Прайс на луковицы в упаковке Название Цвет Размер Фото 1 I
Прайс на луковицы в упаковке Название Цвет Размер Фото 1 I
Садовый Центр ТОО "Green Service" г.Алматы, пр.Гагарина, 185, т. 377 65 84, 328 80 60 e-mail: [email protected], www.greenservice.kz г. Астана, пр-т. Абылай Хана, 51, тел 8(7172)344168 Поставка : март — апрель 2013 г Цены, указанные в прайс — листе — предварительные Прайс на луковицы в упаковке кол-во луковиц в упаковке Название Цвет Размер розница тенге, за 1 луковицу DAHLIAS Collarette 1 Fashion Monger cream-white, red striped, yellow collar I 544 1 Impression Fantastico dark purple, white centre I 577 DAHLIAS Decorative 1 Painted Madam yellow, striped red NEW I 582 1 Osirium purple, white I 544 1 Peaches and Cream yellow/white, orange tips I 577 1 Rebecca's World red, white tips I 641 1 Tartan purple, white tips I 641 Фото 1 1 Victoria Ann NEW Wine Eyed Jill NEW white, lilac tips I 614 cream, purple eye I 614 DAHLIAS Decorative, Dinnerplate (Flowers 200mm or bigger) 1 1 Avignon white spotted purple I 566 Myrtle's Folly salmon-orange, purple tips I 614 NEW DAHLIAS Mignon 1 Edge of Joy purple and white I 550 1 Fire and Ice red and white I 544 DAHLIAS Pompon 1 Little Robert purple pink and white I 517 DAHLIAS Miscellaneous 1 Giraffe yellow, spotted orange I 560 1 Pink Giraffe pink, spotted dark pink I 560 1 Windmill whited, edged red I 544 Lilium Asiatic 2 Tropical Breeze brown, spotted centre 16/18 340 2 White white 16/18 286 Lilium Oriental 2 Gold Band white, midvein yellow, spotted red 14/16 442 2 Pink pink 16/18 304 2 Red red 16/18 304 Lilium Oriental, double 2 Fifty Fifty NEW yellow 14/16 556 2 Innocent Lady white 14/16 556 Lilium (Treelilies) 2 Honeymoon yellow 16/+ 442 2 Lavon yellow, red centre 16/+ 442 2 Satisfaction purple-red, yellow centre 16/+ 442 Acidanthera (syn. Gladiolus) 20 callianthus Murielae white, purple blotch 6/8 25 Allium 30 moly (syn. Luteum) yellow 5/+ 17 30 oreophilum (syn. ostrowskianum) pink 4/5 17 Bessera 10 Elegans red, white center I 73 Crinum 1 Cintho Alfa white, red stripes 24/+ 1 208 1 powellii pink 20/+ 685 Dracunculus 1 Vulgaris dark red I 674 Habranthus (syn. Zephyranthus) 10 robustus lilac-pink 6/7 53 Sauromatum 1 venosum Arum Cornutum I 517 Scadoxus 1 multiflorus ssp multiflorus carmine-red 12/+ 668 Sprekelia 1 formosissima red I 604 Zantedeschia (syn. Calla or Arum) 1 Pink pink 14/16 604 1 Red red 14/16 641 1 Yellow yellow 14/16 604 1 Schwarzwalder black 14/16 776 Altstroemeria 3 Ligtu Hybrids Mixed I mixed 223 Commelina 10 coelestis blue I 64 Convallaria 10 majalis white plant. pips Gloriosa 1 rothschildiana red, edged yellow 10/15 706 Gypsophila 1 Flamingo pink I 868 1 Perfecta double, white I 803 Kniphofia 3 uvaria yellow/red I 185 Roscoaea 3 Auriculata NEW purple I 644 3 Beesiana NEW yellow I 644 Sandersonia 1 aurantiaca orange I 798 Tropaeolum 1 tuberosum red and yellow I 863 Gladioli 14/+ 100 Blue Frost blue, white center 14/+ 66 100 Fiorentina creamy-white with red 14/+ 66 100 Frizzled Coral Lace salmon, white center 14/+ 80 100 Jester deep yellow, red in throat 14/+ 63 Gladioli Nanus & Colvilli 8/10 80 Guernsey Glory orange-red 8/10 76 80 Albus white 8/10 78 80 Charm purple 8/10 66 80 Impressive pink, red lips 8/10 73 80 Mirella red 8/10 62 Oriental Hybrid Lilies 18/20 20 20 20 White, striped yellow white, striped yellow White, red blotch white, red blotch Dark pink with white dark pink with white 18/20 282 18/20 282 18/20 282 * All lilies are individually packed Begonia Double 6/+ 30 Double red 6/+ 237 30 Double yellow 6/+ 237 30 Double pink 6/+ 237 30 Double white 6/+ 237 30 Double orange 6/+ 237 Begonia Fimbriata 6/+ 30 Fimbriata red 6/+ 238 30 Fimbriata yellow 6/+ 238 30 Fimbriata pink 6/+ 238 30 Fimbriata white 6/+ 238 30 Fimbriata orange 6/+ 238 Gloxinia 5/+ 30 Hollywood blue 5/+ 282 30 Kaiser Friedrich red and white 5/+ 282 30 Kaiser Wilhelm violet and white 5/+ 282 Hippeastrum Double/Amaryllis 24/26 5 Elvas white, edged red 24/26 1 398 5 Red Peacock red 24/26 1 641 Anemone coronaria, De Caen 100 De Caen red 8/+ 47 100 De Caen blue 8/+ 47 100 De Caen pink 8/+ 47 100 De Caen white 8/+ 47 Anemone coronaria, St Brigid 100 St Brigid red 8/+ 52 100 St Brigid blue 8/+ 52
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