Three-Year Local School District/ Charter School
Three-Year Local School District/ Charter School
Three-Year District Technology Plan July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2010 County: Cape May County Code: District/Charter School or Affiliation: District Code: Grade Levels: Web Site: 09 Lower Cape May Regional School District 2820 7-12 Date Technology Plan approved by school board or governing body April 26, 2007 Is the district compliant with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)? (Y/N) Y Please indicate below the person to contact for questions regarding this technology plan: Name: (print) Title: Mr. Christopher H. Kobik Director of Curriculum and Instruction E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (609) 884-3475 Signature: Date: 5/4/07 Superintendent/Lead Person Technology and Funding Plan Approval: District Superintendent/Lead Person: (print) Mr. Jack J. Pfizenmayer E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (609) 884-3475 Signature: Date: 5/4/07 County Coordinating Council Approval: Lead Agent: (print): Camden County Technology Coordinating Council E-mail: Phone: Signature: Date: Name & Title: Signature: Name & Title: County Superintendent Approval, letter attached Date: May 25, 2007 Date: Three-Year Technology Plan July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2010 Directions: Indicate in the PAGE # column of the template, the page number where the corresponding information can be found. Page # 1 Page # 2 Page # 4 4 6 7 7 8 8 13 13 I. Stakeholders Provide the title, name and signature of each member of the technology planning committee. It is expected that there will be representation from at least nine of the positions indicated on the stakeholder sample table. Please provide an explanation if there is not a minimum of nine members on the technology planning committee. II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Describe the school district's or charter school's vision or mission statement. III. TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW A. Technology 1. Provide an inventory of current technology networking and telecommunications equipment 2. Describe the technology inventory needed to improve student academic achievement through 2010 including, but not limited to: Plan for 2007-2008 and wish list for the next two years • Technology equipment and networking capacity • Software used for curricular support and filtering • Technology maintenance policy and plans • Telecommunications services • Technical support • Facilities infrastructure • Other services 3. Describe how the district integrates assistive technology devices into the network to accommodate student needs. 4. Describe how the district’s web site is accessible to all stakeholders (for example using Federal Accessibility Standards. 5. Describe the plan for replacing obsolete computers/technology and include the criteria for obsolescence. B. Cyber Safety 1. List the filtering method(s) used. (Note: Be specific as this is a federal mandate) 2. Identify the Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) used for students and staff and include a copy of the AUPs with the submission of this technology plan. 3. Explain how students are educated about online safety awareness. 4. Provide information on how parental resources regarding online safety are made available to parents. 19 25 25 Page # 26 27 27 28 28 C. Needs Assessment 1. Complete a needs assessment for educational technology in your school district or charter school. Begin by determining current status. Afterwards, determine the educational needs, prioritize the identified needs and establish necessary changes through goals and objectives. a. Evaluate staff's current practice in integrating technology across the curriculum. b. Provide a summary of teacher and library media personnel proficiency in the use of technology within the district. c. Determine the current educational environment and barriers by describing how: i. staff are assured access to technology to facilitate technology integration, ii. often students have access to technology in their learning environment, iii. the needs of staff are evaluated, iv. the needs of students are evaluated, v. past professional development addressed the staff and students' needs for technology integration, vi. past professional development for all administrators was provided to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library Media Center, vii. ongoing, sustained professional development was provided in 2006-2007 for all staff to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library Media Center, viii. ongoing, sustained professional development was provided in 2006-2007 for administrators to further support the effective use of technology in the classroom or library Media Center, ix. supports were provided for staff other than professional development, professional development needs and barriers related to using educational technology as part of instruction have been identified. 2. Based on the answers given above, indicate the needs of the district to improve academic achievement for all students through the integration of technology. 3. Prioritize the identified needs IV. THREE-YEAR GOALS AND OBJECTIVES A. History 1. List the goals from the 2004-07 plan. 2. Evaluate each goal from the previous plan, in one or two sentences, detailing each goal's success, or reasons for continuation, or issues preventing its success. 3. Describe any unexpected outcomes or benefits specifically linked to the educational technology in place. B. Goals and Objectives for 2007-2010 1. List and support the goals that continue from the ’04-‘07 plan. 2. Modify goals or write new goals to meet the needs identified from the assessments. Goals for '07-'10 should support district need and align with the state plan. 28 Page # 33 36 36 36 Page # 37 37 39 Page # 41 41 3. Add to the goals the specific objectives for integrating technology to improve student academic achievement aligned with NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards (including software and other electronically delivered learning materials). Also, include a timeline for such integration and the corresponding measures (also known as indicators) that are evidence that the goals or objectives have been achieved. V. THREE-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITY TABLES (July 2007 – June 2010) A. Describe the implementation strategies/activities that relate to the goals and objectives. Include in the description, the timeline, person responsible and documentation (or evidence) that will prove the activity occurred. B. Develop strategies to ensure that the technology plan addresses the use of technology, including assistive technology, to support the learning communities. C. Provide details of the process for meeting the NCLB requirement that all students be technologically literate by the end of grade eight. D. Identify specific telecommunications and information technologies and any other specific resources that are useful to reach the stated goal. VI. FUNDING PLAN (July 2007 – June 2008) A. Provide the anticipated costs for 2007-2008 and then indicate the projected funding for 2008-2010 of the technologies to be acquired and expenses such as hardware/software, digital curricula including NIMAS compliance, upgrades and other services including print media that will be needed to achieve the goals of this plan, including specific provisions for interoperability among components of such technologies to successfully achieve the goals of this plan. B. Indicate the federal, state, local and other sources of funds used to help ensure that students have access to technology and ensure that teachers are prepared to integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction C. Attach a copy of the board approval for this technology plan. Be sure it includes the budget for the first year of this plan. VII. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT A. Provide the name and title of the person responsible for coordinating the professional development activities noted in this plan. B. Describe the planned professional development activities for teachers, administrators, and school library media personnel that include: 1. How teachers and library media personnel have access to educational technology in their instructional areas (such as using desktops, mobile laptop and wireless units, PDAs). 2. How administrators have access to technology in their workplace (such as using desktops, mobile laptop and wireless units, PDAs). 3. How ongoing, sustained professional development for all administrators will be provided to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library Media Center. 4. How ongoing, sustained professional development for all staff will be provided to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library Media Center. 5. The professional development opportunities and resources that exist for technical staff. 44 45 46 Page # 46 6. How professional development is provided to all staff on the application of assistive technologies to support all students in their learning. C. Based on educators' proficiency and the identified needs for professional development, describe only the ongoing, sustained, high-quality professional development opportunities planned for 2007-2008 as it relates to the infusion of technology into the curricular process. Include a description of in-class support such as coaching that is used to ensure effective use of technology to improve learning. Also, include a description of the involvement of all partners associated with professional development for the district. D. Identify the financial and time resources to keep staff current in learning about new technologies. E. Project professional development activities that will continue to support identified needs through 2010, including all partners VIII. EVALUATION PLAN Describe the process and accountability measures that are used to regularly evaluate the extent to which goals, objectives, activities, resources and services are effective in 1. integrating technology into curricula and instruction, 2. enabling students to meet challenging state academic standards, and developing life-long learning skills. Three-Year District Technology Plan July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2010 I. Stakeholders Stakeholder Table Title Superintendent Name Jack Pfizenmayer Principal Joanne Goodman Technology Coordinator Steven Mueller Curriculum Director/Curriculum Committee Member Christopher Kobik Teacher Gregory Lasher Special Education Teacher Joan Dilling Library Media Specialist Janice Utsch Guidance Tara Samaniego Board Member Richard Hooyman Parent James Mendicino Student Rachel Utsch Community Member Joan Burkhardt Business Sector Representative* Frank Onorato Signature Other Titles HS Science Teacher Richard Demers Technology Support Gina Girone Special Education Teacher Cynthia Kline MS Science Teacher Lori Schulte Special Education Teacher Matthew Suter * Do not use a business member who may wish to provide the district with e-rate services. Providers of e-rate services should not be part of the committee’s make-up. Follow district and state ethics policy as it relates to conflict of interest. 1 Narrative (explanation if other members were part of the discussion, or if less than the required nine members were reported above): We involved more than the required amount of individuals because we wanted more participation from the instructional staff. II. Executive Summary Vision Statement The technological initiatives, as described in this document, are directed by our vision for educational reform. We believe that all students – regardless of gender, economic status, cultural heritage or individual level of ability and interest--can and must possess the habits of mind that demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for the interrelationships of all curricular areas and technology. We believe that their command of these content areas and processes is aided by the infusion of technology and is critical to their becoming productive citizens and life-long learners in an increasingly technical and global society. This vision is based on the District’s realization that: ¾ Knowledge is expanding faster than it can be assimilated. ¾ Schools must expand their delivery systems to include all technological communication resources. ¾ Instructional technology and telecommunications are an effective means of bringing needed world resources to the classroom. ¾ The use of educational technology is not an end in itself, but can expose students and teachers to a variety of tools for processing information, visualizing and solving problems, exploring and testing conjectures, accessing and synthesizing data, verifying solutions, thinking critically and making clear, concise decisions. ¾ Continuous, systemic staff development is essential to creating meaningful change and increasing student achievement. ¾ The classroom is not the only environment where students learn, nor are the teachers the only source of information. ¾ The goals of the stakeholders who comprise our community (i.e., students and parents; teachers, education support staff and administrators; business representatives; and concerned citizens) can neither be adversarial nor mutually exclusive. All must work together to ensure that students adapt and change to possess the necessary skills for success in a rapidly changing society. 2 ¾ The development of partnerships with businesses and institutions of higher education will provide the necessary support structure to insure that the curriculum and methodologies used are relevant for all students. An alliance of business partners must be built to support educational objectives for students, parents and staff to access the Internet from home and link each classroom in the Lower Cape May Regional School District with the world. ¾ Reform that is truly systemic requires all stakeholders to rethink the importance of the curriculum in everyday life and the relevance of technology in the curriculum. This threeyear Technology Plan, “Cape Connect II”, will afford us the opportunity to develop technological centers of learning that will improve student achievement; improve the quality of instruction; provide equitable access; increase parent involvement in their child’s learning; and become a model for supporting life-long learning among parents and other community members. It will also empower the community to become an active partner in educational improvement. 3 III. Technology Overview A. Technology 1. Provide an inventory of current technology networking and telecommunications equipment. (See Appendix) 2. Describe the technology inventory needed to improve student academic achievement through 2010 including, but not limited to: Plan for 2007-2008 and wish list for the next two years. Three-Year Technology Plan Inventory Table Area of Need Technology Equipment and Network Capacity Describe for 2007 Describe for 2008-09 Describe for 2009-10 Maintain the current student-to-computer ratio by replacing laptops and desktops deemed obsolete by current standards. Increase the number of interactive White Boards and computer projectors in the classroom. Increase the number of interactive student response systems in the classroom. Add color copiers. Maintain the current student-to-computer ratio by replacing laptops and desktops deemed obsolete by current standards. Increase the number of interactive White Boards and computer projectors in the classroom. Increase the number of interactive student response systems in the classroom. Improve the current student-to-computer ratio by adding laptops and desktops. Upgrade computers and equipment used for video editing by TV Media classes. Replace two servers. Add additional Network Attached Storage to increase storage capability of all network accounts. Complete infrastructure upgrade to minimum 100 MB/s switched to the desktop with 1 GB backbone. Increase Internet Bandwidth to 6 MB/s. Replace two servers. Begin wireless network upgrade to 802.11n standard. Add more 1 GB/s connections to the desktop. 4 Continue to implement 802.11n wireless network standard. Explore Thin Client technology. Three-Year Technology Plan Inventory Table Area of Need Describe for 2007 Kurzweil 3000 Licensing, Microsoft Office 2007 Licensing and Server support for collaboration,, Learning Series, Exam View, Power School’s PowerGrade for online grade and assignment reporting, curriculum mapping software, digital Software used for textbook support for curricular support and special needs filtering students. Upgrade to latest iLife version for Macs. McAfee Total Protection for Small Business Anti-Virus, Sonic Wall Premium Web Content Filter, Gateway Anti-Virus, Gateway Spyware Filter, Barracuda SPAM and e-mail filter. Technology maintenance policy and plans Annual renewal of Dell certifications by district technicians to maintain most computer hardware in house. Renewal of existing annual support agreements for PowerSchool Student Information System and other software. Describe for 2008-09 Describe for 2009-10 Begin upgrade of computers to Microsoft Vista Operating System, Dell Learning System Curriculum Renewal, Safari Montage Video Server update, Microsoft Office 2007 Licensing and Server support for collaboration, GEPA/HSPA Math and English Prep software. Learning Series Exam View Complete upgrade of computers to Microsoft Vista Operating System, replacement software for PLATO Pathways English HSPA prep and ISI Math HSPA prep, software for Science HSPA prep, Learning Series Exam View, upgrade to latest iLife version for MACs. Annual renewal of Dell certifications by district technicians to maintain most computer hardware in house. Renewal of existing annual support agreements for PowerSchool Student Information System and other software. Annual renewal of Dell certifications by district technicians to maintain most computer hardware in house. Renewal of existing annual support agreements for PowerSchool Student Information System and other software. McAfee Total Protection for Small Business AntiVirus, Sonic Wall McAfee Total Protection Premium Web Content for Small Business Anti- Filter, Gateway Anti-Virus, Virus, Sonic Wall Gateway Spyware Filter, Premium Web Content Barracuda SPAM and eFilter, Gateway Antimail filter. Virus, Gateway Spyware Filter, Barracuda SPAM and email filter. 5 Three-Year Technology Plan Inventory Table Area of Need Describe for 2007 Describe for 2008-09 Purchase desktop Web cams for instant video messaging over the Internet. Purchase desktop Web cams for instant video messaging over the Internet. Purchase desktop Web cams for instant video messaging over the Internet. Maintain current status. This includes the upgrade to our phone call log system. Voice-Over IP (VOIP) PBX upgrade. Replace existing phones with VOIP phones. Add VOIP phones to all classrooms. Technical Support In-house In-house In-house Facilities – infrastructure including central telephone & security systems Additional Fiber connections between buildings for video (and redundancy for data). Upgrade DVR Video Surveillance. Complete DVR Video Surveillance. Telecommunications Services 3. Describe for 2009-10 Describe how the district integrates assistive technology devices into the network to accommodate student needs. The Lower Cape May Regional School District currently uses several different assistive technology devices and software to help meet the needs of its student population. Currently among them, but not limited to, are Cast e-Reader, Kurzweil 3000, CoWriter, Intellitalk, and a picture-to-speech device. Cast e-Reader is a text-to-speech software program that specializes in reading Web pages to students through its own built-in browser. It can be used with students who are below reading level in inclusion classes to help special needs students stay on pace with the rest of the class or in a Special Education Resource environment to help teach reading skills. Kurzweil 3000 is a text-to-speech software program designed to take any written text and convert it into an audio file through its OCR scan software. It will also convert any digital document such as a Word or PDF file. It can be used with students who are below reading level in inclusion classes to help special needs students stay on pace with the rest of the class or in a Special Education Resource environment to help teach reading skills. Co-Writer is a word prediction software that helps students with limited vocabulary or writing skills write at a higher grade level. It is primarily used in a Resource classroom to help improve the writing skills of students who are significantly below level. Intellitalk is an assistive technology tool for curriculum access for students with disabilities. It is a talking word processor that allows students to combine graphics, text, and speech to support and enhance writing and communication skills. 6 The picture-to-speech device is a self-contained device using the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) to aid in the verbal communication of a student with severe disabilities that prevent the student from being audible. Through an IEP, 504 or counselor conference, a plan is developed. Parents are involved whenever possible. School staff receive professional development on Assistive Technology through summer in-service, team and department meetings, and faculty meetings. 4. Describe how the district integrates assistive technology devices into the network to accommodate student needs. 5. Describe the plan for replacing obsolete computers/technology and include the criteria for obsolescence. The district purchases new computers/technology each year. The newest computers are placed in areas of highest use or located to fit specifically identified needs. The redistributed computers are then imaged and placed in a less demanding environment until they are deemed unsuitable for that use. They are relocated several times before eventually reaching obsolescence. There is no set hardware requirement for determining obsolescence. Computers/technologies remain in service until the district can no longer find a use for them. 7 A desktop computer is considered to be obsolete when it can no longer meet the minimum hardware requirements to run the current software the district is using. For most desktops, this is about six years of service. A laptop computer is considered to be obsolete when it is two years beyond warranty. New laptops are purchased with a three-year warranty. This limits a laptop to a five-year life expectancy. Some computers are removed early and used as parts to support the remaining computers. The Kiwanis Club of Lower Township purchases old computers to donate to needy families. When computers/technologies are completely obsolete, our district contacts local recycling for proper disposal. B. Cyber Safety 1. List the filtering method(s) used. Web content is filtered using SonicWall Premium Content Filter, filtered at the Internet gateway via SonicWall 3060 Firewall Appliance. The SonicWall filters based on categories, custom black and white lists, file type, and port usage. Active Directory is used to enforce that all student Internet traffic is routed through the SonicWall and network settings can’t be changed. Student activity is periodically monitored using NetSupport School to find holes in the filter. NetSupport can also be used to filter the Internet to only approved sites or temporarily deny access for specific computers. A separate SPAM filter, Barracuda, is used to filter inappropriate material distributed through e-mail. Northern Quota Server is used to filter student files saved on the network, based on file types. 2. Identify the Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) used for students and staff and include a copy of the AUPs with the submission of this technology plan. 8 LOWER CAPE MAY REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION Cape May, New Jersey 08204-4697 Policy File Code: 6164.7 INTERNET USE POLICY The Lower Cape May Regional Board of Education believes that the Internet offers vast, diverse, and unique resources to both students and teachers. Our goal in providing this service to teachers and students is to promote educational excellence in schools by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. The Internet is an electronic highway connecting thousands of computers all over the world and millions of individual subscribers. With access to computers and people all over the world also comes the availability of material that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of the school setting. Therefore, the Lower Cape May Regional Board of Education has authorized the Superintendent to institute precautions that would restrict access to controversial materials. The smooth operation of the network relies upon the proper conduct of the end users who must adhere to strict guidelines. These guidelines are provided here so that staff and students are aware of the responsibilities they are about to acquire. In general this requires efficient, ethical and legal utilization of the network resources. If any violation of the established regulations occurs, access privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action may be taken. Approved for 1st reading: December 20, 1995 Approved for 2nd reading: June 26, 1997 Page 1 of 1 9 LOWER CAPE MAY REGIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION Cape May, New Jersey 08204-4697 Regulation File Code: 6164.7 INTERNET USE – TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Acceptable Use – The purpose of the Internet, is to support research and education in and among academic institutions in the U.S. by providing access to unique resources and the opportunity for collaborative work. The use of an Internet account must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of the Lower Cape May Regional School District. Therefore: A. Transmission of any material in violation of any U.S. or state regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret. B. Use for commercial activities is not acceptable. C. Use for product advertisement, personal business, or political lobbying is also prohibited. 2. Privileges – The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of those privileges. Each person who applies for and receives an Internet account will be in-serviced on the proper use of the network. The building administration will decide what is inappropriate use and their decision may be appealed to the superintendent. The administration of the Lower Cape May Regional School District may deny, revoke, or suspend specific user accounts based on a determination of inappropriate use. 3. Network Etiquette - You are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include (but are not limited to) the following: A. Be polite. Do not send or display offensive messages and/or pictures. B. Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language. Illegal activities are strictly forbidden. C. Do not reveal personal addresses or phone numbers of students or colleagues. D. Note that electronic mail (e-mail) is not guaranteed to be private. People who operate the system do have access to all mail. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the authorities. E. Do not use the network in such a way that would disrupt the use of the network by other users. F. All communications and information accessible via the network should be assumed to be private property. Page 1 of 2 10 INTERNET USE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) File Code: 6164.7 4. Lower Cape May Regional School District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing and will not be responsible for any damages suffered. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by its own negligence or user errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the user's own risk. Lower Cape May Regional School District specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services. 5. Security - Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. A. When a security problem on the Internet is identified, an administrator should be immediately notified. B. Use of another individual's account without written permission from that individual is prohibited. C. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access to Internet. 6. Vandalism – Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user, Internet, or any of the above listed agencies or other networks that are connected to the NSFNET Internet backbone. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses. Any student violation of these conditions will result in disciplinary action as defined in the district's disciplinary code. Page 2 of 2 11 INTERNET USE AGREEMENT STUDENT I understand and will abide by the Internet Use Agreement. I further understand that any violation of the regulations is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. In addition, access privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary action (including suspension and removal from present courses with a failing grade) and/or appropriate legal action may be taken. Student's Name (PLEASE PRINT): Student's Signature: Date: PARENT/GUARDIAN As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Internet Use Agreement. I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes. Lower Cape May Regional School District has taken precautions to eliminate controversial material. However, I also recognize it is impossible for the Lower Cape May Regional School District to restrict access to all controversial materials and I will not hold them responsible for materials acquired on the network. Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision if and when my child's use is not in a school setting. I hereby give permission to issue an account for my child and certify that the information contained on this form is correct. Parent's/Guardian's Name (PLEASE PRINT): Signature: Date: SPONSORING TEACHER (Must be signed if the applicant is a student.) I have read the Internet Use Agreement and agree to promote this agreement with the student. Because the student may use the network for individual work or in the context of another class, I cannot be held responsible for the student use of the network. As the sponsoring teacher I do agree to instruct the student on acceptable use of the network and proper network etiquette. Teacher's Name (PLEASE PRINT): Signature: Date: EMPLOYEE As an employee of the Lower Cape May Regional School District, I have read and understand the Internet Use Agreement. I also understand that this access is designed for educational purposes. Lower Cape May Regional School District has taken precautions to eliminate controversial material and to restrict access to all controversial materials. I also realize the severe penalties attached to using the Internet inappropriately and that implementation of those penalties will follow due process. My signature indicates a desire to be issued an account and acceptance of the responsibilities that come with its use. Employee's Name (PLEASE PRINT): Employee's Signature: Date: 12 3. Explain how students are educated about online safety awareness. All seventh-grade students (first year in our district) receive a thirty-day course that encompasses New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards 8.1.4.B.2-4 and 8.1.8.B.3-5. The course also introduces students to their own student network folder. Key courses throughout the curriculum at each grade level (7-12) reinforce these Standards. All instructional staff have specific, written guidelines in their faculty manuals that provide guidance on how to support online safety policies and procedures. Additional periodic in-service ensures that staff are cognizant of safety issues and capable of addressing them. 4. Provide information on how parental resources regarding online safety are made available to parents. The district has offered parents guest speakers on online safety issues through the Parent Advisory Committee the past two years. The Parent Resource page on the district Web site contains several links to online safety resources. The Parent/Student Handbook includes the District Internet Safety Policy. This requires a parental acknowledgement through signature. 13 4 District Information LCMR High School RMT Junior High School Parent Resources Find out more about School Maestro or some Additional Resource Links such as: Google, High School Sports Schedules, NJ College & Universities, and more. News & Events Adult Education Faculty Resources Student Resources The relationship between the parent, the teacher and the student is very important for the student’s growth at the Lower Cape May Regional School District. This section of our website is dedicated to providing useful tools and information for our students’ parents. Parent Resources - School Maestro - Additional Links Additional Resources Directions Contact Us Here are some helpful tips below to help you work with your child through the school year. If you are seeking more tips, we urge you to have a look at the parent tips section of This site provides information on preparing, homework, avoiding conflicts and planning for the future for K-12 schools. Senior Parents This is a tough and hectic time for every parent. Your child is now faced with several options with what they want to continue to do with their life after High School is finished. Although your child may change their decisions frequently help guide them by supplying information about the subject they are interested in. Many of the seniors are faced with the question of, "What college is the right choice for me?" In the additional links section, you will find helpful resources that can help you and your child find the right college. If you find there is any additional information that you think would be helpful for the LCMR School District to post under the Parent Resources, please use our contact page and let us know about this resource. © 1998-2007 Lower Cape May Regional School District. All Rights Reserved. 14 Intro | Privacy Policy | Site Map 2 District Information LCMR High School RMT Junior School High News & Events Adult Education Faculty Resources Parent Links New Jersey School Board Association Attention Parents: Find out how state and federal actions affect you. – Actions taken by the state and federal government often have a profound effect on the quality and cost of public education. The NJSBA Citizen Action Project, a grassroots information and advocacy network established by the New Jersey School Boards Association, instantly alerts parents as issues emerge that impact them as taxpayers or affect the education of their children. - School Maestro This free service also provides a quick and easy way for citizens to express their opinion in time to influence the outcome of events in the state and nation's capital. To join the NJSBA Citizen Action Project, go to and click on the Citizen Action Project tab. Fill in the fields and hit the "submit" button. You will soon receive your free grassroots advocacy kit in the mail and begin to get emailed reports on government activities. - Additional Links School Safety & Security Associated Resources Student Resources Parent Resources Additional Resources Directions Contact Us Creating Safe and Drug-Free Schools: Table of Contents Conflict Resolution Early Warning, Time Response: A Guide to Safe Schools FEMA:Combat Truancy Manual on Uniforms National Association of School Resource Officers NJ Attorney General's: School Search & Seizure Preventing Youth Hate Crime Renew Center for Personal Recovery - Grief Counseling Ribbon of Promise - End School Violence Safe and Drug-Free Schools News Update Security On Campus U.S. Dept of Edu for Civil Rights: Sexual Harassment: U.S. Dept of Edu - Safe & Drug-Free Schools Program Education Agencies and Organizations Education Law Association Phi Delta Kappa Home Page Secondary School Educators - Resources U.S. Department of Education The Council of Educational Facility Planners, International America Goes Back to School: Get Involved! The U. S. Department of Education has on their home page all the information you need to launch an America Goes Back to School: Get Involved partnership in your community. The full text of the 15 Partners' Activity Guide, including useful tips on how to involve community partners in your efforts, is available. American Library Association (ALA): Resources for Parents & Kids The American Library Association (ALA) is the oldest, largest, and most influential library association in the world. This page provides several resources for parents, including: (1) The Librarians Guide to Cyberspace for Parents & Kids, (2) the Parents Page: Library Connections for Parents, and (3) Links for Parents and Caregivers. Users can also link to the 50+ Great sites for Kids and Parents, as voted by librarians who work with children and the Web everyday. Child Safety on the Information Highway Presents the full text of a brochure produced by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the Interactive Services Association. The brochure discusses benefits and risks of the Information Highway; ways parents can reduce the risks for their children; and rules for children's online Safety. Family Education Network The purpose of the Family Education Network (FEN) is to provide education information, resources, and services for families; connect parents with experts and other parents for advice and support; and empower parents to speak out on education issues. It is designed as on online community center for parents with children up to age 18. The site features the following sections: Learning at School, Learning at Home, Learning Tools, Learning Activities, Learning for Kids, Special Needs, and Issues and Action. An online discussion area is also available. FANS Project FANS is a family outreach project. FANS stands for "Families Achieving the New Standards" in Mathematics, Science and Technology. Help Your Child Explore Math Intended to help you make the most of your child's natural curiosity. Teaching and learning are not mysteries that can only happen in school. They also happen when parents and children do simple things together. Kids Connect @ the Library This part of the American Library Association Web site is devoted to parents and children. 16 LD Online The interactive guide to learning disabilities for parents, teachers and children. Many resources for Attention Deficits, Dyslexics, others. MedicineNet A network of doctors producing comprehensive, up-to-date health information for the public. Museums & Learning A New Guide for Fun, Engaging Activities for Families. National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education The National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education (NCPIE) is dedicated to developing effective family/school partnerships in schools throughout America. The NCPIE mission is to advocate for the involvement of parents and families in their children's education and to foster relationships between home, school, and community that can enhance the education of all our nation's young people. National Parent Information Network (NPIN) A monthly electronic magazine with news, information, and resources for parents and those who work with parents. National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) This site includes descriptions of PTA publications arranged by subject headings; PTA Issues and Initiatives; a PTA Calendar of Events; and links to local and state PTA Organizations. NJ Parent Teachers Association (NJ PTA) For over 100 years, PTA's mission has been to encourage parental and public involvement in the public schools. Involvement means advocating for children and youth at all levels ... the local school ... the district ... the city ... the state ... the nation. Parents' Guide to the Information Superhighway Rules and Tools for Families Online. Parents, School Safety & Security Services Ten practical things parents can do to assess school security and crisis preparedness from a parent's 17 perspective specifically for the 2002 National PTA Convention. PTA Central A central information resource for PTA groups, PTO groups and other school related parent teacher organizations. The goal of this website is to provide information and insight on an array of issues facing today’s schools. From school fundraising to regional Parent Teacher Association contacts to classroom initiatives, the online resources below provide additional insight into these issues, as well as many other important concerns facing our school communities. 18 C. Needs Assessment 1. Complete a needs assessment for educational technology in your school district or charter school. Begin by determining current status. Afterwards, determine the educational needs, prioritize the identified needs, and establish necessary changes through goals and objectives. The technology committee developed and administered a survey to the instructional staff based on the National Educational Technology Standards and the New Jersey Core Content Curriculum Standards. The committee reviewed progress on the past plan, the district Professional development Plan and shared their own experiences from working in their various roles in the organization. After two meetings a draft of the assessment was shared for review and revision. a. Evaluate staff’s current practice in integrating technology across the curriculum. Currently our staff is using technology in all areas. Secretarial and office staff use “Vista” student management information system on a daily basis for record keeping and production of data such as attendance, discipline records, home records, and state and federal reports. They also process communication representing their various offices via e-mail, word documents, excel files, and presentation related software such as “PowerPoint” and “Photoshop”. In the Business office personnel also communicate frequently with this software. Unique to their role is “CORT” and “SMART” software for managing payroll and the district budget. Similarly, “Tracker” software is used for the unique needs of processing information relative to classified students. VEDS software is used to track students involved in vocational programs. Administrators make use of all of the above mentioned software. In addition this group uses “Global Connect” which is a strategic voice broadcasting notification system used to communicate with parents and other stakeholders en masse. On line systems such as NJ SMART and EWEG are also used in conjunction with the NJ Homeroom Site. An in-house camera security system is used for monitoring and recording incidents on campus. PCS point of sale revenue control system is used by food services staff during lunch. This collects and aggregates data for state and federal reporting while maintaining student confidentiality. In transportation, “Trips” software helps develop bus routes and schedules. Digital Video Recorders on all new buses provide Assistant Principals with behavioral information. Mechanics use laptop diagnostics as they service engines. Maintenance staff depends on computers to monitor and regulate our heating, air conditioning, sprinkler and alarm systems. Technology also runs our call logs, voice mail and door security systems. All users frequently access the web and use e-mail for information related to their daily tasks. The district houses a public education government channel that is used for community and in-house broadcasts. A highlight is the student produced weekly shows at the High School and Middle School. This system is managed through a web based management and video delivery system. Facilities include electronic pass key access doors with remote cameras viewable in the main office. 19 b. Provide a summary of teacher and library media personnel proficiency in the use of technology within the district. Teachers reported valuable information on their surveys that allowed us to map the NJCCCS Technology Standards throughout the District Curriculum. We added our personal observations; those from our team of technology trainers and assistants were particularly helpful. We discovered a relatively high level of technological literacy among the instructional staff. This staff has continued to grow in it’s proficiency due to ongoing, sustained professional development, daily use and their own ambition. Each day all teachers use on-line grading, attendance and e-mail. Approximately twenty percent of the staff posts grades and comments on the Internet. Ten percent have their own active web pages that are linked to the District website. Approximately forty-five percent of staff members use presentation software for instruction on a regular basis. The vast majority of the instructional staff uses our mobile wireless laptop carts for instruction on a regular basis. Staff workshops and building based technology support personnel have helped staff design standards based learning experiences using technology to enhance thinking and learning. All new revisions to district curriculum are done electronically by teachers. Teachers frequently review student performance data aggregated by Excel. The district has just established a dedicated server for viewing professional development programs through their computers. Staff has also begun to use the DELL Learning System which contains video-tutorials on a host of software applications. Safari Montage is a multimedia server loaded with standards-aligned video clips on demand which teachers use to support visual learning and enhance their lessons. Staff members are aware of assistive technology resources and use them. Staff regularly accesses the school Media Centers as they help students develop information literacy while meeting their core subject requirements. Technology is an integral part of the library Media Center program from student instruction through collection management. Student instruction is assisted through the use of laptop computers with computer projectors. Among other things, the projectors allow for classroom discussions of web sites, Power Point presentations, and the demonstration of on-line research techniques. The Media Centers subscribe to several Internet databases, including EBSCOhost, Infotrac, and Grolier Online. Students are taught research techniques and strategies using these sources. The Media Center staff also provides teacher in-service programs on the use of these subscription databases. Each Media Center has desktop computers with Internet access. The Media Center staff members monitor student use of the computers both directly and through Net Support. Net Support is also used for student instruction as it allows the instructor to control student computers and send information and Internet pages to student computers. The Media Centers maintain collections of books-on-tape, Playaways, videotapes and DVDs which support the curriculum. Video streaming is available through the Safari Montage system. The Media Center staff provides teacher in-service training on searching the Safari database and using a laptop and projector for classroom viewing. 20 Each of our Media Centers maintains WebPages. These pages provide links to the subscription databases, links to teacher-assigned research sites, web quests, and many other curriculum related Internet resources. Our District wide OPAC is web-based and linked from the Media Center web pages. Using Follett’s Destiny program, the entire circulation system, catalog and inventory are automated. Our Media Centers are members of the state-wide JerseyCat inter-library loan system. Students and staff members have access to this collection from the Media Center web page, where they are able to submit requests for materials from outside libraries. The Media Center staff processes inter-library loan requests both for borrowing materials from other libraries and sending our materials to requesting libraries. The Media Center staff members are trained in several video support services. These include use of VHS and digital video cameras, recording VHS and digital video to DVD format, and off-air video recording. The Media Center staff and Tech team are responsible for closed-circuit television broadcasting of video programs. All routine office management is accomplished using Microsoft Office. Budget management, purchase order preparation, signage, and routine reports are all performed in MS Office. E-mail using Microsoft Outlook is the preferred method of communicating with other staff members. Media Center staff members have been trained to assist students and teaching staff members using scanners and printers. The daily use of technology in our Media Centers has been the norm for many years. c. Determine the current educational environment and barriers by describing how: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. staff are assured access to technology to facilitate technology integration, often students have access to technology in their learning environment, the needs of staff are evaluated, the needs of the students are evaluated, past professional development addressed the staff and students' needs for technology integration, past professional development for all administrators was provided to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library Media Center, ongoing, sustained professional development was provided in 20062007 for all staff to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library Media Center, ongoing, sustained professional development was provided in 20062007 for administrators to further support the effective use of technology in the classroom or library Media Center, supports were provided for staff other than professional development, professional development needs and barriers related to using educational technology as part of instruction have been identified 21 Descriptors Current Educational Environment Barriers i. Staff are assured access to technology to facilitate technology integration Each teacher has their own laptop and at least one PC in their classroom that is Internet accessible. Some rooms have projectors and electronic Smartboards. Some staff have pocket PC’s. Teachers have access to the Dell Learning System, Safari Montage and many Media Center information resources. Teacher faculty rooms are equipped with computers and Internet access. Technology is constantly changing and because of budget restraints, it is difficult to upgrade our equipment every five years ii. Often students have access to technology in their learning environment Our Media Centers are equipped with (30 RMT and 70 HS desktop) computers. We have 29 mobile wireless laptop carts for teachers to use in their classrooms. All Business, Practical Arts, and Technology Application classrooms are fully equipped with computers, printers and projectors (11). Nine other classrooms are equipped with Smartboards. There is a computer-assisted Drafting Lab and a full TV Media Production Studio and associated classrooms. Students use MIDI and composition software in music classes. Maintaining laptop/ lab inventory while adding new technologies tests the limit of our budget. iii. The needs of staff are evaluated Through a Needs Assessment Survey and Professional Development Survey using “Profiler-Pro”, and through a careful review of student performance data, we can also see areas where staff need assistance. Finally, staff needs are communicated through the annual Professional Improvement Plan process. Some staff are reluctant to respond to surveys. Time. iv. The needs of Through a Needs Assessment that includes the students are student performance data based on a evaluated assessment of eighth grade technological literacy, teacher, parent and counselor feedback. Student needs are constantly discussed and shared through team and department meetings. Outside assessments including the HSTW visitations and CAPA review also identified needs. 22 Keeping students engaged in their learning. Student academic achievement. Parents need more “connections” to the schools. Descriptors Current Educational Environment Barriers v. Past professional development addressed the staff and students' needs for technology integration Ongoing, sustained professional development occurred on a daily basis through two full-time technology trainers and three computer technician/network administrators. An additional staff member was dedicated to supporting the staff using the student information, payroll, bookkeeping, and budget systems. This system of support has helped the staff flourish in their ability to integrate technology into instruction. Additional programs included weekly after-school “Tech Times” and “Lunch ‘N Learn” sessions hosted by our media specialists and open to any staff member. These sessions helped staff practice with new software and receive periodic assistance throughout the year. We trained staff in which is designed to help students prepare for the HSPA and GEPA. Staff received summer and in-service training on Web page design, using handhelds, Geometer’s Sketchpad, and net support. Some staff enthusiastically accept any opportunity for professional development while others do not. vi. Past professional development for all administrators was provided to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library Media Center District Administrators accessed the same professional development resources available to the staff. Their attendance at state and national conferences included NJ ELITE. Administrators can’t always attend workshops and meetings. 23 Descriptors Current Educational Environment vii. ongoing, sustained professional development was provided in 2006-2007 for all staff to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library Media Center Ongoing, sustained professional development occurred on a daily basis through two full-time technology trainers and three computer technician/network administrators. An additional staff member was dedicated to supporting the staff using the student information, payroll, bookkeeping, and budget systems. Additional programs included weekly after school “Tech Times” and “Lunch N’ Learn” sessions hosted by our media specialists and open to any staff member. These sessions helped staff practice with new software and resources. Some teaching staff became “resident experts” on specific software such as the on-line grading system. They provided workshops after school, in the summer and during scheduled in-service. Two Saturday workshops introduced staff to new Promethian Smartboards. viii. ongoing, Administrators enjoyed all of the same professional development opportunities sustained professional provided to the instructional staff. development was provided in 2006-2007 for all administrators to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library Media Center ix. Supports were provided for staff other than professional development All Staff have access to “Help Desk”. The schools are organized into teams and departments to provide collegial support. Two building-based tech support staff work with teachers as they implement technologybased instruction. 24 Barriers Descriptors x. Professional development needs and barriers related to using educational technology as part of instruction have been identified 2. 3. Current Educational Environment Barriers If you ask a teacher a question you will get an Frequency of answer. Our staff frequently communicates its formal training. need for more time for collaborative planning and professional development during the Training Costs contractual day. Based on the answers given above, indicate the needs of the district to improve academic achievement for all students through the integration of technology. • Interactive white boards • Student response systems • All students need to be proficient in the Core Curriculum Content Standards • Internet resources like those available through the Internet2 K-20 Initiative • Maintain computer inventory • Digital presenters, document cameras, and related software • On-line portals for professional development • Web-based notification system • Internet-based video conferencing for staff and students like “Ellumination” or “Global Nomads Group” • Internet-based assessment systems for improving student writing like “Vantage Learning” • E-portfolios standardized for all students • Upgrade network capacity • Implement PowerSchool Student Information Management System • Continue with a wide range of professional development opportunities that introduce, reinforce and extend learning until it becomes embedded in professional practice and benefits all students Prioritize the identified needs. The priorities are reflected in our Objectives, Activity Tables, and Funding Plan. 25 IV. THREE-YEAR GOALS AND OBJECTIVES A. History 1. Goals and Objectives – July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2007 Goal 1: To enable all students to acquire the mathematical skills, understandings, and attitudes that they will need to be successful in their careers and daily lives as demonstrated by a 10% increase in percentage of students passing the Math portion of the GEPA and HSPA yearly (June 2005 – June 2007). Objective 1A: Students will use Math Connections to develop a strong number sense by practicing counting, number recognition, less and equal and number order. Objective 1B: Students will collect graph and analyze data using graphing programs designed specifically for students in grades 7-12 using Geometer’s Sketch Pad and Algebra in Motion. Objective 1C: Students will develop logical thinking and problem solving skills by exploring simulations and applications. Goal 2: All students will understand and apply the knowledge of sounds, letters, and words in written English to become independent and fluent readers, and will read a variety of materials and texts with fluency and comprehension, and students will write in clear, concise, and organized language by June 2007. Objective 2A: Students will locate various sources of information to research and create materials for presentations. Objective 2B: Students will communicate neatly, clearly and effectively and create presentation products using PowerPoint and video editing software. Objective 2C: Students will generate a variety of written products (narratives, letters, poems, reports, essays and reports) using Microsoft Word. Objective 2D: Students will share published pieces with other students. 26 2. 3. Goal 3: All students will develop problem-solving, decision-making and inquiry skills, reflected by formulating usable questions and hypotheses, planning experiments, conducting systematic observations, interpreting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and communicating results, students will develop an understanding of how people of various cultures have contributed to the advancement of science and technology, students will gain an understanding of the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe and all students will develop an understanding of the environment by June 2007. Objective 3A: Students will search for solutions to scientific problems and evaluate results by using simulation programs. Objective 3B: Students will observe and analyze scientific experiences using sensor and probe data acquisition. Objective 3C: Students will research scientific concepts using electronic databases and on-line services to locate information. Objective 3D: Students will organize, analyze and present scientific information using databases and presentation tools. Evaluation – July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2007 a. Mathematics performance as measured by the GEPA improved by 8.6%. On the HSPA, performance improved by 1.7%. It is important to note that the High School made AYP. We believe this goal should continue as we expand the use of mathematics software and hardware including interactive whiteboards. b. Multiple measures including revised curricula, teacher and administrator observations and a review of student work indicate that we are making progress on this goal. We believe it should continue given more specific measurable criteria. c. Multiple measures including revised curricula, teacher and administrator observations and a review of student work indicate that we are making progress on this goal. We believe it should continue given more specific measurable criteria. Unexpected Outcomes – July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2007 State funding was stagnant and Federal entitlement program money decreased. 27 B. Goals and Objectives for 2007-2010 1. Goals and Objectives – July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2010 New goals have been developed that include the infusion of technology into all curricula areas. 2. Goals and Objectives and correlating NJ Core Content Curriculum Standards Goal 1: To enable all students to acquire the mathematical skills, understandings, and attitudes that they will need to be successful in their careers and daily lives as demonstrated by a 10% increase in percentage of students passing the Math portion of the GEPA and HSPA yearly (June 2007 – June 2010). Objective 1A: Students will make appropriate use of interactive calculators, graphing calculators, Excel, and related software to demonstrate their understanding each year. 8.1.8A, 10 Use network resources for storing and retrieving data. 8.1.8B, 8 Use computer applications to modify information independently and/or collaboratively to solve problems. 8.1.8B, 10 Determine when technology tools are appropriate to solve a problem and make a decision. 8.1.12A, 3 Construct a spreadsheet, enter data, use mathematical or logical functions to manipulate and process data, generate charts and graphs, and interpret the results. 8.1.12A, 4 Given a database, define fields, input data from multiple records, produce a report using sort and query, and interpret the data. Objective 1B: Students will use interactive whiteboards, tablets and student response systems to demonstrate their understanding in grades 7 and 8 Math, Pre-Algebra, and Algebra by June 2009. 8.1.8A, 3 Demonstrate effective input of text and data, using touch keyboarding with proper technique. 8.1.8A, 4 Input and access data and text efficiently and accurately through proficient use of other input devices, such as the mouse. 28 8.1.12A, 3 Construct a spreadsheet, enter data, use mathematical or logical functions to manipulate and process data, generate charts and graphs, and interpret the results. 8.1.12B, 9 Create and manipulate information, independently and/or collaboratively, to solve problems and design and develop products. Objective 1C: Students will demonstrate a 10% increase in achievement as measured by teacher-made benchmark assessments given three times each year on the Standards indicated in 1A and 1B. Objective 1D: District Mathematics curriculum will be electronically mapped and aligned with Standards 8.1 and 8.2 by June 2009. Goal 2: All students will understand and apply the knowledge of sounds, letters, and words in written English to become independent and fluent readers, and will read a variety of materials and texts with fluency and comprehension, and students will write in clear, concise, and organized language by June 2010. Objective 2A: Students will access and use the Internet and electronic databases to research and create products for presentations and reports relative to Language Arts Literacy Standard 3.2.12D, 1-7, each year. 8.1.8A, 2 Use common features of an operating system (e.g., creating and organizing files and folders). 8.1.8A, 3 Demonstrate effective input of text and data, using touch keyboarding with proper technique. 8.1.8A, 4 Input and access data and text efficiently and accurately through proficient use of other input devices, such as the mouse. 8.1.8A, 5 Create documents with advanced text-formatting and graphics using word processing. 8.1.8A, 6 Create a file containing customized information by merging documents. 8.1.8A, 7 Construct a simple spreadsheet, enter data, and interpret the information. 29 8.1.8A, 8 Design and produce a basic multimedia project. 8.1.8A, 9 Plan and create a simple database, define fields, input data, and produce a report using sort and query. 8.1.8A, 10 Use network resources for storing and retrieving data. 8.1.8A, 11 Choose appropriate electronic graphic organizers to create, construct, or design a document. 8.1.8A, 12 Create, organize and manipulate shortcuts. 8.1.8B, 6 Choose appropriate tools and information resources to support research and solve real world problems, including but not limited to: h On-line resources and databases h Search engines and subject directories 8.1.8B, 7 Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness of print and non-print electronic information sources. 8.1.8B, 8 Use computer applications to modify information independently and/or collaboratively to solve problems. 8.1.12A, 1 Create a multi-page document with citations using word processing software in conjunction with other tools that demonstrates the ability to format, edit, and print. 8.1.12A, 2 Create documents including a resume and a business letter using professional format. 8.1.12A, 6 Produce and edit page layouts in different formats using desktop publishing and graphics software. 8.1.12A, 7 Develop a document or file for inclusion into a website or web page. 8.1.12A, 9 Merge information from one document to another. 8.1.12B, 2 Exhibit legal and ethical behaviors when using information and technology, and discuss consequences of misuse. 8.1.12B, 4 Use appropriate language when communicating with diverse audiences using computer and information literacy. 8.1.12B, 5 Select and use specialized databases for advanced research to solve real world problems. 30 8.1.12B, 6 Identify new technologies and other organizational tools to use in personal, home, and/or work environments for information retrieval, entry, and presentation. 8.1.12B, 7 Evaluate information sources for accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness. Objective 2B: Students will develop and maintain electronic portfolios that catalogue and share examples of their work in 2A as they progress from grades 7-12. (8.1.12A) 8.1.8A, 1 Use appropriate technology vocabulary. 8.1.8A, 2 Use common features of an operating system (e.g., creating and organizing files and folders). 8.1.8A, 3 Demonstrate effective input of text and data, using touch keyboarding with proper technique. 8.1.8A, 4 Input and access data and text efficiently and accurately through proficient use of other input devices, such as the mouse. 8.1.8A, 5 Create documents with advanced text-formatting and graphics using word processing. 8.1.8A, 6 Create a file containing customized information by merging documents. 8.1.8A, 7 Construct a simple spreadsheet, enter data, and interpret the information. 8.1.8A, 8 Design and produce a basic multimedia project. 8.1.8A, 9 Plan and create a simple database, define fields, input data, and produce a report using sort and query. 8.1.8A, 10 Use network resources for storing and retrieving data. 8.1.8A, 11 Choose appropriate electronic graphic organizers to create, construct, or design a document. 8.1.8A, 12 Create, organize and manipulate shortcuts. 8.1.12A, 8 Discuss and/or demonstrate the capability of emerging technologies and software in the creation of documents or files. 8.1.12A, 9 Merge information from one document to another. 31 8.1.12B, 8 Compose, send, and organize e-mail messages with and without attachments. 8.1.12B, 9 Create and manipulate information, independently and/or collaboratively, to solve problems and design and develop products. 8.1.12B, 12 Integrate new information into an existing knowledge base and communicate the results in a project or presentation. Objective 2C: Students will develop multimedia presentations that incorporate video, text, and sound. 8.1.8A, 8 Design and produce a basic multimedia project. 8.1.12A, 5 Produce a multimedia project using text, graphics, moving images, and sound. 8.1.12A, 9 Merge information from one document to another. Goal 3: To continue the effective integration of technology throughout the curriculum the district will provide professional and curriculum development based on the best available research. Objective 3A: Workshops on using on-line resources, new hardware and software will be provided to all staff in each core content area by June 2010. Objective 3B: Teachers will develop technology-based learning experiences that promote literacy and thinking skills for each core content area by 2010. Objective 3C: School staff including teachers will use a new SIMS for communicating with each other and parents, developing instructional plans, and evaluating student performance by June 2008. Objective 3D: Teachers will develop on-line curriculum documents for aligning standards, objectives, content, assessment, and activities by June 2009. (8.1 and 8.2 inclusive) 32 V. Three-Year Implementation Activity Table A. Describe the implementation strategies/activities that relate to the goals and objectives. Include in the description the timeline, person responsible and documentation (or evidence) that will prove the activity occurred. District Goal and Objective Number Activity Person Responsible Timeline Person Facilitating Activity (if applicable) Evaluation/Documentation Goal 1 Objective 1A Purchase and distribute expanded inventory of calculators and graphing calculators to staff after training. Instruct students. July 2007 Director of To Curriculum & June 2010 Instruction, Principals Objective 1B Purchase Interactive Whiteboards and related materials. Install and train staff. Instruct Students. July 2007 To June 2010 Objective 1C Develop/revise July 2007 benchmark To assessments to June 2010 include Tech 3x each yr. Standards and administer to students according to schedule. Classroom Teachers, Technology Trainers Students will be evaluated through benchmark assessments that contain specific problems related to each applicable standard and objective. HSPA/GEPA analyses Grade 8 Technology Assessment Analyses 33 District Goal and Objective Number Objective 1D Activity Purchase Mapping software, train staff, pilot, and implement. Person Responsible Timeline June 2009 Director of Curriculum & Instruction Person Facilitating Activity (if applicable) Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Technology Trainers, Teachers Evaluation/Documentation On-line products by June 2009 Goal 2 Objective 2A Staff training on July 2007 infusing tech To standards will improve June 2010 student ability by using expanded online services and Internet research. Objective 2B School-based committees will detail an electronic portfolio at each grade level. Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Principals July 2007 Principals, To Director of June 2010 Curriculum & Instruction Classroom Teachers, Language Arts Department, Media Specialists, Technology Trainers, Director of Curriculum & Instruction GEPA/HSPA Analyses July 2007 Director of To Curriculum & June 2010 Instruction, Principals Classroom Teachers, Media Specialists Portfolio review “Portfolio Plans” will be implemented. Portfolios will be sampled and evaluated. Objective 2C Students will generate multimedia presentations. Classroom Teachers, Media Specialists 34 Results of Benchmark Assessments that incorporate relevant tech standards will also be analyzed and shared. District Goal and Objective Number Activity Person Responsible Timeline Person Facilitating Activity (if applicable) Evaluation/Documentation Goal 3 Objective 3A Summer and Saturday Staff Training will occur each year. Follow-up training will occur through in-service, after school, and faculty meetings July 2007 Director of To Curriculum & June 2010 Instruction, Principals Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Principals Professional Development Committee review of workshop feedback Provide Staff Development on Literacy and H.O.T.S. with Technology. July 2007 Director of To Curriculum & June 2010 Instruction Tech Trainers, Teachers, Director of Curriculum & Instruction Professional Development Committee review of workshop feedback Objective 3C Install PowerSchool, train staff, and implement July 2007 Director of To Curriculum & June 2010 Instruction, Tech Team Tech team, Teachers, Principals Monthly progress through Principals’ reports Objective 3D Purchase Mapping software, provide training, pilot and implement July 2007 Director of To Curriculum & June 2010 Instruction All Instructional Mapped curricula by 2010 Staff, Principals Objective 3B 35 GEPA/HSPA analyses GEPA/HSPA analyses B. Strategies to ensure the plan addresses the use of technology; assistive technology to support learning communities. All staff will be involved in the alignment of their curriculum with the Technology CCS. On-going-sustained professional development will provide reinforcement and support as teachers use new strategies and tools. A review of the best available research as well as resources through NETS will be shared with all staff. Each building will incorporate an annual technology implementation goal. Technology staff including trainers, network managers, media specialists and teachers modeling best practice, will be given opportunities for out-of-district training, conferences, and networks. Assistive technology will be demonstrated with other new software, hardware and practices at after-school “Tech Times” and in-service workshops. C. Provide details of the process for meeting the NCLB requirement that all students be technologically literate by the end of Grade 8. All students will have completed an assessment that reflects their proficiency on each technology Standard and CPI by the end of eighth grade. This assessment will include a teacher checklist aligned with standards and curriculum objectives that indicate student proficiency, and a review of student portfolios. This will provide the necessary information to meet the NCLB requirement. D. Identify specific telecommunications and information technologies and any other specific resources that are useful to reach the stated goal. GOAL 1 1 1 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 3 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2 1 2, 3 3 1, 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RESOURCE Promethian Smartboards Activ-Slates Activ-Votes ExamView System Dell PowerEdge Servers Webcams Graphing Calculators Laptops Desktops PD Web Services for Staff “Curriculum Mapper” Mapping Software PowerSchool Student Information Management System Projectors Geometer’s Sketchpad Flash and Other Video Production Software Internet2 K-20 Membership “Ellumination” or GNG Internet-Based Video Conferencing 36 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 • • • • • • Dell Learning System License Safari Montage System License Media Center Information Services Licenses Global Connect Auto Dialer and E-Mail Microsoft Active Directory Defender ARC Mail E-Mail Archive VI. Funding Plan (July 2007-June 2008) A. Provide the anticipated costs for 2007-2008 and then indicate the projected funding for 2008-2010 of the technologies to be acquired and expenses such as hardware/software, digital curricula including NIMAS compliance, upgrades and other services including print media that will be needed to achieve the goals of this plan, including specific provisions for interoperability among components of such technologies to successfully achieve the goals of this plan. B. Indicate the federal, state, local and other sources of funds used to help ensure that students have access to technology and ensure that teachers are prepared to integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction. (Complete this table to indicate the funding source of anticipated costs of technologies to ensure that students have access to technology. The use of this table is optional and is provided as a convenience.) Funding Plan Table (2007-2008) Three-Year Technology Plan Anticipated Funding Table (2007-2008) ITEM Digital curricula (see NIMAS in the HELP section) Dell Learning System, Safari Montage, autocad Academy, Skills, LJ Technologies PC Repair class software, Study Island, curriculum software that accompanies textbooks and other educational databases through our media centers. Curriculum Mapping Software Print media needed to achieve goals FEDERAL FUNDING MISC. (e.g. STATE LOCAL Donations, FUNDING FUNDING Grants) $9,000 $4,000 $3,000 $1,000 $2,000 $15,000 37 Three-Year Technology Plan Anticipated Funding Table (2007-2008) ITEM FEDERAL FUNDING Technology Equipment Wireless Laptop carts, Laptop computers, printers, projectors, Smartboards, desktop computers, peripherals such as digital cameras, scanners, active vote systems, tablets MISC. (e.g. STATE LOCAL Donations, FUNDING FUNDING Grants) $177,000 Network Dell Power edge servers $10,000 Capacity Network Storage $15,000 Filtering Sonic Wall $3,000 Software Microsoft Office 2007, Geometer Sketchpad, Inspiration, Kurzweil, Adobe products Macromedia products, Final Cut Pro, Quark,, Accelerated Reader and Math, Autocad, Sibelius, LJ Technologies, Co-Writer, E-Reader, Curriculum software that accompanies textbooks $5,250 $2,000 $12,500 $4,500 Maintenance Maintaining access points and switches Tech Staff Dell and Apple Certifications Spare parts $1,200 $700 $3,200 Upgrades Wired network Fiber upgrade $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $250 Policy and Plans Other services Salaries for tech services team Professional development $4,250 $12,000 38 $180,060 $16,500 $2,500 Funding Plan Table (2008-2010) Three-Year Technology Plan Anticipated Funding Table (2008-2010) ITEM Digital curricula (see NIMAS in the HELP section) Dell Learning System, Safari Montage, autocad Academy,, LJ Technologies PC Repair class software, Study Island, curriculum software that accompanies textbooks and other educational databases through our media centers. Curriculum Mapping Software FEDERAL FUNDING STATE FUNDING MISC. (e.g. LOCAL Donations, FUNDING Grants) $14,000 $4,000 $4,000 $2,000 $4,000 $140,000 Print media needed to achieve goals Color Copiers Technology Equipment Wireless Laptop carts, Laptop computers, printers, projectors, Smartboards, desktop computers, peripherals such as digital cameras, scanners, active vote systems, tablets $350,000 Network Defender e-mail archive appliance $2,000 $3,000 Capacity $6,000 Filtering Software $52,000 $12,000 $2,800 $2,500 $6,000 Maintenance Upgrades VOIP Increase bandwidth to Internet $3,000 $4,000 $500 Policy and Plans Other services Salaries for Tech Services Professional Development $24,000 $189,696 $30,000 $7,500 C. Attach a copy of the board approval for this technology plan. Be sure it includes the budget for the first year of this plan. 39 JACK J. PFIZENMAYER Superintendent RICHARD J. HOOYMAN President FRANK A. ONORATO Business Administrator/Board Secretary GARY PLAYFORD Vice-President Board of Education Lower Cape May Regional School District 687 Route 9 Cape May, New Jersey 08204 (609) 884-3475 Fax: (609) 884-7067 CITY OF CAPE MAY TOWNSHIP OF LOWER BOROUGH OF WEST CAPE MAY April 26, 2007 The following motion was approved at the Lower Cape May Regional Board of Education Meeting held on April 26, 2007: A motion was made to approve the 2007-2010 Lower Cape May Regional School District Technology Plan and 2007/08 Technology Plan Budget in the amount of $492,910. Moved: Mr. Playford. Seconded: Mr. Towns. Motion carried unanimously. This is true and accurate as certified by the Business Administrator/Board Secretary _____________________________________________________ Frank A. Onorato Business Administrator/Board Secretary FAO/vdb 40 VII. Professional Development A. Provide the name and title of the person responsible for coordinating the professional development activities noted in this plan Christopher H. Kobik, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, LCMRSD Joseph Castellucci, Principal, LCMRHS Eugene Sole, Principal, R.M. Teitelman B. Describe the planned professional development activities for teachers, administrators, and school library media personnel that include: 1. How teachers and library media personnel have access to educational technology in their instructional areas (such as using desktops, mobile laptop and wireless units, PDAs). • • • • • • • • • • • • Each teacher, library/media personnel and staff have access to multimedia computers with Internet access and established local area network and wide area network in each classroom, media center, and school office. Each classroom has a multimedia computer with high-speed Internet access. Each teacher and media staff member has access to e-mail and on-line student records, including grades and attendance. Each curricular area has access to productivity software. Each school has an established teacher training room with access to at least twenty multi-media computers and an interactive Smartboard. Each teacher and media specialist has a desktop computer and/or a wireless laptop for their work space. Teachers and media specialists have access to digital and video cameras, LCD projectors, and portable wireless laptop carts outfitted with a printer and a classroom set of laptop computers. Every instructional space, including all classrooms, has a wall-mounted television monitor with VCR/DVD player that is connected to cable television, Public Education Government access, and an in-house TV/media production studio. One-third of the teachers have access to wireless PDAs. Each teacher and media specialist has access to a server loaded with curriculum-based video clips that is also capable of playing teacher- and districtmade professional development programming. Each teacher and media specialist has access to the Dell Learning System which contains video tutorials on more than forty software applications. Some teachers have begun to pilot the use of interactive Smartboards, tablets, and student response systems. 41 2. How administrators have access to technology in their workplace (such as using desktops, mobile laptop and wireless units, PDAs). • Each administrator has access to multimedia computers with Internet access and established local area network and wide area network in each classroom, media center, and school office. Each administrative office has a multimedia computer with high-speed Internet access. Each administrator has access to e-mail and on-line student records, including grades and attendance. Each school has an established teacher training room with access to at least twenty multi-media computers and an interactive Smartboard. Administrators have access to digital and video cameras, LCD projectors, and portable wireless laptop carts outfitted with a printer and a classroom set of laptop computers. Most administrative offices have a wall-mounted television monitor with VCR/DVD player that is connected to cable television, Public Education Government access, and an in-house TV/media production studio. All administrators have access to wireless PDAs. Each administrator has access to a server loaded with curriculum-based video clips that is also capable of playing teacher- and district-made professional development programming. Each administrator has access to the Dell Learning System which contains video tutorials on more than forty software applications. Administrators have access to Global Connect strategic voice broadcasting and mass e-mail system. Administrators on a proprietary basis have access to electronic staff records, student records, district fiscal information, and related software. • • • • • • • • • • 3. How ongoing, sustained professional development for all administrators will be provided to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library media center. All administrators have in place a Professional Growth Plan that includes elements for on-going professional growth in technology. As administrators work on building and district goals, they support the development of staff skills and their own. All administrators have access to Summer Staff Development, out-of-district workshops/conferences, and after-school “Tech Times” provided by the district. The following Websites provide resources: • • ETTCs: Educational Technology Training Centers NJAET: New Jersey Association for Educational Technology 42 • • • • • • • • • • • 4. NJECC: New Jersey Educational Computing Consortia NECC: National Educational Computing Conference CIESE: Center for Improved Engineering and Science Education NJSSI: New Jersey Statewide Systemic Initiative Http:// EIRC: Educational Information and Resource Regional Center NJPEP: New Jersey Professional Education Portal EMA: Educational Media Association of New Jersey CMSCE: Center for Math, Science and Computer Education Providers from the New Jersey approved provider list FEA/NJPSA: Foundation for Educational Administration and New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association How ongoing, sustained professional development for all staff will be provided to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library media center. District sponsored Summer Staff Development workshops, out-of-district workshops, release time, after-school Tech Times, and Saturday sessions will be provided to introduce, reinforce, and extend the infusion of technology into classroom practice. Each building has a full-time Technology Trainer who will work with staff in team and department meetings, and in the instructional setting. “Resident Experts” will be identified among the instructional staff to aid and support in the implementation of new technologies such as PowerSchool and Curriculum Mapping software. Finally, administrative and supervisory staff will receive training in “Best Practices” for the infusion of technology into instruction in order to provide meaningful and supportive feedback and direction. 5. The professional development opportunities and resources that exist for technical staff. Technical staff are afforded the same opportunities for professional growth as the instructional staff. They attend out-of-district workshops and conferences, webinars, and formal training, and collaborate as part of a team with the Director of Curriculum and Instruction. 43 6. How professional development is provided to all staff on the application of assistive technologies to support all students in their learning. A workshop in Assistive Technology is provided through the Summer Staff Development Program each year. Case Managers and the Assistant Superintendent for Support Services review the unique learning needs of students, attend workshops on the effective integration of assistive technology and introduce it to staff through the IEP process. Building-based technology trainers follow up with additional help, coaching and support. C. Based on educators' proficiency and the identified needs for professional development, describe only the ongoing, sustained, high-quality professional development opportunities planned for 2007-2008 as it relates to the infusion of technology into the curricular process. Include a description of in-class support such as coaching that is used to ensure effective use of technology to improve learning. Also, include a description of the involvement of all partners associated with professional development for the district. Educators’ Proficiency/ Identified Need Ongoing, Sustained, HighQuality Professional Development Planned for 2007-2008 Support Integrating technology into the Mathematics curriculum Summer Staff Development workshop “Calculators, Smartboards, Excel, Student Response Systems, and You – The Math Teacher” (2 sessions) Tech Trainer will provide after-school Tech Times, help in scheduled department meetings, and participate in initial classroom implementations; tech support also provided through webinars. Student electronic portfolios Summer Staff Development for Language Arts Staff on establishing and monitoring student electronic portfolios Tech Trainer will provide after-school Tech Times, help in scheduled department meetings, and participate in initial classroom implementations; video tutorial placed on dedicated server for infinite use; “Help Desk” support. Student electronic portfolios Half-day in-service training for interdisciplinary team staff on e-portfolios for students. Tech Trainer will provide after school Tech Times, help in scheduled department meetings and participate in initial classroom implementations. Video tutorial placed on dedicated server for infinite use. 44 Educators’ Proficiency/ Identified Need All Staff need help implementing new SIMS Ongoing, Sustained, HighQuality Professional Development Planned for 2007-2008 Summer train-the-trainer workshop for fifteen staff Introductory session for all staff. Support “Resident Experts” – one in each hall – provide tech support with Tech Trainers as needed throughout initial implementation; video tutorial placed on dedicated server for infinite use. “Help Desk Support.” Tech Standards and Mapping Half-day in-service introducing mapping software Follow-up half-day inservice led by “resident experts” in team; department and/or grade level meetings; Tech Trainers provide weekly and “Help Desk” support. Staff need to take advantage of electronic PD resources Intro to the Dell Learning system and Safari montage – opening day in-service Media Specialists, Tech Trainers, Help Desk Ongoing support with Microsoft office, Adobe products, and subjectspecific instructional and planning software Help Desk, After-School Tech Times. Expand staff knowledge of Internetbased resources Media Specialists Director Curriculum & Instruction, Webpage D. Identify the financial and time resources to keep staff current in learning about new technologies. Funding: NCLB, DEPA, Perkins, IDEA and local funds have been identified through the budget process to meet the goals and objectives of this plan and the Lower Cape May Regional School District Professional Development Plan. Time: The Lower Cape May Regional School District Board of Education has made a commitment to providing five half-day in-services and two full-day in-services. In addition, after-school, Saturday and summer professional development programs above and beyond the contracted staff agreement are scheduled through the Director of Curriculum and Instruction to meet the professional development needs of staff. Finally, all staff have opportunities to attend out-of-district workshops and are provided release time for other professional development. 45 E. Project professional development activities that will continue to support identified needs through 2010, including all partners. While district and student needs may change, we are committed to the following in-service activities in the time parameters described above: • • • • • • Smartboards and related peripherals New software applications Tools for distance learning Internet resources and applications Student portfolios Curriculum mapping VIII. Evaluation Plan Three-Year Technology Plan Evaluation Narrative Describe the process to regularly evaluate this plan as effectively. . . 1. Integrating technology The integration of technology is evaluated through the observation/evaluation process established by the Lower Cape May Regional School District. Supervisors conduct walkthroughs, informal, and formal evaluations of teacher performance. Because administrators attend tech training they are familiar with expected outcomes. An informal cadre of staff including department liaisons, teacher mentors, tech trainers, media specialists, and fellow team members interact with each other in order to provide on-going support and feedback. “Technology” will be established as an item in each departmental monthly report and weekly team minutes. These reports and minutes are reviewed by school and district administrators and when appropriate, the Board of Education. The Professional Development Committee conducts periodic surveys documented in their Plan. Each workshop requires a written staff member evaluation. These are reviewed and result in recommendations for the continued development of the Staff Development Program. Through the curriculum development and mapping process, staff work with the Director of Curriculum and Instruction to develop written products that reflect content, process, content area, career and tech standards and evaluation in revised curriculum documents. Technology infrastructure is evaluated in concert with three full-time technicians who manage network services, e-mail, storage, and inventory. Their daily work with Principals, the Director of Curriculum and Instruction, and the technology trainers allows them to respond to system difficulties and changing needs. All of this information is reviewed in light of student performance data through the annual QAAR report, the three-year NJQSAC cycle, NCLB, DEPA, Perkins, and IDEA application processes. 46 Three-Year Technology Plan Evaluation Narrative Describe the process to regularly evaluate this plan as effectively. . . 2. Enabling students to meet challenging state academic standards The same process described above applies to this challenge. As technology laden, standards based lessons and units are developed, teachers monitor student progress through common assessments that target specific areas of weakness. These lessons are shared and discussed through technology based communication and in face-to-face meetings. The technology used in planning, implementing and evaluating lessons opens communication among the instructional community, enabling educators to explore the successes of their peers throughout the school, county, state and globe. As a result students benefit from a tremendous pool of pedagogical expertise. 3. The same process described above applies to this challenge. Critical and creative thinking skills are developed as students use multiple sources of information in the context of the many visual tools technology provides. Communication skills are enhanced as students are challenged to construct meaning, synthesize and evaluate information. The learning process in itself becomes a model for problem solving and developing systems. Students learn to work together with a wide range of audiences and peers. Developing lifelong learning skills 47 APPENDIX III. Technology Overview B. Technology 1. Provide an inventory of current technology networking and telecommunications equipment. Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class ADMIN Burkhardt 1904 USCD017972 HP C4170A LaserJet 2100 Mar-04 District Printer ADMIN Burkhardt 2684 NY05R1C008 HP C6428B Deskjet 952C Sep-01 District Printer ADMIN Burkhardt 2833 JNTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC ADMIN Burkhardt 2912 KR08G15247602268A2W5 Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Sep-02 District Monitor ADMIN Burkhardt 3254 5DD0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Mar-03 District Laptop ADMIN Christy 1882 USMC051652 HP C4118A LaserJet 4000 Mar-04 District Printer ADMIN Christy 3249 CN06R644478043ICN61K Dell 15" Flat Panel Mar-03 District Monitor ADMIN Christy 3250 JBH5D21 Dell Optiplex GX 260 Mar-03 District Desktop PC ADMIN Comp Room 1181 87098c128f1b Dell Monitor D1025HTX Prior District Monitor ADMIN Comp Room 1241 MX-06C0464-7801-110-H0A1 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Feb-01 District Monitor ADMIN Comp Room 1243 MX-06C046-47801-110-H09F Dell M781p 17" Monitor Feb-01 District Monitor ADMIN Comp Room 1287 JPMYJ01 Dell Power Edge Server Apr-01 District Other ADMIN Comp Room 1288 US-09338C-18743-13D-0112 APC Smart UPS 1400 Apr-01 District Other ADMIN Comp Room 2140 MXO2742P47801OIAB23A Dell M770 17" Monitor ADMIN Comp Room 2175 BNB11980930-29 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 EIRC Desktop PC ADMIN Comp Room 3251 305B7002151 Oki Pacemark 3410 Mar-03 District Printer ADMIN Dietzman 2689 JPPCK02116 HPC7086A Color Laserjet 4550 Nov-01 District Printer ADMIN Dietzman 2724 BVPP911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop ADMIN Dietzman 3236 CN03K64846633ICE116Z Dell 15" Flat Panel Mar-03 District Monitor ADMIN Dietzman 3237 CN1B61B0PJ HP C8510A ScanJet 5400c Mar-03 District Scanner ADMIN Dietzman 3559 MY4932B0FK HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Nov-04 District Printer Prior District Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class ADMIN Dietzman 3984 3WC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 District Desktop PC ADMIN Foley 3104 CN-06R64-40864-3IC-N90F Dell 15" Flat Panel Mar-03 District Monitor ADMIN Foley 3247 DDH5D21 Dell Optiplex GX 260 Mar-03 District Desktop PC ADMIN Foley 3248 CNBCC34167 HP Q2472A LaserJet 2300 Mar-03 District Printer ADMIN Joan Spare 2327 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BORW Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins Monitor ADMIN Kobik 3362 90D8S31 Dell 3200MP Projecter Jan-04 DEPA 04 Other ADMIN Kobik 3728 3LL5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop ADMIN Lippman 3252 MY1BR1D2VY HP C8932A DeskJet 960c Mar-03 District Printer ADMIN Lippman 3319 514BL61 Dell Optiplex District Desktop PC ADMIN Onorato 1887 USFC039461 HP C2037A LaserJet 4plus District Printer ADMIN Onorato 3612 21PMJ71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop ADMIN Pfizenmayer 1283 8ZBXGO1 Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Mar-01 District Desktop PC ADMIN Pfizenmayer 3323 MX-08R339-47605-36B-AA3M Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor ADMIN Pfizenmayer 3520 USGZ229299 HP C4770A Lasejet 2100 District Printer ADMIN Rea 2690 USGH041211 HP C4770A Lasejet 2100 Aug-00 District Printer ADMIN Rea 3239 CN03K64846633ICE116T Dell 15" Flat Panel Mar-03 District Monitor ADMIN Rea 3240 9GM1N11 Dell Optiplex GX 260 Mar-03 District Desktop PC ADMIN Ryan 3241 3GM1N11 Dell Optiplex GX 260 Mar-03 District Desktop PC ADMIN Ryan 3242 CN03K64846633ICE116X Dell 15" Flat Panel Mar-03 District Monitor ADMIN Ryan 3243 CNBEC82677 HP Q2472A LaserJet 2300 Mar-03 District Printer ADMIN Ryan 3244 MY2942C20G HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Mar-03 District Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class ADMIN Willard 3102 CN-06R64-47844-3IC-N90H Dell 15" Flat Panel Mar-03 District Monitor ADMIN Willard 3246 2WH5D21 Dell Optiplex GX 260 Mar-03 District Desktop PC ADMIN Willard 3985 GLKMSB1 Dell 1710n Black Laser Mar-07 District Printer CMCES Lab 14 2037 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3BL Dell Monitor MP781 Aug-01 Monitor Grounds Grounds 1510 MX94E1S0D3 HP C6409A Deskjet 880C Aug-99 District Printer Grounds Grounds 1707 2742P-EEBKY-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor Grounds Grounds 2379 3ZGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC HS Sayre 3642 1821005507 Cannon D5126061 Digital Camera May-06 District Camera HS A-14 2835 2XTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Desktop PC HS A-14 3099 my25r1b06w HP C8932A DeskJet 960c HS A-16 1629 MX94I1T03H HP C6409A Deskjet 880C District Printer HS A-16 2021 MX-07C051-47801-176-H1K5 Dell M781p 17" Monitor District - Joe Monitor HS A-16 2834 3XTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC HS A-2 2633 CN076884 CSI Custom PC Sep-01 LJ WIN 98 Desktop PC HS A-2 2640 C38300003HJ00Z30793 Epson Stylus Color 777 Sep-01 LJ WIN 98 Printer HS A-2 2641 C38300004H01508203 Epson Stylus Color 777 Sep-01 LJ WIN 98 Printer HS A-2 2642 C38300003HJ00Z30797 Epson Stylus Color 777 Sep-01 LJ WIN 98 Printer HS A-2 2643 C38300004HU01508213 Epson Stylus Color 777 Sep-01 LJ WIN 98 Printer HS A-2 2644 S06T9907000630 Artec AM12S Color Scanner Sep-01 LJ WIN 98 Scanner HS A-2 2645 S06T9907000259 Artec AM12S Color Scanner Sep-01 LJ WIN 98 Scanner HS A-2 2646 S06T9907000490 Artec AM12S Color Scanner Sep-01 LJ WIN 98 Scanner Aug-02 Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS A-2 2647 S06T9907000475 Artec AM12S Color Scanner Sep-01 LJ WIN 98 Scanner HS A-2 3946 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-6K5T Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3947 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-3VKT Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3948 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-3Y0T Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3949 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-6HHT Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3950 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-3V2T Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3951 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-3Y6T Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3952 CN-OCC639-72872-65F-42WL Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3953 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-3YVT Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3954 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-6HFT Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3955 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-6HYT Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3956 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-6HCT Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3957 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-IJFT Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3958 CN-OCC639-72872-65f-43KL Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3959 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-406T Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3960 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-6HIT Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3961 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-401T Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3962 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-3VET Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3963 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-3Y7T Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3964 CN-OCC639-72872-65I-3V8T Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-06 Perkins Monitor HS A-2 3965 5WC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 Perkins Desktop PC Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS A-2 3966 8WC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3967 7WC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3968 BVC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3969 DWC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3970 FWC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3971 7VC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3972 4WC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3973 HVC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3974 2WC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3975 6VC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3976 9WC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3977 GVC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Sep-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3978 GWC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Sep-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3979 6WC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Sep-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3980 DVC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Sep-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3981 JWC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Sep-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3982 IXC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Sep-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS A-2 3983 FVC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Sep-06 Perkins Desktop PC HS AD 733 HP C3150A LaserJet 5P HS B-1 1668 266CX Dell Optiplex G1 Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Desktop PC HS B-1 1736 2742P-EEBKR-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor ushb129153 Prior District Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS B-1 1794 US59D1G126 HP C2184A DeskJet 600 District Printer HS B-10 1863 SG8AE1D0ZQ HP C4562B DeskJet 695C Sep-03 District Printer HS B-12 9 ERU3612037 EMC Monitor Prior District Monitor HS B-12 11 23BR797 IBM PS/ValuePoint Prior District Other HS B-12 12 8539866 Keyboard Prior District Keyboard HS B-12 20 4019-E01 Lexmark Laser Printer Prior District Printer HS B-12 2351 BVGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) HS B-12 3231 USLND07431 HPC8050A Lasejet 4100n District Printer HS B-13 1221 MY04C150CF HP C6428B DeskJet 952C District Printer HS B-13 2843 KRO8615247602268A2WT Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor HS B-13 2906 IHM1N11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC HS B-14 231 HP C2170A Deskjet 520 HS B-14 2514 HIJ3 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Monitor HS B-14 2515 733DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Desktop PC HS B-2 1653 266EV Dell Optiplex G1 Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Desktop PC HS B-2 1681 2742P-EE9N8-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor HS B-2 3096 MY2551B0MQ HP 960 C89329 Sep-02 District Printer HS B-3 2513 CN13Q23626 HP C7690B SCANJET 5370C Aug-01 Scanner HS B-5 2988 CN25VS0170 HP C97710A ScanJet 7400C Nov-02 Scanner HS B-5 3107 CNBX314266 HP LaserJet 4200N Sep-03 District Printer HS B-7 1657 266D3 Dell Optiplex G1 Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Desktop PC US46K140SG Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Prior District Desktop PC Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source HS B-7 1660 2742P-EE9NA-79 Dell Monitor M770mm HS B-7 1795 US58P1B0M6 HP C2184A DeskJet 600 Prior District Printer HS B-8 3148 MY38R2B0ZC HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Sep-03 District Printer HS B-9 1729 2LU90 Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC HS B-9 1748 2742P-EF39K-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor HS B-9 3094 MY25R1B0D2 HP 960 C89329 Sep-02 District Printer HS Band Room 455 HP C2015A LaserJet 4ML Prior District Printer HS Band Room 1706 2LU9D Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) HS Band Room 1776 S13340YEA04 Mac Monitor Prior PRIOR Apple Monitor HS Band Room 1777 FC338DLFCA2 Mac Centrlis 650 Prior PRIOR Apple Desktop HS Band Room 2564 CN0CG20953 HP C7690B SCANJET 5370C Mar-01 PRIOR Other 1608 HJ8SF Dell Optiplex GX1 Dec-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC 1658 (4872A216) Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor Boys HS HS Desktop PC Gym office Boys Aug-99 DEPA Monitor Gym office Boys USBB039787 Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Class Gym HS office 3259 MY25S1B0KU HP C8932A DeskJet 960c Sep-03 District Printer HS bus office 1520 SG75G1J199 HP C4568A Desk Jet 820CSE Aug-97 Goals 2000 Printer HS bus office 2630 933DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Desktop PC HS bus office 2631 MX07C051 47801 176 H1JX Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-02 Monitor HS C-10 2385 CPSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC HS C-10 2386 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-HWML Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS C-10 2558 CN0BK1R1XR HP C6427B Deskjet 932C Sep-01 District Printer HS C-12 2794 MXOG15247605271A5MW Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor HS C-12 2824 BXTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC HS C-14 Shop 1027 8116441 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Perkins 98 Monitor HS C-14 Shop 1205 8189752 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Monitor HS C-15 2559 SG0781108M HP C4716A Designjet 450C Sep-00 District Printer Epson Stylus Color 1520 (Stored HS C-15 2560 3KDY090098 in Closet) Sep-00 District Printer HS C-15 2911 SG25731022 HP Design Jet 500 C7769B Aug-02 Printer HS C-15 3795 9YC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-06 DEPA Desktop PC HS C-15 3796 6YC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX621 Aug-06 DEPA Desktop PC HS C-15 3797 4YC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX622 Aug-06 DEPA Desktop PC HS C-15 3798 FYC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX623 Aug-06 DEPA Desktop PC HS C-15 3799 5YC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX624 Aug-06 DEPA Desktop PC HS C-15 3800 3YC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX625 Aug-06 DEPA Desktop PC HS C-15 3801 2YC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX626 Aug-06 DEPA Desktop PC HS C-15 3802 7YC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX627 Aug-06 DEPA Desktop PC HS C-15 3803 CYC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX628 Aug-06 DEPA Desktop PC HS C-15 3804 DYC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX629 Aug-06 DEPA Desktop PC HS C-15 3805 CN-OMCO4O-64180-65C-01AC Dell Flat Panel Monitor E17fp Aug-06 DEPA Monitor HS C-15 3806 CN-OMCO4O-64180-65C-01KC Dell Flat Panel Monitor E17fp Aug-06 DEPA Monitor HS C-15 3807 CN-OMCO4O-64180-65C-01WC Dell Flat Panel Monitor E17fp Aug-06 DEPA Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS C-15 3808 CN-OMCO4O-64180-65C-01VC Dell Flat Panel Monitor E17fp Aug-06 DEPA Monitor HS C-15 3809 CN-OMCO4O-64180-65C-01QC Dell Flat Panel Monitor E17fp Aug-06 DEPA Monitor HS C-15 3810 CN-OMCO4O-64180-65C-01TC Dell Flat Panel Monitor E17fp Aug-06 DEPA Monitor HS C-15 3811 CN-OMCO4O-64180-65C-01MC Dell Flat Panel Monitor E17fp Aug-06 DEPA Monitor HS C-15 3812 CN-OMCO4O-64180-65C-01PC Dell Flat Panel Monitor E17fp Aug-06 DEPA Monitor HS C-15 3813 CN-OMCO4O-64180-65C-01NC Dell Flat Panel Monitor E17fp Aug-06 DEPA Monitor HS C-15 3814 CN-OMCO4O-64180-65C-01JC Dell Flat Panel Monitor E17fp Aug-06 DEPA Monitor HS C-16 205 Apple LaserWriter Pro HS C-16 1791 83502ER30325440 ADI Pro Vista Monitor HS C-2 1352 MX07C051 47801 176 HIJ6 HS C-2 HS F13261ME0AR Prior District Apple Printer EIRC Monitor Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor 2907 J1M1N11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC C-4 1033 8116446 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Perkins 98 Monitor HS C-4 1665 266FG Dell Optiplex G1 Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Desktop PC HS C-5 595 NH5341LR6BY Mac LC 580 Prior PRIOR Apple Desktop HS C-5 620 NN519BY333G Mac Keyboard Prior PRIOR Keyboard HS C-5 625 SG51S170SD HPC2169A Deskwriter 560C Prior PRIOR Apple Printer HS C-5 2821 CWTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC HS C-5 2836 TDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC HS C-5 3098 HP 960 C89329 Sep_02 District Printer HS C-6 2819 MXOG15247605271A5MZ Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor HS C-6 2822 FWTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS C-8 2383 CQSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC HS C-8 2384 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H1Q1 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor HS C-8 3219 MY38R2B0Z8 HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Sep-03 District Printer HS C-9 2849 MXOG15247605273AFH3 Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor HS C-9 2909 8JM1N11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC 2844 KRO8615247602268A2U7 Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor 3176 FKH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC 3221 MY38R2B0ZF HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Sep-03 District Printer 3263 MY25L192JM HP C8932A DeskJet 690C Sep-02 District Printer Custodial HS Office Custodial HS Office Custodial HS Office Custodial HS Office Custodial HS Office 3306 3RG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS D-1 2032 C33DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX150 tower Aug-01 Desktop PC HS D-1 2033 MX-07C051-47801-176-H1HE Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Monitor HS D-1 3555 MY4932B0CS HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Nov-04 District Printer HS D-10 1065 C81JN Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 Perkins 98 Desktop PC HS D-10 1109 8174589 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 TLC Monitor HS D-10 2094 MY93H1B263 HP C6409A Deskjet 880C HS D-11 299 HP C2170A Deskjet 520 HS D-11 2387 3BVK20B US46K140SD Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Printer Prior District Aug-00 LAL Printer Desktop PC Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS D-11 2388 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H29F Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor HS D-12 3557 MY4932B0FM HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Nov-04 District Printer Prior District Printer HP C7086A Color LaserJet HS D-13 2704 JPPCH01816 4550N HS D-14 1081 8174592 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 TLC Monitor HS D-14 2312 9SGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins Desktop PC HS D-14 2403 USCB054711 HP C2005A LaserJet 4P HS D-15 3256 MY25R1B0GY HP C8932A DeskJet 960c Sep-03 District Printer HS D-2 1685 2742P-EE9ND-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor HS D-2 HS D-3 2392 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B10R Dell M781p 17" Monitor HS D-4 1901 SG64F1Q1GT HP C4549A Deskjet 680C HS D-4 2393 C9VK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC HS D-4 2394 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H2NK Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor HS D-5 1225 MX-0957VU-47801-06G-B10U Dell M781p 17" Monitor Nov-00 District Monitor HS D-5 1226 JPSP20B Dell Optiplex GX 110 Nov-00 District Desktop PC HS D-5 3257 MY25R1B0DT HP C8932A DeskJet 960c Sep-03 District Printer HS D-7 1779 USBB064520 HP C4251A LaserJet 4050 Nov-99 Printer HS D-7 2377 CVGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC HS D-7 2378 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BOSB Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor HS D-8 2389 HBVK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC HS D-8 2390 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B0SZ Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor USCB001461 Printer HP C2005A LaserJet 4P District Aug-00 LAL Printer Monitor Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS D-8 2395 2QSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC HS D-8 2396 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B2F9 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor HS D-8 3258 MY25R1B0F7 HP C8932A DeskJet 960c Sep-03 District Printer HS D-9 1862 UJ65C Dell Optiplex GX1 HS D-9 1891 MY93H1B20K HP C6409A Deskjet 880C Printer HS Daly 1751 SG75H1J02S HP C4568A Desk Jet 820Cse Printer HS doors 2797 MXOG15247605271A5FR Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor HS Doors 3303 FRG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS E-2 2801 MXOG15247605271A5N0 Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor HS E-2 2830 TDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC HS E-2 3227 my25r1b0dj HP C8932A DeskJet 960c Sep-02 Printer HS E-3 2799 MXOG15247605271A5FW Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor HS E-3 2812 4XTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC HS E-3 3147 MY38R2B02B HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Sep-03 District Printer HS E-4 442 Mac Printer Prior District Printer HS E-4 443 ap4266UU33G Mac Keyboard Prior District Keyboard HS E-4 444 L04232SJ3H9 Mac LC 575 Prior District Apple Desktop HS E-4 827 US6201H11R HP C4567A DeskJet 682C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer HS E-4 1009 8106233 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 TLC Monitor HS E-4 1683 2742P-EE9N5-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor HS E-4 1738 2742P-EF397-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor District Desktop PC Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS E-4 1740 2742P-EF3A3-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor HS E-4 1742 2742P-EEBL9-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor HS E-4 1876 USBB318035 HP C2003A LaserJet 4L HS E-4 2211 6QGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins Desktop PC HS E-4 2218 2QGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins Desktop PC HS E-4 2340 1YGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins Desktop PC HS E-4 2349 9PGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Desktop PC HS E-4 2462 BQSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC HS E-4 2516 H1J2 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Monitor HS E-4 2517 FO3DQ091 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Desktop PC HS E-4 3558 MY4932B0FW HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Nov-04 District Printer HS E-5 1089 8171704 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 TLC Monitor HS E-5 1960 27FUW Dell Optiplex GX1 Aug-99 Desktop PC HS E-5 2721 CN0EK1R1WT HP C6427B Deskjet 932C Oct-99 District Printer HS Eng Cart 2922 USLND07426 HP 4100N Laser Sep-02 Printer HS Eng Cart 3 3780 USDNPO9891 HP Laserjet Q2426a HS Eng Cart 3-1 3781 JVHVM71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop HS Eng Cart 3-10 3790 8XHVM71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop HS Eng Cart 3-11 3791 12PMJ71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop HS Eng Cart 3-12 3792 8VHVM71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop HS Eng Cart 3-14 3793 HTHVM71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop Printer District Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS Eng Cart 3-15 3794 CXHVM71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop HS Eng Cart 3-2 3782 4YNMJ71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop HS Eng Cart 3-3 3783 HXHVM71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop HS Eng Cart 3-4 3784 4VHVM71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop HS Eng Cart 3-5 3785 DTHVM71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop HS Eng Cart 3-6 3786 9WHVM71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop HS Eng Cart 3-7 3787 C2PMJ71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop HS Eng Cart 3-8 3788 7WHVM71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop HS Eng Cart 3-9 3789 4WHVM71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop HS Eng-1 2957 900M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Eng-10 2966 81YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Eng-11 2967 86YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Eng-12 2968 38YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Eng-13 2969 G7YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Eng-14 2970 JG0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Eng-15 2971 310M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Eng-2 2958 600M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS ENG-2 3121 BXFHK21 Dell Latitude C-640 Apr-03 District Laptop HS Eng-2-1 3109 B5GHK21 Dell Latitude C-640 Apr-03 District Laptop HS ENG-2-10 3118 1ZFHK21 Dell Latitude C-640 Apr-03 District Laptop HS ENG-2-11 3119 CZFHK21 Dell Latitude C-640 Apr-03 District Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS ENG2-12 2754 3TPP911 Dell Latitude C-610 Mar-02 District Laptop HS ENG2-14 2786 4BXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 District Laptop HS Eng-2-3 3111 12GHK21 Dell Latitude C-640 Apr-03 District Laptop HS Eng-2-4 3112 46GHK21 Dell Latitude C-640 Apr-03 District Laptop HS Eng-2-5 3113 55GHK21 Dell Latitude C-640 Apr-03 District Laptop HS Eng-2-7 3115 4ZFHK21 Dell Latitude C-640 Apr-03 District Laptop HS Eng-2-8 3116 7YFHK21 Dell Latitude C-640 Apr-03 District Laptop HS Eng-2-9 2965 75YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Eng-3 2961 83YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Eng-4 2960 BH0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Eng-5 2959 82YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Eng-6 2962 97YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Eng-7 2963 F7YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Eng-8 2964 98YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS English Cart 2 3106 USBNX00877 HP LaserJet 4200N Aug-04 Printer HS Fac Lounge E 1598 HJ8QW Dell Optiplex GX1 Dec-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC HS Fac Lounge E 2890 MX0274P47801HB1GN Dell M770 17" Monitor HS Faculty Lounge 1091 8174590 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 TLC Monitor HS Faculty Lounge 1567 USDF009174 HP C398A LaserJet 6MP Aug-98 District Printer HS Faculty Lounge 2306 5QGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Desktop PC 1560 HJ8SA Dell Optiplex GX1 Dec-98 DEPA Desktop PC Monitor Faculty Lounge HS E Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class Faculty Lounge HS E 1618 HJ8RQ Dell Optiplex GX1 Dec-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC 1732 2742P-EF3A0-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor Faculty Lounge HS E Faculty Lounge HS E HP C4089A Color LaserJet 2456 JPFCH01609 4500N Dec-99 District Printer Faculty Lounge HS E 2687 MX-02742P-47801-01H-B1H5 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Goals 2000 Monitor HS FL1 Cart 2662 USGNH00534 HP C8050A LaserJet 4100N Aug-01 Printer HS FL1-11 1452 XPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL1-12 1416 1RZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL1-16 1433 JNQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL1-17 1420 5ZOOT01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL1-20 1432 3RRYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL1-22 1451 6VOOT01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL1-23 1450 BYZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL1-24 1431 77ZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL1-3 1427 GWOOT01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL1-4 1418 F7ZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL1-5 1421 4TOOT01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL1-8 1434 7BZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL1-9 1440 DVOOT01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2 Cart 2655 USGNG00559 HP C8050A LaserJet 4100N Aug-01 Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS FL2-1 1445 BVOOT01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-10 1462 BKZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-11 1443 2MQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-12 1459 GYPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-13 1461 BLZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-16 1442 7LQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-17 1426 7NQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-18 1454 JOQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-19 1444 JT00T01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-2 1436 GMQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-20 1457 7YZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-21 1417 DTOOT01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-22 1458 DVPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-23 1453 42ZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-24 2657 C1QYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-25 1423 8ZOOT01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-26 2656 9YZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-3 1465 FRZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-4 1456 HVPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-5 1437 6CZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS FL2-8 1449 9MQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS FL2-9 1448 DSZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS Food Service 1782 USDF009139 HP C398A LaserJet 6MP Sep-98 Printer HS Food Service 2310 DSGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins Desktop PC HS Food Service 2551 MX-02742P-47801-01J-B1S5 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Monitor HS FORLANG1 1439 2XZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop 1717 2742P-EEBKU-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor 2490 8PPP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 District Desktop PC 2913 KR08G15247602268A2WY Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Sep-02 Monitor Girls HS Gym Office Girls HS Office HS HS Gym Custodial Office HS Custodial HS Office 2914 MX08G15247605273AFH5 Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Sep-02 Monitor HS HS Guide 1236 865SC01 Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Feb-01 District Desktop PC HS HS Guide 1238 665SC01 Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Feb-01 District Desktop PC HS HS Guide 1239 MX-06C046-47801-110-H11Y Dell M781p 17" Monitor Feb-01 District Monitor HS HS Guide 1508 MY93H1BZ25M HP C6409A Deskjet 880C Sep-99 District Printer HS HS Guide 1623 MX94E1S0D0 HP C6409A Deskjet 880C Printer HS HS Guide 1624 MY93H1B25T HP C6409A Deskjet 880C Printer HS HS Guide 1625 MY93H1B25Y HP C6409A Deskjet 880C Printer HS HS Guide 1626 MX94E1S0MG HP C6409A Deskjet 880C Printer HS HS Guide 1763 SG8AE1D16C HP C4562B DeskJet 695C Printer HS HS Guide 2208 6YGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Desktop PC Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS HS Guide 2567 CN0BK1R1YJ HP C6427B Deskjet 932C Printer HS HS Guide 2568 USGZ289828 HP C4170A Laserjet 2100 Sep-01 District Printer HS HS Guide 2569 USGZ078803 HP C4170A Laserjet 2100 Sep-01 District Printer HS HS Guide 3108 cnvx701182 HP Q2427A LaserJet 4200TN HS HS Media 1772 27GE7 Dell Optiplex GX1 HS HS Media 2036 CN08220254 HP C7690B SCANJET 5370C Printer Aug-99 Desktop PC Scanner 7th Grade Laptop HS HS Media 2222 7USME Dell Latitude CPt Aug-00 Program Scan Cart 7th Grade Laptop HS HS Media 2230 7US1B Dell Latitude CPt Aug-00 Program Scan Cart HS HS Media 2363 7SGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC HS HS Media 2367 HRGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC HS HS Media 2368 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H2NB Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor HS HS Media 2370 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BOSX Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor HS HS Media 2372 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H2N4 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor HS HS Media 2918 USLND07433 HP 4100N Laser Sep-02 Printer HS HS Media 3223 w2a3911107 MicroTech ScanMaker 4250 Sep-03 Scan Cart HS HS Media 3224 my38r2b0yd HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Sep-03 Scan Cart HS HS Media 3225 w2a3911075 MicroTech ScanMaker 4250 Sep-03 Scan Cart HS HS Media 3226 my38r2b0yx HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Sep-03 Scan Cart HS HS Media 3600 8RB7F41 Dell 4100MP Aug-04 District Projector HS HS Media Cart1 3643 FXHVM71 Dell latitude D-505 Aug-06 District Laptop Flush Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS HS Media Lab 1654 2742P-EEB7T-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor HS HS Media Lab 1661 266FZ Dell Optiplex G1 Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Desktop PC HS HS Media Lab 1662 2742P-EE9NL-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor HS HS Media Lab 1677 2742P-EE9NG-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor HS Media HS Office 1507 MY93H1B25F HP C6409A Deskjet 880C Sep-99 District Printer HS HS-BUS-1 3481 4WJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-BUS-10 3490 7VJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-BUS-2 3482 9WJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-BUS-3 3483 HQJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-BUS-4 3484 DMJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-BUS-5 3485 GPJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-BUS-6 3486 2RJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-BUS-7 3487 5NJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-BUS-8 3488 FVJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-BUS-9 3489 9VJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HSMath1-1 3209 4V02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath1-10 3214 1TF0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath1-2 3210 7R02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath1-3 3211 CT02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath1-4 3212 4S02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath1-5 3213 7RG0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS HSMath1-6 3215 GW02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath1-7 3216 JS02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath1-8 3217 CW02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath1-9 3218 JW02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath2-10 3208 DS02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath2-2 3130 4W02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath2-3 3201 5X02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath2-4 3202 2DG0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath2-5 3203 HT02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath2-6 3204 FX02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath2-7 3205 9V02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath2-8 3206 1S02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMath2-9 3207 2SF0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop HS HSMCart-3 2760 7SHUL Dell Latitude CPx Jul-00 District Laptop HS HSMCart-6 2723 7ER0P Dell Latitude CPT Sep-00 Laptop HS HS-MedCen-1 3351 BRJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop HS HS-MedCen-10 3368 9JJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop HS HS-MedCen-2 3352 BDJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop HS HS-MedCen-2 3356 H9JH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop HS HS-MedCen-3 3353 FFJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop HS HS-MedCen-3 3354 HGJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS HS-MedCen-5 3355 6JJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop HS HS-MedCen-7 3357 4KJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop HS HS-MedCen-8 3366 7FJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop HS HS-MedCen-9 3367 GJJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop HS HSMediaPCLab 3151 MX-08R334-47605-36B-AA5L Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3152 MX-08R334-47605-36B-AA4L Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3153 MX-08R334-47605-36B-A9F4 Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3154 MX-08R334-47605-36B-AA5M Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3155 MX-08R334-47605-36B-A9DH Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3156 MX-08R334-47605-36A-A8XJ Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3157 MX-08R334-47605-36A-A91E Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3158 MX-08R334-47605-36B-AA3L Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3160 MX-08R334-47605-36B-AA3H Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3161 MX-08R334-47605-36B-A9F3 Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3162 MX-08R334-47605-36B-A9F2 Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3164 MX-08R334-47605-36B-AA5F Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3165 MX-08R334-47605-36B-AA3F Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3166 CN-0J1806-71618-45D-C609 Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3168 MX-08R334-47605-36A-A980 Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3169 MX-08R334-47605-36A-ABXZ Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3170 MX-08R334-47605-36A-A91F Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS HSMediaPCLab 3171 MX-08R334-47605-36A-A917 Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3172 MX-08R334-47605-36A-A9BJ Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3173 MX-08R334-47605-36A-A916 Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3174 MX-08R334-47605-36B-AA3G Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3175 MX-08R334-47605-36A-A8Y0 Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor HS HSMediaPCLab 3177 DLH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3178 5QG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3183 1LH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3190 7QG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3194 3QG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3195 8LH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3196 9QG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3197 JKH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3198 4LH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3199 4QG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3302 GRG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3305 2KH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3307 4SG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3308 5PG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3309 9PG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3310 5KH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS HSMediaPCLab 3312 7RG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3313 JRG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3314 6SG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3315 BPG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3316 JPG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3326 8KH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3328 HQG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS HSMediaPCLab 3329 BRG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC HS HS-MHM-1 3421 BBJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-10 3430 JGJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-11 3431 JJJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-12 3432 8GJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-13 3433 5HJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-14 3434 4GJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-15 3435 1GJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-16 3436 2HJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-17 3437 1HJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-18 3438 HHJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-19 3439 JFJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-2 3422 3FJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-20 3440 26JH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS HS-MHM-21 3441 4HJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-22 3442 JDJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-23 3443 66JH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-24 3444 GDJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-25 3445 59JH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-26 3446 BFJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-27 3447 DDJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-28 3448 H5JH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-29 3449 BGJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-3 3423 JBJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-30 3450 B5JH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-4 3424 75JH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-5 3425 1BJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-6 3426 CHJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-7 3427 2JJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-8 3428 2KJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-MHM-9 3429 DBJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop HS HS-Sped 3 3721 8CL5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop HS HS-Sped 3 3724 17L5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop HS HS-Sped 3 3730 58L5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop HS HS-SS1-1 2756 JD7P911 Dell Latitude C-610 Mar-02 District Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS HS-SS1-1 3132 2T02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS HS-SS1-10 3141 FR02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS HS-SS1-11 3142 BX02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS HS-SS1-12 3143 H7K0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS HS-SS1-13 3144 BJK0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS HS-SS1-14 3145 FQK0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS HS-SS1-15 3778 9LK0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop HS HS-SS1-2 3133 39K0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS HS-SS1-3 3134 BKK0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS HS-SS1-4 3135 GVK0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS HS-SS1-5 3136 2Y02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS HS-SS1-6 3137 JBK0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS HS-SS1-7 3138 GV02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS HS-SS1-8 3139 7TO2231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS HS-SS1-9 3140 5YO2231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS M-10 3232 USDNP04891 HP Q2427A LaserJet 4200N Sep-03 Printer HS M-10 3317 USDNP09979 HP LaserJet 4200N Aug-03 DEPA Printer HS M-10 3869 Dell 1100MP Projector Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 HS M-10 3873 CQ1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3874 3R1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3875 2R1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS M-10 3876 7Q1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3877 5Q1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3878 9Q1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3879 HP1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3880 4Q1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3881 DQ1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3882 4R1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3883 JP1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3884 3Q1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3885 6Q1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3886 1R1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3887 GQ1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3888 8N1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3889 FP1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3890 2P1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3891 6R1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3892 4N1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3893 JM1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3894 5R1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3895 GM1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3896 2N1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS M-10 3897 5N1V881 Dell Optiplex GX260 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop HS M-10 3898 CN-0D5428-72872-54Q-134S Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3899 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7FPL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3900 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7GCL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3901 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7GNL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3902 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7GEL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3903 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7G2L Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3904 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7GLL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3905 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7C9L Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3906 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7GVL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3907 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7GJL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3908 CN-0D5428-72872-573-CNCL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3909 CN-0D5428-72872-574-0DRL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3910 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7G7L Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3911 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7GRL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3912 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7FTL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3913 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7GML Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3914 CN-0D5428-72872-574-0JJL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3915 CN-0D5428-72872-574-0KAL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3916 CN-0D5428-72872-574-071L Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3917 CN-0D5428-72872-574-0K6L Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS M-10 3918 CN-0D5428-72872-574-0JWL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3919 CN-0D5428-72872-573-CN8L Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3920 CN-0D5428-72872-574-0KEL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3921 CN-0D5428-72872-573-CJTL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-10 3922 CN-0D5428-72872-574-0JUL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-11 2841 MXOG15247605273AFHN Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor HS M-11 2910 4HM1N11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC HS M-11 3553 MY4932B0CV HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Nov-04 District Printer HS M-12 1289 CN13G20256 HP C7690B SCANJET 5370C May-01 Perkins FY-01 Scanner HS M-12 3491 CN02Y3157161844AACUO Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3492 CN02Y3157161844AACTM Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3493 CN02Y3157161844AACFE Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3494 CN02Y3157161843TAATK Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3495 CN02Y3157161844AACT5 Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3496 CN02Y3157161843TA683 Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3497 CN02Y3157161843TAATL Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3498 CN02Y3157161844AACTY Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3499 CN02Y3157161844AACU7 Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3500 CN02Y3157161844AACF7 Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3501 CN02Y3157161844AACF8 Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3502 CN02Y3157161844AACF6 Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS M-12 3503 CN02Y3157161844AACTT Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3504 CN02Y3157161844AACFI Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3505 CN02Y3157161843TAATC Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3506 CN02Y3157161844AACFF Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3507 CN02Y3157161844AACFO Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3508 CN02Y3157161844AACU5 Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3509 CN02Y3157161843TAATC Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3510 CN02Y3157161843TAATM Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3511 CN02Y3157161844AACTR Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3512 CN02Y3157161844AACU6 Dell 1703FPt Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Monitor HS M-12 3527 G5KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Desktop PC HS M-12 3528 36KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Desktop PC HS M-12 3529 86KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Desktop PC HS M-12 3530 47KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Desktop PC HS M-12 3531 25KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Desktop PC HS M-12 3532 J4KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Desktop PC HS M-12 3533 F5KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Desktop PC HS M-12 3534 J5KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Desktop PC HS M-12 3535 F4KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Desktop PC HS M-12 3536 56KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Desktop PC HS M-12 3537 77KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Desktop PC Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS M-12 3538 J6KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 Perkins 04-05 Desktop PC HS M-12 3550 CNBXC06003 HP Q5401A 4200 Laser Printer Nov-04 District Printer HS M-12 3595 45KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 District Desktop PC HS M-12 3596 27KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 District Desktop PC HS M-12 3597 C5KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 District Desktop PC HS M-12 3598 55KP751 Dell Optiplex SX-280 Aug-04 District Desktop PC HS M-12 3776 FCJ7B91 Dell 5110cn Color Laser Printer Aug-06 Printer HS M-12 3865 Dell 1100MP Projector Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Projector HS M-12 3866 7KJ7B91 Dell 5110cn Color Laser Printer Aug-06 Printer Epson Perfection 3490 Photo HS M-12 3868 GPEV038339 Scanner Aug-06 Scanner HS M-6 2508 HIJ8 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Monitor HS M-6 2509 HIJ9 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Monitor HS M-6 2510 G33DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Desktop PC HS M-6 2511 GO3DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Desktop PC HS M-6 2512 MY0BM1F260 HP C6427B Deskjet 932C Aug-01 Printer Sony HS M-8 437 S011120985C DCR-TRV900 3CCD under Camcorder minidv HP C4089A Color strap Bagel Shop Other LaserJet HS M-8 1316 JPFCH00375 4500N Dec-99 Perkins Printer HS M-8 2790 QT236ZM9MQH IMAC IMac HS M-8 2792 02UT27580336 1170 Access point Network Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS M-8 3261 XB311088NP3 Apple G4 PowerMac Sep-02 IMac HS M-8 3262 N530520DNAF Apple 20" Cinema Flat Panel Sep-02 Apple Monitor HS M-9 2501 USGNH00519 HP C8050A LaserJet 4100N HS M-9 3815 CN1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3816 DP1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3817 3P1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3818 JZ1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3819 9P1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3820 JN1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3821 8X1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3822 6X1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3823 502V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3824 9X1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3825 702V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3826 6W1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3827 5X1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3828 902V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3829 B02V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3830 302V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3831 202V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3832 402V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC Perkins FY-02 Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS M-9 3833 HN1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3834 FN1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3835 6P1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3836 7P1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3837 DN1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3838 7N1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3839 7Y1V881 Dell Optiplex GX620 Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Desktop PC HS M-9 3840 CN-0D5428-72872-573-5F9L Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3841 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7GWL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3842 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7GTL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3843 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7FUL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3844 CN-0D5428-72872-573-3L1L Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3845 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7CEL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3846 CN-0D5428-72872-577-2KNS Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3847 CN-0D5428-72872-577-2KFS Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3848 CN-0D5428-72872-577-2KUS Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3849 CN-0D5428-72872-577-2KMS Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3850 CN-0D5428-72872-577-2KTS Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3851 CN-0D5428-72872-577-2KVS Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3852 CN-0D5428-72872-565-3ALS Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3853 CN-0D5428-72872-577-2K8S Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS M-9 3854 CN-0D5428-72872-576-4LTS Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3855 CN-0D5428-72872-577-2K1S Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3856 CN-0D5428-72872-577-2JES Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3857 CN-0D5428-72872-577-2KKS Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3858 CN-0D5428-72872-573-5LUL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3859 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7G6L Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3860 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7G8L Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3861 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7GPL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3862 CN-0D5428-72872-573-7GKL Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3863 CN-0D5428-72872-576-3T2S Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3864 CN-0D5428-72872-577-OUVS Dell E173FP 17" Flat LCD Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Monitor HS M-9 3870 Dell 1100MP Projector Aug-05 Perkins 05-06 Projector HS Main Office 1530 USB7180791 HP C2001A LaserJet 4 HS Main Office 1715 2742P-EF39R-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor HS Main Office 1750 2742P-EEBKV-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor HS Main Office 2503 MX07C051 47801 176 HIJY Dell M781p 17" Monitor HS Main Office 2554 USCC008594 HP C4254A LaserJet 4050N Sep-00 Printer HS Main Office 2915 372R411 Dell Optiplex GX240 Mar-01 Desktop PC HS Main Office 2916 572R411 Dell Optiplex GX240 Mar-01 Desktop PC HS Main Office 2917 772R411 Dell Optiplex GX240 Mar-01 Desktop PC HS Main Office 3050 my08r3394763a6u0 Dell Flat Panel Monitor Mar-03 District Monitor Printer Perkins FY-02 Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS Main Office 3182 IMH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC HS Main Office 3294 MX-08R339-47605-36B-A9DQ Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor HS Main Office 3299 MX-08R339-47605-36B-AA3J Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor HS Main Office 3547 CNBXB07383 HP Q5401A 4200 Laser Printer Nov-04 District Printer HS Mastrachio 3568 FZ6V002698*AAA Epson 2480 Photo Scanner Aug-04 District Scanner HS Math 3361 F1D8S31 Dell 3200MP Projecter Jan-04 DEPA 04 Other HS Math 1 3591 J7TNC41 Dell 3300MP Aug-04 District Projector Flop HS Math 2 3592 48TNC41 Dell 3300MP Aug-04 District Projector River HS Media 1612 HJ8SK Dell Optiplex GX1 Dec-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC HS Media 2203 FXGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins Desktop PC HS Media 2324 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H2MM Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins Monitor HS Media 2332 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BOSM Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Monitor HS Media 2356 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H2NE Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Monitor HS Media 2480 BQSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Desktop PC HS Media Center 3363 51M9S31 Dell 3200MP Projecter Feb-04 District Other HS Media PC Lab 2829 HXTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC MH English HS Cart 3280 USBGBO2471 HP C8050A LaserJet 4100N Sep-03 depa Printer HS MH MATH 1393 HVZZSO1 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH MATH 1394 9PQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH MATH 1395 GNQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH MATH 1396 48ZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS MH MATH 1398 5CZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH MATH 1401 CQQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH MATH 1405 BMQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH MATH 1407 JPQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH MATH 1409 8LQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH MATH 1411 1NQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH MATH 1413 BNQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH MATH 1414 6V00T01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH-Eng #10 1374 FIZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH-Eng #11 1386 4RQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH-Eng #13 1379 2NQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH-Eng #15 1366 3ZZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH-Eng #17 1388 73ZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH-Eng #19 1381 HNQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH-Eng #2 1384 68ZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH-Eng #22 1382 4NQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH-Eng #24 1369 JXOOT01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH-Eng #3 1373 29ZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH-Eng #5 1375 DTZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH-Eng #6 1372 CNOOT01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH-Eng #7 1377 DWOOT01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS MH-Eng #8 1385 1YZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS MH-Eng#9 1371 4HOOT01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS Music-15 3146 9LK0231 Dell Lattitude D-614 Sep-03 DEPA Laptop HS Nurse Office 3149 MY38R2B0Z9 HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Sep-03 District Printer HS Nurse Office 3871 8VC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 District Desktop PC HS Nurse Office 3872 CVC68B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-06 District Desktop PC HS Nurses Office 1523 US47Q150B6 HP C2170A Deskjet 520 HS Nurses Office 2138 MX02742P4780101AB23F Dell M770 17" Monitor HS Nurses Office 2313 4ZGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins Desktop PC HS Nurses office 2847 KRO8615247602268A2WW Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor HS Nurses office 2848 KRO8615247602268A2W2 Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor HS Phone Room 2562 102440-4 Max Tech Monitor HS Phone Room 2563 562055260 Pan United P100 Aug-96 Desktop PC HS S-1 850 HP C3916A Laser Jet 5 Aug-97 District Printer HS S-5 3779 14TMB61 Dell Photo 944 OK9688 Aug-06 District Printer HS S-6 1317 USBB261887 HP C4253A LaserJet 4050N Aug-00 Printer HS S-6 1652 2742P-EE9NH-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor HS S-6 1659 266E9 Dell Optiplex G1 Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Desktop PC HS S-6 1664 2742P-EE9NM-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor HS S-6 1670 266E4 Dell Optiplex G1 Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Desktop PC HS S-6 1673 2742P-EE9N3-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor JPKH006520 Printer District Monitor Monitor NHS Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS S-6 1682 266FW Dell Optiplex G1 Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Desktop PC HS S-6 1686 2742P-EDHKJ-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor HS S-6 2199 GO5900B Dell Dimension 750 May-00 Honeywell Corp Desktop PC HS S-6 3255 JPCKC30245 HP C9692A Color Laserjet 4600n Sep-03 District Printer HS S-6 3567 FZ6V002718*AAA Epson 2480 Photo Scanner Aug-04 District Scanner HS S-7 1669 2742P-EDHKN-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor HS S-7 1672 266FL Dell Optiplex G1 Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Desktop PC HS S-8 1031 8116440 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Perkins 98 Monitor HS S-8 2311 JWGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins Desktop PC HS Sayre 2552 CN18E1E17H HP Scanjet C9880A 4470C Nov-01 District Other HP C9661A Color LaserJet HS Sayre 3228 jpakc04297 4600N Printer HS Sayre 3561 8V28251 Dell Optiplex GX280 Oct-04 District Desktop PC HS Sayre 3562 CNO2Y3157161849EAFDR Dell FP1702 Flat Panel Monitor Oct-04 District Monitor HS Sci1 Cart 2921 USLND07432 HP 4100N Laser Sep-02 Printer HS Sci1-1 2939 8WG5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci1-10 2948 2F3N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci1-11 2949 9C0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci1-12 2950 D70M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci1-13 2951 7B0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci1-14 2952 GRZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci1-15 2953 7D0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS Sci1-2 2940 4ZG5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci1-3 2941 6NG5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci1-4 2942 1LG5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci1-5 2943 DTG5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci1-6 2944 1RG5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci1-7 2945 JZG5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci1-8 2946 DYZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci2-1 3066 CZZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci2-10 3075 110M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci2-11 3076 410M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci2-12 3077 D20M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci2-13 3078 5VZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci2-14 3079 G00M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci2-15 3080 B00M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci2-2 3067 700M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci2-3 3068 D30M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci2-4 3069 H10M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci2-5 3070 420M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci2-6 3071 7ZZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci2-7 3072 B40M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS Sci2-8 3073 JZZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS Sci2-9 3074 B10M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS science cart 2725 6PPP911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop HS science cart 2731 SFPP911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop HS science cart 2732 D8PP911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop HS science cart 2738 FL7P911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop HS Science Off HS Social Studies Social HS Mac LC 575 Prior Apple Desktop 3593 18TNC41 Dell 3300MP Aug-04 District Projector 2010 3QQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop Studies Cart Social P16671797C4 Studies HS Cart 2692 66MRL01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop HS Sole 3220 MY38Q2B3JY HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Sep-03 District Printer HS SPED 1 2924 11C5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 10 2933 2WB5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 11 2934 HXB5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 12 2935 H1C5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 13 2936 1MG5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 15 2938 BPG5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 16 2954 D10M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 17 2955 BX2L021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 18 2956 F22L021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 2 2925 2ZB5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Turn Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS SPED 3 2926 4WB5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 4 2927 JWB5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 5 2928 3XB5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 6 2929 H2B5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 7 2930 72C5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 8 2931 FWB5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED 9 2932 20C5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SPED Cart 2920 USLND07425 HP 4100N Laser Sep-02 Printer HS SRO 2090 MY93H1B25D HP C6409A Deskjet 880C HS SS1 Cart 2987 USJMD03318 HP 4100N Laser Sep-02 Printer HS SS1-10 2974 GZZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS1-11 2981 DD0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS1-13 2973 1H0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS1-15 2947 710M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS1-3 2975 DH0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS1-4 2972 3D0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS1-5 2984 H80M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS1-6 2978 3G0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS1-7 2983 3F0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS1-8 2979 7F0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS1-9 2980 J60M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Printer Scanner Cart Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class HS SS2-10 3060 C90M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS2-11 3061 JH0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS2-12 3052 3H0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS2-13 3063 4HZM021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS2-14 3064 F52N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS2-15 3065 C03N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS2-2 3054 JG3N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS2-3 3053 H8YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS2-6 3056 78YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS2-7 3057 J10M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS2-8 3058 H43N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS2-9 3055 9H0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop HS SS2-9 3059 DM2N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop 2793 MXOG15247605271A5S1 Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor 2795 MXOG15247605271A5KA Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor 2796 MXOG15247605271A5N3 Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor 2798 MXOG15247605271A5K8 Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor 2810 MXOG15247605271A5KC Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor tech HS storage tech HS office storage tech HS office storage tech HS office storage tech HS office storage office Red Building Location tech HS Serial # Description Date Source Class office storage tech Label # 3297 MX-08R339-47605-36B-A9DB Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor office HS storage 3549 CBBXC04689 HP Q5401A 4200 Laser Printer Nov-04 District Printer HS Training Room 3150 MY38R2B0YB HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Sep-03 District Printer HS Vice Principal 1512 USDF009168 HP C398A LaserJet 6MP Sep-97 District Printer HS Vice Principal 2553 USCD075901 HP C4170A Laserjet 2100 District Printer HS Yearbook 2139 G6Q6U Dell Optiplex GX 100 District Desktop PC MAINT Maintenance 1814 84779-A3KNX-A8 Dell Monitor D1028L MAINT Maintenance 2058 US46K140SF HP C2170A Deskjet 520 MAINT Shop 1667 2742P-EE9NK-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor MAINT Shop 2209 FTGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Desktop PC RMT 123 2486 1QSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 District Desktop PC RMT 123 2487 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H29D Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 District Monitor RMT 124 2484 JBVK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 District Desktop PC RMT 124 2485 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B111 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 District Monitor RMT 124 2583 GVPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 District Laptop RMT 124 2584 8YPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 District Laptop RMT 124 2585 81QYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 District Laptop RMT 124 2586 8H00T01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 District Laptop RMT 124 2587 s1090692 Samsung Document Camera RMT 124 3234 MY1CD191SC HP C8932A DeskJet 960c Dec-98 Monitor Printer District Mar-03 District Other Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT 125 2665 MY05R1C078 HP C6428B DeskJet 952C Printer RMT 126 1318 853DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC RMT 126 1343 MX07C051 47801 176 HIJB Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 127 370 LO4311QV2PQ Mac LC580 Prior District Mac Desktop RMT 127 454 3233A61105 HP c2124Z Deskwriter 550c Prior District Printer RMT 127 3545 JPBGC15277 HP Q3670A 4650 Color Laser Nov-04 District Printer RMT 128 2494 FQSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 District Desktop PC RMT 128 2495 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B10Z Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 District Monitor RMT 136 1705 2742P-EEBKJ-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor RMT 136 2217 DVGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins Desktop PC RMT 136 3587 MY3962B1JD HP Deskjet 6122 Aug-04 District Printer RMT 137 1639 MX93V111CS HP DeskJet 697c C4562C District Printer RMT 138 2919 JPAKF04086 HP 4600N Color Laser Sep-02 Printer RMT 138 3570 FZ6V002690*AAA Epson 2480 Photo Scanner Aug-04 District Scanner RMT 139 2207 JYGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Desktop PC RMT 139 2347 2SGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Desktop PC RMT 139 2348 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H2N8 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Monitor RMT 139 2350 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B06K Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Monitor RMT 139 2353 BZGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Desktop PC RMT 139 2354 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BO6T Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Monitor RMT 139 2357 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BO6E Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT 139 2362 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BO6M Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Monitor RMT 139 2369 CTGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 139 2371 9YGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 141 849 HP C3916A Laser Jet 5 Aug-97 Goals 2000 Printer RMT 141 1701 2742P-EEBJY-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor RMT 141 1724 2742P-EF3A1-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor RMT 141 1726 2742P-EEBKZ-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor RMT 141 2341 CYGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Desktop PC RMT 141 2488 8PSP208 Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Desktop PC RMT 141 2581 5QSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) RMT 142 1809 84779-C88M2-68 Dell Monitor D1028L Dec-98 Monitor RMT 142 2219 DWGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins Desktop PC RMT 143 1723 2LU93 Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC RMT 143 1743 2LU9F Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC RMT 143 1845 2742P-EMRJA-99 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Monitor RMT 143 1846 6A6VI Dell Optiplex GX1 NT RMT 143 2888 CN0BN1Q0MQ HP C6427B Deskjet 932C Sep-01 District Printer RMT 147 1191 8190002 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Monitor RMT 147 2210 9RGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Desktop PC RMT 150 1321 J23DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC RMT 150 1355 MX07C051 47801 176 HIDW Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor JPKH006523 Prior District Desktop PC Desktop PC l Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT 150 1358 MX07C051 47801 176 HIJA Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 150 1360 MX07C051 47801 176 HIK3 Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 150 1720 2LU9P Dell Optiplex G1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC RMT 150 1816 USBB0654517 HP C4251A LaserJet 4050 Aug-99 District Printer RMT 150 2024 333DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 District Desktop PC RMT 150 2025 453DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 District Desktop PC RMT 150 2026 823DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 District Desktop PC RMT 150 2040 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3BN Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 150 2504 J33DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC RMT 150 2505 MX07C051 47801 176 HIJW Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 150 2565 MX07C051 47801 176HIJ4 Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 150 2566 JO3DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC RMT 150 2596 8HP4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC RMT 150 2597 1JP4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC RMT 150 2599 JFP4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC RMT 150 2600 8HP4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC RMT 150 2601 3GP4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC RMT 150 2602 DFP4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC RMT 150 2603 CGP4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC RMT 150 2604 3HP4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC RMT 150 2605 6JP4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT 150 2607 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3BU Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 150 2608 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3B9 Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 150 2609 MX-07C051-47801-17U-H0AG Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 150 2610 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3BT Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 150 2611 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3BJ Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 150 2612 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3B8 Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 150 2613 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3B6 Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 150 2614 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3BQ Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 150 2615 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3BF Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor RMT 152 2308 3QGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins Desktop PC RMT 152 2374 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H2N9 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2400 H8VK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2407 GQSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2408 69VK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2409 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H1PZ Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2410 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B2G1 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2412 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B2G8 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2413 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B2GC Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2414 MX-0957VU-47801-05N-B1PU Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor LAL (Replaced 2RMT 152 2415 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B0RJ Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 02) Monitor RMT 152 2416 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B28K Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT 152 2418 S9VK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2419 89VK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2420 GBVK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2421 USBDO25897 HP C4253A LaserJet 4050N Oct-00 District Printer RMT 152 2423 VBVK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2424 HPSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2425 G8VK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2426 F9VK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2427 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B10Y Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2428 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B2G6 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2429 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H292 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2430 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B2FX Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2431 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H1Q0 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2433 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B112 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2434 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H1Q6 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2436 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H1PY Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2437 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H1Q4 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2438 59VK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2439 19VK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2440 5BVK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2441 9PSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT 152 2442 FBVK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2443 4BVK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2444 7BVK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2445 2BVK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2446 DBVK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2447 8BVK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2448 H9VK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2449 J9VK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2450 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H1Q5 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2451 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H1PR Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2452 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H1DX Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2453 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H1TS Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2454 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H1P0 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2455 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H1PU Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 152 2460 8QSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 152 2465 mx0957vu4780106ebilg Dell Monitor M781p Mar-97 District Monitor RMT 152 2481 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B114 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Monitor RMT 153 2852 JPAKG03934 HP Color LaserJet 4600 RMT 153 2855 G85228P6SCD Apple emac Aug-05 District Apple RMT 153 2856 G85228P4SCD Apple emac Aug-05 District Apple RMT 153 2857 G8522AZJSCD Apple emac Aug-05 District Apple Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT 153 2858 G85228P3SCD Apple emac Aug-05 District Apple RMT 153 2859 G85227TVSCD Apple emac Aug-05 District Apple RMT 153 2860 G85228P5SCD Apple emac Aug-05 District Apple RMT 153 3358 G84234M5QJB Macintosh EMAC Aug-04 District Apple PC RMT 153 3359 G8420IKAQJB Macintosh EMAC Aug-04 District Apple PC RMT 153 3360 G8421APUQQH Macintosh EMAC Aug-04 District Apple PC RMT 153 3594 1T8MC41 Dell 3300MP Aug-04 District Projector RMT 153 3602 G8429E5TQQH Emac Sep-04 RMT 153 3604 G8429E5RQQH Emac Sep-04 RMT 153 3934 G86245LXSCD EMAC Aug-06 District Apple Desktop RMT 153 3935 G86245MBJCD EMAC Aug-06 District Apple Desktop RMT 153 3936 G86244G55CD EMAC Aug-06 District Apple Desktop RMT 153 3937 G86249U4SCD EMAC Aug-06 District Apple Desktop RMT 153 3938 G86245MZSCD EMAC Aug-06 District Apple Desktop RMT 204 3618 GPEV038312*AAB Epson 3490 Photo Scanner Aug-05 DEPA Scanner RMT 207 1853 MY92D1505W HP C6409A Deskjet 880C RMT 212 3569 FZ6V002706*AAA Epson 2480 Photo Scanner Aug-04 District Scanner RMT 212 3775 DCJ7B91 Dell 5110cn Color Laser Printer Oct-06 DEPA Printer RMT 213 2851 JPCKC380238 HP Color LaserJet 4600 RMT 213 3619 GPEV038356*AAB Epson 3490 Photo Scanner RMT 214 1847 MX94E1S0MS HPC6409A Deskjet 880C Printer Printer Aug-05 DEPA Prior Scanner Printer Blinds Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT 214 2473 DRGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT 214 2474 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B110 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT 214 3513 2V8MC41 Dell 3300MP Aug-04 District Projector RMT 218 1195 8190004 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Monitor RMT 218 1823 27GEX Dell Optiplex GX1 Desktop PC RMT 218 1842 USDF009133 HP C398A LaserJet 6MP Printer RMT 219 2884 JPBGD04436 HP 4600 C9661A Printer Printer RMT 7M Cart 2496 USBC160515 HP C4253A LaserJet 4050N Oct-00 Printer RMT 7R Cart 2492 USBC160228 HP C4253A LaserJet 4050N Oct-00 Printer RMT 7T Cart 2338 USBD025892 HP C4253A LaserJet 4050N Aug-00 Perkins Printer RMT 8M Cart 3271 USGNF00396 HP C8050A LaserJet 4100N RMT Band 253 HP C2170A Deskjet 520 RMT Band 1207 8190024 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Monitor RMT Band 1934 27F17 Dell Optiplex GX1 Aug-99 Desktop PC RMT Cafeteria Office 2802 MXOG15247605271A5FV Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor RMT Cafeteria Office 2823 GWTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC RMT Cafeteria Office 3548 CNBXB07373 HP Q5401A 4200 Laser Printer Nov-04 District Printer RMT CST 2791 USLND07417 HP 4100Laser Printer RMT CST 3610 5Y1V881 Dell Optiplex GX 621 Aug-05 District Desktop PC RMT CST 3620 CN-OD542872872577-2JUS Dell Monitor E173FP1 Aug-05 District Monitor 1679 2742P-EE9NO-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor US46K140S9 Printer Prior District Printer Printer Custodial RMT Office All In Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class Custodial RMT Office 1688 266C7 Dell Optiplex G1 Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Desktop PC 2691 MY05R1C08R HP C6428B DeskJet 952C Aug-01 District Printer 1781 27HIW Dell Optiplex Aug-99 Desktop PC Custodial RMT Office Custodial RMT Office Taylor Custodial RMT Office Taylor 2358 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BO6J Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Monitor RMT Fac Lounge 1280 GZBXG01 Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Mar-01 District Desktop PC RMT Fac Lounge 1634 MX93V111BV HP C4562C DeskJet 697C RMT Fac Lounge 1689 2742P-EEN7-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor RMT FAC Upstairs 830 HP C4568A Desk Jet 820CSE Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer RMT FAC Upstairs 1281 10CXG01 Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Mar-01 District Desktop PC RMT FAC Upstairs 1744 2742P-EF390-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor RMT Guidance 3095 USLND07420 HP 4100N Laser C8050A Dec-02 District Printer RMT Guidance 3608 CN-OD542872872576-3T7S Dell Monitor E173FP1 Aug-05 District Monitor RMT Guidance 3609 BX1V881 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Aug-05 District Desktop PC RMT Guidance 3773 58VF8B1 Dell Photo 924 OJG225 Oct-06 District Printer RMT Guidance 3774 3VYF8B1 Dell Photo 924 OJG225 Oct-06 District Printer RMT Gym 1733 2LU8X Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC RMT Gym 1829 27429-EMQPY-99 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Monitor RMT Gym 1872 SG75H1J03M HP C4568A Desk Jet 820Cse RMT LGI 2576 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3BH Dell M781p 17" Monitor SG75D1J1YJ Printer Printer Sep-01 Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT LGI 2815 9XTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC RMT LGI 3584 MY3AB2B2M2 HP Deskjet 6122 Apr-04 District Printer RMT Main Office 1155 8172131 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Monitor RMT Main Office 1915 USC0091008 HP C4170A LaserJet 2100 Printer RMT Main Office 1916 USC0091001 HP C4170A LaserJet 2100 Printer RMT Main Office 2482 BPSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT Main Office 2499 00409628A4C0 Aironet ap4822B Access Point Aug-00 Other RMT Main Office 3273 CN06R6444780432P1LSF Dell 15" Flat Panel Monitor RMT Main Office 3274 CC8MK21 Dell Optiplex GX260 Desktop PC RMT Main Office 3275 BC8MK21 Dell Optiplex GX260 Desktop PC RMT Main Office 3276 CN06R6444780432PL1T6 Dell 15" Flat Panel Monitor RMT Main Office 3278 USCC101575 HP C4253A LaserJet 4050N Printer RMT Main Office 3776 Fcj7b91 Dell 5110cn Color Laser Printer Oct-06 DEPA Printer RMT Media Center 1240 1YQPC01 Dell Optiplex GX 300 Tower Feb-01 District Desktop PC RMT Media Center 2574 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3BK Dell M781p 17" Monitor Sep-01 Monitor RMT Media Center 2861 MX-D8G152-476S-273-AFH7 Dell Flat Screen 1702FP Monitor RMT Media Center 2862 FGM1V11 Dell Optiplex GX 260 Desktop PC RMT Media Center 2863 KR08G15247602268A2WX Dell Flat Screen 1702FP Monitor RMT Media Center 2864 2KM1N11 Dell Optiplex GX 260 Desktop PC RMT Media Center 2880 4KM1N11 Dell Optiplex GX 260 Desktop PC RMT Media Center 2881 MX-08G152-47605-273-AFH1 Dell Flat Screen 1702FP Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT Media Center 2882 FJM1N11 Dell Optiplex GX 260 Desktop PC RMT Media Center 2883 KR08G15247602268A2WV Dell Flat Screen 1702FP Desktop PC RMT Media Center 2885 USLND07419 HP 4100N J4169A Printer Printer RMT Media Center 3264 FPG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Desktop PC RMT Media Center 3265 MX08R3394760536BA9DF Dell 15" Flat Panel Monitor RMT Media Center 3266 7PG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Desktop PC RMT Media Center 3267 MX08R3394760536BAA3D Dell 15" Flat Panel Monitor RMT Media Center 3268 8SGY21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Desktop PC RMT Media Center 3269 MX08R3394760536BA9DG Dell 15" Flat Panel Monitor RMT Media Center 3301 BKH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC RMT Media Center 3325 3KH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC RMT Media Center 3327 7KH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC RMT Media Center 3516 BT8MC41 Dell 3300MP Aug-04 District Projector RMT Media Center 3572 CN-0M1609-46633-471-0AGT Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 District Monitor RMT Media Center 3574 CN-0M1609-46633-471-0ATT Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 District Monitor RMT Media Center 3576 CN-0M1609-46633-471-0C0T Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 District Monitor RMT Media Center 3578 CN-0M1609-46633-471-0C1T Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 District Monitor RMT Media Center 3580 CN-0M1609-46633-471-0C2T Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-04 District Monitor RMT Media Center 3581 CN416B16VS HP Scanjet 3970 Aug-04 District Scanner RMT Media Center 3583 1ws28425106 Interwrite Smart Board Aug-04 DEPA WhiteBoard RMT Media Center 3599 BRB7F41 Dell 4100MP Aug-04 District Projector Big Slick straight Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Dell Optiplex GX-270 Class RMT Media Center 3621 BWG7H51 Desktop PC RMT Media Center 3622 CN-OM1609-46633-471-OC4T RMT Media Center 3623 GX1V881 Dell Optiplex GX-620 Aug-05 Desktop PC RMT Media Center 3624 CN-OD5428-72872-577-2KHS Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-05 Monitor RMT Media Center 3625 DX1V881 Dell Optiplex GX-620 Aug-05 Desktop PC RMT Media Center 3626 CN-OD5428-72872-577-25KS Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-05 Monitor RMT Media Center 3627 1Y1V881 Dell Optiplex GX-620 Aug-05 Desktop PC RMT Media Center 3628 BY1V881 Dell Optiplex GX-620 Aug-05 Desktop PC RMT Media Center 3629 CN-OD5428-72872-577-2K6S Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-05 Monitor RMT Media Center 3630 CN-OD5428-72872-577-2TNS Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-05 Monitor RMT Media Center 3631 JX1V881 Dell Optiplex GX-620 Aug-05 Desktop PC RMT Media Center 3632 CN-OD5428-72872-577-2K4S Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-05 Monitor RMT Media Center 3633 D3B0071 Dell Color Laser Printer 5100CN Aug-05 Printer RMT Media Center 3927 CN-0CC639-72872-65I-6HJT Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-06 District Monitor RMT Media Center 3928 CN-0CC639-72872-65I-3CYT Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-06 District Monitor RMT Media Center 3929 CN-0CC639-72872-65I-3Y5T Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-06 District Monitor RMT Media Center 3930 CN-0CC639-72872-65I-3YET Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-06 District Monitor RMT Media Center 3931 CN-0CC639-72872-65I-405T Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-06 District Monitor RMT Media Center 3932 7H6LY51 Dell 1100 Projector Aug-06 District Projector RMT Nurse Office 2477 GPSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Desktop PC RMT Nurse Office 3554 MY4932B0FS HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Nov-04 District Printer Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class Viewsonic VE150 15" Flat Panel RMT Nurse Office 3566 3566GV141106822 Monitor Apr-03 District Monitor 3551 MY48P2B16B HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Nov-04 District Printer Principals RMT Office RMT Tech HP Laserjet Print to Mail RMT Office 2555 Attachment Printer RMT RMT7 3016 USLND03310 HP 4100N Laser Sep-02 Printer RMT RMT7M-1 3371 7MF0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-10 3380 2CF0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-11 3381 12D0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-12 3382 4FF0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-13 3383 4PF0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-14 3384 6SK0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-15 3385 57F0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-16 3386 4XK0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-17 3387 5WD0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-18 3388 JTD0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-19 3389 4PK0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-2 3372 FSF0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-20 3390 8DK0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-21 3337 F41F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop RMT RMT7M-22 3338 BD1F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT RMT7M-23 3339 5C2F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop RMT RMT7M-24 3340 7Y1F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop RMT RMT7M-25 3341 7B2F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop RMT RMT7M-26 3342 641F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop RMT RMT7M-3 3373 4GF0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-4 3374 CJF0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-5 3375 CNK0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-6 3376 2VK0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-7 3377 3TK0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-8 3378 G5K0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7M-9 3379 HGF0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7msm-1 3648 68KP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7msm-10 3657 32MP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7msm-11 3658 77KP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7msm-12 3659 C9KP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7msm-13 3660 B2JP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7msm-14 3741 4VGP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7msm-15 3742 5GKP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7msm-2 3649 DWJP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7msm-3 3650 3RLP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7msm-4 3651 HVGP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT rmt-7msm-5 3652 9JJP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7msm-6 3653 H9JP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7msm-7 3654 FOJP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7msm-8 3655 80KP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7msm-9 3656 4NHP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7R-1 3391 1NK0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-10 3400 2QF0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-11 3401 9QD0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-12 3402 9RK0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-13 3403 2WK0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-14 3404 8MD0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-15 3405 CHF0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT-7R-16 3406 FKF0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-17 3407 D8F0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT-7R-18 3565 3ZJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-19 3409 HZD0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-2 3392 CFK0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-20 3410 2KG0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-21 3331 882F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop RMT RMT7R-22 3332 GN1F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop RMT RMT7R-23 3333 G31F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT RMT7R-24 3334 8H1F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop RMT RMT7R-25 3335 G72F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop RMT RMT-7R-26 3478 H3JH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT7R-3 3393 5MK0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-4 3394 25K0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-5 3395 H9K0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-6 3396 1BF0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-7 3397 JPK0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-8 3398 3YD0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7R-9 3399 BFF0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop RMT RMT7-SM-1 3034 1ZZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT7-SM-10 3029 8VZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT7-SM-11 3030 DTZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT7-SM-12 3031 DB0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT7-SM-13 3032 4SZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT7-SM-14 3033 2C0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT7-SM-2 3021 GBYL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT7-SM-3 3022 FH2N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT7-SM-4 3023 B80M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT7-SM-5 3024 1F2N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT7-SM-6 3025 DXZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT RMT7-SM-7 3026 3XZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT7-SM-8 3027 9Z2N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT7-SM-9 3028 6T2N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT7T-1 2891 GBG0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-10 2900 83G0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-11 3411 JSG0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-12 3412 F4G0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-13 3413 3XF0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-14 3414 9WF0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-15 3415 CHG0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-16 3416 2PG0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-17 3417 J5G0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-18 3418 3VF0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-19 3419 6QG0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-2 2892 DLG0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-20 3420 2SD0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-21 3343 592F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop RMT RMT7T-22 3344 881F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop RMT RMT7T-23 3345 JF1F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop RMT RMT7T-24 3346 H61F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop RMT RMT7T-25 3347 1T1F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT RMT7T-26 3348 932F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop RMT RMT7T-3 2893 48G0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-4 2894 89G0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-5 2895 1GG0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-6 2896 2RF0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-7 2897 27G0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-8 2898 1ZF0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT RMT7T-9 2899 HVF0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-03 Laptop RMT rmt-7tsm-1 3758 9TLP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7tsm-10 3767 86MP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7tsm-11 3768 H3JP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7tsm-12 3769 DYLP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7tsm-13 3770 47JP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7tsm-14 3771 5BJP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7tsm-15 3772 1DJP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7tsm-2 3759 7FJP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7tsm-3 3760 G3MP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7tsm-4 3761 33MP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7tsm-5 3762 39MP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7tsm-6 3763 2LMP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7tsm-7 3764 D5MP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT rmt-7tsm-8 3765 5NJP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-7tsm-9 3766 C7MP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8 Cart 2923 USLND07418 HP 4100N Laser Sep-02 Printer RMT RMT8M-1 3691 4NFN481 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-10 3700 6HG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-11 3701 1HG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-12 3702 97G3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-13 3703 H1G3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-14 3704 JQW2581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-15 3705 B7X2581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-16 3706 2CG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-17 3707 54G3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-18 3708 5KG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-19 3709 CHG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-2 3692 GQFN481 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-20 3710 6BG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-21 3711 H3G3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-22 3712 2PW2581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-23 3713 GPW2581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-24 3714 H7G3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-25 3715 7GG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT RMT8M-26 3716 CQF3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-3 3693 39G3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-4 3694 HKG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-5 3695 4SF3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-6 3696 F1X2581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-7 3697 3ZF3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-8 3698 8NW2581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8M-9 3699 1QW2581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-8msm-1 3743 GYGP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-8msm-10 3752 BOHP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-8msm-11 3753 CVHP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-8msm-12 3754 HWLP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-8msm-13 3755 JJMP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-8msm-14 3756 5HMP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-8msm-15 3757 GXGP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-8msm-2 3744 DBMP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-8msm-3 3745 99JP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-8msm-4 3746 B4HP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-8msm-5 3747 5YHP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-8msm-6 3748 8SLP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-8msm-7 3749 3GHP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT rmt-8msm-8 3750 8CJP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT rmt-8msm-9 3751 HBJP8B1 Dell Latitude D-520 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-1 3451 2TJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-10 3460 ]DLJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-11 3461 HSJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-12 3462 DTJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-13 3463 BNJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-14 3464 7QJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-15 3465 JLJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-16 3466 9TJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-17 3467 JNJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-18 3468 7BJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-19 3469 JPJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-2 3452 BPJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-20 3470 1MJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-21 3471 5TJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-22 3472 HVJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-23 3473 1WJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-24 3474 F9JH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-25 3475 CQJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-26 3476 7MJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT RMT-8R-27 3477 7TJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-3 3453 FGJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-4 3454 JMJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-5 3455 7RJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-6 3456 2CJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-7 3457 D9JH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-8 3458 F5JH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8R-9 3459 14JH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8RSM-1 2989 8YZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop 2998 FG0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT-8RSM-RMT 10 RMT-8RSM-- RMT 11 2999 C7YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8RSM-12 3641 4YPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 8R #3 Laptop 3001 D8YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop 3002 87YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT-8RSM-RMT 13 RMT-8RSM-- RMT 14 RMT-8RSM-- RMT 15 3003 2XXL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8RSM-2 2990 C00M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8RSM-3 2991 J00M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8RSM-4 2992 D32N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT RMT-8RSM-5 2993 6YZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8RSM-6 2994 J5YM021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8RSM-7 2995 F42N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8RSM-9 2997 4C0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT8T-1 3661 7QFN481 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-10 3670 31G3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-11 3671 GGF3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-12 3672 3DF3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-13 3673 HTG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-14 3674 3NG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-15 3675 5SG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-16 3676 DSF3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-17 3677 4TF3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-18 3678 HBF3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-19 3679 DVG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-2 3662 FNFN481 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-20 3680 60G3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-21 3681 67F3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-22 3682 DPFN481 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-23 3683 DPFN481 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-24 3684 1PFN481 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT RMT8T-25 3685 9TG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-26 3686 DKFN481 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-3 3663 GMFN481 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-4 3664 FMG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-5 3665 BZF3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-6 3666 5FF3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-7 3667 78X2581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-8 3668 HHG3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT8T-9 3669 9SF3581 Dell Lattitude D-510 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop RMT RMT-8TSM-1 2749 BQPP911 Dell Latitude C-610 Mar-02 District Laptop RMT RMT-8TSM-10 3131 C2SBV11 Dell Lattitiude C-610 Apr-03 District Laptop RMT RMT-8TSM-11 3088 C8YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8TSM-12 3015 H6YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8TSM-13 3017 373N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8TSM-14 3018 B60M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT8TSM-15 2777 7FXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8TSM-15 3012 893N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8TSM-2 3005 8C0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8TSM-3 3006 4Y2N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8TSM-4 3007 790M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8TSM-5 3008 6J0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT RMT-8TSM-7 3010 713N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8TSM-8 3011 4WZN021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMT-8TSM-9 3019 220M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop RMT RMTV 2789 QT236ZM8MQH IMAC RMT RMTV 3603 G8429E5SQQH Emac RMT RMTV 3925 QP5230UPSDV G5 IMAC District Apple RMT RMTV 3926 QP624IK3U2S IMAC District Apple RMT RMTV 3939 G86245M7SCD EMAC Aug-06 District Apple Desktop RMT SRO 1227 TH07Q97JQ8 HP C6466A Deskjet 648c Feb-01 District Printer RMT SRO 1282 JZBXG01 Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Mar-01 District Desktop PC RMT SRO 2361 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BO6Z Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Monitor RMT storage 1222 8440610 Dell Monitor D1025HTX RMT storage 1235 MX-06C046-47801-110-H1150 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Feb-01 District Monitor RMT storage 1284 HZBXG01 Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Mar-01 District Desktop PC RMT storage 1737 2LU8Z Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC RMT storage 1741 2LU9A Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC RMT storage 1921 22794F9A7179 Dell Monitor 828FI Aug-99 Monitor RMT storage 2317 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H2N2 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins Monitor RMT storage 2318 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H2NG Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins Monitor RMT storage 2319 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B0RV Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins Monitor RMT storage 2325 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BOSR Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins Monitor IMac Sep-04 RMTV Monitor RMTV Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT storage 2326 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BO6H Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins Monitor RMT storage 2334 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H2NC Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Monitor RMT storage 2337 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-SOSQ Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Monitor RMT Storage 2364 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BO6Y Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT Storage 2366 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H2NA Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT Storage 2380 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BOSP Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT Storage 2457 6QSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT storage 2458 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B113 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT storage 2463 7QSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC RMT storage 2469 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H290 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor RMT storage 2491 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-B10D Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 District Monitor RMT Storage 2800 MXOG15247605271A5MX Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor RMT Storage 2806 MXOG15247605271A5FY Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor RMT Storage 2808 MXOG15247605271A5CM Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor RMT Storage 2818 MXOG15247605271A5FT Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor RMT Storage 2842 KRO8615247602268A2WU Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor RMT Symposium 2624 RN134606LFC IMac Aug-01 Apple IMac RMT Team 8R Cart 2667 USGNH00520 HP C8050A LaserJet 4100N Aug-01 Printer RMT Team M Cart 2497 0040962869B9 Aironet ap4822B Access Point Aug-00 Other RMT Team R Cart 2493 004096286D20 Aironet ap4822B Access Point Aug-00 Other RMT Team T Cart 2498 00409628B45C Aironet ap4822B Access Point Aug-00 Other Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class RMT Tech Office 2039 76P4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Desktop PC RMT Tech Office 2305 2XGPS0B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Desktop PC RMT Tech Office 2329 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H2NF Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Monitor RMT Tech Office 2344 HXGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Desktop PC RMT Tech Office 2479 USBC160333 HP C4253A LaserJet 4050N Oct-00 Printer RMT Tech Office 2619 RN13466ULFC IMac Aug-01 District Apple IMac RMT Tech Office 2671 JGP4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Sep-01 District Desktop PC RMT Tech Office 2817 MXOG15247605271A5MY Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor RMT Tech Office 3364 81M9S31 Dell 3200MP Projecter Feb-04 District Other RMT Tech office 3634 UV13902MLCC Ibook Power PC 750 Tech Ibook office RMT Storage 2827 1YTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC RMT Tech Storage 2826 5XTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC RMT Tech Storage 2905 5JM1N11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC RMT Tech Storage 2908 HHM1N11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC Teacher Laptop Dagostino 3123 B1GHK21 Dell Latitude C-640 Apr-03 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Ackley Frank 2736 GSPP911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop 7th Grade Laptop Teacher Laptop Adams 2182 6IPDX Dell Latitude CPx Sep-00 Program Laptop Teacher Laptop Batten 3613 1ZNMJ71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Beane-Fox 1286 5QQYH01 Dell Latitude C-800 Apr-01 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Bedell 1301 7937N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop Mike MACSERVE1 RMTV Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class Teacher Laptop Bedell 3408 5NF0231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 District Laptop Teacher Laptop BelascoM 3719 DR3QN91 Dell Latitude D-510 Mar-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Bernstein 3727 H9L5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Best 3105 Dell Lattitude D-600 Teacher Laptop Bispels 2775 GCXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Bonner 1311 GC37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Bott 1313 1G37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Cappelletti 2735 2J7P911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Carpinelli 2653 ELH8H Dell Inspiron 7000 Laptop Teacher Laptop Carpinelli 2654 FB1D411 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Laptop Castellucci 3229 hfpp911 Dell Latitude C-610 Teacher Laptop Castellucci 3590 7WJH551 Dell Latitude D505 Sep-04 Teacher Laptop Chapman 3720 19G1091 Dell Latitude D-510 Mar-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Cherry 3615 7XNMJ71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Ciccossi 1295 9C37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Clark 3606 4XJH551 Dell Latitude D505 Sep-04 Teacher Laptop Connelly 3564 FQKH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Costello 3718 2R3QN91 Dell Latitude D-510 Mar-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Creamer 3616 2WHVM71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Crossan 2524 HN87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 Laptop Teacher Laptop Crouthamel 3093 JYZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop District Laptop District Laptop Feb-02 District Laptop Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class Teacher Laptop Cruz 1399 1200T01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop Teacher Laptop Dagostino 1306 CF37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Damiana 3738 BBL5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Davis 1305 7D37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Demers 3607 152F341 Dell Latitude D600 Sep-03 Teacher Laptop DeNote 2537 7P87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 Laptop Teacher Laptop Dilling 3090 520M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Dipasquale 3640 4Z48L81 Dell Latitude D-505 Oct-05 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Divito 2530 BY87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Dolinsky 1300 GF37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Aug-01 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Downing 3000 J70M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Drechen 1285 GQQYH01 Dell Latitude C-800 Apr-01 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Elia 3062 HG0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Ferraro 2692 66MLR01 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Flitcroft 2730 8HRP911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Flynn 3717 HP3QN91 Dell Latitude D-510 Mar-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Gable 3729 5JL5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop 7th Grade Laptop Teacher Laptop Gager 2184 6IPP8 Dell Latitude CPx Jun-00 Program Laptop Teacher Laptop Gager 3127 FJ0PP21 Dell Lattitude D-800 Apr-03 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Gager, D 2664 GXJH411 Dell Latitude C-810 Dec-01 Laptop Teacher Laptop Gardella 2728 9HPP911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class Teacher Laptop Gary Douglas 3734 3CL5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Gibson 3777 51PMJ71 Dell Latitude D-505 Sep-06 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Ginny 3644 W86241RQTJ1 Apple MAC Book Pro Jun-06 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Girone 3124 1J0PP21 Dell Lattitude D-800 Apr-03 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Gleason 3349 FFD0231 Dell latitude D-600 Aug-04 Laptop Teacher Laptop Gruchowski 2774 JGXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Hansen 3279 7CD0231 Dell latitude D-600 Teacher Laptop HansenR 3731 2GL5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Heck 2744 DLYM911 Dell Lattitiude C-610 Mar-02 DePA Laptop Teacher Laptop Heishman 3614 H0PMJ71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Hemingway 2780 2BXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Higgins 2535 8N87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 Laptop Teacher Laptop Hosford 2773 8DXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Iaconangelo 2737 9DPP911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Jack Ryan 3589 9ZJH551 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Jargowsky 3479 FYJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Jurewiczl 3087 GYZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Kearn 2507 FXPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Laptop Kern 2726 GH7P911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Klaver 3725 D5L5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Kline 3369 71KH551 Dell Lattitude D-600 Aug-04 District Laptop Laptop Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class Teacher Laptop Kovacs 2733 8QPP911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Kovacs 2746 5HYM911 Dell Lattitiude C-610 Mar-02 DePA Laptop Teacher Laptop Kraemer 3086 4ZZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Kuhlberg 3542 CXJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Lacorte 1303 2F37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Lasher 3563 JWJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Last 2755 JM7P911 Dell Latitude C-610 Mar-02 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Lindsay 3732 HJL5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Lisa Jurewicz 2766 2JXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Marchione 3114 70GHK21 Dell Latitude C-640 Apr-03 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Martin 2734 FK7P911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Massimiano 2768 DDXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Mathewsrmt 1299 DB37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop MatthewsHS 3091 400M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop McDuell 1308 1F37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop McGarvey 3689 4T3QN91 Dell Latitude D-510 Mar-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Mendicino 2652 4PMH411 Dell Latitude C-810 Teacher Laptop Merlino 1310 FD37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Merrill 3543 BYJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Mintz 3688 JR3QN91 Dell Latitude D-510 Feb-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Monillas 3089 120M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Jun-02 Class Teacher Laptop Mroz 2778 BDXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Laptop Teacher Laptop Mueller 2651 5QMH411 Dell Latitude C-810 Teacher Laptop Mueller 3128 7J0PP1 Dell Lattitude D-800 Apr-03 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Murnaghan 2741 49YM911 Dell Lattitiude C-610 Mar-02 DePA Laptop Teacher Laptop Nancy Ridgway 3588 F9D0231 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Neill 3722 HLL5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Newdeck 1315 9B37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Newdeck 2532 6Q87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 Laptop Teacher Laptop Noble 3635 40PMJ71 Dell Latitude D-505 Oct-05 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Obst 3129 8W02231 Dell Lattitude D-600 Sep-03 Laptop Teacher Laptop Parker 3867 3XF3581 Dell Latitude D 505 Aug-06 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Peckiconnis 2742 BHYM911 Dell Lattitiude C-610 Mar-02 DePA Laptop Teacher Laptop Polo 3082 H7YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Pullyblank Kim 3120 G26HK21 Dell Latitude C-640 Apr-03 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Pullyblank Rob 3601 6YJH551 Dell Latitude D-600 Aug-04 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Quinn 2757 4GPP911 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Quinn 3690 HS3QN91 Dell Latitude D-510 Mar-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Raspa 1249 6R91D01 Dell Latitude CPx Feb-01 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Reihm 3617 8ZNMJ71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop return to tech 1216 DJ3CG601 Dell Latitude CPx Feb-01 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Ridgway 3605 HWJH551 Dell Latitude D505 Sep-04 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class Teacher Laptop RidgwayN 3933 JTJP8B1 Dell Lattitude D-520 Aug-06 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Rife 3085 820M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop RMTV 3582 HK1F341 Dell latitude D-600 Aug-04 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Rosenberg 1291 3C37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Roth 3122 G0GHK21 Dell Latitude C-640 Apr-03 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Rutherford 3270 BJD0231 Dell latitude D-600 Laptop Teacher Laptop Ryan R 2629 UV1351S3LCD i-Book Laptop Teacher Laptop Samaniego 2759 6TPP911 Dell Latitude C-610 Mar-02 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Sattazahn 2536 GX87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 Laptop Teacher Laptop Schmidtchen 2758 7SPP911 Dell Latitude C-610 Mar-02 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Schulte 3518 3LD0231 Dell latitude D-505 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Schultep 3318 D91F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 Laptop Teacher Laptop Schwartz 3611 8ZNMJ71 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Sherretaba 3723 BFL5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Shustack 2853 Dell latitude D-506 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Shustack 3993 Dell Latitude D-520 Aug-06 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Simmons 3051 8ZXL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Siscone 3100 GTBLN11 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Laptop Sole 3740 B6L5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop Teacher Laptop Sorrenson 1468 JWPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop Teacher Laptop Souder 3726 95L5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop Laptop RMTV Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class Teacher Laptop Suter 2854 7WNMJ71 Dell latitude D-505 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop SuterM 3083 BG0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Szemcsak 3541 JOKH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Tabler 3923 55X2581 Dell Latitude D-510 Aug-05 depa Laptop Teacher Laptop Tech Office 2729 5G7P911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Teller 2525 CV87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 Laptop Teacher Laptop Tershana 2767 39XYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Tormey 2776 C7XYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Troy 2937 9YG5021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Utsch 3272 4HD0231 Dell latitude D-600 Teacher Laptop Utsch 3924 C9458B1 Dell lattitude D-520 Aug-06 District laptop Teacher Laptop Van Dorn 2779 1LXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Vendetta 3638 8Y48L81 Dell Latitude D-505 Oct-05 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Vogelei 3336 3C1F341 Dell Latitude D-600 Jan-04 DEPA 04 Laptop Teacher Laptop Wadding 1447 6VPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 PE2 Laptop Teacher Laptop White 2771 BGPP911 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Wilson 2753 HF7P911 Dell Latitude C-610 Mar-02 District Laptop Teacher Laptop Wolfe 2010 3QQYS01 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop Teacher Laptop Wright 3519 CGG3581 Dell latitude D-505 Aug-05 DEPA Laptop Teacher Laptop Wunder 1383 4VOOT01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 PE1 Laptop Teacher Laptop Yerk 2781 6LXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Teacher Laptop Kelly Nate 3110 64GHK21 Dell Latitude C-640 TRANS Garage 300 US46K140ST TRANS Garage TRANS Date Source Class Apr-03 District Laptop HP C2170A Deskjet 520 Prior District Printer 1894 USFB026343 HP C3150A Laser Jet 5P Prior District Printer Garage 2575 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3BP Dell M781p 17" Monitor Sep-01 Monitor TRANS Garage 2577 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3BE Dell M781p 17" Monitor Sep-01 Monitor TRANS Ina 3646 3FVQ6B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Jun-06 District Desktop PC TRANS Ina 3941 CN-OCC639-72872-659-502S Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-06 District Monitor TRANS Ina 3942 G7HB191 Dell 1710cn Black Laser Aug-06 District Printer TRANS Joe 3645 4FVQ6B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Jun-06 District Desktop PC TRANS Joe 3944 5W91G91 Dell 946 All In One Aug-06 District Printer TRANS Joe 3945 CN-OCC639-72872-659-4Y8S Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-06 District Monitor TRANS Office 438 Epson DFX-5000+ Model 8766 TRANS Office 3647 1FBQ6B1 Dell Optiplex GX 620 Jun-06 District Desktop PC TRANS Office 3943 CN-OCC639-72872-659-4Y1S Dell Flat Panel Monitor Aug-06 District Monitor Home 2591 my0601c0cj HP C6428B Deskjet 952C strauss 3126 6H0PP21 Dell Lattitude D-800 1MW0083262 District - Office Printer Colubialli tba 61 tba 91 tba District Printer Apr-03 District Laptop Mac Monitor Prior District Apple Monitor TF22607C222 Apple One Scanner Prior District Apple Other 123 CY3220Z10B7 Mac Monitor Prior District Apple Monitor tba 139 S13247HK03N Mac Keyboard Prior District Keyboard tba 151 Mac LC 3 Prior Apple Desktop Red Building Location Label # tba 180 tba 202 tba 207 tba 226 tba 230 tba 321 tba 328 tba 329 tba Serial # F13251570AR Description Date Source Class Apple Laser Writer Pro Prior District Apple Printer Mac LC 3 Prior Apple Desktop ap337GSJ%M0312 Mac Keyboard Prior District Keyboard L04311SS2PQ Mac LC 550 Prior District Apple Desktop Mac LC550 Prior District Apple Desktop Mac LC 575 Prior District Apple Desktop Mac Keyboard Prior District Keyboard L04232SR3H9 Mac LC575 Prior District Apple Desktop 330 ap4265Y733G Mac Keyboard Prior District Keyboard tba 335 L04232WW3H9 Mac LC 575 Prior District Apple Desktop tba 358 tba 359 3233A61576 HPC2124Z DeskWriter 550c Prior District Apple Printer tba 379 PK42254033G Mac Keyboard Prior District Keyboard tba 390 PK42254233G Mac Keyboard Prior District Keyboard tba 414 CY335F8ES2 Mac Monitor Prior District Apple Monitor tba 423 3233a60964 HPC2124Z Deskwriter 550C Prior District Apple Printer tba 440 USBB318448 HP C2003A Laser Jet 4L tba 446 tba 466 840850102 Zenith Data Systems Prior Prior Desktop PC tba 472 PK42254333G Mac Keyboard Prior Prior Keyboard tba 474 PK42253E33G Mac Keyboard Prior Prior Keyboard L04232JX3H9 Prior District District - Ina Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 475 Mac LC3 Prior Apple Desktop tba 476 Mac Keyboard Prior Keyboard tba 586 52151730 Keyboard Prior Prior Keyboard tba 594 NH5341JD6BY Mac LC 580 Prior Prior Apple Desktop tba 599 NH5341KA6BY Mac LC 580 Prior Prior Apple Desktop tba 607 NH533DJA6C4 Mac LC 580 Prior Prior Apple Desktop tba 608 NN518L4Q33G Mac Keyboard Prior Prior Keyboard tba 609 NN530D7233G Mac Keyboard Prior Prior Keyboard tba 611 NN520D7S33G Mac Keyboard Prior Prior Keyboard tba 614 27GN9 Dell Optiplex GX1 tba 614 NN519B5Q33G Mac Keyboard Prior Prior Keyboard tba 615 NN519BY633G Mac Keyboard Prior Prior Keyboard tba 631 SG51P171C3 HPC2169A Deskwriter 560C Prior Prior Apple Printer tba 637 tba 671 SG51S170R3 HP DeskWriter 560C tba 750 CA967MT01868 Max Tech Monitor tba 759 5055398 Multiscan Monitor Mar-97 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 763 562055419 Multiscan Monitor Mar-97 Goals 2000 Monitor Aug-99 Mac Keyboard Desktop PC Keyboard Prior District Apple Printer Monitor broken tba 769 562055417 Multiscan Monitor Mar-97 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 772 562055507 Multiscan Monitor Mar-97 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 773 CIS10-JCM397 CIS 166 Mar-97 Goals 2000 Desktop PC spill ink Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 777 CIS012-JCM397 CIS 166 Mar-97 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 782 562055391 Multiscan Monitor Mar-97 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 786 CIS017-JCM397 CIS 166 Mar-97 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 787 562055344 Multiscan Monitor Mar-97 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 793 562055547 Multiscan Monitor Mar-97 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 796 CIS022-JCM397 CIS 166 Mar-97 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 802 US6671H0TW HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 804 CIS015-JCM397 CIS 166 Mar-97 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 805 SG66C1C0F1 HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 808 SA67BAJ096 HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 811 SG66D1H15W HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 812 SG66CIBORK HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 813 MY6501T1G7 HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 815 US67H1G1HP HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 816 SG67P1JOWQ HPC4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 820 MY6501T1FS HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 821 MY6501T1FR HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 822 SG67P1J0X6 HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 823 MY6501T18Z HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 826 SG63B1Q0MZ HP C4567A DeskJet 682C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 828 SG66C1C0F5 HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 831 562055393 Multiscan Monitor Mar-97 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 834 CIS026-JCM397 CIS 166 Mar-97 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 835 161002525 Multiscan Monitor Mar-97 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 836 CIS027-JCM397 CIS 166 Mar-97 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 838 CIS028-JCM397 CIS 166 Mar-97 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 842 CIS030-JCM397 CIS 166 Mar-97 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 847 SG6B5210FB HP C2520B ScanJet 4C District tba 848 JPKH006478 HP C3916A Laser Jet 5 Sep-97 District Printer tba 851 107940a SPH-1 Phone Sep-95 Perkins 95-96 OTHER tba 852 N14044DZ26395 Picturetel Flip Cam Sep-95 Perkins 95-96 OTHER tba 853 142008570 UT620 Modem Sep-95 Perkins 95-96 OTHER tba 859 070-17020583 Vision VG-15D Monitor Aug-98 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 866 717020903 Vision VG-15D Monitor Aug-98 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 868 71702565 Vision VG-15D Monitor Aug-98 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 869 717020923 Vision VG-15D Monitor Aug-98 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 875 717019085 Vision VG-15D Monitor Aug-98 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 876 717020669 Vision VG-15D Monitor Aug-98 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 892 E570680095A Relisys RE518A Monitor Aug-98 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 898 E570680100A Relisys RE518A Monitor Aug-98 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 900 E470690908A Relisys RE518A Monitor Aug-98 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 910 717020576 Vision VG-15D Monitor Aug-98 Goals 2000 Monitor Other Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 915 717020912 Vision VG-15D Monitor Aug-98 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 921 717020671 Vision VG-15D Monitor Aug-98 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 923 717020676 Vision VG-15D Monitor Aug-98 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 930 D04RL Dell Optiplex GX1 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 935 HH897007 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 937 P16671797C3 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 938 HH897008 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 946 72192002 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 954 HH897017 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 956 HH897019 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 965 HH897028 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 969 HH897032 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 970 HH897033 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 971 HH897034 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 975 HH897038 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 978 HH897041 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 979 P16671797JK H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 991 HH897049 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 993 P166-72737C7 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 996 HH897052 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 998 D03KP Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 TLC Desktop PC Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 1000 D04FP Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1010 8106232 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Dec-98 TLC Monitor tba 1011 8106234 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Dec-98 TLC Monitor tba 1012 8106230 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Dec-98 TLC Monitor tba 1013 8107806 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Dec-98 TLC Monitor tba 1014 8106229 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Dec-98 TLC Monitor tba 1017 8107815 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Dec-98 TLC Monitor tba 1022 8107812 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Dec-98 TLC Monitor TBA 1025 8116435 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Perkins 98 Monitor tba 1026 8116439 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Perkins 98 Monitor tba 1028 8112706 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Perkins 98 Monitor tba 1030 8116447 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Perkins 98 Monitor tba 1043 C81C6 Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1044 C81DP Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1046 C81GC Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1047 C81C4 Dell Optiflex Gn+ Dec-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1049 C81GW Dell Optiflex Gn+ Dec-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1050 C81C9 Dell Optiflex Gn+ Dec-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1051 C81F1 Dell Optiflex Gn+ Dec-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1053 C810F Dell Optiflex Gn+ Dec-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1054 C81FX Dell Optiflex Gn+ Dec-98 TLC Desktop PC Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 1055 C81DR Dell Optiflex Gn+ Dec-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1056 C81DZ Dell Optiflex Gn+ Dec-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1057 C81G4 Dell Optiflex Gn+ Dec-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1059 C81D7 Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1061 C81DJ Dell Optiflex Gn+ Dec-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1067 C81KT Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 Perkins 98 Desktop PC tba 1070 C81M8 Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 Perkins 98 Desktop PC tba 1071 C81L4 Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 Perkins 98 Desktop PC tba 1072 C81M1 Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 Perkins 98 Desktop PC tba 1074 C81DM Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 Perkins 98 Desktop PC tba 1078 C81LC Dell Optiflex Gn+ Feb-99 Goals 2000-3 Desktop PC tba 1079 C81FF Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 District Desktop PC tba 1082 D04WF Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1086 D04QR Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1104 D04SQ Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1105 8171697 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 TLC Monitor tba 1106 D04G1 Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1108 D03N3 Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1112 D04TZ Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1116 D03NN Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 TLC Desktop PC tba 1132 CIS 166 Mar-97 Goals 2000 Desktop PC Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Goals 2000 Class tba 1143 562055379 Multiscan Monitor Monitor tba 1146 CIS 166 Mar-97 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 1149 562055380 Multiscan Monitor Mar-97 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 1150 CIS 166 Mar-97 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 1158 D04C1 Dell Optiplex Gn+ tba 1172 D04QM Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 Desktop PC tba 1177 8172133 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Monitor tba 1183 8171695 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 District Monitor tba 1202 T04SW Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 Desktop PC tba 1203 8190005 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Monitor tba 1204 D04CF Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 Desktop PC tba 1206 D04R0 Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 Desktop PC tba 1208 D04DY Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 Desktop PC tba 1211 87098c12fq18 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Monitor tba 1212 d04rd Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 Desktop PC tba 1217 2K3GG01 Dell Latitude CPx Nov-00 L25 Laptop tba 1224 HH897007 H&H 166 Aug-98 Goals Desktop PC tba 1229 JXQPC01 Dell Optiplex GX 300 Tower Feb-01 District Desktop PC tba 1230 MX-06C046-47801-110-H092 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Feb-01 District Monitor tba 1231 SG7561J196 HP C4568A Desk Jet 820Cse tba 1232 US4891504B HP C2170A Deskjet 520 Desktop PC Printer Prior Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source EIRC Class tba 1233 82102ER30301166 ADI Provista Monitor Monitor tba 1234 465SC01 Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Feb-01 District Desktop PC tba 1242 FXQPC01 Dell Optiplex GX 300 Tower Feb-01 District Desktop PC tba 1246 DR91D01 Dell Latitude CPx Nov-00 L22 Laptop tba 1261 CVL2F01 Dell Latitude CPt Mar-01 Laptop tba 1290 JPNAB22832 HP Color Laser Jet 4550DN May-01 Perkins FY-01 Printer tba 1292 6C37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop tba 1293 DD37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop tba 1298 4F37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop tba 1302 BD37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop tba 1304 2D37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop tba 1306 6F37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop tba 1307 9937N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop tba 1309 6B37N01 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Jun-01 DEPA Laptop tba 1319 B43DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1320 C13DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1322 DO3DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1323 B23DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1324 323DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1325 GI3DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1326 613DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC const. tlr. Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 1327 C53DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1328 D43DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1329 533DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1330 J43DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1331 G43DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1332 643DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1333 D23DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1334 623DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1335 J13DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1336 913DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1337 443DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1338 233DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1339 243DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1340 G23DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1341 843DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC tba 1342 MX07C051 47801 176 HIJR Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor tba 1344 MX07C051 47801 176 HIK7 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor tba 1345 MX07C051 47801 176 HIK4 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor tba 1346 MX07C051 47801 176 HIJZ Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor tba 1347 MX07C051 47801 176 HIJV Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor tba 1348 MX07C051 47801 176 HIJC Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 1349 MX07C051 47801 176 HIHC Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor tba 1350 MX07C051 47801 176 HIHY Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor tba 1353 MX07C051 47801 176 HIHW Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor tba 1354 MX07C051 47801 176 HIJ5 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor tba 1357 MX07C051 47801 176 HIDP Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor tba 1363 MX07C051 47801 176 HIK0 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor tba 1364 MX07C051 47801 176 HIK2 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor tba 1365 MX07C051 47801 176 HIK6 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Monitor tba 1367 9S00T01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop tba 1412 9QQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 1419 3CZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 1466 3LQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop tba 1469 FLQYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop tba 1470 8WPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop tba 1471 22QYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop tba 1474 5ZPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 District Laptop tba 1478 GYZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop tba 1480 TP00T01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop tba 1481 6WPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop tba 1482 CTZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop tba 1486 9VPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 1487 5TPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop tba 1488 CTPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop tba 1489 4TPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop tba 1493 CYPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 8R #8 Laptop tba 1497 DZPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 8R #4 Laptop tba 1499 HYZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 8R #2 Laptop tba 1500 72ZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 8R #1 Laptop tba 1502 3780163 MultiTech Modems District Other tba 1507 MultiTech Modems District Other tba 1509 MX94E1S0MN HP C6409A Deskjet 880C Aug-99 District Printer tba 1511 USCB063196 HP C2005A LaserJet 4P Oct-99 Gift Printer tba 1515 27HI8 Dell Optiplex GX1 Aug-99 Perkins 99 Desktop PC tba 1516 SG75G1J0B0 HP C4568A Desk Jet 820CSE Aug-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 1518 27GIQ Dell Optiplex GX1 Aug-99 Perkins 99 Desktop PC tba 1524 USFC039465 HP C2037A LaserJet4+ tba 1553 84779-A3KPX-A8 Dell Monitor D1028L Dec-98 Monitor tba 1564 HJ8QM Dell Optiplex GX1 Dec-98 DEPA Desktop PC tba 1568 S758164409 Microtek Scanner Aug-97 District Scanner tba 1570 SG63SIC16Z HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 1574 HJ8QZ Dell Optiplex GX1 Dec-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 1596 HJ8RS Dell Optiplex GX1 Dec-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 1603 84779-A3DLL-A8 Dell Monitor D1028L Dec-98 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 1610 HJ8SH Dell Optiplex GX1 Dec-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 1616 HJ8RX Dell Optiplex GX1 Dec-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC Prior Prior Printer const. tlr. Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 1617 84779-A20X2-98 Dell Monitor D1028L Dec-98 Goals 2000 Monitor tba 1620 HJ8RC Dell Optiplex GX1 Dec-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 1627 MY93H1B25V HP C6409A Deskjet 880C Aug-99 District Printer tba 1628 MX94E1S0MD tba 1633 cn938122j0 HP C4562B DeskJet 695C tba 1638 MX93V111C4 HP DeskJet 697c tba 1651 US66J1D06Z HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 1656 2742P-EE9N4-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Monitor tba 1674 266F6 Dell Optiplex G1 Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Desktop PC tba 1687 266EJ Dell Optiplex G1 Aug-99 Perkins FY-00 Desktop PC tba 1697 778534 Mac Imagewriter 2 Prior Apple Printer tba 1698 339083 Mac External Harddrive Prior Apple Other tba 1700 27GE4 Dell Optiplex GX1 Aug-99 District Desktop PC tba 1703 2742P-EEBKL-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor tba 1708 2LU9J Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC tba 1709 2LU9C Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC tba 1710 2742P-EEBKQ-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor tba 1714 2LU91 Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC tba 1716 2LU9R Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC tba 1719 2742P-EEBKU-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor tba 1722 2LU98 Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC tba 1727 2LU92 Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC tba 1728 2742P-EF39P-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor tba 1731 2LU9W Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC tba 1734 2742P-EEBKP-79 Dell Monitor M770mm Aug-99 DEPA Monitor tba 1739 2LU9M Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC A-14 Printer Printer Prior District Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 1745 2LU9Z Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC tba 1753 H&H 166 Aug-98 Desktop PC tba 1754 MY4333TS4RT Mac LC 575 tba 1756 3126A11306 HP 33449A LaserJet3 Printer tba 1758 83502ER30325435B ADI Pro Vista Monitor Monitor tba 1759 BNB11980930-18 Bits and Bytes P-266 tba 1760 USBB010390 HP C2001A LaserJet 4 Printer tba 1766 SG8AE1D164 HP C4562B DeskJet 695C Printer tba 1770 27GTY Dell Optiplex GX1 tba 1785 SG75G1J0DP HP C4568A Desk Jet 820Cse tba 1788 BNB11980930-8 Bits and Bytes P-266 tba 1789 83502ER30325433 ADI Pro Vista Monitor tba 1792 BNB11980930-52 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 Desktop PC tba 1793 BNB11980930-1 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 EIRC Desktop PC tba 1802 MY6501T1FM HP C4549A Deskjet 680C Mar-97 Goals 2000 Printer tba 1805 910981235 IBM Laser Printer E Printer tba 1824 E570680088A Relisys RE518A Monitor Monitor tba 1826 HH897104 H&H 166 tba 1830 6A6VL Dell Optiplex GX1 NT Desktop PC tba 1838 E570680089A Relisys RE518A Monitor Monitor tba 1841 HH897109 H&H 166 tba 1843 SG75H1J02K HP C4568A Desk Jet 820Cse Printer tba 1849 E570680075A Vision VG-15D Monitor Monitor tba 1850 MX94E1W1FB HP C6409A Deskjet 880C Printer tba 1855 MY93H1B234 HP C6409A Deskjet 880C Printer tba 1860 3233A80111 HPC2124Z DeskWriter 550c Prior Apple Desktop Oct-99 Desktop PC Aug-99 Desktop PC District Oct-99 District EIRC Aug-98 Aug-98 Prior Printer Desktop PC Monitor Desktop PC Desktop PC Apple Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 1861 84779dvcs419 Dell 17" Monitor Monitor tba 1865 USBB827995 HPC20023A LaserJet 4L tba 1879 USBC180694 HP C2001A LaserJet 4 tba 1880 84779-JGU5J-78 Dell Monitor D1028L Dec-98 District Monitor tba 1883 8116436 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 District Monitor tba 1886 327888 HP C6265A ScanJet ADF District tba 1888 83502ER30325266 ADI Pro Vista Monitor Monitor tba 1890 SG75G1J197 HP C4568A Desk Jet 820Cse Printer tba 1902 8172124 Dell Monitor D1025HTX Feb-98 Monitor tba 1903 DRG1T Dell Optiplex Gn+ Feb-98 Desktop PC tba 1919 SG6211H27V HP C2184A DeskJet 600 tba 1925 22794F9A2V79 Dell Monitor 828FI Aug-99 Monitor tba 1935 22794F9A2P79 Dell Monitor 828FI Aug-99 Monitor tba 1948 27HU9 Dell Optiplex GX1 Aug-99 Desktop PC tba 1963 22794F9AX879 Dell Monitor 828FI Aug-99 Monitor tba 1970 SG75D1J22J HPC4568A DeskJet 820Cse Prior Printer tba 1972 SG75G1J0DJ HP C4568A Desk Jet 820Cse Printer tba 1977 E570680103A Relisys RE518A Monitor Monitor tba 1978 HH897115 H&H 166 tba 1988 83502ER30325437 ADI Pro Vista Monitor Monitor tba 1998 83502ER30325144 ADI Pro Vista Monitor Monitor tba 2009 FRFCN01 Dell Latitude C-600 Prior Apple Printer District Printer Other Printer Aug-98 Desktop PC Aug-01 Spare Laptop Returned to Dell tba 2010 22794F93U879 Dell Monitor 828FI Aug-99 01-05-00 Monitor tba 2027 BNB11980930-31 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 EIRC Desktop PC tba 2031 5xpys01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 2038 BJP4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Aug-01 Desktop PC tba 2062 S046150310 Zenith Data Systems Prior Desktop PC tba 2063 MYZE4047003559 Zenith Monitor Monitor tba 2065 US46K151D0 HP C2170A Deskjet 520 Printer tba 2085 BNB11980930-37 Bits and Bytes P-266 tba 2086 US59E1H01G HP C2184A DeskJet 600 Printer tba 2087 MY93H1B25N HP C6409A Deskjet 880C Printer tba 2088 US6371H0TW HP C4567A DeskJet 682C Printer tba 2089 E570680079A Relisys RE518A Monitor Monitor tba 2093 HH897117 H&H 166 tba 2095 MX94E1S0DN HP C6409A Deskjet 880C tba 2096 US5C61H0J4 HPC2185A Deskwriter 600 tba 2099 83502ER3025271 ADI Pro Vista Monitor Oct-99 EIRC Monitor tba 2100 83502ER3025181 ADI Pro Vista Monitor Oct-99 EIRC Monitor tba 2106 BNB11980930-17 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 EIRC Desktop PC tba 2109 VIZQP Dell Inspiron 7000 Laptop Oct-99 District Laptop tba 2113 BNB11980930-35 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 EIRC Desktop PC tba 2114 GWPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 Laptop tba 2115 BNB11980930-48 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 EIRC Desktop PC tba 2121 83502ER30325159B ADI Pro Vista Monitor Oct-99 EIRC Monitor tba 2126 BNB11980930-9 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 EIRC Desktop PC tba 2128 BNB11980930-5 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 EIRC Desktop PC tba 2130 BNB11980930-19 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 EIRC Desktop PC tba 2153 3138A11696 HP C21169A DeskJet 500 tba 2163 BNB11980930-38 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 tba 2168 83502er3025152 ADI Pro Vista Monitor Oct-99 EIRC Oct-99 Aug-98 Desktop PC Desktop PC Printer Prior Apple Printer Printer Desktop PC Red Building Location tba Label # Serial # 2179 Description Bits and Bytes P-266 Date Source EIRC Class Desktop PC 7th Grade Laptop tba 2181 GIPGI Dell Latitude CPx Sep-00 Program Laptop 7th Grade Laptop tba 2186 6IPDI Dell Latitude CPx Dec-97 Program Laptop 7th Grade Laptop tba 2188 71ISX Dell Latitude CPx Sep-00 Program Laptop 7th Grade Laptop tba 2192 6IPGN Dell Latitude CPx Sep-00 Program Laptop 7th Grade Laptop tba 2195 6IPE2 Dell Latitude CPx Sep-00 Program Laptop 7th Grade Laptop tba 2197 6IPE3 Dell Latitude CPx Sep-00 Program Laptop 7th Grade Laptop tba 2198 6IPG9 Dell Latitude CPx Sep-00 Program Laptop tba 2204 4XGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins Desktop PC tba 2206 CSGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Desktop PC tba 2212 Dell Latitude CPx Jul-00 District Laptop tba 2213 7SIB8 Dell Latitude CPx Jul-00 District Laptop tba 2216 ISGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins Desktop PC tba 2220 BWGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins Desktop PC 7th Grade Laptop tba 2270 7USMX Dell Latitude CPt Aug-00 Program Laptop tba 2307 DYGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Desktop PC tba 2323 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BOSD Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins Monitor tba 2328 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BOSY Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 2330 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H2MN Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Monitor tba 2336 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BOSF Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Monitor tba 2339 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H2N1 Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 Perkins Monitor tba 2343 CZGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Perkins FY-01 Desktop PC tba 2382 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-BO6S Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor tba 2397 3QSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC tba 2402 SGAE1D10S HP C4562B DeskJet 695C Printer tba 2406 SG8AE1D117 HP C4562B DeskJet 695C Printer tba 2417 DPSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC tba 2435 MX-0957VU-47801-06F-H1PV Dell M781p 17" Monitor Aug-00 LAL Monitor tba 2459 49VK20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC tba 2461 9QSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC tba 2464 CRGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 LAL Desktop PC tba 2467 MX-0957VU-47801-06G-B10N Dell Monitor M781p Aug-00 LAL Monitor tba 2471 5XGP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 District Desktop PC tba 2475 HQSP20B Dell Optiplex GX110 (win 2000) Aug-00 Desktop PC tba 2502 313DQ01 Dell Optiplex GX 150 tower Aug-01 Perkins FY-02 Desktop PC Perkins 01 duplicate 1289 - tba 2506 CN13G20256 HP C7690B SCANJET 5370C Other tba 2519 J687111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 District Laptop tba 2522 8P87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 Laptop tba 2526 9N87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 Laptop tba 2527 1T87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 Laptop tba 2528 7S87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 Laptop tba 2531 6P87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 Laptop tba 2533 2R87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 2534 CW87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 Laptop tba 2538 DN87111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 DEPA Laptop tba 2539 4LB7111 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2542 6SB7111 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2544 4VB7111 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2545 5QB7111 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2546 9QB7111 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2547 BSB7111 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2548 CVB7111 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2549 2KZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2550 57ZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2579 83502ER30325178 ADI Pro Vista Monitor tba 2590 cn0bn1q0m5 HP C6427B Deskjet 932C District Printer tba 2592 CN0BN1Q0M4 HP C6427B Deskjet 932C District Printer tba 2593 TH07M933V1 HP C6466A Deskjet 648c District Printer tba 2594 TH07M933V2 HP C6466A Deskjet 648c tba 2606 MX-07C051-47801-186-B3BS Dell Monitor MM781p Aug-01 Monitor tba 2616 RN1347XJLFC IMac Aug-01 Apple IMac tba 2617 RN1347Y4LFC IMac Aug-01 Apple IMac tba 2618 RN1347PSLFC IMac Aug-01 Apple IMac tba 2620 RN1347Y1LFC IMac Aug-01 Apple IMac tba 2625 MX15U6D2RC HP C6431A DeskJet 940C tba 2648 TH08Q97DK7 HP C6466A Deskjet 648c tba 2650 SG57T184YC HP C4547A Deskjet 600C tba 2669 DNZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 tba 2670 TH07M933TT HP C6466A Deskjet 648c Monitor Printer Printer Sep-01 Printer Printer Aug-01 8R #24 Laptop Printer Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 2673 G1ZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 8R #21 Laptop tba 2674 3YZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 8R #20 Laptop tba 2678 91ZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Aug-01 8R #16 Laptop tba 2685 RN1347W5L5C Imac Sep-01 District IMac tba 2693 83502ER30325143B ADI Pro Vista Monitor Oct-99 EIRC Monitor tba 2698 BNB11980930-47 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 EIRC Desktop PC tba 2705 83502ER30325167B ADI Pro Vista Monitor Oct-99 EIRC Monitor tba 2706 BNB11980930-56 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 EIRC Desktop PC tba 2710 BNB11980930-49 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 EIRC Desktop PC tba 2713 83502ER30325148B ADI Pro Vista Monitor Oct-99 EIRC Monitor tba 2714 BNB11980930-7 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 EIRC Desktop PC tba 2718 BNB11980930-9 Bits and Bytes P-266 Oct-99 EIRC Desktop PC tba 2727 7K7P911 Dell lattitde C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop tba 2739 FJYM911 Dell Lattitiude C-610 Mar-02 DEPA Laptop tba 2747 JH7P911 Dell Latitude C-610 Mar-02 District Laptop tba 2750 DJ7P911 Dell Latitude C-610 Mar-02 District Laptop tba 2762 5FXYH11 Dell Latitude c-51-610 District Laptop tba 2765 3LXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop tba 2769 2MXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop tba 2770 2GXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop tba 2772 3DXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop tba 2782 CLXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop tba 2783 4DXYH11 Dell Latitude C-610 Jun-02 Laptop tba 2803 MXOG15247605271A5FQ Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor tba 2804 MXOG15247605271A5CK Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor tba 2805 MXOG15247605271A5K7 Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 2807 MXOG15247605271A5FU Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor tba 2809 MXOG15247605271A5FK Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor tba 2811 JXTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC tba 2814 CXTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC tba 2816 HWTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC tba 2820 MXOG15247605271A5S1 Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor tba 2825 1XTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC tba 2828 FXTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC tba 2831 8XTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC tba 2832 6XTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC tba 2837 DWTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC tba 2838 GXTDN11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC tba 2839 USLND07422 HPLaser 4100N c8050A Aug-02 Printer tba 2840 1500202NF NEC Projector LT154 May-02 Other tba 2845 KRO8615247602268A2X1 Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor tba 2846 MXOG15247605273AFQH Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor tba 2850 MXOG15247605273AFH6 Dell 17" Flat Panel 1702FP Aug-02 Monitor tba 2865 CJB7111 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2866 4PB7111 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2867 9JB7111 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2868 3PB7111 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2869 9RB7111 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2870 HPB7111 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2871 HKB7111 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2872 D0ZZS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2875 GSPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 2876 52QYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2877 B300TO1 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2878 CWPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2879 8TPYS01 Dell Latitude C-600 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop tba 2886 FZ00T01 Dell Latitude C-610 Dec-01 Title 1 Laptop HP C9161A Color LaserJet tba 2889 JPAKF04091 4600N District Printer tba 2901 DHM1N11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC tba 2902 7GM1N11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC tba 2903 GHM1N11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC tba 2904 9HM1N11 Dell Optiplex 260GX Aug-02 Desktop PC tba 2976 BF0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 2977 760M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 2982 4J0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 2985 C50M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 2986 6G0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 2996 8D0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3004 5WZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3013 D33N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3014 4B0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3035 HC0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3036 G90M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3037 SH0M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3038 94YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3039 J92N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3040 F8YL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 3041 J90M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3042 580M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3043 C23N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3044 4C3N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3045 872N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3046 BRZL021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3047 CKZN021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3048 950M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3049 432N021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3084 810M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3092 330M021 Dell Latitude C-610 Nov-02 Laptop tba 3117 JZFHK21 Dell Latitude C-640 Apr-03 District Laptop tba 3125 BHOPP21 Dell Latitude D-800 Mar-03 District Laptop tba 3159 MX-08R334-47605-36A-A8XY Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor tba 3167 MX-08R334-47605-36B-A9EC Dell MX 17" Flat Aug-03 Perkins Monitor tba 3179 FQG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC tba 3180 DKH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC tba 3181 IQG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC tba 3184 HLH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC tba 3185 1SG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC tba 3186 GPG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC tba 3187 3PG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC tba 3188 DPG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC tba 3189 CQG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC tba 3191 4MH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC tba 3192 6LH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 3193 GKH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC tba 3200 HJMIN11 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 Perkins Desktop PC tba 3222 MY38R2B0Z6 HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Sep-03 District Printer tba 3233 MY25R1B0H1 HP Deskjet 960c Sep-03 Printer tba 3238 MY1BR1D2VX HP C8932A DeskJet 960c Mar-03 District Printer tba 3245 MY1CB191SH HP C8932A DeskJet 960c Mar-03 District Printer HP C9161A Color LaserJet tba 3277 JPAKG04217 4600N Printer tba 3281 G6MPA Dell Optiplex GX110 Desktop PC tba 3283 MX-08R339-47605-36B-AA3E Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3284 MX-08R339-47605-36B-A9DP Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3285 MX-08R339-47605-36B-AA39 Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3286 MX-08R339-47605-36B-A9DR Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3287 MX-08R339-47605-36B-A9DR Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3288 MX-08R339-47605-36B-A9DM Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3289 MX-08R339-47605-36B-AA3B Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3290 MX-08R339-47605-36B-A9DL Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3291 MX-08R339-47605-36B-A9DK Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3292 MX-08R339-47605-36B-A9XS Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3293 MX-08R339-47605-36B-A9DC Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3295 MX-08R339-47605-36B-AA3C Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3296 MX-08R339-47605-36B-A9DJ Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3298 MX-08R339-47605-36B-A97Z Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3300 MX-08R339-47605-36B-A9DN Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3304 4KH6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC tba 3311 9RG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 3321 MX-08R339-47605-36B-AA38 Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3322 MX-08R339-47605-36B-AA3A Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3324 MX-08R339-47605-36B-A9DE Dell 15" Flat Panel E171FP Aug-03 DEPA Monitor tba 3330 JQG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Aug-03 DEPA Desktop PC tba 3365 JZJH551 Dell Latitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop tba 3370 9XJH551 Dell Lattitude D-600 Aug-04 District Laptop tba 3480 20KH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 Laptop PC tba 3514 9T8MC41 Dell 3300MP Aug-04 District Projector Button tba 3515 FT8MC41 Dell 3300MP Aug-04 District Projector Nuts tba 3517 6V8MC41 Dell 3300MP Aug-04 District Projector Bullets tba 3544 GYJH551 Dell Lattitude D-505 Aug-04 District Laptop tba 3546 JPBGC15276 HP Q3670A 4650 Color Laser Nov-04 District Printer tba 3552 MY4932B07S HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Nov-04 District Printer tba 3556 MY4932B0FP HP C8954B DeskJet 6122 Nov-04 District Printer tba 3571 CWG7H51 Dell Optiplx GX270 Aug-04 District Desktop PC tba 3573 8WG7H51 Dell Optiplx GX270 Aug-04 District Desktop PC tba 3575 3WG7H51 Dell Optiplx GX270 Aug-04 District Desktop PC tba 3577 FWG7H51 Dell Optiplx GX270 Aug-04 District Desktop PC tba 3579 7WG7H51 Dell Optiplx GX270 Aug-04 District Desktop PC tba 3636 H058L81 Dell Latitude D-505 Oct-05 DEPA Laptop tba 3637 1Y48L81 Dell Latitude D-505 Oct-05 DEPA Laptop tba 3639 DX48L81 Dell Latitude D-505 Oct-05 DEPA Laptop tba 3687 D7G1091 Dell Latitude D-505 Jan-06 District Laptop tba 3733 59L5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop tba 3735 H2L5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop tba 3736 8KL5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop Red Building Location Label # Serial # Description Date Source Class tba 3737 2FL5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop tba 3739 D8L5T91 Dell Latitude D-510 May-06 Ethel Laptop tba tba 5GP4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Sep-01 District Desktop PC tba tba 3JP4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Sep-01 District Desktop PC tba tba GGP4T01 Dell Optiplex GX150 (tower) Sep-01 District Desktop PC tba 4PG6Y21 Dell Optiplex GX270 Mar-03 District Desktop PC tba GT2CD21 Dell Optiplex GX 260 Mar-03 District Desktop PC tba Y521z Dell Inspiron 7500 tba 3787111 Dell Latitude C-600 Teacher Dec-01 HPC2169A Deskwriter 560C Prior tba District Laptop Laptop Apple Printer tba HJ8QF Dell Optiplex GX1 Dec-98 Goals 2000 Desktop PC tba 2LU8Y Dell Optiplex GX1 (Win 2K) Aug-99 DEPA Desktop PC tba US4891504B HP C2170A Deskjet 520 Prior District Printer tba US6561B0K7 HP C4567A DeskJet 682C Prior District Printer tba US67HIG1K1 HP C4549A Deskjet 680C District Printer