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SerpENT" ENT instrumentstake a new turn. The flexibilityto reach around corners,with the strength and rigidityforprecise dissection, The SerpENTArticulatingInstruments enablethe surgeonto introducea straight instrumentintothe nasalanatomyand then afticulatethe functionaltipover240 degrees,sideto side. The surgeon'sabilityto maneuverthe instrumenttip independently whilein the sinusescould facilitateless invasive procedures,yet enhancesurgicalaccess. Also,a singleSerpENTcouldreplace the typicalrangeof angledinstruments requiredto accesshard to reach anatomyin the maxillaryfrontal,and sphenoidsinuses,resultingin a more efficientprocedure. Cver 24O clegrees of articurlationwith seven distinct locking positions. Multipletip configurations incl ucje th rur-clrtters anci graspers, Ultra-sharpcurttingedges and precise gr-aspingtips enable rrletictrlousdrssection. ff Designed to withstand the rigors of standard cleaning procedures. artcl ster-ilizatiorr Arliculating instruments As Otolaryngologists strivefor increasingly lessinvasivetechniques,the desirefor "instruments that bend at will"has emergedas a key unmet need. Further, as endoscopeswidenthe surgicalfield of view,traditionalrigid instrumentshave limitedthe abilityto reachvisibleanatomy. ENTrigue Surgical"has harnesseda unique technologyplatformto developa new class focusedon enablingthe of instruments leastinvasivetechniquesfor sinussurgery. For the first time, surgeonscan truly reach aroundcornersand, evenat extreme angles,performprecisedissection. of afticr-rlaticrr EN' --,--suB GtcaL ]RTG''E Enafr rrnn I LTCTLLII \JD Thumb-based articulation lever enables seven distinct lockingpositions Low profile,3.0 mm diameter shaft and jaws facilitateaccess throughtight spaces Proprietary multi-link articulationsystemreplicates the performance of a rigidinstrument, overa 240 degreerange 14.0 cm working length enhances instrument reach Jaws remain fully functionalthroughoutentire articulationrange,enabling orecise dissection (-/Ol'll lgUr,rnlinr aLlO r lS /1^^fi^' Takinga fresh look at the needs of Otolaryngologists, lf you've ever lookedat diseased tissuethat you couldn't quite get to, chancesare you've wondered, "Why doesn't someonemake an instrumentthat can go in straight and then bend?" Maybeyou've asked around or even sketched out an ideaon a napkin. 510-30110SerpENTArliculating510-30120SerpENTArticulating910-30100 SerpENT Thru-Cutting Forceps, 3.0 mm Forceps,3.0 mm Tray,holds Grasping Sterilization VerticalJaw VerticalJaw 2 instruments in eachtray. Trayand lid areavailable 510-30210tSerpENTArticulating510-302201 SerpENTArliculatingas separatepartsto Thru-Cutting Forceps, 3.0 mm Forceps,3.0 mm Grasping facilitate a multi-tray stack HorizontalJaw HorizontalJaw Navigatingthe maxillarysinus Theseimagestakenfrom a cadaver,as viewedfrom the caninefossa,demonstrate the reachand rangeof articulation of the SerpENTwithinthe maxillarysinus. We listened,then we took the time to developa uniquesolution.The result:an instrumentplatformwith a uniquemulti-linkmechanism that providesunequaledstrength, control,and flexibility. But innovativeinstrumentsarejust the beginning.We are leveraging proprietarybreakthroughsin biotechnologyto delivera range of nelit generationdevicesand therapiesfor the ENToperating room and office.Uniqueto the industry we are also developing a new familyof productsusing provenbioabsorbableand biologic implantsdesignedto simplify surgicalproceduresand improve healing. We encourageyou to find out more about our currentrangeof ENT solutionsand what we're addressing next.Or pass us a napkinwith your Visit us onlineat entriguesurgical.com or contact your localdistributorfor more informationon the SerpENTand our other solutionsfor Otolaryngologists. ENTrigue Surgical,Inc. 12672SiliconDrive,Suite150,SanAntonio,Texas78249 CustomerService:877.300.50'1 0 Fax 210.298.6399 Copyright2008 EntrigueSurgical,Inc. SerpENTrM, ENTriguerM and ENTrigue SurgicalrM aretrademarksof ENTrigue Surgical,Inc t Checkfor availabilitv thoughtson a problemyou're facing.We're listening. tt'{, at 1,,t"', ' "rtt )N, db 700-00206.21.08