C O NT E NT S - Stoeger Industries
C O NT E NT S - Stoeger Industries
STOEGER The All New CONTENTS PUMP ACTION – 12-GA, 3" Page 12 2 Technology 20 Condor Supreme 4 Model 3500 20 Condor Field 6 Model 3020 22 Condor Competition 8 Model 3000 22 Condor Outback 10 Model 3000 R 24 Uplander 10 M3K 26 Coach Guns 12 P3000 28 Defense Guns 14 P-350 30 Cougar 16 Turkey Guns 32 Gear & Accessories 18 Grand 34 Price List DE ALER 2016 WORKBOOK T EC H N O LO GY 2016 Stoeger Dealer Workbook Inertia Driven System ® Stoeger products enjoy a solid reputation for affordable quality because of the technology and expertise that has been integrated within Stoeger’s manufacturing processes. A complete line-up of shotguns of every variety and gauge is offered including over & unders, side-by-sides, semi-autos, and pump-actions. Stoeger offers firearms for the hunter and shooter, designed for every occasion. The Stoeger family also includes a line of affordable double-action, semi-auto pistols available in 40 Smith & Wesson, and 9mm Parabellum. Stoeger’s semi-auto shotguns all utilize the same superior inertia technology that has proven itself so reliable over many years. The Inertia Driven® logo proclaims that the Model 3000, Model 3020 and Model 3500 action features the patented inertia bolt with its rotating locking head — the same system that has given inertia operated shotguns their reputation for being among the fastest cycling, most reliable shotguns in the world. The revolutionary inertia bolt has fewer moving parts and eliminates the gas cylinders, O-rings and other complicated parts of traditional gas‑operating systems. It also keeps the gun’s action cleaner, since gas and burnt powder are expelled through the barrel and not used to cycle the action. The result – the simplest, fastest, cleanest, strongest and ultimately, the most reliable operating system in the world. Your Stoeger firearm is backed by a 5-Year Warranty. A 5-Year Warranty guarantees that if anything should go wrong, under normal use, your firearm will be serviced for you by skilled gunsmiths at our national firearm service center. While your Stoeger is under warranty, we will assume the cost of parts, labor and shipping required to get your firearm back to you and working perfectly. MODEL 3500 – 12-GA, 3½" ITEM # 31810 Black synthetic Firing Pin Spring Firing Pin Bolt Body Extractor Inertia Spring 2¾" Stoeger's Model 3500 handles everything from 3½-inch Magnum shells to 3- and 2 ¾-inch loads with equal reliability. Firing Pin Retaining Pin Rotating Locking Head INERTIA DRIVEN ® SYSTEM 3" The Inertia Driven® system used in the Model 3000, Model 3500 and Model 3020 is superior to any other operating system. The rotating bolt head ensures a positive steel-to-steel lock-up that provides the Stoeger semi-autos with ultimate strength and reliability. 3½" As the empty shell exits the receiver, the energy of the moving bolt assembly re-cocks the hammer and compresses the recoil spring on the magazine tube. The recoil spring then thrusts the bolt assembly forward lifting the on-coming shell into position and chambering a fresh cartridge. The gun is ready to fire again...in a fraction of a second! 2 WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO Near the end of the recoil cycle, chamber pressure drops to a safe level and the gun’s rearward motion slows. The heavy inertia spring then thrusts the bolt assembly rearward, unlocking the rotating bolt head, extracting the spent shell from the chamber and pulling it against the ejector. STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 3 S E M I - A U T O M AT I C S H O T G U N S 2016 Stoeger Dealer Workbook Model 3500 Magnum performance & reliability The Model 3500 comes with a red-bar front sight for quick and easy target acquisition even in low light conditions. MODEL 3500 – 12-GA, 3½" ITEM # 31801 Realtree® Max-5™ Stoeger’s Inertia Driven® Model 3500 is chambered for 3½-inch Magnum shells, but also cycles 2¾- and 3-inch shells equally well without adjustment, providing versatility at an affordable price. MODEL 3500 – 12-GA, 3½" ITEM # 31806 Realtree® APG™ The Model 3500 comes with four choke tubes (IC, M, F, XFT) that run from improved cylinder to extra-full turkey. MODEL 3500 – 12-GA, 3½" ITEM # 31812 Black synthetic The Model 3500 is drilled and tapped to accommodate Weaver-style scope bases. MODEL 3500 AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP 46" 7.45 lbs. $679 48" 7.55 lbs. $679 50" 7.65 lbs. $679 Realtree ® APG™ SteadyGrip™ 46" 7.45 lbs. $799 Realtree ® APG ™ 46" 7.45 lbs. $779 IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H 31812 24" Black synthetic 31811 26" Black synthetic 31810 28" Black synthetic 31818 24" 31807 24" S TOCK OV ER A L L LENGT H The bolt assembly of the Model 3500 includes an inertia spring and rotating locking head, two features that distinguish the bolt as an integral part of an Inertia Driven® System. 12- GAUGE 2¾", 3" AND 3½" S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S 4 CHOKE TUBES: IC, M, F, XFT and wrench. , Realtree ® Max-5™ , or Black synthetic. FINISHES: Realtree ® APG™ S IGH T S: Red-bar front sight. RECOIL R E DUCE R S HIM K I T 31806 26" Realtree ® APG ™ 48" 7.55 lbs. $779 O P TI O N A L F E AT URE S 31801 26" Realtree ® Max-5 ™ 48" 7.55 lbs. $779 BARRELS: Variety of lengths and finishes. S T OCK S : SteadyGrip™ and standard field stock. W E AV E R S COP E B A S E 31800 28" Realtree ® Max-5 ™ 50" 7.65 lbs. $779 WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Magazine Capacit y: 4+1 Chokes: IC,M,F,XF T Type of Sights: Red-bar Leng th of Pull: 14 3 / 8 " Drop at heel: 2 1 / 2 " Drop at Comb: 11 / 2 " Minimum recommended load: 3-dram, 11 / 8 ounce. Receiver drilled and tapped for scope mounting. The Model 3500 comes with a recoil reducer that is a standard item with purchase. The buttstock incorporates a cut cavity that facilitates easy fitting. A shim kit is included with the Model 3500, which allows you to adjust the fit of the gun for drop and cast. STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 5 S E M I - A U T O M AT I C S H O T G U N S 2016 Stoeger Dealer Workbook Model 3020 Lightweight sub-gauge performance MODEL 3020 – 20-GA, 3" ITEM # 31821 Realtree® APG™ MODEL 3020 – 20-GA, 3" ITEM # 31820 Black synthetic Stoeger’s new M3020 is a 3-inch, 20-gauge Inertia Driven® semi-automatic shotgun joins Stoeger’s line of quality, affordable shotguns. Versatility, value and solid reliability make the M3020 ideal for waterfowl, wild turkey or upland game. The M3020 handles a full range of loads, from 2 3⁄4 -inch up to the potent 3-inch Magnum without adjustment. For reliability and performance, no other 20-ga. semi-auto in its price range compares. MODEL 3020 COMPACT – 20-GA, 3" ITEM # 31853 Black synthetic Stoeger has created an easy-handling, short stocked, auto-loading 20-gauge that offers a 131⁄8" length of pull. The new M3020 compact is great for smaller framed shotgunners who prefer the fit and feel of a lightweight compact. MODEL 3020 – 20-GA, 3" ITEM # 31822 Realtree® Max-5™ MODEL 3020 COMPACT The Model 3020’s front sight incorporates a red-bar fiber-optic sight for quick and easy sighting even in low light conditions. The Model 3020 comes with three choke tubes, including improved cylinder, modified and extra-full turkey (IC, M, XFT). S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S CHOKE TUBES: IC, M, XFT and wrench. , Realtree ® Max-5™ , or Black synthetic. FINISHES: Realtree ® APG™ S IGH T S: Red-bar front sight. S HIM K I T O P TI O N A L F E AT URE S BARRELS: Variety of lengths and finishes. The Model 3020 comes with a shim kit, allowing you to adjust the drop and cast of the gun’s buttstock for a personal fit. AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP 49.75" 5.7 lbs. $599 47.75" 5.6 lbs. $599 Realtree ® APG ™ 47.75" 5.6 lbs. $649 Realtree ® Max-5 ™ 49.75" 5.7 lbs. $649 BA RREL LENGT H 31820 28" Black synthetic 31823 26" Black synthetic 31821 26" 31822 28" S TOCK OV ER A L L LENGT H WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO 31853 26" OV ER A L L LENGT H S TOCK AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP 5.5 lbs. $599 20 - GAUGE 2¾" AND 3" Black synthetic 46.5" COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Magazine Capacity: 4+1 Chokes: IC,M,XFT Type of Sights: Red-bar Length of Pull: 131 /8" Drop at heel: 13/4" Drop at Comb: 11 /4" Minimum recommended load: 7 /8 ounce, 1275 FPS 20 - GAUGE 2¾" AND 3" COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Magazine Capacity: 4+1 Chokes: IC,M,XFT Type of Sights: Red-bar Length of Pull: 141 /4" Drop at heel: 2" Drop at Comb: 11 /4" Minimum recommended load: 7 /8 ounce, 1200 FPS 6 BA RREL LENGT H The Model 3020 bolt assembly is an integral part of the Inertia Driven® System. Two key features of the system include an inertia spring and a rotating locking bolt-head. MODEL 3020 IT EM NUMBER IT EM NUMBER Stoeger’s M3020’s pistol grip cap displays the distinctive blue Stoeger logo, and the synthetic buttstock includes a shim kit for drop and cast adjustment. The Stoeger M3020 safety is conveniently located on the rear of the trigger guard. STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 7 S E M I - A U T O M AT I C S H O T G U N S 2016 Stoeger Dealer Workbook Model 3000 Stoger’s 3" magnum workhorse The Model 3000 comes with a red-bar front sight for quick and easy target acquisition even in low light conditions. MODEL 3000 – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31831 Black synthetic Stoeger’s new Model 3000 is a 3-inch, 12-gauge, Inertia Driven® semi-automatic shotgun that handles loads up to 3-inch Magnums without adjustment. For reliability and performance, no other semi–auto in its price range compares to the M3000. MODEL 3000 COMPACT MODEL 3000 COMPACT – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31854 Black synthetic Introducing the M3000 Compact—with a shortened stock that offers a 131⁄8" length of pull Stoeger has created the perfect fitting gun for smaller statured hunters and shooters. IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H 31854 26" OV ER A L L LENGT H S TOCK AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP 7 lbs. $599 12- GAUGE 2¾" AND 3" Black synthetic 46.5" COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Magazine Capacity: 4+1 Chokes: IC,M,XFT Type of Sights: Red-bar Length of Pull: 131 /8" Drop at heel: 13/4" Drop at Comb: 11 /4" Minimum recommended load: 3-dram, 11 /8 ounce. Receiver drilled and tapped for scope mounting. MODEL 3000 MODEL 3000 – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31834 Realtree® APG™ The Model 3000 comes with three choke tubes (IC, M, XFT) that run from improved cylinder to extra-full turkey. MODEL 3000 – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31837 Realtree® Max-5™ The Model 3000 bolt assembly includes an inertia spring and rotating locking head, two features that distinguish the bolt as an integral part of an Inertia Driven® System. MODEL 3000 – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31842 A-Grade satin walnut, blue OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP 49.75" 7.4 lbs. $649 49.75" 7.4 lbs. $599 47.75" 7.3 lbs. $599 Black synthetic 45.75" 7.2 lbs. $599 24" Realtree ® APG ™ 45.75" 7.2 lbs. $649 31834 26" Realtree ® APG ™ 47.75" 7.3 lbs. $649 31835 28" Realtree ® APG ™ 49.75" 7.4 lbs. $649 31836 24" Realtree ® APG™ SteadyGrip™ 45.75" 7.2 lbs. $679 31837 26" Realtree ® Max-5 ™ 47.75" 7.3 lbs. $649 31838 28" Realtree ® Max-5 ™ 49.75" 7.4 lbs. $649 IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H S TOCK 31842 28" A-Grade satin walnut 31830 28" Black synthetic 31831 26" Black synthetic 31832 24" 31833 12- GAUGE 2¾" AND 3" COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Magazine Capacity: 4+1 Chokes: IC,M,XFT Type of Sights: Red-bar Length of Pull: 14 3/8" Drop at heel: 21 /2" Drop at Comb: 11 /2" Minimum recommended load: 3-dram, 11 /8 ounce. Receiver drilled and tapped for scope mounting. S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S CHOKE TUBES: IC, M, XFT and wrench. , Realtree ® Max-5™ , Black synthetic, FINISHES: Realtree ® APG™ or A-Grade satin walnut. S IGH T S: Red-bar front sight. S HIM K I T The Model 3000 can be equipped with an optional recoil reducer. The buttstock incorporates a cut cavity that facilitates easy fitting (synthetic models only). 8 WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO The Model 3000 is drilled and tapped to accommodate Weaver-style scope bases. O P TI O N A L F E AT URE S BARRELS: Variety of lengths and finishes. S T OCK S : SteadyGrip™ and standard field stock. W E AV E R S COP E B A S E RECOIL R E DUCE R (Does NOT fit M3000 with wood butt stock) A shim kit is included with the Model 3000, which allows you to adjust the fit of the gun for drop and cast. STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 9 S E M I - A U T O M AT I C S H O T G U N S 2016 Stoeger Dealer Workbook Model 3000 R A slug gun with a twist MODEL 3000 R – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31851 Black synthetic (Burris Droptine scope and rings not included) The M3000 R comes standard with a cantilevered picatinny rail system making optics mounting both quick, easy and adjustable on the fly. Burris Droptine 2x-7x by 35mm Slug Gun scope and rings not included. The inertia driven M3000 R slug gun with 24" slug barrel, and a 1:35 rate of twist, means taking accurate longer range shots is the rule, not the exception. This gun is practical, reliable and great for hunting in states with slug only regulations. S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S MODEL 3000 R IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H 31851 24" OV ER A L L LENGT H S TOCK AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP 7.2 lbs. $649 12- GAUGE 2¾" AND 3" Black synthetic 45.75" FINISHES: Black synthetic. C A N T IL E V E R E D PIC AT IN N Y OP T IC S R A IL S HIM K I T O P TI O N A L F E AT URE S COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Magazine Capacity: 4+1 Cantilever Rifled Barrel: 1:35 twist Length of Pull: 14 3/8" Drop at heel: 21 /2" Drop at Comb: 11 /2" Minimum recommended load: 3-dram, 11 /8 ounce. Receiver drilled and tapped for scope mounting. BARRELS: Variety of lengths and finishes. S T OCK S : SteadyGrip™ and standard field stock. W E AV E R S COP E B A S E RECOIL R E DUCE R M3K 3-Gun Model The need for speed MODEL 3000 – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31855 Black synthetic The M3K 3-Gun shotgun comes race-ready and gets you up and competing right out of the box. With an oversized bolt release and safety, extended bolt handle, and beveled loading port, the M3K is ultra-reliable and super fast on the reload. This is a 3-Gun shotgun that can deliver the goods without breaking the bank. S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S M3K IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H S TOCK OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP E X T E N DE D CHOKE TUBES: C, IC, M and wrench. FINISHES: Black synthetic. S IGH T S: Red-bar front sight. S HIM K I T 6.9 lbs. $699 O P TI O N A L F E AT URE S 12- GAUGE 2¾" AND 3" 31855 24" Black synthetic 45.75" COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Magazine Capacity: 4+1 Extended Chokes: C, IC,M Type of Sights: Red-bar Length of Pull: 14 3 / 8 " Drop at heel: 21 / 2 " Drop at Comb: 11 / 2 " Minimum recommended load: 3-dram, 11/8 ounce. Receiver drilled and tapped for scope mounting. 10 WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO BARRELS: Variety of lengths and finishes. S T OCK S : SteadyGrip™ and standard field stock. W E AV E R S COP E B A S E RECOIL R E DUCE R The M3K comes with over-sized anodized aluminum bolt release, oversized safety, and extended tactical-style anodized aluminum bolt handle. The trifecta of components make for quick and easy operation when seconds count. And for quicker/easier reloading, the M3K features a custom/elongated carrier and enlarged, beveled loading port. STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 11 PUMP SHOTGUNS 2016 Stoeger Dealer Workbook P3000 Pump Durable dependability that doesn't break the bank The checkered, black synthetic stock of the P3000 includes an integrated swivel stud for quick and easy sling attachment and a rubber butt pad for recoil absorption. The pistol grip is inset with a Stoeger logo cap. P3000 – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31856 Black synthetic A 28-inch ventilated rib barrel with a red-bar front sight and a screw-in modified choke comes standard on the P3000. The Stoeger P3000 pump-action shotgun sports a precision-machined, anodized aluminum receiver and an easily accessible cross-bolt safety found at the rear of the trigger guard. P3000 PUMP SHOTGUN Stoeger’s P3000, with a time-proven pump-action design, sets a new standard for durable dependability at a wallet-friendly price. This allnew shotgun from Stoeger will reliably handle any 12-gauge load from 2¾" field rounds to 3" magnums. S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S CHOKE TUBES: M and wrench. FINISHES: Black synthetic. S IGH T S: Red-bar front sight. 12 WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H 31856 28" S TOCK OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP 6.9 lbs. $299 12- GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" Black synthetic 49.5" The ergonomic design of the checkered black synthetic fore-end ensures a good fit for the hand and a solid grip for easy operation of the P3000’s pump-action. A front swivel stud is included for no-hassle sling attachment. COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Magazine Capacit y: 4+1 Chokes: M Type of Sight s: Red-bar front sight L eng th of Pull: 141 / 8 " Drop at heel: 2 1 / 2 "" Drop at Comb: 1 1 / 2 " STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 13 PUMP SHOTGUNS 2016 Stoeger Dealer Workbook P-350 Pump Designed to fire any & all 12-gauge ammo P-350 PUMP SHOTGUN P-350 – 12-GA, 3½" ITEM # 31597 Realtree® APG™ The Stoeger P-350 Pump Shotgun is based on three core values, simplicity, ruggedness and reliability. It is designed to fire any and all 12-gauge ammunition from 2¾" field loads to 3½" magnums. P-350 – 12-GA, 3½" ITEM # 31587 Realtree® Max-5™ IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H S TOCK OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP $349 The P-350 comes with a red-bar front sight that provides fast and consistent target acquisition. 12- GAUGE 2¾", 3" AND 3½" 31582 26" Black synthetic 48.25" 7.5 lbs. 31583 28" Black synthetic 50.25" 7.6 lbs. $349 31587 26" Realtree ® Max-5 ™ 48.25" 7.5 lbs. $449 31588 28" Realtree ® Max-5 ™ 50.25" 7.6 lbs. $449 31596 24" Realtree ® APG ™ 46.25" 7.4 lbs. $449 31597 26" Realtree ® APG ™ 48.25" 7.5 lbs. $449 31598 28" Realtree ® APG ™ 50.25" 7.6 lbs. $449 31572 24" Realtree ® APG™ SteadyGrip™ 46.25" 7.4 lbs. $479 Installing the optional mercury-filled recoil reducer adds 13-ounces of recoil-killing weight to the synthetic stock. Removal is a snap when firing lighter loads. P-350 SHOTGUN ACCESSORY 50207 13 oz. Recoil Reducer $89 COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Magazine Capacit y: 4+1 Chokes: C,IC,M,F,XF T Type of Sight s: Red-bar front sight L eng th of Pull: 14 3 / 8 " Drop at heel: 2" Drop at Comb: 1 3 / 8 " P-350 – 12-GA, 3½" ITEM # 31582 Black synthetic The P-350’s fore-end is ergonomically designed to fit the hand comfortably with distinct ridges that provide a positive gripping surface with or without gloves and regardless of temperature or weather conditions. Accessory choke tubes (both flush and extended) for the P-350 are available in C, IC, M, IM, F and XFT for turkeys. P-350 STEADYGRIP – 12-GA, 3½" ITEM # 31572 Realtree® APG™ TM P-350 DE F E NSE , PIST OL GRIP – 1 2 - G A , 3 ½ " ITEM # 31579 Black synthetic For optimum control and accuracy, the P-350 turkey model comes standard with a SteadyGrip™ stock. When your gobbler steps into range, there will be zero hesitation. The Stoeger P-350 Defense comes standard with a pistol grip stock allowing one-handed control and helps steady the gun for accurate, effective shooting when time is of the essence. S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S CHOKE TUBES: C, IC, M, F, XFT and wrench (Defense models are fixed cylinder). , Realtree ® Max-5™ or Black synthetic. FINISHES: Realtree ® APG™ S IGH T S: Red-bar front sight (Defense models have blade sight). O P TI O N A L F E AT URE S RECOIL R E DUCE R : 13-oz. mercury recoil reducer. S T OCK S : Pistol Grip and standard field stock. BARRELS: Variety of lengths and finishes. 14 WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO The SteadyGrip™ stock allows a steadier hold for optimum control while shooting. P-35 0 D EF ENSE S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S P-350 DEFENSE PUMP SHOTGUN OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H S TOCK 31579 18.5" Black synthetic Pistol Grip 39.75" 7.1 lbs. $379 31580 18.5" Black synthetic 40.25" 7.1 lbs. $349 MSRP 12- GAUGE 2¾", 3" AND 3½" COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Magazine Capacit y: 4+1 Chokes: Cylinder fixed Type of Sights: blade front sight Leng th of Pull: 141/2 " Drop at heel: 2 1/4" Drop at Comb: 11/2 " CHOKE: Fixed cylinder FINISH: Black synthetic S IGH T S: Blade sight The defense barrel features a blade front sight attached at the muzzle for positive target acquisition. STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 15 TURKE Y SHOTGUNS 2016 Stoeger Dealer Workbook M3500, M3000 & P-350 Turkey Guns For the kings of spring Stoeger’s M3500 comes with a 24-inch barrel, fitted with a ventilated, stepped vent-rib and fiber-optic front sight for quick target acquisition, even under low-light hunting conditions. The alloy receiver is drilled and tapped and includes a Weaver-style scope base. MODEL 3500 STEADYGRIP – 12 -GA, 3½ " ITEM # 31818 Realtree® APG™ TM P-350 STEADYGRIP – 12-GA, 3½" ITEM # 31572 Realtree® APG™ TM The P-350 contains a fore-end assembly that is ergonomically designed to fit the hand comfortably with distinct ridges that allow a positive gripping surface. Internally, the P-350's bolt has rotating lugs similar to a high-powered rifle, allowing it to hold up to the most powerful 3½" magnum loads. P-350 – 12-GA, 3½ " ITEM # 31596 Realtree® APG™ Stoeger’s SteadyGrip™ Turkey guns aid in your physical stamina with the comfort of a vertical pistol grip. When that wary old Tom is finally coming to your call you don't want to move a muscle. The comfort of the SteadyGrip™ allows you to be patient and remain motionless for as long as it takes. MODEL 3000 – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31833 Realtree® APG™ Stoeger’s M3000 is a 3-inch, 12-gauge semiauto shotgun, that handles 2 ¾-inch loads up to the potent 3-inch Magnum without adjustment. It comes with a 24-inch barrel, fitted with a stepped vent-rib and fiber-optic front sight for quick target acquisition. The alloy receiver is drilled and tapped to accommodate a Weaver-style scope base. TURKEY GUNS OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S 31807 24" Realtree ® APG ™ 46.25" 7.5 lbs. $779 CHOKE TUBES: P-350 – C, IC, M, F, XFT and wrench M3000 – IC, M, XFT and wrench M3500 – IC, M, F, XFT and wrench . FINISHES: Realtree ® APG™ S IGH T S: Red-bar front sight. 31818 24" Realtree ® APG ™ SteadyGrip™ 46.25" 7.5 lbs. $799 S TOCK MSRP MODEL 3500 12- GAUGE 2¾", 3" AND 3½" MODEL 3000 12- GAUGE 2¾" AND 3" 31833 24" Realtree ® APG ™ 45.75" 7.2 lbs. $649 31836 24" Realtree ® APG ™ SteadyGrip™ 45.75" 7.2 lbs. $679 O P TI O N A L F E AT URE S RECOIL R E DUCE R : 13-oz. recoil reducer. (mercury reducer for P-350) (reducer standard on M3500) BARRELS: Variety of lengths and finishes. 16 WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO P-350 12- GAUGE 2¾", 3" AND 3½" 31572 24" Realtree ® APG ™ SteadyGrip™ 46.25" 7.4 lbs. $479 31596 24" Realtree ® APG ™ 46.25" 7.4 lbs. $449 COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Magazine Capacit y: 4+1 Chokes: C,IC,M,F,XF T* P-350, IC,M,XF T* M3000, IC,M,F,XF T* M3500 Type of Sights: Red-bar front sight Leng th of Pull: 141/2 " P-350, 14 3 / 8 " M3000 & M3500 Drop at heel: 2 1 / 4 " P-350, 2 1 / 2 " M3000 & M3500 Drop at Comb: 1 1 / 2 " P-350, M3000 & M3500 *E x tended E x tra Full Turkey Installing the optional recoil reducer in a new M3000 or P-350 (standard on M3500), adds 13-ounces of recoil-killing weight to the synthetic stock. Removal is a snap when firing lighter loads. Accessory choke tubes (both flush and extended) are available in C, IC, M, IM, F and XFT for turkeys. All models come with a red-bar front sight that provides fast and consistent target acquisition. STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 17 TRAP SHOTGUN 2016 Stoeger Dealer Workbook The Grand Target smashing efficiency THE GRAND – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31675 A-Grade satin walnut The Grand accommodates choke tubes that offer a variety of choke constrictions. The vent rib incorporates a front sight that features a red fiber optic element for quick and easy viewing. The Grand is an entry-level target gun designed for shooting trap. It features a 30-inch single barrel with a stepped ventilated rib and fiber optic front sight to get on target quickly. The stock incorporates an adjustable comb for a personalized fit. THE GRAND IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H S TOCK E X T ENDED CHOK ES OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP 9.1 lbs. $679 12- GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" 31675 30" A-Grade Screw-in 46" COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Extended Chokes: M, IM, F Type of Sights: Red fiber-optic front sight Length of Pull: 141 /2" Drop at heel: 21 /2" Drop at Comb: Adjustable Extractor S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S CHOKE TUBES: Extended M, IM, F and wrench. S T OCK : A -Grade satin walnut. Fully adjustable comb. S IGH T S: Red fiber-optic front sight. B A R R E L S : 30" barrel with wide trap rib. O P TI O N A L F E AT URE S CHOKE TUBES: Flush and Extended C, IC, M, IM and F. The Grand’s single barrel features an extractor that lifts the shell from the chamber. The fully adjustable comb on the Grand allows you to custom fit the stock to match your personal stock requirements for whichever target game you favor. 18 WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 19 OVER & UNDER SHOTGUNS 2016 Stoeger Dealer Workbook Condor Longfowler, Condor Supreme & Condor Field Elegant & affordable CONDOR L O N G F O W L E R – 1 2- G A , 3 " ITEM # 31061 A-Grade satin walnut Stoeger’s Condor Longfowler is a 12-gauge over & under that features a 30-inch barrel and extended choke tubes. Designed with waterfowler’s in mind, this is a shotgun that’s balanced right for a smooth, steady swing when it counts. Here’s a waterfowl gun that’ll work as hard as you do, without breaking the bank. CONDOR F IE L D YOUT H – 20-GA O R . 4 1 0 , 3 " ITEM # 31036 A-Grade satin walnut CONDOR FIELD – 28-GA, 2¾" ITEM # 31031 A-Grade satin walnut Offered in two grades, the Field comes with an A-Grade American walnut stock, while the Supreme features an upgraded AA-Grade American walnut stock. A perfect fit for young beginners and smaller stature adults the Condor Field Youth model comes with all the standard features of a full-size Condor. It features a 22-inch barrel and a 13-inch length of pull. CONDOR SUPREME – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31000 AA-Grade gloss walnut 13" length of pull CONDOR FIELD CONDOR FIELD – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31030 A-Grade satin walnut IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H S TOCK CHOK ES CONDOR SUPREME OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H 12- GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" O P TI O N A L F E AT URE S CHOKE TUBES: Flush and Extended C, IC, M, IM and F (12- and 20-gauge only). 20 WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP 31025 26" A-Grade Screw-in 42" 7.3 lbs. $499 31000 26" A A-Grade Screw-in 42" 7.3 lbs. $649 28" A-Grade Screw-in 44" 7.4 lbs. $499 31005 28" A A-Grade Screw-in 44" 7.4 lbs. $649 20 - GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" 31035 26" A-Grade Screw-in 42" 6.8 lbs. $499 31015 26" A A-Grade Screw-in 42" 6.8 lbs. $649 31040 28" A-Grade Screw-in 44" 6.9 lbs. $499 31020 28" A A-Grade Screw-in 44" 6.9 lbs. $649 31031 26" A-Grade 42" 6.0 lbs. $499 31042 26" A-Grade 6.0 lbs. $499 Screw-in .410-GAUGE 2½", AND 3" Fixed 42" CO M M O N S PECIF ICAT IO N S: Tr i g g e r: Single -S elective Trigger Ch o ke s : IC & M Ty p e o f S i g h t s : Brass Bead with Mid- Bead L e n g t h o f P u ll : 14 1 / 2 " D r o p a t h e e l : 2 1 / 2 " D r o p a t Co m b : 1 1 / 2 " A u t o m a t i c E j e c t o r s CONDOR LONGFOWLER 20-GAUGE YOUTH (13" LOP) 2¾", AND 3" The Stoeger Condor Supreme comes with auto-ejectors for quick ejection of empty hulls and a faster reload of fresh shells. OV ER A L L LENGT H 31030 28- GAUGE 2¾" CHOKE TUBES: IC and M (.410 F and F fixed). S T OCK : A-Grade satin walnut (Supreme models AA-Grade gloss walnut). T RIGGE R : Single trigger (Supreme models single-selective trigger). S IGH T S: Brass bead. CHOK ES 12- GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" 20 - GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S S TOCK 31036 22" A-Grade Screw-in 36.5" 5.5 lbs. $499 .410-GAUGE YOUTH (13" LOP) 2½", AND 3" 31037 22" A-Grade Fixed 36.5" 5.5 lbs. $499 COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Trig ger: Single Trigger Chokes: IC & M (.410 models have fixed F & F chokes) Type of Sights: Brass Bead Length of Pull: 141 /2" (Youth 13") Drop at heel: 21 /2" Drop at Comb: 11 / 2 " Shell E x tractor IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H S TOCK E X T ENDED CHOK ES OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP 7.5 lbs. $499 7.0 lbs. $499 12- GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" 31061 30" A-Grade Screw-in 46" 20 - GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" 31064 30" A-Grade Screw-in 46" CO M M O N S PECIF ICAT IO N S: Tr i g g e r: Single Trigger Ch o ke s : E x tended IC & M Ty p e o f S i g h t s : Brass Bead L e n g t h o f P u ll : 14 1 / 2 " D r o p a t h e e l : 2 1 / 2 " D r o p a t Co m b : 1 1 / 2 " Shell E x tractor STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 21 OVER & UNDER SHOTGUNS 2016 Stoeger Dealer Workbook Condor Competition From range to field Ported barrels come standard on the Condor Competition. Barrel porting lets gas escape through the top of the barrel to help keep barrel climb to a minimum for a quick second shot. CONDOR COMPETITION – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31045 AA-Grade gloss walnut The Condor Competition is equally at home on a sporting clays course, skeet field or trap range. Available in 12- or 20-gauge, the Condor Competition features ported barrels, automatic ejectors and an adjustable comb. CONDOR COMPETITION S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S CHOKE TUBES: Extended IC, M, F (2 each) and wrench. S T OCK : A A-Grade gloss walnut. Available left- or right-handed with fully adjustable comb. S IGH T S: Brass bead and silver mid-bead. B A R R E L S : Ported 30" barrels. O P TI O N A L F E AT URE S CHOKE TUBES: Flush and Extended C, IC, M, IM and F. IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H S TOCK 31045 30" A A-Grade Screw-in 31047* 30" A A-Grade Screw-in 31046 30" A A-Grade CHOK ES OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP 47" 8.85 lbs. $679 47" 8.85 lbs. $679 8.8 lbs. $679 12- GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" 20 - GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" Screw-in 47" The fully adjustable comb on the Condor Competition allows you to custom fit the stock to your personal stock dimensions for whatever target game you favor. A distinctive palm swell for both left- and right-handed shooters gives the Condor Competition a real custom feel. You’ll swear the Condor Competition was made for you. COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Trigger: Single-Selective Trigger Extended Chokes: IC,M,F (2 ea.) Type of Sights: Brass Bead with silver mid-bead Leng th of Pull: 141 / 2 " Drop at heel: 2 1 / 2 " Drop at Comb: Adjustable Barrel: Ported Automatic Ejector *Left-Handed Condor Outback Simplicity and versatility CONDOR OUTBACK – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31082 A-Grade satin walnut, polished blue CONDOR OUTBACK – 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31080 Black-finished walnut, polished nickel The Stoeger Condor Outback has been coined as the ultimate multi-purpose shotgun. It is equipped with 20-inch barrels, making the gun easy to maneuver and quick to shoulder, whether it's hunting in tight cover or while protecting your home. S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S CHOKE TUBES: IC and M. S T OCK : A -Grade satin walnut and Black-finished walnut. T RIGGE R : Single trigger. S IGH T S : Notched rear and fixed blade front. O P TI O N A L F E AT URE S CHOKE TUBES: Flush and extended C, IC, M, IM and F. 22 WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO CONDOR OUTBACK IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H S TOCK 31082 20" A-Grade Screw-in 31080* 20" Black Screw-in CHOK ES OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP 36" 7.0 lbs. $499 36" 7.0 lbs. $549 The Outback utilizes a box-lock type over & under action, complete with a jeweled monobloc and extractors to lift empty hulls from the chamber. 12- GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Trig ger: Single Chokes: IC & M Type of Sights: Notched Rear and Fixed Blade Front L eng th o f Pull: 141 / 2 " Drop a t heel: 2 1 / 2 " Drop a t Comb: 1 1 / 2 " Shell E x tr ac tor *Polished nickel finish with black-finished walnut stock and fore-end STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 23 S I D E - B Y- S I D E S H O T G U N S 2016 Stoeger Dealer Workbook Uplander Longfowler, Uplander Supreme & Uplander Timeless & affordable UPL AND E R L O N G F O W L E R – 1 2 - G A , 3 " ITEM # 31062 A-Grade satin walnut Stoeger’s Uplander Longfowler is a classic “duck gun” with the swing, balance and look of a traditional side-by-side shotgun. Designed with waterfowlers in mind, a 30-inch barrel and extended choke tubes gives the Longfowler excellent balance for a smooth swing and the ability to really reach out. UPLANDER SUPREME — 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31100 AA-Grade gloss walnut The Uplander Supreme is the ultimate refinement of the Uplander, with a single gold trigger, interchangeable choke tubes and a checkered AA-grade American walnut stock. It offers an exciting combination of features and low price. UPLANDER — 28-GA, 2¾" ITEM # 31190 A-Grade satin walnut The Stoeger Uplander 28-gauge is perfect for small game hunting. While spending all day in the field, the lightweight design won't strain your body, so you are always ready for that next shot. For those hunters and sportsman looking for more of a challenge but still want to have fun shooting, the 28-gauge will suit your needs. UPLANDER YOUTH — .410, 3" ITEM # 31135 A-Grade satin walnut Depending on the model, Uplanders come with either a single trigger or sturdy traditional double triggers for optimum reliability. All of Stoeger’s Uplander side-by-side models come standard with extractors. Uplanders feature a tang-mounted safety, which is automatically engaged when the gun is broken open. UPLANDER IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H S TOCK 31140 26" A-Grade Screw-in 31145 28" A-Grade Screw-in 31150 26" A-Grade Screw-in 31155 28" A-Grade Screw-in 31190 26" A-Grade 31195 26" A-Grade CHOK ES UPLANDER SUPREME OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T 42" 44" S TOCK 7.4 lbs. $499 31100 26" A A-Grade Screw-in 42" 7.4 lbs. $539 7.5 lbs. $499 31105 28" A A-Grade Screw-in 44" 7.5 lbs. $539 42" 7.3 lbs. $499 31115 26" A A-Grade Screw-in 42" 7.3 lbs. $539 44" 7.4 lbs. $499 31120 28" A A-Grade Screw-in 44" 7.4 lbs. $539 42" 7.1 lbs. $499 7.0 lbs. $499 42" 20-GAUGE YOUTH (13" LOP) 2¾", AND 3" 31130 22" 31135 22" A-Grade Screw-in 36.5" 6.8 lbs. COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Trig ger: Single Trigger Chokes : IC & M Ty pe o f S ig h t s : Brass Bead Leng th of Pull: 141 / 2 " (Youth 13") Drop at heel: 2 1 / 2 " Drop at Comb: 11 / 2 " Shell E x tr ac tor UPLANDER LONGFOWLER $499 IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H S TOCK $499 31062 30" A-Grade 24 S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S O P TI O N A L F E AT URE S CHOKE TUBES: IC and M 12-ga. and 20-ga. (28-ga. IC and M fixed, .410: F and F fixed). S T OCK : A-Grade satin walnut (Supreme models AA-Grade gloss walnut). S IGH T S: Brass bead. CHOKE TUBES:Both flush and extended chokes available in C, IC, M, IM and F (12- and 20-gauge only). WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO Fixed 36.5" 6.5 lbs. E X T ENDED CHOK ES OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP 7.6 lbs. $499 7.5 lbs. $499 12- GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" .410-GAUGE YOUTH (13" LOP) 2½", AND 3" A-Grade MSRP 20 - GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" .410-GAUGE 2½", AND 3" Fixed CHOK ES 12- GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" 28- GAUGE 2¾" 13" length of pull AV ER AGE WEIGH T BA RREL LENGT H 12- GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" Fixed OV ER A L L LENGT H MSRP IT EM NUMBER 20 - GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" The Uplander Youth model is an excellent choice for young shooters and smaller stature adults. The short stock allows the opportunity for more hunters and shooters to enjoy the history and style of the classic side-by-side design. The receiver is precision machined to exacting tolerances to ensure that the Uplander will hold up year-after-year. COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Trig ger: Double Trigger Chokes: IC & M (28-ga. fixed chokes are IC & M, .410 fixed chokes are F & F) Type of Sights: Brass Bead Leng th of Pull: 141 / 2 " (Youth 13") Drop at heel: 2 1 / 2 " Drop at Comb: 11 / 2 " Screw-in 46" 20 - GAUGE 2¾", AND 3" 31063 30" A-Grade Screw-in 46" CO M M O N S PECIF ICAT IO N S: Tr i g g e r: Single Trigger Ch o ke s : E x tended IC & M Ty p e o f S i g h t s : Brass Bead L e n g t h o f P u ll : 14 1 / 2 " D r o p a t h e e l : 2 1 / 2 " D r o p a t Co m b : 1 1 / 2 " Shell E x tractor STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 25 S I D E - B Y- S I D E S H O T G U N S 2016 Stoeger Dealer Workbook Coach Gun & Coach Gun Supreme The frontier days gun of choice The Stoeger Coach Gun comes in multiple finishes allowing competitors in Cowboy Action Shooting to match their needs. The Coach Gun also serves as an ideal home security gun, chambered for 2¾-inch and 3-inch shells. The Coach Gun Supreme, which comes with an upgraded walnut stock and recoil pad, is available in the following barrel/receiver finish combinations: polished nickel/ polished nickel, polished blue/polished blue and stainless/polished blue. COACH GUN — 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31415 Black-finished walnut, polished nickel COACH GUN SUPREME — 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31482 AA-Grade gloss walnut, polished nickel COACH GUN SUPREME WITH SINGLE TRIGGER — 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31463 AA-Grade gloss walnut, stainless receiver, polished blue barrels COACH GUN SUPREME — 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31483 AA-Grade gloss walnut, stainless receiver, polished blue barrels COACH GUN — .410, 3" ITEM # 31410 A-Grade satin walnut, polished blue COACH GUN SUPREME — 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31481 AA-Grade gloss walnut, polished blue COACH GUN WITH SINGLE TRIGGER — 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31460 A-Grade satin walnut, polished blue COACH GUN SUPREME IT EM NUMBER COACH GUNS IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H S TOCK GAUGE SATIN WALNUT, BLUE 2¾", AND 3" An attractive trigger guard gives the Coach Gun and Coach Gun Supreme a more refined appearance, with smooth curves that compliment the triggers. 31400 20" A-Grade 31405 20" 31410 20" 31460* 31461* OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T 36.5" A-Grade 20 A-Grade .410 20" A-Grade 20" A-Grade MSRP S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S 26 WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO GAUGE OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP 31481 20" A A-Grade 12 36.5" 6.5 lbs. $549 31487 20" A A-Grade 20 36.5" 6.4 lbs. $549 6.5 lbs. $499 36.5" 6.4 lbs. $499 31483 20" A A-Grade 12 36.5" 6.5 lbs. $549 36.5" 6.3 lbs. $499 31491 20" A A-Grade 20 36.5" 6.4 lbs. $549 12 36.5" 6.5 lbs. $499 20 36.5" 6.4 lbs. $499 31463* 20" A A-Grade 12 36.5" 6.5 lbs. $549 31462* 20" A A-Grade 20 36.5" 6.4 lbs. $549 BLACK-FINISHED HARDWOOD, POLISHED NICKEL 2¾", AND 3" CHOKE: IC and M fixed. S T OCK : A-Grade satin walnut or Black-finished walnut. S IGH T S: Brass bead. S TOCK GLOSS WALNUT, BLUE 2¾", AND 3" (.410 2½", AND 3") 12 BA RREL LENGT H 31415 20" Black 12 36.5" 6.5 lbs. $549 31420 20" Black 20 36.5" 6.4 lbs. $549 COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Trig ger: Double (except where noted with *) Chokes: Fixed IC & M (.410 fixed F & F) Type of Sights: Brass bead Leng th of Pull: 141 / 2 " Drop at heel: 2 1 / 2 " Drop at Comb: 11 / 2 " Shell E x tractor *Single trigger model GLOSS WALNUT, BLUE/STAINLESS RECEIVER 2¾", AND 3" The 12- and 20-gauge Coach Gun Supremes come with improved cylinder and modified choke tubes and wrench. Stoeger's Single-Trigger Coach guns feature a gold-plated single trigger for quick follow-up shots. S TA N D A R D F E AT U RE S O P T I O N A L F E AT U RE S CHOKE TUBES: IC and M. S T OCK : A A-Grade gloss walnut. S IGH T S: Brass bead. CHOKE TUBES:Flush and Extended C, IC, M, IM and F. GLOSS WALNUT, POLISHED NICKEL 2¾", AND 3" 31482 20" A A-Grade 12 36.5" 6.5 lbs. $549 31489 20" A A-Grade 20 36.5" 6.4 lbs. $549 COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Trig ger: Double (except where noted with *) Chokes: Screw-in IC & M Type of Sights: Brass bead Leng th of Pull: 141 / 2 " Drop at heel: 2 1 / 2 " Drop at Comb: 11 / 2 " Shell E x tractor *Single trigger model STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 27 DEFENSE SHOTGUNS 2016 Stoeger Double Defense & P-350 Defense Dealer Workbook The Double Defense Side-by-Side’s 20-inch barrels are ported to keep muzzle climb down and fitted with a green, fiber-optic front sight for fast, sure target acquisition in low-light conditions. (Light not included) Frontline of defense DOUBLE DEFENSE SIDE-BY-SIDE — 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31446 Black synthetic P-350 DEFENSE, PISTOL GRIP – 12-GA, 3½ " ITEM # 31579 Black synthetic DOUBLE DEFENSE OVER/UNDER — 12-GA, 3" ITEM # 31089 Matte black-finished walnut (Burris ® sight and flashlight not included) Also available in 20-gauge. P-350 DEFENSE – 12-GA, 3½" ITEM # 31580 Black synthetic DOUBLE DEFENSE — 20-GA, 3" ITEM # 31447 Matte black-finished walnut (Burris® sight and flashlight not included) Available in 12- and 20-gauge models, the Stoeger Double Defense is ideal for use in tight quarters and tense situations. The traditional break-action and short, efficient design is easy to load and quick to deploy in an emergency. The P-350 Defense models feature a blade front sight attached at the muzzle for fast and positive target acquisition. DOUBLE DEFENSE IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H S TOCK OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T MSRP DOUBLE DEFENSE SIDE-BY-SIDE 12- GAUGE 2¾" AND 3" 31446 20" Ported Black synthetic 36.5" 6.5 lbs. $499 31447 20" Ported Black-finished walnut 36.5" 6.4 lbs. $499 DOUBLE DEFENSE OVER /UNDER 12- GAUGE 2¾" AND 3" 31089 20" Black-finished walnut 36.5" 7.1 lbs. $479 CHOKE TUBES: Fixed cylinder. FINISH: Black synthetic. S IGH T S: Blade sight. 31088 28 The Double Defense comes standard with two Picatinny rails for sighting aids and optics; the bottom Picatinny rail is factory-installed and will also accommodate accessories. (Optic not included) WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO 20" Black-finished walnut 36.5" 6.6 lbs. $479 COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Chokes: IC/IC fixed Type of Sights: Fiber-optic front sight Leng th of Pull: 141 / 2 " Drop at heel: 2 1 / 2 " Drop at Comb: 11 / 2 " Shell E x tractor S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S OV ER A L L LENGT H AV ER AGE WEIGH T IT EM NUMBER BA RREL LENGT H 31579 18.5" Black synthetic Pistol Grip 40.25" 6.4 lbs. $379 31580 18.5" Black synthetic 40.25" 6.4 lbs. $349 S TOCK MSRP P-350 DEFENSE 12- GAUGE 2¾", 3" AND 3½" DOUBLE DEFENSE OVER /UNDER 20 - GAUGE 2¾" AND 3" The Double Defense’s single-trigger design and tang-mounted automatic safety makes it a fast and reliable firearm that’s ideal for home security use. DEFENSE SHOTGUNS – SINGLE BARREL P-35 0 D EF ENSE S TA N DA RD F E AT URE S DOUBLE DEFENSE SIDE-BY-SIDE 20 - GAUGE 2¾" AND 3" The P-350 Defense barrel features a blade front site attached at the muzzle for positive target acquisition. CO M M O N S PECIF ICAT IO N S: M a g a z i n e C ap aci t y : 4 +1 Ch o ke s : C ylinder fixed Ty p e o f S i g h t s : Blade front sight L e n g t h o f P u ll : 14 1 / 2 " D r o p a t h e e l : 2 1 / 4 " D r o p a t Co m b : 1 1 / 2 " CHOKE S : Fixed IC. S T OCK : Matte black-finished walnut. Tr ig g er: Single trigger. S IGH T S: Fiber-optic front sight. STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 29 S E M I - A U T O M AT I C P I S T O L S 2016 Stoeger Dealer Workbook Cougar Accurate, reliable & affordable COUGAR – .40 S&W ITEM # 31701 Nitride-hardened matte black All Stoeger Cougars come equipped with a cable lock for safe storage. Always store your firearm in a secure area, inaccessible to children. All Cougar models feature the Nitride-hardened finish for corrosion-resistance and durability, it is vastly superior to the more traditional blued or parkerized finishes. Cougar pistols feature a rotating barrel that locks with the slide, meaning extra strength, and because it stays on the same plane for each shot, greater accuracy is achieved. The barrels are cold, hammer-forged and the bores are hard chrome-lined for exceptional durability, which promotes longer barrel life. Additional features include rounded-edges for snag-free drawing, removable front-sight, and combat-style trigger guard. COUGAR – 9MM ITEM # 31700 Nitride-hardened matte black The ambidextrous safety and decocking lever is easily accessible by the thumb of a right- or left-handed shooter. Stoeger’s standard quick-read 3-dot-sight is designed for quick target acquisition. COUGAR ITEM NUMBER CALIBER FINISH 31701 .40 S&W Nitride-hardened Matte black WEIGHT MAG UNLOADED CAPACITY 32.4 oz. 11+1 MSRP $469 31702 .40 S&W Nitride-hardened Matte black 32.4 oz. 10+1 $469 31700 9mm Nitride-hardened Matte black 32.6 oz. 15+1 $469 31703 9mm Nitride-hardened Matte black 32.6 oz. 10+1 $469 C O U G A R S TA N D A R D F E AT U RE S A C T ION : Double/Single action. M A G A ZIN E : 2 magazines – .40 S&W 11-round or 10-round, 9mm 15-round or 10-round. S A F E T Y: Ambidextrous safety lever. S IGH T S: 3-dot sights. COMMON SPECIFICATIONS: Action: Double/Single Sights: Quick read 3-dot sight Safety/Decock Lever: Ambidextrous Overall Lengh: 7" Barrel Lengh: 3.6" 30 WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 31 STOEG ER G E AR 2016 Stoeger Accessories Dealer Workbook Branded T-shirts Gun cases & stocks ST OE GE R G U N S O C K STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM Stoeger’s gun sock wears the distinctive Stoeger brand logo and infused with VCI, provides protection for your gun. BACK FOR ALL THE LATEST ARRIVALS BACK ST OE GE R S O F T G U N C A S E S Branded soft gun cases protect your shotgun during transport to and from the field or range. Choose from two durable options: Max-4™ or black. STOEGER GOOSE T-SHIRT Traditional fit t-shirt constructed from 5.3 oz. 100% cotton fabric. Specify size when ordering. Sizes S - XXXL STOEGER M3500 T-SHIRT Traditional fit t-shirt constructed from 5.3 oz. 100% cotton fabric. Specify size when ordering. Sizes S - XXXL ITEM # 93041 ITEM # 93040 Blue$20 Ice Blue $20 Stoeger Hats ST OE GE R D E C A L STEADYGRIP™ STOCKS Show your Stoeger pride with this new 6-inch wide logo decal. The SteadyGrip™ stock allows for one-handed control of the P‑350 Pump, M2000, M3000 and M3500. Available in black, Realtree ® APG™ and Realtree ® Max-4™. A. ACCESSORIES IT EM NUMBER 32 DESCRIP TION MSRP 90502 Stoeger VCI Gun Sock $11.99 90527 Stoeger Soft Gun Case - Black, 52" $39.99 90530 Stoeger Soft Gun Case - Realtree ® MA X-4 ™, 52" $31.99 $2.50 91004 Stoeger Decal - 6" 80207 11 oz. Recoil Reducer for Wood M2000 $59 50207 13 oz. Recoil Reducer for Syn/Camo M2000 & P-350 Pump $89 33490 Recoil Reducer for M3500 $49 33165 SteadyGripTM stock Advantage ® Timber HD ™ $109 RE COI L R E D U C E R S 33166 SteadyGripTM stock Realtree ® MA X-4 ™ $109 Installing the optional recoil reducer in a new camo or synthetic Model 3500, Model 2000 or P-350, adds 13 ounces of recoil-killing weight to the stock. Removal is a snap when firing lighter loads. An 11-ounce version is available for the Model 2000 with wood stock. 33197 SteadyGripTM stock Realtree ® APG ™ $109 WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO C. B. A. STOEGER BLAZE ORANGE HAT B. STOEGER MAX-5 TM HAT C. STOEGER BLACK / WHITE MESH TRUCKER HAT ITEM # 90047 ITEM # 90079 ITEM # 93240 $20 $20 $20 STOEGERINDUSTRIES.COM 33
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