Hanna Drumzilzia - Ghawazee Moon Bellydance


Hanna Drumzilzia - Ghawazee Moon Bellydance
Beginners Bellydance
© 2015 Ghawazee Moon Bellydance | www.ghawazeemoon.com.au
Hanna Drumzilzia -­‐ Tabla Solos (Various Patterns) Eddie the Sheik Kochak | Strictly Belly Dancing Volume 5 Drumzilzia
0:00 ≅≅≅≅≅≅≅≅ ≅≅≅≅≅≅~~~~ 0:08 ≅≅≅≅≅≅!! ≅≅≅≅≅≅!! ≅≅≅≅≅≅!! ≅≅≅≅≅≅!! 0:24 ≅≅≅≅≅≅!!! ≅≅≅≅≅≅!!! ≅≅≅≅≅≅!!! ≅≅≅≅≅≅!!! 0:42 ≅≅≅≅≅≅~~! ≅≅≅≅≅≅~~! ≅≅≅≅≅≅~~! ≅≅≅≅≅≅~~! 0:59 ≈!≈!≈≈≈! ≈!≈!≈≈≈! ≈!≈!≈≈≈! ≈!≈!≈≈≈! 1:16 ~~~!~~~! ~!~!~~~! ~~~!~~~! ~!~!~~~! 1:34 ≅≅≅≅≅≅~! ≅≅≅≅≅≅~! ≅≅≅≅≅≅~! ≅≅≅≅≅≅~! 8 8 (pause) 3 x Baladi walk with hip outs (rr-­‐ll-­‐rr) 3 x hip out Baladi walk (ll-­‐rr-­‐ll), cross over turn (step R-­‐L) 6-­‐2 6-­‐2 6-­‐2 6-­‐2 Lifts to the Side travel forward... Step R, Lift L, Step L, Lift R, Step R, Lift L, L Hip Drop/Lift Step L, Lift R, Step R, Lift L, Step L, Lift R, R Hip Drop/Lift Step R, Lift L, Step L, Lift R, Step R, Lift L, L Hip Drop/Lift Step L, Lift R, Step R, Lift L, Step (back) L, (to face L) Lift R, R Hip Drop/Lift 6-­‐2 6-­‐2 6-­‐2 6-­‐2 Face Left, 6 x R Hip Drop, Arms L8: Rf3) Change sides Face Right, 6 x L Hip Drop, Arms Lf3: R8) Change sides Face Left, 6 x R Hip Drop, Arms L8: Rf3) Change sides Face Right, 6 x L Hip Drop, Arms Lf3: R8) Face front 6-­‐2 6-­‐2 6-­‐2 6-­‐2 Change Rows Double hip outs (rr-­‐ll-­‐rr) hip twist (l-­‐r-­‐l) Double hip outs (rr-­‐ll-­‐rr) rib twist (r-­‐l-­‐r) Double hip outs (ll-­‐rr-­‐ll) hip twist (r-­‐l-­‐r) Double hip outs (ll-­‐rr-­‐ll) rib twist (r-­‐l-­‐r) 2-­‐2-­‐4 2-­‐2-­‐4 2-­‐2-­‐4 2-­‐2-­‐4 RL:L6, R hip out, RL: R6, L hip out, 3-­‐step turn (r-­‐l-­‐r-­‐l toe) RL:R6, L hip out, RL: L6, R hip out, 3-­‐step turn (l-­‐r-­‐l-­‐r toe) RL:L6, R hip out, RL: R6, L hip out, 3-­‐step turn (r-­‐l-­‐r-­‐l toe) RL:R6, L hip out, RL: L6, R hip out, 3-­‐step turn (l-­‐r-­‐l-­‐r toe) 4-­‐4 2-­‐2-­‐4 4-­‐4 2-­‐2-­‐4 4 x hip up R (L6:R3), 4 x hip up L (L3:R6), hip twist (rlr, lrl), hip shimmie 4 x hip up R (L6:R3), 4 x hip up L (L3:R6), hip twist (rlr, lrl), cross over turn (arms cross to high) end L 6-­‐2 6-­‐2 6-­‐2 6-­‐2 Face Left, 6 x R Hip Drop, Arms L8: Rf3) Change sides Face Right, 6 x L Hip Drop, Arms Lf3: R8) Change sides Face Left, 6 x R Hip Drop, Arms L8: Rf3) Change sides Face Right, 6 x L Hip Drop, Arms Lf3: R8) Swing arms ... END with Lb:R8 and R hip stomp. 

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