(x) 405 years ago Saturday 3rd of October 1609 32-year
(x) 405 years ago Saturday 3rd of October 1609 32-year
BIRTH(+)FACT(x)DEATH(-)CALENDAR by DDV 10 events for 3 October: (x) 405 years ago Saturday 3rd of October 1609 32-year-old Painter Peter Paul Rubens marries 18-year-old Isabella Brant in Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgium. (x) 165 years ago Wednesday 3rd of October 1849 40-year-old Writer Edgar Allan Poe is found on the streets of Baltimore by Joseph W. Walker, delirious and "in great distress, and... in need of immediate assistance" in East Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland, United States. Poe was taken to the Washington Medical College where he died on 7 October 1849. (+) 147 years ago Thursday 3rd of October 1867 Artist Pierre Bonnard is born in Fontenay-aux-Roses, Île-de-France, France. (-) 130 years ago Friday 3rd of October 1884 Artist Hans Makart known for his influence on Gustav Klimt dies of general paralysis of the insane due to syphilis at the age of 44 in Wien, Wien, Austria. (x) 47 years ago Tuesday 3rd of October 1967 32-year-old Serial killer Joseph Kallinger, originally Joseph Lee Brenner III aka The Shoemaker sets fire to a building he owns in 2039 East Fletcher Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. It was the fourth time in five years that Kallinger set fire to this building. He was charged with arson but released by lack of evidence. (x) 43 years ago Sunday 3rd of October 1971 25-year-old Artist Chris Christopher Burden performs 'I Became a Secret Hippy' in Museum of Conceptual Art, 86 Third Street, San Francisco, California, United States. The piece began when I took my clothes off, jeans and a t-shirt, and lay on my floor on my back. A friend hammered a star-shaped stud into my sternum. I then sat in a chair and had all my hair cut off. Finally, I dressed in some FBI clothes I had bought for the piece. (x) 30 years ago Wednesday 3rd of October 1984 Second bomb attack by Terrorist organisation Les Cellules Communistes Combattantes aka CCC in M.A.N. Truck & Bus, Gossetlaan 13a, Dilbeek, Brabant, Belgium. It was the second action in their Première Campagne Anti-Impérialiste d’Octobre. (x) 28 years ago Friday 3rd of October 1986 34-year-old Serial killer Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer is sentenced to death by lethal injection for the murder of Daniel Bridges in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Eyler was also sentenced to fifteen years in prison for aggravated kidnapping and five years for attempting to conceal his victim's death. (x) 18 years ago Thursday 3rd of October 1996 36-year-old Serial killer Richard Ricardo Leyva Muñoz Ramirez aka The Night Stalker marries 41-year-old Doreen Lioy who described herself as a virgin prior to her marriage in San Quentin State Prison, San Quentin, California, United States. For many years before Ramirez's death Lioy stated that she would commit suicide when Ramirez was executed. However, Doreen Lioy and Richard Ramirez eventually separated before his death on 7 June 2013. 13 years ago The Eyes had it Wednesday 3rd of October 2001 Test-running a video project for 75 years NMBS in Centraal Station, Astridplein, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgium. www.birthfactdeathcalendar.net
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