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Lillehammer University College Research and development at Lillehammer University College 2013 Lillehammer University College is located on Storhove, 5 kilometers north of Lillehammer. ISSN 0809-1609 Information series no 41/2014 Questions regarding the report should be adressed to the individual research group, the research comittee or the rector. Editors: Yvonne Fritze, Lars Bærøe, Anne Sofie Lofthus and Sigbjørn Hernes Layout and editing: Gro Vasbotten Data processing: Biblioteket ved HiL Photographers: Ole Jacob Reichelt, Lars Teppan Johansen and Gro Vasbotten Circulation: Published on - prints may be ordered. Download from is accepted. PREFACE The Research and Development at Lillehammer University College (LUC) hold high quality and provides basis for further reflection and reflective action capability. The research shall provide new insights in research issues on an empirical, theoretical and methodologically high level. Besides providing new knowledge, we also hope that our research can contribute to increase the quality and pace of innovation nationally and regionally. It is also the foundation of research-based teaching at our institution. The interaction between teaching and research contribute in such a way that the teaching is in accordance with the latest research. We therefor want to have permanent staff on hand who teach on the basis of their research The most important research resource at LUC is the allocated R&D time that is part of the academic positions, and we want to keep it this way to stimulate increased quality and extent of research. LUC is dedicated to having an R&D profile where the priority areas are based on employee and institutional advantages and special expertise. In recent years, LUC has emerged as an institution with a social science and media profile. The two PhD-programs that are now accredited by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), “Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development” and “Innovation in Services - in the Public and Private Sectors” provide education at the highest academic levels within two areas that are central to LUC’s research activities. Furthermore, the Norwegian Film School has conferred doctoral degrees to candidates participating in the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Program. In 2013 we applied for accreditation of the PhD-program “Audiovisual media”. The application is based on an academic collaboration between the Faculty of Humanities at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the Department of Social Sciences at LUC. The program will be a joint degree between these two environments. As this annual report shows, there is also considerable research and development activity within other fields and disciplines at LUC, including public policy, media studies, general and special education, welfare and social studies, economics and business administration, management and organization studies, tourism, international relations, history, law, sports, child welfare, social work, social education, psychology, sociology, cultural project management, and film and television studies. Although we have had a decline in the number of publication points in the national database for documentation of research, LUC continues to rank well above average among university colleges nationally when we measure the number of publication points per faculty member. It is important to remember that artistic development productions at the film school, and productions at the faculty of film and television production are not included in the current system The level of formal competence among academic staff is high. About half of our faculty members are employed as associate professors and in professorships, and a fifth are professors. LUC wishes to further its competence and research culture and also maintain and strengthen its position regionally as a research leader, with national and international leading academic environments in our academic focus areas. As the rector of LUC, I wish to thank everyone who in various ways has contributed to furthering our institution’s research and development activities in 2013. Lillehammer, august 2014 Bente Ohnstad Rector 1 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 TABLE OG CONTENTS Preface ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Brief overview of the report ......................................................................................................... 3 PART A – MAIN FEATURES OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT .... 4 Why is high-quality R&D-activities important? .......................................................................... 4 Organization ............................................................................................................................... 5 LUC’S academic staff .................................................................................................................. 6 R&D production 2013 ............................................................................................................... 7 Research group and research centres ............................................................................................ 8 Doctoral programs ...................................................................................................................... 9 The central research committee ................................................................................................... 10 PhD committee ........................................................................................................................... 10 Research funding ......................................................................................................................... 10 PART B – DOCTORAL DEGREES .............................................................. 14 Child and youth participation and competence development ...................................................... 14 Innovation in services – in the public and private sector .............................................................. 14 The Norwegian Film School ........................................................................................................ 14 PhD fellows at LUC .................................................................................................................... 14 Dissertations 2013 ...................................................................................................................... 18 PART C - PUBLICATIONS ........................................................................... 20 Books published by LUC staff ..................................................................................................... Journals published at LUC .......................................................................................................... Level-1 and level-2 publications ................................................................................................... Non-scoring publications ............................................................................................................ National Science week 2013 ........................................................................................................ Artistic development work ........................................................................................................... 20 23 24 28 31 32 FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1: Organizational chart LUC 2013 ................................................................................... 4 Figure 2: Relation between R&D-intensity and educational intensity .......................................... 5 Table 1: Full-time equivalent faculty positions (teaching and research) in 2013 ........................... 6 Table 2: Academic publications 2007-2013 ................................................................................. 7 Table 3: Publication points by faculty 2009-2013 ........................................................................ 7 Table 4: Publication points by academic position 2009-2013 ...................................................... 8 Table 5: Publication points by academic position 2012-2013 (Per 01.10. both year) ................... 8 Table 6. Externally funded projects at LUC in 2013 .................................................................... 11 Table 7: New projects granted in 2013, to be started in 2014 ...................................................... 13 Table 8. PhD fellows at LUC per 31.12.13 .................................................................................. 14 2 BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE REPORT This report presents the main features of Lillehammer University College’s (LUC) research and development (R&D) activities in 2013. It also includes a more detailed account of doctoral projects, external research funding, and publication activities. Part A of the report describes main features of LUC’s research and development. Overviews of formal competence, research production and acquisition of external research funding are provided. It also presents LUC’s research centers, groups and committees. Part B includes information about LUC’s doctoral programs, PhD fellows and dissertations. Part C provides a more detailed overview of publications during 2013. Including a selection of books written by LUC faculty, journals published at LUC, a detailed overview of scoring and non-scoring publications and an overview over artistic development. This report is published in Norwegian and English. Both versions are available from LUC’s website, along with more information. We hope you will enjoy the report! Yvonne Fritze Head of Research / Provost 3 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 PART A – MAIN FEATURES OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT This section describes the main features of LUC’s research and development. Overviews of formal competence among the academic staff and research production in terms of publications and acquisition of external research funding are provided. It also presents LUC’s strategic research goals and gives a brief overview of the functioning of LUC’s research administration. LUC’s aim is to offer education based on cutting-edge knowledge emerging from research, academic and artistic development, and experiential learning. Research-based education ensures students’ access to the best and most recent knowledge within the various academic fields. The ideal of research-based knowledge is both a prerequisite for meeting and a means to meet challenges that society in general, and our region in particular, are facing. tribute to increase the quality and pace of innovation in regional and national activities. --Fulfill the obligation to offer research-based education. High-quality research-based education WHY IS HIGH-QUALITY R&DACTIVITIES IMPORTANT? faculty members --Offer opportunities for professional and academic ensures recruitment of talented students. --Recruit academic staff. Institutions that demonstrate excellence in research have an advantage both in terms of recruiting new and keeping existing development for our faculty members. --Interact with national and international research communities, administrative bodies and businesses that provide new knowledge and ensure quality. --Establishing programs on the highest level. High academic competence is a requirement for the accreditation of Master and PhD programs. --Contribute to the financial viability of LUC through the performance-based public funding scheme and through successful grant applications to the Research Council of Norway, the EU and other sources. LUC’s aim is to offer education based on cutting-edge knowledge emerging from research, academic and artistic development, and experiential learning. Research-based education ensures students’ access to the best and most recent knowledge within the various academic fields. The ideal of research-based knowledge is both a prerequisite for meeting and a means to meet challenges that society in general, and our region in particular, are facing. Comprehensive and high-quality R&D activities are important in order to: --Provide insight into the most current empirical, theoretical, and methodological questions within national and international research that might con- In addition to resources and expertise, high-quality R&D actives depends on freedom in the choice of topics, inde- FIGURE 1: ORGANIZATIONAL CHART LUC 2013 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE BOARD Study Committee RECTOR Central Research Committee Learning Environment Com. RECTORATE - DIRECTOR International Committee Ph.D. Committee Working Environment Com. Equal Opportunity Com. Appoinment Committee Central administration - University College Management Office and Archives Department - Organization and Personnel Department - Finance and Facilities Management Department - IT-section - Department of Academic Affairs - Library - Centre for Lifelong Learning Appointment Council Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Education and Social Work Faculty of økonomi og organisasjonsvitenskap Faculty of Film and Television production The Norwegian Filmschool Faculty Board Faculty Board Faculty Board Faculty Board Faculty Board Dean Dean Dean Dean Head of studies 4 Head of studies Head of studies Head of studies Dean Head of studies PART A – MAIN FEATURES OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LUC pendence from delegating authorities as well as high ethical research standards. LUC wishes to promote these values within research. ORGANIZATION Lillehammer University College originates back to 1970, when Hedmark and Oppland Regional College was established at Storhove. In 1977, the college split in two regional departments, and Oppland Regional College emerged as a separate institution. In 1994 ORC became Lillehammer University College. In the beginning of 2014, LUC had 4 800 enrolled students and 363 employees. The research capacity amounted to 80 full-time equivalent positions. These numbers make LUC’s Storhove campus the largest in the region. LUC’s academic activities is organized in the following five faculties (see figure 1): Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Social Science, Faculty of Economics and Organizational Studies, Faculty of Film and Television Production, and the Norwegian Film School. In addition, the Centre for Continuing Education (CEE) works within specially commissioned teaching, continuing education and development projects. The head of research / provost is responsible for the research at LUC, the rector and university college board are senior bodies. The central research committee is the university college board’s specialist body for research policy and management of support schemes. The head of faculty, dean, is responsible for the R&D activities at the faculties. The right and obligation to conduct research is related to the position, not the holder of the position. Professor and associate professor positions have 45% allotted time to R&D and lecture positions have 25% allotted time to R&D. The college wishes to keep this structure, but also accommodates for individual adjustments according to research production and grant acquisitions. Good working conditions including continuous research time is an important condition for the quality of research. Several people of the academic staff are part of research groups, both within the faculty, inter-faculty groups and research groups with members from different institutions. This will be described in more detail later in this report. The principle of research-based teaching along with a relatively high time allotment for research, make LUC’s in- FIGURE 2: RELATION BETWEEN R&D-INTENSITY AND EDUCATIONAL INTENSITY Source: Ministry of Education and Research’s status report (2014, page 227) Comparison of Norwegian university colleges (acronym HiL = LUC) : X-axis (educational intensity) relation between production of credits and number of academic staff (R&D-intensity). Y-axis – relation between publication points and number of academic staff. 5 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 stitutional profile share many features with the established universities. According to the Ministry of Education and Research’s status report (2014, page 227), LUC differs from the other public university colleges with higher education and research intensity. The other university colleges are clustered together at the mean values for the two ratios. addition we have employed two post doc employees (1.5 FTEs). In sum, positions at the level of associate professor or higher comprised 52% of LUC’s total academic staff in 2013. As of 31.12.2013, 30 people (29.7 FTEs) were employed in PhD fellow positions and 3 fellows had their work place at LUC. LUC’S ACADEMIC STAFF At LUC, there are too few women in positions at the associate and full professor level, even though there have been a slight improvement in 2013. LUC work towards changing this imbalance through recruitment initiatives and various PhD fellow arrangements. Overall the level of formal competence is relatively high at LUC. According to statistics from the Database for higher education (DBH) of the academic staff as of 1.10.2013, positions at the full professor level amounted to 18.6% of the academic staff. In comparison the average is 8.6% for public university colleges and 25% for universities. Positions at the associate professor level make up 61.2 full-time equivalent (FTE) R&D-positions in 2013. In However, among PhD fellows, woman amounted to 62%. A similar trend can be found at other institutions in Norway and internationally. This will probably make it easier TABLE 1: FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT FACULTY POSITIONS (TEACHING AND RESEARCH) IN 2013 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Professor 18 22,2 24,6 30,0 32,8 29,6 34,1 36,2 34,7 Professor II (adjunct) 1,0 1,3 2,1 2,3 2,0 1,8 1,8 1,4 1,6 Dosent 1,0 1,6 1,6 2,0 2,0 1,3 2,0 2,0 2,0 0,6 0,2 0,5 0 0,0 0,0 University College Dosent Ass. Prof. (Førsteamanuensis) 35,5 38,0 37,0 38,4 48,7 53,3 45,2 47,2 47,9 Ass. Prof. (Førstelektor) 14,4 16,0 15,2 18,7 16,6 18,2 17,1 14,8 13,3 Ass. Prof. (Amanuensis) 9,6 9,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 Ass. Prof. (Høgskolelektor) 33,1 33,8 42,1 43,4 42,3 43,3 46,2 47,1 47,7 University College Teacher 11,4 10,4 9,1 8,0 10,0 9,1 7,6 8,2 7,9 PhD Fellow 12,3 13,0 13,4 13,6 16,9 21,0 25,7 24,7 29,7 1,0 1,0 1,5 185,7 188,5 192,3 Postdoc Totalt 6 136,3 145,3 153,0 164,9 177,3 184,1 PART A – MAIN FEATURES OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LUC TABLE 2: ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS 2007-2013 Type publikasjon 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Articles in peer-reviewed journals 49 55 62 64 91 80 58 Articles in academic journals 4 6 11 4 14 13 7 Books / text books 17 15 25 19 15 18 19 Chapters in books / textbooks 17 81 87 28 71 60 56 Other academic reports published outside LUC 8 3 4 3 4 5 3 Other academic reports published by LUC Lectures/papers presented at academic conferences 1 8 18 2 10 2 2 116 133 106 105 159 200 206 Total number of publications 248 301 313 225 364 378 351 Publication points 95,6 98,7 111,2 105,3 132,1 123,97 95,2 -*Proportion of level-2 publications by publication points1 9,4% 8,6% 3,4% 4,6% 7,0% 12,7% 10,8% to recruit woman to the highest academic positions at LUC in the future. R&D PRODUCTION 2013 of Education and Research) in 2014 was NOK 363 million. Which means that the RBO for publication points accounts to ca. 1.07 percent. For 2013 it amounted to ca. 1.3 percent. R&D work at a university college during a calendar year includes a multitude of activities within the different stages of the research process. This R&D work includes grant acquisition, various forms of preparation for the particular projects, including obtaining, processing and analysis of data. Written descriptions of the conducted research are published to communicate results to fellow researchers and the public as well as for individual qualification. LUC’s total publications therefor act as one of LUC’s academic quality indicators. The ministry has included a qualitative component in the registration system. Journals and publishers are divided into two categories, level-1 and level-2. Publication in a level-1 journal or publisher gives 1 and 5 point for articles and books respectively, and the equivalent for level-2 is 3 and 8 points. These descriptions, which over time take the form of reports, articles and dissertations, may be based on research from a previous year and has been made ready for publishing after being through a lengthy process. Therefore a lot of the research work carried out in the current report year, do not need to appear as published until several years later. There may be several reasons for the decline, and some of the reasons that have been pointed out are: yyThe total amount of teaching hours has increased as a result of more students per employee and as a result of changes in the working time arrangements. yyThe year 2011 was at a level that must be considered extraordinary in terms of publication points, and that a more realistic level will be the average of 20112013. yyThe decline can be explained by changes in the research process, where there are periods with a strong focus on acquisitions and data collection, while the publication points are overlooked for the time being. This implies that the sum of research publications, published in a given calendar year, does not give an accurate impression of the total R&D work carried that year. The overview over published publications is still the most practical indicator of the R&D work carried out at LUC. The change in the number of publication points, both for faculties and position categories are presented in table 2 and 3. We can see that LUC after the peak in 2011 have had a decline in publication activity two years in a row. R&D work at the institutions form the basis for the performance-based allocation that LUC receives from the government. This allocation is TABLE 3: PUBLICATION POINTS BY FACULTY 2009-2013 calculated on the basis of publications in Faculty 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 approved journals and publishers. The alloFaculty of Social Science 22,1 38,3 45,5 42,0 27,9 cation income is included in the budget two Faculty of Economics and 37,6 20,5 42,6 32,8 23,4 years after the publication is registered. The Organisational Studies total RBO-allocation (performance based Faculty of Education and social 48,4 44,8 43,6 42,5 43,2 redistribution) for 2014 (based on reporwork ted 2012 figures) was NOK 4.7 million, Faculty of Film and Television 1,5 of which publishing points amounted to Production NOK 3.88 million (124 points x 31290 kr). Unspecified 3,233 1,666 0,5 5,1 0,7 LUC’s total allocation (from the Ministry Sum 111,3 105,3 132,2 123,9 95,2 7 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 yyThe motivational factor associated with the performance-based system is changing. yyReorganization of study programs have taken away time from research. yyProductive researchers leave or are absent for a period of time. Above, we pointed out individual factors that may have had an impact on the downward trend in publication points in the previous years. There are differences between the different faculties and academic environments. The reasons for the decline is therefor most likely composed of several of the reason listed above. In 2014 LUC will try to identify and understand more of the reasons behind this decline (see also table 3 and 4). RESEARCH GROUPS AND RESEARCH CENTERS It is widely recognized that organizing researchers into research groups can improve the aspects of grant acquisitions and strengthen the quality of research. LUC therefor aims to facilitate the establishment of research groups and build local, regional, national and international networks. TABLE 4: PUBLICATION POINTS BY ACADEMIC POSITION 2009-2013 Points pr academic position 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Professor 44,2 49,1 61,1 66,9 41,7 Dosent 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Professor II (adjunct) 4,9 2,8 5,2 1,5 4,5 Ass. Prof. (Førsteamanuensis) 36,5 29,7 36,5 31,8 33,4 Ass. Prof. (Amanuensis) 1,4 0,5 1,0 0,6 0,3 Ass. Prof. (Førstelektor) 2,9 4,6 0,0 0,7 1,2 Ass. Prof. (Høgskolelektor) 7,4 2,9 10,5 7,3 5,3 University College Teacher 0,0 0,3 0,0 0,5 0,0 PhD fellow 9,9 13,7 17,3 9,5 7,4 Others 4,3 1,8 0,7 5,1 1,3 Total 111,3 105,3 132,2 123,9 95,2 TABLE 5: PUBLICATION POINTS BY ACADEMIC POSITION 2012-2013 Institusjon Publ. poeng UFFårsverk 2013 2012 2013 Change Vestfold University College 173,2 273,4 0,48 0,63 0,15 Narvik University College 67,7 121,0 0,43 0,56 0,13 Lillehammer University College 95,2 189,6 0,64 0,50 -0,14 Gjøvik University College 89,5 187,4 0,49 0,48 -0,01 The Research Centre for Child and Youth Competence Development: Research areas that are emphasized in studies of child and youth competence development, vary over time depending on changes in the community, but also as a result of the research-related priorities done by the community and the various research environments. At the present time these practice areas emerge as the most important when it comes to studies of most children and youth competence development in our society: family practices, peer practices, media practices, kindergarten practices and school practices. Buskerud University College 86,7 194,5 0,47 0,45 -0,02 Oslo og Akershus University College 414,8 1021,2 0,38 0,41 0,03 Telemark University College 149,9 383,8 0,33 0,39 0,06 Volda University College 68,4 192,0 0,48 0,36 -0,12 Stord/Haugesund University College 65,3 189,2 0,28 0,35 0,07 Finnmark University College 48,2 141,5 0,31 0,34 0,03 Hedmark University College 97,5 297,7 0,47 0,33 -0,14 Nord-Trøndelag University College 89,9 275,2 0,22 0,33 0,11 Sør-Trøndelag University College 151,5 475,8 0,28 0,32 0,04 Østfold University College 83,0 279,4 0,39 0,30 -0,09 Bergen University College 131,6 493,8 0,29 0,27 -0,02 More information at: Ålesund University College 32,6 122,7 0,25 0,27 0,02 Harstad University College 18,3 84,3 0,39 0,22 -0,17 The Centre for Innovation in Services: The Nesna University College 15,9 77,2 0,32 0,21 -0,11 research conducted by CIS focus on innovation Sogn og Fjordane University College 40,2 207,8 0,26 0,19 -0,07 processes in private-sector services, public innoSamí University College 6,9 37,6 0,8 0,18 -0,62 vation systems and welfare innovation. CIT has organized several seminar series in collaboration The Universities 1,04 1,01 -0,03 with international experts. The Centre has also Source: Database for Statistics on Higher Education (DBH in collaboration with other research institution devoted considerable efforts into development of research group for public innovation systems, The research major research applications. Some of these applications group for welfare innovation and The research group for have already received positive outcomes. The Centre also innovation processes in private-sector services. works purposely towards strengthening the relations with More information at: actors as well as national and international research omraader/innovasjon_i_tjenesteyting_ph_d communities. CIT consists of three research groups; The 8 PART A – MAIN FEATURES OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LUC Research group for Tourism and experiences: The research group has a multidisciplinary character, and focuses on different aspects of tourism. The research group includes economist, geographers, sociologist and staff with other academic backgrounds. Key issues are innovation, entrepreneurship, second homes as a phenomenon and industry, tourist behavior, destination image, development of experiences and events in the context of tourism. The researchers participate in regional, national and international projects, teach courses, as well as disseminate to the public. Some projects are conducted in co-operation with the tourism industry. The research group is associated with the Centre for Tourism Research, a collaboration effort between The Eastern Norway Research Institute, The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), Hedmark University College and LUC. transport and trading, energy policy and international relations, and innovation and renewal in the use of energy and natural resources. LUC researchers within the energy and natural resource group participate in several national and international research projects, publish internationally and convey information to the public. More information at: Centre for Media Pedagogics encompasses LUCs research activities relating to media, technology and teaching, and is based on a multidisciplinary cooperation. They publish Audiovisual media is a research group that work towards strengthening research, study portfolio and the regional and international network in the field of audio-visual media. For the time being, the group manage a project financed by The Research Council of Norway with the title How to succeed in the private film and television industries. In addition to researcher from film and television sciences at LUC, the project has participants from The University of Utrecth, The University of the West of England and The University of Southern Denmark. The project examines how private film and television companies in Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark and the UK operate to survive in a industry characterized by major changes. LiME, The Lillehammer Research Center for Medicine and Exercise Physiology: This research group consists of researchers from the department of sport science (Lillehammer University College), Innlandet Hospital Trust and The Rheumatism Hospital. The primary focus is aimed at identifying the effects of lifestyle and physical activity on physical capabilities; from the everyday functioning to physiological and cell biological level. This is examined on both top athletes and on different patient groups. The research work is grounded in the research strategy "The TrainsOME- human cells adaptation to training and the environment", which aims to develop methods for individual training guidance, focusing on the identification of biomarkers. The research group for energy and natural resources work with economical and political analysis of energy markets and energy production, and sustainable utilization and management of natural resources. The analyses are based on approached from business economy, social economy and political science. The group focuses on analyses of markets for renewable and non-renewable resources, price determination and production relations, management and regulation of energy and raw-material production, energy Research on disability has a multidisciplinary approach. Central topics in the research group are disabled’s right to participate and right of co-determination in their own life and in different social arenas. Client participation, inclusion and empowerment are important key words. The research group for counseling has the following focus areas: education and career choice, organizational development and leadership, health, care and welfare management, and student/research counseling. the journal ODA is a network for woman - and gender research at Lillehammer University College (LUC), The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) and The Eastern Norway Research Institute. DOCTORAL PROGRAMS Doctoral educations, PhD-programs, are formally considered as educational activities. However, the research training programs deserve a place in the annual report considering that the main content consisting of regular research activities that aim to bring forth a comprehensive dissertation. LUC has two doctoral programs, accredited in 2010 and 2011: «Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development» and «Innovation in Services - in the Public and Private Sectors” Both programs are placed centrally within LUC’s research activities. A third doctoral program, “The audiovisual media aesthetics” is developed in collaboration with NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). At this time the program is being evaluated by NOKUT. The Norwegian Film School has conferred doctoral degrees to candidates participating in the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Program. This program offers training at the same level as ordinary PhD programs. Presently, LUC has received funds from the Ministry of Education and Research allocated for PhD-fellowships, equivalent to 21 yearly PhD-fellowships. In addition, some PhD fellowships are financed by external research funding. These are used for candidates who are enrolled in doctoral programs at other institutions and our two own doctoral programs. 9 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 Johanne Kielland Servoll, Bjørg Midtskogen, Nisrine Lmariouh og Ulrika Christina Håkansson have been or is PhD Fellowes at LUC. Candidates and doctoral defenses are discussed in detail in part B. THE CENTRAL RESEARCH COMMITTEE The central research committee at LUC shall provide advice and recommendations on the development of LUC’s R&D policies and manage various support schemes for the research activities. The committee had the following members in 2013 Spring semester 2013 Ole Gunnar Austvik (leader), until march Eva Bakøy Jon Helge Lesjø Leif Rydstedt Liv J. Solheim Ragnhild H. Bjørnsen (PhD fellow) Flemming Kristiansen (student) Fall semester 2013 Yvonne Fritze (leader) Harald Thuen Jon Helge Lesjø Leif Rydstedt Liv J. Solheim Ragnhild H. Bjørnsen (PhD fellow) Flemming Kristiansen (student) Secretary: Research Advisor Lars Bærøe PHD COMMITTEE The overarching responsibility for administrating LUC’s PhD-programs has been delegated from LUC’s board to a central PhD- committee. The board had the following members in 2013: Vårsemester 2013 Ole Gunnar Austvik (leder), til mars Eva Bakøy Harald Thuen Lars Fuglsang Iben Kardel Halvard Aase (PhD fellow) Høstsemester 2013 Yvonne Fritze (leder) Eva Bakøy Harald Thuen Lars Fuglsang Iben Kardel Anne Jørgensen Nordli (PhD fellow) Secretary: Research Advisor Anne Sofie Lofthus 10 RESEARCH FUNDING In addition to the regular budget funds, the research at LUC is funded by external delegators and contributors such as The Research Council of Norway (NFR), EU, health trusts, foundations etc. as well as competitive based assignments. External funding is important as it increases the extent of research activities and because it often leads to internationalization, participation in academic networks and increased competence development. Projects funded by the EU and NFR are especially important since the Ministry of Education and Research’s reward scheme in the performance-based budget component, imply that NFR-projects are granted an additional 15% of the project grant. EU-projects are granted an additional 107.6% of the project grant. The application activity for EU-projects is still low at LUC. PART A – MAIN FEATURES OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LUC TABLE 6. EXTERNALLY FUNDED PROJECTS AT LUC IN 2013 PROJECT NAME PROJECT OWNER (ITALIC) / PROJECT PARTNERS PARTICIPANTS FROM LUC PERIOD PROJECTS FUNDED BY THE RESEARCH COUNCIL OF NORWAY Children living in families with parental illness and/or substance abuse Lillehammer University college Innlandet Hospital Trust Associate professor Astrid Halsa, 2013 - 2016 Associate professor Kerstin Söderström, Professor Finn Skårderud, PhD-fellows Cathrine Grimsgaard and Ulrika Håkansson How to succeed in the private film and television industries? A production culture perspective Lillehammer University college Universiteit Utrecht University of the West of England University of Southern Denmark 2013 -2015 Professor Eva Bakøy Professor Roel Pujik, Professor Jan Anders Diesen, Professor Tore Helseth, Associate professor Audun Engelstad, Associate professor Søren Birkvad Associate professor Jo S. Moseng, Associate professor Vilde S. Sundet PhD-fellow Stine Sand Eira Modelling and forecastingrisk in electricity, carbon andrelated energy markets Norwegian University of Science and Technology LUC University of Molde Professor Gudbrand Lien, Post. doc Erik Haugom. PhD-fellow Steinar Veka 2010-2014 Innovation in travelbusiness LUC Professor Mehmet Mehmetoglu, Professor Christer Thrane, Professor Håvard Teigen, Professor Gudbrand Lien, Associate professor Terje Slåtten PhD-fellows Marit Engen og Monica A. Breiby 2009-2013 Modernizing the Russian North: Politics and The Norwegian Institute og Professor Ole Gunnar Austvik. Practice International Affairs, Associate professor Kirsti Stuvøy. (MODNORTH) University of Nordland, University of Kent, University of Birmingham, Institute of Law and Public Policy i Moskva. LUC 2011-2013 Mountain areas in Norway as attractive rural communities or urban recreational playgrounds: the challenge to a mountain policy Eastern Norway Research Institute University of Highland and Island Studies (Australia), NORUT (Tromsø), Norwegian University of Science and Technology University of Umeå LUC Professor Håvard Teigen Associate professor Thor Flogenfeldt 2011-2014 What Buildings do: The Effect of the Physical Environment on Quality of Life of Asylum Seekers Norwegian University of Science and Technology SINTEF The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration LUC Associate professor Einar Strumse Associate professor Anne Sigfrid Grønset 2012 - 2014 Innovative Approaches to Work with Neglected Families: Targeted intervention and support for high -risk families in child welfare Nordland Research Insitute LUC Sør-Trøndelag Univ. College Norwegian University of Science and Technology Professor Halvor Fauske 2013-2017 11 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 PROJECT NAME PROJECT OWNER (ITALIC) / PROJECT PARTNERS PARTICIPANTS FROM LUC PERIOD PROSJECTS FUNDED BY THE REGIONAL RESEARCH FUNDS Exploring the connection between individual LUC muscle phenotype and adaptations to exercise Sykehuset Innlandet in women Revmatismesykehuset Assoiacte professor Stian Ellefsen PhD-fellow Olav Vikmoen 2011-2013 Trends in tourism in Innlandet LUC Hedmark University College, Eastern Norway Research Institute Lillehammer Turist AS Professor Mehmet Mehmetoglu Professor Gudbrand Lien Professor Martin Rønningen 2011-2013 Humans as heat generators: irisin and physical activity LUC Innlandet Hospital Trust Associate professor Stian Ellefsen 2013 PROJECTS WITH OTHER FUNDING SOURCES Muscular adaptations to ischemic strength training in women LUC Innlandet Hospital Trust Associate professor Stian Ellefsen Associate professor Bent Rønnestad Associate professor Geir Vegge 2011-2013 Risk factors associated with and etiology of infections in the upper airways LUC Innlandet Hospital Trust Associate professor Stian Ellefsen Associate professor Geir Vegge Associate professor Bent Rønnestad 2011-2013 The subjectivity of the objective LUC Norwegian Artistic Research Programme 2011 - 2013 Associate professor and film director Erik Poppe User controlled personal assistance: Report / analysis of content, scope and effect of the scheme LUC Professor Ole Petter Askheim, Professor Ingrid Guldvik Associate professor Jan Andersen 2013 – 2014 The art of teaching an art – about the didactics of Filmmaking and TV-production LUC Professor Yngve Nordkvelle, Associate professor Yvonne Fritze Associate professor Geir Haugsbakk 2013 The causal relationship of differences in financial social security benefits in municipalities in Gudbrandsdalen LUC Associate professor Liv Solheim Associate professor Ingrid Guldvik 2013 12 PART A – MAIN FEATURES OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LUC TABLE 7: NEW PROJECTS GRANTED IN 2013, TO BE STARTED IN 2014 Title Program Participants Period Granted (NOK) Making user participation work - from policy to practice. The Research Council of Norway Professor Ole Petter Askheim, Professor Ingrid Guldvik Associate professor Jan Andersen, + University of Bergen 2014 - 2017 8.0 mill Municipal innovation research for institutional development Regional Research Fund Professor Rolf Rønning, Professor Lars Fuglsang Associate professor Ulla Higdem Associate professor Aksel Hagen + Sintef Raufoss Manufacturing Gjøvik University College 2014 – 2017 5.0 mill Effect of poling motion specific training Olympiatoppen for poling performance in trained crosscountry skier Associate professor Bent Rønnestad 2014 0.04 mill The Order of Chaos. An investigation and expansion of the language of The Filmic Storyline Norwegian Artistic Research Programme Associate professor Niels Pagh Andersen 2014-2016 1.4 mill Supporting Lifelong Learning with ICT Inquiry-Based Education (LIBE) EU Lifelong Learning FP7 Roma Tre University, BirkbeckUniversity of London, Universiteit Twente, Porto University. From LUC: Stephen Dobson, Vegard Meland, Brit Svoen, Anne Mette Bjørgen Innovation and growth through cooperation The Research Council of Norway - VRI3 Hedmark og Oppland counties , Hedmark University College, Eastern Norway Research Institute. From LUC: Martin Rønningen, Hans Holmengen and Monica Breiby 2014-2016 3.6 mill Citizen survey for central eastern Norway. The political landscape of central eastern Norway - residents , municipalities and regions Regional Research Fund Hedmark University College. From LUC: Jon Helge Lesjø and Ulla Higdem 2014 0,2 mill. Evaluation of «Partnerskapsinstituttet» in Oppland Oppland County Council Eastern Norway Research Institute. From LUC: Ulla Higdem 2014 0,5 mill. Number of applications submitted in the period 1.2013 – 2.2014 LUC has as project owner crafted 23 applications during this period, the majority of applications have been submitted to The Research Council of Norway (16) and the rest to various announcements; RFF-innlandet (2), Extrastiftelsen (2), Olympiatoppen (1) and Helse sør-øst / Sykehuset Innlandet (1). 0.7 mill kr Many of LUC’s researchers participate in research projects with other universities and university colleges as project owners. It it well worth mentioning that four LUC researchers affiliated with SeLL, participate in two applications to the EU’s Lifelong Learning Program and been successful in one of the applications; «Supporting Lifelong Learning with ICT Inquiry-Based Education (LIBE)» with Roma Tre University as project owner. 13 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 PART B – DOCTORAL DEGREES CHILD AND YOUTH PARTICIPATION AND COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT The PhD program in Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development is an interdisciplinary doctoral degree program. The aim of the program is to train researchers who want to build and disseminate knowledge about the participation and competence development of children and youth as they encounter a complex society. The program was accredited by NOKUT and approved by the Ministry of Education and Research in 2010. At the end of 2013, 15 candidates were enrolled in the program, an increase of 7 candidates from the previous year. INNOVATION IN SERVICES – IN THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTORS This PhD program focuses on innovation and innovation processes in service production in both public and private sectors. The PhD program includes the framing conditions, the instruments and the implementation processes linked to innovation. Policy changes and changes in political organization that have effects on services are studied as determinants of innovation activities. The program was accredited by NOKUT in December 2011 and approved by the Ministry of Education and Research in January 2012. The first PhD candidate was admitted to the program in March 2012. At the end of 2013, 9 candidates were enrolled in the program, an increase of 4 candidates from the previous year. THE NORWEGIAN FILM SCHOOL NFS confers degrees to candidates participating the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Program. The program is parallel to other research educations organized as academic PhD programs. The Fellow must be associated with one of the Norwegian institutions offering one or more creative and/or performing art educations within dance, design, music, theater, visual arts and film. The basis for assessment is an artistic project in any format followed by critical reflection of the process until the final result «research through art». The final result must be publically available and of a permanent nature. One LUC candidate defended their project under this program in January 2013. Nobody was enrolled in 2013, but we expect to enroll one candidate during 2014. PHD FELLOWS AT LUC At the end of 2012, LUC employed 45 PhD fellows, in addition to 6 candidates who presented their doctoral thesis during the year. All fellows have three years to work full-time on their degrees. Some fellows are employed in four-year fellowships. These fellowships include a 25% work duty component to be carried out for the faculty employing them (teaching etc.), or the required work is agreed upon during the period. The fellows are an important resource for the university college for many reasons. They conduct research at a high level, and develop new, fundamental knowledge in their fields. Development of new knowledge through scientific processes is one of the most essential characteristics of an academic institution, and consequently the fellows give an important contribution to the university college’s core activities, including teaching. The fellows bring about a vitalization of the research, partly because they are newcomers, carrying with them new academic impulses and represent a bridge to the universities at home and abroad. The fellows are admitted to PhD programs at LUC or at other institutions. When fellows are enrolled in programs at other institutions, their supervisors might come from those institutions or those institutions might appoint a LUC-faculty member to serve as supervisor. In the case of the former, a co-supervisor from LUC is also appointed. Below is a brief presentation of the PhD fellows and their research projects. TABLE 8. PHD FELLOWS AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE PER 31.12.13 STARTING DATE 2012 – 2013 Main supervisior (M) Co- supervisior (C) PhD fellow’s name Field of study Working title of dissertation Degree-granting institutions / Aase, Halvard Mikal Innovation Bjørnsen, Ragnhild Holmen Nnthropology, psychology Innovasjon og læring - en studie av hemmende og fremmende mekanismer for innovasjon i offentlig sektor tjenester Growing up in a life of global high mobilityExperiences for childhood and child rearing within the institutional framework of the Norwegian Foreign Service LUC M: Lars Fuglsang, LUC C: Ulla Higdem, LUC LUC M: Dag Leonardsen, LUC C: Frank Jarle Bruun, LUC 14 PART B – DOCTORAL DEGREES STARTING DATE 2012 – 2013 Main supervisior (M) Co- supervisior (C) PhD fellow’s name Field of study Working title of dissertation Degree-granting institutions / Engen, Marit Innovation How to manage employee-driven service innovation? Creativity, knowledge and innovation Lmariouh, Nisirine Social anthropology Hammarström, Daniel Sport science Halvorsen, Janne Wiken Social psychology Hoffmann, Martin Child welfare Holen, Inger Elisabeth Innovation, Høegh-Guldberg, Olga Travel and tourism Håkansson, Ulrika Psychology Nasir, Stine Jeanette Lien Innovation Nordli, Anne Jørgensen Travel and tourism Pettersvold, Mari Pedagogics Restad, Helge Organizations theory Somby, Hege Merete Pedagogics Slaaen, Christian Social anthropology Valle, Rune Film- and media sciences Nye drama i NRK - En studie av intern og ekstern dramaserieproduksjon i NRK 2007-2012 NTNU M: Roel Puijk, LUC C: Jon Raundalen, NTNU C: Jo Sondre Moseng, LUC Vik, Stine Elisabeh Special need pedagogics Tidlig innsats som pedagogisk prinsipp LUC M: Rune Hausstätter LUC M: Lars Fuglsang, LUC /Roskilde C: Peter Magnusson, KAU Childeren’s development of their every day practices LUC and competences in the tension between tradition M: Pär Nygren, LUC and modernity - Participatory action in a Berber C: Frank Jarle Bruun, LUC village in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. Determinants of intra-individual variation in The swedish school of health and adaptability to resistance training of different sport sciences. volumes, with special reference to skeletal muscle M: Stian Ellefsen, LUC. phenotypes C: Bent Rønnestad, LUC Motivasjon, selvpresentasjon og kroppsbilder i LUC trening- og kostholdsblogger – En studie basert på M: Eva Bakøy, LUC kvalitative intervju, tekst- og bildeanalyse Bruger- og praktikerperspektiver på deltagelse og LUC læring i psykosocial døgninstitustionsbehandling M: Halvor Fauske, LUC for anbragte børn og unge C: Randi Nygård Andersen, Univ College Sjælland Innovation in the service sector – perspectives on LUC measurement and economic performance M: Gudbrand Lien, LUC C: Martin Rønningen, LUC Dynamic perspective to innovative networks within LUC tourism in the context of experience economy M: Lars Fuglsang, LUC /Roskilde C: Martin Rønningen, LUC Hold meg i ditt sinn - Små barn og mødre med rusproblematikk LUC M: Merete G. Øie, Innlandet Hospital Trust C. Finn Skårderud, LUC C: Kerstin Söderström, LUC Innovasjon Norge: Innovasjonspolitisk verktøy eller LUC symbol? M: Noralv Veggeland LUC C: Knut Mikalsen (UiT) C: Martin Rønningen LUC Innovation in Norwegian Tourism LUC M: Martin Rønningen LUC C: Christer Thrane LUC Barns medvirkning i barnehagen – til barnets beste LUC M: Halvor Fauske, LUC LUC Learning how to manage systemic effects in the M: Hans de Wit (Nederland) implementation of international strategy at higher C: Ulla Higdem, LUC education institutions C: David Wheat, NMBU Elever med særskilte behov og deres utbytte av LUC entrepenørskap i utdanningen M: Rune S. Hausstätter, LUC C: Vegard Johansen, NTNU Ungdomsblikk: Deltakelse og kompetanseutvikling LUC i multikulturelle kontekster M: Anne Sigfrid Grønseth, LUC 15 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 STARTING DATE BEFORE 2011 Main supervisior (M) Co- supervisior (C) PhD fellow’s name Field of study Working title of dissertation Degree-granting institutions / Amundsen, Stein Organisations theory Empowering leadership - leading emplyees to lead themselves. Exploration of central characteristics, implications, and self-other agreement of the empowering leadership construct. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Regional filmproduksjon i Norge Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) M: Audun Engelstad, LUC Bjerkeland, Ingvild Visual media M: Jonathan Reams, NTNU C Øyvind Marthinsen (BI) C: Gunnar Iversen, NMBU Breiby, Monica A. Blom, Tine Sonic Art Connolley, Steven Political science Norwegian University of Life Science M: Sjur Baardsen, UMB C: Christer Thrane, HiL Tuning into the world: Acoustic ecology, nature, inner resonance and technology Goldsmiths College/ University of London M: John Levack Drever, C: Prof. Janis Jefferies Liberal E-Democracy and Political Associations in Civil Society. University of Oslo M: Harald Baldersheim, UiO C: Jon Helge Lesjø, HiL Digitalkompetanseutvikling og kjønnsrepresentasjoner i kontekst av kvinnelige tenåringers blogging i Norge LUC TV-programmes that make the difference. Documentary production and capacity building within the context of Communication for Development. Karlstad University M: Roel Puijk, LUC C: Yngve Nordkvelle, LUC C: Thomas Tufte, Roskilde univ. Et bevisst profesjonelt forhold til egne motiver og verdier - om profesjonsetikk og subjektfilosofi University of Oslo M: Svein Aage Christoffersen Fra anerkjennelse til mestring”. – Et brukerperspektiv med fokus på verdighet, mestring og livskvalitet. Karlstad University M: Ole Petter Askheim, LUC C: Bengt Starrin, KAU En studie av ungdoms læring og dannelse i den digitale medieverden LUC M: Geir Haugsbakk, LUC Emosjoner og naturomgivelser: Spesifikke emosjoner og emosjonsregulering. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) M:Einar Strumse, LUC C: Torbjørn Rundmo, NTNU University of Oslo M: Ole Gunnar Austvik, LUC C: Dag Harald Claes, UiO Dmitrow-Devold, Karolina Digital competence Engebregtsen, Nanna Helene TV-science Eriksen, Håkon Glommen Philosophy Godeseth, Marit Social work Gran, Lillian Pedagogics Johnsen, Svein Åge Kjøs Environmental Psychology Landry, Paulina Political science Central and Eastern European Countries as an energy sub-region and its influence on EU policy-making on energy security Letrud, Kåre Philosophy Ascertaining the Learning Pyramid: A study of the origins, legitimacy, diffusion, authority and propagation of an educational myth Midtskogen, Bjørg Social work Myklestad, Synnøve Pedagogics Nygaard, Håvard Sports Science Nøkleby, Heid Paulsen, Kaia 16 Aesthetics in nature-based tourism. Travel and tourism M: Pär Nygren, HiL C: Hilde G. Corneliussen, UiB C: Janneke van der Ros, LUC Barns og profesjonelles kompetanser i barnehage LUC M: Lene Nyhus, LUC C: Roger Mathiesen, LUC Språkets betydning – Betydningens språk. Om språk og subjektdannelse i lys av Julia Kristevas perspektiver. NTNU M: Hansjörg Hohr, NTNU C: Øivind Haaland, LUC Aktivitet etter måltid vs. aktivitet før måltid for å redusere blodsukker hos personer med høy risiko for type 2 diabetes University of Oslo M: Arne Høstmark, UiO C: Gerd Holmboe Ottesen, UiO C: Bent Rønnestad, LUC Sociology Symptomer på spiseforstyrrelser og bruk av dopingmidler blant kvinner og menn i behandling for rusavhengighet. DISPUTAS VÅR 2014 LUC M: Finn Skårderud, LUC C: Marie Nordberg, KAU Social work Brukerperspektivet hos de ansatte ved et sosialkontor. En studie av på hvilken måte ansatte i sosialtjenesten har et brukerperspektiv i møte med langstidsmottakere av sosialhjelp. Karlstad universitet M: Rolf Rønning, LUC C: Berith Nyqvist-Cech, KAU C:Lis Bodil Karlsson, KAU PART B – DOCTORAL DEGREES STARTING DATE BEFORE 2011 PhD fellow’s name Field of study Røhnebæk, Maria Social science Schwind, Kai Hanno TV and media studies Servoll, Johanne Kielland Working title of dissertation Degree-granting institutions / Standardized Flexibility. On the Role of ICT in the Norwegian Employment and Welfare Services (NAV) University of Oslo M: Tian Sørhaug, UiO C: Lars Fuglsang, LUC The Office sitcom - a case study in transnational format adaptation University of Oslo M: Birgit Hertzberg-Kaare, UiO C: Eva Bakøy, LUC Den norske auteuren: En begrepshistorisk analyse University of Oslo M: Liv Hausken, UiO C: Tore Helseth, LUC Velferdsforvaltning i forvandling - en studie av etableringen av lokale velferdskontorer i forbindelse med NAV-reformen University of Tromsø M: Kjell Arne Røvik, UiT Hvilken plass har kjærlighet i profesjonelt sosialt arbeid? En eksplorativ studie av profesjonelle relasjoner i barnevernets praksisområde LUC M: Halvor Fauske, LUC C: Bjarne Øvrelid, LUC Innovation in Norwegian rural tourism. Focusing on networks and knowledge. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) M: Britt Dale, NTNU C: Martin Rønningen Price formation and risk premium in the Nordic electricity derivatives market Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) M: Gudbrand Lien, LUC C: Sjur Westergaard NTNU Et prosjekt er et prosjekt er et prosjekt. En analyse av prosjektbegrepets utvikling og betydning i det norske språket, med hovedvekt på kulturpolitisk retorikk og scenekunstdiskurs - DISPUTAS VÅR 2014 University of Bergen M: Keld Hyldig, UiB C: Tore Helseth, LUC Effekten av styrketrening og muskelvekst på prestasjonen i løp og sykling og effekten av samtidig utholdenhetstrening på endringer i styrkeparametere og muskelmasse ved styrketrening Norwegian school of sport science (NIH) M: Truls Raastad, NIH C: Bent Rønnestad, LUC C: Stian Ellefsen, LUC Film studies Syversen, Trine Løvold Political science Thrana, Hilde Marie Social work Tolstad, Helene Kvarberg Geography Veka, Steinar Financial studies Velure, Hallfrid Culture project management Vikmoen, Olav Main supervisior (M) Co- supervisior (C) Sport science 17 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 DISSERTATIONS 2013 Siri Senje defended her project «Imagining for the screen – cinematic fiction writing as poesis» on January 11 at the University of Bergen. Senje’s work consists of two original screenplays, one video essay and a critical reflection work. Senje has in her artistic development work researched the creation process and poetics of screenplays. The production process behind film works has been shaped by industrial perimeters for more than a hundred years. The American film industry quickly developed a model of production where the conceptual work behind the film was strictly separated from the actual making of it. Simultaneously, the desire for maximum predictability in a high-risk venture promoted certain conventions as to how screenplays for films should be written. The conventions and the split between conception and execution have influenced the discourse on film and our way of thinking about both screenplays and films. Research in the film field has, until recently, focused on the finished film, leaving the conceptual work of the film writer and the process through which screenplays come into being in the shadows. Through the writing of two contrasting works of original fiction for the screen and the employment of two different ways of developing a screenplay, this project will seek a deeper understanding of the complex genre of screenwriting. Through reflection and analysis of the process, it will attempt to challenge some of the orthodoxies that exist around cinematic writing and the status of the screenplay. Øyvind Tønnesson defended his dissertation «With Christian L. Lange as a Prism: A Study of Transnational Peace Politics, 1899-1919” on January 25 at the University of Oslo The Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Christian Lous Lange, set the agenda of international peace policy of his time. He was particularly important during the first World War when he acted as a communication center and a peace policy ‘agent’. In 1921 Lange and Swedish Prime Minister Hjalmar Branting were awarded the Nobel Peace Price. He had earlier served as first secretary for the Nobel committee and in 1934 he was appointed as a member of the committee. Tønnesson points out that Lange mostly operated across national boarders regardless of narrow-minded national interests. In 1909 Lange was appointed secretary general of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and was part of a network that worked towards liberal international order. Their thinking was not lofty and detached from the prevailing power relations, but their goal was still European global domination. The imperialism that Lange and his like-minded foreigners believed in was civilized, not a white man’s rule. Lange’s early efforts clearly points towards the current UN, but Tønnesson also suggest a peace policy link with Lange’s son, Halvard M. Lange who as Norway’s foreign minister ensured NATO membership for Norway. Kerstin Söderström defended her dissertation «Minding the Baby – Minding the Parent. A qualitative interview study of the experience of parenthood in the context of substance use disorder” January 25 at NTNU Trondheim. In the dissertation Söderström investigates how the parents themselves, based on the assumption that understanding the parental perspective is necessary in any intervention, experienced parenthood and addiction. Through four published papers Söderström illustrates how parenthood and problems of substance addiction collide and result in a dominant experience of ambivalence, which is further strengthened by professional and sociological ambivalence. This, together with a sense of insecurity from being under critical examination can result in surface adaptation and endanger the mental preparatory work to support parenthood and caregiving. Fathers’ experiences of being weak and/or invisible call for more attention to the fathering role of men with problems of addiction. A family oriented approach where the professional helping relationship is used to enhance sensitive caregiving and parental mentalizing is suggested to facilitate healthy child development as well as parental sobriety. 18 PART B – DOCTORAL DEGREES Lene Nyhus defended her dissertation «The communicative basis of educational development. A meta project» on February 8 at the University of Tromsø. Nyhus has looked into schools’ efforts to evaluate and improve their own practice, and also the more complex parts by looking into what the school development process truly consists of. There is a lot of knowledge about educational development, but yet there are still missing theories and strategies concerning the complex, chaotic and contradictory in the educator’s everyday life, including development work. In her dissertation Nyhus discusses the concept of quality and models for learning and change at different levels. The study presents a theoretical reasoning where the communicative basis in the educational development is in focus. Concepts like structures and dynamics, patterns and mechanisms are used as tools to understand what kind of phenomenon we are dealing with. The main argument of the study is that these components, and the concepts used to understand them, may help handle complexity. It can also form a basis for common interdisciplinary language in educational development and educational practice. Dag Helge Frøisland defended his dissertation «Children and adolescents with diabetes, present state and future possibilities. A study of factors affecting competence and treatment results in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes” on June 13 at the University of Oslo. Frøisland has collaborated with the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry and used national data on how children and adolescents with diabetes and their parents assess their children’s Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) and factors that influence HRQOL. HRQOL issues are important to reveal consequences of diabetes that may have a large impact on everyday life of children and adolescents with type 1diabetes. The study showed that boys experienced higher HRQOL than girls, but for both genders poor metabolic control was associated with impaired HRQOL. No association was found between HRQOL score and treatment modality (i.e. insulin pump versus multi-injections) Parents scored their children’s HRQOL as poorer than the children themselves. Less then one third of Norwegian children and adolescents had satisfactory regulation of the disease according to international norms. It is also apparent that children and adolescents relate differently to their treatment regime then other European children. This may have an effect on the level of treatment outcomes in Norway. The high occurrence of reduced quality of life and correlation between impaired quality of life and an inferior disease control suggests that a focus on quality of life should be an integrated part of the routine follow-up of children with diabetes. Some adolescents also participated in the qualitative study on the development of, and their experiences with, two mobile phone applications as a means of contact and guidance between themselves and the physician. The adolescents mastered this method well, and reported an improved understanding and competence in relation to their own treatment. The results are promising when in terms of being able to provide rapid and specific guidance to adolescents with diabetes. Maria Konow Lund defended her dissertation «Moving-Image News Production in Two Newsrooms. A news ethnography of discourses of professionalism, technology, and journalistic practices at TV2 Newschannel and VG Nett/VGTV, 2007-2009” on June 19 at the University of Oslo This dissertation investigates the tension and interaction between two alternative discourses of professionalism, occupational and organizational, in terms of the use of technology and other routines and expectations related to journalism with moving images. The study is the result of field observation, field interviews, document analysis, and semi-structured qualitative interviews with 125 informants. Konow-Lund concludes with that we are witnessing the beginning of a new media economy, within which journalists act as well as react and synthesize as much as create, and this economy is strongly influencing the way journalists think about journalism. 19 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 PART C - PUBLICATIONS Part C provides an overview of publications produced at LUC in 2013. A selection of books by LUC faculty members are presented, journals published at LUC as well as a detailed overview of publications that generate publications points and non-scoring publications. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY LUC STAFF Haugsbakk, Geir Olav; Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin & Blekastad, Ivar. (2013). The great in the small: Hans Aanrud 150 years: Gausdal historielag. [Textbook] With this book Gausdal History Society want to honor Gausdal’s greatest poet. The book is not only about a significant man in Gausdal’s cultural history. Hans Aanrud was also an important contributor in the development of Norwegian literature, and has therefore held an important place in Norway’s literature and theater history. Jørgensen, Sveinung & Pedersen, Lars Jacob Tynes. (2013). Responsible and Profitable: Strategies for responsible business models: Cappelen Damm Akademisk [Scientific monograph] Can responsibility be combined with increased profitability for an organization? And if so, how? Responsible and profitable explore how organizations can create and implement business models that are both responsible and profitable. It requires responsibility to be integrated in the organization’s business model in a way that encourages the organization to create, deliver and get hold of value.Nordby, Halvor; Bennin, Camilla & Buer, Bjørn Arne. (2013). Etikk i barnevern: Gyldendal Akademisk. [Vitenskapelig monografi] Nordby, Halvor; Bennin, Camilla & Buer, Bjørn Arne. (2013). Ethics in child protection: Gyldendal Akademisk. [Scientific monograph] The aim of this book is to present analyses and concept tools that are solution oriented in relation to challenging situations that child protection workers are faced with. The book especially focuses on the relationship between execution of power and user participation, but other issues related to ethics are also discussed. Nygren, Pær Thomas & Øvrelid, Bjarne. (2013). Science in theory and practice: dialogues about expertise, power and evidence in health and social sciences: Gyldendal Akademisk. [Scientific monograph] Scientific knowledge development can be formulated in a dialogic community where commitment, temperament and dedication drive the professional conversation into unexpected directions and places. The material is presented in the form of reflective dialogue and is therefor more instructive and engaging then traditional textbooks with static and finished presentations. Knowledge is motion, it moves, it is shaken loose from book covers and bookshelves and ends up in the state it should be in: unfinished and along the way. Nyheim, May; Tangvold, Kari; Beghdadi, Med & Kaland, Nils. (2013). Social stories as a method: assistance in promoting social understanding and functioning of autism and visual impairment: Kommuneforlaget. [Textbook] This book will give you insight into what social stories are, and how can be individually created and customized. The issues presented in the book are related to autism and visual impairment and contains more then 200 specific suggestions for social stories, divided into 16 categories. The method requires few resources and is easy to use. Although this book is 20 PART C – PUBLICATIONS based on autism and visual impairment, the method will be useful for people with other social understanding difficulties. For example people with hearing impairment, intellectual disability, different ethnic background, behavioral problems and learning disabilities. Ohnstad, Bente. (2013). Law for health and social workers: Fagbokforlaget. [Textbook] Law for health and social workers is an introductory book on health and social legislation, including social insurance legislation. Legal method and procedural rules in the public administration is reviewed. The book deals with a number of fundamental topics that are essential to the health and social sector. Main themes are the principal of mandatory prosecution, rule of law, expertise and these concepts practical application and significance in the health and social services. Pryser, Tore. (2013). 1814 in Oppland: farmers, authorities and soldiers: Pax Forlag. [Scientific monograph] How did people in Oppland county perceive and participate in the events surrounding the National Assembly at Eidsvoll in 1814? We examine the grassroots movement of people that supported prince Christian Frederik in the fight against the Treaty of Kiel where Denmark had to renounce the claim to Norway in favor of the Swedish king. We follow Christian Frederik’s journey towards Trondheim through Oppland from Toten in the south, through Biri and Vardal and up north through Gudbrandsdalen. We look closer at he war during the summer of 1814, and also the conditions in Oppland in the years before and after 1814. The resolutions at Eidsvoll, and the first stortings (parliaments) did not only start a growing democracy, but also economical problems at social unrest. Ringen, Stein. (2013). Nation of devils: democratic leadership and the problem of obedience: Yale University Press. [Scientific monograph] Oxford University political theorist Stein Ringen offers a thought-provoking meditation on the art of democratic rule: how does a government persuade the people to accept its authority? Every government must make unpopular demands of its citizens, from levying taxes to enforcing laws and monitoring compliance to regulations. Rønning, Rolf; Knutagård, Marcus; Heule, Cecilia & Swärd, Hans. (2013). Innovations in welfare: possibilities and limitations: Liber. [Scientific monograph] Europe's welfare democracies are currently facing a series of new problems. Birth rates are low and the population is aging. At the same time, we know that the earth's resources are finite and the distribution of them unequal. To be able to preserve our welfare despite these problems, we need new thoughts and ideas: innovations in welfare. But what does innovation in welfare imply and how does it differ from innovations in the technology field? What potentials are there for innovations in welfare, and what are the limitations? In this book the authors explain the concept, problematize its meaning and provides a broad perspective on innovations in welfare. Various examples of innovations in welfare are also presented, including social policy innovations addressing poverty and homelessness. Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Essays on regulatory governance: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. [Scientific monograph] "Essays on Regulatory Governance", is an ambitious study of the regulatory state and represents a timely and apposite analysis. It incisively analyzes the regulatory top-down regimes that are currently dominant and in crisis. Taking a critical perspective, the book offers an account of inherent vulnerability of regulatory governance caused by one-sided economic thinking and the predominance of steering without rowing. From this thinking it has become common to derive a suggestion that regulatory governance is a universal solution to most problems nationally and internationally. It is not. Rich with contemporary cases it will contribute to a better understanding of recent policy trends in western democracy. This state-of-the-art book will be invaluable for students, researchers and scholars of political science, sociology and political 21 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 economy and will also provide an engaging read for civil servants and policymakers around the world. Fuglsang, Lars; Rønning, Rolf & Enquist, Bo eds. (2013). Framing innovation in public service sectors: Routledge. [Scientific anthology] Innovation is seen as an interactive process that involves many actors within and across organizational boundaries. In public sector services, innovation is a frequent, often holistic, and multi-layered process that involves many actors and many services at the same time. However, most of the existing literature on innovation in public sector services is based on the economics of innovation, which is heavily influenced by investigations of the private sector. Innovation in the Public Sector develops a more context-sensitive and rich approach in order to explore the different logics of innovation that prevail here. Rather than presenting a general theory of innovation, the book specifies how innovation and value creation are interconnected with social and institutional elements. Grønseth, Anne Sigfrid ed. (2013). Being human, being migrant: senses of self and well-being. New York: Berghahn Books. [Scientific anthology] Migrant experiences accentuate general aspects of the human condition. Therefore, this volume explores migrant’s movements not only as geographical movements from here to there but also as movements that constitute an embodied, cognitive, and existential experience of living “in between” or on the “borderlands” between differently figured life-worlds. Focusing on memories, nostalgia, the here-and-now social experiences of daily living, and the hopes and dreams for the future, the volume demonstrates how all interact in migrants’ and refugees’ experience of identity and quest for well-being. Ringholm, Toril M; Teigen, Håvard & Aarsæther, Nils eds. (2013). Innovative municipalities: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. [Scientific anthology] Norwegian municipalities have been engaged in innovation for some time now. However, it is only in recent years they started using the term innovation about this work, ranging from improvement of quality in services and organization, to business and community development and democratic participation. This book presents a broad picture of innovative measures utilized in Norwegian municipalities and discusses the theoretical challenges related to the study of these. A key issue discussed is how innovation is affected by the municipal’s ability to understanding issues and their capacity to solve them. What experiences have been made with various municipal innovations so far? Do the municipalities have sufficient leeway to make centrally initiated reform proposals into real innovations? Steinnes, Jenny Elise & Dobson, Stephen R. eds. (2013). Education beneath the tree of life: Akademika forlag. [Scientific anthology] The science of education has been in a state of crisis in Norway, reminiscent of the 1970s positivism struggle. One of the main questions in the debate is: Should the science of education be a field of the social shaping of people, where efficiency and reporting of measurable results largely determine the conditions for this academic field. The current debate differs from the positivism struggle in several ways, but some of the key questions are still the same: What type of skills are desirable, and why? They who today are trying to speak out against the dominant efficiency discourses do not have revolution as their goal, but their protests are still founded in serious concerns for the development in Norwegian schools and education. The authors of this book are interested in what type of resistance that is desirable and possible in today’s educational environment. Their counter arguments in the ongoing debate about the future of the science of education is largely inspired by the ideas developed by professor Øivind Haaland through his long career at Lillehammer University College. 22 PART C – PUBLICATIONS Veggeland, Noralv ed. (2013). Reforms in the Norwegian health and care services: Akademika forlag. [Scientific anthology] The Norwegian health and care system has been through several extensive reforms, and there seems to still be political desire to continue the reform process. The desire for increased productivity and improved cost control in the sector is some of the reasons. This book presents an outline of how the health sector will be organized in the next years. It is still largely agreed upon that health and care services should be funded by the government, but it is unclear if there will be increased privatization with freedom to choose treatment. This book presents a broad outline of the development in the health and care sector, discusses the practical and theoretical challenges and highlights the reform related to business organization. JOURNALS PUBLISHED AT LUC NORDIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL RESEARCH Nordic Journal of Social Research was established in 2010 as a collaborative effort between the university colleges in Lillehammer, Gjøvik and Hedmard. NJSR is an English-language, level-1, open-access journal, which publishes research results and discussions related to social conditions in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland.Artikler i 2013: yyJakobsson, N., Kotsadam, A. & Szebehely, M. Informal eldercare and care for disabled children in the Nordic countries: prevalence and relation to employment yyBungum, B. & Kvande, E. The rise and fall of cash for care in Norway: changes in the use of child-care policies yyEriksson, U-B. & Janson, S. An explorative interview study of men and women on sick leave with a musculoskeletal diagnosis seeking an acceptable life role yyJohansen, V. Risk factors of long-term sickness absence in Norway and Sweden yyGlasdam, J., Praestegaard, N. Placed in homecare: Living an everyday life restricted by dependence and monitoring yyBrowning, L., Brentlinger, J., Soernes, J-O & Stephens, K. The rhetoric of organizational stability and creativity: an analysis of the term ‘platform’ yySnellman, F., Nygård, M. & Jungerstam, S. Conceptions and tendencies of age discrimination and attitudes. yyGoth, U. & Småland, E. Civic engagement and social capital in ship-preservation work in Norway: The scope, impact, and demographics of formal volunteering and publicly funded engagements SEMINAR.NET - International Journal of Media, Technology & Lifelong Learning – is a net-based, open access LUC level-1 journal. Artikler i 2013: Volume 9, Issue 1 yyBrown, M. From Classroom to Digital Arena in Seeking Higher-level Learning: Student Experience yyValtonen, T. et al. Challenges with social software for collaboration: Two case studies from teacher training yyNilsen, R. & Nilsen, L. Interprofessional Participation and Reflection in a Digital Network Volume 9, Issue 2 yyHug, T. Key Concepts in Education: Critical Issues beyond Definition and Discursive Practices. yyRizzolli, M. Towards Considerations beyond Dichotomies: The Study of Material Culture faces challenges in Online Playgrounds. yyNes, K. & Wikan, G. Interactive whiteboards as artefacts to support dialogic learning spaces in primary schools. yyKerneis, J. Theoretical analysis of three research apparatuses about media and information literacy in France. 23 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 LEVEL-1 AND LEVEL-2 PUBLICATIONS Level-1 and level-2 publications are articles written by LUC faculty in peer-reviewed academic journals or books or chapters published by select publishers. The journals and publishers are included in the national documentation system for Norway’s performance-based research funding scheme. This scheme has financial implications for LUC. An academic monograph produces 5 points (level 1) or 8 points (level 2), an article in an academic journal produces 1 point (level 1) or 3 points (level 2). A chapter in an anthology produces 0.7 points (level 1) or 1 point (level 2). The list below is in alphabetical order by the name of the first author in cases where publications have been co-authored. All level 1 and level 2 publications can be found at Amundsen, Stein & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2013). Empowering leadership: Construct clarification, conceptualization, and validation of a new scale. Leadership Quarterly, 5. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 2, Points: 0,75. Askheim, Ole Petter; Altmann, Liv & Hasvold, Tove. (2013). "Ansikt til ansikt gir innsikt": brukere som medstudenter i sosialfaglig utdanning. I: Ny praksis - ny kunnskap: om utviklingsarbeid som sjanger, (Red.). Bjørke, Gerd; Jarning, Harald & Eikeland, Olav: ABM-media AS. s.190-201. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Bakke, Inger Marie & Holmberg, Lena. (2013). Besteforeldre og barn i barnevernet. Fontene forskning (1):4-17. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Bjerkeland, Ingvild. (2013). Death at Christmas: Christmas in Norwegian children’s films. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 3 (3):227-239. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Bridger, Robert S., Johnsen, Svein Åge Kjøs & Brasher, Kate. (2013). Psychometric properties of the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire. Ergonomics, 56(10):1515-1524. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,166. Christensen, Karen; Guldvik, Ingrid & Larsson, Monica. (2013). Active social citizenship: the case of disabled peoples’ rights to personal assistance. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. (Ahead of print) [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,333. Cropley, Mark; Rydstedt, Leif; Devereux, Jason & Middleton, Benita. (2013). The Relationship Between WorkRelated Rumination and Evening and Morning Salivary Cortisol Secretion. Stress and Health. (Ahead of print). [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Poeng : 0,25. Diesen, Jan Anders. (2013). Kinematografen og børnene "... til velsignelse og ikke til forbandelse". I: Film til folket: sensur og kinopolitikk i 100 år: Akademika forlag. s.43-54. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Diesen, Jan Anders & Iversen, Gunnar. (2013). Roald Amundsen and the documentary canon. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 3 (2):151-155. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Dmitrow-Devold, Karolina. (2013). “Superficial! Body Obsessed! Commercial!” Norwegian Press Representations of Girl Bloggers. Girlhood Studies, 6 (2):65-82. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. 24 Dobson, Stephen R. (2013). Dannelse langs strandlinjen: et utforskende og selvutviklende prosjekt over mange år. I: Pedagogikk under livets tre: Akademika forlag. s.13-28. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,35. Dolva, Anne-Stine. (2011). Samhandlingens kraft: barns deltakelse i "en skole for alle". Ergoterapeuten (3):28-33. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Eide, Dorthe & Fuglsang, Lars. (2013). Networking in the experience economy: Scaffolded networks between designed and emerging regional development. I: Handbook on the Experience Economy, (Red.). Sundbo, Jon & Sørensen, Flemming: Edward Elgar Publishing. s. 287-309. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 2, Points: 0,25. Flognfeldt, Thor. (2013). Tourism industries in Norway. I: Norway: nature industry and society: Fagbokforlaget. s.173-188. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Flognfeldt, Thor & Tjørve, Even. (2013). The Shift from Hotels and Lodges to Second-Home Villages in MountainResort Accommodation. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 13 (4):332-352. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Fostervold, Knut Inge; Watten, Reidulf G. & Volden, Frode Strand. (2013). Evolutionary adaptations: Theoretical and practical implications for visual ergonomics. Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation. (Ahead of print) [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,333. Frøisland, Dag Helge, Graue, Marit, Markestad, Trond, Skrivarhaug, Torild, Wentzel-Larsen, Tore & DahlJørgensen, Knut (2013). Health-related quality of life among Norwegian children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes on intensive insulin treatment: a population-based study. Acta Paediatrica, 102(9), 889-895. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,083. Fuglsang, Lars. (2013). Collaboration and trust in a public private innovation network: A case study of an emerging innovation model. I: Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services: the dynamics of cooperation in service innovation, (Red.). Gallouj, Faïz; Rubalcaba, Luis & Windrum, Paul: Edward Elgar Publishing. s. 247-264. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 2, Points: 0,5. Fuglsang, Lars & Jagd, Søren. (2013). Making Sense of Institutional Trust in Organizations. Organization. (Ahead of print) [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,25. Fuglsang, Lars & Rønning, Rolf. (2013). Spredning av innovasjon i kommunene. I: Innovative kommuner, PART C – PUBLICATIONS (Red.). Ringholm, Toril M; Teigen, Håvard & Aarsæther, Nils Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s.87-103. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Fuglsang, Lars & Sørensen, Flemming. (2013). Entrepreneurship in the experience economy: overcoming cultural barriers. I: Handbook on the Experience Economy: Edward Elgar Publishing. s. 269-286. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift.] Level 2, Points: 0,25. Grønseth, Anne Sigfrid. (2013). Being Human, Being Migrant: Senses of Self and Well-Being. I: Being human, being migrant: senses of self and well-being: Berghahn Books. s.1-26. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 2, Points: 1. Grønseth, Anne Sigfrid. (2013). Negotiating the past, imagining a future: Exploring Tamil refugees’ Sense of Identity and Agency. I: Being human, being migrant : senses of self and well-being, ed. Grønseth, Anne Sigfrid: Berghahn Books. s.46-67. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 2, Points: 1. Guldvik, Ingrid & Lesjø, Jon Helge. (2013). Disability, social groups, and political citizenship. Disability & Society. (Ahead of print) [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Guldvik, Ingrid; Askheim, Ole Petter & Johansen, Vegard. (2013). Political citizenship and local political participation for disabled people. Citizenship Studies, 17 (1):76-91. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,666. Gustafson, Erni. (2013). Vittorino da Feltre. Humanistic pedagogy in Italy during the early renaissance. Nordic Studies in Education, 33 (3):155-171. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Haugom, Erik. (2013). Predicting realized volatility for Nord Pool forward prices by including volatility spillover and covariance effects. Journal of Energy Markets, 6 (3):3-27. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Haugsbakk, Geir. (2013). From Sputnik to PISA Shock: New Technology and Educational Reform in Norway and Sweden. Education Inquiry, 4 (4):607-628 [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Haugsbakk, Geir & Nordkvelle, Yngve Troye. (2013). Den motvillige teknologien og læringssamfunnet. I: Utdanningssamfunnet og livslang læring: Festskrift til Gunnar Grepperud: Gyldendal Akademisk. s.113-138. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Hausstätter, Rune. (2013). "20-prosentregelen": omfanget av spesialundervisning i norske skoler. Spesialpedagogikk (6):5-12. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Hausstätter, Rune. (2013). An article concerning romanticism, nationalism and the moral argument in special education. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 15(4):229-310 [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Hausstätter, Rune. (2013). In support of unfinshed inclusion. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. . (Ahead of print) [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 2, Points: 3. Hausstätter, Rune. (2013). Pedagogisk prostitusjon: om lærerrollen og skolen. I: Pedagogikk under livets tre: Akademika forlag. s.177-189. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Helseth, Tore Ulrik. (2013). Kinoloven under okkupasjon. I: Film til folket: sensur og kinopolitikk i 100 år: Akademika forlag. s.161-175. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Higdem, Ulla & Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær. (2013). Handling the Two Conflicting Discourses of Partnerships and Participation in Regional Planning. European Planning Studies. (Ahead of print) [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Jakobsen, Trond. (2013). Transformativ læring, dypøkologi og moralsk holisme. I: Pedagogikk under livets tre: Akademika forlag. s.91-114. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Johansson, Gunn; Rydstedt, Leif & Evans, Gary W. (2013). Att köra buss i storstad - En internationell modell för forskning om stress och hälsa. Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 19 (4):27-35. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,333. Johnsen, Erik; Andersen, Jon Aarum & Vanebo, Jan Ole. (2013). From New Public Management to Professional Leadership. I: Public management in the twenty-first century: trends, ideas and practices: Universitetsforlaget. s. 267-287. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,233. Johnsen, Svein Åge Kjøs. (2013). Exploring the use of nature for emotion regulation: Associations with personality, perceived stress, and restorative outcomes. Nordic Psychology, 65 (4):306-321. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Johnsen, Svein Åge Kjøs & Rydstedt, Leif. (2013). Active Use of the Natural Environment for Emotion Regulation. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 9 (4):798-819. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,75. Jørgensen, Sveinung & Pedersen, Lars Jacob Tynes. (2013). Ansvarlig og lønnsom: Strategier for ansvarlige forretningsmodeller: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. [Vitenskapelig monografi] Level 1, Points: 2,5. Jørgensen, Sveinung & Pedersen, Lars Jacob Tynes. (2013). Cermaq: from activist target to sustainability leader. I: International management: theory and practice: Edward Elgar Publishing. s. 306-324. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 2, Points: 0,5. Jørgensen, Sveinung; Skyttermoen, Torgeir & Syversen, Trine Løvold. (2013). I pose og sekk? Mot en prakademisk utdanning i organisasjons- og ledelsesfag: et studieutviklingsprosjekt som ble "kronet med gull". I: Ny praksis - ny kunnskap: om utviklingsarbeid som sjanger, (Red.). Bjørke, Gerd ; Jarning, Harald & Eikeland, Olav: ABM-media AS. s.211-226. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Kiuppis, Florian. (2013). "Pedagogikkens pentagon" revis(it) ed: Considerations on emancipation from a disability 25 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 studies and inclusive education perspective. I: Pedagogikk under livets tre: Akademika forlag. s. 147-160. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Kiuppis, Florian. (2013). Why (not) associate the principle of inclusion with disability? Tracing connections from the start of the ‘Salamanca Process’. International Journal of Inclusive Education. . (Ahead of print) [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 2, Points: 3. Koval, Peter; Ogrinz, Barbara; Van den Bergh, Omer; Tuerlinckx, Francis & Sütterlin, Stefan. (2013). Affective Instability in Daily Life Is Predicted by Resting Heart Rate Variability. PLoS ONE, 8 (11). [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,055. Lippe, Berit von der & Stuvøy, Kirsti. (2013). Kvinnefrigjøring og krig – en selvmotsigelse? - FNs sikkerhetsrådsresolusjon 1325 og kvinners rettigheter i Afghanistan. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, 30 (1):41-52. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Marthinsen, Edgar; Clifford, Graham; Fauske, Halvor; Lichtwarck, Willy & Kojan, Bente Heggem. (2013). Nytt innblikk i norsk barnevern - hva forteller dataene fra Det nye barnevernet? I: Det nye barnevernet: Universitetsforlaget. s.36-69. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,14. Marthinsen, Edgar; Lichtwarck, Willy; Fauske, Halvor & Clifford, Graham. (2013). Hva mener vi med det nye barnevernet? I: Det nye barnevernet, (Red.). Marthinsen, Edgar & Lichtwarck, Willy: Universitetsforlaget. s.13-35. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,087. Monsen, Lars. (2013). Kommunal skoledrift: med en hånd på rattet i norsk skoleutvikling, eller som passasjer i baksetet? I: Innovative kommuner, (Red.). Ringholm, Toril M; Teigen, Håvard & Aarsæther, Nils Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s.172-187. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Myklestad, Synnøve. (2013). Zaum, fremtidsdisiplin og pedagogikk: galskap satt i system? Et kalkulerende blikk på pedagogikkens kalkuleringer. I: Pedagogikk under livets tre: Akademika forlag. s.161-176. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Nordby, Halvor. (2013). Should paramedics ever accept patients’ refusal of treatment or further assessment? BMC Medical Ethics, 44 (14). [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points:1. Nordby, Halvor; Bennin, Camilla & Buer, Bjørn Arne. (2013). Etikk i barnevern: Gyldendal Akademisk. [Vitenskapelig monografi] Level 1, Points: 4,166. Nordkvelle, Yngve Troye; Fossland, Trine & Netteland, Grete. (2013). Kvalitet i IKT-støttet høyere utdanning. I: Kvalitet i fleksibel høyere utdanning - nordiske perspektiver: Akademika forlag. s.7-26. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,233. Nordtug, Birgit. (2013). The welcoming of Levinas in the Philosophy of Education: At the cost of the Other? Theory and Research in Education, 11(3):251-269. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points:1. Nygren, Pær Thomas & Øvrelid, Bjarne. (2013). Vtenskap i teori og praksis: dialoger om kompetanse, makt og evidens 26 i helse- og sosialfag: Gyldendal Akademisk. [Vitenskapelig monografi] Level 1, Points: 5. Nøkleby, H. (2013). Use of doping agents and symptoms of eating disorders among male and female patients in drug addiction treatment. Nordisk Alkohol- og narkotikatidsskrift, 30(4), 331-346. . [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Nøkleby, Heid & Skårderud, Finn. (2013). Body Practices Among Male Drug Abusers. Meanings of Workout and use of Doping Agents in a Drug Treatment Setting. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 11 (1):490-502. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Pedersen, Tor Helge. (2013). Integrerte helseorganisasjoner: opprettelsen av lokale helsepartnerskap i det skotske helsesystemet etter det interne marked. I: Innovative kommuner, (Red.). Ringholm, Toril M; Teigen, Håvard & Aarsæther, Nils: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s.154-170. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Pedersen, Tor Helge. (2013). Senterideen i samhandlingsreformen: hjemlige og internasjonale inspirasjonskilder. I: Reformer i norsk helsevesen: veier videre: Akademika forlag. s.199-224. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Pedersen, Tor Helge. (2013). Sykehusreformen og intern organisering: gjennombruddet for sykehusovergripende divisjoner. I: Reformer i norsk helsevesen: veier videre: Akademika forlag. s.173-198. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Pryser, Tore. (2013). 1814 i Oppland: bønder, øvrighet og soldater: Pax Forlag. [Vitenskapelig monografi] Level 1, Points: 5. Puijk, Roel. (2013). Fernsehen im Netz. Eine Produktionsstudie zum norwegischen Rundfunk. Montage/ AV. Zeitschrift für Theorie und Geschichte audiovisueller Kommunikation, 22 (1):161-179. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points:1. Ringen, Stein. (2013). Nation of devils: democratic leadership and the problem of obedience: Yale University Press. [Vitenskapelig monografi] Level 2, Points: 4. Rydstedt, Leif & Devereux, Jason. (2013). Psychosocial Job Strain and Sleep Quality Interaction Leading to Insufficient Recovery. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10(11):5863-5873. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Rydstedt, Leif & Österberg, Johan. (2013). Psychological characteristics of swedish mandatory enlisted soldiers volunteering and not volunteering for international missions: an exploratory study. Psychological Reports, 112(2), 678-688. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Rydstedt, Leif; Johnsen, Svein Åge Kjøs; Lundh, Monica & Devereux, Jason. (2013). The Conceptual Roles of Negative and Positive Affectivity in the Stressor-Strain Relationship. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 9 (1):93-103. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Rønnestad, Bent. (2013). Comparing two methods to assess power output associated with peak oxygen uptake in PART C – PUBLICATIONS cyclists. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. (Ahead of print). [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Rønnestad, Bent. (2013). Seasonal changes in leg strength and vertical jump ability in internationally competing ski jumpers. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113 (7):1833-1838. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points:1. Rønnestad, Bent & Hansen, Joar. (2013). Optimizing interval training at power output associated with peak oxygen uptake in well-trained cyclists. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. (Ahead of print) [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Rønnestad, Bent & Mujika, Iñigo. (2013). Optimizing strength training for running and cycling endurance performance: A review. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. (Ahead of print) [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 2, Points: 1,5. Rønnestad, Bent; Slettaløkken, Gunnar & Ellefsen, Stian. (2013). Adding whole body vibration to preconditioning exercise increases subsequent on-ice sprint performance in ice-hockey players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. (Ahead of print) [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Rønning, Rolf. (2013). Gamle tanker som innovasjon i omsorgssektoren. I: Innovative kommuner, (Red.). Ringholm, Toril M; Teigen, Håvard & Aarsæther, Nils Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s.120-135. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Rønning, Rolf; Knutagård, Marcus; Heule, Cecilia & Swärd, Hans. (2013). Innovationer i välfärden: möjligheter och begränsningar: Liber. [Vitenskapelig monografi] Level 1, Points: 1,25. Rønningen, Martin. (2013). Rudiments of an innovation system in the rural tourism industry: how systemic features promote innovation. I: Fertile Links? Connections between tourism activities, socioeconomic contexts and local development in European rural areas: Firenze University Press. s.193-213. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Snævarr, Stefan Valdemar. (2013). Arfar Don Kíkóta. (Frá) sagan, sjálfið og hugveruvitundin” (”Don Quijotes barn”, om det narrative selvet). Hugur: tímarit um heimspeki, 28:19-38. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Steinnes, Jenny Elise. (2013). Om håpets muligheter i kunnskapens Europa. I: Pedagogikk under livets tre: Akademika forlag. s.29-41. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Stuvøy, K. (2013). Stat og sivilt samfunn i postsovjetisk Russland: Betydningen av utenlandsk støtte og nye samhandlingsformer. Nordisk Østforum, 27(4):377-400. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Stuvøy, Kirsti & Kristoffersen, Berit. (2013). En feit og fin og norsk en? - Lofottorsken i internasjonal politikk. Internasjonal Politikk, 71 (1):109-119. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Støren, Øyvind; Rønnestad, Bent; Sunde, Arnstein; Hansen, Joar; Ellefsen, Stian & Helgerud, Jan. (2013). A time saving method to assess power output at lact ate threshold in well-trained and elite cyclists. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. (Ahead of print)[Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Sundbo, Jon; Sørensen, Flemming & Fuglsang, Lars. (2013). Innovation in the experience sector. I: Handbook on the Experience Economy, (Red.). Sundbo, Jon & Sørensen, Flemming: Edward Elgar Publishing. s. 228-247. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 2, Points: 0,166. Söderström, Kerstin & Skårderud, Finn. (2013). The Good, The Bad, and the Invisible Father: A Phenomenological Study of Fatherhood in Men with Substance Use Disorder. Fathering, 11 (1):31-51. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Teigen, Håvard. (2013). Kommunane som innovatørar. I: Innovative kommuner, (Red.). Ringholm, Toril M; Teigen, Håvard & Aarsæther, Nils Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s.31-52. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Teigen, Håvard & Lien, Gudbrand. (2013). Kommunene som næringsutvikler: kommunalt tiltaksarbeid. I: Innovative kommuner, eds. Ringholm, Toril M; Teigen, Håvard & Aarsæther, Nils: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s.240-257. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Teigen, Håvard; Ringholm, Toril M & Aarsæther, Nils. (2013). Innovatør frå alders tid. I: Innovative kommuner, (Red.). Ringholm, Toril M; Teigen, Håvard & Aarsæther, Nils Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s.15-30. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,233. Thrana, Hilde Marie. (2013). Kjærlighet: en kjernekompetanse i profesjonelt barnevernsarbeid? Norges Barnevern, 90 (1):4-17. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Thrana, Hilde Marie & Fauske, Halvor. (2013). The emotional encounter with child welfare services: the importance of incorporating the emotional perspective in parents' encounters with child welfare workers. European Journal of Social Work. (Ahead of print) [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 2, Points: 3. Thuen, Harald. (2013). Kjærlighet til en fremmed: spesialpedagogikkens utspring. I: Pedagogikk under livets tre: Akademika forlag. s.129-146. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points:0,7. Thuen, Harald. (2013). Ny dansk utdanningshistorie: hva med Norge? Historiografiske refleksjoner. Årbok for norsk utdanningshistorie (2013/14):36-53. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Thuen, Harald & Tveit, Knut. (2013). Privatskolane: vere eller ikkje vere? Fire hundre år i motgang og medgang. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 54 (4):493-508. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1; Points: 0,5. Tjørve, Even; Flognfeldt, Thor & Tjørve, K.M.C. (2013). The effects of distance and belonging on secondhome markets. Tourism Geographies, 15 (2):268-291. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. 27 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 Tønnesson, Øyvind. (2013). Folkeforbundet: en tragedie? I: Krig og fred i det lange 20. århundre: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s. 211-234. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Characteristics of regulatory regimes. Journal of Governance and Regulation, 2 (1):4456. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Essays on regulatory governance: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. [Vitenskapelig monografi] Level 1, Points: 5. Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Innovative kommunale innkjøp. I: Innovative kommuner, (Red.). Ringholm, Toril M; Teigen, Håvard & Aarsæther, Nils: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s. 222-238. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Norsk helsepolitikk: forvaltning eller forretning? Materialisten - Tidsskrift for forskning, fagkritikk og teoretisk debatt, 41 (4):41-60. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points:1. Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Nytt perspektiv på mål- og resultatstyring. Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse, 16(1):36-40. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points:1. Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Samhandlingsreformen: en bærekraftig reform? I: Reformer i norsk helsevesen: veier videre: Akademika forlag. s. 81-109. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Wisting, Line Norøm; Frøisland, Dag Helge; Skrivarhaug, Torild; Dahl-Jørgensen, Knut & Rø, Øyvind. (2013). Disturbed Eating Behavior and Omission of Insulin in Adolescents Receiving Intensified Insulin Treatment A nationwide population-based study. Diabetes Care, 36 (11):3382-3387. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,1. Wisting, Line Norøm; Frøisland, Dag Helge; Skrivarhaug, Torild; Dahl-Jørgensen, Knut & Rø, Øyvind. (2013). Psychometric Properties, Norms, and Factor Structure of the Diabetes Eating Problem Survey - Revised in a Large Sample of Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 36 (8):2198-2202. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,1. Zoupanou, Zoe; Cropley, Mark & Rydstedt, Leif. (2013). Recovery after Work: The Role of Work Beliefs in the Unwinding Process. PLoS ONE, 8 (12). [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,333. Österberg, Johan & Rydstedt, Leif. (2013). Core values and attitudes among Swedish conscripts volunteering for international missions: An exploratory study. The Journal of Values Based Leadership, 6 (2):65-73. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. NON-SCORING PUBLICATIONS In addition to level-1 and level-2 publications, publications that don’t result in points are also registered. The list contains academic papers, academic textbooks, book chapters, feature articles and reports. These are publications that have satisfactory research qualities, but were the authors have chosen journals, publishers or a publishing department that are not on the list of approved publication channels. Other forms of research dissemination are not included here, but can be found at (national research registry) Amundsen, Anne Ringen. (2013). En opplevd katastrofe. I: Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen. [Kronikk] Andersen, Jan; Askheim, Ole Petter & Guldvik, Ingrid. (2013). Forslaget til rettighetsfesting av BPA: ingen seier for funksjonshemmede. I: Velferd. [Kronikk] Andersen, Jon Aarum. (2013). Managerial Grid. I: Encyclopedia of management theory: Sage reference. S .474-477. [Kapittel i bok.] Askheim, Ole Petter. (2013). Framtidas velferdsutdanninger: hvor er brukerne? I: Fontene. [Kronikk] Askheim, Ole Petter (2013). Brukerstyrt personlig assistanse : kunnskapsstatus. Høgskolen i Lillehammer. Forskningsrapport (157). [Rapport] Berg, Marie; Dolva, Anne-Stine; Kleiven, Jo & KrumlindeSundholm, Lena. (2013). Is there a need to develop cultural adjusted norm values? I: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. [Fagartikkel] Berg, Pål. (2013). Høgskolen i Lillehammer tilrettelegger studier for toppidrettsutøvere. I: Norsk idrettsmedisin. [Fagartikkel] 28 Birkvad, Søren. (2013). Analyse av "Tusen ganger godnatt". I: [Fagartikkel] Birkvad, Søren. (2013). Oscar til døden. I: Morgenbladet. [Kronikk] Birkvad, Søren. (2013). Nasjonalismens spøkelse. I: Morgenbladet. [Kronikk] Birkvad, Søren & Birkvad, Søren. (2013). Fem øjeblikk i nyere norsk film jeg ikke blir kvit I: Vagant. [Kronikk] Borgos, Rolf M. (2013). Forsvarets veteraner og bistands- og nødhjelpsarbeider, to sider av av samme sak? I: Dagbladet. [Kronikk] Christensen, Karen; Guldvik, Ingrid. Migrant care workers’ lived experiences in the UK and Norway. Høgskolen i Lillehammer the Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King’s College London, UK. [Rapport] Diesen, Jan Anders (2013). Planting Flags. Naming Land. Claiming the Ice. I: Skandinavien i tid och rum : bidrag från CSS-konferenserna 2011 och 2012 (CSS acta series; II). Lund: CSS Centre for Scandinavian studies s. 240-258 [Kapittel i rapport] PART C – PUBLICATIONS Diesen, Jan Anders (2013). Kinematografen og børnene : "...til velsignelse og ikke til forbandelse". I: Film til folket : sensur og kinopolitikk i 100 år. s. 43-54 [Kapittel i bok] Diesen, Jan Anders. Til Nordpolen med fly og filmkamera By airplane to the North Pole - with a film camera. Oslo: Nasjonalbiblioteket 2013 [Fagbok] Dolva, Anne-Stine & Askheim, Ole Petter. (2013). Et blikk i bakspeilet: norsk forskning om funksjonshemming 2004 - 2012. Høgskolen i Lillehammer. Informasjonsserien (39) [Rapport] Engelstad, Audun (2013). Hvordan måle kvalitet? I: Rushprint. [Fagartikkel] Eriksen, Håkon Glommen. (2013). Selvbestemmelse, rettighet og tvang: en introduksjon i juss for studenter i barnevern, Social work og vernepleie. Høgskolen i Lillehammer. [Rapport] Flagstad, Ingeborg Olsdatter. (2013). Far og datter: Relasjonsarbeid på teaterscenen. I: Protagonisten: medlemsblad for Norsk forening for psykodrama. [Fagartikkel] Flagstad, Ingeborg Olsdatter. (2013). Psykodrama for selvinnsikt. I: Hamar Dagblad. [Kronikk] Flagstad, Ingeborg Olsdatter. (2013). Rollemestring. I: Hamar Arbeiderblad. [Kronikk] Flognfeldt, Thor. (2013). Developing new tourism routes in coastal areas. Études caribéennes. [Fagartikkel] Flognfeldt, Thor; Overvåg, Kjell & Reistad, Iver. (2013). Klimavennlige transportløsninger for hytte- og reiselivsområder i Oppland. Østlandsforskning. ØF-notat (12). [Rapport] Gran, Lillian. (2013). Skole og digital dannelse. I: Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen. [Kronikk] Guldvik, Ingrid; Andersen, Jan (2013); BPA:-trekk ved kommunal saksbehandling, arbeidsgivernes tilrettelegging og assistentenes arbeidsbetingelser. Høgskolen i Lillehammer. Forskningsrapport (156). [Rapport] Haugsbakk, Geir Olav. (2013). Akademiske blikk på Hans Aanrud. I: Om det store i det små: Hans Aanrud 150 år: Gausdal historielag. s.72-76. [Kapittel i bok.] Haugsbakk, Geir Olav. (2013). Fra gjetergutt til internasjonalt kjent forfatter. I: Om det store i det små: Hans Aanrud 150 år: Gausdal historielag. s.22-33. [Kapittel i bok.] Haugsbakk, Geir Olav. (2013). Hans Aanruds 150 år: nye blikk på en suksessforfatter. I: Årbok for Gudbrandsdalen: Dølaringen. [Kapittel i bok.] Haugsbakk, Geir Olav. (2013). Skarp kritiker og debattant. I: Om det store i det små: Hans Aanrud 150 år: Gausdal historielag. s.62-71. [Kapittel i bok.] Haugsbakk, Geir Olav; Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin & Blekastad, Ivar. (2013). Om det store i det små: Hans Aanrud 150 år: Gausdal historielag. [Fagbok] Haugseth, Jane. (2013). Tilvenning i barnehagen. I: Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen. [Kronikk] Hausstätter, Rune. (2013). Skolens aura er borte. I: Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen. [Kronikk] Helseth, Tore Ulrik. (2013). Kone, kvinne, kamerat: Kvinnebilder i okkupasjonstidens filmrevyer. Nytt blikk: årsskrift fra Stiftelsen Arkivet. [Fagartikkel] Høstaker, Roar. (2013). Modernitetens grunnlov. I: Klassekampen. [Kronikk] Høstaker, Roar. (2013). Oppfinning og oppdaging. I: Klassekampen. [Kronikk] Jørgensen, Ingrid Grimsmo. (2013). Mobbing er ikke et teknologisk problem, men et sosialt problem. I: Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen. Jørgensen, Ingrid Grimsmo. (2013). Mobbing handler ikke om teknologi. I: [Kronikk] Jørgensen, Sveinung; Pedersen, Lars Jacob Tynes. (2013) Bærekraft krever mer enn gulrot og pisk. Stavanger Aftenblad s.20 [Kronikk] Jørgensen, Sveinung; Pedersen, Lars Jacob Tynes. (2013) Bærekraft krever mer enn gulrot og pisk. [Fagartikkel] Jørgensen, Sveinung & Pedersen, Lars Jacob Tynes. (2013). Kan ansvarlighet og lønnsomhet forenes? I: Hamar Arbeiderblad. [Kronikk] Jørgensen, Sveinung & Pedersen, Lars Jacob Tynes. (2013). Mindre bærekraft uten ansvar. I: Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen. [Kronikk] Jørgensen, Sveinung & Pedersen, Lars Jacob Tynes. (2013). Rydd opp etter dere selv! I: Dagens næringsliv. [Kronikk] Kaland, Nils. (2013). Diagnostisering og motvilje i hjelpeapparatet. I: Spesialpedagogikk. [Fagartikkel] Kaya, Mehmet Siddik. (2013). Tyrkias engasjement i Syria. I: Klassekampen. [Kronikk] Lesjø, Jon Helge. (2013). Høyrebølge anno 2013. I: Lillehammer Byavis. [Kronikk] Lesjø, Jon Helge. (2013) OL-studier : kritiske perspektiver. Anmeldelse av Palgrave Macmillans "Handbook of Olympic Studies". [Fagartikkel] Lugo, Ricardo. (2013). Promoting Resilience Through Sports Development - How Sports Can Incorporate Resilience Based Research in Skill Development Programs. I: Psykologisk tidsskrift: Psykologisk institutt, Norges teknisknaturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU). [Fagartikkel] Michelsen, Hege Anita. (2013). Kunstfaglig utdannelse ingen garanti for kvalitet. I: Rushprint. [Fagartikkel] Nordby, Halvor. (2013). Ethics in Prehospital Emergency Medicine: An Ethical Dilemma in Patient Communication. I: Economics of Medicine. [Fagartikkel] Nordby, Halvor. (2013). Ikke-tekniske ferdigheter i ambulansearbeid. I: Ambulanseforum: Ambulanseutøvernes fellesutvalg, Oslo. [Fagartikkel] Nordkvelle, Yngve Troye. (2013). Forskningsmelding med budskap om undervisning. Uniped 2013;36(1) s.1-3 [Leder] Nordkvelle, Yngve Troye. Kunsten å utvikle kvalitet i høyere utdanning? Uniped 2013, 36(2) s.1-3 [Leder] Nordkvelle, Yngve Troye. (2013). Tilstandsrapportering i høyere utdanning : hvorfor ingen informasjon om lærernes pedagogiske kompetanse? Uniped 2013, 36(2) s.1-3 [Leder] 29 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2013 Nyheim, May; Tangvold, Kari; Beghdadi, Med & Kaland, Nils. (2013). Sosiale historier som metode: hjelp til å fremme sosial forståelse og fungering ved autisme og synshemning: Kommuneforlaget. [Fagbok] Nyhus, Lene (2013). Anmeldelse av boka "Kvalitet i norsk skole" (2012) av Therese N. Hopfenbeck, Marit Kjærnsli og Rolf Vegar Olsen (red.). I: Bedre Skole, 2013 (3) s. 94-96 [Fagartikkel] Ohnstad, Bente. (2013). Juss for helse- og sosialarbeidere: Fagbokforlaget. [Fagbok] Ohnstad, Bente. (2013). Politikk i innlandet. I: Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen. [Kronikk] Ohnstad, Bente. (2013). Universitets- og sykehuspolitikk i innlandet. I: Oppland Arbeiderblad. [Kronikk] Ohnstad, Bente & Fritze, Yvonne. (2013). Forskningsdagene. I: Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen. [Kronikk] Ohnstad, Bente & Rønning, Rolf. (2013). Oppland i innovasjonstoppen. I: Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen. [Kronikk] Ohnstad, Bente & Rønning, Rolf. (2013). Oppland i innovasjonstoppen. I: Oppland Arbeiderblad. [Kronikk] Ohnstad, Bente & Stenderup, Thomas. (2013). Fortellingen betyr alt. I: Dagens næringsliv. [Kronikk] Rønning, Rolf. (2013). Sjukere enn söta bror? I: Klassekampen. [Kronikk] Rønning, Rolf. (2013). Sykefravær og sykenærvær er to sider av samme sak. I: Velferd. [Kronikk] Sarromaa, Sanna Päivikki. (2013). Pene piker overdriver ikke. I: Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen. [Kronikk] Schwind, Kai. (2013). Ubehagelig morsomt. I: Klassekampen. [Kronikk] Skaare, Sigrun Dancke & Bjerkeland, Ingvild. (2013). Dyster filmjul for norske barn. I: nettavis med nyheter fra norsk og internasjonal forskning: Foreningen for drift av [Fagartikkel] Skjeggedal, Terje; Overvåg, Kjell; Flognfeldt, Thor & Ringholm, Toril M. (2013). Ti år med "fjellteksten". I: Nationen. [Kronikk] Skyttermoen, Torgeir. (2013). En narrativ beretning om et prakademisk utviklingsarbeid: Profileringsdokument. Høgskolen i Lillehammer. [Rapport] Smith-Solbakken, Marie & Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin. (2013). Rakrygget gjennom krigen. I: Om det store i det små: Hans Aanrud 150 år: Gausdal historielag. s.109-113. [Kapittel i bok.] Smith-Solbakken, Marie; Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin. (2013) Sabina Spielrein : Der kjærlighet hersker, dør ego. Psyk opp Nytt (1) [Fagartikkel] Snævarr, Stefan Valdemar. (2013). Marx og Engels: Þjóðir og alþjóðaremba (Marx og Engels: Nasjoner og internasjonalsjåvinisme). I: Þjóðmál. [Fagartikkel] Stenseth, Geir. (2013). Høyesterett avklarer spørsmål om innløsingssum ved frembortfeste. Nytt i privatretten. [Fagartikkel] Stenseth, Geir. (2013). Tomtefeste: nye avklaringer fra Høyesterett om regulering av festeavgift. Nytt i privatretten. [Fagartikkel] 30 Stenseth, Geir; Stavang, Endre & Hauge, Katrine Broch. (2013). Svekkje eigedomsvernet? I: Nationen. [Kronikk] Straand, Sigrid I. (2013). Snakk om blues!: Ein tverrfagleg plan for kompetanseutvikling for Bok & Blues på Notodden. Høgskolen i Lillehammer. Arbeidsnotat nr. 197 [Rapport] Svoen, Brit Ragnhild. (2013). Britt blir voksen: seksualundervisning i norsk skolefilm. Z filmtidsskrift (2). [Fagartikkel] Teigen, Håvard. (2013). Høgskulane i distrikta aukar mest. I: Aftenposten. [Kronikk] Teigen, Håvard. (2013). Innlandsutvalgas historie. I: Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen. [Kronikk] Teigen, Håvard. (2013). Ottadalen: den siste utpost? I: Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen. [Kronikk] Udnæs, Marit R. (2013). Heia Fia og Sivert! I: Aftenposten. [Kronikk] Udnæs, Marit R & Udnæs, Marit R. (2013). Heia Fia og Sivert! I: Oppland Arbeiderblad. [Kronikk] Van der Ros, Janneke. (2013). Alskens folk: levevilkår, livssituasjon og livskvalitet for personer med kjønnsidentitets-tematikk. Likestillingssenteret. [Rapport] Van der Ros, Janneke. (2013) Likestillingspolitikk og alskens folk. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning (3/4) s.378-386 [Fagartikkel] Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Borgerlig rot om sykehusmodeller. I: Klassekampen. [Kronikk] Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). De grønnes dybdepolitikk. I: Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen. [Kronikk] Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Den farlige kostnadsyken. I: Klassekampen. [Kronikk] Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Den norske boligboblen. I: Dagbladet. [Kronikk] Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Derfor vinner høyreradikalismen fram. I: LO-aktuelt: organ for Landsorganisasjonen i Norge. [Kronikk] Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Levedyktig reform? I: Nationen. [Kronikk] Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Privatisering og kapitalisering i helsesektoren. I: Stat og styring. [Fagartikkel] Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Reguleringsstaten. Det norske byråkratiet vil ikke bli forenklet under den nye regjeringen. Snarere tvert imot. I: Klassekampen. [Kronikk] Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Samhandlingsreformens organisasjonsform i norsk helsevesen blir ikke varig: en midlertidig reform. I: Klassekampen. [Kronikk] Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Ekstern sensur bør gjeninnføres. I: Forskerforum. [Kronikk] Veggeland, Noralv. (2013). Karakterstandard til stryk. I: Klassekampen. [Kronikk] Watten, Reidulf G. (2013). Lektor i psykologi. I: Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. [Kronikk] Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin. (2013). Bokanmeldelse av «The maid narratives» (2013) av Wormer, Jackson og Sudduth. I : Journal of comparative social work 2013(1). [Bokanmeldelse] PART C – PUBLICATIONS Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin. (2013). Bokanmeldelse av «Restorative justice today : practical appications» (2013) av Katherine S. van Wormer and Lorenn Walker I : Journal of comparative social work 2013(2). [Bokanmeldelse] Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin. (2013). Flaskepost avverget begravelse. I: Levende Historie. [Fagartikkel] Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin. (2013). Herman Hirsch Becker: krigshelten som hviler på Samsø. I: Hvorfor havnet de her? Kongsgård-elever forsker på skolens krigsofre: Hertervig Akademisk. s.248-255. [Kapittel i bok.] Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin. (2013). Kokain, tannbehandling og historisk forskning. I: Med narkotikan som följeslagare: femton texter til Bengt Svensson: Malmö høgskola. s.47-53. [Kapittel i bok.] Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin & Smith-Solbakken, Marie. (2013). Flyktningen som ga oss håpet og kunnskapen. I: Psyk opp nytt. [Fagartikkel] Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin & Smith-Solbakken, Marie. (2013). Hans Aanrud, Lyngdal, forfatterskapet og krigen. I: Lyngdalsboka 2013: Lyngdal historielag. [Kapittel i bok.] Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin; Smith-Solbakken, Marie. Om sin egen bok "Sorg : kjærlighetens pris er sorgen" (2012). Psyk opp nytt 2013 (1). Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin & Smith-Solbakken, Marie. (2013). Søren Kierkegaard: eksistensialismen, kjærligheten og angsten. I: Psyk opp nytt. [Fagartikkel] Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin & Smith-Solbakken, Marie. (2013). Utenlandske utgivelser av Hans Aanrud. I: Om det store i det små: Hans Aanrud 150 år: Gausdal historielag. s.95-103. [Kapittel i bok.] NATIONAL SCIENCE WEEK 2013 The National Science Week is an annual national research festival that was organized from the 19th to 29th of September in 2013. The theme of the 2013 festival was “Ocean and water” The aim of NSW is to encourage curiosity, interest in and understanding for research and the impact of research in people’s everyday lives. The Research Council of Norway organizes the festival in cooperation with universities, university colleges, research institutes, libraries, museums and trade and industry. LUC’s partners in 2013 were the House of Literature / Lillehammer Library, Eastern Norway Research Institute, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, GLB Water Management Association, Eidsiva, the Norwegian Road Museum, Åretta Middle School and Jorekstad Waterpark. The following events were held: yySilent film screening from the airship “Norge”s voyage over the artic ocean accompanied by Stephen Horne From London, one of the leading silent film pianists. yyEnergy seminar, “Klima og Miljø” (Climate and environment) at the Norwegian Road Museum in Øyer. yyTheme evening at Åretta Middle School in Lillehammer about upbringing/parenting with researchers from the research center for child and youth participation and competence development. yyFlytende overganger" (Floating transitions). Seven researchers talk about water from their academic viewpoint at Lillehammer Library. yyOpen presentation about "Den norske iseksporten" (The Norwegian ice export) with Hans Jørgen Wallin Weihe and Carsten Syversen at Lillehammer Library. yyOpen presentation "Livet er lettere for de pene" (Life is easier for handsome people) with Sanna Sarromaa at the hot water pool at Jorekstad Waterpark 31 PART C – PUBLICATIONS ARTISTIC DEVELOPMENT WORK The Norwegian Film School is the artistic education at LUC, and has developed an artistic development work program that the higher education act regards as equivalent to scientific research. The film school base themselves on the official definition of artistic development work: Artistic Development work covers artistic processes that lead to a publically available product. An explicit reflection of the development and presentation of the product can also be included in the activity. (The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions “Emphasis on artistic development work”; 2007) The film school’s goal is that the teaching is based on artistic development work. This entails that almost all of the teachers are employed on a part-time basis and still are active filmmakers. They pass on their knowledge and experiences from artistic activities to their students through reflection and re-working material. In this way we obtain teaching based on artistic development work that is current and relevant. In addition several of the teachers carry out artistic development work that is not directly related to film projects, but rather development work that has a broad, immersive and reflective character in relation to the teacher’s field of study. Some examples of these works are listed below. An important part of the artistic development work at the Norwegian Film School takes place within the framework of the Norwegian Artistic Research Program. This program was established by art education institutions in Norway, including the Norwegian Film School, and consists of a fellowship program (more information in part B of the report) and a project program. The Norwegian Artistic Research Program shall strengthen artistic development work at the highest level. For the Norwegian Film School, who define itself as a storytelling film school, the teacher’s film work, research fellows and the artistic development work mentioned above is of great importance when it comes to adding new academic perspectives to the education and academic environment. Especially in the years to come when the school is undergoing a modernization with new bachelor and master programs, and further education possibilities for the industry, will it be important to expand the competence level of the academic environment through artistic development work. The Norwegian Film School is therefore active in searching for relevant projects and qualified people that can contribute in that area. During the last three years the Norwegian Film School has obtained funding for two major projects within the Project Program. yyErik Poppe; film director, project member: The subjective objective. An exploration of the possibilities of increased emotionality, the use of highly personalized and strictly subjectively point of view in conscious narrative film. yyNiels Pagh Andersen; film editor, main teacher: ”Order in Chaos. An exploration and extension of the language in the Filmic Storyline”. Other selected artistic development works at the Norwegian Film School: yyKjell Vassdal; cinematographer, main teacher. “Film photography in the change of time - from an analog to a digital expression” yyOlivier Rahmat; film editor, former main teacher, now a guest teacher: “VISUAL NARRATIVE. A study of film language as dramaturgical tools”. yySveinbjørn Baldvinsson; screenplay writer, main teacher: ”Vikings – a television series that breaks with conventions. yyCecilie Semec; cinematographer, main teacher: The modern film image. A study of the modern film image from a film photographic perspective. yyEinar Egeland; film editor, main teacher; MANIPULATE ME - mind and emotion in cinema, a cognitive study in the art of film editing. 32 Lillehammer University College [email protected] tlf. 61 28 80 00 Lillehammer University Colelge PO Box 952 N-2604 Lillehammer