Swim Team Information - Shenango Valley YMCA
Swim Team Information - Shenango Valley YMCA
SHENANGO VALLEY YMCA SEA LIONS 2014-15 GENERAL INFORMATION SHENANGO VALLEY YMCA 925 N. Hermitage Road, Hermitage, PA 16148 Phone: 724-981-6950; Fax: 724-981-6951 www.svymca.com www.facebook.com/ShenangoValleyYMCA www.twitter.com/sv_ymca SHARON HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING POOL 1129 East State Street, Sharon, PA 16146 Phone: 724-983-4030 Our Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. Our Cause: The Y is a cause-driven organization dedicated to youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. We utilize resources to help youth develop to their fullest potential, provide health and wellness opportunities for people of all ages and abilities, foster community and economic development, and serve as a valuable community asset to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. Our Values: Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility. Our values our celebrated by staff and members and provide a positive foundation for all Y programs and a healthy connection with others. Who We Are: There is no other organization quite like the Y . . . It’s a place where generations gather together, little ones build skills and self-esteem, people connect while strengthening body and mind, kids learn about teamwork and sportsmanship, and families spend quality time together. Yes, children learn to swim, kids have somewhere to go after school, and we teach about healthy lifestyles, but the Y is so much more than that. The Y is a place where kids find direction, families come together, and people rally to make a difference. The Y . . . Where community comes together! STAFF & OFFICERS YMCA STAFF YMCA CEO Executive Assistant Sports Manager Joellen Arenas Robert States Richard Weber [email protected] [email protected] SEA LIONS COACHES Head Coach Assistant Coach Bruce Tomasello Mark Cattron [email protected] SWIM TEAM OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Dan Songer Deborah Snyder Jimmy Benton Jennifer Levitt IMPORTANT WEBSITES Shenango Valley YMCA Sea Lions Website www.svymca.com www.teamunify.com/Home.jsp?team=amsvy National YMCA YMCA National Swimming & Diving Western PA YMCA Swim League USA Swimming www.ymca.net www.ymcaswimminganddiving.org www.wpysl.org www.usaswimming.org MEMBERSHIP & FEES Memberships and Fees All YMCA athletes must be full privilege members of the YMCA that they represent, as established by the “Rules That Govern YMCA Competitive Sports”. According to these rules, a YMCA member is a person, who, after due application, is enrolled by the association, entitled to full privileges, activities and services of that association. This means that the members of YMCA competitive teams must have annual full-privilege memberships that entitle them to the same activities and services as all other annual full-privilege members. 2014 Membership Rates Membership Type Youth (13 & Under) Young Adult (14 - 23) Adult Single Parent Family Family Senior (65 & Over) Annual Rate Full Pay $62 $235 $355 $470 $570 $295 Monthly Draft N/A $23 $31 $42 $53 $27 There is a one-time enrollment fee of $25-$50 for all new members, or members whose membership has lapsed more than 3 weeks. Swim Team Fees First child in family: Additional child in family, when 1st child pays full rate: $300 $150 Membership must be paid in full, and a minimum deposit of $100 toward swim team fees must be paid before the first day of practice. Membership must be paid in full at one time, unless enrolled as a single parent family or family autodraft. Swim Team Fees can be paid in monthly installments, via monthly drafts on the 25 th of each month between April and September (6 months), or in 3 installments between September and October. Swim Team fees must be paid in full by October 31st, 2014 to be eligible for Districts. Due to increasing costs for pool rentals and other expenses, additional charges and/or fundraising requirements may be added to these fees. Financial assistance scholarships are available thanks to the generous supporters of our Y. Contact the front desk for information. SHENANGO VALLEY SEA LIONS SWIM TEAM Registration Form 2014-2015 Team Fees and Payment Option- All swimmers MUST have a current membership in addition ____$300 payment in Full ($150.00 for each additional child in a family) Payment Plan: ____$100 per swimmer is due before the first practice ____$150 per swimmer is due by September 31st ____$300 ($150 for each additional swimmer per family) must be paid in full by October 30th ____Monthly Auto draft: Monthly drafts from a checking/savings account or credit card on the 25th of each month between April and September. Final Draft of any balance will be September 25th. Swimmer Information First Child’s Full Name: T-Shirt Size (circle one) Y S(6-8) Y M(10-12) Y L(14-16) Birthdate____________________________ Second Child’s Full Name: T-Shirt Size (circle one) Y S(6-8) Y M(10-12) Y L(14-16) Birthdate____________________________ Third Child’s Full Name: T-Shirt Size (circle one) Y S(6-8) Y M(10-12) Y L(14-16) Birthdate____________________________ AS AM A L A XL Age as of Dec 1st______________ AS AM A L A XL Age as of Dec 1st______________ AS AM A L A XL Age as of Dec 1st______________ Family Information Father/Guardian’s Name____________ Email Address_______________________________________ Phone Number_______________________ Cell Phone___________________________ Volunteer Form: Yes/No Mother/Guardian’s Name_______________ Email Address____________________________ Phone Number_______________________ Cell Phone___________________________ Volunteer Form: Yes/No Please provide the phone number you prefer to be contacted at regarding Swim Team communications: _____________________________________________________ Emergency Information Emergency Contact____________________ Phone_______________________________ Any medical conditions that the coaching staff should be aware of: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Team sponsors The cost is $300 for this 24 week program. The sponsor’s name will be printed on the back of the Swim Team t-shirts. ( ) Yes, I can sponsor a team. Ask for Sponsor Form. Business/Company _____________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Office use only: Staff Initials: ____________ Shenango Valley Y Spring Travel Team Date:_________ Receipt #_____________ Membership Type______________ Exp Date: ____________ Waiver Liability & Indemnity Agreement Shenango Valley YMCA Membership/Program/Special Event Release and Waiver of Liability My child(ren) has/have doctor’s permission to participate in YMCA activities/membership. I/we fully understand the potential risks involved in participation with this program/membership. In the event that a medical emergency should occur I/we hereby give permission on behalf of our child(ren) to receive emergency medical treatment. I/we hereby release, waive, discharge and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Mercer County Housing Authority, the Borough of Greenville, the YMCA and their directors, officers, employees, and agents from any loss, liability, damage, or any cost including any claim or demands therefore on account of any injury to my child(ren) or damage to our property while my child(ren) is/are upon the YMCA premises, or observing or using any facilities or equipment of the YMCA or participating in any YMCA program. I/we hereby consent to having photographs/video images taken of my child(ren) by a YMCA staff member or a professional approved by the YMCA and the use of such visual images at the discretion of the YMCA. I/we hereby release the YMCA, its directors, officers, employees and agents from any and all liability, which may arise from taking or the use of such photographs/images. All negatives, positives, prints, or other visual images shall remain property of the YMCA. I/we have read and voluntarily sign this release and waiver of liability. I further agree to follow YMCA Safety Policies and Procedures along with the Program Rules and Regulations and Membership Comfort and Safety Rules and Regulations. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the YMCA and its programs. I/we have read and understand the YMCA Refund Policy on programs/memberships. GREENVILLE BOROUGH RESIDENTS: I/we understand that my name or that of my child(ren), address, phone number, membership type and scholarship amount will be reported to the Borough of Greenville for tracking purposes, and hereby grant permission to the YMCA to report this information. MERCER COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY RESIDENTS: I/we understand that my name or that of my child(ren), address, phone number, membership type and scholarship amount will be reported to the Mercer County Housing Authority for tracking purposes, and hereby grant permission to the YMCA to report this information. PARTICIPANT NAME(s) AGE(s) DATE MOTHER/ LEGAL GUARDIAN SIGNATURE DATE FATHER/ LEGAL GUARDIAN SIGNATURE DATE WITNESS SIGNATURE DATE (CUT) The reason our membership/program cost is so reasonable is in part due to funding from the United Way and other organizations. Many of these organizations request the following information in order to continually provide funding. The information below is kept private and confidential. Survey information will be provided in a group excluding names Please help us keep our cost low by answering the following: Ethnicity: Marital/Children status: □ White/Caucasian □ Married with children □ Black/African American □ Hispanic//Latino Household income: □ Asian □ Other □ Single female, with children □ Single male, with children YMCA Membership type: □ $11,999 or under □ $12,000 to $14,999 □ $25,000 to $49,999 □ $50,000 or above Employment status: □ Married, no children □ Employed □ Unemployed □ Retired □ Single children □ $15,000 or no $24,999 □ other □ Adult □ Youth □ Unknown □ One Parent Family □ Military □ Financial Aid □ Non – Member □ Youth/Young Adult □ Senior □ Family SHENANGO VALLEY YMCA SEA LIONS Bank/Credit Card Draft Authorization Form New Change of Payment Info Primary (Billable) Swimmer’s Name(s):__________________________________________________________ (Please Print) Street Address:________________________________________________________ City:_________________________ BANK DRAFT INFO CREDIT CARD DRAFT INFO Bank Name:____________________________________ Card Holder Name:___________________________________ Account Holder Name:___________________________ Card #:_____________________________________________ Account #:_____________________________________ CID# (last 3 digits on back):________ Exp Date:______________ Account Type (Please check): _____ Checking _____ Savings Credit Card Billing Address:____________________________ ABA Routing #:_________________________________ **A Voided check is required. We are unable to accept starter checks or deposit slips. A letter from your bank will also be accepted in lieu of a voided check. City:_________________ ST:__________ Zip:___________ Guardian/Payor Signature:_________________________________________________________ Date:_______________________ *Must sign to indicate the above information is complete and accurate for Bank or Credit Card Draft YMCA MONTHLY DRAFT AGREEMENT 1. This payment draft will remain in effect until September 25th, when any remaining balance will be drafted. 2. I understand that in order to cancel this payment draft, I must give the YMCA 15 days notice by completing a pre-printed cancellation form. I understand that my account may be drafted during this 15-day period. **_______________(Please Initial) 3. I understand that the monthly draft is a minimum of $50, unless I instruct the YMCA to draft a greater amount. I understand that the balance of any fees owed will be drafted on September 25th. 4. I hereby authorize the YMCA to initiate debit entries to the account listed above to pay for the swim team fees my family owes toward the upcoming season. I agree that the YMCA’s rights in respect to each such draft shall be the same as if it were a check or draft drawn on you, and signed personally by me. The authority is to remain in effect until revoked by me in writing, with 15 days notice, or until the final draft, on September 25th, and I agree that you shall be fully protected in honoring any such check or draft until its conclusion. I further agree that if any such check or draft be dishonored, whether with or without cause and whether intentionally or inadvertently you shall be under no liability. 5. Should any monthly payment check or draft not be honored by my bank for any reason, I realize that I am still responsible for that payment plus a returned check/draft fee of up to $30. This is in addition to any processing fee my bank may charge. The original fee and any processing fees due must be paid in full before the draft plan can continue. Guardian/Payor Signature:_________________________________________________________ Date:_______________________ *Must sign to accept terms of agreement HELP US BUILD A STRONGER COMMUNITY (Optional) Thanks to the generosity of families, individuals and businesses in our community, financial assistance scholarships are available so that no one is denied participation due to an inability to pay. Help us reach out to ensure service is available to even more local families and individuals by making a monthly donation to our STRONG KIDS CAMPAIGN. Yes, I’d love to help by adding a donation to my monthly draft. The amount I would like to donate, in addition to my membership fee, is: $3 per month $5 per month $10 per month Another amount per month:$___________ *This amount is a voluntary donation, separate from membership fees. If you would like to make any change to your monthly donation amount, you must notify the YMCA, in writing, with a minimum 15-day notice. Payor Signature:_________________________________________________________ Date:_______________________ *Must sign to acknowledge intent to donate YMCA Staff Use Only: Staff Name:_______________________________________ Date Received:________________________ Total Amount Paid:_______________ Swim Team Fees Paid:_______________ Monthly Donation:_______________ Total Monthly Draft Amount:_______________ Draft Date { } 25 th Attached is: _______________ voided check (not starter check or deposit slip) or _______________ Letter from Member’s Bank