Solibri Solution Center Guide for Account Administrators


Solibri Solution Center Guide for Account Administrators
Solibri Solution Center
Guide for Account
Version 2014-07-07
1 Solibri Solution Center ..................................................................................................................... 3
2 Terminology .................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Accessing the Solibri Solution Center ............................................................................................... 4
3.1 Account Registration ........................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Updating a Trial Account to a Paying Account .................................................................................... 6
4 Summary and Invoice Tabs .............................................................................................................. 7
5 Users Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 8
5.1 Adding Users........................................................................................................................................ 8
5.1.1 One by one ................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.1.2 With the help of an Excel sheet ................................................................................................................... 9
5.1.3 Adding an Existing User ............................................................................................................................. 10
5.2 Editing Users ...................................................................................................................................... 12
5.3 Removing Users ................................................................................................................................. 12
6 License Tab.....................................................................................................................................13
6.1 Number of Owned and Assigned Licenses ........................................................................................ 13
6.2 License Assignment ........................................................................................................................... 14
6.2.1 Assign All.................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.2.2 Upgrade All ................................................................................................................................................ 16
6.3 Purchasing Products and Extensions ................................................................................................. 16
7 User Pool Management Tab............................................................................................................20
7.1 About License Pools........................................................................................................................... 20
7.2 Your License Pools ............................................................................................................................. 21
7.3 Adding a License Pool ........................................................................................................................ 21
8 Products View ................................................................................................................................22
9 Solibri Model Checker Registration .................................................................................................23
9.1 User Registration ............................................................................................................................... 23
9.2 Firewall and Proxy Settings ............................................................................................................... 24
9.3 Borrowing a Floating License ............................................................................................................ 26
10 FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions ...............................................................................................26
11 Contact Us ....................................................................................................................................27
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1 Solibri Solution Center
The Solibri Solution Center (SSC) is a cloud based meeting point to access the latest solutions for Quality Assurance
and Quality Control. This customized content will come from Solibri, its partners, 3rd party developers and
multiple BIM organizations. Content will be updated frequently and as BIM continues to evolve, there will be a
wide range of content to choose from.
Easy License Administration on the Cloud – Previously, license downloads needed specific administration servers
and user profiles that took time to create. With Version 9, licenses can be created online and administrators have
direct access to user licenses and the selected add-ons. This allows user pools to be more easily managed and this
can be done remotely. In the near future we will provide more licensing options enabled by the cloud-based
licensing system. There will also be license monitoring tools available in the near future.
2 Terminology
The Admin role gives you the ability to manage your company’s Solibri Solution Center account.
You can add, edit and remove users.
You can purchase products and extensions.
You can assign what products and extensions users can download and use.
You can manage licenses and license pools.
You can access the products view of Solibri Solution Center and download products and extensions that
have been assigned to you.
The Buyer role gives you the ability to purchase products and extensions from the Solibri Solution Center.
You can assign purchased products and extensions to users, who have wished for them. Otherwise, if no
wishes exist, the administrator may assign the products to the users.
You can access the products view of the Solibri Solution Center and download products and extensions
that your administrator has assigned to you.
You can access the products view of the Solibri Solution Center and download products and extensions
that your administrator has assigned to you.
Floating Licenses
Floating licenses can be assigned to more users than there are existing licenses.
When a user starts the software, a license is checked out from the Solibri Solution Center. When the user
closes the software the license is checked in to the Solibri Solution Center for others to use it.
If all the floating licenses are in use, the user can use the viewing version of the software (Solibri Model
An internet connection is required to get a floating license. If you need to work without the internet
connection, you can borrow a license for a maximum duration of 14 days.
Workstation License
Workstation license can only be assigned to as many users as there are licenses.
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The license is locked to a specific computer
A customer admin assigns the workstation license for a user. The user registers the license to his/her
computer with his/her username and password.
An internet connection is required when setting a workstation license and every two months.
Moving the license from one computer to another requires actions from Solibri support. In this case,
please contact Solibri support using [email protected].
Workstation License – Offline
For computers not allowed to connect to the internet
Can only be purchased with a separate and specific request that needs to be approved by Solibri
The license is locked to a specific computer with a specific username and password.
There is a separate application available for calculating a key in the computer outside the internet
User credentials are required
The key is sent to Solibri support and a license file will be returned
The user has to set the license by using the same application as in calculating the key
Moving the license from one computer to another requires actions from Solibri support. In this case,
please contact Solibri support using [email protected].
Temporary License (for example for training)
Solibri support creates temporary licenses when needed
In case you need temporary licenses, please contact Solibri support using [email protected].
An end date is set for these licenses
License Pool
License pools are for managing licenses and users.
If your company has floating and workstation licenses, these licenses are in separate license pools. It’s not
allowed to move a license from a floating pool to a workstation pool or vice versa.
Each user needs to belong to a specific license pool. Each user can belong to only one license pool at a
time. A user can be moved from a license pool to another, if needed.
In a floating pool there may be more users than existing licenses. In a workstation pool there can only be
as many users as there are licenses.
You can create multiple license pools and divide Solibri Model Checker licenses between these license
pools. License Pools are explained in more detail in User Pool Management.
By default, every account has at least one license pool with one or more licenses.
The first license pool is created by Solibri.
3 Accessing the Solibri Solution Center
To access the Solibri Solution Center go to and log in with your username (=email
address) and password. The login page is the same for both users and administrators. However, the landing page
will be different for the users and for the administrators. The users will only have access to Products View.
3.1 Account Registration
If nobody has registered your company with the account number we have sent to you, please click Create trial or
company account, and select Existing customer with known account number.
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Fill in the Account Registration form. Remember to enter the Account number you have received from us. Make
sure your password fulfills the requirements (the password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least
one upper case letter, one lower case letter and one number).
NOTE: The person doing the registration will be the first administrator of the company. One company can have
multiple administrators. The company can be registered only once.
When the form is correctly filled, click Register and you will be logged in to the Solibri Solution Center.
NOTE: If you get an error message when trying to register, the possible reasons might be:
The account number is incorrect or someone has already registered the company
You have used the same email address for registering a trial (please see Updating a Trial Account to a
Paying Account)
Your password does not fulfill the requirements.
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3.2 Updating a Trial Account to a Paying Account
If you want to use the same email address that you have used for registering a trial, you need to do the following:
Go to and log in with your trial account username and password. At the top of the
page you find the Become Paying Customer button. Click it.
A registration form opens. Enter the account number you have received from us. When you have filled in the
form, click Register. You are asked to log in again. If you get an error message when trying to register, a possible
reason might be that the account number is incorrect or someone else has already registered the company.
NOTE: The person doing the registration will be the first administrator of the company. One company can have
multiple administrators. The company can be registered only once.
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4 Summary and Invoice Tabs
After logging in you will land on the Summary tab. On the Summary tab you can see the company details and
account administrators.
You can change the language from the pull-down menu at the top of the screen.
If you edit the company details, remember to save the changes by clicking Update at the bottom of the page.
If you want to pay with an invoice, select Invoice from the Billing details and click Update to save your changes.
After that go to the Invoicing Details tab and fill in the Billing details. Click Save to save your changes.
NOTE: At the moment we are using our existing invoicing system. The new invoicing system is not yet activated.
We will inform you once we start to use it.
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5 Users Tab
You will be required to add all individual users. As is the case in web based systems in general, users need to
have user identifiers and this is true with the Solibri Solution Center, as well. This is the first time the new
licensing system is used and this requires adding users’ email addresses as user identifiers.
5.1 Adding Users
To see current users and to add new users, go to the Users tab. There are two ways to add new users:
a) one by one
b) with the help of an Excel sheet
NOTE: If you try to add a user that already exists in the Solibri Solution Center (the user has registered as a trial
user or the user belongs to another account), you get a pop-up notification about it. Please see Adding an Existing
User for more information.
5.1.1 One by one
At the bottom of the page you have an Add button. By clicking it you can add one user at a time. Users can have
the same first and last names, but the email addresses need to be unique for each user.
By default, the user has a User role. If you want, you can give the user an Admin or a Buyer role. In case you have
created multiple license pools select the correct pool for the user from the Select User Pool pull-down menu. Each
user needs to belong to a specific license pool. Each user can belong to only one license pool at a time. A user can
be moved from a license pool to another, if needed. If all available workstation licenses in a workstation pool are
assigned, this pool is not visible in the pull-down menu.
When saving the user, he/she will receive an email containing a link to set his/her personal password. Once they
have set their password, they can log in to the Solibri Solution Center. Depending on their role, they will have
access only to the products view or also to the administrator view.
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NOTE: If the user hasn’t received a registration email, the email has been deleted or sent to junk email, the user
needs to go to the Solibri Solution Center’s login page ( and select Forgot your
password?. A new registration link will be sent to the user.
NOTE: If you get a notification saying that the user already exists, it means that the user exists on another account
(for example on a trial account). See Adding an Existing User.
5.1.2 With the help of an Excel sheet
If you want to add multiple users at the same time, download a User Excel Template from the link at the bottom
of the page.
Fill in the Excel sheet and save it. The Excel sheet contains tips to enter the right information to each field. At least
you need to fill in Username, First name, Last name and License pool fields for every user. After that, browse it
and upload it to the Solibri Solution Center. Each user needs to belong to a specific license pool. Each user can
belong to only one license pool at a time. If needed, a user can be moved from a license pool to another.
NOTE: Users will have the User role by default, if you haven’t selected (x) Admin or Buyer.
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After the Excel sheet is successfully uploaded to the Solibri Solution Center, the users will receive an email
containing a link to set his/her personal password.
NOTE: If the user hasn’t received a registration email, the email has been deleted or sent to junk email, the user
needs to go to the Solibri Solution Center’s login page ( and select Forgot your
password?. A new registration link will be sent to the user.
NOTE: If you get an error message when trying to upload the Excel sheet, one or more of the users might already
exist on your account or on some other account in the Solibri Solution Center. These users need to be removed
from the Excel sheet and added one by one. See Adding an Existing User.
5.1.3 Adding an Existing User
If you are trying to add a user who already exists in the Solibri Solution Center (the user might have registered as
a trial user or the user might belong to another account), you will get a notification after clicking Save.
The notification tells you that the user already exists in another account. You can send a request to the user to be
added to your account by clicking Yes. If you don’t want to proceed, click No.
NOTE: After sending the request, you can withdraw it by clicking Withdraw at the end of the row.
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If you click Yes, the user will appear with the status Request Sent on the Users tab. At the same time, the user will
receive the email shown below:
Dear <user’s name>
An administrator of <account’s name> has requested that you join their account at the Solibri Solution Center. To
accept or reject the request please log on to the Solibri Solution Center at Your
username at the Solibri Solution Center is <user’s email address>.
The next time the user logs in to the Solibri Solution Center, he/she will get a notification.
The notification tells the user that he/she has been requested to join another account. If the user accepts the
request, he/she will be asked to log in again. If the user rejects the request, he/she will continue using his/her
existing account.
When the user has accepted the request, the user’s status will change on the Users tab. If the user rejects the
request, the user will disappear from the Users tab. The administrator won’t receive any separate notification
whether the user has accepted or rejected the request. Changes will appear on the Users tab.
NOTE: Once the user has accepted or rejected the request, the Withdraw button will disappear from the end of
the row.
NOTE: After the user has accepted the request you can edit the user’s role and license pool.
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5.2 Editing Users
Select the user you want to edit by clicking the row. Click Edit and an Edit user window opens.
You can edit the user’s first and last names, role and user pool. Save changes by clicking Save.
NOTE: You can’t edit user’s email address. If you have entered a wrong email address, you need to remove that
user and add a new user.
5.3 Removing Users
To remove a user, select the user by clicking the row and then by clicking Remove. The user won’t receive any
separate notification that he/she has been removed.
In case you want to see deleted users, click the Show Deleted Users box, and deleted users will appear in the users
list. Their Status will be Deleted and they will have an Undelete button in the end of the row.
In case you want to reactivate a deleted user, just click Undelete.
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NOTE: Deleted users won’t disappear from the Solibri Solution Center. This means you can’t add the same email
address twice although you have deleted the first one. In case you want to add a user that has been deleted
earlier, you need to use the Undelete button. A user who has been removed from an account A can still be
added to an account B.
6 License Tab
To see what products and extensions you have and how many, go to the License tab.
6.1 Number of Owned and Assigned Licenses
On the left you can see products and extensions you have. Also the version number (i.e. 9.0, 9.1) and the type of
the license (floating or workstation) are shown.
Read more about floating licenses and workstation licenses.
The Number of Owned Licenses column tells you how many licenses can be used at the same time (Solibri Model
Checker), or how many products (e.g. Solibri Model Viewer) and extensions (e.g. NS 3940: Area and Volume
Calculation) have been bought from the Solibri Solution Center.
The Number of Assigned Licenses column tells you how many users can use the product or extension
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6.2 License Assignment
You can assign products and extensions to users in the Users table by checking the boxes. To save your changes
click Update.
Solibri Model Checker is in the first column and other products and extensions come after that in alphabetical
order. If you have different versions of Solibri Model Checker (i.e. 9.0 and 9.1), they are in separate columns in
descending order beside each other. Also, if you have different types of licenses (i.e. floating and workstation),
they are in separate columns beside each other.
NOTE: Floating licenses can be assigned to more users than there are existing licenses. Workstation license can
only be assigned to as many users as there are licenses.
When a box is checked, it means that the user has the right to use that particular product/extension and version.
It also means that the user can download that product from the Solibri Solution Center (a Download button
appears in the user’s product window). Or in case of an extension the user can download it from Solibri Model
Checker (the extension and an Install button appear in File > Solibri Solution Center).
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When the box is unchecked, it means that the user can’t use or download the product/extension anymore. In
these cases the Download/Install button disappears and a Wish button appears.
NOTE: Solibri Model Checker needs to be assigned to a user in order for the user to see and wish for extensions in
the Solibri Solution Center.
6.2.1 Assign All
If you want to assign a product or an extension to all the users, you can use Assign All button. In case you don’t
have enough licenses to assign all, you will get the following warning message.
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E.g. in this case, if you select Yes, the first 3 non assigned users will get the extension. If you select No, no new
assigns will appear.
6.2.2 Upgrade All
If you want to upgrade a product or an extension to all the users using the current product or extension, you can
use Upgrade All button. When clicking Upgrade All a new message window opens.
From the pull-down menu you can select the correct version to which you want to upgrade. When you click Yes,
the users having the current version will have the right to use the selected version (copy-paste). When you click
No, it will cancel the operation.
If you have already assigned the selected version to some of the users, and you are now using the Upgrade All
button, the following warning message opens.
When you click Yes, the old assignments will be cleared and the users having the current version will get the
selected version. When you click No, it will cancel the operation.
6.3 Purchasing Products and Extensions
The visibility of products and extensions available for users in the Solibri Solution Center is controlled by you. You
or a buyer needs to buy and assign the products and the extensions that are relevant to your organization. This
applies also to the current free content including the Solibri Model Checker installer.
For all products and extensions you find relevant, do the following:
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1. First go to the Products view by clicking Purchase license or by clicking Products view.
2. If a user has wished for a product or an extension, you see the wish next to the Add to Cart button. By
clicking the wish you can see who has wished for it.
3. Click Add to cart for those products and extensions you want to purchase. Wishes show you what
products and extensions users would like to have.
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4. Once you have clicked all relevant products and extensions, click View cart. A new window – Shopping
cart contents – opens.
5. Shop. You can see the products and extensions you have selected. You have the possibility to adjust the
number of items in the shopping cart.
6. Once you have adjusted the number of item, click Checkout.
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7. Confirm. Check that you have the right products and click Confirm.
8. Assign. If a user has wished for a certain product or extension, at this point you can assign that product or
extension to the user. When you are ready click Assign.
9. You are automatically taken back to the “Administrator view”. You can always switch back to the Admin
View by clicking the yellow Admin view link at the top of the page.
10. If you need to assign products to the users, go to the Users table on the License tab.
11. When you have assigned the products, click Update below the Users table.
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7 User Pool Management Tab
7.1 About License Pools
You can create multiple license pools in the Solibri Solution Center. The main idea of the license pools is to divide
Solibri Model Checker licenses between different user groups.
As an example, your company has 10 floating licenses and you have 20 Solibri Model Checker users. Three of
them (e.g. BIM Coordinators) should ALWAYS have access to Solibri Model Checker. You can create a separate
floating license pool for them, and move three of your floating licenses to that pool. So, there will be three
floating licenses for these three users -> They will always have a floating license available.
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7.2 Your License Pools
You can see your license pools on the User Pool Management tab. By default, every account has at least one
license pool with one or more licenses. The first license pool is created by Solibri.
In case you have floating licenses and workstation licenses you find them in separate license pools. It’s not
possible to move a license from a floating pool to a workstation pool or vice versa. In a floating pool there may be
more users than existing licenses. In a workstation pool there can only be as many users as there are licenses.
7.3 Adding a License Pool
To manage licenses go to the User Pool Management tab. You can create new license pools by clicking Add Pool.
Give a name to the pool and click Add.
NOTE: If you want to add a floating pool, you need to have the “Solibri Model Checker – floating” option selected
from the pull-down menu. If you want to add a workstation pool, you need to have the “Solibri Model Checker –
workstation” option selected from the pull-down menu.
Once you have added a new license pool, you can add users to it on the Users tab. Select the user you want to
add by clicking the row and then by clicking Edit. Select the new license pool from the Select User Pool pull-down
menu. Save changes by clicking Save.
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When you purchase more Solibri Model Checker licenses, you need to manually add the licenses to one of your
license pools. The licenses don’t go automatically to a license pool. Add the licenses to a license pool with the
arrow buttons.
After making changes remember to save them by clicking Update License Assignment.
When you want to change the number of licenses in your license pools, you need to first reduce the number of
licenses in one license pool before adding more licenses to another license pool. You can change the license count
in a license pool with the arrow buttons.
8 Products View
To see products that are available for downloading, click the Products View link on the top of the page.
This is the view that users with a User role can access. From the pull down menus you can change what products
are shown. Note also that they are products on several pages. Change the page from the bottom of the page.
NOTE: The user can only download the latest version that is assigned to him/her. As an admin you can select
which version you want to download from the pull-down menu next to the Download button. In case the user
wants to use an older version of the software, e.g. for certain project, an admin needs to download the version
for the user.
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To change back to the administrator view click Admin View link at the top of the page. To log out click the Logout
button at the top right corner of the page.
9 Solibri Model Checker Registration
Solibri Model Checker licenses are administrated in the Solibri Solution Center.
For floating licenses, every time a user starts Solibri Model Checker, a message is sent to the Solibri Solution
Center and a license is authorized. When the user stops using Solibri Model Checker, the license is returned.
For workstation licenses, when a user starts Solibri Model Checker for the first time, a message is sent to the
Solibri Solution Center and a license is locked to the user’s computer with the user’s username and password.
When the user stops using Solibri Model Checker, the license stays locked on the user’s computer.
One user can run multiple Solibri Model Checker sessions in one computer using only one license. However, one
user can run Solibri Model Checker only on one computer at a time.
9.1 User Registration
When you start Solibri Model Checker for the first time your username (=email address) and password are
requested. The information is asked for only once unless you uncheck Remember Me option.
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If you have started Solibri Model Checker with your username and password on another user’s computer and now
want to “log out”, open Solibri Model Checker and go to File Layout > Settings > General and uncheck the
Remember Me option.
9.2 Firewall and Proxy Settings
In some cases firewall or proxy settings can block licensing of Solibri Model Checker. If this happens during the
registration, you’ll get the following kind of message:
If you are using proxy, you can specify it in the Proxy Server Settings that you can specify in the same dialog.
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Administrators can set the default proxy settings that Solibri Model Checker uses by installing an. ini file to the
Solibri Model Checker installation directory, (e.g. C:\Program Files\Solibri\SMCv9). The .ini file (for example
proxysettings.ini) should contain the following lines:
# Uncomment the next two lines and fill them with proxy information, if you want to use proxy
# Uncomment the next two lines, and fill them with correct information, if your proxy needs
username and password
By uncommenting the corresponding lines and setting the correct values, the default values for the proxy settings
can be set. If the user changes the proxy settings, the user’s changes will override the defaults.
If your firewall blocks access to the servers that Solibri Model Checker wants to communicate with, you need to
allow the traffic to the following addresses: (IP address (port 80) (IP address (port 443) (IP address (port 443) (IP address (port 443)
NOTE: These addresses are used in Solibri Model Checker v9.0.10 or newer. If you have an older version of SMCv9
please update it first from the Solibri Solution Center.
If you have a firewall that by default blocks access to all unknown servers, you need to add access to the following
server: (IP address
This server is only accessed by the browser when user is using Solibri Solution Center.
If you are using proxy, you should ensure that the addresses above are listed in your proxy settings.
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9.3 Borrowing a Floating License
To use Solibri Model Checker and to get a floating license from the Solibri Solution Center, you need to have an
internet connection. In case you need to work without the internet connection, you can borrow a floating license
in advance for a set number of days. The maximum borrowing time is 14 days.
A floating license can be borrowed from Solibri Model Checker -> File Layout -> Help -> Borrow License. The
floating license can be returned in the same location when a user is connected to the internet again. Or, when the
maximum borrowing time is over, the floating license will be returned automatically.
If you lose internet connectivity for less than 1 hour, it should not be noticeable in any way. The licensing scheme
includes contingency behavior to protect the users from short term connectivity outages. If you are expecting to
have longer term outages, you can borrow a license.
10 FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the role of the Solibri Solution Center (SSC) in the licensing scheme?
A: SSC is the client organization’s administration tool for licensing. Using SSC clients can themselves manage their
users, buy and reassign licenses for their users, all in a self-service manner.
Q: Is Solibri monitoring how I use Solibri Model Checker (SMC) or plugins installed to SMC using the SSC?
A: No information sent to the SSC will contain information on the manner in which the tool is used. The SSC
monitors that the user has the proper licenses to allow usage and to prevent unlawful usage.
Q: What information will be transmitted to the SSC when using SMC?
A: Products using the new licensing scheme will be identified by a text string (“SMC” in the case of Solibri Model
Checker). The user is identified with a username which is the same as the users given email. There is other data
transmitted as well, although it cannot be tracked back to a single user or organization, exact details on these are
not disclosed due to security reasons.
Q: Will someone outside my organization be able to track our usage of SMC due to its communication with the
A: All traffic with the license server is masked as http requests, thus it would be difficult to identify it as anything
other than normal web browsing. Additionally, all communication is encrypted using a 2048-bit key SSL
Q: Where is the SSC physically located?
A: Due to security reasons we do not disclose these details regarding the SSC.
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Q: What information on users is stored in the SSC?
A: The SSC provides storing of the individual users email (which is also their usernames when logging in to the
SSC), name and user roles. The only information that must be provided as such is the end users email addresses,
see answer to question Do I need to provide my users real email addresses as usernames? for details.
Q: How is the storage of information secured in the SSC?
A: The data is stored in a secure location, for security reasons we are not disclosing information on the actual
technology solution. The infrastructure and hardware of the data center where the data is stored is PCI DSS 2.0
Q: What is the availability commitment of the SSC?
A: The data center that hosts our cloud solution aims at an availability of 99%. In our own operations we aim to
keep necessary maintenance breaks on weekends to minimize impact on client operations.
Q: Is the SSC built for managing and sharing BIM files?
A: No, this functionality is not currently possible
11 Contact Us
In case you have questions about the Solibri Solution Center please send email to [email protected].
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