Independence - Taylor News
Independence - Taylor News
Think green with the Spring Green issue! Inserted in this edition © 2016 • A MEMBER OF THE TAYLOR NEWSPAPER FAMILY THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 • 36 PAGES • 4 SECTIONS • 1 INSERT • 75 CENTS IN THIS ISSUE SPORTS Caney Valley girls, Field Kindley boys bounced from first round of state basketball tournaments. See page B1 CANEY Robin Rolls, longtime physical education teacher at Lincoln Memorial Elementary School, announces retirement. See page A9 CHERRYVALE City departments discuss 2015 milestones in recent report to council. See page B5 INDEPENDENCE Newspaper, advertising firm to move to former Mercy Home Health property in May See page A3 OPINIONS Kansas Legislature’s efficiency report will leave small towns hurting. See page A4 INDEPENDENCE Country music legend Roy Clark to be given Lifetime Achievement Award at Independence ceremony. See page A6 INDEX Caney ...................A9-A10 Cherryvale ............B4-B5 Coffeyville..............B6-B8 Classified ads....... B9-B10 Datebook..................... A8 Independence........ A6-A8 Obituaries.................... A2 Public notices.............B10 Sports......................B1-B3 TO SUBSCRIBE If you wish to subscribe to the Chronicle, go to Or, see ad on page A2. Today’s Chuckle Donald Trump says he’s spent $30 million so far in his campaign. He does admit $15 million of that was for hair spray. COFFEYVILLE CONSIDERED FOR RELOCATION Ducommun: we’re staying in Parsons BY ANDY TAYLOR [email protected] PARSONS — Ducommun Inc., a Parsons avionics components manufacturer, has chosen to keep its manufacturing plant in Parsons rather than relocate to Coffeyville, according to a company official. The Parsons Sun reports that Ducommun officials have chosen to stay in Parsons. However, it’s not known if the Parsons plant will include an expansion stemming from several key aviation contracts. It was the anticipated need for space resulting from those contacts that prompted Ducommun officials to explore the possibility of relocating to the former Southwire property at the Coffeyville Airport Industrial Park. The City of Coffeyville and Montgomery County — through the Montgomery County Action Council — developed an incentive package that would have benefitted Ducommun’s move to Coffeyville. Details of that incentive package were not made available to the public. Few details about Ducommun’s expansion was made available in various news reports except that the company was looking to add about 100 additional jobs, mostly involving highly-trained people in the area of aviation electronic components. Parsons city manager Debbie Lane told the Parsons Sun she was grateful Ducommun chose to stay in Parsons. “We’re just glad that they’re staying and that the people’s jobs are staying in Parsons,” Lamb told the Sun. “They have a very strong workforce out there.” At Monday’s Montgomery County Commission meeting, commissioners were asked their thoughts about the Ducommun project, considering that the county had input in the incentive package that was offered to Ducommun. While commissioners said they did not want to discuss the details of the incentive pacakge, one commissioner indicated some frustration that a private company, Southwire, which owns the manufacturing plant that was eyed for the Ducummon expansion in Coffeyville, had to be involved. He said local and county officials should, in the future, consider devising plans to purchase vacated industrial sites, such as the Southwire property, in order to remove a third party from the negotiations. The company’s decision to stay in Parsons ended several weeks of speculation about the possible relocation of the manufacturer to Coffeyville. • see Ducommun, page A3 Night at the Museum set for next Monday in Caney CANEY — The public is invited to attend the “Night at the Museum” on Monday, March 21, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The event will be held at the Caney Valley Historical Museum, 310 W. Fourth Ave., in downtown Caney and will feature historical displays, showcasing local historical events, prepared by the Advanced Placement U.S. History class at Caney Valley High School, plus the Caney Valley Historical Society. The students’ projects will cover Caney history, and their historical topics will be: “Great Caney Fire,” by Eric Floyd; “Caney Industry,” by Michael Howard; “Ghost Stories and Legends,” Courtney Ingram; “Famous People of Caney,” Ryan Nelson; “Outlaws,” Montana Stevens; and “Caney Fire Department,” by Nathan Wells. The cost to attend the event is $5 for adults, $3 for kids, and free to any CVHS student. Snacks will be provided to those attending. Amanda Rains is the history teacher at Caney Valley High School and is directing the “Night at the Museum” project. Norman Jack “Dusty” Kleiss, who was born and raised in Coffeyville, was interviewed on CNN last week on the observance of his 100th birthday. Kleiss, now living in San Antonio, Texas, is the lone-remaining dive bomber pilot from the Battle of Midway in 1942, which was the U.S. military’s first successful score in World War II. (Photo by CNN) Battle stars and scars Coffeyville native interviewed on CNN as lone remaining pilot from Battle of Midway BY ANDY TAYLOR [email protected] The military career of a Coffeyville native continues to capture the attention of historians and the news media — even as (Ret) Capt. Norman Jack “Dusty” Kleiss, who celebrated his 100th birthday last week from his home in San Antonio, Texas, becomes the last of a breed of battle warrior. CNN broadcasted an interview with Kleiss, who was born and raised in Coffeyville, upon his 100th birthday on March 7. Kleiss is the lone remaining survivor of his 18-pilot squadron that took part in the Battle of Midway, which was the first major victory for the United States during World War II. Midway was nothing more than a lonely island northwest of Hawaii — used solely as a landing strip for U.S. aircraft in the Pacific Theatre. It held strategic importance to the U.S. military, even as it was clearly within the crosshairs of the Japanese Navy. In June 1942, Kleiss was aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise when the Navy paged the Coffeyville native and other air fighters for a search of potential Japanese war ships bound for Midway Island. In the days before radar or satellite imagery, air combat fighters had to rely solely on their vision to spot enemy aircraft and ships. While flying at more than 20,000 feet, they spotted the tell-tale signs of the Japanese ships — their long lines of foamy sea water churning in their wake. The Japanese Navy was caught off guard by the approaching U.S. Navy dive bombers, which included Nor- man “Dusty” Kleiss. Kleiss and his squadron targeted the Japanese aircraft carrier Kaga initially. The first few dive bombers missed. Kleiss was the second to hit — because he knew exactly where to score with his massive 500-pound bombs. “I was flying at 20,000 feet, and I looked down to find the red big circle on the Kaga,” Roth recalled in the CNN interview. The first 500-pound bomb set numerous airplanes on fire. His main bomb went four decks below, hitting long lance torpedos. Kleiss barely missed the ocean pulling out of a dive as the Kaga erupted into an inferno. A Japanese Zero immediately challenged him, but tail gunner John Snowden shot it down. Back at the USS Enterprise, Kleiss grabbed a sandwich, a cup of coffee and took a brief nap before he squeezed back into the tight cockpit of his Douglas dive bomber and returned to the air. He spotted another Japanese aircraft carrier, the Hiryu, which was sailing using evasive maneuvers. However, he didn’t care how the ship was being steered in the Pacific Ocean. He simply wanted to zero in on the big red dot — the iconic symbol of the Japanese empire — on the side of the ship and focus his airplane’s nose squarely on it. He zoomed in, dropped his bombs, and scored a direct hit — converting the aircraft carrier into a floating inferno. “It was a bonfire that could be seen 10 miles away,” said Kleiss. Kleiss’ action landed him the Navy • see Kleiss, page A5 Public works dept. seeks guidance on future dollars Commissioners don’t plan to refund department’s budget to previous spending level, leaving fewer dollars to purchase new equipment BY ANDY TAYLOR [email protected] INDEPENDENCE — Whether Montgomery County commissioners will provide funds for future equipment purchases, such as dump trucks and road graders, within the Montgomery County Public Works Department highlighted discussions at Monday’s weekly commission meeting. Robert Bever, public works department director, and Jim Wright, assistant director, approached commissioners with a concern regarding heavy equipment purchases. In the past eight years years, any remaining money in the public works department’s road and bridge budget was placed in a “special equipment fund” at the end of each budget cycle. The public works department is then able to purchase equipment from the “special equipment fund” by being frugal and conservative with other expenses during the year. However, commissioners have reduced annual budget allotment for the public works department’s road and bridge budget, which leaves less money to place in the special equipment fund at the end of the budget year. Currently, there is enough money in the special equipment fund to pur- chase several needed pieces of equipment, such as several dump trucks. However, those purchases will deplete the fund entirely — leaving the public works department without any money for major equipment purchases in the future. So, Wright and Bever both asked commissioners if the commission intended to rebuild the public works department’s budget to previous spending levels. Otherwise, the public works department will be forced to either cut services (in the form of road and bridge ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Independence Community College trustees vote to non-renew English instructor despite lobbying from students, faculty. See page A6 maintenance) so that money can be used to buy equipment. Or, the department will simply have to extend the life of its equipment, thereby resulting in more money for equipment maintenance, Wright and Bever contended. The answer from the commission was simple and pointed: don’t look for any new money when economic times are down. “I only speak for one-third of the commission, but I can tell you that I will not vote for any increase in the county mill levy,” said commissioner Ryan York of Cherryvale. Similar sentiments were expressed by commissioner Larry McManus of Independence and commission chairman Fred Brown of Coffeyville. “I think our approach for several years is to keep a lid on the levy,” said Brown. York also said his job as a commissioner was not to micromanage departments to the point that funds are overseen by the commission. The commission approves a budget plan each year that provides guidance to the county department on how much money they have authority to spend in a given budget year. It’s up to the department chiefs to make sure they stay within the budget . . . and find ways to be efficient, York emphasized. However, Bever said while he understood the commission’s desire to control taxes, there is a flip side: that failing to address the maintenance of the public works department will reach a critical mass. The public works department can delay or defer mainte• see Public Works, page A3 Page A2 Thursday, March 17, 2016 Montgomery County Chronicle OBITUARIES Obituaries are printed in their entirety for a $25 fee. To submit a paid obituary, contact the Montgomery County Chronicle at (620) 336-2100 or (620) 879-2156. Or, submit an e-mail to [email protected]. Flossie Irene Dye SEDAN — Flossie Irene Dye, age 95, of Sedan and formerly of rural Havana, passed away Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at the Pleasant Valley Manor in Sedan. Flossie was born Oct. 26, 1920 in Sedan to Herbert Davis and Ival (Terrell) Davis. She grew up northeast of Sedan on a farm and later attended Caney Valley School in rural Chautauqua County. After eighth grade Flossie taught school for one year. Flossie married R.C. Dye on Jan. 11, 1939 in Independence. They made their home on the farm in rural Havana where Flossie was a homemaker and raised six children. Flossie was preceded in death by her husband on Dec. 19, 1991. Flossie lived on the farm for 70 years before moving to Sedan. When Flossie was a kid she attended the St. Charles Church. She enjoyed fishing, cooking, painting turtles and especially gatherings with family and friends and having fun. Flossie is survived by four daughters, Beverly Stark and husband Bruce of Carthage, Mo., Amelie Finney and husband Gerald of Independence, Rita Cline and husband Ronnie of Independence, Linda Moore and husband Walt of rural Havana; one son, Randy Dye and wife Peggy of Coffeyville; one sister, Joyce Jearldine Schmidt of Coffeyville; 22 grandchildren, 47 great-grandchildren, and 37 great-greatgrandchildren; and many other family members and friends. Flossie was preceded in death by her son, Charles Dye; her husband, two grandchildren, and her parents. Funeral services were Saturday, March 12, at the Allen Family Funeral Services, 3848 W. Main, Independence with Keith Springer, chaplain with Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice, officiating. Burial followed at the Fairview Cemetery in Niotaze. The family has suggested memorials to the Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice or Pleasant Valley Manor Memory Care Unit donations may be left in care of the Dickens Family Funeral Home, 209 N. Douglas, Sedan, Kansas 67361 or Allen Family Funeral Services 3848 W. Main, Independence, Kansas. To view the obituary online or leave a message for the family, go to www.dickensfuneral. com. Dickens Family Funeral Home of Sedan and Allen Family Funeral Services of Independence are in charge of arrangements. John J. “Stoney” Howard CANEY — World War II Air Force Veteran John J. “Stoney” Howard of Caney ascended to the loving arms of his wife, daughters, and parents on Monday, March 14, 2016, from his Caney home. Stoney was the first of three children to bless the union of John Everett Howard and Maria Mary Freisberg on June 25, 1921, in Chanute, Kan. His family moved to Great Bend, Kan., where he graduated from Great Bend High School in 1939. While attending St. Francis Military Academy he volunteered for the Army DEATH NOTICES The Montgomery County Chronicle publishes death notices as a free service. The death notice contains only the name of the deceased, date of death, and time and location of a funeral and burial service. Further biographical information can be contained in a paid obituary. Barbara Laura Potter Lucille Ellis CHERRYVALE — Lucille Ellis, age 98, of Cherryvale died Monday, March 7, 2016 at Cherryvale Nursing and Rehab Center. Funeral services for Lucille were held Monday, March 14, at Potts Chapel of Cherryvale. Burial followed in Hazel Green Cemetery in Boulder City, Mo. Memorial contributions may be made to the Cherryvale Church of Christ and may be left with the chapel. Robert “Bob” Losher Oak Lawn Memorial Gardens in Olathe, Kan., under the direction of the Potts Chapel. The family has suggested memorials to AWOL of Independence or the Shriners Children Hospital. BARTLESVILLE — Robert ‘’Bob’’ E. Losher, age 85, of Bartlesville, Okla., and formerly of Independence died Sunday, March 13, 2016 at the Jane Phillips Medical Center, Bartlesville. A memorial service was held Wednesday, March 16, at the Potts Chapel Independence. Burial followed in the INDEPENDENCE — Barbara Laura Potter, age 73, of Independence died Friday March 11, 2016 at Via Christi Hospital in Wichita. A funeral service will be held at 1 p.m., Thursday, March 17 at the First Presbyterian Church of Independence under the direction of Potts Chapel of Independence. Roy Martin INDEPENDENCE — Roy D. Martin, age 91, of Independence died with his family by his side Friday, March 11, 2016 at his home. A funeral service will be held at 10 a.m., Thursday, March 17, at the First United Methodist Church, Independence, with burial to follow at Mount Hope Cemetery in Independence under the direction of Potts Chapel. The family has suggested memorials to the First United Methodist Church or Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice of Coffeyville, and contributions may be left at the Potts Chapel. Joyce (Shepard) Akins CHERRYVALE — Cherryvale native Joyce N. (Shepard) Akins, age 64, of El Dorado, Kan., died Monday, March 7, 2016 at the Susan B. Allen Memorial Hospital in El Dorado, Kan. A funeral service was held Saturday, March 12 at the Potts Chapel Cherryvale with burial at Fairview Cemetery in Cherryvale under the direction of the Potts Chapel. The family has suggested memorials to the SBA Cancer Center in El Dorado, Kan., and contributions may be left at the Potts Chapel in Cherryvale. Mary Glenna Watkins CHERRYVALE — Mary Glenna Watkins, age 101, of Cherryvale died Friday, March 11, 2016 at the Cherryvale Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Cherryvale. According to her wishes cremation will take place and no services are planned. Air Force and upon completion was deployed to the Pacific arena where he managed aircraft maintenance operations. After World War II, he settled in Denver, Colo., bought an auto repair and service garage, and met the love of his life, Marie Weaver. On Jan. 29, 1946 they married and shortly thereafter Stoney re-enlisted into the Air Force and was stationed in El Paso, Texas, where their first child, Paula Marie was born. James Joeseph was born while Stoney was stationed in Great Britain. Stoney came back to Roswell, N.M., where daughters Mary Ann and Julia Kathleen joined the family. He was then transferred to Aurora, Colo., where John Everett was born. Master Sergeant John J. “Stoney” Howard retired from the U.S. Air Force in 1961. He worked for Martin Marietta in Denver, becoming involved with the Apollo space program. He then worked for McDonald Douglas Aircraft in St. Louis, Mo., and at General Dynamics (Volt Technical) in Fort Worth, Texas. He ended his working career as an agent for the State of Colorado Services for the Blind where he was employed for 15 years before having to retire from complications due to rheumatoid arthritis. In 1982, they decided to join Stoney’s family, the Freisbergs, in Caney where they stayed busy golfing and flying his private plane, until Marie passed in 2000. Stoney was an active participant as a choir member and groundskeeper at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Caney where his services will be held. Stoney will be best remembered for his straight-shot golf and golf-expertise, earning the name “fairway Stoney.” He loved to thrill family and friends with flights in his personal plane. Stoney is survived by his children, James and wife Cari, Prescott Valley, Ariz., Julia Stockover, Caney; and John and wife Willie of Denver, Colo. He also is survived by 11 grandchildren, many great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, and great-great-great grandchildren; his sister, Sister Paula Howard of Mount Saint Scholastica in Atchison, Kan.; and numerous cousins, nieces, and nephews. Visitation services are scheduled for 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Friday, March 18, at Potts Chapel Funeral Home, Caney. Celebration of Life Services are scheduled for 11:30 a.m., Saturday, March 19, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Caney. Military honors will be presented immediately thereafter. Honoring Stoney’s wishes, cremation will take place under the care of Potts Chapel Funeral Home, Caney. Online condolences can be shared at Bevaughn Pruett CHERRYVALE — Former Cherryvale resident Bevaughn Pruett, age 91, passed away Tuesday, March 8, 2016 with family by his side. Pruett was born in Missouri on March 27, 1924 to Gusta and Gertie (Hawkins). He had four brothers, Don, Dannah, Arnold, and Wayne. As well as one sister June Donham (Pruett). At 17 years old he was drafted by the U.S. Military by mistake, but chose to stay and serve his country through World War II. He married his sweetheart and love of his life Norma Phyllis (Driskel) on Dec. 17, 1948. They had one daughter Evelyn Norma LaVaughn (Nuner). Mr. and Mrs. Pruett spent most of their marriage living in Cherryvale until moving to Washington state in November 2014 to be clos- er to family. Bevaughn was a wonderful, kind, gentle man. He loved the Lord, and his faith was immeasurable. He loved his family very much. Family was everything to him. He was very proud. He enjoyed farming and working cows. He was a very hard working man who never complained. His hobbies included gardening, flowers, building and creating. He also enjoyed sitting on the deck in the summer time and watching the birds. It wasn’t uncommon for him to ride the four wheeler or tractor out on the property and bring back a tree or two even just months before his passing. There was always a smile on his face and you couldn’t help but smile along with him. He touched the hearts of anyone who had the pleasure of meeting him. He was a humble and selfless man who always was a gentleman and put everyone else before himself. He had a great sense of humor and always kept everyone in good spirits. He was a very special man and he will be greatly missed. He is survived by his wife of 68 years, Norma Phyllis (Driskel); a daughter, Evelyn Norma LaVaughn Nuner (Del); a sister, June Donham (Bruce); a nephew, Dan Richard and Evelyn Driskel; three grandsons, Cory Nuner, Troy Nuner (Kimberly) and Casey Nuner (Jessica); seven great-grandchildren, Jaley Simmons, ShaeLyn, Taylor, Madisyn, Toryn and KynsLee Nuner and Jaxen Nuner; and numerous nieces and nephews. Jolene Doss CANEY — Jolene Doss, age 77, of Caney entered this world June 17, 1938, and returned to the arms of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, from her home Tuesday, March 15, 2016. Mary Jolene Doss was born in Tyro, the first of two children born to Everett Newton Doss and Vylet Irene [Smoley] Doss. She was raised in Wann, Okla., attended schools there, and graduated from high school in 1956. In August 1958 she married Billy Wills in Wann. To this union were born three daughters, Sheri Lynne, Sharla Kaye, and Shawnda Jolene. Billy passed away in 1970. Jolene was employed for 35-plus years as an employee travel agent with Phillips Petroleum, beginning in Kansas City, and ultimately Bartlesville, Okla. She retired in 2000, then changed her priorities to watching her five grandchildren grow up following their school events, especially sports. She enjoyed genealogy research and travel. Family proclaimed her a devoted shopper. Survivors blessed by her memories are her two daughters and their families, Sherri (Tim) Huff of Bartlesville and Shawnda (Jim) Ivy of Neodesha; five grandchildren, Samantha, Jase, Jared, Bret, and Blake, three great-grandchildren, Lilly, Makayla, and Zachary; nieces, nephews, and cousins. She was preceded in death by her parents; a sister, Judy Slaughter; and a daughter, Sharla WhiteEagle. Visitation service will be held Thursday, March 17, at Potts Chapel Funeral Home, Caney, with family present from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to receive friends. Celebration of Life Services are scheduled for 2 p.m., Friday, March 18, at Tyro Christian Church, with Brad Sanders officiating. Interment will follow at the Wann Cemetery. Online condolences can be shared at www. CANEY, INDEPENDENCE, Ducommun to stay in Parsons COFFEYVILLE, CHERRYALE • continued from front page Kendal Francis, Coffeyville city manager, said he was glad he and other city staff were able to offer a solution for Ducommun in its quest to expand its operation. FINANCING AVAILABLE! Your best source of news is the Montgomery County Chronicle, published every Thursday. Have it delivered to your mailbox for $42.00 per year or to your email address as an electronic version for $30.00 per year. Residents in Montgomery County can subscribe to the Montgomery County Chronicle by checking one of the following subscription options (make checks payable to the Montgomery County Chronicle): Regular subscription ............................................................................$42.00/year Fill out all mailing information in fields below Electronic version subscription .............................................................$30.00/year Include your email address in fields below NAME _______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________ CITY ______________________________________________ STATE _________ ZIP ______________ EMAIL ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________ CREDIT CARD NUMBER (MASTER CARD, VISA, AMERICAN EXP. 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Box 186, Caney, KS 67333 14 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara ........................11,000 Miles 14 Nissan Altima S ..........................................................$15,995 13 Ford Escape SE ...........................................................$15,495 13 Ford Taurus Limited, Leather ......................................$16,495 13 Ram 1500 SLT, 4x4, 4 Door, 56K ................................$24,995 13 Impala LTZ, Sunroof, New Tires ...................................$12,495 13 Kia Optima, Gold, Nice MPG ......................................$13,995 12 GMC Acadia SLT -1, Camera, AWD ...............................$23,595 12 Honda Accord LX Premier, 19K ...................................$13,995 10 Chevy Suburban 4x4 LT, DVD, remote start.................$22,495 09 GMC Crew Cab, 4x4....................................................$20,995 09 Malibu LS, Good MPG .................................................. $8,995 09 Chevy K1500 Crew Z71 LT, DVD .................................$19,995 08 Chevy Tahoe Z71, Leather, Sunroof, Nav/Cam.................HERE! 08 GMC, 4 Door, 4x4 .......................................................$18,995 08 GMC SLT Crew Cab 4x4, Navigation............................$19,995 08 Chevy Uplander ........................................................... $5,995 06 Tahoe LT, Sunroof, DVD, 3rd Seat ................................$12,495 05 Dodge Dakota, 4 door, 2WD, Laramie........................... $8,995 01 Chevy Suburban LT, 4x4 ............................................... $6,495 01 F150 Super Crew 4x4, 1 Owner.................................... $6,995 00 Dodge Club Cab, 2WD ................................................. $5,995 99 Chevy Malibu, 4 Door .................................................. $3,495 97 Chevy Cheyenne, SWB, V6, A.T. ...........................LOCAL TRADE Auto Sales & Service Center 32nd & Main • Parsons, KS • (620) 421-6060 “The City and its economic development partners collaborated to create a very lucrative proposal. In the end, we were not successful. Obviously, we are disappointed in the decision, but are thankful that Ducommun will remain in southeast Kansas. It was a privilege to work with Ducommun manager John Kelley and his staff. They are outstanding people and we wish them continued success.” EagleEstate1x35 1/11/05 Assisted Living at Eagle Estates Where Your Family Is Our Family Enjoy home cooked meals, housekeeping, laundry, personal care and medication assistance. 24 Hour caring staff LPN/RN on call 24/7 Let your family be a part of Our family at 1354 Taylor Road Independence, KS (620) 331-1662 Email us your news tips: [email protected] 2:34 PM Thursday, March 17, 2016 Page A3 Montgomery County Chronicle Local man arrested Newspaper, advertising firm to relocate Montgomery County Chronicle, on drug charges Grass Roots Design Group to move to former COFFEYVILLE — The Coffeyville Police Department arrested a local man on Saturday on various drug charges following a routine traffic stop. Arrested was Michael Ray Ward, age 46, of Coffeyville. During a traffic stop, illegal narcotics were allegedly observed in Ward’s vehicle. Based on the discovery of the illegal narcotics and additional intelligence, the Coffeyville Police Department’s Special Operations Team executed a narcotics search warrant at 1111 W. 2nd Street. Ward was then arrested as a result of the search. Ward was arrested on charges of possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute, possession of a narcotics drug, no Kansas drug tax stamp, possession of drug p a r a phernalia and various traffic misdemeanors and traffic infractions. This Michael R. Ward investigation is ongoing and anyone with information on this case, or who may have witnessed this crime, is encouraged to contact Detective Lucas Vargas at (620) 252-6010 or the Coffeyville Police Department at (620) 252-6160. Individuals wishing to remain anonymous may provide information to the Crime Tip Hotline at (620) 252-6133. Public works dept. presses for details about future dollars • continued from front page nance on roads, but it “comes to a point where you will get phone calls from constituents asking for repairs to those roads,” Bever said. At that point, controlling taxes won’t be the chief concern: getting the roads repaired will be the chief concern.” York offered a final argument, saying that the county government should follow the trend of society. “We are declining in population, and, therefore, county government should mimic what we see in society,” he said. Later in the discussion, Wright returned to the issue of equipment purchases. He said he could split the remaining funds in half and pursue a lease-purchase arrangement through equipment vendors. Commissioners said they wanted to see the finance options at a later meeting. In other business, commissioners agreed with a request from Sheriff Robert Dierks to purchase two Snapper riding lawnmower to be used by inmates within the Montgomery County Jail for the mowing of several rural cemeteries near Elk City Lake. Money to purchase the lawnmowers will come from federal funds that are given to Montgomery County annually because the cemeteries are located on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers property in the Elk City Lake basin. Commissioners debated the merits of purchasing the two Snapper lawnmowers or buying a larger, commercial- grade lawnmower that could last several years. Because the money provided to the county from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is $4,800, commissioners chose to pursue the less-costly option and buy the Snapper mowers. Mercy Home Health offices in May INDEPENDENCE — Two Independence businesses have announced plans to relocate to a vacant commercial property at a prime, high traffic location. Andy and Amy Taylor of Independence have purchased the former Mercy Home Health property at 422 W. Main. The purchase was made official this week. Andy is the editor of the Montgomery County Chronicle, a weekly newspaper that is owned by his parents, Rudy and Kathy Taylor. The Chronicle currently rents an office at 108 W. Main. Amy co-owns and manages Grass Roots Design Group, a special advertising and graphic design firm located at 110 W. Main. Following several weeks of remodeling at the 422 W. Main property, the Taylors intend to relocate both businesses there. “The reason for moving to 422 W. Main is simple: our businesses are growing and we need more room to grow,” said Andy Taylor. “We’ve appreciated our small office spaces in downtown Independence, but we need room for additional office space, parking and visibility.” Grass Roots Design Group includes Amy as co-owner and manager and Shelby Demo as graphic designer. The Montgomery County Chronicle will retain its office in Caney, where owners Rudy and Kathy Taylor currently reside. The Chronicle’s Cherryvale location at 115 N. Labette will close at the end of April, editor Andy Taylor said. Andy and Amy Taylor said customers will see the familiar Grass Roots Design Group and Montgomery County Chronicle logos adorn the property at 422 W. Main. And, customers will not see any changes to services, except for the relocation of offices. The remodeling of the property will involve several phases, beginning initially with upgrades to the interior of the main floor, where offices for the Montgomery County Chronicle and Grass Roots Design Group will be located. A second phase, to be held at a later date, will include upgrades to the building’s exterior, including the front that faces West Main Street. The Taylors created a company, Front Porch Media LLC, to serve as the owner of the 422 W. Main property. “The porch on the front of the building was the influence for the new company’s name,” the Taylors said. Parsons man going to prison for Coffeyville shooting Kenneth J. Jones pleaded no contest to attempted seconddegree murder and aggravated assault of a law enforcement officer A Parsons man convicted of shooting at a Coffeyville police officer in 2015 will spend almost six years behind bars. On March 3, Kenneth J. Jones, age 25, of Parsons was ordered to spend 71 months in a state prison for attempting to shoot a Coffeyville police officer in downtown Coffeyville on Nov. 5, 2015. In January, Jones pleaded no contest to an amended charge of attempted second-degree murder and aggravated assault of a law officer. Judge Jeffrey Gossard sentenced Jones to 71 months in prison on the attempted murder charge and 18 months in prison on the assault charge. Jones’ attorney, Heath Lampson, and Montgomery County Attorney Larry Markle recommended that the sentences be served at the same time rather t h a n back to back, which Gossard agreed to. Jones w i l l Kenneth J. Jones have to serve the remainder of another jail or prison term on an older case from Labette County. Jones’ 71-month term will start after that sentence is complete. Following the completion of his prison term, Jones will be on 36 months of supervised release. Gossard also ordered Jones to repay the City of Coffeyville for his medical bills. He was in the hospital for some time after being shot by a Coffeyville police officer in the November incident. in November. The hospital bill amount was not available Thursday. Jones was discovered in an area of the 300 block of West 11th Street in the early morning hours of Nov. 5, 2015 after Coffeyville police received a 911 call about a customer at McDonald’s pointing a gun at customers and the store man- Schenck Insurance LLC 2801 W. Main, Suite A • Independence, KS 67301 The E-Edition. Let’s Talk! Call one of our agents today! Only $30 per year To subscribe, go to Gary Schenck (620) 704-0563 Bill Hastings (620) 778-3201 Charles Schenck (620) 205-9102 Hours: Mon-Fri 8-5 Now Open through Lunch! 210 N. 17th • Downtown Parsons Movieline (620) 421-4240 By contacting Schenck Insurance you may be offered information concerning insurance products. ager. The McDonald’s staff told officers that no such incident had taken place, according to a written summary of the shooting investigation by Montgomery County Attorney Larry Markle. Employees did report a man in the business with dreadlocks wearing a tiedyed shirt and acting suspicious. Shortly after this, police offficer Cody Rexwinkle found a man matching the description from McDonald’s. He was with a woman, later identified as Staci Terrell of Altamont. When Rexwinkle tried to make contact, the man, Jones, ran and left Terrell behind. Two other officers responded, Thomas Darbro and Sgt. Darin Daily. Markle writes that the recording from Darbro’s dashboard camera shows that Darbro found Jones behind Chick’s Bar and Grill and chased Jones down the alley. Darbro ordered Jones to stop and put his hands up and deployed his Taser, but Jones ran away and reached into his waistband. Shortly after this a gunshot was heard, Markle writes. Jones, while running, had turned and fired one round from a handgun at Darbro. Four gunshots are heard from Darbro’s dashboard camera. Darbro used a 9mm as his service weapon. Darbro pursued down the alley and crossed through a bank parking lot and radioed for an ambulance. He reported shots fired and a suspect down. Jones, who used a Taurus Millennium sub-compact 9 mm, had been shot once with an AR-15 assault rifle and was arrested. Markle exonerated the two officers involved in the shooting after reviewing the Kansas Bureau of Investigation report on the shooting, interviews, videotape from the dashboard cameras and other evidence. Oklahoma man faces murder, arson charges A Pawhuska man accused of killing a rural Independ e n c e man and burning the man’s house in December 2015 will have Thad C. Green a preliminary hearing in Montgomery County District Court on April 4. Thad Christopher Green, age 32, of Pawhuska was arrested hours after the body of Cameron Wawrzynaik, age 35, was found in his rural Independence home. The home was on fire when firefighters were summoned on Dec. 23. Upon investigation, they found the remains of Wawrzynaik. Green was arrested after his ex-wife, Ramanda Ferguson, went to law enforcement in Oklahoma to complain of Green’s abuse and threats. Ferguson was in a relationship with Wawrzynaik at the time of Wawrzynaik’s death. Green is charged with firstdegree murder and arson. At the preliminary hearing, a judge will weigh the evi- dence to determine whether Green should be bound for a jury trial. The hearing will take place at 9:30 a.m., Monday, April 4. Hearings set for 4 men charged with local murder Four men who are accused of involvement in the shooting death of an Independence woman in August 2015 will return to the Montgomery County District Court in the coming weeks for either arraignment or preliminary hearings. According to court records, Tremaine Green will have a preliminary hearing at 9 a.m., today (Thursday) to hear whether evidence is sufficient to have him bound for trial in the shooting of Angela Leis in August 2015. Green is charged with first degree murder, conspiracy to commit aggravated assault, aggravated assault, and interference with a law enforcement officer. Also charged in the crime was Sylvester Jones, who will have a preliminary hearing at 1 p.m., Thursday, March 24. Jones is charged with firstdegree murder, aggravated kidnapping, aggravated assault, and criminal possession of a firearm by a felon. Facing those same charges is Cameron Johnson, who will have an arraignment hearing at 9 a.m., Tuesday, April 19. Another man charged in the case is Brandon Peyton, who has been charged with murder in the first degree, aggravated assault and aggravated kidnapping. Peyton’s arraignment hearing is scheduled for FREE DELIVERY TO CANEY 5 DAYs A WEEk Open Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fri., Mar. 18 thru Thurs., Mar. 24 The Divergent Series: Allegiant* • PG-13 (1:05) (4:05) 7:05 9:45 sedan Pharmacy Zootopia • PG (1:10) (4:10) 7:10 9:40 10 Cloverfield Lane* • PG-13 (1:20) (4:20) 7:20 9:45 Miracles From Heaven* • PG-13 (1:00) (4:00) 7:00 9:35 Need A Truck? London Has Fallen* • R (1:15) (4:15) 7:15 9:30 *–No Passes Late Afternoon Matinees & Early Evening Shows Daily Fri. & Sat. Only No Late Shows Sun.-Thu. (Early Matinees Sat. & Sun. Only) Andy and Amy Taylor. (Photo by Lillie Taylor) Independence, KS Call KEVIN at Romans Motors. Cell 720-625-2714 Romans 620-331-4700 129 E. Main • Sedan, Kansas (620) 725-3262 Toll Free (888) 751-3262 Page A4 Thursday, March 17, 2016 Montgomery County Chronicle Opinions Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. — FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION Is there a rule that says we mow the grass 32 times? I tuned up my lawn mower last weekend They probably see my wife and me pulling and made a few swipes across the yard to trim springtime weeds and mowing chickweed as the green weeds that are making an early apreally strange. pearance. They would laugh if I told them I actually I did some figuring, and most years I mow mowed the grass one last time in early December last year. And here I am, huffing and that yard 32 times. Admittedly, part of it is an puffing behind a push mower in March. obsession on my part, slicing unnecessarily through chickweed, hen bit, I remember one time in the wild onions, ground ivy and early 1950s when a bunch of more. relatives enjoyed a Sunday afternoon at our house in the These wild varieties even early springtime. get fertilized — a crazy routine that homeowners practice, At one point, my dad looked RUDY TAYLOR somehow thinking it will result at our shaggy yard and sugOff the Cuff in a tall stand of green grass gested that all the men go out during the summer months. and help him control a yard burn. They were handed gun News flash: the grass will nysacks which they plunged into a tub of wabe there anyway, regardless of whether we ter. They moved across the yard and watched spread 10-20-10 or mow the weeds in midthe yard grass turn black. March. I was 12 years old before my dad bought And, just like ranchers who see their pastures renew after a controlled burn, we saw a power mower. Before that, our yard was our yard turn green in the coming weeks, mowed by my older brother and father using a without all the clover and wild onions. reel-type, push mower. I remember the yard sometimes looking Today, I’d get a ticket if I tried such a thing, pretty shaggy, and I guarantee you, they didn’t and the fire chief would give me a good scoldmow it 32 times in a calendar year. ing. During the two years that I spent working So, the two seniors at our house will end up for a big oil company, just after college, I was with aching backs and hurting bones as we amazed at hearing fellow office workers sit for attack warm weather like a pair of rabbits in a hours and talk about their yard grass. They lettuce patch. talked about hybrid grass, bermuda, tiff green, In typical fashioned, Kathy cleaned out the ryegrass, bluegrass and fescue. backyard shed and got started on weed-pulling in our flower beds. At that time, I was borrowing a lawnmower every two or three weeks to mow the grass Ouch. Ugh. around our first home. Of course, nobody is counting out the possibility of a late snow storm, so we’re taking it Today, the tables have turned. Younger easy with planting anything colorful or edible. neighbors have other priorities— they have little league ball games to a attend, fishing It’s what we do —and we feel blessed to trips with young kids at area lakes, and many anticipate anything we might do 32 times in of them taking second jobs to make ends meet. the coming season. Of feeling the luck of the Irish on St. Pats Day . . . doing some therapeutic weed pulling (it cleans up the flower bed and relieves some angst!) . . . a family taking a bike ride in the evening . . . the smell of springtime in the air . . . clean sheets on the beds . . . meeting a deadline with a few minutes to spare . . . the wonderful feeling when a baby falls asleep on your chest . . . everyone feeling a little bit KATHY TAYLOR Life’s Little Lifesavers Irish on St. Patrick’s Day . . . a town’s street lights dotting the night like white jewels . . . after working all day in an office, walking outside and breathing fresh air . . . carrying a small flashlight in your purse for emergencies . . . keeping up with the March Madness brackets . . . extra effort making something average to superb . . . recalling your childhood warmth, safety and love . . . “Sin is not just breaking God’s laws; it is breaking His heart.” (copied) PUBLIC FORUM Resident disapproves of King’s link to Brownback Editor: I have followed with interest State Sen. Jeff King’s recent conversion experience in which he now sees that the irresponsible income tax cuts that he helped Gov. Sam Brownback pass in 2012 are hurting the state. The Kansas Senate narrowly passed the tax cuts at the urging of Gov. Brownback and Senator King. They were told that the problems in the bill would be fixed in conference committee. When they began to realize they had been misled, they were preparing for a vote to defeat the bill. Senator Jeff King filibustered on the Senate floor to delay the vote while his friend, House Speaker Mike O’Neal, hurriedly carried off a vote in the House to concur with the Senate. This sent the bill to Gov. Brownback, who then signed it into law. Senator King, Governor Brownback and Speaker O’Neal were major players in getting this passed. Ever since this event in 2012, we have been suffering the consequences of this irresponsible legislation. The state is broke every year and cannibalizes itself trying to steal money wherever it can and raising the sales tax on those least able to pay, so it can close the budget gap. Now that we are in an elec- MONTGOMERY COUNTY tion year, suddenly Senator Jeff King sees the light. He realizes that exempting 330,000 people from paying any income tax is a recipe for disaster. I wonder if he would have come to the same conclusion if this were not an election year. The state has suffered from this disastrous legislation for the past four years. It will take us decades to recover. It didn’t seem to concern Senator King all that time. Can we really believe that he will continue this concern if he is re-elected to the Senate? I don’t think that is a very good bet. Carole Farthing Independence, Kan. Chronicle Volume 131, No. 11 • March 17, 2016 The Montgomery County Chronicle (USPS 088340), formerly the Cherryvale Chronicle and the Caney Chronicle, is a family-owned and operated newspaper published by the Taylor Newspaper Family. The Montgomery County Chronicle is published 52 times per year including the last edition of the calendar year. Periodical postage is paid at Caney, Kansas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Montgomery County Chronicle, P.O. Box 186, Caney, KS 67333. Rudy and Kathy Taylor....................................... Owners and Publishers Andy Taylor..................................................................................Editor Emalee Mikel...........................................................Advertising Director Donna Celaya.................................................. Cherryvale correspondent Brian Thomas.........................................................................Sports editor Lillie Taylor............................................................................ Junior Editor HOW TO CONTACT US: Caney office: 202 W. Fourth, P.O. Box 186, Caney, KS 67333. (620) 879-2156, (620) 879-2855 fax. Cherryvale office: 115 N. Labette, P.O. Box 156, Cherryvale, KS 67335. (620) 336-2100. Independence office: 108 W. Main, Independence, KS 67301. (620) 331-9178. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: OUR THOUGHTS Greater efficiency? Hah! Watch consultant’s report become the bible for state’s budget axe It’s only a consultant’s report*, but members of the Kansas Legislature will be tempted to look closely at anticipated savings on one particular section of the 270-page report released to lawmakers last month. This proposal would eliminate the Kansas Department of Transportation’s 25 area offices, each headed by an area construction engineer and an area maintenance engineer. The consulting firm, Alvarez and Marsal, estimates this would save $28.8 million over five years. In southeast Kansas, this would close the Independence KDOT facility and move all operations under the district office in Chanute. Also tagged for closing would be KDOT area offices in Pittsburg, Garnett and Iola. Smaller KDOT facilities, equipment barns, etc. might remain open but operate with district supervision and engineering. However, the report advises “facility consolidation” wherever possible. There are a total of 112 such facilities situated in smaller communities such as Altamont, Sedan and Yates Center. Underutilized non-passenger equipment in these locations would be sold. Facility sharing would be urged with local cities and counties taking up part of the expense. By eliminating the area offices, KDOT would reduce its statewide headcount by 87 people, including 37 highway crew members, in addition to 25 area maintenance engineers and 25 area engineers. Snow removal would be severely slashed, ordered mostly during daylight hours. So, high school teams that travel long distances must hope they won’t hit snow-packed highways after dark. Get the idea? Small towns will get the shaft … again. It’s another down-sizing of state government that legislative and administrative leaders in Topeka are seeking. Again, this is only a consultant’s report, but it will be used as a bible for making cuts, not only in transportation, but also in every other aspect of state government. Small towns will take another bite. Count on it. And, state politicians will wonder again why the people are shaking their heads in befuddled disbelief. Talk to your senators and representatives. Make sure they know, that you know. — Rudy Taylor * Source: Statewide Efficiency Review, Alvarez and Marsal, January 2016. Budgetary planning County commissioners should not shrug off equipment concerns Discussions by the Montgomery County Commission and the Montgomery County Public Works Department on Monday regarding future equipment purchases for road and bridge crews revealed a glaring deficiency in how county commissioners view their budgetary duties (see story on page A1). We understand the commission’s desire to keep a lid on property tax rates. However, we also see the need for the county to effectively and adequately maintain its infrastructure. What we heard the commission say — in response to the public works department’s directors inquiry into future purchases of heavy equipment — was that they will not rebuild department budgets that have seen budget reductions. Only in good years — when the county’s tax valuation sees an increase and additional tax revenue is anticipated — would they consider it. Translation: in bad years, don’t expect any more money. In good years, courthouse departments might get it. What gives us the greatest concern is that the budgetary process requires strategic thinking — an ability to evaluate priorities and effectively deal with them. It’s called thoughtful planning, not knee-jerk reaction to economic conditions. Such planning — albeit with the taxpayers’ interests in mind — has been missing in the county commission in recent years. We believe the concerns of public works director Robert Bever and assistant director Jim Wright, who told commissioners that delaying purchases of equipment would result in deferred maintenance of roads and bridges. It will reach a critical mass, the two men anticipated, when tax revenue fails to meet the demands of the county’s mammoth road and bridge system. Montgomery County is no different than the rest of the United States: it faces an infrastructure that is literally crumbling underneath our wheels. In late 2015, Bever presented a five-year road and bridge repair plan to commissioners that shows more than one dozen bridges in dire need of repair or replacement. Addressing those concerns in past years with strategic planning has not happened. And, we are now seeing the results of deferred maintenance and lack of strategic thinking. At some point, it will cost taxpayers a hefty fortune to repair those bridges and roads that need the upgrades the most. And, when it comes time for the commission to handle an infrastructure crisis, we hope they don’t choose the “cheap” route — abandon a road entirely or close a crumbling bridge or culvert. No area of Montgomery County has seen greater growth and more demand than the rural areas that are under the public works department’s maintenance umbrella. That’s why it concerns us to see commissioners throw in the towel early on long-term planning and maintenance concerns. When it comes time for county commissioners to prepare their 2017 budget in the coming months, we hope they give thoughtful consideration toward long-term planning — perhaps opening the reports and plans that the public works department has prepared. The way we have seen such planning in the past — as exemplified by Monday’s discussion — isn’t the answer. — Andy Taylor For more quality sports coverage, read the stories from sports editor Brian Thomas each week in the Montgomery County Chronicle! Thursday, March 17, 2016 OPINIONS There’s a reason God made a spring break from school There is a select group of people in the world who look at breaks from school with both happiness and anxiety. It’s not because the kids will be home for a week or that the tax deadline is looming. This group of people includes those who are married to a teacher. Yep, that includes me. I love my husband with all my heart but the long breaks that are afforded (and much deserved) to teachers kind of hijacks my routine. Add on the fact that I work from home and it compounds the chaos. Throw in two school-aged boys who are home for the week and my routine of easing into the day, listening to NPR while I work, and munching on food only when I’m hungry gets tossed out the window. The first issue we encounter is jealousy. On Monday morning when my alarm goes JENNY DIVELEY Pick A Little, Talk A Little off and I can still hear snores from all corners of the house, it is hard to find the motivation to stay in my routine. But once I find that comfort of my office, that tension seems to ease. That is, until the baby birds emerge from their nest and stand in the kitchen with their mouths open like food will just fly out from the pantry. We spend the rest of the day doing a dance around each other, always finding our nice voices in order not to ruin the beauty of spring, but inwardly wondering how the other person functions on a daily basis. The laundry schedule Come Try Our New Rotisserie Style Chicken Raised Without Antibiotics New Clean Label! 1036 1/2 W. Main Cherryvale • 620-336-2910 MONTGOMERY COUNTY Page A5 Montgomery County Chronicle changes, food disappears from our kitchen at a rapid rate, and the floors that I mopped on Sunday needed another cleaning 24 hours later. But the moment I begin to complain, I recall the last time I spent an afternoon at the school in my son’s classroom. The air was a little bit thick, kids were home sick, others were at school sick, the unmistakable odor of 5th graders greeted anybody not used to it like a wet towel, and the teacher maintained a pleasant attitude, smile on her face, and opened her arms to any kid who needed a hug or pat on the shoulder. My upset, spoiled routine doesn’t seem so important when I compare it to what teachers face every day. Even the students are faced with challenges at school that many of us born as Gen X’ers or before did not have to deal with. So they deserve a break, and a vacation, and a massage, and the right to sleep in, watch junky TV, and pilfer through the pantry all hours of the day. Hats off to the teachers on break this week. I hope they take a few moments for themselves to breathe some fresh air. And here’s a bit of encouragement to the spouses of educators and parents of school age children: all will return to normal soon, and we just might miss the “new” routine. Nat’l Weather Service to hold severe weather seminar INDEPENDENCE — The National Weather Service in Wichita will hold its Storm Fury On the Plains weather workshop in Independence at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 22. The workshop will be held in the basement of the Montgomery County Judicial Center in Independence. Meteorologists from the National Weather Service office in Wichita will present information that will Shown below is a list of tornado shelters throughout Montgomery County, according to a list prepared by the Montgomery County Emergency Department. • Caney: Caney United Methodist Church, 3rd and High streets; Liberty Church, 3rd and Main streets. • Cherryvale: Cherryvale Public Library, 329 E. Main (handicap access on the south side of building; other access on the north); First Baptist Church, 100 N. Montgomery; Cherryvale United Methodist Church, 305 W. Third. • Coffeyville: Coffeyville Regional Medical Center, 4th and Buckeye streets (handicapped accessible basement; Field Kindley High School, 1110 W. 8th (entry at north NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN CHURCH: 908 E. Fourth, Cherryvale, Kan. (620) 330-0121. Come and worship with us at New Hope Christian Church, 908 E. 4th. Sunday School for adults and youths starts 9:30 a.m., with coffee and donuts served. Sunday worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. Guest speakers will include professors, teachers and students from Ozark Christian College. Find Hope in Christ Jesus at New Hope Christian Church. Colossians 1:27. TYRO CHRISTIAN CHURCH: David Bycroft, evangelist. Box 307, Tyro, KS. (620) 289-4433. Traditional Worship Service, 8:30 a.m.; Sunday School, 10 a.m.; Contemporary Praise/Worship, 11 a.m.; Sunday Eve. Worship & Youth Classes, 6 p.m.; Wednesday Youth Classes, 7 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CHERRYVALE: Fourth and Montgomery streets, Cherryvale, KS. John Chastain, pastor. (620) 336-2440. Sunday School-All Ages, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Worship, 10:30 a.m.; 2nd Sunday, Cookie Sunday; 4th Sunday, Fellowship Dinner. Wed. - Family Night - 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm - Free dinner, 6:30 Youth Group and Ladies Bible Study, Monday - Men’s Bible Study - 6:00 pm. CORNERSTONE CHURCH OF CANEY: Brad Sanders, pastor. 900 S. Ridgeway, Caney, KS. (620) 879-5220. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Morning Worship, 10:40 a.m.; Sunday Night Service (during summer), 6:30 p.m. CHERRYVALE CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Eric Lang, minister. 319 E. Main, Cherryvale, Kan. (620) 336-2533. Free coffee and doughnuts on Sunday mornings, 10:15 a.m.; Worship Service, 10:45 a.m. Wednesday evening 6:30 p.m. Student Service. Love God, Love People, Serve the World. Go to COFFEYVILLE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH DISCIPLES OF CHRIST: Gordon Willhite, pastor. 906 Elm Street, Coffeyville, KS. (620) 251-1710. Sunday Church at Study, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Church at Worship, 10:30 a.m.; Church mission: Community-wide breakfast last Saturday of every month, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.; Game Day on Mondays, 1 p.m. FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH OF CHERRYVALE: 717 E. 6th, Cherryvale, Kan. (620) 336-3504. David Bennett, pastor. Website: www. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.; Sunday Worship, 11 a.m.; Sunday Evening Service, 6 p.m.; Wed. Night Bible Study & Youth, 6 p.m. NEW LIFE PRAISE & WORSHIP: David and Renea Cavaness. 308 N. Liberty, Cherryvale, Kan. (620) 3368027. Sunday School begins at 9:15 a.m.; Morning Worship Service is at 10:30 a.m. Sunday Youth Meeting starts at 5:30 p.m., followed by Sunday evening worship at 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting and Bible Study will be held at 7 p.m. For more information, go to or send an e-mail to [email protected]. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH: 108 N. Bradley, Caney, KS. (620) 879-5604, church number; Rev. Jonathan Schultz, pastor, (918) 520-9829 (pastor’s cell number); Sunday School, 9 a.m.; Church, 10 a.m. CHERRYVALE ASSEMBLY OF GOD: Pastor Jeffrey L. Owen, 305 E. Main. Sunday school 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship 10:30 a.m. Call (620) 217-9665 for other service times. “Come & Dine” free community meal 5 p.m. on the fourth Saturday of each month, unless otherwise noted. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH: Fr. Sixtus Ye Myint, priest. 303 N. Hooker, Caney, KS. Sunday Mass, 11 a.m.; Weekday Masses on Monday, 8 a.m.; Confessions are before Mass; CCD/PSR Classes on Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; Altar Society, Wednesday, 7 p.m. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CATHOLIC CHURCH: Fr. Andrew Heiman, pastor. 202 S. Liberty, Cherryvale, KS. Parish Hall: (620) 336-2599. All mail and calls to St. Andrew Parish in Independence, KS: (620) 331-1789. Sunday Mass, 8 a.m. CANEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: Will Kenyon, pastor. 114 N. High, Caney, KS. (620) 879-2648. Caney United Methodist Church: where God, tradition and community intersect. Pastor Will Kenyon leads us in worship at 10:45am which follows Sunday school at 9:30am. Community meal open to all on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. Come be a part of living out God’s mission. Reach out and transform lives by sharing Christ’s love. You matter to God, and you matter to us. CHERRYVALE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 305 W. Third, Cherryvale, Kan. (620) 336-2375. Pastor Carl Ellis. Worship 11:00 a.m., Sunday School for all ages, 9:45 a.m. Preschool is open from September to April. Nursery is available every Sunday. CANEY ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 2nd and Vine streets. Worship led by Rev. Tim Black. Adult & children’s Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship at 11 a.m. Wednesday Kids’ Quest/Prayer Meeting at 6:30 p.m. For more info call (918) 331-6334. Visit caneyopc. org for more information. CHERRYVALE CHURCH OF CHRIST: Stan Bryan, minister. North Hwy. 169, Cherryvale, KS. (620) 336-3948. Sunday Bible Study, 10 a.m.; Preaching, 11 a.m.; Wednesday Bible Study, 7 p.m. CROSS POINT BAPTIST CHURCH OF CANEY: Joshua Eaton, pastor. South 75 Highway, Caney, KS (620) 8792839. Sunday Morning Worship, 10:30 a.m. Website: gym doors); Community Elementary School, 4th and Cline streets; First Assembly of God Church, 1504 W. 8th; First Church of God, Fifth and Cline streets; St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 506 W. 9th. • Independence: Civic Center, 410 N. Penn (pets are allowed); Independence City Hall, 120 N. 6th (pets allowed); Independence High School Gymnasium, 1301 N. 10th (northwest entrance will be opened during school in session by school officials; entrance will be opened by a shelter chief when school is not in session; no pets, no tobacco, no alcohol, no firearms); Montgomery County Judicial Center basement, 300 E. Main (pets must be in carriers and will be placed in designated area). Kleiss recalls years as Navy bomber pilot • continued from front page Cross. It was the second time in his career that he earned a coveted military award. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross in February 1942 for his action in sinking a Japanese cruiser in a battle at the Church Directory FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF CANEY: 100 E. Fourth, P.O. Box 141, Caney, Bill Wright, pastor. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Worship Service, 10:30 a.m.; Wednesday Adult Bible Study, 6 p.m. The presentations are hosted by local county Emergency Management agencies and typically last up to two hours. They are open to anyone that has an interest in weather. There are no fees to attend, you do not have to register, and you do not have to sign up to be a spotter. For more information, contact your local county Emergency Manager or [email protected]. Storm shelters in Montgomery County Chronicle WAYSIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Jerry D. Davidson, minister. (620) 778-6575. Sunday School, 10 a.m.; Church, 11 a.m. Mailing address for the church: Wayside Christian Church, 508 S. Spring, Caney, KS 67333. help prepare storm spotters and weather enthusiasts for the upcoming storm season. NWS staff will provide an indepth weather presentation that will engage the audience by teaching them about the different types of storms, the individual storm features that help a person to recognize a storm’s potential severity, how to report hazardous weather, and severe weather safety. COFFEYVILLE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH: 300 W. 9th Street (corner of 9th & Willow), Coffeyville, KS; Dr. J. Dean McNamara, pastor; Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Services, 10:45 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.; Wednesday, Adult Bible Study, Office “Ivy Room”, 6:30 p.m.; Youth, “R.C.” Kids, Main Church Social Hall, 6:30 p.m. Phone: (620) 251-3980; FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH OF INDEPENDENCE: Ryan Carpenter, pastor. 918 W. Chestnut, Independence, KS. (620) 331-3810. SERVICES: Sunday Morning Bible Study for all ages, 9:30-10:30 a.m.; Worship Service, 10:45 a.m.; Sunday Evening Service, 6 p.m.; Wednesday Night Bible Study/Prayer & Youth, 6:30 p.m. CROSSROADS COMMUNITY OF CHRIST: three miles north of Dearing, Kan., at the corner of county roads 3900 and 2600. Pastors are Melissa McIntosh. Leslie Brooks, and Johnna Hugo. Church school 10 a.m., Worship service 11 a.m. Crossroads is a welcoming congregation to all races, genders and orientations. Phone 620-331-9294. LIBERTY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: Bill Booe, pastor. Sunday morning service, 9 -10 a.m. (nursery available). Sunday school for youth and adults, 10:1510:45 a.m. Other events include Kids Club and Food, Fun & Fellowship at 6:30 p.m. on 1st, 3rd Wednesday of each month; Bible Study on 2nd Wednesday of each month; Family Night on 5th Wednesday of each month. Youth Group meetings at 5 p.m., on 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. P.O. Box 175, Liberty, KS 67351. Call (620) 330-3432. CANEY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE: Keven Grigg, pastor, 407 N. Spring, Caney, KS. 620-8792101. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.; Sunday Worship, 10:30 a.m.; Youth Group, Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.; Divorce Care, For events see our Facebook page and Instagram. FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD OF CANEY: Mike Morris, minister. 301 N. McGee, Caney, KS. (620) 879-5255. Morning Worship, Sunday, 10 a.m.; Evening Worship, Sun., 6 p.m.; Sunday Youth Meeting, 6 p.m.; Wednesday Service, 6:30 p.m.; Children’s Church, 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th Sundays of the Month. The cost to have your church listed in this advertisement is $10 per month. To have your church listed on this Church Directory, call Emalee Mikel, ad director for the Montgomery County Chronicle, at 1-800-592-7606. 2-25-16 Kwajalein and Maleolap Atolls biography about his military in the Marshall Islands. experiences. He also wrote about his upbringing in Cof Kleiss was born in Coffeyville. feyville on March 7, 1916, to Louis and Lulu Kleiss, resi His biography records this, dents of Coffeyville. It was a “As a youngster, I learned to tough upbringing for Norman shoot a BB gun before I was and his two siblings — made adept at a bicycle. My best more difficult by the economic friend across the street was conditions of the Great Depres- the best shot in town. Earl sion as well as the untimely Alfonso Rosebush could shoot death of his mother to cancer a jackrabbit, using a pistol, in 1930. while driving a Chandler auto At an early age, Kleiss knew mobile along a country road. My aunt, Helen Ruthrauff, he wanted to join the military was also pretty good. She was with the goal of eventually bethe Women’s ing a combat pilot. At the “Regardless of any- Shotgun Champion of young age of thing that happened Kansas.” 15, he joined the Kansas to me, God would give As a teenagNational er, he pursued me enough strength if a hobby of Guard and served in the I worked hard enough, repairing 114th Cavalry. guns. He long enough, that I made a few In April us1934, Kleiss would be able to ac- derringers ing hand tools. mustered out complish something That ability of the Kancraft metal sas National to preserve the United to to functioning Guard in order to attend States of America.” tools garnered him a job as the U.S. Naval — NORMAN JACK “DUSTY” KLEISS an apprentice Academy. He toolmaker, graduated in getting 50 cents an hour and 1938 and immediately found himself aboard three ships: the $1 an hour in overtime — very good pay during the DepresUSS Vincennes, the USS Goff sion era. and the USS Yarnall. He gained aviator status in In recalling his military career, Kleiss speaks philosophi1940 and was aboard the USS cally about the realization of Enterprise when it was given survival in the face of utter orders to sail for Pearl Harbor danger. in May 1941. The rest is history. “I’m anything but a hero. I The Battle of Midway was don’t hate the Japanese at all. I was only doing what at the his final bombing mission, time was the proper thing to and he returned to the United do,” he said. “Regardless of States in the middle of World anything that happened to me, War II to train other Navy God would give me enough bomber pilots. His career in strength if I worked hard the U.S. navy came to an end in 1962, when he retired at the enough, long enough, that I would be able to accomplish rank of captain. something to preserve the During his retirement, United States of America.” Kleiss compiled an exhaustive Delta Kappa Gamma society tours new Caney City Library Tau Chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society for women educators met at the home of Clair and Joan Gordon in Caney at 5:30, Tuesday, March 8, for a potluck supper with Nancy McMullen as hostess co-chairman. Tables were decorated with a St. Patrick’s Day theme. Before eating, the group visited the new Caney City Library for a tour conducted by Chris Bannon, library director. Joan Gordon gave an invocation, followed by singing grace led by JoAnn Price. The meeting was conducted by President Carolyn Roberson. Roll call was answered by giving a favorite type of book. In the absence of the secretary, Juliana Wetter read minutes of the February meeting. Iris Alban gave a treasurer’s report. Letters were read from Joan Gordon and Norma Hamm. Norma Hamm of the nominations committee announced that the slate of officers for the next biennium includes: Sandra Ellis, president; Deborah Sandoval, vice-president/program chairman; and JoAnn Price, secretary. The slate of officers was unanimously elected. Iris Alban will continue as treasurer and the new president will choose a parliamentarian. Also serving on the nominations committee were Betty Boyd and Gloria McCray. Officers will be installed at the May meeting. Sandra Ellis plans to attend the Phi State convention, April 1-3, in Wichita and will represent Tau chapter. The next Tau Chapter meeting will be in Cherryvale at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, April 9, in the library of Lincoln-Central School. For the program, Andrea Hucke will talk about her visit to Peru. Page A6 Thursday, March 17, 2016 Montgomery County Chronicle Independence National champions! Have a news tip or story idea from the Independence community? Send it to [email protected] ICC’s speech program earns title at Junior Varsity National Speech & Debate Tournament The title “national champion” has fallen on an Independence Community College team. In only its second year, the ICC speech and debate team won the 2016 Junior Varsity National Speech and Debate Tournament in Hutchinson, Kan., last Saturday. The team finished in first place in Division I team sweepstakes with the highest tournament points. ICC secured entry into the final rounds of nine speaking events, including the debate event, and produced five national champions. The five national champions include: • Braidon Beard of Neodesha: international public debate, • Ylham Jorayev of Turkmenistan: poetry Interpretation, after dinner speaking. • Jaante Perkins of Kansas City, Mo.: program interpretation, and • Rylie Shoop of Neodesha: dramatic interpretation. In debate ICC produced four semifinalists: Braidon Beard, Ylham Jorayev, Kylie Parker of Hoyt, Kan., and Collin Housel of Independence. Braidon and Collin advanced to finals where Braidon won the round to finish as the nation’s debate champion. In speaking events, ICC’s results in final rounds were astounding. Collin Housel finished in second place in prose Interpretation and fourth place in dramatic interpretation. Nuraly Mamedov of Turkmenistan finished in second place in dramatic interpretation and third place in persuasive speaking. Braidon Beard finished third place in program interpretation, third place in prose interpretation, and fifth place in poetry interpretation. Additionally, Kevin Benton of Paola, Kan., claimed second Place in program interpretation. Brittne Brite of LeRoy, Kan., finished in second place in after dinner speaking, while Kita Pairadee of Texas finished in fourth place in poetry interpretation, fifth place in after dinner speaking, and a thirdplace finish in duo interpretation with teammate Jessica Turner of Independence. Rylie Shoop settled for second place in poetry interpretation, fourth place in program interpretation, and sixth place in prose interpretation. Ylham Jorayev finished third place in extemporaneous speaking, and fifth place in prose interpretation. Kaylie Parker earned sixth place in poetry interpretation. Members of the ICC Speech and Debate Team include (back row, left to right) Kita Pairadee, Braidon Beard, Kevin Benton, Collin Housel, Jaante Perkins, Brittne Brite, Konye Ori (Coach) (front row, left to right) Rylie Shoop, Ylham Jorayev, Nuraly Mamedov, Kaylie Parker, and Jessica Turner. (Courtesy photo) When it came to National Top Debate Speaker Awards, Braidon Beard was ranked second, and Jaante Perkins was ranked in third place. All six ICC debaters ranked in the all-American top 10. In the National Top Quadrathlon Speaker Awards, Ylham Jorayev was ranked second, and Rylie Shoop was ranked third. Despite appeals, ICC Clark to be bestowed hall of fame award trustees will not rehire English teacher NATIONAL FIDDLER HALL OF FAME INDUCTEE GALA • APRIL 9 • MEMORIAL HALL Country music legend Roy Clark will be awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at the National Fiddler Hall of Fame Inductee Gala in Independence on Saturday, April 9. Clark will be recognized at the annual National Fiddler Hall of Fame induction ceremony in the Independence Memorial Hall. Being inducted into the hall this year are Doug Kershaw, jazz violinist Stephane Grapelli, Joe Holley from Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys, “Texas-style” fiddler Terry Morris and blues fiddler Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown. “We are honored and excited to welcome these extremely talented musicians into the National Fiddler Hall of Fame class of inductees. This group represents a variety of music genres and fiddle styles including jazz, folk, cajun, blues, rock, classical and western swing,” said Bob Fjeldsted, president of the National Fiddler Hall of Fame. Performers for the event include Jana Jae, Jake Duncan, The Round Up Boys, Jim Paul Blair, Barry Bones Patton and members of the Tulsa Playboys. The show will include performances by Doug Kershaw (2016 Inductee), Jana Roy Clark Jae, members of The Tulsa Playboys, Jake Duncan, Barry “Bones” Patton, Jim Paul Blair, The Round Up Boys and many more. Emceeing this year’s event is none other than the Ole Hoot Owl himself, Jim Jefferies from Big Country 99.5 in Tulsa. From Merle Haggard to Roy Clark, Jim has been playing classic country hits for many years. A musician in his own right, Jefferies plays the saxophone, clarinet and flute. The night will include, for VIP ticket holders, a pre-show reception and an after show fiddle-jam. The Independence High School and Middle School Strings will be performing at the reception. The after jam will be a fun jam session including several of the show’s performers as well as bluegrass band, Grass Crack. Tickets for the event are available at and Get Independence on Facebook. Reserved seating: $19.50, $29.50, and VIP $49.50. VIP tickets include exclusive seating, preshow reception and post-show Fiddle Jam. For more information call (800) 8823606. The National Fiddler Hall of Fame is headquartered in Tulsa, Okla., and is dedicated to honoring individuals for their contributions to fiddling, to preserve, educate and promote the art of fiddling and its historical and social significance. Art center to hold drawing workshop on Monday The Independence Historical Museum and Art Center, 123 N. 8th, is will hold a drawing workshop on Monday, March 21, from 9 a.m. to noon. Steve Greenwall will teach the session. The fee is $20, and the workshop is open to the public, 18 years of age or older. Steve Greenwall is a retired Allen County Community College art instructor. He has degrees from Brigham Young University, and has taught sec- ondary and community college levels. Greenwall has shown his work in various places in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. He has also exhibited in Japan. The museum has hosted drawing workshops for 18 months; this session will feature faces from the side and also three-quarter views. Students should bring the following supplies: Sketch book, charcoal, drawing pencils (#2, 2B, 4B, 6B) The Independence Community College trustees voted to non-renew the contract for instructor Dr. James Yates, despite a lobbying effort by ICC students and faculty to save the instructor’s job. At their monthly meeting on March 9, trustees voted unanimously to support the recommendation from Dr. Dan Barwick to non-renew Yates’ contract for the 201617 school year. No reason was offered publicly for Yates’ job dismissal. Yates was an English instructor at ICC. Prior to the board conferring about Yates in executive session, which is closed to the public and press, the trustees heard appeals from several ICC students and Yates himself. Nurali Mamdeov, a Phi Theta Kappa honoree who represented iCC as the 2016 Coca Cola New Century Scholar, presented the trustees with a petition bearing the names of 158 ICC students who asked for Yates’ return to the faculty roster next school year. On March 11, two days after the meeting, Yates posted on Facebook that he was humbled by the support from ICC students. “This is not about me, but Easter egg hunt scheduled for March 26 The Independence Rotary Club and Riverside Park Board will hold the annual Easter Egg hunt on Saturday, March 26 at 3 p.m., in the park oval area. The annual Eater egg hunt will be held for local children age 9 years and younger. Gift cards will be given to those who find a special note inside their egg. Take the special note to the Easter bunny to claim your prize. A rain date will be held at 3 p.m., Sunday, March 27. Announcements will be posted on the City of Independence’s website and park’s Facebook page in case of rain. The age divisions (and areas of the park oval designated for them) will be: • Age 0-1 years: Park oval, blue section. • Age 2-3 years: Park oval, orange section. • Age 4-5 years: Park oval, red section. its about the students of ICC,” he said. According to Yates’ post, ICC students plastered fliers on the ICC campus showing multiple images of Yates and the message, “He was there for the students when no one else was.” Those fliers were removed by ICC administration later that day, according to Yates’ post. “I’m so proud of these young people — again not because of me — because they cared enough and spoke out,” he wrote. “For all the students at ICC, thank you for allowing me to be your professor these past two years. It’s truly been an honor.” In other business at the March 9 meeting, the trustees: • heard a report from Karen Carpenter with the Inge Center for the Arts about the upcoming 2016 Inge Festival. Carpenter spoke to the trustees via Skype because she was in Indianapolis, Ind., to serve as a director of an opera. • congratulated Nurali Mamdeov and Niena Ramirez, two ICC students who were named the 2016 Coca-Cola New Century Scholars through Phi Theta Kappa. The two students were recently honored at a banquet in Topeka. We understand… • Age 6-7 years: Bandshell, purple section. • Age 8-9 years: Bandshell, green section. Commitment For decades, Edward Jones has been committed to providing financial solutions and personalized service to individual investors. Jason Rutledge – Financial Advisor Melissa Unruh – Branch Office Administrator Teresa Lewis – Senior Branch Office Administrator Jason L Rutledge, AAMS® Financial Advisor 110 S. 18th • Parsons • Hours: Thurs. 5pm - 9pm, Fri. 5pm - 9pm, Sat. 3pm - 9pm 308 N Penn Ave • Independence, KS 620-331-3850 Jason Rutledge, along with his staff Teresa Lewis and Melissa Unruh, continue this commitment to personal service right here in downtown Independence. Your local Edward Jones office is ready to assess your financial needs and develop a secure plan for your family’s future. Call Jason today to arrange a free portfolio review. Don’t have a portfolio? Jason can show you where to start and make sure you are headed in the right direction. • member SIPC Thursday, March 17, 2016 INDEPENDENCE Page A7 Montgomery County Chronicle Astra Arts Festival to include Tonic Sol Fa in concert Ernie Haase and Signature Sound, fiddler Jana Jae also in concert during festival, June 30-July 4 A new vocal group and a returning favorite from the 2014 Astra Arts Festival have been announced as headliners at this year’s festival June 30July 4 in Independence. Tonic Sol Fa, an a capella trio whose performance venues range from college campuses to national television and radio, will launch the evening series of performances. Also booked is Ernie Haase and his Signature Sound gospel music group. Tonic Sol Fa will perform at 8 p.m. Thursday, June 30, at Memorial Hall. The show will be the first of five varied nighttime performances. During the festival’s daytime hours, there will be free concerts, art demonstrations and exhibits, children’s activities, literature, poetry and other celebrations of artistic expression. Locations across town will be used, including performance spaces, classrooms, churches, the library, downtown stores, the museum, historic homes and Riverside Park. “We are thrilled to have Tonic Sol Fa, which has enjoyed sold-out performances across the Midwest, traveled throughout the country and abroad, and racked up CD sales of 2 million,” Astra Board of Directors President Lea Shepard said. “I like the New York Times’s description of these guys as ‘a vocal kaledoscope...unique to the human voice.’” Tonic Sol-fa (“sol-fa” refers to two notes of the musical scale), began at St. John’s University in Central Minnesota and includes lead vocalist Shaun Johnson, tenor and vocal percussionist Greg Bannwarth, and Jared Dove, bass. Together the group achieved national attention on NBC’s “Today” show and in Newsweek magazine. They have shared the stage with Jay Leno, Jeff Foxworthy and Lonestar, and were recently part of Garrison Keillor’s 30th Anniversary celebration of “A Prairie Home Companion.” Ernie Haase and Signature Sound will perform at 8 p.m. Friday, July 1, at Memorial Hall. “This group’s four-part harmonies and varied, highenergy performance wowed the Astra audience two years ago, and we’re so glad to get to bring them back,” Shepard said. Formed in 2003, Signature Sound has grown its audiences around the world, including concerts in Latvia, India, South Africa and New Zealand. The performers have made TV ap- Ernie Haase and Signature Sound Tonic Sol Fa pearances on ESPN through NASCAR races and at NBA games singing the national anthem. The group has been nominated for Grammy and for Dove Awards of the Gospel Music Association. Also in concert during the Astra Arts Festival will be fiddler Jana Jae. Jae will perform in concert at 6 p.m., Saturday, July 2 at the Independence High School Performing Arts Center Musical talent runs through Jae’s family. Her parents studied at the famed Juilliard School of Music, New York City, and Jana was introduced to the classical study of the violin, on a 1/8-sized instrument, at the age of 2. Thanks to the direction and inspiration of her grandfather, an accomplished champion fiddler in his own right, Jana also learned to love playing by ear. She virtually grew up jamming with and learning from some of the best in the business while living in western Idaho, not far from Weiser, the site of the National Oldtime Fiddlers’ Contest. Soon she had honed her skill of fiddling into a fine art and won the Ladies National Championship several times. She also continued her classical training, winning scholarships to Interlochen and the International String Congress. She graduated magna cum laude with a degree in music and studied abroad at the Vi- enna Academy of Music. She taught music for several years until she felt inspired to take her unique blend of music on the road. Jana and her trademark blue fiddle soon took the world of country music by storm. She got her big break at a Buck Owens concert in Redding, California, when she was invited to take the stage and play “Orange Blossom Special.” Buck was one of the first “big names” to recognize her talents and offered her a job as the first female member of his “Buckaroos” band. She later became part of the regular team of performers on the “Hee Haw” show and has appeared with such country music greats as Chet Atkins, Roy Clark, Ray Stevens, The Oakridge Boys, Mel Tillis, Ricky Skaggs and the Nitty Jana Jae Gritty Dirt Band. Planning for Astra is kicking into high gear, and program developments can be found on Astra’s Facebook page, Astra Arts Festival, and Web site, New Life Baptist Church continues to evolve, provide local missions BY DONNA CELAYA [email protected] Parishoners at New Life Baptist Church, 2515 S. 10th St., Independence, are not just witnesses to reincarnation. They’re enablers. No, they don’t plan to come back from death as bugs or birds, but they whole-heartedly endorse the rebirth of old buildings as they’re used for completely new and nobler purposes. Associate pastor John Campbell and his wife, Jeanne, spoke on behalf of their senior pastor, Kevin McChesney, who works a full-time job in addition to his responsibilities with the church. They said the original church building decades ago was a tavern and at some point a mosque before it was christened as Riverside Baptist Church. “Then about 5 years ago, we changed the name to New Life Baptist,” John Campbell said. He said no one had ever compiled a history of the church from the beginning and most of those older folks have died, “but we do know a little of the history just from what we’ve been told,” he said. “We’ve taken good care of the old building through the years, but it’s obvious that it’s old and about worn out. We’ll probably give the kitchen and classrooms a new coat of paint this summer, but we don’t plan to replace any of the old, worn carpet or anything else that’s expensive. It’s just time for a new building, and we’d rather spend the money there if we have to spend anything.” So now the congregation is working on another major transition as they labor to transform the old Independence skating rink building into their new church building. Campbell said the congregation moved an old skating rink from its original location on West Main Street 20 years ago, put it on a new foundation behind the existing church building, and patiently worked on it as the congregation could afford it. When they finally move to the new building, the old church building will be SIMPLE SAVINGS. Bundle, and Save a Bundle Bundling your insurance into a single package policy saves time and money. Add life insurance for your family and you could save even more. Contact us and discover how we make insurance simple. Agent Photo Agent2Photo Anna Lawless Thomas Jackson From left to right: Thomas Jackson, Sarah Coatney, 217 W Myrtle 2936 Military Independence Springs Anna Lawless, & NormanBaxter Johnson razed to make room for addition parking. And completion of the new building renovation project can’t come too quickly. “We have a lot of young families and a lot of kids in our congregation. We’re running out of room for children’s church. It’s pretty packed,” Campbell said. “Not that I’m complaining. We think that part is wonderful. We just really need to get into our new building. The only thing that’s holding us up is being able to afford the fire doors that are required. That’s going to set us back another $15,000 or so.” Campers on Mission, a group that travels the nation providing physical assistance to churches involved in building projects, has helped with some of the work at the church, and they will be back this summer, Campbell said. “They have been such a great help. They’re just wonderful people, and most of them are retired from construction jobs of one kind or another so they really know what they’re doing,” Jeanne Campbell said. “They work with our guys and we provide them with electricity for their campers and we provide most of their meals. Families in our congregation take turns fixing food for them.” The new sanctuary is at least twice as big as the old one, seating as many as 300. The building also sports a fully equipped kitchen and dining area, several large meeting rooms and classrooms upstairs and on the ground floor. A chair lift will provide access to the second floor for those who can’t manage stairs. The ground level also has the nursery, a toddler room, plenty of New Life Baptist Church associate pastor John Campbell and his wife, Jeanne, pose in front of the mural Jeanne painted in the toddler room at their new church building. The congregation is hoping to raise the last $15,000 needed to install fire doors needed before they can start to use the new structure. (Photo by Donna Celaya) storage and a large gymnasium that will serve doubleduty as an emergency shelter should the need arise. The Campbells said the church would like to initiate or revive some other programs, including starting an afterschool program and a youth group for teens, and bringing back the old clothes closet with clothing for whomever needs it. The church already hosts Trail Life for boys and American Heritage Girls, programs that are similar to secular scouting programs for children and teens up to age 19. The groups meet at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays twice a month now and could move to weekly if there’s enough interest. “I’m the chaplain,” John Campbell said. Jeanne Campbell said. “We’re also thinking about setting up a computer lab, and the gym already has a pool table, foosball and basketball court.” “Our sanctuary has cameras and an audio system already set up so we can broadcast our services, probably online,” John Campbell said. “Our son, Wayne, is our IT guy, and he’s very good at it.” “This has been a huge undertaking and the long-term project is getting close to fruition,” Wayne Campbell said. “Unfortunately, we are stymied by the high cost of fire doors, and we’re hoping to generate some donations for the project.” In the meantime, the church continues to carry on doing the work it has set out to do. It offers Sunday school for all ages at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays, followed by worship services and children’s church. The church is planning a sunrise service at 6 a.m. on Easter, March 27, at the pastor’s house and church services at 10:30 a.m. at the church; and a revival over Passover, April 24 -27, with a Jewish Passover Seder meal on Sunday, April 24. Vacation Bible School likely will be in July, and more information will be available closer to the start of the program. Volunteers also continue to do finishing work on the building on Fridays and Saturdays. Anyone who wants to join them is welcome. To learn more, call the Campbells at (620)702-6021. (620) 331-4992 (620) 856-2678 217 W. Myrtle • Independence, KSAgent • (620) 331-4992 Agent Info Here Info Here Find us on Facebook! Logo Here Farm Bureau Property & Casualty Insurance Company,* Western Agricultural Insurance Company,* Farm Bureau Disclosure Here Life Insurance Company*/West Des Moines, IA. *Company providers of Farm Bureau Financial Services PC071 (7-15) Get a $50 reward toward your engagement ring purchase! 1312 W. 11th St., Coffeyville, KS (620) 251-3530 208 N. Penn, Independence, KS (620) 331-2340 Page A8 Thursday, March 17, 2016 Montgomery County Chronicle INDEPENDENCE Sewing camp held this week in Independence The Wildcat Extension District this week is holding its annual sewing camp for 4-H youths. About one dozen local youths are spending their weekday mornings this week learning the essentials of sewing. The youths have the opportunity to make simply crafts, such as pin cushions and small pillows, to more detailed articles, such as bath robes, skirts and blankets. (Left photo) Emery and Heidi Keene of the Fawn Creek 4-H Club receive guidance from sewing camp instructor Nancy Hamilton as they pick out a design while (right photo) Alia Bannon of the Valley Victors 4-H Club tries her hand with needle and thread while making a pouch. The camp sessions have been held at the Wildcat Extension District Office on Peter Pan Road. (Photos by Andy Taylor) Playwright to have two staged readings on ICC stage Lynn N. Silver The Inge Center of the Arts resumed Playwright Residencies this semester, and Independence reaps the rewards with two plays presented in one day. The staged readings will be presented at 12:30 p.m. and 7 p.m., Saturday, March 26 at the Inge Theatre on the ICC campus. Both readings are free to the public. Current Inge playwright-in-residence Lynn N. Silver will have a staged reading of “Waiting for Elijah” at 12:30 p.m. The reading will include a cast with several local favorites. “Home” will be read at 7 p.m. with Broadway actress Antoinette LaVecchia and frequent Inge festival performer Joseph Gomez. “Home,” written during Lynn’s residency in Independence, incorporates the sounds and stories she’s heard here during her stay. A two-character play about a neurotic New Yorker who meets a spiritual Midwestern man, and through their interaction they discover what “home” is, and where it lies. Running time is one hour. Lynn says of the script “Home”: “When I got here, I read all four of Inge’s most famous plays in two days. The third day, I sat on that incredible porch at the Inge House, listening to the distant sound of a train and a dog barking. I closed my eyes, let the sun hit my face and the sounds of Independence wash over me. I decided right there and then to write a play that began just like that: a woman from New York sitting on a porch in the Midwest somewhere. Then my imagination started to fly. What if a man from the Midwest approaches? The rest unfolded as I listened to and absorbed the people of Independence, as Inge did. Both characters consist of the voices of many people combined, but they are truly fictional people. I loved writing it, but more importantly I’ve loved being in Independence!” “Waiting for Elijha” is a serio-comic story about a family in the 1970s, whose vinyl record pressing company is caught in the web of an F.B.I. investigation into bootleg records, and how that affects and ultimately changes each of the family members. The play has been under development with Karen Carpenter for the past year. Starring Gary Mitchell, Lois Lessman, Callie Hagood, and Lea Shepard, running time is approximately an hour and a half. Silver is a playwright, actress, producer and teacher, living in New York City. Datebook THURSDAYMARCH17 • The Caney City Rec Center will be open to the public from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. • The Caney Valley Historical Museum is open to the public 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. • The Caney City Library is open from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Spring Break Shenanigans for kids will feature a MYO “lucky” snack and movie, “The Good Dinosaur” at 10 a.m. FRIDAYMARCH18 • The Caney Valley Historical Society will host book signings by Dale R. Lewis, author of “Footprints in the Dew,” and Doris “Coke” Meyer, author of “I Called Him Uncle Will” from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Sandstone Building, 4th and State streets. See detailed story found elsewhere in this issue. • The Caney City Rec Center will be open to the public from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. • The Caney City Library is open from 12 noon to 6 p.m.; Spring Break Shenanigans for kids will feature the movie showing “Peanuts” at 1:30 p.m. SATURDAYMARCH19 • Medicalodges’ 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Independence will be held at 2 p.m., 1000 W. Mulberry. • The Caney City Library is open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; storytime for kids will be featured at 10 a.m. • The Caney Construction Debris Landfill/Brush Dump will be open, weather permitting, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., for the free disposal of accepted items. There is a fee to dis- pose of construction items and debris. Those using the landfill must show a recent Caney City water bill to the gate attendant. SUNDAYMARCH20 • First day of spring. • The Caney Valley Historical Museum will be open for public viewing from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. MONDAYMARCH21 • The public is invited to attend the “Night at the Museum, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Caney Valley Historical Museum, downtown Caney, featuring historical displays concerning local history. The event is presented by the Advanced Placement U.S. History class at Caney Valley High School. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for kids and free to any CVHS student. See detailed story found elsewhere in this issue. • The Caney Lions Club will hold its dinner meeting at 6 p.m. in the Lions Den at the Caney Recreation Center, 403 E. First Ave. • Cherryvale City Council will meet at 7 p.m. in the council chambers at City Hall, 123 W. Main. • Montgomery County Commission will meet at 9 a.m., in the commission chambers at the Montgomery County Judicial Center in Independence. • The USD 445-Coffeyville Board of Education will meet at 6 p.m. at the Klotz Service Center, 615 Ellis. • The Caney City Council will hold its semi-monthly meeting, which is open to the public, at 7 p.m. in the council meeting room. • The Valley Victors 4-H Club will hold its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. in the Sycamore Township Hall. • The Caney Valley Historical Museum is open to the public 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. • The Caney City Rec Center is open to the public 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m • The Caney City Library is open from 12 noon to 6 p.m. TUESDAYMARCH22 • The Caney City Rec Center will be open to the public from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. • The Caney Valley Historical Museum is open to the public 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. • The Caney City Library is open from 12 noon to 7 p.m.; the Caney City Library board will hold its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. in the library. • The Caney Masonic Lodge #324 will hold a regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the lodge hall. •The National Weather Service in Wichita will hold its Storm Fury On the Plains weather workshop at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 22 in the basement of the Montgomery County Judicial Center in Independence. WEDNESDAYMARCH23 • The Caney City Rec Center will be open to the public from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. • The Caney Valley Historical Museum is open to the public 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. • The Caney City Library is open from 12 noon to 6 p.m. • The Spring Scholastic Book Fair will be held at the Caney City LIbrary start today through Monday, April 4, during regular library hours. All purchases can be assigned to your choice of teacher at the local grade school. The class with the most amount of dollars by the end of the fair will be treated to a class party! The second place class will win a number of age appropriate books for their classroom library. • The Caney United Methodist Church will host its free community dinner in the church fellowship hall with serving from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. The featured dinner item will be sloppy joes. The public is invited to attend. THURSDAYMARCH24 • The Independence City Commission meeting will be held in the Veterans Room at the Civic Center, 5:30 p.m. • The Mass of the Lord’s Supper will be presented at 5:45 p.m., followed by the Adoration from 6:45 p.m. to 11 p.m., at the Caney Sacred Heart Catholic Church. • The Caney City Rec Center will be open to the public from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. • The Caney Valley Historical Museum is open to the public 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. • The Caney City Library is open from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. FRIDAYMARCH25 • Good Friday. • The First Leadership, Independence, will meet. • The Cherryvale Ministerial Association will host a community Good Friday worship service from noon to 1 p.m. at the Assembly of God Church, corner of South Montgomery and East 4th streets. • The Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross, and Holy Communion will be given at the Caney Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 7 p.m. • The Caney City Rec Center will be open to the public from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. • The Caney City Library is open from 12 noon to 6 p.m. SATURDAYMARCH26 • The Caney Lions Club Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held promptly at 10 a.m. near the Caney Valley High School track, for kids ages toddler through 11 years old. Be early for the 10 o’clock start. See detailed story found elsewhere in this issue. • The Riverside Park Community Easter Egg Hunt, Independence, will be held at 3 p.m., sponsored by the Rotary Club, and is for ages 0-9 years of age. • The Caney City Library is open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. • Cherryvale Nursing and Rehabilitation Center will host an Easter egg hunt for children ages 0 through 9 starting at 10 a.m. at the center, 1001 W. Main. Caught your eye . . . didn’t it? That’s the value of advertising in the Montgomery County Chronicle! Call Emalee Mikel at 1-800592-7606 for eye-catching advertising information. Thursday, March 17, 2016 Caney Page A9 Montgomery County Chronicle After-school care program discussed at board meeting School board also accepts retirement notice of longtime physical education teacher Robin Rolls BY ANDY TAYLOR [email protected] Representing Caney Valley High School at the Tri-Valley League Forensics Meet in Cherryvale on Saturday, March 5 were (front row, left to right) Dane Rigby, Areal Davisson, Kennedy Griffin, Bryce Sanders, Montana Sterns, Emily Traw, (back row, left to right) Marilyn Nelson (coach), Nathan Wells, Ryan Nelson, Eric Floyd, and Bowen Scoles. (Courtesy photo) Forensics team places 2nd at league meet The Caney Valley High School forensics team competed at the Tri-Valley League Meet in Cherryvale on March 5. The team came home with a secondplace trophy and had several members qualify for the state forensics championship in May. Gold medalists included Ryan Nelson and Emily Traw, duet acting; and Kennedy Griffin, extemporaneous speaking, original oration. Other medalists from Caney Valley included Bryce Sanders, who won sixth in humorous interpretation; Emily Traw, who claimed sixth in impromptu speaking and second place in prose; Montana Sterns, second place in informative speaking, second place in impromptu speaking, fourth place in dramatic interpretation; Eric Floyd, fifth place in original oration and third place in extemporaneous speaking; Nathan wells, who finished in fifth place in extemporaneous speaking and fifth place in informative speaking; and Dane Rigby, who earned fourth place in informative speaking and second place in extemporaneous speaking. Bowen Scoles and Areal Davisson competed for Caney Valley as well. **** On Friday, March 4, five Caney Valley Forensics students competed in Congressional Debate at Southeast-Cherokee High School, Ryan Nelson placed fourth in House 1 and Kennedy Griffin placed third in House 2. Also competing for Caney Valley were Eric Floyd, Collin Grayum and Nathan Wells. Events planned to raise funds for nat’l tourney The Caney Valley High School debate and forensics tournament will hold several fundraisers to generate revenue to send national speech qualifiers to a national tournament in Utah in June. Caney Valley has two students qualified for the National Speech and Debate Tournament in Salt Lake City. They are Kennedy Griffin and Dane Rigby in policy debate. In the coming weeks, nationalqualifying tournaments will be held for other events, such as dramatic interpretation, United States and international extemporaneous speaking, and duo interpretation. Due to reduced state funding to school districts, funds needed to attend the na- tional tournament must be raised by the students and their families. On April 1-2, during the Caney city-wide yard sales, the forensics team will hold a yard sale/ bake sale in the high school parking lot. Donations for this sale are appreciated. Contact Susan Traw at (620) 870-1202, or Marilyn Nelson at (620) 879-5171, to arrange for donation pickup. On Tuesday, April 12, the forensics students are hosting a video game tournament at the high school from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Watch for further information in the next few weeks. For questions, contact Jenny Grayum at (620) 252-5330, or Kelly Grayum at (620) 515-4625. An Ice Cream Social/Forensics Show- case will be hosted from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, April 17 at the high school. For $4.00, enjoy a sundae with your choice of toppings served in the school cafeteria. Then move into the auditorium where students will present their performance events. The forensics showcase will start at 5 p.m. and admission is by donation. For more information, contact Niki Collier at (918) 440-8888. Donations to the CVHS debate and forensics team are appreciated. Checks may be made payable to the Caney Valley High School and mailed to 601 Bullpup Blvd., Caney, KS 67333. Garden Club to sponsor ‘Yard of the Month’ effort Dust off your rakes, hoes, spades and clippers. The Caney Garden Club is sponsoring a “Yard of the Month” beginning this May. Each month, May through September, the garden club will select a yard within the city limits of Caney that has been nominated as Yard of the Month. Forms for nominations will be available at the Caney City Library and need to be returned to the library by the second Thursday of each month; the first deadline will be May 12. If you prefer, you may email your nomination to Deb Heady, club president, at [email protected]. The main criteria for the winning yard will be neatness. Yards will be judged on flow- ers, shrubs or well-maintained lawn work. The main rules are for neatness and maintenance. Nominations submitted by the second Thursday of each month will be judged and a commemorative sign will be placed in the winner’s yard the next week and will remain until the following month. Recognition will be your reward. You may nominate the same yard more than once, but each month we will judge only nominations submitted for that month. Club members urge the public to check out your seed catalogs, visit nurseries and sharpen the lawnmower blades, so that you might be recognized as the Yard of the Month winner. The Caney Lions Club Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held promptly at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 26, near the Caney Valley High School track. Hundreds of easter eggs, each containing either candy or prizes, will be on the ground which will be divided into areas according to kids’ ages, toddlers through 11 years of age. Some of the eggs will have coupons from local eateries offering drinks, ice cream and food as prizes and also money and candy provided by others. The Easter Bunny will be on hand, therefore parents are encouraged to bring their camera or cell phone to take pictures of their children with the Easter’s favorite rabbit. Donuts and juice will also be served courtesy of the Caney Lions Club. Nancy Moore, Lions president, reminds the public to attend the event prior to 10 a.m. “At 10:01 a.m. the hunt is over -- it doesn’t take long for all the kids to gather their eggs,” she said. Attendees must bring their own baskets or sacks to gather their Easter items. There will be no rain date for the event. All kids are invited to attend. USD 436 Board of Education members on Monday learned of plans to apply for a federal program that, if awarded, would create an after-school program for local children. Supt. Blake Vargas said the program, called the 21st Century Grant Partnership Program, is available through U.S. Department of Education and targets communities that are devoid of education and enrichment activities during non-school hours. The program would allow USD 436 to develop an after-school program that incorporates an education component, such as after-school tutoring, as well as an “enrichment” project, which involves recreational activities. “We are sending a majority of our younger kids home each day with an older sibling, and I would probably guess that what they do in their afterschool hours isn’t academic,” said Vargas. “What we hope to do is create an after-school program for the families of Caney students. It won’t be restrictive or exclusive. It would be open to any student in USD 436.” One of the criteria used in determining a recipient of the grant is the extent of collaboration with local organizations as well as other schools that have already adopted an after-school program. Vargas said he envisions partnering with the Coffeyville Recreation Commission and USD 445, which operates an afterschool program in Coffeyville. The staff would guide USD 436 personnel in establishing the program, including setting the infrastructure and logistics of the program. Vargas said the minimum grant award is $50,000 each year for five years. USD 436 will be notified in June if it receives the 21st Century Grant. If awarded, Vargas said the program would start in August. In other business transacted at Monday’s school board meeting the school board: • accepted the retirement notice of Robin Rolls, longtime physical education teacher at Lincoln Memorial Elementary School. Rolls will retire at the end of the 2015-16 years after 39 years of service to the local district. Rolls, a Caney native who was employed at Lincoln shortly after her graduation from college in 1977, said she will also resign her post as assistant softball coach following the 2016 season. She did indicate she would prefer to continue as the assistant girls’ basketball coach at Caney Valley High School for the 201617 season. • accepted the resignation of Chris Goble as high school forensics coach and teacher at Caney Valley Jr.-Sr. High School. Goble indicated in his resignation letter that he plans to relocate to Lawrence, Kan. • heard a report from Vargas on the board’s goal to replace older buses in the USD 436 fleet. The board has already acquired two pre-owned buses as daily route buses. The goal for the board is to now replace the activity bus, which is used to transport teams to various events and competitions. The board examined a video from National Bus Sales in Oklahoma concerning the possible acquisition of a preowned, 46-seat activity bus. • learned that the district’s administrative vehicle, which is a Ford Taurus, recently encountered its final trip after amassing more than 260,000 miles. Vargas said a similar vehicle will be acquired to replace the Ford Taurus, if there is enough at the end of the 2015-16 budget year. School board OKs contract extensions for three principals Lions Club’s Easter egg hunt planned for March 26 Contract extensions have been granted to three USD 436 principals. After conferring behind closed doors for 45 minutes on Monday night, the USD 436 Board of Education unanimously agreed to extend contracts for an additional year to Bill Ellis, high school principal; Ron Oyler, junior high princi- pal; and Ken Eckelberry, grade school principal. Salary considerations will be made at a later meeting. Present at Monday’s meeting were board members Ron Wade, Austin Bruce, Aaron Richey, Mark Artherton, Zach Ellison and Darlene Sanders. Absent was board member Rick Wilson. Death In The Light Of Fire While the world was transfixed on the great Caney gas well fire 110 years ago this month, few people gave notice that a young man was left for dead in an ice-cold jail, unable to speak or care for his wounds. No one was ever convicted in the death of Ralph Paris. No one cared. Read Andy Taylor’s thrilling story, “Death In The Light Of Fire,” in the March 24 issue of the Montgomery County Chronicle. Page A10 Thursday, March 17, 2016 Montgomery County Chronicle CANEY FFA teams have strong showing at dairy cattle, poultry contests Caney Valley High School FFA Chapter sent two poultry judging teams to the Southeast Kansas District Poultry Judging and Dairy Cattle Judging competition last week. The two teams included (front row, left to right) Josh Sutton, Kaygan Shull, Tiffany Egan, (back row, left to right) Josh Davis, Justin Ward, Tyler Frontzak, and Jacen Clapp. (Courtesy photo) Area authors to sign books on Friday at Sandstone Building The Caney Valley Historical Society will host a book signing event for area authors Dale R. Lewis and Doris “Coke” Meyer from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, March 18. The event will be held in the society’s Sandstone Building, 4th and State streets. Lewis, known as the “Original Buffalo Dale” from Bartlesville, Okla., will be on hand to autograph his book, “Footprints in the Dew,” written about the life of the late Damon Chub Anderson, former Copan and Caney resident, and his involvement in the E.C. Mullendore murder case that took place about 45 years ago. The Mullendore ranch is located west and south of Caney in Oklahoma. Doris “Coke” Meyer, also of Bartlesville and a former resident and business owner of Caney, is the author of “I Called Him Uncle Will,” which details her relationship with her great-uncle, humorist Will Rogers. The public is encouraged to attend the book signing on March 18, and both authors will have their books for sale. Level III Trauma Center 24/7 Emergency Physician On Staff: Certified in Advanced Trauma Life Support by the American College of Surgeons 24/7 On-Call Coverage: General Surgeon * Anesthesia * Orthopedic Surgeon Radiologist * Lab * Blood Bank Take Me To . . . 1902 S. Hwy 59 * Parsons * (620) 421-4881 * IOLA — The Caney Valley High School FFA Chapter brought home honors from the Southeast Kansas District Poultry Judging and Dairy Cattle Judging competition that was held at Allen County Community College Kimber Kiersey, FFA advisor, said the senior poultry judging team had the best showing, earning second place overall. Team members (and their individual finishes) were Tyler Frontzak, fourth high individual; Justin Ward, seventh high individual; Jacen Clapp, eighth high individual; and Josh Davis, 11th high individual. The junior poultry judging team claimed third place overall. Team members included Tiffany Egan, who was the second-place individual winner. Other team members Citywide yard sales set for April 1-2 The citywide yard sale for Caney will be held Friday and Saturday, April 1-2, sponsored by Caney Valley Historical Society. There will be a $5 fee for anyone holding a yard sale to get on the official shoppers’ map. Those interested should drop by the historical society office, 310 W. 4th, Caney, to make arrangements. Teresa Rau with the Caney Valley Historical Society said there will be no central sale in the City park this time. Garden Club discusses landscape design for new Caney City Library The Caney Garden Club met Thursday, March 16, at the Caney Historical Society building. President Deb Heady called the meeting to order and Linda Cowan share a thought for the day. The Object of the Club was read by those present. Roll call was answered with a “garden memory from childhood.” Most memories mentioned were of grandmothers’ gardens, sweet peas, bachelor buttons, holly hocks, quince trees and jelly, and huge flowering rose bushes. Minutes were read and approved with one correction of the meeting being held at the historical building instead of Deb Heady’s home as stated in the minutes. Linda Cowan will make arrangements to collect some five-inch clay pots for club members. Sharon Shippy gave the treasurer’s report. The purple martin program held on March 5 was a huge success, thanks to Wes Martin. We does an excellent job and we are looking forward to holding another program next year. The bird feeder, donated by Nancy Roe, was won by J. Artherton. The club will have tables set up during the Caney Citywide Garage Sale on April 1-2. The club and items will be set up in front of Thornton Graphics on south highway 75 on Saturday, April 2, from 9 a.m. to noon, and we will have perennial plants for sale. In unfinished club business, the Yard of the Month was discussed. The project will begin in May. Forms will be available soon at the new Caney City Library for people to nominate yards to be considered. Or you can email Deb Heady at [email protected] with your nomination. Nominations need to be turned in by the second Thursday of each month beginning in May and going through September. Yards to be considered need not to have flower beds exclusively; we are looking for well maintained lawns, neatness, also flower beds, but not limited to flower beds. There Colleen French – Patient at Windsor Place Home N Sight will not be any money or gifts awarded, but a sign put in the yard of the winner which will stay until the following month. New business discussed included designing the flower beds and landscaping for the new Caney City Library. We will have plants ready when they have completed all the cement work on the grounds and parking lot. Due to the delay in completing the cement work at the library, we may have to wait until fall to plant the trees/ shrubs we are donating. We will meet Monday, March 14, at 9 a.m., at Caney’s Wark Memorial Park to clean out flower beds and then move to the Little White Schoolhouse to clean out the bed. Sally Love gave the program on “Do-It-Yourself Organic Pest Control.” She had several helpful hints about controlling pests in our area. The next meeting will be Thursday, April 7, at the home of Diane Whicker with Dee Roper giving the program. Linda Cowan, secretary Sacred Heart Catholic Church schedules Holy Week services Father Sixtus Myint, pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Moline, St. Robert’s, Sedan and Sacred Heart, Caney, has announced area Holy Week services. The Blessing and Procession of Palms will be held in all three parishes before the beginning of the Holy Mass on Palm Sunday, March 19, at Moline at 5 p.m., on March 20 in Sedan at 9 a.m., and Caney at 11 a.m. Chrism Mass, or the Mass of the Oils, will be celebrated A Few Kind Words From Colleen French… “I came to Home N Sight to recover from my first knee replacement surgery. It was the best place I had ever been. This time I had knee replacement surgery again, but I also had a fracture so I’m non-weight-bearing for at least six weeks. My family was moving to Houston, but I chose to stay behind because I wanted Dr. Menon to do my surgery and I wanted to come to Home N Sight for recovery and therapy. My family has been very understanding and supports my decision because they know what good care I get here. I can’t say enough good stuff about the care I get here. Everybody is patient, kind and accommodating. They are always going out of their way to make things easier for you. The therapy is excellent. I can’t imagine going anywhere else. It’s hard to express how happy and lucky I feel that I’m recuperating at Home N Sight. I’m so thankful I’m here. I can’t think of anyplace better to recover than Home N Sight.” were Kaygan Shull, 11th high individual, and Josh Sutton, 13th high individual. The junior dairy cattle judging team won fourth place. Team members were Jake Keene, 10th high individual; Andrew Anderson, 13th high individual; Jaden Trimble, 19th high individual; and Morgan Keene, 22nd high individual. What makes a short-term stay at Windsor Place so unique is the Home N Sight environment. A separate exterior, private entrance leads to a redesigned and renovated residence devoted exclusively to our short-term guests. Large, well-appointed guest rooms are predominantly private, while a comfortable common space fosters family involvement in the patient’s holistic recovery. Other stand-out features include special attention to personal care services in the Home N Sight “Spa” and “7 to 7 Dining”, our menudriven meal program. Patients can make meal choices from a menu or a variety of daily specials anytime between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. If you could use a little help recovering from illness, injury or surgery, we invite you to come stay with us at Home N Sight. We would love to show and tell you more about Home N Sight with a personal tour of this special residence. Call Karen at (620) 252-4929 for more information or to arrange an appointment. 105 Catalpa Street • Coffeyville, KS • (620) 251-5190 in Wichita by Bishop Michael Jacobs and all of the priests of the Wichita diocese on Tuesday, March 22. Oil is an ancient symbol of strengthening, healing and preparation. The Holy Oils are used in baptism, confirmation and anointing of the sick. A representative from one of the parishes is chosen to attend the Chrism Mass in Wichita. This year Kelley and Brenda Grady from St. Robert’s in Sedan were chosen to attend these services and bring the Holy Oils back to each parish. Holy Week services will begin on Holy Thursday with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on March 24: at Sacred Heart in Caney at 5:45 p.m., followed by Adoration from 6:45 p.m. until 11 p.m.; for St. Mary’s in Moline, at 8 p.m. with Adoration from 9:15 p.m. until midnight. No services are scheduled for St. Robert’s in Sedan. On Good Friday, March 25, the Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross, and Holy Communion will begin at St. Mary’s Church in Moline at 3 p.m., St. Robert’s in Sedan at 5 p.m. and Sacred Heart in Caney at 7 p.m. On Holy Saturday, March 26, the Easter Vigil will be held in Moline beginning at 8:30 p.m. with the lighting of the fire, the blessing of the Easter Candle and the procession into the church. Easter Sunday Mass, March 27, will be held at the usual times for Moline, 7 a.m., Sedan, 9 a.m. and Caney at 11 a.m. The people in each parish will renew their baptismal vows during the Easter service. Thursday, March 17, 2016 Page B1 Montgomery County Chronicle Sports Sterling smothers Lady ’Pups ’Nado boys find By BRIAN THOMAS [email protected] HUTCHINSON — Trying to pick up its first-ever state tournament victory, the Caney Valley High School girls’ basketball team ran into a buzzsaw last Thursday, suffering a 7040 loss to Sterling in quarterfinal action of the Class 3A State Tournament at the Hutchinson Sports Arena. “We were not very good, but Sterling had a lot to do with that,” said CVHS girls’ coach Tom Nelson. “It was disappointing to see us execute so poorly offensively. We didn’t play together at all and really never ran any offense or any press break. Like I said, Sterling put us under complete pressure, and we didn’t handle it. “That is the best team we have played in years. They have the complete package, and I can’t see anyone beating them. It gave us a clear idea of how much better we need to get … how much more we need to improve to compete at Hutchinson. That team was very impressive and has no weakness.” It was the fourth time in five years the Lady Bullpups were making a trip to state, but they are still in search of their firstever win in Hutchinson. CVHS had earned the sub-state championship a week earlier with wins over Erie, Galena and Fredonia. The Lady ‘Pups — seeded sixth in the bracket — closed out the season at 18-6 overall. “We had a great year that ended poorly, but that one game doesn’t define us,” Nelson said. It was a struggle from the start for the Lady Bullpups. Sterling scored the game’s first six points in a little over a minute and built a 23-5 lead in the opening quarter. CVHS was able to score the final four points of the period but still trailed 23-9 after eight minutes of action. The Lady Black Bears took control of things before halftime. Sterling outscored Caney Valley 25-11 in the second period to open up a 48-20 edge at the intermission. By then, the game was well in hand. CVHS played tougher in the second half but was unable to make a serious threat. Sterling led 63-32 at the end of three quarters and rolled from there to the win. The Lady Bullpups finished the game 14-of-36 from the floor for 38.9 percent. Meanwhile, the Lady Black Bears shot just less than 50 percent by going 26-of-54 overall. Caney Valley was led in scoring by Brea Buoy, who knocked down three threepointers as part of a team-high 12-point effort. As for Sterling, Kylah Comley had a game-high 28 points, followed by Emma Lambert with 11 and Sydney Wilson 10. The Lady Black Bears, who were ranked as high as No. 2 in Class 3A by the Kansas Basketball Coaches Association, earned their 20th consecutive victory since a 56-52 setback to Wellington in December. That streak came to an end with a 50-43 semifinal loss to Sabetha. Sterling (23-3) went on to take fourth place in the tournament following a 76-70 loss to Thomas More Prep in the third-place game on Saturday. CLASS 3A STATE TOURNAMENT GIRLS’ QUARTERFINAL Sterling 70, Caney Valley 40 CANEY VALLEY (18-6): Buoy 3-7 3-4 12, Ko. McIntosh 2-4 4-6 9, Sanders 4-9 0-0 9, Ky. McIntosh 3-6 0-1 6, Cunningham 1-5 0-0 2, Owen 1-1 difficult road at 4A state tourney BY BRIAN THOMAS [email protected] Caney Valley’s Natasha Sanders (#30) and Kyndal McIntosh (#10) try to stop a Sterling player from reaching the basket during the class 3A state tournament quarterfinal last Thursday in Hutchinson. (Photo by Sheri Thompson) 0-0 2, L. Nunneley 0-2 0-0 0, K. Nunneley 0-2 0-0 0, Lawrence 0-0 0-0 0, Rogers 0-0 0-0 0. TOTALS 14-36 7-11 40. STERLING (23-1): Comley 11-17 5-6 28, Lambert 3-4 5-5 11, S. Wilson 4-7 2-6 10, Horsch 3-7 0-0 6, Stallings 2-3 2-2 6, Gilmore 2-4 1-3 5, T. Wilson 0-1 2-2 2, K. Schweizer 1-2 0-0 2, C. Schweizer 0-2 0-2 0, Rowland 0-2 0-0 0, Ramsey 0-2 0-0 0, Smith 0-3 0-0 0. TOTALS 26-54 17-26 70. CVHS 9 11 12 8 — 40 STERLING 23 25 15 7 — 70 Three-point goals — CVHS 5-17 (Buoy 3-7, Ko. Macintosh 1-3, Sanders 1-1, Cunningham 0-2, K. Nunneley 0-2, Ky. McIntosh 0-1, L. Nunneley 0-1); SHS 1-6 (Comley 1-2, Horsch 0-1, C. Schweizer 0-1, Gilmore 0-1, Ramsey 0-1). Rebounds — CVHS 30 (Ko. McIntosh 9); SHS 27 (Comley 5). Assists — CVHS 11 (K. Nunneley 3); SHS 17 (Lambert 4, Stallings 4). Turnovers — CVHS 31; SHS 13. Total Fouls — CVHS 22; SHS 17. Fouled out — none. Technicals — none. SALINA — Making its first state appearance in four years, the Field Kindley High School boys’ basketball team was hoping to make a little noise at the Class 4A-Division I State Tournament. Instead, it was a short trip for the Golden Tornado, who suffered a 78-43 loss to Paola in quarterfinal action last Thursday at the Bicentennial Center. “We didn’t come out and play the way we wanted,” said FKHS boys’ coach Tyler Thompson. “Whether we were kind of star struck on the bigger stage or just had a bad day, it was a tough way to end our season. It just wasn’t our day. I don’t want that to be how this team, especially these seniors, look back on their season.” The Golden Tornado, who beat Independence and Chanute to capture the sub-state championship a week earlier in Coffeyville, were making their first trip to state since 2012. Field Kindley — the No. 7 seed in the bracket — closed out the season at 13-10 overall. “It was quite a ride and full of some great moments,” Thompson said. “Winning substate is something not very many kids do at any point in high school. I’m really proud of the way this team grew throughout the year and came together at the right time. “We’re losing a lot with seven seniors graduating, but we also have a lot of young guys who got great experience and proved they were ready. Overall it was a great season, one that the boys can look back on and be proud of.” It was a rough game from start to finish for Field Kindley. The Golden Tornado trailed 10-4 midway through the opening quarter and eventually found themselves down 21-7 by the end of eight minutes of action. Things did not get any better for the ‘Nado before halftime. The Panthers scored the first four points of the second period to go up 25-7 and opened it up even more. By the intermission, Paola’s lead had reached 39-15. Although FKHS played tougher in the second half, it could never make a serious run in the contest. The Panthers led 54-28 at the end of three quarters and then outscored the Golden Tornado 2415 in the final period to deliver the knockout. Field Kindley was just 17of-60 from the floor in the contest for 28.3 percent. The ‘Nado also connected on just five of their 11 attempts at the free throw line for 45.5 percent. The lone bright spot offensively for the Golden Tornado was Seth Graham, who scored a game-high 24 points. Graham was 10-of-25 from the floor, including 3-of-12 from three-point range. He also had a team-high seven rebounds. “Seth got it going pretty good in the second half, which • continued on page B2 U S D 5 0 6 USD 506 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A ARE YOU YOU LOOKINGPROGRAM FOR AA QUALITY PRESCHOOL ARE LOOKING FOR QUALITYFOR PRESCHOOL PROGRAM YOUR CHILD? QUALITY PRESCHOOL PROGRAM FOR YOUR CHILD? Will your Child be YOUR 3-years-old by Aug. 31, 2016? 2013? FOR CHILD? Will your your Child Child be be 3-years-old 3-years-old by by Aug. Aug. 31, 31, 2013? 2013? Will USD 506 is PLEASED to Announce USD 506 506 Dates is PLEASED PLEASED to2016-17 Announce Screening for theto 2013-14 Year USD is Announce ScreeningVIEW Dates for the the 2013-14 2013-14 Year MEADOW ELEMENTARY PRESCHOOL Screening Dates for Year MONDAY-FRIDAY, MORNING AND AFTERNOON OPTIONS MEADOW VIEW VIEW ELEMENTARY PRESCHOOL MEADOW ELEMENTARY PRESCHOOL MONDAY-FRIDAY, MORNING AND AFTERNOON OPTIONS MONDAY-FRIDAY, MORNING ANDPRESCHOOL AFTERNOON OPTIONS ALTAMONT GRADE MONDAY-FRIDAY, AND AFTERNOON OPTIONS ALTAMONT MORNING GRADE PRESCHOOL PRESCHOOL ALTAMONT GRADE MONDAY-FRIDAY, MORNING AND AFTERNOON OPTIONS SEK INTERLOCAL #637 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PRESCHOOL, MONDAY-FRIDAY, MORNINGSPECIAL AND AFTERNOON OPTIONS SEK INTERLOCAL #637 EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION PRESCHOOL, VALLEY GRADE SCHOOL (ROLE MODEL STUDENTS) SEKMOUND INTERLOCAL #637 EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION PRESCHOOL, AFTERNOON OPTIONS MOUNDMONDAY-THURSDAY, VALLEY GRADE GRADEMORNING SCHOOLAND (ROLE MODEL STUDENTS) MOUND VALLEY SCHOOL (ROLE MODEL STUDENTS) MONDAY-THURSDAY, MORNING AFTERNOON OPTIONS EDNA GRADE SCHOOL (ROLEAND MODEL STUDENTS) MONDAY-THURSDAY, MORNING AFTERNOON **TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED TO STUDENT LIVING AND ON CURRENT DISTRICTOPTIONS BUS ROUTE MONDAY-THURSDAY, MORNING 8am-11am **MONTHLY FEE BASEDTO ONSTUDENT FREE/REDUCED PROGRAM CRITERIA **TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED LIVING LUNCH ON CURRENT DISTRICT BUS ROUTE **TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED TO STUDENT LIVING ON CURRENT DISTRICT BUS ROUTE **MONTHLY FEE BASED ON FREE/REDUCED LUNCH PROGRAM CRITERIA FEE BASED ON FREE/REDUCED PROGRAM CRITERIA YOUR**MONTHLY CHILD MUST PARTICIPATE IN LUNCH A SCREENING PROCESS: APRIL 5PARTICIPATE Friday - All DayIN MOUND VALLEY YOUR CHILD CHILD MUST MUST A SCREENING SCREENING PROCESS: YOUR PARTICIPATE IN A PROCESS: APRIL Day MEADOW VIEW View APRIL 8Friday &MOUND 15- All Friday - All Day Meadow APRIL 5 Friday - All12Day VALLEY APRIL 5 Friday - All Day MOUND VALLEY APRIL Friday Day Altamont APRIL 19 Friday AllAll Day MEADOW VIEW APRIL 12 29 Friday - All- -Day MEADOW VIEW APRIL 12 Friday All Day MEADOW VIEW April 1 26 Edna VIEW APRIL Friday-- Morning All Day ALTAMONT GRADE APRIL 19Friday MEADOW APRIL 19 Friday All Day MEADOW VIEW April 1 Friday Afternoon Mound Valley APRIL 26 Friday - All Day ALTAMONT GRADE APRIL 26 Friday - All Day ALTAMONT GRADE PLEASE CALL TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL TO SCHEDULE AN421-1857 APPOINTMENT MEADOW VIEW:AN PLEASE CALL TO SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT MEADOW GRADE: VIEW: 421-1857 421-1857 ALTAMONT 784-5511 MEADOW VIEW: ALTAMONT GRADE:328-3121 784-5511 MOUND VALLEY: ALTAMONT GRADE: 784-5511 MOUND VALLEY: 328-3121 EDNA GRADE : 922-7210 MOUND VALLEY: 328-3121 March 30 • 8:15-3:00 — Altamont (784-5511) March 31 • 8:00-3:00 — Meadow View (421-1857) April 6 • 8:30-3:00 — Edna (922-7210) April 8 • 8:30-3:00 — Md. Valley (328-3121) April 20 • 8:30-3:00 — Bartlett (226-3414) Child MUST be 5 years of age on/before August 31, 2016. Please bring state issued birth certificate, immunization records & social security card. School nurse will screen your child’s vision and hearing as part of the clinic. Page B2 Thursday, March 17, 2016 Montgomery County Chronicle SPORTS Red Raven softball team drops doubleheader to Iowa squad Harrell promoted to CCC head coach BY BRIAN THOMAS [email protected] COFFEYVILLE — Stephen Harrel was officially named as head coach of the Coffeyville Community College women’s basketball program last week. Harrel follows Emily Washburn, who accepted the Honors Program Director position at CCC. Washburn wraps up a 13year coaching career with an overall record of 288-131. In those 13 years, Washburn led the Ravens to six Jayhawk East Conference titles and an a p p e a rance in the 2015 N J C A A National Wo m e n ’s Basketball Tournament. W a s h burn was a threetime JayStephen hawk East Harrel . . . new Coach of head coach of the Year the CCC women’s honoree. basketball team T h e past three seasons, Washburn’s top assistant has been Harrel. The Ravens have gone 66-31 the past three years with Harrel including the 2015 Jayhawk East Conference title and an appearance in the 2015 national women’s tourney. Before arriving at Coffeyville, Harrel was an assistant coach for the Labette Community College women’s basketball team the past two seasons, and prior to that, served two years as an assistant for the men’s basketball team at NEO A& M in Miami, Okla. He also was a graduate assistant for a year while attending Southeastern Oklahoma State University. While at Southeastern Oklahoma State, Harrel was a two time all-conference second team selection. He was named Defensive Player of the Year and received the Sportsmanship Award following the 2007 season at Southeastern Oklahoma State. Harrel graduated from Southeastern Oklahoma State with a bachelor’s degree in communications. Harrel is married to Tamika who is the head softball coach at CCC. The couple welcomed their first child, a son Titus, who was born this past June. COFFEYVILLE — A pair of losses to Des Moines Area (Iowa) on Monday sent the Coffeyville Community College softball team to a 10th-straight loss. The Lady Ravens lost both ends of the twin bill 10-0 and 8-1 at Byers Field. Riding a 10-game losing streak, CCC dropped to 5-25-1 overall on the season. The Lady Ravens were scheduled to host Neosho County in the Jayhawk Conference-Eastern Division opener on Wednesday, but no details were available from those games as of presstime. On Monday, CCC had a tough time getting offense going in either game. In the opening game, the Lady Ravens managed just one hit the entire way. Des Moines Area broke open a scoreless tie after three innings with six runs in the fourth and four more in the fifth. As for game two, CCC actually took 1704 W. MAIN INDEPENDENCE, KS. • NO MONEY DOWN • FREE ESTIMATES • insured • bonded • Commercial and residential • 29 years of experience Mac McPherson (620) 330-7502 • continued from front page CLASS 4A-DIVISION I STATE TOURNAMENT BOYS’ QUARTERFINAL Paola 78, Field Kindley 43 FIELD KINDLEY (13-10): Graham 10-25 1-1 24, Vacca 2-6 1-2 5, Lewis 1-3 2-2 4, Colbert 1-2 0-0 3, Thompson 1-7 0-3 2, Wilson 1-5 0-0 2, Holman 1-7 0-0 2, Knight 0-0 1-2 1, Swift 0-3 0-0 0, Morris 0-1 0-0 0, Logan 0-1 0-1 0, Myrie 0-0 0-0 0. TOTALS 17-60 5-11 43. PAOLA (21-2): Criddle 5-15 10-10 21, Wilson 6-7 3-4 15, Moala 5-7 3-8 13, McDow 4-10 2-2 10, Swanson 3-4 0-0 7, Ohlmeier 1-1 2-2 4, Johnson 2-2 0-0 4, Bell 1-1 0-0 2, Jensen 1-1 0-0 2, Wokutch 0-1 0-0 0, Phillips 0-0 0-0 0, Wilkes 0-1 0-0 0. TOTALS 28-50 20-26 78. FIELD KINDLEY 7 8 13 15 — 43 PAOLA 21 18 15 24 — 78 Three-point goals — FKHS 4-18 (Graham 3-12, Colbert 1-2, Swift 0-2, Thompson 0-1, Holman 0-1); PHS 2-7 (Criddle 1-5, Swanson 1-1, McDow 0-1). Rebounds — FKHS 32 (Graham 7); PHS 35 (McDow 8). Assists — FKHS 8 (Thompson 2, Holman 2, Colbert 2); PHS 17 (Criddle 6). Turnovers — FKHS 24; PHS 17. Total Fouls — FKHS 22; PHS 17. Fouled out — none. Technicals — none. To Place Your Business Card Call 800-592-7606 Ron McPherson (620) 330-7500 P.O. Box 129 • Sycamore, KS 67363 6032 CR 4900 • Cherryvale, KS 67335 MJ’s Mini-Storage Ranz Motor Co., Inc. N. Olive Street – Cherryvale For Information Call Merle Jean King 620-330-2112 Hwy. 39 & Plummer Road • Chanute, Kansas (620) 431-4550 • • • • ABS PERFORMANCE Auto Repair and Service A/C Tune-ups • Overhauls • Brakes 3917 Price Road Tranmissions • Electrical Bartlesville, OK 74006 Performance Modifications (918) 333-4420 We Care Beyond Repair! Caney Sheet Metal Heat & Air Paul Deaton Owner 620-879-5720 105 S. Wood Street Caney, KS 67333 OVERLEES–WOODS Lumber Company 4100 Nowata Road • Bartlesville, OK (918) 333-2490 We want to serve the Caney area with quality merchandise. Terms & delivery. CHERRYVALE PHARMACY 250 Business Cards Only $8.95 Cheaper Than Vista Print 37 Since 1977 Years of Experience 203 W. Main • Suite A (620) 336-2144 • (800) 286-8656 Open 8:30 to 5:30 Monday-Friday Fax 620-879-5450 [email protected] Now Accepting Humana Pharmacy Cards Dr. Phillip B. Eastep Dr. Molly Reynolds (formerly Farmers Co-op) Paint • Windows • Metal Products Roofing • Feed • Lumber • Insulation Doors • Siding • And More (620) 784-5333 • 601 S. Huston • Altamont Phone 620-336-3961 was nice to see,” Thompson said. “That’s something he will be able to remember.” Paola had a solid offensive game, knocking down 28-of50 shots from the floor for 56 percent. PHS had four players reach double figures in scoring, including Justin Criddle with 21 points, Alex Wilson 15, Tanner Moala 13 and Mason McDow 10. The Panthers eventually took fourth place in the tournament. They lost to Bishop Miege in the semifinals 62-56 before dropping an 81-70 decision to Andover Central in the third-place game. Paola closed out its season at 21-4 overall. Prior to that, Coffeyville dropped a pair of games at Crowder (Mo.), 18-0 and 10-2, on March 9 and home against Kirkwood (Iowa), 7-3 and 9-3, on March 12. The Lady Ravens will hit the road on Friday for a 2 p.m. doubleheader at Cowley. CCC will host Montgomery County rival Independence at 1 p.m. Saturday and will follow that up with a 2 p.m. twin bill at Allen on Tuesday. Business Card Directory WESTHOFF CONSTRUCTION INC. ’Nado boys defeated by Paola, 78-43 its first lead of the day at 1-0 after four innings. Des Moines Area came right back, though, with a six-run fifth and then put the game out of reach with two more in the seventh. The Lady Ravens had six hits in the contest, including a pair from Bailey Gray. CCC was originally scheduled to take on North Central Missouri in a pair of home games on Sunday, but that doubleheader was cancelled. Fax 620-336-2475 • Outbuildings • Garages • Additions • New Homes • Decks • Remodeling ---Specializing in custom home design. Since 1988 Frank Westhoff Fully Insured We make dreams come true. S & S LUMBER AND METAL SALES ~ practice of dentistry ~ 220 West Main Cherryvale, KS 67335 (620) 336-3766 Cherry Bowl Lanes & Grill LaForge Insurance We’re Your Hometown Insurance Source Find Us On Facebook 101 N. Olive Street • Cherryvale, KS • (620) 336-8981 Phone (620) 725-4000 Sedan, Kansas 110 N. State • Caney, KS Phone (620) 879-2311 8-5 Mon.–Thurs. 8-4:30 Friday M&M Plumbing 8 to 5 Mon.-Fri. 8 to Noon Sat. FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS • Lumber • ACQ Treated • Plywood • Doors • Roofing • Siding • Hardware • Windows • Barn Metal • Cabinets • Overhead Doors • Concrete Mix • Electrical & Plumbing Fixtures Call (620) 252-8116 or (620) 515-1060 (620) 922-7488 • (800) 922-7498 Downtown Edna, Kansas Licensed & Insured • New Construction & Repairs Carter Auto Parts Tina Cunningham 419 Commercial Oswego, KS Agent An Independent Agent Representing Aflac 725 E. 3rd St. Cherryvale, KS 67335 620.891.0072 cell [email protected] 319 W. Main Sedan, KS 411 Madison Fredonia, KS 107 W. 11th Coffeyville, KS S.E. Kansas’ Largest Auto Parts Distributor Main Street Travel Parsons, Kansas 2016 Trips - Cape Cod, Pacific Northwest & Branson 620-421-2358 [email protected] 1312 W. 11th St., Coffeyville, KS • (620) 251-3530 208 N. Penn, Independence, KS • (620) 331-2340 PLACE YOUR AD HERE CALL 800-592-7606 office 620-421-2960 fax 620-421-2979 cell 620-423-2743 [email protected] 1802 Main Parsons, KS 67357 Thursday, March 17, 2016 Page B3 Montgomery County Chronicle SPORTS It’s March Madness (with local connections) Field of 68 teams includes two coaches, one player with ties to ICC basketball BY BRIAN THOMAS [email protected] It’s that time of the year when college basketball takes center stage for a three-week period. The NCAA Tournament started Tuesday with the “First Four” and continues today with first-round action that will eventually end with the Final Four in Houston. Many area fans may be turning in to watch their favorite teams such as Kansas or Wichita State, but there are a few games in particular that they may want to pay special attention to with some extra local flavor. Independence Community College will be featured in a few games this week as some of its former men’s basketball players will be a part of this thing called “March Madness.” In fact, one of those games will involve former Pirates going head-to-head — one as a current player (Tarik Phillip, West Virginia) and the other as a head coach (Brad Underwood, Stephen F. Austin). Another former Pirate, Middle Tennessee State assistant coach Greg Grensing, will be on the bench when the Blue Raiders take on Michigan State Friday. Let the games begin! MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE VS. MICHIGAN STATE ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 1:45 p.m. Friday, CBS Grensing is in his fourth season as an assistant coach at Middle Tennessee State, which is located if Murfreesboro, Tenn. The 54-year-old coach has plenty of experience as he previously made stints at Pan American, Kansas State, Creighton and UNLV. This will be the 15th time Grensing will be coaching in an NCAA Tournament, which also included six at Creighton and three at UNLV. A native of Council Grove, Grensing played at ICC for a two-year stint that saw the Pirates go 62-6. He was the team’s sixth man during its run to the 1977 NJCAAA national championship. Grensing went on to play at Southwest Grensing Texas State, where the Bobcats went 49-13 in his two seasons with a third-place finish at the NAIA Tournament in 1979. Middle Tennessee State — seeded No. 15 in the Midwest Region — are heading to the NCAA Tournament for the second time in four seasons after claiming the Conference USA Tournament championship last Saturday. The Blue Raiders are currently 24-9 overall. WEST VIRGINIA VS. STEPHEN F. AUSTIN BROOKLYN, N.Y. 6:10 p.m. Friday, CBS Phillip is likely a former Pirate player that many ICC fans still remember as he was just a member of the squad two years ago. During the 2013-14 campaign, Phillip — originally from Brooklyn, N.Y., the site of Friday’s game — averaged 18.7 points, 6.7 rebounds and 4.3 assists during Indep e n d e n c e ’s Jayhawk ConferencePhillip Eastern Division championship season. He shot 55 percent from the field and 38 percent from three-point range to be named the Jayhawk East Player of the Year. He also earned all-region honors and was the conference’s Freshman of the Year. That success allowed Phillip to make the jump to Division I after just one season at the junior college ranks. Now in his second season at West Virginia, he has not disappointed. He has been a key contributor to the Mountaineers this season as they finished second in the Big 12 conference and was the runner-up to Kansas in last week’s Big 12 Tournament in Kansas City. A year after averaging 4.1 points per contest, Phillip has played in 34 games this season, averaging 22.4 minutes. He is shooting 42.9 percent Home field against Allen unkind to Pirates BY BRIAN THOMAS [email protected] INDEPENDENCE — After squeezing past Allen in the opener of a four-game set, the Independence Community College baseball team dropped the final three games, capped off with a pair of home losses, 3-2 and 7-4, on Saturday at Emerson Field. ICC’s three-game skid has the team at 13-11 overall and 4-4 in the Jayhawk Conference-Eastern Division. The Pirates are currently in a four-way tie for fourth place in the standings. In Saturday’s opener, Independence had a tough time getting the bats going as it finished with just six hits, including three from Jordan Payne. The teams were locked up at 2-all after five innings when the Red Devils plated what would be the winning run in the top of the seventh. Austin Feathers also had a pair of hits for the Pirates. Starting pitcher Bobby Cox went the distance, taking the loss despite allowing just two earned runs on seventh hits while striking out two. As for game two of the doubleheader, ICC trailed 3-0 after five innings when it cut the difference to one with a pair in the sixth. Allen came back to take control with one in the eight and three more in the ninth. Although the Pirates did score a pair in their final at-bat, it was not enough to salvage a split of the twin bill. Brock Zanca and Tony Kline had two hits each for ICC. As a team, the Pirates had eight total hits. The start of the four-game set actually started on a winning note for Independence last Thursday with a one-run victory over the Red Devils. ICC led throughout the contest, including 3-2 after four innings, 6-3 after five and 9-5 after six. The Pirates came through with a big insurance run in the seventh, which proved to be huge down the stretch after Allen struck for four in the bottom half of the seventh. Independence finished the game with 12 hits, including a 4-for-4 performance from Dakota Morse. Feathers and Jordan Baughman added two hits each for the Pirates. Gatlin Wilson (1-1) was the victorious pitcher for ICC as he allowed two earned runs on four hits while striking out three in six innings of work. Dante Richardson picked up his fifth save of the season. Game two of that doubleheader turned into a slugfest as Allen scored four runs in the bottom of the ninth to rally for the victory. The Pirates suffered the loss despite holding an 8-0 lead in the third inning. In fact, ICC led 14-8 as late as the seventh inning before Allen mounted the comeback. Morse had three of the Pirates’ 12 hits in the contest. Also recording multiple hits were Jordan Payne and Thomas Solorio with two each. ICC returns to conference action at home today with a doubleheader against Fort Scott set for 2 p.m. at Emerson Field. The Pirates make the return trip to Fort Scott for a 1 p.m. twin bill on Saturday. Independence will step out of conference play on Tuesday to host Northern Oklahoma-Tonkawa at 3 p.m. Lady Pirates use third inning to defeat Brown Mackie BY BRIAN THOMAS [email protected] INDEPENDENCE — A five-run third inning sent the Independence Community College softball team to a 9-4 victory over Brown Mackie in the opening game of a doubleheader last Thursday at Volunteer Field. The Lady Pirates went on to sweep the twin bill with a 9-1 win in game two. By taking both games, ICC improved to 6-6 overall on the season. In the opening game against Brown Mackie, the teams were locked up at 1-all after two innings. That’s when Independence struck for five runs in the third to take control. ICC pushed its lead to 8-1 after four innings and never looked back. The Lady Pirates finished with 11 hits, including three from Hanna Harris. Madison Hussey and Megan Scott also had two hits each. Heather Breslin was the winning pitcher for ICC as she allowed three earned runs on nine hits while striking out four in six innings of work. As for game two, Independence took control of that one early on. ICC picked up three runs in the first and then added three in the fourth for a 6-1 edge. The Lady Pirates put the game away with a three-run sixth. ICC finished the game with 12 hits — two each from Jordan Hill, Morgan Kornegay and Abby Shelton. Gillian Shafe earned the win for the Lady Pirates in game two, allowing one earned run on three hits while striking out four in the complete-game effort. Independence was also scheduled to host North Central Missouri in a pair of games on Monday, but those games were cancelled. Up next, ICC will host Labette in the Jayhawk Conference-Eastern Division opener set for 2 p.m. at Volunteer Field. The Lady Pirates follow that up with trips to Montgomery County rival Coffeyville on Saturday and Cowley on Tuesday. Watch upcoming issues . . . . . . for sports editor Brian Thomas as he makes his all-area wrestling, boys’ basketball and girls’ basketball teams. from the floor and has knocked down 36 three-pointers. West Virginia heads into the tournament with a 26-8 overUnderwood all record and the No. 3 seed in the East Region. On the other bench in that contest will be Underwood, who is in his third season as the head coach at Stephen F. Austin. During his time with the Lumberjacks, he has directed the squad to an 88-13 overall mark that included an upset of fifth-seeded Virginia Commonwetlth in the second round of the 2014 NCAA Tornament. In his tenure at SFA, Underwood has earned numerous honors, including Southland Conference Coach of the Year, Joe B. Hall Award for the nation’s top first-year coach, a finalist for the Jim Phelan Award for top Division I coach and the Hugh Durham Award for the top mid-major coach. Underwood, who was originally from McPherson, played basketball at Independence as he helped the Pirates to a 30-9 mark and runner-up finish at the 1984 NJCAA National Tournament in Hutchinson. He was named to the NJCAA AllTournament Team after scoring a season-high 30 points in ICC’s opening-round contest. He went on to transfer to Kansas State, where he graduated in 1986. He would later become an assistant coach at K-State from 2006-12. The 52-year-old Underwood was also the head coach at Dodge City Community College (198892) and Daytona Beach Community College (2003-06), as well as an assistant at Western Illinois (1992-2003) and South Carolina (2012-13). CCC baseball team suffers setback, record now 9-15 BY BRIAN THOMAS [email protected] WARNER, Okla. — It was a rough day for the Coffeyville Community College baseball team on Tuesday as it suffered an 18-0 non-conference loss at Connors State (Okla.). That setback dropped the Red Ravens to 9-15 overall. They were coming off a doubleheader sweep at Fort Scott on Saturday in which they suffered 15-1 and 13-2 loss to the Greyhounds. CCC is currently 3-5 in the Jayhawk Conference-Eastern Division. After a scoreless first inning on Tuesday, things got ugly in a hurry for Coffeyville. The Cowboys struck for eight runs in the second inning and added nine more in the third for a 17-0 edge. That proved to be more than enough as the Ravens lost the seven-inning contest. No statistics were available from that contest. CCC faced a similar situation at the start of Saturday’s doubleheader at Fort Scott. The Greyhounds jumped ahead 4-0 after one inning and 15-0 after two in game one of the twin bill. The Red Ravens managed just one run the entire contest — a single tally in the fifth inning. Coffeyville had just three hits, including two from Trent McMaster. In game two, CCC found itself in a hole early yet again, trailing 4-0 after three innings. This time, it wasn’t until the sixth inning when the Greyhounds took control, striking for three that inning and six more in the seventh to put things out of reach. McMaster led the way as he had two of Coffeyville’s six hits in the contest. Last Thursday, the Red Ravens managed a split of games to open the four-game set at Walter Johnson Park, losing the opener 6-5 before winning the second contest 11-8. In the opener, CCC jumped ahead 3-0 after three innings and continued to hold a 4-3 lead heading into the sixth. That’s when the Greyhounds struck for three runs to take the lead for good. The Red Ravens did manage to salvage a win later in the day. Things weren’t looking good for the host team as it trailed 8-7 in the bottom half of the eighth. But CCC struck for four runs in that inning and held on in the ninth for the victory. Coffeyville had nine hits, including two each from Cole Sanderson, Jose Carasquillo and Parker Smejkal. The Red Ravens return to Jayhawk East action today with a doubleheader at Kansas City. They will cap off the four-game conference set with the Blue Devils on Saturday with a 1 p.m. twin bill at Walter Johnson Park. Worried about tax time? We can help! J. Dan Carroll, CPA Emily Erbe, CPA Carmen Duroni, CPA Ashley Newland, CPA David Schwenker Michael Ysusi Randy Hoffman Christine Franklin • Tax Preparation - Individuals, Business Corporations, Partnerships, Trusts, Estate & Gift • Tax Planning • Payroll Preparation and Reporting • Accounting Services • Computer Consulting Services • Audits • Financial Statement Preparation WE WELCOME ALL NEW CLIENTS 208 E. Laurel, Independence, KS (620) 331-4600 127 N. Chautauqua, Sedan, KS (620) 725-3946 Website: Page B4 Cherryvale Thursday, March 17, 2016 Montgomery County Chronicle CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL • MAY 5-7 Carnival, train rides included in festival’s activities roster BY DONNA CELAYA [email protected] The Cherryvale Chamber of Commerce board of directors agreed on March 9 to add a three-day carnival and a day of passenger train rides to its lineup of family fun on May 6 and 7 at Logan Park. The chamber hosted a public planning session on March 4 at the Cherryvale Community Center, when the topic of a carnival first was discussed at any length. Some of those present at the time had expressed reservations about having a carnival at the festival, and favored hosting a carnival in the fall to place the emphasis on the other Cherry Blossom vendors, many of whom travel distances to attend. The chamber board, however, decided to proceed with the carnival at the annual May festival. The carnival will set up on Thursday, May 5, and run through Saturday, May 7. Shirley Ann Hogben said the Cherryvale Choo-Choo will be offer one-hour train rides for $10 a person. Children younger than 5 who ride on an adult’s lap for the full hour-long journey can ride free. Advance tickets are available now at the Leatherock Hotel B&B, People’s State Bank, Community National Bank and at Cherryvale City Hall. Call Hogben at (620) 3363350 for more information or to order tickets. The annual weekend celebration usually features about 60 food, merchandise and craft vendors, the traditional car show, 5k run and the firemen’s water fight. Also returning after a successful premiere last year are the cherry pie baking and eating contests. Call Tracy Cunningham at (620)313-0046 for information about the pie baking and eating contests. “We’re planning the Cherry Blossom Festi- Spring break church camp The Cherryvale United Methodist Church hosted the free Spring Break Kids’ Camp “Mysteries of the Messiah” from March 14-18 for children through sixth grade. The church also provided the 43 participants with transportation as needed and lunch. Here, Jayce Simmon focuses intently on painting a cardboard cross he chose during the craft portion of the afternoon. (Photo by Donna Celaya) val to be bigger and even better this year,” said Chamber president Janet Plumley. “In addition to the usual popular events, such as a great variety of vendors, live music, the car show and the 5k run, we have the firemen coming back with their water fight and we’re looking for someone, maybe a church or youth group, to run the cake walk and kids’s games, and a dunk tank.” A Christian band will play from 9-11 a.m. on Saturday, May 7, and Back Roads Band will play from 7-9 p.m. on Friday, May 6, and again from 1-3 p.m. the next day. Plumley said Pizza Hut has agreed to feed lunch and dinner to the musical entertainers, and the number of other food vendors will be reduced from the usual 10 or more to eight this year to allow for the available electric outlets to be used by the carnival sleeping trailers. Gina Fought is in charge of craft vendors, and she said new vendors are contacting her and signing up for spaces almost daily. Booths rent for $45 for indoor spots with electrical access, and $25 for outdoor booths without electricity. Event planners also will contact Cherryvale Fire-Rescue and both medical clinics in Cherryvale about manning a first-aid station both days of the celebration. For more information, call Plumley at (620) 330-1884. To reserve booth space, call Gina Fought at (620) 778-0976, or vendor entry forms can be printed from the Cherryvale Chamber of Commerce web site. Vendors on Facebook can go to Cherry Blossom Festival for the entry form.The cutoff date for reserving booths is April 15. Chamber to hold citywide sales, cleanup days in April The Cherryvale Chamber of Commerce and City of Cherryvale will sponsor the annual spring citywide garage sale days on April 15 and 16, followed by the citywide cleanup Center now offers morning hours, free classes, father/daughter dance BY DONNA CELAYA [email protected] Cherryvale Community Center continues to draw increased participation from Cherryvale residents. The latest evidence of the improvements occurring at the center are the new shock-absorbing wood-look flooring in the gymnasiums, free self-enrichment classes courtesy of the Wildcat Extension office, and free movies for all ages. The community center advisory board met on March 10 to discuss activities and plans for the center. The normal us- age fees are waived for certain city-sponsored activities and events, such as the “Prepare Kansas” natural disaster and storm preparedness class coming up at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28. Everyone is welcome to the free presentation. The center also will host other free workshops and classes, such as hunting safety, a babysitting course, and an exercise program for senior citizens. Dates and times for those events have not be set. Zeta Gamma Sorority will have a Father/Daughter dance from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday, April 16 at the community center. Cost is $5 for a father and one daughter. More than one daughter likely will cost more. Details still are being worked out. The event will include refreshments and attendees will have the opportunity to purchase photos. The center will host its second-annual Bicycle Rodeo bike safety program at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 21. Participation is free. The community center also offers free family movies. The movies are announced ahead of time. Pres. Carol Staton said she had observed younger children opening doors throughout the center, including the door to the furnace and utility room. She said she would be more comfortable if those doors were kept locked, and City liaison Hillary Lawrence, city clerk, said she would instruct the day and evening workers at the center to lock them. And the advisory board discussed the various options for marking the walking track at the center. Staton said she would continue to investigate the options and report back to Pastor John Chastain said. Sunday morning service time is 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Louie P. Celaya will be the guest preacher on Palm Sunday, March 20. Pastor John will lead the Easter services on March 27. Everyone is invited to both special services. Easter Sunday morning starts with a fellowship breakfast at 9:15 a.m., followed by the service at 10:30. The church also serves a free community dinner in the church gymnasium at 5:30 p.m. every Wednesday, and everyone is welcome to attend. UPCOMING EVENTS Good Friday Service to be held The Cherryvale Ministerial Association will host a community Good Friday worship service from noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, March 25, at the Assembly of God Church, corner of South Montgomery and East 4th streets. Everyone is welcome to attend, as we remember the death of Jesus on the cross. There will be two 30-minute times of meditation that will include prayer, meditation, scripture, and time for silent reflection. Attendees can participate in one or both segments. Easter egg hunt at care center Cherryvale Nursing and Rehabilitation Center will host an Easter egg hunt for children ages 0 through 9 starting at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 26 at the nursing home, 1001 W. Main. The hunt for ages 0-3 starts at 10 a.m.; ages 4-6 start at 10:10; and ages 7-9 seek the colorful plastic eggs at 10:20. Participants should bring their own baskets. Winners are those who gather the most eggs in the time allot- ted. First- and second-place in each age category take home not just the eggs they found, but an Easter basket with candy and toys, as well. City council to meet Monday Cherryvale City Council will meet at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 21, in the council chambers adjacent to the police department. Enter through the police station at the south end of the building. All council meetings are open to the public. An agenda was not ready by press time. Poison Ivy & Oak Poison Ivy & Oak Prevention Prevention OSWEGO DRUG STORE OSWEGO Presby. Church to hold Palm Sunday, Easter services First Presbyterian Church at 211 S. Montgomery, Cherryvale, will celebrate the Lenten season with special services on Palm Sunday, March 20, and Easter on March 27. The church, located on the corner of South Montgomery and East Fourth streets directly behind Lincoln-Central Elementary School, extends a special invitation to come and worship. “This is a church full of friendly and loving people,” DRUG STORE OSWEGO DRUG STORE (620) 795-2233 • 413 Commercial • Oswego • 1-800-333-4622 the board. Normal costs to use the community center are $10 a month per individual or $1 a day. Morning hours are 7-11 a.m. Monday through Thursday; and evening hours are 5-9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Saturday. Attendees ages 12 and younger must be accompanied by a responsible adult or member over the age of 13. Also available in addition to the two large gyms and basketball court are a fully functional kitchen, game room and classrooms. Additional fees apply for the public to rent the facility or portions of it. The community center advisory board meets next at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, April 21 at the community center on South Liberty St. The meetings are open to the public. Call Lawrence at City Hall, (620)3362776, for more information and rental availability of the center. days on April 22 and 23. Both events are scheduled to occur prior to Cherry Blossom Festival on May 6 and 7. The idea is to encourage Cherryvale residents to get rid of things setting around that they don’t want any more, and to polish the community’s image before guests arrive for the annual festival the first weekend in May. Rummage sale participants can pay $10 to the chamber and have their sales advertised in the Montgomery County Chronicle and placed on a map that will be available to bargain hunters to help them find their way to the advertised sales. Then the leftovers can be disposed of during the following weekend’s cleanup days. More details will be released closer to the dates of these events. Chamber of Commerce officers are president Janet Plumley, vice president leslie Overall, treasurer Regenia Lehmann and secretary Hillary Lawrence. The chamber board meets at noon on the second Wednesday of each month at the Cherryvale Community Center on South Liberty. The next meeting is slated for April 13. Customer Appreciation Tues., March 22 5 pm - 7 pm • Great Door Prizes • Dummy Roping Contest • Over 20 Vendors Coffeyville Feed and Farm Supply 1223 W. 8th • Coffeyville • 1-800-530-5365 • (620) 251-3290 Oswego, KS Get statewide advertising coverage through the Kansas Press Association’s classified ad network! AVAILABLE THRU MARCH 31ST Call Emalee Mikel at 1-800592-7606 for details. AVAILABLE MARCH 31ST 413 THRU Commercial (620) 795-2233 • 413 Commercial • Oswego • 1-800-333-4622 620-795-2233 • 1-800-333-4622 Thursday, March 17, 2016 CHERRYVALE Page B5 Montgomery County Chronicle Library offers basic computer classes Cherryvale Public Library, 329 E. Main, will host a three-part basic computer class for beginners. Absolutely no prior computer experience is needed. The classes run for three consecutive Tuesday afternoons on April 5, 12 and 19. Each session starts at 1 p.m. The classes include: •”How do I turn this thing on?” on April 2. The class covers the basic parts of the computer, being safe online, and setting up and using e-mail. • Next is “Windows on the Computer,” on April 12. This session teaches how to do searches, using the Internet to find information, what Google is and how to “Bing.” • The final session on April 19 is “Socializing on the Computer.” It covers playing games on the computer and online, and using sites like Facebook. Participants with no experience will need to attend session 1 for sure, but those with limited experience can attend one, two or all three sessions. Attendance at all three sessions is recommended, since they build on each other. Each session costs $5. Call the library at (620) 336-3460 for more details or to register. Cherryvale FFA earns gold at dairy cattle contest John and Kathy Chastain Chastains celebrate golden anniversary John and Kathy Chastain of Parsons celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with renewal of their marriage vows on Feb. 13. The ceremony at the First Presbyterian Church in Cherryvale was followed by a reception in the church gymnasium. John and Kathleen (Sullivan) Chastain were married on Feb. 12, 1966 at Seneca Assembly of God in Wichita, Kan., by the Rev. James K. Bridges. The Chastains have served as pastors for more than 45 years for several churches in Kansas. They are semi-retired now, and they currently pastor First Presbyterian Church in Cherryvale. They have lived in Parsons for 26 years, and they formerly were the pastors at First Assembly of God in Parsons. The Chastains have four children: Craig and his wife, Amy, of Exeter, N.H.; Nikole Cohen and her husband, Dale, of Syracuse, N.Y.; Catherine and her husband, Jeff Diggs, of McPherson, Kan.; and D.J. and his wife, Kellie, of Hutchinson, Kan. They also have nine grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Their children presented them with a special Golden Anniversay gift - a cruise to the Caribbean. The couple are thankful for the many friendships they have developed over the years, and they would like to thank everyone for the cards and gifts. Trail Writers, Kansas Authors Club welcome all writers Trail Writers writing club members met most recently on March 1 with eight in attendance, including president Joyce Long, vice president Dana Peugh, treasurer Tammie Logan, members Leslie Mills, Ed Read, John Broughton, Kira Christmas and Crystal Harper, and guest Christa Letcher. Everyone took turns reading what they had written since the February meeting and agreed to the topic, “Something With a Twist,” or “April Fools” for the April 5 meeting, and Mills won the door prize. The group also discussed the Kansas Authors Club District 3 writing contest. Deadline is April 1. Call District 3 president Joyce Long for more details at (620) 515-4039. Trail Writers, a chapter of KAC District 3, welcomes all writers - creative, technical, academic and journalistic. Since 1904, the KAC has offered the opportunity to all writers to share experiences and problems unique to their professions, not only to novices, but also to authors of national reputation. While magazines and books may be helpful in improving writing skills, there is no substitute for the camaraderie enjoyed or the expertise developed when writers meet to listen, discuss and analyze their craft in an atmosphere of mutual support and respect. Trail Writers meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month in the lower-level meeting room at Cherryvale Public Library, 326 E. Main St. Membership and attendance are free. Everyone with a love of the written word is welcome. Call President Joyce Long at (620) 515-4039 or Vice President Dana Peugh at (620) 313-9286 for more information. CALLING ALL IOLA — The Cherryvale FFA Chapter recently sent local members to Allen County Community College to compete in multiple district contests. Contests for the day included agricultural sales, poultry, and the dairy cattle contest. The dairy cattle B team came home with a first-place finish. MaKayla Hurd and Colben Dodson finished as the top two individuals. Colben placed second, while MaKayla took the top spot. Dalton Flatt was also a part of the team and finished close behind. The dairy cattle A team was a two-man team consisting of Tyler Sale and Tyler Cotterill. They finished seventh overall as a team. Cherryvale also had members compete in the poultry and agricultural sales contests. The poultry contest tested Representing Cherryvale at the dairy cattle judging contest at Allen County Community College last week were (left to right) MaKayla Hurd, Tyler Cotterill, Colben Dodson and Dalton Flatt. (Courtesy photo) the competitors on a variety of knowledge of poultry. The A team finished in seventh place; team members were Allison Bryant, Alexa Maulsby, Hydee Turner, Zack Steed, and Zach Wood. The agricultural sales contest was for members to be trying to sell their agriculturerelated products to judges. Members that competed in agricultural sales were Trenton Smedley and Jake Wagner. Jordan Carinder, reporter City departments present annual reports Cherryvale City Council on March 7 heard brief annual reports from each department head. New city administrator Joel Pile told the council that he didn’t have much to report, since he joined the city just two months ago, but city clerk Hillary Lawrence said her department’s biggest challenge in 2015 was installing and implementing the new accounting and billing computer software. Fire chief Jesse Reed said his department focused heavily on advanced training and will continue that this year. Police chief Perry Lambert said his officers faced and performed very well during an unusually “dangerous year for us” in 2015. In addition to staying in top of those conditions and cases from last year, his department is working on employee retention, he said. Public Works director Wade Webber said his crew weathered some turnover in its ranks, plus working to correct some infiltration problems that occurred as the result of an additional 20 inches of rain last year. Pile thanked the department heads for their reports, which he said give the council a better idea of their strengths and at the same time spotlight some opportunities for growth. The council also agreed to accept and file agendas and minutes from the Cherryvale Pubic Library board of trustees meetings and the Cherryvale Community Center ad- visory board meetings. “We appreciate Joel collecting and providing these for us,” said councilor Randy Wagoner. Mayor John Wright agreed. “It’s a big help to us to know what everyone is doing,” he said. Police officers endure tough year, chief says Cherryvale Police Chief Perry Lambert referred to 2015 at a “dangerous year” for law enforcement and for the public. In his annual report to the Cherryvale City Council on March 7, Lambert said the men and women in his department “have met each challenge with pride, dedication and professionalism and I am proud of our accomplishments, just as I am proud of the trusting relationship we have built and continue to strengthen with you, our citizens.” He said police work, in general, faced several challenges in 2015, each of which made police departments across the nation take a look at strengthening the level of trust between their offices and the public they serve. Cherryvale was no different. “We came out of 2015 wiser and stronger, ready to take on 2016 with renewed vigor,” he said. Cherryvale PD responded to 1,770 calls involving 291 separate cases and resulting in 190 citations last year, and the department added a sixth officer, thanks to a grant to cover that salary. The department also executed nine search warrants for various offenses, most of which involved narcotics. Murder There was one category that jumped a full 100 percent: the department worked with another department on one murder case in 2015, the only one on record for the time period of 2010-2015. Officer down The highest-profile case involved a high-speed chase that started in Oklahoma, escalated to an exchange of gunfire with one Oklahoma officer wounded, and ended hours later with the suspect surrounded by officers from Cherryvale and other jurisdictions, and captured in rural Liberty. Drive-by shooting The year’s single drive-by shooting resulted in the capture and arrest of the suspects involved, Nicholas Nickle, Sean St. Clair, and Michelle Wantland. Charges against the trio included criminal discharge of a firearm at an occupied dwelling, aggravated assault, distribution of methamphetamine, distribution of drug paraphernalia, and criminal possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. A quick review of some statistics from the past five years reveals the number of calls for almost all categories has risen. Part of that is due to the more efficient Enterpol system of incident reporting that the department implemented in 2013. That year, for example, the number of animal-related complaints jumped from 28 in 2012 to 93 in 2013. The number of animal-related calls hadn’t actually increased that dramatically, but the ease and more efficient method of reporting calls had. According to Lambert’s report, the most numerous calls the department handled last year dealt with theft, 59, down from 100 in 2014; and animal-related calls, 59, down from 87 a year earlier. Other high-volume calls were for burglary/theft, 45, up from 43; domestic violence battery, 46, down from 58; and disorderly conduct, 46, up from 45. On a happier note, the department continues to offer its Explorers training program for young men and women ages 14-20. the Explorers assisted last year at the Cherry Blossom Festival and with traffic control during the citywide clean-up event, they teamed with Heart of the Heartland railroad museum and the Cherryvale Chamber of Commerce for the Christmas parade and train rides, and they adopted a family for Christmas, providing that family with gifts and food, using donations from local citizens and businesses. **** A summary of the Cherryvale Fire-Rescue Department’s 2015 report was printed in the March 10 issue of the Montgomery County Chronicle. If you are holding a yard sale or rummage sale soon, place your sale advertisement in the Taylor Newspaper Taylor Newspaper Family Family’s classified pages! Labette Avenue • Prairie Star Montgomery County Chronicle The cost is $6.00 for 25 words . . . and the ad appears in three weekly newspapers serving five counties of southeast Kansas! Grown-Up Busy Hands Cherryvale Public Library offers adults ages 18 and older a chance to gather for some socializing and handi-work from 1-3 p.m. every Thursday. Assistant librarian Tammie Logan said participants don’t have to be “crafty” to enjoy a cup of coffee and a relaxing couple of hours visiting and working on adult coloring pages or their knitting or other crafts. “Patty (Hornback) taught another lady how to knit last week,” Logan said. “It’s just a fun time, and everyone is invited. And it ends at 3 o’clock, just in time for parents to pick up their kids from school right across the street.” Here, from left to right, are Peggy Hobart, Patty Hornback, Maxine Webber and Patricia Rutledge. Hornback brought her knitting, while the others relaxed with coloring pages. (Photo by Donna Celaya) Page B6 Coffeyville Thursday, March 17, 2016 Montgomery County Chronicle ‘April Foolery’ magic show to be held at CCC Award-winning magician Terry Elton, as seen at the World Famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, along with area favorite Pete Walterscheid, will present an hour-long magic, mystery, and mayhem show that promises a lot of comedy and fun for the entire family. This one-of-a-kind show will take place at SpencerRounds Theater on the Coffeyville Community College campus at 7:30 p.m., Friday, April 1. Admission is free. The show is being sponsored by Coffeyville Community College Student Government Association. Terry Elton’s unique blend of Magic and Comedy have made him a much sought after entertainer for over 25 years. His performances have been enjoyed by millions of people and have taken him all over the United States and Canada. Winning awards for Ford-Wulf-Bruns Chapel of Coffeyville recently donated several children’s car seats and several dozen stuffed animals to the Coffeyville Police Department for placement in police vehicles. The car seats will be used to transport small children while the stuffed animals will be given to children during times of distress or emergency. Pictured are (left to right) Ed Rutherford, Coffeyville Police Department; Clyde Kastler, Ford-Wulf-Bruns; Kay Boswell, Ford-Wulf-Bruns; Kwin Bromley, Coffeyville police chief; and Richard Hanks, Ford-Wulf-Bruns director. (Photo by Andy Taylor) Funeral home donates to local police efforts BY ANDY TAYLOR [email protected] Ford-Wulf-Bruns Chapel of Coffeyville last week assisted the Coffeyville Police Department with the donation of several children’s car seats for police cruisers. Richard Hanks, funeral director, said Ford-Wulf-Bruns became aware of the need for children’s car seats in police vehicles after a local police officer mentioned it in a conversation. That prompted Ford-Wulf-Bruns to open its wallet and buy four children’s car seats, which are adaptable for infants, toddlers and small kids. “There are times when we need those car seats whenever we need to transport a child,” said Kwin Bromley, police chief. “Having these car seats in our police units will allow us to offer safety and security to our youngest passengers.” Ford-Wulf-Bruns Chapel also purchased several dozen stuffed animals and bags to give to children during a time of emergency or distress. “We have heard about children who are traumatized during an emergency, such as a fire or a car wreck. Having these stuffed animals in the police cars will give the police officers a chance to offer something that can provide comfort and soothe the kids in a time of emotional distress,” said Hanks. Bromley said all police cruisers will come equipped with a supply of small, stuffed animals to give to children in emergency situations. Emily Washburn assumes new duty at CCC Emiy Washburn . . . CCC Honors Program director Coffeyville Community College will reinstate the Honors Program in Fall 2016. The program will motivate and challenge students academically in and out of the classroom. Taking on the role of Honors Program Director, is Emily Washburn, previous CCC Head Women’s Basketball Coach. Washburn will also be taking over the Quiz Bowl Team. “I am excited for the change,” said Washburn. “This position gives me the opportunity to continue working with students and make an impact.” Washburn brings 13 years of advising experience to the position and a unique vision of program growth opportunities. “I want future students to know that CCC is a good academic option for them,” said Washburn. “Often times, students focus on activities and athletics, I want them to know they can do that as well as excel in the classroom.” Kiwanis members hear from commissioner, county clerk Montgomery County commissioner Fred Brown and county clerk Charlotte ScottSchmidt were the guest speakers at the March 7 meeting of the Coffeyville Kiwanis. Brown said the county commission approves the budget for all county departments, elected and appointed. It approves contracts, and enacts resolutions and regulations to ensure the public health, safety and well-being of all citizens of Montgomery County. There are three members on the commission with one commissioner elected from each of the three commission districts. The districts are divided equally on the basis of population and in accordance with state statute. Four-year terms of office are staggered so that no more than two commissioners are elected at any general election. Commissioners are elected on a partisan basis. The commission meets each Monday beginning at 9 a.m., in the lower level of the Montgomery County Judicial Center, 300 East Myrtle, Independence. Brown discussed with the Kiwanis the duties of the county commissioners. He explained how they analyze and approve budgets, keep track of equipment costs and how they handle specific requests or tax problems that may come up. Brown then explained to the group about mill levy and how it is figured. He also explained how they are now looking to eliminate or reduce maintenance costs of miles of gravel, dirt and paved roads. This may include returning to owners the right of ways that are no longer needed. He also explained more on the valuation of properties. Several will be coming off the roll soon. He talked about how some valuations increased. He and Mrs. ScottSchmidt explained how the machinery and equipment tax dollars laws were changed and how that effects the yearly budget. Brown stated he really enjoys his job and working with his fellow commissioners. It has been interesting process and time for him. Brown and Scott-Schmidt also answered questions from the group. The program’s selection process will be based on a compilation of ACT and SAT scores, high school GPA, writing samples, an interview, and other pertinent materials. Students will then be placed in various honors level courses with the intent of graduating with honors. “I look forward to being a resource that students can utilize,” said Washburn. “I hope to see the Honors Program and the Quiz Bowl Team grow in the future. his own special brand of magic, The Kansas City Star called him a “Master of Enchantment.” He’s a member and performer at the prestigious Academy of Magical Arts in Hollywood and can be seen as an emcee to the World Famous Magic Castle located in Hollywood. He will be joined on stage by another award-winning magician of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, Pete Walterscheid. Pete has been recognized for his own brand of magic being chosen as first runner-up as Magician of the Year 2014 by the Kansas City chapter. He was chosen as one the acts to recently close the Kansas City FringeFest this past year and is also a member of the most prestigious Magic Castle. For more information, contact (620) 251-7888 or pete@ Structure fire claims three family pets The Coffeyville Fire Department responded to a structure fire at 413 N. Willow at approximately 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 9. Upon arrival, there was heavy smoke throughout the house and firefighters extinguished the fire with an interior attack. The house was occupied by James Garoutte III, Melissa Frost and three children. There were no injuries to occupants or firefighters, however, three pets died as a result of the fire. Damage to the house is estimated at $13,000, and the cause of the fire is under investigation. Residents encouraged to apply for various city boards, posts The Coffeyville City Commission is accepting applications for persons interested in serving on the following city boards. The deadline to receive applications is 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 6. Appointments will be made at the April 12 commission meeting. Applicants must be present in order to be appointed. • City planning commission: This seven-member board has one position available for a three-year term serving to January 1, 2019. The position is to be filled by an applicant outside of but within three miles of the corporate limits of the City. This Board meets the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. • Public library board: This seven-member board has two positions available for four-year terms serving to April 30, 2020, and one unexpired term serving to April 30, 2018. Applicants must be city residents. This board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 5:15 p.m. Applications for board appointments may be picked up in the City Clerk’s Office, 11 E. 2nd. In addition, or they are available and can be filed through the Coffeyville website, www.coffeyville. com. All applications will be reviewed by the city commission. Blood drive set for next week in Coffeyville Across the country, the American Red Cross is reminding communities that March is Red Cross Month. In the U.S., nearly 5 million patients need blood transfusions every year. By making an appointment to give blood this month, eligible donors can help the Red Cross meet patient needs. The Red Cross relies on the support of the American public to provide all of the services we offer. By giving blood, you support the Red Cross and help patients in need. March was initially de- clared Red Cross Month in 1943, when then-President Franklin Roosevelt reminded Americans the Red Cross is committed to providing blood products, disaster relief and emergency social services across the U.S. and internationally. Blood donors for a drive to be held on Monday, March 21 and Tuesday, March 22 at the First Baptist Church of Coffeyville. Monday’s drive will be held from 11:45 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesday’s drive will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Field Kindley High School’s Class of 1964 is having a party to celebrate . . . “Survivors” 70th Birthday Get out of Town! (Okay, but just this one time) Oct. 7-9, 2016 Carriage House Inn Branson, Mo. 1-877-336-0230 tes Fred Join classma unt H Brown, Gail on, ils W l u a P , Misch RudzienSue Hulsey s of sky and score others! Call 1-800-RED CROSS (1800-733-2767) or visit to make an appointment or for more in- formation. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. Chiropractic Arts Center Dr. David Bumgarner, Chiropractor Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms? 1. Numbness in arms & hands 2. Restless nights 3. Pain between the shoulders 4. Stiffness of neck 5. Nerve tension 6. Depression 7. Headaches 8. Anxiety in the chest 9. Stiffness in or pain in lower back 10. Tired hips and legs 11. Painful joints Chiropractic can help. Call us today! 509 Maple • Coffeyville • (620) 251-2970 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) 213 W. Main • Cherryvale • (620) 336-3765 (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) (Tuesday and Thursday) Get Top Market Dollar for Your Cattle Every Friday at 11 a.m. FREE On-the-Farm Appraisals – Trailers Available – Receiving Cattle All Day & Evening Thursdays – Feed, Water & Pens Available For more information or to consign cattle, please call 1-800-825-1549 or Moble (918) 331-7702 S903OUTH C OFFEYVILLE STOCKYARDS, INC. S. W S •S C ,O ILLOW TREET OUTH OFFEYVILLE KLAHOMA LOCATED JUST 1 MILE SOUTH OF COFFEYVILLE OFF HWY. 169 Looking for a Good Run & Ring Full of Buyers This Friday Classified Ads Thursday, March 17, 2016 Page B7 Montgomery County Chronicle Prairie Star • Montgomery County Chronicle • Labette Avenue SALES & AUCTIONS ITEMS FOR SALE CHETOPA: Chetopa mini storage sale on Saturday, March 19 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Various pieces of furniture, flower shop items, Christmas items, as well as lots of baby clothes 0-2T will be on sale. For more information or in case of rain call Katrina 918-533-1157. CQ-11-1tp ITEMS FOR SALE PIANOS: Baby grand piano, $1988! Decorative oak spinet, $1288! Loaded Yamaha Clavinova, $2288! Steinway grand, $9988! Over 140 more great deals at MidAmerica Piano, Manhattan, 1-800-9503774, (KCAN) __________________________ USED APPLIANCES AND FURNITURE: Washers, Dryers, Stoves, Fridge, Freezers, AC units, Recliners, Lift chair-918-533-6000 or 620-597-2680. L C8-5tp __________________________ “IMAGES OF AMERICA: INDEPENDENCE,” a pictorial history of Independence, is available for $21.99 (plus sales tax) at the Montgomery County Chronicle offices in Caney, Cherryvale and Independence. Makes a great gift for any event! nc MISCELLANEOUS DAYCARE HAS OPENINGS: For more information call Carolyn Tomlinson at 620795-2876. LA7-tf ITEMS WANTED SCRAP METAL: Paying top dollar for scrap metal, junk cars (running or not), etc. Will pick up items. Call 918-559-9162. MC-E3-tfnp __________________________ GOLD & SILVER JEWELRY WANTED: Get more for your broken unwanted gold & silver jewelry at Uncle Ken’s Coin Shop. Also buying silver coins and old currency. Phone (620) 331-4570. tf ___________________________ Let your hometown newspaper be your source for classified advertisements! ___________________________ VEHICLES 1969 BLAIR 22 LIVESTOCK TRAILER with side door and fiberglass top for $500. Call 620-597-2516 or 620-762-0046. CQ-11-1tp BID NOTICES ACCEPTING BIDS Caney Valley Electric will be accepting bid quotes for mowing substation properties for the upcoming mowing season. All applicants must be able to show proof of insurance &/ or bond. All bids must be received by close of business March 21, 2016. If interested, please contact our office for a bid packet at 758-2262, 800-310-8911 or 401 Lawrence, Cedar Vale. CQ10-2tb __________________________ BIDS ACCEPTED: The Oakhill Cemetery Board #13 at Chautauqua will accept bids for mowing and maintenance from March 9 through March 23. Bids must include proof of insurance. All persons who will be assisting with the mowing, etc., must be listed on the insurance, no one under 18 will be accepted. Bid must include list of equipment to be used. Send bids to: Oakhill • FULL-TIME JOB OPPORTUNITY• THOMPSON BROTHERS WELDING AND INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY THOMPSON BROTHERS, MAIN OFFICE STAFF: •DETAILORIENTED •EXCELLENTCOMMUNICATIONANDCUSTOMER SERVICE SKILLS •FAMILIARWITHANOFFICEPHONESYSTEM •BACKGROUNDINBOOKKEEPINGANDUNDERSTANDING OF ACCOUNTING PROCESSES A PLUS MUST BE: •SELFMOTIVATED •ABLETOMANAGEMULTIPLETASKSANDDEADLINES •DEPENDABLEMON–FRI8AMTO5PM •PROFESSIONALINAPPEARANCE •ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE •ACCOUNTSPAYABLE •INVOICING •COLLECTIONS •TRACKINGOFCOMPRESSEDGASCYLINDERS •PURCHASING •INVENTORYMANAGEMENT SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE WILL BE INVOLVED IN BUT NOT LIMITED TO: WE ARE A SECURE, SECOND GENERATION FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS ABOUT TO CELEBRATE OUR 70TH ANNIVERSARY. WE OFFER A COMPETITIVE SALARY AND BENEFIT PACKAGE INCLUDING HEALTH INSURANCE AND 401K WITH MATCH. INTERESTED CANDIDATES SHOULD SUBMIT RESUME ALONG WITH SALARY HISTORY TO: ED BARNES ATTN: HUMAN RESOURCES THOMPSON BROTHERS SUPPLY, INC. PO BOX 995 2319 W. 8TH ST, COFFEYVILLE, KS 67337 55 Hereford Bulls BID NOTICES BID NOTICE The City of Havana will be taking bids on a 7 foot heavy duty 3 pt. blade and a 1977 1 ton Chevrolet dump truck. Sealed bids will be accepted starting March 11, 2016 and will close on April 11, 2016 at 7 p.m. The bids will be opened on April 11, 2016 at the City meeting at 7 p.m. in the Havana Community Building. For questions call Dennis Hodges at 620-870-1390. Cemetery #13, P. O. Box 131, Chautauqua, KS 67334. All bids must be mailed. CQ10-3b __________________________ MOWING BIDS ACCEPTED: The annual meeting for Lafayette Cemetery Association is April 8, 2016, at 5 p.m. Any interested BID NOTICES AREA SERVICES parties welcome to attend. At that time we will open bids that were received by April 4, for mowing three cemeteries in the township. Send bids to Dixie Selter, 505 N. Montgomery, Sedan, KS 67361. CQ11-3tp MCNOWN TREE CARE Insured, professional tree trimming, removal, and clean-up. FREE ESTIMATES Home: 620-725-4038 Cell: 620-249-1891 “When Experience Counts, Count on Us!” CQ23-tfn __________________________ THOMAS TREE SERVICE: Tree trimming, removal and stump grinding, have chipper, grapple and bucket truck. Insured. Call for free estimates, 620-879-2532 or 620-2498773. CQ-T1-tfn __________________________ TAYLOR TREES, LLC: Tree and Pasture Clearing, Insured, Chautauqua and surrounding counties. Call 620-216-0755. CQ7-tfn __________________________ CLEAR VISION WINDSHIELD REPAIR: If you need a rock chip repaired, call Paul Stetz at 620-725-3265. If we can’t answer, please leave a message. CQ40-tfn AREA SERVICES CATHY’S BOOKKEEPING Payroll Services and General Bookkeeping 20+ years experience 620-249-5424 [email protected] CQ9-tfn __________________________ LAZY BEAR COMPUTERS: in-home repair and upgrades. We come to you. 620-725-5465, 620-330-0330. www. mjking@ CQ1-tfn __________________________ SEPTIC TANKS: Sold and installed. Contact Roland Meisch at 620-374-2556. CQ1-tfn __________________________ WICKHAM TRUCKING for your rock, sand, and dirt needs. Call 620-725-3317 or 620-2492867. CQ1-tfn Bus Mechanic Technician - USD 506 USD 506 Labette Co. is seeking an experienced Bus Mechanic Technician. Successful candidates will perform preventative maintenance, diagnosis, service and repair of steering, suspension, brakes, engines, transmissions, differentials, electrical, wheelchair lifts, and air conditioning systems. Successful applicants must be able to work safely, perform part analysis on damaged parts, and assist in inventory control or other dutues as necessary. Requires physical exertion and applicants must have, or be able to obtain, a CDL. A complete job description is available on the district website. Applications may be submitted online at or picked up at the District Office located at 401 S. High School Street, Altamont, Kansas 67330. Job Vacancy - School Cook at USD 506 USD 506 will accept applications for a School Cook until position is filled. Duties associated with this position include preparing and serving food, supervising kitchen operations, working collaboratively with other staff and interacting positively with students. This a nine-month position, as the kitchen is operational during the school year only. A complete job description is available on the district website. Applications may be submitted on line at or picked up at the District Office located at 401 S. High School Street, Altamont, Kansas 67330. 220 Angus Bulls 700+ Commercial Females Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed. Buy with confidence! 1000 HEAD SELL! 400+ acres of prime deer hunting, fishing and grazing. CROSSTIMBERSLAND.COM 918-287-1996 - OFFICE 620-705-1448 - Ben Allen 23rd Production Sale Thursday, March 24 • Noon Apartments available at Westside Homes, Oswego Apply at Frogley’s Gun Shop or call 620-778-2458 Three miles south of Lafontaine on Old Highway 39 (Harper Road) and 1 1/2 miles west; or two miles north of Elk City on Highway 160 to farm sign. Complimentary lunch will be served at 11 a.m. LC1-tf WELDING SUPPLIES ALL BULLS BEING SOLD - Serviceable age, 12 month, 18 month and a group of really stout two-year-olds. Semen evaluated. Freeze Branded, BVD-PI-Neg. First breeding season guaranteed. Many by calving ease or moderate birth weight EPD sires. CAN’T ATTEND? Consider our sight unseen guarantee Broadcast live on LiveAuctions.TV [email protected] 6075 CR 1950, Elk City, KS 67344 • Call for a Catalog POOL MANAGER: The City of Sedan is taking applications for Pool Manager. Applicants must be certified and are required to work weekends. All applications must be returned to City Hall by April 1, 2016, at 4:00 pm. CQ8-6tb __________________________ LIFEGUARD: The City of Howard Swimming Pool is currently seeking Lifeguards for the upcoming 2016 season. The Lifeguard is responsible for ensuring the safety of swimmers and members in the pool and surrounding pool area at all times. Requirements include holding certifications by the American Red Cross: CPR, AED, First Aid, and Life Guarding. The Lifeguard position is a seasonal position. Employment is from Memorial Day weekend through possibly Labor Day and must be flexible to work varying shifts including weekends. Applications must be returned to Howard City Office before May 1. Call 620-374-2202 for more information. CQ11-4tb __________________________ TRANSPORTATION DRIVER: Elk County Council on Aging is looking for a parttime transportation driver. Responsible for picking up and taking clients to appointments in our public transit vehicle. Must be at least 18 years old, have a clean driving record and pass drug and background checks. Apply in person at 134 E. Washington, Howard. CQ11&13-b __________________________ HOUSEKEEPER: Elk County Council on Aging is looking for a part-time housekeeper. Must have your own vehicle, be 18 years or older and pass background checks. Apply in person at 134 E. Washington, Howard. CQ11&13-b __________________________ NEWS & FARM DIRECTOR/REPORTER: SEK Media is looking for a News & Farm Director/ Reporter who wants to join our KGGF AM/ FM-KUSN-KQQF team. Must have excellent verbal and writing skills, and computer Call or visit our website for working ranches in a several state area. Let our background in stocker/ cow-calf production and hunting properties be of assistance in the sale of your ranch or your property search. Two-year-old Pairs & Heifers bred for fall, & Yearling Heifers ready to breed Randy McCabe cell: 620-332-4244 Flinton McCabe cell: 620-332-4498 Ethan McCabe cell: 620-636-0545 HELP WANTED We honor all Thompson Bros. Present Leases TROTNIC LUMBER & SUPPLY OSWEGO • (620) 795-2414 TROTNIC STORAGE • Units Available • As small as 5x10 As large as 20x40 $20 and up OSWEGO • (620) 795-2414 Now Has 2 Locations! 205 W. 9th, Coffeyville (620) 251-2200 East of Dearing, KS (620) 948-3400 (3 miles east of Dearing or west of Coffeyille Country Club on Woodland Ave.) New & Used • Antiques • Furniture • La-Z-Boy Recliners Page B8 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED literate in Microsoft Office to search out, write and deliver news and features on air, digital and mobile technologies. Position prefers farm and ranch knowledge. Sports play-by-play is a plus. Valid driver’s license required. Approximate start date: June 1, 2016. Pick up application at 306 W. 8th St., Coffeyville, KS 67337 or download an application: Email to: [email protected] or mail: P.O. Box 1100, Bartlesville, OK 74005. Equal Opportunity Employers. MC-S11-1tb __________________________ DATA ENTRY CLERK: LABETTE COUNTY Appraiser’s Office is accepting applications for a Data Entry Clerk. Duties include basic office work, computer data entry, answering phones. Computer experience is a must. Must work well with others. Minimal travel will be required for education classes. Starting salary is $10.58 an hour. We are an EOE. Please pick up applications at The Labette County Appraiser’s Office, 501 Merchant St. Oswego, KS or email resume to [email protected] For complete job description call 620-795-2548 ext. 4, ask for Whitney Strickland. Will accept applications until March 11th. LA9-2tc __________________________ LIFEGUARDS AND CONCESSION WORKERS: The City of Oswego is now accepting applications for Lifeguards and Concession Workers at the City Pool. Applications are available at City Hall 703 5th St., on the city’s website www. or by calling 620-7954433. The city is an equal opportunity employer. LA10-tf __________________________ CAN YOU DIG IT? Heavy Equipment Operator Career! We Offer Training and Certifications Running Bulldozers, Backhoes and Excavators. Lifetime Job Placement. VA Benefits Eligible! 1-866-362-6497. (KCAN) __________________________ TRUCK DRIVERS: OTR Lease & company driver employment opportunities Available. Class A CDL + 2 years’ experience required. Benefits start date of hire. Exceptional pay, benefits, new equipment. 1-800-709-8997. (KCAN) TRUCK DRIVERS: Convoy Systems is hiring Class A drivers to run from Kansas City to the west coast. Home Weekly! Great Benefits! Call Tina ext. 301 or Lori ext. 303 1-800-926-6869. (KCAN) The deadline for submitting a classified ad is 5 p.m., Monday. Thursday, March 17, 2016 Montgomery County Chronicle FOR RENT FOR RENT IN CANEY: Houses for rent in Caney. Two and three bedrooms, carports and storage sheds. No pets. Call 620-8792532. tf Apartments available at Westside Homes, Oswego. Apply at Frogley’s Gun Shop or call 620-795-2801. LC47-tf REAL ESTATE OPEN HOUSE 405 Wyandotte, Longton Sunday, March 20, 2-4 p.m. Come and see this home! Three bedroom, two bath, open floor plan and kitchen appliances stay, new roof in 2015. A MUST SEE! Come by Sunday! ***** HOWARD: 1160 Hwy. 99 - Five acres with large metal building, out of the city limits with many uses, access to Elk River, out buildings. $69,000. HOWARD: 218 N. Wabash - Nice business opportunity, 770 square feet retail, business opportunity, could also be residential for hunters or weekends. $8,000. Call Judy Nungesser, Realtor Faith Realty Call 620-330-3688 [email protected] CQ11-tfn ___________________________ Let your hometown newspaper be your source for classified advertisements! ___________________________ PUBLIC NOTICES (Published in the Montgomery County Chronicle on Thursday, March 3, 10 and 17, 2016) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Kansas CIVIL DEPARTMENT Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC (Plaintiff) vs. Mark L. Bastian; Heather A. Bastian; John Doe (Tenant/Occupant); Mary Doe (Tenant/Occupant) (Defendants) Case No. 16CV12C Court Number: Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 60 NOTICE OF SUIT The State Of Kansas, to the abovenamed defendants and the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, creditors and assigns of any deceased defendants; the unknown spouses of any defendants; the unknown officers, successors, trustees, creditors and assigns of any defendants that are existing, dissolved or dormant corporations; the unknown executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, creditors, successors and assigns of any defendants that are or were partners or in partnership; the unknown guardians, conservators and trustees of any defendants that are minors or are under any legal disability; and the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, creditors and assigns of any person alleged to be deceased, and all other persons who are or may be concerned. You are notified that a Petition has been filed in the District Court of Montgomery County, Kansas, praying to foreclose a real estate mortgage on the following described real estate: The North 25 acres of Lot 4, in Section 1, Township 35, Range 15, except beginning at the NW corner of said Lot 4, thence South 132 feet, thence East 330 feet to place of beginning and except beginning at the SW corner of the North 25 acres of said Lot 4, thence North 110 feet, thence East 396 feet, thence South 110 feet, thence West 396 feet to the place of beginning, Montgomery County, Kansas, commonly known as 1688 CR 3700, Coffeyville, KS. More accurately described as: The North 25 acres of Lot 4, in Section 1, Township 35, Range 15, EXCEPT beginning at the NW corner of said Lot 4, thence South 132 feet, thence East 330 feet; thence North 132 feet; thence West 330 feet to place of beginning and EXCEPT beginning at the SW corner of the North 25 acres of said Lot 4, thence North 110 feet, thence East 396 feet, thence South 110 feet, thence West 396 feet to the place of beginning, Montgomery County, Kansas, commonly known as 1688 CR 3700, Coffeyville, KS., commonly known as 1688 CR 3700, Coffeyville, KS 67337-9417 (the “Property”) and all those defendants who have not otherwise been served are required to plead to the Petition on or before the 13th day of April, 2016, in the District Court of Montgomery County,Kansas. If you fail to plead, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Prepared By: SouthLaw, P.C. Mark Mellor (KS #10255) 245 N. Waco, Suite 410 Wichita, KS 67202 (316) 684-7733 (316) 684-7766 (Fax) Attorneys for Plaintiff (73169) ____________________________ (Published in the Montgomery County Chronicle on Thursday, March 3, 10 and 17, 2016) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, KANSAS THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE UNDER INDENTURE DATED AS OF NOVEMBER 5, 2009 OF NATIONSTAR HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST 2009-A (Plaintiff) vs. JOE SOLIS, et. al. (Defendants) Case No. 2014-CV-000200I Div. No. K.S.A. 60 Mortgage Foreclosure NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court in and for the said County of Montgomery, in a certain cause in said Court Numbered 2014-CV000200I, wherein the parties above named were respectively plaintiff and defendant, and to me, the undersigned Sheriff of said County, directed, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the South door of Judicial Center in Independence in the City of Independence in said County, on March 24, 2016, at 2:00 P.M., of said day the following described real estate located in the County of Montgomery, State of Kansas, to wit: LOT 9, BLOCK 2, CORWINS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF INDEPENDENCE, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, KANSAS. Commonly known as 1208 North 6th Street, Independence, Kansas 67301 This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Robert Dierks, sheriff Montgomery County, Kan. SHAPIRO & KREISMAN, LLC Attorneys for Plaintiff 4220 Shawnee Mission Parkway Suite 418B Fairway, KS 66205 (913)831-3000 Fax No. (913)831-3320 Our File No. 14-007552/jm ____________________________ (Published in the Montgomery County Chronicle on Thursday, March 10, 17 and 24, 2016) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, KAN., SITTING AT COFFEYVILLE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLENE NAN SELLERS, DECEASED Case NO. 15 PR-4 C NOTICE OF HEARING THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that on the 7th day of March, 2016, a Petition was filed in this Court by Kristin Schneider, Executor of the Estate of Charlene Nan Sellers, deceased, praying for a final settlement of the estate, approval of her acts, proceedings, and accounts as Executor, allowance for attorney’s fees and expenses, determination of the heirs, devisees, and legatees entitled to the estate and assignment to them in accordance with the Will of Charlene Nan Sellers, deceased. You are required to file your written defenses thereto on or before the 5th day of April, 2016, at 9:00 o’clock A.M. of said day in said Court in the City of Coffeyville, Montgomery County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (‘RFP’) FOR SALE AND DEVELOPMENT OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY The City of Caney, Kansas is seeking proposals for the sale and development of the buildings and land located at 112 North Spring Street (Tract 1), 116 North Spring Street (Tract 2) and 109 South State Street (Tract 3). Tract 1 consist of two structures and land, Tract 2 is an undeveloped lot with a concrete pad and Tract 3 is a structure located on the alley between Spring Street and State Street south of 4th Street and north of 5th Street. Proposals to be submitted on or before April 15, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. Additional information regarding the Property and the RFP required process may be requested through the office of the City Clerk at 1-620-879-2772. City of Caney due course upon the Petition. KRISTIN SCHNEIDER, petitioner HALL LEVY DEVORE BELL OTT & KRITZ 815 Union, P. O. Box 9 Coffeyville KS 67337 (620) 251-1300 Attorneys for Petitioner ____________________________ (Published in the Montgomery County Chronicle on Thursday, March 17, 24 and 31, 2016) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, KAN., SITTING AT COFFEYVILLE JAMES ROMINES (Plaintiff) vs. DONNA V. HARRIS; et al. (Defendant) CASE NO. 2016 CV 17C NOTICE OF SUIT THE STATE OF KANSAS to DONNA V. HARRIS; the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, creditors, and assigns of such of the defendants as may be deceased; the unknown spouses of the defendants; the unknown officers, successors, trustees, creditors and assigns of such defendants that is an existing, dissolved or dormant corporation; the unknown executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, creditors, successors and assigns of a defendant that is or was in partnership; the unknown guardians and trustees of such of the defendants as are minor or are under any legal disability; and all other persons who are or may be concerned: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition has been filed in the District Court Montgomery County, Kansas, sitting at Coffeyville, by JAMES ROMINES and praying for judgment quieting the title to the real estate described in the Petition. You are required to plead to the Petition by or before the 27 day of April, 2016, at 9:00 o’clock a.m., in said court, in the City of Coffeyville, Montgomery County, Kansas. Should you fail to plead, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. JAMES ROMINES, petitioner HALL LEVY DEVORE BELL OTT & KRITZ 815 UNION P.O. BOX 9 Coffeyville, KS 67337 (620) 251-1300 Attorneys for Plaintiff ____________________________ (Published in the Montgomery County Chronicle on Thursday, March 17, 24 and 31, 2016) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, KAN., CIVIL DEPARTMENT JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (Plaintiff) vs. Aaron J. Adame; John Doe (Tenant/ Occupant); Mary Doe (Tenant/Occupant); State of Kansas, Department for Children and Families f/k/a Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services; Tiffany D. Adame a/k/a Tiffany D. Easter (Defendants) Case No. 16CV18C Court Number: Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 60 NOTICE OF SUIT The State Of Kansas, to the abovenamed defendants and the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, creditors and assigns of any deceased defendants; the unknown spouses of any defendants; the unknown officers, successors, trustees, creditors and assigns of any defendants that are existing, dissolved or dormant corporations; the unknown executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, creditors, successors and assigns of any defendants that are or were partners or in partnership; the unknown guardians, conservators and trustees of any defendants that are minors or are under any legal disability; and the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, creditors and assigns of any person alleged to be deceased, and all other persons who are or may be concerned. You are notified that a Petition has been filed in the District Court of Montgomery County, Kansas, praying to foreclose a real estate mortgage on the following described real estate: Lot 28, Block 1, Queen City First Addition to the City of Coffeyville, Montgomery County, Kansas ALSO DESCRIBED AS: Lot Twenty-eight (28), Block One (1), Queen City First Addition to the City of Coffeyville, Montgomery County, Kansas, according to the recorded plat thereof, commonly known as 1010 West 4th Street, Coffeyville, KS 67337 (the “Property”) and all those defendants who have not otherwise been served are required to plead to the Petition on or before the 27th day of April, 2016, in the District Court of Montgomery County,Kansas. If you fail to plead, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Prepared By: SouthLaw, P.C. Blair T. Gisi (KS #24096) 245 N. Waco, Suite 410 Wichita, KS 67202 (316) 684-7733 (316) 684-7766 (Fax) Attorneys for Plaintiff (164990) CROSSWORD PUZZLES THEME: THE 1920S ACROSS 1. Incited 6. Presidents’ Day mo. 9. Pig trough stuff 13. “The Stars and Stripes Forever” composer 14. *”Happy Days Are Here Again,” ____ Reisman and His Orchestra 15. *Josephine Baker’s turf 16. Blood fluid 17. Will Ferrell’s Christmas character 18. Conical dwelling 19. *First Winter Olympics country 21. *Female pioneer 23. Uh-huh 24. Classic sci-fi video game 25. Boxer’s punch 28. Hoodwink 30. Noble gas 34. Exclamation of sorrow 36. Lord’s servant 38. Muslim ruler honorific 40. Central Time ____ 41. North Pole workforce 43. Dwarf buffalo 44. Some sorority girls 46. South American monkey 47. Like gum after novocaine shot 48. Poisonous plant 50. Fill beyond full 52. Epitome of easiness 53. Satellite TV provider 55. Final, abbr. 57. *Black day 61. *Lindbergh’s ____ of St. Louis 64. “Round up the ____ suspects!” 65. Major network 67. Healer 69. Capital of Switzerland 70. India’s smallest state 71. In an unfriendly manner 72. Greek god of love 73. It often goes with “flow” 74. Magnetic field strength unit DOWN 1. Sixth sense 2. Subject of “A Good Walk Spoiled” 3. ____ gum, food additive 4. Literary composition 5. *F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Beautiful and the ____” 6. What refugees do 7. Snakelike fish 8. Very successful 9. Take one of these at a time 10. Nordic native 11. Curved molding 12. Jurist 15. Pollen producer 20. Malaria to Bill Gates, e.g. 22. Salmon on a bagel 24. Ascetic Muslim monk 25. *____ Age 26. Healing plants 27. Swahili or Zulu 29. Fox’ coat 31. Indian restaurant staple 32. Come clean 33. One of the Judds 35. Clothes line 37. Cheese on Peloponnese 39. *Iconic baseball player 42. Abdominal exercise 45. Equestrian’s seat 49. Foreign intelligence service 51. Provoke 54. Irish playwright John Millington ____ 56. Cease-fire 57. Toothpaste holder 58. Consumer 59. Eurozone money 60. “Without,” in French 61. Striker’s foe 62. Part of eye 63. Be a snitch 66. *Hairstyle 68. Shag rug (Solution elsewhere on this page)
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