Hot Sprue Bushings - DME Europe C.V.B.A.
Hot Sprue Bushings - DME Europe C.V.B.A.
Hot Sprue Bushings Contents Page Hot Sprue Bushings ............................................................................ 3 Straight Shot ....................................................................................... 04 - 07 Gate Mate ........................................................................................... 08 - 12 High Performance Nozzles ................................................................. 13 - 15 Thermag ............................................................................................. 16 - 17 Multiple Gate Nozzle........................................................................... 18 - 19 Àutonozzles ........................................................................................ 20 - 22 Osco® Single Valve Gate Nozzles ...................................................... 23 - 25 Micro Single Bushings ........................................................................ 26 - 28 Process Data Sheet ............................................................................ 29 - 32 Case Studies ...................................................................................... 33 The best solution... ● ● ● Benefits 0 to eliminate conventional cold sprues to permit larger shots and fill faster to improve the performance of all plastic materials by allowing direct gating in optimum conditions Direct part gating eliminates the need to trim sprues and leaves no witness marks on the molded part. Positive temperature control with J-type thermocouples and D-M-E Smart Series® (G-type) controllers. Improved part quality due to a shorter injection path. Minimal gate vestige resulting in better part appearance. Unique range of sizes to cope with both large and small moldings. Vast choice of design to enable proper gate selection. Advanced-design square coil heaters or high power, sturdy cast-in heaters, both give an outstanding thermal profile and long life. Reduced cycle times due to more positive cooling. Faster start-ups provided by positive temperature control of the gate area. Proven performance and reliability based on years of experience. Easy installation and operation. D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 2 Rev. 05/97 Hot Sprue Bushings Molding Systems • • • • • • • Straight Shot Gate Mate High Performance nozzle Thermag Multiple Gate Nozzle Autonozzle Osco® Single Valve Gate nozzle • Micro Single Bushing • Process Data Sheets D-M-E EUROPE • Industriepark Noord I • B-2800 Mechelen • Tel. +int. 32.15 / 21 50 11 • Fax +int. 32.15 / 21 82 35 Hot Sprue Bushings Diversity Depending on the application, a suitable bushing can be selected from one of the following D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings : Straight Shot Gate Mate High performance Nozzles Thermag Featuring an unrestricted straight melt channel made of wear resistant, hardened steel, the Straight Shot is often used for commodity materials. The Pico and the Extended Pico Straight Shot are provided with a high performance cast-in heater and are used successfully with engineering materials requiring a tight temperature control, like PC, POM, PA, PETP, etc. Gating is of the sprue type. The vast Gate Mate family features a melt channel with high heat conductivity, allowing larger shots with minimal gate vestige due to its point gate tip. A wide variety of melt channels and tips is available in various geometries. The tips are made from either nickel plated beryllium copper or a unique high wear resistant material combining extreme hardness with high thermal conductivity. Gate configurations other than the point tip are also available, e.g. the thru hole tip which eliminates potential flow lines. The CIA High Performance Nozzles with cast-in heaters, developed exclusively for D-M-E , can be used for all applications, especially engineering grade resins with a high degree of crystalinity. In combination with a band heater they are also suitable for direct part gating in single cavity molds. The High Performance Nozzles are delivered with a seal ring. The radius has to be made by the customer. The Thermag is an all steel bushing designed for direct part gating, especially qualified for bulk materials, like PP, PS, PE. Multiple gate nozzles Autonozzles Osco® single valve gate nozzles Micro single bushings The Multiple gate nozzle is suitable for multiple gating of small parts in multiple cavity molds or larger parts in single cavity molds. Providing up to 6 points of sprueless injection, located on a small circle, this self contained round manifold with HotOne type probe gating offers optimum gate cosmetics. Two gate configurations: point gate and thru hole whereas the point gate type is also available in a wear resistant version for abrasive materials. Each gate is fed through a micro Hot-One nozzle with its unique thermal heat. To obtain a better insulation titanium support and spacer rings are used. For direct gating of large and/ or deep plastic parts. Any length available between 200 and 800 mm. Two standard tips are available: point gate and thru hole type. Suitable for all unfilled plastic materials. Maximum shot capacity 10.000 cm3/sec (depending on material, part geometry and flow condition). D-M-E Osco's single valve gate nozzles, full body type and bodyless type, are designed to provide more flexibility and better results in any molding application. With an externally mounted cylinder it is the most trouble free and easy to install system available. The single valve gate offers a unique external pin adjustment to simplify machining and mold assembly requirements. Also a replaceable pin seal eliminates leaks and the original pin guide eliminates gate wear. The system's shaft-driven 1:1 ratio provides longer components life and safer operation D-M-E's Micro single bushing provides a solution for direct gating where space is limited. Near the gate, if fits in a boring of 17 mm diameter only. It features an excellent melt temperature control with two independent zones possible. The design of the cast-in heater at the gate end is unique, reduces heat losses tremendously and guarantees temperature uniformity. Two gates are possible: point gate and thru hole type. The point gate is supplied in a standard and a wear resistant version. Most kind of engineering plastics have been successfully injected with the D-M-E Micro single bushing. D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 3 Straight Shots - SSBU The best solution... ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● to eliminate conventional cold sprues to improve part quality to reduce cycle time to reduce shear, stress and pressure loss to improve performance to increase productivity to save energy for large shots for difficult materials for materials savings for shot capacities up to 1000 gr. for a low cost per gate for a uniform temperature profile Benefits Cast-in heaters for the ultimate heat profile The Straight Shot was designed to remove the superfluous direct gate on single moldings. The melt is guided through a straight central channel and without deflection directly to the cavity. The entire heater of the Pico and Extended Pico Straight Shot is encapsulated in copper and is covered with a stainless steel sheath for insulation and protection. Copper is used to give a better heat transfer. The channel is made of hardened steel and is wear resistant. An optimal heat separation is provided by the minimum contact surface between the bushing and the mold. Distributed wattage allows heat to be precisely placed for even temperature control. The heater casing gives exact heat and provides the ultimate heat profile. The internally grounded thermocouple location was chosen for optimum heat monitoring and control. Heaters with integrated thermocouple guarantee a uniform temperature along the flow channel. Thus a thermal overstressing of the plastics melt is impossible. Thermocouple Further advantages of the Straight Shots are the small dimensions, easy modification of the gate opening and a variety of four types: Standard, Mini, Pico, and Extended Pico Straight Shot. The Standard and Mini types use optimized square coil heaters, the Pico and Extended Pico Straight Shot are provided with a copper cast-in heater. Stainless Steel Casing Engineered Distributed Wattage Copper cast-in Construction D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 4 Rev. 05/97 Straight Shots - SSBU Types Standard Straight Shot Mini Straight Shot 75.5 131 8 4 8 4 6 ø6 116 - A REF SSBU-7536-N A 36 R 0 SSBU-7556-N 56 0 SSBU-7576-N 76 0 SSBU-7596-N 96 0 SSBU-8536-N 36 15 SSBU-8556-N 56 15 SSBU-8576-N 76 15 REF SSBU-8026-2-N A 26 R 0 SSBU-8596-N 96 15 SSBU-8026-R-2-N 26 15 17 90° A 34.3 17 Pico Straight Shot 131 A 41.5 41.5 8 8 Ø 1.5 ø6 4 ø1.5 ø 23 ø 12 ø 32.8 5 /1 R0 Ø 40 Ø6 4 Ø 12 Ø 23 4.5 5.2 ø 40 A 90° Extended Pico Straight Shot 75.5 Ø 32.8 ø 49.6 R0 /15 ø 1.5 ø 25 ø 23.6 ø 50 R 0/1 A ø 49.6 ø6 ø 23.6 ø 1.5 ø 50 ø 25 5 6 5 /1 R0 33.5 33.5 90° 90° 18 18 REF SSBU-7640-2-N A 26 R 0 REF SSBU-1340-2-N A 81.5 R 0 SSBU-7640-R-2-N 26 15 SSBU-1340-R-2-N 81.5 15 Gate opening modification Gating Countersunk gating Concave gating Length to cut off Ø2 0.25 mm Ø 2.5 0.50 mm Ø3 0.75 mm Ø 3.5 1 mm Ø4 1.25 mm Ø 4.5 1.50 mm Ø5 1.75 mm max. fig. 1 Length to cut off The D-M-E Straight Shot is designed for direct part gating or feeding runner profiles. It is supplied with a 1.5 mm gate opening. In case the gate opening is insufficient, the diameter can be enlarged. Thereby the front side of the bushing is reduced, fig. 1, detail X. Body and sprue bushing should be reduced by the same length. The cost per gate is at its lowest because some gate vestige is admitted and also a circular mark is accepted. The Straight Shot can be exchanged for already installed, conventional sprue bushings on almost any injection mold. Changing color is no problem. Gate opening Runner gating Ø 12 Ø6 3 max 1.5 6 max Detail X D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 5 Straight Shots - SSBU Installation Instructions Spare Parts Standard - Mini ø 90 H9 Standard Mini Pico Extended Pico REF REF REF REF ø 54 ±0,5 5 Body Standard & Mini A SSB-36-N SSB-56-N SSB-76-N SSB-96-N A ø 50 H7 36 56 76 96 3 Pico & Extended Pico SSB-7640-N X 7 x 45° SSB-8026-N SSB-7640-N 4 max A ø 28 Square coil heater TC type J WRPS-32/90 230 V/400W ø 25 H7 WRPS-42/90 230 V/300 W WRPK-42/90 240 V/280 W TC type J 12 11 Cast-in heater WRPK-32/90 240 V/280 W Standard Mini Sprue bushing A X A X 36 56 76 96 113 113 113 113 26 57,5 R SSS-75-N SSS-85-N 0 15 R SSS-8026-N SSS-8026 -R-N 0 15 R Pico - Extended Pico ø 90 SSS-7640-N SSS-7640 -R-N 0 15 H9 R ø 44 ±0.5 50-52 HRC 5 SSS-1340-N SSS-1340 -R-N Screw 0 15 M6 x 10 M6 x 10 ø 37 3 33 M4 x 8 ø 32.8 H7 M4 x 8 A X Special uses ø26 3 max For any non-reinforced bulk plastics like PE, PP, PS, ABS, SAN etc., use the Standard or Mini Straight Shot. R3 For non-reinforced and reinforced technical thermoplastics with a tight processing zone, like PA, POM, PC, PETP etc., select the Pico or Extended Pico Straight Shot. 12 ø12 H7 Pico A 26 Extended Pico X 57,5 A 81,5 X 113 D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 6 Rev. 05/97 Straight Shots - SSBT Types Installation Instructions S-Series 22,2 12,7 60,3 73,0 SSBT-4533-2 85,7 SSBT-4537-2 98,4 SSBT-6507-2 22,2 SSBT-6513-2 34,9 SSBT-6517-2 47,6 ø 50.67 H7 7 x 45° A SSBT-4527-2 ø7.87 20 SSBT-4523-2 90° 5 47,6 ø 54 ±0,5 3 34,9 SSBT-4517-2 ø 90 H9 R12.7 ø 49 129.29 SSBT-4513-2 5° ø 10 SSBT-4507-2 A 19,05 ø 28 60,3 SSBT-6527-2 73,0 ø 4.06 g6 ø 25.40 SSBT-6533-2 85,7 ø 50.67 SSBT-6537-2 98,4 4 max SSBT-6523-2 A R 14.17 REF ø 25.4 H7 SSBT-4507E-2 22,2 SSBT-4513E-2 34,9 47,6 12,7 60,3 SSBT-4527E-2 73,0 SSBT-4533E-2 85,7 SSBT-4537E-2 98,4 SSBT-6507E-2 22,2 SSBT-6513E-2 34,9 R12.7 5° ø 49 ø 7.87 Gating E-Series S-Series 135.64 SSBT-4523E-2 90° 14.17 SSBT-4517E-2 11 A ø 10 R SSBT-6523E-2 A 2.30/3.00 1.5 to 2 60,3 73,0 SSBT-6533E-2 85,7 SSBT-6537E-2 98,4 ø 1.52 ø 25.4 g6 ø50.67 E-Series E-Series Max 6.81 22,2 47,6 60,3 SSBT-4527ER-2 73,0 SSBT-4533ER-2 85,7 SSBT-4537ER-2 98,4 SSBT-6507ER-2 22,2 SSBT-6513ER-2 34,9 SSBT-6517ER-2 SSBT-6523ER-2 5° R12.7 ø 49 ø 7.87 ER-Series ER-Series 6.35 Spare Parts 47,6 19,05 E & ER-Series must always be altered, shortened as shown. 6.35 135.64 34,9 SSBT-4517ER-2 90° ø 10 SSBT-4513ER-2 12,7 Gate Dia A 14.17 SSBT-4507ER-2 6.35 A R ER-Series Max 6.81 Gate Dia ER-Series SSBT-4523ER-2 Max 6.81 47,6 19,05 SSBT-6527E-2 REF E-Series Min 6.35 Max 6.81 Ø 4.06 SSBT-6517E-2 12 E-Series REF 60,3 SSBT-6527ER-2 73,0 SSBT-6533ER-2 85,7 SSBT-6537ER-2 98,4 9° ø 25.4 ø 50.67 L ø 3.05 REF. Volts Watts L Leads at SSTC-32 SSTC-32-90 240 300 117,5 5° 90° D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 7 Gate Mates - GM The best solution... ● ● ● ● ● ● to improve part quality to obtain a minimal gate mark on the molded part to prevent direct contact between the nozzle and the molded component to reduce cycle time to reduce part stress to create more space for cooling for excellent color and material changes, due to an unobstructed melt flow for an optimal heat distribution for engineering plastics for thousands of trouble-free applications ● ● ● ● Benefits Special uses The Gate Mate incorporates a high thermal conductivity central melt channel in a steel housing or body. The melt channel is made of nickel-plated copperberyllium for general use, or of conductive high wear resistant material for plastics with abrasive fillers. The melt channels or tips can be replaced and one steel body can accept various tip styles. This design allows considerable flexibility. Many different tip and body combinations are available. With its full length beryllium copper tip, the Gate Mate has been extensively used on most materials except glass filled resins. The insulated tip can be positioned into the gate with a minimal mark on the molding. If the injected plastic is particularly prone to weld lines, then the usual point gate tip can be replaced by the thruhole tip. Glass filled or other abrasive materials can be handled by the hard wear resistant tip with its exceptional combination of hardness and thermal conductivity. The fitting surfaces of the bushing in the mold represent an optimal trade-off between mechanical strength and heat losses. Due to the particular shape of the head, heat losses are limited. From near the gate to well inside the body, an insulating layer of plastic material guarantees a uniform temperature up to the gate. Independent thermocouples are strategically located and easy to replace. D-M-E ’s new cast-in heaters can also be fitted on the Gate Mate. Combined with the hard wear tip, the Gate Mate family represents a big step ahead in technology. They are easily installed in new and existing molds. D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 8 Rev. 05/97 Gate Mates - GM Types SUB-ASSEMBLY consisting of : Body Heater TC Compact REF. Sub-Assembly L ( L' ) A ( A' ) 15.5 Flat Radius Square coil heater Cast-in heater Thermocouple A A R 15.5 Ø Ø Ø 48 Ø 40 Ø 19 R0/15.5 Ø a GMC-1940 ◆ ◆ GMD-1940 Ø a A A’ L L’ 19 40 40 39,8 64,5 64,3 GME-1940 Standard A ( A' ) GMC-1960 15.5 CIH-1940 ◆ ◆ Ø 54.5 Ø 48 Ø 19 R 0/ R15.5 a A A’ L L’ 19 60 59,5 59,3 87,5 87,3 19 85 84,5 84,3 112,5 112,3 Jumbo GMC-2260 A ( A' ) 15.5 ◆ Ø 57.5 Ø 51 Ø 22 GMC-2285 a A A’ L L’ 22 60 59,5 59,3 87,5 87,3 22 85 84,5 84,3 112,5 112,3 TC-19 SCH-1985 TC-19 CIH-1985 ◆ ◆ CIH-1985 SCH-2260 TC-19 SCH-2260 TC-19 ◆ CIH-2260 ◆ ◆ ◆ GMD-2285 GME-2285 Ø CIH-1960 SCH-1985 ◆ GMF-2260 R0/15.5 TC-19 ◆ GMD-2260 GME-2260 TC-19 SCH-1960 ◆ ◆ GMF-1985 L ( L' ) SCH-1960 CIH-1960 GMD-1985 GME-1985 Ø CIH-1940 ◆ GMF-1960 GMC-1985 TC-19 ◆ GMD-1960 GME-1960 TC-19 SCH-1940 ◆ GMF-1940 L ( L' ) SCH-1940 ◆ CIH-2260 SCH-2285 TC-19 SCH-2285 TC-19 CIH-2285 ◆ GMF-2285 CIH-2285 How to order Note: - Dim. a = Nominal value of A or A’ - Dim. A’ & L’ : for thru-hole tip - type O (= + 0,5 mm) To order a complete Gate Mate : 1. Select the required body and heater type which results in finding the correct sub-assembly reference number (REF.) 2. Select one of the four available tips (see page 10) and state the reference number (REF.) 3. Both reference numbers (REF.) as listed under point 1. and 2. are required to get the right delivery. D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 9 Gate Mates - GM Tips Installation Instructions For Compact, Standard, Jumbo Standard tip - Type S Mat. : Copper Alloy-Nickel plated ø 90 Thru-hole tip - Type O H9 øD ø C H7 Mat. : Copper Alloy-Nickel plated øB JTS-1940 6 JTO-1940 6 JTS-1960 6 JTO-1960 6 JTS-1985 6 JTO-1985 6 JTS-2260 8 JTO-2260 8 JTS-2285 8 JTO-2285 8 2 d 3 REF. +0 d A) REF. 15.5 -0.1 d d øG k m +2 -0 +0.2 -0 *F = ( A + For excellent results with plastics particularly prone to weld lines, the thru-hole tip is recommended. Used with general purpose material. in 8m ød ø10 H7 øE Hard-wear tip - Type H Mat. : Copper Alloy-Nickel plated *F for S, H and B = *F for O, add 0,5 mm A = K K t = A+ h A KxAx t x 10-6 12,5 for type S, O, B 11,5 for type H t° max - t°mold d d Mat. : Carbide-based No-hole tip - Type B 6 JTB-1940 6 JTH-1960 6 JTB-1960 6 JTH-1985 6 JTB-1985 6 JTH-2260 8 JTB-2260 8 JTH-2285 8 JTB-2285 8 Glass filled or other abrasive materials can be handled by the hard wear resistant tip, with its exceptional combination of hardness and thermal conductivity. Used to align the flow lines. F øB øC øD øE ød øG h k m GM - 1940 GM - 1960 GM - 1985 GM - 2260 GM - 2285 40,3 59,8 85 59,8 85 42,5 49 49 52 52 48 54,5 54,5 57,5 57,5 51,5 58 58 61 61 36 36 36 39 39 19 19 19 22 22 36 36 36 39 39 46 46 46 49 49 12 14 14 14 14 12,8 21,3 21,5 21,3 21,5 Gating For Compact, Standard, Jumbo Type S, H and B ød How to order H7 ød H7 30° 30° R8 R 30° 2 m 1. a specific tip : specify the required reference number (REF.) Tips always to be ordered separately. 2. a complete Gate Mate : see page 9. Type O 30° ø 90° ø Min - 1 mm Max - 5 mm REF GM - 1940 GM - 1960 GM - 1985 GM - 2260 GM - 2285 (Hot: X ~ 0) ø X JTH-1940 REF 0.5 cyl d m REF. X d 0.2 cyl REF. ø3.5 ø Min - 1 mm Max - 3 mm Type S, H and B X Type O X 0,3 0,3 0,5 0,3 0,5 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 10 Rev. 05/97 Gate Mates - GM Bushings for Gate Mates Spare Parts Gate Mates Designed to facilitate mold construction, this new product offers the moldmaker a ready-to-use gate insert. The insert bushings are available for Gate Mates having an Adimension of 40 mm, 59,5 mm (=60) or 84.5 mm (=85). All bushings are delivered with a gate opening of 1 mm and are easy to adjust to any larger diameter by the moldmaker. Use only for type S, H and B. Compact Standard Types REF. L ±0.05 Square coil heater REF. REF. GMC-1940 GMD-1940 SCH-1960 240V/450W GMC-1960 GMD-1960 SCH-1985 220V/550W GMC-1985 GMD-1985 ØE ØM ØA ØK for SUBASSEMBLY SCH-1940 240V/400W +0.2 -0 J REF. Jumbo SCH-2260 GMC-2260 220V/550W GMD-2260 ØA ØK ØB BGM-1940 REF. 18 39 42 J L BGM-1960 18 39 42 49 BGM-1985 18 39 42 74 85 62 54,5 66 54,5 49 26,3 BGM-2260 18 41 44 49 59,8 62 57,5 66 58,5 52 26,3 BGM-2285 18 41 44 74 85 62 57,5 66 58,5 52 26,3 29,5 40,3 59,8 ØE ØM ØD ØF ØG H 55 48 59 48 42,5 26,3 62 54,5 66 54,5 49 26,3 SCH-2285 GMC-2285 220V/650W GMD-2285 Cast-in heater CIH-1940 220V/400W Installation Instructions ø D min GME-1940 GMF-1940 CIH-1960 220V/450W GME-1960 GMF-1960 CIH-1985 220V/550W GME-1985 GMF-1985 ø E H7 øF CIH-2260 GME-2260 220V/550W GMF-2260 21 CIH-2285 GME-2285 220V/650W GMF-2285 Thermocouple 4 +0.2 H 11 ø G±0.5 0 3 x 45° GMC-1940 GMD-1940 TC-19 J type J 30° 1.5 R5 GMC-1960 GMD-1960 GMC-1985 GMD-1985 TC-19 H7 øA ø B +0.2 -0 TC-19 GMC-2260 GMD-2260 GMC-2285 GMD-2285 D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 11 Mini Gate Mates - GMB Mini Gate Mates How to order The Mini Gate-Mates are ideal for cast cycling single cavity molds. The compact design permits shorter overall stack-up of the "A" side mold plates. The Mini Gate Mates are provided with either a square coil heater or a cast-in heater. Thermocouple position provides better heater control and the overall body design improves thermal insulation. Types To order a complete Mini Gate Mate, select the required body and heater type which results in finding the correct reference number. Remarks Tip is made of copper-berylium and is not recommended for abrasive materials. For applications involving highly abrasive engineering grade resins, contact D-M-E. Mini with square coil heater GMB SUB-ASSEMBLY consisting of : 50.8 SCH Body 34.9(A) Body Heater TC type "J" Tip SCH 0004 SCH 0004 TCG 0100 TCG 0100 GMT 0100 GMT 0100 Ø 15,87 GMT R0 R12,7 R12,7 Ø 38,1 REF. Assembly TCG GMB 0106 GMB 0107 GMB ◆ ◆ Mini with cast-in heater SUB-ASSEMBLY consisting of : GMB 50.8 Body 34.9(A) CIH Body Heater Tip CIH 0100 CIH 0100 GMT 0100 GMT 0100 GMT Ø 15,87 R12,7 R0 REF. Assembly Ø 38,1 R12,7 GMB 0101 GMB 0102 Installation instructions ◆ ◆ Gating (*) F 1 H6 ±0,2 R3 .2 30° Ø 41 H7 ±0,2 30° (*)F = A + A A = A x (11,4 x 10-6) x T T = T max °C - 20 °C (**) 0,1 max cyl. 2 Ø 35 Ø 38,1 H6 Ø 15,87 Ø 15,87 Ø 28,5 ±0,2 30° 7 Spare partsSCH Square Coil heater Cast-in heater CIH TCG Thermocouple type "J" Ø 0,8 min 10.2 10.2 90° GMT Tip 75 30 30 75 Ø 27 Ø 24 Volt Watt For REF. Volt Watt For REF. For REF. For SCH 0004 230 REF. 230 GMB 0106 GMB 0107 CIH 0100 230 230 GMB 0101 GMB 0102 TCG 0100 GMB 0106 GMB 0107 GMT 0100 GMB 0106/0107 GMB 0100/0102 D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 12 Rev. 05/97 High Performance Nozzles - CIA High Performance Nozzles The CIA High Perfomance Nozzles with cast-in heaters, developed exclusively for D-M-E, can be used for all applications, especially engineering grade resins with a high degree of crystallnity. In combination with a band heater they are also suitable for direct part gating in single cavity molds. The High Performance Nozzles are delivered with a seal ring. The radius has to be made by the customer. CIH CIA EHR How to order To order a complete High performance nozzle for single use: 1. Select the required series which results in finding the correct Sub-Assembly REF number. 2. Select one of the available tips and state the REF number. 3. Select one of the available band heaters and state te REF number. The 3 REF numbers are required to get the right delivery. Types Series 250 CIH EHT CIA BHF EHR SUB-ASSEMBLY consisting of : 25.4 A' Body REF. Sub-Assembly Ø 6,35 A' 69,84 82,54 95,24 107,94 120,64 146,04 171,44 Seal ring Cast-in heater Band heater with with TC type 'J' TC type "J" Ø 14,35 A 50,79 63,49 76,19 88,89 101,59 126,99 152,39 Ø 38 Ø 16 REF. Sub-Assembly CIA 0001 EX CIA 0002 EX CIA 0003 EX CIA 0004 EX CIA 0005 EX CIA 0006 EX CIA 0007 EX Ø 27 A Note: Dim A' refers to extended sprue gate tip. * To be ordered separately. CIA 0001 EX CIA 0002 EX CIA 0003 EX CIA 0004 EX CIA 0005 EX CIA 0006 EX CIA 0007 EX ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ EHR 0154 CIH 0081 CIH 0082 CIH 0083 CIH 0084 CIH 0085 CIH 0086 CIH 0087 Series 375 CIH EHT BHF CIA EHR SUB-ASSEMBLY consisting of : 25.4 A' Body Ø 50 Ø 9,52 A' 69,84 82,54 95,24 107,94 120,64 146,04 171,44 196,84 BHF 2038 To be ordered separately Seal ring Cast-in heater Band heater with with TC type 'J' TC type "J" REF. Sub-Assembly Ø 17,55 A 50,79 63,49 76,19 88,89 101,59 126,99 152,39 177,79 Ø 33 Ø 22 A REF. Sub-Assembly CIA 0008 EX CIA 0009 EX CIA 0010 EX CIA 0011 EX CIA 0012 EX CIA 0013 EX CIA 0014 EX CIA 0015 EX To be ordered separately Note: Dim A' refers to extended sprue gate tip. * To be ordered separately. CIA 0008 EX CIA 0009 EX CIA 0010 EX CIA 0011 EX CIA 0012 EX CIA 0013 EX CIA 0014 EX CIA 0015 EX ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ EHR 0155 CIH 0088 CIH 0089 CIH 0090 CIH 0091 CIH 0092 CIH 0093 CIH 0094 CIH 0095 BHF 2050 D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 13 High Performance Nozzles - CIA Tips Band Heaters BHF Sprue gate tip Band heaters with thermocouple type 'J' for nozzle head (option for series 250 & 375) L A C EHT ØD Ød H 10° ØT REF. d T L C EHT 0010 EX EHT 0011 EX EHT 0012 EX 2,0 2,0 2,0 12,5 19,0 25,0 6,35 6,35 2,54 9,52 9,52 9,52 EHT 0016 EX EHT 0017 EX EHT 0018 EX 3,2 3,2 3,2 12,5 19,0 25,0 6,35 6,35 6,35 9,52 9,52 9,52 Series 250 375 Used where a sprue on the part or runner is not objectionable. Its unrestricted channel is recommended for molding filled material, or larger parts requiring maximum flow. EHT REF. H D Watt 230 V Series BHF 2038 BHF 2050 20 20 38 50 170 190 250 375 L' C A' Extended sprue gate tip Ød 10° ØT REF. d T L' C EHT 0013 EX EHT 0014 EX EHT 0015 EX EHT 0019 EX EHT 0020 EX EHT 0021 EX 2,0 2,0 2,0 3,2 3,2 3,2 12,5 19,0 25,0 12,5 19,0 25,0 25,4 25,4 21,6 25,4 25,4 25,4 28,6 28,6 28,6 28,6 28,6 28,6 Series 250 375 Identical to the Sprue gate tip but provides extra stock on front face for machining runner profiles and part contours. Spare parts Cast-in heaters with thermocouple type 'J' EHT CIH L ØD L A Ø ID Ring gate tip Ød T L 1,5 2,0 1,5 2,0 2,0 2,5 2,0 2,5 2,0 2,5 9,5 9,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 19,0 19,0 25,0 25,0 4,75 4,75 4,75 4,75 5,85 5,85 5,85 5,85 5,85 5,85 Series 250 850 d EHT 1001 EX EHT 1002 EX EHT 1003 EX EHT 1004 EX EHT 1006 EX EHT 1007 EX EHT 1008 EX EHT 1009 EX EHT 1037 EX EHT 1038 EX 47.5 ØT REF. Length of wires Black wire Black wire White wire + Red wire - 375 } Used where a small circular gate mark is permissible. Nickel plated beryllium copper gate tip controls plastic flow, provides uniform heat transfer and improves gate cosmetics. EHT L A Point gate tip ØT REF. d T L Series EHT 0005 EX EHT 0041 EX CU - Be Carbide 9,5 9,5 2,5 2,5 250 EHT 0039 EX EHT 0042 EX CU - Be Carbide 12,5 12,5 2,5 2,5 375 Eliminates circular gate marks and provides optimum gate cosmetics. Also features nickel plated beryllium copper gate and carbide tips. REF. For L CIH 0081 CIH 0082 CIH 0083 CIH 0084 CIH 0085 CIH 0086 CIH 0087 CIH 0088 CIH 0089 CIH 0090 CIH 0091 CIH 0092 CIH 0093 CIH 0094 CIH 0095 CIA 0001 EX CIA 0002 EX CIA 0003 EX CIA 0004 EX CIA 0005 EX CIA 0006 EX CIA 0007 EX CIA 0008 EX CIA 0009 EX CIA 0010 EX CIA 0011 EX CIA 0012 EX CIA 0013 EX CIA 0014 EX CIA 0015 EX 52,37 65,07 77,77 90,47 103,17 128,57 153,97 55,42 68,12 80,82 93,52 106,20 131,62 157,02 182,42 ID D 15,85 26,97 22,20 33,32 850 mm 230 V 230 V thermocouple type 'J' Watt 230V 275 320 370 390 460 460 500 370 415 500 640 735 825 920 1000 Series 250 375 D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 14 Rev. 05/97 High Performance Nozzles - CIA Installation Instructions Sprue, and Ring gate nozzle Extended Sprue Gate nozzle Point gate nozzle H7 Ø d1 A+ A+ A A Ø d2 R 30° T Series d1 d2 L 250 375 30 40 38 50 2 2 Expansion Series d T 250 1,5/3 9,5 375 2,0/4 12,5 -6 A = A x (11,4 x 10 ) x t H6 4.5 d 2.5 H6 0,15 L T ~0.5 30° R Expansion 3,2 4,7 A = A x (11,4 x 10-6) x t Installation Instructions Nozzle Head 35 ØD 2,5 20 F Radius to be made by customer ØE ØD ±0,2 H7 Series A B C D E Fmax 250 375 45 55 60 75 44 55 38 50 30 40 3 2 ØB ØC 20 45 H A D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 15 Thermag - HD The best solution... for excellent gate vestige for perfect gate cosmetics also on ribs, bosses and curved faces for a compact construction for direct part gating ● ● ● ● for abrasive materials ● for a smooth molten plastic flow ● for perfect heating and control for a long endurance life ● ● Benefits Special uses The Thermag, a full steel single bushing, was primarily designed for single cavity molds with direct part gating of commodity plastics. Its sharp hardened torpedo tip leaves on the plastic part only a minimal gate vestige, about one-third in height of the gate diameter. Beside the excellent cosmetic appearance of the gating, the Thermag is also very compact with its maximum outside diameter of 35 mm (band heater excluded). The Thermag uses a probe cartridge heater similar to that used in the D-M-E Cool-One System. This well proven concept found its way back to single bushings. Hardened body and torpedo give a long endurance life also for abrasive materials. Particularly suited for bulk plastics, reinforced or not. The closed chamber option is recommended when a witness ring on the plastic part is acceptable. The open chamber avoids the witness ring and is recommended for optimum gate cosmetics. Also applicable on ribs, bosses and curved faces. The Thermag is made of hardened wear resistant steel. Its unique torpedo is specially designed for a smooth molten plastic flow. Two heating zones: One cartridge heater in torpedo and one heater band for the distributor cap for perfect heating and control. Types Closed chamber Open chamber to be ordered separately ø 35 g6 to be ordered separately ø 32 ø35 g6 ø 12 ø 32 15 (R 0) ø 30 g6 R15/40 R15/40 15 (R 0) 1.5 18 (R 15/R40) 20 53.5 30 18 (R 15/R 40) 80 63.5 80 cartridge heater with TC cartridge heater with TC REF. R REF. R HD 80-250-GV/TC/0 0 HD 80-250-OV/TC/0 0 HD 80-250-GV/TC/15 15 HD 80-250-OV/TC/15 15 HD 80-250-GV/TC/40 40 HD 80-250-OV/TC/40 40 D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 16 Rev. 05/97 Thermag - HD Installation Instructions ø 90 H7 ø 90 H7 ø 71 ø71 ø 28 ø 28 12 mm width +0.05 10 10 30 30 +0.05 58 58 F F +0.05 +0.05 12 mm width R F R F 0 15/40 80 +0,05 83 +0,03 0 15/40 80 +0,05 83 +0,03 Spare Parts Gating Gating closed chamber Ø 30 H7 Open chamber REF. REF. VK-O VK-G REF. R TP-80 0 15 40 10 1 45° Closed chamber Torpedo Ø 12 H7 Gating open chamber Ø 30 Cartridge heater With thermocouple H7 Ø 21 REF. Volt Watt HD-250- TC 220 250 10 R8 Distributor cap REF. R VD- 0 VD-15 VD-40 0 15 40 46° Ø 1.2 1.2 0.2 30° Heater band without thermocouple REF. Di Da L Volt Watt HB-15 32 34 16 220 100 D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 17 Multiple Gate Nozzle - MGS The best solution... ● ● ● Benefits Types Multiple gate nozzles D/3 3 ECB Ø 36 Ø 25 1 WTO TCM 6 45 2 6 51 ECB C 10 * 4 MEO MHD MEP Other benefits are a perfect balancing of the flows, associated with a simplified mold design and construction. The various MGS combinations with different nozzle lengths offer full design flexibility. 5 BHF L It is possible to select a nozzle with 2, 3, 4 or 6 gates on a pitch circle of 38 or 60 mm diameter, and different probe lengths. Each gate is fed through a Micro nozzle with thermocouple, which results in a perfect thermal regulation of each gate. Therefore the system features a uniform heat distribution and temperature profile throughout. To obtain a better insulation, titanium distance rings are used. EHR Ø 16 6 The MGS is a multiple gate nozzle most suitable for multiple gating of small parts in single cavity molds. Providing up to 6 points of sprueless injection, located on a small circle, this self-contained round manifold with Micro Hot-One nozzles offers optimum gate cosmetics. for multiple point injection in one large cavity ● for optimum gate cosmetics ● for a perfect balance of the melt flow for a simplified mold design and construction for design flexibility ● 10 ● to eliminate runners often associated with the multiple injection of small parts to realize a uniform heat distribution and temperature profile to obtain positive results with difficult applications L1 ● 7 4 MHD B A REF. MGS 3802 MGS 3804 MGS 6003 MGS 6006 A 70 70 90 90 B 38 38 60 60 C 20 20 40 40 D 54/3 54/3 72/3 72/3 * min. 6 mm Nozzles (*) 2 MEP/MEO 4 MEP/MEO 3 MEP/MEO 6 MEP/MEO (*) To be ordered separately Special uses Although designed for multiple gating of small parts in single cavity molds, the multiple gate nozzle is also highly recommended for multiple point injection in one large cavity where balancing of the melt flow is a problem. Positive results with difficult applications like thin-walled (0.6 mm) glass filled PPS and glass filled PBT parts have been obtained. D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 18 Rev. 05/97 Multiple Gate Nozzle - MGS Probes Installation Instructions MEP Screw head nozzle - point gate type L ØP M 51 L -6 M12x1 Ø 16 Ø 17 6 L -16 min 30 H 7 MDS MHD REF. Assembly MEP 0060 MEP 1060 MEP 0070 MEP 1070 MEP 0080 MEP 1080 L+0,02 66 76 86 ØC DEP M 59 69 79 MEO Screw head nozzle - thru hole type L1 M1 7 MDS MHD REF. Assembly MEO 0060 MEO 0070 MEO 0080 L1+0,02 65 75 85 20 min 50 M12x1 Ø 16 Ø 17 6 8,5 DEO 4 tips M1 58 68 78 6 tips 60° 90° 60° How to order To order a complete Multiple gate nozzle : 1. Select one of the available Sub-Assembly reference numbers. 2. Select the reference numbers of the corresponding Point gate or Thru hole tip of the Screw head type. 3. Both reference numbers as listed under 1. and 2. are required to get the right delivery. Remarks: For single application, use the insulating ring WTO 3000. Radius to be made by customer. For applications under a manifold, use the seal ring EHR 1150. Ø 38 Ø 60 P 70 90 C 105 125 H L + 45 L + 45 Spare Parts Description Seal ring REF. FOR EHR 1150 MGS 38&60 BHF-3870 MGS 38 BHF 3890 MGF 60 ECB 0500 MGS 38&60 ECB 0501 ECB 0502 MGS 38 MGS 60 WTO 3000 MGS 38&60 TCM 0003 MGS 38&60 MHD 0044 MHD 0054 MHD 0064 MEP/MEO 60 MEP/MEO 70 MEP/MEO 80 Gating 1 Band heater 2 Support blocks (upper) Point gate Thru hole 3 Support blocks (lower) 4 Insulating ring 5 Thermocouple 6 Cast-in heater with TC type "J" 7 D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 19 Autonozzles The best solution... ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● for direct part gating of large and/or deep plastic parts. for applications in the automotive industry, large household applications, housings and frames, aircraft parts etc... for faster start-ups providing positive temperature control at gate area with "J" type thermocouples and D-M-E temperature controllers. for improved part quality. for reduced cycle times. for easy installation and operation and extremely reliable. The loss of one band heater does not stop production, in most cases adjustments possible. for any "A" length available between 200 mm and 800 mm. Two standard tips, Point gate and Thru hole tip. Tips are in copper bases alloy with Nickel coating. for all unfilled plastic materials. Contact D-M-E for all applications involving highly abrasive engineering grade resins. ● ● ● ● ● for maximum shot capacity up to 10.000 cm3/ sec with good flowing materials. for a number of temperature control zones from 2 to 4 according to the length and the application. for power rating from 1,25 Kw to 4,5 Kw following length and application. for uniform temperature profile. If needed, adjustments are very simple. for easy maintenance. Flexibility D-M-E has developed the so-called "Autonozzle" for single applications with Hot Sprue Bushings to produce very large parts, especially for the automotive industry. The nozzle consists of a body and standard interchangeable tips, of which the geometry has been computer determined. The Autonozzle is heated by several band heaters, which can be relocated depending on the length of the nozzle and the plastic material to be used. Field-tests have proven the implementation of the Autonozzle very successful. The ratio between price and performance is also favorable. For applications with abrasive materials, nozzle and tip can be protected with a special coating. D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 20 Rev. 05/97 Autonozzle - AMN Type AMN SUB-ASSEMBLY consisting of : Autonozzle Body ANT (*) Band heater Thermocouple BHF 2550 BHF 5050 TC 19 44 A min 200 mm REF. Sub-assembly AMN 0250 AMN 0300 AMN 0350 AMN 0400 AMN 0450 AMN 0500 A from 200 to 250 mm from 250 to 300 mm from 300 to 350 mm from 350 to 400 mm from 400 to 450 mm from 450 to 500 mm Ø 16 REF. Sub-Assembly REF. Sub-assembly AMN 0550 AMN 0600 AMN 0650 AMN 0700 AMN 0750 AMN 0800 A from 500 to 550 mm from 550 to 600 mm from 600 to 650 mm from 650 to 700 mm from 700 to 750 mm from 750 to 800 mm How to order AMN 0250 AMN 0300 AMN 0350 AMN 0400 AMN 0450 AMN 0500 AMN 0550 AMN 0600 AMN 0650 AMN 0700 AMN 0750 AMN 0800 from 200 to 250 mm from 250 to 300 mm from 300 to 350 mm from 350 to 400 mm from 400 to 450 mm from 450 to 500 mm from 500 to 550 mm from 550 to 600 mm from 600 to 650 mm from 650 to 700 mm from 700 to 750 mm from 750 to 800 mm Tips ANT To order a complete Autonozzle 1. Select the required REF. number of the Autonozzle in relation with the "A" length and give the "A" length at room temperature. 2. Select the required REF. number of the tip: point gate or thru hole tip. 3. Indicate the type of plastic material to be molded. Both reference numbers listed under point 1 and 2 and the details of the plastic material to be used are required to get the right delivery. Point gate tip M36 x 1.5 62 47 27,5 SW 46 REF. ANT 0001 Ø 50 Ø 16 Ø 1,3 Ø 40 j6 45°0'0" Remarks for minimal gate vestige ANT e.g.: A = 438 mm Thru hole tip Mat.: Polypropylene no filter - M.F.I. 25 M36 x 1.5 47 REF. ANT 0002 Gate shell insulator SW 46 Ø 50 Ø 16 Ø 3,5 AMN-0450/438 ANT 0002 Remarks: PP unfilled M.F.I. 25 45°0'0" Ø6 Ø 22 27,5 Ø 40 j6 Order: Thru hole tip 60 Remarks for thru flow spotless gating Spare parts GSI BHF Ø 59 13 Ref Ø 40 Ø 16 TC Thermocouple Ø 50,8 Band heaters W REF. GSI 0033 Material: Polyimide Maximum continuous temperature: 288 °C For easier color change Wear resistant for non-abrasive plastic REF. W BHF 2550 BHF 5050 25 50 Watt 230V 300 600 REF. TC 19 D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 21 Autonozzles - AMN Installation Instructions A+ A A Ø 100 17 Ø 82 2 12 19 45° Ø 90 H7 20 x 20 Ø 77 Gating Gating Point Gate Thru hole Gate A 120° 120° R5 90° A+ A 120° A+ A A 120° R5 90° Ø 8 max Ø 77 4 H7 4 max 0,8 Ø 40 19,5 4 max 0,8 19,5 Ø 8 max Ø 40 H7 Ø 77 ▲ A = A x ▲T° x 11,5 x 10 -6 D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 22 Rev. 05/97 Osco® Single Valve Gate Nozzle - SCF/SCB The best solution... ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● for today's high technology molding. for more flexibility and better results in any molding application. the most trouble free and easy to install system. shaft-driven 1:1 ratio provides longer component life and safer operation. unique pin guide eliminates gate wear. external pin adjustment simplifies machining and mold assembly requirements. simplified design allows for easy installation. self energizing pin seal makes the nozzle leak proof and is replaceable. unique pin guide maintains concentricity within the opening, eliminating gate wear commonly seen with other systems. Special uses How it works With its wide range of gate diameters, the Osco® Single Valve Gate Nozzle is suited for medium size to very large molded parts, in most plastic materials, unfilled or filled. The large melt channel allows the use of shearsensitive resins. The two powerful band heaters provide the possibility of a 2-zone accurate temperature control, necessary for materials with a sharp melting point. With the choice of a full body or bodyless tip the heat transfer at the gate can be adjusted for both amorphous or crystalline materials. The linear actuation of the cylinder is directly transferred to the valve pin thru a drive shaft, which opens and closes the valve pin as the cylinder is energized in one direction or the other. The motion of the valve pin is accomplished without using any kind of lever arm, which would greatly multiply the force of the cylinder, causing premature failure of the components. Since the system uses a 1 to 1 ratio the force to which the valve pin is activated is always safe and known. Adusting the valve pin: The externally mounted cylinder is piloted axially with the drive shaft, and the mounting hole is slotted allowing the cylinder to be rotated in either direction. While maintaining the cylinder energized and locked in the closed position the valve pin can then be easily adjusted by loosening the mounting screw and rotating the cylinder one way or the other. This unique feature totally eliminates the need for delicate machining and positioning of the components as required with other systems. The cylinder is supplied with a dial showing the position of the valve pin allowing you to see where the valve pin is and how fast the valve pin is opening and closing. D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 23 Osco® Single Valve Gate Nozzle - SCF/SCB Types SCF Full Body SCF R 15,5 Ø 88,9 12,7 E SUB-ASSEMBLY consisting of : SCV-MBHT Body Full Body Tip ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ FBT 2025 EX FBT 2060 EX FBT 4040 EX FBT 4060 EX Band Band Hydr. Locaheater heater cylinder ting + TC "J" + TC "J" ring Drive Shaft(*) L A ØC NBH FBT O REF. SubAssembly ØT Remarks: delivered with O min REF. SCF 2025 SCF 2060* SCF 4040* SCF 4060* A 63,5 152,4 101,6 152,4 C 76 76 88 88 E 9,5 9,5 13 13 Series 200 200 400 400 T 19 25 19 25 L 5,84 9,12 5,84 9,12 O Min. 1,57 Max. 6,35 Min. 3,17 Max. 7,90 SCF 2025 SCF 2060* SCF 4040* SCF 4060* NBH 1515 NBH 1520 NBH 2020 NBH 2025 SCV 200SCVSCV 200- LR EX SCV 200MBHT 400 HCA SCV 400- 400 HR 3025 LR EX (*) length to be specified SCB Bodyless SCB R 15,5 Ø 88,9 12,7 E SCV-MBHT SUB-ASSEMBLY consisting of : Body Bodyless Tip ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ BLT 2025 EX BLT 2060 EX BLT 4040 EX BLT 4060 EX L A ØC NBH BLT Band Band Hydr. Locaheater heater cylinder ting + TC "J" + TC "J" ring Drive Shaft(*) REF. SubAssembly O ØT Remarks: delivered with O min REF. SCB 2025 SCB 2060* SCB 4040* SCB 4060* A 63,5 152,4 101,6 152,4 C 76 76 88 88 E 9,5 9,5 13 13 Series 200 200 400 400 T 22 25 O Min. 1,57 Max. 6,35 Min. 3,17 Max. 7,90 SCB 2025 SCB 2060* SCB 4040* SCB 4060* NBH 1515 NBH 1520 NBH 2020 NBH 2025 SCV 200SCVSCV 200- LR EX SCV 200MBHT 400 HCA SCV 400 400 HR 3025 LR EX (*) length to be specified D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 24 Rev. 05/97 Osco® Single Valve Gate Nozzle SCF/SCB Installation Instructions Gating Bodyless type Ø 140,50 H7 1,75 + 0,025 ØB T 30°0'0" T +0,013 -0 Ø 22 120°0'0" 120°0'0" 120°0'0" 120°0'0" 60°0'0" 60°0'0" 2,5 Ø 6,35 Nozzle L Contact area land Series C B 5,84 9,12 4,75 6,35 200 400 76 86 64 76 Ø 7,92 6,4 20 13 offset 4 M8 STC Ø 121 3,2 CONTACT AREA LAND +0,013 Ø T -0 +0,013 -0 Ø 16 7,9 44,45 A Max 3,25 Ø 16 Ø C -0 Ø 28,65 76,2 73,15 ±0,025 8 18 Ø 100 (Series 200 & 400 ) Spare parts FBT NBH SCV-MBHT Band heaters with thermocouple type 'J' Band heaters with thermocouple type 'J' BLT Full Body tips Bodyless tips * 2 heaters per unit REF. For Series REF. For Series REF. FBT 2025 EX FBT 2060 EX FBT 4040 EX FBT 4060 EX SCF 2025 SCF 2060 SCF 4040 SCF 4060 200 BLT 2025 EX BLT 2060 EX BLT 4040 EX BLT 4060 EX SCB 2025 SCB 2060 SCB 4040 SCB 4060 200 NBH 1515 NBH 1520 NBH 2020 NBH 2025 400 400 Watt 230V For SCF/SCB SCV-HCA Hydraulic cylinders 310 440 580 600 2025 2060* 4040* 4060* SCV-LR Locating rings REF. Watt 230V For SCF/SCB SCV-MBHT 3025 740 2025 2060* 4040* 4060* SCV-AR Drive shafts 29,56 96,5 19,53 Ø 28,58 12,7 57 8 M8x1,25 12 deep 57 79,4 REF. SCV 200-400 HCA Includes: - Viton rod seals - Teflon piston seal (self-energized) - Hardened gear and rack assembly REF. Series SCV 200-LR EX SCV 400-LR EX 200 440 REF. SCV 200-400 AR D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 25 Micro Single Bushings - MPP/MDO The best solution... ● 1) 2) T° The advantage of this Micro system lies in the application of the new D-M-E designed and patented heater element generation. These heating elements have a special multilayer design which results in 60% less heat losses to the mold. This allows for a lesser wall thickness for the same heat power as e.g. in conventional cast-in heating elements. Due to a superior far more homogenous temperature control, reacting promptly on temperature deviations in the bushing, this system is also most suitable for use on difficult raw materials. Special uses The superiority of this new heating system has been largely demonstrated and proven to the users by extensive successful applications of engineering materials such as: Delrin, Trogamid, PC, Ryton R4, Desmopan, etc. .... l=7 200° C l=7 T° 400° l=20 l=0,35 400° 200° C T2 The Micro Single Bushings are especially designed for extreme conditions. Both bushing and heater are designed for very limited space. A comprehensive range of different bushings with point gate tips, respectively thru hole tips, as well as different steel qualities provide the user a full spectrum of design capabilities. A new single bushing with supporting head and exchangeable tip was designed for the direct part gating in narrow access cavities. 400° T1 Benefits 3) l=20 T° l=20 200° C 0,5 1 mm T2 ● to solve cooling problems to produce top quality moldings in optimal conditions ● T1 ● T2 ● to avoid gate freezing to permit larger shots and fill faster to save on raw materials and waste treatment cost to save on energy T1 ● 0,4 1 mm 0,3 0,3 1 mm Q = 400 w/cm2 Q = 207 w/cm2 2 Q = 22 w/cm The figures 1), 2) and 3) explain the differences with conventional cast-in heater elements and illustrate typical conduction heat losses between inner (T1) and outer (T2) surface of an heater sheath. These losses influence the cooling requirements in the mold, and the energy supply, required for a constant temperature in the melt. The cast-in heater element 1) against the double layer type 2) shows a double heat loss. Compared to the D-M-E heater elements of the newest generation, of a multi-layer type, there is a factor 5 of difference. The combination with the correct body material 3) ensures the fastest control and lowest overshoots, because the major part of the energy supply will be directed towards the heating of the melt. This means that to maintain a temperature of 250°C at bushing tip, only ca. 270° C are required at the external surface of the bushing, compared to 290° C or even 350° C when using conventional heater elements. Due to the consequently lower energy consumption of the heating system a definitely higher life expectancy of the heating elements can be expected. This is an advantage that should not be underestimated either. The termal insulated heater 350° The key to succes in heating runnerless systems for extreme specifications. The cast-in Micro system heater elements are, due to their multi-layer construction today's most performant system for heating nozzles on the market. 290° 270° 250° D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 26 Rev. 05/97 Micro Single Bushings - MPP/MDO Type MPP 44 A MDO Point gate type 42 Thru hole type 44 A 42 R40 R0 Ø 45 R15,5 Ø 45 Ø 16 Ø 34 R40 Ø 17 Ø 34 Ø 16 Ø 17 R0 R15,5 7 DEP 7 MEO MDS MHD MIS MHD MEK MIS MDS MHD MIS MHD MEK MIS 0001 1000 0002 0001 1000 0002 TCM Ref. R=0 MPP 0080 MPP 0090 MPP 0100 MPP 1080 MPP 1090 MPP 1100 Ref. R = 15,5 MPP 0081 MPP 0091 MPP 0101 MPP 1081 MPP 1091 MPP 1101 Ref. R = 40 MPP 0082 MPP 0092 MPP 0102 MPP 1082 MPP 1092 MPP 1102 A 45 55 65 45 55 65 TCM Mat. Ref. Ref. Ref. R=0 R = 15,5 R = 40 MDO 0080 MDO 0081 MDO 0082 MDO 0090 MDO 0091 MDO 0092 MDO 0100 MDO 0101 MDO 0102 Standard Wear resistant A Mat. 44 54 64 Standard Point gate assembly consisting of : Head R=0 Head R = 15,5 Head R = 40 Nozzle Flange Band heater body TC body Cast-in heater DEP 0060 DEP 0070 DEP 0080 DEP 1060 DEP 1070 DEP 1080 DEP 0060 DEP 0070 DEP 0080 DEP 1060 DEP 1070 DEP 1080 DEP 0060 DEP 0070 DEP 0080 DEP 1060 DEP 1070 DEP 1080 MDS 0001 MHD 1000 TCM 0003 MDS 0001 MHD 1000 TCM 0003 MDS 0001 MHD 1000 TCM 0003 MDS 0001 MHD 1000 TCM 0003 MDS 0001 MHD 1000 TCM 0003 MDS 0001 MHD 1000 TCM 0003 MHD 0044 MHD 0054 MHD 0064 MHD 0044 MHD 0054 MHD 0064 MHD 0044 MHD 0054 MHD 0064 MHD 0044 MHD 0054 MHD 0064 MHD 0044 MHD 0054 MHD 0064 MHD 0044 MHD 0054 MHD 0064 Insulat. ring Insulat. ring upper lower Mat. REF. Assembly MPP 0080 MPP 0090 MPP 0100 MPP 1080 MPP 1090 MPP 1100 MPP 0081 MPP 0091 MPP 0101 MPP 1081 MPP 1091 MPP 1101 MPP 0082 MPP 0092 MPP 0102 MPP 1082 MPP 1092 MPP 1102 MEK 0001 MEK 0001 MEK 0015 MEK 0015 MEK 0040 MEK 0040 MIS 0002 MIS 0001 Standard MIS 0002 MIS 0001 Wear resistant MIS 0002 MIS 0001 Standard MIS 0002 MIS 0001 Wear resistant MIS 0002 MIS 0001 Standard MIS 0002 MIS 0001 Wear resistant Thru hole assembly consisting of : Head R=0 Head R = 15,5 Head R = 40 Nozzle Flange Band heater body TC body Cast-in heater DEO 0060 DEO 0070 DEO 0080 DEO 1060 DEO 1070 DEO 1080 DEO 0060 DEO 0070 DEO 0080 MDS 0001 MHD 1000 TCM 0003 MDS 0001 MHD 1000 TCM 0003 MDS 0001 MHD 1000 TCM 0003 MHD 0044 MHD 0054 MHD 0064 MHD 0044 MHD 0054 MHD 0064 MHD 0044 MHD 0054 MHD 0064 Insulat. ring Insulat. ring upper lower Mat. REF. Assembly MDO 0080 MDO 0090 MDO 0100 MDO 0081 MDO 0091 MDO 0101 MDO 0082 MDO 0092 MDO 0102 MEK 0001 MEK 0015 MEK 0040 MIS 0002 MIS 0001 Standard MIS 0002 MIS 0001 Standard MIS 0002 MIS 0001 Standard D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 27 Micro Single Bushings MPP/MDO Installation Instructions Installation Instructions Thru hole type A + 42 A + 42 3 3 37 37 -0 +0,1 -0 +0,1 Point gate type Ø 17,25 A+1 Ø 17,25 A Gating Gating Ø 17,25 Ø 17,25 Ø 34 Ø 17 H7 R = 15,5 R=0 R = 15,5 6 10 H7 45°0'0" 30°0'0" 0,15 min Ø 0,8 Ø 0,6 min Ø 3,4 max Ø 2,0 Wear resistant R = 40 Ø 17 34°0'0" 45°0'0" 0,15 Standard H7 Ø 48 34°0'0" 6 10 Ø 48 R=0 H7 +0.05 H7 +0.05 Ø 34 Ø 17 ± 0,05 H7 ± 0,05 Ø 17 Standard R = 40 MPP 0080 MPP 0081 MPP 0082 MPP 1080 MPP 1081 MPP 1082 MPP 0090 MPP 0091 MPP 0092 MPP 1090 MPP 1091 MPP 1092 MPP 0100 MPP 0101 MPP 0102 MPP 1100 MPP 1101 MPP 1102 A R=0 R = 15,5 R = 40 A 45 55 65 MDO 0080 MDO 0090 MDO 0100 MDO 0081 MDO 0091 MDO 0101 MDO 0082 MDO 0092 MDO 0102 44 54 64 Spare parts MDS MHD Cast-in heaters with thermocouple type 'J' for nozzles Band heaters for body MHD Ø 16 Flanges Ø8 Ø 17 Ref. Ref. For MDS 0001 MPP/MDO Watt 230V For MPP/MDO MHD 0044 175 0080-0081-0082 1080-1081-1082 MHD 0054 190 0090-0091-0092 1090-1091-1092 MHD 0064 200 0100-0101-0102 1100-1101-1102 DEP Body screw head nozzles, point gate type Ref. For MPP DEP 0060 DEP 0070 DEP 0080 DEP 1060 DEP 1070 DEP 1070 0080/0081/0052 0090/0091/0092 0100/0101/0102 1080/1081/1052 1090/1091/1092 1100/1101/1102 For MPP/MDO Ref. Watt 230V For MHD 1000 210 MPP/MDO DEO Body screw head nozzles, thru hole type MIS Lower insulating rings Mat. Standard Ref. For MDO wear resistant DEO 0060 DEO 0070 DEO 0080 0080/0081/0052 0090/0091/0092 0100/0101/0102 MIS Upper insulating rings Mat. Standard Ref. For MIS 0001 MPP/MDO MEK Body micro single bushings TCM Thermocouple type 'J' for body R Ref. For Ref. R Ref. MIS 0002 MPP/MDO MEK 0001 0 TCM 0003 D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 28 Rev. 05/97 Process Data Sheet These maximum melt discharge flow values apply to the D-M-E bushings only and were obtained by using mathematical models and through experience. Three representative unfilled resins were considered, and it was assumed that the molded part was not a limiting factor by its geometry or e.g. wall thickness. The constraints limiting the flow through the bushing and the gate were the commonly accepted peak values for the shear rate and stress, the melt temperature and its increase by friction, and/or the total pressure drop. The actual results obtainable with the D-M-E Hot Sprue bushings depend on a large variety of factors on which D-M-E has no control like type of plastic materials, fillers, mold design, injection machine, molding parameters etc... Therefore, D-M-E is giving this information only as general guidelines and no warranties are expressed or implied. In case of doubt, D-M-E will be pleased to give any advice and assistance. GM Gate Mate Compact & Standard (ø 19) 400 300 200 100 60 35 ABS LDPE 17 12 PC 5 Ø 1,5 Ø3 Ø 4,5 Ø6 gate GMB Mini Gate Mate 180 180 80 80 melt flow cm3/sec melt flow cm3/sec SSBU All Straight Shots melt flow cm3/sec Flow capacity 35 20 ABS LDPE 10 PC 5 3 35 LDPE 20 ABS 10 PC 5 3 2 2 Ø 1,5 Ø 4,5gate Ø3 Ø 1,5 Ø3 Ø 4,5 gate GM Gate Mate Jumbo (ø 22) HD Thermag 200 80 melt flow cm3/sec melt flow cm3/sec 100 40 20 10 LDPE ABS PC 5 50 40 25 LDPE 15 5 4 3 ABS 2 1.5 1 Ø 1,5 Ø3 Ø 4,5 gate Ø 1.2 Ø 2.1 Ø3 CIA High performance Nozzle Series 250 CIA High performance Nozzle Series 375 200 180 100 melt flow cm3/sec 80 melt flow cm3/sec gate 35 LDPE 20 ABS 10 PC 5 40 20 3 2 2 Ø3 Ø 4,5 gate ABS 5 3 Ø 1,5 LDPE 10 PC Ø 1,5 Ø3 Ø 4,5 gate D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 29 Process Data Sheet MGS Multiple Gate Nozzle / Point gate tips MGS Multiple Gate Nozzle / Thru hole tips 50 melt flow cm3/sec melt flow cm3/sec 40 18 LDPE 8 ABS 20 LDPE 10 ABS PC PC 2 2 1 0,4 0,8 0,4 Ø 0,8 Ø 1,0 Ø 2,0 Ø 1,5 gate Ø 0,8 Ø 1,0 Ø 2,0 Ø 1,5 AMN Autonozzle / Point gate type gate AMN Autonozzle / Thru hole type 1000 melt flow cm3/sec melt flow cm3/sec LDPE 10000 4000 ABS 1600 LDPE 1000 500 400 PC 800 500 ABS PC 400 100 100 50 Ø4 Ø5 Ø6 Ø7 Ø 8 gate Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø 6 gate Ø5 SCF/SCB Osco® Single Valve Gate Nozzle Series 2025-2060 Series 4040-4060 3000 2000 1000 melt flow cm3/sec 2000 1000 melt flow cm3/sec SCF/SCB Osco® Single Valve Gate Nozzle 600 350 LDPE 170 ABS 120 PC 80 600 350 120 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 PC 80 50 50 Ø2 ABS LDPE 170 Ø 6 gate Ø 3,5 Ø4 Ø5 Ø6 Ø 8 gate Ø7 MPP Micro Single Bushing / Point gate tips MDO Micro Single Bushing / Thru hole tips 50 melt flow cm3/sec melt flow cm3/sec 40 18 LDPE 8 ABS 20 LDPE 10 ABS PC PC 2 2 1 0,4 0,8 0,4 Ø 0,8 Ø 1,0 Ø 1,5 Ø 2,0 gate Ø 0,8 Ø 1,0 Ø 1,5 Ø 2,0 gate D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 30 Rev. 05/97 Process Data Sheet Selecting the right Hot Sprue Bushing Regarding the plastic material The actual results obtainable with the D-M-E runnerless systems depend on a large variety of factors on which D-M-E has no control, like type of plastic materials, fillers, mold design, injection machine, molding parameters etc ... Plastic Material PE PP PS SB Therefore, D-M-E is giving this information only as general guidelines and no warranties are expressed or implied. In case of doubt, D-M-E will be pleased to give any advice and assistance. PA PMMA ABS POM PETP PPS SAN PC PBT PSU PEEK PEI Gate Vestige SSBU Straight Shot Standard SSBU Straight Shot Mini SSBU Straight Shot Pico SSBU Straight Shot Ext. Pico GM Gate Mate Tip S GM Gate Mate Tip H GM Gate Mate Tip O GMB Mini Gate Mate with Sq Coil heater GMB Mini Gate Mate with cast-in heater CIA High performance nozzle with Sprue gate tip CIA High performance nozzle with ring gate tip CIA High performance nozzle with Ext. Sprue gate tip CIA High performance nozzle with Point gate tip HD Thermag MGS Multiple Gate nozzle Point gate typ MGS Multiple Gate nozzle Thru hole typ AMN Autonozzle Point gate type AMN Autonozzle Open type SCF Osco® Single Valve gate - Full Body SCB Osco® Single Valve gate - Bodyless MPP Micro Single Bushing Point gate type MDO Micro Single Bushing Thru hole type Excellent Good On condition Not recommended D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 31 Process Data Sheet Selecting the right Hot Sprue Bushing Regarding the shot weight These maximum shot weights per probe or nozzle are given as an indication only, assuming normal injection times, favorable molding shapes and wall thicknesses. These maxima may be lower for instance in case of fast cycling molds, for thin walled products, or even higher in cases where long fill times are admissible. Maximum shot weight in grams with a maximum orifice diameter Viscosity High Medium SSBU Straight Shot GM Gate Mate ø19 Low Plastic modality table (Unfilled resins) Low viscosity (easy flow) 110 400 1200 90 250 800 GM Gate Mate ø22 180 500 1500 GMB Mini Gate Mate 40 180 400 CIA - High performance nozzles Series 250 120 400 1200 CIA - High performance nozzles Series 375 150 600 1500 HD Thermag 10 60 160 MGS Thru hole tips 20 50 130 MGS Point gate tips 15 40 120 AMN Autonozzle point gate tips 6000 12000 30000 AMN Autonozzle Thru hole tips 2000 3000 5000 SCF/SCB - Osco® Single Valve Gate - Series 2025-2060 750 1800 4500 SCF/SCB - Osco® Single Valve Gate - Series 4040-4060 900 2200 6000 MPP - Micro Single Bushing Point gate tips 15 40 120 PC MDO - Micro Single Bushing Thru hole tips 20 50 130 PBT PE PP PS SB Medium viscosity PA PMMA ABS POM PETP PPS SAN High viscosity (stiff flow) PSU Engineering plastics viscosity PEEK PEI PEEK PPS PSU PC PPO PA6 PET PA66 ABS PBT POM PEI Remark: Addition of fillers e.g. glass fibres may change the viscosity considerably. Viscosity µ (NSM-2 at 1000 sec.-1) Engineering plastics: Average process temperature and melt viscosity at 1000 sec-1 shear rate D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings 32 Rev. 05/97 Case studies Systems used Applications Product : Housing for grinding wheel Number of cavities : 1 Material : PA 6/6 30 GF Part weight : 120 gr Remarks: insert molding Product : Beaker Number of cavities : 1 Material : PC Part weight : 60 gr Remarks: Tip S Product : Cup Number of cavities : 1 Material : SAN Part weight : 33 gr Product : Toolbox Number of cavities : 1 Material : ABS Part weight : 850 gr D-M-E Hot Sprue Bushings Rev. 05/97 33 We Build Productivity Molding Systems Hot Sprue Bushings • • • • • • • • • Straight Shot Gate Mate High Performance nozzle Thermag Multiple Gate Nozzle Autonozzle Osco® Single Valve Gate nozzle Micro Single Bushing Process Data Sheets Runnerless Molding Systems • Separate leaflet Temperature Controllers • Separate leaflet Hot Sprue Bushings Runnerless Molding Systems MO LD I Temperature Controllers NG S YSTE M S D-M-E EUROPE • Industriepark Noord I • B-2800 Mechelen • Tel. +int. 32.15 / 21 50 11 • Fax +int. 32.15 / 21 82 35 8 / 8024038 - 0697 - E Printed in Belgium - MD75485