go
hand in hand in my mind. Doesn’t she
have a ready answer for everything?
In the Prologue, Zerbinetta uses her
feminine wiles to seduce the Composer
in order to smooth things over and
get the show to happen—she’s a
professional, perhaps a somewhat
cynical one, who wants to perform
and get paid. But then she moves
beyond her calculating approach;
she shares some of who she is with
the Composer: “Onstage I play the
coquette; but who says my heart is in
the role? I seem merry and yet am sad;
I appear sociable, and yet I’m so alone.”
With these words, their interaction
shifts toward a genuine connection.
The Composer is clearly taken with
her. And what if she finds something
genuinely attractive about him and his
ideals, even if her life experience has
shown her a different truth? In other
words, Zerbinetta is not immune to the
Composer’s idealistic notions of love.
Ariadne and Bacchus also have a
long journey before they can really
connect. And when they do, the results
are electric. Ariadne hears Bacchus
approaching her island. She thinks he’s
the messenger of death, and she’s
ready to go. Bacchus, who has just
escaped the curse of the sorceress
Circe, is a little leery of lone women on
islands. (Circe tried to turn him into a
pig.) So they meet and Ariadne says,
“Take me!” while Bacchus wonders,
“Are you going to trick me?” It takes
them quite a while to see who the
other person really is.
Love brings Ariadne out of a
yearning for death and makes
Bacchus into a full-fledged god. Love
transforms them both. And in this
final scene, Bacchus and Ariadne
united, Zerbinetta has one additional
line. It’s the same line she had been
“stuck” on in the rondo on the desert
island, though there is a shift in
the phrasing and in the music. Her
phrasing changes from “I” to “we” as
if she were making a connection to
Ariadne in a way she hadn’t before—
“When the new god appears/Captive
we are, silent!” The music suggests
another, more personal change. She
doesn’t sing the line with her typically
confident, peppy attitude, but with
a slow, transcendent yearning. Is
she ending without comprehending
Ariadne’s lofty image of love? Or has
Zerbinetta, too, been transformed? n
Help end the season
on a high note!
As we conclude our season with Ariadne auf Naxos, we
hope to continue to thrill and transport our audiences
through the art form we all love. We have $2.5 million more
to raise by June 30 to meet our Annual Fund goal; with your
help we can ensure another great year for opera in Seattle.
Internationally renowned artists, creative productions, and
inspiring storytelling require the generous support of our
entire community. Your contribution, in whatever amount is
right for you, will put us on solid footing as we look forward
to six incredible operas in the 2015/16 season.
Will you help us reach the Annual Fund goal of $13.4
million by June 30? With your support, we will conclude
this season with a strong final act!
Give Today
For More Opera
[email protected]
Kate Lindsey, who is
singing The Composer in
Ariadne auf Naxos, also
performed at Seattle Opera
in The Barber of Seville.
Your Impact
Photo © Rozarii Lynch
Your new and increased gift
received by May 31 will be
matched dollar-for-dollar by
generous donors Maryanne
Tagney and David Jones.
Program and Event Sponsors–2014/15 Season
Seattle Opera is grateful to the following generous donors for their support of special events and projects during the
2014/15 season. Commitments of $5,000 and more as of March 20, 2015.
Maryanne Tagney and David Jones
Creature—October 22, 2014
Nesholm Family Foundation
Richard R. and Constance Albrecht
Lenore M. Hanauer
Ann P. Wyckoff
Toby Bright and Nancy Ward—January 10, 2015
SAVOR…McCaw Hall—January 11, 2015
Kreielsheimer Endowment Fund
Additional Support:
National Endowment for the Arts
Butler Valet—February 22, 2015
Barnard Griffin—March 4, 2015
Office of Arts & Culture | Seattle
Seattle Opera Foundation
Additional Support:
National Endowment for the Arts
James and Betty McCurdy—May 6, 2015
Chap and Eve Alvord—May 13, 2015
Robert and Loretta Comfort—May 16, 2015
Anonymous—Opera Talk Back Series
Barney Ebsworth and Rebecca Layman-Amato—Julian Kovatchev
Gary and Parul Houlahan­—Mary Elizabeth Williams
Geraldine Lindsey and Don Froomer—Greer Grimsley
Broken Point Foundation—Vita Tzykun
Ciara and Neil Jordan—Gary Wedow
H. David Kaplan—Theo Lebow
James and Sherry Raisbeck—Brenda Rae
Joan Snelson—Deborah Nansteel
Anonymous—Sarah Larsen
Cynthia and Christopher Bayley—Lawrence Renes
Jan Condit—Issachah Savage
Gretchen and the late Jim Faulstich—Marcy Stonikas
Richard and Mary Beth Gemperle—Kate Lindsey
Charles and Lisa Simonyi
Anonymous, in honor of Speight Jenkins
Wagner and More
Betty and Jack Schafer
Cornerstone Advisors, Inc.—Gift and Financial Planning Seminar
Michael G. Dryfoos and Ilga Jansons—Spotlight Dinner
Ariadne auf Naxos
NBBJ—2014/15 Season Kickoff, September 21
WealthLink—Gift and Financial Planning Seminar
Ariadne auf Naxos
Lease Crutcher Lewis—Artist Insight Dinner
True-Brown Foundation
Events related to The Belonging(s) Project received funding
from OPERA America’s Opera Fund.
Susan Coughlin and John Lauber
D.V. and Ida J. McEachern Trust
BNSF Railway Foundation
Costco Wholesale
H. David Kaplan
Safeco Insurance Foundation
Seattle Opera Foundation
U.S. Bank Foundation
The Wyman Youth Trust
The Peg and Rick Young Foundation
The Foster Foundation
NBBJ – Scott and Jenny Wyatt
Margery Gardow
Peach Foundation
Sponsorships and benefits can be customized to meet your giving priorities. For further information, please
contact Director of Development Lisa Bury at 206.676.5530 or [email protected].
Seattle Opera Individual Donors
Seattle Opera acknowledges with appreciation its individual donors, whose philanthropy allows the company to continue its commitment to
artistic excellence and fiscal stability. The list below reflects annual membership levels beginning July 1, 2013 through March 20, 2015.
The late Priscilla Bullitt Collins
The late Marion Oliver McCaw
Michael M. Scott
$500,000 AND MORE
$250,000 - $499,999
Ann P. Wyckoff
$100,000 - $249,999
David and Linda Cornfield
Lenore M. Hanauer
Brian Marks and Carol Maione
Maryanne Tagney and David Jones
$50,000 - $99,999
Jim and Gail Hodge
Gary and Parul Houlahan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Schubert, Jr.
Charles and Lisa Simonyi
Gene and Jean Stark
Charles and Delphine Stevens
Drs. William and Gail Weyerhaeuser
$25,000 - $49,999
Chap and Eve Alvord
Toby Bright and Nancy Ward
Estate of Ralph E. Bruno
Jonathan and Patricia Caves (E)
Drs. Darlene and Gregory Chan
Steven and Judith Clifford
Robert and Loretta Comfort (E)
Janice C. Condit
Norma B. Croco
Jane and David R. Davis
Estate of Geraldine Sorrentino-Hoefer
Gretchen and the late Jim Faulstich (E)
Richard and Mary Beth Gemperle
Natalie Gendler (E)
Lyn and Jerry Grinstein
Eric Hawley and Gwen Lowery
Dr. Kennan Hollingsworth
Victoria Ivarsson
Neil and Ciara Jordan
H. David Kaplan
Geraldine Lindsey and Don Froomer
Mr. Everil Loyd, Jr.
James and Betty McCurdy
Ann H. Milam
John F. and Laurel Nesholm
Bill and Sally Neukom
James and Sherry Raisbeck
Nancy Scurlock and Tracey Yonick
Joan Snelson
Joan and the late Craig Watjen
Judith A. Whetzel
$15,000 - $24,999
Anonymous (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Willie C. Aikens (E)
Richard R. and Constance Albrecht
Linda and Tom Allen
Kim A. Anderson
Jack and Connie Bloxom
James and Wendy Cullen
Christopher and Carolyn Eagan
Debra Dahlen and Robert Fries
Michael G. Dryfoos and Ilga Jansons
Sandra B. Dunn
Paul Goodrich and Shannon Sperry
Jeffrey and Rosario Hanna
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hedreen
Ron Hosogi
Firoz and Najma Lalji
Laura Lundgren
Bruce R. McCaw
Erika Nesholm
Kirsten Nesholm
Tom and Gretchen Puentes (E)
Anne M. Redman
Jeff and Martha Sherman
Stephen A. Sprenger with Dr. Jay D. Sprenger
John Sullivan and Paula Stokes
Ev Trout
Jim and Camille Uhlir
Moya Vazquez
Jay S. Wakefield and Susanne M.
Wakefield, Ph.D.
Susan Winokur and Paul Leach
Scott and Jenny Wyatt
(E) = Donor to Learning and Engagement Programs
★ = Opera Star Monthly Donor
Seattle Opera Individual Donors
$10,000 - $14,999
Robert L. and Rosemarie Anderson
John Bates and Carolyn Corvi
Eileen and James Birge
Neil M. and Kathleen Bogue
Bill Boris
Marshall and Jane Brown
Brenda Bruns, M.D. and Richard
Deininger (E)
William B. and Ann S. Burstiner
Joyce Castle
F. Patrick Cavallero
Victoria Papp Cavallero
Dr. Alexander Clowes and Dr. Susan E.
Charles and Sandra Cossé
Susan Coughlin and John Lauber (E)
Anne Croco
John Delo and Elizabeth Stokes
Leonora and Jesse Diller
Barney Ebsworth and Rebecca LaymanAmato
Dr. William Etnyre and Mr. David Claus
Ruth and the late Bill Gerberding
Leslie Giblett
John M. Goodfellow
Dr. Martin L. Greene
Hylton and Lawrence Hard
Gavin Lambie
Jay and Linda Lapin
Winnie and Ven T. Lee
John and Mary Ellen Matthews
James and Lora Melhorn (E)
Sarah Navarre
Linda Nordstrom
Jennee Osburn
Steve Phelps
Dana Rasmussen
Eric and Margaret Rothchild
James T. and Barbara Russell
Matthew Segal and Corrie Greene
Amy Sidell
Rose and the late John Southall
John Starbard
Russell F. and Sarah M. Tousley
Janet Turpen
Don and Gloria Swisher
Virginia and the late Bagley Wright
$7,500 - $9,999
Anonymous (4)
Jack Aldrich
Pamela and the late Dr. Harold Amoss
Betty Azar and Larry Harris
Anna Bergman★
Beatrice and William Booth
John and the late Joyce Bozeat
Phillip and Beverly Brazeau
Gary Bromberg
Heidi Charleson
Joe Bailey Cole
Norma and Alex Cugini
Laurie and William Daniel
Tim Dreyling
Marc D. and Maria Erlitz
Diana Gale and Jerry Hillis
Dave and Cheryl Hadley
Linda Hanika
Adrian and Jane Hobden
J. Marilyn Holstad
Darrell and the late Ruth Jackson
John and Pamela Jolley
Andrea C. Lewis
Dr. Lois Lowden-Lunde
Dale and Shirley Martin
Marcella McCaffray
Stafford and Louise Miller
Egon and Laina Molbak
Walter C. Moore
Lev and Isabella Novik
Gayle Peach
Barbara and Paul C. Stephanus
Beryl A. Thompson
Dean and Kelly Tweeddale
Hans H. van der Velden
Barbara and John Ward
David and Romayne Watt
Sally Anne West
Rosemary and Kenneth Willman
Bernita Jackson
Deanna D. Young
$5,000 - $7,499
Anonymous (10) ★
Lee Acton and Lucinda Wilson
George Allen
Hans Andersen and Angyl Bender
Steve and Bonnie Baker
Ronald L. Barclay
Joshua and Megan Barnard
Ralph and Catherine Bauman
Lynly Beard
Ward Beattie
Paula Begoun
Donna Berube
The late Marilyn J. Bierman
Sandra Boyd
Brian Bross and Bonnie Daniels
Dr. Joseph and Barbara Buchman
Lisa Bury (E)
Susan Buske
Ruth Cannon
Karen Carlson-Iffert and Jena Marie
Michael and Gayle Charlesworth
Frances and Gerry Conley
Dow Constantine and Shirley
Sandra and Richard Counts
George and Carolyn Cox
Marc and Maud Daudon
Suzanne DeWitt and Ari Steinberg
David and Helen Dichek
Virginia Dombrowski
Patricia K. Dowd
Lois Gamble Duncan and George
Jeanne E and Michael Milligan
Carolyn and Lindsey Echelbarger
Carol and Karl Ege
K. Carole and the late William
Barbara Feasey and Bill Bryant
Carol and Philip Fortuna
Clive and Shari Freidenrich
Maureen Frisch
Donald and Ann Frothingham
Nina Fuller
Margery Gardow
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Gilbert
Ben Goetter and Kathryn Hinsch
Peter Goldman and Martha Jane
Merrie Good
Mr. and Mrs. David Haley
Dr. M. Elizabeth Halloran
Jenny Hartley
Frederick and Catherine Hayes
Martha Himber and Bernard Evans
Ann and Glen Hiner
Drs. Mary and Marvin Hoffert
Barbara Howell
Janet and Arthur Hurd
Linda James (E)
Bruce E.H. Johnson and Sandra E.
Cassandra and Tom Johnston
Susan Kennedy
Ed Kim
Dan and Pat Kinney
Frances J. Kwapil
Jon and Eva LaFollette
Aidan Lang and Linda Kitchen
Jeff Lehman and Katrina Russell
Carla and Don Lewis
Henry Li
Lex Lindsey and Lynn Manley
Dr. and Mrs. Edgar K. Marcuse
Paul and Yaffa Maritz
William B. Maschmeier and Patricia
Terry McCarthy
Lillian C. McDermott
Dr. and Mrs. John McFatridge
Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. McManus
Renate McVittie
Jerry Meyer and Nina Zingale
Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Miller, Jr.
Richard Mills
Karen Rose Mitchell
Dr. and Mrs. Dudley T. Moorhead
Heidi Munzinger and John Shott (E)
Christopher L. Myers and Judith
Beth Naczkowski
Diana C. and Angela C. Oberti
Gordon H. Orians
Charles and Teruko Pace
Drs. Lester and Keiko Permut
Barbara B. Peterson
Anne Phelps
Julie C. Pifer
Judy Pigott
Lori and Bill Price
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Purdy
Carolyn J. Purnell and Wes C.
Alice and Dick Rapasky
Joy Rogers and Bob Parker
Jonathan Rosoff and Kristin Winkel
Paul L. Rowe and R. Michael Sereno
Lupe Salazar and Barry Bolding
Irwin and Barbara Sarason
Betsy R. and Jason Schneier, MD
Janet Sears
(E) = D
onor to Learning and Engagement Programs
★ = Opera Star Monthly Donor
Janet and Thomas Seery
Andrea Silvestrelli
Mr. and Mrs. James Solimano
Karen and Michael Souter
Sarah Soutter
Patricia Spotanske
Carolann and Gary Steinhoff
Robert Stewart and Harriet Winkelman
Steve Sussman
R. Patton Swaim and Sandra Gurosko
Pamela and Ronald Taylor
Ian L. Thompson, M.D.
Dennis Tierney and Grace Grant
Mrs. Charlotte Totten (E)
Dr. M. R. Tribble and Gary Tribble
Judy Tsou and David Carlson
Terrence Turner
Drs. Robert and Phyllis Tyson
Vilma Vojta
George and Jean Wagner
Dr. and Mrs. Mike Waring
Bill and Carol Warren
Ruth and Todd Warren
Lyle and Stephanie Waterman
Ms. C. A. Wen and Mr. David Garlow
Mary A. and David L. Williams
Wayne Wisehart
$3,000 - $4,999
Anonymous (9) • In Memory of Robert L. Autrey
• Peter and Jane Barrett • Peter Barrett • Jillian
Barron and Jonas Simonis • Holly and Brent
Beckstead • Verle M. Bleese • Joseph Borden and
Sara Marks • J. Cleve and Judith Borth • Jay and
Carol Bowditch • Jack T. Cashdollar • Royce F.
Church • Stephanie Cook • Hope Curtis • David
Darrow • Wendy H. del Valle • Michael and Natalie
de Maar • Mary Dickinson • Blair and Laura
Dillaway • Frank Dreyer • Kenneth Duncan and
Tanya Parish • Robert Dutton • Duane and Laura
Eichelberger • Julie Elliott • Michael Emanuel •
Laura and Robert Emmerichs • Kristina Erickson
• Jack and Marsha Firestone • Robert S. Fisher •
Mary and David Flowers • Peggy Fogliano • Gerald
B. Folland • Steve and Susan Ford • Jim Fox •
Ernest and Elizabeth Frankenberg • Nancy Garrett
and Jim Armstrong • Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gibbons
• Marie and Richard Haase • Richard and Diane
Haelsig • Kristina Haight • Richard M. Halffman
• Dr. and Mrs. Fred I. Hasegawa • Richard L. Hay
• Terrill and Jennifer Hendrickson • Hans and
Heidi Herrmann • B. Lane Hill • Connie and Dan
Hungate • Michael and Zhenya Hyman • Laurence
Jewell • Marshall and Kelly Johnson • Jeanne
Kanach • Gilla Kaplan • Martha Noerr and T. Jeffrey
Keane • Peter Kelly • Nancy J. King • Capt. Witold
and Darlene Klimenko • Dr. Brian A. LaMacchia
• OConnell Latino • Robert and Joan M. Lawler •
est. 1955
& Sales
1314 E. John St.
Seattle, WA
BV 071811 repair 1_12.pdf
Jeanne Marie and the late Rhoady Lee • Geo and
Carol Levin • Kathleen Lofstedt and Susan Lofstedt
• Ms. Kelly Jo MacArthur and Mr. Christopher
MacArthur • Robert Mack • Patricia Magnuson
• Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Mandelkorn • Fowler
Martin and Barbara Warren • James Martinek •
Anne Meeker • Dr. and Mrs. David L Mehlum • Sue
Montgomery • Tatiana Moore • Susan and Furman
Moseley • Diana Neely • John W. Nemanich, M.D.
and Ellendee Pepper, M.D. • Lois H. North • Ralph
and Wanda Nuxoll • Meg and Ovidio Penalver •
Edward A. and Eleonore Pottenger • Megan and
Greg Pursell★ • Douglass and Katherine Raff • Mr.
J. Karl and Mrs. Christina Ris • Richard and Nancy
Robblee • Sharon Robinson • Ansel Rognlie and
David Steindl • Angelamaria Ross • Paul Sack
• Grace Berg Schaible • Frederick and Connie
Scheetz • Nancy Schultz • Paul and Lorrie Scott •
Jane and John Simpson • Stuart Skelton • Dr. and
Mrs. Howard A. Slack • Landry Slade and Gretchen
Van Meter • A. McNair Smith, M.D. • Dorothy
Somers • Cindy and Peter Sprenger • Mari Stamper
• John Stefanchik • Jane and Alec Stevens • Ann
and Daniel Streissguth • Evelyn M. Troughton •
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Vail • Ralph and Virginia
Wedgwood • Kathryn Williams • Jerry and Nancy
Worsham • Leslie and Tachi Yamada • Jennifer
$1,500 - $2,999
Anonymous (31) (E) ★ • Reham Abdelshahid •
Katharine Bullitt • Carl Bunje and Patricia Costello •
John Abrams and Karl Compton • Stephan Adler •
Roger K. Burk and Meg Murch • Lisa Burkett •
Patricia Akiyama and David Larsen • Mary Alberg •
Dianne F. Calkins • Corinne A. Campbell • Jeanne
Carolyn Aldredge • Connie J. Alley • Carlton C.
and Jon Cantalini • Maria Cantrell★ • Eugene
Anderson • Dr. Larry S. Anderson • Shirley Anderson
Carlson • Betty R. Carter • Gerard Centioli • Virginia
• Calvin Arnason • Joe and Lee Ashley • Phillip
D. Chappelle • Donna Cheesebrough • Elaine and
Baldwin and Layne Goldsmith • Martha K. Bargren •
Eric Clark • Heinke Clark • Conni and Doug Clarke •
Ivan G. Barker • Kirk Barker • Leonie Barnes •
Dr. Sterling Clarren • Joyce M. Clise • Tom Coffey
Redmond J. and Suzanne W. Barnett • Dr. Bertha
and Ron Sheriff • Allen and Sara Colic • Patricia and
Barriga • Mike Barta and Cynthia Shelly • Ruth and
Ted Collins • Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Compton • Carl
Dr. Ronald J. Beck • Barbara G. Bedell • Dr. Mel
Corbin • Dona Costello • Dr. and Mrs. J. Terrence
Belding and Dr. Kate Brostoff • Charles and Marie
Coyle • Alexander Cross • Greg and Gina Crumbaker
Bender • Mr. Arnold and Mrs. Judith Bendich • Dr.
• Stephen L. and Joan Cunha • D’Adre
and Mrs. Forrest C. Bennett • Robert Bergman •
Cunningham★ • Frederick B. Davis and Ms. Harriet
Janice Berlin • Mr. and Mrs. Lucius H. Biglow, Jr. •
Platts • Leslie Decker • John J Demakas • Antonia
Rebecca Black • Leslye and Robert Bohrer • Karl
DeMatto • Greg and Pamela DeMichillie • Peter and
Bonn • Sally and Walter Bonsack • Rebecca Boyd •
Diane Demopulos • Donald Desalvo and Susan
Milkana and Colin Brace • Nancy Rieketts Bradley •
Wagner • Geoffrey Deschenes and Meredith
John Brazel • Thomas and Virginia Brewer • Gilbert
Broderick • Clinton Diener and Diane Lasko •
and Mary Ann Brokaw • Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Charles Dishman • Corinne Dixon • Doug and
Bruland • David C. Brunelle • Lydia Budak •
Robin Doucette • Steven Driscoll • Steven Drury •
Seattle Opera Individual
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Patricia Dubrow • Lauren Dudley • Margaret Durante •
Maria M. Durham (E) • Willliam Duvall, in memory of
Roberta Duvall • Glenn and Bertha Eades • Philip Edry •
Elaine Eigeman and Daniel Schalke • Pamela Elderkin •
Dr. and Mrs. William N. Elledge • William Ellis • Helene
Ellner • Dr. and Mrs. Milton T. English • John Erickson •
Karen and Elizabeth Faye • Victor and Patricia Feltin •
Priscilla A. Fortiner • Russell R. Fosmire and Nancy J.
Fosmire • Gregory and Kathleen Fowler • Russell Frank •
Ben, Charlotte and Carrie Fulton • Thomas Funk •
Genevieve Gambardella • Janet A. George • Deborah Giles
• Sharon Gill • Gregg H.S. Golden • Martha Gorder • Claire
and Michael Gordon • Kristopher K. Gould • Curt and
Janet Graeber • Dr. and Mrs. T. K. Greenlee, Jr. •
Christopher Gross • Dr. and Mrs. Joel E. Haas • Mr. and
Mrs. W.D. Pete Hale • Catherine Haley • Paul and Becky
Haley • Tania and Tim Halladay • Mrs. Gail A. Halpern •
Steven T. Haney • Dr. Kenneth Hapke and Dr. Robert
Delisle • H. Deforest Hardinge • Samuel and Catherine
Hardy • Mary Harvey • Dr. H. Hasche-Kluender and H.
Shahri • Candy Havens • Janice Hayes★ • Michele and
Daniel Heidt • Ian Hellen and Paula Cerni • Drs. Raquel
and Russell Hicks • Andrew and Delney Hilen • Kathleen
Hitchcock • Charlie and Nancy Hogan • Pamela Hoiles •
Cynthia C. Holdren, M.D. and Robert A. Gold • In Honor of
Norm Hollingshead • Mr. and Mrs. William Hoppin • Jim
Horne • Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Houston III • Robert
Howell and Jackie Bardsley • Dr. Gary and Janice Hudak •
Pamela Hughes and Robert Munoz • Jeanne Hunt •
Barbara and Sufian Husseini • Dr. Robert Janes and Jonna
Kaplan • Renan Jeffereis and Gail Kaminishi • Robert C.
Jenkins • Charles E. and Joan Johnson • Darryl and
Kathleen Johnson • Susan and Gary Jones • Gary and
Susan Jones • Jeaneen C. Jones • Ken and Karen Jones •
David L. Kalberer and Martha C. Choe • Chris Kalinski •
Michael and Nancy Kappelman • Jay and Jeanne Kapsi •
Travis and Suzanne Keeler • The late Suzanne Dressler
Kellar • Steven and Julie Kennedy • George E. and Mary P.
Kenny • Daniel Kerlee and Carol Wollenberg • Joyce and
Roger Kirk • W. M. Kleinenbroich • Margaret Dean Kleyn •
Albert and Elizabeth Kobayashi • Richard Koch • Thomas
and Linda Koch • Ted Korolak • Steve Krauss • Brian and
Peggy Kreger • Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kremers • Kathy Kreps
• Ursula Kuepfer and Jon Paddock • Diana and Les Kutas •
Marian E. Lackovich • Dr. W. Ladson and Darlene Hinton •
Eric and Jan Lamers • Don and Kristi Larson • Melissa
Lattimore • Mary and Chris Lawrence • Gordon D. Lazerte
• Stephen Leanos • Margaret Leiberton and Dr. R.
Venkatesan • Thomas A. and Kathleen B. Lemly • Nancy
and Charles Lennstrom • Mrs. Maria Levenson •
Heidemarie Lundblad • Mark P. Lutz • J. L. Mabrey •
Robert Mack • Duncan Maclean • Edith Maffeo • Jon
Magnussen • Catherine Banchero and Stephen K.
Malshuk • Barbara Maly • Jean Manwaring • Kathleen
Maryatt • Peter A. Mathisen • Carolyn T. Mattern • David
and the late Leslie Mattson • Barbara J. Mauer • In
memory of Sue M. Maule • Louise McAllister • Dorothy E.
McBride • Philip McClure • Sarah McCoy and Jim
Buchanan • Caroline McCullam • Sharon McGrayne and
George Bertsch • Dr. William McKee • Therissa McKelvey
and Heli Roiha • Jean McTavish • Georgia H. Meagher •
Gwynn Meden • Marcus Meier • Greg Meldahl • Suzanne
Merriman • Marilyn Milberger • Edward L. Miles • Barbara
and Jim Miller • Bruce and Elizabeth Miller • Howard and
Catherine Miller • Robert and Jean Miller • Ronald E.
Miller and Murl Barker • Dennis and Deborah Minium •
Terri Mitchell and Therese MacIsaac • Patricia and Paul
Mitchell • John Morris • D.C. Morse Jr. and Jan
Marchbanks • Andrew Murphy and Michelle Duffy •
Suzanne Myklebust • George and Ellen Naden • Eunice
Nakao-Tribelhorn and Roy Tribelhorn • Marilyn W. Newland
Donors, continued
• Susan H. Nivert • Craig Norton and John French •
Martha Nussbaum • Pamela A. Okano • Roger J. Oliver
and Carol Hahn • John W. O’Meara • Andrea Ordean •
Joan Ostendorff • Sarah M. Ovens • Dr. Roy C. and
Patricia R. Page • Margaret and John C. Pageler •
Elizabeth Paschke • Dennis Petersen • Jocelyn Phillips
and Warren Bakken • Kathleen Pierce • Karen M. Place •
Sylvia B. Pollack and Molly McGee • Ken Powers • Jack
and Carolynn Prelutsky • Thomas and Marilyn Price •
Lynn Prunhuber and David Stobaugh • J.T. and Suzi Pundt
• Sam Purvine★ • Michelle Quesada • Michael Raftery •
Catherine Ramsey and Thomas Ball • Buddy Ratner and
Cheryl Cromer-Ratner • Mary Lou Reed • Dr. and Mrs.
Edward Reifel • Harry F. Reinert and Cecilia M. Paul • Jane
Remsberg and Jerome Anderson • Steven and Fredrica
Rice • Richard Robbins • Frances Rogers and the late Fred
Rogers • Arnold and Rosalyn Rom • Lawrence R. Ross •
Cornelius and Penny Rosse • Weston Roth • Kevin
Ruddell and Heather Kroll • Ron and Susan Runyon •
Milton Ruppeck • Marguerite Russell • Debra Santos • Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Scheidel • Eckhard Schipull • Mrs.
Chella Schmidt • Garry and Ruth Schneider • Mr. and Mrs.
George S. Schuchart, Sr. • Judith A. Schweikhardt • Allen
and Virginia Senear • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Shaeffer •
Dr. Anita Shaffer • Sarah Shreeve ★ • Bernard and Susan
Silbernagel • Evelyn E. Simpson ★ • Marcia T. Skinner •
Mr. and Mrs. William Smith • Pamela Jackson Smyth •
Cameron and Chris Snow • J. Andrew and Sue W. Snyder
• Yana Solovyeva and Igor Zverev • Mario and Karen Sorci
• Martin and Carol Stacey • Kristi L. Stakston • Alan and
Bonnie Steele • Anne Steele • Chuck Stempler and Sally
McKenzie • Dr. and Mrs. Morton A. Stenchever • Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Stephanus • Sheila and Craig Sternberg •
Lisa Sterritt • Mary Stowell • Frederick B. Strom • Kurt
Stromberg • Diane V. Summerhays • Christine Swanson •
Darci Swanson • Aggie and Chick Sweeney • Marvin
Theimer • Tamlyn P. Thomas • C. Rhea and Wendy
Thompson • Gertrud Tobiason • Thomas and Lisa Tocher
• James Toomey • Arthur and Louise Torgerson • Kathleen
Tozer • John and Anne Trench • Doris and Richard Turner
• Edith Ulatoski • Lance Vail and Terri Traub • Manijeh Vail
• Don Van Dyke • Case van Rij • Alice and Bill Van Pelt★ •
Dallas and Shirley Viall • Betty L. Wagner • Cynthia Walk •
Judith Warshal and Wade Sowers • Dr. and Mrs. Brownlee
Waschek • Carolyn Wasteneys • Eugene Webb and
Marilyn Domoto Webb • Norman Weeks • Julie and Mike
Weisbach • John and Jane Whiteley • Julie Wieringa •
Robert and Diahann Witter • Albert and Angelina Yen •
Charles A. Zaragoza • Gregory A. Ziuzin, CPA • Christian
and Joyce Zobel
Anonymous (35) • Harlan and Asja Adams • Aaron Adee •
David and Heidi Adkisson • Richard and Joanne Akeroyd •
James and Anita Allen • Reverend and Mrs. John M. Allen •
Victor and Lisa Allen • Mary Ann Allen • Paul G. Allen • Susan
Allen • June Allison • Jack and Gladys Altabef • Richard Altig •
Nell Altizer★ • John and Marlies Amaya • Ronald Andersen •
Dan and Portia Anderson • Gilbert and Mary Jane Anderson •
Dr. J. M. Anderson and Ms. Lynn Gabriel • Nancy Bachant and
Kevin Freeman • Jere L. Bacharach and Barbara Fudge •
Donna Bajelis • Joan Baldwin and James Walsh★ • William
and Madeleine Ball • Dr. Aaron Barnes • Dr. Sanford C. Barnes
and Dr. Calvin L. Tregar • Tim and Tony Barrick • Diann Barry •
Ms. Mary Barta • Craig Bartholomew • Kathryn Bartholomew
and Richard Beuthel • Douglas and Maria Bayer • Frank S.
Bayley • Cheryle Beighle and Stephen Schroeder • Patricia
Benca • Diana N. Bennett • Patricia M. Bentz★ • Marianne
Bergstrom • Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm J. Best • Andrea Bettger •
Isaiah and Debbie Bier • Dona Strombom Biermann • Tony
and Tanya Bigge • Terri Blair • Roxanne Blanco-Mitchell •
(E) = D
onor to Learning and Engagement Programs
★ = Opera Star Monthly Donor
august 8-22
Photo © Philip Newton
$1,000 - $1,499
Ancient Babylon is the backdrop for
this timeless tale of a proud king,
a deceptive daughter, a nationless
people, and a pair of star-crossed
lovers. Seattle Opera premiere!
With English Subtitles.
Evenings 7:30 p.m. Sunday 2:00 p.m.
Featuring the Seattle Opera
Chorus and members of
Seattle Symphony Orchestra.
Seattle Opera Individual
EAP 1_3 S template.indd 1
10/8/14 1:06 PM
Karen R. Bonnevie • Don Bordner and Cheryl Oprea • Richard
and Evelyn Bothell • Deborah J. Bowen • Mr. Alan Boyd • Cyd
Scofield Boyd • Dr. and Mrs. Boone Brackett • Dr. Ann L. Brand
• Lawrence Brandt • Robert Brenner • Bonita and David
Brewer • Herb Bridge and Edie Hilliard • Alec and Maddy
Brindle • Marcela Brink • Mrs. Walter F. Brissenden • Paul B.
Brown and Margaret A. Watson • Richard Brown • Larry and
Sally Brown • Thomas A. Brown • Karl and Patricia Brunner •
Karen V. Burke and Donald Feldman • Rosemary P. Burkhart •
Alan A. Butchman • Cy and Kathleen Butler • Susan Butler •
Sonya Byrd • Christina Byrne • Marty Byrne • Dr. Jeffrey and
Mrs. Amanda Cain • William F. Calderhead • April Cameron •
Joe and Dorothy Canavan • Renee and Darrell Cannon •
Barbara A. Capron and David A. Holm • John Carmichael •
Chris Carrell • Stan and Mary Case • Peter Challman • Ellen
and Paul Chatel • Carolyn Chawla • Matthew F. Chen • Dale
and Leslie Chihuly • Sandra Chiodo and Harry DeTurk • Patricia
Church • Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Clarkson • Jack Clay •
Adelle and Monte Clements • Fran Clifton • Sarah Cody Roth •
Seth Cohen and Cindi Berkovich • Donna Cole★ • Mike and
Yoko Colpitts • Bruce and Mary-Louise Colwell • Elisabeth
Compton • Frank and Joan Conlon • Amy H. and Larry Corey •
Charles Cowan and Rhonda Levitt • Collett Cox • Jan and Jack
Creighton • Roger and Emma Crew • James Crouse and Lee
Oatey-Crouse • Rachel Crum • Barbara L. Crutcher • Gavin
Cullen and David Jamieson • Sara Culver • Dennis and Judith
Cunneen • Richard Cuthbert and Cheryl Redd • Barry Davison •
Sherry De Leon • Carol and Daniel De Matteis • Angela de
Oliveira • Thomas DeBoer • Ann De Lancey • Anne Denman •
Mary Desjardins • George and the late Susan Dimitroff • Susan
Dittig and Jim Gore • Johanna and Bill Dock • Jeffrey Donchez
• Zander and Hilary Doroski • Bill Dubay • Candy Dumars •
Rebecca Dunsmoor-Su • Roy E. and Diane Edfast • Educational
Legacy Fund • Richard D. Eidal • Ian and Maria Einman • Paul
and Barb Elliott • In memory of H. Wendell Endicott • Jeannie
Gayle Engle • Paul and Lois Evans • Dr. Kathryn Fantasia and
Mr. Zane Weaver • Mrs. Gerry Fardal • Edward Faust • Craig and
Kerri Feeney • Timothy D. and Elizabeth Feetham • Dr. Raya
Fidel • Dr. Robert Fink and Patricia Watson • Gerry and Betsy
Finkel • Ed Fisher and Ernesta Ballard • Ivan and Joan Fisk •
David Fliegel • Edwin Fontaine • Stockton and Janice Forrest •
Dean and Mary Fournier • Panos Fourtounis • Nancy Fowler •
Brian and Sonia Frank • Ludmeela M. Fraser • Alan and Linda
Freyd • Jim and Elaine Fridley • Carole Fuller and Evan Schwab
• Martha and Michael Galvin • Robert and Sandra Gannan •
Bernard Garbusjuk • Joyce E. Ferm • Genevra Gerhart • Jan
Frederick and Warren Gibbs • Denise Goforth • Dale
Goldmann • Gwen Goodbee • Inger A. Goranson • Chris and
Odile Gould • Gene O. Graham • Robin Gray • Dr. and Mrs. J.
Thomas Grayston • Joanne Green • Grace Greenwich •
Margaret Griffiths • Brian Grimes • Dr. and Mrs. Edward Gross •
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Grossman • Ivan and Gerlinde Gruber •
Marcia and James Gudger • John and Amy Gunnar • Brett B.
Gutsche, MD • Brian Hahn and Mary Klubben • Ann M.
Hajnosz • Laverne Hall • John and Donna Hamilton • Adrian
Hanauer • Judy Haney, Luana Joslin-Lester and James Lester •
Jeanne Hansen • John and Judy Harding • David and Carole
Hardy • Benson and the late Pamela Harer • William Harleston
and Coral Hanevold • Gini Harmon • Susan Harney • Nancy
and Hamilton Harris • Meredith Hartley • Karen Harvey and
Steve Shelton • Dr. Geraldine A Hashisaki • Donald Hatch •
Trafton Haynes • Dorothea and John Headlund★ • Mr. and
Mrs. Jahn R. Hedberg • Robert and Donna Hegstrom • Eileen
Hershberg • Jean M. Large and Fred F. Herzberg★ • Phil
Hillstrom • Mr. and Mrs. Don Hirst • Molly Hite • Michael C. and
Jana M. Hobbs • Judith and Alan Hodson • Carolyn and
Edward Hoffman • H. Lee Holcomb • Jana C. Hollingsworth •
Gerald and Gladys Hoshijo • Ron J. Hull • Robert and Kimberly
Hunter • Nicholas Huppe • Bruce and Judy Hutchison • Joseph
Iano • Ms. Roslyn Isseroff and Mr. Arthur Huntley • Yumi
Iwasaki • Stephen Jackson and June Kori Kody • Laura and
Bernard Jacobson • Ann Janes-Waller and Fletch Waller • Paul
and Susan Jason • Warren and Mary Jane Jessop • Clarence
and Rosa Johnson • Spencer Johnson and Braiden RexJohnson • James L. Johnston and Vivian Mendenhall • Harvey
Jones and Nancy Iannucci • Ron Joshua • Gilbert Joynt • Mary
Justice • Paul K. and Patricia Kaald • Dale Kalbfleisch • Donna
Kaufman • Patricia and Kieran Kealy • Marlyn and Gordon
Keating • Margaret Keenan • Larry Kessler • Virginia King •
Donors, continued
Robert Kirkman and Gakyung Chung • Fletcher Kistler •
Bartley Kleypas • Mitchell Knox • Carol Koch • Robert H.
Koehler • Timothy Konich • Barbara Konkle and Peter Kollros •
Ryan Kosai • Kenneth Kreer • Dr. George S. Kriz • Michele S.
Kurlander • The Kuzeja Family • June R. Kvarda • Isabelle S.
Lamb • Barbara Laughlin • Michael Adler and Michel Lebas •
Paul and Liz Leiba • Francesca Leonetti • Rosemary LeongMiller • In memory of Mr. Norman Levin and Mr. Martin
Hochfeld • Mark and Vanessa Levine • Jerry and Marguerite
Lewis • Stefan Lewis • Gerald Lim • Margrit Boswell Lindal •
Stephen and Mary Lindberg • Stanton J. and Lucille Linden •
Micheal Lofstedt • Mark Looi and Susan Cheng-Looi • Major
General Timothy and Mary Lowenberg • Cheryl L. Lundgren •
Robert and Bridget Lyons, In memory of Max Gellert • Walter
and Ruth MacGinitie • Ellen Mack • Claire Madsen • Alice M.
Mailloux • Peggy and David Mainer • Christopher Maley •
Brian Malone • Dr. James E. Marcia • John R. Mason • Jerri
Matson • Brenda Matter and Bruce Crowley • Michael and
Rosemary Mayo • Kathryn McAuley • Geoff Corso and
Marshall McClintock • Mary H. McConnell • Cathy McCown •
Mr. and Mrs. James P. McGough • Margaret McGraw • James
McIntire and Christina Koons • Brian and Lillian W. McKee •
Karen and Rick McMichael • Bruce and Emmanuelle Meaker •
Gunda and Uwe Meissner • John and Martha Melcher • Perla
Mendez Maldonado • John and Susan Meyer • Stanlis
Milkowski • Abraham Miller • Carolyn and Roger Miller •
Elaine Miller • Elaine Miller • Norman D. Miller • Juris
Mindenbergs • Randa Minkarah and Scott Mullins • Connie
Missimer Carlson • Olwen A. Palm • Jens Molbak • Lorenzo
Moog • Ludovic and Ghizlane Morlot • Peter O. Mueller •
Brian Muirhead • Donald and Vicki Mukai • Ernesto Munoz •
Mary Murphy • Linda and J. Patrick Naughton • Jennifer
Nazarko • David Nelson • Eric and Mary Nelson • Sharon L.
Nelson • Kate Ness • Susan and Gary Neumann • David S. and
Sheila K. Newman • David Nicol • Laurence and Barbara
Nobles • Worth Norton • Vivian Oehler • Rosemarie Oliver •
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Olson • John and Erika O’Neil • Dr. and
Mrs. David Mourning • Erich J. Parce and Jenny Knapp-Parce •
Soo Park and Jeff Rosenfeld • Teresa Parker • Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Parks • Mary and D. Pat Patterson • Mallory Paxton •
Nancy Peacock★ • Dr. Robert A. Pearlman • Martha
Pendergast • Ricky and Loni Pendergrass • Jorge Peraza •
Tomas Perez • Dr. Mary Lee Peters • Gary Peterson • John and
Catherine Petrek • Don and Sue Phillips • Dr. Zaiga Alksne
Phillips★ • Sean Pierce • Thomas Pisz • Gerald Pittenger •
Richard Plunkett and Marilyn Mason-Plunkett • Vicki L.
Pogorelc • Dean A. Pollack and Lizabeth A. Wilson • Lynda &
Dan Porter • Richard and Karen Prince • LaVern and Frances
Puddy • Linda and Matt Railey • K. Carolyn Ramamurti • Ann
Ramsay-Jenkins • Robert Reece • Dr. and Mrs. John B. Reed •
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Reichenbach • William C. Rense★ •
Robert Rich • Lanse and Rebecca Richardson • Sheri
Richardson and Rick Lappin • Joyce C. and Saul Rivkin •
Catherine and Thurston Roach • Paul and Mary Ann Roberts •
Leigh and Ivy Robinson • Nancy Robinson • Robert RodriguezLawson • Melanie Ross and Tim Buck • Thomas and Patty
Ruehle • Helen Runstein • Sue Rupp • Tim Saito • Dr. and Mrs.
Charles E. Salzer • Werner E. and Joan Samson • Jean Sanders
• Norman and Elisabeth Sandler • Bev Schaaf and Rick
Kirkwood • Todd Scheuer and Luciana Simoncini • Mrs. V. R.
Scheumann • James L. Schindler • Tim Schoenfelder • Dr.
Frederick A. Schubert • Lidia Schwarz • Jean E. Schweitzer •
John and Joan Scott • Thea Lou Seese • Christine Seyfried and
William Catterall • Lynn A. Sharp and Kathryn Olson Sharp •
John W. Showalter • Craig and Nancy Shumate • Kathryn F.
Siewert • Susan Simons • Mika and Jenny Sinanan • Dr. and
Mrs. Thomas Sinclair • Chuck Sitkin • Dr. John and Lauri
Skalski • George and Joleen Sloniker★ • Del and Tony Smith •
Douglas Smith and Stephanie Ellis-Smith • Peter Smith •
Susanne E. Snortland • Stephanie Solien • David and Jannie
Spain • Mark Spelich • Sheila Squillace • Shannon and Donna
Stafford • Dr. David and Renate Stage • Kathleen Stamm •
Janet and Peter Stanley • Ms. Carol Starin • Drs. Gordon and
Mary Starkebaum • Sandra Starkey • Christoph and Ellen
Stauder • Raymond Steckel • Lisa and John Stewart • Richard
M. Stewart • Charles and Susan Stillman • Jane Stockert •
Dr. Steven Stoll • Larry Stonesifer and Ron Angress • Betty
Strand • Irene Strand • Kent and Linda Streissguth •
(E) = D
onor to Learning and Engagement Programs
★ = Opera Star Monthly Donor
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Seattle Opera Individual
Howard and Vivienne Strickler • Charles Surine • M. and H.
Sussman • Duane and Barbara Swank • Bob Swoffer • Rafael
Tello • Joe N. Terteling • Mary C. Tevis • Michael P. Theisen, M.D.
• Douglas D Thomas • Mary Anne Thorbeck • George Thornton
• Patricia Thorpe • Linda Tonn • Jene Colin • Julie Trautmann •
Rae Tufts • Harold and Helen Tukey • Dennis and Dorene Tully
• The late Devora Turner • John Turner and Jerry Fischer • Mary
Megrath Turner and Donald Dahlgren • Marjorie and Thomas
Tyler • Kathie Uno • William Vance • In memory of Jacqueline
B. Velikanje • Padmaja Vrudhula • Morris and Penny Wade •
Maggie and Doug Walker • In honor and memory of Helen
English Walker • Mary and Findlay Wallace • Jost Wanden • Jay
Wang and Nancy Current • Joseph H. and Ella Thompson Ward
• Roger A. Ward • William and Marilyn Watson • William D. Watt
• Tyler and Jenny Weaver • Ms. Dean Weldon • Richard D.
Weller • Margie Wetherald • Kathleen and Christopher White •
Stephen and Leslie Whyte • Michael B. Widmer • Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wiesenthal • Alexandra Wilber • Joseph L. and Susan
Willhoft • Thea Williams • Dr. Antoinette Wills • Donald G.
Wilson • Kevin Wilson and Emily Evans • Pat Wilson • Karyl and
Norman Winn • Steven and Gail Wish★ • Ann K. Wittkowsky
and Katherine L. Powell • Craig Wolfe • Vaew Jon Wongsurawat
• Larry and James Woods-Palmer • Frank and Virginia Wyland •
Marvin Yamaguchi • Christine Yarrow • Dan Young and Camille
Minogue • Marcia and Klaus Peter Zech • Nancy and Stanley
Zeitz • Mrs. Louis J. Zorotovich •
$600 - $999
13 T H A N N U A L
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JUNE 13-28, 2015
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As t o ria, Ore go n
Anonymous (19) (E)★ • Patricia Adams and James Whitson (E) • The
late Suellen Adams • Charles Adrianse (E) • Amir Afrassiabi • Mr. and
Mrs. Steven M. Ahrens • Maria Aldrete-Levy • Marian Alexander and
David E. Netboy • Joanna Allen • Kathleen Amberg • Jerry Anches • Byron
L. and Pauline P. Anderson • Grieg Anderson • Paul and Jerilyn Anderson
• Paul W. Anderson • Dr. Philip Anderson • Renate and Croil Anderson •
Virginia R. Anderson • John T. Andrews and Elizabeth Lambert • Fred and
Dita Appelbaum • Irene Aronoff • Dr. Jeanne Arvidson • Donald P.
Aupperle • Barrie and Margaret M. Austin • In memory of Joseph S. Axup
• Victor Bahna • Karyn Baker • Kendall & Sonia Baker • Leslie Baker and
Kenneth Sprenke • Warren W. Baker • Tom and Jo Ann Bardeen • Alice C.
Barker • Ramon Barnes • Alexandrea Bartow • Marcia I. Batchelor •
Evelyn and Richard Bateman • Tony R. Bautista and Daniel Hirschstein •
M.P.G. Bayne • Joy and Nicholas Beal • Carla R. Becker • Brenda Beckett •
Ruth Beckett and Liz Roach • Dr. and Mrs. Dan Bensky • Jason Bergevin
and Kelly Abner • Lisa E. Bergman and David L. Fluharty • Drs. Irwin and
Ilene Bernstein • Karen and Herb Berry • Kendall Berry • Judith Bishop •
Richard and Nancy Bishop★ • Teresa and Andrew Bliss • Robert and
Betty Blossey • Kathleen Bodley • Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Boldt • John
Boling • Barry Booher and Mary Ellen Olander • Christopher and Linda
Borland • Stephen Bosetti • Molly Bostic • Laura Boyd and Don Rudolph
• Scott Boyd and Wendy Haas • Lenox and Trudy Brassell • Gloria A.
Breed • Brad Brickman • Britta and Norman Brones • Benedict J. Brown •
Dock Brown • Joseph Brown and Rachel Lawson • Susan Brownell •
Craig Bruney • Colin Bryar • L. Y. Buhler • Olivia Burkland • Dave and
Marcia Butchart★ • John Butler • Dr. and Mrs. Norm Cadman • Richard
Cahall • Carol Campbell • Diana K. Carey • Beth Carlyle-Askew • Antonia
and Doug Carmean • Brett Carr • Silvia Ceravolo • Dorothy Cervinsky •
Annette and Des Chanez • Warren and Fay Chapman • John Charles •
Ronald D. Chase • Linda Chaves • Daniel Chertudi • Bonnijo Chervenock
• Noel and Ursula Choquette • Dr. T.G. and Mrs. Vaira Pelekis Christopher
• Daria Cilnis • Allen Clark • Melody Clark • Rob Clark and Melanie
Matthews • Dan and Karen Clements • Perry and Iris Clisbee • Luanne
Coachman★ • Jeanne Coats • Candace Coe • Judith Coito • Gregory V.
Cole • Katherine and Rudy Cologna • Dr. Lisa Conaghan • Ruth Conn★ •
Laura Connor and George Klawitter • Beth and Marc Cordova (E) •
Johnny L. Correll • Leslie and Janet Cox • J. Cramer and S. Poppema • In
Memory of James H. Crichton • Leonora Cross • John Crowe • Sylvia
Danielson • Mary Darr • Corey Darlington • Jacqueline Davenport • Joan
Davis • Kathleen K. Davis • Lynelle Davis★ • Misti Davis (E) • Rebecca
Davis • Richard and Cathy Davis • Elizabeth Day • Crystal DeFrate • Dr.
Gregory J. del Zoppo • Maria Delgado • Jan Demorest and Steve Moore •
Janine H. de Saint Giles • Jan Frankina and David DeWitte • Bill DeYoung
• Clifford Dibble • Drs. James Hurley and Leslie Dierauf • Diane Divelbess
• Diane Dixon-Payne and Daniel L. Payne • James Doe • Peter and Sylvia
Domoto • Tom Douglas • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doyle • Lorraine J. and
Ferris L. Dracobly • Michael Droker and Irene Stearns • Amy Duerr Day •
Patricia DuRuz • Sam and Mona Dworkin • Dr. David Dwyer • Vasiliki
Dwyer • Jeanne Eagleson • Mr. and Mrs. Curt Ebbesmeyer • Heidrun and
Lee Eberhardt • Scott Eby • Lewis and Susan Edelheit • Richard L.
Egilsrud • Karen and Keith Eisenbrey • Jan P. Eisenman • Linda and Paul
Ellingson • Matthew Ellis • Lise Ellner • Ashley and Linda Emery • Mark
England-Markun • Myron P. Erickson and Marcia McClellan Barton •
MaryAnn Eschbach • Ellen L. Evans • Marian E. Evans★ • Phyllis Failor •
Jean Burch Falls • Lorri Falterman and Stephen Strong • Juli Farris •
Deborah Ferse • Paul Feuerpfeil • Edgar Figueredo • Meredith Fine • Paul
Fischbach • Patricia and Manfred Fischer • Scott and Margaret Fivash★ •
Donors, continued
(E) = D
onor to Learning and Engagement Programs
★ = Opera Star Monthly Donor
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Jan Flom • Jordan Forbes • Becky Forland • Steve and Kay Frank •
Arlene Frederickson • Betty L. Friedman • Albert and Susan Fuchs • Mr.
Bryant Fujimoto • Nancy M. Fulton • Dr. and Mrs. Howard L. Fultz •
Virginia and Albert Furtwangler • Don Gagne • John Gallagher • Mitzi
Galus • Joseph Garbini • Beth Garrett • Ellen and Robert Gatton • Kent
Lowry and Melinda Gause • Ms. Patricia Gelles • David L. Gemes, M.D. •
Scott George • Philip Gerson • Suzette Giannini (E) • Dennis Gibb •
Jeffrey Gibbs • Hi and Mary Gibson • Mary Jane Gibson • Michael and
Katharine Gibson • Ken and Tina Giesbers • Rebecca C. Gillette • Steve
Giordano • Dianne E. Goddard and Dennis Edmonds • Gunnar Goerlitz
• Doris E. and Robert L. Goetz • Scott Goff • Laura and Dan Margineanu
• Richard and Annette Gordon • T. Augusta Gordon • Michael Gossler •
Ms. Jo Goubeaux • Allen and Carol Gown • Robert Grabowsi • Martin
and Karen Graham • Marilyn B. Graham • Dr. and Mrs. David W.
Grauman • Noah and Monica Greenberg • Gare Greene • Claudia
Greenwald • Gratia Hannan Griffith • Arthur Groos • Tom Grossi • Reed
and Wynne Guy • Cynthia Guyer • Laura Haas • Susan Hajek and Steve
Ellzey • Lia and Benjamin Halasz • Jeffrey Hall and Anthony Longoria★
• Eleanor Hamilton • Rebecca Hamlin • Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Hamon
• Valerie Hamrick • Wolfram and Linda Hansis • Brad Harris • Stephen
and Renee Harrison • Kenneth and Susan Hassenmiller • Lunell
Haught and Robert Pyle • Lane Haury • Bruce L. Hayes • Dr. and Mrs.
Frederick Hegge • Susan Hellwich • Charlie and Janice Helming • Anita
Hendrickson • Ronald and Carolyn Henrikson • Don Henry • Jean and
Michael Herr • Ms. Jacquelyn Herum • Peter D. Hiatt • Mary Hjorth •
Patricia Hofmann and Michael O’Brien • Mark Hogden • Thomas
Holford • Norm Hollingshead’s Opera Plus (E) • Nan S. Holmes and
Steven Kaufman • Irene Holroyd • Bob Holtz and Cricket Morgan •
Carol and Greg Home • Deborah J. Horne★ • Paul and Mary Hosoda •
David H. Howden • Lembhard G. Howell • Tim Howland, D.V.M. • Senta
Howren • Janice Hsia • Susan Hubbard • Kathleen Huckabay • Jennifer
Hudson • Erin Huffman • Mr. Larry Hufford • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Huggins • Stan Hungerford • Michael Hunter • Frances Hurlow • Farouk
and Elisabeth Husseini • Sheri and Eric Hwang • Robert S. Hyslop •
Jeannette Idiart and Babu Rajendran • Catherine Iles • John and Annick
Impert • Jon Inge and Lindsay Geyer • Dean M. Ishiki • Dr. and Mrs.
Nichol T. Iverson • Arthur D. Jackson Jr. • Douglas Jackson • Jane Jakobe
• James Jacobsen • Stephen O. and Kerry Louise Jacobson • Jane C.
James • Didi and Johann Jansen • Jeri Jay-Kelley • Michael Jelmini •
Bonnie and Ron Johnson • Craig Johnson • Douglas and Robin
Johnson • Erik and Carly Johnson • Mark J. Johnson • Janet Johnson
and the late Paul W. Johnson • Elizabeth Jones • Sheldon Kaip • Daniel
Kao • Barry Kaplan • The Kassim Family • Peter Keck • John and Eleanor
Kelley • Michael and Joan Kelly • Dr. William S. Kelly • Joachim Kempin
• Benjamin Kendall • Dong Kim • Beverly R. Klein★ • Dr. Donald R. and
Barbara Klein • Lauren Knoblauch • Mrs. Robert Knopp • Christof Koch
• Annette Korobkin • George Kraft • Ian Krauter • Alyssa Kreider •
Thomas Krett • Alan R. Kristal and Jason Lamb • Sonja Kromann • Mrs.
Jean and the late Dr. Paul F. Krynicki • Akshay Kulkarni • May Kulthol •
Peter A. Kuster and Karen Mackie • Sandra Labadie • George and Lisa
Lackermayer • H. Gary Larson • Ritchie Larson and Elizabeth Swisher •
Nanette Latham • Ms. Carolyn Viebrock • Lucy Lauterbach • Nora
Leblanc • Bernadette Lee • Jennifer M. Lee • Robert E. Lee • Erin Leff •
John Lefor • Ellen Lehman and Charles Kennel • Alice Leiner • Marjorie
J. Levar (E) • Ann T. LeVeque • Lisa Lewis★ • Margaret Lewis • Shoubee
Liaw • Garfield Lindo • Debra Lisser • James and Sandra Livingston •
Mark and Jeri Lloyd • Jana Lone • Thomas Long • George Lovell and
Carrie Cihak • Lucy A. Lowry • Jim Lyle • Margaret Lynch • Janet Lyons •
Jill Mabley • Nathan Machin • Virginia Mackay • Mary MacKenzie •
Quinn MacKenzie • Julie Mackoff • Eva and Horst Mader • Dr. and Mrs.
C. Patrick Mahoney • Matthew and Deborah Mandel • Dr. and Mrs.
Charles Mangham • Judith and Patrick Manza • Ken Maravilla • Dominic
and Joan Maricich • Joseph and Joyce Marleau • Marcelo Marquez •
Jeanne Marrazzo • David and Helen Marriott • Paul Marten • Mary Jo
and Paul Martin • Dr. Patrick Mathiasen and Jenner Roth-Mathiasen •
Daralyn Mattei • Gustavo Matute-Bello • Roger and Diane Mauldin •
Lucille May • Judy McBroom • Pat McCarthy • Carolyn McConnell •
Lorna J. McCormick • William McCraw • Fred McDonald • Lesley
McGalliard • A. Wayne McGuire • Robert M. McIntosh • Ellen and Paul
McKaskle • Wren McNally • Eric and Marina McVittie • William Means •
R. Meenk • Aimee Mell & Dr. Jawad Salimi • James and Karen Mhyre •
Zemin Mi • Drs. Ernest and Erika Michael • Laura Middaugh and Adam
Kline★ • LaTourelle/Middaugh • Elizabeth M. Miller • Mark C. Miller •
Paul Miller • Henry Mills • James T. Monahan, M.D. • David Monteith •
Don and Jacolyn Moore • Theresa Moore • Robert Moretti • Coe Tug
Morgan • Sue Morgan • Joan Moritz • Daniel Morris • Charles Morton •
Elizabeth and Allen Moses • William and Debra Mowat • Petr Mracek •
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Mullins • Mike and Marsha Munson • Michael
Murphree • Don and Lynn Murphy (E) • Dr. Janet Murphy • Patricia
Murphy • Sharon Murphy • James W. and Pamela Murray • John M. and
Lee C. Neff (E) • Therry Neilsen-Steinhardt • Allen and Margaret Nelson
• Charlotte Nelson • Mona Nelson★ • Janae Neumeier • Lila Nielsen •
Barbara and David Nordfors • Dariel and Gary Norris • Amy Norton •
George and Linda Ojemann • Vivien and Cliff Olofson • Jane and Ed
Beck • Theresa O’Neil • Patrice O’Neill • Debra S. Pabst • George and
Terry Pagos • Douglas C. Palmer and Meredith Means • Allan Panitch •
Janice Parker • Jon Parker • Lucas and Priscilla Parker • Patricia S.
Parrent • Suzanne Patneaude • Kristine Jamie Patterson • Mark and
Pauline Patterson • Brian Patton • Mary Paynter • Michael Pederson •
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Seattle Opera Individual Donors, continued
Les and Robbi Pennington • Shane and Janet Peterson • Claudia
and Ingvar Petursson • Beth and Jeff Pfost • Alan Phillips • Alice
and David Phillips • Roy B. Phillips • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O.
Pierce • Doris Pieroth • Nancy Pierson • Martha and Tom
Piwonka • Brian Placzek • Tom Platt • Charles and Lena Plunkett
• Juliette Powell • Joseph and Lucile Prior • Dr. Harold Prow and
Dr. Mitra Ehsan • Carol Ann and Thomas Quinsey • Charles
Raeburn • Rita M. Rambo • Judith Ramey • Lewis and Martha
Randall • Tom and Sue Raschella • Murray and Wendy Raskind •
Stella and Christopher Ray • Charlotte Reaber • Lucas Reber •
Edward Reed • Wallis and Cornelia Reid • Deborah Relyea •
Marian Rice and Todd Case • Patrick Rice and Pamela Chang •
Jan Richards • Janice Richardson • Jo Ann Riggs • Dr. Alex and Mr.
Bruce A. Ritzen • Drs. Tom and Christine Robertson • Charlotte
Straub Roe • Diana and Roman Rogalski • Frances Rondestvedt •
Neil Roseman • Elizabeth and Stephen Rosenman • Julie
Rosmond • David and Patricia Ross • Steven Rostad • D. Andrew
and Joan Rothrock • Mark Ruffo • Mr. Kenneth J. Russell • Nancy
and Richard Rust • Joanna Ryan • June Ryder and Michael
Church • Keith Saddoris • Michael Salmon and Louis Parent •
Bob and Kay Schertzl • Gisela and Hugo Schimmelbusch •
Michelle B. Miller • Daniel Schneider and Antje Evertz • Dustin
Schultz • Judy Schwab • Cheryl Scott • Mary Scott and Ron
Rogers • Andrew Sell • Marilyn R. Sellers★ • Alexandra Serpanos
• Jeanne Serrill • Sara Shaffer and Jeanne Johnson • Stephen
Sheehy • Albert Sheldon • Ken and Gloria Shelton • Mr. and Mrs.
Giles F. Shepherd★ • Christine Shigaki • Richard Shikiar • W. A.
Shimabukuro • Edith Martin Shreeve • Alison Shuler • Jillian
Simmons • Surinder and Nancy Singh with the Singh Family
Foundation • Sergey Smirnov • Evelyn and Leroy Smith • Gary
Smith and Kathleen Kemper • Mrs. Barbara Smith • Joshua and
Laura Smith • Laura N. Smith • Ted Smith • Andrea Smith-Clarke
• Noel Snyder and Laura Maffei • Teresa Sparkman and Paul
Yager • Amy and Roy Sparks • Dr. Estelle Yamaki and Mr. Robert
H. Spaulding • Sonia Spear • Sarah Speck, M.D. • Margo J.
Spence★ • J Craig Spittel • Thaddeus Spratlen • Robert and
Jeanne Spreen • Sara Springer • Mary Jo and Michael Stansbury •
Carlyn Kaiser Stark • Dr. Richard and Mrs. Joyce Stark • Peggy
Stearns • David and Karen Steeb • Michael Steiner, M.D. • Dr. Ted
and Donna Steudel • Jean Stewart★ • Matthew Stewart • Kim
Stindt • Christa Strakeljahn • Heinz Strobl • Shawn Sullivan •
Carolyn Sutton and Cort Liddell • Stephen Swartz • Ann Tanner •
Steve Tarkan • Fredric and Marilyn Tausend • Delma Tayer •
Abbot Taylor • Dawson and Lois Taylor • Janetta Taylor • Carol J.
Teather • David and Joan Tedlow • Lore and Henry Tenckhoff •
Carole Terry and Alan Fine • Thomas J. and C. Susan Thatcher •
Richard E. Thomas • Linda Thompson and Carol Pearson • Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Tjarnberg • Fredrick C. and Natalie Toevs •
Gerard Tolentino • Suzanne K. Tomlinson • Paul Torelli • Torolf
and Anna Torgersen • Patricia Torode • Steve and Ruth Townsend
• Dave Treiber • Kevin Trent • Hiro Tsuji and James Knodell •
Thurbon Tukey • Izabella and Andrzej Turski • Stephen Van
Dolsen • Mike Vanderlinde and Linda Teri • Judy Vandever and
Ray Kube • Christophe Verlinde • James Vernon • Jan Wagner •
Susan F. Wagner • Christine Wallace • Victor and Connie Walters •
Norman Walton • Alex Wang • Leah Ward • Steven M. Watson
and Edwin Garretson • Raleigh Watts • Danielle Webber • Richard
and Laurie Weinman • Jennifer Weis • William Weiss • Tom and
Joan Wekell • Douglas Wells • H.G. and and Sarondae Wells •
Elizabeth and Richard Wennberg • Emily Westbrook • Carrie and
David Westby • Janet Westin and Mike McCaw • Greg Wetzel •
June and Roger Whitson • Mr. and Mrs. James Whorton • Jean
and Peter Wick • Carolyn Wilhite • Karen Wilkerson • Carrie and
Elisabeth Williams (E) • Timothy Williams • Ina Willner • Adrienne
Wilson • John Wilson • Reginald Wilson • Barbara Ann and Victor
M. Winquist • Carolyn and Vincent Wirkman • Kathryn Wishart •
Jodie Wohl, M.D. • LaVerne Woods • Gary Wright • Sook Yeu •
Brian Young • Michael Zampani • Rozanne Zanchi • M. Diane
Moss and Robert Zawalich • Chris and Jane Zimmerman • Ron
and Bonny Zuckerman
$400 - $599
Anonymous (39)★ • Hilary Abramowitz • J. W. Achard • Regina
Bennett and Nick Achmon • Robert and Lillian Ackerman •
Shawn and Lynn Aebi • Greg and Ruth Aeschliman • Donald
Ahlstrom • Patricia Aitken • Ken Albinger • Katherine Alexander
• Marianna Alexandersdottir • Virginia Alonzo • Ernesto Alorda
• Virginia E Williams II • Douglas G. and Suzann Anderson •
Heather Andersen • Jim and Nelsine Anderson • David Arbaugh
• Dr. Ross E. Armstrong • Doris M. Aronson • David and Shana
Aucsmith • Nate Averyt★ • Bruce Babbitt • Jim Bachaud • Hollis
A. Backman and Mr. Daniel Cote • Moray Bailey • Shawn Baker
• Thomas and Stephanie Baker • Page Baldwin • Jim Balz • Mary
Barbieri • Fred and Gwyn Barkman • Beverly Barsy • Sheryl and
Ross Beirne • Thaddeus Belefski • Mary Belshaw • Nan Bentley
• Cheryl Berenson • Rachel Berry • Carol Betts • Judith Bezy •
Jeremy Bingham • Mary Beth Binns and Jay Arnold★ • Sharon
Bitcon★ • Alan and Sarah Black • Mary and Robert Blake • Wendy
Ruth Blake • Samuel and Margaret Bland • Elizabeth Appling
Bloch • Marnie Boardman and Steven Corcoran • Beverly and
David Bodansky • Ronald Boothe • Kathleen Borowski •
Dana Bottcher • Jenifer Bouldron • Joanne Bourgeois★ • Paul
Frank Bowman • Elizabeth L. Boyle • Richard and Nancy Brainard
• Carole Brand • Carlotta Lough • Robert C. Brandt • Reid Branson
• Victoria Bratvold • Marilyn Brockman • Holly Brod • Abigail
Brown • Kenneth Brown and Joyce Erickson • Victoria W. Brown •
Tom and Mary Brucker • Harriet Bullitt • Gloria Burch • Dr. Boyce
Burdick • Stan and Alice Burgess • John D. Burkhardt • Sheila
Burns and Aaron Van Derslice • Chris and Melissa Burtner •
Jennifer Burtner • Elinor Busby • Rev. and Mrs. Frank M. Byrdwell,
Jr. • James Byse • Duane Callahan • Brendan and Margaret
Camarda • Irene Campbell • Lin Campbell • Nancy Campbell •
Nell B. Cant and Bess Beatty • Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Caplan • K
Carey • Eric Carnell and Angela Walker • Mercedes Carrion • Mr.
and Mrs. John Cary • Joseph Cascio • Rebecca Castilleja • Glenda
Chaffin and Bob Woodruff • Orin Chalker and Anne Theiss • Mr.
Richard S. Chan • Mark Chandler • Seely Chandler and James
Kelly • Mr. Eddie Chang • Jorge Chavez • Bernard Chester and
Jamie Lutton • Judith Chovan • Hubert and Livia Cicchillo •
Amanda Clark • Patricia Clarke and Charles Way • Thomas J. Coad
• Barbara Cogburn • Gene Colin • Jonathan Collin • William
Cornette • Ellen Cosgrove • Steve Coyne • Thomas Crews • Lauren
Cromwell • Tavia Crowder • Robert Cruser • William Cullen •
Sharon Cumberland • Sharon and Jeffrey Cunningham • Carolyn
and Peter Curtis • Diane Curtis • Dr. L. Curtis and Mrs. Lois Kairis
Mehlhaff • Werner Daghofer • Kenneth Dale★ • Edith Daniels •
Steven Danzig • Peggy and Selmer Davidson • Martin and Diana
Dawes • Alfredo de Almeida • Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Degen • S.
de Haan • Dr. and Mrs. Cor deHart • Dr. I.M. Del Toro and Ms. L.R.
Lowery • Maurice Diaz • Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Dickason • Nan
Dickerson • Isabel Dickey • Dr. and Mrs. R. Hugh Dickinson •
Estate of Alma Calhoun Dickinson • Alejandro Di-Tolla • Alan and
Tanya Dodson • Kathy Donaldson • Deborah Donnell • Ken
Dorsch • Dan and Angela Dougherty • Richard and Rebecca
Downer and Dr. James and Nancy Billingsley • Paule and Anne
Drayton • Fred and Adele Drummond • Theresa Druzak • James
and Holly Duff • Dennis and Karen Dunn • Stuart Dunwoody • Dr.
and Mrs. James R. Easley • Carol Eastman • Thomas Ebrey • Jeff
and Zart Eby • Carol Jean Ehlers • Adrienne Eide • Donald and
Paula Eismann • Dr. Sadek El-Alfy • Walter Elliott and Roberta
Moore • Georgiana Ellis, M.D. • Martin & Linda Ellison • Steve
Engstrom • Rebekah Enoch • John and Michelle Estelle • Alice B.
Evans • K. Gentry & M. Evans★ • Marius Fahlbusch • Diane Falk★ •
Dr. Mehmet Fer • Vincent Feraudo and Cynthia Savage • Carol
Ferrarini and Rita E. Hagmeyer • Ruth Ferris • Janis Fesenmaier •
Margaret and Frank Fickeisen • Dr. and Mrs. Ira Fielding • Dave
and Marianne Finrow • Dr. Joan Fiore • William Fleming and
Steven Zeliadt • Dr. and Mrs. Willis M. Fong • Philippe Foss and
Carol Michael • Allen and Judith Freedman • Marsha Freeny •
Norma Friedmann • Katheryn Frierson • Darcie Furlan and Jeanne
Denker • Steve and Sue Fusek • Melisa Gaar • Dr. Denise A.
Galloway • Gregory Gangi • Bruce Gardner • Jackie Gardner and
Gary Elmer • Gail J. Gazda • Ann and Martin Gelfand • George and
Christine Gerhold • Marilyn and Rebecca Germano • Glenn and
Marcy Gidlof★ • Stephen Gilbert • Kern and Kathleen Gillette •
Michael Gilsenan • Gary and Vicki Glant • James Glasgow • Peggy
Glick • Bonnie and Mitchell Godfred • Donna Godfrey • Dr.
Marketa Goetz-Stankiewicz • Michel Goldstein • Dr. Jeffrey
Norman Golub • Ingrid Gordon • Dr. James T. Gordon • Larry
Gordon • Jennifer Gosnell • Mr. Leslie Gracey and Ms. Ruth Sterick
• Steve Gramling • Daniel and Carol Graney • Nancy and David
Grant • Renate and Patrick Grant • Alex Grauert • Lori Gray •
Winifred Gray • Robert and Pamela Green • James Greenfield and
Susan Barley • Drs. Basil and Verena Grieco • Kim Grieff • Tyler
Griffin • Sandy Grimm • Patricia Grogran • Jennifer Gross and Jerry
LeFevre • Tom Grow • Revin and Vanessa Guillen • Dennis Gursky
• Frank J. Guthrie • Rita Gutterud • Amy Gwynne • Kathryn and
Lowell Hagan★ • Cheryl Hahn • Kenneth Hahn • Alice Hall • Rod
J. Halpin • Robert Hamilton and Colleen Jury • Deborah S.
Hammond • Albert Hamner • Daniel S. Handshue • Christine R.
Hansen and Peter T. Hurd • Jens Hansen • Nikki Hansen and
Michael Brooks • Ms. Rigmor Hansen • Debra Hanson • Amy
Harmala and Tord Kurthy • Alan Harney • Lisa Harper • Philip
Harrison • Robin Harrover • Roy Harsh and Cecelia Todd • Karen
and Graham Haslam • David and Michele Hasson • Cathi and
Ken Hatch • Gerald K. Hauge • Kristine Haugseth • Robert and
Katrina Hawking • Dwight and Helen Hawley • Grayden Hayward
• Julia Hecht and Ken Walkky • Maynard and Lise Hedegaard •
Joanne Barbara Hendrickson • Robyn Hendrickson • Tom Herron
• Diane Higgins • Carla Higginson • Allison Hiltner and Jonathan
Maas • Terry and Jane Hipolito★ • Suzanne Hittman • David
Hobbet and Kimberly Shin • Andy Hodgson • Ann Holiday •
Dimitria Holland • Frank and Katie Holland (E) • Nathaniel
Hollywood • June P. Holmes • Alan and Jo Anne Holt • Katy Horan
• Donald and Ioulia Howard • Patrick Howe • Adrienne Howell •
John Hrncir • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hudson • Mark Huey •
Alexandra O. Hughes • Julie Hungar • Janet C. Hunter • Susan
Hurst • Zoanne Hyland • Paul and Emily Hylton • Ann B. Irish •
Nancy L. Jacobs • Roger Jenke • Peter D. Jerden • Ann M. Johnson
• Benjamin and Casey Johnson • Judy Johnson★ • Mora Johnson
• Vicky Johnson • Vincent M. Jolivet and Mary Mohler • Mick Jones
• Richard W. Jones • Paul D. Joppa and Marguerite McCarty •
Kristin Jorgensen • Don and Ruthie Kallander (E) • Albert and
Mitzi Karg • Myra and Larry Karp • Ivan and Barbara Katz • David
and Sherry Kaufman • Mrs. Paul P. Kavadas • Carole Keating •
Ruth Kelley (E) • Chris Keyser and Steven Casteele • Ji-Young Kim
• Kathleen and Richard Kirkendall • Beth Kister • Dr. Mark Kiviat •
Jean and Virgil Knackstedt • Rob Knapp and Helena Meyer-Knapp
• Peter Knudsen • David Knutson • Catherine Koehler • Carl and Shirley
Koenen • Neal Komedal and Ruth Korkowski • Dr. Nicholas Kosuk •
David Kowalsky • Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kraft • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Kramer • Kim Kranzler • Pavel Krupets • Kenneth Kuehnl • L. Michele
Laboda★ • Howard Lafferty • Dr. Lynn Lagerquist • Leo Lam • Mary B.
Lapis • J. and Ellin Larimer • Consuelo Larrabee • William Larson •
Russell Laurier • Marie Lauritano and Dr. Richard Wohns • Paula and
Chris Ledell • Susan and Peter Lee • Lisa Lita Leibfried • Dr. Barbara
Leigh • Cynthia Lenz • Delores D. Leonard • Joseph Lesley • Mike Leu •
Sharon Levy • Eleonore Lill • Shutze Lin • Richard A. Lind • Douglas
Lindsey • Merrilee Lipthrott • Christine Livingston • Lynn J. Loacker •
John Loendorf and Rosella Looney • Jim and Marianne LoGerfo •
Rowana Trott • Judith A. Lonnquist • Aimee Louck • Steve and Maurie
Louis • Al and Margaret Lowe • Greg Lowney • Louise Bruse Wenberg
Luce • Dr. Nancy Buffington★ • Hector E. Luisi • Rosemary and David
Lukens • Nancy Lundeen (E) • Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Lundquist • James
Lutz and Debra Boone • Robert A. and Kathleen O. Lutz • Nancy M.
Macdonald • Jean MacGregor and Robert Cole • George and Anne
Mack • Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Mackoff • M. Heather MacMaster • Michael
Magie★ • Carla Main • Karl and Lila Maiwald • Jana Mandic • Karen
Maneman • F.A. Mann • Kathryn Mann • Linda Mann and Andrew
Layman • Helen K. Mark • Richard and E. Ann Marks • Tom Marsh •
Anna Martin • Margaret Martini • Stephanie C. Marvin, DDS • James
Mason • Susan Mason and Richard Roth • Jeremy Mathis • Jay and
Susan Matt • Patrick McCabe • Janet McCammon • Donna McCampbell
• Alexis McCauley • Mr. and Mrs. D. Brent McCullough (E) • Patricia
McDonald-Scott • Robert and LaFaye McFerrin • Jean McGarah • David
McKee • A. Kirk McKenzie • Donald McLaren • Kathleen McNeill • James
McNellis • Kelly A. Meagher • Meredith Melhart • Bryant and Hilda
Merrick • Iulia Metzner • Dominic Meylor • Steven Miale • Antonio and
Mary-Ann Micale • Laurabelle Miller • Michael and Nan Miller • Mary
Lou Mills★ • Julie Minniear • Tom Moench • John R. Monk • Robert
Moon • Kristine Moore★ • Harvey C. Morgan and Claire Tuohy-Morgan •
Richard Morrill • Karoline Morrison • Carol L. Muecke • Hal Mueller •
John and Nancy Mueller • Gordon and Mary Ellen Mulder • Leslie Muller
and Jennifer Egglin • Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Myers • John C. Narver •
Arleen B. Nelson • Jane W. Nelson • Sondra E. Nelson • Christie
Newbill★ • David Nichols • John Edward Niles • Ralph Nilsen •
Margarete Noe • Lee Ann Nolan • Caroline Normann • Carol Northrop •
Patricia and Jessica Nutt • Darla L. O’Brian • Larry O’Connor • Douglas
and Alida Oles • Dennis M. Oliver • Catherine Stanford • Candy and Bob
O’Malley • Martha Oman • Elisabet Orville • Nancy Ostrom • Simon
Ottenberg and Carol Barnard • Christoph Otto • Helen A. Overton •
David Parent • Richard M. Parker, M.D. • Nancy Pates-Riches • John and
Norma Patterson • Sandra Patterson • Terry Paugh • Clement and
Stephanie Paulson • Mary Ruth Payne • Mary Pecht • Cynthia Pedroso •
Sheila and Eric Pelz • Ms. Hilary Pennington • Mark Pennucci • Judith
Peterick • Charles B. and Arlene Peterson • Ingrid M. Peterson and
Charles Alpers • Kay Peterson and Dave Baugh • Marcia Peterson •
Maureen Peterson • Susan Petty and Rick Adair • Catherine Wissink •
Gwen and Phil Phibbs • Ingrid Philbrick • Susan P. Picard • Raimund
Pichler • Karen Pierce • Ron Pilcher • Pierre Pinsonnault • Renee Pitra •
In Honor of Paula Podemski • Terry Podoll • Bobby and Connie Poe •
Mr. Donald Pogoloff • Rozanne Poirier • Alice and Don Porter • Susan K.
Prather • William C. Pressly and Carole S. Douglass • Barbara
Puddicombe • Don and Sondra Purcell • David S. Querubin • Davis
Ralston • Fred Rasp • Mr. and Mrs. Joe K. Reasons • Ray Redd • Trevor
Redfern and Jennevieve Schlemmer • Julianne Reed • Esther M. Reese •
Ginger Reeves • John Rehr and Sue Thompson • David and Lily Reid •
Russell and Julia Reid • Patrick Reilly • Jim and Lisa Rice • Lisa
Richesson★ • Susan Ritchie • Carol Jane Robinson • Margery Robison •
Johann Rocholl and Marta Johnson (E) • George Rodrigue • Patricia
Rognlin • Jean E. Rolles • Lee Roloff • Frank Romeo • Janice and
Pasquale Romeo • Kim Fujishige Rosman • Tom and Sonja Rossman •
Shawn Roth • David S. Roys, M.D. • Charles Rundles • Mr. and Mrs. E.C.
Russell • Richard Rynes • Mark Samson and Dani Myers★ • Cathy
Sarkowsky • Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Sarles • Nora and Homer Schaaf •
Paul and Terri Schaake • Laura Schafer • Barbara Scheel • Joyce
Schlichting • Eric B. Schmidt and Kristin A. Henderson • Karen and
Robert Schmidt • Max Schreiner • Michael and Sharon Schuffler • Ann
R. Schuh • Jan Schurman • Aaron Schutzer • Ms. Ana Schwartz • Donald
L. and Kathryn Scott • Jack Seeley • Ilze Seglins • Jennifer Serne • In
memory of Seto Family • Pat Shanahan • Kris Shaw • Jean and John
Shefveland • Elizabeth Shepard • Barbara Sherer • Marilyn Sherron •
Dana Shimmin • Anita Shores • Dr. and Mrs. Stuart S. Shorr • Faye and
Floyd Short • Graham Shorthill • Brian and Jeannette Shull • Howard M.
Shulman • Fran Siciliano and Kirk Johnson • Sally Sieber • Don and
Goldie Silverman • Robert W. Simpson Jr • Thomas Simpson • Michael
Sisson • Judy Skagerberg • K. Freya Skarin • Ivar Skuja • Paul and
Elizabeth Skyllingstad • Daniel Sluys • B. Wayne Smith • Dorothy and
Burton Smith • Lori Smith • Marie E. Smith • S. Nevada Smith • Alan
Snow • Judy Soferman • Mr. and Mrs. Evan Sorby • Arlene Spaulding •
Jim and Linda Sprenger • Joanne E. Sprunger • Laurie Staley • Margaret
T. Stanley • Ray E. Stark • George and Lucy Steers • Paul and Carolyn
Steinberg • Carlyn Steiner • Rob Stephenson • Regina and Stephen
Stephenson • Mark and Mona Stern • Linda S. Stevens • Sue Stibbe •
Vera C. Stirling • Philip R. Stoller • Judith L. Stuart • Mark Stumpf • Ashley
Sullivan • Jay and Betty Sullivan • Marilyn M. Sullivan • Richard
Summerhays • Sharon Egretta Sutton • Ellyn W. Swanson • Linda Tady •
Dan Taggart • N. Donn Talenti and the late Julian Patrick • Kestutis and
Birute Tautvydas • Vincent and Ronda Tentarelli • Suzanne and John
Terrible • Penny Tetter • George and Irene Theissing • Michael
Thompkins • Mrs. Alvin J. Thompson • Michael Thompson • Robert
Thorson and Leone Murphy • Eric Tilleson • Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Tobiason • Goldie Tobin • Dr. Fred Tobis • Penelope Tobiska★ • Mrs.
Patricia and the late Dr. Norman Todd • Maureen Toelkes • Richard
Tomkins★ • Mr. William Tonkin and Ms. Esther Holt • Robert Toren •
The Campaign for Seattle Opera
Joseph Tornabene • Procopio Torres • Loch and Susan Trimingham •
Cheryl and John Tully • Harriet and Diana Turner • Kim Turner • Susan
Tyler • Donella and Richard Ulmer • Elizabeth Umphress • Wayne
Underwood and Rob MacQueen • Robin Updike • Joseph Van Buren •
Kenneth E. Van Dyke • Mark W. and Margaret Van Gasken • Pieter and
Tjitske Van der Meulen • Frances and Peter Vandervoort • Murphy Varey
P.S. • Peter J. Vennewitz • Susan Vlahakis • Gregory Vouros and Donald
Wood • Huong Vu • David Wachter • Helen Rogers Wagner and Keith A.
Keyt • Andrew L. Walker • Marcia Walker • John Walsh • Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Walter • Buck and Carolyn Walters • Rachel Ward • Joel Ware •
Gail Wasberg • Carol R. Watson • Sylvia Watson★ • Joy Wayte • Wendy
Weaver • Dr. Mark Wener and Dr. Corinne Fligner • Lynne Werner and
David Olsho • Linda Westbrook • Jeffrey Wetzel • Carolyn White • Bruce
and Keren Whittemore • Carolyn and David Wiley • Hans-Martin Will •
Susan Willard • Bruce Williams, MD • Jean Williams • Michael Williams •
Anne and Dan Willott • Beth Wilson and Joseph Rogers • Carl Wilson
and Kathleen A. Smith • David Wilson • Mark Wilson • Nan Wilson • Peter
Wilson • Patrick Wineman • Ardeth A. Hollo • Joy Wise • Robert Wright
and Marcia Corey • Dr. Michael and Beth Witiw • Dee J. Wolfe • Flip
Wood • Julie D. Wood • Michael Wood • Rachel and David Bukey •
Providence Worley★ • Elizabeth and Troy Wormsbecker • John Wott •
Robert and Cathy Wright • Glen and Cathy Wyatt • Spiro Xenos •
Christine C. Yokan • Joanne Young • Faiza Zafar • Igor and Polina Zaika •
Pat Zuberbuhler
(E) = D
onor to Learning and Engagement Programs
★ = Opera Star Monthly Donor
Please note: To the donors not listed due to limited
space, Seattle Opera extends heartfelt appreciation.
Every attempt to ensure the accuracy of donor
listings has been made, and we apologize for any
errors or omissions. To report corrections, please
contact Donor Services at 206.389.7669 or
[email protected].
Lisa Bury Director of Development
206.676.5530; [email protected]
Jessica Breitbarth Planned Giving Officer
206.676.5534; [email protected]
Jackie Ernst Capital Campaign Manager
206.676.5535; [email protected]
Rob Wiseman Associate Director of Development
206.676.5561; [email protected]
Marcella Morrow Donor Communications Manager
206.676.5838; [email protected]
Ilona Davis Donor Stewardship Manager
206.676.5568; [email protected]
Michael L. Moore Financial Services Coordinator
206.676.5578; [email protected]
Jacob Roy Development Associate
206.676.5509; [email protected]
Allison Rabbitt Associate Director of Development –
Individual Giving
206.676.5519; [email protected]
Bonita Hagbom Individual Giving Officer
206.676.5842; [email protected]
Tracy Reich Individual Giving Officer
206.676.5533; [email protected]
Nicholas Walls Development Research Manager
206.676.5531; [email protected]
Annie Walters Individual Giving Manager
206.676.5508; [email protected]
Catherine Merlo Individual Giving Associate
206.676.5516; [email protected]
Christine Johnson-Duell Grant Writer
206.676.5528; [email protected]
Alex Kyger Corporate Giving Manager
206.676.5536; [email protected]
The Campaign for Seattle Opera was established to support the company’s high levels
of artistic excellence, build the endowment, and look to the future with a permanent
home for Seattle Opera adjacent to McCaw Hall. We deeply appreciate the vision
and generosity of the following donors who have participated in the campaign. List
reflective of contributions totaling $5,000 or more received between July 1, 2005, and
April 22, 2015. In-kind donors are noted with an asterisk.
Pamela Hoiles
Speight and Linda Jenkins
John Graham Foundation
Jerry and Susan Landeen
Nesholm Family Foundation
Eulalie Schneider
Charles and Delphine Stevens
Virginia and the late Bagley Wright
Anonymous (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Willie C. Aikens
Richard R. and Constance Albrecht
Thomas H. and Linda L. Allen
Kim A. Anderson
Virginia Anderson
Jack and Connie Bloxom
Toby Bright and Nancy Ward
Lisa Bury and John R. Taylor
Jonathan Caves and Patricia Blaise-Caves
Steven and Judith Clifford
Dr. Alexander Clowes and Dr. Susan Detweiler
The Collins Group, a division of Campbell &
Robert and Loretta Comfort
Janice C. Condit
Charles and Sandra Cossé
Susan M. Coughlin and John Lauber
Debra Dahlen and Robert Fries
Chris and Carolyn Eagan
Sally and John Endriz
Jack and Marsha Firestone
Diana H. Gale and Jerry Hillis
Richard and Mary Beth Gemperle
Paul Goodrich and Shannon Sperry
Jeffrey and Rosario Hanna
Dr. Kennan Hollingsworth
Ron Hosogi
Gary and Parul Houlahan
H. David Kaplan
Janet Wright Ketcham Foundation
Kreielsheimer Endowment Fund
Laura Lundgren
Marks Family Foundation
James and Lora Melhorn
Stafford and Louise Miller
Nesholm Family Foundation
Pacifica Law Group*
The Peg and Rick Young Foundation
Rosemary Peterson
Steven C. Phelps
Tom and Gretchen Puentes
James and Sherry Raisbeck
Jonathan Rosoff and Kristin Winkel
Eulalie Schneider
Judith Schoenecker and Christopher L. Myers
Seattle Opera Guild
Stephen A. Sprenger
John F. Starbard
Paula Stokes and John Sullivan
Maryanne Tagney and David Jones
Russell F. and Sarah M. Tousley*
James R. Uhlir and Camille M. Uhlir
Moya Vazquez
WA State Dept of Commerce
Jay and Susanne Wakefield
David and Romayne Watt
Judith A. Whetzel
Scott and Jenny Wyatt
Anonymous (2)
Jack and Connie Bloxom
Dr. Alexander Clowes and Dr. Susan Detweiler
James and Wendy Cullen
Chris and Carolyn Eagan
Shirley M. Farley
Jeffrey and Rosario Hanna
Diana H. Gale and Jerry Hillis
The late Max Gellert
Lenore M. Hanauer
Mr. Alan H. Lincoln
Mary Kay McCaw
Bill Miner
George and Terry Pagos
Eulalie Schneider
Rae Tufts
Muriel A. Van Housen
Anonymous (4)
Richard R. and Constance Albrecht
Thomas H. and Linda L. Allen
Kim A. Anderson
Robert L. and Rosemarie Anderson
Cynthia and Christopher Bayley
Patricia L. Bostrom
Drs. Darlene and Gregory Chan
Steven and Judith Clifford
Sandra and the late William Dunn
Gretchen and the late Jim Faulstich
Ruth and the late Bill Gerberding
Jim and Gail Hodge
Thomas A. and Kathleen B. Lemly
Edward L. Miles
Stafford and Louise Miller
Nesholm Family Foundation
Steven C. Phelps
Dana Rasmussen
Walt and Judy Skowronski
A. McNair Smith, M.D.
Dean and Kelly Tweeddale
James R. Uhlir and Camille M. Uhlir
Muriel A. Van Housen
Joan and the late Craig Watjen
Scott and Jenny Wyatt
Seattle Opera thanks these companies for providing major in-kind support throughout
the 2014/15 season.
Seattle Opera
The following groups joined together in
support of Seattle Opera between July 1,
2013, and March 20, 2015. This support
demonstrates exceptional community spirit
and great generosity. Seattle Opera sincerely
appreciates these gifts.
Seattle Opera thanks the following corporations for generous in-kind support received
between July 1, 2013, and March 20, 2015.
ABC Special Event Rentals by CORT*
Chateau Ste. Michelle
Chihuly Garden and Glass*
Christensen O’Connor Johnson Kindness,
The Collins Group, a division of Campbell &
Cossé International Securities
Tavia Crowder
Garvey Schubert Barer
Richard and Mary Beth Gemperle
Januik Winery*
Kaspars Special Events & Catering*
Richard Hartlage Land Morphology*
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lyson
Novelty Hill Winery*
Seattle Chocolates*
Paula’s Choice
Talking Rain*
Barbara and Charles Wright
*Denotes in-kind donors to the
Speight Celebration Concert and Dinner
on August 9, 2014.
Matching Gifts
Seattle Opera offers its thanks to the following companies for matching gifts received
or pledged between July 1, 2013 and March 20, 2015. Corporations’ matching gifts
support Seattle Opera’s Annual Fund and qualify employees to receive enhanced
donor benefits based on the combined value of their gift and the corporate match.
For questions about corporate matching, contact Donor Services at 206.389.7669 or
[email protected].
Alaska Airlines
ArtsFund Workplace Giving
Bank of America
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Boeing Company
The Bullitt Foundation
CA Technologies
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Charles Schwab Foundation
COSTCO Wholesale
Eaton Corporation
ECG Management Consultants, Inc
Eli Lilly and Co.
Expedia Inc.
F5 Networks
General Electric
ING Foundation
Laird Norton Family Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Network for Good
Puget Sound Energy
Quaker Hill
Texas Instruments
U.S. Bancorp
United E-way/Truist
United Health Group
VMware Foundation
$25,000 and more
The Sowing Circle
Gemperle Holiday Soiree 2014
$10,000 - $24,999
Gemperle Holiday Soiree 2013
$7,500 - $9,999
Norm Hollingshead Birthday Fund
$5,000 - $7,499
Seattle Opera Guild – Allegro Preview Group
Seattle Opera Guild – Amici Preview Group
Seattle Opera Guild – Mercer Island Preview
Wagner and More! Chicago Trip
Wagner and More
$3,000 - $4,999
Seattle Opera Guild – Bellini Preview Group
Seattle Opera Guild – Lakeside Preview
Seattle Opera Guild – Magnolia/Queen
Anne Preview Group
Seattle Opera Guild – Parties and Previews
$1,500 - $2,999
Seattle Opera Guild – Bel Canto Preview
Seattle Opera Guild – Vivace Preview Group
Wagner and More! Portland Trip
$1,000 - $1,499
Opera Plus – Horizon House
Seattle Opera Guild – West Seattle Preview
Seattle Opera Institutional Donors
Seattle Opera is most grateful for the following corporate, foundation, and
government agency grants made between July 1, 2013, and March 20, 2015.
$1,000,000 and more
Seattle Opera
Seattle Opera Foundation –
Hanauer Fund
N eshol m Fa m i ly
F ou n dat ion
C.E. Stuart
Charitable Trust
Ann and Gordon
Getty Foundation
John Graham
The Hot Chocolate
Spark Charitable
Peach Foundation
The Chisholm Foundation
Costco Wholesale
R. B. and Ruth H. Dunn Charitable
The Foster Foundation
Janet Wright Ketcham Foundation
Norman Archibald Charitable Foundation
OPERA America’s Building Opera
Audiences Grant Program
OPERA America: The Opera Fund
Safeco Insurance Foundation
U.S. Bank Foundation
BNSF Railway
Colymbus Foundation
Cornerstone Advisors, Inc.
The Dabney Point Fund
Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle
Firestone Family Foundation
Lease Crutcher Lewis
MetLife Financial Planning Division,
an office of MetLife
Richard B. and Barbara B. Odlin
Vulcan, Inc.
The Peg and Rick Young Foundation
Wyman Youth Trust
$3,000 - $4,999
Charles Maxfield and Gloria F.
Parrish Foundation
The Reed McClure Firm
D.V. and Ida J. McEachern
Charitable Trust
The Seattle Foundation
Thurston Charitable Foundation
$1,000 - $2,999
Apex Foundation
Ireene S. Barnett Foundation
Boeckman Family Foundation
Catherine Gay Communications
Leathercare, Inc.
Madden Associates
Nuckols-Keefe Family Foundation
Trimble Fund
Pacific Coast Feather Company
PRCN Foundation SkyOpera
Herman and Faye Sarkowsky
Charitable Foundation
Murphy Varey P.S.
U. S. Charitable Gift Trust
Vector Engineering Inc.
Semele, Seattle Opera. © Alan Alabastro
Leadership Circle
Take your place in the circle of Seattle Opera’s most visionary supporters. Through a
multiyear commitment of $100,000 or more, you can join the Leadership Circle and
help realize an unbounded vision for Seattle Opera’s future.
•Total $100,000 or more over 3 years.
Celebrated for breathtaking artistry and productions, Seattle Opera has achieved
world-class stature in its first 50 years. You can join General Director Aidan Lang’s
vision for the next 50 years, sharing opera with our entire community through your
leadership support.
as of 3/20/2015
•Give you premium recognition and
access to your opera company.
Leadership Circle members enjoyed
a private dinner with General Director
Aidan Lang during early fall 2014
and will be invited to an exclusive
Leadership Circle event every season.
•Allow you to create a lasting impact.
•Are customized gifts planned in
advance for 3 years or more.
Please join the Leadership Circle today
by contacting Director of Development
Lisa Bury at 206.676.5530 or
[email protected].
The following gifts were made to Seattle
Opera or the Seattle Opera Foundation
between July 1, 2014 and March 20, 2015
by donors at the Topaz level or higher:
In Honor of:
Speight Jenkins by
Mrs. Walter F. Brissenden, Colymbus
Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Degen
Tony Kay by
Norm Hollingshead’s Opera Plus
Paula Podemski by
Marilyn Podemski
Seattle Opera Directors team by
Dean and Kelly Tweeddale
Charlotte Totten by
Sharon Robinson
In Memory of:
Susan Causin by
N. Donn Talenti and the late
Julian Patrick
Clayton C. and Carol M. Cook by
Carol Mae Cook Trust
Mary Lou Everett by
William Gerberding by
Richard R. and Constance Albrecht,
Linda and Tom Allen, Gilbert and Mary
Jane Anderson, Kim A. Anderson, Apex
Foundation, Lisa Bury, Lenore M. Hanauer,
Jeffrey and Rosario Hanna, Mary Hjorth,
Janet Wright Ketcham Foundation, John
F. and Laurel Nesholm, Douglass and
Katherine Raff, Cathy Sarkowsky, Ann P.
Gary Heffner by
Beth and Marc Cordova
John Southall by
Jack and Connie Bloxom
august 21 & 23
Dorothea Lange photo, War Relocation Authority 1942 - 1945
Ruth Gellert Jackson by
Richard R. and Constance Albrecht
Treasured possessions become
symbols of home as two Puget
Sound women struggle to maintain a
sense of place during displacements
related to World War II.
In English with English Subtitles.
Friday Evening, Sunday Matinee
Featuring members of
Seattle Symphony Orchestra.
Planned Giving at Seattle Opera
Don’t let
taxes pull
you down.
Make a tax-wise gift to
Seattle Opera or the
endowment at Seattle Opera
Foundation either now or
through your estate plan.
To learn more, contact
Don Giovanni, Seattle Opera, 2014 © Elise Bakketun
Planned Giving Officer Jessica
Breitbarth at 206.676.5534
or jessica.breitbarth@
Seattle Opera is honored to
recognize the following legacy
or planned giving donors who
have made irrevocable gifts to
Seattle Opera or Seattle Opera
Anonymous (1)
Louis Burzycki
John and the late Carmen Delo
Susan and Thomas Fife
Carole Fuller and Evan Schwab
Jenny Hartley
Vincent M. Jolivet
Eric and Jan Lamers
Mr. Everil E. Loyd Jr. and the late
Mrs. Vesta Loyd
James C. Mattson
Sarah M. Ovens
Dolores J. Palomo
William and Carol Parsons
Ralph W. Peoples
John and Charlotte Robins
Martha Lou Allan Sampson
Donald and Gloria Swisher
Delma Tayer
The late Max Gellert
Nicholas Walls
Seattle Opera is pleased to
recognize the following donors
who have generously included
Seattle Opera or Seattle Opera
Foundation in their estate plans:
Anonymous (39)
Charles and Barbara Ackerman
Gary N. Ackerman and Robin
John Akamatsu
Reverend and Mrs. John M. Allen
Linda and Tom Allen
Margaret Almen
Robert L. and Rosemarie Anderson
Ms. Laura Arpiainen
Ronald Barensten and Rachael
David W. Barker
Mary L. Bass
Marla Beck
Dr. Janet Beckmann and the late
Dr. George Beckmann
In honor of Minnie Bergman
Jean Berry
Jack and Connie Bloxom
Neil M. and Kathleen Bogue
Patricia L. Bostrom
Sandra Boyd
Joseph Brancucci and William
F. H. Braymer
Toby Bright
Dr. and Mrs. David V. Brown
Marshall and Jane Brown
Lynn Buell
Sarah H. Burdell
William B. and Ann S. Burstiner
Lisa Bury
Betty R. Carter
Carolyn Chawla
Jean Cho and David Mankoff
Mrs. Heinke Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Clarkson
Janice C. Condit
Carol Veatch Corbin
Norma B. Croco
Tavia Crowder
James and Wendy Cullen
William and Laurie Daniel
Nancy Davies
Lorraine del Prado and Thomas
Sharon Demuth
Susan Detweiler and Alexander
Fred and Adele Drummond
Michael G. Dryfoos and Ilga
Pat Dubrow
Sandra B. Dunn
Ann R. Eddy
Patricia Edwards
Karl and Carol Ege
Anna F. Egidy
In memory of H. Wendell Endicott
William Etnyre and David Claus
Jane and Thomas Fadden
Gretchen and the late Jim Faulstich
A. H. Feige Jr.
Lyn and Paul Fenton
Jack and Dorothy Fidler
Jack and Marsha Firestone
Russell and Nancy Fosmire
Ernest and Elizabeth Frankenberg
Margery Friedlander
Dr. Lena Furgeri
Gloria Gagne
Diana Gale and Jerry Hillis
Donna Gathany
Gail J. Gazda
Natalie Gendler
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Gibbons
Leslie Giblett
Rebecca C. Gillette
Dr. Ulf G. and Ingrid A. Goranson
Claire and Michael Gordon
Mark J. Gralia
John Andrew Hackley
Jeffrey and Rosario Hanna
Larry Hanna
Christine R. Hansen and Peter
T. Hurd
Karen Hansen
Roger Henderson
Sylvia H. Hobbs
Frank and Katie Holland
Dr. Kennan Hollingsworth and the
late Dr. Phyllis Bagdi
Marilyn Holstad
Horace and Lois Hopkins
Barbara Howell
Erik Jacobsen
Jan Jarvis
Speight Jenkins
Julia G. Johansen
Ginger R. Johnson
H. David Kaplan
Frances J. Kwapil
Sandra and John Labadie
Michelle Labrie-Ripple
Consuelo F. Larrabee
Gary M. Law
Rosemary Leong-Miller and Robert
Marjorie J. Levar
Lady M. Boswell Lindal
Thomas D. Loftus
Lynne Lovejoy
Cheryl L. Lundgren
Elizabeth A. Marcoe
William B. Maschmeier and
Patricia Haggerty
David and the late Leslie Mattson
Elisabeth McKee
Carroll C. McMasters
Greg Meldahl
James and Lora Melhorn
Prof. Ann H. Milam
Colonel Norman D. Miller
Carolyn and Roger N. Miller
Robert C. Milnor
Rosalie B. Minier
Richard S. Munsen
Lin Murphy
Nadine and John Murray
Nancy P. Narraway
John F. and Laurel Nesholm
Bruce W. Novark M.D., D.D.S.
Pamela A. Okano
Richard Q. Opler
Patricia S. Parrent
Marty and Sue Peterson
Steve Phelps
Sarah Kern Potter
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Purdy
Megan Pursell
Dennis and Margaret Purvine
James and Sherry Raisbeck
Erica Rayner-Horn
Eloise and Glen Rice
Joyce C. and Saul Rivkin
Mr. and Mrs. N. Stewart Rogers
Michael and Cheryl Rolland
Sharon Romm
Irwin and Barbara Sarason
Dr. Carolyn Scheve
James L. Schindler
Christopher L. Myers and Judith
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Schubert Jr.
Allen and Virginia Senear
Evelyn E. Simpson
Joan Snelson
Rose and the late John Southall
Stephen A. Sprenger
Margaret T. Stanley and the late
Thomas Bleakney
W. Dyanne Stepanek
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander R. Stevens
Duane and Barbara Swank
Maureen Swanson
Beryl A. Thompson
Ian L. Thompson, M.D.
Russell F. and Sarah M. Tousley
Mr. and Mrs. Roland M. Trafton
Evelyn M. Troughton
Rae Tufts
Muriel A. Van Housen
Sharon F. Van Valin
Moya Vazquez
Jean B. Viereck and Robert S.
Betty L. Wagner
Jay and Susanne Wakefield
Bill and Carol Warren
Judith Warshal and Wade Sowers
Karola Watson
Raleigh Watts
Douglas Weisfield
Robert D. Welden and Jeffrey A.
Drs. William and Gail
Judith A. Whetzel
Julie Wieringa
James and Felicity Wornast
Carolynne and Phil Wright
Jim Yancy
Shirley Zaic and Eric Johnson
Charles A. Zaragoza
Seattle Opera Foundation
The Seattle Opera Foundation is a separate 501(c)(3) organization created to hold unrestricted and restricted funds for Seattle Opera’s benefit. The donors listed below have made
contributions of $25,000 or more for endowment purposes with outright gifts, estate gifts, or irrevocable planned gifts through a charitable remainder trust or charitable gift annuity
from 1968 through March 9, 2015.
$1,000,000 AND MORE
The late Gerald Hanauer
Lenore Hanauer
Kreielsheimer Foundation
The Estate of Gladys Rubinstein
$500,000 to $999,999
The Clowes Foundation (E)
The late Max E. Gellert and Carol Gellert†
The Estate of Ruth H. Hoffman
Suzanne F. Hubbach*
The Estate of Howard D. Wigle
$100,000 to $499,999
Anonymous (2)*
C. Keith Birkenfeld Memorial Trust
The late Diana Blackmore
Drs. Alexander Clowes and Susan
Detweiler (E)†
John and the late Carmen Delo(E)
Mildred King Dunn
The Estate of Marion Oliver McCaw
The Estate of Margaret Rose Gray
Jeffery and Rosario Hanna*†
The William Randolph Hearst
Kennan Hollingworth, M.D. and the late
Phyllis Bagdi, M.D.†
The late Suzanne Dressler Kellar
The Estate of Karen S. Larson
Laura Lundgren
Braiden Rex-Johnson and Spencer A.
National Endowment for the Arts
Dr. Stanley M. Pier Endowed Fund
The Seattle Foundation*
Eulalie Schneider
The late Jack L. and Gertrude E. Sprenger*
John T. Williams
Eleanor Wilson Hale
$50,000 to $99,999
Edward S. Brignall
Leopold R. Gellert Family Trust
Hartmut Bruno Gottschau
Ron and the late Geraldine Hoefer
George H. Lancaster(E)
Elizabeth Parke
The late Sheffield Phelps
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Purdy
George S. and Judy Schuchart
Paul Smith
Margaret T. Stanley and the late Thomas
Mary F. Stowe
Patricia A. Wilson
$25,000 to $49,999
Rosemarie and Robert L. Anderson
Norman Archibald Charitable Foundation
Henriette Baum
Egon Baumann
Jack and Connie Bloxom
Louis Burzyci
Doris H. Caka
Arnold Hay Chin
James D. and Wendy Cullen
Margery Frielander
David B. Felch
The late Albert Foster
Richard Fuller
Edward P. Goodrich
Adele Golub and the late Stanley Golub
The late Everett G. Griggs III
The late Harold Heath
Frances Stillman Hodges
Vincent Jolivet
Eric and Jan Lamers
The late Richard Lang
Dale Lehrman
Shirley Callison Miner
The O.D. Fisher Foundation
Dolorez Rossell
Ruth M. Rystogi
Martha Lou Allan Sampson
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Schack†
Stephen A. Sprenger*
The Lawrence W. Wells Trust
Judith and the late Jonathan F. Whetzel
Maureen Woodman
Additional donors of $25,000 and more:
Mrs. Louis Brechemin
The Ford Foundation
The Kresge Foundation
The late Richard Lang
The late Louis G. March
M.J. Murdock Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Steward Rogers
The late Mrs. Charles E. Stuart
Howard S. Wright Charitable Trust
(E) Signifies restricted to Education
*Denotes Donors who gave to the
Gertrude Sprenger Education Endowed
†Denotes Donors who gave to the Perry
Lorenzo Fund for In-School Education
Named Endowed Funds
Bagdi/Hollingworth Endowed Fund
Diana M. Blackmore Endowed Fund
C. Keith Birkenfeld Memorial Trust for Education
The Clowes Fund In-School Education Programs Endowment
Carmen Elizabeth Delo Endowed Fund
Max E. Gellert Memorial Fund‡
Hartmut B. Gottschau Endowed Fund
William Randolph Hearst Educational Endowed Fund for Educational Outreach Programs
Speight Jenkins Endowed Fund
Braiden Rex-Johnson and Spencer A. Johnson Endowed Artist Fund
Kreielsheimer Endowment Fund
Perry Lorenzo Fund for In-School Education
Lundgren Endowment for New Works
Dr. Stanley M. Pier Endowed Fund for In-School Education
Eulalie Schneider Fund for Artistic Excellence
Cecelia Schultz Music Foundation Fund
Gertrude E. Sprenger Education Fund
Mary F. Stowe Endowed Fund
‡Donor restricted fund established by the Seattle Opera Board of Directors
with donations given by, in in memory of, or recognition of Max E. Gellert.
Opera Forever
Semele, Seattle Opera, 2015 © Elise Bakketun
The following funds were established by donors at Seattle Opera Foundation as
permanently restricted endowment for the benefit of Seattle Opera in recognition of the
donor or another person. Endowed funds may be restricted for a particular purpose.
Both Seattle Opera and Seattle Opera Foundation appreciate the generosity of these
donors and those who donated on their behalf. The minimum contribution to establish
a named fund in Seattle Opera Foundation is $100,000. You may donate to an existing
fund in honor of the person named or to further the purpose of the fund. For more
information, please contact Planned Giving Officer Jessica Breitbarth at 206.676.5534
or [email protected]. This list reflects Named Endowed Funds as of
March 9, 2015.
You could be immortal.
Through your gift to the Endowment at
Seattle Opera Foundation, your legacy lives on.
To learn more about gifts to the endowment and
named endowed funds, contact Planned Giving
Officer Jessica Breitbarth at 206.676.5534 or
[email protected].
Ensuring the Future of Seattle Opera Today.
Seattle Opera Staff
Lisa Bury Jonathan Dean
Director of Development Director of Public Programs and Media
Vincent A. Feraudo
Alvin Alexander Henry
Melanie G. Ross
Director of Production
Mary Brazeau Executive Assistant to
Aidan Lang
Cathi Turner Executive Assistant to Kelly
Tweeddale and Melanie Ross
Raluca Marinescu Artist Services
Coordinator & Artistic Administration
Jessica Breitbarth Planned Giving Officer
Jackie Ernst Capital Campaign Manager
Rob Wiseman Associate Director of
Marcella Morrow Donor Communications
Ilona Davis Donor Stewardship Manager
Michael L. Moore Financial Services
Jacob Roy, Development Associate
Erica McIntyre Intern
Allison Rabbitt Associate Director of
Development—Individual Giving
Bonita Hagbom, Tracy Reich Individual
Giving Officers
Nicholas Walls Development Research
Annie Walters Individual Giving Manager
Catherine Merlo Individual Giving
Christine Johnson-Duell Grant Writer
Alex Kyger Corporate Giving Manager
Barbara Lynne Jamison Youth Programs
Nick Malinowski Community Programs
Andrew Goldstein Administrative
Kristina Hammer Opera Goes to School
Program Coordinator
Mark Allwein Youth Programs Assistant
Jeremiah Marks Controller
Marissa Betz-Zall Senior Accountant
Randee Byrd Payroll Manager
Socorro Manuel-Alpuerto Finance
Ella Erickson Accounts Payable Associate
Richard A. Johnson
Director of Marketing and Communications
Director of Artistic Operations and Season Planning
Aren Der Hacopian
Director of Artistic Administration
Robert D. Schaub
Technical and Facilities Director
Kristina Austin IT Manager
Iain Quigley Desktop User Support
Stuart McLeod Software Systems
Kristina Murti Associate Director of
Ed Hawkins Marketing Manager/
Brittany Behrens Digital Marketing
Karin Kough Graphic Designer
Erika Norris Web Producer
Lindsey Morck Marketing Coordinator
Ksenia Popova Marketing Coordinator
Jessica Murphy Moo Communications
Gabrielle Nomura Gainor Media Relations
Monte Jacobson Media Relations
Emmy Ulmer Titlist
Michelle M. Carrasquillo Associate Director
of Marketing, Sales and Services
Tony Kay Ticket Office Supervisor
Dana Pompa Ticketing Operations
Emily van der Harten Patron Services
Justine Thayer Subscriber Relations
Gail Baraff, Stephen Jackson, Debra
McKinney, Isaac Novak, Michael Seidel,
Kylie Steinbach, N. Donn Talenti,
Catrina Vroman, Kathryn Wahlberg
Ticket Agents
Dan Murphy Direct Sales Manager
Bernard Pack Direct Sales Assistant
Mary Hobbs, Albert Sanders Senior
Account Representatives
Tom Barnes, Lindsey Gander, Erin Hart,
Virginia Jackson, James Lewis, Toni
Zeigler Account Representatives
Angie Kamel Assistant Production Director
Paula Podemski Production Supervisor
Emma Watt Production Administrative
Karolina Kalemba Production
Administration Intern
Chief Financial Officer
Yasmine Kiss Production Stage Manager
Mike Janney, Thea Railey Assistant Stage
Julianna Brei-Crawley Production Assistant
Anders Larsen Stage Management Intern
Sarah Kern Potter Music Administrator
Philip A. Kelsey Assistant Conductor
David McDade Head of CoachAccompanists
John Keene Chorusmaster
Emily Bolton Music Assistant/Company
Stephen Wall Chorus Personnel
Beth Kirchhoff Chorusmaster Emeritus
Susan I. Davis Costume Shop Manager
Heidi Zamora Costume Show Manager
Ieva Ohaks Costume Rental-Stock
Sophy Wong Costume Assistant
Mary Ellen Walter Lead Cutter
Shanna Parks Cutter
Cynthia Abbott, Denise Barry First Hands
Kate Hartman, Yoko Niendorf Stitchers
Lia Surprenant Crafts Supervisor
Ron Erickson Wardrobe Head
Madeleine DeGracia Assistant Wardrobe
Scott Arend, Christy Kazimour Wardrobe
Liesl Alice Gatcheco Hair and Makeup
Shelby Adele Rogers Lead Principal Hair
and Makeup Artist
Ashli Danielle, Calli Dey, Ashlee Nagle,
Trisha Partida, Eva Robins Principal
Hair and Makeup Artists
Patti Barila-Wilmot, MJ Fjellestad Hair and
Makeup Artists
Mae Saul Hair and Makeup Assistant
Krista Kammerzell Hair and Makeup
Robert F. Reynolds Associate Technical
Chris Reay Assistant Technical Director
Connie Yun Assistant Lighting Designer
Linda Kenworthy Properties Coordinator
Alicia Moriarty Technical Financial
Nancy Del Villar Vivé
Director of Human Resources
Charles T. Buck Master Stage Carpenter
Jack F. Harrison Assistant Master Stage
Justin Loyd Head Flyman
Scot Allison, Chris Balducci, Jason Balter,
Dallas Duell, Ian Gardner, Adam
Lantz, Jason Wagoner Assistant Stage
Jim Nash Master Electrician
Martin Cunningham Assistant Master
Desirae Brownlee, Chris Dimoff, Jim Gable
Assistant Electricians
Petrude W. Olds Jr. Properties Master
Sandy Burke Assistant Properties Master
Jason Montgomery Properties Assistant
Candy Solie Lightboard Operator
Jack Burke Master Sound Technician/
Dave Holt Audio/Video Supervisor
Michael Moore Scenic Studios Manager
Phillip Lienau Associate Resident Scenic
Bruce Warshaw Master Scenic Carpenter
George Howard Jr. Assistant Master Scenic
Scott Staheli Lead Scenic Carpenter
Kitty Kavanaugh Master Scenic Artist
Susannah Anderson, Rick Araluce, Kevin
Koch Lead Scenic Artists
Jamie Easter Purchasing
Claudia Gallagher Associate Facilities
Cynthia Moore Facilities and Technical
Principals, stage directors, choristers, stage managers,
assistant stage managers, and assistant directors
employed in this production are members of the
American Guild of Musical Artists AFL-CIO.
The musicians are represented by the Seattle
Symphony and Opera Players’ Organization, a
Chapter of the International Guild of Symphony,
Opera, and Ballet Musicians.
Scenery construction and stage crew work is
performed by employees represented by I.A.T.S.E.,
Local #15.
Costume and wardrobe work is performed by
employees represented by T.W.U., Local #887.
Scenic artists and hair/makeup work is performed
by employees represented by I.A.T.S.E., Local #488.
© Alan Alabastro
Staff Chat:
Joyce Degenfelder
Joyce Degenfelder, Seattle Opera’s Hair
and Makeup Designer, has created
wigs for nearly every Seattle theater
company under the sun—from PNB
to Seattle Children’s Theater, Intiman,
ACT, and Seattle Repertory Theater,
where she is on staff. At Seattle Opera,
she has created signature coifs for a
wide range of characters. Consider
the crazed villains in The Tales of
Hoffmann, the foreboding up-do of
The Consul’s Secretary, Turandot’s long
red-ribboned tresses, and the near-bald
pate of Elektra’s mother Klytämnestra
(which still gives me nightmares).
Joyce has worked for Seattle Opera since Parsifal in 2003, and while she
is most comfortable backstage, she has recently been front and center of
Seattle’s arts scene, as recipient of the Gregory A. Falls Sustained Achievement
Award, given by Theatre Puget Sound. It is a recognition much deserved.
I met Joyce at her studio at the Seattle Rep. On three shelves were more
than a dozen wigs on wig blocks (think mannequin heads), each tagged
with a character’s name, in various states of creation. (The wig for Judge
Smith in the Rep’s All the Way was still in curlers, which would eventually
be combed, styled, and sprayed into his signature wave.) She invited me to
sit in her swivel chair in front of her mirror, while she pulled a head off the
shelf to demonstrate the process of “hand-tying” a wig.
She poked a hook through the netting under the wig, pulled a single
piece of hair through and knotted it. Then repeated.
Yes, folks. When Joyce hand-ties a wig, she makes it one hair at a time.
Sometimes it’s human hair. Sometimes synthetic. And sometimes—
though more rarely these days because of the cost—yak hair, prized for wigs
because it’s thick, white, and easily dyed. In Ariadne, the three nymphs—
Naiad, Dryad, and Echo—have yaks with buzzcuts to thank for their wigs.
The other yak wig in the show is the one the Tenor refuses to wear in the
She estimates that it takes about 40 hours to hand-tie a wig. Multiply that by
the number of new wigs for a production—adding principals and chorus and
supernumeraries—and you have a wigmaster who is hooking hair around the
clock, in her studio, backstage, at home, on the ferry during her commute to
and from Vashon Island. (And in her off hours she hooks wool rugs.)
Many of the wigs in Ariadne are in her inventory, but she’ll hand-tie a new
wig for the Composer, and the Prima Donna will have a head of wild curls.
The “looks” will range from neoclassical Grecian braids to bold, exaggerated
commedia dell’arte. The period pieces—her bread and butter—are what got
her interested in wig making in the first place. She enjoys the research, finding
the right silhouette. “It’s fun to create that world,” she says.
And if you’re wondering whether it’s ever the singer’s real hair up there, the
answer is almost always no. “Usually the moment they start singing and get
warm, a curl is going to start drooping out and the hair just goes limp,” Joyce
says. And the wig saves the crew time. It takes eight minutes to pin up and wig
a singer, an additional half hour if a singer’s hair needs to be styled on the spot.
Joyce also loves the collaborative process between the director, costume
designer, wig and makeup designer, and the singers. Most singers want the
hair away from their ears. And inhaling a wisp could be disastrous.
With new productions, she gets to bring the costume designer’s vision to
reality. With Semele, for instance, the gods wore costumes with long and
flowing lines, and the humans wore angles and geometric shapes. The wigs
were a perfect extension of this design. Plus Joyce got to create Pasithea’s
fabulous blue beehive.
She likes that wig making is still a hand-crafted product, though the bar
keeps getting raised. “The pressures of media and movies has made us
go to finer materials and more natural looking styling onstage.” All those
close-up marketing shots? Simulcasts? The singers need to look natural
under an HD camera’s scrutiny.
Her main goal is to make the singer feel good. “I try to put the project
together in a way that makes people happy onstage. They’re the one out
there singing, not me.” n
Amusements: Gifts of Artistic Expression
Located on the Kreielsheimer Promenade Level of McCaw Hall. Open two and a half hours prior to curtain and during
intermission. Shop Amusements online at
Local designer Karin
Kough created an
illustration exclusively
for Seattle Opera’s
production. T-shirts
and posters make
great souvenirs or
gifts. Prices vary.
May 2015
Illustration © Karin Kough
Take home the
music of Strauss’
sumptuous and
playful masterpiece
with this landmark
1954 complete studio
recording, featuring Irmgard Seefried as
the Composer, Rita Streich as Zerbinetta,
and Elisabeth Schwarzkopf in the title
role. Herbert von Karajan conducts the
London Philharmonia Orchestra. Fully
remastered Warner Classics 2-disc set
includes libretto. $34.95.
We’re closing out the season and
offering closeout savings on many
items. Featuring deep
discounts on exclusive
souvenir merchandise
(including T-shirts,
sweatshirts, posters,
and mugs) as well as
jewelry, books, and
unique gifts. Don’t
miss out on this sale!
Prices vary.
The 2015/16 Season kicks off in August
with the Seattle Opera premiere of
Verdi’s epic account of Babylon’s King
Thrill to the grand
orchestrations and
iconic “Va, pensiero” chorus that shot
Verdi to fame.
In October we sail away to Sri Lanka
for an exotic romance from the great
Georges Bizet,
the composer of
Carmen. 2-disc set
includes libretto &
synopsis. $32.95
Mozart’s beloved comedy returns to
McCaw Hall next January. Preview the
ups and downs of
“the crazy day” with
Jean-Pierre Ponnelle’s
legendary 1976 film
adaptation, newly
available on DVD.
Online at
Visit to find trailer videos, photos, and interactive guides
about Ariadne auf Naxos, and all the operas onstage this season.
Relive the magic of mezzo-soprano
Kate Lindsey on Seattle Opera’s
stage. See for yourself why she
won the coveted Artist of the Year
The freewheeling fun of this opera
starts backstage. Follow our two
leading sopranos from street
clothes to their Prologue costumes
and through their transformation
into goddess and comedienne.
With bass-baritone Patrick Carfizzi
guiding the way, watch how
our stage managers orchestrate
every moment of onstage chaos
with perfect timing. Shattered
dinnerware, the arrival of distraught
wigmasters, champagne deliveries,
you name it—our backstage team
has it all under control.
A montage of dress rehearsal
footage from Seattle Opera’s
Ariadne auf Naxos.
Hear the artists talk in depth about
their roles. Each of their unique
interpretations shows why no two
performances are alike!
Also on the Web
2015/16 Season Special Events
Save the date for these exciting events next season. Visit for
more details.
AUGUST 8, 2015
Join us for a champagne reception in the McCaw Hall Grand Lobby following
opening night of Nabucco. This is an exclusive benefit for donors at the Emerald
level and higher ($5,000 and more).
AUGUST 21-23, 2015
National Patrons, a special group of Seattle Opera supporters who give $1,000
and more and live 100+ miles from Seattle, are invited to attend an action packed
weekend of performances and events.
Staff and Services Directory
Marion Oliver McCaw Hall, owned
by the City of Seattle, is managed by
Seattle Center in partnership with
Seattle Opera and Pacific Northwest
McCaw Hall Operating Board:
Robert Nellams, Director; Seattle Center
Kelly Tweeddale, Executive Director;
Seattle Opera
Ellen Walker, Executive Director;
Pacific Northwest Ballet
McCaw Hall Resident Staff:
Photo © Brandon Patoc.
John Merner, Director of Seattle Center
Christopher F. Miller, General Manager
Patty Mathieu, Production Manager
Shelley Sink, Front of House Manager
Ann Ciecko, Events and Operations
Ryan Davis, Senior Event Sales
Tabetha Bolen, Office Coordinator
David Hughes, Head Usher
Michael Lowe, Facility Lead
Paul Kepu and Roberta Gregory, Laborers
Join us for our 3rd Annual Opera Ball on Opening Night of
The Marriage of Figaro, directed by our own General Director
Aidan Lang in his Seattle Opera debut!
A Seattle Opera gala is never to be missed! Join us for a
glamorous celebration, featuring a special performance
by Seattle Opera favorite Greer Grimsley. Complete with
gourmet food and wine, plus plenty of surprises, this will be
an evening to remember.
Greer Grimsley,
Scarpia in Tosca,
with Nancy Ward and
Toby Bright at Seattle
Opera’s 2nd annual
Opera Ball in January
2015. Greer will
perform at Seattle
Opera’s next Gala on
April 16, 2016.
McCaw Hall’s exclusive food and beverage
Heiko Zemke, Director
Shawn Applin, Executive Chef
Amanda Viereck, Catering Sales Manager
Debbie Matland, Finance Manager
Kelly Brookbank, Catering Operations
Susan Cuturilo, Prelude Supervisor
Sothan Luc, Operations Supervisor
Merry Seward, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 206-615-0234
Summer of the New at Seattle Opera
This summer Seattle Opera is pleased to present two
operas—Nabucco and An American Dream—both for
the first time.
Nabucco, making its Seattle Opera debut, is the opera that made
Giuseppe Verdi famous. When you think Nabucco, think “epic.” Epic
voices, epic personalities, epic passions. Music that launched a career
and became the sound of a new nation—while telling a story of war,
exile, and forbidden love.
An American Dream, in contrast, is an intimate new opera that takes
place in our region. A Seattle Opera commission, An American Dream
was inspired by the lives and histories of people around us in the
Puget Sound area. Two families. One home. One war that engulfed
the entire world.
Why two operas?
The simultaneous presentation of these two operas that ask questions
about home and exile (although in two very different ways) is a
deliberate pairing by our General Director Aidan Lang.
“The workshop process of An American Dream revealed an unexpected
resonance with one of the key themes of Nabucco,” Lang said. “So
we jumped at the opportunity to present the two works in parallel. In
attending both operas, our audiences will inevitably have an even richer
experience than they would by seeing each piece in isolation.”
New Experience
The orchestra will be at the heart of the action and we will bring you
closer to the singers than ever before. A new approach to integrating
sound and spectacle will make these two productions unlike any you’ve
seen at McCaw Hall. And for An American Dream, the audience will
not only enjoy the opera performance, they will be invited to continue
the experience backstage and to learn more about the history of our
region through presentations and curated exhibits. “This moving story,”
says Stage Director Peter Kazaras, “is an urgent reminder of the constant
vigilance necessary to prevent this history from repeating itself.”
© Rozarii Lynch
Our New Story—An American Dream
A Japanese American family burns precious belongings from Japan in
an attempt to avoid arrest during World War II. Young Setsuko manages
to hide her beloved doll before her family is forced out of their home. A
new couple moves in: Jim, a U.S. veteran, and Eva, a Jewish immigrant
preoccupied by her family’s situation in Germany. When Eva finds the doll,
she discovers the truth—both about Setsuko’s family and her own. n
Upcoming Events
Special Event: Season Kickoff
July 11
McCaw Hall
Please join us as we celebrate a new season,
new vision, and new chapter. Explore the
operas and themes of the 2015/16 Season
(each bringing something completely new to
the Seattle Opera stage), preview upcoming
costumes, and more.
McCaw Hall, 90 minutes before every Seattle
Opera performance
Nesholm Family Lecture Hall, Price: $7
Join us post-show for Opera Talk Backs!
This 30-minute free event is hosted by a
member of the artistic or education staff and
will feature a special guest from the cast or
creative team. Join us to explore a variety
of perspectives on the performance and
Free. In the Allen Room at McCaw Hall after
every performance. Space is limited due to
high demand.
A Seattle Opera Adult Education & Trivia
Series with Jonathan Dean and Tony Kay
Seattle University’s Wyckoff Auditorium, 7 to
8:30 p.m.
May 26 The Musician
Free Admission
Jul. 21 Freeland Library, 12:00 p.m.
Jul. 21 Coupeville Library, 2:00 p.m.
Jul. 24 Everett Public Library, 2:00 p.m.
Jul. 26 Frye Art Museum, 2:00 p.m.
Jul. 29 Edmonds Library, 6:30 p.m.
Aug. 4 Queen Anne Library, 2:00 p.m.
Aug. 4 Third Place Books, 7:00 p.m.
Aug. 5 Ballard Library, 2:00 p.m.
Aug. 6 Central Library, 12:00 p.m.
Opera On The Radio
Tune to 98.1 every Saturday evening for
broadcasts of notable opera recordings,
hosted by Aidan Lang or Jonathan Dean.
All recorded broadcasts begin at 8:00
p.m. Seattle Opera’s second Saturday
performance is broadcast live starting at 7:30
p.m., including Ariadne auf Naxos on May 9.
© Brandon Patoc
Talks and Public Presentations
Family Fun and Youth
May 3 2:00 p.m.
please see page 16.
To register for any Seattle Opera camp
or youth workshop, contact Mark.
[email protected].
May 21 7:00 p.m.
Join BRAVO! for a totally rad evening of
dancing, drinks, food, and a live opera
performance. Fresh from Ariadne auf
Naxos, soprano Marcy Stonikas sings
music from the 1780s and 1880s.
Members $10. Non-Members $20.
Events for Seattle Opera
June 3 11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Four Seasons Hotel | Seattle
Exclusively for donors who have made
a legacy or planned giving commitment
to Seattle Opera or Seattle Opera
Foundation. This elegant luncheon
and recital by the Teen Opera Players
celebrates legacy donors’ special
commitment to the future of opera.
(RSVP required)
May 11 6:00 p.m.
The Edgewater
Ruby level donors and above are invited to
join the cast of Ariadne auf Naxos for a fun
and insightful evening, including a gourmet
dinner. (Annual Fund donors of $3,000 and
May 16 2:00pm
Seattle Opera Rehearsal Studios
This exclusive opportunity for Amethyst level
donors and above includes an inside look
at the rehearsal process of the Youth Opera
Chorus and a discussion on storytelling with
librettists Jessica Murphy Moo and Irene
Keliher. (Annual Fund donors of $600 and
The Youth Opera Chorus spring performance
will take place at 4:00 p.m. The performance
is open to the public ($5 per person).
September 9
McCaw Hall
A gathering of Seattle Opera donors, staff, and
board members to celebrate the successes of
the 2014/15 season. (Annual Fund donors of
$75 and more)
Ticketing Dates
May 18
2015/16 Ticket Exchanges and Single Ticket
Pre-Sale for Subscribers.
May 22
2015/16 Single Ticket Pre-Sale for Facebook
May 26
2015/16 Single Tickets on Sale to General
Questions? Contact Donor Services at rsvp@ or 206.389.7669.
The Shops at the Bravern
(425) 467-0500