Jon Wilson IPN Orsay
Jon Wilson IPN Orsay
LICORNE: A new & unique facility for producing intense kinematically focused neutron beams Jon Wilson IPN Orsay Unité mixte de recherche CNRS-IN2P3 Université Paris-Sud 11 91406 Orsay cedex Tél. : +33 1 69 15 73 40 Fax : +33 1 69 15 64 70 1 • 10% of energy released in a reactor is in the form of gamma rays • Gamma heating dominates in non-fissile components: (structural materials, reflectors, fertile blankets,instrumentation, etc.) • In-core gamma heating effects underestimated by 30% • Top of the OCDE/NEA high priority list Need to measure how spectral shape, average multiplicity and energy change as a function of incident neutron energy and fissile nucleus: 233U, 235U, 239Pu (232Th, 238U) 2 mardi 11 juin 13 Lab beam reac)on n/s Sample distance Gelina 100uA e-‐ (100 MeV) photofission 1013 10 – 50 m nTOF (CERN) 100uA p (24 GeV) Pb spalla)on 1015 185 m NFS (Spiral2) 1mA deuterons Breakup 9Be 1015 5 -‐ 20 m Primary Beam (pulsed) Neutron energy measured by TOF 5 m -185 m Thick target Brute force + collimation 3 4 mardi 11 juin 13 108 n/s Sample 1-3 cm 5-10 cm Fluxes typically 106 n/cm2/s Ø Typically over 99% of neutrons ‘’wasted’’ Ø Wasted neutrons contribute to the room background Ø Placement of gamma detectors impossible without heavy shielding 5 mardi 11 juin 13 H target n n n 100nA 7Li 13-17 MeV n Lithium Inverse Cinematiques ORsay NEutron source Ø p(7Li,7Be)n reaction in inverse kinematics 6 mardi 11 juin 13 7Li p 7Be n 7 mardi 11 juin 13 8 Neutron Flux/ MeV mardi 11 juin 13 MONNET (IRMM) Bruyeres LICORNE AFIRA (CENBG) NFS nTOF GELINA Degree of collimation 9 mardi 11 juin 13 GOALS 1. 2. 3. 4. Tes)ng of two types of solid H-‐rich targets Valida)on of the inverse kinema)cs Understanding of the maximum fluxes available Understanding of the backgrounds from parasi)c processes (e.g. 7Li +12C) 5. Characterising the room background 6. Understanding the radia)on protec)on limits 10 25 um Au 200nm Au TiH2 PP 50um Au mardi 11 juin 13 Foil Power deposited Polypropylene (7Li @ 15 MeV, 90nA) 15 mW Au beam stop (7Li @ 15 MeV, 90nA) 0.5 W (IRMM 10uA, 5 MeV deuterons) 50 W 11 mardi 11 juin 13 Neutrons Time of flight TOF (ns) Gammas Pulse Shape Analysis (PSA) 12 mardi 11 juin 13 2.8 MeV 700 keV 7Li + 12C reaction evaporated neutrons Uncorrelated room background 13 50um Au PP 15 mW 25 um Au 200nm Au TiH2 mardi 11 juin 13 0.5 W 2.8 MeV 4 µm 700 keV 2 µm 14 All specs P. Halipré, PhD thesis 15 15 MeV P. Halipré, PhD thesis 16 Thin PP target Thick PP target 17 Maximum flux assuming 100nA of 7Li: Thin Target = 2x107 n/s/steradian 7 n/s/steradian Thick T arget = 7 x10 Total flux 18 J. Bettane Beam current & beam time structure measurement 19 mardi 11 juin 13 Commisioning June 2013. First experiment July 2013 20 21 7Li beam 100 nA @13.5 MeV LaBr3 from IPN & IRMM (δt = 300 ps; δE = <3% @ .662 MeV) BaF2 from Château de Cristal (δt = 600 ps; δE = 10% @ 1.3 MeV) Ionisation Chamber 238U target n cone emission (< 10°) Collaboraters from the IRMM: S. Oberstedt, A. Oberstedt and R. Billnert 7 mg; ø = 7 cm; ~9µm thick (δt = 700 ps; δE = 500 keV; ε = 100%) 22 mardi 11 juin 13 23 mardi 11 juin 13 Thick sample (~100g 238U disc) 24 mardi 11 juin 13 238U(n,f) Three neutrons further from stability than EXILL 235U(n,f) @ ILL -9 Prompt γ’s 10 ns – 10 µs -8 -7 log10 t (ns) -6 Delayed γ’s -5 -4 Eγ 25 mardi 11 juin 13 26 mardi 11 juin 13 27 mardi 11 juin 13 149Pm 28 mardi 11 juin 13 149Pmm 87,88,89Ga 29 mardi 11 juin 13 30 mardi 11 juin 13 TIPS – Tagging Isomer PartnerS 31 mardi 11 juin 13 • LICORNE is a new and unique fast neutron source using inverse kinematics • Combines the best aspects of both mono-energetic sources (high flux/MeV) and white sources (a natural collimation). • Designed for prompt fission gamma measurements, but is probably useful for all kinds of other things • New physics possibilities may be opened up thanks to the unique directionality of the source • LICORNE is open for business at the IPN! 32 mardi 11 juin 13 33 mardi 11 juin 13 Calculation based on: 25 nA 7Li (pulsed beam) → 10 kHz fission rate 106 n/s irradiating 238U sample (200g) Neutrons from… Flux in 1 ORGAM Ge detector Direct LICORNE neutrons p(7Li,7Be)n 0 n/s Prompt fission 175 n/s Elas)c scafering on 238U 56 n/s Parasi)c neutrons e.g. 185 n/s 12C(7Li,18F)n Room return neutrons 8 n/s 34
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