Document - Colorado State Forest Service
Document - Colorado State Forest Service
Variability in Rangeland Water Erosion Processes COLORBOO STBTE UNIVERSITY Related Society Publications Advances in Measurement of Soil Physical Properties: Bringing Theory into Practice Methods of Soil Analysis Minirhizotron Observation Tubes: Methods and Applications for Measuring Rhizosphere Dynamics Soil Testing and Plant Analysis, Third Edition Soil Testing: Sampling, Correlation, and Interpretation * For information on these titles, please contact the ASA, CSSA. SSSA Headquarters Office; Attn: Marketing; 677 South Segoe Road; Madison, WI 53711-1086. Phone: (608) 273-8080. Fax: (608) 273-2021. Variability in Rangeland Water Erosion Processes Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Divisions S-l, S-6, and S-7 of the Soil Science Society of America in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1-6 Nov. 1992. Editors Wilbert H. Blackburn. Frederick B. Pierson, Jr., Gerald E. Schuman. and R. Zartman Organizing Committee Wilbert H. Blackburn Gerald E. Schuman Frederick B. Pierson, Jr. Editor-in Chief SSSA Larry P. Wilding Managing Editor David M. Krai Associate Editor Marian K, Viney SSSA Special Publication Number 38 Soil Science Socielj of America. Inc. Madison. Wisconsin, USA 1994 ,'RADOST.A Cover Design: Patricia Scullion The illustration depicts elevations at Reynolds Creek experimental watershed. This is Fig. 6-6 in Chapter 6 by M.S. Seyfried and G.N. Rerchinger. Copyright © 1994 by the Soil Science Society of America. Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW OF 1976 (PL 94-533) Any and all uses beyond the limitations of (he "fair use" provision of the law require written permission from the publishers) and or the authors); not applicable to contributions prepared by officers or employees of the U.S. Government as part of (heir official duties. Soil Science Society of America, Inc. 677 South Segoe Road. Madison. WI 53711, USA Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Variability in range I and water erosion processes : proceedings of a symposium, "variability in range I and water erosion processes,*' sponsored by Divisions S-1, S-6. and S-7 of the Soil Science Society of America and the Society of Range Management, held in Minneapolis. Minnesota, 1-6 November 1992 organizing committee. Wilbert H Blackburn . [el al J p. cm — {SSSA special publication : no. 38) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-89118-812*6 1. Soil erosion prediction—Congresses. 2. Rangelands— Congresses 3. Soil erosion—Research—United States—Congresses. I Blackburn. W. H. (Wilbert Howard) II. Soil Science Society of America. Division S-l. III. Title: Rangeland water erosion processes. IV. Series. S622.2.V37 1994 94-26299 631.4'S—dc20 OP Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Page Foreword Preface Contributors Converson Factors for SI and non-Si units 1 Sources of Variation in Interril] Erosion on Rangelands Wilbert H. Blackburn and Frederick B. Pierson, Jr. vii ix xi xiii 1 2 The WEPP Model and Its Applicability for Predicting Erosion on Rangelands John M. Laflen, Dennis C. Flanagan, Mark A. Weltz, Jeffry J. Stone, and James C. Ascough II 11 3 Incorporating Small Scale Spatial Variability into Predictions of Hydrologic Response on Sagebrush Rangelands Frederick B. Pierson, Jr., WUbert H. Blackburn, S. S. Van Vactor, and James C. Wood 23 4 Spatial Pattern Analysis of Sagebrush Vegetation and Potential Influences on Hydrology and Erosion K. E. Spaeth, Mark A. Weltz, H. Dale Fox, and Frederick B. Pierson, Jr. 35 5 Temporal Variability in Rangeland Erosion Processes J. R. Simanton and William E. Emmerich .. 51 6 Influence of Frozen Soil on Rangeland Erosion M. S. Seyfried and G. N. Flerchinger 67 ri CONTENTS 7 In Situ Estimation of Effective Hydraulic Conductivity to Improve Erosion Modeling for Rangeland Conditions James P. Dobrowolski . 8 Variations in Plants, Soils. Water, and Erosion in a Pinyon Pine and Juniper Dominated Range Site M. Karl Wood, David Hereford, Charles E. Sounders, and Alison Hill . . 83 93 FOREWORD Land degradation of rangelands continues to be a national and international research priority, especially in developing countries. Soil erosion is dynamic, highly variable, and difficult to measure with precision. This publication identities climatic, soil, and biological parameters that control water erosion processes. Range hydrologists have recognized spatial and temporal effects of soil and vegetation on water erosion for a long time; this publication summarizes the current state of research knowledge in this area. Hydrologic modeling of rangeland erosion processes has made significant advances in the past five years with the development of the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model. Research to refine hydrological models will continue because of the extensiveness and variability of rangelands on a global scale. The ability to predict with accuracy disposition of eroded sediments within a watershed and at off-site locations continues to be a challenge. Likewise, scaling erosion from relatively small rainfall simulators to natural watershed basins is a difficult, if not impossible task. This publication, however, serves as a valuable starting point to elucidate the variables and needed hydrological research to model soil erosion under rangeland conditions. The organizers of the symposium and authors are to be commended for bringing this important text to fruition at a time when the public mandates increased attention to sustainability of the biosphere. LARRY P. WILDING, president Soil Science Society of America PREFACE Historically, erosion research on rangeland has emphasized processes CODtrolling erosion for on-site management with little emphasis on off-site impacts. This research led to the development of improved vegetation management practices for erosion control with little erosion predictive capabilities. In addition, existing rangeland erosion predictive technology is heavily influenced by theory developed for croplands. Current societal interest in environmentally sustainable rangeland management practices has gone beyond on-site concerns to include the impact of soil erosion off-site. This, combined with Society's tendency to acquire its desires through regulation, requires improved erosion prediction technology for rangelands. The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) offers the opportunity to significantly improve erosion predictive technology for rangelands. The WEPP technology has improved rangeland predictive technology through greater model complexity; however, much of the improvement in simulation accuracy is lost in techniques used to estimate model parameters. This is particularly true on arid and semiarid rangelands where the estimation of model parameters is hampered by significant spatial and temporal variations in erosion processes. Rangeland interrill erosion is spatially and temporally distributed because of the influence of different vegetation growth forms, spatially distributed biomass, and the variable effect climate has on surface soil properties. The WEPP offers a framework to address the variability found on rangelands and to significantly improve rangeland erosion predictive technology. This publication is the result of a symposium held during the 1992 annual meeting of the Soil Science Society of America. The symposium was co-sponsored by the Soil Science Society of America and the Society for Range Management to address the state-of-the science on variability in rangeland water erosion processes with emphasis on vegetation induced variability. WILBERT H. BlJ\CKBURN, coeditor USDA-ARS Fort Collins, Colorado G. E. SCHUMAN, coeditor USDA-ARS Cheyenne, Wyoming CONTRIBUTORS Junes C. Ascough II Agricultural Engineer, USDA-ARS. National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory. 11% Soil Bldg.. Purdue University. West Lafayette, IN 47907-1196 Wilton H. Blackburn Associate Area Director, USDA-ARS, 1201 Oakridge Dr., Suile 150, Fort Collins, CO 80525 Jmmes P. Dobmrolskj Associate Professor of Watershed Science. Department of Range Science and Watershed Science Unit. Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5230. Presently on leave as a Fulbrighi Senior Scholar, Department d'Ecologie cl Pasloralisme. Instttut d'Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan [I. Rabat-Instituls B.P. 6457, Rabat, Morocco William E. Emmerich Soil Scientist. USDA-ARS. Southwest Watershed Research Center, 2000 E. Allen Rd-. Tucson. AZ 85719 Denis C. FhuugaB Agricultural Engineer, USDA-ARS, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory. 11% Soil Bldg., Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-11% G. N. Flercbinger Research Hydraulic Engineer. USDA-ARS, 800 Park Blvd., Suite 105, Boise. ID 83712 H. Dale Fox Range Scientist. USDA-SCS. Southwest Watershed Research Center, 2000 E. Allen Rd. Tucson. AZ 85719 Dnid Hereford Technical Director. New Mexico Slate University, 484 Lupton Place, Las Cruces. NM 88001 AlisooH.II Research EcofogisL U.S. Army Construction Engineering Laboratories, USACERL (ENG) P.O Box 9005. Champaign, IL 61826-9005 Jou M. L>fk> Research Leader. USDA-ARS, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory. 1196 Soil Bldg. Purdue University. West Lafayette. IN 47907-1196 Frederick B. P*r»n. Jr Hydrologist, USDA-ARS. Northwest Watershed Research Center. 800 Park Blvd.. Plaza IV. Bode, ID 83712 M.S.Se> fried Soil Scientist, USDA-ARS. 800 Park Blvd.. Booe. ID 83712 J. R. StauUn Research Hydrologist. LSDA-ARS. Southwest Watershed Research Center. 2000 E. Allen Rd.. Tucson. AZ 85719 Soil Scientist'EcologisI, Gill National Forest Service. 3005 E Camio Del Bosque. Silver City, MN 88061 CONTRIBUTORS K. E. Spaeth Rangcland Hydrologist, USDA Soil Conservation Service, Northwest Watershed Research Center, 800 Park Blvd., Plaza IV, Suite 105, Boise, ID 83712 Jeffry J. Stone USDA-ARS. Southwest Watershed Research Center, 2000 E. Allen Road, Tucson, AZ 85719 S. S. Van Vaclor Hydrologist, USDA-ARS, Northwest Watershed Research Center. 800 Park Blvd.. Plaza IV. Suite 105. Boise, ID 83712-7716 Mark.A. Weliz Research Hydrologist, USDA-ARS, Southwest Watershed Research Center, Tucson, AZ 85719 James C. Wood Water Quality Specialist, USDA-SCS, 3244 Elder St.. Boise. ID 83705 M. Karl Wood Professor of Watershed Management. Department of Animal and Range Sciences, Box 3-1, New Mexico Stale University. Las Cruces. NM 88003 Conversion Factors for SI and non-Si Units Conversion Factors for SI and non-Si Units To convert Column 1 imo Column 2. multiply by Column 1 SI Unit Column 2 non-Si unit To convert Column 2 into Column 1. multiply by 1 ..null. 0.621 1094 328 1.0 3.94 x 19' 10 kilometer, km I 111' ml meter, m meter, m micrometer, fan (HI * m) millimeter, mm (10 ' m) nanometer, nm(lO-'m) mile, mi yard, yd foot, ft micron, ft inch, in Angstrom, A 1.609 0.914 0.304 1.0 •en Mi •quire mile, mi' •ere square foot, ft' square inch, in1 0.405 4.05 x 10-' 2.590 4.05 x III' 9.29 x 10-' 645 25.4 0.1 Ana 2.47 247 0386 1 2.47 K 1010.76 1 .55x10-' hecure. ha •quire kilometer, km' (HI' m)' •quire kilometer, km' (10' m)' squirt meter, m1 square meter, m' iquire millimeter, mm1 (10 ' m)1 Volume 9.7J 35.3 6.10 2.84 » 10' • IP > 111 ' 1.057 3 Si x 10-' 0.265 33.71 2,11 cubic meter, m ' cubic melcr. m ' cubic meter, m ' liter. L (10-' m') liter, l . ( K l ' m ' ) liler. l.dO-'pV) liter, L(10 'm') liter, L(lfr'm') liter, 1. (Ill' m'l acre-inch cubic fool, ft' cubic inch, in' bushel, bu quart (liquid), ql cubic fool, ft' gallon ounce (fluid), oz pint dim. II, pt 102.8 x 10^ x ID-' 35.24 0.946 2.83 1.64 28.3 3.78 2.96 x 10 ' 0.473 ::n. HI' 3.52 * 10' 2.205 0.01 1.10*10-' 1.102 1.102 gram.g(10-'kg) gram, g (Iff' kg) kilogram, kg kilogram, kg kilognm, kg M" I M J ' l . l t l l pound, Ib ounce (avdp), oz pound, Ib quintal (metric), i) ton (2000 Ib), ton ton (U.S.), ton (on (U.S.), ton M,' 1 ! tonne. 1 454 28.4 0.454 too 907 0.907 0.907 Yield and Rule 0.893 7 77 « l(t J 1 4'». l i t 1 VJ, III 0.107 893 893 0.446 2.24 kilognm per hectare, kg ha ' kilogrun per cubic tncici, kg m ' kilogram per hectare, kg ha ' kilogram per hectare, kg ha ' kilogram per hectare, kg ha ' liter per hectare. L ha~' tonnes per hectare, 1 ha ' mcgagram per hectare. Mg ha ' megagram per hectare, Mg ha ' meter per second, m s ' pound per acre. Ib acre ' pound per bushel, bu"' bushel per acre. 60 Ib bushel per acre, 56 Ib bushel per acre, 48 Ib gallon per acre pound per acre. It) acre pound per acre. Ib acre'1 (on (2000 Ib) per acre, ton acre'1 mile per hour 1.12 1247 67.19 62.71 53.75 9.35 1.12 x 10 ' 1.12» 10-J 2.24 0.447 Specific Surface 10 square meter per kilogram. mj kg ' ujuare meter per kilogram, m' kg ' 1000 Kquiirc centimeter per gram, cm1 g ' squurc millimeter per gram, mm' g'1 0.1 0.001 Preisurt 9JO in KM) 1.45 x 10"* megapkacal,MPa(10APa) megapucal. MPa(IO*Pa) megagram per cubic meter. Mg m ' pucil, Pa pascal. Pa atmosphere bat gram per cubic centimeter, g cm'1 pound per square foot, Ib ft ' pound per square inch, Ib m •' (CMturned on next page) 0.101 01 1.00 47.9 6.90 x 10" Conversion Factors for SI and non-Si Units To convert Column 1 into Column 2, multiply by Column 1 SI Unil Column 2 non-Si Unit Ti > conven Column 2 into Column 1, multiply by Temperature 1.00(K-273) (9/5 'Q + 32 Kelvin. K Celsius, 'C x 1(H 0,239 10' 0.733 2.387 x 10-' joule, J joule. J joule, J joule, J joule per square meter, J m Celsius, *C Fahrenheil, °F l.OO(°C + 273) 5/9CF-32) Energ) , Work Quantity of Heat 9.52 1 111 1,43 IK V. 1011. x 10" ' British thermal unil, Btu calorie, cal erg foot-pound calorie per square centimeter (langley) dyne caloric per square centimeter minute (irradiancc), cal cm ' nun ' N wall per square meter, W m ' \J05xW 4.19 10"' 1.36 4.19 Q 2 x 10* 10"' 698 C 0? o s I(j Transpiration and Photosynthesis 3.60 x iaj 5.56x10-' milligram per square mclcr second, mg m-1 B-' milligram 1 1 ! < » per square mcicr tccond, mg m ' s ' milligram per square mclcr second, milligram per square melcr second, mg m! -. ' gram per square decimeter hour, g dm J h'1 micromole (H;O) per square centimeter second, fimo\ cm'1 s'1 milligram per square centimeter second, mg cnrj s*1 milligram per square decimeter hour, mg dm ' h"1 Plane AnRk degrees (angle), * 27.8 180 2.78 x 10-' s 31 Ekclr-kll < •imilnrllvliy. Kkrtrirlly, and Mignetlim III Of liemcn per meter, S m ' lesll. T millimho per cenlimctcr, mmho cm"1 ii 0.1 10- Water M»Burtmcnl '. n, HI' <»KI » 111' 4.40 8.11 97.28 8.1 « 10' cubic meter, m' iurik- melcr per houi, m' h ' cubic meter per hour, m1 h'1 hcL-laic meter-, hi-m hecurc-melen, ha-m hectare-centimeter-, ha cm •cre-incbes, »crc-in cubic feel per second, fl* r* U.S. gallons per minute, gal min ' acre-feei. acre-fl acre-inches, actc-m acre-reel, acic-ft 102.8 101.9 0.227 0.123 1.03 x 12.33 10-' ('onctnlratloni 1 0.1 1 mole per kilogram, cmol kg (ion exchange capacity) gram per kilogram, g kg ' milligram per kilogram, mg kg*1 milliequivalenis per 100 grams, meq 100 g-1 percent, % parts per million, pprn 1 10 1 lUdkwctlvlty 2.7 « III" 2 7 t III' 100 100 t-cu-ucrel, Bq becquerel per kilogram. Hq kg ' gray, Gy {tibtorfaetl dote) tievcrt, Sv (equivalent doae) 2.29 1.20 1.39 1.66' t K Ct M( curie, Ci pitiH-unc per gram, pCI g ' rad, rd rein (rocntgcn equivalent man) 3.7 x 10" 37 0.01 0.01 Plum Nutrient Coavertion Oxide ' do MjO 0.437 0.830 0.715 0.602 Sources of Variation in Interrill Erosion on Rangelands Wilbert H. Blackburn U5DA-ARS Northern Plains Area Office Fort Collins. Colorado Frederick B. Pitrson. Jr. USDA-AKS Northwest Watershed Research Center Boise, Idaho ABSTRACT Current rangelaod erosion modeling efforts do not adequately account for vegetation induced variability in interrill erosion processes. Research examples are presented that support the premise that range land interrill erosion is spatially and temporally distributed because of the influence of different vegetation growth forms, spatially distributed biomass, and a variable climate on surface soil properties. The surface soil parameters of shrub dominated landscapes display greater spatial than temporal variability, but bunchgrass and sodgrass dominated landscapes exhibited greater temporal variability than spatial Improved model parameter estimating techniques are needed to account for the interrill erosion variability found on rangelands. Cropland and rangeland erosion research have traditionally taken different approaches. Historically erosion research on cropland has been directed toward prediction technology (ZJngg. 1940; Lancet al., 1992). Although the early research emphasis was on-site predictive technology, the approach was consistent with later needs to predict off-site impacts. This has been a successful research and technology development effort resulting in the Universal Soil Loss Equation, USLE (Wischmeier & Smith. 1965, 1978), Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation, MUSLE (Williams, 1975), Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, RUSLE (Renard et al., 1991X and the Water Erosion Prediction Project WEPP (Laden et al.. 1991). Erosion research on rangeland emphasized factors controlling rill and interrill erosion for on-site management. Early research identified vegetation as a dominate controlling factor with erosion control research and technology development emphasizing vegetation management practices. This research led to the development of improved on-site vegetation management practices for erosion control with little predictive capabilities (Blackburn, 1975,1983, 1984; Blackburn etai., ! 986; Gifford Copyright O 1994 Soil Science Society of America. 677 S Scgoc Rd. Madison. WI 53711, USA, 2 BLACKBURN & PIERSON & Hawkins. 1978; Branson et al., 1981; Rauzi et al., 1968; Packer, 1953; Meeuwig, 1970). Changing societal demands for environmentally sustainable management practices and the growing trend to obtain these demands through increased regulation require improved erosion prediction technology for rangelands. In order to respond to growing societal demands during the 1970s and 1980s, federal and state land management and regulatory agencies adopted the USLE for use on rangeland before the background research or validation work to adapt the equation to rangeland was completed (Foster, 1982; Foster etal., 1981; Johnson & Gebhardt, 1982; Johnson & Gordon, 1988; Johnson et al., 1984, 1985). The result was general misuse of USLE on rangelands (Trieste & Gifford, 1980; Wischmeier, 1976), which led to the Society for Range Management (SRM) passing a position statement opposing the use of USLE on rangelands as a determinant of land treatment needs, land treatment effectiveness, program funding, livestock or wildlife stocking rates, or any other land management or regulatory decision (SRM Position Statement approved by board of directors at the 1985 summer meeting in Amarillo, TX). The Water Erosion Prediction Project was initiated in 1985 to develop a state-of-the-art model for the prediction of erosion from croplands and rangelands. Through this effort technology for modeling erosion processes on rangelands has improved through greater model complexity; however, much of the improvement in simulation accuracy is lost in techniques used to estimate model parameters (Loague & Freeze, 1985; DeCoursey, 1988, 1992; Ferreira & Smith, 1988; National Research Council, 1991). This is particularly true on arid and semiarid rangelands where little erosion data is available that emphasizes erosion prediction technology. The estimation of model parameters for rangelands is also hampered by significant spatial and temporal variations in erosion processes (Blackburn et al.. 1990; Wilcox et al., 1992). Improvements in model parameter estimation techniques and in our understanding of vegetation and soil induced variability are needed to increase erosion predictive capabilities for rangelands (Blackburn et al., 1992). The guiding premise for the research reviewed in this chapter is that rangeland intemll erosion is spatially and temporally distributed because of the influence of different vegetation growth forms, spatially distributed biomass, and a variable climate on surface soil properties. The objective of this chapter is to present an overview of the influence of vegetation induced variability on intertill erosion processes. Examples illustrating the influence of vegetation on the spatial and temporal variability of interril! erosion are presented. VEGETATION INFLUENCES—SPATIAL VARIABILITY Vegetation performs an important role in controlling the spatial variability of surface soil properties that influence intemll erosion. Canopy cover and standing biomass are negetatively related to intemll erosion (Rauzi et al., 1968; Devaurs & Gifford, 1984; Blackburn, 1975; Blackburn et al., 1986; Thurow et al., 1988a) and are generally regarded as the primary factors influencing intemll erosion (Lane et al.. 1992). Results from three studies (Johnson & Blackburn. 1989; Johnson & Gordon, 1988; Thurow et al., 1988a) will be used to help illustrate the influence of vegetation on intemll erosion. SOURCES OF VARIATION IN INTERRILL EROSION 3 Results from the study conducted in southwestern Idaho by Johnson and Blackburn (1989) show the influence of plant canopy cover on interrill erosion from sagebrush dominated rangelauds. They report the results of rainfall simulation research that contributed to the National Water Erosion Prediction Project effort to develop improved erosion prediction technology (Laflen et al., 1991). Research was conducted on three Wyoming big sagebrush sites (Coyote Butte, Nancy, and Summit), each located on a different soil series. The soils of the three sites were (i) Coyote Butte site, Power series (fine-silty, mixed, mesic Xerollic Haplargid), (ii) Nancy site, Gariper series (fine, montmorillonitic, mesic, Xerollic Paleargid), and (iii) Summit site, Saralegui series (coarse-loamy, mixed, mesic Xerollic Haplargid). The three-treatments replicated two times at each study site were undisturbed, clipped (standing vegetation harvested to ground level by clipping), and bare (standing vegetation harvested to ground level by clipping and all litter, cryptograms, grass root crowns, and surface rock harvested by hand). Rainfall simulation plots were 10.7 m long by 3.05 m wide and were arranged to accommodate a rotating-boom rainfall simulator (Swanson, 1965). Simulated rainfall was applied at a design rate of 63.5 mm rr1 for a duration of 1 h for the dry soil run and a duration of 30 min for the wet soil run, 24 h later. Only the results from the wet run are reported here, for detailed site description, methods, procedures, and results see Johnson and Blackburn, 1989. Runoff and soil loss were greater on the bare treatments than on either the undistributed or clipped treatments. Similar runoff and soil loss were measured from the undisturbed (shrub 17.1% and grass-fort) 5.1% canopy cover) and clipped (all standing shrub and grass-forb cover removed) treatments (Table 1-1). These results illustrate that factors other than canopy cover or standing biomass are controlling runoff and erosion from sagebrush dominated rangelands. The indirect effects of shrub canopy cover is much greater than any direct effects canopy cover might have on interrill erosion. Shrubs and bunchgrasses influence the site by modifying the microenvironment through addition of litter and organic matter to the soil surface, capturing wind and water bom soil particles, and enhancing the micro-flora and micro-fauna. The spatial distribution of amount and type of vegetation has a spatial influence on surface soil characteristics, infiltration, and interrill erosion rates on rangelands (Blackburn, 1975; Blackburn & Wood, 1990; Johnson & Gordon, 1988; Blackburn et al., 1990; Blackburn et al., 1992; Wood & Blackburn, 1984; Thurow et al., 1988a). The results of research reported by Johnson and Gordon (1988) and Thurow et al. (1988a) are provided to illustrate this principle. TaMc 1-1. Mean treatment ground cover, simulated rainfall (design rate 63.5 mm Ir'), runoff and soil Ion, data avenged across the Coyote Butie, Nancy, and Summit Study Sites, southwestern Idaho, Wet Run (Johnson & Blackburn, 1989). Treaimem Undisturbed Clipped Bin Ground cover Simulated rainfall Runoff % 68 72 33 30.2 31.1 30.4 4.9 4.6 12^ kjta" 110 60 2000 4 BLACKBURN & PIERSON The Johnson and Gordon study was conducted on the Reynolds Creek Watershed in southwestern Idaho on the Nancy site described in the previous study by Johnson and Blackburn (1989). Circular plots, 0.91 to 0.95 m:, were installed around shrub coppice areas and in interspace areas between coppices. A rainfall simulator (Neff, 1982) was used to apply water at a design rate of 127 mm h~ l . Runoff, sediment, vegetation cover, surface topography, and soils data were measured for each plot. Surface soil organic C, sand content and infiltration rates were greatest for shrub coppice areas (Table 1-2), where bulk density, silt content and interrill erosion were greatest for interspace areas. Interrill erosion was nine times greater from the interspace areas than from coppice areas. Sagebrush interspace areas are characterized by significant surface soil spatial variability (Eckert et al., 1986). The study reported in this special publication by Pierson et al. (1994) (see Chap. 3, this publication) discusses in more detail sagebrush interspace spatial variability and its relationship to interrill erosion. Research conducted at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station located on the Edwards Plateau, Texas, is presented to help illustrate the influence of vegetation on surface soil and interriU erosion (Thurow et al., 1988a). The study site is an oak-grassland characterized by clusters of live oak (Quercus virginiana Mill.) and grass dominated interspaces. The most common bunchgrasses are side-oats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula (Michaux) Torrey) and Texas wintergrass (Stipa leucotricha Trin. & Rupr.) with curly mesquite (Hilaria belangeri (Steudel) Nash) being the dominant sodgrass. Infiltration rates, interrill erosion, ground cover characteristic, vegetation standing crop, mulch accumulation, and surface soil physical properties of grass interspaces were sampled bimonthly from March 1978 through March 1984. The live oak clusters were sampled once at the start and once at the end of the study. A drip-type rainfall simulator (Blackburn et al., 1974) was used to apply water at a design rate of 203 mm Ir1 for 30 min to 0.45 m2 plots. Surface soil organic C, aggregate stability, and infiltration capacity were greater and interrill erosion lower in live oak clusters than in the grass interspaces (Table 1-3). Interrill erosion was 134 times greater in the bunchgrass areas and 316 times greater in the sodgrass areas than in live oak clusters. Surface soil differences between the bunchgrass and sodgrass sites were much less than between live oak clusters and grass interspace. Organic C, aggregate stability, and infiltration capacity, however, were greater and interrill erosion was less than one-half for bunchgrass sites than for sodgrass sites. These examples support the premise Tabte 1-2. Surface soil (0 to 25 mm) organic C bulk density, silt and clay content, infiltration capacity, and inierrill erosion of the shrub coppice and interspace microsites, Nancy Study Site, Reynolds Creek Watershed in southwestern Idaho, Wei Run (Johnson & Gordon. 1968). Uuiabte Shrub coppice Interspace OrtnacC.% Bulk densily, Mg m> Silt* day. % Infiltration opacity, mm IT' Imemll Erauxt. kg tu 4.0 1.2 38 12 41 45 Z2 1-5 45 13 22 418 SOURCES OF VARIATION IN INTERRILL EROSION 5 Table 1-3. Surface soil (0 to 50 mm) organic C, aggregate siabilily. bulk density, sill and clay conlem. infiltration capacity, and intertill erosion of live oak clusters, bunchgrass. and sodgrass interspace siles, Edwards Plateau, Texas, Wet Run (Blackburn et al., 1986; Knight et al.. 1984; Thurow e t a l - 1986, I988a, b). Variable Organic C, % Aggregate stability, % Bulk density. Mg m ' Silt.% Clay, % Infiltration capacity, mm h Interrill Erosion, kg ha~ Live oak cluster 7.1 80 0.8 37 43 200 5 Bunchgrass 3.2 75 0.82 41 186 672 Sodgrass 2.9 70 0.89 44 39 170 1579 that the amount and type of vegetation on semiarid rangelands spatially influence the microenvironment, surface soil characteristics, and interrill erosion. Shrubs or live oak vegetation exhibit a stronger influence on factors controlling erosion than grasses, thereby creating spatially distributed microsites that function as run on and sediment deposition areas with extremely low erosion rates. For all but the most extreme rainfall events these shrub or tree influenced microsites are erosion safe sites and the majority of the interrill erosion occurs in the spatially distributed interspace areas. VEGETATION INFLUENCES—TEMPORAL VARIABILITY The temporal response of surface soil factors and intem'll erosion rates are spatially different for shrub coppice and shrub interspace areas. Results from studies (Blackburn et al., 1990, 1992) conducted at the Quonset site on the Reynolds Creek Watershed in southwestern Idaho are presented to illustrate the nature of temporal variability on sagebrush dominated rangelands. The vegetation of the site is characterized by Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Beetle & Young wyomingensis), Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda J.S. Presl), and cryptograms. A drip-type rainfall simulator (Blackburn et al., 1974) was used to apply water at a design rate of 99.2 mm h"1 for 30 min to 254 mnr plots placed in shrub coppice and shrub interspace areas. Rainfall was simulated six times from February through June on soil that was continuously frozen, diumaliy frozen, or unfrozen. Ground cover, surface soil bulk density, antecedent soil water, texture, aggregate stability, and soil frost were measured for each plot. Interrill erosion amount and variability from the coppice areas was low for all sample periods (Fig. 1-1); however, erosion from the shrub interspace areas was most susceptible to erosion immediately following a prolonged period of diurnal freeze-thaw cycles that left the surface soil in a super-saturated state. The frequency of occurrence and length, of this susceptible period is dependent on local climate and soil water conditions, for this study interspace soils were highly susceptible to interrill erosion for a 19-d period. If an intense storm or rapid snow-melt event were to occur during this period of high erosional susceptibility an extreme erosion event would occur. The second example examines the spatial and temporal variability of surface soil aggregate stability, a factor that has been demonstrated to have a strong BLACkBl RN 4 MEKSON coppice 2 — Interspace 4000 -m i 3000 E S 2000 CO 1000 . n — 2-\5 222 3/1 3/15 4/13 620 Date (1989) Fig. 1-1. Cumulative sediment yield during a 30-min interval by sample date for shrub coppice and interspace areas, Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho (Blackburn et al., 1990) relationship with interrill erosion. This research was conducted at Reynolds Creek Watershed in southwestern Idaho and at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station on the Edwards Plateau, Texas (Blackburn et al., 1992). The Idaho study site is the same one described in the previous example and the Texas study site was described earlier. In the Idaho study, aggregate stability was measured on five microsites, shrub coppice, moss-grass, moss-interspace, bare soil, and vesicular soil ranging in size from 0.3 to 2 m: were sampled eight times from October 1989 through July 1990. Aggregate stability showed a significant spatial and temporal response between and within each microsite (Fig, 1-2). Aggregate stability was generally lowest for the vesicular microsites and highest for the coppice microsites. The other microsites showed mixed responses over time with values for each soil falling somewhere between the coppice and vesicular microsites. All microsites showed the general trend of decreasing " O N O J F M A M J J Sampling Date (1989-1990) ed, Wafco (Bbddwrn ef aL, 1992). SOURCES OF VARIATION IN INTERRILL EROSION 1 97B 1 979 1 980 1 98 1 1 982 1 983 1 984 Time (Years) Fig. 1-3. Aggregate stability by sample date for bunchgrass and sodgrass microsi siles, Edwards Plateau. Texas (Blackburn et al., 1992). aggregate stability during approximately the first three sample dates when the soils were wetting and beginning to freeze and thaw. The soil in the interspa< es is more susceptible lo temporal variations in soil microclimatic conditions soil under shrub canopies. In the Texas study aggregate stability was measured bimonthly from March 1978 through March 1984 from bunchgrass and sodgrass dominated microsites. On the Edwards Plateau, soil aggregates are primarily broken down by slaking and raindrop impact and are not exposed to extreme freeze-thaw processes. Significant seasonal trends in aggregate stability occurred under both bunchgrass and sodgrass vegetation growth forms (Fig. 1-3) and temporal changes were much greater than the small spatial difference that occurred in surface soils between the two grass growth forms. These examples support the premise that vegetation induced microsite variability differs spatially and temporally in their erodability. The surface soil parameters of sagebrush dominated landscapes display greater spatial than temporal variability, but the bunchgrass-sodgrass dominated landscapes exhibited greater temporal variability than spatial. CONCLUSIONS Interrill erosion processes on semiarid rangelands are characterized by significant vegetation induced spatial and temporal variation. The spatial distribution of the amount and type of vegetation is an important factor controlling surface soil characteristics that are known to influence interrill erosion. The research findings presented in this paper support the premise that spatial and temporal variations in native vegetation and climate found on semiarid rangelands lead to surface soil properties that are spatially and temporally distributed. Vegetation growth form and normal variations in climate are the primary factors influencing the spatial and temporal variability of surface soil processes controlling interrill erosion. 8 BLACKBURN & PIERSON Current rangeland erosion modelling efforts do not adequately account for vegetation induced variability in interrill erosion processes. Methods for estimating parameters need to be improved to better account for the variability found on range lands. References Blackburn, W.H. 1975. Factors influencing infiltration and sediment production of semi-arid rangelands in Nevada. Water Resour. Res. 11:929-937. Blackburn, W.H. 1983. Influence of brush control on hydrologic characteristics of range watersheds, p. 73-88. In K.C. McDaniei (ed.) Proc. of Brush Management. Symp., Albuquerque, NM. 16 Feb. Texas Tech Univ. Press, Lubbock, Blackburn, W.H. 1984. Impacts of grazing intensity and specialized grazing systems on watershed characteristics and responses, p. 927-983. 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Degree and length of land slope as it affects soil loss in runoff. Agric. Eng. 21:59-64. The WEPP Model and Its Applicability for Predicting Erosion on Rangelands John M. Laflen. Dennis C. Flanagan, and James C. Ascough, II VSDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory West Lafayette, Indiana Mark A. Weltz and Jeffry J. Stone USDA-ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center Tucson, Arizona ABSTRACT The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model is intended to replace the Universal Soil Loss Equation for predicting soil erosion. The WEPP is a fundamental process-based model that operates on a daily time step to estimate land, soil and vegetation conditions when a rainfall event occurs, and then uses this information to predict the hydrology and erosion of single events. The WEPP is used in conjunction with an input climate data file, long term estimates are based on the accumulated erosion occurring during the period of record covered by the input climate file. This chapter describes the representation of rangelands for making estimates of the land, soil, and vegetation conditions, and their effect on soil erosion estimates. Additionally, shortcomings and advantages of WEPP for erosion prediction on rangelands is discussed. The WEPP brings to the natural resource manager a lool for not only the evaluation of the impacts of management on soil erosion, but also for the evaluation of offsite impacts related to management decisions. The USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation; Wischmeier & Smith, 1965, 1978) and its revision RUSLE (Revised USLE; Renard et al., 1991) is an erosion prediction technology that has served mankind well. Because of its empirical nature, however, it has proven to be difficult to apply in some cases, particularly to offsite problems. Additionally, the empirical database to support its application to rangelands and to many other situations is very small. In 1969, Meyer and Wischmeier presented a model of the water erosion process thai was more basic in nature. The CREAMS model (Chemicals, Runoff, and Erosion from Agricultural Management Systems; U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1980) included the more fundamental processes of water erosion and sediment transport. A more recent effort was initiated to replace the USLE Copyright O 1994 Soil Science Society of America, 677 S. Scgoe Rd, Madison. Wl 53711, USA. Variabtluy of Rangtlond Water Erosion Processes, SSSA Special Publication 38. 12 LAFLENETAL. with fundamental erosion process technologies in a broad based project titled WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project; Foster & Lane, 1987; Nearing & Lane, 1989). The WEPP is expected to be ready for use at the field level in 1995. Validation, testing, receding, development of interfaces and parameterization are underway. Prior to 1995, considerable work is required by action agencies to prepare for implementation. These efforts include training, selection of equipment, development of input data sets, the development of guidelines and procedures for use of WEPP These are major tasks and require considerable time and effort. This chapter is not intended to be a general critique of the WEPP model, but rather an examination of model components where representing rangeland conditions or parameterizing and modeling the processes may be difficult. These components are related to hydrology, plant growth, erosion, and soil. DESCRIPTION OF WEPP The WEPP is a daily simulation model that computes the conditions of ihe soil and plant system that are important in runoff and soil erosion. If rainfall occurs, WEPP computes surface runoff. If surface runoff occurs, WEPP computes the soil that is detached and deposited down a hillslope and tt.e amour' delivered to a channel at the foot of a slope. These are all computed in the hillslope version of WEPP. Two additional versions (watershed or grid) are used to compute the erosion, deposition, and delivery of sediment through the channel system on the field or farm. The WEPP represents the area where sheet and rill erosion occurs as a series of overland flow elements (OFE) beginning at the top of the slope and ending Ji a field boundary or a channel at the bottom of a slope. Each OFE is homogeneous with regard to the ecosystem, soil, and management. Within an OFE, sediment detachment and transport occurs on rill and interrill areas. On interrill areas, the detachment is caused by raindrop impact, and transport is in very shallow flows that are impacted by raindrops. The detached and transported soil on an interrill area is delivered to a rill. Sediment detachment in a rill is caused by the hydraulic shear of the flow carried by the rill and is not affected by raindrops on the water surface. Sediment transport in a rill is also not affected by rainfall. Sediment deposition may occur in a rill if sediment load exceeds the transport capacity of the flow. Plant Growth The status of plants and plant residue when an erosion event occurs is vital to accurate estimation of soil detachment and transport. The status of below and aboveground biomass must be accurately estimated to evaluate the effect of various management alternatives on soil erosion. The WEPP calculates on a daily basis plant growth and the decomposition and accumulation of residue and litter. Important plant growth characteristics include canopy cover and height, mass of live and dead below and aboveground biomass, leaf area index and basal area, residue, and litter cover. Information about management are input to the THE WEPP MODEL AND ITS APPLICABILITY 13 model. Many annual and perennial crops, management systems and operations that may occur on cropland, rangeland, forestland. pastures, vineyards, and gardens have been parameterized. Major efforts are underway to develop an expert system for selection of parameters to use in WEPP (Deer-Ascough et al., 1993). While this work is presently for cropland parameters, it is expected that parameters for rangelands will eventually be included. Representation of the complex plant ecosystem on rangelands have proven difficult. On croplands, there is generally only one crop grown at a time. Rangelands are a complex system where numerous species coexist simultaneously, each using different amounts of water each day. and each having different above and below ground biomass accumulation rates. Additionally, they withdraw water from different soil depths. A question not yet fully answered is can we represent this complex system with a dominant plant, a few plant species, or a representative plant community? This question must be answered and necessary parameterization accomplished if we are to have an erosion prediction system on rangelands fully capable of representing existing and potential ecosystems and the varied management schemes practiced and proposed. [Decomposition is important in estimating residue and litter cover and soil erosion on rangelands and croplands. Coefficients for use in estimating litter and residue decomposition have been determined for many crops, but there has been little work on estimation of decomposition rates of surface litter found on rangelands. Furthermore, the location of litter is also highly variable. There may be in some ecosystems an accumulation of litter under shrubs, but this may not be the case for other litter that is more accessible and vulnerable to animal traffic. Both of these are areas of research needed to apply WEPP to rangelands. Hydrology The hydrologic cycle must be well represented if erosion and sediment delivery are to be accurately predicted. The WEPP uses several climate variables, including storm rainfall amount and duration, ratio of peak rainfall intensity to average rainfall intensity, time to peak intensity, daily maximum and minimum temperature, daily miles of wind by station and its direction, and solar radiation. These variables are required in components related to plant growth and surface litter decomposition, water balance, and in estimating runoff volume, duration, and peak rate. The hydrologic component of the WEPP hillslope profile model is derived from the research Infiltration and Runoff Simulator (IRS) model (Stone et al., 1992). The IRS model is an event-based model that uses the Green-Ampt MeinLarson (GAML) infiltration equation as modified by Chu (1978). and the kinematic wave equations as presented by Lane et al. (1988). Several modifications have been incorporated into the IRS model to address the implementation constraints of simplicity and speed of execution. Rainfall disaggregation (Nicks & Lane. 1989) of daily precipitation was added to reduce the amount of data needed to describe rainfall intensity needed by both the GAML model and the interrill erosion model. An approximate method for computing the peak discharge at the bottom of a hillslope profile (Hernandez et al.. 1989) was added to reduce model run time. Parameters for the hydrologk: component can 14 LAFLENETAL. be identified through calibration, if observed data are available or estimated by the model from measurable physical properties of the soil and vegetation (Rawls et al., 1983; Weltz et al., 1992). In continuous simulation mode, baseline hydrologic parameters are adjusted in response to changes in canopy cover and litter caused by vegetation growth and decomposition, herbicide application, burning, and grazing by animals. Preliminary testing of the WEPP model on rangelands has been started using data from the semiarid rangeland Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed. Tiscareoo et al. (1992) found that the hydrologic response of the hillslope model is most sensitive to rainfall amount, duration, and GAML baseline saturated hydraulic conductivity. For a given runoff producing rainfall event, the response is most sensitive to GAML baseline saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil moisture, and aboveground biomass. The parameter estimation techniques within the model and the procedure used to disaggregate rainfall events have been identified (van der Zweep et al., 1991) as critical components of the model requiring additional research. Improvements in estimation of the GAML baseline saturated hydraulic conductivity parameter and in adjusting its baseline value to account for the influence of changes in canopy cover and surface Utter may greatly improve model accuracy. Erosion The WEPP models erosion on a rangeland hillslope by dividing the soil surface into two regions: rill (concentrated flow paths) and interrill. Rills are flow paths that form as water flow concentrates. Detachment in these channels is largely a function of flow shear stress (force exerted by water flow on the bed and banks). In many landscapes, these flow paths form at fairly regular intervals. The area between rill channels is called the interrill area. Water flow on interrill areas is shallow, and most of the soil detachment here is due to raindrops impacting the soil surface. The raindrops also act to enhance the transport of previously detached sediment from the interrill area to the rill channels. Rills are the major sediment transport pathway for all sediment detached—both that from the rills and that supplied to the rills from the interrill areas. The basic equation used in the WEPP erosion component is a steady state sediment continuity equation: dG/djc = D +Z> [1] l where G is sediment load in the flow down a hillslope (kg s~' m~ ), x is distance downslope (m), Z) is the interrill sediment delivery rate to the rills (kg s*1 iir2) and Dr is the rill detachment or deposition rate (kg s~' nr1) (Nearing et al., 1989; Foster el al., 1989). For erosion computations for each individual storm, the time period used is the effective duration of runoff computed in the hydrology component of the model. Estimates of dG/dx are made at a minimum of 100 points down a profile, and a running total of the sum of all detachment and deposition at each point from each storm is used to obtain monthly, annual, and average annual values for the simulation. THE WEPP MODEL AND ITS ATPUCABILITY 15 The interrill component of WEPP is currently a fairly simple sediment delivery function: Z> = K. It2 Gf Ct S, [2] where D is delivery of detached sediment to the rill (kg nr2, K is the interrill credibility (kg s~' nr4), It is the effective rainfall intensity (ms'1) occurring during the period of rainfall excess, Gt is a canopy cover effect adjustment factor, C is a canopy cover effect adjustment factor, and 5f is a slope adjustment factor. The /c is computed through a procedure that examines the time period over which rainfall excess is occurring. The effective duration of rainfall excess is passed to the erosion component from the hydrology component. Equation [2] lumps together the processes of detachment, transport, and deposition on the interrill areas. The Ct is a function of the fraction of the soil surface area covered by canopy and the height of the canopy. The Gt is a function of the fraction of the interrill area covered by surface litter, residue, and rocks. The Sf is a function of the interrill slope: Sf =1.05-0.85 e<-"-S> [3] where B is the interrill slope angle. These functions are based on reasonable fits to data reported by Meyer (1981), M*yer and Harmon (1984, 1989), and Watson and Laflenf 1986). An improvement to the WEPP erosion component might be the modeling of detachment, sediment transport, and sediment deposition as separate processes on the interrill regions to arrive at a better value for D. Since interrill processes may be more dominant than rill processes on consolidated rangeland soils, this improvement to the interrill component might improve erosion estimates for rangeland situations. Concentrated flow paths are the major pathway for sediment movement down most hillslopes. Water flowing in such rills has the ability to both transport sediment and detach additional soil. When the rill flow becomes laden with sediment from either sediment supplied from the interrill areas or from sediment detached in the rill channel itself, the rill flow loses some of its ability to detach soil and transport sediment. If too much sediment is supplied and the flow system is overloaded, then no rill detachment can take place, and sediment deposition occurs. One of the strengths of WEPP is its ability to estimate both rill detachment and deposition, allowing comprehensive evaluation of both on-site and off-site effects of erosion. The WEPP uses separate equations to simulate rill detachment and deposition. Rill detachment is predicted to occur when the flow shear stress exerted on the soil exceeds a critical threshold value, and sediment transport capacity is greater than the sediment load: D = Kt (TAU -TAU^ (1 - C/T) (4] 16 LAFLENETAL. where Ds is the rill detachment rate (kg s~' nr2), Kr is the adjusted rill credibility parameter (s rrr1), TAU is the flow shear stress (PJ, TAU( is the critical flow shear stress (Pa), G is sediment load (Kg s'1 nr1), and 7"c is the flow sediment transport capacity (kg s~' nr1). One can see from this equation that as the flow fills with sediment (G approaches Tc) that the rill detachment rate will be predicted to decrease. Sediment transport capacity in the WEPP model is predicted using the equation: Te = Jfc( TAU1-' J 2 [5] 0 where ^ is a transport coefficient [m° s (kg ^)] calibrated and obtained by applying the YaJin (1963) equation at the end of the slope profile (Finkner et al., 1989). When the sediment load exceeds the sediment transport capacity, the equation used by WEPP to predict deposition is: D = ((BETA x VJq) (7e - G) [6] 3 where DT is the rill deposition rate (kg s~' nr ), BETA is a rainfall-induced turbulence factor (currently set to 0.5), Vctt is an effective particle fall velocity (m s~'), and q is flow discharge per unit width (nr s~l). An area of concern with the current deposition equation is the estimation of the Vtf term based upon the particlesize distribution. An evaluation of the procedure that uses the smallest size classes is underway to determine how well the method and the deposition equation perform. Other areas for future improvement in the prediction of deposition would be to: (i) compute the BETA coefficient as a function of rainfall intensity and flow depth, instead of assigning it a constant value; and, (ii) alter the sediment transport equation used so that it includes a rainfall-enhancement term. Rill characteristics such as spacing, width, and shape are important in estimating soil erosion. For raogelands, rill spacing is estimated as the average spacing of vegetation but spacing is never <0.5 m or >5 m. Estimation of rill width is based on flow and topographic characteristics, while rill shape is always assumed to be rectangular. These assumptions are being evaluated and are subject to change as additional information becomes available. Sensitivity analyses to date have indicated that rill characteristics are not as significant as several other characteristics in determining erosion and sediment delivery from rangelands. SoU The soil component deals with temporal changes in soil properties important in the erosion process, and in estimation of surface runoff rates and volumes. These include random roughness, ridge height, saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil credibilities, and bulk density. The effects of tillage, weathering, consolidation, and rainfall are considered in estimating the status of soil properties. Baseline interrill and rill credibility, and critical hydraulic shear for a freshly tilled condition, are adjusted to other conditions based on time since tillage for cropland soils. For rangeland soils, the baseline condition is thai of a long-term undisturbed soil under rangeland conditions with surface residue removed. For THE WEPP MODEL AND ITS APPLICABILITY 17 both range and cropland soils, adjustments to intemll credibility are based on live and dead roots in the upper 150 mm of the soil and to rill credibility because of incorporated residue in the upper 150 mm of the soil. Past efforts to model erosion processes have used USLE relationships for estimating soil credibility. A major WEPP effort has been extensive field studies (Elliot et al., 1989; Simanton et al., 1987) to develop the technology to predict credibility values for cropland and rangeland soils from soil properties. A major effort continues for both rangelands and croplands to expand the data bases that support WEPP. EROSION PREDICTIONS The use of WEPP to evaluate different management is illustrated by applying the watershed version of WEPP to two common rangeland management scenarios; cattle grazing when the vegetation is brush, and cattle grazing the same area when it is in grass, perhaps after brush is Controlled by herbicide application and the grass is established. The watershed is a hillslope on the Lucky Hills 103 watershed near Tombstone, AZ (van der Zweepet al., 1991), and data from these simulations are presented in Tables 2-1 and 2-2. The WEPP hillslope version Table 2-1. Information on the management practices simulated using WEPP on the Lucky Hills 103 watershed. Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed. Vegetation Management practice AMUt (ha cow') Brush Brush Grass Grass Grass No grazing Moderate grazing No grazing Moderate grazing Heavy grazing Utilization^ Herbicide Seeding % 0 18 0 18 none none none none 0 12 0 20 once once once once 2 85 every 4 every 4 tAUM is animal unit month. ^Utilization is percentage of total standing bi> y ed by grazing livestock. Table 2-2. Average annual watershed runoff volume, 2-yr return period watershed peak discharge. and hilislope and watershed sediment yield for five management practices for Lucky Hills 103 watershed. Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed. 2 yr tegctukn Brush Brush Grass Grass Grass Management practice Moderate grazing No grazing Moderate grazing Heavy grazing Watershed runoff volume watershed peak discharge nun mm h ' Hillslope 20 27 33 0.92 134 127 184 15 17 24 26 0.06 a 10 1.70 1.74 18 38 0.16 2.13 Sediment Yield LAFLENETAL 18 93-0 was also applied to grazing intensity effects on soil erosion, runoff, and sediment concentration for the Edwards Plateau in Texas (Fig. 2-1, 2-2f and 2-3). The examples shown are for WEPP simulations, the WEPP models are under development and we MM a mpletel) verified, vali lated, and parameterized Wha WEPP is fully verified, validated, and parameterized, exact quantitative results will probably be somewhat different. We do expect the present WEPP model with our present parameterization to represent trends that would occur in nature. Table 2-1 lists the characteristics of the management practices for the Lucky Hills watershed near Tombstone, AZ, The two bmsh scenarios consist of no grazing or moderate grazing with no herbicide application or reseeding of grass. The three grass scenarios consist of an initial herbicide treatment to remove the brush, reseeding with grass, and three grazing intensities. The heavy grazing management practice necessitates reapplication of the herbicide and reseeding every 5 yrs, The climate (precipitation, ternperature,and solar radiation) used for the simulation of each management practice was a 15*yr sequence generated by the CLIGEN model (Nicks & Lane, 1989), Initialization of infiltration parameters was taken from van der Zweep et aL (1991). Soil credibility parameters were taken from Laflen et al. (1991). As grazing intensity increased, water and sediment yields also were predicted to increase, while conversion from brush to grass was predicted to have the opposite effect (Table 2-2). Increases in vegetation density and amount of residue on the soil surface because of brush to grass conversion or because of a lower grazing intensity increases infiltration, decreases runoff, and protects the soil surface from detachment by raindrop impact The most significant impact was on hillslope sediment yield where conversion from brush to grass with no grazing was predicted to decrease hillslope sediment yield 91%. 15 230 kg eafces 10 Q i o 0 0.2 0.4 06 - Animate ha' Fig. 2-1 Effect of grazing intensity on annual soil erosion for the Edwards Plateau region of Texas. THE WEPP MODEL AND ITS APPLICABILITY 19 200 230 kg calves 150 o c 100 h 92 kg sheep 50 0.2 0.4 Animals ha Fig. 2-2, 0.8 0.6 T Effect of grazing intensity on surface nrnoff fof the Edwards Plateau region of Texas, 10 8 230 kg calves 8 c 0? 92 kg sheep 0,2 Fig. 2-3 0.4 0.6 Animals ha' Effect of grazing intensity on sediment 0.8 for ike Edwards Ptaleaa regkm of LAFLENETAL 20 The example shown in Fig. 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3 is for the Edwards Plateau region of Texas- As indicated earlier, information presented in Fig. 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3 are based on simulations using the WEPP model that is still under development. As development continues, predicted quantities and relationships will probably change because of model improvements, improved data, and improved parameter estimation. The information presented here is to demonstrate the power of the WEPP model, and to demonstrate potential use, not give exact quantitative results. In this example, the WEPP hiilslope version was run for a 20-yr weather period. The climate was again generated using CLIGEN (Nicke & Lane, 1989). Average annual generated rainfall was 625 mm. For this simulation, 92 kg sheep (Ovis aries) were contrasted with 230 kg stocker calves (Bos taunts) to demonstrate the sensitivity of the rangeland component to different stocking rates of livestock. Grazing periods simulated were from about 15 March to 31 October of each of the years of simulation. Some grazing rates were probably in excess of feasible rates. As shown in Fig. 2-1, WEPP demonstrated a sensitivity to grazing intensity. Soil erosion predicted in this case was sediment delivered from a 100 m long 9% slope. Soil erosion rates were quite high when stocking rates were high for the 230 kg calves, but until stocking rates exceeded 030 animals per ha for the 7.5mo grazing period for this size animal, there was little impact of stocking rates on soil erosion rates. The model demonstrated as forage consumption increases, the risk of soil erosion increases once a critical threshold of canopy and ground cover has been passed- The WEPP model estimates daily biomass growth and daily biomass use and loss. This information is then used to estimate canopy and liner cover For a given climate, the WEPP model would predict that increased stocking rates would increase daily forage consumption, which would decrease canopy cover and increase soil erosion and runoff. The daily forage consumption per animal is based on the work by Brody (1945) as expressed in Eq. [7]. F = 0-l(BwftTV/>) [7] where F is daily forage consumed (kg) per animal, B^ is the body weight of the animal (kg), and D is digestibility (a fraction between 0 and 1) of the forage. Similarly, as shown in Fig. 2-2, simulated average annual runoff would be predicted to increase as grazing intensity increased, but not as dramatically as did soil erosion. For this simulation, intensive grazing was predicted to reduce ground cover, both litter and canopy, which was predicted to increase surface runoff and to increase soil erosion. Estimated average annual sediment concentrations, based on estimated soil erosion and runoff amounts, were low until stocking rates increased above a threshold level (Fig. 2-3). Sediment concentration is an important parameter to those interested in offsite effects of management, but it is not a parameter that can be computed using Universal Soil Loss Equation prediction technology. This illustrates one of the new uses for which the WEPP technology can be applied, on both rangeland and cropland. Additional available information includes enrichment ratios based on specific surface area of eroded sediment delivered from hillslopes, and for sediment delivered from small watersheds. THE WEPP MODEL AND ITS.APPLICABILITY 21 Research on the influence of grazing by livestock on erosion has demonstrated that light grazing can not be detected from no grazing (Thurow et al., 1986; McGinty el al., 1979; Blackburn et al.? 1982). In many cases research has demonstrated that moderate grazing is similar to no grazing in respect to soil erosion and runoff volume (Weltz & Wood, 1986a. b; Johnson et aL, 1980; Wood et al., 1986). The WEPP model reflects this fact by not indicating an acceleration in soil erosion until the stocking rate of 30 230-kg animals per square kilometer (0.3 animals ha~') has been reached. If we use the soil tolerance concept of 21 ha"1 as excessive erosion then the maximum stocking rate would be between 40 and 2 2 50 230 kg animal knr or nearly 80 to 92 kg animals km" . This example demonstrates how the WEPP model may be able to assist ranchers and conservationists in setting stocking rates that avoid accelerated erosion on western rangelands. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The WEPP model for soil erosion prediction is being developed to work for all land situations in the USA. Its major limitations on rangelands are accurate representation and parameterization of rangeland soils, surfaces, and ecosystems. Major efforts are underway to overcome these limitations. As shown here, WEPP can be used to evaluate alternative rangeland management for specific sites. In the past, it has been difficult to easily evaluate the effectiveness of a specific practice across a wide range of conditions- The WEPP's ability to simulate the wide range of climates, topographies, ecosystems, and soils should make such evaluations routine when WEPP is completely parameterized and validated The WEPP brings to the managers* tool kit a new tool that provides new information of importance not only for protection of the grazing resources, but for evaluation of off site impacts of rangeland management and conservation practices- As the demands of the twenty-first century increase our reliance on a dwindling natural resource base, WEPP and other natural resource models will assume greater roles in management of these resources. REFERENCES Bbckburn. W H., R W Knight and M K Wood. I98Z Impact of grazing on watersheds: A state of knowledge- Texas Agric Exp. MP1496. College Station. Brody, S, 1945. Bioencigciics and Growth. ReinhoW Publ Corp., New YorkCbu, ST. 1978. 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Soc Civil Eng. 89 (HY3):221-250- Incorporating Small Scale Spatial Variability into Predictions of Hydrologic Response on Sagebrush Rangelands Frederick B. Pierson, Jr. and S. S. Van \ actor USDA-ARS Northwest Watershed Research Center Boise, Idaho Wilbert H. Blackburn USDA-ARS Northern Plains Area Office Fort Collins, Colorado m James C Wood USDA-SCS Idaho State Office Boise, Idaho ABSTRACT A rainfall simulation study was conducted on sagebrush rangeland to quantify the small scale spatial variability in soil, plant, and hydrologic characteristics between four different surface soil-vegetation-microeopographic microsites (coppice, moss-grass, bare, and vesicular crust). The impact that this small scale spatial variability in hydrologic characteristics has on predictions of runoff and erosion from sagebrush rangeland was also investigated. The coppice and moss-grass microsites had significantly lower runoff and intenill erosion rates than the bare and vesicular crust microsites. TVo averaging techniques (arithmetic mean and area weighted mean) were used to estimate the runoff and erosion response from a larger integrated area using measurements of runoff and erosion from the four surface microsites. The area-weighted average approach provided significantly better integrated estimates of infiltration, runoff, and intertill erosion than ibe arithmetic mean approach. Both averaging approaches produced poor integrated estimates of intenill erosion. These results have a significant impact on how hydrologk: and erosion processes are modeled on rangelands. The commonly used assumption of viewing a hillslope as a uniform plane that can be modeled using a single set of parameters would appear to be adequate for modeling infiltration and runoff on sagebrush rangciand, but not for modeling intern!! erosion. Data presented in this chapter indicate thai only a small portion of the soil panicles that are detached in the intenill erosion process are actually delivered to the bottom of the hillslope. This suggests that the erosion process is transport limited and not detachment limited as often assumed. CopyrighE O 1994 Soil Science Society of America. 677 S. Scgoe Rd. Madison. W1 53711, USA. of Rangcbwi Wairr Ervsio* Processes, SSSA Special PuM*caHoci 38- 24 PIERSONETAL, Sagebrush intermixed with shrubs, grasses, and forbs make up plant communities that extend across -39 million ha throughout Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado (Tisdale et at, 1969). Runoff and erosion from these communities can significantly influence floods and sediment yields, particularly if they have been disturbed by harsh management treatments. Several studies have been conducted on the natural variability of hydrologic and erosion processes within different sagebrush plant communities. In Nevada, Blackburn (1975) studied several sagebrush communities and found that the highest infiltration and lowest sediment production occurred on coppice dune sites with wellaggregated surface soils and no vesicular crusting. The interspace soils had well developed vesicular soil crusts which reduced infiltration and increased runoff and erosion. Johnson and Gordon (1988) found very similar results for a Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis Beetle & Young) site on the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in southwest Idaho. Additional studies have shown that the type of spatial variability in hydrologic and erosion processes on sagebrush rangelands exhibited in the above studies is also temporally dependent. Blackburn et al. (1990) found that soil frost significantly influenced infiltration, runoff, and intertill erosion on both coppice and interspace soils within a Wyoming big sagebrush plant community. They found that the presence of soil frost significantly reduced infiltration on both soil types, but that the impact was greatest on the interspace soils. Erosion was consistently higher for the interspace soils compared with the coppice soils with the greatest erosion occurring during periods of repeated diurnal freeze-thaw cycles. Freezing and thawing of the soil helps maintain a saturated surface soil condition in which the soil aggregates slake and breakdown, thus greatly increasing soil credibility. Blackburn and Wood (1990) found similar results for a blackbnish (Coleogyne ramosissimum Torr.) site near Crystal Springs, Nevada. Most studies conducted on the variability of hydrologic and erosion processes on sagebrush rangelands have focused on quantifying the variability and not explaining the causative factors or the impact the observed variability may have on our ability to predict runoff and erosion over large portions of the landscape. A study conducted by Blackburn et al. (1992) presented evidence that vegetation is the primary factor influencing the spatial and temporal variability of surface soil properties, which in turn, control the infiltration and credibility on semiarid rangelands. In particular, on sagebrush rangelands it is the vegetation growth form (e.g., bunchgrass, sodgra&s, and shrub) that is the primary factor influencing the surface soil properties related to runoff and erosion- Using this premise, Seyfried (1991) studied the influence of macropore flow on the infiltration process for both coppice and interspace soil types within a Wyoming big sagebrush plant community. He found that macropore flow was important in infiltration on both soils but had a greater impact on coppice soils. He hypothesized that surface soils should be considered separately when trying to predict infiltration for large areas. This could be accomplished by taking an area-weighted average of predicted infiltration rates for both soil types as indicated in the following equation: [i] INCORPORATING SMALL SCALE SPATIAL VARIABILITY 25 where RO is the total steady state runoff,/ and/^ are the fractions of the total area covered by coppice and interspace soils, respectively,-4 is the rainfall application rate, and ic and / are the infiltration rates for the coppice and interspace soils, respectively. "lie objectives of this chapter are to: (i) quantify the small scale spatial variability in soil, plant, and hydrologic characteristics within a sagebrush plant community; and (ii) determine if dividing an area into different microsites when estimating hydrologic characteristics will improve predictions of runoff and erosion from sagebrush rangeland. The second objective is an expansion of the hypothesis set forth by Seyfried (1991) as depicted in Eq. [1]. MATERIALS AND METHODS Site Characteristics This study was conducted at the Nancy Gulch site on the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in southwest Idaho. The annual precipitation is ~32 cm, falling primarily during the winter as both rain and snow. Summers are usually dry with only occasional thunderstorm activity. The elevation of the site is 1400 m and the average slope is 7%. The vegetation composition is representative of many of the regional sagebrush-dominated rangelands. The overslory consists mostly of Wyoming big sagebrush, the understory is Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda J.S. Presl) and bottlebrush squirreltail (Sitanion hystrix Natt.), and the ground cover is liner, rocks and moss (Tortula ssp.). The soil is a Gariper silt loam classified as a fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Xerollic Paleargid. The argillic B horizon begins at -10 to 20 cm below the soil surface. Surface Soil Classification The study area was subdivided using the criteria presented by Eckert et al. (1986) and in more detail by Eckert et al. (1989). They broke the surface soils within the sagebrush coppice-interspace complex into four types based on detailed study of microtopography and soil physical characteristics of many similar soils. The authors labeled the four soil types as simply Soil I through IV We preferred to provide names for each soil type that referenced their relationship to soil and vegetation characteristics and microtopographic position. We also chose to refer to a soil type as a microsite. Therefore, throughout this chapter the soils are referred to as Type I, which is a coppice microsite. Type 11 is a moss-grass microsile, Type III is a bare microsite, and Type IV is a vesicular crust microsite. The four microsites with their associated microtopographic positions and soil and vegetation characteristics are shown in Fig. 3-1. Experimental Procedures Small Plots Ten replicates of each of the four surface microsites were randomly selected within a uniform 0.25-ha area so that the surface within each plot was entirely of PIERSON ET AL. Shrub Coppice 11 G'«sand Bar£ MOSS g ., Pnr^i—i—|—|"T"Ts T Vesicular CrusI Surface Zone Shrub Cover Ground Cover Soil Crusting Coppice High High No Moss/Grass None High No Bare None Low Yes Vesicular None None Yes Fig. 3-1. Micro topographic positions of surface microsiles and [heir associated cover and crusting characteristics within a typical sagebrush coppice-interspace complex. one microsite. The area of each irregularly shaped plot was measured by tracing the outline of the plot on a piece of paper then using a planimeter to determine the area within the outline. Plot areas ranged from 0.10 to 0.15 m2. For the coppice plots, the shrubs were cut at ground level to reduce rainfall interception losses* Rainfall simulation was conducted between 17 July and 27 July 1989, and was applied using a small, portable, oscillating-arm rainfall simulator similar to that described by Meyer and Harmon (1979). The oscillating-arm was 3 m above the plot surface and a H1/2USS Veejet 80100 spray nozzle (Spraying Systems 2 Co-, Wheaton, IL)' was used at a pressure of 0.7 kg cm" measured at the oscillating arm. The oscillating arm passed over the plots -102 times every minute resulting in intermittent simulated rainfall similar to naturally occurring rainfall (Meyer & Harmon, 1979). Simulated rainfall was applied to each plot at 66.8 mm h~l for 60 min starting at antecedent soil moisture conditions (dry run). The plots were covered with a plastic sheet and allowed to drain for 24 h before simulated rainfall was again applied at the same rale for 30 min (wet run). Runoff from each plot was pumped continuously into a collection reservoir using a peristaltic pump. The depth of runoff in the reservoir was continuously measured using a bubbler gage. Rainfall rate was not measured, however, a calibration of rainfall rate based on number of times the oscillating arm passed over the plot indicated that the calculated rainfall rate did not vary from the design application rate by more than ±1%. For this reason the design application rate was used in all calculations. Infiltration rate was calculated as the difference between rainfall rate and runoff rate. Final infiltration rate was taken as the value at the time when steady state was reached in most cases the last measured value. A final sediment concentration was determined by taking a single, well-mixed, homogenous 1 -L sub&le from the runoff reservoir at the end of the rainfall simulation. Suspended sediment samples were filtered through a 45-/mi filter. Mention of manufacturers b for (he convenience of the reader only and implies no c the pan of the author* or USDA-ARS INCORPORATING SMALL SCALE SPATIAL VARIABILITY 27 dried at 105°C for 24 h, weighed, and converted to sediment yield (kg ha"1) using the measured area and runoff volume of each plot Percentage cover of cryptograms, forbs, grasses, shrubs, litter, rocks, and bare soil were ocularly estimated for each plot Following the wet run, all cryptograms, forbs, grasses, and litter were cut at ground level, dried at 60°C for 48 h, and weighed to determine aboveground biomass. Before the dry runs three soil samples were collected adjacent to each plot for determination of particle-size distribution by the hydrometer method (Bouyoucos, 1962), aggregate stability by the vaporwetting, wet-sieve method (Kemper & Rosenau, 1986) and organic C by the Walkley-Black method (Walkley & Black, 1934). Soil cores were collected adjacent to each plot before the dry and wet runs for determination of bulk density and gravimetric water content. Aggregate stability was also measured after the wet run, Large Plots Estimates of runoff and erosion were also collected from two 3.05 by 10-7 m undisturbed plots using methods outlined under the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) and described by Johnson and Blackburn (1989), Rainfall simulation was conducted in August 1989, on two natural treatment plots al the Nancy Gulch site described by Wilcox et al. (1992). The area of each microsite type within the large plots was determined from composite low-level areal photographs of the large plots. Boundaries of each zone were determined by visual inspection of plot photographs, then the boundaries were digitized to determine the areal extent of the zones. The percentage area of each zone was calculated assuming that the total digitized area of the four soil-vegetation zones summed to 100%. Preparation of Data for Analysis For small plots, runoff depth within the collection reservoir was converted lo a measure of flow rate using a calculated calibration curve during the conversion of the strip chart data to a breakpoint-digital record- A constant rainfall rate equal to the design rate was assumed. Runoff and rainfall were converted to an equivalent depth and rate for each breakpoint period- Infiltration depth and rate was calculated as the difference between rainfall and runoff depth and rate, respectively. Sediment yield was calculated during each breakpoint period by multiplying the measured runoff during that breakpoint period by the final sediment concentration and dividing by the plot area. Total runoff, infiltration, and sediment yield were calculated by summing across breakpoint periods. Final rates were calculated at 60 and 30 min for the dry and wet runs, respectively. Results for the large plots were prepared in a similar manner with two exceptions. The measured runoff did not have to be converted to a flow rate (the data was recorded as a rate), and sediment concentrations were measured for each breakpoint period. Runoff values for the large plots were scaled by the percentage of the difference between rainfall rates for the small and large plots so total rainfall amounts were the same for both the small and large plot rainfall simulation runs. Statistical Procedures Analysis of variance for a completely random experimental design and Student-Newman-Keuls* multiple range lests (Steel & Tome, 1980) were used to 28 P1ERSON ET AL test for differences between means of measured and derived hydrologic, soil, and vegetation parameters. The assumptions of normality and homogeneity of van* ance required by these tests were assessed using Bartiett's test for homogeneity of variance (Steel & Torrie, 1980) and the Shapiro-Wilk test for univariate normality (Zar, 1974), Substantial departures from the required assumptions were rectified using transformations. Where no other transformation yielded satisfactory results, a rank transformation was used- Rank transformations reduce the power associated with tests of differences so that differences detected tend to be conservative. Hydrologic results from four small plots were excluded from all analyses due to mechanical or procedural problems encountered during rainfall simulation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Soil Characteristics Average soil characteristics for each surface microsite at the Nancy site are given in Table 3-1. No differences in particle-size distribution were found between microsites with one exception. The vesicular crust microsites had significantly lower sand and higher silt contents than the other microsites. Wind and water work together to transport soil particles from one microtopographic location to another helping to form a vesicular crust in the lower microtopographic locations. Bulk density before the dry and wet runs, increased in the order coppice, moss-grass, bare and vesicular crust microsites. Bulk densities for the bare and vesicular oust microsites were not significantly different before the wet run. The largest increase in bulk density came between the moss-grass and the bare microsites. This is probably due to the abrupt changes in surface cover and organic C content also observed between the two microsites (Table 3-2 and Table 3-1, respectively). Table 3-1. Average soil characteristics for each surface microsile at the Nancy Gulch site on the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, 1989. Microsite Characteristics Coppice Moss-Grass Bare Vesicular 39.81* 4&9b 13 Ja 37.5 a 48.4b U.I a 39-la 0.9d O8c Me Mb IJb L2a 1.3a 3-5a 3.7» lib 2Jb 37^a 4.7t 32-8a 17b 23.9b 21.* a?d 77.9i 54.4a 64.9b 48.Sa 45.7c Partide sue (%) Sand Silt Clay Bulk density (Mg or1) Before dry run Beforewctrun Gravimetric moisture control (%) Before iky run Before wtt run Organic Carboo (%) Aggregate stability (%) Before dry nm After wet nm 'Means followed by same letter within rows are not significantly different (P < 0.05). INCORPORATING SMALL SCALE SPATIAL VARIABILITY 29 Table 3-2. Average shrub cover, ground cover and bionrass characteristics for each surface microsjte at the Nancy Gulch site on the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, 19X9. Micros ire Characteristics Coppice Cover type, (%) Shrub Grass Fbrb Litter Cryptogam Rock Bare Vesicular 0.0 5-5a 0.2a 4.9a 84.6b 0.9b 3.8b 0.0 0.0 l.3b 0.2a 0.6b 0.6c 3JJa 94. la 0.0 0.0 0.8b O.Sb 0.2c 4.4a O.Oc 93.9 43.0b 1.5a 27882Ja I08.4a 21. 2b Ua 1447.4a I.Tb 1239.2a 3.3a 26.9b 21. 4a 51.8c 156. 1b l.Obc 100.0 4.2a* 0.2a 6.4a 99.9a O.Oc O.Oc 0.0 Bare ground Vesicular crust Moss-Grass Total biomass, (kg m 0 Fbrb Cryptogam Litter Root .14. 4a 86.4c 109.4b II. 7c 'Means foUowed by same letter within rows ait not significantly different (P < 0.05), All microsites were extremely dry prior to rainfall simulation (Table 3-1), Before the wet run water contents of the coppice and moss-grass microsites, however, were much higher than for the bare and vesicular crust microsites. This could be due to differences in infiltration as affected by the large differences observed in bulk density between these sets of microsites. Large differences in organic C content were also observed between microsites. Percentage organic C significantly decreased in the order coppice, moss-grass, bare, and vesicular crust microsites (Table 3-1). Aggregate stability was measured both before the dry run and following the wet run. Large variations were found within each microsite making it more difficult to show statistical differences between microsires; however, the same general trend was found as for other variables. Coppice and moss-grass microsites tended to have higher aggregate stability compared with bare and vesicular crust microsites. This is probably due to the higher organic C contents found in the coppice and moss-grass microsites, Vegetation and Surface Cover Characteristics Average cover and biomass characteristics for each microsite are presented in Table 3-2, The coppice microsites were selected on the basis of their location directly under the sagebrush canopy, therefore they had 100% shrub cover, while all other microsites had 0%. The coverage of grass, forb, litter, cryptogam, rock, bare ground, and vesicular crust were all examined for each microsite. The largest differences between microsites were found for cryptogams, bare ground, and vesicular crust The coppice and moss-grass microsites had thick moss layers, while the bare areas were dominated by bare ground and the vesicular crust microsites are —94% vesicular crust The biomass of grasses, forbs, cryptogams. litter, and roots were also examined within each surface microsite (Table 3-2), The biomass of grass was low for 30 PIERSON ET AL all microsiies but was highest on the moss-grass microsites. Few forbs were found and no significant difference in forb biomass was found between any microsites. Both the coppice and moss-grass microsites were found to have very high biomass estimates of cryptogams compared with the other microsites. The coppice microsites had nearly 28000 kg m~: of cryptogam biomass. Litter biomass followed a similar trend. Root biomass estimates were highest for the moss-grass microsite followed by the coppice and bare and vesicular cnist microsites, Hydrologic and Erosion Response Average hydrologic and erosion characteristics for each microsite are given in Table 3-3. Final infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration both decreased by surface microsite in the order coppice, moss-grass, bare, and vesicular crust microsites for both the dry and wet runs. There were no significant differences between the bare and vesicular crust microsites for the wet run. The coppice microsites had a final infiltration rate nearly six times that of the bare and vesicular crust microsites for both runs. Cumulative infiltration for the coppice microsites was almost five times greater than the vesicular microsites and three times greater than the bare microsites after the dry run and approximately six times greater than both the bare and vesicular microsites following the wet run. Results for final runoff rate and cumulative runoff followed similar but inverse trends compared with infiltration, Some differences were found between the hydrologic responses of the dry and wet runs (Table 3-3). Final infiltration and runoff rates were generally lower and higher, respectively, for the wet run compared with the dry run. Little difference was found between runs for the vesicular crust microsites. Results for cumulative infiltration and runoff were not statistically compared because twice the amount of rainfall was applied during the dry run compared with the wet run. Cumulative sediment was also found to increase across microsites in the order coppice, moss-grass, bare, and vesicular crust microsites. No significant Table 3-3. Hydrologic and erosion characteristics for each surface microsiie by dry and wet run at the Nancy Gulch site on the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed. 1989. Microsite BMC Drv^p run Coppice Moss-Grass t. Final infiltration me (mm h ) Z Cumulative infiltration (mm) 3. Final runoff rate (mm h » 4. Cumulative runoff (mm) 5. Cumulative sediment (kg ha'1) 64. la* 65 la 42-5b 51. lb 24Jc 10.7c 23.4c 15.7c 43.4b 228.4b 3807 Ja 53.6a 48S0.6a 60.6a 35. lb 22.6b 3ZOb 5.0c 5.4c 62.1a 7Jc 4.6c 59.8a 10.9b 28-la 1 898.0* 28.9* 1873.3. V V 2.7d 1.7d 56-fb Vesicular 5.0d 13.2d 61.8a Wet run V . Final infiltration rate (mm h"1) 2- Cumulative infiltration (mm) 3, Final runoff rale (mm h ' > 4. Cumulative runoff (mm) 5. Cumulative sediment (kg ha i 30.4a 6-5c 3.1c 16.4c 115-flb 'Means followed by same letter * iihm rows are not significantly different (P < 0.05). INCORPORATING SMALL SCALE SPATIAL VARIABILITY 31 differences in cumulative sediment were found between bare and vesicular crust microsites for either the dry or wet mns. The differences in cumulative sediment between the coppice and moss-grass microsites compared with the bare and vesicular crust microsites were much higher than can be explained by the differences in cumuUtive runoff found between the same groups of microsites. While differences in runoff across all microsites were less than one order of magnitude, differences in cumulative sediment were of two to three orders of magnitude between coppice microsites and bare and vesicular crust microsites. Thus, the credibility across microsites dramatically increased in the order coppice, moss-grass, bare, and vesicular crust, with the bare and vesicular crust microsites being similar and much higher than the othci microsites. Estimating Large Plot Hydrologic and Erosion Responses Two approaches were explored for combining measured hydrologic responses of the different surface microsites for estimating the hydrologic response of a larger integrated area. First, a simple average of the responses for the four microsites was multiplied by the area of the large plot to estimate the large plot response. This assumes equilibrium conditions exist, that each microsite contributes equally to the large plot response and that the total response is a linear addition of each surface microsite- Second, an area weighted average approach was used to combine responses of all surface microsites- The hydrologic response of each microsite was multiplied by the proportion of the area of the large plot made up of each respective microsite, then added to give a total for the entire large plot This again assumes equilibrium has been reached and that the total response is a linear addition of each surface microsite, but does not assume that each microsite contributes equally to the large plot response. A comparison of approaches for predicting large plot hydrologic response is given in Table 3-4. The area weighting approach provided better predictions of all large plot hydrologic variables than the equal weighting approach. Predictions for final infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration using the area weighting method were very close to observed values, while predictions of the same van* ables using the equal area method were substantially more in error. Predictions of Table 3-4. Comparison of weighting schemes for aggregating estimates of inflltralion, runoff and erosion variables from coppice* moss-grass, bare and vesicular surface microsiies 10 predict hydrologk and erosion variables on targe pkKs ai the Nancy Gulch site on the Reynolds Creek ExpcriroenUJ Waerahed, 1989. Weighting scheme Equal weighting DT FnaJ infiltration rale (mm h") Cumulative infiltration (mm) Final mnoff rale (mm h ') Cumulative runoff (nun) Cumulative sediment (kg ha~*) Area weighting scheme Wet Or? 342 27 JO 15.7 36.2 28.6 2225.1 40.1 17.8 975.9 39.4 47.7 27.4 19.1 9038 30.6 Wet 32.9 20.4 34.1 13.2 45 1 J Average of large plots Dry 40.7 50J 26.1 1&2 260.4 Wet 35.0 21.2 32.0 12J 103.4 32 PIERSON ET AL. runoff responses on the large plots were very similar to those for infiltration. Thus, the assumption that all surface microsites contribute equally to the larger scale infiltration and runoff processes is not valid. The data does suggest, however, that the assumption of linear additivity of spatially variable point estimates of hydrologic processes for predicting integrated landscape responses may be valid. These results provide insight into how we should model the hydrologic processes of integrated landscapes. Often when modeling infiltration and runoff processes, a hillslope is viewed as a uniform plane that can be modeled using a single set of model parameters to represent the entire landscape. Little field data is available to test this assumption on rangeland. Data presented in this study indicates that this assumption may indeed be valid if parameters are estimated using many samples that are weighted proportionate to the amount of landscape area they represent. This is mathematically equivalent to taking a large random sample across the entire landscape. Parameter estimation procedures based on a single sample or a composite of a small number of samples are inadequate particularly if the magnitude of small scale spatial variability is highPredictions of large plot erosion response was quite poor for both the equal weighting and area weighting approaches. Both approaches greatly over estimated the amount of sediment eroded from the large plots. Using an area weighting scheme did reduce the amount of error by more than one-half compared with the equal weighting method, however, the quantity of error was still much more than would be explained by the error in runoff discussed above. This suggests that only a portion of the sediment that was detached from different points within the large plots was actually delivered down slope to the outlet. On a small scale a great deal of erosion and deposition takes place across a landscape that does not result in significant large-scale movement of soil down slope or influence the sediment loads delivered to stream channels. Soil particles are eroded then deposited only a short distance away. These results suggest that there are elements of the erosion process that are not well understood on rangelands. The assumptions of hillslope uniformity and linear additivity discussed above do not seem to be valid with respect to erosion. Modeling a hillslope as a uniform area with only one set of parameters estimated as a simple average of point measures may not be adequate for describing all the controlling processes across a landscape. Field observation has shown that overland flow through some sagebrush plant communities concentrates in the lower microtopographic positions between shrubs. This means that overland flow follows a very tortuous path and is concentrated on the more erosive bare and vesicular crust microsites. More experimentation is needed to determine what additional processes should be included in our modeling efforts and how they might be quantitatively represented. CONCLUSIONS Significant differences in runoff and erosion were found between four soil surface microsites within the sagebrush shrub-interspace complex. The coppice and moss-grass microsites had much lower runoff and interrill erosion rates than INCORPORATING SMALL SCALE SPATIAL VARIABILITY J3 the bare and vesicular crust microsites. Both a simple average and weighted average of measurements of runoff and erosion from these zones were used lo estimate the runoff and erosion response from a larger integrated area. The weighted average approach provided significantly better integrated estimates of runoff than using a simple arithmetic average with estimation errors for values of runoff under antecedent soil moisture conditions of <10%. While the weighted average approach also produced the best estimate of intenill erosion, both approaches still over estimated erosion by at least 250%. These results have significant bearing on how hydrologic and erosion processes are modeled on rangelands. When modeling infiltration and runoff processes, the commonly iiscd assumption ^f v urging a hilklopc as a uniform plane that can be represented by a single set of model parameters would appear to be adequate as long as the parameters truly represent the entire landscape. Parameters should be estimated from many samples that are weighted proportionate to the amount of landscape area they represent. The same assumptions of hillslope uniformity and estimating parameters as linear additives of point measurements may not be valid with respect to modeling erosion on rangeland The data presented suggest that only a small portion of the soil particles that are detached from different points across the landscape are actually delivered to the bottom of the hillslope- Most of the detached soil particles are redeposited only a short distance away. This suggests that the erosion process is transport limited and not detachment limited as often assumed. Additional important processes may be mi&sing from our current view of how the erosion process occurs on shrub-dominated rangeland. One such process is the concentration of overland flow in the interspaces between shrubs. More experimentation is needed to determine what processes truly control erosion on rangelands and if any additional factors should be included in our erosion modeling efforts. REFERENCES Blackburn, W.R 1975. Factors influencing infiltration and sediment production of semiarid rangeVands in Nevada. Water Resour. Res. 1 ] :929-937. Bbcfcbum, W.H.. FB. Picnon, CL Hanson. T.L. Thurow, and A.L Hanson. 199Z The spaiial and temporal influence of vegetation on surface soil factors in semiahd rangelands- Trans. ASAE 35:479-^86. Blackburn, W.H., FB. Piereon, and M.S Seyfrwd. IW1 Spatial and temporal influence of soil fiat OB infiltration and erosion of sagctmfa raogdancb. Water Resour Bull 26:991-997. BlackbunLWH. and M-K. Wood 1990. lrtBCBDBrf^fcM«ltfMiQBaf*0*aDppc*rfMi and done interspace soils in southeastern Ncvatfa. Great Basin Nal. 50:41-46, Bouyoucos. GJ 1962. Hydrometer method improved for making particle size analysis of soil. Agron. J. 54:464-165. Eckcrt R.E. J r . 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Infiltration patterns in simulated rainfall on a semiarid range I and. Soil Sci. Sac Am, J. 55:1726-1734. Steel, R.G.D., and J.H. Tonic. 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. Tisdale, E.W.. M. HJronaka, and M,A, Fosberg. 1969. The sagebrush region in Idaho—A problem in range resource management. Idaho Agric. Exp. Stn. Tech. Bull- 512. Univ. of Idaho, Moscow. Walkley, A., and A,I. Black. 1934. An examination of the Deqtjareff method for determining soil organic matter and a proposed modification of the chromic acid filiation method. Soil Sci. 37:29-38. Wilcox, B.P, M, Sbaa, W.H. Blackburn, and J.H. Milligan, 1992. Runoff prediction from sagebrush rangelands using water erosiun prediction project (WEPP) technology. J. Range Manage. 45:470-474. Zar, J.H. 1974. Biostatislicai analysis. Prentice-Hall, EngJewood Hiffs, NJ, Spatial Pattern Analysis of Sagebrush Vegetation and Potential Influences on Hydrology and Erosion j K. E. Spaeth USDA-SCS, Northwest Watershed Research Center Boise, Idaho MarkA. Weltz USDA-ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center Tucson, Arizona Dak Foi USDA-SCS Southwest Watershed Research Center Tucson, Arizona Frederick B. Pierson, Jr. USDA-ARS Northwest Watershed Research Center Boise, Idaho ABSTRACT Climate induced temporal variation, spatial patterns of vegetation and microeovironments. plant growth forms, soils and geology, and topographic factors influence hydrologk processes in rangeland environments. In Part I of this study, a gradient analysis of 13 environmental variables identified temporal and spatial gradients in sagebrush coppice and interspace soil surface cover types. Spatial cover types and temporal cyclic variations were distinct for both soil surface cover types. Part II of the study identified different spatial patterns for several sagebrush species. Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentaia Beetle & Young nyomi/igensis) and mountain big sagebrush (A- tridentaia Rydh veseyana) were both associated with uniform distribution patterns. Low sagebrush (A. arbuscula Nutt. arbuscula) exhibited a random pattern. Spatial patterns of vegetation (random, clumped, and uniform distribution) effect the degree of tortusoity of flow paths and hydraulic roughness CHI rangelands. Additional refinements to the Chezy friction coefficient that incorporates estimates of roughness coefficients for rills and interrill areas should be considered through additional resistance factors such as plant dispersion coefficients. Copyright O IW4 SoU Socnc* Society of America, 677 S. Segoc Rd.. Madtfon, Wl 53711. USA 35 SPAETH ETAL. Spatial heterogeneity and pattern is a universal feature in natural plant communities. Hydrologic and erosion processes are effected by the amount, type, and spatial distribution of rangeland vegetation- Spatial and temporal changes with regards to hydrologic and erosion processes have been documented by Blackburn, 1975; Spaeth, 1990; Blackburn and Wood, 1990; Blackburn et aL, 1990, 1992. If the development of new technologies and modeling of hydrologic and erosion processes in natural plant ecosystems is to proceed, more ecological information is needed regarding distribution patterns of major shrub types in the western USAWhy study pattern or spatial distribution of plants in the context of erosion prediction modeling efforts? Many hydrologic modeling efforts represent overland flow as areas of broad, uniform sheet flow. Surface flow in shrublands is tortuous, water velocity is reduced, and flow may be impeded by shrub coppices, which act as surface dams. Flow paths are longer because of this tortuosity, which increases the surface area of some rills. In general, current hydrologic modeling efforts approach plant distribution too simplistically, i.e., measurements of plant density and single species composition. Density is the number of individuals per unit area; however, density without other supporting information is static both from ecologic {Harbour et aL. 1987) and hydrologic perspectives. Plant density does not reveal the dynamic interactions that affect spatial distribution between members of the same or different species. Different plant patterns may be present on the landscape, which may be due to a number of factors that vary from site to site. Natural plant com* munities are not homogeneous, even in seemingly monotonous expanses of grasslands or prairie where shrubs and trees are virtually absent. Since individual plant species have characteristic affects on hydrologic processes (Thomas & Young, 1954; Mazarak & Conrad, 1959; Rauzi & Kuhlman, 1961; Dee et al.f 1966; Gifford, 1985), hydrologic models should consider the effects of shrub communities that are dominated by one or two species compared with communities that are more diverse. Gleason (1920) recognized that minor differences in the environment could disrupt uniformity in vegetation. Since then, the detection and study of patterns in plant communities has been a subject of interest among plant ecologists (for reviews see Pielou, 1969; Grieg-Smith, 1979, 1983; Diggle, 1983; Ludwig & Reynolds, 1988). Three main types of plant distributions are recognized in natural populations: random, uniform (regular), and aggregated (clumped or contagious) (Whittaker, 1975; Grieg-Smith, 1983; Pemberton & Frey, 1984). The causal factors of pattern in vegetation are complex and multifactorial in nature. Patterns in vegetation can be attributed to the morphology of the species (Kershaw, 1959; Grieg-Smith, 1961); dispersal mechanisms from the parent plant (Laraacraft et aL, 1983; Kershaw & Loooey, 1985; Whitford, 1986); environmental heterogeneity (Gulmon & Mooney, 1977; Beaty, 1984; Shumar & Anderson, 1986; Ludwig et aL, 1988); sociological pattern involving competition, genetics, and other types of interaction among individuals (Fowler & Antooovics, 1981; Aarssen & Turkington, 1985a; Fitter, 1987; Szwagrzyk, 1992); demographic characteristics and succession (Aarssen & Turkington, SPATIAL PATTERN ANALYSIS OF SAGEBRUSH VEGETATION 37 1985b; Symonides & Wierzchowska, 1990); management history, i.e., burning or grazing (Lament & Fox, 1981; Wright & Bailey, 1982; Matus & Tothmeresz, 1990; Ter Heerdt et a!., 1991); and stochastic pattern resulting from random variation of any of the preceding factors (Hutchinson, 1953). If progress is to be made on overland flow models for rangeland vegetation t; pes, rangeland communities must be assessed for spatial heterogeneity, plant patterns (distribution), and density. The purpose of this chapter is to examine spatial and temporal relationships of soil, vegetation, hydrology, and soil erosion in a sagebrush community and examine spatial patterns of several sagebrush species. Out of the 15 basic rangeland types in the USA, the sagebrush grassland is one of the largest types in the western USA (39 million hectares; Holechek et ah, 1989). Sagebrush grasslands occur extensively in Oregon. Idaho, Nevada. Utah, Montana, and Wyoming. In Wyoming, nearly two-thirds of the state is occupied by one or several of 13 different sagebrush species (Beetle & Johnson, 1982). This study is organized into two parts: The objective of Part I was to demonstrate spatial and temporal relationships of soil, vegetation, hydrology, and soil erosion (Blackburn et al., 1990, data set) and examine multivariate relationships. The objectives of Part II were to: (i) on a preliminary basis, conduct a spatial pattern analysis (SPA) of sagebrush vegetation types with distance based density estimates; and (ii) relate results that are relevant to hydrology and soil erosion modeling. We recognize that there are many questions to be answered regarding spatial distribution patterns in natural plant communities and causal factors that affect distribution patterns. We propose several hypotheses that we have evaluated on a preliminary basis and will be used, with modification as necessary, for subsequent papers involving more sites and other rangeland plant communities. We hypothesize that within discrete ecological range sites where soil heterogeneity on a large scale is minimized, Wyoming big sagebrush stands will exhibit a uniform pattern where sagebrush is the dominant shrub species and no interspecific shrub species exists on the site. Where other brush species are codominants with sagebrush, especially root sprouters, other patterns should emerge. For example, where shrub species are root sprouters, a clumped pattern may develop. Mountain big sagebrush is often associated with other shrub species such as mountain snowberry (Symphortcarpos oreophilus Gray) and waxleaf ceanothus (Ceanothus velulinus Dougl.) on the Reynold's Creek Experimental WatershedThese two species can reproduce by root sprouting; therefore, the pattern of the codominant sagebrush population may tend to deviate from uniformity. MATERIALS AND METHODS Parti Site Characteristics, Spatial and Temporal Study Part I of this study was located at the Quonsel site in the Reynold's Creek Experimental Watershed in southwest Idaho (*80 km southwest of Boise). The SPAETH ETAL 38 study site is characterized by an aridic moisture regime with average annual precipitation of 281 mm, 70% from rain and 30% snow. The elevation is 1193 m, slope 6%, and aspect 344°, The soil is classified as a Larimer series (fine-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal, mixed, mesic of Xerallic Haplargid. These well drained soils occupy old alluvial terraces and colluvial foot-slopes and are derived from weathered basalt. Two soil-vegetation surface cover types were identified: (i) shrub coppice, and (ii) interspace between shrubs. The A horizon of the shrub coppice is characterized by weakly granular structure, loam texture, and the surface is dominated by moss (Polychidium spp. and Tortula spp.) and to a lesser degree, lichens. Wyoming big sagebrush is the dominant shrub (30% canopy cover), rubber rabbitbrush (Ckrysothamnus nauseousus [Pall] Britt) is a subdominant shrub (<2% canopy cover). Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda J.S. Presl) is the dominant graminoid species with cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L,) and bottiebrusb squirreltail (Sitanian hystrix Nun.) as subdominanls. The A horizon of the interspace area is characterized by a 15 mm thick vesicular crust (platy structure), loam texture, and the surface layer is sparsely covered by gravel, graminoid species, mosses, and lichens, Field Methods and Analysis Rainfall was simulated with a drop type simulator at a rate of 88.2 mm h~l for 30 min on two soil surface cover types: sagebrush coppice dune and interspace (see Blackburn et alM 1990, for details). Rainfall was simulated at six different dates (15, 16 February; 22 February; 1, 3 March; 15, 16 March; 13, 14 April; and 20, 21 June) on soil that was continuously frozen and diurnally frozen or unfrozen. For each date and soil surface cover type, four to six simulations were made. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA; Hill, 1979), an eigenvector ordination technique based on reciprocal averaging (RA; Hill, 1973a) was used to evaluate two soil surface cover types, six dates, 13 environmental variables, and identify associated gradients within this data matrix (Table 4-1). Ordination is Tabte 4-1- DefuiidoRs of symbols and units of measurement vied in (he analyses. Symbols Unit of Measurement SSWC Surface soil water content (%), 0-5-cm depth PB Bulk Density (Mg nr*X 0-5-on depth AGST Aggregate stability (%), 0-5-cm depth OC SAND Organic C (%), 0-5-ctn dcpih Sand (%). 0-5-cm depth SILT ROCK UTTER CRYPT BIO GRASS INF CSED Silt (%), 0-5-cm depth Suffice rock com (%) Surface litter cover (%> Surface Cryptogam cover (%) Above gfomd biomass (kg m *) Surface grass cover (%) infiltration capacity (cm hrr) Cumulative intern!! sediment (kg ha'1 30 mm) SPATIAL PATTERN ANALYSIS OF SAGEBRUSH VEGETATION 39 "the arrangement of species and samples in a low-dimensional space such that 71 similar entities are close by and dissimilar entities far apart (Gauch, 1982, p. 109). Ter Braak (1987, p. 91) defines ordination as "the collective term for multivariate techniques that arrange sites along axes on the basis of data on species composition." The objective of ordination is to condense complex data sets to define emergent relationships. The Blackburn et aL, (1990) study was set up as a complete block design. Partn Study Areas, Pattern Analysis Study The study area in Part II consists of seven sites (Table 4—2)Field Methods and Analysis The T-square distance sampling technique (Besag & Gleaves, 1973) was used on all seven sagebrush sites. Sampling was confined to discrete range sites. T-square sampling has been found to be a robust technique to detect pattern (especially clumped and uniform) in vegetation (Diggle, 1983; Lamacraft et al., 1983). The Tsquare sampling procedure requires two distances: (i) x, the distance from a random point to the nearest individual, and (ii) v, the distance from that individual to its nearest neighbor At the Buffalo, WY, and Blackfoot, ID, sites, one set of 100 random x (cm) andy (cm) measurements were made. For the five sites at the Reynold's Creek Experimental Watershed, one set of 50 x and y measurements in centimeters were made along the contour of the slope and vertically down the slope. From the two distance measurements, an index of spatial pattern (Q was calculated ft I N where N is the total number of sample points. When C is =0.5, the pattern of individuals in a population suggests random distribution. If individual plants are clumped, C will be significantly >0.5; significantly <0.5 implies uniform pattern. Significance of departure of C from 0.5 was tested with the standard normal deviate (z), 2-' C-0-5 Canonical discriminant analysis was used to drive canonical variables (linear combinations of the quantitative variables) that have the highest multiple correlation with the qualitative classes (SAS Institute, 1988). The purpose of this analysis was to predict group membership of sagebrush species from a set of variables (C x, and y). Groups were Wyoming big sagebrush, mountain big sagebrush, and low sagebrush. Table 4-2. Site dcsuipiuint, Wyoming anil Iduhn Snil Slope Elcvition dtg Buffalo, WY 1372 . loamy, annual precipitation mm 90 •u, Wyoming big sagebrush, western [F.fymux smithn (Rydh.) Gould], prairie juncgrass \Ktntleria cri\iutei (L.) Persb], green necdlcgrais (Stipa viridula Inn J, Hoods phlox I / V J / . F , / Jf »i/;n Rich.) 350 457 Mountain big aagehru&h, big bluegnu (Pkw juncifolia Sctibn.), L ^Herman needle grass (Slipa Iciicrtnanii Vn&ey), prairie juncgruss 250 Wyoming big sagebrush. hoiiLchiush squirrel, cheaigrtss nn M *!. meiii • ., U SummH Ro4)in (fin*. tiJty, miKcd, cry ic Ptchlc PalchuroU) 7.0 Current vegetal ion Saralegui(coarMliiimy, mucil. inrsu Xemllic LUM Reynold*! Creek, ID l-aururr (fine, | n , n n \ . over »undy tu siamly \kf lcu>h p mixed, m«tic, Utlolllc "'- 344 261 Wyoming big sagebrush, rubber rabbiibru&h. Sandhcig blucgrasa y Oukh Reynold'iCrtek. ID Uariper (fine. montmorlhoniik. metk Xerollu Pikirgld) 1414 342 •,i • Wyoming big tagebnuh, Sandbctg blucgrttt Lower Sheep Raytwld'i t'lwk. ID Ciablca mixed, frigid Uthic Ull Low Mgebniih. Sandberg blucgrusi Reynold^ Creak, ID 7.0 28.0 Argue rolU) Reynold1* Reynold1! Creek. ID Hullrey (finc-kwmy, inucd. PiR-hic CVyobototl) 70 Mountain big ugcbrusht mounluin snowberry SPATIAL PATTERN ANALYSIS OF SAGEBRUSH VEGETATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Spatial and Temporal Study A two-axis DCA ordination of spatial and temporal data from the Quonset site was representative of both spatial and temporal gradients (Fig. 4-1). The first DCA axis (eigenvalue 0.105, 91% of variability)was interpreted as a spatial gradient, which is clearly defined by the sagebrush coppice dune and the interspace soil surface cover types. Soil surface cover type, as a categorical dummy variable was highly correlated with Axis 1. The second DCA axis (eigenvalue 0.010, 8.5% of the variability) was interpreted as a temporal gradient, which appears to be cyclic. February and June sample dates are synchronous for both cover types, February at the top portion of the ordination diagram (Fig. 4-1) and June at the bottom of the ordination diagram. Cryptogam cover, organic C, soil moisture, infiltration capacity, aboveground biomass, and aggregate stability were negatively correlated (P s 0.05) with DCA Axis 1 (Table 4-3), the spatial gradient. The magnitude of these variables became smaller toward the interspace soil surface cover type (Fig. 4—2). Percentage of rock cover, litter cover, percentage of silt, and cumulative sediment ; 2/22 3/1 Interspace 2/22 2/15 <40 A 3/1 Shrub Coppice Dune 20 81 Axis 1 Fig- 4-1. Detrended correspondence analysis of 13 environmental variables from two soil cover types six sampling dales. SPAETH ETAL, Table 4-3. Coefficient of correlation (r) of soil and plant variables with two DCA ordination axes Variable Axisl Ax is 2 Surface soil water conieru, % Bulk density Aggregate stability Organic C Sand Silt Cumulative sediment Infiltration capacity Rock cover Litter cover Above ground biomass Grass cover Cryptogam tc cover Soil surface cover type -0.71* 0.49 -0.64* -0.79' -0.54 0.590.56* -0.71* 0.93' 0.69' -0.880,52 -0.94-0.93' 0.36 -0.51 -0.70* 0.06 -0.40 0.26 0.64- -0.62' 0.59* 0.16 -0.64* -0.11 -0.62* -0.59* •Significant at P s 0.05. Sediment 2/22 ,ow 3/1 A * Interspace 2/22 A 2/15 c u :- - •x < igh igh igh igh ligh ligh Shrub Coppice Dune A 4/13 Aggregate Statxh Infiltration Biomass Crypt, Cover Soil Water Organic Carbon Hign Sed»ment High Silt High Rock Cover Axis 1 (sd units) Fig. 4^2. Dctrcnded correspondence analysis with gradients. Gradients significantly correlated with Axes I and II loading! variables that * e re SPATIAL PATTERN ANALYSIS OF SAGEBRUSH VEGETATION 43 were positively correlated (P s 0.05) with DCA Axis 1. These variables increased from the sagebrush coppice dune toward the interspace soil surface cover type. Along the temporal gradient (DCA Axis 2), aggregate stability, biomass, infiltration capacity, and cryptogamic cover were negatively correlated (P s 0.05; Table 4—3)- Values tended to be greater during the wanner months (gradient direction from 20 June to 15 February)- Higher infiltration capacity was related to later dates, which reflects differences in soil freezing, higher aggregate stability, greater biomass, higher cryptogamic cover, and higher organic C Cumulative sediment yield and rock cover were positively correlated (P s 0-05) with DCA Axis 2 (Table 4—3). Sediment yield was highest in the interspace during 15 and 22 February when the upper 10 mm of surface soil was diurnally frozen and the soil at 50 and 100 mm was continually frozen. Spatial Pattern Analysis of Sagebrush Types The results of distance based sampling for seven sites is given in Table 4-4. There were differences in spatial patterns between sagebrush species. Wyoming big sagebrush was associated with a uniform pattern on all four sites. Mountain big sagebrush was also associated with a uniform pattern at both sites. At Lower Sheep Creek, low sagebrush was randomly distributed horizontally to the slope, Table 4-4. SpatiaJ pattern analysis data from sagebrush sites in Wyoming and Idaho. Location C* z* . X* Buffalo site, WY HV* 0.43 -2J5— 25.56 Blackfooc site, ID HV 0.43 -159-" 34.14 Nancy Gulch, Reynold's Creek Exp. Watershed, ID tT 0,43 -1.7742J2 V* 039 -2.65* 42.80 HV 0,41 -3.13* 42.46 Lower Sheep Creek, Reynold's Creek Exp. Watershed, H 034 1.06 33,32 V 0.43 -1.61* 26,00 HV 0.49 -038 29.66 Summit site, Reynold's Creek Exp. Watershed. ID H 0.42 -ZOO" 3O2S V 0,47 -0.68 3T82 HV 0,45 -1.89** 34.05 Quonstt site, Reynold's Creek Exp. Watershed. ID H (U7 -0^8 44.43 V 0.41 -3.07* 42-69 HV 0,44 -2.74' 43,61 Reynold's Mountain, Reynold s Creek E*p. Watershed. H 0,44 -134* 33.95 V 0.45 -1.17 37.74 HV 0.44 -1.92** 35.84 Y* Species 40.79 Wyoming big 55.00 Mountain big sagebrush 7734 78.44 77J9 ID 42-86 44.14 43 JO Wyoming big sagebrush Wyoming big sagebrush Wyoming big sagebrush Low sagebrush Low sagebrush Lo* sagebrush 54.00 57JO 55.75 looming big sagebrush Wyoming big sagebrush Wyoming big 71-91 77.72 74.65 ID 53.47 54,12 53JO Wyoming big Wyoming big sagcbne* Wyoming big sagebnah Mountain big MtaflUin big Mniill big V '• Significant«the 0,05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. t Significant at (he 0,1 probability kvcL t C = T-square index of spttiaJ pattern, z - standard normal deviate and test of significance of an departure of C = OJ, X = avenge rfatanrr from random point to nearest individual, Y = distance from individual to nearest neighbor. H = Horizontal. Bcawtncvts OB the conteM*, 50 > points; V = Vertical 50 x, y points, and HV = horizontal and vertical combined, 100 x,y 44 SPAETH ET AL somewhat uniform vertically, but random for the horizontal -vertical composite sample. Low sagebrush differs from both Wyoming big sagebrush and mountain big sagebrush in that il is a dwarf shrub of irregular form, 40 to 80 cm in diam., and seldom >50 cm tall (Tisdale & Hironaka, 1981)- Low sagebrush also grows on soils that are drier and more rocky than those supporting Wyoming big sagebrush and mountain big sagebrush. An edaphic restriction exists on low sagebrush sites (Sabrinski & Knight, 1978) in that soil depth is either <33 cm to an impermeable B horizon, bedrock, or if deeper, contain 30% more gravel and cobbles in the horizon (Fosberg, 1964). The shallow soils arc a result of periglaaal erosion and are low in moisture holding capacity and become very dry in summer (Tisdale & Hirooaka, 1981). Relating to our original hypotheses, there is some indication that mature stands of Wyoming big sagebrush, within discrete ecological range sites, where soil characteristics are relatively homogeneous (textures-silts to loams, and rock outcrops, surface stones, and boulders do not influence distribution), tend toward uniform distribution. At the Reynold's Mountain site where mountain snowberry, a root sprouting species, was also present, the pattern of mountain big sagebrush tended toward uniformity. We have not evaluated the relative abundance of each shrub in precise quantitative terms to determine if mountain snowberry's presence can be considered a codbminant thereby possibly affecting the distribution of mountain big sagebrush- Initial transect estimates of mountain snowbeny cover are -5%. At the low sagebrush site, distribution tended toward randomness. The Gabica soil series (loamy-skeletal, mixed, frigic Lithic Argixeroll) contains angular cobblestones 7,5 to 25.4 cm in diam. and gravels over the soil surface. Gravels can constitute 20 to 50% of the surface area, while cobbles, stones, and exposed bedrock areas cover 10 to 30% of the surface. Further research will investigate if the pattern of these cobbles and exposed bedrock areas are correlated with low sagebrush distribution* Discriminant Analysis of Spatial Pattern Data A canonical discriminant analysis was performed using three variables: T-square index of spatial pattern (C), distance from random point to nearest individual (xX and distance from individual to nearest neighbor (y) as predictors of member* ship in three sagebrush species groups. The first two discriminant functions accounted for 77 and 23%, respectively, of the between-group variability. In Fig. 4-3, the first canonical discriminant function discriminates mountain big sagebrush from low sagebrush, with Wyoming big sagebrush falling between the two groups. Ttie T* square index was somewhat associated with the first canonical discriminant function (Table 4-5). IT* second discriminant function was highly oxidated with y. The average distance of y for the three sagebrush species was: low sagebrush, 43-5 cm; mountain big sagebrush, 54.1 cm; and Wyoming big sagebrush, 66,6 cm. The average distance between Wyoming big sagebrush plants was greater than low sagebrush and mountain big sagebrush TTie C index was negatively correlated with the second canonical discriminant function (Table 4-5). The average distance of the C index for the three sagebrush species was: low sagebrush, 0.49; mountain big sagebrush, 0.44; jod Wyoming big sagebrush, 0.43. In Fig. 4-3, C decreases along the second discriminant axis, meaning that Wyoming big sagebrush was more uniform according 45 SPATIAL PATTERN ANALYSIS OF SAGEBRL SH VEGETATION I Wyoming big sage 0.5 OJ O -0.5 Mountain btg sage -1 Low sage -1.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 1.5 0.5 CAN1 Rg. 4-3. Plots of three group cemrokis on two caaoaial dacrininam functions derived from spatial variables (T-Square index; z, distance from random point to nearest plant; and y. distance from plant 10 nearest neighbor). T«Ne 4-5. Result of canonical discriminant analysts of spatial variables. Correlations of predictor variables with canonical discriminant functions Predictor variables T- Square indc* (C) Distance of iMdm 1 0.27 -0.15 2 -061 0.62 -0.09 0.90 Pooled wi thin-group correlatkNB anoog predictors C 1 X 0.16 1 y -0.26 O.W" poirt lo plant (A) Distance of plan to nearest neighbor (Y) 1 ta Significant at the 0.001 probability level. to the index. The x value, was also correlated with the second discriminant function, but j by itself is not meaningful from a hydrologic perspective. Pooled within-group correlations among the three predictors are shown in Table 4-5, There is a positive relationship between distance -r and to distance y> with r = 0.90, P ^ 0,0001, The SAS discriminant procedure (SAS Institute, 1988) was used to classify the 17 horizontal, vertical, and horizontal-vertical data sets. The analysis classified 100% of the data sets into their specific a priori sagebrush groupings. The results of this discriminant analysis to hydrologic modeling suggests that between plant distances and indices of dispersion may be useful in parameterizing spatial characteristics, especially if more supporting information such as soil characteristics and environmental variables are correlated. SPAETH ET AL CONCLUSIONS If discriminant analysis is to be used appropriately, both a clear idea of the statistical problem and insight about the ecological data are required (Williams, 1983), This chapter is an exploratory in nature, we are not reporting the results as statistically confirmatory. More sagebrush sites and replications within sites are needed; however, it is interesting to note the possible significance of this data in terms of hydrologic models. Distinct spatial cover types and temporal cyclic van* ations exist in rangeland plant communities, all which effect or influence hydrologic processes. From a modeling perspective, the spatial distribution of cover types, whether they are shrub coppices, caespitose grasses, sod forming grasses, microphytic crusts, or bare ground, are important. The distribution and spacing of these cover types, i.e., uniform, clumped, or random pattern will also affect overland flow and hydraulics. In the case of Wyoming big sagebrush, if this plant is, for the most part ubiquitously associated with uniform pattern and predictable plant distances, the theoretical aspects and effect of shrubs and coppice dunes on two-dimensional overland flow models would be simplified. In reality, however, specific plant taxa are probably not associated with any one pattern. For example, the spatial distribution of creosote bush (Larrea divaricaia Cav.), a ubiquitous shrub of the warm desert region of North America, can be uniform, aggregated, or random depending upon the environment (Barbour, 1969). Barbour et al., (1977) concluded that in the more arid regions of the Mojave desert, and mesic stands in the Chihuahuan desert, creosote bush may show a clumped or random pattern, rather than a uniform pattern. The desert pavement is not homogeneous and pattern on the local scale can be related to very small washes, gravel pavement, depth to caliche, rodent burrows, and microtopography. Creosote bush densities have also been attributed to differential seeding survival and creosote bush clumps appear to arise from asexual reproduction (Barbour, 1969). Creosote bush also appears to be independent of other species densities and distribution (Barbour et al-, 1977). Among the work done in creosote bush communities, controversy exists as to the type of dispersion pattern; however, a large part of the controversy is due to plot size dependency, the specific site studied, and the mathematical techniques employed (Barbour et al,t 1977). It is difficult to evaluate the literature regarding spatial patterns—a consistent methodology is needed. Pielou (1977,1979) makes a distinction between natural and arbitrary sample units. Natural sampling units, for example, may be insects found on a given leaf or fruit; whereas, shrubs on rangeland, trees in a forest, and grasses in a prairie occur in continuous habitats. Usually a plot or quadrat is used—an arbitrary approach, and the detection of pattern will ultimately depend on the size of the plot or quadrat. Ladwig and Reynolds (1988), recommend that with continuous or nondiscrete habitats, quadrat variance models or distance models be used in lieu of frequency distribution models (Poisson and negative binomial). The use of arbitrary sample units with continuous habitats may result in incorrect assumptions regarding pattern because of the relationship of size and shape of plots or quadrats to the type of pattern detected; the type of errors ecologists want to avoid (Ludwig & Reynolds, 1988). This study approached spatial pattern analysis from a distance model or plotless perspective. SPATIAL PATTERN ANALYSIS OF SAGEBRUSH VEGETATION 47 Still, the problem remains: How can spatial variability be represented in hydrologic models? Studies have documented that there are significant hydrologic differences between soil surface cover types. Soil detachment and erosion can also be significantly different between cover types. Plants exhibit spatial pattern and this is a universal feature in natural plant communities. If plant distribution and pattern are correlated to edaphic. environmental, and ecological factors (competition), this information could be used in modeling spatiality of vegetation. Specific components, concerning plant effects on hydrologic processes, may center on the degree of tortuosity of flow paths, hydraulic roughness, two* dimensional overland flow models, coefficients of dispersion, and the use of qualitative variables to categorize pattern, i.e., randomness, uniformity, or clumping. Hydraulic roughness coefficients are used to determine surface runoff, flow velocity, time of concentration, and routing of runoff hydrographs (Gilley et aL, 1992a). Soil microrelief, standing vegetation, litter cover, surface rocks, soil crusts, and raindrop impacts effect resistance of surface flow and contribute to total hydraulic resistance. In the WEPP model, the Chezy friction (C) coefficient is used to model uniform flow characteristics. The Chezy hydraulic roughness coefficient can be determined directly from the Darcy-Weisbach hydraulic roughness coefficient (Gilley & Finkner, 1991) using the relationship cwhere g = acceleration due to gravity, and/= Darcy-Weisbach roughness coefficient (Chow, 1959). The Darcy-Weisbach hydraulic roughness coefficient is given as: I " where S = average slope, V = flow velocity, and R = hydraulic radius (see Gilley & Finkner, 1991), suggest that field experimentation is needed to determine the effect of the Reynolds number on roughness coefficients. The Reynolds number, /?e, is used to express the ratio of inertia! forces to viscous forces- They also suggest that generalized equations should be developed that relate roughness to particular characteristics of rangeland plants. Characteristics could be incorporated for spatial distribution and pattern of rangeland vegetation. The additive property of roughness coefficients has been successfully demonstrated by Weltz et ah, (1992) and they represent the total roughness coefficient for rills on rangeland A -4+4+4+4 where fm = roughness coefficient for rills, f^ - roughness coefficient for grav< and cobbles, £ = roughness coefficient for litter and organic residue, and f^ SPAETH ETAL. 48 roughness coefficient for plants, Weltz et al. (1992) developed an equation for estimating the friction coefficient (T) for plants on rangeland areas: OJJ M =39.0C C + 125.91 B* where Cc and Bt are the fractions of canopy cover and basal plant cover, respectively. Gilley et aL, (1992a,b) also give a similar equation for rangeland interrill areas In the WEPP model, additional refinements to the Chezy friction coefficient, which incorporates estimates of roughness coefficients for rills and inlerrill areas, should be considered through additional resistance factors that are related to plant distribution patterns. Until more field data is available on plant distributions and hydrologic effects of specific plant species, some theoretical approach is needed to model hydrologic processes on rangelands. The current issues to be addressed are: (i) hydrologic differences of soil surface cover types; (ii) spatial patterns of shrubs and other plants that exhibit a tufted, caespitose, or pedestalled growth form; (iii) develop other resistance coefficients pertinent to rangeland settings for more accurate estimates of roughness for rills and interrills; and (iv) initiate an effort to model two dimensional overland flow where plant coppice dunes are recognized* Many of the current modeling efforts such as WEPP base erosion prediction OD a process-based approach that include the fundamentals of infiltration theory, hydrology, soil physics, plant science, hydraulics, and erosion mechanics. The WEPP project has been a major scientific effort and the knowledge gained from this multidisciplinary approach is technically noteworthy. We subscribe to the point of view, however, that with current technological limitations in experimentation, especially experimental designs and problems that are inherent in rangeland field studies, not to mention the economic limitations, qualitative variables may offer a means to increase precision of model variables. Since many model parameters are estimated by means of regression equations, qualitative variables in combination with quantitative variables (covariance models, see Neter et al, 1989) can improve predictability. If prediction is important, the prediction equation for parameter estimates may need to include an effect due to some category or classification of variables. Spatial patterns can be expressed in quantitative and qualitative terms; however, the indexes of dispersion that are currently available are unitless. Indexes of dispersion are in essence, defined by the mathematics of the equation and ultimately, are measures of qualitative categorization such as random, clumped, or uniform. Terrestrial plant communities are in a constant state of flux, whether disturbed or undisturbed. Spatial patterns and hydrologic processes are cyclical in time. Pattern and distribution of plants may be self-induced (autogenic) or environmentally determined (allogenic). A pattern that is allogenic over more than a hundred years may be autogenic more than a thousand (Hill, 1973b). Therefore, due to the ecological complexity of rangeland ecosystems with respect to pattern SPATIAL PATTERN ANALYSIS OF SAGEBRUSH VEGETATION 49 and distribution, hydrologic models could be enhanced by at least considering large scale trends, affinities, or disposition of shrub species distribution patterns. REFERENCES Aarssen, LW., and R. Turlcington. I985a. 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Emmerich USDA-ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center Tucson, Arizona ABSTRACT Rainfall simulation experiments conducted on large plots at various rangeland sites in southeastern Arizona were used to determine temporal variability in rangeland soil erosion. Measured soil credibility varied monthly, seasonally, and yearly and appeared to depend on vegetation and soil type. Short term (monthly or seasonally) variability was greater than year to year variability unless treatment effects were interacting. The RUSLE K factor, computed within the RUSLE model from an algorithm based on frost-free peri* od and annual ^-values, cycles differently than the rainfall simulator measured credibility; RUSLE estimates of K were the highest when measured credibilities were the lowest Time related changes in erosion rates associated with rangeland treatment need to be evaluated during a multiyear period using multiplot studies- Temporal variability in the soil erosion process is both a rangeland and cropland phenomena. The most dramatic variability is observed on cropland areas where mechanical disturbance, growing and harvesting crops, and fallow conditions cause almost instantaneous changes in soil credibility. Temporal variability of natural components within a rangeland site seem static year to year, day to day, and even hour to hour. The seasonal change is perceived to be the greatest because of variations in vegetation canopy and ground surface cover; however, the near soil surface and surface factors affecting soil erosion processes are changing continuously. For example, daily soil temperature fluctuations affect the soil moisture content and flux, which in turn influence soil infiltration capacity, biotic activity, and soil structural properties (Jaynes, 1990), Temporal van* ability can be compared with spatial variability in that soil properties, biotic activity, and surface cover characteristics in a heterogeneous rangeland landscape can change in very short distances and very short time frames. Temporal varying factors affecting the rangeland erosion process include: (0 soil properties of infiltration capacity, porosity, bulk density, organic content, moisture, structure, and ousting; (ii) vegetation canopy cover and growth stage and surface cover, and (iii) surface microtopography. Many of the soil properties are affected temporally by frost action, wetting and drying, and rainfall compaction (Schumm & Lusby, 1963; GifFoid, 1979; Simanton & Renari 1982; Blackburn et al.. 1990). Copyriht O 1994 Soil Science Societ of Amend, 677 £ Scgoc R<1, Madison, WI 53711, USA. Processes, SSSA Special Publication 38. 51 SIMANTON & EMMERICH 52 Temporal variability in rangeland soil erosion may not be as dramatic as for cropland areas, but is critical because of the limited topsail resource associated with rangeland ecosystems- This temporal variability is recognized in current soil erosion prediction models. If prediction of soil erosion variability can be achieved, then rangeland soil loss can be quantitatively assessed. This chapter reports temporal variability in rangeland soil erosion found during rainfall simulator studies conducted during the past 10 yr in southeastern Arizona. MATERIALS AND METHODS Rangeland experiments to quantify temporal variability in soil erosion have relied heavily on rainfall simulation techniques (Gifford, 1979; Devaurs & Gifford, 1984; Simanton & Renard, 1986;Lane et aL, 1987; Johnson & Gordon, 1988; Seyfried, 1991; Wilcox et al, 1992). Rainfall simulators have been used extensively for evaluating the hydrologic and erosional responses of the natural environment (Neff, 1979). The advantages of rainfall simulation, especially on arid and semiarid rangelands, are that there is maximum control over where, when, and how data are collected and there is no need to wait for natural storms, which are usually very sporadic. Runoff and erosion responses can be compared both temporally and spatially because similar rainfall sequences, intensities, and amounts can be applied and antecedent conditions controlled. Rangeland USLE Study (1981*1984) The Southwest Watershed Research Center, of the USDA-ARS, began rangeland erosion plot studies in 1981 to develop rangeland soil loss factors for the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) (Wischmeier & Smith, 1978). The plots were located in southeastern Arizona on the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed -90 km southeast of Tucson (Fig. 5-1). Average annual precipitation on the watershed is 320 mm and is bimodally distributed with 60 to 70% occurring during the summer thunderstorm season of July to mid-September (Osborn et alM 1979). In the winter, snowfall occurs periodically, but rarely remains on the * ' WVJlL - OULJH Fig, 5-1- Location of the Walnut Gulch, Santa Rita, and Empire Ranch study sites in TEMPORAL VARIABILITY IN RANGELAND EROSION PROCESSES 53 ground for >2 d; soils may freeze to shallow depths (<20 mm) overnight, but thaw during the day. Soils are generally well drained, calcareous, gravelly loams with large percentages (>50%) of rock and gravel on the soil surface and up to 60%, by volume, gravel and cobbles in the surface 100 mm (Gelderman, 1970). Three sites were selected that had different soil and vegetation complexes. The soil series and descriptive classification were: Bernardino (fine, mixed, thermic Ustollic Haplargid), Cave (loamy, mixed, thermic, shallow Typic Paleorthid), and Hathaway (loamy-skeletal, mixed, thermic Aridic Calciustoll). Table 5-1 lists general soil properties of the surface 5 cm of these three soil series. Vegetation on the Bernardino soil series site was grass dominated; blue grama [Bouietoua gracilis (H.B,K.) Lag], bkieoals grama [B. curtipcuJula (Michx) Tort-], Shrubs dominated the Cave soil series site and consisted of creosotebush [Larrea tridentata (DC,) Coville], white-thorn (Acacia constricta Benth.), tarbush (Flourensia cernua DC.), and burroweed [Aplopappus tenuisectus (Green) Blake], The Hathaway soil series site contained grasses; blue grama, sideoats grama, and bush muhly (Muhlenbergia Porteri Scribn.), and shnibs; snakeweed [Gutierrezia Sarothrae (Pursh) Britt. & Rusby], creosotebush, white-thorn and burroweed. Canopy cover averaged 65, 30, and 50% for the Bernardino, Cave, and Hathaway soil series sites respectively. Procedures used in these studies are described by Simanton and Renard (1986) and included the use of a rotating boom rainfall simulator (Swanson, 1965) that applied rainfall intensities of 65 or 130 mm h~'- Rainfall simulations were made in the spring and fall on plots 10.7 m long by 3.05 m wide, with three treatments under three soil moisture conditions [dry (existing soil moisture condition), wet (field capacity), and very wet (saturated)]. The treatments were: natural cover (control); clipped (vegetation clipped to a 20 mm height and clippings removed); bare (vegetation clipped at the soil surface and all clipping, surface litter and rock fragments >5 ram removed). Each site was fenced to exclude grazing and plot treatments were made prior to each season's rainfall simulations. Detailed plot characterizations of vegetation composition, foliar canopy cover and ground surface cover were measured before and after treatment Surface cover characteristics included: soil, gravel (5-20 mm), rock (>20 mm), litter, and basal plant cover. Ten 3.05-m long line transects, perpendicular to the plot and equally spaced along the plot, were measured lo produce 490 point readings to describe each plot's surface and vegetation canopy cover. TaWc 5-1. General soil properties of the Bernardino, Cave, Haihaway. and White House soil series evaluated *ith the rainfall simulator. General Soil Properties . Series Sand Silt Clay Organic matter 84 66 10 26 08 1.8 1-5 1.0 1.7 Cave ftabaway While House 74 17 68 22 6 8 9 10 Hathaway (Empire) 66 22 12 Bernardino 54 SIMANTON & EMMERICH Burn Study (1987-1991) Rainfall simulation studies to determine vegetation burning effects on runoff, erosion, and nutrient cycling were conducted on the Santa Rita Experimental Range and Empire Ranch-Cienega Resource Conservation Area in southeastern Arizona (Fig. 5-1). Average annual precipitation at these areas is 420 mm. Both areas have similar yearly precipitation and temperature characteristics as those found at the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed. Soils are generally well drained, calcareous, gravelly loams with up to 25% rock and gravel on the soil surface and -20% in the surface 100 mm. The soil series at the Santa Rita site was a White House (fine, mixed, thermic Ustollic Haplargid). The soil series at the Empire Ranch site was a Hathaway. Table 5-1 lists general soil properties of the surface 10 cm of these two soil series. Vegetation at the Santa Rita site was dominated by an introduced grass, Lehmann lovegrass (Eragrostis Lehmanniana Nees.)- Mean live and dead standing biomass was 4170 kg ha'1 and ground litter was 1650 kg ha"1. Native grasses dominated the Empire Ranch site and included black grama (B. eriopoda Torr), hairy grama (B. hirsuta Lag.), and sideoats grama. Mean live and dead standing biomass was 2310 kg ha~' and ground litter 1 was 420 kg ha" . The rainfall simulation procedures used are described in detail by Emmerich and Cox (1992) and were similar to Simanton and Renard (1986), except rainfall simulations were made only at initial soil moisture conditions. The simulations were conducted in the fall and spring seasons for 2 yr. Treatments at both sites included a natural (control) and a first-year burned treatment (all litter and vegetation burned just prior to the rainfall simulation). Amounts of live and dead standing biomass and ground litter were determined prior to burning and rainfall simulation; plot surface characterizations were not made. Erodibilit) Study (1991-1992) A temporal rangeland soil credibility study began in 1991 at the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed using rainfall simulation techniques described by Simanton et al. (1991). This study was conducted on the Bernardino soil adjacent to the 1981-1984 USLE Bernardino soil site. Monthly evaluations of erosion rates were made on two treatments at the three soil moisture conditions described for the 1981-1984 study- The treatments included a natural (control) and a clipped (vegetation clipped to a 20 mm height and clippings removed) treatmenL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results from all these studies in southeastern Arizona showed that there was monthly, seasonally, and yearly temporal variability in rangeland soil erosionMonthly Erodibility The 1991-1992 credibility study showed that the clipped plot erosion rate, per millimeter of runoff, cycled through the year by a factor of three between the TEMPORAL VARIABILITY IN RANG ELAND EROSION PROCESSES — 96 RAT cc >; * i MONTH OF MEASUREMENT Erosion rates per millimeter of runoff for the clipped plots at dry and wet soil moisture con on the 1991 to 1992 and the April and November 1981 Bernardino soil series stf highest and lowest erosion rates (Fig. 5-2). This same cycle was found for all three soil moisture conditions with erosion rates increasing with increasing soil moisture. The dry and wet soil moisture erosion rates of the 1991-1992 April and November simulations were very near those of the April and November 1981 dry and wet soil moisture erosion rates. The agreement between the 1991-1992 and 1981 erosion rates implies that the monthly cycle is repeatable and that the within year erosion rates are greater than between years. The monthly erosion rate on the control plots was slightly less than the clipped plot erosion rate, but followed a similar cycle. The large decrease in erosion rate from November to January was attributed to the first freeze-lhaw sequence that usually occurs in December The freeze-thaw would loosen the soil surface that had been compacted and sealed during the high intensity summer thunderstorms and the wetting and drying cycles that start in July. July also marked the change from a relative constant erosion rate to an increasing rate during the summer rainstorm period Seasonal Credibility Four years of spring and fall rainfall simulations were made on the 198U1984 USLE Walnut Gulch study site plots and 2 yr on the bum study plots at the Santa Rita and Empire Ranch sites. Seasonal runoff and erosion differences were found at all sites. The magnitude of these differences appears to be both treatment and soil type dependent- Greater runoff and erosion occurred from the fall simulations on the nonvegetaied (clipped, bare, and burned) plots compared SIMANTON & EMMERICH 40 ' E i D 30 20- * BERNARDINO or • HATHAWAY < 10 »CAVE o SANTA RITA * EMPIRE RANCH 10 20 X 40 SPRING RUNOFF, mm 4000 E o ^ 3000 - O O * BERNARDINO 2000 LU * HATHAWAY E O ft CAVE (A o SANTA RITA * EMPIRE RANCH 111 1000 1000 2000 3000 4000 SPRING SEDIMENT CONC., mg-1• L Fig. 5-3. Relation between spring and fall runoff vohmes tod average sediment concentrations on (bare, clipped, and burned) plots for all study sites. with the vegetated control plots (Fig. 5-3). Except for the 1981-1984 Bernardino site, the vegetated (control) plots had more runoff in the fall than the spring (Fig. 5-4). Vegetated plots at all sites had lower sediment concentrations in the fall than the spring (Fig. 5-4). Similar seasonal runoff differences have been reported for other rangeland sites (Schumm & Lusby, 1963; Achouri & Gifford, 1984; Simanton et ah, 1986; Blackburn et al., 1990). Inadequate data prevent specific explanations for these seasonal differences at the Arizona sites; however, the differences could be related to soil surface aggregate destruction and compaction caused by raindrop impact, wetting and drying cycles with crust formation, and vegetation growth cydes, Sediment yields from the vegetated plots at the Walnut Gulch sites were lower in the fall than spring whereas the nonvegetaled plots had higher yields in the fall ; TEMPORAL VARIABILITY IN RANG ELAND EROSION PROCESSES 40 * BERNARDINO • HATHAWAY 30 - E *CAVE o SANTA RITA x EMPIRE RANCH 20 • 10 - u. 10 20 30 40 SPRING RUNOFF, mm 4000 ERNARC'INO O) E -A HAVM O 3000 « CAVE * o SANTA RJTA o EMPIRE RANCH 2000 UJ 1000 2 , 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 SPRING SEDIMENT CONG., rag'1 L Relation between spring and fall runoff volumes and average sediment concentrations on (control) plots for all study sites. than spring (Fig- 5-5). At the Santa Rita site there was no difference between the spring and fall sediment yields, but the Empire Ranch site had significantly more sediment yield in the fall than spring (Table 5-2). The vegetated and bum plot data from the Santa Rita and Empire Ranch sites were pooled for seasonal evaluation as there was no difference between treatments evaluated immediately after the burn. Yearly Erodibility Nonlinear least squares fits of measured erosion rate per unit erosion index vs. time data for the control and clipped plots from the Walnut Gulch 1981-1984 study are shown in Fig- 5-6. El, the product of rainfall energy and maximum 30 min. intensity and a measure of rainfall erosrvity (Wischmeier & Smith, 1978), - 58 SIMANTON & EMMERICH 2000 (a) 01 1500 A 1000 - • BERNARDINO D HATHAWAY LU » CAVE 500 - 500 1000 1500 2000 SPRING SEDIMENT, kg ha'1 2000 1500 U 1000 UJ 500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 SPRING SEDIMENT, kg ha ' Fig. 5-5. Relation between spring and fall sediment yields for the vegetated (a) and (b) plots for the 1961 to 1984 Walnut Gulch study sites. Table 5-2, Mean sediment yield per rainfall simulator event from pooled control and burn treatment data for the Santa Rita and Empire Ranch study sites. Season Site Fail kg ha Santa Rita Empire 26a'(30) 222a(l69) 32a(46) (97) 'Within rows, data followed b> different letter* are significantly different (P < G.G5). Values in arc standard deviat TEMPORAL VARIABILITY IN RANG ELAND EROSION PROCESSES 2 '° I 59 BERNARDINO HATHAWAY CAVE 1.5 UJ ..--- 1.0 I / CUPPED ..- 2 z o w o 5 0.5 CONTROL 81 62 83 84 85 YEAR Fig, 5-6. Nonlinear least squares fit of measured erosion rale vs, time for the control and clipped plots from the 1961 to 1964 Walnut Gulch study (Simanton A Rcnard 1992). used to normalize the rainfall energy inputs to the different treatments. Each soil had a different shaped erosion rale vs. tune curve. Erosion rates of the control plots decreased for the Bernardino and Hathaway soils and increased for the Cave soil (Fig. 5-6)- The different shapes of the erosion rale curves probably reflected vegetation differences- The Bernardino control plots were dominated by perennial grasses, the Cave control plots were shrub and forb dominated, and the Hathaway control plots had both grass and shrub canopy cover The decrease in erosion rate on the Bernardino and Hathaway soils was probably due to increases in soil porosity and organic matter associated with increases in plant basal and canopy cover that occurred because of release from grazing and addition of spring and fall moisture from the rainfall simulations. The initial increase in erosion rate on the Cave soil could be the result of additional rainfall energy added during the rainfall simulations on the shrub dominated site. This would force the relatively unstable mounds found under the shrubs to reach a new equilibrium with the additional energy inputs of the rainfall simulation. 60 SIMANTON & EMMERICH The clipped plots response to the loss of vegetation canopy produced three different trends in erosion rate (Fig- 5-6). The Cave soil (shrub vegetation) erosion rate increased with time after the initial clipping and then leveled out in ~2 yr This type of response indicated a new equilibrium was being established with the rainfall energy inputs the same way the control plots responded, only to a greater extent due to the vegetation canopy removal. The Hathaway soil (grass and shrub vegetation) erosion rate continued to increase throughout the four year study whereas the Bernardino (grass vegetation) erosion rate curve decreased with time over the four year period. The decrease in erosion rate of both the control and clipped plots at the Bernardino site could be reflected in a soil response to grazing release. Prior to exclusion from grazing at the beginning of the study, the Bernardino site was the most heavily grazed of the three Walnut Gulch sites. The bare soil plots produced the greatest erosion rate changes with time of all the treatments (Fig, 5-7). The rates for the Bernardino and Cave soils increased with time for -2 yr before reaching a new equilibrium with the energy input- As with the clipped plots, the Hathaway bare soil treatment erosion rale was still increasing after 4 yr The erosion rate increase for the bare soil treatment BARE PLOTS LU BERNARDINO HATHAWAY CAVE o 55 O o: LU CUPPED PLOTS YEAR Fig, 5-7, Nonlinear least squires fit of measured erotkxt rate vs. time for the bare and clipped plots from ihe 1981 to 1984 Walnut Guich study (Simancon & Rcnard, 1992). TEMPORAL VARIABILITY IN RANGELAND EROSION PROCESSES 61 Table 5-3. Mean surface runoff and sediment yield for the control and burned plots after treatment and 1 yr later on pooled data for the Santa Rita and Empire Ranch study sites. Treatment Surface runoff Sediment yield mm — k g hi"' — After burn Control Burn 5.8 (7 S? 7.0 (10) 76 (98) 106(145) 1 yr later Control Bum 4.4 (6.7) 19031 67 (97) 454(388) 'Values in parenthesis are standard deviations closely emulated runoff changes that may be attributed to the decrease in root and residue material in the soil, which in turn decreased the soil macropore • structure (Dixon & Simanton, 1979), Other reasons for the erosion rate increase could be the formation of better defined concentrated flow paths that would be more efficient in sediment transport and a decrease in surface roughness associated with vegetation and rock fragment removal. Most likely, the increase in runoff and erosion rates is a combination of these factors rather than the result of any single factor. The bare soil plots on the Bernardino soil had an erosion rate -90 times greater than the control at the end of 4 yr For the other two soils, the bare soil plots had erosion rates that were *-30 times greater than the control If the vegetative canopy cover was a dominate factor controlling erosion rates, a dramatic increase should have been found immediately in the clipped plot results. The clipped plot's erosion rate did change with time, but not as drastically as the bare plot (Fig. 5-6 and 5-7). This suggests a small influence on erosion rale of vegetative canopy cover removal and a more dominate effect of soil surface cover controlling (i.e., rock fragment cover) erosion rates. Similar results have been reported by Simanton et al. (1991) for nine other rangeland sites throughout the western USA- The clipped plot response also suggests that the loss of soil surface cover from the bare plots and increase in concentrated flow paths were probably dominating the bare plot responseThere were no significant differences in runoff or sediment yield between the control and burned treatments after the bum treatments were imposed at the Santa Rita and Empire Ranch sites (Emmerich & Cox, 1992) (Table 5-3). One year after the burn there was over four times the runoff from the burned plots compared with the control and more than six times the sediment yield These results agree with the Walnut Gulch data in that increases in erosion will occur with time ooce the soil surface protection is removed. The Santa Rita and Empire Ranch sites did not have rock cover to protect the soil surface and within a year increases in erosion rates were observed. The Walnut Gulch clipped plots had soil surface rock fragment cover to protect the soil surface and prevent an erosion rate increase with time. 62 SIMANTON & EMMERICH 40 HATHAWAY SOIL 30 4V: 1981-1984 STUDY Of O 20 0 cr 10 -f : ^-^_ CONTROL .... CLIPPED Fig, 5-8. Change in percentage litter cover of the control and clipped plots from the Hathaway site of rhe 1981 to 1984 Walnut Gulch study Plot Characteristics Of the yearly changes in measured plot surface characteristics, the change in litter cover was most surprising- As would be expected, the clipped plot litter cover decreased with time as the canopy cover was continually being clipped. However, the litter cover of the control plots from all three 1981 to 1984 Walnut Gulch sites also decreased with time, though at a slower rate (Fig. 5-8). Only results from the Hathaway site are shown, but the results from the other sites followed a similar trend. Associated with this litter cover decrease was a corresponding increase in plot surface bare soil* Litter being removed by the runoff was riot evaluated, but this mechanism for litter disappearance is possible- The reason for the corresponding increase in bare soil, however, is not clear. These two changes in plot surface characteristics could both be explained by increases in termite activity. In the Chihuahuan desert, under conditions of high relative humidity, termites have been shown to remove a large fraction of surface plant material, while moving large amounts of mineral soil to the surface (Whitford et ah, 1982; El kins et af., 1986). The spring and fall rainfall simulations were made during naturally dry periods, thus extending the period of termite activity. The disappearance of litter, forage for termites; and an increase in surface soil, a byproduct of termite foraging; may be evidence enough to explain the decrease in litter cover and corresponding increase in surface soil. TEMPORAL VARIABILITY IN RANGELAND EROSION PROCESSES 6J ~ T RL -TO X 0.40 -J cn 20 EROSION RAT I JAN I MAR I I MAY I I JUL MONTH Fig. 5-9. Monthly measured erosion rale per millimeter of precipitation Tor the wet soil moisture condition on the clipped plots of the 1991 to 1992 Bernardino study and the RUSLE estimated monthly K. RUSLE Soil Erodibility Factor K The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) (Renard et al, 1991) is the soil loss prediction equation developed (o replace the L'SLE. The equation is: X = f i x / : x L S x C x P where, A R K LS C P 1 = average annual soil loss (t ha' ), = average annual erosivity (MJ x mm/ha x h x y). = soil erodibility (t x ha x tiha x MJ x mm). = topographic effect, = cover-management, and = conservation practice. The soil erodibility factor (K) of the RUSLE is varied throughout the year and the variance is described by an algorithm dependent on length of frost-free period and average annual R. Monthly measured erosion rates, kilogram per hectare per millimeter precipitation, for the Bernardino soil at field capacity (wet soil moisture), from the 1991 to 1992 Bernardino credibility study are plotted with the RUSLE estimated K factor for that soil (Fig. 5-9), The measured erosion rates are lowest between May and July when RUSLE estimates the K factor to be at its highest. Also, RUSLE estimated K to be lowest in November when the highest measured erosion rate occurred This period of highest soil erodibility, however, coincides with the period of lowest rainfall erosivity. This discrepancy in the cycle of soil 64 SIMANTON & EMMERICH credibility extremes may be due to the lack of freeze-thaw intensity in the Bernardino soil as compared with the soils from which the RUSLE K algorithm was developed- The RUSLE K algorithm was developed on cropland soils from the east and midwestern USA. The Bernardino soil was not in the standard plot (continuous fallow, up-down slope cultivation) condition (Wischmeier & Smith, 1978) as required for a K factor determination, therefore, the plot erosion rate and the K factor cannot be compared directly, but yearly trends in the cycle should be in agreement. CONCLUSIONS Soil credibility, measured by rainfall simulation experiments conducted at various rangeland sites in southeastern Arizona, varied monthly, seasonally, and yearly and appears to depend on vegetation and soil type. Short-term (monthly or seasonally) variability is greater than year-to-year variability unless treatment effects are interacting. The RUSLE K factor cycles differently than measured credibility and estimates the highest credibilities when, in fact, they have been measured to be at their lowest. Time related changes in erosion rates associated with rangeland treatment need to be evaluated during a multiyear period using multiple! studies. Biotic, both flora and fauna, influences can play a major role in the temporal variability of the rangeland soil erosion process. REFERENCES M.. and G.F Giffard. 1984. Spatial and seasonal variability of field measured infihrauon on a ""p4**"1 site in Utah, J. Range Manage. 37:451-455. Blackburn, \v H,. RB. Pierson, and M.S. Seyfried 1990, Spatial and temporal influence of soil frost on infiltration and erosion of sagebrush rangelands- Water Res Bull. 26:991-997. Devaura, M-, and G.F Gifford. 1984, \feriabtlity of infiltration within large runoff plots on rangelands, J. Range Manage. 37:523-528. Dixon, R.M., and J.R. Siman loo. 1979. Water infiltration processes and air-earth interface concept, PL 314-330 In HJ. Morei-Stytoux et aJ. (ed_) Surface and subsurface hydrology. Water Res. Publ,, Ljnletoo, CO. Elkins, NX, G.V Sabol, TJ. Ward, and WG. Whitford 1986. The influence of subterranean termites on the hydroiogjcaj characteristics of a Chihuahuan desert ecosystem. Oecotogia 68:521-528. Emmerich, W.E., and J.R. Cox. 1992- HydroJogic characteristics immediately after seasonal burning on introduced and native grasslands. J. Range Manage. 45:476-479. Geiderman. F W, 1970. Soil survey. Walnut Gulch experimental watershed, Arizona Special Report, USDA-SCS. Gifford, G.F 1979, Infiltration dynamics under various rvngeland treatments on uniform sandy-loam sous in southeastern Utah. j. Hydrol. (Amsterdam) 42:179-185. D.B. 1990. Temperature variations effect on field measured infiltration- Soil Sci. S«- Am, J. Johnson, C.\V. and N.D. Gordon. 1988. Runoff and erosion from rainfall simulator plots on sagebra* rangeland. Trans. ASAE 31:421-427. Lane. LJ-. J.R- Simairton, TE. Hafconon, and E_M Romney, 1967. Lirgc-plot infiltration studies in desert and scmuhd nngriand areas of the Southwestern U-SJL p. 365-367, lit Ent Cocif. oo infiltration development and application, Matioa, HI. Jan. 1987, Univ. of Hawaii. Mam. Neff, E-L 1979, Why rainfall simulation? p. 3-7. /« E.L Neff (cd) Proc. Rainfail simulator worksbop, Tucson, AZ- 7-9 Mac 1979. USDA-Sci. and Educ. Admin.. Agric Rev. and ManualsW^IO. Agnc. Res-So and Educ. AdmtiL, Oakland, CA. Osborn, H B,, K-G- Renanf. and J.R. Simantoa 1979. Dense networks to measure ccnvecthr rainfall in the sooth*esicra United Stales, Water Resour. Res- 15:1701-1711. TEMPORAL VARIABILITY IN RANGELAND EROSION PROCESSES 65 Renard, (CO., G.R. Foster, G,A Wcesics. and J.P Porter 1W1 RUSLE Revised Universal SoiJ Loss Equation. J. Soil Water Conserv. 46:30-33, Schumm, S.A.. and C.C. Lusby 1963. 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Proc. of the rainfall simulator workshop, Tucson. AZ. 14-15 Jan. I9K5. Soc for Range Manage. Denver. CO. Simamoru JR.. and K.C. Renard 19Q2. Upland erosion research on raigclaad p. 335-37S. In AJ. Parsons and A.D. Abrahams (ed.) Hydraulics and erosion mrchaiici of Overland Flow, Univ. College London. GuiJdford, England Simanton, J.R., Vf.A. Weltz_and H D. Larsen. 1W1. Rangeland experiments to parameterize Ihe water erosion prediction project model: Vegetation canopy cover effects. J. Range Manage. 44:276-282SVMOO, N.P. 1965. Rotaiing-boom rainfall simulator. Trans. ASAE 8:71-72. W'bitfori W.G , Y. Slernberger, and G Eltershank 1982. Contributions of subterranean termites to the ^economy" of Qiihuahuan Desert Ecosystems. Oecologia 53:298-302. Wilcox, B.P., M. Sbaa, W.H. Blackburn, and J.H Milligan, 1992. Runoff prediction from sagebrush using erosion prediction project | WEPP) technology, J- Range Manage, 45:470-474. r, W.H., and D.D. Smith. 1978, Predicting rainfall erosion losses—a guide 10 cooservaiioB planning, USDA Agnc. Haadb. 537, U.S. Gov Print Office. Washington, DC Influence of Frozen Soil on Rangeland Erosion M. S. Seyfried and G. N. Flerchinger USDA-ARS, Northwest Watershed Research Center Boise, Idaho ABSTRACT Surface runoff and erosion from frozen soils are widespread phenomena thai have been reported in most regions of the world that have significant soil freezing. In some regions, such as the interior Pacific Northwest, frozen soil is associated with the majority of flooding and erosion events. The processes involved in frozen soil erosion are somewhat different from those in normal, unfrozen soil erosion. When the soil solution freezes, some portion of the total water content remains as liquid water. This is critical because the amount of ice formed largely determines the impact of soil freezing on the soil properties that affect erosion. Soil with high ice content may be essentially impermeable so that when the soil surface thaws it becomes highly credible. These conditions can generate runoff and erosion with little or no rainfall (e.g., if there is snowmeU), Accurate estimation of runoff and erosion from frozen soils requires knowledge of soil freezing occur* rence and depth, the effect of freezing on infiltrability and surface runoff, and the effect of freezing on soil credibility. Current models can accurately predict frost occurrence and depth but not infiltrability or credibility. Field observations of frozen soil runoff have shown extreme spatial and temporal variability over a range of scales- Accurate description of the effects of soil freezing on surface runoff and erosion on rangelands will ultimately require that models incorporate landscape scale processes. The action of soil water freezing can greatly increase the potential for soil erosion. Historically, the primary emphasis of erosion research has been on summertime, unfrozen processes. The importance of frozen soil erosion and its coosequences have now been accepted. Wischmeier and Smith (1978), for example, estimated that 90% of the erosion on the steeply rolling wheatlands of the Pacific Northwest was related to frozen soil. They further noted that the Universal Soil Loss Equation (L'SLE) did not account for this kind of erosion. Frozen soil erosion can potentially occur wherever there is significant seasonal frost. The U.S. Soil Conservation Service depiction of land resource units affected by significant freeze-thaw action indicate that a substantial portion of the contiguous USA, much of it rangeland, is susceptible to frozen soil erosion (Fig. 6-1). Adjacent portions of Canada and similar regions in Europe and Asia are also affected. In addition to the Pacific Northwest, erosion due to frozen soil has been noted across southern Canada (Hayhoe et al.t 1992) and in the northCopynghl O I9W Soil Soence Sockty of America, 677 S. Segoe Rd, Madison, WI 53711, USA. Vfnabifay of Rangthmd Waier Erosion Processes, SSSA Special Publication 38. 68 SEYFRIED AND FLERCHINGER Soil Freezc-Thaw Boundary Fig. 6-1. Ponion of continental USA affected by significant soil freezing. eastern (Storey, 1955), midwestern (Garstka, 1945), and plains regions (Spomer & Hjelmfelt, 1983) of the USA. Soil freezing profoundly affects the potential for erosion by altering both soil bydrologic and hydraulic properties- These properties are unique to frozen soil and are often not associated with normal unfrozen soil erosion. For this reason, the first part of this chapter will be devoted to a brief description of bow soil freezing affects soil properties critical to the generation of surface runoff and the resultant erosion. We will then describe the current status of research quantifying the important processes involved. In some cases, recently obtained, previously unpublished work will be presented as examples of the state of research. Finally, we will use measured data to illustrate how these processes operate on rangelands. SOIL FREEZING EFFECTS Liquid Water Content Soil is considered to be frozen when the soil solution is frozen. In general, this begins to occur between -0.1 and -0-3°C but may occur at temperatures as low as -2 or -3°C (Tsytovich, 1975)- This reduction in the freezing point below 0°C is known as the freezing point depression and is attributed to physical interactions and solute effects (Miller, 1980). As the temperature drops below the freezing point depression, increasing amounts of soil water freeze. Most of the soil water freezes between 0 and -5°C (Tice et al., 1976), but some unfrozen (liquid) water may be found at temperatures as low as ^M)°C (Anderson & Tice, 1972). Thus, whenever the soil is frozen the total soil-water content is composed of both liquid (unfrozen) and solid (frozen) water. The liquid water in frozen soil contains all the unprecipitated soil solution solutes and is located next to the soil particlr INFLUENCE OF FROZEN SOIL ON RA.NGELAND EROSION 0.30 ~ 0.25 .§ 0.20 | o 0.15 O 0.10 " 0.05 0.00 Grov Unfrozen Frozen Fig. 6-2- Frozen and unfrozen liquid water content of a sand at -5°C as a function of total water content. GRAY refers to grav imetrically determined soil-water content. Both the frozen and unfrozen liquid water contents were measured with lime domain reflectometry (TDR). The following expression for the soil matric and osmotic potentials has been derived from the Clausius-Ciapeyron equation given the assumption that the ice pressure is zero: 0^(7-273X7=*. where o| is the density of liquid water (Kg/m3), L, is the latent heat of fusion (J/kg), T is the temperature (K), *m is the soil matric potential (Pa), and <X>o is the soil solution osmotic potential (Pa)- Equation [1] can be combined with equations relating matric potential to soil-water content to estimate the liquid water content (6J across a range of temperature. For example, we used the van Genuchten equation (van Genuchten, 1980) and measured soil solution concentration to obtain an expression for 0L. It predicts that 6L is dependent on soil properties and temperature, but not on the total water content. The approach was tested in sand using time domain reflectometry (TDR) to measure 6L_ The unfrozen 6 values are the total water content, the frozen are the measured liquid water contents (Fig. 6-2). These results agree fairly well with calculated value of 3.5% (TDR accuracy is ±2%). Work is continuing to determine if the apparent increase in 6L with total water content is due to deviations from the theory or experimental artifact Frozen Soil Properties One of the most obvious properties of frozen soils is hardness. A high ice content soil can have a hardness similar to concrete. Hardness has, in fact, been used to detect the presence or absence of frozen soils. The primary determinate of hardness is the ice quantity; however, qualitative effects determined by the freezing conditions and soil properties can also affect the structure and thus 76 SEVFRIED AND FLERCHINGER strength of frozen soil. At least three different structures of soil ice have been observed (Haupt, 1967): concrete, porous concrete, and stalactite. Concrete frost is the hardest and is associated with high ice contents. Conversion of soil water to ice has important impacts on the soil thermal regime. This is clearly an important consideration because the soil ice content is ilependent on temperature. The thermal conductivity of ice is about four times greater than that of water, while the heat capacity of soil water is about double that of ice. This means that heat can be transmitted much more rapidly through frozen than unfrozen soil with the same total water content. Heat transmission can be greatly moderated by the energy released upon freezing of water, or the heat of fusion, which buffers soil temperatures near the freezing point. The affects of freezing are, in some ways, analogous to those of drying. Liquid soil-water interacts with ice in much the same way that it interacts with mineral soil. Water is bound more strongly to mineral and ice surfaces as the water (liquid) content decreases. Thus freezing results in large matric potential decreases. Koopmans and Miller (1966) demonstrated this quantitatively for some soils by accounting for the ratio of the surface tension at the air-water interface to that at the ice-water interface in mineral soil. Soil freezing from the surface downward can therefore result in large upward matric potential gradients. There are numerous observations of substantial upward redistribution of soil water towards the freezing front by this mechanism (Willis et aK, 1964; Kane & Stein, 1983; Granger & Gray, 1990; Pikul & Zuzel, 1990). When heat consumption from the surface is balanced by heat release from the freezing of water transported upward to the frozen zone, the downward progress of the freezing front can be halted and ice lenses formed that cause heaving (Miller, 1980). As with soil drying, soil freezing results in a dramatic reduction in hydraulic conductivity. Ice blocks soil pores, effectively reducing the cross sectional area available for water transport. Measurement of frozen soil hydraulic conductivity is experimentally challenging and no technique is universally accepted, but one result seems clear: the saturated hydraulic conductivity drops dramatically as soon as ice is present (Black & Miller, 1990). Williams and Burl (1974) measured a drop in saturated hydraulic conductivity of five orders of magnitude from -10"* 1 M 1 m s^ near 0°C to -IQ~ m s' at -0.4°C This means that infiltration into frozen soil is largely through the air-filled porosity. In order to estimate this quantity, 9L and the expansion of water upon freezing (9%) must be taken into account QUANTIFICATION OF FROZEN SOIL RUNOFF AND EROSION Adequate deterministic description of runoff and erosion from frozen soils requires the following information: (i) occurrence and depth of frozen soil, (ii) the effect of frozen soil on infiltration and surface runoff, and (iii) the effect of soil freezing on soil erodibilitv Frozen Soil Occurrence and Depth The occurrence and depth of frozen soil are dependent on the interrelated processes of heat and water transfer at the soil surface and within the soil profile. INFLUENCE OF FROZEN SOIL ON RANGELAND EROSION 71 Therefore, factors controlling heat and water transfer will have a direct effect on soil freezing. The energy balance at the soil surface is defined as: o • L J where Ro is absorbed solar radiation, Lo is net long-wave radiation exchange, H is sensible heat transfer, X£ is latent heat vaporization at the surface, and G is heat transferred to the soil all in units of W or2- Heat and water transfer at the soil surface are governed by the meteorological and environmental conditions at the soil-atmosphere interface- Meteorological variables governing heat and water exchange at the surface include solar radiation, wind speed, precipitation, humidity, and, most importantly, air temperature. Environmental conditions affect occurrence and depth of frozen soil by altering one or more of the modes of heat transfer at the surface. Snow, organic residue, and vegetative cover insulate the soil surface, alter surface albedo and change long-wave exchange characteristics. Thorud and Duncan (1972) found the average depth of frozen soil was 38 cm deeper in plots without snow than in plots with 13 cm of snow cover. During the same period, plots without litter froze 20 cm deeper than litter-covered plots. Pikul et al. (1986) found that standing stubble reduced frost penetration an average of 35% compared with tilled or baresurface plots. Other important environmental conditions that alter the solar radiation incident on the soil surface include the slope and aspect Critical soil properties governing soil freezing include soil-water content and bulk density. Although soil hydraulic properties do not drastically affect frost depth, their affect on moisture migration to the freezing front, and therefore ice content and infiltration into the frozen matrix, can be significant (Flerchinger, 1991). High soil-water content prior to freezing can result in slower, shallower, frost penetration due to increased latent heat of fusion, but may also lead to impermeable-frozen soil due to higher ice contents (Willis et al., 1961). With sufficient information of heat and water transfer within the soil, depth of soil freezing and thawing can be predicted quite accurately. Some models that have been developed for predicting soil freezing include those of Benoit and Mostaghimi (1985), Grant (1992), Lundin (1990), and Flerchinger and Saxton (1989). The Simultaneous Heat and Water transfer (SHAW) model, developed by Flerchinger and Saxton (1989) was recently used to study the effects of snow and plant residue on the depth of soil freezing. Required model inputs include hourly or daily weather data, slope, aspect soil solution concentration, soil physical properties, vegetation, snow, and residue cover The study sites included mountainous rangeland sites with extreme differences in snow cover (Fig. 6-3X and agricultural plots in interior Alaska with different tillage and residue cover (Fig. 6-4), The Quonset and Reynolds Mountain rangeland sites (Fig. 6h-3) are on the Reynolds Creek Watershed, which will be described in more detail later The Quonset site elevation is 1190 m and has a much wanner, drier climate than the Reynolds Mountain site located a few miles away at 2020 m. The frozen soil depth was much deeper but less persistent at the Quonset due largely to the lack of insulation from snow. Simulated and measured snow and frozen soil depth are in good agreement for both rangeland sites even though the temperature and snow SEYFRIED AND FLERCHINGER 72 measured mow depth frost simulated frost ft snow depths 250 280 310 340 5 35 65 95 125 155 Day of Year Fig. 6-3. Simulated and measured depth of soil freezing and snow accumulation for (A) the Quonset site, (B) the Reynolds Mountain site (Flerchinger et al., 1990). winter at 10 10 ~ 20 30 o * 40 c 50 60 70 80 90 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 Day of Tear Fig. 6-4. Simulated and measured depth of soil freezing and snow accumulation under different tillage and residue regimes in Alaska (Flerctunger et al., 1990). INFLUENCE OF FROZEN SOIL ON RANGELAND EROSION 73 regimes were quite different {Fig. 6-3)- The effect of plant residue is shown in Fig. 6-4, where simulated and measured frost depths are plotted for disked and no-till plots having 8500 and 2000 kg ha"1 of residue cover, respectively. Again the agreement between the measured and simulated values is quite good. These data show that, given sufficient information, soil freezing can be simulated well under a wide range of conditions. Frozen Soil Infiltration and Runoff Unfortunately, simply predicting frozen soil occurrence and depth is not sufficient to accurately predict the susceptibility of frozen soil to surface runoff and erosion. Soil freezing may result in either a slight increase or a decrease in infiltrability (Haupl, 1967; Blackburn & Wood, 1990). We have measured infiltration rates of zero in frozen soil. Several factors have been linked to infiltration rates in frozen soils including soil-water content, ice structure, soil structure, cover, and soil texture. Probably the most important is the total soil-water content (Stoeckeler & Weitzman, 1960; Kane, 1980; Granger & Gray, 1990). Factors such as texture and plant cover strongly influence the soil-water content. Soil ice structure is also largely determined by soil-water content. The most important manifestation of soil structure is via macropores, which can have a substantial impact on infiltration when they penetrate below the frozen zone (Harris, 1972; Pikuletal., 1992). Freezing affects infiltration by two basic mechanisms, an increased matric potential gradient as described above, and pore blockage by ice. These tend to work in opposite directions, hence the observation that freezing can result in either increased or decreased infiltration rates. In drier soils with relatively Httle ice, the increased matric potential gradient may actually increase infiltration rates. As the ice content increases, however, the amount pore blockage results in a large decrease in infiltration rate approaching zero. Measurements of infiltration into frozen soil have confirmed that higher water contents do lead to reduced infiltration rates (Kane, 1980). We have yet to develop a good quantitative description of water infiltration into frozen soil This is due partly to conceptual problems and partly to experimeDtal problems. Conceptual problems are related to the unknown effects of ice formation on the permeability of frozen soil. The experimental difficulties stem from the basic incompatibility of frozen soil and unfrozen surface water Addition of water to soils at temperatures below the freezing point depression results either in the freezing of incoming water the thawing of resident iceT or both. This will continue until either all the ice is melted or there is no pore space available. This limitation has been observed in field studies of infiltration (Kane & Stein, 1983; Blackburn & Wood, 1990)- Thus there is no steady-slate infiltration rate analogous to that in unfrozen soil. One approach to this problem is to use an alternative fluid that has a freezing point substantially below the temperature of interest. We have used air for this purpose. Measured air permeabilitiescan be linked to the hydraulic conductivity provided that viscosity and density differences between the fluids are accounted for (Gary et al., 1989). Preliminary experimental results show that reductions in air flow rates in sand due to freezing agree qualitatively with expectations 74 SEYFRIEDAND FLERCHINGER 1500 5% 1200 O o a 900 j2 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 600 Unfrozen Frozen Fig, 6-5. Air flow rate in a sand under frozen (-5°C) and unfrozen conditions for different volume! ric soil-water contents expressed in percent (Fig. 6-5). For example, we see little change with freezing at low water contents where all or most of the water remains as liquid during freezing. As the total water content increases, the amount of ice formed increases so that the pore blockage increases. Thus the air permeability is seen to decrease more at greater total water contents; however, we have yet to develop expressions that accurately describe this phenomena. i Soil Erodibility The credibility of frozen soil is, in some respects, similar to unfrozen soil. Factors such as texture and organic matter content are important to both. There are, however, additional considerations in frozen soil that can have a great impact on soil erosion. Erosion from frozen soil is generally from soil that is at least partially thawed. The presence of liquid water on the soil surface, a prerequisite for runoff and water erosion, indicates thawing conditions. Except at very low ice contents, the soil is very unerodible when still frozen (Haupt, 1967). It is when the soil begins to thaw that conditions change dramatically. At that point, altered aggregate stability and water conditions can lead to highly erosive conditions. The effects of freezing on soil aggregate stability are quite complex, being sensitive to aggregate size, soil type, porosity, organic matter, bulk density, and the soil solution concentration (Benoit & Vborhees, 1990; Perfect et al., 1990; Lehrsch et at, 1991). It has generally been found that increasing the soil-water content at the time of freezing leads to reduced aggregate stability (Benoit, 1973; Bullock et al., 1988; Lehrsch et ah, 1991). It is likely that greater progress in that field wilt occur when traditional aggregate stability studies incorporate soil physical interactions as suggested by Gary (1992). Soil-water contents may be quite high near the soil surface due to upward movement of soil water. This means that a large amount of water is present upon INFLUENCE OF FROZEN SOIL ON RANG ELAND EROSION 75 thawing. In addition, the underlying frozen soil zone may be virtually impermeable, so thai drainage is prevented. Given an addition of rain water or snowmelt, saturated soil conditions can exit thus shear strength becomes negligible (Miller, 1980; Formanek et ah, 1984), and the soil becomes extremely erodible. Very high erosion rates have been measured under these conditions (Edwards & Burney, 1989; Blackburn et al., 1990). Note that high erosion rates can occur with either low or no (in the case of snowmelt) precipitation input, which is very different from the normal, unfrozen case, Another extremely important consideration, which is specific to frozen soils, is the effect of snow cover The insulating effect of snow has been described previously. This can work to minimize seasonal frost or maintain it during specific thaw events. It can also have a strongly retarding effect on erosion similar to the presence of mulch (Haupt, 1967). FIELD OBSERVATIONS IN RANGELANDS The discussion thus far has focused on general principles of frozen soil erosion and runoff without particular reference to rangelands. We fett that this was necessary because frozen soil processes are so different from the more commonly assumed erosion processes and because we wish to provide a basis for the reader to extrapolate beyond the examples we describe here to other, possibly more relevant, settings. The field data reported here will originate primarily from the Reynolds Creek Watershed in southwest Idaho. The watershed measures -250 km2 inextent most of which is semiarid sagebrush rangeland. The elevation ranges from HOD to 2100 m with the highest elevations in the south (Fig. 6-6). The average annual precipitation ranges from <250 mm at the lower elevations to >1000 mm at the higher elevations. This provides a climatic gradient to examine trends in runoff and erosion production. There is a network of precipitation gauges and subwatershed weirs within the larger Reynolds Creek watershed Four subwatersheds will be discussed: Flats, Nancy's Gulch, Lower Sheep Creek, and Reynolds Mountain. These were selected because they encompass the range of elevational and climatic conditions in the watershed (Table 6-1)In addition to the dramatic increase in precipitation with elevation there is an even more dramatic increase in streamflow (Table 6-1). Virtually all slreamflow from the higher elevations is derived from snowmelt- Surface runoff is rarely observed. In contrast stream flow from the lower elevations is from surface runoff, which is almost entirely related to frozen soil. Analysis of the conditions associated with runoff at Lower Sheep showed that almost all the surface runoff came under conditions of frozen soil, shallow (<35 cm) snow cover, and rainfall (Seyfried et al., 1990). The dominance of frozen soil ranoff from mid and lower elevations results from a combination of soil and climatic conditions. Climatic factors include the precipitation distribution and intensity in the region. About 60% of the precipitation falls from November through April at the lower elevations, which brackets the time that the soil is frozen. Most of these storms are regional frontal systems SEYFRIEDAND FLERCHINGER N a Flats b Nancy's Gulch f c Lover Sheep Creek d Reynolds Mountain Fig- 6-6, Elevations at Reynolds Creek experimental watershed with locations of subwalersheds. Table 6-1. Avenge frozen soil runoff related to total runoff, precipitation and elevation at four subw^eidttds at the Reynolds Creek watershed for water years 1972 lo 1984. Water year is from October 1 to September 30. Subwatershed Flats Nancy's Gulch Lower Sheep Reynolds Mountain 'Mean annual precipitation. Elevation • 1183 1414 1588 2018 MAP* Total runoff Frozen soil runoff mm 255 317 379 1138 nun 1.6 1J 83 % 91 94 83 600,9 4 INFLUENCE OF FROZEN SOIL ON R VNGELAND HROSION 77 [ characterized by fairly low (<5.0 mm h ) precipitation intensities (Hanson & Morris, 1982). This compares with measured soil infiltration capacities of >60 mm h - 1 at Lower Sheep (Johnson et aL 1984), and ~4<) mm h" 1 at Nancy's Gulch, which is very similar to the Flats (Johnson et aL, 1984). Under these conditions, a reduction in soil infiltrability is required to generate cool season runoff. As expected, erosion follows these trends. Johnson ei aL (1985) divided sediment producing runoff events into three categories, those resulting from: (i) rainfall alone, (ii) snowmelt alone, and (iii) combined snowmeft and rainfall. They estimated that 90% of the sediment produced at Reynolds Creek came from combined events, while only 3% resulted from rainfall only. The combined event conditions, which dominate sediment production, are essen?^"y the *amp a* those thai cause surface runoff, Large Scale Variability * Hydrographs from frozen soil runoff events are characteristically spiked, rising quickly, and falling quickly (Fig. 6-7) relative to the broad seasonal snowmelt patterns. There is little surface storage at such times, leading to the rapid rise, and runoff ceases quickly due to either an end of the precipitation, a change of rain to snow, or soil thawing. This is consistent with other observations (Garstka, 1945). E E o - Q- 8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120 Day of Y«ar Fig. 6-7. StFeunflow measured if the weir per unit area and precipiuawi tt Lower Sheep Creek during 1975. 78 SEYFRIED AND FLERCHINGER Note also in Fig. 6-7 that later season precipitation produced virtually no surface runoff, which is consistent with the discussion above. Such distinctive hydrographs are traceable throughout the watershed to other weirs. This allows the interpolation of runoff between subwatersheds to get a picture of the spatial and temporal distribution of runoff generated from specific events. An example of this was provided by Johnson and McArthur (1973), who mapped the measured precipitation and corresponding runoff resulting from two storms in 1972 (Fig. 6-8). The watershed outlet and low-est elevation (1000 m) is near the middle of the watershed at the northern extreme. Elevations increase in all directions from there with the highest points near the southern border Runoff from the 18 January event was greatest at elevations below 1570 m where the soil was deeply frozen and there was shallow (10-15 cm deep) snow cover, even though the total precipitation, which came as rain, was lowest (13 mm) on that part of the watershed. In contrast, the soil had completely thawed at lower elevations on 2 March, and runoff was greatest near the 1570 m elevations where the soil was still frozen and there was a shallow snow cover Precipitation during both storms was mainly snow at the highest elevations, resulting in a maximum runoff at the intermediate elevations for the 2 March. The pattern of the second event is the more common (Seyfried et ah, 1990). Small Scale Variability Clearly, there is considerable spatial and temporal variability of frozen soil runoff production. This is because it is highly sensitive to the transient, unstable conditions in which ice and liquid water coexist. These same factors create heterogeneities at much smaller scales, which makes generalization and extrapolation of subwatershed behavior difficult. One of the primary causes of heterogeneity is the vegetation. The presence of perennial shrubs creates a substantially different microenvironment that results in contrasting soil properties beneath and between shrubs (Hugie & Passey, 1964). ID general, the soils between shrubs (interspace soils) have lower infiltration capacity and are more erodible than those soils under the shrubs (Blackburn, 1975; Johnson & Gordon, 1988; Seyfried, 1991). Similar effects are also present in frozen soils. Blackburr et al. (1990) showed that, as with unfrozen soils, there was considerably more runoff and erosion from interspace than shrub soils when frozen. Another important impact of vegetation is its effect on snow accumulation due to interaction with wind- In much of the watershed the maximum height of snow accumulation is determined by the height of the vegetation. The taller the vegetation, the more snow is trapped. As mentioned above, frozen soil events are largely restricted to shallow snow covers. This tends to restrict frozen soil events to shrub vegetated rangetands at elevations below the tree line. Other important heterogeneities are related to factors that affect the energy balance and water movement such as slope, aspect and soil type. Much of the concern with frozen soil runoff from rangelands is with large scale events that result in flooding and massive sediment loads. Accurate prediction of these events and potential amelioration of their effects requires that watershed variability be incorporated into large scale models. This may be accom- INFLUENCE OF FROZEN SOIL ON RANG ELAND EROSION 79 0.5—: 0.0 0.0— ^ 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1JO 0.0 Fig, 6-8. Runoff and precipitation dtstribiflioa at Reynolds Creek for two different sunns in 1972. (a) Precipitation distribution for the 18 Immmy event, (b) Strcamflow distribution (per i for the 18 January event- (c) Precipitation distribution for die 2 March event and (d) distribution for the 2 March event M SEYFRIED AND FLERCHINGER plished either by developing large scale measurement techniques (e.g., remote sensing) that implicitly integrate variability, or extrapolating our process-level research up in scale. Both approaches have limitations. The large scale measurement techniques have yet to be developed. On the other hand, we still lack coherent understanding of some of the basic processes involved at a small scale. Research is currently under way on both of these topics. SUMMARY We have attempted to briefly describe the important processes associated with soil freezing and how they affect surface runoff and erosion from rangeland soils. Description and ultimate prediction of these processes requires knowledge of frozen soil occurrence and depth, and the effect of soil freezing on soil infiltrability and credibility. Research to date has been reasonably successful in describing frozen soil depth and occurrence but not so successful for frozen soil infiltrability and erodibility. Accurate characterization of the relationship between soil-water content and frozen soil infiltrability is an important first step. A better understanding of how ice interacts with soil aggregates in conjunction with changing soil water content and temperature will aid in describing effects of soil freezing on erodibility. Application of this knowledge to rangelands will require incorporation of the effects of small and large-scale spatial variability on soil freezing, infiltrability, and erodibility. REFERENCES Anderson. D.M., and A.R. Tke. 1972. Predicting unfrozen water contents m frozen sods from surface area measurements. High. Res. 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Variations in Plants, Soils, Water, and Erosion in a Pinyon Pine and Juniper Dominated Range Site M. Karl Wood and David Hereford New Mexico Slate University Las Cruces, New Mexico Charles Souders J Gtia National Forest Silver City, New Mexico % Alison Hill U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Champaign, Illinois ABSTRACT Surface erosion on pinyoo pine (Pinus edulis Engelm.)-juniper (Juniperus spp.) dominated rangelands varied spatially and temporally due to the confounding effects of erratic climate, topographic changes, incongruities of soil and geologic substrate, and various other perturbations. Measurement of spatial variation was affected by plot size. Small plots (1 m2) were influenced by differences in soils, geologic substrate, and plant community structure. Therefore, many plots were needed to stratify vegetation, soil, and geologic differences. Runon and runoff processes between coppice dune and dune interspaces could not be measured. Large watershed size plots (a few hectares) were highly influenced by topographic features such as watershed slope, aspect, and shape. Plots that were 4 by 25 m could be located to minimize topographic changes, yet were large enough to include ;cs in soil, geologic substrate, and plant community structure. Pinion pine and juniper dominated woodlands extend across >19 million hectares in the western USA. Much of this vast area of land was once grass and shrubland, but now is dominated by pinyon pine-juniper as a consequence of human activities, panicuarly overgrazing and fire suppression. Some lands were invaded by pinyon pine and juniper, while these trees were present, but relatively scarce in other lands. Pinyon pine-juniper woodland has its own place in the ecosystem where it is climax on hillslopes that are too rocky to have enough understory to carry a fire. Pinyon pine^juniper woodlands are valuable because they provide benefits to humans and their animals. These include fuelwood, fence posts, poles, CopyngbcC 1994 Soil Science Society of Amenca, 6T7S. Seg« Rd_. Madoocu WI 53711, USA. Water Emm Proc&tt WOOD ET AL. pinyon nuts, Christmas trees, outdoor recreation, and cover for big game species such as deer, turkeys, and elk. Predominated areas also provide opportunities for recreation, site stability, livestock grazing, and habitat for wildlife. Because pinyon pine and juniper have invaded and dominated large areas, control methods have been used for several decades. Fire was not commonly used because sparse understory made burning nearly impossible as the fires did not carry well from tree to tree due to low densities of the woodland due to limited nutrients and intolerance to shade. In the 1950s and 1960s, mechanical methods, especially with bulldozers and anchor chains were mostly used. Because of rising costs of energy and public perceptions of environmental disaster, this method was abandoned by the early 1970s. By the early 1980s, several herbicides were developed and useful. Because of public perceptions of environmental disaster associated with pesticides and agency fear of legal ramifications, all herbicides were banned from U.S. Forest Service lands by the late 1980s, Some attempts have been made to aid burning of pinyon pine and juniper woodlands with highly flammable chemicals, which replace the energy lost by not being able to bum an associated understory. Today, most pinyon pine-juniper woodland control is conducted by allowing the public access to the woodland for fuelwood harvest Obviously, their impact on the total acreages occupied by pinyon pines and junipers are very low. The purpose of this research project was to quantify over time and space the effects of fuelwood harvesting and slash disposal on runoff, sediment concentration, sediment production, bedioad, soil water content, and understory vegetal responses. From the literature (Evans, 1988; Pieper, 1991), it was suspected and confirmed in the field that temporal and spatial variation would be high. Methods to measure and minimize the variation were employed. The purpose of this chapter is to describe the variations under undisturbed natural conditions and how they were dealt with in order to determine fuelwood harvest and slash disposal treatment effects. METHODS Study Site Location A study site was sought that would represent the pinyon pine-juniper woodland of southern New Mexico. A site was sought where pinyon pine and juniper had invaded or increased enough to dominate a former grassland. The most desirable site would have uniform slope, aspect, geology, soil, mature vegetation, climate, and :ment Plot Size Many plot sizes were considered from very small (1 m7) to watersheds of many hectares. It was recognized that every size has advantage* and disadvantages relative to spatial variability and environmental constraints. Climate A weighing-iy pe recording rain gauge was placed on each ridge. Daily rain gauges were placed on the eastern and western ridges, while a weekly rain gauge VARIATIONS IN PLANTS, SOILS, WATER, AND EROSION 95 i was placed on the center ridge. A hygrothemiograph was placed on the eastern ridge. All three ridges were located adjacent to each other and the entire study area was -20 ha, which would insure a similar climate. Soils A soil pit was excavated in the middle of the south side of each plot between the runoff and southern plot borders. Soils were dug deep enough to classify or to bedrock. Information taken for each pit included soil horizons, depth, color, texture, control section, and any other property that is necessary in defining specific soil families. Vegetation Plant species composition was determined by examining and identifying all plants in all plots. Cover was determined by ocular estimation using five 0.5 m2 quadrats in each plot. Plant mass was determined by clipping plants to 1.5 cm stubble height in four 0.5 m2 quadrats in each plot Tree density was determined by counting every tree by species in every plot Tree diameter was measured with a diameter tape at 30 cm above the ground. Tree height was determined with measuring poles on every tree in every plot. Fuel wood from each plot was stacked and measured after each plot was clearcut Runoff and Erosion Each 12 by 25 m plot (experimental unit) was marked with permanent steel stakes at each corner. The centrally located runoff plots were contained by sheet metal that was 30 cm high and buried 15 cm in the soil. On the downslope end, a drop box and H-flume of 25.4-cm depth were installed, which led to a Coshocton-type runoff sampler (Brakensiek et al., 1979). The flume contained a stilling well and stage recorder. The Coshocton wheel was connected by 2.54 cm-diam. pipe to a runoff collection tank where a 1 L subsample could be taken to measure sediment. Bedload was collected with screens placed in the drop boxes. RESULTS Study Site Location The study site was located on a mesa top that has been invaded by pinyon pine and alligator juniper (7. deppeana SteudJ. which now dominate the site. The study site is on Spring Mesa adjacent to Corduroy Canyon in the Black Range Ranger District of the Gila National Forest or more specifically in Section 36 of T9S, R12W in Catron County, New Mexico. The elevation is 2245 m. The study site extends across -20 hectares on the western exposure of three north to south ridges that join on the north end with Spring Mesi Slopes were 12 to 16%. [n 1986, 20 experimental plots were established in an area where commercial fuelwood harvesters remove pinyon pine and juniper stems. Five plots were located in each of four blocks. TTie most western ridge contained one block of five plots, the middle ridge contained two blocks of five plots each, the most east- WOODETAL, ern ridge contained one block of five plots. These (plots) experimental units were 15 by 25 m and contained centrally located runoff plots, which were 3.66 by 21.13 m or 0.0081 ha. This size is the same length and twice the width as plots used to develop the Universal Soil Loss Equation. The plots were arranged in a random ized-complete block design. Prior to assigning slash disposal treatments, these plots were used for collection of preliminary data on climate, vegetation, soils, runoff, sediment yield, and soil moisture during the growing seasons of 1987 and 1988. Plot Size 2 Measurement of spatial variation was affected by plot size. Small plots (1 m ) were influenced by differences in soils, geologic substrate, and plant community structure. They were found to be useful for characterizing individual components of the understory (Ward & Bolton, 1991). Many plots were needed, however, to characterize the understory after stratifying vegetal, edaphic, and geologic differences, and run-on and run-off processes between coppice dune and dune interspaces could not be measured. Large watershed size plots (a few hectares) were highly influenced by geomorphic features. Several watersheds empty into Cordoroy Canyon, but they are quite different because of unique combinations of watershed shape, slope, aspect, drainage pattern, drainage density, and stream order Plots that were 12 by 25 m could be located to minimize topographic changes, yet were large enough to include changes in soils geologic substrate, and plant community structure. CUmatc The climate of the study site is dry temperate. Mean maximum and mini* mum temperatures are 19°C and -L68°C. Mean annual precipitation for the last 20yr is 319 mm with —111 frost-free days from 5 June through 24 September. Precipitation in the form of snow is experienced during December and January. Substantial amounts of precipitation are received as short-lived summer rains that are of mild to moderate intensity. Differences in amounts of precipitation received each week varied greatly throughout the monsoon season (Table 8-1). There were also some large differences between gauges (14 May 1987 and 27 August 1987). Although these differences could be from observer errors (11 Nov. 1987 gauge no. 2), most are attributed to being located -30 m apart, and the storms being very localized, Sods Soils were in the ton ti-Poley-Rough Broken Land Association (fine, mixed, mesic Ustollic Haplargid). Soils in this association generally have a thin surface layer of reddish-brown noncalcareous gravelly loam over reddish-brown gravelly clay or heavy gravelly clay loam to a depth of 30 to 90 cm. Most of the pits at the study site had an extremely gravelly sandy loam texture (18 of 20) (Table 8-2). There was a gravel layer at the surface that may be VARIATIONS IN PLANTS, SOILS, WATER, AND EROSION 97 Table 8-1. TocaJ precipitation (mm depth) for each week as measured by two precipitation gauges. Date Gauge no. I Gauge no. 2 MINI 14 May 1987 17 9 18 May 1987 5 0 6 3 0 5 26 May 1987 1 June 1987 9June 1987 16 June 1987 23 June 1987 30 June 1987 7 July 1987 14 July 1987 21 July 1987 29 July 1987 4 Aug. 11 Aug. 18 Aug. 27 Aug. 1987 1987 1987 1987 12 Sept 1987 25 Sept. 1987 2OO-1987 HOcL 1987 16 Oct. 1987 4 0 0 2 4 "2 6 3 2 .. 38 5 2 0 8 1 0 6 3 0 3 0 0 3 4 3 7 4 1 18 2 3 2 mtssiag 3 due to erosion. There is evidence of soil loss on the plots such as pedestalled grass plants, and soil being deposited on the uphill side of logs and trees* The parent material in the study area is Gila [coarse-loamy, mixed (calcareous), thermal Typic Torriflavent] conglomerate. Often the exact boundary of the bedrock was difficult to find. The bedrock becomes soft due to weathering. The C horizon material grades into the weathered bedrock- Because of this, soils associated with several pits were marginal toward Typic. Most of the soils are considered Lithic because most of the roots stop as they move into the harder C horizon material* At the subgroup level, the soils are fairly uniform (Table 8-3). Ninety percent of the soils were Lithic Haplustaife. At the family level, the variability increases, especially in the percentage of clay and rock fragments. These soils are not the original top portions of the A horizon that formed under grasses. Erosion of 15 to 30 cm of topsoil since establishment of pinyon pine and juniper trees has resulted in most of the topsoil that formed under the grass to be washed from the site. Present soils are classified as Uthic Haplustalfs which is indicative of shallow bedrock contact with minimum horizon belonging to the order Alfisol and having an ustic moisture regime. Vegetation Composition The vegetation of the study site consists of a moderately low tree density dominated by two-needle pinyon and alligator juniper with a scattering of gray oak (Quercus grisca (LJebm.) and an occasional ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws) (Hill, 1990). WOOD FT AL Table 8-2. SoiJ characteristics for each plot. Texture' Plot DO. 1 2 3 4 5 Mean Slope Soil depth % cm 15 14 15 16 14 14.8 61 46 41 48 38 46.8 5% 17% Surface Subsoil1 GRX-SL GRX-SL GRX-SL GRX-SL GRX-SL GRV-SL GRV-SCL GRV-SCL GRV-C GRV-C GRV-SL GRX-SL GRX-SL GRX-SL GRX-SL GRV-SCL GRV-SCL GR-C GR-C GR-C GRX-SL GRX-SL GRX-SL GRX-SI GRX-SL GRV-SCL GR-C GR-C GR-C GR-C GRX-SL GRX-SL GRV-SL GRX-SL GRX-SL GR-C GR-C CR-C GR-C GRV-SCL Cocfficienl of variation 6 15 16 14.2 46 48 41 48 48 46.2 of variation 11% 6% 11 15 12 13 16 7 8 9 10 Mean 12 13 15 Coefficienl 14 15 Mean Coefficient of variation 16 17 18 19 20 Mem Coefficient of variation Overall mean 43 43 14 38 61 33 14.8 43.6 5% 22% 14 16 16 16 16 15.6 33 48 48 48 48 45.0 5% 17% 14.8 45.4 7% 14% 15 14 Coefficient of variation *GRV = very gravelly (35-59% local rock fngniaMs with most gravel size), GRX = extremely gravelly (6Q+% tool rock fragments with mosl gravel size). SL = sandy loam. SCL = sandy day loam, and C = day lectures. *Subsoil may mean the control section (25-100 cm) or the argillic horizon (horizon of day Most are the argillic horizon textures and rock fragment ' ~ VARIATIONS IN PLANTS, SOILS, WATER, AND EROSION 99 Table 8-3. Additional soil characteristics for each plot - Plot t» ! Clay Rock 15 32 30 45 50 34.4 40 55 45 loamy-skeletal, mixed, mesic Typic Ustochrepc loamy -skeletal, mixed, mesic Lithic Haplustalf loamy -skeletal, mixed, mesic Lithic Haplustalf 40 clayey -skeletal, mixed, mesk Lithic Haplustalf clayey -skeletal, mixed, mesk Lithic Haplustalf ^f Soil family no. 1 2 3 4 5 Mean 35 43.0 Coefficient of variation 36% 16% ^ 6 7 8 9 10 Mean Coefficient of variation 11 12 13 14 30 30 55 50 55 35 40 44.0 20 30 20 29.0 26% 28% 30 40 50 SO 45 45 50 50 15 Mean 40 40 40.0 Coefficient of variation 16% 5% 45 45 30 SO 45 40 45 SO Mean 40.0 46.0 of variation 14% 8% Overall mean 39.6 41.5 Coefficient of variation 25% 23% 40 loamy -skeletal, mixed, mesk Ljthic Haplustalf loamy-skeletal, mixed, mesk Lithic Haplustalf clayey, mixed, mesk Lithic Haplustalf clayey, mixed, mcsic Uthic Haplustalf clayey, mixed, mesk LJihic Haplustalf loamy -skeletal, mixed, mesk clayey-skeletal, mixed, mesk clayey -skeletal, mixed, mesk clayey-skeletal, mixed, mesk dayey-skeletaj. mixed, mesk Lithic Haplusialf Uthic Haplustalf Uthic Haplusialf Uthic Haplustalf EJthk HaplustaJf dayey-skeletaJ, mixed, mesk clayey -skektaJ. mixed, mesk dayey-skeletai mixed, mesk clayey -skeletal, mixed, mcsic Uthic Haplusulf Uihic HaplustaJf Uthk Haptustalf Lithic HaplustaJf 48.0 16 17 18 19 20 40 * Coefficient loMiy-skcknl* mixed, mesk Uthk Haplusulf WOODETAL 100 The herbaceous growth comprises a variety of grass and forb species- The common grass species include: poverty threeawn Aristida divaricata Humb. & Bonpi. ex WUld. pine dropseed Blepharoneuron trichloepis (Torr.) Nash blue grama June grass wolftail iongtongue rouhly mountain muhly pinyon ricegrass little biuestem nash squirreltail Bouteloua gracilis (Willd ex Kunth) Lagasoa ex Griffiths Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers. Lycurus phleoides H.B.K. Muhlenbergia longiligula Hitchc. Muhlenbergia montana (Nutt.) Hitchc Piptochaetium fimbriatum (H.B.K.) Hitchc. Schizachyrium scoparium (Michaux) Nash Sitanion hystrix (Nutt) J.G. Smith The common forb species include: milkvetch sedge dayflower Astragalus spp. Carer spp. Commelina dianthifotia Delile indigo bush Dalea spp* fleabane Wright buckwheat slender goldenweed pepperweed mustard golden eye Erigeron spp. Eriogonum Wrightii Torr. ex Benth. Haplopappus gracilis (Nutt) A- Gray Lepidium spp. Sisymbrium linearifolium (Gray) Pay son \lquiera dentata Vegetation distribution appeared to be homogeneous based on aerial photographs and visual observations made on the ground. Most trees appeared to be mature with a few seedlings, saplings, and immature trees. Vegetation Cover and Mass Life forms with abundant cover such as trees in the overstory; grasses; grass, forb, and needle litter; and bareground (Table 8-4) had coefficients of variation Table 8-4, Mean overstory tree, undersiorv plant lioer, rock, and bareground cover (%) for all Blots with coefficients of variation. . Miniinuni value Vanabk Mean value ^n Mjft • J • P^ • ••^Pfe n • fl^^K ^^ ^^^^^^^^^K V —1 86.90 ZO3 14.18 0.15 j-u- * ^r- -M-^B—» ^« — _ 37 212 49 145 436 181 36 Uwkntory tree Grass Fofb MOM Lktea Grass, forb, Md 0-28 41-83 8135 18J5 0.00 2J3 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.18 litter Tree branch »ad 2.46 6.78 0.55 73 1.15 47.94 3.45 69.38 0.00 14.63 78 f"^^— . I n . i ift—^^ VJVUUUij UCC aemltOer Rock 43-11 0.25 5-94 0.03 0.02 OJ3 1.73 ' ^H • VARIATIONS IN PLANTS. SOILS, WATER, AND EROSION Table 8-5. Mean grass, forb. and lotal plant mass (kg ha~') for each block and overall with coefficients of variation. Block Maximum value Mean Minimum value Coefficiem of variation 82 142 76 kg ha Grass production 1 2 3 4 Total Forb production 1 2 3 4 Total 193 166 106 114 145 318 193 151 155 318 1(0 76 40 12 27 19 49 90 78 79 43 73 . H3 . 108 97 80 113 61 57 55 20 20 19 24 17 51 35 196 216 166 126 126 26 10 10 26 31 . Total plant production 1 2 3 4 Total 282 245 185 157 217 _ 404 276 206 236 404 from 28 to 49%. They also had great differences between the maximum and minimum values such as 68.55% for tree overstory. Life forms with very small percentages of cover such as trees in the underctory; foibs; mosses; lichens; and tree branch and stem litter had coefficients of variation that ranged from 73 to 436%. Mean grass, forb, and total plant mass varied by 10 to 51% for various blocks (Table 8-5). All three variables varied from 31 to 40% across all plots. Grass values were always about two times higher than forb values. Combining grass and forb values resulted in the lowest coefficients of variation within blocks and overall. Cover and mass were not as homogeneous as they visually appeared. IVw Density The number of trees per ploc or tree density was greatest for pinyon pine followed by alligator juniper and gray oak (Table 8-6). Only one ponderosa pine minimim Tifcfeg-d Mo* Specks Meanptor1 Maximum value pior' Minimum value p*or' Mea« bcctvc ] Maximum value hectare'* Minimum value hectare'1 Coefficient of variation 23 37 10 767 1.233 333 32% " ^^^^"^^^ ABigaior juniper Gray 6 14 3 200 467 100 45% 3 12 0 100 Total 400 0 89% 0.1 1 0 3 33 0 — 32 46 19 1,070 1433 633 23% 102 WOOD ET AU was found on one plot. The coefficient of variation was lowest when all species were combined, but higher within species. The 23% of coefficient of variation for all species may explain why the tree ridges visually appeared to be homogeneous from observations made both on the ground and in the air. Lower mean values had higher coefficients of variation. The ranges were also quite high with differences between the maximum and minimum values being 26 trees per plot for pinyon pine and 27 trees per plot for all combined species. Table 8-6 also shows the number of trees per hectare based on each plot being 0.03 or 3% of a hectare. On a hectare basis, a wide range is found for total number of trees. Tree Stem Diameter Mean tree stem diameter in each plot was greatest for alligator juniper followed by pinyon and ponderosa pines (Table 8-7). The coefficient of variation was lowest for pinyon pine and highest for alligator juniper. Higher mean values had higher coefficients of variation. The ranges were also quite high with differences between the maximum and minimum values being 0-77 ra for alligator juniperTree Height Mean height of pinyon pine and juniper trees were 4.52 and 4.23 m tall, respectively. Gray oak is a browse species that has a mean height of 2,72 m, which is out of reach of many f wildlife. Mean tree height in each plot was greatest for ponderosa pine followed by pinyon pine and alligator juniper and gray oak (Table 8-8). The coefficient of variation was lowest for pinyon pine and highest for gray oak. Lower mean values had TaMe 8-7. Mean, coefficient of variation, maximum, and minimum tree stem diameter (m) for each and all species. Species »^P^fc»^iP^^ir • Parameter Mean plor Maximum value ploT1 Minimum value ploc Coefficient of variation Pinyon pine Alligator juniper 033 0.76 1.05 028 19% 0.40 0.20 18% ^^—*^ Gray Ponderosa pine Weighted total — 0.25 0.25 - 0.25 0.40 051 0.22 28% oak — — — TaMe 8-8. Mean, coefficient of variaiioa. maximum, and minimum tree height (m) for cacti and all Species Parameter Mean ptar1 Maximum value plor' Minimum vaJuc ptar' Coefficient of variation Pinyoa • pine Alligator • • jumper 4.52 42? 5.52 5.47 2.45 3.65 9% 19% Gray oak 2.72 4^2 135 35% Ponderosa V 536 5.56 536 ^ ^•h TotaJ 3.93 4.88 332 12% VARIATIONS IN PLANTS, SOILS, WATER, AND EROSION 103 • 3 Table 8-9. Wood volume (m ) for each plot with mean and standard deviation with conversions to volume per hectare (m3 ha'1) and acre (cords acre'1) Pl« ~ Volume •_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H no. j m ptor 1 2.40 2 3 4 5 7.70 l — 3.07 4.18 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^•i K _ A cords acre-' 64.59 207.21 7.21 23.13 — 8159 112.49 9.22 12-56 — _ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1* 17 18 19 2O ^ 6.01 21.74 5.46 133 JO 53.82 194.78 146.93 5.12 137.78 15.38 — 170 Jl 156.89 111.68 19.04 17.52 4.96 2.00 7.24 — - 6.34. 5.83 4.15 — 14.90 16.40 — 12.47 ^_ ^ 11964 273 .52 145.64 13J6 30.54 28.60 1626 5.50 147.99 16-52 Maximum value 10.16 273-52 30.54 Minimum value 2.00 53.82 6.01 Mean Cocfficiem of variation 4.45 10.16 9.52 5.41 41% 256.19 41% 41% higher coefficients of variation. The ranges were also quite high with differences between the maximum and minimum values being 3.02 m for alligator juniper Wood Volume Wood volume for each plot are shown in Table 8-9. The plots without values were control plots and were not measured, because wood volume wasmeasured from stacked piles after cutting. Differences in wood volume are probably due more to differences in density than diameter and height although these may also be contributors to wood volume differences. Erosion Large differences in sediment concentration were found between plots and between blocks of plots (Table 8-10). These values represent an accumulation over an entire sampling period, which was from the middle of May through the middle of October. This period is the growing season and when most high inien- WOOD ET AL, 104 Table A-10. Mean runoff sediment concentration (g L'1) for each block and overall with coefficients of variation. Sediment concentration Coefficient of Variation Block Pkx no. no. 1 1 2 3 4 5 1.54 0.59 0.63 0.29 2.02 1.01 66% 2 6 7 8 9 10 0.23 0.40 0.44 0.84 0.43 0.47 43% 3 11 12 13 14 15 0.21 0.47 0.09 0.31 44% 16 17 18 19 20 134 2.03 1.07 54% 4 Mean Plot Block gL-' OJ9 OJ7 0.80 OJ2 0.86 0.72 79% sity thunderstorms occur which result in runoff and erosion. All blocks had val1 1 ues that were close to 1 g L' and close to 0 g L" . Like sediment concentration, large differences in bedload were found between plots and between blocks of plots (Table 8-11). These values also represent an accumulator! over an entire sampling period. Values ranged from 349 to 3728 g plor1. Although these erosion values are quite variable, they seem quite low, Before invasion or increases of pinyon pine and juniper trees, historical records show this area was dominated by grasses with a lesser component of shrubs and forbs. Adjacent areas without pinyon pines and junipers have a prominent A horizon, which suggests the study site also had a prominent A horizon before invasion. Pedestalling of relic tree stumps shows a loss of from 15 to 30 cm of A horizon. The less erosive B horizon is now exposed. Therefore, the site has experienced three periods of erosion: low erosion under grasslands, high erosion under pinyon pines and junipers, and low erosion under pinyon pines and junipers after the A horizon is gone in the second period. VARIATIONS IN PLANTS, SOILS, WATER. AND EROSION Table 8-11. Mean bed load (g plot"1) for each block and overall wilh coefficients of variation. Bedioad Coefficient of Block Plot no. no. 1 I 2 3 4 5 2 3 Van at ion ptol 877 46% 6 7 8 9 10 1432 622 1187 ' 2329 791 1272 47% 11 12 13 1497 2691 1110 608 784 1338 55% 1750 68% 19 1842 436 2166 577 20 3728 16 17 18 Mean Block 1272 1221 349 438 1106 14 15 4 Plot 1309 65% CONCLU The blocks were originally located based on geomorphic positions. Now the question arises: How should the plots be put into homogeneous blocks based on soils, vegetation, and erosion? Correlation analysts was performed between all the variables, i.e., tree height, soil depth, and bedload. No significant and highly correlated relationships were found- The plot size (12 by 25 m) was large enough to include variations in the soil, but obviously too small to include the large differences in vegetation. The plots may have been too large to account for differences in erosion. Larger plots would have included large topographic differences, which would have influenced soils, vegetation and erosion. Therefore, the 12 by 25 m plots were probably the best choice, but not ideal. The last question then is: given the large pretreatment differences, should treatments be applied to these plots? Which is another way of asking, would a siudy with large pretreatmeni differences be better than no study? The slash disposal treatments were so different and made such a big change on the land, this is considered a valid and valuable study. WOOD ET AL. REFERENCES Brakensiek, D.L.. H.B. Osbom, and WJ. Rawls. 1979. Field manual for research in agricultural hydrology. USDA Agric. Handb. 224. U.S. Gov. Print. Office. Washington. DC Evans, R.A. 1988. Management of pinyon-juniper woodlands. USDA-FS Gen. Tech. Rep. IN-249. Intermountain Res. Sin*, Qgden, UT. Hill. A. 1990- Ecology and classification of the pinyon-juniper woodlands in wesiern New Mexico. Ph-D. dissertaiion. New Mexico Stale Univ., Las Cruces (Diss, Abstr. DA 9111293). Pieper, R.D. 1991. Above-ground Ecology/Bio logy, p, 6-9. In Proc, Pinon Conference, Santa Fc. NM. 23 Apr. 1991. New Mexico Agric, Exp, Sui,T New Mexico Univ., Las Cruces. Ward. TJ.. and S,M. Ballon. 1991. Hydrologic parameters for selected soils in Arizona and New Mexico as determined by rainfall simulation. Tech. Completion Rep. 259. New Mexico Water Resour Insu New Mexico Univ., Las Cruces,