April, 1972 - MG Car Club of Queensland
April, 1972 - MG Car Club of Queensland
r ?- APRIL, 1972. THE OCf?rGON I{AY GOMIMffi H\ffiNTS 5th ?th r2rh 13rh 14 rh 19th 21st 26th 2Bth 11st Free Night Working Bee (llT. Free Niglrt CCTTON) Big Tine Party at An! Thomson's hollle adverti senenl Practiee DaY (Ni. cotton) Ni94l EUD SLrrfers Pdradr se Pace l4eeting see I SI]RPRISE: : : l,lotorkhana Entties close for Australian Hillclitib Chanpships I i I I i ri Iltsp nw!reffie nsut $lstirbers :J THE OCTAGON APRrt, 1972. iEDITOFIIALi wetl there were a few technicat ploblems in this Octagon. Both Dave Miles and Ann Thomson have been out of toron (but not together) " I've beelr very busy at Uni and at home (maintaining lrro cars and xeadying one "vintage" Centaur for its return to bal:tle) . I tried mixingr ny Uni i^rork with Octagon preparation ancl succeeded vety nicely thank you in fl-oodinq ny lab irith distilled water. The people on the floor below producing lrere very haPpy. But 1 enjoy my association rvith the octagon and only wish for more time. lilany have contributed articles but what lrd like to find are 3 or 4 enlhusiastic club mefiibers to act as sub-editors. If they could pick a field of interest (say hillclinlcs, rnotorkhanas. night runs/ or club scandal) then for one hour a monlh put pen to paper and report on their litt1e sPhere of club activity, r would be very very grateful. And you'd all have a better magazine. with a regular staff. nagazine proaluction rrould be much less of a struggle, for I woul-al then be confialent that all club events were getting the benefit of a full and accurate coverage - on time. How about it? You all have ny addtess. T ? + TIIE OCTAGON APRIr,, 1972. .-'?""y"'2 f)olrwoffio :X.:ffi,s &@ELo ;rlll-r-tt!. :-..,..:;.......... :..,.'.'.r..'...',...." "'--'-ritn ar1 this H:I""it ""ll::il3:,i" extra-Drrr)' ' il",El!';.tli hive been has gained cornniitee nd--.,"-rropl rt ts L-m- on one occaEron cay' "" i headache next ;;;;-th;; **l;****tr;t[a**ffi il"i"li"i3ill tvPe" o"un:".Ytlluil3"r:? nice cloth i ver!' will sgne jackets Ner.,- rally "r 3i ' *v$:i1*i1:***;'***"*+**ili,lr*:". already alone so' round will be ou! next The Auslralian ChanPionEhiP ,triiiril- il-'"re herP i's verv vitar' be even busier with the next few week6 Promising to be in for even i"T3.tl have vou! suPPolt 'iI-iaxe- iC arr torthwhire ' xri::.h:h,:H,xgli:;:,' r THE OCTAGON APRIL, 1972. acfion urged Eurekai in case you don't already kno\4, the nord lras invented by an old Greek bloke sone tvro or three thousand years ago. ft means - "I've got it, youse got it, we done got iL" - or, if you're fussy and all graEE!atical just say, "I have it", what lre have i5 $981.00 in cash in the appeal with promises of-S920.00 covering L9?3 and 1974. But it is the latter figure that is causin-q the CoNdttee, the Trustees, and Mt. Cotton Hillctimb Ltd., considerable concern. rhe 5981.00 is very close to the 1972 targret and pleases the Coftnittee is that al-1 but $145.00 of has cone from present menbers - so nobody can say tttat r,rhaL it I the active hillclirJrers aren't forkinq out for their o\rn fuo and games - most of them are aayway. Now comes the bad part: $920.00 plomised over 1973 and l-974 is tess than half or what we ha\re asked for. It is so much less that lre couldn't possibly accept you rnoney an-d run the risk of coming a croPPer j.n two years time. obviously if the $981.00 grovrs to over $1000 - and lre're sure it will - the baLance vrill be earrnarkedl for use in the future. This doesn't alter the fact tha! we need another $1000 - cash or promised -NOW ! If the appeal runs alov.Tn nov/. ue have Ist you the $509.25 vre paid out last month. AIso we ra,ould still have to repay the $537 $re borrowed to make last October's Palrroents. {i APRIL, 1972. THE OCTAGON thegretically safe no\^' -until soi;s t? 'p:19. next octob;;; ;!'I'"-t.ii"i"rv not T"-1" gradinq the access roa'l' untal we "f Ii"-ciGi. noney ina-success, we cannot touch the apPeal" ;;;*";G ippeal- is Although we are money. von't be -hol4inq another Quite obviously then' \'e neetinq unili ionetr'ing is done to this !oad' Bang does the idhole Project. Su!E9ELESEE-19--UE9e1: i' 1 ." ^,, ,,,F: r.. r,Ai.r i !\r D. Talt A" Thomson Non-Merdbers: Mr. and Mrs' Black Cordon Bleu Restaurant (Arthur Prince) P.,1. uotott (Pau] MclnerneY) Mernbers: Q.M. R -O -A. THE OCTAGON fr APRTL, 1972. I d d I I I - J v u ! boy: oh boyl seventy entties for a closed jusl unreal and did it give the organizers hiltclirb they manageat, and did so quite weII, to But some curry. give the leventy entiants and over f00 spectators a really great day's hillclimbinq. oh Group C Touring Under 1100 turned out !,inner Russel Black though he only $anaged one successful run' He scored a clean 63.2 ahead of Robert Guyder oo 64'9 The MG Class Up to 1500 \./as again Petel Rayments - 60.1 this tinte. over 1501 saw David Matley (58.3) \refI clear of Alan Johnson (60.3) and KeiLh Tufnell (60.7) . Group C Touring over 2001 showeal the usual tyre-burning brigade with Jeff Ferguson the king ( APRIL. 1972. THE OqTAGON - but only just - a deternined bid for Carlottc rias fabulous but unsuccessfrll' Group A sports Up to 1100 sai!? Ray Quinn on-top aoain \rj"th 57.3 ahead of Bruce Milter (58-3). The 1101Gebert with a nighty 52'2 lioO group was toppled by ferrY (Ian) and Barran's Lotts Super: Peter's i:he well ctear of Glaham Sole$son beat I'lechanic 55.3. sevens who tied on (57.6 in their first' luns at the 58.7) to Row o\,rner George 1200. hill in the Centaur strol<ey 58.9 honouls fr.Dlll Carl-o \rith a Group C Touring 1501"-2000 gave us Bob Randle j'n his best drive ever clinching a 59.6 and a new Club Pecord' Closest chal:!enger \das Keil:h Tapsall on 60.3' Ken-Peters' excursion, showed that e1'en sophisticated in u "^ta machinery of high breedincr (\riz. B'M'w') lj"ke the taste of macaalamian nuts. l\ Sports over 1501 haC a close battle hetlreen Kev Johnston and Kees I(oPPeno1, with Kevin scueezinq the Datsun dcwn to a ne\^i elub Record of 52.7 clear of Keel at 53.3. sly fox in this class \4as undoubtedf -v the great little Anglia of Barr) wraith - almost a winner on 53. t. The Mccabe MGB/ Herald suf fered directional problems as Eholin. Group Group D sports gave Tony Best a vely popular: 2 BSCC tr.ophies for his efforl viin (59.6). ftny also scored (61.4) and l4alcoln spiden follordei The sprites of Kan I'lasley (65.2). "HE OCATGON APRIL, 1972. Gr.oup C 1101-1500 Produced C1ive walnes as Leailel of the S trouP. gis best of 52.8 was \,rell clear of runne.r uD I-rank HunL (54.5). the t:ido "ring-ins" , Gerry Biameld (Mazda 1500 ss) and Graha Ruckert {vlil) pl-"-j,ec it tight with 69.1, 69.2 respeciively. Racings Cars Up to 500 i^ras cleaneil up coD_ vincingly by snlling Chris Tirnlis (53.?) aheaal of Garv Dennien on 68.6. Racing Cars Over 501 lost soi1e of the pronised spectacle r,rhen lecord holaler David Tait experienceal more than his share of troubles - this put Dave back to second \,iith 51. I leaving tim Harlock (Cenlaur ) an "easy" romP in for FrD (50.3). Problefts kept Blyan Schuster at bav but maybe next [=;;.i.i:j&r and also Terry Gebert. A fine battle could time:.... develop amongst these four. rhe Top sj.x Elimination Roun'l was also a Harlock benefit r.rith Tim screving the Mccarthy car up fot 50'8' l( TIIE ApRrL, 19?2. OCTAGON - but not with the usual BBQ more don'i: \di1l agree ' whv quile "the usua1" as lnany Hillclimh the qood as as stay on is beyond me - it's all'..lrst itseli: The daY ended SEE YOU AT THE FIRST HrLLci,rIlB luallpronsnrps - ROUND JUNo 1"0'1r OF Ti{E AUSTAALIAN . TI{E GREATEST S}iOI'I O}.i EARTH: : 'i'"3!3"u'ion ; ;';iil'*;'b;'-.nip. A l":"!-Y:."1d,norna11ir cost vou . P'i"" is onrY o'85' cara' ;i.;i"i,;"U;-;fliiur !e yotr' !:e there "t: 9:!-" .I?l ::1',.,?lt ;"'-j"!ii:o spra] rr'a:: l-'iill"ln3't"lli".ii:l :"":l:?-who Afi,oco, ihe clean Petro_L ' t4hi wh)' to fritz khaoa. Donrt forget to "^'y-i{"tlo this service tc us' tras "xt"na.a 5og1sn56n ll APBII,, 1972. TIIE @TAGON ,"."'!=,.,-ii*:liiii'#1.:13:,tk.[*:*#::].:1"".'"-. -tH**r+**t:i;:pu*J;#ltn:*ni=' hTfi DrettilY colouretl curreDcy Lag of nutshells: the enclosed-she}ls thanks for the ]oan of (also ' ------'Many donation the use pleage return the'n to the titlx-""ti funds' ;ili;"a;-;;;"'ds Your aPPear ror Yours sincerelY ' G. Black" Hra. B1ack for vou three And thank You verv much aqain the donatian aird the verse: cootributigns - t-he nutshells, SPECIAT NOTICE. =:i:-A::A;r*';Eliiir'3? if;X'i.Iifuture, in so; w4E L-su.-x:il-' azine B1ip6 back tlue to Ene r -- ii. o"""n'E "1'.;a;-n""r". ii#:rti:"u1";:-;;:i;:;8. ""fl :i[l' ; *t'il:"?"'iil' """' " then; t have_to ;;;;-;;;a irt"ro. ft become6 very. n":: H;i;;'G-: - i'i'd u.tt"' eo to bed' \2_ TBE OCTAGON APRIt, 1972. 4 €: heralded Massi-ve advertising and'/or proPaganda rhe eve of. the March H:'?i::::."T::ii:"i" i::?"';l.l::.u build-uP that one.ot '"?,iii:i3't"-ii;l ,u'- t" u. u at the Clubrooms to Partl'ci Frite driver's sreatest "chinese" ::i'i;"-;;;ai'h truimph- incr,rae run' which dinn't off for a short calliaili i""a-tr'""gn rost trled i:' f"=H::^. AIl seL E:il:[:":*"ii1i"i=i;*:iiiiip:i.$tlll"tfl:iril::'* di where cars- luere gorng r tiose.whouw?::.i*:':: l3"i;.l3nln", I'"r:ill-r,i'.was For about. stli19"il;-i;;;;- iit.i ai"..'t.nqil,tq !,loorehead should be - Pitv.John.was'fi;;;;;; Ipsrdich $,ent via both sets of instructaoniir;;; i;-;;tu"n-spectacular? ) Road to watch the house arr4G car club navigation runs' ]"li..iaiii"s" happens on During a1l the exciteneDt, the D.rves Tait/Matl r3 TEE APRII., 1972. OCTAGON they had heading back frorn the GoId Coast - for crew were Yerotrga headed ;l-itiii" rest I]]l oi course". The $as misfortune But out in front' Richard was-caniiIi, nl.rt"ia-n"ie wav poor Xlillaiili-?"- trr" nei,""rt crew rniddre-or furr-size tree groi'ring in the Tllilili-iiu: rt.Eo atound " he just courdn't flavigate. iiJ--i."a I and brother Russer ln ""iti""" il;";il;; I',iE with wa!. Don Blackusuat on his-was' 7 srand in all gears the pur lins ieat'(Nor or r'ola 1300 fame) .'Jii"i"iJ f;; F;"tk 6ardiner ' A .tuick run through Retl HiIl and around -the a homing in on the clubroons-tor wi r:rnarn Teirice area, ' ovEr-workea tourists'. ',ohn ;:;i'jH;;a';;;t-i"i back*'" on sundav rnorningl But it was. it lli"rlli'-i-a. iiostrowea the ciean heals to Inoet. of the if#;;-";;; but she couldn't topPre brother :;#;;["-];;'""ual) shane (female diPtonacy?) ' !'oorehead-' Apart from Peter Raytnent'/John the run uas-the of out ma6t got the -that crew that "["i"r"fy niriman s7g (Bi1I xavser'/colin sands) ' l?'lrrJ"!ir'."it"a ih.i--."".t.a an astonishing 73 nile6! AE yet no creit has woll nore than one navigation a close an'[ hard fiqht to exercise ."i 'ii-r""x" tireiouelng to'n6 tto"g each third Friday D!:oduce the 1972 chanp' the sreatest s0 cent tour or 5i"ii!"*Jiiin-l"a iir."'in iriJir.""-irv Night you'r1 get anluhere' [- i cfij ,.*,.Y1 rfe l- t ,1) 1cc tl.,ANNA) (Es-Lr\ir', '- l.: !+4!aj rt L;. \ ' -a\ \,' = ' --// I ry r,tLN lEI lH / TEE t+ OCTAGON APRrr-. 1972. RSSULTS: Place Driver Naviqiator J. ltoorehead s- sullivan L, BarroD June Canavan D. Tait ]0 1t P. Ratment P, wetzig Arln Thomson Libby sullivan D. Matley D. Elack D. l,lcKay R. Sans B. Kayser J. Larnb S. Laue I3 T, R. Cramb N. Manifold R. Thorpe t'l. gumphrys 1 2 3 5 5 7 B 9 l2 14 15 t"5 L7 19 R. Webster Green lozzy Palmer w. ormsby J. Canpbell D. Miles P. Valery B- snith Thurlow sands LYn Laue D. Web6ter P. Lumley G. Leigh t Beaumont L- Horstnann Marge Fle]niltg G. R- Fletcher (aE \L! ( \. ". - l*^, J. c. Meryl Miles Sti.11 Driving I R. Black R, Wetzig PoiDts losl Car Mini Deluxe Cooper valiant Corolla 59 ' MGB Datsun SSs l'lini 850 Mazka Hillnan golden HR forana GTR ,faguar Mk 1 SE A/lr/ spr\te Magnette Corona MG Anglia cooper 11r 113 142 210 229 244 264 244 341 344 359 359 429 481 505 Celica A/E Sprite Cror,rn 80 107 s MGB r^r Ill PrD Y( tr rlf A( fiL -. rErf xl6rt RUt{ l*lAY l9$ .'' A .BEAUIY II l5 TgE OC{AGON APf.rl" 1972 - ItNBOTIGBTTAISI,E /.- 1 E L.t'r.G.P t97e fif;153i#$le**rJl:*1**;rffi w Iitfl ,". j.th start i ns t'T.:iliLll"H:ii#i";iiilitl"" ;-::#:**:plii*:*:,;:i="n:'" l,;i',,ffi 8usse1 B1ack ma9"It"n?3"1"31 remotely be called "-31"11 ::i:"":;tEt?::It"" up behind the p1r counte! ' "r',a.a went wlons"' "n"t 33?il"1'Llllui"tI?'"llT."i"Eii!i'ii hasnrt Russel between t"t]"'- ""ut"fy the Place chirped t6 TIIE OCTAGON APRIL. 1972. qui'ck to point muchr. The clean-out E wasupside chanqed that -ii" -""s down' using a 1913 arnv-EraP Iiii"iilt develoPetl ' betr''een lreanwhlle a furious dice hail to outbrake trying Grant Beau$ont, each Don webster and 'ir,eMobileas with both rine around iil! lEili-it' ;cutting"insiae the corner (RUN:) ' "iiir"s "p R.E.Q. had taken off it! an anti-clockwise wae direction i""iii.irvt, determined to Prove his way fasLest. .unre1lability" reared its-ugly h?uq. :-!h:-!'" and forted in roi fuel stops r".ainq "oi[-.Ii;;;-;;;" webster/Thomson fjrst was rnachine ----':1 .]aanind. the all chaneine not ruel and i'"ii'"-"r 3i'li'il*iit-lii"3i'" ot 3 minutes 34 seconds tirne f;ntasti; ?"Ii i"l"-J'i" the i":'3i,::':3"1ffi'. ii:i lm;,::itli:J:utu.ll.:;:lu-H: :l=.iX; ;;;i;;- (ir;;ickv racins ensine. ) ' A swarm or r clutch-startins tn" ulast uui even ;::;;;:t-;;oona"a ca11ed Expert'!'as 'J;Ii;i;-r;;a;ied- a,i.n'"r tlii"t" ' Ehe earlier.and he *"tni"t had expired ii"itlEo"li- i".J- I r,i.dav as avairable r^'ashe ana a bottre- the i"t ila'ilii.la -.na, hat! his-risht 'j-I"iliiii"tt Pulr.with wlti """ 'ightv -t*I-:i*-:I;l'"Iil.i,i1""' ;;g::=9. Y#; f, . "M-ir;" iiiains rhroush ;;-c.;l;i, ?LH:-:BiT$*r::ii:;ii#'il rhe race siehtl llii"i'.t sosch-- i"itlt Don in ""i} ;#'Huiil vas on: some cross-country running RuEEel Black had done off the ia an atternpt to heatlnear (tt.t' ,roi*iiiidi-i"t-t'itl lIG was to exPire " but to no .tuif - ttt front runners thel over ar1 ;i;ii"';;';ii-p;.="ot." ' arra r't n'a laitt oi1 track: of the. danger-beforein Our t!,,o heroes, obliviousout again' rotating them. charged into uG, ana-liitl"a 1-7 APRII' 1972 ' OCTAGON all direqtions into forced retirement' entrant whilst all this action was occuringi' late (frotn N's'w) fully-imported rorru vo"uoaiil-"".pi.tu with nevJ, tnassi-ve w].th vrct'a u1t;a- 1i qh L!',e ight ' o.H-c. v4 suPercharge'l oversteered whilat ii-i".it iiai""-hii-punMG at full-bore, tour timeE, then finatlv got pcinted "ia.i"L"ii"s, to blow cne of his s''i'k1' conpo!'rt{ tvres ;;';i;ha-;;;' "niY tla... cl-r: a ilt:ii). Ilrlnever. ifr",a i"" th:-.-ou: i-c].,:-j:.; orr:i.r ' i.-"i"- di"ii": ii;"d h.. ".t,, -. t,--,iei'' uc oulside assist'ance to push his Super V to the finish line' By the enil of the day, puzzled,Eechanics ' were rea'ly drivers, and sorri-looking deirces rlisaopointe'd --A";;mriea looked MG,,thev reaav for- loadins at ;;;-il;;: 1972 race of - the u".f o"-rft"t rras the nost incredible fraught with i"r""J u"r". cland Pri"x - for nany, a race ior alr, inspiralion for the future' il;;;;"i;G;"4-qreat year for rnowers ! will'Le a i....', rii-1973 6nassx.l TqE OCTAGON lrrl &n.?.rY ,s./ I ,, (r; . , -a: 'I L-" ',,l, i.,;;;=' rI 1NE'.fiAlr!-:-i ,rr,.rre*n c'I c:i,- sr{,.i-Dl: srMLwdt(E -, !€ rr ArrLs:' t jlIr l c\;s I .. ',1 II_:..., -./ .. .. i.^:'.i:f ,,'L((knr s..LLy1wL',1" !r,r ]nn,:, / L.<( ["*, ."..: I ".ui At ALL flr6€ /rLLfh ..- Ifl,*, !!'9.:l\i{rr-Jir\ \*"'; (Ee1 p6per pnpEAS IllwalNi--I I *^""n - r .o."1 nnnd.(€.( 'i JS!\ ; I lnfifid.(Ee-i lnfifid. \\ r----.i I l]*"."0 'o(</ ",- .1,!um(i- ,r r^^. ^*"o,i,, I I '*.e .'r,.r ,r-f', I "i r.rri,, r -'' II-:-q-!dI!. " iory, ,=---=*nA6 |-Z--"1. [*t '. , ..\\ l$tr, .,1'/i '..1 :rr[\r 6'"li'16 , li ,/ri,,... 4 l".-. " .w,. \{rrt-tl L&K, [i*"* ' , ':^,iil': \--\I /,/ , l,(i /,1 ',)' ;lii \ri / j''":r,''' ,,.ti1,,'''tt 1.,j, \\ \l r*oJ: \ ius!a.L.l ,' | \,r.! i' ^,1 ,-,, ; v\/t, tii rt I ' t,,/u ', i ,.ir'. I /.""- iior "il"'' i I' I dE1v r.t6 \', | --l 919r r8 CHAMPIONSHIP gVENT..:-IE!.-99 -T9? Hil1c1inb The fate of Rountl l of the Australian cha$pionshiPs hangs in teh balance ' the ltloment As is usual ith this Club au state' ' t:he bv out financial standards' i{e have no majo! sponsors and' by our' situation ;; ;;";;;d or"Inui' i."" to-u?o*ii-il;;;;",:t:;Ii?' it, that minitnum Prize noneY tr i,., ol"; r3;:tu"u for the top.three"place of this arnount, $4oo rs o'iia&i:"p the-reat ot-tneoffer iI;; ;bvioustv we can't ;:.;;;... troPhles. ts th3 birl for atuards ani ?ilii-i"".- iioo' sororrnla"ur" rhe event has to be run ' il";.'#iti::i# costs' .i."--- +-. tlavs - which oo*it" " nunrber of ou'.usual which ili',!'!nlil""".i'il3a-iiliJlioo- a,.d advertisine is exPensive. - and !lI:Y^d like Whatever the Corunittee decides to Eee it ll'!I":-v"iiili be tord as soon as Possar're ' probably reasonable sponsolshiP we could llith 'ii-''l-rery nay on ou-r own resoulces ' we qo ahead. fast we'!e and !'ate! wetl find oulselves "' '"if-au"p running out of life beltE' t9 TIIE OCTAGON ArRrl. 1972. If we cance}. \re Iose prestige, get raPPed over the knuckles bY CAMS antl fined. If tJe do hold it !re11, the alrowned are aPt to Etay drowned. IIIE APRII,, 1972. OCTAGON a The totrood Driving School Repoxt' of the driving school caf! oDly be oauoeil bv the driving habits and records of its pupils in the ii-ii" i'"t"i". But if the imProvements then 'lriving continue' schoo] sunday's i'i."i"tat-i""" duriltg last and confldent conpetent quite r,."" a group-of ,"liii drivers within our gteat club' !'ith -lectures on the The days Proceedinqs begansone quite ' followed basis of o"d.t.tl.t- ""a oveiiteer by (erryby and llorgan of some, I"""taa"ri. demonstrations an ex in corness rain as cab driver disguised ;-;ia;;iy The success New York llack . peoPl( spinning was ably demonstrated by, of allthls quietty denonstratlng kept he feather-fool' Just went out with thei! instruc' lii-a"", As the first pupifsinstructors that generally ouvi.ous t6 ihe ;;; i;';..;" average but above flas pupits Ii. Eir"f"" "uiiiii"" of the learn from to a lot had ,iit""i ""i"ption we all found we and Kerrv ra-inten of tutors. Every so ;;;;.;-i;;;a quick ATY!"I for a pits ,ur. "-".r, to duck into the the rumour that JRF had 9t a iwo but there is !o truth in up ai"p.n."t which hd conpletelv used il}Ii-"ii"-o"ot coolthe beeD have must irr-tfr" ii."t 1ap. vlrn HardLton he had tl because how 6t at1 lrt dor't know 3.tl""i.o.i"i Epiaingest PuPils of af1Thj,6 was the gxeat thing about having the schoo off track excur-siots q at f,orrood that de6pite ihe numerous boy did those t1re.markers ;;a;;; panel .as iented but (aah: Those ii"ir.-'-riicrv circuit in placea th*ofLoa'ood the directio tution iot tlt" i^tt hour -Ii"'ait"-a""'"t .reveraeal in the spanner a and that threw ;;-Li;i";-;;: $'ork diiln't they lines cause i.ril-ii--irr irrose leaut arrd Eome people went looking for ihen it rained ;;";.;. school' rdas well ih;a is) but in atr;the iiil"i!.J'a- i"ii;; and- the netnbers attending conducted themselveE "l"a"ai"n ?t fHE OCIAGON APRIL, 1972. getting more than there monies well \,rith each and everyone woitn. wrr"tt'" the next onel even ttj'thout a bike' P.S. . RoLIy wetzig scranble6 well \"alrwaril "B" ' pirsued bv a ifJ;li;''oh;n (MRc Pord?) . Kerry }rorqan had his nei''t bodied box) ' out for an airing (beauL "ooIta 'itf' very close ratio Russ Black! Cooper stiLl revs its beadoff' . a Datsuns have Soft \"in'lscreens ' . Dicy moments utrder brakes earLy in the day due to cow Pats? . Bob Randle! top sPeed tlown straight \r'as un- believable. . Mal spiden l-earninq bad habits t:"^..:?':1L'o (neviatinq li1 tver trre pric6) aut seriously i4ar seemed i;-;;;iit'."^" to srip with the sPrite' r T] /1 APRIL, 1972 THE OCTAGON tiler rEY fu,ffiS.r..lrt B!,nGr HA]ID N6Al}., come hotne, Eee Ml,m's big grin. lrnd note the state oi minal Ehe's in. The grj-n is \'ride, her eyes - they shine: What ha6 pleased this Mun of roj-ne? The hours pass, the sr-ri1e stays raride. seems like she's aLL aglow inEide, lle boys "Any uail?". "YeE. my dear, The car club Magazine is here:" What's that noise that cotnes from IE it a song she tries to on. and on, - Oh Glory Be, Mum, hum? like "Somebody toves Me". The "octagonrs" here, it's on the bed, A1I opened up like it'E been read. tihatrs this Dark? oh: Good [reaven, A lipstict mark is on page seven. I ponder toore. Gleat Stars Above ' with Ten six Four - is she in love? can't Bhor,, dad. l,lake rt rrorse. If I do he might divorce. Mu$!s io 1ove, perhaps itrs hutlan, If But what if Ten six Four's a ltonan? sounds sonething 23 APRIL, 1972. TEE @TACON "I Present Me. . .,, rvDoDsis - brian tebble ). cgrudttee nenber 1959 secretary 1950-51-52 oresiclent I95 3-5 4 [-"Ii-i"-iu"t "t"ry for r4'hi]e '55 or '66 life me$b"r club trr:Stee iii".t"t mt cotton hiuclintb 2ltd years cams aefeqate state council council i!""t"-a"i.q.t" national 1968 1 year i"it.a'.q" f;orn 1958 until 1964 l"i-ti"i loiJooil 4 hour race ls Eprinta^and hirlclinbs lliii-.r'Ji*"t' i ioto" econornv T'un lvbJ bmc Works team mobil slhoor lowood antl was lnstructor "lii f,li"ila"laii"""d driverg' x".tv horean, seofr anderson and some ;iili;;";;';;;iir., brave bastard. iJria"a-er""t .raDd {ptor racing officials' association r{hich G club sironsoreal Ie53 until '5e r.revland) iD o fronsix :;-;.; ;il- (i'allr -circiutmonths then for nanager as 5'"i.'ii Ii]ir.ii" ' te71 until nationar P! ;::; ;; ;;-;;;nili'or triars- anil charp's trophv i3il.iL-ir""r.n""il "p".a, meldber cams safety panel two vears ;;";;;i'- riist najor- prans - oPenins dav ' march :'A;!i(rD) 1961 is secretary of toowong iiii"Joi' a""t"piu Lookinqfoweed sprint r''hich herped for 1e :ili;;i;r-;i;'""a-"i"4 nans type starts teale to atte$Pt searqh and destroy i{iLh tfl ;r;";it'i"" at rount cotton (almost EuccesstuD gthef, Dsrcc rans t'ins into becomins ;itt"il;"-;;;$.d-"..pl"ridictator" great as "the ;il; .;;;";;;v'was knlwn hotr to po1ic6 Q car drivers -teaching 'i a ouiet-veek several reduced "olit i ;5iI; :.;:t;;,;JILv-"itr' i'oop"' - to tears hill with annts lotus f;11 left lock and one back on fu}l broke class recgrd at o-rafton rdith front ldheelB on . 2+ TEE OCTAGON , AtRIr,, L972 something else lock conspj.led !|ith canpbells to hide nelr1y aquired racing car - d.iEguLsed as a trailer thinks anyone \dho raceE a car if someone lendg j"s mad sprite or tnini wil} ilrive another council setnina! - was motorkhana one day vrag panel menber at road safety never asked agaiD. HAI rr .^ro",? woax i ER.YES - (,c tO A Ccr NY - Eul- I ,r,rJr 6 o ?tEaEs ! T TEB APRII,, ]-9?2. OCTAGON fu' aisctssion 01 onv d'i& rr P's n,,, o "on k ",';;;;:;;;,,",,. o t coch @n'!pon't tt D rt tw*h 1"L,. i"*'i ,,r*-' ot sood t'ilh tt n6' b2 ;";;,;:"";;,,,""," ",.ei.tencr c\orts?d bv ow tha! tL' opituo's 'd' )i,,i ,, ^*,*, d cnd$ Es"ditY ,,.' ;;*^r",,,' ",, 'dl,qwi' ahde @lunns alz J in ** .-r. * 'a'*'*o '"' ..4, . o!" lor nE cardPbeU, St ' 15 ]tarfioti ' coo!':'anoo ,l ' gs3i-EEilgs' i '1 r do thank Ten Six Four for th? ki:g remarks in tt'.'r'tii"t'-taitit; :t-:Tl:"::tl:":::' "::i:: lrrurEusJ _-"_', ::out;l:':e'.;''?5;e:,-ani-atiacned..i on erriveo ::li*e : :1 5,00 p.m. of I"Hl': the hours ,t"""" of thin -ar'r^?:spilited -.--^" lor ni+h .botooles u"'ct" L'ith aPolasies ror :11153 ;:;.";"''i;i*r-z*tr' the libertY gaken' Yours etc ' G' Black' done') (Yes. dinner was on time and also the ilishes jottings Ed. See poetry page, readers' fot the tatest frorl uThe Black Hand- ' tittle ditly' {I:: I loved Mra' Black'sgrabbing andl readlnq Black will not'b;";;; "iiv '*tr'ut ;::i:#,fii': ;lili'{ii:'"' r-goE Y=:: "":: Ii-I--i.-.^i and the onlv letters "5!;;qi*:3*5#:"fu t" ub' to menbers not to ;ir; il;" i lppeatea, eilitoriallv' ePRrI,, 1972. THE OCTAGON coaxetl into racing "middle ageit bdgies" itt their iu haDdling Ealcons/Eo}dens etc, when the latter genta hatl ' on boar6, their t iveE and kids. one daaldy even telephoned me and abuseil me for r1y audaclty - tlre caP obviously fitted: l'i11 love the Lordood ari'iing schoof, - partieularly those I,Iho do admit they have something to iearn yet. r wonder how many menbers remember of MGs or know that the club used to run a racing team (eight. in fact) which debuted at a Lot'ood race meeting' a ile-cful also sponsored a sooxts car raqe there, and tton must have to. f Ge:.-.1 did coltl&ittee neribe!, Denis the Geary race, as f 8ti11 have a txophy n3lned such. About Mourt Cottcn - I 6ti1f betieve the I and clinb is the gtteatest thinq Lhe club has achieved Eure it is worthy of a great e:il ,-t. It needs money,enthit tteeds of all (I've sent my bit in), but nio6t usiastic workings. It just is not a comfortable P1ace f,and needs for spectators ieven competitors) to be- the npsquitoes, discourage cLearing to inprove vision and and walking. work ina f"r5ff:rrq io assist eaEy driving (and shovel) - you be done b!, hand of this natuie canpeople. many who that I am afraid iust need }ots of be diseouraged maY ;ttend Mount cotto; fo! the firEt time tryiag arounal, flotn doing so again - it's agony l4'alking and being good vieit for a i"-p"e. ttit""gh-dense vegetaiio-n covered in dust on a dry day' I know the perennial Problems the coElllittee beeE and the facea in getting neDbers to attend working your lrembers r no good apPealing to iii". r"if...,-its - ihey have-none : after all they elected.Igg "onsci"rrcee deceit and.lies to ruh the ctub! Try bribery' flattery, what to brang as lf that failE, use force' AIld tell themi'ronderfuL (and or"ff ." wiLling friends. Irve had some dreaauul) days at !4ount Cotton - P1ea6e heep it alive, ltenbers won't you? THE OCTAGON a7 APRIL, ].972. and thereAs I'Itr such an o1d cfu! me'nber (other''ise known fore able to take advantage o+ reEPect an'l make l"-Ufrttl , I'11 bend your eyes a little longer' predictions for the future' Do not be surprised to see the sale of cars discontinued in Australla' !4Gs and other sports nsafety" requirements. in car design may ilii"i"t:-""-i.i a goo'l make the open sports car a ihing of the Past' That safetv ePitome of Primarv ii]riariii. "'ii ril. an MG is theso dor't get too upset about ;;ii^;;i ir"n-u" ""nsiaered aorninatins club ranks - vou nav have ;ti;r;;J;;-";-ciis to get used to it. and Prediction Two. ff the enthusiasm the is an indication of spirit. showlr in the octagon great future? a have clubrs status - You Eorne signed; Brian Tebble I (Menber 155) I j Dear $*Pnil on Sir, i1;il: "ti:"ii'n$.::i!qtxt l*ii.'ll*... T#:gy l*li;:*;ir#H for events. ,fust a few small errors - John Fraser is still i"lti .Uo,rt hiE age - it's 49, girqin is 52 not 5t andl corDess old is ieallv eliqible for the 'ltb!^r "P!;'rtBb Ttgt igs?e#trn, thouqh: rHE APRIL, OCfAGON 19 72. nany Positions can JRE think of iD an hour - 1'!o sure ":lnformed sources, he. coulal thi[k of rlore - personally anlrway who watlts to waste time counting! 1 lose coutlt:: Lots of luck and all the best fot L972. llotl lllqqqrllry P.S. Uy aqe i5 irrelevant HO BUlr! tl )DYou HeeR I arNi wBar ? ,ilcH( -r I rEE 29 OCTAGON A 1 1 l l L i APRrt, 1972. TAT,E OF WOE to Beaudesert. about turn-off, a gravel lgrry Proceeding southwartlE a mile beofre the Greenbank approached' sight on the horizon and e'as quickly. or no indication s,ith then. ""."-i"i" vehicre The ;;;; ;;e fir;t. the across right, to the :.ts ae"isi"n, verred drunkedly across the aouUi" iines'in the direction of a snack bar in proceede'l an't truck hungry a .""a.- erri ! r thought, pass him' to pasL attemPt an in haste ,, "o.r"ct lane Process of "overtake" iii iuo"i 4000 reis and in the (and with no Provocation) .iia truck, it suddenly up, rdhat turtled out "i left. the smartly side-stepped to to be, a clriveway. Unfortunately one restoreal T-type !''as between the truck arld the invisible driveway entrance' halt somewhat beneath aia.! r cone to a sudden crunching rack of the truck' tyre tfre caU. runniog boaral anal bentchasaiE Preventand. Unfortunately, fwisted bodywork the beloved and rebuilding ed rne from e;thusiastically much painteal l.{y chariot. fiarningr Beware of great grey gravel truck For he knoiis not what he's at: chris Pike P.S. The bits are at Rods, a$d I have lost the key of rny rollerskate. I THE (B, -4ftj}f I j<I OCTAGON fEdr-- r APRIL, 1972. J I rHouGHT FoR THE wEEx I kinss ,'t. t. "..*". .t* princes andrine6' "?ffi'":: :i,t:'l $3 ;itri!.:::i 6ffiffi WW I'!l.ii,Ell"il.3.ol3u"lllli";, *",.., *- aE ' '- +7:2' eich musr make, ere iife has f iorrn, A stui.trling block or a stepping stone, I I l an<j ; W;'r:r:;il;l t,rt, @ 1-- EI ' . ..t,t'^ ,', "- @ r .. ,,, I n,"'^tl r' '11 r\11'l . ."rnri.:Ar. l ;""'; ll r''' l\r/ I.'''rrrlll()l lrlta'. s''","t"j'r ,Ytt f4Yl ij, {U I .,-tDr,r i-r:r'Cf l " r' rr-'t'N)i U\*/*,1.::::,,'',':',1;:l4i \\ (( Tii " -c '''{ rl 'r r''f l ili- ."(, rE r '\Nri r,l",ri: '\ ,tnr.pt --- I.r,^*Y nt'"'''-'rl .11\F (tii. r uri: i') i,r,q:; *- i-iE WA-( rci' 'lcr'lEti"g:1 Q t.(r I Ni,.irr( lJl €4d E BVt{D5 directory latest shots UBD the ,They -C;ttantell us that we last! map" at are "on the Hillclimb. Mtthe lea1 excitenent aThe Hiltclinb was great - but Ann Thomson' or cam; aftenards. Ask Fay Quinn or la"ive pavn", or Don websaer - donlt ask rerry Gebert: every I Our President is hoping for a Darts niqht Friday night - rea6on? wife fost her voice at the last one: a There were Eeveral corNnents (regarding Ann Thomso!) into this coLunn but, as rrtn not too iusi dying to get ieen on aylng, I've purPosel"y Left then out' HapPy, Ann? or relieved? aJon !,tccarthy is i,orking on Barry Foley's totus 7 x "Autosport"' Jon in England. nariy is a carioonist forfirm in London' is a ;artoonist f;r an architectural only about it's though hot even get them he can Jo, r"y" 350F: after a Bob (Rotor shatterer) Ranalle iE sti11 griDning Cott'on' l'tt at record class Car aouring ne!, setting a ' for siiilar reasols are Terry (flyingvanblue ,ri"o "ii""inqa;d Nevin("He drives the fastest bread box) c;bert from the 8ast") Johaston. li B & It E THE OCATGON APRIL, 1972 SAATE ... quvs through Mt. Cotton's hairpin.are "the fastest-uiJwfio can't herP it" - Brain tt the good aii""ii "se Tebble. way:: a- Loo!.out: Stubbs is o! hishome about trdd-year' be Eorale and Gary should G An -r'olish RAF officer (with a nose) an'l 6ome ' 9a':e-crashed {lPl:-le:::te aitiv-'ir.. i, r,"t t"itn teeth) using the v'long '!1ne anq niqht. of course Erase! was track' the thiy put hin riqht off theO selious note: Letrs have less contact !'ith club of good hear to rL's not t--in" rur. "t.i"I-ui^-" it trouble for traffic offences' t*rnU.i" a And remerilcer friends, ,noney alone can't make you happy - unless iL's in Switzerland ' to a-lady friend aA club nenber's \'tife !,as de6cribing -l""Jf.r-1i". dinDer suit hub6y's of colour ina ,rlria rfr" 6hirt' #i i[.-"rr."a"r of his fritlv ltply' "Never you first"' at .ira-aitfi"q, they'11 look - high comPre6sion' t Peter Ra\rment had a haircut his' cultivate I r'aii-spiaLn continues to night' a Nikki Manifofd \,tas the terror of the 'lart6 Ask any girl who was theE Playing' tl!ty-t" a Certain Hi1lcli$b competitor r'laking guiet against parked ind i"n some eraveli #]ii"i-;i"it ii dent No face' recl i ProbLems and a smal1 ""..ii!!;";;;;;t:--J;., '"itrt.t party' a bit but "tuff" on the bowser' ir" other night' Nou we all know set of films the (ana acood -u"iIiuii'"iii""-rott= it wis reatlv interestins rro, a"""-ii vo" L""i) on .n extla wide scleen' how Mercectes == TEE OCTAGON APRIL, 1972. and how imnaculate win rallies (biased filn coverage) ' r'enans ' H'i";-;;;;"; ion drues) beat oitv rertari 5 at and thoFe t'ith holes a Everyone likeil the darts rrioht *"tqi: k*';"::i*'rti";l "::'ti:'lli*iliiri?:"' luil"t-:l:.:i:'"kfi ii?ir"ili:iI":iii darts' Get hLt pret.ty. good with the "Yll,i"ii?'r:, be Corness,shoul'l i*;t":i.:l'}:,t::.:::"1#i"31!li'"' :l-il?":{:iil::: bir'ted ca$ buckeLs' ]""1, ;iti;i:; 'i,a Can Am. It will be broken a The GeneraL has sold the up for scraP. Look6 like he missed the Privi'Lege' Se'I-'rs lefL after Lo cod' patv a Steve Lau6 has no rubber car the had a.soFt 6Dot for rixE ilil"i"Iirlctor ctass' Pity steve's u'altet - but they il:-.;;t oi ttreafLer it arl' Btil1 grinnetl i'n the a l(ees KopPenol is buyiag all the UGA'S universe. $3000 or $2500 or $1400 or a For SaIe: one superbee jars have You? o,r-*"ii ernptY honeY bought Elaine a Sprite' Now it'11 avern Hamilton haalert-to drive the Farcon' r" I iEi'irii-?6i i-ho's again --at least-four a Sprites are getting popular months'in the tast fewan'l cri il5iiJi. Ili"'ro"sni ,i'p Erarne , ual Spitleir ' John camPbell il;.;;;;;1r"r (TingalPa?) EamiIton. t :f ,.!,(1 iYJi' I to Sl)^ttD'fHlNl; DIFBBIiDNT t t-"tr .izei > {< 006a3i IS w*4_1 SerucoeY DO\$'T ilUSS arg tl '8]* J( be [aere N 63Trista,nia Street, Kenrnor.. Get Away from It All i5. THE OCTAGON "PASS APRIL, }972. IHE BUCK" where are theY? All those medbers who always 6ay they'1I certainly lend a hanal r,then needed - "just renind me and I'II be there". so the President stands up on Friday night and says we need help r^'ith this event and that project so we ;et our usual witting helpers, the "ot'l faitAfuls" thev kiow who I nean and so tloes the Committee' t{hat about the rest of you handing in your nanes now andl then? If every menrber did three days work a year for the club, we'd get 510 rroxk daye - ahl dreans, elreans, ilreams l That collnton disease of all clubs' "teave lt has else", has gathered in a new sl'mptom - it someone to dleveloDed Eince we launched the apPeal and shows as a lumpish patch rdhich, lrhen Preased. squeaks, disaorleable ;iiri how it qoes and put mine in if it succeeds" ' "". however, can only be produced -by the-llloqica: This symptom, had it, the sum to date would be $0000'00' - ii "ireivu"itv *t****t*l***** I{E NEAD LOTS OF HEI,PERS T'OR ROUND ONE O!' TIIE AUSTRALIAN fl-lEEIT!4B cHAI'lProNsHrPs. REUE!'IBER JUNE 10/1r - AND aHE VITAI, I/iTEKS BEFORE TTIOSE DATES ! J-' TH THE APRIL, 1972. OCATGON P g ry '&as l Yo(J wr6' Hrt4 TO BE As 1 \2 1: BUT, READ rmaclN ON- t1 19 2l 21 3 Yes folks: there here i-n Brisbane town' is a real chickenman right name for obvious reasons, blF 't teveal his I can tell You all about our most unusual conpetitor ' chickenma"'l The first tine I ever met -y-u:.:t h1m "n' an'[ saw colner a rounded f ;!eli-"g-"tttn draq niqht back to arc-weld thegotteeth 'JiB'Jiriiii *"ixi"g ttvinl in thern y.. - .cis'tiot - they've onto his qearbox: ""v I can n the draq racing world too' qrew, chickernnanri decided Later on, as his fame -o" t5 ttt Nationals intosydney; t:hat it \,ras ti-tne for hitn to ie1d, ensur{ r,rhat better way and nolr ttlat he kneg how to t( than tlovrn LriP a safe the to car r,reld the ditll trailer: Yes, hewere a there of course, few untoading ProbleEs, but a cold chisel and a large harnner soon Put oaii to those. Nothing ii-Xe tne o1d scientif ic (r l€L ix! !ee6E <c$ approach, eh? TI'E OCATGON APRIL, 1972. the screw in lie1l things went all right uatil run Hot Rod Class because ears decided that he couldn't worry; he had no mudquarals. No to out vrith the faithful o1d welder to cut and burn t'ro fiwe galIon This i"ro".rre alrums ingo shaPe. hiqhly skilled oPeration being acceplable to the Llarons of our man decialed that "ftiliutao., iir future he would run at aI1 drao meetinqs with this arrangeinen;, so th; now well-secure'l "rnudquartls" \re!e given a coat of rvrt{ rng p"i"i iprlt.ry for the sake of ippear"nce you see-) neeting-' The to "time trial-s" for the big (which had been so first run sit it" "t""p"XinrtvuPholslerythe track on lan'l out and ;;;;;"iit gii'.a i" prace) Now these Petty annoyances: was going well until the windscreen second run -r a tne-intiepia driver which cause'l fe11 into ;;;-;;G mind' but never grip steering wheei ilii.i-"""iIltoa"x The third run, ulforta sljght shimmY Prosaw unatelv, end rrhich caused front ti"m iir'ttre helmet to fal} crash the driverts abattdoned: run over his eyes rinally - finally ' the last time trial of the day Eaw the car catch fire. However, some smart work bY the fire crew iaved the daY and, believe it or ., . A S|.I6HT SRrr.,$.tY fROBr.6/l not, "chickenman" went on to ElimRod" win the National "Hot ination tit1e. Flushed with success, he now decided to take the 3b TIIE ry i::t"E :::;li::":ik; iiiit:ini'H:HY;utt};:.":t line' i*iv- rt"' the start liE=.iiaE Up came the l',, 1>'.4 1I 2 2 2 3 APRrr, 1972. OCATGON cry "nerers chicken man:"'ahd' sure iH:l:"8#Iii"'ffi;" m:l:eidewav?;"i;ii"il.l".ie #::iJJ:F*":l i?-ir,""r sPin, "chickenman; lets /- DlurEleLs into fivo ._ yl*..Ilt, :.; .._.__ ,Y t,.:!-:I showers into the ::::'"' -*\ X\ r\' =I aX: >=--\\ \::\,ee(1ll .ca€, r-E. _,*3 $Uf-A^ <' ; "ffi **?-?*,:>-l f,..ur.ra{Els rr'.T() FllrE ;Pen mouths.of^th{ o;en-mouthed specl ;:";:i""";;";-;"; treatnen hospi.tal rrsr''ear that its f&f 6 witEB" -*"e ui-to rrir nlq name and build a v fadetl IIY:'1":"S' 6Decial car. so, digging deeP into hi6 Herard coup :i,;lti*""::'1":#"i:'ue"*,i:-Hi"iJ':sE:' gone feathers so out to First steP was to det feathers thele are the iil luck no but abattoirs the wet and soggy. th:-" lihat to clo? Idea: Letts advertiBe -i' ::iilr,:i*=,'l#,mi?i t*;:::;"*':ur'ffi ilil; -t APRIL, l-9'72' "THE OCTAGON and clear lacquer ouL wilh the yellow Paint - Dut the Nov7, a vacu'rro ?!lii l, "'""' "i t'hclear t-acli"un"t - rqore Ap .,uer and - hey Presro: Jnicken couPc is lroln ' onlv one Prob- Chicknow. Hov; does tne ot lap -. man dispose feat-hel s aitm. or excess 'faP not used in Lhe ",iLro Anotner ^-i nt ict?ia'": [iiiiii" Tl: ""'tang f un Y t:t' ' v:rru" .- i'l: Pa rs BoRN' ' 'ezol an Horse r C}rrC(EN A 'r" for lh€ AmPor ""*i ""t A FEAtIISR BURNOUT : : 1en i:X I:?l 3iiil=;'3ie. "' Chickman's plan -is. :'"i:"";"i anrair inglt":i::':; ;:-:l:- l:' !' iil:i-?l' feathers oi ::,il"l!"'l'?l iio'!.I*" .33 *nen -rn,.the arches'-._:f:?"::',:I:.;::i wheel inao tn",rass ;ffi; sLrinqs. iool-wrti' u::Y;:'::"7i"':;i:'i':";";i'.;; the on Pulls iiI'aii'.[' r Now: (gPt Lhis I{artock) Ti' ^']1":"::i :::;"";'::li ii!^i"li-in;":-i;"i:i":'l: I:r#::":?:3 i'ch holes and out :::l'.l:",:1:X$"ii?l3ln'tl!"i"li*"r"'i :X::":1"'i:"$;il" th!ough ti"ii"'r'".' HOW ABOUT TI1AT try coupe to ' - : DRAG T'ATiS?: rnouldn't let hin A pitY the "l'leeting Director" .!t",Ull:i .|",i!?l' inl'3'??X':i:"?:t:::;'i".,*' ; "" +c APRTL, L972. Ccrc < 1, I 2 2 2 3 inspect sane. Reason? "ahis car has 1ice". rinally, chicken nan j.s ready run and as he sdid to me, CLtc( to must go faster, after all, "I the feathers must nake the car lighter as it gatherl speed". I looked hopefully ' into lhose deep, grey fonqingly (rrc<\ eyes praying that some\dhere, somebo\d, a trace of laughter or at least cynicisn l'ou1d sho',i . 8n1f,k Irrrt.tArl"' I Ai', eLA: thlough - but f I.ras dooned to disappointnent - chicl.en nan ,\ !,!(-,r qi. ,i+. fiAll H r,Ja s fair dinkun:: Up to the start line went the Coupe, lhen to the christmas tree. Then it caught fire agai.nl this time chicken nan had forgotten to take the paDtyhose cover off his two four barrel carter carbies an.l a hackfire haC started a blaze vlhich singed sone of those prized feathers. Evelrtually, about 4.00 p.m. on thaL riindy sunday afletloon, the Gods of Portune sndled' chickelr Elan cane again to Dunlop bridge. The Chj'cken Coupe slarted, it ran, it runbled to the christmas tree. Nothing could stoP it oo\'r. the O-F.f .C. nan, lrilhoul moving a facs muscle, picked up his fire extinguisher. There !'as no doubt in his mind that this Lime the car !,/ouId burn lo the cl'ouDd. But he \,ras long I The Nind b1e!,; a fe!" feathers wafted trazily doLln the track, the engine reved, the sky laas blue. Brier Thcrnas's ,. wtTrlo!'i ,lOvlNA A face uas a piclure of faith FACE t4U1(!E ..' (he to has a t-riumph Eerald ir rl l tl- _rl THE APRIL, 1972. OCATGON .^,lha - rrithout feathers) ' A}{BER AI.IIBER, A,qBER, Rev: Roar: ' AMBER, AMBER, - GREEN I ' sec-' quarter 119-1ut"h"d Chicken nan ran a 12'?8 drag rac-Lno - and thushave , tur*inul .r"iolitv "f fOg*'r' seen I ?"iii"'.ir"in"i .hampion' an'l 1 believe BlaP eveiYthing. there's for al'I his catasLrophies' qone a uorJc ln nan that I like' scmethinq utJut "ni"ft" (?) unwittlngry racino' he has i.ii'riii.r'pi"r""siona1 of satire thdt it has t'ntti -;J tn'='t*"rnpf" --nr.irlect us v,ith the in i rono' rons time" E::;';;"";i ": i;q. 'i You know, I i *** *** ****** " ** *** rRUE, onIY the This entire story isthe Eaitor's Note -are introcent (and the faked to Protect illusttations artist). : I 4L rHE ry ! I 1 1 1 2 2 2 OCTAGON APRIL, 1972. I)SSS.f! lYou've heard optinist,/pessimist definitions ' have uP an'l says' "Good nornjng',God"' 'o" * optjmist wakes wakes up Nith' "Good Go'l' mornrn9;" ii'p"."i.i"t good turn'""' lAnd renenrber, "one oet-s arl the bfanket " mind' I sound of being will lln a man's I - """'earned rl ' up"rr_t_".r"ty penny "ver wonder liho nade her:-ilress?" ' "1 lllccarthy -'ta"i"tn-.i - "r don't know - Probably the Polrce'. French lThe Boxer Rebellion ltas caused bl' a sexy poodle . buy a ticket for the wardenrs IPllsoner A - ,,$lanna BA] I? " ,'N6 thanks, f can't dance.' Ptisoner B dance, it's a raffle"' Prisone, A - "il';';;l-; Caesar' I Cleopairra Cocktail - two drinks aod lTou lockiaw' aMj-ser'/ - seasickness l"'ithfront of a Dav toilet' it' i,iiii-."l"n-:-i.oi=tu" when - the area that disaPPears i;;;;i;;-6p.". a U-turn ' You're naking a\o\ i I , +-1 TIiE APRTL, 1972. OCTAGON roll bar i:i"B:u "3ie'"'::?'fl r.',ir,"i-iis education. 1967 Model ' white with . MGB, Yr j<cli i ent cona i tio:'+il I l i ana ue r t J. box and 140 bhP lu:::'I^"ll3i"ii chrome as o ner is reLurnlns t?to-'ii"i-"ini"ljiuf-za rr s s. t cenuine enquiries only . Fastback -trgfqtop at 9bq/b>' lor Mk rr A sprite' Rinq Vern llarBilton i-n the flourish. FREE - offers of.,fEubeditorshiP vour friends - get You name inq nuq.Ji-;- Be the envy pul it there) ' iii'piiil- ti.ii"rv 'cause vou wheel antl tyre' t"tP:li:i::-extenslon' lli ^. Mini Parts -,n"ih gear stick visoi' ,ina"..uJrr'l#ffi, ""' *ll3;"1"I"3'$ri"r'f,313;o!?'Eii..n i?":::3Y rearl , (front and "i.!ii"g-;l,L"r badoes XiiEiitJ"-'l-'.",,,p L( suard, Phon; e74884 ' t (1962 nodel:) - 1o98cc' stage v ?P:it:-*"d' cam' strenqthened centre marn' ro.o:t cJrn#tision, cooPer s aiuprtragn clutch' cooperchain' balanced, Iightened try'ntuillvii"i'-a6"ur" row timinq toor"'i . nini djstributor, punp, "euleaextractJrl'i'i"'su'"' ;;;:;";-;ii 4 ne, Aquajets on I APRII,, ,1,f ruE octacoN 197 2 ' *'ji:*,liiilt#L#5'ii-"';il:ln:"'jffi *' j?';i::"i:""??:?':";'i::' *=l*j"ffi #P"::ltx"-? , Avai labr.e I ;";',::"': *3I3",?"3I31' ,o.,,. ".rl r ": "|:.!l;-oi!i;':'::l,"ii::"t?::i"t" Sf-+?f$";s ro! ereat dress-up itens 'these tit crille badges )ii r toi ndscreen badges _ iiii).BiJ,:,',:i*l!] "=::fi,'::l:""T",31',i,"I?,* ra great for iiao";=Cotton at !4t ' ' at the clubrooms ilii:#"li:1"",il""il?il3i'" man_ one_Piece ril rr.rin I\" s'u' carbs on ^-i1. '""F. i"'ii as nev, ifold "" l?X3;rllti"ru"rson harness - $80. (generarly.$95) Four (4) DunloPnracing etyres 4.50 x r 3 5.0 0 L r: - u*h tubes rfitB""rli" ri.i.g r-'v." - ,iih,!$'3;""1/r' i,f::';.:l: llE."3l;.u'" '"' {EE +s OCTAGON A"Rrr,, 1972. goott condition - s25. 4 cylinder wanteal - Tachoneter (sniffrs e:.ectric - suit trr66;r (A/H). CoDtact: Alan Burna Phone 9?1355 MGA - ,). ' For sale offers its !": :Y:IIt' . tain CorneEE aviation of Brrtatn' ito-tois as used in 19{0 Battle norre *-" novc! '*'-in"i, furly rebuilt been derectabre iniii rr"rr" anil cleanseal of haggis stains' to the discerning connisat] s30oo each -;;ift ewer. 2500 Bedroom stains h.p. within reach - DynD sheets available l I.D.G. Corness theeta also available - also cleanEe'l of haggis . 1 For sale re-fitted I:I ::ii= r one Bicycle - comPletelv plus latest DunloP Green ri$E new Atlantiq cro6siDgs oitional' $5 '11 or rrade :$il':",;;;-;;iiii"q--bi'tet .l..pt"a. Finaaci arranged - will 6p1tt x.F.H. 485607 !4ornings. lileal for Yodlitlg leasons saturtlay or other canyonE. visits to aoowooniba's echo va11ey o ApPrv P.S. Bring You own canyon S. Rice : t ,.1 THE OCTAGON I.{ISSING r, APRrr. 1972. PERSONS would anyone knolring the where-abouts-of those Ray Quinn so that the mailing system below please conta;t _ may be corrected? : Mr. D. Cooper ex 26 Brennan Street, Stafford' Mr. G, Mazzetti ex 19 Affred Street. xingaroy' O nillclinrb (class) winner For Sale' Even wins Genini Clubman looking for Dev/ home'. costs' running offset to neetings prize .oney it circuit (what costs). action All this enjoyable r:acing and hillclinrb surbe Yourdoutlay' cafl be yours for a very rnodest rnachine is 1009 reliable' And ii"r-t"a""c. Th-e iii..a 'j.s ready for you to race. Just bring your loot along to Ra)' Ouinn anytime, anYpLace' (see hiF at the club or ring 9652651 ' ' ' To llembers don't forget.to John crarks eorgen r1?e9e.?gEvicg- gt3lion all the southsiale io ---;r;;-end-Eunjns. get. aloog B.M.c. reE at !,tanly"for all A ElectroP:. Atill::: i.t."-[-Lq"ip.""i inclucling- a crvPton and heisht -resetins ' rlpairs ivaroraitic i;;;-;";;;;i;. and- tne grade rrechanlcs welding, "A" sr'de ':'1"']i:?-":9,-tl: electric ,"idi',s, o6-";e o{v and ;i;;a;ic ask for a don't But' iown' in Enappiest driveway servace qet get one. ooe' might c+ah]a\' or 6r vou iust miqht Stanley You just APRIL, f972. 4-'7 THE OCTAGON Joulna1 of the MG Car CIub (Oueensland Centre) Affitrated \rith the Confederatioo of the Mc Car Club. The official co!li{rlTEE HOme David Mi les Joan Appleby President: Secretary: l.ssist. Sec : Treasurer: qeElillc:, llike Bus iness 2t27 49 9L2206 571"561 217886 Keolrn 781368 Ann Thonson 965265 Ray QuinD John Moorehead _ Peter Rayment 683196 l"lalco1n spiden 81,89 2 Bob Randle PeLer $letzig 59 307 2 I 320461 (653) 212777 POSTAL ADDRESS CI,UBROOI-IS 620 wickharn street, VALLEY. TeleFhone BRISBANE. Box 1847, G"P.O.. BRISEANE. 4001. OCTAGON STATF: John CamPbeIL (974884) Editot: lypiste: Lj-bby Sullivan Artwork: John CaiflPbell Contributors: RaY ouinn MaIcolm sPiden John Flaser Ann Thomson David }tiles Brian Tebble John Campbell Jon Mccarthy Mrs. Black Chris Pike a I I I i THE OCTAGON tifiryY2;?;?, ,totuctesr &ir. ) ApRiL, 1972. 1ft/fQ STRY/CT 41161 Ex-Grand P! i"x Auto Serfice *Joe Caml11eri's Cooper 's'* This car has heen coritpletely rebuilt and painted fot t72 season. Everv availahle modification including a1loy bodY Pric; 92300. will trade Road car. panels . * * * * * * * * * r( **r. ** Ex-Grand Prix Auto Service *L{ini Clubnan GT* enlhusiast for This car idealy suiled fot clubprinted and fitted cornpletely blue road, race, iitt.tirr,t". v'ith IL" s.U's , Rolf cage, etc. Will accep+- T.ade' $2450 ' Grand Pri.x Auto Service 36 Douglas Str eet , MILTON. Phone A/H 6352L3, '1L-L924' 36-5894. * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** ****I ** EI:(;-rarg-E:li-4919*!ggts9 ToPs for sales service and SPare parts' all Offer 1:o Club nembers a SPecial deal on11'G' f,eyfana vefricfes. fest Nor' llarina, Clubtnan' x 6 Austins. 36 Douglas Streel, l'11LTON . 36-5884. * i. *** * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * t* ** and