Page 1 of 21 Introduction: Tea Board is established under - Form-E


Page 1 of 21 Introduction: Tea Board is established under - Form-E
Tea Board is established under Tea Act 1953 to regulate and monitor Tea Industry being one of the
largest industries in India. As India is the largest consumer of Tea in the world, the Board has vital
role to play in monitoring the progress of the industry in India. Tea is grown in both North India and
South India. North India contributes 75% whereas South India contributes 25% of total production.
The stakeholders of Tea Industry are growers, manufacturers/producers, brokers / auctioneers,
buyers, sellers, traders and Development agencies. Tea Board of India is involved with all the
stakeholders inorder to regulate and facilitates to compete our tea with other tea producing countries
in the world. Global standards are fixed at high levels for quality as the consumer awareness is
increasing day by day. The tea producing countries have to prioritise consumer requirement and
work accordingly to keep the product in demand consistently.
Inorder to study the contribution of each stakeholders and the role they play in tea trade, Tea Board
has developed different reporting system for each of them. It is mandatory for stakeholders to
register with Tea Board and submit information at regular intervals based on the stipulations drawn
for each stakeholder. This reporting system enable the Board to efficiently manage the activities of
various stakeholders to take appropriate decisions to initiate development schemes in specific areas of
concern and maintain statistical information which aids in the planning process of the Board .
Form E
FORM-E (Monthly return) is to be submitted by all the manufactures / producers as per the Tea
Marketing Control Order (TMCO) 2003 to Tea Board. Also called as FORM E RETURNS to be
submitted on a monthly basis on or before 10th of every month. Details on production, sale and
inhouse management are to be filled up elaborately in the form. The contents of each section are
given below;
I) Production details comprise of ;
1) Quantity of Green leaf used for production during the month
2) Quantity of tea produced during the month
II) Sale details comprise of;
1) Tea sold in auction
2) Tea sold in private sale
3) Tea exported
4) Tea sold at Factory gate
5) Tea given as gift
6) Tea waste generated and disposed
III) Inhouse management ;
1) Cost of production of tea in terms of green leaf and made tea
2) Cess payment
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3) Other contributory cost involved in producing tea (annual data)
4) Warehouse details
5) Human Resource Management
Manual method of filing Form -E returns and its disadvantages
Form E is filed manually by manufacturers and submitted to Tea Board of India at their respective
regional offices. After filling up of the form, the duly filled in form is either handed over in person or
sent by post to reach the respective offices. Manual filing has always been slow and had its own
1) Information submitted in the form is large and requires more time and concentration for
filling up the details correctly.
2) Sometimes compiling the data and filling up the form becomes too laborious and this may
also lead to missing out on important information to be submitted by oversight.
3) There is eventually lots of papers work and dedicated time to be spared by the individual
in the course of submitting the returns manually.
4) All these factors may even force the producer to ignore submission of returns regularly.
Therefore the manual system of filing Form E returns has to be replaced by digitalization.
Introduction of digitalization of Form E and advantages
Computerisation or digitalization of filing Form E returns was proposed with a view to achieve the
1) Remove large quantum of paper work
2) Remove wastage of time and energy through exhaustion
3) Achieve simpler and easier way of filing returns from your desk
4) Remove loss of form in transit
5) Achieve proper and regular submission of returns
6) Non acceptability of form if all details are not furnished
7) Easy and remote monitoring of form submission
8) Recording and retrieval of information at any point of time
9) Report generation possible from every end (be it manufacturer or Tea Board)
10) Transparency in operation
11) Easily accessible by all and open to all
Software has been developed and hosted in Tea Board of India official portal and each registered
member or manufacturer/producer is given an exclusive login id and password by default. For easy
recollection of id the factories licence number (RC…….) is given and a common password
„welcome‟. A provision and liberty to personalize the id and password is also given for the
manufacturer/producer in the case of their login.
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Producer has to login in, open the form and start entering the data or information for the month.
After filling up the information the form has to be uploaded on or before the specified date. If the
producer fails to submit the form on or before the specified date and instead submit at a later point
the system will not accept the form. It is programmed in such a way that form will not open for
filing after the specific date. Hence this system ensures that filing of returns is done regularly and at
the specific time.
This software is remotely monitored by Tea Board of India through “Admin login” and made
accessible for the top management to view details and understand the progress made by the
stakeholder for decision making process. Report is the ID through which reports can be generated for
any purpose.
All regional offices in North and South are provided with independent “admin login ids” for accessing
information submitted by the manufacturer. The regional offices through admin login will be able to
view only the manufacturers/producers under their purview and have also been given the liberty to
view, edit and manipulate data for any specified purposes of the Board.
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About Form E in Tea Board of India website
The flow chart of Form E submission is given below;
Select Form E monthly returns icon
Login screen appears with introduction page
Factory performance menu is also available on the home page
this is open to all for viewing the performance and ranking of factories
Login with default login id and password
Home page for filings of returns will appear- Landing page
Select Returns menu
Form E page will open up
Start filling the information accurately
Submission of form
View returns (edit available upto 20th of every month)
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STEP - 1 :
STEP -2 : Login page
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STEP -3 Landing page:
Following are the menus which will appear on the home page after login;
Back to home page
Opening of Form E, filling of information, editing if required upto 20th
of every month
After successful submission of returns this menu allows the
factory/producer to view the returns
Profile of the factory/producer will be submitted in this menu and the
same can be edited if required when changes have to be made with
regard to the factory
Profile of the owner will be submitted in this menu and the same can
be edited if required when changes have to be made with regard to
Incase the factory/producer wishes to change the password for security
reason the provision of change password is also given.
View Returns
Edit factory
Edit ownership
Change password
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STEP -4 RETURNS : Form E, details to be filled-in page by page as required
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STEP -5 VIEW RETURNS; Viewing of submitted returns
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STEP -6 EDIT PROFILES : Incase of any changes that have to be made to Factory & ownership edit
profile menu could be used for carrying out changes
Factory profile
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Ownership profile
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STEP -7 CHANGE PASSWORD : In the case of maintaining privacy and security reason Change
password menu is provided.
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ADMIN LOGIN : Every regional office in Tea Board and the Head office of Tea Board is provided
with a independent admin login ids and password. This login will aid each regional office in Tea
Board to access information submitted by the factory. They can view performance and progress of
the factory in their respective regions only with the admin login id provided for them.
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ADMIN LOGIN : Landing page
Following are the menus which will appear on the home page after login;
View returns
Back to home page
Regional offices of Tea board can view the returns submitted by
Registrations made by factories and incase any changes are carried out
in the factory details the same can be viewed in this menu
Incase of new factories incorporated in a region the same can be
registered through new registration
This is a report generation menu which will help the head office
generate reports of all types as per requirement. Provision of regional
offices generating reports is also provided in this menu.
View registration
New registration
HO reports
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STEP -1 VIEW RETURNS : Regional offices of Tea board can view the returns submitted by factories
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STEP -2 VIEW REGISTRATION : Registrations made by factories and incase any changes are
carried out in the factory details the same can be viewed in this menu
Following are the menus which will appear on the VIEW REGISTRATION page;
View returns
Regional offices of Tea board can view the returns submitted by factories
in this menu
Regional offices of Tea Board can view the factory profile and ownership
profile in this menu
This is a special menu provided for admin login exclusively to enable file
returns of those factories which have not submitted any returns for
activating the format and this is done if required and base on necessity
View profile
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STEP -3 NEW REGISTRATION: Incase of new factories incorporated in a region the same can be
registered through new registration
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STEP -4 REPORT : This is a report generation menu which will help the head office generate reports
of all types as per requirement. Provision of regional offices generating reports is also provided in this
Any calrification with regard to Form E you may contact Mr A Guna : 98425 94823 for further
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