UKWA Committee - 2006 - UK Wayfarer Association
UKWA Committee - 2006 - UK Wayfarer Association
wi UKWA Committee - 2006 t be d iei sh ths e troakt5wellaosorot orr[y trd feetCanq ow o ensurewe car q~l hoen Alyneraioll Simon M'Evoy r Usua t the sers glow h a n [time!p Jo thekieopIyt etae Ralph RobetsbWIG Repesentativ Is there heCn habelnev anywhere beenBuinh sarBresUW a Wayfarer? ertr hillpsusaloorteswl Keen known fl torespnbeoewv evera sked hereein!Shw / withoaceMcrew, youngestesentAda UsuJaly Ihear d saying: dont knte:.w Repreentativ Representatsive picked up *thequestionleShow Has Joh? Hlrltzy R[J@ h iTeani [laylc hPeresetat Rci I ieDegnr Lia Mothenveii Exiibtio Mgr CJ o"eteI Fnloyedl it so muoh come back tar xmore} CONTENTS ENDURANCE & SURVIVAL EXHIBITION 17 COMMODORE'S REPORT 4 WAYFARER WORLD BUOYANCY TESTING 19 RACING SECRETARY'S REPORT 6 FORCE 9 AT ULLSWATER RALLY 20Q5 20 PARKSTONE WAYFARERS 7 BRANCASTER LADIES' WEEKEND 22 PREVIEW EASTERN CHAMPIONSHIPS 8 THE PAPS CHALLENGE 24 MEDWAY WAYFARERS S NORFOLK BROADS & EAST COAST CRUISE 26 PREVIEW WESTERN CHAMPIONSHIPS 9 CRUISE FROM TETLEY TO WAINFLEET 29 30 PREVIEW EUROPEAN RALLY -HEEG 10 BIG BOYS' WEEKEND PREVIEW EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 11 HAVENS OF LINCOLNSHIRE & THE WASH RALLY 32 CRUISING SECRETARY'S REPORT 12 ITWILL NEVER HAPPEN TO ME 34. OVER THE TOP OF NORWAY TO RUSSIA 14 UKWA CLOTHING 3 WATERWITCH AT RYA DINGHY SHOW 16 READERS' LETTERS 40 W elcome to the qualfyig Ye r fr .... Do at least one oftNationals, Europeans or oo. ,Qalifr, lusanother two from qualifyinsYearnforInlands, Southerns, or Westerns WAYFARER WORLDS DENMARK 2007 61h-l12th August 2007 Hellerup nr Copenhagen Qualifying procedure - 25 boats from UKWA Alternatively... do all of Easterns, Inlands, Southems and Westerns. Best three results to Gount! STO AT OR NOT TO CLA? , has ben deaigned to overcome the emof i ns being cleated Also our first ever European Championships!. (Rally too - see inside) Front cover: Grian Lamb & Tony Hunt in W10201 'Final Gamqbol' at the Western Championships 2005 Photo David H-arding www ,sailingscenes~conm Parkstone YC COMMODORE'S REPORT a~nd the synergies between us, we truly have I was somewhat surprised to find myself in the astrong cointrunity sharingj our apprecia& lion of a great boat. Within this community we have a great wealth of knowledge and experience and I am interested inimproving Commodore's shoes so quicly our abilities to share our experiences, sailing ... but there was a job to be done and I was finding it difficult to find any excuses not to do it! It has recently been dawning on me what an amazing association we have, What other class of sailboat of any age or type can sport a membership of over two thousand? And that is just in the UK and ireland, With our related associations in the USA, Canada, Scandinava and now Holland ' ... areas and future events By tar the most effective commrunications are face-to-tace at rallying, racing and training events. But in such a distributed community we also have to focus on other methods, As again I amf snowed under with reports for 'Wayfarer News' it is evident that this is an elfectve medium which can be read at one's leisure away from the dreaded PC screen. However, we also have a few year's experience of running a web site and it can be particuI r efetiv frt rid sharing of news, ation, However, the in which all informaa web-master has maia;the task can we can't always to maintain the tiour new with all the latest ntailed or u at ce prvider But be inon seta and ensle.This oatn;if the e the acing See! As the site evolves we will be able to renew our mtembership online, pay for sailing events, and order various small items like 'Wayfarer Rook' etc in a very easy way. Further we will be able to put cruising logs and back numbers of Wayfarer News online and make all these easily searchable European Championships and beyond For some time now, and especialy since the formation of the Dutch Wayfarer Associalion Nedwa, we have been trying to get a European Championships going. This is intended eventually to run in the 'off year' after the World Championships in the three year cycle. We didn't make it last year so we are slipping in an inaugural European Championships in Holland in September this year What with bringing in a Scottish qualifier at LOCh Lomond, The Nationals at Weymouth and a Westerns at Slarcross the back end of this season is very crowded. The evenlts are close together, not what we could wish but we have to go with the available dates. A full programme has been provided thanks to a lot of effort on our Sailing Secretary's part Th e' Bluelay team' for our pert wil be putting in a few miles in September: see you the circuit! Leading on to next year 2007, we have the World Championships in Denmark. Toby's Racing Secretary's report shows which evnsaen a t ulf; mr events! Also for next year 2007, an Ian Proctor Memorial Evet for all Ian Proctor designs is being planned for the Whtitsun bank holiday weekend. This will be hosted by the Nationa Maritime Museum in Falmouth alongside . ........ other clubs headed by the Royal Cornwall YC. This leads on in 2008 to the Wayfarer's fiftieth annrversary celebrations in which another Europeans is being planned, hopefully• in Ireland! With all this there is everything to play for and we look forward to everyone's / full support especially when the programme gets crowded!. In paralel to all this we have an in-depth cruising and rallying programme, thanks very much to Anne and Dennis Roll for co-ordinating this alongside Simon McEvoy for sorting the cruise training programme. For cruiser/ racers this year there is the chance to go the Dutch rally in September combined with the European championships: great venue too! There is even a cruise ship - airight barge - for sleeping and catering thrown in- see details enclosed! I feel it is important to organise events so that all our members feel 'included' and not sometimes 'excluded': I woijld like to see that when we hold our AGM at the Dinghy Show our stand could be organised such there is room for our members to sit down and have a drink (bar maybe?) and chat: in other words a Wayfarer 'athome', where after having perhaps travelled a long way we can at least meet up in comfort. We have to think 'out of the box' on this. We can't lust medal ourselves on other class associations which are much, much smaller. A prime objective is to review our training needs and provision. Training on the cruising side is coming on strongly: but after last year's very successful race training event at Parkstone we still do not have the continuity we need to have established race training for this year. So anyone who would like to pick up the baton of race training manager/coordinator would be most welcome. Much other work to be done: we would especially like to hear from someone prepared to liaise with advertisers for our magazine and web site and who could also liaise with the yachting press, keeping them abreast of all our events and results In this issue. not Only will you find a new membership subscription form which Sarah will I am sure be very pleased to receive: but also a survey form, A stamp can be saved by sending them both off together! We really do need to gauge everyone's views on a few issues: if you think we have asked the wrong questions you will find space to put your views more specifically! AlIthis and we haven't even had a committee mneting yet! Ray Scragg W7698 Blue Jay Enjoy the season! / T E U TM T T E U T M T R I E R I E A E A E In the Winter Edition of Wayfarer News in Editor's notes I was musing about the concept of the Wayfarer as a cruiseri i-acer: what would the core fixed items on the boat be such that we can be competitive racing but also be easy to handle tor cruising. At last year's International Rally we often found ourselves close to Mat! Sharman's woody 'Waterwi~tch' W773 (above photo) .On one occasion he was sailing single handed and as we were headed up into the Orwell we found wind getting up to 4-5 on the nose and tide against us too. The ease with which Matt put in reefs impressed us: made it look so easy. On another occasion we had a fabulous sail out from Harwich and up the coast into the Deben, But as we were s'tilI some way off the treacherous bar at the river entrance the fog came down. We chose to fetch along the shore, having just to put the odd tack in. Matt just ahead of us: wind was barely force 2. But what directly towards us with a towering bar behind him illuminated beautifuly by the sun pouring through a hole in the mist -a magical moment. I have taken the opportunity of the FYA Dinghy Show to take a closer look at Matt's boat and hopefully some readers will find this interesting too. Matt has set his boat up very crefully, In his use of musacle box forrig tension, centre rnainsheet and bridle. ratchet blocks on the side benches for the jib shets, and kicking strap lead aft, the setup is very like the one commonly used for rac+ig On the other hand Mat! has a simple to use reling system. a jib furling gear that is lead back aft, so tfhe most important parts of the rig can be controlled from the middle of the boat where they are most accessible especially forsingle handed sailing. When rallying we use an old boom and mainsail with two sets of reef ing points and we 'slot in' our cruising genoa with furling gear instead of our racing sails: so our boat ends up looking a bit like Maft's but we haven't go! speed Matt found: it was a much as we as tar as rowlocks or fairleads! Whrat we d(o have is a bat which is great for cruising aid could do to stay with him! Eventually he disappeared until he suddenly em~erged racing in what other boa! is this possible? RACING SECRETARY'S REPORT Other quaifers wiil be Medway (Eastern) Grathamrnland), Shoreham (Soten) and Starors (Westems ). Graflam will be noabe not onl because if's a greal venue also we are salig a six race seie over two days -that's easy to do on a reservoir when all youd have to do is kup in th boat , be good racing value for money. =but I'm also very pleased that Shrhm can accommcodate us for the Southerns, not least beas very few of us travee thee last als beas I wan to get anthrdose of wave saiin. Plu I want my team to stay fi and h~ealthy ove a tall two days thi tim, end I'm cornc d we can do it. forar to getn out racng Myati lin Is hilghtened thi year bease 1) t's aqualfing year and 2)1Im fe up with The system for qualffcto for the Worlds ; : helThe 2007 Worlds i Denmar will be goo this year as everyone trs to qua . tt , Plae will be tight Compeitio will be highi I th k we have two main highlight in the orfee e a log driveupthere, These are: The Eurpa Chmp In Ha, r#-T; ' a' ! in Holland. Ton Jpr and his teamn are pulling out althe stopstornake t ta uogettab:le event, an I know that all the keen racr to enur the evn is fu for eveere so althog th coptiin wil be toug at the front there will be plety of fu thoghu the acin fleet and on shr aftrars ag s a delgtlspot. Don't mis It! The Naioals in Weynuth. Bcuewe all want to trae to Holland and othr plce we've kept the format to 4 days over a bank holiday. This means justY' the one day off work, and you wil samplet the deihts of racing In our future Olympic waters, You'll be able to comment knowl- salrs are whe they choose the wrong side of the beat. idiots! Thidly (if you're Scottis, or wsh you were) th~en why not travel u to Loch Lomond anqd bag a qulfiain pont or two whe you're the4re. Loch Lomond is beautiful and wil be worth the orny if you're able to take the rest of the ban holiday week off after the Natioal have finishd. " AFR~PARKSTONE ] The Rarkstons Wayfarer fleet continues r to be the largest group on the South Winter series, from October to December attracted anqentry of 7 boats including Peter Smith who we welcome back to the water after a prolonged period of recuperatiort The series took place invarying conditions, as you . would expect at that time of the year, but in all eight races were accomplished and tour were cancelled due to inclement weather. With just four races to count it was a competition between .. new partnerships of helms and crews i and the well prepared craft and crews- ht -- of Watery Moments (Cohin May) and Shooting Stars (Richard Readings). Keith Cameron and his Harem in Silver Greyhound kept everyone on their toes whilst lessons on helming were passed between Moonshadow and Pot Luck. ... ... il The series was taken by Colin May IWatery Moments) with Richard Readings (Shooting Stars) coming a very close second. Dave Moss in Lucky Dip was in third place. - . , .. .. ... I In thne New Year the winter social calen- (Jar kicked into action with the now well! established CeoCaching day taking place at the beginning of January to..,a blow away the Christmas cobwebs. The annual Skittles championship took . "- . a-- j -- place at Cobhams Sports Club later in the month and as I write the fleet is preparing to go to the dogs! This is not an indication of the state of our great group here at Parkstone biut a new social event at the local greyhound stadium with racing, eating and drinking along with the team camaraderie. p ~the and Saturday series. Last but not least comes Poole Week in the last week of August, to which all Wayfarers are invited -more details elsewhere in this issue. Richard Gurney W 9399 "Boogie Woogie" Our Annual Dinner Dance was held on 11th March and the sailing season tlakes oft again the following month with II Poole Week (Special for UKWA Nationals Weymouth Entrants!) Easter Open series which beckons on the 15oth F. April, offers t hree+days of racing and is open to all UK Wayfaiors. Hot on the tail of Easter comes the restart of our Monday, Wednesday There will be two discards during Poole week which allows Nationals entrants to achieve a series from Tuesday -Fnday Price concession too! see Diary Dates in Yearbook Invitation to Wayfarer Eastern Championships Medway Yacht Club 13th-i14th May 2006 Come to the first qualifying event for the Worlds 2007 in Denmark Medway Waytarers invite you to join us for the UKWA Eastern Champion ships We welcorne entrants of all abilities and otter a weeken/d of sailing on our excellent tidal esfatiial waters. : h.., with launching/recovery facilitated by electric; winch. The plan is for two races on both Saturday and Sunday, with 3 to count. Visitors are welcome to arrive and rig from 14:00h Friday, 12 May 2006. Briefing will be at 10:45h Saturday, 13 May 2006. Good food is available throughout, from dinner on Friday night, breakfasts and lunches/packed lunches on Saturday and Sunday and there rsan exceL lent bar in our comfortable clubhouse overlooking the river. A social evening and dinner will take place on Saturday evening in the clubhouse Camping is available next to the cltubhouse and changing rooms. Camnper vans may be parked in the car park, where electricity and water supplie are available. Bunkhouse ac comrrodatiori is available at the Arethusa Centre next door (limited so please book early via MYC Oftice on 01634*./18399), For local accomm~odation, conta ct MYC Office, as above, or Medway Visitor Centre (016344343666. visitor. [email protected], or www n'edway gev u~visitingmedwey htmn I Racing Scene at Medway YC 2005 was another enjoyable season for the Wayfarers at Medway. The wind tended to be on the light side and even the autumn did not produce the usual storms. We had one or two stronger wind days when gusts and waves combined to catch the unwary, which at least ensured some competition for the Rubber Shark trophy. Rather than stormqnduced damage, the theme this year was collision, resulting in several damaged hulls and one ripped mainsail. Oh wel, it gives us something to do during *lhe winter wh/en we're not sail eql For non-sailing family/friends there is plenty to do in the area: •Chatharn Historic Dockyard, Shopping locally at the Dockside, Retail Outlet or 20 minutes away at Bluewater, Udpnor Castle, Historic Rochester with its Norman castle and cathedral, Dickens Our annual dinner and prizegivln~ in November was well attended. Beaver (Richard Stone/ Catherine Gore arid Sue Mf tar) won the major trophies bI this does not reflect that ernpeti tion was mu~ch closer than in previous years and more boats beat Beaver in individual races. How many of the fleet have enjoyed the pleasure of leading most of the way round the course, only for panic to fake over allowing Beaver to snatch victory yet again. Centre, trips on the Kingswear Castle paddle steamer, Fort Amherst Plans are well under way for next year's Furth~er information from the Club office programme. Our season starts on '29 April and we race on both Saturdays on 01634-718399 or fromn Wayfarer Class Captain Steve Walder-Davis at swd~dircon.o uk and in the Wayfarer Year Book, and Sundays. We are a friendly club an~d would welcome visitors of any atbility to join us either for series racing or any of the events listed on our website. We have a wide variety of standards so you are sure to find someone to race against. The UJKWA Eastems we are hosting on 13-14 May will undoubtedly be the highlight (see details elsewhere), when we hope to provide some exciting racing and there is plenty to do off the water, too. Medway Yacht Club also hosts a one day open hqandicap, the Medway Marathon (2nd July). in which Wayfarore are. gerieraly well repres.ented am n.1 often perform wel The course takes full advantage of the excellen~t est ral waters we enfey sailing on. Sausages and triangles you will not find: insatead. if the wind is righ~t there may be long, exciting planing reache as the legs between marks are quite Ion g, We stat off from the clubhouse line at Upnor and sail downriver to Sheerness and back, taking in sevcral of the creeks on the way. it is ideal territory for the Wayfarer and we would love to see more of you come to take part. Barbara on behalf of Steve Walder-Davis W1 0255 Hot Pursuit vwmedwayyachtclub omr Invitation to Wayfarer Western Championships Starcross Yacht Club 1thThe t- 1 6t-i th eptem ber 2006 STAROROSS YACHT CLUB. DEVON. Fam tast siling. Wha a place for th Western. The Club leone of the oklest yacht cius in the British Isles, hain tbe.n formed. 1n 772 Howevwr, It is now a throughly modem, informal family clu deVOted to the pursuit of small boat sailing, We moved out of the vilage of Staroross in1967, to our present loato at Powdeha on the wes bank of the RiverEke, where we have.aIl the facies expected by keen small boat sailors, The loato of the Club pre is at th edeof the Pow erhae Stat* Noti of the Farl of. ......,*...ands famil . :8 ied by~ the.m is al thrivng cum -.. Th...ubl are invted int pmate room to vie the splendour o egacy. The estate isa venue 9Sopen.a....s arnd recent have luded Elton John, Shirley 13 sus Quo, Westne Blue and jules $4 lc to name but a few, Inthe Club itel there are excellent changing rooms and shwr, plus lancig and gfclte fo e iasad wiis our site is totally private, lrcudi our ew car paert and ironts a gd a~ ue, and unltterd but wide Sft* of the t~ hr excelet lai ca b efljoyed. Club has delivered many difern Class cwnonavrsyasacmebs compete tscety throughou-t th year in Caamaran,. Fat an Slow Handia Fests, !t isvery muc a Racin lub eve n though it Is in the mide of a holiday area whth suv and sady beaches a short distance away. Wayfares numer17in total as Iwrite, ms are owned by rulsig......talogs advantage of easy aces to pretty baeys, bece and pifs with aeble waefronts, I hopeo persJado a few of these eruss to enter more of the raes this year, You will see fro the ph~oto jus how nice a stretch of water Itis with splendid views of Devo courir e0 arotih We have been plasdto add Roinand Jun Baricer to our list of mebr recently wt W4286. 'c~g' * V~nR ' r**w job permits, 'Chough' can usull be seen at the front of the low handicap flet, VIaltors are always made very welcome. For |We Opn.etig a imlted am ount ma1 tetcmigiaaltathelu.sef There is plnt of acomdto to si eery .i .... to t.The Club operates all year round, duing the winer months we wecm members ofbte club to race inour witer and frostbite J. ireri a dlnghy/e cu, a few mebr do own sml selling c~ru s wiOth. y offth Club, and facilite ere provddf these membr for thle storage of tener and oubad motors. There Is no wetn list for mebrhip so we wecme enquiries. Better sIl wh not pay us a Mt on a race day and.wtess the l atophere for yoursef. Wyfre Westerns will bean importent event for the Clu thi year. Jea Brook, long servin club member, will be providing her usual and outstanding food throughout the weekend. I intend to secure a barrel of locally produced 'Jail Ale' to accompany the Saturday evening Dinneritonmeto think of itltmay need more than ore barrel! T now have two Wayfarers inthe family, W7658 'Septimnus Fry', and W9155 'Vole Volae recently purchased to use incolder clme. Both boats shoukd be a familiar sight on the circuit thi year. .Come and Jin us for the Westerns 1 a crt W768&W15 Invitation to European Rally Heeg SC - Holland 3rd-7th September 2006 "At night a delicious sailor's meal shall be served before we raid the ship's bar" laye you evei been to 0 rend ' o 1 't ir this opportunity to sail prior to the Euoropeani2 Arrangement 1 "The fullpackage' Championships, en some of he6 11osf Inoe Sunday 3rd September lakes and canals of Holland, accorrpai ied by ayver nice con verled barg~e with passenrger acc ornodatiorl il We shall start the dlay by rigging ou r beats and have a getle sail across the lake for a Durling the rally you will view Friesland at Its best We intend( to sail atllday. depen dlng on wind anid 'Neathter to a prier ariranded sp)ot C~p the son set from its sun~deck. Al nlight a 6th, September del mious sailor's r'eal shall be;served before *Thc dJay starts wi h breakfast at 3:00 hrs we raid the ship's bar..he "In [lilbio" has accommodation ter only 27 persons; book irngs shall therefore be accepted on a first comeC first served basis, However, we hlave arranged for a second option for those tthat plreter I1e sleep on their own boat, Diuirng breakfast we shall have a skmepers' neeting to deten nii e, dependin~g on wi,'d and weather te desinaion ot rhe day. Witth 111(cap)tairl ot the "In DCobb" we shall agree a meeting point. *i'en it is time to pack OUr lunch and leave aroui'd 9000 Aroundrl ":00 we(shall arrve atthe meeting point where the "In Cutoin" will be waiting with a rvce hot supper it yO~Uwarlt to start early lHeeg prov'ides several Hotels, cottage~s ar/d '71) ear' camp in Heeg Htanbo. i "Hteeger wOI" whore the ra lly will start. For tholel or Sttlice acconl rnodatieri please c:all tt'e Heeg Vister Cer!tre at: *+.I1 015 544246.4 or mal to: irife vvv'wyr hrrts.'i or visit: ntp://wwwtA' 'vrrtrrbts rtl l Thursday 7th September Around 17:00 hours we shlall arrive back in Heeg where the "In Etubio" shall be waiting for us 1(o collect (214lL.ggage. (Those who have a/so booked on "InDubioc" tot the races can leave everything). Sa ilors wishi r'g to visit a tow r at nigtht shou~l do so rusing ttheir Wayfarer ane1 an oibtoarrd We kindly rrmlind y01. about lli1Iigtt i r 11losvtle rm dh{ oing{ sri Arrangement 2 "The meal package" LIsenf the ci r ::I i di g , i T08 * It vr [t I I I Ip vI( , W>4 Li, 0 Fcer peso FlegstratierIlt nd yipno'eit Please registe' by sending the corepletedl registration to'ri b> u ailto the bi..tch W'ayarear secretary secretaris({fwayarerni Registration n usthr made betor'e 1s1 May R-egistrations are accepted on11after receiving foil payment. the "In Cobio" thas imnit capacity; entries shall be accepted in tl'e order th'ey are received but nlerrbers of a NCA have p riaiity over non- men 10(s So. booik early to ensure you have a cabin on-"In Cubio". There is 0(71 neerd to mlake use of an Intenational nloney order, You can [lay tthroughl your owrl NCA's treasurer. People from countries without anqNCA sho ld contact the NEOIWA secretary for othecr payrlerlt optiiors. Oalilicat ion: Inland Sailing H(t m shlo 1.1(be able 1:1o111 rllnoei[ivr boat ir17 m odferate breeze fop to Force 4lwithou: risk of colliding with arccomparnyiig Way3farors. *le rally is si/iitl-ble frir tamilies but in aver aye >2: 211t . 20mb so 0e 5}tll. 'ady7tle) water. Organising committee: Lous do Bruyne emal: Ldebtu [email protected] Francine vi de Vaart ~email: I t~ Vl Iw et sottee and to check our rigs. Aroui ic 17:00 hrs the "InDubio" will arve inHeeg Harbour {or(olir eIIIarkation. Atter setlting in we shall ha~ve a mleal em thel riCob''i{ an/d an easy night where the "In C~ubio" waits for 1.2sWhren the weath er 1sta we catl Ihaye. sWimT or er1110y Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 4th. 5th, The "In Cubici" has two person bunk bed c'abins anid each two cabins share a back to back shower &WO. 't also h'as a dining room. a lounge a ld a suirt deck with conitort able deck chairs. At night your Wayfarer will be rroored alongside themtn lO Cbkh" tthat is anchored in a sheltered bay. D CJl iin peI ~ ( iib wth Eu.irn25,~ l(. 1501, Per person Sot rld ay Th..rsdt pro fpmnvdvaart@zonnetnl Invitation to European Championships Heeg SC - Holland Qualify for Internationals Denmark 2007 8th-il0th September 2006 ,. Yoe are in'.ited to the hrst ever Wayfarer European} ChamTpionlships onlLake Heeer enor, in Frnesland Holland, The Europeans wl eventualy take over the 'oft year' slot in the three year racing calendar except for this wart This event comprises anl eight race series, with three races on/ Friday, three races on Saturday and two on Sunday. The courses writ be olympic style triangle courses around racing marks,= I he following prizes will he awarded: "t l F.oTrophy Overall Winner KNWV charmpion Burgee Gold European medal (provided by KNWV0 Silver Eur.,reean (provided by KNV Bronze European imedal (provided by KNWI Navigators & General Ladies' Race Trophy Overall Winner........ 1st Overall Winner 2nid Overall Winner 3rd Overall Winner 1st Lady overall wonne The following NEDWA prizes will also be awarded: Heeger klemp 1tofofFriday's races.. Hee pul 1st of Saturday's rtes .......... Acr om modattien: There is camping in Heeg Harbour "Heeger Wal" frorm where we launch For Hotel or celltage accommodation please call the Heeg Visitor Centre at: +11 l0t5i5-442464 or mal to: info~ivw-wymbrits rnl or visit: , it tp :kwwwv . v -Mymbrits. nli Also the 'In Dubio' can be booked for the weekend (see photo left) - £4Opp first come first served. See notice of race and entry forms in year book. •*On Friday 8th September a Wayfl;rer dinner w/i be served in one of the local restaurants. * On Saturday the 9th a Wayfarer BBQ willbe sewved at tle hatrboiur, * After every last finish a happy hour will be held in the party tent on the harbour groun~ds. * Bothq m~eals and tile happy hours are included intI 1 suJbscription fee. >.i CRUISING SECRETARY'S REPORi Cruising Trophy Winners for 2005 Presented at the AGM during Dinghy Show 2006 I vil cb, iclde fln ncorrv4 a~ ref lq aloa 1o u£ r~e ali, 9 (J~l n ~se r/t etring /ou~s wer te rr oas ... uii ... ,u,, ,,,, ...... The Golden Bucket vs c Stl'5I55VOI1CSDnwn own a boat tent why not hre one traintho tsoa ~n? 'ClII ti Cruising Trophies <ry yoexpe rie committee decided unanimously to oath cite ni/eriurahy' vyaqe, woher i t of0$ c<ruiisin your heone your frtsepiee waters or anl acivertorou1 toore g **oog trp last two magazines about advert- Let others knew why yo u r'tiose your crueslag area, how you ipr par en yourself and the anhocpaten b~at' tie cri ifi ha In /r01el tures on the high seas and this edition is no exception. and the iessorns learnled. What were your fa <auie parts of the cruise, your n's ex. penaences and even to share tthern with oth" urs, so tThey toco carl learn Irrom those e4)00 eneIwant toi stress tnai the vast naot recognition of outstanding services Li'tl t 0 event to Wa yfarer cruising. FTe UKWA hecuOLun' Much has been written over the roet embar tinsg or tsiinurn eenis? We can all tearn froml each others' experiences and writing a lg sari be a wondertul way Er)reaem hber y our ti re afloat. of uis set out to sea without an/y rnajor rais- Why' net make this the year to send an entry n inie Or both of the two crulsing trophies' the Viking rophy and Piers Plowrman re- hap and have spent many an enjoyable hour th Wafarrti a safein he nowldgetha, exceptionally sea-worthy boat. However, as I With this in nd tile eruptiass this year I 0o)training In the hope" that we carl eolice I' r of youli t oiru in the ralils and oxter accounts of her varied cruises with husband Dennis in] their beloved 'Emma' have inspired and delighted our members, and she has organised many interesting and enjoy- Anne & Dennis Kell (below) 'sockin' it to an attentive audience (right) at the RYA Dinghy Show 2006 ii Ierestitg ansi intorrlative acci:(}Lirit ot a Wayfarer cruise wil be w*elcoted as an en- the try l he } up g l , sI h judgedi by tthe previous ars wK 0 er. oelnd ye uirlo bylt:he begin 0vit'ts ,t hiips. ) ll }i o , /t Winslow. f iikilgthac. MV)1S SD eb Pl o-w')ar lrophy: Tl'is s awarded r 'lie besl write 510ur report subr liiied for tor the carnara*ie coffteiow Wavt'arer salr (itotrn r As wetll <Otor texh e l ireyr as te rxtinfor f scatinj tiv tais, ~u "Ics ge't the chance to psere ovi-r oithr Peoples ats ann find out how they do it' -Just whe're should the reefl'r riep irlts be. what style of tenlt would he idteal sdo you f'ave bail the Wayfarer News dun the provous year. Ib1)1s- will he i idged by the previous year s wlrnrer mrnm the copies subm ittesl to tt)C editor- ers. plulmp. bucket or all toree cruising over many years. Anne's any s lO in 05 n rii'e-1 Fradtiers weearwth ad ( , ,t IIstl CI~lI j Not Cor I ir [ ii Ia7 ar. this ye r to' be hn ~em altt'r 0,1, -ot lil is} -it II '/}'' i'',s evelt, I can S osroigiy reco li ns Iit -s ri ( award the Golden Bucket for 2005 tO Anne Kell for her major contrnbutions to msain/taining and extent incg the best traditions of Wayfarer phy? Send your entry by the beginning of Jai uaW' 2.007 Winners wilEbe announced at the AOM li *the spring. I tie 'Vikrng ong ship Trophy: This trophy was presented by Vrark Oye tfor t!he host accou;nt ni a en lisie indortakeri by a UKWA ineniherss tie ruse does not have to cover a considerii re fist an c, or b.e at eroic sea passage stressed in the last edition, if always pays to pr'tch se ion fhe unexpected, so that yo ar better abie to (teal with the situa Eion houlIs It ever arse '/5>u1 It ap)pear in7the cruising programmie. Why ne't Wiist it always pays to relect on This trophy iS awarded annuafl I and just wherei do they keep the portable too? At the time of wrltlnssicre were stil pertyoef places av' ,lbie. Sil jiust give imon a call. ibis is rry last report as cruising secretary as r up. I should like to thank ntreyet everyone who has helpes rToeundertake this role in whatever capacity. it only remains for To extend this land-hased course. tt~ere w111 also he two sea -based training evelnts Maycourse laabsed cr51 isors. Er *Ihe .or with tall is afirst two inday Brancaster. ........................ 0)0 to wish my successor. John Phittips. al ti) best over tthe coming thuroe years and I..... sI n>ou opei7aye you given will go'roe.hitl <as i vt> s /ubp................r.. overnight stay asho-e. It is a msust for anyone w tntng in turther their sailng skils arnd get tl)O most out of tt'eir cruising A raluge of tsp- Anne Kel I W247 'Emma I - .. ..... ..... able rallies which have encouraged many of us to explore new cruising grounds. Furthermore she has sig- I i nificantly raised the profile of Wayf#aring on the wider yachting scene with articles published in the yachting press. an RYA award in their national 'best cruising log' competition, presentation on Dinghy Cruising with U-I Den at the RYA Dinghy Show. Viking Trophy ,- Frank Dye presented this trophy to be awarded annually for the best cruising log submitted during the year to the cruising log library, and the winner is selected by the previous holder. , Jon Vahl Saxhaug, in 'big' seas with Ken Jensen's 'brilliant trysail' Two entries were received for 2005, from Jenny Jeffs and John Norman (W7391!), and from Jon VahI Saxhaug (W4935). Last year's joint winner Allan Parry (with Jim Fraser) spoke at the ACM in March and described Jenny and John's account of their North Sea crossing in company with W9843 as 'asuper log of an excellent and well-planned voyage', and to give a flavour of the crossing he quoted a line from the log: 'Navigating in a dinghy in F4-5 is like writing a letter on a roller coaster ride!'. However, as the winner, he chose Jon Vahls's log which was dramatically titled 'Over the top of Norway to Russia' - a 250 n/mile. 9 day Od- 1- Piers Plowmen Trophy ! yssey in Arctic plan had been waters. to kayak The this original route,! but Ken Jensen persuaded the intrepid pair to borrow his Wayfarer instead, driving them 2000 km northl from Oslo to reach their start point! It's quite amazing what some people will do to go Wayfaring. As the AJso juded by the previous winne, the Piers Plowmanl trophy is awred for the beet report of a cruise skipper of a cargo ship said when tire end informative acouts from they called him up on the VHF -'are you completely mad?' This log is fast-moving and exciting --just like the cruise - and leaves youl feeling awe-struck. A 'must-read' that willI be in the log library shortly. pubflshe inWayfarer News each year, Again the standard of cruisng reports was very high wit descrip- alt parts of the Wayfarer world. This year's winner was Simo MoBvoy Ms Quinn's' adventures - this time across the North Sea. ' ta hi cotnun a" o~ieo Anne Kefl presented the trophy to Smnat teAGM. . OVER THE TOP OF NORWAY TO RU S S % 2i~i AIlanned During aW-meeting inthe Oslofjord spring 2004 we told Ken Jensen (W1348) that we to paddle the coast around Norways North Cape to Russia inkayaks. Ken replied: "But you must sail Wayfarer! I can drive! We can use my car - and my trailer!" ...... nged plans - here is the story: and we reach small lovin of Kjooleohrd alcapelago Ken and Ken jr have dhuring the rnisht anharboi ir rtornfigirnon with bom day driven arOunfd the coast and arc waihing ar-d we feel like kings in warm sleeping bags 3, Kjoellefjord withinnendbedsDay rleri Gamvik. 33 n.miles. - Day 2 Ojesvaer - Kjoellefjord. 47 n.miles. riree-fotr hours out Kjoeltefjord again We wake up to sun and light winds from ii igh h ieadwind. sun ari lb 1 degrees. east Sot at i early, past a small an d tall Warmest houLrs Of Pie whale trip Alor i isiar d whilst i s hIirle to ria ify sea eagles towanrds Kin r/ trodderi - main lno E~trope's5 an ee-a udedtosnd sanorthernmost pmoirnt. A sudden drop ho paira ts -II nfrIessivel The cci iti chess $"irp' 70 ago al td we Trip up. Oslo - Hammerfest, 2000 kilometers. Lorig drive ftirough Swedten and Finland. As all four drivers (Ken arid Ken Y (W614 1)-i-its two) were equally keen, we meaced destination after 30 tiours with lots of histories and laughter. tho plan is to sail past North Cape and lake liarb ouri in F-Ioinrigsvaagt TFhtwi'id So~ picks oip aid the next 45 hours we hike -( t with small sails and 85 from east, Under a t::right sun we round the nape Just a tiny cloud ca-l} be see - an- that cloud sits r-ght ot wool, rain gear. bootls. woo--io)t amd gloves dO £ib rt 8G On the rnse arid feet ini lin tootstraps The comqbinled sittinlg cushion~sieriders a la Ken are nine to have The weather heels unpredictable, the coast hiigh arid steep and thin boat small But the Day 1 Hammertest - Gjesvaer on island Mageroey. 50 nautical miles. hanecoast frori Hamnierfest to Russia is, contrary to tthe rest of thie Norwegian coast, mainly deserted without protecting islands arid very few places that give shelter. The harsh climate gives almost I-r vegetation. The Barents Sea and East Sea comes right onrthe coast. There are also considerable tidal currernts. It is therefore with so nervousness we er-pty the 'sehnaps' at on North Cape tourist center where peoaple probably are struggeing to see anything, Not a boat to be seer! ar--ivt-tere, vie are alone. The wind dies out after sonic hours arid we're left outside Helnes lighthouse where -the huge Porsariger fjord colles out. Tide is falling and we find ourselves u-i amusing seas, The outboard engine is in Oslo. The nurre-t takes us out on the Svaerliolt Sea and we wave goodb)ye to our destination port. After some time ttie wind noiles bank arid we decide to just continue, routiding of ttiis cape goes well, the wi--d dies away arid again we tind ourselves driifiing around. This time oi Aside the hittIi town of Mehamri It suits us wvell,were hungry. Around midnight the cook enters the sleeping hag and is soon beyond conversation. He is awakenled after two hou~rs and with both reefs set and no foresail we race by Sleftnes lighthouse and reach the rule of Galvik at 03 hours A fox terms the welcome comrnittee. checking that we tie Lip properly. - noon arid set out, Bitt we get a good start. Long arid comfortable tank past The big with Beautfort 4 tram behi~d. Fir-ally on ilioutli of Per-sarigor fjord and Laksefjord to orir way after two years oh planr 11% n I re entra nce cit Kjoelefjord on the Nordkinn brooding -A littkl t lilly cr ew soon results n perninsoha -Wir-d (lies coilple-cly at a on~e reef as ti-i wirid irke V ses a tit and grey i-oil is fetched fra below -Warm coffee weather is closing in Afti -3 h-our- a chiort 'Ac .ae time, The only importai i ting is pit- stop in Hasvacysi id qink dir-mer at go the o rcacti tr-bouir b ere i: tjels dhai-k -Ard Ioemp ty hotew s-<"ao towards the it n ot uJil Sepeter -eAfter ocl im [rim b ig island Mag(eroey ftT1N arid G jesvac a fishir-g vessel conies by' arid others a tow 1" ! St *#IVI the win/d co--es tack lhis time art 1heir BA i'l Jt \" inse Pleasant lacking in lighl '-a some A\~mf Sofl)4 hittr s -~witth reading aloud ieor extcit ing onn a!bbookl, After sorte tirre Ihe reader has to hike out. A little later tho reading has to stoip. too muchi spray The coastal eph~le ' : al tr i-n ny lovers fo Day 4 Gamvik - Berlevaag. 22 n miles. Atrsm or odbasep -onn c:offee is tprepared -We stroll at ourid town. bhurker anid ccl rout agalin tot-ay past -rouit h of Tanafiard and on to Berievaag The sail .>arts arar coriiori ably with light htliwind~ te le )t]n e e~hre sighit to 100 nietres. tiri-e tor tishirg rid dinner It neve htltes Inou than a 1--2 I'later 1: H 2, It: No cae At:Kjtlloej4. e t~i "Hurtigiruta" sails by illit we sat hirlT1 up on thse VHF. "King Harild, Kino Hralid, King Harld, this is Eric on lb Ove ' Who is sahlinig King Harold?"" "Sailbmo t on your %.cruiser .,; erk , - -~ ,. / -V ' I starboard bow. Over"'<there Isee you Hriw (mg a-e yau?" We answer ii5feet". -'Ariyou comletelyrn-ad?"' S -, r i Or-rali reaction wni-l we dai ii shis or mania -sta tions. bmatwe l dceve ii hotieast tram i c arnd gooid Lick - Wel ast thn Ta iiafio i lite wind reallypicksuopstih trail e't. ,ad - the last hoar itwe bite aloiir wvith all r,-s set and very itle foresail. The current is wit us and with B6 the other way th seas quickly become steep. But helmsman Jo i doing his business ertectly and the boat salts very rice, Last ten minutes we get a fantastic surf in betwen the moloeads of Berleveag. Soon Bri Lsfled up, tent hoisted, inside wiped off, sleeping matresses laid out and the beer produced. The watch shws 03 after 12 hours at sea, around the point but th lnding we aim for (Hamrdigberg) is wel shlered for west winds and soon we are sitting ina party in the Ga'it with beers and chocolate. The clock IS03, Day 6.Betva - Hanlgbe. 38 nmlite. It's sunny and calm and the repon says NW 5increasig to 7the follow+ing night. Good for us. we till up with this and that andt lev in ight tailwind. Th sun is soon repaced by rain, In return, the wind drops to nothing. We drif outside Baatslrd 5-6 hours inshightly chilly rain until the forecasted breeze starts to push us east. Day?7 Harnnngbtg ( . We ae lodged in a fishenias house from 1870.8So old houses are rare to find in the northernost part of Nora, but hee there are many. The Germans burnt almost evrting up here at end of \WW2 but maybe they were In too much of a hurry when they lef this place whc is quite remote eve to Noweian standads. Fantastic plac wher some s pepl take caresof thehousesunacaft, arrang festiva s etc. In wintertime the pisc s isolated and deseted, onfly accessed by a 3 hour on snowaccoter. We do the 'beginners miss' by not roiling the boat hig enoug up on the san bech. When we tanded, the tide was at its lowest and with 4 metres tidal dift, it was a lon~g pull We wake up in the morning at high tide to a boat buried in sand, With various gade toosQ) Brie isdug out and after another four hours th GB-cs is freed from blckn sandstones, But - th B? is still blowing from West so we might as wel be occupie with this. The cafeowner asks us if we hav some tips as to how he can.larn.t.sai.a..w.say.hat . go wit us to town of Vadoe the folloing mornn. He enthusiastical aceps and poronulse to f ktlg Soon we have E5 on our backs, Outside Makkaur lighthouse the Nortern Gannetse 8 Da 8 DayS5, Bedaeag. The wn is howling outside the tent and we are stc for th day. In the musem we get atwo hour guided tour that nds with a long video about the builing of the mole, It went nf for abut100 year 44 of them with a raiwy from where they got the stoneloks through town to the molheas. Only one senl lady was hit and kiled by thle tran. Not bad according to the guide. By night the wind dropped and weceetebrated midumsmer's eve wih campfire, beer an a SWIm (somewhat col water) - under the midnigt sun put on a great so their bold dives, Su fI0 t ,>i~iii up next to us. The mood In the a bit anxious - windc, grey fresh sm "inv.h sa)- the rest of the crew comrpenates to the other side. After two-three hours we stroll around in the town Vardee. Eastemot p~ont In Norway an further east than Istanbul Th win deress and we si out agaln- under the huge 'tenng'radars plawcedeth there by th militr. We sigh the Rusa shores as we round the Klbergpoint Fast donwn saln is so rplae by biodu tackn and the tempaton beoe too bigwhe we see te o-openlng at Kbirg, We set up boattent next to the title thingvessel "Kftitn Mkta", ay %,.l - Il. ~, mt. Mother wakeup to sun end talaid. Still quite chilly, no reason to take off the three sets of wool underts, the wool shirt, the wed sweater, the wool hat or the woo gloves today either, Neihe the wind-glo'ves. We sal inalong the western shore at the hge Varesgerliord. P some time, th wind drp, enough to cook lunh and coffee. After hain drwed off a little, the wid picks up as if oree and wese course over to the east side and the mouh of the Kifeesord, It doesn't seem so far across, bu the eysiht is very good atths lattudsnrdi's actual] tIrmiles acrss We get an endles arid fun reach that from time. to tsdnnndsqui.omte attenio from th helmasan. Around milh B i eases into the smal-boat harour of the tr1 Qn iba n crew so toO nJtg igt a ei~~KJ RYA DINGHY SHOW 2006 - W773 Waterwitch ~~Details ~showing of Matt Sharman's W773 'Waterwitch' clockwise from top left: ratchet <@ blocks for jib, cente main, jib furling gear, twin reeling lines and bridle, stowage for roofing maritime" NATIONAL * Endurance & Survival Exhibition ~museum tured in a newv Endurance & Surviva (:or'ditiiorns an: witlh 'oreshanr'400X0 iratca1 les under her sails Wanderre will he onl show inhel full mrtifed glory. exhibition at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall. Opened on 11lth 1-ebr oar v the new exhibition The Nation/al Mar itirre Museu' r (or riwall's focu sos on the kssy ele' rentls uf survi Va* toed waler war'>th and the eorntrionaL strength of enduranlce, taking the visitor on a pour ny thri ogh the very physic al and mental new 200(3 Endur ance & Survival exhrbr lion captures the inc redijbte stories behind th~e ar~ieve'nrrlts <)fserve of our greatest seataring celeb ies and those ol less welt c hallenges ot suryva at sea O~ther celeho ties tfeatured rrl the exhibition inch ide Sir Ernest kown explore s Each have endured and survived in personal cha llenge-s In achieveJ Shackleton, Darri,t ller' Macb;tlrur Sir Robin Kr'ox arrd Torny BnIhr' cr'e.dne tfheir goats: oftien ir'rIhe *tace o't extrem e Delvying all rules ei exp etation, F'iank and One of the higqhlights sit the exhibition tells -Jotir'rstorr -overw'helmrqin Margaret Dye. who now live in Norfolk, adapted their 51rr1 Wayfarer din/ghy Warrder et oi eridol n rrr..r irocus challengirng voyages at sea, in 1963 Frantk Dye acocir i'partnied by erie of the gr'eatest stories of survival against odds. In August 1914, Lrnest Shac kfeton arrd his 28 crew left England in/ F idrrar ce ror a Tr an sanlar :tr(sFxpedr fir r rsell Br ockf ank. carted the small boat on1 a700 mite Fxrr rey Iron! Sr':o'tlar'd tsotcelarsdt the tottowing year, Wandere' sailed for the I aeroes and Norway. alte pl in g to reach the Arcfic: Circsle Thrloughout these arid olier expeditions, Wanddee ovwec:;ar/r e a hrloken r'ast, gale torce winds and capsizinig three times, with the D)yes pi ovir'g just what sheer deferr 'irratinr and per severasnce carl achieve, What hollotwed was onie of the most adr e stories of leadlership and sur vval. Shack~e ton arid his crew becampe m arooned inth Arntar criCir in 9 15 wirlr teir sIhip beeas' lornked in pack ice arid sank. Shackletori made an epic 800-mrite open boat voyage in rone of ft} rsh1ip s bo~ats, thu JarTr s C:airn]. ac:ross trea(cher on Arntarctic waters, 'Having reached South Georgia. the learn then faced, a s6 hour trek ever previously unchetarted "We are delighted Wanlderer will Lie int he Mu cen'51i sJI our ider by adlyon fur eIr sir\' and nice peo~ple," say Frank and Margaret l "We inlend to be in Fatmouth frequenly ever the summ er encouraging museum visitors to) fake up s- raIl bo)at sailinlg arid expe ls:Oc eat 'adventu~re'." 'sorrtarns to rea}ch Strerarisiss ansd/rscue, After riea'ty two years i::rtthe r'rest tirii magi nable hardship, Shackleton rescued all 28 rbrb@s of the expedition and pr'oved himse}ll as the n'iss nafriral of borleaders TI'e new exhibition highlights this leadership and featuires the James Caird, sarne: of Shackletoin s tiesonal item s, as wefi as I Oo~naid beate extrerneseas nd wether Having Laeexeessadwel Husey 's r ale blcx'rstirng harry) and a pasir ot two tef't tooted boots.& . -tony OR N WALL e ~~~of i , OVER THE TOP OF NORWAY TO RUSSIA (Continued from page 15) 'art of equliprrrent-lis: Ser'ip1:000-sfcenastewesae as1;2() ~fii-l Bulirvore's agonisingly cold and lonely ka NowgnPio- slewtr l oengtere five days in the Soothernr Ocearr is also feaItlred LUsinig a repr'esentatiorr of anl upturned Waterti t V}4F, GPS, E:PIBB, Soni/c freworks. Drysuils forxbackup. Globandhalre wi~csahi from Glob chllegewhih sve~ hi Snmall, waterti~'nt suitcase with motorcycle battery and various adaptors - fsx charng of video, Vnd fatal9 frr ftal surivval. 'lhe physical str'engths behindphnstc Dame Ellen MacArthur's and Sir Robin Kr'ox-Johr'stonr' 5solo Ionl-stop ro)uris lhm wor'ld rcords are also hrghlrgthreri arnd the KeY s trysail, Genoa heisted as a main, no boors (oi, riew carts, twu slabreefs advan:errft in th~eir niavi gation and cornrinircation eqniipr',ernt explor'ed. 'the exhribit asks "could youI navigate your way arond thre wold as Kniox-Johrsicori did or sleep for iulafew .30 'rirrute naps a day for /t (lays just For further informatiorn, please contact: ~ STamoin Loveless, Head of Communiontiers on: 01326 214536/558 M: 07855 7"9836 : tmsilovles~nmc~c uk Ir angio 'stoxr -kitchen' w/propane Stands pno(rehly err the floorboards Ortlreb watertight cydtobag. Used as an 'offrsce' for bks hoondd? etc. Var rins othe watertight bags Watert'ghf box with 'dynamite. I ladymade lisa elate- and ruirrix (b)oi in r igl weather, Oars Noongine Big sea an ,hs Jo Herstad and Jon Va-I Saxhaug ..iing Cl,,b Thefle Tidal Training Weekend co uk \W ", 1) < - Brancaster 2006 i proud ,topeei, E,,, May f dinghz crui.sing on the bea nflt/ttl Ik~e L~lav2th-2lSt djso tll 20!06 Maly .3 &14& M ,a 13th Topi |istoric Flint Castllt, H iersigpacssteetaytth side , i (.:all ln was t,he by. I dv ri hi l I t II11 arlies catl bhl WIingbr3ok=.e. {)u~ke- of la ncaster capltured Richaird , awareness~ Reefing afloat Anchoring, MOB, Rudderless Sailing Heaving Too, Sailing Backwads Cost: £30 pp To inlude accommodation Tea/coffee and Sat evening meat hTide Mre -a slcne he used by Shakespeare in his play Richard II <" M.ay- J1h -Classic 'Hound Illbre Island'. Cortacts:" ]Beani fa I nature reset' e. 'cce M l lews, into Li erpool All iln ctiviie el waltch the b irds . a ati ild the N00tih Wales e h r S{)t. 38 Ford Avenue, North Wootton "ill,. have safety boa tt cover., lt<ever King's Lynn, PE3O 30S h , w',., ,<.t><., ]"., .., c,<,,[email protected] .,k'bho..,h 34 Rivermead, Cotgrave Nottingham, NGI 2 3LQ [email protected] uk Details & entry fbts available on ithe Dee We<b site or, e-mail enquirie's to Quentin on, \Vayvthrerswa Dce-sccotak Tel (0352 Strictly limited toG6 boats with Helm & Crew, Fa4y bokingessential 7598t}2 Mob 07785 432724 whilst l k a new ski1l Beware tb boat te ting bos been krpwn to becri h tid e Saturday 9t at Hast Is resect b t2-CO n o r on I BO TT ll,,'llllt llilE NTERS WEEKEND ROYAL HAR WICH YACHT CLUB 9TH.TO IOTH.SEPEM!BER OT . ctoith ee fthCwests shoa aorttei.... matknbeaocisenf llhrde Th006 the River Orel inSufll where there is endih 0 wested1Con Mat *dens Si Movo Mctecshevoy c, 'Wayfarer World' Buoyancy Testing aild th ose wishing tio tirdedoake a buoyancy test ore tieck or a Wayfarer World -It is not yet definitive but with the h/elp of further cor!iributrons from nieasurers buoyancy testers an~d others, we stiou to be}able: to e xt:iard tLiis trite) a useful guide tion toi give access to the joint between thle hrli arid the deck rnoutds. *here is also a drain hung in the aft Thee of the transoiii Buoyancy Testiig t te rri/east] rerneiSt term tor a Wortd says: Buoyancy Chambers It teWo ytf wer Wonrl rdel is currently bi. fl by Fodoer Brothers since its production stided in 1997 arid by Moor-es from: about t e saiit lirn 0e Ittiey ceasert prod i~itiori Alt'hough I otl- tiave been tbuilt to the sariie design if taoProcter Designs Lb ,thero niilit be conie slight ditterettces ini detail of Dry buoyancy test. Floor bearer suppedt complies with rule Yes/no Dry truoyaricy test Forward lank complies with rle Dry buoyan~cy test Yes/ne Dry buoyancy test. Benticirder of heat orpies with nole. Yes'ne It is probably best to do tte I tree tests in thle [ carve order as above The buoyancy test to the floor boarer su.p conistructioiri rod./cross mieriber can be undedtakeri by All 'Worlds' have tlreo independent buoyarncy chamnbers and in two of those there is additiona hi roy/arrey in tie form] of c ubitlain aplying C positive or negative pressure test to the burtg hole accessed through the haetch herrig the roost coniTiien: a break in fthe bond between the hull and deck moulings fitxigs for tittinrgs that puncture the skin of the Duoyancy chamber and there are probaby other sour:es. t he bond between thre troll arnd Ihe (leck ruouldings carnbe broken by lateral ipact ens Ipelythono coritairtersl Ttiere is; one chamber in the bow which extends trr> tre ti ikliaad, taherriacle torwarrds to 1tie bow arid contains two cubitainiers. there is a smad! chaiilber in the large cross member.. cireotly beneath the mast -step arid this charriher alu i ra s two longit udiia nierriers that extend aft on cacti side *roni the cress iuieiiier idnder the cockpit sole at ar-apvxoxi nafe in d point between the cent r e beoardf cCsing! ar-id the ouJtside. damage. Thin joint is assembled blind during construetor arid it rs didticult to krnow it an .even boric nas been achieved. Bolts that I× ... y.i -- . . ,.. en the top lace o-I the torward tank imrredi- ferid-Oft to the guiwhiatos can inadvo~nty break this sea. Care should be ta ker r to ensure that the inrternat hung to 1he sina I charmer is atways fitted as its absence could corilproriise tlie test, There are various access point'; to thiese ishlaruibe ms: tniire ore 4 hatch cove-c: OI 4ri haftis atly in front of Itie taberrnacle Ic pr-actice t h ut niligt1also allow wat erinrte thle cha mber, access canl b)0qnite awkwar-d, biut a breathI wti ihtis uil-icult to dralii v[ess quite stil{iie-i the test to tfe forward tart can be uridedtak,en tt-nrotugti any of the three forwvard access John Hartley f-at-rues withIi,hatch rnod ted Icraccep.t the U KWA Rules and Tech nical test eguiprmetit A trreathi test is usualy cutRepresentative fieitn to undertake this test toro The IesI to thre rer-airider of Itie L.;oal can bite undertake- thi-ough tlre hung( h-ota irntlhe cover on-rthie forwarrl face of bth or rasor0 th is is used tic access to Itie fiigS of the t rarisomi or the hatch in its forward face - the votr~me oftlhis r.ha niter is large arid it is dOtt. ri..dder tilthinf arid to crx~in(] ticult to aIct-reve enougth press u r-,e i::ir vac(uum1 T here is a hatge chaiiber thiat extends frorii Ihatrar isori, .audor thte cockpit cote arid in riide tI-e hllt as far forward as -the taber n/ode hulktioad. This chambe- also h-as eight addiftiootal cubiner-s ii i Ol' ny w ter I/the chamber: by lungj power alone -Con-ip resseci air or an (inie 6" hatch ori thin top face of the forward tan/k irT/imediatrely inriI-orrt of the totier r --be T'ilis is used for1access tothe bur t I rule to the crial enclose d eo trot biuoyaricy ctharn. her arid Ic songe c ouift-re fr~rward cl-rar-n thor There is usuaty one 1i)L il(f fitted to tPorts-s tioats arid two to Moores LI-tre is erie 6" hat ch-cover t~roin 1isir:e off Il-e hult tih-et-Ilt 1 Ic-Wek iritfre side okd fashioned vacuum cleaner iblow or suok) could be applied to onle oVtt-e apedurles - Ihen sealed arid Itie change i rr pressure nieasIi.rre thlr rl Ii a gauge aft acf-iW to the ott-ir aper-fureHopetutlly all tests ar-c positilye and the boat i. lie, l:rasdis Irs tit r itwvrvarious causes of lea ki: i--nsiri .mt dar-r--tam nOr perished O itigs frorr Il-e b)[i/n-gc Or htile-ts ... - FORGE 9 AT ULLSWATER 2005 ~ The Winter Edition 2005 issue 107 covered the Utlswater rally 20th- 26th August. John & Olwen Mellor describe in a bit more depth the night of the storm! Otweri > -< 0 After the 't> 1 sho di The oheidt orarib ccardoon .: C be 'aheoad of tne 'dora m -t . LNitl aro D(fl07> 3 OI1 de f:t - hrveOr) easy The reight of the storm Saw Wayftarer Cam 4 t (O~it 1hV :drr(r~pa ,t de ' / it e'-it< ,J . , , . 5 Q.idlOIjermoon , " <7 _ ,oavt, -. - . " #s ¢% . vhi<: l iii ente[ Ih i itid - ~ % an'l so-ten g treni ihe Coid w t i O atul'IjtIo OlarJ il)t Acer o-nm-" vte dit Cl i-lt" tmat <yel..'at ¢,l i d'-v-eII as the sayir ,John Mellor WlOO53 t #1 both "'re~ ii 01-r boat I (£dr'dr< o 1)> 1eother nbOai to %q' i-m , rt It[ey, iWare Oh.)JS' 60(1'.iined tir,'y- upside dow" " " ' bo/ard a d C2(t o uuttu u-tie' so d w lb t our sails, an wth)ln I ut L'" «we ri:teto hle10e6 61 Wo gOt oiV person1 mbqk oor noat at ii It was Quite etiod-tt [tat tie wQits 5(c0ko g iIt iml "/e~~~~1) -at otrlYe } '> "b); ceq M abldii/q The morning after the night before K i C ItI Y Photo: Hamish Grigor U TE C ,rr, ..... . .. .. . Bine ... .... (C Tel: 01590N esLaeM.or.o.Sa.04. b 0 30 Fax: 1425 64 BRANCASTER LDIES' N* bdn fstta nr .s il. coi nodo c as.......... asomnie of u-s had had the ide that we were gon to be slepin head to toe on slab stones in a deelict outhos dlose to teharbour (or the 'hard' as we were correce, AS we were driving back from Kings Lynn hospital (another story), Sarah Cooper, my knight in shining armour and I, pondered on the evets of the first day. It wasn't even 3.45pm, and already we had sailed out into a very lively ocean with ,9 otwvsand hurricane orewnswe done a walk, and some shopping (girls eht), averted a near death experience, and now it was just about time for afternoon tea! What a day! And we hadn't even got out party frocks on for the evening session yet! An early start had called our helms to action, Matt (the Local Hero)), Simon, Hamish, Alan. Charles, and Doug were the honorary me for the weekend, Matt was the chap with local knowledge, a real asset and sense of P oay e bui.IWin over t s . e had acre. w tunel (Photo opplotunty) Once over th bar we stted up and dow the coast under varying degrees of control, or lack of it. The wte ores asing ontoe side and 6 litt Wavs~ obbipgand dow in a sheltered spot preth othe side, Jus dyn to get goin agan. Itwas wondrfiMI plannedl coffee break was resceduled! As we whiZned up and down watchig the kitesurfers, Matt claimed to have clocked up a pretty nifty 16km ph! (not quite as fast as a :ireball) The waves were so big that we were forced After a blustery and exhilarating sal back, we returned to the bunk house for lashings of cake, crumpets and hot tea. Mavll! Whilst the sick and infirm went for a snooze (over-exertion - or was it the previous night's food?), the rest of us went for walks and shoppng. As I was finding it hard to breathe. Simon and Katie looked after me well whilst strolled gently along the salt flats of the Norfolk coastal way. A quick warm-up in the loca chandlery (shoppng), and back to the pub for some restorative liuor, soon warmned up the cockles of our hearts. It must have been the bracing cold of the walk that brought on the asthma attack (well that's the story I'm sticking too anyway). The locals in Norfolk hostelries are really friedly and helpful, and the barman and others provrded details of the emergency doctors etc. Whilst assurance for those amongst us who had never been out to sea before. If was pretty windy as we gathered to launch in our sheltered spot, an'd I'd say that by the time N- I44 contemplating whether the doc would come out or not, we felt we needed aner bevy (just to be sure), and fthen deie that we needd aothe one! We finally wended our Way back to the bunkhouse at around 2:30pmo to settle down to a relaxing afternoon In readiness for the planned debauchery of the evening, For me thng changed whnmy lungs finally packed up, and I was rushed to hospital by the speedy Sarah, Rushed was the word in fact as I was in and out before yOU could have dropped an anchr. So for all of those reading this, Iocking for good NHS tramet might I su~gest a bugaow close to Kings Lynn hositl is worth consdering, Amazingly after all of this, we were Still eager for a second day's sailing; the conditios had lightened slgtly to the pont where in order to leave land we had to get the engine out. Wantng to challenge Mats spe record of the previous day, combined if I'm honest, with a touch of pride about making ft out without an engine, we introduced some rather excesh roiling into our boat. As 'nowimp' Doug saandned control of his boat to us and laid down in the bottom, we managed to clock up a speedy 1.7 knots over the ground, and as this was against the tide we deie it wasn't bad! Infac conditions were so ight that we onl made It as far as the bach round the corne. Finding very shallw channels made us realise that we ha probabl had one too many games of rounders. But stll this was not ch~alenging enough ftr some, who te proeeded to sail up yet another channel of water, lime eventually had to be calle and we afl limped/sailed/got towed back in, After packing the boats away, and towing them to where they would be stored to await the boys' weekend, warm showers, moe cake and tea rouneded of the weekend. After a. relaxing hou we al started to drif off after having had a wonderful weekend with a iPt ferenc. Irm sure eveybd there would join me in saying a big "Thank You" to Simon, Matt and our long suffering hels After a magntcent Chns banquet, ordered from the local take away. we launched into an evening of hilarit. Jayne's narration of t tl Red Riding HOOd was played beutiftdly by Philippa, who had ransacked Simarts sail bag for her Irnaginathve costume, and the cast performed to rapturous appluse. I must have been fully Still not detrred, we oted for a game, or ten, of rounders. Atd ling at us, dressed as were for the cold, tryng to run around the pitch must have thouht it was some new advert being fime using the did Michelin tyre chaaters Once again Doug showed his true nture and earned himself the titl 'Slugger Doug'. The return jouJrney Alisn Goodlah From lef to right by head: Ala Grey, Simon MoEoy. Sarah Cooper, Paula Clay, MAIon Good ,l Doug WesIsv. Phfhp Logan Harnish Grior Katie Copr, Matt Shn a Jayne Whew , GilLaeoun. Sarah Read. Charles Fem, Chrs Halr, Rede MtEvoy C(Ylo slt)E retored by my treatment, because I had was frustrating and actual required a fair S a Vening Sue Stone 'sucky blowy ' later on, and whilst some were a little hesitant at first, everyone soon got into th swing of things! fpr~ticularly Hamish!) This was followed by lashings of chocolate cake, and then came the highlight of the evening - -spoons' - which roughly and water and those who [ti with sitornakers wenl baukw, eq~uates to everyone launchng~ onto a pie of spoons in an effort NOT to be the one lIth without a spoon, This got increasingly aqgressive, and many of us are still, even now tending wounds! 4,...i The PAPS CHALLENGE thi use oit Miko's W/a~arer tfrm T[allich h id been a ong- held an s)toan at Pandi s m d ontnc. We had previcusy a teCIp1 l it th~at /audi and I ha(d vi[sited1 in 2002-" aasngie day, but had been] thwarted by + he.. the weathr er the nurJnbher at hears ithe day! Lash Sween in Nart h Kin twr is a an)g haul frocm Oslo but.July 2005 was going ta be the year. Mike an~d Alisar G Cbb. the uwvners (if 'Wari dalast' at-Id Derrck House. layvalich had I Irlched and shaker WandaluJst in the week htare. ear arrival. They s;ailed dawn, Lach Sween in a eat LJIc aS al - arid atteni frustrat ig, Wind at variable 2 or '. which even~tualy died cormpletely aft Kilmary The Yamlaha Malta came inta its awe1 and The appetitffel ta n attack anl a Pai- reklfyoi usuio sando with weed.11a the w*ay thraough an8Or ea oiagena~l [rac/k whir? h took us clear a whtted the reckS aft Deane.~ thbus ear secand cruise ta Jura at 2000. Ten minutes later the wind fell. away ltally an d we were cicnelt~ kt rolt q ltrif inta a damy cruise ta pi rinic cr1 F iir Mhor an'd were gtiving it Jst anaothe)r 10 minutes. betore digging cut the Yamaha. whenl suoiJ l::~ly (ver suddenly) a spanking crease set in freon the NW. Sn we settled dawn tea r attlng bread@ rea{c-i al the waty everti 23iin usH time at all untI we were withn a ile at the narti ecd at tte Sita IIsles bay (rieStinatc) O-aighouse). when the win~d disappeared ir the space at abaut I0 scscends. Aftetr 10 15 minstes it was clear it wasri2 cnrriinq back. a contrary tide we were, after all, obliged to dig out the motoer again to get inthe islands, out at the tide, whereupon a lovely steady land breeze developed te reach us all the way to Craighouse, where we up on the outside at the wal under across a salt water lane withq which we/ are getting quite ion liar. Munday .atmoweo scon~e prel nse early an. somwe preterided we wveerfl very bothered about it al ac-i by easy degrees get aur gear together arid aoi inte the oech, metering Ia get clear at Sren Sh ell I atter wAhich we qge' ftly tac.ked dowi te the Lochtaot Hacks. there was absalutely Ca se(a, and JUrst enough breeze te make ii werth sailing, as we teak the oeprturlty to spy the greund inside (west) at the Lochtaat Ttme teaOk oist Racks, sine ear[ tack at theg inhasing sunTshine "Wandalust' metered IWith Wct~abe 6,1;oside ' " tc ls A . e!etw n -Ifetched - , i--sitt Nwtul tse4fr both inthe water - sal, and Randi went ashore to check-eat / - check-in at the Hotelt not an dng gannets ancioin off th beach witasore a lin afe ashor"e, anda ~d~~ Osh su~pper te th went taar'w- ta spe aoulr sun setting 1r<irk-1 Ti P e, The spectacle was 5p4~$kg i#th th 'ChteCt rm the Somehow it was acknowledged that I was to t !and brewing up spend the night afloat; so after eating ourtfreeze-dtrieds (Mem~o to Mike: it odd bits of spagboL are tound in the bilge next spring, blame Rand, who managed ta explode a whole, stitl dry, packet, al ever the hotel bar, I paddled offup the shore of the bay aboi t 30or 4 cables and anchored, as alt break up with tantalising tunpredictability+ and all the more exciting on account of the thle vis'tors moornngs were taken, The next mornin~g we breaktasted at the ho- unexpected nature of the ,voiws momental ily opening and closing none of which, of...... tel, and got off in a leisurely fashion to seek a secure mooring, either at the head of the Snrall Isles Bay, or failing tthat at 'Cow' Bay iwhere we had luncohed a few days earlier) In th~e event, and on inspection, the smal cove at the N end of Small Isles Bay which corresponds to 'Cow' Bay, and which we now refer teas' Back of Cow Bay', seemed to otter the best, most sheltered option. So, arrving at halt tide, we wen ashore leavwno course, we had had any 'foretaste' of on our +wayOp. It was clearly going to be a lone clay as 'ne still planned to steep at Carrick House. Taywallich that ight, so there was sonice urgency to get otfthe hill and back to Wandalust'. But we hung on while the cloud glradully clear-ed, so that we could gef ph otos (as record of proof to Mike of our success). and then set oft down lust before 4 o'clock. (e had left Wandalnst' at circa 12 3(3 Barndi, tl has to be said, forced ihe an arncor out, kedged tar astern, and the i-na in anc hor at appro xi ately HW, also on a long line. I figured the worst case scenario would be having to wade to the waist to retrieve 'Wandalust' or/ouJr return (which proved correct), This proved to be a v-ery good spot t:o shelter- much less exposed to swell fror' the Sound ci Jra tharn 'Cow' Bay -and I doubt there is ever any, or very much, sea/surf ontthe beach there (the fetch seemed limited, hut I gu~ess tthis carr onty he ascertained by visiting aglai- in a stror-ig SW wind) - unless it's blowing an absolute h-ui'ri - cane ft-cit the SW diagonally across the bay. on toot ithere is no really good access inland frocr- that point, so we werrt aroor-d by ft-i shore. and corning home we walked by road al the way (air-nst) to At-dferrial before downlward pace, in spite of pauses to take pretty pictures of flowers, and we made it back to the 3--arched bridge by 17.'30, which according fo our subsegouent reading up on;the i-cute is atpparently pretty good going. We were back to 'Wandalust' before 18.30, and evidently at high water But I avoided having to wade as I found I could rustl loosen the kedge wtfh a tuig-of--war-lke heave on the main ancorr, and so was able to bring 'Wandai ist' up to the beach. Absolutely no wit-d untoiturrately+ and a strong south-setting tide, so it was yet another long, andi thais time rather chilly, slog iunder powe, up and across the Sour-d at The latter is or I ker -But at rywr ry, going oiurt aloirg the shore, we got to the bridge over hee Carron River in about an Ieu r, and set oft iup aacross the hill. ToOCit a long story Jdora. en livened by ham rolls, biscuits, chocclate, apples, and constant entertainment from the seabi rds, chiefly of course the gi n ler-nols and razo-tills, which were stfr-ear-rng north up tI--re sor ind Ir hruge it inmers, skim ing all round us (ust inches oft the glassy st-otI t was a tair-ly steady wailk under clo ud with alost no winct and urninspiing visibility, surface. Also the occasional feeding frenlzies of mackerel chasing smnal fry. 2005bis clearly striking out cross country the last -' rile We couldn't see Knaprtale or Kilberr, and thik lorurd continued to obscure everythling ovrabout 55(0 metres; but we pr-essed orn ad jot to the saddle tetwee n B-inn an O___ rad Beinn Shiantaidh, were bowi____nad ou of twirtm we codadfeeling ......... a tle oubfu!ofach-ieving our goal. Cr at supcsencountered our neighlbours in the ................ htedining room1 that mor-ing, on their way dorni-r-r the sar-ne top which- t-hey l--ad (List...... ~i nilvisibility -Afteor theiy had discreetly ........ ch mike that we had i-ap and compass with s they c:onltinued On dowrr, and Raridi pLiun p ged on upwards into the mist - with i-le, somewhat teo my siurprise, runable to keep m{rt I An easy route, it steep, in spite ot vis5 ibility' a~out 30 metres. On top of Beinn an Oir is a siubstaetial flank Sur-roi~rrdwirg a st-anda-d t-i-igpo~i~int -r~ wh-en we arrived iiot a lot to see except stones sloping away alt round. Rai-di deployed the rcamer iioreftheess, at wh~ich pci lrt, as if by r--agic, thic riouid tiegan tc~ .. ......... .... . .. a bum-per year for fish stocks in the southern Hebrides and correspondingly for the tish' eating tieds anld sea Is! And so uneventfully uipthe west sho-c again of Loch S'ween, with all the su~mrmer scents of a late Taynish forest evenin+g, to the moorin9 at Taywallich at 22.30 hrs. That was that particular expedition, and Randi, who was absolutely determined to "do a Rip" i!she possibly coul, is cocka-hoop about it. Very satisfactory Oh for a Wayfarer (and time!) in Norway. Colin McDougall (with addittonat material from Mike Gibb) 'Wandauist W74O6 V Tiop: Bar /d hal bvay i p Beunt an Cir -Jura Below: Sunset over Raps of Jura from Gigha Left: Ein -Garth G1gh a Inset:2 Coin on summit of B}einol an Oir Photos- Cohin & Rarndi MeDougal .. A MAGICAL TRIP & EAST COAST ti 471s i0st a week togt iltd n o cre ', fot n3~'boat 50MRk Plyle no onlyt v a ninail t 'sod the cr jiso beii also (jut me In touch wi#th hor HFF Scott prrferred to take hes Wayfarer 'Yellow Pest .r he has pus 3rd-9th September 2005 ![ ( e Fri4 , seg eno oI tun /)s Ih a,,rd Ye .. Fle' rF'v 0' !hkI r i d gerl doAted errt fiaod FF1con\oy to FIp H-(skiig r Ye06er e - t fol <'wed We VfaIo whch was < (300e be a'lJ Feera th0r 431-Io I he week bunl moe of th At lat~t [l@e[}t A~ HvorWJ ) Ire I't( Vest We theor tt avoeta an outboard a d orref r~d 'he peac(' of Find 1FF (t w4') F gie htm at sa wvt h semeo r'e Ilke ri!!I was' "gutl] SI)T4FF13y umJehted the tip13was stl possible NORFOLK BROADS - bFF >1or in tbFe1i~it 1 a the Pse0e',Arn.. . e e 1 Jay[ 2{ r 1o 13o(1 < ndw. } 3wpF Monday WeAsailed <upte Wa;V r y, 3ma 3 e03 o a )(41'IFoF..,,.ru:>e, FirF.I4k'ftOlCl froF .sFI rd 'rr 4'te' sI lqdb rd ine tre. .. oti ~rlrevto r 591 e.() <.r br1 . 1.,1,1 4) , 1 1 < te~to FauO0,tOrs tF3 North Noelk coast at Wels Y0411FFPe aftI' 14iFH rezf >e' 'S" 4 d' s2 do4wn f1 FluFe F'lsha i twro fFops to Luoestoft 114en through the It was£ good to sOeelth (F' Fb"L&FI Fl/ we1 en1sFae 45 e ke pt out of thr'> We( A" OVOF}tiiailv hok to i l'.t< <IFk'o 301F n it <t~ -'"<a <t0 << adrrired the ofte 14e6d harbstht , beats33 1d 3i -'Fstor" laf; Pt ess at Jeckells 'Phil b'adl Fast 131s b3ujrgce) arid F33thn bokC rt 'Fso11irl~e 11 }oc t14FFIQg t(. wore nestled in inFd La ke Loathirg a'Fd ther saild wtF o050kt2 a Sro( F> uFIyt i Wate r th rol g F Yarr'oe3' :1 ~and then rA out whee The 0we 10>1r( 1FF701'e 0th( to HIck iFlg and1 p04 rin>}'t ~k)ellalre rF:i:F'mt: itr 313 r13ad1 a1''g N'e Waveripy, had br(')gFht the FFa5k. Swn I r >4014 4tIlIid r FF Fn~t(1 armved IA' ,FFIItoF ID, . e13 Wolf F~ 41911 ( F( i Saturday I started out very early arnd got a lttle lost beca 13ed 131394 ber,30 Fl3gi1ir 3le' 50 1 it w793 appac~ o u" It(It he43 F gau'.ejt FF10 trot> th' preci- sii13oien t Jg" to catch the14 p13opentqg of FF31 Lowestft tidge (A12) Exci~tig ~l.F oSIFF Harbour. Suddonly was aware otf 13ow far [ eiFi~a Woffa we wore d raggin1g. I started Fofee14 7er'y conicerned, Ff3e lbght winds arit p:erritp:s the fact we wore edgirlg out of tFhe ch~anrnel were factors that oiotributed, but ths speed dIiheretial was Ffh0differerrce etweerI a3 PS 400 arnd a Wayfarer. not 2 Waytarers si.rely'? Wuh~a waSsoo 001 (3 t o sot hat tort 13 naely waiting for us5t(F11 enure we4 1ook fF30sharp 'left tuim. This t1133we were ir Fp~l 4 5hlOt"Watd I 'Fset 3. 3i rt', ecFashtt cr1 Friday LDue to tthe w~tnd direrii::Fo la,. i r ittei harnges were essential to thOe soarofuliy laid plarns.. there was talk of going sornOwl3ere else whiseh Was sort of FurltFhinkahle. so we just reuei'sed ff30 route. Mike 113ust carry the0 tide tables FF3his head because he seenmed to LFO abe o 4workou~t tF30 ne4w passage plan0in ar<in stant. So 13ew ro3u1e was to tae HtsKl F g Broad, Lowestoh, Wells. ttqt' I,' rl'tO'F FF ,i 010I was ti tle 1(Fo adt 430(ere F.3qo5s~fu y;1o (Ir desiti0o3 Pro'ddat 1 I l:o1ked 0t~0Fir/d al the 5ivewa 13re3Ff Fe I/~oyal Norfolk arlid Suflk Yacht C101b aF d we gcot a full forecast. Yes;, it tealy was 01n for the lexl d::ay. We tadte so>e> sp3ec preOt.>F 11ons tor "the passage" before takirng a walk aloFng the pier and the3 a folditing drink 1nd........ di3ler at th'e yacl slob. Mike took a phr~otoF of tFhe rrost 0304>0e 101.1$V'cto(rlar toilet at'!d then3 we hooded back to too 13oats for a >'e . "0.2F1 i gt[t PI14startedI wrsli' I ' '',iti f3'iteou30o'Ard It vwas b01110 ter F1p'44 't >1t 01I >hrL4FF('l't'F"'0eF on t13'14. thr'lten/l ' 00r3; '344r th3' 6' 6 1 'e r'' r ''as>gl" e 'vOe'',if M fre' '14 li 'Fu'red ' !i '.4 up te he3> >lirxdl~il '1ye9/ '(tu 111 ""e1e1 I T'uesday his wa 13o) b4130 'fF10d', to< (34s 6r'1' r/' I-iFi0'Fii 1r1 < .5 Fi F (rI 21iFF'I')' i } 'I h ('n I 1or re'b oFn o.i(3el'13 settirng (3h ti'e6 Rri 4 1.21.414 <0ross ('a 1 (44pl hoillds So t o PI'iye K uwledigF' '31144 breads wa''' 1'tri''ed F'' IFFawc shou41d have gorne wth the>a~c F'.Arlner' t~r134 as1'>'e' 5('''31t( l 3ci t/s05 3 Ii''d a~ feu hi 4'eona pl4. lic i let41"'s or 3 "I4 ' ii'' Fe>,3ert 4,o1s4)oo3 s''''"' also in abundarnce aFnd of course warndedit pubs5 f3r the ewVrIml4' 4 "'5 5''il' tlw 3ys pa1rt4(.larly .4rely wttti 03e good news8 o. very early starts to catch 1t30 flood or the cb, Suniday We followed Wufta to WNorxack Water for lFulrcf'F 11thewherry, Albilon 4302 13crF350 FF40ere where we basked irl 1tFegiklri:Fo. s 50sunshine1;. We the35410 sa i to Yar'~~tj the~ei :sf Fipre'sswe f''e -itwi'i I .t- 1.1(d tip Hlri ' is .. oe' tre 3's ('1451 <Fse13>vgri l~er Su1351ay sail 1131364 tC3O~ was mu"" caretul ca[,liif ionrl I 4( ' r1dc1041 p3aF45e F3~ [4 t'r3rg Fate'0".'u{ ha ' l( iF (31} 13go13e by stayri sc that we r C''ose to 'hFi t F d eas>41g out rounri each g14371e as5 she3 ca3 s1 4i '4 ,iH tar> t} yh i (LJ itt tm 0to tde' We tended Sr stay out beyond 1t30 grely es whrere we wore saly fightin~g the Itde Sthoy go11t'FurthFer 64134Of 0.her ahleald even1 whe4 w*,ewere mo3(torinrJ to ll iff t i an I At 3 (')~E:vernt ally the t'de was with 4.s 1~ Iti wind 13ad( dr0ob1ed a btt Wui'ta h'ove to a id waited for us IF '131F pouied '000 o .enw sIb (aisgl up. Mike 1300 4 gged a "wate ail' iFs4F3 th ' .dttl '14 1nde bigger 51241 12r4i wFtr >0a I <3e1 stoo A' e lres; b]oat] 46 Ia' 4 ph tile t31FF:r ee 4i'h d to wo0 3 it looked , rt a" I t'a(: i'( I h& e l 4 een It Wufta had to reduce sail after we caugh up as we were low on fuel and deie to only use the engine in an emrgny, You may be wodeng wh we were usn th~e engie so muc - soehn to do with "kepn up with the Jon's and Pk,4e The winds were liht and it became aparn theat we weent going to 'coplte the sea pasg in a day, so we wen for the beach with the sunsin on it (I)On releton we shoul have rele that the chosen beach was not a good.chie why would there hae een se v edge of the beach if not hedefl We cam in through th slgh sur on a rising tide. rolled the boats Up the bec and put out anhr andline to th har4 wooden sea deeces just beind us. So that th bot dd't collide when thley floated at the hig tide the wer sihl stgee. As we'd rolled Phil's boa up secon'd and It was heavier, is out ( yto do witthe groyre). Yzn Pest took the ful brn of all thi bein that littie bit furher out. We abandoned ship and we all stood on the shore with our win an Just wace hepe~ as th tid came kn We could only wait fo the tide to turn and th~en ases the daae Wten It di go out we discovered that the line to Phi's second smle anchor had snsped'chac though which was why It had slewed ho Wuffa. We th~en rolled Yelo Pest up the bec in line with Wuffa. reset al the lie, tiie her up and went to bed planning an eart namng Wensa We expected the to av jammed with sml stf so we had to emt th boats to turn them on thi sies Phil's treed up and Mie thuh that the sand in Wf would soon wash out once afoa, Whe the first waves reached us we were ready and lance and Pade out to our Id b byn te t$ea~ when the tide turned. Wit the two boats side by sid we trnfred many items to Yelbw Pest to brn Wuftfa up hhe in the water The Helen an Mke deconrted with gret brvt th removl of th bol out of the cewtreboard case at sea Eventual it di free up. with Helen oprtngtepupalthe time to Counter th water gushn throg the bolt hot en cam th tric bit of unIng the hole Inth centror up wit that In th casingi Amznl it only too a copl of gosiAl goodies were trnfe bac on beard and off we wen~t after h avna coke beakast rea ha bee at about 4a us sIt wsgtin ih, Our detnain for that nih was Glee 1-aror, We anhoe inth lee of the sand dunes and the whe the tide ha been3 mae fbr a wie we juged that we wol be able to omws in.As we sle in we admired all th seals deintrtn thir S~!i iI 'iii ~ii~il~iiiiiii~iiiiiiii i iiiiii i iiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiii :=iii=*iiiiii i£= iiii =*iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiii iii £ii£ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CRUISE FROM TETNEY TO WAIN FLEET 4th-5th June 2005 We were enthralled to find a seal following our boat - Martin told me to check my rudder for teeth marks t....e everything these davs t all started to as h ave riot yet pertec~tod the adtof a~nchor~ come( tog~ether with an,ema, this oniefrom Dave Maynard dated 41May 2003 "You're welcome 'I send further details closer to Ithe dfate~ mg seamlessyot Friday morning -packed boat in a rain storm, in fan I ro)lling sail LIrider the boal covert As the Out approach into Watnfleet was good tur tacked lke crazy throu gh a narrow char netl next tine to2? Ibrir g a t nt ig pole! Rit hey- I loved the corttrasl of open sea to niuddy ditchtj [teaverts had opened *-eventually decided to brave the elements unfastened the cover. We had been following Wujtfa but I must have which, thanks to the strong] win/d, was ot't inll a tash! Ready and packed but un/fortunately crew (Darillanguishing on the M4, so left Oxford Sailing Club way oft schedule. Sat on the Oxford ring road for an hour and enjoyed I don't thinlk Martn and John were sufficiently exhaustedt as they complained of the noise ost conicentratiort artd Wuffa had vanished! Finally we caught oft with Wuffa -tucked away in a really tiny ditch, so we moored nearby alongside an ageing. cabr cruiser, A very trieridly hiarbour master assured us this spot was flat arid provided .s with a wooden bridge to ena ble us to get ashore What a start We coripleted the log, a total distance of 37YNm. over 6.3 hours excluding the slop, definitely a good day on the water in my book. We set iupo)ur tent arid enjoyed somle sustenance ar'd then ventured over to "Skegness Yacht Club".lust across the field. What a club situated in a classified nature reserve. The corrrrodrore. Mike was very friendly arid m entioned that the lawn to thie side of the clubhouse had been left to nettles as this was an area of scientific from upstairs interest. The clubhouse was basic but with a very slow tourney North which gave Dan pltenty of hours to load tile waypoints for omur trip into the 02S, At last the roads were clear and then a timaely phone calf from Mike Playle yes we were! We finally arrved at Humber side Sailing Club~and were seorr last asleep thranks In a coitbiriationi of wonderful sea air it only takes a sniff, and a srmfter of alcohol, -. mind they were under the poe1l table, perhaps not the [test location! Art runninlg water. n'icrowave and beer. More unpleasant distraction in the morrirng as ihtehl fteC5w eddhc up no'rth. 3 boats staying ct ose to the shore arnd 2 going: via Rolland. The HOlland route appearsd to he quicker Eventually al tishorn we were enthralled to find a seal following our boat MI rtin told me to check n'y ritici der tcortee th miarks. Words cannot describe ist how magic this moment was for me Dan was ntesmerised by the numrber of se ats thronging the otherwise deserted beach. Etn/aly we all met up just to the south of the Humberside entrance and anchored tor an, hour waiting on the tide, Wonderful thin first time Statta's arrch'or has hseld. The rec.on mended investryernt in chain clearly paid oh. *Ihen "home to Humberside" A tractor to w back to the club followed by an easy tourney hore *Thariks to Dan for provisioning the boat with my favour te cheeses and staple diet re luremeaits ohwine and crisps Thiariks to Dave ard Mabt for onganising the rally, it couldn't have been netter! Thanks to Mike arid He~lert for p hotographs On'gantser Dave Maynard than adequate for us to alt meet op and yam Heel': Dave's outboard engine had been stolen, lodsntately they had not found Dave's crate of b×er so we were still attic to go ahead with tie cruise! before returning to boa:ts, It was interesting to hear how the other fleet had fared crosstrg the Wash! arid. I gather getting washed, and also en~oying encounters with seals. Dave and Bob Wi10143 Mike & Helen Playe W 4034 Marttn & John W 7'937 Hilary & Dan W 3393 Issu ed with laminated charts and rni.te. a "Dave special" fry-u p, ar'd a tractor tow down On return to our beat's, the tide was out and now the boats were at interesting angles thre beach - '- a first for Stalta. We departe d 7.40 and sa ied across the sand out titeo deeper, open waters. Nirvar'iat ! At lastWll! This is my tieaven ........ Four b)oats; side by side in tact so close at times it was akin to Mike Playle 's heal hendrling co(urse t! We alt unloyed a very lonirg reach 15h'ours of ill. in a fat sea F4 Hig!hlights of trhs reach had I mrctd ?U the seals, on the remote coastline, as we sailed sou~th, reefed and Lvi4th only the maltit ml te fI 025 r'ecord'ng over / knots, Just North o1Skegness we i'ef vupwith th'e( fleet of Watarers wIhith hl ta d satled act'oss the Wash to 1otin us for or i final tog tilL) Wairflon-t . horn was a brief stop tiere vor'y thr'efit'r i's Anne & Denns helped tus straighten Stolta btt, hut this wa.s gor'g toi be a rrigf't with the ... bed roll on the centreboa'c case, rather thanU ... .. the floorboardst But first we had to have sup pert!!! Definitely on the winr et r'ot In the vm y ar y)we had a elaxing ii oriniig :J i N the right to go overboaird coffee arid then pac ked up. s;othat we were................ ready to sal as soon? as we were back afFoat ...................... Matt helped lush its oft safely and Dart ddL SOmte steririg work with the paddle as we tacked tip the very na rrow charnel. Dave arid Bob took the lead. Martin and Johin tiotored past. Mike arid I len saikl past hi it ro wioLinries,. we weritt itoyn g tII s.:e iit n tottsr-t ! i iIi BIG.BOYS' WEEKEND 4th-bth Feb .2006 .....w were introduced to the game of Sposw chis a sotof rugby maul cettng around a pile of spoos and some On h S3Fsns sar thSyear 19 t mfiutes of aan the mu started stot to Brencastithin rdhp North Norok in the hope that the hih pes -~ e it front (If our very eyes. I as sure di e.UK f& twt became very esrced manoalrabll. di tf for those of us not we to this kind ofaelin adaheeras uiew bt f eni dcon - ?r le t. s reso .Soon o on e nd we p~syed all nine boat were leiea tid me an Friay evnng We ar edjI f~e lOW my leader up the chnnlInt the was spn in the local hote samplng addck ridchip. gloo Thre as tst b~u enugh~ and wllthe a omaire Thearway ar h~. et. t iojtda tnt oatr mai to wis ticon to ist the.Iron tapIlI and motor out of the chao. Itha but one boat eihe resorted to re. som widto do abitofWayfre saln. aitw he ize a bay newas wiaie season ut t tte etrane t toi~~ was c dictateby............... ad r n bck atarond ~oohi an uearhlystat redyt gor ar Setur t hav teas t. op4 r ~ ~Sos frto more ooen water the windl feshee unvenful n restof hehellbac thera oeathriehabourcenanceIt coastandthwas Itroduetotobird tch 11 ySeePyeou ieCmooe a milet ab.' boutd wrtstated ur wy hme t ths pn~ day inc retrin aol som 44monhs toousfirloanthe d T oget were heading upwndInoarnarro WaM hav ou Idao at 00habu o Wel in which nine War wiere all esu. f p lcto admneI typa the ito hold theown I wadtoal eneo f 8r0no he otr. a te indst A ths o~nt ou wa h go om 14monhs day rtirng ag ain it awe get5 fdll9 tWwhedig fromtha aprt an rom to dlapkete wtheskher of th oan pointe ut ta as tha a Woen buildnsfw ltlumre t _ all Warr were hnel we serfe of muis ts withoastei of eeerbi dwntoa tatlihty Itrtifupan w hd rose te leain d #om shed Ah oal masnbt It id ot help beet ofawa tete Anay wa vitu todcinr defiito says nothin about rJset e for stis" so a esqcr ue" p rnro tw8-,I tis or begged a tow to get out of it. Once over the waese an out of the anne y teed° h fer" a ther ame of po weed re Inrcto ma caentr"ng sort at iti a Gtfrugbye ~ps e n cards Grat fu lthuh one ga was a ChDnese was eooughv for mesFoodw ny asr ma fee twca bnut enu to ousles althouh mos of It was aconted fr h caus the ensung battle to yster sp athers. dwtt andh hientf mogtohr ndlandta fldh a flc of wodns is caled a charm 4 eleewy and the Sunday wa a Ise start to coniewith the tide an the wete was a lo mor pomitv kidyai bravely gav me the hel wit To enl me to cocetrate on this and avi the nmoed boats and coiu moopIngs, he pu the rudde down for me. Afe a tettlutes my arm was atching han~gig on and h~avn not sailed a Wayfarer to the recenttW jgt~this to be nom rewlb, touh guy ths Way/farr salorsl After about 20 minutes I cometed that Iwas getig a tittle tie (wel words to tha effect) to whc David kinly poned ou the rudde was er~ed. estuary, lire became W in we entered thet no eaie as it is full of shallows and th art " of ruddrls and centerboardls sailing came to the fore. W s we started in a olm aha Nelson wol have bee proud of, it soon broke down with eveyoe doing the bs for themselves. At one stage we sailed Inwhat apeaed to be 2 Inhe of water, This time the viiilt was good enoug to cross the bar into the open sea althoug some assist ance from th iron topsail was requied to get through the tid r , Once into the ope sea, we were ine reaching West along the coas and surin along at some S lqt on th waves before all too soon we had to turn bac. Up3 wen the kites 2: ¢) ?i and we were quik[klyback Into the estuaiy and heaing home. all having had a wonderfii morning ot. Boats were quickly readie for the road and after a quic cupp and cake we all departed early on the Sunday afternoon. Ref ow: Standing lef to rih - Rus Clay M e Goldr y Aud~ey Ackema, Bob Tabtetr pu to rcs, P:eter Had cock, WM anpik t (ht,See Payn @tendin . Phi North. C le Ferrer Doug Wensley, Ma Gre All In all a tentfi wekn of sailig and soialisirg. My many thanks to Sitton for organising the weekend, to David for letting me he his boat and to the mebr of NOSO and th Wayfarer Association for p0rovidn the boats and expertise. I iearned a heck of a lot abou shalow -water. offsho~re sailingl Kneln let to ight.Jamesoa n Dave Maad. Ian FIth Mlan Parry,Smo MOEvoy, Malt Shrmn Andrew Godfrey Mike Gcdby ' HAVENS OF LINGOLNSHIRE & THE WASH RALLY 2005 Hack in the cheek midwinter Dave Maynr d rang me with a groat idea - that we hold a Steve Whitby. having already se,led s10910 combined Rally, with a fleet of Wayfarers l~eaving( Tetnay Haven' of the Hurober@ an1d a fleet of Wayfarers leaving Brancaster in Nor folk to meet up somes(where in the middle, enaey had to find his moored boat somewhere out on} the dark and drizzli--betore he could even go to bedi. have to say that wacs sorriewhat concerned about a singl~e hanoer coming along, but having seen his bhat handling skills as he nwanceuvied ino the harbour otiFriday afternoon. oy fears wet-, 01 alayed - New iti ti-i middle of winter any plan f*or sai ingis an excelent idea, hut whenit comes to I F i nuns3 of ba firg I it a force Liat ii very handed in a' ones ot short hops 1"ool Elak- wOS eternlly grateful for having a realy caxps , t' <el aria hardy crew ri Ti Fisher There then commnc.ed a short radio discusson about turnng back, but was abl e to rnaasi.:nre that thle worst waqs ever arid Lincoinshire would soon loom, lrge an~d prvde some sheter What i ncolns,'lre did also provide was even sorewind -it has to ho said th at thre( was a ,goodly aPc itit lage wvves as leadJer of a small fleet the 'excellent idea hegs, s to tarnish a hitOutward route/Homeoward route ft col ld be sal I hat wattness *eat ured highl,, fthat weekend -- because of the early start planned for Safturday, beats had to be rigged onq Fri(day evel iinij this was true tiowever hard if rainedl Anne and Denis Kell got the worst Of it whIlst I being the dutiful organi~sm asdrethred In the pub to ma;ke sure thfat everything was OK there. Mind you having watched the five day forecasts develop durtng the week, settling inato wind -from somewhere tiortb of west (where we wanted to go) and somewhere over 20 knots I needed some chemical assisa-ce to sleep, Who'd be a rally organiser! [ antthe only one SUffering If in gh as SAbove: SSaturday :. ":"" "" "* .N '* " " / ...**- " dawned tine arid dry at least and ;anio The soulthern fleet exiting the Parou udy the reduced fleet of four boats set off frOmT be-t' Wal oflctl Flrancaster about 800at- - Olearv s>ottleone else f-ad beet- Watfi 0 hen~ Ito frecast anvd ve ry ' so n sibly d ecided it -wa s rio t fr xt hr nr St , tl eh <w ater aOb c i ur nOt-t f-i prettiest of f-avensi -" meun Mc Evoy plannled to si cu: withfi us fn relative iux ury at the B~unkhouse Barn, With ftte Wiri( cern lng on-i of ft-ic wus Ae shore, looks decepiely caim Skegnecs. it 8rlnyono deesn t kno f. nt fiS, t r''-f at" ryi fiv U sas ir reconI b I s amr intlOSO - well north of Skognessu which would leave them over so slowly grew\ b'gqot tnt ti us with another beat seuth to Wa *iieef so hour or 'so was a real ple-asure It was even la-sf Iled the boats along the Norfolk coast west landfall without incident. Lunch was had as t o Thor-nhanh out of the worst of ft foul we ceogitated on the likely arrival time of ft-i ti de, before heading out north west Saling n/orther fleet just a point ft-ce gave good boat spee:d and thle Woolpack Buoy appeaed right an cu juJst to fl-i north en our track long after lunch was finished and tale~s of derrng-do were told nd retold thaf a keen eye spotted sais coninig round Ihe coast train Mablethntrpe. Who else woLdI be mad Now the underw.ater centoiurs et are cu >10 Wash that once past the WoOipah< Buoy -ff at all. However it was not enough to be out and abou t except Wayfarer sa is? Thern fo.llowe.d a-happy, LrlO. v.on leaVe the Snailow sand ban'ks and head off tnto the deeper waters This piodnoe@s a Rapid progress; meat tb-a we we-a too guite wet to big, challeniglng ana vory' wet -, cfiatite into Wain'f eel, although flier-c were try. so there wa ii genera! olillig arou nd and sail oft to the ........... south to a while, 'The bombers who use the range on the NW side of Tne Wash were hlaving a day' ohfso the odd stlray boat act'Py wasn't at risk Of imnTinent destruction.... Once the tide had risen su~fficiently an orderly orocessiorn of W;\aytaters msat(e their way into Wa intleel -' then the rest cfus ran agrou~nd, bumrped into each other motored in or stlubbomly¢ refused: to motor in and managed eventualy to sal to a r tori'1 Waintleet Yacht Club mem bers were exce' lent assisting( bo~ats to suitable moodns 1n( po intirg out what tacilities were va' able to us. Facilties were, it has to be said a Ittle limted, b,.t who cares after such an exhilaratin g sail The 'Haven' itself is really not much more than a muddy ditch as can be seanr fromn the photo of WSater Witch alongide Em ma below~Not that we are snobbish , but woosden boats iusfought to ie together. j Mayrard showedt us all lost how much beer can be stowedi in a World by producind a WhO( <rlate uf cans.saierotHutatnetrehtig Above' The landing on Skeqness beach we ther shore looks deceptvey calm a Sunday dawned1 lai and with c onsider ~ ably less wind, his southerners headed oftf evern futhber south beftore talking the Parlot ii tot home It was goosd that we turned when we did as the most sudden wind shift I have vreonne i ua ewr asn Gore Point the ws id ott ro witln 15 see' Charnnel through the sanrds hack inlto fhe onds frorr SW to NE. The day ended with W:ash, Wow wht a dffeence a day makes comortbletulow~~ ind al~twd tt a 1 biI more r'elat×ed het r ling. a beat back to Bancaster and rcovery,of boats, except torSteve who had another 14 miles t!o go to reach hishut n podt odd angles on the mud, but the clubhouse hart kindly been put at our disposal both for evening soeialising and sleepinig Helen Playle. crew' of Wutta. did us proud by prut' Heading across towards Brancaste we spo)tted Miss tuirnn 's red sails 'Simo n MoEvoy had sailed out to m~eet As.Having 1oirned up we w ere all lured further south Areavekndam ting on a spread for the intrepid crews and still to have a look at the delights of another Not all mooring went to plan as the taling tide left a couple of boats at some rathler gsgodc pny Matt Sharman W773 Dinghy Roller Roofing Contact Rob Helyar at Flexible A Flexible Luff Spar allows you to reef the Oenoa instead of changingR ofn Sp . the uuil. Beause the spar is not ....... d the furled sail & spar can besoe almost anywhere. A M orFUrm, CrWIer, Whin, 0X29 9TL. Tbk 1993 720 IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN TO ME In last summ'ers Wayfarer News issue 106 we published Jim Byer's account of a Clyde cruise in which his boat was lost. We publish here Bob Tarnis account of the same trip in which he shares with us his reflections on what happened arnd what can be learned. Pro Loch Loinond Pal ly Cruise 23rd to 29th April 2005 a<yr.> d the south ard at ['Bate. [he trash LI<4ic graduaivy eased as we were rioss5rmg over to ANran end hy the [ire we vyore abou:t twr: l-lavi ngJanr <yr.> 'pire i. ach t *n [Rally'' rIJ~ a~ n~rid thr' tori> Ias yea a krnowirnj thrat Rob end Jrr' iehd undertaker substantally tire o;are cruise tar three yars I sugq O sed this ye~ar we tried thle tiilbhat 'lye tr'Mreary [ knrew *thr area t or his divirnrg days arid liked the idea alte r evrrwingr he <rtevar i raps a d <har s so dir] ob Althougjrhuho and] ,.Jirrware single hand- thIir'lds iotthe way r::ver we ware hec;al rvad It wsclear th~e wind trod iars tar a while we nihiSt:>/er( or. oultroards arrd calleicd or Uiniortunaely aithouirrb btad spent i s all trrhjr'ie having his or> boar serviced esprx ally to, the trip ilwould ry n tar a law ]in u es a rd hor stip ii ao try o rtk iTv(t adde;d edvarni are. to r'ry'i was John t'as tybott url n I dent./Al I neeo(eItoi do was tit a iopo bridle to roy boat to be able to sc~r his tent.if S: .... ryhad rar-ang d with i a,. gs vrar ita tar 44 . .. to park or ears. traikbrs end trioiteys Io inte wrak p.itus launchir'g arid recoverig arid the uso [16 f teir pi batyittirril aciitie fo abol use..t.their tnrabout 1p0> paraLti" taooi lilies ['eaaso prepared an armbiti ous ( rise' wi r~tr uou Id be adapted to suit Itie weathe icrorndi' . .. .. . firs. lire plan was fort he fou r ot us 1o'0 eat at ,limy.s, near Carlisle. esboui 12 0 liiik on/ Saturilay, l.ive LII>ryl...argrs. launchi and have a'shako down" sail to Millpor t a i(J stay ttiere oyver night ready tor' lhe :rossirg ry) tohe Isler at sivea hors r We decided it was i.''yoractirral to rush lh'the b~as ! tt'i, waterlb 'at rigtit sir ye rigge<t yreejs witi tsboaytor I h~er rili rs and ''erdntor townlror'v"'aeil enlding ts' ncr rng fii i/ o!ld tierni ii tlir 5'.tyirh Iive toilk r io I args is known to be 'iwiudy placer and the oatnc herd standing is rio rrep tior' .It was etbur'da'rlly clear tie I tui the od illia trons wen.rie nessa' to staae[)}y trs rg strny bach .The tour at us hauled lire thrrx.: bee~Io n te nder rollers high enorigh out at the water to allow Os try get to the hotel t'rrra meal hetore the, boats rotloared, On ol r'ehurr we rigged the teritro hauletd arlit on the en:hr:rs air eadv lair: iJrrternding to stay aloatI rntit st-ror tiv before low we ter<1iI t yar'rt we wnrd~d he a grior'rd tf y'r reak test: aryd packing up betre ttye irrcory rig tide i etlocted the bats r eady for I[ hainrrd or ntirnued to ir'r:,a a ar< anr~co e st ted *trrrdiag WitIihrob s helIp hris waiders.5 we were able to 0<iii iitry 1h edgo f the slipway to wnarrVycrd it ui..r pr.o io We ware about to sto bedJ when we r'ealised Jirn had a preblen- I tis anchor had also dragged and his boat wa:: the harbor.. wall I-I dtereded I o t or) ot. ou nr teha n iku <err oa' lag torthe night. tlnlorturratcly iris or r I't~ srnaggeod IBohs chair i [1rt'tin j it 'a dr i l rr the ensuring rytelee, J' rywas dr ivi ri bar k onto the wail srrashng t'>e tearitchai l osirrssori ot the side r.:oles 1118 r'ast I 'ier' srnagga rl rth'e tfri y in/ooiad a>orrgsid]e ,lir ri tlr r'iext dew. i..Jrrrtir tiOw[ wr(iyWrk grit rn't1he way aroJt was rdelayed thear d spat we could find wyas betweer the terry slipwey and the harbaru wetl en a the harbour wal in tisrt at uisi fering toti' h.tri.rrn tow "ther'r wys it fa >alsawih Sslig]ht heal h'aze raarkalle o'o.rrir t in tie l year. ..otr'arid I had tI'> pit asu 4 <it weto'hn'g sevo""r piiiipoie'-hrb' wyror r du}eto<p~orr[i' <t I , I .'iba( r':. As. wry rir'arr i Anian, a nne t dived rio [iiry lust iiile Irt r[he' a !p ncr ribla rsgt't al suchI' r: i se r anv I rn l ? A.swe apprroanch'ed l....rt'i'any'a a bh<at,e......... starter] i.4 at roost irfyaiapt ibty W'hile ensor a John s tent anid a iv boat would kee'p out winrd arid rev' durin/g the (rii'"irrq w'rak For ILLrnatlJyI was able to buy the reqrruireri titngs as so)on as thr chandler s o'per'ed arid fit Ihir hi brl we ktararitii-'r rutorrng we had all letI or'' 4 rlfsuri op try keep it arir rho lboyor! ot l thre way ('ohb sidd erly rr irs, d Ke was about[ to 'iv, take Si arid had to hH irr edly rr Kas,; toe toywi upo It ', a el'rry o's'v'rtw watti r <ye sarl d Wyel'"'otorii <sit 'ii tha'''anrla[ 1>1st err high tine wtittr rr'ert sails> de li hroisi W!i tlreghrly anr:ryed airierd rea hcin i h{i r/the hay aid we Were di~sn'ayad tri trld h th >lh ihou rihe w>4s'"4>''r'dy rttn''.... trer ,,ti Sr 1 a rudy tieei'tras wh,, r; rud trai nut The wind te[,adiy n'rt '' ourys i re rlvy'i tl I a~gs <'hyanrie an ross Mrllpouit hay hb t ran lhe twoin ar 'U 4' ''i a h ipp>rrrg tif(uh <i gel s inr lhe hil, akir {r erritrois rattler urn o tertable r( tir'st in) rc (r p aKs 5(atas i to took after our boat I climbed up the wall and scram bled aboard the ferry 'to tind Jim's shroud jammed behind port of the ramp tents, left everything readty for the night arnd ambled round the bay to a highly re~oin mended hotel for our evening meal. ever necessary to time our tacks to fit in with the waves. Unfortunatecly, Jim was caught out, with a cleated genoa, by an unforgiving The weather forecast was for Tuesday to be "a bit wet and windy', Wednesday to be a good day and Thursday stormyl We awoke on Tuesday morning with the wind howling in the rigging{, the rain lashing the tent and promptly decided to stay in bed awhile. We eventually decided to have breakfast but my petrol stove chose that moment to go on strike so John and I walked into town for breakfast and some supplies. By lunchtime, and capsized. We immediately re-stared the outboard and motored into the wind to furl the reefed genoa and drop the main before motoring over to Jim By this time, he had managed to get Catalist upright but as he was not head to wind, she went straight ever and inverted. With the short steep seas, it was impossible for him to balance the boat with the sails out of the water and get head to wind before pu lling her upright. Our plan assembly. The movement of the boat was orribination of wind and wave in a F6 producing rather more mast preben~d thanl usual. At first, I couldn't dislodge the shroud but eventually managed to get it free without lamnmin~g my fingers Jim, with Bob in tow. managed to mnotor out into the bay and after repeated attempts got Bob secured to one moorinlg and himself to anrother after deciding to stay with Gatalist, even though his tent was unusable. The wind was now very strong and thanks to the windage of the tent Sparks was veering about all night disturbing Bob's sleep and Jim squJall { exposed to the elements didn't sleep much either, After they hart left our anchorage, we rigged a second bowline to a bollard un the pier and settled down for the night with two bowlines and one stern line keeping us snugly in the relatively calm water between the slipway and harbour wall. The waves breaking on the suip were quite noisy hut not enough to keep me awake, We started to touch ground about 4:00 am and to avoid being agroun d too early it was necessary to pull in on the bowline to remain afloat, but not to jar forward so as to remain in the lee -_- ot the slipw/ay. It's surprising how quickly you wake up when the boat starts touching the ground. About 6 o'clock (approeximately two hours before low wateri, we let her grounrd avoid the boat poundin~g on the steeply sloping, rocky beach we waited until the stern start to touch grounld and then moved furward to raise the stern, When the tide had dropped sufficiently to cause the stern to t he sterm bard aground. Getting up about 8 o'clock, we had a scratch breakfast, packed thle tent, re-stowed the boat and waited for the tide, Jim motored in from his mooring and at low water, we triedi to find the missing poles for his tent. Bob, despite the exaggeratedt move merit ot Sparks was cooking his usual full breakfast and we would sail as soon as ho was ready Having had two disturbed nights we decided to make do with a short sail to East Loch Tarbert in Loch ync (about 15 miles). It was a bright sunny day hut the wind was still hrisk arid we set ott under reeted main and tib. As yesterday, the wind died away and we had to motor the last few miles, this time with us towing Rob. At 'tarbert, we m'ade iuse ol the floating pontoons and associated facilities tor the princely sum of £8 per boat per nlight. Alter a walk rounld the town and seine refreshments, we put Lif the " the weathier was much improved, The forecast both in the harbour office and on the mobile phone download service was for F',t winrds with gusts up to 26 knots, sea state moderate. We needed to be b~ack to Largs by Wednesday night to avoid sailing in the gales predicted for Thursday and as the weather had improved so muich we decided to sail to Tighrnabruaich in the West Kyle that afternoon, , was to get a line tni his bow and hold him head to wind while he did the rest. Jim was clearly intent on what he was doing and paying rio attention to anyone else and I don't think he could hear us shouting. On two or three occasions, we had to get out ot the way, as he was bringing the sails up underneath us. We motored out of ft're harbour with a reel in the main ready to hoist ,Jim, having started both previous dtays with dou~ble'reeled main arid jib, decided to sail with single-reefod main and genoa becai ise of the predicted F'S.Although cornditioris out~side 'Ihe tharboutr were lively,, with the wind at the 'top end of There were reuent squalls and udging by the long streaks of foam across the water and the size of the waves, the gusts were F7. To have adequate steeiageway we needed full throttle and it I tried to slow down as we got close the wind and waves knocked hler head off and we had to go monOfagain. ,im managed to get Cat aist up (and over) at least three limes After sevenral F4~an d short stoop waves they wei'e not so tbnd as tinmake us fi rmbank. It was h':w- runsucceissfiu} attempts to attach a line John &:nd I sw',apped piraces, he took the helrr t and hbed ri' out on to the bow using the painter led back from the lowing eye and tied tightly to the mooring cleat in front of the m~ast, as a safety line. As Jlohn brought us to the bow of Jim's boat, I was able to lean down and grab hsis painter. We attached it to a longer line and hopert to hold him head to wind, It was soon obvious, in those conditionis, my two hp outboard could neither keep him head to wind nor keep him clear ot the shore. During the struggle, the towrope whipped my spectacles off and into the sea leaving me with blurred vision, By now Jim had been in the water nearly an hour and was clearly very/tired, we were rapidly appreaching the rocky shore and needed help, of the West Kyle and come of the Last Ihe scenery was spectacular but not tramr the intended angle as most of the route is wetl above sea level, From Dunoon it was a terry to Greenock and a taxi to L.args marina, I normaly sail in my old (spare) spectacles but in my rush the previous weekend I had forgotten them. However, Ihey live in the car and I was confident they would be in the glove box, they weren't Fortunately, my wife was able to post a pair on Thursdlay. with guaranteed next day deilivery, to Milarrochy Bay campsite on Loch Lomond. In the mean time, we had four cars and three drivers, so leaving my car at the marina; we hitchsed up the trailers and returned to Dunloon wthere ,John made a distress call on his VHF, an1swered by the coast guard and the ferry Isle of Cumbrae who sent their RIB to assist us, ,Jim had preferred to stay on the upturned hull holding on to the centreboard rather than risk climbing aboard my boat but as wve got closer and closer to the rocks and the RIB was still some distance off we had to drag him aboard and abandon Catalist or we would all be aground. With Jirn sat on the floorboards, wrapped in the mainsail to keep him out of the wind, the RIB with their 9 ftp outboard, supplemented with my motor, towed us to Tarbert ,while the ferry kept pace with us to provide a lee. During all this, Bob, with his non-operational outboard, sailed around in the FO plus winds, under double-reeted main and jib, salvaging as much of Jim's floating gear as possible, Once ashore Jim went for a shower to warm up while we sorted out some dry clothing from our spare kit. The local coastguard, a sail maker and launderette owner, then looked after us. He supplied copious amounts of coffee and biscuits while washing we stayed the night. Thursday brought the predicted dirty weather, with howling windl and driving rain. We had never intended to take the shorter, scenic route back to Tarbert but we couldn't anyway as the Portavadie ferry was off because of the stormy weather We were in Tarbert by midday, recovered the boats and towed them to Loch Lomond by late afternoon. On Friday afternoon, Jim was to collect his wife, Margaret, from' Glasgow railway station so I went with him and caught the train to Largs to recover my car, In keeping with the rest of the week, the weather that afternoon, white we were travelling, was warm and sunny. For the rest of the weekend the weather was disappointing with either too much, or too little wind together with rather a lot of rain. In the end, we did no more sailing but we were able to sort out our equipment, do some sight seeing and enjoy the barbeque and evening meal, Le s n Le s n learned for yachts, they d'oFY1 faoe for Wa t sy 4. On tuesday. we did not seek loca advice before leving Tarbert We did wait until the weather hard moderatedJ and oth er hoats were leaving but it would hav e been wiser to corill tlhe harbour master or coastgluar.d 5. Jim in particular allowed bhimseif to he misled by the forecast, the wind was predicted as F3 but with gusts up to 26 knots in the sea area. As the wind had moderated and we were in relatively, shellered water we considered it reasonable to sail I*Tkihnab ruaich that afternoon, to n-ake Wednesday' sail to l..args rrore puracti:al .However Jirri sailing single hande~d, should trove roofed for the worst rnot the best of the prediced conditions On both previous days he started under double reefedl main and sib. shaking out Ifie reels as the wind eased, but fts day he started with only one reef and genoa. 6. Aithiough we [iad arranged 1o keep in toucti by mobile phone Jim had his switched ohfand Bob had left his inl his car I was u~naware that Jofhn had VHF wifh him, in my boat, but we could riot have contacted Jim as he did not have one nor Bob whose radio was switchedl oft because the battery was low. 7. In essence, we were a group of friends sailirg together and no one was "team leader" coordinating our activities It would be very useful to have a checklist of equipment, particulary :orrrruriication enluipinent, carrnd in each boat and the training undertaken by the crew. We could easily have borrowed nrdios frorr Ilie Associat ioi arid arra rge 1~ review our plans once we left tthe shelter Of arbert. and drynrg all our wet gear, withlout chiarge. arid only reluctantly accepted a small dona- As usual, it was a combination of minor er tientowards some equipment for a local you Itr pro/ect. With ft-ie aid of two local tisner - -or arid nrisfakes, wtiish ultirrately resulte r thIt Ir-U~(Oaft'li'I: men, Jim and John went to recover Catalist while Bob and I returned Sparks and Gram pus to the pontoons. Catalist was eventually 1. For vaneus reasons we were late arriv'rg atLargsrmarina and we did not have 9. beached near the fisherman's workshop for time to find a sheltered spot, whicn resulted ing his mayday call becxause recovery at low tide the following morning, We stayed that night in a B and B and next morning turned Catalist upright and removed all the equipment, storing it in the workshop. in everyone having a disturbed night, pos sibly contributing to errors later in the week, As predicted, the weather was fabulous, bright sunshine a steady breeze, ideal sailing conditions. Unfortunately, we had to recover the cars arid trailers. We took 'the ferry' Isle 8. Wher-e there is no learn leader, I would recom men~d al participants revrow th~e Assesiaftr n's Crulsing guideli-nes ano coorrinate their approach-i 2, Finally, the difficulty .John had dur riy boat didn't have a name and tie coold t remember the number convinced me to christen my boat Grampus, a type of Dolphin. The bridle attachedn to m'ybo~at was i-iadein uat e fur holdirng Itle lent irn p~osl tion in even] moderafe wind. We were lucky the delay allowed us to correct the problem Bob Tarn befo)re leaving Laigs. The rig shouis trhove W2549 been tested eartier Grampus of Cumbrae over to Fortavadie and then a local bus to TightnabruJaich. After two or 3. three hours deiay. we caught the Post Bus Lech ranza to Dunoon, The route took us around most drneetiorws and although th'ese are excellent We relied on tlhe d~esrc:riftion r:.if lr the Clyrde Cruising ('lb sailing A A * g 1 'I I mm S -a. .. * . .-. , a 'a 9 .' * a 3 - S. 'A' *.. , k at * . .,. ag a I *g~ . * U . a * a a * * * *. 0 *0. 0~ S t - 0 - * I 0@. :e~ I - -. . S - S a tO 4 O a 44 3 * 5 £5 I . * 0 ® iiiiii ii ................. . . ........................ .............. ....... ................ ..... ........ ...... Wayfarer1111111111 Logo Ba nam/nuberemboidre Stanard oour ,,vkl,,1,o le., ayBacChild & adult sizes, yellow, white, purple, NvbleRoanayBlcjade, turquoise, sky blue, orange, grey, Burgandy, Red. Bottle green Adult sizes Chest size S 35 M L 38/40 42 XL 44 Child & adult sizes, white, natural, sunflower khaki, deep navy, light grey, olive, medium XXL 46/48 Baseball Cap 100iC Cotton one sci oIn Raglan Sleeve Sweatshirt Mistral Jacket Child & adult sizes Shtandrd colours Polar fleece lined. Concealed~hood Polar Fleece Jacket palus ,jade, Whble Sky Blue, Suoower, HeaW shower proof outer fabric Full Zip, staodaro colours only Pale Grey, Emerald, Medium Grey Double togle closure, two side Op pockets Fll apfront.-Instand a d(ors *r TAYVALLICH - LOCH SWEEN (ARGYLL COAST) ably furnished. Idyllic waterside location with prorate gardens, silpway, jetty and pontoon. Magnificent dinghy sailing. Manyfascinating Inlets and Islands to explore within Loch Sween and In| the Sound of Jure, Pub, restaurant, and shop nearby. 2: JV'1V 1J i Ancient stone house For Brochure, contact Sue Denton on: 01484 683206 or 687423 Updated & comfortable 10 mins to historic Pula city 3E- Jfl- 'V (V -=/ I t\I N Use of Wayfarer & Topper Island hop or cruise 10 mins to beach & mooring Web christopherridleycom and click on Cave-Romana Email ridleyUK~aol~com Telephone 07775 526 586 Johnarker Boats New, used Wayfarers in stock Als 1Iyou need to sail & trail Wayfar, "specialist for over 15 years All poplar Wa arer spares, combination trailers, mast Covers: tr CLASS CLOTHING ORDERS TShirt £8.50 booms, spinnaker poles, ing, overboom and flat etc,etc. East Coast ai =nts for Banks. Children's £6.50 undoubtedly the Polo Shirt £12.50 Children's £850 Raglan sleeve sweatshirt £11750 Iiaei fraentobe h~ Als sail repair facilities available. Children's £11.50 All these i nd much more, usually from stock Rugby shirt £26.00 Mall order and credit card facilities available Polar fleece jacket £ 27.50 Baseball cap (1 size) £1 0.00 Please phone or fax us your order Mistral jacket £35.00 Postage £2.50 up to two items, and Li .00 each additionlal item, caps £0.50.......... John Parker Boats Medabeck Ovrsa0 odesplas dd£30 tIpswich postage cSharges.rd laead£.0t .... Road 5NLongStratton2A ,r Please order from Stylish Stiches, Archard House, Waverley Road, Weyrmouth, Dorset, OT3 5HL Tel: 01305 777235mi:amn@tlssic .;c~ k emai: co Ukaminstyishtithes NI T ........ Tel: 01508 53139 Fax: 01508 53089 On how a wooden mast far outweighs a metal masornot , mat o o!another - Dear Hay, Congratulations on your winter issue of Wayfarer News I said it when I ,eeied your previot is Suor onir' edition ar!d will1say it again that ,t is the BEST of any sailing class 1ournal of which Ihave had the pbosmeof reading. Gordon Pollard and the great Ian Proctor himsel would have been proud of such a publication. The front cover photo ha off so we bo~ught aTwister -sam e Portsmouth numnber 75 in those days. But why he didnvt yet have a metal mast? Inat Then of course a third WI 0124 Co~chi neli&e which he now sails with his wife at Aldeburgh. nailed~ on no) mesing about with drills and frets Also 'Nipigigi's' mast is m-uch !ighter thant a metal one as ol ourse it'is ful of tin~y holes 'toaw? I Oriqirii 'Woodworm' wi*s The e;arly Wayfarer days in thn.hi? the rely alter ayear or so without our faithful ' 'Escargot' wt43tl had to puJrchase -which then gave my grandson. were graph in the Winter ediion is most intr gung a bsoltely super. Manly ot u;s but our own boats We were somewhat impecunious and trailing a Wayfarer on holidays bec ame the norm. Bill and Nick Hodshor' were a couple of delightful people 'Nipigigi' being a name made up from the first tw*o letters of as the leadin/g boa{t is flying a spinnaker the Christian names of Bills c hildrefn He u;sed likes of which I have never seen in fact if t loo'ks like two spinnakers -some girl's used to wear a pair of knickers under a p)etticoat just like that' as Tommy CoOper iused to sayl After my late wife's head injury we had to change down to a bo3at with a lid -oecause she was unable to duck easily under the bo~om and the kocking strap used] to take ha. o practice gamesmnanship. He had a new jib made and toldJ everyone thant it realy waJs a winner because it had a a thot cot teeth -of seriousness he said: 'the advantages of a wood mast far outweighed a metal one - frst -any new fittings or attachments such as a rng for the spinnaker pole could h~esimlply PaUl Jonason Diar Date L'Escargot Trophy 24th/25th Jun 2006 Adb hY AdbrhY course many did not realise that in those days Bmce Banks was cutting cloth with a hot wire to seal the teryten~e didn't make any differen~ce to tfhe power of t he saif On another occasion at the Nationals in Torquay I think I was leaning on the deck of Wi98 anid talking to Nick and askedJ him Above: Angus t egh -elniing Wi 75 on Ji[ra Right: ,Jura from Kilmory Beach Ph~otos Arthur Leigh Dear Editor, w interested to read John MelfoK' aftIce e> j:oundt of Juro A Three lfand Cruise in Wayfarer News 10t ur air f yrlnew to Waytarers but f started tain~ ig as a child in the I9 0os on the. Nodo)lk Broacs I hen miy father bor ghit a Puffin Pionee:r wh icn we took it hohiday rd sailed "ohe(reverwe could drop it inthte water i.oekirig for soniething riiore oxcibng hut ctli rolatvelv sate, my father bo~ugh-t a Mirror 1;4770. Measfesi as a kit -I help~ed hirr tiuild it and we sailed it on the Medway witti the Wilso ianirSailing Club from the mid 10/0s. fin'to8t Ir oved from I oridor to Branbur /> arid gave up sailing because, whrile tthere is my son ardf were sig boats more suited the famEi s saifig in the waters around Jura, For a number o)freas-ons sefected a Wayfarer. Becau se I have funted *fime for rnainfenrmne, f deterired to get a r'ew-ish ORB boat. I looked at several, incfudfng a nice one on e**bay for which I was outbid - posted wanted riot ices on inter net sites and was cnta cted by someone selling a Wayffarer locally. It was an old wooden boat so I resolved not to buy it-However,I took ray far-oily to sEh it. ry pockets huigins with c-ash which I w sn 't going to spend, oh not Of course, we all tol!l in love with if,, Wi/S. is now based on the shore of Loch Sweeri, abou t a tile frort tie castle, we exited the loch making south towards the Point ot Kna p, we spied 3 Waytarar on1 the t.)anna side ot the loch, pickng its way around the rocks as it fishing. We would have gone over to say "HetoCbut the fond for the picnic was in the locker and the winrd was dropping! However. I photograpthed it troni I would guess, about a mileI thouJght nio mor:)e of it until I saw Mr MeW ir artie. Ilooked at the picture again ind when i zoonied in to read the sa n~um ber I found it to be' lOOSS3 We have sailed to -tapalich a cou]ple of times, I include a photograph of Wi75 We spend around 30 days a year at Loch plenty of irnlarrc water in the area, nothing Sween so there is plen~ty of time for boat- otters the vanety of conditions found on fhe' Medway estuary. irig the loot and the surrounding areas provide a variety of sailing experiences and, as Mr Mollor observe d, tidal races around the Mac~Onr nait Isles car add excitement, Ifiere is abundant wildlife which is much happier being appr-oachedh by sa than by power, In 1092 I mel Amanda, my wife. She grew up by Loch Sween. referredJ to in Mr Mellor's piece, Visiting her family, wtio still live there, I n g iatrated to 11 seHrI:aet to lOn the ~to toe a picnic or Kilrroy' beac(h As cessfufiy to trace our old Mirror, looxked at minored on Elean Mer in the same spoit as WI05 (tS nd W7424. We often eat at the Rafiters Bar beside Castle Sween where the Three2 island Cruisers had their lunch on day 5. Even befIore buying Wi75 our ambition was to cross to Jura under sail. We have spent a year getting accustomed to the handling of e moon of the 3!lst, We are now prepared arid Mr Melter's article has inspired us to make the trip soon. 1 For anyone wishing to s-tay on Loch Sweer, Ican recommrend Cwinn Cottages (www cruinn-eottagesco uk) or the static caravans t Casle Swear Bay Holidays (wwwefary. .ArthurLeigh Wi 75 not often become so untl an experience! has occurred. t Shapenn In the spin issue of 20051 was very plesed to read Jill's 'Skuls and Antlers' to the Victor the Spoils' very nice piece of ~- enclsure beo SThe is an anwe t Sue Parry (who told me abu AMan going to Brancser thi wek-en Quote remeber Brancaster, sailed from there with Frank Dye inW46 "Waneer'. In 1973 we sailed a daytri fro thr vie the to Kings Lynn - infog, NE F4 -where we wate for th tide to com in the up the Ouse River - many bridges - to Den- ~Wah ~was held back by Margaret and Malt as he ~ -- shued: 'If ft wes nt for these two lovely Ladies you gt s wol not have a chance to come through here to- nightf Indeed I should want to be there for the wceek-en sailing wth Man' + Co the area looks a lot like the West Coast of Jutland the part of Nrwy siing off the monans hee th at I came i- Unquote ..... . I1 Best regads an wishes to both of you. Ken &Go [] .,Ken Jensen Wi 34 'Maitken' i~itionos(Founder of Scandinavian Wayfarer Ken showing cruiing Norwan styr .ar Editor, Sir! '- - Thans a lot and cortulaIons for your- rfarelous W-Magaznes RayI Reahy good stuff' for a W-sailor The very first time ever inmy nerl 70years n.umtberl That of WI0iSS which on p. 30 (issue 107) looks likeS88l0l - quie a high1 W-numberl Suppsel f coul cost a dsaificaionl t'eh that would be on way Re th 'Supeme Buceret 4. 19} Isecure the handle hereof by makingdrlin two smal holes each side, in th bucket and sewiang the galanisedadle with a strong nylon-ashirn' so it sty put inth sockets. Srealie -asanotdsat obvlousoes a : _____ ' IP "- Choosing an insurance company is an important decision, especially when you have a valuable dinghy to protect. The long established relationship between The Wayfarer Association Scheme includes the following cover: * cover for theft of the dinghy and equipment following removal UK Wayfarer Association and Navigators &byfre General, in partnership with Firth Insurancebyfre Services who now administer the scheme, ensures your needs are satisfied quickly and efficiently * new for old cover on sails and protective cover, if age does not exceed three years; Together with Firth Insurance Services Ltd, Navigators & General can provide you with the security and peace of mind that you need * use in inland and coastal waters of the UK, Eire and Europe; £3 million third party and by offering value for money combined with a range of benefits as standard and Firth * passenger liability cover. Insurance Services may well be able to assist you with other insurance requirements. 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