Conservation Next - The Nature Conservancy


Conservation Next - The Nature Conservancy
Conservation Next
annual Report 2014
The Nature Conservancy
in Connecticut
“My family has been summering
on Long Island Sound for the last
five generations. It is a very
special place for my daughters
and their many cousins. I want
to be sure it remains an asset to
Connecticut for many more
generations to come.”
— E lizabeth McCance, Ph.D., Tr u ste e
The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut 2
“Our supporters made 2014 an
extraordinary year. We embraced new
communities, celebrated old friends and
completed truly innovative on-the-ground
work that is making our state and world
healthier. Thank you!”
— Dr. Frogar d Ryan, STATE DI RECTOR
2 a n n ua l r e p o rt 20 14
From the State Director
2014: Building momentum and breaking new ground
Your tradition of support was on my mind in May, when I visited
The Nature Conservancy’s Katharine Ordway Preserve in Weston
with Katharine’s niece, Joan Tweedy. As Joan and her adult children
rested beneath the sign for “Kay’s Trail,” I was moved not only
by their family’s legacy of conservation, but also by our shared
responsibility to continue it.
Two months later, I saw the power of innovation as I toured the lower
Connecticut River with the Conservancy’s managing director for
global water, Giulio Boccaletti, Ph.D. He recognized the Connecticut
River as an incubator for conservation in other freshwater systems.
As we honor our past achievements, we also look to the future,
pursuing innovative solutions for a balanced, resilient natural world.
Thank you for making the journey forward with us. You truly are
“Conservation Next.”
With gratitude,
Dr. Frogard Ryan
State Director, Connecticut
Above: The Conservancy’s global water managing director, Giulio Boccaletti, Ph.D., with Conservancy scientist Amy Singler (left) and
Dr. Frogard Ryan (right). © L.Shail/TNC. Current Board Chair Allen Rosenshine (left) with former Board Chair John Levinson (right). © F.Maglione/TNC.
At left: Dr. Frogard Ryan in East Hartford on the Connecticut River. © R.Uzanas.
The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut 3
“I live in a coastal community and am continually awed
by the beauty and power of the ocean. Climate change
and coastal resilience are very real issues for me. Letting
nature serve as our front line of defense gives me hope that
I will be able to enjoy my home by the sea.”
— France s C. Ash ley, Tr u ste e
4 a n n ua l r e p o rt 20 14
Preparing for a Changing Climate
Making Connecticut the most resilient state in the nation
The Borough of Stonington’s extensive, picturesque shorefront was one
reason Frances Ashley, trustee for The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut,
settled here. Now, that shorefront is cause for concern – but also hope.
As climate change causes seas to rise and storms to worsen, coastal flooding
has become a looming crisis for shoreline towns. Roads, water treatment
plants and homes are threatened, while our natural defenses – sand dunes
and salt marshes – suffer from habitat degradation.
Your investment is building our Coastal Resilience Program’s momentum.
Director of Science Adam Whelchel, Ph.D., and the towns with which
he works can combat these threats now before they cause billions of dollars
in damage:
• PLANNING WITH NATURAL DEFENSES. By year’s end, 35 communities – and the majority of Connecticut’s shoreline towns – will benefit from Conservancy-led resilience workshops that include advanced flood-scenario mapping and a focus on reconnecting and restoring cost-effective natural defenses, such as wetlands, floodplains, beaches and dunes.
• REDUCING RISK. Work continued this summer on a stormwater garden in Seaside Village, Bridgeport, thanks to Conservancy volunteers from Foundation Source in Fairfield. The garden dramatically reduces neighborhood flooding and traps polluted runoff before it reaches Long Island Sound.
• LEADING CLIMATE SCIENCE. In May, Director of Science Adam Whelchel was featured as a lead author for the Northeast section of the third National Climate Assessment, the most authoritative report on U.S. climate change impacts to date.
Above: Volunteers from Foundation Source work on the stormwater garden in Seaside Village. © C.Chancellor/TNC. Volunteers pick up debris at
Bridgeport’s Pleasure Beach, a 2.5-mile barrier beach that buffers storm surge and provides shorebird and rare plant habitat. © C.Chancellor/TNC.
At left: Adam Whelchel, Ph.D., examines the Stonington Borough shoreline with Frances C. Ashley. © C.Chancellor/TNC.
The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut 5
“Connecticut’s streams are among its most
beautiful natural resources and provide
wonderful fishing as well. But so many are
blocked by dams that interrupt fish passage. James Prosek and I would love to see many dams
dismantled and stream integrity restored!”
— Joh n Pr itchar d, Esq., Tr u ste e
6 a n n ua l r e p o rt 20 14
Restoring Freshwater Resources
Freeing fish and freshwater
From their flashing scales to the perfect fly cast, freshwater fish are part of
New England’s fabric. Just ask artist, author and naturalist James Prosek
– who recreates specimens in stunning watercolor – or John Pritchard,
fly-fisherman and Connecticut Chapter trustee. Both advocates also agree
on the urgent threats facing these species.
Thousands of dams crisscross Connecticut’s waterways, arresting the flow
of clean water and preventing fish from reaching spawning grounds. The
Chapter’s director of river restoration and fish passage, Sally Harold, is
helping to lead the removal or bypass of these structures.
Thanks to your passion, the Connecticut River and the state’s key streams
have become an incubator for how freshwater runs freely and cleanly:
• INNOVATING TO HEAL RIVERS. The Conservancy is partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Geological Survey and University of Massachusetts to create a new computer model that helps dam operators hold
and release water in sync with nature’s rhythms.
• CELEBRATING FISHWAY SUCCESS. A Conservancy-constructed fish ladder in Berlin passed 1,023 fish during this year’s spring migration, enabling them to reach 50 miles of upstream habitat for the first time in a century.
• LEADING A FOUR-STATE PARTNERSHIP. Kim Lutz, director of the Conservancy’s Connecticut River Program, was named chair of the Friends of the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge, a pioneering partnership of more than 50 watershed organizations.
Above: Kim Lutz (left) with conservationist Barbara David (right) in Hartford. © L.Shail/TNC. Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental
Protection (DEEP) workers mortar together stones while building the Tiley-Pratt fishway in Essex. © L.Jaffe. At left: Sally Harold at the site of the
Newman Dam fishway in Westport with John Pritchard (center) and James Prosek (right). © C.Chancellor/TNC.
The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut 7
“When I’m sailing and get caught up in the
beauty of Long Island Sound, I sometimes
forget I’m not the only one using it. Using
science and strategy to balance all its uses is
a win-win for people and nature.”
­— Joh n Levi n son, For m e r Boar d Chai r, Tr u ste e
8 a n n ua l r e p o rt 20 14
Charting a New Course for Oceans
Pioneering new methods in marine protection and planning
An active sailor and diver, John Levinson, Connecticut Chapter trustee and
former board chair, knows firsthand how busy our oceans have become.
Above the water, people fish, boat, transport goods and travel. Below it,
grasses sway, crabs scurry and fish school. How do we balance it all?
A collision is imminent between rising ocean uses and dwindling habitats,
threatened by poor water quality and climate change.
Your love of the Sound shows – just as the Conservancy’s science
proves – that a piecemeal approach to ocean conservation is no longer
good enough:
• MAPPING FOR NATURE AND PEOPLE. Led by Director of Connecticut Coastal and Marine Initiatives Nathan Frohling, the Conservancy published the Long Island Sound Ecological Assessment (LISEA), the Sound’s first-ever ocean-mapping report, which identifies notable habitats and aims to balance uses with natural resource protection.
• RESTORING EELGRASS. The Conservancy completed the second phase of a multiyear study into why eelgrass has been in decline for decades in Long Island Sound and southern New England. The findings will guide where and how to begin restoring this vital habitat for juvenile fish.
• ADVOCATING FOR THE SOUND. A Conservancy-backed legislative initiative known as the “Blue Plan” – which aims to protect the Sound’s natural habitats and compatible uses – was passed unanimously by the Connecticut Senate in 2014. The proposal later stalled in the House, but the Conservancy intends to reintroduce it.
Above: (From left) Trustee Bill Nickerson, Trustee Todd Miranowski, Long Island Sound Program Director Chantal Collier, State Director Dr. Frogard Ryan,
Board Chair and Trustee Allen Rosenshine and Trustee Elizabeth McCance, Ph.D., discuss the benefits of ocean mapping. © F.Maglione/TNC. A healthy
eelgrass bed off the coast of Fishers Island, New York, part of ongoing restoration research. © K.Giannetto/TNC. At left: John Levinson (left) examines a
LISEA map in Norwalk Harbor with Nathan Frohling (right). © C.Chancellor/TNC.
The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut 9
“I was first introduced to The Nature Conservancy
through my Aunt Kay Ordway, an early supporter
of land conservation. I have so enjoyed working
with the Conservancy’s dedicated, knowledgeable
staff, who share my interest in preserving nature
and animal habitats for future generations.”
— Joan Twe e dy, Con s e rvation ist an d Phi lanth ropist
10 a n n ua l r e p o rt 20 14
Conserving Critical Lands
Growing an intergenerational legacy
Joan Tweedy grew up visiting “Aunt Kay” – nationally known conservationist
Katharine Ordway – at her home in Weston. Now with a 40-year
conservation legacy of her own, Joan returned this spring to The Nature
Conservancy preserve created from her late aunt’s estate.
With populations urbanizing and green, open spaces disappearing, Katharine
Ordway Preserve and other conserved areas like it have become increasingly
valuable not only to hikers and families, but also to plants and animals.
Here and throughout Connecticut, the dedicated support of Joan, her
family and people like you is protecting the state’s last natural havens:
• REBUILDING BRIDGEPORT PARKS. The Conservancy kicked off an exciting partnership with Park City Schools and Community Alliance to revitalize two of Bridgeport’s natural spaces: Svihra Park, where Conservancy staff members are helping make the park cleaner and healthier, and Pleasure Beach, where our scientists taught volunteers about caring for shorebird and rare plant habitat.
• TURNING OVER A NEW “LEAF.” Your support allowed environmental high school students Giana, Jeanne, Lisaida and Sydnee to spend an unforgettable four weeks as Conservancy Leaders in Environmental Action for the Future (LEAF) interns, clearing trails, counting shorebird chicks, visiting colleges and loving nature.
• PARTNERING FOR SUCCESS. The Conservancy’s transfer of nearly 50 acres in Lyme to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service almost doubled the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge’s Whalebone Cove Division.
Above: LEAF interns (left to right) Giana, Jeanne, Lisaida and Sydnee hiking Devil’s Den Preserve. © C.Fowx/TNC. Trustee Kim Welch (left) with New
Milford Mayor Pat Murphy (right) at the Conservancy’s Sunny Valley Preserve. © P.Squiers/TNC. At left: Joan Tweedy enjoying Katharine Ordway Preserve.
© C.Chancellor/TNC.
The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut 11
“During my May visit, I learned about the
similar conservation work in Kenya and Connecticut.
Both the Tana and Connecticut rivers support millions of
people and face the same challenges, including floodplains and dams.
The Conservancy provides solutions for their sustainability.”
— M u n i ra Anyong e Bashi r, Ke nya Prog ram Di r ector
12 a n n ua l r e p o rt 20 14
Connecting Across Continents
Impacting global conservation through local expertise
Munira Anyonge Bashir’s work for The Nature Conservancy centers on
freshwater conservation: removing dams, securing clean drinking water and
replanting floodplains. It may sound like she’s part of the Conservancy’s
Connecticut River team, but, in fact, Munira works half a world away as
Kenya program director.
Munira’s Connecticut visit in May and your global commitment showed that
urgent conservation challenges cross borders – even oceans – and need
international organizations like the Conservancy to solve them:
• REPLANTING RAINFORESTS. The Conservancy in Connecticut supported key reforestation work in Belize, Mexico and Brazil through a generous gift from Danbury-based Praxair Inc.’s Global Giving Program. This is the second consecutive year Praxair has funded global Conservancy projects, in addition to nearly 20 years of support for state conservation priorities.
• SAFEGUARDING INTERNATIONAL URBAN WATER SUPPLIES. Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide helped underwrite The Nature Conservancy’s seminal 550 Cities report, which analyzes global urban water risks.
• SHARING CONSERVATION SUCCESSES. Adam Whelchel, Ph.D., Connecticut Chapter director of science, led our partners at Kenya’s Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in creating their new strategic plan and keynoted two climate conferences in Indonesia, one of only two English-speaking presenters at these global forums.
Above: Connecticut resident and Patagonia Program Trustee Jaime Yordán in Patagonia. © T.Beale. Elephant in the Maasai Mara of Kenya. © R.Gianni.
At left: Shelley Green (left), director of conservation programs for The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut; David Gumbart (center), assistant director of land
management; and Munira Anyonge Bashir (right) in Lyme. © C.Chancellor/TNC.
The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut 13
Saluting Our Supporters
Your dedication helps us confront global challenges with global solutions
The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut
wishes to thank the following donors for their
support and service in fiscal year 2014. This
list represents those who have contributed at
least $1,000 between July 1, 2013, and June
30, 2014, to the Conservancy’s local, national
and international conservation work.
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. David Jaffe /
Jaffe Family Foundation Ω
John and Ellen Levinson /
Cannupa Foundation ΩЖ
Dr. Elizabeth F. McCance /
McCance Foundation Trust Ω
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rosenshine ΩЖ
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas W. Tiller /
Tiller Family Foundation Ω
$50,000 - $99,999
Ms. Frances C. Ashley Ω
Joseph H. and Barbara I. Ellis
Joyce Hergenhan / Joyce
Hergenhan Private Foundation
Vervane Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Merrill /
Half Moon Foundation Ω
Mr. and Mrs. John Todd
Miranowski ΩЖ
Praxair Inc. / Praxair Global
Giving Program
John and Lee Pritchard Ω
$10,000 - $49,999
Ms. Mary M. Ackerly and
Mr. J. Michael Sconyers Ω
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Amero
The Bay and Paul Foundations
Ms. Leigh Bonney and
Dr. Larry Ritzhaupt ΩЖ
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Brito
Sander and Norma K. Buchman
Chester Kitchings Family
Marilyn Clements / Clements
Community Foundation for Greater
New Haven
Community Foundation of
Middlesex County
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Daitch /
HJ Promise Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dalio /
Dalio Family Foundation
Eaglemere Foundation
14 a n n ua l r e p o rt 20 14
Raphael P. Elkind and Melissa S.
Newman / Newman’s Own
Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson
General Electric Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart H. Greenfield
/ Stewart and Constance
Greenfield Foundation ΩЖ
The Late Jean W. Gregg
Mr. Evan Griswold and
Ms. Emily Fisher ΩЖ
Dr. James H. Heym and
Ms. Lynn O. Wilkinson Ω
Horizon Foundation Inc.
Ms. Charlene Hosticka Ж
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tudor Jones
Ms. Margaret (“Meg”) Kilgore
Mr. and Mrs. Harry LeBien /
Louis and Virginia Clemente
Mrs. Louise S. Lehrman /
The Johnson-Stillman Family
Mr. and Mrs. H. William
Lichtenberger / Lichtenberger
Nestle Waters North America
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
Mrs. Margaret Reventlow Ж
Mr. Philip R. Scholly Ж
The Shabet Family
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sheppard Jr.
/ The Sheppard Foundation
Starwood Hotels and Resorts
Mrs. Joan L. Tweedy /
Tortuga FoundationЖ
Ms. Annette C. Waite
Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Yordán /
Christine and Jaime Yordán
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zea Ω
$1,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (5)
Dr. Aryeh M. Abeles
Mr. Howard J. Aibel / Howard and
Katherine Aibel Foundation
Ω Trustee
Legacy Club
Mr. and Mrs. K. Tucker Andersen
Mr. John Arendt
Dr. Duffield Ashmead IV
Mr. and Mrs. Toten Bacardi
Bank of New York Mellon
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Bazos
Mr. David A. Behnke and
Mr. Paul F. Doherty Jr. Ω
Cameron Bellamy
Ms. Judy Black and
Mr. Richard Schlosberg
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackman /
Louise B. Blackman Family
The Late Peter Borgemeister
Victor Bradford, DMD and
Roberta Bradford, MLS
Ms. Kathleen M. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. John Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. George Edwin Brown
Mr. James L. Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Glen Cahilly Ω
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Carey
Ms. Leslie Carothers Ω
Peter and Ann Case Ж
Chaney Family Foundation
Amy and John Cholnoky
Coastal America Foundation
Mrs. Ann Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Colin
Ms. Audrey B. Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cooper Ω
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Cooper
Mrs. Cristen Cottrell
Ms. Rashenya C. Craig
Ms. Noreen P. Cullen and
Mr. David H. Gonci Ж
Ms. Tiffany B. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Czepiga
Ms. Virginia De Lima
Dr. Peter J. DeBell Ж
Charles Delmar Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred DeMarco
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic DeMarco
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Denton
Mr. Dennis Desmarais
Diver Siren Marine Services
Susan Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dunson
Ms. Mary Ellen Dyk
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Keese Earle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eck
Joel and Arline Epstein / Quadra
The Late John E. Evers
Fairfield County’s Community
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fatherley
Ferriday Fund Charitable Trust
Jesse and Betsy Fink / Betsy and
Jesse Fink Foundation
Mrs. Eileen M. Foster Ж
Mr. Andrew Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott Frantz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freedman
Jordan Frey
Mr. Michael Friedland and
Ms. Lauri Levitt Friedland /
The Winston Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Galbraith
General Re Corporation
Mr. David Geronmeus and
Mrs. Mitzi Lyman
Mrs. Connie Gersick
Mr. Jeffrey H. Glans
Mrs. Therese M. Goodwin Ж
Ms. Amanda Gott and
Mr. Steven Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Grassi Ω
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greenberg
Ms. Carolyn Greenspan and
Mr. Marshall Ruben
Eunice and Tom Groark Ω
Ms. Gene Groves
Gabrielle Guise and Jon Tiktinsky
Mr. Ray Gustin and
Mrs. Nina Jahn Gustin
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hall
Mr. Paul A. Armond Jr. and
Mr. Fred Harger
Harry F. Barnes and Carol H.
Barnes Family Foundation
Mrs. Rebecca M. Harvey
Mr. Francis R. Hawkins Jr.
Mrs. Helen L. Heilshorn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henrey
The Late Helen Davis Hermes
Dr. Marie J. Hertzig
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Heys
Iva A. Hilton
Manju Hingorani
Ms. Rebecca S. Hoblin
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Howard /
The Ron and Cheryl Howard
Family Foundation
Ms. Harriet F. Hubbard
Ipsos Loyalty Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jaeger ΩЖ
Mr. Frederick S. Johnson and
Ms. Laurel Roberts
Dr. Jean F. Jones
Ms. Jane E. Kammerer
Karuna Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Katz
Ms. Lisa Keith and Mr. Allan Karp
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kenyon ΩЖ
Mr. Robert M. Kettles
Mr. Scott C. Keyes and
Ms. Johanna S. Boller
Mr. Kenneth K. Kidd
Ms. Teresa Knoester
Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Knowlton
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kreitler
Dr. Robert Kruger and
Ms. Heidi Palmer
Ms. Catherine M. Ladnier and
Mr. John M. Robinson /
Vazomica Foundation Ж
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lagattuta
Ms. Marta Jo Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Leonardo
Mr. Robert Lester
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Levien
Dr. Ronald M. Levine
Mr. Mark J. Lewis
Mr. Henry D. Lord Ω
William Low
Lawrence and Dana Lunden Ж
Dr. Jacqueline M. Lyon
Maggie and Waggie Foundation
Mr. Crozer W. Martin
Ms. Jane E. Martin
Mr. Jerry L. Mashaw and
Ms. Anne U. MacClintock
Field Cooper McIntyre
Dick and Joan Mihm
Mr. Donald N. Millerbernd
Ms. Ruth Montgomery and
Mr. John Platoff
Garrett and Mary Moran
Mr. and Mrs. William Morrill
Murray Foundation
Don and Sara Nelson
Francis J. Nestor
The Late Ruth Newth
Ms. Mary Nicholas
Senator William Nickerson and
Mrs. Jane Nickerson Ω
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nissley
Oak Management Corporation
Oppenheim Family Fund
Ms. Dale A. Parsons Ж
Peter and Elsie Patton Ω
Petchers Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Petno
Dr. Barbara A. Phelan and
Dr. Carol R. Reed Ж
Mr. William E. Pike
Ms. Jane Plant
Mr. and Mrs. David Preston ΩЖ
Mr. Jules D. Prown / The Late
Carolyn Kneen Evans Memorial
Fund Supporters
Mr. Robert Pulford
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ragusa
Deepak Ramachandran
Redding Open Lands
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reed /
Kristin and Michael Reed Family
Michael and Faye Richardson /
Faye and Michael Richardson
Charitable Trust
Ms. Linda A. Riley
Virginia S. Risley Family Fund
Mrs. Pamela W. Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Ms. Martha H. Roper
Marie Orsini Rosen and
Philip Rosen
Mrs. Margery Ross
Ms. Adina Rubinoff
The Saint Paul Foundation
Mr. Preston Savarese
Ms. Jeanette Schermerhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schneider
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Schnur
Mr. Art C. Schoeller
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Schrenk Jr.
/ Beavertides Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shiller
Dr. and Mrs. John Silander Ω
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Slane
Mr. James C. Smith and
Ms. Pamela J. Kushmerick
Sorenson-Pearson Family
Mr. and Mrs. John Stover
Mr. Thomas J. Strnad
Jon and Kathy Sturman
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Swanson
Ms. Sarah C. Taggart
Mr. Arthur C. Tauck Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ashton M. Tenney Jr. Ж
Mrs. June M. Thomas
Thomson Reuters Holdings Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Townsend
Mr. Charles T. Treadway III
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Turner
United Technologies Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Marc A. Utay
Mr. and Mrs. C. Diederick
van der Velde
Vanguard Products Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. David VerNooy
Mr. Ron Wainshal
Mrs. Dorothy Walker Ω
Wal-Mart Foundation
Mr. Brian P. Ward
Ms. Nancy N. Wasniewski
Mr. and Mrs. John Weatherley
Mr. Robert Wechsler and
Ms. Emily Aber
Ms. Patricia C. Wehrli
Weintz Family Foundation
Sarah Kimberly Welch and
David Levin Ω
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wertheim
Mrs. Gail H. West
Mr. and Mrs. Harold White
Mr. and Mrs. George Willauer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willett
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Williams
Winkler Gosch and
Virginia Gosch Fund
Mr. and Mrs. William Winterer /
H.L. Thompson Family
Mrs. Joyce Wortman
Peter and Wendy Wright
Legacy Club
Anonymous (27)
Ms. Daphne Achilles
Miss Lucille J. Adams
Janet Adcock
Victor and Cathy Alfandre
Ms. Heather Allen
Mr. Wilson S. Alling
Mr. S.C. Amidon
Richard Anselmo Jr.
Frances C. Ashley Ω
Dr. Peter J. Auster and
Ms. Lisa C. Wahle Ω
Ms. Betsy Austin
Renee Baade
Ms. Margaret D. Barnett
Miss Dorothy M. Barrett
Mrs. Charlotte P. Barringer
Mr. Mark Basile and
Mr. Steven Schnepp
Joanna Baymiller
Ms. Edith C. Becker
Ms. Mary R. Beckert
Mr. Robert A. Behrens
Mr. Dennis N. Bennett
Mrs. Helen Bensche
Mr. Charles J. Beran
Jeffrey Bieber
Frank Bifolche
Liv K. Biron
Eleanor E. Bischoff
Mr. Leo Black
Diana T. Blair
Sandy Blake
Leigh A. Bonney Ω
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Booth
Dr. and Mrs. Harold D. Bornstein
Mr. and Mrs. John Bowers
Mr. Bill Bozzone and
Ms. Tricia Bauer
Mr. Margaret Brown
Jennifer and Michael Brown Ω
Dr. M. Gilbert Burford
Lynn Bodetka-Burke and
Mike Burke
Susan Dickey Burleson
Ms. Mary S. Calhoun
Ms. Elizabeth H. Carabillo
Ms. Mary Carnwath and
Mr. John H. Callender
Mrs. Geraldine B. Carroll
Peter Case
Ms. Claire O. Cashman
Mr. William Caval
Mr. Hyman Charniak
Mrs. Helen T. Chatfield
Ms. Phyllis Chester
Ms. Justine M. Clark
Ms. Marilyn J. Conklin
Mrs. Marian M. Cook
James Coon
Mrs. Paula Coughlin
Ms. Joan D. Cox
* We have made every effort to be accurate. If we have inadvertently overlooked anyone, please accept our sincere apologies as well as our deep gratitude for your generosity.
Mr. Thomas Crider
Mr. David Cronin
Wayne Crossman
Mrs. M. C. Crown
Ms. Jan Cunningham
Mr. Neil W. Currie
Mrs. Marian K. D’Arcangelo
Mr. Victor C. Darnell
Mrs. Hermine Dawson
Ms. Patricia De Renzo
Mrs. Anne Reed Dean
Mrs. Clara Denison
Rosa Diana
Ms. Wanda Dick
Mr. Roger H. Dickinson
William O. Doll
Ms. Helen Douda
Edward Dowling
Mr. John R. Draves
Ms. Christine Dreton
Ms. Claire C. Dudley
Mrs. Lois G. Duffield
Lee and Judith Duran
Maria E. Eddison
Mr. John Edgecomb
Franklin W. Eichacker
Miss Karen A. Ellsworth
Adele Erisman
Mr. Robert L. Estep
Vera C. Fanning
Mrs. Joan F. Faulkner
Ms. Joan L. Faust
Mr. Chamberlain Ferry
Marilyn Wood Fetzer
Emily J. Fielding
Ms. Elizabeth W. Fischer
Susan H. Fisher
James P. Fogarty
Mr. T. M. Ford
Mrs. Eileen Foster
Patricia J. Fowler
Ms. Nancy Kilborne Fox
Ms. Barbara J. Fraser
Mr. John T. Frazer
Ms. Valerie Friedman
Ms. Patricia L. Frost
Mr. L. Sidney Garvais
Ms. Mildreth L. George
Mr. James H. Gilbert
Mr. David Gliserman
Mr. William M. Goadby
Noreen P. Cullen and David Gonci
Mrs. Therese M. Goodwin
Miss Genevra Goodwin
Mr. Anthony M. Gorman
Mr. Winkler C. Gosch
Ms. Jeri Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Greenfield Ω
David F. Gregorski
Ms. Cynthia F. Grinnell
Ms. Edith Griswold
Evan S. Griswold Ω
Alexander N. Gunn II
Gwen Haaland
Mrs. Claire G. Hall
Ms. Helen F. Hamlen
Ms. Dawn Handschuh
Ms. M. Elaine Hanley
Mr. Vernon D. Harry
Kathleen L. Hartford
Prof. Peter S. Hawkins
Jan E. Heckman
Lauren Emily Henderson
Carol S. Heubeck
Mr. Peter G. Hewitt
Mr. W. K. Heyman
Mr. Edward W. Hildreth
Theodore Hillhouse
Norman and Priscilla Ann Hillman
Karen Hinch
Toni Hobbins
Bernice Hobbs
Ms. Evan C. Hoogs
Ms. Amy Hopkins
Charlene Hosticka
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoyt
Roberta Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hurley
Andrew Hyman
Jane Jablonski
Mr. Stanley E. Jacke
Robert and Patricia Jaeger Ω
Mrs. Janet G. Jainschigg
Ms. Alice B. Jansen
Miss Mary Janvrin
Mrs. Muriel K. Jarmak
Doris J. Jespersen
Kristin L. Johnson
Ms. Kristine Johnson
Mr. Peter Jolowicz
Mr. Ron D. Kalvaitis
Mr. Steven Y. Karsh
Mrs. Barbara Kashanski
Mr. Michael Keegan
James Keller and Candice Chirgotis
Dr. Walter W. Kemp
Bruce and Barbara Kenyon Ω
Mr. Charles L. Kerstein
Shirley Kiefer
Ms. Nancy C. Kindell
Mr. Robert L. Kleinberg
Cynthia Kobak
Edward Konowitz
Bob and Elise Kremer
Mrs. Vilma Kurzer
Eiichiro Kuwana
Ms. Catherine M. Ladnier and
Mr. John M. Robinson
Mr. Jon Lafleur
Mr. Carl W. Leaman
Ms. Sandra A. Lee
Mr. John W. Leslie Jr.
John and Ellen Levinson Ω
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis
Steven M. Lewis
Mr. Stanton L. Lipson
Mr. Edward E. Long
John T. Loprinzo
Mr. Lawrence J. Lunden
Sara B. Luongo
Mr. Bernard Luskin
Mrs. Joyce P. Lyons
Walter and Pauline Lyons
Elinor J. MacDonald
Mrs. Sandra T. MacGregor
Mr. Robert B. MacGuinness
Kim Larrabee and Robert Maietta
John F. Malmros
Ms. Margaret Malval
Ms. Linda O. Manning
Stephanie Marshall
Ms. Patsy Mason
Mr. and Mrs. John Matuszeski
Carol J. Mawhinney
William J. Mayer
Patrick and Mira McAree
Ingrid and David McCauley
Marcia N. McDonnell
Dr. Barbara McEwen
Mr. William Mc George Jr.
Ms. Mary Lou McGuire
Peter McKnight
Tim McMullen
Ms. Margaret G. Merrill
Ms. Margery Meyer
Clifford Mickett
Ms. Rosamond H. Mikkelsen
Mr. Donald S. Miller
Dr. William C. Miller
John Todd Miranowski Ω
Ms. Paula Modeen
Dr. Michael D. Mollow
Mrs. Lucile Monaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Montross
Ms. Helen S. Moore
Mrs. Marjorie A. Moore
Mrs. Sue J. Moran
Ms. Katherine Morgan
Mr. Steve G. Morrell and
Ms. Beverly Y. Schmidt
Ms. Diantha Morse
Mr. Stephen F. Mumford
Mr. John Murphy
Mr. Charles M. Nash
Mrs. Dorothy Obre
Ms. Doreen O’Connell
Rev. William J. Olesik
Mr. William Osgood
Lawrence Ozga Jr.
Katherine Paddon
Ms. Penny Parsekian and
Geoffrey S. Kaufman
Ms. Dale A. Parsons
Joanne Perloff
Arthur Pinkham
Thomas S. and Halina P. Platt
Ms. Elizabeth Plummer
Jane Poehler
Virginia B. Pollack
Ms. Martha L. Porteus
Ms. Nancy C. Prentis
Barbara and David Preston Ω
Mrs. Jill Prior
Mr. Christopher C. Pyne
Alanna Rathbone Ω
Mr. Neil Ratner
Ms. Hope Raymond
Miss Julia H. Recker
Carol Reed and Barbara Phelan
Mr. Harry W. Reed Jr.
Ms. Joan M. Reitz
Dr. Samuel B. Rentsch Jr.
Mrs. Margaret Reventlow
Wayne Riccitelli
Chris Richter
Ms. Julia C. Robb
Mr. Blake Robinson
Mrs. Elizabeth Albee Robinson
Mr. James S. Rockefeller
Mrs. Kathryn L. Rockwell
Thomas P. J. Rosenberg
Allen and Suzan Rosenshine Ω
Mr. Harold D. Ross Jr.
Mark and Rose Roszczewski
Clark Ruff
Mrs. Ellen Russak
Mr. William Russell
Ms. Ann P. Rutherford and
Mr. Bruce R. Lively
Frogard and Kevin Ryan
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Sallick
Robert Sambone
Heather Sandifer
Mrs. Ann C. Sandin
Ms. Zellene Sandler
Mr. David C. Sargent
Ms. Constance Sattler
Ms. Eleanor J. Saunders
Mrs. Bonnie Schaeffer
Mr. David W. Schneider
Philip R. Scholly
Mr. Gregg B. Schuyler
Mr. A. C. Scribner
Mrs. Barbara Setlow
Mr. and Mrs. Susan Shapiro
Melissa Shepstone
Marian Shilstone in memory of
Frederick W. Shilstone
Ms. Susanne A. Shrader
Gigi Simocko-Walker
W. R. Smith-Vaniz
John Sokoloski
Mrs. Ann R. Soltesz
Ms. Michelle L. Spencer
Mr. Bruce A. St. Arnauld
Mrs. Tellina J. Stafford
Thomas E. Stanton
Ms. Dawn L. Starr
Mrs. Julianne Steffens
Ms. Roxane B. Steinman
Mary Elizabeth Stevens
Mr. Tom R. Stio
Mr. Alexis Surovov CFRE
Mr. Leonard Tavormina
Mrs. Ashton M. Tenney Jr.
Ms. Georgia K. Thomson
Ms. Phyllis Tillinghast
Stephen J. Tofani
Mrs. Shirley W. Tolley
David Totman
Ms. Irmgard M. Trainor
Mrs. Joan L. Tweedy
Mr. Robert P. Ulin
Frank Vartuli
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Vassallo
Marilyn M. Virts
Mr. Albert E. Vosburgh
Patricia L. Wales
Ms. Joyce C. Ware
Dr. Scott Warren and
Mrs. Joan Warren Ω
Mr. Martin Waters
Steve and Carol Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniels Weaver
Dr. Carol S. Weeks
Myrna Weindling
S. Kimberly Welch Ω
Mr. Michael Whelan
Mrs. Dorothea Whitbeck
Thurmon Whitley
Ms. Sarah Whitson
Ms. Jane W. Williams
Mr. Walter W. Wirth
Ms. Laura R. Wirzulis
Ms. DeAnne C. Wyant
Mrs. Christopher Young
John A. Zaro Ω
Ms. Alice Zea
William and Glenn Ziegler
Grace Bartram
Peter H. Borgemeister
Elisabeth L. Brehmer
Clyde S. Brooks
Caryle A. Brotherton
Richard N. Cohen
Lester Emerick
Ferriday Fund Charitable Trust
Jean W. Gregg
Helen Davis Hermes
Vicki Julian
Ruth Newth
William B. Novoa
Suzanne L. Rutter
Leah E. Sayer
Isabella B. Waters
Rose Z. Winchester
CT Department of Agriculture Agriculture Viability Grant
Natural Resource Conservation
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Lyme Land Conservation Trust
- Long Island Sound Futures Fund Dr. Francis Magilligan, Department
- Three Fish Passes
of Geography, Dartmouth College,
Hanover, New Hampshire;
US Army Corps of Engineers
TNC NH Chapter Trustee
Village of Mill Neck
Newman Family
Brianna Colon
Dr. Keith Nislow, USDA Forest
Denise Garcia
Service Northern Research Station,
Kripa Harper
Amherst, Massachusetts
Tiffany Martin
State Department of
Emily Ruby
Environmental Conservation
Alessandria Schumacher
Park City Magnet School
Park City Schools and Community
COMPASS Youth Collaborative
Read School - Bridgeport, CT
Malcolm and Francesca Davies
Metropolitan District Devil’s Den Preserve
Hartford, CT
Deer Management
Devil’s Den Preserve Trail Adopters The Trust for Public Land
Timmerman Family
Dive Siren Marine Services
Town of Colchester
Robert and Julie Fatherley
Dr. Roy Van Driesche, Department
Foundation Source
of Environmental Conservation,
Girl Scout Troop 50896
University of Massachusetts,
Mary Jo Grieco - Horseshoe Crab
Amherst, Massachusetts
Wasnieski Family
Katharine Ordway Preserve
Wheelabrator Bridgeport
Work Day
Dr. Jonathan Woodruff, Department
Pleasure Beach Work Day
of Geosciences, University of
Ricoh USA
Massachusetts, Amherst,
Sacred Heart University
Saugatuck Diadromous
Yale University
Fish Monitors
Mr. Brian Yellen, Department of
Saugatuck Macroinvertebrate
Geosciences, University of
Survey Volunteers
Massachusetts, Amherst,
Staples High School
Sunny Valley Advisory Committee
Sunny Valley Open Farm Day
In-Kind Goods & Services
Sunny Valley Trails Committee
Avalonia Land Conservancy - Rutan
Svihra Park Work Day
Project (invasive plant survey
The Y’s Men of Westport / Weston
Weston Volunteer Fire Department Susan Bevan and Anthony Daddino
CT DEEP - Tiley-Pratt project
Project Partners
CT DEEP - Glendinning Project
Aquarion Water Company
CT DEEP - Newman Family Project
Audubon Connecticut
Dive Siren Marine Services
Bridgewater Associates
Mr. and Mrs. David Jaffe
Dr. Charlie Canham, Cary Institute
Lou Ten
of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook,
UMass, Department of Civil and
New York; TNC NY-Adirondack
Environmental Engineering
Chapter Trustee
US Fish and Wildlife Service
City of Bridgeport
Connecticut Forest & Parks
US Forest Service
USFWS - Rutan Project (invasive
Connecticut River Watershed Council
plant survey 10/2013)
CT DEEP – World Fish Migration Day
US Geological Survey
Essex Land Trust
Ray Uzanas
Friends of the Bay
Weston Arborists / Jeff Moore
Great Meadows Conservation Trust
Groundwork Bridgeport
Hofstra University
Dr. Benjamin Letcher, US Geological
Survey, Silvio O. Conte Anadromous
Fish Laboratory
The Nature
Nature Conservancy
Conservancy in
in Connecticut
Connecticut 15
Boar d of Trustees
Chapter Staff
Alle n Ros e n shi n e
Chai r
France s C. Ash ley
Vice Chai r
Joh n Levi n son
Vice Chai r
J. M ichae l Sconye r s, Esq.
Vice Chai r
Jam e s H. H eym, Ph.D.
S ecr etary
Joh n Todd M i ranowski
Tr eas u r e r
Le igh A. Bon n ey
Rodr igo Canale s, Ph.D.
M ichae l J. Don n e lly, Esq.
Dan i e l C. Esty, Esq., Ph.D.
David Jaffe
E lizabeth McCance, Ph.D.
Joh n Pr itchar d, Esq.
Nick Ti lle r
Sarah Kimbe r ly We lch
Gary Yoh e, Ph.D.
M ichae l L. Zea
Yale Boar d Fe llows
The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut staff at East Rock Park, New Haven. Pictured, left to right are (front) Amanda Ryan, Holly Drinkuth, Elizabeth Robinson,
Francine Maglione, Frogard Ryan, Cara Chancellor, (middle) Gary Kevit, Wayne Woodard, Laura Weinberg, Marie Orsini Rosen, Sally Harold, Priscilla Squiers, Lisa Stuart,
(back) Mark Mainieri, Sarah Pellegrino, Adam Whelchel, Laura Brownstein, David Gumbart, Kristie Giannetto, Isabel Yordán, Shelley Green, Cynthia Fowx, Laura Shail. Not pictured: Chantal Collier, Nathan Frohling, Robin Johnson, Kim Lutz, James Miller, Martha Rice, David Sutherland. © C.Chancellor/TNC.
Jason Cope las
Li n ds ey Lar son
The Nature Conservancy in Connecticut
55 Church Street, Floor 3
New Haven, Connecticut 06510
Cover: Long Island Sound Program Director Chantal
Collier with Phoebe and Sadie McCance. © S.DePino.
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The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve
the lands and waters on which all life depends.
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The use of this recycled paper is consistent with
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