to Reyly
to Reyly
653 KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS IN IRELAND. INDEX TO FIANTS.- ELIZABETH. O'Dowllin. See O'Dowl!n. O'DawlYt persons althe nfLIDe ~rdoned, 1919, 4616,4832,6394,6522,6616, 0127. Q'Dowlyn. SClJ O'DowJin. O'Dowlynge. Sec O'Dowling•. O'Down. See O'Downe. O' 800 O'Doneva.n. O'Down~Down, persons of the nnme pardoned,41U. 6214, 6639, 6616. O'Downega.n, pel'SoDB of the name pardonod, 2210, 5439. O'D~wnever, Cormack, pa.rdon, 6888. O'Downghowe, Murtagh and Tho., pardon, O'Doylle, Gerret, pardon, 6611. O'Doyne-Doin-Doine-Don-Dons-Donn_ Donne - Doyn -Dun -DunaDunn-Dunne-Dwne : F eneila, English liberty, 1301. MaJmory, house in T.rim, 1714. Tclg or Tllady (o! Tinnahlnch), chief ot his name, pardon, 1331. lUO, 3840, 6523 i cOmmission, ~901 ; English liberty for his sister, 1301 ; his SODS, 884.0. Telg oge (of Castlebrack), pardon, 5840. G523 ; his sons, 6523. Til' or Terence (of Kilkevan), 0.16. O'Downie. See O'Downy. O'Downilie. Patr., pardon. GGI0. O'Downlne, M'I."liagJi duff, p.'U·don, 653D. po.rdoD, SSiO, 6523. others of the name pardoned, 22, 423,605, 9U, 931, 941,949,952, 1104, O'Downleigh, Dermo~ pardon, 4854O'Dowoy-Downie-Downye: Ma.urice m'Hugh, attu.inted, 6912, 1118, 1331, 1381, 1510, 1804, 2224, 2435, 3771, 4031, 5551, GS2S, 602D. Bary,'l..inted, 5912.6029. Teig ago, o.ttaintcd, 6012,6029. Wm. age, harper, pn.rdon, 6539. others af the name pardoned, 5162, 4101,4110,4492,4854, 1$060,5801,6411, 2595, 3B40, #iG, 579G, 6583, 3110, 3884, 4688, li818, G389, 3223, 5949, 4123, 6110, 64.08, 3504, 39 62, 5511, 6120, 64:13, 3606, 4016 , 3:131, 6232, 6488, 649G, 6600-1, 6517, 6519, 6523, 61529, Q'Dowran-Dowmn6, p ersons of the name pardaned,ll13, 6484, 6714. O'Dowrley, James, pardon, 6512. 6632, 6562, 6106, 6126,6116.6117. country ot (now the barony at, Queen's co.), 193, 2208, 6186; made ahire ground, 2113; marUal ls.w, 2165 i rebels in, 2104. Q'Doyran, persons of the pardoned, 4742. O'Doyranc, Edm., pardon, 3904. O'Dowrye, Tolg, pltrdon, 6583. O'Dowryn, Redmnnd, pardon, 1381. O'Doyre. See O'Dwyer. O'Doyrin, John, pOJ'son, and others of Ihe O'Dowy, Del'by, pardon, 0624O'Dowycr, Freghra, p ardon, 204.4. O'Dowyle, John, pa.rdon, 0195. name pardoned, 0500. O'Drodie - Dradye, JIlJUCS and Wm., par- O'DoWYIl Sec C'Dowell O'Dowyr, Derby and Nlch., pardon, 4931, O'Drell, Dermot, pardon, 6183. 6-119,6514, 6511, 0516. O'Down'1lyo, Tirlagh, pardoD, 111123. O'Downyne, persons of the mme pardoned, 6461,6"8, om. 6'05. dOD,6511. O'Dready, John, pardon, 4111. O'Dreane, persons of the pardoned, O'DowYrc,- Edm. (of Kilnecry, co, Tip.), 0629. Odreanne, in UlBter, 1035. attainted, 5565. O'Dree, Dermot, pardllIl, 574D. Morogh06, poordoD, 6~8S. O'Drehitt., Maurice, pardon, 5002, See O'Dwyer. ·O'Drenan, Danell, pa,rdon, 0169. O'Doygan, Wm., pardon, 6621. O'Dreyn, Mnrtagh, pardon, 4101. Q'DoygiD, Jilmes, pardon, 6110. O', Melnghlin, p::u-don, 1178. O'Doylain, John, paruoD,40i9. O'Do'11an-, personR ot the name O'Dr1scoU-Drisco.U-Driscoele-Driscoilc- pardoned, 6<80. O'Doyle-DoUe-Doyll-Doili : Bryen or, murder ot, 846. Teig m'Donogh, pardon, 5788, 6661. othel~ of the name p.~rdoned, 848, 878,1«2,1477,1744., 2065, 504:11,422:11, 4701, 5788, 6160, 8175, 6232, aS8P, 81$17,6561, 6511,6683,6741. O',lohn, parHJD, '"13. Driscoill-Driscole-Driscoyll -Hicirl9coli- Hedrescoli : Cornell, economist ot Rosil catbedral, 2382. sir Finin or Florence, knt. (of Downesh ed), pardon, SOSS,44U. Finin (o! Rincowlisky), pa.rdon, .uU,15619. Macoon gorrom (o! Dunnagal), pardon, 8098-, ·. ' 654 ... APPENDIX TO TWENTY-SEOOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZAllETH. O'Drlscoll, others of tho name pardoned, 8058,4416,448D, 1864, 6456. 5522, 1Sli69, 5019,6801, 6U6-G, MSO, 6666, 6511, 6611S, 6701, G703, 6110. Q'Duirc-Duir. Sec O'Dwyer. O'Dulaghn.nty, Rary, pardon, 6401. O'Dulany, Conor, pn.rtlon, 6551. O'Dnlchonly - Dulchantie - Dnlch.n~Dulcanto - Dnlchante _ Dull chen ~ : Donogh (01 Lemyvanan), O'Drohy, persons of tho nnme pardonod, 4741. O'Dromen, Manus, pardon, 6433. po.l·llo n, 4033, 4120. O'Drommy, Nich,! po.rdou, 05~0. Odrone. See Idrone. athol'S of the nama parO'Droughnne, Maurice, pa.rdon, 146. doneu, 4GGG, 4736, 6783. O'DroughiB, Donogh, pardon, 2080. O'Dulo, Dermot il.nd Shaue, pardon, 4163. O'Drowght, Wm., pardon, 977. O'DulcciBnta.- Duleycyenta, Rory nnd Wm., p~don , 4834. O'Drolfyn, M~urice, Euglish Uberty, 470. O'Du.Uu.ine, Edm. und Tho., pardoD, 4733, O'Drughte, Teig, po.rdon, 0569. 6479. O'Drmlellau, Trenrn, pa.rdon, 6658. O'Dullane-DuJ.J.a.n, persons of the name O'Drwoghane, Mu-ul'ico, p:'U'dOD, 4113. pardoned, 891,1617,2225,8491, 3643,4018, 51(9 . Q'Drynan, Patr. and John, pardon, 30-18, 0100,0577. 6140. O'Dulli1ny-Dullanie-Dnllanoy: Q'Drynane, Padina. pn.rdOD,1.032. O'Dryscoill, 'MaceoD, pardon, 4115. Mu.tthow, chnpmin, pardoD,'6!i, O'Dun.n, persons of the name pnrdoned, others of the name pa.rdoned, 6~05t 613S. 0' Onarty, Wm., pa.rdOD, 4654. 1210, 1617, 2085,2225, 4290, 6110, 6440, 64M, 0530, 0551, 6133, 6168, O'Dncaene, Hugh, pardon, 4129. O'Dnchowny, Rob.,pardon, 618S. 077~. O'Dullchenta. See O'Dnlchenty. O'Dullcan, Donogh, pardou. 80:11. O'Duda. St, O'Dowde. O'Duagan - Duegcn - Dnogyn, persona of O'Dullechonty - Dullehonty, G!llp~trick nnd Wm., pardon, 666ti. the name pardoned, 653l. O'Dueygen, Wm., pardon, 6135. O'Dullcn, W m. and T otg. pardon. 6091, 6581. O'Dull-Dul : O'Dull!ne, Dermot,'pardon, 6500. Wm., EngU.h IIberty,1I87. O'Dulling, Memghlin, pMdon,170. othem 01 the name po.rdoned, 10, Q'Dullomo.ino, TOig, po.rdon, 6564~061t 5801, 6785, 6576. O'Dullonghantye, Shane, pardon, 8551. O'Dllfrs, persons of thc pa.rdoned, 10, O'Dttllughont!o, Donogh, p~rdon, 5486. O'Dulluin, Edm., pardon, 4694.. 2881,4058, 5'27, 6GOS, 532S, 6651, 6154. O'DuJl'edie, Patr., pardon, GOG~. O'Dully. John n.nd Any, pa.rdoD, 6519. 618'. O'Dullyn, ponoua of the name pa.rdoned, O'Dul!y-DullIe-Dullee-DuJl'cy: Owen, grant of land, M26. ~~ 8, 2614, 6110. Patrick, granlol mnd, 5a~G. O'Doly. John, pa.rdon, 6/5158. others ot the name pardoned, 8853, O'Dulyo, Dermot, pardon, 64.96. 424.0, 1S5~, 5611,5721, 5183, foOO, 6668, O'Dnmyno, persons of tho Dame pardoned, 6666, 67a4. 6761. O'Duffyn, Doneli, pardon, 6616. O·Dun-DuDO. See O'Doyno. O', persons at the name pn.rdoned, O'Dunaghio, Morico, pa1'don. 6461. 6461,6529. O'DunaghowG, Philip and Shane. pardon, O' See O'Dowgenan. 6467. O'Duggon, Wm., po.rdon, on~. O'Dunegaino, Conor and Edm., pardon, O'Dughienna, persens of the name po.r6523. doned, 0655. O'Dnneghan, OweD. pardon, 6699. O'Dughune, Philip, parden, 6560. O'Dunerae, Brien, pardon, 41S10. O'Duhartie, John, pn.rdon, G179. Q'Dungane, Donogho. pardon, 6/568. O'Dnhie, Patr., vico.r, and othem 01 the O'Dungie, John, pardon, ",709. name pardoned, 6661. OtDunim. Oonor, pa.rdon, 6589. O'Dubig, Dermod a.nd Melaghlin, pardon, O'Dunivano, Toig, po.rdon, BliOlS, 6407,6576. O'Dunligh, John and Owen, pa.rdon,4491S. O'DnigenaiD, Fia.ll, pILl'don, 8806. O'Dnnn-Dunne. See O'Doyne. See O'Dowgenan. O'Dunneg.n, Phillp, pMdon, 8181. Q'Dnnnoly, Wm., pardoD, 0189. O'Dnin, Rory o.1ia,s Oapoll, pardon, 4.01&. O'Duinighan, John, po.rdon, 6655. O'Dnnnlllee, Donell, pardon, 61011. 61ltS JtIlElPll!B. OF TEll PUBLIO ltEiOOltPI! IN IltllLAND, INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZAllETB. Q'Dunnyn-Dunnyne, persons of the nam e O'Dwlli.nge, Damod a.nd Tei g, Plrdon , 6479, O'Dwloghripo, Cnoghor, pardon, 0576. pardoned, lJ.264, 616'. O'D wluogherie, Dermot. pardon, 6t!l7. Q'DuDort, Edw., pn.rdon, 6464. O'Dwne's country (see O'Doyne), G186. O'Duny, Dermed o.ud DaDell, pardon, 6511 . O'D wnyn,J ohn, English Uberty, ~04. O'Dunyne, DonnJd, pardon, 6170. O'Dwo~ Ca.bif, pa.rdon, 4401. O'Dnollan, John, pardoo, 2804. Odwoy. Edm., pardon, 4795. O'Duolly, Tho., pn.rden, 3923. O'DuoygiD, Donogh, pardoll, 5000. O'Dwoyle, persons of the pa.rdoned, 649 ~, Q'Duoyke, Conoghorln.nd Morriogh, pa.rdOD, O'Dwrkganfl, Danen, pardon, 6762. 0:;:;5. Q'Dnrall, Edm., pn.rdOll, 2600. O'Dwrrero, Edm., pat'don, 6497. O'DwnU,John, pardon, 50B5. Q'Durihie, Shane. paTdoD, 65 14O'Dwyer - Dowire - Dowyr - Dow-yrc O'Dnrioo, Gilligroma, po.rdOD, 66155. Doyre-Duir-- Dnire-D ayrO'Durla., Jam es, pn.rdon, 486l. Dnyrc -Dwere-D ~ ie ~'-Dwir O'Durloy-Durly, Brio.n a ud lI!elughlln, p ardon, 1848, 6018. O'Dw'D.yn-Durnyne, persons of tho name pardoned, 4811, 5602, 5601, 6667, 6761. Q'Durrogb, Donell, pm'dOD, (lolG!. O'Dorry. Melaghlin, p::u'doo, 6888. O'Durvin, Hugh, pa,rdon, lIGOO. O'Dosgeolc, Canagher, pn.rcloD, G511. O'Duviro, Hugh, pardon. 0701. O'Dnygan- Duygen. Sec O'D wigin. O'Dnygenain, Dicrmot. pa.rdon, 5805. See O'Dowgenan. O'DnYlITUe. See O'Dwigin. O'Duyne. See O'Dwyne. O'Dnyr-Dnyre, Sea O'Dwyer, O'Dwo.ine-Dwayne, persous of the name pardoned, .sos. O', Dermod and Melaghlin, pardon, 6305. O'Dwartie, Wm., alias Converb, pardon , 6419. O'Dwayne. See Q'Dwo.ine. O'Dwdn,. See O'Dowd e, O'Dwelln.ny, Edm.. pardoD, 0309. O'Dwere. Se, O'Dwyer, O'Dwgen.u.n. SecO'Dowgcnan. O'Dwghie, Conoghor and Morogb, pardon, 649B. O'D wghune, Philip, pn.rdon, 0569. O'Dwiell, Donogh, p ardon, 64.95. O'Dwier, See O'Dwyer. O'Dwign.n-Dwigen , See O'Dwigin, O'Dwigher, Teig, pardon, 5445. O'Dwigin-D·aygn.n-Dnygen - Duygyn<>Dwigo.n-Dwigen-Dwygin - DwyganDwygyn, perBons of tho name pa.rdoned, 4370, "780, 4.83~, 6248, 6309, 0504:, 6.551, 15.5 04-5, 6706, O'Dwile, Edm., robbery by, 268. O'Dwill, John, pardon, ~j'B , O'Dwine, Sa O'Dwyne. O'Dwire- Dwir. See O'Dwyer. O'Dwirky, DoneU and Mahon, pardon, '006, O'Dwlchen, Philip, pardon, 64!9. O'Dwlle, WIno, pardon, 24OB, - D wire-D wyre-D yer : Derby lItz Philip, pardon, 20B2. Dermot or Derby (of Olonyharp), pnrdon, 4937,6035, M41, G531,070G. Doneli (of Crossa.yle), atto.inted, , SM. Donogh (of Crossayle), o.tminted, '854. Edm., alias Evony, attainted, 6566. John (01 Duudrmn), pardon, 33G4, 6'22, e707. J ohu (ol Cork), English IIber~y, 112. Philip, a.lin~ O'D., P:UdOD, 2004. Sea O'Dowie, Philip (of Ballymolyn ), pardon, 2135. Philip (o! Dondrum), par don, S364. Shane, alias O'D. (in co. Donegull, po.rdon, 6161, Tho. (of BollInamonY),l'o.rdon, 6086,6701. Tho. (o! Waterlord), English liberty,lIB1. Wm., abbot of Holy CrOf:3 (in 1521),3514others of the pal'doned, 1964, ~068, 2092, 3102, 32G1, 3364, 3543, 38S8, 4122, 4371, 4535, 4G39, 4680,4181,4859, 4!l07, ~69, 6OE3, 5445, 6180, 6198, G2·iS, S4-32, a.J.4 ~. , 6447, Ma1, 65 (H-5, 6517, G5:12, 6531, G5ihHi, 6564-5, 6:i69, GtlSS, 6704,6706, G7G1, 67G5. O'Dwygin - Dwygo.n - Dwygyn. Sa O'Dwigin. O'Dwyll, WIll., pardon, 4H2. O'Dwynagho.D. See O'Dwynlgha.n. O'Dwyne-Dnyne-Dwine, :pers~ns of the name po.rdoned, 469B, C109, 6~', 6219, 640r, SlilIS, 6566, 6TS5. 2 :x: 656 APPENDIX '1.'0 TWENTY-SE COND REPORT OF 'rHE DEPUTY INDEX TO FLUrrs.-ELIZABETH. O'Dwyniglilln-Dwyneghrtn - Dwynagban, persons of the pardoned. 0183,6411, O'Fahy: 4107, 4724, 4 7S~. 4.1D8,4856, 50BS, 5100, 6228, M3~, ~ 416 , 5ISS2, 5611, GlOB, 6222, 6491. O'Dwyre. Sec O'Dwyer. O'Dwyrky, Donell. pardon, 5000. O'Dwysy, Tho., pm'uon, 6li66. O'D ye-D y, per sons of the 1ll1mc pru:doned , 2~72 .17H. 4787,6466, 0'116-1, 6496, 6539. O', Derby, pardoD, 46S0. O'Dyer (sec O'Dwyer), 3102. Q', Don all nnd Wm., pardoD, 01558, 6570. O'Dymce. Dermot (O'Demp.,,), pMdoD, 041. O'Dynne, Mn.w'il.!o, pardon,l9. Q'Dyrc. Danell, pa.rdon, GIHG. O'D yrrciloc, MOl'ish, pardon, G100. O'Dy"oy - D:p'oye - Dywoie - Dyw}r, perEons of the D...1.WO p~u'doned 170, an, 2348, ·U 5n, CEconomus of S. Finbru:'s, Cork, 802. O'Eger, Owen, pardOD, 4559. O'Eghertic, J am es, pa.rdOD, 6560. O'Egyn, Cale, pardon, 6232., James macOwen, pardOD, 858. O'Eneo.ntic, 'Vlll., IXLroOD, 6701. O'En ncsc, TIory. pn.rdon, ~33.J . O'Eunosc, ArthlU', pardon, SOIl. O'Enos, Al'~, a nd OtlJCl'S of the pa.rdOlloo, G323. Q'E yfl'ernn.nn, Danagh, par(lan, G180. O'Eync, Tha.dy, pa rdon, 1341. O'Faa., Gerald, pardon, 18G8. Q', Dermot and Donogb, pardon, 6511. O'Fagh, T eig, pl.rdOD, 20G1. O'Fa.gWc, persons of the nn-me pardoned, 0<18, 0400, 6m, G560, 0700. O'Faghnie, pel'sons of the Dame pardoDed. G:iOG, G334. O'Pnghny, Gillul'new, gmnt of, 5100. O'li'nghr. W01., pardOD,5-J76. O'Fagil'tye, Shane, paruon, 1035. 0 ' - l"ah::l.D, persons of the name pnrdonea, G6l8. O'F ahc. Gilleduf nnd Danagh, pardoD, 2078, GIM. O'Fahec, Engenc, pn.rdOD, a011. O'Fabia - Fabblo - F abl. See O'Fally. O'Fahiu, Dermot, pa.rdon, 6018. Q'F alc, ShaDe, pardon, 4881. O'F aill, Rory, pudOD, 06&0. O'Fuby - Fable - Fo.hl - F"bble : Cornelius, priest, pLl.rdnD, 4140, 4724. Edm. (of L is3Udill), prudOD, lS176. Sbane (of PoblewintCl'! ahy), pardon, 5.228, Th')" ejerk, pard on , 0583. Olihers ;"t_ he name pardoneu, 2498, 81M, 38.21, 4070-81, 4140, 45n , 4630, Ot07, 0521, 6532, 65G', G704, 6706,6755: O'Fo.ln.n, Conal", pn.rdon, 0455. O'Fnlben, Tail:, pa,.don, 5118. O', Doucll and Philip, pardon, €i5G\}. oralie. Sec Orr"ly. O'Falif, Auloy. pnruoD, 5221l. O'Fn.l1u.n, Sec O'Fa.llon. O'Ftl,Uoui!l.eca.n , Finin , pardon, 65130. O'Fu.Ucwe. Aulill'. pn.rdoD, 6516. O'F~tlli(l - Fa.lllvie,, pardon, G1SS. O'Fa.lio, So we, pardon, 610G. O'Fallon - Fallone - Fallan - Falon : Congh, gra n t of lll.nd, 3382" pa.rdon, 9720 i livery to h eir, MS:!. Edm., lea,scs, l OGO, :H02, 3-141. 5454. Ucdmund, pU,l'dOD,3 7.29, :iSSS ; livery, 6-182. othCl-S of the nama pn.l'doDcd, 3129, 31:'in, 5952, 4100, 4180, 4B74, 6458, M86, 6747, 5815, 0100, GllO, 0152, 63BO, 61·10, 6514, 600i). country of, 1-165, 3410. grange of (co. Rose,), 1-i55, 31GO, 3-110. mills of, a.t Athlone, 1M2, 6110. O'Fo.Uo w - FruIowc, Teig t~D.d rrho., pardon, 4700, 0260. O'Fl\UOWUO, 1\Iol'ogh, p:trdon, 1G84. O'li'allwc, Donogho, prudan, 4532. O'FaUy - Failye, persons of the nama IJ:.U'doned, 50 70, 4.51G, 4889. O'Fa.lon, Mclu.ghl1u, l)a.rdon, 5490. O'Falvo, p Ol sons or tho nl\ DlO p'J..ruou(!d., 2941, 0·160 . Q'Ftl.l vie, COllaT, pa.l'dOD, G183. O'li'u.IvV. Awl)' , pJ.ruon, 4G77. O'Fa ly, Morogho, pa.rdon, 404.2. O'FantLnO, Dan iel, p rudon, ·.J,702. O'F u.ninge, Conar, p:lJ.'dOD, 6453. O'Fauy, MOl't.agh, pm-dOll, 4000. O'Fnl'u.1l-Fn.I'C;)ll. Sec O'Fel'rall. O'F n.rounno, Fordorgh and Pat r., pmuoD, &i80. O'Fal'Cslc, Jame.'i. pm'doD, 6484. O'Fn.r gol'itO, Slmuo, pn.r{lOD, 6:i1G. Q'Fm'b'Uf, Hugh, pn.l'UOn. ·1028. O'Fal'hy, Owny, pardon, iHilO. O'Fmioll, Fay, pardon, 5 ~a2 . O'Fu.rilio, rrolg, pa.ruon, 4016. O'F I>rill. Sec O'Fonu.u. O'!i'u,rlu, HCD1'Y, paruoD, 3822, O'.E'a.l'Dn.nc1 Ellul., 29GB. O'Furoll. Sec O'Ferl'1ill. O'Furmbwy, bl>1f hundred of (lying cblefly along north of Tl'wee Bay), co. Kerry, 60tS. KEEPER OF THE PUBLIO REOORDS IN mELAND. · 657 INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZAIlETH. O'Farmell. David, pardon, 6624. O'Farragher, Johu, pa.rdon, 6-100. O'Fnrraill,, pardon, 5140. O'Fo.rraU. Sec Q'FerraJI. O'Farran, Brian and Felim, pn.rdOll, M8S. O'Fn.rroll See O'FerrlLll. O'Farrely. T eig, 8089. Q', Nettl, pardon, 6484. Sec Q' O'Farrill See O'Ferrall. O'Fa.rtis, OweD nnd OOD, pardon. M69,584S. O'Farroll-Fo.rrole. Sec Q'Ferrall. Q'Ftll'l'olld, James, pardon, Uti1. O'Farry, Melaihlin, pardon, .5798. O'Flll'rlly, Philip, p n.rdon, 1:i50. O'Farys, James, pn.rdOD, 818. Q'Fa.she, Owen, pardon,1G13. O'Fa.nghy, Teig, pardon, S009. O'Fay, Wm., pa.rdon, 4080. O'Fu.:ye, Owen, pal'dOD,4G75. O'Fa.yerty. Donogh, pa.rclon, 6200. O'Feaghc, Wm., pardon, 6106. Q'Feaghie, John anu Teig, pardon, 64G6.6623. O'Fcn.hine, Teig, pardon, (i499. O'Fea.lan, MemghliD, and Hen l'Y, pn.rdon, S84S, 6624O'Feanigh..'\D, Wm., pn.rdOD, 6<197. O'Fearisie, Dermot, pardon, 8497. Q'F earnmy. DODchie, pll.l'don, 6662. O'Fearry,ru:el,ghlin a.nd Dansleive, pa.rdan, I5liD7,6805. O'Fearr},s6, Oonor, prtruOD, 5S0li. Q'Fcaray, Moriertagh, pardon, 5805. O'Fe:1l'Ysa, Fearregher, pardon, 5S05. O'Fegan, persons of the D3JD.O pardoned, 2112,6616. O'Fegert-Fegerte, DoneU a.nd Donogh, par- O'Fenaghtle, Danell, pn.rdon, 4752. O'Feno.n-, persons of the na.m.e pardoned, 2tl17, 4198. O'Fencgbty, Oonohor, pardon, 4147. O'FeneganB, Donel!, pardon, G577. O'Fenelan-Fenelane, persons of t.he name p£Lrdanoo,41C3.6108. O'Fonell,J)ermot, pardon, 1617. O'Fenellio, Wm., pardon, 6309. O', Oonoghor, purdon, 5802. O'Fennaght, Oonoghor, pa.rdOD, 3441. O'Fcnnan, persons of the nnme pardoned, 6200,6633, C600. O'Fcnnelane, Donogh, pardon, 2139. O'Penncll, Thncly, pa.rdon, 3376. O'FenneD, Teig, pardon, 245S. .. O'Feoghcrtio, Mola.ghlin, pardon, 18GO. O'Feoln.D, Donogh, pardon, 1114, O', Edm., pardon, 0471. O'Faoro, Wm., pardon, 8343. O'Feover, Conor, pa.rdon, 0583. O'F~mile - Fernill - Fcra.ll - Feral. See O'Formll. O'Fel'gerti, Philip, pardon, 2065. Q'Fel'na.n, persoDS of the name pardoned, 1l0~, 2066, aS86, 6529. O'Ferall See O'Farmll O'Ferown, Gorrott, pardon, 6419. O'Ferm, Wm I po.rdOll, 4140. O', Wm., pardon, 6232. O'Ferraill,, p::Ll'doD, 6374. O'FerrLill-Fo.rn.ll- Fal'ell-Farill- FarollFarrall-FarreU-Fll.rrill-Fo.rrole-Far roll - Fcraile-Fera.ill - Fel'oJ.l-Feroll-Fel'ral- Ferrell-Ferrall : Brian: O'Fermll Boy, captain of don, l1S4. Q'Fegcrty, Donogh, pardon, 11M. O'Fegby. Owin, pardon, '31563. Q'Fehio, Teig. pardoo, 6198. O'Feighrnie, Canoghor, pardoD, G699. O'Feio, Calla, pardOD, MIl. O'Falaine." pardon, 6775. O', persons of t he name pardoned, 950,1044-6,1116, 1510, 2146, 8862,4030, -illO, 4.699, 15578, 1ili~5, 6110, 645B, 6476, 6484, 6639, 6~83. O'Felima (or Felune), DalllLld, English liberty, 1181. O'FellaD, persons of tho name pn.rdoned, 2512, 2541, S060. O'Fcllon, Tho., pardoD, 6624. O'Felome. JOhD, pardon, 1889. O'Felowe, ThO., pardon, 2746. O'Felune, D alllLld, English liberty,1181. O'Fenaghe, Morogh and Shane, pardon, 4141. O'Fenaght, Canar and T aig. p£Lrdan, 6{oa. his country of Moyvra vjn in .. Annaly, 1100; dead, 1311. Brian, son of Faghncy O'F., pardon, 2801, 2381 i vice seneschal of, cmos, Brmn roe (of, attainted, 6840. Co.rbry m'Lysngll, ntt:J.!nled, 540<. Oonnell, seneschaJ. of Slaught WilliD..m, 2152. Conoke m'Ketlngh, senescha.l of Sleight William, 625~. Conwook macHubert, captain ot OIo.nconor, 1291, 1605. Cormac m'Ge1fry. murder of, 117-7. Cormack, attainted, :1716. OOlmuck m'Rory, ln.te captain of Co.ll£Lgh, 206. DaDlLgh, o.tta.inted, ~404. Donell avaughery-ovoghB!Ye or omo.ghery (SOIl of Fa.ghney), ohief Borjeant of O'F.·s 2x2 658 APPENDIX TO TWJINTr-!I!lOOND REPORT OJ' THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZl,JlETH. O'Fermll : country, I B!}!; sheriff of Longtord, como., 1863; s6neschnl at O'F. Dane's country. 2520 ; pl1I'- O'Ferrall, Kedltgh , his lands granted, 55.5. Lisngh mac Hubert, captain 01 Clancon or, 1221. mac Kcdngh, seneschal of don, 1447, 2802, 2381; h is murder SBo-i, 3555; wardship and livery S1a.ghtwilliam, 41R3 i sh eriff of Longford, comn., 6121. of bis son and heir (James), Morogh or MorJr, mnds held by 6077, 5429. t h o heir s of, 3~6.1401, M99, 5S32. MOl'Ogh m'Oon wick, pardoD,2648 i Edm., SOD of, wardship, 5050. Faghna (brot her of Brian) : Q'Ferroll Boy . chief of h is nam e, captaiu of his country, 1311 i surrender (Lnd r egrant of his ~se3sions, tiOGS, 6091 i COlllmlssioD, 5121 ; Ws SODS, StiGG. F agbon m'Gillcrncw (of R athcline), pardon, 3719, 005S. Faghneym'Teig; O'F. Bane, mad e cn.ptain of his country of O1antane in the AnIllLly, 1110; pn.r- don, !l301, ~3 81 ; his successor, 2520. Fergus or F erris m 'Bria.n (of BtlllIntubber a.nd Tan elick), sh ariff of Longford, 1798 ; pardon, 101·H , Slil, 3568, 6564 i commissions, 1GG!, 2143,5121. Geoffrey oge, co.ptain of country of Callagh, 20G. the Gerald or Garrot t , peDsioD, 6812, 6009. Gorald m~Hubert boy, pardon, S141 i attainted, 8439, 6160, MIll. Gerald m 'Rosae, attainted, :i(j4~. Gerald m'Tei ~ age, wardship, 53 30. Gerro t, killed, 3728. Gillernew m 'Fagbney (of Rnth cline), pardon, 57HI i ch ief of Callae, grant of h is buds, 5190. Hubert m'Lisagh, pardon, GIHlS, G658, GOGl. Hu gh, slaio, 4948. H ugll dufl', attn.lnted, li826. Iriel (of MarDin), son of Faghna. O'F. Boy, sherill of co. INngford,291S,40lSB, Gl OB i pn.rdOD,2ll15, 5820, 4980 j license of nJ.ienatioD, 3666, 4866 i 1eas8 4.8G5 i commil:)sian, 4058, U27 j p a rdon to his followers, 610B. !riel m~Gillerno w, pa.rdon, 8719, M86. !riel m'Wm., soneschnJ. of Olanconor, (j578. Ja.mes, son of Donell ovaghery, wardship and livery, 6077, 64.2ll. John, captain 01 Sieightwilllam O'Ferrall, lTO~. attainted,6646. Morogh m'Tcig, seneschal of Clan- n.wlie, 53G6. Mortagh, attainted, MO<Moylaghlin. at tainted, 5545. Owen , atf.c.'tiuted, 640-!, u545. Rary, sheriff of Longford, 2952 i son of O'F. Boy , aliGG. Rory (o! DrumhogWy), pnrdon, 4·122. R Ol'Y m'Dollogh, pa.rdon, 814.1 j,aintcd, 610·:t Shane m 'Dooogh, uttainted,li4.04. Shane m'Til'l'c]ugh, wo.rdship, 63S5. T ei g oge, son of Fngbncy O'F. DUone, pardon, n01, .2381; a.p-pointed mniatofClan tane,2973 i wQ.l'dship of his heir, li336. Teig boy m'Hubert, Chief sergca.nt nnd captain of CIancono!, 1(305 ; pardon, 20Sll, 3771. Tc1g m 'Ja.mee. atta.inted, 5930. Tho., vicar of Mayne, pardon, 88S1. Tho., of, G081. Til'lagh m 'Breyn, wnrdship of hiB h eir, tsS3:S. Til'liLgh m'Kcdagh, seneschal of SlItghtwilliam, 2190 ; pardon, 6B88. 'l'M a gh m'Owen, attainted, MO. ; pardon, 0699. Til'lagh m'William reigh, pardOD, 3141 i wn.rdship of his h eir, 5050. Tirrell, lands of, in co. KUd., 6033. Willia.m m no Donall: O'F. Ba Do, 3855 ; s urronder a.nd regrant of his posscsBions, mission, 5121. 50G~,l510r i com- others of the name pnrdoned, 10, lill, 432, 616, 788, 1'149, 1126, 1171, 1289, 14411-1, 1502, 1710,1798, 2033, ~038, ~630, 2069, ~~215, .2BS1, 2~9, ~694-6. 2750, .2918, !l980, 3141, m8, 8846, 3421, SliOl, 8606, 5MB, 8697, 8111, 8119, 8168. 3111, 5794, 580!, 88.22, 88.20, S86S, 8865, 5886, 8918, 89U, 89;19, 89", 8960, 4018, 4080. ltlllJllPER Oll' TEm PUBT.tO RmOORDS IN IRELA.ND. 6119 INDEX TO FlANTS.- ELIZABETH. O'FerrnJI : 4.018,4163, (293, 4302-3, 4697 I 4.690, 4702, 4140, 4194, 4801, 4835, 4874, 4915, 4924, 4934, 40BO, fi142, 5228, 5814, 5398, 6466, 6624, 6M2, 6661, 4418, 418a, 4887, 5000, 5480, 6654, 4422, 4186, 4802, :lIsa, 6462, 3m, OffGne (co. Leit. 1), 3227. Offayl.. Sec O.f!aly. Official, exempted from serving on juries, G~n; removed for inemciency, Sri26 j neglects office for three years, 4088 i depl'ivedfor m isbehavioUT,G746 i in rebellion. 6276, 6286. 6686, 6740, 6788, 6808, 6888, G108, amcin.! hours-a. flant delivered about 8 a.m., 6189, 6191, 6232, 6266, 6280, 6306, 0185. 6509, 6z)23, 638S, 6380, 6401, 6406, to oath of supremacy, G831 : 64.09, 6152, 6430, 64liO, 841H1, 6461, noi to be deprived of office without suf6464, 6406, 6499, 6500, 6612, 6511, ftci~nt cause proved, 4188, 4.260, 4916, 6983. 6522,6525,6532-6, 6550, G5G2, 65G6, Offiyny (Loyny 1), barony of, co. Sligo, 15865. 6674,6517, GOlli, 6648, 6657-8, 6660-2, O'FilLgh, Wm., pardon, 0305. 660S, 6699, 6121, 61GB, 6772, 6115, Q'Fiaghny, Dermot, pardon, 5816. 6777, 6780. Q'Fiaghy. Tho., pardon, 676', Sce O'F"Fo.ghney, William. O'Fian, Dermot and Wm., pardon, GISGG, 6106. country ot, 3U" 1401, 1004, Q'FlaIl!1ghta., Oonchor. pa.rdon, ~li94:. 1680, 2520, 3582, 5232. O'Fidnngh, Teig, pardon, 6615. O'Ferrall Boy. Sec O'F., Brinn , F nghnn. Q'Fiecba., persona of the name pardoned, t itle abolish ed, 6091. 2274-6. country of. 1053, 1151, 5582, O'Fiegh..'lo, Wm., pardon, 6582. 4116, 50!l1, 5160, 5252. O'FiegWdie, John. p a.rdon, 8165. O'Fcrrolls - O'FerrolB, composition rent O'Fieghie, Teig, pardon, 6461, 0466. by, 3682. O'Fieghny, Hugh, pardon, 4.036. Q'Fiellagh, Cahill, pardon, 0058. O'FerroJ.lD., Redm., p ardou, 4HO. O'Ferran, Brian, po.rdon, 18. Q'Fielly or Flld, Dermot and Owen, pardon, 01421. O'Ferrayle, persons at the nama (8 described O'Fierhie, CnoghoT, pardon, C51L as pipers) pardoned (co. Wex., 1) 6317. O'Fieric, persons of the nam e pardoned, O'Ferrele, Rich.. pardon, 6122. O'Ferrey, Brjan, p o.rdon, 5740. 4780, 0674. O'Figerty, Colagh, pardon, 4S20. O'Ferris, , pa.rdon, 15459. O'Fihel. Thomas. See LeigWin, bishop. O'Ferroll. See O'Forrall. Q'Fihilic, Rory, p ardOD, 5421. O'Ferrowle, James, pa.rdoD, 3411. Q'Fihillie, Dermot, pa.rdoD, 5535. O'Feura, Brian and Wm., p Ool'don, 1818. O'Fihily or Filde. OweD, pa.rdon, 4416. O'Fewre, Gill.patrick, pardon, 6802. O'Feye, persOIl3 of the name pardoDed, O'Fihylly, Wm., pardon, 5808. 6483. Q'Filla, Filagh , pardon, 5881. O'Filla.n, Ferrall. pa.r don, 4810. O'Feylaghan,, pardon, 896. O'FilJ.a,ne, Bren, pardon, 6514. O.f!aley-OffnJIe. Sec Off"Jy. O'Fimie, Othnie, pardon, 662L 01fallon in Upperossol'Y, 6162. Olfaly-OfnJIe--O.f!aley-Offalie-OffnJley- O'FimilaiD, Dnvid, po.rdon,li805. Offayle - Ophalie - OphnJIey- O'Fin, Dermod, pa.rdOD,66GS. OphaUi.- Oph oJy, 08, 70, 19B, 264, O'Finano-Finan, p ersons of the name par.. doned,l04.8. 4193, 61.21, 6699. 84.5, 362, 574, 788, 2208, 2810, 4308, 6151, 60S1 , 8MI, 0126 j 'lordship, 286 j O'Finegan, Donogh, pa.rdon, G568. fo.rmed into King'S co., 6186 i mar- O'Finemnc, Tho., pfl,l"don, 6511. O'Fiuen -Finin, Tho. o.nd Owen, pardon, t ia.llaw in, 82, 69, 95S, 6~20. lieutenant of, 2843, 4044, 6186. 428, 6408. O'Pinisey, Tho., pardon, 6614:. seneschal of, B8eo. O'Finn-Finne, Sha ne and Dermot, pardon, governor of forces in, 0462. for t of, lieutenant of, 4, 16, fi90, 3954, _ 5449, 6200. O'Piny, Teig, pardon, 34S2. 4044. Q'Finy"n.n, J ohn, pr iest, pardoD, 2269. victualler of, S186. O'Connors at , exceptcd from par- O'Finyn, Thady, pardon, 4639. Q'Fiorie. Onogher, pardon, 6461. don, 6~31, enl, 6661. barony 01, i n co. Kildare. See Aphnly O'Firrie, Tirlagh, pardon, '607. O'Flaertie-Flaerty. See O'Flaherty, 6803. O'FlagMvane, Sa O'FlaMVlID. baron 01 (8ee Kildare, earl of),102. . 660 APPENDIX TO TWENTY-SECOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZABETH. O'Flaghery, John, p",rdon, 0510. Q'Fln.ghevan. Sec O'Fln.haVim. O'Fla.ghie, Pn.din amI Donall, pl1,rdOD, 6541, G615. O'Fl1.ghiu, Wm., pardon, 6620. O', Teig, pardon, 6177" O'Flahane, Philip, 3180. O', Mnrgaret, pardon, 5452. O' -- Fl.a.hevan - O'Fla.hevn.n - - Fln.howa.n. See O'Flabavm\. O'Fla.hio, Donogho, pn.rdon, 0742. O'Fln,hifi',, pardon, lin2. O'Fll1inc, Taig, pm'don, GliGO, O'Fln.ingclyc, Donoll, pardon, 4120. O'Fln.myle, John, pardon, 4731. O'Flana.gan - Fln.nn.gaine - Fbuagane _ Flanagyno - FhLnegnn - - Flnnogane - FJ.n.gbevan-Flahevune -Fln.hewo.n, persons of the name 1)3.rdoncd, 2213, 2336,3082, Flannego.ine -FJanmgan-Fln.nnogan- Fla.nnega.1J - 5MB, 3598, 4496, 4873. liG88, 64.85, 6404, 6516, 6529, GliGG, 6623. O'!'Jn.bert:>, Eory, pardon, 4753. FID.llygn.n: O'FJn.herty-FJn.hertie-FJn.ertie-FI Ml'tyFJn.rety - Fmrto - Flartio Flarty: Hugh, n.ttainted, 6711. Owen m'Dow(11tagh Oonnaght,,1426. Donell crOD, pn.rdOD, 251.2, 40~B, 4BSI, Donall in coggie, proposed surronder, 59\18 i daughter of, 5800, Danoll mlRary, pardoD, 4-114, 4008, 5.2.28. Morogh n e doem'Teig (knight), of 1ar Conaght, 1426 ; po,rdon, 1428, 2573, 3115, 4028, 4098, li518 j commission, SOGr, 4745 j surrender a.nd regrn.n t 663G, 6563, 6018, 6029, 6666·7, 0771. country of (in co, Roscommon), 5161, 15539, 5826. O'Flanagbn.n - Fla.negbnu, persons of the R01'Y ,beogb, 'on of Morogh ne name pardoned, 4667, M{)O, 6538, 6550, doe. pa.rdon, 257S, 4028, 4698, 6619 j Mr. Roger, pardon n.t suit of, 42~9, Teig m'Morogh, pardon, 2579, 4608 i smin in robellion , tiB06, 5B7B. O'Flnnagyne. Sec O'Fla.naga.n. O'Fln.D.i.1.wgha.D, Donogb, pat'don, 4141. Teig age (af Ahinure), pm'don, 4028,5228 i in rebellion, ~B65. Teig ne bully, pardon, 4B05, 580~. others of the pardoned, 1428, 1806, 2572-3, anti, 4028, 41585,4698, 4707, 4781, 480ti, 4856, 15119,5228, 5510, ti800, 5802, 5808, 6809, 6519, 0529, 0669. country of, 12a8, Ili81, 9463, 8406, n~l, 5DOI. Blught Eory roe, territories 01, ·5866. (o! Ru.throe), pardon, 8879, 4032, ·H180 j attainted, 6 8~O. Owe n gmn, a.ttain ted , 6826. Redmund. Sec Flo.ncgane. others of the (in co, Rose.), p..'l.rdoned, 1200, 3763-4,3810, 40i4-1, 4240,4566, 4102, (HO!), 4872, ·i9BO, 6009, 6112, 1i198, 51n2, 6524, 6611, 5G16, /)682, 1):802, 580B. persons of the nn,me in co, Glare pardoned, 3071,458G, 4153, 5885,6188, 6562,6617. parsons of the in other distriots, p n.rdoned, 59,931, 4.031, 5442, li450, IHilSl, 6116, 5783, 5805, 6323, 6488, &1512, Donald crone, captain of lar of his possessions, 1S120-1 i his sons, 2573, 5510. Morogh nn. moyre, . son of Daneli in coggic and Grany ny MaJy, pardon, ri119, 6800, COOS; proposeli surrender, 5D4B. Fl'Luigan _ F1n.nigane - _ Q'Flo.Dohy , Mahown, pa.rdon, 6562. O'Flo.nechio, Teig, pardon, fi682. O'Fmnognn - Flnnegaino - FJn.negane. Set O'FmMgnn. O'Flanogbo.n. See O'FI(1D(1ghan. O'Fln.ngaD, persons of the nanle pa.rdoned, 2672, ali01, 5486,6661. O'F1:::mger, Wm., pardoD, 4608. O'Flo.nhill, Dormod and Tbady, pardon, 6450. O'Flnnigag(1n [ ], pardon, 5602. O'Flanign.n-Flanigane. See Q'FIn.nagn.n. O'Fln.uill, Manus, priest, pn.rdOll, 5108, O'Flanmore, Dermot, attn.illted, 6159. Q'FlallUo.gaga.ll, Hugh, pro'don, flG02. O', MelaghliD, pardon, 4691. O'Flannagn.n-Flu.nnegan. Sen O'Flo.nagan.. O'Fla.nneghan, Oormocka.nd r:3hane, pardon, 6598. KEEPER OF THE PUBLTC RECORDS IN IRELAND. 661 INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZAJlETH. O'FIn.nnelly - Fl'Lnnellie, persona of the ruLme pardonecl,15848. Q'FlLLnnomgh, Brian. pardon, :;805. Q'Fln.nniga.n-Fl1.nnogan. Sec O' O'Flannar, DCl1l10d, n.ttaint.ec1, 5950. O'Fla.nnorne, Wm" pm'don, 4098. O'F'hnny ga.n. See Q'Fhn!1.gan. Q'FJannylL.'1., Dormot crone, pardon, 68015. O'Flnyn, persons of the pa,rdoned, IOU, 1M3, fl581, 6476, G-.199. O'Flwin, David, pardon , 2275. O'Flwyn, pm'sons of the pardoned, ~2C 4, 4907, G·109. O'Flyin, el, po.rdOD, 4GOO. O'Flyn-Flin- FI\'Dn-FlynDe: Thomas (of, attainted, O'ThnoI', Rary, pardon, 5401. 0'Flanor1, Connor, pn.rdon, 5815. Q'Flanura, Wm., pardon, -1,12>1. O'Fl:lnnmgh. Molaghlin, p:l.rdon, 5805. O'Fhn:ygan. St'e Q'FlanngaD. Q'F1....nyiln., persons of tho pardoned, 5801. O'Fln.rty-Flal'te - FJn.rLie - Flal'ety. See O'Flaherty. O'Fla.tere. FeraJ.1, paruOD, 6550. O'Fl'1.terie-Fln.tery- Fll1trye -'1.ttery. persons of tho name pn.rdoned, 65S5, GH4, 0618. O'Fla.terJes count.rr. See Q'Fhberty. O'Flatery, Morogh ne do (sea Q'F.ln.horty). 3661. O'F13thirta., Donogho, p~rdon, 4004O'Platrye. Sec O·Flaterie. O'Fln.ttelne, MW', pa.rdon, 0507. O'FlatterY- Fiatteric. Sec O'Flaterie. O'Fla.ugb, Dermot a nd Donogb, pardon, 4944. O'FIavan- Flavanc, p ersons of the name pardoned, 4100, 4111, 6610, (USSO, 6583. O'Fln.yne, persons of the pardoned, 4418, 4422, 4090. m 1. O'Flaynn, Moriah, pardon, 6649. O', John, pardon, 935. O'Pleine, Da.ltiel and Teig, pQ,l'don, 6529. O'¥Ien, Donke n.nd Matthew, pardon, 2778, 4031. O'Flenaga n , Mclaghlin, pardon, 4240. O'Flene, Owen and Knoghor, p:udon, 016, 5615. O'Fleyne, DOllel!, 4162. Q'Flim, Cn.hill and Donell, pn.rdon, MS4. O'Flin. See O'Flyn. O'Fllne, persons of t he name pardoned, a900, ~39. O'Flinge, persons of the p a.rdoned, 6516. Q'Floime, Dormod, pru'don, 6668. O'Floin.. See O'FloYDe. O'FloiDge, Tho., pardon, 6649. O'Floyne-Floine-Floyn-Flo!n : Oonor, in Kells, 868. others of tbe name pardoned, V36-1, 071, l04G, 2336, 2028, 4152, 4491, 4932, IlS02, 6309, 6499, 6505, 611lHl, a668, 6618, am ..., 6182. OIFlun, Owen, pardon, ~:587. 52611. others of tho p:lJ'doued, 331, 2006, 2241, 2245, 2~77, 3MB, 4075, 1240, ~458 2, 4598, 4600, 4708, 4812, 5442, 5611, 5610, 5777, 5192, 5100, 5802, 580S, 15815, 6230, 6441, 6496, 64.99, 65S9, 6549, 6658, 6562, 6566, 6624, 6699, G101, 6712, 616~, O'Fl ync, pet'SOng of the pa.rdoned, 3095, S101, 154-1, 4771, 6616, li618, 6500, 6617. O'Flynn-Flynne. Sec O'Flyn. Q'Foedy, WIn, po.rdoD, 5798. O'Foelau, Shane, pa,rdon, 2722. O', Donogh and Morris, pa,rdon, 8534, 6568. Q', MorriS, pa.rdon, 4778. O'Foely, Shane, pardon, 6511. O'Fogartie. Sec O'Fogertie. O'Fogord, Cogh, pardon, 2035. O'FOgOlte, Wm., a. rabel, 232. O'Fogertie- Fogartie-Fogcrtr-FOg1l'tio Fo6 ortie-Fogol't,tie ; DoneU grany,ttttainteu, G169. Molagblin, slain in rerellion, 20'14, 3866, 4717, 5682, 15808, 6533, 6S15, 585-1. others of the name pardoned, 1865, 1889-90, 19S5, 2042, 2066, ~231, 3155, 4659, 4787, 5028, 6144, 5211, 6170, 6440, 6:534, 6583, G6~S. O'Fogierte, Donen, pa.rdon, 1884. O'Fogiriio. Sec O'Fogertie. O'Fogorte, Smnc, pardon, 6100. O' Fogortie. Sce.O'Fogeriie. O'Fogoroo, Edm., pa.rdon, 6106. O·Fogorttie. Sec O'Fogertie. O'Fohmne, John, pardon, 476·1. O'Folan, persons ' of th2 pardoned, 3545, 3a!l1, 3928, 6249,6453. II conntry of, co, Rose., alGO. O'Folane, peTdOIlB of the name pardoned, 10,2067. o F< l eghe, Gillpo.trick, pardoD, OMi. O'Fol.lo.n, parsons of tbe nnme pa.rdoned, 6381. O'Folleghe, Hugh, pardon, 6~7, O'Foille, Hugh, pardon, 6309. O'Foillgh, Wm., pardon, Ml28. O'Follow-Followe- Folowe, persons of the pardoned. 3S64, 4880, 6566, 6624. 6682. O'FoUy, Wm., pardon, 6S09. 662 A:PPENDIX TO TWENTY-SEOOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTB.-ELlZADETH. Q'Folowe. Sell O'Follow. O'Foodie, Teig, pardon, 6102. Q', p J l'SOIl3 of tho nama pn.l'doncu, 47H. O'Poran-Forano, porsou3 of th o IllLmo pa.rdoned, 330,1024, 0274. Q'Fordhane, Shallo, pardOD, 6620. Q'Forehnn, Donoll nnd Edm., partIoD, 0529. O'Fol'enn.n, Bren and Donogho, pardon, 6489. O'F orfnyo, Gillpo.trick, pardon, 6114- Q'Forgorhie, Conor, pardon, 6.516. O'Fol' - Forhn.en - FOl'ha.n, parsons of the name pardoned, 2335, 2011, 6520. Q'Fornan, Edm. and Johu, pardoD, 151569, O'Fong-herty, Rorio, P:lrdOD, G5SS. O'Foullowe. Sec O'Fowlo. O'Foulve. Sec O'Fowlwe. O'Foulobnn, Edm., _don, 0539. O'Fouloo-Foulowe. Sec O'Fowlo. O'Foulwe. See O'Fowlwo. O'FowIa., John, pardon, 3508. O'F owmm, Rich .. pa.rdon,l00G. O'Fowlan-Fowlane, persons of the name pardoned, 18&1, 4113, 6Ul1. O'Fowlant, Wm., pa.l'don, 6211. O'Fowle, Teig, pardon, 1769. O'Fowlo-Foullowe - Fouloo - Foulowe Fowlloe - Fowllow - Fowloo- Fowlo\VFowIna, 'persona of the name pardoned, fil , 2272-3, 233fj-(j, 2481,4115, 4<192, 4496, 4676. 4113-4,0:4(;0.11:531, 617S, 6180. 6411, 6605, 0622. 6629, 65S2, 6555, 0666, 6669. 6li7l, 6516. G1Sli. O'Fowlwe-Foullve-Foulwe. persons of t he . name po.rdoned, MGT. 6Gl1. O'FowIwo. Edm., oJiaa Farshinge, po.rdon, 640G. O'Fowly, John, pn.rdoD, 0521. O'Fowra n-FowranB, persona of the name pardoned, 2606, 3639, 44.61, tlMO. O'Fowre, Donor, pa.rdoD, 4361. O'Foylan-Foyhne, persons of t h e Dame pardoned, 2606, 6266, 6309, 6515. Q'Fremelan, Geoffrey, pardon, 644.0. O-Freney, David, pa.rdon, 3165. O'F.rinn.ghty, CODor, pardon, 61116. O', DoneU, pa.rdon, 1160a. O'Fryle, Clement and Hugh, po.rdon, 6161. O'Fuarayne, Donogho, pa.rdon, 8100. O'Fuathane, Teig, pardon, 154.68. O'Fnar, Edm, and TiboJd, pardon, ~911. O'Fnery, Brian, pardon, 5816. O'Fulln.n-Fullane, persona of t he name pardoned, ~226, G 4a~. O'FnllvB, Dermod, pardon, 64G1. O'Fuorhan . T eig, pa.rdon, 6461. O'Fure, Wm. a nd Tho., pardon, 2182,111111 . O'Fnrla. Se. O'Fnry Q'Furlllie-F urielli, Danel! and Teig, par... don, 0603. O'Furrio - Furry, Neal a.nd Gillpatric~ pa.l'UOD, 6150, 6512. O'Fury-Fude-Fwl'Y, per.3011S of th e name pn.rdonod, 3822, 4130, G2GG, 6<160, 6483, 6512, 0533. O'Fwoloo, Dermod , pardon, 6511. O'Fwol'o.n, Sh, pru-dOD, 6499. O'Fwol'ho.n, OnoghoT, pardon, 6401. O'Fworishl', Oormack, pardon, 15618. O'Fwry. Sec O'Fury. O'F wylighnne, Hugh, pardoD, 4.624-. O'Fyo.n, Shane and Wm., pardon, 6630, 0765. O'Fyegh, M.orierli..'1,gh, priest, pardon, 6108. O'Fyonoghtio, Teig, pardon, 6400. O'Fyhio, Mahon, po.rdOD, 6161. O'Fyhyo, Mulmory, pru'don, 6101. O'Pylo.n- F yln.n o : Donogh, r imer, pardon, 61501. F ioll a nd Dowgin, p a.rdon, 4240, 6533. Q'Fylloowghe, F ylliagh, p ardoD,4141. O'Fyn, p ersons of t h e name pn.rdoned, 4.001, 4642, 4021,6015,6520, 65G3, 6566. O' t..'l, Morcb...'1" pa.rdon, 2338. O'Fynaghty, Oonor, p ardou, 5805. O' - FyncD, persons of tho name pardoned, 2100, ::;442, 61511. 6509. O'Fyno.ught, Morgh, pm'doD, Ui02. Q'Fyno, Morgh, pll.l"don, 4044. O'Fynee- FynBiLt persous of tho name pa.r.. don ed,10~2 , 1141 . O'Fynegn.n, Shane, pn.rdon, 6563. O'Fyneghan, Tcig, p a rdon, 4303. O'Fyneigh, pardon, S018. O'Fynolln.n, Drien and pardon, 619G, ~BOO. O'Fynen. Sec O'Fynan. O'Fynino, Donagh, 1518. O'Pynn. See Q'Fynna. O'Fynuo.n, T eig and, pa.rdon, -'191, 544~. O'Fynno-Fynn, persons of t ho name pardoned,1tl42, 4702, 64B5, 6576. O'PynnolllLn, P, pardon, 5214, O'Fynningo, Edm., pardon, 616!. O'Fynnom, Conoghor, pardon, 6511. O'Fynnolttn-Fynnolttne,Dermot a nd Morlsh, pn.roOD,151111. O'Fynnull, Edm., pardon, 0:;00. O'Fynnyly, Maurice, surgeon, po.rdon, 394ft O'Fy.nnysic, DOl'mod, pru.'doD, 6101. O'Fynosy-Fynosio, Donoghow a.nd .Philip, 6521, 053~. Q'Fyny, p ersons of t h e name pardoned, 2066, -'01114.81I1,1I43~, 1154~,1I1"O, 6808. O'Fyrno.yn, D onoJd, p &rdon.1060. KEEPER. OF THE PUBLIU REOORDS I N IRELAND. 663 INDEX TO FIANTB.- EL1ZA.BETH. O'Fyrye, Owen, pardoD, lS601. O'Gabao, Shane, pa.rdoD, 4S:;L O'Galchow, GiJlpatrick, pardon, 6640. O'GalCOUl\ persons of the pardoned, 6483. O'Galcow6, persons of the name pardoned, 6761. O'Go.levainB, Teig, pardon, 1834. See a.lso YnJevain. O'Galgan, Wm., pardon, 6305. Q'GaJIn" Danagh, pardon, 65i6. O'GnJJ.s.cowe, Edm., pardon, 6419. O'GnJla.gao, Oonoghor, alias 1lli1.yhin, pardon, 4675. O'G<iJla.gher-GaUqr- Galqr : Art m'Anesbig, pardon, 4914. Owen m'Adcgany, pardon, 4914. Owen m'Shane, pardoD,4914. See also O'Galconr, Q'Galcowe, and 0' GaUohnir. O'ODllavan, Teig, pardon, 29·U . O'Grillchail', Eugenius fla.vus, pardoD, 6602. O'Gnllchoe, Owen, pardon, 6511. O'GaUcowe, Rory, pardon, 6161. O'Gallegan, David, pa.roon, 6524, O'Galleghan, Shane, pardon, 6624. O'Gnlleghowe, Donogho, pardon, SOS2. O'GolIeghure, Brian and Donogh, pardon, O'Go.ra., others of the name pardoned, 4.492. 4.691, 4106, 4826, 5069, 5410, 15484, M98, li5SS, 6601, MIlS, 5682, 574.0, 6848, 6198, 6465, 6461, 6485, 670l. country of, in co. Sligo, 58615. O'Gargan, Murtagh, plll"don, 4716. O'Garie. 8ee O'Gam. O'Garran, porsons of the nam e pardoned, 3878,4241,6555, 6510. O'Garrevey, P h iJlp, pardon, am. O'Garrie-Garry. See O'Gara. O'Ga.rrywan, Teig, pardon, !J~61. O', persons of the name pLU'doned, 2260, 6110, 6465, 6763. See aleo Ylll"Vane. O'Ga.rve, Canaghor, pardon, 6505. O'Go.rvey, Cahill, pardon, 4191. O'Garvie, Edm., pru'don, 8US. O'Garvy, enoghor, pairdon, 8569. O'Garvyne, Engene or Owen, pardon, 2067. O'Garwane, Canoghor and Donogho, Pll'don, 6302. O'Gary--Gn.rye. 8ee O'Ga.r:!.. O'Garyvaigh, Tho" pardon, 6516. O'Gn.rywan, Donald, pnrdon, 225L O'Ga.una.n, Brian, pardon, U14. O'G3.van, Loghlen and Wm., pardon, S081. 6497. Q'Gawan. See O'Gawio. O'Gawenan, Patrick or IFerdorag~ pardon, O'Gn.Uehow, Neal, pardon, 6565. O'Gal!evane, Teig, pardon, 6514.. 4783. O'GaUgan, Donogh and David, pardon, 5016, O'Gawin-Gawen - Gn.mne, persons of the 650•. name pardoned, fiU,S, 5491, 6525, 6551. O'Gawnan, Donagh, English liberty, 29«. O'Galliknre, Doneghy, pardon, 6566. O'Gawne, persons 01 the name pa.rdoned, O'Gallivain, Thady, pardon, 35S5. S617. O'Galloobowe, Eo., po.rdon, 401ll. O'Gawney, Patrick, English libertv, 111. O'GallOgh06, Donogh, po.rdOD, 5456. others of the name p ardo.ed, Ogallohore (Evegalla.hoo 1), co. Lim., 5782. 6478, O'GnJIowkowe, Bary, pardon, 6614. O'GD.wmn, Tho., pardon, 81533. O'GoJJ.qr. Sec O'Gallagher. O'GaUvaine-GnJlvan--Gallvenn-GaUwaine. O'Gayn,Morcha, pardOn, {666. O'GeaJane, Donogh a.nd Melo.ghlin, pardon, 8et O'GoJ.vane. 6816. O'Ga!pen, Shane, pardon, 4811. O'Gea.lghons, Neil, murder of, 13~. O'Galqr. 8.. O'Gallagher. O' - Gallvnne O', Patr" pardon, 5816. -GaIlvenn-GaIlwnine-Galvan-Ga.lwan, O'Gealvane, John, pardon, 6516. persons of the name pardoned, 38!l4, 4.608, O'Genlwa.ine, Teig, pardon, G5SS. O'Geane. Wm., pardon, 6560. W7, MS7, 6461, 6611, Glil1, 61516, 6621. Ogan , Ricard and Ogan m'Rica.rd 1, PIU'- O'Geanie. Dermod, po.roOD, 6505. O'G""ny, Wm., attainted, GU7. dOD,S09L O'Gearia, persons at the name pardoned, See O'Hogan. Ogane, Shivane ny, pardon, 6461, 65fl. 66~4. O'Geblan, Brl&n, pardon, 4.94.4., Ogangagh;' Donogh, pardon, 4:1BO. O'Gegin, p ersons of the name pa.rdoned, O'Ganie, Shane, pardon, 6505. "101, ,(816, 6615, 67615. O'Gam - Garee - Garey - Gari...-.G1l.rr:ieO'Gobin, Donald, pardon, ~3S6. Ga.rry-Gary-Garye: Errill (ofMoy), chief of his name, O'Geigin, J obn and MeJe,ghlin, pardon, !i71, O'Geme, Owen, pa.rdon, eUg, pa.rdon, {10S, 64Ji. 64DD. 664 APP~NDIX TO TWl!IN'i'Y-SEOOND RlDPOltT OF THl!I DlilPUTY INDEX TO FIA1.'TS.-ELIZADETll. O'Gelgan, Douogho, pnrdoD, 362. O'OeUain, Edm., pardon, GG18. O'Gollehllin, DonclI, pa.rdon, tWiS. O'Gemylc, Rory n.nd Shane, pardon, 6161. O'G enor, ShaDe, pardon, GUIO. Q'Gerllno-Gern.n, persous of the name pardoned, 15808, 6498, (021). Q'Gercighan, Donell, po.r dOD, 4130. D'Gerie, persons of the name pn.rdoned, 4476,4495, 6624.. O'Gerigh, Maurice, pardon, 5559. O'Gerle~ Donogh, pn.rdOD, 6135. John and Maurice, pard.oD, D61, O'Gerro~ aooo. Q'Gerye, Shane, p:lrrdOD, 4.G93. Q'Gewregane,, pn.rdon, 6161. O'Geyne, John, pa.rdOD, 6494. Oghelcnc, co. Cav., 4891. OgberoD, Gerold m'Wm. Y. pa.rdoD, S080. Oghery, co. GnL S", Oherio. O.Jhewa.lle - Oghown,Uy (, co. Westm. and Long.). chapel., &0.,0701. Oghil Bog, co. Gal Sr:e Oghylbegge. Oghill (co. Gal. 1), M8G. Oghill (Oghil), co. Kild., 1252. Oghill, co. Man. Sec Ballyoghill. Ogho moore, pm-doD, 610. Oghshercdon, Phellm, pm-don, 6M. Oghtcrtire. (co. Rose. or Lott.), 4Bao. Sec Oug-hterharey. Oghto (co. Kerry 1), 6570. Oghtred (or Ughtred), Hent·y, grant of land, 57B2. Oghva.ile (Nolmrval), co. Kerr y, advowson , GOa4. Oghylbcgge (Oghil Beg, co. GaLl,1GBI. Oghyll, co. Tip., G70a. OgirLny. Wm., pa.rdon, 8039. O'GibboJain, Hugh, pn.rnon, 4070. Q'Gibbc!a,n, Brin.n, pardon, 6887. O'Gibbolln.yne, Moria.~h, pardo11, 4718. Q'Gibbenny, E(lm., hurpcr, pardon, 6121. O'Gibbu!ln.n, Wm., pardon, 580B. Q'Gibleam. M\, }k1.rdoD, rH08. O'Giblcny, Teig, partloD,489:J. O'Gibne, persons ot the pardonod, 711, aa04, 668a. O'Gibney, persons of the nnme pardoned, 87, aa04, a815, G62!. Q'GiarM, ConoT and Donogh, pa1'don, (lii6P. O'Gieroy, Mortogh, pa.rdon, 63U. O'Gigan, Wm., pardon, 54a4. O'Gighine, Oonor, paT<ion, 6477. O'Gihen-Gihine, Da.vid a.nd Wm., pardoD, 6530. O'Gilan, Don cl~ po.rdon, 5475. O'Gilovoy, Neal nnd Til'I"lIb, pardon, 6761. O'Gilgn.n, Dermod, pardOD, 6635. O', Donen, pardon, {lI04. Q', Teig, po,rdon, 6G18. O'GillcgrLU-Giniga.nn-Gi~ygn.yne, persons of tlIc name pn.l'dOllOd, 2729, 4654, 5611, 6848, 6557. O'Gillihinn.n, Mol', 11n.1'doD, ~184. O'Gillihunnc, l't'1ol'iel', po..l'dOD, 0417. O'Gillygn.yne. Sec O'Gillegan. Ogiragh, Dn.vic nnd John, pn.rdoll,6575. O'GL~clmno,II:l"IlIlB, pardon, 6701. . O'Glan1.-y, Owny, pn.rdon, 3844. Q'Glassn.ine, persons of tho name pn.l'doned, 1476,1744, IHOJ. O'Gla.ssn.n-Gl:tssaue-Glassoll, persons of t,h e nnmo pardoned, S041, 45(10, 6470, G407, 65G2, G57~, 6582. O'Gla.qshane, DCl'mod, pardon, G5~9 . Q'Glassnic, Oonoghor, pn.ldon, 6400. O'Gln.ssyn, Tho. and HUl;h, prwdoTI, 230·1,2Ml7. O'Gln.vinc,JohD, pa.rdon, 3036. Q'Gl...... vyn, nIu,urico, pardon, 4101. 0'G10. . . 8SI\,ll, Loghleu, pm'doD, <li'lia. Q'Gloosuno, Donogb, p..'l.l'dOll, 6G62. O'Glcs8..'l.ine, Shane, pardon, GlStEl. O'GUsau-Gli""ne-Glishaue. See O'Gl1s&'l.lle. O'Glishie, Douogho:pnrdon, G704. O'G, psr80ns of the Dame pa.rdoned.469li, 4015, GlSlS-5, 6510, 6522, 6562, G569, G5S3, G7UG, GiG5. O'Glisshon - Glisshin, Hugh boy, pm'doD, 8D50,6551. O'GIiBBiue, Hugh, pardon, 6056. Q'Glissni, Edm. and Moriel·tagh, pru,'dOD, Gaoa. Ogloe, co. RoBe., 6B1B. O'Glusln.ino, David, po.rdou, 6530. O'Glussan, J ohn , pa.rdoD, 6166. O'G!yossan, Loghlen, p.~rcloll, 6G17. O'Glysane, Derlllot, pm'uou, 16G<! i a.ttn.inted, 6854. O', D n.vid, pardon, 456.J.. O'Gl~,'1.n, Donell, pn.rc.lou, GOOO. Ogncifl-Ogueifo - Ogneill'e, persons oC tbe nnmo pM'uoned, 6033. O'Gnyw, persousof tho pn.rclonerl, 6499. O'GOOll, persons of tho nama pn.rdODCd, 6518, 0057, 6G03. O'Gohoryo-Gogherie-Goherie - Gohorigh. parsons of the pELl'doneu, 4535, 6688, 66~J, 6606. O'Gotne, Philip, pn.rdon, 6380. O'Golgo.ue, Donogh, pn.rdon, 10. . O'Gomn.n, l"oruol'gh, pn.rcloD, 3315. O'Gomely,, po.rdOD, 6736. O'Gollughtyn, Conoghor, pardon, 4616. 0 'Gon6, Kll.ll, pa.l'doD, 6155. O'Gonne, Eilm. and Tin-cmgh, pn.rdon, ~699. 0 'Gon06, BrieD, robbery of, 14.8. O', Wm., pardon, :l609. ItE!EPmR 0)', THE! PU BI,IO REOORDS IN IRE!LA.ND. 665 INDEX TO FIANTS.-EUZABETR. O'Grady, Donogh, liver y, 6518. Edmund, pardon, 1106 i livery to his brother, 3518. H enry (o[ Inehcron[Lu), indenhlt'6, O ·Goi"IIl ~c."1n •.Gcra1U, p~l'dOn, &410. O'GOl'Ill..'l.gt1.n. Sec Q ' GOl'lllOg'!l.D. O'Gormalmu, MOl'ish, pa.rclon, 0531. O'Gormo..1y. Cormack, p il,l'don,1i4GB. Q'Gormo.n, persons of tho p~rdoned. 4761. John or (son of sir Denis). grn.nt of hnd, 5943 i pardon, S018, 3.5H, 0415, O'Gormn.D (in Inish owen), lXl.l'dO D, 005.5. O'Gormegan. Set! Q'Gormogan. 8924,4GGB. Sec Bmdy , O'Gormelron. Dermot, pard on . 6115. O'Gormele, Edm" pardo,," 07aa. O'Gormeylc, Monagb, 0152. O'Gormle, T ho., p~L1'don, 6507. O'Gormley-GOl'lllly, p ersons of tho ath9l's of the pardoned, 8S1. 1183, 1341, 1640, 2256, 3078, nn.~c pa.rdoned, 2034, G5Sa, 0135. O'Gormoc.'l.D, Michael, pardon, 6-1-10. O'Gormocba o, Couoghor and Gillcdufr. pard OD, (a7D, 0583. O'Gormock , Donogh, p:lrdon, 0551. O'Garmogam, O weD, P3.1'dOD, 176. Q'Gol'magno - Gormngn.n - GOl'mego.o, 4568, (GDI. 4134, 4181. 4816, 5009, 5146, 5,101, 64:40, 5511.), ISOI4, 5&86, 580S. 6248, 6110, 6419,6481, 6400, 0497, 6505, 0511, GISS8, 655S, 6562, 6582, 0615, 6765. country of, 5232. O'Grady's is1.~nd, co. Clare. 3943, O'Grafry, Dermot, p ardon, G113 . O'Grn.hin, Teig, pa.rdon, GS6!!. O'Graine, J ohn, pa.roon, 64B0. 6886,6248, 6!123,640S, 6482, G4Sa,OSoU, 6577, 6105. O', Ganaghor, pllrdon, 4164:. O'Oarmagc, persons of tho n nme p~rd oned, O'Gmnc, Don ogh, pardon, 2261. 2881, 6S83, 6106. O'Gmnio. John. pardon, 64.61,651 1. Q'Gormoke, persons of tho name p :trdoncd , O'Greadie. Gillemorey, pn.rdon ,6450. 1017, 6551. O'Gredin, Donogh. po.rdoD, 23~J. Q'GormoD, Conor a.nd DODoll, pa.rdon , 4630, O'Greefc, Donali, pardon, 6669. O'Grecfl'a.-Grecttc. See O'Griffa.. 6775 O'Grceuane, 'f eig. p!'\,ruon, 6511. O'Gormooly. Rich., pn.rdon, (j4G8 , O'GormanIa - Garmowlo, paroons of the O'GrelIa. Sec O'Grilfu. name pn.rdoncd, 65GO. Q'Greif:1ne, Doncli, pardon, 6166. O'Gormuu. Philip, pardon, 5606, Q'Grcffen, Tho., pardon, 6689. Q'Gormuliy, Don, p at'dOD, 5685. O'Gl'eghil.n, Urian, pardoD, 1593. O'GormnIy, Philip , p..'1.l'doD, 5815. Q'Greghane, Donell, p u,rdon. 5198. O' Gorn~yle , Hugh, po.rdon, 5 ~68, 'O'GrcS3Y, Donogh, pardoD , 4.888. OgoromUebn.n, barony, co. Cork, 3281. O'Grcyenan, Thlldy, po.rdOD, 6UI~. O'Gornmley, Tirl'dlagh, pardon, 3535. O'Greyna.n, Ca.hill, pardon, 6699. O'Gowe, n.lias Smith, Moriert:.\.gl1, pal'dOD,48G1. O'Grihin, Henry and Owen, p:lrrdon. GGli5. O'Go'Yen-Gowin, p el'Etons of the p a r - O'Gl'itI'a.-Greetta.-GreeIfc-Greffa. -- GrifD.e -Gri jfy-Gripha-Gry1l'~-GryJlle, perSODB d oned, 1147, '4164, 4812, 48n, 4965, 5143, 5192. of the name p a.rdo ned, S011, 4180, 5712, 6459,6500,6563,6657. persons of th e name pn.rdoncd, 1/)71, 4830, O'Gownn.ght, Coochonagbt, pardoD, 5M3. O'Gownan -Gowna ne, pCl'sans of the IUltmc pa.rdan~ 5016, 62 32, 6649. O'Gowne, Philip, English liber ty, 544. othersaf the name p tl.rdoned , 530B, 15808, 6504, G56~, 6615, 6611. O'Griffe, persons of the na.m·~ pa.rdoned, ~15 4, 6~90. O·Grillen. See O'GrlJlln. O'Griffie. Sec O'GriJI'a.. O'GriJJln - Grillen - GriJllne - GryJllne, parsons of the lllLm9 p3.rJ.oned, 4491, lin8, li603, 5783, 5191-2, 6125. O'Qownen-Gownin, Doneli or Daniel, po.rdon, 65U, 6618. 6404, 6514- 5, 6555 . M09, Gli16, 6624. O'Gownowe. E.:lm. nnd Owan, p!t.ruon. 745. O'Griffy. See O'GI'iIfu. O'Gownro, Dongb o, pardon, 'lO30. O'Grighie, persons of the IU].me pardoned, O'Goyne, Pat-r. and Tho., pa.l'dOD,4600, G389. 6495. Q'Goyn e n, Tho., "pardon, (ja~3 . O'Gripha., Andrew a.nd Molrony, pn.rdon, 6562. O' Groch , Eclm., pa.rdon, 256~ O'Grada. See O'Grady. O'Gradda, Philip and L.~ghlin, pardon, 4716, O'Gr oe, Wm., pn.rdon, 4c730. O'Grogan - Grogatne - Growgane - GrnO'Grady - Gmda - G l1J,ddey - Gr add!e ogn.n, p ersoDs of the na~e pardoned, 21j2(, Graddy-Gradie : SUs, 418~, 5069, 6180, 6.2S0~ 6411, 6481, 66Sl1, Dionysius or Denie, knt., 3948 ; 6766. hlB"Son , 3924, B943. 6156 APPENDIX TO TWENTY·SEOOND REPORT OF '1'HE :DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZAllETEl. O'Grobau, Hugh, pardon, IlIOS. O'GromagaD, Rich., pa.rdon, B£l60. O'Gromega..nne, Wm., pn.rdOD, 5146. O'Gronnell, Donogh, pa.rdon, 3£162. O'Gronogo.n, Teig, pm'doD, 6434. O'Growgane. &e Q'Grogan. O', John, pardon, 4261. O'Grnogan. &~ O'Groga.n. O'Gryi!a.-{!ry1!!e. See O'Grill". O'Grylllne. S", O'Grillln. O'Grygyn, David and Philip, pardon, 22!'. O'GryheD, John, pa.rdoo, 6302. O'Gryhme. Telg, pardon, 0624. Q'Gnine, Feesle o.nd Garrie, pn.rdOD, 06156. Q'Gulligane, Da.vid, pardon, 614£1. O'Gullin, Hugh. pardon, G13o. O'Gullyn, David, pardon, GI70. Oguly, Ph., chaplain. pardon, ,uOO. O'Haghierin : eran-Haghyerin-Haherne -Hnh erny-H ahirny: persons of the name pardoned, . '244, 2250, 2213-4, 2684, '81', 2840, 2801, 4496, 4726, 6136, 617S, 6119, 647:5, 0411. 6479, 0481, 6511, 6529, 0566, 0611, GG2a, G165. See n.lso Agbercn, In.gherin, Yagherin, Q'Agbeherin. O'Eln.ghir, James a.nd Patr., pardon, 8592. O'Ha.ghiren-=-See O'H..'1.ghierin. O'Haghtir, Dermod and John, pardon, 4080. Q'EL.'Lghy, Gillcrnow, pardoD, 663S. O'Haghyora n-Haghyor in. Se, O'Haghierin. O'Hagil'tio, D ermo t, pardon, S036. O'Haho.ssie, Shane, pa.rdon, 66~O . O', Shane, pardon, 6516. O'Hahcrne-lInberny, Toig, alias Brooke, O'Gllyne, Brian, pardon, G!!G. O'Gwlin, Rich., pa.rdOD, 4888. or Toig no. Bl'ocky, pa.rdOD, O'Gwole, David and Dermot, pa.rdon, 6248. 847!, 6477, 66G6. Ogwyn, Teig, pardon, 4681. Sec O'Hn.gltierin. Ogwynan, Owen, po.rdOD, 10. O'Raheseo, Wm., pardon, 6!04. O'Gwyre. OweD, pardon, 6461. O'Ho.hesy, Philip, pardon, BIS64. Q'Gyeran, Morris, pardon, IH98. Q'IIn.hir, James and Tho., pu.rdon, GaOj. O'Gyp;ivanc, Wm., pardon, 6480. O'H~hirny. See O·Hl1ghierin. O'Gyhin, Teig, pardOD, 6606. O'Hn.hissc, Dermot, pardon, 10'1G. O'Gyllygayne, David, pardon, 27~0. O'Hn.hrina, Dermod, pn.rdon. 4720. O'Gymnen, Onowlly, pardon, 6624. O'Haighie, [ 1, paTdon, foH! . O'Gyreshane, Hugh, pardon, 4111. O'Hn.ili8, Brian, pal'doD, 649-.1. O'Hn, Feaghy, pardon, 4619. O'Haily, Wm., pl11'(lon, G180. O'Habran, Donald and MOriertagh, pa.rdon, O'Hairt. See O'Hart. 4011. O'Halo.nan. Sec O'Ho.Uillnn. O'Haessy, Dermot, pardon, oao. O'HnJegaD, Wm., pardon, 6188. O'Haffertaghe, Rory, pardon, 6611. O'Ho.leighic, John, PCl.l'dOD, 0530. O' : O'Halero.n, Owen,'Linted, 5n5O, Owen (of TnlJaghogc), chlcl 01 O'Hn.lfpenny - Eln.lfpeny, Rh:h. a.nd Wm" his name, pardon, 6714. pn.rdOD, O.!iOS. others of the pardoned,6489, Se.l1lso O'Halpoll. G7H, 6736, 6772. O'a~1io. Se. O'H" ly . O'Hngassa. Ogbn"pardoD, 560'. O'HaUghl1n. S" O'HaUaghan. O'Rageran, John, pardon, Gao~. O'Hnlinan. Sec O'Hn.llina.n. O'Haggan, Pair., p~rdon, 38«. O'Hl1lll1ghl1n-IIalighan-Hl1lleghane-HeJ· O'Hagga.rt, Molmorry, pardon, 4891. leighnno, parsons of tho po.rdoned, O'Ragh , l\1oriertagh, pardon, 6111. OalS, !aa31S, 44.07, 4:876, 64e7, 6477, 6511, 6521, O'ffiI,ghe, D eirmod, pardon, 6106. O!7l. O'Bagheirin. SCd Q'Haghierin. O'HnJ.lan, Morgho, pn.rdon, 8594. O'Haghen, Gilledull and James, pardon, O'Hallnran. Se, O'Halioran. '700. O'Halloghane-Q'Halleighl1ine. See O·Hal· O'H&gher, Donegho, pa.rdOD, 8688. lD.ghnn. O'Raghemn-Ragheren -Hagherin-Hagh. O'HaUeno.n. Sec O'IIallinIloD. erne. See O'Haghierin. O'HaUerl1n - Ho.llemine - HI111eron. See O'Raghle, per.on. of the name pa.rdoned, O'Ho.lIomn. 666~, 673!. O'Ho.llie, Toig and Tho., pa.rd.OD, 4118, O'Raghlerin-Hagheirin-Ha.gheran_Hagh. O!05. eren - Hagherin - Hagh. O'Ho.lIihey, John, pardon, B!SD. erne - Haghlerny - Hagh. O'HoJlihie, John, pa.rdOD, G1S89. ler yn- Haghiren - ~ghy. O'Ho.llin, Donoih, pardon, GOn. UEPD OF THlII PUBLIO RIIIOORDS IN IRlIILAND. 667 INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZAllETJI. O'Hallinan - Hahnan - Halinan - Halli- naine- Hn.llinon - H..'\Uena.n - Hallynan - Hallynayn e Hnlynan: persons of tho pardoned, I07li, 2~11 , 2281, 3304,3420:,4623, 4G85, 4735,4141, 600G, 506D, 5406, 6481, G604, 6611, 6524, 6639-'10, 6764. Q', Loghlin, pardon, 4482. O'Ballishy, Conoghor, pardon, 6514. O'HallomD-Hallol'",ne - Hallorayne- Hal- lowran - Halluran - Halla.- O'Hanerieroghe, Shane, pCt.l'don, 6199. O'Hanfy, Manus and Wm.. po.rdon, 6618. O'Han gan, Murtagh, pardon, 6655. O'Hangclen, Teig and Nea.vaD, pardon, 151508, 6516. O'HanglGD 6<86. ORa.nh ic, D on ogh, pa.rdOD, 0400. O'Hanbln. John, pardon, 3541. Q', Teig, pardon, 6614. O'H~nim, Wm., pardon, G511. O'Ho.nln-Haulue : r an- Hallcraine- Halleron BaJ1ora.ine - Hn.loro.n - H al- owmne : persons of the name H a.ngUn -lIa.nglyn, persons at the Da.m e pardoned. 4fi19, tl406, 64G9, J ohn, priest, p3J'don, 4.418. ot h ers of the name pardone~ 4121, 4164, 6S015, GSS!), 6441. 2108, 2840, 3820,4028,4220,4569, O'Hanlan. See O'Hanlon. O·Hanl.. See O'Hanly. 4613,4608,4141,4805, 4SI'.i[i, 4872, 0' Hanloo.n, Tcig, purdon, 61511. IiOO9, MOl, 6441-8, 5593,6112, tl232, o IIanlee - ptlo1'doned, 6406, G522, 6524, 6534, 6652,6566. 6616, 6765. QIHaUy. persons of Lhe DAme pardoned, Hanleie - Haoley. See O'lInnly. O'Haoloyno, Hngh, pardon, 5390. O'}bnlle - H nnlly. See O·Hanly. a Ha.nlon - pardon,6GSS. JohnmlCoh ye, m captain of O'Hs.Ilynau- Hallynayn. . 8m O'Halliuan. O' Hn.l1.ync, Donogh, pardon, 6180. O'H aUyse, D onogh , pardoD, 6610. Q'H..'l1oran-Halowl'ane. See O'Halloran. O'Halpen - Halpin, persons of the pardoned, 46liS, 6461, 6419, MSG. O'Halpeny, 'Patr. a.n d, po.rdon, 6i563. his country, 1108. Oghie, knight, captain of his nation, sWTendcr a.nd regi'ant of his possessions, 5041, 15090 ; na.mes of his brothers, son, a.nd reputed sons, 150DO j protection, G181. others of the pardoned, 961,2485,2 683,3210, 6188. 6191, O'Halran, Lagblen, pardon, 5910. O'Haly-Hall. : Gillernem, pnirdoD, 1289 j made C!!l.ln of his countr y of TowohlLlly (co. Rose.), U99. 6329, 6401,6660,6660,6617,6662, 6688. others of the name paruoncd, 10, 60,1.289,8164, 4.022, 6611,6519, 6562. O'Halynan. Sec O'Hn.llina.n. O', J ohn, pa.rdoD, 4144. O'Hamim, Brian, pm'don, 15848. O'Hamlnc, Gllleroogh, ha.rper, pardOD, 6006. Q'H n.mmoy U, Donell, pardon. 6161. Q'Hamnan, D onogh , pll.rdOD, 615'4. Q'Ha.mnyrea.g~ ThrLdy, p:ndoD, 5616. Q'Ha.mye, Wm.., pn.rdon, 4144. O'HaD, Shane, pardoD, 81S04. Q', Donogh, p ardoD, 6656. O'Han.ghane. See O'Hannn.ghan. Q' See O'Ho.nna.ino. Q'Hanll.ricke, Neal (a! Tullyhog), pardoD, 6714. O'H.udlon. S.. O'Hanlon. O'H anee, Donagh, pardoD, 6190. O'Ha.neene, persons ot the name pardoned, 6119. O'Haneghan. See O'Hann.ghan. O'Hauely, Donell, pardon, 4167. O'Hanene, 'Eho., pa.rdon, ~189. B anlo.n - H a.ndlon - Honlone : Arthnr (In O'Caban', conntry), 4661. 4805, 54n, 5554, 5149, 6109, G70G, GUlli. " title of, 'abolished, 15090. country of (Orior, co. Armagh), 9G1, 1U6, 2354, 4S~1 i to be made shira ground, 1136. O'IIanlowne, Donogh, pardon, 6:159. O'Hauly - Haole - Hanle. - Haolei. Hanley - HanlJe - Hanlly : F, appointed senescha.l of Tuaohanly, 3911 i pardon, 4.741. , F erall, hons.ol, in Trim, 1711. others of the name pa.Tdoned, 661,3844.9934,402:.', 4018-4,4240, 4.591,4.618, 4130,4141,4111, 4.835, 4.944. 4980, 6421,5432, 5416,5542, fi68:l , 5085-6, fi14.0, 5802, 6881, 6!l66,63:;13, 8589, 6611, 6162, 6180. conniry of (in 00. Ro,c.),H54. S.. also 0 Haly. o,Jio.nnaghll.n - HanaghAne - lIa.negb.&n _ Hrumighn.n. persons of the name pardoned, 1815, 6107,6171, 868J. 668 APPENDIX TO TWENTY-SECOND REPORT Oll' THE DEPny INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZADETII. Q' - Hn.nain, Owen n.od rl'cig, p~r"'l dOD, 6481, fHi24. Q'Ha.nnn.nne, Wm., P.'lroOD, MIS. ! O', Mn,hon, pardon, 5712. O'IIarn.ghtn.n: - - Harn.ghton, parsons at tho namo pardoned, 2480, liOOG, G·I14. O'HaoncfooD, T1ol'Iuofl and Teig, pardoD, 0509, O'· persons of the nrune O'Hn.nnegn.n. John, p..'trdOD, G·190. pa.rdoned, 4G01, 60100, 580B. O'Hn.nnerngho, Shane, pa.l'dou, 4G81. O'Ht1.rdu.~no, Bl'in.n, p a.rdon, 15815. Q'Hannighnn. See O'H..'l.nnaghan . O'Elare-Raren, Sec O'Hara, O'Hanny, DriM, pardoD, 6682. O' IIl1l'ogan, J u,mos, hn.rper, pl1.rdOn,20S4. O'Ho.n nyl e, Teig, po.rcion, M78. O' IIl1l'cly, Shane, pal'don, 1'i1532. Q'Hanone, .Taho, pn.r(lon. OSOri. O'IIn.rgodo.tno- Hm'god(l,n- Ha.l'gidan, perO'Ha.nortye, Wm., pardoD, d079. sons of tho name pn.rcloncd, 5805, 5848, G501, O' Ham'Jghanc6621. Hanrahn.n, persons of the name pn.rdoned, 3535, 5548. Q'H a.l'hen, pardon, 06tH, 4713,4IJ01, li518, 6183, (Hill, O'Hn.ri-Hnrio. Sr.c O'Ht1.1'::l.. Q'Hp..l'icglL'l.l1c, Da.nial, p.n,rclon, G.540. 0515,6510,6701. Sec n.lso Am'eghao, O·HalighL,nc-Hal'ighlon. See O'Harl'igh_ tu.n. Iama.ghan. O'Ha.nrnghty - Hnllraghtic, pCri:ions of tho O'Hn.l'in, Eno.'\s, pal'don, 041G. O'II:l.l'ing"o, Toig nn. brocky, pm'uon, 4810, name pardoned, GGG2. O'HaDmhan-H::l.ol'cgba.n. Sec Q'Banraglmno. O'Ut1.1'kt1.U, Doncll, pal'don, GG.5G. O'Harm.a.tly-Hn.rUlOOy- IIn.rmoclia : O'Ha.nreighnine. Conogbol't pa.rdOD, 5009. OonoghOl' oga, pardon, 48:.i-i, O'H:1nrick, Morish nnd Wm., pn.rUOD, 06:19. 6B01,6515. O'H!Lnrign.n, Donogb, pn.rdon, 64.97. DCl'mod. pardon, G61S. O' See O' O'Hunyn - lIft,uyne, pcrHOlls of tl1 0 name O'Harne, Cormack, commission, 4132, others 01' tho pa.rcloned,2300, pa,rdoned, 3820, -iOUI, 4Gil7, 4121, h'1~3, 58UH, 5·IB3. 6464, G532, G:iG6, G624. O'&ro. - Baroe - Hare - Ihl'cC - IIru-i -Harie - Hn.rm.e - R..'\rre -Hance - H!lJ"rcy - Barrio H:ll"ry - Hary - Harye: Arthur, n.ttn.inted, ri80S. Brinn, appointed. t,a.nis& of O'Ho.ra Boy's country, 3301. Bria.n m'Phclim, pardon, 4782; a.ttainted,6806. Cormac, or O'B. Boy, npPClintcd sonesclml of o·nt1.rt1. Boy's country, 3390, pardon, 4873. DODRgb, oI\, 6266, 6603. Donald, n.t.tilintcu, '6805. Edmuncl (of Cusholcorlllick), att(l.inted, MOS. Rory bnUn."h (O'Ha.l'ro), chief of his, pardon, 4M91, 66SS. Rory, aUI.Linteu, 15865, Sleighta Shano boy m..1.U OWOD, territol'Y of, 15865. Tefg, N. Dillon's mll,n, 47B2. Tumoltagh m'Wm., paruOll, 4.182 i attainted, 5B65. others of tho name po.rdonoo, 931, 2G83, 4686, 4117, 'inn, 418~, 4180, 4813,48117, 5020, 6221, M20, 5'.134, 6<.175, 15118, 6·19S. MOO, 5011, 5140, 5790, 5806, G190, 0660, 60SS. O'Harn Boy. Sec O'H., Cormo.c. .c~untry of, 3300-1. O'Hl1rnoo, T uig, p artlon, 0576. O'H!tl'nedio, Simile, pa.l'dOll, G-!61, 6:i71. Q'Ha,rnogl1, DonelI Fa.rsin and 'fcig, pa.rtlOD, 6408. Q'Harnett, Canoghor' a.nd pardon, 6655. O'lIn.rney, Melaghlin ancl Philip, pa.rdoD. 180-1,4121. O'Harniady - H :lJ'nia.cli o, persons of the lll.u·donod , G614-1S. O'Hn,rny-Ha.rnie, pm'sons of the name p:.trdoned, 1045, 4ll6, 6810, 62,j8, 6164. O'Ha.rroe. See O'Hara. Q' Bl'i:.1.D, pn.rc1on, 0338. O'Hn.rraghn.n - H:.l.l'l'eghrm, Donogh and 'Vm., pardon. 2OG·i, MS'!. O'lIu.l'I'ati, GlllOpn.tlick, pardon, 6198. Q'BarI'o, Rory hn.lln,gh. chioE ot his pn.1'<lon, 1BU7. O ' Ht~ l'l·o-Hm'r oe. Si'C O'Ham. O'Hu.rreglll1.D. Bile Q'I1:trl'3.ghn.n. O'HI.1.1'rogll( HfU' See O'Ha.r- rightt1.n. O'H I.t1'r eryno, Monje, pn.l'dOD, MOI5. Q'I-I!l.l'roy--iIt1.l'l'jo. Sec O'Hara.. O'Ht1.rrighta.n - IIl1l'ighton - Ha.I'jghtn.neHILrl'eghdt\1lo - ]1aITogh, 1)OraOn9 of tho nnme p:Lrdonod,Mil5:i, 154.37, 6417, 6407. O'Ho.rrongh, Dormad, pnl'don. 6GB-i . O'Hu.l'roughow, '.rcig, pru'Cioll,6701S. Oharry, co. 'Gal" 4698. KII:BlPlIIR OFT!!! PUBLIO RlIIOORDS IN IRELA-ND. " INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZAJ3ETH. o H.rry. Se, O'H~l'(t. O'H'l.1't-&rte-Ha.irt -Ho,rtt: ofilcia.l of diocOM of 1Ueath, commissioll, 212·i. Hugh, 31GO i ca,stle built by, 14!s~. 01407, Owen, comn., 1732. a t hol'S of the D~tme pa-ruoued, 45G2, 4bl0, 4696, 4106, 4800, 5026, M3·!, M7S, 6MH,5501, 660G. 51<.10, :'805, 5815, ~8431 6500, 6516, 01,,1. Q'Ha.l'ta, Teig, po.rdoD,4801i. O'Ha.l'tn.n, Art and Philip, par doD, 611S. O'H~rte. Sec O'Hart. O'Hartego.n. See O'Hn.rti gn.n. O'Ha.rtereo, Edm .• pru'tlon, 63:!3. O'Ha.rtie-Ha.l'ty, p e rsons of t h o Dame p:l.rdoned,4619, 6113,64.65- 6, (j·i 81, Gi!)7, 6511,6515, O'Heagirtie-Hoogorti6, persons of the n ame pardoned. 651~, 6055. O'Hoohir - Heahiro - R eaher, persons of t he pa.rdoned, 3042, 4153, 5112. Sc~ also O'JIehir, O'Hea.ken, Ltsagh, pa.rdon, 5511. O'Healehy, Sec O'Hialibic, O'Healie. Se, O'Healy, O'Hea.llahie-Hcallibio. Sec O'Hin.libie. O'Healy - B ootie - Rea.lly, p ersons of the namo pn·rdoncd, 4820, :H ~S, riSuS, 5815, MUS, Gl 80, 6455, 6400, 0521, 65G6. Q'Bean, I n.mos, p:1l'dou, 6500. Q'Hea.neganc, Philip nnd Shyhcgh, pa.rdon, GStiS. O'Heancsey-H e:.:mi'3Cc, Da.yiU. a.nd Teig, pardon, 6198, MaG. Q'Hoony, persons of tho nnme p~rdoned, 6C;3~. 6530,6624,676'!' Q'Ho.rtigan- Hrtrtogttn : Wm" deat h of, 408. Lnghliu a,nu Wm., lXttll on, 3250, 0505. O'llartnedy, Conor and Shane, pardon, 6505. Q'H.-'l .rtnialligc, Conoghol' a.nd John, pa.rdon, 65U. O'Hartt.. Sec O'Hart. O'Hn.rty . See G'Ral'tie. O'Hn.rugb..'tn, Rary, pn.rdon, 6419. O'Ho.r vey, Teig, pa.rdon, 6538. O'1Ia.ry- H l1r ye. See O'HM'l1. O'Rasie, Wm., pardon, 6;)64. O'Rn.ssi:J., Donn. pardon, 5110. O'Hassie - Ha.sse~" - Ha.s sYI p er,'i0113 of the tl.'tm epardoucd, 93G, 4521, 4!H15, G-17!J, G520. O'Haulwoin, Edm., pardon, 6505. O'1Ia.veregan, Donogh, pardon, GCl~. O'Havor~ Wm., pH,rdon, '1-113. O'Ha.wnrn.glutn, Conoghol', pardon, ·:l:S!i4. O'HaWl'ane, Donoll, pa,l'don, G411. O'Hawreghano, Donell, pardon, 051~. O'Haylan, T eig, pn.rdoll, 6533. Q'lIaylie, Edrn ., pardon, G:!S2. O'Hayne, and Tho., pardoD,lGl1, 6G:!3. O'Ra.ynyn, lUelaghlin, pardon, MOti. O'He, Gerald ::t.nd GiIlpa.trick, pardon, 12, 3498. 6577. See also O'Hony. O'Hen.nyno, Ma.hon anu Wm" plrdoD, 0532. O'HcOJ.'s, Gilduf. pardon, 5401. Q'Hearne, Morish, pardon, 662·1. O'Hen.vanc, alias O'Carbau, Tcig, p~mloD, 950. _O'Hea.wrine, R-ory, po.rdon, G1S0. O'I1edaync, Tho., pardon, 1701l. O'Hcdcau, Hugh a.nd Bri..'1.u, pardon, 2611, DOl l. O'Heucgh~n, Philip, p~on, 6·jS7. O'IIaden-Hedin- Hecline, p ersons of the Dam0 pardoned, 1201, 20G1, 20GS, 8801, lS!l4, 6409, GJS9. O'Hedewn.n, Teig. pardon, 2209. O'IIadi1.n - Redyan, p ersons of tho pa.rdoned, 4022, 4240, 5000. O'Hedin-Redine. See O'Reden. ~'Hedne, Wa.Iter. pa.rdon, 6122. O'Hcdl'cne, Peter, p a.rdon,1862. O'R e dr~oll. See O'Driscoll. O'Hcdy:JJ1. Se,O'Hedlan, 0' Heuyne. Peter, p:1rdon. 3!l60. O'Hee, DODell, Iwrae anll Me1a.ghlin skin11ogh, slain in rebellioD, MlliO. persons of the nama pardoned, 934, 2029, 2317, 2129,2150, 30m, 3091. 8149, 3364, 3832, 4410, 4620, -11]29, 4035,4143, 48Gl. 49!Hi, 4!l7S, 5006, 6i01, G4~0, 6:.ill, 0513,6532. O'Hen.-I Ea-Y Eu., persons of the name O'Hecgan, Melughlin, English liberty, 00. pardoned, 22·.11,2941, 3013. '1100, 4144, O'Heel', Conor and E gh, pa.ruon, 5083. fi68~, 6170, G4GO, G417, 04Sti, G4S7, O·ffefernn.n-Hefilrnan. Sec O'Rifferll(l,D. 0504-5, 6~11. 6516,6521, 6529, (iSG6, (j1)71,. O'RefieDllD, Hugb, pn.rdon, (iC!)9. 6583,6101. O'Hegan-Regllone-HegeD, persons of the John, a.lias Sw}~sonda, pa.ruoD, ·!l01. pardoned, 1481, 2030, 23:!7, 3041, 4622, See also O'Ree. 46-12, 50!.20, 6488, 6618, 6165. O'He::La., Edm., pa.rdon., 5112, O'Heg~rdcll, Donel!, pardon, 5559. O'Headell-Headyne, persons of the name O'Regcrtc, J llomes., pardon, 6511. pardoned,2265,6484,G121. ScealsoO'Heden. O'Hegertie, Do,nell Bnd Murtagh, pardon, O'Hea.fegh, Derby, p a rdon, 6475. G65:1. 670 APPENDIX TO TWENTY-SEOOND REPORT O:F THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTS. -ELIZAllETH. O'Hegher, Murtagh, pa.rdon, 0765. O'HegYD, Goghery, pardon, 5344. Q'Hohoir, OweD, po.l'don, 5562. O'Heh er. See O'Hehlr. Q'Hehine, Oonor, pardoD, 4585. O'Hebir-Heher, persons of t he name pardoned, 1640, 5071, SO!)l, 4611 , 4806, 6686,6112, 6U9, 5802, 6808, G514, 6502, GGLIS, 0611. O'Beie, Teig, pa.rdon, 4:r;20. O'Heige.D, Danell, pa.rdon, 15458, 6726. O'Helghen, GilledufI,l'o.rdon,IBOG. Q'Heigher, Shane, pardon, 485ft O'Heimie, Farriegh, jll>rdon, 5BOO. O'Bein-Heine. See O'Hcyne. O'Hekie, John and Ferdorogb, pm'doD,1I52S, 2061. Q'lIonesie. Sec Q'Honesy. O'Hen esso, Farr, pa.rdon, 0122. O'fIODOSY - H cncsie - H onesoy - Ienissie_ Jonyssie - Y Ene,y- · Y Enisle: persons 01 the nam e pardoned, 21S84, 425(i~1, 0802, (ili15. O'llenay, Oornolius, pn.l'don, 21')45. O'Beneyne, Pllilip, pardon, 6658. O'Hongordoll. Sec O'fIingerdeU. O'Hcngerltye. John, n.1io.s Iiarrengton, pn.r~ don, S080. O'lleni-Henie. See O'Heny. O'Honiessv, John ytlea., pardon, 3095. O' H .nifain., DODogh, jll>rdon, 6m. Q'Hcni{.,'ThDO, Shuno, prl es~ pardon, 5451. Q'Henis, Dormod and Shane., po.rdon, ti005, D', persons of tho pardoned, 4031, 5555, OlIO, 0173, 6517. Q', lUorogb, pardon, 0090. O'Beleghane, Henry, OH2. O'Helenan, Brmo , pardon, 4S0'. O'Helie. S'" O'Hely. O'Hellan, persons of the Dame pn.rclonotl, 8551, 6133. O'Bellehan, Wm., pardon, 4558. O'Helloy-Hellie. See O·Helly. O'HeUier, Dermod, pal'don, 6539. O'Hellighan, ,,"-wlie, pardon, 4762. O'Belly-Helley-Hellie, P~l'SOns of th e nnme pardoned, 4800, 4856, 48 60, [)420, 5442, 655B. O'Hellyna[ J. Dermot, pardon, 6762. O'Helne, Tho., pardon, 66T1. O'Hely-Helie, persons ot the pardoned,1306, 1874, 208~, 3591, 8883,3963, 5450. 547B, 6597, 5611, 5740, 5BOI, 0155, 0517, 0500, 602B, 0704,6761,6765. O'Helyn, Cormac and Donogh, pru.'dOD, 440, 6401. O'HemergiD, H u gh, pardon, 6523. O'Hemys6, Wm., pardon, 5228. O'Ronayne, Wm., po.rdoD,1701. O'Hencainteyhe, Conaghor, pardon, 4814. Q'HeDcas, John, pardon, 6481 . O'Henechan, Donald, pardon, 8165. Q'Renees, Tho., pardon, 6G~n. O'Henegan-Henegane. persons of "'iho name pardoned, 4D08, 6539, 6551, Q1S71. O'Heneh, Telg, pardon, SH4. Q'Heneran, Manus and Morhoe, pardon, 6629. O'Henes, persons of the pardoned, 1S14, 114.1, 61583, 6G84. 6156. Q'Henesa, Rory, ps.rdOD, 2848. O'Hen esay, Peter, pardon, 4.861. Q'Benese, Rory and Dormit, po.rd.OD, 2140, 5919. O·Hen.sey. S'" O'HeneBY, Q'Heneshie, Donogb, pardoD, 8704. 6~1<1. Mahon, pardoD, 1664. O'Hcnly,li'aricgh, pardon, 4210. Q'Honnnino-Hannan, Wm" pardoD, (i5G9, 6771, O'Honnol'Y, Tho., pn.rdon, 415815. Q'HoeDes-Hennis, persons oftha name pardonou, 294, 941, 4965, 671ti. O'Honnosy-Ho nnesio-Rllnnessyo-Henys~ sio, porsons of tho pardoned, 4688, 6302,6500,6162. Sac also O'Henesy. O'Hennis. Sec O'Hannes. O'Hennisho, W alter, pardon, GliOO. O'Hennoes. Sec Q'Renos. 0' Hennone, Rioh., pardon, 4895. O'RenDos - HCnnOf:l6 - Hennous-IHennus. See O'Honos. O'Honny-Hennyo, Cosneyand OweD, pardOD,0126. See also J enn oy. O'Hennys-Hennyes, persons of the name pardonod, 10, 041, 1805. 2B24, 2650, 6111. O'Hennysh, Rory, pardon, 0600. O'Renos- Renuoes - Hennos - B ennose- Hennous-Hennouse-Hennus -Henois-Henous- HeuoysHonus-Benuse: Diouysius, English liberty, 81. persons of the name pardoned, 854, 41S1, 615, 7~G, 8115, 1268,2245, 2260, 22154, 21S81, BD52, 4290, 4889, 6280, OSSB, 0511. O'Henrike, Dn.llagb , po.rdon, 6005. O'Benry, persons of t he pardoned, 4163, ft770, 66~1. O'Hensey, Donogh, p ardon, QIS02. Q'Ronus-Renuse. Bec Q'Benos. O'Heny-Heni-Henie: GUduJ!, "ttalnted, 1256. othere of the nam. pardoned, f56, 680lS, 61S19, GUO, 6166. O'Henyll,, pardon, 64.05. O'Henyne, Andrew, po..rdon,66'M. KEEPEll. OF l 'UE PUBLIC REOORDS I N IRELAND. 671 INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZAllETIi. O'Hellys-Henyso, persons of the nruue pa.r- O'Hevyna. See O'Hevine. doned,10,2600. O'Renys fernye, Ddun, pardon, 2380, Q'Henyssie. Sec O'ITennesy. O'Hepherna,u. Sec O'Hifrol'na,n. Oher, COl'mock mORicaI'd. pa.l'u.oD, 6006. O'HeT', John, pardon, 1110. O'Beraght, Donogh, pa.l'don, 5682. O'Heraghty, Peirs, pardon, 0104. O'Hernny, Tho., pardon, 6762. O'Hew-JIewe, Morish boy, pardon, 4010, O'Here, persoDs of the llame pardoned, O'Ueyden, Pater and lJ!dm., pardon, 2282, 0252. O'Heyin, Oowgeylie, p:lrdoD, 66G6. 4630. O'Hercmgh, .A.wlifr, pa.l'Uon, 6~76 . Ohcrie (Oghery. co. GnJ.), castle and l.nd, 0120-1. See Oherry. O'Heriell,.!r~ pardou, 6232. O'Herin. See Q'Heryu. 0' g erke, Wm., p:1l'don, GlOB. O'Herlehey-Hcrllyhie-I Erlyhie-I Ycrleghy-Y Erlyhy : pe!'sons of tho paJ.'d oned, 3033, 3103, 6302, 6MS, m6. O'Herman, James nnd Wm. , pardon, 1883. O'Hn.rmody, :Ma.hon, pn.rdOD, 51401. 6560. Teig, pa.rdon, 6065. O'Hower, Oanoghor, p..'U'd.on, 6617. O'Uewrie, Rary, pardon, 3196. O'llowryn-Hewl'ync, persons 01 the pardoned, I8BB, 2660, 6406. O'He~,r-Heye, O'Heykey, John,pa.ruon.9~. O'Heylu.n, Teig, pnrdon , 4081. O'Hoylo, Edm., p3.rdon, 0571. O'Hoyley, John, p:l.rdOll, 6511. O'E[cymod- Heymoue, pOl'sons of the name pnrdonoo, 4M2, OS 1D, 0701. O'l!oyn. SC/J O'Heyne. O'Herna.n, Teig a.ud. WW'1 pardon, 8964,400t, 4621. O' Hoyne-Heln-Hcinc - Heyn - I EyneYEyn: D onald and Thady, mnds of, in co. O'Hernan -Hernan<l-Hernane-Hirnn.n: Aherney. Famghcll, Mulmory. and Macel'M, l'ymor:>, pardoned,3102. persous of the Dame pardoned, Lim., 2878. FCl'l'Ongh and Ougollo, attainted, 52~6. Hugh boy, pardon, 60611 j surrenders title of O'HByne,5236 j surrender and r egrant of his possessions, 5256-7. O wen mantagh, pa rdon, ·156, 2504, 4011, 6228 j his Bon, ~23G-1. Ror)~: O'Heyne, 'PM'don, 25()..1 i his son made tanist, 3634., maue tallist of O'Heyne's country, saSi. Uathneny, English liberty, 117. oth ers of the name pardoned, 1050, 1341. 1428, 1641, 2504. 2129, 2197, 3647-8, 8718, 8851, 4018-9, 4448, 44n. 4414, 4493, 4623, 41580, 2720, 2B73, 3007, 310', 3B07,3Bu3, 485S, 5065, 5517, 6~S2, 64-10, 6~S9 . O'IIerney, Donagh, pardoD, 2146. Ohern},", co. Gal., 65]0. O'Heron, Tho., pru.'dan, .2:50. O'Herr-J.ghton, Morris. pa.l'don, 6408. O'Herrell. , p:l.ruon, 2433. 3816. O'Herrere, Koogbor, paruon, 58i8. O'HerrIck, Owen, pa.rdon, 0162. O'Herrjg-Herrige-Herrig~, person.... of the name p n.rdoned, 6632. 6166. O'Herralehie Conor, pardon, 9082. Oherry-Obiry, co. Gal. , 4(j08, 4860. Q'Home, Rary, partioD, 11962. O'Hervan, Philip, pardon, 6442, O'lIery, Edm., pardon, 10. O'Hcryn-Herin-Heryne, p ersons of the Dllome pardoned, 10, 592, 8600. O'Hesedy, Teig, pardon, 4031. O'Heverin-Hevemn-Hovol'cn - H everine -Hever yn - H eV61'yne-Hevren - Hevryne, persons of the name pu.rdoned, 440, 451, 111,111S1, 2600, 33'16, 3050,4023, 40S5, 4167, !GBS, 5316, 642 7, 5014, G!:!20, 6430, 6633, 6016, COM, 6165, 6111. persons of · tho name par2336,47340.0252, 6539. doned,l1~l, 2215, 4613,4675,4701, 4741.4748, 4B18-7, 4036, 5005, 5000, 52213, "H·i1, 6468. Ml1, 6170, 6411, 6490, 0622, 61532, 6566, G6U, O'R eyna. Sec Rory , Owen m::mrogb, a.n :l Hugh boy. O'H. O'Hene, Dermot and Patr., pardon, 663S. title surrendcl'c.j, 5256. cou ntry of, in co. Gal. , 3634. O'Heynec, D onell, p.:ndoD, 6581. O'Heynen, James, pa.rdon, 6756. O'Heynie, W m., pardon. 6194. O'HeynYBse, ~uricc , pardon, ~ 615 · O'H eyrcn. persons at the rardoned, O'Hevine - Hevyne, John and Donell, pardon, 6504:, 6611. ~·Hevrcn-HevrynB. See Q'Heverin.. O'Heyrlell, Tirlagh, pardon, 6~S'. O'Heyriby, David, pardon, 8173. 811,1116. 2T 672 APPENDIX TO TW.BINTY·SEOOND R.BIPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZADETII. O'Hillernan Q'Heyvryn, Dermot, pardoo, 34:!3. O'HioJaii, Marl'is, pardoD. Gfi39. O'Hlaleghle-Hialehio, Sec O'Hiallhle, Q'Hialcigb, Danen. pa.rdOD, aliSO. O'Hi.lilile-Hev.lehy- Hen.lihle - Hen.llahle -Hoo.lllhio - Hinlihy - Hia\ogWe-Hll1lehiC- HialllghicHinlllhie-HlaUlhy - Hin.llyhie-HYDJahy-Hyn.lyhy : Tho. age: O'Hin.llhio, pardon, om. otbers of the name po.l'doneu, 2941, 8031, 4M4, 41!L 4161, 4010, 6467, 6480, (1485, 61566, 6~71, 4619, 4815, 5010, laaO, 6199, MOG, 6764. See Q'Hin.rlighio, Wm., pardon, 6704. lOGO. 0' Hicky - Hickee - Hickey - Hickie Hickye-Hyckie-Hycky: Daniel, surgeon, pardon, 0404. Donogh, surgeoD, pardon, 6506. GillecnUy, physician, pn.rdoD, 4734,05015. win.\ surgeon, pardon, '152. others of the name pardoned, auo, 45li3, 1401, IHiG2, 6612, 0409, 6432, 6160, O4a4, 64ao, 6.582, 0371, 6016, OGGO, G166, 6710, 0712. 2840, IDOlS, 30-1,3, 3541, 4520, 4550, 4031, 4.042, 1133, 4143, 6006, 5086, IIGSS, 0170, 6478, 0419, 0490, Oull, Gli3 1-2, GbB8, O~G4-G, 010G. O'I1iggnn-II jg~cn. Sec Q'Higgin. O'llig-ghic, MorriB, pardon, O1il5. O'Hiockies, David, la.nd a f, 2M~. O'Hi ckee. See O'Ricky. O'Hicken, Doneli pa.rdou, 61539. O'Rickey-Hicklo. Sec O'Hicky. o IIicknie, Shano m'Conoghol', pardon, 1106, 5000, (jS05, 0479, 050G, G7Gi, HiIl'ornyno-Hyfforna.yn : EneM roo (of Shronell, co. Tip.), nJ..1a.s O'Hi.!rernane. pn.rdoll, 1644, 0505. 'l'h ady, clerk, pardon, 4440. William, bara, pardon, 1011. others of the name pardoned, O'Hlgl1.n·-Hig"no-Iligon. Se,O·Riggin. Q'Hil:tont" DOl'mot, pn.ruon, 6480. Sec also Hin.lillie. O'Hio..llD.nhide, Moriah, Pl.l.1'dOD, 407S. O'Hin.llighie - Rialliliy - Hin.llyhio. O'Hialihie. Hefeman - Hefllrno.n _ Hophcl'nan - Hiternan _ Hifornnne - Hifiernain HiiYcrnano - Hiflerna.yn _ ".IG03, 0100, 0410, 0634, 070G, Se< ",Iso Hlcklo, Iykyo, O'Hiky. O'Ridden, Donogb, po.r(lon, 04S~. O'Hidin., Rory, P:1l'dOD , 4081. O'Hidiene, In.mes, pardon, 2033. O'IIidr!scoll-HadreBcoll-HidrisscolL See O'Driscoll. O'Hieghcreu, Derby, pardon, 2008. o Hichie, Donogh 1'06, paruon, OliSO. C Bielan, Teig, pn.:rdon, OliSO. O'Hiercn, Morl'i~. pardon, 6101. O'Hlerlihic-Hlarloghlo - Hierlohy - IIiarI),hy - Hyerlyliy, persons of the nnma yo.rdonod, 22 G·~ 3OaS, 0150,4401, !506, 6167, 0511, 0!l4-5. OfHierno.n, Oonnor, pardon, 80. O'Hicrv, Dorby, pn.ruoll, 60.24. O' See O'Hi:f!erno.n. O'Huremn, l\fuhowne, pardon, 8!81• . O' -BiggaD- Higgcn- Higgyn- Rigin - Higyn - Hygano JIygbrino - llygin, persons or tho pCLrdoncd, 1002, .20GB, 3344, 40~7, 101>.1, 4.~·iO, 4200, 4351, 41588,4M1. 4GOr,4-G91, 1171,4198, M20, liOliB, 6015, 5112, MSoJ., 5441, 5140, 5462, 61158, llG3.2, 5607, 6606, 15007,5611, 608!!,6G85, 6140, 6700, 5108, 6199, 6800, liaD5, sau, 5848, 6121 , 6450, 0188, 11405, 0506, 6507, 0512, G63!l, GriM, (jI5U, G55l, 0016, 0000,0180. Q'HigirdeIl,John, pardoD, 0610. O'Higkin, John roe, pa.rdon, 151519. O'Hignie, Gilc1crnall t pardon, naSi. O'Iligyn. Sec O'Iliggin. O'lIihorly, Oonoghor and 8 }]nDo, pa.rdon, Gi. O'Bihir-JIndrc, pel'Sons of the pardono(l, 6183, 60198. O'Hilty - Hikio - Hiky. - Hykie - Hyky, persons at the name pu.rdolled,'021, 10~15, 100l,1!60, 1802, 180!, 2031, 203!, 2051, SIMI, SMli,8007, 51541, 8801, 45G8, 4000, 4604, 4114, M3S, 5149, 5808, 61S11. O'llilL\.OCI, John, pn.rdon, 61S8Z. O'Htln.y. DionlNll., pn.rcloD, 5178. O'Hillohonyhillo, Toig, pn.rdoD, 4..801. O'lIillidw.tll, Tho., parclon, 0580. O'HimucB, Toigo, pm'don, 10. O'Hinu,no, Dorlllot, pa.rdon, GriS9. O',, pn.ruoo, G671. O'J:Iingoll, Brin.n, pal'doD, 34li. O'lIIngOl'uoll - lIengol'uell- Hingerille - . Hlngirillll-HingurdillHingtu'dle: Tbady: O'Hingerdell, pardon, SOBS. KEEPER OF THE PUBLIO REOORDS IN IRELAND. 678 INDEX TO FIANTS.- ELIZABETH. Q'Hingerdell : others of the nama pn.rdoncd, 2929, 3083, 31M, 4115, 4028, ISOGO, 6009, 1S801, 0170, 6302, 6511, G5Ui. mno, G~O D. Sec o.lso l ngarctcll, Hingard elL O'Hinowua,D. Wm., p..1.rdOD , 1122. See O'I1ynownnn. O'Hinssie,, pardon, 6582. O'Hire, persons of tuo D:1me pardonod, 6662. O'Hirgy, Donagb , pa.rdon, 46114. O'Hirin.ll, Telg, pm'don, 563S. O'Hirick , Owen. pardon, 6522. O'IIil'Ige, lJerson.~ of the name p!1.rdoned, 48111, 6305. O'Hil'ley-Hirly, MOl'gb o.ntl Conor, pn.rdoD, 3OJ5,0155. O'Hirnn.n . See O'E[erno.n. O'Hinaght, Edrn. and Teig, po.rdoD, 6533. O'Hirrcll, Nicll., pn.rdon, 6500. D'Rin'ely, Wm., pa.rdon, 641B. O'Hirrillc, J ohn, pardon, 65GD. O'IIirtalne, Philip, pal'don, 85ll. Ohiry. See Oher ry. O'Hisclan, Owen, pn;rdon, 6·i8S. O', Tomultagh , pardon, 4099. O'Hish ea, Danen. pn.rdoD, 0016. O'H iskie, Oilln.dutr, pardon, 407n. O'Hislemane, Laghlin, pardon, 6099. O'Hislenaoe, persons of the Dame pa.rdoneu, 4800. O'Rissle, T eig, p o.rdon, G52·j. O'Hiur, Donogb, pa.rdon, 64!l!l. Ohla.nid, Morogh. par don, 3952. O'I1oa, Pa tr., pardon, 2834. O'Hoasy, p ersons of th e namo pardoned, 5116. O'Roen, Maurice, pardon, a·UiO. O'Hoerie, Nickoll. pa.rdOD, 6lBD. O'Hogan-Hogain-Hogaine-Hogane : Malachy, deprived ofrectOI'Y, 4851. others of the pardoned, B37. nSB, 1046, 1075, 1040, ~2'7Ii , 2417, 2486, 2716, BO·18, 3019, 9091, 5964, S~34, 425G, 4473, 4488, 4~G8, 4585, 4620, 4621 . 4035, 46n, 4680, 4&95, . 4724, 1726, 47~2, 4780, 4806, 4850, 5000, 6005, liGOD , MOO, Mali. 655S, 5562, 5GO~, lialS, li001, fin2. 15740, 6170, 6309, 6912, 04M, 6470, (1417, 6470, 0490, 6495. 6499, 6511. G117, G519, 6521-2, 6524, G5 32, 653B, G562 , 6MS, 6662,6564-6,0615, 6706- 7,0765. O'Hoga.ea., Miler, p ardon. 560.2. 4897, 4!l3~, O'Bogasso., Bernard nnd· Kithrin, pardon, 660t. O'Hogayne, Teiga, pa.rdon, ,110r. Q'Hogertie, Danell, pardon, 403G. . O'Hoggan, Rich., pardon, G1G2. See o.lso Ioggayne. O'I1ogbngan, Wm., pa.rdon, 4080. Q', Shane, pardon, 4,SIIG. O'Hoghssy, Cherwoy, pardon, 4810. O'EogirMc, Taige, 'Pa.rdon, 3U5. O'Down, Connor , pardon, 4763. O'Hohy.Oonor, pardon, G05S, 11699. O'Hoillokrm e. Maurice, pardon, 040G, Q'Hoisse,, pardon, 4031. O'Holaha.n, Conogb ol', pardon, 4G70. O'Holn.uc, Edmund, pardon, 10. O'Rolegba.n-Holechnn-Bolegha.uc: persons of the name pardoned, 23<7, 3603, :;C7G. Sec "",0 Iolegbl>n, O', Edm., 4890. Q'lIolhgbnu-I1ollah, n . Sec O·HoUogbau. O' H ollo.n, Donill, pa.rdon, 0563. O'I1011eghl>n-Hollagba n-!Io!lahnn-lIo!lechan - Holllcha.n - persons of the pn.rdoned, 2031, S082, 45!15, 4876, 4997,0809, 0576. See al,o I ollighane. O·I1oIlgb o.n, Wm., pardon, 6576. Q'IIollicha.n - See O'Holloghn.n. O'Hallogl1ne, Peler, pa.rdon, 5i83 . O·I1011oghnn. See O'I1o!legban. O', T ei g, pa.rdOD, OIS1G. O'Hollon, Bren, pa.rdOD, 6563. O'Holowe, Morogh, pa.l'don, 2480. O'iiomnyB, Melaghelin and Shane, pn.rdon, 10. O'Holl!lJl, M..'lhoun, pardon, 6565. O'Hone, persons of the name pardo~ed, 2781. 4 ~44, Ga94. O'Honechan, persons of the Dam e pardoned, 6-153. O'Honegan, Mahowne, pardon. 0024. O', Donell, pnrdon, 6122. O'Honie., Teige, pa rdon, 6515. O'Honlone. Sir Ogbi e, 6181. See O·Han1on. O' Donagh, pardon, 6:;16. O'Honn..'LD, Owen, p a.rdon, 4553 . O'H onneysse, P erce, pa.rdon, 3228. O'Honoanne. Ma.ry, pn.rdoD, GI'.iSS. O'Hononnn e - HonoIlAine, persons of the name l)a.rdoned, GI'.iI'.iB. O'Honyo.n, Donald, pa.rdon, 130!. O'Bonygane, John, pardoD, 6558. O'Hoogan, Oonchor, pard on, 3842, O'Hooligban, Philip, pardoD, 224.1. O'Hooregaine, Donogh, pardon, ti569. O'HoraghaD,, parnoll, 'B8!l. 2y2 67.4. APPENDIX TO TWlIINTY·SEOOND R!PORT OF THill DlllPUTY INDEX TO FlANTS.-ELIZADETH. Q' Donagh, dean of Olonfort, puruon, 8880 j his successor, Ol9i). Donogh. dean of Ki.l1."loo, indent ure.4701. othol's of t.he pardonod, lOas, Q'HowlcghaD, othorsof tho name pardoned, 1611, 2032, 4743, MOO, 6498, 6ull, G515, 6559, 0500, 0569, 0701. Q'IIowley, IIugh, pardon, 5799. O'llowlig, Joh n, pardon, 475t. Q'Howlign,no, John, pardon, 5801. O'Howlighu.uo - Howlighen -lIowlleEban. See O'I!owloghan. Q', Gully Qndy, 'P:lordon, 4516. O·Horo.yn, Taiga, pllrdon, GOI8. Q'lIownocho.u, Donill, pa.rdon, 0309. O'Hordngan, Rob., clerk, 4.691. O'Howneghn.n, Rory and Me1n.ghlin, parO'Horegn.ine, Donogh, pardon, 6569. don, 1021, 6484. o Horeghn.n, D anell, pa.rdon, 6664. O'Hownygblln, Pbilip, pardon, 4997. O'Horgan-Horgaine-Horgane: persous of the name pardoned, O'Hownyn, Gulligla.s, pn.rdon, 5662. O'Howl'u.ine, Moril:i, pa rdon, 5149. l OtS, 6514-15, 6529, GIS32, 6164. O'Horghano, Mela.ughlcD, pn.rdon, 2609. O'Howl'n.n, persons of tho pardoned, 1052,4060. O', Sen.n. pn.rd.OD, 2146. O'Howrnuo, Dormotl and Wm., pardoD, 4555. O' Jewrus. pardon, 3149. O'Hong-cm, Sbane. pa.rdon, 330. Sec also Yo wmno. O'Homke, Donogb, pardon, ~507. 0' Howreoha.n, David n,nd J ohu, pardon, 0309. O'Harno, Brian, pa.rdon, 88:13. O'Howroo, Edm., pu.rdoll, GH7. O'Howl'egrm, persona of tho lla :ne pardoned, O'Horochllrin. Shane, pO-rdoD, 2348. O'H oIochane, Gillepatrick, pa.rdon, 930. 6110, 0400, G·190, G5M. O'Hol'ogh, Diermot, pardon. GG!)!). O'Howreghn.n, persons of tho name pa.rdoned, 6484. O'Horoghn.n - Horobn.n, persons of tho mtme pardoned, 3848, 6210. 6775. O'HoWl'igo.ine, Mi1howne, pal'don,ISOOG. O'Hororan, Connoghor, pardon, (1512. O'Howrogau, Donnogho, pardon, 6173. O'Harran, persons 01 the name pa.rdoned, O'Howyn, William, po.rdon, 1011. 4675,4887, (j500. Q'Rowyno, John, p!l.l'don, 1617. O'Horrega.n, Shane, pardon, G198. O'Hoy, persons of tbe name pl\l'doned, 21(8, O'Horrogan. John and Taiga, Pllrl'dOD, 6563, 0061. 4G73. O'Hoye, porsons of the name pardoned, O'Hose, Melaghlen, pardon, SOOL 2226, 428D, 6100. O'Hosie. Da.vid. pardon, 656:5. O'HoylOllo.y, Douald, pa.rdon, 5930. O 'Ho~se , Laghlen, killed, 2410. O'Hoyn, Shuu, pn.rdoD, 4944. O'Hossie, Dona.ld, pardon, 4D35. O'Hoyns roue, Owen, pn.rdon, 4807. o Hossye, Aghye, pruden, 4810. Ohl'ore. Sec Orier. O'Houghine. Shane, pardon, G58~. Q 'Hun.r, Shane, pardon, t180. O'HouUtughan, Ma.gonlus, student, pn.rdon, O'Hllbane, Da.vid, pardon, 40:55. 5602. O·Hue. See O·Hugh. O'Roune, Rob., pa.rdon, 62~2. O'Huelligimn, Wm. Merry, pardon, 4~3D. O'Raura, Morris, pMdoD, 6419. O'HuaDeus, David, pnrdoD, 2260, O'Hourigan, Ever. pa.rdon, MI3. O' Hugen. See O'Hugin. O'Rowbane, Shane, pardon, 5708. Q'Huggeu, Irrioll, pardon, 4896. O'RoweD, person£!. of the pardoned, O'Huggyn, John, pardoD,2209. 3824,4030, 5611, OH~. Q'Hugh-Hu o, persons of the name pardoned, O'Howgnn, M.n.howne, pardon, 200. 9&1-i, 46M, 5076, 6816, GIDl, 0252,0401, 6735. O'Howgin, Bria.n, pardon, li110. O'Hughen, Donald, pv.rdon, 1806. O'Homne, Rol'ie, prt.rdon, 5881. O'Hughes, Foris, pardon, 5881. O'How1n.ughan, Riohard, alias Marry, po.r- O'Eugin-Rugen, persons of tho par~OflG. 2,193, 46M , 15009, 15290, 15449, 1S1S 3S, 11011, 6411, OGIS7, 6665, 0100. 1411, 1170, 1818, don,8~. doned, Dal, O'Howlcgan, persons of the name pardoned, 2035, ClSG9. O'Howlegban - Howligimn - Howligbane - Howligben - Howllegb~n: Thn.dy, carponter, robbery from,2956. 10G~ , 48D5, 6076, 6191. O'R nigban, James, pardon, 6145. O'Huinan. Rorio, pardoD, M97. O'Huky, Shane, pardon, 6161. O'HulcWll, Donogb, land grant, 6721. O'U nilaghn.n, persoDs of the name po.rdonec1, 4506. Sec also Ulaghan klll:BlPlllR. OJ' THII! PUBLIO R.:BIOORDB IN llUILAND. 6711 INDEX TO FrANTS.-ELIZABETR. O'Rulloran, Taiga, pardon, 5510. O'Hullig, persons of the pardoned, 60S~. Q'Hullino.n, persons of the name pnrdoned, 6624. O'HUylll.D, Oonor, pardon, 947. O'Ruyso. or O'Henesa, Rory, pardon, 2048. O'Hwolighan- Hwolegh" ne - Hwolighane - Hwoioghall: " persoDs af tho nnme pox- Q'Bulloran, Moyler, pardon, 5519. doned, 64.69, 0511, 656s. O'Humyn, Laghlin,~pnJ:don, 6600. 6539, O'Hungerdell,person, 01 the name pardoned. O'Rwolohow, pereonsof the pn.rdoned 441',4'91,4592. O'Hungrell[ 1 pardon, 5226. 'J'Hunnyn, Morogh, pardon, 0600. Danell, pardon, 6480. O'Hnnvno e, Rich., pa.rdon, 6480. ~'Hunuuane, Q'Hunwna.n, Mahoun, pa.rdoD, 6466. O'Huolighan-Huollghaine-HuoJlogha.neHuoUeghane : John, alias Merigih, pa.rdon, 6170. others of the pardon ed, 6170,6511. 0 'Hurag-hLine, Donogho, pnxdOD, fi621. O'Humo, Connor, pardon, 4GOG. O'Rmally-Bureley- Hurilly, persons of the pardoned, 2033, 2273. O'Hurcny, Melaahlin, pardon, 6666. O'Hurgan- Hurgane : persons of the D::Lm.e pardoned, 6461. 650,5, 6639 6571, 6516. O'Hnrieke, James, pardon, 5612. O'Hurllly. See O'Hurelly. O'Huring, GUbert, pardon, 59&0. O'Hnrkchan, Donell, pardon, 6561. O'Hurkoy, Manus. pardon, 6140. O'Hnrle. DoneUand Tho.i pa.rdon, 6615. O'Hurley-Hurlie-Hurly : Kuona.ghor, English liberty, 1187. others of the pardoned, 6630. O'Hwryn, persons of the name pardoned, 6465. O' Hyalahy- HyoJy hy. See O'Hialihie. O'Hycky-Hyckie. Se, O'Ricky. O'HY6, Po.trick, pardon, 6232. O'Ryen, Donnogh, pardon, 2129. O'Hyerlyby. See O'Hicriibie. O'Hyffernayn. See O'HifrerD~D. O'Hygane - HyggiDe - Hygin. See O'IDggio. O'Hyki&-Hyky. SeeO'Hilty. O'Hynnain, Donogh , pardoD, 4896. O'Hynownn.n, alias HynOwaD,, attainted,6034. O'Bynownayn, Donell, pa.rdOD, 4616. O'Hynsic, Mahowne, pardOD,6G17. O'ByrreU. Morryshc, pardOD, 6617. O'Hyver, Lo ghlen, pardon, 6na. O'Hywcr, Teiac, pardon, liBOS. Oilglas in Ossory, 3920. ~ O'Dleo.anc, Richard, pardon, 6C07. Olrghlalla. See Orieil, Uriell. Oirynagh (co. MOD. 1), 5603. O'Itannefean. Donogh, pardon, G5G!J. O'Ka.ane, Hugh, pardon, 6282. O'Kadcgane-Kadigan : Connor and Donogh. pardoD, 6481, Cnl. O'Knell, Philip, attainted, ,782. 8031, BU60, 4845. 4489. 4600, 5688, Q'Kngherne, Edm., pardoo, 0918. O'KaballaD, Donell, pardoD, 4290. 6515, 05~9J 6571,6623, 6162. . O'Knhan-Kahane: O'Hnrlihie. Oonoghor, pardon, 6520. O'Huriy. Sec O'Hurley. persons of the name pardoned, 5996,4655,4101,4915, 0461. O'Hurnan. Gylleduf and Wm., pa.rdon, 2191, 6630. O'Knh asie-Knhassie. See O'KahlBsy. O'HurOW8, Shrme, pardon, 5091. O'Knhill-Kahell-Knhile: persons of the name pardoned, O'Huxrane, Canaghor, pardoD,6655. Q'Hurre[ ], RtLndulph, pardon, 2932. 3077, 3364, 4834, 5848, 66.24, 6628. O'HurreJly - Hurrely- Hurrilie - Huryly, See O'Oahill persons of the pardoned, 1204, 4495, Q'Ko.hisse, Shane, pardon, 2256. 6441,6808. O'Kahlssy-Kahasie-Kahassla-KahasayO'HurreD. Taige, pardon, 65n. Kahyssey: o Hurrilie-Huryly. See O'H urreJly. Jolin, attainted, '28~. O'Huryn, Morogh, pardon, 11M. others of the name pardoned, O'Huryne, Edmund, pardon, 1108. 2317, 4<81, 6467, 6619. Soo O'HushiD, Mahownc, pardon, 0162. O'CahiBsie. O'Russin, Connor, pardon, 0405. O'Kninhine, Tho. , pardon, aSS1. O'HussinG, Shane, pardon, 6669. O'Kallacao, Irelaghe, pardoD, 24M. O'H11Stln, Ea, pardon, 6487. O'KoJIagn,n, Cahir, pardon, 2248. O'Hustyne, Tei~ or Thady, pardon, 6183. O'Kallaghan, See O'Ca.llaghan. 676 .A.PPEINDIX '1'0 'l'WElN'1'Y-EIElCOND RElPOR'1' OJ' '1'HEI DElPO'1'Y IN DEl!: TO FIANTS.-ELIZAllETn. O'Ko.llngho, Dermot, pn.rdCJn, 221;1. O'Ko.llahall, Conoghol', pn,l'dOll, 64.66. O'KallGn. Sec O'Cullan. O'KaUo, D 01IDOt. pnrdoD, 4£115. O'Ka.llokhano. Sec Q'Cu.llaghnu. O'Ko.lleyI Ma.urice, pa.rdOll, G51ti. O'KnJlige, Cnoughor, pardon, 0510. Q'KaUigie, Oanaghor, pardon, 6660. Q'Ko.llona.n, Conchor, pardon, 8178. O'Kcn.ll'tghil' - Koallahir, Connoghor and ! Donogh, panIan, 01$14. ·O', Dl1vitl and MahoWllG, pa.rdoD, 6624. IiO'Ku:.illo, Forrcaghe, }JtLl'llall, 140. . O'Kcallcuu, Eum., pn.l'dOD, 6524. O'Kuttlly-KeuJ.y, persons of tIla Dame pardODcd, 2348, 4163, li603, 660'1, GflG2. 06G6, 0624. O'l(ou.u-Kccmo, parsons of tho name parQ'Kally, persous of the name pa.rdoncd, 878, doned, 2131, 6192, 6600. 48£18,4080,15069. O'Kcn.lleal1y, Derby, pru'don, 6u2]. O'Kanavan, RaWlY, pn.rdOD, 2261. O'Kea.nnely, Oanaghor, pm'doll, 6658. O'Kn.nemn.u. Ledg, Hugh, pardoD, 4080. O'Kcanawlln, Marice, p:.LrdoD, 44.9~. O', MOrierro.gl1, pardon, 5448. o'rrcnr, Owcn,plU'doD, 2188. O'Kannenan, Jahn, pardon, MGl Q'Ken.rane, Dermod and Philip, pardon, O'Kannife, parBOns of the naUle pardonod, 6614. Q'Kn.nva.n, Shane, pt1l'dOD, 5066. O'Ka.ny, Gohert" pardoD, 6621. O'Kanyen, DCl1llod, pardoD, 6518. Q'Ko.nyUe, DenalI, pardoD, 6114. Q'Kaoyle, Teige, pardOD, 6525. O'Knre, Donogb, pm-don, 8868. O'Karell. Sec O'Carroll. Q'Ka.rewlan, Patr., pardon, 6662. O'Rarie, Ferrall, pardon, 4813. O'Kn.I'ID.ody. Sec Q'Cn.rmouie. O'Earne, Wm., pardon, 6197. O'Karoll See O'OllIToll, O'Karre1l1n - Karre1l1ne, person. of the name pardoned, 6468. 6554:. See O'Kcrwellan. O'Karrihall, KabUl, pardon, 6430. O'Karroll See O'Carroll O'Ka.rry, Donogh, pru:doD, 4302. O'Karymody, Donell, p3:rdOD, 6562. O'Kussowe, Donogho, pru:don, 4133. O'Kaugney, Deirmod, po.rdoD, Gull. O'Kaylln.n, Donoghe, pardon, 22. O'Ko.ylley, Rory, pardon, Gfi11S. O'Xa.ylly, Me..'t3,nna, pardon, 6611. O'Ken, Rich., pardon, 6188. Q'Ken.digan, DODOgh, pru.·uon, 6611. O', John, pardon, 2334. O'Keage1l1gh, Dermott, pardon, 2884. O'Koo.ghan., Wm., pardoo, 4631. O'Keagho, Mulmory andRorle, pn.rdoD, S25~ . O'Keahan, Cormock, pardon, 4186. O'K.a1l1ghan, Diormocl, pardon, 4660. O', Patr" pardon, 4616•. O'Xeo.1e, Dermot, pa.rdon, 4612. O'KeuJeghan, Donnod, pardon, 6400. Q', Dermod, pa.rdon, 6409. O'Kealeghir, Conoghor, pardon, 6400. O'Kealie, Rorie, p.."l.rdOD, Sli06. O'Kea.ligher,, pardOD, 6620. O'Kea.lia, Tho., pardon, 4068. O'Keallaghan- KeuJlaghano, persons of tho name pardoned, ~264, 8088. OR02. O'Kooriu, parsons at tho lllLmo pardoned, 0620. O'Kotl.rnn.e, Marlorl"-o gh, pardon, 2G:i0. O'KoCl.rno, Nicoll, pal'clon, /iUO. O'Koorney - Keu.rnio - Kua.l'uy, persons of tho pa,rdoned, 5162, 41·IS, 4·8~1, 6109, 0490, 0405, 6491, 6515, 0519, 6539, 65G6, G706, 0165. O'Koru·oll-Koorowell. Sec O'Carroll. O'Koo.rryn- Kea.ryne, perBons of the name pardoned, 1153, 58lt), G63G, 6621. O'Koaten, Shane, pardon, 60~4. O'Keathen, Tho., pa.rdon, G5.21. O'Keatine, Douell, pardon, 6616, 67G4. O'Ken.tiugc, persons of tbe pru'dooed, 0510. O'KOa.tYllO, Donogh, pardon, BOsa. 0', Cormuck, pardoD, 5816. Fo.rricll, pardon, 6708. O'Koanoke, Wm., pM'doD, 6538. O'Ken.wa.n, John, pa..rdoD, 2.209. O'I{oddy, Edm., po,rdon, 540B. O'Keelfo - Keef - K eofo - Keif - Keife Koille-Koyfe- Keylfe- Kie! - Kiero- Kiolfe- Kif- KifoK ill - Kllfo - Kyo!o - KyfKyfe-Kylf- Kyifo: Art: O'Koelfo, _don, 4161, MOO, 0162. Finin m'Art (of Dunbulloge), pm'doD, 5608, 6485. others of tho nanle po.rdoned, 2.245, .2~47-8 , 2.260-53, 2.201, .2a36, .2684,807t1, 3083, 3096, 3014,4007,4111,4261, 4487-8, 418, ~~4S, ~.251, 4751-2,4820,6li68, G113, GS02, MS5, G4:10, G470-BO, 0486.0, 0496, lii99, 0605,61506,6611, 662·.1:, 6101, 6162, .616~-6. country at, in co. Oork, j938. O', Rorie, pardoD, 6481. O'Kcely, Oonoghor, pardOD, 4935. O'Koonoll, lordship of,01S. KiEPER OJ' THE PUBL10 RJIIOORDS IN tRlILAND. 677 INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZADETH. O'KeeV8, Owin, pardon, Ci689. O'Kagan, persons of the nama pardoned, 69, 1147, '54~,6 628, 6MS. O'Kege1:>gh, Philip, pardon, 2884. O'Kelly, Oonor m'Teig og, attainted, 6266. Oonor m'Hngh m'Bl'ien (of TUl'" rick ), pl>rdon, 8161, 0100. Donall reogh (a! Downa), bis heir, 6.6~ . O'Keggan, Shane, pardon, 6168. O', Maurico, pa.rclon, 461. O'Kegly, Bria.n, po.rdon, 6101. O·Keho.n-Kehanc, P h ilip I>nd ~alter, par- Donell, son of Donell reogb , wa.rdship, 6562. Donell m'Brian (of Behegh), p ardo~, 57~O, 6{81. Dooogh reogh, his SOD, sen eschal of Kilconell, S7G6. Dowdally, wardsWp of his h eir, dOD,9S7,1046. O'Keherno,Dermod, wc:tver. pllrdon, 6166. O·Keif-Keife-KoiJJ:e. Sec O'KeeJl:o. O'Keinde, Donill and ThI>dy, pl>rdon, 6085. O' Keinge, persons of the n~me pa.rdoned, 0!S2. Edm. row, r ector 01 Beagb, 1192. Egnahm (of Ll\ckan), pardon,lS09. E gnaghan m 'Edm. oge, a.ttainted, 3116. O'Kemgho.r, K nogbor, pardon, 6671. O'KeI.o.ghe, Shane and T aiga, pa.rdoD, 11612, 64 61. 68~B. Q'Kalagher, p ersons of t)J.e nam e pardoned, Ferdorcho (o! Agbrim), pa.rdOD, 646T, 06S9, 05Tl. 8080,6100. O'Kelegan, Da nell, pardon, 0616. O'Keleher, Tho., pardon, 6615. Ferragh (of Rathanlon ),n.ttnintcd, O'KelIe, lIrallugblin,p!>rdon, l S00. moye, p~rdon, 1 ~80. Hugh (of Li3dn.lone), commission, 5661 j pardon, ( GOl. H ugh m'Wm., abtainted, 6811. Hugh (of Clogher), wltrdBhip, 638'. John or Shane n e may (of Creagh), gra.nt of h is mnds, 3581 : po.rdOD, 3720,3129 i sons at, 5381,3715,3720 j daughters of, S120. John age or Shane DC may, son of Shane n e may. S381 ; pa.rdon, 37.20,5481,6112. John or Shane m' E ~gha !l (of Lackan), attain ted, 5803. John (of Claghor), his heir, 6332. John, curate,4143. Mela.gblen m~en abb, pa.rdon, 1474; seneschal of Kilconnell, B2.53, a166 i grant of lan d a, S3~ i commission, S661 j his h eir, 4546. Morne ny may , wife of O'Maddeo, 62 20. Q'Kelighar, Teig, p a.r don, 6191:. O'Kella., Da.vid, pardou, 2209. Q'Kel.l.aghaiD, Lagblill, p nrdOD, 40SIS. O'Kelll\ghan. See O'CaJlaghl>n. D'Kelle, John, m in Ca.shel, 2068. others of the pa.rdoned, 550, S36 , 1U., 28. a, ~9 85, 8198, 4104. O', Connor, pardon, 4876. O'KeUechn.n, Cormack, pardon , 0662. O'KeUecher, persons of tho' name pardoned, Gl06. O'Kellegan, Connor, pardon, 461~. O'Kcllegher, Donogh, pa.rdon, 6616. John, pn.rdon, 6416. O'Kellen, Nich. and Tho.dy, pardon, .ao, 0\46 . O'KeUenan, Donnchoe and Gillegery, pardon, 46139, (461). O'Kelley. Sec O·Kelly. Q'Kelli, Edmund, pardon,4:lS tonement in Limerick, " 5720, O~TO . Q'Kellicha.n, persons of the name pa.rdoned. 6662. O'Kellie. Se. O'Kelly. Q'Kelline, Hugh, pardon, 8884. Q'KeUogh er, DerIDod and Tho., pardoD, 6655. O'Kelly-Kelley-Kellie-Kellye : Abbo~ 4640. Conor (o! Leackan), p a rdon, STl6. Conor og (of Coolnegeyer), -pa.rdon, 5438. Conor negarrogh , BOD of Donogh reogh (o! Gallagh), grant of hi' lands, U 66; BeneBchal of Kilconell, 8766 i pa,rdon, '66', 5613, 6666. • Qnory ne may) wife of O'Fallon, . T29 . ShI>ne B<tntagb, Il~rdon, S824, 6468 • Telg or Thady m 'Willlam (of lIralla.ghmore), pardon, 1410 i sellCSchal of bar. of Tiaquin, 3213; grant of land. aMi i commission , 3G67 ; late t"nls ~ aTOl ; pardon, 6112. Teig m'abba., bis Bon. 4863. Teig age, Bon of Tcig m'o.bba. (or m'enn.b).livery, 4&B6 j castle to b e deliv61·ed to, 4996. Willin.m m'Meln.ghlin, p ardon,L4.16 i made tanislit 51Ul i livery, 4.64:6. others of the name in cos. Galway and Roscommon pardoned, 1all6, la08-9, 1301, 1669, lISDS, ~4:991 2811, 678 APPENDIX: TO TWEN'J.'Y-SECOND REPOR'r OF THE DEPUTY L.'roEX TO FIANTS.-ELtZADETH. O'KOly-·O'Kelyo, pel'sons 01 tbe llame par- O'Kolly: donou, 10B3, 1300-1, 1M!, GlSO, GG2S. 3221, B338, JSM, 3381, !ll1G, 8720, 1175n, 380!), 3821, 3881, 5802, SOlN:, 4tJ32, 4.601, 4.072, 4170, 4815. n10, 1512, (HI07, 4180, 4811, 42'10, 4008, 4111, 4805, 4944, 4268, 404.0, 4721, 4860, 61U, 4ali1, 4662. 4130, 4812, 6138, O'KoIDai, Donchn.\ pltl'(lon, 4MB. 0' Kompn.u, Dr.Lv iu. nnd ·'fho., pardou, 1MB!&., 41:145, 4601, 4111, 4814, 6228, Q'Komy, rhilip, l)lU'UOll, 01GO. O'KOIl, Richa.rd. pn.ruOll, 20:13. Q'Konn., DorSOllS of tho nl~mo pardoned, 6484, 6617,6677. O'Xonn.gbo.u, and, pardoD,4000, 0421, 6~3, M3!l, 6135, M38, lS447-{), 5468, 5474, 5480-1, 5500, 0532- 3,15000, riGll, 66lS, 6682, 15712, 5140, liSOO, 6110. O'Kenaith, perBons of the pardoned, 1802, 1808, 1818, 6106, 6614, 6618, 6665. country of, 103, 909, 1640, 34.GS,4D20, 5232, 5260, 62CiG, 11740 i ta..nist of, S701. CaWll or Cha),les (of Rltthaspiek), livol'y,5188 i att.ainted, 6678. F ergouo.nym, pal'doD, 111, 113 j grant 01 land, 400. Frynno, gront of.1n.nd, fiBS. :W:l1ru'us (11 rebel), sno. Morgh a.nd Bary (houses in Trim), 1714. p~rdoned, 171. 231,350, 452, ~, 611S, 634, 111, 81 2, 811, 875, 906, OHi, 084, lOSS, U(H, 1279-80, UD9, 1348, 1381-8, 1489, 1559, 1583, 1617, 1161, 1805, 1868, l SS1-&, 2044, 2066, 214.6, 2211, 2225, 2250-3, 2!HiO, 2203, 2291,2308, 2810, 2348, 2891, 2m, 2616, 2600, 2050, 2652, 2672, 2832-3, .2885, 2881, 5011, 3045, 5091, 31155, 3245, 834.0, 3347, 8460, 850:3, 8691, 9650, sasa, 6714. O'.Kenn.y, Hugh,lpa.rdoll, 4060. Q'Komly, pm'sons of t ho pardoned, 4610. Donell (of Tullyhog, co. Tyrono), pn.ruon, 6714. Ever, livery to his son, til88. others of the name 4604. O'Xonn.n-Kenn,no, perSODS of the nilme pn.rdonad, 22215, 6102, 0671, 0010, 6629, 6062, 3844, 8818, 3SG5, 3884, sass, 3001, 8959, 8960, S062, SD01, 1030, 4030, 4109, 41G4, 4:269, 1:288, ~tWO, 4308, 4Sl8, 4343, 4380, 4388, 459B, 4550, 4titH, 4553, 41551, 46tHI, 4688, 41SS0, f610, 4G2~-B, 471.2, 4796, 4141,47fi2, 4191, 4867, 4889, 4086, 49415, tiOO~, 50:;8, tilOO, ISl02, 5211, 6818, 6808, 6446, 6498, 6t12S, tiB01, 6788, fi198, O'Keno, OonoghOl't pn.ruoll,4128. O'Koncuo, Edmunu, p[l.rdOll, 186. O'Konotloy-Konedio- Konedigb- Kenedy. Sec O'Konnedy. O'Konogn.D, porsons of tho name pardoned, 4086, 1001, 0531. O', Douog-h, !In.l'UOU, 4070. O'l(oncly-Keneloo-K.ouelic-KeneUy: persons of tho nama pardoned, 5602, 0248, 0406,6632,0639. Q'Kcnevau, perBons o f tho pardoned, 4028, (i19Q, 5800. O', On.rblu'ie, pardon, lIli19. O'Keney, persons of tho name pardoned, 6618. O'Renca., DouyU and R ory, pardon, tiD. O'Kengo, Hugh, pardon, 4104. Q'Kcllgy-Kengie-Kongey: persons of the name pn.rdoned, 4010, 4808, MIlO. O'Kcnido, Toig, pw.'den, 5009. O'Konides, t hroe races of, country, 1I232. O'Keni(lye, Donogb, pardon, 6001. Q'Konic, persons of t he name pardoned, aooo. O'Konigban - Konigben, persons of the pn.rdonod, 3964. O'Konlmvoino, Hugh, po.rdOll, 6421. O', Donnogh, pardon, 4866. 6100-10,6118,6162,6170, 611B, 6170-80, O'Konkoveino, Tho., pardoD, 6421. 6188-9, 6282, 6248, 6280, B80D, 0828, O'K.enlnn, DonoJd, pa.rdon, 2044. 6888,6888, 6401, B407-8, 6482, G43D, O'Kenly, Tb..dy, p"rdon, 6S1~. 6460,6401,0477,0470-80,0481,6480_7, O'Kenmoy,:Oonor Innd Hugh, pardon, 6414, 6'105-6, OtiOO, 01505, 81501, 01512-18, 6618. 6517, 6621, 61520, G6Sti, 6li31, O'Kennn., ;persons of t he name pardoned, Ofi30, 0641, OliliO, Oli52, 61567, 61502-3, 4880, 6617, G1S3~, 0114, 6565-0, 6574-5, 6511, 66\6, 6623-4, O'Kennno, DCirmod, pn.rdon, O~ll. 0646-7,6602,6666-1, 6684, 11706, 0114, O'Kennavc\.ill, ConllL, plIJ.'don, 4472 • 6726-1,6786,6762, 6102,6706-6, 67G8. . O'XODDo.W, OonuOl', Donogh, n.nd Murtagh. o Kellycban, Nele, pardon, 6662. ,o'Kellye. See O'Kelly. pn.rdon, a90G. Q'KenMY, Do.vid, pardOD, 6142. KEEPER OF THE PUBLlO REOORDS IN IRELAND. 679 INDEX TO FIA.N'rs.-ELI ZADETH. O'Kennea.lly - KcnDoa.Uio - K, persons of the name pa.rdoned, G183. 0524. Q'Kenoln.n, Ed wa.rd, his wa.rdship, 1167. O'Kony, persons of the un,me po..rdoned, O'Kcnne dy-Keuedey-Koue(lie-K~nedigh 4079-S0, 4GlS, 4620,.dG4.1, 4SM, ti1U,. 6108,6618. Q'Ke nydie, Hugh, Im1'don, 6161. - Kenedy - Keuncdio - Ken- nydy : Q'Eenye, Laghliu, pardon, ,1070. Canaghor, his son a.tLn.intcl1, 6123. O'KenYD, Wm., pal'uon, 653:;. Edm. (of BoJlintot), pnrdoD,4509, O'Keo, Conchor, pa.l'don, OU. O'Keogho, Thomn.s, pordon, 818. 6610. 6106. Gillidu1l'e (of IGll.lTIloUmor e), pn.r- O' don, 4695, G10G. Shane, O', pardon, 0761. GilIedoJre (of Castle town), pn,rothers of t he name pardoned, dOD, 6683, 6765. Gilleduff. (of Bo.lliugnrry), par- don, 11510. Hngh (of, on, 6688,6106. IrieU (of Go.l'rI1nmore), po.rdOD, 6583, 6106, 6715. J ohn or (o! Lnckin), po,rdOD, GISHI, 670G, G130. 6611. O'Kcrguc, She:Lne, pa.rdon, 5542. O'Kcrin-Kel'ino-Koryn-Koryne: persons at the pn.rdonoo, 1017, 2405, 3071, 4500, 5112, 5802, Wm. (of Ba.llicha.tll), pardoD, 60115, 6611,0624,6715. 6'83,6100. Wm. liogh begg, a.tttLinted, 6123. others of the name p3.rdOllC(l, 431,611,912,1669,lS65,l!)87,19!)7, O'Kermody- Kermo<ldy: pCl'Sons pardoned, 2022, .2032, 2043, 2056, 2001, 2083, 2085.2341, 2!)SG, 3102 311B, snS4, 3936, 3054, 8000, 4083, 4315, 4370, 4asS-6, 4488, 4508-0, 1526, 1639, 4GGU, 4.668, 4GaO. 1094-5, 4113-14, 4781,411l1S, 4896, 4933, 4931,4075, 6028, 5009, 11316, 6532, 6603, 5080, 6691, 0109, 0183, 8:,J22, 6S09, 6442, 64.S1,64.04-1I. 61504,61513,6511,6519, 6521,6624, OIl29,8531-2,6534,6li38, 6564, 6616, 0583, 6621, 6638, 6704:, 6706-1, 6126, 0136, 6761, 61611, 6715. country of, 19S, 2938. three races of, 5292. See Kenedie, Kenedirrh, &C. O'Keuncdy Donne, pardon, 10615. O', Hugh carragh, pardon, 1560i, Q'Kennell, Teig, pn.rdon, 61S30. O'Kennelly, John roo crome, pa.rtion, 2~J.i5. O'Kennorle, John, pardon, 0471. O'Kennevan, Gillednf, pardon, 4028. O'Kennevane, Owen, 6495. O'Kenney, Brian and Dermot, pn.rdon, 4006, 6494- O'Kennovan, Nich .• P9.l"dOD, 6498. O'Xennoy, Donnogh, pardon, 661S. O'Kenny - Kennye, persons of tho name pn.rdoned, 4395, 460S, 4620, 4101, 4816, 6474, 6511. 5532, :;613, 6802, 61GO, 6314, 64110, 6488, 6495, 6491, 063a, 6550, 6551, G611S, 6106. O'Kennydy. See O'Kennedy. Q'Kennye. See O'Kenny. O'Kenola.n, Beagha.n, wardship of his heir. 1161. 4101,4180, '211. O'Kerby, Tho. pardon, 01111. O'Kol'cgano, Gillpa.trick, pnrdoD, 6713. O'Kerevan, Andrew and Rich" pardon, 6511, 4876,5401, 0576. O'Kernau, Teigc, p!Lrdon, 4791. O'Kemo, pOl'sons of the name pn.rdoned, 1161,2393, 545ft O'Kerny-Kerney- Ker nic: Donogh : O'Kerny, pardon, 2064. others of the name pnrdoncd, 1868,2250, 6009, 5616, 6266, 6,190, 0511, OOSS. O'Kero1a.n. See O'Kerroum. O'Kel·oU- Kerrall. &e O·Carroll. Q'Kenaulte, '"\Tm., pnrdon, 6511. O'.Kerrin, Mor tagh, pm'doD, 5065. O'Korl'ogan, Nelle, pardon, 6459. O·Kerroile. SeD O'Co.rroll. O'Korrolan-Kerola.n: persons of the name pardoned, 33U, 400G, 4924. Q'Kerroll-Kerrole. See O'Oanoll. O'Kerry, Kormoek, pn.rdOD, 3886. O'Keruolo.n, Breen, (of Nobber), pn.rdon, 6554. O'Kervau, Rich., pardOD, 6137. O'Kervel.l.::Ln, persons of the llame pardoned, 6563, 6608. See O'KerweUan. O'Kervick, Conoghor and Philip, pardon, 6515,6623. O'KervoU, 'fcige, prLluon, 6606. O'Korvy, David Ilnd Taige, p!ll'don, 66.24. Q'Korwell, Kenny. pardon. Gts.5L O' Kerwellan, persons of the Dame pardoned, 6'68. O'Kerwello.ns - CLLI'rol1'tDS, certain excepted fr om pardon, 6608. O'Kerwick- Kerwicke-Kerwyok: psraons of the name pardoned, 3807.4476, 6666, 680 .A.PP~NDix TO TWENTY-SECOND REPORT of THE D~PU'l'Y I NDEX TO FIANTS.-ELlZA.DETH. Q'Kerymn,kYD, J aho, pardon, 15000. O'Keryn-Keryno. Sec O'Rarin. O'Killeynoy, John, pn.1'c10D, OliriS. O'KUlio, Mohowlle, f1:U'dOD, 5088. O'Kesedy, GelygroIDo, pa.rdoD,6736. Q'Killlghc, !lIn.howno, pn.rdoD, 0524. Q'Ktllmy, Rorory, pardon, 6516. Q'Killin-Killina-Killyn-KiUync - Krllin - Ryllou-Kyllyn, por3011f.l of t.ho name po.rdonoo, 2000, g'123,4114, tj,6IH, 6<150, 6618. O'Ki.llno.llo, Ricco.rd, pardon, 5082. Q'Kessan, Dermod, pn.l'UOD, 44.81. O'Kcssedye-Kessidie-Kcssydy: pcr~ons of tho nnme pn.rdoned, 5225, 6662. Okostrio, country aI, 0132. O'Revno, parsons of tho Dl].me pn.ruonou, fin, CH , 895, 1864, 5543, 4162, 54:59, 5478,5802, 681S. Q'Kewane, Robar!;, pn.rdoD,1011. Q',' l pa.rdOD, 5124. Q'Kewlie, La.o.ghliD, pa.rdoD, li401. Q'KeWYD, Arthur, pension, 1213. O'Key, Ricco.rd, pardon, 6b16. O'Keyfe-Key1Ie, Sec O'KeeJre, O'Jreyghan, Dermod o.nd, llo.rdoD, 4612, 6180, O'KeyIn., persons of t,ho nama pn,ruonod, 2330,4345. O'Reyle, Knogher, pardon, G4.GG. Q'Kcyley. Canaghor, po.rdOD,2DBO. O'Keyl1a, persons of the name pa.rdoneu, 2269,4345, ·1114. O'KeyUy, ThoID..'L'i,English libCl'tj, S6!:!. O'Keyllyc, 'l'ho., pn.rdOD, 3091. O'Kcyly, Knoghor and Teiga, pn,ruon, S865, 4000, O'Keyn, Eneas, pardoD, 6460. O'Keynaugher, Teig, pardon, 6621. O'Keync, Farralla.nd James, pn.rdon,1023. O'Keynigan, Wm., pardon, 640ts. O'Koynlewayn, Mnhown, pa.rdon, 4743. O'Keyrv;ck, Donogh and Morice, pardon, 4714,0490, O'Keyrvlg, Tciga, pardon, 61Ta. Q'Keysey, Dormod, pnrdOD, 4061. O'Keytrn, Rich. and Taigo, pal'd~n, 2621. O'..Keyve, Uligg, land of (co. Cork),6li 35. Q'Khyow, Edm., pa.rdoD, .1030. O'Kiadign,iDe, Teiga, pardoD, 60511. O'K.ially, Gonaghor and Donogll, pard on, 6671. O'Kie, Danagh, pardon, 6G41. O'Kiel-Kiefe-Klefie, See O'Keefie, O'Kieghane, Donogho, pnrdon, '1482. Q'Kieran, D iermod, pardon, 42156 , O'Kie-rny, T eige, po.l'dan, 6100. O', Wm., pGrdOD, G805. O' Tomultngb, pardon,G806, O'Kiervicke, Diermod, pardon, 0568. O'Kievame, Donogh, pardon, G494. O'Kil-Kife-KiJf- KiJfe, See O'KeeJre, O'Kigane, Ma.howne, p.,'trdOD, 4180. O'Kihan, J ohn, pardon, !l14G. O'Killano, Conoghor and Gilleduff, p ardon, 5686, O'Killen, nowry, pardon, a072. Q'Killewa.ine, ~dm., pardO,D, 6604. O'Killyn, See O'Killin, O'Kilt, Eum, .Tohn, pn.rdOll,4G41. See also O'Kylt. O', Donn,ld u.ud OWill, pru.'dOD, 4560. O'KUtic, Bria.n amI Brien, pal'don,4171. O'Rina, Gillu.bric1c, pn.rdoll, OOOS, S",l\lsc O'KY"I>, O',1\Iull'ODY, pur don, 5805. O'Kinnon, Ooconmtght, prio!;t, lltl.rdoll, 67!l5. David, parlIon, G305. O',n, l1ol'sons of Ute name pardoned, 6533, 6155. O', Connoghol', pm'don, 01511. O'Kine, hln.h, llo.l'don, orn·,f.. Q'Kincdy, Tcige, p~trlIon, 4182, O'Kinogllau, 'l'eige, po.rcloD, 0484. O', Bl'io.n nnd Teige, pardon, 5474. O'Kinely, Dermott crone, pardon; 5612. O'Kine!;, Robcrt, paruoll,18B8. O'King, Donogb a.nd Rol'Y, pardon, 3404,0206, O'Kingo., Therrelagh and Tirhgh , pardon, 4080,447n. Q'Kinge-Kyngo, persons of tho name pardoned, l1'!1,21B2, 2210, 2400, 3726, 3175, 4950, 5316,6488, om, 6660, 0120, 61B6, 6711, O'Kinkennino, Brio.n a.nd Ca.hell, pa.rdon,1380, Q'Kinregn.n- Kinrcgane, persons of the D.'tIDO pardonod, 3011, 3089, 6616, O'Kil'cko, Dorlllod, pn.rcIon, 0704. OKil'enio, J ames, pardon, 6165. O'Rirlo, Hwonyo, pa.rdon, OfiliS. O'Kirl'l.'I,D, MIA-nus, p[Ll'tlaD, r;848. O'Kin-y, Wm., pltl'don, 0661 . O'Kissnuo-Kisso.ino - - KisSlI.yn - Kisha.nKis!:Ihn.n-, persons of tho oomo 118.l'doned, 1251, 2785, 4101-9, 6118, Ori39, 6611 , G67G, 6162. O'Kivn,n-Kyvan, persons of th e na,me po.r doned, 5420, 0600, 0533, 0102. O'Kivo, Owin, pm'uon, 6504. Q'Kivolcghon, Dyol'mott, po.l'don, S80G. O'Klaghssy, Dormot, pardon, 5006. O'Klo.u, \Vm" pn.rdou, Ori17. O'Klorlmno, Eugh, 'Pl1l'don, 0"609. O'Klory, Sec O'Olory, Q'Klocassy, Donogho, pardon, 5006. O'Ruailo - Kuale - Knn.yll, porBoDs of th e name pn.l'doned, 59, 015, 1 ~55, 144.6. Q' - Knavyuo, persons of t h o name pardoned, ~03~, 29 58, 4.014, 6600, OfiH, KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECOltDS IN IRELAND, 681 I NDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZAllETH. O·Knnyll. See O'Kunile. O'Knogher-Knoghor. See O'OonDor. O'Knowe, Donell, p..'urlOD, (IlS15 . O'Knowneo, J oho, pardon, 0624. O'Knoyrk, Tho., pardon, 6479. O'Knycruor, Cn.ile, pardon, 2270. O'Knync, Oa.hill and Wm., P(LrdOD, 6(199. Q' Kobry, Donell. pn.rdOD, 4690. O'Kollle. Sce O'Come. O'Koggie, Telg, pardoo, 5491. O'Roh, Rary, pal'doD, 26~2 O'Kohalan., BrutD, pa.rdoo, 401GB, O'Kobee, Ennes., ·pa.l'dOD,IS045. O'Kolgan. &e O'Colg",n. Q'Koma.n, Maurice, pa.rdoD, 2251. O'Kutty, Dermot, pardoD, 5415G. O'Kwllayn, John, p a rdon, 8083. O'Kwodgbano, Donoll, pal'don, 6UO. Q'Kwoinc, Derbio, pardon, G415. O'Kwyn, Dormod, P:1rdOD, 20 H, O'Kyo!e. Sec O'KceJre. O'Ryell Tho., pn.ruon. 6622. O'Kyermeyck. Donogbo, piper, pardon, 47aS. O'Kyervickc, Tcig, pn.ruoD, 6476. O'Kyf-Kylo-Kyff-Kyffe. Sec O'Keeffe . . O'Rylhy, persons of the p:J.l'doned, 2174. Q'Kyll, Edmund and "Wm., pardon, 2528. O'Kyllin-Kyllen-Kyllyn. Sec O'Killln. O'Kyl~ Moris, pardon, ·1128. Q'KODChour. See O'Connor. O'Kymoc, Huyh, sL1in,40!SS. O'KoneU-lionill-KonnDJ.l. &c O'Connell O'K-yno., Awe, pal'uou, !SGOS. Q'Kounor. Sec O'Oonnor. O'Kynan. Sec O'Kinane. Q'Konnyll. See O'Connell, O'Iryno.y, One, pardoo, 911. O'Konoln.yno-KonoUayne. See Q'Oonol::\n. O'Kyncaly, DOllOgh,pa.l'doD, 6401. Q'KonaD, Danagh, pardon, 2304. O'Kynge. Sec O'Kinga. O'Kyngy, 11m'y, pardon, 2200. O'Konor. Sec O'Connor. O'KynUly, Tbo., pa.rdon, 4707. O'Konowa. SccO·Oonnow. O'Kynmgban, Dermot, poxdon, 6500. O'Konylla.n-Konymn. Sec O'Connefun. O'Kynned.dy, Shane, pardon, 3015. O'Korcomne. See O'Oorckol'an. 0 ' Kynnedy, John and Philip, English liberty, O'KOl·kcrie- Korltiree. See O'Oorker y. BOO. O'Korkrnin-Korkron. See Q'Oorcran. Q'Kynny-Kynnyo, Donogh and Patrick, O'Korkyrye. Sec O'Corkery. pardon, 15086, 6:1:78. O'Kormi.::k. See O'Oormick. O'Kynnyne, Teige, pardon, 3827. O'Korrogo.n. See Q'Oorregan. O'Kosse-Kose, Bnys and Myllag:h1YD, par- O'Kynsillaghe, Knoghotl1', pardon, 718. O'Kynye, Hngh, pn.rdOD,1849. dOD,2388. Q'Kynyloe, Teiga, pn.rdon, 4805. O'Kowan. See O'Oowan. O' KYl'in6, T eige. p:ll'don, 6848. O'Kowne, Donald, po.rdon, 2C52. O'Kyshanc-Kysshan. Sce O' O'Kowrko, Donoghe, pardou, aa64. O'Kysyn, J ohu, pllJ.'doll, 6632. O'Koyffe, John and Knoghor, pardon, 61STIS. O'Kyung, Neale, pardon, 403:1. O'Koyllegan, Daniel, pardoD, 6571S. O'Kayne, Gylgl1.sse, pru'doD, 1390. Sec O'Kyvsn. See O'Kivan. O'KyvG, Cowne God Hugh, PlU'dOD, 6451. O'Ooyne. O'Jrredan, Donogho, harpol', pardon, 4086. O'KywaJne, p ersons of tha name pardoned, 15806. &c O'Cre<lane, O'Kregha.n, Richard, pa.rc1on, 011. See Q'Rywe, .Arth age, po.rdon,1095. O'Creghan. O'Laane, Tho., pn.rdon, 5140. O'Lachnoyn, Nicb., pardon, 4936. O'Krehan, Teige, pardoD, aaH. O'Krew, Donell, pardoD, 2428. O'La.clmin, Mulrony, pardon, 6618. Q'Krian- Kryane, persons of the name par- O'Lackyne, Tetge, ha.rper, pardon, 6664. doned, 4163, 6li06. O', persons of tho Dame parO'Krlghan, Tho., pardon, r.OOC. doned, GO!l8, 6433, 6.511. O'Kromyn. Sce O'Cromyno, O'Laen, 'I'bo., pardon, 5597. O', Edm.. pardon, 5059. O'LaO'.rty-LafIertlc, persons 01 tho name O'Krottie. Sec O' Crottie. pardoned, GiiM;, 6161. O'Kryane. &c O'Krlan. O'Lame, persons of the pll.rdoned, 6UO, O'Kuc1dyhy. Sec O'lJouiWe. GalB. Q'Kuerke, Dermot and Wm., pa.rdon, 3042. O'Lagnn-Lagane, persons of the pn.rO', Donogh, nJientltion to, 5020. doned,8029,6113. O'Kullen-Knllon. SeeO'Cullon. O', T etge, pardon, GllS. O'KuoDill, Conchor, pardon, 2251. O'Lo.ghan, Shane Gnd Tho., pardon, 64~3. O'K1lI'lllLne, Gyllyneneaffe, pa.rdon, 6616. 6199. O'KurUea, Murtagh, pardon, 1167. O'Laghes, Mortagh, pardon, 1176, 682 APPENDIX TO TWENTY-SEOOND REPORT 011' THE DEPUTY I NDEX TO FIANTS.- E LIZAllETlI; O'Laghlen-Ln.ghlone·-J,n.ghlin. Se, Loghlin. Q'L'l.(I'hlor Nen.l0 and Woo., pardon, 6484. O'La;hl~-L"ghlyne. Se, Logh1!u. Q', parsons of tho name pardoned, 1011, 2080, 3719, !W03, GG1G. O'Iaghnes, Morirt, p:l fdon, 45 1. O'L"~hry, William, p:1Tdon, G38. O'L3.gine, Tho., pardon, G4.11. O'Lahan, Donogh, par<lon, 0555. O'Lahn.rty, Shane, pOl'don, 0101. O'Labie. See O'Lahy. Q'La.hifr, Richa.rd, English liberty, 802. O'Lahy-Labie, persons of the nama p",rdoned, 1181,4380, ba04, 6100. O'Lalor-Lalol·-Lallor-Lallor.-LaUour Lalour-Laln1'-L.~lnr. - Lar<lor -La.wler : persons of the name pn.rdoned,128, 442,126,811, 81li, 051,1116, 1811,101 3, 2034, 2051, 2146, 2821, 2833-4, 2981, 8102,8642, SS4li, Sl!!l1, aS25,9848, nOGO, 4058,4165,4958,4550,4622,4880,li005, 5099,6S76, 5411, 6110, 62Hl, 0300, G!l23, 6389,6400,0481,01500,6510, Gli36, 0651, 0561',), G511, GOGO, GGS.J., G700, 6141, G7G8, 6115. O'L1.nagn.n, John, pCIordon. 208. O'La.~1..ghie , Donogb, pardon, 670l. O', Donald, pardon, M51. O'wne, Donogh and O'Ferrall, pa.rdon, 4660, 6S80. O'Lanecan, Dermot, pardon, 856. O', Ca.hier and Nicholas, pardon, 1305,2050. William, English Uberty, IS02. O'Laneghan, Donnogho, Jl:Lrdon, 0765. Q'Ln.ngan, DennoLt and Donogh, pnrdoD, 5610.6161. O'Ln.nie, Redmund. pn.rdon, G12~. O'La.nnan, Me1agblin and Robert, pardon, 931, 6~34. Q'Lannegan, nlin,s Lehane, Cormack, pardon, 1862. O'Launerogano, Shn.eoe, murdor of, 58ri. O'Lapane - Lappan, parsons of the name par<lonod, 6483, 6135. O'.Larcao) Mo.howno, pardon, ~009. O'lrui.o, MOl'ogh, pardoo, 4030. 0'Larrya8, ConDor) po.rdon, 5011., Donlll, pardon, 858. O'LaSi6, persons of tho name po.l'donoo, 6647. O'Lasse, Gemld, pardon, 63. O'Laosy, lIIomgh, parclon,414!J. O'Ln.ughlcn. Sec O'Loghlin. O'Lar<lor-L.~n1er . See O'Lalor. O' persons of the nama pardoned, O'LD-wan, DorIDod and Jolln, pn.rdon, 4351. Q'Lawlal'o, Wm., pm-doll, 5588. O'Lawlor. See O'LoJ.or. O'Lawndeyl', E um., pn.rdon, 4867. O'L.'\wrio-L.'lwl'Y, parsons of the name pn.rdoned, 6616, 0714, 6124. Q'Lny, pOl'BOnH of the oomo pm'(loned, 4028. O'Ln.yJfertio-Ln.ycffel'tie, porsons of thil llama pardoned, 0683. Old Abbey-Abay-Abbayo-Abbie- Abby, co. KUk., 1175, 1802, 1805, 5332, 6584, OSOri. Oldbn.woll, co. Dub., 4UG. Ol<lbrielge, co. Meath, 889. Old Oappaghe, co. Tip., 6505. OldensteU. See Olde",tlc. Oldc....tolton. See Oldcllstlaton. Old Dnstlo, co. COl'k, 2584. Oldcn.stlo,'co. GaL, 1080. Olclca.stlo, co. Menth, 4149,1165, ·1--101,4024. manor, 1800. rectOl'Y, lOS!), 3178. Old 0astlotoD, co. Cork) 2684, 8046, 3156, 1251, G505. ma.nOl',1248, 6alli, SU17. OI<lco.snoton, or Shanballecayshelane (Oastletown, co. Westm.), 140l. Oldccncr, alias 'I'a.ucro (Shaocor, co. Ye..'l,Lh), !lGOO. OldcollicaU (Ooolyc"U), co. We":, 1282. Old Oonechie, nlio.s ShrLDecon~cghlo (Cannn. 1), co. Cork, 6086. Old Connall-Oonnell, 00. Kil<l., 1216, 2628, 3611,0155. Oidconnnnght, co. Dob. Sec Conong-ho, Connoghol'. . Oldconn"lI, co. Kile!. See Oonnall, 0I<l ConnaU. Old Oorck (co. Oork 1), 6510. 0I<l OoU1'~ co. KUd. 26H. Old Oourt - Olde Conrtc, co. Cork, 4S<i8, 538'1, MOG. Old (~o ur t, co. Wick. See Ouldocorte, Butlerscourt. Oldderrig, Queen's co . Sce Oldcl'ge. Old. Oonrt, Ollioton, &c. See Old Ootu-t. Ol<ltown. Old.ofyno. See Elphin. Oldol'iloota _ OltlCl'fion.t (Oltlorficet, co. Antrim), 6106 j castle" SlOG. gcmgar of port, 1260. Olderge LOlddol'l'ig), Quoan's co., G:JO. 0I<l Gmig, (co. Tip. 1), 6604. Oldgr"ig of Molaghmoro, 012. Old·-Grang, 020 , 20!!O, 2038,4783. Old Gmngo-Gmnugo - Or<lcl. Grangc, co. KUd., 010,l!lO, 20M, S709,0116. 01<.1 Grl.l.uun.go, co. Kilk., lI3lJ2. 4015, 4240, 4041, 4008, 4111, 5000, 01<1 hea<l-Oldehad<l, of Kinsale, co, Oork, 5eU-IO, 6808, 0180. 5020, 5884. KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC REOORDS IN IRELL.'<D. INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZABETH. Old Laughlin (Oldleighlln), co. C~r., messunge a.nd ga.rdcn in. gran ted, 6826. Old mill, Queen's co. SC~ Shanemollitn. Old Orcha.rd. at Mellifont, co. Louth, 2011, mao O'Leien, Leaghlen and Redmund, pardon, 2011. O'Leieshie, Donell, p3J'dOD, GIi71. O'Leigll-Leigllo : persous of the n[l.m o pardoned, Oltl Parish, co. Meath, rectory. 1402, 3062-3, 6l4G, 6334. Old Rosse-Ras - Owlc1e Rosse, co. Wex., 1051, 0534, GGGO, G7U. ma-nor, 2449, 21500. vicar of, 684. rector of, 4181-, 0060, 6299. Old StoJ.ue, alias ClogWoghortie, co. Antrim, 6620. OldstOD, CO. Meath, 0801. Oltltawn, 1030, 6266 . 4520, 5612, 0312, 6566,05i6. O'Leighy-Leighit.:.-Leighey: . persons of the name par doned, 2241, 2243, 2204, 2510, 4764, 6302, 6487,6511. Q'Leigno, persons of the name pardoned, 676·1. O'Lai ns-Lein, persous of tho pn.rdoned, 3031, 13432, 4G28, '1072, 6323, 6431, 1H69, 6494, 65H, 5539, 0304-5, 0570. Q'Lempsey, Da.rby nnd Donogh, pardon, Oldtown- Oulrltowne, co. Cork, 6!!lO. Oldtown-Oldeton, co. Kilcl.,l:11G, 3Gll, G251, MD9: rector y, S011. Oldtown of DODowro,, 6211. Oldtawn, ca. Kilk., 4370, 6700. (Oldtown) - Oltlotawnc (in pur. Kilcnrn, co. Meath.), 6804. Oldtown, co. Tip., (Gsn, 66S7. Oldtown. co. Westm., Gsas. Old Town-QlueLowD, co. Wex., 4068, 6682. Oldwoou-Oldewood, ('0. Wnt., 5·173. 85 75. 0' Len, .Mola.ghly n, pardon, 343:J. O'Lenagan, Edm., pn.rdon, 6712. O'Lennghll.n,, pardon, 6443. Q'Lenn.n, persons of the name pardon ed, 1714, 21~9, 4915, 6549, Gn4. Q'Lena.rga.n, Riokard, pardon, 6701. Q'Lencbe -Lencie, persons of t he name pardoned, lIlsa. O'Lenean, Moriermgh, pardon, 1i798. Q'L eneghan- Leneghann, and Wm., O'Leaery, Wi.l.liJ:t,m, p a rdon, 1366. pardon, G187, 6389. O'Leaghca , parsons of the name pardoned, O'Lenic, Connor, pardon, G5le. 4668. Q'Lennan- LenD1lJle, persons at the mmo O'Lea.ghe, parsons of the name pardoned, pardoned, 4997, GI00, 6501l, 6517, G015, 6649, 4819, 6467. 6G62, 67BO. O'Leagh!e, persons of t he name pardoned, Q'Lenshie-Lensh ye-Lt:Dsio: 6407,0487, GrillS-G, 6571, 6624, 6101. parsons of the name p::u-doned. 4935, 6451, 6461, 0530, 6571. O'Leaghre, Daniel, pardon, 6416. O'Lea.ghy-Lea.hy, persons of the name O'LeDsygha.n, Philip a.nd Teig, purdon, 4762. pardoned, 22011, 6516, 6162, 0764. O'Leny, M orris, pardon, 4L~O. O'Leo.lar-Leallor-LcnJlour: O'Lollyawcun, Wm., pardon, 3807. persons of the nama pardoned, O'Leochullc, B c ne, pardon, 0517. 2348, SIS45, 472:1. O'Leoghta.. Donen, pardon, 4879. O'Leamy.Morogh, pardon, 6417. Olera., co. Car., 4938. Q'Leamygh, Wm., p:l.rdOD,a:H4. O'Lcrie. Sec O'Lery. O·Lean. Edm. n.uel Morish, pardon, liliSS, O',, pardon, 6566. tHill. O'Lerne, .Art, nJ.ia.s O'Ler}", pardon, 4104. O'Leary-Loo.rie : Conoghor, pardon, 47G4. persoDs of the pardoncd, O'Lery-Lerie- Lerre : Art or Arthur : O'Lery, pardon, :1.2Gi, 8088, 4444, 61588, 6110, lJ.169, 6<196, 6514-15, 6532, G539, 6101,67134. elioa, O'Leaughy, Tho., p:J.l'don, 6511. O'Leay,, pardon, 6141. Oleban, tagha of, in Cannello, co. Lim., 5047. O'Ledtly,Roris , pardon, GG16. Q'Leery, Ellen, p3.ruon, 6li24Wm., English liberty and pa.rdoD, 690. O'Leghan, Owen, pardon, 634. O'Leghie, John and DOllell, purdon, 4764. O'Lehan, Donell, purdon, 550B. 4<16 47G4, ' 069, 6467. wife of, p:J.rdon, G461, 65il. Dermed age. pn.rdon, 4486. others of tho pardoned.. 44l6, 44l9, 476<1. 4iS2, 4946, 5069, ti118, 5606, 5558, 0461, 6505, 6511, 6539, 6555, 6:i:i8, 6571, 6101, 6162. O'Laskline, WoJ.ter, pardoIlt 4680. Oleton, co. :Mayo, 6016. O'Leuth, John, pardoD, 6556. O'Ley, persons of the name pardoned, 4123, '069, 5BO~. 6.8, A.PPBlNDIX TO TWmNTY-SIilOOND REPORT OF THE nFlPtTTY INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELlZAnETR. O'Leya.YIl, SherYl'agh, pa.rdOD, 6liS5. O'Linsighan, persons of t h o na.m e pardoned, om, Q'Leyb:l.n, Thomn.a, pardon, 2202. O'Lore, Rorye, pardon, 4123. O'Loyerie. alias O'Lel'ic, Donogh, pa.rdon, 0467. O'L eyglenn.yne, Owen, pardon, 15016. O'Loyn. See O'Loyne. O'LeyD3,Dl, Hugh and John, pa.l'aOD, 1.023. O'Leyne- Leyn-Lyne : O'Linsy. See O'Liney. Oliogo, Donell, pn.rc10D, 0560. O'Lishanc, Da Den, pardon, 0461. Olln.llol', Donn.ld, pardon, 3l:i!l1. DUnne, Douogho, pardon, 6676. Ollard, co. Kilk., grant, 6854. Ollordo, co. Car., tiD·i. Eumund, commission, 381, 542; OIlOl·droch,87B. pardoo, 915. A.wly. DaDell, Enen..~, J oh u, nOll Pat rick, surgeons, p n.rdOll,17G7. S~5S, 45G ·I, 5225, 0509, 0702. John, physi('ian, pn,l'dOD, G·tG7. others of the Dnmo p.:l.I'doned, l B. 140,911,015, 036, 108·!, 11593, 1859, ISH, 22·11, 2245, 2204, 2584, 2507, 2729, 29M, 3030, 3494, 4111, 4260, 4268,44SS, 4682, (:152, 4/i94, 4012, 4012, 4G98, 4744, 4752,4800, 4871, 4tJ!8, 6050. 5075, 5112, 5·138, 11476, 11 682, 6189, 0·.H2, (HGr, 6i7Q, 6490-1, 64!19, 6!S05, 0511, O~20 . 6r.i39, OMS, M:iS, 65(H, Glj/Hl, O!s71. G!S7li-7, Gi G2, G705. O'Leyrie, Ma.hoWllO n nd Tcig, pardon, 1017, ~ i188. 3432, 451 3, 4075, 4nn·" fj,i [i1, O'Lon.iue, DCl'm ml a nd Maons, pardon, 0164. O'Loa.DO, Al·t, p M'don, 6004. O'Lod dio, Tho., pm'don, 0520. O'Lor:hn., Ma.ntUl, pa rdon , :;488. O'Loght.tu, Cohmul, pn..l'uon , 1675. Etllllund, physici:1u, pardon. 1022. O'Logh anc. \ VIll., pardon, 6517. O 'Lo~h olc n, T , pnrdon, S081. Q'Loghel', Oon n.n<1 OWOll, pn.rtlon, 6848. O'L og-hin, 'Bri ou , p::trdOD, 6602. c·lcO, Glllli, (lliOO, O 'Loghlciu, Donagh, pll.ldon, fiG13. O'Loghlln- Loghlcn - Lagh!en - LaghlinLaglllyn - r.~ug hlen - Loghl yn: Bl'il1,U m'Thil'l'cly (of Glane. Gi70, lea.u), pm'don, 0502. D onogh m'Rossc (of Oln.neollamkillo), pa.l'doll, 458<1, 41:;3. 6500. OlHn.. Set E!phin. Owly 01' Aula.nus, clerk, pa.rdOD, ' 41-10. Ow ny m'.Mela.ghlin, co.lled O 'L oghliu, pardon, 1034 j in- O'Lingh e, Derby, pardon, 0676., co. Gn.l., 4717. OBe, Brien, pn.rdon, /IUS. O'Lieghan, David, paluon, 2780. OHeh a.n bo.rony, co, Cork, (in b a r. Barl'Y- denture, 4701 ; hL~ l ands, 4761, Uos,o (of G1auco!umkille), !fullsi to O'Loghliu, pu.rdon, 1317,1G40, more), S2a7. O'Lien, persons of the nam e po.ruoned, !l7ao, <1584, 47li3 j indentw'e, 4701. Til'rcbgh m erriggllgh (of Cahireloggan), pLtrdon, 3077,4753. 6100. O'Liengn.n, Hugh, II[I"l'don, 6701. O'I.ifI'o, Dormond, pa rdon, 0404. O'Lig'hc, John a nd Philip, pardon, 0404. O'Lima.ffa.yel', Jobn, pardon, 4G19. O'Lio oo, Sec Q'Lynce. 'fil'l'olo.u gh (of Gln.nsle..'\d), , 5098. ot.hul's of tho Dame pardoned, nMl,1611, 3()'12, 307B, S219, snGO, O'Linch-Lincho-Linsho: 4~ S·!, 4703, 4780, 4021, 5000,5m, 501:10-7, 5808, 0122, 01151, Cli62, 6582, persons of tho D.ll.l'OO pardoned, 10, 5840, 1810, 4801, 5791, 0117, 6177, GMT, 0/1/10, 6500, G5G!I, 61176-1, 6021. OLinchi, Donagh, pricst, p ardon, 0189. 6017. O'Loglman-LC'Igh nn,llo, persons of t he name p a.nloncu, 22[;5, 668G, 0232, (jei21-2, 0532, 6683, O'Linoy - Lincio - Linsey - Linsio - Liney : persons of tho nn.Ule pnrd onod, 622ei, 0400, 6479, 6ei16, Ol:iGD, 0613, O'Loinshy, D Cl'll1.oml, pardon, 4553. O'LOmn1.l, MOrl'ogll, pm'don, 0190. O'Lomn.t·my, D o n oll, pn.rdon, 8704. 6657. O'Line, John, pardon, 5].j4, O'Linne, John, pardon, 'i720. O'Linscy. Sec O'Liney. O'L inshe. See O'Linch. Q'Linshio, Dcrmod,' po.rdon , 040r. O'Linai.. Sec O'Liney. 070G, (l77ti. O'Lcmall- Lo,?f1,ne, persons of the name pa.rcloned, 9072, G61D, 6517. O'L ono.l'o.gL\Yc, Mn.lU'ice, English liberty. 117. Q'Londorgl1.n , Oonar, po.rclon, 3328. O'L oudes, Maurico, pardon, OeilSb. O'Lono, Wm" purdoD, 65lSG, . · KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS IN IRELAND. 685 INDEX TO FlANTS.-ELIZA1lETE!, O'Lanegan, Edm., pm'doD, 6109, . O' Lonnerygan, pel'sons of the n ame pardoned, 1044, 1910, 2688,2812, 4006,1193,6623. Q'Lonergo.n - - LOU1l61'gan, persons 01 the nama pm'cloned, 900, 960, 2637, 2840. 2801, 2931, 6222, 0305, 6314, 6400, 6495, 0532,6637-8.6760. O'Longan; persons of the n ame partloned, 3761,4481,6612,6466,6:;0·1. O'Longe, persons of the pardoned I !lMJ, 3539, MG7, GiiS9, 6571, 67(H. Q'Longy-Longie, persons of the pardoned, 6616, Stl7S. . G'Lonie, I n.mes t panIOD, 0537. Q'LoniD, Wm., pardon, 55S1. O'Lonine, Mntthew, pnrdOD, 4810. 0'10nOo.D, Donnell, p3.rdon, 11370. O'lonnercganc. See O'Lonercgnn. O'Louncrg:m. &OO'Lollcrgan . O·L~nnerygau . See Q 'LOllel'cgn.ll. O·I.lOnney. Donnogh , ll.:udoD, 0630. O'LOllogn,D-Lonnognn, POl'S<?ns o f the pardoned, 2600, 0551. O'Lonregau, Brian, pal'(lOll, 0305. O'Lansegnn, Edrn., pn.rdon, G066. O'Lonyn - Looyne, p ersons of the name pardoned, 4714, 5603. O'Loob::t, Melln.ghlen and Rory. p!l.I'don, ~586,5802, O'Looby. Cormak, pardon, (i032. O'Lareau - Lorcba.n - Lorclmn - Lormn, perSODS of the nama pardoned, 1710,2037, 24B5, 2637, 46M, 46715, 48B1, 0122, 0309, 0484, 0553. Q'Lordane, Dermod and Donen, pn.rdou, 6515. C'Loren, Morio.rn. pa·rdoD, 0091. Q'Lorko.n. Sec O'Lorcan. O'Lornrighan, Dermod, pardon, 4735. O', Da.vid, pardoD,6566. O'Lorry, Conoghol', pat'dOD, 07S~. O'Loubby, John, pardon, 61568. O'Lougha.n, James, pn.rdon, 0533. O'LonghlILne, Melau ghlin, pa.rdon, 6537. O'Loughcan, Nicholas, pardon. 11M. O'Longhnnne, David, pardon, 0530. O'Laughorne, John, surgeon, pardon, G494:. O'Lounargan, Brien, p::l.l'don, 0180. O'Lowan - Lowane, p ersons of ~he name pardoned, '823,6134. Q'Lowergan, Tirelngb, pardon, Gal i-. Q'Lowhan, persons of the name p a.rdoneu, 6662. O'Lowny - Lowni.e, persons of tho name pardoned, 6515, 6639. Q'Lowony, Donell, pardon, 6173. O'LowronB, Tho., pardoD, 6440. O'Lowrowe, persons of the name pardon ed, 1011,544;9. O'Lowse, Gillpn.trick, pardon, 6764. Q'Lowsie, Gillpatrlck and Teig, pa.rdon, 653!J, 6764. Q'Loye, Donogb , pa.rdon, 6714. Q'Loynsscy, Teig, pardon., 5006. O'Loynsye, Wm., pa.rdon, 4079. Q'Luby. Doncho n.od Mella.ghlyn, pardon, 401G,6621. O'Lucry, Oillicome, pardon, G1G1. Q'Lndo.u, Doneli, pardon, 6505. O'Luinyn, .bmes, priest, pa.rdon, 5602. O'Lullane,, PWOD, 655G, Oluncey, DOllell null Shune, p:trdon, 4G60. O', persons of the IL.'\mc pardoned, 6161. O'Lunyghnn, Theige, pardon, 6302. Q'Lunym, Rory, pardoD, 6496. O'Lurca.n-Lurcn;yno - Lurknina - Lurkllll, persons 'of the }Xtrdoued, 3!lG:l, 1G08, 4675.4659,4691, 5808, 6815, 6600, 6602. O'Lurgan, Canol', pardon, G314. O'Lurkan - Lurk::tino - Llu'k..'\ue. See O'Lurcan. O'Lurreigb, Eum., par don; 65$6. Q'L wenshie - LWCDSic, Dermod, pardon, 64<:1,6611. O'Lwoshie-Lwosie, persons of the pru-doned, G4.G7, 6571. Olwy, DerUlot, pa.rdOD. 4805. O', persons of the name pardonea, 657:5. O'Lyan-Lyen, persons of the n!\.me 11:1.'1'doncd, an, 4780,4:\:191, 61G8, 0411, 040!), 6tH1, 6:524,6535. O'Lyw.u, Thndy, po.rdon, 4015. O'Lyddy, D iermott, pardon, :5808. Q'Lye, persons of the p:udoned, 4621, 5612,5800. O'Lyegha, Taige, pardon, 444t'i. O'LyellBY, Donell, po.rdon, 6661. O'Lyjler, alios O'Morowo, Pa~riek, po.rdon, 2490. O'Lyhea, Teig, pardon, 5516. O'Lymon, Wm., pardon, 6222, Q'Lynam, FcrdOl', pardon, 1085. O'Lyuan, Murtngh n.nd Patrick, p,rdon, O~01. O'Lynce-Lince, persons of the n.' pardoned, 4812, 4934. Q'Lynche, Rory, pa.:rdon, 6533. O'Lynchy, persons of the name pa.rdoned, 6802,6651. OLyncy-Lynsey- Linsie- Lynay, persons of the name pardoned, 3914, BU1, 6570. 6651, 615<. O'Lyne. See O'Leyne, O'Lynnan, persons of the name pardoned, 4312,6232, O'Lynse, Oanoghor, pardon, 8li66. O'Lynseglmne, Rsnell, pardon, ~D2. 686 ,APPENDIX TO TWENTY-SECOND REPOHT OF THE DEPpTY INDEX TO FJANTS.-ELIZADETII. O'Mo.cldcn, OWOD O'Lynsey. Sec O'L,ucy. Q'Lynsho, Dalloll, lltU'Uon , OGG!). O'Lynsie. Sec o'r.. yncy. m'1\Icln..ghlin bnllagh (of Melcck), pQ.l'don, 5880, 4(1 5$-4 i hi8 t itle to O'lfudden's country, ·i718. O'Lynshy. persons of the nama pal'llonou, ot:.hol'~ of t he name pardoned, 6~1l, 65·10, G569. O'Lynsy. Sec O'Lyucy. 432, 878, 1148, 1477, 2029, 222~, ~ 2il 1-:l , 2789, SlCi5, 8720, 4231, 4015,4874, 4S81, 5~2S, 5401, lHS2, G416, 648ti, 15633, tiGll, I5!lS2, ~ tiS5-6, 15088, 6802, 6214, 0504, 6409-10, 0417,0515. 6610 , 6MS, OOH, GB1B, GGOS, 0130. O'Lyshane, Donali, p:u:<lon. 651l. O'Ma..'tU:Y, Hugh. pardon, (1589. Q'M'akoge, Hugh, pardon, fi44D. O'Mach~gJmne, Pat!'" 6450. Q'Mn.cher-Mn.cbir. pel'Sons of tho name, po.rdoned, 6136, 6309, 6519, 6704. O'Mackao, Teig, pardoD, 5184. conntil'Y at, 41, 19S, 5232, 52liG; cnptain oC,11, 911,1080. Slough Callow, 471B. Slough Donogh,4718. O'MMhly, parsons of the name pa.rdoncd, 41, . O'Mackane, Mortagh, pardon, G5S2. O'Mackessy, Uillepatrick, pardOD,871. D'M'Key I Douyll, po.rdon, 0800. O'Mackie, Fardorogh, pa.rdon, 6248. Q'Mackinc, Doneli a.nd "\Vm., pardon. 2000, 2·lH, .Jrj~O, 41·:14·, 5299. O'Mml,lyn, &e O'lIladden. O'Mn.UugtLU-Mndoga.uc. Sec Q'Maddegrm. O'l\I(~don . Sec O'l\It'l.dllon. Q'Mailiga.u-Mn.digano. Sec O'Maddego.ll. O'lIlo.llin-lIlt\dine. Sec O'lIl"dden. Q'Ma.dmoghol'o, Cormack and Tirlttgh, 6·190. Q'M!LCkis, D onne~ p.'Lrdon, 6·152. O'Mnckogs, Teig. pardon, 5075. O'Macky, Eo, pardon, 4386. O':MucogWnu, Dermot, pardon, GalS. 0' Madagnnc. See O'Mnddcgn.ll. O'll.'lddane, DonnJ.d, pardon, soaa. pa.rdoll, G655. O'Mrtddegan - Mruldign.n - l\!:.UULgn.UBlIlo.deg(tn - lIla<ltgl1nMndig:l.D.o: persons of tho name pm'· doued, S2'16, 4021, 4800, u712, u740, 15145, 6183, 0198, 6401. 6600, 6629, OOSS. See "Iso V.ddegMle. O'lIll1dyn-M(I(lyno. Sec O'Madden. O'1\.[noly, M ('olllgll lill, p u.rdon, 6512. Q'Mn,gn.ssie, In.mes, pardon, MOS. O'Magb, Cong hor, pardon, 1888. O'Mn,ghnil\ D ermod, pa.rdoD, 40 04. O'.Maghan- Mu.ghauc : p er sons of t ho name pardoned, 6101, 6,t80. 0;.187, 0499. O'lIladden -lIladdiu-lIla<ldino -lIlo.d<lynSec ",Iso Ivltgho.ill. Maden -lIl"din - lIlo.dine- Oma.ghcorbn, co. Gal., 6416, 1>!adyn : O'lllitgher-Ma.ghm 'o-Mngbir : Douell m oyIe m(Teig, pardon, Ambro se (o! Oloufeugh), pardon, 5100, 6618. 050, llH4, 1343. Gilluncnew: O'lUagher, pardon, Awle oge (of Kilomu), "ttD.inted, m G. {l60,2U2 6. Coghc, a robel, 1006; pn.rdon, 2406,4011,1231,4089, M.1I2. Donald - Da,niaI: O'Madden, m ad. e<>pliLtn 01 O'lIladdon', eount,ry, lOBO, 1711 i pardon, 8729; grant of lnnds, 4118. Donall - Hugh mac MeltLghlin hn.lIag:b , made captain ot O'3Uu,llllou'H country, 911 i biB DlUl'uor, 1080. MclughUn, lato cnptnin of his nat ion, 911. lIclagblin m'A, wly age, a ttaint- ed,5935. Ono O'Melaghlyn, .lIin.. lIlolIlghlin madder, O'MlI.ddon's COlwtry 41. OWOD,o.l·obcI,1660. or G illeuono w m T oig, pardon, 1t84, 11110, 2635. 3888. Hlll:h m n,cD ol1011 moyle, pa.rdon, OliO. 1184, 1305. Philip m 'Dollogh. pru:dOD, 1008, 20::11, ti 14 ~, 0122. oUlel'S of t,ho nam~ pardoned, HI", 0,;0, 1065, l OGS, 1184, '1305, 11:11\6-8, 1880, .1888-0, 1918, 2019, :.lOil1, 2M2, 2010, 2081, 2085, 22:11, ~310, 2!15ij, 2513, 26S5, 9601, S5M, 38MB, SO UO, 4001, 4036, 4264, 4631, 463\1, '.1:7<14, '1181, '1882, 4910, 4935, 50 8~, 5102, 5B<, MB5. 0110, am, 62'18, 6-108, 64a2, 6440, 05 ~1, 6541, 056'1- 5, 0611, 070G, 616~, 6112, O'M:llJller no for ony, Tho., pn.rdon, SIlOO. O'Mo.ghol' "eogho, Tho1lll\S, pardon, ~031. O'Mo.gher l'OW, Dormot, pardon, 2029. 687 KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS IN IRELAND. INDEX TO FIL'ITS.- ELIZABETH. O'M..1.ghcrs - M...'lghery - M..'Lgheric9 - O'M::iliowny, Moelmoe Magherycs country (the barony of Ikerrin, (ot OastJema- howny" oJiaa Q'MahODY, pa.ruoD, 6514. Teig ne ReligyI pa.rdon, 3039, 4407, ' 024, 0110. others ot the namo par~ doned., lOS4, 1299, 2270, 2608, 300U, 3:131, S030, S03S-0, 3083, CO. Tip.), 193. 973. 8399, 492~. Q'Maghery. Edm. m'Lnughlin donne, pat'don, :;:;24. O'l\fugbesec, Derby n.od Teiga. pa.rdoD, 6538. O'Mn,gh l erny. Wm., pa.ruOD, 65:18. O'llig-hir. See O'Mngher, O'Magblaghlin, Rory. pardon, 6432. O'Maghowna, Sharne and Teige, pardon, 3508, 653B. 46!.J2, 4G19, 4G73, 4781, 4875, 4940, t.i!){i!.J, 6456, 6507 ~8,IS 5SS-!.J, O'Yn.ghyr, Dermot, pa.rdon,1043. 5618-19, 61iO. 6199, 630~,6401, O':llnh~[ 3635,3589, 4-:l15-1G,4467,45G3, ], Donogh, pardon, 6699. 6:131, 6461, 6469, 6485, 6514-16, £52!1, 6589-10, 6M6, 6511,6618, 6701, 6162, 6764, 6770. -On.rben~ (Florence), po.rdoD, Q'l\!a.bun-Mahand- Mo.hl1ne: persons of the pardoned, 5507. 6499, 6529, G558. O'Mnh.3.ny. Teige, po,rdoD, 2029. O'l\fuhnwne, Teig, pa.rdoD, 6.589. 3038. Cnstle of, co. Cork, 6200. See o.lso I vnhuny, Va-hony. O'JW1ber-JW1hir-lILawrc: persons of tho on-me p::tl'doned, O'Mahuny, Dermod, plordon, 6461. O'Maigher, Don~ll, lXW-don, G:122. G309, G314, (lM7, 6G71. O'Mahohn!hill, A varcagb, pardon, 4070. O'.Ma.hon-··Mn.honey - O'.il!aile. SeeO'Molly. Omaile. Ste Im~yle. Maboni~-Ma.hoDY 'Mahoon. See Q'M,·...howny. Q'M::Lhollnagh-Mahownagh. Dermod and Teig. pardon, 6539. O'Ma.houncy- Mn.hounie. ScCO'Mllhowny. O'Mn.howeny. Gerald, pardon, 6183. O'Mahown- ltahowne. See O'Mahowny. O'M.a.howney-Mahownie. See O':Mahowny. O'Ma.hownigh, Donogh, pardon, 490i. Q'Mahowny- Mahon.-M..,\boncy - Mrlhonic - :Ma.hony - Mahoun Mahoune - Mahouney Ma.hounie - Mn.hownMn.howne - M.:!.howney lILahownie : Oonnaghcr, a,1ias Connor, lense, 3283. Conoghor (of Axdtynan), wa.rdehip of son, G088. Danel (son of Dono£,h), wa,rd- Oma.i1ie, Tho., plIdon, 892S. O'Mairry, Te!ge, pardon, 6612. O·M3.kennedy, Teig, pa.rdon, 6569. O'llikessy, Philip, pardon, m6. O·.il!alaghl!!a~lghlyn. See O'Melaghlln. O'MamIe, T eige, pardon, 2SiiS. O'Ualan-}IoJane: Cormack, pa.rdOD, 6786. Shane, psrdon. 4035. O'MaJaugblin. See O·Melaghlin. O'~ 1alannic , Edm., pardon, 64B6. O'Mulbuganagh, William, pardon, Gl7B. Q'Ma.J.chly, Hugh, pardon, 51~6. O'Malc honeny, Brien, pa.rdon, 646B. O'Male. Se, O'Mally, O'MoJedie, Morogb, pardon, 6699. O'Ma-Iedy, Thomas, leaseJ 1561t 8369. O'MoJlLLn-Mullanc: p ersons of the name pardoned, 6709, 614G, 6736. ship,6r.i43. O'Ma.lJanghlen. Se. O'Melagblin. O'MoJleadie, Cormock and Hngh, pardon, Danell m'Conoghor, attainted, 8283, 4429, 6640, 006~ . 6600. Donogh (son of Conoghor of Ax1tynan), alias O'JI!a.. bowne Fin, wa.rdship, 6088 wardship Omallhy, Brien, pardon, 4721. j or his 6OD , 6545. O'Mahony Carbary, :pardon, 1~81, 3038; pardon .of his men a.t his snit, ~030. Florence, alias Florence (son of Florence), pardon. 1581,S038. Kien e m'Meilmo (o! Castlema.howny), pa.rdon , SaH, 6666. O'lIfoJIic. Se.O'lIIoJIy, O'Mallmogbrie, Owen, pa.rdon, 5440. O'l\IoJlon -Mallone : persons of the name pa.rdoned, 6146, 619:1, 06G4. O'Malloy, Kene and Neill , po.rdOD, 3861. O'lIIoJIy -Maile-MoJe -MoJUe-!aylly : Dermod, pardOD, 4844 j SUl'l'ender of WB lando, Dodarongh or Dowdara, pardon, '!148. 4.951-2,5076, 6t1U. 2z SBB .A.'PPI!INDIX '1'0 'l'WlIIN'l'Y-SlilOOND RI!IPOM OF THE DlIIP17TY INDEX TO FLl.NT3.-ELIZAllETR. O' Mally, Donali, surrender of bislands lI948, M ela.gWin. chief of h is name, o.ppotnted seneschal, 2080. Mefughlin (son of T aig roo), pardon, 4302. Owen (of On,hirnamo.rt), pardon, 4844, 0683 i surrender of his lands, 59·18. T eiga r oe, pa.rdon, 4aG~ i traitor, 586B. ot hers of the name pardoned, 2131, 3S20, 4S51-~, 4.536, 4566, 4GDB, 4760, 4M4,4856, li01l:;, 6156, fil73, 6197-S, a889, 6497, 0510-17, 0570. O'Mnlon e, persons of the name pnrdoned, 789,2709, 6500, 65~S, liS14. O'Mo.lowny, Wono, pardon, G6lli. O'Mo.loyn, ConoT, pn.rdOD, GGIB. O'Maly. Sec O'llfuUy, O'Mano.ghane, Owen, pn,rdoD, 3070. O'Mn.nchrm, Droo, pn:rdon, 3903. O'Mn.nenn.n. Donogh. po.rdon, 6490. O·Mo.ngn.D, Po.trick :lnd Sha-ne, pa.rdoD, DSI, Q'Mnrkll.bano - Mn..rlmgh..'l.ine- Mn.rkecha.n, persons of the nam e pa.rdoned, 4733, 64g0, 0511. O'Ua.rketlio, T eig, pardon, 0532. O', Mu.wghon, pn.nloD, 3513. O'M.a.l', Danell, p:1ruou, 311S2. O'Mu.rogn.n. Patrick, pru.'don, 124. O'Ma.rrha, Connor, pn.rdon, 5184. O'Marrinn.n - M:1l'renn.n - Marynl1ynMa.rynu.ync,peraons of the n pa.rdoncd, 2720, 4743, 1l407, Gli24. See also, O'Marrogho - Murl'oghoe, Gillypntrick nnd Tho., pn.ruon, 6400, 6660. Q'Marry- Mn,rryo, persons of th o name pa.rdoncd , 6·iG8, 671~ O'Mu,rycD.yno. See O'Mu.rrina.n. O'Martcn - Martin , parsons of the name pardaued, 2 ·1~M" 37~O, 0601, 0:sa3, 6674. O'I\L.'tl'tnant, DODell, l);\l'l1on, 4481S. O'Mu.ry, persous of the nnma pardoned, 6624. 4U8G, 0122, 6512, GI5GI'5. O'llinihiD, ThO., pardon, 6669. O'M:.ttbomB, Da.vid, pa.l'don, G480. O'Manin. See O'ManDin. O'Ma.ucho.n, Fa.rro.U, pa.rdOD, liG93. O'Manlne, Hugh nnd Elmne, pardon, 1S691, O'M::mghol', T eig and Wm., pardon, lieU, 5140. 0780. O'ManD. Donoho, p~L1'don . 4411. O'l\fayuhir, Teig, pardon, 8661. Oma.uner, Donogh, p::LrdOD, 6632. O'lIIayle. Sec O'Mo,1ly. O'Mannemna, Dormad, pa.rdon, 6164. Omo.yla. See Ima.yle. O'Mannm- Manin- Ma.unyn-Mn.nyn : O'Maylegllu, Ownye, pardon, 6114. Danen, chief of his nation, Oma.ylle. Sec Ima yle. 3700. O'lIIaylly. Sec O'Mally. Hugh (of Mynlogh), a.ppointed O'Mayne, Patr., pa.rdoD, 6140. tanis~ 9790. O'Mo.yni nB, Dermot, pardon, 6438. Wm., pardon, 9799. O'Mn.yutoy, Wm., pu.rdon, 6621. ot h ers at the name pardoned, O'Mca.chail', Teig, po.l'uon, 234.8, 2721, 4110, ~58, 4471, 4li39, 40:;2. O'Yea.chan, MelaughleD, pardon, 15401. 4GG7, 4111, 4780, 4871, 6000, fiUS, O'Men.ghan- Meaghan o, persons of the pn.rdoneu, 6149, 6314, 6611'5. 64n, /)448, li4fi8, 1'56S3, 501S, 6800, 6309, GfiSa, O'l\Icn.ghal'io, Philip, pardon, GG02. Omn.nny. See Im.1.ny. O'Me.gile, P hilip, po.rdon , 4531. O'Mnnoghow, OweD, pM'don, tllSll. O'Meaghegon, Donogh, pardoD,6481. O', David, pardoD, 808~, O'Meagh er-McaahOl'e - Moaghir. persons Omany, See I m<'luy. of the name pm'doned, 1041 O'Many, Mahown and Teig, po.rden, 616li. 1180, 1208-0, 1500, 20fi1, !l06G, O'Mo.n,}T"D. See O'Mannin. !l281, ',230S-9, 2411, 2681, 326S, O'Ma.nynano, Loghlio, pardon, 1M2. 8fi29, 4001, 4386-6, 4fiSl, 4614, O'M..'lnyne, Rary and Tho., pardon. Ufi!),8D64. ~nlS, 4708, 4838,498l1, 5069, 6211, O'Mn,nyngo, Bryan, slaying of, 4905, (Sa7li, 0440, 0-106,64.96, 6l1!lI, G632, O'Maoyltully, Mingh, p:Ll'don, 05~ S. 6fi6l, BfiSS, G61S, 6628, 6101, 6706, O'Ma-teahan, J ohn, pardon, 444.0. 07G5. Q'M<'lTCU!!, Tho., pardon, 61SOfi, " Sec o.lso Vaagher. O'Mare, William. :nard on, !lOSS. o.'Meaghigll.u, Donogh and, pardoD, O'Marey-Ma.lie: a.81. " persons of the pardoned, O'Manllane, poraonB of the name pardoned, ij521 , OsG5-{J, R6~8 6701. Q'Ma.riil Conogher, arrlon, 4186. O'MeELine, Joh u, pal'do:q, 64.84, XllllllPE:a OJ' THE PUBLIO RlllOORDS IN IRELAND. 689 INDEX TO FIANTS,-ELIZABETH, O'Me:u-an, Donogho and John, pardon, 6707. O' : Donald (of Lissenosky), English liberty; 4081; pardon, 4580,4508. Wm., pa.rdOD, 6142. others of the nama pal'doned, 2310, 4508, 4604, 640 6, 6561, 6623, 6765, O'Men.wha.n,, pardon, 812. Omeby, Greno, pardon, 4CiG5. O'Meolo, lldm., pardon, 650~, O'Megh.1.D, Teigc, pn.rdon, 0181. O'Meghir, Danell, pn.rdOD, 0618. O'Mehegn.ine - Mehego.uB, Matthew a.nd Teig, pardon. 2241, a080. O'Mehelecau, DaDoll, pardon, 2lilS. O'Yeholloghn.n, Wm., pardon, 670~. O'Moigber, Gonchor, pardon, Omoill, See lmaylo, a~. O'Meinroync, Cornelius, paruoD, 256. O'lllelagh1in - M"l:1ghlyn - JllalaghUnM.'lln.ughlin-llln.l l~ughien -l'Uemughlin-:Melhughlen-lllolaghion-lllolaghlin-Mol:1ghlyn-Molaughlin -- Mol~nghlyn - Moliaghlcn - MollaughlcnlIIoyln.ghlin--MuJugblinMullaghleu-llluUaglcn lUullaghlyn : '" chief of his, comu., 4463, Arle, a.ttainted, 6826. .A.rte m'PhBlim, attaiDtoecl, li826. I Co.ilagh, appointed captain of hi~ country, OlS j p 3.l'don, 150S. IGS4, 2182 i commission, 41H j pa.rdon to his m en, leBO. Oolmn.u, pardon, 430S i a.ttainted, 4869 j his lands, 5315, Con m 'Ja.mes, pa.rdon, U48, 1219, 1169, 2180. ~721, 5544, 3775, Irri.1I (of OIonlonan), _ - dOD,0460, • Kedagh age, pn.l'doD, li29, 1601, 2313, 3822 i a.ttainted, 15820. othol's of tho pardoned, 130, 816, 1808, 1084. 1711, 2182, 2211, 2216, 2406, ~~8-D . 2600,3110, 8844, 8490, S71~ , 8162, 4.014, 4622, ISlOO, 654.9, 6614, 156815, 6121, G389, 6i06, 64150, 6488, 611U, OliSO , ~liIl 7, 8611, 666S, 6699 . O'MeiagWin - country of (harony of OIon- Jan.n.u, co., IDS, OlS, 1808, 1401, 1429, 1601, saoo, 6232 j martial law and rebels in, 2103-1. O'MaIa.n-, persons of t he pardoned, 5091, 6013, &112, 6502, 6766. O'Mela ugban, Ken.dougb (of Moyelly), attainted,6771. O'lUelaugh1in, See O'lllelaghlin, O'Melcl'ewe. Teig, po.rdan, 6145. O'Meledy, Mela.gWin, pm'uoD, 0618. Q'Meleghlen, Ja.mes (of BaJ.lycor), p::trdoD, 661B, O'Mellin -, persons or the n.." pa.ruoned, 4982, ~710. GU5. 6570, 6629, 6714. O'lUeliaughlen, &e O'lIlelaghlin. O·Mcl1a.we, Sllero, pardoD, 1895. O'Monenny - Melleny, persons of the nama pardoned, Ci401. O'Mellon. ROV,'l"y, p:lrdon, 614:;. O'Melloync, Connor, pa.rdon,1338. O'Mentole, Edm., pardon. (;184. O'Mclone, persons of the name po.rdoned, 18, 2609, 3952, O'Meloy, Can, pn.rdon, 468.5. O'Mp.loyes country, 1419. See O'Molloy, O' Cn.rbry and Gilledutr, pardoD, B75,5696, O'llleohghan, Hugh, 2301. O'MeoUe, Edm., pardon, 6583. O'Meauy, Sha.ue. pa.rdon, GiO!. O'Meran, Donell, pardon, 11193. O'Mcrayne, Donogh , pardon. ~997 . O'Merehy, David, pardon, 4114. O'Merga, DOD e~ paruOD, !i682. O'Mergey, Rich., pa.rtloD, 6389. O'Mel'gin, Donalda.nd William, pardon,1l13, 3400, O'MCl:gyne, Tho., pardon, 6532. O'Merick, Owen, pardon. 6248. O'.a!edgaD, Ene, parooD, 4935. Q'Mensa, Donnogh a.nd Enness, pardon. 2036, ~03S, O'Meroan, Donogh, pa.rdOD, 8846. O'Merye. Don nough, 296B. Omescourte, n.lin.s Uppercourt, co. Kilk., luLu. O'llleskill-Micskoll-Wskil! : porsons of the name pa.rdoned, 20M, 11808 I 6300, 6484. O'Moy- Wey : persons of the IllLme pnrdoned. G6tiO, 6ti74, 6181. O'Mi.o.gau, Patr., Pll:l'dOD, 65G5. O'Wagh. Donogh, pardon, 676~, O'1>fial/ban-lUieghan : persona of the nam e pardoned, 6652·8,6181,6755. 2z2 690 APPENDTX TO TWENTY-S ECO N n REPORT OF THE DEPUTY I~'DEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZADETli. O'Mleskell, Sec O'M.skill. O'Mley. See O'Mey. O'Mlghn.n-Migho.ue; persons at the name pa.rdoned, 45L3, 45134, 0501, 07GlI. O', persons of the pa.rdoned, 4008,4810, O'Mihl1in, Ohal'les, prieah, pDrrUOD, 5602. O'Mi!CallOD, Oormack, pa.rdon, (lHIS. Q'Millen, Will, pM'doD,40S0. o Omine, Edmund, pardon, 1490. O'Mire,Dormotn.nd Taiga, pardon, 6140. O'Miris, DOllell, pal'dOD, 6624. O'Mlskill. See O'Mesklll. O'l\IIDwney-Mlo.wny-lIIl:J.wnye: Johu, a.ttaindol',1na. othore of the nama po.rdonod, a019-BO, G302. Omleny, Rowry, pardon, MOG. O'MlIo.wuye, DanylJ, pardoll, 0302. Omlllno., Rich., pardon, 410B. O'MoDJ'e, Gilmoddir, pn.rdon, 2 1~2 . Q', Wm., pa.rdon. 46B1. Q'lUocliage, Tho., pa.rdon, 4062, O', per.5one of the pardoned, 22GO, 22n, 4130, 6&1B. O', Taig, pa.rdon, 061l6. O'Yoelin, parsons of the pardoned, O'Moholo.ghan, poraollB o! the namo par_ doned, 4494, 4734, ii223, 6411, 6!l79-80, G~32, O'Moholane. John, pardon, H06. O', Shane, pardon, 809:5. Q'Moillino, John, purdoD, 6490. O'MoUryu.u, Connor, pa.rdon, 2037, Q'Moillicho.n, 't aige, POol dOD, 3828. O'Mokau, Wm .• pardon, O~14. O'Mokorou, Donl)ll, pn.l'dOD, liliSS. OmokIng-ho, co. Wex. 6780. Q'Mokanney, Conoghor, pardon, ~797. O'Mola, Mort.agho, pa.rdon, 683. O'Mola.gha.ll, Donoll, pardon, 2SS4. O'M0111ghlin-Molaghlen - Molo.ghlyu. S" O'MoJaghlln. O'Mobllyo, Lo.nghliD, pa.rdollt U32. O' : Fo.l'dorogh, chiof of hiB name (in O'Oahano's counlry), pardon, 6088. Morycel houso in Trim, 1114.. othors or tho name pardoned, 4250, 4080, 61-'fi, G200, 6560, 6661. OOBB, 6104. O'Moln.ny, Oonor, pa.rdon, 4128. O'M01o.nghlin-MoJn.ughJyn. See O'Mc111ghlill. Q'Molawnc, Taiga, pardon. G516, 6fi16. 4116, 60BB. Q'Mola.wnoghe, Moylmor,pardoD, 3062. O'Moellano, Da.rbey and Wm" pardon, 1734, O'Moleahy. See O'Mulcahy. 2269. O'Molchahe, Shane, pardon, 4416. Q'Mosllony, Dermot, pa.rdon, 6504. O'Molehalll, P~t. (s"" O'Muleahel), pardon, O'Moeltulye, Irioll, pardon, 646B. B11. O'Mt)eny, DonelI, pardon, 5802. O'Molohloy. Sec O'Mnlcloy. T,ho., pardon, 6188, O'Yolchorro, Donnougb, pardon, 64.39. O'Moghan- Moghane : Q'Molclohy, Brion, pardon, 0018. persons of tho name pardoned, O'Moleonere-·Moloonnere-Moleonrie. Sa 4M2, 4044,6G01, 649D, 0600,6G01, O'Muleonry. 6516, 65as. O'Moldony. S"" O'Muldony Q'Mogher-Moghil', Wm., pardoD, 4162, 648(1. O'!lIoldoWllOY - Moldownle - Moldowny, O'Moght, Gillpo.trlck ~nd H ugh, pardon, See O'Mnldowny. 069S. O'Mole, Gllp',tryeke, pardon, ~~ . O'i\loghyla;ughlen, Dermot. pardon, 1S000. Q'Molocho.n, John, pa.rdoD, G506. O'A!oha.iro (or O'Mo.ghir), Wm" pa.rdoll, 21113. O'Molodlc-Molody: O'Mohoilie, Owen, pa..rdon, 0401. porsona of tho name pardoned, O'Mohelc, Rickard, pardon, O!l9D. ~792, G108, GM1. O'Mohello.gho.n, Philip, pardon, 0692. O'Molega.n. porsons of the Damo pardoned, See 0.180 638D, 6511, OGOO. O'.Mohellega.u, Gilledufle, pardon, 0418. O'MologllOon, Dreno !lnd Wm., pa.rdon, nu, O'Uoher, David and DCl"D1od, pardon, 051G. OGOO. O'Mohertie, Dennys, pardon, 1l66~. O'Yolono, 'Vm" pardon, 4651. O'Mohery, Do.yhl, pardon,4714. O'Molongo, Pu.t.r, boy, 11(l.rdon, S166. O' : Q'Molornu, John, pardon, 6116. John !:LIld Morris, pal'don, O'Molcy, Ouin, pardon, 5508. ~~84, 6186. O', Tho., po.rdOD, 6668. O'Moho1o.ghan-Moh0111ho.ne_ Moholeghan O',Molgoi, Edm., pal'(\on, 4881. - Moholelghllon - Mohol- O'.l\101goirgo, Connor, pn.rdOD, 5603. leghan - Moholloghan- O'11{olgoyhe, Donnogb, pardon, 4.140 Moholoahllon: O'Molghan, Shane, pardon, 6143. KEEPER OF THE PUBLIO REOORDS IN IRELANTl. 691 L'IIlEX TO FllNTS.-ELIZABETEL O'MoliDge1 persons of the name pardoned, S046, 31515, 5028. O'Molloy- Canell, made captaiD, 4522 i surrender and regrn.nt of O'Molkery- Molklery : country,4987-8, Donall or Donald, pardon, 3484 i persons of the name pardoned, l OSS, 4355, 6496. made captain, 3460 i pa,rdon O'Molklyhy, John, pn.rdon, 2029. O'Molkonry, Daniel, pardon,l311. O'Mollaggi, near AcrosBt church of (, co. Cork), G128. O'Mollnggie, In.nds 01 the abbey of the oorb of, to him nnd followers, 58:n. Donell or Donatus (01 IIn.n KiItobert), wardship of his heir, 5402. Edmund duffm'Connoll, pardon, 5m. Edwo.rd, wardship, 5402. Edward (of Tu1Jn.more), hi, good service, 6480; pardon on his 6 1~S. O'MollD.ghohloye, Donagh, pardon, 4290. O'Moll.ghIen, Donald and Tirlagh, pardon, 816 . Set O'MeJn.ghlin. O'Mollnlle, Morogh, pa.rdOD, 2700. O'Mol!n.n-Mol!n.n. : petition, 6430. Hugh, pensioD, tsli85. Phelim, made captain of FcrcaJJ, 4145. Teig m'Cahir, attainted, 5820. Theob!!.ld or Tib, It, made cap. Teig, alias O'Molawne, pardon, 65115,6616. athers of the name pa.rdoned, 8876. 6709, 6523, 6388, 6564, G618, 6862, 8714; G7Gl. O'MalIanYI Maurice, po.rdoD, 61516. O'Mol!n.ughlen. Sec O'MoJn.ghIin. O'MoUo.yc, Wm., pardon, ~GG9. O'MollcahilL Sec O'Mulcahel O'Mollcbomy, 011a.rd, pardonl 6533. O'Molleghan, Derbie and Philip, p:l.tdon, G629. O'Mollenanyne, 'fomultagh, pardon, 4777. O'Molline, Shane, pardon, 0613. O'Molling- Molling. : persons 01 the name pardoned, 2231,2253. O'MoUmochory, Glllenonowe, pardon, 5603. O'Molloey. See O'Molloy. O'Molloie. See O'MolloY. O'Mollona, Edm., pardon,4.231. O'Mollone, Done1l, pardon, 2720. O'MoUony, Riccard and Teig, pardon, 2129, of Fercall, 1208, 1227 i his son p3.l'doned, 2188 i surren~ deI'S captaincy, 344.9. others of tbe name :pardoned, 150, 886, 1161, 2038, 214.1, ~110, 2188,2263, 239:1,2031, 26:10.2789, ~925, 2985,3299. 3347, 34M, 3501, 8508,3050, SiTS, S8!?O, aS51, a959, 4152, 4161, 4362, 46H, 4C18, 4801, 4980, 51S8, 6lH>, 5214. 5490 , ~S02, aaso, GiSO, 6450, 6·183, G400, 6501, 653-1-5, 6551, 666G, 672 1), &ta3. 6765. See also Mcloy. title of, o.bolisbeu. 4!iSS. O'Molloy, country of, 193, 314, lona, 1410-20, 2599, 3m, 0777, 602G, 6786. m.a.rtiallo. win, 21G3. rebels iII, 2164. and seneschal of, O'Mollownae, Walter, pardon, 6198. O'Mollowne, John, pardon, 656'. Se. Fercall. O'Molloyn, Edm., pardon, 2G34. O'Mollrane. Sec O'Mulr""n. O'MolloWDowe. John, lands of, 6192. O'Mollowny, Mac Cmhe nnd' l pardon, O'Mollienill, Gillecl'ist, pardon, 6033. O'Mollrona·. See O'YulroDa. 4687. 3460. O'Mol!ryan. See O'Mulryan. O'Mollt:J.lle, Shane bane, pardon, 6657. O'Mollughayn,Derby and Doni1l, pardon, 4638 O'Mollvill. Sec O'Mulvihill -Mrnoy : O'Molly, Rorie, pardon, G13G. Arthur, late captain of Fercall, O'Molmochore. See Q'Mnlmochore, 1208. O'Molmoy. See O'Molloy. BrInn, pardon, 1761, 2141, 2393. O'Yolnolie, Tho., pa.rdon, 651'. Bria.n (ot BaUycownn),attainted, O'Moloey. St,O'MoUoy. 5771. O'Molona, Ma.lJJ.chio.s, prlest, pardon, 4813. Ca.llagb m'Oouell, pardon, 6496. II Shane, pardon, 4871. Cona.tius or the prior, pardon, O'Malone, persons of the pardoned, 3539, G533. - Moloy - Molloye - Molmoy Molloey - Molloie- Mullmoy - Mulloy-Mulloye- Mulmoy O'~rolloy It 8; his sons, 22G3, 4152. Conatius or Con, pa.rdOD, 1767, 2195. ~21.950, 15174, 6G~4:. O'Molonna.-Molovu:r.-Molownae, person. of the name pardoned., 1050, 'i24. 5198. 692 .A.PPlIINDIX TO TWlIINTY-SIilOOND REPORT OF THE DlilPUTY INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELlZADETH. O'Molowne, Donnogh and OweD, pardon, 6615. Q'Molowny- Molowneio - Molownoy, P Gr~ sons of tho po.rdonod, 21f)1,6101. Q'MoonynoD, Shane, po.rdon, 4180. O'Mooro. See DIMore. O'MooroG, Dnyo, p ardon, B54li. O'Mora., Conell [l.lul 'Vim., pardon, 3tH17. Moriortngh m, pn.rdo~ 110, O'Momghnn, Donagh, l)fIordoD, 64U. O'MOl'[l,ghio, porson s of tho name pardoned, Q'Molowye', parsons of t h o pardoned, 2428. O'Molp.triok. Sec O'Mulplltrick. 0734. O'Molrnny. See O'Mulran!e. O'Momn-Morl1! : O'MolreaD. See O'MulreI'D. Brinn, priost, pn.rdoll, 6550. O'Molrinn. Sec O'Mulry..n. othors of the name pn.rdonecl, 677, O'Moirone, William, pa.rdOD, 9/S0. 1116, 24D8, S0315, 8880, 8891, 4.000, O'Molrono, Shane, pardon, 4675. 47815, 4805, 4836, 4844, 49", U73, O'Molrowne, Tbo.dy, pardon, 1805, 6432, 6442, 6das, 6410, liG11, 5682, O'MolrYlln. Sec O'Mulryan. O'Molrydy, William, pardon, 1G80. 67010, GOGO, 0119, G180, 0232, G32S, O'Moltolle-Moltole, pOl'Sons of tho namo MOG, 0487, 04.06, G600, 015150, 6661, 01111, 6GOS-4, 010G, G11'1. pn.rdoned, 4946, 5499, 6513. O'Molnbie-Moluhye-Molulhlo, peraons of O'Mornshhy, Tlulod y, pn.rdOD,4035. O'Moro.ugho, Ohnrlos, prio.qt, pardoD,liG02, the Mme pardoned, 4180. TOig, pn.rdon, 4913. Q'Molvay, William, pa.rdon, 4B81. O'Morclmilo, Patr" pardon, 0153, O'Molvocboky, Gillcdowo, po.rdon, 4180. O'Molvochory, persons of the nama Pl\r- O'M01'cho,u, pcrsonq of tho nruna pnordoned, 27615, 13408, 0111. doned,4786. O'Morch ghino, Donogb, pn.rdOD,6184. O'Molvolly, Pat r' l pardon, 3248. O'll!o]yc, Hugh, pa.l'dOD, 2089, Q'Morcho-Mol'choo-l\!orchoW'-Morchowe: O'Molyno -Molyn,: persons of the nama Ar ~hUl' or Arte m'Donnall, po.rpa.rdoned, 878, 1010. dOD,2916. O'Monaghan - Monechan - MoulghanDono.ld m' onte,kyno, Monnechan - ~onn1ghan, persons of the par uoD, 21l76. pardoned, 2211, MOO. 04;01, 6181, 6611, Donogh m'Art ne kille, pardon, 661G, G104. 6617. O'MoMDe, Doirmod and John, pardon, 6560. roWlLne m'DOnDBll, Omande, Philip, pardoD, 4504pru.'don, 2976,4484. OIMone, persons of the name pardoned, Teige m'Art ne ldUo, pardon, 4301. 614, 2600. athol'S 01' the name pardoned, O'Monochnn . See O'Monaghan. 2202, 2~SO, 2240, 2838-0, 8960, 5531, Q'Monegh er, Edm., pardon, 6406. 0122,0189, 6248, 6980, 6448, 6511, O'Money I persons of the nnme pardoned, 451, G15, 1872, 2Goo, ~G8S, 6500, 6618. O'Monga.n-l[ongane, pOl'sons of the nama pardoned, 1065, 1164, 2683. S735, ~5S2, 0928, 6389, 0602. Q'Mongevn.ine, Danoll, pardon, 680S. Q'Monghan, parsons ot the unme pardoned, 41i81, 4891, 04.61. O'lllonigho,n. See O'Monaghan. O·Moulll"", Cormock o.nd E<1m., po.rdon, 5108. O'Monnocban, Sec O'Monaghan. O'Monnlghan, See O'Monagho,n. O'Monoge, DOD, pardon, 5416. Q'MonY-Monyo, persons of t he nama pardoned, 1381-8,1147, ;941, 3316, S884, ~OO, 0561, 6(104- O'lIlonylla-Monyllae, persona of tbe nama •POrtioned, 5108. lIlonyn, John. pardon, 2600. Q'Moone, John, P:l.l'dOD, 6638. o O'Moony-Mooney, persous of the pardoned,llG4, 6110, 66~, 6111, 0608,6115. O'Moro-lIlooro, CLtlloDgh (aon of Rory), gro.nt 01 lands, 2448, 2606. ~698, 8007, H46. Ferros m~Rosse, Bons of, in rebellion, 1211. Kedagh, 0, robol, 1210. m'Oonoll, po.rdoD, 160,624.. J)l' oge, pa.rdo~, 4130 i !ivory, 6895. Mortagh, a robel, 1210. Mor tagh - Morertagh or Maurice ogo, grant of la.nd, 618, 1558 j pa.rdon, ~081 ; livery to h eir, 5395. Ownym'Rory, Grebel, 0020. Owny or Owen mlShane, pardon. 8591, ao~o, 4622. li009 i penSion, 8059 ; • hiB wito, 6551. Patriok m'LiBlLgh m'Mortagh oge,!lintod, 6518. Rory, h is good Berv!ce, grants \0 Wa Bon, 2448, 2006, 8067. KlIIlIIPER OF THlil PUBLIO RIIIOORDS IN IRELAND. 698 L.'IDEX TO FIANTS.- ELlZAllETH · D'More, Rory ago, pn.rdOD, 81~, 2146, 2833 i 0. rebel, ~091, a~19 i his sons, IS891, 6116.6326. Sha ne m'Kedagh, attainted,GlSrS. others at the name po.rdoned, 59, 166,442, 115-16, 871, 815, l O1!l,l113, 1601,1064,1881,2014,2146,2225,2231, ~J1S3, 2GOO, 2832, 2836, 2987, S02li,3597 I 8950. 3996. 40aO, 4858, 4559, 4G22, 4739, 4968, 5099, 6113, 6316, ISS18, 6110, 6152, 61S38, 6551, 6559, 6511, 6641, 60M. See also O'Mom. O'Moriertio, oth ers of the name pardoned. 414S, 4444, 6497-8. O'Morigha, Taige m 'DonelJ, pa.rdon, 6~41. O'Morihie, persons of the nama pa.rdoned, 61514-,651 6, 652 0, O'Morine, Gilligroema and Tho" pardon, I5fS07,6656, O'Mol'is, persons of the name pn.rdoned, 1761, 2256, 2650, 61564. Q'Morisa, versons of. the name pardon ed, 1078,41536. O'MOriSB, Donyll and Ma.hown, pardon, 807, QIlIares, 6077 i po.rdon l1ursna.nt to promise GOGO. to, 8591 ; l'ebels, war ma~e upon, G85, 823, O'Morish-Morishe. persons of the name 1211, 2319, 6020 i forfeited In.nds of, S315, pardoned., 1148, 2985, 8508, 3851, 4661, 4780, 1S818, SI:!3 i excepted from pardon, 6531, 6214, 6423, IIS6j, 6S0g, 0519, 6623. 6551, 6561, 6(161. O'Morishes, Donogh nnd Laghlin, pardon, O'Morega.n, DOno.tuB or Dona.ld duf, pardon, 60Go. 211i. O'MoriBhey-1r!orishie-Morisshie, persons O'Moreghot!., Ounoghor, pnrdon, 2638. at the name pardoned, 6531, 0496, 615j9, O'Moreghow. See Q'Moroghoe. G704. O'Moreh, Deirmod, pardon, 6524. O'Morissn, Th:l.dy, pardon, ~ 065. O'Morehe, Ma.urico, pardoD, 8036. O'Morissy-Mol'isis, persons of the name O'Morehie-Mot ehy, persons of tho pardoned, 4143, 47152, 6101. pardoned, 2~13, 2SSri, 2488, G~14, 6516. O'Morists or O'Morra&, Donogh, pardon, O'lIforehowe,Donell, p!1.rdon, G509. 2170. O'Morchy, See Q'Mol'ohie. O'lIforitagb, Teige, pardon, 6762. Q'Morely, Hugh, pardon, 6611. O'Mor ochoc. Set O'.Moroghoe. O'Maren, persons of the p:J.rdoned, O'Marae. Sec O'Moroghoe. 615,6461, 6li11. O'Morogh - Morogho - Morangh - MarQ'Mores, Avnle, pardon, 78li. oughe-Morrogh - h!orraugb., 'Persons of the name pardoned, 858, 233G, 8,) 82. SO!!:;. O'lIfor..... Teig, pnrdon, 2530. 4726,4826,6142,5458, 5503, Gl!l ~> IH 32-S. 64G7, O'Morcsy, D onoghe, 'Pardon, '"06. 6494,61511, 651G-17, 6539, 6511, 6577.6162. O'llforey. See O'llfory. O'Moroghane, Thomas, pardon, 896. O'Morfie, Rich., pardon, 6447. O'Morgn.n, persons of ihe nam e pa.rdoned, O'Moroghie, Doneli. pa.rdon, GSS9. O'llforogh oe - Moregh ow - Morgho-lIforl:iti23, 6616. ghow-Morochoe-MoroeO'Morghan - Morghane - llforgh:l.yn, perMorogho :- Moroghow 80ns of the pardoned, 947, 1388, Mor ohowe-Moroue-Mor4874ongho '- Morow - Mor-Q'Morghe, Barnaby, robbery from, 2528. r ecbowe - Morreghow Edmund n.nd Morghc, pardon, Morro - Morrogho - Mor461, SU6. roghoe-Morroghow-M'orQ'Morghen , Rosso, pardon, 449. roue - Morroughoe - MorO'llforgho. Sta O'Moroghoe. row - Morrowe - MorrowO'Morghow. See. O'Mol'oghoe. ghow-Murcho- Mmehow O'Morgby, Wi1li.a.m, pardon, 2335. - Mureghew-MuTeghoe O'Mol'gowne, Edm., pardon, 2609. Muregbow - MUl'eghue O'Morhellie-Morhelly- Morherlly, persons lIfurgho - Murghowe of the name pardoned, 6516. Mnrogbo - Mtll'OghoWQ Q'Morhowe, Konnore, pm'don, 1041. Mnrowghoe -].[nrreghowe O'Moliee, persons of t he name pardoned, -Murr_ghu-Murrogho 39'4Murroghoe-MurroghowO'Morierlie-Morierla-MorierUlgh- MoriMurroghu -Murrongboeerty: Murrowghoe-lIuzrugho Donell (ot Castledrom y), Bons Mnrrnghow-MnrughowOf,1I2611. Mwrigho-I Moroghow : Doneil, grant, 626 5. .Arthur nil<iIl, pardon, 8.8. Owen, grant, • '26'. • 694 APPENDIX TO TWENTY-SECOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZABETH. 0'Moroghoe, Donell m'Art ne kille, pardon, 4501, ~7S~. Donell, attainted, OriS, 3184. Donell Evo.lley, po.rdoD, G511. Donell m'Donnough entuskin, pardon, GMt. Donogh enteskYDO macDonoll, pardon, 858. Donogb m'Arts ne killy, pardon,4S01. Gemld, m' Arte ne kIlly, pardOD, 4301. (or l\Iurphle), James, English IIberly,2BBG. (or l\Iurph!.), Richard, English liberly, 2BBG. Teig m'Art ne killo, pardon, O'Moronie, Molnghlin, pa.rdoD, 6466. O'Yorosio, Wm. , pn.rdou. 6056. O'Morouc. Sec O'lIol'oghoe. O'Moraugh-Morougho. See O'.l\:[orogh. O'l\Iorougho. Sec O'l\1oroghoe. O'Moraw. See O'Yaroghoo. O'Mor owhwo, Donogho, po.rdou, 5522. O'l\Iorphy, Artc, pa.rdon, 0565. Omorr[ ], Johanna, pn.r don, 4350. O'Mol'l'an- Mol'rane: persons of the pardoned, 4080, G18S, 6524,6649. O'Mol'l'o, Pn.trick, pardon, 1503. Donell (sec O'l\Iorogho), S184. O'lUo1'rochowo-Morreghow. Sec O'Moroghoe. O'Monall, MOl', pClol'don, 0500. 0'1.£01'1'08 or O'Morists, Donogh, pn.rdOD,2110. O'Monoy, F ersh(lie, pn.rdon, 6421, G611. Tho. d l1lIhirilagll, clerk, par N ala, 81t~in. 6118. dOD, 4007. other, of t h e name pardoned O'Morroyno, Jll,mos, l)[U'(loll, 62·18. In co. Warlord and adjoin- Q'Mol'rays, persons of tho n pardoned, OUO. ing district, 03, 432, 858, 818, 9151, UiO~, 1615,2021, 2882, 3165, O'l\Ior rhio, Donall og, parelon, 5184. 8992, 4015, 41S~, 4l0S, 4174, Q'Morrica. Sec O'Morria. 4S01, U83, 6109. 6190, 0102, Q'Morrios,, lJardoll, 4360. (1232, 0'84, 6511, G541, 6671, Q'Morrihio, Wm., pa.rdon, 3608. O'Morl'in, In.mos t pa.rdon, 6512. 6G41. olhors of the name pardoned Q'l\fol'lioghe, Taige, pM'don, 4467. in co. Cork, 25·i, 2241, 220'1, Q'Morrl.s - Morrice - ::MorryB - MorrYS8 2610, 292B, SOs!, BOBO, 30B2-3, Marys, persons of the name pardoned, 8100, 3267, 55S0, iUi53, 4461, 239'1-5, 01511, 0532, 051S, 44815, 4489, 4538, 4663-4, 4503, Q', SolIe, pardoo, 6161. 4642, 4104, 4769, 4781, 4826, O'l\1orriBlle-l\Iol'ysh : 4.946, 4901, fiS07-B, 5801, 6110, persoDs of the name pal'doned, 6198, 6431, 6405, 04£11, 64.90, 82UU, 'Uli2, 04.06, 65&1-5. 6504:-5, 6611, 6614-16, 6520, O'Mol'l'isia. See O'Mol'l'issye. 6630, 6668, 6666, 6511, 6ts76, Q'MonisBo, Canoghor, }Jo.rdoll, 4081. 662·1-, 6628, 6701, 6162, 6164. O'Morrissye - Morl'issie "- Mornsic Jl.[Ol·y,y: other8 of the Dame pardoned, 2tili, 1886, nOD, 2~26, 2308, .2480, parsons of t he pn.r21UO, 8140, 3M4, 4038, 4115, doneu, 4116, 4181, (:511. 4518, 4680, 4:560, 411S, <1800, 07o.!. Sec u.lao Vonisay, 4036, 6461, 6468, 15510, 5611, 619B, 6219, 62·18, 6309, 6410, O'Mono-Morl'oe. Sec O'Mol'oghoe. 64.94, 6401, 6500, 61164, OM9, O'l\1ol'rogll. Sec O'JI.[ol'Ogh. O'l\Iol'roghan, Gorald and Gerro\, pardon, 6623, 610i, 6100, 6106, 6800, Sec 0.180 Voreghowc, Worogho, 440, 0400. Worrowhowe. (O'MolToe - O'Morrowo O'Morouo - O'l\1orgllo's) country in co. Wax., 63, 958, 1120,4002,6809 i cnatomspayable from, D68, 918-i. See M'orroos. O'Merohey, Wm" pardon, 6104. O'Yorohowo. Sec O'l!ol'oghoe. O'l\Iorohuigb, l\Io rogh, pardoll, 6118. O'Merono, Teig, pJ.rdon, 4104. Q'Morrogho. Sec Q'M01'Oghoo. O'Marrogho, Rich., p~~rdon, 5416, O'l\Iorroghoe - MOrl·oghow. oghoe. Su O'l\1or- O'Morroghtngh, Mo.urico, pnrdoD, 6516. Q'Mol'l'ohoy, Morris. P:J.l'UOD, 61B4. O'Morrouo. See O'Moroghoa. O'Mol'1'ough. See O'lIorogh. Q'Mol"l'onghoe. Sec O·.Mol'oglloB. O'MOl'l·ow-Morrowe. 8r.e O"Mol'oghoe. O'Morrowghow. Sec O'Moroghoo. KEEPER OF THE PUllLIU RECOHDS IN IRELAND. 695 INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZAllETB. Q'MOlTY, persons of the name pardoned, 18, 8B09, 8844, 6159, 63BO. O'Mo1'1'yn - Mon-ynG, persons of the Dame pardoned, 461, 26B8, 1030, 6761. Q'Morrys-Morryso. Sec O'Morria. O'Yol'thy, Richard, pardon, 2269. O'Martin, Donnogh, pn.rdon, 5881. Q'l\Iorng, Edm., p~don\ 4lGS. O'Mory - Morey - Morye, persons of the po.rdoned, 615,1102, 83H, 8995, 4031, 4168, 6110, 6318, Q'Moryle, Thadeus, assaults n.nd robberies on. 148. Q'Moryly, Rich" pardon, 5611. O'Moryn - Maryne, ''Persons of the name pardoned,10lW, !l42S, 2683, 2124, 86G1, 6009, 6611. O'Moyloy, Owny, pardon, 4867. O'Moynnghan-Moyneghan-MyneghaneMynighrloD, persons at the name pardoned, 6173, 6:i30, 8624, 66~1, 6764. Q'Moyne, persons of the name pardoned, 10. O'Moyneghan. Sec O'Moynnghan. O'Moynsy - Moyme, Edm. a.nd Cahill, pardon, 6409, 6515. O'MoymC, Doneli, pardon, 661G. O'Moynyc, Owen, pardon, 4874.'ghne, Conoghor, pa.rdon, 4848. Q'Muchale. John or Shane ny Nagaun, po.rdon, 6469. O'Yucklie, Conoghor, pardon, 66~9. O'Mucory, Ferfesse, paruon, 4678. Q'Nuelly, Tho., pa.rdon, 5799. O'Muarchon, Philip, pardon, 4676. Q'Mughan, Diermod and Wm., pa.rdon, 6848, O'Morys. Sec D'Merria. O'Morysh. Sec O'Mol'l'isho. O'JUorysy. See O'Morrissye. 6511. Q'Monghan, Deirmot, pardon, 6161. O'Mughonie, Donogho, P3.l'dOD, 4761. O'Mought, Rowrie, po,rdoD, 6114. O'YuhnighaD, Donogh, pa.rdon, 6511. O'Mouldowny, Taige, pn.rdOD, 61562. O'MuimUD, Donche, pn.rdon, 4.686. Q'Moulkere, Moriertagh. pa.rdon, 6662. O'Mnl[ Jehell. Shane, pnrdon, 4180. O'Moune, Togo, pardon, 781. O'MulD.ghl!n. See O'Mehgblin. O'Moungwo.n - Moungwane, Donill and O'Mulane, DOnill, pardon, 6628. Q'hIu.lanyo, Tho., pardon, 6629. Donogho, pa.rdon, 3089. O'Mnlbrldy, Dermot, pnrdon, 61OS. O'Monrane, Hugh, pl1rdoD, 4H4. Laurenoe or Laghlen O'Mornn, O'Mulcael~ Gilpatrick :>nd James , pardon, pardon, 677, 6323. O'Mourowaigh alias Crocaum, Wm., pn.rdon, O', persons of tho nam'3 6605. pa.l'doncu, 64.60. Q'Mlllc3.ghie, persons of the name pardoned, O'Monrroghow, Donogh, pardon, 6ftU. C529. Sec Q'Mulcahy. Omow, co. Wcstm., 4779. O'Mowgan, Taige, pardon, 6467. O'Jl.[ulcn.ha.. Johu. pardon, 6521. Q'Mulcnhe, Danell, pardon, 6466, 6490. OMowlde, Edm. and Walter, pardon, 30:i2. O'Mowl!aiU - Mowlfoull, persons ot the O'Mulcahcl-Mollcahlll-)fo}cba.ill, persons of tho name pa.rdoned, 871, 3798, 4116. nama pardoned, 6083. O'l(owllanc, Hugh nnd .Manus, pn.rdon,663S. O'Mulcnhy - Molcnhy - Mnlchahle - MnlO'Mowlonyo, Dermot, pardon, 4481. chahy-Mnlkahy-Mnllca.hy -Mnllcahie, parsons of tha O'.1\Iowlvenna, persons of the Dilme PM'DAme pardoned, lOBS, 2260, 2335, iCIG, 4.114, 5006, 6170, 6:i14- doned, 6688. Q'Mowrnigha.n, John, pa.rdon, 2507. O'MoydcD, Shane, pardon, 6389. Omoye, Queen's co., 6.cl4. O'Moyhgblin. Sec O'Mehgblin. O', Dn.niel n.nd Donn.ghe, pardon, 4986, 6686. O'Maylauric, Downa, pardon, 6:i13. O'Moylearky, Owns.. pa-rdou, 6161. Q'Moylegane, persons of the name pardoned, 67G1. O'Yaylen, Bary, pardon, 4.044. Thady, English liberty, 1187. O'Yoylery, Gillcchri~t, pardon, 6161. O' Teige, pardoD, 6761. O'Yoyhn - Moylline, Edm. n.nd Wm., pardon, 4:169, 6490. O'Moylon, Shane, pardon, 1477. 15, 6522, 6632, M7S. Scealso O':i\[olchahe, Ymnlcnha. O'Muleo.llon-Mnle:illnn- Mnlco.llen- Mnlchalen - Mnlchallnn-Mulchnllen- MullchnJJen., perSOIlS of tho pn.ruoned, 6G03, 6710, 014~, 66::9, Gn~. O',John and Wm., pa.rdon, 6559, 6l0!:. O'Mulcayhan, Patr., pardon, 4.196. O'Mnlce, John, pardon 6162. O'Muleha, Ferrall. pa.rdon, 4615. O'MnIchae, Johu, pardon, 4795, 6761. Se.c ruso Mn1chae. O'Mnlehah!\, Teige. pa.rdon. 4795. Se< also MnJcha.ha,e. 696 APPENDIX TO TWENTY-SEOOND REPOR'l' OF THE DEPU'rY INDEX TO F1,u,'TS.-ELIZADETlI, O'Mulcbahy-Mulello.bie. Sce O'Mnleally. O'MnlehJ1Jlan - Mnlch..Uon - Mnleb!1lon. See O'Mnlco.llon. 0 'MnlehJ1s3hell, Sec O'Muleasholl. O'Mulchenry, Bl'ien, pal'don, ClOG. O'.Mulcbery, Donogh, po,.l1.l011, 6611. O'MnlcWeran, Falim, pardoD, 605li. O'l[ulcbine, Donnoll, p3.luon, 48GO. O'Mulchirrlll, Donell and Rorie, pardon, O'll!nldowny-Mnldowuey -Il!nldownieMoldowuio - Moldowny, persons at the ua ma pardoued, 1723, 0'132, MOG, 65~O, O[iSa. 6502, 6003, 0705. Q'Muldnyn, Edmuud, pardoD, 15081S. Q'Mulfn.ddcr, Wm. , purdon, GUO O'Muliadricko, Edm., 11[1,.r<.l oo, 0110. Q'MlllgcllJ'nna, OweD, pnrdon, G76l. O'Mulgohy, Donell and 'reig, pal'don, 4140, 6610. 5476. O'Mulchiry, Oormock, pa.rdon, 4G5~ . O'Mulchiohie. Sce O'Mulelohey. O'll!nlehloy. See O'Mnloloy. Q'Mulchoncre, persons of the name pardoned, 6577. O'Mnlchonery. Sec O'Mnlconry. O'M.ulchonils, persons of the nn.m.e pa.rdoned, 6765. O'Mulcbonrc, Danell, pm-dOD, 6511. O'Mulchonry. Sec O'Mnlconry, O'MulchaWl'Y, Dermot, pn.rdOD, 4024. O'l\Iulc1'U'6. Donogh, pn.rdon, 5884. Q'Mnlcleighc, Rory, pardon, 5190. O'Mulclogbae,, Pl1rdOD, 46~4-. O'Mulclogho, Hugh, pQ.l·don, 4aOB. Q'Mulgeran, Johu, paruon, G7Gr;, O'Mnlgoy, Oon, P"l'UOU, 4887. O'Mulghnhe, Ea, pn.l'don, S261. O'Mulghol'ick, persons of the name prLrdoncd,6665. Q'nIulgno, Owen, pardon, 4806. O'Mulhane, Diol'maid, p3.1'don, 6112. O'Mulish, Edmund aud rhilill, pardon, 666~. O'Mulknhy. Sec O'Mulcahy. O'lUulkoiny, DaDell, pn.rdan, 6009. O'Mnlkoran - Mnlkornno - Mnlkyemn, pOl'Bons ot th~ nama pa.rdoncd, 611, 4016, 6802, 0761. O'Mulkcl'rio-l\Inlkirry-Mulkyrie, persons 01 the llamo pardoned, 2801, 6487, GGGti. Q':!Uuldohcy-]Uulchlohio, porsons of the pn.rt.loned, 5100, G018. O'.M.ulcloiah, TwollUl, po.l'dan, 6161. O'Mulkic, Bl1.011, -pn.rdoD, 4813 . Q'Mul.k:ior, Ricttl'd, pal'dall, 4G98. O'Mulkirry. Sve O ' MnlkOl~·ie. O'Mnleloy-Mnlchloy - Molebloy, perBons of the name pMuoncd, 4030, 4595, 6651. O'Mulconry - Mulcanerie - MulconcryMulconnorie-Mulconory -M ulconre- MolcaneroMolconnere- MalconrieMnlchonery-Yulehonr yMullconere-Mullconory: Fn.rfa.sse, pa.l'don, 15450. Gales (o f Corlcscanyll), pn.r- Q'Mulkrynye, Bl'ian, pn.rdon, 6114. O'Mlukyoron. See Q'l\1ulkorau. O'Mulkylo, DerDlat, prll'don, 0106. Q'Mulkync, Gorhic, pardon, 45G8. O'MnlkYl'ie. Sec O·Mnlkerrie. O'Mulla-Mn1lafl, persons or t ho Dame par- doned, 2082, 2GDO, 2948. O'll!uIlaghlen-Mnllnglen-Mullnghlyn. Sel O'~{olagbliu. Q'Mlulnghtyn, Owin, pru'doD, M:18. O'MuIlaly-Mullalio : o.J.ias Lcaly, William, dcan of 6604. Tuo..m, Pl'otcctian, 281. Tulligne, pardoD,2()'12,4341, others of tho nume pardoned, dOD,4800. MoiloD, chl'onfclC"r, pa.rdon, 4910. 1693,4672. UUne, rimor, pa.rdOD, 4678. others of tho name par- O' : D cnnys, Inuus of, 6081. donod, 894:1, 4073, 4.017, Williu,m, mcssuu.go in Kells, co, 42·10,4140, 4916, 4980, GSn1, Moo.tll, B6B. 3421, 5'189, 6000, 5011, 688B, othere of tho nn.lllC pardoned, 100, 4820, 410!!, 4134, 4035, (j71~ 1 6113,6180, G521, M06, 0611. Q'Mulcony.l'o.dine ago, rimor, pardOD,1G18. O'Mnlcreane, Gilledu!!, Ilaluon, 48~9. O'Mnlda.ine, Connor, pardon, -iGCS. O'Muldony-Mnldoni-Moldony: persons of the nllrmo pardoned, 912, 5364, lS1532, 0651. O'Mnldowne-Mnldouno : persons of the name pardon.d, 8431, OM9, 6136. O'll!nldownen, Shane, pardon, 6698 (J.l~O, GH2, G576, 6102. O'Mnllnna. pOl'so ns of the name pardoned, 4075. O'Mu11n.ncr, Shane, pardon, C.511. Q'Mu11n.noy, Mu.cOrtth, lla.rdon, 8096. O'll!nllnuy-MuIlL\uny : D onald, priest, pn.rdoD, 2.255. othol's of the pn.rdoned, 2243, 21581, 4.G31, 4103, 11600, 1015-16, 0100,6806. 6S0!' em. KEEPER OF THE PUBLW RECORDS IN IRELAND. 697 INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZABETH. O'Mullru:ney, Gillllntrick, pal'doD, (I·UiO. O'Mnlme - Mnllme, persons of the name O'Mullnw ny - Mul110wney - MllUawnia. pardoncel, !442. pel'SOUB of tho nnmo paordoned, 2697, 2928, O'Mulmee, Bria.n a.nd John, pardon, 15442. 8005,4251, 51!)!), 6,180, 6499, 0.532, 6762. O'Mulmicholl - JlIullmihell, Morris and O'Mulla.yne, Donnld n.nd Tho., p:l.rdon, 2671, nary, pa.rdoll,15542, 6566. 6~~B, O'Mulmoohore - Molmochore, persons of John, tbon from, 2M, tho pardoned, 15430, 15441. O'YulIcaby-MulIcnbio, Sec O'JlInlcahl'. O'Mnlmoy. Sec O'JlIolloy. O'JlIulIchallen-JlIullchullane. See O'JlIuloal- O'Mulmw'rio-MullmoriG, Edm. and John. paruoll, G~ ~ l, G52!l. Jon. O'Ynllconery- JlIulIconere. Sec O'JlInlconry. Q'Mulnany - Mulnanye, persons of the Q'MullconnoT, Shornny, pru:dOD, 5028. name pa.rdoned, 6113- 14. ' O':I!ullcely, Cormock ",nel <.tileluf, pardon, O'Muloune, Glll1patrick, pa.rdon, 6411 . . a437, 65515. O'Mulowny, Sbane, pardon, GG15. O·JlIuloy.. Sec O'Molloy. O'MulIcgan, Thaely, pardon, 0190. Q'MullcglmD, John, pa.l'dOD, 6529. O'l\Iuloyne, Rich., p..'1ordoD,l5i94. O'Mulpatrick-JlInl p~trlcke- Mnlp.driok O'Mnll~m, Mnrl'ogh, pardon, 01571. JlIolp:llrick-JlIulIp.trick Q'Mullc ven, Tbndy, pll,rdon, 1'.i11HI. JlIulIph.drick : Q'MllllgorcID, Eno, pa.rdon, 66158, Conar, chief Qf his name, parO':Mallgorinc, Edm., pn.rdOD, 6488. don, 66151. O'J\lnllbo.lloll, Hugh, pardon, 6678. others of the nnme pnrdoned, O'MuUine, Til', pn.rdou, 6 '14~. 3082, 4908, 0003, 6018, 6792, O'Mullinu,, pM'doD, 6600. 6211, 649!l, 61510, 6~39, 615158, O'Mullivino, Morogh, pardon, 64.60. G569. O'Mnllmc. Sec O'Mnlme. O'llulranie-Moh'tmy, John and Canoghor, O·Mullmihcll. Se.O'JlIuJmichell. pardoD, 5441, 0:132. O'Mullmochory-Mullmoghorio, Owen and O'JlInlrean -MuJlre'u. -Mnlr..y n-MollPhelim, pa.rdoD, 'MI7, ~ 8 1 6 ,, per:)ons of the name parO'Mullmorle. Sec O'JlInlmurrie. doned, lOS5, 2669, 2865, 31-10, 43~9, .g17. !5S5-6, O'J\lullmoy. Sec O'JlIolloy. Q'MullaigIiy, Wm., pnro.all, 6173 . O'Mullane, Dermou, pardoD, G16~. O'Mulloney-Mullonie, perSODS of the name pardoned, 203G, 2433, MOl, 61500, 6524, 65a~ , O'Mullonoy, Shane, pardoD, 6601. O'Mullony- MuUonye, persons of the name pardoned, 49SCi, 5749, 6314, 6406, 6524, Q'Mullowane, Dyermod, pa.rdOD, 5198. O'Mullowen, Owen, pardon, S078, Q'Mullowns, Owen and, pardon, 668{. O'Mullownie, Rich., pardon, 6521. O'Mullownowe, John, atto.illted, 8102. O'Mullowny, persons of the pa.rdoned, 4251,41152, 01510,6682,6166. O'MulIoy-JlIulIoye. Sec O'JlIolloy. O'JlIullpntrick - Mullphadrick. See O'Mnlpntrick. O'JlInllrcane. See O'JlInlrcan. O'Mnllreho.n, Dermod, po.t'don, GaO!}, 0' JUullrenen. See O'Mull'cnn.n. O·JlIulIrian. Sec O'Mulryo.n. O'JlInllronye, See O'Mnlrony. O'JlIullryan, See O'JlInlryan. O'JlIulItulle. See O'JlIultully. O'JlIulIvihilo-MulIvich!l1. See O'Mnlv!h!l1. O'Mnlly-Mullye, Donal' a.nd Loghlin, pardOD, GI550,60157. O'JlIulIyn, Shane, p&rdon, 88ST. 4681, 47013, ~OOG , 15688, 6179, IH~9, 0156G, G106. O'Mnlrcnan - Mullrenen - Mull'enyn., persons of the name pardoned, 4022, 4177,154.86, 6090, 67G1. O'.ru:ulrese, Rorie, pa.rdon, 2485. O'l\Iulliagn, Cornelius, pardon, 1560~ . O'Mulriain, Dermoc1, pardan,4694. O'Mnlri.n. Sec O'JlInlryan. O',Mulriany, Rori, pardon, 5888. O'JlInlridie, Daniel ",nd JlIeiaghlyn, pardon, 6G14, G37B. O'Mulrif!an, Tbady, pardon. 15002. O'M ulrish, Manus, pardon, 2485. O'Mulrona- Mollrona, Donogh and Bory, pardon, 15681, 65G9. Q'Mulrany-Mulroni-Mullronye, persons of the IUJ"me pardoned, 3078. 3229. 4.806, 6602, G5G2. O'Mnll'owne. Donogh, pp.rdoD. 4915. O'Mull'uony, Donogho, pardon, 3102. O'Mnlryan-JlIulrian-Mollryan-MolrianJlIolryan-Mullrian-JlIullryo,n _, Sec llJBo O'Mnlrean . Conell m'Shane glas, pardon, ,soa, 6~, 6628. Connor, son of WIllirun (of Annagh), 1065, {S7S ; chi.f of hiB name, BSS' . 698 APPRNDlX TO TWENTY-SECOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY 'INDEX TO FIANTS.- ELIZADETH. E llollic, O'Muroghow - Muro~ho. - Mureghow Mw·oghuo. Sec O'Morogho • . 5854. Danell giwc, amin in rebellion, O'MurIey-Mnl'flo, and Go.rre~ PI1l'don, 1I001S, 0641. 5854. DODeU (of Killiologh), pardon, O'Murgcso.u, Oonor and Owin, pardon, 6655. 6581, 6106. H enry fltz Danell, pardon, 2256, O'Murghe, MOl'iertn,gh, po;rdon. 2032. Q'Mw'ghesa.n, persons of the pn.r~ 2303. John glo.s, pa.rdOD, 19G6. doncd, corso:. O'Yulryan, Dn.niel mlKnoghor s1~ln, Moroghow no Kelly, po-rdon, 66OS, 6511. Q'Murgho-Murghowc. See O'Moroghoe. O'Murhely-Murholio, persons of tho nama Teig. 81"\,1U in rebellion, fi2R2. Willia.m, chief of his nn-me, pardon 10 him and ItilI son" pa.rdoned, OliH, Ori71. O'Murhio, Patr., pn.rdOD, 0323. O'Murhilly-·Mul'hlllia, parBOns of the noma 1055. others of the name pardoned, 1055, 1942, 19G1, ~256t 278·i, S097, 8102,3904,3534, 4371, 40liO,4014-, 4605, 4937, 4976, 6060, 50815, liMn, 6697, 67U, 0109, 6173, 6179, G~ i8 , 6440.6481,6400, G50d:-5, 0618, MIG, pa.rtlonod, S6.!lf5, 4B64, 0162. O'MuI'howe, Goralu, pl\l'don,20g.i. O'Muricc, Donell, pn.l'doD, (j575. O'Murle,Molaghlin, pardon. 4726. O'Murigho, Pair., pardon, 3031. O',Mnrihy. Dn.vid, pn,ruoD, G113. O'Mtu·illy. Jolln pu.rdon, 6611. 6619, 0621- 2, G5a1, 6598, 055~, O'AIw'ian., Conchor, pardon, OaG. 66G4-5, 6583, 6828, 0100, 6106-0. O'YuriAY, Mn.lrony, po.rdoD. 4.680. country of, 5Z32. Secal,o Owny Q'Mw'ley-Mnl'lio, persons of Lhe nama O'Mulriall, 6282, 5854. p..'l.rdoned, £11)21:, 6520. O'Murogh, persons of the pllrdoned, O'Mulshaghlen, Gonn, pordon, ~~aa. O'Multellell, Thotn..'l.S, in Kells, 4601, G/511. O'Murogho - Muroghowe - Murowghoe.,868. Q'Multhomrio, F erfecie, pll.l'don, 6/5150. See O'MoroglloD. O'Moltilly,alias Flndd,Donnogh, pardon,2030. Q'Murphcw, Donogh, pa.rdon, GoSS. O'Multreo, Tho., garden in Yougha.l, 3180. O'Murragh, SluLn, plordon, 68·18. Q'Multulbe, Connor, pardon, 489~. O'Munac, Sh ane, p:l.rdOD, 6274. O'Moltnlly- Mnltulleo-Mnlltnlle, persons 01 O'Murre, Joho, p o.rdon. 4041. the name p3.l'doncd, 1011, 5500, 481~, 11016, O'Murroghowo-Murreghu. S", O'Moroghoe O'Murreise, Awloy, pn.rdOD, loms. ~ ·I14, 6519, 6657. O'Murren, Dowlin lLUU Tho., p3.l'don, 21110, O'Molnle, Donell, pardon, 0511. O'Mulvegh ell, Teige, pardou, 'lG30. 6401. O'Yulveill, Manus ago, pardon, MSS. Q'Mul'resio, pel'sons at the n! pardoned, Q'Mulverie, Tirremgh, p nrdoD. 6135. 6406,0521. O'Mulvihill - Mullvlchill - Mulvyhill- Q'I\{url'oy-Murl'lo, Oa.h ill o.llU Donali, p3rMollvill-Mnllvihilc, p 9rsong of t ho name don, 0·:184, 6101. pardoned, 2B58. 3041, 5802, 6028, G600. Q'Mul'rieg, Owon, pardon, 6566. O'Malvoge, Dermotn.nd Jam es, pardon, 6161. Q', Iod :l.lagho, P:\l'UOU, G011. O'Molvyhil1. Sec O'Moll'ihill. Q'Murrighio, Done11, pn.l'do n, GlHO. O'Mulycrowc, Morris, po.rdon, G114. Q'Murrlhoy, John, pardon , 6100. O'MunegbAne - Munyglll1n, Connor a.nd Q'Murrilly, DenalI, pn.rdon, GIl11. O'Murrill, R ydo, pm'don, 662,.1. John, pardon, 8954, 5184. Q'Murris, Oormoek, lJ:\,rtlon, Oti3li, O'Mtulgain, Tho., pardoD, 4231. Q'Murrisho, Morish, pnrclon, (il08. O'Mungn,ne, Murtagh, pa.rdoD, 6516. O'Murrisbie, persons of tbe name pQ.l'Cloned, O'Mungarie, Ticn.g, po.rooll, 6662. 6·.1:70, 6521. O'Munygha.n. See O'Muneghana. O'l\IW'riss[l., Taiga, paruon, 4008. O'Yuoghane, Edm., pardoD. G4.04. O'Muragh-Muragh., parsons of the name Q'Murriasie - MUl'l'l ~ yo, John and Teig, pardoD. 21S6, 018S. pardoned, 6511. O'Murrogll-Murrogho, par sons at t he name O'Mumghtoe, Philip, pardon, 6312. O'.l\!urcbaD,, pl1rdoD, 4.035. p:lrdoned, 6S0G, G~l1, G571. Q'Murroghn.n, Bl'b.n, p3.l'don, 6400. O'Murcho-Mnl'chow. Sec O'Moroghoe. Q'Muroarie, peraona of tho no.m e pardoned, O'Murrogho - Murroghoo - MurroghowMurroahu-Murroughoe. SeeO'Moroihoe U04. KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS IN IRELAND, 699 I NDEX TO FIANTS,-ELlZABETli, O'Murrow, Philip !Lnd Tho., pn.rdon, 0419, O'Nn.ghtCD, 6487, O'lUurrowgboo. Sec O'Mol'Oghoo. Q'Mul'rugh, Owen, pn.rdOD, 6511. 6256. Oonoghor, attainted, 181G. Cornell, lease, 2881. O'Mul'rngho-Murrughow. Sec Q'Moroghoe. O'Murry-Murryo, parsons of th e name DannJd, a.ttainted, 6111. Donagha, clerk, 3718. John or Shane (of Moynure), livery to his h eir, 5436. pn.rdonod, S9!HS, 4877, G161. Q'Murryce, Ownyo, pardon 537a. O'Murryes, Cnoghor :lnd Donnys, pardon, mo. John m'Momghlln, attainted O'Yurrygan, D onill, pn.rdon, 4800. O'Murryn, Mnl'rogh and Philip, O~S3 , Canchar. clerk, po.rdon. S82~. Canaghar, land in tenur6 of, 5878. nobert, gmndson . or John, livery, 5430. Rary boy, a.tbinted, 6803, 5811, Shn,ne, a.ttaint ed,I5!!5G, 0111. others of the IUl'don ed 670,1801,1300, SH8, nOMI. 4612, 46715, 4121, 4779, 4888, 5009, 15226, 5228, 5423, :1458, 5614, 15848, 0;150, 6459, G~ , Glnl, p~rdon, 077'. O'JlIwihy. Sec Mw·Jry. O'Uurughow. SeD Q'Moroghoe. Q'Mury, Edm. and Shane, pn.rdaD, 4728,4871. O'Mnry ga.D, Patr., pro'dan, 666~ . O'Muryne, Tho., pm'doD, 6511. O'Muynigbn.n, Carmaok, pa.rdan, 0605. Omvyne, Mc.'\.ghe, p~u'dan , 10. O'Mwrhillic, D anuJd and Thndy, po.rdl)D , " ms. 6516, 6550, 65M, 6771. country of, (in bM'ony of O'1I!wri~ho, Sec O'1I!0roghoo, O'Myaghcf, Philip, p.'\rdo o, 6765. O',Myo.ue, Shamina. pa.rdon, 5603. Q'Myo.nie, Wm., pl1rdon, 652l. O'Uyha.n, Hugh, pardon, 6507. O'Myhcll, Diermod, pardoD. G5GG. O'Myhiden, Owen, pa.l'don, 5600. O'Y yliue, Maurice, pardon. 47«. O'Myllonc, Brene and Owen, pardon, 915. O'Mynl1n-Mynana, Donali and, pa..r- Athlone. co. Rosc.), 15256, 5871!. O'Naghter,l\L1,rogh, pa.rdon, 4.502. O', Donell, p.:u-dOD, 61514. Q'Xaight.en. Sec O'No.ghten Q'Na.rde, John, pard(\n, 20G3. O'NOlrie. Sec O'Ncl.1'Y· O'Nnrry, Hugh, "[):udon, 4741. Q'Nary-No..rie-No.l'ye: Philip, soldier, murder of, 75. dOD, 6530, 65515. O'Myneghana, Sec O'Moynaghan. O'Mynie,Cahill,pardoD,M15. O'Mynighan, Sec O'Moy""ghan. O'Mynyo, Gilledutr, pardon, 154711. O'Myra, Donogh, pardon, G4.01. ot hers of t h e name pardoned, 2244, 2STS, 29tH, 37M, 5952, 4022, 4032, 4073. 4240, 4741, 4777, 494-i, 5009, 6432, 6li03, 5611, 680S, 5881, GSOO. O'Nacktine - NackLyne, Edm. and Gillc- Q'Nashe, Ma.w·ice, pardon, GS1)5. pn.triok, pardon, MM. Q'Nadden e, Conor. pa.rdon. S096. Oll...ugh~ Sec O=ght. O'Naddy - Nn.ddye, persons of tho pal'doned, 611S, 61G5. G'Nade, Edm., pardon, 2408. O'No.dy, Edmund, pardon, 814. O'Naghe (co. Rose. 1), 403~. Ona.ghe O'Donochomore. See Ona.ght. Onaght, co. Tip., grant of mn.nor and lordship of, 2646 i to be made ahil'e ground, 27~8. Onaght - Onaught - Onaghe O'Donochomoore, country of (in bJ.rony at Magnnihy). co, Kerry. 6271, 6117. O'N:1ghten -Naghtn.n-No.ght in-Naghton - Naghtyne - No.Jght enNo.ughten - Naughtin Naught on: Conchor (of Moynure), pardOD, 5118, 5423:. O'Na.syo, Walter, pardon. G2:!2. O'Naughton-Na.nghtin. Sec Q'Naghten. O'~aylL.'l.yne, Done}!, P!Lrdon, 4691. on dale, MOl'Ogh, pardon, 6338. D'Ne. Sec O'Nea.. One, M oor6 ani, parJ.on, 5093. O'Nea.-Ne, persons of the neLma p:udonec!, 493;;, 6461, 65G6. O'Neo-ghina. Donogh, priest, p:ndon, 4SfiG. O' Neaghtin - Ncnghten, persons of the name pardoned, GtG9, 64.65, o·m,ssos. O'N.alan. See O'Nelan. O'Neal-Neale-Neo.ll. See O'Nem. Onedaty, Donen. p a.rdon, 6651. O'Nee, D onogh, pardon., 6566. O'Neele. ee O'Neill. O'NeIL See O'Neill. O' See O'.Nela.n. 100 .A.Pl'ENDIX TO TWENTY-SEOOND REl'ORT 011' THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELtZADETH. O' Neill- Ne~l- NonJe - NenU- Neil - Neilo - Naola- Ncille - Nelo _ N ell-Nayle-Nayl\- N ayl\o -Niell : Arta m'Barol1, pa.rdOD, 1531. .Arta or A.rthl1l', knt., son of Tirl::l.g'h lenagh, pn.l'dau, 6213: his Bons, O'Neill, m'Bria.n (son of ""Brin.n m'Phelim), of Olnnoboy, 4201 i pn.wlon, 40nO, 5573, 6145 i pardon to d cpomu\uts of, 6146. SophronID, mn.ljrimollinl suit, 3617. Tirlagb, chic~ of his treaty with, 2462, S021; commission: ,1763 i 64S0. Art age, 1'[LCG of, 15218. BriaD,livory to his brother Hugh, 120l. Brmn ferta.gho's country, 4188. Brian m'PhaUm, kut. (af Ck"'" boy), commir;;sioTI, HiSO i pardon, 2100, 2180, ~H13 i cn.rl of Essex deals with,240!l ; son and heir at, ~Ol. Brian moddcrio, pardon, 6029, O'IS~. Til'la,gh ago (of Portnollign.D, co. Armngh), pa.rdon, 0735. o ther:. of tho in Tyrono nnd noi rxhbot1l'ing 6110. COll m'Neile age, knt., pal'UOD,lOGO, 3209,4900 i surl'ondcl' an'l rcgr:\nt of tho lordship of C!\Bhlorcngb, 4084-5. (son of Tirlagh lcnagh), p!Lt'doD, 5213. Cormack. pardon, 6·180. Doneli (son contl'ibuLion of M ltgUirO to, 4800 i gra.nt of cn..p t!.\incy of Tyrono, [join i p[\l'dOll, [;215, Tirlagh bl'i ssehtl!h, pa.rdon, 1101. Til' mCHeury (chiGf of the Fues), pn.r{lon, 0662. Til'L'tgh (son of sir ...uthur), pardon, 0'[ Phclim roc), par- don, :172 ; his FiOUS, 6002. Donell age (of the Fivagh, co. Antrim), pardon, 6110. Henry age m'Heory m'Sh ~nc, esq. (of PortuoUiga.D, co., prl.1'don, 6136. Hugh,ltvcry, 1201 ; baron of DungannoD, pardon at suit of, 5825, 3856 i commissione, 4054, 6191. See Ty"rono, earl of. 6ft6~. others of the nn.m.e pardoned, 3041, 4871, G~Ol, 6112, 65040, G56!l, G582, 1035. Clanoboy, 420l. Hugh (Bon of Oon nt'NenJ ago), 4085 i pu.rdon, 1000. John (Shano), pnrdoD, 184 i war with, 819, M~-3, 551, )1503,30-14. NeUe (lather 01 Tirlagb lenngh), ft031. NeUo m'Brian fortagho, pardon, a2~0 i appointed captain of Clnnaboy,6'i43. Neile, of tho roeo of Art ago, pardOD, lS~lS. Neill m'Hugh, pardon, 151578, to p::t.rdoncd, 661:1,61103,6770, ti7!ll, 0146, 6480, OM3, 6020, OOO ~, 0710, (l735. othol's of t.h o In co. On.t'low,a.nd neighbouring districts, p<'1.rilaned, 878, 0111, 1039, lRB7, 5045, 81M, S004, 4015,4163, 115M, 45159, 4.013, .'i02B, 5113, liMS, OlGO, 0181, 6100, 6200, Gn2. GJS8, 648'1, Gli17, G641. Sec Ferren O'Neylc, othora of tho pardoned, 1884, 2036, 20"~, 2066 , 2588, 2165, 3928, 3974, 4280,4071,4169,158;16, 62-18, Ol80, 6491-5, 6408, 0512, 0522, 01529, 6555, 61576, 6583, 6706, 6762, 676ft. O'Nolan - Nelano - Noo.lan - NeilnneNoland: Dermot oge, physician, pardon, Hugh macNoilo more, pn.rdaD, Hugh m'Phelim, late af dis~l'icts 1035, nOl, 2172, 8220, 4060, 4082, S2ln, 661ft,0617, 676ft-0. O'Nolo. Sec O·Noill. O'Nclegn.n, Thomn.s,"pardoD, 1050. O'NeIl. Rec O'Noill. O'Nolll1u-Nolll1iu-Nel1n.ino-Nollane: " Donn-Id, clorlc, preselltn.tion t.o archdou.conry of Kilfonora,6729. other, 01 tbo pardoned, 4473, 'GOD, 4708, ft006, 6ft02, 0160, 0478. O'Nello. See O·Noill. O'NcllocnDo, Oonoghor, pardoD,6118. O'NCllltnC, SlULnU, p'lrdon, G10~. O'Nono, Oalloghar, pardon , 4fi34:. O'Nceyn, Nieholas, EngliBb lIberty,177. him and hie dcponuant..." G1-1li. See also Neil m"n. nr.Murllioe, O'Noshio, Johu. ut Hore Abbey, 6710. O'Now, Hugh, pa.rdon, 6li60. OUOy, Bdm., llo.rdon, 8941. Pholim roe, pardon to son aI, un. R09a. (wifa of Q'Cahn.n), po.rdon, 6088. 2008. O'Noylan-, Oonnor and Edm., par(laD, 4080, 66a3. KIliEPER OJ' THE PO'lILIO REOORDS IN IRELAND. 701 INDEX TO FIANTS.- ELlZAllETH. O·Neyle-Neyll-Noyllo. SIJIJ O'Neill. 001:1, co. Lim. Sec Owly •. O'Neynan. pardon, 6481. O'P elan . Wm.. pardon, 2746. O'NieU, Tha.dy, pardon, 2000. See O'Neill. O'Pcttane, persons of t he name pardoned, O'Nihill- Nillil- Nyhil1, persons of tho 6485 . pa.rdoned, 4720, 6184, 650·1. O'Phalo.o, Donell, pardoned, 2635. O', Don ell roe, pa.rdon, (!~OO. Opbn.lio-OphD.Uey-Qpbo.llle-Qphnlly. Sec O'Nilly. William, pardon, 2042. Ofl:J.!y. O'Ninrtime, MUl'ryhtrtng'h, pU,l'dOll, 6:522. Q'Pb:JJvy, Donali nod En, pardoo, 6515. Onittey, Dotlogh (see Oavanagh), pardon, O'Phalwey. Donogh, p3.l"dan, 6565. 3735. Opb o.1y. Sec 01fuly. O'Nittin , Dermot. att..'l.intcd, 58G2. O·Pbeal:1n. Sec O'Pbemn. Onituyn, ShlLDO, pa.-rdoD, IH58. O'Phe ~ne, Edm., pardon, 6606. Oniviri!!.ll, persons of tho pardoned, O'Phelan - Phelan e - Pbela.lne - Pheo.lan, 8928. p ersons of t he nnme pa.rdoned, 1617, 18G6, Onnoly. Sec Ann 205S,2272,2HO, 3079, aSH, SSS8, 4096, 4a70, 4916, Q'Non.lan e, Fn.rdol'ogh, pn,rdon, 0:5t11. 11000. 1;095, 5565, 500S, 0136, 647~ 0-195, Olin, 6529, O'NouUu.u, Tha.tly, pardon, 2~-12. OIiO·J, (1023 -1-. Q'Noble, Brdcy, pn.rdon, 639ft O'Phelilll, Donell, p~rdOD, 6476. O', E dm., pn.l'don, 403G. O'Phel1:Ln-, p ersons of t.he name p~Lrdon ed, G198, 6532, 6551. O'Nogmghe, Gorl'ot~ pm'don, 0:n1. O'Phelmc, WIll., pnrdon , 4000. O'Nolaiu, Donald, pn.rdoD, 3904. Q'Noln.n- N Noulo.n- Now- Q'PllClomc, Dannogh, pn.rdon, 2084. In.n- Nowln.ue: O'Phealan, John, Kicholns, and Richard, per sons of Lho pa.rdoned,1I19, Engllsh Uberty, 300. 851, 911, Olli, 1101, 134~, 1611, 1803, others of the Il..' P3rdoned, 1800, l8G8, 1811, 1881. 1887, 1800, 2031, 2060, 2109, 2202, 2:l3:1, 2009-10, 2730, 28.58. 3165, 3994, 4221 , 1310, 4441, 450l, 4G31, tillS, ti612, li78S, GllS, GIS1, G21~, G232. 6248, (1323, 6408, (;MO, 6441, G!\04-, 61111, O~SO. 655:5, 60li1, 6064, 6682, 0106, 0763. 26'16, ~746. O'PberoJl, Oormllc a nd Rory, pa.rdon, 451. O'Phibn. OWQn and Shane, pa.rdon, 4340, 6809. O'Philla.n, persons of t h o name p ll.l'doned, 615l11, G7BS. Sco a.lso Nolan. O'Pholan - Phomne, persons at t he O'Nollan-NoUane, parsons of tho Dame pardoned, Sg1. O'Phol'n ne, Shane, pardon. 1160. pa.rdoned, 915, 4163, 0524. 0'Ph,11Jl-Pbyllan-Phylline, persons 01 O'Nollogha.ino, J ohn, po.rdon, 6:509. the name po.l'doned, G5.51, 6133. Q'Nonn.n, Shane, pa luoll, G501l., Del'mot, pardon, I Gl i . O'Norano, Wm., pardon, 6001. O'Pornio, Bl'ene, pardon, 67M. O'Nor:iO, Taiga br Cartlo, pardon, "HI6. O'Noulan. See O·Nolan. O'Proy-Pmyc, p ersons of tho namo P(U'doned, 2366. O'Nourdan, Morr ough, pardon, 4913. O'Prist, Edm., pardon, 4028. Q'Nova n, 001101', pardon , 6106. O'Nowall, Wm., par don. 3~9:;. O'Prontyo, Nele, pardon, M03. G'Nowlan- Nowlano. 8ec O'Noln.n. Q'Pullin, Edm., pa.rdon, 6214. O'Quane, Shane, pardon, 8905. O'Nownan, Donogho, o..ttn.inted, 11181. lands of, cO.,Gork, 55C5. O'Quenahan, Dooill, pardon, 861.0. O'Nownc, pel'sons of tho na m e pa,rd ODCd, O'Qu ene, Eno, pal'don, 65:;8. 11198, 6226. O·Qn en1~n. Se, O'QuiJlb.n. O'Qulgly - Quygley, Donogh and G.rrot, O'Nownlgban, P h ilip, pardon, 0530. pardon, 4871, 6441. O'Nullnghc, H enry, pardon, 4g82. O'Nnllu.o, Teiga, pardoD, 52·14 - ~. O'Qnillaync, Hugh, pardon, 4713. O'Quillin, Donogh. pardon, G309. O'Nurghcr, Ta igc, pardon, 4329. O'Nuyllll..D, Gillegrome, pa.rdOD, 20·.18. Oquin in the A.n.naly, country of, 6131. See Gny, Elenora. ny, pardon, 3913. Icoynea country. . O·Quin-Qwne. See O'Quyn. Ony MulrylUl. Sec Owny Mulryan. O', Fyo and Tho., pn.rdoD, 6186. O'Quinegane-Quynegan : O'Nl'hUl See O'Nihill. Donyll, homicide of, S96~. O'Nynane, Murtaghe, pardOn,4888. others of t hellBJDe pardoned, O'Nyva ne, Der mod, pardop, 649~. 6418,652l· 70g · APPIIDIX TO 'l'WINTY.SBOONJ) UPORT OJ ,TEl DIl't'Tr INDE:\: TO FIAN'fS.-ELIZAllE'frr. Quynggan - Qwyugall- Q' Quyngioo, POl'SODB of the nnma pardo nod, 4582, IHI8, 6621,611S. O'Quinlan -Quenlan-QuenI.~ne- Quynlan - Quynlll.ud - Quynl"no - O'R n.g-b tor, Rhnnc, pn.rllon, M~1. Q', Dl'iu.u, p n.l'don, 6815. O'Ra.ghtoro, Shl1no, pl1rclOD, 0110. O'R..1.ghtoury, l[.mus, pardon, 6712. O'Ru.h[ ], DCl'U1orl, pa.rdon, 0162. O'It~hellio-Iblmllio-Itaholi .- It~helly _ n ahili. - lliLhi1lle - nahilly, pOl'sons of the par": SODS of tho pardoned, MaO, 6471, 6486, (621), (j~75, 0(121. doned,3031, 33tH, 6467, G179. 6516 , G500, 0671. O'Quintreny, Morogh, pardon, G519. O'Qnlrk - Quirk. - Qulrck. - Quyrck.- O'R..'thill, Mor ish tLlld Morogh, pu.rdoD, 4764, 6505. Quyrk - QuYl'ke : lL1.bowne ne Bowlye, pard on, O'Rl1icko, Phl1rl', pardon, 6439 . O'n..'tino, ItOtlmunc1 fltz Da y, pl1l'don, 6122. 4691 i attainteu, 6sn4. others of the name pnrdoneu, O', persolls of the ll:1mO par~ doned , 1(51)2, 251)<1·, 3060. :J:260, 3554, 4085, 4537, 4630, 40637, 4896, 011iJ-80, 630.5, 6480, O-UIS, Ol"~n Beg, co. Gu.!. Sac Umnbeg. (iSHI, G~n-2. 6531-2, OM!>, Ori7!i, ( O I1\.U, CO. Rosc.), 61-13. o J'3.nmol'O - 0 Wl'll.UmOl'O, co. OaJ., 1052 i 6583, ca.stlo amlln.ndR, 6901. O'QUOo.110, Oillcdntre nnd rreigo, pa.rdon, O'Itannyvo, John, pardon, 4013, 6161, Ol'n.nsl:own, co. Mea t h . Sec Ovol'eeston. O'Quoddy, Willia.m, pn.rdan, ·ilO. 0' Ra.wglmn, pOl'SOUS of tIle unme pardoned , O', Darmod, pa.rdo!l, 0615 . nOJ3,0511, Q'Quoike, Edm., p..'lruOD, 2!l02, O'Qnollane. Thoma.s, English liberty. SD6, O'Rn.whl\'UC, .lohu, pa.rdOD, 4073. Orchu,l'll. co. Oar., lU6. Oquome, John, pa.rdon, -1932. O'Quonie, Morr is, p3.l'don, on·l. Orohard, Queen's co. Sec Owllort.e. O'Quoyne-Quo yo, parsons of t ho nnme Ol'chn.l'uostou, King's co., 2165. Ol'clmoli vcm, l:0. Ga.1., 4111. pardoned, 6145, 6571, 6661. O'Quyen, Rich., pn.l'don, 6101. Orumond. See Ormond. O'Quyggino-Quygine, persons of the Dnma Ordna.nce, mastar of, OM , 20015 1 !'.i761,5768-9. pardoned, 611S. clark of, 669, 013, 694, 1141 2t03, O'Quygley, See O'Quigly, 2010, O'Quyn - Quyne-Qnin-Quine- Quynnclark, contl'oUer, and surveyor of, Quynne: 4300. 58:12, on51, 07!18. Hugh, priest., pardon, 6602. smith of, 0001, 6168, 6680, MOS, GGOl, othors of the namo pa.rdoned, chief smith to impross iroD, S30, 449, 1314, 1495, 184.8, 29111, 'Workman, &c., 4364. 3011, S5(}l,aS01, 4591, 4009, 4871, m n.ker of horse COllu.l'S to, 127. 6065, 5398, 5418, 6808, 6875, 0189, s(1,{ldlor to, 0502, 6102, 02S~ , OS09, 6914, 6418, MBS, gonomllieuteua.ut of (in Engln.nd), 6·100, 05S~-4 0574, 6676, 0624, 0620, 5/60, 60iO, 0002, OIlS-I!, G701, Oro river, Queell's co. (Nora), 618G. Q, - Quyncli.l,Do, psr- See Oquin, Icoyno, O'Qwyno, O'Quynegan. See O' O'Roa.dio, Moriah a.nd Toig, pa.rdan, 64.90. O'RO:\.{,,"1\.D, Donel! and M elnghlin, pardon, 0486, GliGO. O'Quvnggau-Quynglne, Sec O'Qningnno, O'Qnyn]an-Qnynelnno-Quynlnne- Quyn_ O ' lto~10, Htlgll, pa.rdoD, S314. IlI.nd- Quynleane, Sec O'Quinlan, O'Uot\.ly, DOlle U, pardon, 0614. O'Quynnyne, Dermot, o.lia.s Stn.nkorde, Sec UIAO Iroall1ghe, pardon 4S2. Q'Quyrrine, Ja.mes, po.ruon, 0706. O'Uca n-Rorma, persona at the name pardoned, HO, 18G2, 2700, (j0~'!. O'Rody. Da.vid and Shane, pardon, 20~D, O'Qwyngan, See O'Qningane, O'Qwyne, senoscha.lof Muntol'gaUgaYD, co, O'Uco, Shane, P!l..rUOll, 64.915. O'Qnyrk-Quyrke-Quyroke, See O'Quirk. 5181, LOrlgford, 2093. O'Ro.chaine, Shane, pardoD, 3SO. O'Raddygan, Hugh, P>1UOU, 5140, O'noely, Deermod, 6102, O·Reorda.n, Ash owe. po.l'dOD, 64.153. O'Ragholl, Edm" pardon, 0113, O'Raghtagan, Donell, pardon, 6108, Oregan, Quean's CO.,l'OCtory, 2208. Q'Rceyliu, Oel'l'ott.. pa.ruon,'4035. SeD Iroga.n. 703 KEEPER OF THE PUBLIO RECORDS IN IRELAND. INDE."\. TO FIANTS. -ELIZADETH. Orcga,ll ill OOllun.ght, l 'l71. O'Rega.n - R Og';1in-llegn.i no : OOllogho1' ogo mlna. Madder, don, G101. O'Reilly, Hugh, wife and sister of, 4699. J ohn, knight, appointed c",plain pn.r~ of Breny, 4]97 i commission, 6lBO i p:1l'don, ~5I..2. K.therlne (alias Adams), pardon, 204Q. Moillmore m oile, slain, 5560. Mulmol'e,, 5849. Dermot ro'un. Madder, pn.rtlon, G530, other.:; of tho Immo pal'doued, !)2~1, ·j~97, 3036, 3030, 3092, 3535, 416:2, SH1, 5018, 5007, 0:107, 0502, 6571, GS7G, 6624, 07G~. JUUllWW'l'Y, Oregn.y, Donell, pa.rdon, 5200. O'Rogginc,, pn.l'(lou, 6519. O'ReglIuowla, Dormot, pa.l'dOD, ·1607., pn,l'd')D, 01:!5. Mulhnol'ie (o f the Ca.Tn.n), p::L1'. dOll, IWi8, 0~5 -1. Q'ROgill, Jo.0105, pal'don, G018. Owen m 'li u ~h.p :l.l'don, 4S9!!, 5702 : pardoned, 4152, a·1SG, G[)l5~lG, GSsn. O'Reigh, DOllogh, pa.rtioD, GGiG. Sec O'Reilo, Donogho and lUebugb,1iu, p ltl'dOD, ·1071. O'Roilly - Roighlio - Roighly - R eiglio Rcigly - Reiley - Reilie - Reilre- Rclci- Rolcy- RcliR,li. ·- Rellie - Rclly-RolyRelye - neyl. - Roylo1'ReyJie - Roylle - neyll.y Reyllie-R. ylly-Reyly : Bria.n, n.tta.intou., 55-:1:5. Brian m' O<.\bi1', n.ttaintcd, 5819. Brian m'Mulroore, nthinteu, li849. lands, 4541. l'WO, robbery by, 148. Edmund (of Kilnecl'Ot), ap · pointed to.lli;;t of Brony, 1047, 1Z0G ; pn.rdon, nnH ; surrenders barony of, 4542 chief of hi" Dam'~, 66H i his wife, GM7. Philip (of Ballinecn.rgie), p:l.rdon, 4531, fi102; pl'Opme3 to sur.. roneler his possessions, 5720, 59·13. Philip m 'Pl'ior, pn.ruon, 4S9:!, C003. the P rior, sons of, p..'l.rdOD, ·1302. Sh::me m'Philip, a.ttainted, 58-19. other;; of the n!\m6 pardoned, I MI, 345, 789, !)'~2, ltG-i, 1735, 1751 , 1031,2205-6,2000, 2917, 330-1, S-131, 84-11, 38S0, 33'll, S91-i, 3916, 3'lUS, 596S. S072, 40S0, 4165, ·13S8, -Hea, 153J,4533,4G:!:!,4G99,17S0, ·1812·13. 48n-2, ·.l9I1S, 4n-l:, CiOlfi, 6133, u155, 5466, 5489, 5M2, 5500, 6003, 57:H" ~n6, 67S3, 5101- 2, £190,0222,6232, Cahir m'Prior, pa.l'don, 4802; his lands eschcated, 58-19. Cahir gare, sUrl'ender of his Ouier EOD," Mulmol'r m', chicf of lii! O'Regno, John. pa.l'uOn,'1S0G. O'Reign.n-Reigauo, pOl'sons of tho O'Roighlie-Reighly-llciglie-Rcigly. O'Reilly. "tho Vrior's sUl'l'eu(.lcr, ·154l. G761. j 0248, 6266, 0323, 6389, C4!l3, SH8, 64513, 6.J.S4, 601&2, 6495, 6507, GCill, 6514, 6519, 0525, 0532-3, 6530, 6554, 6551, 0503-!. 0509, em-i, 0517, 659~, 0616, 0621, 0641, 6051, G660·61, 6693, G090, 0724, G76::, 611!!, 0777. See ruso Il'3.ghillo.ghe, lrielli commissiou, 51 ilO j his SOD, 4931. Edm. m'Mulmore, a.ttainted, 6849. connt.ry of (Breny), 982, 1GBl, 1135,4849. country of, ca.ptain appointed, Fal'1'oll m'DoneU, atta.intcd, 58.i9. Geoffrey, son of John (Irnili), pa.rdon, 54G6. Hugh (a[tcrwa.rds knt.), chief of 4197. country of, clerk of crown and pelce in, 6270, 0286. O'Reily-de, Tho., par don, 6770. hiB nation, commisSion to treat O'Reilye-Relei-Reli-Relie-Rcllie-Relly with,7S2;mcommends appoiut_Reley_Re1y_Relye. Sec O'Reilly. m ent of his bl'Othel' Edmunu O'Reogll, Ja.mes, pa.rdon, G160. as ta.mst, 1017, 1200 i 103050, lOBI j O'Reredan - Reredane, Rich. and William, his succes.:;or, .un7. pa.rdon, IG17. 0·184. Hogh, sonof Pl'ior Balfe, pardon, Orcstone, co., 172G. 4:802. O'R.l3\'oay, Tho., pa.rdoD., 4690. Hugh, son ot the prior or m'Prior, O'Rewe, Donogh, pardon, ~:mJ. pardon, 4892, (j(l51. O'Uerau, John, pnrdon, 47$4.. Hugh reogh, surrondcr of his O'Rcygnc, Farmse and Tho., pn.rd_o n, 466G. lands, d541 i pardon, 4699. O'Reygyne, Edm., purdah, 4861. 3A 704 APPENDIX 1'0 TWENTY-SECOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIAl'TS.-ELIZADETH. O'ReYI~ - Rayley - Reylle - ReylloReyllio- Reylly-Royly. Sec O'ReillY· O'Rinrdan, Nioh., ~ 9GO. othor" of the name pMdDned, O'Reyrye, Tho., pr.'l,rdOD, 0115. 22G4, 2li3S, a031, S080, S083, SOD-li, Orghrycr. Sec Orier. BliS!), 44138, 16Gl, 41318,4164,4826, 4010, 50a9, 6G08, 6110, 6464-li, 6461. 6419, G481. (H99, 6ri06,6rill, 6616, 6li 2'!, 6620, Gli3!), 61158,61S66, 0611, 0762, 61114. Sec also Il'iol'un.D, Yrlcrdon. Orgus. John m'Finine1 pardon, 2211. O'Rho.wly, Donell nlins Daniel, pardon, 6188. OrhDgile (UrrohDgal), CD. Kerry, 5Bl3. O'Rin.. Gilley nod J ohn, pn.rdon, 6600. O'Ri~din.ll, John Dr Shane, attD.intod, 5B60. O'Rmn-Rmn.. See O'Ryan. O'Ridgo.n, Johu, pa.rdon, 6a2S. O'Riedo, Tho. age, pardoD, 6~G9. O'Riegn.n- Riognno - Riegniu, persons of the name pn.rdonod. 2257. 4520, G481. 6605. IHil4-10, 61HO, 6~59. 6511, 611u. Ori ell-or~' ell-1oricl1 (Oirghin.l1'l.), M'Ml"I.hon's country (county Monnrgban), BU1TeU(lel'e~ 4989 j rc- g1'5utcu, 199 1. See Uriell. O'Rieo, ~rsong oC ~bo name pu.l'doncd, 6218, 6m, 6511, 6765. Ol'icr-Ohrcl'(~ -O rghl'ycl'-Orl'icr-Ol'ryo Orryer-OrYl'tlr , aliu.s O'flanlon's country (Ol'iol', co. Armagh), 001, 4327 i C(Ll)I' a.ppointed, 110S; commis~lion to 8ubuuo the peoplo a f, 23~·! j s tU'rcmler, 50n j grant at the cou ntry to O'Ha.nloD, 6000. O'Rierda.n - Riel' - Ricl'den. Sec O'Riul'da.n. O'Uiergan, Rich., pardon, G100. O'Rigo.n, Patr., pa.l'dOD, 0018. O'Rigny-Rigne- Rigney-Riguoye-Rignic -Rigoye - Rygny, persons of the nama p:trdoned, 1824, 1848, 8884, 42!!3, 6018. O'Rime, Wm., pn.rdon, 6486. O' Wm., pardon, ·int. O'Ring, p ersons o f tho mLmo pa.rdoned, li60n, Q'Rinno, Oa.hall, pardon, M80. O'Rioda., J ohn, P:Ll'JOD, 2110. D'llion, persons of pa.rtloDou, 3201. Drior, co. A.rm, Sec Qrim', O'Riorua.n - Riol'da.uo - Riol'dajno. Sec O'Riurdo.n. O'Riordn.we, OWiD, pa.rdon, 5G08. O'Rionr~n. Sec O'RiUl'df\D. O'Rlrcke,'rirlngh, p~rtlDn, 6<116. Oriry, co. Cork.,pardoD, 4820. OriA, co. Rose., lit-H. O'Uitho, Fo.rrolll'Oo, pn.rdon, OT(J'f, O'Riuno, Rob., pn.rllon, 68113. O'Rinrdan-Rlordrtn-Riorilano-l\ioruen _ Riorun.n - Riol' - RiOl'du,ine·-Rioul'dan- Riourdrme -Riurdnno-Ryordan·-ltyol'_ dfl.Uo-l1yul'(hme: Donald m'Edm" s1a in in r ebellion, 60liO, MaUl'ioe, attD.intod, 6116. Ormcsby, Roger, soarcher of Waterford, 1160,21'12, Ormond- Ormonde - Ol'dmoud-Dl'mound -Ol'moundo -Ormund : country of , co, Tjll., 4G 3, 8:J8, l !Hll, 10D5, l DD1, 2088, 3213, 4G74. '.1901, 15232, M.1!l. ii8:H j ma.l'tiul la.w in, 063, 21-10 j clm'Ie. of tho crown, &:c., in, S26, Ju.mllHu.lhu~, (fourth) enrl of, 3514. J ames, (njnth) ,MI'l of, H13, 200, 303. n.uu 0 8!\01'Y, Thomt1A,lXll'lof, m tule hi/-:'h la'(I<\sUl'Cl', 133, 189 i chief lo:ulm' of the :t.l'my iu :Mull>lter, 3OU2, aoOIl j go \'cruol' or Munst er, 41 0~, 4:!02 i Hcut ena.nt general ill MUIlSt.c I', '1-166 j gencml of the forces in Letustor, 5801-2, 6020, a116 i lientcua.nt general of the quoen's army, 6201, G308 ; authorit y conferred upon, 6181, 611:11,0203, 6313 j comlllis.;;ion to war on O'Mores n.nd O'Connors, 086 j dispute wit h en.rl of Desmond, 002-3, 109~ i pard on, 101, 21M, 2601 ; redemption from en.ptivity Qmong re· bels, Ollllr; i grfLont of mnds, &c" 491, 60-1, liGS, 2·1·j 6, 2450. !Wifi-GO, 2li89, 260:1.1, ~IHHI-61 , 2618, 2390-.2, 21598, !!GI6, !!067, 2719, 21$7, j9~a, 8138, 3101, 3210, n309, 31513, 35~O, !lOUS, 8601, U17!1, lioao, lilS'i8 j commissions, lS~, 203, 460, 54!!, 6G6-1, 6R2,828, 1411-18, 142,t, IS3l,18{S, !!117. 23!iD, 2·130, 2·i4·i, 2BG2, 2884, 8011, SOOl, 9051, 8001-8, 4450,4490, 4409, 415115 , 411G, 6021, 6222, 5253, liS1!!, GaliS, 15381, liB34, liBG3, 6879, li016, 6\H18, 15001, 6092, GOM, 612B, 0140, GIGG, 0825, 6sn~ , 63G6, 0438, 6521, GODB, 6188 i rolcfUle of debts to crown. S05 j oxport license, ~ a81 ; grn.ntof a wurdahip, 9808 j lo[ , 30S, lGo!S,2S02-4, !!G08, 2616, .201S, 20GB-GO, 2676-6, 2703, 2111-18, .2DBO, 8411, S968, 4015, 4205, I5Sl~ ~7BO, 59Bl-~. 6411, 6610 ; surrendOl',li018,066!) i h ouacBandlaDds bolonging to, 3817, MH, ~BB. XlIIIIPER OF THE PUBLIO REOORDS IN IRBILAND. 70a I NDEX TO FIANTS,-ELIZAllETH, Ormond: O'RotU'ke: 61(iO i pn.rdoDs recommended by, 2700, 6109, GfiG5, 6107 i his ma.n.. 2812; pardon to brother of, 314-1, 4764. Ormonde, Mount, .eignory cnJ.Ied, 66·18, Orney-Orny, SciJ Urnay, co. Cu.v. Orney-Ol'ny. Sec Ul'uy, King's co, Q'Roagha.n, Donn.ld bano, P::U'UOD, 1010. O'Roun, persons of tho llama pardoned, 4268,4111,6459. O'Rodan, a.lias UEiSYOD, Hugh, pJ.l'don, 4008, O'Rodano, One, pardon , ISOOS. O'Roddecha.n - Rodcgbn.n - Rocdegbn.n, persons of the pardoned, '1786, Rwerke-Rwirk - RWirkeRwoirk-Rwarck-RworkeRwrke - OW1'!lJ'ke - Owronrke: Bern.o.rd or Brian, late capt.ain of Brony O'Rourke, 1612. Brian or Bernard (knight), eWef of his name, a.ppoint ~d capta,ln, 1512; pn.rdon, 1516. 4786. 4199 j surrender of his conntry, 468B: commissions, 3667, 4752, 4746; pm'don to his followers. 4i!l9......tSOO. 5227 i protection to come to lord d opu ty, 5380 i po.ruon to his 15'.142. d..'1.ugllter:'!, ri"O. O'Roddh\ Shane, pnl'(lon , MtS. O'Roddy - Roddie, persons of the name po.rdoned, 15603, 6507, 6701. O'Rouegha.n - TIomlcgbo.ll. decha.u. ,Sec O'Rotl- O'RCOD, persons of the pa-rooned, 0-100, (JuG!), GOO-! . Q'Rocrka. Sec O'Rourke. O'Ragan, persons of the nnma pa.rdonod, GoI83, Q'Rogh::m, Dermot a.nd Donogh, pardon, OG15, G7Gts. Orogher, co. Cav., 45S1. Q'Roircke-Roirk-Roirke. See O'Rourke. OroUn., co. Rose., 480:5. 0' Roml, Daniel, pardon, 8962. O·Ronn.n, Wm.! 6123. others of the name pn.l'dollCd, 2881, G113, G309, OoiG5, 648-i, 6501. O'Ronayne, Wm" 11lu'llon, 4401. Drone, D ermott, pru'c1on, 5366. O'Roney, Hugh, pardon, G2GG. O'Ronillo, Phe:tjlm, ptl.r<jOll, 2611, Oronnone, Owen. pardoll, 039a. Q'Rono-Ronoc-Ronow-Ronowe, persons of t h e name pardoned, 8G.5, 2600, SHil, 3lt.5, 40S3, 4102, 4130. G23~, S9:!3,6567. 0500, 0560. O'Rony, persons of the Mme pa.ruaned, S8·~ 0610, Q'Roroko, Edrn., pardon, g996. Q'Rone, Laughlen age, pal'doD, 5523. Q'Rorikc-O'Rorke. Sec O'Rourke. O'Rouarke, John, pM'don, 84S2. O'Raurcke. See O'Rourke. O', Dermod a.ud Donogho, pn.rdon, 6302. O'Rourke - Roerke - Roircko - R<>irk- Roil'ko - Radke - Rorke- Brinn or Bernard, a.ppointed t..' of O'Rourke's country, 3392; pardon, a702. Dl'i.'1.o age, excopted {rom genera.] p:tnlon, Gll~. Brian, nt tainted, 5!13S. eoucing, pardon, 1515. Donc11, pardon, 6140, Hugh ogo - (of, prtrdon , 4i{l7, 6440. Phelim, priest, pa.rdoD, 5221. Teige (of Leitrim), excepted from general pardon, 6112. Tiernan, p::mloD, 1515, 4786, 5140. others of the Immo pardon ed. 2061, S013, SS5l,3827. 3845, S095, 4269, ·:1287, 4SS3, 4ti:>:;, 4570,4047, 4714, 4780, 1703-4, 4707, 4800, 4801, 48i1, 6453. 543940, 6416, 6486, 55sa, tiS4B, GIO!1, G~a2, 03:?3. 64.69,6417, G-i9{1, 6506,6515,6511, 6533, aSS6, (\:)41, 0555, 6:i69,6621, 6699, country of, SS9!!, 3611, 5232. O'Rownne, alias O'Morch oe, Moriertagh, pal'don, 4434. O'Rowa.rty, Donel! grana, pardoD, Bill!. O'Bowe, Wm. (1n Yougha.1), 3180. O'Rewerk. Sec O'Rourke . O'Bowghan-Rowghane: H enry, of, 320. others of the nllma pardoned, 4162,4SGO. O'Rowban, sir D ennys, prias t, pardon, 6005, O'Rowirk. See O'Rourke, O'nowne,, pn.rdon, 4019, O'Rownoe, J ames, pardon, G511. Orownon, Edm.., vicar of Th:uragh, Meath, ROUl'eke - Rourk - Roirck6300. Rowerk-Ro wirk - Rowrcke - Uowrk--Rowrke-Royrkc- O'Rowrcke Rnairc - Rulrk - Rwo.rkO'Rourke, Rowrk - R'Jwxke. 3A2 See 706 APPENDIX TO TWENTY-SEOOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANI'S.-ELIZABETH. O'Royn, Donald Egln.nnoy, pa.l'(lon, 21514. O'Roynian, Doirmot, pardoll, 6815. O'Royrk-R<>yrko. S"" O'Rourke. Drpa-Orphic, Jamcs1 2519, u719. Orrery, co. Cork. Sec. Oryrry. Orrier. &c Oriel'. Orruss, co. Mayo , 1Jfl.1'ony of (Erri ~), :;817. Ol'l"ye-01'1'),er. Sec Orim', O·R1mire. See O'Rourke. O'Rua.nun.. Bryne, pal'dOD,6n7. O'Ruayrke, Shnno buyo, pardon, G699. O'Ruddan, persons of tho name pardoned, 4.56S~9. 6501i. O'Ruddy-Ruddie: William, houso in Trim, 1114. others of tho name pardoned, G385, 0<77, 0·IS8, 07G1. O'Rughole, David. pa.nIall, 6·160. Orughlin (co. 00.1'. 1), 6710. O', Taiga age, pn.rdOD, 6510, O'Ruirk. See 0 ' Rourko. O'Rushe, persons of tho nnme pn.rdOllCil, O'Ryol'dano o.lin.s DoriVO, Dermod, pardon, 0.09. Oryors country, co, Down. 1193, 5605. O'RYb'1lY. See O'Rigny. O'Rylan, Jolm,pardon, 857, O'Ryle, Tho" pardon, 61 07. O'Ryno, Conoghol' and Donnogh, pardon, li028,0.560. O'Rynoy, Edmund, pal'uon, 1420, 1601. O'nyodda, Th.o., pn.l'don, 4:110. O'Uy ordan·-Ryol'da.llO, See O'Riurdll.D. Oryl'1'Y. Sec Odor. OrYl'ry, co, Cork, ba.rony of (Orrery), 8287. O' See O'Riul'd:tn. O'S:~i1 vc - Su.ylve, Dermod o.nd Y orrogh, p~tl'{lon, tHon. 0 '&\110, DOllogho, pu.rdon, 90Gn. Q'Su, Sa.nun.g-han, pcrSOIlB or \ilID name pa.ruanell, G~06, 6:558, OlS66, Sec O'SllalU1.ghu.n. O' persons of tho n:1mc pn.l'tIonotl, 6·198,0622. 931, 3995. O'Ru}'11c., pa..rd.on, 6122. O'Rwan, Shane, pardon, 1170. O·Rwnl'k. See O'UolU'ke. O'Rwdn.n. Shane, p!Ll'uon, 190G. O'Sn.wl'a. - Sa.wl'no, p Jl'SOllS at tho nn-ma pn.rtloncu, 6517. O'Sa.ylvc. Scc O'Sa.ilvc. ORbcl'Lston - Osherston - Osb er~eston Osucrtiston- Osbertowne -IIosbcrstoD (Osbersto wu, co, KUd.), 260, 3472, 3913, '0' Rwerke-Rwirk-Rwirke-Rwoirk. SetJ O·Rourke. O'Rwolleo., Edm. oga, pardou, GUO. O'Rworek-Rworke-Rwrke. See O'Rourke. 4193, 4oiS~, G459, GGG4. O'Ryada, Morogho, pardon, 15225. S. Bride's Ohurch, neM, 41115, O' Osborne, Robert,lLuthodty to impress hay, Art m'Art aud twenty others 01 40Gl. the name, attainted, 6401. Q', Donagh and Ma.lo.chy, Fel'ginanlm, att.~inted, 585i. pardon, G002. Quin m'Heury, slain in rebellion, O'Soa.udJon, Tho., p:1.rdon, 6314. ' 854. O'Seauol!. Sec O'Seo.nnell. Owen m':Mcln.ghlin (of Gurtin), O'Sco.nln.n-Sca.nltloUc-Slmnla.ine - Skanl.1.n pardon, n015 i, 6404. - - Ska.nlcino - Smnlon, perothers of the nlLme po.rdoncd, 71S1, sons of tho nama p..... rdoncu, 3229,4021,4714, 818, !l21, 101S1, 1117, 1611, 17-1IS-G, 4122, t727, 6000, 6226, 6418, 6010, ~ 808. 0188, ISGlS, 181B,IBDO, HI31, 20.2D-31,203S-C, 6465,:0467,6110,6188, 0101-8,0505,6624,8500, 2038, 20-14, 2069, !!OG4, 2202, 2230-32, 28:;8, 21140, 5046, Sl56, S8G2, S013, S095, 4016, 4.086, 4:332, 4370, 4080 , 44,lD, 6028, 60110, G:311, ri~!1, 6287, 63rO, 644.6, li4B3, MOB, liOOri, 6188, G1l3, 6173, 6219, G!B8, 6309, (l808, 6432, 6141, 0401, 0484, Grill, 06n, 05S1-'2, 6534, 654:1, GliBlS, 0511, 668S, 66GO, 01()'.1, 0106,61115,6900. country or, 6170. See Farrin Q'Ryan, 585-1. O'Ryoddy-llyedy, John and Wm., pa.rdon, "78, 6532. O'Ryelle, Mehghlln dull:' pardon, me. Oryal!. See Oriell. O'Ryelye, Cahier, English liberty, 961. 6671,6106. O'Sc"unoll-,- S""nell- SClInill- SeannillSknnill-SklLnnoll, porsons of the name p t>rdoncd, 4040, G4J·1, 0407, 0611, 0614,6571. O'Scepolano, Daniel, pu.rtIoD, 0676. O'Scho.lnin,Oormnc, pardon, 600.2. O'SchOlL, DOllllOgh, pa.rdon, 61S16. OElcoh~n, 51515, O'Scolle, l\!urrogh, pn.l'don, 01511. O'Scolloo, Donell, pardon, 6617. O'Scolly-ScoUie : persons IO! the name pardoned, .2202,2.261. GotOT, 6409. See O'Skolly. Osconell, Dermod., pa.rdon, ,(104. O'Scott, Gillegla.sse, pardon, G188. KEEPER OF THI PUBLIO REOORDS IN IRELAND. 707 INDEX TO FIANTS.- ELIZABETH. O'Scully, D ermod and Morogh, p o.rdOD, G4~9, m8. O'Sen.ghns.SBe, Taiga, pardon, 4G5{), O'Seagnessio, DODOgh, pardon, 6401. O'See, Ryckerd, pardon, a001. O'Seeke, Brian, pardon, 518S. O'Seeye, Conochwro, pa.rdon, 22158. 0'Se1e, James, surgeon, murder of, 15159. others of the llS<l'doned, 6323. O'Selivo - Seloive, persons of the pn.rdonoo, CG18. O'Seoagb..a.n-Seneclmn-8ennaghan - Sennighan, persons of the n..' pardoned, 4659,5225,6487,0550, GGOS. See O'Shn.nagllan. Q'Serie, FerrnJl, pa.rdon, 8082. O'SCl'kott, Molo.ghlon, pn.rdOD, 5815. D'Sen ie, Nelle, pardoo, 3776. O'Serry<bne. Sec O'Shereda.n. O'Ser vn.o, Dermot, pardoo, 8TlIS. O'Shn.nn.n, Donnor and Wm" pardon, 6500. O'Shanchru!- Sh.nchane : Donogh, priest, pardon, 61501. others of t h e name pardoned, 4834:,6601. O'ShIlnaahan-Sha.nechllne - ShaneghanShnnigha.n- Shanibo.u. See O'Shano,ghn.u. O'Shannegan, Donill. p:11'don, 6024, O'Sha.nnaghan - - ShD.nneghana - Shn.nnnghane - Sh:.tnohn.n. Sec O'Sb. naghan. O'Sharvo.n, Dermot, pardon, 5421. O'Sha.ugho.n, Owen, pn;rdon. 0533. O'Sha.ughncso.. See O'Shaghnes. O'Shavan e, T h O'., plJ'dOD, 6471. O'Shavine, Wm., pn;rdon, 6495. O'Shea- Shee-She, persons ot the name pardoned, 1862, 1880,2282, 3328, 89 9.5, 4.370, 43BO, 4433, 4519, 4611, 4120, 41'14, 4:181. tOSs, 6102, 6144, 15394, li4S8, 6553, 5B88, 6109, O'Seyne, Donngh, p.rdon, 2201. O'Seyry, John. pardoD, 0061. 0 1 2~, 0113, 622', G309, G4S1, G405, 6461, 6519, O'Sbo.gbOoD, Donogh m'Wm., p n..rdon, 6102. 6521-2, 6534, 6SSS, 6555, 655S, 6564- 5, 65G9, O'Shaghnes- Q'Shn.ghncssie-8hnghnisheG511, 6576-1, 66S3, 0622, G6GO, 61OG, 01G5, 011j. Shn.ghnisie - Shaghnnse O'Sheaa, Morris, p..'\.rdOD, 6110. Sha.ughnesa-Shen.ghnus..'\.: O'Sheaglmnn, Thady or T oig, pn.rdon., 44«. D ermiciu3 or Darby: O'Sheaghnusa. See O'Shnghncs. Q'Sbaghu es, appointed O'Sheaha.n, Mor, pardon, 0113. seneschal of his country, O'Shenhe, Edm., pardoD, 6569. Q'She::ill.-8heruc, persons of the name par ~ 1718 i pn.rdon, 2160. doned, 6145, 6406, 6616. Dermot (of Gort). pardon, O'Shea.n OngOOn, Dermot, pardon, 2HG. G665. J ohn (of ,Gort). pardon, B881, O'8b ooD...'l.gho.n - Sheann..ghnina - Shcanneghana, persons of the name pardoned., 9315, 4080. 4481, 6521. others of the name pardoned, 2499, 2609. 3091, 4.030. O', Farrell, pardon, 6571. 4080, 44n, 4111, 6009, 15~1, O'Shea.rhie, Teig, pardon, 0511. O'Sheathe, Thomas, pardon. 2018. aBU, 64.08, 64:77, 64.19. O' country of, 1118. - Sh ehane-Sheeghao, persons of th e nrune O'Sha.ignea, John, priest, pM"<ion,4:098. ps.rdoned, 6009, 6401, 6466, C461, 6539, 66691 O'ShaJlon, Gilleglasse. pardon, 4861. O'ShnJIowe, Gilpatrick and Wm.. pardon, 61583,6106. O'Sha.lon, Brian, pardon. 3000. O'Shanacan, Derby.. pardon. 2,164. O'Sbannghan-Sh.nacbane-Sha.naghane Shanahll.D - Shanecbn.n8haneghan - Sh.nigho.n Sho,nihan - Sho.nnaghD.nShannecbJlne - Sh..'Ionneghane Shannnghnne Shn.nohan, persons of the pardoned, 1169, !l10!), 2ClB, 2517, 2930, 5547-8. 41515S, 4.6815, 4184, 4.0315, 61415, 6110. 617S, 64152, 6464, 6477, 64111. 61119, 61522, G6:l4, 6531. 6165, 6110. Se6 aJso O'Saneghan, Q'Sanaghan,O'Sheanaghn.n, O'Sheneghan, 6516, 616~. O'ShehcgMne. Doncll and John, pardon. 4533, 65li8. Q'Shehie-Shehy, persons at the name pn.rdoned, 4126, 62:12, 61539. O· eih ane, persons of thaname pardoned, Sa2l, S807, 6499. O'Sheilc-Bheill- Shele - Sheyle - She,ll, p ersons of tho n pa.rdoned, 183, 688, 6110, S483, 6488, SSS2. O'Sheille-Sheillie- Sheley. persons of the D( pardoned, 04.81, 6484, 66:10. O'Sheme - Sh ein, persODS of t h e D.&me pardoned, 4122, 4814, 4991, 6i66, 6461, G5~a . O'Shele. SetO'Sheile. O'Sheley. Se.O'Sheille. O'Shelly-Shellle, persons of t he name pardoned , 6629, 6161. O'Shelon, Jln~h, ' p&rdon, 6408 708 APPENII1X '1'0 'l'WJlN'l'Y-SIIOoND RropORT or 'l'l:!F1 DlIIPU'l'Y INDEX TO FIANTS. - ELIZADETH. O'Shomo, Tho., 1""1'don, 6516. Q'Sheminge, Jruncs, 11:lrl'{lon, G~11. O'ShennghnD. See O·Shonoghn.D. O'ShOn.'lllC,, pn.rdon, G041. Q'ShonchrLn, Fcrro.ll, pl.Ll'tlOD, 6507. Q'Sbane, Tho., pa.l'dOD, 4461. O'SheneclLnc, Hugh, P.'Ll'dOD, 15486. O'ShenogbllD - Shennghan - Shencchan, persons of tho Il..'lmo pn.rdoned, {l3G, 239-112881, 808!l, 415S, 4390-1,6380. Q'Shennan,'., p a.rdon, GI5~ 9. O'Shcoghan, Taig, paruon , 61S69. Q'Shemn, LagbliD., pa.l'doll, 653D. O·SherdD.n - Sherd",ne, Cohonaght aDd Shane, pardon, G6D!). Q'Shcrcda.n -- Shcred..' - Shol'idnn - O·Shlghn.n-Shlgh~no - Shihan -, p ersona of tho ntl,me pnrdoned, 1613, 'i144 , 1.161,4704, 4932, M6u, 0107, G·109, 6tiHi, 0568, 0671. O'Shighrowe, Donuogh o, pa.l'dOll, 0576. Q'Sllihu, Sec O'Shigbnu. O'Sltihi c, 'Vm. (mu Wm. ag o, pardoD, 4126, 07U·i. O'Sbilcnghcl', Tho., licence to o.qu..'\, vikl.o, 30G3. Q'Shilicbn.u, Tho., 1m,relon, 2941. O'Shill, Nica, pmdOll,4DOu. Q'8hillie, E dm., pa,l'u oD,1l620. Q'ShinoglmD, Gillurm, pardoD, 3863. O·Shiridn.n - Shiredau - Slrirodane-Shiridana. Sec Q'ShOl'Gdtl.D. O'Shil'io,'pol'sons of tho n a ma p a.rdODcd, 0600 Shol'idCLUC-Shcridd..'lDO- O'Shil'illano, Mn.nuB and T aigo, pa.rdoD, 0701. Sbcrldon - SerrydD.neO'Shirjno - Shirin, pel'HODS of tho n.' Shiret.lau - ShilidD.n Shl1' Sbyredn.nllnrdoDcu, !U!lG, 363u, ~5 0 7. Sired..'\ne: O' Sll.1shnu,ll, Rich., n.tLlI.indc r of, 0111. Hugh dnil', chief of Ws O'Sllisml.n , Oonnoghor nnd Donogll, parn atioD, pardon, 4892. dOll, 6808, 6562. Wm. (01 the lIloigb). e"'llod O'Shcreda.n, pa-rdOD, 6559. othol's of tho Dame pardoned, H46, 4812, 4801-2, 6142, 6466, 15003, 670~, 6798, 6383, 050>.1, (j66U, 6563, 07S6. 0'8113rt'n. See O'Shel'in. O·ShoridD.D - Sheridan. - Sheriddn.noSheriden. See O'Sheretln.D. Q'Shorin - Shoren, parsons of the p3rdonoo, 353G, OI5S!!. O' Sh e rkott, Co.hiI1, clerk, pn.rdOD, 41015. O'Sllormo.D, D ermod, purdon, li2~8. O'Shc3na u, P atr., pardoD, G6{10. O'Sheth, Edmund a.nd WaIter, pa.rdon, 878, ~GB. O'Sholavnn-Sholovll.n. SCI) Q'Sullivnn. O'Sllougml.u, Kca.l1,agh, pardon, 0633. O·Shoulyvo.D. Se,O·SullivGll. Q'Shoul't, Moh'ono, pa,l'UOD, {OSO. O'Showlcva.n. Sec O'Sullh'tl.u. O'Shl'u,g3.uo, 'l'cigo, pardoll, 6816. O', Teiga, pardon, 01510. O·, Rorie, p ..1J.'dou, G610. O'Slu1hnuo, Donoll, l)[l.l'don, 0516. O'Sbyaghanc, 'Vm" pardon, 4102. O·Shyoll-Shyoll.. Se, O·Shiell. O'Shym~m, D onogll, pll,rdoD, 0776. O'8hymegllo.u, Henry and Ti3igc, pn.rdOD, OGOO, Q'Shyne, 'Vm., pn.rlloo, GliGG. O·ShYl'odn.n. See O·SllOl'OOau. O'Sho\'a.u, Conoghor, po.l'dOD, 4713. O'Shewan, Doneli, pa.rdon, 6090, O'8ho1', 1Jcrsons of t he name pardoned, 2~li8, 4618, 15521, 06S0, 6570. O'Shyl'Y, Donyll, pa.rdoll, 07Gl. 0'81u,11, porsoua o f tho name pa.ruoned, 6G33. O'Sinstio, Morica. pn.rdon, 1936. O·Shoylo-Sheyll. Sac O'Shoilo. O'Sl01, persous or tho unmo po.:rdoned, 6665. O'Shoyn - Shoyne, paraona ot tho naomo p!Lr.:1oned, 4653, 6220, 0199, 0102. O'Shia.gha ne, Dermot, p:l.TdoD, 4.444. O·Shicga.n, Deirmod, p n,rdon, 637l. O·Si1' See O·Shoroon.n. O· Shlogh.~D - Shlegban", ,poreoD. of tho pardoned, 6499, 6571. O'ShleU-Shlello-Sbyoll-Shyollo : Oormack, surgeoD, p a rdon, 0514, 661B. Hugh, surgeon, pn.rdon, 0314, 6018. Bary, Burgoon, pcudoD, 0614, 8618. others of the pardoned, 429, 4023, 660B, 6633, 6'74, 061B, 6620. Q'Shielly, John, pardon, 211e. 0'8io,,"1111, Doil'mou, luu-doDI -iOOO. Q'Sil'io l Shil.llO, pardoD, 4624. Q'Siaua.uQ - Sysoaue, parsons of the pnl'(lonoU, Gfi32, 0600. O'Sku,hu,io, Donogh, l)a.rdon, 4735. Q'Slcn.I.yn, John, pn.l'cl on, lj60!l. O'Sknnilu.Il, Dormou, pardon, tiOO9. O·SkGnlll. See O'Sc"'DDoll. O', Mo.w·ico, paruon, 6002. O'Slmllltm - Sku.nlaino - Sko.nmno-Skan10iuo-8k..nlon. See O·Seanlan. O'Skaullell. Sec O'Scannell O'SkogllaD, Gillidutr, Iilio.s MolaghlJn, pa.rdon, 6622. KEllIJP)iR 0'8' THm PUBLIO REICORDS IN IULAND. 709 INDEX TO FlA.NTS.-ELIZA.DETB. O'Spalian e, Danogh, pardon, G494. O'Sl'eighall, Teige, pardon , 61DO. Ossarie. Sec Ossary. Osse, co. Gn.1., 6441. O'Skingin, F oarmllanl1. I n.mns, pn.rdon, 15006. ORseney. See Dsney. O' C3ol'bry, pardon, 5802. Ossaria-Ossery. See Ossory. O'Skolly- Skollie-8kolley, per,ons of the Ossarye, Edm. m'Bryan, pa.rdon, ()232. pardoned, 22112, 4488, 4751, 64615, 8499, Ossney. See Osney. Ossory-Ossel'ie -Ossery- Ossorie-Ossu.rie : 61511.6:;11, 6136, 6162. Oskott, Hugh roe, pardoD, 11401. country of, 193, 186, 1280, 2872,50GG, 5920,4436, 67GB, S18G. O'Skully-Skullie, persons of the name pardoned, lOBa, 4736, 6B1B, 0611, 06n. (upper), 891. 958,1186, 2370, 301·~ 4012, O'S1..""Yniu, John, clel.'k, P !l.l'dOD, 6448. 4739, 4025 j m.'l.rliio.l I.n.w in, 1320, 6068 i ca.ptain of, a.ppointe d, 1437 ; Q'Sladdy, Patr' l p ardoD,4812. united to Queen's co., GGIO. O'Slo.ttor, Dermod nnd Donogh, pardon, 6..'U'1 of. Sec Ormond, earl of. 21181,61529. (uppar), baron of. Sec Upper O'Slatterie. Sec O'Slnttary. O'SL'1.ttern, DODOgho, pardoD, 4611. Ossory. bishop of (John Thonery), comO'SlD.ttory-8ln.ttel'ye-'lO, parsons of mission, 666- 7. tho name pa.rdoned, 27:}9, Bon, 47/52 . 0222, 6510, GISS2, 01164, 6023, 6100, 0101S. " ChriHtopber Ga.ffney, O'Sla.ttrn, Danell age, pn.l'dOD., ti08S. alienations by, 1556, Osney- OeseneyI- Ossney (nea r Oxford) :;502 j pardon, i 617 i O'Skelly, John, pOJuon, 22lB • . O'Skeveyn. Oonnoghol, pa.rdoD, 6117/1. O'Skeyv ine, Sh ane, po.rdOll, 6470. O'Skimmegha.n, Dermod, pardon, nUG. n.bboy, possessions leased, 50S, 5908, 5982. O'Soghlaghcbano, Oala :lDU Rory, pardon, 4076. O'Solcclmn, Brien, pardon, 0600. O'Solevan- Solewan.:...... Solivo.n - See O·Sullivo.n. O'Solloghan, Shana, pn.rdon, 6142. O'Solovnn-Solyvan. See O'Sullivan. Q'Somagha.n. Odo, English liberty. 113. O'Soolechan persons of the name pardoned, 4391- O'Soroghan, Donell ago, pa rdon, 6114. O'Sortie, Donogh, pardon, 1147. O'Soulyvo.n. See O'Sullivo.n. O'Sovaine, Wm., par do n, 4854. O'Sovan. Hugh a.nd Rich., patdon. 6465. O'Sowo.n, Hugh, pardon, 65S9. O'Sowlevn.ine - Sowlovan - Sowlevane Sowlivan-Sowlivane. Sec O'Sullivan. O'Sow1l1ghao, Gillernowo, pardon. S865. O'Sowloo. Donogh, pardon, 956. O'Sowlyvan. Sec O'Sullivo.n. O'Spallan - Spalnin - Spo.lnn- Spallane Spallon : Montagb, clerk, pardon, ri095. others of the name pardoned. 1604,2650, 4361,4614,6606,0612, 6509,6112 . O'Spallan -8pellane - Spel!l.1n - Spalnn, pe~on8 of ~the pardoned, 1255, 1806, 2802, 2894, 2837.8861, GOO.6523, 6518, 6481. 6490, 65115, SU9, 6576, 1!G49, 6693. O'Spellia.n, Melnughlin, pa-rdoo, 4669. O', persons of the pardoned, ~~82, S079, B10a, 0519. commissions, 2117, 2444Nicholas Walsb, commission, S698. Sa Walshe. dean of, illS. archdeacon of,1617. chancellor of, 1G17. trea.:;,uTel' of S. Cll:ui '~c, 6592. official of, 242·1. diocese,2850, 30191 i present~tions in, 34S!'i, OlG5, G2SS, 6638, 6654, G69.5 , 6715, 6720,6771. O'Streffa.n, Teig, pa.rdon, 6529. O'Suer, Nele, pardon, 1303. O'Sulelan. Se8 O'Sullivan. Q'Snlegha.n - Snlegb..."\.ne, persons of the nOome pardoned, 66D9. O'Sulovan-Bullvan, See O'Sullivan. O'Sullaghan., Moriertagh, pardon, 385$. O'Sullivan - Sholevo.n-Sholovan- Shoulyvan- Showlevo.n-SolevanSolewnn-Soliva.n-Soliva - Soulyvan - Sowlevaine Sowlevan - Sowlivan - Sowlyvan-Sulelrul-Sulevo.n -Sulivan -Sullevo.n- SullivoJ.n-Sulyvaine- SwelevlLIl - Swelivaine - SwelivanSweUeuan - SwUevaue Swilivaine - Swilivan Swllivane - Swi1levan - Swillevanc-Swil1e'\"'a.nt Swilliv3.n - Swillivane - 710 A.P PE"NDIX 'fO '!'WENTY-SEOOND ltIlll'OltT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELlZABETII. O'S ullivan Don.l'. Sec Owen O'Sullivan, knt., O'Sullivan: SwilliVo.ut - Swillcva.uut·- Swillewrm - Swillown.nt SwilUua.n - Swilliwo.n Swilliwant - Swillyvn.uo Swillywn.n-Swlovn.n- Swlivnn-Swlliva.iu-Swllivo.u - D.ud Douoll O'Sullivn.n. O'SuUivtm Morc. Sea Donald, Danen, o.nd Owon O'Sulliva.n. Q'Smny, 'l'oig, pardon, 0611. O'R unny, parsons of tho name pa.rdoncd,ll!I67, 0671. Swllivnno-Swllyv"n-Swlly- O'Susan, Donu,gh and Taige, pa.rdon, 6615. wane - Swlyva.n - Swoilli- O'Suy, I'ho., pa.rdon, 4180, MM.]ivn.n O'Swu.lly, Dallell, pa1'UOU, 4116. O'S\volcvo.n - Swclivninc - Swolivo.n -Swollovrm - 8wollyvan Swelloun.n-SwcUeva,n. Sec O'Sullivan. Swollyw",n - Swylevan Swylevnnt - Swylivo.n O'Swonio, Rorio, pardoll, 6607, Swylle"an - S'WYllyvo.n O'Swcrto, Willia,m, pal'doD, 10, 616, Swylwan - Swylyvo,.u O'Swo to, D onougho, pardon, SCiOl, Swylywo.n: O'Swilovano- SwiUvo.illO-Swilivn.n-SwiliBwogbe 01' Boagh, ImrdoD, - S willova.n - - Swilleva.nt- Swillevo.unt- Swillowan -- Swille2258,2n.n,·i518, Dermot (of Dunkel'an),pa.rdon, wn.nt-Swillivan- 2258,29,n, -- Sw1llyvano - 8wlovn.u - SWlliV3.110Dermot cml nngo, pardon,3082, See O'Sullivan. Dermot m'Fynyn,nlin.s M.'Ann.- O'Swlva.n, DaDoll, paruon, 5110. h:l.T, pru'(lon, 2330. O'Swolcvane - SWaU"tLll - Swollovan DOIl.1.ld : O'Sullivan lUorc, prtI'Swollyvrl.u.-Swollywa.n, Sec O'SulliV3.D. dOD,2%8. O'Sworu, Willia.m, pardon, 4151. DODali: D'S. lUoI'c, axceptod O'Sworth,, lXl.l'doD, 0:';00. from pn.l·uon, on3, O'Sw~·lovo.u Swylovn.ut - Swylivan DoneH: O'S. Be..'\I', par don, Swyllovtl.D.-Swylwn.u. Sec O'Sullivan. M:U; excopted from pn.rtlon, O'Swyuio, parsoua of the pM'dcned, 0773. 0107, OU30, 0571. Donell (01 Oal'rignaBBY), pardon, 4628, 6101. Daneli (of Ben.l'llfJ,ven), esq., O'Sydo~, pn.rc1oD, G515. Danell, alias Fuohs ny Oarty, 1)a.rdoD, 6li11. Owen (of Dunkerron), pa.rdoD, 2258, 20-11 1 0'8, Marc, ·.uns, tho name pardoned, 5848, (i282, 6611. O' See O' O' Morris, lln.rcJ.on, 6506. Q'Syveli.'LDo, Donoli [LOd Mo.nus, pardon, G1S1 O'Tago.n, Nioh., p'1J'uon, 0023. O"l'o.gnoy, Putr" pal'llon, OliGO. 6055. OweD, knt.: O'S. Bear, pardon, 2:153, SIUi4, 4:;01 i pn.rdODe to his tcna.nts, 1502-5 ; gra.nt of hi9 rent chal'go due to oo.r1 of Desmond, 15104.. Owen (of Ourrigno.ssy), oeq" p.o.:rdon, GlHl. Philip (or Aruoa), pardon, ~820 . others of tho ntl.OOO pardonod, 2248, !l2:';!!, !l260, Z1li8, 2201, 22011, 2508, 271:m, a082, 13l60, Bli3G, 'H01, -tUB-IU, '1533, 4M2, 4561, d5D1, 46l1, 4G19, 4677, 4610, 4126, 4152, 4164,4781, 482G, 4BS8, MOO, lil1S, lil8-i, Ci226, 64.60, 5606, liliOB, 5801, 698!!, 0170, 0401, 0:185- 0, 0196, G;iD7-9, 0606, 0511,0616-10, 01120, 61565, 01158, 0000, 0669, 8571, 0!11-6, 6701, 610~, 070~, 0770. IIugh, pardon, 6000. O'Syoll, Oonol', prU'don, 4711. O'SYl'edan-Syridnll-Syrrydano, persons of O'Ta.rpo, Dormot m'Ool'Illucke O'Dowde, pu,nlon, 58.i B. O"l'o.rpy, Shano anll Tho. ogo, pM'doD, 11801. O'Ta..rru,D, Will., p..'\.rtlon, (381). O'TtU'l'aUO, 'Vlll. dull', p..'l.l'don, Ol5li~. Q"l'!tl'ro1nu, Donogll, pnl'dOD, 6110. Q'TIl.n gh n.u, rlIilil1, prmloD, GIHi6. Q"fn.ulmD, 'f eig, p!\'l'lloll., M55. O"l 'n.Wl't\.gh, OOlloghor m "feig, pnrdon, 8li06. O'Tcn.rnoy, Uiocn.rd, po.rdOll, 3011. O"f odc1Uo or O'Toddile, Donogb, pardoD, 0701. O"f oig-Toigo, persons of tho pardoned, 1BO ~, 28GB, 8012, 4800, 4396, 44:74, 4653, 4011, 4681, 4086, 4111, 1005, MOD, 561n, 5682, 58011, 0411, 0'.110, OiB-i, Gli24, G5SS, 6615, 6118i, 6010 . O"feiggn.rt, In.mos, p ardon, OIiSO. otoland, instruotion, at, l!oO. O'Tolt, Mal>, pardon, a880. ItIllIllP.BlR OF THE PI1BLIO R.BlOORD$ IN IRELAND. 711 tNDEX TO FIANTS.-ELl ZAllETH. O'Torna no, Tho., pardon, 5802. O'Te[ l oone, Wm., pM'don, 6816. Q'Terne, Bria.n, pa.rdon, 4riB8 . O'TelTay, GilleduJr Phillip!, p"rdon, 4030. O'Towan,OwoD,pnrdon,58!7. Q', persons of the unma pn.rdoned, 491(;, 6091, 6110. Q'Thel'i n, M'L oghlin, pn.ruon, 5848. 0 'The1'n6, Daniel dutro, pa.rdon, 6538. O'ThoAll, Shylly, pnrdon, 4100. O'Thohi6, Dennod, pa.rdOD, 6461, 6611. O'Thole. Se, O'Toole. O'Thoma.D, ·Wm., pa.rdoD, 3491. Q'Thomo, D or mot, pardon, 418. O'Thomye, Thady a.nd Tho., par~loD , (H31. O'Thonhol', 'l'1lady, pn.rdon, 5002. Q'Thuoty, Canaghor, p..'1.rdOll, 4695. Q'Tien, person.~ of tho n nm a pn.ruoned, 6682. O'Tiernn, persons of the D..'1.m e pardoned, E dm. (of Oorone), pardon to llim and his followers, 6553. Edm. (of co. GI1I.), pn.rdon, 4028, 6448,6510. F cogh or Luke. Se, Luke. F oogll (son of Ilar>mbr), wa.rdship, 6105. Ferrall (of Powerscourt), pardOD, 904:-5,1818. Hugh mu.cEdmand, pardon, 610, 001, 4083. J obn macFeagh(af O"s~lernddery) pn.rdon, 1685, 2328. Luko or F eagh (af Cnstleke'du), pn.rdon, 111, 670, 931; sheriff of co. Dublin, SOlS i pardon forbim n·nd his men, B013 i wardship of his heir, BSb6 ; livery to heir, 4665. Owny nyn Fengh, wife of Phelim OSlO, GSG!!. Q'Tiel'nan, Da Dell, pardoD, G1G1. Q".Nerno, Teig, pardon, 1804.. Q'Tiol'ny. Dermad and Gillonone..'1.vG, pardon, 6101. O'Tina.n, Rary, pardon , 6309. O'Tinc, Doucll oge, pn.rdon, 6582. Otoa.ff'e, WnJtel' Omolono, pardou, 6114. O'Toddilo or T eddUo, Donagh, Pl1rdOD, 6161.. O·Toall. Sec O'Toole. O'Taghor, persons of t he pardoned, 5191, 6453, 6106. O'TogWe,, pardon, 0171. O'Tohilc, P t', pardon, 0062. O'TohUL Sec O'Toole. O'Tohuell, Edm., pardon, 4GD8. O'Tohy, Teiga: O'Tohy , pa.rdon, 5618. O'Tolgllell, E d m., po.rdon, 6800. m'Fcngh O'Brrnc, pl.ruon, C232, 6571. Phelim (of Pawcrsconrt), p~don. 183, !lO·i, 1739, 349S, 3713, 6338; sheriff of co. Dublin, 3,198. PheUm (of Faril'Y and Oasllek evin), p3J'don, 5462. 6191, 6401, 6560. R ose or Reix, wife of Feagh m'IIu~h, p:1l'don, 4510, 4853, 019·1. ShaDe m 'Fe!Lgh (of Oma.ile), p:-a.rdon, 670, 091. T erence, gront of mo.nol' of Powerscourt, 6795. Theobald (in co. Gal.), pardon. 4028. others of the name pa.rdoned, 183, 250,610, 931, 006, 001,: 094, 1045·6, 1168, n81. 1164:., 1100, HiSS, 1818, 1868, 2489, 2984:, 30lS, 8316, 3498, 3831, 3844, 3961, 397!l, 4019, 4028, 4083, 4G36, 4698, 6111, 54.03, 5402, 6501, 584.7, 6984, 6101-2, 6 1 90~~, 6200, 0232, 6303, 6523, 6338, 63 8a, pardoned., 4.083, 5116, 5815. 0401, 6406, 6440, 6416. 6560, 61l6S, Q'Tomelty, Morghe, pardon, 31H5. 0611, 6649, GGO:!, 6664, 6661. Q'Tomo, Maln.ghelen, pal'don, S005. See T oole, Talc . Q'Tomolte, Donagh, po.rdOD, 6200. O'Toole:;, rebels, 0020. O'Tonans, Melo.ghlin, pa.rdon, G768. O'Tormo, Shane, pardon, 05n. Q'Toohicke, Shane, pfl,l'UaD, 15558. O'Toole-Tllale-Toell-Tollill-Toill-Tole- O'Torno, Cahall, po.rdon, G1i93. Towell-Tawllill-Towle-Towll O'Tough.n.ri, Donald, pardon, 5602. O'Tougher, Dermot and Muir/my. pardoD, -Tuollill-Twle: O'Toill. See O'Toole. O'Tolan, Owen grome O'Logher m'Ma.nus duffe, 584.8. O'Tole. Sec O'Toole. O'Toma.n-Tom,g,ne, p ~rso ns 01 the name to son of, 031. Alemndor m 'F eagh (o! Cll.l'rick~ .Art, pardon roe), pardon, 0560, 6049. Ba.rnaby (son and heir of Luke), wardship, sa:so; livery, 40615 i pa.rdan, 640.2 i wardship of his h elr, 6105. Dermiok, m essuage in Tl'im, 1114. 6618, G62j. O'Toughill, Morrish [Lnu Shane, pardon, 6418. O'TawAll. See O'Toole. O'Towero, Connor,.pa.rdon, 6568. O'ToW'ghir, Ony, pMdon, 10. O'TowhilL Su O'Toole. O'Towhygg, John. pardon, 22~g . 712 APPENDIX 1'0 TWEN 'l'Y-SIi:COND REPOR'l' OF 'rHE DEPUTY INDEX. TO FIANTS.-ELIZADETH. O'Towle-Towll. Sec O'Toolo. O'Twonio-"£wollY, POl:SOUB of tho namo Q'Toyle, sir Owen, commissioD, 4103. pM'acneo, M01, (HOD, 0611. O'Tmhs6, .John, pardoD, 6669. O'Tworbnn, Onoghor o.nd'reig, pardon, 0571 . Q'Tl'tLSey -Tl'D.sie - Trosy, parsons of tho O'Twoyll, Om'l'ot, pardoD, G880. nama pa.rdonod, 9l1. 6~58. G6615, 0127. Q'I).'yn.l'D(1, Moln.ughlol1 , pardon, 4.G80. O'Tra.s3e, Tbady and Taiga, pm'doD, 610, o"ryon, TU1Uult..'tgh, pardon, 6582. 931. O'Tycl'no.,M.'l.hoWllO, pa-ruOD, 6802. OTras3y-Tmssye-Tl1l.ssio, persons of tho Q'Tyol'uy. parsoDs of the pardoned, name pardoned, ~226, 4082, 4616, 4689,4811, 8498, 6568, 0' frasy. See O'Trn.sey. 47153, li085. Q''l'ymau,, pa.l'UOD, 6660. o"ryo, Brien o.od Modol', pn.rdOD, 4860, O'Traughta.D, Mo.mico, pardoD, 05lilS. O'Treaghie, Rowln.nd, pardon, 6liG6. O'Tre:l.lIie, Wm., po.rdOD,4124. O'TrCD.Bso., Oahill, pricst, pardon, 15002. O'Trrosea.. Morrougho, pardon, 2942. O'TI'oovahn.ire, Diormot, pn.rdoo, 6699. Q'Trcd..', Tcia, paxdOD, 6494. O'Trchi, Taiga, pa.rdOD, 11445. O'Trehie,Donoghoc, pa.rdon, G6B5. O'Tl'eawiro, Patr., po.rdan, 'GOn. O'Tressy, persons of tho na.m.e pardone:l, 4110, 6G82, 5141. Q'Tl'esye, Toig m'Wm., pardon, 4079. O'Trevoire. persons ot the nama pardoned, 6666. O'Tyno, Morriol' (mel Shane, pardoD, 0611. O'Tynine, Wm., pn.rc1on, 6108. O'Tyono.n. Shl1,oo. 1m,rdoD, 6561. Q'Tyrny, Shano, pardon, 0622'. Q"fyvnrmo, Owon, 1)111'<1on, 6G85. Q'Tywnrm, Shane 01,;'0, pn.l'clon, Ci80B. Ouca.nty, MuyllYll, pardon, 4189. Ouaghter Sec Oughtel' Ougnu. &OOWgn.D, Wo,:,rn.n. Ougfrost.ounc. See O\Vphrystoune. Ouglm,n, Uol). (of nathcofIoy), 1XIo1'don, 6172. Ougha.vo.l, Queon's co. Sec OI'Oghamall, 5440. Naghem.nll. O'Trigbee gl'ogagho, Shea.n, pm'lloD, 6651. Oughenn.lty, co. Man., 1991, O'TIighio, Daniel, pm'don, G4B·1. Oughlrestonn. See OwphrYBlaune. Q'Troddic, Maurice, pardon, G3B9. Onghnnghtic, ca. Mall., 4089. O'Trohic, Donnld, physician, pardon to Oughlemgh, co. 'rip., 4036. daughters, 3534. Ougbtomny, co. KUu. See Oughtal'ronuy. O'Tl'OSSC, Edm., pn.l'don, ~ 1S9 . OUghterar<l, co. 00.1., 6510. O'Trye, Donnogh, pardon, 8\) 52. Onghternrd - Oughtel'IDnle - OuternrdeOtten-o ttyn, Telg .ud ThBdy, po.r<lan, Outra.rdo-Owghtarad -Woghtera.rd, co. 5486, 5533. KUd. , ~98, 421,1000, 2666, 8106 , 8414, 1822, 6036, Ottere!Jke (Watoresk), co. DOWO,4321. 5088, G115 .j rectory, !!9·iO, 5711, G988 i preQ'Tullmellaghe, Dn.vyo, po.rdon, 0517. sontation to vicn.rago, 7157, 03M. O'Tumana, BTin.n, pardon, GGGO. Oughterheroy, co. Rose. (Uachta.r-thire, a. O'Tumold, Edm. duJr, pardon, 4132. distriot lu bo.rany 01 Baylo. O'Tuogher, parsons of the nama pn.rdoned, See AnnoJs of Loch Ce), 5255. 5888. SeD Oghtertirac, WoghterO'Tuahill. SM G'Taale. hyre. O'Twaine, Donnell, pardon, 3230. Oughterlainan, co. Tip., S88S. O'Twigbar, DODell, P:1.l'dOD,l5oH5. Oughton'nrd o. See Oughtern.rd. O'Twirtie, Wm. l'eogb, pardoD, 5·146. Oughtorra th - Ouaghtar - OugtorO'Twle. See O'Toole. rath (co. TIp. ?), 8li4S, 6211, 070G. O'TwonJo.n, 'Persona of tho D1Lme pardonou, Onghtorronny (Onghtor£>ny), co. Kild., 18218T8l, Oughtory, co. Claro, 475S. Q'Twogher, Donogh, pardon, 6470. Oug\al'rath. Sec Onghtorralh . Q'Twohcll, persons of tho nama pQ.,rdanod, Ouldocal't. (OI<loOU1't, co. Wiak.), 0640. 5108. Oulda Oraunge- Offinge. Sec Old Q'Twohill, persons of the pa.rdoned, Ould RaBso.ok, co. Cork (RaB..~gh), 6418. B031,4805, G183, 05~{),65aS, 0662. Ouldtowna. Sec Oldtown. O', Canaghar, pardon, 2~n. Oulecrodnn (reeu: Culerednn), co. Louth O'Twohy, Moleyn, pardon, 6050. (Coolarood£>n), 1812. O'Twoill, Rawry, pm'don, 4011. O', Onyc, pa.rdon, 6118. Q'Twomegh, Del'mod, pa.rdOD, 6499. OurchonlOll, 00. Onr., 84:97. O'Twomy. persons of the nama pardonod, Our Lndy a.bbey, ao. Tip., 2808, 61S2', 6531, 6467, 6!99, 6611, 6sn. . 0588, 8186. kEEPER OF 'l'IIFl PUBLIO REOOltDS IN IRIIILAND. 718 INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZABETa Ourr, co. Ca.r., 1871. Ouskiegh, co. Tip., 0707. OuLero.rde-0 utru.l'UC. See Oughterm'd. OvaUy, Dl'ia.n, pmdoD, 8851. OvO-re, CQ. GM., 6228. Q'Vaughcl'c, Philip duf, pm'don, 1806. O'Vayle, liebert, pardon, 2225. Oveillie, Edm. m'l'tich., pa r(lon, 54.6G. OvendoD. See Ovingden. O'Venegbo.o, Connoghor, pardoD, 6511. OvenstowD, co. Kilk. See OWQllo9tone. Overee3ton (OranstowD 1), co., 1800. O"ine, persons of the name pn.rdoncd, G135. Ovingden- Ovondoo - Ovington - Ovyngden: Giles. Sea FIovol1(lcD. John, pu.rdOD, 8S·18, ·19~ L P eter, po.1'dOD, 2549, 341S8. Ovoghcl'ye, D a n oU. Sec O'Pcrl'fI,ll. OvoltoYI', co. Gal, M11. Ovonnrm-Ovona.o, persons of tho nama pal'doned, G511. Ovyngdon. SCil Oving<lon. Owl ]gon, Tulm.~taghc, 11ardon, 1805. Q'Wo.ll"e, Daneli m'Donogh. pn.rdOD, (i·H7. OwaUe ImuJlc. SC/J Owll O'l\In,llio. OWlU'. co. Gal., 4707. Owed, n.1ins Howed, Philip, pn.rdoD , I GiC. Dwell boye, p<'l.rdOll, S15!. Owen, Ayneh enonie, pm'doll, 6641. Dermot, pardoD, G-!~O.' Donnell, a.llll.s li'KcoWll, po.r(1oo, 54-CO. Ellen, pardon, 6431, £: :515, B1G·!. JO:1D, pa-l'don, GtO!), John, English liberty, 080, 1181 j pardOD,656l. Katherino nyne, p~rdon, (HSl. lUore enyn, pn.rdoll, (1433. Nicholas,pardoll, 6512, G10D. Onor ny, pardoll, 13407. e win mlGill m'Rory, po.l'dOD, 5100. Rich., par(loll, 6611. 6700. Sh::LDO, pa.rdon, 8223. ShUlie ny, po.rdOD, 0'101. T eig m'D onogh Vic, p o.rdon, 2-182. Tirlagb, pardon , 6-186. or Eugeno, HIS~ . Owenass, Queen's co. &c Owuonosse. Owonbeg, Queen's co. Sec Ownebege. Owenboy , ca. Tyr. Sec Ava.n ll~l.loggnn boy. Owcnduff. co. Wex. Sce Owndn1'fe. Owonostone (Ovenstown), co. Kilk., r ectory, 3OG8. Ower, Dermott, pardon. 5914. Ja.mes, pardon, 866. John, English lib erty, vicar of Esker, 3370. Wm. m'James, pardon. 6641. Oweth, Nioh., pardon, 3-141. Owett , Nich" pardon, 4979, 5800. OwIlistounc. See Owphl'ystoune. Owga.n-Ougan: Da. \1d. commission, ~60. See Wogan. Nich olas (Rathcoffyc),commissioD, 200. Se, Wogan. Nich olas, po..rdon, 6823. Oliver (ofDownings), commission, 2GO,4150.446-1.. Se,; ' Vogn.n. Rob., pardon, 6825. OwghllY. ScaOwnoy. Owghtel':1d. Sec Onghtemrd. Owghteraght, co. MoD.. 5661. 0' - p ersons of the name pn.ruoned, 4S84, 6623. 0 ' IVheylan e, Rory, po.rdon, 3052. 0 ' IVhilaglmn - Whl1egh.~ - 'IVhillnghllD, persons of t he paruoned, 6600. 6633. O'Whillin. Donell, p::Lrdon, 6500. O' \Yhoher::Lll,, pm'don, 6533. Q' Whyloga.n, Shano, pa.1'don , 1615. Q', Wlll., pa.l'don, 3952. O', 'l'eren ee, priest, pardon, 5GOj. Owbw, Donogbo m'Shano Y, pn.l'doD, 4519. Owl<lc Ross.. Sec Old Ross. O wlenanc, F erral1, p:lrdon, 10. Owles, co. Mayo. 43Sl-!!. Lower (bo.rony of Burrish oolc), co. l\In,yo, ' 048. Owll O'l\In,lIic- OwoJlo 1=110 (b.~l'ony of lUul'risk). co. lUa.yo, 594.8; seue.sch!ll of, appointed,2!lSG. o wllol'te, (Orchard), Queen's co., 1376, 1622. O ·. clly. co. Lim.. 4134. Owllrg ha.n, Donogh ilrnd Philip. pardon, 2249. Owlol'tboykeb , co. Wes.., €lS47. Owlol'te, co. Wex,,4S07, 0047. Owlria,u, Connell, pa.rdoD. 4.520. Owlster. See 1l1sler. Owlt~gb, D erby, pardon, 6188. Owl tagh, Jo.mes. death of,462. OwltOYl', co. Gal, 0065. OwlYB, co. Cork, (1950. Owlys (001a.. co. Lim.),rectory, 3250, 53,1.7. Owmol'e (Blackwater) river. weirs on, 1087, 3161. Ownduffe, nUns DonedoWDo (Owenduif, co. W ex..), 28DO Owns iui Oni, partion, 6181. Owp.ebege, brook (0 wenbeg, Quean's co,), 6186. OwnenilsS6 river (, Quean's co.), 6186. Owney, 'Edm., Pill'dOD. 6660. OwnBY - Ownhye - Owny - Owghny Oynagh, ~3 03, ~40;, 4143, 6006, 6004 : lands claimed by earl 01 Thomond, !US5. 714 APPENDIX TO TWENTY-SE<JOND Jl,EPORT OF 'I.'HE DEPUTY I NDEX TO FIANTS.·-ELIZABlIlTII. Owncy, abbey of (Abingtcn, 00. Limerick), 3149, G705. S",Wany. Owny or Onhy O'Mnlrlan-Owny y MoUoron- Ony Mull'yo.n - Owthnimllh'oo.n, 5282, SSM" 0170 i to be shiro grounu, Pn.gona.m - 'Paignam, Edm., collector ot j gront at fines, wino duty in Dublin, ~H4 5>76. Pltill.ston, 00. Kllll., 6573Prtoinoston-Po.yncston (PE\inesoown in par. Oolp), co. Mcn.tll, HOD, 3604. 2768. Painost,on-Pa.ynaton (Ptloinostown in pD.r. O\Vnygo.llei"" (co. Cov. 1), S·IBU. M~locotow n), 00. Mon,tb, HaD. Ownyn-Ownyno, co. Kilk., GtI!'I7, 6104. O'Woligha.n, Mory, John, pn.l'dOD, oJ301. Pn,inoston-Pnio.ston-PCLynstoD, co.' Meath, 1610, 31311, 3-iM, 3860. Owphrystoune -Ougfrostoune- Oughfrestoun - Owfristaune (Humtrystown, co. Pn.incsoon-Plloinstowno, co. Wcstm., 1018, 3242,6826. Wick.l), 2338, 6600. Owraghe, Dermot m'Dermot, pardon, ~231. Pa.inostown, co. Onr. Sec Painston. Po.inostown, co. Louth. See Pa.yueston. Owraght, Shn.uo, pardon, 519, Pa.i.ncstowD, co. Mouth. See Paineston. Owranmore. See Ora-nmore. PLlolus!jon - Puynhiton - Paynston (p[\ine8~ Owmrke. SCIJ O'Rourke. town), co. Ollor., 12G8, 1489, 1GOO, 2103, H48. Owre, Gerald, pqrdon, ~709. P'loiust.on (pi\\Vn), co. KUd., 6302. " James, pardon, 042. OmB, oJio,s Bonoghome, Tho., pa.rdoD, Painflton. Sec Pn,inoBton, co. Pn.ingtoll - Plloi.nstouno- PlI.yoston-Payns2424town (co. Tip.), 2081, 4DBe, 0248, G442. Owro in O'Fln.herty's country, co. Gul, 11S81, pmnstowno. See n~ioos ~ on, co. Westm. a·lCo. P.loin tOl'-Ptloiutm'o. See Pn.yntol'. Owrey, Edw., pO-rdoD, 4806. PtloittllgOD.- (Pcttigoo, co. DonoOmIon, CO. 01.'l.1'0, G502. g(tl ), 6903, 6907. Owrourke. See O'Rourke. Owunuge (co. Car. 01' Wax.?l, 6541. Pa,ln.ce. Sce Pll.llaeo. Owyll. Bea.n dutr ny, panIoD, 2858. Pu..lo, EngUsh, natives of, may l'eceivo, Owynec, Jo.mcs, pardon, 3406. 1821, UI25 i foreo allot tccl to l'epress m..'tle~ OWYl\ Donnogh, pardon, 21.29. fn.ctOl·S ill, 2ti21 i cess on, 3101 i m aiD road Oxmantown-Oxllla.nton-O~monton,Dub- from, 30·14 i bOl'dcrs of, BIZ. Palces (co. Wick. r), G252. Palo~, co. Wostm., 883. Paloys. /lee PnJlioB, co. Lim. P:l.lgas, Francis (n. Fronchmll.n), pardon, 9GB. Pn.Uce -Pulis . Sr.e PallieG. Oynagh. Sec Own.y. P~lisboyo (K!ng's co. 1), 4'18, 2522, Oyne Clorry river, co. Down, .S:l1. POolish, co. Tip. or Lim., 4605. Oyolla-Oyewlln.- Oyolowe - Oyoloo, co. PaliBbclonfroy (co. Itosc.l), 5888. Rose., 4118, 4806, 4836, 0064. Pulisho. See PallieD. Oy.tera, tihb o of, 2088; cualiomary payment (P"Un.s). Sec Pallieo, co. Oork. of, mo. Po.lInee. See!s, co. K.lTY. PaUace. SeD PH,nieo, co. Lim. Pallnee. See PaUlco, 00. Long. Po.lIn.eo. S", Pn.llico. co. Til'. Po.ace. Sea Pt1Sse. Pu.!ll\c'O. See PILllieo, co. Wostm. Paas. Sec PlICa. PaUnoo mono, co. Westm., 5820. Pl11lsa. See Pace, co. Me~tb. Po.llieico. Sec P"lliee. Sec PD.SS6, co. Westm. P",U,,,,,tlostono (Pollardstown), co. Oork, 8180. Pac.-Pnn.s by.Olony (Littlepneo), co. Dub., Plellns. Sec PuJlico. U23, 1800, 6808. Pnlln.. Quoon's 00 . Sec Palloy06. Pac.-PMBe (Pnco), co. Mooth, 075, 8m. • Pn.l1as Gronn, co. Lim, Sec Pn.llyshcgraoy. PlLCC. See Pn.ssc, co. Wootm. Pu.llns Moro, 00. Long. SCD P(l.llisemora, Paddinstown, co. Westm. See Do.lIypnden. P"II",ys. See Pallieo, co. Oork. Padenslion - Padynaton (P"dinBtown), 00. Pallois. S", p!\lIico, co Wostm., 1663, 6873. P"U.s. Sec Po.!!!ce, 00. Lim. 'Padgett, W.lter, grant of a wardship, a08. P",lIos. Sec Pallice, co. Long. Padmcn, J0110, pardon, 6GaD. Pallos, futr., po.rdoo, 4.017. PadYDlllion. Set Pad.naton. Po.!!.yos-PnUeys (peUas), Que.n'. 00., m8, l'age, Edw., chancellor of Limerick, 6001. , 18.6, 6981. lin, 156, 1311,1425, 3662, 3G1B. Oyewlla.. Sec Oyolla.. Oygully, CO. R oac., 5082. Oylencorrvir, co. Gal., 4805. Oyo, Ligblin oao n e, pardon, 6017. K'.ElEIPEIR Oll' THIll PUBLIO REiOORD! IN IRELAND. 715 INDEX TO FL\NTS.--ELIZA.IlETH. Prullc. See Pallieo, co. Long. Pn.llice - P aJice - Pa Unce - P a.llays- Pallis (Pall[l.~ co. Cork 1), 2248, 2263, a096, 6908, am, a162. Palllc.. Sac Pallis, co. Kerry. Pa1liee, co. Kerry, 6609. PnJIice-Ptt.lice-Pl1lis, King's co ., M84-, S861, 6611,6490. Pallice-PILleys-P"lice- - PILUaice -Po.lln.s-PILUos - Pallis- Pallish -Pn.Uisso-P u.llyco, co. L im., 2303, Z476, S767, 3842, 4482, 4620, 4931, 600(1, 6069, 6140, fHiM, tiG83, 5041, 60~O, 6178, 64016, O~70, 0487, 0497. gron t of cnstle, &c., 5782. Fa.lliee (in Munstor). 6471, 66li8. Pn.11ice- Pabce - P R- PaJ]es-Pallic - Pn.llis (co ., 3·121, 3566, a8~O, 4980. 5001, 0 tOS, 665S, GGJ!) j escape of prisonor a.t, 2861. Pallice (pallis), co. Mon., IHl77. P!l.!lic. -PaUaca - P ollis (co . Tip. 1), 4537, 4659, 4D37, 6085, 6610, 0522, 11566. Pallice-P!l.lice-Pa.lisho - Po.Ueis, co. Westm., 1<122, 1771, 3775. 5299, 0533. Pi1.llice- P.:~ll.:'\.tce, co. Wax., GIGO, 6200, onr. Pa.llice m'tough (co. Lim. ?), GfiOO. P-J.Uis. Sec Po.llico, co. Cork. Pnllia, co. Gal., 4612. Pttllis-Palice-Palis -Panace-Pallico, co. Kerry, 3000-10, Sl~2 , 4554, 4G7G, 4011, 4811, 4888, 5~22, 0100. Pallis. See Pallicc, co. Lim., Lang., and Tip. PaUise-PaUy,. , 1561, a300. Sec KUtmgh 01 Palliao. Pallisemoro (Pa.llD.s More, co. Long.), G131. Pallish, 5000. See Pallico, co. Lim. Pallis m 'Cartymore (PaJ.lis, co. K erry ?), 4879. PaUissc, 3842. See Pnllicc, co. Lim. PO-Uyea. Sf!C PaJliec, co. Lim.. PILUyshegreny (Pnllo.s GreaD, co. Lim.), 6006. Pallyso. See Pa.llieo. Palmer, Ellz<'l,beth, grant, 510. F rancis, gro.nt, 1515. Henry, pardon, 1013. Palyce, co. Lim., 1020. PLLlyshna (co. Tip. or Lim.), 4604. P",IYRt (co. Long. 1),6888. Paunyn, Tho., pardoD, G2a~. Panania (Hungary ?), king o'f, '.103. Pa nttnge, Rob., riSOG. Pa,pn.1 provision, benefices obtained by. confirmed, 84, 287. Pn.pist priest to be punished, ~Ol. Ptt,.cke (King's co. I), 0621. Pa.rcke (park, co. Lim.), 0176. Parcke (co. Wex.),43'0. Pardon, conditions attached to, 4115, 4936,·1036,49411, 40·15, 40~O, 4975, 6000, 50s', 5241, 5483,5506, GOOS, 60·12, GOGO, 6431, 6461, 6401, 6565, 6ri70, 6G11, 61M i conditions of es:ccpt.ion:l.1. cbaracter,4e32, 6249, 11312; pardoo cn1'olled Dond aJlowed b efo re jUStiCC3 at sessiona, 1001j report by law omee ra on the cbaro.cter of per.':iOllS pardoned, l OBO; pardon inoporative from fn,ilure to .find suret ic::, l ()'.lO; usua.l pro,-i:::ioD omit ted when persons known to be a.nswerable, 1085 i notes illustr3ting the pl'n.ctice connected. with the granting of pardons, &0., 12RS-O, 1305, ISS7, 14!Hl, 1442, 14813,1411, 1590, IGO~-a, 1606, 1616, 2!!7G, SSSS, S738, a161, B8S5, 3065, 1539, G3l4, 6432, 6169. 6173 j p a rdon n ot to b e sea-led till security given for loyalty. 4S04 ; del1lyed for fe~s, 6432 i lapsed for DOn-p:ljlllcnt of fi ne, 42~7 ; fin o to be paid by person who first pleads the pardon. 4016, 4G61,4GBG ~1,41!!1. &c. i pa.rdons m a.y be granted by earl of EESex. in tnster,24G2 i persousalxeady pardoned not to benefiL by a second pardon, 4612,4611, 4638.4642,4646, ri2!!8 i pardon b y Perrot not to i nolude offences committed during bis ~overDment, 4551, 4GU, 4611, 4G38, 4645; pardon postdated because no sessions had been held to take security, S04!i. Pardo:J. by, 3767, &:0. See Proclamation. furdoD (Geneml) to Queen's Bubjects in co. l\In;yo, 5193 ; to nil dwelling in Tyrone , 6991i i for t he province of Connaught, 6112 i to inhabitants of O'Caha.n' s conntry, €lOSS i to inhabitn.nts of Munster and Thomonu , John, pardon, 0510. Micbael (alin. Scott), death, 544. 0713. Peter, oommission, lHlOl, judgo of Pal'ish constables, 1190. Oommon Bench, 6384, GG80. P o.lmerstou, co. Dub., 1590, !!449, S335. 4298, llo.l'ish, Rich., pardon, 3342. Pllrk-Parkc, tbe (co. Ga!.), 6470, 601a, 6082. 5119 i rectory, 5335, 3141, 5011. Pa.1merston by Gi'euoek, co. Dub., 341,1250, Park (eo. KiIk. l) 3513,0900. Pa.rk-Parke, King's co" ~U, 6171. 4.012; manor, 3613. Park, co. IJm. Sel Paroke, Parke. PoJmerston, co, Eild., 6181. Park, co. Meath. Sec Parke. Palmeraton, co. Lim., 5182. Palmes, Elizabeth, grant of land, 181ri, lri44., Parkbolly - Parkebolly. Envyne (park a.nd Ball.inveny, pa.r. A.ghnameadle, co. 1624. Tip.), 227P, 3266, 4804, 6161. PaJrish (co. Lim. I), 2470. 716 APPENDIX TO TWI!lNTY-SEOOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO E'IANTS.- ELIZADETU. Po.l'lia,mont, lords of, pet itIon for pardon at , PLLrkcoessoo.n, 818. Parke, (co. Oar. 1) 0-141, m •. Porke, OasUe of (O .. tlopo,rk 1), co. Oork, fi020. Parko. Sec Pl1rk, co. Gal. Pn.rke. Sec Pn.l.'k, King's CO., 4152. r~r'ke, co. Lim., G123. Parke (co. Lim. 1), '10·~ mB, 0113, 6400. t1.IlOor ,1GDO. memhor of, na,mod by cha.rter, 160B. Pllol'l'iS, W m. , gl'a.nt, 1000. Pn.l'l'iebn.gll (co. Oav. I), 600S. p!\l'l'OCkCS-"P:1l'l'Ock,c; (Du.l'rockstown 1), co. MOll.l;l), 153·13, 6182. P:\l'ke (Pu,rk), 00., gr ant, 6321. Parke (Queen's co.), 1331, 384.0, 0523, 6651. Parke, co. Tip., 2902. 4G31S, GISIU, 01531. Parke (co. Wat. 1) 2140. PlLI'r y, Mol'L'is, pardon, G·Io5. P,l.l'l·YR, Goorge, gl':.\.Ut,1088. Pa.rke, co. Wn.t., 4113. Parke, co. Wcstm., 32G3. PLLl'Blostoll, co. Wcst,\U., 3M3. Parke, co. 'Vex., G789. Park.ballye Envyno. Sec Parkbally. r; Ll'~ous,BLlw .• r,'100. Parke meadow, DnlecK, co. Mun.t.I..l, 31550. Pa~kenc=ule (co. Oork I), OSlO. Parkcns. Henry. See Pm'kins. Plll'kenyda.lh. &e Pn.l'kncually. Pa.rker~ John, mnstcl' of tho Rolls, a.ppointcu pardon, C023. P~Ll"Snu, Parkeba.llyc, co. Tip., Ollil. pn.l'kcrcldo at Trim, co. Ma'1.t b. 922. chiof sorjoo.nt P.Ll'F.lolcstOU-PLlor~otl,stowll , or COllnn.nght, 110 ; 13'! : takes oath of supremacy, 227 j cOlllmissions, 193,218, 2~n, 2~5, 260.263, 303, ,l1[~-80, 38'1, 6611-4, 666, 6GB, 0786 i lieense t,o export wool, 02 j lcnsl:,\s, 022, GBll j premises in his tenure., 1501 ; assignee of, 5422 j at his den,th h is goods ) :olu in satisfaction of h is <lebts to t he orvwu, lOUt John, n, to..ilor in Dublin, 25 0~. J ohn, commis.'don, 40-17; p:udou, 3400, 4111, ~212, C·:IGD i In.nd in tenure of, 6111S. .~'ec co. Wcstm.,281s, 0.180 l'cl'!wls towno. p:mlouou, 'H80, 4G55, 4018, OtiOO. Tho.,lHOO. l,Vm. , HUl'VOYOl' gonoml, 0730. .P;1.1'3011BOO\1, co. K.l1d., 16GS, 2fiOIl. r;Ll'Ron:-~I:ouo·-rul·flO u stou (Parsons town), co. l\Io!Ltll, 13·10, film:;. Pllol'HOIlSliown, co. J"()uLl) , l'oclm'Y, 1;(00, 35(1·1,'L:Lll (Pol'l;:m), co. M oath, l)(j80, 6860. I 1tu'Lofl1l'uc!:Iton (rromlfootst.owu ), co. Meath, HGO. Pa.l·too, co. Clw., G102. P<lol't,l'Yo (co. r,r"yo I), GGBS. P " l'kynny (co. Rose. I), 49BO. Purty (co. Oav. r) , 4812. Pa.rY81', co. l\Ie~\th , 280. Paso (King's co. 1), 0780. P:loSC. Sec Passa. PLl.s!:! of Kilbride. Sec Passe. Pa.ssadge (eo. Korry ?), 0·:169. PasSll.go-P nssnt1g, co. W u.t., 4·.102, 5182. Passa- Pa...'teo- P~1.t\so-Paca-Pase (TYl'raUsI1n.SS, co. W est,m.), OO·! , l-tSG, 1·1D3,1833, 23-15, 21801, 2fjllB, 33-13, S8~11 4151, '1281, 4-103. G145, Pn.rketoghor, co. Wnt., Dl'iG, 8lS3. 0200, ossa, 0674. PlLrketon-Pal'kotowD, co. Meath, 85, 022. Passo - p.lJ1.CO - - of KilPa.l'ketowne - Pl1l'ktouo (Pn,l'kstown), co, brido (Pass of Kilbriuo, co. Wostlll.), BU", 3080, 5BOO. Parkflltle, Trim, 85. Po.rkins - Pal'kens, Honry, contl'oller of cngtoms, Drogheda., ~005, Ii·HIS; clerk of tho ordnance, lSoa1. Parkis"Wood, co. Wn,t., DIS, 017. Parklosnisker (co. Gal. 1), BSBI. Parknedally-Parkonydalla, co. Cork, 27<17, S53B. Parksgrove (co. Kilk.), 4626. Parkstown, co. Meath. Bec Pl\rkoto,vno. Pal·k toue. See Pn.rkotowno, co. PllJ'le, .Tamos, pardon, 0511. Thomas, killod, 61B. Parliruneut, clerk of, n.ppoilltcd, 185, 12.18. of 2~ Eliz., Roll of m ombers, 1B9. of 210 Eliz" Roll of m omoorE, 1014. 161lS, 201H, 3821, arias. 6560. l)assllort, Hccuso of n.beenea cttUoll. 5090. Patlomtll (PottlOl' I), co. Kilk., 4286. Pn.l,lol-:i]c.oston, co . \Vos hn., 1616. Pt\[ ] tmoyl yuo, co. O:.w .,40S4. PI~t,riclc, Rob., p[l.l'don, B9. Ptlot,l'ieJc.o, GcofTl'Y",1111.rdon, BO. l'tLt,ril!kcstoll- P':l.triskistOD, eo. Month,1104, Sloll,12Ca. Pn.ttti c1t, St,ophou, plw<1on, M40. Pn.ulfroimltn Pu,uU'rOll1t\U, Richo.rd, 8111'l'OIlUCl', 4DIS·"! i lonso, fiISti. P~\.uUston, co. Kilk.,10~0-1. SL'c Powlesfoou. Fa.war, Nich., pru'UOll, 0505. Pu.wl1n, ·Wm., pardon, 160S. Pn.yno, H ugh , Bor jOo.nt at arms and marshnJ. of f01U' COl.U'ts, 8059, 4300, 5080, 6180 i pnrclon, 4311. :ltEEPBR or THE PUBLIO REOORDS I~ mILAND. 717 INDEX TO FIANTS -ELIZABETH. P eirs, Edm.. mCRob., pardon, 6191. II Ellice fltz James, pardon, 6401. Henry. Sec Piers. J a.mes oge, pardon, 6-:117. II Morris, pa.rdon, 6491. Rich., pardon, 6491. II Rob. m<Tho., pn.rdon, 0491. " Sean, pardon, 6491. Shane, pardon, 6471. William. See PiCl'S. Peirslon, co. Meath, OSlO. Peirston. Sec Piersto~ co. Westm. Peirstonlo.nndie - PeiretoD !...fl.undy. Set Pierston La.wndy. Peirstowne, co. Rose., 4612. Peirsoowne. Sec Pierstown, co. Wes~. uoucr respoctivo Peke, Horlogho ne, P:l.l'UOU, 300~. Payne, John, lease, 180, 6327. Payneston-Paynestone (Po.inostown), co. Louth, 618, 163. Payneston. Sen Paineston, co. Po.yniston-Payul:iloll. Sec Pninstoll, co. OM. Pn.ynston. See Pa instoD, co. 'rip. Ptlynston - Puynstone. See Po.ineston, co. Menth. PaynstowD. See Pa.instaD, co. Tip. Pa.yuter -Pa.intcr - Po.inture - Paynter Pa.yntor: John, promises in Mu.l'yborough, 1644, 5<00, 5824. Robert, mnster gunner, OMO, 6960. Pnyton. See Peyton. See Peace, clerk of. Pclh~m, countics. Poace, commissions of, jllstlccs, com- chequer, 6671 i commission, 6GOS. missioners anu kocpcl's of, 310, &0. Governmont, commi:::!sions Sec !luring absence of chief governor. Poace, justices of, to onquu'e of crimes Sir Edmund, chief lmron of ExSir William, lord j u>ticc, 3657, 3712, 3738, 4084, ·~32. Peilor, Shane nc, nJias Johu lI'Conor, paruon, fiUel deliver ga.ois., C788. jn.':Itice of, sovereign of Dingle to bo 1\. ,1816. Pl!ackcston, co. Kilk., 4.201. Pea.cock, Rob., k cepol' of tho si3al, Common Ple.'l.S, 6142. Pencockstown, co. Sed P ccobcston. Peake, co. Cork, 5506, 6101., DonalI, pa.l'don, 1832. Peo.rne, Mich.• pardon, 2120. Pears, confection of, 321. Pea.rsso, Rob., vicar or Co.rou~he,, 60U; vicar of D ownings. GG73. Pcawtrer (pewterer ?), S073. Peccott, John, 4253. 3000. Pcllick, co. Cork, 6185. Pembroke, Daviil, ptl.1'don, 2·1:24. Pcnfl,ngle-PeDllDgell-PcDJJ.u.ll ~le, Edmund, leases, 318, 1295, 29G6. Punbl'ockstounc (co. Cork 1),G701. PcnImngle, Edmnnd. Sec PClll1nglc. Pennbl'ok, Wm., p3.I'don, 2S00. P en sion for lengthencd sc r \' i ~c , 4121. P~ Dsioner, gentlelD!l.ll, ar,pointed, 3200. Pensioners, queen's, 3605. PeD te nc).~e, R ich. Sec P~uten ye. Pent-eny, Nich., cst..~te of, 0171. Patr, 4211. Pentenye, Rich., n.ttn.inted, ~GD8, 6171. PeDtney. Wm., vicar of Morechurch, 41111. Pcpu.r-Pepo.rd-Pcper- P epord. Se< Pepof when.t, Kilkenny mea.sul'O = 2·1 pard. gallons, 634·1. Peperton., co. Meath,1494. of wheat or maJt,contonts of (UlCrtBUre Pepertownc. See Pepperton. 0!Dublin).4726. Peppard-Pepar -Pep.rd-Peper - Pcpcrd - Peppn.rde-Pepper- Pipp:trd: Pecobe3ton (Pen.eockstown), co. Meath, 2619. Andrew,, 6010. Pecola, John, taUOl', 1621. Anthony (a! Glascn.rrick), com.. Pedler, P:l.rdOD, 2030-1. missions, 2900, S019, 3490. S02B; Peck, mea.~Ul·e of Kilkenny =!!S ga.llons, G03B. Peer, pa.rdoned on pctition of lords in P arlia.ment.1696. Peeres, Wm. See Piers. Peers, James fltz John, piLl'don, 5G12. William. See Piers. Zach!l.ry. Sec Piers, Peirce, Edm, m'Rob., paruon, 5006. )I Gerold leigh, po.rdon, 6006. 1Wl.uriee, parooD, 66M. Morisb, pardon. 6569. Peircell, Robnet fltz Je1fery, pardon. 6511. feires, Zaohary. See :Piefl). indenture, e78!) i, 1000, 29315, 4111, 488e j pa.rdOD, S!)72, <JSS8; pardon at his snit, 435!)-GO. Eliza.bcth, p..'1,rdOD, S912. Henry, pa.rdon, 4558. Meave, pardon, 4.358. Pa.trick, pardon, 6511. Richard, com..miesiODS, 1782, 1810, 2'OO,U~5, 6186; lease, .3'O; gran1 of land. 485 j lands of, 1691, gSaT, 4!l14 i pardon. Bat!. Thoma.s, pa.rdon, 8239. 718 APPENDI~ TO TWENTY-S mOONlJ RIilPORT OJ' THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIAN'l'S.-ELIZADETII. P eppard, Wn.ltor, commissiol1,2GO; leu.:ms tn. rccitell, 1142, 1092, .20 L3 i pos8C.q~ons, H~/j, 4171 j. liV·Ol'~r to 11011', 1620. Willin.m, shol'llr of Kild;'\.ro, H87, 10M i C01Umlo:;~ions., U S7, 2:1 Hi i gl'i.l,ut, 002; liver;r, l(i20 i 110.1'1]011, 1661. PepPMdestowno, King's co., 1910. Peppor, Rich. See PeVllard. Popporstown, co. Louth. SeePipptl.irestowll.o. Pepporton-Pepoi'towuc, co. Tip., 341, 1250, 1300, li40S i r ectory, S22, 6108. Pemp~che, 00. Meath, HGO. Perce, Wm. See Piord. Percoll, Peter. parnoD, 2G09. Peregyne. Shana m'DouiU I, pardon, G011. Perle. Edmuncl. prmlon, 1M2. Perment, rtJiu.s Wn.lsh, Rob., paruoD, Goon. Perpoint-Pw'po~Tintc , Annye or Anno, mossunge in Kilmuiub:~m, 11~2, MIS. Perpoyutc - Purpointc, Agnes, leaso to, recited, 2450, 20M. Perrot- Perrott : sir John, lord prcsldcntot Mun Fl~or, IS-JO, 2332 : commissions, 18-JO, 2111, 2HI2 ; pardoDs, 2081, 2300 i lord deputy, confines pal'don to ofi'onces committed beforo bls govern- r ot.ol', Rollon, n.lin,g Rno, lxu·cloD,2100. PaLoI' 1'00, 1m,rrlon, 23-18. Potor 01' Fom.~ m'Tuig ogo, pardon, 2868. Potil; - Putil,o - Pot.itt- Petl,it - Patmal'utl,iI,I,- Puttyt- Pottytt - Pelyto - Putytt: Amlt·ow, 11lH'llon, 1126, lfi23. EdllllU1U, pn,rdoll, 176, 2818, 8821, Ofi7,j. Ell wrtl'tl, connuis8ion, Eel W., waruship. 101. Edw. (or BordcsLou), po.rdon, 30U7; w;u'lIshir) of 111s11cil', 4271. Edw., pa,ruou, 613.2710. G380. (tora.1<1, kllighn (of Il'lsh ton). commissions, 200. 381. 1512. G82, 2117) 23-11i, 2H4, 2628, 26,w j BOU of, parllon eLl, 7715 i 111A -ruofrecH, 6023. 001'Il\(1 or Gon'oj, (of l3ordcslon). wal'll:-lhip, ·121l i lxu'dou, 0650. GUl'l'OI;, pn.l'clOIl. (j:190. Ma.rgn.rct, pa.ruon, G7Gli. l!t.[oylol', grrmli of a WILl'llship, 401. NicbohL.'!, p:l.l'lloD, G2G1. Po t,OI', 401. Rl!UlUUnd, po.1'«OD, un, 3049, 0023. eludes from his lUl.rdons persons previously 1>o.1'dono<1 by him, 4G12, Roberl;, prmlon, B~·19. Simon (of Il'isht.on), commis.:;ion, 4161 i 11iH sou a.nd heir, 6023. Tllomns, gl'andsoll lleir of Bir Goralt1, pardoll, 0023, 0550. 'thomn-s, pardon, 0·1!8. 4042, 6228 i indentures with chiefs, 4161, 48!J.i, 4000 i undated fiants, ·Willio.m, pn.rdon, 0023, 6323, G383. G380. ment. 4551, 401-!, ·1G38, '40'15 j ox- 5211-28. PcLiLioDa not r oceived without signo.ture of sir Thomas, master of the ordnn.nee, . Clel'k or Requests, 2746. 5036, 151151. Potitt. See PoLH. Thomas,, 50S2. Pett, Nicholns, provost mn.rshoJ. of Muns~er. Parrott. Joneck, pardon, G1532. commisHioD, 1MB. Pers, Willia.m. lice Piers. Pm'solstowDo -PCl'iilyc;.;ton-Purcelaton, co. Wostm ., SS~1, .fa3!,), 10~;!. Persoton (sec Piel'ston), SOlS . PorsoYn.l1, Hugh, reetor of IToly Trinity, Dork,0584. Parslyeston. Sec PoraolBtowno. Person, Teig M,' On,1Irie alias, pardon, 5716. Person, Thomas MoIghn.n alio..":I, pD.rtloll, 15) lluttigoo, co. Don. SCD nloitt:lgon.. Pettit. Sec PoLito l'ctt il'.ngh, .Tamos roo, pardon, ;1530. Patt! 00- PottJtt-Pottyt- Pottytt - PetytePatyLt . Sec Patit. Voyhon-PlLytoD, Cho.s. (',.ccle Christopher), G710. Ohr i£ltol1hor, Pomanes, Nich" pardon, 5818. Personaton. Sec Pa.raanstone. PCl'Ston. Sec Picrston, co. DUb. Perston. Sec P iQrston, co. Mooth. n.udltor general, 0178, 0710 i commissioDs, 4~U.. 041S1 i nURODca licenco, 0178, 02215. 1811. Ed, 5002. Phn.lallo, l'rIll.rt,ro.rct ni, prn'don, OO~. WlU., pardon, 3:;21). Perston-Perstono-Pcrstowno. See Plors- Plmwlic, Donogh mrny Oon ny, pardon, town, co. Westm. 4888. Pessoke,tan (Paascckstawn, co. Month P), Phaly, Edmund, pardoll, !1M!!. • 006. Ilhnnnync, Roh, pm'doD, 4318. Peter boya IGull I), pal'don at his SOl'vant Ilhnsey, Raml olph, pardon, 4081. 2049. Pheipoo, murderof.~82. 719 INDEX TO FIANTS.- ELlZADETH. l?heipoo, Pa.hick1 ~a2. PbelanJ Dermot·, pardon to son, 1234. Phillip, James, pardan, 1486. Phillipeston - Phillipeslawn. Sed Philips· John, pa.rdon, S031. tOWD. Nicholas. pardon. 1234. Peter, pn.rc.lon, 1234. Thoma,s. pn.rdOD. DOD, 2936. Wm.• pardon, 15815., J ohij, po.rdon, 24~H. Teiga fitz John, par don} 6110. Wm., pardoD. 5555. Phillipestowne," alias Loughe, King's co., 481. Phillipine, Sa.we n y . pardon, 6198•. Phillipiston. See Philipstown. Phillippes, Geoflry. See Phillips. Phillippestan. See Philipstawn. Phillippestan (Philipstawn), co. Lonth,13U, Phelim bouy, Margaret duIIe nyne, parueD, 6'17. Pbelim boye, ny, pardon, G338. Phellimie, R aDom ny, rardon, G515. Phepa, Rob., pardon, 6533. PherkeaJl, martial lu.w in, 139, See FCl'caU. P heypoo, - - I 200, Philbinc, Shilc ny. pardon, 5802. Philcmynslo.nd, a.t Trim, co., {}~2. Pbilenyne. Redmund, pn.rdon, 04:71. Philip and ;M.w y, quote~ 22·.10. Philipeston, co. Kild. , 1240. Philippeston. Sec Philipstow·n. Philipps, TholIL."ts,le<'l,se. 1511. Philipston. Sec PhilipstOWD. PhUipstoune (co. Tip. 1), 07G5. Philipstawn (co. Cork I), 0539. Philipstowu, co. Kild. See Phillipston. Philipstown - Philippcston - PhilipstouPhillipeston - Phillipest owu-Phillipiston - Phillippeston - Phillippistone - Phillipston - Phillipst oune Pbilli)lstowne, 1400. Phillippestan-Phillipstan (philipstawn), co M, 1194, 4206. . Phillippis, Tho.,, 3329. Phillippistone. . See Philipstown. Phillipps. See Phillips. Phillippston. Sec Phillip,ton. Phill ips-Phillipps- Phillippes-Phyllipps: Colley, cnstoms c.fOmpfiroller, Dub- lin, 634G; license of absence, GIGG. Geoffrey, gra.nt of bud, 4El i commission, 053, 2345. Geor ge, pa.rdon, 6117. Honry, commission, G2.J.6. Lewis, porter Cn.rrickfcrgus cnstle, 55·H. Thoma~ 8MO. Wm., clerk of the hn.nn.pcr, 52·HI ; clerk of tlJe crown, Chancery, 5S11 i license of absenco, 654.0, 6155, 5925. Phillipston-Phillippston (philipstown), co. KUd., 1081, 3140. Phillipston. Sec Philipgtown. Phillipston. See Phillippeston, co. Meath. Phillipstoune- Phillipstawn- Phillipstowne. Sec Philipstown. incorporation . Philopest-Philipeston, co. Kild.•, 1240. Philpott, Thomas, searcher and gauger o! King's CO" 481, 2805, 21125, 3501, 3604, 4867, &:HIO, 5818, 6220, 6271, G4l5D, 0567 i sessions a.t, 4522. ch:.utcr 15()(). of boronghmaster :lnd lml'gOSiicS, grant of mC35Wlgcs, 1159. bol'oughmastcl', commhision, 02n. fort or cnstle, 103. 2843. fort or castle, lieutenant of, 4549,6282,5158. fort or castle. constable, 474, 2810,4116,6500: services to, 5824-5, 6518. fort or castle, usher, 4326, 5072, 0003, G700. gnol, G221. See also Dcnghain. Philipstown, co. Lonth. See Phillippestan. Philipstown, co. Meath . See Phillippest{)n. PhiJliane, co. Limerick, 5180. Fhillimie, Shime ny, pardon, G511, Cork, 20015 i pardoD, 2412, 3085. P hilpston, co. Meath, 10-10. Phis~"l! ionston lPhysicianstown), co. R ilk 1-191. Phitton, Alexander,l'l.nd grant, 5119. Richnrd,land granh,5179. Phi tton's F ortune, G119. Phlltel'stowne (co. Lim. ?), CSCB. Phoiry (co. Cork 7),6515. Pbolngh (co. Clare ?), 3081. Phoulkscorle - Phowlkscourt co. Kilk. Sec Foulkescourt. (Prcghane), co. Dork, 5334Phl'cgh n.ns, 2831. Phyllipps, Jeffory. See Phillips, Geoflrey. Physic, doctor of, 3()oi7. Physicia.ns, English liberty to, 111 ; ai for expenses of one at Universities, 255 ; protection for one travelling tJ his pa.tients, ;. aB S2.0 AP~ENllIX TO TWEN'fY-SEOOND REPORT OF THill DEPUl'Y INDEX '1'0 l!"lANTtI,-ELlZAD B'fH. Physicians : ~115 i suit by on13, 2311 j physicians par- Piorston - Poiraton- Perioon-Pierstone_ doned, 1022, 1841, 2050, ~30D, 21510, 86(11.4131., (Piorcctown), co.,31tl,601, 64.61, UG!l, 6565, Otll~; da:aghtol's of ono pardoned, Sfi34. Sec also Leooh, SUl'goon. D7li, 154.0, 1663, 1190,3418,3581, fi873, Piol'stowno-Piroaton-Pyerston 6S10. pariab, S1S1. FhysloinnslowD, co. Kilk. Be.Phlsyclonslo n . pjerstan, co. Tip., 6107. Piberre, Moriglmno, indenture, 0180, PicardestoD - PlccardJlton - Pycnrdlsl;oll Pierstan. See PIol'stown, co. Wcstm. Plol'st.on Lt~wnc.1y - Pcil'ston l'loundie (Plckardlltown, co. Wnl), 1()16, 254S, 2146. Poirston Lo.nndy - Pycrst(;m Landy, co. ,Pickot, John !ltz Tho., pnrdon, aona. Meath, 2307-8, li01t) i rectory, S131, 6035. Pickot, Elyse, pn.rdOD, 224.5. Plorstono, Sec Piors toD, co. Plckott, Rob., pardon, 66~~. Pierce, Ja.mes 1Hz Richl\rd, bishop of Ard- Piel'sto.w n-PeirBton-Poiratowno-Perseton - Porston-PerstonG- P Ol'fltowne-Pierstert, I>PPoa.l from, DaM; nlialntcd, ton (Piol'cotown), co. Wostm., 605, 895, 6117. l(ilS, 1011, 4018, 5431, 5811, 6817, 613~, 0533. James m'Tho., po.rdoD, 6555. 6674. Riccn.rd m'Morrico, pnrdOll, 6fil5~. Plonitowno. Sec Piorston, co. Meath. William,loaso. See Piors. Piorstowno. co. Woxford, 07~7. Z.obary. Be,Plers. Plfoldo, Rohert. Bee Pypllo. Pierces, Saundol's, pa.rdou, 0450. Pigott, Rich., p :\ordon, OJ02. Piarcetown. Sec Pierston, Picrstown. Piaras Mra in Thurleston, co. Dub., 831. Piggot, Griffith, keapor of tho quean's house, Kilmaynn.m GO~5. Pieres, James m'Tbo., po.l'don, liOJ{l . William. See Piers . Rich. fltz Garrot, pn.rdon 6568. Piers, Bec PIers, William. Pigotl:r-Piggott-Piggutte-Plgot- PigottcHanry (oe Tristornagh), senescbal of Pyggotto-Pygoll; Andrew, pardon, 3820. Dultan's country, 6-13t j pardon, 6249, 6533. James ago, pardon, 4110. Nicholn.9 m', atta.intod, 5012,0020, Thomn..~, pn.rdon, 315Q. Piara-Pers-Pecres-PeBrii-PoirB- PorcoPierce-Piere!:l- Pyerco -Pyersc, . captain Willi.n.m, constlLblo of tho ; David 1'0, pn.rdoD, ~~liO Fl'll.DCia. p:lJ'don, 6104. John (of Dysert, Qneen's co.), gront of 1n,nd, 490, 1380 i commission, 6180; wnrdship and livery of his boil', 1586, 3235, 40~ 1; grrmt to h is Bon,GM7. ..:::o.etle of Carrickforgus, 880, 1140 j ' Nich., gunner, liaoo. Bonosobol of Omndoboy, 1630,1616 ; Hobart, wa.rdship; 3!35 i livery . collector of ctl.'1toms, Oo.rl'ickferguB, 4921 i grant of mnd, 5041 j Boldier, 2116 i commissions, 119G, 1330, 11530. G18D. Thomas, BO n of John, 1685. 9~3:;, 2349, 30Gl i par£lons committod to William, houso in DulJlin, 1311. goo1 by, 290S i grant of land, 1G1Ai mod in tenure of, 8136 i IOMos, 407, Pig. ront paid In, 1240. 959,1258, 1610, 1196. SGli8, li16D i sur- Pikotho, DonD.ld,2938. render, 1010 i pardon, '1740, :l:l11 j PikistoD, Tllomn.a, pl.l.l'don, 1023 , pardon al his sui~ S220. Pllki til, Donnld, 61S9. William, juniol', pardon, 1140. Pillomousln.nd, Trim, Sli. William.. seourity, 4259. Pillon, GooItl'oy. pardoD, 3501. 'Villiam, penaion, 4!l0~ . pmoston (Pilltawn), co. l\[e"lb, HGO, 36G~. Zachary, secrotary to tbo dopuly, l')illotaLon. co. Dublin, 044, 0011S. chl.t chamberlain of Ibo Excho- Pillino, Dominick, pn.l·tlon. 0631. quer, li814, 6061 i clerk of crown nnd , " E(lm., pn.rclon; 0631, pooce, co., li813, 6140 i grunt Slmuo, pn.l'llon, 6505. of a wo.roship, 54.08 j licoTIlm or absence, 587!l. Pic!so., John a ge, pn.rdon, 0516. Pierson, Robert, p:l.l'uon, 8076. Tho., pu.rdon, 3076, Wm., grant of ll. Wll.l'di:lhip, 5284. :Pler.lon-Perslo n-Piros!on (Pierootown), co. Dub., 6.11 'l acs, S126. 'l'ho" partIoD . 663]. Pillory, right to Imvc, givon by cho.rtor to Athonl'Y. ~12S . Pilltawn, eo. I\[o"th. See Pillestan. FllItown, co. Wal. Se, BnUynetayUe, n06, Plltown. Pilo tB lm'l'rosscu, HOI, 2431, S02~. ' l.'U.ton (co. WEll. 1),4765. KEEPER OF T.HE PUBLIOREOORDS IN IRELAND. : 7~ ) L'lDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZA1!ETB. - Pilsworth. Wm., M.A" commission, G098.- Pilthownc, co. Wat.,101S. Piltown-Plltowhe (co. WOol:.. 1), ~211, 2273, .2488, .21\);'). Piltowno, CO~ Wex., 540G. Plesslngton or Blossington, capt. Oh:trl... pension, 0510. Plock ery, Rich. O'Moroghow, pa..rdon, 5458. Plahiriake (Ploresk), co. Kerry, 6123 . Ploncketston (plunketstown, co. K.ild~ 1), PinceraJJ, Patr., a5159. 8400. Pinkeston - PynckestoD, Gerald, pardon, Plankeston (co. Kild. 1),6409. (1583,· 6459. Planket, John, a horseman, 6169, Piper, Aloxander, pardon, 2225, 215015, 5351, Plankett. S" Plunkct. Ploresk, co. Kerry. &e Plohiriske. 4159. Ploughlo.nd, co. Wcstmeath to be divided Conor, pardon, 2834. Dermot, pardon, 0110. Danell, pardon. 6511. Fiuin fltz J aho, pardoD, 6309. Moen es. po,rdon. 20G5. Morgn.n. pardon, 43SD. Owen, pardon, 8M. Thomn.s. pardoD,1S74. Tirmgb, pardon, .22215, 05-1!). WillL1.m, pa-rdon, 811. . into, 1498, ~5~8, 25·16 ; Munst-er, 184G. · contents of, equivruent in country acres, 4918, 5271, 5282,5941 ; in st.a.tutc a.cres, 5032,5052, 5179, 5218, U71, 6282, 532'. 5346, saGa, : 5680, 5181-~. · smn.lI, 5S03. Plaunckett-Plounket. &. Plunkct. Pipers paro.onc(l, 1602. 2020, !U4G, 3141, 38S-J, 397:', 4644,4738, 6419, 6487, G4!)!). 6604.01517 . 6540-1, G540, 6551, 056G, 6511 ,6577, 6GlS. Plowoln.nd, by Oha.pelisod, co. Dub., 3126, 4576. Pippn.restowne (Pepperst.owD, co. Louth), Rich. nc, pardon, 8150. Plums. confection of, 3.27. Plowland (co. Kild.1), 814G. Pipho-Piphoo--Piphold, Robert. See Pypho. Pluck"n. (Pluck.~n.a, co. Oork), 6539. Plucke, Owen, pn.rdon, 4760. Pipp. .Lrd, Anthony. Sec Pcppa.rd. 1723. Pipmth (Ra,thpiper ?), Queen's co., 6551. Pirncies, pardon for, 6049. Piracy, by French subjects, 3116. PireBt Mo.urico fttz Rh.:hard, po.l'don, 0183. Pireston. See Pierst.on. Planks impressed tor works. 2469. Plantations, Esae", in Olandeboy, 2349; Obattirton. in Orior, ~3;s'.1 ; Ilmith in ArdB, 2149. King's nnd Queen's counties, conditions imposed on grantees, 474 i grantee living In Oonnnught, nod married to an IriahwoDlrLn, 6031. at, conditions imposed Plnnkc~Pluncket-Pluncket~ PlnnkeU- Plonket-Plonkett- Plonnckett - Plounkct : Ale:mnder (of Gibbeston), pardon, 3454, 3867 j commiS5!ioD, 4149,4461. Alc:1:ander (of R n.thmore), prot ectioD, GS65. Alcmnder, pardon, 711. ~41G, 3304, 4005, 5560, ~170J G621. . AlsoD, pardon, 409~. .Anna (or Bermingham), dower, 6321. Anne. grant of a wa.rdship, 3274. Christopher. See Dunsany, b!Ll'on on Undertakers, 5032. Plar'8, co. Weatm., priory, 5856. Plarie, o.liaB Logbs8Wdie, priory, 5878. of. Christopher. Platten-Platen- Plattin -:- Platton- Platyn Ohristopher (of Oarlnnston), com- (Pla.tin), co. M~th, 200, B67, 454, 686, 1400. 1547,1835, 2111, ~345, 545.0, S~64-5, S761, 97;4, . 4HO, 6049, (la01, G660, G69~. Flatterer, RiCh., pa.rd.OD., 6049. Plattin- Platton-Platyn. Sec Platten. - Plen.aenton; .. G~orge, porter, ;Ma.ryporongh for tress, 6001 i in .M.a.ryborough, 5400. See Killene, bu.rOD of. mIssion, 1835. Om. (of Clonbroy), commis:;ion, 41<9. Pleberd8toWDo-Plebn.rdlslon-;Plebcrdaton, Ohr., sheriff of, 5U:1. Chr. (of Dunsoghly. knt.), comn., 6546 i pardon, 0694. Ohr., pa.rdOD, 114.1, 3aM ter, 3460, 'JO")6, 45G1, 49~4J 5500. 66~1. EJ.ward (of BoJ.rath ), comn. , 4149. (plebcrstoWl;1), 90. Kilk., 2033, 5854. PIamen, Donogh ro, P~dOD, ·6"9. Elw. (of 0:l.811eoor), pardon,s·a Edw. (ol Whitornth), p,,!"dOD, n •• Rlckard.duffe, pardon, H4S, " WIll, d,Uff'0l pa.rdon, ~440 • . SON. }:d \'1'" ') pardon , 8304, li560. 3112 722 APPENIlIX 1'0 TWEN'rY-SEomtIl ltEPORT OF TItEi DIlPU'rY INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZADllTIJ. Plunk.\, Indy EliZabeth, widow, G19. Elizabeth, pardon, GG51. Goorge (01 Bewlio), sherlJ! of Louth, 881 i commissioDs, SBI, 1832, 2111, 'MI5, 2444, 4t!1, 4.466, 6126 ; a. trustee, 38£15. George, pardon, 54S7, OG21. Gerold (01 Gmnge), commissions, 4148.44.62. Gerald (ol Irlshlon), pardon, ~ Gll, 8BM. Gerold (ol Longhcrew), party in a suit, SarlO; pa.rdon, 3460. Phmkot, Mary (Wifo o! Purcell of Longhmoc),l)U.l·tiou, 6506,6G28. NicholM, pardon, 2410, a304, 38B1. Oliver (of Kilon.rnn, knt.),14S6, Olivor (of Tnllrlnshon, knt.),1481. Olivor(o! Tallanston). &, Loulh, ba.ron of. Oliver (o! Rathmore, knt.), sherill of, 082, 3620 i commissions, 218, 200, 381, 642, 082, 2111, 2a.15, 24,14, 20i!lO, 3182 i pardon, 200, 1201, 2071 i livery to Gon, 4515. Gerald, pardon,!lOO, 2671, 5304. Helon, widow of I W. Marward, jointure, 621, SOOO. Helena. or Ellen, widow of N. N ugen't, IJ..'1l'doD, aBSl}. Olivor (of Clone), pardon, 3S04. Oliyor (of Gibslown), pardon, H enry, pardoD, 0408. Pn.Lriclc. Sec Dunsnny, lord or. Patrick. See Louth, baron ot. 1111.trick (of Gibbaston), commie- James. SM KHlono, bo.ron at. James, son of sir John, l SnG. James (of Arnmghbrege), pardon, 1Bl, !l4-lll, 5826. James (of Tatherath), pardon, ~lDO. James (of Balmacnd), pardon, GGM. Jenet,3310,36G1. Joo.n, pardon, 0«8. John (of Donsoghly, knt.), ohiof justice, 162, 4b8, 4102 j takes of supremacy • .220 i commissions, l!lS, 221, 2~S. 'GO, J79-S1, 584, 5~, 66H, 6GG-l,1003,1411-B, l1~.J , '111,2345, 2Mn, ~{H-5, 2615, 2704, 3862, 2884. 30·11, 9182, 5001, BGl'i1, 3067-8, 5608, ~OGG i pn.rdOll, 300 i runnin.g-e, 938 ; his .wifo, ~H50 , 3664 ; looses, 1305, 1518, 49!l7 ; licensD of n.licna.tion to, AGO; pardon of alienation, 2713 j R1.U'rencler, 32·18 i pm'Ly to no suiL, S(iG1. J ohn (of Bcw'lio), commif'sion, 512. John (of Loughcrow), sltcrHr of Men.t.h, 2300 i commiSHian!l, 200, 1835, 2111, 2S·1~. 3<11.4j 41-10, 4161 i paruon, 2300,3304. John (01 Tnllon,Lon), pardon, 4031. John (of Longlnd), pMdon, 0003. John, pnrdon, 3304, 13864, OG21, GOO!. Set! also Plonkat. Katherino (or Goldingc), mutrimonial snit, 3350. Kn.therino (or Nugont), pardon, 0021. lady, pardon at her snit, 345D. Lu.urenco, pardoD, H8. dame Margarot (or SMsllelll), 6310. G27l. Oliver, pm'doD, 410, G110, G4.08, Gon, GOOL SiOD,200; pa.rdon, 209, HJS. pu,ruOD, 620U, 0338. Ri chard (of Newhouse), pardon, 245 j chief scrj eo.nt of co. Louth, rn.tric~ 811. Richard (01 Rathmore), livery, ·.Hi7lS i cOUlmissions, 41-19, 4dGl, 0221 i protection, OSGS., pm'doD, 2150, 411G6. llobort, kut., In.nds of, 1460, 3564. Robert (of Ushestown), pardon, .211. Rohert (o! Oldc,,".tlc), commission, ·lU9, 4'101. Uobort (in co. Wcstm.), comn" 2iHlS. sir Tllomu,B. Seo Loul.h, bn.ron of. T ho1llU.8 (at nft1'je~I.on), 3072, '!'homns (of Kt11n.Uon), po.rclon, aBC),!, BOU i commission, ,,-140, ,(i01. Thom!\11 (a! R..'\thmol'e), po.rdoD, 200. 'l'homns, leases, 8GO, BBOO. Thomas, controller of customs nnd. RCll.1'chor of Dublin and Dl'oghcdn., 3172, 4106, fil64'. 6967, fi083,673l. 'rhomM, pM'doD, 3017, S81H, 6621. Walter, doputy clork of hanaper, 8320 i to llant:i, 1289, 146'. 1680 i po.rdOD, ss~O i security, .ns. Wn.1tor, pa.r(lon, 8:104-, " William, p[t,rdoD, 060G. l'lullkct'lil country, mnrtin.ll:~ in, ~~311, rlunkct's lands, co, Moath, a KEEPER OF THE PUBLIO RECORDS IN IRELAND. '723 INDEX TO FIANTS.- ELIZAllETH. • Plnnketstown, co. Kiltl. Sae Ploncketston., David fltz Edm., pardon, 6416. John 11tz Edm., parooD, 6476. Rich.1ltz Edm., pardon, 04·75. Rob ' pm'dOll, 040:1. Pobclbrion - Poulcbria.n - Poblehryen l Pobulbrieu - Publebrene (Pubblobl'iCll ba,rony), co. Lim., country, MOO, 500D, 5282, 580o, 0501. loru. of, 4180. 4616. Poblcgreny (co. Lim. 1), 5000. Poble I Co.llaghn.n (n. district comprising po.rishes of KUsho.nnig, Clonmcen..;.nd pa.rts of Roskee~ I BnJlyclough. and :Ca.s~lo magner). co. Cork, 6003. Pobleologor tie (probably Eila Ui FhogGrtaigh or Eliogarty), co. Tip., barony of, 5854. Poblewlnterl. hy. Sae Pobulmuntcrlahy. Pobulbrien. Sec Pobelbricn. (co. Ro,c. 1),4805. Pobulmuntoi'fnhy - Poblewintortahy, co. Ga.l., 4107, li ~2 B. Sec also l>ople rointcrlaye. Pobwll l\I'Hubcrt, country of. co. Gul., aUl. Poell, Rich., dean ot Ln.ghllu, 6103. Poer. lord. 6105. Sec Power, John. lord Power. Poer, Annstacio.. pardon, ~ti S8. " Anthony. pardon. 1740. u Da.vid, pMdon, 1046. " Donogh m', pardon, 030. II Edm., pa.rdon, 90415, 5378. II Edmuncl fitz Da,vld, pa.rdon, lfH6. Edmunu fttz John, po.rdon, 1046,26415. " Edm" fitz Nioh., pru-doD, 662!l. " Edmund fltz Robert, po.rdoD. 913,O!O-1, It'40. Edmund fitz Thoma.s, po.rdon, l040. II Edmund fitz Wn.lter, p:..rdoD, 937,1046. II Edm. fttz Wm., land in his tenure, 2618 i pardon, 4929. IJ Edm. oge, pardon, 652!l. II Edmund ruo, pat'Clon, 19l. II Ellin, pardon, 6529. " Eustace, po.rdoD, 4080. .. Geot!rcy, ptLl'doD, 1749, 4346. " Geoffrey fit~ Robert. P:1rdOD, 036, 971, II 10<6. POOl', John fitz Nloholas,a.llas Shane BIlJIagh, po.rdOD. 971. John fHz Pairs, pa.rdOD. 35U. John fltz Philip. pn.rdoD. I046. J ohn fitz Richard, pardon, 937, 104G, 5310. John fitzWo.lter, partIon, 071. John IltzWilll,m, pardon, 1WB. M.'1.urice baulmghc, pardon, 1046. MaUl'ice fitz Nicholn.s, pa.rdon, 937, 1040. JUn..urico fltz Ri cha.rd, pardon, .25"5. Maurice iltz Robert, pardoo, 25415. M..1.urice fitz Walter, pardon, 937,1046. Mnurice m'Edmond, pa.rdon. 936. Morrish fltz Rich. , pa.rdOD,61529. Morrish fir.z Tho., pardon, G1Ot. Nicholas, vicar 01 Kilmedan, 35aL Nicholas (son ot John. son of Peter. of BaIJe1aghnye), ward.ehip, NicholAs IItz Edmond, .pardon, 9!3, 0_ ~785 . Nicho1a.s fltz Geffl'ey, pardon, 936,1046. Nicholas fltz Pel'S. pardon, 1046. NichollloS fitz Thomas, pardon, 917, 1M3. Nich.ll!z Wnlter, 6529. NichoL" fi tz William m'Shana dowIAgh, pax'don, 913. Nicholas leigh fitz Wm., pardon, 22G9. Nicholas m"I'hoDllJ.,s, pardon., 956. Peu's fiLz Rich., alia..s Peirs kelgh. pardon, 0520, Peter, pa.rdon, 1046. Peter (of BnllelAghny), 5004. lltz Rich., livery to brother, 0992. Peter Jltz Robert. pardon, 10<6. Petor fitz Walter, pardoD, 931. Peter lil1ghc, pardon, 10·10. Peter m"fhomn.s, pardOD,931. Philip fltz Nicholas, pardoD, 911. Richa.rd, pa.rdon, I04G,1749, m1S8. 6707. Richard buy, pardon, 1018. Ri chard fitz .E1mond, pardon, 037, 1MG,3~. Ricbar(). ftt.z James, pardon, 036. Riehard Iltz John, pardon, 930,1046. Rich. fltz Pairs Eoawninc, pardon, 6'~9. " Geoffrey fltz Wolter, pardon, 037, 1046, .. James fltz Nich., pardon. 4713. John (son 01 Peter of Ballolaghny), Richard Iltz Robart, pardon, 977. Richard Iltz Thomas, pardon, 937, 10<6. Richardfit.z Walter. pa.rdon, 931, l (U.e", 5004. John, pn.rdo~ 4110. " John :fltz Edmond, pardon, 913, OS1. 104.6, 2645, 33~8 . n John fttz Edmond, oJie.~ ;M,', pardon. 911, Richard Ill. Wllliam, pardon, 913, '54'. Itiolmrd m'Edmond, pardon, 937. Robert Illz Edmond, pardon, 11liG. Robert fltz John. pardon, 931. Rob. fttz N~cb., :pn.rqOD, 4TU. II 3544- '724 APPENDIX TO TWENTY-SECOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZADBTH • Poer, Robert fttz.PlorB, pa.rdOD, DlB. · II Rob. duffe m'Wm., pardon; 3046. mIRiocn.r~ pnrdoD, 011. " " Slmue m'Wm~ pn.rdon, 3041S. " Soo J ohn fltz Nich. Tho., pardoD, 4100, 4111. II Tho. fitz Eum., pardon, 0104. tI Thomas fitz Edmond, wardship of II Thomas fitz John m'Edmond, pardon, BOD,G110. ~77. . 1'alldrry. See 1'allakl>l'Y.. Poll of It'md, contonts of,16B1. Sec also Pulls. Poll or Oltrtron, 6616. 1', tho, co. 0",., ~006. Pol1ngh, co. KUle.. 01' Tip., 6637. Sec PoUogh. 1'oll"gh-l'ollcgh (co. Tip. 1), 6522,6706. Polln.gho, co. Lim., 0123. PoUa.ghmoDn.u - Pollo.ghmonane (Qucon'fI co. 1), 606, 1661. 1'olll>ghtagrm (Poulo.t.~ggle 1), co. 01",., ~777. Thomas fitz Nicholos, pardon, 957,1040 1'ollaguill, co. Don. Sec Polgile. " Thomas age, wn:rdship, 6771). 1'ollakiny (co. Sligo 1), 680~. 11 Walter fltz David, pardon, D71,lMO. 1'allanaIty, co. Rose. Sea Pollyno.ltya. " Walt:er:fltz Geoffiey, po.rdoD,'OSO,l046. P(\l1aru, Edm., pardon, 3015. " Walter lltz Peirs, pardOD, 013, 6620 . Nicholns (of Mayno, co. Westm.), " 'Wu.ltel' duf, pardon, 760. purdoD,10ll ; wn.rdsllip of hiB Bon " William, pu.rdon, 1040. Nicholas, S4.~Z. II William cluff, pru.'{lon, 1040. Nich., wl1.rclahip, 8422. II Wm. duff, livery, ISOOI!. 1'allardoston (1'ollarton, co. Oar. 1), 1600. Polln.rdoston - Pollo.rdostone - PollardcB11 Wm. fitz Edm., PWOll, S54a. towno (Pollu.l'lll:ltown), co. Cork, 2818, a583, l> William 11tz John, pardoll, 031. 5617. Sea 1'uJlo.l'de.tona. u Wil1imu 1Hz Nioholas, pn.rdOD, 031, " 1040. II 1I William fitz Ricba.l'd, pardon, 1046. Willbm fitz Robart, pardoll, 013, OM, 10·16. Willia.m fitz Tho., pm'doD, 1018. rollrlol'uston - Pollo.rustono (Poll!lordstown), co. Killl., S801, ISH,I5. rollc(!U,plo-Pollt.npell-Poolcco.ple (paul(\.cn.pple), co. rrill., ODD, 3328, 624.0. Sco also 1'ollielLppla, Powell U"pell rouocw'ry- Poiohiol'l'y-Pollycul'ry-Poul" WiUiam m' pn.rUOD, 1040. Poere, Johu, 001'00 at Coraghmol'o, 38111. churry (l'ouln.c\U'l'Y), co .. Gork, 2~53, 8019, CUl'raghmore. n6~S, nOH. Sec n.Isa rolicut'ry, Po~i Nicholas,3snl. (lorrie. 'Vm. m' m1Morrish, pm'doll, PoUe Dl'umoro (co. Otw.), 1G91. Gfi20. 1'olle in Ylll'l,na Dyne (co. O{w.), IG8L Poeroliou (co. "Wat. P), 2200. Pollegh, 0522, See 11 011l\.gh. POCrRt01lll (Pow'OrstOWll, co. Kilk. 1), 010G. 1'ollckl>ry --1'olckerY' - 1'olldrry - Poll.Pogbcllestalle, eo. Loutll,1723. kurry (Poulu.korry), co. Tip., 10G5, 201~t POile, Dermott duff m'8huuQ ne, pardon, 4000,0401. Sco o.lso Poolourry. 2202. Pallemont,o,1I82G. See Polmontoy. &c Tha.dy dull' mfShn.uo ny, pm'doll, 2:!02. Poindl, Uich. ago, pardon, 64DO. Paino, Katherino, pm'doD, GIIH-. 1'oin,town. (Poyntstown. co. 'rip. P), 4838. PolchlBl'l'Y. See 1'ollecurry. Polcbore, co. Wex. Sec Polh oaro, roolo. l'olokory. See Pollek11.ry. Polcoebcnan. &'C Poll on. pio.nan. Polonelong, co. Oork,4820. Pole ''illine (l'aulawillan '1), co. Olma, 4801. PolevontiD, co. Carlow,100: Sec n.lso Polmoutcy. Polgile (Pollagulll, co. Donegal), 0382, Polhoare (Polehore), co, We:s:., 2527. Police: como. to aollynr to l'opress idle porsons emu nmlo!actore, 2521. Policurry or Polykirl'Y, co. Oork, ctlJ:ltle and lands Q:l'antcd, 5218. l'alllnpell, 8~~8. Sec Pol\ocaplo, Pollonchoimo, co, Sligo, 4500. Pollouton (Pullillglion), co. ·Wex., 125U. Pollertoll, 00, Cl\.r, S()iJ Poll(l.1'(loston. l'ollooton, 28'15. SCI) 1'awleston. l'alllcl1pplo, 670·l. P01listowno, co. Kilk.} 6815. PoIlitu.rre, co. 'rip., 6(164. l)olllln. piallun -PoUnobyuo.o-Polonebennn, co. 010.1'0, 1311, B090, 8820., co. Gal. Sce Powlenevoigho. l?ollnollillio-Poolonolollio, co. Kerl'Y, 5518 i grant, 612B. 1'allogh (1'alll>gh), co. Kilk., ~287. 1'allono (co. 0u.r.:1), 6611. 1'alh·o.thbogga, co. Ol1r., 1826. Pallrol1n-1'all'Ol1n- l'olraWll.n - Pa!rnD.nePoulroaine (Pollrone), co. Kilk., 10611,201.1,4386, OUD. Gli04. : ".roctory, !:I.OS,. U60. vioru', 6611, 'XEII1PIIIEt OF TIlE PUl3LIO REOORDS :IN ·IRELiN·D• . 725 INDEX, TO FIANTs.-ELIZADETH. PollsaUn.gho, co. Wax., 1310. Pooro, Edm. age, pardon, 6466. Geoffrey.fitz Nich., po..rd OD, 61529. John fltz Edm., po.r<lon , 65:9. J ohn iltz Rich., pa.rdon, 4114. Polmoint, 1144. Sec Polmontey. Katherine, pardon, 414!. Polmolowhe, co. Wox., 1.521. .:Maurice, pardon, 4930, li019. Polmontayne, 818. See Polmontey. Maurice fi tz Nich., pardon, 4713. Polmontey- Pollemonto - Polmoint - PolMa..urice fl tz Walter, pardon,4143. montayno - Polmontie - Polmonty, co. Michael, pardon, 615:11. Oar., a1S, 1-111,1144, S045, Sl6Ii, 5826, 06U. See Nich. fUz John, pardon. -GG24. oJso Polevontie. Nich. fltz Rich., pardon, 4114. Nich. fltz Thos" pardon, 4384Polners,'co. Rosc., 5M2. Peirse fitz Rich., pardon , 6620. Polneallagh (co. Lim. 7), MOB. Rich. (or Poorestown, co. T ip.). ICMC, Polro.n - Polrow:w - Polroone. Su Poll5878. roan. Rich., pn.rdoD, 4143.4173. 06:H. Poltylebane (co. Clare or Tip. 1), 0705. Rich. filz Edm., po.rdon,3'!l3. Polykirry, co. Cork, 5218. Rich. Dtz John, po.rdon, 0624. Pomeston (co. Kilk. 'I), 2058. Rich. fltz Nich., pardon, 062!l. Poncborsgrang-PoDcborsgrounge{Puncbors' Rich.lltz Wm., pardon, · 6G~!). grange), co. Kild.., 0117, 6450. Rob., pardon, 4143. Ponchcston - Powchcston (punchcstowu), Pollwickgmnnye, co. Gal" 51<18. Pollycurry. Sec Pollecw'ry. Pollyn.'lo!tye (, 00. Ro""., fi'77. co. Klld., 1087, 3140, 4150,4822. Poncbyc, John, pardon, 0675. Poninge-Ponny: Gllpo.trick or Patrick m'Owen oormgh, pllol'don, 6004:; grant, 5666. Pa.n-. ra.'GillcgromeM'Renna, pardon, 6604 ; grant, 5012. Rowbnd, partion, li!46. Shane, pardon, 4036. Tho. !liz John, patdon, 4H3. Tho. m'Shane, pardon, 4908. Wm., pardon, 5619, 6~2. Wm. fltz Edm., patdon, 6529. Wm. fltz Rob. m'Wm., pardon ,4n4. Poorestowne, co. Tip. , 15873. Pop~, Roger, surrender, 3020 ; lease, 3028. Popham, sir John, ch. justice ot England, Pair. m'Shane m 'Palrlok, pardon, li604; grant, IIGG8. ~83G . Ponticuli, co., 14158,5559. '. Pop lc rointer faye, co. Gal., 4887. See Pobul Pooer, Rollone, pardon, 6050. munter fahy. John fltz Edm., pardon, M41, ·1795. Porch(eild at Trim, 0118, 0207. Maurice co.nmgh, po.rdon, 51\41. Moms Jltz John Jltz Edm, pardon, Porchga.te, Trim, alicnntion, 02(11. Pore,Ellen fttz John, pa.rdOD, 4713. 4795. Tho. fltz Morice, pardon, 4113. Peter fi~z Gefl'rey, p3.1'don, >:t19!S. Rich. fitz John fl t z Edm.; po.rdon, Porerny, co. Rose., 5542.. Porkerin, co. ROBO.,lilU. · 4795. Parks impressed for Mmy, 1198 j customably Rich. fitz Wm., pn.rdOD, 6624. rendered to Irish eWef, 5212. Tho.f1tz J ohn Iltz Edm., pardon, 4705. WaUer fltz Peers m'Rob., pn.rdon, Porlonezboe, co. Ki1k, 2347. Porpoynt's lllnd In K illIlD.!nlmm, 16<9. 4113. Porsell, Margaret, pardon, SB«. Willia.m fltz Tho., pn.rd.on, 9a-1. Porsykston, co. Meath, 3131. Poolcnrry (co. Tip. 1), 6165. SCIJ Pollewy. Port of Carricktergus to be repaired by Poole (Polehore), co:Wax., 2680. crown, 1503. See Ports. Poole (co. We".. I), 0649. Porta.ferry, co. Down. SccDallyporteferryc. Poolecaple. See P olleca.ple. Portagh, co.lUJ,yo, 1404, 3'19. P oole cry, co. Rose., 15180. Parlan, co. Lim., 6481. Poolenelollie. M See Pollnelullie. Porlan, co. Meath. Se< Partan, Furlane. Pool.. ot lan d, 5849. Sec Poll Pootie, John, knt., gro.nt ot a. wardship, 63SL, co. !HU. Parlanes (co. Lim. 1),415'Poor, Moms .1ltz Edm. ogs, pd.rdOD, 0529. Porta.s-Portesse, CBiPta.m Willia.m, comJDis-. n T ho. fltz Rich., pardon, 4148. sions, 54.2, 682, 9!53, 2U1, 'M~, 2-4«, 6786; l'QQ!"e, Edm., po.rdon, 6505. po.rdon , un ; BUmlnder of !tis lands, j8ll. Edm. fitz Philip, pardOD, 4143. Portavrolan (portavrolla), KIng's co, 6618, l' Edm. fltz Rich., pa.rdon, 4114. 653$, 1, ~~. ~t~ ~b., Va.rdOD, 6Sl4, s.. also P°rteabro~ll4J. 726 APPENDIX '1'0 TWENTY- SECOND REPORT OF THE DEPOTY INDEX TO FIANTS. -ELIZADETn. Parterass!o (parwrusha. ca. Lim. 1),64.00. Portdobor, 1067. Partdmwl. (King's co. 1), 4801. . Portdrine, co. SecPOl'trayno. ror~il'vo, co. RosCo, 4(161. (Partlnw, ca. Wo.t . 1), OUO. rOl't.lflomn.ll. Bec POl'tlomn.n. rorhloHtol'-POl'tl!lc!clOOl', co. Mooth, 21,1171, 20-10,3080, 41·17, G800 ; mn.n.Ol',12·10. Part. (Part, co. Lauth), 703. POl'UnW, co. V{CHtm., 0003. Westm., SSM. Partco.braghln (PartavrallD.1), King's co., POl'tlomu.n "":" POl'tll1mn.n - rorUommn.n Portlummn.ll, co. WORtm., 1210,· 204.8, 3343, 1848. SOliG, 8821, 39'10,6671; r ectory, 2000. Porteclal'e, co. Mon., 50,[0. POl''llOko - PortelllO.l'llocko - Portmel'Portedul, Queen's co., 0786. Sec Portnocko - Portmernoko Porooglorin.m - Portcglorio. (Portmn.rnock), co. Dub., glaryan. 2010, 2000, 2117, S411, Portelestcr. Set Portlostol'. 0002-70. Portell, Nich 'l pn.rclon, 2358. PorLcmnrnoeke. Sec POl'tmal'llOkc. Partcnagby (Partln(\gby), ca. Man., 1077. Portcnescolley - POl'tcncskylly (POl'tnu.scully), cg. Kilk'J l'cctorr, 20~, 1269. Port,cnnu. (PorttlDlDU, ~), CO. Gul., cn.stlo and land, 6!l01. Port.onyn (co. Rosc. 1), 60108. Portenynchc. S12 Fortnynchc. Porter, gcntlcma.n, 51GB. &80011Ua.ught. Porter, Rich..'l.rd, corOllcr, 5038. SimOD. ii80.i, Wn.lter, G3J!. ral'tors, p:uuancd, m·l. Porternhen-Port.orCWCD. Sec POl'trahen. Portereshin (portrushcn f), co. Car., 4103. Fortereslon, co. Meath, 5343, Porterin--PortclTin (co. nasa. ?), ri4.2S, 6108. Parter,g~te, 7lS. Portersoon-Portcrstoune (Porterstown), co. Dub., 109, 200, 1223, 5803, 00:11. Porterst-ou - Podcl'cstan - Poroorstownc (Portel'stown), co. MelLth,l1GO, 86M, 15200, IS4S, 0132, 0·150. PortersloD, G309. Portorston (co. Westm, ?), tuna. Port-cl'.stonne. Sce P01'torston, co. Dublin. POl'terBtowno. &c PortarsLOD, co. Me:~t.h. (portnasoongu.n, co, WOHtm.), l'ooOOl'y,2000. Portesso, WIllIa.m.. Sec POl'tfery, co. Down, 6703. PortglorYlLD - Porteglol'lam - Portoglorlo (Port~lorio.m), co. RUll., ~aG3, 6211, 1S~60. Portidlo!h, ca. Cork, I UDS. Partienuligan (Portnollign.n), co. At·run.l:ll, 6735. Portinngh"J, co. Mon. Sec POl'tena.ghy. Partingall, Artbur, p~rdan, 6312. Ector, partloD, 1oolS. John, pardoll, 1001S. PartingaIJ's IMds, YanghaJ , 00S4. Portingnll. Sec Portuguese. Portinulif,"tl.n (I'ortnelligu,n, co. ,lu'mn.gll), 0735. :Port in )'IJan (ca. Danc!,'uJ), 6SS2. grango of, 2711. POI'I,IlUutko, alla.s l"tyut.:lllmo (Portmuek, co. Antl'im),l'ootory, 1050, fi701. POl'tno.hinch, Qucon'l;I co. Sec Port o:ynobe. POl'~ na8eull:{, co. Kllk. Sec POl'tonoscolloy. POl'tna,Shl1.Df:,P{l.D, 'co. WOliltm. Sec Porteehangu,n. Part,nohnliy-P01·I.nob"yU" (11o"r BnUyco.stlo, co::M~I.Yo), !'i·ttl1-, G708. Portnclligo.n, co. Al·m. Sec POl'ticnnlign.n. Parlncrn (co. Rase. 1), 1888. POl'tncskollic (Pol'tna.scull y, co. Kilk.. ?);.6564. POl·tnygn.mmoeko, King's co., 010. POl'tllynche - PorliOnyn cho (P01'tDahinch), Qnocn's co., 498, l11G. POl' - l)ol'ttolieha.n - I'ortulgooD, co.ll lp., 4080, G6U1, 0583. Porhowno(co. 'Vat. P), 22GO, 23M. Pot't ro.hon - Pol't.ol'i\.lloll - POl't.crn\,on - llol'IJ·u.l'll-I)or~l'o.l'De - Portrn-von (Pol' t,n1.ino), 00. Dub., r ectory, 898, 813, 1111-2, ~R28; lithos of flsb imd luwbE, 1130, 2332, 6082, 6-.10~, 6813. POl'LraSflholl, 2037. llol'tl'o.von. Sec Portl'iLhon. POl'tl'eH~lug, co. Otl.r., 'tWa. POl'tl'oyu, 00. ltose., iiti!!2. l'ol'tl'oyno (POl'Wl'iuu) , co. 01l.L1'0, 4.101. l">ortl'illo.rll., 00. Lim. Seo PorLl'ynnrd. P ortro:l.llo (co. Killt. !?011. Port nuaho (1)ortl'uijh1 co. Antrim), gauger ' of,12oo. n POl'trllHholl, co. 0:\,1'. HCi! Portoro!!hin. POl'tl'YIlI\1'<l (Pol'tl'iua..rU, ill IJll.l'. A1.Jbeyfoalc. co. Lim.), MSIl. llOl'LH or Counl\ugbt.. oxcept Gl1.1way and Sligo, nukuo'VlllloDd unwru'l'anted1 2166. PUl'Lt.olici"u\'n. Sac Port.ugn.l, import of WiDO from , 314.0. Part,ugna8o- ParUnMu.Jl- PartyngaU, trade wi th. !rno, 1711 i ships aI, mo.y be seized, ~IDj. 'Portulghnn. Sec POl' l)ol'~nlllllo., co. 0:1.1. Sec I}ortcnn..~ l'Ol' LUlllUY, 00. Gl.l.l., 0005. KEEPER OF THE PUBLIO REOORDS IN lAl!lLAND .. 72'7. INDEX TO FL\.NTS.-ELIZADETH. Fortynele, co. Down, loo!). Por~yngnJJ. Sec POl'~UI!1l."'" Portyrceny. co. Rose., :;009. Por~yrryny (co. Rose. 1), 622B. Poulin!corri. (co. Oork I), G6B9. Poulroalno. See Pollrou.n. P oulroo, co. Clare. Se~ Cenrowenpolroe. POUDca, Xo.tilin, pardon, 6312. Pouncero.U- Pounceroll-Pincemll, Pa.trick, Posickston. Sec PossocksLowD, co. JUc..'tth. Posickstowne. Sac IJo~ockstown . co. Kild. loJriS, 3550. Posneston, o.lias Possikeston, co. TiIe:.tth, 1:140. Pouucbe, Rich . fitz Rich., pnroOD, 64G6. (Posseckstown) - Posickstowne - Possicks~ PoutHngllo.m (Putt(\ghau), Ring's co., {i23. towDe - PosewOOn - Possiwickston Powcheston,31016. Sec Ponch cston. Posswickcston-Posswickst.oUllC, co. Kild., Powcbos~on (olu) (Ponchostown), co. Rila. 16~8, 2082, 2G!lO, O·:l:M), 0557. 3146. CPosseokstown) -Posickston - P osse:don Possikeston - Possixton, co. Moath, 1240, 4083, 4D~4, 4965. Sec also PcssckestoD. Possickcston - Possixston (co. Wostm. ?), Powderha.m o, co. Dovon, :5:586. Powderlough, eo. Meath. Sc<::PouderIa.ugh. Powell, Rowb nd, o.ttorney, 23S~. Tho., chief serjea.nt, co. Kildare. 8821. GliSa. 428:5 j pn.rdon, 5138. POS3ickstoWDO. St"C POsscckstoWll, CO. KUd. Wm, pardon, 2643. Possikcsoon. Sec P osseckstown, CO. Meath. [lowell Capell, G30g. P03Sist!)u- Possiwickston. &c PosscckstOWD, p()W~U mill (pool mill), Dublin, rhOB. .P·J ',~er, co. KUd. Posslxst::m. Sec Possickeston. Pos3i:s:ton. Sre PosseckstowD, co. Posswickestou - Po~wickstouno. Sec Posseckstown, co. KUd. Posthorses, impl'ossod for nrmy, HGl. (Puttu.glla.n), King's co., a001, 3HO. as. Da.\'id bl':lk:e m 'Walter, pardon, 3Ui. Pott-ell, co. Ca.v., 4Sgl. Pottellro.~h-Po ~lell'l\~h. Anno, pardon,1I312. Anthony, sheriff of Wat.erford , S::;41, 33li!! ; commi!i3io~ Z906, 1400; recit..1.l of gra.nt to, 4133; leases, 2Dl1,2G31, 2946, ~Oi1, 4529,4137 i pardon, 88, :583, 3Ml, 3852. D avid, pn.rdOD, 43S1, 6122, 649:5.. Da. vid bane, pardon, 2403. Sec PoLtlorath. Pottle of lanel, co. Cn,Y., 5840. Po~~lom\'''lh, co. Kilk. 1001, 20!8. 5141. Sec also P"tlero.~b . Pofitogh::mc. &:c Pott..1.g11an. Pouderla.ugh (PowdorloUirh ), co., 1240. Ponclstou,20J2. Sri! Powloston. Pouer, Edmund, pa.rdon, I1B1. John cn.rraghc, pm'don, 1181. Peirse m'Hicb., pardon, SO·!:;, Peirso m'·Wm.., pardon, il().J5. Petcr fltz nobcrt, po.rdon, 1181. Rich. m'Enobb, pn.roon, 3046. Tho. m'Eim. pn.l'clon, 2!1H. Walter uu(fe, p:udon, 492. 'Walter l'OWO, partlon, 432. Poaer I nnes. See P owers IUDS. Pouers mill. -Sec Powersmyll. PouerstoD. See Powers ton, co. Cn.r. Pouersten. Sec Powcrstown, co. Kilk. Poulueapplo, co. Tip. See PoUecaple. Poula.curry, co. Oork. Sue PoUccul'ry . Polllakerry, co. rfjp. SecPolle1mry. Poulataggle, co. Clrwe. Sec Polln.ghteggan. Pon13,wi1.ln.n, co. Cwe. Sec PoulemullcD, Polevilline. Poulchn.rry. Sec Pol1ecnrry. Poule, Donali ny, !lardOD, 6164-. Paule mullen (pouln.wi11an), co.,4761. Pouleston. Sec P owloston. Dand du!, ptU'dou, 8S. D:1vitlfitz John, pardon, {H1G. D:l'\'id fltz Leonal'}, 1lardoD,4494.. D3.Yid fitz Ma.uric::c, paruon, 1045, 1103. DZl:\'id. fltz Richard, nlln.s Du.\·id Cukcr~'e, pardon, 1303. Da.viU 1Hz Richard, pa.rdOD, lOB, 1734. Da.vid fltz Robert:., pardon, 4005. Dav iu fitz Walter, pardon, 6!16. D avid ntz ,\Vm., pardoD, 35n, 4713, 6410. David Roche fitz Wm., pn.rdon, G32·1. David roe m ' Wm., p:1rdon, GG23. Donald, alias Denis, p3ol'don,l065. Edmund (of B!1Uen, co. Cork), o.t- minted, 35l!). Edm. (of (Jou1!yn), wardsbjp, 1226. Eum. (of Motbell), sheri!! of co. Waterford, 1635, 113! i commi3sion.q, 1310, IG35 j pa.rdOD, 1303, 1131,3511. E dm. (of Knrrebehe), livery to son, 4916. Edm. (of Sho.ngarry), pardon, 2460 ; livery,4G04. Edmund, pardon, 2492. BSH, 4609, 6109, aBU, 0477, 6611. 616H. Edm. beig. pa.rdon, 2651. EdID.. d:l.ffm' Wm., pardOD, «J8. 728 APPENDIX TO TWEN'l'¥-SECOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTS.- ELIZAJlETU. Fower, Mm. dut fttz 'JOhD, pa.rdOD, 1154. Edm. duf fitz Philip, po.rdon, !l146. Edrn. du! m' moro, pardon, 2512. Edm. du1! m'Sbnno, pardoD, 2116. Edmund flt z Dave, pa.rdon, 2492. Edmund ftt,z "David, ontlawed. for murdar, 12. Edmund lItz David (01 KilbanymQado.n), pardon, 88, 201,037. Edmund fitz Davia, pardon, 66. Edm. fttz Edm., pardon, (j~1T. Edm. fltz John, po.rdOD, 1044, 2.260, 2746,6607. Edm. fttz Morris, pardon, 0106. Edmund fit z Nicholas, paruoD, 1045. Edmund 1ltz Piers, pn.rdon, 00, 4904, 5095,6417. Edm. fltz Richard. Sec Edmuml (of Motholl). Edm. fltz Rich. , po.rdon, G10D, 6'.171, 67G5. Edmund fltz Tlloma.s,llardon, DST. Edrn. fttz 'Valtor, pn.rdOD, 104'1,2612, G4GG,6416. Edrn. flf.z Wm. , pilrdoD, 4494, 16M, 6000,6623. Edm. mjRich. morc, pardon, 21512. Edm. mowen.ll, pardoll, 2740. Edm. age, pardon, 2460, 302B, 44H. Edm. roe (of Killenccarriggic), att nint.oo, 6664. Eam. Roth fitz John, or Edm. Rotch mlSho;ne, pa.rdOD. 40!)6, 4610, 6470. Edmund ruo mlSeam, pardon, 2276. Ellen, pardoD, 4650, 0500. Ellanor fltz Tho., pardon, 0484. Ellie 1Uz Tho., pa.rdoD, 13676. GoorrfCY, pa.rdon, 201, GSa, 713, 21<10, 8M1. Geoffrey 1ltz D~vid, nltaintcd, 2078. Geofrrey fltz Edm., pm'don, 21.08. Gcofrroy fl tz Maurlco, pardon, 201. Geoffroy lltz WnJ!i9r, purdon, 2612, 4096. GcotI'ry mac Morishc, pardOD, !SO-i. H<lllenn., po.rdon, 4SD. Hanry, pardon, 1801, 0471, 062l. ·Henry,lmt., govornor of tho forcos, Queen's co., 6403. HODOm. Bdm., pardon, M71. J o.mca (of Coolfin), livery, 4201. James, partioa, 6108, 6440, 6025, Jeffery 1Hz MOlTis, pardoD, 6G28-4. Jeffery fitz Wo.lter, pardon, 6176. Jetrrey, pardon, M16-1. Joltrle boy, pardon, iIOOS. J ohn, kn ~, lord Powar nud baron of O=ghmorc, commissioDS, 002, Power: riOO, G60-1, lrilHS, 184G, 3807, 4400, 6788 i livory, a-no i pardon, 9, ,2161,2074, 4000 i gl'O.uts to h i880U,6S02,li317_18, MOD. John (of BaUylanyn), pa.rdoD, .240S; inquisItion on his, 6367. John (of Canigphilip), wardship D.ncllivery, 32b4, 6089. John (of Gn.n'I1Dcrowal!y), livery to his hair, 3680. J ohu, pn.ruou, 207, 2002, aMI, 5320, 04150, 6177, 0431. John fltz Aboth, p nrdon. 2407. John fl tz Ellm., paruon, 2408, .2036, 4000, 1·!!)·l , '1008, 6170. J ohn IUz GOITl'Y, JlU,rdoD, 17M. Joh n JlLz Maw-ico, pa.l'llon, 2740. J ohn fl tz Nich., r)l~rdOD, 4000. Jolm m oro 1ltz Pa.tlino, po.rclon, l()'H. .Tohn fitz P iol's, pardon, 2·108,4497,49G8. Jo hn :fUz R ich., pu,rdon, 0466, 6470, o.tD5. JOhll fitz R1 ch~nl (01 Ficlclan), commissions, 1635, 1840. , John fltz Robort (Powor 1), p!l.l'don, 1710. John fitz Robort, pardon, ~192, !!li12, 3Ml, 38li2. Jobn fitz Theobald, panlon, 6624. J ohn fi tz Tho., pOJ.'don, 2746. J ohn 1Hz Wolter, po.rdon,1044. John fltz Willia.m , pm'd on, 201, lOU, 2G12, ·1000. Johum'Rob. m..'l..~,rlo, p o.l'd on,2·!08. John m oolo m'Wu.ltol', pardon, 2612. John m 'Wo.tof, p a rdon, ~H08. Johu roo, paruOll, 2408. Jolm, nJ.ill.s moy le, pardon, GO. Katherino, pllJ.'don, 47M:. Ko.thel'ino (daughtor of Nichola .. 01 Kilb"IlYkilty). war dship, 6lQ7. erino nyc NicholM, pardon, 0222. L aw'on oc, pn.rdoll, HIlS. l\{ll.rgu,rol"., IU\.lUOU, 22G6, G1S79 . l\Iru'Y, pn,rdoD, 44tH, 0477. l\Io.tU'ico, rom'tIm' at, 12. Mu.uricc, !mrUou, !l031. Maurice fit,z Dnvkl (of BoJlyk"DI~n), Uvory to aon and heir, 1070. Maw'icc fit? Daviu, pi.l.rUOD, 1.0G4. Maul'lco lltz Edmond, pa.rdon, 1734, 2336. :MJ.\lU'ioo fttz J ohn, pardOD, 1044, aSG2. M..'tlU·ico fitz Nich., p o.rclon, 233li. Mu,Ul'ico fltz l liers, pardon, 3852. :M!1Ul'ioo roth fltz Nicholas, pardon, 207. KEEPER OF THE PVBLIQ RECORDS IN IRELA.ND. 729: INDEX TO FIANTB.-ELIZABETH. Power, Maurice fUz Rich., pn.rcloD, 2050. Power, Peter m'~obert moen, pardon, 1710. Nnw-ice fitz Iiobert, 'Pardon, 88, 4000. Piers fltz Rich., p~don, 6,6. Maurice fltz William, pardon, 1163, Rich a.r~ kqt., lord Ourmghmorc, 1110, ~74G. Morice fltz Eum., pardon, 4404. Morish fltz Henry, pardoD, 6477. livery to his heir, ~951, 3479. Richard, son of John lord Ourraghmore, sheriff at county Waterford, 3481 ; grants of land, 6302, 5817-18, 6496 j matrimonial ca.use, 3491 j pardon, ~74, 409G, (at Kilma.nhcn) 43B7. ltichn.rd, pardon,10t6,1611, 19G:I,2424, 2631, Gt77, 6625. Rioh. carrngh lltz John, pardon, 6623Rich. fitz Aboth, pardon, 2492. Rich. :6tz Edm., pardon, 24.08, 4419, 4.600, 6766. , Rich. fltz John, pardon, 3203, 6623. Morrice fltz Rich., po.rdOD, 6623. Morrice :t1 tz Roh, pardon, 0411. Morris, pardon, 64.76 . Morris fltz Johu, pardOD, 0622. Nicholas (0£ KUmeadan), ,herill: of co. Wa.tarforfl" commissions, 721S, {l65; pardon, 1163, 1110 i livery to b eir, 2059. Nicholas (of Kilmeda.n), livery,63GO. Nich. (of Cnlly), livery to heir, 4800. Nioh. (of KilballykUty), pllrdon, 2!!12 i wo.rdship of h eiress, talJ7. llichllrd flLz Mary, h, pardon, 1168. Richard fltz NicholM, pardon, 937. Rlehllrd l1tz Robert, pwaIl, 1163- Nich'l pardOD, 2146, 3413, 0495. Nicholas fltz Do.vid, PlU'dOD, 031. Nlchaln.s fitz Edmond (of Rathcarmllek), pardon, 734, 110S. Nich. fltz Edm., po.l'don, 2269, 4496. Nicholas lltz Gerone, pardon, GG. Nicholas lltz John (of Garrancl'o· bally), pardoD, 1168 ; livery, 5~30. Nich. 1ltz John, pat-don, 6622. Nich. fitz Mori'h, pllrdan, ~40B. N icholas fttz Peter, pn.rdon, 201. Nicholas fttz Piers, pardon, 207, 937, 1044. Nich. fltz Rich., pn.rdon, 2612, 3541. Nicb. fttz William, pn.rdon, 2512. Nicho1'1.s roth, pu.rdon, 201. Peers fltz John, pardon, 4491. Peir,.or Peter (01 Carriekphilip), pardon, 11113, 1710 i wardship and livery to son, 528-1, 6080. Peira or PeirsD, pardon, 615G4, 6470-7. Pel's 1Hz Wm., pal'doD, 2976. Peter, knt., lord Ourraghmore, livery to brother Ilnd heir, 5470, Peter, Bon of John lord Curraghmore, pardon, 2974, 409G. Peter (of ClaIldanill, probably ",me u.s the preceding), pardon. 4587. Peter (at Carrlekphillp). Se< Power, " Feirs. Peter, pardon, 100, 1297, 1869, 2262, 27BO. Peter Eva.nn, po.rdon, IS().i. Peter 11tz Edmond (of Rathgarmlke), pardon, 10<5, 1065. Peter fitz Edm. pllrdall, 2~71 . Peter :fItz Marysh, pllrdaIl, 1163. Peter fttz Robart moelc, pardon, 406. Peter :fit. Robart, pllrdan, 1066. P eter fit z .Rabert maer, pllrdan, 173.. Peter :fItz Tho" pa,rdan, 617& " Rich.lltz Thomas, pardon, 2492,6704. Riehard fitz Walter, pMdall, 1045. Richard fitz William, pardon, 814. 020, 2146, 4096, 6095. Rich. more. pardon, 461>4. Riehllrd more fitz Walwr, ~081. Richard rothe, pardon, 249!l. Robert (a! Bnllesbnlnne or Ballykanlan), pardon, 1163 j li \'ery, 1670. Robert (o! D unhill), commission, 953 i pardon,l00. H 1l3. Robert (of Kllmeo.da.n), livery, 2939 ; inquisition on bis denth, 63:)1 ; livery to son and heir, 636S. Robert, pardon, 1Gl1, 1110, 1868, 2424, GaOs, 6312, 6471. Rob. fltz Do.vid, pardon, 4664. Rob. fitz Edm., pardon, 937, 2:1;3, 4006, 6476. Rob. fltz John, pardon, 1044, 602$, 670<, 0765. Rob. fltz MorriS. pardOD, 6761S. Rob. 11tz Tho. pllrdall, 2146, 0624. Rob. fitz Walter, pB.rdan, 2408. Rob. fltz William, p.rdon, 66, 1045. Rob. m'Shlloe hnJmey, pllrdan, 1.284. R-o b. oge fltz Ro b' l pardon, 6478. Rowland, pardon, 6476. Rowland, alin.s Gyllydn1fe, pardoD, 4114., pardon, 6383. Shone m'Edm. pardon, 6484.Shlloe m'lliehnrde, pllrdon, 708. Shean m~m., pa:fdon, 304.5. Theobald, pardon, 6621. Thamll' (of OoOlfIn), wardship llUd livery to BOn, "U26i -'291. Thomas (o! Ka.rrebehe),livery, 0915, Tb9Ill!l'1. pensioll, 6611, 780 APPENDIX TO TWENTY-SEOOND REPORT OJ.! THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZADETII. Po'Wer~ Thomas, pardon, 1611, 2'124, 6410. l'ower, Wm. iUz l'bUip (powor P), p'l'don, 2746. 'Vm.ll l,z rhilil1, purdol1, 44D1. "\Vm. 11~7. Hie]l., pa.rdon, 10-14,5735. 'VlU. dnf fit.? Hob., pal'dOn,~27~. ·Wm. fUz 'fll0., pa.rdOD, 23S6, 354.1. Sec n.lfiO POlll'. Pocre, POOCT, Poor, Tho. duf, purdon, 214G. 'l'ho. fltz Dava, pm'don, 2l02. Tho . .1ltz Eurn., p..'\l'uon, 44B, G~ 1 ~ 1. 6495. Tho. fit.z Edm. (of MothoU), pa.nlim, 6248,0022. Tho. fttz Edrn. ago, pardon, -1 t !)..1. Tho. fltz Jo1m, pa.rdon, 400G, G-liG. Tho. fit:?: Moriah, p..'U'UOD, 1163, 1710, 1'001'0, Pouor, llowl'e. l'llWOl' and CU1'l'tl.t.:hmore, lord bn.l'on of. Set 2512, 4661. Tho. fitz N ich " pa.l'don,13-i, 3~52. Tho. fit? Peirs, pardon, 0028. JohllPuwol'. I'owol'o, Edm. fUz Dn,vhl, pn.l'llon, 4·i31. PowcrcHt!Ol't - Pow-creseourt - Powcl'is4 CaUl' to. Sec POWOl'BCOtU't. Tho. fitz Wa.1ter, pMdOD, 6410. PowcrtHton. &Ie POWCl'fltOll, eo.Onr. <rho. fltz Wm., ll[1.l'dOD, 05GO. Thomas mac :Modelle, pardOD, 100. Thomas m'Shu,llo, pnrdOD, 22 72. l'oworisto n (c:o.1.'ip.), 020. Powol'i~I.on (00. 'fip. ~), fill. Thoma.s na CfI,rrogce, l().i-i, ' VoItel' (of Kilmc!\.do.n), inquisition on his, ZO~7. - I'o WOl'it:mOl1l'to- Po wcrscourto- Powers4 koul't-POWl'CSCOtll·to (co. ·Wick.), 183, 260, O!H-ri, 116~, 17ntl, 18111, ~J.j,08. D7lS, liB DO, 0338 i (,:"l':.\,nt ot 1,h a nmnor, 0106. l)ow(!l'H Inns - roner lunes, D ublill, 3U1, Wn.1tor, pn.rdon, 1015, 2030, 2424, 610tJ. Walter clouf.lXlol'UOll, 21!l~. Wruter fitz EdUlond,, 207. Wa.lter fltz Geoffl'cy or Jc£I'el'io, pn.rdon, 1304, 6470. Walter f1tz John, pardon, 0411. Walter fif,z Nich ., p..'\,rdou, 1387. 'VO-ltor fltz Peirsc, po.rdOll, OO!:'! . Wruter fitz Ricbo.rd, lmrdou, 1()'H, 2';08, ZT-1G, 0·116, OU23-4. Walter fltz Rob., pm'don, 409G, 04.16. Wo.lter fitz Tho., pardon, 662'1. Wallier fltz 'Vm., pa.l'don, 1163,4113, lIOon, G476, 6765. Walter fitz William ne, n.t bint.ed,2978. "\Vo.ltcrroo 1Hz Rich., pardon, 4/lUi. Willhm (of Coollln), livory to hiti b cir, 42:l1. William (oC Onl1y), livory t o his hOil',<i3DO. William (01 Dully), liVOl'Y, 1300. Wm. (of Shrmga,rr)r, co. Cork), livory to his hail', ·lOU,.!. Wm., pn.rd.on to his m ou, 4492, 440.1:. WillitLID, pnruon, 02D, 1442, 171$40, .20:!3, 2,lD2, OIl:W. Wm. boye, pn.rdon,2~Oli, 2nD\). Wm. duf, pn.rdoD,27-1G. Wm. 1hz Dl1,vill, pm'tloD , 10-H, H~'l, 647G. Wm, fltz Edm., pnrU.on, 207, 10.')1, 2~ml, 4494. William cgInnnclltz Gc.irl'oy, IIll,l.'<lOll, 1044. Wm. fltz Nioh., prIordOD,.2D30. Willinm fitz Potor, Ill""ni of l'Du, ~~35. Wm, fitz Peire, pardon, 6476, roworc9COur~ POWOl't:lt.!Otll'ti- POWOl'llSCOl'l; - 2M2. S/ !t! POW"Ol'fiCourt. Powcr911ryll - Pouol'smill, Rass, co. Wc.:s.:., Powol'skolll't,. 1672,31117. POwCl~t.oJl-rOUOl'Bton, co. Car, , 80S,12~O. POWCl'R\,Oll, co.Dub., B46, 1223, ISBOS. Powcrs[ioll - POU01'9~Oll - Powcrstone - 1"lOW01'Rt,ownc, co. Kilk., 2942 i rcctory, 123.1, nos!!, '1.709, 6770. Sec n.lso Poarstoun. POWl~l'swooll, 66!H, Powcs, Da,vid, pa,l'uoll, 'H60. Powhol', J:Llnl~s, panlon, 2·101. PowlCllCl\' cig-lw (PolbUloY O:l,gh), co. Gn1., fi23G. l)owloston-l"lollustoD -Pouols1;pn - PoulcstOll - POWlCRtowllO - Powliston (Paul!)town ?) , co. liillt., 2117, .23<:10, .2-1.4..1, !HGl, ~100, 28H, !HHO, 2tlo.1:2, 152,tl, M,n . See o.L~o Pa.ulis- ton. Powloycuny, co. COl'k, unlll. !'owlillg"tl, Jol1n, Pfl.l'llOll, OlRO. 1"lowlh3Lon. Sl.'~ 1'O\'l1C6\.On. l"lowlytwohlll (l!O. OlH'k P) , 2210. POWl', ]jllm. 1Hz Ww. m 'Dn.viu, pardon, 47Ul. PUWl'O, Allt hony, conuni~slt)l1, 082. D:will JU:.: Uou.. l111.l'tlon, 40115. Bllm. 11t:.': l\Inl'iHh, pn,rlloll, 0:\(14. John llLz Juhn ntz Edm., pnrtioD, oGIH. In I'll, e01n1\li!:j8ion~ 082. l 'oil,tlol..' m 'Roll., pr~nloll, 05c;.j. llich., pn.l'lloll, 3166. Rob. m'l\(ori8h, l)u.rdol1, 615&1. Rowlu.ud, t)U,l'dOD, 151531. PowrcBCOUl·tO. Sec l'oworecourt. l'owl'oston (00. Wn ~ 1), j330. .POYll, Du.Vid m'Shen.D, pn.rdQn, 6006. 731 KEEPER oJ!' THE PUBLIO REOORDS IN IRELAND. INDEX TO FIANTB.-ELlZAllJlTa Poynlng'slo.w cited, 8B4, 1606. Poyntstown, co. Tip. Sec Poiostowne. Pmemunire, oUencas against, pnrdoned, a083. PraskY, MnouricB llll, pa.r(IOD, MGG. P rati,ton (co. Meath 1),3035. Prott, Ohristopher, pa.rdon, 4111 i 1030se, ·i-i3l. Ellen, pension, 2322. Willia.m, le3.8e, aSH) i grunt of right at presentatio n, 3389 ; comlUission, Gen-ott, pardon, 3140. Henry, pardon, 6740. James (of NewCllStle), pa.rdon, 929. 1984James (of B:ill}'iernoke), pardon, 4344. 4968, 6534. Ju.mes, priest, pa.rdon., 3914. James, pa.rdon, G180, 6466., 6480, 6511, G706. G5~1, 6539, 0564, Jeflrey - JefIerie, pardon, 5763. Prencher, commission to , 6915, G090 j pI·CSCDtn-tion of, 6330, GGS!) i prea.cher of God's S32S, 4609, liSO!, 6519, 6521, 6~32. John prebenMl')' of Morn, Word, 6471. Preacbers, Sec Dominicans. Prcbau, co. 'W ick., 2202. Precentor, son at, 9S5. Precepturies of Hospit..1.l of S. John of Jorn· salem. See Aney, Ardcs, Clonnn.ll, co. Tip., Kilbarry, co. Wo.t., Kilbeg, co. KUd., KUcloggn.n, Kilheclc, Killorgo, Killure, Kilmn.ynbn.mbeg, Kilsaran, Marne, Tully. Precba.n, Donell m'Tirlogh DC, p:udon,150B3. Predcrgnst, Maurice, p n.rdon,44!l1., co. Cork. See Premetstone, co., ·i-i11. - Pl·inuerg..l.St - Pl'cndeg!\st - Prendcrc· - Prendergas Prcndel' ~ Pren.d er· gn.ste - PrendergestPl' - PrcnUrccast - Pl"inderco.sse Prindcrga.s - Pl"indergn.sse 4139 i claims treasurer- ship of WaterIord, 3891. John roo m'James, pardon, 1600,2116. J ohn, pardon.lOG5, 2424, ~S91, 0180, tU71, 6521, 0520. Katherine, pa.rdOD, 6479, Margaret, pardon, G1SO. Mary, pardon, 4714. lliurice, pardon, 1690, ~71G, 281~. Morghe, pardon, 924Morish - Morris - Mori ce. pM'don., 40G8, (;248, 6519, CHi!!l, 6532, 6i65. :Moyler, pardon, 5i·l0. P:Ltrick, pardon, 496B. Plillip. pardon, 0532. nedmund, pardon, 2067, 6155. - Prindergtl2tc-Pl'indir- nichar d, pa.rdon, 42G4, 4814, C!l.sse - Prillllh·gnsLe - David, pro·don, :;140. Donoglt, p:tl"(l on, 0511. Edm., clerk, paruoD, 33~9. Edm. 11 tz J a.mes, pm·don, 4.935,62'22,6305, G4!l5, G56S-G, G76G. lOGO, 28!lI, 3328. Rum. duftc, p ,~rdo n . 5403. Ec.lmunu, pardon, 30GO, 0619, 0521, G1532, G500, 016:5. Ed ward, pa.rdon, 0534. Ellen, pardon, 0619, GG24. Go.l'rott, pn.rc.lon, G51D. " Prondorgn.s~, Robert, pru-don, 934, 1018, 2260, 2271. 2-188, 2776, 4.609, 64IiG, 6519, 0521,6165-6. Thom:J.s, pardon, 938, 1005, 10nS. 1912, '2116,2812, 3328,4526,4G09, 0248, 6466, 6118, 6321-2. WoJ.ter, pa.rdon, 1G90, 4264,4395, 6243, 64.6G, 2891, G!-12, 2116, 61no, G~~l. Willil1m, pardon, 2424, ~881, 2891, 6466. Sec ulso pryndergnst. Geoffrey (of Newcastle, co. Tip.), pardon., D20, 11182,'s lands or country to be :ciade shira ground, 1555, 2768. 2901,16106. Geoffrey (01 Da!ly- Prerog;l.tive troyoJ) exerted to continue aD expired statute, 4090; to gmnt protection mOlToghow1 co. elm'o), agu.inst leg:ll process, 6as5. pn.rdon, GSO'. Prerogative Court, commissioners a.ppointed Oeo!frey, pn.rdon, 2891. with powers simi..1!l.r t.o Gerold, pal'don, 2080, 6248, the Prerogative Court Gtl21,0534. of Cant~rbury, ~gO. Gor1'Qd, pardon, 052l. .732 APPENDIX TO TWJ1lNTY-Slil(lOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX: TO FIANTs.-ELIZADETH. Prerogative CoUrt, master of (arohbishop ot Dublin), 4706. deput, , 4T06. 1S2G1 ; SCt! Pl'iststone. Plincotown, co. Moa th. Sec PrYDston. Prindercn.sso-Plindargn.s - PrindergasSQ_ judges of, G611, 6729. genorn.lsubstitut.e or Btu'- rogate, 4439, 44fi~, Priesthaggm'd, co. W 6x. . Sea Prish.ggard. Priost,town, co. W08tm. 6261. Sea Prender- gast. receiver of fines,liM5, Gli2G. Prindcrgrn.sse, Rob.:pn.rdon, 47aa. PrintUrcasse - Prinuirga..c;t - PrindirgastePrescot, Thomn.s, marshal of courts, 2267. See Prenderga..c;t: ,Prescott, Humfrey, pardon, 6624. James, clerk of requests, 2141S i Prior, Edm., pardon, 4003,0118,6312, MGli. . gmut of n. wardBbip,,1540; lonso, Patr' l pardon, 278!t " - 8012, Presenta.tioUB, note o.s to, 281. Report, p. ai. Presteston,co. Tip., 1001. Preston, . Ohristopher. Sec S~ XXI. GOl'm..'\ DstOD, Pl'iorstown: Sec Priorton. or DelviD, licence to marry, SDS ; pu,rdon of nJienatioD, SGU. James (at BaltIltl.don), livery, . S81G ; commission, '1462 i ward- . ship of heir, 5020. Jonico. count. Priorston"':'"Prioriston - PJ.'loratonc-Priorstouno-Prior8towne-Pryoli ~ loD, co. Tip., 181G,l1l08, 20GO, 2078, 2038, 0101S-0. viscount. Eleanor (or Talbot,), 5020. . Ellzabeth, widow of ooron Rich., pa.rdOD,GS12.6506, 6511, G5l6. Pl'iol'sfnl'm, in Dunboyne,'llS8 . Priors pnrk, Olanma!, 61SGIS. See GOl'manstoD, vis- Pl'iors waren, co. Dub., 83l. Priors woir, co. WORtm., 461, 6760. Priors wood, co. Dub., 6426. PriOl'ton (Priorsliown), co. Louth. 6416, 5801. Priorton modo-Pl'iortowue mc.mde, co. Ktld., 453,155B. Priortono, co. Kild., 5145. Priol'tone, co. Tip., 0132 . . Robert ' (ot Bo.lmadon), 24D i Prior~Qwno mando. Sec Priorlion m ede. livery t o heir, 887G. Prionratownc,oo. Lim., 100-1. Robert (of Balrnadon), wnrdship, Pri, haggnrd - P"lshcgcrd (Priesthnggard), co. W ax., 61541, 0142. W20. Prisooe (co. May o I), 4B7~. 'rhomas, pardon, G280. William. S~ Gormanston, vis- Prisoners fces to marsho.l, 4109; pn.yment . count. ~. for diet, ' sn12-S ; profits from prisoners Preston (perhaps Piarcetown), co. Meat h, grant ed to sorjeant at arlllS, 151G6. 11T4. Priststono (Prlcsttown), co. W e.. tm., sa4a. Preston, co. W cstm., 6583. "Privy OouDcil, clark of, 210.2. Sec Council. Prestonghe, co. KUd., 4920. in Englnnd, lotter from, 2516 i Prestoun (co. Westm. 1), 017B. Irish Cn.UflO deponding be. Preys, compensation f or, 4108. fore, 6830. Sec Oouncil., Dermod mlDonagh I, pardoD, ProCMsion maar in Kilmainlmm, 1540. G467, 6611. Proc1n.1Dl\tion, wo.rrnnt for pub lication, n9. Prices, enhanced by illegal exports, 8S8. for Rurrontlot' of prior of Kilof hn.y, oats, &c., 1000, 1600, 2621 ; of mn.inho.m, 0184. victual lor soldiers, 2201 i n.llowod of p~1'80nS indicted of trooson, . for meals given to soldiers, 2621. lBSB. See Vo.lue i Viotuals. o ~ gono1'n.l pm'don, 3101, 4018, Pricketstoune, co. Meath. 6712. 4030, 61BO. Prickysheyes (00. KUk. I), 5804. for oontinuing wino duty Prlerstonne (co. Tip. I), OT05. "ftor expiry of statute Pri6s~ pardoned, BD1, ~21Sri, 22tHl, S3M, 8D14, granting it, 4000. 44T3, 4611, 4618.46D1,460B, 4TH, ~T5~, Proctor, 2000. 4834, 4860,4008, !SOOri, 6227, 6«S ~ 5451, Prodemghto or Rit horiohc, William, liconce 6602,5798,6183, 6200,6001, OlllSO, 0674, of n.bsonco, ~42. 6618, 0662, GaBS, 671.2,6186. Pl'ohus, 00. Oork. Sec Pruhas. a Mary priest, 4080. Promloston. · Sct! Prolllpelston. Prtcst.q excludod from pardon, 6461. I'l'Ompelnn-Prompellan, co. KUdo, 1401,8110. mass, excluded from pardon, 0407. Pl'ompeJaton-Promloston .- Promplestoune II . sominary I exoluded from po.rclon, (Prumpelstown), co. KUd., ~593, BBSB, 0771. 6i61, (1778, Prond.vUe, Edm., attllillder, 6UT, KEEPER OF THE PUBLId RECORDS I N m~LAN D. INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZABETH. Prontlivill,John, priest, pardon, GIBS. Pronewill, John, plll'dOD, 615lil5. Rich.. pa.rdoD, 015515. Protections mn.y be granted by chief com- Puntaghan (Puttaghtln), KIng', co., 52'. Purcell-Pursell-Pureoell- Purshell-Pnrslll-Pnrssell : .!!lastace fltz Pair, pardon, 4609. missioner of U1stor.I5I5I5~. David, pordon, 6803, 6S71. Proudfootstown, co. See Pl'outfotcsEdmund, pa.rdo~ 911, 1050, 1888, ton, Prowtiordeston. 2294, 2474, 2783. 3960, 4659, 5247, Proudstown, co. Meath. Sec Pl'Outiston. 6389, Gl1D, 6338, 6619, 6522. 6534, Prout, John, pn.rdon.~MI5. Sec Prowto. OS05,6700. Proutfoteston(Proudfoot!;towll, co. Meath 1) Edm. (of Aghaloy), _don, 6100 a91~. Sec also Pn.rtafurdestoD. Edm. (or Crogh), pardon. 4-115, Proutiston-Prowtiston (Proudstown), co. 6446 ; pardon to his sons, 6446. Meath, ~16, 382, 4a4. Edm. dulfe, pardon, 6565. Prouvelli, lands of, 15312. Edmund fone, pardoD, 2080. Provisions. Sec Victuals. Edm. · fttz Geoffrey or Jefferie, pardon, 186S, OS6S, G6~8. ProvostIIL.'l.rsbo.l generoJ. or vice marshal of tho army (Reos ap Hugh), 2005, Edm. fttz Ja.mes, pardon, 6564. 6020,0100. Edm. fltz Morish, pardon, 64<0. Edm. fltz Nich., pardon, 6447. (provinci..'\l). Sec Conno.u",ht, LeinsEdmund fitz Patrick, pardon, 911, ter. 2284, 2463, 2183. Pro me, Da vid, pardon, loio. Edm. fitz Philip, pardon, 6M5. Philip,pardon, 0100. Edmund lltz Piers, pa.rdon, 24G3, Rich., pardon, 61615. G628. Tho., po.rdoD, UriS4. Edmund fttz Richard, pardon, 2005, Pl'Owtfordeslion (l}l'oudfJot..'3liown), co., 8504. 6440. Edm. fitz Rob., pardoD,4531, 6537. Edm. fltz Willia.m. po.rd.on, 1184. Edm. oge, _don, 6440. Edm. roe, pardon, 65C5. Ed word, pardon, 4030. Edw. fltz Jeffery, pardODI 0«0. Ed w. fltz Tho., pardon, 644.0. Ellean, po.rdon, 4764. Ellen, pardon, 3496 1 4385. EP.en leigh, :pardon. 6248. Ellinor, pardon, 6248. Prowlifot, Rob. , pn.rdon, 3D12. ProwtistoD.. Sec ProutistoD. Pruck:lisht.()w~ co. Long. Sec Prulsan. Pruhes (prohus, co. Cork P), 05GO. Prulsan (Prucklishtown 1), co. Long., 5Q!i2, 6101. PrnmpelstowD, co. Kild. See Prompelston. Prusselstown. OJ. Kild.. Sec Ba.llypercivoll. Pryudergas, William l clerk, pa.rdon, 2260. Pryndergast. W m , pa.rdon, 410S. Prynes park, co., l ·iOO. Prynston (Princetown), 00. Meath, HOO. Pryoriston. &c Pdorston. PryOrstoWllo (co. Lim. or Oork 1),2311. 'Pubblebrien, co. Lim. See Pobelbdon. Pubble, country of, eo. Car. 1 4043. Publebreno. Sec Pobelbrion. Puble Dromo (Poble Drom. now the pCU'i!:L Garret, pa.rdon, 64.19. Geolfrey (o! BnJlyfolll, BnJIyfowill, or Ballyfonill, co. link.), pardon, 960,1923 i cows stolen from,S186. GeoJIrey, pn:rdon, 911. 1890, 2033, 2329, 3866, 6440, 6100. I I Geoifrey fitz Redmund, pardon, 6564. Geoffrey:fltz Robert, pardOD,IB67. Geoffrey fttz Robnet, pardOD, 612!l, of Ardoyne)1 co. Oar., 61)..1., co. Lim., 6182. Poggealy, Rob., eschea.tar, commission, 2323. Pulkana, co. Cork, 2D41, 5103; Pnliagh, 00. Tip., ~90~. PnllaghboJ.J.enow8, Queen's co' 1 1522. 3945. Pulles, Wm., pardon, 8621. Pollford, Vrian, pardon, G624. Pollington, co. Wex. See Pollonton. Pc.lliEI, 00. Mon. See Pnllice. Ptills of Jand-~ called i quarter, co. Cav.. 8 known as Uthe town of," co. Cav., 5SiD. Bee Poll. Ptmchersgrat,ge. See Ponchore=g. PtmoIiC8~W1l, 00, XIld, S!4 l'QDQh••toJl. 6309, 6484. Geoffrey fltz Tho., pardon, 3268, 88BS. Geolfrey fltz Tibbot or Tibbalt, rardon, ~Oa1, 6583. Geoffrey fltz Wm., pardon, lllH. G ~offrey reogh, pardon, 6440, &628Gerold, pardon, 18'5. Helen, pardoD, 3626. " Henry, t:&rd )D, 2368. JaIl1 ' 8, . ""t- ,hnl1f QO. W.terlord, pardQr 1 Je.l!, 4nr;\ . :734 APPENDIX TO TWENTY-SECOND ltE PO RT OF TUE DEPUTY INnEX TO F lANTS.-ELIZADEm. Purcell, James (of BI\Uycol'mick), l)o,l'don, 0442, 6610, 010G. James, pardon, {lU, 11&1, 1804, !l1-10, S541, 3852, 4280. 6408, 6+10, (j510. James fit.z DenisD, pn.l'don, -H01. James fltz Gaol1rcy or Jeffery, pardOD, 0440, 0506. (lO::!8. In.mcs fltz John, pardon, 5208. James fitz John glassc, IJo.rdoD, a100, J ames 1Hz Patr., pnrdOD, 6'140,6501, 6G28. James f}t.z P hili'p, PllJ'dOD, 1005, 5525.6565. James fitz Rioha.rd, p:u'Jon, OriO , 1068, 1806,5211, 0166. James fitz Robnet, pal'uon, O·lS'1, 670J. Jam es fitz Wm., pardon, lOGS, 2036, DBOO, 3000,4380, 6765. James fttz \VDl. See JfLmoB (of Da.Uyconnick). Jnmesm'Pt1t.rick, P:l.l'tlOD, (ino·t J ames ru'Pllilip, pnl'don,l!HB. James m'Sbane glifl.<;jo, pn..l'don, M40. James m'Wm" pn.l'tlon, G565. James boye, pn.rtlon. GJ·W. J !1.1nCS leigh fit? Ricll., l'm,l'<lon, 6'110. Jl1tmCS re.lgh, p~I'llon , 2{H3. James roe fltz JUUlCS lu'Gilpa.t l'ick, pnrdon. ~OSO. Je'JIery, pardon, 04-10, G70G, John, pa.ruon, 25H, (Hill, 6571, G133. J ohu, alin.'I Fel'clorogh, p..'trdoll, 78::!, 650.11~j. 160S. 1957. 2003 . 2Gl15. J ohn fit? Euruond (of BOl'l'isolci[!h), p..'\rdoD, 050, 1051, 2635, ,1[120. S Ct~ Joho, fl,liM FOl'uol'ogh. John fi t z Etlm. (01 Pottulmth). \1:\1"' clan, 2948. JI.1II11 JU.7. JlI[1'cl'in, l1!Ll'tlOIl , 0-1-10, OaM. John fll,7,l)'ick, p:1tl'llon, (HO 1. J ohn 1Hz rhllil'l, pardull, UIi:U;I. John fitz Plel's, lI~IJ';lon, 62·!H, 0706. J ohn lltz 'rhcobltlU, lllu'llon, IhH, John fitz 'rho., 11M'tion, O!!,lB, UHU, 05S1. John Iltz 'l'ibllO~ pnrilon. Dnn. OHO. John fit ? Wi11il\.m, pa,l'uon, oem, 11IH. 2035. G4>10. J olm gln.!;so, pnrtlon, 3000. John Rich,, 1)tlal'don, 0180, Od'HI. J ohn m'Philip, pm'tlon, 2002, or iIlO, 11artloD, 0401. LeonMd, pn.rdoD, 2006. Mttrgarc!', plll'uon, G;Jfi1. Niuholas, po.ruOD, lS00. I'o.i.riek, pnl'don, 1061, ~078, 2~8'1. 2788, 2891, 20·12, (1060,4050, 4476, '170·1, 4U 3 ~. 600~, 04-10, 0110. Purcell, I'l1ttl'i uk (of Dl·Ufl'). pnrdon, 0401 . I'u.trillk (of Kilbghera), pardon, ueos. ·16RO. r utr. (of Li1{olly), pardon, 4019,4811. l'utr. uulr lltz Rich., pn.rdOD, 6440, 65G·I. p"tr. lit? navy <lul (or dowel. pardon, lS74, 2100. l)'. 11tz Jamoo, l'ml'don, 0704. l )n.t.r. fltz Jo(1'01'io, pardoD, 070G. fltz Philip, pa.rdoD, 3888. Pat.rick fitz Piers or POirce, pardon, 11S'1, 2'iGa, 3080,3607,1)(109, 0122. l)atl'. fitx Ri!!h., ll.:'trdoll, 44Dl. I'nt riek tltz Holmot 01' m'Robenet, l'ftNlon , 0309,6'181. rat rick flLz \Villia.ID, 11m'don, 9~O, 11H4. G60·1. l'ai,l'iek m'J:l;lllOR, pa,r tlon.,1018. l \ 1ttricl{ oj~c, lln.ruoll, 20tUi, 4GO:i. Pn.Ll'. ogeo, pn.rdon, 33G5. ll:1ttr. roo, p(wc1on, 630!). PotCl', l'obbury l,y, 3180. PUWI'. Sec Pw'cell, Piors. P.3k)t , ptt.nlon, 011, 1011, 2291,6706, G161. PctO l' Utz Tho" pn.r.:toll, Gl00. l'lhilip, pludoll, !lDGO, 40G8, 0101, 6:iG4. 1'11iUp (of UaUyphull). pn.rdon. 6565. l 'bilip (of Log-hmo), p1\1'(l on, 4385. l'hllip 1ltz Garrot., pardoD, 0184. I'11ili.p flt? Jamos, pl1nIan. 6180. l)lli1ip lltz PiOl'S, partIon, 1184, 3:i01, 3000. rhilip m'Philip, 11tl.}'(loll, 3000. l)hilip m'RohOl't, P:1tl'(1011, 200G. l'hitip mll'l'hooll!tltl. Tllcabott or 'l'ilibot, ll:u'llol1 , :lUn, 15211, GI09, 0:i19. Ilhilip m"Villium, pardon, 2065. Piul'l'lor Put.ct' (of Cl'ogh, co. Lim.), l IiU·t!Oll, !!7H3, 4,115, GHO ; burgn.ges of,IIl71. Pim'M or POil'RC, 111\l'UOU, 05JO, 0565, 0706. l'iol'M 111;r. JIt/m o.'!, paruon, 6101. l)icrs lltzlIor1ah, pnrdon, 0'.1010. IJiors ftt:.: l\I.Lr., pltl'don, G60li. l'lOl'i:I Hhr.ltoh, llll.l'lIOD, 4600. Ilill1't-111 t,7, (1'110., pu.rdoll, 0222, O~ l D, 6685. U~llhul1na (o! Gr[t,igorawo), pardoo, 010G. R Otlmund flLz Ednmn<l (of Oralgel'ltW), pM'lIon, 1184, 2GSli. R 0l1111nml ilt.2i In.mcR, pardon, l gQ~. RUltmtltlll fitz Jofi'el'io, po.rdoD, 0«0, (lliGG, G70G. R mlmmul fitz Robort, pardon, 0765. R odmund r oogh (a! Gmigam;v). 1l1lJ"don, 050, 1306, 1000, mo, 61~. DlIIPllIR OJ' THllI PUBLIO RllIOORDS IN IRllILAND. 7815 INllEX TO FlANTS;-ELIZABETII. Purcell, Richard, pa.rdOD, 911, 1611, 1784, 203~, 2085,2424, 4371,4181, G440, G44G, G.O.. Rich. (of Brownstown), pa.ruoD, 6440. Rich. (of Graigerawe), pa.rdOD, G100. Rich. (of Kilmocar), pardon, G5G5. Rich. (of Loughmoe), pardon, 6028. Rioh., alin.s Baron, P:1l'dOll, 2().iS. Rich. 1Hz Denise, pardon, 4491. Rich. fttz Edm., pm'don, 1800. Rich. fitz John, pnrdOll, 0'140. Rich. Pl\tric~ pardoD, 2051, 3298, 3501,3806. Rich. fttz Redmund, pardon, 61564. Richard fitz Theobald, pardon, 91\0. Rich. fltz Tibbot, pardon, 6440. Rich. fl~z William, pardon, 1184-, 6<91. Srowe (of Clonedotie), pardon, G,HO. SYl'owe (ot Ballyduell), pardon, 65G5. TheobaJd, pardon, 4S86. Theobald fitz Pl1tr., P~l'dOD, 6104. Theobald fitz Rodmund, pa.rdon, (15615. Tbeobald fitz Tho., pardon, 6566. Thomas, baron of Loughmoe, par. don,900, 198(1, 4411. Thoma.s, pardoD, 911, 1i4-ti, 1012, 20CC, 203ti,27oo, ~940,4476, caoo, CHO, 05G5. Tho. (01 BurrisJei~h), pardon, 1080, 010.;. Tbo. (of Fonlkrath), pardon, 1931, 2635. Rich. mCPierB, pardon, 3UGa. Rich. m'William, pardon. 1976, 3900. Rich. moell, pa.rdOD, 6165. Richard more, pardon, 950, 1866. Richard more fltz Wm., pardon, 1 91;9,4059. Richard more m'Shane, po.rdOD, 6440. Richard rWD fitz Pers, pardon, 1889. Robenet-Robinct-Robnet-Robenede, pardon, 1008,1343, :l700, 294.2, 4286, 5155, 539 •. Robenet m'Jefl'rey, pardon, 1184. Robenat (Robonat), att.~inted, 5404. See Robnet, Romnet. Robert, marsbalof the four courts, B86. Robert, pardon, 911, 1617, 18G8, 1887, 1800,2038,3268, 4787, 6091, 6522,6537, ~505, Purcell, SivM1, wife of Edm. Leo, pD.l'don, 610G. Rob. (of Olone), p~rdon, 0531, 6706. Robert fltz Edm., pardon, 1865, 2002, 5248. Robert fltz Geflri, pardOD,20157. Robert fltz J~mes, pardon, 1885, 2041. Robert fltz Patrick, pardon, 1184, 2030. Rob. m'Philip, pardoll, 3060. Robnet, pardon, 3900, 6565. Sec Robenet. Robnet lltz Jeffery, pardon, 615615. Robnet fitz Philip, pardon, G56~. Robnot fltz Rich., p"l'don, 6565. Robnot fltz Tho., po.rdon, 0565. Robonol, attainted, 5404. Romnet, pardon, 1885, 208a. Shaine fitz Theobald, pa.rdon, 9150. Shane m'Gilpatrlck, pa.rdon, 2030. Shana m"l'hcobald, pardon, 6109. Shane m 'William, pardon, 2002. 4310. Tho., pardon to SOD, 33615, Tho. fitz Edm., pardon, 45~5. Thomas fltz Ja.mes, pnrdon, 1917. Thomars .lltz Philip, pardon, 911, 203:1, I5GU, 6440. Thomas fltz Piers, pardon, 1184, 204G, !lS3i, 2801, 5069, 6140. Tbo. fltz Redmund (Purcell I), par- dOD, 0565. Thomas fitz Robert, pardoD, 1184, 19S9, 2030, a060, 0·184. Tho. fitz Robnet or m'Robenet, pn.rdon, 380G, GOOn, 64 84. Thomas fltz The:lua.ld, pnrdon, 911, 1)50, 1184., 2635, 2959, S060, 64-10. Tbo. fitz TholllD.s, pardon, 2059, 9900. TholllD.S fitz Tihbo~ p>rdon, 1801, 2080. Thomas fltz Willinm, pardon, 900, 1184, GiGti. Thomas m'Gilpa.t rick, pardon, 1916. Tho. m'Wm. beg, p:trdon, 4B60. Tho. oge, p""don, 0106. Tho. roe, pardon, 20S6. Tibbot fitz James, pardon, G -ao. Tlbbot fit, Patrick, pardon, 0.65. WaJb31" pn.rdon, 2038, li244. Walter gM, pa.rdon. 3133. W nltel' leigh, pardon, 18S3, 2046. Willia.m, house in Dublin, 2300. Wm., P(U'dOD, 3541,3852, 433G, 0522. Wm. (of Aghalcyl, pardon, 010G. W m. fib: Edm., purdOD, 6704. Wm. fltz John, pardon, 0113, G419. Wm. fltz Piers, p3.l'don, 1184, 51507. Wm. fltz Redmund, pardon, 950, llB4, G6M. Wm. fttz Rich., P8J"dOD, 4491, 4869t 0<40,6484. Wm. tltz Wm., pardon. 6109, 8564. . 30 736 APP·ENDIX TO TWENTY.SECOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZADETH. Purcell, Wm. m''iclt. llflrcloll, 20nO. Wm. m'Tho., lxn'<lon, 30S7. Purcell bog, Edm., va.rdon, tSar. II . Parcell gla~ John. 11:1.1'flon, 1801S. Pnrc.:!l\ more, Peter 01' r i~ i':~. pa.rdon, 1001. Purcell rcng-ho, Rcdmuml, 1000. Sec Redmund roogh PUl'coll. Purcell rowe, Wm. m'Ja.mcs, p3.rdOD, uno. Furcolston, co. Westm. (sec PcrsolstowDe), ~92~. Purchcstowne (pureellstown 1), 00. Louth, 1m. Pordome;Simon, pension, 16GO. PurdoD, Gilbert «()f T:\1l:.\.~b), pn.rdOD, G7G8. John. pa.rdon, (170M. Simon, pcnSiOnCll', nooo. Purpoyiute, Anno. Ree. Pcrpoint. Purscell-Pursc1l. SI?C PIll'cell. . Pnrsellstowne- P nr,;;cllit.ownc, CD. Llm.,lnn. See llnrccll. Pursill. Patr.) 461!). See Pm'coll. Purssoll. See Puroell. PursIDVo.nt·s n.~ arms appointed, OB08. Qnarrownchashill (Om'1'OWoaelan, co. Sligol), 0800. Quartor Jordana, 1409. Qua.rt,er or CM'OW at In.nd, 8217. 01' carncn.te, 0820. 01' Illoughland, 0781-2. fourMll art of a town oflnnd, OS8~. ' =: 1- olnt,l 'ollS (sce Cn.l'tran), 62155, ti8fl6, &t~. Purpoint.e. A:rnei!. Sct'.lll.!l'poynto. Purshell, John; 4:12'3. Qu:tdo, Mmlrico, English llborl.y, 180. Qnn.hil'l'ol1tLgll, (,,'0. Oork, 1613, Qnn.llan, Mn.urino m"roig- I, prmlon, 2511. O,nnno, M:Ll'gnrot, 01' Marino, pr-u'uon, ZaaG, Q,uarloRRo, .Tonn.t:tn, grl1nt, 15020. Quu,1'1'oko1110 (sccOn.l'l'owkccl, co. Rose.) 6808. Qua1'l'owcmoro (O:1rrowmore, co. Rosc. P), _ 120 [Wl'CR, 3217. = 80 n.C l'OS (co. Kerry), G111. => no [l.Cl'CR (co. Ant.rim), 15100. ~ ;1O aCl'OH (co. Kor1'Y), 6111. cC],ui vnlonb in En glish ncres, 5781-2, l lOillg fourth part of 0. (co. 'flp.), li9150. BUlIl,H, 6803. Pursnivant, Athlonc, 1502, S~ '.W, 6180, M118,li029. QUflotiormn.a, Edrn" pardon, 4838. 51107-8, 4·m-3, 5000-10, 0710. Purta Do (Porto.n), co. Me:.tb, 016, SliBl , Purt.ell, Rob. reogh, pardon, G419. Putt"ghan, King' s co. Sec l'ottnghan, Pouttingham . Pwrscttc aton, co. Wcstm., 107li, Pycn.rdiston. See P ic:J..rdesoon. Pyoree, Wm., capL See P iers. Pyerce or Piers. William. See Piers, Pyers, Edm. fttz James, pn.rllon J/62. Garret tUz<I., pardon, 3i:;2. James age, p3.l'<lon, J102. John oeg, pardon, S1ii2. Rich. :fltz James, lltl.1'don, 87152. Pyorso, Willinm. See Piers. P yoraten. Sec Piel'ston, co. Month. P yerston IAndy. See Ple\,.ton Lo.wncly. P ylold, Itobort. Scc Pypho. Py ggotte-Pygott. Sec Pjgo t~ PyncGl'iston, co., 1800. Pynckoslon, Gemld. Sec P inkoston. Pyne, John, po.rdOll,1!2S1. Pynnocko, Micho.Ql, l.mmt, of 0. wl\rulihip, G119. Prnnooko-Pynock, 'l'lWlUlLB, houl:lo in Dub- John. oocon<1 romombrn.ncer of the Exchequer, 2,166, 271, nOD, 440, 800, 1600 j house in Dublin, IB11j lease,lM9. T homas, pn.rdon, S!)I'i~ j marshn.l ot · occlesiastical high collrt, OS88. Qun.tormn.ssbo, Rosinn.. 2124. Queen's a.ttol'noy (src Attorney genera.l), 1906. Bel! !.LIsa OonnH,nght, Munster. Queon's Bonch. Sec Ohief Pl.eo, court 01. Quoon's county, commission nnd return sotting out bounda.ries of the county (in U61), 07Bn i Il'cgan to be surveyed and added to county, 101<, ~1lS: Upper 0 880),y united, GalO. or Lob, 8nn. pOl'Sons indi.cted at tres.son to bp pl'oelaimod, laSS. mOll of, pn.rdoncd,891, 1113, 1110, .214G. S601, 9108, S826, lin, 1672, 0170. 421H, ti3q7, 6110, &0. war by O'More.lI, 1219 i Pypho, Jonet, pardon, 81·10 . O'Mooros of, Qxcepted P ypbo-Piloldo-PillhO-Pi!lboo-Pipholdfrom pardons, 66.51, G~Gl , Pylold-Pyphol<1, lIoilor, (o! TIollywOOtI), pOl'son oltlployed in, dissenescha.l of dig~riot wust of Wiuk loW' charged from o.ppero1Lnce mouuto.ins, H16 i ~h critr of Eiltlll,t'O, IBM j in court, 2343. commissiolls, li82, UtiS (bi.'f), DO!!, 1100, 1<110, tra volling uDsafe in, 6011. 18BO, 1834, B003, M8U, I'il!H, 0101; pal'don, Clommission to trea.t with 421, 70S, S146, 3-120; lO1\s09, 1(105, M4.6; Irish ot, 191. surety, 26813 j po,rdon o.t biB l:Iui t, 8006, KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS IN IRELAND• . 737 INDEX TO FIANTS.-EL1ZAllETH. Queen's county, commissions for mnster, Ull. 2346, 244.4, 15132. commissions of pence, 380, 542-3, SGOl, B0,51. 3150, 4066-7,4198, 4615, 4160. 1920, li342, 5353, 5881, 5038, 0054, 6203, 6326, 6458, M27, 6788. m ar tia.l la.w, 590, G82, 953, 1021, 1820, 1488, 2116, 216B, 2174, 2655, 2175, 2844, 2921, !l992,3143, 31415, 31500, 3790, 40H, 4190, 6028, 0281. commissioIlS to enquire of lands of carl of KHda.l'O. Queytrott. See Quetrod. Queytrott'sland in Kilma.inham, 1649. Quicke, Robert, pardon, 1621. Qniddy (See Cuddihie), ~997. Quidnenghe, Queen's co., 491. Qutdrathe, Irish (;ustOlll caUed,1564. Quite, Al·t m'Donogh I, pardon, 5116~. QUillagbnedoluske, co. GaL, 5901. Quillan, Daniel, 6034John, 6084.. Qullianf! (Cn.illa.un, co. Mayo), 140., 34l9. Quillen (Queen's co.), 654. QuUlenagh. SI!C Cullcnagh, Queen's co. Quillenaughe (Cullenag-h n, co. Wat. t 2978. 703,1153. lieutenant of King's and Queen's connties, G01, G37, Quillenonn.wan (King's or Queen's co.?) 3954. 28.5. seneschal, B19, lHlll, 2113, 2141, 2163-4, 2997 j persons par- QuiUin-Q uyllcn ~co. Wat.), 1002.2746. Quillindroghe (Cullendmgh), eo. Meath, doned to give sec urity bofore, 980; O'Mare to be answera.ble [or his Qnimerford-Quimereford - Quimerforde. Sec Comerford. Qnin, co. Owe. Sec Quinhy. Quin. Sec Quyn. QUinces, confection of, 827. Quine. See Quyn. Qninhy-Queyne-Quyn (Quiu), co. Clare, followers untU renounced before, an ; to proclaim persons indicted of trensoD, 1841. 3280. constable -of castle of Maryborough, 3482, 0209 ; govern- his powers for ment of the county. 11-:182. " sheriff, 963, 1027, 1320, 2113, ~1l7, ~346, 2519, 265:;, S.JliS, S590, 3848, 5132. clerk of the peace, &c., 1254, lI141. general of the forcea in, 5891, 6020, 0116, GS2ti, G40a. soldiel's in, not to 1ea\'e their pL'1.ces, 601. grant! of land in, 490-501, 60:5-12, 614-11, 1i18-!J, :5:21. 529Sl,liSS-8,li4.0, 6~9, linG, 612,647, 6826, 6593, &c' l conclitions attached to grants, 414, 490,3060. licence to demiso la.nds waste trom rebellion, ~85~. Queitrot t, James. See Quetrod. QueTIenagh -Quellena.ghe. See Cullenagh, Queen's co. Quamerford -Qo.emborford- Quembirford -Quemer!orda. Sec Comerford. Quetrod - Queitrott - Queytroit, James, surrender and lease, 11113, 1174 i a trustee, aBG6. Queyne. See Quinhy, co. Olare. Queyne, Tho, pardon, 6S0~. ~80S. house of FmncisC'.an friars leased, 8448,4214. QUintene, 'Vm., English liberty. 21137. Quirck-Quircke. Se~ Quirke. quirilcsh. Dcrmod m'Philip I, pardon, 651l. Quirke-Quil'ck- Qulrek e-Qu yrck : David, pardon, 6li:21, 6581. Deniciru;, pa.rdon, 12GB. Edmund, pardon, 6179. Edwn.rd. pardoD, 8113. Mahown m'Rieb. y, pardon, 3076. Thady m:Shean y, pardon, 8076. Walter, pardon, 6Ci19. William. pardon, 64GG, G:i19,6531. Quirke,ton (eo. Kilk. 1),2079. Qummerforde, In.mC's, pardon. 6G6L Quoan, John, vicar of Poilroa.n, MM. Quolc3teig(Ooollisteige), co. Clare. 8988. QUO)'llC, Hem·S". pa.rdon. 3639. Robert. p~l'don, 2329. pardon. 3S4j. Qurin-Qnryn (co. Clare 1), G~15. Quycke-Qwycke, Thomas, licensed to keep tenniB conrts, &c., 3288, 4131. Quylg<1ll. See Coylleg<1n. Quy l~ eo. Long., «18. Quyllen. See Quillin, co. Wilt. Quyllenaghe (Cullenagh, in pariB.h Killabban), Q1;leeu's co. 1698. Quyn. Sei! 'Q uinhy, co. OWe. 6808. w.m., 302 73B APPENDIX TO TWENTY- SECOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FI.A.NTS.-ELIZAllETn. Quyn-Quln - Quine - Quyne - Quynn-Qwyn-Qwyne : Bo.r n~by, pardon, 4081. Connor, pardoD, 40014. Donogh, pardon, 0768. Ellen ny. pn.rdan,OlDB, Garret, p~rdan, 6S83. Gero.1d. parden. OS07. Gerrott, pn.rdoD, 68~S. Huber\, pardon. 4980, Inyn dulte ne. pardon. 6100.' Iaanna.y, po.rdoD, 61Sl)(). James, pardon, 408G, 6611. Jeffery, p~on. 6383. John, tenement in Trim, 1114. Jahn, tenement in Kilmo.inha.m, 1122, 9018, John, pn.rdaD, 05S~, 01(14, 6118. Laghliu, tenement in Kihnainhn.m, 1722. S418. Morish, pn.rdoD, tlS02. Nicholn.s, pardon, 101, 4310. Qnorn. inie, pa.rdon, IHsoa. Redmund, pardoD, 6718. Richard. appoal by, Sl06. Richard, pardon. 6178. Robert. pardon, 0778. Teig, pardon, 6611. Thomas. pardon\ 6118. William. p~on, 4980, 6383. Qnynie, Joan ny. pardon, 0198. Quyn]a.nd-Qwinlllone, D~vid. pardon, 4600. Derby, pardon, "600, 6624. .rohn, pardon, OG24. Thomas, prudon, 6624. Quynn. Sec Quyn. Quynrahe. co. Cork, U20. Quyrek. Sec Quirko. Quyshen-Qwy,hen, Rodert ago. ~tmlntcd. 6781-2. S .. Cushin., Nleho\M, English liberty, 786. Qwomorford. SeeOomorford. Qwille, co. Gal.,4664. Qwllllsteiek, 00. Olare,la40. Qwinlaine-Qwlnlane. Sec Quyn1~nd. Qwyeke. Sec Quycke. Qwyn- Qwyne. Sec Quyn. Qwyr,n Olynomorlerta. co. Olare, 4274Qwy.h,n. Sec Quy.hen. Rl\bl'n.n ractory. co. Mayo, <iDOS. See a.lso Rn.Lhhmnnn.. Ro.l}rono.n (Rn.t.hbl'onnt'Ln), co. Rose., 6533. Rabuck- Ill'hutt, r cetor y 01 S. Mioh ~el, co. Long., 21H, 2806, .036. Ro.cnmon (co. Lim. I), 1337. Rncn.n, co. Lim. or Gork, 01505.,, co. Louth, 166U. Rachnnyn (co. Lim . 01' Oal'k P), 2817. Rachara (King', co. P), 4000. Rn.ckn.vr~ co. Wostm. &e Killenshonekin, Rathviebr. Ro.cko tt, Henry, pardon, 61015. Rackwalltwo, co. Mon . Src Rnmn.kmn.lli8. Ro.ckyni1y, co. nm~c .• 6068. Rn.COllbrn.ccn,n (Rntholonbl'LLclmn), King's co. 483,32RG , Ro.connoU. co. Mon. Sec Dn.llyrnconnyle. Rltoowlo (Un,thecol,"" co. D ub. p), 6-169. Ro.orohin-Ro.erohym (Ralherea I), Queen', co., '103, 3393, t5821. llo.croJghn.ll (Rll,Cl'ocghn.n), co. Mon., 6648. lto.cronn.n, co. Long., 6002. Rn.Ol'ogrm, co. Lim., 3814. (eo. Long. Pl. 6888. Rnct,ouro, Tho., merchant, 21)66. Rudelief - Rndolll - RadelilI - Radeli1le Rndolyl-Rudelyllo. See Radoelyf!. Raddlyowo (00. Sligo Pl. 6806. Sec Rathliew. R..'1.deoly 1I - Radellaf - Ro.delif - Rndc1i1IRadoUlIe -R~del yf- Hadelytro .- RMeeli! - ·Radecli1I-R..~telil-Ro.loli1I-Ratclyf, sir Henry,lientenn.nt at J~eix and Offnly, 4, 18. a19 i license of absence, 16 j takes oath at, 2~7 i commiesions, 193,223,226, 510- 80, a84, 642, 600, GOl, 682, 6186 i pardon, 4, 631 i )0[\,S08, 202-8, 2601. 2940, alltS i eo.rl 01 SUB,liOX, 0411. Rctdemal'o (Ree ltathmore, co. Kild), 31'6. Rrulford, Rogol', c)ark of the pance, Werlord, S078 i 100.80, 4004. Radin, 0441. Rudnol'Ahil'o. 6 8~4. Ra<lnywo (co. Kilk. 1). 20~a. Hadoncll. See Rathdonill, co. Car. Rmlowgin, co. 011.1'., 504. Rndrollngha (Rn.thdrlnngh), co. Meath, BB9. Rnclromo. Sec Ro.tlldramo, co. Wick. IllICl n:1I-RndnlIe. Sea Ro.lhdulI. co. Westm. Rt\t\~ l' oig'o, n.Uns Rathcl'oaghe, co. Lim., ~6S. Uuonygu,n (King-'s co. 1), 01M. EMo enc, co. rrip.! 502. !, John, grant., 1B21. Raas. (:0. Lim., 6110. ltt,fogoh. &o llnthlul gh. Rabl1ne, baron of. Sec Rebana. UI~fcl'ill\n, co. Down, USB, Rabia. S. Pet.crof, lUOnllSLol'Y, uo. Long., ·1171S. Rur,,,rnu,m,61102. Scc Hu.tll fn.rnn.m. Sec Monu.sterdel'gc. 1t.,IYoigb. Sec ll.:lt;hfoigb. Rabody (ll.:lthbody, co. Louth), 172B. Rn1Un-Rltlryn- .. ll.:lfIyno - Rafyne - HatbHabran. Sec Rnthbrn.n. co. Wlok. 1l110-RlmCol1, CO. Mot\tll, :laO, 8481, a869 , '149, Habran by .A.thy. co. KUd., 12'17. 4461. 4U06. 1660, DIPO OJ Till P17lILIO :aIOOBDII I1f BILAlm: 789 INDEX TO FIANTS.-EuZADETH. Rs!oade. co. Meath, 13620. Rafter, Tho ... 100. Rafyne. S.C Raffin. Ragar/-Ragarl. - R~garfe tt (Rathgarve), CO. Westm .. 6M3; rectory, 1080, 8418. RaganaDd (co. Meath 1), 400 •. Ragerroge (Rn.thgaroge, co. Was.. 1),1411. R.ggad, P eter, pardOD, 2424. Ragged, Edw., clerk of the crown and ponce, Wexford, 3626. 3678, 383·f., 4224:. Edw. (of Kilkenny), pardoD, 5394. Rich., messuage in Kilkenny, 6864. Rob., pardon, ~563. Wm.. fltz Rich., pardon, 6537. R o.gony (co. Westm. P), 6SS3. Ro.gol'ginc, co. Gal, 4856. R agowle, co. Tip. (see Rathcoule), 322. Ragrnieg, co. Lim., 6004-. Ragro '\\~e (co. Cork ?), 6164. Ragusa.. See Argnza, Ragyberry (co. Clare 1), 6BU. .0. Rn.b, the, co. Cwe, 65B,. Rah, co. Cork, GG,iO. See Ra.ben. Raba.gan (co. Kilk. or Tip. 1), 5053. Rahaile (co. Wsx. ?l, 0641. Raho1ban-Raholben, co. GaL, li!l311, ~2~1I. Raballe, 4UO. Raho.lron. See Rathn.1ron. Raggid, Edw., pardon, 0.0 •. Rahan, co. Lim., 5032. Nicb. f1tz P atr'l pardon, 2424. Rubann., King's co .. B3H. Nich. fltz PierR, pa.rdOD, 2424. Rabmmgb (co. Clare 1), 3097, Patr., pardon, 2424. Rahanngh, co. Lim. See Rahanogh. P eter fltz Edw., pardon. 2424. Rahn:nn.n, co. Kerry, 467g. Rich. :fltz Piers, pardon, 2424. (Ra.naban), co. Lim, 5078. Rioh. fitz Tho., pn.rdOD, 2424. RabaDes],:y (co. Cork P), 4416. RabaDgoD. Sec RatbaDgaD, co. Kild. Tho., pardon. 2424. Ro.ha.ngan. See R..1.thanganc, co. WeL Wa.lter, pardon, 24-24. Rahangen. Sec Ra.thanga.n. Rnggyd, Wm., pardon, 2424. Rngh (co. Lim. 1), M01. R3.han1om, co. Gat. 4850. Ragharrowe, co. Rose., ti84S. RabanloD (Ratb.nlon 1), co. Ga.!., 52!5. Rahanlonie, co. Gal., 48liG. RaghbreDDagb. Se. Ratbbrennagh. fuh.;'tnna.. co. Lim., 61S0. Ragbclagbin (co. Clare?), 676 • . Raghcnlly. co. Cork , 4761. R.hanDa., co. Louth. Sec RatbeD.ghe. Ra.baIlDfl,n- &hannane (co. Kerry?),8618. Ragb. (co. Clare 1), 6015. Raghebegg, in Elle Occa.rroll, King's co., Rahanogh (Rahnnagh), co. Lim., 6580., co. Rosc. &'{~ Rathho.rrowe . • 55L Ra.hard, co. 'Ma.:yo. See RIl.tho.rde. Raghechloghy. co. Oav., 4034. Rabarde (co. Lim.), 4935 . . Ragbelions, 2520. Se. RaDgblines. (co. Ma.yo ?), 5798. RagbeDaD (Xing's co.), 580. Raghennogorren(Raheenagnrren,co. Wex.n Raharowe. co. Rose .. 6524. G160. Raharownye, co. JUa.yo. 5798. Ragherskellege (Ra.thnaskilloge), co. Wat., Raharrowe (co. Rose. ?), 4032, 4110. lHiSS, Raba.rwoe (co. Mayo 1), >798, Rabaspick - - Rahaspock-·EaRaghhaDY (co. Cork 1), 2250. hnspoke. Sec Rathaspicke, Ragbill in TireconDell, 6501, Rahassane, co. Gal, 15258Raghin, co. Westm ., 3478. Rahatemple, co. Cork. 506S. Ragblne (co. Tip. P), 6621. Rn.he, Morogh m'Shnne ne, pardon, 891. Ro.ghinegoer (co. Tip. 1), 0.522. Ra.ghingherin (Ra.heenn.keern.n 1), Xing's co., Raheden (co. Wex. or Car.), 6511. 6430, Ra.heeD, King'g co. See Rn.byne. RabeeD, co. Wick. See RabiD, Rathenne, Ragbinlea (Rabeenliegb). co. Co.r.,lH6, Reyn, R. gbkynaD (co. Tip. 1), 6522. Raghlinneshean - Raghlynneshean, alias Rahecnagurren, co. Wex. See Raghenuogorren. Rathneshean. Queen's co., 13S3, 17~ O. Rabeenakecr. o, King's co. See RaghingheRaghmore (co. Wat. 1), 6477. Rnghogelly, co. Tip., 6510. rin. Rahins.ghirriD, Ra.thiIlACMirhin. RagbonYDe,6471. See RatboDYDe, RabeenaDi,ky, Queen's co. See Rahynlske. Ragbro., King's co" G618. RabeeDdarragb, 00. Car, See RabiDdariib, Ragbrevagb, 05S3. &e Ratbrievagb. Rn.ynedorow. Raghriama.nic, co. Kerry, 64.94 . Raheendonore, co. Kilk. &e Ra.hendonor. Rallbter, Murtagb, pardon, 61 •• , RabeeDdull,Klng's co. See RabiDdulle. Raghtor, Tho., pardon, ~~t. Ra.heendWf, Queen's co. &!. Rahendnf, RahiDdoWDe, Rabindutre, RaYDdu!, Ra.lIilbert (Ratbllilbert), Queen', co" SUg, '1.10 APPENDIX 'fO TWENTY-SECOND REPORT OF TIm DEPUT! INDEX '1'0 FIAN'l.'S.-ELTZADETll. R rt.hecnli ot!h, co. Cl\l'. &c R.'l.ghinlcn.. Ua.hccnn:lhoon, co. Wax. Sec Rn.llinno- hownn. U{\.b ec nrOl~ ho, co. Kilk. Se/J Rn.l1inrooh. R:~llin(lm'l'io. r.,'t'IJ ll:Lhin, Queen'fI co. Un.hiuIlo\Vuo (R:I.hccutlul.!?), Quoen's co., 1211i. Ua hil141ownol'. Rec Ul\l1 ondonor. R:Lb'Jillo (Ra.bolty), co. Till. ,l'CutOl'Y, 'i03. R1Lh imll:fto H.a.hcin, r.o. Wex., 1677. R:.Lhc}oy. Thncly lU' Dunill Y I P3.['<!OU, :lOur;. Rn.hellie. Del'llloml 111' DOD:Ll:tl1 I I purdon, n:~hi ntl l1fro 5-J06. Rabelly, Ricll., pardon, GGGG. R~l1elty-n:.'heltie (co. Tip.), GHO, 6628. Bee also Rn.hcillc, Ra.thclty. Ra.hon-Rah - Ro,hin, co. Cork, 328B. 1420, 6640, 06G~. Raben, King's co. , 6G66. Raben, Queen's co., 1102. Rahen, CD. Wes&m., lOSO. (R:~hool1l111(f), King's co., 4334. ThLhinotlutCe - RUohyndu! Ohl w01Hllll1'). Qncon's eo., lilB, 2087, 5!).,UI, o:mJ. Sf '/~ alHo It:Lyndul'. R:l.h ino, King'!oJ t!o., 4380. - R"hin o ( QUC(lll" co. I), 6666. Ruhino (co. Tip ?), GUG·l. 0583. Ruhino OOl'mi dnl1oro -- Rahinocormock· mol" ~. S'~C Rahin OOl'l!lockmol'o. RLhtn utlnlYo. Sr.e Ru.himlulIe, Qu een's co. Rahinogol'o - nahynn.goel' - R.., \hynonycorr, co. trip., 3102, 0601, 0588. Sac a.1ao RaghinegOOl'. RabenoUo (co. Kilk. ?), Ion Rahcndarl'ogb. See Ra.11iucla righ. Rn.henllouol' - Ra.hindownol' (Ihhcontlonore), co. Kilk., 290, 11115. Ra.benduI ( ?), QUCCU'R co., Glfi2. na.hin n e HnllYlltLn R~\hynklluUennnD, t.1.ul!I\Jl'H C!U., UI25, G1fl3. R!thenduffc, co. Wex., 0727. H.lLhinnullownn (IttLhoonDnhoon, co. 'Vox. 7) Ru.heneb'lrOll, Queen's ca., U1G. Rubene CQwHe, co. Wcstm., 4G24. H:l.ilinr-l'crogo, (!o. a rt-r., 4·t)38. nl~hin 1l101· u-n.I~hy nmol'o, HaliinHlOl'o, (~(). co. Oar.,l4:11, 5820. WUlitlll., ~ 82fi. Rahcnekel'a.gllfYllO, co. WOX.,IHO·l. G·IBa. R tLhilllloleigy (co. Killt:. ?), 6109. Rn.. hi ll lly gaol', co. 'rip. or Lim., 4143 . Rnhengol'e, co. 'rip., GSal. Rahcnisky (co. Om'k ?), 1114. Uuhi llqnill (co. Wostm. ?), Rahim'o, co. Kilk., {ll2. Rahennemonoe (co. Wax. P), OlGO. R!lhent.esctloul. .I.D, QuoOU':'i co., 1i34. 3351. Rn.hony, co. DUb. See RtLthony. Rahe odullu.yne, co. Cork,2150, R:.-..binl'ooll - IULhYl11'och (Raheenroche 1), co. Kille, 2.111, 2486. Rahinl.1Hke - Rn,hYlluskc, Queen's co., 496, 6n·17. HlLllinygol'l'om, co. T ip.) ~060. RlLhhiLon, King's co., 21135. n:..hesker. See Rnthesk.!'. Ra.hostOD, co. Meath, 0501. 13~sa. Rahelanny (Ralhanny), co. Kerry, 6123., 66113. Ra.hoyn, co. Clare, G1502. n:.. h l:lck"llo-U"hl eakano (Th.otblackan), CO. 1I[~yo, G'[o·I, GNO. Rahlya (co. K 01'l'y 1), 2180. Rahgltbbnn (co. Cork), 22·19. Ro.hicne-Rahyolt, co. ",Vex., a~s, 115i1. Rahill, co.lIIcntb. See RtLtbyll. R ahin. 86' Un.hen, co. Oork. Rabin (co. aa1.1), 4707. Ra.hin - HnhYllo (now RlLhin i callod ThLbindel'l'io in Book of SlU'VCY a nd Distribution), Qnoon's co., castle {Lull In,mla granted, 1501, Ol5iS. Rabin (co. 'ri~. 1), 6522. Rahin, co. Westm., 01501. Uahny, :rtiOl'Og-110 ny, n.Uns Morio.rto m'Brlen, llm'{lon, 0110 U"hotl u-U"UlOdo (co. Mottth), 97,66L Itahocn, (lO. O}ILl'O, IH80. nlLilOll (co. \VoHLm. ?), 3046. nahomLllu (co. O!')l'k 7), 13530. nt~hOn O(H1, co. lCOl'l'Y. See Ro.thowyny, lWLIJumyno. k cern.n ?, King's co.), 159B, 10154. R ahin Conogho!' (co. Wax.?), 6'00. It:LhoHkul', co. 1(11(1 , 152130. R:t1Jo wllILglw, oo.lC.ol'l'Y, OUS. ltn,lm~h, co. WOfllim. 8m: Ro.t11oc, Rathhey. llalmlk- I\Mhul1w, co. Dub., 097, ~sn, ~m, Uahvihyn(!, (l0, 0 111.1'0, (jOt1. luthy, (10. Ul.n,h !, IG~W . Rnhin Corlllockmorc - nn.hillO Oormiokmore - n~Lh inct:lOrlllockUl oro, eo, ,\rox ., It:th)rc{)uoglwr. 608G . Itu.llyun. S,,': U:\lliollO, 00. \Vox. n..'1.hin (Rabcon, co. Wick.), 1307. Rollin (co. Wick ?) , 6660. R.'\hinnghirl'\il'l'in (Ra11oono.- S799, 6731. Rn.hindal'igh Rabonc1n'l'l'ogh - Rn.hind:ll'igho - Rn.lll0tlOl'ogh - R:.ulinttorough (R.1.heonclarl'agh, uo. Om'?), d080, 61.'.17, 6611. Itahykoly, eo. l~ i m . , .!ti!H. HahYll, co. Ol:.l.l't!, liGUS. Uil,hyn , Qncon'flllo., 3'U2, BOt1. l'tzLh YlULgllil'l'ill. Sac UfLbinn.ghirrin. R u.hYllagoor,668a. Sac Rahinogoro. lUlIPIB OJ THI PaILlO :UOOlU)8 IN IB&LAn. I~-oEX 741. TO FIANTS.-ELlZABETH, co.,. BIg. (TIathlihen, lUng's CCI.), H:J.hJ'Udnf. See Rn.hindntrc, Queen's co. Ra.hyndutfe, co. Wt1l.:., 6517. Rahyne. co. Cork, 5020. Ra.lia.n (RntWihell PKing's lbhyno (Rrt.hoen), King's co., 600. Ra.1ignorgYllB, CD . Gnl., G8G5. Ra1ise,910. St'c ll3.t hleyse. Ru.libtrnsny· (Ballytn.rEiney?), co. Kille, ~!)4.0. Rally, Ring's CO., 6511. Se~ Untie. Ra.lontmn8 (Uu.thlrLnnon?), co. We~, 2832. Rn.low8 (co. Antrim), 6020. Rn.lphtoWD, co. Wax. Sc'c Rathton . Raly. King's co. Sea R:.llie. R:lJye, John, p a rdoD,IC!}'!. RahYlle, co. Lim., ca.s~ l c aud la.uds, 6282. Ro.hync, Queen's co., 3947. Rnhync. Sce Rahin. Rahynenycol'r,5102. Sec Rn.hinegorc. lliLhyne Tyrl'ollovaUe, King's co. 1054. R.'Lhyniske (R:l,hcoll:tnisky), Qnecu'li co. 501. Ra.hynkhullen::me. Sec R:.Lhinnccullynn.n. Rahynmore. See R a.hioOlOl'e! ro. Ca.r. Rahynnemoncy (co. Ca.r. 01' \Vex.), 6511. Rahyul'och. See R!l.hinroch. IIDhynusk c. Sec R:l.hinuske. Ra.iestoD, co., 11 H. Rateston (Raysliown). co., 2519. RD.ighe (co. at.l, 1), 4SO~. RfJ.ileston - P....·\Yloston - Rl1yliston - ReylastoD. (Ra.i1St,OWIl), co. Til)" rectory, 322, 2068, 5100, :H08 i vil!..'trngc, 293.6423. See also BaUYl'eilia. Raincnellll:\rok, Queen's co., ·.Hm. Raincstown, co. C~~r. See BalliDJ."'.lhin. RainhoUl1,n, co. M:LYO, 6171.1 Rainsford - Ra.ynesford - - R,1,ynsfo,)rd Raynsfordo, Hercules, collcctor of customs,Kins:lJo, 14S1 ; collector of customs, Limerick, .27G1; const.ablo of I~imcri ck castle, 2803, 30GO, MOi ; lease, 2!l10, 3027: grant of wn.rdships, 17G3-4. Ra.iordn.n-Rn.iol'd.1.116 . Sec R:tthjord..'tD. Raisebacko rector}~, (Rathnspicli: 1), co. Wcstm., lmm. Rajorda.n-Ra J Sec R athj ordo.n. Rakea1e . See R athkeaJio. 4087-8,5511. Ralyn - Ralyn8 (Ra.thlihen? King's co.), G496. Rl],lysc, Queen's CO., ·1~ 7. Ram-Ramt:!, Thomas, A..U, d ean of Ferns, 6-111 ; Yil!a.r of B:t1rathery, 655:;; preccntor of Christ Church, 6636 i denn of Cork,6G9S. Ra.makmnUis (perhaps Raekwallnce), co. Mon., 6736. Ita..manny, co. Mon., 5052. Ra,'Dl..'tspok-Ramaspoke, nli305 Derry, Qneen's co., ..lOG, 6047. ROome, Tho. Sec Ham. Ra.lDtJ5gragc, G~17. See R:lmysz rlngc. Ra.me5kinc, co.1L.!!~th. SGi1. Rumcwe. Sl'e Rrttbm J we . . nu.meyloLC, King':-I Cu., 1509, 1 G5:,). Dub. 1), GUJ. Ramme, 'fho. /)1.''; H::t.!ll. Ramollon Da.rish . (!o. Ant-rim. Sec ?J:omeric. Rn.molli1n ~ R ,~tb Dlull :.lD, co. M cnlll), 889. Ramolyanc. ,s,:.,; nu.t..llmolia.ll. R..'LIDOr, co. E:.Uk. , 30GB. RD.mol"e (co. Gal l), 1CS9. Ramore (King's or Que~n'8 co.), 5COl. Rn.movcokc (Rathnaveoge), co. Tip., rect·ory, Rakeerogh. co. Mon. See Rathkcraght. RD.lreigh ("0. Meath), 234~. Rakcley-Ro.kelie-Ro.kclly-Rakely-Ralrc502. Ra.moyle (Ru.thmoylej, Qu een's co., 497. lye. &0 RD.thken.lie. Ro.muUcn (Rilthmnllim), co. Donegal, 666S. RD.keUy, co. Mon. SceRathkclly. Ramysgra.nge-R~~mesgrage (R.'l.msgrange), Rakeryn(co. Gal.), 5013. co. Wex.,1~21, 6517. Rakeyle-R.koylle. &0 RD.tbkoalie. R::Lmyskie (co. Cork 1), ·Hr.!:. Rn.kinvintnn, co. Lim., 59:10. Ra.n::tlun, co. Lim. Sc!J Rahan1.Ile. Rakivintane, co. Lim., 5950. Ranabghes (n, ui:;irict included in lte b:trony Rakynylie, co. Rose., 5105. of BallinfL..!ot· Sout·h, co. Wid".), m artl31 RaJa.cka n (R.~thlackan). co. llfuyo, 68" ~, G01G. law in, G~8 1. Bee also Gnhhnl Ra.zhn'~ill Rnlahyn, co. Clare, G5G2. Rn.nnsier (nu.thn:lEeer, co. Lim.), G4.91. Ralege. See Rathlege. Ralegh - RD.legbe - RD.wley, sir Walter, RandaJl, Fmncis. See Randall Munster undertaker, 4901 i pardon granted Ra.ndewyl eston, co. Dub., 910. on letter trom, 4998 i grant of mnds, 604.6 i Randolt. Francis. See Randoll. Rn.ndoll, Ed'd, 03'-1., lieatcnn.nt. of ordnance enquiry 0.:' to lands granted to, 6207. in England to b e colonel of a.rmy in RaJehin, co. Clare, 1340. Ulster, 940. Raleigh, alias Rowlie, Rich., pa.rdon. G45~. Raleighston (Ra.wleystown ?), co. Lim., 6462, RandolJ-RD.ntlnll-RD.ndolf, Froncis, constable of Carlow, SSl, illS i commisSions. RaJein, co. Westm., 6533. 6S, 381, 6~, 682, g~3'. Ralekine, 00. Mayo, BU7. Rs.negh, 66B6. Ra.ieaton, 803. 74.13 APPINDIX TO TWBNTl'-BllOONl) RBPO'8.T OJ THlil nBPl1'1"t INDEX TO FIANTS.- EI.IZATIETH. Ra.nogroma.nn.gbe (co. LeU.,?), 15221. Ranebgh. See Raualaghoo, Oabbal RagbnaHI. R"'nelagb~ co. Sligo, '·lOS. Ranoll, Joan ny, pn.rdol1, OGlli. Katherino ny, pa.rdoll, M42. :Moro ny, pa.rdon, G515. » lln.nemn ckoD, co. Ga.l., 4124. Ranershor, co. Lim., 11458. Ra.n:torde, alias Ra.nfortbB, George, pro-UOD, 487. Ranill, EUyne nyne, IlardoD, G701. Ra.nkagh, Donogh, pa.rdon, 403G. Rautrowa.n, n.Uns Rn.thc.-wogn.n, co., co. 869, S680. 6866,6411. See n.lRQ Ratho by Oronoke., co. Man" liGG2. U ..'l.~h-R::Ll;h c, Queen's co., 1119, G4SU. Ra III (co. ltO"c. 1), 5808. Rath (co. 'rip. I), G705. Rn.thaagho, co. Long.,liOO!. Rn,tbaJrYlle , co. ROfiC.,IIG16. R..'1.tlmgho, co. Long" 1I06S. Ra.thag:iM, co. Gu.1., S821. n.,lhaIlan- Ratho.Uen, co. Month, BSO, 26gS, SGGS. Wo.~tm .• 25Gl. Ranuscre (Rathna.secr, co. Lim.), 6111. Rnuvyle (co. Oal 1), 4BU. Rnny, Gilbert, pardon, 4100. R::LnY (co. Rosc. p), M32. ll.:.t,b allun (co. Moalh I), H8G. n.~t.lUl.lly (00. 0 ,.1.), 180S. ItallU!.lrou-Ito.ho.lron - Rathah'ono- Rathhnll'on (Rni;llC1.1dl'on), co. }!Gc.'\th, lOi, 254&, 2309, ~H4·1,2ii~B, 2640, 2611,2965,2D83. 86SO. Ro..tbn.ll, co. li{cath, 200. Rat.lmn gn.n-R/\hl lJ1gn.n-llahn..ngc.n-Rn.the- hn,ugo.n-Rn,Lhhn.ugo,ll, co. KUd .. 06. SrlO, 0:104, 2'205, 20411, SgOS, osn, 6i69, Rn.nysken, alias Mou ckoDow~o n (Monknow- co. Meath), S89. lIDuywre, Pl~. See Rathnul'o, co. Kilk. tOD, Raogalle, co. TIp., G70G. Sell Rn.plttgh. B.~palricko. S" B.~tbp"lrjk. Rn.'PC, growth amI export of. 460], B.~p brilan-Raphryl.n . See n.,lbpbrilan. Rapie.. (RMbpicrce), co. Wex., 3133. Roplagb- Rapolagb-Rappallagb-Roppallogh. (Il.,pla), co. Tip., <50B-9, 0583, 6700. Rarevagb, 610S. Sec B.~lbrievlLgb. R"roddJ1 (co. Oa1.), <85G. Raroe. See Ro.throe. Raronan. See Ro.thronD.n, co. Lim. Rarou.c:de (Rat,hronshtn, Queen's co. 1),910. Rarnsbo. See Rnthrush. Rarntagh, co. Mou. Se, n., l hro wtaght. Ro.sallagh. See Ralhs>l1agb, co. Wick. Rase110gh (R"thsiUagh ), co. We"., 6727., Qnocn'A CQ" 6123. !, King's co. &t. RU8.>;yny. Ro.shordrm, SQ'!!J. Sec R..'ttbjorduoll. Rn:taclillo, GOGl. Sec Ru,tbclync, co. Long. Rat,nine, co, Mel\,th. Bec n:~t,htt\ino. n.,tbehngho ( Pl, co. Kilk., 1057. Ralclif- lIDlclifl-Ratclyf, Kir lIonry. St, ll.:tdoclytr. 1ID10, co. Oork, 292S. Rntekely. See R.thltoalie, co. Lim. Ratonen, co. 'rtp., 1M3, iOlS. Rath, Henry, po.l'don, 23G8. RIlfh-Rn.the, co. Oork, 2681, 2041, BOO IS, S101. IIDth (co. Donegal), 0882. Rath-n.'th hv t.heNuIl-Rathe by thoNM1, co. Dub 1828,1400. 3UG i grn.nt.IS17!J. Ratb oj KiUoe".ry - R.lho, co. Dub., 24GO, 451G. Ro.tb, co. Lonlh '1704. Bath, tho-RaLhe, co. Louth,10S,IS.flO, 6811. Glili7 i river, G780. roctor of, 418D. nathangn.Do-Rnhanga.n, co. WaLl 8li', 2521. Ru.tho.nlOD, co. Gn.1. Sec Ra.ha.nlon. (co. Tip. or Kilk. I), 20S3. Rathnnny, 00. Kerry. Sec Rn.hetn.nny. Rath"nl-lt~thard.-n.~tb...rd (co. Tip.l), 1910,2B'.10. ll.:,tho.rtio (, co. Mayo, 5777. Ralharde. See n~ lhard. Ro..tho.rdmo1'8, co. Kilk.,2I1B, 1001. Ratbo.rgot-Ro.lhargelo-Ro.lho.rgyt - Rnthargott , co. Rlld., 820, 2316, 314G,488B. RfI,thn.rn c, co. Wostm., G4BB. Rn.thn.l'umon, co. Gal, 4111. R"th", b og (co. Wostm.), 4380. Ro.thu.shlgo, co. 'Vestm., 4!H8. R tI,tll! - Rn.ho.spiko- Rab a,pock - naha..poke - Ratbo.spnek, Qnoon'!,I co., 6S0, 3832,6188,0618. Rn.tlu\'Hpi~o, co. 00.1'., 1269. Rat,b:\!oIpilco, co. \Voat,m., l~HO. See also Rn.IHUoocko, Rt\ysebnoko. U:.'L \,l1a.ssoll, A1>llOY of (Atlln.5so11), co. Tip., G:iOIS. It:'\.tlm.wl0, co. Wcx.! 1.232. lli\thh: . . m'. co. lAm., 3IS6G. ll.:.lhlJu.rr y-ltat,hbrmio - Rathobo.rry, eo. Oork,1l287,0486. rectory, 2880, 42G2. Ibthbca.Sb, 00. Rilk. Sec na.lbohagho. R .. tbbollitn - ll.:.thbogghn.n (Ratbbeggo.n), co. Moath, 1400, 15·10, 2131, 8-U8, 3664, 8661 ; mrmol', 12·10 i roctal'Y. 14.GO; parish,2008. na.t.hl,">:o, co. Moo.lh, 85S1. UI.\UJbcgo (R...'\thlcn.guo). Quean's co., 882" Sec U,u.thlugo. lli,lbhoggao, co, Moath. See R.lhbegan. KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS I N IRELAND. 743 INDEX TO FIA.NTS.-ELIZABETH. Ro.thbcgghltn.1240. Sec Rathbegn,n. Rathcoffey- Rat hcoffe-Ro.thcome- Ro.thR.thbcdy, co. Louth. Sec nabody. coffy-Rathcoffye, co. Kild., S24, 260, 381, Ro.thbran, 6016. Sec Rathbranna.. 2111, 234S, 2444, 2683, 4OS1, 6211, 6112, 611a. Ro.thbran - R~bmn - Ro.thbmnd - Rath- Ralheolbiken - Ratheeolbykyn (Rathcobibrene (Ra.thbran, co. Wick.), 1361, 314.5, ca.n), King's co., 471, 6368. 5081 i rectory, 1367. Ro.thcollomkill - Rathcollomkilley, alin.s R~thbranna - n athbmn (Rathfrltn I), co. RathecoUomkill, King's co., 48~, 672. Mayo, honse of friar9 preachers leo.sed, Ro.tbcomane. co. Cork. 5903. a081, 6016. See also Rn.bran. Ratheon (co. Tip. f), 413S, 6583. Ro.lhbrrumoghe - n athbrennagh-Ragh- Rathcon, alias Rn.tht-on, co. Wex., 91G,15409. brennagh , co. Lim., 6113, 6464 i grant, 5282. R'\tbconan, co. Kerry, 6498. R.:'1thbreany , co. Lim., 3547. Ro.thconell, co. Wcstm., rectory. 35G4. Ratbbrenn.n - R..' Ratbebl'enan wa.ter of, 2299. See also R-oco(Ra.thbrennan,Qucen's co.), 11G8, 121-1,1334, Dill, Ro.\honelL fi69a, 6003. Ratheonmth - Ratbconredd barony, co. Rathbrene,8745. See Rathbl'an, co. Wick. Westm., 1355 i marlinllaw in, 6206. Ro.thbrenna,gh - n,ghbrenna,gh (Ralh- Rathcool, co. Meath. See Ra.tbecoules 1o.nd. branagh, co. Lim. 1). See Rathbmn- Rathcoole, co. DUb. See Ra.thcowll~ Ranoghe. cowIe. Rathbrennao, Queen's co. See Rathbreua.n. R3.thcorbally - Rathcorballic, co. Westm., Rathbrennao, co. Rose. See Ra.brenn.n. 461, 6769. Ralhbride- Ro.lhbryd- nalhbryde-Rnthe- Ro.thcorbe (co. Kilk.1), 2<86. bride, co. K lldare, 1240, 1401, 2072, 3101, 3214, Bathcore, co. Sec Rathcoure. 8110, 4953, 6-184, 6739, 6145, 5849, 5878, 0039, Rn.thconnick. 8M Ra.thgormock. 6408. Rnthcormick. Sec Rathcormock, ~5. Rathbride (King's co 1), 6621. Ro.thcormicke. See Ro.thgormoek. Rathbriste, co. Louth, 1812. Ro.thcol'mock-Rathcormick-Ra.thcormok Rathbri\\ (co. Tip.), 4085. -R-athcormyck, co. Cork, 1816, 2263, m 8, Rathbroge, co. Car., 604. <814, 6416, G485, Gm. Rathbryd-Ralhbryde. Sec Rathbride. Rathcorm ycke. Sec Rathgormock. . Rathbyn, co. Kilk., 6982. RatbeonIe, alias Rathcowthc, co. Tip., 6408. Rathcnhill, co. Lim. Sec Rathkeale. RathconIe-Ra-gowle, co. Tip., rectory, 822, Ro.thcall, co Kilk., 3116. 5408. Sec aJso Rathgowle. RathcaJ1y, co. Kilk., grant, 6864. Rath coure - Rathcowre (llatheore), co. Rathcam, co. Wes\m. Sec Rathko.m. Meath, 815, 2891. Rathcan, co. Meath, 269. Rathcoursy - Rathconrsi, co, Cork, 6950, Rathcane (co. Lim. ?), 2407. 61213. Ro.thcannn.ghe, co. Tip., 3213. Rathcowle, co. Tip., 4371. Rathoannn.D (co. Lim.), 6479. Rathcowlle (Rathcoole, co. Dub.), 846. Ra.thcarog-Rathcn.roge, co. Car., 2103. Ratheowre. See Rathcoure. Rathcarl'agh. co. Westm.. G320. . Rathcarren-Rathcarl'in - Rn.thca.rryu, co. Mayo, 58GS, 5011, GUIG. Rathcash (co. Kilk.), 6538. Rathcassan. co. Louth. Sec RatheciLSsan. Rathcath. Sec fu\bckcba\t, Rathkhnlte. Rathclaryne, co, COl'k, 5G 18, 6514. Rathelein. Sec Ralhclyn•. Rathclille, co. Long. Sec Rathclyne, Rathklen. Rathcline barony, co. Long. nogh er. Rathcowthe-Rathecowche, CO. Tip., MOB, 5696, 603B. Ra theren., Queen's co. See Racrehin. Rathcrednn, co. Dub., 846, 6321. RatberOruLD, co. Tip., parsonage. 1584l. RatheuUibeen, co. Waf.. See Rathekillen. Ra.\hdnhiffe (co. Cork I), 6488. Ro.thdo.niel, co. Car. Sec RathdonilL Rn.thdeawny (Rathdowney. Queen's 'co. 1)1 01916. See Clancon- Rathdonill-Ro.donell (Rathdaniel f), co. Car., 916, 3727,4568. Rathclonbra.ckan, King's co. Sec Ra.con- Ro.lhdonne (co. WeL f). 1159. bracca.n. Rathdowe, co. Lonth, 26~1. Rathdown, co. Louth, 6165. Rathclowen, co. Lim., 5947. Rathclyne-Rato.eline- Rathelein - Rath- Ra\hdowu (co. Wick.), 5494elyn- Ratheclyne (Rathcline), co. Long .. Rathdowne-Rathedowne, barony, 00. Dub.. 8SS, 2864an9, U99, 6514, 6661 ; reotory, 1170. Rathcoblcan, King'. co. See Rathcolbiken. Rathdowue (co. Kild. 1), G3lIa, '" UmDlX '1:0 TWDTY-BIOOln) B'IIPOllT OJ Tn D!lPUTt INDEX TO FIANTS.-EUZABE'fH. Rntbdowny (R:tthdownoy), Queen's 00., Ra.thee (En,hugh ?). co. \VcRtm., 4270. Ra.thefOl'nn,n. 8f~C U.: ~t,hfu.l'Dn.n. 6fifil. See also Ratl1doMvny. lta,thcgcl'l'oko, co. Oar. (Ra.tllga.rogs, co. Rntbdownyne (co. Lim. ?),6400. Wox. I ), 01.6. Ratbdresock-Rathdl'iASOgo (Rnthdrishogo), Rathcgla.sso. Sec Rn.thglus, co. Un.l. co. Westm., 1160, 4219. Ratbdrinngb, co. Sec Raru:enagbo. lbthcgowre. co. 'VOL, eha.llo1, 90G. Ra.thcgriitOD,10·1. Snr. GriffinrlLth, co. Kild . . Rathllrome, co. Tip., 9311. Rathdl'ome - Ra(lromo (Rathdrum, co. Ru.t.hohn.ngrm. St'll Ro.thn.ngn.n. Wick), 6~71. Rnthohanol1, ill Munster, G1'i14. Ratbdrommogb, co. Meatb, S058. R:l.tllllhcskor. Sec Ro.thc. kor, Ratbdromy (co. Tip. ?), 810.. Rathckooly. Sec Rathkeruie, co. Lim. Rathdromyo (Rathdrum), co. Corl!:, OG8fi. Rathekohatt in M'Oartnn', country (RatbRathdrum, King's co. Sde Ro.trumon., now Olough, in pa.r. Loughinisln.nd, co. Down-Roevo:3' Ant. Down and Oonnor), Ra,tl1tirum. co. Wick. See Ro.thdrome. Ratbduf (R.,thdul!), Queen'. co. 2838. ft167. Ratbdul!-Ro.thdul!e, co. Cork, 6380, fi3ns. Rathokillon, co. Kilk. (Ro.thculliheen, co. Ratbdul!-RndutI-Ro.tbdulle, co. Westm., w~t.), 1200. 1588,2388, 21161, 6450, 0633. Rn.t,hokilly, Sec Ru.thkillo. Ratbdulle, co. Lhn., 6060. Ro.thclltn (co. 1), 6fil3. Ratbdulle. SM Ro.thdutI. Itl\thologo (fu,Ullook), co. Month, 076. R!1the, ChrisliophOl\ cha.nter of Ohrist- UfLtihologc. Ser. Rai,hlogo, Quoan's co. chul'ch, refuses of Supre- U[Ltholoy, co. Kilk., 6100. mo.cY,220. Rntholoyco. See R:l.thlcYBO. John, plU'don, 3813. R:l.thclio. Sec Rl\tlllio. Rnthclin, Kin g's co., GeM. Rathe, co. Oa.rlow, 61G1. Ratholty, co. Kllk., 011. Ratbe (co. Clare), 4780. Rn.thomnknoe. Sec Ita,thmn.ckneo. Rathe. See Rath, co. Oork. Unthcmnn (co. Ker ry 1), G~08. Rathe, co. Oorl!: or Kerry, GI1O. Ru.thcmollon. Sec Ru.thmullen, co. Down. Rathe, co. Dub., 1300. Rn.thomol'o. Sec R..'ttbmol'o, co, Car. Ratho. See Ratb of Killossery, co. Duh. Ratbe by t he NaoJ. S.. Rath, co. Dub. Rn.themore. Sec Rnt,hmore, co. KUd. Ru.tboUlorc. See Rn,thmol'e, co. Meath. Rathe, co. GoJ., fi818. Ro.thonngho (Rnhannn, co. Lout h), 11~3. Rathe, Little, co. Kild. 6840. RD.the. See Rath, co. Louth. Rathcno.lly- Rnthenallye. See RathMllie. Rathe by Gronoke (co., 846, SM. Ito.thonebaroD, Quoen's co., 1622. Rathe. See Ralb, co. Meatb. Rn.t.honcgern.ugh. Su R!l.thnogel'aughe. n.~tlton ogol'l'Y (co. Cal'. or Wex. P), G511. Rathe. Sec RD.lh, Queen', co. Railie, co, Wcstm., S128. Rn.thonokona.nn.ghc, co. Tip., 6472. Rathcruy, co. Kille. See Rathhele. nn.thcmekiner- Itn.theneItyner, co. Tip., 8213, Ro.thco.rd. Bec n.,thnrd. fi17~. Rathobnrry. See Rathbarry. Rnthollcmoddngh (Rathno.muddagh, co. Rathobeg, co. Cork, 6008. Wos!:m.),12010. Rathe brohbmgh (00. Kilk. P), 2032. Rl.I.thononarron, Qncon's co., 1~4.7. Ratbebrano (00. Mo.yo 1), 6220. Rnthononyoll. See Rnthnoniell. Rathebreano.n - Rathobronan. See Rath- R"thonawor. Sr.c n"tbuuro, 00. Kill!:. branan. Ratllonuwhitn.gho. co. Lim" fm07. Ratbobride. See Ralhbrlde. Rn,tllonowl'. See Rn.thnuro, co. liilk. RD.tbebrido by Wbilam, co. Kild. (acc Rnthen[(l\llo (co. Tip. I), 01606. . brlde),12{O. RnLhonno, co. Garlow (Rahaon, co. Wick..), RD.thoo'SBl'n (llAtbco.ssan, co. Louth), 1812. roc!;ory, 1361. Ratheclyno. Se, n.,tbolyno. Rnthollnlo - Ratl1onny. Sac Rathony, co, Ratheeolbykyn. See Ratbcolbiken. Dub. Ratllecollomkill. See Rl\theolloml!:ill. Rl,Lhonny (co. Kille.p), 204S. Rathecoules hnd (Ratheool), co. Moath, 2610. Ratllonny. Sea R:1tllOny, 00. Westm. Rathecowche. See Ratbcowthe, nathonul'. Sce Rl\thnuro, co. Kilk. Ro.theculbin, co. Kill!:., anD. • Rathonusk oy (co. Oork), SOH. Ro.thedmond - R:l.tbedmondo (Ratbred- Rathony-ltn.!:hollnio-Rnthcnny (llAheny, mond), co. Mnyo, 58G6, G010. 00. Dub.), 84.5, 087, 2616 i rectory, 6669-70. Ratbedowne. See Rathdowne. RaLhony-R..thouny, co. WOBtm., 1080, sm, Ito,". KEEPER OF THE PUBLIO)EOORDS IN I RELAND. 745 I:\"nEX 1'0 FIANTS,- ELIZAUETH. R:J.theokelly. &.e Rathokclil'. R:J.tbcp..uenboy. Sec Ralbl'.<Iinboy. Rathepa.tricko. Sec Rathpatl'ik. Rn.thereo.ghB, alias Racgreigc, co. Lim., 46B. Soo Ibthriaghc. R:J.lbergett. Sec Ralhnl'got. Rn.therne, co. KHd., 1210. Rn.t·hgnrogc,co. We:\:. See It!1gerroge,Ra.tbege1'roke. R:l.thgarva.n, co. Kilk., 6218,6538. Ra.tbgn.l'\·e, co. Wostm. See!. Rathgerin - Rathgerine (R3.tbgt:lro.n t co. enr.1), 05H. R.'1.tbgerinlegilgreige. Newton of (perhaps R:l.theroIU1.n-Rathel'OIl..1olle. See Rn.thronn.u, Nc\V to \vllr~tbg'..l.uley, Kilgm igue), co . co. Tip. Meath, 6206. Rn.therowe, co. Ga.1., 4691. Rathgerons, co. Lonth, 1812. Ra.thcrowc. co. Wex., 1521. llatbgilbert, Queen's co. See R:1gilbel't. Rathes..'Lliaghe. See Ra.thsa.llagh, co. Wick. ginse-R:J.thegla'!5e, co. Gal, Rathesca.l\ co. Louth. See Rn.thel'iker. 1652,01618,5712. Rnthesillngh (R~ tb s illagb, co. We:s:. 1),4086. R!l.tbgouull.n, co. Cork, 109::;, 3287. Rnt.bcsillagbe. Sec Ratbsilligb, co. Kild. R3.thgoggan- Rathgognn, co. Cork, 60SS, 653.5. Ratbesker-Rahesker-Ratbehe,ker-Rath- Rathgormeley (see Newton of Rathgormeley), asker (Ra.thescar), co. T.outll, 078, 1230, D2.j.~. 1832, 23!~, 262 7, 4141,4466, 511Hi. Rnthgormock - Rntheormick - RnthRn.thespike, co. KUd., rectory, 202. cormick e-Ra.tbcormock-Ratbcormycke Ratheteol'Y, co. Wax., B015. -Ra. thgormj ~k-Ro.t.hgormi eke-Ra.thgor.. mog- Rathogormike (Ro.thgormnck), 00. Ratheton. Sec ton,co. 'Vox:. Ra.theto've. Sec Rn.towe, co. Korry. WaL, 1S4 1 10U, 100.5,1163, (096,6410, 6564, 6165 i Bathetowne, co. Mca.tb, 1222. rectory, ~oas. Batbetron - R..'\.thetl'\vonc. &c Ra.thtrone, Rnthgormock, 6565. co. Kild. Rutbgormog. See Ratbgormock. Ra.theven, Queen's co. Sen Ra.tivine, Rnty- Ratbgowell, co. Tip., -ill31, 4935. Yin. Rath gowle (co. Tip.), 5211,5854. Hathewogan - See R..'lth- Ro.tbgo,vlce, co. Tip., 2023. wogan. Ratbgurginc, co. Gal , ca.st1e aud land, 6901. Rn.tbgurrgin, co. Gal.,4613 See a.lso Ragorgine. Rathla. Sru Rathfatt. R"thhn.\l'on. Sec n ntb:!lron. Rnthlndin.oye, 648·1. Sec Rl1thpadinboy. Rathha n gan,4-13O. See Rat hanll"n. Rathia.rnn.m, 6031. Sec Rn.thfArna.n. Ra.thha.rrowe (, co. Rose., rectory, Rathfarna.m. co. Westm., 6538. 4342. Ra.thfo.rnan - Raferua.m - Ra.theferna.n Ra.t.hferurm ""7Rathfn.l'na.m. co. Du.b.. 4129, Rathbcle (Rat healy, co. Kilk. I), 1076. Rnthhey CRa.hugh, co. Westm.), 1160. 4171, 66 02,6005, 6030-1. Rnthhiaimen, co. Long., 5063, See:lJso Rathy Ra.thf:wl'a, co. Lim. S,c Ra.varye. hn.lmon. Ra.thfatt-Rathfa., Kiug's co., 596, 1654:. Rathfeigh - Ra.fegh - Rafl'eigh, co. Meath, Ralhile (co. Kilk. 1), 2042. Rathllt (co. Kilk.1), 20'9. 1835, 2111. 5779. R.thleld-Ra lhfllde, at Trim, co. :Meath, 86, Rathinaehalrhin (Rnheena.keera.n 1), King', 922. co., 6523. R.thinally. See Rathnnllle. Ro.thfcrnau. See Ro.thfnrnnn. Rnthlnclare, eo. Cork, 6465. R:J.thferne, co. We,tm., 6533. Rnthfianstone- Ro.thfyanston (Rnt blesten 1), R~thine, co. Tip. or Lim.,I5OG9. Rathinebarrowe, Queen's co., 1216. King'e co., 1S06,1654. R~thinecarthye (co. T ip. 1), 2308. Rnthfllde. Sec Rathleld., Queen's co., ~9 5 . Rnthflne. See Ramn. Ra.thinmorc, co. Westm., 1603. Rathllemynge, co. Tip., 55'8. R,thinroth (co. Kilk. 1), $036. Rnthlolan, co. Clare. Sec Rathmolan. Rathforyd,1107. RnLhinure, co. Kilk.. See Rathnure. Rathfoyle, co. Lim., li782. Ra.thinusky- Rathinuskie, co. Cork, S974, 6624 Rathinnsky (co. Wat.?), 6624. Ra.thfran, co. ::Mayo. See Rathbrannn.. Rat hisl one (co. Kilk. 1), 1916. R..~thfreedy, co. Lim. See Rn.thllhyrle. Ro.thjordan-Ra.iordan-Raiordane -EajorRathfrybnd, co. Down. See Rllthphrila.n. dnn - Ra Jurdanc - Rnsh ordan - Rnth Rathfyanston. See Ra.thOa.nstone. Jorda.n, co. Lim., 5043, 3U8. 4S2~ 15765, 6878 ; Ratbgallyr (co. Tip. 1), 3328. Ra.thga.nny, co. West.m., 8858. grant, 15941 i rectory, ~ !, ~ 769, 6004. Rnthgaret, 6755. Rnthkam (Rnth ca.m. co. W, 1674. 746 Al'PENDIX. TO TWENTY-SECOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FIANTs-ELIZAlll~T:a. Rathko..nn.o, co. Lim., 4663. RathkeaIB (Rathcaliill), co. Lim., gront, ~6BO. RathkoolIB-RakBalo-R"koley - Rn.kolie RakBlly-Rakoly-RaicolyoR.~k.ylo - Rakoyllo - Ratckely - RaI,holtol\Iy - 1\"thk eillic-Rathkelo · ·Rat bkclly - Ru.thlteylle (Ra.thkcnl0, co., 2202, 3090, 384-2 ,493fi, 61B3, ll.atblogc-ll.,,\;helogo-ll.n.thlog (R.~th tllllgl), Queen's CO., 638, 4.148, OMl:t Ratlllogg-l4Ltbloigc. Sec Ro.Lhlegc, Queen's 00. ll.a.thl osky (co. Til' I ), 1299. Rn.t,hlcSRo, co. Tip., 058a. ltlLthlc, Queen's co., G5r:il. Rat.blewe. SceRnthliBw. Rathleysc-Rali", - RatholBycB (Rathleash Queen's co.), 500, 010,1664. 6464, 0487 i lo.nds in, gronted, lS111 i tenement io, 0123 i Rathlio-Rathclio (R.~thlee 1 co. Sligo), <1129, 6119. IBO~. customs and profits of fairs Rathliew-Ralhlowe- RathllowB (Ralhlee 1) granted, ~941. co. Sligo, 1660, 6805, 6848. merchn.nt of, 6461. a.bbey granted, 6111 i priory, Rn.thlihoD, King's co. See Ralio.n. Rn.lie. Unlyn, Uho.lyon. lands of gronted, ~941. Ra.thlin ifdn.nd. Sec n..1,ughli.n. Ro.ughlines. hOU80 of friars leased, 3S1 D. Rathlin, 00 . Kilk., S90B. parish, 6181, 5041. Rathllsu,no-Rn.thUa[tnne, co. Wat., 06G, 3183. &e aI,o Rathkllle. Ro.thhll\n, co. Mon., ~66G. RathkBUy (RakeUy), co. Mon., Mn. Ra,thlyn, nlin.s Mokhowno, co. KUk., 604. Rathkena, co. Tip., 6086. ll.o.thlyno (King's co. 1),2203. RathkBnnie. See RathkBnny. RiLthkenny, co. lJa.v., 4891. Ro.thlywol'th, co. Lim., 2i12. Rl\lhkenny - Rathkennie - Rathkeny, co. Rathmo.candon, co. Lim., ~1Bl . Kerry,6912,6020,6491,IHi{)3. Ro.thm'n.rtic - R.'Lthm' - Ro.thmackRa~hkonny, co. Meath, rectory. 1400,8604. arty, co. Tip., 5102, 0406, 6166. Rathkeraght - Rathkyr.ght (Rakooragh), Rat hmaecnco. Sec Rathmackneo. CO. Mon., 6037, 6052. Rathmn.clmrty. &e Rathm'o.rtie. Ratbkerane (R.~thkiero.n 00. Kilk. I), 0022. ll.athmaokneB- ll.athom"knee- ll.n.thma.ccRalhkBvan (co. Tip. I), 8488, O~a1. See MO n ee - Rathmaokne U"thmakneB - Romo.kRathkyvane. nee, co. Wax., 90S, lSg" RathkByUe. See Rathkealie, co. Lim. Rathkhn.!le (, now Clough, co. 2316,5184. Down) rectory, IG~9. " vica.r of, 6412. Rathmn.docko, Queen', co. (alia·. Blacklord) Ralhkleghe, 00., 4161. Rathklen, 0488. 283B. Ro.thklernn, 00. Kilk. See RAthkomne, Ro.thmn.gunogh, co. K erl'y, li043. Rathkirin. Rn.tbu.mknoo. See Rn.thmacknee. Rathkilkedy, Quoen', co., GO 11. Rathm"ltan-Rathm"Utan - RathmaUte.yn RathkiUo - Rathokilty (ll.athkeo.le I), co. -ru.lhmalt in- n"t h m"uUt.wn (RathmelLim., 3260, ~a 'i1. ton, co. Donogal 1), 6602, Rathkirin (00. Kilk. 1),2041. Rn.thmtLSbock onil'o, Queen's co., 124:1. Rathklon (Rathcline), 00. Long., 8100. Rathma.uJltn.yn. Sec Uathmaltan., co. Oav.,4Ml. Rn,t,hmolton, co. Don. See Rn.thmoJto.n. Ru,thmowo-R..'l.mowc (Rll.thmow), co. Rose., Rathkuddery, co. Korry, lOIS. Rathkwen, co. Meath,IROO. 60GH. HO~. Rathkyraght. Sec ~ Ro.thUlickCortio, co. Co.v., liMD. (co. Tip 1), OIRS, 0706. R:.\.1;}lmUoR, Quoan's co. See Rn.thmoyles. Ratblackan, 00. Mayo. Sec C","rowkeole ru.thmol"n (RAthfoll\n 1), 00. Clare, 6810. Ralaokan,Rahlackano, no.Iackan. Ru,thmolo.n, co. Wu,t .. rectory, S196. Rathlannon, co. Wax. Sed, co. 'Vo.t., tiD4. Rathleague, Que.n'. co. Sec Rathlego. U"thmolonn- Rathmoloane. See, Queen's co. Sec Ro.thloyao. lian. Ralhleo, co. SUgo. See Rathlie, Rath iiow. Rl.thmolo" 00. Tip., 6~19. Rathmolian- namolyano _RathmoleanRathlook, co. Moath. Sec Rathologo. Rabhmoloone (Rathmolyon), RaIWeg (Rathtillig I), Quoen', co., ~OS. co. Meath, SG80i parish, 1192 i Rathlego-ll.o.logo - RatbbogB - Rathlogg rectory, S080, 68G6. Ralbloige (ll~thl eaguo), Quoen', co., 491, 1816,1614, ~B14, 69 0~. vicar, B~~, 747 ltllllllPIIIR OF THill PUBLIO REOORDS IN IRELAND. INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZAllETR. Rathmao!. Se~ R3.thmorc, co. Klld. Rathmoore, co. Cork. 0:903. Ra.thmore-Ra.thcmorc, co. Oar., 911, 916,.26:11, 65-19. " nemann.ghe. R.,thnamealtan, co. Gal., t08O. rectory, 326,1130, 1265, 3438,4284. vicar. 1265. Rathmore, in manor 01 Carlow, 1600. Rathmore, co. Cork, 22 ~ 6. Rathmore (co. Kerry 1), 6516. Rathmore - R:.l.themol'c - R{1.tbmoor, co. KUd., 1081, 1322, 6096. Rathnamuddagh, co. Wes tIn. Su nemoddagh, Ruthnemodda,gh. Rathnargyt (co. Kild. I), 5146. Rathnn.seer, co. Lim. See Ranasier, Ra.nusere. Rathnn.skilloge, co. Wat. Bee Ragberskellege. manor,3146. Rathnaveoge. co. Tip. See Ramoveoke. reclory, 2091, 53S1, 6026. Rathne[ advowson of church, 3146. Rathnccrosse. See Rathnacrosse. Rathnedornomghe (co. Ca.v. 1), 6651. viCo.r,4284. Rathmore King's co. Sec Enrathmore. Rathmore, co. Lim., 2tilO,4513. RathmOl'B, co. Lang., 6707. Rathmore - Rathnalltayn (co. Ferm.l), 5602., Queen's co. See Ralh- Ra.thomore - 1 (co. Tip. 1), 3115. Rathnegal'mgh (co. Wex.),1259. Rathncgoragh (Rathnageerngh, co. Car.), 6116. Rha.more, co . Ra.thnegerathe, Queen's CO" 2981. Meath, 148,200,218,381,1201,12:10. 2611.4316, 4461.6221,6355. Rathmore, Queen's co., 0133. Rathncgeranghe - Rathenegeraugh (Ra,thna.geeragh), co. "WeL, 66,2890. RathmoN (co. Rose. I), 5009. Rathmore (co. Tip. I), 2045, 0504. Ra.thmore, co. We::s::., 417. Rathmore (co. Wick. I), 0571. Rathmorrel, co. Kerry. See Rathwiriell. Rathmowe, co. Long., 5062, 6101. Rathmoylan, co. Wat., 4143. Se. also Rathmomn. Bathmoyle, Queen's co. See Ramoyle. Rathmoyle. co. Westm., ~180. Rathmoyles (Rathmiles, Queen'. co.), 596, 1654. Bathmullan, co. Meath. See Ramollan. Rathmnllen, co. Donegal, mona.s tery of friars preachers of the B. V. M., leas6 or sIte, 6653, Ro.thmullen-Rathemollen, co. Down; illO : rectory, 1659, 5167. Bathmullen (Carrlckmthmullen I), co. Sligo, 4560, 547S. Rsthmyn, co. Cork, 1837. RathnaeaUy, co. Oork. &, RathnekaUy. Rathnacrosse-Rn.thnecrosse (co. Doneg 0.1). 5993, 5997. Bathnageeragh, co. Car. See Ralhnakeeragh., Rathnegeragh., co. \Vex. See Rathn ege ra.ughe. Rathnaggadan (co. Kilk. I), 6704. RaLhnaghane, co. Lim., 5409. Rathna.glye, co. Rosc. See Carrow Raglew. &thnagore, 00. Lim. Sec Rathnegor. Ralhnahynie (co. Clare I), 6765. Ralhnakeemghe-Balhnakeragh (Rathn .... geeragh, co. Oar. 1), l S03, ~S5S. Rathnallie - Bathenally - RathenallyeRathina.lly, co. Meath, 1171,12~2, 5970, 6M3. n.n.thnegrosse, co. Kilk.,4386. Rathnegor (Rathnagore), co. Lim., 5947. Rathueka.lly (Rathnaeally co. Cork), 1535. R:1thnekil1 (co. KiId 1), 3146. Balhnemanaghe (Ralhnamanagh), Queen'B co. 285S. Bathnemeddagh, co. Weslm., 2.,;0. Rathnemoddagh - Rathnemodagh, co. Westm., 2«10, 4203. Rathneniell-Ralhenenyell, co. Cork, 5161. Rathneshean - Rl1thneshian, alias Ra.ghlinneshean, Queen's co., 51S9, 13:;3 , 17~O. Rat hnesier, 6491. Ralhnoge, co. Kerry, 64D7. Rathnoge, (co. Lim. 1), M97. Rathno1an, co. Cork, 6Ul. Rathnnre - Ranywre - RathenewerRathenewr - Rathenur (Ro.thinure, co, Kilk.),lS 9, 9U,1898, 2036, ~86, 2588. Ro.thnure (co. Wcstm.), 6tS3S. Rathnure (co. WeLl, 6541. Ralhnuskie (co. Cork 1),6701. RathnYBky (co. Cork), 8083. S", also Rathynisky, Rathynuskie. Rathode. Se. Rahode. Rathogallagh (co. Tip. 1), 6706. See also Ratogally. Ralhogormike,1065. S.eRathgormock. Rathogowlyn, co. Mon., IS~. RathokeUy-Ratheokelly, co. Tip., 2170. ,BIL Rathonan, co. Kerry,6111. Bathona. co, Tip.. :;rs4.8. RathoneU (lIathconneU), 00. Weatm., rectory,H60. Rathonell, water of, al M1llilDllar., 00. WElstm., 15381, 6428. Rathonyne - Baghonyne - Ralhonyn, 00. Kerry, 5228,6411, M.91, 6669, 748 APPENDIX TO TWENTY-SECOND REPORT OF THE DEPU1'¥ INDEX TO FIANTS. -ELlZAllETH. Rathore (RAthory, co. Louth), l1~S. R3.thornan-R~thornano, co. On.r" {Ill. R.tho,ker, 678,l~SO. See Ro.the,ker. R:l.thouth. See Ratouth. Ro.thOWQ, co. Kerry, Q183. R.thownsey (Xing's 0" Queen's co. 1), 67~0. R>thowyny (RAhoneon), co. Kerry, 60-13. RAthpi>den (RAthpho.udin), co. Wex., 4030. RAthpi>dinhoy - Ro.thepadenboy - RAthfo.dinvoye - RAthpo.dineboye, co. Oar., RAth""llagh - R:lSn1lngh - n..~the"'llngb._ nn.thall,l logho, 00. DUb. (now Wick.), 172, HI!, nOS6, S905, 41-17, 6649. It..', co, J~on g.• 01.0·1. Un.thsfI,llog11o. Sr.!! Rn,tluU\,llagb, co. Wick. RM.h, illagh- Ro.thc"ill~gho, co, KUd., mo, 0132., co. WOlt. Sea Rasellilgh,R>tbesiUngh. RAthsk caghe - Ro.lhsklaghe, co. Westm., a 'IO, D022. S04fi, 6484, 064l. Ro.thsnngg (co. Tip. 1) , 6106. 'R~thp~trik -Rapn.hicke -'icko, Rntohsn"nognn (co. Kilk. 1), 0181. co. KilL, rectory, 202, 1200. Rn.thspiko, co. Killl., rectory, 1269. '" vical', 6288. Ru.thspiko (Rathtt.~ pick), co. Wcstm., 335fi. Rathphaudin, co. Wex. Se. n.., lhpaden. Rl1.thstowno, in l\Iunr:;tcr, 0629. Rathphillipp, co. Lim., lOOT. Rnthphrlliln - RAphrilnn - RAphrylnn RAthtnlno - R:.thtnyn-R"th t.wne(RAtalno), co. ~fCllot,h. 2315. (Rlotbtrylo.nd), co. Down, 4218, 4827. &c l'octory, :mr, lISOO. 101·!, ~!)241 6107. also Raferllnn. n,thpbyrle (Rathfrecdy 1), co. Lim., 5T8~. pal'IAh, 1185. Rnt,htcllig, Queen's co., 0161. R:J.thpierco, co. Wex. Sec Ra.piers. Rnthplpor, Queon', co. See Pipmth. Hu,thtcnny. co. Wex.) 4030. Rt.thWlig, Qucon', co. Sea R"thlcgo. Ib.thra.gho, co. Oa.r., 604. R,thraynoll(RAthreynolels), co. Mouth, 3·130. RI.~ thton-Rllothoton,co. We~, 010, 40D1. Rll.threagh, co. Long. See R!\threougho. Rn.thton (Rtlolphtown 1), co. Wax., 1232. Rathredmond. co. M~yo. See R ~lhoelmond . Ro.thtoog:l1, co. K Ol'ry, 522fi. R.q.thregan, co., rectory, 310, 1340, Ru.thtoole, co. Wi ck. See Hatala. 1691, 6707. R"thtouth. See Rntouth. RAlhregane, co. Mo~th, 3980. Rtlthtowo, Sec Ro..towo, co. Korry. Ratbreogb (co. Kilk.), 61S8. Rathtowe, a.lia.s n.:.tthcon, co. Wax., 6409. Rathrooughe (R·, co. Long., rec- Rnthtowcth, co. O",r., 12'10. See al,o Rnuthtory, !SS7S. towth. Rn,threynolds, co. MO ~lo ~b. See Ra.tbl"JoYllOll. n..,thtowghe - Ik~thtowth, co. Oar., Iithes, Ra.thl'lnghe - Rn.theren.ghe, co. Lim., 4G8, S2~, Z3tl15, CHll. 0001. Ru.tb towth,2.70. Se<) Ratouth. Rl.thrievlIogh-Raghrevagh- R.'\l'ovagh, co. Rllrthtowl,h, co. '.rip., 1260. Long., 6108, 6533, 6618. Ro.thtowth. Sec RM,htowghc, co. Onr. RnthrinnoD. King's co., 67g. Rnlh tow, 021. Sec Rntouth. R.'\tbron.n (R1,thronan 1), co. Lim., 5000. Rntht,owtho, 1147. See aiso Ru.thcowtho, co. Rn.throe-Rn.roe, co. ROSC.,10S0 : gI'o.nt, 582G, '.rip. Rnthr01l0, co. Lontb, 1312. Rnlhtrono - Rathot.ron - Rnt hotl'wone, co. Ro.thl'om, King'S co., O:sOO Kild., 1277, 1(,08,2133. Ra.thronn.n - R~lol'Onn.n, CO. Lim., grant, R:Llhturkyll (co. Kiltl. I), 3BO. 1017. RaLhtyvun, QUOOll'Hco., 1108. po.riRh, I'iliSG i llo.tronngo, 6911. R..'1.thntll1o, co. Ou.r., 1850. Sec nlRO Rn.thl'on.n, Rnthugo, co. Moaj,h l 1101, 4206. Rathron.n - Ratboron~n - R~thcronnno l".thul1<-R"thulko. Sar. R"hulk. - n.othrOllaD, R:LUlllllOY (co. Till. 1), 4010. co. Tip., 020, lOSS, 2001, 2S01, llathtu'd (co. Lim.), .,,,,tlu and l.nel, m3. 4.GOO, 0681, G5GIS. Rn.lihvoon, co. Ou.r., S140. rectory, 2208, 3250, 63·11. Un,l,ll \,owgho, co. Long., roc tory, 01St Su Ro.throne, co., .2100. n.1so Rl1tltl'Cot1),!bo. Rathl'onshie - R~throucltio (Rnthronshin, violu" (Thlot}klWl'a 1, co. Wostm')1 5022. Queen's co.), 0:00, 1654. St:ealso Rm·onsie. Hat,h\'ioldl(1l1uftlJ, King's t!o., M96. Ralhrowgb. co. Lim., 6078. lbt.h villc-R:.tllvillec. Scr. U.. thvilly. R.throw(agbt (Rnruiagh), co. Mon., 6667. n.. t,llvillolt (co. OOl'k 1), G6IB. Rntbrn,h - Ramsbo - RAtlll'nsho, co. Oar., R"lh villy-RntlIvillo-Rnth vi1lco-RAville916, un, 6617. Rntbry, co. Menlh. Un.villio, co. 00.1'., 015, laU7, 12139,.S1Z1,4311, 4fi68, lil21, 0440. 749 KEEPER OF TEE PUBr,IO REOORDS IN IRELAND. INDEX TO FIANTS.-ELIZABETH. R.!l.tllvoga (co. Ireny 1), G50D. fulhw~r!gg (co. Cork 1), 2240. Rathwen.rc,230. Sec Ra.thwier. R,thwcate (co. C"1". 1), 2S5S. R.1.thwyer - wyre (Ra.thwire), co . Westm., 2220,2345. ma.nor and h\nds gra.nted, 6327. mll,l'tiulla.w, 230. Ra.thwiriell (Rn.thmol'rel ?), co. Kerry. (j034, fulyvln- Ratyvyne (R:Ltheven I), Qneen's co., 13~1, UW!l, 6004. Ranceter - Roceter - Rocetter- Raweetor, J ohn (of Ratb_ckeee), indenture, ti134. Richard (of Tomhsgard),livery, ms. Thomas (a! Rathmackeee), commission, 903, 23,u heir, fitS4. j his Walter (of Tomhagnrd), livery 6123. woe, co. Kerry, G18a. R.!l.thwognu- Rathewognu - Rathewogane, in FertuUaghe, co. Wcstlll., HiSS, 2383, 2501. Rn.thwyer. See Rn.thwiel'. Rnthwyll, in manor of Ca rlow, 1000. Rg,thwYl'e. See R:tt,bwier. Rl.thyh..1.1mon, co . L ong., 6091. :a.~thyll (fuhill), co. Mcath, HOO. Rn..thyl }r, MWl'Ogho m'Conoghor Y, pn.l'(lon, SIOO. Rothyoisky (co. Cork I), 3103. Rathyunc, Quean's co. , 1216. Rathynure (co. Irilk. 1),1110. Rathynuskic, co. Cork, 3287. Rathyny, co., 8943. Rathynytig, co. Cork, 101S. Rathyonge, co. Westm., 6296. Rathvwe~, co. Lim., 1165. Ratin, co. Westm., 6301. Rativine (Rathoven ?), Queen's co ., 5824. to son, 5253. William (of Bargy), lands of. 916,4091. ot Tacumshane., hnds ot',916. Sec Rawceter. Ro.nghan. co. Dub. (Wick. 7), 50,81. fuughlin, fun is datcd ",1,205,321. fuughlines-Raghelions (Rathlin isl..'lJld, co. 4-ntrim), to be m..'1.d~ shirl3 gl'onnd, Ili30 ; martial 1a.w in, ~32u. Ra.ughtor, Philip, pa.rdon, 6521. Ran1a.glmn, Mnnter, in Inishowen, men ot pnrdoned, 66515. Ranleston (co. Cork or Wat. 1),64G6. funly, Rich. fltz David, pardon, 6404. funrcany (co. ll!aya 1),4731. RAude, co. Menth, Sa6S. Rauthtowth , co. Car., MH:. Ra.varye (Ro.thfarm 1), co. Lim., 8874. Ratoath, co. See Rn.touth. Ratogally (co. Tip.), 6.21. futole (:a.~thtoolc) , co. Wick., 141'. Ra vege, brook, Queen's co., C1S6. Ravernet, co. D own. Sec Ba.llyra.vaman. RfLvernot river. &c Gl1rwologhy. Ras'illo-Ravillie. See Ra.thvilly. co. On.r. Ra yo~~nvoir, King's co. G-!96. Ra.too. Ser: Rn.towe. fuvrane (co.Moya 1). 519B. :a.,teuth-Ratouthe-Rathonth-Rathtouth -' Ro.thtowth - Rathtewthe Ratowthe (futoath), co., Rawceter, Dl1'vid, pardon, G64:1 . James, po.rdon. 6127. John fitz Rob., pardon,M41. :rna.Uhew, pardon, 64S8 . Tholll8.9, 61J4. See Rauceter. Rawcetor, Wm. 4mH. Sa Ra-neeter. Ra.we, capt. George, comn. for martiaJ. 1438 i manor, aU1, 6341. rectory, 025, 2519, BUO, 6134, 6191. ~.. icar. 6144. futowe-Rathetowe-Rathtowe - Ratoo Ra.tow (Ra.ttoo), co. Kerry, 6434 i messuages and go.rdens gronted, 1!91~, 6029, 6123 j land in, granted, (1111, GHlS. rectory,6otl4. abbey, alias Arraga.consis or Arragensis, leased, !lS20, 31tiS, 5Ma i pos~essions gra.nted, 6()34, G123. futewthe. See Ratoutb. Itatruman (R:1thdrnm), King's CO ., 484. Rattin-Rattyn, co. Wastm., ·U til, 44G3, (i533. Rattoo, co. Kerry. See Ra.tOW6. Rattyn. See Rattin. futnsb (co. Ca.r. 1), 64011. RB.twogh (co. Kerry I), 6401. fulytrynge (co. Rosc.1). 'B02. .. law, 6228. Nicb, 296B. Rawelenncshean, alms R3.thncshiD.n, Queen's co., 659. Rn.wghter, Tho., pardon, 4919. Rawlagbe, co. Dub. (Wick. I), casUe and iand, 5260. Rawley I D a.niel, nlin.s D onell O'Rhawly, pardon, Ol BB. Gerrott roe, pardon, 6490. Morris Iltz Garrott, pardon, MBO Nich. roe, pardon, 6490. Wa.lter. See Ra.legb. Ra.wleystown, co. Lim. &. Ba.llynrowley, RaJeighston, Rollestown, RoUiston. Ra wlie, Daniel, pardon, 681B. 750 APPENDIX TO TWENT~-BEaOND REPORT OF THE DEPUTY INDEX TO FrANTS.-ELlZABETII. Rawlie,Edm. fitz Jo.mes, pardon, 114:10. James fltz Edm.,pa.rdon, 0410. Ren.rymol'o, Quoen's 00. See Rierymore. RO(Lsknvalln., co. Tip. Sec Rto.sgin vally. James age, pardon, 6470. Rawlins, Joha.nna, testamentary appcru, 4765. Rohan, co. Kilc.l" 64tiO. See OastletowD at Re. bane, 8882 i ~m(l Rebana. Rawlistowe, co. Lim., OIiGB, RlLwlletown. co. Lim., 6410. Robnn, Rol'Y, 1122, 3418. Rebano-Rn.rono, bD.ron of, commissioD,!l60j Rawly, Ellice, pardon, 6491. Rioh., pardoD, {joi91, of Rawlistown, wile 01, pllJ'doncd, GISliG. Ro.;wore, co. Gat, 4.681. Rawson, John, prior 01 8. John 01 Jernsalem, lease from, recited, 1087, 14.38, 4791, 1210. 51SS. 1841, 6411. John, soldier, leases, 4940-1, G801S. Rich., 3731. n~y", co. Gn!, 1848. Ra.yestoD, co., SID, .2098. RayestoD, ruins BmystoD, co. Meath, 14n4. Rayhen, co. Kiid., 03DB. Rayhyneynagh in Upper Ossory, 891. Rnyllld,582i. Raylaghe, 884. Rayleston - Rnyliston. Sec Raile"ton, co. Tip. R aymore, Queen's co., SUI. RnYDdnf-RaYDdufia (Rahcendntr), Queen's co., 501, :m,'G47, 15306. Rnynedorow (Raheen dnrragh, co. 01lJ'. 7), 4036. Rayneforde, Rich., pardon, 34-34:. Raynekame (RinnagaD, co. Rosc.) , 8241. Raynakennagh, co. Wex., 12159. Raynesford, Hercules. Se. Rainsford. Raynewilaghe-R'YDewilawghe, co. Lim., '873, 1511. Raynsford - Raynafol'de, Hercules. See RaiDSloro. Ray••backe (Rathespick 1), 00. Westm" rectory, 461. Raystown, co. Meath. Se. Raieaton. Rend, SCI) Red<! monntoyno. Rende, David, pardon, 2318. Rob., pardon,2318. Readetowne, co. Dub. (Wlok.), 1081. Rengh, Donal!, pllJ'don, 0461, 6110. John, pllol'doD, U7I. Thomas, pardon, 8884. Rcn.gho, Rory, pardon, M81. ReaghstowD, co. Louth. See Rlngbeslon. Renhlrrogh (00. or Rosc. 1), 1808. BenJy, John, pardon, M02. R$n, Derby, pardon, OS80. In-mes, pardon, 0380. Wm. m'DonelI, pn.rdOD, 05eG. Renne, Anie ny. pllJ'don, ~781. Roan ... 00. Oork, I~IB. Roo.rybeg, Quaen'. co. See Rurybeg. Rebnn, co. Mayo, rectory, 490S. freedom from subsidy, seo. Walter, baron aI, liv~ry (au St. Michncll), 3882. Rollellion, persons hn.ving baen in, to find security, 5086. Rebellion of W. Nugent, SB11. Robols, commission to WD.l' OD,1452, 2164,2-103,2997. instrnctioDs fol' defonce against, 1111. Iri!:lh sorvioos, 620, Ga.!. in Tyrone. their goods to be seized to qucon's use, 1091. tl'en.Ling with, 42n~. wino not to be sold to, 41515. Reca,clqtown (Rickal'dstown, co. Kild. 1), 0651. Reohill (co. Tip. 1), 6765. Reckenlock (co. Oork 1), 0106. Records in Brymyngham's tower, keeper appointod, 301~, sooo, ~821. Records of Ohancel'Y, inventories to be modo 01, 3200. Records 01 court of Oom. PI""slost ; placed in Bermingham's Tower i inventory to made of, li8no. Records, keepor of, of counties, 5813. See clerks of paLlco, &c., under several counIios. . Recol'(lB, pa.rdon for !o.brica.tions, 123. Rector, son of, pfl.ruoned, US!,;, 2211. nectori",l tithcslimsod to a butcher, 1710. nod Barrios country (BI\1'ryroe), co. Oork, 2026, 4~00, GOOO. ncdcittlo, the (Uclloity, co. Tip.l, 668S. Rod logll - R odd logh (Lough De1'g, co. Donogn,l), 6003, 5n91. Rod Mountll.ins, co. Dub. (the range of Wicklow and Dublin monnt.n.i.ns, cnlled in Irish Ant1l\ls RUl\uh 01' Stieve Roe), BOllcBc}lOtl ol cmmtl'Y ndjoining, 1416 i commission lor ma.rl.ia.l la.w, 14lG. Rod rivor ouUod Dot1.1'gO (Dol'g river, co. Donog"ll\ud TYl'onc), 600B, 1001. Rodd l ogh. Sec Uodlogll. Rolld mountcyna - ROl\d mountain In TippOl'k avan, co Dub. (Sliovoroe in pa.r. TippOl'kovin, co. Kild.),4n26, tHSSO. Rodo, Mn.rgol'Y, 11o.rdon, 071S. rEhomna. pa.l'uoo, 708. Rodomodow, co. Tip., !lOSfS. Rodomoro, co. Louth.17~S. KEEl'lm all Tnt POiltIC 1tl>JCOltns 1N IRELAND. 751 INDEX TO FIAh"rS.- ELIZABETH. Redemption of Cn.pUves, friars of the Trinity for (see AultI'el, 1143,4751. R ctlestaD, co. M cnth, 4411. Rcdmn.yne, M.n.rmMluko, 5033. R edmon, Andrew, P:'Ll'dOD, 2800. Rob., pardon, 2802. Wm., pn.rdon, 27tH). Redmond-Redmund -Remone, Alexandcl' (of Redmond', Holl), theftfrom, 3154 i wo.rdship and livery of heir, 3819, G737. Alexander, son of AleL'1.nder (of R edmond's B rill), wardqhip, 3810,0131. of the H oke (or Hook), land, of, 9l G, 4ljOl . Ellinor ny, p n.rdon, G471. Ellis n y , pardon, 6312. ' 'ill" J ames Ul' pru.'don. 4933. R k h . fi tz Patr., pa.nlou, 6·133. Shilio yny, pMdoD,1103. Willin.m , pnl'uou, 2080. Redmondes H aJJ., co. '\' erlord. G7S1. Rec.h nondston-RedmonuesloD, co. Westm., 4llil, 4'1G3, 0533 . R cdmol'c. co. Kilk., S012. 1~G1, 490fJ. R edmol'eS}'dc by Al'dec, co. Loutb, 1123. Redmund, Alex.ander. Sec Redmond. Roomund of H oke, 016, ·10!l1. Sx Rcdmond. R!:dmond oge,cn. ~co. s.:.c FitzGeroJd. R edmund age, p'\l'dun, 4351 . R edmund age (of L issenodc or Lisnoyd, co. \ Vcstm.), 6530. 6663. Redmund l'cogb, p a..rdon, CS21. nedmunde, Ja.mes m'Shcrm, p ~l.l·don, (1605. Redwa.rde. alias, Dermot, pn.rd ao ,6531. Rcdwa.rdes, n.lins •.\.lbn.ncgbc, Rich ., pa.rdOD, !i~31. Ree, T homas., lensc. 52 i O. Hee, Lough. S fC Rye. n eclinge, Chr., pro'dOD, G4!iO. " Nich" par doo, 6·j50. n~ c nbeg, co. KelTY. Set. R in110ggo., co. K erry. See Rincahn.rroghe. Reens, co. Lim. See R eyne. R, co. COl'k.. Sec R endogan. Reeolo, Wm., pardon, 6566. Reerdan, John m'Mlaghleu Y, pardoD, S080. R ega.ine b cgg, Quean's co., 6126. Regaine, D onell m'Dermcdy 1, pn.rdon, 4991. Reg[LD, Connor m'D onogha. po.rdoD, MOl. Ellym m'Mwrugh I, pn.rdan, 5522. 1>!orysb, 2000. Onom, pa.rdon ~ GSl!!. RegiLDe, John, English Ubert y, 78J. Teige m'Donogh I , pardon, 6514. u It Thomas, English liberty, 781, Owen dWf, pardoD, 6558. Reghill, co. Tip., 2176, 6766. See Rci,g hlll. Reglo,ss, co. Dub., 551~. Regles, co. Dub. See Reiglas. Rohedin (co. Car. 1), 6441. R.hill, co. Tip. Stc Reighill Reicston, co., 5495. Reighe, Ja.mcs., pardon, 612 7. R eighely, OWin, pardon, 4005. R eigb ill (Rahill, co. Tip. ?), 038, (l5S2. Reighlie, E\'lin ny, pn.rdon, 619:l. Reig!as-Reyglns-Royg!as- Ryeg!as - R,g1as (Regles ?), co. Dub., 398, 1130, 2094, 3019, 6813. Reiln.r.e (co. W ex. 1),3904. Reile, D ermot m 'Donogho 1, p rl.1·don., 3321. Reile, John m'DoneU 1, alias Bolngeda.ny, pal'don, G4!l5. Roilie, Annbly, _don, GOGI. Margaret, pardon. 666L R eise, jointure of, 4110. R eil1e, Mala.ghlin, paruon, 2331. n eil too, Christopher, soluier, robb ery of, !lno. Ih'il y, Kath erine ny, p:1l'doo, G1!lG. Rein cast.le, co. Clare, 3:.193. R cinnghmorc. co. Kild., 2600. Reirdan, Morj ertagh m 'Danogh 1, pardOD. 41:i2. R.ciry: Jovn.n nyne, pn.rdon , GG2B. R ei.;ton, co. We3tm .,4J11. Rek ell, co. Rose. or Ga.l., 5.t3S. TIckcnfceke (co. Cork .t), G!ill. Reldil, co. Gal or Rose., MO:). n cla.nmol'e, co. ~~ex.., 6050. Reley, Connor, pardon, G459. Philip, paruoD, 6459. Relickesbon, co. Kild, ,4 ~1. Relickmore (Relickmurry), co. Tip., mill, '04. reet-ory, l e·IS, 4018. :5981. See Religvory. R ~li e. John, burgess, Athlon c. 6316. J ohn, pn.rdOD, 6G93. M.o.ry fitz John, p..'\rdon, GSi 3. Religion (s[e E cclesiastical C3.US ~s). 804.1. Relig\'ory (R elickm nrry, co. Tip.). 4550. Religy, Teig ne, (O'Mahon), pardon. 50:!4. n~lly, CODnor m'Shnnc, pardon, 6621. Faelly, pardon, 6621. R eix, p3.l'don, 0021. R el y, CabnU m'l\Iolmor, pa.rdOD, 6573. II Ca.hir mTirlllgh, pu.ruon, 6&1Z. " Edmund, po.rdon, 2399. n Fe~ pardon, 38M. II Gerald, pardon, 41G4.. " Gerrot m'CODnor, p::a.rdon, 60U. " Hugh m'Phcllm age, pardon, 66JL " James. pardon, 2399, 4.924, 6389. ., Philip, pardon, ~S99. 3D 752 APPJ<:~DIX TO 'l'WEN'l'Y-SECOND HEPOR'I' OF TilE DEPUTY INDEX: TO FIANTS.-ELIZADETU. -Rely, Tirra!; pardon, 2890. Relye, Annor, pardoo, 6021. ' Mo.rgnret, p~rdon, mo. Phclim A, pa.rdOD, 3223. Tho., p~rdon, 2503. II Tirelagh, pardoo, GUO. Romembro.ncor's Office (Ohio!), Looscc to give security 10,6311,6020, l.l.emono, Alemnder. · See Rodmoml. Rcnn.gan-Ronaganc (Rinon.gan), co. Rose ., Ci~4a, 6016. Wm., ptlJ.·uon, G535. Requests, clerk of, 214:5. B..nngh, Uny, pnrdon, 6486. Reno.ghau, John.; 3813. ' Ranaghnne, co. We.t a>., 3872. Renaghe, Carbary, po.rdOD, ~18G. Renaghe-Ronn.ughe- Renno.g-ll (R oynn.gl1, Xing's co.), r ectory, 1401,10:;0, a300, '!301l. 11eo'1D. Rich., pa.rdOD, ft:320. Renany. liliG2. Renn.u gbc. Sec Rcnaghe. RUl'iko. S£·tJ Ruriu1co. Rencorane, co. Cork, 67G'!' Renoo.nyn, 5697. Rengarston-R'1 ng31'stone (n...mjl!fl:Itown co. Meath, 381,2048. n co. 'Vat., o~o,~n33. Sec RJllllrghe. R!!nnebyll~" co, Cork, 0510, RI1DOgh. Wm", pardon, 15616. R-3noghn.n (Riun.ghn.n). co. Kiltl., 10:lG. Uonoghnn Ha.l~ co. Kild., 4026. Rent, commissions to determine n.mount of rent n.nd servicc3 in Munster, ~11, 2801 i certnin rents to replace oorvices to crown and lords in Connat1ght and Thom()DU, 4745 : in Thomond, 4701 ; 1Uulcr M'William, 4078 i ronts payable to c..'\rl of Desmontl, 150·13 ; tlx13d ronl,~ rosentod. to crown n.ntl chief in Monn.ghan, 558:J, 567-1, &0" 2011. u. tat"l, 66jl. of beeves or (lOwR, 4321, < 15-11, 41501,1U06 i gloves; '3913. 6101 i gOl:llmwlt.R, 46·11, 4666,4009 i I" rctll'oso, 1·1D8. 61G1. at pc.tcnteo baing tOo high, n. now survey I1Uowed,51415. of 1000 mmko pay~b!e by onr! of Tyrone to -Turlogh lonngh, 5018, RontinoL.'l.D, co. Dooo., 5820. Ucnwick, Thomn.s., 10ll•.'~0, 4100. Rcnygrowrc, co. COl'k, HG:l. RaodolI (or RtL<lulI), co. Wo"tm., 16RR. Reogh, ConDor, pardon, 6570. Donoll, pltrtlon, G670. Donogbow, Pa.t'UOIl, 05.21. Gerold, pardoD, 42li1. Murl'og!r, pardon, 6108. n arage Ruddery, 00. L1m . ,lHH7. U Ol'ick e -Rel'iko-ltol'yek (A.blJayucrg), co Lan g., r cdol'r,103J, 1131,1116. Rorio, Ku..t.o1ino ny, l llUdoll, MG1. Rary I J o.mO!:I, 1122, iH18. Itoryck. Sea Ucri eko. Rcndogo,n (Recuydonagan), co. Cork, filia l . a Roogh, Ownic, pardon, 6461. SImno, pardon, G·.108, 0480. r.roigo lll'Donill ogo, panloD, G(i:H. rrho., pa.l'dOll, (i·HIS , G'IBO. 'Vm., llu.rdoD, Gli1·i . neogllo, Douog-h, pn.r(10n, (Ha7. DOJl.ogh, pardon, Oli76. Edlll., l1n.rdon, 05 11. MeLo.ughlin, pa.r dou, 'UHl2. Tho., pa.rdou, 07'.12. lioough, I n.mcs,pnrdou S013. UCRoon, co. Kilk., 1301i. Rcsillagh, co. ' Vox., G7:J1. (co. Cork ?), 6616. Uossonltncgh (co. Kilk . ?), IJ320. Reughc, 'roig, po.nlol1, 8:57. Reulvill 0, co. Gttl., 6510. UCUl·, Jo1m m'Couohor I, prLl'(l oll, tiGS3. R ll\'l1gho, Rcamyu, p..'U·dOll, 9716. U,0VOU, Tho., pal'UOll, 67·1 2. Revenno abusos, commissiou to cnqoirc of, ·!~ 33 . Uovc'Stou, co. Men.Lh, .2!:1l, 21G8. novy, Hnbhol't lU'Edm., pl1l'clon, 5510. M01'Ogh m'Etlm., p3.l'UOll, 6510. Rowdull, A n dl'ew, pardon, 6173. Itewo (ltoo), co. 0,,1., '250. Ho yos. Clll'islu"n, pardon, 1011. ReYlrln.s. Sec Rciglns. Rcyla,n (eo. Wax. or Ca·l'. ?), 0517. HOY!lInd (.,0. We". n , 300·! ' noyltLll(lomo1'l~, co. Wox.,4{l1t1. ltoyhmomoro (l!0. Wox. or Cll.l'. f), G617. ltOyh1.l1lUOl'C (co. Cil,r .), GCil7. Roy1('", GOl'a.1tl, l>l1.l'tlon, 4017. UoylCf:1tOl1. See ~I.o n . n o ylo~' , Iticbu.l'tl, pal'tlol1, 3216. Ruylic, llo!-lo, 11[\.I'U0 11, 715. 'l 'ho.,n.uuhol'iactl tOimpl'CS9 hll.y,H~O. 'l'il'l', p!~l'don, 0ol:;!). ltoyl1y, All,Lblo, partIan, 072·1. .TOllll, pltl'llou, 175!i. Kn.tllol'in n}" pn,l't1on, 1100. 'l' ]\olllnH, p,\.nIon, 1160. Hoy1y, l~ , ltJlnnd , plu'(lol1, 1156. Ku.t.h ul'ino, pt1.rtlOD, U18. J I\.1l108, pll.l'don, MtiO. John, pm'd.on, 11915. Onol' ny, pardon, 06157. IJhuylim, pa rlIon, 0180.
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