AccuPOS to MAS90/200 Integration Guide
AccuPOS to MAS90/200 Integration Guide
AccuPOS to MAS90/200 Integration Guide Part I - MAS90 Company Setup In order to use AccuPOS Point of Sale and have it integrate with MAS90/200 for inventory and accounting purposes, we ask that you setup your MAS90/200 Company file first. If you are installing MAS90/200 for the first time, please consult with your MAS90/200 Advisor or Sage customer support with questions pertaining to accounting issues. This manual and AccuPOS support staff will only support issues that are required for AccuPOS Retail to operate properly. 1. ITEMS We know that setting up items for the first time can be a time consuming task, but the good news is that you will only have to do it once. AccuPOS will import your item list from MAS90/200, there is no need to re-enter inventory information. Set your items up like you would normally do following the MAS90/200 instructions The following fields will be used at the Point Of Sale: • • • The item No. field will be used to apply items item to transactions (unless an Alias is set up) The first 25 characters of the description will be printed on the receipt Std price will be used as price level 1 in AccuPOS Other than entering the item information using the existing fields in MAS90/200 you might need to create some custom fields, please read on to determine if you need to create these fields. 2. ALIAS If Alias is not defined, AccuPOS will use the Item number from MAS to apply items to transactions. In some cases when the inventory is bar-coded, you may want to reserve this field for a code that is different from the barcode. For example, you may want the item number field to be a manufacturer reorder code, on-line item code etc. In this case you would need to create an Alias for the bar code information. Alias must be defined as follow, in order to be imported to AccuPOS: a. Select General as the Type. b. In the description type SKU (must be all caps and no spaces) c. If your items are already bar-coded, it is recommended that you scan the bar code number into the Alias Item Number field. Scanning will help eliminate human error and works faster. Just place your cursor in the "ALIAS" (or Item NO) field and scan the existing barcode. For items that are not bar-coded assign a number manually, later we will use these numbers to print bar codes or to setup buttons on the screen. Note: a. If you plan on printing bar-code labels, we recommend using numbers only. AccuPOS always has a numeric keypad available; introducing letters to the item code will require a keyboard to be present in case the bar code cannot be scanned. b. There is no need to use more then 4-6 characters. The more characters the item code will contain, the more space you would need on the label. If planning on printing on jewelry labels, use no more than 4 digits. c. Item codes cannot be longer the 20 characters, AccuPOS will skip them during the import routine. d. Although some may work, we do not support special characters in the item code. If you must use them, you will do so at your own risk. 3. TYPE If type is not defined, AccuPOS will use the Product Line as the type. The type field will be used in AccuPOS for the following: a. Percentage Discounts by type - AccuPOS Retail will enable you to apply a percentage discount by type for a user-defined period of time. For example, you may want to discount Chemicals by 10% till the end of the month. b. Quantity Pricing - AccuPOS Retail will enable you to create X for N pricing by item type. For example, if Campbell Soup sells for $4.00 each, you may want to sell 3 for $10.00 from 2/1/2007 to 2/15/2007. c. Alternate Taxing - AccuPOS Retail will enable you to set different Sales Tax rates based on the item type. For example if an item is consumed in house or is considered a luxury item it can be set to be automatically sold at a higher or lower sales tax rate. d. Customized Reports – When using AccuPOS Retail existing reports, generating reports using Crystal Reports or Microsoft Access, you may filter sales information by item types. e. Food Stamps - AccuPOS Retail can calculate a separate total amount that can be paid using food stamps. Which items can be paid for with Food Stamps is based on the item type. f. Remote Printing – When using the AccuPOS Remote Printing Module, you may define which items will print and where they will print based on the item type. g. Follow on items – You may set follow on items based on the item type. For example, you can set AccuPOS to apply a CRV (Cash Redemption Value) anytime a CASH VALUE item type is sold 4. CHOICES Choices are usually used when an item needs to be prepared as the customer places the order. The choice keys in AccuPOS will allow you to provide pre set instructions as to how to prepare the order. For example, if selling food, the customer may want to order a garden salad with Italian dressing. In this case when setting the garden salad as an item, enter SALAD in the choice field. Later, you can create a choice page called SALAD that will contain all the possible add-ons salads may have. Creating “Custom Fields” to be use for TYPE and/or CHOICES. 1. Go to Inventory Management 2. Main 3. Setup 4. Inventory Management Options 5. Click on Additional Tab 5. POS Customer All transactions that are processed at the Point of Sale that have no customer attached to them will post as one summarized Sales Invoice in MAS90/200. Even if you are planning to track customers on every transaction at the Point of Sale, this customer must be created in MAS90/200 for AccuPOS to integrate properly. To set up this customer: First step is to create a Salesperson number. a. b. c. d. Go to Modules Accounts Receivable. Setup Salesperson Maintenance. e. Type “0000” in the Salesperson Number field. Click Accept. Second step is to create the POS customer and assign 0000 as the salesperson number. a. b. c. d. Go to Modules Accounts Receivable. Main Customer Maintenance. Note: If you are using Divisions, assign the POS customer to the division that AccuPOS will report to. If you will be using AccuPOS in more than one location for more than one division, create a POS customer for each one of the divisions. 6. SALES TAX CLASS a. b. c. d. e. Go to Modules Library Master Setup Sales Tax Class Maintenance Select Accept when finish. 7. SALES TAX CODE a. Go to Modules b. Library Master c. Setup d. Sales Tax Code Maintenance e. Create the Tax Code and assign the Tax Class. f. Select Accept when finish. 8. TAX SCHEDULE ( POS TAX ) a. b. c. d. Go to Modules Library Master Setup Sales Tax Schedule Maintenance e. Create POS TAX, and then assign all the Tax Codes that will be used at the Point of Sale. f. Click Accept when done. 9. CREATE PAYMENT TYPE “CASH” a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Go to Modules Account Receivable Setup Payment Type Maintenance Enter “CASH” under Payment Type. You can also put Cash for the Description. Select “Cash On Delivery” for Payment Method. Click Accept when done. 10. TENDER SUMMARY The Tender Summary account enables AccuPOS Retail to summarize and split the tendering totals by tender type coming from the Point Of Sale to user defined accounts. AccuPOS Retail will post all tendering totals from the Point Of Sale (in lump sums) to this account and then will automatically create journal entries for each tendering type, transferring the funds to the account of choice. To create a Tender Summary account: a. Go to Modules b. General Ledger c. Main d. Account Maintenance e. f. g. h. Enter an Account number to be use for Tender Summary Enter Tender Summary in the description Select “Other Current Asset” under Account Group Select “Cash” under Cash Flows Code Note: Even if you do not use the banking feature in MAS90/200, it is still recommended that you setup a Tender Summary account. This account can be used as an audit trail account. At the end of each day, after MAS90/200 is updated by the Point Of Sale and sales and journal entries have been posted, check the account balance. If this account has a Zero balance that means that sales and tendering where posted correctly. If this account is either positive or negative there was a problem updating your accounting software and you must contact your Dealer or Attitude POSitive support team immediately. Note: POS sales transactions will create MAS sales order that will need to be posted to create invoices. 11. ACCUPOS USER In order to be able to Import Items and Customers and Export sales back to MAS90/200, a user called AccuPOS has to be created in MAS90/200. To Create the AccuPOS user: a. b. c. d. Go To Modules Library Master Main User Maintenance e. f. g. h. Enter “ACCUPOS” under User Logon. Assign the Password and User Code Give the AccuPOS user rights by assigning a role Click Accept when done. Part II – Preparing the Import/Export Jobs 1. MAS 90 JOBS A. Download the jobs from the site below, depending on your MAS90/200 Version. • • • B. 4.3 4.4 4.5 Save the file ( x.x.EXP ) to C:\AccuPOS C. Import the jobs to MAS90/200 using Visual Integrator Module. a. b. c. d. Go to Module Visual Integrator Main Job Import e. Browse to the C:\AccuPOS folder where the job is saved ( x.x.EXP ) f. Select all the jobs. g. Click Accept. h. D. Click OK to finish the Import and Compile the Jobs. Compiling Export Jobs a. b. c. d. e. Go to Modules Visual Integrator Main Export Job Maintenance Click the lookup button to display all the Jobs f. Select the first AccuPOS Export Job g. Click Accept h. Changed the default “Export File Path” to the correct Path where the VI (Visual Integrator) Folder is located. Example: If the PVXWIN32.exe is in this folder “C:\MAS4.5\MAS90\Home\”, the VI folder MUST be this path “C:\MAS4.5\MAS90\VI” i. j. Click Accept Click YES to Execute the Job k. l. Click Accept Click YES to Export Records m. Click NO to close the log. n. Repeat Steps f to m, until all AccuPOS Export Jobs are all compiled. E. Compiling Import Jobs a. b. c. d. e. Go to Modules Visual Integrator Main Import Job Maintenance Click the lookup button to display all the Jobs f. Select the first AccuPOS Import Job g. Click Accept h. Changed the default “Import File Path” to the correct Path where the VI (Visual Integrator) Folder is located. Example: If the PVXWIN32.exe is in this folder “C:\MAS4.5\MAS90\Home\”, the VI folder MUST be this path “C:\MAS4.5\MAS90\VI” i. j. Click Accept and select NO when ask to execute the Job. Repeat Steps “f” to “I” until all 3 “AccuPOS Import” Jobs are setup. F. Perform Logic Files a. Download the following files from and save them to your MAS90/200 HOME folder: • • • donecopy.txt jobdone.bat jobfailed.bat Part III – Setup AccuLINK Adapter 1. ACCULINK ADAPTER Now that everything is set up inside MAS90 for AccuPOS to integrate properly, it is time to set up the AccuLINK adapter The adapter should only be installed on the computer where you have MAS 90/200. If you have a CD, place it in the CD Drive and select install AccuPOS Adapter. If you downloaded from the web, double click on the file (Adapter.exe) and it will walk you through the installation. During the installation you will be prompted to select the accounting package you will be using with AccuPOS, Select MAS 90/200. To Setup the AccuLINK Adapter: a. Open the AccuLINK Adapter for MAS90/200. There should be a shortcut on the desktop, once the adapter is installed. b. Click Setup c. The AccuLINK Visual Integrator Configuration window will be displayed. d. Set the Path to PVXWIN32.EXE. - The path to the PVXWIN32 must be the same path where the VI Module is installed e. Assign the Company ID- You can verify the Company ID at the bottom of the MAS90/200 Window. f. Leave SKU as Not Used. Set the Type and Choices to the categories you used in Part 1 of this guide (Only if Type and Choices categories are defined). g. Enter the AccuPOS User Password that was created in MAS90/200 h. Change the MAS Version i. Enter the Job number that was assigned to each of the Import/Export Jobs by MAS90/20 Path to PVXWIN32.EXE AccuPOS User Company ID MAS Version TYPE and Choices Job Number Note: To get the job number in MAS90/200. Do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go to Modules Visual Integrator Main Job Listing Select Preview 6. Take note of each Job number or Print the list Note: Leave the field blank, if not using KIT (Group Item). Part IV – AccuPOS Configuration The Items and Customers must be imported from MAS90/200 before you can perform any transactions using AccuPOS. A. Import Items and Customers How to Import Item Items and Customers 1. 2. 3. 4. Make sure that the MAS Adapter is running. Open AccuPOS Management Click “Import Inventory” to Import Items Click “Import Customers” to Import Customers Depending on the amount of items and customers you have, this process may take a while, if you would like to check the status of the import job, check the adapter. The adapter is on “Waiting” mode when it is done importing. B. SETUP SALES TAX AUTHORITIES You must create Taxing Authorities and codes in AccuPOS management using the same ID, Name, and GL Account numbers as you did in MAS90/200 How to Setup TAX CODE and TAX AUTHORITIES 1. From AccuPOS Management, Click “Setup” -> “Sales Tax” 2. AccuPOS Tax Codes Setup Window will show up. 3. Select POS TAX and Assign all the Tax Authorities that was created in MAS90/200 from Part I. Note: Make sure that this tax information matches MAS90/200, otherwise the sales would not export to MAS90/200. 4. Click Save & Close C. DEFINE “TENDER SUMMARY ACCOUNT” The Tender Summary allows the splitting of the different tendering totals from a particular day’s sales (for example, splitting up all MasterCard transaction totals from Cash transactions totals). When Sales information is sent into MAS90/200, all the information goes into the Tender Summary account and from there, it moves into specified GL Accounts. 1. In AccuPOS Management, click “Setup” -> “Company Information”. 2. The AccuPOS Company Setup window will be displayed. 3. The Tender Summary Account is set to "Undeposited Funds" by default. 4. Replace "Undeposited Funds" with the Tender Summary account number that was created in MAS90/200 – See Part I, Step 10 of this guide. D. DEFINE WAREHOUSE AND DIVISION 1. Enter the “Warehouse Code” where the POS sales are to be posted in MAS90/200 in the “Site Name field” (example 000). 2. If using divisions in MAS90/200 enter the “Division Code” followed by the “Warehouse Code” (Example 01-000). If no division is entered 00 will be used as default 3. Click Save & Close. E. DEFINE GL ACCOUNTS FOR TENDERING CODES This step will enable you to define the accounts that each “Tender Code” will post to in MAS90/200 at the end of every shift when the Z end of shift is preformed. Note: Do not set the tendering GL account to your bank account as it will make reconciling extremely difficult. You need to create temporary accounts ( undeposited funds ) that the funds will post to. This will enable the user to combine and make the deposits in MAS90/200 as they happen choose. Example: You may want “Cash” and “Checks” to post to one account, and “Visa/ Master Card” to another. At the end of every day, the user will be able to make two transfers to the bank account, one for the Cash and Checks total and one for the Visa/ Master Card total. Emulating the way the deposits are made in the bank will make reconciling easy. How to Configure Tendering Codes 1. In AccuPOS Management, Click “Manage” -> “Tendering Codes” 2. Select one of the Tender Code. ( Ex. Visa ) 3. Assign the “General Ledger Account” you want your Tender Type to export to. 4. Repeat these steps for any tender type(s) you have created General Ledger Accounts for. If you find a tender type that you will not be using AccuPOS Retail, you may delete it. Part V – AccuPOS End of Day Procedures At the end of every day/shift, in order to reset the funds in the till and update MAS90/200 with the sales information, a "Z-Out" end of day/shift report must be generated. To perform a Z Report on a till: 1. Go to Tills Reset Till Z, or click the Z out button on the top bar. 2. Select the desired till on the menu that appears. 3. Including the initial starting cash, use the cash calculator to count the amount of money in the drawer (or manually count the cash and enter the total in the Total field). If you take checks as well as cash, the ending cash would be the combination of those two tendering totals. Click the Z out button. 4. A Z Report is generated. This Till is now reset and all sales numbers will be back to zero. Once the Z-Out Process has been completed in AccuPOS Management, the adapter will process the end of day data and update the accounting software with the following. A. Add and update customers from the Point Of Sale to MAS90/200 customer list. B. Create one summarized Invoice Sales Order for all the transactions that where processed at the Point Of Sale without having customers assigned to. The customer name on this transaction will be POS. The deposit amount will equal the amount of the transaction. C. Create Individual Sales Order Invoice for transactions that where processed at the Point Of Sale with customers assigned to them. If the transaction was paid for (any form of payment), the invoice will have full deposit on it. If the transaction was tendered using the Customer Account tender type, the transaction will appear without a deposit and will therefore be due in the set amount of days. D. Create Journal Entries from Tender Summary to user defined account of each tender code. Note: If you are short or over, AccuPOS Retail will not report the difference to MAS90/200, you will have to make an Over/Short account in MAS90/200 and manually transfer the Over/Short amount to this account before you make your deposit. At the end of each day it is necessary to check the Tender Summary account in MAS90/200, which is used for audit trail purposes. The account balance should remain zero ($0.00). Every day after your MAS90/200 is updated by AccuPOS Retail Point Of Sale, and after you have posted the sales order created by POS, you should check the balance of this account. If this account has a Zero balance that means that everything posted correctly. If this account is either positive or negative you must contact AccuPOS support team immediately.