2016-2017PARENTMEETING May18,2016 1. Welcome: § Betsy Denney, Director, BYU Youth Dancesport program [email protected] Introduction of Team Directors for 2016-2017: § Youth Teams: Brent Keck, Karson Denney, Brittney Wakefield § Junior Teams: Brittney Wakefield, Nicole Stolle, Natalie Schulz § Pre-teen Teams: Karson Denney, Christina Pendleton § Pay $25 Deposit § Mission Statement 2. Curt Holman, BYU Ballroom Dance Company 3. Laurel Hornberger, Program Coordinator, BYU Conferences and Workshops § Registration/Finances § Email list updates! [email protected] § Registration/ Tuition Payment opens May 19, 2016 § $15 Late fee will be charged after August 29th 4. Calendar for the year, see attached § COMMUNICATION: Email, Newsletter, Website § Team Member Portal Password is foxtrot 5. Summer Training Program: § Required for all team members § See attached flyer. Registration opens May 19, 2016 6. Team Policies. § Be on time to rehearsals, and parents please pick up on time. § Proper practice attire, BYU standards apply. § Parent days, if you desire, are on the first day of each month only. § Communicate with team director if child has to miss. If a child misses more than 2 consecutive rehearsals, a parent will be called. § Show respect to Team Director, fellow team members, and facilities. 7. Costume/ Shoe Requirements, see attached § Hair Tutorial on Website § Latin Pants REQUIRED 8. Team Warm ups and Dance Bags, (Optional) Stan Stolle 9. Team Member Portal Resources…password is foxtrot § Carpool § Find a Partner § BYU Practice Room Schedule § Faculty Contact 2016-2017CALENDAR ***Please note: DATES might be added or changed as needed. 2016 June 27-August 4: June 27-29: July 26: July 26-28: August 4: August 5: August 27: August 29: August 30: September 5: September 8: October 20: October 24: November 11-12: November 23-24: December 3: December 7: December 10: December 15: December 17: Syllabus Summer Technique Class (Tuesday/ Thursday 9-10 am) Open Competitors Ballroom/ Smooth Technique Intensive Optional Warm Up Try-On & Latin Pants Sale Open Competitors Latin Technique Intensive Warm Up Orders Due (No orders will be accepted after this date) BYU Summer Dance Challenge Kick Offs Pre-Teen and Junior Practice starts (Monday/ Wednesday) Youth Practice starts (Tuesday/ Thursday) Labor Day (No Pre-Teen/ Junior Practices) Youth Team Parent Meeting at Wasatch Elementary at 5:00 pm Fall Break (No Youth Practices) Fall Break (No Pre-Teen/ Junior Practices) BYU Dancesport Championships (individual, no team competition) Thanksgiving Break (No Practices) Youth Winter Showcase (Shows at 1 and 3, rehearsal starts at 8 am) Last 2016 Monday/ Wednesday Practice for Pre-Teen/ Junior Saturday Youth Teams Practice, time TBA Last 2016 Tuesday/ Thursday Practice for Youth Saturday Youth Teams Practice, time TBA 2017 January 2, 3: January 3: Jan 7-March 4: January 16: January 27: February 15-19: February 17-18: February 20: March 7: March 8-11: March 13: March 14: April 10-May 3: May 6: Practices Resume California Open Parent Meeting at 4:15 at Wasatch Elementary (Youth Teams) Youth Teams Saturday Morning Practices Martin Luther King Day, No Pre-Teen/ Junior Practices, All Youth WILL practice Provo High School Competition, MANDATORY Youth B1 and B2 Teams California Open Competition Trip, MANDATORY All Youth Teams Tentative Date UVU Competition; MANDATORY Pre-Teen and Junior Presidents Day, No Pre-Teen/ Junior Practices, All Youth & Junior A WILL practice Floor Practice Time at Marriott Center, MANDATORY, Time TBA United States National Amateur Dancesport Championships, MANDATORY Pre-Teen/ Junior Year End Party Youth Year End Party Audition Prep Class, Monday/ Wednesday 4-5 2016-2017 TENTATIVE BYU Youth Dancesport Auditions BYUYouthGirlsTeamShoeRequirements Youcanpurchasefromthe2localvendorslistedoranothervendoraslongastheshoelookslikethepicture. LatinMedleyShoeRequirement BallroomMedleyShoeRequirement NOSPECIFICBALLROOMSTYLE SHOEREQUIRED (theywillwearthesameshoe forbothmedleys) Pre-TeenTeams “A”&“B” Coaches: KarsonDenney ChristinaPendleton 1.2”BlockHeelCriss-CrossStrap TanLatinSandal StarDance:“Star”#161303g RedTango:“VeryFine”orotherbrand 2”HeelCriss-CrossStrap TanLatinSandal NOSPECIFICBALLROOMSTYLE th Junior“7 Grade”Team SHOEREQUIRED Coach: (theywillwearthesameshoe NatalieWakefield forbothmedleys) StarDance:“Star”#7082162j RedTango:“VeryFine”orotherbrand 2.5”HeelwithCriss-CrossStrap 2.5”HeelwithStrap DarkTanLatinSandal TanBallroomPump JuniorTeams “A”&“B” Coaches: BrittneyWakefield NicoleStolle StarDance:“Star”#708216 StarDance:“Star”#703104 RedTango:“VeryFine”orotherbrand RedTango:“VeryFine”#C1606 2.5”HeelwithCriss-CrossStrap 2.5”HeelwithStrap DarkTanLatinSandal TanBallroomPump YouthTeams “A”,“B1”,&“B2” Coaches: BrentKeck KarsonDenney BrittneyWakefield StarDance:“Star”#708216 StarDance:“Star”#703104 RedTango:“VeryFine”orotherbrand RedTango:“VeryFine”orotherbrand BYUYouthBoysTeamShoeRequirements Youcanpurchasefromthe2localvendorslistedoranothervendoraslongastheshoelookslikethepicture. BallroomMedleyShoeRequirement LatinMedleyShoeRequirement Pre-TeenTeams “A”&“B” Coaches: KarsonDenney ChristinaPendleton 1”Heel BlackLeatherShoe RedTango:“VeryFine”orotherbrand StarDance:“Star”#250503b NOSPECIFICLATINSTYLE SHOEREQUIRED (theywillwearthesameshoe forbothmedleys) 1”Heel BlackLeatherShoe Junior“7thGrade”Team Coach: NatalieWakefield RedTango:“VeryFine”orotherbrand StarDance:“Star”#7082162j 1”HeelPatentLeather BallroomShoe JuniorTeams “A”&“B” Coaches: BrittneyWakefield NicoleStolle RedTango:“VeryFine”orotherbrand StarDance:“Star”#260302 1”HeelPatentLeather BallroomShoe YouthTeams “A”,“B1”,&“B2” Coaches: BrentKeck KarsonDenney BrittneyWakefield RedTango:“VeryFine”orotherbrand StarDance:“Star”#260302 NOSPECIFICLATINSTYLE SHOEREQUIRED (theywillwearthesameshoe forbothmedleys) CubanHeelBlackLeather LatinShoe RedTango:“Dancesport”#MST StarDance:“Star”#230401 CubanHeelBlackLeather LatinShoe RedTango:“Dancesport”#MST StarDance:“Star”#230401 Su mmer2 01 6Newsl e t t er S u mme r 2 0 1 6N e ws l e t t e r CALENDAR Pr eTeen/Ju ni or TeamsFal lPr act i ces begi non Monday,Au gu st29 LATINPANTSSALE!! Itisrequiredforalboysinthe BYUYouthDancesportProgram! tohavetheirownpairofblack latinpants.Wewilbeselingmany pairsofpantsfromourinventory. Theyareusedbutgoodcondition. You t h Teams Fal lPr act i ces begi non Tu esday,Au gu st30 OP T I ONALT E AM WAR MU P S BYUYouthDancesportTeamwarms ups andteambags areavai l abl etoorderi fyouwoul dl i ke. Pl easenote thattheseareCOMPLETELYOPTI ONAL. DancerscantrywarmupsonJul y26thfrom8-9am. OrderformsandmoneyareduebyAugust4. f o raf u l l c a l e n d a r , v i s i t www. b y u y o u t h d a n c e s p o r t . c o m Thetry-on/salewilbeon Tuesday,July26from8-9am attheRichardsBuilding. w w w . b y u y o u t h d a n c e s p o r t . c o m MISSIONSTATEMENT InanenvironmentthatreflectsthevaluesofBrighamYoungUniversity, theBYUYouthDancesportProgramseekstodevelopcharacter,dedication,and teamworkwhilemaintainingthehighestartisticandtechnicalstandard. Character DevelopingcharacterisequallyimportantasdevelopingtechniqueintheBYU YouthDancesportProgram.Dancerswilllearntobecourteousof others.Etiquetteandtreatingothersappropriatelyisexpected.Ourdancers arerepresentativesofBrighamYoungUniversity.Modestyindressistobe upheldinrehearsalandateverycompetition. Dedication Itisourhopeforourdancerstolearnthelife-longskillofsettingagoaland stickingtoitthroughparticipationinourprogram.Perseverancewillbe learnedasthedancersapplyhardworkandeffortinachievingtheirgoals. Bylearningdedicationinourprogram,dancerslearntobededicatedinall aspectsoftheirlives.Weencouragethedancerstobewell-roundedand participateinchurch,school,andextra-curricularactivitiesthatenrich theirlives. Teamwork Webelievethatthroughteamworkmanyskillsandattributesare learned.Respectfortheotherdancersandcoachesisexpected.Being supportiveandencouragingeachotherastheyallworktowardtheirteamgoal willdeveloplife-longfriendships.Beingtrustworthyanddependableare importantaspectsofbeingagoodteammember. HighArtisticandTechnicalStandard Itisourgoaltohaveeverydancerinourprogramfurtheringtheirtechnique onaconsistentbasis.Competingindividuallyinthesyllabusandeventually theopencategorieswillhelpfosterthisdevelopment.Ourcoachesseekto maintainthehigheststandardinchoreographicandformationwork. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BetsyDenney LaurelHornberger BYUYouthDancesportProgramDirector BYUYouthDancesportProgramAdministrator [email protected] [email protected] 801-787-0997 801-422-4854 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ YouthATeamDirector JuniorATeamDirector Pre-TeenATeamDirector BrentKeck BrittneyWakefield KarsonDenney [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 801-471-2477 801-368-4002 801-787-9373 YouthB1TeamDirector JuniorBTeamDirector Pre-TeenBTeamDirector KarsonDenney NicoleStolle ChristinaPendleton [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 801-787-0997 801-318-9203 805-456-9919 YouthB2TeamDirector Junior7thGradeTeamDirector BrittneyWakefield NatalieSchulz [email protected] [email protected] 801-368-4002 801-376-2378 The BYU Youth Dancesport program has made available the following accessories to enhance your team experience. Team Sports Bag Navy Blue. Available in 2 sizes approx. :(23.75”w x 13” h x 11.5” d) or (20.7” w x 10.75” h x 9.5” d). Will be embroidered with the BYU Youth Dancesport logo and team member’s name. (Please Circle Bag Size) - Large Small Small Bag $20.00 $________ __ Large Bag $25.00$____________ Team Warm Ups Navy Blue Warm Up- Jacket available in Men’s, Women’s and Youth sizes: 100% Polyester microfiber shell (ultra soft fabric) with dobby design • breathable mesh lined body and taffeta lined sleeves • waterrepellent • two front zippered pockets with rubber puller • inside zippered media pocket • open bottom waist with drawstring and side cord locks • locker loop Will be embroidered with the Block Y logo, BYU Youth Dancesport logo and team member’s name. Men’s Adult Sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2XL Women’s Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL Youth Sizes: S, M, L Jacket $50.00 $__________ (Please circle desired size above) Pant available in Men’s, Women’s and Youth sizes: 100% Polyester microfiber shell (ultra soft fabric) with dobby design • breathable mesh lining on upper leg and taffeta lining on lower leg • water-repellent • drawstring, elastic waist • two side pockets • open bottom with 12” zippered leg closure and stylish rubber puller Men’s Adult Sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2XL Women’s Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL Youth Sizes: S, M, L Pant $30.00 $__________ (Please circle desired size above) Total $_____________ Make check payable to “Catch the Spirit” Which Team is your youth a member of? Youth , Junior, Pre-Teen (Circle One) Name of Your Team Director__________________________________________________ Team Member’s full Name_____________________________________________________ (Please print clearly) First name only used on warm ups, first and last name used on Sports Bag Contact phone # ______________________________________________________ Contact email address: _________________________________________________ For questions please email Stan Stolle at ([email protected]) Please be sure of your size and style selections before placing your order, as there are no returns due to the customization of the ordered items.