Explosive Ordnance Disposal News Letter


Explosive Ordnance Disposal News Letter
EOD Units HHQ:
Explosive Ordnance
News Letter
Special Features:
What is it?
Some Gave All
Unit Roster
EOD Info/links
This newsletter is the
unofficial newsletter of
Marine Corps EOD. It is
produced by the EOD
Marines of MAGTF-TC
Publisher - Maj Callahan
Editor – MGySgt Loechler
July - Sept 2013
EOD News Letter
HQMC LPE – Maj Shelstad /
MGySgt Lippert
Greetings from HQMC (LPE-2) located in room 2E227 of
the Pentagon. Here are a few items of interest since our
last update.
Congrats to our 87 of out SSgt selects. Of those
selected 40 came from the above zone. This was
realized by limiting the number of Sgt’s in zone forcing
the board to take a hard look at those Marines in the
above zone. We still have a high number of Sgt’s in the
above zone but by selecting those 40 that number was
reduced significantly.
Congrats to the 7 Warrant Officers who were selected.
Get ready to spend some cash on all those new
The SgtMaj through MSgt board convenes 23 Oct with
allocations consistent with a healthy growth for
advancement of upward mobility (MARADMIN 479/13
MCO 8027 rewrite:
We are still currently working with the HQ of the other
Service EOD Advocates to rewrite the inter-service
responsibilities order. The main focus of this order will be
covering homeland defense roles to include EOD
support to civil authority. Some of the supporting
establishment teams continue to provide us with details
regarding response areas within their purview in order to
upload into this order. We came to a sticky point WRT
the “Hold Harmless Agreement”(DD Form 1926) and the
legality of it, and who is authorized to sign it. Bottom line
it has went to the legal office which appears to be a
black hole, and we are awaiting a response from them
IOT incorporate it into 8027. This is the best COA to
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insure the Marine Corps and the Marine are protected
while conducting off base responses relating to DSCA.
Third Location Decompression Program:
LPE-2 is currently working with Community Counseling
and Prevention (CC&P), formerly known as the Combat
Operational Stress Control (COSC), regarding the
upcoming Decompression evolution 13-1 in Germany
We anticipate this program to continue throughout the
remainder of the OEF deployments. Drop us a line if you
need to talk dates and specific info.
EOD Day on Capitol Hill:
LPE-2 in conjunction with MCB Quantico EOD Team
and the Detachment at the Tech Div rolled into Capitol
Hill to set up a static display for the EOD Caucus on July
31st. All 4 services were represented as well as EOD
Warrior Foundation. The evening went very well offering
an opportunity for the members of the Caucus and their
staff to see the various EOD tools and equipment as well
as to be able to talk to the EOD Techs and get firsthand
information from the perspective of the EOD Technician.
This proves to be an enduring opportunity to garner
support and advocacy from the members on the House.
It was also a recruiting tool for the Caucus to get more
members in the Caucus.
LDO / CWO promotions:
The season is upon us for LDO and CWO promotions.
Although we will most likely not be making too many
LDOs this year, ensure you have your OMPFs up to date
as boards, zones and personnel requirements can
change with little time to prepare before a board
convenes. CWO5, CWO4 and CWO3 selections s are
looking good for this summer’s board, the message
should be out soon.
Retirement: We bid farewell with a great send off, to
MSgt John Hayes. John retired on 31 August and
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headed down to Florida. John will be sorely missed by
We are currently involved with the Urgent Universal
all of us up here in the NCR, and wish him well.
Needs Statement (UUNS) for the Blast Sensor Gauge
If you ever find yourself in the Pentagon area, stop by,
we would like to see you and show you around. You’ll
be afforded the opportunity to see productivity at its
(submitted by MEF FWD) and it is our intent to make this
a Program of Record for at minimum, all USMC EOD
and possibly other enablers, e.g., infantry, combat
finest and be able to take back to your home station
engineers, etc. Our ultimate goal is that all information
lessons learned.
recorded on the devices would be downloaded, stored,
and managed via Navy Medicine with each EOD
Maj Shelstad
MGySgt Lippert
FPID – Capt Perry
Ladies and Gentlemen, greetings from the “Crossroads
of the Marine Corps”. We here at Marine Corps Combat
Development Command (MCCDC)/Deputy Commandant
technician obtaining some form of a baseline reading
with periodic evaluations; something similar to the
annual audiogram testing that we are undertake. This
would ensure that as EOD techs are subjected to
continuous “minor” blast exposures, i.e., Methods of
Entry Instructors, MEU(SOC) Assault Breachers,
persons conducting range clearance operations, etc.,
Combat Development and Integration (DC CD&I),
In addition to our regular duties that encompass all
Capabilities Development Directorate (CDD), Force
things Explosive Ordnance Disposal not the least of
Protection Integration Division (FPID), Counter-IED
which includes; requirements, funding, sustainment,
(CIED) Branch have survived a plethora of budget drills,
inventory, pre-positioning, doctrine, and training, we also
sequestration, loss of air conditioning, transition from
double as the Force Protection Integration Division’s
Sharepoint 07 to Sharepoint 10, and Modern Day Marine
Operations Officer and Chief. While this certainly does
among other obstacles, and offer the following to our
provide additional challenges to our daily schedules, it
beloved community.
also provides us with situational awareness on matters
First and foremost, the budget drills had significant
impacts on our spending plans and not in a positive
manner either. While it is true, we did take some serious
cuts to our Family of EOD Equipment funding line, we
were able to stave off any complete elimination or
“killing” of programs. So while you will still receive shiny
new equipment in the future, the quantities are sure to
be reduced. And it will likely take longer to get everyone
all of their shiny new equipment.
that while they may fall outside the purview of EOD,
there could be second and third order affects, i.e.,
Marine Corps Counter IED Policy, Route
Reconnaissance and Clearance Capabilities, Marine
Corps Pre-Positioning Kuwait (MCPP-K), Enterprise
Lifecycle Maintenance Program (ELMP), and the list
goes on. Fear not for we have our finger on the pulse
and our mission is to protect our EOD Program from all
enemies, foreign and domestic.
EOD News Letter
These additional “Ops” duties also include some less
enjoyable tasks such as Marine Corps Action Tracking
System (MCATS) tasks, Total Force Structure
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MCWL – Maj Lucas
Did not submit
Management Systems (TFSMS) Table of Organization
and Equipment Change Requests (TOECR),
Commandant of Marine Corps (CMC) weekly input, and
a variety of tracking systems within the division.
Translation- almost nothing gets accomplished within
EOD Monitor – MSgt Blum
Did not submit
this division unless Greg or I are heavily involved
throughout the process. Can you say job security and
extended tour of duty? How this organization survived
prior to our arrival is a mystery not only to us but also to
As we clear our calendars of FY13 and embark on a new
FY in the coming days, we eagerly await the FY17
Program Objective Memorandum (POM) Wargame,
budget cuts to our POM 15 submission, and what are
MGySgt Lamer/MSgt Farmer
Greetings from the beltway,
My retirement date has been approved for 31 October
2014! MSgt Farmer has checked in to replace me as the
EOD Project Officer. Since checking in on 1 August, he
hit the ground running and hasn’t stopped. I know he’ll
do great things for our EOD community up here.
sure to be countless Table of Equipment reviews. On a
Together, the EOD Program Management Team (PMT)
positive note, we also look forward to the fielding of
is taking on some major issues which we hope to resolve
Future Radiographic System complete with brand new
quickly in order to benefit you. As we get closer to
XRS source generator, the Remote Fuze Disassembly
System, and perhaps a new generator for your General
Purpose Kits. Enjoy your new toys and use them wisely.
That is all for now as Modern Day Marine is in town and
we would like to go and see all the new shiny toys we
can’t afford and don’t have requirements for anyway. If
solutions, we’ll keep you updated.
Here are some updates that will affect you in the near
Family of EOD Equipment (IED and Tech Kits):
You should have started to receive your EOD
you are in the area, stop by for a visit. Starbucks is right
Technicians and IED Kit SL-3 components. Each EOD
down the street and we have a fully operational Kuerig
Tech Kit should receive (2) Cutabiners and (1) EOD
so coffee breaks are not a problem.
Reel. Each IED Kit should receive (1) Pelican 1660 case
and (1) OHI-3000 Holley Stick. The Holley Stick is
Semper fi and Happy Birthday Marines!
Captain Jason Perry
Greg Carroll (Ctr)
replacing the (2) telescoping poles currently in the kit.
Take the two telescoping poles out of the kit and dispose
of them.
EOD News Letter
Regarding the Pelican 1660 cases, we have found that
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we found out that the multimeters have calibration
there was an error in shipping the serialized cases to
requirements and we have been told to remove all Fluke
various units. When we made our recent purchase of
179s out of the IED Kits. We are performing some tests
additional FEODE Kits, we procured (101) IED Kits that
to see if the Fluke 189 will adequately support the SAK2.
were serialized (two case configuration on IUID tags)
If not, we will procure the Fluke 87(V) and field it as a
before fielding. TSSi was supposed to ship the serialized
replacement to the Fluke 179. You are to retain the
1660 cases to the same units that received a newly
Fluke 179 in the IED Kit until replaced by the Fluke 189
fielded/serialized kit but that did not. This option would
or 87(V). Fielding of the new Fluke should be expected
have made it transparent to your supply unit since the
to begin by 2nd Qtr, FY14. Both of these Flukes are
1660 case serial number would have been the same as
supported by the Marine Corps and will require
the new kit.
The final decision to correct this issue is for all EOD
units to account for their IED Kits by adding the serial
E0086 Marine Air System (MAS) Remote Firing
Device (RFD) Expendable Receivers:
number identified on the Pelican 1660 IUID tag. For units
that have already added their newly fielded IED Kits that
Fielding of the expendable MAS RFD receivers has
consisted of two separate IUID tags on two separate
begun. These expendable receivers are an SL-3
cases, these serial numbers need to be removed and
configuration change to the E0086 MAS RFD. Each
discarded. Our logistician is generating an AMHS
MAS RFD will receive (5) expendable receivers. There is
message identifying this issue and what corrective
not a specific place within the case for them to fit so just
actions must be taken to correct it. This change of serial
place them in the lid pouch and battery compartment.
number needs to be corrected quickly as GCSS will
populate many duplicate serial number errors until
E3080 MK2 Mod 0 .50 Cal Dearmer:
everyone has added the 1660 case serial number on
their CMR. When these kits are finalized, each kit should
only have the 1660 case IUID marked w/serial number.
Finally, NAVEODTECHDIV is receiving the (145)
dearmer barrels to complete the kits. We should have
fielded these dearmers almost six months ago but lot
Some additional SL-3 changes have been identified for
tests identified flaws in the manufacturers milling
the E0049 IED Kit as well. A new capability that will be
process. Once these barrels pass inspection, all (145)
added to the IED Kit is the ability to bypass and defeat
MK2 Dearmers will be shipped to all deployable units
alarm systems. Components that will be added to the
that have deficiencies. Since it has taken so long to
IED Kit to support this capability gap are the Tactical
deliver these, units may already have procured
Electronics Special Access Kit (SAK) 2 (consists of (1)
deficiencies through MILSTRIP and will have excess
Prosecutor, (3) Scorpions, and (1) WASSP), (1) AEMC
upon receipt of these dearmers. If you have excess MK2
K100 microprobe, and (1) set (black/red) Stacking
Dearmers, submit a Recoverable Item Report (WIR) to
Shrouded Right Angle Banana Plug Jumpers.
turn in excess back to MCD NAVEODTECHDIV.
We have found that we have a problem with the
currently fielded Fluke 179 multimeter. Besides the fact
that the Fluke 179 cannot support the SAK2 sufficiently,
E0159/E0160 Future Radiographic System
EOD News Letter
Our funding for the FRS has been placed on contract!!
The downside of this whole process is that we still have
not received delivery dates since we are still waiting for
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Maj Smith / MGySgt Loechler
the results of the first article recertification. Hopefully, I
will have more info on this by the next newsletter.
Greeting from 2008 Stump Neck Road. There has been
a plethora of activity during this 4th quarter trying to keep
programs moving forward. Below are updates to some
E0064 MTRS MK1 Mod0 Packbot Robot:
of those programs. If you have questions concerning a
topic not mentioned, drop us a line and we can provide
We will be adding (1) BB2590 External Power
Adapter (P/N 4235399) as SL-3 to the MK1
Mod0 Packbot. This adapter will allow you to
Congratulations to the newly selected SSgt’s and WO’s.
power the Packbot OCU instead of procuring the
Also, a big round of applause to SSgt Southerland and
$1,400 proprietary iRobot OCU batteries. This
will be an FY14 procurement so we plan to field
by 2nd Qtr, FY14.
an update.
SL-3 Inventories
family, his daughter has officially been downloaded.
Mommy and baby are doing great. The only promotion
we had this quarter go to MSgt Kilpatrick. I never saw
Gunny chevrons come off so fast. SSgt Jones can be
heard kicking and screaming as we force him back from
We are getting close to finalizing the FEODE Sl-3
disassembly and make him focus on Equipment Review
inventories. As we receive these draft inventories, we
Board issues. SSgt Butterfield got two more TAD trips
are giving them to MCD NAVEODTECHDIV to post on
their website so you can use them for inventory
purposes. These new drafts still have some flaws but are
the best drafts I’ve seen so far.
under his belt in support of the Publications Review
Committee. He monitored testing of the Massive
Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) and Terminal High-Altitude
Area Defense (THAAD) systems.
MGySgt Sean Lamer
I-MRFDK (AN/GJQ-34 Remote Fuze Disassembly
System (RFDS): All testing is complete and the
Production Decision paperwork should be signed by
mid-October. Funding should be on contract around the
first of the year which will put initial fielding in July ’14.
There are 2 MTT classes paid for under this contract for
USMC EOD, one for Camp LeJeune and MAGTF-TC
Twentynine Palms. There is discussion of additional
classes but these are not on contract yet and could
possibly be at unit cost. More to follow on the training
once contracts are finalized. A Computer Based
EOD News Letter
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Training disk is also being produced that will come with
each unit.
EOD Tool Effects on Homemade Explosives: TechDiv’s
D1 (formally known as Code 20) is testing the reaction of
Future Radiographic System (FRS): FRS , also known
EOD Tools against HME. This information will be used
as the Radiographic Imaging System EOD (RISEOD)
to help determine the best attack method against targets
has just completed its First Article Testing (FAT) for the
employing HME. Below is a summary as given by Valja
second time. Unfortunately there were issues during the
Collingwood of the WMD Countermeasures Department.
initial FAT event that required the systems to go back to
“As of today, all AEODU PAN cartridges (both PAN and
the manufacturer for rework. The second FAT still
Carbon 10 disrupters were employed), Tactical Stingray,
identified some concerns but hopefully not to the level of
Stingray, and 32 oz. Hydra-jet have been tested against
it being categorized as a failure. The final report has not
one pound charges 80/20 ANAL contained in plastic
been published. As progress in made toward fielding the
containers. The test shots were executed from various
FRS, we will keep you informed.
standoffs per the respective 60-series publication,
Preliminary Employment Manual (PEM), or
Decision Support System Increment II: The intent of
manufacturer's brochures recommended distances. We
DSS Inc-II is to create EOD Software for mobile devices.
accomplished 10 out of 10 shots with the EOD Tools that
This will include AEODPS and a number of EOD Smart
effectively penetrated the plastic containers, ejected and,
Applications (Android style software) that will allow ready
or dispersed the ANAL content without any explosive
access to information. It will work in conjunction with
reaction--those tools are the Medium Velocity and
service specific communications equipment that can
Enhanced Blank cartridges, and the 32 oz. Hydra-jet. All
employ smart phone/tablet technology. Coordination is
other tested tools; i.e., the Steel Slug and AVON
taking place between TechDiv and the USMC Hand Held
cartridges, Tactical Stingray, etc., yielded either a
Command and Control (H2C2) Program Managers to
detonation or deflagration. We are in the middle of 10
ensure these technologies will link together as a
out of 10 testing for the 64 and 128 oz. Hydra-jets, then
functional product.
we will transition to Sidney Alfred Bottles. High speed
video footage has revealed a lot about the EOD Tool
Flexible Linear Shaped Charges /Explosive Cutting Tape
ballistics and some of the variables that are occurring
(ECT) Characterization: TechDIv is in the beginning
when these tools are employed--the forthcoming test
stages to test the cutting characteristics of FLSC and
reports will expound.”
ECT. Each of the 11 sizes of FLSC will be tested
against varying thicknesses of mild steel and aluminum
EOD Information Management System (IMS): As of 1
to determine a depth of cut per thickness. The same
Oct 2013, USMC EOD has officially become Full
test will be conducted on the 9 sizes of ECT. Data
comparisons will determine what size ECT can achieve
the same effect as the FLSC. There are many more
details involved in the process than that but it involves
Operation Capable with EOD IMS. While there are still
some units and many individuals that have not had the
opportunity to receive formal training, it does not
too much math. This information will support AEODPS
preclude anyone from getting onto the site and
changes to approximately 157 Render Safe Procedures
becoming familiar with the system. You will be surprised
that currently require FLSC but need to be changed to
how simple it actually is. If you are having issues either
reflect the use of ECT.
EOD News Letter
logging on or getting set up, contact MGySgt Loechler
([email protected]) and he will help you.
Since the second week of July when EOD IMS Training
began, there have been only 5 units submit reports,
including MAGTFTC, 29 Palms. Thanks to ATC 29
Palms, MCB Camp Pendleton, MCAS Cherry Point, and
MCB Quantico for following through. However, without
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MARFORPAC – LtCol Corris
Greetings from Building 80, Camp H.M. Smith! First
and foremost congrats to all those selected for
promotion over the last quarter, the community will
surely benefit from your dedication and leadership.
everyone’s efforts in this, it’s difficult to justify why USMC
MARFORPAC is definitely feeling the effects of the
EOD walked away from an established and funded
current fiscal environment we find ourselves firmly
reporting system (DSS IRT) to take on the financial
entrenched. Paperwork and personnel requirements
responsibility of EOD IMS yet still not use it.
continue to flow at a steady pace , yet the combination of
A couple of things to keep in mind as you submit reports.
The “Supervisor” has a responsibility to ensure
furlough with loss of the majority of our reserve staff;
which ultimately pushes the envelope of Limited in LDO.
accuracy, content, and proofread their respective unit
The G-333 (Ground) Shop welcomed a Navy Lieutenant
reports. Even though all reports come through TechDiv
from the Future Ops Shop which equates to our new title
for final approval, we do not edit or change your
of G-333 (Expeditionary Ops). It actually works out
information. We are only the mechanism that allows the
great as he is a young, impressionable Naval Officer
report to enter the repository. Narratives should have
who serves as the MARFORPAC POC for all MEU/ARG
enough detail that anyone not on the call can understand
related issues (not to mention he is a die-hard advocate
all actions taken. The use of photographs is highly
for USMC EOD). My plan is to have him sit in on the
encouraged. These reports can be good learning tools
upcoming MEU EOD SVTC. He has a great relationship
for everyone, but the information must be sufficient for all
with the folks down at PACFLT; so I’m confident he’ll pull
to follow. In five years when you go “walking down
for us if/when the time comes.
memory lane” to see your old reports, you will be
disappointed if there isn’t much to look at. The detail of
this reporting should be no less than what you would
expect from a combat report.
As far as MARFORPAC EOD matters go we’ve been
pulling our fair share of VIPPSA missions; whether
they’ve been tasked via HQMC (LPE) or PACOM. Due
to the time constraints involved with acquiring a visa,
JEOD VIPPSA has been tasking those to the services
for tasking CONUS EOD teams. Those missions not
MCD TechDiv
requiring a visa are being tasked to the COCOMs. The
issues we (as the service component to PACOM) have
been recently experiencing are a direct result of the
303rd EOD Bn being assigned as the executive agent for
EOD News Letter
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coordinating PACOM VIPPSA missions. The 303rd does
facilitate 1st Company EOD teams teaching a Golden
subscribe to tasking to the level that MARFORPAC does
West accredited curriculum. A lucky CWO from 1st EOD
and basically uses the JEOD VIPPSA Warning Order as
Co and myself will attend the Initial Planning Conference
the burning bush of tasking authority (as I’m sure only
scheduled for mid-November to scope out the details.
Mr. Todd would appreciate). All I can say is “this is what
we have to work with”. I appreciate all your patience and
expediency in providing those quick turns for me.
Hopefully, once things slowdown in the near future,
JEOD VIPPSA will return to tasking through the service
FY-14 JPAC missions are underway and (knock on
wood) we are off to a great start; unlike the fiasco of FY13, which (in true EOD fashion) I will whole-heartedly
attribute to the esteemed predecessor. I’ve forwarded a
copy of the excel spreadsheets for the FY-14 missions
which have a column that performs a countdown
function to inform the supporting units, when the name of
the augmentee supporting that respective missions is
due in the PACOM JMD repository. Sounds like a failproof feature, Huh? We’ll we see how that unfolds.
The MARFORPAC Humanitarian Mine Action Program
has resumed after the transition of PACOM Program
Directors (from Major Nash to Major Arcinas). I MEF
had a very successful Train-the-Trainer mission back in
July as a direct result of the efforts of 1st EOD
Company’s SSgt Bobby Conlon. As a matter of fact, it
was so successful that the Vietnamese government has
asked that we facilitate two events a year starting in
March or April of 2014. The Vietnamese have asked
that we step up the level of training and incorporate
some practical application into the curriculum. Given the
lack of a formalized training curriculum I’ve attempting to
join the forces of 1st EOD Company and Golden West to
MGySgt Holden and myself will be heading into Thailand
in early October to conduct the PDSS for the EOD
training III MEF will be facilitating during the first week of
December. As long as I’m not mysteriously entered into
another Muay Thai smoker, I confident it will result in a
successful trip with not broken bones.
We were hoping to get into Phnom Penh on the back
end of the Thai PDSS but the ODC in Cambodia will not
authorize my (our) entry into the country until
Ambassador Todd has time to review the investigation.
The investigation has been officially completed by
HQMC and once the ODC requests and receives a copy
of that investigation, we should be resuming Phase II of
HMA EOD operations in Cambodia.
For those that were in attendance when I briefed the
HMA program to the EOD Working Group in May, you
may recall my comment about how MARFORPAC EOD
was at an advantage over the other services for having
the ability and more importantly, capacity to apply
towards this mission. Well…, that is no longer the case.
USARPAC is now ready, willing and more than eager to
start assuming battle space within the PACOM AOR. I
went to a meeting at PACOM a couple of weeks ago and
the Army will conducting a Program Development Visit in
Palau, which makes them the lead for all future HMA
missions in that country. At that same meeting,
USARPAC also made a grab for Nepal. The PACOM
Program Director (USMC Maj) approached me after the
meeting and asked if MARFORPAC would be interested
EOD News Letter
in Nepal which was met with a “Hell Yes!” Therefore,
from here on out I can see it being a food fight over
opportunities to establish ourselves in countries looking
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Maj. Miyamoto
for developing EOD capacity. It also goes without
saying that we need to establish ourselves as the
I’ll take a few minutes away from reading Leading
service of choice for HMA EOD. If we conduct ourselves
Marines and Sustaining the Transformation to highlight a
unprofessionally, provide lack luster support or just plain
few issues you need to know about. As always, you can
punt it into the stands; the PACOM Program Director has
contact me for further explanation.
no issues with turning that country over to another
Congratulations to David Rooks for his promotion to the
rank of GySgt on 1 September. For those of you that
Lastly, I would urge II MEF to consider developing a pool
don’t know him, he is an EOD reservist assigned to the
of HMA qualified EOD technicians to take advantage of
MARFORCOM IMA Det. As an EOD tech from 1998-
opportunities in their respective COCOMs before your
2004, he supported operations in Bosnia, Iraq, and the
sister service components beat you to the punch. For
22 MEU. GySgt Rooks joined the reserves in 2008 and
EOD missions, it only requires receipt of the formal HMA
is employed by the VA Beach Fire Department.
Policy brief (delivered by Humanitarian Demining
there’s no MGySgt up here, he assists me during his
Training Center personnel). If you need any assistance
in coordinating the policy brief or anything HMA related,
don’t hesitate to ask. I know AFRICOM is looking for
folks, but pulling personnel away from their COCOM
missions to support another COCOM mission doesn’t
help anyone in the long run.
Speaking of: Who will be the new MARFORCOM
MGySgt? The billet opens in FY15 and I’ve already
been fielding multiple phone calls about the billet. I have
no favorite person in mind, so I’ll let the MSgt/MGySgt
community hash this out. Hint: If you really want the
In closing, I’ll wish those of us who are still in harm’s way
billet, get here as early as possible to beat the others.
a safe and speedy deployment so that they can re-unite
Summer of 2014 is perfect to secure the last office with a
with your friends and loved ones. For those who have
paid the ultimate price, know that you and your family
will always be in my heart and prayers!
After Action Reports: Where are they? If you write an
EOD AAR and your comments don’t make it into the
overall unit submission, please inform your MEF and
MARFOR. Many reports never make it to our level for
reasons unknown. Your EOD AAR is important to the
field. If you didn’t write one, I guess you had everything
you needed and it was a perfect evolution. Really!
EOD News Letter
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The SPMAGTF and the “New Norm”: When the
Think the “New Norm” and/or your recently assigned
SPMAGTF concept began it was designed around a
SPMAGTF is a waste of time? You must already have
single company size GCE special purpose force.
your EOD ConOps integrated into every mission set,
Through maturing our global future force posture, the
provided the MAGTF with the force protection readiness,
SPMAGTF design has grown to a battalion size GCE.
and are ready to integrate your EOD support the Crisis
As further explained in the last newsletter and per our
Response Hub concept. You already have your EOD
doctrine, 1/8 x EOD is the T/O for a MAGTF below the
section T/E, Class V, classified requirements, reachback
MEB. I will not entertain a request to source an E-7 in
capability, EOD report chain, supply chain, etc.
lieu of a CWO.
established. I sound pointed for a reason because when
There are five SPMAGTF manning documents that will
increase to 1/8 x EOD. This means our remaining EOD
capacity will be near zero just like during OIF/OEF. The
EOD force will transition from OEF support to future
SPMAGTF support with near the same manning
requirement. On occasion, I will have to request support
from MCICOM. The USMC will require an EOD
capacity close to a breaking point. We, similar to the
I’m working ConOps, Class V(w) and T/E issues (EOD
OIC/TL responsibilities) for you from my desk in Norfolk,
I say somehow my sourcing solution to put you out there
was a mistake. Don’t be the next tech/officer to request
“special schools and OCONUS TAD trips “since there is
no mission for EOD”. You didn’t read the above
paragraphs and perhaps don’t understand the “New
total force, must show employment of our capacity
USN EOD Return to the ARG update: I have been
(especially the officers) or face additional proposals for
engaged in formal discussions with Fleet Forces
cuts. This will become the new norm.
Command and EOD Group II about their return strategy.
PP&O explains the “New Norm” as a global future force
posture for Crisis Response. “Marines will stand guard,
this is what we do.” The USMC future laydown will show
our pre-positioning throughout the globe as a land-based
The Navy wants to have more to look forward to than
flight deck duties. They want to integrate with us.
(same story)
Here’s the problem: The Navy must return to the
maritime option force. This CMC concept is what keeps
ARG or face additional structure cuts, so they want to
the USMC unique.
make the best of it. They are exploring formal solutions
Those of you that recently returned from supporting an
SPMAGTF did a great job on short notice. There’s
much more to do now that they are an enduring 1.0
mission. SPMAGTF EOD officers must ensure the T/E
and logistics will endure future rotations.
(doctrine, MOA/MOU, SOP) for how to integrate with the
USMC MEU EOD. Our EOD position: Publish the plan
to return and when you have mastered your primary
ARG/ESG duties, we’ll discuss possible scenarios of
Here’s how it could affect EOD/you: USN EOD
may engage you at the team/section level to get your
EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 12
opinion. Don’t let anyone tell you the Navy is returning
Humanitarian Mine Action Program (HMA) update:
to integrate with the USMC MAGTF. They are returning
Senegal and Burundi have begun an HMA program.
because the “other USN EOD requirements” are
Through the USAFRICOM HMA program coordinator,
decreasing. MAGTF integration should be last on their
MARFORAF is slated for those countries, but that’s
priority list. This is why we have an EOD officer on the
about all that is firm. There’s a problem; no one on the
MEU and you need know how to fight this.
East Coast qualified for EOD level -1 (to include
MARFORCOM and PP&O will be the authority to
MCICOM). Until I can slate an East coast EOD Level-1
develop/approve any service-level agreements on ARG
course MTT, I need help from MARFORPAC. Here’s
EOD support.
what’s in the works: Schedule the MTT for the East
Here’s what’s in the works: MARFORCOM is
engaged with EOD Group II discussing the timeline and
possible integration strategies. I MEF published a naval
message to MARFORCOM asking for USN EOD status:
MARFORCOM will endorse and forward
Coast. The PDSS/assessment for both countries is
slated for MCSCG (Their level-1 certs will expire soon).
Once the TTT schedule is built, the task will be to source
the EOD techs from MARFORPAC or East coast if the
MTT is complete.
recommendation to PP&O. Navy senior leadership is
C-IED and Theater-Specific Training requirements:
asking internally, “When will USN EOD return to ARG”.
Currently, CENTCOM (via MARFORCENT) is the only
This flowed from CNO to Fleet Forces to NECC to EOD
CCMD with published theater-specific training
Groups I and II.
requirements. You know them as the PTP Toolkit Block
Force Synch Conference: The September conference
focused on reductions from AFG and the “New Norm”.
EOD commitments rose from a standing 89 line numbers
1b which is C-IED heavy. This has been an effective
way to levy the C-IED training as a requirement for all
OEF forces deploying to the CENTCOM AOR.
to 108. How could this be? SFAAT and MAGTF support
Here’s the emerging problem: The CENTCOM
numbers decreased while current SPMAGTF numbers
requirements will expire when OEF ends because they
increased along with the creation of two additional
were written for the OEF named operation. Also, if a unit
SPMAGTF requirements. As I stated in my first
is not going to the CENTCOM AOR, there is no C-IED
newsletter, MAGTF integration will be my focus. So,
training requirement. A unit can evade C-IED training
here we go into full swing across the globe. Now the
because they are not tied to OEF. If a unit is tied to
task is to standardize the EOD support to the SPMAGTF
OEF, the only way to report/certify unit C-IED readiness
similar to the maturity of the MEU. Thanks to CWO
is under MCT 1.18 (Conduct COIN) or MCT 1.18.1
Edwartoski, CWO David, and CWO Martinez for their
(Support Coin). OEF requirements are grouped under
help synchronizing the EOD slate. If you want a copy,
contact me on SIPR.
EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
No big deal? Here’s how it could affect
Page 13
Force Synch Conference
EOD/you: More and more units will report readiness
9-13 Dec
against their assigned METL in DRRS-MC without
receiving any C-IED training. The EOD 9-line/unit linkup will not be the same as today. USMC deployed
I MEF – Capt Volz/CWO3
forces will find themselves repeating mistakes of 2003-
David/CWO Batie
2008 before the training was standardized. EOD/you will
experience units doing non-standard (stupid) techniques
The Imperial MEF does not acknowledge adjacent units
if any at all, such as 5-25s, confirmation, marking, 9-
nor will it ever offer “greetings”. After the latest
lines, cordon, CREW, etc.
FORSYNCONF, the rivalry amongst the MEFs strangely
resembles the rivalry amongst the Companies – bunch
Here’s what’s in the works: Publish a HQMC
of haters. The geographically located commands all
policy on C-IED. Establish theater-specific C-IED
acknowledged that I MEF is the premiere fighting force.
training requirements for each CCMD. Update TECOM
If you weren’t there to verify, good luck trying to disprove
PTP Toolkits for each CCMD. Update T&R manuals for
C-IED and create E-Coded events. Unhide C-IED
readiness from MCT 1.18; breakout C-IED readiness
from COIN.
serving at the MEF and made a lasting impression
amongst the staff. Gunny attended the In-Extremis
That’s all for now, I have to finish reading my CMC
directed PME. Stay motivated!
Course this past Aug-Sep and executed orders back to
1st EOD Company. Thank you for the outstanding work
and good luck.
Upcoming events:
EOCM Working Group
Farwell to GySgt Herbert. He did a great job while
Hail to Capt Volz, CWO David, and CWO Batie. Capt
Volz checked in from Camp Lejeune and chopped over
to the I MEF Forward/MEB A staff as the CIED Officer, in
xx Dec
the process of checking in the Imperial MEF proper. In
MCWL Termination OPT Phase II
addition, CWO Batie checked in TAD from 1st EOD
Company to the I MEF Forward/MED A staff as the
16 Oct
Afghan National Security Forces CIED Coordinator.
MCWL Termination OPT Phase III
29 Oct
MCWL C-IED Working Group
deployment forward. Best of luck!
30 Oct
6 Nov
They are both conducting PTP, gearing up for a long
CWO David checked in TAD from 1st EOD Company to
cover the I MEF EOD Officer billet until Capt Volz returns
from his upcoming deployment. Other than tasking
VIPPSA, HMA, WHC, and JPAC missions, I attended
the Force Synchronization Conference, bidding &
planning for future ops. For those who ask the question,
EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 14
“What are we going to do once Afghanistan is finished?”,
exercises and interoperability training with our civilian
rest assured that Marine EOD will remain engaged in
brethren. The first iteration will be in October with the
many different training, mentoring, exercises, operations,
San Francisco Police Department Bomb Squad in the
and deployments – EOD Company and all MWSS EOD
land of sourdough and rainbows.
units. None of the I MEF units will be a place to rest. I
strongly advise the EOD community to contact their MEF
Special Operations Training Group – A
representatives or MARFORPAC/MARFORCOM for
need/requirement for EOD personnel within SOTG exits.
information regarding the future posture/operations of
Contrary to what other units do (or don’t do), SOTG
the Marine Corps i.e. SPMAGTF/Crisis Response.
actually requests EOD support via AMHS. Since I MEF
G-7 SOTG doesn’t currently possess any EOD
During my first week here, the MEF staff had informed
personnel on their T/O, 1st EOD Company has been
me that all HQ elements, Marine Corps wide have been
providing (2) Techs for every 6 month MEU PTP, TAD.
tasked to “trim the fat” by shrinking its size by FY17,
Whether TAD 6 months or 1 year, is just a quick fix, but
which the FY15 I MEF EOD Planning Chief billet was on
an increase of (2) Techs per SOTG should be the long
the chopping block to be removed. With the help from
term solution – in my opinion. This will allow both the
LtCol Corris, Maj Shelstad, MGySgt Lathrop, and
Raids and Special Missions branches to have EOD
MGySgt Lippert, I was able to prove the need for the
personnel present during simultaneous events. Where
position to remain on the staff. Not sure if this is the
will they come from? This will be a topic during the MEU
case for II or III MEF, but certainly happened out here.
EOD OP VTC. In addition to providing quality scenarios
Thanks to everyone for their help in the matter.
and assessments for the MEU EOD personnel, the
Techs TAD to SOTG will also provide the same for the
November 6, I will host the MEU EOD Operational
entire MEU. The Techs also have an opportunity to be
Planning VTC, as a feeder of action items to the MEU
an instructor for the following courses; Close Quarters
OAG in December. The VTC will be open to all MEU
Training, Methods of Entry, HRST Master, etc. EOD
EOD detachments, EOD Company Commanders, MEF
Techs will also have the opportunity to fill a T/O Jump
EOD Planners, MARFORPAC EOD Planner,
Marine Detachment NAVEODTECHDIV, and
There are a lot more irons in the fire, but they are far too
MARCORPSYSCOM (EOD). The purpose of the VTC is
vulgar display of power.
to develop and document the way ahead for MEU EOD
by discussing/planning on subjects covering T/O, T/E,
PTP, Orders, Navy EOD reintegration on the ARG, etc…
I have the power of AMHS release authority (high & low),
which a message will be released regarding the VTC.
DSCA (Defense Support to Civil Authorities) is a topic
that has been receiving a lot of attention within the MEF.
Believe it or not, I MEB actually has a DSCA task. This
is in its infancy stage at this point; however expect
opportunities/tasking to come down for participation in
Until then, the Imperial MEF has spoken.
EOD News Letter
1st EOD Company –
Capt Soto / MGySgt Luther
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 15
and it is shaping up to be a great time. Tickets are $75
and are still available. You all need to purchase your
tickets NOW, NOW, NOW, make checks, or money
orders payable to Capt Jose C. Soto, or CWO2 Erich A.
Rudis or obviously the chairman himself. There should
1st Company has continued to thin out its ranks due to
be no question cash is king when purchasing your ball
the ECFC and PCS, PCA’s, medical retirements and so
We made a few sacrifices this quarter such as
loosing CWO2 Isaac K. Tibayan to MARSOC, 1st MSOB.
That Hawaiian Snake eater is so cool now that he will
not answer the Company’s phone calls; good luck Isaac,
don’t choke on our snake and poi.
Some of the
additional sacrifices were CWO3 Joseph M. David who’s
on loan to I MEF to repair the sad state of affairs at the
imperial MEF. After years of shenanigans and pallor
tricks by the previous EOD Officers, Joe has his work cut
for him. CWO2 Batie has spent the last month at the I
MEF with Capt William Volz in preparation for OEF 14.1.
Talk about a big job, those of us that know Capt Volz
know that CWO2 Batie also has his work cut out for him!
Our focus continues to prepare the Marines for support
to future requirements such as the continuing mission to
Afghanistan as well as support to MEB and SPMAGTF
support as required. We are also preparing for the 2nd
Annual West Coast EOD Ball to be held at the South
Coast Winery, November 7th, 2013. We hope to include
as many EOD units from not only the “Left Coast”, but
any and all those wandering EOD Technicians and
Officers who may be in the area during this time. For
those techs from 2nd Company who don’t wish to claim
your turf we will accept your nomad status and welcome
you to our chapter with open arms. The Guest Speaker
will be retired EOD Major John Haynes. This year our
chairman and Senior EOD Officer is Maj Timothy M.
Callahan, the Major has put a lot of work into the ball
On a final note from the Headquarters, congratulations
and best wishes to Gunnery Sergeant Eric Olson on
your medical retirement which was officially September
29 2013. Thank you for all the years of hard work and
dedicated service.
1st Platoon
For the past few months our entire platoon has been
TAD to AIEDDS, Staff Academy, VIPPSA’s, Breacher’s,
Assault Climber’s, HRST Masters, FWIC, INEXTREMIS,
and pretty much any other course you can think of. We
have also had several training packages come to us like
Covert Entry, BTAC Level II, and a comprehensive
CBRNE responder course put together by the MLG. We
have welcomed Sgt Huntly from the reserves, and Sgt
Pente from the schoolhouse to our platoon, and are
looking forward to SSgt Johnson and Lesterick showing
up so we can put them to work. Congratulations to our
four selectees this year Sgts Gegenheimer, Meekins,
Tirado, and Quinonez. Finally our platoon is whole again
just in time to begin our work-up for 14-1. In other news,
daily updates for Sgt Kimmerling’s workouts can be
found on Facebook #21inchguns
CBRNE Response Training…in July.
EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 16
3rd Platoon
The platoon continues to try and recruit new members
and is up to a grand total of 5. CWO Rudis, SSgt
Chintala, and GySgt Connor recently took part in the
InExtremis course through NEK at the M Lazy C ranch.
The course was a good time and the training provided
good information. We are very happy that Sgt Jones
and Sgt Leach made the cut this year and are now Staff
Sergeant Selects.
11th MEU
Cutting Squares and asking for gear that they will never,
EVER use.
13th MEU
13th MEU EOD-CWO2 Elias, MSgt Graebner
In July the EOD Det conducted the Certification Exercise
(CERTEX) in order to attain the final certifications for the
13th Marine Expeditionary Unit deployment. These
exercises employed the entire EOD section as we
supported all aspects of the MAGTF. Amphibious, long
range vertical assault, direct action, VBSS and
mechanized raids were all executed with the 100%
integration by the EOD Teams. Job well done!
On August 23, the ships pushed away from the piers and
1ST EOD Company carwash fundraiser for ball funds.
2nd Platoon
our deployment officially started. The majority of the
EOD Det was able to fly ahead to Hawaii in order to
conduct CBRNE Training. We would like to thank CLB-3
Whereabouts unknown (Something about lifting heavy
and Base EOD Teams for hosting and assisting us with
the training. Joe Hill and Dave Brown from SAIC made
time to fly out. They provided top of the line training
scenarios, valuable insight and sound advice that
enabled us to integrate with Assessment Consequence
EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 17
Management (ACM). Thanks for the help guys, the
experience was priceless. Chris Brown from IRobot
brought out their mini recon robot and PACBOT platform
with CBRNE detector capabilities. When the ships finally
made it to MCBH, BLT 1/4 executed amphibious raids
with direct support from the EOD Teams.
In September, EOD participated in the Philippine BiLateral Exercise (PHIBLEX). We were able to work out
of several sites providing support to the CLB, BLT, ACE,
and the Filipino Marines. SSgts Holladay and Hampton
supported the MRF out of Ternate participating in helocasting, marksmanship, jungle survival and IED training.
SSgt Torcello and Sgt Vasquez were attached to Alpha
Co out of NETC and conducted CRRC ops, provided CIED classes, participated in the final live fire exercise.
CWO2 Elias and Sgt Barnes worked out of Clarke AFB
and coordinated medical training, aviation ordnance
refresher and made liaison with the local Filipino EOD.
SSgts Sawyer, Delmont, Reuter, Sgt Pearson, HM3
Johnson and HN Quintana conducted a demo range and
supported the Combined Arms Life Fire Exercise
(CALFEX) in Crows Valley. After the successful
completion of training, several teams were able to take
in the sights and sounds of the Philippines.
Once we left the Philippines we were in route to
Singapore for yet more liberty. We will let you know how
that went on the next News Letter.
We are currently looking forward to our next TSCs and
working with our EOD counterparts in countries
We finally got the plus up that we requested and
welcomed SSgts Reuter, Torcello, Sawyer and Sgt
Vasquez to the team. Welcome aboard!
Sgt Pearson documents Hydrojet and target placement before a shot.
15th MEU
CLB-15 EOD has been in a period of transition as the
last crew departed and the new crew is coming onboard.
CWO2 McCullin stayed in place to provide continuity.
Beyond the normal gear and supply related tasks to get
the section ready for redeployment the Marines have
attended formal courses at the EOD ATC including the
Supervisors Course for all the staff sergeants and the
Managers Course for MSgt Adle. We participated in a
few range sweeps with our brothers at the Camp
Pendleton MCB shop and are grateful that the guys are
always willing to take us out with them. Even though we
have a small crew at this point, we have jumped on any
and all available training with the 1st EOD STU and
appreciate their hard work to make it happen as well. In
addition, we got a few guys to their respective PME
courses and marksmanship ranges in an effort to get the
basics checked so the section can focus on the work up
cycle starting next year.
EOD News Letter
MWSS 371- WO Otto
See MCAS Yuma entry.
MWSS 372- CWO Rodriguez
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 18
As September comes to an end we were able to get a
good range day and have some quality training time with
the MAS RFD. We also sent SSgt Summers and Sgt
Birdsell to Newark, NJ for UNGA where they did great
things. We’ll be having even more moving parts next
quarter with guys coming and going and good training
MWSS-372 has been doing a little moving and shaking
coming down the pipeline. Until next time 372 out.
lately with CWO Rodriguez taking over as the Airfield
Operations Company Commander while most of the
Squadron goes forward to Afghanistan. We’ve also had
GySgt Munoz PCS to 2nd EOD Co as well as the new
addition of SSgt Walkoviak from 3rd EOD Co. Though
the dynamics of the shop may change we’re still doing
what we need to for the mission to get done.
MWSS 373 – WO Black
Greetings from Yuma. Yes Yuma, this month and next
we our conducting some distributed operations in
support of WTI 1-14 and the folks here at MCAS Yuma
In July we sent SSgt Honsberger to SOF Level 1 where
have been kind enough to take us in providing we do
he performed well in the ever so lovely Lejeune
some work for them. This quarter has been pretty busy
humidity. We also celebrated Merica with some good ol’
for us as we’ve talked two ASP’s out of some code H
fashioned fireworks and beers.
ordnance in order to conduct an inerting operation with
Marines from 1st EOD Company. A good time and some
August rolled around quickly and we found ourselves
sending 2 teams to Syracuse, NY to support a POTUS
VIPSSA. The squadron needed volunteers for a Staff
Pro event to raise money for the ball and naturally EOD
being team players we had a few of our guys helping out
at a Luke Bryan/Florida Georgia Line concert. All had a
good time and the concert met Sgt Birdsell’s redneck
seal of approval. The guys were also able to get some
EOD work in on range sweep of Range 314A with the
fine gents of MCB Camp Pendleton EOD. Finally we
wrapped up the month with a Team deep sea fishing
outing courtesy of Operation Adrenaline Rush. Good
times were had by all, however none of us should quit
our day jobs as no fish were caught.
good work were had by all. Additionally, we traveled to
the land of endless desert where Maj Callahan hosted a
productive week of range sweeping and inerting.
Special thanks are in order to both the MCAS Yuma and
MCAGCC EOD Teams for accommodating us and being
gracious hosts. We’ve had some personnel turnover
here as MGySgt Dennis Williams has departed for
Japan, MSgt Cahill has joined us from 1st EOD
Company, SSgt Stelter joined us from 3rd EOD
Company, SSgt Gastelum joined us from CBIRF, and
Sgt Villalobos has just checked in from school. GySgt
Hilker completed the SNCOA as a Distinguished
Graduate and MSgt Cahill completed the EOD
Managers Course aboard Camp Pendleton. All in all not
a bad quarter for us here, stay tuned for next time where
EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 19
there will be tails of how awesome the MCAS Miramar
new daughter, just as he completed his 10 days of
Airshow was.
house hunting which equated to almost the entire month
of July on PTAD or on liberty.
CWO Black
August saw us on our final field operation prior to
deployment, where the boys from EOD Company, 9th
ESB joined us prior to their time in the stumps. The end
MWSS 374
of the month was more than busy to cross all the “t’s”
Did not submit
and dot the lower case ”j’s.” Apparently, it is possible to
cram into 1 week before a 96 BTAC II, HEAT&MET,
PDHA, CFTs and still find time for Volleyball.
II MEF – Maj Barker
We saw the boys out the door the last days of the
September and wish them all a safe deployment and
Did not submit
hope to see them back safe and sound in May.
We welcomed Sgts Downes, Schenkel, Christman,
2nd EOD Company –
Lohmann, Fitzpatrick, Cain and Hardy as FNGs from the
Maj Cline/MGySgt Barker
Capt Hockett / MSgt Bratcher
schoolhouse and GySgt Hoffman, who checked in and
Good Day from the coast of Carolina! As this is being
MEU, just in time to go back to AFG for an SFAAT. MSgt
submitted, we bid adieu to 3rd and 4th Platoons, which
Desmarais also returned to 2nd from “The BIRF” and
will comprise EOD Company(FWD), OEF 13.2.
made the seamless transition to banging his head
out at the same time to augment the 22 MEU. SSgt
Sweet returned from his 1 year OCONUS trip to the 31 st
will be replacing our 1st and 2nd Platoons, as well as
strap hangers and box kickers from various units. What
this equates to is more slimy OJTs on hand than EOD
Technicians at North America’s EOD Company.
The past three months has been an extremely busy time
here at 2nd. In July, we hosted AT Solutions IED
Electronics as well as their Explosive Event Exploitation
course at the brand new EOD Site 3. That same month
also saw the additions of 2 new bundles of joy. SSgt
Tamm greeted his first born by giving him a middle name
of Justice and Sgt Schenkel and his wife welcomed their
against the wall and fighting daily battles as the 1stSgt.
Congratulations to the SSgt selects as we had more
than a few. Some of which, had to prepare separations
and re-enlistment packages concurrently, just to cover
both COAs.
As always, if in the area, you are usually welcome here
at 2nd for a cup of coffee or a cold drink in The Dud Pit.
EOD News Letter
MWSS 271 –
Did not submit
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 20
more coming in daily. On the bright side, at the
beginning of October we will finally be able to try out our
new 155 barrel and stand; we will let you know how it
works out! Until next time.
MWSS 272 – CWO Lindsey
MWSS 273-CWO Morgan
Things have been pretty slow around the air station for
the past couple months. We still have SSgt Stankus and
Sgt Seaver out with
EOD Company and recently
MSgt Oldham has joined them as he begins his duties
with the SFAAT. During the months of July and August
CWO Lindsey and Sgt Gerhards were TAD to MARSOC
with hopes of moving on to bigger and better things.
They graduated successfully, so we expect to be losing
them in the very near future, so for now we are trying to
get every last bit of work out of them we can before they
Greetings from “The Low Country”, MWSS 273 here in
Beaufort is continuing to train and prepare for world wide
deployment. Over the past three months we have been
focused on preparing an element for the rigors of
deploying to Bahrain. While there were some long hours
spent training in an effort to hone, sharpen, and even
develop the necessary skills to survive, all is well and
that element is safely on the ground in a tax free area of
leave. With them out of pocket we were down to two
Techs and an OJT for those two months so we
Other than the standard training that is conducted prior
graciously jumped on some ranges with MCB CLNC
to deployment we have conducted some joint training,
EOD and 2nd EOD Company…thank you!
on the F-18’s, with the Air Ordnance Marines here
aboard the air station. In addition to training on the 18’s
The month of September has brought another exciting
adventure to our plate. Our Squadron is busy preparing
for a FSMAO inspection, so with 2-3 Techs in the shop
at any given time, we have been in a battle of the wits
with the MMO and seem so far to be pretty successful.
We also had an opportunity to try out our new screening
SOP on three hopeful Lat Movers. It seemed to go
pretty well and with any luck we will have 3 new OJT’s
We are still waiting (not so patiently anymore) for our
new warehouse to be completed, until that day we
continue to step over and around gear in the shop, with
we travelled up to Shaw Air force Base and trained
alongside the Air force EOD detachment with a focus on
F-16’s and the BRAAT mission. Throughout our focus on
preparing for a deployment we didn’t lose sight of the
T&R manual and filled a lot of space on the calendar
fulfilling T&R events, inerting, and conducting joint
training with the Station EOD team. Hats off to Station
EOD for putting together an excellent electronics/alarm
bypass course with a great two day culminating event
that took place in the abandoned base housing area.
While we do have an empty house at the moment due to
the SFAAT, IA, and deployment there are a few things
EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 21
worth noting. We have welcomed Sgt Boatwright to the
him all the best in his future endeavors. We would also
section, who is a recent graduate of NAVSCOLEOD.
like to offer congratulations to CWO3 Edwartoski and
GySgt Eyrich was fortunate enough to make a trip over
to Stumpy’s Custom Guns from the Advanced Course in
order for MSgt Thibault and Major Wrubluski to pin his
MSgt Isele on their promotions, SSgt Chaney on
receiving his Senior Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Insignia as well as his selection for GySgt, and Sgt’s
Steel and Tharp who were selected for SSgt.
Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge, and SSgt
Lucker and his wife Bonny were blessed with a newborn
baby girl on September 25.
CBIRF –CWO Anderson
Greetings from beautiful Indian Head, MD, home of one
MWSS 274 –CWO Edwartowski
Greetings from MWSS-274, more or less located at
scenic and fabulous Cherry Point, NC. The Marines of
of the Navy’s oldest gun and rocket propellant factories.
If you didn’t know, there is a new regime (see photo)
here where the nitrocellulose and smokeless powder
MWSS- 274 have been working fairly hard the last few
flows like water; or more appropriately is in the water.
months, knocking out annual training requirements and
This was CWO Anderson and I as young SSgts in
METs, PME and MOS road map schools. We are
Jordan on the 26th MEU in 2006. The funny thing is that
currently supporting 2 deployments and plan on adding
we are now in charge.
ITX at 29 Palms to the list, leaving us a rather reduced
footprint here at the shop. We have one team out with
the Black Sea Rotation Force (BSRF) and the other
currently supporting Special Purpose MAGTF Crisis
Response (SPMAGTFCR). In addition to supporting
said deployments, we have had some personnel
changes here at 274, with promotions, EAS’s, PCS’s,
badge advancement, and selection for promotion.
SSgt Chaney currently heads up the team out at BSRF,
and is finding himself busily balancing the multiple hats
of a team leader, command advisor, company GySgt,
and EO Rep. GySgt Koch and team just recently arrived
at SPMAGTFCR and are working to thoroughly integrate
with their unit and command. Finally our good CWO is
anxiously awaiting his return trip to 29 Palms for ITX, it
would seem he just can’t get enough of the desert.
We recently also had a farewell to Sgt Casey who EAS’d
on the 15th of Sep. We sent him out in true EOD fashion
MWSS-274 has been happy to welcome SSgt Janowski
with a night in Old Town Alexandria that none of us can
to our team; he comes to us from glorious MWSS-374.
remember. (Note: we did task our two OJTs as DDs
We unfortunately lost Sgt Nielsen to ECFC, and wish
and safety observers; they did a fine job despite the
EOD News Letter
constant verbal berating). We would like to congratulate
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 22
Odor Threshold: Odorless.
all the SSgt Selectees. Good job guys now don’t screw it
up. CBIRF recently had a joint training operation with
the FDNY. SSgt Russell and Sgt Hrncir “deployed” to
Randall’s Island in New York. During the exercises,
Inhalation: Rhinorrhea (running nose), tightness of the
chest with shortness of breath, and dimness of vision
may be noted. In more severe exposure, headache,
cramps, nausea, vomiting, involuntary defecation and
CBIRF was tasked to aid in the evacuation and
urination, twitching, jerking, staggering, convulsions,
decontamination of a mock RDD strike at a basketball
drowsiness, coma, and respiratory arrest may be seen.
game. The EOD team was given “play” by having to
take down a secondary mock IED. The team executed
with precision and a professionalism that your mom
would be proud of. During the week long operation,
Russell and Hrncir also conducted Ride-a-longs with the
Fatality: Extremely toxic; lethal dose in humans may be
as low as 0.01 mg/kg. Extremely active cholinesterase
inhibitor. Death within 15 minutes after fatal dose is
Eyes/Skin: The first indication of exposure to sarin may
NYPD Bomb Squad. We are proud to say they provided
be a reaction at the point of contact: localized sweating,
technical assistance for a couple sweeps at the US
muscular twitching, and pinpoint eye pupils.
Open and a Mets game, the recovery of some illegal
Rate of onset: Immediate & Delayed.
fireworks and an actual device. They returned to the
shop with the largest grins I had ever seen until I told
them I’ll be expecting those call sheets for EODIMS.
During September we also conducted a Demo Day with
PPE/ Decontamination:
PPE: Below 0.1 mg/m3(IDLH) A NIOSH-certified CBRN
tight-fitting APR with a canister-type gas mask or CBRN
PAPR. A hooded chemical-resistant suit that provides
the DC Metro Police HDT, the Pentagon HDT and a
protection against CBRN agents.
couple FBI SABTs.
PPE: Above 0.1 mg/m3 (IDLH) A NIOSH-certified
Did you know charging cases of beer is not accepted on
CBRN full-face-piece SCBA operated in a pressuredemand mode or a pressure-demand supplied air hose
the civilian side. Apparently it creates stress, animosity,
respirator with an auxiliary escape bottle. A hooded
condones drinking, and makes for a hostile work
chemical-resistant suit that provides protection against
environment. I thought that was all EOD work
CBRN agents.
environments. On the horizon we have TCV training
scheduled through NABCO, an Advance Electronics
class that will be taught by a MTT from Tactical
Patient/Victim: 10% Bleach (0.5% Sodium Hypochlorite)
or soap/water with a pH between 8-10.5.
Electronics and a Ft Pickett range sweep. Before we go
here is a little info on Sarin, this was pushed out to us in
the midst of the Syria conflict. Enjoy, and keep up with
that CBRNE training!!
MCRP 3-37.1B (FM 3-11.9) Potential Military
Chemical/Biological Agents and Compounds (2005)
Sarin Symptoms:
EOD News Letter
III MEF – Capt Soukup
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 23
With FY14 JPAC missions starting up, we have
established a line of accounting at the MEF level for
supporting those personnel who will be supporting
OOH RAH from III MEF. We have just returned from
JPAC. If this is successful, it will be a huge win for the
Korea and participating in the Army’s 718th EOD
MEF, MSC’s, and EOD Personnel.
Company’s Korea Team Leader of the Year
Competition. There were participants from the Army, Air
Force, and the Marines. III MEF provided a team
(combination of 3d EOD Company and MWSS 172) and
(2) controller’s for the exercise and it was a huge
success with a few items that were a little rough around
the edges. I was able to lock on MEF air assets to get
dedicated air support for our transportation of vehicles,
With a new CG on deck, we are now seeing a little more
emphasis on certain items with one of them being CIED. Items such as C-IED training, MPF arrangements
and C-IED planning are coming to surface. Though the
items were always being worked, they are finally getting
some good visibility.
Take it easy and be safe out there, Semper Fidelis!
gear, and personnel from Okinawa to Korea and back. I
was able to get the MEF to fund this evolution and Capt
Kevin Freiburger, CWO Ellis, and CWO Martinez are
now tied into the 718th Army EOD Company’s future
training and operations. We laid the foundation for
getting Marines up to Korea in order to get some really
good training in the future. After Actions will be
submitted via MCCLL and we are looking at continuing
our working relationship with the Army on ‘The Pen’.
While we were in Korea we were able to conduct a
couple of PME’s to the Korean War Museum and were
also able to go to Inchon on the 63rd Anniversary of the
Inchon Landing (Operation Chromite). I give my thanks
event and being the muscle in the events.
III MEF EOD Officers and Technicians pose for a photo at the point
overlooking the Inchon Landing Site on the 63rd Anniversary of
Operation Chromite. The PME to Inchon was in conjunction with the
Korea Team Leader of the Year Competition.
Now that I have cracked the nut on getting all of the
From Left: Sgt Randy Dube, Capt Hank Soukup, Sgt Jeffrey Bright,
CWO2 Darryl Ellis, and Capt Kevin Freiburger
to 3d EOD Company and MWSS 172 for a successful
logistics lined up and organized into place, we will start
venturing out a little more. I know it may not seem like a
large piece, but I will start organizing a trip to Iwo To
(formally Iwo Jima) for all of III MEF EOD & hopefully
MCIPAC EOD personnel mid next year.
EOD News Letter
3rd EOD Company –
MGySgt Holden
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 24
AB, and finished 1st in Academics and 2nd overall. Not
bad for a team that was thrown together the week prior
and basically went into the competition not knowing what
to expect.
Greetings, from the land of Taco Rice and Third Herd.
A big thanks to both the Air Force and Army EOD teams
It’s business as usual here at “3-D EOD Company”.
MSgt Small’s section currently in Afghanistan continue to
at Yongson and Osan for their hospitality throughout the
do great things and attempt to stay busy as, as they
begin to count the days till they are back on the beautiful
During their time there, The Capt’s discussed and
tropical paradise. We’re all proud of you and we are
planned future joint ops and training events were
looking forward to your return in the coming weeks.
discussed and the Company is planning to engage in
several Range Sweeps and Disposal Ops in Korea
MSgt Nutting’s section just completed a very successful
PTP cycle in preparation to support 13.2 and managed
to make it all the way to CLNC earlier this month before
within the next several months. Thanks also to Capt
Soukup for doing all of the leg work in prep for that
being told that due the reduction of EOD personnel as
we wind down from OEF, their services were no longer
On the JPAC front, GySgt Hunt recently returned from a
required (insert sad face here). Hat’s off to them for a
JPAC in Germany, and noted that although the work was
phenomenal training cycle, and for racking up thousands
hard, the beer was worth it. SSgt Kluemper recently
of miles in the air while conducting training stateside on
returned from a mission in Vietnam, SSgt Cannon back
several occasions. I’m sure there is a business class
from Cambodia, and GySgt Smythe is currently in Papa
upgrade in their future.
New Guinea through November. SSgt Cutsinger is in
route to Tarawa, and CWO2 Jordan will be taking off in
Meanwhile back in paradise, the Company has managed
to keep themselves in engaged and extremely busy with
next week for a recovery mission in the Solomon
on and off island training evolutions.
In the wonderful world of VIPPSA support, Sgt Hicks and
Capt Freiburger, Capt Soukup (III MEF) and CWO Ellis
(MWSS 172) recently returned as observers from the
Korea EOD Team of the year competition. III MEF was
represented by SSgt Eckert, Sgt Dube and Sgt Bright
(MWSS 172) and competed in the 3 day event
consisting of academics and practical application
Sgt Crochet had a really “tough mission” in Singapore
last month, and Sgt Hicks did so well that we decided
take Sgt Buell on a VIPPSA to Kuala Lumpur shortly
after that. CWO Jordan, SSgt Francisco, Sgt Schulz,
and Sgt Lopez just returned from New York in support of
the UNGA.
scenarios that covered the scope of EOD capabilities.
They competed against 8 teams from various Army units
The rest of the Company continued to stay engaged with
and a couple of teams from the Air Force out of Osan
several III MEF AO events. SSgt Barnes and Sgt
EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
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Crown recently returned and did an outstanding job
The Company continues to move forward in the coming
supporting 12th Marines in mainland Japan during an
months. MGySgt Holden, GySgt Jones, and SSgt
Arty Relo, and GySgt Jones provided augmentation to
Eckert will be heading to Thailand in October to conduct
CATC Camp Fuji EOD for several weeks. CWO2
a HMA 1 PDSS prior to beginning Level 1 training there
Pearsoll, Sgt Cerna, and Sgt Contreras are currently in
in December. The team will also head into Cambodia to
the Philippines support PHIBLEX, and MSgt Gravely
coordinate the resumption of the HMA mission there as
took a small cadre of 3rd Company Marines to support
well. HMA missions are also tentatively planned for the
MSgt Nuttings 13.2 crew at EROC in 29 Palms and had
Senegal and Burundi beginning later this year.
an opportunity to conduct some range sweeps and
disassembly and inerting ops. Thanks to Major
Callahan, MGySgt Alexander and their Marines for their
support and hospitality. CWO2 Jordan and GySgt
Theobald took several Marines from the Company to
participate in the Zero Point HME Course in LA, and had
The next few months will also see more EOD support
required for training Korea, mainland Japan, and Guam.
The Company is also moving forward with establishing a
dedicated inerting and disassembly area/facility that we
hope is set up and ready to use in several months.
an opportunity to train with EOD Techs from MWSS 374
As the last quarter rolls in we would like to send out
and CLB-3.
several hails and farewells. This year has been the
Here at home, the Company hosted the BTAC Course
and gave the instructors the challenge of teaching the
Marines to track in a jungle and urban like environment.
biggest PCA of personnel that we have had in recent
years, so if we miss someone, apologies. The Company
would like to welcome our new Company Commander,
Capt Freiburger to the Company. CWO2 Jordan from
CWO Morlang continues to work his Funding magic as
2nd, SSgt Lentz, SSgt Baby Cheatum, and SSgt West
the EOD Company was able to fund MGySgt Rhoades,
from 1st. We would also like to welcome Sgt Crown, Sgt
MSgt Mannon, and MSgt Schuchhardt from the EOD
Hendrix, Sgt Vanderventor, and Sgt Austin, aka Mini
ATC to conduct the EOD Managers Course. We
MasterGunns Holden to the company from EOD School.
appreciate your time and effort gents, and we enjoyed
We have an influx of Marines due in in the next several
the course. Many thanks to the Base EOD team at
weeks, and we look forward to your arrival., if you don’t
Camp Foster for providing the use of their building for
have that Official Passport ready, you might want to get
the duration of the course. With CWO Morlang’s
it that way. On the farewell front we would like to say a
continued fiscal efforts, the Company will be hosting
belated farewell and best of luck to Capt Pilcher who just
several more unit funded courses in the coming months.
downgraded from Company Commander to Det XO at
In the meantime, the Company continues to take
advantage of what range time and continues to train and
progress in all aspects of our great MOS.
the schoolhouse, CWO Fenstermaker to MWSS 374.
GySgt Hunt, who is heading to Yuma, SSgt Stelter and
SSgt Walkoviak to their respective wing units in Miramar
and Pendleton, our favorite EOD tech of the year, Sgt
Amayaramos to MCAS Miramar, SSgt Wright to MCAS
EOD News Letter
Yuma, SSgt Lucker and his life-partner, SSgt Golden to
their respective teams at MCAS Beaufort, SSgt Barnes,
who PCA’s over to MWSS 172, SSgt McKean to MCAS
Jul - Sep 2013
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CLB-31 –CWO Carter
Greetings from the land down under,
Iwakuni, SSgt Doty to MWSS 371 in Yuma, GySgt
While most wouldn’t know it there is an EOD team stood
Kilpatrick to the EODTECHDIV, and SSgt Sherwood, Sgt
up at the 31st MEU and the boys are hard at work. We
Taylor and Sgt Gagne to 1stCivDiv. We appreciate your
welcomed aboard WO Carter in the last week of June by
hard work, and you are all missed.
putting him directly on a ship. He and the rest of the
team then started steaming towards Australia. After a
We would like to congratulate GySgt Theobald and SSgt
lengthy agriculture inspection in Brisbane and a nice port
Rue for their recently selections to Warrant Officers,
visit we supported BLT 2/4 in exercise Talisman Saber
MSgt McGrath for his recent promotion, and our SSgt
at Shoalwater Bay immediately following the exercise
Selectees, Sgt Hicks, Sgt Potts, Sgt Seymour, Sgt
Njoroge, and Sgt Witte.
Finally, we would like to give a shout out to SSgt Phillip
McGill as he continues his recovery at Wounded
Warriors in San Antonio, and we would also like to send
the MEU conducted their certification exercise. EOD
supported the VBSS, Mechanized, Long Range Vertical
Assault, TRAP, Airfield Seizure, NEO, HADR and CBRN
ACM and the MEU came away being certified to conduct
contingency operations.
After all that hard work we took some down time in
a congrats to the McGill’s, McGrath’s, McKean’s, and
Sydney before floating towards Darwin to support
Pott’s families for their new additions to the EOD Family.
exercise Koolendong at Bradshaw Field Training
God Bless and Semper Fi!
Area(BFTA) in the northern territory of Australia (There
MWSS 171
Did not submit
MWSS 172
is nothing there, looks like 29 palms but with more
shrubs and lots of flys). We then cut squares in the
ocean waiting for the CLB to road march what was left of
their vehicles back to the port and embark them back on
Lastly we would like to welcome the two newest
members to our EOD family. Kenzo Devante Morrison
Did not submit
born to Mr. and Mrs. Morrison June 6th and Justin
Kannon Crabtree born to Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree July 7th.
We now head out it to the wild blue yonder and continue
to cut squares and execute exercise ground hog day
until further notice. If you are ever in the area hit us up.
EOD News Letter
CLB-3 – CWO Jones
MCB Hawaii – CWO Cheatum
Aloha! The Bomb Squads of Paradise send our regards.
The last few months have brought about some
personnel changes, visits from old friends (and new),
promotions, re-enlistments and of course, the
accompanying festivities (beer, volleyball, blood,
sprained ankles, hot lunches, jammed fingers, bluster
and bravado – then repeat).
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 27
that doesn’t preclude them from dropping some mad
cash on the wetdown. Pay up!
August also brought a visit from ret. MSgt Dave (Doodoo) Brown as he and the SAIC crew arrived to provide
training to the 13th MEU EOD Section. WO Elias and
GySgt (sel) Holladay brought their boys ashore, trained
hard, played hard, and left it all on the volleyball court.
The MARFORPAC EOD Officer was invited, but must
have been off vacationing somewhere… No worries,
we’ll see him around for demo duty!
Ops and training are ongoing. CWOs Cheatum and
Jones, SSgt Smith, and Sgt Lopez provided USSS
support for VPOTUS. SSgt Noll is off at SNCOA. GySgt
Carter’s recovering. GySgt Attson’s at UNGA. MSgt
Donahue is relentlessly throwing verbal jabs at MSgt
Conner (careful, I’ve seen him go postal – don’t think he
ain’t crazy), SSgt Sleppy is staying busy damaging
July brought what was probably the biggest surprise of
all. After 3 years of bitching about the Marine Corps,
MSgt Conner reenlisted. Capt Freiburger and CWO
government vehicles, leaving SSgt Walker, Sgt Muro,
and SSgt Hechler to locate, close with, and destroy the
Cheatum went to fisticuffs over who would conduct the
Someone tell retired MGuns Ingbretson these teams out
ceremony. Capt Freiburger lost, so he had to do it. We
here actually work! Naw, forget it – he’d never believe it
celebrated the 4th of July in true Marine Corps EOD
fashion, sending Capt Freiburger off to the 3rd Herd and
hailing CWOs Cheatum and Jones the correct way with
a genuinely rowdy and disorderly all-night celebration at
the shop.
With August and September came some promotions.
Most notably, GySgt (Duck) Eggers was promoted to
MSgt aboard the U.S.S. Missouri just below the forward
gun deck. CWO2s Wilckens and Cheatum both pinned
on 3, and were happy to keep the events low-key. Note
Oh, and someone tell CWO Cheatum that he isn’t 23
anymore. MCMAP can get people killed, you know.
Until next time, Aloha, Gents!
EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 28
Marine Corps Base
EOD Teams
MCB Camp Butler- CWO Karr
Greetings from THE EOD shop in MCIPAC!
To start things off, we would like to offer our sincerest
gratitude to the ATC instructors MGySgt Rhodes, MSgt
Schuchhardt, and MSgt Mannon for bringing the EOD
Managers course to the Land of the Rising Sun. The
POI was world class and we’re all much better off for
Back Row L to R: MSgt Conner, SSgt Smith, CWO3 Wilckens, 1 Sgt
Armontrout (HQBN), MSgt Andrews (AF EOD)
Front Row L to R: LtCol Corris, CWO3 Cheatum, MSgt Eggers, Holly,
Lane and Hazel Eggers, SgtMaj Collier and LtCol Maldonado (HQBN),
and Scott Capfer (FBI)
having them here.
From where we left off last time, CWO2 Karr has slid
right into his post here and is heavily engaged on all
fronts by the forces of evil, attacking all sorts of issues
and putting the pain on our paperwork. The guys at
MWSS-171 probably know what we’re talking about.
MGySgt Williams has arrived; he’s actually said the shop
is so awesome and runs so smoothly he might not stay!
SSgt (L/GySgt) Griffin is also now on deck for his first
Base Team tour and is knocking out some last minute
annual training requirements (i.e.: Rifle/Pistol range).
For those of you familiar with Okinawa weather this time
of year, enjoy a good laugh at his expense; it’s pouring
outside, sucks to be him!
Back Row L to R: Msgt Conner, SSgt Noll, CWO2 Cheatum, SSgt
Smith, GySgt Attson, SSgt Hechler, MSgt Donahue, Capt Freiburger
Front Row L to R: SSgt Walker, GySgt Eggers, SSgt Sleppy, GySgt
Carter, Sgt Lopez
We’re eagerly anticipating the arrival of Sgt (FNG) Hicks
from the school house in early October. If we could only
get him to call, e-mail, send a carrier pigeon or a
message in smoke; ANYTHING before he arrives, we
might be able to ease the transition for him and his wife.
We pray to God, for his sake, he’s not the clown from the
Just the Tip of the Spear (JTTOTS) website in boots &
utes and a baseball cap at Dodge’s gas station in Fort
EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 29
Walton Beach. With his arrival, we’ll be at T/O for the
could be as competent as our Japanese counterparts;
first time in years, even if only for a couple of months.
our most recent nomination for the black thumb goes to
Aviation Ordnance aboard Camp Kinser, who called us
On the training end we’ve been fairly busy; we recently
down there over an alternator. I believe the quote was
took our first shot at using the SMUD technique (pun
“I’m an AO, of course I know what I’m talking about. It’s
intended), and all went well. High orders, low orders,
definitely ordnance.”
and we even managed to shoot a fuze clean off. Not
bad for a day’s work. We’ll be conducting more SMUD
In closing, we’d like to take this opportunity to announce
in the near future; if you’re in the area you’re more than
that SSgt (L/GySgt) Gregrow was selected on the FY14
welcome to some trigger time, that is, as long as you
Enlisted to Warrant Officer Board; we know he’ll enjoy
show up with a few extra Raufoss rounds... and some
the Quantico highlands and doing battle with the
beer. In addition to SMUD we’ve conducted some Code
“Centralians”, and Sgt Young has made the cut for SSgt.
H disposal and burned out (1) 120mm Mortar (not a tank
I guess we can cancel his W95 orders now.
round Gunny Folden - jackass) and (1) 81mm Mortar,
both of which came out in great shape. Also on the
Should you ever you have the good fortune to find
docket for the near term is an energetic tools range
yourself stranded in the Far East, we’re only a phone call
where we’ll be applying some mad XTK skills courtesy of
or a short drive away. The door is always open, the beer
the Defense Nuclear Weapons School.
always cold. Besides, we’ll only be T/O for so long
before we start having to find other people’s people to do
As should be expected of the Butler EOD Team, Op
the work for us.
Tempo is solid. Not too high, not too low, but just right.
In recent weeks we’ve been called upon by our host
Out for now.
nation counterparts for support in ventures across the
island. We sent SSgt Gregrow and Sgt Young into the
CTA in support of a Japanese Ground Self Defense
Force (JGSDF) flying squadron during a target insert
where they had the pleasure of watching the Squadron
Commander take nine runs to emplace a single target.
After a brief intermission and a pilot change, the next ten
or so were on the ground in short order. Additionally, we
conducted a tech assist for the JGSDF 101st EOD down
in Nanjo City. If you’re ever out here and want to find
Nanjo, drive south until you hit the ocean, and then drive
a bit further; you’re almost there. After making the
seemingly eternal trek into Nanjo, we found ourselves
face to face with an 81mm HE Mortar, fused with the
M524A5. Pinned. Easy day; except for explaining to the
Japanese government that we didn’t shoot the thing into
town from one of our ranges and the lengthy trip back
home. If only the US service members we support here
Top left-ish : SSgt Gregrow and Sgt Young
Japanese flight crew (Green camies)
Center: Range Control Marines
MCB Camp Fuji
Has never submitted
EOD News Letter
MCB Camp Pendleton –
Capt Roush
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 30
Marine attempted to take three artillery fuzes and a sting
ball grenade onto a flight at John Wayne Airport and
‘anonymous’ individual decided to send some
apocalyptic letters to the ‘USMC intelligence’ unit which
Greetings from Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, the
prompted a bomb scare and response from us and the
Marines have kept a busy pace this summer. As soon
HAZMAT squad.
as Master Sergeant Glau received his third rocker he
promptly began throwing knife hands and drawing boxes
with to do lists on the white board. Not sure if we like it,
but we’re getting used to this whole accountability thing.
Note to the OccFld: MCB EOD has the Whiskey and
Zulu impact areas reserved for 12-15 November. A
naval message requesting support will be sent soon.
Gunnery Sergeant Holloway survived ‘The Gunny’s”
course and will now be marking the F box on fitness
Congratulations to Master Sergeant Glau for receiving a
Bronze Star with combat distinguishing device for his
MCB Camp Lejeune
Did not submit
heroic actions during his most recent tour in Helmand
Province, Afghanistan. After receiving the award he
quickly left Camp Pendleton to support the United
MCB Quantico –
Nations General Assembly in New York City. Great job
Capt Hamric /MGySgt Slachter
Top, enjoy your vacation in NYC, we’ll hold the fort down
for you.
Greetings from Quantico! We start off by congratulating
Sgt McKinney who was selected to SSgt and has been
TAD knocking out badge schools since his arrival here.
We await the arrival of inbound Sgt Maize from the
School House as we prepare for upcoming
Inerting continues to be a big part of our training
plan as we have completed the following items for the
EOD School House; 105mm HERA, M603, and M605.
For our own training aids we recently completed (6)
M430A1, 40mm and many more items to follow in the
Other than that there have only been a few unique
responses that the Marines have supported. A former
near future.
EOD News Letter
We provided training to Quantico ASP on how to
properly conduct an emergency destruct and destroyed
50,000 small arms with C-2 Sheet Explosive. We also
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 31
Marine Corps Air Station
EOD Teams
provided demonstrations on explosive effects of IED’s to
MCWL and CIED personnel. In August we conducted
Post Blast Training with the FBI Special Agent Bomb
Technicians and enhanced our skills as well as build our
working relationships with other agencies within the
MCAS Pendleton
Did not submit
National Capital Region.
With the weather changing we maintain our
peak physical condition by intense PT sessions such as
MCAS Cherry Point – CWO
a 17-mile canoe trip down the Rappahannock River with
no current, regardless of the tide. Lessons learned:
Semper Fidelis from MCAS Cherry Point EOD aka the
Some OJT’s can’t swim (even when asked before
Tip of the Spear! As fall greets us with 54 degree
heading down stream), when ramming one canoe into
temperatures, we still await the completion of our
another, eventually they will flip, especially if that canoe
building renovation. The half that is done looks great
has everything in it including the kitchen sink. Everyone
should try something new, so the shop gave Ultimate
Dodge Ball a try. That’s all we have to say about that.
and we have some very nice skylights which provide
enough light to not require use of the real lights on most
days, so we can honestly say that we’re going “green”.
Probably the biggest event during this quarter was the
move to EOD IMS by us and MWSS-271/274, which
began 24 July after our IMS training down at 2d
Company. All calls from all 3 teams have been done
utilizing IMS since then, and all personnel here agree
that it’s a huge improvement over what we had before.
We all look forward to future improvements/capabilities it
will provide for the field.
Towards the end of the quarter, we spent a fair amount
of time “trimming fat” from the FY14 budget submittal
and taking a hard look at where our funding actually
goes. We’re sure most other units have been doing the
same during this time of fiscal austerity.
Lastly, we began what will be dubbed Moctober during
the last week of September. Judging will take place on
EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 32
or around 01 November. Why Moctober instead of
run a 3270 entry that your Marines have been found
Movember, you ask? We all agreed that we should be
qualified. They should run the code AD next to their
mustache-free for the MC Birthday Ball. This was mostly
due to the wives’ lack of enthusiasm over the growing of
our Soup Strainers and having to take pictures of us with
them at the ball. Top Walker thought he had a fighting
name annually. I know that we all keep training jackets,
cert qual ect on hand but that last one percent will keep
the inspectors happy and you in complete compliance.
chance until learning that most of the competition had
Just a little tidbit for those who may not have known that,
legitimate unibrows (if left ungroomed), indicative of
use it in good health.
strong Upper Lipholstery-growing ability.
We bid a hail to our most recent addition, Staff Sergeant
Congratulations to GySgt Coyne for his selection to
Tim Golden who joins us from the Far East. He has hit
Warrant Officer!
the ground running already have completed the coveted
Jimmy Carter VIPPSA op. We are happy to have him
“Punctum Hastae”
and his family aboard. We will have some spots coming
open soon as with the PCS season we are going to have
three to four guys moving. Yes that is a shameless
MCAS Beaufort –
CWO McGinnis
recruiting effort but we are always looking for good help
down here in the slow country.
Things have been very busy but good here. We have yet
Greetings from the Low Country!
to take a team photo as in the year since CWO McGinnis
has been here; we all haven’t been in the shop at one
Greetings from the hidden jewel of the Marine Corps:
sunny Beaufort South Carolina. We hope that everyone
out there specifically our brothers still in harm’s way are
doing well. We have busy training and going through the
joyous inspection season. I am proud of the boys they
time. We have done everything from VIPPSA Ops,
inerting and got the boys to about every badge
progression school known to man. Good spot to come
work if you are into the whole learning thing….just
have the place shinning like a diamond which pays huge
dividends when pan handling for training dollars.
Another tidbit that we thought we would share is
something we picked up from a gentleman named Jim
On an inspection note, just a note to our fellow Base and
Station guys on something that you all do to I am sure
the 99 percentile. When conducting annual AA&E
screenings for your Marines, there is a step that we just
discovered that will ensure you don’t get caught looking.
Once complete to be considered 100 percent correct,
you need to draft a letter to IPAC/GPAC to have them
Jobling, who is employed by Texas A & M in their
ordnance department. As we were interting some civil
war ordnance we ran into the age old problem of getting
all of the caked on black powder out of the item. After
trying all safe, prudent and approved techniques he
showed us another method that again some of you may
know but for those of you that do not here it is. Make a
EOD News Letter
solution of 90 percent ammonia and 10 percent dawn
dishwashing liquid and submerge the piece in it once the
bulk of the HE has been removed. This formula will pull
the residual HE out very well without permanent damage
to the item. Although not an EOD Technician, Jim is
getting his doctorate in black powder ordnance as has
proven to be a good source of information. His contact
information is:
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 33
money (aka, greasing whatever he can).
We got in the mighty and infamous EOD Tech of the
year Sgt AmayaRamos, but due to gov’ment money
issues was unable to attend his own award presentation.
The team was more than happy to properly welcome the
new CWO…
Jim Jobling
Conservation Research Lab
(979) 862-7791
[email protected]
Well, that is about all for now from here in Beaufort. If
you are in the area, the coffee is always on and the
stories plentiful.
MCAS Miramar-CWO
Greetings from sunny SoCal. It’s that time of year again
MCAS Yuma- CWO Wade
and contrary to popular belief and the “psyche-out” they
gave us, the MCAS Miramar Air Show is still on and we
have been knee deep in it for the last couple months.
Really, we are just doing the same thing as always but
with less money.
Greetings to all from the land of the burning, ever
present sun. July flew by in a whirl of inspections from
several entities. Later GySgt Bateman went off to
TAP/TAMP in his push for Operation Retirement he then
A summer began, MSgt Donald took over from GySgt
came back with a list of things that he wanted to get
Bui and CWO Palumbo took the helm for CWO Crawley
done, which did not involve work. We had a few drive
as they decided to go play Rambo with the Billy Bad-
over to MCRD San Diego to take care of swim qual
asses of EOD. Good luck to both of them on that. The
since Yuma can’t be bothered to have a Marine Corps
MSgt has been doing what he does best, acquiring
training pool. The month finished up with Scorpion Fire
anything not nailed down and spending everyone else’s
support out in the Chocolate Mountains. SSgt Doty and
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SSgt Wright, newly arrived from 3rd, started getting
weekend before coming back. SSgt Meyer got back from
acquainted with the range areas in preparation for more
his time in Romania with the scars to prove it (from a
training later.
huge dog, or werewolf?) and Sgt Brewer returned from
August started off with shop kayaking which CWO3
Wade decided we needed to do at least once a week in
Bahrain on 20 September. The rest of the Bahrain crew
will return on the 26th with black belts and brown tans.
lieu of a retirement formation later. Other than a few near
The rest of our time was filled up with UXO briefs and
death experiences involving flipped kayaks and fast
classes. SSgt Wiggins was medically retired at the end
currents we had a great time and agreed it beat
formations any day. SSgt Gillespie and Sgt Grieder went
off to TAP/TAMP with SSgt Gillespie deciding to EAS in
of August and at the end of September we did a huge
welcome home for SSgt Meyer and a going away for
SSgt Johnson, SSgt Schielke, and SSgt Laudermilk.
GySgt Hunt showed up in the middle of September and
November. On a more professional note we began the
then took off for leave and next month we are expecting
start of WTI season with more directed ordnance classes
CWO3 Hermann and Sgt Swain. Congratulations to both
for the ICM grid. We also conducted a demolition day on
Sgt Grieder and Sgt Jones for their selection to Staff
August 20 with emphasis on different RSP techniques
Sergeant and to all the other Sergeants on the list. Later
for some ordnance items requested from the ASP. The
next day we drove up to Camp Billy Machen to conduct
familiarization training and BZO on our SASRs and the
in the year we will be saying good bye to CWO3 Wade in
October and welcome aboard to MSgt Gravely and Sgt
Walker in December.
SASS. Good times were had and competition ensued
until the wind picked up and the sun started blazing.
MCAS Iwakuni
As with every other year September saw the kick-off of
Did not submit
WTI this year changed slightly since all of our augments
are coming in from MWSS-373 which we appreciate.
The techs got the opportunity to do some sweeping in
between escorts and practice some different demo
techniques on what they found. All of them agreed that
PBXN 109 is the bane of their existence. On the other
hand they used MK 7s on a MK 82 with great effect, it
butterflied it beautifully. For those back at the base we
supported another active shooter scenario at the BAS
where the techs portrayed unbalanced, homicidal
shooters perhaps a little too well. After that training was
wrapped up the shop cleared out as we went up north to
get some time on the ICM grid. We got some good
clearance training and some SMUDing over the
EOD News Letter
Special Operations
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1st MSOB –
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2nd MSOB
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Capt Quiroz/MGySgt Rhodes
Summer is upon us and in full swing. This quarter
Did not submit
started out with the convening of EOD Supervisor
with 22 students in attendance, which made for long
Did not submit
Course 2013040. The last class of FY13 was nearly full
days and high temperatures. Also this quarter, two units
requested Mobile Training Teams for the EOD Manager
Course. The EODATC sent teams out to 1st and 3rd
EOD Companies in order to execute the MTTs. We are
still in the process of getting the Manager course
TECOM funded and executed at 29 Palms. Units
desiring to host an MTT can submit a formal request to
the following organizational email which can be found in
the GAL: SMB PLMS MCCES Warfighter Support. Prior
to formally requesting a MTT, contact the EODATC in
order to promote maximum attendance and deconflict
During our down time in between classes, we continue
to maintain our skillsets and proficiency by conducting
range sweeps with the Base Team, and conducting
inerting on Range 051. This quarter we inerted a M449
155mm with M43 sub munitions, BLU-26Bs, and a M762
Electric Time Fuze.
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In September, MSgt Swanson and GySgt Gorman
Congratulations go out to SSgt Winjum and his wife
provided support for a live FIREX conducted by the Low
Kristin on the birth of their son in September. We
Altitude Air Defense Course at Yuma Proving Grounds.
welcome the new addition to the Winjum family.
As luck would have it, there were a few extra missiles
of honorable mention this quarter; MSgt Swanson was
left over at the end of the shoot, and Top and Gunny
awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement
gladly volunteered to expend said missiles via
Medal for his review and update of the EOD Supervisor
engagement of drone targets. Both Marines scored a
Course Program of Instruction. GySgt Moran was
“Technical Kill” (which means they missed, but got close
awarded the Master EOD Insignia, and was pinned by
enough to frag the bird which may have resulted in a
Larry Goshen (Capt, USMC retired). Additionally, SSgt
downed plane). After becoming crack shots with the
Winjum re-enlisted for another stint in the Corps.
Stinger, they hope to become certified as Armchair Pilots
and fly the drone next time. On a side note, the process
of determining who was going to support this op came
down to drawing names out of a hat, and although
everything was done on the up and up, Capt Quiroz was
last heard muttering something about the damn drawing
being rigged and how the Marines going down to YPG
(next to the Colorado River) didn’t even fish.
We are planning to host a Course Curriculum Review
Board for both the EOD Supervisor and EOD Manager
Courses in December. We will be reviewing and
recommended changes to the curriculum based on the
EOD T&R Review that was held in May, to include
feedback we have received from End of Course
Critiques (ECCs) and external surveys. Additionally, we
TADs... MSgt Swanson attended the Senior Instructor
will also conduct a Learning Analysis for the EOD
Course at Camp Pendleton and the Curriculum
Exploitation Course. We are requesting that TECOM
Developer Course at 29 Palms. GySgt Moran attended
authorize funding for 8 EOD SMEs from the field (2 from
the EOD Manager Course at Camp Pendleton. GySgt
each MEF - 1 from each MLG - 1 from each MAW, and 2
Gorman completed his resident PME by attending the
from Supporting Establishments). All others are more
SNCOA Advanced Course at Camp Pendleton.
than welcome, but must do so at unit cost.
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In closing, we’d like to announce that in preparation of
As discussed in the last newsletter, no earth shattering
his retirement, MGuns Rhodes has taken to slowing
changes are anticipated. The USAARL Effects of
down and relaxing a little bit more in order to adjust his
Controlled Repetitive Blast Study involving the MOES
body to his future post-Marine Corps life. In doing so, he
staff is finally wrapping up this month.
gave up drinking his daily 6-pack of Double-Shot
Espressos, which has noticeably mellowed him out and
lowered his blood pressure dramatically.
We are proud to announce that The Commandant of the
Marine Corps has authorized the dedication of the new
Weapons Training Battalion Barracks, Bldg 27279, as
That about wraps it up for this quarter. We’ll see you
Benjamin Hall, in honor of MSgt Adam F. Benjamin; his
next quarter unless the Government shuts down. Oh
family has been notified, was delighted with the news
snap, that shit just happened!
and will be in attendance at the dedication ceremony.
The official dedication will occur September 17, 2013 at
Methods of Entry School –
CWO3 Buckles
1400. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. For
additional information about the ceremony please
contact GySgt Clyde Meredith,
[email protected], (703) 432-7400.
Greatings and salutations to all from the Methods of
Entry School. As always, we have been busy mentoring
new breachers at Marine Corps Base Quantico. We
recently welcomed SSgt Nicholas Rodgers from 2nd EOD
Company. Thus far, he seems to fit right in with the rest
of the cadre. November should see the addition of
another tech from 1st EOD Company. We will keep you
at the edge of your seat in anticipation regarding who
this mystery EOD Technician is until the next quarter.
The CWO will be taking a couple of instructors to the
International Breaching Symposium in Florida with high
hopes to improve the Marine Corps breaching program
with regards to safety, tactics, techniques, and
procedures. This will align nicely with the planned
Course Curriculum Review Board during which our three
year curriculum overhaul will occur. The board is
tentatively scheduled for this winter, following the
release of the approved Training & Readiness Manual.
Ghostbuster Charge at Goettge Demolitions Range
EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 38
brutal with humidity, which lasted into mid-September. A
very wet summer with a lot of rains; unearthing very old
UXOs throughout the training area, which made for
some interesting finds.
Throughout this past quarter we stay just a busy as ever
with Range Clearance operations, UXO calls and
Inerting Ops. During August, 3rd EOD Company was in
town conducting their PTP training as well as CLB-11.
Both units were able to fulfill their training requirements,
and much thanks to the 3rd guys for supporting with their
training cadre to assist.
Breadchers Enjoying the Summer Heat
During September, 1St MSOB conducted training at R112 and MWSS-171 was on deck for the month
MCTOG – GySgt McKinney
supporting ITX. The EOD guys conducted a lot of
Did not submit
Additionally, they were a tremendous help with range
training meeting nearly all of their T&R events.
clearances. Having another eight EOD techs to conduct
MCB Twentynine Palms –
Maj Callahan
sweeps, makes the day go quicker and less walking.
(Hint: MSgt Blum we need more personnel)
We taught the first class to MCLOG students on EOD
Greetings from the High Desert.
July began our quarterly EOD Lateral Move screening.
We had six potential candidates until the day of the
screening, which not everyone showed up. Of the
Marines that did show we eventually dropped two; one
upon request and the other with a 2nd Class PFT, twice.
structure and capabilities. The class is Lesson Purpose
and hopefully with good feedback from the students the
class will be a part of the MCLOG POI. This is a good
thing for these young Officers and Logisticians to
understand what capabilities EOD brings to the table
and how we are structures to support the MAGTF.
We gave the Marine a second chance at running a 1st
Request for support to “safety back-stop” other units that
Class PFT just to see what would happen. As expected
claim they can conduct demolitions operations have
he ran another 2nd Class. He is currently working hard to
increased as of lately. I will quote from an Infantry
come back to interview in October, and this time with a
Company Commander “I have seen this unit operate in
high 1st Class. The monsoonal rains came early to the
the past, and do not feel comfortable in their abilities to
desert this year making the already hot temperatures
conduct this training safely”. So we go out and watch
EOD News Letter
and assist where needed. I am unsure if this trend will
continue, or if other units have been asked to support
other unit’s training events, but given what we find or are
called to in the training areas these guys suck at what
they claim they can do. The below picture was found in
one of the training areas. Can you guess what OccField
did this? (This paragraph is a bit cryptic so as not to
offend the 13XX community).
GySgt Barajas
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Did not submit
Did not submit
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Did not submit
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EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
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All Gave Some, Some Gave All
SSgt Mote, Sky R.
Sgt Huling, John P.
SSgt Frankhauser, Joseph H.
SSgt D’Augustine, Joseph
SSgt Stephen J. Dunning
SSgt Sprovtsoff, Nicholas A.
Sgt Patron, Daniel J.
GySgt Pate, Ralph “E.J.”
Sgt Day, David P.
GySgt Schmalstieg, Justin E
Sgt Smith, Jason T.
SSgt Emrick, Jordan B.
SSgt Cullins, Joshua J.
GySgt Holley, Floyd E.
MSgt Fedder, Daniel L.
GySgt Eastman, Christopher L.
SSgt Perkins, Adam L.
GySgt Eckard, Christopher W.
MSgt Benjamin, Adam F.
GySgt Spicer, David S.
CWO2 Richardson Jr., Ricky L.
SSgt Wojciechowski, Mark A
GySgt Roy III, John H.
Sgt Martin, Shawn P.
SSgt Woodall, Peter
SSgt Stephen Wilson
Sgt Micheal Tayaoato
SSgt Hansen, Daniel L.
SSgt Strickland, Christopher D
SSgt Taylor, Aaron J.
SSgt Callahan, William J.
SSgt Gould, Dustin M.
Sgt Walsh, Justin T.
SSgt Williams, Dwayne E.
Sgt Phillips, John P.
Sgt Noyes, Justin L.
GySgt Fry, John D.
GySgt Martone, Justin R.
SSgt Pospisil, Kenneth B.
MSgt Angus, Brett E.
SSgt Dameron, Joel P.
SSgt Lehto, Jason A
GySgt Boatman, Darrell
SSgt Tsue, Daniel A.
GySgt Clark, Micheal J.
SSgt Dame, William C.
SSgt Calaway, Robert T.
SSgt Burt, Roy W.
EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
All Gave Some, Some Gave All
Capt Burmeister, William C.
Sgt Mattoni, Michael C.
SSgt Soifert, Allen H.
SSgt Parshall, James S.
SSgt Shryock, Richard L.
Sgt Underwood, James H.
SSgt Fetty, Clarence
Capt Cook, Marvin Jr.
Capt Jones, James W.
CWO4 Vick, William W.
SSgt Beck, John R.
SSgt Morrison, Gene F.
Sgt Vasquez, Jesus R.
MSgt Buck, George E. Jr.
1Lt. Brown, Gilbert L
Capt Porter, Ben C
Sgt Bird, John O.
Sgt Stahala, Howard R.
1Lt. Harris, Alan M.
SSgt Morris, Robert E.
Cpl Bennett, Marshal E.
SSgt Spudich, John M.
TSgt Meister, Paul E.
TSgt Moeling, John J.
1Lt. Reger, Verol L.
2Lt. Blakeslee, Leslie
Page 41
EOD News Letter
Maj Sheldstad
MGySgt LIppert
Capt Perry
LtCol Glass
Maj Lucas
MSgt Blum
MGySgt Lamer
MSgt Farmer
Maj Smith.
MGySgt Loechler
GySgt Kindvall
GySgt Kilpatrick
SSgt Southerland
SSgt Butterfield
SSgt Jones.
LtCol Corris
LtCol Miyamoto
Capt Volz
CWO David
CWO Batie
1st EOD Co
Jul - Sep 2013
CWO2 Minkler
MSgt Fauls
GySgt Bender
SSgt Calloway
SSgt Nolen
Sgt Cardenas
Sgt Richard
Sgt Kling
CWO2 Elias
MSgt Graebner
SSgt Holladay
SSgt Delmont
SSgt Hampton
SSgt Sawyer
SSgt Reuter
SSgt Torcello
Sgt Vazquez
Sgt Rodgers
Sgt Pearson
Sgt Barnes
Sgt Jackson
CWO2 Casey N. McCullin
MSgt Jeb P. Adle
SSgt Francis L. Arnold
SSgt Eric G. Wright
Sgt Ethan S. Shrader
Page 42
3rd MAW
MWSS 371
WO Otto
MSgt Manor
GySgt Hunt
SSgt Johnson
SSgt Burke
SSgt Doty
SSgt Wright
SSgt Gillespie
SSgt Laudermilk
Sgt Brewer
Sgt Midcalf
Sgt Jones
CWO2 Black
MSgt Cahill
GySgt Hocking
GySgt Hilker
SSgt Stelter
SSgt Gastelum
Sgt Roberts
Sgt Chapman
Sgt Nowak
Sgt Villalobos
MWSS- 374
Maj Barker
CWO2 Anderson
GySgt Gonzalez
SSgt Seymour
SSgt Pare
SSgt Russell
Sgt Carter
Sgt Hrncir
Cpl Hayes
2nd EOD Co
2nd MAW
CWO2 Lindsey
MSgt Oldham
GySgt Prosser
SSgt Edwards
SSgt Stankus
Sgt Gerhards
Sgt Cooper
Sgt Seaver
EOD News Letter
CWO3 Morgan
MSgt Lee
GySgt Eyrich
GySgt Seiler
SSgt Lucker
Sgt Hoy
Sgt Espinosa
Sgt Wilhite
Sgt Malone
Sgt Boatwright
Jul - Sep 2013
MCB Quantico
MGySgt Slachter
MGySgt Chavez
CWO4 Buckles
GySgt Meredith
GySgt Slattum
GySgt Palomo
GySgt Hraha
SSgt Rodgers
MAGTFTC 29 Palms
3rd EOD Co
MCB Hawaii
CWO3 Cheatum
MSgt Conner
MSgt Eggers
SSgt Walker
SSgt Noll
SSgt Smith
Sgt Muro
MCAS Camp Pendleton
MCAS Cherry Point
CWO2 Gaydeski
MSgt Walker
GySgt Coyne
SSgt Berryman
SSgt McGlew
Sgt Kunst
Sgt Vuocolo
Capt Soukup
GySgt Barajas
WO Carter
MSgt Bebout
SSgt Mills
SSgt Morrison
Sgt Christensen
Sgt Crabtree
Sgt Dearing
Sgt Laffoon
Sgt Olsen
Sgt Siemer
CWO2 Jones
MSgt Donahue
GySgt Attson
GySgt Carter
SSgt Sleppy
SSgt Hechler
Sgt Lopez
MCB Camp Butler
CWO2 Karr
MGySgt Williams
GySgt Folden
GySgt Miller
SSgt Griffin
SSgt Ludwig
Sgt Young
HM1 Roberts
MCAS Beaufort
CWO4 McGinnis
GySgt Chrjapin
SSgt Anderson
SSgt McLeod
SSgt Golden
Sgt Rogers
Sgt Loflin
MCAS Miramar
CWO3 Wade
MSgt Sutter
GySgt Bateman
SSgt Meyer
SSgt Schielke
Sgt Grieder
MCAS Iwakuni
MCB Fuji
MSOC Alpha
MCB Camp Pendleton
MSOC Bravo
MCB Camp Lejeune
MSOC Charlie
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Jul - Sep 2013
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EOD Info and Links
EOD Warrior Foundation
There are some new additions to the EOD Memorial Wall, ones that are greatly appreciated by all those who come to pay their
respects and whisper “I love and miss you” to those who will forever hold a place in our hearts. Four new Rosewood Benches have
been graciously donated to the Memorial Wall for all to use while remembering those loved.
Combined Federal Campaign
Please find the EOD Warrior Foundation in the CFC Pamphlet and aid us in reaching our goals in providing the assistance and support
required by the wounded EOD technician and their families, providing scholarships to the EOD dependents, caring for the Memorial
Wall, and forever honoring those who will never be forgotten.
The EOD Warrior Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supported by
donations, grants, and volunteer fundraising events and activities held throughout the
country and around the world
each year.
Your tax-deductible donation enables the foundation to provide ongoing
support and
service to our nation’s EOD warriors and their families. To make a donation or for more
information on ways to…..(POSTER ENDS HERE)
Disarming Challenges
EOD News Letter
Jul - Sep 2013
Page 45
Half day riders gather after reaching their 50 mile bike ride!
East Coast ride was a great success with 28 two day riders and 11 half day riders. The course took them through the streets of
Annapolis ending at the Boulder Crest Retreat in beautiful Virginia.
Upcoming Events:
5 October – Bomb Suit 5K
5 October – 4 Annual Blasters 1k or 8k Run
11 October – West Coast Undefeated Bike Ride
12 October – East Coast Undefeated Bike Ride
12 October – Afghan Undefeated Bike Ride
26 October – Are You Fitter Than A Fifth Grader
1 November – Bomb Suit Challenge
23 November – EODWF Trail Run
For more information about any of the listed or more upcoming events, please log onto our website for specific details:
EOD Warrior Foundations Board:
Ken Falke, Founder and Chairman
Rod Simmons, Chief Counsel
Bob Busby, Financial Advisor
Nicole Motsek, Executive Director
Jane Cady Gingrich, Treasurer
Sherri Beck
Erin Berky
Keith Bubier
Greg K. Mittelman
Paul R. Plemmons
Robert Sehnert
Frank Skinner
The Honorable Sue Payton
Leland Browning
Christina Kazakavage
Kellie Perry
Adam Popp
Jeff Simons
Jon Tobias
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