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corporate social responsibility report
Message from the Board
When we started we were a small bunch of
dreamers. Only a word drove us forward:
The 2007 Corporate Responsibility Report of Grupo RBS, in addition to giving account of the
main actions and indicators of the year in focus, highlights a historic occasion: the company’s
Jubilee celebration. The date was celebrated in different styles, specially with our collaborators,
and the communities with which we have created long-lasting bonds. The reason: RBS’s
development into a multimedia company was possible thanks to the trust we won from our
collaborators, customers, suppliers and, above all, from our listeners, readers, and viewers. To
all of them a word of gratitude, which we aspire to convey through the institutional campaign
built at the end of a superb year of achievements.
At each victory, at each new enterprise… each
time our audience grew, another word became
To overcome obstacles, UNITY was the
In celebrating five decades of business life, Grupo RBS remains attentive to its mission of
“helping people to communicate with their world”. In order to do that, we often revisit our
processes, and review the trends in this rather competitive and changing world. The future
is always around the corner. Hence, approaching innovation at work is a need. Not only by
acquiring new technology and advanced management tools, or by developing high-quality
products, which generates reliability, but also by winning the hearts of the next generations.
At the closing of our first 50 years of existence,
During these first 50 years, Grupo RBS has never departed from its social role. Internally,
it cares for its collaborators by contributing to their professional development. As for
communities, the company gives heed to their needs and claims. In this sense, many of
the editorials published in newspapers’, radio and TV stations’, as well as Web sites’ play a
mouthpiece role for the localities within their reach. At other times, institutional actions are
developed to mobilize society around a substantial theme, as is the case of the campaign
“Violence in the traffic. It must end”, which was launched in December, 2007.
Now, only one word is capable to translate
The 50-year celebration made us very proud, and provided Grupo RBS with the drive it needs
to keep on moving towards the future.
Jayme Sirotsky
Nelson Sirotsky
Chairman of the Board
President &CEO
we believe to have taken the right course.
However, what has really driven us to what
and where we are now is the trust you have
deposited on us every day.
what we feel: GRATITUDE.
Vision of Responsibility
In-house Community
Government and Society
Socially Responsible Product
Mauricio Sirotsky Sobrinho Foundation
Vision of Responsibility
R$ 82.420.874
The commitments taken by Grupo RBS
along its trajectory, reaffirmed at every
action and event held in celebration of its
Jubilee, are conveyed as numbers in the
Sustainability Consolidated Balance.
In 2007, the resources assigned to our
in-house community were significant,
amounting to nearly R$ 82.4 mi, an increase
of 27.15% compared to the amount invested
in the previous year.
invested by RBS in
actions towards its
in-house community
invested by RBS in
actions towards
communities*, and
the environment
The total investments assigned
to In-house Community, Consumers,
Communities, and Environment raised by
13.40%, from R$ 107.1 mi in 2006 to R$ 121.4
mi over the following year.
Founded on August 31, 1957, in Porto
Alegre, Grupo RBS is a multimedia
communications company, operating in
Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, with
multimedia branches and commercial offices
in five other states and in Federal District.
Grupo RBS’s multimedia platform is
a portfolio of 18 broadcast TV stations,
2 Community TV stations, 1 National
Cable Rural TV station, 25 radio stations, 8
newspapers, 2 Internet portals, 1 publishing
house, 1 marketing company aimed at the
youth, and the Mauricio Sirotsky Sobrinho
total amount invested
by Grupo RBS in 2007
* in media, discounts, and
financial resources
Ocupational Health and Safety
Total donated in health care
Total donated in security
Total donated in culture, sports, and leisure
Total donated in enviromental actions
1 Model based on the social statement proposed by IBASE, and Instituto Ethos of Social Responsibility
2 Income of media companies in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina states.
3 In media, and financial resources
4 This resource is distributed into 'Community', therefore. It is not included into the consolidated statement
NOTE: The item 'Overall Total' related to the Corporate Social Report of 2006 has been rectified. In that year it was published a total of R$108,553,883 due to Item D having been mistakenly added
% s/ RL
grupo RBS
aimed at the environment at RBS
Resources applied in programs or actions
% s/ RL
corporate social responsibility report
Actions in partnership with the public sector
Total donated in other actions
regional development
3, 4
Total donated in social assistance
Vision of Responsibility
Total donated in economic and
Total donated in education
Resources assigned to the Subscriber Club
Health Care
Life Insurance
Private Pension
Culture, Sports, and Leisure
Day care centers or Child care grants
Profit sharing program
Development and Education
Qualification, Professional
(excluding social taxes)
% s/ RL
RBS Communications, Subsidiaries and Associate companies
Sustainability Consolidated Statement of Grupo RBS
In-house Community
rupo RBS’s collaborators have always been
invited to act as partners in a number of
projects, ranging from personal and professional
development to the use of new technology. Along
the 50-year celebrations, the company enjoyed
intense participation of its staff, whose triumphs
were highlighted in the history of the Group. Its
2007 year-end campaign, protagonized by 1.7
thousand collaborators, marks the completion of
actions towards its Jubilee, and is one instance of
such participation.
Is the total number of
collaborators at Grupo RBS
In the afternoon of November 21, 2007 , 1.7
thousand collaborators joined the shooting of
the campaign named Gratitude at a club in the
outskirts of Porto Alegre. Everyone should wear a
plain white T-shirt or shirt, and a pair of jeans, and
just let themselves be carried through the 50-year
( pp.12) trajectory of challenges and triumphs. The
joy of saying thank you to all readers, listeners, and
In-house Community
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
Exhibition "On Air - 50 Years of Life"
Porto Alegre, for whom a welcoming infrastructure,
including accommodation and transport, was prepared. They came from five states and the Federal
District for the event. During the morning they visited the exhibition “On Air- 50 Years of Life”. In the
evening, a great and cheerful party was organized
in a special venue with about 4 thousand people
wearing a T-shirt that was specially designed to
celebrate the company’s Jubilee. There were raffles
and several homage were paid to RBS’s communicators. A book with messages written by almost all
viewers, who have intensely trusted the work they
of the staff was given to the company’s President,
“I like very much to work for Grupo RBS,
developed, was infectious. The 60-second movie,
and the partiers enjoyed an exclusive gig by the
where I’ve been working for 6 years. If we do
aired on December 8 during Jornal do Almoço by
Jota Quest band.
our work as well as possible, they also
RBS T V, reached all communities of Rio Grande
do their part. The company pays on the
do Sul and Santa Catarina, whose bonds with the
expected day, provides healthcare
assistance. I also find the confraternization
parties very nice. Employees usually attend
company are getting increasingly stronger.
for 10, 15, 20,25,30,35,40 and 45 years. In 2007 the
event took place on December 6, integrating the
Special events
calendar of the company’s Jubilee.
Actions aimed specially at RBS’s collabora-
In that event, 229 collaborators were distin-
That brotherly atmosphere was present along
tors have turned into traditional events and are
guished. Jayme Sirotsky protagonized one of the
important moments of the 50-year celebrations of
awaited with great expectations. Among them is
most touching moments of the night when he
Grupo RBS. The new company logo was first shown
the annual Jubilee Party that pays homage to the
received ovation for 45 years of dedication to the
them. There was one we could take our
to its collaborators during a videoconference on
employees who have been working in the company
organization. Special distinctions were given to
children, and they received gifts. It was
July 27; during that session, the Executive Commit-
really nice”.
tee shared information about the coming celebrations, the actions and campaigns that would mark
Amilton Machado
Newsboy with Diario Catarinense
the company’s Jubilee.
On August 30, the Executive Committee introduced to the Group’s staff the Exhibition “On Air –
50 Years of Life” directly from the show venue. Only
RBS's Jubilee Party at FIERGS
after that it was officially inaugurated and opened
to the public on September 1.
On August 31, the day the company became 50
years old, all of the 5.8 thousand collaborators of
Grupo RBS received a gift kit containing an individual cake, a button allusive to the date, and a card
signed by the President Nelson Sirotsky, and by
the Chairman Jayme Sirotsky. All company’s units
were adorned with banners, balloons, totems and
We took advantage of hoding the 4th edition of
the RBS Meeting of Journalism on September 8th to
promote the largest gathering of collaborators in
Celebration of the Jubilated Collaborators
In-house Community
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
ees’ rate was of 6.33%.
The number of women working at the various
units of Group keeps growing, reflecting a work
marketplace trend, in which women have invariNoelly Bonifácio Borges, 45 years with RBS, Anto-
ably conquered their space, not only as low rank
nio Francisco Pederneiras (40), Helvio Schneider
monthly to all collaborators along with their pay
employees, but also in management posts. In 2007,
(35), Lirio Scaranto (35 ) and Luiz Carlos Pradier
women accounted for 42.19% of the total number of
Burkert (35).
website carries audio, photo, and video content
The Family Day is another much expected event
when the company opens its doors to welcome the
gained an electronic version in 2007. The
about campaigns and events aimed at companies
and employees.
staff’s families so that they can get to know the
employees’ work environment and co-workers. In
Growth and Profile
addition, a confraternization party is organized for
By the end of its Jubilee year, Grupo RBS
the staff’s children, who receive a gift kit. In 2007,
employed 5,798 people. This number represents an
3.5 thousand kits were distributed.
increment of 4.28% over the previous year. When
Another tradition at Group is the Christmas
compared to 2005, the workforce jumped up by
Gift, seeking to establish tighter bonds between the
27.8%. Such a growth reflects the company’s busi-
company and its collaborators. Last year 6.4 thou-
ness expansion, specially in print and electronic
sand kits were given away.
newspaper. The paper A Notícia, headquartered in
For five decades, the company has sought the
improvement of tools that could enhance communication with its in-house community. Among them,
the RBS Window, My RBS , and the President Letter.
The RBS Window , comprised of notice boards
SC, incorporated into the group by the end of 2006,
is an example of such an entrepreneurial policy.
Grupo RBS’s staff turnover has remained flat at
23%. In addition, the collaborators’ value policy has
endured. In 2007, the internally transferred employ-
which are placed strategically in all company’s
units, carries updated information. My RBS, the
Growth in the number of employees
compared to the previous year
Staff turnover
Group’s intranet, gathers useful information for
the company’s daily activities, such as extension
numbers and directory, as well as documents and
Internally transferred employees’ rate
Number of employees
collaborators. Specifically in management posts,
women’s presence reached 26.10%. In directorship
posts, they were represented by 12.90%.
Collaborator’s Recognition
Within Grupo RBS, the average wage has
grown significantly. In 2007, it was of R$2,009.89, a
In-house Community
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
Diversity in work environment
Participation of people with special needs
compared with total staff
Employment time at rbs
Over 20 years
Up to 4th grade 0,76%
Percentage of women's average monthly wages
From 5th to 8th grade
compared with to those of men in management
Participation of people 45+
compared with total staff
11 - 20
High School
Less than
a year
6 - 10
High School
1 - 5 years
Participation of women in
Directorship positions
Participation of women
compared with total staff
raise of 9.8% compared to the previous year. Such
company’s results with its staff. As from 2003, the
improvement in wages, and the increase in total
potential gain of employees has risen from two to
staff has reflected onto the growth of the total
three monthly salaries. In 2007, 76.48% of the RBS’s
amount distributed by the Profit Sharing Program
staff was benefited by the program.
(PPR). R$45.6 million in 2007, against R$33.8 million in 2006, an increase of 35%. PPR has come into
Percentage of women's average monthly wages
compared with those of men in directorship
Participation of women in management positions
45,6 milhões
existence over 10 years ago at Grupo RBS, and it
Was the total amount
has been adjusted in order to better share the
distributed in the PPR, in 2007
Average monthly salary
R$ 2.010
R$ 1.830
In-house Community
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
Remuneration in 2007
Over 20 minimum salaries
4,50% * Up to 1 minimum salary
10 – 20
minimum salaries
R$ 1.626
5 – 10
at personal and professional development of
minimum salaries
R$ 45.643.209
R$ 33.818.027
R$ 30.559.294
employees’ qualification added nearly R$3 million,
a significative increase of 55.2% over the previous
year. The increment of 24.1% is also noteworthy in
the volume of resources invested in health care,
thus resulting in an overall investment of R$9 mil-
* Employees who work less than 40 hours/week
its employees. In 2007, the resources invested in
distributed among staff
Grupo RBS’s staff have always deserved the
company’s cognizance, which triggers ongoing
planning and actions that result in efforts aimed
Participation in the profits
Qualification and well-being
As for Qualification, Development, and Formal
Education areas, one tool that has achieved good
Percentage of employees benefited by ppr
results is the Learning Space, a learning man-
may last five, ten, or fifteeen minutes, Mondays
agement software broadly known as LMS, which
through Fridays, in the work spaces with a mas-
enables for courses online and student-teacher
sage-at-work session once a week.
interaction, manages users’ training history, makes
Always attentive to health care issues of its
available space for knowledge sharing, and allows
staff, in 2007 Grupo RBS once more encouraged its
the monitoring of the students’ evolution by man-
collaborators to participate in the 24th edition of
agers. The program started in November,2006, and
the Porto Alegre Marathon. Sixty RBS’s collabora-
has been adding new learning modules ever since.
tors held an early involvement with the marathon
Concerning health, Grupo RBS remains atten-
when they started their physical training. The
tive to processes leading to the improvement of the
training was led by a sports consulting group so
Employee Health Care Center (C AF). The program
that the participants would be properly guided
has developed in such a way that it took the role
of a Health Care Plan, and now offers first-class
care to the company’s staff and to their families.
The Smart System is a hightlight which prizes the
Ratio of the gross average salary
Physician-Patient relationship, and is provided at
of the 20% best paid collaborators
no cost to the staff.
and the 20% worst paid collaborators
C AF is also in charge of the Ergonomic Exercise
Program, which in 1994 reached only some divi-
Ratio of the largest and the
smallest gross salary
sions of the company, but has gradually expanded
and now about 50% of the staff joins the exercises
sessions. The aim is to prevent Work-related Mus-
Ratio of the lowest salary in the company
and the national minimum salary
culoskeletal Disorders, to curb stress, to reduce
muscle fatigue, and to boost staff’s readiness and
productivity. The program also provides for more
integration in the work environment. The sessions
In-house Community
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
a bus when she was selling Zero Hora newspaper
on Cristiano Fischer Ave., in Porto Alegre.
Evandro, 33, after having finished a videotaping for RBS T V Chapecó, helped to rescue victims
of a bus accident on BR 282 by using his camera to
according to their physical capabilities and health
status. A jersey with the company logo was pro-
6,3 million
provide some light, when he was run over by a truck
were assigned to RBS Prev
the families of both employees, and reinforced to
Gilberto Leal
out of control. RBS has given proper assistance to
vided for the marathon. Zero Hora’s Carlos Oliveira
won it in the wheelchair category, and established
Zero Hora
The family’s support
its staff the importance of respecting safety meaIn 2007, Grupo RBS received nine work notices,
sures in order to avoid the fatalities occurrence.
The disquieted political scenario of the late 60s and mid-
compared to ten in 2006. However, the number of
70s shook up Brazil, boosted fights against repression and for
Regarding Private Pension, RBS Prev maintains
work claims plunged from 254 in 2006 to 197 in
freedom, for censorship overcome, in order to deliver accurate
its aims. The pension program was conceived so
2007. Strikes or work stoppage have not been regis-
that staff may plan retirement untroubled. Both
tered for over a year.
the best time in the competition.
employees and the company deposit a monthly
Grupo RBS is invariably heedful of legislation
amount in the fund , observing the caps estab-
and regulations on occupational safety and health
lished by the Social Security legislation. In 2007,
care. However, in 2007 two serious accidents
about R$6.3 million were assigned to the program,
resulted in the deaths of two employees: the news
corresponding to an increase of 17.8% over the
vendor Zaida Gonçalves Wrage, and the camera-
amount invested in the previous year..
man Evandro Luiz Train. Zaida, 29, was run over by
Health and Safety
information to the Gauchos. It was such reality that I found at
ment, the harmony, and the comradeship have remained the
that resulted in
Health care
Private Pension
Culture, Sports, and Leisure
Child Care Centers or Child Care
Occupational Health and Safety
Qualification, Development
and Education
Qualification, Development
and Education per employee
Life Insurance
temporary disablement
RBS’s Jubilee was not different. The family has grown, new
that resulted in
To those who have spent most of their time in the news-
that did not result
was exactly in my co-workers that I found the support, and the
solidarity to face one of the hardest periods of my life. Victim
Days away from work
of an almost deadly holdup, it was thanks to the messages and
due to accidents/
occupational diseases
rooms of Grupo RBS for 39 years as I have myself, it is the
extension of their own home. And, along with my family, it
of casualties
fellows have arrived, but the concepts of professional respect,
personal friendship, and solidarity have remained unchanged.
Percentage of accidents
in disablement
same since the early times, when everyone knew each other,
and the yearend gatherings seemed like a family reunion. The
Percentage of accidents
permanent disablement
The conglomerate has grown, and today it employs over
5 thousand professionals. However, the shared work environ-
Percentage of accidents
Investiments in staff (R$)
Grande do Sul, and Santa Catarina to turn itself into one of the
leading communications groups in Brazil.
Accident Severity
political and economic issues were overcome in stages, and
Grupo RBS started its move towards the countryside of Rio
Accident Frequency
also for the economy of the country which, in the aftermath of
the ‘Brazilian Miracle’, declared moratorium. Eventually, the
Number of occupational
TV Gaucha, and later at Zero Hora. It was a burdensome period
kindness that I received from my peers that I could overcome
all the hardship, and recover faster than my astounded doctors expected, consequently leading me back to daily activities
with my indubitable brothers. An outcome which seemed so
distant and that little by little became a daily event again.
rupo RBS has constantly aimed at creating and
In 2007, the resources assigned to the Subscriber
enhancing various customer relationship chan-
Club reached R$5.7 million, an increase of 10% over the
nels in order to tighten bonds and enable the company
previous year. In 2006, the investment amounted to
to be more present in the communities in which it oper-
R$5.2 million. Compared to 2005, the increase was even
ates. One of such tools is the Subscriber
larger in 2007: 28.4%. In that year, the total resources
Club, a loyalty program that provides
invested was of R$4.4 million. The number of people
RBS’s newspaper subscribers with ame-
benefited by this program has remained above 100
nities to shows, performances, theater
thousand over the last years. The number of events
plays, and other cultural events.
afforded by the program in 2007 reached 84.
Among other relationship channels developed by
5,7 million
the company are the formal visits to distinct units of
were invested in the
in, nearly doubling the volume of the previous year,
Subscriber Club loyalty program
when 10,487 people visited the company. One of the
Grupo RBS. In 2007, as many as 20,044 visitors signed
most visited places is Espaço RBS, inaugurated on
March 31, 2005, to provide visitors with displays of the
company’s most significant historic moments, and to
Resources forwarded to the customer loyalty program
point up the mission, values, business units, as well as
the cultural and social activities held by the company.
R$ 5.679.384
R$ 5.161.193
R$ 4.424.715
Located at the company´s headquarters, Espaço RBS
is open to the general public.
Over 20 thousand
People visited
Grupo RBS’s units
Number of beneficiaries of
the Loyalty Program
Both the Subscribers’ Club and the formal visitations are regarded as means to value Grupo RBS’s
public. Additionaly, the company develops devices to
enable the participation of readers, listeners, viewers
and internauts in spaces open for opinions, production
of editorial content, and suggestion for improvement.
In 2007, 5,618 users had their voice published in the
Reader’s Word section of Zero Hora newspaper.
Moreover, 176 stories were developed based on
suggestions provided by readers, and 591 photos by
readers were published.
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
World Advertising Festival of Gramado
Valued Relationship
video in which several advertising people participated.
Grupo RBS develops relationship programs tar-
The Week ended with a gig by Papas da Língua band, in
geted towards ad agencies, and advertisers in order
MaxiMídia 2007
Moinhos de Vento Park in the capital city.
to settle closer bonds with them. Thus, once again the
company was present at the MaxMidia by sponsoring
the MaxiMidia 2007 Award, an acknowledgement for
36,6 thousand
the best ideas, strategies, and the most creative media
votes were counted in the category
solutions. MaxiMidia 17th edition took place October
popular choice of the Literary Fact Award
2 - 7, in Sao Paulo, along with an International Marketing and Communications Forum, and a business fair.
Still targeting the advertising market, Grupo RBS
During that event, RBS presented its units, products,
has been constantly present at the Festival Mundial
and business opportunities to advertisers and adver-
de Publicidade de Gramado, which took place June
tising agencies.
13 – 15 this year. A 150m² booth resembling the shape
The 2007 edition of the Advertising Week, which is
of an arena, and a gigantic toboggan-like sofa were
promoted by Associação Riograndense de Propaganda
assembled so that the event´s participants could
(ARP) from November 5 thru 10, in Porto Alegre, is another
follow the local programming. There, radio and
example of the relationship programs developed by the
TV shows were recorded, aimed specifically at the
tural events, it was the case of the 53rd Book Fair of
ing a multimedia studio in order to assign priority to
company. Consolidating a successful partnership with
youngsters and college students. A cyber lounge was
Porto Alegre October 26 - November 11, and the Jor-
the event’s programme, blending local shows with
the advertising market of Rio Grande do Sul, Grupo RBS
also built, making computers with internet access
nada de Literatura de Passo Fundo, which took place
the regional ones. Interviews and debates address-
resumed its participation in the Advertising Dinner, the
available to the public. The last day of the Festival
August 27 thru 31. At the Book Fair, a booth was built
ing the state and national cultures took place. Rep-
major event of that Week, when the main awards of Salão
was marked by Nizan Guanaes’s speech,who was
to operate as a radio and tv studio, and to show visi-
resenting the company, the Chairman of Grupo RBS,
da Propaganda are disclosed. That edition gathered over
brought by Grupo RBS specially for that event. Media
tors how a communications company works. In 2007,
Mr. Jayme Sirotsky, paid homage to the University of
700 people in the Leopoldina Juvenil’s ballrooms. During
trends and and the role of technology in our daily life
once more RBS promoted the Literary Fact Award in
Passo Fundo (UPF) and their City Hall.
the event, ARP paid homage to the 50th Anniversary of
were the topics developed by Guanaes in his lecture.
partnership with the state government, and Banrisul.
Grupo RBS by conferring on the CEO Nelson Sirotsky a
Grupo RBS has been actively participant in cul-
During that award’s 5th edition, the project “Reading at Home”, developed by Picada Café municipal-
Semana da Propaganda
Prêmio Fato Literário
ity won Popular Vote category whereas the project
“Grupo RBS’s success essentially rests on
“Children Literature and Pediatrics Medicine”, of Sao
the bonds it developed with customers, who
Lucas Hospital - PUCRS, and the writer Sergio Faraco
have helped it daily to build this fantastic
were awarded in the Official Jury category. “Reading
history. Every day, we are gratified to
at Home”, with 65% of the 36,561 votes, keeps five bags
deliver a lot of information and services
loaded with books on the move through the streets
along with the emotion of giving shelter
of Picada Café, moving from door to door, affording
to people more contact with literature. The project
developed by the pediatrics wing of Sao Lucas hospital provides the little patients with storytelling per-
to and commiting to meet the demands of
our customers. It is with such a readiness
that we want to surprise, attract, and and
formed by language undergraduate students. For the
win loyalty by valuing people through a
first time, the Official Jury award decided to share a
vigorous mission.”
prize between an individual talent and a project.
As for Jornada de Literatura de Passo Fundo,
Grupo RBS invested in an original initiative by build-
Cassia Velozo
Zero Hora Services and Post-sales Supervisor
Government and Society
n 50 years of operations, Grupo RBS has met its
In 2007, the total taxes generated by Grupo RBS
obligations as established by the tax legislation.
resulted in a 15.8% increase over the previous year. One
In 2007, the company generated about R$102 million
of the most conducive items was the Income Tax upon
in taxes. Partnerships with the public sector enabled
Profit. In 2007, about R$35.3 million were forwarded to
RBS to contribute to social, cultural, and economic
that federal tax, i.e., 34.7% of total taxes paid by the
development of society by the means of media dona-
company. Compared with 2006, the growth was signifi-
tion, investment in actions and projects aimed at the
cative: 65.7%.
public interest. In 2007, the amount allocated was
The volume of resources forwarded to COFINS -
of R$ 3,940,516, out of which, 80% in donated media,
Contribution to Fund Social Insurance – was above 30%
and 20% in financial resources obtained through
of the total paid or nearly R$33.9 million. There was an
fiscal incentives.
increase of 11.2% compared to 2006..
102 million
was the approximate amount
generated in taxes by Grupo RBS
Total in Taxes
R$ 101.817.172
R$ 87.954.780
R$ 79.464.699
Total in Resources Invested *
R$ 3.940.516
R$ 1.432.833
R$ 1.315.642
* Resources allocated to actions and projects of public interest in partnership
with the public sector through media donation, and financial resources
Government and Society
corporate social responsibility report
Temas Abordados
Taxes generated in 2007
R$ 6.389.125,60
Income Tax on Profit
R$ 35.335.021,65
Social Contribution on Profit Community
and Company
R$ 17.194.702,66
Other taxes
The three verbs
Topics of interest
R$ 101.817.171,94
Editorial production in the outlets operated
by Grupo RBS invariably takes into account topics
of public interest, contributing to the analysis and
however, far-reaching freedom is granted
nearly 66.1 thousand stories were published and
delivered by the company’s media outlets. Cul-
equivalent. The ethical virtues of Grupo
ture held a substantial share among all publica-
RBS come from within. I am very familiar
with that. In 30 years I have worked across
about the public sector were also addressed with
nearly 12.4 thousand stories. Education totalized
11.3 thousand. Health care, 11 thousand, Commu34,70%
Tax on
nity and Company, 9.3 thousand, and Environment,
several areas of journalism at RBS, and in
none of them have I detected censorship.
6.6 thousand.
Freedom, blended with trust, makes us
happy; on the other hand, it makes us
seriously responsible. Freedom leads to
accountability, which in turn, leads to ethics.
to journalists, their accountability is
tions, amounting to 15.5 thousand stories. Topics
It is quite enticing to do journalism
guerrilla when either internal or external
censorship is heavy-handed. When,
discussion of the most varied matters. In 2007,
Luiz Carlos Prates
R$ 1.704.639,21
R$ 33.879.965,17
grupo RBS
Columnist, Diario Catarinense,
RBS TV Florianopolis, and CBN/
Diario Florianopolis radio station
R$ 7.313.717,65
on Profit
“RBS’s belief is that journalism must be
By resting on these three virtues, Grupo RBS
and Company
exercised as a means to cause positive
to compare the social development of
it operates. Either as an investigative
communities before and after the arrival
report, shedding light on shadowed
of RBS. The populations reached by the
areas, or as a musical event broadcast,
company have already got used to utter
providing thousands of people with
the same question when a need for support
audiences’ expectations, and to reflect its
Inform, form, and help are the three verbs
that the company conjugates best. This is a
dignifying life.”
Zero Hora’s Newsroom Director
arises. Do you think RBS will help us? The
answer has invariably been yes, it helps.
own expectations for a better and more
Marcelo Rech
all localities it either traverses or sets up
operational bases. It is extremely gratifying
impact on the communities in which
leisure, RBS’s action is driven to meet its
has extended its arms of fraternity across
and Company
blessing for its internal fellows, and external
he concern with environmental preservation, and the
commitment to prompting and adopting practices
aimed at sustainable development have been around
since the inception of Grupo RBS. In 2007, by reaffirming
such an attitude, the company made a point of improving its internal processes with respect to environmental
issues, and promoted initiatives including the adoption
of the carbon-free stamp in events such as “Donna
Investment to minimize rbs’s footprint in the environment
R$ 769.053
R$ 45.385
R$ 41.048
Fashion Iguatemi 2007”, and the Exhibition “On Air –
50 Years of Life”.
R$ 769.053
The actions developed from the management
adopted by Grupo RBS reflect the substantial growth of
was the total amount invested
investments to minimize footprint in the environment,
by Grupo RBS in 2007 to minimize
thus directly resulting in waste generation neutral-
its footprint in the environment.
ization: nearly R$ 81.5 thousand, corresponding to an
increase of 79.5% in 2007 over the previous year. Part of
"The environment management system of
A Noticia newspaper was set out in 1999,
such increment is due to R$5 thousand invested in Zero
Hora newspaper to have its well in compliance with the
environmental legislation.
leveraged by the launch of the “AN Green”
supplement. In 2002, the company was
certified by ISO 14001, a certification on
environmental performance. Since then,
several actions have been implemented.
One of the most significant deeds,
besides investments to track and treat
environmental aspects generated by the
company’s activities, is the contribution
to environmental education intended to
children and teenagers during visitations to
schools in communities."
Alceu Lopes
Coordinator of the Environment
Management System of A Noticia newspaper
* The processes of gathering and consolidating data on the Environment had their criteria changed by
Grupo RBS, thus justifying the significant difference of investments made between the years 2006 and 2007.
Destination of waste
Recycled (ton)
Reused (ton) Incinerated (kg)
Dropped in garbage dumps
Additional R$7 thousand were forwarded to Pioneiro
enable etching onto the offset plate without the need for
newspaper in order to meet the increased production,
lithograph, resulting in reduction of industrial effluents,
specially in the number of color pages, which eventually
and chemicals. The investment was of R$570 thousand.
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
2007 2006 2005 6.298,51 4.891,6 4.809,79
101,44 121,37
150 0 0
Carbon Awareness
15,49 calculate the number of stems to be planted, it was pro-
The objective of neutralizing carbon emission
jected the consumption of electrical power, water, and
onto the atmosphere by contributing for the dissemi-
other aspects of Donna Fashion that would affect the
generated more waste, thus demanding a response on
Another example is found in the new Effluent Treat-
nation and the awareness of an issue that affects
environment balance, which eventually resulted in the
the part of the company. Another highlight was the R$15
ment Plant at A Noticia newspaper regarding industrial
the whole world has caused Grupo RBS to adhere to
planting of 346 trees.
thousand invested in A Noticia newspaper, the unit incor-
and sanitary waste. R$110 thousand were assigned to
the Carbon Free Stamp. In Rio Grande do Sul, the first
Another significant event organized in 2007, which
porated to RBS in late 2006.
this project. As for Diario Catarinense’s printing plant, the
event to be certified by the NGO Iniciativa Verde was
received the Carbon Free Stamp, was the Exhibition
mixed-vapor light lamps gave
“Donna Fashion Iguatemi 2007”. Hence, every emis-
“On Air – 50 Years of Life” of the Grupo RBS.
RBS has aimed to decrease the amount of waste gen-
place to the Super B4 fluores-
sion of Greenhouse Effect Gases (GHE), specially the
The City Hall of Porto Alegre had 527 stems of trees
erated, and to increasingly turn it into recyclable, and
cent ones, maximizing light
carbon generated during the exhibition, must have
donated – out of those, 477 were forwarded to the Sec-
reusable. The 2007 indicators show that the amount of
flow without increasing
their effects neutralized by planting trees in the
retaria Municipal do Meio Ambiente greenhouse, and
recyclables grew by 28.8% over the previous year while
energy consumption.
Atlantic Forest and in the region of Porto Alegre. To
50 were planted on Edvaldo Pereira Paiva Ave. In addi-
The environmental management adopted by Grupo
the amount of reusables rose by 33.2%. Among the recy-
tion, 954 stems were donated to be planted in the belt
clables are: paper, aluminum, and dry trash. Only two
system of the Atlantic Forest, in Sao Paulo.
fines were received by the company for not complying
with environmental regulations.
A further goal is to put an end to the waste placed
in landfills. To do so, one of the alternatives adopted in
2008 was the implementation of co-processing - operation which allows for part of the waste generated in the
printing plant to be used to manufacture cement - leading to reprocessing of materials and, then, contributing
to the preservation of the environment.
1,8 thousand
stems of trees
were planted in connection to the events
In 2007, Grupo RBS carried out the instalation of two
“Donna Fashion” and “On Air – 50 Years of Life”,
new CTPs, one in the printing plant of Zero Hora news-
both organized by Grupo RBS.
paper, and another one in Pioneiro’s.. Such machines
Socially Responsible Product
rupo RBS’s 50 years
With the purpose to
strengthen the duty
assess and discuss issues
of the company to pro-
which are inherent to
vide its readers, listeners,
activities of journalism,
viewers, and internauts
such as processes aimed
and services. They also
mistakes or the future of
evince that at each new
media as for new technol-
project and new technol-
ogies, Grupo RBS has held
ogy adopted, the com-
the RBS Meeting of Jour-
pany was driven by its
nalism since 2004. News-
various and ever-growing
room staff of the several
company’s media gather
them, RBS has reaffirmed its commitment to the
in this event to discuss topics that eventually lead to
social, cultural, and economic development of the
the improvement of their activities and work output.
communities where it is present.
In 2007, the event gathered nearly a thousand journalists who came from 27 cities of 5 states, and the Federal
4 edition
District, as well. The topic chosen was “The Future of
Media, and Media of the Future”.
of the RBS Journalism Award
included the release of the “Ethics Guide,
The international lecturers, Mr. Juan Antonio Giner,
Quality and Social Responsibility”, 2nd edition,
and Mr. Juan Señor, both of the Innovation International
with an added chapter about Quality.
Media Group, spoke about the importance of innova-
Socially Responsible Product
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
The winners of the
4th RBS Journalism Award
Executive Editor of the Internet &
Innovation Unit of Grupo RBS
Jayme Sirotsky Journalism Award
Story: Violence Football Club
Sérgio Lüdtke
Awarded: Cid Martins, Fabio Almeida, and
Jocimar Farina, reporters of Radio Gaucha
Incubator of the Future
I feel uneasy about the fate of words when we use them
desultorily, and I feel as I lose them when they become banal.
However, with the word ‘innovation’ it is different. This word
sounds hollow if we do not attribute a specific meaning to it.
And innovation is one of those words that sound vague most
times we hear them or spot them.
tion as a means to tackle the shifts in audiences’ inter-
These principles are aimed at linking the com-
est regarding the advance of society, and the evolution
pany’s, as well as its professionals’ rights and
of technology.
duties, with the right that its audiences have to be
When I got to know that the word innovation would be
associated with the name of the area in which I work at Grupo
RBS Journalism Award
RBS, instead of fear, I felt undisguised pride. I realized that I
During the event the 2nd edition of the “Guide of
informed and entertained relying on social and edi-
Case: Coverage of Internacional Soccer Club’s match
was before the perfect alignment between the company’s
Ethics, Quality and Social Responsibility” was released;
torial accountability. Based on those principles, the
at the finals of the FIFA Club World Cup in Japan
strategy and my motivation for experimentation and inventi-
its first edition had been published in 2004. Elaborated
various units of the group are motivated to develop
Awarded: Crew of RBS TV Porto Alegre
by the Editorial and the Product Committees with both
processes and devices that enable quality imple-
the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors’s
mentation and control.
Case: Lifeguards’ Spree
challenges to our framework, while conceding once and for all
Awarded: Crew of RBS TV Florianopolis
that our mission to help people communicate with their world
Through such a baptism, RBS aggregated more ambitious
approval, the body of ethical and editorial guidelines
The 4th edition of the Meeting ended with the
depict the outlook taken by Grupo RBS along these first
disclosure of the winners of RBS Journalism Award.
50 years, and reinforce its engagement which, in turn,
In 2007, the Award ceremony was different due to
Case: Translation of the International Soccer Club’s
drives its current and future, actions and plans.
the celebration of the group’s Jubilee. The Work of
hymn into Japanese
technology. Here we work daily with probabilities of change,
To make it clear to society that Grupo RBS seeks
the Year received the Jayme Sirotsky Journalism
Awarded: the team of clicRBS
which demands a good command of technology systems. We
standards of excellence in all of its contents, products,
Award. Four other cases were also awarded out
and services, the Guide has gained a specific chapter
of 421 pieces of work enrolled from several media
Case: ‘For your son to read’ section
logy; we contemplate rational use of resources, and we can
about Quality. Eight principles concerning excellence
units: 162 were from Santa Catarina, and 259 from
Awarded: the team of Zero Hora
influence the problem solving process of other areas in the
were set and must be observed by every collaborator:
Rio Grande do Sul.
definitely transits the internet.
Our unit – Internet & Innovation – is linked umbilically to
review products and processes with the support of techno-
A good technology foundation, proper space and time
- Commitment to the Audiences
enable people to exercise their ability to refresh, recreate, and
- Ethics
question conventional formulas. Therefore we qualify as both
- Editorial Independence
an area in which new ideas have chance to materialize, and as
- Transparency
an incubator for new economic activities in the benefit of the
- People Management
- Processes, Planning, and Organization of Work
Our biggest challenge of helping people communicate
- Infrastructure
with their world remains. Yet, every day we pursue new mea-
- Innovation
nings for the word innovation.
8 schools
Socially Responsible Product
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
Grupo RBS’s media vehicles are always heedful
to the needs of the communities in which they oper-
“Journalism is simply to reverberate what
of the Metropolitan Porto Alegre
ate, joining them in search for local improvement
any community in the world, from a shanty
are engaged in the project developed
solutions. It was the case of the stories about Rota
house to the President’s office, is exposing
by Diario Gaucho
do Sol (RS-486) published in Pioneiro newspaper.
to us. However, accountable journalism is
Rota do Sol shortens in about 100 km the route from
the Mountains to the northern coast of Rio Grande
do Sul, benefiting not only summer vacationers, but
specially producers who seek better logistics for the
to think the topic from its inception to its
publication. Moreover, sometimes it is to
look for a topic where only a few cab see it.
catarinenses harbors. The mobilization of all society
With all this comes the version of the facts,
played a fundamental role so that the construction
not two, but the largest possible number of
of the road was not stopped at its last stage, despite
it. Quality is technique, ethics and freedom.
the financial hindrances faced by the state of Rio
Talent is the mindset that justifies Gaucha
Grande do Sul. The road traffic was finally open as
Radio as the source of information.”
from December 23, 2007.
Bonds with Communities
oped in 2007 by Diario Gaucho, along with 8 schools of
Also an example community work is identified
Cid Martins
Journalist, Gaucha Radio
The coverages and editorials developed by the
the Metropolitan Porto Alegre. The 8 institutions were
in “The Commandments Against Dengue Fever”,
media vehicles of Grupo RBS seek to meet the needs
picked out of a hundred enrollments. Each selected
produced by Gaucha Radio AM. Several short pro-
and interests of communities. The project “A Notícia
school met with a newspaper team four times, when
grams were created to disseminate information on
in the School” is a result of a partnership between the
they learned how to develop a newspaper. Next, each
how to prevent the proliferation of the Aedes egypt ,
newspaper, educational institutions, and the public
school built and published its own four-color page
and motivate the population to combat the disease
power. Integrating such programs is a supplement car-
newspaper, which was inserted in Diario Gaucho.
through prevention. .
distributed and worked in the classroom.
Employment in Santa Catarina” from a series of
stories made in partnership with entities which
rying works on a preset topic which is published once
a month in A Notícia. Daily issues of the newspaper are
RBS TV Florianopolis has drawn the “Map of
RBS Multimedia Team at the Pan American Games 2007
are representative of the industry, commerce and
service sectors. The aim was to identify various
“A Notícia in the School” is now part of the world-
possibilities for economic growth, and appoint the
wide program “Newspaper and Education”, present in
labor profile those sectors needed. The series also
98 countries, linked to the World Association of News-
highlighted regional economic differences, and the
papers. In Brazil, this program has been developed by
importance of technical and university education.
the Nacional Association of Newspapers since 1980.
It is also important to point out the coverage
Today it comprises 55 associated newspapers. The
made by Grupo RBS’s vehicles of the TAM Flight 3054
benefits are many – vocabulary improvement, easier
crash occurred on July 17, 2007. The aircraft took off
self-expression, development of critical thinking, and
from Porto Alegre to Sao Paulo, but it was unable
incentive to cognizance of facts occurring all around
to land on Congonhas runway, and crashed into the
the world.
TAM Express’s building. The tragedy registered 199
The project “A Notícia in the School” also qualifies
casualties. Zero Hora newspaper depicted the pain
teachers, develops support teaching material, provides
which descended on the whole gaucho society, and
the participating schools with follow-ups and project
followed the hardships that the victims’ families
assessment, and takes students do visit the paper’s
and friends were undergoing, such as the identifi-
cation of the corpses, and the last goodbye..
Another project aimed at the classroom was devel-
Socially Responsible Product
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
Major Awards won by Grupo RBS,
its media vehicles, and professionals
I ASULPE Award (Agencia Sul of Research and Statistics)/ I Latin-American Award of Journalism in Cardiovascular
I Social Responsibility Award by the Legislative
I Destak 2007 of Caxias do Sul / FM Radio
Better and Most Recalled Radio
Health Care/ Best Interview – National:
Assembly of RS/ Large Companies
I Top of Mind 2007 – Amanhã Magazine / FM Radio
I The Major Companies of the South – Expressão
I Top of Mind University 2007 of Santa Maria/ FM Radio
Magazine/ Sectorial Cases
I Best Sales Customer Care – Casas Bahia:
I Top of Mind 2007 – Amanhã Magazine/ AM Radio
Eduardo Sirotsky Melzer and Team
I ARI Journalism Award/ Special Contribution to Social
Giovana Perine
I Destaca Media Award / Veículo
I APERGS Award (Association of Piquetes do Estado do RS) /
I Destaca Media Award / Professional of Media
Beth Silva
Canal Rural
I Destaca Media Award / Professional of Commercial
Communications – Antonio Gonzalez Award
I Columnists RS Award by Abracomp/ Electronic
I Columnists of RS Award, of Abracomp/ Highlight
I ABCR Award of Journalism / Radio:
I COMPAHC ( Conselho Municipal de Patrimônio
I DESTAQUES Trophy “The Plantation SNA 110 years”
I Applause by the City Council of Florianopolis /
Cid Martins and Jackson Lagoas
Media of the Year
Histórico Cultural) Award / Merit to the Estate
I Embrapa Award of Coverage / Radio:
I 2007 Leaders & Winners Award / Entrepreneurial Success:
I Incentive Highlight to Caprine Husbandry in RS / Press
I SETCERGS Journalism Award / Radio:
Nelson Sirotsky
I Communications Media Award – Propaganda Magazine /
Giane Guerra
Giane Guerra and Jocimar Farina
Cezar Freitas
Sueli Isaura
Camile Reis
I Unimed Award of Journalism / Television:
RBS TV Florianópolis
Giovana Perine
I Major Companies of the South – Expressão Magazine/
Special Homage
I Excellence in Family Business Management, by Owner
Sectorial Cases / Bigger growth in Sales
RBS TV Porto Alegre
Managed Business Institute
I Top of Marketing ADVB RS Award / Electronic Media
I ICETRAN Award / Television:
I ADB-RO Lidio Sahn Award – 5th FestCine Amazonia /
Best Documentary:
I Top of Mind 2007 – Amanhã Magazine / Company
Adriana Krauss
where people would like to work
CBN Diário
I Guga Kuerten Institute Award / Television:
I Top of Mind 2007 – Amanhã Magazine/ Company
I Merit Dakir Plidoro Medal, by the City
which invests in culture
Council of Florianopolis / Radio:
I Latin-American Award of Journalism in Cardiovascular I 0ARI Journalism Award / Sports Coverage:
Health Care / Best Story – International:
Antônio Flores Dias Neto
Social Responsibility Award 2007
Edmilson Ortiz
Episódio “Tão longe, tão perto”,
da série Antártida
Renato Colares Matte
Ricardo Von Dorff e Graça Vasques
Leaders and Winners Award 2007
I Human Rights Award of Journalism/ Television:
I 14th Açorianos Award of Literature/ TV Highlight:
Raul Costa Jr. e Equipe
I Ministerio Publico of RS Award of Journalism/ TV:
Giovani Grizotti, Cristiane Pastorini
I Retailer Merit by the Confederação Nacional de
e Guto Teixeira
Dirigentes Logistas (ANDL)/ Newspaper per state
I Press Award / TV Reporter of the Year:
I Press Award / TV Commentator:
I Andifes Award of Journalism/ Story: University
I Top of Mind 2007 – Amanhã Magazine: Top Plus
I Top of Mind 2007 – Amanhã Magazine: TV Station
I Docol/ Environment Ministry Journalism Award/
I Top of Mind 2007 – Amanhã Magazine: Local TV
Professional – Newspaper:
I FIESC Journalism Award/ Coverage:
Lasier Martins
Viviane Bevilacqua Ângela Bastos
I Top of Mind 2007 – Amanhã Magazine: Local TV Program:
I Guga Kuerten Institute Award – Newspaper:
Jornal do Almoço
Ana Paula Cardoso
I Amigo do Livro Trophy by Camara Rio-Grandense do Livro:
I Olivio Lamas Award of Journalism/ Photographer:
Alice Urbim
Viviane Bevilacqua
Hermes Bezerra
RBS TV Uruguaiana
I Destaca Media Award / Account Executive:
I Journalism Merit 2007 by the Brazilian Association of
Hereford and Braford/ Television:
I Top of Marketing ADVB- SC / Newspaper
Fábio Provinciatto
Tiago Guedes
Top of Marketing Award SC
grupo RBS
Executive Editor,
Zero Hora
The Accuracy Army
Top of Marketing Award ADVB RS
On the other side of the line, the reporter or editor was
already aware that he or she had only one question to ask:
Since January Zero Hora and the other newspapers of
Diário Catarinense
Lasier Martins
Ricardo Stefanelli
A Notícia
Jonas Campos
corporate social responsibility report
Café TVCOM Show
Giovani Grizotti
I Esso Journalism Award/ Video Journalism:
Socially Responsible Product
- Where did we make a mistake, Mr Kuhn?
Grupo RBS follow a guide which is officially called “Manual
The X-ray assembled by Mara, Clarice and João was fun-
of Processes and Error Prevention”, but should be informally
damental for ZH to align itself with the major newspapers of
known as the Journal of Maras and Clarices or The Anthology
the world, and develop a manual listing potential risks, alerts,
of Eduardos, Pedros and Joões.
essential tips, and best practices in order to avoid mistakes
Each one of them, in their own way, and distinct jobs has
in every section. Fruit of an effort started in 2004 by the jour-
been listing mistakes, innacurate data, doubtful information,
nalist Pedro Dias Lopes in the Economy section, the manual
and specially, how and where the mistakes observed were
is seen today as a holy artwork for those charged with
born in the newspaper. Separate tasks with the sole objective
delivering accurate information. To divulge the epistle, the
to help the Newsroom to reinvigorate daily a principle which
assistant editor Eduardo Loera was chosen in 2007 to go on
is rooted in the RBS’s set of ideas: reliability.
a pilgrimage across newsrooms with the mission to declare
An assistant to the Center of Documentation and
2008 as “The year to prevent and Combat Mistakes”. Lorea
Information (CDI), Clarice da Luz Rodrigues meticulously
visited the eight newspapers of the group, but the moment
inspects the newspaper, lists the daily corrections to mis-
that was imprinted in his mind was the first one.
takes, classifies each mistake by section, and asks people to
- Still blushing and almost stuttering, having just
explain how and why that mistake occurred, a fundamental
finished my first presentation at the large newsroom of Zero
compilation for the error prevention project. Clarice’s task
Hora, I received a gratifying message: Larissa Magrisso, a
is complemented by Mara Carvalho, the secretary to the
newcomer in the Politics section, had already read the last
Newsroom director, who attaches the original texts to the
lesson of the guide, and excited, she was enrolling as a guinea
corrections. This double ‘autopsy’ – note that even the listing
pig in the training that eventually changed the way in which
and categorization of mistakes are checked – has allowed ZH
people are accepted to join ZH. Since last January, before set-
to avoid benign tumors to become malignant.
tling in the job, even before writing one single note, a novice
A retired businessman, and voracious reader of ZH,
reporter must walk through the sections which are deemed
João Kuhn was, for a long period of his life, a shrewd hunter
as having the biggest risk potential in relation to learning
of mistakes in the newspaper. Every morning he savoured
how to dribble pitfalls and avoid mistakes.
his ZH from the front page to the back cover as a ritual. He
Larissa was joining, then, the army of Maras, Clarices,
used to say that reading filled him with delight, but when he
Pedros and Eduardos, who fight against inaccuracy. The vehi-
spotted a mistake, inaccuracy or doubtful information, he
cles of Grupo RBS are not pretentious enough as to eradicate
would call the Newsroom. As soon as his call was answered,
mistakes, but they have been successful in reducing them.
he would say his name and last name as a solemn business
They increasingly identify with their readers, who are simbo-
card, always in his charateristic hoarse voice:
lized in the figure of Mr Kuhn, the passionate and attentive
- This is João Kuhn.
reader who left us last April 17.
Socially Responsible Product
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
I Top of Mind – Expressão Magazine/ Newspaper
I CNH Award of Economy Journalism / Press:
I Massey Fergoson Award of Journalism / Photo-Journalism:
I Abraciclo Award of Journalism / Photo-Journalism:
I CNT Award of Journalism 2007/ Blue Ribbon:
I Press Award 2007 / Newspaper Reporter/ Supplement of
the Year:
Cacau Menezes
Porthus Junior
Rodrigo Müzell and Mauro Graeff
Tadeu Vilani
I Unimed Award / Press Journalism:
I AMB Award of Journalism – Associação Brasileira de
Magistrados/ South Region:
I Human Rights Award of Journalism / Chronicle: I Press Award 2007 / Cartoonist / Graphic Artist of the
Viviane Bevilacqua Hora de Santa Catarina
I Applause by the City Council of Florianopolis /
Felipe Boff
Rodrigo Cavalheiro
Mário Marcos de Souza
Humberto Trezzi
I Top Human Being / Press:
I Journalism Award by the “Liquida Porto Alegre” /
Press Media:
I Press Award 2007 / Newspaper Columnist / Supplement
Martha Caus
Isabel Marchezan
Marco Aurélio
Zero Hora
I Prêmio de Jornalismo do Ministério Público do RS /
of the Year:
I The Major Companies of the South – Expressão
Magazine/ Sector Cases/ Largest Sales
Cid Martins, Cleber Bertoncello,
I Sindicovi Recognition Award / Fenabrave / Economy
I Journalism Merit Hereford and Braford/ Press
Jocimar Farina, Leandro Fontoura,
Jornal de Santa Catarina
Vânia Espeiorin and Marielise Ferreira
I Culture Friends, of the Cultural Foundation of Blumenau
I Journalism Award by the Public Ministry of RS/ Press:
I SETCERGS Award of Journalism / Blue Ribbon: Ângela Bastos
I Guga Kuerten Institute Award / Photo-Journalism:
Maurício Vieira
Adriana Langon
Paulo Sant’Ana
Isabel Marchezan
/ Newspaper
I AGERGS Award – Banrisul of Journalism / News story:
I The Best Ones – Sindicato de Hotéis, Restaurantes,
I Investor Education Press Award, by BM&F / National
I SETCERGS Award of Journalism / Photography:
Bares, e similares of Blumenau and surrounding region
I ARI Award of Journalism / Sports Coverage:
Press Media:
/ Highlights:
I Top of Marketing Award ADVB RS/ Entertainment
Coluna Informe Econômico
Jaisson Valim e Equipe
Diogo Olivier Mello
Adriana Franciosi
Marçal Alves Leite
Rodrigo Cavalheiro
Emílio Pedroso
I ARI Award of Journalism / Chronicle:
I Embratel Press Award / South Region:
I Top of Mind 2007 – Amanhã Magazine / Newspaper
I Top of Mind 2007 – Amanhã Magazine / Newspaper
Moisés dos Santos Mendes
Letícia Duarte
Diário Gaúcho
I ARI Award of Journalism/ Economy News- Banrisul
I Massey Ferguson Award of Journalism / Newspaper:
I ARI Journalism Award/ News:
Renato Nunes Dornelles
Carlos Etchichury and Nilson Mariano
Paulo Sant’Ana
Lúcia Ritzel
ARI Journalism Award
EMBRATEL Press Award
Entrevista: Pedro Parente, COO of Grupo RBS
Socially Responsible Product
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
“We are living a fascinating moment of
challenges for communications companies”
RRSC –What are the trends for a communications
business such as Grupo RBS?
Sustainability, commitment to future generations,
because this is what environmental issues are about
PP – There is a trend connected to technology, and
and worldwide trends in communications are the
– then we must take regard to it. Sustainability also
another one connected to the behavior of our cus-
topics approached by the COO of Grupo RBS, Pedro
traverses other issues similarly important in the very
tomers themselves. As for technology, it is clear that
Parente, in an interview for the Corporate Social
relationship with the community.
it is connected to the use of computers, internet, on-
line, wireless. This is an irreversible trend, and conseRRSC – What other issues would be those you men-
quently, the convergence of communications media.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report – After the
tioned before?
In a short time it will be hard to tell a newspaper and
celebration of the first 50 years of Grupo RBS, what
PP – If we are not capable of defending the interests
a television station apart, since everyone is head-
can we predict for the future of the company?
of the various communities in which we are engaged,
ing to the internet, everyone is making use of videos,
Pedro Parente – Some things change, and others do
we will not achieve sustainable work. In order to our
of multimedia. The other trend, and much more
not. There are values which have been present at RBS
work to be enduring, hence, sustainable, we need to
significant, is known as “consumer in command”.
since its foundation, and these do not change. The con-
be attentive not only to the environment, but also to
Interactivity has been growing, content generation
cept of producing quality products.The commitment
having a clear notion of our role in society, because
by consumers has increased a good deal. It is a very
to society.The vision of unbiased press, of an indepen-
the social role of a media business is different from
interesting moment, really fascinating, and repre-
dent press. These are the permanent values. What
that of another company; it is much broader.
sentative of considerable challenges for established
changes is that the media industry as a whole is facing
communications businesses.
challenges that prevent us to tell what will happen in
RRSC – Does a media company also have the role to
the next five years. I think that it is a matter of survival
be a mouthpiece for the community?
RRSC – This trend also mirrors the importance of
for Grupo RBS, to be able to travel new paths, to follow
PP – Absolutely. And it is committed to citizenship, in
closeness between the company and the commu-
their main customers, their internauts, readers, view-
the sense of informing, delivering unbiased informa-
ers, and listeners. These customers are changing their
tion, informing thoroughly, revealing all sides of a
ment is professionalized, maintaining that passion,
PP – We are aware that in this new world, reliabil-
habits. And we must grasp what kind of change it is,
given matter, not disregarding any aspect of it. The
that pride and engagement on the part of the staff
ity is grounded not at the level of the newspaper, for
and where it heads, for we must be with them. There-
responsibility ascribed to a media company is very
becomes more intricate. And we must keep it.
instance, but at the level of the brand. In the case of
fore, these are important changes, fundamental chal-
different from that of a factory, with no demerit to
lenges. And we are very enthusiastic amid a process
factories, but it is more complex.
ZH, our reader or our internaut today or tomorrow
RRSC – Is it within such a vision that programmes
knows that ZH’s content is reliable, they can trust
like the Participation in the Company’s Results
what is published, and concurrently, they are able
RRSC – Within such a framework of social respon-
(PPR), and those in relation to personal develop-
to challenge the trust they deposit on such content
of strategic vision, working to keep on rendering our
services to our customers.
nity in which it is engaged, doesn’t it?
sibility the issue of the in-house community is also
ment, among others, were improved?
to other pieces of content available on the internet,
RRSC – How has the concept of sustainability been
relevant, that is, to have a look inside the company,
PP – Certainly. And one of the ways in which we show
but which have no value in the light of truth, mostly
worked up within Grupo RBS, specially regarding
isn’t it?
our new interest in providing our staff with profes-
because the internet accepts anything. Therefore,
environmental issues?
PP – We cannot work only at the level of discourse. And
sional development does not lie solely in the several
the brand, the relationship with the community, and
PP – This is a crucial matter. But we understand that
we must start to practise what we say with those who
offers of courses, but also in the internal transfers
the trust that such a relationship generates to our
sustainability goes beyond a concern for the environ-
are closer to us, our collaborators. We must keep that
when new opportunities arise within the company.
brand is paramount.
ment. This regard for environmental issues exists due
long-lived vision, which is the joy, the satisfaction, the
Our internally transferred employees’ rate is good,
to our commitment to community. If the environment
pride to belong in Grupo RBS. Despite the company’s
and this is a very interesting fact. So, when an oppor-
RRSC – Do all those issues reinforce the commit-
is, as it really is, so important to our generation, as
growth, we shall keep all that. When RBS was smaller,
tunity opens to a new job, and every year there is a lot
ment to social responsibility by Grupo RBS?
well as to the next ones, and if our duty towards the
and the partners were in the company, managing the
of opportunities in the company, we offer that oppor-
PP – Social responsibility is not a choice for Grupo
next generations is so big to the point of assuring that
business, it was less complex to maintain everyone
tunity to our collaborators in first place. Only after we
RBS, but an unbending path which is directly linked
they will enjoy a world as the one we enjoy today –
in love with RBS. As the group grows, and manage-
will seek for outside professionals.
to our survival.
o celebrate its Jubilee, Grupo RBS held the Exhibi-
walking through those spaces, the public also visited
tion “On Air – 50 Years of Life” as a gift for its audi-
their memories, and at all times they were invited
ences. Installed in 4,300m² at Usina do Gasometro,
to interact with those rooms that contained from a
Porto Alegre cultural center, the exhibition featured
huge counter with more than 15,000 digitized covers
the last five decades about the history of communica-
of Zero Hora newspaper - which could be accessed at
tions in Brazil and in the world, and pointed to relevant
the touch of a hand - to the ‘senior’ radio which gave
facts in the history of the company from its inception
to listeners the choice to listen to the breaking news
with Gaucha Radio through the most recent years with
of the past, by handling a dial that tuned in decades
the addition of clicRBS, and It was open to
visitation Tuesdays through Sundays, from September
One of the exhibition’s specials was an 18-minute
1 to November 18. Thousands of people were delighted
video screening on a 500m² projection screen, turning
with the objects, panels, sounds and videos that also
fantasy into reality, news into fiction, and blending
brought about the life history of so many visitors.
significant facts depicting 50 years of communications. The merged images of an MST confront in the
360 thousand
city center, the Vietnan war, Ayrton Senna’s and
people visited the Exhibition
in the TV series A Casa das Sete Mulheres, enlight-
“On Air – 50 Years of Life”
ened the viewers on the ubiquity of communication
at Usina do Gasômetro
in our lives. That screening was possible thanks to
Guga Kuerten’s glories, as well as the battle scenes
the installation of 16 projectors.
The Exhibition “On Air – 50 Years of Life” was
The Exhibition “On Air – 50 Years of Life” enjoyed
highly praised by those who visited it. Conceived
the direct engagement of over 70 professionals. The
by Marcelo Dantas, with Pedro Sirotsky as curator,
total invested by Grupo RBS amounted to R$4 million.
the exhibition comprised 15 distinct rooms, each
As from 2008, some rooms and objects of that exhi-
one inspired in and depicting rooms in the homes
bition became part of Hipólito Jose da Costa Social
of listeners, viewers, readers, and internauts. While
Communications Museum, in Porto Alegre.
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
The 10 institutions that received most media support by grupo rbs in 2007
Name of Institution
Speeding is a bitter end
the distribution of stickers in public venues complement
Always attentive to the issues that affect society,
the campaign.
seeking solutions by delivering factual information and
analyses, Grupo RBS launched on December 19, the
institutional campaign “Aggressive Driving must end!”.
The project’s first main target was the male audience.
Space at the service
of public interest
Amount in Media Donation
Mauricio Sirotsky Sobrinho Foundation (RS/SC)
R$ 5.323.135,21
Ministério Público do Estado de Santa Catarina (SC)
R$ 1.936.608,90
Spaan – Sociedade Porto-Alegrense de Auxílio aos Necessitados (RS)
R$ 459.335,00
Instituto da Criança com Diabetes (RS)
R$ 414.072,00
Apae – Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (RS/SC)
R$ 391.398,77
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
R$ 363.811,05
Sociedade Amigos dos Animais (RS)
R$ 349.077,80
Nar - Anon (RS)
R$ 344.634,00
According to studies, 85% of drivers injured in accidents
Media donation to various campaigns built by soci-
are men aged 18-25. So, three young men, and three
ety has been one of the choices made by Grupo RBS to be
beautiful actresses were chosen to stage the advertis-
closer to the communities in which it operates. In 2007,
ing pieces, scoffing those who have the shameful habit
the investments amounted to approximately R$30,5 mil-
of drinking and driving at high speed.
lion, representing 3.12% of the total net revenue of the
Instituto Ver (RS)
R$ 339.682,00
Fundação Bienal
R$ 332.267,42
All media vehicles of Grupo RBS participate actively
in this institutional campaign, creating stories and doing
Issues connected to lack of social assistance received
coverages about the issue. The motto “Aggressive Driving
the largest volume of resources, about R$12.3 million.
must end!” is present in all the company´s media vehicles
Culture, sports, and leisure also deserved attention and
editorials. And the slogan “Speeding is a Bitter End” is the
received about R$8.7 million. Campaigns connected with
signature for all advertising pieces. Other actions such as
education were granted nearly R$3.2 million.
Media donation to
Social Assistance
R$ 3.226.789
R$ 1.247.418
R$ 11.141.315
Media donation has been a significant tool
RBS TV of Caxias do Sul invested R$120 thousand
R$ 12.356.153
R$ 12.465.322
R$ 8.506.338
used by Grupo RBS in order to contribute to com-
in media to divulge the municipality’s campaign,
munity projects and programs aimed at well-being.
which resulted in the collection of clothing distrib-
The gratuitous media tends to call society’s atten-
uted to the Caxias Foundation, an institution that
tion to specific issues and mobilize it around likely
helps around 90 assistential entities
Health Care
R$ 1.349.099
R$ 5.500.931
R$ 2.371.390
R$ 1.063.238
R$ 3.947.053
R$ 613.838
Sports, Culture, and Leisure
R$ 8.650.053
R$ 7.838.224
R$ 14.043.678
solutions. TVCOM Porto Alegre invested as much as
which together, count on more than 20 thousand
R$ 1.064.552
R$ 652.882
R$ 359.625
R$870 thousand in media for social projects such
people. Also in this city, a fund raising event - Fei-
Economic and Regional Development
R$ 2.420.157
R$ 3.006.862
R$ 3.671.909
as Instituto do Cancer Infantil, Instituto da Mama,
joada do Pulita - is organized annually by Samuara
R$ 425.409
R$ 2.432.589
R$ 1.161.259
and Portal Social, among others, in 2007. Indicators
Hotel and the money is donated to local philantropic
R$ 30.555.450
R$ 37.091.281
R$ 41.869.353
raised by the respective institutions show that com-
entities. In 2007, there were 611 participants raising
munity engagement following campaigns is quite
R$45,825, which were distributed among the 13 insti-
tutions that assist about 12.5 thousand people. Pioneiro newspaper was present in the event once more
by donating R$48.8 thousand in media to the suppli-
dof the net reveue of Grupo RBS
In Santa Catarina, RBS TV Florianopolis assigned
is assigned to media donation
about R$78 thousand to media donation for the
ers of the feijoada.
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
Media donation by Grupo RBS
Radio Stations
Business Unit Total amount in donated media
Business Unit Total amount in donated media
R$ 473.902,00
Atlântida Passo Fundo
R$ 29.125,00
R$ 153.171,00
Atlântida Florianópolis
R$ 24.090,00
Forum Catarinense pelo Fim da Violência e Explo-
Itapema Porto Alegre
R$ 153.171,00
Atlântida Joinville
R$ 18.970,00
ração Infantil. The event aims at promoting social
Atlântida Porto Alegre
R$ 138.100,00
R$ 18.004,00
awareness and mobilization around exploration
Atlântida Rio Grande
R$ 127.179,60
Itapema Joinville
R$ 11.768,00
and violence on children, seeking to prevent new
R$ 125.582,00
Atlântida Tramandaí
R$ 9.250,00
occurrences against children. Indicators show 50%
CBN Porto Alegre
R$ 78.584,00
Itapema Santa Maria
R$ 5.000,00
up in incriminations related to violence and sexual
Atlântida Pelotas
R$ 69.918,00
Itapema Florianópolis
R$ 4.950,00
abuse of children and teenagers in both Police sta-
Atlântida Criciúma
R$ 62.172,00
CBN Florianópolis
R$ 1.008,00
Atlântida Blumenau
R$ 41.769,40
Atlântida Santa Maria
Atlântida Santa Cruz do Sul
R$ 35.604,40
Total Radios
R$ 1.581.786,40
Total amount in donated media
Business Unit Total amount in donated media
R$ 468,00
TV Stations
Business Unit tions and Guardian Councils, thus endorsing the relevance of the event.
41,3 thousand
TV Porto Alegre
R$ 7.316.918,05
TV Santa Cruz do Sul
R$ 654.289,00
were donated in media
TV Blumenau
R$ 2.673.464,75
TV Passo Fundo
R$ 621.188,00
to the Pedágio pela Apae fund raising event
TV Criciúma
R$ 2.361.450,00
TV Chapecó
R$ 591.889,75
TV Florianópolis
R$ 1.810.930,66
TV Erechim
R$ 416.306,66
Santa Catarina newspaper invested R$41.3
TV Pelotas
R$ 1.770.033,63
TV Bagé
R$ 349.023,75
thousand in donated media and own resources to
R$ 1.715.769,00
TV Uruguaiana
R$ 346.752,25
community the best it can do, that is, to help
TVCOM Porto Alegre
TV Joinville
R$ 1.284.600,00
TV Rio Grande
R$ 139.318,25
divulge the 9th edition of Pedagio pela Apae, which
people communicate with their world. The
TV Joaçaba
R$ 1.150.946,00
TV Cruz Alta
was held in distinct places in the Itajaí Valley. In
community looks at and sees itself , and is
TV Santa Rosa
R$ 1.036.956,74
TVCOM Florianópolis
TV Caxias do Sul
R$ 835.114,70
TV Santa Maria
R$ 735.338,44
Total TVs
R$ 62.770,50
R$ 55.059,00
R$ 25.928.119,13
2007, the R$259.2 thousand raised in donations were
distributed among the 34 regional Apaes (Association of Parents and Friends of the Disabled). The
resources enabled the maintenance of the institu-
Business Unit Internet
Total amount in donated media
Zero Hora
R$ 1.147.675,05
Business Unit Total amount in donated media
the success, for instance, of the Campanha do
improving care.
number of clothing pieces from 30 thousand
R$ 458.373,97
A Noticia newspaper assigned R$ 44.5 thousand
Total Internet
R$ 458.373,97
in donated media for the campaign Exercite sua Con-
Diário Catarinense
R$ 342.339,29
sciência [ Exercise Your Conscience]. The objective
R$ 304.254,24
was to call community´s attention to environmental
Jornal de Santa Catarina
R$ 151.607,55
issues, and bring about the habit of separating recy-
Hora de Santa Catarina
R$ 145.266,87
clables from organic waste.
R$ 62.974,91
R$ 2.587.171,51
good results for everyone. This is the reason of
Agasalho in Caxias do Sul, that increased the
R$ 433.053,60
Total Newspapers
invited to collaborate in actions that bring
tions and the implementation of projects aimed at
A Notícia
Diário de Santa Maria
"Grupo RBS makes available to the
to 200 thousand. We organize the Solidary
Easter, which distributes annually over a
ton and a half of chocolate in the Mountain
region, thus meeting the needs of over 4
thousand children; this is the outcome of a
collaborative action between customers and
Stimulus to Contribution
suppliers, and divulged by our media. Grupo
Grupo RBS’s staff have always been motivated
RBS owns a quite strong and reliable brand.
to participate in projects and programs aimed at
Our journalism is recognized as the basis of
the community, through either volunteer work or
such reliability, this is why we are invited to
contributions. Funcriança RBS is a collaborative
aid program to social institutions whose purpose is
participate in so many community actions”.
children and teenagers’ welfare. The objective is to
Luis Fernando Zanini
motivate those collaborators who will have income
Manager, Pioneiro
tax to pay, to assign up to 6% of their due tax to a
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
municipal fund. Those collaborators decide on
the amount they want to donate and choose the
Executive Editor,
Diário Catarinense
institution that will receive their contribution. The
program is managed by Mauricio Sirotsky Foundation, and Grupo RBS Staff Association (ARBS).
Cláudio Thomas
In 2007, Funcriança RBS developed actions in
the 18 regions covered by the group, in Rio Grande
do Sul and Santa Catarina. Sixty employees par-
Projects benefited by Funcriança RBS
The Corporate Flagships
ticipated in the program, assigning R$287.710 to
Grupo RBS
institutions, thus benefiting 3.5 thousand children
The editorial of Diario Catarinense on May 11, 1994,
Blumenau (SC)
R$ 3.000
and teenagers. As from December 2008, the dona-
kicked off one of the most reverberated flagships produced
Pelotas (RS)
R$ 500
tor will return the amount that is disbursed in
by Grupo RBS. In launching the campaign for a collective
Porto Alegre (RS)
R$ 6.000
advance by ARBS, in three installments, and with-
claim requesting the widening of BR-101, RBS mustered the
Associação Beneficente Santa Zita de Lucca
Porto Alegre (RS)
R$ 66.460
R$ 39.000
out interests or monetary adjustment.
people of Rio Grande do Sul, and Santa Catarina to join the
Casa da Criança do Morro da Penitenciária
Florianópolis (SC)
R$ 9.000
Rio Grande (RS)
R$ 700
3,5 thousand
Porto Alegre (RS)
R$ 86.300
R$ 39.000
children and teenagers were
and not only on the part of the municipalities crosscut by
benefited by Funcriança RBS
the so-called Death Road. Readers of other regions of Santa
ABAM – Associação Blumenauense de Amparo aos Menores
Casa do Menor
Centro Infantil Renascer da Esperança
call for the road improvement along over 500 km between
Guaruva - at the border of Santa Catarina and Paraná- and
Osorio, in Rio Grande do Sul. The response was immediate,
Centro Integrado João de Paula
Joinville (SC)
R$ 1.450
Pelotas (RS)
R$ 500
Porto Alegre (RS)
R$ 4.600
Pelotas (RS)
R$ 500
Porto Alegre (RS)
R$ 4.000
Other actions have also left their mark due to far-
Fundo de Caxias do Sul
Caxias do Sul (RS)
R$ 4.800
reaching repercussion. Who does not remember the Black-
Fundo de Florianópolis
Florianópolis (SC)
R$ 9.000
Fundo de Passo Fundo
Passo Fundo (RS)
R$ 500
Rio Grande (RS)
R$ 1.500
campaign “Love is the best legacy. Take care of children”.
Santa Cruz do Sul (RS)
R$ 2.000
The song fell in the good graces of everybody, and the topic
Pelotas (RS)
R$ 500
was the predominant discussion in every school. In 2005, the
Santa Cruz do Sul (SC)
R$ 5.000
Blumenau (SC)
R$ 1.500
Erechim (RS)
R$ 100
Bagé (RS)
R$ 1.800
Creche ALAN
Escola Louis Braille
Fundação Tênis
Fundo de Rio Grande
Hospital Santa Cruz
Instituto de Menores Dom Antônio
Instituto Humanitas
ONG São Roque
Patronato Agrícola São José
Projeto Guri
Catarina joined heavily. The outcome was tangible: 1 million
signatures calling for the road improvement, that started in
early 1997, and today progresses along the southern segment,
which must be concluded by 2010.
faced Ox, the Headless Mule, the Wicked Witch, the Devil,
and the Bogeyman? They were the characters of the 2003
flagship to fight mistreating against children through the
flagship addressed the weight of education as a society’s
transformational agent, with the campaign “Educating is
The most recent initiative targeted the male audience.
“Aggressive driving must end”, teased young male adults
with messages repudiating those who violate traffic rules,
Total donated by collaborators
Total donated by Grupo RBS
R$ 200.710
R$ 87.000
R$ 287.710
drive in high speed or too near the rear end of another car.
For sure, all these campaigns remain in the memory of
the viewers, listeners, readers, and internauts of Grupo RBS.
Maurício Sirotsky Sobrinho
elebrating 20 years of philanthropy, Mauricio
One of the main FMSS’s initiatives is the Social Portal
Sirotsky Sobrinho Foundation (FMSS) corrobo-
(, created in 2005 to be a collab-
rates its commitment to invigorate the social network,
orative network whose purpose is to bring together people
improve the quality of education, and defend society’s
who invest in social projects. The closing date to take in
rights through programs and projects. During its two
projects enrolled in the first stage of this medium came off
decades of activities it has been warmly welcomed by
in 2007. In that same year a new call for projects resulted
the Gaucho and Catarinense communities. By develop-
in the selection of 170 new proposals, and other initiatives
ing new social technologies, and innovative strategies
taken in through special invitations.
in the area of social responsibility, it has become a
Abiding by the same collaborative model of the first
reference in the national scenario. Because it is main-
stage, the 170 institutions were selected by socially active
tained by Grupo RBS, FMSS leverages communications
community representatives from each of the 18 regions of
strategically to disseminate information on its actions,
Grupo RBS in Rio Grande do Sul, and Santa Catarina. Next,
and better interact with the community.
two committees were set up – one in each state – to validate choices made by local committees. Representatives
of the State Councils for the Children’s and Teenagers’
Rights, of the State Councils of Social Assistance, and the
2007 FMSS figures
Number of people benefited Number of institutions supported
Public Ministery of RS , and Santa Catarina participated in
the selection process.
170 projects
Number of stories published in
Grupo RBS’s press media
Total Budget
R$ 1.306.189,26
were chosen in the
R$ 5.323.135,21
Social Portal selection
second stage of the
Amount of media donated by
Grupo RBS to FMSS’s programs
Number of projects per state in the second stage
Maurício Sirotsky Sobrinho Foundation
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
24 Public Audiences
were held in Rio Grande do Sul,
and Santa Catarina
Network for Protection
The target of the projects *
The V State Journey Against Violence and Social
Exploitation of Children and Teenagers, which took
Currently, the Social Portal offers other alterna-
The projects’ themes*
tives of project selection: special invitations. This is
and Art
Actions”, and focused on giving priority to the partici-
pation of localities where no public audience had taken
place. In Rio Grande do Sul fourteen cities were chosen:
proposed by the Secretaria da Justiça e do DesenvolviEducation
Alegrete, Bento Gonçalves, Capão da Canoa, Erechim,
mento Social do Rio Grande do Sul with the endorsement of the Conselho Estadual de Assistência Social
thousand was raised. FMSS is the entity which carries
Gravatai, Ijui, Jaguarao, Lajeado, Montenegro, Porto
Alegre, Quarai, Santa Maria, Sao Gabriel, and Vacaria.
and sponsored by Gerdau, and Braskem, where R$ 386
of Jobs and
place in 2007, discussed the theme “Stretching the
the case of the Social Partnership Network, an action
Children and
The events gathered about 3 thousand people from 200
municipalities. The number of entities promoting the
out and develops two project areas: “Social Develop-
event rose to 20.
ment and Community Protagonism through Culture”,
and “The Incentive Fund”.
ipalities: Blumenau, Chapeco, Criciuma, Florianopolis,
Itajai, Joaçaba, Joinville, Lages, and Palhoça. Six of such
Goals in Advance
events took place during the Municipal Conferences
The Social Portal’s second stage will be closed in
Social Assistance
In Santa Catarina, the Journey occurred in 10 munic-
Young adults
for the Children’s and Teenagers’ Rights. Overall, the
2009. The first results are quite satisfactory: from October
to December of 2007, six institutions had already achieved
the goals stated in their projects, which enabled them to
start employing resources. The six institutions are the folOther**
and Art
of Jobs and
the following year the document is delivered to the
chief authorities of the Executive, Legislative, and Legal
e Beneficente, Centro de Educação Profissional São João
ciação Beneficente Santa Zita, all of Porto Alegre; and
powers at the municipal and state levels; the Rights
Council, the Tutoring Council, as well as other institu-
Calábria, Ação Voluntária Francisco de Assis, and Asso25,7%
As a result, a Term of Commitment was elaborated. In
lowing: Ação Social de Fé, Associação Brasileira Cultural
public audiences mobilized about 2 thousand people.
Children and
tions that work for the benefit of children and teenag-
ers also receive the document.
Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Anita Garibaldi,
of Igrejinha.
Social Assistance
* Each project may be driven to more than one theme
** Other themes are: Human Rights, Environment, and Community Development
The State Journeys are public audiences which seek
to call attention to and mobilize both states’ societ-
Young adults
From the total amount raised in the second stage
of the Portal up to December 31, 2007, R$ 179.6 thousand
ies concerning the issue of violence, and sexual abuse
* Each project may be driven to more than one target
PWDs: People with a Disability
against children and teenagers, and attempting to find
had been forwarded to institutions that achieved at least
solutions and synergy in actions to confront such cases,
10% of their goals. In this second stage, R$689,730 was
and develop preventive actions. The commitment of the
142 institutions
promoters to contribute effectively to the theme in dis-
thousand through special invitations. In its first stage,
the Social Portal raised R$ 251.7 thousand in donations
were benefited by the
of articulation and support to achieve the goals estab-
raised, out of which, R$303,730 via website, and R$386
via website, benefiting 142 institutions.
Social Portal in its first Stage
cussion has made of the Journey an important element
lished during the public audiences.
The journeys’ figures
- Taking place for 5 years
Awards and Honors
In both states, RS and SC, Mauricio Sirotsky Founda-
- Over 5 thousand people mobilized in RS and SC
tion highlights, through partnerships, initiatives aimed at
- 220 Gaucho and Catarinense municipalities
promoting changes in society.
The Human Rights Award in Rio Grande do Sul,
Maurício Sirotsky Sobrinho Foundation
Citizenship Agents
Associação de Portadores de
Deficiências Físicas – Gravataí
a State Law in Santa Catarina (focus on schools), as
Human Rights Committee of the State Legistative Assem-
well as budgeting growth in the Center-West region
bly, the United Nations Education, Science, and Culture
Violence and Human Rights Observatory
Organization (UNESCO), and FMSS, with the objective to
- 4 bills, and 70 Sentinel Programs in RS
pay homage to actions driven to socially active youth, as
Joana D’Arc Project/ Fighting for Dignity
Category II – Human Rights Dissemination
the Human Rights.
Guide: Social Inclusion, Everyone’s Responsibility
São Borja
Category V – Socially Active Youth
In its 10th edition, 71 works were enrolled. The
creating new opportunities for boys and girls 0 – 6 six years
appraisal was made by a committee made up of people
old by qualifying the institutions which provide care and
connected with the Human Rights promotion and
education. In order to achieve that, Educating Roundtables
defense, according to criteria such as relevance, out-
are held, seeking to qualify human resources. In 2007, the
comes, and involvement with the targets. The 14 winners
graduation ceremony of the Biguaçu’s Educating Round-
were given a trophy, and all participants received a certi-
table took place in Santa Catarina, with 48 professionals
fication in recognition for their work.
Homage paid to
Revista Diversidade
Porto Alegre
Category III – Defense of the Human Rights /
Governmental Institutions
representing six institutions, and benefiting 724 children.
1.010 educators qualified
Ulbra – Carazinho
Homage paid to
Community Image Project
Associação dos Moradores e Amigos da
Vila Tronco Neves e Arredores – Porto Alegre
well as to the promotion, dissemination, and defense of
The Program - Millennium Fund for Infancy - aims at
“I’ve been following the activities of Mauricio
Sirotsky Sobrinho Foundation since its arrival
87 children educational institutions contemplated
in Santa Catarina. The projects and programs
8.400 children benefited
it develops give visibility to the relevance
* as from the inception of the program
of actions towards social responsibility,
Social and Educational Municipal Program
‘Pequeno Jardineiro’
Secretaria de Assistência Social – Nova Prata
Justice for the Twenty-first Century
Associação dos Juízes do Rio Grande do Sul
in initiatives pursuing the same objectives.
Foundation is its invariable earnestness
in developing activities, thus imprinting
reliability in everything it does within the
communities. It is regarded by society as
serious, ethical, and respectful.”
Mário Motta
TV Host with RBS TV Florianopolis,
Radio Host with CBN Diario Radio Station,
and Columnist of Hora de Santa Catarina newspaper
PUC – Porto Alegre
Diversity in the Ways of
Looking in People With (Dis) Ability
Escola Municipal de Ensino Especial Nossa Senhora das Graças – São Gabriel
Homage paid to
In Love with Peace / Walking the Tracks of Inclusion
Apae – Sapucaia do Sul
Workshop on Tin Percussion Band
Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio
Imaculada Conceição – Bento Gonçalves
Homage paid to
Inclusion: Embrace this idea
Secretaria de Educação – Bento Gonçalves
and motivate other people to participate
However, what strikes me most about the
Education and Intercultural Diversity in the School
Fundação Regional Integrada (Furi), Santo Ângelo
Homage paid to
Educating for Freedom
Social Service School – IPA – Porto Alegre
12 Educating roundtables
grupo RBS
Category IV – Defense of the Human Rights/
Non-governmental Institutions
granted on December 10, is a partnership between the
The educating roundtables’ figures*
Category I – Building Citizenship
Awareness / Educational Institutions
- 2 Terms of Adjustments in Behavior, and a bill for
Focus on Education
corporate social responsibility report
– Porto Alegre
Human Rights Award
Maurício Sirotsky Sobrinho Foundation
corporate social responsibility report
grupo RBS
Institutional Representation
Mauricio Sirotsky Sobrinho Foundation, in addition to its regular activities, participates in and gives support to
other initiatives,with the purpose of consolidating the relations and cooperation network in Rio Grande do Sul, and
Santa Catarina. In 2007, FMSS developed activities in partnership with the following institutions:
Amigos da Escola (SC)
Fundação Gerações (RS)
In Santa Catarina, the Volunteer Representative Award is an initiative by Instituto Voluntários em Ação/SC, of
Banco de Alimentos do Rio Grande do Sul
SESC’s Programa Mesa Brasil, of Secretaria Estadual de Educação, and of FMSS. It aims at valuing people who develop
Comissão Abrinq (SC)
volunteer actions. The fourth edition had 60 projects enrolled, and granted awards to 21 of them, as follows:
Comitê Setorial do Desenvolvimento Social do Programa Gaúcho de Qualidade e Produtividade (RS)
Diálogos pela Responsabilidade Social (SC)
Social Institutions
Public Schools
Fórum Catarinense Pelo Fim da Violência e Exploração Sexual Infanto-Juvenil
Francisca das Chagas dos Santos
Casa Chico Mendes – Florianópolis
Antônio Carlos Souza
E.E.B. Paulo Blasi – Campos Novos
Fórum Estadual de Erradicação ao Trabalho Infantil (SC)
Ilva Maria Ogliari
Pastoral da Criança – Videira
Henrique Paulo Dalmagro
E.E.B. Pero Vaz de Caminha – Florianópolis
Instituto Comunitário da Grande Florianópolis (ICOM)
José Luiz Versal
Associação João Paulo II – Palhoça
Maria Aparecida Carvalho de Oliveira
Laura Maria dos Santos
Associação Pró-Brejaru – Palhoça
Maria de Fátima Mattos Sombrio
E.E.F. Profª. Maria Amin Ghanem – Joinville
Marília Metzler de Oliveira
Instituto de Desenvolvimento
Regional Eco Iguaçu – Porto União
Maria Elizabete Brião Goulart
E.E.B. Leonor de Barros – Florianópolis
Osvaldo Antonio de Souza
Associação Essência da Vida – Joinville
Paula Mendes
Associação Escola Oficina
da Vida – Florianópolis
Pedro Sperotto
Apae – Modelo
Reginaldo Martins Salvador
Legião da Boa Vontade – Florianópolis
Sônia Bernadete de S. Amante Zanini
Associação de Voluntárias
Mamãe-Bebê – Laguna
Fundação Pró-HPS (RS)
E.E.B. Olavo Bilac – Joinville
FMSS consolidated investments in 2007
Moacir Kuss
E.E.B. Ignácio Stakowski – Içara
Resources owned by FMSS
Orlando Villa Sanches
E.E.B. Marechal Bormann – Chapecó
Social Programs
Costs incurred
R$ 756.795,58
Robson Scheuer
E.E.B. Santa Cruz – Canoinhas
Third-party Resources
R$ 273.350,05
Roseli de Oliveira Fries
Centro Educacional Municipal
Interativo Floresta – São José
Donations via Social Portal
Vilson da Cunha
E.E.B. Adelaide Konder – Navegantes
Mention of Honor
Lilian Maria Pacheco S.Thiago
Grupo de Estudos e Apoio à Adoção – Florianópolis
Social Portal Social Portal Total
R$ 1.032.839,21
R$ 224.067,57
R$ 51.976,06
R$ 7.879,04
R$ 265.471,01
R$ 1.306.189,26
Maurício Sirotsky Sobrinho (1925 – 1986)
Shareholders Council
AM RAdio
C oordinator
Nelson Pacheco Sirotsky
C ounselors
Jayme Sirotsky
Fernando Ernesto Corrêa
José Pedro Pacheco Sirotsky
Carlos Eduardo Schneider Melzer
Marcelo Sirotsky
Sérgio Sirotsky
Geraldo Barbosa Corrêa
ComMunit TV
Board of Directors
C hairman
Jayme Sirotsky
Rio Grande do Sul
PAY tv
fM RAdio
Carlos Eduardo Schneider Melzer
Cláudio Thomaz Lobo Sonder
David Casimiro Moreira
Fernando Ernesto Corrêa
José Pedro Pacheco Sirotsky
Marcelo Sirotsky
Nelson Pacheco Sirotsky
Oscar de Paula Bernardes Neto
Sérgio Sirotsky
Av. Erico Verissimo, 400
Azenha – Porto Alegre RS
CEP 90160-180
Fone: (51) 3218.4040
Santa Catarina
Rua General Vieira da Rosa, 1570
Morro da Cruz – Florianópolis SC
Executive Committee
CEP 88020-420
P resident and CEO
Nelson Pacheco Sirotsky
Fone: (48) 3216.2500
E xecutive Vice- president and COO
Pedro Pullen Parente
São Paulo
Rua Manoel da Nóbrega, 1280/1º andar
C hief O perating O fficer Newspaper and R adio
Geraldo Barbosa Corrêa
Paraíso – São Paulo SP
C hief O perating O fficer Television
Afonso Antunes da Motta
Fone: (11) 3882.9000
C hief O perating O fficer Internet & Innovation
Sílvia Nora Berno de Jesus
CEP 04001-004
SRTVS – Setor de Rádio e TV Sul, Quadra 701
C hief A dministrative O fficer
Antônio Tigre
Edifício Palácio do Rádio I, sobreloja
C hief Financial O fficer
Eduardo Damasceno Ferreira
CEP 70340-901
Brasília DF
Fone: (61) 3425.8300
Curators Council
C hairman
Jayme Sirotsky
Afonso Antunes da Motta
Eduardo Kroeff Machado Carrion
Elaine Axelrud
Ione Pacheco Sirotsky
Jayme Sirotsky
João Carlos Silveiro
Léo Voigt
Lúcia Dellagnelo
Marlova Jovchelovitch Noleto
Nelson Pacheco Sirotsky
Pedro Pacheco Sirotsky
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Board of Directors
General Coordination
Diretoria de Marketing Corporativo
Fundação Maurício Sirotsky Sobrinho
P resident
Nelson Pacheco Sirotsky
E xecutive M anager
Alceu Terra Nascimento
Editorial Coordination
Pedro Haase Filho/ RBS Publicações
E xecutive Secretary
Cláudia Kruse
Text Editing
Cláudia Coutinho
C oordinator
S anta C atarina office
Miguel Minguillo
C oordinator
Technical and Financial C ooperation
Jeferson Weber dos Santos
C oordinator
Finance and A dministration
Rafael Piccoli
C oordinator of C ommunications
Lisiane Nunes
Graphic Design
Auracebio Pereira
Photo Editing
Ricardo Chaves
Rio Grande do Sul
Arquivo RBS Jornais
Arquivo Diretoria de Marketing Corporativo
Arquivo Diretoria de Recursos Humanos
Arquivo Fundação Maurício Sirotsky Sobrinho
Av. Erico Verissimo, 400 – 3 o andar
Porto Alegre – RS – CEP 90160-180
Fone: (51) 3218-6474 e 3218-6472
Fax: (51) 3218-6488
e-mail: fundaçã[email protected]
Supporting Team
Cheila Zorteia
Regina Farias
Nelcira Nascimento
Lourdes Teodoro
Miriam Buchert
C onsultant
Ricardo Bueno - RB Editores Ltda
Desktop P ublishing
Santa Catarina
English Version
Clarice B. Barcellos & Gislaine Sandri / EskConsulting
Av. Desembargador Pedro Silva, 2958
Florianópolis – SC – CEP 88020-420
Fone: (48) 3216-3090
Fax: (48) 3216-3091
e-mail: [email protected]
Consolidation of the Accounting Information in the
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007
Ibanor Polesso crc/rs – 036210/05
Henrique Erni Gräwer – Portuguese
Gislaine Sandri – English
Published in the fall of 2008
Text composed in Vista Sans, with pre-press by GRB Tratamento de Imagens,
Press & Binding in recycled paper Silprint 240g /m 2 (covers), and 120g /m 2 (body)
by Gráfica Odisséia.