THE TOWN OF SEDLČANY THE TOWN OF SEDLČANY Sedlčany, a town of eight thousand inhabitants, is situated 60km south of Prague. The town of Sedlčany consists of villages: Doubravice, Hradišťko, Libíň, Oříkov, Sedlčany, Sestrouň, Solopysky, Třebnice, Vítěž and Zberaz. In the past, Sedlčany was owned by famous House of Rosenberg then Jakub Krčín of Jelčany and Sedlčany, subsequently the House of Lobkowicz. The first written report of the town appeared in 1294. This report documents Sedlčany as an important centre of the Lords of Hradec. One of the most valuable monuments is the Gothic church of St. Martin, built in 13th and 14th century (2) and the dominant feature of the town square the neo-Renaissance town hall from 1903 (1).There is the Regional Information Centre on the ground floor. There is a plague column by Bernard Spinetti built at the beginning of the 18th (4). The Old Town Hall with jail fom 15th century was reconstructed in 2002 into the contemporary Municipal Museum (3). The Modern history is symbolized by statue People without Home by Břetislav Benda located on the Suk’s square, which remembers tragic times of evacuation of Sedlčany during Nazi occupation (6). 1 - Neo-Renaissance town hall One of the inestimable values of Sedlčany is its beautiful and varied landscape, which offers many possibilities for active recreation. For example the lake Slapy and more than 100km of marked cycle routes. 2 - Gothic Church St. Martin Regional Information Centre, nám. T. G. Masaryka 32, 264 80 Sedlčany, phone: +420 318 821 158, e-mail: [email protected], SEDLČANY MUNICIPAL MUSEUM (3) 3 - Sedlčany Municipal Museum The modern organized exhibition aimed at Sedlčany’s region presents among other the famous personalities such as Jakub Krčín or composer Josef Suk. Interesting exhibitions are also three shorts films, which are approaching origin and content Krčín’s richly illuminated hymn book, life and creation of composer Josef Suk and the evacuation of Sedlčany during the Second World War. The hall on the ground floor of the museum is used for temporary exhibitions as well as museum’s cafe with WiFi access. Tyršova 136, 264 01 Sedlčany, phone: +420 318 821 240, e-mail: [email protected], MUNICIPAL LIBRARY The wide offer of public library and information services are available here as well as the services of the community character. The public has access to the Internet and to the electronic databases (of the Czech Press Agency ČTK and Anopress). There is Job centre in the same building 4 - Plague column Kpt. Jaroše 482, 264 80 Sedlčany, phone: +420 318 821 186, e-mail: [email protected], 5 - Josef Suk’s Centre of Culture JOSEF SUk´S CENTER OF CULTURE (5) Since 1954 Josef Suk’s Centre of Culture has been significantly engaged in the development of cultural life. There also take place dance courses, balls, events companies and entrepreneurs, school educational programs, graduation ceremonies of all types of schools and municipal assembly meetings and also festival of Sedlčany Film Summer in summer months. Annually is organised the music festival Suk’s Sedlčany closing concerts of classical music are arranged in Červený Hrádek and pious remembrance to commemorate the master Josef Suk in the church in Křečovice. KDJS, Havlíčkova 514, 264 01 Sedlčany, phone: +420 318 821 741 e-mail: [email protected], KDJS also provides activity of Josef Sadil’s Observatory at the top of the Cihelný Vrch. JOSEF SADIL´S OBSERvATORY (7) 7 - Josef Sadils Observatory This observatory was built in 1962 on Cihelný Vrch (470m above sea level) by citizens interested in astronomy. In the same year a telescope was installed, which is still an opportunity to observe phenomena in the sky and the ongoing. The observatory is open to the public. e-mail: [email protected] 6 - Statue People without Home SEDLČANY´S HOLLOW (8) On the left bank of the brook Mastník, to the north of the town, the Kotlina has been a well-known motor sport area since 1953. Motocross, autocross, rally-cross and supermoto competitions are held here phone: +420 318 822 663, e-mail.: [email protected] 8 - Sedlčany´s hollow Fishing at Sedlčany dam: MěÚ Sedlčany, OŽP, nám. TGM 34. Permits are issued at: ČRS MO Sedlčany POLICE CZ 158 i TOWNPOLICE 156 REGIONAL INFORMATION CENTRE RESCUE SERVICE 155 FIRE BRIGADE 150 SOS 112 Nám. TGM 32, 264 80 Sedlčany, phone: +420 318 821158, fax: 318 875 666 e-mail: [email protected], PYíbram 0 d Po C em ch ah Sv ní Ji~ vr ihelným vrchem m lný ihe dC Po 300 m minigolf 18 Pod Há je u Pila mi Po Na t o ku rachtova Podélná O lb Nanebevzetí P. Marie (Církvika) rm `ve ova tovem Pod HYbi lech Petra Bezrue Havlíkova i Domov Sedlany k sídliat Na Severním U Na Stínad Na 36 u ok Pot 4 So ko lov s ká mstská Novomstské nám. No vo Kodicilo va lé ejed Dlnická N Víta ho m lý Za N D k ila Ro vá ~o Nádra Nade m lýnská L id ická Panský Mlýn va chy . Má K. H ~ní 34 4 r Pet ká 10 5 c ovi n K Cihel vá Sa do va xo Ba u na B vá ad o cká s Pod a Komenského nám. a Tyraov cí }i~kova WC i ocn á nsk em nám. T. G. Masaryka Sukovo nám. de PYíní Na lec Zpracoval a vytiskl ZemmYický úYad v r. 2012, 2. vydání. Text, foto a informaní obsah: Msto Sedlany. Mapový podklad © eský úYad zemmYický a katastrální, 2006. 470 CIHELNÝ VRCH PYíbram 6 44 39 6 SEDLANY 39 0 0 ov a fer t PYí o vy Se d 41 ho 368 d le h TJ Tatran TJ Sokol Ko n Etropo lská LAS Taverny e ná á ZÚ Na Vy h Nad PYe 43 0 4 ae v rc y rný a Plavc ní ib e Profesor PYíkrá Se i kpt. Jaroae Na Morávce e rl Ka Nádra cká a ov Lho te ská jíren Stro Potoní lídc 37 SK I -` y Se dlé `afaYíkova re Ka ej e olk `k 2 8. 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