JUNE 23, 2015 - Walton County Clerk of Court
JUNE 23, 2015 - Walton County Clerk of Court
JUNE 23, 2015 - REGULAR MEETING The Board of County Commissioners, Walton County, Florida, held a Regular Meeting on June 23,2015 at 9:00 a.m. at the Walton County Courthouse in DeFuniak Springs, Florida. The following Board members were present: Commissioner Bill Imfeld, Chainnan; Commissioner Sara Comander, Vice-Chainnan; Commissioner W. N. (Bill) Chapman; Commissioner Cecilia Jones; and Commissioner Cindy Meadows. Mr. Larry Jones, County Administrator; Attorney Mark Davis, County Attorney; and Mr. Alex Alford, Clerk of Court and County Comptroller; were also present. Chainnan Imfeld called the meeting to order. Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Jones, to approve the agenda revisions as follows. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. 1. Addition: Consent Agenda-Approve Developer Agreement for the benefit of Pensacola FG, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, and Pinnacle Bank for a parcel in the Mossy Head Industrial Park and authorize the Chainnan to execute 2. Addition: Consent Agenda -Adopt a resolution approving a temporary road closure pursuant to completion of Bartlett Road Bridge over Gum Creek as requested by Florida Department of Transportation and State of Florida Department of Transportation Off System Project Agreement 3. Addition: County Administrator-Request to hold BCC Workshop on July 14, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. to discuss Stonnwater Assessment Projects from Engineers 4. Addition: TDC-Request to approve a contract with the South Walton Reef Association 5. Addition: Planning and Development Services-Request to approve allocation of $25,000 in SHIP Program Rehabilitation Strategy funds to eligible applicants within the City of Freeport over the FY 2015-2016 and FY 2016-2017 program years to provide additional leverage for the City of Freeport CDBG Grant applications subject to legislative appropriation of SHIP funds. Motion by Commissioner Chapman, Second by Commissioner Comander, to approve the agenda with revisions as approved. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. June 23,2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 1 There were no public comments. Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Jones, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. l. Approve Expenditure Approval List (EAL) General Fund County Transportation SHIP Fine & Forfeiture Section 8 Housing Tourist Dev. Council N.W. Mosquito Control Recreation Plat Fee Solid Waste Enterprise Bldg Dept/Enterp. Fund Imperial Lakes MSBU Leisure Lake MSBU Capital Projects Fund Mossy Head Ind. Park Totals $ 943,385.66 $ 725,976.99 $ 50,030.00 $ 94,569.14 $ 86.12 $1,149,601.55 $ 126,357.08 $ 30,331.00 $ 502,475.21 $ 936.81 $ 2,517.66 $ 1,812.00 $ 43,604.35 $ 105,910.95 ~3!777!594.52 2. Approve minutes of June 9, 2015 Regular Meeting 3. Approve to surplus 3 trucks from the Building Department for the 2015 County Auction 4. Approve to expend up to $15,000 from District 4 Recreational Plat Fees for playground equipment at Legion Park 5. Approve for the Sheriffs Office to apply for the FY 2015 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Local Grant 6. Approve State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) Subordination request from Amy Hart, homeowner 7. Approve a Resolution (2015-47) amending the budget for FY 2014-2015 to account for unanticipated insurance proceeds in the Fine and Forfeiture Fund in the amount of $9,629.00 8. Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a contract with Taylor Engineering for Coastal Management Consulting Services (RFQ 015-023) as requested by TDC 9. Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a service agreement for clipping services with Burrelles Information Services, LLC 10. Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a contract with Strategic Advisory Group, LLC for Strategic Planning Services (RFQ 015-011) June 23,2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 2 11. Approve Exercise of Second Option to Renew Agreement for Preventative Maintenance and Repair to Multiphase Traffic Control Signals with Murdock Investments, LLC for one additional year 12. Approve the Florida Department of Corrections Work Squad Agreement WS797 (Parks) draft Amendment and draft Addendum A 13. Approve Developer Agreement for the benefit of Pensacola FG, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, and Pinnacle Bank for a parcel in the Mossy Head Industrial Park (MHIP) 14. Adopt a Resolution (2015-49) approving a temporary road closure pursuant to completion of Bartlett Road Bridge over Gum Creek Road as requested by the Florida department of Transportation and State of Florida Department of Transportation Off System Project Agreement (Additions: underscore; Deletions-strikethrough) Mr. Jones announced that FedEx Ground will be locating in the Mossy Head Industrial Park (MHIP). The facility will include a 213,508 square foot distribution facility with 465 parking spaces, but the number of jobs to be created is not yet known. Mr. Jones stated that this would be a 24 hour operation and that approximately $20 million will be invested in Walton County on this site. He said closing is scheduled for June 25, 2015 and that construction would begin within the next 10 days. Chairman Imfeld voiced his gratitude to everyone who has worked to make economic development a top priority in Walton County. Ms. Linda Sumblin, CareerSource Okaloosa-Walton, requested approval of the FY 2015 2016 Initial Budget. She reported that the budget year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. She briefly reviewed the programs and accomplishments of CareerSource. Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Jones, to approve the FY 2015-2016 Initial Budget for CareerSource Okaloosa-Walton. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Mike Weimorts briefly discussed the history of the Daughettte Canal, the MSBU Maintenance Assessment, and the debt that was incurred due to the underestimated costs of dredging the canals. He requested the following: an advancement of S20,000 to secure services June 23,2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 3 with Government Services Group (GSG); and to increase the assessment to repay the debt, fund future dredging, and pay-off GSG. Commissioner Chapman asked what the total debt was. Mr. Thomas Pigot stated that the current debt is $52,000 with five years left on the loan. Chairman Imfeld referenced an email from GSG in which quarterly payments could be established. Mr. Weimorts said that GSG was not willing to take quarterly payments due to the uncertainty of the acceptance of the increased assessment. Discussion continued on paying off the debt, costs which were incurred, and assessment amount per member. Chairman Imfeld directed staff to meet with Mr. Weimorts and Mr. Pigot to compile the information needed to consider an increase in the assessment. Mr. Larry Jones, County Administrator, requested approval of an Amendment with Forest View, LLC in relation to the construction of the access road for the new South Walton Sports Complex. He briefly discussed the five changes listed in the amendment. Commissioner Meadows questioned what the width of the roadway was. Mr. Jones stated 66 feet. Motion by Commissioner Meadows, Second by Commissioner Comander, to approve the Amendment to the Forest View, LLC agreement for the construction of the access road for the new South Walton Sports Complex. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Jones presented for consideration a proposal to purchase a 44 acre parcel located next to the Wee Care Park in DeFuniak Springs, Florida. Commissioner Comander questioned how the property could be used. Mr. Jones stated that ball fields could be extended and suggested that the City of DeFuniak Springs be included in the discussions. Discussion continued on the relocation of Gene Hurley Park, utility right-of-way, and possible uses. Commissioner Jones suggested that staff contact a realtor to get an approximate price. She stated that all the parcels June 23,2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 4 being considered for purchase by the county needed to be prioritized. The Board concurred to direct staff to gather the needed information. Mr. Jones requested to hold a Special Meeting on July 14, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. at the Walton County Courthouse in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, to discuss storm water assessment projects from engineers. Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Jones, to approve to hold a Special Meeting on July 14,2015 at 3:00 p.m. at the Walton County Courthouse Annex, Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. Commissioner Meadows asked what format the information would be presented. Mr. Jones stated that the engineers would provide a cost benefit analysis and a high-level view for comparison. He stated that the Commissioners would be briefed individually prior to the meeting. Commissioner Meadows suggested that criteria to determine the priority level also be presented. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Jones requested to award RFQ 015-009-Walton Bridge Road Engineering Services, to Atkins North American, Inc. and approve the agreement for construction evaluation and inspection services (CEI) in the amount of$186,734.92. Motion by Commissioner Meadows, Second by Commissioner Comander, to award RFQ 015-009-Walton Bridge Road Engineering Services to ATKINS North America, Inc. and approve the agreement for CEI services in the amount of $186,734.92. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Jones requested approval of Change Order No. 1 to the North Walton Mosquito Control Building Site Improvement (lTB 015-019) with RBM Contracting Services, LLC in the June 23,2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 5 amount of $6,975 and increase the contract time two calendar days. This request is to include a perimeter fence for the facility. Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Jones, to approve Change Order No.1 to the North Walton Mosquito Control Building Site Improvement (015-019) in the amount of $6,975 and increase the contract time two calendar days. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Jones requested to approve the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Intersection Safety Improvement Maintenance Agreement. He reported that FDOT will fund and install the improvements and the county will be responsible for maintenance. Motion by Commissioner Chapman, Second by Commissioner Comander, to approve the FDOT Intersection Safety Improvement Maintenance Agreement. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Jones requested to adopt a Resolution (2015-48) establishing support for the lower Choctawhatchee Basin Unpaved Road Impact Prioritization, Restoration Planning, and Corrective Measures Project. He discussed a similar project which was submitted by FDEP to the National Fish and Wildlife Federation in 2013, but was not selected for funding. There is an alternate funding source and FDEP has modified the original proposal to submit to the Gulf Environment Benefit Fund. Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Chapman, to adopt Resolution 2015-48 establishing support for the lower Choctawhatchee Basin Unpaved Road Impact Prioritization, Restoration Planning and Corrective Measures Project. Commissioner Meadows asked if there was a map of the lower basin boundaries and if roads in south Walton were included. Mr. Cliff Knauer, Preble-Rish, stated that it included all June 23, 2015 Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 6 roads which boundary the bay in Walton, Washington, and Holmes counties. Commissioner Meadows asked Mr. Knauer to provide a map of the Walton County boundary area. Ms. Anita Page asked how this project affected stormwater. Mr. Jones replied that paving projects will require a DEP approved stormwater plan. Ms. Page questioned if a master plan was available for that area. Mr. Jones stated that he was not aware of a plan. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Jones requested authorization for the Chairman to sign an Amendment to Grant Agreement #HL021 with the State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) (infrastructure improvements to the Mossy Head Industrial Park) extending all current deadlines by one year. Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Jones, to authorize the Chairman to sign an amendment to DEO Grant Agreement #HL021. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Jones requested to renew the appointment of Dr. James Howell as EMS Medical Director through the end of the fiscal year (September 30, 2015) to allow time for negotiations. Motion by Commissioner Jones, Second by Commissioner Meadows, to renew the appointment of Dr. James Howell as EMS Medical Director through September 30, 2015 to allow time for negotiations. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Jones requested approval of the Air Methods Corporation International Agreement for Professional Services and Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide advanced and basic life support services. June 23,2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 7 Motion by Commissioner Meadows, Second by Commissioner Comander, to approve the Air Methods Corporation International Agreement for Professional Services and Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide advanced and basic life support services. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Jim Bagby, TDC Executive Director, requested approval to order an additional 30,000 copies of the 2015 Visitor Guide in the amount of $56,675. The additional copies should last through the end of the year. Motion by Commissioner Com ander, Second by Commissioner Jones, to approve to order an additional 30,000 copies of the 2015 Visitor Guide in the amount of$56,675. Commissioner Comander asked if the guides were mailed out or if they were only available for pick-up at the Visitor's Center. Mr. Bagby stated that both methods were used. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Bagby reported that the Board approved at the June 9, 2015 meeting to fund up to $150,000 for the installation of a snorkel reef off of Grayton Beach State Park. He requested approval of the agreement with South Walton Reef Association for the installation. Motion by Commissioner Chapman, Second by Commissioner Meadows, to approve the agreement with South Walton Reef Association for the installation of a snorkel reef off of Grayton Beach State Park. Ms. Suzanne Harris congratulated Mr. Bagby on the increase of the bed tax collection. She requested that the Board consider a reduction in bed tax and give the bed tax collectors an opportunity to bring the rates up. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. June 23,2015 Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 8 Mr. Bagby reported that the Topsail parking program results show a 92% increase in May, 2015 over May, 2014. He announced that the FY 2017 Events Workshop will be held June 25,2015 at 9:00 a.m. He reported that the new website has gone live. The latest turtle nest count is 33 nests. Commissioner Comander asked to present her agenda item while Mr. Bagby was present. The Board concurred. Commissioner Comander discussed the bed tax possibilities which will become available upon the completion of the U.S. 331 widening project. She stated that there are several tourism related events which are held north of the bay that could benefit from bed tax funding. Commissioner Comander requested that research be done to determine what steps should be taken to collect bed tax north of the bay and to expand the current TDC or to create a separate TDC for the north Walton area. She stated that both Freeport and DeFuniak Springs support the initiative. Commissioner Meadows suggested privatizing the TDC to allow for the creation of two agencies. Mr. Bagby stated that he would bring back that information. Attorney Mark Davis, County Attorney, briefly discussed the bid process for RFP 015 025 Auctioneering Services and stated that research found that the bidding process was correctly followed. He discussed the concept of a piggy-back contract in which one county would accept and comply with the terms of the other county's contract as written at the consent of the vendor. He reported that Leon County is currently contracting with Midway Machinery & Auction, LLC and both Leon County and Midway are amenable to allowing Walton County to piggy-back on their contract. The piggy-back contract is less than what was bid. He reiterated his confidence in the RFP process and recommended entering into a piggy-back contract with Leon County and Midway Machinery & Auction, LLC for auctioneering services. June 23,2015 Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 9 Commissioner Meadows asked if Midway Machinery was currently under contract with Walton County. Attorney Davis stated that the contract has expired. Commissioner Comander exited the meeting. Motion by Commissioner Jones, Second by Commissioner Chapman, to approve the piggy-back contract with Leon County and Midway Machinery & Auction, LLC for auctioneering services. Ayes 4, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Absent, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Attorney Davis requested the Board to authorize the Design Review Board to conduct three additional public workshops regarding building material, approved colors, and landscaping materials. Motion by Commissioner Chapman, Second by Commissioner Meadows, to authorize the Design Review Board to hold three additional public workshops regarding building materials, approved colors, and landscaping materials. Ayes 4, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Absent, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Commissioner Comander returned to the meeting. Attorney Davis requested to approve the Litigation matrix and ratify the actions taken by the Office of County Attorney and the appropriate outside counsel through June 15, 2015. He reported that on June 22, 2015, the District Court of Appeals upheld Judge Green's ruling in DeFrancesch v. Walton County in favor of the county. Commissioner Meadows asked if Warner Law Firm would present a proposal for the July 7, 2015 mediation regarding Yellow House 30A, LLC v. Walton County. Attorney Davis stated that a tentative proposal would be presented at mediation and would be presented to the Board for action. Commissioner Meadows asked if the county had agreed to enter into settlement negotiations. Attorney Davis said that the negotiations June 23,2015 Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 10 were ordered in mediation. Commissioner Meadows asked if the court could require the county to change the land use. Attorney Davis clarified that the court has only required mediation to settle the issue. Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Jones, to approve and ratify the Litigation matrix and actions taken by the Office of the County Attorney and appropriate counsel through June 15, 2015. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Commissioner Meadows spoke in support of lowering the bed tax. Commissioners Comander, Jones, Chapman and Chairman Imfeld had no items to present, but wished everyone a safe 4th of July holiday. Commissioner Comander encouraged everyone to attend the 26 th Annual 4th of July Celebration in DeFuniak Springs, FL. Mr. Chester Carter discussed the environmental issues associated with Azland 1 LSA which was approved for transmittal to DEO on June 9, 2015 and the proposed construction and debris (C & D) landfill project for this location. Chairman Imfeld said that a landfill project has not been presented to the county for approval. Mr. Jones stated that the Board took action to correct the land use on this parcel and said that there is no application for a C & D landfill or any development on this site. Ms. Bonnie McQuiston discussed the need to have policies and procedures which outline the methods and reasons for developing ordinances. She requested that the County Attorney be directed to prepare a policy which will question why an ordinance is being constructed, who will be affected by the ordinance, the cost of implementing the ordinance, and how the ordinance will be enforced. Chairman Imfeld directed that the policy be pursued. June 23,2015 Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 11 Dr. Don Riley reported that he has addressed with the State Attorney General a violation of the First Amendment rights by the Board. Dr. Riley also discussed a 2008 email from Ms. Melissa Ward to Ms. Pat Blackshear admitting to a miscalculation in recreation fees on a 2005 project with an assessed value of$12,285,000. The five percent fees were calculated on $12,285 not the assessed value. He reported that the total fees should have been $614,250, not $614. Dr. Riley then read a 20] 5 email from Ms. Blackshear to Attorney Davis which stated that she had not seen the 2008 correspondence and alleging that the correspondence was fabricated. He reported that the State Attorney's Office is investigating this issue. He voiced his concern at the length of time it has taken to discover this error and strongly encouraged the Board to resolve the issue. Chairman Imfeld said that staff has been working with the County Attorney to determine proper recourse and are at a standstill until a response from the State Attorney's Office has been received. Commissioner Meadows recommended contacting the Auditor General to insure a fair rendering. Attorney Davis stated that the document was discovered by Planning staff during a review of a building permit and immediately turned it over to the County Attorney's Office who then submitted it to State Attorney's Office. He reported that the State Attorney's Office has been given full cooperation by staff and that he would contact the Auditor General at the direction of the Board. Mr. Bob Hudson briefly discussed his history in accounting and auditing. He told of the gains that the county has made in creating policies on collecting on Letters of Credit with the help of the Walton County Tax Payer's Association. He addressed the recreation fee error, the loss of nearly $614,000, and encouraged the Board to address the issue. Ms. Suzanne Harris addressed the recreational fees issue and requested that an accounting of all recreational buyout fees be done before allowing any other buyouts. She June 23,2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 12 announced that she would be asking Rep. Matt Gaetz to direct the State Auditor to investigate this issue. Ms. Pat Blackshear responded to the remarks regarding the recreational fee issue. She agreed that this issue needed to be investigated at a higher level and asked that the memo be compared to other documents from that department for authenticity. She reported that she has fully cooperated with the State Attorney's Office. Ms. Anita Page discussed earlier remarks made by Ms. McQuiston regarding ordinance procedures and suggested that multiple workshops be held prior to the adoption hearings and more explanation given in the ordinance title. She felt that more workshops are needed for the Coastal Dune Lakes Ordinances. Mr. Art Miller discussed the recreational fees issue and voiced concern that the developer did not find nor correct the error. Commissioner Meadows expressed concern that if this issue is not resolved quickly and properly, then it could affect the receipt of RESTORE Act funds. Mr. Andy McAlexander stated that the reef off Grayton Beach State Park would be deployed the week of July 6 10, 2015 due to a delay in the pylons. Chairman Imfeld directed Attorney Davis to contact the Auditor General regarding the investigation of the recreation fees. The meeting was recessed 10:45 a.m. and reconvened at 10:56 a.m. Mr. Wayne Dyess, Planning and Development Director, requested to approve the allocation of $25,000 in SHIP Program Rehabilitation Strategy funds to eligible applicants within the City of Freeport over the FY 2015-2016 and FY 2016-2017 program years to provide additional leverage for the City of Freeport CDBG Grant Applications subject to legislative appropriations of SHIP funds. June 23, 2015 ~ Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 13 Motion by Commissioner Chapman, Second by Commissioner Comander, to approve the allocation of $25,000 in SHIP Program Rehabilitation Strategy funds to eligible applicants within the City of Freeport over the FY 2015-2016 and FY 2016-2017 program years. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Dyess presented for first reading the Storm Water Management Policies Ordinance amending Chapter 5 of the Walton County Land Development Code (LDC), adding a minimum finish floor elevation requirement; adding a requirement for stormwater management on lots of record with no stormwater management system in place; revising stormwater performance and design standards in the LDC for consistency with the Walton County Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Greg Graham, Public Works Engineer, stated that Public Works observed during flood events that a number of homes were built below the adjacent crown of the roadway and suggested a policy to require new construction be built one foot above the adjacent crown of the road unless there are some unusual site circumstances which would require a deviation request. It was also observed that a number of homes in south Walton were built without a stormwater management plan which therefore increased the amount of stormwater in the watershed. He suggested a policy which requires a stormwater management plan for new construction. Mr. Graham said that it was also discovered that the Design Performance Standard in the Comprehensive Plan was not consistent with the standards outlined in the Land Development Code. He said that the standards were revised to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. He said that it was brought to his attention prior to the meeting that the minimum finished floor elevation could create a number of non-conforming structures and said that the intent was to have new home construction to be adequately situated above the lands which are protected from June 23,2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 14 flooding. Commissioner Meadows said that this is a critical issue that could help with the run off into the Coastal Dune Lakes. Attorney Davis stated that he has had a couple of requests for workshops to be held before the second reading. Commissioner Comander asked if these would be staff workshops. Attorney Davis stated that these would be conducted by the Board. Motion by Commissioner Chapman, Second by Commissioner Meadows, to approve to send to a second hearing and hold workshops prior to second hearing. Attorney Davis stated that if substantial changes are made during the workshops, then the ordinance would be returned for a first reading. Ms. Anita Page spoke in favor of the workshops and discussed the lot by lot stormwater management plan. She encouraged the return to a master drainage plan approach. Commissioner Meadows said that a master stormwater plan could not be implemented in old subdivisions with no Homeowners' Associations. She voiced that this is a first step to correct the stormwater issues. Discussion continued on stormwater master plans. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Dyess presented for transmittal to Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) the Coastal Dune Lake Protection Zone (CDLPZ) Comprehensive Plan Ordinance amending Policy C-IA.I of the Comprehensive Plan regarding the Coastal Dune Lake Protection Zone and Coastal Protection Zone; providing for severability; codification, and an effective date. The request is to remove the 75% preservation requirement from the Comprehensive Plan and put into the Land Development Code (LDC). He briefly discussed the history of the request. Staff recommends approval of the changes to the Comprehensive Plan and to transmit to DEO for review. Commissioner Comander asked Attorney Davis if DEO does not approve this change June 23, 2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 15 would action taken today need to be undone. Attorney Davis replied that if the Board voted to amend the Comprehensive Plan any subsequent or companion changes consistent with the change the Comprehensive Plan would be undone. Commissioner Comander voiced that the other changes needed to wait until this request was approve by DEO. Attorney Davis stated that a second hearing on the Land Development Code could be withheld until a response from DEO is received. Mr. Dyess said that these changes will not go in to affect without the approval of DEO and adopted by the Board. Mr. Jones clarified that this only applies to the removal of the 75% preservation from the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Meadows said that it had been considered to divide up the issues and address them individually. She asked to address the following issues: the effects on existing structures; the vegetative clearing area increase to 50%; and the moving of the 75% preservation area out ofthe Comprehensive Plan to the LDC. Mr. Dyess stated that approximately seven LDC related items have been identified and one item relating to the Comprehensive Plan. Discussion ensued as to the order the issues will be addressed. Mr. Jones addressed the affects on existing structures and said that it was discussed to add language saying that upon adoption, any existing structure along a Coastal Dune Lake will be considered conforming. If a structure is damaged greater than 50%, it could be rebuilt within its original foot print and must meet current building code requirements. Commissioner Chapman asked for clarification on what would be considered the foot print. Mr. Dyess stated that the foot print is described as the building foundation and does not usually include structures, but in cases of storm damage, then decks could be considered as a part of the foot print. Commissioner Meadows stated that foot print is defined in 4.02.04(C) of the proposed CDLPZ Land Development Code Ordinance and understood the definition to include June 23, 2015 Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 16 everything that is built on the lot could be restored. Commissioner Comander asked if the structures on the property were destroyed, could a single foundation be rebuilt encompassing the entire foot print. Mr. Dyess stated an analysis regarding the previous structure and the location of decks, etc. would be done. The applicant would then be required to rebuild within that square footage. The structure could be rebuilt further from the lake but not closer. Commissioner Meadows questioned if a two story house could be erected in the same foot print as a destroyed single story home. Mr. Dyess stated that it was based on ground floor square footage. Mr. Jones clarified that the same pre-storm configuration could be rebuilt post-storm. The 80ard concurred to have this language included. Commissioner Meadows questioned the difference between Legal Nonconforming and Conforming Structures (4.02.04(8) and (C)). Mr. Dyess discussed the differences between the restrictions. Commissioner Meadows requested that the language included in the last sentence of Conforming Structures be included in Legal Nonconformity. Commissioner Meadows asked if all structures were to be deemed conforming how could legal nonconformity exist. Mr. Dyess stated that 4.02.04(8) would be removed. Mr. Dyess stated that tributaries are not currently defined and clarification would be included in 4.02.02(8). Mr. Scott Caraway, Public Works, discussed the proposed definition of tributaries. Commissioner Meadows asked about mosquito control ditches. Mr. Caraway stated that mosquito control ditches are man-made and would not be considered a tributary. Mr. Jones clarified that the 80ard had requested the following language changes: L Move the 75% preservation lanbruage from the Comprehensive Plan to the LDC; 2. Language to consider nonconformities as conforming beginning with the date of adoption; and 3. Address the June 23, 2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 17 foot print issues. Mr. Dyess talked about the other issues which were discussed during the May 18,2015 Special. Mr. Jones said that the issues could be dealt with individually. Commissioner Meadows asked if structures could be expanded up to 50% after they have been conforming. Mr. Dyess stated that once it is considered conforming it can be expanded up 50% as long as it meets current regulations. Mr. Dyess stated that there are two Planning items to be considered tonight: the CDLPZ Comprehensive Plan Ordinance and the CDLPZ LDC Ordinance. He suggested addressing the CDLPZ Comprehensive Plan issue first as it will affect the CDLPZ LDC. Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Chapman, to move the current 75% preservation requirement from the Comprehensive Plan to the Land Development Code and transmit the CDLPZ Comprehensive Plan Ordinance to DEO for review. Attorney Davis clarified that the percentages are not being changed at this time only the provision moved. Discussion ensued on determining the percentages. Mr. Dyess stated that the request is to move the 75% preservation to the LDC and that the other percentages would stay. Ms. Page voiced that data and analysis should be submitted with the ordinance to DEO and questioned what issue was to be corrected on homes built after the 1996 LDC was enforced. Commissioner Meadows reported that it was discovered in May, 2014 that the homes had not been reviewed in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan for many years. Once the Comprehensive Plan was applied, it was found that many owners were unable to build structures due to the minimal percentage. Commissioner Meadows opined that the Plan should have been enforced and that the citizens should not be penalized. Ms. Page questioned how the 50% vegetative clearing area was derived. Commissioner Meadows discussed how the percentage was June 23,2015 Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 18 derived through Staff's application. Discussion continued on impacting the wetlands and reconstruction of damaged homes. Mr. Mac Carpenter, Planning and Development, clarified that the ordinance being presented offers due process for those which are severely impacted by the current Comprehensive Plan policy. He discussed some the changes which took place in the EAR Amendments adopted in 2011. He said that the ordinance move the percentage from the Comprehensive Plan to the LDC and does not weaken the protection of the Coastal Dune Lakes. Ms. Bonnie McQuiston voiced concern with possible changes in the 100 foot preservation buffers. Mr. Dyess stated that the 100 foot buffer would not be changed. Ms. Jacquie Markel voiced concerns with the change from the original methodology and the vesting oflots. Chairman Imfeld reminded everyone that the motion was to move the 75% Preservation from the Comprehensive Plan to the LDC. He said the other issues would be addressed later. Ms. Susan Paladini, Coffeen Nature Preserve, submitted the Conservation and Development Plan elements as requested by Commissioners Meadows and Jones. She said that the 25% impervious area percentage came from a stipulated settlement agreement to make the 1996 Comprehensive Plan meet State standards and briefly discussed the settlement agreements in which Tops'l and St. Joe were required to use the same percentage. She asked that action be delayed until further review could be done. Attorney Davis reported that the settlement agreement had been reviewed and that the agreement had included the entire Comprehensive Plan. He said that it is his understanding that the issues being presented and discussed were not a part of the proposed changes or rejections that have been reviewed by Walton County and DCA (alk/a DEO). He does not believe that the settlement agreement actually required the 25%. June 23,2015 Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 19 Attorney Sidney Noyes, Assistant County Attorney, reported that the first few pages of the agreement addressed the concerns of DCA at that time. Discussion continued on the settlemerit agreement. Ms. Paladini questioned if the Conservation Plan had been implemented. Commissioner Meadows replied that it had not been completed. Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Chapman, to move the current 75% preservation requirement from the Comprehensive Plan to the Land Development Code and transmit the CDLPZ Comprehensive Plan Ordinance to DEO for review. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Dyess presented for first reading the CDLPZ LDC Ordinance amending sections 4.02.00 and 4.03.00 to the LDC regarding the Coastal Dune Lake Protection Zone and Coastal Protection Zone; providing for severability; codification and an effective date. He briefly discussed the issues which would be addressed. Chairman Imfeld asked if taking action now would be premature. Mr. Jones said that if it is changed and DEO says no, then the action becomes moot. Commissioner Meadows felt that the LDC language needed to be sent with the Comprehensive Plan language to show the county's intent. Commissioner Meadows briefly discussed a summary written by Dr. Hal Smith on his analysis of the Coastal Dune Lakes water chemistry. She suggested the county allocate $100,000 for Coastal Dune Lake monitoring and management for the next ten years. Chairman Imfeld directed that staff include the funding in the budget proposal. Discussion continued on the Dr. Smith's findings, funding of the monitoring, the increase from 25% to 50% impervious area, and installation of sewage systems. Mr. Dyess asked how the Board wished to address the issues. Chairman Imfeld asked how many areas were to be addressed. Mr. Dyess reported that there were items that the Board June 23,2015 Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 20 had directed to be reviewed at the last meeting plus additional items such as tributaries that needed to be addressed. Chairman Imfeld instructed Mr. Dyess to begin with the items presented at the last meeting. Mr. Dyess presented the change from 25% to 50% cleared area. Chairman Imfeld questioned if this was moved to the LDC would variances be granted in special circumstances. Mr. Dyess stated that it would and discussed the variance provisions. Moving the percentages from the Comprehensive Plan to the LDC will allow for the variance process. Commissioner Comander asked why the percentages needed to be increased if variances are allowed in the LDC. Mr. Dyess stated that the Board would have that option to consider. Commissioner Meadows discussed reasons for variances and voiced that an increase in the percentage would minimize the number of variance requests. Discussion ensued on the determining factors to justify the increase to 50%. Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Meadows, to increase the cleared area from 25% to 50%. Chairman Imfeld asked if the Board of Adjustments could issue a broad vanance approval in the cases of severe storm events. Attorney Davis discussed the provisions of the ordinance and replied that the requests had to be placed by the individual owner. Many citizens came forward to address the increase in the cleared area. Many expressed concern for the affects the increase would have on the Coastal Dune Lakes. Some spoke in favor of the increase. Other issues discussed were the inclusion of driveways, storm water retention areas, and variances. Ms. Debbie Heard, Coastal Dune Lakes Advisory Board (CDLAB) Chairman, encouraged the Board to utilize the resources of the CDLAB. She requested that the Board fund June 23,2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 21 a scientific study of the lakes, grant pennission to obtain an estimate of the cost of the study, and detennine who could perfonn the study. She also requested that the nonconfonning aspect be addressed separately and that the other issues be presented in workshops after the scientific data has been compiled. Chainnan Imfeld stepped down as Chair and Commissioner Comander assumed the Chair position. Motion by Commissioner Imfeld to amend the original motion to establish a 50% clearing with 25% impervious. Commissioner Chapman said that decks and driveways should be considered impervious. Motion amendment died for lack of a second. Chainnan Imfeld resumed the position as Chair. Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Meadows, to increase the cleared area from 25% to 50%. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Dyess requested to strike Section 4.02.04 (B) Legal Nonconfonnity and to leave Section 4.02.04 (C) Confonning Structures be kept intact. Motion by Commissioner Meadows, Second by Commissioner Comander, to strike Section 4.02.04 (B) Legal Nonconfonnity from the Coastal Dune Lake Protection Zone-Land Development Code Ordinance and leave Section 4.02.04 (C) Confonning Structures as presented. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Dyess discussed the variance process before the Zoning Board of Adjustments (Section 4.02.04 (E) Variances). A variance may be granted with a super majority as long as a quorum is present. June 23, 2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 22 Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Chapman, to approve the language of Section 4.02.04 (E) Variances as presented. Motion by Commissioner Meadows, Second by Commissioner Chapman, to amend the original motion to include up to a 53% variance request limitation. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Dyess discussed the draft language of Section 4.02.04 (F) Exception to Variances. Discussion ensued regarding the pervious and impervious requirement of this item. Commissioner Meadows requested to change the wording "pervious" and "impervious" to "footprint" to make the language consistent with the ordinance. Motion by Commissioner Meadows, Second by Commissioner Comander, to change language to state "developed with a footprint of 1,500 square feet, without being required to obtain a variance from the Board of Adjustment" and delete the last sentence of Section 4.02.04 (F) Exception to Variances. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Mr. Dyess addressed the definition of tributary as found in Section 4.02.02 (B) Coastal Dune Lake Protection Zone (CDLPZ). Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Chapman, to approve the definition of tributary as stated in Section 4.02.02 (B) Coastal Dune Lake Protection Zone (CDLPZ). Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. The meeting recessed at 1: 12 p.m. and reconvened at 1:24 p.m. June 23, 2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 23 The Quasi-Judicial hearing was called to order and Attorney Davis administered the oath to those intending to speak. There were no objections to the advertisements. Attorney Davis instructed that any Ex Parte forms were to be submitted to the clerk. There were no Ex Parte forms submitted. Mr. Wayne Dyess, Planning and Development Director: presented Carson Oaks First Addition Development Order application submitted by Emerald Coast Associates, Inc. consisting of 15 residential lots of 5.49 acres with a future land use of Neighborhood Infil!. The project is located 1.3 miles north of U.S. 98 West on the west side of Mack Bayou Road. Staff found the requested plat will meet the requirements of F.S. Chapter 177, the Walton County Comprehensive Plan, and Land Development Code contingent upon conditions being met as stated in the Staff Report. (Staff Report-I) Ms. Garner Chandler questioned if there were sidewalks going into the subdivision and voiced a need for sidewalks in that area. Mr. Brian Underwood, Planning and Development, stated that the sidewalk buyout was for one side of the street. Commissioner Chapman questioned if there would be a link from Mack Bayou Road to Carson Oaks Lane. Mr. Underwood stated that there was an entrance. He reported that the Development Order approved the buyout of950 square feet of sidewalk, but was to be only on one side of the street to connect to the multi-use path on Mack Bayou Road. Discussion continued on the sidewalk buy-out and sidewalk placement. Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Meadows, to approve Cason Oaks First Addition Development Order. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. (Exhibits: Staff Report-I) June 23,2015 Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 24 Mr. Dyess presented Blue Mountain Beach Industrial Park Phase 2, a plat development order application submitted by Preble-Rish, Inc. consisting of seven commercial lots with surrounding common area on 7.01 acres with a future land use of Light Industrial. The project is located on the west side of Old Blue Mountain Beach Road intersection. Staff found the requested plat will meet the requirements of F.S. Chapter 177, the Walton County Comprehensive Plan, and Land Development Code contingent upon conditions being met as stated in the Staff Report. (Staff Report-I) Commissioner Meadows asked where the lots were located. Mr. Underwood indicated on the proposed plat where the lots were located. Discussion ensued on the original use of the acreage. There was no public comment. Motion by Commissioner Meadows, Second by Commissioner Comander, to approve Blue Mountain Beach Industrial Park Phase 2 Development Order. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. (Exhibits: Staff Report-I) Commissioner Chapman revisited Carson Oaks First Addition Development Order application and asked about the seven foot elevation. Mr. Underwood stated that that was the relative elevation and stated that the ground elevation would be between four and five feet. Commissioner Chapman asked what measures would be taken to insure that they are not impacted by flood waters. Mr. Underwood stated that the site and floor plans will be reviewed for the proper elevation. Commissioner Meadows asked if the Carson Oaks project had to pay a Proportionate Share Fee. Mr. Underwood replied no. June 23, 2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 25 Mr. Dyess presented Quattuor Development, a major development order application submitted by Innerlight Engineering Corporation requesting approval to develop four single family lots on 1.137 acres with a future land use of neighborhood infill. The project is located on the south side of C.R. 30A approximately 0.10 miles west of the intersection at the east end of C.R. 30A and U.S. Highway 98. Staff found the project to be consistent with Walton County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code contingent upon conditions being met as stated in the Staff Report. (Staff Report-I) Ms. Vivian Shamel, Planning and Development, briefly discussed the history of the project. She said that this was a re-review of the project with one condition which stated that unit three shall not exceed two stories in height. Commissioner Meadows asked if the project would be accessed offC.R. 30A. Mr. David Smith, Innerlight Engineering Corp., said that it would be accessed through an unnamed street from C.R. 30A. There was no public comment. Motion by Commissioner Meadows, Second by Commissioner Jones, to approve Quattuor Development. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. (Exhibits: Staff Report I) Mr. Dyess presented David Lilienthal SSA 15-010 (Ordinance 2015-19) a Small Scale Amendment application submitted by Walton County requesting an amendment of the Future Lane Use Category designation for the subject property consisting of 10 acres from Conservation to Conservation Residential 2:1.5 acres. The project is located on the west side of S. Church Street approximately 0.9 miles north of U.S. Highway 98. Staff found June 23,2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 26 the project to be consistent with Walton County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code contingent upon conditions being met as stated in the Staff Report. (Staff Report-I) There was no public comment. Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Meadows, to adopt Ordinance 2015-19 approving David Lilienthal SSA 15-01 O. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. (Exhibits: Staff Report-I) Motion by Commissioner Chapman, Second by Commissioner Comander, to adjourn the Regular Meeting and convene into a Special Meeting to call to order an Executive Session to discuss James and Melanie Nipper v. Walton County (Case No.: 13CA694) and a Closed Special Meeting to discuss the Collective Bargaining Negotiations with the Walton County Firefighters Union. Ayes 5, Nays O. Irnfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. The following were present during the Executive Sessions: Chairman Imfeld, Commissioner Comander, Commissioner Meadows, Commissioner Jones, and Commissioner Chapman. Also in attendance were Mr. Larry Jones, County Administrator; Attorney Mark Davis, County Attorney, Attorney Sidney Noyes, Assistant County Attorney; and Ms. Sharon Payne, Certified Court Reporter. Executive Sessions are not open to the public pursuant to Florida Statute 286.011 (8). Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Jones, to call to order the Executive Session to discuss James and Melanie Nipper v. Walton County (Case No.: 13CA694). Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. June 23, 2015 Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 27 Motion by Commissioner Comander, Second by Commissioner Chapman, to adjourn the Executive Session and reconvene the Special Meeting. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye,Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. Attorney Davis stated that he would follow the direction as given during the Executive Session. Motion by Commissioner Commander, Second by Commissioner Chapman, to recess the Special Meeting and call to order a closed Special Meeting to discuss the Collective Bargaining Negotiations with the Walton County Firefighters Union. Ayes 5, Nays O. Imfeld Aye, Comander Aye, Chapman Aye, Jones Aye, Meadows Aye. There being no further items to present, the Closed Special Meeting and the Special Meeting were adjourned. Approved: ~ .'"~ ~~.\ Bill Imfeld, Chairman Attest: ~~~~--------------------- ord, Clerk of Court and County Comptroller June 23,2015 - Regular Meeting Prepared by: Kimberly Wilkins 28 \ --------