The Observer (1997-12-10)


The Observer (1997-12-10)
Volume IV, Issue 3
Traffic tips
By Laura France Demers
In talkin g to New Hampshire Stat e Polic e Troope r
Marshall, I found out some information others might want to know
but woul d neve r as k a police officer themselves . Troope r
Marshall talke d about ho w NOT
to ge t a ticket . Hi s first advice
was "don't violat e the law. " Bu t
when I asked him abou t tips to get
out o f a ticket afte r th e sto p ha s
already been made , h e explained
the ticket will or will not be given
usually depending on two things:
the severit y o f the violatio n an d
the way the violator communicates
with the officer.
Opposed to popular belief,
officers normally do not write the
ticket until they talk to the driver.
This is because the officer may not
feel the need to give a ticket if the
drivers are aware of their actions.
According to Trooper Marshall, if
violators are not rude, understan d
why the y ar e bein g stoppe d an d
agree to refrain fro m committing
the violation again, the ticket may
not b e written . However , if the
violators ar e angr y an d disagre e
with the officer, the ticket may be
issued. Perhap s this is because if
the violator s fee l the y hav e no t
done anythin g wrong , they mos t
likely will do it again. I f the driver
receives a warning , Troope r
Marshall explained that warnings
New Hampshir e College
go on record only if you ar e found
guilty in court, or you plea d guilty
by no t going to court and paying
your ticket.
As fa r as holiday traffic is
concerned, Trooper Marshall believes the busiest time of the year
is th e Fourt h o f July. H e states
that summer holidays and foliage
season almos t alway s hav e
heavier traffic . Whe n aske d if
State Police mus t giv e out a certain number o f tickets by the end
of eac h month, Trooper Marshall
stated that it was "absolutely no t
true, as least not for State Police."
He explaine d i t i s possibl e tha t
towns and cities have taken on this
concept; however , a s fa r a s th e
State Police ar e concerned , "It' s
our job t o enforc e th e law, " and
in fact unwritten warnings sometimes hav e a greate r effec t o n
people. I f an office r i s see n at tending t o a ca r alon g th e road ,
whether i t be concerning a traffic
violation o r ca r trouble , othe r
drivers wh o pas s b y becom e
aware o f thei r ow n action s an d
catch themselves violatin g traffic
laws befor e a n office r catche s
them. Troope r Marshall believes
this is very effective.
So t o all you who dislike
police officers , giv e the m a
chance. The y are here to help us.
They ar e norma l people . The y
want you t o be safe during the holiday seasons . B e friendl y wit h
them and they will be friendly too.
Traditional wassail
(holiday punch)
The holiday season is now officially upo n us. A holiday season jus t wouldn't be complete withou t a traditional holiday wassail,
or punch . Bu t what's this ? Yo u sa y you've never had a wassail before? No t to worry! Th e staff here at the Observer has provided our
loyal readers with this incredibly easy recipe that anyone can make!
Oh yes , you can make it non-alcoholic too, just omit the rum. Enjo y
your punch and have a happy holiday season !
Apple Cide r
Whole Cloves
Cinnamon Stick
1 gallo n
1 (sliced thinly)
1 (zest only)
3 each
2 cup s
Mix al l ingredients together thoroughly. Serv e warm.
December 10 , 1997
Semester break
By Danny Luciano
Before heading home at the
close o f th e semester , student s
have to make sure of a few things.
First of all, remove all trash from
your rooms. Second , do not turn
off th e hea t in your room; it wil l
be monitored by computer. Third ,
unplug al l appliances, wit h th e
exception o f refrigerator s an d
stoves. Fourth , clean ou t oven s
and refrigerators. Mak e sure you
don't leav e an y foo d tha t wil l
spoil in your room. Fifth , loc k al l
your window s and doors . Also ,
close the drapes for those who live
on th e ground floors. A l l the residence areas will be inspected during th e break and any areas found
in need of cleaning will be cleaned
and students will b e assessed th e
cost. B e sur e no t t o leav e an y
valuables such as jewelry in your
rooms because the school will not
be held responsible for any items
left behind.
Any damag e i n your resi-
dence area should be reported before leaving so that the appropriate person(s ) hav e t o pay fo r th e
damages. I f there are an y ques tions regarding the damage assessment process, you can refer to the
school handbook.
If a t the present time you
don't hav e a roommate , you'l l
probably have one next semester
so be sur e to leave you r room in
the proper condition. Thi s means
keeping the room clean and utilizing onl y your own furniture . I f yo u
are not returning for the spring semester notif y the Offic e o f Residence Life by December 17,1997.
Students hav e u p t o 2 4
hours after their last exam to leave,
except fo r thos e wh o hav e thei r
last exam on December 18 ; the y
have unti l 5 p.m. to leave. Resi dence wil l re-ope n o n Sunday ,
January 11,1998 , at 9 a.m. Happy
This information was taken from
the Semester Break 101 handout
that was distributed by the RA's.
Page 2 Editorial
Page 3 FY
Page 4 Creativ
Page 5, 6 & 7 FY
e Writing & FYI
Page 8 & 9 Entertainmen
Page 10 & 11 FY
Page 1 2 Sport
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Just deposit your copy of The Observer in recycling bins located in the Student Center .
December 10,199 7
Letter to
the editor:
While reflectin g o n th e
article dealin g wit h Nichola s
Cameron's resignation, I realized
that few people knew of the considerable effort that was involved
in coverin g his courses . Man y
people wer e responsibl e includ ing the Freshma n Writing Coor dinator, who spent the larger part
of four days finding facult y who
could no t onl y cove r curren t
courses, bu t cove r th e sprin g
courses a s well . Remembe r th e
registration booklet for the spring
was about to be released and students would soo n be registering
for the next semester .
The searc h wa s mad e
easier by the generosity of those
who cam e forwar d t o help :
Cynthia Earl e an d Margare t
Murphy took the writing courses;
Susan Youngs, the public speaking course; Rich Colfer, the F E X
Dear Editors
The Observe r
The arrangement s fo r
spring wer e not nearl y s o easily
accomplished because faculty, including adjunc t faculty , ha d already bee n scheduled . Hence ,
many commitments had to be undone and rearranged- W e are particularly grateful to Helen Packey
for allowin g u s t o rearrange he r
schedule so that we could give her
the Basi c Studie s course s an d
provide continuity for those stu dents in the spring.
Finally, a secon d than k
you goes out to those faculty who
were willin g t o wal k int o th e
classes of someone who had commanded a strong sense of loyalty
and respect from his students. W e
are fortunate t o have faculty who
not onl y hav e th e professiona l
skill, bu t th e sensitivity , to dea l
with a remarkably difficult situation.
From the editor's desk:
Chris Toy, Chair
Liberal Arts Divisio n
You'll note , I trust, that I have saluted both of you. An d I'l l
begin this letter once again with more good news: You r 12 November
issue was, even with its sorrowful news, in keeping with what a free
press is all about. S o nice job, even though I can imagine how painful
putting together this issue must have been for everyone involved. How ever, I digress from my true purpose in writing this missive. Unfortu nately, some of my colleagues (I won't call them mean-spirited, even though the ide a has occurre d to me) have launched a vicious attac k
upon my character fo r saying good words about your paper. I hav e
been accused of being a toady, a sycophant, a self-serving lackey who
flatters and defers to others without conscience or conviction. An d al l
of these hurtful accusations prompted by my letter to you.
I hope you have staff members who are eager to know the identity of these individuals and are willing to expose and condemn them,
a fat e the y richl y deserve . Regrettably , the ethic s of my profession
forbid m e to identify them by name (it's one of those irksome things
about this business). However , I might be of some help to your investigative reporters shoul d they visi t m y campus digs. Sen d someone
who knows Morse Code and I think we can, without compromising
moral issues, work something out. It' s abou t tim e these rogues an d
scoundrels were revealed to the community at large. An d unti l they
are, I wil l b e unabl e t o writ e any mor e letter s i n praise o f all your
good works. O n this note let me leave you as a devoted reader, a loyal
supporter and a humble servant, etc., etc., etc.
As scary as it may seem, the end of the semester i s just abou t
here. Als o surprising is how quickly and painlessly it went by.
Yes, I am aware that this issue was supposed to come out November 25 and that it is now about two weeks past the original release
date. The blame for this can be directly attributed to the Thanksgiving
holiday break. W e got a call from our printer saying the Monday and
Tuesday time slots were booked, which are our usual printing times.
Since Wednesday wa s officiall y th e star t of Thanksgiving break , it
would have been impossible to stick to our original production
To make matters worse, many of the article s and features i n
that issue were highly time-sensitive, meaning they would have been
outdated b y the tim e we could ge t anothe r printin g date set So, in
essence w e had to go back to the drawin g board and start the issu e
over again from scratch. I t just goes to show that in order to get things
to run smoothly, there needs to be a tremendous leve l of coordination
between all the people and factors involved .
Regarding our last issue, we received a good deal of feedback
pertaining to the Dr. Cameron incident. A s one of the people who run
the Observer, I felt that it was important for the campus to know exactly what happened. Prio r to Issue # 2 coming out, there were plenty
of rumors going around campus, many of which were so distorted one
only wonders where this misinformation originated from. Sinc e the
Observer i s one o f the "voices " of N H C, I felt i t was importan t t o
straighten out this subject once and for all.
Thank you for reading the Observer. I wish al l of you good
luck on your finals and a happy holiday season. Watc h for our next
issue which is slated to come out a few weeks after we return from the
holiday break!
Your Pal,
Dr. Don Sieker
Adrian M. Mroczk o
Co-Editor in Chief
PHONE: (603 ) 645-966 9
Co-Editor in Chief: Adrian Mroczko
Co-Editor in Chief: Tracey Fontaine
Co-Managing Editor: Tom Croteau
Co-Managing Editor: Andrew Cummings
Layout Editor:
Tara Cowdrey
A & E Editor:
Tim McGowan
News Editor:
Laura F. Demers
Sports Editor:
Photography Editor: Rich Winefiel d
Copy Editor:
Staff Writers:
Jeff Girouard
Jake Cohen
Alisha Frykenberg
Michael Lascelles
Danny Luciano
David Lee Tong
Design, Layout, and Tar a Cowdrey
Production: Adria
n Mroczko
Office Manager :
Advertising Staff:
Siesonn Fontaine
Andrea Hil l
Ausra Kubilius
Chris Cameron
Roland Loranger
David Snuffer
The New Hampshir e Colleg e Observer i s a news publication produced by New Hampshir e Colleg e students and funded largely by th e
Student Government Association of the college . I t i s our responsibility to infor m th e Ne w Hampshir e Colleg e community about events on
and around our campus. The Observer wil l print any material that is found to be factual and in good taste by the editorial staff of the paper.
The Observe r
December 10,1997
From the Desk of the WellnessUNC students protest
Nike ontract
By College Press Service
More tha n 10 0 Universit y
of Nort h Carolin a students rallied
outside th e chancellor' s offic e t o
protest the university's renewal of
a multimillion-dollar contract with
Nike, th e athleti c sho e manufac turer.
The rally was organized by
the Nik e Awarenes s Campaign , a
campus group that says that the university should not do business with
a company that's been accuse d of
unfair labor practices at its Southeast Asia factories .
Chancellor Michael Hooker
responded to student protesters by
saying i t woul d b e har d t o fin d a
You Don't Know What You're Missing !
By Sara Wilson
Over the pas t several years, th e Wellnes s Center has under gone a number of changes includin g physical renovations, the addition of new staff, changes i n policies and procedures that better
serve our student population and a renewed commitment to educating the campus communit y on the importanc e of wellness in
the college experience. Som e of these changes ma y be apparent
to you (especially if you're an underclassman) bu t others are probably ne w to you regardless o f your class status. So , I'd lik e t o
take this opportunity to briefly describe some of the things we do
and how we feel about you.
We ar e a multi-servic e office. I f you wer e t o loo k on othe r
college campuses, th e services we provide would be offere d
through a variety of offices includin g a counseling center, a
health center, a health education office , a women's center, a
sexual assault center, and a disability support services office .
As yo u can see, there are man y service s that we provide or
share responsibility for, all with the convenience of one-stop
shopping for you! Thi s affords yo u easy access to a multitude
of services and it allows you a level of privacy that you may
not have i f you were to walk into a single center o n anothe r
campus. Here , there ar e a variet y o f reasons yo u ma y b e
seeing someon e an d a variety of people yo u may be seein g
making it more difficult fo r other students to jump to conclusions.
"consumer goo d i n th e Unite d
States right now that is not mad e
in a low-wag e factor y some where," according to Associated
Press reports .
In July , universit y offi cials signe d a new contract wit h
Nike, in which the company wil l
pay $7.1 million to suit up UNC's
sports teams, the Tar Heels, with
Nike apparel .
A l l th e student s a t th e
rally, however , wer e no t urgin g
that the universit y boycott Nike .
Support the Swoosh, another campus group, defended Nike's efforts
to improve its labor practices.
We car e abou t you ! Throughou t ou r reorganization, we hav e
committed ourselves to improving our communications with
students about their health, of respecting your rights to confidentiality and of providing easier acces s t o outside car e fo r
both emotional and physical concerns. Fo r example, in the
past, th e Cente r hel d a Monda y evening clini c wit h th e
College's physician . Beginnin g this year , w e hav e cease d
holding that clinic and instead have worked with the College
physician t o have student s seen throughou t th e wee k i n his
office fo r illnesses needing a referral. Wha t are the benefit s
of this? Yo u are seen more quickly and the doctor has acces s
to the things he needs to make a complete and accurate diagnosis.
We want your business! Fro m time to time, we do have students
who have not been pleased with the servic e they received or
who don't ge t alon g with a particular staff member. Wha t I
ask of you is that you voice that displeasure not with others in
the campus community but to a staff member in the office and
that you give us another try. Withou t your input, we are incapable of improving our service or explaining why something
may have bee n handle d a certain way , even i f it wasn't th e
way you wanted. Communicatio n is the key!
Orlando "Bino" Ranson takes his best shot. (NHC file photo)
Want to know more about us?? ? Sto p by sometime for mor e
information, or give us a call at 645-9679.
Free Spirit (from pag e 4)
mouth; words flopped out quickly
evaporating unde r Russ ' deep ,
muffled gasps . Th e guard s
couldn't comprehend hi s mutter ing, s o the y dre w closer . The y
expanded their ear drums, so they
might get a better understandin g
because i f a prisoner die d while
being "tamed, " a s the y calle d it,
then thei r live s would b e dimin ished. Stil l whispering , Rus s
purred th e words , "Scre w you,"
laughing madl y into the shower ing moonlight that burned on the
oak tree's trunk.
The guards lashed out like
a whip , belting him in the head .
Russ continued to laugh wildly, but
laughter onl y fuele d th e guards ,
and they brought their clubs down
on his head wit h such force Russ
thought h e wa s dying . The y
scooped him up like ice cream and
tossed him into isolation, leaving
him there to dwell in thought .
More in the nex t issue .
December 10,1997
The Observer
Invoking the gods of
good luck
By Lisa Bertagnoli
College Press Service
Finals wee k mean s it's tim e t o study , eat to o muc h (o r to o
little), freak out and indulge in a little ritualistic behavior.
When it's exam time, students around the nation report they'll
try almost anything to invoke the gods of good luck.
"One student rubs a redhead befor e takin g a test. Anothe r
writes to her mother before every test or 'she is cursed.' Stil l anothe r
student reported that she does not take a shower during finals week,"
says James Farmer, public information officer a t Lama r Californi a
Community College in Lamar, Colo.
Others take a more simple approach. " I pray a little more,"
says Mike, who's on the staff of the Orion student newspaper at California State University, Chico.
Believe it or not, a little ritual or two actually might help you
pass that exam, says George Howard, a professor o f psychology at
Notre Dame University in South Bend, Ind.
"You want to do everything you can to be prepared, and if that
means waking on the right side of something, then you're prepared, "
he explains.
Engaging in such rituals also can put a student in a good frame
of mind, which is crucial for good test-taking, Howard says.
At many colleges, finals-week superstitions an d rituals have
been elevated to a campus tradition. Here' s a sample of some of the
rituals that superstitious students indulge in year after year :
The smell of success. Test-taker s at Colorado Electronic Community Colleg e are encourage d t o wea r a fragrance they'v e neve r
worn before while studying, then wear it again while taking the final.
"This actuall y works; our sense of smell evokes th e stronges t an d
most vivid memories," says college president Mary Beth Susman.
"Of cours e o n exa m da y th e whol e classroom smell s lik e a fanc y
whorehouse," she adds.
The primal scream. A t 9 p.m. the Sunday before finals ,
the 8,000 or so students at Northwestern University in Evanston, 111.,
throw open their windows and scream at the top of their lungs. It' s
been goin g on "since time immemorial," says Stefan i Sarvadi, '99,
adding that students off-campus le t it all out, too.
The petting zoo. A water fountai n a t Ball Stat e University, Muncie, Ind., holds a statue of a small child holding a frog. Stu dents rub the child's nose before takin g a final fo r good luck. Simi larly, students at Miami Universit y i n Ohio pet th e little turtles that
decorate a sundial on campus for good luck.
"Those turtles have very polished heads," remarks Claire
Wagner of the school's news bureau.
Watch your step. Miam i University students also avoid a
metal seal embedded i n concrete in the middle of campus if they want
to pass their first final. "Some people press their luck and jump on it,
but most peopl e sta y away, " says Meliss a Morris , a Miami Univer sity graduate . Likewise , student s at Bowlin g Gree n University i n
Bowling Green , Ohio, wal k on the righ t side of the schoo l seal for
Stay-away stud y area . Student s a t Baldwin-Wallac e in
Berea, Ohio, avoi d a concrete stud y are a built last year near the l i brary. "Peopl e say that if you study near it, you'll forge t wha t you
studied while you were there and fail your finals," says Jason Miller,
Light a candle about it. A grotto on campus at Notre Dame
University, South Bend, Ind., gets a heavy workout during exam week,
says Dennis Moore, director of public relations for the school . Stu dents can light a candle if they wish, and during finals week the shrine
blazes, Moore says.
"It's not superstition, though," he points out. "Eighty-fiv e
percent of our students are Catholic and they've been raised to turn to
prayer when they need to get through something."
Eggstra credit. Professor s at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta cook and serve breakfast to students the night before finals week.
"Everybody enjoys the fun and stress-relief this time provides," says
Randy Robertson of the school's public relations office .
The same goes at Berry College, Rome, Ga., where ad ministrators serve breakfast to students at 9 the night before e
same time NU student s are screaming out their windows.
W E L L , Y O U C A N.
December 10,1997
Not too early to plan for spring break
By Erin Haughey
The Colorado Daily
taxes, price-increas e date s an d
University of Colorado-Boulder
processing fees. Man y flights, for
Students are notorious for example, are priced for Eas t Coast
making price the determining fac- departure, charging extra to leave
tor whe n plannin g thei r sprin g from other airports.
When problems do arise,
Travel agent s sa y re - these companies ar e nowher e t o
searching you r trip , a s wel l a s be found , a s som e student s disyour travel company or agent, is covered last March.
the key to a no-stress vacation.
"They clai m t o hav e a n
Last year , severa l loca l office on location, but they never
college and high school students say where," said Winch of unrewere stranded in Mexico by agen- liable travel companies.
cies and tour operators that didn't
Winch, who ha s been in the
keep their end of the bargain.
business of student travel for more
"Just becaus e i t sound s than 1 5 years, has heard hundred s
good, doesn't mean it is!" warne d of horro r storie s abou t student s
Bill Winch , a student travel spe- who didn' t research thei r trip.
cialist for James Travel Pints InSome of these unfortunate
ternational in Boulder, Colo. He' s travelers spent more time moving
urging students to research travel in an d out of hotels (a s man y a s
companies' reputations for stand- three in the course of a week) than
ing behin d thei r trave l arrange - they di d o n th e beach . Other s
found tha t "breakfas t included "
Suspect companie s usu - meant a free coupon for a biscuit
ally wor k through student repre- at a fast-food restaurant, he said.
sentatives wh o blanke t college s
Watch for tricky wording,
with sprin g brea k trave l bro - Winch added . "The y clai m t o
chures. Man y students, enamored have airfar e bu t neve r promis e
by th e bargain pricing, do not take secured seating."
the time to research th e company
Not al l of these companies
They are entrusting their vacation are sketchy , bu t d o you r home plans to.
work to have a worry-free vacaSometimes thes e compa- tion.
nies will sen d out flyers and conNo matte r what, the earfirm trave l arrangement s befor e lier you book, the bette r off you
they have actually booked seating are. Trave l agents advise students
on planes . Som e tou r operator s to book before Christmas to avoid
buy bul k seats on planes to get spe- possible problems. You'l l hav e
cial rates but scramble at the las t your choice of destinations, an d
minute t o accommodat e over - find th e bes t bargains , an d yo u
booked flights.
might be able to pay your bill in
Experts advise students to
watch for trick advertising used to
If you've been too busy in
camouflage cos t "add-ons, " fee s previous years t o go on a spring
hidden betwee n th e lines . B e break trip , this migh t be a good
aware o f pric e increase s du e t o winter to head elsewhere. Here' s
peak trave l weeks , departur e a hea d start on the hottest places
to go this year.
The No. 1 destination this
year wil l b e Cancun , Mexico .
Cancun is known for its beautiful
climate, reasonabl e price s an d
organized activitie s fo r sprin g
"Cancun is gorgeous an d
everything is moderately priced,"
said Shane Burbach, a teacher in
Denver. "Th e hotel I stayed at had
it al l even fre e bik e rentals an d
volleyball tournaments. "
Cancun caters to the tourists wit h a nigh t lif e tha t neve r
shuts its doors and a beach full o f
hotels an d shops wher e yo u can
barter with the local merchants .
Another popular destina tion in Mexico is Mazatlan. No t
as Americanize d as Cancu n but
also less expensive , Mazatlan is
known for its beaches. Fo r music
and disco-dancing fans th e highlight of the trip will be a dazzling
disco club , th e danc e floo r o f
which juts out over the ocean.
The thir d mos t popula r
spring break vacatio n spot i s Jamaica.
Jessica Lavender , a CU
student who traveled there, said,
"We decide d to rent a house to get
away from the spring-break havoc
that dominated ou r tri p the yea r
before. W e wer e able to see much
more of the island than our friends
who spen t a majority of their time
in and around the hotel in Montego
The citie s offe r excitin g
attractions, lik e carnival s ever y
Monday nigh t an d man y danc e
clubs and shops.
For th e vacatione r trying
to avoid the spring-break extravaganza, there are other options guaranteed t o offer fun in the sun at a
reasonable price . Thes e include
Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas,
and Sout h Padre Island . Whil e
these places may not cater quit e
as much to college students, there
is stil l plenty to do, such as scuba
diving, snorkeling , para-sailing
and bike-riding.
If airfar e an d airport s i s
something you wan t to avoid, you
could drive down to South Padre
Island in Texas.
Other experienced travelers recommend the Caribbean.
"Scuba diving in the waters of the Caribbea n is incredible off the shor e o f St. Kitts. I
was at least 10 0 feet down , and I
could se e t o th e surfac e a s i f I
were sittin g a t th e botto m o f a
swimming pool, " sai d Brya n
Stokes, presiden t o f Steeproc k
Builders in Boulder.
Besides th e underwate r
activities alon g th e cora l reef ,
there are also many inland adventures into the untamed rainforest s
and through historic fortresses .
Mary Kukral, travel manager for Rocky Mountain Diving
Center and Boulder Scuba Tours,
suggests travelers chec k out th e
South Pacifi c becaus e summe r
there occur s durin g ou r winte r
This are a offer s severa l
diverse countries, including Australia, Pau Pau New Guinea, Fij i
and the Kingdom of Tonga.
"Traveling to these countries is a different kin d of experience," said Kukral. "It' s no t that
much farther, an d it doesn't cos t
that much more than your typical
vacation destinations. It's a wil d
yet civilized place to discover."
The Observer
December 10,1997
Fantasy at
its finest
new album
Sparhawk an d hi s knight s hav e
been trained to use Styric magic.
Aphreal a s goddes s realizes th e
Book Review
importance of Sparhawk and puts
religiou s segregation , be By Michael Lascelles
friending an d advisin g him .
David Edding s wa s al - However, man y o f he r Styri c
ready a remarkable writer , bu t i n worshippers d o no t wis h to pu t
his latest series, The Tamuli, he has aside long-standing religious difoutdone himself . Th e series con- ferences. A renegad e Styric ,
sists of three books, all of which I Zalasta, calls upon th e evi l go d
Cyrgon t o hel p hi m with a diahave read , Domes of Fire, The
bolic plan.
Shining Ones and The Hidden
City. Al l wer e well-deserved New
They manage to terrorize
York Times bestsellers ; th e book s the lan d o f Tamul i b y raisin g
are abou t 500-page s lon g an d armies o f th e past . Lon g sinc e
available in paperback fo r $6.99. dead warriors , vampire s an d
In th e serie s reader s fin d creatures of mythology terrorize
themselves sucke d into the worl d the cities. Th e government i s il l
Eddings has created . Th e novel s prepared fo r th e onslaugh t an d
are remarkable examples of escap- forced to travel to Elenia in hopes
ist literature. Eac h novel contains of getting Sparhawk to come asa prologue enabling them to be read sess th e problems . Sparhaw k
individually, bu t I recommen d agrees, but Aphreal tells him she
does no t wan t t o retriev e
reading the complete series. B y the
end of a book you feel like you have
Bhelliom, a s Aphrea l
met the characters yourself; by the
, unleashe d a tremen end o f th e series , yo u fee l lik e
dous amoun t o f powe r int o th e
you've known them for years.
The Tamuli is set i n a fan- world. However , Cyrgon sumtasy worl d that contains tw o very mons Klael, Bhelliom's opposite
large continents , Eleni a an d and th e tota l elemen t o f evi l i n
Tamuli. Th e main character o f the the entir e universe . Sparhaw k
novels i s th e Anakha , Sparhawk. and Aphreal are then forced to reAn Anakh a is a bein g withou t a trieve Bhellio m fro m it s depths
under the sea, making the flower
destiny know n t o th e gods .
gem, a s th e Bhellio m i s com Sparhawk was created by the most
monly called , availabl e fo r a
powerful essenc e i n th e world ,
challenge with Klael.
Bhelliom. Bhellio m is a force that
Sparhawk an d hi s com created th e worlds , the universe s
panions are far more resourcefu l
and even gods.
In thes e novels , religion than Cyrgon anticipates and at the
has a powerful role , and i n som e end o f th e secon d nove l com e
ways th e entir e plo t revolve s within inches of victory. Threat around the religions that are "good" ened, Cyrgo n kidnaps Ehlana ,
versus thos e tha t ar e " e v i l . " Sparhawk's wife , an d want s t o
Sparhawk is the champion of good bargain for Bhelliom.
In th e end , all of the en and th e too l o f Bhelliom .
Sparhawk i s marrie d t o Quee n emies' efforts ar e in vain, as they
Ehlana and is preceptor o f the or- are destroye d b y Sparhaw k an d
der o f th e Pandio n Knights . his comrades . I t i s the n tha t
Sparhawk, i t is told to us, has de - Bhelliom i s release d fro m it s
stroyed gods before through the use prison an d Sparhaw k i s pinne d
of Bhelliom's power. Bhellio m is against Cyrgon . Th e end is capheld captiv e insid e o f a rose - tivating and thrilling, followed by
shaped sapphire , enablin g a beautifu l an d sorrowfu l epi logue tha t leave s a tea r i n th e
Sparhawk to control and manipureader's eye.
late it s power.
The novels are filled with
In the beginning of the se ries, Bhelliom i s in the botto m of dozens o f important an d lovable
the deepes t sea an d only the god - characters, givin g th e stor y a
dess Aphrea l know s where . sense of reality. Th e serie s i s a
Aphreal is one of a thousand god s clash of worlds, religions, and an
of what is called Styricum, one of escape to a place where the good
the man y religion s i n th e series . guys win.
22, the musi c stores released th e
double albu m b y 2pac . Wha t
makes this CD so special is it has
rare an d previousl y unrelease d
songs. Th e songs by Tupac Shakur
are als o special because he i s no
longer alive. I n 199 6 Tupac wa s
killed i n a drive-b y shooting .
When Tupa c wa s sho t he wa s a t
ing t o th e lyric s o f th e songs .
Some of the lyrics were taken out
of his older songs. Fo r example,
I'm Getting Money is an earlier
version o f Str8 Ballin of f th e
Thug Life album . Anothe r ex ample is I'm Losin It, which features part of the lyrics from High
Til I Die.
Originally, I hear d thi s
album wa s suppose d t o b e al l
unreleased track s from 91 -94. A
lot of songs have ol d lyrics, bu t
there are also new songs such as
I wonder if Heaven Got a Ghetto
and R U still down . These songs
have th e potentia l t o becom e
popular singles, but there is one
song that sticks out in my mind.
the clima x of hi s musica l career.
At th e ag e o f twenty-five h e died
by the lyrics he rapped about.
The name of Tupac's ne w
album is R U still down? This album i s th e secon d sinc e Tupac' s
death. Th e firs t albu m sinc e hi s
death wa s Makaveli the don
killuminati the
7day theory.
This CD was totally different fro m
any o f the othe r musi c Tupac had
done in the past. There were softe r
melodies, when previously he had
a lot of hard beats and a lot of fast
background music in his songs. S o
in the Makaveli album he didn't just
change his name to Tupac but hi s
style. No w in his ne w albu m h e
has gone back to 2Pac and his hardhitting beats.
This new album has a mixture o f his ol d and ne w styles . I
was able to pick that up by listen-
The song, Do For Love, is completely different. I t has a strong
repeating beat with a soft melody,
and o n th e interlude s ther e ar e
background singers. Throughou t
the song Tupac talks about what
he an d anothe r d o fo r lov e an d
how extreme peopl e go . T o really understand wha t I'm talking
about yo u hav e t o liste n t o th e
song because it's terrific.
Overall I think R U still
down ? is a great album! I t is rare
when I find a CD that I can le t
play throug h withou t skippin g
around. Ther e are ten really good
songs out of the twenty-six total
tracks on the two CDs combined.
If you ask me, that's twenty-on e
dollars spent well. S o if you're
a fan of Tupac, you will enjoy th e
mixture of styles R U still down?
has to offer.
CD Review
By David F. Snuffer
On Saturday , Novembe r
The Observe r
December 10,1997
Ask Aladdin
Dear Aladdin,
A fe w days ago I fell down the stairs at my dorm. N o one saw me,
so I acted as though nothing happened, eve n though my ankle hurt
real bad. No w m y ankle makes a funny clicking sound when I walk.
I have no insurance and not a lot of money. Wha t should I do?
- Hurting Badly
Dear Hurting Badly,
The nurse in the Wellness Center is free an d completely confidential. Jus t find a time that your friends won't be curious about your
whereabouts. Yo u shouldn't be in pain and a clicking sound doesn't
sound good either. B y the way, whoever you're hiding your injury
from would probably be concerned. Wh y hide it?
Dear Aladdin,
I've alway s wante d lon g nails, so I can get them professionall y
done and I refuse t o get fake nails. Ever y time I try to grow them
they break on me, and I have to cut them all off. Ho w can I get my
nails to stop breaking?
-Broken Nail
Dear Broken Nail,
If yo u wan t t o hav e stron g nail s yo u can always g o buy nail
strengthener. You'l l be able to find it at a local pharmacy. Avoi d
washing dishes (if possible); water weakens your nails. I f you don' t
get enoug h calcium , that could be a problem too. Calciu m keep s
nails and bones strong. A common source of calcium is milk.
A Peek at What the Stars Hold for Yo u
Aries (Mar. 21 to Apr. 19 )
The wheel of fortune i s turning.
What goes around comes around.
If things are bad for you righ t now
then they can only get better. Bu t
remember, wha t goe s u p mus t
come down. B e prepared for the
opposite o f what ha s been hap pening i n your life . Loo k for
changes starting to happen around
the 10 . Tr y t o avoid being ruled
by fate . Yo u need to live your ow n
Taurus (April 20 to May 20)
Love is really blooming for you
right now. I t is a good time for
relationships i n your life . Tak e
care o f your relationshi p righ t
now i n order to keep it strong during the tough times. I f you ar e currently not in a relationship the n
you wil l be soon. You r soulmate
is lookin g for you. A l l you need
to do is be yourself. Wh y don't
you g o get something nice for the
person i n your life...or th e person soo n to be in your life.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20)
You're very uncomfortable wit h
a situatio n in your life right now.
You're no t really sur e ho w to
handle it. Jus t sit back and think.
Get others ' advic e on what you
should do . Yo u will mak e the
right decision . Yo u should reward yoursel f afte r you have
overcome thi s problem . Wh y
don't you an d your friends go out
for a night on the town?
your problems wit h yo u on your
trip. Leav e school, work and all
the perils of college at NHC. Thi s
trip will be very good for you.
Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
You hav e bee n involve d i n a lot
Cancer (June 21 to July 22)
You hav e bee n o n your guar d of group work lately. Ar e yo u sur e
lately and it's time to let it down. that you have bee n pullin g you r
There is no need t o be so defen- weight? Mayb e you could be dosive. Peopl e are not trying to hurt ing a little more. Tr y to put in a
you o r personally attack you. The y little more effort an d you will be
just wan t t o ge t t o kno w you. handsomely rewarded . Yo u wil l
Leave yourself out there for a little be very proud of your accomplishwhile and let people se e you for ment. Expec t some good news in who yo u are. G o out and have a volving a family membe r o n the
good time . You'r e in college so 17 .
go out and make the best of it.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
new year is coming and you ar e
Leo (July 23 to August 22)
You have been wanting some sort looking to be a new person in '98 .
of change in your life for some time You shoul d g o drastic!!! Leav e
now. Yo u don' t wan t to do any- everything in the past and start out
thing drasti c bu t a littl e chang e the new year like you hav e always
would be nice. Wh y don' t you ge t wanted to. I t might be a good idea
your hai r cu t or dye it anothe r to leave the old "significan t other"
color? A tattoo or body piercing in th e past too. Yo u shoul d start
might be just wha t you need too. out the new year with the person
Do somethin g different an d have that you hav e had your eye on. Tel l
them how you feel and stop havfun wit h it.
ing you r friends do it!! !
planning i t now . Remember ,
Spring Brea k come s bu t once a
year so make it a week to remember.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
December is going to be a great
month for you. D o whatever you
want this month wit h no worries
but proceed with caution!!! Pla y
it safe but leave '97 with a B A N G
and take the first month of '98 to
get you r hea d bac k o n straight .
Start makin g you r Ne w Year' s
resolutions now . Thin k abou t
them carefully. ,
Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept 22)
Right now you have been feeling
mushier and more emotional than
usual. Don' t get nervous, it's just
you gettin g into the holiday spirit.
Enjoy this time of year, it is beautiful. Mayb e a nice trip would be
good for you. Wh y don't yo u go
visit an old Mend. Don' t -bring
Sagittarius (Nov. 2 2 - Dec. 21)
Start plannin g for Spring Break
now. Ge t in there before al l the
flights, cruise s an d hotels ar e
booked up. Pla n your trip wisely
and take along that person that yo u
want to get to know better. You
will have a great time if you start
Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
Things in your life have been really strang e lately. You'r e won dering when all of this weirdness
is going to stop. Don' t
is almost over. Things will be getting back to normal in no time and
you ca n resume you r life a s you
once knew it. Yo u won't have another one of the "weird episodes"
for a long time and when you do
you'll be better prepared fo r it.
Pisces (Feb. 1 9 to Mar. 20 )
You kno w that relationship that
you hav e bee n tryin g to pursue ?
DO IT!! ! Yo u hav e been beatin g
around th e bus h fo r too long .
Wouldn't it be nice to have a special someone to share the holidays
and new year with? I t is going to
be great. Goo d luck!!!
December 10,1997
The Observer
Campus Profile: Supe r alumnus
By Roland Loranger
"Faculty and staff are always looking for ways to improve
the campus and curriculum, to better the education for the students.
Most changes start as suggestion s
internally," sai d M i c h a e l
DeBlasi, Director of Alumni and
Community Relation s for N H C.
He explained why N HC i s on the
cutting edge of education and renowned nationall y for its programs. DeBlas i has been actively
involved wit h the school's tran sition to success for many years.
Born and raised in Philadelphia, DeBlasi attended Temple
University for the first two years
of hi s colleg e education. How ever, afte r thes e tw o year s
DeBlasi faced a fork in the road,
which would change his life forever. Place d on academic probation, due in part to the enormou s
number o f students attendin g
Temple, DeBlas i ha d to make a
choice. Sta y at Temple, where he
was sure to fall back into the same
routine; not go to school, and so
be drafte d t o Vietnam; or fin d
somewhere else to attend school.
DeBlasi knew that he had
to buckle down and take control
of hi s life. I n desperation, h e
filled out a single application that
was distribute d t o college s
throughout the United States. Re sponses wer e receive d fro m
across the country, but DeBlasi did
not have time to check all of the
campuses. I n a last-minute decision he set out with his parents to
New Hampshire . Wha t he sa w
when h e arrived almos t cause d
him to return to Philadelphia, with
no place to go except Vietnam.
" M y parents asked me if I
wanted t o turn aroun d an d g o
home whe n w e first sa w the
school," DeBlas i said . H e re members ho w small the campus
was, with the only sign that it was
actually a college being a small
wooden sig n wit h Ne w Hamp-
shire College written on it. Thi s
is when N HC wa s located in the
center o f Manchester. However ,
he knew that he had no choice but
to stick it out, no matter how bad
it seemed. " I had to make the best
out of a bad situation," he said.
DeBlasi kne w h e had t o
turn himsel f around i n order to
make anything out of his life. He
said, "I wanted to prove to people,
and myself , tha t I could d o it. "
Because ther e wa s a lo t les s
trouble to get into in Manchester,
he concentrated more on his school
work and was better able to manage his time. H e also recalls what
can stil l b e seen toda y a t N H C :
"People too k th e time t o work
with me. " H e immediately became involved in school activities
by becoming the president o f his
class and playing multiple sports.
DeBlasi enrolled at N HC
for thre e years an d obtained one
of hi s degrees (th e othe r i s a
master's in Counseling and Guidance fro m Ride r College) .
Throughout his three years at NHC
he becam e acquainte d wit h the
Admission Departmen t an d ea gerly sought a job there. Althoug h
there were no openings at the time,
he never gave up. On e of the major reasons for his persistence was
that h e was in a managemen t
trainee program that he hated with
a passion. Whil e he was involved
in this program, DeBlasi married.
Conveniently, one week after hi s
marriage, h e was aske d to work
for N HC as a Regional Representative i n Territorial Admissions .
This career change forced him to
move back to Philadelphia in order to promote th e school to potential students . Finally
DeBlasi's persistenc e ha d paid
Although DeBlasi was fi nally doin g wha t h e wanted to,
working in admissions, he found
the marketing of the college a lot
harder than he initially thought. "I
had to sell a vision of South Campus." Sinc e South Campus had
yet t o be built, DeBlasi' s "job
description" wa s to promot e
something to students that did not
exist. On e might take advantage
of this uncertain future to exaggerate the proposed campus, but not
DeBlasi. H e felt it was his duty
to be totally honest wit h the potential students whom he was talking with. "I f N HC di d not carry
what the student was looking for,
I did not try to talk him into coming anyway. " O n the contrary,
DeBlasi led the student to another
college that would better meet the
student's needs. It was this sometimes painfully honest attitude that
gained DeBlasi recognition in colleges throughout the United States
for his never-ending quest to create opportunitie s fo r collegebound students . I n 198 0 N H C
recognized DeBlasi's talents and
increased his status to Director of
The Directo r of Admission position required DeBlasi to
move bac k t o New Hampshire,
where h e reside s t o thi s day.
Along wit h th e increased influ ence he now had among the NH C
community through his promotion,
South Campus was also growing
around him. H e recalls the lac k
of qualit y facilitie s on campus
then. H e also recall s a "one track" curriculum in which business was the main focus. No w a
Liberal Arts Division has been in
place for a few years. An d in September 199 7 a three-yea r
bachelor's degre e program was
started. Soo n N HC wil l be offering doctoral programs.
Six year s ag o DeBlas i
was reassigned to become the D i rector of Alumni and Community
Relations. Sinc e then, his job has
been to plan and execute variou s
events for the school's alumni and
the community. In accordance with
this mission, DeBlasi plans Alumni
Family Days, various golf tourna ments, Homecoming Weekend and
many other events.
For his effort DeBlas i has
received awards . I n 1991 he re ceived th e Alumni Distinguished
Service Award . I n 199 6 he wa s
inducted into the NHC Alumni Hall
of Fame.
One thing that DeBlasi feels
is the best part of his duties is the
opportunity to interact with alumni
that he recruited many years ago .
He also loves the interaction with
the incoming students through the
F E X program . H e serves a s an
advisor to students in his F EX class.
One o f DeBlasi's forme r
students reflects o n the manner in
which he conducted clas s and interacted wit h th e students: "H e
keeps checking up on me and other
kids in the class that I've talked to.
He's reall y concerne d wit h th e
progress o f all the students." This
student goes on to give examples
as t o DeBlasi's dedicatio n to the
students by recalling that he wa s
down to earth an d was not afraid
to not be politically correct in order to get his point across. H e incorporated real-lif e experience s
into his classes b y bringing them
on field trips to business organizations throughout Manchester.
DeBlasi, or Mike as he prefers his students to call him, helped
build N HC into a recognized institution, always remembering the philosophy that was followed since the
beginning: "Facult y and staff provide students with a nurturing environment fo r their physica l an d
mental well being. Ou r mission is
still t o provide the best possibl e
Today N HC ha s been abl e
to broaden its horizons with the help
of enthusiast s lik e DeBlas i who
spend their time making this a better place for education.
"He [She ] whose face
gives no light will never
be a star."
1 A.M.
-William Blake
December 10,1997
The Observer
By Chris Cameron
The newl y forme d Spor t
Management Clu b i s quickl y
becoming a dynami c clu b o n
campus. Wit h Professo r Phelp s
and Professo r Blai s a s academi c
advisors an d clu b officer s Eri c
Stafford (Presfdent) , Heathe r
Sheasley (Vic e President) , Nic k
Smith (Treasurer ) an d Tamm y
Lambrou (Secretary), the club has
the leadership i t needs to becom e
a premier club on campus.
The Spor t Managemen t
Club i s actively involved in supporting the Ne w Hampshire Col lege athletic teams. Ultimatel y we
would lik e to have the club in attendance at every even t on campus, alon g wit h our club banner,
to chee r o n ou r studen t athletes.
A sprin g tri p t o se e th e Bosto n
Blazers i s in the works . Clu b Tshirts are also being produced with
the them e o f "Sho w M e th e
Money." T-shirt s are available to
any student at the cost of $12. Se e
Professor Phelp s o r Professo r
Blais to make a purchase .
This clu b ca n b e ver y
beneficial t o Sport Managemen t
majors. First , i t i s a club /
organization t o plac e o n you r
resume whic h is related t o you r
career expectations . Second , i t
can help you find an internship or
a job , a s severa l internshi p
opportunities ar e announce d a t
meetings. Third , thi s clu b ca n
give you experience workin g and
organizing sporting events. An y
experiences yo u hav e larg e o r
small can be beneficial in finding
a good job.
By David Lee Tong
It's December ! I n this spirited Yuletide season mos t of us
are worried about one thing. PRESENTS ! Whil e most of us like
opening presents, not a lot of us enjoy linin g up in shopping malls,
searching for the right gift only to find out that it's all sold out!
Holidays can be a frustrating tim e to make any purchase, s o
how would you like to shop in the comfort of your own home? N o
lines, no snobbis h salesperson , n o traveling through th e slipper y
roads. Well , web technology is here to make our lives easier.
I know that most of us are fearful to make a purchase o n the
Internet du e t o security . I don't blam e you ; it's eas y especiall y
with the credit card fraud phenomenon. Thi s issue, I would like to
shed some light on the topic of online shopping and help you make
your first step to online shopping.
Don't be deceived by the look s of a web site; anyone ca n
look credible on the web .
Before makin g any purchase , chec k t o see i f the sit e provides a customer servic e address, e-mail address, phone number ,
and a Better Business Bureau logo. Cal l the number beforehand t o
make sure there is someone answerin g the phone .
Bookmark the site so that you can go back just in case.
N E V E R enter you credit card information unless you are in
a SECURED site. Wit h Netscape you can see a G O LD K E Y wit h a
B L U E background in the lower left corner. (I t will sho w a broken
key otherwise.) Wit h Internet Explorer, you will se e a Y E L L O W
P A D L O C K on a L O C K ED position at the bottom of the screen. (I t
will sho w an unlocked padlock otherwise. )
After the transaction, the company wil l usually give a confirmation number, kind of like a receipt, to keep. Fo r your protection, copy al l the informatio n down , save and prin t th e pag e for
record keeping. Yo u can not go back to this exact page after yo u
exit the browser .
Following these simple guidelines, there should be no
problem with the security of your credit card. No w here are som e
reputable we b sites for your holiday shopping needs. Happ y Holidays!
The Spor t Managemen t
Club is not limited to Sport Management majors. Anyon e who has
any interest i n sports, particularly
the sport s industry , i s welcome.
We welcome any idea s yo u may
be able to contribute on fund raising, trips and promoting the club.
Come b e a par t o f thi s exciting
new club on campus. Watc h for
flyers o n futur e meeting s o r se e
Professor Phelps (Stark 9) or Professor Blai s (Star k 21 ) fo r mor e
Barnes and Nobles -
Amazon -
Book Stacks Unlimited -
Different Light Bookstore -
R.E.I. Outdoor wear - (HR )
Eddie Bauer -
Channel Island Sweater Company -
J.Crew -
Gap -
LL Bean -
Interested in buying a Sport Management Club shirt? This is how
they look. Contact Professors Blais or Phelps to purchase one!.
Pentagon CD's - (HR) -
Music Boulevard -
Tower Records -
Jen Robinson attempting to fake out a defender. (Photo by Tom
FAO Schwarz -
Disney Store Online - (HR)
Good Vibrations -
Gun d -
Reel - (HR )
Home Vision Cinema -
The Observer
Pen women in the middle of a difficult
Source: NHC Press Releases
Provided by Andrea Hill
The N H C women' s
basketball team is off to a slow start
as th e Penwome n ar e currentl y
mired in an 0-6 slump. The women
traveled to Albany, N.Y. to take on
the Universit y o f Alban y o n
December 2 . Th e fina l wa s 50 71, i n Albany' s favor. Th e to p
N H C contributor s i n thi s gam e
were Tynae Gaston, leading NHC
with 1 4 point s an d Step h Meye r
who adde d 1 0 point s an d 7
Assumption College was
next on December 4 in Worcester,
M A . Unfortunately , Assumption
outscored N H C 23-0 ove r th e
first 1 1 minutes of the firs t half.
Assumption too k a 35-1 4 lea d
into the break, and this proved to
be al l the Assumptio n women
needed a s the y maintaine d a
comfortable lea d throug h th e
entire secon d half . Krist y
Woodill le d NHC wit h 9 points,
December 10,1997
while Je n Robinso n an d Ett a
Livingston each netted 8 points.
The wome n hop e t o turn
things around when they return to
action o n Decembe r 1 0 a t th e
University of New Haven.
Tynae Gaston looks for an open
teammate. Gaston has been one
of the top producers for the
Penwomen thus far. (Photo by
Tom McDermott)
Young NHC hockey team Men's basketball results
off to a good start
Source: NHC Press Releases
The N H C hockey tea m
were victoriou s ove r Plymout h
State College on December 2. Th e
Penmen came away from the game
with a 3-1 win . Scorin g for NH C
were Chri s Hollan d wit h a n
unassisted goal with 9:11 left in the
second period . Chuc k Crotea u
followed u p 34 seconds late r with
a goal of his own, scored off a feed
from Jason Rayher. Nic k Therrien
also assiste d o n th e goal . Scot t
Proulx scored with just 1 4 seconds
left t o play on an empty net . Thi s
was th e team-leadin g 7t h goa l of
Source: NHC Press Releases
Provided by Andrea Hill
The Penme n basketbal l
team took on the Great Danes of
the Universit y o f Alban y o n
December 2. Th e game was tied
37-37 a t th e hal f an d N H C
opened u p a 46-4 2 lea d thre e
minutes int o th e secon d hal f
following a three-pointe r b y
Orlando "Bino " Ranson . Th e
Danes quickly tied the game and
the nex t seve n minute s sa w five
the seaso n fo r Proulx . Rayhe r
picked u p hi s 6t h assis t o n th e
goal. Bria n Col e wen t th e
distance in the goal for NHC and
made 20 saves.
Things didn't go as wel l
on December 4 when the Penmen
played UMass-Dartmouth. A s a
harbinger of things to come, U MD
scored it s firs t goa l jus t 1 3
seconds int o th e game . Th e
Corsairs racked up 5 goals in just
the first period alone while NH C
struggled offensively throughout.
Freshman Rich Miller scored two
powerplay goals: one during the
first perio d a t 11:1 6 wit h a n
assist fro m Chuc k Croteau an d
the other during the second period
with a n assis t fro m Joh n Dunn.
Scott Proulx added t o the cause
with hi s team-leadin g 8t h goa l
assisted b y Ro b Mille r i n th e
second period.
UMass-Dartmouth ended
this game with a 12- 3 drubbing
of the Penmen. Bria n Cole started
in net for NHC and made 25 saves
before bein g replace d b y Greg
Pilney wh o stoppe d nin e shots .
With the loss, the hockey team's
Freshman defenseman Rob Miller, record stands at 3-4-1.
a key player for the young Penmen hockey team. (Photo by Tom
ties and five lead changes. Alban y
took the lead for good, 65-63 with
6:10 left in the game as the Penmen
went without a field goal over the
final si x minutes.
Ranson finished the game
with 16 points. Bobb y Miller also
reached doubl e figures wit h 1 0
points an d a season-hig h 1 5
rebounds. Followin g the loss, the
Penmen sa w thei r overall record
drop t o 3-4 . Thi s was Albany's
first wi n over th e Penme n sinc e
the Great Danes joined the NEC C
three seasons ago.
In thei r previou s game ,
NHC wo n big over the New York
Tech wit h a final scor e o f 90-68.
Tarik Sheppar d wa s th e tea m
leader i n points an d rebounds a s
he netted 22 points and a careerhigh 1 4 boards. Rya n Chartrand
finished wit h a season-hig h 1 3
points an d 4 assists , whil e
teammate Bobby Miller continued
his solid play for the Penmen also
contributing 1 3 points towards the
The Penme n retur n t o
Senior Ray Blackwell taking it to
action on December 10 against the
the hoop. (NHC file photo)
University of New Haven.
Source: NHC Press Releases
The N H C women' s
volleyball team finished up their
season o n Novembe r 1 5 a t th e
N E C C Tournament . Despit e
losing al l three o f thei r game s
versus UMass-Lowell , Bridge port, an d Ston y Broo k i n th e
N E C C Tournament , th e tea m
finished with a 6-17 record. Th e
volleyball progra m ha s show n
much improvement these last few
years an d thi s seaso n wa s n o
Sandy Forcier , Tammy
Lambrou, De b M i l t o n , an d
Kristina Kintze r wer e th e to p
producers thi s season . Jod i
Stimson stil l manage d t o pu t
together a productiv e seaso n
despite bein g injure d fo r a good
portion of it. Forcie r and Milto n
led the team in digs (206 and 205
respectively) an d kill s (14 4 an d
229 respectively) . Freshma n
Jennifer Basilere had an excellent
rookie year with an astounding 558
assists an d 12 1 digs . Kintze r
turned i n 16 4 digs an d 10 5 kill s
for the year.
Other members of the team
were productiv e whe n calle d
upon. Meliss a Cowdrey, Melinda
Luiz, Theres a Enkosky , Yvonn e
Dupont, and Rebecca Belanger all
played important roles during the
much-improved season . I f thi s
steady improvemen t i s a sig n of
things t o come , the n nex t yea r
should be even more successful for
the Penwomen.